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FINE ARTS Printing, Sculpture, FIrghitegture,, D&gorrtion ttf\LSEY G. IVBS, Chief \ Edited by The Department of Publicity and Promotion M. P. HANDY, Chief Chicago: W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, PUBLISHERS TO THE WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, 1893 . Entered according to Act of Congress in the year A. D. 1893, in the office of Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C., by the World s Columbian Exposition, For the exclusive use of W. B. Conkey Company, Chicago. This Catalogue presents the lists of exhibitors and exhibits as they were installed or accepted for installation, according to information filed with the editor of the Catalogue at the time of going to press. Additional entries, withdrawals, or changes in location of exhibits, will be noted in a subsequent edition. W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, PRINTERS AND BINDERS CHICAGO. DEPARTMENT FINE ARTS. (K) HALSEY C. IVES, CHIEF. CHARLES M. KURTZ, ASSISTANT CHIEF. SARA T. HALLOWELL, ASSISTANT. LOUIS J. MILLET, SUPERINTENDENT OF ARCHITECTURAL AND DECORATIVE EXHIBITS. GEORGE CORLISS, SUPERINTENDENT OF GALLERIES. 4 DEPARTMENT K.—FINE ARTS. DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS. (K) UNITED STATES SECTION. JURIES OF ACCEPTANCE. GROUP 139.—SCULPTURE. NEW YORK. Augustus St. Gaudens. Olin L. Warner. J. Q. A. Ward. John J. Boyle. Daniel C. French. PHILADELPHIA. John J. Boyle. Daniel C. French, Olin L. Warner. BOSTON. Daniel C. French. Olin L. Warner. John J. Boyle. ROME. Harriet Hosmer. Franklin Simmons. Waldo Story. Larkin G. Mead. FLORENCE. William Couper. Larkin G. Mead. Waldo Story. NATIONAL JURY AT CHICAGO. Daniel C. French, Boston. Lorado Taft, Chicago . Robert Bringhurst, St. Louis. ALTERNATES. John J. Boyle, Philadelphia. Carl Rohl Smith, Chicago , J. Gelert, Chicago. GROUP 140.—PAINTINGS IN OIL. NEW YORK. William M. Chase. Eastman Johnson. R. Swain Gifford. H. Bolton Jones. F. D. Millet. (G. W. Maynard, Alternate.) I. M. Gaugengigl. John W. Beatty. E. C. Tarbell. Charles E. Dana PHILADELPHIA. John W. Beatty, Clifford P. Grayson. Charles E. Dana. Joseph R. Woodwell, William Dalliba Dutton. Eastman Johnson. H. Bolton Jones. JURIES OF ACCEPTANCE. 5 GROUP 140.—PAINTINGS IN OIL—Continued. Thomas Allen. J. J. Enneking. I. M. Gaugengigl. BOSTON. E. C. Tarbell. F. P. Vinton. William M. Chase. R. Swain Gifford. PARIS. F. A. Bridgman. W. T. Dannat. Walter Gay. Alexander Harrison. E. L. Weeks. Walter McEwen. Gari J. Melchers. Charles Sprague Pearce. J. L. Stewart. Walter Beck. J. Frank Currier. C. C. Coleman. MUNICH. Toby Rosenthal. ROME. Elihu Vedder. Carl Marr. Orrin Peck. William Stanley Haseltine. NATIONAL JURY AT CHICAGO. J. G. Brown, New York. Gari J. Melchers, Detroit. G. W. Maynard, New York. Douglas Volk, Minneapolis. J. Francis Murphy, New York. John H. Fry, St. Louis. Thomas Hovenden, Philadelphia. Frederick W. Freer, Chicago. Thomas Allen, Boston. John H. Vanderpoel, Chicago. H. F. Farny, Cincinnati. Walter McEwen, Chicago. C. C. Coleman, Rome , Italy. GROUP 141.—PAINTINGS IN WATER COLORS. NEW YORK. Frederick Dielman. J. C. Nicoll. Charles Harry Eaton. Walter Shirlaw. Louis C. Tiffany. In other cities the Jury for Paintings in Oil also acted for Water Colors. GROUPS 139, 142 and 145.—ARCHITECTURE. NEW YORK. Richard M. Hunt. Stanford White. William B. Tuthill. Frank Miles Day. C. Howard Walker. PHILADELPHIA. Frank Miles Day. John Stewardson. Henry Pettit. W. B. Tuthill. Edmund M. Wheelwright. BOSTON. Edward C. Cabot. Edmund M. Wheelwright. C. Howard Walker. John Stewardson. W. B. Tuthill. NATIONAL JURY AT CHICAGO. C. B. Atwood, New York. W. S. Eames, St.Louis. Cass Gilbert, St. Paul. S. S. Beman, Chicago. D. Adler, Chicago. GROUP 142 .—Same Juries as for Paintings in Oil, and for Architecture. 6 DEPARTMENT K,—FINE ARTS. GROUP 143.—ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS; PRINTS. FOR ETCHINGS NEW YORK. Carleton T. Chapman. C. F. W. Mielatz. Samuel Colman. C. A. Platt. James D. Smillie. PHILADELPHIA. Hermann Faber. Max Rosenthal. Bernhard Uhle. BOSTON. W. B. Closson. S. R. Koehler. Charles A. Walker. FOR WOOD ENGRAVING. NEW YORK. Horace Baker. John P. Davis. Frank French. PHILADELPHIA. A. M. Lindsay. C. H. Reed. BOSTON. W. B. Closson. S. R. Koehler. Charles A. Walker. COMMITTEE ON A RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBIT OF AMERICAN PAINTING COMMITTEE-AT-LARGE. Charles Henry Hart, Philadelphia , Chairman. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Charles G. Loring, Boston . ADVISORY COMMITTEE. NEW YORK. John La Farge. John F. Weir. BOSTON. Hon. Martin Brimmer. Gen. Charles G. Loring, J. Templeman Coolidge. Frederick P. Vinton. J. Harvey Young. PHILADELPHIA. Charles Henry Hart. Henry Whelen, Jr. J. Granville Leach. ART PALACE. Grecian-Ionic in style, the Fine Arts Building is a pure type of the most refined classic architecture. The building is oblong, and is 500x320 feet, intersected north, south, east and west by a great nave and transept 100 feet wide and 70 feet high, at the intersec¬ tion of which is a dome 60 feet in diameter. The building is 125 feet to the top of the dome, which is surmounted by a colossal statue of the type of the famous figure of Winged Victory. The transept has a clear space through the center of 60 feet, being lighted entirely from above. On either side are galleries 20 feet wide and 24 feet above the floor. The collections of sculptures are displayed on the main floor of the nave and transept, and on the walls, both of the ground floor and of the galleries, are ample areas for display¬ ing the paintings and sculptured panels in relief. The corners made by the crossing of the nave and transept are filled with small picture galleries. Around the entire building are galleries 40 feet wide, forming a continuous promenade. Between the promenade and the naves are the smaller rooms devoted to private collections of paintings and the collec¬ tions of the various art schools. On either side of the main building, and connected with it by handsome corridors, are very large annexes. The main building is entered by foui great portals, richly ornamented with architectural sculpture and approached by broad flights of steps. The walls of the loggia of the colonnades are highly decorated with mural paintings, illustrating the history and progress of the arts. The frieze of the exterior walls and the pediments of the principal entrances are ornamented with sculptures and portraits in bas-relief of the masters of ancient art. All light is supplied through glass skylights in iron frames. The building is located in the northern portion of the park, with the south front facing the lagoon. It is separated from the lagoon by terraces ornamented with balustrades, with an immense flight of steps leading down from the main portal to the lagoon, where there is a landing for boats. The immediate neighborhood of the building is ornamented with groups of statues, replica ornaments of classic art, such as the Choragic monument, the “Cave of the Winds,” and other beautiful examples of the Grecian art. The ornamenta¬ tion also includes statues of heroic and life-size proportions. Architect, P. B. Atwood, of Chicago, Designer-in-Chief of the Exposition. KEY TO INSTALLATION. This building, which is expressly devoted to the exhibit of fine arts, painting, sculpture and statuary, is a central figure in itself, and is divided into four great courts known as the north, south, east and west courts. These lead into a massive space known as the central dome. Each space for exhibits is indicated by a number in connection with the court in which it is located. In connection with the main building are pavilions located at each corner, where exhibits will also be shown, an exterior colonnade extending from each pavilion to the north and south courts. The paintings, sculpture and groups of statuary are each indicated in regular numerical order. The location of the exhibit will be found by referring to the name of the exhibitor in the catalogue and then glancing at the diagram where the court, or gallery, containing the exhibit is shown, together with the number of the painting, etc. The exhibits in the loggias,and also on the second floor, are indicated in like manner. SOUTH •COURT- WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION PLAN OF UPPER GALLERY. CENTRAL PAVILION. -5 i *s *s *6 «8 $ ♦a *8 4| «g *s 4i ♦a ♦a it fiofits Si; 8* 2° « W a & rt F7 -a a c o 3 C/2 £ o T3 « „ 3 O T3 u a rt fl o >< « < < £ S g S5 O W Z Q > a 3 •J X! o bcD rt .3 « Ph §5 2 §3 c c C ,pH (U w >»u M S 2 ° fS ° 2 *° £ % S §8 o a £ o o WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION For the Exclusive Use of 10 CLASSIFICATION. DEPARTMENT K.—FINE ARTS. PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION. GROUP 139 - SCULPTURE. Class 820. Figures and groups in marble; casts from original works by modern artists; models and monumental decorations. Class 821. Bas-reliefs in marble or bronze. Class 822. Figures and groups in bronze. Class 823. Bronzes from cirg perdue. GROUP 140. PAINTINGS IN OIL. GROUP 141. PAINTINGS IN WATER COLORS. GROUP 142. PAINTINGS ON IVORY, ON ENAMEL, ON METAL, ON PORCELAIN OR OTHER WARES; FRESCO PAINTING ON WALLS. GROUP 143. ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS; PRINTS. GROUP 144 - CHALK, CHARCOAL, PASTEL AND OTHER DRAWINGS. GROUP 145 - ANTIQUE AND MODERN CARVINGS; ENGRAVINGS IN MEDALLIONS OR IN GEMS; CAMEOS, INTAGLIOS. GROUP 146. EXHIBITS FROM PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. (Architecture as a Fine Art is touched upon in Groups 139, 142 and 145.) i \ Department K.—Fine Arts UNITED STATES. Sculpture. GROUP 189 . Sculpture. Adams, Herbert, New York. 1. Portrait Bust of a Lady. (Marble.) 2. Primavera. (Marble.) 3. Colored Bust of St. Agnes. (Plaster.) Bachman, Max, Boston. 4. Bust of Miss O. (Plaster.) 5. Portrait Bas-relief of Mrs. Frank Shel¬ don. (Plaster.) 6 . The Son of Man. (Plaster.) 7. Portrait Bas-relief. (Plaster.) Bartlett, Paul, Paris. 8. Medallion Portrait of Rev. Dr. Skinner. (Marble.) 9. The Ghost Dance (study of the nude). (Plaster.) 10. Bohemian and Bear. (Plaster.) 11. Bust of Mrs. B. (Marble.) Baur, Theodore, New York. 12. The Secret. (Unfinished.) (Plaster.) 13. Panel of Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle, Bob Acres, and Dr. Pangloss. (Bronze.) Bissell, George E,, New York. 14. John Watts. (Bronze.) Borglum, J. Gurtzon, Chicago. 15. Indian Scouts. (Bronze.) Boyle, J. J., Philadelphia. 16. Tired Out. (Bronze.) (From Cire perdue.) Bradley, Amy A., Boston. 17. Daughter of the Pharoahs. (Plaster.) 18. Bust of a Boy. (Plaster.) Bringhurst, Robert P., St. Louis. 19. Awakening of Spring. (Terra Cotta.) 20. Faun—Fragment of a Fountain. (Plas¬ ter.) Brooks, Caroline S., New York. 21. Iolanthe. (Marble.) 22. Lady Godiva. (Marble.) 23. Lady Godiva Returning. (Marble.) 24. Vanderbilt Group. (Marble.) Brooks, Carrie. 25. Enid. (Bust of a Child.) (Plaster.) Bush-Brown, H, K., New York. 26. The Buffalo Hunt. (Plaster.) Byrnes, James A., Denver. 27. Wounded Buffalo. (Plaster.) Calder, A. Sterling, Philadelphia. 28. Cordelia. (Plaster.) 29. Boy with Ribbon. (Plaster.) Cannon, John L., New York. 30. Bas - relief of Elizabeth Cannon. (Bronze). Ciani, V. A,, New York. 31. A Cavalier. (Bronze.) Clarke, Thomas Shields, Paris. 32. The Cider Press. (Bronze.) Cohen, Catherine, Paris. 33. Bust of Henry Souther. (Plaster.) Copp, Ellen R., Chicago. 34. Relief Portrait of Harriet Monroe. (Bronze.) Cox, Charles B., Philadelphia. 35. American Buffalo. (Bronze.) Cushing, Robert, New York. 36. Bust of Cardinal McCloskey. (Bronze.) Dallin, C. E., Paris. 37. Signal of Peace. (Bronze.) 38. Portrait Bust. (Marble.) Donoghue, John, London. 39. Kypros. (Plaster.) 40. The Young Sophocles leading the Chorus of Victory after the Battle of Salamis. (Plaster.) Fjelde, Jakob. Minneapolis. 41. Bas-relief of Burt Harwood. (Plaster.) 42. Bust of Judge Nelson. (Bronze.) French, Daniel C., New York. 43. Bust of A. Bronson Alcott. (Bronze.) 44. The Angel of Death and the Sculptor. (Plaster.) Gelert, J., Chicago. 45. Bust of Abraham Lincoln. (Plaster.) 46. The Little Architect. (Plaster.) 47. Theseus. (Bronze.) 48. Struggle for Work. (Plaster.) 12 DEPARTMENT K.—FINE ARTS. Sculpture. Grafly, Charles, Philadelphia. 49. Daedalus. (Bronze.) 50. Bad Omens. (Plaster.) Griffith, J. Milo, Chicago. 51. Bust. (Plaster.) 52. Sabrina, Goddess of the Severn. (Bronze.) 53. Nubian Captive. (Plaster.) 54. Coursing during the time of Queen Elizabeth. (Bronze.) 55. Shield presented to H. R. H. the Prin¬ cess of Wales on her Silver Wedding by the inhabitants of South Wales. (Electroplate.) 56. Medallion. Study of a Female Head. (Marble.) 57. Medallion. Dawn. (Marble.) Hamond, Jane N., Boston. 58 . Lucie. (Bronze.) 59. A Medallion. (Plaster.) Hartley, J. S., New York. 60. Pan. (Bronze.) 61. Bust of Wm. C. Church. (Bronze.) 62. John Gilbert as Sir Peter Teazle. (Bronze.) Hyatt, H. R., Boston. 63. Head of Laughing Girl. (Plaster.) Kemeys, Edward, Chicago. 64. Old Ephraim. (Bronze.) 65 . After the Feast. (Bronze.) 66. American Bay Lynx. (Bronze.) 67. American Panther and Her Cubs. (Bronze.) 68. Grappling His Game. (Bronze.) 69. Fighting Panther and Deer. (Bronze.) 70. Texan Bull and Jaguars. (Bronze.) 71. The Still Hunt. (Bronze.) 72. Battle of the Bulls. (Bronze.) 73. American Black Bear. (Bronze.) 74. Jaguar and Boa-constrictor. (Bronze.) Kitson, Henry A., Boston. 75. Music of the Sea. (Bronze.) 76. Portrait Bust. (Marble.) 77. Christ Crucified. (Plaster.) Lindstrom, August, Chicago. 78. Bust of John Ericsson. (Plaster.) Martiny, Phillip, New York. 79. Portrait Bust of a Child. (Plaster.) Mead, Larkin G., Florence. 80. The Return of Proserpine from the Realms of Pluto. (Plaster.) On pediment of Agricultural Building. Mills, J. Harrison, New York. 81. Portrait Medallion. (Plaster.) Murray, Samuel, Philadelphia. 82. Study of a Child. (Bronze.) 83. Walt Whitman. (Bronze.) Niehaus, C. H., New York. 84. Historical Door of Trinity Church. (Plaster.) 85 . Athlete. (Plaster.) O’Donovan, W. R., New York. 86 . Bust of Thomas Eakins. (Bronze.) 87. Bust of R. S. Gifford. (Bronze.) Partridge, William Ordway, Boston. 88. Portrait Bust of a Lady. (Marble.) 89. Bust of J. R. Lowell. (Plaster.) 90. Shakespeare. (Plaster.) 91. Nearing Home. (Marble.) 92. Madonna. (Plaster.) 93. Head of Christ. (Marble.) 94. Milton. (Bronze.) 95. Night. Marble.) 96. A Dream. (Marble.) Peterson, George D., Chicago. 97. Tiger at Bay. (Plaster.) Potter, Bessie O., Chicago. 98. Prof. David Swing. (Plaster.) Prescott, Katherine, Boston. 99. Medallion. Joy to the New Year, Peace to the Old. (Plaster ) 100. Medallion. Bas-relief of RalphWaldo Emerson. (Plaster.) Rogers, John, New York. 101. Rip Van Winkle. (Bronze.) 102. Wounded Scout. (Bronze.) 103. Going for the Cows. (Bronze.) 104. Taking the Oath. (Bronze.) 105. Uncle Ned’s School. (Bronze.) 106. Going to the Parson. (Bronze.) 107. One More Shot. (Bronze.) 108. Rip Van Winkle in the Mountains. (Bronze.) 109. Council of War. (Bronze.) no. Abraham Lincoln. (Plaster.) Rohl-Smith, Carl, Chicago, in. Mato Wanartaka (Kicking Bear), Chief of the Sioux. (Plaster.) 112. Bust of Henry Watterson. (Bronze.) Ruggles, Theo Alice, Boston. 113. A New England Fisherman. (Plaster.) 114. Portrait bust (Italian child). (Bronze.) 115. Young Orpheus. (Plaster.) 116. On the Banks of the Oise. (Bronze.) Tilden, Douglas, Paris. 117. Young Acrobat. (Bronze.) 118. Baseball Player. (Plaster.) 119. Tired Boxer. (Plaster.) 120. Indian Bear Hunt. (Bronze.) Triebel, Frederick E., Florence. 121. Medallion of Savonarola. (Plaster.) 122. Medallion of Donatello. (Plaster.) 123. Mysterious Music. (Bronze.) 124. Love Knows no Caste/ (Marble.) 125. Bust of Gen. John A. Logan. (Marble.) 126. The First Fish. (Marble.) 127. Bust of Rev. Edwin B. Russell. (Marble.) Turner, William G., Florence. 128. A Dream. (Marble.) 129. Fisherman’s Daughter. (Marble.) 130. The Herald of Peace. (Bronze.) UNITED STATES. 13 Sculpture, Paintings in Oil. 131. Rhoda. (Marble.) Varney, Luella, Rome. 132. Mark Twain. (Bronze.) 133. Portrait of a Lady. (Marble., Volk, Leonard W., Chicago. 134. Bust of Colonel Hascall, U. S. A. (Marble.) 135. Bust of a Lady. (Marble.) Warner, Olin L., New York. 136. Diana. (Plaster.) 137. Medallion of Joseph, Chief of the Nez Perces Indians. (Bronze.) 138. Medallion of Columbia River In¬ dians. (Bronze.) 139. Portrait of J. Alden Weir. (Bronze.) 140. Portrait of a Baby. (Bronze.) 141. Bust of Mozart. (Plaster.) 142. Model for a Caryatid. (Plaster.) Wesselhceft, F. G., Boston. 143. Titania and Bottom. (Plaster.) 144. African Head. (Plaster.) White, Alfred, Paris. 145. Portrait of Monsieur M. (Plaster.! Whitney, Anna, Boston. 146. Roma. (Plaster.) Wuertz, Emil H., Chicago. 147. Murmur of the Sea. (Plaster.) Zearing, H. H., Chicago. 148. Bas-relief of Abraham Lincoln. (Bronze.) GROUP 140 . Paintings in Oil. Albright, A. E., Chicago. 149. Morning-glories. Alexander, Henry, New York. 150. Chinese Interior. Allen, Thomas, Boston. 151. Moonrise. 152. Thoroughbreds. (Owned by Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass.) 153. Under the Willows. 154. Coming Through the Wood. Allen, W. S., New York. 155. Evening at the Lake. Amsden, William T., New York. 156. Spanish Meadows. Anderson, David J., Woodridge, N. J. 157. Landscape. Armstrong, Maitland, New York. 158. ‘White House,” Pont Aven, Brittany. Baer, William J., New York. 159. Day Dream. Baird, W. D., Paris. 160. Waiting Their Turn. Baker, Ellen Kendall, Puteaux, France. 161. Sans Souci. Baker, Mary K., Boston 162. Chrysanthemums. Baker, William Bliss (deceased). 163. Silence. Lent by Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Barnard, E. H., Boston. 164. Midday. 165. Portrait of E. H. B. Bates, Dewey, Cookham Dene, Berk¬ shire, England. 166. Spring. (Owned by Mrs. A. C. C. Bere, London.) Beaux, Cecilia, Philadelphia. 167. Last Days of Infancy. 168. Portrait of a Boy. Beck, Carol H., Philadelphia. 169. Portrait of Governor Pattison. (Owned by Hon. R. E. Pattison, Harrisburg, Pa.) 170. Portrait. Beckwith, Carroll, New York. 171. Mr. Isaacson. 172. Portrait of Miss E. A. H. Lent by Miss Hall, New York. Bell, E. A., New York. 173. Portrait. Study of a Lady in Gray. Benedict, Enella, Lake Forest, Ill. 174. Brittany Children. Benson, Frank W., Salem, Mass. 175. Figure in White. 176. Portrait in White. 177. Girl with a Red Shawl. (Owned by Mrs. David Kimball, Boston.) Bicknell, Frank A., Paris. 178. An Old Apple Orchard. 179. Along the River Oise. Bigelow, D. F., Chicago. 180. Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks. Bisbing, Henry S., Paris. 181. On the River Shore. 182. Afternoon in the Meadow. 183. Lapsing Waves on Quiet Shore. Blackman, Walter, London. 184. A Capri Belle. Blakelock, R. A. 185. Moonlight. Lent by W. M. Laffan, New York. 186. Cloverdale. Lent by Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Blashfield, Edwin H., New York. 187. The Angel with the Flaming Sword. 188. Christmas Bells. 189. Portrait. Blenner, Carle J., New York. 190. Contentment. 191. Portrait of El Senor Don Roderigo de Saavedra. (Owned by Roderigo de Saavedra, Jr., Royal Spanish Lega¬ tion, Washington.) 14 DEPARTMENT K.—FINE ARTS. Paintings in Oil. Bogert, George H., New York. 192. Morning. 193. Moonlight. Boggs, Frank M., Paris. 194. Fishing Boats Going Out, Isigny, France. (Owned by James H. Dole, Chicago.) 195. Brooklyn Bridge. Boston, Joseph H., Brooklyn. 196. Gladys. A Portrait. Boughton,George H. Care of Messrs. Dunthorne, London. 197. An English Spring Day. Boutwood, Charles E., Chicago. 198. Portrait of Hon. C. B. Farwell. (Owned by Mrs. Dudley Winston, Chicago.) Boyden, Dwight Frederic, Paris. 199. The Pines of Mauve. Bregler, Charles, Philadelphia. 200. Portrait of a Woman. (Owned by Mrs. Wm. Bregler, Philadelphia.) Bridgman, F. A., Paris. 201. Passage of the Red Sea. 202. Women at the Mosque, Algiers. 203. In a Village at El Biar, Algiers. 204. Day Dreams. Bristol, J. B., New York. 205. Mount Chocorua, N. H. Brooks, A. F., Chicago 206. The Primrose Way. Brouwer, T. A., Jr., East Hampton, L. I. 207. Musk Melons. Brown, J. Appleton, New York. 208. Springtime. Brown, J. G., New York. 209. A Card Trick. 210. The Stump Speech. 211. Training the Dog. 212. Pull for The Shore. Lent by Isidore Strauss, New York. 213. Homeward Bound. Lent by W. T. Evans, New York. 214. At the Old Cottage. Lent by Gilbert Gaul, New York. 215. When we Were Girls. Lent by E. Asiel, New York. Brown, Matilda, New York. 216. An Unwilling Model. Brown, Walter Francis, Venice. 217. Roscona, Sunrise. Browne, Charles Francis, Chicago 218. Old Poplar Trees. 219. Sand Dunes of Drummadoon, Arran. 220. Back from the Beach, Cape Ann. 221. On the Oise, France. Brush, George de Forest, New York. 222. Mother and Child. Lent by J. M. Sears, Boston. 223. The Indian and the Lily. Lent by C. D. Miller, Jersey City. 224. The Head Dress. Lent by H. H. Fay, Boston. 225. The Sculptor and the King. Bryant, Wallace, Boston. 226. Noon. Bunker, Caroline, Boston. 227. Study of Snowballs. (Owned by Mrs. F. D. Cross, Providence.) 228. Wheat Stacks, Afternoon Sunshine. 229. Goosefield. Bush-Brown, Mrs. M. Lesley, New- burg, N. Y. 230. Fragment of Mural Decoration for Music Room. Butler, George B. 231. Girl with Tambourine. Lent by W. C. Brownell, New York. Butler, Herbert, Chicago. 232. Hard Times. Butler, Howard Russell, New York. 233. Seaweed Gatherers, Finistere, France. 234. Church of Guadalupe,Aguas Calientes, Mex. 235. Marine. Buttles, Mary, New York. 236. Julie. 237. Peasant Woman of Alsace. Cady, Henry N., Philadelphia. 238. Sunset at Narragansett Pier. Cain, Neville, Louisville. 239. The Satyr and the Traveler. Caliga, I. H., Boston. 240. Portrait. (Owned by Robert F.Herrick, Brookline, Mass.) Cameron, Edgar S., Chicago. 241. In the Studio. Candidus, Harry W. T., Munich. 242. Landscape. Carl, Kate A., Paris. 243. Head of a Man. Cauldwell, Leslie, Paris. 244. A Sun Bath. 245. A Breton Garden. 246. A Daughter of Eve. Chapman, Carlton T., New York. 247. Five O’clock at St. Ives, England. 248. On Cape Ann. Lent by Mrs. John Hutton, New York. Chase, Harry. 249. At Anchor off Scheveningen. (Owned by Mrs. Harry Chase, St. Louis.) 250. The Battery Park. (Owned by Mrs. Harry Chase, St. Louis.) UNITED STATES. 15 Paintings in Oil. Chase, William M., New York. 251. Lady in Pink. 252. Portrait of Miss L. 253. Alice. A Portrait. 254. Meditation. A Portrait. 255. Portrait of Mrs E. Lent by Mrs. E. 256. Lilliputian Boats in the Park. Lent by R. L. Knoedler, New York. Church, F. S., New York. 257. Knowledge is Power. (Owned by C. L. Freer, Detroit.) 258. The Viking’s Daughter. Lent by John Gellatly, New York. Churchill, W. W., Boston. 259. Portrait. Clark, Rose, Buffalo. 260. Mother and Child. Clark, Walter, New York. 261. Spring. Clarke, Thomas Shields, Pittsburg. 262. A Fool’s Fool. (Owned by Pennsyl¬ vania Academy of Fine Arts.) 263. Night Market, Morocco. 264. A Gondola Girl. 265. Portrait of Madame d’E. Clawson, John W., Paris. 266. Santa Maria della Salute, Venice. Clements, Gabrielle D., Philadelphia. 267. Andarina. Clinedinst, B. W., New York. 268. The Water Colorist. 269. Monsieur’s Mail. Cobb,Arthur Murray,Giverny,France. 270. First Snow. Cochrane, J. G., Boston. .271. Old Stone Stairway,Pont Aven,France. Coffin, Elizabeth R., Brooklyn. 272. Hanging the Net. Coffin, Esther L., New York. .273. Grapes. Coffin, William A., New York. 274. A Pennsylvania Farm After a Thunder Shower. 275. Moonlight in Harvest. 276. Twilight. (Owned by John B. Ladd, Brooklyn.) 277. Early Morning. (Owned by W. Sew¬ ard Webb, New York.) 278. Evening. (Owned by J. W. Licht- nauer, New York.) 279. September Breeze. (Owned by W. Seward Webb, New York.) Cohen, George W., New York.) 280. A Tale of the Sea. Collins, Alfred Q., New York. 281. Portrait of Mr. Joe Evans. (Owned by Mr. Joe Evans, New York.) Colman, Samuel, Newport. 282. Mexican Hacienda. 283. Mt. Tacoma from Puget Sound. 284. The Inner Gorge of the Grand Canon of the Colorado. Coman, Mrs.Charlotte B., New York. 285. The Road to Town. 286. A Stony Brook. Conant, Lucy S., Boston. 287. The Orchid Meadow. Connah, Douglas John, New York. 288. Douglas John Connah. (Owned by Mrs. John Connah.) Cooper, Colin C., Philadelphia. 289. Portrait of a Lady. 290. Portrait. (Owned by Gen. St. Clair A. Mulholland, Philadelphia.) Corner, Thomas A., Baltimore. 291. Mother and Child. 292. Industry. Corwin, Charles O., Chicago. 293. Edge of the Clearing. Couse, Eanger I., Paris. 294. My First Born. 295. Milking Time. Cox, Kenyon, New York. 296. Painting and Poetry. 297. An Eclogue. 298. Diana. 299. The Pursuit of the Ideal. 300. Music. (Owned by F. N. Finney, Mil¬ waukee.) 301. Echo. 302. May. 303. Portrait of L. H. K. (Owned by Mrs. Kenyon Cox.) 304. A Solo. 305. Portrait of St. Gaudens. Lent by Augustus St. Gaudens, New York. 306. Flying Shadows. Lent by Stanford White, New York. Cox, Louise (Louise H. King), New York. 307. A Rondel. 308. The Lotos Eaters. Craig, Thomas B., New York. 309. Upland Pasture (Morning). Cranch, Mrs. C. A., Boston. 310. Portrait of Mrs. E. D. Cranch. (Owned by Mrs. E. D. Cranch, Cambridge.) Crane, Bruce. 311. The Harvest Field. Lent by Andrew Carnegie. Cunningham, J. Wilton, Paris. 312. Caught in the Briars. 313. For my Rabbits. 16 DEPARTMENT K.—FINE ARTS. Paintings in Oil. Curran, Charles C., New York. 314. Winter Morning in a Barnyard. (Owned by Mr. George I. Tyson, New York.) 315. Salle de la Venus de Milo. (Owned by H. T. Shriver, New York.) 316. Sealing the Letter. (Owned by Mr. Henderson, Minneapolis.) 317. The Iris Bed. (Owned by Wm. S. Hollingsworth, New York.) 318. Early Morning in June. (Owned by Samuel T. Shaw.) 319. Winter Fog. 320. A Cabbage Garden. (Owned by Mrs. J. A. Hewlett, Brooklyn.) 321. Under the Awning. 322. A Dream. 323. A Breezy Day. Lent by Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 324. A Corner in a Barnyard. Lent by Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Dannat, Wm. T., Paris. 325. Spanish Women. Davis, Charles H., Mystic, Conn. 326. Abandoned. 327. Summer Morning. 328. April. 329. On the New England Coast. 330. The Valley. 331. A Winter Evening. (Owned by Thomas E. Waggaman, Washing¬ ton.) Day, Francis, New York. 332. A Table d’Hote. Dean, Walter L., Boston. 333. The Open Sea. 334. Peace. 335. The Seiner’s Return. Dearth, Henry J., East Hampton, L.I. 336. A Long Island Garden. 337. Autumn. (Owned by George G. Till- otson.) De Camp, Joseph, Boston. 338 . Carnation and Black. De Crano, F. F., Philadelphia. 339. Mentone, France. De Forest, Lockwood, New York. 340. Moonrise Among the Ruins of Pal¬ myra. De Haas, M. F. H., New York. 341. New England Coast. Delachaux, Leon, Paris. 342. The Miller’s Son. 343. The Mill in the Meadows. Dellenbaugh, Frederick S.,NewYork. 344. On the Moquis Cliffs, Arizona. Deming, E. W., New York. 345. A Mourning Brave. Denman, Herbert, New York. 346. The Trio. Dessar, Louis P., Paris. 347. The Fishermen’s Departure. 348. Evening. (Owned by Meyer Jonasson, New York.) 349. Study—French Peasant Girl’s Head. (Owned by Meyer Jonasson, New York.) Dewey, Charles Melville, New York. 350. The Prelude of Night. 351. Return of the Hay Boats. Lent by W. T. Evans, New York. 352. Shadows of the Evening Hour. Lent by W. T. Evans, New York. 353. The Hush of Day. Dewing, T. W., New York. 354. Summer Twilight. (Owned by C. L. Freer, Detroit.) 355. A Musician. (Owned by C. L. Freer, Detroit.) 356. Lady in Blue. (Owned by C. L. Freer, Detroit.) 357. A Portrait. ) Lent by Stanford White, 358. A Portrait. ) New York. 359. Portrait of W. M. Chase. Lent by W. M. Chase, New York. 360. The Days. (Lent by Miss A. W. Che¬ ney and Miss Louise Cheney, South Manchester, Conn.) Didier, Ida Joy, Allegheny, Pa. 361. Portrait. Dielman, Frederick, New York. 362. A New York Arab. Lent by William Semple, Louis¬ ville. Dillon, Julia, New York. 363. Peonies. Dodson, Sarah P. Ball, Brighton, England. 364. Saint Thekla. 365. Honey of the Hymettus. Dohn, Pauline A., Chicago. 366. What the Stork Brought. Donoho, G., Ruger, New York. 367. La Marcellerie. 368. Explorers. (Owned by J. Hull Brown¬ ing.) Dow, Arthur W., Ipswich, Mass. 369. Marsh Islands. Dube, Mrs. Mattie, New York. 370. Pumpkins and Onions. Du Mond, Frank Vincent, New York. 371. Monastic Life. 372. Holy Family. 373. Christ and the Fishermen. Du Mond, Fred Melville, Paris. 374. A Legend of the Desert. Dunsmore, John Ward, Detroit. 375. Mozart. UNITED STATES. 17 Paintings in Oil. Duvall, Fannie E., Los Angeles, Cal. 376. Chrysanthemum Garden in California. 377. Study of Onions. Duveneck, Frank, Cincinnati. 378. Portrait of William Adams. Dvorak, Frant, Chicago. 379. Mother’s Pleasure. Eakins, Thomas, Philadelphia. 380. Mending the Net. 381. Portrait of Prof. George S. Barker. (Owned by Prof. George. S. Barker, Philadelphia.) 382. The Writing Master. 383. Portrait of a Lady. (Owned by Miss A. B. Van Buren, Detroit.) 384. The Sculptor. (Owned by William R. O’Donovan, New York.) 385. Portrait of Dr. Agnew. (Owned by University of Pennsylvania.) 386. The Crucifixion. 387. Cowboys at Home Ranch. 388. Portrait of William D. Marks. (Owned by William D. Marks, Philadelphia.) 389. Portrait of Dr. Gross. (Owned by Jefferson Medical College, Philadel¬ phia.) Eakins, Mrs. Thomas, Philadelphia. 390. Reflection. (Owned by W. H. Mac- dowell, Philadelphia.) Eaton, C. Harry. 391. Landscape. (Owned by Henry A. Rust, Chicago.) 392. Normandy Landscape. Lent by W. T. Evans, New York. 393. Autumnal. Lent by J. D. Grant, San Fran¬ cisco. Eaton, Charles Warren, New York. 394. Woods in Winter. 395. October. 396. Moonrise. 397. On the Maine Coast. Elwell, D. Jerome, Boston. 398 . Moonrise at Domberg, Zeeland, Hol¬ land. (Owned by St. Botolph Club, Boston.) 399. Bruges, Belgium. 400. The Moorlands, Cape Ann. 401. Country of Calmpthout, Belgium. Emmet, Lydia Field, New York. 402. The Mere. 403. Noonday. (Owned by Miss A. B. Phelps, Wilkes Barre, Pa.) Enneking, John J., Boston. 404. Salting Sheep. 405. October Twilight. 406. Autumn Afternoon, 407. South Duxbury Clam Digger. 408. November. K-2 Ertz, Edward, Paris. 409. Potato Gatherer. Evans, E., Lehi, Utah. 410. Harvest. (Owned by J. Rachmiel, Paris.) Evans, Mrs. M. E., Godfrey, Ill. 411. September Lane. Evans, Joe, New York. 412. The Plainfield Road. 413. The Red Gate. Fairchild, Lucia, Boston. 414. Portrait of a Boy with a Hat. (Owned by Mrs. C. Fairchild.) Faxon, Wm. Bailey, New York. 415. Lady in Profile. 416. Maia. Fisher, Mark, Stockbridge, England. 417. A Hampshire Dairy. (Owned by Mi McCulloch, London.) 418. Cattle Crossing a Stream. 419. Summer Afternoon. 420. A Small Holding. 421. Timber Wagon, Normandy. 422. Moonrise. 423. Teste Valley Meadows. 424. Sorting the Flock. 425. Orchard, Normandy. 426. Evening. 427. Cows in Orchard (Winter). Fitz, B. R. 428. The Reflection. Lent by W. T. Evans, New York. Flagg, Charles N., Hartford. 429. Mark Twain. (Owned by Samut L. Clemens, Hartford.) Forsyth, W., Indianapolis. 430. Edge of the Woods. 431. In the Garden. (Owned by Carl H. Lieber, Indianapolis.) 432. Landscape. (Owned by L. Weisen- berger.) Foss, Harriet Campbell, New York. 433. A Flower Maker. Foster, Ben, New York. 434. First Days of Spring. (Owned by James T. Pettus, New York.) 435. The Returning Flock. 436. A Maine Hillside. (Owned by James T. Pettus, New York.) 437. In Fontainebleau Forest. (Owned by J. F. Drummond, New York.) Fowler, Frank, New York. 438. Portrait. (Owned by Dr. Neftel, New York.) 439. Portrait of Walter Shirlaw. (Owned by Walter Shirlaw, New York.) 440. Portrait. Girl in Black. 441. Portrait. (Owned by H. W. Goodrich, New York.) 18 DEPARTMENT K.—FINE ARTS. Paintings in Oil. 442. Portrait. Lady in White. (Owned by Mrs. Wm. A. Fowler, Brooklyn.) 443. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf. (1) 444. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf. (2) 445. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf. ( 3 ) 446. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf. ( 4 ) 447. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf. ( 5 ) 448. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf. (6) 449. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf. ( 7 ) 45a Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf. (8) Fowler, Mary B. O., New York. 451. Marie. Fraser, John A., New York. 452. An English Spring Morning. Freer, Frederick W., Chicago. 453. Portrait of a Lady in Black. (Owned by the Boston Art Club.) 454. Portrait. (Owned by Henry C. Champ- lin, Chicago.) 455. Gold Fish. (Owned by James C. Brooks, Chicago.) Fry, John H., St. Louis. 456. Labor. Frye, Miss Gertrude, Philadelphia. 457. Portrait of G. E. (Owned by F. Evans, Philadelphia.) Gardner, Elizabeth, Paris. 458. Soap Bubbles. (Owned by Arthur Booth, London.) 459. At the Water’s Edge. Lent by W. H. Tailer, Dobb’s Ferry, N. Y. Gaugengigl, I. M., Boston. 460. The Rehearsal. 461. The Manuscript. (Owned by Wm. A. Slater, Norwich, Conn.) 462. The Hat. (Owned by Wm. F. Weld, Boston.) 463 . The Love Song. (Owned by Tavern Club, Boston.) Gaul, Gilbert, New York. 464. Charging the Battery. Lent by W. T. Evans, New York. 465 . Silenced. Lent by W. M. Chase, New York. Gay, Edward, Mt, Vernon, N. Y. 466. Mother Earth! Gay, Walter, Paris ? 467. Charity. ft l / . ‘ , '\,ft ■ : / :,s ) - ft ' ."ft ft' ' ft ./.ft" ' ' - ' ft. ft. \ft/ v- - A ’■(; '&■ ... a;. ■ - —. ~ .ft — \ <_ \ ?*•? v ■■ft - : ft| fft ■ ft ■ ft ■ - 7 ft % ■ if !■ ■ . ft > 7 : - i * ' " ' - , tf 7 r ' 1 ft / ^ ft ft / ,ft , ■', ) > ft \ ft A . . ft ft. 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