OA-TA-X^OO-XJE OF THE VERY CHOICE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS ©f tbe Earl\> Engltsb School, FORMED BY A WELL-KNOWN AMATEUR, Comprising unique Specimens of the Engraved Work of R. Cosway, R,A,, and J. Bownman, A.R.A., and Examples, mostly in Colours and in the very Finest States, after Reynolds, Romney, Hoppner, Gainsborough, Ward, A, Kaufiman, Cipriani, &c. &c., by Bartolozzi and other of the best-known Engravers of his School; WHICH Mill tie Solti hg Suction bo AT TISEJR ©REAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, MAY 10, 1897, And Two Following: Days, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May bo viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods* Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. IF. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 0 I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Chiustie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sal© shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, CATALOGrU E. o+- First Day’s Sale. - +<$€ — On MONDAY, MAY 10, 1397, A.T ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. N.B.— The Prints are all in fine condition, and are mostly proofs with full margins; a number of them are framed to suit the subjects. FANCY SUBJECTS. I The Freeing of Amoret, after J. Opie, R.A., by F. Bartolozzi, / , R.A. 2 The Duchess of C. giving her Daughter to Count Belmire, after J. F. Rigaud, R.A., by G-. Testolin 3 The Death of Arcite, after W. Hamilton, R.A., by F. Bartolozzi, Jr- R.A.— open letter proof 4 Henry and Emma, after J. Opie, R.A., by F. Bartolozzi, R.A.— open letter proof 5 Lucy of Leinster, after H. Bunbury, by ditto— open letter pwof 6 Lodona, after Maria Cosway, by ditto & 7 Lady Ann Bothwell’s Lament, after H. Bunbury. by F. Barto¬ lozzi— proof before letters jS Adelaide first seen in the Gardens of Bagnieres, after ditto, by *> \ difcto V,9 Love and Honour, after ditto, by ditto— proof before letters , 0 10 Fair Rosamond, after ditto, by ditto— proof before let tors B 2 4 J, S', 0 11 12 13 c Childhood, after P. Hoare, by T. Gaugai n—proof before letters Youth, after J. Northcote, R. A., by ditto-proof before letters Jemmy’s Farewell, after J. H. Benwell, by F. Bart^zzi-|r^ ^ before letters c The Comical Concert; and The Lute Player, after Watteau, by Pu Bose; Beauty and the Beast, alter H. Bunbury The Broken Pitcher, after J. Hoppner, K.A., etched by him|^^^^ 7/* Z, 0 16 y »/0,0 17 Z , 0~ra 18 /f- 19 20 /21 /„ /a. o y (22 and aquatinted by F. Jukes The Goldfinch, after' F. Wheatley, E.A., by F. Bartolozzi G Jenny (Auld Robin Gray), after H. Bunbury, by F. Ba ^g— v ^ proof before letters , in red S/f 1 *-' Charlotte (‘Sorrows of Werther’), after ditto, Witto y^roof before letters, in red The Gleaners, after ditto, by W. Dickinson A Sketch taken at Portsmouth, after W. H. Bunbury, by J. R Smith —proof before letters Tancred and Clorinda, after A. Kauffman, R.A., by J. Ogborn© —proof before letters Magdalen, after Correggio, by F. Bartolozzi —open letter proof ; Innocence Taking Refuge in the Arms of Justice, after Mdme. Le Brun, by ditto —proof before letters 2 2"Sy 'V 23 24 l A 070 25 //,. 0 * & 26 Perseverance, after A. Kauffman, by W. W. Ryland^i^o/owr*^^^^^ Griselda, after ditto, by F. Bartolozzi —in colours ^ ^ Eloisa, after ditto, by W. W. Byland —ditto Abelard and Eloisa Surprised, by Fulburd ; The Parting of Abelard and Eloisa, after ditto, byr^^orodom^rocgjr* Z/,/S, 0 27 Death of Eloisa, after ditto, by T. Burke; The Meeting of Abelard and Eloisa in the Elysian Fields, after G. B. Cipriani, by F. Bartolozzi— in colours S C - - 2 5 AC O 28 .A.. /O 29 /?/* 30 ;Z- , ^ 31 /0,v 32 /O/ 33 * t ° 34 ■ O • * 35 /52 * O , ^53 f,/f 54 .6 55 56 6* / 70 f, & 71 Conjugal Love, after G. B. Cipriani, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proof; The Infant Lounger (Master Henry Burbage), after S. Harding, by ditto— open letter proof; and The Liberal Fair, after A. Kauffman, by ditto—in red bd The Languishing Fair, after Susanna Jones, by Tomkins— in, colours Jenny, after J. H. Ben well, by F. Bartolozzi— in colours on satin Lady with a dog, after ditto, by ditto— in colours on satin The Beggar Girl, after J. H. Benwell, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters; Sleeping Dogs, after Hon. Mrs. Darner, by P Cary 2 ^ The Miniature Picture, after Grassi, by W. Nutter Tom and his Pigeons, after J. Russell, R.A., by C. Knight; Tom . and his Rabbits, after ditto, by ditto— in colours Nice Supper; and New Shoes, after Lady Spencer, by M. Bovi; Just Breech’d; and First Bite, after T. Stothard, by W. Nutter 0 72 '0,0 73 France, after C. Ansell, by W. Nutter; Russia^after ditto^, by ditto 74 zn '/, P 75 0 76 '£/' 77 / 7 '*/. 7 A Court Beauty, by and after J. K. Sherwin— proof before letters-, The Staffordshire Girl, after S. Harding, by W. N. Gardiner; and The Young Moralist, after G. Romney 3 Zoraida, after A. Kauffman, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters ; The Grecian Daughter, by ditto— proof, in red Music, after ditto, by H. Sintzenich ; Mahlerei (Painting), after ditto, by ditto— both in colours Phyllis, after C. Dolci, by ditto— in colours The Paphian Bow r er, after J. Martin, by G. B. Phillips; Th Departure of Abraham ; and another, after F. Zuccarelli 3 Imogen’s Chamber, after W. Martin, by F. Bartolozzi— pffof / before letters 2 78 9 The Slight Resistance —proof before letters 8 /2, /~ f 80 The Dance, after H. Bunbury, by F. Bartolozzi —in colours 81 <*T £. 82 /£,/£ , 0*1 f , /f- 6 84 The Sensitive Plant, after R. Westall, R.A., by Agar —in colours’, Boys playing with a Lamb, after S. da E^saro, by Bartolozzi — proof , in red 2 The Moralist, after J. R. Smith, by W. Nutter-^in colours / yjL Town, after H. Singleton, by Cheesman; Country, after ditto, by ditto— both in colours 2 £7. /. ^ A Country Girl Shelling Peas, after W. R. Bigg, R.A., by P. W. Tomkins; A Village Girl Gathering Nuts, after ditto, by ditto— both in brown A-" ^ ' 2 85 The Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, after ' /& , & 86 Afr /0 , 0 87 7r, 6 , Z ' 88 2y. t'-T'a 89 0~T0 90 £ r, OyT? 91 tZ'&f /, 0 92 /£ * ^ ^ 93 £ £ * O 94 ^ ^ 96 F. Wheatley, R.A., and R. Westall, R.A., by F, Bartolpzzi— engraver's proofs , before all letters 4 The Haymakers (June), after W. Hamilton, R.A., by F. Barto¬ lozzi— proof before all letters Domestic Happiness, after J. G. Huck, by T. Ryder— in brown Domestic Felicity, after C. Monnet, by V. M. Pieot— proof before letters , in red M. Pjeot— proof before The Seasons : Flora, Ceres, Pomona, and Winter, after A. Kauff¬ man, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proofs 4 La Fleur at Amiens, after W. Hardinghy Bartolozzi —prooj before letters The Libertine Reclaimed, after ditto, by ditto —-proof before letters Summer, after G. Morland, by T. Nugent; Waiter, after ditto, by ditto A 2 & An Evening Walk, by and after J. R. Smith Black, Brown and Fair, by and after ditto The Dream of Queen Katherine, after Fuseli, by F. Bartolozzi -*• colom 9 9J Amyntor and Theodora, after T. Stothard, R.A., by P. W. Tom- kins —in colours ^98 Oswald and Edmund, after F. Wheatley, R. A., by F. Bartolozzi^ r Edmund, after ditto, by ditto— both in colours ^99 Ariadne Left on the Rocks by Theseus, after J, B. Cipriani^ ^ R.A., by ditto —in colours 7, o 100 Nymphs Bathing, after ditto, by ditto— in colours 101 A Girl with a bird— mezzotint , in colours J , O 192 Psyche Going to the Bath, after J. B. Cipriani, R.A., by F. Bar- tolozzi; Psyche Coming from the Bath, after ditto, by di^to —in colours 7 , £ 103 Affection and Innocence, after F. Bartolozzi, by P. W. Tpmkins —in colours /*,■& r 0 104 A Naiad, after G. B. Cipriani, R.A., by F. Bartolozzi— in colours ' A '. r 0,0 105 Beauty Sleeping, after J. Hoppner, R.A.— mezzotint, in colours / S' 106 The Happy State, after Harding, by Delattre —in colours ; 0 107 Peasants with fruit and flowers, after Rev. W. Peters, R.A., by ' J. B. Michael— in colours (7, 0108 A Tale of Love, after H. Bunbury, by J. K. Sherwin 7 0 4 109 The Market of Love, by and after F. Bartolozzi—in colours £ 2,0 HO Girl Waiting in a Wood, after J. Grassi, by G. T. Stubbs—in y/ brown ^, 6 111 Wisdom, after J. B. Cipriani, R.A., by F. Bartolozzi —in colours 112 Werther Contemplating on Charlotte’s Wedding Ring, after H. Kingsbury— in colours [0 ENGRAVINGS £, £, c? ^ , 17 , & /A //, ^ iron , tn y*~ *£/* , & /* JL .a Uz. 6. /J7o f'/P, & /' y, o 0T7> After A. KAUFFMAN, K.A. 113 The Shepherdess of the Alps, by F. Bartolozzi— proof, in bi%wn 114 Cymon and Iphigenia, by W. W. Ryland— open lett^ red 115 Eleanora Sucking the Poison from the Wound of^Edward 1^ by^ ditto— in colours 116 Lady Elizabeth Grey Imploring of Edward IY. the Restitution of her Deceased Husband’s Lands, by ditto— in colours 117 The Empress Messalina Sacrificing to Venus and Cupid, by T. Burke— proof before letters , in brown 118 Posthumio, Ispala and Sulpicia, by J. M. Delattre— in colours • 119 Patience, by W. W. Ryland— in 120 Penelope Weeping over the Bow of Ulysses, by J. M. Delattre — proof before letters, in red *^V 121 The Judgment of Paris, by F. Bartolozzi— in red 122 Venus Attired by the Graces—by ditto— proof before letter^ in / , red 123 The Death of Clorinda; and Rinaldo and Armida, b^ F. Bartolozzi 124 Nymphs after Bathing, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters ; Bacchanalians, by ditto 125 Euphrosine, by G. Amiconi 7* * /•&, /. £ //,/0 . i 7 126 Telemachus Returning to Penelope, by W. W. Ryland ; Achilles Weeping over the Death of Patroclus, by ditto— both in^^ir -— colours 127 Cupid and Bacchanals, by G. Shepheard; The Nursing of f Bacchus, by ditto— both in colours 128 Jupiter and Calista— in colours 129 The Death of Procris, by T. Fielding— open letter proof, in . colours 130 Calais—the Snuff’ Box, by J, M. Delattre— in colours 11 f, O 131 Cupid’s Pastime, by G. S. and J. G. Facius— in red , O 132 Blind Man’s Buff, by F. Bartolozzi —open letter proof 0- 133 Coelia, by ditto —in colours After VARIOUS PAINTERS. , 134 Joan of Arc Receiving the Consecrated Banner, after R. Westall, - R.A., by F. Bartolozzi —in colours 7 ,0 135 The Departure of Mary Queen of Scots to France, when a child, ^ after ditto, by ditto— in colours & O 136 The Origin of Horn Fair, held at Charlton, in Kent, after W. W. Ryland, by J. M. Delattre —in colours ,0 137 Edward II. and Elfrida, after W. Hamilton, R.A., by F. Barto- lozzi— in colours 138 The Dowager Queen of Edward IV. Parting with her Son, the 0 , Duke of York; The Dukes of Northumberland and Suffolk /ft S / Q. Begging Lady Jane Grey to accept the Crown, after G. B Cipriani, R.A., by F. Bartolozzi— both proofs before letters, " in colours 2 189 The Empress Matilda Assembling her People, after J. F. Rigaud, by F. Bartolozzi; The Empress Dismissing the Queen of King Stephen, after ditto, by ditto— both proofs before letters, // in colours (3 2 /p ^140 Vortigern and Rowena, after ditto, by ditto— proof before letters, in colours 'J 7 sS 0 . * 141 Edward the Black Prince Introducing his Captive, King John of France, to his Father, after J. F. Rigaud, by F. Bartolozzi proof before letters, in colours 142 The Departure of the Sons of Tippoo, after M. Brown, by F. Bartolozzi; The Delivery of the Definitive Treaty by /O the Hostage Princes to Lord Cornwallis, after ditto, by D. Orme— both in colours 2 143 Henry V. Receiving the Princess of France in Marriage, after W. Hamilton, R.A., by F. Bartolozzi; Caractacus Delivered up to Ostorius by Cartismandua, after ditto, by ditto— both in colours 2 12 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS From the Bechford-Hamilton Collection. M/. Henry Chicely, Archbishop of Canterbury, after a drawing from an ancient window, by F. Bartolozzi; Henry VI., after ditto, by ditto— both proofs with full margins 2 The Same, after ditto, by ditto— proofs, with full margins 2 Henry VIII. with his Family, after Holbein, bv F. Bartolozzi— proof before any letters Another, in the same state— on India paper ^ ~ ~ 152 f. f . * 153 154 Francis II. of France, after Janet, by F. Bartolozzi —^proof before aU letters Monsieur Dela Faille ; Claude, Count of Laval, after Janet, by F. Bartolozzi— proofs before all letters Connetable d’Armagnac ; Le Comte de Sainte Corneille, after ditto, by ditto— proofs before all letters — 2 Marechal de Montmorency; Monsieur de Pienne l’Aine, after ditto, by ditto— proofs before all letters —' 2 Mary Queen of Scots, after ditto, by ditto— ditto, oval Mary Queen of Scots, with James I. when a boy, after F. Zue- chero, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters Pietro Berettini (known as Pietro da Cortona); Carlo Cignani, after C. Maratti, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters 2 155 Martin van Juchen, Commandant of the Netherlands, rafter A. Schouman, by ditto— open letter proof 156 /s / , 0 157 /* , O 158 /' 6 • ^ 159 Thomas Guy, founder of Guy’s Hospital, after J. Bacon, R.A., 1 by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters The Same— proof before any letters ’ The Same— first state of the plate, with alterations by the tZ engraver Alexander Pope, from a bust, by M. Bovi— proof before all letters 13 y f & 160 % 161 V* 162 V, 163 164 Handel, after a frontispiece designed by G. B. Cipriani, by Bartolozzi —proof before letters William Beckford, after the statue in the Guildhall, by F. Barto-, y lozzi —-first state, before alterations to the face and wig The Same —with the letters <. Another of the Same —after the alterations to the face and wig Lord Robert Clive, after N. Dance, R.A., by F. Bartol^pzi—- proof before letters Lord Chatham (monument to), after J. Bacon, by F. Bartolozzi Jtfartoiopzi—- _ *• /y -f to J. C. Bach, after A. Carlini, by ditto —first state, before the aqua tinting The Same —proof before letters Another of the Same —-open letter proof Sir George Savile, after John Fisher, by F. Bartolozzi Frederick the Great, after Ramberg, by ditto —proof before all letters (_ &A, Omai, a native of Ulaietea, after N. Dance, by ditto —proof before all letters ‘ Jy The Same Subject ^ •" Catherine the Great of Russia, after M. Benedetti, by ditto— proof before all letters The Same —proof before letters Aloysius Pisani, after Pellegrini, by ditto —proof before letters -<7 A Naval Officer, after D. A. de Sigueira, by F, Bartolozzi— proof before letters Lord Heathfield (George Augustus Elliot), after A. Poggi, by' ditto —proof before letters ^^ 178 Earl of Mansfield, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by ditto — moof ( f before the arms and letters t - y o 227 'Z,0 228 O 229 Z,0 230 /S?o 231 £ , * 232 , O 233 Perseus and Andromeda, after G. B. Cipriani, by F. Bartolozzi —a pair , in colours 2 Venus Bathing, after ditto, by ditto; Cupid and Psyche, by ditto— dotted letter proof, in red ; Kalliopeia*after A. Zucchi, by A. Kauffman « / 5^ > Ariadne to Theseus, by Newnham; Venus and Cupid, by^mtto 2 Venus Sleeping, after A. Carracci, by F. Bartolozzi; Achilles Instructed by Chiron in the Use of the Javelin, after G. B. Cipriani, by J. Clarke— dotted letter proof ; Prometheus and the Vulcan; A Figure in the Last Judgment, after Michel Angelo— proofs 4 Bowzebeus and Cicely ; Hobnelit^and LubJjerkjrj, after J. North cote, R.A.— in colours Damon and Musidora, after A. Kauffman, R. A., by F. Bartolozzi; Celadon and Amelia, after ditto, by djXto—^roof before letters, _ in red ^ 2 Charlotte, after H. W. Bunbury, by C. W. White— in colours Gualtherus and Griselda ; Griselda Returning to her Father, F. Bartolozzi direxit— open letter proofs, in red Sophia and Olivia; Olivia and Sophia with Fortune-Teller, Bartolozzi corrected Science Resting in the Arms of Peace, after A. Kauffman, by F. Bartolozzi; Damon and Delia, after ditto, by ditto— proofs before letters 2 Jenny, after J. H. Benwell, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters Alcander and Nerina, after G. B. Cipriani, by F. Bartolozzi; Pat : e and Peggy, after S. Shelly, by C. G. Playtev 2 i “ Delightful task, to rear the tender thought,” &c., after Guercino, by ditto; Cordelia, after A. Kauffman, by Lauean —both in , colours 2 0 , 0 234 The Three Sciences, after A. Kauffman, R.A., by F.JBartc^ozzi— proof, in colours C 18 tr * z ✓/»/ / 0 Z /,/0 , i > 235 The Three Fine Arts, after ditto, by ditto —in colours 236 Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi, after Benjamin West,J?y ditto —in colours 237 Poetry Tempting Music, after A. Kauffman, R.A., by T^Kirk— in colours 238 Sappho to Phaon, “ Say, Lovely Youth,” after ditto, by L. Schia- /, /O * & Z . /f, O Z , v <7. / o z.//> & / S~. O vonetti—open letter proof, in colours 239 Astronomy, after P. Violet, by P. Bartolozzi proof before letters , in colours ; Adoration— proof before all lettersolC^u*-** 2 210 Cupids Playing, after G. B. Cipriani, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters; Grief, by ditto— proof; The Struggle between Love and Music, after Tresham; and an ther *p 4**^*+y 4 241 Flora; Piety; and Chastity— in colours 8 242 Commerce; and Agriculture— in colours 2 243 Love Rejected, after G. B. Cipriani, R.A., by F. Bartolozzi—in colours + 244 Admiration, after ditto, by ditto—in colours i 245 Sincerity, after A. Kauffman, R.A., by ditto— in colours 246 Meditation ; Reprehension ; Submission ; Solicitation; Occu-*^— pation ; Inspiration ; and Recreation, by M. Bovi—in colours 7 247 The Elements: Earth; Air; Water; and Firm/ifter G. B. Cipriani, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proofs 4 248 The Set of the Months, after W. Hamilton, Bartolozzi (10) and W. N. Gardiner (2) ^ 12 249 Spring; Summer; Autumn; and Winter, after W. IRimilton, RA., by F. Bartolozzi —in colours ^ * 4 ^50 Laban Seeking for his Idols, after P. da Cortona, by F. Barto¬ lozzi ; Tobias and the Angel, after Carlo Maratti, by ditto— proofs before letters ; The Silence, after A. C arracci, by ditto 6 251 St. John the Baptist and the two Disciples, after Domenichino, by F. Bartolozzi; St. Matthew, St. Peter and St. Paul, after Guercino, by ditto; Laocoon and his Sons, after P. da Cortona— all proofs before letters X 19 'V,0 258 # j , 0 14 felicity, after A. Kauffman, B.A , by F. Bartolozzi; Madonna and Child, after C. Dolci, by ditto— proof before letters ; and^ another; Lady and Child, after S. Ferrato ; and another 5 “ But the Greatest of these is Charity,” after A. Yandyck, by W. W. By lands; Charity, by Bartolozzi— both in red 2 Faith, after G. B. Cipriani, by F. Bartolozzi— in colours • Charity, / after Bamberg, by ditto— proof before letters ; and another 3 Faith; and Hope, after G. B. Cipriani, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proofs, in red 2 Madonna della Sedia, after Baphael, by F. Bartolozzi —proof; Madonna and Child, after Cipriani, by ditto— proof before letters ; Madonna Dolorosa, after C. Dolci; and A Holy Family 4 Madonna del Gatto, after Baroccio, by A. Cardon; La Charite, after Baphael, by Henry ; Madonna della Candelabria, after ditto; and another— all in colours 4 Illustrations to Milton’s ‘ Paradise Lost,’ after T. Stothard, B.A., by F. Bartolozzi Large Illustrations — The Archangel Uriel Satan, Sin and Death Adam, Eve and the Archangel Baphael Satan Arousing his Troops Adam and Eve Headpieces — Adam, Eve and the Archangel Baphael: Morning “ His Oblique Way amongst Innumerable Stars ” Pandemonium Tailpieces — Fairy Elves Uriel Gliding through the Even on a Sunbeam Sin and Death The Gate of Heaven The Morning Hymn Proofs before all letters C 2 20 /' -4"' ^ /* /£ , 0 /#, /. trait of Handel, after B. Rebecca, by ditto 2 Dr. Arne, by F. Bartolozzi; D. Dragonetti, by ditto — open letter proof-, Murillo— proof before letters; and J. Baptista — 4 ^ * £ 278 279 Miss Wallis, by F. Bartolozzi —etched letter proof Mr. Blanchard, as “Ralph,” after De Wilde, by Lenoy; / ft* Mr. Lewis, as “Copper Capper,” after ditto, by Conde /, O 280 4r o 281 Mrs. Pope, as “Zara,” after De Wilde, by Saillier; Signora Storace, as “ Euphrosyne,” after ditto, by ditto 2 // Ophelia, after J. Nixon, by F. Bartolozzi —proof before letters ; Hamlet and his Mother, after V 7 . Hamilton, by ditto —open letter proof , both in red 2 & , 6 282 Mrs. Vindex Meeting with Master Harry Clinton, after P. W. Tomkins, by F. Bartolozzi; Master Harry Clinton Relieving the Distress of the Country Girl, after ditto, by ditto 2 & 283 Romeo and Juliet, after W. Hamilton, by F. Bartolozzi; Puck, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by Testolini and Schiavonetti— open letter proof 2 Jhs— 284 Garrick Between Comedy and Tragedy, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by A. Cardon —in colours 22 PORTRAITS OF PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS. Js 4 if / O /' ± * O /'/(>' 0 /./r. O ■4/' /*>. a 285 Leonardo da Vinci, after himself— in red ; Michael Angelo, from a bust; A. Carracci; and others, by F. Bartolozzi i^-,5 286 Signora Rosalba, after herself, by ditto— proof before letters, in n 287 Another, of the same ; Sir James Thornhill— both in red 2 288 P. Violet, by F. Bartolozzi; William Woollet, after T. Hearne, by ditto— proof before letters ; and another 3 289 Miss Smallwood, etched by herself— proof before all letters From the Strawberry Hill Collection 290 Sir Joshua Reynolds, after himself, by J. K. Sherwin— etefed letter proof 'S'ih' 291 Thomas Gainsborough, R.A., after himself, by F. Bartolozzi— dotted letter proof 292 J. K. Sherwin, by himself; G. B. Cipriani— dotted letter proof ; . F. Bartolozzi, by R. Meuageot— in colours 293 Francis Bartolozzi, after Sir J. Reynolds, by R. Marcuard—m colours 294 The Same Subject —in sepia Co— u 295 Angelica Kauffman, after ditto, by F. Bartolozzi— in red PORTRAITS. /#£ 296 George HI., after A. Chalon, R.A., by A. Cardon ; Princess Amelia, after Ann Mee, by J. S. Agar 2 /4 '' ~ ** 296a George III. (The Allegorical Picture), by F. Bartolozzi, after R. Corbould J 297 Queen Charlotte, after R. Livesay, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before ,eHm 298 The Same, after H. Edridge, A.R.A., by S. W. Reynolds —in 299 George, Prince of Wales, after P. Violet, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proof, in colours t 23 ( 7,0 300 V- 303 f 0, 0 304 7 , d 307 *,0 308 Jrn 311 7 , d 312 t , 0 313 Caroline, Princess of Wales, by Schiavonetti, after Tulkaw— in colours William IV.; and Queen Adelaide, by R. and F. Williamson & Charlotte, Princess Royal, after R. H. Ramberg, by P. W. Tomkins Princess Charlotte, of Saxe-Coburg and of Wales, after a Drawing by a Lady, by C. Turner— mezzotint The Same, after G. Da we, R.A., by H. Dawe— mezzotint,in colours Prince Leopold of Saxe-Cobourg, after A. E. Chalon, R.A., by H. Meyer; Princess Charlotte, after ditto, by R. Cooper ; . Prince Augustus Frederick, after Head, by A. Cardon 3 Princess Augusta, after H. Ramberg, by W. Ward Princess Amelia, after W. Lawrence, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proof Princess Sophia Matilda, after P. Jean, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proof The Royal Children, after A. Kauffman, R.A., by R. Marcuard Her Majesty the Queen, after R. T. Parris, by C. E. Wagstaff^?^^ ^ —in colours Princess of Brunswick, by Tomkins— proof before letters Dorothea Wilhelmina, Queen of Sweden, after R. K. P., by /? J. Agar— in colours C <7 Elizabeth de France, after Mdme. Guiard, by F. Bartolozzi; ^ Louis XVI., after H. Caleis, by M. Bovi— in colours 2 Maria Theresa de Brancas, by F. Bartolozzi Marie Antoinette, after P. Violet, by F. Bartolozzi The Same, by and after Conde— proof before all letters Maria Theresa de France, Duchess d’Angouleme, J. Kalterer, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proof Maria Louisa, Empress of the French, after Guerard, by A. Cardon— in colours 24 /'/ ' 325 Miss Sneyd, after J. H. Benwell —proof before letters, in red 326 The Daughters of Lady Diana Beauclerk, after Lady D. Beau- clerk —proof before letters , in colours 2^7* - A /-V 327 Lady Catherine Beauclerk, after F. Cotes, R.A —proof before* letters , in red // A? , A? 328 Miss Chinnery, after G. Chinnery —'proof before letters ^ * 2, 2 . O 329 Georgiaua, Countess Spencer, after T. Gainsborough, R.A^y proof before all letters, in red A&CtA?-* 1 /s / * ^ 330 The Same Subject —in sepia /s / , 331 Elizabeth, Countess of Lanesborough, after H. Hone, A.R.A. A/i/ - . * 332 Anne, Countess Cowper, after W. Hamilton, R.A .—open letter y-p proof f &/* 333 Mrs. Hannah Sparke, after Hull —proof before all letters, in red ; and a Lettered Impression , yJL^ 2 6 f /*r* o 334 Henrietta Viscountess Duncannon, after Lady Spencer —. colours L •n/j * ^ 335 Georgians, Duchess of Devonshire, after Jas. Nixon —proof - . . before all letters ' / ~ 336 Dr. Matthew Maty —proof before all letters, in red '// j 25 357 358 Z,. 2=r* 359 / , # o 360 /, *r, « 361 /' t7, o 362 363 /, — v 364 /. /J~. o 365 /' 4, * 366 367 7 /' 368 Z- 7. £ 369 ' 370 f* 371 Mrs. Wybrow, after Hayter, by ditto— in colours', Ann Allen, after J. Hay, by J. Collyer— in colours ; Guercino’s Daughters, after Guercino, by Dickinson tyPfP 3 Mrs. J. M. Raikes, after Sir W. Beecliey, R.A., by T. Nugent— in colours Mrs. Baker, after 0. Humphries, by T. Ryder— proof before , letters, in red Mrs. Gibson, after ditto, by ditto— proof before letters Mrs. Crewe, after D. Gardner, by T. Watson— proof before letters, in red Duchess of Devonshire—doited letter proof Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, after T. Gainsborough, R.A..^ by H. Meyer Viscountess Crosbie, by Picot —proo/&e/ore all letters-, Duchess of Ancaster, as “ Britannia ”— etched letter proof Mrs. Esten, by Conde— proof before all letters; Mrs. Margaret Swaine, after W. Behnis, by J. Swaine— in colours C? 2/ “x Miss Duncan ; Mrs. Tighe— proofs before all letters 2 Mrs. Elizabeth Stephenson (Countess of Mexborough), as * “Harmony,” after S. Woodforde, by A. Freschi— in colours Sam Chifney, after B. Marshall, by Maile— proof before letters, aquatint Sir John Day, after Plimer, by A. Cardon— in colours; Charles James Fox, after Uwins ; Benj. Heath— in colours (P 3/7 H. G. Mirabeau, after J. Guerin, by Fiesinger S • ^ Horace Walpole, after P. Falconet, by D. P. Pariset— open letter proof, in red and blach - William Pitt, after W. Miller, by J. Murphy— in colours, proof, before all letters ; Baron Goertz— proof before letters Captain Henry Englefield; William Pitt— both proofs before all o letters 27 372 Philip Ho worth, as tho “ Infant Hercules,” after G. Dawe, by H. Dawe —open letter proof, mezzotint ^ ' &' ^ 373 A Son of Mr. Jekyll, after W. Lodder, by A. Cardon —pjpof on India paper 7/ ’ ~ y rdon —pwof on 374 Major Francis Pierson, after Hays, by Marcuard —proof before letters , in red ; Sir Samuel Garth, after Kneller —proof before all letters l7/ / 2 cs ENGRAVINGS After J. DOWNMAN, A.R.A. , £ 383 Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, by ditto —open letter proof j? J c> 384 Duchess of Richmond, by T. Burke —ditto ^ 385 Lady Elizabeth Foster, by Caroline Watson -proof before all . letters C- ’ ggg rm,„ s**—. r s . Ly O 387 , ^ 388 £ 389 The Same, by ditto Mrs. Dunning, by F. Bartolozzi —proof before all letters George James Riddell, by ditto —in red Colonel Arabin, by T. Burke —open letter proof After J. HOPPNER, R.A., Etc. f, sr-r 390 7- 7- ( 391 ys-Z/j-, * 392 6' /Z , 6 393 /Z f r £ 394 4/T ^ 395 2 , 2~, /6 /6. in / 397 398 2 . Eliza (Mrs, Hoppner), by J. Kingsbury— in red — Sir Balph Abercrombie, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before all y letters End of Second Day’s Sale. Third Day’s Sale. -*£>•- On WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. 401 An Album, containing twelve Imitations of Drawings a£(er G. B. Cipriani, R.A., by F. Bartolozzi 402 An Album, containing twelve Etchings from Pictures by Italian Masters, by F. Bartolozzi 4* , 6-/6. O 416 Mrs. Fitzherbert, after ditto, by J. Collyer— in colours m ff~d y . 6 417 Mrs. Crouch, after G. Romney, by F. Bartolozzi— lettere^jprpof //. * ' 6 418 Emma, Lady Hamilton, after ditto, by J. Jones ; the Same, as “ Bacchante,” after ditto, by Holl 2 X* X /-J, /£, 6 419 Alope (Lady Hamilton), after G. Romney, by R. Earlom— in colours /o 420 John Stuart, Marquis of Bute, after ditto, by F. Bartolozzi-^ _ £ __ 77 7-JJ_ >4 4 / proof before all letters AcAisco**- 421 Charlotte Jane Windsor, Marchioness of Bute, after ditto, by &-, r ditto— proof before all letters /^ 422 Another of the Same— in colours £ , if . O 423 The Marlborough Family, after S. Shelley, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters ; and an unfinished Proof f. XiT. O 424 The Same— in colours / Sy f O 425 Mrs. Drummond and Children, after ditto, by Caroline Watson— f proof before letters Zs 426 Mary Ann Schott, after Yandyck, by A. Card on — proof beforey? all letters /f/s A / 427 Yan Dyck’s Wife (Lady Mary Ruth von), and Child, after ditto, by F. Bartolozzi; the Same— proof before letters 428 John Milton, after S. Cooper, by Caroline Watson; William £ Cowper, after Lawrence, by Bartolozzi 2 i/At* 429 Portraits of John Milton as a child, as a youth and as a man— proofs before all letters 31 £ After SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 430 431 432 ^ r & 433 / 4,^434 ✓ ° 435 6 436 {, O 437 '3,0 438 ? , £> 439 Sir John Eardley Wilmot, by F. Bartolozzi; Earl of Leicester, Jp by ditto John Dunning (Lord Ashburton), by ditto —partly in colours mjt , Hon. Leicester Stanhope, by ditto —open letter proof Master Philip Yorke, by ditto aJ~7r~~ The Mask (Lord Francis and Lady Georgiana Spencer), by Schiavonetti— proof-, A Ghost, after R. Westall —open letter afflr- — proof 2 Mrs. Robinson, by T. Burke General Eliott (Lord Heathfield), by R. Earlom —in colour \A£A^ Hon. Miss Bingham, by F. Bartolozzi —proof before letters , u colours irs, yn. Lady Elizabeth Foster, by ditto —open letter proofin colours ^ /f f, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, and Lady Georgiana Caven¬ dish, by G. Keating— mezzotint, in colours ' O 440 Miss Emily Pott, as “Thais,” by F. Bartolozzi —proof before letters, in colours b 442 . C .448 —CP 444 441 Lavinia, Countess Spencer, by ditto —proof before letters Lady Beauchamp, by W. Nutter Lady Catherine Manners, by T. Gaugain Maternal Affection (Lady Melbourne and Child), by W. Dickin¬ son Portraits from the Hamilton-Beck ford Collection. opT& 445 Mrs. Charlotte Lenox, after Sir J. Reynolds, by F. Bartolozzi— // proofs in various states 4 t- ' ±X?^z • 446 Mrs. Montagu, after ditto, by ditto— proof-, and Another 2 > flAi / r. O 447 Miss Francis Burney (Mdme. d’Arblay), after T. Engleheart, by ditto —two different states, with alterations in the fcwe and head¬ dress c 32 /■ O 418 Elizabeth Gunning, after Saunders, by ditto— proof before all letters; and George Ann Bellamy, after Cotes, by ditto 449 Jane, Lady Catbcart, after Ann Callot, b\r ditto— proof , the inscription in red ; and Another 2<^ 450 The Same— in red ^Tr — " '451 Cicero, after Cipriani ; Boccaccio; Carravagio, and Annibale Carracci, all by F. Bartolozzi— proofs e* 452 Cardinal Richelieu, by ditto— proof before all letters 453 Miss Price, Countess de Grammont, after Lely, by ditto— proof before all letters-, and two others ^z^ . 0 noi A//. 502 / * y ^ O 503 4 . & 501 /' /, & 505 Donald and Jessie, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before The Original Drawing for “ Donald and Jessie ”— in pen and inky with warm sepia wash Louisa Paulina An gel ica Cosway, by A. Cardon— open The Same— open letter proof , in colours ^ Love (Miss Cosway), by T. Ryder— open letter proof ^ “Music batli Charms to Soothe the Savage Breast” (Mis^ s. Cosway), by P. Bettilini— proof before letters , in bistre The Same Subject— in red e$~Z> - The Same— in colours -' H.R.H. George, Prince of Wales, by L. Sailliar H.R.H. Frederick, Duke of York, by G. Hadfield *£~!/ H.R.H. William Henry, Duke of Clarence, by L. Saillia£^^ H.R.H. George, Prince of Wales, by W. Sharp— open letter pr° 0 f(/^fa H.R.H. George, Prince of Wales, by J. Conde— proof before letters Louis Philip Joseph, Duke of Orleans (Philip Egalite), bv G. Hadfield— proof before all letters 3ffOLtc>S& George, Fourth Duke of Marlborough, by J. S. Agar— proo before letters The Same, when Marquis of Blandford, by W. ML Barney open letter proof Lord Fitzgibbon, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proof ; Frederick, Earl of Carlisle, by A. Cardon Lord Fitzgibbon, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proof , in cmours ,y Hon. Thomas Erskinc, by W. Sharp— proof before letters /0yT-£ ( Another of the Same Subject; and another, without tho wig— open letter proof f General Thaddeus Kosciuszko, the Polish patriot, by A. Carefon —in colours - Hugh TI. J. Seymour, by T. Chccsman— proof before all letters 9< O 506 O 507 , £ 508 lA 509 John George, Count Browne, by G. Iladfield— open letter proofs Count Woronzoff and bis Sister, by Caroline Watson— proof /? s • -'i O 510 0, 0 511 , ^ 512 % 513 9, O 514 T T~^ 515 before letters Rev. W. Thomas— proof before all letters - 7 *—XT' Major-General R. C. Ferguson, whole length, by A. Cardon— open letter proof; the Same, half-length, by H. It. Cook— proof before all letters S& 1 ^^<2 Mr. Horace Beckford, by J. Conde— proof before all letters, printed in blue J. B. De Mainauduc, M.D., by P. Conde— open letter proof ; and Mr. Horace Beckford, by J. Conde Henry Swinburne, by M. Bovi— open letter proof, in colours J. L. Dussek, by P. Conde ; Sir William Bromfield, by D. Orme 2 Luigi Marchesi, by F. Bartolozzi— proof before all letters; Caleb v Whitefoord, by P. Conde— open letter proof \ 2 /c* A Military Officer, by R. Cooper— proof before letters, in colours Sir Francis Burdett, by A. Cardon; LieutyGeneral Mackenzie Fraser, by H. Meyer— proofs Master Thornhill, by G. T. Stubbs— proof before letters, in blaclc / L 524 , 0 525 , O 526 4 ,^527 The Same, by ditto— proof before letters, in broivn and colours , co Master James Townshend, as “ St. John,” by P. Dawe—e/c7tetJ letter proof Vincent Lunardi, by F. Bartolozzi Peter Templeman, M.D., by W. Evans ^ ✓ James Hutton, by J. R. Smith— mezzotint, open letter proof Lord Dungarvan, and Th9 Hon. Courtenay and Charles *Boyle, by F. Bartolozzi— lettered proof Chevaliere d’Eon, by T. Chambers— proof before letters The Hours Crowning Virtuous Love, by T. Ryder— open IcUer^y proof, in colours J. 0// Love and Peace: (Viscountess Duncannon and Child), by^/> C. Townley— open letter proof, in red Love and Innocence, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proof, in reel Co -4 528 529 '*/ 6 * & ' & 530 £ * ^ 531 i7/, /0 . * 632 Princess Charlotte Augusta (as an Infant^ F. Bartolozzi —proof before letters Princess Charlotte with a dove, by M. K. Bourlier— open letter proof J'J,, A?. *533 £ 534 ?''7 /t) . /tf . 0 535 7- /7, 6 536 , / /£, *T. £ 537 /> ^ , 0 538 y. /y . £ 539 y/, // , 0 540 ^ ^ . 0 541 zri y, o 542 543 f * P , O 544 J'£,/0. ° 545 /tSf £ - 6 546 <£j. 0.0 547 A* ^ ^ 548 //.//' ° 549 /y, /O .'^ 50 Caroline, Princess of Wales; and The Infant Princess CharltMe, by F. Bartolozzi— open letter proof t? Duchess of Cumberland and Strathern, by J. K. Slier win Mrs. Fitzherbert, by J. Conde The Same Subject— in colours Harriet, Viscountess Bulkeley, as “ Ceres,” by F. Bartolozzi— etched letter proof, in red J ^ The Same Subject— in colours Mrs. Abington, as “Thalia,” by ditto--open letter proof, in red The Same Subject— in colours Mrs. Abington, by W. Lane * Anne, Countess of Radnor, by M. Bovi— open letter proof Hon. Mrs. E. Bouverie, by J. Conde— open letter proof ^ Lady Anne Maria Stanhope, as “ Hebe,” by A. Cardon— ditty^y^yfa The Same Subject— in colours Mrs. Hardinge. (The Fair Moralist and her Pupil), by F. Bartolozzi— proof before letters _ Mrs. Jackson, by J. Conde— open letter proof The Same, by ditto— open letter proof, in colours Mrs. Tickell, by J. Conde— proof before all letters The Same, by ditto —open letter proof, in colours Ann, Marchioness Townshend, by G. Hadfield /^t+y-£sL~k/ / yp j Harriet, Lady Cockerell, by J. S. Agar —proof before letters < > P~7 * 551 Portrait of a Lady (Mrs. Baldwin) in a Grecian Dress, by F. Bartolozzi —open letter proof, in red Michael and Isabella Z. Lasockich Oginscky, by L. Schiavonetti —open letter proof 37 ^ O 552 / 553 * ' ^ 554 'O . 0 555 0 556 557 <', 0 558 ^ , <7 559 7, O 560 561 9 . £ 562 ^ 6 563 / 0 , £>564 The Prince and Princess of Wales, by M. Sloane— a satirical , adaptation of the preceding plate Duchess of Marlborough as a Gipsy, by J. S. Aga l— proof j n ^ before letters Z~p 'fC<- The Sisters, by J. Minasi— ditto ./ The Dairymaid, by J. S. Agar— ditto ^ Miss O’Neill as a Beggar, by ditto— ditto {y Lady Theodora Cradock, by A. Freschi— proof before all letters >'-/"• J Mrs. Merry, by A. Cardon— proof before letters - Mrs. Whitefoord and Master Charles Whitefoord, by J. Minasi —proof before letters ^ Madame Kecamier, by A. Cardon— open letter m-oof; ditto by G. Parker— proof before letters 2 Madame Eecamier, by A. Cardon— open letter proof, in colours S / n Lady Sefton, by W. Dickinson— in colours /)• ^ Mrs. Udney, by A. Cardon— proof before all letters J*~ ft Izabella Czartoryski, by G. Testolini— open letter proof, partly iu ,0 //*/,0 585 /s ^ . & 586 /, J* . O 587 /> / , 0 588 //, // .* 589 //. // , * 590 /f, // „ * 591 //, , / 592 Mrs. Billington in the ‘ Peruvian,’ by F. Bartolozjjt— proof before letters jA The Same, by ditto Mrs. Robinson as “ Melania,” by J. Conde ~ The Same, by ditto— in colours Elizabeth, Lady Lyttelton, by C. Townley Hon. Mrs. Darner, by L. Scliiavonetti Elizabeth, Countess of Errol, by T. A. Dean ; and Mrs^Damer, by Edwards —proof before letters 2 Miss Barker, by M. Bovi— proof before letters k^~V a Mrs. Swinburne, by M. Bovi— proof bef ore letters, in colours La Comtesse du Bary, by J. Conde— open letter proof Caroline Isabella Somerset, by Bond —proof ; Mrs. Cowley, by J. Fittler— proof before all letters ; ditto, engraved for ‘ The Ladies’ Magazine’ 3 Caroline Isabella Somerset, by Bond— proof; Mrs. Cowley, by J. Fittler 2 Lady Heathcote, by J. Agar— open letter proof Js prfZi J-r~. r, 9^ d fj / tf~, O 593 j~