<3\ 0^0 T tt %30 S ^*2 Marbles & Marbling. Eight — — ——— 1 — 1 ~ * - - - — - * Marble * * Patterns. _ By W. SUTHERLAND. Published by THE DECORATIVE ART JOURNALS COY., LTD., MANCHESTER. SIMPKIN MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT, & COY., LTD., LONDON, THE GETTY RES* 3 EIGHT MARBLE PATTERNS, WITH FULL INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO IMITATE THEM, BY W. SUTHERLAND. Panel Imitation of Brocatelle Violette. Previous to describing the method of working to produce a correct imitation, we must clear the way by pointing out what are the principal features of all marbles; what is required in order to make a successful imitation, &§. Almost every kind of marble has a distinctive character of its own writ large, if we only understand it; for although there is a difference in the same kind of marble got from different quarries, yet through all these differences there are distinctive features common to all, which serve to show to what class it belongs! This applies, also, in a great measure to the colourings of marbles, there being a marked difference in specimens from different countries and quarries. We will now consider what are the essential qualities of any successful imitations, and which qualities are part and parcel of every known marble, a knowledge of those things, and the best method of producing the effects, being indispensable. They are as follows:— 1. The characteristic markings on veins of each marble. 2. Depth or transparency or semi-transparency. o. An appearance of flatness and hardness. 4. An even level surface. ». Softness of line, even with violent contrast. ti. The various peculiarities and distribution of colour. • 7. System of working. These are all essential points which must be studied and practised in order to produce fae-simile representations, and, as we proceed with our instructions, we shall show how these various effects may be produced with as little labour as is consistent with making a faithful imitation. Brocatelle 'marble being one of those which we term crayon marbles (i.i \, marble in which the veins are put in with crayons instead of the pencil) ;