l^-„v_>.J(_>C \ . V^..» yv_j#_,~. '-^'V.'j il-.:/ fitf-o, A CATALOGUE ^a^c» OF THE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS AND BOOKS OF PRINTS, OF The late Thomas Daniell, Esq., R.A.; AND OF THE HIGHLY INTERESTING DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES OF INDL4N SGEN^, BY The late William Daniell, Esq., R.A.; Messrs. CHRISTIE &MANSO]N\ AT THEIR GREAT ROOM, S, KING STREET, ST. JAJMES'S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1840, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie and Hanson's Offices, 8, KtTig Street, St. James's Square. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Purchaser ; and if any dispute arise be- tween two or more Bidders, the Lot in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. TI. No Person to advance less than is. — above Five Pounds, 5s. — and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5,?. in the Pound, or more, in part of Payment of the Purchase- Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults and Errors of Description, at the Buyer's Expense and Risk, within Two Days from the Sale: Messrs. Christie and Manson not considering themselves answer- able for the correct description or authenticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccurracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon failui'e of complying with the above Conditions, the Money de- posited in part of Payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be i"e-sold either by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, MAT 22nd, 1840, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF THOMAS DANIELL, ESQ., R.A. // ENGRAVINGS. 1 Various 2 After French masters 3 Garrard's animals ; and ditto, by Ridinger 4 Loutherbourg's landscapes, and English views 5 Landscapes, by Perelle, &c. 6 After Rubens, by Van Leeuw 7 After N. Poussin, by Audran, &c. 8 Landscapes after G. Poussin, &c. 9 Rubens's landscapes Canaletti's etchings, 19 sheets 1 1 Carracci's landscapes, by Corneille 12 After G. Poussin -4^S. Rosal 7 16 12 11 14 26 16 ■ A 14 Snowden, after Wilson, by WooUett, &c. 7 15 Italian landscapes, after Wilson, by Roberts, &c. • 6 * WOOLLETT. 16 Meleagei- and Atalanta, and Apollo and the Seasons \ 7 Cicero at his villa, and Celadon and Amelia 18 Ceyx and Alcyone, and Niobe 19 Solitude BOOKS OF PRINTS. * 2Q Views ofl Northwick Park ) /y / 21 Audran'slanatomy « ' ' 22 Sea-ports, after Vernet, in a scrap-book /j / -«=*23 Landscapes, after Claude and Caspar f/ ^'. 1^ 24 Vetusta Monumenta, vol. 4;^. <-' 25 Lyson's R)oman antiquities at Woodchester, and Roman figures discove^ed^ atFramjton C^ ~0-'-'- * — ^ Raffaelle's Cartoons, by Dorigny, in a scrap-book, half-bound '27 Raffaelle's Bible, and A. Carracci Galleria Farnese 28 Bartoli admiranda Romanarum antiquitatum "^ "^ 29 Vitruvius Britannicus, vols. 4 and 5 ■ ;30 Guercino's drawings 31 Carter's Durham cathedral ■^ .32 Carracci's Farnesina, and Bardi's bas-reliefs at Florence ^ 33 DANIELL'S INDIAN VIEWS, with the excavations and antiquities ; coloured, in 6 vols, half-bound i". 4- 34 Daniell's Views of Calcutta ; coloured "35 Repton's |lindoo architecture '• ^ ' 36 Roman mciaics at Horkstow '^ 37 Girtin's Paris 38 Swaneveldt's landscapes, and Sandrart's statues 39 Scrap-books and portfolios THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM DANIELL, ESQ., R.A. PRINTS. 40 Various 16 41 Sporting subjects, and shipping 42 English topography ' yj 43 Oriental views 21 44 India views, coloured 32 45 The Dagon pagoda at Rangoon, &c. 27 46 A temple in the East, &c. 34 47 The burning of the Kent, &c., India proofs 4 48 Ditto 7 49 Ditto 5 50 Dismasted Indiamen, &c., India proofs 4 51 The dead elephant in Ceylon, proofs, &c. 5 52 Dr. Morrison and Mr. Colledge, after Chinnery, by Daniell, proofs 6 53 Stewart Marjoribanks, Esq., Dr. Morrison, and Mr. Colledge, proofs 3 54 Mr. Colledge, and Dr. Morrison, proofs 4 ^J^l SETS OF PRINTS. y/ •-• ' 54*Danieirs Voyage to India, a coltmred set ; and a set of the African antelopes ~* 55 Another set — ■ 56 Another seft -— 57 Another sst — " 58 Another sel^ 59 Another set — 60 Two sets of the African antelope? — . 61 Two sets 62 Two setsj //// >^^ 63 Two sets 64 Two sets 65 Two sets 66 Two sets 67 Daniell's Oriental Sketches, in 3 vols, half-bound PENCIL SKETCHES I-N INDIA, BY WILLIAM DAMELL, Esq. 68 Pencil outlines of Hindoo buildings 22 69 A collection of eighty-seven pencil sketches of figures, costume, and cus- toms of Ceylon 70 Ten figures of Ceylon, slightly coloured 71 Groups of figures in pencil 1 2 .^-^?2 Illustrations of oriental customs and manners 37 _/.-^8 Ditto 25 74 Ditto 27 / 75 Sketches of elephants, &c. 'g Eight native drawings of processions n Ceylon boats, pencil sketches 87 78 Reptiles and animals of Ceylon 61 79 Sketches of elephants 23 80 Ceylon figures 50 81 Ceylou monkeys, goats, &c. 21 82 Studies of elephants, some of them washed 78 83 Horned cattle of Ceylon J-^''' 5^ S'f Lioni tigers, and panthers, some washed with colour J 34 -^5 Cam^s and squirrels ' \ 32 / / «-86 A collection of views of buildings and scenery in Ceylon 290 -87 Chinese views, and figures . -^' 34 ~ /// -=8«- Ditto j 31 ' "89 Native Chinese drawings 16 ^ Ze/^ /^^ Views ffli the Coast of Sunda and Malacca 19 / >-91 St. Helena, ditto 24 92 Views in Ceylon, various slight sketches ■ 03 Seven Jf waterfalls and landscapes, slightly coloured 94 A collection of sketches of plants and trees in Ceylon, some of them slightly coloured >^"^5 Elevations of the temple at Madura, and various sketches of Hindoo buildings 96 An Indian lady; afinuhed drawing in pencil 97 Views of Muscat, and the Malabar coast, slightly coloured ; and various pencil sketches of the same coast 98 Views of Oula and Delhi 20 8 99 Lucknow, Delhi, &c. 100 Trichinopoly, and various of Hindoo temples 101 -Views of Windsor Castle and the Palais Royal 102 Elevations and plans of the Taje Mahal and Delhi 30 03 Views of Alahabad 30 104 Views in [the Serinaghr mountains 105 A collection of views and animals discovered at Booshuana in Central Africa 106 A collection of views in Bootan, in pencil SKETCHES IN BISTRE AND INDIAN INK. 107 Views of Benares 108 Views of Delhi 109 The Fakir's rock, &c. 1 10 Sketches of temples, &c. 111 The cave at Salsette, &c. 113 An elaborate outline of Canton, and 2 others -114 Rhotps, Ghur, and Delhi H5 Old Delhi i 116 Betoor, Palace of Ackbar, &c. —117 Benares 118 Calcutta,|and Diamond Harbour Bengal 119 Calcutta; slight sketches 120 bengal, ditto 121 Calcutta! 121*A collection of views on the Ganges, about s 13 8 10 s 3 7 io 16 5 13 23 19 11 50 / 11 169 Gate of the Jummah Musjed at Delhi, and the fort of Shere Shah a Delhi -470 The Fort o^Shere Shah at Delhi / —' / _J71 The Cotsea palace, andjCuttub Minar at Delhi - Jl^ ^^ 172 The palace at Rotas Gur . _.173 Two views of the Hindu temple at Rotas Gur ^ Q, ,-^3> -174 The mausoleum of Mucdjom Shah Dowlut at Moneer / ^^^-^ '^■175 Rammagur, opposite Benpres on the Ganges / ^^Z»^ '176 The Taje Mahal, at AgrJ / rS~^ iZ7 The Paohmala gate at Li|cknow, and the side of the Fort of AUahabad^^^^"'^ 178 The Hindu temple at Gya 179 Two )(ieWs of Calcutta | ^ .- > ■ J?^ J^. --ISO The gate leading to the fnosque at Chunar Ghur ^ . , . .",'.~ / V'S2:->' .-' 181 The gate of Sultan Chrusero's garden, at Allahabad \ 182 South view of the Taje Mahal, from the gardens .; and the great gate of r?y \0-^ the T^e Mahal ( ' . 183 HindoQj;emple at Bindrabund 184 Gate of the tomb of th|ii Emperor Ackbar, at Secundra _J X -^ 185 The Amnabad palace, 51 the fort of Allahabad /. ^^^vT ^ ..186 The great mosque at JUanpore '^- : — ~r~ '" . / "^ 6^ / ' 187 View at Fyzabad, in tWe province of Oude'/// .' — — ~— rTTr-rrr-f»f9*' ' * '" SKETCHES BY THOMAS DANTELL, R.A., IN PENCIL AND I.NDIAN INK. _, „ht Sketches ^^ ■ \gur-Moftn tains \ • - ^■^_;.14 /^ y Ql , ly__190 Two Views ^fStJ Helena— slightly washed, &o. ~~. . ' 7 ^'^ . 191 The Old Gaut, at Kurdwar, &c. ' 10 12 192 View at Cawnpore, and Bogwanpore 9 193 On the Indian coast 29 /i./irl94 Jn Java, &c.j U(}('i' 17 -195 Views in Delhi -\ J ^^ 196 The observaWy at Delhi, bnd buildings at Juanpore J^^^lT^' 20 ^& '^~hi ^< 197 Mampurry,&c. j ' 19 /^ /^ _.J98 Agra and Djelhi ; and waterfalls at Courtallum / [f /v"^"^ 199 Ghazepoori Jcc. 21 ^ ^ 200 Fourteen of |he original sketches for the engraved work of Calcutta ^ 201 TheTajeMJhal, &c.| \2 /^ J^ 202 Views near %ngal(l-e 14 — /J^ oC> - 203 Trichinopoly^&c. \ 15 — /v^""- ^ 204 The ruins of ^ladura, &c. 14 205 Rohilcund, &c. 19 206 Near Niarbadad, on the Khurdwar, &c. 20 207 Views at Bin^rabund, &c. \ 19 ' DRATFINGS IN WATER-COLOURS, BY THOMAS DANIELL, R.A. 208 Views of Sayer Island, Bay of Bengal .209 On the Straits of SMalacca|' 3 3 ' 210 Cape Richardfr- j, 2 -^-' . \^ .- 211 On the coast of Ccjchin China j --^ ^_^:^ I 212 In the Straits of Caspar and Sunda 4 --^ A 213 A pair of views intDanes Island, Cfaina .., ;" ' • '" — ; — iL"''^'^^ 214 Ditto of Ho Tunjon the Canton|river ^ ^ 215 The Pagoda, and the second bar pn the Canton river ,^ „0^ e< V J \ ^ ■ I'V 13 The half-way Pagoda oaihe Canton livei' — a pair Courtallum, and the waAi-falls at Teerthoom .. .- On the Cossimbazar rivei Hurdum and BuiidellV Bahar, Culna, &c. I 1 The fort of Juan pore andlNobusta Puttur Ghur, Loledong, &c. The Sangoree and Dimolee passes, in the Swinagur mountains In the Swinatur mountaiiis ■. . The mosque acl Ghazepooj —______. Eleven Chines^ views, native drawings on Indian paper The Brahmin's rclck at Bakar The temple at Notjusta g ,- Bidzee Ghur, ana Serinaaur The fort of |lotas, and DJ^sa Serinagur, and Rotas Ghur <1, 232 Rotas Ghur,|and the tempje at Salsette 233 Various slight sketches 234 Rotas Ghuii I -235 Bidzee Ghur, ai« Rotas Ghur - 236 The fort of "Juaipore, See. --•237 The KuttvVattee" a-ock at Gour ^38 The Fakirl rock, and fort gate at Curnah 239 The ruins of Noruttum, and Budnell / 240 The tomb^of Shah Dowlat at Moneer „^24I Hindoo timpleaat Agouree on the Soane 242 Sankey Uurguiij^iand the bridge near Raje Mahal ^£^ Ic (T^. 14 243 Neav WhampoaJ on the Canton river, and Danes Island, Cinha ■ y ' *-X^ 244 Two in the Serinagur Mountains yi*^^' /f{M*'y^^ ' 245 On the road to Serinagur ^v3C/ --- 246 The rope bridgewver the Alucnindra at Serinagur / 0^"' .^- \^< ^^^ c ,2/J