CATALOGUE OF A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY AND PRINTS OF HIS GRACE THE LATE DUKE OF NORFOLK. CONTAINING MANY RARE AND CURIOUS ARTICLES, A*. \ AND INCLUDING M#zeray, Histoire de France, 3 vol. large paper, very rare, morocco.—Sir W. Dugdale’s Works, 15 vol. blue morocco. —Halsted’s Genealogies.—Gough’s Sepulchral Monuments, complete, 3 vol.—Biblia Sacra Polyglotta Waltoni et Castelli Lexicon, 8 vol.—Gronovii et Grsevii Antiquitates Graecae et Romanae, cum Supplements, .32 vol.—Campbell’s V T itruvius Britannicus and Supplement, 5 vol. in 3.—Milner’s Winchester, 2 vol. large paper.— Long’s Jamaica, 3 vol.—Old Quarto Tracts, &c. &c. Among the Prints will be found some rare Engravings of Hollar, first impressions of Hogarth’s Plates, Topographical Prints and Drawings, scarce Portraits, &c. THE BOOKS WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. EVANS, AT HIS HOUSE, No. 2 6 , PALL-MALL, ~~Qec . ■ On Thursday, November 28, and Seven following Days (Sunday exceptedJ ; and the Prints on Monday , December 9 . ____ * ___—_____ , 1 1 - ' - Printed by W. Bulnfer and Co. Cleveland-row, St, James's. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dis¬ pute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than 6 d.; above One Pound Is,; above Five Pounds 2s. 6 d. and so in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part Payment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IY. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Conclusion of the Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed; but if, upon collating, at the place of sale, any should prove defective, the Purchasers will be at Liberty to take or reject them. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions the Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited, and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall he re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. No Books will be delivered during the time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commism sions faithfully executed by their humble Servant , K. H. EVANS, 2 6 , P all-Mali, CATALOGUE OS' A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY AND PRINTS OF HIS GRACE THE LATE DUKE OF NORFOLK, FIRST DAY’S SALE. The Sale will commence each Day punctually at Half past Twelve. Octavo et Infra. 1 A Large Lot of Pamphlets. 2 A Large Lot of Reviews, Magazines, &c. 3 Lot of Old Almanacs, &c. 4 Yates on Parliamentary Reform, 2 vol. and 20 more. 5 Plowden on the Constitution, 1802, and 20 more. 6 Plowden’s History of Twenty Months, and 20 more. 7 Calm Observer’s Letters, 1793, and 20 more. 8 Irish Debates for 17^3 and 1704, and 20 more. 9 Tucker on Freewill, and 20 more. 10 Sheffield on the Trade of Ireland, 1785. Chalmers’s Estimate, 1794, and 20 more. 11 Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum, and 20 more. 12 Annual Register for 1767 , 6$ wants title and preface, 1771, 72 , 75, 78 , 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, an4 vol. Adventures of Robert Drury, - - 1807 Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, 2 vol. - 1742 Antiquities of Palmyra, - - 1705 Arraignment of lewd and froward Women, - 1711 Account of the Duchess of Marlborough’s Conduct, 1742. Answer to the Account of the Duchess of Marlborough’s Conduct, 1742, 2 vol. S. Augustine’s Meditations, borders round each page, 1577 Angliae Ruina, or Chronicle of the Times, - 1647 Arioste, Roland Furieux, 4 vol. - Haye. 1741 Aldrich, Elementa Architecture Civilis, Oxon. 1789 Alexander ab Alexandra, notis Variorum, 2 vol. L. Bat. 1073 Apicius Coelius, a Lister, - Amst. 1709 Another Copy, large taper, - - ib . 1709 Asseri-Vita EElfredi Magni, - Oxon. 1722 Aretino, quattro Comedie, - - 1588 Am bra, Cofanaria Comedia, - Firenz. 1593 Alethasus de Polygamia, - - l6/6 Aubrey’s Surrey, vol. 1, 2, and 3,—vol. 1 wants last leaf of Index, _ - - - 1723 Amusemens des Eaux d’Aix-la-Chapelle, 3 vol. Amst. 1736 Amusemens des Eaux de Spa, 2 vol. 1735. Gaillard, Histoire de la Rivalitd de la France et d’Angleterre, 3 vol. 1771,-8 vol. Altar of Love, or Whole Art of Kissing, 1731. Rape of the Smock, 1736, and other Tracts. Butler’s Lives of the Saints, Fathers, and Martyrs, 12 vol. 1779 Rum’s Ecclesiastical Laws, 4 vol. - - 1788 --Justice, 4 vol. - - 1797 Burnet’s History of His Own Times, 4 vol. - 1766 Runyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, plates. - 1796 Bewick’s History of Quadrupeds, - 1792 Beauties of Nature and Art, 13 vol. in 7> - 1774 Burke’s Account of the European Settlements in America, 2 vol. - - 1770 Another Copy, 2 vol. - - 1770 Bramwell’s Analytical Table of Private Statutes, 1813 Bolton’s Extinct Peerage, interleaved , - 1769 Baxter on the Soul, 3 vol. - ~ 1745 Burr’s History of Tunbridge Wells, - 1766 51 Bearcroft’s History of Sutton and the Charter House, portrait , 1737 52 Another Copy, large paper, - - 1737 53 Browne’s (Sir T.) Antiquities of Norwich, - 1712 54 Another Copy, large papeb, - 1712 55 Baxteri Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum, Lond. 1719 56 Browrigg’s Art of Making Salt, - - 1748 57 Bocace, le Decameron, wood cuts, - Par . 1548 58 Bocace, le Decameron, 5 vol. with the Plates, and the sup¬ pressed series of Plates , red morocco , - 1757 59 Lord Byron’s English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. First Edition, scarce. 60 Tom Brown’s Works, 4 vol. 61 (Euvres de Brantome, 15 vol. best edition, 6'2 Bibliotheque de Campagne, 10 vol. Quarto . 53 Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemicum, 64 Ascham’s Scholemaster, 65 Archasologia, or Tracts published by the Society of Anti- . quaries, 16 vol. and Index, vol. 1 bound ; the rest sewed. Vol. 4 wants 2 sheets, - - 1770 66 Archseologia, vol. 14, - - 1808 67 Aristotle’s Works by Taylor, 9 vol. and his Dissertation on the Philosophy of Aristotle,--in all 10 vol. Mr. Taylor’s is the only complete translation into English of the Works of Aristotle, and only 50 Copies were printed, 68 Aristotle’s Metaphysics, by Taylor, - 1801 69 Another Copy, in russia, - - 1801 70 Andronicus Rhodius, by Bridgman, « 1807 71 Archdall’s Monasticon Hibernicum, - 1786 72 Ayscough’s Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the British Museum, 2 vol. - - - 1782 73 Antiquarian Repertory, 4 vol. - - 1780 74 Albin's Natural History of English Insects, plates co¬ loured, red morocco, - - 1720 75 Ames’s Typographical Antiquities by Herbert, 3 vol. large pater, - 1785 76 Agrippa on the Vanitie of the Arts, - 1575 77 Account of the Coronations of the Kings of England, 1727? Account of the Coronation of George III. 1761. 78 Antiquities of the English Franciscan or Gray Friars, 1726 79 Abelardi et Heloisae Opera, - Par. 16T6 Haye , 1740 Haye, 1735 1652 SO Abelardi et Heloisae Opera, in russia, - Par. I6l6 81 Anthologia Latina, Burmanni, vol. 1, large paper, russia , Amst. 1759 82 Anthologia Latina, Burmanni, 2 vol. - ib. 1759 SS AEliani Varia Ilistoria Gionovii, - L. BaL 1731 84 Another Copy, - - ib, 1731 85 TEhani Ilistoria Animalium, Gronovii, 2 vol. Bond. 1744 86 Antonini Itinerarium Wesselingii, - Amst. 1735 87 Another Copy, large paper, - 1735 88 Apuleii Metamorphoses Ruhnkenii, large paper, in russia , - - L. Bat. 1786 89 Ammianus Mareellinus Gronovii, - ib. 1693 90 Ammonius de Vocabulorum differentia, a Valckenaer, ib . 1739 91 Another Copy, - - - ib. 1739 92 Anthologia Grseca, a Debosch, vol. 3, - 179$ 93 Addison’s Anecdotes, 1793* Anderson’s Constitution of the Free Masons, 1738, and three more. 94 Alethei Polygamia Triumphatrix, 1682. Rei Accipitrarias Scriptores, l6l2, 2 vol. 95 Audiffredi Catalogus Romanarum Editionum Saeculi XV. 1783 96 Athdnee, par Villebrune, 5 vol. - Par. I7S9 97 Apul6e, Amours de Psyche, Latin et Franpois, plates after Raphael , - - Didot , 1802 98 Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Glocester, 1792 99 Blomefield’s Collections relating to Cambridge, 1751 100 Blomefield’s Llistory of Norfolk, 11vol. - 1805 101 Brand’s History of Newcastle, 2 vol. in russia , 1789 102 Burns’s Antiquities of Westmorland and Cumberland, 2 vol. 1777 103 Bentham’s Antiquities of Ely, - - 1771 104 Another Copy, uncut , - ~ 1771 105 Bryant’s Mythology, 3 vol. first edition , uncut , 1774 106 Another Copy, 3 vol. in russia , - - 1774 107 Bacon’s Liber Regis, - - 1786 108 Bryant on the Trojan War, and Vindication of Homer. 109 Bossewell’s Works of Armorie, 1597* Bolton’s Elements of Armories, 1610, 2 vol. in 1. 110 Bossewell’s Workes of Armorie, 1597* Leigh’s Accedence of Armorie. 111 Bolton’s Elements of Armories, - 1610 112 Breviarie of Health, - - 1575 113 Bacon on the English Government, 1047. Bennet’s Justifi¬ cation of Charles I. 1649. Barclay’s Apology for the Quakers, 1678, 3 vol. 114 British Musical Miscellany, vol. 5. 115 Brigges’s Sermon at Paul’s Crosse, 1571. Bell’s Confutation of the Pope, 1580, 2 vol. in 1. 116 Butler’s Principles of Music, - - 1636 117 Bede’s History of the English Church, by Stapleton, 1565 118 Blaxton’s English Usurer, plate, - 1634 119 Butler’s Principles of Musik, 1636. Butler’s English Gram¬ mar, 1634. 2 vol. 120 Bentleii Epistolae, a Burney, large paper, privately printed , - - Lond. 1807 Folio . 121 Collection of Private Acts of Parliament, alphabetically ar¬ ranged and bound in 10 vols. 122 Collection of Acts of Parliament, Votes, See. in 57 vol. 123 A large lot of Acts of Parliament 124 Alphabetical Register of the Coats of Arms of the Nobility and many of the principal Families in Great Britain, with drawings . 125 Rushworth’s Historical Collections, 8 vol. - 1721 126 Antiquities relating to the Crown and Dignity of Great Britain, extracted from Original Records in the Tower, &c. by Minshull, manuscript. 127 Ashmole's History of the Order of the Garter, plates by Hollar and others , - - 1672 128 Anstis’s History of the Order of the Garter, 2 vol. 1724 129 Atkyns’s History of Gloucestershire, - 1768 130 Anderson’s Royal Genealogies, - - 1732: 131 Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, by Harrington, cuts, 1607 132 Account of Pythagoras’s School in Cambridge. 133 Another Copy. 134 Astleon theOriginand Progress of Writing, large paper, ,8o 3 135 Curious Collection (both Printed aud Manuscript ) of Alphabets, Characters, and Inscriptions used in divers parts of the World, collected by the celebrated Anti¬ quary Ames. 136 Apollonii Lexicon Homericum, Gr. et Lat. a Villoison, 2 vol. large paper - - Par . 1773 137 Avenarii Lexicon Hebraicum, - IViteb. 1589 133 Athensus, Gr. et Lat. notis Casauboni, Ludg. 1612 139 Aristotelis Opera, Latine, commentariis Averrois, 6 vol. Junta. 1552 140 Avicennae Opera, Latine, - - Ven.i^Sz 141 Augustin de la Cite de Dieu, par Ceriziers, Par. 1655 142 Ambassades Memorables vers les Empereurs du Japon, Amst . 1680 143 Acts of Parliament during Cromwell’s time - 1657 144 Aleman’s Life of Guzman d’Alfarache, - 1634 145 Alberti’s Architecture by Leoni, - 1739 146 Birch’s Lives of Illustrious Persons, with their portraits by Houbraken, 2 vol. in 1, 1747 147 Bacon’s Works, 4 vol. - - 1740 148 Bloch, Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, 6 vol. coloured plates, - Berl* 1785 Buchoz, Histoire Naturelle des Plantes, Animaux, &c. 12 parts, coloured plates. Barbault, les plus Beaux Monuments et Edifices de Rome H9 150 Rome 1761 1747 I 79 I 1791 Baskett. 1738 Ancienne et Moderne, 2 vol. 151 Biographia Britannica, vol. 1 to 5, uncut , 152 Bigland’s History of Gloucester, vol. 1, 153 Another Copy, 154 Holy Bible, - - 155 Holy Bible. First edition printed by Grafton, imperfect at the end of the Prologue, - - 15 39 156 Bible, translated by Purver, 2 vol. - I764 157 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta et Castelli Lexicon, 8 vol -fine copy in vellum, - - Lond. 1657 158 Holy Bible, Rouen at Coste of R. Carmarden, 1566 159 Blaeu’s Atlas, (the volume which contains England) 1646 160 Bowen’s and Kitchin’s English Atlas. 161 Burton’s Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire, uncut, 1758 162 Another Copy, large paper, uncut. - 1758 163 CEuvres de Soileau, 2 vol. cuts by Picart, Haye, 1729 164 Bauhini, Historia Plantarum, 3 vol .plates, Ebrod. 1650 165 Bochartus de Animalibus S. Scripturae, in russia. Lond. 1663 166 Bartholomaeus de Proprietatibus Rerum, - Nuremb. 1492 167 Budsei Commentarii de Lingua Graeca, - Basil 1556 168 Blount, Censura Celebriorum Authorum, Lond. 1690 169 Bartolii Veterum Lucernae Sepulcrales, L. But. 1728 170 Baudoin, Iconologie, ou Emblemes, Images, Sec . Par. 1644 Bocace, de la Genealogie des Dieux, wood cuts, Par. Le Noir, 1531 Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy, - 1624 Another Copy, frontispiece, - - 1660 Another Copy , frontispiece, - - 1676 Boccacio’s Novels. . - - 1684 176 British Apollo, or Amusements for the Ingenious. 2 vol. 1708 177 Byrne’s Britannia Depicta, Part I. for Bedfordshire, Berk¬ shire, and Bucks , proof plates. 178 Bernard’s Thesaurus Biblicus, portrait by Hollar, 1644 179 Burchett's Naval History, - - 1720 180 Bartholomasus de Proprietatibus Rerum (in English) Imprinted by Berthelet, - - 1535 181 Bohun on Elections, interleaved and two more. 17 1 172 1 73 *74 175 iSz Bacon on the Advancement of Learning, 1640, and Browne on Vulgar Errors, 1646, 2 vol. 183 Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy, wants frontispiece. 184 Browne’s Ars Pictoria, cuts, 1669. A Durerus de Urbibus condendis, 1535, 2 vol. 185 Bickham’s Universal Penman, - - 1733 186 Blount’s Philostratus, 1680. j. Behm on Genesis, 1656, and 1 more. 187 Blackmore’s Eliza, 1705, Cave’s Lives of the Fathers, 1677, 2 v °k 188 Badesiade’s History of King’s Lynn, - J 7 2 5 189 Two Copies, - 1725 ■Vauntar SECOND DAY’S SALE. The Sale will commence each Day punctually at Half past Twelve. 190 A large lot of Pamphlets in Quarto. Octavo et Infra. 191 Porterfield on the Eye, 2 vol. 1759, and 20 more. 192 Algarotti’s Letters, 1782, and 20 more. 193 Gardiner’s Sermons, 1720. Orr’s Theory of Religion, 1762, and 20 more. 194 Genuine Rejected Addresses, 1812, and 20 more. 195 Young on the Spirit of Athens, 1777, and 20 more. 196 Bird’s Magazine of Honour, 1642. Bibliotheca Regia, or Royal Library, 1659. Bold’s Latin Poems, two last leaves torn, 1685, 3 vol. 197 Barnes’s (Dr.)Supplication to Henry VIII. black letter, im¬ perfect at the end. Brown’s Britannia’s Pastorals, 1625, 2 vol. 198 Beyeri memorise libro 333 Cooke’s Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 2 vols. 1772 334 ChomelyDictionnaire (Economique, 3 vols. Par. 1718 335 Castell’s Villas of the Ancients, 1728 336 Campbell’s Vitruvius Britannicus, with the Continuation by Woolfe and Gandon, 5 vols. in 3, in russia. Camden’s Britannia, by Gough, 4 vols. 1802 Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion, 3 vols. large paper, - 1702 Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion, 4 vols. Clarendon’s State Papers, vol. 1 and 2, Caussin’s Holy Court, Common Prayer, blue morocco , ruled , Baskett, Another copy, blue morocco, ruled , Common Prayer Book in Welsh, Chaucer’s Works, imprynted by Kyngston, 1561. Lyd¬ gate’s Auncient Historie and onely trewe and syncere Cronicle of the Warres betwixte the Grecians and Tro¬ jans ; the table at the end imperfect, Chaucer’s Works by Spcght, Clark’s Marrow of Ecclesiastical History, 2 vols. 348 Carew on the Rights of Elections, 349 Clavell’s Catalogue of Books printed in England from the Eire of London, - - 1675 Cotton’s Abridgement of Records, by Prynne, *657 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Angliae et Hibernias, Oxoyi . 1697 Catalogus Librorum Jmpressorum Bibliothecae Bcdleianae, 2 vols. - Ox on. 1738 Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarurn, - 1803 Cabala, or Mysteries of State, - 1691 Cud worth’s Intellectual System, - 1688 Chardin’s Travels in Persia, - - 1691 Cavendish’s Life of Cardinal Wolsey, manuscript; and three other Manuscripts. 358 Ca alii Splendor Romae, 1650. Steebi Coelum Hebrceorum, Mogunt, in all 2 vols. 359 Caesaris Opera, - - Ven. 1482 360 Caesar de Bello Gallico, manuscript upon vellum, wants the first leaf. 361 An extensive Collection of Single Sheet Ballads, Sec. 362 Collection of Extracts cut out of Newspapers, consisting of curious Anecdotes, odd Advertisements, Biographical Sketches, Poetry, Satires, Sec. in 2 vols. 363 Collection of Extracts from Newspapers, old Play Bills, &c. Sec, 3 5° 35* 35 2 353 354 355 35 6 357 364 Collection of Extracts from Newspapers, selected by S. Ireland. 365 Collection of various Tracts. [ 13 3 366 Cragii Jus Feudale, 1655. Chillingworth on the Religion of Protestants, 1638, 2 vols. 367 Castella et Pretoria Nobilium Brabantiae et Coenobia Cele- briora, plates by Hollar and others. Antverp, 1694 368 Another copy, - - Amst. 1696 369 Cantacuzeni Historia Byzantina, Gr. et Lat. Par. 1645 270 Another copy, - - ibid , 1645 371 Diemerbroeck’s Anatomy, by Salmon, 1694 372 CEuvres de Du Bartas, - - Par. 16 14 373 Dictionarium Latino-Anglicum, Bynneman , 1583 374 ChastiPon Topographie Fran^ise, many plates , Par. 164: 375 Carte des Pays-Bas, - - Brux. 1712 376 Ducange, Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Lati- nitatis, 3 vols. large paper, - Par. 1678 377 Ducange, Glossarium ad Scriptoies Mediae et Infimze Gras- citatis, 2 vols. stained , Lugd. 1688 THIRD DAY’S SALE. Each Day s Sale will commence punctually at Half past Twelve. ' ~ Octavo et Infra. 378 Whytt on the Nerves, 1767, and 20 more. 379 Life of Lord Chatham, 1783, and 20 more, 380 Athenagorae Legatio, 1706, and 20 more. 381 Cheselden’s Anatomy, 1722, and 20 more, 382 Higgins on Calcareous Cements, 1780, and 20 more. 383 Captivite et Mort du Pape, 1814, and 20 more. 384 Ciceronis Officia, morocco, 1552. Claudianus, morocco, 1677, 2 vols. 385 Ciceron, Oraisons par Viliefore, 8 vols. Ciceron Lettres a, Atticus, par Mongault, 6 vols. Et Lettres a Ses Amis, 4 vols. in all 18 vols 386 Cases of Polygamy, Concubinage, &c. 1732. Beverlandus de Peccato Originali, 1679. Vie d’Aretin, 1750, 3 vols. 387 Memoires de Comines, avec des Notes par Godefroy, 5 vols. portraits, - - Bruss 1723 388 Ciceronis Orationes, notis Variorum, 6 vols. vol. 6 imper¬ fect at the beginning, - Amst. 1689 C 14 ] 389 Ciceronis Orationes Selects Delphini, 1803. Cesar par Perrot, 1708. Ciceron de la Vieillesse, 1725, 3 vols. 390 Ciceronis Orationes Delphini, 1729. Boetius by Causton, 1730. Blackwall on the Classics, 1728, 3 vols, 391 Catalogue des Livres de Lamoignon, 3 vols. Par. 1791 392 Another copy, 3 vols. in 1, - ib. 1791 393 Catalogue of Major Pearson’s Library, with the prices, 1788 394 395 39 6 397 39 8 399 400 40 j 402 4° 3 404 —-the Duke of Roxburghe’s Library, large paper, - 1812 - - the Library of the Royal Institution, large paper, - 1809 -Brand’s Library, - 1807 -Croft’s Library, - - 1783 -—Pinelli’s Library, - 1789 --Pinelli’s Library, with the prices, 1789 -—- Pinelli’s Library, with the prices, *789 -Croft’s Library, with the prices, 1783 -- Pinelli’s Library, 1789 Catalogue of the Lansdowne Library, i8c6. Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. vol. 1. in all 3 vols. -the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, 1777 --—- Boucher’s Library, 1806. Catalogus Biblio¬ thecae Coll. Reg. Medicorum Londinensis, 1757, Wor- * rail’s Law Catalogue, 2 vols. 1788, in all 4 vols. 405 —--Beauclerk’s Library, 406 ---Sclater Bacon’s Library, 407 --Heath’s Library, large paper. 1781 1736 1810 Cata- 408 Catalogus Bibliothecae Universalis Selectae, 1786. logue of Maddison’s Library, 1809. Catalogue of Sir J. Caesar’s MSS. with prices, 1757, 3 vols. 409 Catalogue of a Valuable Library, large paper, 1806. Haym, Notizia de’ Libri Rari, - 1726 410 -■-Killigrew’s Books, with prices, l 7 2 5 411 Collection of Tracts relating to the Catholic Question, 412 Cockeram’s English Dictionary, wants title. Cleland’s Specimen of an Etymological Vocabulary, 1768, 2 vols. 413 Churchill’s Poems, 2 vols. 1769. Life of Pope Ganganelli, 1776. Castera, Entretiens Literaires, 2 vols. Par. 1738, 5 vols. 414 Collins’s English Baronetage, vol. 1 to 4 and 10, odd volumes. 415 Cases of Impotenee, 4 vols. - - 1714 416 Debure, Bibliographic Instructive, 7 vols. Par. 1763. Ca¬ talogue de Gaignat, 2 vols. with the prices, 1769. in all 9 vols. 417 Dictionnaire Bibliographique, 3 vols. Par. 1790 418 Davies, Rudimenta Linguae Cambro-Britannicse, scarce. Loud . 16 zi C 15] 419 Davies, Rndimenta Linguae Cambro-Britannicae, 2 leaves supplied by manuscript, - Lend. 1621 420 Delolme on the Constitution, 1777. Gentz on the State of Europe, 1802. Political Controversy, 3 vols. in all 5 vols. 421 Desormeaux, Histoire du Prince de Conde, 2 vols. Par. 1766. Mallet, Travaux de Mars, 3 vols. Par . 1696. in all 5 vols. 422 Dictionary of Plard Words, - - 1719 423 Dubos on Poetry, Painting, and Music, 3 vols. 1748 424 Dallaway’s Anecdotes of the Arts in England, 1800 425 Demosthenes, by Leland, 3 vols. - 1777 426 Davies’s Life of Garrick, 2 vols. - 1780 427 Delolme on the English Constitution, - 1807 428 Delolme on the Constitution, 2 vols. 1784. Campbell’s Review of Lord Wellesley’s Indian Government, 1807. Critical History of England, 1724, 4 vols. 29 Dodington’s Diary, - - 1784 430 Dodsley’s Miscellanies, 2 vols. 1745. Churchill’s Poems, 2 vols. 1766, in all 4 vols. 431 Derham’s Astro-Theology and Physico-Theology, 2 vols. 1758 432 Durfey’s Tales, - 1704 433 Defoe’s Voyage round the World, - *705 434 . - Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed, 1727 435 Another copy, - 1727 436 Defoe’s Miscellaneous Writings, - 1703 437 Another edition, - - 1703 438 Defoe’s Memoirs of a Cavalier, 439 - Political History of the Devil, - 1734 440 Dangerous Connections, 4 vols. in 2, - 1784 441 Dodsley’s Fugitive Pieces, 2 vols. Sentimens de Courayer, 2 vols. 1729, 4 vols. 442 Diderot, Bijoux Indiscrets, 2 vols. Madamemoiselle Bon- tens, 1738, and four more. 443 Drake’s Impartial History of England and Scotland, 1703 444 Dawson’s Memoirs of St. George and the Order of the Garter, - - - - 1714 445 Dictionary of Hard Words, - - 1707 446 Another copy, - - - 1719 447 Description of the Gold Coast of Guinea, 1705. Busbe- quius’s Travels in Turkey, 1744. Dumont’s Voyage to the Levant, wants title. D’Arvieux’s Travels in Arabia, 1732, 4 vols. 448 Dale’s Catalogue of the Nobility of England, 1697 449 Delices de l’Espagne et du Portugal, 5 vols. plates , Leicle . l 7°7 450 Delices de la Grande Bretagne, 8 vols. in 9, many plates , Leide. 1707 [ 16 ] 451 i.. ♦ 452 453 454 455 456 4 57 De Luc, Lettres Physiques et Morales sur la Terre, 6 vol. Haye , 1779 Dodsley's Collection of Poems, 3 vol. 1748 . Musae Angli- canas, 2 vol. 1721. Farquhar’s Works, 2 vol. 1721. Edinburgh Review, vol. 3 and l6 Numbers. Edmondson's Genealogical History of the Family ofGreville, 1766 Erdeswicke's Survey of Staffordshire, - 1723 Ellis’s Voyage to Hudson's Bay, - 1748 Elstob’s English-Saxon Homilv, - 1709 Quarto. 458 Ducarel’s History of Croydon, - 1783 459 Delolme’s History of Flagellants, 3777) and six more. 460 Dionysius Halicarnassensis, by Spelman, 4 vol. in russia , 1758 461 Dow’s History of Hindostan, 3 vol. - ' 1770 462 Dillon’s Travels through Spain, - 1782 463 Dallaway’s Anecdotes of the Arts in England, large paper, 1800 464 Dauteroche’s Journey into Siberia, - 1770 465 Denne’s History of Lambeth, - - 1796 466 Darell’s History of Dover Castle, large papkR> 1797 467 Diodati’s Annotations on the Bible, head by Hollar , 1643 468 Demosthenes, Gr. et Lat. Taylori, 2 vol. Cantab . 1757 469 Diogenes Laertius Meibomii, 2 vol. - Amst. 1692 470 Duporti Gnomologia Homeri, 1660. Duporti Versio Graca Psalmorum, 1666, 2 vol. 471 Delrius in Canticum Canticorum, l6l L, and three more. 472 D’Auteroche, Voyage en Siberie, 3 vol. and Atlas in folio, Par. 1768 473 De La Serre, Description d’Angleterre, - 1775 474 Darwin’s Zoonomia, vol. 1, and seven odd volumes. 475 Edwards’s Anecdotes of Painters, - 1808 476 Evelyn’s Silva and Terra, by Hunter, 2 vol. - ISOl 477 Exmoor Scolding. Stella Clericorum. Caricatures, Augsb . l6l2, 3 vol. 478 Fenn's Original Letters of the Paston Family, vol. 1 and 2, and 5 odd volumes. 479 Fontaine, Amours de Psyche et Cupidon, plates coloured, Par , 1791 480 Fox's History of James II. large paper, - 1808 481 Another Copy, large paper, - 1808 482 Fabricii Bibliotheca Grceca, 14 vol. wanting vol. 13 , Hamb. 17 IS 4 S 3 Another Copy, vol. 1 to 12, - - ib. 1713 484 Fabricii Bibliotheca G rage a, ab Ilarles, 9 vol. fikp. paper, - - ib. 1790 485 Fabricii Bibliographia Antiquaria, - ib. 1713 486 Another Copy, - - - 1716 4 S 7 Another Copy, - - - 1760 488 Faulkner’s History of Fulham, - 1813 489 Fragments of Scottish History, - - 1798 490 Featley's Dippers Dipt , frontispiece, l660 491 Fauchet de la Langue et Poesie Franyoise, rare, Par. 1581 492 Fontenelle, CEuvres de, 3 vol. - Haye , 17-8 493 Falkner’s Description of Patagonia, - 1774 494 Another Copy, - - 1774 495 Fawkes’s Chronology of the History of Modern Europe, 1810 496 Feme’s Blazon of Gentrie, - - 1586 497 Fuller’s Abel Redevivus or Lives of Divines, heads , 1651 498 Ferguson’s History of Civil Society, - 1768 499 Fungeri Etymologicum trilingue, l 607 - Devarius de Graecis Particulis, 158S, 2 vol. 500 Fabricii Emprese e Emblemi, - Roma. 1588 501 Plates to the Farmer General’s Edition of Fontaine’s Tales, inlaid in quarto. 502 Frampton’s Joy full Newes out of the New-found Worlde, 1596 . Briefe Description of the World, l620. Sedler Olam or Order of the Worlde, 1594 , 3 vol. 503 Gore, Set iptores de Re Heraldica 1674 . Bolton’s Elements of Armories, 16T0, 2 vol. 504 Gebelin, Monde Primitif, 9 V °F “ Par. 1773 505 Guignard, Ecole de Mars, 2 vol. - Par. 1725 50 6 Gough’s British Topography, 2 vol. - 1780 507 Grose’s Antiquities of England and Wales, 2 vol. 1773 508 Gravesande’s Natural Philosophy, by Desaguliers, 2 vol. 1747 509 Gardner’s History of Dunwich, - 1754 510 Gwynn’s London and Westminster Improved, 1766 511 Gardner’s Views on the Rhine. Folio. 512 Castelli Lexicon Ileptaglotton, - Loud. 1669 513 Another Cony, damaged, and wants the head and last leat, u 1686 514 Constantini et aliorum Lexicon Grcecum, Crispin. 1562 D [ 18 ] 515 De Guignes, Dictionnaire Chinois, Francois, et Latin, Par. 1813 516 Demothenes et JEschines, Gr. et Lat. Wolfii, best edition, Franc. 1604 517 Dioscorides, Gr. et Lat. Saraceni, - ap. JVechel. 1598 518 Delrii Disquisitiones Magicae, - Mogunt. 1603 519 Dapper, Description des Isles de l’Archipel, Amst. 1703 520 Diodorus Siculus, by Booth, - - 1700 521 Dart’s Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, 2 vol. and Dart’s Antiquities of Canterbury Cathedral, 1725, in all 3 vol. 522 Dugdale’s Works, namely his Monasticon Anglicanum, 3 vol. l6’55. Monasticon Anglicanum in English, and Stevens’s Continuation, 3 vol. 1718. History of St. Paul’s, original edition, 1658. History of St. Paul’s by Maynard, 1715. History of Warwickshire, l656. Baronage, 2 vol. l575. Origines Juridiciales, l580. Jmbanking and Draining, by Cole, 1772. Summons to Parliament, l6'S5. View of the Troubles, !681. Usage of Arms, 12mo. inlaid in folio, 1582. Office of Chancellor, l2mo. inlaid in folio size, 1677,—in all 15 vol. uniformly bound in blue morocco. 523 Dugdgle’s History of Warwickshire, damaged, 1657 524 Dugdale’s Baronage, 2 vol. in 1, - 1675 525 Ducarel’s Anglo-Norman Antiquities. 52 6 Dryden’s Fables, with cuts by Lady D. Beauclerc, 1797 527 Enderbie’s History of Wales, large paper, 1810 528 Erasmus’s Paraphrases on the New Testament, 2 vol, 1551 529 Edmondson’s Supplement to his Peerage, - 1784 530 Euclidis Elementa Latine, 1572. Eusebius’s Ecclesiastical History, 1636. 531 Ehret et Trew, Plants Selects, plates coloured, 1750 532 English Herbal, black letter, imperfect, 1527 - Herbal, in German, black letter. Herbal, in French, black letter, imperfect, 3 vol. 533 Fuller's Church History of Britain, - 1 655 534 Another Copy, - 1655 535 Fuller’s History of the Holy War, 1647 - Fuller’s Holy State, portraits^ 1648 , 2 vol. iu 1. 536 Fuller’s Holy War, and Holy State, 2 vol. in 1, 16 dL 537 Fuller’s Holy War, 1652 . Felltham’s Resolves, 1077 ? 2 vol. 538 Fenner’s Works, head by Hollar , - 1657 539 Fulke on the Rhemish Testament, - 1589 540 Flaust, Coutume et Jurisprudence de Normandie, 2 vol. Rouen , 1781 541 Fabri Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, interleaved, in 3 vol. MSS. notes , - Lips. 17 10 542 Fabri Thesaurus Latinus cura Gesneri, interleaved, in 3 vol. Hagce Com. 1735 [ 19 ] 543 Figures des Histoires de la Bible, wood cuts , Par. 1683 544 Gough’s Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain, 3 vol. in boards, hare, - - 1789 545 Gordon's Genealogical History of the Earldom of Suther¬ land, LARG E PAPER, - - 1813 546 Guillim’s Heraldry, best edition, large paper, 1724 547 Gray’s Poems, with Bentley’s Designs, - 1753 548 Another Copy, - 1/53 549 London Gazette from l 6/7 to 1693 , and Lorn 1698 to 1709 ? —9 vol. 550 Gibson’s Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani, 2 vol. 1713 551 Gataker’s Sermons, 1637. History of Lewis XI. l 6 l 4 . Godwin’s Annals of Henry VIII. 1630,—3 vol. 552 Gunston’s History of the Church of Peterburgh, large paper, - l6s6 553 Gerard’s Herbal, by Johnson, best edition , - 1(536 554 Galeni Opera, Grace, 5 vol. in 3 , - Basil. 1538 555 Gruteri Inscriptiones Roman®, 2 vol. - 1616 556 Gronovii Thesaurus Antiquitatum Gracarum, 13 vol. L. Bat. l 697 * Graevii Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romana- ’ rum, 12 vol. Sallengre, Nov us Thesaurus, 3 vol. Pitisci Lexicon Antiq. Romanarum, 2 vol. Gruteri Inscriptiones Roman®, 2 vol.—in all 32 vol. 557 Gronovii Thesaurus Gracarum Antiquitatum, 10 vol. Ven. 1732 . Graevii Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum, 10 vol. Ven. 1732. Sallengre, Novus Thesaurus, 3 vol. Veil. 1735. Poleni Snpplementum Utriusque Thesauri, 2 vol. Ven. 1537,—in all 25 vol. 558 Gambado’s Horsemanship, plates, - 1808 559 Hubner’s Atlas, - - 1754 560 Hooker’s Works, - - - 1753 061 Heylyn’s History of the Presbyterians, - 1670 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. Each Day will commence punctually at Half past Twelve. Octavo et Infra. 562 Whiston’s Astronomical Principles of Religion, 1717? and 20 more. 563 Plowden’s Jura Anglorum, and 20 more. 564 Claims of Literature, 1802, and 20 more. [ 20 ] 565 Whiston’s Astronomical Lectures, and 20 more. 566 Calonne, Etat. de la France, and 20 more. 567 Eden’s Principles of Penal Law, 5,68 EEtob’s nglE hr Saxon Homily, / 1771 1709 569 Evel) n’s Sculpture, p n'trait, - - 1755 570 Ephesian and Cimmerian Matrons, frontispiece , 1668. Eunuchism displayed, 1718 . Traite des Eunuques, 1707 » 3 vol. 571 Eunuchism displayed, I7I8. Emblems of Love. English Rogue,—in all 3 vol. 572 England’s Vanity and Sin in Dress and Apparell, l 6 S 3 . Great Evil of Health-Drinking, 1084 . Ens, Apparatus Convivialis, l 6 l 5,—3 vol. 573 Erasmus’s Praise of Folly. Holbein’s cuts, - 1709 574 Erasmi Stultiae Laus, Holbein's cuts , - Bas. 1676 575 Another Copy, - - ib. 1780 576 English Rogue, 2 vol. in 1, Portrait of Head, l 680 577 Euclid’s Elements by Cunn, 2 vol, 1733 . Euclid by Barrow, 1732 . 578 English Connoisseur or Account of the Pictures and Statues in England, 2 vol. the prices paid for the Houghton Pic - tures is annexed to each in MS. - 1766 579 Facetiai Facetiarum, red morocco, - 1 657 580 Foster’s Sermons, 4 vol. - - 1745 581 B. Franklin’s Works, 3 vol. - - 1806 582 Foundling Hospital for Wit, - - 1763 583 Fielding’s Tom Jones, 4 vol. - - 1782 584 Falle’s History of Jersey. - - 1734 585 Farmer’s History of Waltham Abbey, - 1735 586 Farquhar’s Works, plates. 587 Fontaine’s Tales, cuts, - - 1 735 5 5 8 Fernar’s Illustrations of Sterne, - 3798 5 5 9 Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vol. first impressions of the Plates, - Amst. 1762 590 Another Copy, 2 vol. - - ib. 1 777 591 Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vol. cuts by Komain de H ooge, - Amst. 1099 592 Fabliaux et Contes par Barbazan, 3 vol. Par. 1756 593 Fenelon, CEuvres Spintuelles, 2 vol. 1731. Telemaque, 1756 . Feeries Nouvelles, 2 vol. 174 - 1,—5 vol. 594 Frontinus, notis Oudendorpii, - L. Bat. 1731 595 Another Copy, - - - ib. 1731 596 Filangieri’s Science of Legislation, 2 vol. 1S06. Fortescue on Monarchy. 1719 * 597 Fennek’s Divine Message, Portrait by Hollar , 1653 [ 598 French Alphabetic, with a Treasure of Proverbes, Golden Sayings, &c. - 1595 599 Fulke’s Defense of Scripture against Martin. - 158 S [ 21 ] 600 Flores Poetarum Britannicorum (Welsh Poetry,) blue mo¬ rocco, - - - 1710 601 Gaffarel, Curiositez inouyes, l637* Peuceri Chiromantia, 1554. Merlini Prophetia3, l603,and 3 more. 6 02 Gentleman’s Recreation, damaged by a worm, 1706. Gemma de Secretis Naturae, 1575. Gibboni Blasonia, 1682. Henley’s Oratory Transations, 1728,—4 vol. 603 Granger’s Biographical History of England, 4 vol. 1779 604 Gibbon’s Roman History abridged, 2 vol. - 17&9 605 Gilbert’s Law of Tenures, - - 1796 606 Gilpin’s Northern Tour, 2 vol. plates, - 1786 607 - Scotch Tour, 2 vol. - - /I789 60 S Green’s Survey of Worcester, - 1764 609 Grose’s Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, interleaved, 1785 610 -Provincial Glossary, interleaved, - 1787 6 T 1 Glanvi) on Witches and Apparitions, •. 1700 6l2 Grobianus or the Compleat Booby, - 1739 6'13 Gibbon, Introductio ad Blasoniam, l6S2. Dugdale on Bearing Arms, 1682. Doddridge’s Account of the Prin¬ cipality of Wales, 1714,—3 vol. 014 Griffiths on the Conservacy of the Thames, 1746. Wood on Stonehenge, 1747* Fortnight’s Ramble to the Lakes, 1795, 3 vol. 615 Geddes’s Translation of the Psalms, 1807. Geddes’s His¬ tory of the Church of Malabar, 1694. Grotii Annales Belgici, 1658,—3 vol. 616 Hutton’s Journey from Birmingham to London. History of Birmingham History of Derby, Battle of Bosworth, and other Works in 10 vol. - 1785 617 History of Burghley House, 1797* Historical Account of Stoke Park, p/ates, 1813,—2 vol. 6l 8 History of Rome, 3 vol. - - 1792 619 - France, 3 vol. - - 1790 620 -Spain, 3 vol. - - 1793 621 Hume’s History of England abridged, 2 vol. - 179-5 622 History of Great Yarmouth, in russia. - 1776 623 History of Guilford, 1801. Kirby’s Suffolk Traveller, 1764, 2 vol. 624 History of Boroughs, 2 vol. - - 1792 625 Heath’s Account of the Islands of Scilly. - 1750 626 History of Mecklenburgh, - - 1762 627 Hill’s (A.) Works, 4 vol. large paper, - 1754 628 Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, by Pope, with Wakefield’s Notes, 11 vol. - - 3 796 629 Howard’s Miscellaneous Works, 3 vol. - Dub. 1782 630 Harrington’s Nugm Antiquae, by Park, 2 vol. 1804 631 Highmore’s History of Mortmain, - 1 8O9 [ 22 ] 632 Holberg’s Universal History, 1758. Browne’s History of England, 2 vol. 1780, 3 vol. 633 Havercampi, Sylloge Scriptorum de Lingua Graeca, 2 vol. L. Bat. 1736 634 Another copy, 2 vol. - - ib> 1736 635 Horatii Opera, a Pine, 2 vol. plates, - Io«d. 1733 636 Horace, Latin and English, by Davidson, 2 vol. 1811 637 Horatius in usum Delphini, - Lond. 1727 638 Homeri Ilias, Graece, - - Turnebus, 1554 639 Horned Ilias, Graece, Didymi, - - Oxon. 1695 640 Another Copy, - - ibid. 1695 640* Heliodorus Graece, a Coray, 2 vol. - Par . 1 Quarto. 641 642 X 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 66 3 664 665 Gessner, Contes Moraux, plates, - Zuric. 1773 Gunn on the Performance on the Harp, - 1807 Gay’s Beggar’s Opera and Polly, with the Music, 2 vol. and four more. Gentleman’s Journal for 1692, 3, and 4. Gambado’s Academy for grown Horsemen, - 1787 Geddes’s Translation of the Bible, and Critical Remarks on Scripture, 3 vol. Horsley’s Translation of Hosea, - - 1801 Hargrave’s Juris-eonsult Exercitations, 3 vol. - 1811 Harte’s Life of Gustavus Adolphus, 2 vol. - 1659 Howard on the State of the Prisons in England and Wales, 1 777 Horatius Cruquii, 1597, and eight more. Horatii Opera, - - Cantab. 1699 Horatius Cruquii, 1597, and five more. Horatius, notis Cruquii, 1579. Hesiod by Cooke, 1728. Godwin’s Roman Antiquities, 1661, 3 vol. Horatius, notis Cruquii, - Plantin. 1611 Horatius Cruquii, 1578. Horatius Lambini, 1596. Ma- netho Gronovii, 1598, 3 vol. Hederici Lexicon Grsecum, - - 1778 Homed Opera, Gr. et Lat. Didymi, 2 vol. Elz. 1656 Hooke on the Roman Senate, 1758, and six more. Hodges’s Travels in India, plates, - - 1793 Hamilton, Memoires de Grammont, 72 portraits. Hutchinson’s History of Durham, vol. 2 and 3, large paper, - - 1787 Another copy, vol. 3. small paper, - 1794 Hooke’s Roman History, vol. 1 and 3, - 1738 Historical Account of the Charter House, «* 1808 C 23 ] 666 Hayes’s Portraits of Rare Birds in the Osterley Collection, COLOURED PLATES, - - 1 794 667 Herbert’s Antiquities of the Inns of Court , plates, 1804 668 Historical Account of Lambeth Palace, plates, 1806 669 Historical Anecdotes of Heraldy and Chivalry, and five more. 670 Historia Nova, success! della Guerra Turchesca, Congiura del Duca de Nortfolch contra la Regina d?Inghilterra, Par . 1572 671 Horatius Cruquii, 1579. Longinus Tollii, 1694. 672 Harpocrationis Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. Valesii, large paper, - L. Bat. 1683 673 Another copy, large paper, - ibid, 1683 674 Harpocrationis Lexicon Gronovii, - X. Bat. 1696 675 Horatii Emblemata, studio Othonis Vaenii, Brux. 1683 676 Hayward’s Life of Henry IV. - - 1599 677 Hey wood’s Drunkard Dissected, 1635^ Hayward’s Lives of the Norman Kings, 1613. History of the first four¬ teen years of King James, 1651. 678 Histoire des Ordres Religieux, 71 plates Par. 1658 679 Hesiodus, Gr. et Lat. Heinsii, 1603, and ten more. 680 Hexham’s Dutch Dictionary, 1678, and various others. 681 Hephsestion, Gr. Par. Turnebus, 1553, and three more. 682 Helio.dorus, Graece. First Edition , - Basil. 1534 683 Histoire de 1 ’ Imprimerie, - - Par. 1740 684 Jeffery’s Collection of Dresses, 2 vol. - 1757 685 Jortin’s Life of Erasmus, - - 1758 686 Johannaei Historia Ecclesiastica Islandiae, 3 vol. Haun. 1772 687 Johnstone, Antiquitates Celto-Scandicae, et Celto-Norman- % nicae, 2 vol. - 1786 688 Juvenal, by Hodgson, - - 1807 689 Ysbrants Ides Travels from Moscow to China, 7706 690 Irwin’s Adventures up the Red Sea, - 1780 691 King’s Rights and Ceremonies of the Greek Church, 1772 692 King’s Toast, and other Works. . 693 Knight’s Landscape, 1794. Knight’s Progress of Civil Societ y, fine paper, 1796, 2 vol. 694 Knight’s Progress of Civil Society, - 1796 695 Knight’s Progress of Civil Society, 1796, and two more. 696 Kortholtus de tribus Magnis Impostoribus, 1700, Kort- hold Paganus Obtrectator, 1703. 2 vol in 1. 697 Kysel, leones Bibiicas, - - 1679 698 Longus, Amours de Daphnis et Chloe, plates, 1 779 699 Lewin’s Birds of Great Britain, with their Eggs, vol. 3 to 7, in 2 vol. in russia, plates coloured. - 1791 700 Ledwich’s Antiquities of Ireland, - 1803 701 Long’s History of Jamaica, 3 vol. r a r e. - 1774 Folio. 702 Hamilton’s (Sir W.) Etruscan Antiquities, vol. 1 and 2, in russia, - 1766 703 Houbraken’s Heads of Illustrious Persons, with their Lives by Birch vol. 1. large paper. - 1743 704 Holbein’s Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. 13 Numbers, wanting No. 9 and 10, portraits of Holbein and Wife, and Miniatures. 705 Hutchin’s History of Dorset, 2 vol. - - *774 706 Hasted’s History of Kent, vol. 1 and 2, - • 1778 707 Hill’s British Herbal, large paper, plates coloured, 1756 708 Hill on the Construction of Timber, - 1770 709 Hughes’s Natural History of Barbadoes, large paper, * 75 ° 710 Another copy, - - 175° 711 Heylin’s History of the Presbyterians, - 1670 712 Heath’s Chronicle of the Civil War, frontispiece , 1676 7 1 3 Hygden’s Polycronicon, Imprinted by Treueris t 1527 714 Another copy, wants the Title. - - 15Z7 715 Halstead’s Genealogies. Privately printed at the expense of Lord Peterborough, very rare, damaged, and 1 plate supplied by a drawing, - - 1685 716 History of Nature expressed in near ico copperplates, 1720 717 Hayes’s Natural History of British Birds, plates, 1775 718 History of Polexander, 1648. Sir R. Howard’s five Plays, 1692, 2 vol. 719 Howard’s Defensative against the Poyson of supposed Pro¬ phecies, - 1620 720 Another copy, - 1620 721 Howell on the precedency of Kings, 1664. Hale on the origination of Mankind, 1677. Commines Memoirs, 1601, 3 vol. 722 Heywood’s Hierarchie of the Angels, - 1635 723 -— History of Women, - - 1624 724 Castrations to Holinshed’s Chronicles. 725 Hofmanni Lexicon Universale, 4 vol. Best Edition , L. Bat. 1698 726 Hippocratis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Foesii, - Genev . 1657 727 Hippocratis CEconomia, Foesii, 1588, and three more. 728 Hoffmani Lichenes, vol. 1 and part of vol. 2, in 1 vol. Lips. 1790. Hoffmanii Historia Salicum, part j, 1787. 729 Historic Ecclesiastics Scriptores Graeci, 1612. Hasii Reg* num Davidicum, 1739, 2 v °l* 730 Hesychii Lexicon Alberti, vol. 1, 1746 73 1 History of Naval Exploits under Elizabeth, head . 732 Journals of the House of Lords, vol. 1 to 13. C 25 ] 733 Johnson’s Lives of Highwaymen, plates, - 1734 yC, 734. Ionian Antiquities, 2 vol. - - 1769 7 35 Inett’s History of the English Church, 2 vol. - 1704 736 Jeffery’s American Atlas, - 1776 737 Inigo Jones’ Designs by Kent, - - 1727 738 Another copy, - - - 1727 739 Johnson’s English Dictionary, 2 vol. - 1755 740 Johnson’s Dictionary, - 1785 741 Inventories of the Estates of the South Sea Directors, 2 vol. 1721. Journals of Parliament from Edward II. to Richard III. Manuscript, 2 vol. in all 4 vol. 742 Jones’s Relicks of the Welsh Bards, - 1 794 743 --Bardic Museum, - - 1802 744 Juliani Opera, Gr. et Lat. Spanhemii, - Lips. 1696 745 Iamblichus de Mysteriis, a Gale, 1678. Isocrates, Gr. et Lat. 1570, and three more. 746 Juvenal’s Satires by Sir R. Staplyton, large paper, por- )v trait by Lombart, and cuts by Hollar and others, 1660 747 Judycyall of Uryns, black letter . 748 Knorr, DeliciaeNaturalSelectx, 2 vol. coloured plates . Numb. 1766 749 Kasmpfer’s History of Japan, 2 vol. - 1727 750 Another copy, 2 vol. in 1, - 1727 75 I Collection of Old Law Books, printed by Pynson, Myddyl- ton , Rastel, Tottel, and Redman, 9 vol. 752 Leigh’s Critica Sacra, - - 1662 753 Libanii Epistolae Wolfii, - - j 738 754 Locke’s Works, 3 vol. - - 1740 755 Lobineau, Histoire de Bretagne, 2 voI{ - Par.ijoj FIFTH DAY’S SALE. r Fhe Sale will commence each Day punctually at Half past Twelve. Octavo et Infra. 756 Baker on the Microscope, and twenty more. 757 Present State of Europe, 1753? and twenty more. 758 Schrevelii Lexicon, torn, and ten more. 759 Blackwall on the Classics, and twenty more. 760 Hippocrates de aere et aquis, Gr. et Lat. et Gallice, 2 vol. Par. 1800 E [• 26 ] 761 Huber, Notices des Graveurs et Peintres, Di esel. 1787 762 Hartley on Man, 2 vol. 1749- Hutchinson on Beauty and Virtue, 1729- Harraer on Solomon’s Song, 1768, 4 vol. 763 Manway’s Journal, 2 vol. 1757* Hanway on the Prisons of England and Wales, 1780, 3 vol. 764 Harwood on the Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics. 1790 765 Histoire de Don Ranuccio, 2 vol. Ven. 1738. Zayde, 2 vol. 1725. Histoire de Mademoiselle Salens, 2 vol. 1740. Histoire de la Comtesse de Gonzez, 2 vol. 172S, in all 8 vol. 766 Histoire des Amazones, 2 vol. 1740. Petitus de Amazoni- bus, 16S7. Histoire des Favorites, 1702, 4 vol. 767 Havercampus de lingua Graeca, 1736. Wetstenius de pro- nunciatione Linguae, Gr. 1 <580; and four more. 76S History of Erastus and the Seven Wise Masters of Rome, CUtS , - - 1674 769 History of Whoring, i 697 « Head’s Art of Wheedling, 1684 , 2 vol. 770 History of Lady Frail, - - 1751 771 Hennepin’s Travels in America, 1698. Ilowel’s Letters, 1678. History of Women, 1657? 3 vol. 772 Historical Collections relating to the Two Last Parliaments, 1685 7 73 Lleath’s Flagellum, or Life of Cromwell, 1669. Historical Collections, l685, 2 vol. 774 Iloldsworth’s Short-Hand. Independent Whig, 2 vol. and six more. 775 Historia Variarum Reiumpublicarum, 59 vols. 776 Horatius, 3 vols. - - Elz. 1629 777 Humfrey on Nobilitye, in russia, - 1563 778 Harris’s Three Treatises, 1744. Hunter on Tacitus, 1752, and six more. 779 History of English and Scotch Presbytery, frontispiece , 1659. Flistory and Policy of Cromwell, 1659. Howard’s British Princes, a Poem, 1669. History of the Caesars, 1730, 4 vols. 780 Historia Martyrum Angliae, et Scoticae Proditionis, 1573 781 Heliodorus, Gr. et Lat. 1611* Dawsoni Lexicon, 1706, and four more. 782 Lord Holles’s Memoirs, 1699, Mezeray, Histoire de France 6 vols. Marini, Caloaudre Fidele, 3 vols. in all 10 vols. 783 Horse Diurnae Breviarii Romani, 1566. Josephus by L’Estrange, 3 vols. 1709, and three more. 784 Hasted’s History of Kent, vol. 4 and 5. Edwards’s West Indies, vol. 2 and 3, and ten more. 785 Historia Literaria, vol. 1,3, and 4, and ten more. 0 [ '21 ] 786 Historical Collections, 1685. Lives of the Regicides, 1661. Secret History of the Calve’s-head Club, 1705. Lives of Notorious Counterfeits, 1686. Courtier’s Calling, 1675, 5 vols. 787 Beri Jonson’s Works, by Whalley, 7 vols. 1756 788 Johnson’s Collection of English Poets, 68 vol. in russia , 1779 789 —-- Tour to the Hebrides, . 1775 790 -- — Idler, 2 vols. 1761. Johnson’s Rasselas, 1775, 3 vols. 791 Juvenal Delphini, 1736. Juvenal parTarteron, 1729, 2 vols. 792 Jones and Morris’s Welsh Dictionary, - 1760 793 Johnson’s Vision of Heaven, 1738. S. Johnson’s Hur- lothrumbo, 1729, 2 vols. in 1. 794 Izacke’s Antiquities of Exeter, large paper, 1734 795 Kelly’s Scotish Proverbs, - - 1721 796 Keysler, Antiquitates Septemrionales, Han. 1720 797 Kennett’s Roman Antiquities, - 1731 798 Another copy, - 1696 799 Kersey’s English Dictionary, 1715* Comines Memoirs, 2 vols. vol. 2 wants title, and three more. 800 Keys Antient Bee-Master’s Farewell, 1796. Natural His- tory of Bees, 1744, and 5 more Treatises on Bees, iri all 7 vols. 801 Kusterus de Verbo Medio, - - 1773 802 Livius Clerici, 2 vols, 1718. Horace par Tarteron, 2 vols. 1710, and eight more. 803 Liturgia Graeca, 1665. Andrews, Preces Privatae, 1675. Miltoni, Samson Agonistes, Graece, a Glasse, 1788, 3 vols. 804 Lyttelton’s History of Henry II. 6 vols. - 1769 805 Lives of Leland, Hearne, and Wood, 2 vols. 1772 806 Life of Benvenuto Cellini, 2 vols. - 1771 807 Lediard’s Life of the Duke of Marlborough, 3 vols. 1736 808 Life of Whiston, 2 vols. - - 1749 809 Another copy, 2 vols. - - 1749 810 Life of David, 2 vols. ... 1 759 3 11 --Sir J. Leake, - - 1750 812 -Judge Price, 1734. Life of Servetus, 1724. Life of Lord Chatham, 1783, 3 vols. 813 Life and Adventures of Cleveland, 5 vols. 1734. Prevost, Histoire de Margueritte d’Anjou, 2 vols. 1740, 7 vols. 814 Leland's View of Deistical Writers, 2 vols. 1757. Knox’s Sermons, 1792, 3 vols. 815 Law’s T heory of Religion, 1759. Locke on Understand¬ ing, 2 vols. 1726. Lucas on Happiness, 2 vols. 1757, 5 vols. 816 Ludlow’s Memoirs, 2 vols. 1698. Life of Servetus, 1724. London Museum, 3 vols. 1770, 6 vols. [ 28 ] S17 Life of the Duke of Berwick, 1738. Life of Lyde, x731. Life of Pascal, 1723, 3 vols. London and its Environs, 6 vols. five bound, vol. 6 in boards, 1761. 818 ——- the celebrated Mrs.Mann. 1724. Life of Nell Gwin, 2 vols. 8J 9 —— Don Bias, 1741. Life of Estevanille Gonzalez, 1737. La Bruyere’s Characters, 1709, 3 vols. 820 Lawson on Oratory, 1759. Lyttelton’s Dialogues of the Dead, 1760. Le Roux, Dictionnaire Comique, 1718. 821 Le Comte’s Account of China, - 1738 822 Lindsey’s View of the Unitarian Doctrine, - 1783 823 Livelie’s Chronologic of the Persians, 1597. Life of S. Wenefride, imperfect at the beginning. 824 Longus, Amours de Daphnis et Chloe, plates, 1745. Life of Beauchene, 2 vols. 1745. Lettres d’une Peruvienne, in all 4 vols. 825 Lami, Memorabilia Italorum, 3 vols. Flor. 1742 826 Ludolfi Grammatica Russica, Oxon. 1696 827 Livii Historia notis Variorum, 3 vols. best edition, Elzev. i6 97 828 Tite Live par Du Ryer, 8 vols. Rouen , 1722 829 Luciani opera, notis Variorum, 2 vols. Amst. 1687 830 Lucien, par Dablancourt, 2 vols. cuts, Amst. 1709 831 Le Sage, Vie de Guzman d’Alfarache, 3 vols. Par. 1733 832 Loathsomnesse of Long Haire, - 1654 833 Leti, Historia di Cromvele. 2 vols. portraits, Amst. 1692 834 Liaisons dangereuses, 2 vols. 1784. Quilleti Callipaidia, 1708. Bartholinus de usu Flagrorum in Re Veneria, 1669 835 Lettres d’amour d’une Religieuse, - Elz. 1669 836 Modest Defense of Public Stews, 1740. Modern World Disrob’d, 1708, 2 vols. 837 Milton’s Prose Works, by Symmons, 7 vols. large paper, - - - 1806 Quarto. 838 Ludlow’s Memoirs, - 1771 839 Lysons’s History of the Environs of London, 4 vol. Lysons’s Middlesex, 1800 , in all 5 vol. 840 --— Environs of London, 4 vol. in russia. Lysons’s Middlesex, in boards, in all 5 vol. 841 Lempriere’s Classical Dictionary, - 1804 842 Lavateps Physiognomy, by Hunter, 5 vol. in numbers, an original subscription copy. 813 Littleton’s Latin Dictionary, - . 1735 844 Loder’s History of Framlingham, - - 1798 [ 29 ] 845 Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Strawberry-hill, 1764 84 6 ~--, - Loud. 1770 847 Another Copy, wants the head , - 1770 848 Latin and English Dictionary, - Cambr . 1693 849 Lyttleton’s History of Henry II. vol. 1 , 2 , and 4 , 1767 850 Liber Quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garderobas Edvardi I. 1787 851 Lives of Eminent Painters, 3 vol. - 1686 852 Lylie’s Euphues, 1631. Guazzo’s Civil Conversation 1581, 2 vol. in 1. 853 Llwyd, Commentariolum Britannicas Description^, Lund . 1731 854 Banquette's Chronicle, - - 1565 855 Another Copy, - - 1569 856 Lylie’s Euphues. Heliodorus by Barrett, 1622, 2vol. 857 -—-, 1631. Heresbachius’s Husbandrie, 1596. Gentleman’s Journal, imperfect, 1693, 3 vol. 858 Lingua, or Combat of the Tongue, 1632. Life and Penitent Death of Hellier, 168O; and other tracts. Barclay’s Argenis, 1630, 3 vol. 859 Lilly’s Euphues, ] 626. Carleton’s Thankfull Remembrancer, and cuts, 2 last leaves manuscript, l63(). 860 Lopez’s Report of the Kingdom of Congo, plates , 1597 861 Mannor and Funerall of Robert Earl of Essex, with the rare portrait of the Earl of Essex by Marshall. l646 862 The Lord Marques Idlenes, by the Marques of Winchester, (an edition not mentioned by Ames), - 1587 863 God’s Power and Providence shewed in the Miraculous Pre¬ servation of Eight Englishman left in Greenland, with the map. 864 Discovery of the Unnaturall Conspiracie of Scottish Papists, 1603 SD5 The Resolved Gentleman, translated out of Spanish into English, by Lewkener, wants title, - 1594 This a translation of the celebrated allegorical romance of the Chevalier Ddiiberi, and is very scarce. 866 Milton’s Paradise Lost, frst pdition, - 1669 867 Lisle’s Divers Antient Monuments in the Saxon Tongue, 1638. Maieri Hieroglyphica Algyptio-Graeca, 2 vol. 868 -Antient Monuments, 1638. Bunny’s Truth and Falsehood, 1595, 2 vol. 869 Lilly’s Astrologicall Predictions, 1648 ; and other tracts. 870 -Christian Astrology, - - 1647 871 Lefebure, Histoire de Calais, 2 vol. Par. 1766; and various others 872 Licetus de Monstris, Patav. 1634. Historia Admiranda et prodigiosa A. Schreierce, 1604. [ 30 j 873 Latham’s Second Book of Falconry, 1618. Prynne’s heu.w.... Sickness, 1628. Hayward’s Life of Henry IV. 1599 . Plea for Non-Conformists, 1684 . 874 Lodowike Lloyd’s Practice of Policy, 1604 . L. Lloyd’s Linceus Spectacles, 1607; and other tracts. 8/5 Lucta Jacobi, or double deliverie of his Majestie (James I.), l 6 () 7 . Dolefull Even Song, 1623 . Fatall and Memora¬ ble Accident at Black Friers, 1623 ; and various old tracts. 876 Strangling and Death of the Great Turke, 1622. Strange Events at Magor or Magull, 1622. Cruelties of the Dutch at Amboyna, 1624 . Godly Life of K. Stubbes, 1621. Crashaw’s Life of Caraccioli, l6l2. England’s Bane, 1 6 17 » &c. &c. 8 77 Lelandi Assertio inclytissimi Arturi, - - 1544 %* First edition, very rare. This is the original of Robinson’s Antient Order and Unitie of Arthur and his Round Table. 8/8 Lelandi Nsenias in Mortem Thomas Viati Equitis, 1542 * it * This first edttion of the Poems on the Death of Sir Thomas Wyatt is very rare. 879 Lelandi Genethliacon Edvardi Principis Cambriae, 1543 880 --Cygnea Cantio. Lelandi commentatio in Cygneam Cantionem. 881 Spanish-English Rose, or the English-Spanish Pomgranet, frontispiece, very rare. 881 * Meyrick's History of Cardigan, - - 1810 882 Noble Art of Venerie or Hunting, cuts , - 1611 882 * Middleton’s Works and Life of Cicero, 6 vol. large paper, ' - - - 1752 883 Fouilloux, la Venerie, wood cuts. - Poitiers . 883 * Milner’s History of Winchester, 2 vol. in 1, in russia. 884 Another Copy, 2 vol. large paper, rare. 885 Marshall’s Life of Washington, vol. 1, 2, and 3 , 1804 886 Milton’s Paradise Lost, with Notes by Newton; 2 vol. 1749 887 Moore’s Poems, - 1806 888 Marsters’s History of Corpus Christi College, 1/53 8S9 Macpherson’s State Papers from the Restoration, 2 vols. 1775 890 Morgan’s Phoenix Britannicus, - - 1732 891 Mirabilis Annus, or Year of Prodigies and Wonders, frontis¬ piece, l66l. Blith’s Husbandry, 1653 , 2 vol. Folio . 892 Lysons’s Account of Roman Antiquities discovered at Woodchester, - 1797 893 -—--—— Mosaic Pavements discovered at 1801 liorkstow, [ 31 ] Limborchi 1598 Blanc’s Tra- Residence of Hague, 1660 1652 Par. 1787 894 Lysons’s Remains of Roman Antiquities at Bath, 1802 895 Lloyd’s Memoirs of Protestant Sufferers in the Rebellion, 1668 896 Another copy - - - 1668 897 Lyte’s Herbal, last leaf torn, - - 1578 898 Leycester’s History of Cheshire, - - 1673 899 Leigh’s History of Lancashire, - - 1700 900 Lindenbrogii Codex Legum Antiquarum, Franc. 1613 901 Lycophron, Gr. et Lat. Tzetzas, - Basil. 1546 902 De Laet, Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis, 1633. Historia Inquisitionis, 1692, 2 vol. 903 Lomatius’s Arte of Painting, 904 Ludolphus’s History of Ethiopia, 1682. Le vaiies, 1660. 905 Sir W. Lower’s Relation of the Voiage and Charles II. in Holland, cuts, 906 Le Moyne’s Gallery of Heroick Women, 906* Longus Amours de Daphnis et Chloe, cuts, 907 Liber Creaturarum, Daventrice, per Vaffroed, Mr. Dibdiri states that Lord Spencer has only one Book in his Library with the name of Paffroed annexed to it. See Bibliotheca Spenceriana, ‘ vol. iv. p. 578. 908 Myrrour of the World, black letter, imperfect, cuts. 909 Mezeray, Histoire de France, 3 vol. bes* edition, large paper, red morocco, very rare, - Par. 1643 910 Montfaucon, Monumens de la Monarchic Fran^ise, 5 vol. plates; in the 3d vol. there is a stain, - Par. 1729 911 Morery, Dictionnaire Historique, 4 vol. in 2, Arnst. 1702 912 Manning and Bray’s History of Surrey, 3 vol. large paper. - - - - I8©4 913 Manning and Bray’s History of Surrey, vol. 1 and 3 1804 914 Morant’s History of Essex, 2 vol. - 1768 915 Another copy, 2 vol. large paper, in sheets , 1768 916 Maitland’s History of London, vol. 1, - 1769 917 Milton’s Prose Works, with his Life by Birch, 2 vol. 1738 918 Minsheu’s Dictionary of XI Languages, - 1617 919 Milles’s Catalogue of Honor, - « 1610 920 Another copy, ... 1610 gzi Morgan’s Sphere of Gentry, - 1661 922 Martyn’s Dictionary of Natural History, 2 vol. in 1, plates coloured, - 1785 923 Murphy’s Batalha, ... 1795 924 Malton’s Tour in London and Westminster, No. 1 to 5. 925 Mackenzie’s Survey of the Orkney Islands, - 1750 926 Machiavel’s Florentine History, - 1393 927 Machiavel’s Works, ... 1720 928 Montfaucon’s Antiquities of Italy. - 1725 * C 32 ] 929 Matthxi Paris Historia Anglica, - - Lond.i^yi 930 Matthaei Paris Historia Anglica, a Wats, Lond. 1640 931 Another copy, 2 vol. - - ibid. 1640 932 Another copy, - ibid. 1684 933 Matthaei Westmonasteriensis FloresHistoriarum, Franc. 1601 934 Maunsell’s Catalogue of English Printed Bookes, 1595 935 Mace’s Practical Music, - - 1676 936 Mackenzie on Precedency, 1680. Parked Antiquitates Ecclesiae Britannic;?, 1605. Morney’s History of iniquity, 1612, 3 vol. 937 Marin, Monument eleve a la Gloire de Pierre-Le Grand, Par. 1777 938 Nieuhoff’s Account of the Dutch Ambassie to China, 1669 939 Neapolis Commentarii in Ovidii Fastos, - 1638 SIXTH DAY’S SALE. Each Days Sale will commence punctually at „ . Half past Twelve. 941 Veneroni Maitre Italien, and twenty more. 942 Walpole’s Answer to Lord Bolingbroke on History, and twenty more. 943 Monitor, or British Freeholder, 4 vol. 1760. Montagu on on Antient Republics, 1769, and four more. 944 Moore’s Travels in Italy, 2 vol. - - 1781 945 Morton’s History cf Magick, - - 1730 946 -History of Apparitions, - - 1729 947 Memoirs of the Shakspeare’s Head, 2 vol. 1755. Memoirs of Mrs. Wells, 3 vol. in all 5 vol. 948 Maximus Tyrius, by Taylor, 2 vol. - 1804 949 Memoires de Mademoiselle Montpensier, 8 vol. Amst. 1735 950 Memoires de Retz, 5 vol. Amst. 1718. Memoires de Torcy, 2 vol, 1757. Memoires de Berwick, 2 vol. 1778,9 vol. 951 Martial, Variorum, 1656. Luciani Dialogi selecti a Kent, 1730, 2 vol. 952 Musgrave, Antiquitates Britannicre, 4 vol. 1711. Meursius de Ludis Grsecorum, 1625, and three more. 953 Lord Mountmorres’s History of the Irish Parliament, 2 vol. 1792. Luders on Elections, 1785. Orme’s Laws of Elections, 1796. Hale on the Common Law, 1716, 5 vol. [ 33 ] 954 Marshall on Planting and Rural Ornament, 2 vol. 1796. Natural History of Bees, 1744. Warder on Bees, 1726, 4 vol. 955 Modern Gulliver’s Travels, 1796. Ladies Dictionary, 1694. Belisarius, 1767. Ovid’s Art of Love, 1725, 4 vol. 956 Merry Mountebank, or Humourous Quack Doctor, 1732 957 Matho on the Cosmotheoria Puerilis, 2 vol. 1745. Mande- ville on the Hypocondriack, 1730, and four more. 958 Magna Charta, 1587. The Great Charter in Englysh, black letter, 1542. 959 Meursii Elegantise Latini Sermonis. 960 Musical Miscellany, 6 vol. wants vol. 4. - 1729 961 Memoirs of Prince Titi, 1736. The Spanish Decameron, 1720. Voyage du Prince Fan-Feredin dans la Romancie, v l 735 > 3 vol. in 1. 962 Montesquieu, Esprit des Loix, 3 vol. 1751. Pauw, Recher- ches sur les Americains, 3 vol. 1774, in all 6 vol. 963 Lady W. Montagu’s Works, vol. 1 and 2, fine paper. Johnson’s Prefaces, 7 odd volumes, and six more odd vol. 964 Magazines,—Various Magazines in 54 vol. 965 Northumberland Houshold Book, with the Preface, 1770 966 Nouvelle Methode d’Apprendre la Langue Grecque, Par. 1696 967 Nature Unbowelled by her exquisite Anatomizers, portrait of Lady Arundell by Hollar , - - 1655 968 Nature displayed, 7 vol. plates, - - 1750 969 Natural History of Bees, 1744, and twelve more. 970 Narrative of Da Costa’s Persecution, 2 vol. 1811. Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Sewell, title and first leaf of preface wanting, 2 vol. Reid on the Human Mind, 1764. 971 Narrative of an extraordinary Delivery of Rabbits from a Woman, by Howard, and other tracts relative to the Rabbit-Breeder, —also various other tracts, 5 vol. 972 Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Garth, 2 vol. - 1720 973 Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Orger, - 1814 974 Ovide, Metamorphoses, par Bellegarde, 2 vol. cuts, Amst. 1716 975 Office of the Holy Week, 1752, six copies. 976 Office of the Holy Week, cuts by Hollar, Par. 1670 977 Oldys’s British Librarian, uncut, - 1738 978 Ovidii Metamorphoses, - - Aldus. 1516 979 Old Testament, from the Doway Translation, 4 vol. 1750 980 Old Ballads, vol. 2. - 1726 981 Odd Volumes. Fifty Various Odd Volumes. 982 - — - ■ ■' ■ Fifty Various. 983 -— Thirty-five. 984 Oclandi Praelia Anglorum, - - Lond. 1582 F [ 34 ] 985 Oclandi Praelia Anglica, 1582. Cicero’s Offices, 1558. Benedicti Tabidorum Theatrum, portrait, 1656, 3 vol. 986 Petiti Thesaurus Linguae Sanctae, 1588. Psalterium He- braicum a Leusden, 1726. Liturgia Grseca, Cantab. 1665. Petiti Miscellanea Observationes, 1682, 4 vol. 987 Prayers used in the Jewish Synagogue, Hebrew and English. Newton’s Sermons, 2 vol. 988 Plotinus, by Taylor, - - - 1 794 989 Parsons on Hermaphrodites, 1741. Eunuchism Displayed, 1718. Meibomius de Usu Flagrorum in Re Veneria. Petronius Arbiter, 2 vol. 1700. in all 5 vol. 990 Pervigilium Veneris, - - Hagcc Com. 1712 991 Pancirollus’s History of Memorable Things, 1715. Pill to purge State Melancholy, 1715* Pagen-Stecherus de Barba, 1746, 3 vol. 992 Parliamentary Debates from 1780 to 1803, 66 vol. 993 Parliamentary History of England, vol. 1 to 13. 994 Parliamentary Debates, 35 odd volumes. 995 Peckard’s Life ofFerrar, portrait, - l 79 ° gg6 Private Life of Louis XV. 4 vol. - - 1781 997 Pollnitz’s Memoirs, 4 vol. - - l 737 998 Potter’s Antiquities of Greece, 2 vol. - 1728 999 Parkhurst’s Hebrew and English Lexicon, in russia, 1799 1000 Percy’s Reliques of Ancient Poetry, 3 vol. - 1775 1001 Port Royal Method of studying the Greek Tongue, 2 vol. 1746 1002 Another copy, 2 vol. - - 17 46 1003 Plutarch’s Lives, 5 vol. - #- 1683 1004 —--Morals, 5 vol. - - I 7°4 1005 Price on the Picturesque, 3 vol. - - 1810 1006 Piozzi’s British Synonymy, 2 vol. - - 1794 1007 Phoenix, a Collection of scarce Tracts, 2 vol. 1707 1008 Present State of Europe, 1752. Patriot Miscellany, 2 vol. 1756. Pillars of Priestcraft shaken. 4 vol. in all 7 vol. 1009 Pliny’s Letters, by Melmoth, 2 vol. - 1748 1010 Pensees Chretiennes pour tons les jours de l’annee, 6 vol. 1801 1011 Plutatchus de Iside, Gr. et Lat. et Anglice, a Squire, largest paper, - - 1744 1012 Political State of Great Britain from the Commencement, 35 vol. vol. wanting vol. 18, 23, and title to vol. 4. 1013 Primer of Salisbury, title and part of the Calendar wanting, cuts, Paris, 1538. Primer, wants title, imprinted by Way land. 1014 Petronius Arbiter, in English, 1708. Paterculus, Lat. et Fr. and 4 more, in all 6 vol. 1015 Plays in 4 vol. 1016 Processus Juris Joco-Serius, Hanov. 1611 [ 35 ] t 1017 Poems on Affairs of State, 4 vol. not uniform, 1716 1018 Plates to Voltaire’s Pucelle d’Orleans, and to various other works in the same volume. 1019 Pills to Purge Melancholy, 1715. Prior’s Poems, 2 vol. 1733, ard three more. 1020 Priestley’s History of Early Opinions concerning Christ, 4 vol. - - 1786 1021 De la Puissance Legitime du Prince sur le Peuple. This book was suppressed; see Debure, No. 1357, 1581 1022 Pope’s Works, 6vols. wants vol. 2, 1764. Pope’s Homer’s Iliad, 6 vols. wants vol. 2. Pope’s Homer’s Odyssey, vol. 1 to 4. 1023 -, -vol. 1 to 6, wanting vol. 3, 1740 1024 Pervigilium Veneris, 1712. Phaedrns, Brindley , 1750, and six more. 3025 Philpot’s Heraldry, 1672. Dugdale on Bearing Arms, 1682. Hobbes on Government, cuts by Hollar, 1651. 1026 Quintus Calaber, a Pauw, - L. Bat. 1734 Quarto. 1027 Middleton and Rowley’s Faire Quarrell, with Tristram’s Roaring and Baud’s Song, - 1622 1028 Majoris Historia Majoris Britannia:, 1740. Pote’s History of Windsor Castle, 1749. Account of Durham, 1729, 3 vols. 1029 Maimbourg’s History ot Arianism, 2 vols. and six more. 1030 Milton’s Prose Works, by Birch, vol. 1, 1753 1031 Morell, Thesaurus Graecje Poeseos, - 1762 1032 Morhofii Polyhistor Literarius, 2 vols, Lub. 1747 1033 Musicae Antique Anctores, Meibomii, 2 vol. in 1, Elz. 1652 1034 Another copy, - - ibid, 1652 1035 Maittaire, Annales Typographic^ vol. 1, 2, and 3, Hag re Coin. 1719 1036 Meerman, Origines Typographic^, 2 vols. large paper, ruled, - - Hagce Com. 1765 1037 Meursii Glossarium Graeco-Barbarum, Elz. 1614 1038 - Eleusinia, 1619, and other tracts by Meursius in the volume. 1039 --Pisistratus, 1623, and other tracts by Meursius. 1040 Manilius, notis Bentleii, - Loud. 1739 1041 Mori Utopia et Epigrammata, - Basil. 1518 1042 Montfaucon, Diarium Italicurn, 1702, and six more. 1043 Meursii Regnum Atticum et Roma Luxurians, 2 vols. and four more. [ 36 ] 1044 Metastasio, Opere postume, 3 vol. - Vden. 1795 1045 Montesquieu, Temple de Gnide, - Par . 1796 1046 Milton’s Paradise Regained, by Dunster, 1795. Maurice’s Poems, 1779. Maurice’s History of Sumatra, 1784,3 vol. 1047 Masters’s History of C. C. College, - 1753 1048 Sir T. More’s Confutation of Tyndale, Rastell, 1532 1049 Mnrolles, Temple des Muses, plates, - 1676 1050 Memoires de Grammont, - - 1783 1051 CEuvres de Montesquieu, 5 vol. - Par. 1796 1052 Nemnich, Catholicon, 3 vol. in 4. 1053 Newton on the Prophecies, 1733. Newton’s Optics, 1704. Pemberton’s View of Newton’s Philosophy, 1728, 3 vol. 1054 Nevyllus de Furoribus Norfolciensium, 1575. Proceedings against the late Traitors, 1606. Collection of Ordi¬ nances, 1642, 3 vol. 1055 Orme’s Military Transactions of the British in Tndostan, 3 vol. - - 1780 1056 Owen’s Welsh Dictionary and Grammar, - I 793 1057 Ovid’s Works in Dutch, cuts by Srnids, Amst. 1700 1058 Proceedings against the late Traitors, 1606. More’s Utopia, wants title ; and various others. 1059 Prynne’s Antipathic of the English Lordly Prelacie, 1641. Catalogue of Prynne’s Works, 1660. Butler’s Principles of Musik, 1636, 3 vols. 1060 Supplement to Pope’s Works, - 1807 1061 Pindarus, Gr. Brubachii, Franc. 1542. Julius Pollux, Franc . 1608. Horatius Cruquii, 1578, 3 vol. 1062 Pinkerton’s History of Scotland, 2 vol. - 1797 1063 Parkhurst’s Greek Lexicon, - - 1794 1064 Pindar’s Works, by Lee, fine paper, - 1810 1065 Peck’s Desiderata Curiosa, - - 1779 1066 Pennant’s London — Journey to Chester—Tour in Scotland —Tour in Wales—Tour to Alston Moor—From London to the Isle of Wight—His Life—And History of Quadru¬ peds, 13 vol. in boards. 1067 Pennant’s London, - - 1790 1068 —-Journey from Chester, - 1782 1069 Pryce’s Cornish Grammar, - - 1790 1070 Pote’s History of Windsor Castle, - 1749 1071 Another Copy, - 1749 1072 Another Copy, - 1749 1073 Playfair on the Decline and Fall of Nations, 1805. Phil¬ lips’s Inland Navigation, 1792. Political Essays on the British Empire, 1772, 3 vol. 1074 Palmer on the Meanes how to Make our Travailes into Forraine Countries, 1606 ; and other tracts. 1075 Plinii Epistolae, notis Longolii, - Amst. 1734 1076 Petronius Arbiter, notis Bumanni. Tr. ad Ren. 1709 [ 37 ] 1077 Petronius Arbiter, notis Bumanni, large paper, Tr. ad Rben. 1709 1078 Petronius Arbiter, Burmanni, 2 vol. best edition, large paper, in russia, - - Amst. 1743 1079 Phaedri Fabulae, Hoogstratani, morocco , cuts , Amst. 1701 1080 Pictures Antiquissimi Virgiliani Codicis, Romce,ij82 1081 Another copy, - - *776 1082 Peacham’s Compleat Gentleman, - 1661 1083 Phillips’s History of Shrewsbury, - 1779 Folio. 1084 Ovid’s Metamorphoses, by Sandys, large paper, wants the plates, - - - *632 1085 -----, cuts, - 1640 1086 --—-—, Latin and English, with Banier's Notes, plates by Picart, - - 1732 1087 Another copy, 2 vol. in russia , - - 1732 1088 Origenis Hexapla, Gr. et Lat. a Montfaucon, 2 vol. in 1, Par. 1713 1089 Ogilby’s Account of the Dutch Embassies to China, 2 vol. 1673 — Elis Japan, 1670—Asia, 1673—Africa, 1670—- America, 1671—Britannia, 1698; in all 7 vol. numerous plates. 1090 Another set, 7 vol. 1091 Ogilby’s Asia, plates, - « 1673 1092 -Japan, plates, - - 1670 1093 -Africa , plates, - - 1670 1094 -America, plates, - - 1671 1095 -Account of the Second and Third Dutch Embas¬ sy to China, - - - 1671 1096 -Translation of Virgil, plates by Hollar and others , 1668 1097 Olai Magni, Historia Gentium Septentrionalium, cuts, Basil. 1567 1098 Picart’s Religious Ceremonies of the Various Nations of the World, 7 vol. in 6, large paper, plates, 1733 1099 Purchas his Pilgrims and Pilgrimage, 5 vol. with the fron¬ tispiece and tables, - - 1625 1100 Prince’s Worthies of Devon, - - 1701 1101 Pine’s Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords, 1739 1102 —— Procession and Ceremonies of the Installation of the Knights of the Bath, - - 1730 1103 Purcell’s Orpheus Britannicus, 2 vol. in 1, - 1706 1104 Another copy, part 1. 1105 Peck’s Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, large paper, 1727 t 38 ] 1 I 06 I 107 110 8 1109 3110 3 111 3112 3 113 1114 1115 1 116 ' 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 112(5 1127 1128 1128* Prynne’s History of King John, - 1670 Pufendorf’s Law of Nature and Nations, 1727 Prynne’s Account of Archbp. Laud’s Tryal, 1646 Another copy, - l646 Parr’s Lite of Archbishop Usher, - l6s6 Another copy, - - - 1 6 ' 8 f> Pozzo’s Rules and Examples of Perspective, 1(593 Prior’s Poems, - - - 1718 Mrs. K. Philips’s Poems, portrait by Fait home , 1667 Pettus on Metals, - - l6S3 Parkinson’s Theater of Plants, - - 1640 Plutarch’s Lives by North, - - 1595 Piutarchi Vitae, Graece, - - Aldus , 1519 Platonis opera, cum commentariis Procii, Gr. Basil , 1534 Plotini opera, Gr. et Lat. Ficini, - Basil , 1580 Polybius, Gr. et Lat. - Basil , 1549 Poetae Graeci Principes, Graece, ap, Ii. Steph. 1566’ Pallas, Flora Russica, vol. 1 , plates coloured, Petrop. 1784 Panvinius de Ludis Circensibus. Parkeri Antiquitates Ecclesiae Britannicae, 1605. Pope’s Works, 1717> 3 vol. Paine’s Plan’s, Elevations, &c. of Gentlemen’s Houses, vol. 2, - - - 1783 Pisonis Ilistoria Naturalis Indiarum, Amst. l6.58. Petro- nius de Victa Romanorum, 1581, 2 vol. Pierres Antiques tirees des Principaux Cabinets de la France. Pitisci Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanarum, 3 vol. Veil. 1719 Rymeri Foedera et Acta Pubkca Angliae, 10 vol. Magee Com. 1739 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. Each Day will commence punctually at Half past Twelve. Octavo et Infra. 1129 Quilleti Callipaedia, 1708. Quillet’s Callipaidia by Oldis- worth, 1719* Life of Lazarillo de Tormes, cuts , 1726 . Lettres Persanes, 2 vol. 1721, in all 5 vol. r [ 39 ] 1130 Quintus Curtius, translated by Brende, l6'02 1131 Various odd volumes. 1132 Rudimenta Antique Linguae Britannicse, 1621 1133 Russell’s History of Modern Europe, 4 vol, 1782 1134 Robertson’s History of Charles V. 4 vol. 1772 1135 llapin’s History of England, 15 vol. 1726. Tindal’s Continuation of Rapin, S vol. in all 23 vol. 1136 Raithby’s Index to the Statutes, 3 vol. 1814 1137 Rollin’s Ancient History, vol. 2 to 12, - 1734 1138 -Roman History, 8 Vol. - 1739 1139 Rollin, Histoire Ancienne, 10 vol. - Par. 1733 1140 Reresby’s Memoirs, large paper, plates, 1813 1141 Risdon’s Survey of Devon, - - 1714 1 142 Robinson’s Natural History of Westmoreland, 1709 1143 Radcliffe’s Ramble, a poem, 1682. Stevens’s Songs, 1772. yC. Shee's Rhymes on Art, 1809* Freeth’s Political Songster, 1790.—4 vol. 1144 Rollin, Histoire Ancienne, 13 vol. wanting vol. 3 and 5, Amst. 1736 1145 -, Histoire Romaine, 16 vol. Par . 1771* Crevier, Histoire des Empereurs Romains, 12 vol. Par . 1775. Rollin, Maniere d’Etudier les Belles Lettres, 4 vol. in all 32 vol. uniformly bound in vellum. 1146 -, Maniere d’Etudier les Belles Lettres, 4 vol. Par. 1736 1147 R-ousseau, la Nouvelle Heloise, 4 vol. Par. 1764 1148 -, Emile, 2 vol. - ibid , 1762 1149 Rabelais’s Works, by Ozell, 5 vol, - 1737 1150 Review of London, 1728. Remarks on London, 1732. 1151 -and Westminster, 1732. Ray’s North and South Country Words, 1691, 2 vol. 1152 Reverie, 2 vol. 1763. Rosalinda, 1741, Prevost, Me- moires d’une Homme de Quahte, 3 vol. 1739» 6 vol. 1153 Rulandi Synonymia Graeco-Latina, 1646. Timsei Lexicon Platonicum, 1789) 2 vol. 1154 Remarks on Plato, 1760. Percy on the Song of Solomon, 1761. Pluche’s History of the Heavens, 2 vol. 1752, 4 vol. 1155 Schaufelbergeii Clavis llomeriea, 8 vol. Turk. 1761 1156 Stockii Clavis Linguarum Sanctarum Veteris et Novi Testa- menti, 2 vol. - - Jena:, 1727 1157 Suetonius Variorum et Pitisci, 2 vol. Tr. ad R/ien. l6Q0 1158 Sallustii opera, Variorum, - L. Bat. 1677 1159 Suetonius, notis Schildii, L. Bat. 1662. Salluste par Thy von, 2 vol. 1730, in all 3 vol. 1160 Spectator, 8 vol. 24mo. uncut , Tonson, 1747. Guardian, 2 vol. 24mo. uncut, Tonson , 1750, in all 10 vol. [ 40 ] 1 l6l Sully’s Memoirs, 5 vol. - - 1757 1162 Shaftesbury’s Characteristicks, 3 vol. - 1714 1163 Shaw’s Zoology, 4 vol. large paper, plates, 1800 1164 Sheridan’s Art of Reading, 2 vol. - 1 775 1165 Surrey’s (Lord) Poems, - - 1 717 1166 Scott’s Lay of the Last Minstrel, - 1806 H67 Savage’s Works, 2 vol. - - 1775 ll6S Smirnove’s Survey of the Russian Empire, 1792 * Capt. Roberts’s Voyages, 1726, 2 vol. Sinclair on the Scottish Dialect, - 1782 Speechley on the Pine Apple, - 1779 H69 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 Smith on Painting in Water Colours, 1730. Richardson on Painting, 1719? 2 vol. Sherlock on Death, 1751. Sherlock on a Future State, 1760, 2 vol. Seneca’s Morals, 1745. Rochefoucault’s Maxims, 1706. Spence on Pope’s Odyssey, 1737. Sterne’s Sentimental Journey, wants title, 3 vols. Seward’s Anecdotes, 3 vol. - - 1796 1175 Lord Suffolk’s Poems, 1725. Smedley’s Erin, 1810,2 vol. 1176 Smedley’s Erin, - - 1810 1177 CEuvres de Scarrou, 10 vol. - Amst. 1737 1178 —- —St. Evremond, vol. 1 to 5, Amst. 1726 1179 System of Magick, - - 1727 1180 Sermons pour les Cocus, 1751. Le Bordel, 1775, 2 voi. 1181 Smith on the Commonwealth of England, l609* Preserva- of Charles II. after the Rattle of Worcester, 1766. Fene- lon’s Dialogues of the Dead, 1735, 3 vol. Tappen on the Architecture of France and Italy, 1806 Twenty Odd Volumes. Tacite, par d’Ablancourt, 3 vol. Par . 1670. Thucydide, da Strozzi, 1545. Tacitus, Amst. 1649 in all 5 vol. Theophrastus by Newton, damaged by a worm, 1754. Theocritus, Oxon. 1699- Plutarchus de Educatione, Lips. 1793, 3 vol. J. Taylor’s Rules of Holy Living, 1668. New Testament, 1761. Thomas a Kempis by Stanhope, 1700, 3 vol. 1185 Tolandi Pantheisticon, 1720. Toland’s Tetradymus, Na- zarenus, his Anglia Libera, and his Defence, in all 5 vol. 1186 True Briton, red morocco, 1724. Terrae-Filius, 1726, 2 vol, 1182 1183 1183 * 1183 1184 1187 Taylor’s Miscellanies, 1806. Dissertation on the Eleusi- nian Mysteries, 2 vol. 1188 New Testament, black letter, wants title. 11 89 Testamentum Graecum, - apud Field. 1660 1190 Testamentum Latinum, wants title, cuts. Testamentum, Gr. 1701, 2 vol. [ 41 ] ji Taciti Opera, notis Variorum, 2 vol. best edition , Amst. 10S3 1192 Tragoediarum Graecarum Delectus a Wakefield, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, - - 1794 1193 Trypliiodorus by Merrick, - 1739 3194 Tidd’s Practice of the King’s Bench, 3 vol. 1799 1195 Tucker’s Light of Nature, 9 vol .—5 vol. bound, and 4 vol. in boards, - 1708 1196 Another Copy, 5 vol. in 3 , - 1763 11'97 Travels through the Interior of America, 2 vol. 1789 1198 Trials for Adultery, Impotence, ike. 7 vol. 1779 1199 ---, Rapes, &c. - - 1715 1200 Trial of Col. Quentin, 1814 . Trials of Roman Catholics, Dub. 1761. 1201 Thiers, Traite des Superstitions, 4 vol. Par. 1741 1202 Terence, par Dacier, 3 vol. cuts^ - Amst. 1747 1203 Thomson’s Seasons, by Aikin, - 1778 1204 Theocritus, Graece et Gallice, a Gail, Par. 1792 1205 Testamentum Graecum, Cantab. Buck. 1032 . Epictetus a Simpson, 1744 . Sallustius Delphini, 172G, 3 vol. 1206 Smith’s Detections of the Errors of the Roman Church, 3 778. Tucker on Freewill, 1703 . Seneca’s Morals 1740 , 3 vol. 1207 Salmon’s Chronological Historian, 2 vol. 1747 * Scroggs on Courts-Leet, 1728. Simes’s Military Guide, 1781, 4 vol, 1208 Sulpitius Severus, 1043 . Sallustius, 3 034 . Suetonius Grsevii, 1G97. Selecta ex Script. Lat. 1791 > 4 vol. 1209 School of Recreation, 1701. Satyre contre les Espagnols, 1035 . Travels and Adventures of Mademoiselle Richelieu, 3 vol. 1744 , in all 5 vol. 3210 Spectator, 8 vol. wants vol. 3, - 1720 1211 Scot’s Staggering State of the Scots Statesmen, 1754 . Charles Stuart and O. Cromwell United, 1055 , 2 vol. 1212 Secret History of Calve’s-head Club, 1700 . Storm, or Casualties in Late Storm, 1704 . Sir G. Wharton’s Works. head , 1083 . Exercitia S. P. Ignutii Loyolte, cuts , Antv. 1070 , 4 vol. 1213 Schopperus de Astutia Vulpeculoe Reinekes, Franc. 1507 1214 School of Venus, 1739 * Pack’s Poetical Remains, 1738 ; and other tracts. 1215 Turner’s History of the Anglo-Saxons, 1799 * Burnet’s Sacred Theory of the Earth, 2 vol. 1210 Traite de la Dissolution duMariage pour Tlmpuissance, Par . 1010 . Discours sur Tlmpuissance, Par. 1012. Eunuchism displayed, 1718, 3 vol. in 2. G [42 ] Quarto. 1217 Parson’s Remains of Japhet, 1767. Philo in Canticum Canticorum, 1772. Nasmith, Catalogus MSS. C. C. Collegii, 1777, 3 vol. 1 z 18 Peele’s merle Jests, and various other reprints of old Tracts. 1219 Plautus Taubmanni, 1621. Alethei Polygamia Trium- phatrix, 1682, and six more. 1220 Proclus’s Commentaries, by Taylor, 2 vol. - 1788 1221 Pilkington’s Dictionary of Painters, - 1805 y\ 1222 Chartae Scripts, or a New Game at Cards , called Play by the Booke, a Poem, rare, - - 1645 y 1223 Buck’s Great Plantagenet, a Poem, rare, - 1635 y 1224 Russell’s two Famous Pitcht Battels of Lypsick and Lutzen, a Poem, - 1634 X 1235 Sad Condition of a distracted Kingdom, expressed in a Fable of Philo the Jew, a Poem, - - 1645 1226 Habington’s Castara, both parts. First Edition , 1634 y 1227 Lisle’s Faire ^Ethiopian, a Poem, from the famous Historie of Heliodorus, - - - 1638 yC 1228 Wortley’s Characters and Elegies, scarce, - 1646 1229 Character of a London-Diurnall, with several select Poems, 1647 1230 Sandys’s Paraphrase upon the Song of Solomon, 1641. The Shepheard’s Oracle, 1644. 1231 Playford’s Musical Companion, - - 1673 1232 Prynne’s Histrio-Mastix, or Player’s Scourge, 1633 1233 Prisei Defensio Historic Britannicae, - 1573 1234 Pennant’s Tour in Scotland, vol. 2, - 1776 1235 Pegge’s History of Bolsover and Peak Castles, 1785. Gwynn’s London and Westminster, 1766, and three more. 1236 Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum, a Spelmanno, 1640 1237 Obras de Quevedo, 4 vol. - - Madr. 1713 1238 Quintus Curtius, notis Snakenburgii, in 2 voL Delpb. 1724 1239 Quintiliani Opera, notis Burmmanni, 4 vol. L. Bat. 1720 1240 Sir J. Reynold’s Works, 2 vol. large paper, green- morocco , - - - - 1797 1241 Robertson’s History of Scotland, 2 vol. - . 1 7 S 9 1242 ————— History of Charles V. 3 vol. - 1769 1243 ————■ History of America, 2 vol. in russia , 1778 1244 Ridpath’s Border History, - - 1776 J245 Another copy, - 1776 1246 Rowland’s Mona Antiqua, - - 1766 1247 Robertson’s Views on the Bath Road, 2 vol. large paper, - 1 79 z 1248 Robinson’s History of Baptisms, - 1790 1249 Allan Ramsay’s Poems, - - 1728 [ 43 ] X 25° 1251 1252 1253 1254 12 55 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 12 66 1267 1268 1269 Renaudot, Collectio Liturgiarum Orientalium, 2 vol. x Par. 1716 CEuvres de Rabelais, avec des notes par Duchat, 3 vol, plates by Picart, &c. - - Amst. 1741 Another copy, 3 vol in morocco, - - ib. 1741 Roger, la Porte Ouverte, - - Amst. 1670 Rapin, Histone d’Angleterre, 10 vol. - Haye. 1724 Ricardi Hampole, Speculum Spiritualium, Par. 1510 Rees’s Cyclopaedia, 7 first parts in 3 vol. and plates to 8 parts. J. Richardson’s Literary Relics, bead, 1807. Palmer’s Maxims, 1748, and six more. Reports of the Commissioners of Public Accounts, 3 vol. * 7 8 3 Rei Rusticas Scriptores, Gesneri, 2 vol. Lips. 1773 Sibillarum Vaticinia de Christo, Fen. Shaw on the Gaelic Language, 1778. Wright’s Court Hand, 1776, plates from E. Martin’s drawings. Smith’s Antiquities of Westminster, with the stone plate. Sonnini’s Travels in Egypt, - - 1800 Lord Sommers’s Tracts, 16 vol. in russia, - 1748 Saunderson’s Algebra, 2 vol. - - 1740 Sulley’s Memoirs, by Mrs. Lennox, 3 vol. - 1756 Statutes at Large, 17 vol. and from the Union, vol. 4, 5, and 6, part 1. Strutt’s Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, - 1777 Strutt’s Manners and Customs of the Saxons, vol. 2 and 3, 1 775 1270 Strutt’s Dictionary of Engravers, vol. 1. 1271 Skrine’s Tours in the North of England, 1795. Stuart’s View of Society, 1782. Sauer’s Expedition to the North of Russia, 1802, in all 3 vol. 1272 Schlegel, Histoire des Rois de Dannemarc, 3 vol. 1776. Scheffer, Histoire de la Laponie, 1678. Atlas de la France, Par. 1791, in all 5 vol. 1273 Schoonhovii Emblemata, - Amst. 1648 1274 Sprat’s History of the Royal Society, 1667. Seldeni Uxor Ebraica, 1673, and various others. 1275 Secrets of Alexis, 1615. Manwood on the Forest Lawes, 1598, and four more. 1276 Secrets of Alexis, 1559. Delolme’s History of the Fla¬ gellants, 1777. Marriage Vindicated, 1680. Ady’s Candle in the Dark, 1656, 4 vol. 9 Folio. 1277 Roy’s Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain, 1793 1278 Rushworth’s Historical Collections, 8 vol, - 1721 [44 ] 1279 Another copy, 8 vol. - - 1659 1280 Rolt’s Lives of the Reformers, portraits, - 1759 1281 Rapin’s History of England and Tindal’s Continuation, 5 vol. beads and monuments, •* - 1743 1282 Another set, 5 vol. in russia, - - 1743 1283 Portraits to Harrison’s Edition of Rapin. 1284 Rocque’s Topographical Survey of Berks, “ , 7^ 1 1284* Robertet Vaugondy, Atlas Universel, - 1757 1285 Richelet, Dictionnaire Fran£oise Ancien et Moderne, 3 vol. Basle, 1735 1286 Registrum Honoris de Richmond, a Gale, Lond. 1722 1287 Anothercopy, ... ibid, 1722 1288 Rotulorum in Scaccario abbreviatio, vol. 1, 1805 1289 Rouck, Nederlandtschen Herauld, - Amst . 1645 1290 Reynold’s God’s Revenge against Murther, cuts, 1670 1291 Rolls of Parliament, 6 vol. 1292 Reports of Parliamentary Committees, 4 vol. Four odd volumes of Journals, and Laws of the Customs, 2 vol. in all 10 vol. 1293 Raccolta delle Cose piu notabiii vedute da Wilkins nel suo Viaggio alia Luna. 1294 Skinner, Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, interleaved in 2 vol. - - * - 1671 1295 Sheldrake’s Herbal. 1296 Shaw’s Cimelia Physica, or Figures of Rare and Curious Quadrupeds, Birds, See. plates coloured, 1796 1297 Shakspeare’s Plays, Boydell’s Edition, 18 Numbers, with the large and small plates. 1298 State Trials, 10 vol. wanting vol. 3, - 1730 1299 Sidney on Government, - - 1751 1300 Speed’s Theatre of Great Britain, - 16 m 1301 Another copy, imperfect, - - 1614 1302 Swan’s Architecture, 2 vol. in 1, - 1757 1303 Senex’s Atlas. 1304 Silius Italicus, by Ross , plates, ruled, - 1761 1305 Strype’s Life of Whitgift, head, - - 1718 1306 Stranguay’s Life of Mary, Queen of Scots, 1634 1307 Shaw’s History of Staffordshire, vol. 1, large paper. ' 79 % 1308 Stukely’s Abury, - - « * 174 3 1309 Spencer’s Store-house of Similies, - 1658 1310 Speer’s West India Pilot, - - - 1771 1311 Speed’s History of Great Britain, - * 1650 1312 Speed’s History of Great Britain, portrait , 1632 1313 Stukely on the Spleen, - - 1723 [ 45 ] EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. Each Days Sale trill commence punctually at Half past Twelve. Octavo et Infra. 1315 Triveti Annales, ab Hall, 2 vol. - Oxon. 1719 1316 Timaei Lexicon, 1754. Peckius de Lingua Graeca, 1709. Testamentum Graecum, ap. R. Steph, 1546. Nouvelle Methode de la Langue Grecque, 1698, 4 vol. 1317 Tracts, a Collection of Tracts, in 16 vol. 1318 Transactions of the Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, from the Commencement in 1783 to 1814, wanting the years 1790, 91,93, 95, and 1805, 27 vol. 1319 Transactions of the Society of Arts, from vol. 12 for 1794, to vol. 32 for 1814, red morocco. 1320 Virgiliusin usum Delphini, cuts , - Lond. 1753 1321 Voltaire, Pucelle d’Orleans.— L’Ingenu—Princesse de Babilore.-—Candide.—Quillet’s Callipaedia, 5 vol. 1322 Vertot, Histoire des Chevaliers de Malthe, 5 vol. Par. 1726 1323 Voltaire, Pucelle d’Orleans, 1764. Venus Physique, 1745. Amours D’Elbeuf, 1739. 1324 View of the Agriculture of the King’s County, 1801,—of the Queen’s County, 1801,—of Stafford, —of Mid-Lo¬ thian,—of Norfolk, 5 vol. 1325 Vindication of the Marriages of Cousin Germans, 1673. Marriages between near Kindred Considered, 1773. Vol¬ taire’s Anti-Machiavel, 1752, 3 vol. 1326 First foure books of Virgil’s iEneis, by Stanyhurst, rare, >< Imprinted by Bynneman, 1583 1327 Vsenii Emblemata Horatiana, interleaved , Amst. 1684 1328 Horatii Opera, - Elz.\6zg 1329 Wodhuli’s Poems, portrait, 1804. Considerations on the Stage, 1731. Catalogus Thesaurorum Antiquitatum, 1725 13 3 0 Walpole’s Anecdotes of Painting, 5 vol. - 1782 1331 Wood’s Decrees in Tithe-Causes, 4 vol. - 1798 1332 T. Wai ton on Spencer’s Fairy Queen, 2 vol. - 1762 1333 J. Warton’s Essay on Pope, 2 vol. - 1782 1334 Another copy, 2 vol. large paper, - 1806 1335 Ward’s England’s Reformation. 2 vol. cuts , - 1747 *336 Wilcock’s Roman Conversations, 2 vol. - 1797 1337 Walton’s Angler, by Hawkins, - - *784 1338 Waller’s Vindication of his Conduct, bead, - 1793 1339 Whigs Unmasked, cuts, - - 1713 1339* Waverley, 3 vol. - - . 1814 [ 46 ] 134 ° 1 34 1 1 34 2 1343 1344 1 345 1346 1347 1348 J 349 *350 1351 135 2 1 353 1 3 5 4 1 3 5 5 * 35 6 1 357 1 35 8 1359 1360 1361 1 3 62 1363 1364 13 6 5 1366 1367 1368 1369 137° 13 7 1 7372 1 37 3 1 374 Worthington on Redemption, 1748. Warburton’s Julian, 1750. Warburton on Grace, 2 vol. 1763, 4 vol. Willis’s Notitia Parliamentaria, vol. 1 and 2, Survey of St. David’s Cathedral, - 1715 1717 1 7 3 2 Walker’s Duke of Wharton’s Life and Writings, 2 vol. Warner’s History of the Isle of Wight, 1795 Tour to the Lakes, 1792. 2 vol. Ward’s London Spy, 2 vol. - - 1706 Wither’s Poems, imperfect, - - i6z2 Wheldon’s Court of King James, 1651. Aulicus Coqui- nariae, 1650, 2 vol. in 1. Wilson’s Archaeological Dictionary, 1783, and six more. Xenophontis Cyropxdia, Gr. et Lat. Hutc.hinsoni, 1773. Wetstein de 11 -ingua Graeca, 1681. Walker’s Latin Phrases, 1685, 3 vol. Xenophon’s Cyropaedia, by Ashly, 2 vol 1728. Xeno¬ phon’s Expedition, by Spelman, 2 vol. 1749, Xenophon’s History of Greece, 1685, 5 vol. Zeltneri Centuria Correctorum in Typographic erudito- rum, - Norimb.1716 Butler’s Festivals of the Roman Church, and 12 more. A ulus Gellius, in 2 vol. red morocco , Elzev. 1651 Barclaii Argenis et Satyricon, 2 vol. morocco, Elzev 1655 Claudianus, red morocco, - Elzev. 1650 Ciceronis Opera, 10 vol. red morocco, Elzev. 1642 Another copy, in 9 vol. - - Elzev. 1642 Charron de la Sagesse, - - Elzev. 1656 Caesaris Opera, - - Elzev. 1635 Another copy, - ibid. 1635 Another copy, the genuine edition, ruled, mGrocco, Elz. 1635 Erasmi Colloquia, blue morocco, - Elz. 1643 Erasmi Colloquia, Elz. 1650. Caesar, Antverp. Cunaei Respublica Hebrseorum, 3 vol. Erasmi Colloquia, - - Elzev. 1636 Florus, morocco , Elzev. 1638. Justinus, morocco, Elz . 1640, 2 vol. Horatius 2 vol. in morocco, - Elz. 1629 Another copy, in 3 vol. - - Elz. 1629 Livii Optra, 3 vol. morocco, - Elz. 1634 Livii Opera, notis Gronovii, 4 vol. red morocco , Elz. 1645 Ovidii Opera, 3 vol. - - EU. 1629 Another copy, 3 vol. in morocco , - Elz. 1629 Paterculu s, morocco, Elz. 1639. Sulpicius Severus, mor. Elz 1635, 2 vol. Plinii Historia Naturalis, 3 vol. - Elz. 1635 Plinii Historia Naturalis, et Plinii Epistolae, 4 vol. morocco , Elz. 1635 [ 47 ] Elz. 1640 Elz. 1667 Elz. 1633 Elz. 1637 Elz. 1658 Elz. 1659 Elz , 1635 Elz. 1636 Elz. l6’3 8 1384 Virgilius, Elzev. 1636. Tacitus, 1621. Virgiiius, 1671. Senecae Tragoediae,—in all 4 vol. 1385 Caesar, Elz. l66l. Horatius, 1702,—-and six more. 1386 Virgilius, Elz. 1636. Thomas a Kempis, 1658,—and three more. 1387 Horati us, ruled, morocco, 1699- Caesar, 1635. Catalogus Eibliopolii Elseverii, 1674, 3 vol. 1388 La Pazzia, 1540. Dialogo del Ballo, 1555. Doglia, la seconda furia del mundo, 1542. Alberto Magno delle Virtu delle Ilerbe, 1572. Dialogo con molte sentenze notabili, 1571. Epulario, Ven. per T. de Salo, a curious volume from the Roxburghe Collection. 3389 Della Nobiita delie Donne, 1544. Hist, di Aurelio ed Isabella, 1543. Ovidio, de arte amandi, Ven, 1542. Sonetti di Sannazaro, 1543. Lettera, di Lollio, 1544. 1390 Barnes’s Gerania, 1675. Ignoramus, 1630. Caesar, 1718, 3 vol. 1391 Browne's History of Norwich Church, 1712 1392 Specimens of Caslon’s Types, and various others. 1375 Plinii Epistolae, morocco , 1376 Prudentius, morocco , 1377 Quintus Curtius, morocco, 1378 Sallustius, - 1379 Senecae Opera, notis Gronovii, 4 vol. morocco , 1380 Senecae Opera, 3 vol . 1381 Terentius, red morocco, 1382 Virgilius, genuine edition, 1383 Virgilius, morocco, Quarto. 1393 Sophocles, Gr. et Lat. a Brunck, 2 vol. in russia , Argent. 3786 1394 Silius Italicus Drakenborchii, Tr. ad Rhen. 1717 1395 Another Copy, large paper, in russia, ib. 1717 1396 Sallustii Opera, a Wasse, large paper, Cantab. 1710 1397 -, notis Cortii, in 2 vol. fixe paper, Lips. 3 724 3398 Sallust by Gordon, - - 1744 1309 Sapphus, Gr. et Lat. Wolfii, - - 1733 1400 Opere di Paolo Sarpi, 3 vol. - Helms. 1761 1401 Tracts, various old Trials, &c. 1402 Tracts,—a collection of old Tracts, in 8 vol. 1403 Tractato di Frate Antonino, - Firenz . 1493 1404 New Testament, with Noses by J. Clarke, - 1683 1405 TickelTs History of Kingston-upon-Hall, - 1798 140(5 Taciti Opera, notis Gronovii, 2 vol. Traj. Bat. 1721 1407 Table Alphabetique du Moniteur, 2 vol. Par. 1802 1408 Twyni Apologia Antiquitates Academi® Oxoniensis, 1608. Davies's Reasons why Ireland was Never Subdued, 1612. Proceedings against Garner and other traitors, 1606, 3 vol. 1409 Taylor’s Plates for Shakspeare, 10 numbers. 1410 Throsby’s Views in Leicestershire, and Supplement, 2 vol. 1411 Thomas’s New System of Book-Keeping, 3 copies,—and various others, 1412 Vuipii Vetus Latium Sacrum et Profanum, 11 vol. Romce. 1704 1413 Valerius Maximus, notis Torrenii, 2 vol. large paper, Leid. 1726 1414 Virgilii opera, notis Masvicii, 2 vol. - Leov. 1717 1415 -, with plates by Hollar and others inserted ’, Baskerville , 1757 141(5-*-Delpbini, - Par. 1682 1417 Veneroni, Dictionnaire de 4 Langues, 2vol. 1700 1418 Vavassor de ludicra dictione, Par. 1658. Mollerus de Cornutis et Hermaphroditis, 1692, 2 vol. 1419 Vertot, Histoire des Chevaliers de Malte, 3 vol. Par. 1726 1420 Voyage Litteraire de deux Benedictins, Par. 1717,—and various others. 1421 Varignon, Nouvelle Mecanique, 1725. Veneroni, Diction¬ naire Italien, 2 vol. l6S6',—and various others. 1422 Virgil’s iEneid by Phaer and Twyne, - 1620 1423 Vavasor de ludicra dictione, 1653. Xenophon Ephesius, Gr. et Lat. large paper, 1726. Suetonius Pitisci, vol. 2, 1715, 3 vol. 1424 Wagenseilius de Uxore Adulterii suspecta, 1674,—and various others. 1425 Willis’s Cathedrals, vol. 1. 1426 Woodburn’s Ecclesiastical Topography, 2 vol. 1427 West’s Antiquities of Furness, - 1774 1428 Another Copy, - - 1774 1429 Works of the Learned, 11 vol. 1430 Wotton’s View of Llickes’s Thesaurus, - 1737 1431 Warner’s Hampshire extracted from Domesday Book, 1789 1432 Wagenseilii Sota, 1674. Wagenseilii Tela Igne® Satan®, 1581 2 vol. 1433 Wagenseilii Sota, - - Alt. Nor. 1674 1434 Walters’s Welsh Dictionary. - - 1794 1435 Wolff’s Danish Dictionary, - Copenh. 1757 1436 Whiter’s Etymologicon Magnum, part 1,—and six more. [ 49 ] 1437 Wotton’s View of Ilickes’s Thesaurus, 1737* Wilkins’s Bhagvat-Geeta, 1735. Scholtz, Lexicon iEgyptiaco-La- tinum, 1775, 3 vol. 1438 Yorke’s Royal Tribes of Wales, heads , - 1799 1439 Yarranton’s England’s Improvement, 2 vol. 1677 1440 Young’s Travels in France, 2 vol.—vol. 1 bound, vol. 2 in boards, ... - 1792 1441 Hey wood’s Rape of Lucrece, - 1630 1442 Clerke’s Triall of Bastardie, 1594. Relation of the Dutch. Cruelties at Amboyna, 1624. Answer to the Account of the Dutch Cruelty at Amboyna, 1624. 1443 Ansley’s Poetical Works, - - 1808 Folio . 1444 Suidse Lexicon Grsecum, Gr. et Lat. Kusteri, 3 vol. large paper, - - Cantab. 1705 1445 Scapulae Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, - Elzev. 1652 1446 -----, Gr. imperfect at the end, Basil. 1580 1447 Stephani Thesaurus Linguae Latina?, 4 vol. Load. 1734 1448 Senecae opera, Lipsii, - Plant in , l6l5 1449 --, - - Par. 1602 , 1450 Sanderi Chorographia Sacra Brabantise, 3 vol. plates, Hag or Com. 1726 1451 Stuckii Antiquitates Conviviales, L. Bat. 1695 1452 Sanchez de Matrimonio, - Plant in, 1621 1453 Septuaginta Graeca, Gra?ce, a Grabe, 2 vol. in 1, Oxon. 1707 1454 Scriptores Varii de Claris Mulieribus, Par. 1521 1455 Statue e Gruppi disegnate da Vascellini, 1777 * Raccolta di 40Provcrbi Toscani espressi in Figure daPiattoli, 1786, coloured plates . 1456 Simienowicz’s Art of Artillery, - 1729 1457 Smith, Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Cottonianae, - - Oxon , 1696 1458 Saxonis Grammatica Historia Danica, Sorce. 1644. 1459 Sarpi, Histoire du Concile deTrente, 2 vol. - 1736 1460 Stillingfleet's Origines Britannicoe, 1685. R. Polus de Ecclesiastica Unitate, 1555. Bacon’s Sylva Sylvarum, l651, 3 vol. 1461 Scheuzeri Physica Sacra, 5 vol. large paper, with 750 plates , - Augs . 1731 1462 Theatre des Etats de Savoye, 2 vol. numerous plates, Haye, 1700 1463 Thuani Historia, 7 vol . best edition, - Loud. 1733 1464 Thucydides, Gr. et Lat. Dukeri, Amst. 1731 1465 Tibullus, Catullus, et Propertius, cum Commento ,Ven. 14 96 H [ 30 ] 14 66 Torfaei Orcades, - - Haun. 1 697 1467 Temple’s Works, 2 vol. - - 1720 1468 Tacitus by Gordon, 2 vol. - - 1728 14^9 Time’s Store-house, - - » l6l9 1470 Topsell’s History of Four-footed Beasts, 1607 1471 Traite de la Police, 2 vol. - Par. 1705 1472 Trials of Various Persons, in 1 vol. Pamphlets and Tryals, 3 vol. 1473 Testa de Nevill, - 1807 14/4 Vetusta Monumenta Societatis Antiquariorum, vol. 1 , and part of vol. 2 , - - 1747 14/5 Virgilii Opera, Ogilvii, cuts by Hollar and others , Lond. l65 8 1476 Usserii Annales Veteris et N. Testamenti, 2 vol. Lond. 1650 1477 *-Vet. et Novi Test. - Par. 1673 1478 Virgil’s iEneis, by Gawin Douglas, - 1710 1479 Valla de Lingua Latina, - Basil. 1543 1480 Vignola, Architettura,—and four more. 1481 Plates to Virgil from the Vatican Manuscript, 1725 1482 Wood’s Athenas Oxonienses, 2 vol. in 1, 1691 1483 --■-, 1721 1484 Another Copy, 2 vol. large paper, - 1721 1485 Williams’s Oxonia Depicta, with a few additional plates. 1486 Wharton’s Anglia Sacra, 2 vol. - - 1091 1487 Wottoni Leges Wallicte, large paper, Lond. J730 1488 Weever’s Ancient Funerall Monuments, heady 163L 1489 Another Copy, in 2 vol. - - 1631 1490 Ward’s Lives of the Professors of Gresham College, 1740 1491 Bloch Histoire Naturelle dcs Poissons, 6 vol. coloured plates, - Berl. 1787 1492 Seldeni Opera, vol. 3, 4, 5, and 6.—and three more. 1493 Proclus iit Platonem, l6l8. Erasmi Adagia, l6o6. 1494 Index Librorum Prohibitorum, Madrit. 1 66/. Catalogue of Books Printed since the Fire, 1696 . 1495 Matthaei Paris Ilistoria Anglica, - Lond. 1684 1496 Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy - 1632 1497 Fuller’s Church History, - - 1655 1498 Maps.—Various. 1499 Maps.—Various. [ 51 ] NINTH DAY’S SALE. The Sale will commence each Day punctually at Half past Twelve. PRINTS. 1 A Parcel Miscellaneous. 2 Thirty various Foreign Portraits. 3 Thirteen ditto. 4> Seventeen Caricatures by Gilray, &c. 5 Nine Political, relating to the Walpole Administration, Ac. 6 Eight, Sir John Barnard, Crisp Gascoigne, Ac. 7 Seven Theatrical, Ac, the Player’s Last Refuge, scarce; Ac. 8 Eleven, Before and after, &c. by and after Hogarth. 9 Twelve Modern, in colours by Bartolozzi, Ac. 10 Twelve ditto, the Elements after Cipriani, &c. 11 Six after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi, Ac. 12 Five after Hamilton, by Bartolozzi, Ac. 13 Four, the Elements after Albano, by Bartolozzi, in colours . 14* Four Historical, King John signing Magna Charta, by Rvland, Ac. PORTRAITS. 15 Three, Thomas Earl of Arundel, by Basire, private plate; Earl of Sandwich, whole length , by Sherwin, Ac. lb Four, John Earl of Sandwich, by Sherwin, proof; Ac. 17 Five, Charles Earl Grey, by Dickinson ; Charles James Fox, after Sir Joshua; Ac. proofs. 18 Five, the Marquis of Tichfield, whole length , after ditto, byJehner; John Baron Howard de Walden, ditto , by Bell, scarce; Ac. 19 Six, Colonel John Scudamore, by Say ; George Byng, Esq. byGrozer; Ac. 20 Six, Mrs. Yates, whole length , after Pine, by Dickinson, fine; Ac. 21 Three, Machiavel, by G. Cipriani; Milton, by Caroline Wat¬ son, proof; Ac. 22 Two, Dr. Trice, by Holloway; and James Bentham, M. A. by Facius, private plate . 23 Two, Dr. Price and J. Bentham, by Facius, proof. 24 Seventeen, Dr. Johnson ; Mr. Malone, by Bartolozzi, &c. PORTRAITS, S$c. intended to illustrate Lord Orford’s Works , and of uniform size. 25 Eleven, Kings and Queens of England and Scotland. 26 Seven Francis II. Charles IX. Henry IV. and Lewis XIII. and XIV. Kings of France, Ac. 2 7 Nine, James I. and II., the Old and Young Pretender, Ac. 28 Twenty of Nobility, Henry Lord Bolingbroke, George Duke of Buckingham, &c. 29 Twenty ditto, John Lord Ilervey, Denzel Lord Holies, Ac. 30 Twenty-one ditto, Robert Earl of Orford, Edward Earl of Oxiord, by Vertue; Ac, 31 Twelve of Clergy, Bishop Abbot, Archbishops Sancroft, Shel¬ don, Ac. 32 Eighteen, Sir Thomas More, Sir Philip Sidney, Algernon Sidney, Ac, 33 Fifteen of Ladies, from the Memoires de Grammont, Ac. 34 Twenty Literary Characters, Addison, Cowley, Chaucer, Ac, 35 Eighteen ditto, Milton, Shakspeare, Pope, Prior, Ac. 36 Thirteen of Actors and Artists, David Garrick, Raphael, Rubens, Ac. 37 Ten, Horace Walpole Lord Orford, by Pariset, private plate ; Strawberry-hill; Scenes from the Castle of Otranto, Ac. 38 One, Oliver Cromwell on horseback, after Vandyck, by Lombart, fine and scarce. 39 One ditto, with View of London on the back ground, R. Van.. den Hoeye excudit, sheet, rare. 40 One ditto, satyrical : he is represented with a triple crown on his head, embowelling a Dutchman, bearing a French¬ man under hi arm, Ac. proof, very scarce. 41 One ditto, crowned, sword in one hand and orb in the other; historical Vignettes of his Inauguration; Execution of Charles I. Ac. 42 One, Chai h> I. Fairfax and Cromwell, three ovals on one plate , A v Dyck, pinxit; R. lioejus, excud. \fine and rare , 43 One Elizabeth Cromwell, four English verses. The orU ginalprint. Very scarce. * [ 53 ] 44 Seven Charles I. and his Queen, after Vandyke, by Baro^» Charles II. by Bouttats. Cromwell between the Pillars., copied from Faithorne’s print, &c. 45 Two, Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, Equestrian Por¬ trait, by C. Pass. Gustavus Adolphus, ditto, scarce . 46 Three, Marshall Schoenberg, on horseback, See. at the Siege of Maestricbt. The Duke of Newcastle, by Clouwet t and the Newcastle family, sitting under a colonnade, by Lischotten,jine. 47 One, The Pope, Count Gondomar, See. sitting in conclave under a tent. Faux proceeding to blow up the Parlia¬ ment House. Views of the Spanish Armada, Tilbury Camp, &c. Six Latin, and ten English verses, 1621, sheet, a remarkably curious print. 48 One, Francis Lord Bacon, by S .A.L. ( Lamsweerde) small folio, very fine. 49 Three, Thomas, Earl of Strafford, by P. Haybrecht. Henry Earl of Manchester, small oval , by Faithorne , fine and scarce, &c. 50 Eight, Ditto, Thomas Fuller, Archbishop Usher, G. Vaug¬ han, Elizabeth Countess of Kent, fine. Sec. after Hogarth, mez. &c. 51 Nine, Lord Shaftesbury, by Tompson. Captain Bedloe, by White, Sec. 52 Three, La Folie, after Jordaens, by Vo zt,jine, Sec. HOLLAR’S WORKS. 53 Three, Portraits of W. Hollar, by himself, and the copy by Vertue, one a proof. 54 One, Mary Queen of Scots, small square, fine and scarce. 55 Five, Duchess of Richmond, after Vandyck ,jine ? 3c. 56 Three, Archbishop Laud, William Oug tred, &c. ditto. 57 Six, the Roeland Family, John Price, Anglo Britannus, &c, 58 Ten, Princess Mary, the Lady Butt, Sec. 59 Twelve, Small Heads, after Martin Schoen, Sec.fine. 60 Twenty-seven, the Larger Habits, ditto. 61 Four, the Seasons, half length, very fine. 62 Four, another Set of ditto. 63 Seven Views of Windsor Castle, Old Shoreham, See. 64 Twelve small Ditto of Elizabeth Castle, Plymouth, Dover, &c> fne. 65 Two Prospects of London, before and after the Great Fire, and the large Royal Exchange, scarce. 66 One, View ot the Palace at Richmond, fne and scarce. 67 One, the Long View of Deal Castle and the Downs, very scarce. 68 One Prospect of Albury, the large view,fine and very rare. [ 54 ] 69 Six, the Public Entry of Count Tassis, including his Fune? ral, the complete set . 70 Two, the Larger Magdalen in the Desert, after Van Avont . The Magdalen in the Cave, after AEgid. Sadeler,fine. 71 Seven Views and Landscapes, after J. Peeters, &c. three printed on vellum. 73 Two, the Village Festival, after P. Breughel, and a counter proof of the same, scarce. 73 Four, the Stadt Huys at Amsterdam, Sec.fine. 73* Ten after AElsheimer, Paul Brill, Sec. ditto. 74 Nine after iElsheimer, the Three Goddesses, Sec. ditto. 75 Ten Monuments, from Dugdale’s St. Paul’s, Sec. 76 Seventeen Frontispieces, Plates to Ogilby’s Virgil, Sec. 77 Six, the English Royall Navy, under Prince Rupert, scarce } Sec. 78 Seventeen of Shipping, Animals, Insects, Sec. 79 Thirty-eight, the Set of Shells, very fine, and extra rare. 50 Two, Venus blinding Cupid, and Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife, by Sir Robert Strange,^;^. 51 Two, Venus and Danae, after Titian, by ditto, very fine. 82 Two ditto. 83 Two, Danae, by ditto, and the Fortune Teller, after Sir Joshua, by Sherwin. 84 One, the Finding of Moses, by Sherwin, proof, on India paper. 85 One, the Phaeton, after Wilson, by Woollett, proof, 86 Eight, a Set of the Rake’s Progress, by Hogarth, first state. 87 One, Paul Preaching at Athens, after Raphael, by Holloway, proof, on India paper. 88 One, Christ’s Charge to Peter, by ditto, beautiful proof. 89 One, the Death of Ananias, after ditto, by ditto, proof etching. 90 Seven, the Cartoons, after Raphael, by Dorigny. TOPOGRAPHY. 91 Two, Views of Clarendon House, by J. Dunstall; and Frost Fair, printed on the River Thames , both rare. 92 Pittora Magnce Britannia, by W. B. Sherlock, No. I. and twelve others. 93 Eight large Views of Windsor Castle and Hampton Court. 94 Fourteen various Cathedrals, and Plan of Chester, by Hof- nagel, 1570. 95 Nineteen, the Library at Merly, Dorsetshire, after the de¬ signs of Mr. Willett, Sec. [ 55 ] 96 Fifteen, Stanton Harcourt, Etchings by Lord Newnham Views in Norfolk, See. 97 Twenty-four Views of Churches, Sec. in Sussex. 98 Jeakell and Gardner’s Survey of the County of Sussex, on several sheds. 99 Ditto on Ditto. 100 Hodskinson’s Survey of the County of Suffolk. 101 Nine Views in Warwickshire and Yorkshire. 102 Eight, Fowler’s Imitations of various Subjects in ancient stained Glass, in Oxfordshire, Suffolk, &c. 103 Four, Stadler’s Views of Ashburnham, Battle Abbey, Sussex, See. in colours , after the Drawings of Turner. 104. Four, Robertson’s Aquatinta Views of remarkable natural Productions at Avignon, &c. 105 Ten Drawings and Prints in colours in Kent, Sussex, &c. 106 Fourteen of Heraldy Prints and Drawings emblazoned. 107 Andrews and Drury"s Map of the County of Kent, on twenty five sheets, half bound. DRAWINGS. 108 Three Views of Charlton, &c. in colours, by j. Webber, 109 Two Original Designs, for Captain Cook’s Voyages, Views of the Society Isles, by Ditto, fine. 110 Two by Ditto, Views in Kumschatka and the Island of Cracatoa, Ditto. 111 Three Ditto, Views in Karakakoa Bay, Owhyhee, the spot on which Captain Cook lost bis Life, &c. 112 Three Ditto, Views in Kamschatka, Otaheite, &c. 113 Four Patna Drawings, Portraits of the Great Mogul, C?c. 114 Six Ditto, Figures of Women, Natives of Golconda. 115 Three Ditto, Interiors of a Seraglio. 116 Five Ditto, Quadrupeds, See. 117 One, the Madona and Infant Jesus with St. John, after Raphael, in black Chalk. ANTIQUARIAN PRINTS. 118 Funeral Procession of Queen Elizabeth, and Ralph Aggas’s Plan of London, on eight Sheets. 119 Eleven Historical Prints of the Tudor Family, See, by G. Vertue. 120 Ten Views and Plans of Whitehall, the Great Window at St. Margaret’s. &c. 1 21 Twelve, Whitehall as intended by Inigo Jones, and St. Paul’s Cathedral after the first Designs of Sir Christopher Wren, See. 122 Five, Embarkation of King Henry VIIL at Dover, En¬ campment at Portsmouth, Procession of Edward VI. &c. 123 Forty-five Plates, &c. to the Vetusta Monumenta, vols. 2 and. 3, with Descriptions, and Index to the first three volumes. 124 Twenty two Ditto to the fourth volume, with Letter Press. 125 Fourteen of Antiquities to the Vetusta, vol. 4, from the Townley Collection. 126 Fourteen Plates of Seals from Ditto, and Astle’s Account of the Seals of Scotland. 127 The Cathedral Church of Gloucester, as published by the Antiquarian Society, with Description . 128 The Abbey Church at St. Alban’s, with Description. 129 Six Plates to the St. Stephen’s Chapel, published by Ditto. 130 Oxford Almanacks, from their earliest publication by Burghers , Vertue, Hooker, &c. Ninety Plates in a port¬ folio. BOOKS OF PRINTS. 1 31 The Twelve Csesars and their Wives, after Titian, by TEgi* dius Sadeler,. 132 The Loves of the Gods, after Ditto, by Gunst. 133 Raphael’s Bible from the Pictures in the Vatican, by P. Aquila, &c. 52 Plates. 134 The Passion ot Christ, by Gregory Haret , 34 Plates, fine. 133 Hogarth’s Works, in 80 fine Plates, good Impressions. 136 Hogarth’s Works, consisting of One Hundred Prints, a very fine Set, the Election Piece, and several others of the principal Plates being in their first states. 137 Daniell’s Antiquities of India, twelve Views, beautifully coloured, in a Portfolio. 138 A large Par el of Natural History, Plates coloured, in a Portfolio. 139 A Volume comprising One Hundred and Forty-sixCHi n es e Dr a w i n gs of the Emperor, Empress, Mandarins, Illus¬ trious Females, Plants, Birds, Flowers, exquislely finished. 140 A Portfolio containing a great number of Maps and Plans. 141 A Ditto, Ditto. 142 Three Portfolios without Leaves. 143 Two very large Ditto. London : Pruned try W. Buhner auu (Jo. Cleveland-row, St, James’s, SfIC IDL AVf Uorf C.A 'jfi I Of- f Ip hlo'd- f l