WORKSHOP NOTES FOR JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS. BEING A COLLECTION OF THE LATEST PRACTICAL RECEIPTS ON THE MANUFACTURE AND REPAIRING OF WATCHES AND CLOCKS, AND ON THE VARIOUS PROCESSES ENTERING INTO THE MANUFACTURE AND REPAIRING OF JEWELRY, AS COLORING, POLISHING, ENAMELING, ANNEALING, OXYDIZING, ETC.; IN SHORT, A THOROUGH COMPENDIUM OF THE NUMER¬ OUS MECHANICAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE JEWELERS’ AND WATCHMAKERS’ SHOP. BY One who has contributed such Matter to THE JEWELERS’ CIRCULAR for Twenty Years. THIRD EDITION. PART I. 1899 NEW YORK: JEWELERS’ CIRCULAR PUBLISHING CO., 11 JOHN ST., COR. BROADWAY. Co fj S TS S?a / PREFACE. UBSCRIBERS to The Jewelers’ Circular are well aware that since the appearance of its first number, 30 years ago, it has succeeded in col¬ lecting on its editorial staff writers second to none in this or any other country, and that its columns have contained technical instruction of a high order on the subjects of horology, jewelry, optics, and the kindred branches, both useful to the appren¬ tice and the accomplished workman at the bench. The management of The Jewelers’ Circular has been repeatedly urged to collect and publisn these articles, and issue them in book form, as they were considered to be too valuable to pass away. The volume presented herewith is the result of these solicitations. It will be found to contain numerous valuable additions to the extracts from The Jewelers’ Circular. Entered according to Act of Congress, 1892. by the Jewelers’ Circular Pub. Co., New York. THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY THE WATCH. I T is well, perhaps, that we preface the more minute treatment of the watch in this work with a few cursory remarks. It is the common verdict of both watch¬ makers and laymen that a well-constructed lever is the best for all practical purposes. A pocket chronometer is not as reliable, while, if of larger dimensions and furnished with all the possible mechanical appliances, auxiliaries, and improvements, as ship or marine chronometer, it is doubtless the best timepiece constructed. When we say “ for practical purposes,” it is not meant that the watch may be treated with impunity to any and every indignity, or be used as toy by children, as ladies’ watches too often are. Let us examine any other piece of ma¬ chinery ; how strong and powerful it is in any and all of its parts; still, it is never re¬ quired to perform one-half of the work of the tiny watch, which unremittingly labors night and day, week day and Sunday, month and year, without intermission or stop, and if it has been duly cared for and consider¬ ately treated, it may arrive at the ripe age of one hundred years, while the ponderous machinery is cleaned and oiled repeatedly during the day, hosts of men attend to its wants, and after all it lasts only for a short time. The watchmaker will readily understand that any external motions exert an important influence upon the vibration, and conse¬ quently upon the staff and pivots of the bal¬ ance. If this external motion occurs in the direction of the vibrating plane of the bal¬ ance, and a vibration takes place simultane¬ ously in the same direction, the vibration arc is increased; if in the contrary direction, such an arc will be decreased, and it is only without damage to the time-keeping, if the external motion occurs in a vertical direction to the balance axis. The most ordinary external motions, how¬ ever, occur in another direction than that of the balance, whereby a sensible pressure is exerted upon the axis of the vibrating mass, productive of an increased friction of the pivots in their bearings, etc., and a retarda¬ tion, never an acceleration, takes place. In most watches, the pivot holes of which are of ruby, the retard of a watch is much larger, but standing fairly well in ratio with its con¬ struction and finish. A marine chronometer, regulated to an almost imperceptible difference, and having preserved an excellent rate during a long sea voyage, would, when worn as a watch, go too slow, in consequence of the external motions experienced; in fact, it would prove to be inferior to a good detached lever watch. Beside all imaginable auxiliary improve¬ ments, these chronometers are in a special box and suspended in such a way that they do, or should, remain in an equal position in all the different motions of the ship. Watchmakers should recommend to their customers to wind their watches slowly, no matter whether key-winder or stem-winder, avoiding all jerky motions. They should be wound at a stated time in the morning; the watch will then work best during the day, as the spring will exert its best traction power, whereby the external motions to which the watch is exposed during the day’s wear is fairly well counterbalanced; this is greatly better than when winding it at night, because it has only the weakened spring to offer as resistance next day. Nor need the break¬ ing of the spring be feared ; this is no longer at full tension during the night, and can stand better the ensuing cold. 2 THE LEVER ESCAPEMENT. Let watchmakers recommend to their cus¬ tomers that if they lay their watch at night either at an inclination, flat, or suspended, it should always be done in the same manner —not differing every night. The rate differ¬ ence between the vertical and horizontal po¬ sitions is often significant, in second-rate watches sometimes two or three minutes in one night; another vicious way is to suspend a watch from a nail in such a manner that it will rock to and fro like a pendulum, and a watch with a heavy balance will gain, and, vice versd, one with a light one will lose. This lies of course in the nature of things. Similar observations can be made by clocks which are not firm in their case. The temperature difference between the heat of the pocket and a wall nearly to the freezing point is about 77 0 to 88° F. and a watch should therefore never be either sus¬ pended or laid upon it—least of all an out¬ side wall; the sudden change of tempera¬ ture may cause the sudden breaking of the spring; also the oil thickens, especially if no longer pure, which cannot help but produce irregularities of rate ; if the balance is not compensated, it must gain from this piece of carelessness, and should it possess construct¬ ive defects, it may stand still from the cold. The watch wearer should clean his watch pocket frequently, to free it from accumulat¬ ing dust and fibers. Even by the cleanest pursuits, a sort of fiber dust will gather in the pocket, caused by the friction of the watch case, and this very easily finds its way into the interior of the watch, and is much more pernicious than common dust, by wrapping around the little component parts, and re¬ tarding, sometimes preventing, their motion. No other articles should be carried in the watch pocket, such as keys, coin, etc.; it is often done, yet highly detrimental and care¬ less. Watch crystals may be broken, the case indented, the dial and hands injured, etc. The watch should never be worn against the bony part of the body. But by even the greatest of care, it is impos¬ sible that the watch can go forever without periodical repairs, ahd it should be cleaned once a year. All manner of machinery re¬ quires an occasional supervision, and this should be performed on the watch at least once a year; the oil has dried up by this time, and become mixed with particles of metallic dust, which acts like emery. The writer, during a long practice, has had occa¬ sion to manipulate costly watches, and sev¬ eral of them were almost ruined beyond re¬ pair by having run beyond the time. 'They generally belonged to people who were afraid to trust their timepieces to indifferent work¬ men, and sooner risked the consequences. If the repairing watchmaker urges these points, and many, many more, upon his cir¬ cle of customers, he may in time succeed in educating them into treating their watches with a little more consideration than is gen¬ erally allotted them, to the satisfaction both of the repairer and the owner. THE LEVER ESCAPEMENT. REVIEW of the different watch escape¬ ments is highly instructive, and an aston¬ ishing amount of ingenuity has often been put forth in their construction ; nevertheless, prac¬ tice has shown that all except four, to wit: the verge, cylinder, anchor or lever, and chronometer escapements, are unreliable. The verge is fast becoming obsolete, and only the last three are left. The escapement most universally used to-day is the lever, and is claimed to be an English invention, said to have been made in 1770, by Mr. Thos. Mudge; others accredit it to Tompion, and date its invention to 1695. The Swiss also claim the invention. It is very possible that it was invented simultaneously about the same time in England and Switzerland, and although the general form and principles to¬ day are the same, they varied largely about 100 years ago, at which time the Swiss con¬ struction rightfully deserved the name of “ anchor ” escapement, from its peculiar form, while the English called theirs “ lever ” escapement, with, every show of reason ; both appellations are still dominant in these two countries. We borrow the description and action of the escapement from the excellent work on watchmaking by Mr. F. J. Britten, omitting the illustrations, as every watchmaker is so thoroughly acquainted with the functions and performance of the parts that an illus¬ tration is unnecessary. The cut shows the most usual form of the English lever escape¬ ment, in which the pallets scape over three teeth of the wheel. A tooth of the escape wheel is at rest upon the locking-face of the entering left-hand pallet. The impulse pin has just entered the notch of the lever and is about to unlock the pallet. The action of the escapement is as follows : The balance which is attached to the same staff as the THE LEVER ESCAPEMENT. 3 roller, is traveling in the direction indicated by the arrow, which is around the roller, with sufficient energy to cause the impulse pin to move the lever and pallets far enough to release the wheel tooth from the locking- face, and allow it to enter on the impulse face of the pallet. Directly it is at liberty, the escape wheel, actuated by the mainspring of the watch, moves round the same way as the arrow, and pushes the pallets out of its path. By the time the wheel tooth has ar¬ rived at the end of the impulse face of the pallet, its motion is arrested by the exit or :right-hand pallet, the locking-face of which has been brought into position to receive another tooth of the wheel. When the pal¬ let was pushed aside by the wheel tooth, it 'carried with it the lever, which .in its turn communicated a sufficient 'blow to the im¬ pulse pin to send the balance with renewed energy on its vibration, so that the impulse pin has the double office of unlocking the pallets by giving a blow on one side of the notch of the lever, and of immediately re¬ ceiving a blow from the opposite side of the notch. The balance proceeds on its excur¬ sion, winding up, as it goes, the balance spring, until its energy is expended. After it is brought to a state of rest, its motion is reversed by the uncoiling of the balance spring, the impulse pin again enters the notch of the lever, but from the opposite direction, and the operation already described is re¬ peated. The object of the safety pin is to prevent the wheel from being unlocked ex¬ cept when the impulse pin is in the notch of the lever. The banking pins keep the motion of the lever within the desired limits. They should be placed where every blow from the impulse pin on to the outside of the lever is received direct. They are sometimes placed at the tail of the lever, but in that position the locking pins receive the blow through the pallets, staff pivots, which are liable to be broken in consequence. The escape wheel has fifteen teeth, and the distance between the pallets, from center to center, is equal to 6o° of the circumference of the wheel. The pallets are planted as closely as possible to the wheel, so that the teeth of the wheel, in passing, just clear the belly of the pallets.* The width of each * When the tooth is pressing on the locking, the line of pressure should pass through the center of the pallet staff. But as the locking-surface of the two pallets are not equidistant from the center of motion, a tangent drawn from the locking corner of one pallet would be wrong for the other, and as a pallet is made as nearly as possible half the distance between one tooth of the escape wheel and the next. As the teeth of the wheel must be of an appreciable thickness and the various pivots must have shake, it is not found practicable to get the pallets of greater width than io° of the circumference of the wheel, instead of 12 0 , which would be half the distance between one tooth and the next. This difference between the the¬ oretical and actual width of the pallet is called the “ drop.” The lever is pinned to the pallets, and has the same center of motion. The distance between the center of the lever and the center of the roller is not absolute. The distance generally adopted is a chord of 96° of a circle repre¬ senting the path of the tips of the escape- wheel teeth, that is the distance from the tip of one tooth to the tip of the fifth succeed¬ ing tooth. The proportion, as it is called, of the lever and roller is usually from 3 to 1 to 3)4 to 1. In the former case, the length of the lever (measured from the center of the pallet staff to the center of impulse pin or mouth of notch) is three times the distance of the center of the impulse pin from the center of the roller, and in the latter case 3)4 times. The portion of the lever to the left of the pallet-staff hole acts as counter¬ poise. In this form of the lever escapement the pallets have not less than io° of motion. Of this amount, 2 0 are used for locking, and the remainder for impulse. The amount of locking is to some extent dependent on the size of the escapement. With a large escape¬ ment, less than i) 4 0 would suffice, while a small one would require more than 2 0 . The quality of the work, too, is an element in deciding the amount of locking. The lighter the locking the better, but it must receive every tooth of "the wheel safely, and where all the parts of the escapement are made with care, the escapement can be made with a light locking, io° pallets, with a lever and roller 3 to 1, give a balance arc of 30 0 , that is to say, the balance in its vibration is freed from the escapement except during 30 0 , when the impulse pin is in contact with the lever. Presuming that the staff hole is correctly matter of fact, if a diagram is made it will be found that even when the pallets are planted as close as possible they are hardly as close as they should be for the right-hand pallet. To plant as close as pos¬ sible is therefore a very good rule and is the one adopted by the best pallet makers. 4 THE CLUE-TOOTH LEVER ESCAPEMENT. drilled with relation to the planes, a rough rule for testing io° pallets is that a straight edge laid on the plane of the entering pallet, should point to the locking corner of the exit pallet. When from setting the hands of a watch back, or from a sudden jerk, there is a ten¬ dency for the pallets to unlock, the safety pin butts against the edge of the roller. It will be observed that when the impulse pin unlocks the pallets, the safety pin is allowed to pass the roller by means of the crescent which is cut out of the roller opposite to the impulse pin. The teeth of the escape wheel make a considerable angle with a radial line (24 0 ), so that their tips only touch the lock¬ ing-faces of the pallets. The locking-faces of the pallets, instead of being curves struck from the center of motion of the pallets, as would be otherwise the case, are cut back at an angle, so as to interlock with the wheel teeth.* This is done so that the safety pin shall not drag on the edge of the roller, but be drawn back till the lever touches the banking pin. When the operation of setting the hands back is finished, or the other cause of disturbance removed, the pressure of the wheel tooth on the locking-face of the pallet draws the pallet into the wheel as far as the banking pin will allow. The amount of this “ run ” should not be more than sufficient to give proper clearance between the safety pin and the roller, for the more the run the greater is the resistance to unlocking. This rule is sometimes sadly transgressed and occasionally the locking is found to be, from excessive run, almost equal in extent to the impulse. It will generally be found that in these cases the escapement is so badly pro¬ portioned that the extra run has had to be given to secure a sound safety action. In common watches, the safety action is a fre¬ quent source of trouble. The more the path of the safety pin intersects the edge of the roller, the sounder is the safety action, and if the intersection is small, the safety pin is likely to jam against the edge of the roller, or even to pass it altogether. With an ordinary single-roller escapement, a sound safety action cannot be obtained with a less balance arc than 30 0 . Even with a balance arc of 30 0 , the roller must be kept small in the following way to insure the soundness of the safety action. The * The locking face forms an angle of 6° to 8° with a tangent to a circle representing the path of the locking corner. hole for the impulse pin must not be left round. After it is drilled, a punch of the same shape as the impulse pin—that is, with one third of its diameter flattened off—should be inserted and the edge of the roller, where the crescent is to be formed, beaten in. By this means, the roller can be turned down small enough to get a sufficient intersection for the safety pin. It is useful in estimating the balance arc of a watch to remember, if it has a three-armed balance, that 30 0 is one-fourth of the dis¬ tance between two arms. With a compensa¬ tion balance, a third of the distance between two of the quarter screws is 30 0 . THE CLUB-TOOTH LEVER ESCAPE¬ MENT. ATCHMAKERS know well that this form of escapement is almost exclu¬ sively used in all the countries on the conti¬ nent, and since many specimens of it come to the workbench of the American repairer, it is well perhaps to turn our attention to it. The readers of the Circular Workshop Notes are well aware that the club-tooth escape¬ ment principally differs from the ratchet tooth in having the'action divided between the pallet and the tooth, both having inclined impulse faces. The club tooth has also an advantage in closer escaping, the back of the tooth being undercut, thereby allows the pallet to pass inward at the back of the tooth, thus giving from one-half to a full degree more impulse arc in the scape wheel action, although no more in the pallet action. The action of this style of escapement is a little more complex and difficult to under¬ stand than the ratchet tooth, but is quite as easy to repair if once the principle is under¬ stood. The American and Swiss watches have almost universally this form of escape¬ ment, consequently four-fifths of the watches the watchmaker has to repair are either of the one or the other of these makes. The American watch, being provided with ex¬ posed pallets set in slots, can be moved and manipulated until a near approximation of the correct action is obtained. This ease of change and adjustment, although very nice for those who thoroughly understand the principles involved, is very vexatious to those who are so unfortunate as to lack this knowledge. American scape wheels of all the factories are nearly duplicates of each other, so are also the pallet stones, conse- THE CLEANING OF A WATCH. 5 quently there are but few changes which need to be made except in setting the pallet stones. The American watches made by the sev¬ eral factories have different methods of ar¬ riving at similar results. One factory acting from their convictions assume they can over¬ come slight inaccuracies by one method, while another insists their system is best. The most frequent disarrangement to which the American lever is subject is the breaking or loss of the jewel pin and the loosening and loss of a pallet stone. INSPECTION OF THE CYLINDER ESCAPEMENT. HIS form of escapement is also known as the horizontal, so called from the fact of the escape wheel lying horizontally, in distinc¬ tion from the verge or vertical escapement. This escapement was invented by Tampion and perfected by Graham, early in the last century; it is now almost exclusively em¬ ployed in watches made on the continent, the English turning their attention more toward patent levers Movements of the flattest kind have cylinder escapements. The axis of the balance is a hollow cylinder, cut away to allow the passage of the scape wheel teeth. Though excellent for ordinary pocket watches, the cylinder escapement cannot be said to equal the lever and some others, where greater accuracy is required. The drop of the escapement is the cause of much trouble to watch repairers, but the following means will enable them to ascer¬ tain how far the drops are equal and correct: The movement being slightly wound up, with a fine wire or strip of paper turn the balance till a tooth falls ; now, try how much shake the escape wheel has, and allow the tooth to escape; then try again and go all round the wheel, to see how all the teeth and spaces agree in size. To correct any inequality is certainly a job for an expert hand, and directions will not avail much un¬ less to an expert. When the tooth contained within the cylinder has no freedom and rubs at the point and heel, there is no internal drop; when the tooth has escaped and the cylinder shell rubs on the point of one tooth and the heel of the next, then there is no outside drop. The internal drop is increased by reducing the length of the teeth, the ex¬ ternal by increasing the space between the teeth. When the drop is very slight, the watch is very liable to stop through the ex¬ cessive friction; in the case of unequal drop the rate of a watch cannot be maintained, and occasional stoppages will occur. This fault is found by dotting the balance with spots of rouge and carefully noting the vibrations, which, if unequal, indicate un¬ equal drops. Though this is the usual cause, the same effect may be the result of some teeth lifting more than others. A noisy drop is caused by badly polished surfaces, and in such a case the heel of the cylinder should be carefully noticed. If the pivot holes of the escape wheel are too large an immense amount of trouble will be caused, and, in fact, all the end shakes and side shakes of the cylinder require most careful adjustment. An excess of oil will also cause an infinity of errors to arise and should be most carefully guarded against. The points of the escape wheel teeth may catch in a slight burr, which is sometimes left at the lips of the cylinder, and, of course, would stop the watch. This is remedied by polishing the cylinder and rounding off the points of the scape wheel teeth. The balance spring should be pinned up to have the escapement in perfect beat. This is done by pinning the stud on the spring so that it is exactly over a dot marked in the balance for the purpose of showing the position. Sometimes the lower corner of the heel of the scape wheel tooth touches the inside cylinder and stops the watch. But all these defects may be seen, or rather felt, by careful trial. If there is any doubt of parts touching where they should not, a spot of rouge put on will at once mark where it touches. _ THE CLEANING OF A WATCH. ANY methods and agents : Benzine and alcohol, cyanide of potassium, etc., are used for cleaning watches, and the horologi- cal press occasionally publishes a batch of new ones, so that the practical workman has every reason to look forward to the time when the movement need no longer be taken down, but is cleaned, lubricated and bur¬ nished up while the customer is waiting in the shop. But while we anxiously await the invention or discovery of this new method, let us meanwhile discuss, perhaps, the oldest and unexcelled—the washing in soap and water. The washing with a soft brush, warm water and an easily foaming soap is unsurpassed for the gilt parts, as well as the 6 THE CLEANING OF A WATCH. mat ground steel parts of a watch. After washing, the parts are only rinsed in pure alcohol, which dissolves all the particles of soap still adhering, and they are finally dried in sawdust. The original luster is hereby restored to the gilding, and it is necessary merely to lightly dab the pieces with a clean brush and to clean the holes. Some of our readers will rejoin by saying that this method is too tedious; this is true of shops where the several agents necessary are not at disposal. Every shop should con¬ tain a wash table, with alcohol lamp and a small light copper kettle in which to heat the water over the flame. Cold water can also be used, but this will not take off the old oil. The steel parts are most suitably cleaned in benzine and dried in sawdust. Polished brass parts must previously be retouched with the buffstick. When all the parts have been taken out of the sawdust, they are finally cleaned in the order in which to be mounted in the movement, so that each cleaned part is at once located in its place upon the plate. The wheels, and more especially the deli¬ cate parts, must, after cleaning, be scrutinized with the magnifier so as to be satisfied that no brush hair or other disturbing element has lodged anywhere. A hair is apt to lodge itself in the slit between the plate and the lower cylinder bridge, and, when trans¬ parent, it is easily overlooked. When this hair comes in contact with one of the escape¬ ment parts, it naturally will give rise to a very injurious disturbance. When the plate has been cleaned and the cap jewel plate screwed in place, I clean first the fourth wheel, screw the bridge on, and satisfy myself of the correct end-shake and the perfect freedom of the wheel; the third and center wheels are then mounted ; the pivot of the latter wheel is lubricated, the center staff is put into the cannon and the cannon pinion broached. Some workmen will, after the fourth wheel, mount the scape wheel, and, if the fourth wheel is without seconds pivot, they begin the mounting with the cylinder scape wheel, as the freedom of this wheel is of great im¬ portance. 1 think that my method is preferable, be¬ cause it will happen that after the fastening of the cannon pinion a pinching of the center wheel will occur. Such a pinching is, in the absence of the scape wheel, far more easily seen and changed. An accidental trembling: of the center staff, also, is more easily cor¬ rected. When the scape wheel has been mounted,, and its shake found correct, investigate the smooth action of the train in different positions, by occasionally exerting a slight pressure against the center wheel. The cylinder bridge is then put together,, and the cylinder, with spring, is fastened to the bridge. These parts are put together without oil, and examined whether every¬ thing is in thorough order. Only when the cylinder shake, the balance spring, and the drop has been arranged, put oil into the sinks. If too great a quantity is applied, so that it overruns the jewel, the oil will, by capillary action, draw away from the spot where it should be. When putting together the barrel parts, never forget to lubricate the clickwork, more- particularly that of the going barrel, as the injury occasioned thereby would soon show itself. The mainspring is to be lubricated only slightly. The stopfinger should always- be fastened with a steel pin; it is more securely retained thereby. The barrel is mounted in the plate, and the spring is wound a few teeth to apply oil to the es¬ capement. I am of the opinion that it is best to ap¬ ply a small portion of oil to each cylinder wheel pivot, while other workmen prefer to place a small drop of oil in the cylinder. The oil placed in the cylinder draws at once to the surface of the plug, and outside of the cylinder up to the collet. It therefore may happen with .long cylinders that the teeth receive little or no oil. With short ones it is immaterial in which manner the oil is applied to the escapement, as it will in every case draw upward, because the wheel teeth come very near to the plug surface. Before the movement is set into the case this must be well cleaned within, because even new cases contain particles of dust and remnants of crocus. The case springs must invariably be taken out and cleaned ; a large quantity of filth will often be found round, about and behind them, which, if not re¬ moved, would fall into the movement. Dm the same with the push button. Only when the movement has been fast¬ ened in the case do I apply oil to those- pivots which still can be reached. The minute wheel pinion, also, must be slightly- moistened, because the pinion runs upon a. REPAIRING AND EXAMINING WATCHES.—METHODS. 7 steel pivot; therefore two steel parts lie against each other, which is apt to engender rust. A spreading spring will generally be necessary for the hour wheel, if the correct shake is not produced itself by the minute work or the hands themselves. When the hands have been mounted the watch is ready for service, and only requires timing. With a cylinder watch it is well not to put the regulator entirely on “ fast,” be¬ cause every such watch, after the course of a few months, has an inclination to lose, and the regulator must stand so that a subse¬ quent difference of rate can be corrected. The timing of a watch requires so much expert skill that we omit describing it. TO CLEAN A WATCH. AKE the watch all apart and immerse in benzine, do not leave the cap jewel and jewel slip attached to cock and potence, or the potence to the plate, etc., but have everything apart so that each piece can be thoroughly cleaned. Take each piece out separately and dry with clean linen rag, and brush all the parts with clean brush, charged with billiard chalk and subsequently rubbed over a bone or dry crust of bread ; be very careful to get the jewel holes thoroughly clean and bright, and leave no trace of dust between pinion leaves, wheel teeth, etc.; use watchmaker’s tissue paper for holding parts in to clean ; this paper is for sale by material dealers for 50 or 60 cents a box, contain¬ ing 1,000 sheets ; it is much better than ordi¬ nary tissue paper, as it lasts much longer and there is no “ fluff,” which is an important con¬ sideration. When everything is thoroughly cleaned, put the movement together, oil the mainspring liberally but not excessively ; also the fusee pivot holes and the large center hole; be careful not to place so much oil that it will run on the plates or down the arbor, or it will be drawn off and be of little use where it is intended to be. In oiling the balance jewel holes, sharpen up a piece of pegwood and insert in the holes to insure the oil running down on the cap jewels, and then insert a little more oil; also be very careful in oiling scape teeth ; too much will get to the body of the wheel, all over the pallets and on to the fork ; a little on the tips • of the teeth is all that is needed. If the balance is now inserted and pinned so that the hairspring is flat and concentric and plays evenly between the regulator pins, the watch will start off with a fine motion, and will continue to run well and give the customer the best of satisfaction. TO CLEAN WATCHES WITH CYA¬ NIDE OF POTASSIUM. EFORK detailing the process of cleaning a watch with cyanide of potassium, the Circular cannot desist from cautioning watchmakers who use it; while useful in its place, cyanide is dangerous and must be used with great care—dangerous to the person using it, to the gilding of the parts put into it, if allowed to remain too long—and danger¬ ous to all steel articles around which can be reached by its vapors. If not thoroughly cleaned off, the trace of it remaining on the pieces will evaporize on the watch when put together, and rust the steel works of the movement. With this understanding on the part of the Circular it details the process of cleaning a watch by the use of cyanide of potassium. A small piece of the cyanide is dissolved in a common drinking glass filled with water, or, what is better, a wide-mouthed bottle with ground stopper. The movement to be cleaned is taken apart, and the balance, the lever, and other steel parts are placed in benzine. If the balance jewels are in set¬ tings, they are removed and also placed in the benzine. The plates and wheels are strung on a small brass or copper wire, bent so as to form a catch, similar to a safety pin with the pin part extended to hold it by, and dipped into the cyanide, then well rinsed in clean water (warm water is best), and then in alcohol, and placed in sawdust to dry. When dry, brush only enough to remove the sawdust. The parts in the benzine are cleaned in the usual way. REPAIRING AND EXAMINING WATCHES.—METHODS. XPEDITION and certainty in watch¬ making and repairing are primarily se¬ cured, says Claudius Saunier, by proceed¬ ing on a definite system both in the preliminary examination of the watch and in details of construction or repairing. The best watchmakers, and practical men gener¬ ally, take their work in a certain order, from which any departure is exceptional. By this means they avoid the necessity of doing work twice over and of frequently taking up the same piece ; a circumstance that often occurs 8 5°° '5° =• 5°> the required dwts. of coin gold 900 fine. Now, to see how this will pan out by values as above where no loss from decimals will occur. We have 80 dwts. of 18-k. from the 30 dwts. of 12-k. and 50 dwts. of coin gold; now, 50 dwts. at 72 cts. is $57.60. And 30 dwts. of 12-k. at 48 cts. is $14.40, and 50 dwts. of coin gold at 86.4 cts. is $43.20, which added to $14.40 gives us $57.60, the same result as before. In calculations it is as well to use grains; as, for instance, we had 26 dwts., 14 grains of gold, we would express it thus, 534 ; it would make no differ¬ ence with the method of stating the question as in illustration of the last proposition of 30 dwts. only we would say 720 grs.; thus: 150 : 250 : : 720 : 1,200 (grs.). It is almost needless to say 1,200 divided by 24 gives the dwts. GOLD AND ITS ALLOYS. IGHTEEN-karat gold, from the pecul¬ iar nature of its alloy, can be wrought into almost any article of exquisite beauty and delicate workmanship; if properly cast, it is both malleable and tenacious. It is also exceedingly ductile. A hardness is imparted to this quality of gold, which admirably adapts it to the manufacture of jewelry of the highest order. There is, perhaps, a diffi¬ culty in preparing eighteen-karat gold, not experienced in some other alloys ; this defect soon shows itself when subjected to the breaking-down mill, by little cracks all over the surface of the bar of gold; and when this appearance presents itself, it is by far the most economical plan to remelt it at once than to go on with the breaking-down ; for when the process of slitting is attempted, the gold will all fly into little fragments, and the probability is that some will be lost. The prevailing opinion in the trade is, that this want of unity or amalgamation of the par¬ ticles of the gold and alloy is due to the copper which is employed. Our experience teaches us—having tried every kind of cop¬ per, from the bean-shot down to the best refined Swedish wire, for the purpose of pro¬ ducing eighteen-karat gold rather cheaper— that we have invariably found that there is not so much in the quality of the copper as in the quantity used. This we wish to state for the benefit of the goldsmiths’ trade. Formerly we used a rather large proportion of copper, in order to effect a small saving per ounce, but the misfortune to which we have just alluded sometimes presented itself, and after trying all sorts of copper, with no certainty of permanent success, we thought of the plan of alloying with more silver and less copper. In this we succeeded, and now never meet with a bar exhibiting the defects after rolling just described. It is the most economical plan, when these defects appear, to reduce the bar to the regu¬ lar nine-karat quality. It is only right to say that we always found eighteen-karat gold alloyed with bean-shot copper, a more diffi¬ cult and harder alloy to work with than when the refined wire was used. One great draw¬ back in shot copper (which is very injurious in alloying, particularly in this quality), is that it may contain lead or tin ; and half a 112 GOLD AND ITS ALLOYS. grain of either in an ounce of this gold will prevent it from working. This quality of gold is now always manufactured fully up to the standard fineness. COLORS OF GOLD. Yellow gold —pure or fine gold, 24 parts. Red gold —fine gold, 18 parts ; copper, 6 parts. Green gold —fine gold, 18 parts ; silver, 6 parts. Blue gold —fine gold, 18 parts; iron, 6 parts. White gold —fine gold, 12 parts ; silver, 1 2 parts. Platinum, or fine silver, may be employed for white gold. Red and white are generally employed for flowers, green for leaves, while the stems or sprays may be made' of yellow or fine gold. Blue gold may be used for special purposes of ornamentation. This latter alloy requires great practical knowl¬ edge, as it. presents many difficulties in its preparation ; these are best overcome, first, by melting the gold, and then introducing some iron wire into the molten mass, until the proper quantity of alloy is formed. Then the crucibles must be withdrawn, and the composition poured out into an ingot-mold prepared for its reception. This alloy must not be quenched in water, but allowed to cool; the ingot of gold to be perfect should exhibit no signs of porosity ; if it turns out of the ingot-mold in proper condition, it must be well hammered upon the edge, and annealed in order to render the grain more close and prevent it cracking in the rolling- mill. This process may be wisely repeated upon the surface, and the ingot again put through the fire. The gold is then ready for the breaking-down mill, and may be safely wrought into wires or sheets of different sizes. Fifteen-karat gold is another alloy largely used in the manufacture of colored jewelry. This quality, to our mind, is second to none with respect to works of art in jewelry, both in regard to taste and appearance as well as durability. It can be made to look quite equal to the finest gold, and in addition it is easy of manipulation ; almost any article can be easily made from it, whilst the hardness which nine parts of alloy impart, is not such as to prove a hindrance or a difficulty in the manufacture, but unites with it that amount of strength and durability which is so essen¬ tial in costly articles of jewelry. These ad¬ vantages make articles of this gold wear much better than when made of a softer material; they also keep their form and shape a considerable time longer. Thirteen-karat gold is called common when speaking of colored goods, for the reason that it is about the lowest quality that can be conveniently colored to look rich and beautiful. A slightly inferior quality (12^- karat) can be colored, but thirteen-karat is about the usual kind employed in all respect¬ able colored-gold houses. In Birmingham a very large quantity of gold is weekly em¬ ployed in manufactures of this kind. Twelve-karat gold is the best of the bright golds, and is so called to distinguish it from the colored; although any of the qualities that are described in speaking of colored gold may be made bright by a little variation in the mixture of alloy. No gold inferior to twelve-karat will color to present that appearance which characterizes the higher qualities. Twelve-karat gold finished bright has a fine, rich, sparkling appearance, and when the workmanship is good is very im¬ posing ; it is a good quality to work upon, being tolerably soft and ductile, as well as possessing good malleable properties. Ten-karat gold sustains all the character¬ istics of the former quality, both as regards facility of manufacture and finish. A large quantity of goods is made of this quality in Birmingham. Nine-karat gold is regularly manufactured into all kinds of bright goods, and this qual¬ ity, when made fully up to the standard of fineness, is of a good appearance. After all, the quality which is most extensively em¬ ployed in every possible description of manu¬ facture, is usually below this standard, prob¬ ably it is about 8)4 karats; and if alloyed according to the appended table will stand the aqua test perfectly well. Nine-karat of the mixture of alloy given in‘the table will stand more than ordinary treatment from the hands of the workman, and may be touched and removed from the annealing pan while still red hot, without injury to any subsequent manipulation of it; it may also be quenched at any degree of heat in pickle or water, if any advantage is likely to accrue from it; but we strongly object to the continuous quenching of gold alloys at every subsequent process of annealing, partly because every time the metal is quenched in sulphuric acid pickle, a portion of alloy in these low qualities is dissolved. This improves the quality of GOLD AND ITS ALLOYS. i 13 the gold, by which the manufacturer does not receive any benefit, but is actually a loser. Moreover, we shall see that, when we come to the processes of soldering, this pickling or boiling-out is perfectly indispen¬ sable. Nine-karat alloys, if alloys with too much spelter, will not present the characteristics we have just named in respect to treatment; if shaken or touched while hot, they are very brittle and difficult to work; consequently they take longer in working, and therefore the same quantity of goods cannot be pro¬ duced in a given time with these alloys as with those we have just described. The great point in the manufacture of gold articles should be to get the greatest amount of real work out of the smallest amount of material, so as to make the least possible waste or scrap for remelting; for this reason we say that the alloys which mostly tend to this ob¬ ject are the best for jewelers to use in their manufactures. Eight-karat gold is sometimes used in the manufacture of jewelry, and is often styled nine-karat No. 2, in some of the workshops where this quality is somewhat extensively •employed. In order to stand the aqua test it must be alloyed with more silver than or¬ dinary nine-karat gold, and when finished appears rather paler to the eye ; this may be a partial guide as to quality, but not always a sure one; if properly alloyed it works ex¬ ceedingly well in any process of preparation, from the ingot-bar down to the finished ar¬ ticles ; but, of course, judgment must be used by the workman as to the proper periods for annealing; if this be neglected the gold will become hard and brittle, and, as to the process of preparing proceeds, it will break and fall to pieces. Seven-karat gold is generally termed com¬ mon gold, and is about the lowest quality manufactured ; it requires extra care in work¬ ing on account of the very large proportion of silver it contains, which increases the fusi¬ bility of this alloy. Care must necessarily be taken in annealing and soldering. The in¬ creased proportion of silver is requisite to enable the articles manufactured from it to stand the gold test of aqua fortis. Gold chains of this quality are now very seldom made. The common alloys of gold have much lower fusible point than' those of a superior quality. Pure silver has a brilliant white color, and is the whitest of all the metals; none surpass it in luster; and in hardness it ranges be¬ tween pure gold and pure copper. It is more fusible than copper or gold, melting at a bright red heat or at 1,873° F. It is com¬ monly used for the purpose of alloying gold in its pure state, but if too much be ac^led it makes the gold pale. Pure copper has a reddish appearance, and is the only metal of that color; it is both malleable and ductile, hence it is used as an alloy for gold. In fusibility it stands be¬ tween silver and gold. It is a very useful metal, a large number of cheap alloys being manufactured from it. Composition is a mixture of copper and zinc, and is used by jewelers in alloying. Some of them profess to have secrets with regard to color, which is produced by differ¬ ent proportions of the composition. When it is necessary to form hard gold, this metal may be safely employed, although it will not be wise to use too much, about four dwts. to the ounce of fine gold being ample ; if, as we have already observed, too much be added, it will make the gold brittle and unworkable. With less silver and more composition an alloy is formed equal in ap¬ pearance to one, two or three karats higher, but it is very difficult to work, and after be¬ ing some time in wear it changes color. This alloy cannot be attempted in very inferior qualities, as it will not stand the acid. TABLE OF ALLOYS. For 23 karats—23 parts gold, y 2 part cop¬ per, ) / 2 part silver. For 22 karats—22 parts gold, 1 part cop¬ per, 1 part silver. For 20 karats—20 parts gold, 2 parts copper, 2 parts silver. For 18 karats—18 parts gold, 3 parts copper, 3 parts silver. For 15 karats—15 parts gold, 6 parts cop¬ per, 3 parts silver. For 13 karats—13 parts gold, 8 parts cop¬ per, 3 parts silver. For 12 karats—12 parts gold, 8 y 2 parts copper, 3j4 parts silver. For 10 karats—10 parts gold, 10 parts copper, 4 parts silver. For 9 karats—9 parts gold, ioy parts copper, y / 2 parts silver. For 8 karats—8 parts gold, 10 y 2 parts copper, 5 y 2 parts silver. For 7 karats—7 parts gold, 9 parts cop¬ per, 8 parts silver. GOLD SOLDERS. 114 For composition—16 parts copper, 8 parts spelter (purified zinc). The above table represents the full stand¬ ard quality of alloy (used in England); if it be needful to make an inferior alloy, which is often the case in the manufacture of jewelry, the same calculation in respect to the inferior metals will do, but a small por¬ tion of fine gold must be deducted till it brings the alloy down to the value required. VARIOUS GOLD ALLOYS. The following mixtures will answer all the ordinary purposes of the manufacturing jew¬ eler for his gold alloys : Gold , 2 2 karats , for wedding rings or med¬ als : 22 parts fine gold, i fine silver, i copper. Gold, 18 karats , bright: 18 parts fine gold, 4 fine silver, 2 copper. Gold, 18 karats , colored: 18 parts fine gold, 4 copper, 2 silver. Gold, 15 karats , bright: 15 parts fine gold, 6 fine silver, 3 copper, or 15 parts 18 kt. bright gold, 2 fine silver, 1 copper, or 15 parts 18 kt. colored gold, 2 y 2 fine silver, y copper. Gold, 15 karats , colored: 15 parts fine gold, 6 copper, 3 fine silver, or 1 5 parts 18 kt. colored gold, 2 copper, 1 fine silver, or 15 parts 18 kt. bright gold, 2^ copper, y 2 fine silver. Gold, 1 2 karats: 12 parts fine gold, 8 fine gold, 4 copper, or 12 parts 18 kt. colored gold, 4 fine silver, 2 copper, or 12 parts 18 kt. bright gold, 3 fine silver, 3 copper, or 1 2 parts 1 5 kt. colored gold, 2 fine silver, 1 cop¬ per, or 12 parts 15 kt. bright gold, 1 y 2 fine silver, 1 *4 copper, 3 parts fine gold, 1 2 parts of 9 kt. gold, or 3 parts 18 kt. colored gold, 6 parts 9 kt. gold, or 3 parts 15 kt. colored gold, 3 parts 9 kt. gold. Gold, 9 karats: 9 parts fine gold, 8 fine silver, 7 copper, or 9 parts fine gold, 7 fine silver, 5 copper, 3 brass, or 9 parts 18 kt. colored gold, 6 fine silver, 3 copper. 9 parts 1 8 kt. colored gold, 5 fine silver, 2 copper, 2 brass, or 9 parts 18 kt. bright gold, 5 fine silver, 4 copper, or 9 parts 15 kt. colored gold, 4 fine silver, 2 copper, or 9 parts 15 kt. colored gold, 3 fine silver, 1 copper, 2 brass. HARD GOLD ALLOY. A very hard gold alloy which may be used for many purposes, is obtained by melting together three parts gold, two parts silver, four parts copper, and one part pal¬ ladium. The mixture is of a brownish-red color and assumes a high polish. We should think that it would be excellent for jewel holes ; a good hard alloy would be preferable to colored glass jewels seen in many low- grade watches. NOTES ON ALLOYS. Mr. Guthier, in his work on “ Metal Al¬ loys,” gives a few suggestions on the subject of fusing the metals: 1. The melting pot should be red hot (a white heat is better), and those metals first placed in which require the most heat to fuse them. 2. Place the metals into the melting pot in strict order, following exactly the different fusing points from the highest degree of temperature re¬ quired, down to the lowest, in regular order, and being especially careful to refrain from adding the next metals until those already in the pot are completely melted. 3. When the metals fused together in the crucible require very different tempjeratures to melt them, a layer of charcoal should be placed upon them, or if there is much tin in the al¬ loy, a layer of sand should be used. 4. The molten mass should be vigorously stirred with a stick, and even while pouring it into another vessel, the stirring should not be re¬ laxed. 5. Another hint is to use a little old alloy in making new, if there is any on hand, and the concluding word of caution is to make sure that the melting pots are abso¬ lutely clean and free from any traces of for¬ mer operation. GOLD SOLDERS. A S it is difficult to procure, at the time . when most wanted, alloys for solders that are the most suitable and advantageous for the various kinds of work without no little inconvenience in effecting a proper composi¬ tion, we here append a list suitable for all the qualities of colored gold work as manu¬ factured by jewelers and goldsmiths : GOLD SOLDER SUITABLE FOR I 8-KARAT WORK. oz. dwts. grs. Gold, fine. 1 o o Silver, fine. o 6 o Copper wire. o 4 o 1 1 o o Or 3 dwts. of copper and dwt. of composi¬ tion instead of all copper. GOLD SOLDERS. 11 5 GOLD SOLDER SUITABLE FOR 18 -KARAT WORK. OZ. dwts. grs. Gold, fine. I O O Silver, fine. 0 7 O Gopper wire.. 0 5 I 2 I 1 2 I 2 Or 4 dwts. of copper and 1 dwts. of com- position instead of all copper. GOLD SOLDER SUITABLE FOR 16 -K. \RA1 ' WORK. OZ. dwts. grs. Gold, fine. I O O Silver, fine-. 0 8 O Gopper wire. 0 7 O 115 o Or 5 dwts. of copper and 2 dwts. of com¬ position instead of all copper. take 5 dwts. gold, 13 dwts. silver and 6 dwts. copper. Melt and cast into bars; as s'oon as it can be handled, break into pieces and throw into the melting pot; while the pot is hot add 15 grains of brass and melt again ; when thoroughly mixed, cast into a bar and roll it out thin for use. Another solder, much used for low grade gold, is made as follows: 3 dwts. gold, 2 silver, ^2 copper; melt as above, and at the second melting add, when fused, % dwt. zinc in small pieces, and as soon as mixed pour into the mold. This solder runs at a dull red heat; three- fourths dwt. zinc in place of one-half would flow sooner, but would be apt to eat into the work if too high or too low heat was used. But that would be of little consequence if the article to be soldered was of brass. GOLD SOLDER SUITABLE FOR I 5-ICARAT WORK. oz. dwts. grs. Gold, fine. . . . . r 0 Silver, fine. Copper wire. . . . . 010 2 0 0 Or 7^ dwts. of copper and 2 y 2 dwts. of composition instead of all copper. SOFT GOLD SOLDER FOR 14 KARATS. Melt equal parts of 14-karat gold and sil¬ ver solder, and hammer it into thin sheets upon the anvil. This solder will satisfy all the demands of a watch repairer. It is advisable to use silver solder for a low- grade, say 6- or 8-karat gold goods, which consists of 2 parts fine silver and 1 brass, with the addition of a gram of tin. GOLD SOLDER SUITABLE FOR 14-KARAT WORK. oz. dwts. grs. Gold, fine. i o o Silver, fine. o 12 12 Copper wire. o 12 12 250 Or 9dwts. of copper and 3 dwts. of com¬ position instead of all copper. GOLD SOLDER SUITABLE FOR ANY COLORED WORK. oz. dwts. grs. Gold, fine. O 0 Silver, fine. . . . . 0 15 O Copper wire. I 2 1 2 2 7 1 2 Or g l /2 dwts. of copper and 3 dwts. of com¬ position instead of all copper. EASILY FLOWING YELLOW HARD SOLDER. A yellow solder is frequently required in country shops ; it must flow at a low heat, and be a hard solder at the same time. Of course, each shop contains its own rec¬ ipe, each one possessing its own merits, but the following will be found as good as the best: For an easy flowing 5-karat solder, SOFT GOLD SOLDER FOR 8 AND 14 KARATS. A nice soft solder for 8- and 14-karat gold consists of 1.5 parts fine silver, 0.5 part fine copper, 1.6 parts 14-karat gold, and 0.4 part zinc; the first three metals are well melted and mixed together, and when well in a fluid state, the zinc is added, the whole left for a few moments in fusion, until it melts, not volatilizes, and then cast. GOLD SOLDER. To make a gold solder, instead of reduc¬ ing the quality of your gold with copper, silver, or brass, use a silver solder com¬ posed of three dwts. coin silver and one dwt. English pins. I never keep gold solder by me ; when I make a piece of jewelry, as soon as I get the gold worked out, I take a piece of it, and reduce it with about its own weight of the silver solder, with the blow-pipe on charcoal. It matters not if the work is to be bright or colored, it always comes out sat¬ isfactory. I, however, make colored work always of at least 1 5 karats. By what I have said, my solder will be, say, 8 karats. Some will say, perhaps, that such solder will not color ; neither will it, but it must be borne in mind that when pieces of gold are solder.d RESTORING THE COLOR OF GOLD AFTER HARD SOLDERING. 116 together, the surface melts and combines with the solder, thereby improving 8 karats to 12 karats. This, of course, will be a very easy running solder, intended for light work, and where a large number of pieces are to be joined ; for a heavy job, do not reduce it quite as much. _ SOFT-SOLDERING ARTICLES. OISTEN the parts to be united with the soldering fluid, then, having joined them together, lay a small piece of solder upon the joint, and hold over the lamp, or direct the blaze upon it with the blow-pipe, until fusion is apparent. Withdraw them from the blaze immediately, as too much heat will render the solder brittle and unsat¬ isfactory. When the parts to be joined can be made to spring or press against each other, it is best to place a thin piece of solder between them before exposing to the lamp. When two smooth surfaces are to be soldered one upon the other, you make an excellent job by moistening them with the fluid, and then having placed a sheet of tinfoil between them, holding them pressed together over your lamp till the foil melts. If the surfaces fit nicely, a joint may be made in this manner so close as almost to be imperceptible. The bright looking lead which comes as a lining ° Beaume, is put into a glass or stoneware ves¬ sel supporting two brass rods. One of these rods is connected by a conducting wire with the last carbon of a battery of two or three Bunsen’s inserted elements, and supports the objects to be ungilt, which are entirely cov¬ ered by the sulphuric acid. The other rod supports a copper plate, facing the object, and is connected with the last zinc of the battery. The electric fluid traverses the sul¬ phuric acid, and carries the gold from the positive to the negative pole; as the copper plate is not prepared for retaining the gold, it falls to the bottom of the bath in a black powder, which is easily recovered. So long as the sulphuric acid is concentrated, and even under the action of the galvanic cur¬ rent, it does not sensibly corrode the copper. As it rapidly absorbs the dampness of the atmosphere, the vessel in which it is con¬ tained should be kept perfectly closed, when the ungilding process is not in active opera¬ tion, and the pieces for ungilding should be put in perfectly dry. If it is intended to sacrifice the gilt articles of copper or silver, let them remain in pure nitric acid, which dissolves all the metals ex¬ cept gold, which either floats on the surface of the liquid as a metallic foil, or falls to the bottom as a blackish powder. If the liquor is diluted with distilled water and filtered, all the gold will remain in the filter and the solu¬ tion will contain the other metals. STRIPPING GOLD FROM GOLD- PLATED WARE. CCORDING to the following process the gold may be stripped from a gold- plated article, no matter whether it was fire —or electrically gilt. When stripping with the battery do as follows : Suspend the article in place of the anode in an almost exhausted bath, previously warmed. In place of the goods a piece of sheet copper, insulated in some manner, is best. After the current has been active for a short time the gold will be found to be entirely stripped from the article. The gold is recovered by diluting the stripping fluid with double the quantity of water and adding a solution of sulphate of iron. The gold will be precipi¬ tated in powder form, and may then be melted. The gold may also be stripped by means of a mixture of 200 parts sulphuric acid, 40 parts hydrochloric acid, and 20 parts nitric acid, in which it will gradually dissolve. The articles must always be entered in this mixture in a perfectly dry condition. To recover the gold, dilute this acid mixture with from 10 to 12 times its quantity of water, and add a solution of sulphate of iron. 'The gold will also in this instance be precipitated in the form of powder, and may then be smelted in the well-known manner. If the article is of a shape to be scraped, the gold may also be stripped in this me¬ chanical way- The copper of the scrapings may be eaten out with nitric acid, after which the gold can be smelted. REFINING GOLD THAT WILL NOT WORK. T is known to those who work in gold that there are times when a piece of that metal cannot be got to work; so, after having tried all the usual methods of refin¬ ing and re-alloying, etc., only to find that our time has been wasted, and the gold as obsti¬ nate and unworkable as ever, that we are compelled to resort to a chemical process; we accordingly refine it once more, giving it lots of saltpeter, a good heat, plenty of time —throwing in a pinch of table salt when the crucible shows a disposition to boil over. The result is an alloy composed of gold and HOW TO UTILIZE GOLD SCRAPS. silver. Nitro-muriatic acid will not dissolve this, because, after eating the gold off the surface, further action is prevented by a coat of silver that remains. In like manner, nitric acid will not act upon it. Under such cir¬ cumstances it is customary to melt about eight times its weight of silver with it, and when really hot, to pour it into a large vessel of water while an assistant agitates it briskly with a stick, so as to cut it up into small shot. (Some roll it out.) It is then dissolved with nitric acid, which leaves the gold in the form of a black sediment, which, on being dried, turns to a beautiful brown powder, and on being melted with a little borax runs out fine gold. So far there is nothing new. We will say that we have two ounces of this alloy. This will require about sixteen ounces of sil¬ ver. By the way, I have known people to borrow old silver from their neighbors in the trade, to be returned after having used it for this purpose. This is the predicament I was in. I had no old silver; no neighbors to borrow from, and did not care to melt so much coin, especially as I had no use for it afterward ; and still I had urgent use for this troublesome gold. I thought over the diffi¬ culty, and determined, although I had never known of such a thing being done, to use pure copper in the place of silver, with the most gratifying result—in fact, consider it much better than silver, for while copper only needs cold nitric acid and to be set aside where the fumes can escape, silver requires heat and constant attendance. The solution must now be decanted off the sediment into another vessel, and table salt added to it to throw down the silver; both these precipi¬ tates must be well washed in several changes of water, allowing them plenty of time to settle •each time, and dry them well before putting them in the crucible to melt. The copper is recovered by putting a couple of iron bolts or pieces of iron into the remaining solution, upon which it will be found to deposit, and is pure, suitable for alloying gold. HOW TO UTILIZE GOLD SCRAPS. MONG the old scraps of gold which accumulate in a jewelry store are many pieces which are more or less contaminated with soft solder, and as a very small amount of this material will render gold unfit to work, it stands one in hand to look out that none gets in with the scrap we melt. It is well to put all such bits as show any trace of this pre- ”9 cious substance into a box by itself and treat it in the following manner: Take 4 ounces of muriatic acid and add y 2 an ounce of crocus ; put these two ingredients into a bottle and shake them well together. Put 1 ounce of this mixture into 4 ounces of boiling water in an ordinary teacup; put the scrap gold con¬ taminated with soft solder into the teacup and keep the mixture hot over a lamp or gas jet, and in a few minutes all the soft solder will be dissolved off, leaving the scrap fit to be melted with other scrap gold. In a for¬ mer article the writer gave a method of melt¬ ing, and promised some future time to give additional methods for refining scrap and gold which worked badly. It is a business of a lifetime to be a proficient in gold melting, so many details have to be mastered ; trifles in themselves, but still going a long way in making up the sum of knowledge necessary to the gold worker. Economy is one essen¬ tial thing in all jewelry repair shops. Save your scraps and filings; pick out all the scraps large enough to be picked up with the tweezers and put into your scrap to be melted. In regard to filings you should have a good-sized steel magnet to pass through your filings to remove all iron and steel filings and chips. The manner of using the magnet is to simply run the two poles of the magnet back and forth through the pan of the bench at which you work, brushing off the particles of iron as fast as they accumulate, letting the iron filing go into the sweep, as they will mechanically carry away some gold. The sweepings of even a small place is far more valuable than most persons would imagine, and should be carefully saved. The floor of a jewelry repair shop should be carefully laid to avoid cracks and corners. The best way, if a floor is to be laid new, is to have the plank of which the floor is to be laid well seasoned and quite narrow. After the floor is laid it should be well oiled with boiled lin¬ seed oil or painted with oil paint, and the cracks puttied with hard putty composed of white lead and coach varnish—the kind of coach varnish known as rubbing varnish— the puttying should be done after the oil is applied or the paint put on. The varnish putty is difficult to use, as it dries very quickly ; keep it under water except as fast as you use it. If you have an old floor full of cracks, put sheet zinc over the whole floor where you work ; let the sheets lap well* and if a hole wears through, put a piece over it as soon as seen. A common soft wood floor 120 HOW TO UTILIZE GOLD SCRAPS. will hold an unbelievable amount of scrap and filing, to say nothing about the cracks. This is true also of oilcloth, and an old oil¬ cloth which has been on the floor for any length of time should be burned and the ashes put into the sweepings. Scraps of pa¬ per and old match sticks lying on the floor should all go into the sweepings. These sweepings should be put in a tight box or barrel until enough have accumulated (say a barrel or two) to pay for burning. The way to burn sweepings is, if you use a stove, clean it out when- you are going to burn a lot of sweepings, and put the dirt with the scraps of paper in a little at a time until all is reduced to ashes. A barrel of sweepings will be re¬ duced in this way to two or three quarts; this reduction is another economy when you come to send it to the sweep smelters, which it is better to do than to try and recover the precious metals it contains yourself. Such a melting furnace as the writer described in a former article is a good place to burn sweep¬ ings in. The residue of three or four barrels of sweepings can be put in an old paper flour sack, and the flour sack, which will not per¬ mit a particle of anything it contains to es¬ cape, can be put in a quite small box and shipped to your sweep smelter, whom you will notify of the shipment and mention how you treated your sweep. After burning such a lot of sweepings you, of course, will be careful to remove every particle from the stove or furnace, as the gold being heavy will fall to the bottom. A person work¬ ing gold or silver should brush his clothes and apron with a bristle clothes-brush kept for this purpose before leaving his work. Treat filings as follows: They should be melted by themselves with a flux composed of 2 parts of carbonate of potash [sal tartar) and one part of nitrate of potash [saltpeter'). This flux will remove the iron and steel par¬ ticles which escaped the magnet. The but¬ ton of gold should be remelted with sal-am¬ moniac and charcoal powder and cast in the ingot-mold. If, on attempting to roll it, it cracks, it is a pretty sure indication that some lead or tin is present; but if the pre¬ caution given above is taken of treating the suspected scrap with the muriatic acid and cro¬ cus, there is very little danger but the gold will come out in condition to roll and work well; but if it does crack, remelt it with a flux of charcoal and corrosive sublimate, two parts (by weight) of charcoal to one of corrosive sublimate. This treatment wall destroy the last trace of lead or tin. Sometimes one will get hold of old gold pens with iridium points ; these points should be carefully re¬ moved, as they are pernicious things to get into gold you have to work, being so hard that a file will not touch them, and they will also indent the hard steel rollers. If only one or two such points get into an ingot, they should be instantly cut out with a small cold chisel. But if quite a number of such points should get into a lot of gold, the way to proceed is to remelt the lot in a crucible which has a strongly marked hollow conical bottom. The heat should be raised (using fine charcoal as a flux) until the gold is ren¬ dered very fluid. The crucible should now be removed from the fire and allowed to cool. On removing the button from the crucible, all the pen points will be found to have settled to the bottom of the crucible, and now are congregated at the very apex of the cone of the gold button. The reason for this is that iridium being heavier than gold (and not melting as easy), when the gold was in a melted state settled to the bot¬ tom. The part of the button containing the iridium points can now be cut off with a cold chisel and treated as follows : The gold can be dissolved in aqua regia —composed of two- parts of muriatic acid to one of nitric acid; after the gold is dissolved the acid can be poured from the points (now visible and separated); to the gold solution add oxalie acid crystals until the brown deposit ceases; this brown deposit is pure gold and can be melted into a button with a blow-pipe, using: carbonate of potash as a flux. TO WORK GOLD SCRAPS. The following process is very useful for working up filings and scraps of gold, gold- plated jewelry, etc. It does not, of course, refine the gold as in the usual process of quartation, but merely destroys the filings of copper, silver, German silver, brass, and other metals acted upon by the acid. It will “ eat ” the solder or brass out of hard-sol¬ dered or plated goods, leaving the thin shell of gold. The iron filings are thoroughly separated from the mass by the repeated use of the magnet. All pieces of soft solder and lead should be picked out, and if there is much soft solder in any of the plated articles, it should be melted out, and the residue then placed in a shallow glass or china vessel, and rather more than covered with good nitric acid. When the bubbles cease to agitate it. BRITTLE GOLD. I 2 I the acid should be poured into another cup, and if there is any base metal left, more acid added, and the mass stirred occasionally with a glass rod. When no bubbles appear on adding new acid, it may be poured off, and the filings, scrap, etc., washed two or three times, or until perfectly clean, letting them stand a minute or two to settle before pour¬ ing off the water. They are then dried and melted. The filings and scraps treated in this manner seldom require more than one melting to make them easily worked and fit for jobbing. There is no skill required, only considerable care in the handling. The sil¬ ver remaining in the acid may be precipitated in the ordinary manner with common salt. The chloride obtained may be melted into a button, and, being pure silver, used as an al¬ loy for other gold. TO REDUCE JEWELERS’ SWEEPINGS. HE fire for burning the sweepingsto re¬ duce the bulk should be a smoldering one, with as little direct draft as possible, as a strong flame has a tendency to carry more or less gold up the chimney. The safest and most economical method is to put the sweep into an iron pot, with an iron cover, and put the pot into the furnace and burn the con¬ tents out by a slow combustion. But, if the process is conducted in a workmanlike man¬ ner, with the precaution of making the com¬ bustion as slow as possible, very little gold will be lost. The acids used in coloring and pickling should not be thrown away until treated to recover the gold. All wet color¬ ing acids and muriatic acid pickle after using should be thrown into a stoneware jar, and when nearly full treated as follows: A sat¬ urated solution of green copperas ( proto-sul¬ phate of iron), in the proportion of 8 oz. of hot water to i oz. of the sulphate. In get¬ ting the sulphate it is best to get such as is used for medicinal and chemical purposes, as it is essential to be pure; also avoid all such pieces as are air slacked or present the look of rusty iron; such pieces are chem¬ ically changed to such an extent as to be deleterious to the process. The solution of sulphate should be added to the acids in the stoneware vessel until it fails to produce any effect. Allow the precipitate to settle (after stirring well), when the acid can be poured off. The precipitate is nearly pure gold, and if of sufficient quantity can be directly re¬ covered by melting with a strong flux. By a strong flux I mean one which will resist a high temperature, as the complete reduction of the gold will require intense heat. After the precipitate is thoroughly dried, to every 4 oz. of precipitate add 2 oz. of sal tartar {carbonate of potash), 1 oz. of common salt, 1 oz. of green glass (any glass which contains- no lead). All the ingredients should be re¬ duced to a fine powder and well mixed, when it can be put in a crucible. While the melt¬ ing is going on a little saltpeter can be added occasionally to aid the process. But in small quantities the precipitate can be thrown into the burnt sweep ; as also the old sulphuric acid pickle used in jobbing. The true course to pursue, as far as scouring is concerned, is to look sharp to all the filings of gold on plated jobs. There is more gold wasted here than in any part of the job shop. And as I remarked in a former communication, the gold derived from filings seldom or never works well; and for this reason it is best to melt it into a button, so as to get at the fine¬ ness, and sell it to the refiner. The best course to pursue with filings (“ lemelf it is termed) is to first pass it through a fine sieve to remove all pieces of gold of any size; these should be put in with the scrap. After all the coarse particles of gold and silver are removed, the magnet should again be em¬ ployed to remove any iron or steel particles which may remain. In refining and melting filings, for every 12 oz. of filing take 2 oz. of sal tartar (carbonate of potash), 1 oz. of com¬ mon salt. Mix the filings and flux together well, and put them into a*"crucible and cover the mixture with common salt. The crucible should now be put into the furnace and a continual high melting heat kept up for 30 or 40 minutes, adding a little saltpeter from time to time. Care must be taken to add the saltpeter sparingly, as it may cause the mixture to rise and flow over. A little very dry common salt if added, as indications of rising too high occur, will check it. BRITTLE GOLD. HE goldsmith is often puzzled to soften gold so that it can be forged out thin without cracking or breaking. Some gold can be forged out easily, while other varieties are very hard and brittle, because the impuri¬ ties or alloys, such as a little lead or zinc, tend to make it so. Melting over a stone coal fire would do the same. Gold should be melted over charcoal or coke, and if of .12 2 DISSOLVING AND PRECIPITATING GOLD. low grade, should not be exposed to the heat too long. If it has no “ grain,” melt again. If it does not take grain, then melt again, -and add a little saltpeter, and, a little later, .some borax. For ordinary melting, fuse with borax, stir well and add a little sal-am¬ moniac just before pouring. In forging gold, it must be annealed as often as it begins to get hard and brittle. Low grade gold needs annealing oftener than fine gold. Heat red hot and cool without tempering. TO TOUGHEN BRITTLE GOLD. If the gold ingot shows sufficient ductility to withstand the first two or three anneal¬ ings without cracking, it may be considered -as sufficiently tough for being worked; if, however, it cracks, recourse must be had to a sort of mold casting, what the French call “brassage.” This processjs performed by taking a soldering coal sufficiently large to receive the ingot. It is prepared for the purpose by working with a file, a half round hollow in it. The ingot is then heated upon a coal to nearly white heat, is laid in the hol¬ low of the prepared coal, and covered with borax everywhere to facilitate the melting; direct the flame of the soldering lamp with a heavy wick upon it, using a long blow-pipe ; maintain the flame until the surface begins to melt, whereby all the cracks disappear, without raising the temperature sufficiently, however, to either shorten the ingot or sepa¬ rate it into several pieces. The necessary degree of heat will be recognized as soon as the bar begins to^give way and conforms to the smaller angles of the coal, as well as by the rainbow hues that begin to appear upon its surface, and finally by the disappearance of the cracks. When the ingot has reached this degree of heat throughout, the operator may be assured of its malleability. DISSOLVING AND PRECIPITATING GOLD. T WO processes frequently occur in gold- smithing and electro-plating, viz., the ■solution and precipitation of gold, and the operator often meets with difficulties or is in doubt; so valuable a material as gold can¬ not be treated with levity. As regards the dissolving, the nitro-muri- atic acid is generally used in too concentrated a state. The workman most generally goes by guess work and takes as much as he considers about right, now nitric acid, then muriatic acid, and finally he is in difficulties to remove the excess of acid, especially nitric acid. How easy it would be for him to compound an aqua regia according to the following formula: 4 parts by weight of crude muriatic acid, i part by weight of crude nitric acid, 5 parts by weight of pure water. Of this mixture generally will suffice io parts to i part of gold. It is enough if the gold is in a passable state of division. With thick pieces a little more mixture is subsequently to be added, until a perfect solution has ensued. It is well to weigh also the subsequently added portion. The writer performs his solutions in a weighed porcelain dish or glass retort in a water bath, and is not in any manner troubled by the evolving of red vapors. That the solution takes place can be seen from the outside by the yellow color of the fluid and the bubbles arising from the gold. A water bath is easily made ; take an iron or earthen pot, upon the rim of which the dish or the glass retort rests, fill this pot with water and heat it. The gold hereby receives simply the heat necessary for effecting of the solution from the arising steam, and no fear need be entertained that something may go wrong. One-half of the solution having evaporated, which can be ascertained by weighing—for instance, you used io grams gold and ioo grams aq:ia regia , there must be left 50 to 51 grams; dilute this solution to 100 or 200 grams, and you will have a solution, each gram of which contains T x ^ or 2V gram of gold. The writer always found such a solution to be free from nitrate, and it may safely be used for every recipe. THE, PRECIPITATION OF GOLD. The gold from galvanic baths is easiest precipitated with the galvanic current upon a smooth copper plate ; the gold which does not precipitate as a powder is scraped off and purified, as well as that which precipi¬ tated as powder. Impure gold, which chiefly consists of gold, however, is dissolved in the indicated proportions in the aqua regia speci¬ fied above; it is then evaporated to one- half, diluted with water, filtered and washed out with large quantities of water. This washing is continued until the escaping fluid is water, clear and no longer colored by sul¬ phate of iron. Meanwffiile a solution of handsome crystal- ACID COLORING. 12 J lized sulphate of iron has been prepared, as follows: To io grams (6 dwts. 10.32 grains) sulphate of iron, 100 grams water and 10 .grams muriatic acid. For precipitating the gold suffices the 4^2 fold quantity of crystallized green copperas of the impure gold used. In order to precipitate the gold, pour its solution into the copperas solution. The gold will very quickly fall down in this di¬ luted fluid ; decant the clear liquid, and first wash with water acidulated with muriatic acid, afterward' simply pure water. Collect the gold in a porcelain dish, drain off the wash water as closely as possible, and let it dry in a moderately warm place. LAPPING. HIS is a distinct process of finishing jewelry work. It is not much resorted to in colored work, and when it is employed, it is sometimes performed before the articles are colored, and sometimes after, according to choice. It is distinguished from scratch¬ ing, by the evenness of surface and the luster it leaves upon the parts to which it has been applied; and this can be ascertained by an examination of the work after this operation. It is principally confined to bright gold chains and earrings, a class of jewelry to which its adaptation is most suitable, as it enhances the beauty of their appearance very much. The lapper produces the plain and diamond-shaped surfaces by the rotary action of the lapidary’s wheel, which consists of a specially prepared composition disc, secured in the lathe vertically upon .a horizontal spindle. This has a shoulder in the middle, against which the disc of metal is firmly held by a nut and screw from the other side. This lap or disc weighs about five pounds, and is made of a mixture of two parts pure grain tin to one part of pure lead ; to which, for edge-laps, may be judiciously added one pennyweight of fine copper to every pound of mixture. To effect a complete amalgama¬ tion of the component parts, the lead, being the least fusible metal, should be first melted and the tin afterwards added, first weli heat¬ ing, to prevent too sudden a chill of the lead. If necessary to add the copper, it should be melted separately, and added to the other ingredients when in the liquid state, and be well stirred. Care should be exercised in the casting, in order to pfevent waste. The lap having been properly adjusted by skimming, it is then “ headed in,” a process performed by the application of flour emery, by means of a brush, to the right-hand side of the lap, and pressed in with a hard flint stone. In heading in a lap, the emery is used in the wet state. This done, the gold- cutter, as he is familiarly called, takes his work, and submits it to the revolving lap or disc ; but before doing so, he submits it to a preparation he has by the side of him, which is used for protecting the gilding or surfaces not subjected to his particular work. He dips the articles into a liquid mixture of gum arabic, two parts, and gamboge, one part; they are then well dried, but must not be overheated ; this has a tendency to protect the gilding whilst under the manipulative skill of the gold-cutter. This gum or cement is soluble in hot water; consequently, in washing out, it parts from the gold, and leaves a color upon the work. The lapping process is a curious one, and it is truly mar¬ velous to see the skillful and practiced work¬ man turning the links of gold chains between his thumb and finger with great dexterity and accuracy; and while to all appearance it seems as if they are being presented in a haphazard fashion to the lap, the most per¬ fect-shaped diamonds are being produced. This is called faceting. Square-lapping is now extensively prac¬ ticed ; it adds a sharpness and luster to the work not equaled by any other means. The gold taken from articles during the process of lapping remains—the greater portion of it at least—upon the lap. The emery cuts and retains the gold upon it; this, however, is prevented from interfering with the process by wiping the side of the lap with a tow of cotton waste, dampened with oil. This cot¬ ton waste must be strictly preserved and sub¬ jected to a special mode of treatment for the recovery of the metal. ACID COLORING. OTORINO gold articles is a process for dissolving out more or less of the alloy, to give them a surface having a dif¬ ferent quality or fineness from its previous surface. For good gold, that is, 18-karat or finer, melt in a common pipkin the following articles: No. 1.—Alum, 3 ounces; nitrate of potassa (saltpeter), 6 ounces; sulphate of zinc, 3 ounces; common salt, 3 ounces. When melted, mix well together, and immerse the articles to be colored in it, removing oc- ACID COLORING. i 24 casionally to examine the color. When the color appears satisfactory remove the articles, place them on a piece of sheet iron and allow to cool, then immerse in dilute sulphuric or acetic acid, which will remove the flux, after which they may be rinsed in warm water, to which a little potash or soda has been added, and finally brushed with hot soap and water, again rinsed in hot water, and dried in clean warm boxwood sawdust. For inferior qualities of gold, that is, from 18-karat down to 12-karat, use the following composition : No. 2.— Nitrate of potassa (saltpeter), 4 ounces ; alum, 2 ounces ; com¬ mon salt, 2 ounces. Add warm water enough to make the whole into a thin paste, place it in a small pipkin or crucible, and boil. Attach a thin wire to the article to be colored, and hang it in the paste, allowing it to remain from ten to twenty minutes. Then remove it, rinse in hot water, treat it with the scratch-brush, rinse again, and replace in the coloring pot for a few minutes. The length of time it is subjected to the action of the coloring bath depends of course on the amount of alloy to be removed. When the color suits, the article is removed, rinsed and scratch-brushed as before, then brushed with soap and hot water, again rinsed in hot water, and dried in the sawdust. When the articles are of as low quality as 12-karat, if they are slightly made, great care must be used or the coloring process will eat away so much of their substance as to de¬ stroy their strength. The coloring paste should not be used on articles lower than 12-karat. Electro-plated articles are often colored, but they must have a good thick plate on in order to stand it. The following is con¬ sidered a good composition: No. 3.—Sul¬ phate of copper, 2 dvvts.; French verdigris, 4 y 2 dwts. ; chloride of ammonium (sal-am¬ moniac), 4 dwts. ; nitrate of potassa, 4 dwts.; acetic acid, about 20 dwts. Reduce the sulphate of copper, sal-am¬ moniac and saltpeter to a powder in a mor¬ tar, then add the verdigris, and finally pour in the acetic acid, a little at a time, stirring it well all the while, till the whole becomes a bluish-green mass. Dip the article to be colored in this, then place on a piece of sheet copper, and heat over a clear charcoal or coke fire till it becomes black. Then let it cool, after which put it into a tolerably strong pickle of sulphuric acid and water to dissolve off the flux, rinse well in hot water containing a little potash or soda, brush with soap and hot water, and dry in the sawdust. If the article is scratch-brushed being col¬ ored, it will come out of the pickle perfectly bright. Another' preparation for coloring either gold or plated articles is: No. 4.—Nitrate of potash, 5 ounces; alum, 2 ounces; sul¬ phate of iron, 1 ounce; sulphate of zinc, 1 ounce. Mix well together, then add water to form a thin paste. Dip the article in this, gently shake off any superfluous paste, place on a piece of sheet copper and heat till dry. Then increase the heat for two or three min¬ utes, plunge into cold water, and finish as before described. Preparation No. 1 may also be used for coloring plated goods (heavily plated), by dipping the articles in and heating, etc., as described under No. 4, till nearly black, then plunge into cold water and finish as there directed. Gilt articles of poor color (as well as gold articles) may be improved by the use of gild¬ er’s wax, No. 1 ; beeswax, 4 parts; verdigris, 1 part; sulphate of copper, 1 part. Melt and mix well together. No. 2.—Beeswax, 5 parts ; alum, 1 part; verdigris, x y 2 parts ; red ocher, 1 part. Melt the beeswax and mix well together. This wax is used by heating the article, rubbing the compound over it, then placing it on red-hot charcoal till the wax is all burned off. Place in very dilute sulphuric acid to clean it, scratch-brush it, wash, etc., as before. Nearly every manufacturer has his own secret process for “coloring” gold, which they are not at all likely to give away. But the foregoing processes are considered good, and will doubtless meet all the cases. ACID COLOR FOR I4-KARAT GOLD. Saltpeter, 4 parts; salt, 2 parts; mu¬ riatic acid, 3 parts. Put the first two in¬ gredients in the pot and heat strongly; add a little water; let boil up and when it becomes a thin paste add the muriatic acid; stir and put in the work, taking care to com¬ pletely submerge it in the color; let it boil two minutes, then add as much water as you did muriatic acid, make it boil quickly again for two minutes, take out the work, boil in hot water, then in another pot of hot water to which a few drops of muriatic acid have been added, and afterward rinse in hot water and dry in sawdust. PREPARING FOR WET COLORING. 1 2 5 ACID-COLORING SOLID GOLD. Saltpeter, 2 parts; salt, 1 part; muriatic acid, 1 part. Put saltpeter and salt into the coloring pot, and heat it without water, then add hot water sufficient to produce a thick paste, let it boil, add the muriatic acid and stir it up well. As soon as the brown vapor arises, plunge in the work quickly, being careful to submerge it com¬ pletely (since the vapor will affect the work if exposed to it). Let the work boil over a quick and lively fire (and preserve it during the whole process) for about three minutes, stirring it about constantly, taking care not to let any part of it come to the surface of the liquid. Then rinse the work in a light pickle, and thereupon plunge it into hot water. Quick and careful handling in dip¬ ping in and taking out the work is important. This done, the acid color should be thinned by adding hot water, or one-half old color, which is preferable. Submerge the work again, let it boil two minutes, and should some pieces require it, such should boil one minute longer. Now boil the work in a pickle, two thimblefuls of muriatic acid to one gallon of water, then again in a pickle containing only a few drops of acid, then dry off the work carefully in hot sawdust. Re¬ member that work not properly dried will draw spots. ACID-COLORING SMALL ARTICLES. For acid-coloring on gold for small ar¬ ticles, a very good plan is to place them on a lump of charcoal, and make them red hot under the blow-pipe flame, and then throw them into a pickle composed of about 35 drops strong sulphuric acid to one ounce of water, allowing the article to remain therein until the color is sufficiently developed; washing the article in warm water in which a little potash has been dissolved, using a brush, and finally rinsing and drying in box¬ wood sawdust, completes the operation. PREPARING FOR WET COLORING. HERE are several methods of prepar¬ ing work for wet coloring, each oper¬ ator adopting the one which suits him best and appears to claim an advantage over the others. We do not intend to assert that there is any particular advantage in the adop¬ tion of any particular process. The main principles are thorough polishing (this need not be so much the case as for dry coloring, though it is of great importance) and cleanli¬ ness, the latter element being very essential in the production of a good color. The oper¬ ator cannot be too careful in enforcing these two conditions. Some persons prefer to color from the black anneal; others to boil for a time in nitric acid pickle; others, again, after the work has been w^ell annealed, boil out in sul¬ phuric acid pickle, and afterward in clean water. In adopting any of these plans, the method is that after the work has been well polished by means of the finest materials and washed out, it must be placed upon an iron or copper pan and heated to redness over a clear fire, the latter proceeding being of im¬ portance. If it appears greasy in the inter¬ stices and it is desired to color it black, it should be boiled out again and annealed ; it may then be placed aside to cool, and after¬ ward suspended upon the wires usually em¬ ployed for this purpose. In the work of re¬ coloring articles it is by far the best plan to anneal them. Where this can be done, boil them out and again anneal them, which is easily performed. It is an economical plan to re-color goods of this sort in old color, which should always be preserved for the purpose. If this appears dry, or nearly so, when put into the pot, add one ounce of acid and one ounce of water; if tolerably liquid make no addition whatever, for, in some in¬ stances, and especially where the alloys con¬ tain a great proportion of copper, the weaker the preparation the better and brighter is the color produced upon the work. FINISHING THE WORK. After the process of wet coloring, it is ab¬ solutely necessary that the work should go through another operation, that of “scratch¬ ing,” which consists of submitting it to the revolving action of a circular brush of fine brass wire, mounted upon a lathe after the manner of the round hair brushes used in polishing, and upon which a weak solution of ale is allowed to run from a small barrel with a tap to it. This removes any dull color that may be upon the work and gives it a perfectly bright and uniform surface. Frosting is effected by keeping the points of the wires of the brush quite straight and run¬ ning the lathe very fast, just letting the ends touch the surface of the work ; to do this accurately requires great practice. After this process has been performed, the work AN EXCELLENT WET COLORING. 126 must he well rinsed in either hot or cold water, and finally dried in warm boxwood sawdust, which must not be allowed to burn or char in any way; if so, the color of the work will be much damaged and its beauty marred. A soft brush will remove all traces of sawdust from the interstices of the articles which have passed through this operation. WET COLORING BY THE GERMAN PROCESS. IE up your work in small bunches with fine silver or platinum wire ; then, for 3 ounces of work, take a black lead pot 6 or 7 inches high, and having previously placed your work in hot water, put into it 6 ounces of saltpeter and 3 ounces of common salt; stir them well with a wooden spoon, and when thoroughly dried fine and hot add also 5 fluid ounces of hydrochloric acid. When boiling up, put in your bunch of work, having previously shaken the water from it, and keep it moving for three minutes, taking care to keep it well covered all the time of the operation. At the end of this time take it out, and plunge it into a vessel of clean hot water, and finally into a second vessel of the same. Then add to your color in the pot 6 fluid ounces of hot water, and when it boils up again after having been thus diluted, put in your work for one minute longer, and again rinse it as before directed, when it will be found to be of a beautiful color. Too much clean hot water cannot be used for plunging the work into each time. If the work is hollow and bulky, not as much as 3 ounces should be put in, as it is not effectually immersed in the pot. In wet coloring, it sometimes happens that the color is rather dead, or it may happen that the “ color ” burns, which causes the work to look brown ; this is a precipitation which may be removed by scratch-brushing at the lathe with stale beer, using a fine brass wire brush similar to the round hair brushes used for polishing. In coloring, a large stone jar should also be provided, into which should be emptied your “ color,” when done with, because the pot should be worked out each time, so as to be ready when wanted again ; also the wash- water used, as it contains quite a percentage of gold. All things in connection with the process should be kept clean and free from grease of any kind. Do not keep iron near this wet color in the pot, as it is most injurious. AN EXCELLENT WET COLORING. MIXTU RE for wet-coloring, such as the following, may be applied with advan¬ tage, and if a moderate amount of skill be employed during the operation, certain suc¬ cess is sure to follow the process when red eighteen-karat gold jewelry is treated with it. The ingredients employed are as fol¬ lows, when small work is to be heightened in color: Saltpeter. 6 ounces Common salt. 3 ounces Alum. 3 ounces 12 ounces A color pot or crucible is provided with: straight sides, into which is put the salts, which should have been previously well pul¬ verized and mixed together with the hands. Now place the color pot upon the fire (a gas jet is by far the best substitute, as the power of the heat can be regulated at will, without the removal of the color pot from the posi¬ tion in which it was first placed), and dis¬ solve the mixture very carefully and slowly so as not to burn the coloring composition. Stir occasionally during the dissolution of the salts. When the latter have dissolved, the mixture will rise somewhat in the pot, and then it is time to place in the work, which must be superseded by a wire of platinum of suitable dimensions to the work in hand. The work should be gently moved about while in the pot, and occasionally withdrawn to inspect its color. Dipping in acid water removes any color that adheres to the sur¬ face of the work, and which occasionally prevents a proper and satisfactory inspection of it. The acids used mostly for the pur¬ pose are nitric, muriatic, and sulphuric acids ; either one may be used in the proportion of one of acid to twenty of boiling water. Be careful in adding the sulphuric acid to the water, as it will fly about and scald or burn, if it comes in contact with the flesh or clothes of the operator. The water hanging to the work after each rinse should be well shaken from it before re-dipping in the color pot. The time occupied in the process, if the alloy and other particulars absolutely necessary to the true performance of it are in accord, will be about four or five minutes. After the dissolution of the coloring salts, the heat kept up should not be too intense ELECTRO FIRE-GILDING AND SILVERING. 1 2 T during the period occupied in coloring; if so, the paste or composition is not at all unlikely to become devoid of the necessary moisture before the allotted time has expired, which, practically, is required to the ter¬ mination of the treatment. A very slow fire, or still better, a gas jet is best for the purpose of accomplishing the common ob¬ ject in view, viz., the highest and richest color to the work under treatment, and that in the simplest and easiest manner pos- , sible. The coloring mixture may be employed for 16-karat, and also for as low as 15-karat gold if the alloys are red gold. But for such a purpose its preparation and application is somewhat different to that just described, as well as to the length of time occupied in the process. For a small batch of work the quantities may be the same as those already stated, although larger quantities can be used with the same success that attends the smaller ones, taking extra work in proportion to increase the color. The best relation be¬ tween the work and the color would be as one to three, four and five; that is, the mixture given will be sufficient to color four ounces of solid work, such as chains, three ounces of hollow work, or two ounces of light work, with large surfaces. Always re¬ member that it is in proportion to the sur¬ face of the work that you have to provide a coloring mixture, and not to its absolute weight, to be accurate and correct in your results. In coloring with the too inferior qualities named above, it is necessary to add water to the salts in the pot, in order to keep them moist during their period of action, which takes a much longer time than the one we have already given the details of to produce a color intense enough for the trades. Two ounces of water will be sufficient to put to the mixed salts, which must be allowed to boil. When this takes place, take the batch of work encircled with a wire of platinum or silver, and put it in the mixture, and there let it remain for about fifteen minutes, when it should be withdrawn and instantly plunged into boiling water provided in a pan for the purpose. The work during the above period may occasionally be withdrawn and rinsed in order to inspect its progress, and some¬ times this is found to be an advantage, as the right color is produced more quickly at times than others. ELECTRO FIRE-GILDING AND SILVERING. OMPLAINTS against the durability of the ordinary electro gilding and silver¬ ing by contact or limited battery, and of the abrasions, when exposed to wind and weather, or friction, as compared to the good old fire¬ gilding, are very frequent, although the for¬ mer is generally acknowledged to have a richer appearance than the latter. The reason for these complaints are based upon the facts that the deposit of the precious metals by the galvano-electric system are not of a solid and compact nature. Experience has taught that electro-gilt ornaments at¬ tached to church-yard monuments, lightning conductors, crosses, balls, eagles, and other ornaments on church steeples and public buildings, very soon tarnish, which is fully proved to be the cause of the unsolid and porous deposit of the gold on the metal form¬ ing the base of the articles. To effect good substantial deposit of gold' or silver by electricity, we are compelled tO' take recourse to batteries of great capacity, dynamo-electric apparatus worked by steam power arrangements which to purchase and to maintain entail expenses too large to be borne by the jeweler or watchmaker who conducts his business on a limited scale, and who, if even in a position to purchase and maintain these extensive appurtenances, in very rare instances has sufficient work to realize a profit to warrant and encourage the outlay. In order to overcome the instability of the deposit by electro-gilding, and to avoid the heavy expense of costly apparatus, while securing at the same time a good deposit by electricity, the following procedure is recom¬ mended as practically good and satisfactorily effective. To the ordinary gold solution for electro¬ gilding add some mercury previously dis¬ solved in nitric acid; this solution, diluted with water and neutralized of the acid by adding small quantities of spirits of ammonia until immersed litmus paper does not change its blue color into red. Previous to dissolv¬ ing the mercury in the acid, it is necessary to free it from the lead, with which commer¬ cial mercury is generally contaminated, and this is effected simply by passing the mercury through a piece of wash-leather, which will allow the mercury to pass through on squeez¬ ing it and retain the lead. This prepared gold solution will be a mer- REPAIRING JEWELRY. I 28 •curial-gold amalgam of a fluid or watery nature, and should not be mixed in larger quantities than required for immediate use. The articles to be gilt are immersed in this solution appended to the wire in connection with the cathode (zinc) of any battery, and will receive a gold deposit of a quicksilver appearance, after the article has remained sufficient time in the solution. It is then withdrawn, rinsed in water, and laid" on a fresh fire made of small pieces of charcoal, until the mercury has evaporated, which takes place very soon, as the quantity of mer¬ cury is very small in proportion to the gold deposit, although the color of the former predominates. After the evaporation of the mercury, the article has all the characteristics in color and toughness of fire-gilding—pale yellow and dead surface. The article is then scratch-brushed in beer and will assume a fine luster. If a heavy deposit of gold is re¬ quired, the operation may be repeated after each scratch-brushing. By weighing the ar¬ ticle before the first immersion into the gold solution, and again after the last scratch- brushing, the weight of the gold deposited can be ascertained very accurately. In the last evaporation, the article is left for about half a minute or so longer on the fire than necessary for driving off the mercury, which will deepen the color of the gilding. After a final scratch-brushing, the article may be gilded in an ordinary gold solution without the addition of mercury, by which the rich¬ ness of color of electro-gilding and the dura¬ bility of fire-gilding are combined. This kind of gilding is accomplished with much less trouble, and what is of great im¬ portance, attended with less, or no more, danger than fire-gilding on the old method, which requires the continual handling of a large quantity of mercury so injurious to health, as the deposit of mercury in combina¬ tion with the gold deposit in electro fire-gild¬ ing is so slight as to evaporate almost in¬ stantly, and affords the great advantage of a regular deposit of gold, not only on the sur¬ face, but in the hollows and interstices of the articles to be gilt. If any places or por¬ tions of the articles do not require gilding, these places can be prevented from receiving the deposit by a coating of copal varnish mixed with a little rouge powder, and dry¬ ing in a warm place before immersion in the gold solution. The same method may be advantageously applied to electro fire-silvering, by employ¬ ing silver solutions, and the results are ex¬ cellent. Care must be taken that the mercurial gold or silver solutions are carefully kept apart from the ordinary gold and silver solution. Silvering by fire has been very much neg¬ lected, and preference given to electro-plat¬ ing, but fire-gilding is still practiced to a considerable extent, and the careful perusal of the above cannot fail to convince the practical man that the combination of electro fire-gilding not only fully replaces the ordi¬ nary and antiquated process of fire-gilding, but effects at the same time a great saving of precious metal, which would unavoidably be lost in fire-gilding, while at the same time presenting all the advantages to be derived from that method. REPAIRING JEWELRY. ROBABLY there is nothing which builds up the reputation of a jeweler more easily than the neat and substantial repairing of the jewelry of his patrons. The intrinsic value of a filled ring may be almost nothing, but to the owner it is surrounded by a halo of associations which give it priceless worth, and if broken by accident, its neat repairing is very highly appreciated. So also the cleaning of jewelry, which, through dis¬ coloration, has lost its beauty, is often looked upon with delight as marvelous; therefore, a few hints on this subject may be of use to some who have met with difficulty in making to their satisfaction such repairs to articles of jewelry that are almost of every-day oc¬ currence. It is of first importance that the use of soft solder be avoided as far as possible in repair¬ ing articles of gold or silver, and even filled and plated jewelry may be repaired with hard solder. To repair a ring, the shank of which re¬ quires soldering, bury the head in a crucible of wet sand, place a small piece of charcoal against one side, coat the break, previously cleaned by filing or scraping, with borax, and charge with solder ; blow a flame against the ring and charcoal until the solder runs in. For articles which require to be protected from discoloring in the process of soldering, coat them with a mixture of burnt yellow ocher and borax, adding a little dissolved gum tragacanth to make it lay all over, allow it to dry, then charge with borax and solder and heat sufficiently ; boil out in weak pickle THE ART OF ENAMELING. made of nitric or sulphuric acid. One im¬ portant point is to wash the piece well in hot water with a little ammonia in it before at¬ tempting any repairs; this removes all dirt and grease, which, if burned on, cannot be removed. If the article be of colored gold, boil out in pickle made of muriatic acid, and never coat with any protecting mixture. The sol¬ der must vary in regard to fusibility accord¬ ing to the quality of the article. For repair¬ ing most filled work, very easily melted solder is required, which may be made of one ounce fine silver, ten pennyweights hard brass wire, adding two pennyweights zinc just before pouring ; or, to make it more fusible, use bar tin instead of zinc; or, for strong silver solder, use only the silver and brass. For repairing most bright gold work, use gold coin, three pennyweights; fine silver, three pennyweights; fine copper, two penny¬ weights. For colored work, fine gold, one pennyweight; silver, seventeen grains ; cop¬ per, twelve grains; hard brass wire, two grains. A good solder for repairing spectacles or other steel work is made by melting together equal parts of silver and copper. In solder¬ ing steel, plenty of borax should be used. Very often the want of a rolling mill is a great obstacle to the making of solder, but it may be flattened very thin, although not with great regularity, by pouring into a flat piece of wood, and putting the flat surface of a piece of iron, while it is still in a melted condition; a piece of cigar box is good to pour it on, as the odor emitted is not very disagreeable, and the solder may be melted in the hollow of a piece of charcoal, by using gas and a blow-pipe. For cleaning colored gold, a mixture of one pound sal soda, one pound chloride of lime, and one quart of water will be found useful; it should be placed outside the build¬ ing after mixing, and when settled, the liquor poured off and the sediment thrown away; with great care this may be used for cleaning gilt bronzes, and cheap gold, and plated jew¬ elry, but caution is necessary, as it will cor¬ rode brass very rapidly. To remove lead solder from badly repaired jewelry, place the piece in muriatic acid and leave it till the lead is eaten away. It is al¬ ways best to heat the piece gently and brush off the lead, while melted, before subjecting the piece to the action of the acid, as too long a steeping is not desirable. 129 Set pearls, which have become discolored by wear, may often be improved by placing in a covered vessel with a mixture of whiting, ammonia and water, and permitting them to remain a few hours. A good powder for cleaning jewelry, silver watch cases, etc.., is made by mixing about four parts of whiting with alcohol or water; this, it will be found, is easily brushed out of crevices, engravings, etc. Many are not aware of the fact that the gold and the jet jewelry, which has been worn so much for years, can be hard soldered with easy run¬ ning solder without removing the jets, but it is easily accomplished by coating the gold with ocher, and laying the piece with the jets up while soldering, care being taken not to smoke the jets; an alcohol lamp is perhaps preferable to gas for this purpose, but in most cases gas answers best for soldering. THE ART OF ENAMELING. HEN an enameler lives at a convenient distance, it is better to send your work to him ; this, however, is not always possible, as these artisans are generally to be found only in large cities, and for obvious reasons, a certain piece of work requiring his assist¬ ance, cannot always be sent to him. In such cases, it is well if the country jeweler knows how to help himself, and any intelligent workman will, by the exercise of a little com¬ mon sense, soon attain the necessary skill. This article is intended to give him simple and practical instruction in the method. Enamel is a glass which fuses at a lower degree of heat than the ordinary kind ; it is manufactured in so many ways and of so many different compositions that to give all the formulas would lengthen this article inordi¬ nately. The basis consists generally of silica (quartz powder or white sand), carbonate of soda, and oxides of tin and lead, and the different colors are produced by metallic ox¬ ides ; consequently enamels are of a metallic nature. The colors of the enamel are liable to change on silver, and on copper they will generally turn bluish and greenish around the edge; to prevent this, a ground of white- enamel is fused on first. The colors do not change on gold, and this metal is therefore suited best for the purpose; reddish gold is the handsomest of all alloys. To prevent the chipping of the alloy, al¬ ways prepare a fresh alloy of gold, to be of 130 THE ART OF ENAMELING. at least 14 karats. To prevent the chipping of the enamel on hollow articles, strengthen them from behind with so-called counter¬ enamel. CLEANING THE SILICA. The silica best suited for the basis (the frit or fritz) is colorless quartz (rock crystal), which is heated and thrown into water, to make it vitreous ; it is next pulverized finely. If the operator desires to use white quartz sand, it must be cleansed first. This is done by pouring over it equal parts of hydrochloric acid and water; it is left to stand for several days and then washed with water ten to twenty times. In a test melting of a sample, with the other necessary ingredients, a pure white mass that shows no shade of green must result; if such is not the case, the sand still contains traces of iron. The sand may also be purified by mixing it with one-fourth of its weight of table salt, and glow-heating it in a plumbago crucible. The peroxide of iron present and the table salt decompose each other and form chloride of iron, which evaporates, while the soda en¬ ters into combination with the silica. MAKING THE FRIT. 'The glow-heated mass may, by mixing with red lead and smelting, be reduced at once into a frit, which represents a glass of lead, soda and silica. Take: Quartz sand, 100 parts; table salt, 25 parts; and smelt with red lead, 25 parts. The soda (carbon¬ ate of soda) used in enameling must also be free from iron. The chalk used for the same purpose must be perfectly white ; yellow spots betray the presence of peroxide of iron, and a product made with it would be useless. I PREPARING THE PEROXIDES OF TIN AND LEAD. The white coloring substance in the base or frit is, as already stated, generally peroxide of tin, to which peroxide of lead is also added occasionally. This peroxide of tin is on a large scale generally prepared by smelting 2 parts tin and 1 part lead in a very flat por¬ celain dish over live coals, and heating the alloy beyond the point of fusion. This alloy will soon be coated with a white (yellow in heat) skin of peroxide, which is with a glass rod pushed to one side, when a new film is formed, and this is continued until all the metal has been oxidized. The oxide is then separated by washing it from the metallic parts. It is more advantageous, however, to do as follows: The tin and lead, reduced to small pieces, are treated in a porcelain dish with concentrated nitric acid; the metals are violently affected thereby, and evolve brown vapor; the lead is dissolved, while the tin is changed into a white powder —the peroxide of tin. Corrosion being fin¬ ished (no more brown vapor must evolve, on the addition of nitric acid), the whole is slowly evaporated to dryness, and the white pieces of the mass are glow-heated in a cru¬ cible ; the nitrate of lead dissociates and forms peroxide of lead, and in this manner a mixture of pure peroxide of tin and peroxide of lead is obtained. If the operator desires to produce peroxide of tin alone, he can treat the tin with nitric acid, and after the develop¬ ment of the brown vapor has ceased, heat the fluid to boiling,—finally obtaining the powder of the tin peroxide, which he dries. Useful mixtures for the production of frit can be composed in the following propor¬ tions : I. Tin (oxidized), 2 parts; lead (oxidized), 1 part. Of this mixture take 1 part, melted with crystal glass 2 parts, and saltpeter, o.i part. The saltpeter is for the purpose of converting any traces of very strongly (green) coloring protoxide of iron into the much less strongly (yellow) coloring peroxide of iron. II. Crystal glass, 30 parts; antimoniate of soda, 10 parts; saltpeter, 1 part. This frit contains no peroxide of tin. The above specified substance, obtained by the smelting of table salt, quartz sand, and minium, is a colorless glass; in order to change it into white enameling mass, the weight of the glass of peroxide of tin is added. If a frit of an especially high color¬ ing capacity is desired, the quantity of the tin is still increased 5, 10, or 20 per cent. SMELTING THE FRIT. In the melting of the frit, blistery lumps of an unequal color are obtained first; some places are highly transparent, while others are perfectly white, being charged with the per¬ oxide. In order to correct this inequality, the substance is to be powdered and smelted; repeating this operation until the color is uniform. The greatest cleanliness is neces¬ sary in these various remeltings; neither THE ART OF ENAMELING. .ashes nor fire gases must in any manner be permitted to enter into the crucible, as the result would be a miscolored enamel. By pouring the fusing mass of enamel in a thin stream into cold water, it will by the sudden cooling off become so brittle that it can be pulverized readily. As above stated, the enameling mass is to be fused repeatedly, until the color is perfectly uniform. Only when this is produced, it is pulverized as finely as possible, and by crushing reduced to an impalpable powder. The frit produced by the above detailed formulae is either used by itself or else as a basis for certain other colors. In the former case, it is frequently used as smelt for the manufacturer of watch dials or used on arti¬ cles of copper, silver, and gold, which receive thereby the appearance of porcelain. Beau¬ tiful specimens of art objects of this kind, especially bonbonnieres and jewelry boxes, were in the 17th century manufactured by French artists ; they are still sought and pur¬ chased at high prices by collectors. If the frit is to be smelted upon sheet silver or gold, it is necessary only to apply enough to just cover the metallic ground. When copper or bronze plates—and for larger enamel pictures copper is almost always used —are to be coated, a thicker coating of the frit is to be applied. CHARACTERISTICS OF FRIT. By comparing a sheet of gold and one •of copper, on both of which the frit was ■applied equally thick, the latter metal will appear only bluish or greenish white. By chipping off a corner of the coating, this will be found green on the side to the metal, because when fused on, it dissolved a little of the copper. This may be prevented by making the frit coating a little heavier. This is applied upon the well polished metal sur¬ face, moistening this, and dusting the frit powder, tied in a linen rag, very uniformly upon it. . This done, the spots which are not to be enameled are cleaned from the frit, and this is fused. 1 FUSING. It is best to perform this operation at once; if it cannot be done at the time, the article must be very carefully protected against dust or accidental rubbing off of the loose powder. The fusing is always per¬ formed in the muffle ; if the article has curved •surfaces, great care is necessary, because the * 3 * readily fusible mass will soon be so fluid that it leaves the higher places, and the metallic face will show at these places, while at the places where the coating is thicker, it is apt to chip off. VARIOUS FORMULAE FOR COMPOUNDING FRITS. Certain colors can at once be applied upon this basis; they are those which fuse at a high temperature, without altering their color; these are especially blue (protoxide of cobalt), dark red (peroxide of iron and alumina), black (protoxide of iron), and brown (peroxide of iron). The other colors, however, cannot stand the high temperature necessary for smelting the frit, and change their hue. If, therefore, enamel paintings are to be made upon the white frit, a color¬ less covering frit, consisting of an easily fusi¬ ble glass, has to be applied first. Such a covering frit, suitable for every color, is com¬ pounded according to the following formula: Frit No. 1. Parts by weight. Quartz powder.60 Alum (free from iron).30 Table salt.35 Minium.100 Magnesia.5 This mixture, which in its composition is equal to a lead glass, can be made still more fusible by decreasing the quantity of the alum one-half; the degree of fusibility is still increased by leaving the alum out entirely. For very sensitive colors, especially those produced with purple of cassius, from rose to deep purple, it is better to use the following covering frit, which smelts easily, and exerts no influence upon even the most delicate hues. Frit No. 2. Parts by weight L Quartz powder. 3 Washed chalk.1 Calcined borax.3 Many enamel painters work in such a manner that they fuse upon the basis the covering frit, and execute the painting upon this; the work, however, may be simplified by melting the covering frit at once with the color, and painting with this mixture. The frit then fuses together with the color, and adheres to the basis. For producing these painting colors, the pulverized covering frit is, by washing, changed into a very fine powder, mixed with. i 3 2 THE ART OF ENAMELING. the corresponding color in very definite pro¬ portions, and the whole is smelted in small crucibles. The fused mass is then pulverized and washed again, and can be used for paint¬ ing. It is evident that in this manner the fused color is only of one deep shade; in order to have graduation the composition is to be toned down by an addition of colorless covering frit, and it is advisable to prepare an assortment of ten shades, calling the un¬ adulterated substance No. i ; a somewhat lighter shade is obtained by smelting 90 parts of No. 1 with 10 parts of the colorless frit; No. 3 is composed of 80 parts; Nos. 1 and 20 of the latter, etc. In order to be certain of the effects produced by each number, it is well to prepare a sample plate with the ten numbers. The painter must often have more than these ten grades, and he must then rely on his skill and practice to prepare interme¬ diate ones, to be produced in the same man¬ ner as the first. The colors ground, with lavender oil, are applied upon the covering frit with a brush. The picture, when finished, is next subjected to fusing, and the greatest amount of care must be exerted in this process, because by a slightly incautious treatment, at the last moment when about finished, the -whole work may be utterly ruined. The muffle, in which the enamel picture is to be fused, must be only warm enough to smelt the covering frit; the article is first gradually warmed, because by a precipitate heating the enamel layer might crack on account of the unequal de¬ gree of expansion of the latter and of the metal. The pre-heated article is then in¬ serted into the muffle, and left in it until the covering frit arrives at a state of fusion, and unites with the base frit. By an unduly strong heating the covering frit becomes so highly fluid that the individual colors merge into each other, and the picture does not have any clear and plain contours, but looks blurred, which, of course, deteriorates the value of the small delicate pictures which are occasionally used as ornaments on jewelry. THE ENAMELING WITH ENAMEL PASTE. From above details of the work necessary for enamel painting, it will be seen that this art is very laborious, and requires consider¬ able amount of attention; it is, therefore, appropriate only on high-class jewelry. It is often desirable, however, to use enamel on lower-grade jewelry, and this may be done by using the so-called enamel paste. This consists of a covering frit, which, by a suit- able variation of mixture proportions, has had imparted to it a lower degree of fusion ; for instance, according to the following propor- tions: Parts by weight~ Silicious (quartz) sud. Chalk. . 3 ° Calcined borax. Minium. .10-30 Tin oxide. . 5 - 9 ° This charge, after having been smelted, is powdered coarsely and again smelted with the addition of such pigments as stand a high degree of heat. Colored masses, which, ac¬ cording to the pigment used, show a superior or inferior degree of intensity, for instance, protoxide of cobalt produces shades from light forget-me-not blue to the darkest pansy- blue ; sesquioxide of iron and alumina dark red; a large quantity of protoxide of iron makes a black, etc. These color pastes are in a smelted condition poured into water, powdered, and for large surfaces they are fused in the muffle, while for smaller ones, they are simply fused with the blow-pipe. Before applying the enamel paste, the pre¬ viously brightened surface is moistened with borax solution ; the mass is then applied, first heated over live coals, in order to evaporate the water, and then fused. The entire work of enameling is performed at one operation. THE ENAMEL COLORS. The enamel painter has at his disposal quite a large list of colors, and by suitable mixtures he is able to compose any shade desired. His paints are: For white : Oxide of tin. For yellow: Oxide of antimony, antimo- nious potash, antimoniate of potash, antimo- niate of lead, oxide of silver, oxide of iron, oxide of uranium. For red: Oxide of iron and alumina, so¬ dium and chloride of gold, chloride of tin and chloride of gold, purple of Cassius. For orange : A mixture of yellow and red; brown pigments. For green: Oxide of copper, oxide of chrome or protoxide of iron. For blue: Protoxide of cobalt, silicate of cobalt (so-called smalt), zoffre. For violet: Oxide of manganese. For brown: Oxide of iron. For black: Protoxide of iron in larger quantities. We omit describing the processes used for THE ART OF ENAMELING. * 3.5 compounding colors with these oxides and other chemical combination, their manufact¬ ure not being the work of the enamel painter or goldsmith, but of the chemist. If, how¬ ever, there are those who desire further in¬ formation, The Jewelers’ Circular will most cheerfully furnish it on application. The writer closes with a few remarks con¬ cerning the proportions to be observed be¬ tween the covering frit and the different colors, and these apply specially to these colors prepared from gold preparations. The gold preparations are distinguished by their great affinity for being reduced into metallic gold. If in consequence of an in¬ correct treatment a gold-containing enamel color should be reduced into the metal, the enameler will have, in place of the light red or dark purple, according to the color, a more or less dark brown spot with metallic luster, consisting of finely divided gold. It is necessary, therefore, to fuse gold prepara¬ tions at as low a degree of heat as possible, and they must never be applied immediately upon a base containing lead or tin, nor must they be brought into contact with a covering mass containing lead. If, consequently, the enameler desires to make the most of his gold color, he must coat the white covering mass with a covering free from lead, and execute the painting with gold color only upon this; the latter, as above said, is to be fused on only at a very low heat. Pigments, such as oxide of cobalt, oxide of chromium, and all iron colors, which withstand any degree of heat with impunity, are very easily treated; the composition of both base and covering frit, as well as the temperature used for fusing them, has no in¬ fluence on them. Copper pigments are more sensitive, and antimony and silver are more so, being altered by an unduly strong heat. Silver colors also are easily reduced into the metal, and in this condition form a gray spot with a metallic luster. If, therefore, easily reducible preparations are to be fused together with the glass charges which are to be colored with them, it is evident that great care is necessary. Gold purple is in small quantities mixed most intimately with highly fine pulverized borax 3 parts, chalk i part, and pulverized quartz 3 parts; the mass is filled into a glazed and covered porcelain crucible, which is placed into a larger one, equally covered ; these two crucibles are used for the sake of keeping out .the fire gases, and fused at as low a tempera¬ ture as possible. The dark red mass is pul¬ verized, washed and made of a corresponding lighter color by a suitable addition of frit of the last mentioned composition (3 quartz flour, 3 borax, and 1 chalk). For the antimony and silver preparations, mixtures are composed of easily fusible lead glasses, and the preparations, together with one-half their weight of the whole mass of sal- ammoniac, and very gradually heated to the fusing point. The addition of the sal-am¬ moniac is only for the purpose of not rais¬ ing the degree of heat too high; when the temperature has risen to the point at which the sal-ammoniac volatilizes, it remains at the point at which the latter evaporates, this salt making use of all the heat for volatilizing it. The preceding is about the description of the process, together with the formula as em¬ ployed on the continent, France and Italy. We next append that employed in England. ENGLISH ENAMELING. Enamels are vitreous or glassy substances, used by metal workers for producing various designs for useful or ornamental purposes. Enamels as applied to metals have a trans¬ parent colorless base, and when required for use, a color is readily given to it by the ad¬ dition of metallic oxides, of which the follow¬ ing formulae have been selected as the most useful: Frit No. 1. Red lead.10 parts. Flint glass.6 parts. Saltpeter.2 parts. Borax..'.2 parts. CONCLUSION. Frit No. 1, in English enameling, is com¬ posed of red lead 10 parts, flint glass 6 parts, saltpeter 2 parts, and borax 2 parts. Fuse this mixture well in a crucible for some time, then pour it out into a jar of water, collect the residue, and afterward reduce it to a powder in an agate-ware mortar and preserve for future use. Frit No. 2. Metallic tin.8 parts. Metallic lead.2 parts. Fuse this composition in an iron ladle at a dull red heat; carefully remove the oxide which will form upon the surface, taking care also to obtain it quite free from the pieces of metal which have escaped oxidation, and re- THE ART OF ENAMELING. 3 34 duce as before to a fine powder. Then take of this, calcine 4 parts, silica 8 parts, salt¬ peter 2 parts, common salt 2 parts. Well mix and partly fuse in a clay crucible; the fewer number of times this is fired the firmer it will be. Frit No. 3. Broken crystal goblets ...12 parts. Calcined borax.4 parts. Glass of antimony.2 parts. Saltpeter.1 part. Melt this mixture after the manner recom¬ mended for No. 1. Break up and again melt, as the flux improves by repeated melt¬ ing. The above enamel fluxes are admirably adapted to form the basis of enamels for gold work. They may be made more fusible by increasing the proportion of borax; and by the latter substance the fusibility of all enamels may be increased at pleasure; but too free a use of it is an obstacle to the work of the artist. Frit No. 4. Flint glass, powdered.... 16 parts. Pearl ash.6 parts. Common salt.2 parts. Calcined borax.1 part. Let the ingredients be well melted together, and afterward finely broken into powder; and pre ‘erved ready for the additional color¬ ing mixture of enamel. Frit No. 5. Silicious sand.12 parts. Calcined borax.12 parts. Glass of antimony.4 parts. Saltpeter.1 part. Chalk.2 parts. Mix and fuse as before explained; grind into very fine powder and re-melt; this op¬ eration may be judiciously repeated several times. We have only so far described enamels, and given directions for the bases of them; variety of design in color is produced by the addition of some metallic oxide, which ef¬ fects the change according to the kind em¬ ployed. These oxides should be used as sparingly as possible, because some of them will not stand the chemical process of color¬ ing or even boiling without a bloom coming over them. A good black enamel may be made by taking the following ingredients: BLACK ENAMEL. Frit No. 5.14 parts. Peroxide of manganese... 2 parts- Fine Saxony cobalt.1 part. BLUE ENAMEL. Frit No. 4.24 parts. Fine Saxony cobalt.5 parts. Saltpeter.1 part. RED OR CRIMSON ENAMEL. Frit No. 3.8 parts. Purple of Cassius, or.r part. Red oxide of copper.1 part. WHITE ENAMEL. Oxide No. 2.1 part. Fine crystal, j.2 parts. Peroxide of manganese... part. GREEN ENAMEL. Frit or flux No. 1.36 parts. Oxide of copper.2 parts. Red oxide of iron. T x 7 part. YELLOW ENAMEL. White lead.2 parts. White oxide of antimony. . x part. Sal-ammoniac..1 part. Alum.1 part. For the last mentioned, pound each of the- ingredients separately in a mortar and mix well together; then carefully submit them to a heat sufficient to decompose the sal-am-. moniac (chloride of ammonia); this color can be tested in the melting, and will do when the yellow is properly brought out. Enamel may be made deeper in color by a further addition of oxide than that given for producing the respective tints. For in¬ stance, if a very intense blue is required add half a part of zaffre to the other ingredients. For black, the same protoxide of iron, zaffre or black oxide of copper; but the latter is- not so good as the others. For red, the red oxide of copper may be employed; and in yellow, the oxide of lead must be used. For green, the protoxide of iron and oxide of chromium may be sparingly added to the transparent flux. GENERAL REMARKS. Enamels may be prepared and kept ready for use by grinding them in an agate mortar, and then placing them under water in a covered vessel. Or if preferred, they may be preserved until required, in the lump, as they THE ART OF ENAMELING. 1 35 are formed after the crucible operation; if the last-mentioned plan is adopted, then they must be broken with a rather sharp-faced hammer, and pulverized by means of the previously mentioned pestle and mortar. When this has been done, they are washed in clean water until all extraneous matter has entirely disappeared. The work which has to receive enamel must be specially prepared. This is done in the following manner: The pattern desired is first drawn on the work by the graver, the ground work or part to receive the enamel is cut down very evenly, and this helps to heighten the effect; in the case of transpar¬ ent enamels, the ground work should be ex¬ tremely smooth and bright. After the work has been well cleaned by washing in a hot solution of soda, soap and water, and dried, the enamel is applied. In very delicate cases the point of a pen is used for this pur¬ pose ; in others, a knife or spatula may be substituted with advantage ; the work is then fired and the enamel is laid on as many times as is required. When the enamel is sufficiently fused the surplus part is rubbed off, the article is rinsed and again fired in order to close the pores. Great judgment is required with regard to this operation, as too long an exposure to the heat of the furnaces would completely ruin the entire work. Different shades of color require different degrees of heat, and a knowledge of this can be acquired only by continual practice; such knowledge, how¬ ever, is of the highest importance, because in some of the lower qualities of gold, the fus¬ ing point of the enamel is so near that of the gold that there is great danger of fusing the one along with the other. As we have said before, when the workman finds himself beset with these difficulties, a small addition of borax to the enamel will remove these de¬ fects in the operation. Opaque colors require a slower and longer continued heat than transparent ones, be¬ cause the base generally contains lead, tin, or antimony. In transparent colors a sharp, quick heat is most suitable, which must be proportioned to the extent of brilliancy re¬ quired. Opaqueness may be given to black enamel by heating the work to a dull red after it has passed through the usual process of cleaning ; the oxide which forms upon the surface being black imparts a kind of dark¬ ness to the color. In the case of transparent enamels, the ground work must be clean, smooth, and quite bright; the grooved surface being com- .monly run over with a polished, half-round scorper, to make the effect more intense and beautiful, the latter quality depending to a considerable extent upon this being properly performed. By varying the alloys of gold, a great alter¬ ation may be made in the brilliancy of enamel; for example, in transparent yellow and green, the alloy of gold should be rather pale; in the case of red, the reverse should be the case. The vertical lapidary’s wheel is now much used by the artificer for the purpose of re¬ moving the surplus enamel; and by the ap¬ plication of wet emery it is rendered clear and smooth ; this is much quicker and better than the old method. It is finished upon the buff by an application of putty-powder (oxide of tin), as it is both smoother and cuts faster than most other polishing mixtures. In England enameling is a separate and distinct craft, and is altogether an art in itself; it has. never been found to answer well where tried by ordinary manufacturing goldsmiths,- the designs and colors having in their hands too much of sameness when compared with those produced by the professional enameler. The enameler, to take high rank in the order, must have some knowledge of designing, engrav¬ ing, and chemistry; he must likewise under¬ stand the alloys of gold and their points of fusion, and the effects of coloring the work; he must also be tolerably conversant with the nature of the workmanship that is continually coming under his charge ; and all this knowl¬ edge may be considered quite sufficient to raise the art to a distinct branch of study and practice. In closing our remarks on the preparation of enamels, colors, and fluxes, and their mode of application to gold alloys, we de¬ sire to say that the rules or directions here given have been selected from very high authorities in the trade, and we trust they will be found equally serviceable to those desirous of gaining information concerning enamels and the art of enameling. The ex¬ act work cannot well be described, and thor¬ ough success is to be achieved only by the exercise of good taste, and by long-continued practice and attention to the craft. Where diamonds and other precious stones are employed as well as enamels, work pertaining to the latter is performed first. Engraving, chasing, coloring, and lapping 136 FUSING GOLD DUST. are subsequent processes of the goldsmiths’ art. TO RESTORE LUSTER OF GOLD ARTICLES. IGH quality gold articles, when- their color has deteriorated, can be restored to their primitive beauty by the application of the following mixture. It is thus com¬ posed : Sesquioxide of iron. 3 oz. Calcined borax. 2 “ Chloride of ammonia. 1 “ Water to form paste. 2 “ Well mix the powdered ingredients to¬ gether until a thick and even paste has been formed, then take the work and either dip it into the mixture or otherwise brush it over with it, care being taken to see that it is well covered with the color. The articles to be brightened are then taken and placed upon a copper pan, and heated over a clear fire, un¬ til all hissing sound has ceased and the ar¬ ticles have received a moderate amount of heat, when they are withdrawn, placed aside to cool, and afterward boiled out in weak muriatic acid to dissolve the coloring salts adhering to the surface. Well rinsing, scratching, and drying completes the pro¬ cess. This produces a fine and high color to rich gold, if the alloy is of a deep hue. It may also be used for restoring the color to repaired places of gold chains, which have had to be mended after the color has been given to them, and when it is not safe or economical to put them through the acid process again. After the soldering has been completed take a little of the above compo¬ sition, prepared as stated, and apply it to the soldered parts, then heat the parts only very gently with the gas jet by means of the mouth blow-pipe, allow to cool; next dis¬ solve the adhering flux by the means before stated, slightly scratch-brush the places re¬ colored, rinse, and dry, after which the even¬ ness of surface will be completely restored. Another mixture that may be used in the same manner, consists of the following in¬ gredients : ANOTHER RECIPE. Sesquioxide of iron. 3 oz. Acetate of copper. 3 “ Calcined borax. 1 “ Water to form paste. 2 “ The acetate of copper should be well dried before using it, to free it from the vinegar* or it will probably corrode the work. In this recipe the sesquioxide of iron should be the red, whereas in the other it may be the yellow. The treatment is exactly the same as that in the one above described. CASTING. HE goldsmith or watchmaker often has the occasion to make a casting, which is easily effected in the following manner: Make a model of the article desired out of lead or wood, but a trifle larger than neces¬ sary, as the casting will lose somewhat in shrinking and hammering ; take two pieces of cuttlefish, and fit them smoothly together; then place the model between them, gently press equally on both, whereby you will re¬ ceive a good imprint of the model, and to prevent a possible displacement, fasten them with three or four pins. Take them apart, carefully remove the model, make a funnel- shaped cut-in for casting, and bind them together with wire. Put the brass into a cru¬ cible, strew borax over it, and if you are skillful, you will obtain a nice casting. GILDING WITHOUT A BATTERY. BJECTS which are not exposed to much handling may in a short time be gilt in the following manner without employ¬ ing the electrical pile. In boiling distilled water, dissolve one part of chloride of gold and four parts of cyanide of potassium. The objects will in a short time be covered by a handsome gold film, by leaving them in the still hot bath for a few minutes, and by hav¬ ing them attached by a fine copper wire se¬ cured to a strip of clean zinc. FUSING GOLD DUST. SE such a crucible as is generally used for melting brass; heat very hot, then add your gold dust mixed with powdered borax. After a while a scum or slag will rise to the surface, which may be thickened by the addition of a little lime or bone ash. If the dust contains any of the more oxidizable metals, add a little saltpeter, skim off the slag or scum very carefully ; when melted, grasp the crucible with strong iron tongs, and pour immediately into cast-iron molds slightly greased. The slag and crucible may be after¬ ward pulverized, and the auriferous matter TO MAKE GOLD AMALGAM. l 37 recovered from the mass by cupellating by means of lead. TO KNOW PURE GILDING. SOLUTION of chloride of copper will show the difference between gilding for which gold has been used and gilding with alloys of inferior metals. If the gilding is imitation gold, a touch of the solution gives a black mark, copper separating out through the zinc in the yellow metal; with pure metal no discoloration occurs. The test can also be effected with a solution of chloride of gold or nitrate of silver, the first of which gives a brown spot, the second a gray or black spot, neither, of course, having any effect on gold. Common gold goods of 14-karat gold do not change their color with nitrate of silver. Leaf gold is tested by being shaken up in a stoppered bottle with sulphur chloride. Beaten gold shows no alteration, while “ metal ” leaves grow gradually black. / - TO MAKE CHLORIDE OF GOLD. AKE five pennyweights of fine gold, and after rolling out to a thin plate, cut it into small strips or pellets. Get an olive flask and clean it well with a warm and satu¬ rated solution of soda and water. Half fill the flask with water, and set on a sand bath over a heat that will slowly bring the w'ater to boiling, which will both temper and test the flask; if it stands this test, it is fit to be used. Put the gold pellets into the flask, then mix in a small bottle half an ounce of pure nitric acid and two ounces of muriatic acid, and pour some of this into the flask to cover the pieces of gold; place it on a sand bath over a gentle heat, and put over the mouth of the flask a small piece of glass to prevent the solution from spurting out, while in action. As soon as the acid ceases to act on the gold, and if any remains undissolved, add a little of the mixed acid, and continue to add little at a time as often as it stops act¬ ing on the gold until all is dissolved ; remove then the flask from the sand bath and let it cool, after which pour in it about the like quantity of water, and boil over a heated sand bath until about half of it is evaporated ; remove and pour the solution into a glass or porcelain dish, and rinse the flask several times with small quantities of warm water, which add to the solution. NEW INGOT MOLDS. EW ingot molds to prevent the gold adhering to them, should be well greased before using. It is much better to close them and pour in a solution of salt and water, letting them remain so for a day or two before using them; this causes oxida¬ tion, or rust, of the surfaces, and is an excel¬ lent preventive to the gold sticking, which is sometimes found .to be so obstinate as to cause chipping of the mold, thus rendering it thereafter useless. HOW TO DISTINGUISH REAL GOLD. TINY drop of mercury rubbed on some corner of the surface to be examined will produce a white, silvery spot if the gold is pure or if there is gold in the alloy. If this silvery spot does not appear, there is no gold in the surface exposed. To prove the cor¬ rectness of this result, a drop of the solution of nitrate of mercury can be dropped on the surface, when a white spot will appear if the gold is counterfeit, w'hile the surface will re¬ main unaltered if the gold is genuine. After the operation, heating the article slightly will volatilize the mercury and the spots will dis¬ appear. WHITE COLOR AFTER PICKLING. HE white color after pickling may be due either to heating the article too much or too long, or to keeping it too long in the pickle. In the former case, the alloy or copper is oxidized deeply into the article, and when removed by the pickle it leaves only the silver on the surface. In the latter case, keeping the article too long in the pickle has the same effect, by eating away the copper too deeply. The color may be restored by scouring and polishing till the sil¬ ver coating is removed and the solid metal is brought to the surface. Then, if the nat¬ ural color of the gold is too light, it must be colored either by plating with gold, or by the coloring process. TO MAKE GOLD AMALGAM. IGHT parts of gold and one of mercury are formed into an amalgam for plating, by rolling the gold into thin plates, heating it red hot and then putting it into the mercury, while this is also heated to ebullition. The gold immediately disappears in combination FROSTING AND COLORING GOLD. 138 •with the mercury, after which the mixture may be turned into water to cool. It is then ready for use. _ GOLD FRICTION POWDER. T HE following is an advice given by an expert: I use a gold friction powder, which I find very handy in removing or covering over spots on gold or plated articles where the plate is worn off, and where I do not care to dip the articles in a solution. I dissolve twenty-four grains of fine gold (coin) in one-half ounce of nitro-muriatic acid, and then absorb the acid with a clean blotting paper. When the paper is thoroughly dry I burn it and pulverize the ashes, which I rub on the bare spots with chamois skin moistened with water. The spots should first be well cleaned, the same as for plating with a bat¬ tery, to resist the deposition of gold upon them. TO REMOVE TIN FROM THE STOCK. J UST previous to pouring the gold, throw a small piece of corrosive sub¬ limate into the pot, stir well with a long piece of pointed charcoal, and allow the pot to remain on the fire for about half a minute afterward. This will take tin from the alloy; gold containing tin will not roll without cracking. To remove emery or steel filings from gold, add a small piece of glass-gall while melting; it will collect them in the flux. TO SEPARATE GOLD FROM SILVER. T HE alloy is to be melted and poured from a height into a vessel of cold water, to which a rotary motion is imparted. By this means the alloy is reduced to a finely granulated condition. The metallic substance is then treated with nitric acid, and gently heated. Nitrate of silver is produced, which can be reduced by any of the known meth¬ ods, while metallic gold remains as a black mud, which must be washed and smelted. TO POLISH GOLD ARTICLES. E IGHTEEN karat articles and upwards from bright alloys , will present a bright, mirror-like appearance by well polishing all over, inside and out, with pumice and emery, then with oil and rotten-stone, and finally finishing upon the buff with a little rouge of the best quality, and a touch or two of grease. Work high in quality finished in this manner, requires no gilding or coloring to put a superior surface to it; and when it is well washed out with soap in a hot solution of potash or soda it looks very beautiful and rich. The bright alloy for 18 karats is com¬ posed as follows: Gold, fine, 15 dwts. 3 grains; silver, 2 dwts. 2 x grains; copper wire, 3 dwts. Add 2 grains of copper per ounce for loss in melting. The two grains of copper added for melting loss will be found to be an advantage, since it keeps the alloy more uniform as to its original weight, and the cost per ounce is more certain and regular. _ FROSTING AND COLORING GOLD. F OR i 5-to 18-karat gold the work should be well polished, first with glass paper, then with crocus and oil used on a circular brush revolving on a lathe spindle. Wash out clean with soap and hot water with soda,, and dry in hot boxwood sawdust. Take 2 parts saltpeter, 1 part alum, 1 part common salt; reduce them all to powder, place them in a rather large crucible or a proper color- pot of plumbago and set over a gas jet; add a very little water to moisten and allow the whole to dissolve, stirring occasionally to pre¬ vent burning. While this is dissolving, set a kettleful of water on the fire to boil. Take the gold articles out of the sawdust; dust away any particle of the latter and anneal the articles, attaching each one separately to a silver wire (which may be thin), and twist all the articles up into a bundle and tie the ends of wires on to a stick of cane or fire¬ wood, allowing the goods to be colored to be spread out slightly. By this time the in¬ gredients will have boiled up into a froth. You must so arrange that this effect is pro¬ duced, regulating the heat to produce that effect by the time you are ready. Now, dip the bunch of goods into the color-pot, thoroughly immersing them, and keep them moving gently for five minutes; then withdraw and pour boiling water from the kettle over them to rinse, holding them at the same time over a pipkin to catch the rinsing. Now, pour about 1 ounce of boiling water in the color-pot, allow that to froth up, dip the bunch again, move about for four min¬ utes and rinse as before; add 2 ounces of water, dip again for three minutes and rinse ; add now 3 ounces of water, let it froth up, dip for two minutes and rinse ; add 4 ounces of water and rinse as before ; then 5 ounces of TO RECOVER THE GOLD LOST IN COLORING. water, re-dip for one minute and rinse for the last time. The operation of coloring is now complete. Remove the goods from the wires, and boil them in a pickle of nitric acid and water for a few minutes and afterwards in plain water, throwing away the water when it boils and replacing it with cold. The goods are now ready for frosting. Have a very fine scratch-brush mounted on the lathe, with an arrangement for drop¬ ping size water on the front or top of the brush; set the lathe going and hold the ar¬ ticle so that the ends of the wires of the brush just touch it; drive it fast and turn all parts of the work to the action of the revolv¬ ing brush. _ TO CAST IN FISH-BONE. EINRICH SCHULTZE says in Die Goldschmiedekunst that the manner of casting in fish-bone has been explained re¬ peatedly in that and other technical journals. It will, however, have happened occasionally that the cast has not turned out well, a cir¬ cumstance readily induced partly by the way of pouring and again by the condition of the mold. Brass foil is sometimes recommended for producing a compact cast; indeed, it is very good, but the copper percentage of the alloy is increased unnecessarily, since the zinc only influences the compactness of the ingot. For about 80 parts 14-karat gold, or 50 to 60 parts 18-karat gold—the same proportions hold good for silver—1 part good pure zinc sheet rolled together, dipped in sal-ammoniac water or soldering fluid, heated and immersed into the clear molten metal, does the same services, and does not alter the nature of the alloy as it evaporates again. A bad cast is caused both by pouring when too cold or too hot, as well as by a bad mold. After the mold has been made ready and provided with air ducts and hole for casting, and when ready to be laid together, take a camel’s-hair brush and coat everything with a concentrated solution of borax or boracic acid; after the lapse of a few minutes, when the surface has become fairly dry, repeat the coating, this time, however, taking a concen¬ trated solution of water gloss, either diluted one-half with water or borax solution ; do it as carefully as possible, so that no small lump remains adhering anywhere, or in order not to injure the sharp corners; then dry over a small lamp, place together and lay the mold where it is warm. If wood cores are to be 139 laid in, they are each separately laid into the water-gloss solution, and after drying, are placed into the mold. It may perhaps not be known to every¬ body how it is possible to cast holes in a cer¬ tain object; for instance, the bezel hole of a ring. The pattern for it is fully finished, and the more perfectly it is smoothed and bur¬ nished the nicer will be the cast. When the corresponding holes have been cut in, fit into it a wooden mold of the requisite shape— round, square, oval—but in such a manner that it projects a few millimeters so that the plug, after the ring or model has been re¬ moved, may again be laid exactly into the imprinted place; these projecting parts are then slightly rounded off in order to be in¬ serted and withdrawn readily. Now bind the mold together and carefully close the casting hole with silk paper; drive also some of it between the sides in case they should stand together with only little hold; then place the model obliquely into a small vessel filled with fine sand, so that the former is filled nearly as far as the opening. The sand may also be heated previously, or else the vessel may be heated afterward to a degree borne by the fish-bone, both for the purpose of drying them and expelling the air as much as possible. When the metal is clear and ready for coating and the operator is certain that the mold is thoroughly dry, pour. Ex¬ perience makes the expert, and experience is necessary to know the right time when to pour. If the metal is too cold the cast is faulty; if too hot, it becomes blistery; it may also occur that the cast looks to be nice and smooth, but when worked places cave in caused by holes and blisters within. Therefore, remember: first, a good heat, next, have the crucible closely before the mold, and as soon as the brightness of the molten metal disappears and a film is about to form on it, cast quickly, and my word for it vou will cast with as much success in fish¬ bone as you will in sand. The placing of the mold in sand is for the purpose of pre¬ venting the running through of the metal. TO RECOVER THE GOLD LOST IN COLORING. ISSOLVE a handful of sulphate of iron in boiling water, then add this to your “ color ” fluid, and it will precipitate the small particles of gold. Now draw off the fluid, being very careful not to disturb the 140 CYANIDE OF GOLD. auriferous sediment at the bottom. Then proceed to wash the sediment from all trace of acid with plenty of boiling water; it will require three or four separate washings, with sufficient time between each to allow the water to cool and the sediment to settle, be¬ fore pouring off the water. Then dry in an iron vessel by the fire, and finally fuse. RECOVERY OF GOLD FROM SOLU¬ TION. A N easy method to recover gold from solutions, particularly from old toning- baths of photographers, has been made known by Fr. Haugk. It consists in filtering the solution into a white glass flask, or bottle, making it alkaline with sodium carbonate, and then adding, drop by drop, a concen¬ trated alcoholic solution of aniline red (fuch- sine), until the liquor is of a deep strawberry color. The flask is then exposed to the sun¬ light for six or eight hours, at the end of which all the gold still present will have been precipitated as a dark violet color, and the liquor will have become colorless. After pouring off the liquor the flask with the pre¬ cipitate is kept until a fresh quantity of solu¬ tion has to be precipitated, and this is con¬ tinued until the deposit in the flask is suffi¬ ciently large to make it worth while' to re¬ move it. It is then transferred to a filter, washed, dried, and burned with the filter. The residue, containing the filter-ash, is dis¬ solved at a gentle heat in aqua regia, filtered, and the solution evaporated to dryness. The quantity of impurity caused by the simul¬ taneous solution of the filter-ash is too insig¬ nificant to be objected to. TO CLEANSE GOLD TARNISHED IN SOLDERING. HE old English mode was to expose all parts of the article to a uniform heat, allow it to cool, and boil until bright in urine and sal-ammoniac. It is now usually cleaned in dilute sulphuric acid. The pickle is made in about the proportion of one-eighth of an ounce of acid to one ounce of rain water. _ FACETIOUS GOLD. T is averred that the following recipes will produce alloys of metals so nearly resembling genuine gold as to almost baffle goldsmiths without a resort to thorough tests. Fuse together with saltpeter, sal-ammoniac, and powdered charcoal, 4 parts platinum, 2 y 2 parts pure copper, 1 part pure zinc, 2 parts block tin, and 1 y 2 parts pure lead. Another good recipe calls for 2 parts plati¬ num, 1 part silver, and 3 parts copper. TO COLOR SOFT SOLDER. HE following is a method for coloring soft solder so that when it is used for uniting brass the colors may be about the same: First prepare a saturated solution of sulphate of copper—blue stone—in water, and apply some of this on the end of a stick to the solder. On touching it then with an iron or steel wire it becomes coppered, and by repeating the experiment the deposit of copper may be made thicker and darker. To give the solder a yellow color, mix one part of a saturated solution of sulphate of zinc with tw T o of sulphate of copper; apply this to the coppered spot and rub it with a zinc rod. The color can be still further im¬ proved by applying gilt powder and polish¬ ing. On gold jewelry or colored gold the solder is first coppered as above, then a thin coat of gum or isinglass solution is laid on and bronze powder dusted over it, making a surface which can be polished smooth and brilliant after the gum is dry. CYANIDE OF GOLD. YANIDE of gold is formed by cau¬ tiously adding a solution of cyanide of potassium in six parts of water, to a neutral solution (that is to say, not containing any free acid) of terchloride of gold, as long as a yellow precipitate settles down ; if more cyanide of potassium is added, the precipi¬ tate becomes dirty yellow, and is more quickly deposited; a still larger quantity renders it orange-yellow, and re-dissolves it. It is a crystalline powder, permanent in the air; by ignition, it is resolved into gold and cyanogen gas ; it is not decomposed by sul¬ phuric, hydrochloric, or nitric acid, or by aqua regia, unless freshly precipitated, and then only slowly. It is not decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen; hydrosulphate of ammonia dissolves it slowly but completely, forming a colorless solution, from which, by the addition of acid, sulphide of gold is pre¬ cipitated. It dissolves in aqueous solution of ammonia, hydrosulphite of soda or alkaline of cyanides, but not in water, alcohol, or ether. ACCIDENTS IN POURING. RECOVERING GOLD FROM COLORING BATH. ISSOLVE a handful of sulphate of iron in boiling water, and add it to .your “ color ” water; it precipitates the small particles of gold. Now draw off the water, being very careful not to disturb the aurifer¬ ous sediment at the bottom. You will now proceed to wash the sediment from all trace of acid with plenty of boiling water; it will require three or four separate washings, with sufficient time between each to allow the water to cool and the sediment to settle, be¬ fore passing off the water. Then dry in an iron vessel by the fire and finally fuse in a covered skittle pot with a flux. TO MAKE GOLD TO ROLL WELL. O cause gold to roll well, melt with a good heat, add a tablespoonful of sal- ammoniac and charcoal, equal quantities, both pulverized, stir up well, put on the cover for two minutes, and pour. MELTING AND REFINING. N melting brass gold urge the fire to a great heat and stir the metal with the long stem of a tobacco pipe, to prevent honey-combing. If steel or iron filings get into gold while melting, throw in a piece of sandiver the size of a common nut; it will attract the iron or steel from the gold into the flux, or, subrimatq of mercury will destroy the iron or steel. _____ TO RECOVER GOLD FROM GILT METAL. AKE a solution of borax water, apply to the gilt surface, and sprinkle over it some finely powdered sulphur; make the article red hot and quench it in water; then scrape off the gold and recover it by means of lead. TO REMOVE GOLD. OLD is taken from silver by spreading over it a paste composed of pulverized sal-ammoniac with aqua fortis, and heating it till the matter smokes and is nearly dry, when the gold may be separated by rubbing with a scratch-brush. CLEANSING MAT GOLD. AKE 80 grams chloride of lime, 80 gr. of bicarbonate of soda, and 20 gr. table salt; pour over this about 3 liters distil’ed *4 r water, and fill in bottles, to be kept well corked. For use, lay the dirty articles into a dish, pour over the well shaken fluid, let it submerge them, leave them in it for a short time, and in extra cases when very dirty warm them a little. Next wash the articles, rinse them in alcohol, dry them in sawdust, and they will appear like new. The fluid is of no further use. PURE GOLD. HE Journal de Pharmacie specifies the following method for preparing pure gold: Commercial gold is dissolved in a mixture of 4 parts hydrochloric and 1 part nitric acid, of 20 0 B.; the obtained white- colored pasty chloride of silver is filtered off, and the filtrate is mixed with an aqueous solu¬ tion of antimony chloruret, to which so much hydrochloric acid has been added, that no turbidity is produced at the mixing of the solution. The reduction is effected in a few hours, especially if a little heat is used. The gold is filtered off, washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, next with water, and fused with a little saltpeter and borax. The mother liquors, which contain antimony chloride, can, boiling with metallic antimony, be again re¬ duced to antimony chloruret and again used. ACCIDENTS IN POURING. OST jewelers, at some time or other of their experience, may have met with accidents in the melting and pouring of their alloys, such, for instance, a pot cracking, the spilling or the upsetting of a portion of the metal from the crucible into the fire. The following mode of recovery of lost metal we have found the best and most practical in the workshop, with the ordinary appliances usually at the command of jewelers and gold workers. Collect the whole of the burnt coke, ashes, and other refuse used in the smelting operation and, first of all, well wash it several times with water, to remove the dust and other extraneous matter; the sedi¬ ment left behind is then well dried and pounded as fine as possible in a cast-iron mortar; it is afterwards put through a sieve as fine as is convenient to prevent the small particles of gold from going through the meshes with the powdered dust. The gold is now picked at this stage from the refuse in a sieve ; and if there be any solid particles of refuse still unpounded, it is put through the process again. It is very seldom 4 hat 142 PREPARATION OF GOLD SALTS. the whole of the gold can be collected when •once split into the fire, but the larger portion of it can be recovered by these means. The remainder goes into the scraps to be treated by the refiner. _ JEWELERS’ PICKLE. HE usual jewelers’ pickle is made of 5 parts of water to 1 of sulphuric acid. When something is wanted that will “ take hold ” more than this, a little muriatic or nitric acid is added to it. For Roman col¬ ored goods, especially, muriatic acid is added. If the jeweler has trouble with a gold article, and it looks green or white after being in the above sulphuric acid pickle, make a pickle of strong sulphuric acid and saltpeter, equal parts, heat it boiling hot, hang the article on a hook made of copper wire and dip in the boiling liquid, then wash. If the color is not good, repeat. _ COLORING TIN SOLDER YELLOW. CCORDING to the Metal Arbeiter , pre¬ pare a saturated solution of sulphate of copper in water; into it dip a pegwood and with this touch the soldered place. Then take an iron or steel wire, and with it touch the same place, whereby it will be¬ come coppered at once. The precipitate will be increased by repeating the operation. For coloring the place of soldering yellow, prepare a saturated mixed solution of one part of sulphate of zinc and two parts sul¬ phate of copper; with this touch the cop¬ pered place, and then touch with a zinc rod, whereby a precipitate of brass is produced; in order to improve the color, the place may be rubbed with gilding powder and burnished with a steel. On gilt or colored gold articles, the coppered soldering place is furnished with a thin coating of mucilage or isinglass solution, over which bronze powder is strewn which can be brushed nice and smooth after the mucilage solution is dry; or else the article may be galvanically gilt again, whereby a uniform color is produced. The coppered place is, on silverware, rubbed or brushed with silvering powder ; it may then be care¬ fully scratched and polished. PREPARATION OF GOLD SALTS. ERCHLORIDE of gold is formed by dissolving metallic gold in a warm mixture of one measure of nitric acid, and from two to three measures of hydrochloric acid; the mixture is called aqua regia. The gold dissolves slowly with evolution of gas. When it is all dissolved, evaporate the solu¬ tion by gentle heat, with stirring, until it is reduced to a small bulk and solidifies on cooling. The residue should be entirely soluble in water. If it contains a white sub¬ stance which will not dissolve, it is chloride of silver, derived from traces of silver in the metal. If there is a small amount of yellow or brown residue, one of the salts has been overheated. Such residue should be redis¬ solved in a little aqua regia and evaporated to dryness again. One ounce of gold, if it is in small fragments or thin sheets, will re¬ quire about four ounces of aqua regia to dis¬ solve it. Chloride of gold is a yellow salt, and dissolves in one and a half its weight of w r ater. If it is properly made, it contains one atomic weight (196.6 parts) of gold and three atomic weights (106.5 parts) of chlo¬ ride, and its composition is represented by the formula AuC 1 3 . One troy ounce of gold will make one ounce 164^ grains of the chloride. Oxide of gold is obtained by digesting a solution of the chloride with an excess of calcined magnesia, washing the precipitate first with dilute nitric acid, and then with water only. If caustic potash or soda be used instead of magnesia, the oxide is liable to contain some of the alkali. The terbromide of gold may be formed by digesting oxide of gold in hydrobromic acid, and evaporating the solution by gentle heat, stirring until it solidifies on cooling. The oxide of gold forms, on addition of aqueous ammonia or of solutions of carbon¬ ate sulphate, or chloride of ammonia, a dark olive-brown substance, called fulminate of gold, aurate of ammonia, or ammoniuret of gold. The same substance is also formed on adding ammonia or a solution of a salt of ammonia to a solution of terchloride of gold. It is an extremely dangerous substance when dry, and detonates with the least friction or percussion. To form ammoniuret of gold, which is sometimes used in electro-gilding baths, convert ten parts by weight of gold into the solid chloride. Dissolve that salt in water and add to the solution fifty parts, by weight, of the strongest aqueous ammonia and stir the mixture ; an abundant precipitate of the ammoniuret, otherwise called fulminate of gold, is produced in the form of a yellow¬ ish-brown powder. When it has subsided, pour .off the supernatant liquid and fill up WHITE METAL ALLOYS. 143 again with water, and repeat this several times, until the precipitate no longer smells of ammonia. The water contains a little gold, and is reserved for recovery of that metal. As the yellow-brown precipitate, when in a dry state, is highly explosive, it should never be allowed to get dry, and ought not to be prepared until the time of forming a gilding solution with it. Particles of it should not be allowed to dry upon the edges of the vessels nor upon filters through which the wash-liquids have been passed. To remove the solid salt from articles we may dissolve it in a solution of cyanide of potassium. Freshly precipitated wet oxide of gold dissolves in a solution of caustic pot¬ ash, to form aurate of potassium; the solu¬ tion is yellow, and may be used for electro¬ gilding. Sulphide of gold is obtained by passing a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas through a solution of chloride of gold, as long as a precipitate occurs; it is a blackish, brown powder. _ WHY GOLD IN JEWELRY CHANGES COLOR. I T is well known that the human body contains humors and acids, similar in action to and having a like tendency toward baser metals, as nitric and sulphuric acids have, namely, to tarnish or dissolve them, varying in quality in different persons. Thousands wear continually, without any ill effects, the cheaper class of jewelry, with brass ear-wires, while if others wore the same article for a few days they would be troubled with sore ears, or, in other words, the acids contained in the system would so act on the brass as to produce ill results. Instances have occurred in which articles of jewelry of any grade below 18 karats have been tar¬ nished in a few days, merely from the above- named cause. True, these instances are not very frequent; nevertheless, it is as well to know them. Every case is not the fault of the goods not wearing well, as it is generally called, but the result of the particular consti¬ tution of the wearer. WHITE METAL ALLOYS. A S so much depends in plating on the . quality of the metal on which the outer stratum is deposited, both with respect to the appearance of the goods when new and their durability in use, the importance of its homo¬ geneity can hardly be over-estimated. _At good deal of misapprehension seems to exist as to the meaning of the term “ nickel,” which is commonly applied (even by those who are well aware of the misnomer) indis¬ criminately to all kinds of white metal alloys. The principal alloy of nickel is German silver, a triple compound or admixture of nickel, cop¬ per, and zinc; although another alloy, com¬ posed of nickel and copper only, is also in use, chiefly for purposes of foreign coinage, which, however, does not call for special at¬ tention here. An instructive article dealing with the above subject appears in a recent issue of a contemporary, an abstract of the principal part of which will be of interest to our readers: The casting of German silver is, in many respects, similar to the same operation with brass ; but there are certain important differ¬ ences. It is found impossible in practice to make German silver by one melting in the pot, the high and sustained temperature nec¬ essary to bring about liquefaction of nickel causing excessive loss of the low melting and volatile zinc (spelter). For this reason the nickel is always alloyed in one operation with a portion of the copper, and the zinc and the remainder of the copper, in the form of brass, are added in a separate melting. It is the invariable rule of English casting shops to make one-and-one “ mixing ” and one-and-one brass ; “ mixing,” it may be ex¬ plained, is the name given to the alloy of copper and nickel. This alloy is made in 80-lb. plumbago crucibles heated in a wind furnace, similar to the square section furnaces employed by brass casters, and fed by the best hard coke. It is necessary to use a good coke, since nickel alloys are much de¬ teriorated by contamination with sulphur. About an hour is required from putting in the pot to pouring the metal, and the tem¬ perature must be very high. To diminish oxidation, and also to refine the ingredients, more particularly the nickel, borax is always added as a flux. This substance, though pos¬ sessing many of the properties of an alkali when in aqueous solutions, has powerful acid properties at temperatures beyond redness. The boracic acid it contains is, like silicic, a feeble acid; but being, like the latter acid, fixed in the fire, it manifests important prop¬ erties at these higher ranges of temperature, and borax, chemically speaking, contains a more than normal quantity of this acid. It will, therefore, be understood how the flux, by inducing a kind of scorifying action, brings 144 WHITE METAL ALLOYS. about a partial refining of the contents of the pot. Mixing is run into pigs of a few pounds weight, and each of these should, when cold, present an upper surface somewhat concave and covered with transverse wrinkles. If the metal shows a smooth and bloated con¬ vex surface, the presence of impurities, and more particularly of sulphur, may be inferred. The casting of the brass for German silver making differs in no important respect from the ordinary manufacture of the same alloy for sand caster’s use. The actual making of German silver begins when the mixing and the brass have been obtained. For pig metal, that is, German silver intended for re¬ melting and casting in sand molds, it is sufficient to mix together the ingredients, fuse under a layer of charcoal, and pour into pig molds; sometimes a little tin is added, to give increased whiteness and hardness. It is in the casting of strips for the rolling- mill that the special skill of the German sil¬ ver maker comes in. Many a good brass caster has tried his hand at German silver strip casting and failed, although, to a super¬ ficial observer, the two operations are identi¬ cal. Both alloys, when required in the form of sheets or wire, are cast into strips, or, in the case of wire, into rods, and these are then reduced to the finished form by mere me¬ chanical manipulations. But a German sil¬ ver strip, or wire rod, treated exactly as a brass one, would, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, result in a sheet or wire, good, perhaps, at one end, but unsound through half of its dimensions. The reason is to be found in the greater shrinkage of the nickel alloy during solidification, and the remedy for this is in the careful “ feeding ” of the ingot during cooling. To compound Ger¬ man silver, of whatever quality, certain weights of mixing and of brass, together with a smaller quantity of copper, are necessary; and to allow for loss of zinc by volatilization during the melting, about 2 lbs. of spelter per heat for low qualities, and 1 y 2 lbs. for the better qualities, are allowed, the heat being about 80 lbs. The ingredients are weighed out mixed with a certain quantity of scrap, and placed in the pot, which has been already heated to redness. The lumps of new metal are introduced with a pair of tongs, and the scrap by means of a long sheet-iron funnel reaching into the furnace. A few pieces of charcoal are now introduced, and the pot covered with a lid. When the charge has melted, the crucible is stirred with an iron rod, and the zinc allowed for waste is added, the pot being again stirred. Mean¬ while the ingot-molds have been prepared and placed in position. The molds are simi¬ lar to those used for brass and are of two halves, clamped together by rings and wedges. The molds are cleaned, rubbed inside with oil, and dusted with powdered charcoal (blacking). T'he caster raises the crucible from the furnace, and, holding it in position, pours the metal into the receptacle, while an assistant keeps back the floating pieces of charcoal with an iron rod. The mold is now full of German silver, and as the portion in contact with the cool surface solidifies, considerable shrinking takes place, and a hollow core begins to appear at the upper central part of the ingot. The skill of the workman is now brought to bear in sup¬ plying a fine stream of metal to prevent the formation of such a core. This stream is continued for some time, and the ingot is thus fed until the last portions form a pro¬ jecting button at the center of the upper ex¬ tremity. Mixing, it may be mentioned, is always made in plumbago crucibles, the charge being diminished in each successive heat, to prevent the corrosive flux acting successively upon the same zone of the pot. German silver is melted in plumbago pots, or in the best fire-clay crucibles; the latter are, perhaps, better for the purpose, since they radiate heat with less rapidity, and remain hot for a longer time, a point of some im¬ portance when the pouring takes a consider¬ able time, as in filling ingots for wire rods. If the ingots are intended for rolling into spoon strips, the nickel need not be of the very finest quality, because such strips are thick, and destined to undergo only a moder¬ ate amount of mechanical strain. Into metal of this kind a little inferior scrap, filings, etc., may be introduced ; but, of course, it must not be supposed that any rubbish will answer the purposes of the spoon and fork manu¬ facturer. German silver that is destined to undergo the trying operations of raising, deep stamping, or drafting, must be com¬ pounded of the best brands of spelter, such as “ Upperbank,” “ D. & Co.,” and of best selected copper; the nickel should be either grain nickel or the cake nickel made by the Nickel Company. A brand of nickel con¬ taining varying quantities of copper, imported from Sweden in the form of powder, also gives very good results. Only a limited quantity of the best “raising metal” scrap ALLOYS OF COMMON SILVER AND IMITATION ALLOYS. *45 should be introduced; but this little, if good, has a tendency to improve the working prop¬ erties, although the reason is not very evi¬ dent. The ingots of raising metal are now planed on the flat faces, in order to remove the hard skin and the inequalities which would impair the surface of the finished sheets; spoon metal is usually not planed. When the metal reaches the rolling-mill it is treated cold, in a similar manner to brass, the first operation being known as “ breaking down.” The ingots are passed diagonally between very-powerful rolls, until they have attained to rather more than the breadth of the required sheet (to allow for trimming), and have, at the same time, of course, in¬ creased in length. This treatment is fol¬ lowed by passages longitudinally through smaller rolls. From time to time, and from the outset, the metal is annealed by heating it in a furnace and cooling with water; after each annealing the scale must be removed by pickling in dilute sulphuric acid, assisted by scouring with fine sand. Sometimes bright sheets are ordered, and when this is the case, the final pickling is done with aqua fortis (nitric acid). The. following table gives the composition of the various qualities of Ger¬ man silver; “ hollow-ware ” or “ raising met¬ al,” it will be noticed, contains proportionally less zinc and more copper than spoon metal or sand caster’s pig. The mixtures of the various makers vary a little, some using more copper than others per unit of nickel; the former qualities are somewhat reddish, while the latter have a yellowish tinge. TABLE I.— G. S. as weighed oat. Quality. Lbs. per heat. Percentages. Copper. Mixing. (1 & 1.) Brass. (1 & 1.) Copper. Zinc. Nickel. Best best ”. 8 34 27 5579 19-56 24-64 A,” “ hollow-ware ”. 6^4 33A 26^ 54‘97 20-07 24-95 ■“ A ”. 9 A 27/4 33 'A 56-87 23-73 I 9 " 3 8 Special ist (spoon). 10 2 9 3 ° 57-23 21-73 2 I‘OI ist spoon. 11 24 3 ° 58-46 23-08 18-46 i st hollow-ware. 18 24 21 64.28 i6 - 66 19.05 2d spoon. 8 18 40 56-06 3 °' 3 ° 13-63 2d hollow-ware. 1 5 18 29 62-10 23-38 I 4-5 1 3d spoon and 3d hollow-ware. . . . 8 14 42 56‘ 2 5 32-81 10-93 4th spoon and 4th hollow-ware. . . 8 12 48 55-88 35 ' 3 ° 8.82 5th spoon and hollow-ware .'. io3 A 8*4 5 ° 57 - 7 6 36-10 6-13 •“ Portland ”. t'A 6 54 55 - 5 8 39 - 9 8 4 A 4 TABLE II .—As analyzed. Results iti per cent. Quality. Copper. Zinc. Nickel. Iron. Lead. Qual. spec. 4th. — 5648 — 33 ' 11 - 9-57 — "39 - '49 u (( u — 56-08 — 33-55 - 9-56 — •39 - -36 Sp. ist spoon. ... 48-17 — 29-28 .... 21 -66 .... — .... — “ B.B.”. ... 51-44 — 24-47 - 23-5 1 - — _ — “ B.B.”. ... 52-90 — 20-38 .... 26-06 .... — _ — 1 . — 64-32 .... 23-98 - I I "2 I .... — _ — 2d “ H.”. — 63-34 — 22-64 ■ • • • 13-58 - — _ — “ A 1 ” . .... 54-70 — 20-25 - 23-67 - •75 .... ‘26 ALLOYS OF COMMON SILVER AND IMITATION ALLOYS. HE undermentioned white alloys have their various uses in the industrial and mechanical arts, some being employed as common silver, whilst others are manufact¬ ured as near as possible in imitation of it, and used as a substitute, for many purposes. In melting the alloys in which nickel and several other compounds enter into combina¬ tion, unless very great care be exercised, it is a difficult matter to maintain the true and! 146 ALLOYS OF COMMON SILVER AND IMITATION ALLOYS.' definite proportion of each metal of which the alloy proper is composed, owing to the loss of the more fusible metal by volatiliza¬ tion, if allowed to remain too long in the furnace. The best method of preparing the compound for the crucible is to mix the copper and nickel together. The latter is produced from the pure oxide of nickel; therefore it is taken in this form and placed in the crucible with the copper at the com¬ mencement of the operation. When these ingredients are well melted, and incorpo¬ rated by stirring, add the zinc or other fusible metal required to make up the compound, previously heating it thoroughly over the mouth of the crucible, to prevent the chilling of the already molten metal which it contains. When silver forms a component part in any of these alloys it should be added at the be¬ ginning of the process along with those of high degree of fusibility, and reduced under the protection of a suitable flux; charcoal being the best for the purpose. This also tends to preserve the fusible metals, upon their addition to the melted compound in the pot, from too suddenly flying away in the shape of fumes. The best zinc of commerce should be employed in these alloys, which is sold under the name of spelter. Common silver alloy:— Fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 17 dwts.; nickel, 13 dwts. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 1 oz.; nickel, 15 dwts. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 1 oz. 3 dwts.; nickel, 17 dwts. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 1 oz. 6 dwts.; nickel, 19 dwts. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 1 oz. 9 dwts.; nickel, 1 oz. 1 dwt. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 1 oz. 12 dwts.; nickel, 1 oz. 3 dwts. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 1 oz. 15 dwts. ; nickel, 1 oz. 5 dwts. Another: fine silver, 1 oz. ; shot copper, 2 oz. 2 dwts. 12 grs.; nickel, 1 oz. 7 dwts. 12 grs. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 2 oz. 10 dwts.; nickel, 1 oz. 10 dwts. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 16 dwts.; nickel, 10 dwts. 12 grs.; spelter, 3 dwts. 12 gr. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, 19 dwts; nickel, 12 dwts.; spelter, 4 dwts. Another: fine silver, 1 oz.; shot copper, x oz. 2 dwts.; nickel, 15 dwts.; spelter, 3 dwts. Chinese silver.—Shot copper, 1 oz.; spel - ter, 6 dwts.; nickel, 4 dwts.; cobalt, 3 dwts. 18 grs.; silver, 18 grs. Imitation silver.—Shot copper, 1 oz. , nickel, 6 dwts. 12 grs.; spelter, 4 dwts. 18 grs. Another: shot copper, 1 oz.; spelter, 12 dwts.; nickel, 8 dwts. Another: shot copper, 1 oz.; spelter, 8 dwts.; nickel, 4 dwts. Another: shot copper, 1 oz.; spelter, 10 dwts.; nickel, 10 dwts. Another: shot copper, 1 oz.; nickel, 8 dwts. 8 grs.; spelter, 6 dwts. 16 grs. White alloy.—Shot copper, 1 oz.; tin, 10 dwts. 6 grs.; brass, 2 dwts. 12 grs.; arsenic, 18 grs. Clark’s patent alloy.—Shot copper, 1 oz. , nickel, 3 dwts. 18 grs.; spelter, 1 dwt. 22 grs.; tin, 12 grs.; cobalt, 12 grs. White alloy.—Shot copper, 1 oz.; tin, 10 dwts.; arsenic, 1 dwt. Alloy with platinum; fine silver, 1 oz.; platinum, 5 dwts. Alloy with palladium; fine silver, 1 oz.; palladium, 5 dwts. The platinum and palladium of which the last two alloys are composed, although very difficult to use in combination with any other metal, readily unite in any proportions with silver; and it has been found that such al¬ loys are not so easily tarnished as the ordinary ones, or even as fine silver itself. These various alloys serve to effect the several pur¬ poses for which they are employed in manu¬ factures ; wires prepared from any of them will supply the place of silver, as brooch tongs, stems for pins, catches and joints, etc., for articles of common quality and cheap workmanship. They are also employed for preparing the ground for “ electro-plate ” for .which they are very serviceable. When, however, these alloys are employed by the regular silversmith, care should be taken not to get the scraps of metal in any way mixed with those of the better material, otherwise difficulties will soon begin to present them¬ selves, which will materially interfere with the regular and proper working of the best silver alloys; and in fact, with all qualities that have originally been prepared free from nickel. Those prepared from nickle are much more infusible than those made without it; consequently, if a piece of the nickel alloy, either by accident or design, gets intermixed with the other quality, in a subsequent melt¬ ing, it will be found to float on the surface of SILVER SOLDERS: THEIR USES AND APPLICATIONS. the molten metal for some considerable time and thus retard the process. Alloys prepttred' in imitation of silver are harder and much more difficult to work than those of the true metal; therefore it can easily be imagined what alteration the latter undergo upon the addition of some of the former compounds. The hardness and toughness which these alloys possess admirably adapt them for such purposes as we have described. SILVER SOLDERS: THEIR USES AND APPLICATIONS. OLDERING as applied to silversmith’s work is an art which requires great care and practice to perform it neatly and properly. It consists in uniting the various pieces of an article together at their junctions, edges, or surfaces, by fusing an alloy specially prepared for the purpose, and which is more fusible than the metal to be soldered. The solder should in every way be well suited to the particular metal to which it is to be applied, and should possess a powerful chemical affin¬ ity to it; if this be not the case, strong, clean, and invisible connections cannot be effected, whilst the progress of the work would be considerably retarded. This is partly the cause of inferior manufactures, and not, as might be frequently supposed, from the want of skill on the part of the workman who makes them. The best connections are made when the metal and solder agree as nearly as possible in uniformity, that is, as regards fusibility, hardness, and malleability. Experience has proved, more especially in the case of plain and strong work (or work that has to bear a strain in the course of manufacture), that the soldering is more perfect and more tena¬ cious as the point of fusion of the two metals approaches each other ; the solder having a greater tendency to form a more perfect alloy with the metal to which it is applied than under any other conditions. The silver or other metal to be operated upon by soldering being partly of a porous nature, the greater the heat required in the fusion of the solder the more closely are the atoms of the two metals brought into direct relationship ; thus greater solidity is given to the parts united, and which are then capable of forming the maximum of resistance. It is thus obvious that tin should not be employed in forming solders possessing the characteristics we have T 47 ju st described, for being a very fusible metal it greatly increases the fusibility of its alloys ; but when very easy solder is required, and this is sometimes the case, especially when zinc has been employed in the preparation of the silver alloy, its addition is a great ad¬ vantage when it comes to be applied to the work in hand. Solders made with tin are not so malleable and tenacious as those prepared without it, as it imparts a brittleness not usu¬ ally to be found in those regularly employed by silversmiths ; for this reason it is advisable to file it into dust, and apply it in that state to the articles in course of manufacture. The best solders we have found to be those mixed with a little zinc. These may be laminated, rolled or filed into dust; if the latter, it should be finely done, and this is better for every purpose. Too much zinc, however, should not be added under any conditions, as it has a tendency to eat itself away during wear, thus rendering the articles partly useless either for ornamental or domes¬ tic purposes earlier than might be anticipated. Solders thus prepared also act with some dis¬ advantage to the workman using them, for they possess the property of evaporating or eating away during the process of soldering, leaving behind scarcely anything to indicate their presence; consequently the workman has to keep on repeating the process until the connection is made perfect, which is always done at the expense of a quantity of solder as well as loss to the workman as regards time. Solders made from copper and silver only are, generally speaking, too infusible to be applied to all classes of silversmith’s work. Solders are manufactured of all degrees of hardness ; the hardest of all being a prepara¬ tion of silver and copper in various propor¬ tions ; the next being a composition of sil¬ ver, copper, and zinc; and the easiest or most fusible being prepared from silver, cop¬ per, and tin, or silver, brass, and tin. Ar¬ senic sometimes enters into the composition of silver solders, for promoting a greater degree of fusion; and we have heard of workmen actually refusing to work with any other solder. The employment of arsenic has,, however, a tendency to slightly endanger the health of those persons using it in large quantities; and of late its employment has not been persevered in. In applying solder of whatever composi¬ tion, it is of the utmost importance that the edges or parts to be united should be chem- 148 SILVER SOLDERS: THEIR USES AND APPLICATIONS. ically clean ; and for the purpose of protect¬ ing these parts from the action of the air, and oxidation during the soldering process, they are covered by a suitable flux, which not only prevents oxidation, but has also a tendency to remove any portion of it left on the parts of the metal to be united. The flux employed is always borax, and it not only effects the objects just pointed out, but greatly facilitates the flow of the solder into the required places. Silver solder should be silver of a little inferior quality to that about to be worked up. The various degrees of fusibility of the several solders are occasioned by the different proportions of the component parts of the elements which enter into their existence. For instance, a solder in which tin forms a component part will flow or fuse much sooner than one in which copper and silver alone enter into composition, or of one wholly composed of copper, silver, and zinc, or of silver and brass; therefore it must be understood that tin is the best metal for in¬ creasing the fusibility of silver solders, and for keeping up their whiteness. Neverthe¬ less it should always be used sparingly, and even then drawbacks will present themselves such as we have already alluded to. It is our intention to give a list of the vari¬ ous solders which have been usually em¬ ployed with more or less success, so that the silversmith and the art workman will be en¬ abled to select the one most suitable to the particular branch of his trade; and we con¬ tend, from experience in the craft, that suc¬ cess of workmanship mainly depends upon this point. HARDEST SILVER SOLDER. OZ. dwts. grs. Fine Silver. . . O 16 O Shot Copper. . . O 4 O I O O HARD SILVER SOLDER. OZ. dwts. grs. Fine Silver. . . 0 O Brass. . . 0 5 O I O O EASY SILVER SOLDER. OZ. dwts. grs. Fine Silver. . . 0 l 3 8 Brass. . . 0 6 l6 I O O HARDEST SILVER SOLDER. Fine Silver. oz. dwts. grs. O Shot Copper. .. 0 5 0 1 5 0 HARD SILVER SOLDER. Fine Silver. oz. dwts. grs. O Brass. 16 r 6 16 EASY SILVER SOLDER. Fine Silver. oz. dwts. grs. O Brass. 0 I IO O The silver solders here given are not such as we can confidently recommend to the general silversmith, having proved them to be very unsatisfactory in certain classes of work. For example, the first solder, except in the case of plain, strong work, would be far too infusible to be generally used by the silversmith ; the second, although much more fusible, cannot safely be applied to very fine and delicate wire-work, because the brass in its composition is so uncertain ; unless spe¬ cially prepared by the silversmith, it probably, if purchased from the metal warehouse, con¬ tains lead ; the latter is injurious, and in pro¬ cess of soldering it burns and eats away, much resembling the application of burnt sawdust to the work. No really effective work can be produced when the above symptoms present themselves. The same remarks apply to No. 3, which is the most fusible, and when free from lead or other base metal it may be classed as a tolerably fair common solder. In the preparation of the solders to which we are alluding, it is preferable to employ, instead of the brass, a composition consisting of a mixture of cop¬ per and zinc, in the proportion of two parts of copper to one part of zinc; the operator then knows of what the solder is composed, and if it should turn out bad he will partly know the cause, and be able to supply a remedy. The solders that we have found to answer our purpose best are composed of the follow¬ ing elements. The first is described again as hard solder, but it is not nearly so hard as the one previously described. SILVER SOLDERS: THEIR USES AND APPLICATIONS. 149 BEST HARD SILVER SOLDER. OZ. dwts. grs. Fine Silver . . . . 0 16 O Shot Copper. . . 0 3 iT Spelter ...... . 0 0 12 1 O 0 BEST HARD SILVER SOLDER. OZ dwts. grs. Fine Silver . . . . I 0 O Shot Copper. . . 0 4 9 Spelter. . 0 0 i 5 1 5 0 MEDIUM SILVER SOLDER. oz. dwts. grs. Fine Silver. • 0 15 O Shot Copper. . 0 4 O Spelter . . 0 I O The whole of the above-named solders will bleach or whiten properly if applied to silver of the suitable quality for such pur¬ poses. We have used copper and spelter in our silver solders because we have found from experience that the fewer number of times a solder is melted the better it is for all purposes. This result of our experience is in direct opposition to those authors who have professed to treat upon this subject, and who can have had but a small amount of real practical knowledge ; for it is argued by them that the oftener a solder is melted the more properly does it become mixed, and conse¬ quently the more fit it is for the workman’s use. To such arguments we are prepared to give a blank denial, and our reasons for so doing we will state further on in this treatise. There are various other silver solders used by silversmiths, some few of which it will I 0 0 be as well, perhaps, while we are on the point. to enumerate: EASY SILVER SOLDER. OZ. dwts. grs. SILVER SOLDER FOR ENAMELING. Fine Silver.. . . 0 14 0 oz. dwts. grs- ' Shot Copper. . 0 4 12 Fine Silver. 1 0 0 Spelter. . 0 I 12 Shot Copper. 0 5 0 I 0 O 1 5 0 COMMON SILVER SOLDER. EASY SILVER SOLDER FOR FILIGREE WORK., OZ dwts. grs. oz. dwts. grs. Fine Silver . . . 0 12 I 2 Fine Silver. 0 16 0 Shot Copper. 6 O Shot Copper. 0 0 12 Spelter. . 0 I I 2 Composition. 0 3 12 I 0 0 I 0 0 MEDIUM SILVER SOLDER. SILVER SOLDER FOR CHAINS. OZ. dwts. grs. OZ. dwts. grs. Fine Silver . . 0 O Fine Silver. 0 0 Shot Copper. . 0 5 8 Shot Copper. . . . 0 IO 0 Spelter. 1 8 Pure Spelter. ... 0 2 0 I 6 l 6 I I 2 0 EASY SILVER SOLDER. COMMON SILVER SOLDER. oz. dwts. grs. oz. dwts. grs. Fine Silver . . 0 0 Fine Silver. , . . . I 0 0 Shot Copper. . 0 6 12 Shot Copper. 12 0 Spelter. 2 4 Pure Spelter. 3 0 I 8 16 I !5 0 COMMON SILVER SOLDER. SILVER SOLDER WITH ARSENIC. oz. dwts. grs. OZ. dwts. grs. Fine Silver . . 0 0 Fine Silver ...... 0 O Shot Copper. . 0 9 15 Shot Copper.... , 3 O Spelter. 2 9 Yellow Arsenic... 2 O I 12 0 I 5 O SILVER SOLDERS: THEIR USES AND APPLICATIONS. * 5 ° EASY SILVER SOLDER. oz. dwts. grs. Line Silver. o 0 Composition. . . . .... 0 5 0 Tinsel. 5 O I I 0 O SILVER SOLDER FOR ENAMELING. OZ. dwts. grs. L'ine Silver. O 0 Shot Copper. .. . I O 0 I I 0 0 QUICK RUNNING SILVER SOLDER. OZ. dwts. grs. Line Silver. o 0 Composition.... IO O Pure Tin. 2 0 I I 2 0 EASY SOLDER FOR CHAINS. OZ. dwts. grs. Fine Silver. O 0 Composition.... IO 0 Pure Spelter. .. . 2 0 I I 2 0 COMMON EASY SOLDER. oz. dwts. grs. Fine Silver. o 0 Composition.... . . . . o I 2 O Pure Spelter. . . . 3 0 I 15 0 SILVER SOLDER WITH ARSENIC. OZ. dwts. grs. Fine Silver. O 0 Composition.... . . . . 0 6 0 Yellow Arsenic. . I 0 I 7 0 COMMON EASY SOLDER. OZ. dwts. grs. Fine Silver. O O Tinsel. I O O Arsenic. 5 0 I 15 0 ANOTHER COMMON SOLDER. oz. dwts. grs. Fine Silver. 0 O Composition.... cs O Arsenic. I 6 • I 16 6 A VERY COMMON SOLDER. Fine Silver. oz. dwts. grs. 0 Composition. . . 0 White Arsenic.. 0 The solders here given will be found amply sufficient to select from for every operation of the silversmith, and will answer the several purposes for which they have been described. When tin and arsenic are employed in the composition of solder, either together or separately, they should be with¬ held until the more infusible metals with which they are to be united have become melted; the tin or tinsel should then be added, and when this is well melted with the mass, fling on the top the arsenic, let it melt, stir it well together, and pour it out quickly into an ingot-mold already prepared for its reception. When silver and brass, or silver and com¬ position. alone form the component parts of the solder, these metals may be put into the melting-pot together, well fused, stirred, and poured out as before. Solders into which volatile metals enter, upon repeated meltings, become hard, brittle, and drossy, and are therefore not so good as when the metal has received only one melt¬ ing ; it is for this reason that we have al¬ ways preferred to manufacture our solders from metals which have not been melted be¬ fore, or from those which have gone through the process as few a number of times as pos¬ sible. The mode of soldering gold and silver is as follows: Take the solder and roll it out thin between the flattening- rollers, or file it into dust, according to the kind of work in hand. If filed into dust, it is all the better if done very fine; and if reduced to a flat state, which should be tolerably thin, cut it into little bits, or pallions, which may easily be performed with a pair of hand-shears, length¬ ways, and afterwards crossways. When this is done, take the work which is to be soldered, join it together by means of fine binding-wire (very thin iron wire), or lay it upon the pumice so that the joinings can come close together and will not be liable to move during the process; wet the joinings with a solution of borax and water mixed into a thick paste or McLane’s Anti-Oxetyn, applying it with a small camel’s-hair pencil; then lay the bits or pallions of solder upon the parts to be united, and having placed the article upon some suit- SILVER SOLDERS: THEIR USES AND APPLICATIONS. able object, take your blow-pipe and blow with it, through a gas-jet, a keen flame upon the solder in order to melt it; this will render the unification of the parts complete and compact. When filed solder is used, the process of charging the article is rather different from the above. In *he latter case the filings are commonly put into a small cup-shaped vessel, in most cases the bottom of a teacup, or some other similar vessel being used for the purpose; a lump of borax is then taken and rubbed upon a piece of slate, to which a lit¬ tle water is occasionally added durin/g the rubbing; when this solution attains the con¬ sistency of cream it is put into the solder- dish and well mixed with the solder. This is then applied to the article to be soldered by means of a charger, consisting of a piece of round metal wire, flattened at one end, and shaped for the purpose it has to serve. The joinings, when this kind is employed, require no boraxing with the pencil, as de¬ scribed under pallion solder ; the borax being intermixed with the solder flushes with it through the joinings to be united, thus ren¬ dering any further application unnecessary. The process to which we are alluding is called “hard soldering,” and cannot be ap¬ plied to metals of a fusible nature; neither must it be attempted in the case of goods bearing the name of plated, which are put together with soft or pewter solder, similar to that used by tinsmiths and gasfitters. If there should be any soft solder about the ar¬ ticle to be soldered by the means we are de¬ scribing, it would be almost certain to destroy it, the soft solder having such an affinity for entering into combination with metals more infusible than itself when overheated. There is an art in soldering greater than some people would believe. The heat re¬ quired is of various degrees, some articles re¬ quiring a broad rough flame, others a smooth one, and others again a fine pointed one. All these circumstances connected with the pro¬ cess, together with others which we could de¬ tail,proving that it is an art only to be acquired by practice, must be considered enough ; and we proceed to observe that the skillful jeweler in soldering a large piece of work will direct the flame of the gas-jet to all parts of it, un¬ til it is tolerably hot, and then return to the spot to be soldered, and by a very dexterous movement of the flame, produced by the blow-pipe, increase the heat at the spot until the solder has flushed and the parts are ren- I 5 I dered thoroughly secure. So far as some of the work of the silversmith is concerned, the process of soldering is a very delicate opera¬ tion, and ought not to be undertaken by an unpracticed hand. The method of preparing solder for filigree work is worthy of a passing notice. It is called by the Germans Lemaille solder. In the first place it is reduced to very fine filings, mixed with burnt borax powdered fine, and in this state it is sprinkled from a spouted grater over the work to be soldered. The English filigree workers commonly use clean filed solder, and by means of the camel’s-hair pencil apply a solution of borax to the work, and then sprinkle the dry solder upon it from the grater. In Vienna a kind of powdered borax is employed, called Stren borax , or sprinkle borax. It is composed of the following in¬ gredients, which should be gently annealed to expel their water of crystallization, the whole well pounded and mixed together, and sprinkled over the parts to be joined from the spouted grater as before : oz. chvts. grs. Calcined borax. o 17 12 Carbonate of soda... o 1 12 Common salt. c 1 o 100 The object of this mixture is to prevent the rising of the solder, and to facilitate its flushing. Too much of it should not, how¬ ever, be put with solder in the grater at one time, as it is as objectionable as too much borax applied in the ordinary way ; but every workman will learn from experience concern¬ ing these matters. We have tried this mix¬ ture, prepared with filed solder in the ordi¬ nary way, and found it advantageous at first; but its greatest drawback is the turning of the solder yellow if not quickly used upon the work after mixing, thus rendering the solder permanently injured. For this reason we have had to abandon its employment in the wet state. But, in its dry state, to the silversmith for filigree purposes it is likely to be of advantage. It may be remarked that this preparation encumbers the work with a great deal more flux than borax does, and consequently it requires to be more often boiled out during the period of soldering to¬ gether the component parts. This is effected by boiling in a weak pickle of sulphuric acid, and water, composed of the following propor¬ tions : one part of acid to thirty parts of water. *5 2 COLD SILVERING. TO SOLDER SILVER. HE best solder for general purposes to be employed in soldering silver consists of 19 parts (by weight) of silver, 10 parts of brass, and one part of copper, carefully smelted together and well incorporated. To use this for fine work, it should be reduced to powder by filing; the borax should be rubbed upon a slate with water to the con¬ sistency of cream. This cream should then with a fine brush be applied to the surfaces intended to be joined, between which the powdered solder (or pellet) is placed, and the whole supported on a block of charcoal to concentrate the heat. In the hands of a skillful workman the work can be done with such accuracy as to require no scraping or filing, it being necessary only to remove the borax when the soldering is complete, by immersing in a jeweler’s pickle. SILVER SOLDER. T EN pennyweights of brass and one ounce of pure silver melted together makes a good silver solder for plating. SILVER SOLDER. HREE dwts. coin weight, one dwt. English brass pins. Melt the silver alone with borax, bend the pins up double, and wrap them up into a compact little par¬ cel in thin paper, so as to be readily dropped into the molten silver, and not bristle up and stick to the sides of the crucible; as soon as they melt, give your crucible a shake or two and run into the ingot; if you leave it long in a molten state after the pins melt, the zinc burns out and impairs the quality of the solder. Have a good heat on before you drop the pins in, especially the lip from which you intend to pour off. It is not owing so much to any peculiarity in the brass of which these pins are made, although its excellence and their convenient size rec¬ ommend them, as witnessed by their gen¬ eral use by the trade for many purposes, but it is the antimony with which they are coated that gives the solder its good quality. It flows easy, will stand chilling in the pickle, and retain its toughness; is white enough to use on silver, and is suitable for all kinds of repairing. COLD SILVERING. T sometimes happens that the country goldsmith or watchmaker has a silver- plated article in repair, and not having a battery either in his possession or in working order, he is nonplused how to restore the silver-plating. For doing this, there is noth ing so good as the methods described by A Roseleur, and which are as follows: COLD SILVERING BY RUBBING WITH THE THUMB, A CORK, OR A BRUSH. The results are better than those by the whitening process, but not very durable; the method is useful to repair slight defects upon more durable silverings, and to produce mixt¬ ures of gold and silver, or gold upon slightly gilt objects, thus avoiding the use of resist varnishes. Make a paste by thoroughly grind¬ ing in a porcelain mortar, or with a muller, and, as far as practicable, not in the light: Water.ounces, 3^ to 5 White fused nitrate of silver, or preferably the chloride. “ 7 Binoxalate of potash.. “ 10 Bitartrate of potash... . “ » ioj^ Common salt. “ 15 or, Chlorate of silver.ounces, 3^ Bitartrate of potash. “ 7 Common salt. “ 10 y 2 Pulverize finely in a porcelain mortar, and triturate it under a muller upon a plate of ground glass until there is no granular feel¬ ing. Keep the paste in a porcelain pot or in a black glass vessel, to preserve it from the light, which decomposes it rapidly. When about to use it, add a little water so as to form a thin paste, which is applied with a brush or pencil upon the cleansed articles of copper, or upon those gilt by dipping, or even upon those gilt by the battery, provided that the coating is thin enough to allow the copper to decompose the silver paste through the coat of gold ; allow the paste to dry nat¬ urally or with the aid of a gentle heat. The chemical reaction is more or less complete according to the thickness of the gold de¬ posit, and the dry paste is of a pink shade, or entirely green. The salts are removed by a thorough rinsing in cold water and the sil¬ ver appears with a fine frosted appearance, the brightness of which may be increased by a few seconds’ immersion in a very dilute COLD SILVERING. 1 53 solution of sulphuric acid or of cyanide of potassium. This silvering bears the action of the wire brush and of the burnishing tool very well; and it may also be oxidized. Should a first silvering not be found suffi¬ ciently durable after scratch-brushing, apply a second or third coat. This Adyering is not so adhering or so white on pure copper as upon a gilt surface. For the reflectors of lanterns, the paste is rubbed upon the re¬ flector with a fine linen pad ; then, with an¬ other pad, a thin paste of Spanish white, or similar substance, is spread over the reflector and allowed to dry. Rubbing with a fine and clean linen rag will restore the luster and whiteness of the plated silver. FOR PLATED SILVER REFLECTORS. A bath made of water, i Y\ pints ; nitrate of chloride of silver, 2 ounces; cyanide of potassium, 10 14 ounces; add sufficient Span¬ ish white, or levizated chalk, in fine powder, to produce a thin paste, which is kept in a well-closed pot. This paste is spread with a brush, or a pad of old linen, all over the surface of the reflector, and allowed almost to dry, when it is briskly rubbed over with another clean dry rag of old linen. SILVERING BY DIPPING IN A WARM BATH. For small articles, a bath is made by dis¬ solving in an enameled cast-iron kettle, in two gallons of water, 17 y 2 ounces of ordinary cyanide of potassium. Also dissolve 5^ ounces of fused nitrate of silver in 1^ pints of water, contained in a glass or porcelain vessel. The second solution is gradually poured into the first. Stir with a glass rod. The white or grayish-white precipitate pro¬ duced soon dissolves, and the remaining liquor is filtered, if a perfectly clear bath is desired. When brought to the boiling point it will immediately silver the cleansed copper articles plunged into it. The objects must be quickly withdrawn. The silvering should im¬ mediately follow the cleansing, although the rinsings after each operation should be thor¬ ough and complete. This bright and light silvering is adapted for set jewelry, which can¬ not be scratch-brushed without flattening the clasps, and to which a bright luster is abso¬ lutely necessary as a substitute for the foil of burnished silver placed under the precious stones of real jewelry. The employment of the solution of nitrate of binoxide of mercury is useless, and even injurious for this bath. It is useless to keep up the strength of the solu¬ tion by new additions of cyanide and silver salt, as it will invariably give results far in¬ ferior to those of the former solution. The baths should therefore be washed out, as long as the silvering is satisfactory, and when ex¬ hausted, put away with the waste. With this process a battery and a soluble anode may be used to obtain a more durable deposit; but the operation is no longer a simple dip¬ ping, and properly belongs to electro-silvering by heat. A solution which, when boiling, produces a very fine silver coat with a mat, or partly mat, luster upon cleansed copper, is made by dissolving, with the aid of heat, in a well- scoured copper kettle: Distilled water, 9 pints ; ferro-cyanide of potassium, 21 ounces ; carbonate of potash, 14 ounces. When the liquid boils, add the well-washed chloride ob¬ tained from 1 ounce of pure silver. This should boil for about half an hour, and be filtered before using; part of the silver de¬ posits upon the copper kettle, and should be removed when a new bath is prepared. On account of this inconvenience, the process has been nearly abandoned, although the products are remarkably fine. All the dip¬ ping silver baths, which contain a compara- ■ tively great excess of cyanide of potassium to proportion of the silver salt, will silver well copper articles perfectly cleansed, even in the cold; whereas this characteristic dimin¬ ishes in proportion to the increase of the amount of silver in the bath, or with the de¬ crease of the amount of cyanide. For small articles, partly copper and partly iron, such as those used for saddlery and carriage wares, a particular process of silver is used. The bath is composed of . Water. pints, 9 Caustic potash. ounces, 6 Bicarbonate of potash.. “ 3*4 Cyanide of potassium . . “ 2 Fused nitrate of silver. . “ ^3 The cyanide, caustic potash, and bicarbo¬ nate are dissolved in seven pints of water in an enameled cast-iron kettle ; then the remain¬ ing quart of water, in which the nitrate of silver has been separately dissolved, is added to the former solution. For the silvering operation, a certain quantity of articles are cleansed, thoroughly rinsed, and put in a small enameled kettle. Enough of the silver bath is poured in to cover the articles en¬ tirely, and the whole is brought to a boil for a few seconds, and stirred with a wooden *54 OXIDIZING SILVER. spatula. When the silvering appears satis¬ factory, the liquor employed is put with the saved waste; the same liquid is never used for two batches of articles. This process gives a somewhat durable silvering with a dead luster of a grayish-white, which is in¬ creased in whiteness and brightness by soap and burnishing.- _ TO DISSOLVE SILVER FROM SIL¬ VERED ARTICLES. Cold Bath .—For dissolving silver in the cold, the objects are hung in a large vessel filled with the following mixture: Sulphuric acid 66° B., io parts; nitric acid at 40 0 B., 10 parts. The articles remain in this for a greater or less length of time, according to the thickness of the coat of silver to be de- solved. The liquid, when it does not contain water, dissolves the silver without sensibly corroding copper and its alloys; therefore avoid introducing wet articles into it, and keep the liquid perfectly covered when not in use. As far as praticable, place the articles in the liquid so as not to touch each other, and in a vertical position, so that the silver salt will fall to the bottom. In proportion -as the action of the liquid diminishes pour in small and gradual additions of nitric acid. Dissolving silver in .the cold is regular and certain, but slow, especially when the pro¬ portion of silver is great. Hot Bath .—Nearly fill an enameled cast- iron pan with concentrated sulphuric acid, and heat to a temperature of from 300° to 400 0 Fahr.; at the moment of using it, pinches of dry, powdered saltpeter are thrown into it; then hold the article with copper tongs in the liquid. The silver rapidly dis¬ solves and the copper or its alloy are not sensibly corroded. According to the rapid¬ ity of the solution more or fewer pinches of saltpeter are added. All the silver has been dissolved when, after rinsing in water and dipping the articles into the cleaning acid, they present no black br brown spots—that is, when they appear like new metals. These two methods are not suitable for removing the silver from wrought- and cast- iron, zinc or lead ; in these cases it is pref¬ erable to invert the electric current in a cyanide bath, or to use mechanical processes. Old dissolving liquids become green after use; to recover the silver they are diluted with four or five times their volume of water ; then add hydrochloric acid or common salt. I lie precipitation is complete when the set¬ tled liquor does not become turbid by a new addition of common salt or by hydrochloric acid. The resulting chloride of silver is separated from the liquid either by decanting or filtering, and is afterwards reduced to the metallic state by one of the usual methods. TO IMITATE INLAYING OF SILVER. VERY neat imitation of silver inlaying for small boxes, handles, and articles de luxe , may be made in the following man¬ ner f Carefully draw your pattern upon the work, and then engrave or cut away your lines with sharp gouges, chisels, etc., so as to appear clean and even, taking care to cut them deep enough, and rather into it, like a dovetail, so as to secure the composition afterward to be put into the grooves. The silver composition may be made as follows: Take a small quantity of the purest and best grain tin and melt it in a ladle; add to it, while in fusion, the purest quicksilver, stirring it to make it incorporate; when you have added enough, it will remain as a stiff paste ; if too soft, add more tin, or if too stiff, add more quicksilver. • Grind this composition in a mortar or upon a marble slab, with a little size, and fill up the cuttings or grooves in your work, as you would with putty. Allow it to remain some hours to dry, after which you may polish it with your hand, and it will appear like work inlaid with silver. OXIDIZING SILVER. VERY worker in the precious metal knows the liability of silver to become tarnished in an atmosphere containing sul¬ phurous emanations, sewer gas, or sulphu- reted hydrogen ; in the language of the day this tarnishing is called “ oxidizing,” although erroneously so, because the silver enters into a chemical combination with the sulphurous gas and forms a sulphide of silver. The ob¬ ject assumes a dark lead-color, and in order to restore the brightness of the silver, pickling must be resorted to. This proclivity is taken advantage of for causing an artificial oxida¬ tion upon the silver surface by covering this latter with certain re-agents that will produce such an effect. Such a re-agent must natu¬ rally contain an easily decomposing sulphur combination, which the silversmith has in the so-called liver of sulphur (German Schwefel- leber , sulphide of potassium), which is so easily decomposed that it parts with hydro- OXIDIZING SILVER. 1 55 sulphide even at a simp.e exposure to air. The workman can readily prepare it himself by mixing two parts of sharply dried potash with one part of pulverized sulphur, and then fusing the mass in an iron vessel. This po- tassic sulphide can also be purchased in any drug-store; it is a crumbling,, liver-brown mass, and has to be kept in firmly closed re¬ ceptacles on account of its liability to decom¬ pose. When a silver article is to be coated entirely with sulphide of silver, the former must first be thoroughly cleaned from all filth and grease with soda lye; it is then rinsed in water and-at once immersed in a bath of the sulphide of potassium solution. Action begins at once, and the coating adheres ac¬ cording to the state of dilution of the bath. The coursp of the process must not be hastened too precipitately, however, as under such circumstances the coating of the sul¬ phide will adhere loosely and drop off when slightly touched. (The writer ascertained by experiments that a much more firmly adher¬ ing coating may be obtained by exposing the article for some time to an atmosphere of humid sulphureted hydrogen gas.) It may be well to remember that the more dilute the bath is the more tenaciously adheres the “ oxidation ’’; the formation of this is has¬ tened by warming the fluid. When coated sufficiently with sulphide of silver, the article is taken out of the bath, quickly rinsed in water, and then dried; if the work has been conducted correctly the piece must be of a uniform gray color. Or¬ namentations may then be executed showing the brightness of the silver; this is effected in two ways—mechanically and chemically. By the former, the layer of the sulphide of silver is completely removed with a graver, so that the color of the metal underneath is made to appear. By the second, that part of the design which is to appear bright is executed with a goose quill dipped in moder¬ ately strong nitric acid, which changes the sulphide of silver into a sulphate, that can be washed off by dipping the article for some time in boiling water, after the drawing of the design is finished. The sulphate of silver dissolves with difficulty in water. It is not easy to produce entirely faultless designs in this manner, and especially do the contours occasionally lack sufficient sharp¬ ness. Sharper designs are obtained by coat¬ ing the places of the silver which are to re¬ main bright with asphaltum varnish, and, after drying, dipping the article into the potassium-sulphide bath. When the action is satisfactory the article is rinsed and the asphaltum lacquer removed by dipping in benzoin. By tracing the design directly upon the article, experiments have also been success¬ ful ; a highly concentrated solution of sul¬ phide of potassium in water was prepared, and so thickened with sufficient thick muci¬ lage solution that it could have been used for writing and drawing. The designs upon the bright silver were executed with a quill and brush ; the article set aside for 24 hours, then heated so that the dried mucilage mixture either dropped off of itself or separated by gentle tapping. If the fluid is thickened sufficiently with the mucilage solution the outlines of the tracings will be of very great sharpness, and the dark gray sketches on the bright silver will make a very agreeable effect. There are two distinct shades in use, one of which is produced by chloride, which has a brownish tone. For this it is only neces¬ sary to work the article with a solution of sal-ammoniac. The other, described in the proceeding, is of a much more beautiful tint. The nice blue-gray to black tone, the char¬ acteristic of sulphide of silver, is obtained by this sulphur bath ; but if the silver is alloyed with much copper the color will be different, inclining more to dead black, and not so handsome. When, therefore, an oxidation simply produced by sulphide of silver is to be obtained, the article must be heated to a red heat for some time, so as to oxidize the copper on the surface to a proportionally great depth ; this oxide is then to be removed by pickling twice or three times. If the color of the oxidized silver is to be very dark, passing into a velvety black, dip the article, before entering the liver-of-sulphur bath, in a solution of proto-nitrate of mercury. The article assumes thereby a fairly white color, metallic mercury separating upon its surface which unites into an amalgam with the silver. The solution of the proto-nitrate of mercury is produced by dissolving mercury in the cold in nitric acid, so that a little mercury remains in excess ; this solution is to be kept in a closed bottle, upon the bottom of which is a little mercury. When the article is next immersed into the sulphide of potassium bath, a thicker layer of a mixture of sulphide of mercury and sulphide of silver, of a vel¬ vety black tone, is produced. The silver oxidation may also be shaded by chemical re-agents; for instance, the ox- J 5 6 OTHER METHODS. idized article is dipped into a fluid consisting of io parts of sulphate of copper,- 5 parts of sal-ammoniac, and 100 parts vinegar, which imparts a warm, brown color to the bright places of the silver. Elegantly colored de¬ signs may be produced in this manner by a skillful manipulation of the process. For in¬ stance, ornamentations are first traced upon the bright silver surface with asphaltum lac¬ quer ; the article is next oxidized in the liver- of-sulphur baths, after which the asphaltum layer is removed; next it is dipped into the solution of proto-nitrate of mercury, and again oxidized, when black designs upon a blue-gray ground are obtained. Now brighten certain places of the silver surface, dip the article in the above-stated copper solution, and you will have the bright spots oxidized brown. Care is always necessary that the oxidations already produced are not ruined by the succeeding ones, and it is al¬ ways necessary to coat such finished places with asphaltum lacquer. OTHER METHODS. I. S ILVER work may be oxidized by any of the following processes: Sal-ammoniac. 2 parts. Sulphate of copper. 2 parts Saltpeter. 1 part. Reduce the above ingredients to a fine powder, and dissolve it in a little acetic acid. If the article is to be entirely oxidized, it may be dipped for a short time in the boiling mixture ; if only in parts, it may be applied with a camel’s-hair pencil, the article and the mixture both being warmed before using. II. Platinum. 1 part. Hydrochloric acid. 2 parts. Nitric acid. 1 part. Dissolve the platinum in the mixture of acids, evaporate to crystallization, and when cold, dissolve again in a little sulphuric ether. Apply the mixture with a camel’s-hair pencil to the parts required to be blackened. III. Saltpeter. 2 parts. Common salt. 1 part. Spirits of salts.1 part. Reduce the salts to powder, and place it in a black-lead crucible along with the acid, boil up, and then dip the articles into the mixture for a short time, or otherwise apply it to the parts required to be oxidized. These mixtures will give the various tints of oxidation to silver work if properly treated ; but if other tints be desired, the following chemical substances may be employed ac¬ cording to taste: For slate-colored surface, dip the articles into a boiling solution of sul- phuret of potassium. Strong hydrosulphate of ammonia produces a dark tint of oxidation, and if diluted with much water a light tint is produced. Nitric acid produces a light sur¬ face. The fumes of sulphur produce a beau¬ tiful blue-colored surface. This operation should be conducted in a closed box, and all parts not to be blackened should be coated with a suitable resist varnish. After any of these processes the articles may either be scratched or otherwise burnished. IV. We find the following process for oxidizing silver in the Journal des Applications Elec- triques: The salts of silver are colorless when the acids, the elements of which enter into their composition, are not colored, but they gen¬ erally blacken on exposure to light. It is easy, therefore, to blacken silver and obtain its oxide; it is sufficient to place it in con¬ tact with a sulphide, vapor of sulphur, or the sulphides or polysulphides of potash or soda, dissolved in water and called eau de barege. The chlorides play the same part, and the chloride of lime in solution or simply eau de javelle may be used. It is used hot in order to accelerare its action. The bath must be prepared new for each operation for two reasons: 1. It is of little value. 2. The sulphides precipitate rapidly and give best effects only at the time of their direct precipitations. The quantity of the re-agent in solution forming the bath de¬ pends upon the thickness of the deposit of silver. When this is trifling, the oxidation penetrates the entire deposit and the silver exfoliates in smaller scales, leaving the cop¬ per bare. It is necessary, therefore, in this case to operate with dilute baths inclosing only about 3 grams (45 grains) of oxidizant at most per liter. The operation is very simple: Heat the necessary quantity of water, add the sulphide or chloride, and agi¬ tate to effect the solution of the mixture, and then at once plunge in the silver-plated arti¬ cles, leaving them immersed only for a few FROSTING SILVER. *57 seconds, which exposure is sufficient to cover it with a pellicle of deep black-blue silver. After withdrawing they are plunged in clean cold water, rinsed and dried, and either left mat or else polished, according to the nature of the articles. Should the result not be satisfactory, the articles are brightened by immersing in a lukewarm solution of cyanide of potassium. The oxide, the true name of which would be the sulphuret or chloruret, can be raised only on an object either entirely of silver pr silver- plated. FROSTING SILVER. AVING been requested to give some general information with regard to the processes of frosting and finishing silver and metal work, we give the following few par¬ ticulars with the expressed proviso that, al¬ though every process and detail may be here laid down for the perfect and most complete accomplishment of the art, the uninitiated or even the less experienced operator can do the same work and achieve such good results as the skillful workman. The frosting of silver goods is not done with an acid or combination of acids, but is simply due to scratching with the scratch¬ brush. These scratch-brushes take different forms, according to the kind of work to be submitted to them for frosting, and are made of various strengths; that' is, the wires of them are specially prepared of several thick¬ nesses, and when a very fine satin finish is required, a brush of very fine wire is taken, and so on. A brush with wires thicker and thicker in proportion is taken as a more ex¬ tended roughness is desired. These wire scratch-brushes are fixed upon a horizontal spindle in the lathe; the lathe is made to re¬ volve by means of the foot of the operator and a treadle attached to the crank of the lathe, but where a gas or other small power engine can be employed it is far preferable, as the speed is much greater and far more regular. Frosting requires great speed to do the work nicely. The wires of the scratch¬ brush must lie even on the surface, all of the same length, and always kept straight at the points, otherwise the frosting will not be regular. Sometimes the little hand scratch- brushes are employed for coarser work ; four of them are taken and firmly secured in four corresponding grooves in a circular chuck, which screws into the lathe. The ends of the four little brushes are repeatedly cut off as occasion requires, in order to present a straight surface for a continual contact with the work. Metal work is first prepared for gilding by dipping, and when gilt, submitted in the same manner as silver to the processes just described. Metal work can be frosted by acids with advantage, whereas no good results can be arrived at with silver, or by its treatment in any analogous manner, as the color, in the first place—and this is highly important— would be very inferior, and the frost produced would in no manner compare with that pro¬ duced by the scratch-brush. A few good recipes consist as follows for dipping metal goods. Each one effects a bright frosted surface upon work submitted to their various actions, and this, of course, is always providing the alloy is right of which such work is composed: No. i. Nitric acid. 4 ounces. Sulphuric acid. 1 ounce. Common salt. y? ounce. $y ounces. In preparing this solution add the sul¬ phuric acid to the nitric, and lastly put in common salt in a state of fine, dry powder. Keep your work free from water, and dip it in the mixture for a few seconds only. The work must be scrupulously clean and free from grease of every kind. No. 2. Nitric acid.. 4 ounces. Muriatic acid. 4 ounces. Hydrochloric acid. y drachm. Prepare the mixture, and treat it exactly in the same manner as the previous one; be careful and not leave the work in the solution too long. No. 3. Nitric acid. 1 ounce Muriatic acid. 1 ounce. Common salt. 1 ounce. Well mix these ingredients together by stirring, and then dip the work for a very short time only, when the object of your de¬ sire will be readily attained. POLISHING SILVER. *58 TO ETCH SILVER AND GOLD. T HE process of etching silver is done for the purpose of embellishing an otherwise dead flat surface of a certain article. When an etching is to be introduced, the place of the article is slightly warmed to a temperature to melt a coating of beeswax upon it. The design is then carefully scratched with a sharp-pointed instrument, the etching needle, through the coating of the beeswax, work¬ ing and managing the lines precisely as we would if we were making a pen-and-ink drawing, forcibly drawing the outline of the design—say a rabbit—and if the operator is confident of his ability to preserve the round¬ ness of the form, let the furry appearance be given in the etching; if not, let him content himself with the outline and a few vigorous touches, as far as his ability enables him. The etching, or “ biting in,” as it is also termed, is best done with nitric acid, diluted with three or four times the amount of water. The piece to be etched should be protected all over either with beeswax or shellac var¬ nish (shellac dissolved in alcohol). The ar¬ ticle or plate to be etched is best sunk in the dilute nitric acid, where it should be brushed (as it lies immersed in the acid) with a camel’s-hair pencil, to remove gas bubbles. A little practice will enable one to judge of the time required, as acids vary so much in strength that no rule can be given. The etching can be carried to different degrees of depth and width, by the time to which it is subjected to the action of the acid ; as, for instance, the same line can be bitten in with acid so as to be so fine and delicate as to be almost imperceptible, but if the acid action is continued it will bite deeper and deeper, until a full, heavy, strong line is obtained. Gold can also be etched by using nitro-mu- riatic acid (2 parts muriatic, 1 part nitric), diluted in about the same proportions. In the rabbit the effects may be varied by mat¬ ting some portions and leaving others bright. After the etching is complete, and before the bright cutting is done, the article should be cleaned from the wax by washing with spirits of turpentine, and then with soap and water, after which it should be dried in box¬ wood sawdust. After the etching wax is en¬ tirely cleaned off, the etching lines should be rubbed with a fine wire scratch-brush, to re¬ move any oxide of silver remaining in them. Such etch effects can be made in figures of men or animals, but more particularly land¬ scape scenes. When in the hands of a skill¬ ful designer, a witching little rural scene can be lined in in a comparatively short time. POLISHING SILVER. OLISHING is an important process with all precious metal workers. It is applied for the production of surface to their wares, and in proportion to the smoothness required upon the work, so should be the fineness of the material employed in effecting it. The polishing powders are emery, powdered pum¬ ice, crocus, rotten-stone, putty of tin, and rouge. In the best w’ork, scratches are re¬ moved with a smooth and rather soft dark gray stone (Water-of-Ayr stone); it is then polished in the lathe with a stiff brush, and the application of a little fine polishing mixture. We have placed the materials for polishing in their respective order of smoothness or fine¬ ness, beginning with emery, which is the coarsest. A very good mixture for ordinary work consists of equal portions of emery, pumice, and crocus, with oil added to consist¬ ence of a thick paste. Good work does not want much polishing, for the beauty of it de¬ pends more on its being executed by a well- trained workman ; whereas rough and badly executed work requires much polishing, and for this the coarser powders are preferable, or a mixture of them; but for the finer, better finished work the finer powders should be employed. The Water-of-Ayr stone employed for pol¬ ishing is usually obtained in the form of small square sticks, and is used with a small quantity of water to the surface of the work, in a similar manner to filing. The stone is softer than the material upon which it oper¬ ates (and, in fact, so are all the materials for polishing), and therefore wears away, pro¬ ducing a mud-like substance upon the article, which should be repeatedly moved, in order to ascertain the progress made. This may be done with a clean rag, or tissue paper. When the work is polished at the lathe it will gradually become enveloped in grease, etc., which should be removed occasionally, to show when the process has been carried far enough. The polishing of silver work is the branch of the trade commonly performed by girls. It is hard work for them, as the metal possesses a very soft nature; it there¬ fore pulls hard against the brush which holds the polishing mixture. The lathe employed is the ordinary polishing lathe with a hori¬ zontal spindle, and is worked with a common RESTORING THE LUSTER OF SILVER. l S9 foot-treadle; steam-power is used by some firms for moving lathes, but it is by no means the usual custom at present. After the completion of the polishing pro¬ cess, the work is well washed out in a pre¬ pared solution, to remove the mixture which adheres to it; a solution of soda is found to answer the purpose best, both from its cheap¬ ness and effectiveness. It should be used hot, with the addition of a little soap, and with a stiff brush the dirt is soon removed. The quantity of soda used to a given pro¬ portion of water differs in the trade, and there is no set rule to go by; it dep/ends, more or less, upon the adhesiveness bf the polishing mixture. We have found about two ounces of it to a quart of water amply sufficient for the purpose. RESTORING THE LUSTER OF SILVER. HE best way to restore the original dead or lustrous whiteness of silver goods, lost or impaired by exposure to sulphurous atmospheres, or by having been too often and perhaps carelessly cleaned, is effected by annealing in a charcoal fire, or before the flame of a gas or oil lamp, by means of the blow-pipe, which affects the destroying of all organic matter adhering to the surface of the article, at the same time oxidizing on the surface the base metals with which the silver is alloyed. The article is allowed to cool, and then immersed in a boiling solution, consisting of from one to five parts of sul¬ phuric acid, and twenty parts of water—the quantity of the water depending upon the quality of the silver the article is made of; the coarser the'silver, the more acidulated. The boiling in this solution has the effect of dissolving the extracted deposit of oxide and leaving a coating of pure and fine silver on the surface. The time for allowing the articles to remain in the solution also de¬ pends on the quality of the silver; while good sterling silver will be whitened in al¬ most an instant, common silver will take a minute, or even longer; care is, however, to be taken not to allow the articles to be too long in the solution, as in that case the sur¬ face will turn into an unseemly grayish color, and the manipulation will have to be com¬ menced afresh ; if the silver is very com¬ mon, the article will require to be repeatedly treated in this manner before the desired whiteness is obtained, and in some cases will even have to be silvered by the galvanic method. As soon as the desired whiteness of the article whilst in the acid is observed, it is removed and quickly thrown into luke¬ warm water; it is advisable to have an ad¬ ditional vessel with warm water at hand to place the articles in after having been re¬ moved from the first. The articles are then immersed in boxwood sawdust, kept in an iron vessel near the stove, or any warm place, when, after thoroughly drying in the sawdust, the article will be found to look like new. Any places on the article desired to look bright are burnished with a steel bur¬ nisher. The annealing, prior to placing the article into the acid solution, requires some care and attention, or else the workmanship of the piece will be irretrievably lost. It is first of all necessary to closely examine the- article, whether it has been soft-soldered previously, as under such circumstances it is unfit to be annealed, as the heat necessary for this would burn the solder into the ar¬ ticles and produce blemish past remedy. It is, secondly, necessary to remove all stones, steel, or any material not silver, or liable to be injured in the fire, and it is also advisable to remove pins or tongues from brooches, or spiral springs attached to some very showy ornaments, to produce a shaking or trembling greatly admired in artistic jewelry, in order to preserve the hardness of the pins and the elasticity of the springs. After being satis¬ fied that these precautions have been ob¬ served, and the article is without risk fit to be annealed, another precaution, and espe¬ cially by mechanics not accustomed to such work, should be observed, namely, to pre¬ vent. an over or under heating. If the ar¬ ticle is overheated, it is liable to melt, and if underheated, the organic matter adhering is not effectually destroyed, and the surface not sufficiently oxidized. In order to ob¬ tain the required degree of heat, and running no risk of either under or over heating, the article is held with a pair of pincers very close over the flame of the lamp so as to be covered with soot all over, and then exposed before the blast of a flame by means of a blow-pipe, until the soot bums or disappears, when quite sufficient and yet not more heat than is required is obtained. The practice of this last precaution will greatly assist the manipulation and prevent accidents. Silver ornaments which have merely be¬ come oxidized by exposure in a sulphurous COLD SILVER PLATING. 1 60 atmosphere, and not by repeated cleaning, are simply restored by brushing with a clean -tooth-brush and a little carbqnate of soda. alike, rub it with very fine chalk powder or dust upon wadding or other soft cloth, wash with clean water, and dry with a cloth. TARNISHING OF SILVER. O F the many agents proposed to prevent the tarnishing of silver and plated goods, none appear to have given as satis¬ factory results as a varnish of collodion—a solution of gun-cotton in a mixture of alco¬ hol and ether. All other varnishes appear to impart a yellowish tinge to the silver or plated wares, but collodion varnish is quite colorless. The articles should be carefully brushed with the varnish, using an elastic brush, making sure that the entire surface is covered. The film of collodion will protect the underlying metal surface for a long time. TO CLEANSE SILVER TARNISHED BY SOLDERING. S OME expose it to a uniform heat, allow to cool, and then boil in strong alum water. Others immerse for a considerable length of time in a liquid made of one-half ounce of cyanide of potash to one pint of rain¬ water, and then brush off with prepared chalk. TO CLEAN SILVER. T AKE either a small sponge, a piece of flannel, a piece of chamois, or a clean and dry silver brush. Rub all the articles which have bad spots with salt, which re¬ moves the spots more quickly than anything else. The simplest method is to place a little prepared chalk in a saucer with water, of which make a thick paste, and add a few drops of ammonia. In place of ammonia, the chalk can be prepared with alcohol or simply with water. This paste is to be brushed or rubbed carefully over the article. RAPID SILVER PLATING. D R. BURGER recommends the follow¬ ing for rapid silver plating: Prepare a powder of 3 parts of chloride of silver, 20 parts carefully pulverized cream of tartar, and 15 parts pulverized cooking salt; mix it into a thin paste with water, and rub it upon the well-cleaned metallic surface with blotting paper. After you are certain that all parts of the article have been touched SILVERING RECIPE. A MONG the several recipes given for ob¬ taining a silvering solution, Marquand recommends the following of Mr. C. Eber- macher, which has been tested repeatedly, and was found very useful, as it gives, after a short time, lustrous silver layers on metals, and especially on brass. Care must be taken that the pieces which are dipped in the metal bath be treated before in the ordinary man¬ ner in a potash solution and dilute hy¬ drochloric acid. The silver bath is made with a solution of four ounces lunar caustic (equal to a solution of two and one-half ounces silver in seven and one-half ounces nitric acid); the silver of this solution is precipitated as oxide of silver by the addi¬ tion of a solution of two and one-half ounces caustic potash in six and one-quarter ounces distilled water; and the precipitate, after being washed, is added to a solution of 12 and one-half ounces of cyanide of potassium in one quart of water. This solution is then filtered and water added to bring it to four and one-quarter quarts. In this solution, which is heated on the water bath, the pieces to be silvered are left for a few minutes. After being agitated, they are taken out, ard put to dry in fine sawdust, and then polished. COLD SILVER PLATING. F RESHLY deposited chloride of silver, well washed with hot water, is mixed in equal proportions of table salt and cream of tartar, until it becomes a paste, if neces¬ sary, with additions of water. The article to be silvered is first cleansed with a good stiff brush and a solution of soda and soap, and thoroughly rinsed to remove any dirt, and again rinsed with hot water. It is to be recommended to submit it to a dry clean¬ ing with pulverized and washed chalk, pum¬ ice-stone powder, or quartz powder. When well rinsed with cold water, make a ball of loose cotton wrapped in soft muslin, and with this coat the wet article with a thin layer of salt; then rub some of the silvering paste onto it until the whole article under treatment is well silver-coated. When suffi¬ cient, quickly rub with a little ball some cream of tartar upon the silvering, and SILVER ALLOYS. wash. The silver deposit will be found handsome, clean, and as white as snow. SILVERING WITHOUT A BATTERY. S ILVERING by contact is not as dura¬ ble as by battery, although the color is the same. The solution is prepared as fol¬ lows : Take one part chloride of silver, six parts prussiate of potash, four parts purified potash, two parts salt, four parts caustic am¬ monia, four and one-half parts rain-water. First prepare the chloride of silver, next dis¬ solve the prussiate of potash in water, and add then the potash, salt, and ammonia, and boil the whole for one-half hour in a porce¬ lain vessel; filter, and the fluid is ready for silvering. The utmost cleanliness is also a primary condition by this method. Heat the fluid up by boiling, then introduce the article, together with a piece of clean zinc. Take it out after a few minutes and brush it with cream of tartar, and put it back again in the solution, in which leave it for three or four minutes. Then brush again, and con¬ tinue this until it is sufficiently silvered. This silvering will bear polishing with the steel, and takes a nice black luster. Articles silvered by this method cannot be distin¬ guished from silver articles. It is very good to protect galvanic casts against dimming. But when silvering, no more must be taken of the fluid than will be used. FROSTING POLISHED ILVER. C YANIDE of potassium one ounce, dis¬ solved in one-half pint of water. Do not hold the silver in your hands, but use boxwood plyers, and apply the mixture to the surface with a brush. PICKLE FOR FROSTING. S ILVERWARE may be frosted and whitened by preparing a pickle of sul¬ phuric acid one drachm, water four ounces ; heat it and in it immerse the silver articles until frosted as desired ; then wash off clean and dry with a soft linen cloth, or in fine clean sawdust. For whitening only, a smaller quantity of acid may be used. SILVER-ALUMINUM ALLOYS. A LUMINUM and silver make handsome ■ white alloys, which, compared to those from pure aluminum, are much harder, in x6t consequence of which they take a much higher polish, and, at the same time, they are preferable to the silver-copper alloys, for the reason that they are unchangeable in air and retain their white color. It has been proposed, therefore, no longer to alloy the world’s money with copper, but with alumi¬ num, which makes it far more durable, and even after a long-continued use it retains its white color. Experiments on a vast scale were for this reason instituted in European countries, but for some reason or other, it appears that the silver-copper alloys were retained. According to the quantities of aluminum added, the alloys possess varying characteristics. An alloy consisting of ioo parts aluminum and five parts silver dif¬ fers but little from the pure aluminum, yet it is far harder and assumes a higher polish. An alloy consisting of equal parts of alumi¬ num and silver rivals bronze in hardness. WASHING SILVERWARE. N EVER use a particle of soap on your silverware, as it dulls the luster, giving the article more the appearance of pewter than of silver. When it wants cleaning, rub it with a piece of soft leather and prepared chalk, the latter made into a kind of paste with pure water, for the reason that water not pure might contain gritty particles. EXTRACTING SILVER FROM WASTAGE. M IX your refuse with an equal quantity of wood charcoal, place in a crucible and heat to a bright red, and in a short time a silver button will be found at the bottom. Carbonate of soda is another good flux. SILVER ALLOYS. P URE silver is a metal of only an inferior degree of hardness, in consequence of which silverware manufactured from the pure metal would be subject to rapid wear, and for this reason it is generally alloyed, except for articles for the chemical labora¬ tory. Silver is more frequently alloyed with copper; beside this, it is also alloyed with gold and aluminum. Alloys containing sil¬ ver and nickel, or silver, nickel, and zinc, are much employed in the manufacture of table ware and articles de luxe , which, while being of a handsome white color, are much. DIPPING MIXTURE. 162 cheaper than those from silver and copper, which was formerly much used in the manu¬ facture of silverware. RESILVERING BRASS CLOCK DIALS. HE following solutions are generally employed for electro-plating: Silver solution, No. 1 : cyanide of potassium, lb.; cyanide of silver, oz.; water, 1 gallon. The cyanide of potassium, in the form of white cakes or lumps, is dissolved in the water and allowed to settle; it is then filtered. The cyanide of silver, a white powder, is then gradually added to the alka¬ line cyanide solution in the above propor¬ tions ; it will dissolve on stirring, and the result is -the electro-plating solution desired. It contains 1 oz. of silver to the gallon. Solution No. 2: This is the solution of silver which is most easily prepared; it is also the cheapest, and there is neither time nor labor spent in preparing the silver salt for solution in the cyanide solution. The materials em¬ ployed are: Cyanide of potassium, lb.; water, 1 gallon. This solution is placed in a large vessel, and a similar solution is placed in a flat, porous vessel, which is supported in the larger vessel, so that the liquid is the same height in each vessel. In the porous vessel is put a small and clean piece of iron, and in the outer vessel a large and thick sheet of pure silver, the iron being so fixed that the conductor in contact with it does not enter the solution, and the silver being supported entirely in the liquid by means of thick silver wire. When these details are properly arranged, the silver plate and the iron plate are so connected with the source of electric power that the electric current proceeds from the silver to the iron. The size of the silver plate may be half a square foot, and the electric power employed may be equivalent to six Smee’s cells, each with- an area of 18 square inches. In a few hours the silver plate will have lost 1 oz. of the metal. The disposition of the metal on the cathode is prevented by the use of the porous vessel. The liquid in the porous vessel may contain some silver; this may be ascertained by the addition thereto of muriatic acid. Although there is free caustic potash in the solution, which by contact with the air be¬ comes carbonate of potash, and although the resulting solution is not quite so conductive of electricity as No. 1, it is a very good solu¬ tion in practice, and is said to be less likely to deposit non-adherent metal, or, in techni¬ cal terms, metal “ that will strip,” than many others. SILVERSMITHS’ ALLOY. OPPER, 1 oz.; nickel, 3 dwts. 12 grs.; bismuth, 6 grs.; zinc, 2 dwts. 12 grs. ; soft iron, 12 grs.; tin, 12 grs. This com¬ pound is said to form a fusible and malleable metal that can be easily worked by the sil¬ versmith ; it is also said to resist oxidation through atmospheric influences. IMITATION SILVER. INE silver, 6 dwts.; nickel, 6 dwts.; copper, 8 dwts. REMOVING GOLD FROM SILVER ARTICLES. ILVER articles which have been gilt may be brought back to their original color by simply covering them with a thick solu¬ tion of borax, and then well annealing them. After this process, if the articles are boiled for a short time in one of the whitening mix¬ tures and scratched, they will present a beautiful white and uniform surface. OXIDIZING SILVER. BEAUTIFUL deep, black color, pos¬ sessing great luster, may be given to finished silver work by boiling it in the fol¬ lowing preparation for some time : Bromine, 5 grs.; bromide of potassium, 5 dwts.; water, 1 o oz. The boiling should be effected in a stoneware pipkin, and generally from two to five minutes will suffice for the pur¬ pose. The work is finished after the proper color has been attained by well rubbing with a soft piece of wash-leather and a little best jewelers’ rouge. It is better to make the work as bright as possible before submitting it to this mixture; for this reason it is pref¬ erable to thoroughly buff all plain surfaces on a piece of felt by the application of the lathe, as by that means a characteristic brightness is imparted. DIPPING MIXTURE. RASS or metal goods may be cleaned and their oxides removed by dipping into the under-mentioned liquid for a few seconds only : Oil of vitriol, 5 parts ; water. ELECTRO-PLATING SOFT SOLDER. -5 parts; nitric acid, 2^4 parts; spirits of salts, two drachms. Well mix the several ingredients together, and immerse the work in the solution cold. The mixture improves after a quantity of work has been dipped into it. SILVER POWDER FOR COPPER. HLORIDE of silver, 2 parts; cream of tartar, 2 parts; alum, 1 part. Mix with water to the consistence of a paste, and .apply with a soft leather or sponge; when .sufficiently whitened, well polish. ANOTHER RECIPE. Chloride of silver, 1 oz.; sal-ammoniac, 2 oz.; sandiver, 2 oz.; white vitriol, 2 oz.; bichloride of mercury, 5 dwts. Make into a paste with water, and rub the articles over with it; then expose them to a good heat upon a clear fire, in order to run the silver and evaporate the mercury, after which process dip in very weak sulphuric acid to clean. SILVER-STRIPPING MIXTURE. ULPHURIC acid, 6 parts; nitric acid, 1 part. Take a large black-lead cruci¬ ble or pipkin and heat the mixture in it; when this is done put in the work required to be stripped, occasionally withdrawing it to ascertain the progress made. The large proportion of sulphuric acid allows of the 'dissolution of the silver, and does not sensi¬ bly corrode or interfere with copper or any of its alloys, if kept quite free from water; therefore be careful not to introduce wet ar¬ ticles into the mixture. After finally with¬ drawing the work, it should be well rinsed, .annealed, and then boiled out. STRIPPING SILVER. UT some strong oil of vitriol in a similar vessel to those above described, apply heat, and during the process add a few crys¬ tals of saltpeter. When the solution has become hot enough, the work should be im¬ mersed in it, and be moved about or agi¬ tated until the silver is dissolved from the -surface. The articles should not be allowed to remain too long in the solution, and if it does not remove the silver quickly, more saltpeter should be added from time to time until the desired end be attained. 163 SOFT SOLDER. URE tin, 2 parts; lead, 1 part. Melt, and well incorporate together; when this is done, pour into strips for use. SOLDERING FLUID. URIATIC acid (spirits of salts), 3 parts ; metallic zinc, 1 part, or as much as the acid will take up. When dissolved and all effervescence ceases, allow it to settle, then decant the clear solution from the sedi¬ ment at the bottom of the vessel in which it has been made, and it is ready for use. If a small quantity of water be added to the mixture at this stage, say yi, it will answer quite as well for some purposes. For solder¬ ing iron and steel, a very small portion of sal-ammoniac is of great advantage to the mixture for promoting toughness. DISSOLVENTS. ISSOLVING fine silver: Nitric acid, 2 parts; water, 1 part. Dissolving silver alloys: Nitric acid, 1 part; water, 2 parts. Dissolving copper: Nitric acid, 1 part; water, 4 parts. Dissolving soft solder: Perchloride of iron, 1 part; water 4 parts. Dissolving silver solder: Nitric acid 1 part; water 4 parts. Dissolving sealing-wax : Place for a time in a solution of spirits of wine. RESIST VARNISH. D ISSOLVE resin or copal in essence of turpentine, or boiled linseed oil; to give it different shades of color, add red lead, chrome yellow, or Prussian blue. PLATE POWDER. HITENING, 2 parts; white oxide of tin, 1 part; calcined hartshorn, 1 part. Reduce to a powder and well mix together; apply as usual. ELECTRO-PLATING SOFT SOLDER. AKE nitric acid, 1 ounce; water, 2 ounces ; copper, about x ounce in small, flat pieces; when the copper has dis¬ solved and effervescence has ceased, the so¬ lution is ready for use. To apply it, take 164 DEAD-WHITE ON SILVER ARTICLES. up a few drops by means of a camel’s-hair pencil and apply it to the desired part, then touch it with a bright piece of steel, and there will be instantaneously a film of copper deposited. If the copper has not spread all over the desired part the process should be repeated, when deposition in the plating bath will take place with perfect success. ANOTHER RECIPE. Take sulphate of copper (that which accumulates in the whitening mixture), 1 ounce ; water, 6 ounces. Reduce the sul¬ phate of copper to a fine powder and dis¬ solve it in the water. Treat according to the directions given in the previous one. A good mixture for effecting the same result may be made by dissolving verdigris in vine¬ gar. TESTING SILVER WARE. AKE nitric acid, 6 ounces ; water, 2 ounces; bichromate of potash, 1 ounce. Reduce the salt of potash to a powder and mix it well with the acid and water. The solution is used cold, and should be placed in a stoppered glass bottle, the stepper hav¬ ing a long dropper extending into the mixture, which acts as the agent for conveying the liquid from the bottle to the article to be tested. The surface of the article should be perfectly clean; and to make certain what kind of metallic substance you are testing, it is advisable to rub a file over some obscure part of the surface and to apply the liquid to that part. The test liquid should be used, by means of the glass stopper; to the filed part, and immediately removed by a sponge dampened with cold water. If the article consists of pure silver there will appear a clean blood-red mark, which is less deep and lively in proportion to the quality of the metal. Upon platinum the test liquid has no action whatever; on German silver at first a brown mark appears, but this is re¬ moved by the sponge and cold water; on Britannia metal a black mark is produced; and on all the various metals an entirely different result takes place to that on silver; therefore the test is a simple one, and may be advantageously employed for the detec¬ tion of any fraud in relation to the precious metal. ANOTHER TEST. Water, 2 oz.; sulphuric acid, 2 drs.; chromate of potash, 4 dwts. This mixture is applied in the same way as before and produces a purple color of various depths, according to the quality of the silver. No other metallic element exhibits the same color with this preparation. ANOTHER TEST. The testing of silver is far more difficult than that of gold; an experienced eye and a steady hand are necessary for doing it. By laying bare a spot with a scraper an expert will easily distinguish whether the silver has been alloyed with white nickel metals, such as cadmium, aluminum, bis¬ muth, zinc, etc., which are generally em¬ ployed for the purpose; or whether it was alloyed with copper, in which case the fine¬ ness is easily ascertained by the use of a test-needle upon the touch-stone. The eas¬ iest test for distinguishing silver from silver¬ like metals that can be employed, even by a layman, is by scraping or filing a place of the article rather heavily, so as to remove the coating, for fear that it might be silver- plated, and then to moisten the spot with nitric acid; if, after -wiping it off again, a dirty white ground has formed, it is silver; if no essential alteration of color has ensued, it is a base metal. TO REFINE SILVER. A FTER having rolled the silver, cut it . into pellets, and curl them to prevent them from lying flat; then drop them into a vessel containing 2 ounces of good nitric acid, diluted with one-half ounce clean rain¬ water. When the silver has entirely disap¬ peared, add to the 2^ ounces of solution nearly one quart of clean rain-w^ater. Then sink a clean sheet of copper into it; the sil¬ ver will collect rapidly upon the copper, and you can scrape it off and melt it into a but¬ ton. _ TO WHITEN SILVER ARTICLES. O wffiiten silver articles, boil them in a solution of 1 part of cream of tartar, 2 parts of salt, and 50 parts of water, until they as¬ sume a fine, unpolished white. DEAD-WHITE ON SILVER ARTICLES. EAT the article to a cherry-red or a dull red heat, and allow it to cool; then place it in a pickle of 5 parts sulphuric acid to 100 parts water, and allow it to re- CLEANING SILVERWARE. i6 5 main for an hour or two. If the surface is not right rinse in cold water, and repeat the heating and pickling operation as before. This removes the copper from the surface of the article, leaving pure silver on the sur¬ face. When sufficiently whitened, remove from the pickle, well rinse in pure hot water, and place in warm boxwood sawdust. WHITE-PICKLING SILVER. HE purpose of pickling silver is the same as that of the coloring of gold; the alloy lying immediately exposed upon the surface is dissolved by the acid in the pickle, whereby the metal upon the surface is made purer and appears of the color of the pure and unalloyed metal. After the article has been ground well it is heated to red heat and, when cold, boiled in water which has been charged with a sufficient quantity of sulphuric acid, so that it has the acid taste of sharp vinegar, in which fluid it is boiled for one or two minutes. The crust formed upon the surface of articles which are to be burnished is rubbed off with fine sand or with the scratch-brush and beer; articles which are to be matted with the mat- brushing machine, are brushed off with chalk and alcohol. This process of heating, pick¬ ling, and brushing is to be repeated three times. There is another kind of pickling, by boiling the heated article in water which -contains in solution one part cream of tartar and two parts table salt. Silver articles which are to preserve the hardness imparted to them by rolling or hammering, which consequently cannot be heated, are pickled by being uniformly coated with nitric acid or by being silver-plated. TO SEPARATE SILVER FROM COPPER. IX sulphuric acid, i part; nitric acid, i part; water, i part. Boil the metal in the mixture until it dissolves; then throw in a little salt, to cause the silver to deposit. IMITATION SILVER. ILVER, i ounce; nickel, i ounce 11 dwts.; copper, 2 ounces 9 dwts. Or, silver, 3 ounces; nickel, 1 ounce 11 dwts.; ■copper, 2 ounces 9 dwts. ; spelter, 10 dwts. RAPID SILVERING. HE watchmaker is occasionally called on to resilver old clock faces or other parts belonging to clocks. When the article is not exposed to handling, the following re¬ cipe for silvering will be found to be very efficacious: Get ounce of nitrate of sil¬ ver, to be had at every drug store, dissolve in a teaspoonful of water, and then add pound of cream'of tartar and pound of common table salt; thoroughly mix these ingredients together with a wooden stick, adding sufficient water to make a thick paste. Put this by in a glass-stoppered bottle for use as required, and it will keep any length of time. This is the silvering powder, and before applying it to the brass this must be made quite clean and bright. Get a piece of chamois leather, and fold it up small enough to be handy; with this rub on the silver paste thoroughly all over, till by the appearance of the brass work you judge the silvering to be properly effected. Now wash the article quite clean, finally polishing off with a little whiting; this will finish, as far as the silvering process is concerned; but to make the coating last under atmospheric influences, it must be protected by a coat of varnish. Any colorless varnish will answer for this, which can be procured anywhere. Of course the more silver powder is rubbed on the thicker the coating, and it will stand good for years. _ TO REDUCE CHLORIDE OF SILVER. NE of the best methods for reducing chloride of silver to the metallic state is in use in the mint at Paris; it consists in mixing 5 parts of dry chloride of silver with 1 part of freshly calcined lime, and to melt it. The chloride of lime thus formed melts easily, without rising in, and running over, or adhering to, the crucible, which takes place by almost every other method, and produces a loss of silver. CLEANING SILVERWARE. A CCORDING to Professor Davenport, ■ hypo-sulphurous soda is the simplest and best cleansing agent for silverware. It operates quickly, is cheap, and has not yet been proposed for the purpose. A rag or brush moistened with the saturated solution of the salt cleans, without the use of cleaning powder, strongly oxidized silver surfaces within a few seconds. i66 MAT BRUSHING. ANOTHER RECIPE. Carbonate of ammonia, i oz.; water, 4 oz.; Paris white, 16 oz.; well mix the in¬ gredients together, and apply to the surface of the plate by means of a piece of soft leather or sponge. LIQUID FOR CLEANING SILVER. HE following solution will be found to produce a high brilliancy in silver work : Cream of tarar, 30 parts ; sea salt, 30 parts; sulphate of alumina and potash, each 39 parts; water, 1,500 parts. Boil the arti¬ cle in this mixture. TO CLEAN SILVER FILIGREE WORK. ANY goldsmiths encounter great diffi¬ culties in cleaning silver filigree work. Put the article to be cleaned in a solution of cyanide of potassium. It will come out per¬ fectly white and frosted, as when new. Rinse with water, and dry by shaking in a bag of boxwood sawdust. Another method is to boil for a few seconds in a strong pot¬ ash lye, take out and rinse in hot water, and allow to dry in hot boxwood sawdust. If the filigree has worn bright, its appearance can be improved by a very slight dip in the cyanide of silver bath of the electro-plater; this dulls and whitens it, and gives it a very chaste appearance. ANOTHER RECIPE. Anneal your work over a Bunsen flame or with a blow-pipe, then let go cold (and this is the secret of success), and then put in a pickle of sulphuric acid and water, not more than five drops to one ounce of water, and let your work remain in it for one hour. If not to satisfaction, repeat the process. This is undoubtedly the best pro¬ cess that can be used. RECOVERING SILVER. CORRESPONDENT inquires of the “Workshop Notes” editor how he can recover the silver from silver-plated iron. We furnish him with two recipes : Pour some concentrated nitric acid on the electro-plated iron. It will dissolve the silver, leaving the iron intact. When the operation is finished, pour the liquid off and dilute with water; add a solution of common salt. Silver chloride will settle as a bulky precipitate, which must be filtered and well washed,. Remove the silver chloride from the filter,, put it in a porcelain dish, add a few cuttings of sheet zinc and a little water, and allow to stand for a week or two. The silver will then be reduced, forming a heavy gray pow¬ der. Remove what remains of the zinc, wash well and melt in a crucible, adding some sodium carbonate as a flux. Or, pro¬ cure an earthenware pan (of course the size is determined by the quantity of material to be treated) and into it lay the pieces of iron until about three-quarters full. Cover them with concentrated nitric acid and gently warm. As soon as all effervescence is fin¬ ished, the pieces are fished out and replaced by others. This is continued until the effer¬ vescence becomes slight; the pieces of iron being washed and the washings added to the main quantity of acid. Muriatic acid is now added until no further white precipitate is thrown down, at which point the whole is heated and allowed to stand for some time; the clear liquid is decanted off, and the pre¬ cipitate thrown into a thick calico bag and well washed with hot water and dried. Mix the dried mass with carbonate of soda and fuse in an earthen crucible, when the silver will be found in a button at the bottom. INK STAINS FROM SILVER. HE tops and other portions of silver ink- stands frequently become deeply dis¬ colored with ink, which is difficult to remove with ordinary means. It may, however, be completely' eradicated by stirring a little thloride of lime into a paste with water and rubbing it upon the stain. MAT BRUSHING. ERY excellent results are obtained by running the fine wire matting brush at about 2,500 revolutions per minute, applying rain-water or sour beer diluted with water at the place where the brush strikes the work; occasionally hold a piece of sandpaper to the brush. Should the points of the brush be too straight, let them strike over a piece of wire, but do not hook them too much, as this would prevent matting. Always pre¬ serve the brush in a good condition ; should the wires become entangled or twisted into knots, separate or cut them out. After the- work is matted take a soft hair-brush and brush it in soap water, then rinse it in. warm. A NEW ALLOY. 167 water charged with a small quantity of spirits of ammonia and caustic potash; immerse it in pure alcohol for a short time and finally dry it in sawdust. TO CLEAN PEARLS. OAK them in hot water, in which bran has been boiled, with a little salts of tartar and alum, rubbing gently between the hands when the water will admit of it. When the water is cold, renew the operation until the discoloration is removed ; rinse in luke-warm water, and lay the pearls in white paper in a dark place to cool and dry. CHARCOAL. HE charcoal used in soldering, nor, in fact, any other charcoal used by the goldsmiths, should not possess the evil habit of viciously snapping and cracking. Coal burned from oak, or any other coarse-grained wood, will snap and crack, while a close, fine-grained, soft-wood coal will not. The underlay coal may have its snap taken out by being heated very hot in an oven or by blowing the flame with a blow-pipe upon it. JEWELERS’ SOLDER. O make platinum firmly adhere to gold by soldering, it is necessary that a small quantity of fine or 18-karat gold shall be sweated upon the surface of the platinum at nearly white heat, so that the gold soaks into the face of the platinum ; ordinary solder will then adhere firmly to the face obtained in this manner. Hard solder acts by partly fusing and combining with the surfaces to be joined, and platinum alone will not fuse or combine with any solder at a temperature anything like the ordinary fusing point of ordinary gold solder. _ ACID-PROOF CEMENT. CEMENT that resists acid is made by melting one part India rubber with two parts linseed oil; add sufficient white bolus for consistency. Neither muriatic nor nitric acid attacks it; it softens a little in heat, and its surface does not dry easily ; which is cor¬ rected by adding one-fifth part litharge. GERMAN SILVER. HE following alloy has recently been invented on the continent, and comes highly recommended. It is similar to Ger¬ man silver, contains no nickel, but man¬ ganese instead. It consists of seventy-two and one-half per cent, of copper, sixteen and one-half of manganese, eight and three- fourths of zinc, and two and one-half of iron. This alloy is malleable, does not change when immersed in water for forty days, takes the silver plating well, but is a little yellowish. TO RESTORE GERMAN SILVER. N order to restore the silver luster to articles from German silver which they have lost by repeated cleaning, use the fol¬ lowing silvering process: Ten parts dry chloride of silver, sixty-five parts cream of tartar, and thirty parts table salt are pulver¬ ized and intimately mixed. This powder is then with water stirred to a thin paste, and the article is rubbed with it, left to dry, rinsed off well with water, and finally rubbed off with washed chalk. TO SOLDER GERMAN SILVER. ISSOLVE granulated zinc in muriatic acid in an earthen vessel. Cleanse the parts to be soldered and apply the acid. Next put a piece of pewter solder on the joint and apply the blow-pipe to it. Melt German silver 1 part, and zinc in thin sheets 4 parts; then powder it for solder. NON-CORROSIVE SOLDERING FLUID. 7\/I ANY years ago I used to add bicarbonate 1 V 1 of soda to the soldering fluid to neutral¬ ize the acid (or nearly so), and found that or¬ dinarily it worked just as well, and did not rust steel but very little, if any. The best way to remove the fluid from the work is to boil it out two or three times in alcohol (fresh every time); this removes the acid much more surely than any other plan I have ever known. Soldering fluid should never be used in watch work or allowed about the bench. _ A NEW ALLOY. NEW alloy, which is known as Nurem¬ berg gold in Germany, is at present fre¬ quently employed for the manufacture of cheap gold ware, and is most excellently suited for the purpose; since, as far as its color is concerned, it is absolutely identical with that of pure gold, nor is it in any manner influenced by a continued exposure to air. 168 CROCUS FOR POLISHING STEEL. The alloy will retain its color even after violent use, and the fracture will exhibit the pure gold color. Its composition is as fol¬ lows: Copper, 18; gold, 2 ]/ 2 ; aluminum, 7 #- _ MYSTERY GOLD. A T the present time a considerable amount . of jewelry made of this alloy is believed to be manufactured chiefly with the object of defrauding pawnbrokers to whom it is offered in pledge; and as it will stand the usual jewelers’ test of strong nitric acid, the fraud is often successful. The article examined was a bracelet that had been sold as gold to a gentleman in Liverpool. The alloy, after the gilding had been scraped off, had about the color of 9-karat gold. Qualitative analysis proved it to con¬ sist of platinum, copper, and a little silver; and quantitatively it yielded the following results: Silver. 2.48 Platinum. 32.02 Copper (by difference).65.50 100.00 Strong boiling nitric acid had apparently no action on it, even when left in the acid for some time. ARTIFICIAL GOLD. ETALLIC alloy, at present very exten¬ sively used in France as a substitute for gold, is composed of: Pure copper, 100 parts; zinc, or preferably tin, 17 parts; magnesia, 6 parts; sal-ammoniac, from 3 to 6 parts ; quicklime, part; tartar of com¬ merce, 9 parts, are mixed as follows: The copper is first melted, and the magnesia, sal- ammoniac, lime, and tartar are then added separately and by degrees, in the form of powder ; the whole is now briskly stirred for about one-half hour, so as to mix thoroughly, and then the zinc is added in small grains by throwing it on the surface and stirring until it is entirely fused ; the crucible is then cov¬ ered and fusion maintained for about thirty- five minutes. The surface is then skimmed and the alloy ready for coating. It has a fine grain, is malleable, and takes a splendid pol¬ ish. It does not corrode readily, and is an excellent substitute for gold for many pur¬ poses. When tarnished its brilliancy can be restored by a little acidulated water. If tin be employed instead of zinc, the alloy will be more brilliant. ABYSSINIAN GOLD. HIS compound was so called because it was brought out in England during its war with Abyssinia. It consists of copper, 90.74; zinc, 8.33. This alloy, if of good materials, and not heated too highly, has a fine yellow color, resembling gold, and does not tarnish easily. ALUMINUM GOLD. NE part of aluminum to 99 of gold gives a metal the color of green gold, very hard but not ductile. An alloy of 5 parts of aluminum to 95 parts of gold gives an alloy that is nearly as brittle as glass. An alloy of 10 parts of aluminum to 90 parts of gold is white, crystalline and brittle. An imitation of gold, used as a substitute for the precious metal in cheap jewelry, is made by fusing together 5 to 7^ parts of aluminum, 90 to 100 parts of copper, and 2^ of gold. The color of this alloy resembles gold so closely as to almost defy detection. CROCUS FOR POLISHING STEEL. HE commercial crocus does not at all times possess the properties necessary for polishing the different metals, and it is advisable, therefore, for the consumer to prepare it for himself, and the manipulations to effect this are easy. Take pure and the clearest obtainable sulphate of iron (iron vitriol, green vitriol, copperas), heat it in an iron pan up to fusion, and permit to remain over the fire, while constantly stirring it with an iron spatula, until it is thoroughly dry and drops into a pale yellow powder. This is then triturated in a mortar and sifted, placed in a new crucible and left in the fire of a smelting furnace, or calcined until no more vapors are evolved. After cooling, the pow¬ der appears as a handsome red material, which represents the crocus for the use of gold and silversmiths, etc. The crocus is found in several color gradations, from pale red to brown, red, blue, and violet. The cause of the diversity of its colors is due to the different degrees of heat made use of in its manufacture, the darkness, of the color increases with the degree of heat, and the hardness of the crocus also increases thereby ; for which reason a pale red (rouge) is used for gold and silver, while violet is employed in polishing steel, and known u”^er the name of “steel red.” Each one of the different JEWELERS’ ARMENIAN CEMENT. 169 kinds of crocus, in order to obtain a favor¬ able result, must be ground as fine as possi¬ ble, and then washed in water. Three clean glasses are used for the purpose, one of which is filled with water, and the quantity of the crocus is well stirred in with a wooden stick, and left to stand for about one half minute; the fluid is then carefully decanted from the sediment gathered in the glass in the second ; after it has stood in this for about two minutes the fluid is again poured into the third glass and left in it for several hours, to permit the complete settling of the powder. The sedi¬ ment of the first glass is useless; that of the second is a crocus of an inferior quality, while that of the third is crocus of the best grade. It simply requires to dry slowly to be fit for use. It is also advisable to moisten the dried powder with alcohol, and in some iron vessel to ignite it, whereby the last traces of fat con¬ tained in it are destroyed. ANOTHER RECIPE. Readers living at a distance from ma¬ terial houses will sometimes run short of ma¬ terial, and it is safe for them to have the formulae for manufacturing stuff needed in this manner. For instance, crocus is pre¬ pared as follows: Table salt and sulphate of iron (iron vitriol) are well mixed in a mortar. The mixture is then put into a shallow crucible and exposed to a red heat; vapor escapes, and the mass fuses. When no more vapor is evolved, remove the cruci¬ ble and let it cool. The color of the oxide of iron produced, If the fire was properly reg¬ ulated, is a fine violet; if the fire was too high, it becomes black. The mass when cold must be pulverized and washed to separate the sulphate of soda. The crocus powder is then to be subjected to a process of careful elutrication, and the finer particles reserved for the more delicate work. SOLDER FOR ALUMINUM. HE following alloys are recommended for the purpose : 1. Melt twenty parts of aluminum in a suitable crucible, and when in fusion add eighty parts zinc. When the mixture is melted, cover the surface with some tallow, and maintain in quiet fusion for some time, stirring occasionally with an iron rod; then pour into molds. 2. Take fifteen parts of aluminum and eighty-five parts of zinc ; or twelve parts of the former and eighty- eight parts of the latter; or eight parts of the former and ninety-two parts of the latter: prepare all of them as specified for No. 1. The flux recommended consists of three parts of balsam copaiba, one of Venetian turpen¬ tine, and a few drops of lemon juice. The soldering iron is dipped into this mixture. ETCHING ON GLASS AND METAL. LASS is etched by means of hydrofluoric acid gas or liquid hydrofluoric acid, that is, a solution of the gas in water. The former in contact with glass produces a rough surface, as on ground glass, while the latter ordinarily leaves the surface clear. The gas is prepared by mixing together finely pow¬ dered fluor-spar, calcium fluoride, three parts, and strong sulphuric acid, two parts, in a leaden dish, and applying a very gentle heat. The plates to be etched may be placed over the dish. The operation should be conducted under a hood or in the open air, to avoid in¬ haling the pernicious fumes. The plates are prepared by cooling them while warm with wax or paraffine, through which to the surface of the glass the design is cut with suitable graving. In preparing the liquid acid, the mixture of spar and oil of vitriol is placed in a leaden or platinum retort which is heated and the gas given off is conducted into a leaden bottle partly filled with water, which absorbs it. In contact with the flesh the acid produces stubborn sores. Metals are usually etched with dilute nitric acid, or niter and sulphuric acid, or sulphate of copper and salt, or hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potash. JEWELERS’ ARMENIAN CEMENT. HIS cement hasextraordinarilygreat bind¬ ing powers, and is used by the Oriental, principally the Armenian, jewelers for gluing jewels to metals. It is prepared as follows: Soak two ounces of isinglass in water, put it into a bottle together with one ounce of very pale gum arabic (in tears), cover the ingredi¬ ents with proof spirits, then add six large tears of gum mastic, dissolved in the least possible quantity of rectified spirits. Cork loosely and boil it until a thorough solution is effected; then strain it for use. When carefully made, this cement resists moisture and dries colorless. Keep in a closely stop¬ pered vial. 170 COLORING GOLD AS IN ETRUSCAN JEWELRY. ALUM. LUM is sometimes used for removing the stains left by soldering in lieu of acids, and is also used in removing broken screws from brass plates by immersing the plates in a strong solution of alum and water, the best results being obtained from a boiling solu¬ tion, which rapidly converts the steel into rust, while it does not attack the brass plate. CEMENT FOR GLASS AND METAL. RASS letters may be securely fastened on glass panes with a cement composed of the following ingredients: Litharge, two parts; white lead, one part; boiled linseed oil, three parts; gum copal, one part. To be mixed just before using, and it will form a quickly-drying and secure cement. VARNISH FOR BRASS. ELLOW brass may be made to keep its color without appearing to be var¬ nished, by means of a thin varnish of white shellac or a coating of collodion. BRITANNIA. HIS alloy as prepared by Roller consists of 85.72 parts of tin, 10.34 of antimony, 0.78 of copper, and 2.91 of zinc. BELL METAL. A N alloy of copper and tin, in proportions . varying from 66 to 80 per cent, of cop¬ per and the balance tin. SUPPORT OF ARTICLES IN HARD SOLDERING. SUPPORT for articles in hard soldering can be recommended—asbestos board —a thick layer of asbestos fibers. This sub¬ stance is well known to be incombustible, and when felted together loosely makes a very good support for heating articles on. It resembles thick blotting paper in appear¬ ance, holds pins well, and does not burn away any to speak of, at least during any ordi¬ nary mending operation. It has been con¬ siderably used by jewelers, assayers, and others, but had one fault—it would curl up. It was made of two or more layers, and when heated the layers would separate and the outer one curl out of shape. This fault has been remedied by making a solid block in a single layer, with wooden frame or sides to keep it in shape and hold it by, thus making a very excellent support. This improvement is brought out by the Chalmers-Spence Com¬ pany, 419 Eighth street, New York, where it can be obtained in various forms. One form sold by them is a solid block having a cavity scooped out, large enough to hold a lot of pieces of gold or other metal to be melted. At one side of this cavity is a slot extending out a short distance. The scraps are put into the cavity and a flat piece of asbestos board laid over the slot, then the scraps are melted as usual. A piece of coal can be laid over them to increase and confine the heat if neces¬ sary. When all is fluid, it is only necessary to tip the block up endways and let the metal run into the slot between the two asbestos blocks, where it will soon cool into an ingot. This saves the risk and trouble of pouring the melted metal into another dish or mold to make an ingot. Before the melting, the as¬ bestos pores are closed by rubbing whiting over the surface. _ SILVERING SOLUTION. T HE following is a good silvering solution for electrotype plates : Nitrate of silver, 2 drs.; distilled water, 37 drs. Dissolve and add sal-ammoniac, 1 dr. ; hydrophosphite of soda, 4 drs.; precipitated chalk, 4 drs. ; agi¬ tate the preparation occasionally for twelve hours, when it will be ready for use. Appty with a fine sponge. COLORING GOLD AS IN ETRUSCAN JEWELRY. HERE are various methods for coloring gold as in Etruscan jewelry; in fact, every jeweler has a method of his own. The following, however, has been successfully used for some years, and has given general satisfaction: 2 y 2 ounces crocus, 2 ounces yellow ocher, 1 y 2 ounces verdigris, ounces copperas, y 2 ounce white vitriol, ounce borax. All these ingredients are to be reduced in a mortar to an impalpable powder and intimately mixed with 5 ounces yellow beeswax; or, 20 dwts. saltpeter, 20 dwts. common salt, 2j^ dwts. copperas, 2j4 dwts. white vitriol, 2 dwts. alum. The in¬ gredients are to be put into an old crucible, and set over the fire, and the articles to be colored boiled in it until on trial they are found to have acquired the desired color. GOLD-LIKE VARNISH. The beautiful satin finish is given to the class of goods called Roman gold by carefully brushing the dead gold surface with a scratch-brush made from spun glass. RING STICK. CONSIDERABLE misapprehension exists in the matter of measuring a ring on a gauge ; we would say that the edge of the ring should come as far as the mark, while some contend that the mark on the stick should come inside the ring. This is not right, because any ring properly made is of the same size at the center as it is at the edges, and the ring stick is made tapering, so that when the edge of the ring is pushed up as far as it will go, the center of the ring will necessarily stand off from the stick. In a narrow ring this would make little differ¬ ence, but in a wide ring it amounts to something. ___ CEMENT FOR PETROLEUM LAMP. OIL 3 parts of resin with i part of caus¬ tic soda and 5 of water. The compo¬ sition is then mixed with half its weight of plaster of paris, and sets firmly in from y 2 to y of an hour. It is of great adhesive power, and not permeable to petroleum, a low conductor of heat, and but superficially attacked by hot water. SOFT SOLDERING ARTICLES. OISTEN the parts to be united with soldering fluid, then, having joined them together, lay a small piece of solder upon the joint, and hold over the lamp, or direct the blaze upon it with your blow-pipe, until fusion is apparent. Withdraw them from the blaze immediately, as too much heat will render the solder brittle and unsatisfactory. When the parts to be joined can be made to spring or press against each other, it is best to place a thin piece of solder between them before exposing to the lamp. When two smooth surfaces are to be soldered one upon the other, you may make an excellent job by moistening them with the fluid, and then having placed a sheet of tinfoil between them, holding them pressed together over your lamp till the foil melts. If the surfaces fit nicely, a joint may be made in this man¬ ner so close as almost to be imperceptible. The bright-looking lead, which comes as a lining of tea-boxes, is better than tinfoil. 17B HOW TO MELT ALUMINUM. O melt alumina use a black-lead cruci¬ ble. Drive the alumina foil into an iron cone much the same shape as the bot¬ tom of the crucible, place the alumina in the crucible and cover with crude soda and charcoal pulverized together. Heat slowly. NON-CORROSIVE SOLDERING FLUID. HE different fluids bearing this pompous name all labor only under a common disadvantage, viz., that they corrode the ar¬ ticle for which they are used. We cannot,, however, vouch for the fact whether the fol¬ lowing will do the same or not: Small grains of zinc are thrown into muriatic acid until this is saturated, to be recognized by the cessation of the ebullition ; the zinc also being added after this point remains undissolved; add about one third the volume of spirits of ammonia, and dilute with a like quantity of rain-water. The solution of the zinc is ma¬ terially accelerated by slightly warming the acid. This fluid causes no rust on iron or steel. GOLD-LIKE VARNISH. N excellent gold varnish which gives bronze the color of gold is prepared in the following manner: Three ounces bright gum- lac are dissolved in 2 pounds best alcohol, and tinctured either with annatta or gamboge; the first gives it a handsome dark gold, the lat¬ ter a lemon-yellow color. The bronze to be treated is slowly heated over a fire of char¬ coal, left to cool a little, and them dipped in a mixture of 3 parts water and 1 part nitric acid, and left in it until entirely black, which requires time of about one or one and a half hours. Then take it out, brush it with a stiff brush, and dip into strong nitric acid; seize it with copper tongs, as those of iron and steel are very injurious. When the black coating of the first immersion has entirely disappeared, take out the bronze, rinse it off clean in lukewarm water, and dry in sawdust. The operator must be cautioned that the smallest part of iron in the bronze will ruin the whole piece, by showing itself in the shape of a large black spot, which cannot be removed or covered. When the piece has been thus treated, it is laid upon a red-hot iron plate, until so hot that it would burn the hand. Apply the varnish in one or several coats. i7 2 UNITED STATES OUNCES (AVOIRDUPOIS) IN GRAMS. WRITING INSCRIPTIONS ON METALS. AKE one quarter pound nitric and one ounce muriatic acid. Mix, shake well together, and it is ready for use. Cover the place you wish to mark with melted bees¬ wax ; when cold, write your inscription plainly in the wax clear to the metal, using a sharp instrument; then apply the mixed acid with a feather, carefully filling each letter. Let it remain from i to io minutes, according to appearances desired, then throw on water, which stops the process, and remove the wax. GOLD TINGE. BRIGHT gold tinge may be given to silver by steeping it for a suitable length of time in a weak solution of sulphuric acid and water, strongly impregnated with iron rust. REFINING SWEEPINGS. HE sweepings of the workshop contain quite a quantity of gold and silver. To 8 ounces of the dirt, which has been washed and burnt, add salt, 4 ounces ; pearl ash, 4 ounces; red tartar, 1 ounce; saltpeter, y 2 ounce; mix thoroughly in a mortar, melt in a crucible, and dissolve out the precious metals in a button. POLISHING POWDER. N excellent polishing powder for gold and silver consists of burnt and finely pulverized rock alum, 5 parts, and levigated chalk, 1 part. Mix and apply with a dry brush. FICTITIOUS SILVER O. 1. Silver, 1 ounce; nickel, 1 ounce 11 dwts. ; copper, 2 ounces 9 dwts. ; or, No. 2. Silver, 3 ounces; nickel, 1 ounce 11 dwts. ; copper, 2 ounces 9 dwts. ; spelter, 10 dwts. _ PECULIAR QUALITIES OF ALU¬ MINUM BRONZES. SCIENTIFIC journal says: Five per cent, aluminum bronze is golden in color, polishes well, and casts beautifully; is very malleable cold or hot, and has great strength, especially after hammering. The 7 l / 2 per cent, bronze is to be recommended as superior to the 5 per cent.; it has a peculiar greenish-gold color, which makes it very suitable for decoration. All these good qualities are possessed by the 10 per cent, bronze. It is bright golden, keeps its polish in the air, may be easily engraved, shows an elasticity much greater than steel, and can be soldered with hard solder. It gives good castings in all sizes, and runs in sand molds very uniformly. Thin castings come out very short, but if a casting suddenly thick¬ ens, small off-shoots must be made at the thick place into which the metal can run, and then soak back into the castings by shrinkage at the thick part. Its strength, when cast, is between that of iron and steel, but when hammered is equal to the best steel. It may be forged at about the same heat as cast steel, and then hammered until it is almost cold without breaking or ripping. Tempering makes it soft and malleable. It does not foul a file, and may easily be drawn into wire. Any part of a machine which is usually made of steel can be replaced by this bronze. The 10 per cent, bronze has a tenac¬ ity of about 100,000 pounds, compressive strength 130,000 pounds, and its ductility and toughness are such that it does not even crack when distorted by this load. It is so ductile and malleable that it can be drawn down under the hammer to the fineness of a cambric needle. It works well, casts well, holds a fine surface under the tool, and when exposed to the weather it is in every respect the best bronze known. Aluminum brass, consisting of 67 parts copper, 30 parts zinc, and 3 parts of aluminum, possesses a break¬ ing strain of 48 kilogrammes per square mil¬ limetre, and an extensibility of 21 per cent. A beautiful alloy is produced by adding a small proportion of pure silver to pure alu¬ minum. _ UNITED STATES OUNCES (AVOIR¬ DUPOIS) IN GRAMS. Oz. Grams. Oz. Grams. % 7 8 227 % 14 9 2 55 % 2iy IO 283 I 28-35 11 3 I 2 2 57 I 2 340 3 85 J 3 369 4 1J 3 14 397 5 142 15 425 6 170 l6 454 7 198 COLORING AND LACQUERING BRASS. FLUORIC ACID FOR ETCHING GLASS. T HE operator can make his own fluoric (sometimes called hydro-fluoric) acid, by getting the fluor, or Derbyshire spar, pulverizing it, and putting as much of it in a quantity of sulphuric acid as this will dis¬ solve. Inasmuch as the acid is very destruc¬ tive to glass, it can only be kept in lead or gutta-percha bottles. TO SOLDER A PEARL RING. HE country watchmaker, who is sup¬ posed to be conversant with the art of soldering, must be very careful when he has to perform this on a pearl-set ring, as it is quite a risky job, and difficult to hard solder under any circumstances; in fact, should it be broken up, it can in no other manner be hard soldered, except by taking out the pearls. If, however, the break is at the bottom, or far from the set, it can be hard soldered as follows: First, clean the ring well, make it the size wanted, fit close and even to where to be soldered; make the size a little smaller than wanted, to allow for dressing and toning up; tear tissue paper into strips, twist it loosely, wrap around the sets every way, thoroughly covering them; take one coil of binding wire, twist it around the paper so as to hold it together; put the set part of the ring in clean, clear water, un¬ til the paper swells full; lay or pin on a piece of good charcoal; put a slip of coal between paper and the part you wish to sol¬ der ; apply the borax; use good, easy-flow¬ ing solder; make a large blaze; blow di¬ rectly on the point you wish to solder; keep as much of the blaze off the paper as possi¬ ble ; make the solder flow quick, and stop as soon as it flows; take the ring off the coal and put it in the water to cool off. Should the paper, during soldering, become dry and commence to burn, stop, and apply more water on it, tear the paper off and finish. By working it this way, the expert man will never fail to save the most delicate setting, unless the ring is extra heavy all round. SOLDERING STONE-SET RINGS. HERE are various ways for doing this, but the following will be found to be as good as any: Take tissue paper and tear it into strips about three inches wide ; twist them into ropes, and then make them very wet, and wrap the stone with them, passing around the stone and through the ring until the cen¬ ter of the ring is a little more than half full of paper, always winding very close, and then fasten upon charcoal, allowing the stone to project over the edge of the charcoal, and solder very quickly. The paper will prevent oxidation upon the part of the ring it covers, as well as protect the stones. TO PROTECT THE POLISH OF METALS. ELT one part by weight of best wax par¬ affine, and when sufficiently cooled, add three parts of petroleum. Mix well together, and apply to the polished article by means of a soft brush. The protecting film need only be very thin, wherefore not too much should be applied. _ CEMENT FOR FASTENING METAL UPON GLASS. N order to quickly and well fasten metal¬ lic objects upon glass, the use of the fol¬ lowing cement is recommended: ioo grams- of finely pulverized litharge and 50 grams dry white lead are intimately mixed together, and with boiled linseed oil and copal varnish worked into a half stiff paste. The propor¬ tion between boiled linseed oil and' copal varnish hereby is as follows: 3 parts linseed oil and 1 part copal varnish. The quantity of the latter depends upon the quantity of the litharge and white lead used. In every case sufficient of the oil is added to the lat¬ ter to make a suitable paste. The cement¬ ing is very simple: The lower face of a medallion, etc., is filled with the cement, pressed upon the glass, and the exuding ex¬ cess is removed. The cement dries very rapidly and becomes very hard. COLORING AND LACQUERING BRASS. HE FOLLOWING general descrip¬ tion of the methods employed in color¬ ing and lacquering brass work are useful for all metal workers, goldsmiths, mathematical and optical instrument makers, etc. Brass, it may be remembered, is an alloy of copper and zinc, and, by dissolving or cutting out either of those metals from the surface, a certain amount of variety of color can be produced. For instance, if brass is left for some time in moist sand it assumes a very handsome brown color, which, if polished with a dry brush, remains constant, and re¬ quires no cleaning or polishing. A darker >74 THE SIZES OF WATCH MOVEMENTS. •or lighter green color may be imparted if a thin layer of verdigris is created upon the surface by means of dilute acids, which are to be left on until dry. The antique appear¬ ance imparted to the brass in this manner is very handsome and more or less durable. But it is not always possible, for want of time, to do this with each article, and a more rapid method for effecting the end is there¬ fore necessary, and the simplest way to do it is to cover the brass with a coat of var¬ nish. All the necessary work to be done is performed before the bronzing. The brass is annealed, dipped in old or dilute nitric acid until the scales can be loosened from the surface, and is then treated with sand and water and dried. The next step is to produce the necessary bronze. Although this word actually signifies a bronze color, it is rather loosely applied in the trades at present and applied to all colors. Brown of all shades is produced by immersion in a solution of nitrate or chloride of iron, the strength of the bath determining the depth ■of the color. Violet shades are obtained by immersing in a solution of chloride of anti¬ mony ; olive green, by means of a solution •of iron and arsenic in muriatic acid, polish¬ ing afterward with a plumbago brush, and, when warm, coating with a lacquer com¬ posed of one part varnish lacquer, four parts turmeric, and one part gamboge. A steel gray color is precipitated upon brass by means of a weak boiling solution of arsenic •chloride, and a blue by an attentive treat¬ ment with strong sulphide of soda. Black is much used for optical instruments, and is produced by painting with a platinum solu¬ tion or with chloride of gold mixed with nitrate of tin. The success in the art of bronzing chiefly depends upon circumstances ; for instance, the temperature of the alloy or solution, the proportions and qualities of the material used for alloying, the proper moment at which the article is to be withdrawn, its dry¬ ing, and a hundred other minutiae of atten¬ tion and manipulation, require a skill only taught by experience. If the brass is to receive no artificial color, but simply to be protected against tarnishing and oxidizing, it is to be lacquered after hav¬ ing been thoroughly cleansed. In order to prepare the brass for this coating it must be dipped, after having been annealed, and, as aforesaid, rinsed and washed, dipped either for a moment in pure commercial nitric acid ahd then washed in clean water and dried in sawdust, or immersed in a pickle of equal parts of nitric acid and water, until covered with a white coating of the appearance of curdled milk, when the article is taken out, rinsed in clean water and dried in sawdust. In the first case the brass becomes lustrous, in the latter it becomes mat, which is gen¬ erally improved by smoothing and polishing the prominent places. The article is then dipped for a moment in nitric acid as found in commerce, and containing a little crude cream of tartar in order to preserve the color up to the moment of lacquering, and finally dried in warm sawdust. When prepared in such a manner the article is taken in hand to be lacquered, for which purpose it is first to be heated upon a hot plate to be lacquered afterward. For this purpose is used a sim¬ ple alcohol varnish, consisting of i ounce shellac dissolved in i pint alcohol. To this simple varnish are afterward to be added the coloring substances, such as sanders wood, dragon’s blood and annatto, which increase the luster of the color. In order to moderate the shading of the color, turmeric, gamboge, saffron, cape aloes, and gum san- darac are added. The first colors make the lacquer reddish, the second yellowish, while the two, when mixed, give a nice orange. A good pale lacquer consists of 3 parts aloes and 1 part turmeric, to one part of the simple varnish. A gold lacquer is obtained by adding 4 parts dragon’s blood and 1 part turmeric to 1 part of the simple varnish, while a red lacquer is produced from 32 parts annatto and 8 parts dragon’s blood, to 1 part of the varnish. THE SIZES OF WATCH MOVEMENTS. HERE are four different methods of ex¬ pressing the sizes of movements. The French and Swiss measure across the dial, and give its diameter either in millimeters or in French lines. A millimeter is about four one-hundredths (j^y) of an inch ; or, more accurately expressed in decimals, 0.03937 inch. A French line is about nine one-hun¬ dredths ( T ^o) °f an inch, or, in decimals, 0.0888 inch. English movements are sized by what is called the Lancashire Movement Gauge, which is a three-inch measure. The sizes begin with one inch, i. e., a movement 1 inch in diameter is size o. The sizes differ by one-thirtieth ) of an inch. Size 16 Eng- HOW TO CONVERT THE THERMOMETER SCALES. 175 lish would, therefore, be iff inch in diame¬ ter, and so on. But it must be remembered that English sizes refer to the diameter of the pillar plate of the movement, not that of the dial. As everybody knows, the dial of an English watch is considerably larger than the movement, to allow the dial plate to rest upon the watch case, while the movement goes inside of the case and is supported in its place by the dial plate—the movement itself not being allowed to touch the case. The dial is five sizes larger than the move¬ ment ; so a^ 16 size English watch would have a dial iff inch in diameter, or, in deci¬ mals, 1.700 inches. A French or Swiss watch having approximately the same size of dial would be called a 19 line watch or a 43 millimeter watch. The American move¬ ments are sized by the Lancashire gauge, only omitting the allowance of five sizes be¬ tween the movement and the dial—measur¬ ing the dial itself to get the size of the watch. The table will be found on p. 176. CONVERSION OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. ANY people who have no difficulty in reading a French journal or book find it a nuisance to translate the metric into English measures and weights. For such the following rule may be useful. To convert grams to ounces, avoirdupois, multiply by 20 and divide by 567. To convert kilo¬ grammes to pounds, multiply by 1000 and divide by 454. To convert liters to gallons, multiply by 22 and divide by 100. To con¬ vert liters to pints, multiply by 88 and divide by 50. To convert millimeters to inches, mutiply by 10 and divide by 254. To con¬ vert meters to yards, multiply by 70 and di¬ vide by 64. _ HOW TO CONVERT THE THER¬ MOMETER SCALES. ORMERLY, when the different nations of Europe kept more secluded one from the other, by reason of the want of facilities of rapid locomotion, each adopted a coinage, weights, and measures, etc., best suited to its requirements; their little traffic jogged along all right, and every other nation accommo¬ dated itself to the peculiar institutions of its neighbors. Times have changed since then, however, and international traffic has as¬ sumed proportions which even the boldest minds of our forefathers did not foresee, and we are beginning to sadly want all our coin¬ age, measures of time, of bulk, etc., reduced to an international standard, so that one na¬ tion living thousands of miles away from another will readily be able to understand its local institutions in this regard. None of the least perplexing are the various thermom¬ eter scales; the educated man, of course, understands how to compute one differing from that used in his country, but then we have not all had the opportunity of becom¬ ing educated men, and for the latter the fol¬ lowing ready means of converting one scale into another may be of interest. By the way, the thermometer scales are a forcible illustration of the Biblical verse about the prophet enjoying the least honor in his own country. Reaumur, whose scale is princi¬ pally used in Germany, was a Frenchman, but the French use the Celsius scale (100 °), who was a Swede. Fahrenheit was a Ger¬ man, but his scale, although almost unknown in Germany, is exclusively used in England and America. Again, the latter scale, al¬ though apparently the most irrational and arbitrary of the three, is nevertheless about the best for our moderate zone. The render of these Notes is well aware that both Cel¬ sius (the centigrade scale) and Reaumur fix their freezing point at the congealing point of water—a very unsafe point, for irrelevant reasons, and call it o 0 ; Fahrenheit, how¬ ever, has his zero at a temperature pro¬ duced by the mixture of ice and salt, while the freezing point is located at 32 0 . The range from the boiling point at 212 0 and o° F. embraces about all the degrees of heat and cold likely to occur in our zone, and thereby dispenses with the + or — necessary to be added to the other scales ; plus (+ ) for de¬ grees above the freezing point, and minus (—) for those below. For instance, when Celsius has— 17 0 , Fahrenheit has still + I - 4 °- Fahrenheit into Centigrade (or Celsius ).— Subtract 32 0 from Fahrenheit’s degrees, mul¬ tiply the remainder by 5, then divide by 9. The product will be the temperature in Centigrade. Fahrenheit into Reaumur. —Subtract 32 0 from Fahrenheit’s degrees, multiply the re¬ mainder by 4, and divide by 9. The prod¬ uct will be the temperature in Reaumur’s degrees. Centigrade into Fahrenheit. —Multiply the' Centigrade degrees by 9, divide by 5, and add 32 to the product. The sum will be SIZES OF WATCH MOVEMENTS. 176 the temperature according to Fahrenheit’s scale. Reaumur to Fahrenheit .—Multiply the degrees on Reaumur’s scale by 9, divide by 4, and add 32 to the product. The sum will be the temperature by Fahrenheit’s scale. Tables will be found on p. 178. DIAMOND, GOLD, ETC., WEIGHTS. TROY WEIGHT. I N Switzerland the old French ounce, = 30.59 grams, is still much used. It is divided into 24 deniers, each at 24 grains. In England the Troy ounce is divided into thousandths. In the United States the English Troy ounce is divided into 20 dwts. (penny¬ weights), each at 24 grains. 1 pound Troy r= 12 oz. - - 24 grains = 373*/^ grams. 4 grains = 1 karat. 24 grains = 1 pennyweight. 20 dwts. or 480 grains = 1 ounce. 12 oz., or 5760 grains = 1 pound (ft.) DIAMOND WEIGHT. 16 parts = 1 grain. 4 grains = 1 karat. 1 karat =314 grains Troy (nearly). 151*4 karats = 1 oz. Troy. According to this the karat = Stwt grains Troy. In giving the weight of a diamond we say it weighs so many karats, or a fraction of such karat, and do not express it either in grains or pennyweights. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. I drachm (dr.) = 2 7**- grains. 16 drachms = 1 ounce (oz.) or 437*4 grs. 16 ounces = 1 pound (ft.) or 7000 grains. 28 pounds = 1 quarter (qr.). 4 quarters = 1 hundred-weight (cwt.). 20 cwts. = 1 ton. RANDOM WEIGHTS. i ducat = 3)4 grams fine gold. 1 mark gold weight = 8 ounces avoirdu¬ pois. i loth (German) =16^4 grams. 1 pound, German (avoirdupois) = 500 grams. *1 pound, English and American (avoirdu¬ pois) = 453.59 grams. 1 ounce, English and American (avoirdu¬ pois) = 28.35 grams. GRAM WEIGHT IN TROY WEIGHT. Grams. Oz. Dwts. Grains. IOOO = 32 3 o -34 9OC 28 18 17.10 800 = 2 5 *4 9.86 700 : 22 10 2.63 600 — *9 5 19.40 5 °° — 16 1 12.17 400 r:: 12 *7 4-03 3 °° rr: 9 12 21.70 200 6 8 14.16 100 3 4 7.08 SIZES OF WATCH MOVEMENTS. English. Swiss. size in Millimeters. 0 Size 30.48 1 U *4 Ig- (31-58 m.) 3 * -33 2 tl 32.18 3 ti 33 -° 2 4 a i 5 " 33-87 5 it 34 - 7 2 6 a 35-56 7 a 16 “ (36.09 ") 36.41 8 a 3 7 - 2 5 9 a 38.10 10 a 17 “ (38.35 “) 38.95 11 a 39-79 12 a 18 " 40.64 *3 a 4*-49 *4 a 4 2 -33 *5 a 19 “ (42.86 “) 43 - lS 16 a 44-03 *7 a 44.87 18 a 20 “ ( 45 - 12 “) 45 - 7 2 *9 a 46 57 20 a 21 “ 47.41 21 a 48.26 22 a 49.11 2 3 a _ _ if 22 ( 49-63 “) 49-95 2 4 a 50.80 2 5 a it 2 3 (51.88 “) 5 i - 6 5 26 a 5 2 -49 2 7 a 53-34 28 a . . ft 24 54 -i 9 2 9 a 55-°3 3 ° a 55-88 THE NEW METRIC SYSTEM OF SPECTACLE LENSES. 1 7 7 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AKING water at i.o, the specific weight of aluminum is 2.56; zinc, cast, 6.80; -zinc, rolled, 7.20; iron, cast, 6.90-7.50; iron, wrought, 7.60-7.84; German silver and brass, 8.55; copper, cast, 8.75; cop¬ per, wrought, 8.78-9.00; bell metal, 8.80; nickel, 8.82 ; silver, 10.57 ; palladium, 11.80; mercury, 15.60; gold, 19.26; plat¬ inum, 21.50. CONVERSION OF MILLIMETER AND INCH MEASURES. Millimeter. Inch. Millimeter. Inch. 0.01 0.0003937 18 0.70866 0.02 0.0007874 x 9 ro O 00 ’'d- r— O 0.03 0.0011811 0.04 0.0015748 20 0.78740 0.05 0.0019685 21 0.82677 0.06 0.0023622 22 0.86614 0.07 0.0026559 2 3 0.90551 0.08 0.0031496 24 0.94488 0.09 0-0035433 2 5 0.98425 26 1.02362 0.1 0-003937 2 7 1.06299 0.2 0.007874 28 1.10236 o-3 0.011811 2 9 1 • X 4 X 73 0.4 0.015748 °* 5 0.019685 3° 1.18110 0.6 0.023622 3i 1.22047 0.7 0.026559 3 2 1.25984 0.8 0.031496 33 1.29921 0.9 0-035433 34 1 -33858 35 1 -37795 1 0-03937 3 6 1 -41732 2 0.07874 37 1.45669 3 0.11811 38 1.49606 4 0.15748 39 x -53543 5 0.19685 6 0.23622 40 1.57480 7 0.26559 41 1.61417 8 o. 3 t 49 6 42 x .65354 9 o-35433 43 1.69291 44 1.73228 1 0 0-3937° 45 r.77165 I I o-433°7 46 1.81102 12 0.47244 47 1.85039 X 3 0.51181 48 1.88976 x 4 o-55 IlS 49 1.92913 x 5 0.59056 16 0.62992 5° 1.96850 17 0.66929 CONVERSION OF MILLIMETER AND INCH MEASURES—Continued. Inch. Millimeter. Inch. Millimeter. 0.001 0.025399 0.2 5.0798 O . 002 0.050798 0.3 7.6197 O . OO3 0.076197 0.4 IO.1596 O . OO4 0.101596 0.5 12.6995 O.OO5 0.126995 0.6 x 5-2394 O . 006 0• 1 5 2 394 o-7 17-7793 O . OO7 o- 1 77793 0.8 20.3192 O . 008 0.203192 0.9 22.859I O . OO9 0.228591 1.0 25.899O O . OI o- 2 5399 1 .1 27.9389 O .02 0.50798 1.2 3O.4788 0.03 0.76197 1 -3 33• oi8 7 O . 04 1.01596 1 -4 35-5586 O.05 1.26995 1 - 5 38.0985 O . 06 x .52394 1.6 40.6384 O.07 1 •77793 1 • 7 43. x 783 O.08 2.03192 1.8 45•7 i8 2 O . 09 2.28591 1 -9 48.2581 O . I 2-5399 2.0 50.7980 THE NEW METRIC SYSTEM OF SPECTACLE LENSES. OLD SYSTEM. Numbers in inches. NEW SYSTEM. Numbers in Dioptrics. OLD SYSTEM. Numbers in inches. NEW SYSTEM. Numbers in Dioptrics. (160) 2.25 8 5- 80 °-5 7 (5-25) 60 (0.67) 7 5-5 5 ° o-75 6^ 6. 40 1. 6 6-5 36 (1.11) sH 7- 30 1.25 5 X 7-5 24 x -5 5 8. (22) M5 4^ 9 - 20 2. 4 10. 18 2.25 3^ 10.5 16 2-5 3^2 11. 14 2-75 3 % 12. x 3 3- 3 X 3* ! 12 3-25 23 ^ 14. Ii 3-5 2 ^ 16. 10 4- 18. 9 4-5 2 20. CONVERSION OF THE DIFFERENT THERMOMETER SCALES. THE SCALES BELOW ZERO. c. R. F. c. R. F. c. R. F. —30 - 24.O - 22.0 - 20 - 16.O - 4.0 —10 —8.0 14.O —29 - 23.2 - 20.2 —19 — 15-2 - 2.4 — 9 — 7-2 15.8 —28 - 22.4 - 18.4 —18 — 14.4 0.4 — 8 —6.4 17.6 —27 - 2 1.6 - 16.6 —17 — 13.6 1.4 — 7 — 5-6 19.4 —26 - 20.8 - 14.8 - 16 — 12.8 3-2 — 6 —4.8 2 1.2 —25 - 20.0 — 13.O —15 - 1 2.0 5 -° — 5 —4.0 23.O —24 - 19.2 - 1 1.2 —14 — 11.2 6.8 — 4 — 3-2 24.8 —23 — 18.4 — 9-4 —13 —10.4 8.6 — 3 —2.4 26.6 - 22 - 1 7.6 — 7 - 6 - 1 2 — 9.6 10.4 — 2 — 1.6 28.4 -2 I — l6.8 - 5-8 - 1 I — 8.8 12.2 - I —0.8 30.2 THE SCALES ABOVE ZERO. c. R. F. c. R. F. c. R. F. 0 0.0 32.O 34 27.2 93-2 68 544 1544 I 0.8 33 - 8 35 28.0 95 -° 69 55-2 156.2 2 1.6 35 - 6 36 28.8 96.8 70 56.0 158.O 3 2.4 37-4 37 29.6 98.6 7 1 56.8 159.8 4 3-2 39-2 38 304 100.4 72 57 - 6 161.6 5 4.0 41.0 39 3 1 -2 102.2 73 584 1634 6 4.8 42.8 40 32.0 104.0 74 59-2 165.2 7 3-6 44.6 4 i 32.8 105.8 75 60.0 167.0 8 6.4 46.4 42 33 - 6 107.6 76 60.8 168.8 9 7.2 48.2 43 344 109.4 77 61.6 170.6 10 8.0 50.0 44 35-2 111.2 78 62.4 172.4 11 8.8 51.8 45 36.0 113.0 79 63.2 174.2 12 9.6 53-6 46 36.8 114.8 80 64.0 176.0 13 10.4 55-4 47 37 - 6 116.6 81 64.8 177.8 H 11.2 57-2 48 384 118.4 82 65.6 1 79-6 15 12.0 59 -o 49 39-2 120.2 83 66.4 181.4 l6 12.8 60.8 5 ° 40.0 122.0 84 67.2 183.2 17 1 3.6 62.6 5 1 40.8 123.8 85 68.0 185.0 18 14.4 64.4 S 2 41.6 125.6 86 68.8 186.8 *9 15.2 66.2 53 424 127.4 87 69.6 188.6 20 16.0 68.0 54 43-2 129.2 88 70.4 190.4 21 16.8 69.8 55 44.0 I 3 I -° 89 71.2 192.2- 22 17.6 71.6 56 44.8 132.8 90 72.0 194.0 2 3 18.4 73-4 57 45 - 6 134.6 9 1 72.8 195.8 24 19.2 75-2 58 46.4 1364 92 7 3 - 6 i 97.6 25 20.0 77.0 59 47.2 138.2 93 744 199.4 26 20.8 78.8 60 48.0 140.0 94 75-2 201.2 27 21.6 80.6 6l 48.8 141.8 95 76.0 203.c 28 22.4 82.4 62 49.6 J 43 - 6 96 76.8 204.8 29 23.2 84.2 6 3 5°4 1454 97 77.6 206.6 3 ° 24.0 86.0 64 51.2 147.2 98 784 208.4 3 1 24.8 87.8 65 52.0 149.0 99 79.2 210.2 32 25.6 89.6 66 52.8 150.8 IOO 80.0 2 I 2.'“ 33 26.4 9 r 4 67 53 - 6 152.6 KARATS IN THOUSANDTHS. 179 CONVERSION OF GRAM WEIGHT INTO TROY WEIGHT. Grams. SWISS. ENGLISH. AMERICAN. O z. Deniers. Grains. 0z. in Oz. Dwts. Grains. 1 18.83 0.032 1 5-43 2 I 1 3- 6 7 0.064 I 6.86 3 2 8.50 0.096 I 22.30 4 3 3-33 0.1 29 2 x 3-73 5 3 22.17 0.161 3 5.16 6 4 17.00 0.193 3 20.59 7 5 18.83 0.225 4 12.03 8 6 6.67 0.257 5 346 9 . 7 1.50 0.290 5 - 18.89 10 '7 20.33 0.322 6. 10,32 20 US 16.70 0.644 12 20.60 3 ° 23 13.00 0.965 J 9 7.00 40 I 7 9 - 3 ° 1.288 I 5 1 l-3° 48 I 1 3 16.00 1 *545 I 10 20.70 MELTING POINTS OF THE PRIN¬ CIPAL METALS. Names of elements. Fahrenheit. Centigrade. Platinum *. Cast-iron. 2786 1 53 ° Nickel. 2700 1482 Gold. 2016 1102 Copper. 1984 1090 Silver. i8 7 3 1023 Aluminum. 1300 7°5 Zinc. 773 412 Lead. 612 322 Bismuth. 497 258 Tin. 442 228 Antimony t. * Infusible, except by the oxy-hydrogen blow-pipe, t Fuses a little below red heat KARATS IN THOUSANDTHS. FINENESS IN FINENESS IN Karats. Milliemes. Karats. Milliemes. 24 1.000 12 • 5 00 23 • 95 8 I I • 45 8 22 • 9 T 7 10 • 4 1 7 21 •875 9 •375 20 • 8 33 8 •333 X 9 .792 7 . 292 18 • 75 ° 6 .250 1 7 . 708 5 . 208 16 . 667 4 . 167 *5 .625 3 • I2 5 14 . 5 8 3 2 .083 13 .542 1 .042 i8o LETTER ENGRAVING. LETTER ENGRAVING. OR practice, not only in setting up the tool, but also in using it, the learner will find a square graver the best. A square graver is also the best for cutting coarse let¬ tering, such as is required upon door-plates, coffin-plates, satchel-plates, dog-collars, etc. For cutting upon articles of jewelry, watch cases, cane heads, and such like, where a smaller and lighter cut lettering is needed, a graver somewhat on the lozenge in shape should be used, the point of which, when the surplus steel is ground away, would be of about the same shape as a three-cornered file —the width of it across the face, from side to side, equalling the width of either face of its belly. In setting the face of any graver for ordi¬ nary use, grind it back so as to be at an an¬ gle of about sixty degrees from the line of the edge of its belly. A less acute angle can be given to a graver and fair work be done with it. This is sometimes a necessity aris¬ ing from the quality of the metal to be cut with it, or the temper of the tool used. In cutting such articles as solid-handled silver- Tplated table knives, stock mountings to re¬ volvers, plates made of rolled nickel or brass, a graver that will continually keep losing its point when its face is set at sixty degrees will often retain it with average pertinacity when its face is set at an angle of forty-five degrees. Good work cannot be done with a graver the face of which is set at a less acute angle than forty-five degrees. So much force has to be used in displacing the metal that the strokes cut with it, if so set, are apt to be A ‘ burry ” instead of “ clean,” and their termi¬ nations in manyinstances, especiallyin cutting script lettering, are too blunt to be beautiful. In practicing it is not necessary to use a polished graver, but in actual business it is very often requisite. Silver and plated ware, both flat and hollow, are now so largely fin¬ ished with what is known as the “ satin finish ” that a polished graver is a tool always needed ■on the bench, for the strokes cut with the graver, the surfaces of the belly and the face of which are finished with no finer finish than an Arkansas oil-stone will give them, will not show effectively, the surface of the article having a dead style of finish given to it, demands that the work upon it, in order to be seen, must possess a finish which shall be exactly opposite in kind, and so produce the desired effect by contrast—the .sharper the contrast the better. The face, as well as both sides of the belly of the tool, should be polished when “ bright- cut ” work is to be done. The materials ordinarily used for the pur¬ pose of graver polishing are the same as used by watchmakers for polishing steel; chief among which are diamantine, Vienna lime, crocus and saphirine. In using any or all of them, a small quantity should be put upon a piece of wood, hard and close in texture, and finished down as flat as can be. In us¬ ing, moisten the material with a little alcohol and apply the piece of wood so charged to the graver and after the manner of a buff; or, reverse the process and apply the graver to the wood, in the same manner as though it were an oil-stone. In country towns it is not an easy thing to get any of the materials named, and so it may come “ handy ” to know of some means always available, if not quite so effective, for doing the work. A very fair polish can be put upon the belly and face of a graver in the following manner: Take an Arkansas oil-stone, clean the flattest part of it; then rub the point of a lead-pencil over the cleaned portion of the stone until the pores are well filled with the lead. When this is done, ap¬ ply the surfaces of the tool to be polished to the stone as though sharpening the graver upon it. The polish on the tool can be im¬ proved by mixing a little rouge with the lead upon the stone. The pencil should be one having a fine quality of lead in it—free from all traces of grit. It may be well to say a word right here about the quality of the various makes of grav¬ ers in the market. The Vautier and Baumel gravers are the cheapest—and they ought to be, for they are the poorest. Few of them will “ stand ” for any length of time, if used in cutting other metals than the soft white metal, of which hollow silver-plated ware is made, and silver. Experience has shown to the writer that the most reliable gravers for general use are those made by Renard, John Sellers, and Stubbs. Stubbs’ gravers are good for cutting German silver and brass, whether rolled or cast, and for all heavy work, such as door-plates, etc. The others named have no superiors for the ordinary run of letter engraving in demand by jewel¬ ers and silversmiths. Burt makes a good, fine-finished, and consequently high-priced graver. The next best gravers are also of the Burt make. The amount of pressure needful for the THE CARE OF THE EYES. propulsion of a graver in cutting script let¬ tering in silver is about from one to three ounces, according to the fineness or breadth of the stroke made with it. In holding a graver, it should be placed diagonally across the palm of the hand, with the bulb of the handle resting a trifle below its center. From the palm of the hand, and from no other source, should the graver re¬ ceive all the force necessary at any time in using it. The hand is steadied while cutting by the thumb resting upon the block, or the work in hand, as the case may be. The thumb forms a sort of side rest for the graver in its forward and backward motion, the thumb moving its position but little, excepting in cutting very extended straight lines. The fingers are gathered lightly around the blade of the tool, which in no case must be grasped and held down by them, as such action in¬ terferes, if not entirely prevents, the freedom of motion necessary to its successful use, making out of it either a scraper or a digger, and incision in metal cannot be made in free and graceful forms in any fashion, let alone with the perfection of “ cleanness ” and smoothness that must be given to the strokes in good letter engraving. THE CARE OF THE EYES. APTAIN MARRY AT has justly said: “A man may damn his own eyes, but has no right to exercise a similar prerogative over other people’s visual organs; ” and while a Chicago contemporary does not pre¬ sume to “ damn ” at all, it proceeds in the following interesting article to endeavor to lead those who are suffering from remediable ocular defects—enduring the inconvenience, the headaches, and other afflictions which such defects occasion—to conduct, as it were, their visual organs through the courts of retributive justice, so that if they have given trouble, they may not only be sworn at, but also indicted, condemned to trial, and sentenced to proper correction. Throughout life, from youth to old age, there is a process of change occurring in the refractive media of all eyes, so that every one who attains to a ripe old age will, at some time or other during his or her existence, be a fit subject for the oculist—or, in other words, will need to wear glasses. In young people this change is usually gradual and unperceived, but from middle life onward its effects are plainly apparent. Those who have 181 normal vision while young will require glasses for reading when they have passed beyond the age of forty, and those who are near¬ sighted before the age is reached, need glasses in early life, if the degree of near-sightedness (myopia) be at all great, and yet they may be able to read perfectly well without glasses when fifty or even sixty years of age. Per¬ sons who are included in this category are apt to consider themselves as lucky excep¬ tions to general laws, and are usually very proud of their sharp sight. But not only does the eye undergo certain normal changes as age advances, but it may be abnormally formed; and hence optical defects are not only possible, but quite com¬ mon in infants. The eye is a camera, and, while it may be free from disease and per¬ fectly sound, still vision may be bad because the rays of light are not focussed upon the retina. Hence comes the necessity for wear¬ ing glasses, for, by placing suitable lenses be¬ fore these eyes, normal, distinct vision may —within certain limits—be obtained. It is not generally known that it is the exception, and not the rule, to find eyes that are perfect in shape, or, technically speaking, that are “ emmetropic.”- Still it does not follow that all eyes that are not perfect in shape should have glasses fitted to them, for some errors of refraction do not interfere seriously with vision, and never give rise to disease or de¬ cided discomfort to the patient; but, as a rule, persons whose eyes are “ weak,” or who suffer from complaints similar to those which we shall soon consider, should present them¬ selves to some competent oculist for the detection and subsequent correction of any existing errors of refraction. Let me briefly say that by “ competent oculist ” is meant one who has not only a knowledge of the delicate mechanism of the eye, but of the other organs of the body as well; for abnor¬ malities and diseases of the eye link them¬ selves very closely to diseased conditions of other portions of the physical economy. Consequently, the competent oculist is a doc¬ tor of medicine, although he may devote him¬ self entirely to the study and practice of oph¬ thalmology. The jeweler is not always and the peddler is never a proper person to fit glasses; and, while it is true that certain op¬ ticians are conscientious enough to send the party to an oculist when they find that they cannot correctly fit a patient with glasses, still there are opticians who are less conscientious, and who, lest the acknowledgment of inca- 182 THE CARE OF THE EYES. pacity might lower their standard in the pub¬ lic mind, or cause the loss of a customer, advise glasses which are not correct in every respect. Moreover, the oculist has means at his command for the detection of errors of refraction which cannot be applied by the optician, and possesses a knowledge of the proper correction of these errors which years of study and experience can alone bestow. There still exists quite a prejudice in the minds of many against the use of glasses; but why such prejudice should exist is very difficult of explanation on any other grounds than wilfulness and ignorance. All ophthal¬ mologists teach the great necessity of correct¬ ing errors of refraction by wearing proper glasses, and we shall herein endeavor to show some of the undesirable, and even portentous, results of permitting optical defects to go uncorrected. As a rule, glasses add nothing to the appearance of the wearer, and they are often a source of inconvenience, and, un¬ less there is a definite object to be attained by their use, patients are better without them; but where they are indicated and advised by one competent to decide, neither vanity nor prejudice should prevent their being em¬ ployed. The purposes for which glasses should be prescribed may be briefly summed up thus: First, to prevent disease of the eyes from “eye strain”'; second, to aid in the curing of certain diseases and abnormal conditions, by releasing all strain and giving the eyes rest; third, to enable the patient to better pursue his avocation in life; and fourth, for his comfort and convenience. Our consid¬ eration of these items must necessarily be brief, and consequently imperfect. The first two are of paramount importance, and afford material for many chapters in the study of refraction. In general, it may be said that all eiTors of refraction which reduce the patient’s vision to any extent below the nor¬ mal, or which produce any marked change in either the near or the far points, require correction by the use of suitable glasses. These errors are: hyperopia , or far-sight; myopia , or near-sight; presbyopia , or old- sight ; and astigmatism , or irregular sight. Let us first consider the dangers from hy¬ peropia. There is x constant strain, known as “ an effort of accommodation,” upon every far-sighted eye when viewing both near and remote objects. This effort of accommoda¬ tion is a muscular exertion, and hence a tax upon the nervous system, and, if long con¬ tinued, results in more or less exhaustion. When far-sighted eyes are used for reading or near work for any considerable period of time, the effort required produces congestion and redness of the eyes, a larger flow of blood is sent to them, and hence there is an in¬ creased secretion of mucus, or “watering of the eyes ” ; and, if the work be still continued, dizziness, headache, a feeling of sickness, or even actual vomiting, may be induced. But in far-sighted children another condition not infrequently arises as soon as they are made to apply themselves to books. A child be¬ gins to have a cast in the eye—that is, to squint, or look “cross-eyed.” At first the squint may be periodic, and appear only when close work is undertaken; but unless means are employed to prevent it, it soon becomes permanent. In the great majority of cases, internal squint is due to hyperopia. An excessive effort of accommodation is always associated with increased conver¬ gence, and, as a far-sighted eye must always increase its accommodation in order to gain clear vision, it naturally squints inward. Nervous twitchings of the eyelids and other portions of the face are sometimes occasioned by hyperopia. Fortunately, the condition of hyperopia can be easily corrected by suit¬ able convex spherical glasses, and thus the conditions of weariness and exhaustion of the eyes, catarrh of the eyes, twitching, head¬ ache, etc., can be prevented ; or, where they have already occurred as consequences of long sight, they are usually at once and per¬ manently removed as soon as the hyperopia is corrected by appropriate glasses. Squint is also thus prevented by glasses, and in a certain number of cases where it is already manifested in children, it may be remedied by correcting the existing error of refraction. Myopia, or short sight, is often hereditary or congenital, but may be acquired from prolonged straining of the eye. This condi¬ tion is not infrequently the precursor of se¬ rious, and sometimes irremediable, impair¬ ment of vision, and hence skilled advice and proper glasses are of highest importance to the patient in preventing the accidents to which every myopic eye is liable. In high degrees of myopia there is an excessive de¬ mand made upon the muscles that converge the eyes, in the efforts made to keep them both fixed upon small objects held close to the face, and sometimes, being unable to withstand this strain, they give out, and one eye is then turned outward by the opposing THE CARE OF THE EYES. muscle, forming a divergent squint. Very -serious intra-ocular changes, that are beyond rhe reach of therapeutic measures, are some- rimes-occasioned by high degrees of myopia. Short-sighted eyes, above all others, require the most rigid hygiene. The vision should be rendered normal— except in very high degrees—by the use of concave spherical glasses, and everything which tends to congest the eyes—such as reading or writing in the recumbent or stoop¬ ing posture, or by faulty light—is to be most carefully avoided. Presbyopia, or the far sight of old age, is caused by a lack of power of accommoda¬ tion, and although distant vision remains un¬ impaired, there is a constant recession of the near point. This is first noticed by the pa¬ tient when he finds that he is obliged to hold his paper farther away from his eyes than before, and that the print is not so clear as Tormerly. Presbyopia is easily corrected by convex glasses for reading, and they should be employed as soon as the affection becomes manifest. It does not usually cause incon¬ venience until after the age of forty. Far¬ sightedness, when not corrected by appro¬ priate glasses, causes the condition of pres¬ byopia to manifest itself earlier in life than it does in eyes not thus affected, or in those in which the error has been properly cor¬ rected. In astigmatism, or irregular sight, the refraction differs in different portions or me¬ ridians of the eye, and the retinal image is thus confused. This condition is usually con¬ genital and may be hereditary; it is, how¬ ever, sometimes acquired, often occurring after inflammations of the cornea, and may even be occasioned by the use of improper glasses. It is a very common optical defect, and is corrected—according to the variety —either by cylindrical lenses or by .combin¬ ing cylindrical with spherical lenses. Irreg¬ ular astigmatism cannot be entirely corrected. As astigmatism is either a variety of hyper¬ opia or of myopia, or a mixture of both, it can be productive of the train of symptoms already shown to be occasioned by these errors of refraction—such as headache, diz¬ ziness, nausea, and nervous irritability—and consequently, in all varieties of astigmatism, suitable glasses (preferably spectacles) should be worn continually, for both distant and mear vision. A different refractive condition in the two ■eyes of the same person is quite common. 183 One eye may be correct, and the other long¬ sighted or short-sighted ; or they may have different degrees of the same defect; or, again, one eye may be long-sighted and the other short-sighted. And since, in such cases, the condition of one eye can scarcely be improved by the same glass adapted to correct the error in the other, the vast im¬ propriety of selecting glasses at random from the counter of a dealer is plainly obvious. Both eyes must be tested separately, and fitted acordingly. Where it is known that presbyopia—the condition due to age—alone exists, patients may select their own glasses, for any given distance, according, to the needs of convenience of the patient. As age advances, the amount of presbyopia in¬ creases, and new and stronger glasses will be from time to time required. Heterophoria, or weakness of some one or more of the ocular muscles, is very often a complication of some error of refraction. In this condition there is a continual strain upon the weaker muscle in order to do its work, and this alone will cause very many headaches, neuralgias, and general nervous symptoms. We have already considered this subject in cases where the irregular action of the muscles of the eyeball is sufficiently marked to produce squint, but ofttimes there is merely a loss of function, which can be determined only by careful examination. This condition, which is termed muscular insufficiency, is overcome by correcting the refractive error, and combining the glasses thus required with properly selected and ap¬ plied prisms. Let us now look at some common troubles not generally known to be due to ocular de¬ fects. Not a small number of reflex neuroses are caused by these defects. Headaches which come on after sewing, reading, watch¬ ing a play, or otherwise using the visual or¬ gans in a special direction for a period of time, are usually the direct results of these defects. Neuralgia, dizziness, mental depres¬ sion, melancholia, chorea (St. Vitus’ dance), and even epilepsy, have been shown to be directly dependent, in certain cases, upon re¬ fractive errors for their causation. Out of nine cases of epilepsy in which there were optical defects, recently experimented upon, four cases were positively cured by correc¬ tion of the defects; two of the cases were entirely relieved for periods of four and six months respectively ; in another case the fits were greatly reduced in number during a 184 SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. I given period of time, after the application of proper spectacles ; while two cases were not influenced by glasses. Recurring styes are not infrequently due to some optical defect, and when thus occasioned they are to be cured, not by pulling out the lashes, but by having the defect corrected. That by improving his defective vision one is enabled to pursue life’s duties to bet¬ ter advantage and with increased conven¬ ience to himself, need not be insisted upon. Some people go through much or all of life content—through ignorance or prejudice— without seeing but half of their surroundings, and often enduring the ills which we have seen to result from remediable ocular defects. To some people glasses are a revelation— revealing powers and beauties of vision never before known to exist. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. ENSES are ground in the following man¬ ner: pieces of glass are cemented on tools of the required curve and ground with emery of different grades until very fine is used, and they are polished on cloth cemented to the tools, rouge or putty powder being used to give them the last finish. The tools are made of any required curve; say a five inch glass is wanted. Open a pair of dividers five inches, draw a curve with them, take a section of the curve, make a wooden pattern like a saucer with a peg on the under part to hold the tool by, then make another tool just the same, but on one you put the peg on the convex side, and on the concave side of the other get two pairs of castings made; get them turned out by a machinist to the shape of the curve, then with emery grind them together. One pair has to be finished with rough emery for roughing down the glass; the other pair finish off with fine emery for finishing and polishing on. Now, if you want glasses of five inch focus : convex pitch on pieces of flat glass until the convex tool is full; fasten to a block your concave tool, and before the pitch is too cold lay the con¬ vex tool with the glasses on it upon the con¬ cave tool. To get the glasses down even let the pitch get cold, then put on some rough emery in the concave tool and commence grinding. The emery will touch the glass on the edges, and keep on grinding until the glasses are of the same curve as the tool; then wash out all the rough emery and use some finer; then wash that off and repeat the process with fine or flour emery, and after grinding a little while the emery will get finer; then with a wet sponge wipe off half the emery and add a little water, and com¬ mence again. Get the glasses so fine and smooth that when you wet them they look like polished glass. Now dissolve a little pitch in turpentine and paint the tool with it; lay on your cloth, and by rubbing with your hand you will get the cloth to lay down flat to the tool. Let it dry for a few minutes and add rough or putty powder; wet the cloth a little and commence polishing, which will be very quickly done if you have smoothed the glasses nicely. For concave glasses re¬ verse the process by pitching the glasses on the convex tool and let the convex tool be the grinder. Then reverse the glasses and grind the other side, and when done you will have glasses of five inch focus. If you took a ball of glass five inches in diameter, it would be five inches focus. Cy¬ lindrical glasses are made just the same way, but are ground on cylindrical shaped tools, and the focus or curves are measured in the same way by inches or meters. The latter is a good scale, but causes a great deal of confusion and trouble because tools are made in this country and England by the inch scale, and if the English inch was divided by tenths and not by eighths, it would be very simple and convenient. The way of making odd glasses, say five and one-half inches, or any odd number that may be required, can be done by grinding a glass on one side on the five-inch tool, and the other on a six-inch tool, which would give you a glass of five and one-half inches focus. Periscopic glasses are concave on one side- and convex on the other, and they are used to give more clearness of vision when looking obliquely through the glasses, and give a larger field of vision. In setting the glasses- into the spectacle or eye-glass frame take a piece of thin brass or tin, make it the shape of the frame, but a trifle smaller, lay it on the glass, then with a glazier’s diamond cut round the pattern, break off the edges with a pair of pliers, and grind it to the required size on a grindstone, care being taken to get the center of the lens in the center of the frame. And this is very often the cause of a great deal of trouble to the seller and pain to the wearer. Be sure that your glasses are of exactly the same focus, and they vary con¬ siderably. Take a five-inch French glass and it will be different in power to a five-inch I ETCHING FLUID FOR STEEL. English glass; and this is not the worst of it, but glasses of first quality will be different in power to second, second quality will be different from third, and so on. Therefore in matching glasses, except you keep a large stock of glasses of all qualities and numbers, it is better to put in a pair; if not, you can never match a glass, and the wearer will com¬ plain of not seeing as well with his spectacles since he had a new glass put in, and give him pain caused by seeing sometimes two objects, or seeing one like a shadow and the other one clear and sharp. Periscopic glasses are sometimes called meniscus, and the focus is determined by the following rule: Divide twice the product of the two radii by the difference of the radii. Thus: say a glass is ground on one side on a six-inch convex curve, and on the other side it is ground on a fifteen-inch concave curve, the focus would be twenty inches. Glasses are numbered as follows: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 54, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60. Some English op¬ ticians call 60-inch focus No. 1 ; 48, No. 2, and so on. It is a very arbitrary rule for some to commence at 48 and call it No. 1, others again to commence at 42 and some at 36, and only use fourteen numbers, as fol¬ lows : Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 14. Inches, 36, 30, 24, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, io, 9 , 8, 7, 6, 5. A new scale is being introduced into oph¬ thalmology, and is giving to opticians no end of trouble. By the following rule it will be seen that one dioptric is equal to about a 36-inch focus: Dioptrics— 0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2., 2.25, 2.5, 3., 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4., 4.5, 5., 6 ; 7 -, 7 - 5 - Inches -72, 48, 36, 30, 24, 20, 18, 16, 15, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, sy 2 , 5- It is a very good scale, and calculations can be very easily made with it. One meter is the unit, and it is called one dioptric. TO WORK HARD STEEL. F steel is rather hard under the ham¬ mer when heated to the proper cherry- red, it may be covered with salt and ham¬ mered to about the shape desired. More softness can then be obtained, if required to give a further finish to the shape, by sprink¬ 185, ling it with a mixture of salt, blue vitriol, sal- ammoniac, saltpeter and alum, made cherry- red again, sprinkled with this mixture, and hammered into shape. This process may be repeated until entirely finished. When ready, the steel is hardened in a solution of the same mixture. This method is recom¬ mended by prominent workers. SOLDERING CAST STEEL. HE material employed is pulverized white marble. The two pieces to be soldered are simply heated, rolled in the marble dust, then quickly placed one to the other and hammered. This recipe is by Mr. A. Fiala, an eminent mechanician of Prague, and was communicated by Mons. G. Ber¬ trand to the Revue Chronometrique. BRONZE COATING ON IRON, ETC. N order to cover articles of iron and brass with a durable, antique bronze coating, 100 grains of protosulphate of nickel and ammonia, 100 grains of hyposulphate of soda, and 50 grains sal-ammoniac are dissolved in 10 quarts boiling water, and the well-cleaned metallic articles are laid in at once. After a few minutes they have as¬ sumed a handsome lustrous bronze color. By a prolonged exposure in the bath, sus¬ tained at a heat of from 70 0 to 8o°, cast or wrought-iron articles have become hand¬ somely coated with sulphide of nickel, but they must be made lustrous again by clean¬ ing, since they have become mat in color. The bath may be used again until its bluish- green color has disappeared as well as the- hydroxide of iron. ETCHING FLUID FOR STEEL. E find the following praised highly for- being an excellent etching fluid for steel: Mix one ounce of sulphate of copper,, one-half ounce of alum, and one-half a tea¬ spoonful of salt reduced to powder, with one gill of vinegar and twenty drops of nitric acid. This fluid may be used for either eating deeply into the metal or for imparting a beautiful frosted appearance to the surface, according to the time it is allowed to act. Cover the parts necessary to be protected from its influence with beeswax, tallow, or some other similar substance. i 86 EXCELLENT CEMENT. BRONZING IRON AND STEEL. F IRST clean the piece to be treated in the usual manner, for which a bath of strong soda water is one of the quickest methods, and most thorough; then expose the piece to the action of vapors arising from a mixture of equal parts hydrochloric and nitric acids, temperature 550 to 6oo° F. When the piece has cooled, rub over Avith vaseline; heat until this begins to decompose, then allow to cool and repeat the dose of vaseline. Should the color .appear darker than desired, mix acetic acid with the other acid in proportion to the change desired. PAINT FOR SHEET IRON. G OOD varnish, one-half gallon ; add red lead sufficient to bring to the consist¬ ency of common paint; then apply with a brush. This paint is applicable to any kind of iron tvork which is exposed to the weather, thoroughly protecting the metal from rust. PALE GOLD LACQUER. B EST shellac (picked pieces), eight ounces; sandarac, tAVO ounces; tur¬ meric, eight ounces ; annatto, two ounces ; -dragon’s blood, one-fourth ounce ; alcohol, one gallon. Mix, shake frequently, till all is -dissolved, and the color extracted from the coloring matter, and then allowed to settle. PREVENTING RUST ON MACHINERY, ETC. T HE folloAving formula can be recom¬ mended for the prevention of rust on machinery. One ounce of camphor dis¬ solved in one pound of melted lard ; take off the scum and mix in as much fine black lead as will give it an iron color. Clean the machinery and smear it Avith this mixture. After about twenty-four hours, rub clean with soft linen rags. It will keep clean for months under ordinary circumstances. Iron and steel may be kept bright, even in the presence of dampness, by giving them a coat of chlorate of potash. Nuts are frequently rusted so tightly upon the screAVS that the wrench will not loosen them ; kerosene or naphtha, turpentine, even, Avill, in a short time, penetrate between the nut and stem. Next heat them in a fire, which Avill quickly sever them. In fact, kerosene is excellent for removing rust; leave the article for some time in it and the rust will come off easily. Cast-iron is best preserved by rubbing it with black lead. For polished work, varnish Avith wax dissolved in benzine, or add a little olive oil to copal varnish, and thin with spirits of turpentine. To remove deep- seated rust, use benzine and polish off with fine emery; or use tripoli, 2 parts; pulver¬ ized sulphur, 1 part. Apply with soft leather. Emery and oil is also very good. METAL LETTERS ON PLATE-GLASS. I T is often necessary to attach glass or metal letters to plate-glass. Use the following binder: Copal varnish, 15 parts; drying oil, 5 parts; turpentine, 3 parts; oil of turpentine, 2 parts; liquefied glue, 3 parts. Melt in a Avater bath, and add 10 parts slaked lime. ■ " TO PREPARE CHALK. P ULVERIZE the chalk thoroughly, and then mix Avith clean rain-water, in proportions of two pounds to the gallon. Stir well, and let it stand for about two minutes. In this time the gritty matter will have settled to the bottom. Slowdy pour the water into another vessel, so as not to stir up the sediment. Let stand until en¬ tirely settled, and then pour off as before. The settlings in the second vessel will be prepared chalk, ready for use as soon as dry. Spanish whiting, treated in the same Avay, makes a \ r ery good cleaning or polish¬ ing poAvder. Some watchmakers add a little crocus, and, Ave think, it is an improvement; it gives the powder a nice color at least. ALABASTER CEMENT. M ELT alum and dip the fractured faces into it; then put them together as quickly as possible. RemoA^e the exuding mass with a knife. EXCELLENT CEMENT. A CEMENT for fastening glass upon wood is prepared by dissolving 1 part India rubber in 64 parts chloroform, to which 16 parts mastic haA^e been added. Let the mixture stand until dissolved. It is then ap¬ plied with a brush. POWDERED GLASS. 187 SMOOTHING OIL-STONES. IL-STONES are apt to wear hollow, and it is necessary to smooth them. For this purpose take coarse emery and water upon a slate or marble slab, and with a circular motion grind the oil-stone. An¬ other very good way is to nail a piece of coarse emery paper upon a board, and treat it in the aforesaid manner. Paper is best, because the grains of emery remain station¬ ary, while, when loose upon a slab, they roll around, and therefore are less effective. TO CLEANSE BRUSHES. HE best method of cleansing a watch¬ makers’ and jewelers’ brush is to wash it out in strong soda water. If the back is wood, favor that part as much as possible, for being glued, the water may loosen it. piece of iron wire put on the spot a drop or two of fluoric acid and it will eat through the glass. If not sufficient, make a second or third application of the acid. After this has eaten quite through, it may be enlarged or shaped with a copper wire with rotten- stone and oil; or use dilute (1:5) sulphuric acid with the ordinary drill. When shaping or enlarging the hole, also apply this fluid to the file from time to time while using; when finished wash the latter well. ALLOY FOR MODELS. GOOD alloy for making working models is four parts copper, one part tin, and one-quarter part zinc. This is easily wrought. The hardness increases by doub¬ ling the proportion of the zinc. CEMENT FOR MEERSCHAUM. A CEMENT for meerschaum can be made of quicklime mixed to a thick ■cream with the white of an egg. This •cement will also unite glass or china. BENDING GLASS TUBES. F ILL the tube with finely sifted sand, close both ends, and heat it over the flame of a Bunsen burner. It can thus easily be bent without losing its roundness at the elbow. TO DRILL ONYX. I N order to drill onyx, the simplest meth¬ od is to use a diamond drill (cost about $2) with oil, turning the drill with the bow which gives the necessary back and forward motion. Another, but slower, way is to use a hollow iron wire with diamond pow¬ der. The wire is placed in the chuck of a lathe perpendicularly. It ought to run 2,500 or 3,000 turns per minute. A good way of starting or countersinking the stone is by using iron wire turned into a little wheel or knob at the end, according to the size of the hole desired. This can only be used in a horizontal lathe. TO MAKE A HOLE IN GLASS. S PREAD on thinly some wax after warming the glass. Remove the wax where you wish the hole to be made; with a TRANSPARENT CEMENT. O RDINARY cements generally leave yellowish traces which look disagree¬ able, especially with transparent objects. The following recipe, according to the Mon. des prod. Chim ., makes a perfectly colorless varnish: Sixty grams chloroform are poured over 7.5 grams India rubber, cut into small pieces, and contained in a bottle which can be closed air-tight. When the India rubber has been dissolved thoroughly, 15 grs. mastic are added and digested for about 8 days until dissolved. The cement prepared in this manner is used like any other. POWDERED GLASS. P OWDERED glass is largely taking the place of sand in the manufacture of sandpaper. It is readily pulverized by heat¬ ing it red hot and throwing it into cold water, the finishing being done in an iron mortar. By the use of sieves of different sizes of mesh the powder can be separated into various grades, from the finest dust to the very coarse, and these grades should be kept separate. A strong paper is tacked down and covered with a strong size or glue, and the coating covered with powdered glass of the desired fineness; when the glue is dry, the surplus glass is shaken or brushed off. Muslin is much better than paper and lasts much longer. MAGNETIZED WATCHES. 188 MAGNETIZED WATCHES. T O ascertain if any part of a watch is mag¬ netized, take a small piece of iron wire (jewellers’ binding wire), attach it to a silk thread, and fasten the silk thread' to a small brass rod, or a pegwood, and approach the part or parts suspected. If the iron is at¬ tracted or set in motion, magnetism is the cause, and the suspected piece is affected. Before making a test, remove the watch move¬ ment from the case; if this contain case springs, try these separately, as in most in¬ stances case springs are affected by magnet¬ ism, while parts of the movement are not. It is also advisable, in testing a watch move¬ ment, to take the movement apart and test the pieces separately. The parts most likely to be affected are the balance, the balance spring, and the fork. In some instances, very rare, however, every part of the move¬ ment is affected. PROTECTIONS, REMEDIES, AND PREVENTA- TIVES. There are methods and means for protect¬ ing watches from magnetism, remedying the evil after they have become affected, and for preventing them from being magnetized. The present article will deal with the second proposition, as a debate of all three would make it too lengthy for these Workshop Notes. i. The employes around electric-light sta¬ tions practice what might be called an “ em¬ pirical ” method with the “ turnips” they wear in the shop. They hang the watch by the pendant at the end of a stiff cord, twist the cord tightly, then, holding the upper end of the cord in one hand, let the watch hang near the pole piece of a powerful dynamo. Hold ing it still with the other hand for a moment, to let the magnetism get “soaked in,” they “ then let her spin,” and as the string gradu¬ ally untwists, slowly walk away, removing the whirling watch further and further from the source of magnetism. The dose is repeated whenever the watch shows signs of ailments. 2. When the work of demagnetizing is to be performed on a watch of good quality, it is necessary to have three or four magnets of different sizes, also a good horse-shoe mag¬ net for recharging, for these straight magnets soon lose strength. A piece of bar steel of the required size, hardened first, and then charged by the horse-shoe magnet, answers the purpose, or an old worn-out round or square file, or stump of an old graver, will do equally well, and save the trouble of harden¬ ing. The size of the magnet used must be determined by the size of the article operated on. Take a watch-balance, for instance— which is one of the most troublesome things to treat. Take a magnet about three inches long and one-quarter inch square. It will be found that polarity is situated principally in the neighborhood of the arms, and these are the points to be first attacked. Hang the balance by its rim on a piece of brass wire, and approach the magnet toward the rim in the direction of one of the bars. If it should be attracted toward the magnet, try the other pole, and it will be found to repel. Now take the balance in your hand and bring the repelling pole of the magnet in momentary contact with the balance at the point tried, then test it with a minute fragment of small iron binding wire, as directed in the introduc¬ tory ; if still magnetic, bring the magnet in contact again, and so on—trying after each •contact—till the magnetism is entirely out at that point. Suspend the balance on the brass wire, as before, and proceed to try the rim at the point where the second arm comes, and the same with the third. Having expelled the magnetism at these three points, there will be but little remaining in the balance. However, try it carefully all round, when sev¬ eral places will probably be found retaining sufficient magnetism to pick up a small frag¬ ment of iron. These must all be treated in the manner before described ; but when the magnetism is very feeble, a smaller magnet must be used, for if the magnet is too power¬ ful, the article operated upon discharges what little remains, and, before contact can be broken, begins to be charged again by the re¬ verse pole. After having operated success¬ fully on the other portions of the balance, it frequently happens that it has become slightly charged again by one of the arms; try the pole, as before, and a few contacts, some¬ times but one, of one of the smaller magnets will suffice. A little patience is required, for it is often twenty minutes or more before the desired end is accomplished. After treating a bal¬ ance, always try it whether it is in poise. The balance spring stud, which is usually found to be charged when the balance is so, is easily treated. Try the poles, and a few contacts will draw all the magnetism out of one end, when so little will be found remain¬ ing in the other that one touch of the other pole will usually be sufficient. Even the bal- THE PENDULUM AND ITS LAWS OF OSCILLATION. 189 unce spring may be successfully treated, though so strongly charged as to be “ feath¬ ered ” with iron filings after being immersed in them. A good way to try the polarity of many pieces is to suspend the article, by means of a particle of wax, to a piece of the finest silk. Steel filings, or fragments of chain wire, should on no account be used for testing ; for if not magnetic to begin with, they speedily become so by contact with the article under treatment. Even with soft iron, it is well to occasionally charge the fragment you are testing. THE PENDULUM AND ITS LAWS OF OSCILLATION. I STORY furnishes us with the informa¬ tion that Galileo in 1542, while in the cathedral at Pisa, observed the oscillations of a lamp which had been accidentally set in motion. He was struck with the apparent measured regularity of its vibrations, and tested this observation by comparing these oscillations with his own pulse. Galileo there invented the simple pendulum as a means of measuring short intervals of time. But for many years the pendulum was used with¬ out the clock movement, and astronomers counted the oscillations performed in a given time to measure the periods of celestial phe¬ nomena. THE THEORETICALLY PERFECT PENDULUM. In describing the pendulum I will first begin with a theoretically perfect pendu¬ lum, which would consist of a heavy mole¬ cule suspended at the extremity of a perfectly flexible cord, and oscillating in a vacuum. This ideal pendulum, of course, could not exist, but to demonstrate the simple pendu¬ lum, we will use a small metal ball suspended by a silk thread ; if this freely-suspended ball is drawn from the vertical and allowed to oscillate, these oscillations will gradually di¬ minish in extent on account of the earth’s at¬ traction, producing what are called long and short arcs. The function of the clock move¬ ment proper, besides registering the time and number of oscillations on the dial, is to fur¬ nish to the pendulum the small amount of impulse that is necessary to carry the same in its excursion from the vertical line up¬ ward, so it will return each time to the orig¬ inal point of starting and thus overcome the influence of gravity, and add enough force ‘ in its descent toward the vertical to maintain a uniform arc of oscillation to the required number of degrees. The oscillations of the pendulum were thought and affirmed by Galileo to be made in the same inter¬ val of time, whether the arcs were long or short. That there is a difference, although very slight, between long and short arcs, where the distance passed over is not too great, is nevertheless true; and it was not till 1658 that Huyghens discovered and proved that long arcs required more time than short arcs to perform the oscillations of the same vibrat¬ ing length of pendulum. I will add here, as the question is often asked, what constiutes the length of a pendulum. It is the distance from the point of suspension to the center of oscillation. This point is, in theory, very near the center of gravity of the pendulum, and it is described as being just below the gravity point. In order to describe the cen¬ ter of oscillation more clearly, I will make this simple illustration: If a blow is struck with a club and the impingement takes place beyond the point of concussion, the blow is partially inflicted on the hand; and the same result is expe¬ rienced if the impingement takes place be¬ tween the hand and the point of concussion, only in a reversed manner. The full force of the blow is obtained only when the exact point of concussion meets the object. Now, it is true that the center of oscillation in the pendulum is identical with the point of con¬ cussion in the club, and the time-producing qualities of a pendulum depend entirely on the above mentioned oscillating point. THE LAWS CONTROLLING THE PENDULUM. I will first call your attention to the laws of motions controlling the simple pendulum, and will refer to the cycloidal pendulum later. First, the pendulum is a falling body, and is controlled by laws governing such a body, and when at rest points directly toward the center of the earth. Next, the square of the time of oscillation is directly as its length, and inversely as the earth’s attraction. For instance, a pendulum vibrating sec¬ onds at the level of the sea in the latitude of New York city, would be 39.10153 inches, and a pendulum vibrating two seconds in the same location would be the square (of the time) or two seconds, which squared would be four, multiplied by the length of the one second, 39.10153 pendulum, which is equal to 156.4 inches, something over 13 igo CYCLOIDAL PENDULUM. feet long. This rapid increase in length for a comparatively small change in the time of oscillation has resulted in fixing two seconds as the limit for any precision pendulum, as beyond this point the instrumental errors would be increased in the same ratio and would be difficult to overcome. The great Westminster pendulum vibrates in two sec¬ onds, and is probably the most accurately compensated long pendulum in the world. The correction for errors of lateral and cub¬ ical dilatation, barometrical error, long and short arcs of oscillation, are all reduced to a minimum. As we have said so much about seconds, it might be in order to say there are two kinds, solar and sidereal, and they differ from each other in length. The interval of time we call a second is reduced from the solar day, which is the time between two successive returns of the sun to the same meridian, and this interval divided into 86,400 parts. These solar days are not equal , but are made so by the daily equation of time added to or subtracted from the apparent solar day. The sidereal day is the interval between two successive returns of a fixed star to the same meridian, and is 3 minutes, 56.5 sec¬ onds shorter than the solar day, and this day divided into hours, minutes, and seconds fur¬ nishes us with the sidereal seconds. The sideral day represents the time of the rotation of the earth on its axis, and is the most accurate observation of time that can be made, as it requires no equation, and has not changed as much as one-hundredth part of a second in over two thousand years. As¬ tronomers use astronomical clocks reading 24 hours on the dial, with pendulums vibrat¬ ing sidereal seconds, and by this time only do they find and locate celestial bodies. ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. Another law governing the pendulum is this: The action of gravity or the mutual attraction between bodies varies with their masses, and inversely as the square of their distances. Following from this, a pendulum will vibrate seconds only in a given place. Our standard of measurement is taken from a pendulum vibrating seconds in a vacuum at the level of the sea. It also follows that the further a pendulum is removed from the center of the earth the less it will be attracted in. its descent toward the vertical. This ex¬ plains why a pendulum loses on being trans^ ferred from the sea level to the mountain, or from one of the earth’s poles toward the equatoi, as the earth is a spheroid slightly flattened at the poles. A very interesting experiment can be made to show the influence of mutual attraction between masses. Take two well-regulated astronomical clocks with second pendulums, place them side and side, and cause each pendulum to oscillate simultaneously on the same side of the vertical; the pendulums will oscillate to the right together, and to the left for a time together, then they will change so as to oscillate in opposite directions, and will never depart from this motion. Another rea¬ son why a pendulum loses on being trans¬ ferred to the equator lies in the fact that the rotation of the earth gives rise to centrifugal force at its surface. This, being zero at the poles, gradually increases to a maximum at the equator; and, as it acts in opposition to the force of gravity, it counteracts a gradu¬ ally increasing proportion of this force which shows in the time of oscillation. The rota¬ tion of the earth on its axis also has another effect upon the oscillation of the pendulum, as you have just seen by the demonstration of the pendulum of Foucault by Prof. K. Ellicott. The error caused by the tendency of the pendulum to oscillate in one given plane is reduced to a minimum by the use of short arcs of oscillation, and is of very lit¬ tle importance in comparison with other er¬ rors. CYCLOIDAL PENDULUM. HE arcs of oscillation of any ordinary simple pendulum are a part of a circle with the point of suspension as a center. Now, a pendulum producing isochronal oscillations, namely, producing unequal arcs in equal time is called cycloidal , because the center of oscillation must describe a cycloidal path during each excursion on either side of the vertical line. This curve is one of the most interesting, of any known, both in respect to its geo¬ metrical properties and connection with fall¬ ing bodies, and is described in this manner: If a circle roll along a straight line on its own plane, a point on its circumference will de¬ scribe a cume which is called a cycloid. The peculiar value of this curve in relation to the pendulum will be better shown by inverting a cycloid curve. The time of a body descending from a point of rest which we will call A to the CYCLOIDAL PENDULUM. lowest point of the curve at B will be the same from whatever point it starts. In other words, a pendulum will fall from A to the lowest point £ of the curve in precisely the same time it would from a point C lying between A and B, which is, say, about half the distance. Following from this, a cycloidal pendulum produces unequal arcs in equal time or isochronism. The extreme mechanical difficulty of executing a pendu¬ lum that will describe a cycloidal path dur¬ ing each excursion has led horologists to orig¬ inate many ingenious devices to accomplish this end. The pendulum described here is constructed so as to cause the center of oscillation to move in a cycloidal path, by coming in contact with cycloid cheeks near its point of suspension, but the effects of moisture, friction, dilatation and adhesion of contact against these cheeks would in time give rise to errors as great as those sought to be overcome. We therefore must make efforts in another direction. The best method of to-day for producing isochronism is to cause the arc of oscillation to be as short as possible, and also have the suspension spring of a given length and given strength in proportion to the length and weight of the pendulum. Then we will only have to deal with the molecular arrangement of the spring, which is constantly changing; but this error is very small and exceedingly regular. The length of the pendulum rod is just double the diameter of the generating circle. .Now, from relations of parts of the cycloid, it is shown that the time of falling down the semi-cycloid is to the time of fall through the diameter of the generating circle as a quadrant is to a radius. THE BAROMETRICAL ERROR. A pendulum is affected by the density of the atmosphere, but to a degree that would only be of importance in a precision time¬ piece, where all the errors are reduced to a minimum. An increase of density of the air is equivalent to reducing the action of gravity , while the inertia of the moving body remains the same. The rule is, that the velocity of the pendulum varies directly as the force of gravity and inversely as the inertia, and it follows then that an increase of density di¬ minishes the velocity and shortens the time of oscillation, causing the clock to gain time. The barometrical error can be reduced to within three to four tenths of a second in 191 twenty-four hours for each inch rise or fall of the barometer. Short arcs of oscillation- are also essential in reducing the barometrical error. An apparatus is sometimes attached to the pendulum to assist in reducing this error. THE COMPENSATED PENDULUM. Bodies increase in volume with an eleva¬ tion of temperature and diminish when it falls. The pendulum then changes its di¬ mensions with every variation of temperature, and the same is the case with all other parts of the machine. The elongation of a body in any one direc¬ tion by heat is known as its linear dilatation , and its increase in volume, that is, in all three directions, is the cubical dilatation; this depends on its linear dilatation in length,, breadth, and thickness. The result to be obtained in a pendulum by compensation is to so construct the same that the center of oscillation will always be in the same point. It is evident that heat lowers this point and cold raises it, and, as we said before, that the time-producing qual¬ ities of the pendulum depend on this oscillat¬ ing point, and only by compensation is the desired effect obtained. I will show you two of the best methods- of producing compensation, and begin first by using two metals. The principle under¬ lying this method is the unequal expansion of different metals in the same temperature. This furnishes us with the first step toward compensation. Let us take a steel rod of the length ar¬ rived at by calculation, with a nut and screw on the lower end; resting on this nut is a brass collar with a groove cut in the top. Here is a rolled and drawn zinc tube of a calculated length and thickness in proportion to the main rod. This zinc tube is drawn on over the main rod, and rests on the brass collar at the lower end and at the upper end of the zinc tube; and resting on the same is an iron collar into which is firmly screwed an iron tube which is slipped on over the zinc tube, and at the lower end of this iron tube is attached the weight or bob. It will be seen that this main rod lengthens with heat, and as it lowers, the zinc tube which sur¬ rounds it lowers also; but the upper end of the zinc being free, and this metal possessing greater linear dilatation, moves upwards on the main rod, and with it draws up the iren tube that surrounds the zinc and carries wiVi 192 CYCLOIDAL PENDULUM. it the weight or bob. The upward dilatation -of the zinc tube is just sufficient to overcome the downward dilatation of the main rod, thus keeping the center of oscillation in the same point. In order to construct a com¬ pensated pendulum of this kind it is necessary to have the proper proportions of one metal to the other; and besides this, corrections are made from actual tests in different de¬ grees of temperature. The principal objection to this kind of ■compensation is that metals expand and con¬ tract by infinitesimal waves or jumps, prob¬ ably owing to the molecular friction of the metals, and this is most apparent in zinc, owing to its crystalline formation; and this metal is useless unless carefully drawn and prepared before using for the purpose in •question. THE. MERCURIAL COMPENSATION. This pendulum is constructed in the fol¬ lowing manner: A steel rod of the calcu¬ lated length and diameter is selected, and at its lower end is firmly attached a brass stir¬ rup, into which is placed and secured from one to four glass jars containing mercury. If one jar is used, the volume must be suffi¬ cient to allow its cubical dilatation to raise the center of oscillation just as the longitudinal dilatation of the rod has lowered this point; •md if four jars are used, their diameters shall be reduced to the point that the four will contain the volume of the one jar, and be filled each to the same level as it rose in the single jar. This represents more exposed surface to the changing temperatures and improves the conductibility of the mercury , •causing the compensation to respond more promptly to sudden changes. The four-jar compensation is the most difficult to con¬ struct, but when well made and carefully ad¬ justed is exceedingly satisfactory, and has the preference in seconds pendulums when greater accuracy is required. THE SEISMIC ERROR. This uncontrollable error is caused by earth waves, and may occur at any time. One pe¬ culiarity is, that many hours elapse before this error shows in the time of the instru¬ ment. This error may not be suspected un¬ til compared by transit observations. The time it takes to develop this error is probably due to the molecular disturbances and re-arranging of particles that is taking place in the mercury used for compensation. The most accurately compensated pendulums have been known to vary several seconds in a day. I remember while in Geneva in 1872 that twice in one summer the standard pen¬ dulum of the Cantonal Observatory varied once seven and one-half seconds, and at an¬ other time five seconds in twenty-four hours; at that time it was not well understood what caused these sudden variations in a pendu¬ lum having a known daily equation. But later experiments have shown this error to be caused by seismic waves. From the simple observation of the lamp swinging from the roof of the cathedral at Pisa, more than three hundred and forty years ago, has grown the thought included in the foregoing laws. The laws of inverse squares and mutual attraction as shown in the simple pendulum, the properties of the cycloid and cycloidal pendulum, the influ¬ ence of the linear and cubical dilatation, the influence of atmospheric pressure on the pen¬ dulum and the centrifugal force from the revolution of the earth on its axis, and by reducing all these errors to a minimum we are furnished with an instrument that per¬ forms its work with as much accuracy as any piece of mechanism ever produced by man. PART II. Note to Third Edition. HEN the first edition of “Workshop Notes for Jewelers and Watchmakers” was K * offered to the craftsmen for whom it was pub¬ lished, we were convinced that its elements of utility would be evident to the average observer, but we hardly hoped that it would meet with the hearty re¬ ception it did, that an entire edition would be, com¬ paratively speaking, so rapidly exhausted, and that the demand for it would necessitate not only a second edition but now a third edition. For it must be re¬ membered that the field for its distribution is limited, and that in every craft there is a number of workers who possess little or no ambition to increase their store of knowledge. But while this number of non¬ readers is considerable the demand for such a book as “Workshop Notes” is evidence that more workers are desirous of perfecting themselves in their crafts and of performing their work satisfactorily than gener, alizing pessimists are inclined to assert. The virtue of “ Workshop Notes ” resides in the fact that it brings together in convenient and handy form for reference numerous stray and isolated recipes and processes distinctly applicable to the var¬ ious branches of horology, gold and silversmithing, and their allied crafts. In printing a third edition, we have accepted the opportunity to add to the volume new matter to the extent cf about 50 per cent., occupy¬ ing the pages 195 to 290, this new matter being prop¬ erly classified and indexed. 1899. The Publishers. NOTES ON HOROLOGY. RELATION OF ESCAPEMENT TO BALANCE SPRING. he relation of the lever escapement to the balance spring is quite an impor¬ tant matter. Most workmen imagine that adjusting is a great mystery, and that the man who masters this portion of the watch¬ maker’s art must necessarily stand at the head of the profession. The word “pro¬ fession ” is used advisedly, and it is to be hoped that the different horological schools will sooner or later bestow degrees as do schools of law and medicine. It is well known that a balance spring adjusted to isochronal vibrations in a duplex or chronometer watch would not possess this property if placed in a de¬ tached lever. To make this proposition better understood, suppose we were to make two movements, one of which was provided with a detached lever escapement of the most perfect construction, the other a detent or so-called chronometer escape¬ ment, the trains of each watch as far as the scape wheel being precisely alike; for these movements we made but one balance staff and balance spring. In other words, the balance staff and balance spring were in¬ terchangeable after we changed the rollers on the staff to adapt it to the escapement of the particular movement to be experi¬ mented with. The balance and its spring were perfectly adjusted to isochronism with the lever escapement. Now, if we changed the balance with its spring to the chronometer movement we would find the general rate of the watch about the same ; that is, if the weights of the rollers were alike; but the spring, which was perfectly isochronal with the lever escapement, was badly out with the chronometer. What does this tell us? Simply, that the escapement is a great fac¬ tor in isochronal adjustments. This influ¬ ence does not exist in an abstract sense, because one is a lever escapement and the other a chronometer escapement, and that if the balance had been changed to another lever escapementthat was adapted to receive it, it would have been per¬ fectly isochronal, as it was with the first movement. One fault in watch manu¬ facture should be remedied, viz.: the watch constructor and watch adjuster should be one person, because the ad¬ juster is constantly trying to remedy the defects of the constructor. If the maker did the adjusting also, he would be able to correct the fault and remedy it instead of trying to make one error correct another, which is much like the doctrine of doing evil that good may come of it. Much of the adjusting, especially of the more delicate methods relating to posi¬ tion, consists of remedying downright mechanical defects. Adjusting is divided into three depart¬ ments, viz. : heat and cold, isochronism, and position, and it is the adjuster’s prov¬ ince to treat his balance and balance spring in such a way that they are ren¬ dered proof against any alterations occur¬ ring in the latter, jointly or severally. TRUING AN EXPANSION BALANCE. T he truth of an expansion balance plays a very important part in the time¬ keeping of a watch, and with practise the truing of one is a very easy and simple thing; but in this as in all operations con¬ nected with the watch, great care and judgment are essential to success. The delicacy of the arms and segments requires J 95 DECEPTIVE BALANCES. 196 that they be so handled that the metal is strained the least amount possible when restoring them to their original shape; with this point in view as well as that of convenience and ease of handling, there is no form of tool better adapted to this job than the figure-8 caliper made so heavy that there is no perceptible spring even with a pressure in excess of what is re¬ quired to do the actual work of truing. The joints must be well made so as to work somewhat stiffly, yet smoothly, so that when in putting the balance into the caliper, it can be done with no danger of injury to the pivots. The staff must he wholly supported by the cones of the pivots and not on the ends of them, as they would be bent or broken. A cross hole should be drilled so that the point of the pivot may be seen when the staff is in the caliper, this being necessary as well to keep the holes free from any foreign particles. The index or guide is a very important part and should be so made as to get a delicate adjustment in any direction, the best form being an arc of a circle about one-eighth of an inch long and conforming to the cir¬ cle of the balance rim. Such a guide will facilitate the ease and accuracy of the work, as will be proven by a trial. The tool for bending the rim in the round is made of a pifce of brass wire about three and one- half inches long flattened for about half an inch from the end by filing on both sides, leaving it about one-sixteenth of an inch thick; then cutting several slots crosswise to fit the different thicknesses of the bal¬ ance rims. When it appears that a balance is not true, first examine the staff to see if it is bent ; being satisfied that it is true, exam¬ ine to see if the balance is fastened firmly on the staff, as otherwise it wdl be impos¬ sible to do a good job. Now examine the balance, by twirling it around, and if it is badly out, it must be first approximately trued in the flat and round before the final finishing. The arms of the balance must be tested to see that they are of exactly the same length, and if they are, the truing may be proceeded with, but if they are not they must be made so by stretching. This may be done best in the staking tool by putting in a flat-faced stump and using the punch with which most staking tools are provided. This punch resembles a chisel, but instead of being sharp, the edge is slightly rounded. One arm shorter than the other indicates unskilful work in the making, and while such a de¬ fect might be corrected by taking out the staff and boring the hole out true in the lathe, by using the boring tool in the slide rest, yet it would be doubtful, as there is liable to be other faults that could not be seen. Consequently should this occur in any except the cheapest grades, the surest way would be to put in a balance that is known to be well made. When the arms are equal, true them in the flat, that is so that each is in the same plane. When truing a balance it is necessary to get the body in such a posi¬ tion that it will be perfectly steady, and this can be best done by using a seat as low as possible so that the elbow and forearm will rest on the bench. If the shoulders are almost on a level with the top of th6 bench the position is right. Truing in the round is done by bend¬ ing the rim where needed with the piece of slotted wire, but in the flat it is best to use only the fingers. The guide must at all times be set as close as possible, with¬ out touching at any point, to get the greatest accuracy. If the light is strong it will be an advantage to shade the top of the balance with the left hand while holding the tool so that the light will be reflected from a white bench paper below. The temperature of the room should be about 70 degrees, this being about the mean ; above or below this, the balance rim will not he true in the round owing to the expansion and contraction, but this change will have no effect upon the poising if the balance be a good one. If necessary a screw should be removed to make a bend at the proper place. With some experi¬ ence there need be no fear of bending the staff even with a balance having heavy arms. When the truing is done, test the poise. DECEPTIVE BALANCES. n evil that watch repairers may justly complain of, as it also is a growing one, is the number of what are called com¬ pensation balances that are now to be met with in the commonest of watches. For¬ merly, these sham compensation balances were not cut through, but occasionally a nick was cut on the upper side of the rim, for the sake of appearance, so these bal¬ ances were no worse than the ordinary solid metal ones; but now the practise, having its origin in the same motive that induces IMPROVED METHOD OF STRAIGHTENING BENT PIVOT. I 9 7 manufacturers to apply Breguet springs to this class of watch, is to cut the balance through ; and, as these balances are of the commonest make and the softest materials, it is difficult to handle them without bend¬ ing. If the balance be bent, it will be out of poise, and of course the time of the watch in different positions will be all out. Bat even if the equipoise of balance was perfect, a balance out of circle would be an eye-sore to even the wearer, and so the re¬ pairer must spend as much time over get¬ ting the balance true as it takes him to clean the watch. But supposing, as must often be the case, that the balance has been bent and tried by some not very skilful operator, the repairer’s task of making it look nearly true has become infinitely greater, if not impossible, as the first oper¬ ator has no doubt used either pliers or tweezers freely, and here the illustration of the bent pin becomes applicable and im¬ portant. Watch repairers, and even watch manu¬ facturers, have sometimes strange notions as to the division of labor, and the difficulty of doing certain things that appear diffi¬ cult and mysterious, only because they hive not taken the trouble to ascertain where the difficulty lies, nor why one man should be able to do a certain thing better thrn another man who is equally capable. And one of the things assigned to a certain trade is the cutting and truing of compen¬ sation balances. A repairer should be able to do this as well as any balance maker, as he has certainly far more opportunities of seeing balances in all forms of distortion, and more practise in correcting them than a balance maker can have. It is true that the cutting of balances is not very much in the line of the watch repairer, but getting them true is his every-day work, and he should be able to do this efficiently and quickly. Although it is both the precept and practise of some people to take the screws out of the balances before com¬ mencing operations, I should never think of doing so, even to a new balance; it is a mere waste of time, as in those jobs that oftenest require the balance to be trued, the balance rim is soft and the screws so badly fitted that screwing them into the holes again would frequently make the bal¬ ance as untrue as it was at first. The first requisite then is a pair of cali¬ pers with good centers that move moderately tight and without guard or adjusting bar screwed on to them. As the cross bar or touch piece is better held by the finger and thumb of the left hand this bar should be of thin sheet brass and the point for touch¬ ing the inside of the rim of the balance filed up small and square ; this point can be brought to bear on the inside corner of the balance, free of the taps of the screws. If the rim is bent outward there is no other way so good as bending it in with the fingers ; if the circle of the rim is complete, this bending will be sufficient, but if it is only complete in a small segment close to the arm, and is bent either outward or in¬ ward after that, the rim of the balance should be held tightly in the finger and thumb of the left hand, at the part where it deviates from the circle, and the outer end of the lamina bent either out or in by holding a peg against the inside of the bal¬ ance in the right hand, pressing the thumb against the outside, always taking care not to bend too much. This process might be called the rule of thumb; but it is the simplest and best way of truing a compen¬ sation balance, and under no circumstances should pliers or tweezers be used, except in a case where these tools have been used freely before, and where the bends are so sharp and numerous that the process de¬ scribed would be ineffectual, when bending with a pair of tweezers, made of hard wood or ivory, may be resorted to. IMPROVED METHOD OF STRAIGHT. ENING A BENT BALANCE PIVOT. A ny workman who has tried to straighten a bent pivot knows how uncertain and unsatisfactory are the results obtained bv the ordinary method, generally resulting in a broken pivot, or at best in not being able to get it as true as is desirable. It is not to be understood that such a course is to be recommended in the higher grades where accurate work is required, but as there are a great many cases in which the customers would refuse to pay a price sufficient to al¬ low the workman to put in a new staff, it is well for him to know how such a job may be done with the least expense, doing the best he can in each instance. It will not be necessary, except in rare cases, to draw the temper of the pivot, as the strain is only what is required to bend it back to its original position—no bending back and forth. The only tool required in addition to an American lathe, which every workman should have, is a small tool 198 ISOCHRONISM IN FLAT AND BREGUET SPRINGS. which can be easily made, resembling one of the small pivot gauges with the long tapering slot; in fact it is the same tool ex¬ cept that the sharp corners of one side are rounded so as not to mar the pivot if con¬ ical, or, if a shoulder, the side having the sharp corner may be used. The making of such a tool is so simple that any work¬ man can do it in a short time ; but it must be borne in mind that the sides of the slot must be smooth and polished and exactly at right angles to the outside faces of the tool. Having such a tool on the bench, put the staff in the lathe so that it will run true and clamp it firmly so that it will not move with the pressure necessary to bend the pivot to its original position. Now place the tail-stock in position with a flat¬ faced brass taper in it. Carefully place the tool on the pivot with the corner next that fits the pivot best, at the same time holding the tail-stock spindle against it lightly to keep it from rocking with the pivot, as the lathe is turned slowly. As the lathe is turned, the tool must be forced gently down so that the slot fits the pivot and so trues it. The pivot should be well oiled to prevent sticking. Repolishing the pivot is now all that remains to be done, after which the repairer will have performed a job that it will be difficult for anyone to detect. ISOCHRONISM IN FI/AT AND BRJ5- GUFT SPRINGS. BY M. SANDOZ. B y isochronism, from the Greek, meaning equal time, is designated the property possessed by the pendulum and balance spring of accomplishing their arcs of vibra¬ tions of different amplitudes in the same space of time. In a pendulum, the only condition required is that its length be such as to make the center of gravity move ac¬ cording to its cycloid curve ; but in the bal¬ ance spring the means change with the form of the spring. In the spherical or conical springs, the extreme curves, constructed after the mathematical rules discovered by Professor Philippe, of the Polytechnical School of Paris, will produce an isochron¬ ism very nearly perfect. In the flat springs these curves cannot exist; therefore other means must be resorted to. I shall now give the result of several years of experi¬ ment and study embodied in the follovying theorems. 1. In the flat spring, every coil has, theo¬ retically, a point where the vibrations are is- ochronical. 2. t hat point of isochronism is determined by the relative positions of the two points connecting the balance spring with the collet and stud, called points d’at- tache. These two propositions form the base of isochronism in the flat spring ; therefore the idea generally accredited among watch¬ makers that the isochronical property of a flat spring is incorrect, since the tenth as well as the twentieth coil of the spring is able to produce isochronism, the only limit being such size of springs as would perfect the freedom of its action. Freedom of action being necessary for the isochronical properties of the spring to de¬ velop themselves, the spring must be bent to the center. If the first coil is too near or the curve too flat, so that even a minute part of the spring touches the collet, it will hinder isochronism. Next, the spring must be pinned perfectly tight in the collet and stud, and move freely between the regulator pins. These conditions being complied with, the watch is run three, six or twelve hours with just strength enough to keep it going; the result is compared with a regu¬ lator and set down. Next, the watch is fully wound up, and after a space of time equal to the first trial, the result is set down again. The watch will generally run slower in the short vibrations than in the long, and con¬ sequently lose time in the pocket in the last twelve hours of its running. Having set down as a principle that every coil has an isochronical point, we have now to deter¬ mine that point, remembering that as a gen¬ eral rule every increase of length of the spring over that point will cause the watch to gain in the shortest vibrations, and every decrease back of that point will cause it to gain in the long vibrations. This rule is correct only for certain limits, as I shall ex¬ plain. Supposing that a balance spring of fifteen coils is perfectly isochronal, with the two fastening points just opposite each other, the fourteenth and sixteenth coil, as well as the fifteenth, will produce the iso¬ chronism very nearly at the same point. Suppose that we increase gradually the length of that balance spring of fifteen coils, pinned up so that the two points of fasten¬ ing are placed opposite each other, so that its length will now be fifteen and a half coils ; the two points of fastening are now in a position where they are said to be pinned to the half coil. The result will be that ISOCHRONISM IN FLAT AND BREGUET SPRINGS. l 99 the balance spring will cause the watch to gain in the short vibrations in the very same proportions in which it has been gaining by the increase of the length of the first half. This change will continue until we reach the same point on the sixteenth coil that we started from on the fifteenth, and the two pins are opposite to each other, at which point we shall again have isochron- ism. The same method is applicable to the fourteenth coil with the same result. Now it is immaterial whether we take half the coil to the center or to the outside of the spring, because both of these operations will produce the same result, viz., the change of the relative places of the points of fastening of the spring. Therefore the workman has his choice and is guided by the size of the spring and the weight of the balance ; for taking half a coil to the center of the spring will not much affect the rate of the watch, but taken outside the difference will be great. On the other hand, a very shortcut to the center will greatly affect the isochron- ism, and at the outside a full half-coil will generally produce from fifteen to twenty-five seconds difference in twenty-four hours. Of these the watchmaker would produce the greatest possible changes of isochronism in a watch ; the change of position of the two points of fastening of the spring of one coil around will give him the two highest degrees of gaining and losing in the short vibrations. It follows from the foregoing remarks that if a watch loses in the last running (short vibrations) the first thing to do is to increase the length of the balance spring from the outside ; if the result is good, but not yet sufficient, give still more length ; if the re¬ sult is worse, it shows that you are too far on the coil. Take back the whole length that you had given in the first operation and draw more length so as to affect the spring the other way ; or if your spring is already small, or your balance pretty heavy, cut to the center so as to come around to the re¬ quired positions. Some springs cannot produce isochron¬ ism because of a defect in their make, or on account of a want of homogeneity in the metal. The only remedy for this is a new spring. In the Breguet spring, the iso¬ chronism is produced in the same manner as in the flat springs ; but great care is to be taken in making the curve, for if it is not made in conformity with the principles of Philippe, the isochronism will be disturbed. Few watchmakers understand the art of adjustment in positions, and those few make it a regular business. It requires of the operator considerable manual skill and re¬ flective powers. The great principle is to equalize the frictions, so that the pivots will offer to the action of the spring the same resistance in the four positions generally required, viz., dial up, XII., cock up, and III. up. After having inspected and corrected the train, so that the motive power is trans¬ mitted uniformly to the balance, the pivot and jewels of the lever should be polished and shortened so as to have very little fric¬ tion ; next, the base should be poised as perfectly as possible, the notch in the fork where the ruby pin acts should be polished, and the balance jewels made short enough to have the holes square, rounded inside and perfectly polished, the balance pivots well burnished, their ends half rounded, and the balance poised very carefully. The English method of throwing the balance out of poise, to obtain the same rate in different positions, is not generally accepted, and is considered a bad practise by the most emi¬ nent watchmakers. The balance spring is put in position without the balance, and bent so that the collet of the cock jewel will have the same centers. The watch being now in good running order, is put on trial for twelve or twenty- four hours, and the rate in each position care¬ fully noted. If there is any difference in the running with the cock up or dial up, this slight defect can probably be remedied by making the ends of the pivots even and equally polished. If the watch loses with XII. up, which is generally the case and the friction on the balance jewels is reduced as much as possible, the remedy is to increase the friction when the watch is either dial up or cock up. This is done by throwing the balance spring a little out of the center of the cock jewel, thereby adding to the fric¬ tion on the pivot end a lateral pressure against the balance jewels. If the watch is well regulated with XII. up and loses with III. up, throw the spring a little toward the figure III. ; this operation lifts up the bal¬ ance when the watch is in losing position, and diminishes the friction of the pivots in the particular case. Making the ends of pivots perfectly flat has a tendency to cause the watch to gain with dial up or cock up. The sound of the watch must be clear in all positions, or else friction is indicated, such as is due to rough jewels or pivots and the rubbing of the safety pin against the roller. 200 HAIRSPRINGS AND REGULATOR PINS. CONCERNING THE BREGUET SPRING. A s to the application of Breguet springs . to common watches, or even to watches that may not be described as common, they are certainly worse than flat springs, even if they were not shams, which most of them are, as it is much easier to get an ordinary watch to time in position with a flat spring than with a spring that has an overcoil. In the first place, these springs are always a great deal too large, the overcoil is turned up anywhere, without reference to where it is to be pinned in. They are generally soft, and, if the overcoil is bent, as it so often is, the difficulty of straightening it is so great that it is no wonder watch repairers generally dislike them. The Swiss make their overcoils by bend¬ ing the spring up at a sharp angle and then bending it down again at the height above the spring which they require ; therefore, it is impossible to do anything with this kind of a spring but break it off. As most, 1 may say all of such watches, have balances with screws, a couple of screws added to the balance will compensate for the loss of the half turn of the spring, and turning up a new overcoil is not so formidable a job as it appears to some. If a piece of brass wire is driven into a small wooden handle, and the end of the wire has a hole drilled in it, and is filed up to something of the form of the spring stud of a full-plate watch ; if the end of the spring is brought through the hole in this little spring-holder, say two-thirds of a turn, and made fast there with a pin that has a flat side, the end of the spring can then be lifted gradually the required height over the body of the spring, and the overcoil can be bent in with the tweezers while the spring is held in the left hand by the spring-holder, without any fear of bending or disturbing the coils, even if the spring is a very soft one. A workman often finds difficulty in bend¬ ing this overcoil in consequence of the shape of his tweezers, the points of which are usually tapered, and consequently, as the end is bent inward, it keeps bending downward. This must be watched, and the overcoil should be the right height from the spring, and the curve the proper diameter before the spring is unpinned from the holder. Although this looks for¬ midable, a little practise will make it simple and easy enough, and the workman will find that it takes far less time than it will take him to cobble and try to restore the shape of a spring that has already been a trial to some one. HAIRSPRINGS AND REGULATOR PINS. great deal has been written and said about the Breguet hairsprings, and almost invariably in their favor, particu¬ larly by the advertisements, and to-day nine out of ten retail jewelers will speak of a watch that has a Bre'guet spring in it as something superior, when, as a matter of fact, other things being equal, it has no advantages. The most popular errors seem to be, that as the “ throw out ” of a Brdguet is so nearly equal all round, and as that of a flat spring is mostly on one side, there must be less friction on the pivots with a Bre'guet spring than there would be with a flat spring ; therefore the watch must be a better timekeeper ; also that a Brdguet spring is less liable to get caught in the regulator pins. There is a great deal of truth in the latter argument, but the advan¬ tage does not arise entirely from the shape of the spring. In regard to the time¬ keeping qualities of a Bre'guet spring, they are very much overrated. While it is admitted by adjusters that they prefer Breguet springs to flat ones, this is because these springs are easier to handle, and in bringing a watch to time in positions, a Breguet can be “juggled ’’more and will show less than a flat spring; but no adjuster will claim that he can get bet¬ ter results from a Breguet spring. That he cannot has been proved to the satisfac¬ tion of every adjuster in the business. The explanation of the “throw out” of a flat spring not affecting the timekeeping qual¬ ities is, that while it is an admitted error, it is a constant error, and happens nine thousand times every hour, and is a sim¬ ple matter of regulation. If it happened only once or twice a day, or only in cer¬ tain positions, then there would be some excuse for lauding the Breguet in compari¬ son. Perhaps the strongest argument ad¬ vanced in favor of the Breguet springs is that they are less liable to get caught in the regulator pins. There are several rea¬ sons for this. One is that the Bre'guet springs are put in the better class of watches, and more attention is paid to the fitting of the regulator pins ; again, the regu¬ lator pins are almost always nearer the EAR TESTS FOR ADJUSTMENTS. 201 hairspring stud. The principal reason why a flat spring gets caught is that the pins are not tiled properly, and this fault is aided very materially by the fact that the pins are so far from the stud that the spring has considerable action between the two. " This should be prevented, as far as possible, by changing the mean time screws in the balance, so that the regulator can be moved over to “slow.” An improved rate would then be noticed. A glance at the diagrams will give an idea as to properly and improperly fitted regulator pins. Usually, they are left too lon°\ In No. i it will be seen that the No. 2. pins do not extend below the spring; in fact, they are hardly as low, and are closed so that there is not space between them for two coils. Should the watch receive a blow hard enough to throw the second coil over the pins, the position of the outside coil and the shape of the point of the out¬ side pin would prevent its catching, and, should it catch on the inside pin, it would be immediately pushed out by the outer coil, which is, of course, stiffer than the second coil on account of its being fast¬ ened to the stud. But in the case shown by diagram No. 2, things would be differ¬ ent, and I am sorry to say No. 2 is better than six out of ten watches that leave the jeweler’s hands in supposedly correct con¬ dition. It is very easy to see how the second coil, or almost any coil, could get caught in pins like these, and stay so, too. A little more attention to details like these will prevent criticism, at least of the last man who repaired the watch. TO COII, THE BALANCE SPRING ROUND THE COEEET. T he following process may be useful to those who experience difficulty in coiling a balance spring after it is pinned to the collet : Take a small eyed blue sewing needle, file off the extremity up to the eye and smooth the corners. You have then a kind of fork by which you can form the center coils without fear of dam¬ aging the spring. TO REPLACE AN ODD BALANCE SPRING. T o substitute a new balance spring for an old one the repairer should place an¬ other watch going to time on the work board ; having selected a sprjhg, bend the inner turn and place it so that it bends or catches the cylinder ; lift it up with the tweezers and cause the balance to vibrate, letting the bottom pivot touch a smooth surface, such as the top of the glass oil cup. By catching hold of one or more turns and altering the position of the tweezers, the arms of the balance must be made to vi¬ brate in unison with those of the watch going to time, which may be known by lis¬ tening to one and observing if the ticks correspond with the motions of the loose balance, or by looking at both balances to see if they appear to trace together. The size of the spring is reckoned from where it is held by the tweezers as a temporary stud; by this means a suitable spring can always be secured without the trouble of putting on the collet and spoiling a number, and wasting time by mere guesswork, and watching second hands for a time; the spring being suitable, its size should be half the balance diameter, which is con¬ sidered as most correct by good authori¬ ties. THE EAR TESTS FOR ADJUST¬ MENTS. T he ear tests for adjustments is one of the most thorough and complete. It must not be understood that any and all corrections can be determined by the ear ; but it is a fact known to most adjusters that many irregularities which the eye will fail to detect can be detected by the ear. We are all aware that the sense of sound is conveyed to us by vibrations carried through the air to the tympanum of the ear. Now, asks the reader, what has this to do with the adjustment of a watch ? Much, if the vibrations of the parts which emit the 202 EAR TESTS FOR ADJUSTMENTS. noise detected by the ear are not in harmony ; they must be in discord, or in other words, disagree, and become antago¬ nistic. To analyze the effect, let us make a few experiments in acoustics. As a primary experiment let us strain two wires upon a board ; we first set up one wire, until its vibrations emit to the air waves corresponding to the middle C of a pianoforte; in this condition the wire will give 525 vibrations to the second, if the piano is up to the concert pitch. We next set up the tension of the companion wire to yield the same tone, that is to give the same number of vibrations to the second. When the two wires are on the same board, we can allow a sensible difference of tension to exist, and still the two wires will vibrate in unison, one yielding a little to the other, in order that the vibrations of both shall be synchronous. If we separate the two wires, or put each wire on a separate board, and place one on one side of the room and the other on the opposite side, and one wire is caused to vibrate, the sound waves in the air will immediately cause the other to set up synchronous and harmonious vibrations in response. But when the wires are sep¬ arated, as just described, the tension on each wire must be more nearly alike thafi when the wires are attached to the same board ; but, even when so separated, a small amount of license is admissible in the tension of the two strings. Perhaps some reader will ask, how are the deviations of such small intervals of time determined ? The reply is : by com¬ parison with light waves ; but the methods by which the tests are made are too com¬ plicated to allow of explanation in the present article. To profit by such instruc¬ tion in adjusting, one should accept the assertion that, if we desire to arrive at fine and close results in watch work, we must render those parts which constitute the sound-emitting portions of the escapement harmonious—that is, they must vibrate in unison , and produce a clear , harmonious , musical tone. If we strike one hand down on the key-board of a piano with our fingers extended so that each finger will strike a white key, we make a musical noise , but there will be no harmony in it. So in the tick of a watch, if the sound-emitting parts are synchronous they will be melodious, not discordant. This should be looked to and studied by workmen. Let any workman make a practise of noticing the sound of the tick of a watch, and he will, in a very brief period of time, be able to judge of the average performance of a fine watch by the purity of tone. Not one watch in ten will have the same tone with dial up and dial down ; but this is not of very great import¬ ance so long as the tone in each position is clear and melodious. The course to pursue to remedy an im¬ perfect tone in the tick of a watch is not easy to point out; oftentimes it can be effected by simply repinning the balance spring at the outer end of the coils. Again, both ends will need to be repinned ; occa¬ sionally it will require an entirely new spring. The tick is given at the time of the escape of the tooth, and probably most of the sound comes from the fork striking the jewel-pin when the impulse commences to act. At this time the balance spring is free from contact, except at each end, where it is attached to the collet at one end and the stud at the other. In this position, the balance spring is free to receive such initial forces as to establish the vibration in it which embodies in it the tone we hear when listening to the tick, and a cause which will in any way affect the tension of the spring will affect the character of the vibrations, and consequently, the tone. All these tones could give us intelligence of a change in the rate of our watch, if we could only interpret them. The writer is led to speak at this length, from a conviction that the next great ad¬ vance in adjusting will be governed by attention to what can be heard as well as seen in this matter. We cannot instruct you to adj-ust and arrange your balance spring so that it will emit a sound of any one musical note, or a combination, an oc¬ tave, or fifth, but we should strive to avoid as much as possible a tone of dissonance and discord, because such sounds tell be¬ yond dispute that the parts are each acting at variance one with the other. Frequently by taking up the balance spring a mere frac¬ tion, and placing a pair of light washers under a pair of screw-heads at the op¬ posite sides of the balance, it will entirely change a discordant tick to a clear musi¬ cal one. A slight change in the lock of the banking screws may also do much in this way. A tension force in the bal¬ ance spring will also affect the tone—I mean by this that a spring which is not true in the flat and the round, particularly in the flat. To explain : Suppose we are putting on a new balance spring, we true it in the calipers until it runs ADJUSTING THE ESCAPEMENT OF AN l8s AMERICAN WATCH. 203 true in the flat before we pin it into the stud ; in pinning into the stud we dis¬ tort the spring so that the center has a tendency to rise or fall ; such a spring will give a pronounced difference in tone in the positions dial up and dial down. A bal¬ ance spring, after it is turned in the flat, should be removed from the balance to be pinned into the stud, and the fastening points arranged so as to bring the point where the spring is pinned into the collet opposite the curb pins, when the regulator stands in opposite the center of the index plate. The spring is next pinned into the stud, so that it lies flat with the cock when held vertical ; that is, the flat of the bal¬ ance spring, when held perpendicular, is pirallel with the under side of the cock. The cock should then be laid down, and the point where the spring enters the stud bent so as to bring the center of the collet to correspond with the center of the jewel hole. This will probably require the outer coil of the spring to be bent away from the next inner one, as the spaces between coils of a closely dialed spring are not sufficient for the stud or the curb pins to act freely. What is required is that the outer coil of the spring should be so manipulated that the normal coils of the spring shall be con¬ centric to the hole in the jewel which re¬ ceives the pivot of the staff. These precautions taken, usually the tones of the ticks, if one may be allowed the ex¬ pression, will be nearly or quite alike (if the frictions are the same), with the dial up or dial down. The same precautions should be taken if the balance spring is one with an over-coil, usually called a Breguet spring; it should lie flat, and the center of the collet correspond to the center of the jewel. A very little practise, after one has had his attention called to it, will enable him to make small changes which will effect the desired result—that is, in obtaining a clear musical tone in the tick. Of course, all scraping and rubbing noises should have been remedied before any attempts of the kind just noted are made. A tremulous motion of the balance spring should be carefully avoided, watch¬ ing that such a condition does not estab¬ lish itself in certain positions, as we often see a watch in which the spring coils and uncoils freely in all but perhaps one or two positions, while in the sea rapid vibratory motion is established which gives out to the ear a sizzing sound that would lead an in¬ experienced workman to imagine there was an undetected friction in that position. Such vibrations are more apt to be detected in close than in open coiled springs. Springs developing such vibrations will usually be found a little out of sound, or to have an unequal space between the coils, from being tampered with ; if restoring the spaces to their natural order and toning in the sound does not correct the trouble, a new spring is about the only remedy. ADJUSTING THE ESCAPEMENT OF AN 18s AMERICAN WATCH. F irst we will suppose the scape teeth are all right, and the pallet stones whole, balance in and dial off; then we will examine the lopk. Use a double glass and look througbthe “ peep holes ” in the pillar plate ; now slowly turn the balance first to one side, then to the other. Notice partic¬ ularly the lock on both pallet stones. You can form a more correct opinion if you stop the balance the exact instant the scape tooth drops, and then turn the other way. The lock should be just as light as it can safely be—that is, to have all the teeth stay on the locking face and not slip down on •the impulse face of the pallet stone. A deep lock retards the motion. Do not depend on the examination of two or three teeth, but try every one ; there may be a short one or the wheel may be out of round. In the latter case do not try to improve it; get a new one if the customer will stand the cost, if not let it alone unless you have special facilities for doing that kind of work. After correcting the lock see that the guard pin is not bent sideways, then close the banking pins until the guard pin just rubs on the roller—not hard, but so that there is no shake. Now turn the balance as before and see if the teeth of the scape wheel will “ let off ” the pallet stones. If a tooth sticks on one stone, open that banking pin, and see if the tooth on the other pallet stone sticks on it ; if it does then move the fork toward the roller a little, then close the banking pins as before and try the “ let off; ” if the teeth stick on one side and do not on the other, move the pallet on the fork until the teeth will “let off” both stones. Now try the pin action. Move the bal- lance so that the jewel pin is toward one side of the fork ; then slowly move the bal¬ ance back until the jewel pin touches the 204 INFLUENCE OF MAGNETISM ON CHRONOMETERS RATE. slot in the fork ; then move the balance back enough to bring the flattened face of the jewel pin opposite the corner of the slot in the fork it has just passed. Now, while holding the balance at this point, use the tweezers and try the shake of the fork on the face of the pin. The pin should just clear on entering and'the shake should be almost imperceptible. Then try the entrance with the fork on the other banking pin. One side or “Torn” may be longer than the other ; if there is much difference, it should be corrected with a very fine, round file about the diameter of the circle in the end of the fork. Remove the burr and try again. It may be that before this the jewel pin has refused to enter the slot. In that case it was too far forward and should have been moved back a little. If these directions have been closely fol¬ lowed, the watch will be in this condition : No slide of scape teeth on pallet stones after dropping; no shake of fork on banking pins or of guard pin on the roller ; no shake of fork slot corner on the face of the jewel pin. The watch is now “ banked up to the drop.” Now open the banking pins just enough to alii? Mthe guard pin to clear the roller all round, and your escapement is ad¬ justed as perfectly as it is possible to doit. INFLUENCE OF MAGNETISM ON A CHRONOMETER’S RATE. A n issue of the Annalen der Hydrogra- pliie, etc., contains an interesting arti¬ cle on this subject. The problem whether any, and if so, which, influence is exerted upon a chro¬ nometer by magnetism, has not, by any means, been decided. The observations made hitherto only showed a noticeable in¬ fluence, cases of which were mentioned at proper occasions. Airy found among hun¬ dreds of chronometers examined by him only one that showed a pronounced devia¬ tion, although of various others observed in the Kiel Observatory, a few exhibited an influence of magnetism upon their rate, still the change produced amounted to not more than a second. Nothing was said specially about the metal of the several parts of the chronometers examined. More weight is attached to the observations established by the French lieutenant of marines, Le Goa- rant de Trotnelin, which he discussed in an article published in the Revue Maritime et Coloniale , and in which he arrives at the conclusion that the influence of magnetism upon the rate of a chronometer depends simply upon the metals of which the two parts of the balance are composed, and to a lesser degree, upon the metal of the bal¬ ance spring. It may be interesting to the reader to debate upon a few of the observa¬ tions and discussions, and to mention their most salient points. Isochronism, amplitude, and duration of vibrations, and consequently, also the rate of the chronometer, all depend essentially upon the balance spring and balance, and it may, therefore, also be assumed a priori , that when an influence of magnetism upon the rate is suspected, it must first be looked for in the last mentioned parts. Observa¬ tions confirm this in such a manner that a stronger influence of magnetism could be found only in those chronometers, the last mentioned parts of which consisted of met¬ als with a tendency to be influenced. Specially interesting in this regard are the observations of Arnold and Dent, who used chronometers, the balances and springs of which w r ere of steel, as well as other mate¬ rials, and the following observations were made : A chronometer with balance spring of steel only, simply showed trifling alterations of a few seconds, while chronometers, the balance spring and balance, or the balance only of which was of steel, showed very great deviations up to thirty-seven minutes. The magnetic influence upon a chro¬ nometer, the balance of which together with its spring contained no iron, was nil. Mr. Fischer, who also experimented in the same manner, placed a strongly mag¬ netic rod at a distance of two inches from his timekeeper; he noticed with all chro¬ nometers an acceleration of 8 to 9 seconds. It is to be regretted that nothing regarding the structure of the balance and its spring is mentioned in the dissertation of Mr. Tromelin. Messrs. Delamarche and Ploix instituted analogous experiments by approximately placing the chronometers on land under analogous conditions to which they are ex¬ posed on board ship—that is, they placed a magnetic rod at such a distance from the chronometers in which it is able to deviate an ordinary magnetic needle from 15 0 to 40°. After having finished this experiment these engineers came to the conclusion that the magnetic condition of the ship exerts no noticeable influence upon the rate of the chronometers, and that the rate deviations INFLUENCE OF MAGNETISM ON CHRONOMETER’S RATE. 205 generally experienced in the transport from land to aboard ship, and vice versa , must be ascribed to other causes. The latter re¬ mark is perhaps made because sea captains were for a time inclined to ascribe these de¬ viations to magnetic influence due to the transport of the chronometers from land to on board ; this erroneous opinion, however was proved to be fallacious long ago. The experimenters, Delamarche and Ploix, for¬ got to state, however, of what materials the balance and spring were composed, and for this reason the results found are of a limited value only r in view of the above remarks concerning the composition of these parts. Mr. Tromelin accidentally experienced an¬ other occurrence with his own watch which stopped while he experimented with strong electro-magnets. This phenomenon caused him *to institute further investigations con¬ cerning the influence of magnetism upon watches and chronometers. The balance arm of his watch was of steel, as is gener¬ ally the case in a good watch with com¬ pensated balance, and, as he expressed it, changed the watch into a compass, which indicated not the time, but the magnetic meridian. In order to explain the action of mag¬ netism upon the balance spring, let us im¬ agine a circular steel hoop that vibrates near a magnet lying in its plane. The mag¬ net will exert no influence upon the vibra¬ tions as long as it is in the plane of the hoop; but if this is not the case, then the hoop will endeavor to vibrate in the direc¬ tion of the magnet. This explains the phenomenon why the experiments instituted by Arnold and Dent produced barely notice¬ able alterations in chronometers, only the balance spring of which consisted of steel, because this spring may be regarded as composed of a number of such hoops. A deformation of the spring is produced only, and it is known that such a one has almost no influence upon the rate of a chronometer. But it is otherwise with a balance contain¬ ing steel parts; if it is placed to one side of a magnet it will seek to accommodate it¬ self with its steel arms until it has assumed an equipoise. During its vibrations it is constantly subjected to a magnetic attrac¬ tion, and the regular motion produced by the balance spring changes into a pendulum motion, due to the attractive force of the magnet. When the arm is permanently charged with magnetism, the terrestrial magnetic elements also influence it, and even after it is no longer exposed to further magnetic influences, the motion of the bal¬ ance spring must then combine with the terrestrial magnetism. The magnetism acts upon the arched parts of the balance in about the same manner as upon the bal¬ ance spring. If from the preceding it appears estab¬ lished, on the one hand, that by the opera¬ tion of magnetic forces upon the balance and balance spring, if of steel, the isochron- ism of their vibrations can be impaired, they may on the other hand, occur also of such strength as to cause a noticeable alteration of the rate. When in a thunderstorm, after strong flashes of lightning, a sudden simul¬ taneous jump is observed in six chronom¬ eters, there can no longer exist a doubt but that the cause is due to magnetic influences. The only lesson to be drawn from this is, that the use^Ttron or steel is to be avoided as much as possible in the construction of chronometers, but more especially in the balance and its spring. Before everything else, the captain should know the composi¬ tion of his chronometer, not only for cor¬ rectly judging incidental changes observed in the timepiece, but also for employing precautions, by a judiciot placement, to guard against all disturbing influences if his chronometer contains steel parts. To be correctly informed about the faulty condition of the location where the chro¬ nometer is to be placed, Lieutenant Trome¬ lin proposes to employ a small quickly- moving hanging magnetic needle. To show how easily alterations in the magnetic char¬ acter are produced by trifling causes he mentions a very interesting case which happened on board the 1 'onnere. The steering compass, enclosed in a compass house entirely of sheet iron, showed notice¬ able and very irregular differences of from 5 0 to 15 0 in the deviation of the compass, both day and night. It v'as at first believed that this phenomenon was due to the heat¬ ing of the compass house and ship by day and the subsequent cooling at night ; but the insufficiency of this assumption was quickly seen, because this thermic difference could not produce these large magnetic de¬ viations. The compass house was over¬ hauled thoroughly witli the small magnetic needle, and it was found that there were in it a few movable parts of a strongly pro¬ nounced magnetic polarity, to wit, the doors and windows, which were opened in day time on account of the heat, and closed at night. They were replaced by others of brass, after which the occurrence ceased. 206 FRICTION. In order to protect the chronometershav¬ ing steel balance arms against the magnetic influences induced by the alterations of the course of the ship, Tromelin proposes to enclose them in their iron receptacles. Other propositions made for the placement of a chronometer on board and remote from all iron parts, especially the vertical, are doubtless known and do not require eluci¬ dation. MAGNETISED WATCHES. o ascertain if any part of a watch is mag¬ netized, take a small piece of iron wire (jewelers’ binding wire), attach it to a silk thread, and fasten the silk thread to a small brass rod or a peg-wood, and approach the part or parts suspended. If the iron is at¬ tracted or set in motion, magnetism is the cause, and the suspected piece is affected. Before making a test remove the watch movement from the case, if this contains case springs, and try these separately, as in most instances case springs are affected by magnetism, while parts of the movement are not. It is also advisable in testing a watch movement to take the movement apart and test the pieces separately. The parts most likely to be affected are the balance, Hhe bal¬ ance spring and the fork. In some instances, very rare, however, every part of the move¬ ment is affected. To divest steel of magnetism, a strong horse-shoe magnet, or several of them, is attached to a lathe, pointing outward. When this is set in motion, the parts to be operated upon are brought close to the magnet, and are likewise rotated by means of a twisted cord or any other appliance and gradually withdrawn from the effects of the magnet. More than one application may sometimes be necessary to remove all traces of magnetism, but with some practise suc¬ cess is assured every time. The springs of a watch case had better be annealed, re¬ hardened, and tempered, or, what is still better, be replaced by new ones. FRICTION. ith that kind of dead-beat escape¬ ment, says Robert Immisch, where the friction remains active throughout, as in duplex and horizontal watches, the gyra¬ tion is, of course, much less, and here it is imperative that attention should be paid to a proper proportion of weight and diameter of the balance. In the case of a cylinder watch, no amount of change in the balance spring will make long and short vibrations equal, if these proportions are incorrect. The friction on the sides of the cylinder is a given factor, and must be turned to a proper account; the gyrations being small in themselves, the arc of escape bears a large proportion to the whole extent of the vibration. During this arc of escape there is no side pressure against the cylinder, and a stronger impulse will consequently propel the balance forward with a greater velocity This increase during the arc of escape in a properly constructed watch will be compen¬ sated for by the increased friction on the cylinder. If a balance is too small and too heavy it is clear that its greater momentum will overcome this friction easier, and so Yieu- tralize the equalizing effect it would other¬ wise have had. It follows, if a cylinder watch gains with increased motive force, the balance is too small and too heavy. By making it lighter and putting in a weaker spring, a change is certainly effected in the right direction ; but as any change in the motive force will be at too great a proportion to the absolute power of percussion in a slight balance and spring, any diminution will cause the vibration to fall off consider¬ ably ; any outward influence, such as thick¬ ening of the oil, and imparted motion, will also influence the going of the watch to an undue extent. There is, in a large and light balance, not that alertness which we find in small and heavy ones, and the wear on the edges of the cylinder is certainly greater, but it has the important advantage of greater steadiness. In a watch having an escape wheel of 15 teeth, making 18,000 vibrations per hour, the extreme edge of the balance should just reach up to the tooth of the wheel, and the weight be so proportioned that, being clear and fully wound up, it should make a little less than two-thirds of a turn. With slower vibrations, the size must be increased proportionally. In a duplex watch the friction is much less ; but, as it continues throughout, a change of the momentum of the balance would also considerably affect the long and short vibrations. This escapement affords a facility of altering the proportions of the impulse velocity to the friction in the re¬ mainder of the vibration. If the angle formed by the pallets and the notch in the roller is lessened, the drop is increased, and ENGLISH, LEVER AND ITS REPAIRS. 207 the impulse power so lessened causes not only the vibrations themselves to fall off, but also the smaller ones to be slower than the large. The following rule will be a guide in con¬ ducting experiments. All alterations which increase the arc of vibration without chang¬ ing the amount of friction, will make the •long vibrations slower than the short. If the impulse power remain the same and the friction is increased, the long vibrations will be quicker than the short, inasmuch as to a smaller arc of vibration the same increase of friction'bears a greater proportion than to a larger. If in a duplex watch the balance holes are too large and the balance is brought into such a position as to bring it into a closer proximity with the escape wheel, the long vibrations are sure to be quicker than the small, for two reasons, firstly, on account of increased friction on the rollers ; and secondly, in consequence of the greater droip in the escapement. The difference caused by the change in friction on the roller will be considerably influenced by the momentum of the balance. We also find that if the balance holes are large, a con¬ siderable difference arises in the rate of going in the four vertical positions. The pressure of the wheel against the roller is never directed to the center of the latter, but acts obliquely, and if, according to what position the balance is in, it becomes more or less so, it will cause a variation of friction in the pivots in different positions, though it is less an amount than that on the roller, it is extremely inconvenient, as its variable effect can never be compensated for. It is therefore of great importance in a duplex watch that the holes should fit exactly. When the escapement is set out of beat, the point where the vibrations are quickest does not correspond with the cen¬ ter of the arc of escape, and therefore such change will have an influence on isochron- ism ; but of course this ought not to be done, as it would make the escapement imperfect. In a duplex watch the friction on the roller is sufficient to exercise a proper con¬ trol over the momentum of the balance, and consequently the latter becomes liberated and gets more free in its action when the motive power relaxes. The balance is, on the other hand, sufficiently independent of the friction to allow the properties of the balance spring to be brought into play. Those circumstances combine to make the general performance of duplex watches very satisfactory. In lever watches and chronometers the motion of the balance is, except during the arc of escape, unfettered by any escapement friction, and the prop¬ erties of spring on balance have their full sway. ENGLISH I/EVER AND ITS REPAIRS. A frequent use of the depthing tool is necessary in making alterations and repairs to an English lever escape¬ ment, as many errors are quickly detected with the escapement in the tool, that are troublesome to discover in the plates. When practicable, alterations of the pallet stones are best confided to a hand who is thoroughly acquainted with the subject of resetting stones and polishing them, although most repairers understand how to make mills for cutting corners of pallets by charging a brass of soft metal ferrule with diamond dust or bort. The method of charging is very simple: some diamond dust being mixed with oil is placed on the flat stake of the vice, and the ferrule is placed upon it and hammered ; the dia¬ mond dust is imbedded in the brass, and when mounted on an arbor may be used as a circular file or grinder, against which the pallet may be held and cut. The cutting of pallets may often be avoided by shifting the positions of the jewels, which, being fixed with shellac or cement, will, if warmed, allow the pallets to be moved. Many repairers use spirits of wine for cleaning; this dissolves shellac and most cements, and escapements should not be left in it any time, or the jewels will be loosened. Alterations of wheels and pallet depths generally involve alterations of the angling or position of the pallet on the lever, to secure equality in the run and action on each pallet as moved by the roller. Unpin¬ ning may not be necessary, but the lever being held edgewise in a suitable recess, a brass punch applied with a light hammer to the pallets will make great alterations of the angles with little trouble or disturbance of existing conditions. Where the holes are jeweled, a favorite plan of altering depths of escapement is the making of an eccentric staff to the pallets. The staff and bottom pivot are made in the usual way, that is, turned and polished perfectly true ; but before making the top pivot, the center on which it has been turned is filed 208 TO SET AN ENGLISH WATCH IN BEAT. away, and a new point for it to be run on is made, so that when in the turns, the pallet arbor runs out of truth or eccentric, the top pivot being now turned and polished in the usual manner. With the staff in the pallets we can make alterations of the escapement deeper or shallower, or one deep and the other shallow, as its position in the pallets may be altered to vary both roller and lever depths, and wheel and pallet depths, as may be desired. The correct depth of a wheel and pallet is ascertained by placing them in a depth- ing tool and observing three of the wheel teeth pass freely inside the pallets, and holding the lever tightly with the fingers, see that the tooth falls on the inside locking plane as shallow as possible, without miss¬ ing or falling on the second impulse plane, and that three teeth have a little shake be¬ tween the corners of the pallet it has just left and the one it has fallen on. Rather more shake will be required on the outside of the pallets, as these have to move be¬ tween four teeth, and without fair shake between the four teeth and the outside corner of the pallets, the pallet, though it may escape, is liable to dig into the back of the teeth of the ordinary ratchet escape wheel. The club tooth wheel, having sub¬ stance which allows of the back being hol¬ lowed, the inside and outside shake may be equal; and in this respect it is preferable as well for strength and the greater equality of the impulse and locking frictions, as the whole of the actions are more concentric. If wheel and pallets are the right size, by making the pallet deeper increases the freedom on the inside of the pallet, but de¬ creases it on the outside, and the level escapement, unlike most others, is most effective in being made as shallow and*light on its actions as consistent with safety. The replacing of any part of the lever escapement, if lost, should not involve much difficulty to the repairer, the mounting of the wheel being much the same as every other wheel, except in new work, when it is usual to rub the brass rivet down with a pointed center to secure the wheel to the collet ; but riveting will be most reliable for the repairer, if unpractised, and if unskilled in polishing with grain tin polisher and rouge, a sufficient polish may be given by rubbing the wheel on the burnishing glass, which is made by rubbing two pieces of glass together with fine emery and water, and keeping them, and whatever is polished on them, perfectly polished. These glasses serve the same purpose with brass that the deal burnishing board, charged with emery, does with steel and steel burnishers, and a clean fiat gray is, even in new work, always preferred to unflat high polishing, which, to be done well, requires much application and practise. This latter method is going out of fashion in good work of all nation¬ alities. A clean piece of wash leather must be used to hold the wheel down on the glass, and a light circular rub is given. Repairers never seem to understand the importance of clean linen in polishing. Rouge, which in other hands polishes beau¬ tifully, is with them no better than oilstone dust. Burnishing with a clean brush is no use in polishing. Nothing but soft bread, kneaded in the palm of the hand to a dirty paste, and the work to be cleaned imbedded in it, will remove dirt properly for polishing purposes ; or if a pivot or arbor, polishing in the turns for burnishing, a clean card scraped on the edge with a knife and ap¬ plied to the polished surface, will clean and dry sufficient for burnishing, or for observ¬ ing what progress has been made in bur¬ nishing. TO SET AN ENGLISH WATCH IN BEAT. he method of setting an old English watch, that is, a lever watch, in beat, does not differ materially from setting any lever watch in beat except as to the means employed in some instances. Whereas most lever watches are set in beat by shifting the hairspring collet on the balance, some of the old English watches sprung under the balance are put in beat by unpinning the spring at the stationary brass balance spring-stud. This unpinning and thereby lengthening or shortening the balance spring if within moderate limits may be in¬ dulged in if, as is usually the case, the reg¬ ulator has a long range from “fast ” to “slow” or vice versa ; and it depends on the position of the regulator whether or not it will be necessary fo move the hairspring collet to avoid having the regulator too close to “ slow ” or to “fast.” To set a lever watch in beat as a general thing is not and ought not to be done by simply having the lever in the center be¬ tween the banking pins, but depends en¬ tirely on the conditions of the impulse faces of the pallets and on the unlocking resistance of the same. The balance, or rather the jewel pin, ought to occupy such a POINTS FOR REPAIRERS. 209 position in the slot of the fork, that the es¬ cape wheel by its action on the pallets im¬ pels the balance on both sides with equal facility. The point which we aim to make clear is brought to notice more distinctly by calling attention to the fact, that the en¬ gaging pallet in its contact with the escape wheel gradually lifts and drives the balance with more difficulty, while the disengaging pallet performs the same functions gradu¬ ally with more ease; the former acting progressively on a shorter lever and the latter acting progressively on a longer level. The effects of these conditions are mod¬ ified by the unlocking resistances which, as a rule, act in the opposite direction. As these conditions are variable factors and different in almost any two individual es¬ capements, the spring ought to be set on the balance in such a manner that it is driven to both sides with equal facility. In this connection the fact might be men¬ tioned, that theclub-tooth escape-wheel has an advantage over the English or ratchet- tooth escape wheel, provided the former drives the pallets with the points of the teeth first, and finishes driving them by the incline of its club teeth towards the end, which obviates the lengthening or shorten- ing of the arms of the pallet towards the end of the impulse of either. THE BARREE ARBOR. he most effective form of barrel arbor and ratchet is the old form, now dis¬ used, but for what reason it is difficult to tell; but it seems that the law of con¬ stant change governs watchmaking also, even if there is no improvement. The only ratchet and disk not liable to fail¬ ure is that seen in old Swiss watches, with the ratchet held by three screws screwed into the steel barrel arbor, which gives the best possible hold for them, and this part of the arbor also forms the pivot and bearing for the arbor’s support to the bar. Its large circumference prevents wear, and the effects of wear do not cause so much motion of the barrel extremities, while the pressure during winding is not on the hole and its thin sink, but on the large circumference embraced by the ratchet; its superiority is shown by the fact that watches with this form of ratchet with fifty years’ wear are often seen in sounder condition in this part than modern watches and barrel arbors with only a few years’ wear; and any damage to modern ratchets involves a new entire arbor, the ancient form involving only the replacing of the ratchet, if damaged in teeth, by a new one, which the repairer, if skilled with the file, could make himself from a piece of round steel tightly fitted on the winding square by opening with a broach ; the screw- holes are then marked and drilled through the holes in the arbor; then opened wider to let the winding key through the ratchet; then two fine circles are turned for size top and bottom of the teeth, and a three-square file used to cut the teeth, great accuracy in which is not requisite for effectiveness, as the click will follow any sort of teeth in this arrangement and be effective. POINTS FOR REPAIRERS. he chief fault in low class levers is that they generate too much friction, and that but a small portion of the motive power is left for expenditure in vibrating the bal¬ ance, which must have considerable impetus to unlock the pallets. Hence we find strong main-springs a necessity in this class of watches, entailing much wear and damage to the immediate connections. Accuracy in any part of this work cannot be taken for granted, and before taking the movement out of the case, a suspicious vigilance is desirable, to see that winding (if a key winder) and hand square are free of case and glass, and that the balance, end stones and screws are free of the case. Most of the watches have brass edges on which the joint and dial are screwed (English low class lever watches are taken as subjects of these remarks), having three feet to serve it to the plate. If the watch has been going any time, the joint and three feet are usually loosened, not having suffi¬ cient substance in the brass edge to endure the strain incidental to winding and open¬ ing the watch. Soldering the feet care¬ fully is sometimes done, but a better plan is to put a hollow punch in the vise, which will hold each foot loosely, and with a sharp pointed three-square punch strike one fair blow with a hammer in the center of the rivet end of each foot. The joints may be tightened with an ordinary round punch. Some care is required or the dial may be altered in position on the watch ; and caution in repairing the dial is desir¬ able, as the pins often project and come 2 10 STEADY PINS. in contact with parts of the train of wheels. REPAIRING A BATTERED WATCH. correspondent of The Circular com¬ plains that he repaired a battered watch. It ran very loose. Since repairing it, the best performance in the five posi¬ tions is unsatisfactory ; he is answered as follows : It would have been cheaper and quicker to have sent the movement to the factory, but correspondent would have missed good practise. If customer is patient the watch can be made to perform again to satis¬ faction. The slow rate, dial down, would indicate some trouble in the potance jewels; perhaps there is too much space between the hole jewel and end stone, allowing the pivot shoulder to touch slightly, or practi¬ cally the same thing happening by reason of the hole jewel being out of flat, i. e ., not true in the setting, or the setting not true in the potance ; perhaps the potance itself was bent in the accident. See also that the fork clears the roller in all positions, and that the jewel pin is of the right size and not tapered, and stands perfectly straight with the staff. The rate in the fourth position—pendant right—may be caused by one or more of several things. First, I should try the poise of the balance. This is a branch of watchmaking which few repairers appreciate the necessity of doing well. In this case poise it as fine as possible ; if it is found in poise, look to the pin action and listen for “ strikes.” If there is considerable difference in the sound in different positions, you will gener¬ ally locate the trouble in the pin action. The bankings may be opened too wide, or the jewel pin be too far back (toward the staff), or the slot in the fork be rough or cut. The opening in the collet should not be wide ; if it is, then the poising of the balance may be offset in a measure by it, and counterpoising be resorted to, though it is not considered the most workmanlike method by some adjusters, and has the dis¬ advantage of its liability of being undone by some other repairer. Counter-poising in this case should be done by holding the movement pendant right, and after finding which meantime screw came to the bottom when balance is at rest, turn in this screw one-half or three-fourths of a turn, and turn out the opposite screw. If it happens that two screws are equally near the bot¬ tom, turn each one-half as much; the top screws should also, of course, be so turned. This is an operation that is often carried to excess, even by adjusters who know, or ought to know, better. However, act on the above suggestions. STEADY PINS- T is of the utmost importance that the steady pins of the balance cock should fit closely. In saying this it is not to be understood that loosely fitting pins in any other part of the watch should be tolerated, but particular attention should be given to those in the balance cock. Sometimes one pin will fit closely and the other will be loose. This is just as bad as if both were loose ; it may, in fact, be worse, as it cer¬ tainly is more deceptive and would be passed by most watchmakers. The cock screw is not where it is as a steadv pin ; it is only to hold the cock down to the plate. The steady pins are what their name in¬ dicates, and both should fit closely, as the slightest variations of the cock will throw the balance out of upright; and if the watch has been adjusted—then good-by adjustment. The effect is increased friction on the pivots, and change of depthing of the jewel pin in the fork. It is not always advisable to put in a new steady pin ; in fact it seldom is, except where the old one has been so badly used that it is past repairing, as in many cases the pins extend through the cock, and. of course, a new pin would show on the top side of the cock. Neither is it a workman¬ like job to close the pin holes in the plate with a round-faced punch, as is often done. The metal thrown in by the punch is simply a thin burr, and the pin will be loose after it has been tried a few times. Some watch¬ makers (?) make a close fit by flattening the pin with pliers ; this is a butcher’s job at best, and should not be done on any watch worth more than 50 cents. There are several ways of making a close fit, but probably the neatest is to “upset” the pin. Use a concave-faced punch, pref¬ erably one in which the hollow is about the shape of the end of the pin ; lay a piece of tissue paper on the steel bench block to protect the damaskeening or gilding, and then with the punch make the pin larger in diameter by slightly shortening the pin. This process leaves no visible mark on the pin and the “upset’’pin is nearly if not quite as good as a new one.. HANDS CATCHING TOGETHER. 21 I REPAIRING A DIAE POST. hen a repairer finds the post of an enamel dial broken off in the notch where the screw takes into it, it is most advisable not to attempt splicing it, but to put in a new post. First remove the old stump down as low as convenient, with sharp cutting pliers, being careful not to exert the slightest strain or twist on the post, but to let go of the dial while cutting. The posts are riveted in the dial plate and twisting will loosen them and scale off the enamel on the face of the dial. Next file it down to the enamel with a sharp file and very light pressure, support¬ ing the dial underneath on the tip of the finger. Then take a small emery grinder, made in either wheel or ball form running in the lathe, and grind out a little hollow through the enamel, having the post at a center, and say 1-8 or 3-16 inch in diameter cutting away both the enamel and stump, and exposing a clean copper surface upon which to solder a new post. The post is to be made with an enlarge¬ ment or foot, something like a dial screw. This foot may be a copper disk riveted upon the end of a wire of proper size for the post, but preferably by taking a wire large enough for the foot, and turning down the body of the post to size. The foot is to be fitted into the hollow and soldered there. Its thickness should be such as to rest upon the watch plate when the dial is down properly in its place. If found a little too thick when soldered on, the excess can be dressed off with a “hollow drill” or cutter fitting around the post. All being finished ready for soldering, tin over the surfaces which are to be joined on both the dial and the foot. To tin the hollow, heat the dial very evenly and gradually till a little lump of soft solder will melt. Keep the copper from tarnish¬ ing by rubbing it with a bit of wood, like a match, wet with soldering fluid. When the solder melts, rub it around till the whole surface is thinly covered with an adhering- coat of solder. Do the same with the foot of the post, which is easily done by rubbing it over a flat piece of tin plate held in the lamp flame till a lump of solder on it melts and spreads, then rubbing the dial post upon it and shaking off any surplus of solder. Such a plate of common tin, or several of different sizes, will be found more handy than a soldering iron or a naked flame for most of the jewelry repairing jobs which require soft soldering. I T se plenty of the soldering fluid ; put on with a soft stick. In soldering the post to the dial, different ways are followed. Some wrap the dial in several thicknesses of soft paper on the side more distant from the broken post, so that they can hold it without burning their fingers. They then wave the dial over the lamp flame, gradually bringing it closer, and finally passing it through the flame from, side to side, to avoid heating it too suddenly. The dial-post wire is held in a pin vise in the other hand, and is also heated. When, the dial is hot enough to melt solder, a small piece is placed in the hollow with soldering fluid, the foot of the post put in position, gently pressed down with a twist or two to insure close contact and held so, upright and ^correct, until cold. Some workinenTfioce the fingers of the two hands together, to facilitate the keeping of their relative positions, and remove the dial from the flame for the cooling. Others rest the hands against some support, when the parts are properly together, then blow out the flame while the hands remain where they are, till the solder sets. Others make a light spring or wire clip, which fits over both dial and post, and clasps and presses them together. This holds the post in place during the heating and cooling. Still others lay the dial face down on a flat metal plate which is slowly heated up, and the dial post applied, either by hand or by spring clips, as described. These clips are something like a safety pin, one-half resting against the face of the dial, while the other presses upon the end of the new post. Or it may have an eye or ring on the end, to fit around the post and press upon the foot by its spring. HANDS CATCHING TOGETHER. S ome repairers make a great mistake in trying to cure this trouble without doing much to the watch. They probably spend double the time that would be necessary to do a thorough job. The only right course is to first upright the center and the fourth wheels, so that the hands will all stand level. It will do no good to bend the pivot or second hand, nor the center staff. The pinions of the wheels must stand vertically to the plate, and stay so, and the fourth wheel pivot and center staff must he straight. Next the dial must be secured to , the plate—not loosely, shaking up and down, but tight. The hour wheel should 2 I 2 TAKING DOWN A WATCH. have just shake enough to be free, when the center wheel is pushed up ; the thick- mess of the third wheel pivot is ample motion for any watch, and half of that is enough for a good one. If it has more play than that, fit a foil washer over it to keep it in place. But, before leaving it, push the center wheel to its highest point to see if that pinches the hour wheel against the dial—for it must of course be free at all times. The same amount of end shake is enough for the center and fourth wheels, and they should be corrected if they have more. All this may be called putting the watch in order, for it should be fixed that way, whether the hands make trouble or not. Now we come to the hands. Usually, it should be easy enough to avoid any catching together. But sometimes there is hardly room enough for them to move in. First put on the seconds hand as low as it can be with¬ out touchingthe dial at the socket, and watch during one revolution to see if the point touches the dial anywhere—gently pressing on the socket to keep the hand down to its lowest point. Bend the hand down, at both sides of the socket, to run close to the dial but not touch it. If it tips, then it must clear the dial -where it tips lowest. Do not leave it till you have got it so. In very trouble¬ some cases the seconds and hour hands can be shortened, which will reduce the height that they can stick up. The rule is for the seconds hand to reach just over but not beyond the dots; the hour hand reaches nearly to the middle of the figures, while the minute hand reaches beyond the figures to the dots. In bad cases the seconds hand can be shortened yg- inch, or even more, with an hour hand which barely reaches to the figures. The hour hand is usually put on point¬ ing about to the XL, then turn the hand forward till it points exactly to the dot of the XII., and put on the minute hand exactly over the dot. But a better way, when you expect interfering hands, is to put the hour hand on over the VI., press it to its lowest point and raise the seconds hand to its highest, watching while it passes under the hour hand at the 60, to see that it clears safely. Then keep the hour hand over the point of the seconds hand as the latter revolves through an entire turn, to be sure that it clears the hour hand at every part of its circle. Lift the seconds hand to its highest position while trying this, say with a fine knife-point at its socket, not prying it up, but gently lifting. Adjust the hour hand as low as can be without interfering with the seconds hand. When you have become sure that they will not catch, by trying them turn after turn, these two hands are right. Next turn till the hour hand points to the dot of the XII., and put on the minute hand. The hour hand must not bi disturbed, but the minute hand must be bent and made to clear it, when the center staff is pressed down and the hour wheel lifted up, each to its extreme position. Then put the move¬ ment in the case, with the crystal on, and see if the point of the minute hand touches the glass. If so, bend it down till it clears, but do not alter the part over the hour hand. If it touches the dial, clip off a trifle of it. Then turn till it stands over the VI., to see if it interferes with the seconds hand at the 30, also if it touches anywhere. Do not take anything for granted, but look and see, at five or six places around the circle. If it will touch the glass, after you have done all you can to avoid it, and especially if the part over the hour hand touches, fit a higher crystal. When you have done all this thoroughly, you may feel secure against any catching of the hands, if it is a half-way decent watch. TAKING DOWN A WATCH. A ny one working largely in repairs to foreign watches, will have been struck at times by the inconsistent and ignorant manner in which they have been repaired, especially in the country. This arises in many instances, I believe, more from igno¬ rance as to the proper method to pursue than lack of will on the part of the work¬ man ; it is also, in many instances, due to a want of the necessary tools with which to do the work properly. The object of this article is to show, if possible, how to avoid these inconsistencies by substituting a proper and comprehensive method of re¬ pair ; and although I do not for a moment wish to insinuate that this is the only method that will produce good results, at least I am assured that any one exchang¬ ing their method for mine will not lose by the exchange. By far the greater quantity of foreign watches that one gets to repair in the coun¬ try are of common quality, and in these cases it is very difficult to do all that is TAKING DOWN A WATCH. necessary to put the watch in thorough or¬ der, receive adequate remuneration, and give satisfaction to the customer. As, how- ever, there is no conjuring in the matter, the man whose work gives the best results will, in the long run, get the most patron¬ age, and this will be the one who spares neither time nor trouble to make his work as perfect as possible. I will suppose that you have a Swiss cylinder watch to exam¬ ine and repair; then proceed in the follow¬ ing order: Preliminary examination before remov¬ ing the movement from the case.—Wind the watch a little, if down, and try it by the ear in the following positions, viz.: with the 6 up, the 12 up, dial and clock up. By this method you can usually detect the fol¬ lowing faults : Not in beat, wheel rubbing in cylinder passage, cylinder pivots acting on shoulders instead of their ends, incorrect fourth depth with scape pinion, balance spring rubbing, etc. Next ascertain that the center pinion, or if a key-winder, set square is free of glass, also of the bottom of case ; see that teeth of barrel are well free of band of case when shut; it is often free (in thin gold cases), when open, but shutting the case pinches the band in and fouls the bar¬ rel ; to try it put a piece of paper between teeth and barrel and shut the case; if foul, it will mark or cut the paper. See that the dirt cups on winding and set squares are free of dome ; frequently the dome presses on the center lid and binds the center pinion, causing, if not instant stoppage, the oil to disappear and the piv¬ ots to cut. See that balance is free of case; if it is much out of flat it will prob¬ ably be foul of the case or center wheel. See the fly spring, when the cover is shut, is not foul of the balance. Put a key on set square and turn the hands to see that they are free of them¬ selves, the dial and glass ; if they do not turn truly it will proceed from either the center hole being out of upright, a bent set square, or a badly fitted pinion. Here let me impress on those who take the trouble to read this, to wit: the necessity of mak¬ ing a note on your bench paper of all the corrections as you come to them ; it is very little trouble and saves the annoyance of finding when your watch is, perhaps, cleaned and together, that some important item has been forgotten. For taking the movement from the case use paper—nothing is so slovenly as work¬ ing without—and lock the train, by putting 2 13 a bristle through either fourth or scape wheel; remove cock and balance, being particularly careful not to strain the balance spring; put the balance and cock in tray, and remove the hands by means of two pieces of steel; take one under each side of hour hand boss, depress the ends, and both hands are off at once without danger of marking or slipping; the second hand can be removed in the same manner without danger of bending the pivot. Remove dial and motion work, using brass pliers to take hold of the canon pinion to avoid marking it. At this stage, if 1 have reason to suspect that the escapement is faulty, I generally remove the balance spring from the bal¬ ance, putting cylinder and cock in their places, and Jry-the escapement. First, see that the web of scape wheel is free of cyl¬ inder passage, also that the top of tooth is free of upper plug; then with a little power on, and either a piece of paper or a cork wedge under the balance to check its mo¬ tion, try if all the teeth have sufficient clrOp, both out and inside. If only one or two teeth is tight, the vibration of the balance is checked each time they are in motion ; if the balance is watched when going (with the balance spring on), it will be seen at once how the vibrations fall off when these teetli are in action. If the drop is suffi¬ cient inside, but none out, it would show a wheel too small; if the reverse, a wheel too large —if the depth is correct. The method of correcting the wheel, where only some of the teeth are without the necessary freedom, is to mark with red stuff a tooth which has the proper amount of shake, remove the wheel and open a hole in a piece of thin sheet brass until this tooth will just enter : this serves as a gauge to shorten the other teeth by, being careful to operate on the points of the teeth, either with the ruby file or steel and oilstone dust,, finishing with bell metal and red stuff lengthways and followed by a burnisher. The tooth should be rounded both ways so that a mere point is in contact with the cylinder. The question of depth is a vexed one, some workmen setting it deep and some shallow, each having some supposed advan¬ tage to urge for the practise. Saunier, in his work says, “To insure that the drop is no more than sufficient to secure proper action of the mechanism, it is of the first importance that the middle of a straight incline corresponds to the center of the cyl¬ inder.” Or suppose a line drawn from top 214 TO REPLACE A BROKEN CYLINDER PLUG. to point of tooth and bisected, that point should pass the center of cylinder jewel holes. Further, he shows why this rule should not be departed from : “ The older watch¬ makers adjusted the escapement so that the middle of a straight incline came rather beyond the center of the cylinder, in order that the point of rest might be tangential. Among modern makers it is universally recognized that more is lost by making the outside drop excessive than is gained by a slight diminution of the friction during rest.” Some watchmakers of the present day who, from insufficient knowledge are not in a position to judge correctly as to the cause of the circumstances which they ob¬ serve, have asserted that they obtained “a greater regularity by making the middle of the plane fall a little short of the center of the cylinder.” Before making any altera¬ tion to the escapement, it is necessary to be certain that the scape wheel is perfectly upright, as a simple alteration to this may correct one or all of these faults. After examining the escapement, it will be necessary to look over all jewel holes, noting cracked ones, and, in brass, those that are too wide, trying end shakes, 3 Silver from copper, separate, 165. from wastage, 161. imitation alloys, 145. ink stains from, 166. liquid for cleaning, 166. oxidizing, 162, 288. plating, 289, 290 . plating by boiling, 290. plating cold way, 290. powder for copper, 163. recovering, 166. reduce chloride of, 165. refine, 164. solder, 152, 282. solders, 147, 282. stripping mixture, 163. white-pickling, 165. Silvering by dipping, 153. cold, 152, 290. gold, 288. rapid, 165. solution, 170. without battery, 161. Silverware, cleaning, 165. testing, 164. washing, 161. Sizes of watch movements, 176. Smelting and rolling gold, 106. Soft solder, 163, 281, 282. coloring, 140. electro-plating, 163. for gold, different karats, 281. remove, 116, 117, 282. Soft soldering, 171. articles, 116. Solder for aluminium, 169. jewelers’, 167, 282. pearl ring, 173. remove from gold, 282. silver, 152, 282. soft gold, 281. stain, remove, 116. stone-set ring, 173. wrong, 117. Soldering, 281. a ring with a jewel, 116. fluid, 116, 163. Soldering fluid, non-corrosive, 167, 171. fluxes, 282. gold, 281. support in hard, 170. Solders, gold, 114. Solutions for electro-plating, 287, 288. Specific gravity, 177. Spectacles and eye-glasses, 184. Stain horn black, 188. Steel, etching fluid for, 185. soldering cast, 185. work hard, 185. Stripping articles, 282. brass, 282. copper, 282. German silver, 282. gold, 118. silver, 163. Support in hard soldering, 170. Sweepings, refine, 172. T Tarnishing of silver, 160. Thermometer scales, 178. Thin silver plating, 290. Tin and aluminium. 286. from stock, remove, 138. solder, yellow, coloring, 142. Toughen brittle gold, 122. Troy weight, 176. V Varnish, gold-like, 171. W Washing silverware, 161. Wastage, silver from, 161. Waste, melting, no. Watch movements, sizes of, 174. Wet coloring by the German process, 126. preparing for, 125. White color after pickling, 137. metal alloys, 143. pickling silver, 165. silver solder, 282. jaaM. r fj/M ^C^.C^C^C^.O^OCOOOOOOOCOOOCOCHt'OOOOCHX’C^OO FRANCE 1 ocmx>oooooooooooo