r SAMPLES OF HAND-MADE "Japanese Uellum From the SHIDZUOKA MILL T A T> A XT T) A "DT? T) r\ AIT) A XT ~\J JArAN rArtR CUMrANY NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA k j This is a sample of 17-5 Extra weight, 25^x37^ X z < if) •& H 3 £ o < - l- Ofl u if) 1 - 1 § u |b D J a UJ -J < U LU Q m io <0 00 iO ™ ^0 CD CO O) I s - o m ° iT) ° 10 ° m ° m O ^ r,ooooo>ino0>0>0>0>0> roto : into oj|ro foj<0 CDlOJ OJ|CO * i fOto to 2|S! o>j CO co ^ 00 CO o io o <0 c\JC\jcvjrorooooocoro o cvj oo m (O co ****** r^to ' cnto SIS fo|<0 CT>to ; -to OOOOOO^^^^l-^ojCvJCvJCvJ h 1 4s j HS 1 = 3 Is CO "I 4t 8 if) o£ i O z Q _l D to This is a sample of Number Three weight, 1 8 % x 24^ This is a sample of Number Three weight, i 8 % x 24^ Hand - -SW ade JAPANESE VELLUM from the SHIDZUOKA MILL For ^te, Offset, Lithography \ Half-tom\ Qolor and Letter Press Printing Embossing and ^Binding The beauty of the paper, combined with simple treatment, makes possible the produ&ion of the finest examples of printed matter with the equipment of the smallest shop, supplemented by such small designs and decorations as can be obtained from any type foundry. Limited space prevents a complete list or inclusive examples of the uses and processes for which this stock is available. JAPAN PAPER COMPANY NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA fc88r rafmutf alood slqmtz lol bn 98 8 3 u8 2 iT oj 8B gisluabraj v>fottft ioI This is a sample of Number Three weight, l8Vz2^^ This interleaving is Japanese Silk Tissue Number One For further particulars as to Tissues send for sample book Number 2885 This is a sample of Number Three weight, 1 8 % x 24^ Hand-Made JAPANESE VELLUM from the SHIDZUOKA MILL For etchings, Engravings, "Photogravures, Steel Plate, Offset, Lithography, Half-tone, Qolor and Letter Press Printing £mbossing and ^Binding The beauty of the paper, combined with simple treatment, makes possible the produ&ion of the finest examples of printed matter with the equipment of the smallest shop, supplemented by such small designs and decorations as can be obtained from any type foundry. Limited space prevents a complete list or inclusive examples of the uses and processes for which this stock is available. JAPAN PAPER COMPANY NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA This is a sample of Number Three weight, 18^x2^.^ T1(ICE J^IST 3 c tij > O I ^ ! G O U £2 pq S .a a g IH 2 X! Si 3 G C CM -rf CM CM C- 00 o o o O CM t>- CO CM CM CO CO "st< »0 H a o 1 — I W ooooo ►> OiOO»00 o * aassa r T -\ aJ oJ aJ aJ c3 H-J O O O O o pq u u u u [gj OOOOO |~) w (fl cfl en cfl r-^ o O C C C G C O 55 O CM ^ xo 00 CM CM CM CM CM X X X X X iO t- 00 05 CM hhhhim I ^ o O O O O O C io o >o o o c »0 t— J !>.* Ci ft lO CO O5 0C €0- H B O i — i o o o o o c o O O iO o c CM* CO* iO 00 C w g pq ^T 1 f 1 a a a a i u U U U i- C +j +_> +j C/5 C/5 C/) C/3 i O O O O Cy 43 X X X tl C«j I j.g.g.g.gji ^ \n \oi \oi \n \ 1 CM CM CM CM £ I CM CM CM CM CO CT I 00 Oi CM CO ^ 1 i — i r— i '— I CM CM C I CM CM CM CM CM C I — - . . i * i t v- jy^i vvni uiovuuih iui iivc icdiiic> dim over. This is a sample of Number Three weight, i 8 % x 2\Y$ o o 8 u S % u o o ooooooooo o o o o o o o o o O CO OC O t>-' CO CO* l> l> 00 05 t}h rH iO t> CO 09" iH t - I , »~H r— I H o o o o o o o 000*00*00 i-H -rji 00 00 1-4 O CM CM CO CO ^ y CU 4-> +-> •+-> -4_> +-> -*-» W I/! tfl tfl tf) (fl 1/1 00 Ol (M fO ^ i^OQO i— I i-H CM CM CM CM CM CM cococococococococo I I I I I I II I CM O o 00 H K O I— I > S pi as CO 3 cu P^ T CTJ cu u u o 1 L 2 3 x 35 50 10 Bp R 21x32 30 . 00 1 1 S 24x36 46.. 00 n. m T 26x38 51; po 12 '7% V 28x34 51 \ w 28^x40^ 64. 15.25 Bulks about 2^ inches to ream of 500 sheets This is a sample of Number Two weight, 18^x24^ This signature is reproduced through the courtesy of the Franklin Trust Company, of New York. This is a sample of Number Two weight, I 8 x 24^ Franklin Truft Company 46 WALL STREET 1-115 Ho. New York- .191. Pay to the order of- -T^ollars THROUGH THE NEW YORK CLEARING HOUSE Japanese Vellum shows instantly any erasure either by knife or acid without any preparation, making it an excellent safety paper for Checks , Receipts, Contracts, Deeds, Bonds, Certificates, etc. This is a sample of Number Two weight, 18^x24^ This is a sample of Number Two weight, 1 8 x 24^ A Sample a/' Hand-Made JAPANESE VELLUM From the Shidzuoka Mill in the V Ss ^umber Three height For years Japanese Vellum has been used for de-luxe books, its make up being such that it will withstand the ravages of time and last indefinitely. This quality makes it doubly valuable for use in reproducing records that must be kept for years, and that should be printed on a paper tough enough to withstand handling. This sheet is carried in stock as follows: D 17^3x22^ E 18^x24^3 F 192/3x251^ K 22x28 L 23x35 R 21x32 S 24x36 T 26x38 PRICE PER REAM 50O SHEETS PRICE PER IOO SHEE Bulks about 3^ inches to ream of 500 sheets This is a sample of Number Three weight, 18^x24^ In addition to Japanese Vellum editions, many books, less expensive in make up, carry a frontispiece or a title page printed on Japanese Vellum. The edition of The North American Indian, the title page of which is reproduced, is printed throughout on Japanese Vellum. This is a sample of Number Three weight, 18^x24 THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN BEING A SERIES OF VOLUMES PICTURING AND DESCRIBING THE INDIANS OF THE UNITED STATES AND ALASKA WRITTEN, ILLUSTRATED, AND PUBLISHED BY EDWARD S. CURTIS EDITED BY FREDERICK WEBB HODGE FOREWORD BY THEODORE ROOSEVELT FIELD RESEARCH CONDUCTED UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF J. PIERPONT MORGAN IN TWENTY VOLUMES THIS, THE FIRST VOLUME, PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SEVEN This is a sample of Number Three weight, 18*^x241/3 This is a sample of Number Three weigh t, 18^x24^ A Sample 0/^ Hand-Made JAPANESE VELLUM From the Shidzuoka Mill in the U^umber 20-4 height Expense should be considered in proportion to the returns ex- pected. Printing should be considered from the standpoint of the individual circular, in relation to the individual recipient. Each edition should be limited to the number it is possible to produce in a perfe6t and efficient manner. In dire6l by mail advertising, care must be taken to have the circular refled: the quality of the goods offered and the quality of the house making the offer. To this end no better medium can be used for printed publicity than Japanese Vellum. This sheet is carried in stock as follows: SIZE PRICE PER REAM 500 SHEETS 1 PRICE PER IOO SHEETS 2O-4 17^X22 VI Bulks about 4^ inches to ream of $00 sheets V This is a sample of Number 20-4 weight, 17^x22 This signature is reproduced through the courtesy of the Herald Press Ltd., of Montreal, Canada, and is taken from a book printed by them on Japanese Vellum for Messrs. G. A. Holland Son Company of Montreal. This is a sample of Number 20-4 weight, 17^x22 HOSE who appreciate beauty in the furnishings of their homes will find our new display most interesting. We consider it the finest we have ever made. You are cordially invited to see our exhibit of period furniture, faithful reproductions of the work of the master designers of the Middle Ages, in single pieces and complete sets. These are dupli- cates, in carving, wood and finish, of the valuable originals. Our display of Oriental Rugs — including many speci- mens of the first grade of Kirmashahs, Bokharas, Meshedas, Muskabads, Shirvans and Hamadams — will prove a source of keen enjoyment to all who appreciate things beautiful. This is a sample of Number 20-4 weight, 17^x22 This is a sample of Number 20-4 weight, 17^x22 A Sample of Hand- Made JAPANESE VELLUM From the Shidzuoka Mill in the 17-5 Regular height For zMenus, Qards and booklet Qovers Embossing and broadsides This sheet is carried in stock as follows: SIZE PRICE PER REAM 500 SHEETS PRICE PER IOO SHEETS 17-5 Regular 25^x37^ $90.00 Bulks about four inches to ream of 500 sheets This is a sample of 17-5 Regular weight, 25^x37^ The toughness of Japanese Vellum and the fine quality of the fiber make possible heavy embossing, and no loss of detail in fine embossing. This is a sample of 1 7 - 5 Regular weight, 25^x37^ § HORS D'CEUVRES VARIES ON BUFFET POTAGE BORTSCH TERRAPIN SHERRY SELLE D'AGNEAU DE PRINTEMPS POMMES WINDSOR HARICOTS VERTS ASPERGES NOUVELLES, CALIFORNIA ROTI GASTRONOME LAITUE FINES HERBES LAITUE MOUSSE AU CHAMPAGNE GATEAUX CAFE This is a sample of 17-5 Regular weight, 25^x37^ This is a sample of 17-5 Regular weight, 25^x37^ A Sample of Hand- Made JAPANESE VELLUM From the Shidzuoka Mill in the 17-5 Extra height For