/ 2 3 i. ?■ . <7^ fydUaii / / F- LJ- iff' ?*■ ^ //celcscltM. . ffcdcscLv . 9*un^& / 3 ^ &*(L&~clc, s .?* - ?*■ K-VCcMscLl* .'Z^yu^eJ* — ■ =■■■ ■■ / ylvCS olMjCs /. &/. 3 o ' 33 ?SL 7 U - fz> .fZ^ //if- - /. L /s. ^ 3 // 4 ^ /33. , /O . / 3 . 3 3. . 5 ^ & - 7 > (uA £cC£l^ , y j / f kec^A 9*-- 9 * 6 ~ ,9^. /OL/-. /2 2. U-tUCScb-lA l^-£j^UZtAC±cL ft 5. /2 S’. /30./32. /3b /lj-2- yPi. / 4 ^ 2 - - /S/ CX.Cj-cJ't / q.S~. i+q.So. SC S3. (d 3 .bo■ oq. £?.„•> $Lju., - 9 ' <5-o. 5f>. ■ . , v /no ./Ob'. /oS. //O./Zo. /2S. /3z ■ 7ftcnSiStru /3^ /3 S. /3 Q&. / 4 ^ S - /^ . /$ S~* Oi^.CiTcii . Z- 5'. //./is-, /f-,21 ■ 2 5" .2?. 3/ ,3 6". 33- + /. UZ. 1^7 S/. (fZ .$/ .6*- bf ,b3~ ■ 7 ^ ?3 . 39 Sfy^cLo L, nri /o 9. ///. //z . //$' (jEc<< 4 in+- //, / 2 b. /? r _ /3u- /3if Quin, iRtUt / - ^ZticCa^t /■ 3 . b . 9 • /2 ' 0< ~* ' ' '^ l h' * 3^, V-V-. /+5~. fro . 6~Q. &3 •&&•(> 7. ^P./S-fO. I ' 9u^c£ct*st_ / t /OS'. //O. //#- /20- /2^~. /3 d. /3b. CZ^c&'cO.'t ■ &-£-0 -c* 4^. /$c' /y-o. ///-S'. /i> 6 . /S7. 3 . 9 - //- 2 / .2.V-.3 0 . 3 9 - - 37 . 4 - £>. 6 ~^ , ^ 3.6 . ^>9 ■ , 92, ^6, ^ 3 de£kisi£sy < &¥~< r Q& /o2. /oS ■ so 7 ■ /of. 3/o ./2 o- f j k 7<7\*>%. S • / 32 . /33 . /?-o. ///P-- 36'67 /57. /0 2 - ■ f/icJcsctu'i ■ /33. ■ / ■ 9 - 9 * / ftel&ksoCuA . /O f. //O Cc ,C ^ , ///. /2 /^7 /U-b. /*/■ CELLAR of WINES OF Arbuthnot Charles Guthrie, Esq. Deceased, late of Duart Castle, Isle of Mull, Consisting of upwards of 800 Dozens, the whole lying in London, part having been removed from Duart Castle: WHICH MtxU to bg Jhtriiott bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, at THaia aa^AT ao©Ms, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. Samples may be had, on paying for the same, One Week preceding the Sale, and Catalogues obtained, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. Catalogues may also be had from Messrs. Joseph Calrow & Son, Limited, 36 St. Mary at Hill, E.C., and 17 Ryder Street, St. James’s, S. W. ; and from Messrs. Gasquet & Metcalfe, 92 Great Tower Street, E.C. 2(^8 - % C - CONDITIONS OF SALE. -- 0-5 - 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IL No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. 111. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. (N.B. _Purchasers can have their wine delivered in town at a charge of one shilling per dozen; or packed, for the country, at a charge of two shillings and sixpence per dozen.) SHERRY. C? 1 Three Dozens of Dry 2 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less Dinner Sherry 4^4 p , more or less r ^ 3 Three Dozens of Pale Sherry, more or less^ very oldbottled, from the late Lord Rokeby’s cellar ^ y” ' y 4 Two Dozen and Four Bottles of Golden Sherry, more or less, very old bottled, shipped by Cosens «/ Bin 4 5 Two Dozens of Golden Sherry, very old bottled, Albert Farley, more or less & 7 Three Dozens of Brown Sherry, 30 years in bottle, shipped by Smith, Flnde and Co. Bin 26 , o 8 Three ditto 7f/* ^ ^ 9 Four ditto and seven bottles, more or less B 2 4 V 02, 0 10 Three Dozens of Golden Sherry, about 20 years in bottle, Secretan and Co. A Ay ^,0.0 11 Three ditto S'#/* \ /A , 0 12 Three ditto tJ *2/ ^ •jy- % Ay. /3 •/#' o 16 Four ditto and six bottles,' more or less A0^* -Av - J*> /y, O 13 Three ditto f, /7, & 14 Three ditto 0,0 15 Six ditto A. / V //, o 17 , IS J, - CLARET. Three Dozens of Chateau Leoville Barton, 1893, bottled by Barton and Guestier A Three ditto A* - Three ditto A^Ai Three ditto ' A*— — Six ditto A'^ Five ditto, more or less A Three Dozens of Chateau Margaux, Grand vin, 1893, bottled by Barton and Guestier Three ditto Three ditto JF/. Three ditto Six ditto Five ditto, more or less /A r ^19 y,/j, ^20 /J7 /, <*21 /£./*. c 22 A/fs O 23 A' A. 0 24 A'/4 r £> 25 A ^7 7=7 26 //, £ . o 27 y, /f , 6 28 a A, o 29 Three Dozens of Chateau Margaux, Grand vin, 1893, bottled at chateau , Joseph Calrow and Son, Limited AAA, A* A • o 30 Three ditto /A/ j y 31 Three ditto / 32 Three ditto 5 £>33 Six ditto 34 Six ditto, more or less Ay. -A— i / .J r y~- 35 Three Dozens op Chateau Pichon Longueyille, 1889, full brand on corks and labels, Joseph Calrow and Son, Limited rfL •A•A/ Bins 19, 22 6> 36 Three ditto <7 37 Three ditto 6 38 Three ditto ° 39 Three ditto „ 40 Three ditto , <- 6 O 56 Three Dozens of Chateau Latour, 1869, bottled at chateau , Secretan and Co. * £ 0 4. & . v 57 Four ditto, more or less d' /^yy 58 One Dozen and Seven Bottles of Chateau y’ Quem, 1888, more or less PORT. ®/T ^ , O 59 // . £> 60 */' // , 0 61 >r, //. * 62 /0. //, 63 , /& r 64 f./^.e 65 / , o 83 Three ditto 89 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less ^ , - ■ a 90 Three Dozens of Port, 1853, bottled 1856 ycf/- 0 91 Three ditto O 92 Three ditto 0 93 Four ditto and two bottles, more or less £»- , 94 Three Dozens of Port, 1851, Sandeman, bottled 1854 /sz/’ , o 95 Three ditto , o 96 Three ditto - ^ - 0 97 Five ditto and two bottles, more or less /J A 98 Three Dozens of |Port, 1851, Cockburn, bottled ^ 1854, Joseph Calrow and Son, Limited A AA \ 0 ? 99 Three ditto A A A/C 0 100 Three ditto tA^AA^tz*^ ^101 Three ditto and one bottles, more or less /jA/ Air- 'ZTKJ J 102 Three Dozen and Three Bottles of Port, 1851, Dow, bottled , 1854, Joseph Calrow and Son, Limited, more or less 102i Three Dozens of Port, 1847, bought from Button &A°.> ■ Suffolk Street, Pall Mall /Sf£ ^ 102b Three ditto and ten bottles, more or less // ty. if. -Zr-3>xs 8 % /at", O 104 /7* 0.0 105 /?. / ,^106 /7. /0 . ^107 y, /f, o los Q 9 U7 0 109 y. f ur 0 no / 0 * ^ , a HI y. /? -0 H2 fi, /J-'OWZ /JZ J~. 0 HI Two Dozen and Fouk Bottles of Port, 1847, Dow, bottled 1850, more or less 7^J/+ Bin 14 / Three Dozens of Port, 1847, bottled 1850 MlbC Three ditto 7£#7 Three ditto /£, ^7 7 0^7-. Two ditto and eleven bottles, more or less /£- 0 yZ Three Dozens of Port, very old in wood, very fine old tawny 77/ Three ditto 6 77. 777 Three ditto Three ditto Three ditto Three ditto Five ditto, more or less 77/, 67/. ji 6 77 />67 7 <3 *77^ BURGUNDY. / r . j 114a Three Dozens of Chambertin, 1886 //. P . e H4b Three ditto, more or less /T7* Bin 30 ' 7 */~ CHAMPAGNE. Guaranteed free from ullage. y *7 , ^ t o H5 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1889, Pol Eoger , extra cuvee de reserve, Cuvee U, bought from J. Calrow and Son, Limited 70A 77 * /, 0 116 Three ditto /S~' 0,0 117 Three ditto /tf~, 0.o 118 Three ditto 0 . o 119 Three ditto /7 7 120 Three ditto /00y^ f'Te't / & sfiC 77*. /<7y/~ 9 P 121 Three ditto a 122 Three ditto / ^- -v 123 Three ditto 0 124 Three ditto ,*7 125 Three ditto ?& 0 126 Six ditto ?*/• 0 127 Six ditto ?y~ 128 Six ditto 0 fV- c> 129 Six ditto ?#- *>130 Six ditto, more or less ?*/•> — —■ , ^131 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1889, Moet and Chandon, Dry Imperial, Cuvee 18 0 132 Three ditto -v 133 Four ditto, more or less //^ ^/_ ^ _ — 0 134 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1889, Pommery and Greno, extra quality / , 0 135 Two ditto, more or less /Z? 7 ^Zs~ , & 136 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1889, Delbeck, extra ,^137 Three ditto v 138 Three ditto ry 0 139 Three ditto 142 Six ditto 7 ^/- , *443 Six ditto 7 * 7 - , o 144 Six ditto 7f- ^>145 Six ditto 77 .146 Seven ditto and two bottles, more or less y^y 10 0 147 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1884, Pol Roger, extra euvee de > reserve, Cuvee N., bought from Joseph Calrow and Son, Limited < /f */— 178 Three ditto W/-, 179 Three ditto 'f*/> 180 Three ditto 181 Three ditto /f t 7 182 Three ditto /S'#. ? 183 Three ditto /Sy. 184 Four ditto, more or less /ry. ^86 Three ditto /Stfi > / 187 Three ditto /ftyi 7 188 Three ditto /*Y ^189 Three ditto /fry. ^190 Three ditto /fry. 191 Three ditto /fry/ p 192 Three ditto //y ^ 193 Three ditto ////, ^J.94 Three ditto, more or less //y A— *- At ?— ^,196 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1880, Veuve Clicquot, Dry Special, bought from Joseph Calrow and Son, Limited 197 Three ditto •*? ^^Z- ? 198 Three ditto /^ ^199 Three ditto /tfeZA A>- J00 Three ditto / 12 /S, V 201 JS f, /6 . o 202 /7, S’ -O 203 '7. f . ° 204 /7 . f .0 205 /f. 206 //. /S ,v 207 f. /Z , * 208 f./£ , * 209 f./f -* 210 ' //. ^ 211 Three ditto Three ditto, more or less ~~ Three Dozens of Champagne, 1880, Dagopet, extra superior , //&C eX, //0 >&2r- FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.