2hJ92 to 5/^/92 S^^^l^' * v^ T<^ -mi^ .i!^' 1%^ f \J' (0^, ^ jBS'* m :!^ \ :|g:: ! 'klteidiH ^>0it\L ^ j i««k9^^^^S * 'r- - - .^i :^JM mmWmgm ' J af T * '■Ki^V^^^ imj i--*^ '(?•"' ^*^-'' / : ' y > '-~>if- i«^ iS**^ |5 THE PRICE COLLECTION Sold for tJie Benefit of the Artists' General Benevolent Institution. SIXPENCE. jpi^ O ^^ T -A. X^ O a- TJ E j\ :>^r Z^^' OF THE KENOWNED COLLECTION OF ^^ ^ MODERN PICTURES, BT IN"GLISH Am FOREIGN ARTISTS, Formed during the last half century by that well-known Amateur and Patron of Art, DAVID PRICE, ESQ., Dtceased, late of 4, Queen Anne Street, Many of which were bought direct from the Artists, and exhibited at the Royal Academy and other Exhibitions ; ALSO, ARTISTS' PROOF ENGRAVINGS OF SOME OF THE PICTURES IN THE COLLECTION, EUROPEAN PORCELAIN, FURNITURE, AND BOOKS: WHICH Q)y direction of the Will and hy Order of the Executors) asaill he S^oia tjy Auction, Ijj,) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TKKIK SEEAT SaOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAKE, On SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1893, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1892, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. QOV»iO-0 May be viewed Three Days precedinof, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street^ St. James's Sgtiare, S. W. uso<;oQ,s A ^^TA \ \P\'^/" CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proi^ortion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and autheutic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct descriiDtion, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. Y'll. Upon failui-e of comi^lying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defavdter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day's Sale. On SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1892, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. ENGLISH PICTURES. E. BEAVIS. Oa 1 Shipping Oranges at Jaffa 18 in. by 27 in. J. BRETT, A.R.A. ^ ^ 2 OoTEE Mussel Rook, Cornwall 7 in. by 13^ in. J. BRETT, A.R.A., 1880. 3 Black Carn 10 in. by 19 in. B 2 '1 <:>y / SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A. 4 BouiiOQNE Pier 11^ in. by 14 in. VICAT COLE, R.A. 5 A View on the Thames 15^ in. by 24 in. VICAT COLE, R.A., 187T. 6 On the River Arum 151 in, by 241 ,-,j. W. COLLINS, R.A. 7 Cromer Sands 7 in. by 10 in. From the Collection of J. S. Furhes, Esq., 1874 A SJcetch for the large work, formerly in the GiUoti Collection J. FAED, 1865. / 8 Wedding Dresses ^ ^/, 13^ m. by lOi^ tn. COPLEY FIELDING. /' ^ 9 Vessels at Spithead : squally weather 10 in. by 14 in. COPLEY FIELDING, 1857. 10 View near Cockfield, Sussex 9^ in. by 17^ t». F. GOODALL, R.A., 1878. "2') A 11 Waiting for the Boat, Bay of Suez 14 in. by 35^ in F. GOODALL, R.A., 1878. 12 The Sight of Ancient Memphis 13 in. by 35 in. F. GOODALL, R.A., 1878. ^ ^> '^■- 13 Ploughing, Plains of Jakara 14 in. by 35 in. J. E. HODGSON, E. A., 1877. O (y 14 Scene at Tunis 181 ;,!, by 12 in. J. CALLCOTT HORSLEY, R.A., 1874-6. 15 The Party at Hardwick Hall : coming down to dinner 14 in. by 16 in. J. CALLCOTT HORSLEY, R.A. 16 Valentine's Day 16^ in. by 19^ in. J. CALLCOTT HORSLEY, R.A., 1875 17 The Waiting Maid 40 in. by 31 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1875 /,' 6 J. HOLLAND. 18 St. Giorgio Maqqiore, Venice 10 in. by 9^ in. COLIN HUNTER, A.R.A., 1875. 19 A Sea-piece . Aj/l/ij 14^ in. by 29^ in. Wl/^ j H. LE JEUNE, A.R.A., 1868. 20 Children 17^ in. by J 2 in. B. W. LEADER, A.R.A., 1875. 21 Mountain Solitude 15^ in. by 24 in. W. LINNELL, 1872. 22 The Hireling Shepherd , / ,s i/1 ' 15| in. by 21| in. kJ^^ i W. MDLLER, 1843. 23 GiLLINGHAM 14 in. by 17^ in. P. NASMYTH. 24 The Willow Tree ^ ;, 11 in. by 15 in. I [) Exhibited at the Century of Art Exhibition at the Orosvenor Gallery, 1887 /3' J^ p. NASMYTH, 1830. 25 A Landsoapr, with ducks 10^ in. by 14^ in. J. O'CONNOE. 26 The Alhambra from the Carrkra Darro : early summer 23^ in. by 37^ in. J. O'CONNOE. 27 Buckingham Gate, Adelphi 24 in. by 39 in. J. O'CONNOE. 28 Verona 23^ in. by 15^ in. J. PHILLIP, E. A. ,1855. y y ^ .'_ 29 A Cottage Interiou, witb mother and child -^ -'' 13 in. by 17 in. Exhibited at the London International Exhibition, 1873 J. PHILLIP, E.A.. 1862. 1 . 30 A Spanish Volunteer 17^ in. by 13L in. Exhibited at the London International Exhibition, 1873 C. STANFIELD, E.A., 1853. 31 Nieuwe Diep, Zutder Zee 14 in. by 20i in. 8 C. STANFIELD, E.A., 1858. 32 Scene on the Gulf of Salekno n> ' I ^ 14 in- by 21 in. J. STAEK. 3 33 A Heath Scene, with peasants driviug slieep and cattle on a 15^ in. by 21 in. - g J. STARK. 34 Waterfall near Tunbridge Wells 17^ in. by 24 in. J. STAEK. t 85 A Woody Landscape, view in Norfolk J - ^ 17^ in. by 24 in. J. STAEK. 36 A EoAD Through a Wood, witb pool and sportsman 13 in. by 18 in. MAECUS STONE, E.A., 1861. 37 Clathdio, deceived bt Don John, accuses Hero Claudio. — " Oh Hero ! What a Hero hadst thou been, If half thy outward graces had been plac'd About the thoughts and counsels of thy heart ! But, fare thee well, most foul, most fair, farewell, Thou pure impiety aud impious puritj' ! For thee I'll lock up all the gates of Love, And on my eyelids shall conjecture hang. To turu all beauty into thoughts of harm, And never shall it more be gracious. ' Much Ado about Nothing — Act iv., eo. 1. 15| in, by 1 9| in. 10 9 F. W. W. TOPHAM, 1882. ^ 38 Sea Urchins V 211 j„. by 15 in. F. W. W. TOPHAM. 39 Fair Day at Perugia 13 m. by 20 in. T. WEBSTER, E.A., 1873. ^ f 1 ^ 40 BoTS Plating at Leapfrog (yiA/^j' y 131 in. by Hi in. ' J. B. BURGESS, E.A. 1886. 41 AN AETIST'S ALMSGIVING Alonzo Cano, a great Spanish painter, passed his time in his old age in acts of charity. Sometimes, when he had given away all his money, he would enter a shop, sit down, and make sketches, which he would give to the beggars, who sold them to the neighbouring convents. 32 in. by 21| in. Exhibited at the Roijal Academy, 1886 Exhibited at the Boyal YorJcshire Jubilee Exhibition Mentioned in the Art Journal, Nov. 1891 Ji- 1 G. CHAMBERS. 42 THE CHANNEL PASSAGE 35 in. by 49 in. VICAT COLE, E.A., 1876. 43 THE THAMES AT STEEATLEY 35^ in. by 54 in. Mentioned in the Art Journal, Nov. 1891 s^ b 10 E. W. COOKE, E.A., 1857. 44 DUTCH SHORE; a still ilay, after stormy weather 131 in, by 20 in. E. W. COOKE, R.A., 1853. q \ f^ 45 ON THE BRISTOL CHANNEL ^^> ^ l^ in. by 26^ in. E. W. COOKE, E.A., 1852. 46 DUTCH FISHING CRAFT, KATWYK, NORTH HOL- LAND 21 in. bv 36i in. Wvti T. S. COOPER, R.A. 47 THE ROAD TO THE FARM " 14 in. by 17^ «n. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1842. j / I 48 COWS IN A LANDSCAPE 16^ in. by 24 in T. CRESWICK, R.A., 1847. J^/ d 49 MOUNTAIN STREAMS 31^ in. by 43 [ /h. L^ 11 T. CRESWICK, R.A. [^ 60 RICHMOND, Yorkshire 311^ in. by il^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1836 T. CRESWICK, R.A., ani, T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1862-3. , 51 A LANDSCAPE, WITH CATTLE CROSSING A BROOK 14 in. by 17^ in. Iff' ' H. W. B. DAVIS, R.A., 1878. 52 AFTERNOON ON THE CLIFFS 20 in. by 26 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1878 W. ETTY, R.A. 53 A BIVOUAC OF CUPID AND HIS COMPANY 25^ in. by 35^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1838 From the Collection of T. Wright Esq., 1845 Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1867 From the Collection of Joseph Gillott Esq. From the Collection of J. Fallows, Esq., 1868 Exhibited at the Royal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 ^6 T. FAED, R.A. 54 FROM DAWN TO SUNSET 12 in. by 15g in. ^-■p. The original finished sketch for the engraved picture 12 T. FAED, E.A., 1860. 55 HIS ONLY PAIR j,- r\, A " The mother wi' her needle and her shears, ) Gars auld claes lnok amaist as weal's tlie new." The Cottar's Saturday Night. ' 14 in. by 18 in. T. FAED, E.A., 1863. 56 AFTEE WOEK / <^ '}-' r 241 m. by 33 m. /^l/^. ^ " Engraved hy J. J. Chant, 1867 W. P. FEITH, E.A. 57 THE LOVE TOKEN : a scene from tlie Bride of Lammermoor " Lady Ashton cut the ribbon asunder and detached the broken piece /\ 1 ''"^ of gold, which Miss Ashton had till then worn concealed in her bosom ; ;' I n with a haughty courtesy she delivered both to Kavenswood." 7 171 in. by 13^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1854 ' Exhibited at the International Exhibition, 1862 W. P. FEITH, E.A., 1854. 58 THE POISONED CUP : Scene from Kenilworth " ' And now,' said she, ' father, that which shall benefit my mistress, cannot do me prejudice. Father, I drink to you.' " Foster, without speaking, rushed on his daughter." }/^ 17 in. by 14 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1854 W. P. FEITH, E.A., 1863 59 THE RAILWAY STATION A small replica of the engraved picture 16^ in. by 36 in. lib no i: W. p. FRITH, R.A, 1860. 60 CLAUDE DUVAL "It was related how Claude Duval, the French page of the Dnke of Richmond, took to the road, became captain of a formidable gang, and had the honour to be named first in a royal i^roolamatiun against notorious offenders; how, at the head of his troop, he stopped a lady's coach, in which there was a booty of four hundred pounds ; how he took only one hundred, and suffered the fair owuer to ransom the rest by dancing a coranto with him on the heath." Macaulay's History of England, vol. i. p. 383. 281 in. by 40 in. fJ^kihUfid pi nij}..:Q,frrprTh-l^r^^ 3 '5 in by 48 in. Exhibited at the Ixoijal Academy, 1882 KEELEY HALSWELLE, 1880. 64 BARGE ON THE THAMES 29 in. by 50^, in. ^'i QD 14 E. HAYES, E.H.A., 1870. 65 HAKD-A-STAEBOAKD 36 in. by 60 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1870 J. HOLLAND, 1359. 6Q A VIEW OF ST. MARK'S QUAY, Venice, looking West 2'-!^ in. by 16^ in. "^f J ^ Mentioned in the Art Journal, November 1891 / J J. HOLLAND, 1869. 67 THE COMPANION, looking East ^l ]/ JL 23^ in. by 16^ in. J. C. HOOK, R.A., 1874. 68 COW TENDING 33^ in. by 55 in. Exhibited at the Moyal Academy, 1874 t) Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 _^. Purchased of the Artist Etched by D. Law J. C. HOOK, E.A., 1888. 69 WATERCRESS GATHERERS 35 in. by 55 in Purchased from the Artist ^[.0 15 J. C. HOOK, K.A., 18G5. 70 THE MACKEEEL TAKE, Brittany 27 in. by 42 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1865 V J. C. HOOK, E.A., 1872. 75 OYSTEE SEVEEALS OF HAMPSHTEE 19| in. by 32 in. Exhibited at the Moyal Academy, 1872 7 "-T i Exhibited at the Moyal Ace ^ I If Purchased from the Artist i I J. C. HOOK, E.A., 1872. 71 BETWEEN TIDES 35 in. by 54^ in. ~\ I r\ Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1872 / Purchased of the Artist J. C. HOOK, E.A , 1885. 72 "YO HEAVE HO" 33 in. by 55 in. j / 1^0^ Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1885 Purchased of the Artist J. C. HOOK, R.A., 1872. 73 WHIFFING FOE MACKEEEL ^ , . - 20 in. by 32 in. J ■ Purchased from the Artist J. C. HOOK, E.A., 1870. 74 FISH FEOM THE DOGGEE BANK 30^ in. by 56^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1870 D Purchased of the Artist 16 J. C. HOOK, E.A., 1882. 76 DEVON HARVEST CART : the last handful home 43 in. by 58^ in. ExTiihifed at the Eotjal Academy, 1882 Purchased of the Artist ifM. p ^. 1/ J, C. HOOK, R.A., 1883. 77 THE \YILY ANGLER " But bite the perch will, and that very boldly." Izadk Walton. 38 in. by 521 in. Exhibited at the Eoyal Academy, 1885 Purchased of the Artist ifl /. >»/ SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A., 1829. 78 THE FIRST LEAP A boy. Lord Alexander Kussell, on his highland pony Emerald, jumping over the fallen stem of a tree, a goat and two kids running away in the distance. ISiin. by 23.L in. From the Collection of Lord J. Builer, 1870 Engraved hy C. G. Lewis . ^ C. R. LESLIE, R.A. 79 TOM JONES and SOPHIA WESTERN A 351 in. by 27^ in. '^^^ J. F. LEWIS, R. A., 1872. 80 THE BEZESTEIN BAZAAR OF EL KHAN KHALIL, Cairo 45 in. by 34 in. 1 i\/^ f) Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1861 Exhibited at the Eoyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 Described in the Art Journal, November 1891 17 J. F. LEWIS, R,A., 1871 81 LILIUM AURATUM 52^ in. by 33 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1872 Described in the Art Journal, November 1891 J. LINNELL, Skn., 1865-78. ^ ^ 82 FRUIT GATHERERS J (D *j 29 in, by 39^ in. J. LINNELL, Sen., 1836 83 WELSH DROVERS CROSSING THE COMMON: fine evening after rain A flock of sheep crossing a commoa surrounded by bills In the foreground, a woman on a black pony, and a cow followed by a boy, with a dog and some sheep, 15 in. by 22^ in. — panel I ff h Exhibited at Burlington House, 1887 The Century of British Art Exhibition at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1887 J. LINNELL, Sen., 1875. 84 THE HAYSTACK 28 in. by 38^ in. Industrial Exhibition, Huddersfield, 1888 J. LINNELL, Sen, 1849. 85 OPENING THE GATE, Child's Hill, Hampstead In the foreground, a boy and girl opening a gate, through which a drove of cattle are passing. 28 in. by 35^ in. ^ From Mr. J. Farnworth's Collection, 1874 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1883 ,^-\ / / ^ n 18 J. LINNELL, Sen., 1852. 86 THE TIMBER WAGGON In a dell, surmounted by trees, a number of men are loading a waggou ■with timber, wooded heights beyond, distant landscape seen througU trees. > » 35 in. by 56 in. f . Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1852 Gold Medal at the Paris Exhibition, 1855 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1883 Described t?i the Art Journal, November 1891 87 REST W. LINNELL. 18 in. by 24 in. — on panel J. LINNELL, Sen. 88 WOOD-CUTTERS .-, . 131 in. by 20^ in. f] I E. LONG, R.A., 1880. 89 DIANA OR CHRIST: the Christian Martte " Let her cast the incense, but one grain, and she is free." The scene is laid at Ephesus, at the end of the stadium, which might t^. have been used as an amphitheatre f\ 'i^ 48 in. by 84 in. "^ Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1881 Purchased from the Artist Mentioned in the Art Journal, November 1891 19 SIR JOHN E. MILLAIS, E.A., 1859. 90 APPLE BLOSSOM " Across the whole of the upper half of the canvas are depicte I masses of apple blossom in every stage of the flower. In the foreground ts a group of ladies, some standing, others sitting or reclining, one prone. They are all portraits." — The Art Journal, November 1 891. 43^ in. by 68 in. X ^ /% Exhibited under the title of-' SjJring " at the Royal Academy, 1859 ^*^, From the Collection of J. Burnet, Esq., 1876 / From the Collection of W. Graham, Esq., 1886 SIR JOHN E. MILLAIS, R.A., 1876. 91 THE SOUND OF MANY WATERS A landscape depicting, in misty but still bright wonther, a pi al-stained l^/f cascade, just above a fall of the River Biaan, whicli is a tributary of the Tay. The place is well known, and distinguished by tlie ctinbtunt murmur of waters pouring from step to step of red rock, the so-called " Rumbling Biig," which is < omposcd of large boulders, clad in moss and lichen, of the old red sandstone. Beyond the front is a vista of tl.o pt^ course of the full river, between banks covered with larches, firs, and birches. Overhead is a pale grey sky. A heron rises on the wing 56 in. by 82 in. This picture was painted for the late oicner in 1876 Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1877 Exhibited in the Collection of Sir J. E. 3Tillais' WorJcs at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1886 Mentioned in the Art Journal, p. 324, November 1891 / (r-Vr-^Cp^ P. R. MORRIS, A.R.A. 92 ON THE ARUN 86 in. by 53 in. Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery P. R. MORRIS, A.R.A. 92a poor JACK 45 in. by 64 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy y 20 W. MtJLLER, 1844. 93 A WATERFALL IN WALES 54^ in. by 39 in. — arched top (y-^ Exhibited at the Municipal Art Gallery, Leeds, 1889 p. NASMYTH, 1829. '^ 94 A VIEW IN SURREY " Open view of a flat landscape, in soft bright weather, warm with sunlight ; a road curves from our left in front and passes under a clump of trees ; meadows, water, and a cottage in the middle distance ; a pond ^ is on our right." J^ jO ^ 23| in. by 331 in. Exhibited at the Century of British Art Exhibition at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1887 Described in the Art Journal, November 1891 p. NASMYTH, 1828. / 95 ON THE FIRTH OF FORTH " A view over a woody landscape looking towards a river, with two roads meeting in the foreground, and figures and cattle, closing in evening effect." S"^6 16 in. by 21^ in. From the Canhrien Collection, 1853 Exhibited at the Century of Art Exhibition at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1887 E. NICOL, A.R.A., 1866. 96 NEW BOOTS 22^ in. by 17^ in. •C C^^ Mentioned in the Art Journal, November 1891 J. PETTI E, R,A. 97 THE SISTERS I ^\C\ uCt^^y-^ 31 in, by 43^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, // 1887 ^. . / (5TM^ 21 J. PHILLIP, K.A., 1857. 98 EL CORTEJO 24 in. by 18^ in. / / -. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1858 /^ P. F. POOLE, E.A., 1869. 99 LOEENZO AND JESSICA AT BELMONT " Lor. Iq such a night Did Jessica steal from the wealthy Jew ; And with an unthrift love did run from Venice, As far as Belmont. Jea. And in such a night Did young Lorenzo swear he loved her well ; Stealing her soul with many vows of faith, And ne'er a true one. Lor. And in such a night Did pretty Jessica like a little shrew Slander her love, and he forgave it her. Jes. — I would out-niglit you, did nobody come : But hark ! I hear the footing of a man." 40 in. by 48 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1869 /r^ p. F. POOLE, R.A., 1870. 100 WATEECRESS GATHEEEES " A girl, with a basket on her shoulder, is standing on a stone in the middle of a stream ; a boy is gathering watercresses." / — '-^^2 "*• ^y 20 in. ^ 5 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 , . ' (Ctt^ / P. F. POOLE, E.A. 101 GUIDERIUS AND AEVIEAGUS LAMENTING THE SUPPOSED DEATH OF IMOGEN " In the foreground the figure of Imogen lying insensible on the ground : Beside her are the two sons of Belarius, one of them with his hands full of flowers ; wooded landscape." — Cymbeline, Act iv. sc. 2. 41 in. by 65 in. / Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1871 ' ^z?^..„^-V<-'»— ^ A /) Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 22 r. F. POOLE, E.A., 1853. 102 THE PATH OVER THE MOUNTAINS X^o "A woiuau in rod cloak, seated on a bank by the side of a path, holding a child." 25 in. by 20 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 a ^ f^ji-*^ ?75^ p. F. POOLE, E.A., 1876. 103 THE HEATH GATHERERS 36 in. by 28 in. '"0 .vC P. F. POOLE, R.A., 1874. 104 THE MEETING OF OBERON AND TITANIA " Oberon. — 111 met by moonlight, proud Titania ! Titania. — What, jealous, Oberon? Oberon. — Tarry, rash wanton, am not I thy lord ? " Midsummer Night's Dream, Act ii. sc. 2. ^~~^ y"^ Moonlight ecene ; in the foreground are Oberon and Titania, and near / O them a number of fairies dancing on the borders of a lake, bounded by hills. 38^ in. by 59^ in. Exhibited at the JRoyal Academy, 1876 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 Mentioned in the Art Journal, November 1891 /Y^J^d-^ut-f J. B. PYNE, 1845-53. 105 WHITBY , _— 36 in. by 44 in. / o »io On MONDAY, APKIL 4, 1892. AT ONH O'OLOOK PBEOISELT. ENGLISH PICTURES. C. BAXTER. 138 The Peinokss 11| in. by 9 in. 0. BAXTER. 139 Highland Maey 18^ in. by 15^ in. %(> , /iT^O R. P. BONINGTON. 140 A Coast Sokke, with shipping in a squall 4| in. by (S\ in. 721 J. H. BRADLEY, 1874. 141 Magnolia 12 in, by 10 in. ^ <-v. v.,V 30 F. LEE BRIDELL, 1860. 142 Mayence on the Rhine / Or,^^^ 14 ,•„. by 20^ in. ^^f^ F. LEE BRIDELL. 143 The Old Castle at Southampton 17^ in. by 21 in. /l^^t^Ct ^V^ ALEX BUKR. 144 Blind Man's Buff ,'' I (^ .. 13i in. by 9^ in. yT^^"^^ A. CLINT. 145 St. Owen's Bay ^. 23 in. by 35 in. i \^ c-.^^a^''^^--*^^ 29. . A. CLINT. 13 m. by 19 m. ^'^ "L-L-^j/^ 146 Sand-hills, at Conway / ,_^ «, D. COX, 1851 147 A White Pony on the Heath y/ ^-, /, 6i m. by 10 iu. / ""^^ - T. DANBY 148 A Lake Scene in Wales F. mLLON. 149 An Interior of an Arab's House, Cairo 19^ in. by 15^ in. '1 E. DUNCAN, 1876. 150 The Windmill 13 in. by 20} in. ^7 E. DUNCAN, 1875. 151 The Mumbles Lighthouse 13| in. by 20^ in. J. FAED, 1865. 152 POSTHUMUS AND ImOGENE 36 in. by 26 in. /( W. FIELD, 1874. 158 SoNNiNG Weib " To whose harmonious bubbliug noise, I with my angle would rejoice." / /—A^^ ' • 13 J m. by 20J in. W. FIELD, 1878. 154 Henley Eegatta ' W. GALE. 165 Head of a Girl 4 in. by 5 in. 32 W. GALE. _ 156 Head of a Bot ?1^H^ Z\ in . by 4^ tn. H. GIBBS. 157 Jdnb IN Sussex /^ • ^iA^ 20 in. , by 31^ in. J. E. GKACE, 1882. 158 A KrvBB Scene /- ^ 17i in. by 13 in. W. J. GRANT. 159 The Duel t) • / J « 6 9^ in. by 11 tn. F. D. HAEDY, 1885. 160 Midday Post c;> y . 7 in. by 9| tn. F. D. HARDY, 1876. 161 The Cbibbage Players 12 in. by 15^ tn. HEY WOOD HARDY. 162 SuMMEE Time 12 tn. by 8| in. 33 HEYWOOD HARDY, 1882. 163 Crossing the Sands on Horseback /l\^4^ 11 in. by 13^ in. W. M. HAY. / / 164 Love's Yodnq Dream ' ^ 16 in. by 20 in. — oval "^ W. HEMSLEY. -Ct-Am 165 A Cold Morning 7 in. by 6^ in. /$ W. HEMSLEY. 166 Bird Catching ; and The Engraving 22 in. by 30^ in. >^<~/ /Engraved ALLAN HOOK, 1883. 167 Start Bay : the crab smack 13^ in. by 19J in. ^' ALLAN HOOK, 1884. 168 Pilchard Boats off Falmouth 9 in. by 20 in. /f/ ALLAN HOOK, 1883. 169 Salcombb Harbour 20 in. by 32 in. 7 » ^) 34 BKYAN HOOK 170 Whitesakd Bay J 27 in. by 42^ in. / ' y' « Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1885 BKYAN HOOK. 171 A Hot Afternoon 24 tn. by 36i tn. F. W. HULME, 1857. 172 On thb Kiveb Lluqwt, North Wales ^/ 23i.-».by30i.n. /^^^/^> ALEX. JOHNSTON. 173 Lucy Ashton and Kavenswood at the Fountain " The bird fluttered a few yards and dropped at the feet of Lucy, whose J V dress was stained with some spots of its blood." 19^ in. by 12^ in. /^iv^ * C. E. JOHNSON, 1875. 174 After a Shower : Highland Cattle retuxning south 28 in. by 40 in H J. JOHNSON. 176 A Lake Scene, Greece J 19^ in. by 35^ in ^-^^ ^* ^-w H J JOHNSON. 176 Bellaqgio, Lago di Como 24 tn by 34 in. .^- ■) 35 H. J JOHNSON. 177 The Shore of Lake Lugano / 8h in. by 14 in. // // 6 H. J. JOHNSON. 178 On the Lake of Okta, Piedmont Q . 14j in. by 26 in. H. J, JOHNSON. 179 Panqbodbne Look ^ 19^ in. by 30 in. 3y. /6 c t/V^-^'-'-i.'^^^— » \^U J. KNIGHT, 1832. 180 Bettws-y-ookd // y ^ 23^ in. by 17| in. W. H. KNIGHT, 1862. 181 EivALs TO Blondin " Beginnings are alike, T'is ends which Diflfer." — Bayley'e Festus. ^ ^ 18^ in. by 24 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1862 C. J. LEWIS. 182 The Church Door 5^ in. by 4f in. 12./. J. LINNELL, Sen. 183 A Wood Scene, with figures 5 in. by 5| in. (^S^-*^/'^ 13'^ d2/ 36 J. T. LINNELL, 1875. , 184 Knole Park / 16 in. by 22 in T. G. LINNELL. 185 Up the Lane, Redhill, Sisrrey %\ in. by 12 in. /j^KAf*^^ W. LINNELL, 1872, 186 Milking Time i 16 in. by 21 in. /A ^^^ J. FITZMARSHALL, 1888. 187 A Family Cieole /) 19^ in. by 25| in. ' * ^-^/^ P. NASMYTH. 188 A EoAD Scene, with figures 6 in. by 81 in. , ^.-l.u2. P. NASMYTH. 189 A Landscape, with cart ^^ (f^c^(jLi^ 5 in. by 6 in. if J. O'CONNOR. 190 The Ducal Palace, Venice ' ; . J 17i in. by \Z\ in. .' < l■■^^ 37 J. O'CONNOR. 191 Campo Santo, Pisa 17^ in. by 13^ in. J. O'CONNOR. 192 The Castle of St. Angelo, Rome ( 13 in. by 23^ in. — on panel G. B. O'NEILL. 193 First Love 15 in. by 11^ in. F. W. W. TOPHAM. 194 L'ADmo 14 in. by 19^ in. / 1) a^t . / A. VICKERS, 1863. 195 Thb Old Mill on the Wye, Derbyshire 10^ in. by 15 in. J. BRETT, A.R.A. 196 Drake's Island ^ ^ 7 in. by 14 in. J. BRETT, A.R.A., 1877. 197 The Cornish Coast 19^ in. by 35^ in. / / ;j> Exhibited at the Fine Art Exhibition Huddersjield, 1883 ^^U^^ 38 J. BRETT, A.K.A., 1881. 198 Watergate Cliffs, Cornwall |<— y / y 6^ in. by 13i in. &0^ 'A^^ F. DAN BY, A.E.A. ^ 199 Calypso \ J^^^ ^ ^j 11 J in. by 15^ i/i. -^ ** H. LE JEUNE, A.T?.A. 200 The Thoen ^ 91- in. by 12 in. ^*'^ ^^Jr. 1 E. FRERE. 201 Prater Time ■ ^ -^ 141 in. by Hi 2-«. ^^yc-^^iUi P. R. MORRIS, A.R.A. 201a A Shepherd Boy and Sheep Crossing a Bridge J. W. OAKES, A.R.A., 1877. 202 Loch Ranza Bat, Arr.an : wet and squally /; 18i in. by 24i in. ^^:LtAr^ SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A. 203 The Harvest Field j 8 in. by 12 in. W. COLLINS, R.A. 9^ in. 11^ in. r. 204 Hastings Beach ' ) / I ,>- '^y-^'P* f E. W. COOKE, R.A , 1884. 205 Scheveling Sands, Pinck coming asbore r" 61 in. by lOi in. XfU/>f\f 39 E. W. COOKE, R.A. 206 Treport, Normandy 11^ in. by 15} in. T. CRESWICK, R.A. 207 Sing Sing on the Hudson ^(^ ■ /o !" ^^ ^^ *'"* T. CRESWICK, R.A. 208 Venice 4^ in. by 5j in. /<-/ . y ^ ^■' T. CRESWICK, R.A. 209 The Meeting of the Waters T /. Engraved in Hall's Ireland T. CRESWICK, R.A. 211 Bridge over the Greta 9^ in. by 13 in. 3.' /Q^t^i 7 in. by 6 in. Ly^-y T. CRESWICK, R.A. 210 Little Falls on the Mohawk /^( <-// / ^ . t ^^ *"* ^^ ^^ *'"* /"* 1 . > .,^ ^^ ^ / W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A., 1864. 212 The Fern Gatherer 12 in. by 10 in. () / Exhibited at the Royal Academy, l^Qi > '"^ 40 A. ELMOEE, R.A., 1853. 213 The Betrothed / // dL^^ l"^ \i\ in. by 11^ «?j. ^ r W. p. FRITH, R.A. 2^4 Did You Ring, Sir ? ; and Sherry, Sir ?— ^a 'i^air ^ 2 ^ 11 in. by 9 m, J^/iU Mngraved W. P. FRITH, R.A., 188Q. -. 215 Little Dorrit's Visit to the Prison {j^M^f/^ 121 ;„. i)y 101 in. ' W. P. FRITH, R.A. 216 Fresh Flowers - / 6 in. by 41 in. ^ A<^ -A- •<'^^-« /r W. E. FROST, R.A. 6| m, by 8^ in.—mal -^ t \K^ Li.iCfX W, E. FROST, R.A. 218 Head of a Girl A\ in. by 3^ m. ^^y-^«--tX ^ ^ W. E, FROST, R.A. 219 Zephyr anp Aurora 8^ in. by C in. — oval .■" r-^ f f. /^. <. 41 F. GOODALL, E.A. 220 Hardwick Hall „ 10 in. by 12^ in. J. C. HORSLEY, R.A., 18G9. 221 Caught Napping __, 9 in. by 12i in. ^ r ' '^*^ Sketch for the large picture Q. R. LESLIE, E.A. 222 Sophia Western 16i in. by 13|^ in. J. PHILLIP, R.A. 223 The Fortune Teller 91 in. by 12 in. ( ' F. R. PICKERSGILL, R.A., 1870. 224 Washing Vegetables 29* in. by 35^ in. o '. ' p. F. POOLE, R.A., 1871. 225 Resting by the Wayside ^ / 9 in. by 6 in, , p. F. POOLE, R.A. 226 Hunting a Phantom " First sketch for the picture exhibited in 1870, illustrating the story in the Decameron of Nastagio degli Ontsti— a group of figures round a table are rising on the appearance of a pbanton lady." 10 in. by 14 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 /'h^ / 42 D. ROBERTS, E.A., 1852. 227 The Cathedral of Elgin, Morayshire ^Cj ^ j^^Q 171 in. by 231 in. (^ ^^^ J. SANT, R.A. 228 A GiBL WITH A Mask J^^W^ ^ 24 in. by 20 in. C. STANFIELD, R.A. 229 The Pic du Midi / , 6| in. by 9^ in. / "'-lyi^-^ iP\^ ^ A sketch for the large picture ' E. M. WARD, R.A. 230 The Birthday 11m. by 12 in. P^^^^lftT ^^ E. M. WARD, R.A. 231 Alice Lisle 13 tn. by 17 in. .^i-^y T. WEBSTER, R.A. 232 Tub Dame's School ^ 5 in. by 7 in. <^^ r r^^ T. WEBSTER, R.A. 233 The Christmas Pudding 81 in. by 4^ in. ■"' ^ '''' "-^-^ y (^ . iL 0. 43 F. D. HARDY, 1873. 234 WAITING 30 in. by 21 in. J. LINNELL, Sen., 1846. 235 ABRAHAM ENTERTAINING THE ANGELS /^-^^ " A group of five figures, Abriiliam represented stamling ; tin.- three angels seated at a table, beneath an overhanging tree." 11^ in. by 17:^ in. National Exhibition of Works of Art, Leeds, 1868 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1883 aL-^l^irUL. J. LINNELL, Sen., 1845 236 THE WHITE FARM: watering cows i I 12 in. by 18 in. '^ " Erom Mr Richardson's Collection J. T. LINNELL, 1873. 237 A COUNTRY ROx\D 40 in. by 50 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1873 J. SMART, R.S.A., 1872. 238 THE AULD PEAT HOBS O' DRUMVAICH, Perthsbiro 32 in. by 60 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1884 ( v 44 W. P. FRITH, R.A., 1862. 240 JULIET Romeo. — " O ! that I were a glove upon that hand, __^ That I miglit touch that cheek ! " ^ Juliet.—" Ah, me ! " 29 in. by 24^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1863 '"^ J / » J W. E. FEOST, E.A., 1852. 241 A NYMPH AND CUPID 34 in, by 28 in. — arched top ^Q Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1852 / lu^y JiU p. F. POOLE, R.A., 1869. 242 Moonlight : Lobenzo and Jessica ^-^ ^ ^ 10 in. by 14 in. -f-uJiy P. F. POOLE, R.A. 243 GIRL AND CHILD \ _-- . ^ 211m. by 171 m. / k^^Uf^O^ P. F. POOLE, R.A., 1871. 244 RESTING BY THE WAYSIDE " A girl standing by the side of a bank is holding a child who is / _^ seated on it ; moorland background." n P . .Cv 241 j„. by 20 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1874 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 P. F. POOLE, E.A., 1874. '^ 245 The Bather Alarmed 10 in. by 18 in. 45 P. F. POOLE, R.A., 1869. 246 CHILDEEN IN A LANDSCAPE 11^ in. by 9f in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 Exhibited at Leeds, 1889 p. F. POOLE, E.A., 1871. 247 THE BATHERS 47^ m. by 39 in. ' iC-i'-f FOEEIGN PICTURES. VON BOCHMANN, 1880. 248 Leaving the Homestead 11 in. by 9f in. / ^-"^ '- ^^ M. VON BREMEN. 249 The Lettbb ^„^ f 5 in. by 4 in. l{f c^- , TITO CONTL 250 A Soldier Carousing / {^v /-v 12^ in. by 10 in. ^ i G. COSENZA. 251 Three Views at Naples — in one frame 11 in. by 6| in. 46 G. COSENZA. 252 Thbee Views of Shipping at Naples — in one frame 6 1 in. by 9 in. CUEVELEY. 253 A Cafe, Cairo 9 in. by 12i in. T. E. DUVEKGER. /! 254 A Safe Shot ILf- a\^ 6i.-„.by5.-». "Ay' r E. FICHEL. ^ 255 The Pedlar \:^A^ . p, 12^ w. by 15| in. f ^^ '• E. FKERE, 1865. 256 A Snow Scene, with a crossing sweeper 10 in. by 8 in. / , .^ E. FEERE, 1874. 257 Youth and Age /" 16m.byl2itn. C.^-A', E. FRERE, 1864. 258 An Intebior, with children sewing 14 m. by 11 in. / 6 (hCM E. FRERE, 1870. 259 Washing Day /^ 15^ in. by 19 in. 47 E. FRERE, 1865. 260 The New Cap ^^ 14^ in. by 11 in. / ^-vtl/i E. FKERE, 1875. 261 A Sempstress , 18 in. by U^ in. C>i^ M. LOVATI. 262 Afteb the Wedding J'^^ , 28 in. by 20^ in. VAN MOER, 1868. 263 Venice 12 in, by 32 en, ' , MOERSENHOUT. 264 A Landscape, with peasants, horse, and dog / ^^j.^&>\ 84w. bylOiiw. / ^^'^'''^^'^'''^ G. HUNGER. 265 A Landscape with Cattle , / y\ /x 141 ^"w- by Vl\ in. O^^"^*"^-^'^^ ' G. HUNGER. 266 A Landscape 14 in. by 17^ in. A. E. PLASSAN. 267 II Penseboso 8 in. by 5^ in. s / ^>4 48 A. E. PLASSAN. 268 The Prayeb 6i in. by 4 in. . . .^ , A V-M'*^ A. E. PLASSAN. 269 A Vous y 6^ in. by 4| in. C/^ A. E. PLASSAN. 270 Le Dejeuner ^^ ^^ ^ ^ 6.-„.by8.-n. y,^,,.,^ ^ ^^ A. E. PLASSAN. 271 An Interior, with figures seated round a table ^3 7i».byl0iin. li^^Ul^ W. EOLOEFFS. 272 A Scene in Holland / /i /t . ^jtJiM^ 16^ ««. by 25 in. '■-> '.7, H. SCHLESINGEK, 1869. 273 A Lady in a White Dress and Cap .. 28 in. by 23 in. — ovoil • / 7. /3 /-^ H. SCHLESINGEK, 1866. 274 A Spanish Girl 28 in. by 23 in. I ^. 49 H. SCHREYER. 275 The Cabavan y u > ^^ *'"■ ^^ ^^^ '"■ E. SEMENOWSKI. 276 A TuRKisu Lady , 12 in. by 9i in. E. A. SMIDT. 277 The Artist's Studio 6+ in. by 5 V in. / &- ^ ^^ £'«f/ o/ Second Day's Sale. Third Day's Sale. o-^ic On TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1892, AT ONE o'clock PBECISELT. ENGRAVINGS. 278 The Loed of the Manob, after T, Brooks, hy W. H. Simmons ; and Feeding the Hobses, after J. F. Herring, by T. L. Atkinson 2 279 EiVEB SoEKES, after T. Creswick, 'R.A.— proofs 2 280 Afteb Wobk, after T. Faecl, E.A., by J. J. Ch&ut—artist'g proof 281 Ibish Peasants at a Shbine, after F. W. W. Topham — artist's proof 282 The Last Appeal ; and the Heart's Misgivings, after F. Stone ; &c. 3 283 The Mabeiage of the Pbincess Eoyal, after J. Phillip, E.A., by A. Blancbard — artisfs proof 284 The Queen's Fiest Council, after C. E. Leslie, E.A. 285 H.M. the Queen and Pbince Consobt, after A. E. Chalon — proof before letters 2 51 286 The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., after Sir J. E. Millais, E.A., by T. 0. Barlow, E. A. — artisfs ^roof, signed by painter and engraver 287 The Kt. Hon. John Bright, M.P., after ditto, by ditto— ditto 288 The Eailwat Station, after W, P. Fritb, E.A., by Holl— artistes proof, signed 289 The Derby Day, after ditto, by ditto — artist's proof, signed 290 La Gloria, after J. Phillip, E.A.,by T. 0. Barlow, 'R.A,— artist's proof 291 Conquered but not Subdued, by T. Faed, E.A,, by J. J. Chant — artist's proof 292 Harmony, after F. Dicksee, A.E.A, by C. Waltner — artist's p'oof, signed 293 Portrait of Eosa Bonheur, after E. Dubufe, by S. Cousins, E.A. — proof before letters 294 Morning in the Highlands, after Eosa Bonheur, by C. G. Lewis — artist's proof 295 The Straits of Ballachulish, after ditto, by C. Mottram — artist's proof, signed by the painter and engraver 296 Changing Pastures, after ditto, by C. G. Lewis — presentation artist's proof, with autograph of the painter 297 BouRicAiRos crossing the Pyrenees, after ditto, by ditto — artist's proof 298 Landais Peasants, after ditto, by H. T. Eyall— ar/ts^'s proof signed by the engraver 299 The Eeturn from Hawking, after Sir E. Landseer, E.A., by S. Cousins, E.A. 300 Bolton Abbey, after ditto, by ditto 301 Mr. Packe's Pony, after ditto, by T. Landseer, E.A. 302 The Allied Generals before Sebastopol; and the Eelief of Lucknow, after T. J.'Barker, by C. G. Lqwib— artist's proofs 8 52 SOS Wateeloo Banquet, after Salter, by Greatbach 304 Sheep in a Landscape, after T. S. Cooper, E.A. — coloured 305 Blue Lights, after J. M. W. Turner, E.A. — coloured lithograph 306 Figures, after F. Stone — coloured 3 PICTURES, Etc. H. J. JOHNSON. 307 The Glaucus Mountains — three drawings in one frame 308 A Eocky Landscape, with waterfall 309 A EoAD Scene 310 A View op an Italian Town 311 A Coast Scene, with vessels 312 A Lady Holding a Letter 313 A EivER Scene, with an angler H. BEOWN. 314 The First Dip PORCELAIN. 315 A Pair of Dresden Groups, of a mother and three children, and a lady and gentleman, with an infant 316 A Pair op Dresden Porcelain Baskets, on stems formed of two figures, painted and encrusted with flowers 317 A Pair op Tall Oviform Tournat Vases and Covers, painted with ornamental figures and seaports, dark-blue and gold ground, with jewelled borders 318 A Pair of Tall Oviform French Porcelain Vases, each painted with a large subject of classical figures, on yellow ground, with Gothic ornaments and handles, gilt 53 319 A pair of oviform turquoise and white vases, each painted with Watteau figures and flowers in two large medallions, in jew- elled borders, with gilt foliage in relief DECORATIVE OBJECTS. 320 A French Clock, in ebonised case, mounted with metal-gilt, and surmounted by an equestrian armed figure 321 A Clock, in case of black veined marble, surmounted by a bronze group of Mazeppa 322 A Pair of Large Bronze Figures op Alexander and Hannibal 323 An Equestrian Bronze Statuette of H.M. the Queen, by Count D'Orsay, 1844 324 A Small Bust of Garibaldi, in statuary marble 325 A Statuette of Prince Bismarck, glass shade and stand SCULPTURE. 326 The Venus Callipyges, in statuary marble 327 David, in statuary marble 328 An Iron Safe, Milner's patent FURNITURE. 329 A Tall Carved Mahogany Book-case, with glazed folding doors 380 A Mahogany Dwarf Book-o.\se, with pedestal cupboards at the ends, and open shelves in the centre, surmounted by a veined white marble slab with moulded borders 331 A Mahogany Settee, in three divisions, carved with lions' masks and other ornaments, the seats and backs covered with stamped velvet 54 332 A Writing-tabJjE, of satlnwood, with inlaid borders, mounted with or-molu, and top covered with leather 333 An TJpbight Seoeetaieb, of carved black-wood, with fall-down front, and drawers inlaid with hunting scenes, animals, and ornaments of engraved ivory Purchased at the International Exhibition, 1862 334 An Eleven-feet Billiabd Table, with slate bed, and carved mahogany legs, and cloth cover 335 Billiard Cues, marking board, rests, and balls 336 A Paie of Eed Buhl Folding Card-tables, mounted with chased metal-gilt 337 A Pair, similar BOOKS. OCTAVO ET INFKA. 338 Fullerton's Gazetteer of the World, maps and plates, 6 vol. half- hound calf 1856 339 Thomson (J.) Seasons, edited by B. Corney, woodcuts, half-hound morocco, uncut 1842 340 Wilkie (Sir D.) Life, by A. Cunningham, 3 vol. half-hound calf gilt 1813 341 Leslie (C. E.) Autobiographical Recollections, edited by T. Taylor, 2 vol. half-hound morocco extra, uncut 1860 342 Scott (Sir Walter) Waverley !Novels,^?a/eSj 48 vol. half-honnd calf gilt 1860 343 Warwick (E.) The Poet's Plesaunce, with woodcut horders, morocco extra, hy Hay day 1847 344 Bewick (T.) Life, by himself, woodcuts of Fish 1862 345 Gallery (Cabinet J of Pictures, with Notices by A . Cunningham} India proofs, 2 vol. half-hound morocco, uncut 1836 346 Boutell, Bible Dictionary — and others 847 Thorne (J.) Handbook to the Environs of London, 2 vol. 1870 348 Darwin (C.) Descent of Man, illustrations, 1887 — Bompas (G.) Life of Frank Bucklaud, 1886 — and others 55 849 Roscoc, Wanderings in South Wales, plates after D. Cox, &c. LARGE PAPER — and otliers 350 Milton, L' Allegro and II Penseroso, illustrations hy BirTtet Foster, 1855 — and one otLer 351 Burns (R.) Works with Notes, by A. Cunningham, plates, morocco — Byron (Lord), plates after Turner, &c. 1833 — Moore, Lalla "Rookh, plates, morocco, 1851 — 3 vol. 852 Imi^erial Dictionary of Biography, portraits, 3 vol. 353 Gainsborough (T.) Life, by Fulcher, 185G— Frith (W.) Auto- biography, 2 vol. 1887— Smith (G. B.) Life of W. E. Glad- stone, 2 vol. 1879:— 5 vol. 354 Joe Miller's Jests — and others 355 Meissonier, Life, by Mollett, 1882 — and others QUARTO. 356 Art Journal from 1860 to 1881, with the Catalogues of the Exhibition of 1862 and of the Paris Exhibition of 1867, plates and woodcuts, 24 vol. 1860-81 357 Roberts (David) Life, by J. Ballantine, plates, 1866— Stephens, Memorials of Mulrcady, p/?o/o(/mjj/;s, 1867: — 2 vol. 358 Meredith, My Bush Friends in Tasmania, coloured plates 1880 359 Radeu, Switzerland, illustrations, 1878 — and others 360 Doyle (R.) Bird's Eye Views of Society 1864 361 D^jvonshire, illustrated, 1832 — and others FOLIO. 362 Drawing Portrait Gallery of Eminent Personages, 6 vol. 1859-61 863 Turner Gallery, plates, after pictures hj J. M. W. Turner, half- lound morocco 1857 864 Catalogue of the Secretan Collection of Paintings and Works of Art, illustrations, 3 vol. Paris, 1889 865 Engravings from the Keepsake, 97 plates, India proofs in 2 vol. half-hound morocco 1855 56 366 Delaraotte, Photographic views of the Progress of the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, half-hound morocco 1855 367 Borget, Sketches of China, lithographic plates 1842 368 Smyth (Coke) Sketches in thcCanadas, lithographic plates 369 Prize Cartoons, plates, 1844 — and others 370 Miscellaneous Books 371 Miscellaneous Books FINIS. London: Printed by Willum Clowes and Soks, Limited, Stanford Street and Charing Cro88> / ' /o \ \ ^^^ \y ^ < *. ^■^ll^^^^^^^^9^^^^^^^^9p3|H^99^^H j:w/j ^ i' jP4 GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00956 8177 r:-^"^^ /