? J.I ,,'• i ON it. KXHTG EBV^AXIB XV. 936 CATALOGUE OF THE CELEBRATED COLLECTION OF WOEKS OF AET, FROM THE BYZANTINE PERIOD to that of LOUIS SEIZE, OF THAT DISTINGUISHED COKLECTOH, RALPH BERNAL, Esq., Deceased; ALSO, OF THE BEAUTIFUL DECORATIVE FURNITURE AND SERVICE OF PLATE: WHICH (by ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS) WL'M. 1)c Sols 6i) aucfion, bs MESSRS. CHRISTIE & MANSON, AT THE MANSION, No. 93, EATON SQUARE, COMMENCING On MONDAY, MARCH the 5th, 1855, AT OSrS O'CXiOCS PBECZSSIiT. The Collection may be publicly viewed on Thursday, March 1st, and two following Days, from 10 to 4 o'clock, with Catalogues only, price Eight Shillings, to admit Three Persons. CONDITIONS OF vSALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than l.y.; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5^, in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all faults and errors of description, at tfie Buyer's expense and risk, within Two Days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie and Manson not considering them- selves answerable for the correct description or authenticity of any Lot, V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase- Money must absolutely be paid on delivery, VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. tS I HAVE been requested to write a few introductory lines to this Catalogue, and feel it is one of the greatest compliments that could have been paid to me. Nothing I can say would enhance the value of such a collection, and I cannot therefore look on the request in any other light than that of a delicate mode of conferring upon me the privilege of publicly expressing the respect and regard which I have for nearly thirty years entertained for the kind friend, whose sudden and unexpected loss I so deeply deplore. Distinguished amongst English Antiquaries by the perfection of his taste, as well as the extent of his knowledge, the difficulty of imposing upon him was increased by the necessity of the fabrication being fine enough in form, colour, or workmanship to rival the masterpiece it simulated : to be, in fact, itself a gem of art, which it would not pay to produce as a relic of antiquity. Mr. Bernal could be tempted by nothing that was inferior. Even his Pictures, though avowedly not selected for their value as paintings, but for their illustration of costume, have probably, taken as a whole, more merit in them than any similar collection in Europe. I am not presuming to oflPer this as my own opinion ; I but echo that which I have so often beard from the lips of men considered the highest authorities in such matters, both amateurs and dealers. With the treasures thus garnered up, it would be an honor to any antiquary to have his name in any way associated; and I can only repeat that mine has no claim to such a distinction, unless it be that I yield to none in regret for the departed, and in sympathy for his bereaved family. J. R. PLANCHE. January 1855. B 2 ORDER OF SALE. Day. Date. 1. Monday, March 5 2. Tuesday, March 6 . 3. Wednesday, March 7 4. Thursday, March 8 . 5. Friday, March 9 . . 6. Saturday, March 10 7. Monday, March 12 . 8. Tuesday, March 13 . 9. Wednesday, March 14 10. Thursday, March 15 11. Friday, March 16 . 12. Monday, March 19 . 13. Tuesday, March 20 . 14. Wednesday, March 21 15. Thursday, March 22 16. Friday, March 23 . 17. Saturday, March 24 18. Monday, March 26 . 19. Tuesday, March 27 . 20. Wednesday, March 28 21. Thursday, March 29 Subject. Page Oriental, Dresden, and Sevres Porcelain 7 The same, continued 14 The same, co?iti?iifed ..*... 21 German, Dresden, and Sevres . . 28 Capo di Monte, Chelsea,' Dresden, and Sevres 35 Portraits 43 Portraits 54 Portraits 70 Miniatures «... 85 Portraits and Miniatures .... 92 MedicEval Metal Work, and Ecclesi- astical Silver 99 Mediceval Jewellery, and Silver Plate 110 Limoges, Dresden, and Oriental Enamels 124 Carvings in Ivory, and Curiosities . 136 Faenza Ware 143 Faenza Ware \Q\ Faenza and Palis sy Ware . . . .176 Armour, Arms, and Stained Glass . 188 Armour, and Arms I99 Armour, and Oriental Ar)7}s . . .211 Armour, Cap a Pie Suits, and Artns 222 6 SECOND PART. Day. Date. Subject. Page 22. Tuesday, April 17 . . Venetian and German Glass, and Gris de Flandres 234 23. Wednesday, April 18 . The same 243 24. Thursday, April 19 . The same 253 2^. Friday, April 20 . . The same 263 26. Monday, April 23 . . Ancient Spoons, Knives and Forks, Bijouterie, and Seals 272 27. Tuesday, April 24 . . Ancient Keys, Porcelain, and En- amelled Snuff Boxes 286 28. "Wednesday, April 25 . Carved Ivory and Wood Spoons, and Snuff Boxes 301 29. Thursday, April 26 . . Watches, Clocks, and Compasses . 316 30. Friday, April 27 . . . The Service of Silver and Silver- Gilt Plate, and Medals 334 31. Saturday, April 28 . . Decorative Furniture 341 32. Monday, April 30 . . The same 352 19 5 5 9 9 CATALOGUE. First Days Sale. On MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRF.CISELV. .ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. 1 A very curious plafe, pencilled with oriental characters in gold, alternately with red lines 2 A plate, with openwork border and female figures 3 One, with a subject of figures 4 A cup, cover, and stand, green, with flowers, the ground slightly indented 5 A plate, pink, with circular ornaments, crimson 6 A basin, with leaves of flowers, the outside light brown, with flowers and birds ^ /^^ /7 A very rare cup and cover, deep blue, covered inside and out with honeysuckle branches, turquoise 8 A small basin, deep blue, richly enamelled with flowers 9 Another, with flowers in compartments, on red and green ground 8 10 A beautiful while basin, with flowers of delicate buff coleur, mounted with a rim of silver gilt 1 1 A basin, with birds and foliage, in gold and colours Z''^*^— 42 A pair of figures of Josses, in arbours, turquoise, mounted with or-moulu nozzles for lights 13 A basin, cover^ and stand, light blue, wiih flowers in small circles, the surface slightly indented 14 A basin, cover, and stand, of old japan, with flowers on red ground : mounted, with rims and handle of silver 15 An oviform bottle, with chrysanthemums and birds, a blue lizard on the neck, mounted, with plinth, handles, and top of or-moulu — 11 in. high 16 A small blue vase, mounted, with plinth, handles, and rim of or- moulu — 10 in. high /^ — 17 A beautiful vase, red ground, with Chinese figures in medallions, and butterflies above : mounted, with goat's head handles with festoons beneath, plinth and top of or-moulu — 13 in. high '>.-S'-o\'^ A pair of vases, blue, with white chrysanthemums and foliage pencilled with dark blue and brown, mounted, with mask handles and festoons, plinths and lips of ormoulu — 9 in. high 19 A very curious tall jug, with red dragon handle and crimson spout, the surface covered with crimson and white powers, enamelled on yellow ground — 15^ in. high £ -— - '20 A flat vase and cover, with chrysanthemums on white waved t/A/^^ — 21 The companion Tf^-^/r 22 A pair of globular vessels, with handles and spouts of fine old japan, with figures delicately pencilled with gold, and chrysan- themums raised 23 A plate, uith a Chinese lady at work, red and black border; and one, with flowers on a scroll 24 A dish, with birds and flowers, and white flowers raised on the border 25 A scalloped dish, with water birds and flowers on yellow border, turquoise outside ; and a richly enamelled japan plate DRESDEN. EARLY BOTTCHER WARE. 26 A pair of cups and saucers^ red, with Chinese figures on the exterior, and a shield of arms inside 27 A coffee pot; a sucrier and cover; and a cup and saucer, deep chocolate, with figures and arabesques in gold 28 A square red teapot, with Chinese flowers, raised ; a tea canister, with cypher and figures in silver on chocolate ground; and a cup, of white, with figures and animals, raised 29 A globular coffee pot, with figures and flowers in silver on deep chocolate ground 30 A coffee pot, with shields of arms — similar 31 A globular jug, with shield of arms and Chinese figures in silver, on deep crimson ground 32 A globular teapot, in imitation of black and gold japan, with beautifully chased silver mountings DRESDEN. 33 A cup, cover, and saucer, deep blue, with subjects of Belisarius and Calisto 34 A cup, gros bleu, with cupids ; and 3 saucers, gros bleu, pencilled with gold 35 A plate, with the bust of Hercules 36 A pair of small octagonal cups and saucers, seagreen "ground, with landscapes 37 A beautiful coftee pot, cover, and stand ; and a basin, tea caddy, and cup and saucer, scalloped, with conversations of figures after Watteau, and flowers on yellow ground 38 A coffee pot anel cover; and a basin and cover, pale crimson ground, with landscapes and figures 39 A larger coffee pot — nearly similar 40 A scalloped teacup and coffee cup, with saucers, painted with seaports and military scenes, yellow ground 41 A pair of cips and saucers, with seaports, and arms of a Saxon count 5^« fJ^k 10 42 A cup and saucer, witli landscapes and figures, yellow ground 43 A two-handled cup, cover, and stand, yellow, with eight small land- scapes and figures 44 A chocolate pot and cover ; a hot-milk pot, cover, and stand ; and a cup and saucer, a la reine, blue scale ground, with musical conversations after Watteau 45 A small oval compotiere, cover, and stand, crimson scale ground, with exotic birds 46 A coffee cup and saucer, chocolate ground, with minute figures 47 An ewer and cover, seagreen, with eight landscape and river scenes 48 A small coffee pot, painted with views 49 A plate, green ground pencilled with gold, and five river scenes 50 A PAIR OF SMALL SCEAUX, scalloped, each with eight small subjects of figures, and silver-gilt handles 51 A coffee pot and cover, with vines and grapes, raised, in colours and gold 52 A plate, deep blue border, with cupids in bistre 53 Another, with light blue openwork edge, with a review in the environs of Dracha 54 Another, deep blue, with Cupid holding a pallette and a wreath 55 A fruit sucrier and cover, green, with figures champetre 56 A pair of beautiful scalloped cups and saucers, with figures after Watteau, and flowers on gold ground ~57 Two cups and saucers — nearly similar 58 A pair of cups and saucers, with flowers on gold ground 59 A pair — nearly similar GO A pair of scalloped cups and saucers, with seaports and buildings 61 A pair of scalloped trays, with seaports 62 A pair of scalloped cups and saucers, with peasants i63 A cup and saucer, with raised frieze of figures, in imitation of gems '64 A cup, cover, and saucer, with views in Dresden 65 Another, with medallion portraits of Angelica Kauffmann and Ariadne on the saucer 66 Another, with a lady and children in landscapes 11 67 A cup and saucer, deep blue, with bouquets of flowers 68 Another, small, with figures after Watteau; and a scalloped ditto, with minute figures 69 Two cups and saucers, seagreen, with seaports 70 A cup and saucer, with figures on the Elbe, gold ground 71 One, deep blue, with Neptune, Hippomenes, and Atalanta 72 A cup and saucer, scalloped, crimson, with flowers encrusted in imitation of oriental 73 Another, with landscapes and figures, yellow ground 74 A pair, with Chinese figures and leaves raised, 1739 75 One, seagreen, with Chinese figures 76 A beautiful cup, cover, and stand, by Carl Theodore, crimson, with medallions of cupids n Another, with domestic poultry 78 A cup and saucer, pink, with seaports 79 One, small, nearly similar 80 Another, deep blue, with river scenes 81 One, with deep blue, with landscapes and figures 82 One, with green border and cupids, in pink '',. /-/-^3 A dejeune, with blue scale borders, and figures after Watteau; y / ^^^5^ consisting of teapot, coffee pot, and two cups and saucers 84 A teapot, crimson, with conversations after Watteau 85 An ecuelle, cover, and stand, crimson, with subjects after Watteau, and twisted vegetable stalk handles 86 A small square plateau, with five river scenes, and gold borders f _ 87 A BEAUTIFUL OVAL TWO-HANDLED PlATEAU, grOS bleU, with five compositions of architecture and figures 88 A MAGNIFICENT OVAL Plateau, deep blue, with cupids holding a shield, inscribed, and doves and wreaths in the borders • » jc 89 A PAIR OF SUPERB OVIFORM Vases, the ground encrusted with y ' Xf) forget-me-nots, each with two conversations after Watteau on gold ground, surrounded by raised flowers, mounted with or- moulu in the best taste 90 An ecuelle, cover, and stand, the ground encrusted with may- flowers, with two military scenes and shields of arms, sur- mounted by a female bust 12 9 91 A beautifiil egg-shaped scalloped vase, with two conversations ' ^ ^ after Watteau, and flowers on gold ground, on three feet, with ^ flowers raised, mounted with silver gilt SEVRES. 92 A cup and saucer, with blue ribbon border, and roses in com- partments 93 One, apple green, with exotic birds in compartments / y ^94 One, gros bleu and green, with cupids ^ .y- .95 One, green and rose du Barri, painted with exotic birds ' 96 One, green, with bouquets of flowers, in compartments ^"^ — "97 One, green, with Venus chastising Cupid, and a dog, in a land- scape 98 One, with two children, and a trophy of the vintage 99 One, green and rose du Barri, with bouquets of flowers *" ' — 100 One, green, with two subjects of figures and merchandise after Lingelbach ^^ 101 One, green, with exotic birds and flowers 102 One, green, with small flowers in compartments /P — 103 One, rose du Barri and green, with exotic birds '/..S 104 One, gros bleu and green, with cupids /t^ ^^105 One, gros bleu and green, with children after Boucher 106 One, green, with baskets of fruits 107 One, apple green, with two subjects of cupids 108 One, turquoise, with exotic birds 109 One, green, with flowers 110 A small cup, cover, and stand, rose du Barri and green, with festoons of flowers 111 A small two-handled cup, with alternate stripes of green, and wreaths of flowers /;^^\112 A BEAUTIFUL EcuELLE, CovER, AND Stand, gros bleu, ex- '^'■^ ' quisitely painted with six subjects of cupids ^S^f/il\3 A VERY FINE EwER, AND OvAL DiSH, gros bleu, with four baskets of flowers in compartments, mounted with silver p'''*' 13 114 An ecuelle, cover, and stand, gros bleu, with baskets of flowers in six compartments 115 A small two-handled cup, cover, and stand, the ground of blue and red chequers, painted with six pastoral landscapes 116 A cup and saucer, with blue and white stars, and rich ornaments in stripes 1 17 A cup and saucer, gros bleu, with white and gold spots 118 A large cup and saucer, turquoise, with bouquets of flowers, in compartments /4^ ^ 118*A baton, enamelled with classical medallions in white, inscribed " Justus Perebit," mounted with rims and ends of bronze — dated 1415 — 23 in. long End of First Days Sale. Second Day's Sale. On TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. 11 8a A pale seagreen cup, beautifully mounted, with or-moulu open- work stem, lid, and handles 119 A plate, with poultry, on white scroll crimson ground 120 One, with flowers, on white scroll, black and green ground 121 One, with three figures, and gold border 122 A cup and cover, white, with flowers in small circles, and silver rim 123 A pair of cups and saucers, light blue, with flowers, the surface slightly indented 124 A cup and saucer, beautifully enamelled with small figures, blue and gold borders, green inside 125 A kylin, supporting a coffee pot, green and black, with flowers — on singular plinth 126 A cup and saucer, with flowers on black ground, green inside 127 A plate, beautifully painted with a lady and two children 128 One, with figures hunting 129 A scalloped dish, of fine old japan, with flowers, three gold stars inside 130 A plate, with a lady working, and red borders 137 196 15 131 One, withflowers in compartments, and gold borders 132 A pair of curious small white cups, with medallions of figures in high relief, unglazed, the ground of openwork 133 A small kettle, with upright handle, richly enamelled with flowers on copper 134 A small globular vessel and cover, with stripes in blue, green, and yellow, the surface encrusted with small patterns, mounted with or-moulu 135 A bowl and cover, of very fine old grey crackle, mounted, with handles and open rim of or-moulu — 14 in. high 136 A NOBLE FLUTED GLOBULAR VaSE AND CoVER, of fine liffht brOWH crackle, mounted, with pierced borders, handles, and top of or-moulu, in very rich taste — 19 in. high 137 A BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE-NECK GOURD SHAPED BoTTLE, SCagrcen, with Stems and leaves slightly raised, superbly mounted, with scroll handles, and beautifully chased vine leaves and grapes of or-moulu — 16 in. high, under glass shade. {See illustration) 138 A PAIR OF VERY RARE SQUARE Jardinieres, each with double frieze, the one of leaves and the other of dragons' heads, partly pierced, mounted, with or-moulu rims, plinths, and handles 139 A FLAT Bottle, with handles of delicate light blue colour, mounted, with stem and ring handles of or-moulu — 11 in. high 140 A pair of small globular vases, enamelled with groups of flowers on white ground, and mounted with or-monlu as ewers, in fine old taste — 12^ in. high DRESDEN. 141 A cup and saucer, gilt inside, with peasant figures; and a small hexagonal canister, with Chinese figures 142 A coffee pot and cover ; a basin ; and a cup and saucer, with courtiers — on gilt brackets 143 A beautiful scalloped cup and saucer, canary ground, with Chinese birds and flowers 144 A coffee pot and cover, with merchants and merchandise — a mask at the spout 16 145 Another, with landscapes in medallions 146 A beautiful cabinet cup, cover, and saucer, gros bleu, with cupids 147 A cabinet cup and cover, gros bleu, with pastoral figures — the cover imperfect 148 An oblong scalloped dish, with five landscapes in compartments 149 A beautiful tankard, with an oriental seaport, in colours, and small sea views round the rims, mounted with metal gilt 150 A fluted coffee pot, with bouquets of flowers 151 A noble coffee pot and cover, with elegant handle, and spout rising from a mask, the sides painted with figures in pink, and festoons of vines and grapes, in their natural colours, in relief 152 A fine coffee pot and cover, with elegant handle, the spout formed of a head in a cocked hat, the bowl beautifully painted with a large landscape and figures 153 A coffee pot and cover, with straight handle, the surface spirally waved, with two groups of figures in colours, and festoons of flowers in pink 154 A pair of rare plates, with border of openwork of flowers in colours, and animals and birds in medallions, an exotic bird in the centre, with blue scale borders 155 Another, with openwork borders of birds and forget-me-nots, and medallions of military figures 156 An octagonal ditto, with a fine landscape in ihe centre, and smaller subjects round, the borders i-ichly pencilled with gold 157 A fine scalloped bowl, with a landscape and figures round the outside, small views in pink underneath, and borders pencilled with gold 158 A small cup and saucer, with views ; and one, with figures after Watteau 159 Another, with a river scene ; and one, with figures after Watteau 160 One, gros bleu, with bouquets of flowers 161 One, with seaports ; and one, small, with views 162 A basin, with a sea fight and view of a town ; and a cup and saucer, with harbour scenes 163 A cup and saucer, with military figures ; and a cup and saucer, similar 17 J 64 A pair, with military subjects in pink 165 A cup and saucer, with minute figures; and one, with landscapes 166 A Berlin cup and saucer, a la reine, with peasant figures; and a canister, with Polish figures 167 A small oval stand, and a canister with hunting subjects in pink 168 A cup; and a coffee cup and saucer, with figures after Watteain and blue borders 169 A pair of cups and saucers, with insects, and raised borders, and elaborate handles vO One, with a chateau near Dresden ; and one, with figures after Watteau 171 One, with seaports; and one, with military figures 172 One, with Watteau figures; and one, with a seaport and figures 173 Two, with figures after Watteau 174 One, with children sporting, and festoons in pink ; and one, with seaports and figures 175 One, with monkeys and cats; and one, Vienna, with Roman ruins 176 A small coffee pot and cover, with fables 177 A larger, with camp scenes in pink 178 Another, with raised basket ground, and two small views, and flowers encrusted on the lid 179 Another, with two large subjects of Chinese figures 180 Another, with two river scenes and figures 181 Another, with spiral wreaths of flowers, and pink scale borders 182 A coffee pot and cover, with a large subject of oriental figures 183 One, with raised ground, and two subjects after Teniers 184 One, with two minute landscapes in compartments, and borders of flowers 185 A square canister, with four views; and a hexagonal ditto, with oriental figures 186 A rare plate, with openwork borders of flowers, and bouquets of flowers in the centre 187 A plate, with openwork white and gold border — Hercules aTid Antaeus in the centre 188 A basin, with four landscapes and figures in compartments c 18 189 A smaller ditto, with two landscapes and figures, and a landscape inside 190 A circular stand, with figures after Watteau, seagreen outside 191 A plate, with deep blue border and birds; and two, with pierced borders 192 Three plates, with shepherds and sheep 193 Four deep plates, with figures in the centres 194 Six plates, with different subjects of landscapes and figures 195 A VERY BEAUTIFUL CLOCK, in the form of a temple, with pilasters at the angles, and dome top, surmounted by two female figures, the sides painted with minute Chinese figures and landscapes; on the back is the date 17'27 — glass shade and stand. This beautiful object is 18 inches high. {See illustration^ 196 A PAIR OF SUPERB CANDELABRA, each formed of a female draped figure bearing scroll branches for five lights, seated on pedestals, round which cupids are supporting shields of arms. These magnificent objects of decoration are 24 inches high. (See illustration) 197 A handsome chime clock, by Le Noir, Paris, in circular or-moulu case, on stem, before which a Dresden mastiff and puppy are lying, on a rich or-moiilu stand — 17 in high, the plinth II in. deep 198 A pair of candelabra, with or-moulu branches for three lights each, wilh a female Dresden figure in the centre, and flowers behind — o[lass shades and stands 199 Another pair, with Dresden figures of a shepherd and shepherdess, and groups of larger flowers — glass shades and stands SEVRES. 200 A cup and saucer, pale green with white spots, medallions from gems, surrounded by wreaths of foliage, gilt 201 One, smaller, nearly similar 202 One, blue, with scrolls in white and gold 203 One, light blue, with white spots, and trellis compartments 19 204 One, gros bieu, with two pastoral scenes 205 One, gros bleu, with two figures reposing in a landscape 206 One, gros bleu, with dogs and game, with hawks 207 One, spotted gros bleu, white and gold, with exotic birds 208 A small two-handled white cup, with dogs pursuing deer and game, in gold 209 One, with spots and horizontal blue stripes, with medallions from gems 210 One, with pink flower, trellis, and blue flowers, on gold ground, with two pastoral scenes 211 One, waved with rose and gold, with blue lines 212 One, pale blue, with light spots, and musical trophies 213 One, white, with flowers in blue vases 214 One, white, with pink flowers 215 One rose, with white spots, musical trophies, and surrounded by wreaths of flowers 216 One, white, with gros bleu and brown scalloped border-, and festoons of flowers 217 One, pink, with white spots, and two subjects of cupids 218 A pair of cups and saucers, white, with blue edges, and festoons of flowers suspended by ribbons 219 A cup, gros bleu, with a nymph reposing 220 A small two-handled cup and saucer, white, with cupids 221 A plate, gros bleu border, with white spots, exotic birds in three compartments, and flowers in the centre 222 A plate, turquoise border, with flowers and grapes 223 One, with yellow and crimson scalloped border, a bouquet of flowers in the centre, in blue rim 224 One, with green border, with medallions of birds, and bouquets of flowers in the centre 225 One, with cupids and baskets of flowers on the border, and cypher B D, in flowers, in the centre 226 A beautiful plate, the borders in imitation of llmoge enamel, with figures and arabesques 227 A beautiful ecuelle, cover, and stand, with alternate blue and lilac bands, delicately painted with gold c2 20 228 A plate, green edge with white spots, with medallion heads after gems and birds 229 One, with blue ribbon, and flower borders 230 A mug, marbled pink and blue ground, with a landscape 231 A pair of elegant small oviform vases, rose du Barri, with bouquets of flowers, on or-moulu plinths 233 An ecuelle, cover, and stand, with gold and red spot edges, and festoons of flowers 234 A PAIR OF ScEAUX, the ground of green wreaths on white, with gold star in the centre, each j^ainted with two medallions of cupids 235 A green vase, mounted with upright handles, stem and top of or-moulu 236 A pair of gros bleu flat oval vases, mounted on plinths, and with handles of or-moulu 237 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL GROS BLEU VASES, mounted, with stems, masks, and festoons of or-moulu, in fine old taste 238 A VERY ELEGANT VASE, WITH HANDLES OF GOATS' HEADS, gros bleu, with frieze of gold, painted with an exquisite medallion of Fame recording the events of Time : a bouquet of flowers on the reverse, mounted on plinth, and with cover of or-moulu — including plinth, 14 in. high 239 A GROS BLEU VASE AND COVER, OF BEAUTI- FUL FORM. WITH TWO HANDLES, and festoons of leaves falling from the centre of the neck to the bottom of the handles, a broad band round the body of the vase pencilled with gold, on the front of which is an exquisite painting of Venus, Adonis, and Cupid : a bouquet of flowers on the reverse — 16iin. high End of Second Days Sale. 598 597 Third Day 8 Sale. On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. ORIENTAL EGG-SHELL PORCELAIN. 240 Three beautiful egg-shell plates, with figures in the centre, and flowers in the borders: and one, with landscapes and .flowers 241 One, with Chinese buildings and flower border; and one, with landscape in Indian ink, crimson outside 242 One, with two figures ; and one, with flowers in gold compart- ments , 243 One deep plate, with fishermen 244 One, with flowers in Indian ink, on gold ground, crimson outside 245 One, with Chinese musicians 246 One, with Chinese figures, and pink border 247 Two ditto, with flowers 248 One, with gold flowers on deep blue ground 249 Four small plates, with flowers, pink outside 250 Two, with poultry, red outside 251 One, with a lady and two children, red outside 252 One, with a river scene and boat, red outside 253 One, with aquatic birds ; and one, with a basket ol' flowers 22 251 A Pair ok Small Figures of Josses, turquoise, iiiomited, with or-moulu nozzles for lights, and small Dresden flowers. From Queen Charlottes Collectiun 255 A teapot, cover, and stand, white, with flowers in high relief, in colours 256 Another, with vine leaves and squirrels, fluted, with pink and yellow beneath 257 A rare cup and saucer, with small landscapes, pencilled in gold on buffj on green ground with blue spots 258 A VERY RARE BoTTLE, with marine dragons and plants in relief, in colours, on light clay-coloured ground 259 A curious teapot, formed of a fish, brown, with green handle and spout, with waves below 260 A cup and cover, with plants in blue and white ; and a small cup and saucer, with butterflies in gold 261 A small cup and saucer, crimson, with butterflies; and one,^ scal- loped, piiik and yellow, with plants iu relief 262 One, with a female, and a priest with a beaid ; and an egg-shell cup, cover, and stand, with figures and inscriptions 263 A cup and cover, yellow, with plants and leaf-shaped flutings 264 A brown saucer, gilt , inside ; and a cup, with birds and open trellis 265 A coffee pot, and a cup and saucer, lilac, with white flowers ; and one, richly enamelled with flowers 266 A pair of small vases, enamelled with flowers and birds between broad perpendicular stripes of green, mounted witli or-moulu as ewers — 10:^ in. high 267 A BEAUTIFUL TWO-HANDLED RIBBED BoTTLE, light blue Colour, mounted, witli plinth and upright handles of or-moulu — IS^in, high 268 A pair of beautiful globular vases, the surface covered with scroll foliage of red and green, mounted as ewers with or-moulu — II in. high 269 A dish, with a Chinese landscape and figures in the centre, the border with pink flowers on blue ground, a scalloped edge beneath — 16 in. in diameter 23 270 A Pair of very curious green Kylins, with small lions at their shoulders, and upright stem behind, which is surmounted by an or-rnoulu nozzle for a light — 9 in. high. From Queen Charlotte's Collection 271 A dish, with flowers and figures in medallions, on blue ground, the arms of Utrecht introduced in the centre — 17 in. in diameter DRESDEN. 272 A teapot and stand, and a small milk pot, deep blue, with medallions of cupids 273 A small cotfee pot, and a cup and saucer, blue scale ground, with exotic birds 274 A scalloped cup and saucer, with minute landscapes 275 An octagonal two-handled cup, yellow ground, with river scenes; 3 spoons, with flowers ; and one, in imitation of metal 276 A small oval scalloped tray, with flowers on gold ground 277 A pair of small scalloped trays, with figures in pink ; and a pair of minute cups 278 An oval scalloped tray, with flowers on yellow and white 279 A pair of saucers, with buildings on gold ground; and one, with a river scene 280 Two saucers, with landscapes ; one, with figures in green ; and one, with cypher 281 A pair of saucers, with friezes raised ; and 3, with figures 282 A pair of beautiful plates, with openwork flower borders and birds in the centre 283 A plate, with shepherdess and sheep in the centre, flower and ribbon border 284 One, with pastoral figures and flowers in green 285 One, with openwork border and festoons of flowers 286 One, with openwork border and bouquets of flowers 287 A pair of double boats, with dragons and festoons of flowers raised, painted with flowers inside 24 288 A sucrier and cover, a basin, and 2 cups and saucers, painte:, with a spaniel and another dog— half- length— 28 in. by 22^ in. 711 Louis XVIII , when a boy, in a blue coat — three-quarters-length — 25 in. bv 2i in. 712 Madame Adelaide d'Orleans, in a white and blue dress, at a fountain, with an at- tendant presenting a basket of flo\ver> — half-length— 28 in. by 22 in. e2 52 RIGAUD 713 Miofnard . . 714 German . Largilliere 715 716 A. Booiien . . 717 Mignard 718 E. Van der Neer 719 Schalken 720 Netscher 721 "Rigaud, after . 722 Natoire . . 723 Gonzales . 724 La Comtesse de la Briffe, as Ceres, in a brown dress, seated on a bank, holding a sickle and ears of corn — half-length — 53 in. by 40 in. The beautiful portrait is en- graved by Drevet A gentleman, in a yellow dress and blue velvet cloak — three-quarters length — 31 in. by 23 in. The Emperor Paul of Russia, in a red coat and blue velvet ribbon — three-quarters length — 30^ in. by 24 in. The Pretender, in a red dress, wearing the Order of the Garter, and his sister, in white satin, at his side, in a garden — small whole-length — 26 in. by 21 in. — engraved Peter the Great, in armour, and his Empress Catherine — a pair — half-length — 13^ in. by %m. Madlle. de Montpensier, in a red dress — oval, three-quarters length — 15 in. high The Count Rantzou, in a cuirass and white scarf, holding a baton — half-length — 9 in. by fin. A lady, in a yellow and blue scarf — small oval — on copper — 5 in. high William III. in his robes; and Queen Mary, in a yellow satin dress and ermine cloak, seated in a garden — a pair — half-length. — 15 in. by 12 in. A king and queen of Saxony — a pair of small whole-lengths — 20 in. by 13 in. A lady, in a white dress and veil — oval, three-quarters length — 20Jin. high A gentleman, in a white silk dress — oval, half- length — 071 copper — 6 in. high, Exqui- sitely painted 53 K. de Moor . 725 Greuze . . 726 Mignard . 727 J ;f^:GREUZH: . . 728 German French F. de Troye 729 Rigaud . 730 Mignard . 731 Nattier . . 732 733 734 Madlle. Vertue Carnee, in a blue and yellow dress — oval, half-length — SJin. high Marie Antoinette, in a white dress and veil — oval, three quarters length — 24 in. high Madame La Duchesse de Montausier, in a yellow and blue drapery — three-quarters length — 31 in. by 24 in. Madame de Pompadour, in a white flowered dress, with a muff — oval, three-quarters length — 23 in. high The Emperor Leopold, and his Empress, in fancy dresses — small whole-length — on copper — 13 in, by 9 in. The Duke of Burgundy, in armour, with the ribbon of St. Esprit: a battle in the dis- tance — half-length — 57 in. by 44 in. Mademoiselle Mancini, in a blue dress — three-quarters length — 28 in. by 23 in. Madame Tensin, in a blue dress, with black lace cap, holding a fan — three-quarters length— 30 in. by 24 in. Louis XVL, when young, in a red dress, with the Order of the Golden Fleece — three- quarters length — 22 in. by 19 in. A Princess of Orleans as Venus, with Cupid — half-length — 22 in. by 18 in. Engraved by Vattet End of Sixth Day's Sale. — First Day of Pictures. J^ZoS%. . Seventh Day's Sale. On MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. PICTURES. FIRST FLOOR LANDING, AND STAIRCASE. Largilliere . . 735 An officer, in a cuirass and red velvet cloak — three- qiiarters length — 34 in. by 26 in, Boiiton . . . 736 A Prince of the Lorraine family, in a red coat — half-length — 35 in. by 29 in. Mignard . . 737 Marie, Queen of Louis XIV., in a white dress and pearl necklace — oval, three-quarters length^ — 31 in. by 26 in. Mignard . . 738 Portrait of the artist, in a blue cloak— oval, three-quarters length — 32 in. by 25 in. Nattier „ . . 739 A lady, in a white satin dress and pink cloak, with a wreath of flowers on her shoulders — three-quarters length— 30 in. by 25 in. Ramsay . . 740 Frederick, Prince of Wales, and the Princess, in their robes — a pair — ^small whole-length — 35 in. by 24 in. Mignard . . 741 Head of a lady, with pink feathers in her hair — 16^ in. by 13 in. A J MA!^ON EIiEii»rOR OP PORTUGAL 926 55 French Moroni German German Drouais . K. de Moor Parocel . Rigaud . Rigaud . 742 Cardinal Richelieu, in an ermine cloak — 17 in. by 13 in. 743 A Grand Duchess of Tuscany, in a rich dress striped with gold, a chain of pearls hang- ing from her neck ; her right hand resting en a chair, a fan in her left, and drapery behind — half-length — 44 in. by 39 in. 744 The Empress Maria Theresa, in a white dress and ermine robes, her left hand resting on a crown — half-length — 55 in. by 45 in. Presented by the Empress to the Earl of Hyndford 745 Anne, Duchess of Courland, in a yellow silk dress, wearing a red ribbon badge and star of diamonds, a fan in her right hand — half- length — 50 in. by 38 in. This porlrait of the sister of Maria Theresa, is from the Collection of the Earl of Hyndford, who was Ambassador at the Court of Russia, from 1741 to 1749 746 Sophie, aunt of Louis XVI., in a richly em- broidered pink dress, holding a page of music — half-length — 28 in. by 23 in. 747 A lady, in a white satin dress and pearl neck- lace, holding a gilt dish of fruit — tialf- length— 37 in. by SOJ in. 748 Louis XIV., in a blue coat, on a bay charo^er, in a landscape — 50 in. by 37| in. 749 A marshal, like Mar.>liai Tallard, in armour, with a blue ribbon and a crimson cloak over his shoulder, his hand resting on his helmet — half-length— 46 in. by 38^ in. 750 Louis XV., in his coronation robes — whole- length — 52| in. by 40^ in. 56 Migjiard . . 75 1 The Duchesse de Berri, in a white dress orna- mented with rubies and pearls, holding an arrow — half-length — 39 in. by 35 in. Mignard . . 752 Louise, Duchess of Orleans, in a rich yellow dress with blue cloak, seated — half-length —34 in. by 27 in. De Troye . . 753 A girl, in a crimson satin dress, holding a basket of flowers on a terrace, a greyhound before her — whole-length — 51 in. by 31 in. Largilliere . . 754 The Duchesse de Berri, in a gold and crimson velvet dress, as Cleopatra, about to drop the pearl into a silver vessel on a table —half-length— 48 in. by 38^ in. Two nymphs, one of them sleeping after the chace — a sopra porta, about 4 ft. wide A lady, in a blue dress and turban, playing the guitar — three-quarters length — 32 in. by 25 in. A frost scene outside the walls of Antwerp, with masquerade and other figures skating on the frozen moat — 26| in. by 42 in. A Dutch village, on a river, with numerous figures assembled round the booth of a charlatan, waggons and market figures on the right — 24 in. by 35 in. Louis XIV., on horseback, accompanying his Queen in her coach, drawn by six white horses, and attended by a numerous cortege, on a road towards a fortified city — 29 in. by 45 in. Drouais . . . 760 An aunt of Louis the XVI., in a green dress, embroidered with flowers — three-quarters length — 25 in. by 20 in. Drouais . . . 761 An aunt of Louis the XVI... in a dress embroi- dered with white flowers — the companion — three-quarters length — 25 in. by 20 in. Boucher . . 755 Van Loo . 756 Avercauip . . 757 Michaud . 758 Van der Meulen 759 57 Largillikke . 762 Boufflais De Troye German Largilliere . German Rigaud , De Troye 763 764 765 766 767 768 German . . . 769 770 A gentleman, in a lilac and blue dress, reposing on a bank after the chace, dogt and dead partridges at his side. Admirably painted — 51 in. by 30 in, A camp scene, with a general officer and attendants before a tent, soldiers casting lots with dice on a drum in the fori^ground — 25 in. by 31i in. The Due de Berri, seated in a landscape, caressing a dog and watching a bullfinch — whole-length — 57 in. by 45 in. The Empress Elizabeth of Russia, in a richly ornamented yellow boddice with pearls, and a blue cloak lined with ermine, seated, with her right hand on the crown — half- length — about 47 in. by 36 in. A French prince, in aj-mour, a blue cloak over his shoulders, his left hand resting on a helmet, a page at his side — half-length — 53 in. by 43 in. The Empress Catharine of Russia, in a white dress, and yellow robe lined with ermine, holding the sceptre, a coronet on her head — half-length — 54 in. by 44 in. The Duke of Burgundy, in armour, with the ribbon of St. Esprit, holding a baton in his right hand, his left resting on a helmet — half-length — 55 in. by 43 in. An officer of the Thirty Years' War, like Tortonstcin, in armour, with lace collar and red scarf, his I'ight hand resting on a helmet with a red plume; a coat of arms in the background— half-length — 46 in. by 38 in. Augustus II., of Poland, the Father of Marshal Saxe, in a pink velvet coat and cuirass, with the Badge of the Golden Fleece, and St. Esprit, holding a baton— half- length — 60 in. by 42 iu. 58 LIBRARY. School of Bronzi no 771 Le Due 772 Nattier 773 Pourbus Holbein L. CORNELISZ 774 775 776 A lady of the. house of Medicis, in a crimson embroidered dress, with pearl necklace and ribbons in her hair — three-quarters length — 25^ in. by 19 in. A cavalier, in a yellow doublet, white collar, and crimson cap with feathers, smoking a pipe, a page, in a blue dress, putting on his spurs ; two figures in the background— oval — 18^ in. high — in oak frame, elaborately carved with fruit and vegetables by Ver- BRUGGEN Marie Leczinski, of Poland, Queen of France, in a crimson dress, with black lace and white sleeves : she is seated at a table, her arm ivsti ng on a book — 47 in. by 36-i-in. The well known picture, en- graved hy Tardieu A lady, in a black dress, supposed to be Mary Queen of Scots, with slashed sleeves, and a gold chain round her waist, her head-dress of pearls — half-length — 31 in. by 24 in. Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, in a black dress and hat, with a white ruff, holding his gloves in his left hand — half-length — 13^ in. by 9^ in. A gentleman, in a black dress edged with brown fur, and a black cap, holding a letter in his right hand, a ring on the forefinger of his left, an inscription beneath — half- length — 14 in. by 11 in. The inscription is believed to be " Vera Effigies Roberti fil : Anthony De Bruton dni de Lisulis quoda fit de Thornburgh dni de Bruges, Domi Patris Anthony Picloris (or Rectoris), 1524. Requiescal in pace." 59 P. lie Clianipagiie 717 Louis XIV , when young, in a richly ombroi- dered blue silk dress, holding- a stick ot office in his hand ; a crimson drapery behind — whole-length — 50 in. by 39 in. Van den Tempel 778 A lady, in a blue silk dress with white sleeves, and a yellow scarf, .-^eated in a landscape, with a spaniel in her lap — half-length — 44 in. by 35^ in. Mignard . . 779 Maria Theresa, Queen of Louis XIV., in a black and white dress edged with ermine, seated at a table — half-length — 50 in. by 38 in. Mark Gakrard 780 JA^E, Marchione,ss of Winchester, in a richly embroidered crimson dress, with slashed sleeves, standing near a green velvet cushion ; a drapery suspended behind — half-length — 51 in. by 36^ in. Sir p. Lkly . 781 Nell Gwynne, in a yellow silk dress and white sleeves, with a blue mantle, seated on a stone plinth, caressing a lamb — half- length — 48 in. by 38^ in. Sir P. Lely . . 782 A youth, supposed to be the Duke of Rich- mond, in a crimson and white silk dress, holding an arrow in his hand, a spaniel running at his side — whole-length — 50 in. by 34 in. Maes . . . 783 A child, in a crimson silk dress and plume of feathers, a spaniel by his side — oval — 15iin. high — in oak frame, elaborately carved with fruits and flowers by Ver- BRUGGEN Kavensteyn . 784 A gentleman, in a black striped dress, with lace ruff: he holds his gloves in his left hand, his hat on a table by his side — half-length — 44 in. by 33 in. This admirable portrait is dated 1635 60 Sir P. Lely . . 785 A lady, in a light yellow dress, supposed to be the Countess of Sunderland, seated on an orange drapery in a landscape — half-length —46 in. by 39 in. RiGAUD . . 786 Marshal Yauban, in a buff dress and white scarf, his hand resting on his baton — half- length — 49 in. by 36iin. The engraved picture. Very fine RiGAUD . . . 787 Maksiial de Belleisle, in armour, wearing the badge of the St. Esprit and Golden Fleece : he holds his baton, liis helmet on a bank before him ; a battle in the back- ground — 51 in. by 39 in. — engraved Honthorst . . 788 Maria, the wife of William II., Prince of Orange, in a brown silk dress with white sleeves, and pearl necklace, before a table, on which is a basket of roses : she holds a coronet in her right hand; a landscape background — 48 in. by 39 in. MiREVELDT . 789 Sir Giles Allington, ancestor of the Lords Allington, of Wimandley in Herts, and of Killard in Ireland, in a black dress and ruff; a crimson drapery suspended behind. He married a daughter of Cecil, first Earl of Exeter — three-quarters length — 28 in. by 24 in. This interesting por- trait is engraved in the History of the Ccesar family Sir A. More . 790 A lady, in a black dress, and head dress orna- mented with rich jewels, a white hand- kerchief round her neck ; she holds a feather fan in her hand — half-length — 31 in, by 23^ in. German . , . 791 A Landgrave and his wife, in white dresses embroidered with gold : they are standing under a canopy marked with arms, the word " Jehova " above. 1636. 19 in. by 13 in. 61 DINING ROOM. Wissing . . . 792 The Duke of Somerset, in his robes, with the badge of the Garter, his left hand resting on a table, on which is a hat and plume — half-length — 48 in. by 39 in. Van Dyck . . 793 The Duchess of Holstein, in a yellow silk dress with white sleeves, and a lilac scarf over her shoulder, which she is holding with her right hand — half-length — 48 in. by 39 in. Nason . . . 794 Charles II., in steel and gold armour, with the badge of the Garter : he is holding a baton, the crown on a table by his side — half-length — 46 in. by 36 in. The subject of the celebrated engraving by Van Dalen Rigaud . . . 795 The Empress Maria Theresa, in a blue dress and yellow velvet cloak : she is seated at a table, holding a sceptre — half- length — 54 in. by 39 in. Given by the Empress to a hospital at Ghent Myttbns . . 796 Charles I., in a pink silk dress with slashed sleeves, with lace collar, and the ribbon and badge of the Garter, his right hand extended, and the left resting on the hilt of his sword — half-length — 46 in. by 86 in. F. Bol . . . 797 A lady, in a black dress, holding a fan in her right hand : she holds a flower in her left on a globe : she is seated on the terrace of a chateau — half-length — 46 in. by 36 in. Siii P. Lely . 798 Nell Gwynne, in a white dress and blue mantle, seated on a bank in a landscape — half-length — 49 in, by 40 in. A very ele- gant portrait 62 Bronzino French COELLO Rubens Scipione Pulzoni 803 Cuyp Myttens Sir A. More 799 TheDuchessBiancaCapella.ofTuscany, in a crimson dress and white slashed sleeves and lace collar — half-length — 33 in. by 26iin. 800 A youthful princess, presumed to be Anne of Austria when young, in a richly embroi- dered white dress, with pearl necklace and a ruff — three-quarters length — 21 in. by 18in. 801 Isabella de Valois, wife of Philip II., in a crimson dress richly embroidered, with collar and cross of jewels, and jewels in her hair — three-quarters length — 21 in. by IZiin. 802 The Due d'Olivarez. in armour, with hat and feather, on a chesnut horse, in a landscape —23 in. by 18 in. A Duchess of Parma, in a black dress and lace ruff, with a jewelled badge on her shoulder, and head ornament of pearls, her right hand raised to a gold chain, which is suspended round her neck ; a crimson dra- pery behind — three-quarters length — 32 in. by 25 in. 804 William II., Prince of Orange, in a black dress, edged with gold, on a brown horse, a river in the distance — 19 in. by 13 in. 805 The Duke D'Epernon, in a ruff, and brown slashed dress and lilac cloak, with the ribbon of the Garter — three-quarters length —20 in. by 15^ in. 806 Isabella de Valois, in a black dress, with gold collar and jewel, a carnation flower suspended from her ruff, with a white and gold wreath on her head — three-quarters length — 20 in. by 15 in. 63 PRIMATICCIO 807 Old Breughel . 808 S. Francks . . 809 Cuyp 810 C. Jaiisen . . 811 Backhuyzen . 812 K. tie Moor. . 813 Van der Heist . 814 THK CARDINAL OF CHATILLON, in a crimson damask dress and cloak, with a broad front of ermine, a small red cap on his head ; he holds his gloves in his right hand, which rests on the back of a chair, his left hand resting in his girdle — half- length — 36 in. by 28 in., inscribed iE 48, 1531. A noble portrait, full of fine cha- racter, signed by the Master A kermesse and dance in a Dutch village : a composition of many figures — 15 in. by 22 in. A ball. From Louis Philippe's Collection — 19 in. by 26 in. Frederick Henry, eldest son of Frederick of Bohemia, uhen a child, in a white dress, hat, and feather, holding a flower in his right hand, and a basket in his left — oval — 29 in. high Lady Falkland, in a black dress, with elaborate lace collar — three-quarters length — 28 in. by 22 in. Portrait of the Artist, in a blue velvet cloak and flowing wig : he is pointing towards a ship of war, which is seen in the back- ground ; he holds a palette in his left hand, a celestial globe on the right in front — half-length — 34iin. by 27i in. A Dutch gentleman, in a flowing wig, yellow dress, and blue and crimson cloak — oval — 27 in. high Martin Tromp, in a black dress and steel gorget, wearing a gold medal suspended by a blue ribbon ; a sea fight in the back- ground : the portrait enclosed in a stone — oval, three-quarters length — 28 in. by 23 in. 64 Sir P. Lely . . 815 James II., in the robes of the Garter, standing before a table, on which is his hat and plunae of feathers — small whole-length — 40 in. by 27 in. Rigaud . . . 816 Elizabeth Christina de Brunswick Wolfen- buttel. Empress of Germany, in a dress covered with magnificent jewels ; the crown and sceptre of Hungary, on a crimson cushion on her left. Died 1750 — half- length — 37 in. by 29^ in. P.de Champagne 817 Portrait of LouisXIIL, in armour, ornamented with gilt fleurs-de-lys, wearing a white scarf and the ribbon of the St. Esprit — half- length — 28 in. by 22 in. Mark Garrard . 818 A lady, in an elaborately worked dress of white and gold, a mirror suspended from the side of her dress ; she holds a red feather fan in her right hand ; on the finger of her left hand is a ring, attached to her wrist by a silk cord ; a green drapery behind— half-length- 33^ in. by 28 in. Mireveldt . . 819 Maurice of Nassau, in a yellow quilted dress with a ruff, his right hand resting against his side — half-length — 43 in. by 29^ in. S. COELLO . 820 ANNA MARIA OF AUSTRIA, Queen of Philip II. of Spain, in a white silk dress, ornamented with broad gold bands of arabesque pattern, a chain of rich jewels round her neck and waist ; she wears a small black velvet cap with white feather, from which a rich jewel is suspended, her left hand resting on the arm of a chair — half-length — 48 in. by 39 in. A noble chef-d'oeuvre of the great Spanish portrait painter. Signed by him 65 Zoust 821 School ofL.daVinci 822 School of L.daVinci 823 Mireveldt . . 824 Myttens . . . 825 Myttens . . . 826 Mireveldt . . 827 German . , . 828 S. J. 1659 . . 829 German . . . 830 Myttens ... 831 A lady, in a white satin dress, holding a blue scarf in her right hand, and a rose in her left— half-length— 38 in. by 21 in. La Belle Ferroniere — 22i in. by 19 in. La Joconda — 28 in. by 22 in. Frederick Henrv, Prince of Orange, in a black silk dress and white collar, a medal suspended by a gold chain from his neck — three-quarters length — 26 in, by 21^ in. A gentleman, presumed to be Lord Selkirk, in a white quilted dress, with a ruff — three- quarters length — 26 in. by 1\\ in. Wriottesley, Earl of Southampton, Knight of the Garter, in a black dress with a lace collar — three-quarters length — 29 in. by 23 in. Frederick Henry of Orange, in brown and gold armour, and lace collar — three- quarters length — 10^ in. by 8 in. Christian V., King of Denmark, in a gorget, and yellow and red dress, holding a baton, the crown and sceptre on a fable at his side; and his queen, Ulrica — a pair of small whole-lengths — 14 in. by 10 in. — on copper A Dutch gentleman, in a black cloak and broad rimmed hat — three-quarters length — 12^ in. by 11 in. Christian IV., King of Denmark, in a yellow dress with green sleeves, standing by a table — small whole-length — 13 in, by 8^ in. Elizabeth of Bohemia, in a large ruff and rich dress, with necklace and badge of jewels — three-quarters length — 10 in. by 8 in. F G6 S. J. ... 832 German. . . 833 K.duJardin,1671 834 Mytlens ... 835 Van Dyck, after 836 Joanes Luca D' 837 Enrico Mireveldt . . 838 M. Garrard . 839 Mireveldt . 840 A Dutch naval officer, in a lilac dress, holding a baton — half-length — 12 in. by 11 in. Christian IV., King of Denmark, in a yellow dress, holding a baton ; a helmet on a table by his side — small whole-length — 13 in. by 9 in. A Lady, with light hair, in a yellow and pink dress and lilac scarf, holding her hand over a fountain formed of a cupid on a dolphin — half-length — 50 in. by 54 in. — Very elegant An officer, like the Marquis de Vieuville, in a cuirass, with lace collar and blue and gold scarf — three-quarters length — 25 in. by 21 in. Henrietta Maria, in a white dress — halMength —23 in. by 19 in, PHILIP III., King of Spain, in rich armour, with baton and helmet by his side, kneeling in prayer before a battle ; a sea fight seen in the distance — an inscription beneath — 55 in. by 38 in, James I., in a white silk dress, with chain and jewels, a jewelled badge in his hat — three- quarters length — 22 in. by 16 in. Lady Shirley, her face seen in profile, in a dress embroidered with flowers in brilliant colours — three-quarters length — 22 in. by 17 in. Henry Frederick, Prince of Orange, in a crim- son silk dress striped with gold, wearing a riiflP and gorget, his left hand resting on the hilt of his sword — half-length — 4H in. by 29 in. 67 Palomino . . 841 W. MIERIS . 842 Coello S43 Rigaucl . 844 French . . . 845 Mireveldt, 1635 846 C. Jansen . . 847 C. Jansen . . 848 A cavalier, somewhat like the Archduke Albeit, in rich steel and gold armour, with a ruff, holding a baton in his right hand ; a plumed helmet on a table at his side — half-length — 46 in. by 33 in. THE ARTIST, in a yellow silk dress, and crimson velvet cloak fastened by a jewel ; he holds a palette and brushes in his left hand, the right hand extended — oval — 34 in. high. This beautiful portrait is of the artisfs most elaborate and delicate finish Isabella Clara Eugenia, in a white dress, elaborately ornamented with gold ; she wears a lace ruff and a collar, and pendant of rich jewels and pearls — half-length — 46^ in. by 38 in. The Duchesse d'Orleans, in a blue and gold damask dress and blue scarf — oval, half- length — 34 in. high A Cavalier, in a yellow doublet, with red cloak, bearing the badge of the Garter, holding a hat and plume of feathers in his right hand — half-length — 36 in. by 26 in. Admirably painted A gentleman, in a black silk dress and lace collar, and large hat — oval, three-quarters length — 28 in. high Sir Richard Fanshawe, with fair hair, in a black silk dress and lace collar, his left hand holding his cloak — 28 1 in. by 24 in. Lady Fanshawe, the wife of the preceding, in a black dress, with lace collar and rows of pearls — three-quarters length — 28| in. by 24 in. f2 68 Wyck Old Cuyp Zoust JVI ignard Velazquez. . 849 Marie Louise d'Orleans, Queen of Charles 11 , of Spain, with long black hair falling over her shoulders, in a crimson dress, holdinof a basket of flowers — halMength — 30 in. by 23 in, 850 A son of the King of Bohemia, in armour, with a gold chain round his neck — three- quarters length — 29 in. by 22^ in. 851 A lady, in a black dress and large ruff — oval, three-quarters length — 28 in. high 852 Admiral Van Tromp, the younger, in a cuirass and blue silk dress, with crimson cloak; a sea fight in the background — half-length — 42 in. by 34 in. 853 The youthful Princess of Conde, with light hair, in a yellow dress richly embroidered, with gold damask train ; a yellow drapery suspended behind — whole-length — 62 in. by 43 in. 854 The youthful Prince of Conde, in a dress richly embroidered, holding a plan of a fortification in his hand ; with crimson dra- pery behind — whole-length — the companion —62 in. by 43 in. Lucy Harrington, Countess of Bedford, in a blue and white dress, richly embroi- dered, and yellow scarf, her left hand rest- ing on the stem of a vine ; she is leading with her right hand a child at her side, who holds a bunch of grapes^ — whole-length — 69 in. by 43 in. From Mereworth Castle Sir p. Lel\ . 856 An Officer, supposed to be the Duke of Gloucester, in armour, holding a baton in Mignard Mark Garrard 855 69 his right hand;, his left resting on a helmet — whole-length — 7'2 in. by 43 in. Admirably painted Palomino . . 857 Isabella de Valois, wife of Philip II., in a black dress with pink sleeves, with necklace of pearls and jewels ; she holds a jewelled chain in her left hand, her right hand rest- ', " ing on the back of a chair ; she wears a black cap on her head, ornamented with pearls, a plume of red and white feathers, and a rich jewel suspended over her right oai- — whole-length — 75 in. by 43 in. End of Seventh Days Sale. Eighth Day's Salt On TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. Dobson . 859 Maes Dutch . . C. Jansen Maes Van tier Moulen 863 Parocel ... 864 Sir A. More, 1561 865 PICTURES. ENTRANCE HALL. 858 A gentleman, supposed to be John Evelyn in a brown dress and yellow cloak, holding a crook — half-length — 39 in. by 33 in. A Dutch commander, in armour, holding a baton— half-length— 48 in. by 37 in. William III., when young, iti armour — half- length— 31 in. by 25 in. A lady, in a black dress, with pearl necklace and bracelets — half-length — 38 in. by 31 in. Christina of Sweden, in a red cloak — half- length — 44 in. by 33 in. Louis XIV. in his coach, passing in procession over the Pont Neuf — a composition of numerous figures — 43 in. by 22^ in. Louis XIV., on a white charger, with a siege in the background — 38§ in. by 30 in. A lady, in a black dress and gold chain — three- quarters length — 7h i". by 6 in. 860 861 862 I.ABV jrOHAIO-M-A ABERGAVSiriffT. 92 8 71 Bronzino . . 8G6 French . 867 VanVitell . . 868 School of A. More 869 Van Bloeraen . 870 Van Vitell Sandraart Sandraart Rubens . French . 87i . 872 ^ 873 . 874 . 875 . 876 W. Van der Vleet 877 Rubens . Pourbus 878 879 Head of Leonora di Medici — 7{ in. by 5iin. The Duchess de Montpensier, in a richly ornamented dress and plume of feathers — small whole-length — 50 in. by 38 in. A view of the Tuileries and Seine, at Paris, with boats and figures — 30 in. by 51 in. Two children, in white dresses with crimson stripes — half-length — 30 in. by 37 in. A camp scene, with horsemen and butchers' tents — 32 in. by 39 in. The Pont Neuf and surrounding buildings, with numerous figures and carriages in the foreground — 29 in. by 50| in. A cavalier, in a black silk cloak, with a rapier — half-length — 42 in. by 29| in. A lady, in a black dress, with girdle of pearls —half-length— 43 in. by 31 in. A cavalier, in a black dress with lace collar — half-length — 34 in. by 27^ in. The Archduke Albert, in a black dress, with a ruff and gold chain — three-quarters length— 30 in. by 21iin. A gentleman of the time of Louis XII., in a light brown slashed dress, his right hand on his stick — half-length — 39 in. by 28 in. An ecclesiastic, in black robes, seated in a chair, a crucifix on a table by his side — half-length, inscribed ^t 45, 1631 — 43 in, by 33 in. Isabella, the Governess of the Low Countries, in a black and gold dress, with a ruff — three-quarters length — 31 in. by 22^ in. An elderly man, with a grey beard, in a black dress edgred with fur, and a ruff — three- quarters length — 25 in. by 21^ in. 72 Mireveldt WlGMANNA . 881 C, Jansens • • 882 Sandraart • • 883 Giialdorp • » 884 Velazquez, after 885 F. Hals . • • 886 De Troye . .. 887 De Troye , , 888 880 A lady, in a black dress, with gold chain and ruff — three-quarters length — 26^ in. by 22 in. The Czar Peter, at dinner with the Mayor of Dorkum, in Friesland, surrrounded by male and female attendants ; figures in the background looking through a window — 46 in. by 70 in. Bought from a naval captain at Dorkum, whose wife is a des- cendant of the mayor represented A lady, in a green and pink dress, with broad lace collar — three-quarters length, inscribed Passi— 25iin. by 22i in. Portrait of a lady, in a ruff A gentleman, in a black silk dress and ruff, holding his gloves in his hand — three-quar- ters length — 32 in. by 26|in. An Infanta of Spain, in a white silk dress, with red scarf 886 A lady, in a black dress and lace collar, hold- ing a jewel at her breast — three-quarters length — 34 in. by 27 in. The Duke of Burgundy, in his robes — small whole-length The Duchess of Burgundy, in a hunting dress, with an attendant — the companion Myttens INNER HALL. 889 A lady, in a black silk dress and blue silk petticoat, with lace collar, holding a flow- ered fan in her hand — half-length — 46 in. by 37 in. 73 Edema . . . 890 A view of St. Cloud, from the river— 41 in. by 72 in. Myttens . . 891 A lady, in a light flowered dress, holding a lemon, a spaniel on a table at her side — half-length— 421 by 33 in. Rigaud . , . 892 The artist, in a blue dress and red velvet cloak — three-quarters length — 32 in. by 25 in. K. DU Jardin . 893 The Artist, in a yellow silk dress lined with red — half-length — 42 in. by 31 in. Van Loo . . 894 Madame de Pompadour, as a pilgrim — three- quarters length — 31 in. by 25 in. Mark Garrard Pourbus Greco Coello 895 896 897 898 ARMOURY. A princess, in a rich crimson dress, with lace ruff and sleeves, red hat, and white feathers —half-length— 41 in. by 32 in. Isabella Clara, when young, in a rich em- broidered dress, with ruff and double chain round her neck, holding a fan in her hand, and drapery behind — half-length — 47 in* by 34 in. Don Rodrigo Ponze de Leon, in rich gilt armour, wearing the order of the Golden Fleece, holding a baton in his right hand, his left resting on the hilt of his sword, a plumed helmet by his side — half-length — 50^ in. by 37 in. A lady, in a rich white and gold dress, with a necklace of pearls and ruff, her right hand resting on the back of a chair, a handker- chief in her left — half-length — 45:^ in. by 36* in. 74 Greco School of J Mabeuse . Pourbus . . 899 A lady, in a white dress and black robe, with a ruff, a jewel suspended from a chain at her side, a shield of arms above : in mar- , queterie frame — half-length — 42 in. by 28:| in. 900 A Spanish marshal, in a yellow doublet and steel gorget, holding a baton, a morion at his side — half-length — 41^ in. by 322in. de 901 Louis XII., in a crimson cloak, giving alms to a beggar who holds a wooden bowl, a peasant woman, carrying a child on her shoulder, and three other figures behind ; in the background are representa- ' tions of teaching the young, and clothing the naked, under a portico supported by square columns — in tortoiseshell frame — 36iin. by 27 in. Pourbus . . . 902 A lady, in a black dress with white sleeves and ruff, a gold chain round her neck j she holds her gloves in her right hand, and a book in her left — in tortoiseshell frame — half-length — 35 in. by 25^ in. L. Crauach . . 903 A Duke of Saxony, in a crimson dress and black cloak, holding a purse in his hand — in tortoiseshell frame — three-quarters length —231 in. by 16 in. L Cranach . . 904 A Duchess of Saxony, in a richly worked dress with gold chains round her neck ; a green curtain before her, and a scroll ornament above — in tortoiseshell frame three-quarters length — 26 in. by 16 in. Coello . . . 905 Don Carlos, son of Philip II., in a white silk dress edged with fur, and wearing the collar of the Golden' Fleece, his right hand on the handle of a dagger, his left on the 75 Pourbus . . . 906 Mireveldt . . 907 Early Flemish . 908 Venetian . . 909 J.DE MABEUSE910 HOLBEIN . 911 L. DE HEERE 912 Q. Matsys , .. 913 hilt of his sword — half-length — 43 in. by 34 in. Henri IV., in a white quilted dress, with the order of St. Esprit, standing before a table —half-length— 43 in. by 33a in. The Archduke Albert, in richly ornamented armour, wearing the collar of the Golden Fleece — three-quarters length — 26 in. by 20 in. A gentleman, in a black cloak, with a land- scape background — arched top — three- quarters length — 23^ in. high A boy, in white doublet and crimson hose, holding a bow and arrow, a dog at his side, in a landscape — small whole-length — 45 in. by 33 in. HENRY VII., in a yellow dress ornamented with jewels, and a red cloak edged with fur, holding his glove in his hand — in tortoiseshell frame — three-quarters length — 22^ in. by 18 in. A portrait of the high- est interest Henry VIII., in a gold damask dress, with a red cloak edged with fur, his right hand in his girdle — small half-length — 25^ in. by 17^ in. — in marqueterie frame Queen Elizabeth, in a white dress, and black robe ornamented with gold, a chain, with jewel, round her neck, and coronet on her head — small half-length — 28 in. by 20 in. St. Jerome, seated in meditation, his right hand raised to his forehead, his left resting on a skull ; the cardinal's hat and a can- dlestick before him ; landscape background — 33^ in. by 26 in. The engraved picture 7^ L. Cranach . Janet L. Cranach . ZUCCHERO . ZUCCHEKO Milanese Pourbus Janet . 914 A lady, in a crimson velvet dress and black cap, holding a bunch of lilies of the valley in her hand — in tortoiseshell frame — half- length — 19^ in. by 1 5 in. 915 Head of Charles IX., in a black dress, ruff, and cap ornamented with pearls — in tor- toiseshell frame — 19 in. by 16^ in. 916 A Duke of Saxony, in a black coat with fur collar, and black cap, holding a bunch of carnations — three-quarters length — in tor- toiseshell frame — 19 in. by 15 in. 917 Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in a yellow doublet and crimson sleeves, wearing the Order of the Garter, his right hand on his girdle, with cap, and red feather with jewel — half-length — 36^ in. by 28 in. Veryjine 918 Queen Elizabeth, in a black and white dress, with lace ruff", small circles of pearls in her hair ; she holds a fan and a lily, and lilies are fixed to the shoulders of her dress — half-length — 36 in. by 30 in. 919 A lady, in a crimson boddice edged with black, her hands clasped — three-quarters length — 17^ in. by 12^ in, 920 A gentleman, in a black dress edged with fur, and a ruff, his left hand on the hilt of his sword — small half-length— in tortoise- shell frame — 16:^ in. by 11 in. 921 Diane de Poictiers, in a black dress and cap, with rows of pearls on. her neck ; she is putting a ruby ring on the little finger of her left hand — in frame, inlaid with silver and mother-o'-pearl — half-length — 13i in. by 10 in. n Janet ... 922 School of Van Eyck 923 Pourbiis . . 924 JANET . . 925 JANET . . 926 HOLBEIN . 927 Holbein . . 928 Henry H., of France in a black dress edged with gold, and black cap — three- quarters length — 14^ in. by 1 1 in. A female saint, in a rich dress, vvitli a turban, holding a model of a tower — arched top — — 10^ in. by 6| in. Henriette de Balzac^in a white damask dress, and crimson cloak with lace collar, pearl necklace, and pearls in her hair — three- quarters length — 13 in. by 10 in. Isabel, Queen of Charles IX. of France, in a white dress beautifully or- namented with jewels, and bands of pearls in her hair — three-quarters length — 14 in. by 10 in. Eleanor of Portugal, Queen of Francis I., in a black dress with slashed sleeves, wearing a necklace and row of pearls, and a ruby jewel on each shoulder, a jewel hanging from her black head-dress ; she holds a letter in her hand — three-quarters length — 15^ in. by 12 in. A work of the highest quality. (See illustration) Anne of Cleves, in a black dress ornamented with broad stripes of gold damask, a gold chain and cross round her neck, a flat gold cap on her head ; she holds two carnations in her right hand — half-length — 15^ in. by 14 in. An exquisite portrait, on vellum, (See illustration) The celebrated Lady Johanna Aber- gavenny, in a crimson dress with yellow sleeves, a gold head-dress embroidered with initials, A. I., a rich necklace and jewelled girdle ornament her dress ; she 7S Janet 929 School of Van Eyck 930 L. Van Leyden 930^ J. DE Mabeusk 931 Janet ... 932 School of Geor- 933 GIONE A. DURER . 934 holds a pink in her left hand — in tortoise- shell frame — half-length — 16 in. by 12 in. From Strawberry Hill. {See illustration) The Due d'Alencon, in a black dress and cap with jewels — 10^ in. by 8| in. A lady, as the Magdalen: she is in a rich dress ornamented with jewels, and blue and gold turban, her long light hair falling behind ; she holds a green marble vase of ointment The Emperor Ferdinand, in a black dress with yellow sleeves, and black cap, his finger extended — 1 1 in. by 9 in. Philip le Bel, father of Charles V., in a red and black dress with fur border, wear- ing the Collar of the Golden Fleece, and a badge on his black cap, his hands resting on a stone plinth — 14^ in. by 11 in. Charles V., in a black dress and cap, hold- ing his glove in his hand ; buildings in the background ; a stone pHnth below — 16 in. by 12 in. The Chevalier Bayard, in a crimson and black dress edged with panther skin; he wears a black cap, and holds a book in his hands; landscape background — 18 in. by 13* in. THE ADORATION OF THE NAME OF "JESUS." The Emperor Charles v., with the Pope, King of France, and other sovereigns and dignitaries, kneeling in adoration before the sacred monogram ; above them are groups of saints, and patriarchs on each side ; the condemned are seen in the torments of hell beneath. At the top, where the Almighty appears, 79 is a scroll, on which is written the text from the Epistle to the Philippians, " Dedit Ei Nomen quod est super orane nomen, ut in Nomine Jesu omne genu flectatur." This illustrates a portion of the Introitus in the Roman Catholic Church, on the Second Sunday after the Epiphany, called the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus — in tor- toiseshell frame — 27^ in. by 21 :J in. A most elaborate and highly interesting work of the great German Master Holbein . . 935 Nicholas Lord Vaux, the celebrated poet and musician, in a black dress and cap, seated at a table, an open book before him : he holds a viol de gamba in his left hand, and a scroll of paper in his right ; green drapery behind — in tortoiseshell frame — 17iin. by 17 in. A most rare and beau- tiful portrait, of the highest interest. (See illustration) 936 EDWARD IV., in a gold dress and crimson cloak edged with fur, a chain of jewels round his neck : he wears a black cap ornamented with a badge, and holds a red rose in his right hand — 17 in. by 11 in. This undoubted and rare j) or trait is from the Collection of the Leighs of Allington. {See frontispiece) L. Cranach . 937 Sybilla, Duchess of Saxony, in a brown and orange dress, w ith gold chain, and yellow head dress ornamented with pearls, letters worked in pearls on the bands crossing her neck, and the letters S.H.S. beneath in heart-shaped ruby jewel on her breast — in tortoiseshell frame — 20 in. by 14 in. 80 Pourbus . 938 Cuyp . 939 R. Mengs . . 940 German . . 941 German . Mireveldt 942 943 Mireveldt, 1620 944 Mireveldt, 1620 945 Myttens . . 946 Pourbus . . . 947 GLASS ROOM. Isabella of Spain, in a rich dress ornamented with jewels, her right hand resting on the back of a chair — half-length — 48 in. by 39 in. A boy, in a black dress, holding a stick — half- length — 34 in. by 23 in. A marshal, supposed to be of the Imperial family, in a red coat and cuirass, holding a baton — half-length — 48 in. by 38 in. The Emperor Joseph, in rich robes of blue and gold, holding a sceptre, a hat and plume of blue feathers on his head — half- length — 56 in. by 45 in. The Empress in a blue dress and crimson cloak, holding a sceptre — the companion — half-length — 56 in. by 45 in. Prince Maurice, in elaborate gilt armour, holding a baton, a helmet and plume of feathers on a table at his side — half-length —44 in. by 33 in. The Sieur de Fronsberg, in a quilted doublet, with a scarf, and a dagger in his girdle — half-length — in tortoiseshell frame — 41 in. by 34 in. The Lady de Fronsberg, in a brown and gold dress richly ornamented with jewels — the companion — half-length — 41 in. by 30 in. Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, in black armour, with ruff and scarf; he holds a baton, and a plumed helmet at his side — half-length — 44 in. by 33i in. A gentleman, in a dress ornamented with gold, and black cloak, his hand resting on a sword — half-length — 40 in. by 30 in. 81 Torrcntius . . 948 Torrentius . . 949 Mvttens . . 950 A. Claeissens . 951 A. Claeissens . 952 Myttens . . 953 Sir A. More, 1554 954 Boucher . . . 955 Zucchero, after . 956 Bronzino . 957 German . . . 958 Van Sohorel . 959 A group of vessels of uiue and fruits — 36 in. by 27 in. The companion A gentleman, in a white slashed doublet and high collar, his right hand resting on a book ; a shield of arms in the background — half-length — 44 in. by 26 in. King Cambyses, jndging his unjust steward Sis-ancs Sisanes, the unjust steward, being flayed, as he himself had decreed — the companion — 42 in. by 26 in. These two curioua pic- tvres were taken from the Louvre, in 1830 Mary, Infanta of Spain, in a red dress and white sleeves, standing near a window, holding a palm branch — half-length — 48 in. by 42 in. Queen Mary, in a red velvet dress ornamenfed with pearls, and necklace of jewels, with black and gold head-dress — half-length — 13 in. by 10 in. Madame Contat, in an oval — 25 in. by 21 in. Queen Elizabeth, in a white dress and red petti- coat ornamented with pearls : she is standing on a tortoise, and holding a dove in her hand — small whole-length — 19^ in. by 14 in. An Italian princess, in a lilac dress orna- mented with arabesques, and red and white sleeves, holding a rosary — in tortoiseshell frame — half-length — 34 in. by 25 in. Prince Alexis of Russia, in a red coat and gold flowered waistcoat, and gold sash — half-length — 49 in. by 39 in. The Virgin, in a blue dress and crimson cloak, the Infant in her arms, to whom an angel in white drapery is present" G ■■ 82 J DE Mabeuse 960 School of Hem- MELINands are formed of Roman figures, and have a coral bead hang- ing from each ; underneath the foot there is a cut crystal, and some stones set in the outside mounting of the foot ; surmounted by a figure of a boy holding a shield, on which are armorial bearings ; round the top rim is engraved " Vinum Isetificat cor hominis, 1561 ;" on the bottom, the name of the owner — 11^ in. high 1406 Another, with silver mountings, of English work, very plainly ornamented and engraved, carved with portraits of Charles I. not crowned, and Charles II. crowned, and one other portrait; a small death's head on one side, no doubt intended to mark 117 the date of the decease of the parties — date presumed to be between J 648 and 1665— 7^ in. high 1407 Another, with richly chased bands of silver gil'^ with stones or glass set in them, the foot richly chased with masks, fruit, &c. — date presumed to be between 1560 and 1580 — about 6^ in. high 1408 Another, mounted with silver-gilt elegant bands, with heads and arabesques, pendant rings and small malachite beads, the rim at the top engraved, with date, 1585, and initials G. B. — about 9i in. high 1409 Another, carved with Diana and Acteon ; and two other subjects, with richly chased silver mountings of masks, &c., the bands with lions' heads, bearing rings in their mouths ; the cover surmounted with^the figure of an armed man holding a shield with armo- rial bearings — date about 1580 — about 12i in. high 1410 Another, with parcel gilt and silver mountings ; the cover, which is on hinges, is surmounted by a Roman figure, the bands curiously ornamented, and four silver medallions on the sides, on which are enamelled coats of arms, of Italian work — date presumed to be between 1480 and 1500 — about 10 in. high 1411 A Nautilus Shell, mounted with silver gilt, on stem, with figures of an old peasant, subjects of sea monsters on the foot and foliage, a figure of a triton on the top, the date, 1606, engraved on the shell, and the rebus of " Chascam sa croix," with four Latin lines : it evidently belonged originally to one of the La Croix family — about 13 in. high SILVER AND SILVER-GILT ORNAMENTAL PLATE. 1412 An old stone jug, with hinged cover, with richly chased and eno-raved silver mountings ; Hercules and Cerberus, in high relief, on the cover; a Latin inscription round — date about 1570— 6 in. high 118 1413 Another, with hinged cover, with richly chased silver-gilt mount- ings, with masks and fruit ; a lion on the cover — date about 1600— 101 in. high 1414 Another, with hinged cover, chased silver-gilt mountings, with heads, &c. — date about 1580 — 9^- in. high 1415 Another, with silver-gilt mountings, chased with monkeys, masks, &c, ; on the back of the handle I.S., in an ornamented lacing, engraved — date about 1580 — 10^ in, high 1416 Another, with silver-gilt mountings, chased with masks, fruit, &c. ; on the cover a figure of a lion, on the back of the handle the initials F.V.I. — date about 1580— 9^- in. high 1417 A parcel gilt tankard, of hexagon shape ; on the lid a lion holding a shield, the handle ornamented, and the body boldly chased with birds and foliage — date about 1600 — 7-i-in. high 1418 A parcel gilt tankard, of hexagon shape, engraved with six heads of Kino- David, Julius Caesar, &c. ; under the head of David the date 1619, boldly chased at the top and bottom with triangular bulbs — 7 in. high 1419 A Parcel Gilt Tankard, on three pomegranate feet, superbly chased in the finest taste, with figures, busts, and other ornaments in high relief; on the inside of the lid a chased medallion of the Trinity, an embellished shield of arms on the body. A beautiful specimen of the cinque-cento period — 8 in. high 1420 A silver-gilt tankard, elaborately chased all over with medallions of subjects, masks, and arabesques ; a figure on the ornamented handle — date between 1560 and 1600 — 5:^ in. high 1421 A Gilt Drinking Cup and Cover, with engraved ornaments, surmounted by a figure of a savage with a club and shield of a bear enamelled ; round the base of this figure is engraved, " Werli von Berenfels, 1541 ;" inside the cover are armorial bearings and the date 1541 — 13 in. high 14'22 A silver drinking cup, bell-shapea, with embossed lions' heads, surmounted by an engraved sphere, inside which there is a die, and over these is a small figure, supporting with uplifted arms a small swinging cup — date about 1590 — 8 in. high 119 1423 A TALL Gilt Cup and Cover, with bulbs and ornaments embossed, supported on a figure of a Swiss guard with his halberd of the pope of the period, the cover surmounted by a knight holding a spear and shield — date about 15/0 — 2 1 in. high 1424 A tall silver drinking cup, of English work, plain flat chased: on the top rim is engraved ''The gift of Christopher Pyra on his admission to the place of Gierke of this Company; " a coat of arms is also engraved, and apparently relates to the Black- smiths' Company, supported on a stem with a figure of an old warrior holding a smith's hammer and anvil, on which is engraved '' By the hammer and hand, all arts do stand " — llfin. high 1425 A large gilt drinking cup, the bowl and boss beneath of hexagon shape, engraved with subjects connected with some legend of the felling of a tree, and six German coats of arms, the foot, &c. boldly chased — date about 1620 — 14 in. high 1426 A Gilt Drinking Cup and Cover, chased and embossed, surmounted by a figure of a mason in colours, on stem, with a boy with a shield, on which are engraved various names and the date 1681 : many other names and subsequent dates are engraved on other parts — 17 in. high 1427 Another, richly chased, surmounted by a figure holding a shield — 15 in. high 1428 A Gilt Cup a>d Cover, boldly chased with heads, scrolls, and flowers, surmounted by a Roman figure holding a shield with armorial bearings and P. S. engraved inside ; there is another coat of arms and H. S. engraved — date about 1600 — 14 in. high 1429 Another, chased and embossed with bulbs, surmounted by an armed figure holding a shield, with armorial bearings and initials A. P.M. G. on the foot— the date 1630, and initials A.P. — Hi in. high 1430 A gilt drinking cup, chased with three medalions of figures in military costume of the period ; beneath the foot is an inscrip- 120 tion in the Hungarian or Sclavonic dialect, and date 1650, die 10 Septembris — it is apparently earlier than the date of the in- scription — 10 in. high 1431 A gih cup and cover, richly chased with landscapes, birds, and flowers, surmounted by a figure of Minerva holding a spear and shield — date about 1590 — 13 in. high 1432 A silver cup and cover, elaborately chased, with a subject from the parable of the Prodigal Son, masks, scrolls, and fruit, sur- mounted by a figure of a wild boar — date about 1590 — lOj in. high 1433 A silver gilt cup, in the form of a lady, in costume of about the year 1600, holding a small cup over her head — inscribed " Philippus Kuntzell von Hall. Ans. Sachsen, 1607 " — 7i in. high 1434 An octagonal gilt mug, with raised scroll work, enamelled in colours— 3^ in. high 1435 A gilt drinking cup and cover, in the form of a lanthorn ; in the inner part there is an engraving of a subject, with German inscription — 7 in. high. A singularly formed sfecimen of quaint German taste 1436 A gilt cup and cover, on three pomegranate feet, chased, with three portraits of royal personages, probably Leopold H. of Austria, &c. — Sin. high 1437 A gilt drinking cup, in the form of a female figure with a ruff; she holds in her hands, over her head, a small cup — date about 1600, the costume of that period — 7-J in. high 1438 A gilt cup, chased, with pine formed bulbs ; engraved round the rim — " Johannes Pelrus, anno 1647 " — 5-J in. high 1439 A gilt cup and cover, chased, with three heads of the Caesars, landscapes and fruit, on three ball feet, surmounted by a swan — date about 1640—8 in. high 1440 A smaller cup, similar — 6 in. high 1441 Another, similar, with landscapes — 6 in. high 1442 A silver mug, engraved with ornaments, and chased at the foot, engraved "Cornel Doeren, &c., 1618 ' — 4^ in. high 121 1443 A silver mug, curiously chased and engraved, with a kind of reticular ornament underneath a court of arms, and '' Franck Auches, 1647" — 5 in, high 1444 A silver cup and cover, hexagonal shape, on three pomegranate feet, flat chased and engraved with figures, surmounted by a figure; under the bottom is engraved "1742, Johannes Gadrtz," but it appears older — 10 in. high 1446 A FiME OLD Nef, or table ornament, in the form of a boat, with barrel inside, the after part with openwork chased ornaments, supported on a stem formed of a vine branch and grapes, on oval foot, embossed with grapes ; the bowl is inscribed with German verses, " Johann B. Franckenthal, 1662," by whom it was presented to the Guild of Wine Coopers of that city — 10 in. high 1447 A SMALLER Nef, boat-shaped, with Fortune standing on the neck, the stem with triple openwork ornament, dolphins em- bossed on the oval foot — 8^ in. high. (^See illustration) 1448 A small circidar salt cellar, gilt, on scroll feet, with masks, the borders embossed with masks and fruits — 3J in. diameter 1448*A Silver Tazza, of Italian Work, in perfect state, the bowl chased with the Judgment of Solomon, the stem and foot with flowers and scrolls — date about 1590 — height about 6^ in., diameter 8 in. 1449 Another, of German Work, the bowl chased with Christ and the Woman of Samaria, about the same size as the pre- ceding, round the rim is engraved " Elisabeth Schott H. K." — date probably about 1590 1450 A Gilt Casket, of coflTer shape, on four sphinx feet, covered with pierced tracery or scroll work, enamelled in colours — date about 1590 — about 4-^ in high, 5f in. long, and 3^ in. wide 1451 A gilt top or bowl of a tazza, chased with Christ at the well, of German work — date about 1560 — 7^ in. diameter 1452 A gilt bowl of a tazza, chased with Moses and the brazen serpent, of German work — date about 1560 — 7% in. diameter 122 1453 A gilt bowl of a tazza, chased with the Rape of Helen, of Italian work — date about 1560—7^ in. high 1454 A parcel gilt round plate, with deep centre, chased with a figure of a boy in high relief, and border of birds and fruit — date about 1640 — 9| in. diameter 1455 A gilt diminutive tazza, in perfect condition, chased with a saint in a landscape — date about 1590 — If in. high, 2 in. diameter 1456 A gilt salt cellar, of triangular shape, chased with heads and animals, on sphinx feet, with chased arched rail border — date about 1600 — l^in. high, side of triangle 4 in. 1457 A gilt salt cellar, of triangular shape, chased with birds and fruit, on three ball feet — date about 1600 — f in. high, side of trian- gle 3^ in. 1458 A Gilt Salt Cellar, with four sides, finely chased with whole- length figures and two shields of arras, the rim chased with birds, of Italian work — date about 1590 — 1^ in. high, 3 in. wide 1459 A Pair of elegant Gilt upright Salt Cellars, on four scroll feet, with figures, the sides of pierced scroll work, the tops slightly engraved — 3| in. high, and 2 in. wide 1460 A gilt salt cellar, with octagonal foot, chased with ornaments — date about 1 640 — 2-i. in. high, base 3^ in. wide 1461 A gilt and enamelled scent bottle — date about 1600 — 3 in. - high 1462 A silver bell, boldly chased with scrolls outside ; on the top a figure of Minerva holding a shield coat of arms, engraved ; on the inner lining is a coat of arms, with a ducal coronet — date about 1700— 4i in. high 1463 An original Gilt Sprinkler, chased and enamelled in parts, used by the Parsees or Guebres fire worshippers, in sprinkling the bodies of the dead. This form has been copied in more modern times in India, for ornamental vessels used for sprink- ling otta of roses, or other perfumes. Some modern initials are engraved underneath, and no doubt refer to some former owner. Its date may very fairly be referred to a distant period — between 10 and 1 1 in. high 123 1464 A gilt and enamelled round box and cover, with a garnet or ruby set in it, ornamented with insects, flowers, and scrolls of richly raised enamelled work, on three ball feet — date about 1580 — 2 in, high 1465 A silver tea caddy, of very old form, beautifully chased and engraved, and with a coronet and armorial bearings — 5i in. high End of Twelfth Days Sale. Thirteenth Day's Sale. On TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. LIMOGES ENAMELS. 1466 A circular plate, witli a Jewish sacrifice, black and while with red tints, with beautiful arabesque borders, the number 4 on a tablet at the bottom ; the back elaboratelj' enamelled with figures, subjects, and medallions ; a border round, and a shield in centre — nearly 8 in. diameter 1467 A circular plate, with an illustration of the month of April in colours and gold upon a bright blue ground, with rich ara- besque border ; the back has rich arabesque masks and ornaments — 8 in. diameter 1468 Another, illustrating the month of July, a harvest scene, black and white with red tints and gilding, with rich arabesque border ; the back covered with arabesque and masks partly gilt. Inscribed with initials of the artist (Jean Courtois) 1. C. — 7\ in. diameter 1469 Another, with a baker's house, illustrating the month of De- cember, black and white with red tints and gilding, with a border of arabesques ; the back covered with masks and scrolls. Signed 1. C. (Jean Courtois) 1561 156 5 125 1470 Another, with a battle of many figures, black and white with red tints and gilding, with rich border ; the back with ara- besques, masks, and scrolls. Signed also I. C. — 8 in. diameter 1471 Another, with a courtship and a jester, black and white with red tints, with rich border ; the back with arabesques, masks, and gilding — 7 in. diameter 1472 Another, with Hercules and Geryon, black and white with red tints, surrounded by scrolls ; on the back a female bust, sur- rounded by scrolls and flowers--7in. diameter 1473 A circ dar plate, with Hercules and the lion, black and white with red tints and gilding, scroll and arabesque border ; on the back a male bust, in scrolls, and floreated border — 7 in. diameter 1474 Another, with a man and woman on horseback, with the sign of Gemini in fanciful bordei', black and white with flesh tints ; on the back arabesques, masks, and gilding — 7^ in, diameter 1475 An oval plaque, in colours and gilding, with classical figures and landscape. Signed 1. C. (Jean Courtois) — 9-i-in. by 7 in. 1476 An oval plaque, with warriors in a galley, on t lie seashore, by the same artist — the companion 1477 A plate, with Sol in his car, a shield of arms at the bottom and border of masks and scrolls in black, white, and gold, with flesh tints; the back with masks and wreaths — 9 in. diameter 147S Another, with sheepshearing, illustrating the month of July, in colours, with variegated border of gems; on the back a bust of Galba, with border of gems : believed to be the work of Susannah Courtois — 9^ in. diameter 1479 Another, similar, with a sporting subject, illustrating the month of March, with rich arabesque border and two medallions. Dated 1565, and initials of artist, P. R. (qvieiy Rexman) ; on the back is a helmeted bust, with rich scroll and mask border — 7| in diameter 1480 Another, similar, wi'h the Sacrifice of Isaac, and border of masks and scrolls ; on the back, masks and wreaths, with the artist's name, P. Corteys M. F.— -8|in. diameter 126 1481 A circular plate, in black and white with flesh tints and gilding, with Eurydice and Cerberus at the entrance to Hades, within a rich arabesque border ; a crest of an eagle, surmounted by • three crescents, in a medallion ; the back with cherubs' heads and arabesques : the plate has a convex projection in the centre — about 10 in. diameter 1482 A similar plate, with a classical subject of four females 1483 A similar plate, with the temptation of Adam and Eve in arabesque border, with masks ; at the back, masks and other ornaments, with the artist's name, P. Corteys — 8^ in. diameter 1484 A similar plate, with Ceres; on the back, cherubs' heads and arabesques — 9 in, diameter 1485 An upright plaque, with the Annunciation, in colours and gilding — 9i in by 5 in. 1486 An oblong plaque, with two classical male figures, and ornament- ed facade of a temple, in colours, with gilding. Artist's initials, P. R. — 5^ in. by Sin. 1487 Another, with the betrothal of Louis XIII. with Anne of Austria, with Mary de Medicis and other figures, in gilt metal twisted frame, in red leather case — 5 in. by 3 in. Highly interesting 1488 An upright plaque, with a hunter and wild animals, and a Latin legend at the top — 6i in. by 4 in. 1489 Another, with the Good Shepherd, the Deity above, with Latin legends — companion to the preceding 1490 A plate, in black and white with flesh tints and gilding, with a subject from the Old Testament (3rd chapter of Kings) ; at the back is a female portrait, with fruits and masks, and ara- besque borders — 8 in. diameter 1491 A flattened circular plaque, in colours, with gilding, with figures sowing seeds — 6;^ in. by Gin. 1492 A similar plaque, with figures killing a pig, illustrating the month of December 1493 An oval plaque with stag hunting, illustrating the month of Adril, in coloiirs and gold — 5i^in. by 4^ in. 127 1494 An upright oval plaque, with a female bearing a staff surrounded by a snake, with grotesque arabesque, and foliage ornaments — 5 in. by 4 in. 1495 An upright plaqu.^, with arched top, with the Annunciation, and raised imitation gems — about 4 in. by 3 in. 1496 A square plaque, with the death of Anchises, from Virgil — about 8 in. by 7 in. 1497 An upright plaque, with the Crucifixion, in colours and gilding, bearing the artist's initials, L. L. (Leonard Limousin), 1539 — 8iin. by 6^ in. 1498 An oblong plaque, with Silenus and fauns, in black and white with flesh tints, bearing the artist's initials, P. R., 1556, in ebony fluted frame — 6^ in. by 3 in. 1499 An octagonal mirror, in the original ofilt chased frame, with enamelled back, in colours, painted with Cerberus guarding Hades, and rich borders — 3-i-in. by 2iin. 1500 An upright plaque, arched top, with the Holy Family and Infant in the manger, black and white with flesh tints — 3 in. by 2 in. 1501 A circular ornament, with a combat of equestrian warriors; in a steel and silver-gilt antique mounting — about l|-in. diameter 1502 An upright plaque, with arched top, with the Nativity, in black and white, with some gilding — 3^ in. by 2-|-in. 1503 The enamelled back of an oval mirror, upright, with Charon ferrying Psyche in a boat, in colours and gilding, within a rich fanciful border of birds. Signed I. L. (Joseph Landin) — about 4 in. by 3 in. 1504 An upright oval back of a mirror, with a feniale plunging into the sea, in original gilt chased mounting — 4im. by 3| in. 1505 Another, of similar form, with Apollo and the Muses on Mount Parnassus, in colours and gilding. Signed S. C. — 4| in. by 31 in. 1506 An oblong plaque, with Charles IX. or Henry III. of France, as Phoebus in his car, in a landscape, in colours and gilding. Signed L. L. 15/3, on the base of a fountain — 9^ in. by 7in. • 128 1507 Another, similar, with a que'en as Venus, with cupids — dated 1574. Also signed L. L. 1508 Three square plaques, with the three sybils and wreath borders — about 5 in. square 1509 An upright plaque, in colours and gilding, witli the Adoration of the Magi — nearly 6 in. by 4|^ in. 1510 An oblong plaque, with the Magdalen in the desert. Signed I. L. (Joseph Laudin) — nearly 10 in. by 7 in. 1511 A BEAUTIFUL UPRIGHT Pax, with the Crucifixion, the Virgin and St, John at the foot of the cross, with arched top, in original architectural mounting, with circular medallions above, in one of which is a small bust; a pearl set in the top of the frame, and a circular space for reliques : it is in colours, with gilding ; on the back is a rude engraving of an arched door, and. an embossed hand upon it — about 5-1- in. by Sin. 1512 A circular plaque, with the Annunciation in colours and gilding, some curious marks on the copper back — nearly 5 in. diameter 1513 An upright oval plaque^ with St. Hubert praying — about 3 in. by 2i in. 1514 Another, with arched top, the Virgin praying, attended by another figure — 2^ in. by 2 in. 1515 Another, with Susannah and the elders, in a rich garden scene — nearly 11 in. by 8 in. 1516 Another, with Judith and Holofernes in the tent — of similar size 1517 An oblong plaque, with Charles IX. as Jupiter in his car, with Ganymede — about 9 in. by 7 in. 1518 An oval plaque, with sheepshearing, illustrating the month of June — about 5| in. by 4 in. 1519 An upright plaque, in colours and gilding, with monks in white robes, kneeling round a tomb, the Trinity above, surrounded by angels, with Latin legends on scrolls: a very singular composition. On the back is inscribed, in gold letters, M. F. VERTHAMON, C. D. R— about- 4* in. by 3^ in. 129 1520 A square plaque, in colours and gilding, with St. John Capistran preaching to numerous figures, some of whom are binning implements of gaming ; on a bellows in front is the monogram H. S. and the artist's initials, I. P. (query Penicault) — 5 in. by 4f in. 1521 An upright plaque, with Ceres and the Furies in Hades — artist's initials, I. C. (Jean Court, or Courteys) 1522 An hexagonal double handled saucer: in the centre a medallion of Tobit, in black and white with gilding, surrounded by flowers and birds in colours, the back richly ornamented with birds and fancy ornaments, and a landscape — Gin. by 5 in. 1523 A circular saucer, with double handles : in the centre is St. John and the lamb in colours, surrounded by embossed scrolls and gems a Pailliettes, the outside similarly ornamented with a landscape at the bottom 1524 Another, with Orpheus surrounded by beasts and birds in medallions, in colours and gold ; at the back a Magdalen, with medallions of landscapes and fruits, in black and white — 5 in. diameter 1525 A CIRCULAR Saucer, with a curiously embossed coloured portrait, inscribed " Xantippe," in rich costume partly gilt, surrounded by embossed decorations and medallions of land- scapes ; at the back a piping faun in a landscape, with medallions of scrolls — nearly 6 in. diameter 1526 An oval purse, with male and female portraits in lich costume, coloured and gilt, with embossed ornaments at the top : it has its original lining of gold brocade and thread — period about 1680 1527 Another, with portraits in rich costume, and similar ornaments 1528 Two similar ovals for a purse — the artist's initials N. L. (Noel Laudin) 1529 A circular priming powder flask, turquoise ground, with figures in black, partly gilt, relating to the chase, with original mounting, and gold brocade tassels — period about 1640 — 3 in. diameter K. 130 1530 An oblong plaque, with Apollo and Daphne, in blue, white, and black, gilt, inscribed on the back " Laudin," in original gilt metal frame — nearly 8 in. by 6^ in. 1531 A circular plaque, with Aurora, Cephalus, and Narcissus, in colours, on both sides — 5 in. diameter 1532 A square plaque, with the Saviour freeing souls from Satan's power, in colours and gold — 6 in. by 5^ in. 1533 An oblong plaque, with Alexander and Roxana, in black and white, with gilding — about 5 in. by 3:^ in. 1534 An upright plaque, with a sportsman and falcon in black, white, and gold, illustrating the Air; the artist's name, J. Laudin, on the back — nearly 8 in. by 6 in. 1535 Another, similar, with a sportsman, illustrating the Earth, by the same artist 1536 An oblong plaque, with a man drinking, inscribed with French verses, black and white, with gilding ; inscription on the back — about 6 in. by 4^ in. 1537 An upright plaque, with the Holy Family, in very rich colours ; and on the reverse Joseph and his brethren, in black and white, in its original silver gilt frame, in leather case— about 31. in. by 3 in. 1538 Another, with a female portrait in the costume of the time of Louis XIIL, in colours and gilding — 4^ in. by Sin. 1539 An irregularly shaped circular plaque, with profile portrait of Andrea Doria, inscribed " Andreas Aurea," in colours and gilding, in metal ring frame. Verj/ curious — about 8 in. diameter 1540 An oblong oval plaque, with a man feeding swine by beating oak trees, illustrating the month of November, in colours and gilding, probably by Rexman — 7jin. by Gin, 1541 A similar plaque, with a family repast, illustrating the month of January. Initials P. R. 1542 An oblong plaque, with a hunter and a nymph, with dogs, in colours and gilding, in metal frame — 3 J in. by 2^ in. 1543 An upright plaque, with the procession to the Crucifixion, in a very curious style of colouring — about 5 in. by 4 in. 131 1544 A LARGE UPRIGHT OVAL PORTRAIT OF CATHARINE DE MEDICIS, in colours: a letter L. occurs on tlie right side near the sleeve — IS in. by 12 in. 154.5 An oblong oval plaque, with a singular subject of a banquet of deities; inscription on a banderolle at bottom — 13^ in. by 101 in. 1546 An upright plaque, with a figure of Hope, in black and white with flesh tints ; green ornamented background. Inscribed P.I. 1541—11 in. by 9 in. 1547 An oblong plaque, with Pan and Syrinx, by Laudin, in blue and white with gilding, in original frame — nearly Sin. by 6^ in. 1548 A square plaque, with the betrayal of Christ, Peter smiting Malchus, in colours, with gilding — about 6 in. by 5iin. 1549 An upright plaque, with head of our Saviour, finely treated, in colours with gilding ; a monogram on the back — nearly 6 in. by 4 in. 1550 An upright oval, with Peace and Abundance, after Guido, in colours, by N. Laudin — about 8 in. by 7 in. 1551 An upright oval, with the baptism of our Saviour, a coat of arms with a knight's helmet as crest on one side of the enamel, in colours and gilding : the artist is P. Nouailher. Vide front and 6ac^— about 5^ in. by 4^ in. 1552 A circular plaque, with illustrations of the sense of Feeling : a group of three grotesque heads, in colours, by N. Laudin — about 7iin. diameter 1553 A square plaque, with [the Virgin and angels in the heavens, in colours with gold — about 6 in. by 5 in. 1554 A square plaque, with the flagellation of Christ, very rudely treated, in colours with gilding — about 74^ in. by 6-^ in. 1555 A square plaque, with St. Cecilia playing on the organ ; embossed ornaments at the four corners of the octagon border — about 6 in. by 5 in. 1556 An upright oval plaque, with Christ on the cross, attended by the Magdalen, in colours, gilt, with raised scroll border, by J. Laudin — 7\m. by 6j in. K 2 132 1557 A similar plaque, with a saint habited as a bishop and a kneeling infant, with similar ornamented border, by J. Laudin 1558 An upright plaqiae, with the descent from the cross, attended by the Maries and a bishop praying, with devotional Latin legends, a shield of arms in front, in colours and gold, in worked metal gilt frame — 9 in. by 6 in. 1559 An Upright Pax, with arched top, in rich gothic silver-gilt mounting, with an opening at the bottom for reliques ; the enamel represents the descent from the cross, with the Maries, in colours and gold — the whole of the pax is about 7^ in. in height 1560 A BEAUTIFUL Tazza AND CoVER : wlthiu Is the banquet of Dido to ^neas, and inside and outside are classical busts in ornamented wreaths, and raised medallions, in colours, with gold and flesh tints, in original metal mounting, partly engraved. Signed P. R., and dated 1545— 9* in. by 8} in. 1561 AN ELEGANT EWER, with a fine subject of an equestrian combat round the body ; on the neck are busts in medallions, among which may be recognised Henry II. or Francis I., in black and white with flesh tints and gold ; the foot embellished with arabesque ornaments : the artist's initials, I. C, occur on one of the medallions, probably his portrait — 10 in. by 4 in, {See illustration) 1562 A tazza, with the Annunciation in the bowl ; the foot has a sub- ject of dancing figures, the outside fancifully embellished: within the foot the initials of the artist, I. H. — about 4^ in. high by 9^ in. diameter 1563 A Salt Cellar, hexagonal, the sides having subjects of boys engaged in the vintage, the top and bottom having busts of Paris and Helen, with figures and wreaths in colours, with gold — nearly 3 in. high 1564 A FINK LARGE Tazza, with a Scriptural subject of many figures, in black and white, with flesh tints and gold ; rich masks and scrolls on the outside. The initials of the artist, I. C, on the outside — 4i in. high by 10 in. diameter 133 1565 A BEAUTIFUL CASKET, in original silver-gilt chased mounting, highly embellished with gems, camei, &c. : it is composed of five plaques of enamels, in panels, representing the Sybils, in black and white, with gilding — height about 4^ in., width 5^ in. (See illustration) 1566 A Tazza, with Abraham and Isaac represented within the bowl; on the foot another subject from Genesis, in black and white, with flesh tints and gold, with a shield of arms — nearly 7 in. diameter, and 6 in. high 1567 A Salt Cellar, circular, with hexagonal sides ; the top has a subject of figures in a landscape, and on the sides are six of the Sybils, in colours with gold — 4 in. high 1568 A LARGE Tazza, with the passage of the Red Sea, in black and white, with flesh tints and gold, rich scrolls on outside — 4^ in. high, 10 in. diameter 1569 A Pair of Salt Cellars, of hexagonal form : the labours of Hercules represented on the panels, and busts of Hercules and Dejanaira on the tops and bottoms, in colours and gold — dated 1542 — 3i in. high, 4| in. wide 1570 A Circular Pax, in silver-gilt mounting, with the Virgin and Child in a landscape, in colours and gold : the enamel ap- pears to be older than the mounting ; on the back of which is inscribed A. Pasto, Doctor, 1593 — about 4 in. diameter 1571 A Salt Cellar, of circular form, on the top is a classical bust, on the stem, some of the labours of Hercules, in black and white, with flesh tints and gold — 4 in. high, 5 in. diameter 1572 An Hexagonal Salt Cellar, with classical busts, in me- dallions, with trophies, and a shield of arms with three fleurs- de-lys — about 1| in. by 3 in. 1573 A cup and saucer : the inside of the cup light blue, with portraits of Semiramis and Pauhne, and busts of Roman emperors between embossed borders ; on the saucer, the figure of Jael, in colours and gold. Signed by the artist, J. Laudin 1574 A similar cup and saucer, with portraits of Artemisia, Zenobia, and A ma, with Roman imperial busts between 134 DRESDEN AND OTHER ENAMEL. 1575 A pair of cups and saucers, of Dresden enamel, in silver-gilt mountings, with spoonS;, with three seaports, in the manner of Claude, and a large view in each saucer, with rich borders of flowers, the cups lined with silver gilt 1576 Another pair of cups and saucers, of Dresden enamel, also painted with Claude-like seaports and floral embellishments 1577 An oblong saucer-formed drinking vessel, the sides lipped over near the centre, enamel, with a chase of wild beasts, and em- bossed work in colours : the equestrian figures are attired in old Hungarian costnme 1578 A cup and saucer, enamelled on silver, of Dresden work, with medallions of figures and floral embellishments 1579 A circular flat box and cover, enamelled on metal, ornamented with raised scroll work 1580 Another, nearly similar 1581 A circular plate, of Moresco Hispano enamel, in blue, gold, and white, with a sunk centre, the embellishments very fanciful and elegant — about 10 in. diameter 1582 A similar plate, with the centre more deeply sunk — about 8 in. 1583 A circular plate, of Italian enamel, embossed all over with raised flowers, and arabesques in scrolls — about 15 in. diameter EARLY ORIENTAL ENAMELS, ON METAL. 1584 A two-handled flat basin, of bronze, richly enamelled with scroll work in blue and red, on three feet — 6 in. diameter. Of very early work 1585 A beautiful small flat basin, similarly ornamented — Gin. diameter — on rosewood stand 1586 A circular flat bottle, with globularneck, and two handles, of very early enamel, scroll ornaments in colours on blue ground — 9;^ in. hio^h 1587 A small hexagonal stand, with flowers on dark blue, in compart- ments — 2h ill. high 135 1588 An oval vessel, with scales in imitation of tortoises, with black scrolls on yellow ground — 3 in. long 1589 A globular essence vase, with flowers, in colours, on blue ground — 6^ in. high 1590 A beautiful basin, with dragons, scrolls, and flowers, in colours on blue ground, lined with white metal — 8^ in. diameter 1591 A small cup and saucer, with coloured flowers on white ground 1592 A small cup and saucer, white flowers on blue ground 1593 A fruit-shaped cup and saucer, green and pink, with flowers 1594 A pair of Dresden cups and saucers, in imitation of oriental, scalloped with flowers, in relief 1595 A plaque, with coat of arms of Sir A nthony Brown, Grand Squire to Henry VIIl., and inscription beneath, enamelled in colours on metal, the edges gilt — 6^^ in. by 4| in. Mid of Thirteenth Day's Sale. Fourteenth Day 8 Sale. On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1855, AT ONE o'clock TRECISELY. STEEL KNIVES AND FORKS, AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. lo96 A large knife, with mother-o'-pearl and ornamented metal-gilt handle, the lower part of the blade gilt and engraved ; on the back edge, in raised letters, is " Dela Fidelite derive ma Fortune " — in leather sheath — date from 1540 to 1560 1597 A steel tooth-extracting instrument, engraved and dated 1598, with an inscription in German, and H. H. on the handle 1598 A large pair of steel scissors, with engraved blades, the handles of silver work on steel, with birds and shields of arms 1 599 A pair of steel sugar breakers, the blades engraved with figures, with German inscription, and date 1644 1600 A large pair of steel scissors, ornamented with silver, with the arms of a bishop on the handle 1601 Another pair, the handles of chased silver, with arms, cypher, and crest 1602 A steel knife, with chased handle of a lion holding a shield of arms, some marks on the blade ; in rude wooden iron-mounted case, engraved with an anchor, heads, &c. — date 1552 1603 A pair of steel knives, with curiously shaped handles of dark liorn, mounted with brass, engraved with subjects, and the date 1608 3 699 AJK"' 16 9 4: 137 1604 A steel knife, with carved blade, partly gilt and engraved, witli richly carved ivory handle of a female figure — of Italian work, in leather sheath 1605 A steel dagger knife, mounted with silver, with ivory handle, carved with a group of boys, in leather mounted sheath 1606 A steel dagger knife, mounted with silver-gilt, engraved, with ivory handle carved with male and female figures and foliage, in leather sheath 1607 A steel knife, with red shell or horn handle, mounted with silver^ with devices and figures 1608 A pair of shears, the blades engraved, and apparently formerly gilt 1609 A steel knife, with silver handle, enamelled light blue, with raised silver ornaments, a fleur-de-lys and coronet, engraved 1610 Another, with variegated bone handle, silver and coloured stripes^ with chased ferrule and hilt of metal gilt, the blade partly gilt, and engraved with stags 1611 Another, with dark shell or horn handle, mounted with silver scrolls and busts 1612 A steel knife and fork, in one piece, for a one-armed person, the handle of ivory, with shield, and date 1617 1613 A long steel fork, with bone handle inlaid with picquet work 1614 A stylus, for writing, ornamented with silver, of Moresque design 1615 A beautiful boxwood spoon, the bowl carved with an equestrian figure and a portrait, with inscription and crown, dated 1676 ; the handle formed of a male and female figure, seated on a mask, the Virgin and Child, and other figures 1616 A red bone spoon, mounted on two small wheels, in imitation of a cannon IVORY, BONE, AND WOODEN COMBS, CARVINGS IN IVORY, kc. 1617 A Pair of beautifully Carved Ivory Plaques, being the sides of a dyptic, with four subjects from the life of Christ — of Gothic period, in ebony frames 138 1618 A square shaped ivory comb, with large and small teeth, carved all over with svihjects of David and Bathsheba and the Choice of Paris, and ornaments in renaissance taste 1619 An oblong Italian comb, with small and large teeth, beautifully carved in ivory, with busts and arabesques 1620 Another oblong Italian comb, of the same kind, beautifully carved in ivory, with boys, masks, and scrolls 1621 Another oblong Italian comb, of the same fine workmanship and form, but different subjects, busts, &c., the carving being of different periods 1622 An Oblong Venetian Comb, carved in ivory, with one row of teeth on each side, carved with minstrels, hawking parties, &c., and ornamental sides, similar to the embellishments seen in missals 1623 A square-shaped comb, of ivory, with two rows of teeth, carved with a decorative interlacing device, like a ribbon, entwined with other ornaments 1624 A comb, with two rows of teeth, carved in tortoiseshell, and in outer case of the same, with silvrr mountings, both elaborately engraved with the arms of Jamaica and specimens of some of the native trees, and also engraved " Port B-oyall in Jamaica, 1690" : on the comb an earlier date appears, Jamaica 1674 1625 A comb, carved in boxwood, with two rows of teeth and perfo- rated tracery design, inclining to the gothic style, an amatory device on a pierced heart, carved in relief, and inscription in gothic letters in French 1626 A comb, with double row of teeth, carved in ivory, with a female nursing an infant, with two nude male figures and ornaments 1627 A dyptic, elaborately carved in ivory, with six horizontal com- partments, with subjects from the life of Christ, under gothic arches of the fifteenth century 1628 An oblong carved ivory tablet, with a singular subject in relief, an armed knight slaying a man attn-ed like a wild monster, and other figures— early 1629 A whole-length figure of the Virgin and Child, carved in ivory, with crowns on their heads 139 1630 A very curious circular carving in ivory, in relief, in original silver and gilt ornamented and fillagree frame, with crystal cover over it, with the death of the Virgin, with many figures of saints, &c., in its original state of ornamental colouring and gilding, in modern leather case 1631 A circular plaque, of ivory, carved in relief, with David's mission to Bathsheba, &c., in an ornamented border: perhajis this has been the case of a mirror — date from 1460 to 1480 1632 An upright carved ivory plaque, with arched top, and two whole- length figures of angels supporting a circular medallion ; the background covered with fleurs-de-lys under the triple deco- rated arch : this may have been a reliquaire 1633 An Oblong Ivory Plaque, carved in relief, in two compartments, with St. Georgre and the dragon, and St. Barbara and other figures, under very rich pointed and circular architecture forming canopies, A most interesting object of the fifteenth century 1634 A Circular Ivory Plaque, carved in relief, with grotesque gothic crockets round the border, with a subject representing the betrayal of a castle by the females within to the besiegers ; supposed to illustrate a passage in an early French chronicle : perhaps it has been the case of a mirror. Highly interesting 1635 A CURIOUS Ivory Carving, of four busts in three-quarters proportions, representing a young man in health and prosper- ity, with an imp deriding him, when in a subsequent stage of his life he is dying, and with the figure of Death, with Latin inscription in gothic characters, referring to the love of the world, &c., in red and black 1636 A small ivory bust, carved in profile, representing on one side a youthful female in rich costume, and on the other the head when decayed by death, with a pair of scales — date about 1560 1637 A small ivory carved ornament, intended to be worn suspended, a double bust, on one side a face of a moribund person, and on the other a dearh's-head, &c., with original gold and enamel- led setting, with chain, &c. Maria and I'N'R'I on the setting, and " Dura et Aspera," inscribed on the ivorv 140 1638 A pair of carved ivory dice, formed as grotesque females in a sitting posture 1639 A carved ivory grater, formed as an upright female figure in a Turkish or Armenian dress — of early period 1640 A small whole-length figure, of ivory, of a draped Grecian warrior, with shield 1641 A CARVED Ivory Top of a Sceptre or baton, of ceremony, with two busts in high relief, the one of an emperor under the guise of Herod, and the other the daughter, as Herodias's daughter with the head of St. John — of the time of Maximilian 1642 A small ivory flask, like a powder case, carved in relief, with men at a table with attendants pouring out wine — date about 1580 1643 A small ivory powder flask, with original silver pipe, boldly carved as a warrior's helmeted head, with lizard-like monster on it ANCIENT SEALS. 1644 S'-NOBILIS-ANTONII-D'-VERANNO-D'- PARMA- SACRI • IMPERII • COMITIS- PALATINI : seal of Antony D'Veranno, imperial governor of Parma ; the em- peror seated, with the orb and sceptre, upon a gothic throne, between two shields, one charged with the imperial eagle, the other the lion of Bavaria; on one side, the governor upon his knees addressing the emperor, " S "MAGES " — size 3^ in. Fine and rare — brass 1 1645 S' • COVET • ECCLTLE • BE • MARIE VALL' • SCI- GEORGII : the Virgin and Child, seated between two trees, upon a gothic arch ; below, St. George, upon horseback ; in front, figures. Very fine and rare 1 1646 GOEFRID' • DE • HODENLOCH • COMES - ROMA- NIOLE : the earl, riding to the left, armed with a shield and pennon. Fine 1 1647 S • SOROR - ORDINIS • SCI-ViCTORIS-TRAIECTO : St. Victor riding, to the right, armed with sword and shield. Very fine 1 141 1648 S • DER • GAMERBEN • ZV • NVYIETI • FALKEN- STERN: St. Georgo and dragon, in front; the princess, behind, shield charged with a lion. Fine and rare 1 ROSARIES, &c. 1649 A rosary, with black beads set with engpaved mother-o'-pearl, the stops of gilt sacred emblems : at the bottom is suspended a large Greek cross of gilt fillagree, and a small tillagree reliquaire above 1650 Another, with pierced beads of white enamel divided by gilt embossed beads, a silver fillagree cross and silver crucifix suspended 1651 One, with brown wooden beads, with cross inlaid with mother-o'- pearl 1652 One, with numerous silver representations of celebrated relics : at the bottom is suspended a silver hearty which opens as a reliquaire, with a small figure of Christ in the tomb 1653 One, of long oval beads of pink coral, and two small silver- gilt badges, with inscriptions 1654 A Moorish necklace, of gilt metal, covered with blue enamel, and figured with arabesques, composed of beads, crescents, lozenges, and hands 1655 A rosary, with black beads set with small sacred emblems covered with crystals, the cross in the form of a spread eagle WOOD CARVINGS. 1656 Silenus, with an infant bacchanal in his arms — a beautiful statuette, in boxwood, on black marble plinth — 10 in. high 1657 The Virgin crowned, holding the sceptre, the Infant standing on her knee — a beautiful Flemish carving, in boxwood — 8 J in. high 1658 A female, a dog at her feet, in boxwood — 9 in. high 1659 A triangular altar, with satyrs at the angles, coloured black, surmounted by a sphinx bearing a shield, of Venetian work coloured. Dated 1654 — 13|in. high 142 CURIOSITIES. IGGO A rosewater dish and ewer, of white German stoneware, with borders of female busts, fruits, and flowers in relief, coloured — diameter of dish, 14^ in.; height of ewer, 12:^ in. 1661 An ewer, of German stoneware, painted with Mercury and Aglaura — 14 in. high 1662 A rosewood box, inlaid with a shield of Spanish arms and arabesques, in ivory — 1 2 in, by Z^in. 1663 A curious wooden casket, painted with lions on gold ground, gilt inside, and engraved, mounted with brass work — 8^ in. by 5 in. 1664 A Persian mirror, in a painted case, with Persian figures on the top ; under the lid and bottom are subjects of the Nativity •' supposed to have been executed for an Armenian Christian in Persia 1665 Twenty-seven small glass tablets, painted with shields of arms 1666 Head of x^ugustus, bronze fragment 1667 An oriental matchpot, of teakwood, encrusted with a tree, birds, and flowers, in mother-o'pearl and colours — 5 in. high 1668 A two-handled rice cup, in imitation of jade 1669 A large circular box, of tortoiseshell, engraved with the arms of Jamaica, 1676 1670 A shell, mounted with a dolphin, of metal gilt, as a scent bottle 1671 A circular ivory powder flask, with a horseman and attendants, with dogs, in relief, coloured 1672 A curious horn, mounted with rims and bands of copper gilt, with German inscription, as a drinking cup 1673 A leather gauntlet, the edge worked with silver; a pair of gloves, with ribbon ornaments ; and a worked border for a gauntlet 1674 Two pairs of gauntlets, worked with gold and silver lace 1675 A sconce, of brown Flemish stoneware, with two nozzles, the arms and cypher of Queen Elizabeth on the back IVORIES. 1676 A tall dice box, engraved with Susannah and the elders, shaded with Indian ink, arabesques below, on metal feet — 8 in, high 143 1677 A tall goblet, flutcil, with four medallions of lions supporting sheaves of corn above — 8^ in. high p^ 1678 A small canette and (*over, with two figures of Charity ; a .-<" shield of arms, with inscription and date, Hamborch, 1595 — fi ^ 7i in. high ^ ^ '^\rii7 1679 A circular stand, in the form of a quiver, engraved with German emperors and knights, and frieze of hunting subjects in arabesques ; containing twelve knives, the handles engraved with fiorures — 9 in. high 1680 Two knives, with steel blades, engraved with notes of music and a Latin grace, the handles of ivory, engraved, in a leather case 1681 A set of six knives, the handles of busts, crowned, in a leather case 1682 A casket, of mahogany, inlaid with minute arabesques of ivory 1683 A knife and sheath, the handle formed of groups of animals, in ivory 1684 A CROZIER, the top beautifully carved of bold foliage work, two ivory bands on the ebony stem — 6 ft. 10 in. hiorh J 685 ANOTHER CROZIER, on ebony stem, the top" elaborately carved with infant angels bearing shields, one of them wearing a mitre, and cherubs' heads at the ed^es — 6ft. 4 in. hio-h 1686 A papal staff of office, engraved with numerous small scriptural subjects, the oval top with portrait of a pope and shield of arms — 5 ft. Ih in. high 1687 An oval medallion of a French gentleman, in a cuirass, with long flowing: hair 1688 The House of Hanover — a set of five beautiful medallion busts of the family of George I., with the royal arras of England and tablet of inscription 1689 Louis XIV. — a medallion, beautifully carved 1690 William, Duke of Cumberland, in armour — an oval medallion, in high relief 1691 A gentleman, in a flowing wig, holding a heart-shaped vase of fire 1/ 144 1G92 Sir Martin Frobisher, by Marchant — fine medallion, in high relief 1693 An ivory crucifix, beautifully carved — the figure 10 in. high 1694 A beautiful ivory stand for a cup, exquisitely carved with a figure of a triton and sea monsters, on waved saucer, sup- ported on three dolphins — S^ in. high. {See illustration) 1695 St. Andrew, one arm affixed to the cross — a beautiful figure — 13 in. high 1696 A SUPERB CUP AND COVER, on stem, with a frieze of figures of Minerva, Peace, and Silenus with fauns and bac- chanals, in high relief, the stem formed of clusters of vine leaves and grapes, friezes of children with grapes round the foot and cover, surmounted by an infant with a tazza and grapes, in octagonal crystal case, on pillar — 20 in. high CURIOSITIES, &c. 1697 A cofFer-shaped box, of oak, carved with foliage, and brass hinges 1698 An ancient coffer, covered with plates of copper gilt, the medal- lions of female heads and sphinxes — 8^ in. by 6 in. 1699 An inkstand, of copper gilt, the cover in the form of a basilica 1700 A small iron chest, painted with two German portraits and flowers on the lid — 16 in. by 8^ in. 1701 A pair of altar candlesticks, of metal gilt, on feet — 13 in. high 1702 A pair of candlesticks, with two nozzles each, held by bronze figures of German soldiers — 10 in. high 1703 A pair of matchpots, carried on the backs of German figures, rudely carved in w'ood 1704 One, nearly similar, with white metal rims 1705 An ancient coffer, of wood, with animals and scrolls in gothic niches, and iron movmtings — Sin. by 6-1- in. 1706 Another, larger, with figures and animals — ll|-in. by 9 in. 1707 A copper tankard and cover, embossed with birds in compart- ments 145 1708 A circular stand and cover, of copper, with frieze of figures dancing in relief, and animals on the lid — 8-^ in. diameter 1709 A mortar, of bell metal, of German work, with inscription, and date 1545 — 6-^ in. high .710 Another, larger; and a pestle, with figures in relief, friezes of flowers, and inscription and date 151 1 — 7i in. high 1711 A brass hand candlestick, embossed with figures; and a small ditto 1712 A pilgrim's bottle, covered with cuir bouilli, with animals, Cupids, and foliage in relief — 11 in. high 1713 The Magi presenting their offerings : a group of figures, in relief, round a circle, in white marble — 4 in. high 1714 A brush, the handle of wood, carved with figures 1715 A small box, covered with stamped leather, with initials P. P., and brass mountings 1716 A box, covered with stamped leather, a shield of arms on the lid, and inscription round 1717 A carved wood box, of early gothic work, with a cypher, and letters and flowers on damasked ground 1718 A coffer, with dome top, covered with velvet, ornamented with medallions, pilasters, and bands, of or-moulu — 6| in. by 4^ in. 1719 Another, of wood, covered with vellum, painted with arabesque designs in gothic taste — 10 J- in. by 6 in. 1720 Another, of inlaid woods, surrounded by a frieze of figures carved in bone, and anotiier fiieze on the top— 8]- in. by 5iiu. 1721 Four purses, needlework, with silver lace and tassels; and a memorandum book 1722 A grotesque head, of coloured and glazed stoneware 1723 A broad steel knife, the haft chased with head and scrolls, gih. and black wood handle, in leather case 1724 A set of four large knives, with steel blades, the handles of amber fluted, the tops of ivory inlaid with amber, two small medallions in each, in leather case 1725 A brass candlestick, with plain stem, the base embossed with cupids and scrolls — 7 in. high L 146 1726 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL Brass CANDLESTICKS, the siirfacc elabo. lately chased with arabesque ornaments — 7 in. high 1727 A PAIR OF Altar Candlesticks, of Silver, embossed with flowers and foliage — 10^- in. high 1728 A beautiful crucifix, the figures of boxwood, on tortoiseshell cross — the figure 11 in. hiofh 1729 A steel skewer, uith screw; a pair of nippers; 2 pairs of nut- crackers ; and a screw 1730 A hook-bladed steel knife, engraved, the back edge gilt, with mother-o'-pearl handle ; and a steel, with mot her-o' -pearl handle 1731 Four barbed brass-mounted arrows, for a crossbow 1 73'2 An almanac, in oval ])late of silver, chased with foliage 1733 Another, in plate of silver openwork, chased with foliage 1734 A large oval silver sconce, with branches for lights, painted with a female portrait in the centre, and arms above, the borders embossed with birds and flowers — 27 in. by 16^ in. 1735 AN ANCIENT COFFER, on stand, covered with old figured cut crimson velvet, with engraved steel handles and corner mounts ; the top ornamented with five chased steel plaques partly damasquined in gold, with subjects from the Bible ; the front with eight subjects from sacred and profane history, supposed to be of Italian workmanship ; the front falls down, and discloses six drawers and centre recess, with separate lo(k; n the inner side of the fall-down front is a complete steel lining, engi-aved with a calendar, with rich border, dated 1560, calculated for twenty years forward : the drawers and fronts have steel fronts engraved with subjects of the wise man and fool, &c., with Latin descriptive verses — 16 in. long, 12 in. wide, and r2f in. high 1736 A MAGNIFICENT ANCIENT GERMAN SILVER- GILT COLLAR OF OFFICE, composed of fifteen circular medallions, five of them enamelled with coats of arms, the others with archery emblems chased in relief; the three central medallions surrounded with figures and masks in relief, and one of them surmounted by a figure of Sebastian ; a 147 crowned bird suspended below, on which is inscribed Ob. Dorp, —dated 1554 1737 A curious oriental collar, formed of beads of metal gilt, with a locket, of butterfly form, richly enamelled on silver, hanging from the heads of two monsters End of Fourteenth Day's Sale. l2 Fifteenth Day's Sale. On THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. FAENZA. 1738 A plate, with the subject of the shipwreck of the fleet of Se- loucus ; at the top, the crest of the Negro's head ; on the back, the description, vvitli the name, &c., of the artist (Fra Xanto), and date, 1532— 10 in. diameter 1739 A Dish, of Giorgio da Gubbio Ware, with a deeply sunk centre, in which there is a subject of Cupid blinded : this dish has a fine metallic lustre glaze, with a rich border of a dark blue ground, with variously coloured arabesques and medallions of musical and other trophies, with devices; the back has rude scrolls of a metallic colour, and the monogram and date, 1524 — lOgin. diameter. A most splendid specimen of this ware 1740 An early Italian plate, having a dark blue ground, ornamented with yellow, green, and other colored arabesques, eagles, trophies, &c. ; the back is of light blue, with circular lines of orange — 10-|iii diameter — presumed date about 1520 1741 An early Italian dish: in the centre the subject of Leda, &c., richly coloured, with a border of ornamental variously colored scrolls and arabesques ; the back is painted in light and dark blue, with orange colored circular lines ; in the centre, at the back, a mask — lOfin. diameter — presumed date about 1500 y 1846 1848 149 1742 An early Italian dish, with crinkled or fluted edges, ornamented with variously coloured scrolls, &c., which are cut in or en- graved: in the centre is a coat of arms, which is embossed ; the back is engraved, and slightly coloured circular lines are thereon — 10 in. diameter — pres\imed date before 1500. This is a rare sjjecimen 1743 An early Italian dish, of metallic lustre, being embosed, and having various coloured ornaments of masks and arabesques : in the centre a cross and I. H. S., in gothic letters, are embossed ; the back is highly glazed, and has brownish red lines — 9Jin. diameter — presumed date about 1625 1744 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre: in the centre a male portrait in costume of the time, and having quite the character of a head after Raflfaelle, a very beautiful border of ara- besques, of various colours, on an orange ground ; the back has white and blue circular lines — about 10 in. diameter — presumed date about 1510 1745 A dish, of RafFaelle ware, in very fine colours: the subject of Perseus and Andromeda; on the back the description of the subject and inscription — 10 in. diameter 1746 An early Italian dish, light blue ground, ornamented with yellow and other coloiu'S : subject, Apollo and the Muses, in a landscape ; the back is of a greyish blue colour, with dark blue and white circular lines, and mask in the centre — presumed date about 1500 1747 A deep plate, white, with a gold wing in the centre, and frieze of ivy leaves round — 9| in. diameter 1748 A small deep plate, with leaf ornaments, green and white, on light blue ground — 7? in. diameter 1749 Another, with medallion portrait of a female, and twisted border, orange, on deep blue ground of brilliant colours — 9| in. dia- meter 1750 A dish, with the angel driving Adam and Eve Cut of paradise — 12 in. diameter 150 1751 A dish, with Jupiter and Semele, and shield of arms, inscribed beneath "nella botega de M°. Gudio durantino in Urbino, 1535" — 10 in. diameter 1752 One, with a metamorphose from Ovid — 10 in. diameter 1753 One, with Mneas carrying Anchises from Troy, inscribed beneath ''Francesco Xanto Avelli da Kovigo I. Urbino Pinse, 1531" — 10 in. diameter 1754 A FINE Dish, with Alexander, attended by equestrian figures, meeting Diogenes, blue on white ground, with blue and red arabesque border — 15^ in. diameter 1755 Another, with Phoebus in his car, drawn by four white horses, Italian verses beneath — 10£ in. diameter — imperfect 1756 A scalloped dish, of early ware, in imitation of malachite — 12^ in. diameter 1757 A dish, with the Rape of Helen, in faint colours, blue foliage and cyphers beneath — 12 in. diameter 1758 A plate, with sunk centre, blue ground, with Cupid on ahorse; on the edge, a Roman medallion, and two dolphins — S^in. diameter 1759 Another, with sunk centre, with scrolls, blue and green, on orange ground — 9 in. diameter 1760 Another, with bust of Moses in the centre, on orange ground, and light blue arabesques on purple ground on the border — 9i in. diameter 1761 A deep plate, with light blue circles on orange ground, and in- scription in centre — 9^ in. diameter 1762 A LARGE Dish, with Hannibal at the battle of Cannse; the subject described on the reverse — 17-1 in. diameter 1763 A Dish, of early Gubbio Ware, with shield of arms in centre, gilt embossed radii towards the edge, with bosses between, coloui"ed blue and orange, on orange diapered ground — 17 in. diameter 1764 A curious bottle, in the form of a missal, with blue and white scrolls on the back, inscribed " Mesalo ;" cherubs' heads on the sides — 5^ in. by 4 in. 151 1765 Another, lilac and orange ornaments, a cross on each side — 7 in. by Sin. 1766 An Inkstand, of octagonal form, with the four Evangelists at the sides, and rich embossed borders of masks and scrolls, with two cavities for drawers ; writing implements painted in the tray above — dated 15'24 — extreme diameter 13 in, 1767 A FINE Dish, with sunk centre, full coat of arms^ supported by cupids, with white border diapered with honeysuckles, the outer border with the flaying of Marsyas, Pan, and Apollo, in a landscape, with architecture — 16 in. diameter 1 768 A plate, with two coats of arms and arabesques, on white ground — 8|in. 1769 A plate, covered with arabesques and cameos, crest of a kind of harpy, with mantle and helmet, and three shields of different heraldic bearings — presumed date 1570 — 8| in. diameter 1770 An early Italian dish, in blue and white scrolls, arabesques, &c., — presumed date 1530 — 8^ in. diameter 1771 A dish ; banquet of the Roman people : a fine subject ; border of rich arabesques and cameos ; description at the back — pre- sumed date about 1540 — 17jin. diameter 1772 A Dish ; the Nativity, &c. : border of arabesques and cameos, yellow lines at tlie back — presumed date about 1540 — 171 in. diameter. A fine specimen 1773 A dish; M. Curtius leaping into the gulf: border of arabesques and cameos ; on the back a description, with some lines in yellow — presumed date about 1540 — 17 in. diameter 1774 An early Italian dish, with ornanients of various coloured trophies: in the centre a cupid — presumed date about 1560 — 8^ in. diameter 1775 An early Italian plate, singular colours, orange ground with arabesque border : in the centre the presentation of Pompey's head ; on the back rude blue ornaments, with the date and mark, 1550 — about 9 in. diameter 1776 A dish, with a battle — presumed date 1540 — 14|in. diameter 152 \777 An early Italian plate, without border: Horatius Codes defend- ing the bridge at the back. A. D. B. — presumed date about 1500—101 in. diameter 1778 A platej a battle of cavalry : on the back, rude blue ornaments, with the date 1554 — 9f in. diameter 1779 A VERY Early Italian Dish, the ground being of a light green colour, with a battle and fortifications in various colours ; the back yellow, and glazed with a black mark — presumed date about 1490— 14i in. diameter Very curious 1780 An early Italian plate; M. Curtius leaping into the gulf: border of orange colour ground, with blue and white ara- besques ; at the back a description, and rude ornaments in blue colour, with the date 1550 and mark — 9^ in. diameter 1781 A dish, with sunk centre; an old man, Cupid, and a young female with, a lute ; in the centre, a coat of arms of Hercules and the Hon ; on the back the date 1531, and " F. X. A. R. P. Urbino" — 7| in. diameter 1782 A dish, with a sunk centre: Venus and Mars in the centre, a coat of arms of a cardinal, with the Medici quartering of the balls and the negro's head in colours ; description at the back, with yellow lines — date about 1530 — 8 in. diameter 1783 An early Italian dish: a female portrait in costume, in bright colours with inscription round — presumed date about 1510 — Si in. diameter 1784 An early Italian plate, in bright colours, a trophy in the centre ; • a curious border — presumed date about 1520 — 8 in. diameter 1785 A RafFaelle-ware dish, with a sunk centre ; Celadon and the boar, &c. : bright colours; description at the back — date about 1535 — 10 1- in. diameter 1 786 An early Italian dish, in rich metallic lustre colours, with hollow flutes and embossed handsome ornaments in the centre ; papal arms, a tiara, eagles, and chevrons, on the back ; there are orna- ments all over — presumed date about 1540 — 13 in. diameter 1787 A plate : subject the metamorphosis of Myrrha, &c. in vivid colours; description at the back — date about 1540— 10 in. diameter 153 1 788 A similar plate ; Mutius Scaevola : description at the back, with yellow lines — presumed date about 1540 — 13 in. diameter 1789 An early Italian plate, with a deep centre, in metallic lustre colour, figures in costume of the time, buildings, &c. ; on the back, rude ornaments, with the date and monogram of the artist, 1525, which is also on the front — 7§ in. diameter 1790 An early Italian dish, dark blue ground, a female portrait in costume, with inscription '• Margarita" — -date about 1510 — 8 in. diameter 1791 A Raffaelle-ware plate ; Hercules carrying away the pillars : a coat of arms, with white cross on black ground, and an oak tree surmounted by a cardinal's hat and tassels ; on the back, the description and date, 1542 Urbi — 10 in. diameter 1792 A similar ware dish; the rape of Europa: description at the back, with yellow lines — date about 1540 — 9f in. diameter 1793 A similar plate ; a bacchante metamorphosed into trees : crest of a negro's head at the top ; description at the back, with date, 1532 ; an inscription "Fra Xanto A. da Rovigo P. Urbino " — 10 in. diameter 1794 A similar plate; Perseus and Andromeda: description and yellow lines at the back, with date 1445 — 9^ in. diameter 1795 A plate ; Pan and Apollo: description and yellow lines at the back — date about 1540 — 10^ in. diameter 1796 Another; the finding of Moses : a coat of arms of a cardinal, the quarterings being six balls, five red and one black, and a negro's head ; description at the back — date about 1.535 — 10^ in. diameter 1797 A similar plate, with a sunk centre; Eriphyle betraying Amphiaraus : on the back, the description and date, 1531, and artist's signature, ** Fra Xanto A. Rovigo P. Urbino " — 10 in. diameter 1798 A similar dish, with a sunk centre, the subject from Ovid — a traveller knocking at a door ; description and yellow lines at the back, with the date, 1545 — 9$ in. diameter 154 1799 A Raffaelle-ware plate, with a sunk centre; the burial of Leucothoe : description at the back, with date, 1540, and mo- nogram of the artist — 10^ in. diameter 1800 A similar plate, with a sunk centre ; Jupiter and the fallen Dionysius of Syracuse ; description at the back, with date and monogram, 1549 — 10 in. diameter 1801 A similar plate; Tiberius Gracchus at table: a dragon appear- ing ; description, with yellow lines at the back, with date and monogram, 1540 — 10^ in. diameter 1802 A similar plate; the Discord of Italy: the description at the back, with date, 1536, and inscription, " Pi" X. Rovi." — lOi in. diameter 1803 A plate ; Apollo and Marsyas : description and yellow lines on the back — date about 1540 — lOj^ in. diameter 1804 A similar plate, with a sunk centre : the metamorphosis of Acteon ; the description at the back, with the date and in- scription " Fra Xanto, Rovigo T. Urbino," 1533 — lO-i in. dia- meter 1805 A similar plate, the subject Acteon, differently treated — pre- sumed date about 1540 — 10^ in. diameter 1806 A similar plate, with sunk centre ; Circe and Scylla : description at the back — date about 1540 — 10 J in. diameter 1807 A plate ; Medea renewing the youth of .^son — date about 1540 — 8^ in. diameter 1808 An early Italian Plate, of a fine and rare character, with a sunk centre, in which there is an Italian landscape, with a diapered border, with figures playing on viols on it; the back ornamented in blue and orange colours, with the mark in orange — date about 1500 — llgin. diameter 1809 A RafFaelle-ware plate, with sunk centre, Apollo, Minerva, Mer- cury, &c. in a landscape, with buildings ; a rich coat of arms and a coronet at the top ; the description, with yellow lines at the back — date about 1535 — 10|- in. diameter 1810 A dish, with sunk centre. Mars, Vulcan and Venus — date about 1 535— diameter, \\\ in. diameter 155 1811 Another; subject a ferry: and a female, with a chalice in her hand, in the boat, with other figures, yellow lines at the back — date about 1540 — about 12 in. diameter 1812 Another, with a foot; Dido, Ascanius, &c. : an interesting ar- chitectural representation of the time of the dish, a full coat of arms at the top — date about 1532 — 10^ in. diameter 1813 A plate, of bold design; Galatea — date about 1540 — 11 in. diameter 1814 Another; Cain and Abel : yellow lines at the back — date about 1540 — 10|in. diameter 1815 A similar plate; marine deities and sea view : a coat of arms on the right hand side, on the back the description, and yellow lines — date about 1540 — lO^in. diameter 1816 An early Italian Plate, in metallic lustre; Jupiter and Dionysius of Syracuse in chains : a coat of arms on the left hand side, the centre curiously ornamented with dots, the back rudely ornamented, and has the mark, date, and in- scription, N. 1535, F. X, R., in black — lOlin. diameter. A curious specimen 1817 A similar plate ; the rape of Europa . the subject curiously treated in metallic colours; on the back rude ornaments, with date 1533, description, mark, &c., in blue colour, "Urbino" — lOJin. diameter 1818 Another, in metallic lustre colours ; Romulus, Remus, and the wolf: the back rudely ornamented — date about 1530 — 10^ in. diameter 1819 Another, in similar colours; Perseus and Andromeda; back rudely ornamented — 10 in. diameter 1820 A similar plate, in metallic lustre colours; a woodman cutting a tree, in which a dryad appears ; back rudely ornamented, and dated 1533 — 9 in. diameter 1821 A similar plate, in similar colours; Brutus Portia : on the back rude ornaments, with description, dated 1535, mark in black — 9| in. diameter 1822 A dish, of a fluted form ; a fete charapetre, with cavaliers and ladies : Apollo in his car in the heavens ; description and 156 yellow lines at the back — date about 1545 — 13iin. dia- . meter 1823 A similar dish : Pallas, the Furies, &c., description and yellow lines at the back^-date about 1540 — 13|in. diameter 1824 A Dish of splendid character : a cameo of Charity in the centre, and cameo of Faith and Hope, and rich coloured borders of emblematical figures, angels, &c., yellow lines at the back — presumed date about 1545 — 18 in. diameter 1825 A RafFaelle-ware dish, of the fluted form : the fall of Jericho, with the procession of the ark, at the back the description and yellow lines — presumed date 1540 — 13;^ in. diameter 1826 A similar dish of similar form: Galatea, the description and yellow lines at the back — presumed date about 1540 — 13;| in. diameter 1827 A tazza-shaped cup and cover, of Raffaelle ware, highly em- bellished, with centre classical figures and arabesque ornaments, the foot and outside ornamented with arabesques and camei ; on the inside of the cover is a cupid, and on the outside a figure, seated, and two naked boys, with arabesqiie borders — height 4g in., diameter 7^ in. 1828 A two-handled vase, of early Italian ware, covered with metallic lustre ornaments — presumed date about 1490 — height 9^ in., diameter 5i in. 1829 A Vase, with spout and handle ; the spout formed of a dragon's head, intended for pharmacy use, having an inscription with the name of the drug ; a subject of three females, naked, on orange coloured ground, two of them being crowned, and the third lying between them — presumed date about 1540 — height 9^ in., width 9gin. 1830 A jar, at the bottom a mark A, designed for pharmacy, with an inscription as to its contents, with variously coloured orna- ments, and at the bottom armorial bearings of three geese, with a trefoil bar between them — dated at the back 1580 — height 8 in., diameter 4| in. 1831 Two jugs, with handles, highly glazed with bright green, blue, and white ornaments — height 10 fin., diameter 7i in. 157 1832 A Vase of karly Italian Ware, with spout and handles, originally intended for pharmacy, having the name of the drug inscribed round it, with yellow ornaments and shields of arms of two lions rampant, and eagles and medallions of negroes' heads — date 1502 — height 10^ in., diameter 7 in, 1833 A Vase, of similar Ware, orange coloured ground, with variously coloured ornaments; inscription round relating to the drug ; a negro's head in medallion in front, with the same devices as in the last — dated 1501 — height nearly 11 in., diameter 7^ in. 1834 A Vase, with Handle, probably of French ware, open in the centre, with the figure of a cock, in relief, and embossed orna- ments round the top, variously coloured with marine views in blue — dale 1751, curiously formed in open cut work round the neck — height 10^ in., diameter "j^ in. 1835 A Vase, of early Italian Ware, with double handles, in metallic lustre colour, with ornaments and scrolls in blue, white, and drab —presumed date 1502 — height 78 in., diameter 6iin. 1836 A large jug, with handle, of early Italian ware, with rich scrolls, of various colours, on a blue ground, having a large circular medallion, in blue and white, of atrophy and masks — presumed date about 1520 — 15^ in. high, 14in. diameter 1837 A large Jug, with handle and spout, of early ware, brown colour, highly glazed, with rude ornaments in relief, of pale yellowish drab colour, of masks and heads; above the spout is a tablet, with a griffon — presumed date 1495 — height nearly 13 in., width from spout to handle 10 in. 1838 A dish, of early ware, with sunk centre, ornaments embossed and raised in metallic lustre, with enrichments in blue; in the centre a shield of arms; the back is ornamented with scrolls, &c., in metallic lustre — presumed date about 1520 — 18 in. diameter 1839 A dish, of the same ware, with embossed ribs and knobs, in me- tallic lustre; in the centre, a lion in white, on the metallic 158 ground, with white stars; the back ornamented like the two preceding — presumed date 1520 — nearly 18 in. diameter 1840 A dish, of the same ware, ornamented with leaves, in metallic lustre, and blue colours: in the centre a shield of arms, being a lion rampant ; on the back a large spread eagle, and scrolls in metallic lustre — presume4 date 1510 — 17^iti. diameter 1841 A LARGE ROUND BoTTLE or Vase, highly coloured, with orna- ments of scrolls, chimserae and arabesques, foliage and masks ; two heraldic bearings, encircled by wreaths and devices; in one tablet is inscribed, " Ne la Botaga d'Sebastiano d'Mar- forio," and on the other "A. di xi. de Octobri fece, 1519 ;" at the bottom rim, "In Castel Dura" — 15^ in. high, 12^ in. diameter 1842 A SIMILAR Bottle, but having no date or place inscribed on it 1843 A round vase, highly coloured, with scrolls, flowers, and me- dallions of figures, in costume of the time, indicative of sports of the field — presumed date about 1510 — about 12| in. high, 121 in- diameter 1844 A nearly similar vase, but bearing the medallions, with heads and emblematical figures, Justitia and Dio, &c. 1845 A TALL Jar, having a large oval medallion of a combat of war- riors, in classical costume, encircled by a rich border ; at the bottom a negro's head, with a green fillet round the hair, and at the top of the border a pontifical cypher; on the back is the date, 1501 — 1^^ in. high, 10 in. diameter. {^See illustration) 1846 A Massive Jug, of early Italian ware, highly ornamented in bright colours, with foliage, rich heraldic bearings of the Medici arms and quarterings of fleurs-de-lys, surmounted by the papal tiara and keys, red cross, &c. ; under the handle a double Y — presumed date 1520 — height nearly 19 in., diameter 1 2-^ in . ( See illustration) 1847 An early Italian dish, the border of dark blue, relieved by various coloured arabesque ornaments, with the letters S. P. Q. R. in different parts : in the centre a landscape, and a naked boy falling from a tree, his head downwards; the back is much 159 ornamented by blue escallops and red dots, and has a mark in red — presumed date about 1525 — 9i in. diameter 1848 A Plate, of the most rare and interesting character, in very strong colours : the subject believed to be Raffaelle himself and the Fornarina seated in the studio of an artist, who is occupied in painting a plate ; the costume of the artist and of the visitors is strictly that of the time, and the whole details most curious as illustrating the habits of the day, the superior grade of the artist, and the care devoted to the painting of Raffaelle-ware ; blue and orange, circular lines on the back~9^ in. diameter. From Stowe. (See illustration) 1849 An early Italian dish, with sunk centre, of the kind commonly called Pesaro ware, rich orange colour border, with blue and white arabesque ornaments : in the centre, and within an or- namented diapered border, are painted the Virgin praying, and two cherubs ; the back is highly ornamented with blue and yellow scrolls, and the initials I. P. in dark blue — presumed date about 1520 — 8| in. diameter 1850 A Dish, with sunk centre, in metallic lustre colours; subject, Cephalus and Procris : on the back are metallic colour or- naments, and in blue colour the description of subject, and date 1533, and inscription of " Fra Xanto Rovigense P. Urbino''; also, in faint yellow a mark — 11 1 in. diameter. A fine specimen 1851 An early Italian dish, with sunk centre, in metallic lustre colours : in the centre a naked boy against a tree ; border of a dark blue ground, relieved by rich metallic coloured arabesque ornaments — presumed date 1510 — 9:^ in. diameter 1852 An early Italian plate, in metallic lustre colours, variegated border; a bust, with helmet in the centre, circular lines on the back — presumed date about 1520 — about 9 in. diameter 1853 A FINE Jug, of early ware, with an heraldic device of stags' horns, on blue ground, in green border, with yellow fruits; the back with blue flower ornaments : under the broad handle, which is composed of five stalks, is the date, 1541 — 13^ in. high ; about 1 1 in. diameter 160 1854 A FINE Dish, with a shield of arms surmounted by a papal tiara and keys, the border with arabesques in blue, on yellow ground — 19i in. diameter 1855 A Dish, with large oval shield of the Medici arms, one of the balls with three fleurs-de-lys on blue, with blue and orange borders — 20^ in. diameter End of Fifteenth Day's Sale, 21 OO 19S9 Sixteenth Day's Sale. On FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1855, AT ONB o'clock PRKCISELY. FAENZA. 1856 An early Italian dish, with sunk centre, on wliicli is a vas3 with boys, and rich border of cupids, birds, and arabesques, within a ^ white diapered edge — presumed date about 1520 — about 9 in. diameter 1857 A plate, with Abraham praying, and three angels ; on the back " Atmmo," and date 1545 — 9|^in. diameter 1858 A plate — subject of Neptune with a castle, &c. ; on the back the description, and date 1544 — 9^ in. diameter 1859 An early Italian dish, in metallic lustre colours, with embossed oval ornaments round, and red strawberries embossed between the ornaments; in the centre an infant St. John, &c. in relief; lines round the back — presumed date about 1520 — 9t in. diameter 1860 A dish, of similar character, with ornaments in relief, of straw'- berries, leaves, &c. : in the centre, in relief, St. Sebastian ; on the back an outline, in blue, of a female bust, in Italian costume — presumed date about 1520 — nearly 9^ in. diameter 1861 An early Italian fluted dish, with ornaments of various coloured foliage, with the Virgin in the centre; back of like character — presumed date about 1530 — 11 in. diameter M 162 1862 A similar dish, in character; in tlie centre a saint — presumed date about 1530 — 11 in, diameter 1863 A plate, with a banquet with tritcns attendmg ; on the back the description, with blue and yellow lines — presumed date about 1550 — 11^ in. diameter 1864 An early Italian dish^ light blue ground, much ornamented with green wreaths, and white, dark blue, yellow, &c. ornaments : in the centre a coat of arms, five balls with fleur-de-lys and three crescents, perhaps the Medici arms ; the back is orna- mented with rude dark blue scrolls, &c., and has a mark in dark blue — presumed date about 1540 — 15^ in. diameter 1865 An early Italian plate : in the centre, a man in singular costume, playing on the guitar ; a beautiful border, in bright colours, of rich arabesques, cupids, masks, musical instruments, and S. P. Q. R. ; on the back, dark blue foliage ornaments — pre- sumed date about 1525 — 8|^ in. diameter 1866 A dish, dark blue ground, with grey and white musical trophies, horses' heads. Sic. ; the back having dark blue ornaments, on a grey ground, rudely painted — the date, 1555, and mark in dark blue on the back — nearly 13 in. diameter 1867 An early Italian plate, with military trophies, in yellow and brown colour, on a dark blue ground : in the centre a cupid — pre- sumed date about 1540 — 8| in. diameter 1868 A dish, of Raflfaelle ware : a banquet of four guests, a sunset, and a female flying ; a inan in a helmet holding a scroll, on which the date 1556 appears; on the back are yellow lines — 13 in. diameter 1869 An early Italian Plate, or Dish, in metallic lustre colours, , very rich ornaments in colours, masks, arabesques, &c. ; on the back rude metallic coloured scrolls — presumed date about 1530 — 1 1 in. diameter. A fine specimen 1870 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre: Cupid holding a book, border of drab-coloured trophies and books, on a dark blue ground, with a device — presumed date about 1540 — 9^ in. diameter 163 1871 All early Italian plato, dark blue ground, with centre and border of musical trophies, &c. in various colours, richly decorated ; back ot light blue, with rude dark blue ornaments and mark — presumed date about 1530 — 9| in. diameter 18/2 An early Italian dish, very curious : a centaur and armed men attacking and slaying others, and plundering, in colours, on a dark blue ground, a coat of arms at the top ; the back orna- mented in colours, and having a mark and date 1525 — 11^ in. diameter 1873 An early Italian dish, the ground curiously spotted in blue: a man bareheaded, in a classical costume, bearing a two lianded sword, with boys, arabesques, &c., coloured ornaments on the back, and a mark in red — presumed date 1520 — 9 |.in, diameter 1874 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre, in metallic lustre colours : in the centre a coat of arms, consisting of a pig passant, black in colour, with yellow band round the body, bars below, yellow, straw-coloured, and black-coloured scroll border — presumed date about 1530 1875 An early Italian dish : in the centre figures with tambourine, &c., richly coloured border of arabesques, heads, &c., on a dark blue ground ; on the back circular blue lines — presumed date about 1 520 — 8 in. diameter 1876 An early Italian plate: in the centre a man bareheaded, in classical costume, but with a shield of the Pavoise form, and dagger, &c., in a landscape ; a most beautiful border of rich coloured arabesques on a dark blue ground ; on the back yellow and blue circular lines, with the mark — date about 1520 — I2iin. diameter 1877 An Early Italian Dish, with very fine landscape; a satyr playing on a pipe to a female in childbirth under a tree ; the back curiously ornamented in various colours — presumed date 1500 — 13 in. diameter A most curious plate 1878 A Plate, in rich metallic lustre colours; dark blue ground, with various coloured arabesques — dated in several places M 2 164 1518; the back ornamented in metallic colours, and with the same date — 11a in. diameter A most curious specimen 1879 An early Italian dish, having a figure in high relief, embossed in metallic lustre colours, of a saint with a cross and dog, &c. ; on back metallic lustre lines — presumed date 1500 — 6| in. diameter 1880 An early Italian plate, dark blue ground, with male and female heads, in costume of the time, within wreathed circles, trophies, animals, birds, &c,, in various colours ; at the top the initials MAIM — presumed date about 1500 — 9^ in. diameter. This is a very curious and interesting speeimen J 881 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre, light blue ground, with green and other coloured wreaths round a military trophy : in the centre dark blue and white ornaments ; on the back, which is of licrht blue, there are rude scrolls in dark blue with a mark — presumed date about 1540 — 9^ in. diameter 1882 An early Italian plate ; green ground, with arabesque and bold chymerae ornaments of a drab colour — the date in front on a tablet 1533— 10 in. diameter 1883 An early Italian plate, in metallic lustre colours, having ara- besque ornaments and armorial bearings of a tree and two lions ; metallic lines on the back — date about 1510 1884 An early Italian plate, in metallic lustre colours, dark blue ground, with arabesques: in the centre a coat of arms; on the back rude metaUic scrolls and the date 1531 — 9| in. diameter 1885 An early Italian plate : in the centre an old man in a turban reading, with a curious ornamented border ; the outer border is dark blue, with light blue, white, and arabesque ornaments; the back is of light blue, with rude ornaments in dark blue and the mark — date 1525 on the tablet in front — 9|in. diameter 18S6 An early Italian plate, of a dark blue ground, borders with light blue and white arabesque ornaments : in the centre a coat of arms in colours on light blue, &c. ground ; the back is of light blue, with rude ornaments and mark in dark blue — presumed date about 1520 — 9f in. diameter 165 1887 An early Italian dish, with a naked boy in the centre, a border of blue, green, and yellow foliage — presumed date 1520 — 7 in. diameter 1888 An early Italian dish, dark blue border, with light blue and white arabesque ornaments in the sunk centre, and coat of arms in colours within an ornamented circle ; the back of light blue, with rude dark blue ornaments and mark — presumed date about 1520 — Q^in. diameter 1889 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre, cupids in a grotesque car within a diapered border ; the outer border of dark blue, with rich arabesques and medallions ; blue lines round the back — presumed date about 1520 — 9^ in. diameter 1890 An early Italian dish, with sunk centre, rich colours, a man angling, arabesque border, with landscapes in medallions ; on the back blue, yellow, and orange lines^presumed date about 1520 — 9f in. diameter 1891 An- early Italian dish, with a sunk centre, border of orange coloured ground, with military trophies in blue and white; in the centre St. Genevieve and the deer ; back ornamented in various colours — date about 1520 — 9|in. diameter 1892 An early Italian dish, in metallic lustre colours, border of dark blue, with rich coloured arabesque ornaments : in the centre a device ; on the back ornaments in metallic lustre, and date 1518 — 9^iu. diameter 1893 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre, curious vari-coloured border, and on which are two coats of arms tied by a ribbon, with a coronet between : in the sunk centre a coloured star, with diaper pattern round ; the back much ornamented with rude dark blue ornaments — presumed date about 1518 — 94 in. diameter 1894 A VERY Early and Rare Italian Dish, ornaments cut in the ware, figures in costume of the time, male and female ; the man holding a Pavoise shield, on which the Milanese or Visconti arms are represented 5 the female playing on a viol, near her a shield with armorial bearings : the ornaments in this dish are engraved in the ware itself, so as to appenr to be 166 in relief, and are curiously coloured — presumed date about, 1490 — 15i in. diameter. A fine specimen of a very rare and interesting loare 1895 An Early Italian Dish, with a sunk centre in metallic colours, with raised or embossed ornaments : Mutius Scoevola in the centre ; the border composed of raised and metallic lustre coloured arabesques ; back ornamented with metallic lines — presumed date about 1500 — 17 in. diameter. A very fine and rare specimen 1896 A Dish, with Hero and Leander, singularly treated; on the back a description and inscription "F. Xanto a da Rovigo Urbino, 1532" — 10-^ in. diameter. A very beautiful spe- cimen 1897 An early Italian plate, border of dark blue, with light blue and white arabesque ornaments : in the cenfre a youth in costume, in colours, within an ornamented Joorder ; light blue back, with dark blue circular lines with a mark — presumed date about 1530 — S)\ in. diameter 1898 xA similar plate ; in the centre an old man in a turban, &c. ; on the back the date 1533 and a mark — 9|in. diameter 1899 A dish, in fine colours; the siege of the city of Aries ; description at the back — presumed date about 1535 — 14f in. diameter 1900 An Early Spanish Mauro Dish, of a most rare and interest- ing character, ornaments in metallic lustre colours ; one of these ornaments partakes much of the character of the Moorish ornaments in the Alhambra, &c, ; in the centre a doe in blue colour ; round the border of the dish is a Spanish inscription in gothic letters ; rude ornaments on the back — presumed date 1480 — 15^ in. diameter 1901 An early Italian plate, with a sunk centre in metallic lustre colours, a naked boy seated by a tree, a death's head, &c., border of trophies — presumed date about 1535 — Sj in. diameter 11(02 A dish, with the wooden horse and Troy : deep centre to dish; on the back yellow lines — presumed date about 1535 — IGgin. diameter 167 1903 An Italian dish, in blue and white, ornamented with masks and various figures of cupids, and with winged figures embossed in relief; in the centre a coat of arms, with a front barred helmet above ; the back white, with rude blue scrolls and a mark — presumed date about 1640 — 18 in. diameter 1904 A dish, with a sunk centre; Joseph and Potiphar's wife; the back has yellow lines — presumed date about 1550 — 9^ in. diameter 1905 An Italian dish, in blue and white, warriors, tents, females, &c. ; at the top a coat of arms, rude blue scrolls on the back, and a faint blue mark — presumed date about 1650 — 15| in. diameter 1906 A dish, with a sunk centre ; Jupiter and Europa : on the back a description with a blue mark — presumed date about 1540 — 8|- in. diameter 1907 A dish, with a sunk centre ; the Deluge : on the back the de- scription — presumed date about 1535 — 8^ in. diameter 1908 A plate : in the centre a naked boy, on an orange coloured ground ; military and musical trophies and wreath round — presumed date about 1557 — 7^ in. diameter 1909 A Dish, with an assembly of deities on Olympus ; the back ornamented with a subject of Minerva and Medusa, vith a border of cupids and camei — presumed date about 1550 — 1 5-1 in. diameter. A curious specimen 1910 A Dish : in the centre a coat of arms of the La Scala family, within a diapered pattern on the border round an Italian landscape, with the subject of Apollo and Marsyas — presumed date about 1640 — 16| in. diameter. A beautiful specimen 1911 A plate; Myrrha flying from her father, in singularly light colours ; on the back a description in blue, with rude yellow scrolls and edge lines, a mark and date 1548 in yellow — 104 in. diameter 1912 An early Italian dish, fluted pattern, blue, yellow, green, and white foliage, arabesques, &c. : in the centre a youthful St. John kneeling, with a coat of arms, blue and yellow lines on back — presumed date about 1530 — lO^in. diameter 168 1913 An early Italian dish, in metallic lustre colours, with a sunk centre, various coloured ornaments embossed in relief: in the centre a head of St. Peter on a dark blue ground ; metallic lines on the back — date about 1520 — 6 in. diameter 1914 An early Italian dish, fluted pattern; Mutius Scsevola burning his hand, &c. : ornaments of boys drawing bows, &c. ; on the back blue lines in the flutes and mark — presumed date about 1530 — 9|- in. diameter 1915 A dish, with a sunk centre; Europa and the bull, &c. : on the back the description and yellow lines — presumed date about 1510— 7f in. diameter 1916 A dish, with Latona, &c. ; on the back description and date 1543 — 8f in. diameter 1917 A dish, with sunk centre ; the metamorphosis of Act aeon : a coat of arms at the top; on the back a description and yellow lines — presumed date about 1545 — Zg in. diameter 1918 A Raffaelle-ware dish; Pan and Syrinx: on the back a de- scription and yellow lines — presumed date about 1540 — 8^ in. diameter 1919 An early Italian dish, in blue and white, with figures and tro- phies, &c. ; on the back blue ornaments — presumed date about 1550 — 18 in. diameter 1920 A tazza-shaped dish, on a foot ; Coriolanus's interview with his mother, and description in full on the back, and date 1544 — lOi in, diameter 1921 An Italian dish, in blue and white, painted in a bold style, armed horsemen, &c. ; a coat of arms, with yellow colour, introduced at the bottom of the dish ; at the back a blue mark — presumed date about 1600 — 15^ in. diameter 1922 A plate; Cato, Ascanius, Dido, &c. at Carthage: description on the back, with yellow lines — actual date 1545 — % in. dia- meter 1923 An Italian dish, fluted or crinkled, on a foot; subject saints, &c. and angels' heads ; on the back, ornaments in blue and yellow, and inscription " Mad. Doiiat. aDona do" — date about 1560 — 1 i I in. diameter 169 1924 A plate, with the Rape of Europa; on the back a description and yellow lines — presumed date about 1545 — 9i in. dia- meter. ]9!25 A dish, with a sunk centre ; JSIoses and the murrain of the cattle ; on tlie back a description and mark — presumed date about 1545 — 9 in. diameter 1926 An early Italian Dish, inmetallic lustre colours 3 the Judg- ment of Paris, with rich border ; on the back rude ornaments in metallic colour, also the mark and cypher of the artist (Maestro Georgio) — date 1525 — 15| in. diameter. This is a very rare and interesting specimen, being the identical dish mentioned and. particularly described by Abbate Passeri 1927 A plate, of Raffaelle ware^ with a sunk centre ; a boar hunt ; on the back a description, with the date of 1544 and marks — 9| in. diameter 1928 A plate, of Raffaelle ware; David and Goliath ; description on the back — date 1545 — 8|. in. diameter 1929 A dish, with a sunk centre; Hercules and Dejanira ; on the back a description and yellow lines — presumed date about 1540-«' 7-1 in. diameter 1930 A plate; Leda, and the birth of Castor and Pollux; on the back a description and yellow lines — presumed date about 1535 — ^\ in. diameter 1931 A plate, with Jupiter and Leda; on the back a description and yellow lines — presumed date about 1540 — 10^ in. diameter 1932 A Basin, of early Italian Ware, on foot, tazza-shaped, painted all over : within are the papal tiara, armorial bearings, &c., the Medici arms, five red balls and one dark blue ball, with the fleur-de-lys, also there are medallions of devices and mottos ; within the basin, arabesques, angels, &c. On the exterior there are angels supporting coats of arms, with ara- besque ornaments, &c. — presumed date about 1530 — 14 in, diameter, depth to foot 83 in. A rare and nohle specimen. This is placed in an antique Italian steel stand, having three carved boxwood figures of satyrs at the angles 170 1933 A picture, of early Italian Faenza, representing the Virgin, infant Saviour, and St. John, with saints, buildings, &c., in landscape, &c. ; four medallion circles round, of St. Francis, &c., ara- besque ornaments in purple, light blue, and white : curious colours — inablack frame — presumed date about 1520 — 16^ in. high, 13 in. wide 1934 A picture, of the same ware: the Virgin, infant Christ, and offerings of the three kings, &c., very curiously coloured, in a tortoiseshell frame — dated 1527 — 17 in. high, 13 in. wide 1935 A Picture, in Raffaelle Ware, the subject being the cru- cifixion ; very fine and rare : many figures in bright colours, in a curious embossed porcelain frame, with a shield of armorial bearings at the top — presumed date about 1540 — 16 in. high, 12 in. wide 1936 A RafFaelle-ware dish; subject, Hannibal at Cannse; description at the back — presumed date about 1540 — 17^ in. diameter 1937 A ditto, subject being Psyche's dream, finely treated: said to be one of the lost cartoons of Raffaelle ; beautifully drawn and coloured ; at the back there are inscribed two stanzas of Italian poetry, and there are also handsome ornaments in dark blue — presumed date about 1535 — 17^ in. diameter 1938 A MOST SUPERB Dish, in vivid colours; a full subject of Pom- pey and Cleopatra, with cupids, &c. : on the left side there is a full coat of armorial bearings, surmounted by a coronet ; at the back of the dish there is a description of ttie subject, and date 1533, and '' Fra Xanto A. da Rovigo P. Urbino" — 18 in. diameter 1939 A dish, of Nevers ware, dark blue ground, with white and drab coloured flowers and birds, &c.; on the back blue and white flowers- — presumed date 1600 — 10^ in. diameter 1940 A dish, of early Italian ware, light blue ground, with variously coloured ornaments of flowers, &c. : in the centre a camel; the back of the dish is of light blue, with dark blue ornaments — presumed date about J 540 — about 11 J in. diameter 1941 A dish, of early Italian ware, of a light greyish blue ground, with scrolls of blue round the border: within the centre, which is 171 sunk, a coat of arms ; on the back there are scrolls round the centre, and a mark x in blue colour — presumed date about 1550 — 104 in. diameter 1942 A dish, of early Italian ware, with a sunk centre, having green, buff, white, and drab scrolls, arabesques, and masks, &c. — presumed date about 1535 — near 10 in. diameter 1943 A plate or dish, of Raffaelle ware, with sunk centre ; subject, three Graces at the fountain : on the left side there is a coat of arms — presumed date about 1540 — lljin. diameter 1944 A dish, of early Italian ware, of yellow drab coloured ground in metallic lustre, with blue and white scallop ornaments : in the centre the portrait of a female, in the costume of the time ; the back is highly glazed, and ornamented with circular lines in metallic colour, in centre of the back a mark — presumed date about 1520 or 1530 — 12iin. diameter 1945 A plate, of Raffaelle ware, the subject, the murder of Abel by Cain, altars, &c. : on the back is a description, but no date — presumed date about 1540 — 11 in. diameter 1946 A small Italian dish, with a deeply sunk centre, in metallic lustre colours, of the kind commonly called Gubbio ware : in the centre is a representation of St. Sebastian ; it has a rich dark blue ground border with metallic lustre, and other coloured arabesque ornaments, the initials S. P. Q. R., and the date 1512 are in front ; behind the dish there are highly glazed and metallic scrolls and lines, with the date 1512, and the artist's cypher — 7g in. diameter 1947 A deep plate, with St. John in the island of Patmos, inscribed beneath with the subject — 10^ in. diameter 1948 A plate, with Mars, Venus, and Cupid, inscribed — 9 in. diameter 1949 A deep plate, with griffin in the centre, the border with ter- minal figures and arabesques on deep blue — inscribed on the back '^ P. Incha Agricola" — 11 in. diameter 1950 A plate, with tritons and sea nymphs, shaded in metallic lustre, with ornaments on the bottom, and initials of '' Maestro ■ Giorgio, 1525" — Sin. diameter 1951 A TAZZA-SHAPED DiSH, with the Holy Family reposing in a landscape, the outside pale blue with scales — 8jin. diameter 172 1952 Another (the foot having been cut oft), with a warrior pleading before an emperor on behalf of prisoners — scale border beneath — 10 in. diameter 1953 Another, with the judgment of Solomon, and inscription, with blue and white ornaments outside — 9| in. diameter 1954 An elegant Salt Cellar, supported on three chymerse, a cupid painted on the top — 5^ in. high 1955 An elegant Tazza and Stand, of early ware, fluted and embossed, white, with minute ornaments in metallic lustre — the tazza 7^ in. bighj the dish lOf in. diameter 1956 An elegantly shaped Vase, of a shell form, spout like an embossed dolphin, with paintings of figures on a dark blue ground within the shell — presumed date about 1 540 — 8^ in. long, 3 in. high 1957 A tazza, or bowl, of early Italian ware, with paintings of St. John, Sec, and various coloured ornaments within — presumed date^about 1520 — between 4 and 5 in. high, 10 in. diameter 1958 A Basin, of Raffaelle Ware, ornamented all over with paintings in bright colours, classical figures and subjects within the basin, and landscapes on the outside, a fine mask at the bottom — presumed date about 1540 — the depth of the basin to the foot is 61 in. — 12 in. diameter. This basin is placed in an antique steel Italian stand, which is ornamentally scrolled 1959 An elegant Salt Cellar Vase, painted with arabesques and camei, with embossed goat's head handles — presumed date about 1560 — 10 in. long, 6i in. high 1960 A pair of candlesticks, on broad round bases, painted with cupids and landscapes — presumed date about 1550 — 6i in. high — 6| in. diameter of base 1961 An ornament of a lion passant, holding a shield, on which are emblazoned the Medicis arms ; on ornamental pedestal of the same ware — presumed date 1550 — IS^in. long, 10 in. high 1962 A Vase, of Tazza shape, on fluted stem, painted in bright colours, with a female in her accouchement, attended by her maids, with wreath border and naked boys — presumed date about 1535 — 5 in. high, 7 2 in. diameter 173 1963 An Italian ware drinking vessel, in the form of a barrel, having two orifices, with embossed ornaments of variously coloured foliage ; at one end is inscribed '* Vin Nero," and at the other '' Vin Bianco," and at the bottom '' Oleanio Azeto" — the date cut in is 1522 — 5^ in. high, by 7f in. long 1964 A lazza, having holes perforated round the rim, and four hollow tube ends, painted in bright colours, with figures in costume of the time, enorascd in the vintage within the hollow centre, and landscapes round the exterior — presumed date about 1540 — 2\ in. high, 8^ in. diameter 1965 A deep dish, of early ware, with light buff coloured ground, or- naments in green and yellow colours: in the centre is the device of a large bear, or other animal passant, carrying a flag — pre- sumed date 1500 — 20^ in. diameter 1966 A dish, of the same ware, of raetaUic lustre, with ornaments in yellow and blue : in the sunk centre, a large female portrait in Italian costume, with a banderolle and inscription " Chi beguie da sua Barcha ESEP. EIPT. Ro., &c."— presumed date about 1520 — 16-i-in. diameter 1967 A dish, of the same ware, with ornaments and leaves in metallic lustre colour, covering the entire front : in the centre on a black ground, armorial bearings ; on the back a large spread eagle, in metallic lustre colour, covering the whole surface — presumed date about 1500 — 18 in. diameter 1968 A dish, of the same ware, with sunk centre, blue ground, with yellow and green scrolls and foliage : in the centre a figiu'e of Justice, &c. ; on the back are circular blue lines, and a mark A. — presumed date 1520 — 18^ in. diameter 1969 A dish, of early ware, ornamented with metallic lustre and blue foliacfe : in the centre a shield of arms ; the back has or- naments in metallic lustre — presumed date about 1500 — 18^ in. diameter 1970 A dish, of early ware, with coloured ornaments of metallic lustre, similar to the preceding : in the centre a shield of arms in blue, on white ground, believed to be of the Concini family of Florence — presumed date 1520 174 1971 A plate, with the choice of Parir. in the sunk centre; subject de- scribed on the back — dated 1544 — 10:^ in. diameter 1972 A flat plate, with sunk centre, a nymph reclining, with Hght border, diapered with honeysuckles 1973 A plate, with figures praying for the success of their voyage, cherubs in the clouds ; the subject described at the back — lOfin, diameter 1974 A plate, with Cain and Abel ; a shield of arms on the border — lOj in. diameter 1975 A scalloped tazza, on foot, with Joseph receiving his brethren, with architectural background ; arms on the outside, and de- scription of the subject — 10 in. diameter 1976 A plate, with the wife of Amphiaraus killed by her son, in bril- liant colours, with a shield bearing a negro's head; inscribed with the subject, and signed " Fra Xanto da Rovigo Urbino, 1532"— 9| in. diameter 1977 A Dish, of early ware, white flowers, in metallic gold lustre; a shield of arms in centre, and inscription in rude characters in lines round the edge — 15 in. diameter 1978 A Tazza-shaped Dish, with Mercury and Aglaura, Neptune and Vulcan ; on the back the initials of Maestro Georgio, and date 1534 — 1 If in. diameter 1979 Another, with Picus and Circe, the subject described on the foot, Fatto in Pesaro — lOiin. diameter 1980 A BEAUTIFUL DisH, with large female portrait in yellow and other colours, on green ground ; S. A. L., and other initials at the side, and blue and white arabesque border — 20 in. dia- meter 1981 A pair of bottles, of Nevers ware, light blue, spirally fluted with dark blue flowers — 12 in. liigfli 1982 A VERY CURIOUS Dish, of early French ware, with a lady and two cavaliers, one of them playing the guitar, on orange ground, with green festoons of leaves, and border of crossed bands, brown, orange, and green — 20^ in. diameter 1983 A small dish, of early ware, with four figures in a landscape, faint colours on light blue ground — 8 in, diameter 175 1984 Another, of similar ware, with Christ and the woman of Samaria, inscribed " Da. Mi. Chi." — 7| in. diameter 1985 A plate, with shield of arms in centre, and scroll border, with acorns, orange on purple ground — 9 in. diameter 1986 A deep plate, with hands crossed in the centre, the border with minute ornaments in oval medalUons, blue and orange — 9^ in. diameter 1986a A deep dish, with a mask supporting a basket of fruit, and sur- rounded by fruits in colours; on the bottom is an interesting slight sketch of a female figure, in blue — 18 in. diameter 19866 A two-handled vase, with inscription and arabesques, on yellow ground — 7^ in. high 1986c A very fine dish of curious early ware, a lady and gentleman in the centre, surrounded by arabesques and cupids on festoons of foliage, the design slightly raised, on buff ground — 20 in. diameter l9S6d A beautiful globular two-handled vase, with masks, festoons, and trophies, in grey, on deep blue ground — 12 in. high 1986(? A fluted dish, with ornaments in metallic lustre, a shield of arms on the raised centre End of Sixieenih Day's Sale, Seventeenth Day's Sale. On SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. Fi\ENZA. 1987 A deep plate, with the combat of the Horatii and Curiatii ; a town in the background — llj in. diameter 1988 A dish, with a lady, and peasants bringing birds to her in a garden, near a chateau — 14^ in. diameter 1989 A dish, with two horsemen leaving a gateway, a spearman and a man carrying a child before them ; arabesque border of blue and white — 16 in. diameter 1990 A deep dish, of early ware, with a male portrait of the period in the centre, and border of flowers and scales — 1 5 in. diameter J991 A deep dish, with Latona and other figures, inscribed with the subject beneath — lOf in. diameter 1992 A small deep dish, with a shield in centre, inscribed S. P. Q. R., 1535; on purple ground, and white diapered border — 8j in. diameter 1993 Another, with shield of arms in centre, and arabesque border in brown, on blue ground — 8f in. diameter 1994 A plate, white ground, with two shields of arabesques and colours — 9 in. diameter 1995 A plate, deep blue, with arabesques in buff; dated 1529 — im- perfect — 8i in. diameter 2103 1845 177 1996 Another, with musical trophies, on blue ground — dated 1555 — 10^ in. diameter 1997 A tazza-shaped dish, with figures leading an aged man, in a landscape — 10| in. diaineter 1998 Another, with the death of Achilles ; inscribed with the subject beneath — 10^ in. diameter 1999 A deep plate, with two figures, three shields of arms, and a view of a tovvn ; inscribed at the back 1534, F. Athanasius, B.M. — 9:jin. diameter 2000 A plate, white, with two shields of arms and arabesques, after G. da Udine, in colours — 9 in. diameter 2001 Another, with Polyphemus and Galatea; a coat of arms above, inscribed I. A., with a dolphin — 9 in. diameter 2002 A plate, white, with two shields of arms and arabesques, in colours 2003 A tazza-shaped dish, on foot, with Artemesia burning the body of her deceased husband; the subject inscribed at the back-^ presumed date about 1540 — lOfin. diameter 2004 An early Italian dish, tazza-shaped, on foot, with Mutius Scsevola, the armour and costume of the period of the dish ; blue and red ornaments on the back — presumed date about 1530 — 10 in. diameter 2005 A plate ; Acteeon, &c. : on the back a description — presumed date about 1540 — 10|. in. diameter 2C06 A dish, tazza shape, on a foot : a female killing a man, two Cupids leaving, &c. — presumed date about 1540 — 10^ in. diameter 2007 A similar dish; Cadmus and the dragon: on the back the description — presumed date about 1540 — 9f in. ciiameter 2008 A plate: Glaucus and Scylla; description on the back, wilh yellow lines — dated 1545 — 9|in. diameter 2009 An early Italian plate, with portrait of a female in the costume of the period, border of a rich coloured escallop pattern ; the back has rude ornaments in blue, and a mark — presumed date about 1520— 10^ in. diameter 2010 A dish ; Diogenes addressing warriors, &c. : description and date, 1548, on back — Tii in. diameter 178 201 1 A dish ; the wooden horse, Troy, &c. : yellow lines and description on the back — presumed date 1545 — 12| in. diameter 2012 A similar dish ; warriors, boys, &c. : yellow lines and description at the back — presumed date about 1548 — 11-| in. diameter 2013 An early Italian dish: in the centre a portrait of a female, in a hood mantle, with inscription " Sura Fiore." The colours are ia a kind of metallic lustre and blue ground, with ornaments of foliage, &c. ; metallic lines and a mark at the back — pre- sumed date about 1520 — 13 in. diameter 2014 A plate; Pyramus and Thisbe : heraldic bearings at the top, of Hercules and lion within shield ; description on the back, with the date of 1531, and " Fra Xanto, A. Ro., T. Urbino, p." — 10 in. diameter 2015 A dish, tazza-shaped. on a foot: armed horsemen, a child trodden under foot on the ground, a female coming out of a gate, with a full coat of arms in a wreathed circle at the top ; a motto, "Nee spe nee metu," at the bottom — presumed date about 1535 — lOj in. diameter 2016 A similar dish : death of the children of Tsiobe ; description and date 1545 at the back — lOfin. diameter 2017 A similar dish: Dido and Ascaniu.-, &c. : on the back, date 1526, and "la Castel Durante" — 11 in. diameter 2018 A plate ; the metamoi'phose of Cycnus into a swan, by Neptune : description on the back — date presumed about 1540 — 10| in. diameter 2019 A similar dish ; Perseus and Andromeda, &c. : description on the back — presumed date about 1545 — 10-|-in. diameter 2020 An early Italian dish, in metallic lustre colours ; a child coming out of the trunk of a tree, females present; rude scrolls on the back, \v\\\\ date 1533 — 10^ in. diameter 2021 A dish, on a foot; a car and four white horses, Cupid, &c. : on the back some Italian verses as to the power of love, with yellow lines — presumed da^e about 1540 — 10|in. diameter 2022 An early Italian dish, in metallic lustre; Hercules, Nessus, Dojc^neira. &c. : on the back rude scroll ornaments with a mark — presumed date about 1520 — llgin. diameter 179 2023 A dish, cavaliers and females at a table in costume of the time, with music : yellow lines on the back — presumed date about 1545 — llf in, diameter 2024 An early Italian plate, of a very curious character ; Actseon and Diana, &c. in a fine Italian landscape : the subject curiously treated,vvith a prevalence of blue colour — presumed date about — 11^ in. diameter 2025 A dish, on foot ; xA polio ami Marsyas ; yellow lines at the back — presumed date about 1540 — 10 in. diameter 2026 A similar dish, of the crinkled pattern ; subject the Laocoon : on the back a description with yellow lines — presumed date about 1540 — lO^in. diameter 2027 A dish, on a foot ; the Holy Family in an interior of the time of the dish ; yellow lines on the back — presumed date about 1560 — ]0| in. diameter 2028 A similar plate, in fine colours ; the death of Alcyone : a coat of arms surmounted by a cross, with five blue balls or circles ; on the back a descri» tion, with the date 1535 and "F X" — 9| in. diameter 2029 A similar plate ; ^acus and cattle, &c. : on the back a descrip- tion and yellow lines — presumed date about 1545 — 10^ in, diameter 2030 A dish, with a sunk centre, a fortified city and bridge, &c. — date about 1540 — 10^ in. diameter 203! A similar dish ; a dragon issuing from blood, satyrs, &c. : description on the back — presumed date about 1540 — 10 in, diameter 2032 An early Italian dish, on a foot, in metallic lustre colours ; Time with his scythe, and a female fallen from a horse, of very rude execution, rough ornaments on the back, with date 1539 — 9| in, diameter 2033 A plate, with a nymph reclining, and diapered border of light colour — 10 in. diameter 2034 A similar plate ; Arethusa and Alpheus, Cupid, &c. : description at the back — presumed date about 1535 — 10|in, diameter n2 180 2035 A similar plate; Picus and Circe: description on the back, with date 1535 and mark — 10 in. diameter '2036 A Raffaelle-ware dish : a landscape^ village, and a covered carriage of the time with horses, a coat of arms at the top, yellow lines at the back — presumed date about 1550 — 15^ in. diameter 2037 An early Italian dish, light blue and white ornaments : in the centre a coat of arms in colours, dark purple border, with light blue and white arabesques, masks, &c.; on the baek purple ornaments on a light blue ground, and mark — presumed date about 1550 — 14i in. diameter 2038 An early Italian dish ; Abraham and Isaac : border of blue and white masks and arabesques, on an orange coloured ground — presumed date about 1530 — 14|-in. diameter 2039 A Ruffaelle-ware dish ; Phalaris attacked by his subjects : de- scription and yellow lines at the back — presumed date about 1545 — 15| in. diameter 2040 A Raffaelle-ware dish, with a sunk centre, a boar hunt, figures in the costume of the time ; yellow lines on the back — presumed date about 1560 — 10§ in. diameter 2041 A Raffaelle-ware dish, on a foot ; Andromeda, &c.: description at the bark — presumed date about 1540 — 9^ in. diameter 2042 A similar dish ; Apollo and Argus : rude purple scrolls and description, &c. " fato in pesaro " on the back — presumed date about 1535 — 10^ in. diameter 2043 A similar dish ; David and Goliath : on the back a description — presumed date about 1540 — 9| in. diameter 2044 A dish on a foot ; Tiberius receiving tri'oute, &c. : description on the back, on the back the mark in purple — date about 1540 — 10^ in. diameter 2045 A similar dish ; a Deity in the heavens slaying with arrows an armed host : on the right side a crest, coat of arms, and motto near the edge — presumed date about 1535 — 9 J in. diameter 2046 A dish, with a sunk centre ; Vulcan and Venus : description and yellow lines on the back — presumed date about 1535 — 7|^ in. diameter .181 2047 A dish on a foot, subject the building of a palace, workmen on scaffolding, &c. — presumed date about 1535 — lOg in. diameter 2048 A dish, with a sunk centre ; Hercules killing the dragon : descrip- tion and yellow lines at the back — presumed date about 1535 — 7i'\n. diameter 2049 A similar dish ; a full coat of arms and motto " Nee spe nee metu " in the centre, divers figures on the borders, and another coat of arms on the borders on the left side ; yellow lines at the back — presumed date about 1530 — 10:^ in. diameter 2050 A similar dish, with the same coat of arms and a tablet of musical nofes below them, the same motto in another part ; a handsome border of figures in the costume of the time with a four-horse car, &c. above ; yellow lines on the back — pre- sumed date about 1535 — 10-^ in. diameter 2051 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre in metallic lustre colours : in the centre a coat of arms of a porcupine on a shield, rude figures and landscape on the border, rude ornaments with the date 1522 and monogram on the back — 10 in. diameter 2052 A similar dish; Cupid, &c. and Acteon metamorphosed — on the back the date 1524 and monogram — lOg in. diameter 2053 A dish on a foot, of a fluted pattern ; a hawking party in costume of the time : yellow lines on the back — presumed date about 1560 — 11 in. diameter 2054 A dish : in the centre two large coats of arms and crests, figures on the border ; rude yellow and blue lines at the back — presumed date 1550 — 11-^ in. diameter 2055 A dish, on a foot; the deaih of Portia: description, with the date 1541, and monogram on the back — 10^ in. diameter 2056 A dish, river god, and metamorphose of Daphne^ &c, — presumed date about 1540 — JO^in. diameter 2057 A similar dish, on a foot ; a boar hunt — presumed date about 1545 — 10^ in. diameter 2058 An Italian ware dish, the colours of which are singular ; Polyphe- mus and Galatea : on the back yellow lines, w ith the date 1564, and '' + a padon" — 10|in. diameter 182. 2059 A plate ; the metamorphosis of Echo into a rock : description at the back — presumed date about 1535 — lOj in. diameter 2060 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre ; a boy flying a bird : border of purple ground, with drab coloured trophies and in- scription — date about 1550 — 9| in. diameter 2061 An early Italian dish; Cupid riding a goose in the centre : border of rich arabesques, masks, trophies, &c., and S, P. Q. R. ; on the back rude blue ornaments — presumed date about 1520 — 8^ in. diameter 2062 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre; Cupid playing on a pipe in the centre, encircled by a rich border, diaper d round ; the outer border of orange colour, with richly coloured ornaments of birds and devices — presumed date about 1535 — 7|- in. diameter 2063 A dish, of a fine character : Mars and Venus in the centre, sur- rounded by bold arabesques and camei ; yellow lines on the back — presumed date about 1550 — 19^^ in. diameter 2064 A similar dish : boss, in the centre Venus and Cupid, in blue grisaille, rows of arabesques and cameo medallions; on the back a medallion of a horse and its rider, with ornamental borders— presumed date about 1550 — 16 in. diameter 2065 A dish: Curtius on horseback, with other figures; a city in the background ; yellow lines on the back — date about 1540 — 12^ in. diameter 2066 An early Italian Plate, blue ground, with yellow scrolls em- bossed in relief, and oak leaves and acorns : in the centre a small circular medallion of a classical male bust, within a green wreath — presumed datp about 1520 — 9| in, diameter. A rare specimen 2067 A RafFaelle-ware dish ; Neptune in a car in the heavens : yellow lines at the back — presumed date about 1540 — 12^ in. diameter 2068 An early Italian dish, with a sunk centre : the outer border of a purple colour, with light blue, &c. ornaments ; a cupid on the yellow ground in the centre, within a coloured border ; the back of a light blue ground, with purple lines and mark — date about 1 520 — 9^ in. diameter 183 2069 An early Italian Plate, of a species of stone ware, wiih a border of curiously coloured foliage and spotted ground ; in the centre two hearts, &c. pierced with arrows, within a coloured wreath, and the motto '' En Piu " — presumed date aliout 1500 — 1 1| in. ch'atneter, A rare and curious specimen 2070 An early Italiyn plate, of the Pesaro fabric: in the centre St. Bartholomew; the border of a rich orange ground, with coloured arabesque ornaments ; the back ornamented with the scale pattern, and having I P in the centre — date about 152U — 104 in. diameter WARE OF THE FABRIC OF BERNARD PALISSY. 2071 An oval dish, on a foot; Abraham and Isaac, &c. : with a rich border — 12iin. by 10^ in. 2072 A circular dish, on a foot : Perseus, Andromeda, &c. — 10 in. diameter 2073 A circular dish, perforated with masks, &c. — 8^ in. diameter 2074 An oval dish, on a foot, with a rich border : a king on his throne, with females, &c. — 9i in. by 7-^ in. 2075 An oval dish, on a foot, having five hollow pools, with ornamented borders, and figures of cupids in relief — 13 in. by J Of in. 2076 A Circular Dish, on a foot : a lizard in the centre, and a very rich border — 12:^ in. diameter. A very fine specimen '2Q77 An oval dish on a foot, with a rich border : Pomona in a garden, with buildings — 13 in. by lOiin. 2078 A benitier, of a species of ware somewhat similar to Delft, with coloured figures of the dead Christ and the Virgin, in relief, and other ornaments — dated 1620 — 14^ in. high, 9 in. wide FAENZA — contijiued. 2079 A vase, of Raffaelle ware, with handle, and dragon's head spout, intended for pharmacy, with rude ornaments and heads of old men — presumed date 1540 — 9^ in. high, 9| in. wide 184 2080 A jar, for pharmacy, with i inscription as to its contents, variously coloured ornaments, and heraldic device of geese at the bottom, dated 1580 — 8 in. high, 4|-in. diameter 2081 A salt cellar, of Ratlaelle ware, of triangular form, on dolphin's head and f^^et, painted with rich ornaments of cupids and negroes' heads — dated 1532 — 2| in. high, 6 in. long 2082 A large bottle, of Raffaelle ware, intended for pharmacy, having * an inscription of its contents, embellished in various colours with the subject of an old man kissing a young female — pre- sumed date about 1540 — 17^ in. high, 8-i- in. diameter 2083 A similar bottle, of the same ware, having a subject of an old man in rich costume ; the pendant to the preceding — 184 in. high, 9-^ in. diameter 2084 A plate, with Cupid supporting a shield bearing the Imperial double eagle, the border purple, with arabesques in white — 9^ in. diameter 2085 A TAZZA-SHAPED DiSH, deep blue, with ten cupids supporting banners, a vase between them, and arabesques above, of very vivid colours — dated 1520 — iO in. diameter 2086 A DKEP Plate, with Christ rising from the tomb in the centre, arabesque border on deep blue ground of very rich colours — 71 in. diameter 2087 A CURIOUS Jug, with spout formed of a lion rampant, holding a shield, inscribed I. H., 1576, the surface covered with trophies in light brown and yellow — 8 in. high 20&8 A BEAUTIFUL TWO-HANDLED Vase, deep blue, with arabesques and trophies in pale brown and white — 12^ in. high 2089 A PILGRIM-SHAPED BoTTLE, with blue and white flowers and arabesques, and two shields, with lions rampant holding roses — 121 in. high 2090 A jug, with lip, white, with flower ornaments in blue and yellow —7* in. high 2001 An ELEGANT JuG, with triple lip, and snake handle, white ground, with arabesques in colours — 7 in. high 2092 A Pilgrfm's Bottle, with handles ornamented with embossed and coloured arabesques, medallions and masks; a device of a 185 flame, with the motto " A relet oeternum" — presumed date about 1550 — 13gin. high, 10 in. wide 2093 A Pilgrim's Bottle, with embossed ornaments highly coloured, and masks at the side, with subjects of classical deities— pre- sumed date about 1540 — 14.j in. high, 11^ in, wide 2094 A pair of circular two-handled vases, with covers, ornamented with snakes and masks and various coloured trophies, and a subject of Galatea ; they were intended for pharmacy, having an inscription of their to itents — presumed date about 1570 — Sgin. high, 8i in. diameter 2095 A vase, with spout and liandie, intended for pharmacy, with inscription of its contents, ornamented with trophies in various colours on blue ground, Galatea on the handle, on yellow ground — dated 1577 — 8 in. high, 6^ in. diameter 2090 A similar vase 2097 A pilgrim's bottle, with ornaments of various colours, shields of arms at the sides— dated 1573 — 12^ in. high 2098 A Pilgrim's Bottle, with covered top, embossed snake handles, with subjects of Perseus and Anfiromeda, and a shield of arms — presumed date about 1545 — 14 in. high, by 8 in. wide 2099 A pilgrim's bottle, similar in form and ornaments to the pre- ceding, with Silenus and bacchanal boys, and vintage scenes — presumed date about 1540 — 14 in. high, 12 in. wide 2100 A FLAT-SIDED PILGRIM'S BOTTLE, with cover, with snake handle, embellished with arabesque ornaments, camei, and subjects of Hercules and the centaur, and an equestrian combat — presumed date about 1540 — 125in. high, 11 in. wide. (See illustration) 2101 A Pair of beautiful Vases, with lions' heads and mask handles, and old or-moulu mounts ; they are brilliantly painted with subjects of Neptune and Galatea — presumed date about 1540 — 12^ in. high, 7^ in. diameter 2102 A VASE, OF THE LATER RAFFAELLE WARE, of curious but elegant form : the top much embossed and or- namented, the vase decorated with snakes, dolphins' heads, and arabesques, in colours — dated 1630 — 13i in. high, 6^ in. wide 186 2103 A SPLENDID Vase, with elegant handle, ornamented with a sphynx and masks, and painted in bright colours with the brazen serpent, &c. — presumed date about 1550 — 15 in. high, 5Jin. diameter 2104 A BEAUTIFUL Vase, the handle and lip of elegant design, painted in vivid colours with the subject of a metamorphosis — presumed date about 1535 — -ll-i-in. high, Gin. diameter 2105 A Dish, with Danae and Perseus embarking in a boat, brilliant colours — 16 in. diameter 2106 A FINE Dish, with Pan playing on the pipes, two figures kneeling bearing shields, with beautiful border of arabesques after G. da Udine — it has been mended — 16^ in. diameter 2107 A deep plate, with a trophy and arabesques, in light blue and white, on purple ground — 9^ in. diameter 2108 A plate, with a figure of Fortitude, on orange ground, and flowered border, in scale compartments — 8^ in. diameter 2109 A VERY CURIOUS Plate: in the centre is Cupid in a chariot, the border, with children on a dolphin's head, scrolls, and sea- ports, the figures raised, in orange colour on blue ground — 1 1 in. diameter 2110 A deep plate, with a mask, arabesques, and cornucopise, in rich colours, on metallic lastre ground — 11 in. diameter 2111 A VERY curious Dish, of early ware, probably French, with cupids climbing a tree and riding on griffins, and border of foliage ; a large stag, and female medallion, and other or- naments on the bottom : the design indented and coloured brown and green — 15^ in. diameter DELFT, &c. 2112 A globular jug, with flowers in blue, and openwork neck — 6 in. high 2113 A chalice and cover, on stem, with two shields of arms, and ara- besque borders — 12 in. high 187 2J14 A curious lUsh, with a female shooting arrows at St. Sebastian; a chalice, and two hearts between them, blue and white — 16 in. high 2115 A green glazed flagon, mounted, with lid and bands of metal gilt— 81 in. 2116 Another, nearly similar 2117 A Globular Teapot, and Covkr, of black Bottclier warej mounted, with engraved rims, and surmounted by a cock of silver 2118 A curious flat Globular Bottle, of early French ware, with cupids and vines, white, on blue ground, a seated cupid, in relief, seen through the open centre, the neck pierced — 12^ in. high 2119 An early Dish, of an oval form, embossed in relief, with hollow ovals, figure of a recumbent Venus, with naked boys ; in front the arms of Westminster, &c., and I. C. E., and date of 1659 — oval, 18j in. by 15-^ in. A rare specimen 2120 An early English dish, of coarse ware: a whole-length of Charles 11. crowned, and with sceptre in his hand, under an arch, pillars, &c., and dated 1668 — J3 in. diameter Rnd of Seventeenth Day's Sale Eighteenth Day's Sale. On MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. ARMOUR. SWORDS AND DAGGERS. 2121 Two swords, with brass pommels, one with swept hilt, the other with pierced shell gviard 2122 A long straight sword, with beaded hilt and cup guard ; the broad blade is engraved " Gio. Knegt in Solingen" 2123 A long rapier, with cup guard, the blade waved and engraved " Andrie Brabendei in Solingen" 2124 Two daggers, with convex plate guards, one having a hollow for the thumb 2125 Two coutels, with ornamented pommels, the guard of one chased with a medallion, and Andrea Ferrara blade 2126 Two long straight swords, with barred guards, the blade of one engraved " Valentin me fecit" 2127 Two others, one with embossed basket hilt, the other with a shell guard 2128 A powerful sword, with perforated shell guard; and a plain rapier, with cup guard and Solingen blade 2129 A very long narrow pointed rapier, with fluted pommel, the circular shell guard flat and large, and straight cross guard and fluted ebony grip 2451 189 2130 Another, with fluted pommel, gilt, the round cup guard flat and perforated, and straight cross guard 2131 A large sword, with ridged blade and square pommel, and a plain shell guard — 1490 2132 Another, cross hilled, with pear-shaped pommel, the broad blade is engraved " No mi salves sin rason — No mi embaines sin honor" 2133 A large sword, the hilt of Maltese-cross shape, upon the blade is engraved the Crucifixion and hunting subjects^ and a long inscription — 1560 2134 A large sword, with very broad blade, the cross guard curved downwards, and ribbed steel pommel ; the blade has had an inscription — about 1480 to 1500 2135 A two-handed sword, with scalloped pommel and twisted hilt; the blade is scrolled near the guard 2136 Another, very fine, with scrolled cross guard, engraved with heads, the pommel hexagonal and embossed; the original velvet grip, and part of the scabbard 2137 Another, with large cross guard hilt, of openwork, and engraved with heads of animals; the blade has the date 1573, and a later inscription on the pommel 2138 A large and powerful sword, with straight cross guard, and beaded ring under the wooden grip, covered with the original leather, with cut steel pommel ; the broad blade is engraved —1480 2139 A long practising sword, with straight cross guard and plain pommel; the blade has the maker's marks upon it — 1500 2140 A two-handed sword, with waved blade, engraved scroll cross guard, and octagonal pommel ; on the blade is engraved "Stantlep"— about 1560 2141 Another, with plain cross guard and pommels — about 1560 2142 Another, with straight blade and cross guard, and chased pommel, with the original leather to the grip, steel straps and nails — 1490 2143 A Spanish rapier, the cup and guard perforated, and steel pom- mels ; and a dagger, with double curved hilt and fluted shell 190 2144 A fine Spanish rapier, with pierced cup, chased with birds, and » swept hilt ; the pommel is chased with birds 2145 A powerful long sword, with swept hilt and steel pommel 2146 A fine long rapier, with swept hilt and pommel, on the blade is engraved, in an oval, '' Castione;'' and a dagger, with pierced shell, and the figure of an animal 2147 A long sword, with swept hilt and fluted pommel; and a dagger, with cross guard hilt, and ring for the thumb 2148 Another, with an engraved shell hilt, twisted and ornamented, with inscription, and armoury marks on the blade 2149 A powerful thrusting sword, with spear-shaped point, curved and engraved cross guard, and fluted pommel 2150 A long sword, with swept basket hilt, engraved in six divisions, and pierced steel pommel ; the blade is inscribed 2151 A long rapier, with five-barred swept hilt, and shell guard and large oval pommel, on the blade are tlie letters I.H.S. re- peated ; and a dagger, with carved cross guard and thumb ring 2152 Another, with pierced cup, with swept hilt and cross guard, and embossed pommel, the blade inscribed ; and a dagger, with pierced shell guard chased with scrolls 2153 Another, the cup pierced and chased in eight compartments, chased swept Jiilt and pommel, the blade is inscribed ; and a dagger, with cross guard hilt and thumb ring 2154 Another, with five-barred swept hilt, pierced shell, embossed with lions' heads, the pommel cut in zig-zag 2155 Another, very long, the cup pierced and chased Avith birds, and with a hook for the girdle, carved cross guard and fluted pommel 2156 Another, with si\-barred swept hilt, and shell embossed with masks 2157 A sword, with swept hilt straight cross guard and flattened pommel, embossed with silver and partly gilt. A fine specimen 191 DAGGERS. 2158 A dagger, with bronze handle formed as a terminal figure of a boy 2159 One, with broad blade, the cross guard chased with masks, the metal openwork sheath chased with the subject of the death of Virginia ; it has places for a knife and fork 2160 Another, the blade partly gilt, the handle of ivory, carved with Venus and Cupid 2161 Another, the hilt and steel mountings to the sheath chased with arabesques and gilt 2162 Another, with the death of Virginia engraved in the sheath, which contains a knife and "ork — date 1563 2163 One, with engraved ivory handle f^ud silver-mounted sheath 2164 A curious hunting knife, with a smaller in the sheath ; and a dagger, with engraved blade 2165 A dagger, with pierced blade ; and a knife, with carved handle 2166 A daofcyer, with curious engraved blade, and ivory handle carved with a female figure 2167 Two rapier daggers, one of them with a pierced blade 2168 Another, the steei hilt chased with a coat of arms and trophies, the blade pierced 2169 A dagger, with steel chased hilt, the four-edged blade pierced 21/0 Two, with four-edged blades HALBERDS, &c. 2171 A halberd, with very long blade, pierced and engraved, with a circle of six steel heads at the socket 2172 Two glaives, the blades pierced and engraved with coats of arms, one inscribed with the date 1578 2173 A glaive, with three hooks at the back of the blade, which has been engraved ; and a pole-axe 2174 A halberd, with pierced blade engraved all over, with spike ends ; and a powerful partisan, engraved and inlaid with gold 2175 A pair of halberds, with long pike ends, engraved with the arms of Saxony and the date 1604 192 2176 Two halberds, witli pierced blades ornamented with brass chasings of Judith and other subjects; they have had circlets of heads, the staff of one is curiously ornamented 2177 A bill, with "W. Hood " stamped on the blade; and a glaive, enoraved with armorial bt'arings, and inscribed " xMargarita Duchessa d' Austria " 2178 A partisan; and a bill, with engraved blade 2179 A halberd, with double blade ; and one, with pierced and chased blade , 2180 A large glaive, engraved with figures and a coat of arms, and inscribed " Comunitas Rumani ; " and a large halberd, engraved with arms 2181 A bridle cutter : this curious specimen has a perforated blade, and engraved with knights on horseback, and the date 1582 2182 A linstock, the steel part chased and terminating in a snake 2183 Another, with spear at the end, ornamented with masks; and a matchlock rest 2184 A matchlock rest, the steel part pierced and chased, the stock inlaid with mother-o' -pearl and ivory 2185 A small halberd, with chased blade, with a coat of arms supported by two eagles ; and on the other side, " F. Ill " 2186 A staff, containing a three-bladed spear, to be thrown out with a jerk 2187 Two battle-axes 2188 A plain battle-axe; and a horseman's hammer, with engraved head 2189 A horseman's hammer, with spikes, the blade inlaid with gold ; and one other HORSE TRAPPINGS, AND RIDING EQUIPMENTS. 2190 A pair of steel stirrups, with barred toes ; and a curious spike spur 2191 A pair of gilt stirrups, the sides boldly chased with figures in Italian taste 193 2192 A pair of brass stirrups, chased with mythological figures and lions' masks 2193 A pair of steel shoe stirrups, of openwork, ornamented with fleur- de-lys 2194 A pair of curious iron stirrups, of openwork, which have been gilt 2195 An iron stirrup, covered with small silver studs ; and a spur, with very long spikes 219G Two spurs, nearly similar, with very large rowels working between scrolls, the bands of openwork, and engraved 2197 A pair of spurs, with open rowels, embossed with silver 2198 Two spurs, of different patterns, embossed with flowers, in silver 2199 A pair of spurs, with blunt rowels, embossed with masks, &c., in silver 2200 Another pair, with small rowels, the shafts of openwork, partly gilt 2201 Another pair, partly gilt ; and a single one, enamelled in colours — broken 2202 Another pair, embossed with figures in silver, partly gilt 2203 Another pair, with very large spiked rowels, and the original steel chains 2204 Another pair, embossed with figures and masks in silver, with openwork rowels 2205 A plain steel pair, with large star-shaped rowels 2206 A large spur, with spiked rowel ; and one other 2207 A pair of small spurs, embossed with silver; and two others; one with inscription 2208 A pair, engraved all over with foliage, and partly gilt 2209 A pair, of steel openwork, with spike rowels 2210 A very large bit, chased with animals in openwork, and sur- mounted by crowns 2211 Another, of curious form, with openwork sides 2212 A large and fine chanfron, fluted 2213 A piece, for a horse's nose, of openwork steel, with lions and spread eagles o 194 GUNS. 2214 A wheel-lock rifle : the stock with case for charges, is inlaid with steel, with animals, and in the front two portraits and other subjects ; the lock is embossed and chased in high relief 2215 A wheel-lock pea rifle, inlaid with animals in mother-o'- pearl and ivory, with the case for charges ; the barrel and lock are of blue steel, engraved and giU — about 1570 2216 A wheel-lock rifle, the stock inlaid with scrolls in steel, and with case for charges ; the lock is engraved with the figure of a female; on the barrel is "Hans Ruhr Coburgk, 1648'** 2217 Another, shorter, the stock inlaid with ivory, with sportsmen and animals, and with case for charges, and a German inscription and date 1585; on the butt is an animal carved in ivory; the lock engraved with hunting subjects 2218 Another, the stock carved and mounted with engraved metal, has the case for charges ; the lock chased with combats, and has the name Christophe Jos. Frey, in Minchen — about 1690 2219 A beautiful French fowling piece, for the left hand: the barrel of blued steel, gilt and ornamented ; the lock and steel mount- ings are chased and partly gilt; on the stock, near the breach, are a ducal coronet and shield of arms — temp. Louis XVI. PISTOLS. 2220 A pair of wheel-lock pistols, 2 ft. 3 in. long, the butts and stocks are ornamentally carved, the locks embossed with silver orna- ments and partly gilt, the barrels are partly gilt and embossed with silver — about 1600 2221 A wheel-lock pistol, with stop, 2 ft. 6 in. long, the stock inlaid with mother-o' -pearl and ivory, the barrel partly fluted 2222 A pair of wheel-lock pistols, of powerful make, the barrels fluted, the stocks inlaid with ivory, and engraved with the arms of Saxony, with pear-shaped butts — the date on the barrels is 1610 195 2223 Another pair, with globose butts, with chasings of St. George and the Dragon differently treated, the stocks have engraved silver mountings, and are carved ; the barrel of one is fluted, and bears the date 1588 2224 Another pair, inlaid with i.'ory, with catches to fasten to the girdle — the barrels have the date 1577 2225 A long wheel-lock pistol, the barrel partly engraved, and with the date 1567 ; the stock inlaid with ivory 2226 Another, the stock inlaid with ivory, carved in relief with a male figure in rich costume, the butt has a carved ivory head, the barrel is engraved, and the lock of blued steel ; the pistol has a catch for the girdle — 1554 POWDER FLASKS, &c. 2227 A small brass powder flask, of curious pattern, enamelled in colours 2228 Another, small circle, chased with a bust of Lucretia, and a combat 2229 Another, circular, with a chasing in silver of Fame, seated, in a scroll ornament 2230 Another, circular, ornamented in colours 2231 One, of tortoiseshell, silver mounted; and one, with a chasing of a Lapitha and Centaur 2232 One, circular, of ivory, carved with a group of animals 2233 One, of wood inlaid with ivory, and engraved with a musketeer ; the mounting engraved 2234 A metal carfouch box, with a beautiful chasing of the Judgment of Paris, curiously treated, and engraved with scrollwork — gilt 2235 An ornamental powder flask, of ivory, carved with animals and birds 2236 One, of ivory, beautifully carved with foliage, and with subjects in medallions 2237 Another, of metal, to attach to the belt, chased with arabesque ornaments and gilt o2 196 2238 Another, very elaborately chased with hunting subjects, and engraved and gilt, with case for balls, and catch for the girdle 2239 One, of wood, inlaid with engraved ivory; the steel work en- graved 2240 A German wand, inlaid with engraved ivory, and surmounted by a figure carved in ivory 2241 Another, flat, inlaid with ivory, and engraved with birds and animals 2242 Another, engraved with figures, and inscribed Fraw Magdalena Hildebrandin, 1626 2243 Another, square, engraved with figures and animals GAUNTLETS, &c. 2244 A pair of gauntlets, the wrists and fingers engraved and parlly gilt — imperfect 2245 Another pair, chased and partly gilt, the fingers divided into two parts only, with a fluted ridge across the knuckles 2246 A SUPERB PAIR OF SMALLER GAUNTLETS, very richly engraved and gilt, the wrists embroidered with figures of fine work 2247 A PAIR OF GAUNTLETS, FOR A YOUTH, chased with figures in armour, and trophies, and partly gilt, the fingers of the left hand of chain 2248 A PAIR OF SMALL GAUNTLETS, CHASED ALL OVER with guns and other weapons, and partly gilt, the bottom of the wrists are encircled with studs, and with the original lining embroidered with silver 2249 A fine single right gauntlet, of plain steel fluted, the plates of the fingers and hand with serrated edges 2250 A gorget, beautifully embossed with trophies and birds in silver 2251 An elbow piece, chased and gilt; and 4 other pieces 2252 A breastplate of scale armour ; and a piece of chain mail 2253 A coat, of chain mail, with small plates attached 197 STAINED GLASS. 2254 A small panel, with Esther and Ahasuerus in Indian ink — lOfin. by /^in. 2255 An upright window, formed of three escutcheons of arms, and figures of a king and Death — dated from 1576 to 1594 5 ft. 6 in. high by 1 ft. wide 2256 The companion window, composed of emblazoned arms— dated from 1533 to I574— 5 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 2257 A panel, with two subjects of figures, and a procession in the centre— dated 1600— oblong, 3 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft. IJin. 2258 A panel, composed of the royal arms of Spain, richly emblazoned — oblong, 36 in. by 22 g in. 2259 A standard bearer of Nuremberg — dated 1538 — 10^ in. by 6 in. 2260 Two German cavaliers— 1594— 13^ in. by 9| in. 2261 The Adoration of the Magi, in three compartments — each 43 in. by 24 in. 2262 Christ's Charge to St. Peter — 58^ in. by 24 in. 2263 St. Peter preaching — 58^ in. by 24 in. 2264 The Crucifixion of St. Peter— 58^ in. by 24 in. 2265 A WINDOW, IN TWO COMPARTMENTS, with the Duke and Duchess DArchout, kneeling in prayer, in a church: the Duke is in the robes and collar of the Golden Fleece ; two dogs at their feet, Gothic canopies above, and their shields of arms beneath — 93 in. by 39 in. From the Cathedral of Archont, and Histoire de la Maison de Croye. 4to 2266 A pair of narrow windows, each with five coats of arms of the house of Croye — 93 in. by 13 in. each 2267 A panel, with a knight and lady, interior; and a landscape with a horseman, in a scroll border — dated 1562 — 23 in. by 18^ in. 2268 Another, with numerous German shields of arms and inscriptions, in a circle — 23 in." by 19| in. 2269 Another, with a man on a camel, and German arms round — 1572— 23 in. by 19iin. 2270 Another, with a knight in armour, and small subjects in iriedal- lions round. Signed H. B., Basle, 1579— 23 in. by 19-^ in. 198 2271 Another, with shields of arms, with figures and scroll border. Signed Nuremberg, 1618— 23 in. by 18^ in. 2272 A pair of panels, with shields surmounted by coronets, on diapered ground — 24^ in. by 19i in. 2273 One, with saints, and a shield of arms — 23 in. by 18^ in. 2274 One, with cavaliers feasting — 23 in. by 18^ in. 2275 One, with cavaliers and ladies — 23 in. by 18^ in. Ejid of Eighteenth Day's Sale. 26 98 2420 Nineteenth Days Sale. On TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. ARMOUR. SWORDS AND DAGGERS. 2276 A long sword, with cross guard and double ring, twisted, the blade engraved 2277 A pair of rapiers, nearly similar, with cup bilts, fluted and pierced, with cross guards : the blades are engraved with initials 2278 Two rapiers, with cup hilts, pierced and chased, cross guards ; one of the blades is triangular 2279 A very long rapier, with knotted hilt and cross guard, orna- mented pommel ; the blade is engraved with a castle, in an oval, and inscribed " Frederic" 2280 A small fighting sword, with cross guard, and pierced and beaded shell, the pommel of ivory, is crutch shaped, and carved with a female figure, in ancient costume, and with cherubim at the sides — 1545 2281 Another, left handed, with cross guard and fluted shell, pierced chequered pommel; on the blade is engraved, Caspar Mai r Hofer. 2282 A small s\\ ord, of sabre shape, with pierced cross guard, the pommel and grip of perforated steel ; the blade is eiTgraved with the figure of a musketeer 200 2283 A long rapier, the cup hilt chased with tiophies and flowers, straight cross guard, and chased pommel and triangular blade 2284 Another, the cup hilt pierced and chased with scrolls, with cross guard and swept hilt, the pommel pierced and chased 2285 Another, with deep cup hilt, cut in interlacing rings, and plain pommel 2286 Another, with pierced cup hilt, in eight compartments, with flowers 2287 Two others, with triangular blades and pierced cup hilts, and chased and plain pommels 2288 Another, with pierced cup, with birds and scrolls, and turned edge, and chased pommel ; the blade inscribed 2289 Another, the cup hilt and pommel chased with heads and flowers, and inscribed blade 2290 Two, with pierced cup hilts, one pommel fluted, the other chased 2291 Another, the cup hilt pierced and chased with birds, and fluted pommel; the blade is inscribed I. H. N, Solingen 2292 Another, the cup hilt chased with scrolls and birds, and four me- dallions, with figures and chased pommel 2293 Another, with cup hilt, fluted and engraved with flowers, and fluted pommel 2294 A long powerful sword, with pierced cup, chased with flowers, straight cross guard and chased pommel 2*295 Two long rapiers, with barred swept hilts and cross guards 2296 Another, with fluted pommel, the hilt chased with trophies, and shell guard embossed with heads 2297 A powerful fighting sword, with twisted pommel ; and another, with curved hilt and thumb ring 2298 A long rapier, with triangular blade, and five barred hilt ; and one shorter, with engraved pommel and cross guard, and inscribed blade 2299 Another, with swept hilt and perforated shell ; on the blade is engraved the figures of Justitia and Fortuna, and Latin mottoes 2300 A small fighting sword, with Andrea Ferrara blade and open basket hilt 201 2301 A rapier, with basket hilt pierced shell, embossed with heads, and chased pommel; on the blade is the date 1591 2302 A powerful sword, with broad blade, two-barred swept hilt, and fluted pommel; and another, with six-barred hilt 2303 Another, with fluted pommel, and fluted shell hilt and cross guard ; the blade is inscribed 2304 A long rapier, with swept hilt and pommel chased with shell ornament 2305 A large fighting sword, with broad blade tapering to a point, the grip covered with old velvet and cording, with heavy pommel ; the blade is engraved with trophies, &c. 2306 An early sword, with circular steel pommel, and cross guard turning down. This sword was dug up in France 2307 A sword, with broad blade, in the original leather sheath, with steel mountings and steel cross guard and grip, which have been ornamented with silver — of curious form 2308 A small fighting sword, the pommel ana ends of the guard, of open melon shape, have been inlaid with silver 2309 A curioiis sabre, or executioner's sword, with very broad blade, the cross guard with reptiles' heads, the steel grip is notched for the fingers, and elaborately engraved and partly gilt ; the blade has an inscription, and is partly gilt 2310 A curious early sword, in the original scabbard, with steel mounts, with broad blade engraved with flowers ; the boxwood handle is carved with animals, and has an inscription 231 1 A Spanish rapier, with pierced cup, chased with figures, and chased pommel, the blade is four-edged ; and a dagger, with pierced and chased grip and shell guard; the blade is serrated, and has a hollow for the thumb 2312 A dress sword, with flat shell guard pommel, and hilt of russet steel embossed with figures in silver; the triangular blade is inscribed " Thomas Avala " 2313 Another, with pierced blade, the brass hilt and shell pierced and chased with flowers ; the blade is engraved " Clemens Routzon " 202 DAGGERS. 2314 A rapier dagger, the cross, pommel, and mountings of the sheatli embossed with silver; and one, with chased pommel and guard 2315 A dagger, with powerful four-edged blade, and steel pommel and guard 2316 One, with waved blade; and one, with shell and cross guard 2317 One, with carved handle ; and one, with four-edged blade, pierced 2318 Two, with pierced blades, one with carved ivory handle 2319 One, with four-edged blade, the cross guard, thumb ring, and metal sheath, inlaid with figures and arabesques in silver and gold 2320 One, the blade engraved with animals, birds, and foliage 2321 Two, with chased metal hilts 2322 One, with pierced blade and ivory handle ; and one, with tortoise- shell and mother-o'-pearl handle, and engraved blade 2323 A very curious short sword, with four revolving pistol barrels, with two flint locks, in a sheath 2324 A CURIOUS DAGGER, forming a pair of compasses, with scales on the blade, and inscribed "Stein — Zool — Blei — Eisen," the handle inlaid with gold MACES, &c. 2325 A mace, the head formed of seven upright projecting plates, the shaft of chased steel 2326 Another, with spear shaped head, studded with silver, the long steel shaft inlaid with silver, in scrolls 2327 Another, with plain steel shaft, the head formed of eight circular projecting plates, pierced 2328 Another with ribbed steel shaft, the head eight upright projecting plates, plain 2329 Another, part of the steel shaft spirally fluted, the head eight semicircular plates, pierced 2330 Another, with cut 'steel shaft, the head eight ornamented plates, with spikes 2331 Another, of russet steel, the head seven triangular plates, pierced, with small rings attached 203 2332 Another, with short steel shaft, and seven angular plates to the head, engraved with foliage 2333 A horseman's hammer, with openwork nob, and long spike engraved with arms, the shaft of wood 2334 A battle-axe, with steel shaft, engraved with a harp, and containing a small knife and saw ; the blade is engraved with an eagle and a pelican, and has a catch for the girdle, and a spike at the back 2335 Another, with twisted steel shaft, and pierced blade GUNS. 2336 A wheel-lock gun, 5 ft. 4. in. long, the stock with case for charges inlaid with ivory, engraved with subjects, and on the butt are engraved figures ; the barrel engraved with figures, and inlaid with silver and gold — the lock is engraved; about 1580 2337 Another, the barrel and lock chased with masks and flowers, and ornamented with silver and gold ; the stock inlaid with ivory, engraved with figures in the costume of the time, hunting; in the butt is a silver medal, with a bishop, and inscribed " Sanctus Rudbertus Epis. Salisb. 1623 '' 2338 A matchlock rifle, the stock enlaid with figures in the costume of the time, and animals, in iv^ory 2339 A wheel-lock pea rifle, with case for charges ; the butt is singularly curved, the barrel and lock are engraved, the stock is inlaid with ivory and pearl in figures ; on the butt are engraved some armorial bearings 2340 Another, with case for charges, the stock inlaid with mother-o'- pearl and ivory ; the barrel and lock are of blue steel, engraved and gilt PISTOLS. 2341 A double-barrel wheel-lock pistol, with globose butt inlaid with ivory, engraved with animals; on the butt is an equestrian figure — about 1554 2342 A wheel-lock pistol, with globose butt inlaid with flowers in ivory — about 1550 204 2343 A single-barrel pistol, with double wheel-lock, the stock and butt inlaid with fig'ures in costume in ivory, the lock partly engraved — about 1560 2344 A wheel-lock pistol, inlaid with ivory, engraved with figures, the lock is partly engraved — about 1554 2345 Another, with a catch for the girdle, inlaid with animals in ivory, the lock engraved — about 1570 2346 Another, with globose butt, inlaid with ivory — about 1550 2347 A double-barrel wheel-lock pistol, the stock of steel, the lock en- graved 2348 A wheel-lock pistol, with a catch for the girdle, inlaid with figures and animals in ivory — about 1554 POWDER FLASKS, &c. 2349 One, of ebony, with the arms of Saxony engraved on ivory, the steel work engraved 2350 One, of ivory, mounted with metal, and elaborately carved with animals and dogs 2351 A metal bullet box, chased with hunting subjects 2352 A powder flask, circular, of boxwood, boldly carved with figures hunting a lion ; a rose on the other side 2353 One, circular, of wood, inlaid with ivory, and mounted with metal, chased with masks 2354 ANOTHER, VERY FINE, of ivory, beautifully carved in high relief, with figures hunting wild animals 2355 A cartouch box, of steel, with chasings of equestrian figures 2356 Another, of wood and engraved ivory, steel mounted 2357 A powder flask, of wood, inlaid with ivory ; and one, of metal, with gun pick attached 2358 A curious one, of leather, embossed with figures dancing, and catch for the girdle 2359 One, of wood, inlaid with engraved ivory, and mounted with metal gilt 205 2360 A STEEL CARTOUCH BOX, chased with the letter H on a shield supported by lions, and the date 1580; the sun and moon on the lid 2361 ANOTHER, chased with equestrian figures and lions' masks HALBERDS, &c. 2362 A halberd, the blade of fleur-de-lys shape, engraved with a coat of arms on each side, and F. L. C, U. M-, and with figures and arabesques 2363 A tall partisan, engraved on each side with equestian figures and trophies, and Latin and German inscriptions 2364 A spetum, or ranseur, its blade engraved with scrolls and arms 2365 A partisan, with the arms of Saxony on one side, and on the other, F. A. 2366 A halberd, engraved with legendary subjects 2367 A partisan, the blade partly gilt, and engraved with the Cruci- fixion and other subjects ; the staff is carved 2368 A curious spear, with very long blade; and a small halberd, with ornamented blade 2369 A VERY TALL PARTISAN, the blade engraved with Muses at Mount Helicon, and other mythological subjects ; the socket is engraved with coats of arras 2370 A partisan, the blade formed as the spread-eagle crowned 2371 A long steel fork, with a wheel-lock pistol, the stock inlaid with ivory 2372 A Partisan, with gilt Blade, engraved on both sides with figures, a crown, and the arms of the Medici, and inscribed Jacopo Rossi disegnio, 1680 2373 A hunting spear, the blade ornamented with brass ; and a boar spear, the socket inlaid with silver 2374 A linstock, with pierced and engraved spear head, a circle of six heads in steel round the socket ; the ends for holding the match are formed as grotesque heads 2375 A glaive, engraved with a crown and armorial bearings, and the date 1620; and a halberd, with engraved blade, and the date 1596 206 2376 A halberd, with crescent blade, engraved and pierced, with a circle of steel heads at the bottom of the spear 2377 A spetum, and a military fork, inscribed 2378 A halberd, engraved with a figure in the costume of the time, playing a drum. (^See illustration) 2379 A very long and large ranseur; and a halberd, with pierced and engraved blade, and a circle of steel heads at the socket 2379* A halberd, engraved with figures WARDERS' HORNS, &c. 2380 A curious brass horn, with sliding tubes ; and an early wooden flute 2381 A whip, with leather thong, in the handle is a flint-lock pistol 2382 A curious steel mask 2383 A torture collar, witii spikes; and a pair of handcuffs 2384 A pair of curious steel hands, one with springs in the fingers 2385 A metal warder's horn, with German inscription, coat of arms, and date 1551 2386 Another, formed of a very large Piece of Ivory, carved with animals and figures, and the metal chain attached 2387 A flask, made of a large cow's horn, engraved with hunting subjects 2388 AN EARLY BRITISH HORN, made from a cow's horn, carved with figures of animals, and with aa inscription, silver mounted 2389 A WARDER'S HORN, FORMED OF A VERY LARGE PIECK OF IVORY : it is carved with a coat of arms and other ornaments, and is inscribed 2390 A piece of ivory, carved with figures of rude work 2391 A small hunting horn, of ivory, engraved with hunting subjects ; and one other SHIELDS. 2392 An early Highland target, with engraved boss to hold a dirk, upon the blade of which are the letters I. F. S. ; it is covered with black leather and brass studs, in the form of thistles and crowns ; it has the original holders, and is 18i in. diameter 207 2393 A square target of wood, covered with canvas, and painted with a coat of arms and crest 2394 Another, very large, of oblong form, raised in the centre, painted with St. George and the dragon 2395 A ROUND Buckler, of concave form, the umbo and spike of steel, ornamented with brass studs, with the original wooden holder — 14 in. diameter. This buckler is similar to those born by the royal guards in the picture at Hampton Court, of the embarkation of Henry VHI. 2396 Another, of Steel, with a matchlock pistol in the centre, and aperture above to take aim through ; it is embossed with an oval ornament in twelve compartments — 18^ in. diameter 2397 A round steel shield, with beaded edge, and a spike in the centre, surrounded by a chased ornament ; it has the original lining and holders — 2 ft. diameter 2398 A pair of large plaiu.steel oval shields, with the original leather straps — 26 in. by 21 in. 2399 A round buckler, of wood, with rays, covered with leather, and embossed centre of steel — 14:^ in. diameter 2400 An oval shield, embossed with a fleur-de-lys 2401 A round steel buckler, with a raised boss, and a hook for attach- ing it to the belt, with the original lining and holder; it has two indentations, caused by a bolt or bullet — 17 in. diameter 2402 Another, with hook and a large boss, with the original lining and holder — 1 1 in. diameter 2403 Another, with three rims — il|in. diameter 2404 ANOTHER, OF WOOD, covered with leather, embossed with armed equestrian figures inside and out ; it has a steel pike, and at the top the remains of a lantern and the original holder : probably Italian 2405 A LARGE ROUND BUCKLER, of wood, covered with leather, and the original velvet straps ; it has a lantern at the top, and is painted inside with the history of Camillus, after G. Romano — 22 in. diameter 2406 A steel shield, with four spear heads projecting from the sides, and one in the centre 208 DEMI-SUITS, AND PORTIONS OF SUITS. 2407 A breastplate, of pointed form, beaded round the gussets — about 1520 2408 Another, sweUing at the bottom, but without gussets — 1570 2409 Breast and back plates, with the lamina plates — 1535 2410 THE BREAST AND BACK PLATES, and the right tasset of an officer of pikemen, ribbed and scalloped, with the original steel studs and openwork hinges — between 1610 and 1635. Very fine 2411 A curious plain placart, to fix on the back 2412 A SINGULAR AND FINE BREAST PLACART, of Spanish work, in russet and silver, engraved with a triangular figure and the letter F, and crowns and feathers, there is a sharp ridge down the centre ; it has a dent made by a cross- bow bolt or bullet on it 2413 Breast and back plates, with the lance rest attached, and an inner plate at the bottom of the breastplate, engraved and inlaid with gold— 1530 to 1540 2414 A long breastplate, with a moveable bottom plate of blue steel, ribbed across, and ornamented with lines — 1540 to 1560 2415 A FINE LARGE DEMI-SUIT, consisting of breast and back plates, and gorget : the breastplate is very long, with swelling tapul, and the original lance rest, the back has the originaliron straps — about 1560: the pauldrons and tassets attached to it are of earlier date 2416 Breast and back plates, of globose form, with the lamina plates — 1530 2417 Tilting pieces, consisting of mentoniere shoulder piece, and garde- de-bras — 1530. Very fine specimens 2418 Breast and back plates, of globose form — 1480 2419 A fine tilting gauntlet, for the left hand— 1500 to 1530 2420 A SPANISH BREASTPLATE, OF SMALL SIZE, OF RUSSET STEEL, damasquined and inlaid with gold and silver, beautifully chased and embossed with figures, trophies^ &:c. — about 1560. A beautiful specimen. {See illustration) 209 2421 Broast and back plates, of globose ibrm, with the lamina plates cut in the gothic st}le, highly polished — 1380 2422 Breast and back plates, of fine form, with splints, the tops em- bossed with foliage — 1540 2423 A breastplate, with separate placart fixing on it, with the holes for the mentoniere and lance rest, engraved with scroll orna- ments, and formerly gilt — 1560. Fine specimens 2424 A back plate, hollowed for the shoulders, and engraved with figures and ornaments, with scalloped plate at bottom ; it has formerly been blue or black — 1560 2425 A placart, for tilting, to fasten on the breastplate ; it is engraved, and has the date 1536 2426 A BREASTPLATE, with very sharp point, engraved with arabesques, and the Crucifixion, with a knight kneeling at the foot of the cross, and a female figure, with the word " Pacientia" — about 15^0 2427 ANOTHER, of the kind called " Allecret," — engraved : on one side of the breast is the Crucifixion, and on the other a knight kneeling ; above him and at the top a sun is engraved — the date 1560 2428 Breast and back plates, and tassets, the breast of globose form, with an ornamented screw for a placart ; the right tasset opens with an hinge — about 1460. Fine sj)ecimens 2429 A breastplate, swelling in form, and terminating in a peak, en- graved with arabesque ornaments, and a coat of arms; the bottom plate scalloped and engraved : this is a dress plate, to be worn without tassets — 1560 2430 A very fine and massive right-arm piece, and elbow shield, fluted and beaded, whh the original rivets, and leather lining —1490 2431 A SPANISH DEMI-SUIT, consisting of helmet, with its original springs, breast and back plates, arms, and pauldrons: it is slashed and pannelled, and the channels engraved ; the pauldrons are embossed with foliage in front, and sphinxes at the back; on the breastplate is the date 1545 — the whole has formerly been inlaid with gold. [See ilhistrafion) p 210 243-2 ANOTHER, fluted, with helmet with peaked visor, and moveable neckplates, arms, pauldrons, gauntlets, and long tassets; a pair of very fine and massive plain rondelles are attached to this suit, though not belonging to it — the date of the whole is about 1480 2433 ANOTHER, consisting of helmet, with fine crest, beaver, and visor, with its original plume holder, breast and back plates, gussets, and pass guard, pauldrons beaded, the breastplate is long in form : the whole of it engraved, and richly inlaid with gold — the date between 1510 and 1530 Emd of Nineteenth Da]fs Sale. 2431 2S19 Twentieth Day's Sale. On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. ARMOUR. SWORDS. 2434 A very fine fighting sword, with cross guard and curved hilt, embossed with trophies and other ornaments in silver, and partly gilt ; the pommel is also embossed with armed heads in silver 2435 A sword, with cross guard and scrolled hilt, and pommel em- bossed with ornaments in silver; the blade is inscribed " Clemens Keuiler me fecit Solingen " 2436 A very long rapier, with waved blade, with bold swept hilt, straight cross guard, and pommel embossed with silver 2437 A sword : the three-barred scalloped cup with sixteen compart- ments, embossed with silver ; on the blade is " Johannes Tesche me fecit Solingen " 2438 A small sword, with waved blade, the curved cross guard fluted and grooved and embossed with silver, and small ornamented pommel ; the blade is inscribed 2439 A long sword, for practice, with straight cross guard, the blade near the hilt is engraved with an escutcheon, with a crown and two swords through it, and a barred helmet above p2 212 2410 A small sword, the metal grip formed of two figures, the cross guard, hilt, and pommel embossed with trophies in silver, the original leather sheath mounted with chased silver: on the blade is " Biscotto " — about 1610 2441 A sword, with straight cross guard, with pierced shells, the pom- mel a flattened circle embossed with silver, on the blade is a figure, and "Soli Deo Gloria, 1645:" it has the original leather scabbard, mounted with steel, embossed with silver 2442 A sword, with straight cross guard and three-barred hilt, the pommel of russet steel, embossed with silver in sixteen com- partments ; the blade long and narrow, is inscribed " D. H. Francisco Ruiz, en Toledo"— about 1570 2443 Another, with swept hilt and cross guard, twisted, the small six- sided pommel embossed with silver, the triangular blade long and narrow — about 1570 2444 Another, with swept hilt, cross guard, pierced cup, and pommel, inlaid with silver ; the blade is inscribed " Kasiar Keiser me fecit Solingen" — about 1579 2445 A small sword, the cross guard with figures of horses at each end, and an equestrian figure in the centre; the pommel formed as an equestrian figure, and coated with silver — about 1630 2446 A sword, the swept hilt, guard, and pommel embossed with silver ; on the blade is " Hans Moven." This sicord came from a house in Yorkshire, formerly belonging to the Fairfax family 2447 A sword, with straight cross guard and swept hilt, on the pom- mel are four busts ; it is embossed with silver — about 1620 2448 A small sword, with straight cross guard, the flaf pommel em- bossed with silver ; the broad blade is inscribed '■' Por Dies e my Rey "' — about 1630 2419 ANOTHER, with cross guard, with male heads at the ends, and two recumbent figures on the centre, the grip of silver wire, the pommel formed as an armed head embossed with silver ; the broad blade is inscribed " Sahagum " — Spanish — about 1570 2449* A sword, with basket cup hilt, and cut pommel 213 2450 Another, with cross guard, (he hilt and ponmiel ot' russet steel embossed with silver ; the blade inscribed 2451 A VERY FINE LONG RAPIER; the liilt and pommel pierced and chased — about 1570 {See illustration^ 2452 A very fine sword, with bi-oad blade and straight cross guard ; the cup hilt pierced and chased with medallions and trophies, the pommel pierced on ebony fluted grip — 1570 2453 ANOTHER, of rapier shape : the cup hilt pierced and chased with the flight into Egypt, and other scriptural subjects, the pommel beautifully chased with a combat of horsemen ; the blade is inscribed 2454 A long rapier, with swept hilt, embossed and chased with figures, tlic pommel with equestrian figures — 1570 2455 A POWERFUL SWORD, with double basket shell hilt, gilt inside, the outside chased, with eagles and two crowns, four heads, embossed on the pommel; on the bioad blade is in- scribed " Espadeiro del Rey, 1640 " 2456 A sword, with broad blade, the cross guard carved with a small fluted shell, and curious pommel 2457 A rapier, the swept hilt and pommel embossed with equestrian figures — about 1545 2458 Anothor, the cup hilt pannelled in six compartments, chased with flowers, and chased pommel — 1570 2459 A sword, with cross guard and pierced cup, chased with heads, and ebony grip 2460 A long rapier, with swept hilt, and scrolled shell covering another pierced shell 2461 Another, with a two-barred swept hilt, chased with figures, and chased pommel ; the blade is inscribed 2462 A long sword, with straight cross guard, swept hilt, and pommel inlaid with silver and partly gilt, and perforated shell ; on the three-sided blade is engraved " Johannes Calaorta " 2463 A long sword, with three-barred swept hilt, and pommel orna- mented with lines ; the blade is inscribed 2464 Another, with a ribbed and perforated shell, straight cross guard, the pommel opens by a spring in four parts ; the blade is inscribed 214 2464* Another, with broad blade, the pommel chased with equestrian figures 2465 A powerful fighting sword, the liilt is chased, the pommel chased with heads 2466 Two swords, for practice, with cross guards and swept hilts — 1580 2467 A sword breaker, with serrated back and hole in the blade, curved hilt, and openwork pommel ; the grip is covered with the old velvet and gold lace 2468 A coutel, with broad swept blade, the hilt has a plain shell pierced; and a fighting sword, with swept hilt and plain she]!; on the blade is engraved " Faciera " 2469 A long rapier, with Ferrara blade, with cup hilt in six compart- ments, pierced and chased with birds, the pommel pierced and chased with figures 2470 A sword, with chased swept hilt and perforated cup, and round chased pommel and broad blade 2471 A fighting sword, with broad blade, chased cross guard and hilt and fluted shell, covered by a three- barred guard and chased pommel ; and a long rapier, with three-bar swept hilt and perforated shell 2472 A powerful rapier, with swept three-barred hilt and fluted shell ; and a long rapier, with three-barred hilt 2473 An Andrea Ferrara highland broadsword, in the original scab- bard ; the blade engraved 2474 Another, older, with swept hilt, ornamented at the ends, and per- forated, fish-skin grip 2475 A small dress sword, with straight cross guard, the ring embossed with acorns 2476 Another, with ornamented blade and partly engraved, the cross guard chased with heads; on the pommel are two busts 2477 A long and powerful sword, with swept hilt and bold pommel ; blade inscribed 2478 A rapier, with pierced cup, with birds and flowers, and chased pommel 2170 A powerful sword, with swept hilt and pierced shell, and broad blade ; and another, with three-barred swept hilt, with chequered pommel 215 DAGGERS. 2480 A dagger, with broad blade, the metal sheath chased with William Tell 2481 A pair of rapier daggers, the hilts and pommels chased 2482 One, with a serrated back ; and one, with triangular blade, engraved with a scale from 6 to 120 2483 Two rapier daggers, one with engraved blade 2484 Two four-edged daggers, with chased steel hilts 2485 A curious dagger, with very broad blade, chased with figures and inscriptions: the leather sheath, which is silver mounted, is embossed with scroll work 2486 Two rapier daggers, one with openwork hilt, the other chased 2487 A dagger and sheath, with plain handle, the blade inscribed " God save King James II. 1686" 2488 Two hunting daggers, with carved wood handles and sheaths 2489 A long rapier dagger, with curious guard and shell ; and one, with engraved shell 2490 A dagger, with curious iron handle, and banded steel sheath 2491 A long rapier dagger, with thumb ring; and one, with shell guard CROSSBOWS. 2492 A steel crossbow, the stock inlaid with birds, in coloured ivory 2493 Another, the steel bow chased with figures and animals, the stock inlaid with ivory carvings of figures and scroll work 2494 Another, the stock with hunting subjects carved in ivory, with steel windlass attached, the wheel chased with figures 2495 ANOTHER, VERY POWERFUL, the steel bow painted with hunting subjects and gilt, the stock with flowers in marqueterie and covered with ivory, which is engraved with portraits of Henri II. and Diane de Poictiers ; figures playing musical instruments, and a coat of arms, and borders of hunting subjects 2496 Another, small, the stock of steel, with lever attached 2497 Another, the wooden stock inlaid with animals in ivory, and having a case with a small steel arrow 216 2498 Another, the stock inlaid with engraved ivory, and steel windlass attached, engraved with figures 2499 Another, with long stock of black wood, carved with a sphinx and grotesque njasks, and the date 1579 2500 A leather quiver, with six bolts GUNS, &c. 2501 One, with matchlock and wheel-lock, 5 ft. 4 in. long, the stock inlaid with ivory — about 1610 2502 A rifle matchlock and wheel-lock, the stock is inlaid with ivory, engraved with a female figure and a musketeer ; the butt has a case for charges — about 1640 2503 A wheel-lock rifle, the stock inlaid with birds and scrolls in brass, with case for charges — about 1640 2504 Another, the stock with case for charges, inlaid with scrolls in steel, a coat of arms are inlaid in steel in the butt ; on the barrel is " Aen Stein, 1657" 2505 A matchlock gun, 5ft. 2 in. long, the stock inlaid with animals in ivory — about 1600 2506 A wheel-lock rifle, the stock, with a case for charges, is inlaid with figures, hunting, in ivory ; on the barrel is engraved ''Hall, 1650" 2507 A wheel-lock gun, the stock inlaid with ivory, and with a case for charges ; the barrel has the date 1591 250S A pair of wheel-lock carbines, the stocks inlaid with ivory ; on the barrels is the date 1595 PISTOLS. 2509 A pistol, the stock and butt of ivory, engraved all over : on the butt is the Crucifixion ; the lock is engraved and chased with heads and figures of Venus and Cupid, with the name engraved " Fenus ;" the barrel is engraved, and with the date 1548, and a long German inscription 2510 A pair of wheel-lock pistols, the butts ornamented with chasings in steel, the stocks carved and inlaid with ivory, and the locks partly chased — about 1020 217 251 1 Another pair, with catches for the girdle, the stocks and butts are ornamented with steel ; on the barrel is the name "Gio. Batt. Francino" — about 1630 2512 A pair of pistols, with snap haunce locks, one for each hand, with silver and mother-o'-pearl mountings; the brass barrels are chased and engraved, and bear the date 1618 2513 A pair of very fine wheel-lock pistols, 33 in. long : the stocks are beautifully inlaid with trophies and figures in ivory, the fluted barrels and the locks engraved and ornamented with brass POWDER FLASKS. 2514 A curious metal powder flask, with the figure of a bird, in high relief; and one, of w'ood and ivory, covered with metal 2515 One, oriental, of ivory, carved with groups of animals 2516 One, of wood, with a figure, stag hunting, in ivory ; and one, of metal, with a female head in relief 2517 A beautiful cartouch box, of steel, partly gilt, engraved with Adam and Eve, and a figure in armour, kneeling before a crucifix 2518 A powder flask, of wood, with a figure in costume, in mother-o'- pearl ; and one, with an equestrian figure, chased in metal 2519 ONE, COVERED WITH VELVET, and with a CHASING OF SAMSON AND DELILAH, above are the arms of the Medici, supported by two griffins, of fine work. {See illustratioii) 2520 One, formed of a stag's horn, carved with Samson -destroying the lion, and inscribed "Force, 1574, Sanson" 2521 One, small, the steel elaborately ornamented with flat chasing, with a leather bag for bullets attached 2522 One, covered with embossed leather ; and one, of fluted steel 2523 One, of buck's horn, engraved with a figure ; and one, of wood, with bullet bag attached 218 HELMETS. 2524 A steel cap, cf an officer of pikemen, with thick ribs, with the original pkime holder and steel studs — between the years 1610 and 1635 2524* A SPANISH HELMET, channelled and engraved with flowers, partly gilt, with original plume holder — between 1560 and 1580 2525 A SINGULARLY PERFECT CIRCASSIAN CASQUE, the lobster tail composed of seven plates, with plume holder and steel studs thickly set and ornamented with flutes and lines — about 1645 2526 A BOURGUINOT, with additional tilting pieces inlaid with gold, and beautifully engraved with figures in the style of Albert Durer — about 1540 2527 A steel cap, or pot helmet, of blue steel, ribbed and gilt ; it is very heavy, and without comb or ridge 2528 A SUPERB MORION, with broad and high comb, engraved with scrolls, and two coats of the arms of Saxony, and inlaid with gold, with the original earplates, lining, and lion's head rivets, and a figure plume holder — between 1550 and 1560 2529 A curious salade, with moving beams, and without any comb — between 1430 and 1465 2530 A VERY EARLY CASQUE, formed like a Greek helmet; it has holes round the bottom, apparently for the purpose of fixing on chain mail 2531 An open casque, embossed with oak leaves and acorns, with the rivets — about 1540 2532 A helmet, with twisted comb, beaver, and visor, and original rivets, probably Italian — about 1530 and 1540 2533 A helmet, engraved and inlaid with gold, with original plume holder, side loops, and rivets — about 1540 2534 A morion, with peaked ends, engraved with figures and trophies, and with the original plume holder and rivets — about 1570 2535 Another, cap shape, with peak ends, engraved with trophies, the original brass plume holder and rivets — about 1560 219 2536 An open casque, with ear pieces, elaborately engraved with coats of arms, apparently Spanish — about 1530 2537 Another, with ear pieces, embosseil and ornamented with lines — about 1530 2538 A helmet, of peaked form, with a scalloped visor and high comb — about 1530 2539 A MORION, RUSSET AND GOLD, engraved with armed equestrian figures and arabesques, with peaked ends and a peak at the top, the original brass plume holder, and or- namented rivets — about 1570 2540 A steel cap, of the morion shape — about 1470 to 1480 ORIENTAL ARMOUR AND ARMS. 2541 A beautiful flint gun, with Damascus barrel, the stock of ivory, inlaid with coloured glass, with a silk tassel — the lock im- perfect 2542 A dagger, the metal sheath and hilt beautifully chased with scrolls, the end of the sheath is formed as a mace 2543 A knife, the ivory hilt carved with a lion's head, and inlaid with metal, in a velvet sheath, mounted with silver 2544 A dagger, with broad blade, inlaid with gold, the metal handle engraved with oriental characters 2545 A yataghan, the blade inscribed and mounted with chased silver, the handle also of chased silver 2546 Another, with metal hilt and sheath, with chain attached, boldly chased with trophies 2547 Another, with damascene blade, inlaid with gold, the ivory handle mounted with chased silver 2548 A cut tar, the blade embossed with a man on horseback and an elephant, the engraved handle richly gilt 2549 Another, with curious triple blade, and engraved and gilt handle 2550 Two others, with embossed handles, gilt ; and a belt 2551 A tinder box, formed as a pistol, the barrel embossed with gold, with richly chased mountings 220 2552 A cuttar, with fluted blade, and embossed and gilt handle; and one, with figured blade 2553 One, with ridged blade, gilt handle, and hilt; and one other, the blade partly gilt 2554 A short sword^ with broad blade of blue steel inlaid with gold, and seal skin sheath, with small knife 2555 A pair of fine stirrups, of embossed metal inlaid with coloured stones, with circular bottoms 2556 Another pair, of brass, chased with figures 2557 A DAGGER, the handle formed of A FINE PIECE OF ONYX of five strata, beautifully cut with flowers on each side 2558 ANOTHER, the handle of GREEN JA DE, cut with flowers 2559 ANOTHER, the handle and end of the sheath of GREEN JADE, inlaid with gold and set with RUBIES 2560 Another, the blade massively mounted with silver minutely chased, the handle of tortoiseshell carved and mounted with silver, the sheath cased with silver 2561 A knife, the metal handle inlaid with gold 2562 A small dagger, with chased steel handle 2563 Another, the handle and blade of one piece of damasked steel, containing a small knife with damask blade ; the velvet sheath is mounted with chased silver, enamelled 2564 A dagger, with damask blade ; the metal handle is made to contain small instruments 2565 ANOTHER, with damask blade, the JADE HILT inlaid with LARGE SAPPHIRES, the sheath metal mounted with a rim of sapphires 2566 Another, the blade inlaid with inscriptions in gold, the handle and mountings of the sheath of silver 2567 Another, small, with waved blade and agate handle, and silver sheath 2568 Another, with silver sheath and handle, and silver chain attached 2569 A Chinese knife and chopsticks, mounted with enamelled silver, in a worked case 2570 A breastplate, in four parts, inlaid with engraved gold 221 2571 A circular shield, of hide, embossed and gilt 2572 Another, smaller, with four gilt bosses, and an ornament, with a bird chased 2573 A horn, of ivory, carved with figures and crocodiles, the mouth- piece of horn 2574 A pair of steel arm pieces, richly inlaid with gold in foliage, the gloves of gilt chain mail 2575 A helmet, the crown jdated with silver and gold, and set with coloured stones, the rest with covering for the neck, of chain mail, with plates of steel covered with silver 2576 Another, the crown of steel inlaid with gold, with neck covering of very fine chain partly gilt 2577 Another, the crown of dead steel inlaid with gold, with bar for the face and three plume holders, with neck guard of fine chain partly gilt 2578 A battle-axe, the staff embossed with flowers and gilt, the blade inlaid with gold 2579 A scimitar, the blade and hilt inlaid with gold, the sheath mounted with silver-gilt 2580 A short sword, with ivory handle, silver mounted and set with coral, the sheath mounted with chased silver 2581 A dagger, with broad blade, the sheath and handle covered with chased silver, and set with coral 2582 A battle-axe, with knife-shaped blade, the staff with an elephant's head inlaid with gold, the mountings of the sheath chased and gilt 2583 An axe, with curious broad blade, the handle covered with gold 2584 A spear, with chased blade, the socket inlaid with gold End of Twentieth Days Sale. Twenty-first Days Sale, On THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. ARMOUR. SWORDS. 2585 A dress sword, with triangular blade, the flat pierced shell and pommel inlaid with gold and silver 2586 Another, with blue steel shell grip and pommel, inlaid with flowers in gold ; the blade is engraved 2587 ANOTHER, the blade covered with en^ravingf, the figures of the twelve apostles and other subjects, the steel pommel and shell guard have figures embossed in silver 2588 Another, in a scabbard with gilt mountings, pierced shell and pommel embossed with figures ; on the blade is " En cherchant I'honneur je trouve la mort" 2589 Another, with flat shell guard hilt and pommel of russet steel, embossed with flowers and ornaments ; the blade is pierced and ornamented and partly gilt 2590 A sword, in a sheath, like a swordstick, engraved with animals 2591 A sword, with broad blade, engraved *' Monier a Besancon Vive le Roy regiment de Renepont " ; the boxwood handle is carved with a dog's head ; the leather sheath contains a knife and fork, the handles carved as dogs' heads 223 2592 A sword, with brass pommel, hilt and shell guard, embossed with crest of a boar surrounded by the garter, a coronet above 2593 A dress sword, with bayonet blade, steel pommel, and flat shell guard, pierced and chased with the crest of a swan 2594 A sword, the hilt, pommel, and shallow shell guard are chased with St. George and the dragon and other subjects ; the Solingen blade is inscribed " Pro aris et focis — pro Christo et patria" 2595 Another, the hilt, pommel, and shell guard are gilt and chased with portraits of Charles I. and his queen ; the blade is inscribed 2596 A dress sword, in a silver-mounted sheath, the grip, pommel, and shell embossed with trophies, &c. 2597 Another, the pommel, shell guard, and mountings of the sheath are embossed with figures; the blade is inscribed " Coulaux Freres Manufacteur Royale a Klingenthal '' 2598 A dress sword, the pommel, hilt, and shell guard embossed with mythological figures; the blade engraved 2599 A fighting sword, with broad blade ; inscribed "Johannes Wundes — Soli Deo gloria" 2600 A dress sword, the pommel and pierced shell guard chased with equestrian figures ; the blade is inscribed 2601 Another, with Dresden Cliina grip, the gilt steel hilt embossed with flowers, the blade engraved 2602 A pair of rapier daggers, one with serrated blade, with ring and hollow for the thumb 2603 A couteau de chasse, with straight broad blade, engraved with a German almanack and the date 1686, buckhorn handle and shell guard 2604 Another, nearly similar, with the maker's name, and date 1660 2605 Another, with carved ivory handle, and silver shell guard and mounting, chased with figures ; the blade is inscribed " Gerrit Binghorst, Amsterdam" 2606 Another, with agate grip, and chased silver shell guard and mouiitinor 224 2G07 Another, the handle and shell guard of silver, chased with hunting trophies 2608 Another, the shell guard, handle, and mounting of the sheath of black steel, chased and inlaid with gold ; the blade is in- scribed " Thinot a la Haye" 2609 A powerful hunting knife, the leather sheath mounted with brass, the handle inlaid with ivory 2610 A couteau de chasse, the leather sheath silver mounted, with a knife and fork with ivory handles, carved with boys and flowers, the handle of ivory, carved with a lion's head, with silver shell guard 2611 Another, the leather sheath embossed with animals and an in- scription, and silver mounted, the ivory handle is carved with subjects ; the blade is inscribed " Rambald Comes Travisii — Unica Mens" 2612 A Spanish hunting dagger, with a small knife in the sheath, with inscribed broad blade ; and a couteau de chasse, the steel hilt embossed with silver ; the blade has been engraved 2613 A hunting sword, with broad blade, in a leather sheath, steel mounted, which contains seven hunting instruments, the handle of russet steel, inlaid with gold 2614 A Set of Ten Hunting Instruments, in red leather sheath ; the blades are engraved 2615 An executioner's sword, with short broad blade, the long handle studded with bone, the cross guard with animals* heads ; it has the original leather sheath, which is embossed with fleurs- de-lys 2616 A powerful fighting sword, with curved guard, and three rings embossed with silver, as well as the flat pommel. A fine s'pecimen 2617 A very long fighting sword, with pierced cup hilt, and curved cross guard, the pommel formed in the shape of a helmet 2618 A rapier, with broad blade, and inscribed, the pierced cup hilt with four medallions of lions, swept guard, and plain pommel 2619 Another, with engraved cup and swept hilt, and cross guard, the pommel spirally fluted ; the blade is inscribed 225 2G20 A rapier, with four-edged blade, ihu cup with foliage, beautifidly pierced, swept hilt and straight cross guard, and the original sheath 26*21 A powerful fighting sword, the cup beautifully chased and pierced with flowers, the pommel chased with figures, with swept hilt and chased guards ; the blade is inrcribed " Pace porto Guera Cercho" (See illustration.) 2622 A rapier, the shallow cup, cross guard, and pommel chased wiih foliage 2623 Another, the cup pierced in foliage, with swept hilt and scroll cross guard 2624 Another, the cup pierced in lines of foliage, straight cross guard, and chased pommel 2625 A two-handed sword, with straight cross guard and plain pommel 2626 A German fighting sword, with straight cross guard and flat pommel, studded with silver, the blade very broad at the hilt, and tapering to the point 2627 A sabre, the steel grip and cross guard terminating in eagles' heads ; each side, near the fluted blade, is chased with a coat of arms 2628 A curious two-handed sword, with long bayonet-shaped blade, the straight cross guard curved at each end 2629 A French small sword, with Dresden grip, the hilt and pommel chased and gilt, in a velvet sheath, mounted with metal gilt 2630 A youth's dress sword, the grip, pommel, cross, and sheath, ar^ cased in silver, elaborately chased DAGGERS, &c. 2631 A DAGGER, the handle and mountings of the sheath of steel, exquisitely chased and partly gilt — similar to Lot 2675 2632 Another, with agate handle, silver mounted 2633 A very small dirk, the handle a female figure in silver ; it sciews into an ebony sheath, mounted with silver 2634 One, the handle of ruby glass, metal mounted Q 22G 2635 A SET OF FOUR HUNTING KNIVES, mounted with silver, enamelled with coats of arms and inscriptions ; the leather case is engraved with figures and iascription 2636 A CASE, WITH TWO HUNTING KNIVES, with silver handles, enorraved and inscribed on one side "Ave Maria gratia plena dns-te;" and on the other "Memento mei mater dei ; " the leather case is embossed with birds and coats of arms GUNS. 2637 A wheel-lock rifle, with case for charges: the stock is inlaid with ivory, in classical and scriptural subjects; some of the figures are in the costume of the time 2638 A matchlock gun, the stock inlaid with birds in ivory — about 1610 2639 A wheel-lock rifle, with case for charges, the stock inlaid with ivory engraved ; on a shield are engraved a coat of arms, sur- rounded by " Marquaidus Von Hanstein zu Weilbach," and the date 1605 2640 A matchlock gun, 5 ft. 2 in. long, inlaid with animals in mother- o'-pearl and brass ; the lock is engraved with animals, and inscribed " Kiobenhaun " — about 1620 2641 Another, 5 ft. 1 in. long, inlaid with brass, mother-o'-pearl, and ivory 2642 A wheel-lock carbine, with case for charges, the stock inlaid with ivory, engraved witii figures in costume, and other subjects — about 1600 2643 Another, inlaid with mother-o'-pearl and ivory, and engraved with figures of sportsmen : there is a whistle in engraved ivory at the end of the butt, and on the reverse side to the lock is a stop for the cock — about 1600 2644 A SHORT WHEEL-LOCK RIFLE, with case for charges: the barrel and the lock are of blued steel, beautifully ornamented with embossed silver and partly gilt, the stock is inlaid with mother-o'-pearl aud ivor}^ engraved with figures in costume — about 1580 227 2615 A wheel-lock carbine, withVase for charores : the lock is encfraved, the barrel is of dark blue steel, and has been ornanaented with figures in gold, the stock is inlaid with mother-o'-pearl and ivory, engraved with figures in Bohemian costume — about 1580 2646 A short stick-shaped gun, with flint lock and plain steel mount- ings ; a sword is contained in the stock, which is inlaid with animals in ivory — abont 1680 2647 An Italian flint gun, the barrel inscribed with the maker's name ; the stock minutely inlaid with brass and mother-o'-pearl 2648 One, with matchlock and wheel- lock, inlaid with gold, the barrel chased with a coat of arms, and surmounted by a coronet and scrolls, and the date 1536 ; the stock has a case for charges, and is covered with ivory, engraved with classical figures and arabesques 2649 A wheel-lock rifle, the stock of red wood, with case for charges, inlaid with engraved ivory and with brass ornaments; on the barrel is the date 1G06 2650 A matchlock gun, the barrel and lock beautifully chased with scroll work, which has been gilt, and inscribed " Got und dein Willichtein, 1546;" the stock, with case for charges, ir.laid with ivory 2651 A long flint gun, the barrel mounted with silver, chased with masks; it is stamped on two gold marks with the word " Pistoia," under a coronet and a lion ; the stock is carved with scrolls, and the butt covered partly with steel, pierced and chased with portraits 2652 A blunderbuss, the russet barrel inlaid with wreaths of flowers in gold, and chased with trophies, and the word " London ;" the stock inlaid, and mounted with chased silver ; the name "Wilson," on the lock PISTOLS. 2653 A matchlock pistol, the stock inlaid with ivory and mother-o'- pearl, the barrel is embossed with figures, which have been formerly gilt q2 228 2654 A wheel-lock pistol, 32 in. long, the stock inlaid with brass and engraved rnother-o'-pearl, the barrel is fluted and engraved 2655 Another, 32 in. long, inlaid with figures in costume, animals and other ornaments in ivory and mother-o'-pearl, the barrel and the lock engraved and chased. A very fine specimen 2656 Another, 32 in. long, the stock inlaid with brass and mother-o'- pearl, the barrel has been engraved 2657 A small wheel-lock rifle, 2 ft. 6 in. long, with case for charges, the stock inlaid with brass and mother-o'-pearl, the barrel inlaid with brass 2658 A LONG WHEEL- LOCK PISTOL, the barrel and lock minutely chased in Italian taste, and inlaid with gold, the stock and hexagonal butt inlaid with ivory, engraved with figures in costume, and with figures, animals, and heads, in mother-o'- pearl 2659 A wheel-lock pislol, with steel stock, and catch for the girdle, the butt, Avhich is made to contain charges, is chased and gilt 2660 A brace of pistols, with plain steel stocks and catches for the girdle ; the locks partly engraved, and the armoury mark B K ; the stocks are hollow for charges and winder 2661 A SINGLE ONE, very curious, the whole of the barrel and steel stock are very minutely and beautifully chased with foliage; it has a steel catch, and the butt is of uncommon shape 2662 Another, small, the stock inlaid with heads and animals in ivory 2663 Another, curious, with double-barrel, and wheel-locks above and below, with stop locks, the stock and butt inlaid with ivory ; on the barrels are the initials H. S., and the date 1544 2664 Another, single-barrel, the stock inlaid with mother-o'-pearl and ivory, engraved with figures in the costume of the time of Charles IX. 2665 Another, with snap-haunce lock, engraved, and barrel also en- graved and banded 2666 A rifle pistol, with wheel-lock, engraved, and with a winder, the stock inlaid with mother-o'-pearl and brass 229 2667 One, with self-priming flint lock, the barrel and mountings beautifully chased with foliage in high relief 2668 A brace of flint locks, the barrels chased with Hercults and the Hydra, the steel mountings chased with masks and figures 2669 A long pistol, the stock inlaid with scrollwork of silver, and richly mounted with chased silver 2670 A brace of Highland pistols, by David Dunbar, with engraved ' steel stocks, and catches for the girdle 2671 A BRACE OF LONG PISTOLS, BY LAZARINO COMINARO, with engraved and fluted barrels : the stocks inlaid with steel, with hunting subjects of very minute work ; the locks are chased — one imperfect 2672 ANOTHER BRACE, BY THE SAME: the barrels, locks, ramrods, and steel mountings beautilully chased with ara- besque ornaments; the stocks partially carved 2673 A LONG WHEEL-LOCK PISTOL, BY' THE SAME: the lock beautifully chased, and the stock inlaid with minute arabesques in steel 2674 A brace of wheel-lock pistols, with engraved barrels ; the stocks inlaid with ivory, engraved with masks and heads 2675 A BRACE OF SUPERB PISTOLS: the ends of the barrels of blue steel, embossed with classical figures in gold ; the locks, mountings, and the breeches of the barrels are exquisitely chased with subjects from Ovid — each pistol difierent ; the stocks, of light coloured wood, are beautifully carved and inlaid with gold ; the cocks are inscribed " Les la Roche aux Gallerie du Louvre;" the hammers are chased with the head of Louis XVL POWDER FLASKS. 2676 One, of steel, for a wheel-lock gun, with the winder attached 2677 Another, for a wheel-lock gun, with winder, engraved with an equestrian figure, and scroll work ; partly gilt 2678 One, of buckhorn, carved with the Last Judgment, and mounted with silver 230 2679 One, of metal, with a chasing of the Judgment of l^aris 2680 One, of wood, with figures stag hunting, inlaid with ivory 2681 One, a stag's horn, covered with seal skin, and mounted with openwork steel ; and one, covered with embossed leather 2682 One, of embossed leather, fluted ; and one, covered with pierced steel 2683 The covering of a powder flask, of metal, chased with figures, and enamelled in colours 2684 A cartouch box, of wood and ivory ; and a flask, of embossed leather, fluted 2685 A flask, and cartouch box, with the arms of Saxony, in steel openwork 2686 A flask, with the arms of Saxony, in steel openwoik ; and a car- touch box, engraved with the arms 2687 A flask, carved with a spearman, and a bullet bag attached 2688 A powder flask, with a chasing of the Judgment of Paris; and a winder, for a wheel-lock gun, beautifully chased 2689 One, carved with a spearman, the steel work beautifully chased with scrolls, and the cartouch bag attached 2691 A winder, for a wheel-lock gun, chased with foliage; a powder flask, inlaid with mother-o'-pearl ; and a set of bandeliers and be It HELMETS. 2692 A VERY FINE BOURGUINOT, with plume holder, hooks, and screws for fastening on the tilting pieces: it opens in two parts in front, and has a high beaded comb, the visor and beaver are embossed with scrolls and lines — the date about 1530 2693 Another, having a door in the visor, and its screw, nuts, and fastenings — its date from 1510 to 1520 2694 A fine helmet, the comb with a twisted edge ; it has its original fastenings — date about 1500 2695 A helmet, with fluted visor, the ridge is flattish, and approaches the Salade form ; it has its original steel fastenings — date about 1470 or 1480 231 2H96 A FINE BOURGUINOT, with gorget, attaclu'd ; it has the original plume holder and visor hook^ the con>b is rather high — date about. 1540 2G97 A FINE HELMET, with peaked visor and twisted edges; it has only a ridge on the crown, and ornamented with lines at the bottom — date 1480 or 1490 2698 A SINGULAR TILTING BOURGUINOT, fluted: the outer visor has a grotesque nose and moustache, the inner visor of openwork, the comb twisted — the date about 1480 to 1490. {See illustration) 2699 A plain tilting helmet, with a high comb, and two extra tilting pieces for the beaver and mantoniere; the original steel fastenings are attached to it — date between 1520 and 1515 2700 Another, engraved, with its beaver and visor, and shifting plates for the neck ; the plume holder is at the side, and the original ornamented nuts and screws are attached — about 1490 to 1500 2701 A VERY FINE TILTING BOURGUINOT, with a high comb, russet and gold, channelled and engraved^ the chin piece opens in two ; it has a plume holder and all its fastenings — date between 1510 and 1540 2702 A FRENCH HELMET, OF THE FINEST CHA- RACTER, with a remarkable visor, perforated and fluted, the comb high and beaded ; it has its original plume holder and screws, which are ornamented ; it is inlaid with gold, and engraved with hunting subjects and inscriptions, the bottom plates of the helmet have the holes for fastening it to the breast and back plates — date between 1560 and 1580 2703 A very fine morion, beautifully engraved with medallions and trophies, and inlaid with gold; there are projecting points round the bottom, the peaks are richly engraved, the plume holder is embossed — date about 1550 2704 A fine open casque; the triple ridges embossed and chased with figures and inlaid with gold, with embossed ear pieces ; of Italian make — between 1530 and 1550 232 2705 A plain morion, without comb ; the original brass ornaments and rivets are of fine character— between 1530 and 1550 2706 An open casque, with embossed ear pieces — between 1540 and 1550 2707 A helmet, with a grooved flat comb, with hold for the crest, the visor is peaked and fluted ; it has moveable back plates, and is of very particular shape in the skull part — between 1460 and 1480 2708 A fine large helmet, opening in two halves, with a falling beaver barred and ornamented with lines — about 1540. This helmet is engraved in Grose s Military Antiquities, plate 4 COMPLETE SUITS. 2709 A SUPERB CAP A PIE SUIT, beautifully channelled and engraved : the helmet with a ridge, visor, and beaver, gorget with lapping plates, right and left pauldrons and braces, armlets and gauntlets, back and breast plates with faces and tassets and lance rest, cuisses, and jambs, the boots of chain mail with steel toes ; a roundel is attached to the right arm, of rather a different pattern, ajupon and shirt of chain mail beneath; the engraving has been formerly gilt — probably Italian — about 1530. {See illustration^ The following pieces are the same pattern as the foregoing suit. 2710 AMENTONIERE,BREASTPLACART, TASSETS, AND MANTEAU D'ARMES, engraved and chased, the manteau with lions' heads within squares 27 1 1 A small mentoniere ; a left shoulder piece, with pass guard ; a guard de bras for left elbow ; and a part of a chanfron 2712 An open casque, with one ear piece and high comb 2713 A helmet, of a light dress kind, without beaver, and a crest holder to affix to it 2714 A VERY FINE CIRCULAR SHIELD, embossed with rampant lions in four divisions, and gilt 233 2715 A SUPERB CAP A PIE SUIT, of fluted armour, of globose form, with salade-shaped helmet opening at the chin, with barred visor_, gorget, arm pieces, and gauntlets, back and breast plates with faces, the gussets fluted, cuisses, jambs, and square-toed sollerets and spurs, and shirt of chain mail ; the lance rest wanting — German — about 1510 2716 A Cap a Pie Suit, of plain armour, with fluted edges : the helmet with low ridge, of curious form, and neckpiece attached, beaver, gorget, panldrons with braces and pass guards, arm pieces and gauntlets, back and breast plates with taces, tassets, and lance rest, solid cuisses and jambs, with square- toed sollerets ; the belt has a curious chain for attaching the sword — probably Spanish — about 1520 2717 Another Cap a Pie Suit, of plain armour, of globose form; consisting of helmet of salade form, with fluted ridge and visor, gorget, back and breast plates, with taces and tassets and lance rest, pauldrons with pass guards and braces, arm pieces and gauntlets, solid cuisses, and jambs, with square- toed sollerets — about 1520 2718 A Cap a Pie Suit, of plain armour; consisting of helmet with visor, gorget, back and breast plates with taces and tassets, right arm piece and gauntlet, left pauldron, with braces and arm pieces, and massive tilting gauntlet and guard bras for the elbow, cuisses, jambs, and stirrup sollerets ; this suit has a manteau d'armes with spike, and painted with a coat of arms, and a plain roundel for the right shoulder ; it has the original leather and silk belt for the sword — about 1540 End of Twenty-first Days Sale. Twenty -second Days Sale. On TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. VENETIAN GLASS. 2719 A small two-handled cup, with masks and bosses, and blue rim 2720 A small essence ewer, on metal stand 2721 Another, with bosses and blue ornaments on the handle 2722 A glass, on tall elegant openwork stem, partly of blue glass 2723 A tall glass and cover, on open stem 2724 A glass, on stem, ornamented with a flower and leaves 2725 A vessel, in the form of a bunch of grapes, with upright spout, and bird's head above 2726 A tall drinking glass, with two bands, and gilt edge 2727 Another, with curious openwork stem 2728 A goblet and cover, on stem, of blue glass, with waved surface 2729 A fine large flat tazza, on stem, enamelled with foliage and arabesques, partly gilt — 9^ in, high 2730 A plate, delicately engraved with terminal figures, masks, and festoons — 10^ in. diameter 2731 One, smaller, with a shield of arms in the centre 2732 A tazza, with a shield of arms in the centre, on stem, with masks which have been gilt 2733 A glass, on elaborate openwork twisted stem, with blue ornaments — 14 in. high 2877 3 3 06 2936 3298 235 2734 Another, nearly similar. (See illustration) 2735 Another, niounlecl, with silver stand — 1 3 in. high 2736 A tazza, enamelled with three figures, on stem, with masks partly gilt, mounted on silver-gilt embossed stand — 7 in. high VENETIAN VITRO Dl TRINA. 2737 A two-handled tazza 2378 A goblet, with bulb ornaments beneath 2739 A goblet, with diagonal stripes of white 2740 A low goblet, with broad stripes 27 11 A taller goblet, with raised ribbon stripes 2742 Another, with laced stripes 2743 A small globular vessel, wiih upright handle, and rings, and stripes of different colours 2744 A glass, on stem, with diagonal lacework 2745 An elegant glass, on stem, with crossed stripes 2746 A low circular vessel, with diagonal stripes, of blue and wreen, and metal handle 2747 A glass, on stem, with diagonal stripes 2748 A flat vase, and cover, on stem, with horizontal stripes 2749 A tazza, with two blue handles, and yellow stripes beneath the lip 2750 A globular vase and cover, on stem, with delicate crossed stripes 2751 A glass, on stem, with laced stripes 2752 A bocale, with laced stripes 2753 A two-handled tazza, with blue stripes 2754 A tazza, with blue twisted stripes 2755 A glass, on stem, with diagonal stripes 2756 A oroblet, on stem, with stripes on the bowl 2757 A tazza, with crimson diagonal stripes 2758 A two-handled tazza, with very delicate stripes 2759 A globular vase and cover, on stem-, with stripes and laced work 2760 A globular vessel, with boss ornaments, and upright handle 2761 A bocale, with stripes 2762 A ooblet, in the form of a boot, with spurs, and zigzag ornaments 236 2763 A vase and cover, with trellis stripes 2764 A small goblet, with crimson stripes 2765 A tazza, on stem, with white bands, gilt 2766 A bocale, with diagonal stripes 2767 A globiilar small bottle ; and a small bottle and cover 2768 A goblet, of thick glass, with coloured laced stripes 2769 An essence bottle, with yellow diagonal stripes, on three mask feet 2770 A bocale, with close diagonal stripes 2/71 An ewer, with handle, with broad festoons of white 2772 Two goblets, with pink stripes; and one, with blue stripes — imperfect 2773 A small jar and cover, with laced stripes 2774 A globular vase and cover, on stem, with upright stripes, and bosses on the cover 2775 A drinking glass, with boss ornaments on the bowl, mounted with metal handle 2776 A two-handled vase, with upright stripes and laced bands 2777 A bocale, with diagonal stripes — 9 in. high 2778 A tall globular bottle, with laced upright bands — 10 in. high 2779 A tazza, on stem, with diagonal lines — 10 in. diameter 2780 A tall goblet and cover, on stem, with diapered surface 2781 A tazza, on stem, with two handles, with broad stripes and laced bands 2782 A tall goblet and cover, on stem, with laced bands 2783 An elegant ewer, with handle, with broad stripes and ribbon bands 2784 A drinking glass, on circular open stem, with geranium flowers in the centre — 11 in. high 2785 A low vase, cover, and stand, with diagonal flutings, and bands of zigzag — extreme diameter 20 in. 2786 A bottle, in the form of a pistol — 16 in. long SCHMELZE. 2787 A pair of small ewers, with ornamented handles, of opal colour 2788 A small vase, the lip compressed on each side, with two ornament- ed handles, of opal.. (^See illustration) 237 2789 A Clip, in imitation of gold porphyry 2790 An oval nautilus-shaped tazza, on stem of opal glass — 6 in. high 2791 A beautiful vase, with handle and spout, of ruby, waved with green and other colours — 12^ in. high OPALISED. 2792 A glass, on tall openwork stem — 9^ in. high 2793 A glass, with curious leaf-shaped curved lip, on stem — 8 in. high 2794 A cup, on stem 2795 A candlestick, on fluted stem and plinth — 9 in. high 2796 A flat tazza, of yellow and other colours — S^in. diameter 2797 Two cups — green 2798 Two cups, with gold 2799 A small tazza ; and a pair of small globular vessels 2800 A teapot and ewer, gold with green handle 2801 A fluted basin, of rich colour and gold 2802 A small cup ; a small bottle ; and a globular stand 2803 A small barrel-shaped vessel, red and white FROSTED VENETIAN GLASS. 2804 A bocale, with lions' heads in relief — gilt — 8^ in. high 2805 Another, similar, with gilt band round the edge — Sin. high 2806 A beautiful large ewer, with straight spout and scroll handle; and basin — the basin 13| in. diameter 2807 A vase, of elegant form, with masks, festoons, and flutings in relief — Sg in. high 2808 A circular flat vessel, with upright handle in rings — bosses and bands on the side 2809 A small low ewer, with white bands GERMAN GLASS. 2810 A goblet and cover, on stem, engraved with the arms of Saxony 2811 A tall weinstock green glass — 14 in. high 2812 A tall goblet, on stem, with cover, with arms and inscription, gilt 238 2813 Another, with Inndscape in Indian ink — 13 in. high 2814 A goblet and cover, of green glass, engraved with imperial arms 2815 A deep blue bottle, engraved with arms, and inscribed " Rudolf, H. v., 1672" 2816 A quart hock glass, with Cupid seated on a barrel, and inscrip- tion — 8:^ in. high 2817 An oval ruby flat glass, enamelled, with inscription in white 2818 A green flat glass, with indented lip 2819 A green weinstock glass — 9 in. high 2820 A blue ditto— 10 in. high 2821 A large green hock glass, with inscription — imperfect — 10 in. high 2822 Another, with arms 2823 Another, engraved with huntsmen — 10 in. high 2824 A very tall glass, with portrait of a queen — 13 in. 2825 A goblet, on stem, with cover, engraved with a view of Hirschberg 2826 A tall ribbed bocale, with inscriptions and wreaths of leaves — 12 in. high 2827 A glass and cover, on foot, with medallion of Philip IV., and three coats of arms — 10 in. hi^h 2828 A glass, on foot, with Cupid and devices, " Tout pour I'amour"' — 9 in. high 2829 A tall glass, on rich figured stem, with shields of arms, and figures; and a spoon and fork — imperfect 2830 A glass, on tall stem, with a bishop's arms, surrounded by vines — lOi in. high 2831 Another, on high ornamental stem, with figures of birds, and coats of arms- — 11 in. high 2832 A very tall glass, with arms of the Holy Roman Empire, and Eleeiorate, 1655 — 16 in. high 2833 A tall glass and cover, on foot, with a seaport and figures — 17^ in. 2834 Another, blue, inscribed " Floreat Domus Palatina," and arms — 17^ in. high 2835 A very tall glass, on twisted stem, with Bacchus seated on a barrel with grapes — 17 in. high 2836 A tall glass and cover, on stem, with the Emperor Leopold, and inscription — 1 7 in. high 239 2S37 Another, with a boar hunt — 16 in. high 2838 A tall Venetian glass and ribbed cover, with twisted handle and stem, of green and white, with shield of arms — 15 in. high 2839 Another, on elegant twisted stem, with birds' heads and green combs — 14J in. high 2840 Another, nearly similar ENAMELLED GERMAN GLASS. 2841 A bottle, with the arms of the Holy Roman Empire, the Cruci- fixion on the centre of the eagle, 1576 — 11 in. high 2842 A bocale, with horsemen, and two shields of arms — 'IHin. high 2843 Another, with a lady in a white dress, and shield of arms in wreaths — 12 in. high 2844 A vidercom, with different trades, in compartments, inscribed " Hieronymuss Fisscher, 1679 " — 12 in. high 2845 Another, with the arms of the Holy Roman Empire, and inscrip- tion, 1661 — 11^ in. high 2846 Another, and cover, light green, with the Fichtel Giberge, and animals, with inscriptions, 1664 — 13 in. high 2847 A vidercom, with a German Emperor, surrounded by the Seven Electors, verses beneath, 1601 — Hi in. hish 2848 Another, with cover, and arms of the Holy Roman Empire, 1625 — 12 in. high 2849 A jug, with glass cover, with Christ and the woman of Samaria, the text inscribed, 1652 — 13 in. high 2850 A bocale, with arms of Johannes Schemdt, 1602 — 11^ in. high 2851 Another, with arms of Roccho Grasl, 1603 — 10^ in. high 2852 A bocale, with the Fichtel Giberge 2853 Another, with a lady in white, and shield of arms — 11 in. high 2854 A vidercom and cover, with the rivers running from mountains, two figures behind, 16/6 — 12 in. high 2855 Another, on foot, with cover, and two shields of arms — 12 in. high 240 GRTS DE FLANDRES. 2856 A white jug, pewter-mounted, the surface reticulated, with drunken and dancing figures, masks and ornaments — dated 1589 — 7i in. high 2857 A curious brown and blue barrel-shaped vessel, pewter-mounted, with ornaments and coats of arms round, and two large coats with oval wreaths, IF. V. and H. V. inscribed — 6 in. high '2858 A small blue and white mug, with chequers and C. R., with a crown — 3| in.- high 2859 A curious square bottle, with blue and brown rude ornaments — dated 1618—7 in. high 2860 A white jug, reticulated with ornaments, heads, &c., with origi- nal silver mounting and lid — dated 1589, on handle — 7^ in. high 2861 A dark lava jug, with original metal-gilt ornamented mountings, the lid engraved T. S. — date perhaps about 1600 — 6 in. high 2862 An ancient black leather luucr, with silver rim, and coat of arms — no date, probably about the time of James 11. — 6f in. high ; and one, wirh engraved silver lid 2863 A curious glazed and coloured square earthenware vase, with metal tap, figures on horseback hunting, trees, &c. in relief, with masks and other ornaments — date perhaps about from 1500 to 1530 — 8|in. high. Fery curious 2864 A brown jug, with pewter lid, with two armorial bearings in ovals ; a pelican and young in the centre, supported by two griffins, masks, and other ornaments — dated 1599, and long inscription — 13 in. high 2865 A gris jug, with pewter lid, blue and white, with a classical procession — dated 1 589, and initials I. E. — 14 in. high 2866 Another, with pewter mounting, blue and white, masks and ornaments, and scriptural and historical subjects in arched compartments — dated 1622; an oval medallion, with in- scription and shield with device — 16 in. high 241 2S67 Another, with the handle of the lid formed of a figure of the Magdalen seated, with blue and white ornaments, and the Crucifixion in the centre — date about 1670 — 13i. in. high 2868 A pewter jug and cover, embossed with three medallions of Patientia, Solertia, and Nonvi — 6iin. high 2809 A blue, white, and brown jug, pewter mounted, with embossed ornaments and masks, and full coat of arms in front — no date — 15 in. high 2870 A very large brown jug, with grey-bearded hend, three large coats of arms, and two smaller ; the imperial double eagle in the centre, the arms of England, and inscription of Elizabeth Hegina,, &c. — dated 1594— 14^ in. high 2871 An English blue and white earthenware jug, with a little yellow- in the painting, with Prince of Wales's feathers, helmet, crest, and cypher, within shield — dated 1638 — pewter mount 'd^ — 10 in. high 2872 A carved wooden tankard, with emblematic medallions of Faith, Hope, and Charity, a hare hunt, &c. — no date — 7^ in. high 2873 A brown jug, highly glazed, with figures of dancing boors, bag- pipers, &c. — dated 1576, with long inscriptions — 9 in. high. 2874 A curious hour-glass shaped-brown jug, pewter mo\mted, with four double handles and four single, with pendant rings — date probably 1580 — 1 1 in. high 2875 A brown jug, with pewter lid, and renaissance ornaments, with three coats of arms — dated 1 587 — 9 in. high 2876 Another, with men holding shields of Electorate arms, under arches, with renaissance ornaments — dated 1602 — 11 in. high 2877 A FINK Blue and White Gris de Flanders Jug, of very curious three-sided form, circle and half circle, with figures dancing, under the handle ; masks and ornaments at the top; under lip, a cypher and G. B. — dated 1602, with long inscription — 17^ in. high. (See illustration) 2878 A circular glazed Delft tazza, on foot; marriage symbol, with six handles and coloured ornaments in rehef, hands united, birds, &c. within, P. P. C. anno 1656 — 6 in, diameter, ex- clusive of handles, and 2^ in. high R 242 2879 A VERY FINE Blue and White Gris Jug, pewter mounted. with an equestrian cavalcade, masks, ornaments, and long inscription— dated 1587 — 18^ in. high 2880 A tall white cannette, pewter mounted, with scriptural and classi- cal subjects ; in the centre, date 1574 and armorial bearings, lion rampant, crest, helmet, &c., B. L V. — 17|in. high 2881 A blue and white gris flat jug, pewter mounted, with figures, and many crests and coats of arms — dated 1601 — 15^ in. high 2882 A curious white round jug, pewter mounted, with the Crucifixion and two other subjects : rude early — date probably from 1540 to 1550—6^ in. high End of Twejity-second Day^s Sale. 3 041 278 8 3315 Z959 Twenty-third Day's Sale. On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. GERMAN GLASS. 2883 A mug, with a gentleman and lady, and inscription in white — 6a in. hi^h 2884 A purple mug, with a medallion and arabesques — 6J in. high 2885 A white opalised mug, with pewter lid, enamelled — 8^ in. high 2886 A tankard, blue, with a lady and gentleman pledging each other, 1601, with metal lid — 7 in. high 2887 A blue bocale, with a sportsman shooting a stag — 6^ in. high 2888 Another, with arms and cypher, 1678 2889 A bocale, with figures feasting and musicians, with arabesque borders — 4^ in. high 2890 One, with arms of George Frederick, Margraff of Brandenburg — 64 in. high 2891 A glass, engraved with portrait of Barnevelt — 7\ in. high 2892 One, with portrait of Cornelius de Guselaar, Pensioner of Dor- drecht 2893 A cut mug and cover, with two subjects of fountains before chateaux, and arabesques — 8 in. high 2894 A small cup, with a landscape, gilt — imperfect 2895 A bocale and cover, with busts of Cosmo 111. and F'erdinand Duke of Tuscany, and arms — 9 in. high r2 244 2896 One, with Cupid before a cask, and two landscapes, with in- scriptions, mounted with silver gilt — 8^ in. high 2897 A mug, with two shields of arms engraved 2898 A tumbler, with arabesques, and red and green gem bosses — 4^ in. high 2899 A mug, with cypher and coronet, mounted uith silver-gilt lid, on which is a medal of John Henry Duke of Saxony, 1500; a small gold coin of Frederick William Duke of Bran- denburg in the bottom — 7^ in. high 2900 A pair of flat-sided bottles, engraved with arabesques — 10 in. high 2901 A flat pilgrim's bottle, with two shields of arms enamelled, and rings for handles — 11 in. high 2902 A small globular fluted jug, of blue glass — 7| in. high 2903 A green cup, on stem, engraved with flowers 2904 A small globular bottle, with painted neck, enamelled with two* shields of arms and scrolls 2905 A fine bocale and cover, the surface waved, surmounted by the imperial eagle — 21 in. high. (See illustration) 2906 A tall glass and cover on stem, engraved with a battle in a land- scape, and trophies on the cover — 21 in. high 2907 Another, with imperial arms, inscribed Augustissima, Patronanza (probably for Maria Theresa) — 17 in. high 2908 Another, with medallion of an elector, and a battle — J 8 in. high 2909 A CURIOUS Globular Bottle, with tall neck: within is a group of three fruits on leaf stands, enamelled in colours, and a fruit forms the stopper — 21-^ in. high VENETIAN GLASS. 2910 A glass, on openwork stem, with blue bosses 2911 A scalloped glass, on openwork crested stem, blue on one side 2912 A horn, of deep blue, with twisted bands of white, raised 2913 A large flat glass, delicately engraved with scrolls, on openwork blue stem 2914 A green glass, on twisted stem 245 2915 A scalloped glass^ with bands raised, on embossed stem 2916 A tall four scalloped glass, engraved with arabesques 2917 Another, lower, with spiral red line in stem 2918 A tall glass, on stem, with Diana and Bellona, and elaborate arabesque borders — 6^ in. high 2919 One, engraved with a princess and shield of arms 2920 One, richly engraved with scrolls — 6^ in. high 2921 An oblong basin and hexagonal ewer, with small landscapes, arms, and arabesques of minute design — length of ewer 7| in. 2922 A chalice, on stem, engraved I. H. S, — 6| in, high 2923 An oval-shaped glass, with landscapes engraved 2924 A small square jar and cover, with figures, arms, and arabesques 2925 A tazza, on stem, with delicate waved cup 2926 Another, delicately engraved with frieze of animals and trees, with German inscription, 1599 2927 A glass, in the form of a beehive, mounted with metal bell — 7iin. high 2928 A glass, mounted with silver sphere with a die in it, a figure of Fortune above — 9 in. high 2929 A vessel in the form of an elephant, with blue edges 2930 A globular glass and cover, with a marine globe inside, enamelled, "with a fish — 8iin, high 2931 A jug, with very curious double fluted spout, ornamented with bands, blue bosses on the handle — 9 in. high 2932 A globular vase and cover, with projecting drop ornaments of red, blue, and green 2933 A hght blue drinking glass, on embossed metal stem — 9 in. high 2934 A very elegant flat-sided bottle, with raised leaf ornaments, enamelled between white stripes mounted with silver — 10^ in. high. (See illustration) 2935 A vessel, in the form of a sceptre, of deep blue, with openwork ornaments on the top, the bottom mounted with pewter — 12 in. long 2936 A tall glass, the cover surmounted by a seaport, on stem formed of a pelican, with blue crest and wings — 18 in. long. {See illustration) 246 '2937 A horn-sliaped glass, with embossed rings, mounted with silver bell at the end; on the silver rim is inscribed " Qui tient y boil," and date 1595; French inscriptions scratched on the glass 2938 A horn-shaped glass waved with white lines and two blue rings — width of arc 13 in. VITRO DI TRINA. 2939 A small jar ; and a globular bottle, with waved lines 2940 A two-handled flat bottle, with stripes oi' laced ornaments — 12 in. hiorh 2941 A square vessel, with broad stripes 2942 A bocale, with two white bands, and flutings below 2943 A glass, on openwork twisted stem of blue and white — 12^ in^ high 2944 A finebocale, with upright stripes and mask handles— 12 in. high 2915 A superb ewer and basin, with lines of lacework, the ewer with indented edge and straight handle — the basin 14^ in. dia- meter 2946 A tall glass and cover, on stem, with fine stripes and laced lines — 15 in. high 2947 A tazza, on stem, with laced stripes 2948 A jug and cover, with spiral lines, a flower in relief, inside — 9| in. high 2949 A tazza, on stem, with crossed lines 2950 A goblet and cover, striped with white, on stem ornamented with masks and festoons — 10-^ in. high 2951 A basin, with delicate crossed lines — 9 in. diameter 2952 An elegant tazza, with indented edges, on stem 2953 A mug, with handle, blue chain band round the surface, and raised ornaments 295d A tazza, on stem, with spiral lines — 6i in. diameter 2955 One, with spiral crossed lines — 7 in. diameter 2956 One, with rope ornaments, raised — 6 in. diameter 2957 One, with laced lines — G^in. diameter 247 2958 A glass, on stem, with coloured stripes 2959 A vessel, in the form of a porpoise. {See illustration) 2960 A flagon, striped with turquoise and white, with a mask in relief — 10 ill. high 2961 A globular vase, with maroon and white stripes — 8 in. high 2962 A tall glass, on stem, with pink stripes 2963 A square bottle, with blue and white stripes and flutings 2964 An elegant flat-sided bottle, with blue and red stripes, partly gilt — 10 in. high 2965 A bocale, with red and blue diagonal stripes — 6iin. high 2966 Another, with purple, blue, and yellow stripes— 6f in. 2967 Another, with red and blue stripes — 6 in. high 2968 One, nearly similar — 6| in, high 2969 A cannette, with handle, blue and white diagonal stripes, with mask in the front, pewter lid — 9^ in. high 2970 A bocale, with blue and white diagonal stripes — 8 in. high 2971 Another, similar, with masks in relief — imperfect — S^in. high 2972 A large dish, with crossed spiral lines — 16 in. diameter RUBY GLASS, 2973 A goblet, with birds and flowers, on ball feet ; and a small pur- ple decanter 2974 Atazza, the border engraved with arabesques, deep crimson — 7^ in. diameter 2975 One, larger, with flowers and arms, inscribed M. S. S. G. B. — 9 in. diameter 2976 A fluted tazza, of rich orange colour 2977 A goblet, crimson, spirally fluted, on stem, embossed with masks and festoons 2978 A very curious ornament, pyramidal oval, on stem, gilt — 9 in. high 2979 A fluted upright bottle, of rich deep colo\ir, the surface coarsely frosted — 7^ in. high 2980 A jug, with white waved ornaments, of very early and rude design, on very deep red — 7$ in. high 2981 A mug, with spots raised in imitation of gems; the borders have been gilt, with pewter lid — 5 in. high 248 2982 A pair of glasses, fluted, on pale stems 2983 A small globular vessel, with spout, mounted, with stem, cover, and handle of silver gilt, engraved with arabpsques 2984 A globular teapot, with handle, the lid and spout of metal, chased and gilt 2985 A goblet, engraved with birds, fruits, and festoons, mounted, witli lid, and on ball feet of metal 2986 A globulai- jug, with handle, the cover of metal gilt 2987 A barrel-shaped small glass, with metal lid, set with ruby glass gems 2988 A globular vase, engraved with birds, fruits, and festoons, with metal top 2989 A small jug, with handle, F. R., and a crown engraved on the lid, mounted with rims of silver gilt 2990 A small goblet, engraved with a trophy and a landscape 2991 A small oval fluted tazza, mounted with silver gilt 2992 A small fluted cup, on metal stand ; and a smaller cup, engraved 2993 Two small opal glasses, on ruby stems 2994 A goblet, engraved with Cupid seated beneath the sun, on chased silver stand 2995 A goblet, with arms and trophy 2996 One, smaller, with flowers 2997 A vessel, in the form of a bird ; and a small glass, mounted with silver gilt 2998 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL FLUTED FLAT BOTTLES, mounted on plinths, and with rims of silver gilt — 12 in. high 2999 A globular bottle, with tall narrow neck, fluted, on a square silver stem — 12 in. high SOOO A goblet and cover, on a tall stem and foot, mounted with silver gilt — 11 in. high 3001 A jug, engraved with fruits and flowers, mounted, with gilt metal cover — 10 in. high 3002 A pair of vases, of double globular form — 9 in. high 3003 A FINE RARE Tazza, on a fluted stem, the outside with scale ornaments, gilt and enamelled with green — 10 in. diameter 3004 A globular vessel, of ruby, on stem, with bands and ornaments of white 249 3005 A glass, in the form of a boot with spur, the leg fluted 3006 A negro's head, small. Very fine 3007 A tall fasceted goblet and cover, on stem — 13 in. high 3008 A tazza, with fluted rim, of rich light red — 8^ in. diameter DELFT, GRIS DE FLANDRES, AND COLOGNE WARE. 3009 A blue and white delft stone jug, with lid, pewter mounted, a horse painted on the lid — date perhaps 1680 — 8 in. high 3010 A brown biittcher-ware glazed tankard, with gold ornaments, crown, and royal arms of Saxony, with copper mounting, which appears to have been gilt — date from 1680 to 1700 — 9 in. high 3011 A blue and white stone jug, pewter mounted, with kings' and queens' heads under arches, and coats of arms, dated 1587, and private shield of devices — 8^ in. high 3012 A jug, with pewter mounting, figures of musqueteers, masks, and ornaments, in blue and white — date about 1630 — 12^ in. high 3013 A brown English mug, with ornaments, and four double carved handles, rude-work, cyphers on tablets, and date 1621 — 6^ in. high 3014 A brown unglazed mug, pewter mounted, in the form of a bear on his feet, the fore-paws supporting a shield, with a device — no date, perhaps about 1 570 — 8^ in. high 3015 A carved wood peg tankard, (the pegs on inside) rude and grotesque animals and figures in relief — no date — 8 in. high 3016 A glazed mug, with part of original pewter mounts, brown and buff, with figures of boys and bacchanals — no date — 6^ in. high 3017 A yellow drab two-handled bowl-shaped mug, English, inscribed round the top " JOSHVA HEATH, 177"— Sin. high 3018 A glazed earthenware nmg, brown speckled ground, with blue and white scrolls, a crown and device of an eagle crowned, and sun, with motto " Non soli sedet," pewter mounted ; on the lid, a head of George 1., of the time — 10 in. high 250 3019 A curious English brown earthenware bowl-shaped drinking cup and cover, with four handles, one hollow for trick to spill liquors, with ornaments, and Prince of Wales's feathers — no date, probabl}'' about 1620 — 10 in. high 3020 A delft basket, with handle yellow, with animals and wreaths in colours, the cover perforated ; probably a marriage basket — no date, perhaps about 1640 — 13 in. high 3021 A blue and white stoneware mug, with dancing figures, in arches, and ornaments and inscription — dated 1586 — 7 -J in. high 3022 A blue and white stone jug, with grey-bearded head, with flori- ated ornaments in circles — no date, perhaps 1580 — 9^ in. high 3023 A blue and white ditto, pewter mounted, with some brown colour and scroll ornaments, a rude head at the top ; a portrait crowned, of Maria D, Grat. Britan. France, et Hiber. Regina, of the time — 9| in. high .3024 A blue and white jug, with fluted ornaments, silver mounted, the lid chased with heads, and a glass star in the middle ; inside, engraved coat of arms — no date, perhaps 1590 — 10 in. high c025 A pilgrim-shaped stone bottle, blue, brown, and white, with or- naments, and shields of crowned imperial eagle — no date, perhaps from 1640 to 1660 — lOi in. high 3026 Another, with two full coats of arms — dated 1678 — 10 in. high 3027 A blue and white stone jug, with curious spout, pewter mounted, covered with ornaments — no date, perhaps about 1580 — 10 in. . high 3028 Another, pewter mounted, and arabesque ornaments — no date, perhaps 1570 — 9| in. high 3029 Another, blue, white, and brown, with foliage and coat of arms in the centre — dated 1687 — 9 in. high 3030 A white stone jug, with blue and brown embossed ornaments, and pewter lid — no date, perhaps 1650 — 11 in. high 3031 Another, with old head and pewter lid, engraved with cypher and date— 1681— Hi in. high 251 3032 A blue and white slone jar, with blue embossed ornaments, and tablet — dated 1591—10 in. high 3033 A blue and white stone jug, pewter mounted, with ornaments, dancing figures, and inscriptions — dated 1589 — 11 in. higli 3034 A pilgrim-shaped stone bottle, blue, brown, and drab, witli fleurs- de-lys and other ornaments, and an old ship in the centre, fleurs-de-lys above — no date, perhaps 1670 — 11 in. high 3035 A glazed brown bottcher-ware tankard, pewter mounted, with medallions of a father and children, and motto ; it has been silvered with trees, carriages, &c. — date about 1700, with crown and cypher silvered — 11 in. high 3036 A blue and white stone flat-sided jug, pewter mounted, with old head at spout, with blue ring in its mouth ; two coats of arms, one with inscription round, " Kunick. W. Pen. : Van Frack- rick" — dated 1597; and other arms, with inscription — dated 1614—12 in. high 3037 A white, blue, and brown stone jug, with foliage, arms, crown electoral, and inscription — dated 1680 — 12 in. high 3038 A blue and white stone jug, with military figures under arches — dated 1598—94 in. high 3039 Another, fluted, with grey-bearded mask, and figures of Justice, Mercy, and Truth, under arches ; monogram on shield, I. E., and a four-line inscription in capital letters — dated 1586 — 10* in. high 3040 A white gris bottle, with curious double handle, pewter mounted, and three scriptural subjects in circles — dated 1559 — 9iin. high 3041 A SINGULARLY BEAUTIFUL Gris White Jug, with omameuts in the finest taste, with elegant handle terminating in a mask, stags, birds, and flowers in high relief, and subjects of field sports, and an angel holding a shield, with devices and in- scription — no date, perhaps 1570 — 9 in. high. (See i/hts- Iration.) 252 3042 A curious early jug, no lip, of grey unglazed coloured earthen- ware, and ornaments in relief, glazed, with three lions with rings in iheir mouths, with medallions of a Roman soldier and a female — dated 1579 — 7* in. high End of Twenty-third Days Sale. 3 3 3 9 3 085 2905 33 07 Twenty -fourth Day's Sale. On THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. GERMAN ENAMELLED GLASS. 3043 A square bottle, with figures of the Seasons, on red ground — dated 1692 3044 A small cup, with two angels at a fountain, in blue and white — 1635 3045 A very small bocale, with arms of Saxony ; inscribed F. A. R. P. E. S. 3046 One, on ball feet, with similar arms — 1629 3047 One, with two figures and inscription — 1612 3048 A mug, with Elector Bishop of Mayence— 1609 3049 A small bocale, with arms of Saxony — 1688 3050 An hexagonal bottle, blue, with figures of Salvator Mundi, St. Peter, and St. John, with flowers on the alternate sides, with silver stopper 3051 A small bocale, with arms of Saxony — 1687 3052 Another, with similar arms — 1666 3053 One, larger, with similar arms — 1684 3054 A ruby goblet, wiih four medallions of horsemen, in white 3055 A small glass, with medallions of Concordia and Rehgio, in white and black 3056 A small bocale, with arms — 1660 3057 One, with cover, enamelled with birds, in gold and white orna- ments 254 3058 One, witli two square medallions of flowers, and inscription in white ; and a very small glass 3059 A bocale and cover, on ball feet, enamelled, with a cavalier, and inscription — 1684 3060 A jug, with the lamb and flag, and foliage, inscription — 1668 — 7^ in. high 306 1 A bocale, with white stripes, enamelled with arms in the motto ol" the Garter, and inscription — 1678 — 7h in. high 3062 A vidercom, with two merchants seated at a table and a man weighing goods ; inscribed '' Ich Pin Genant der Gott Wil- kum" — period about 1570 — 7| in. high 3063 One, with Roman emperor and electors, on white horses — 1664 — 7 in. high 3064 One, with an elector in black, between two halberdiers in red ; arms of Mayence on the reverse — 1654— 7^ in. high 3065 One, with a stag hunt — 8^ in. high 3066 One, with a figure driving a cart drawn by five horses, with inscription — 1660 — 6i in. high 3067 One, with a cavalier in black, between two ecclesiastics holding books, arms of Saxony — 1654 — 7^ in. high 3068 One, with the Crucifixion, Resurrection, lamb, and pelican, under arches — 1655 3069 A square low bottle, with two shields of arms — 1644 3070 A tall bocale, with two shields of arms and gold rim — 10 in. high 3071 A jug, with a cavalier pledging a lady, inscribed " Hanns Gasmant, &c.," pewter lid — 1655 — 10 in. high 3072 A vidercom, with the ages of woman in arched compartments — : 10^ in. high 3073 A bocale, with Abraham offering up Isaac — 1577 — 10 in. high 3074 A vidercom, with knights in armour, and an arquebussier in green dress ; two shields of arms — imperfect — 9.f in. high 3075 One, with the German Emperor, French King, and Queen of SwedeTi in alliance, electors and princes kneeling on each side; inscription commemorating the alliance; the Almighty and angels above — 1651 — 9^ in. high 255 3076 A tankard, with tlie twelve apostles in arched compartments, of early work — O^in. high 3077 One, with a bear hunt — 1 1 in. high 3078 One, with the German emperors and electors, on white horses — 1624, with imperial arms — lOj in. high 3079 One, with arms of Holy Roman Empire, elaborately emblazoned —1692—10 in. high 3080 A tall bocale, of early period, with two shield^; of arms and gold rim — 15 in. high 3081 A vidercom, with two figures and an unicorn in leafed circles, inscribed "Michael Mensom, in Nuremburgh, 1615," with cypher ; flowered borders above and below, and on the cover — 16 in. hiofh 3082 One, with a boar hmit — 1591 — 15 in. high 3083 One, of early date, covered with blue and yellow fleur-de-lys — 16 in. high 3084 One, with arms of the Holy Roman Empire, fully emblazoned ; the brazen serpent on the reverse — 1581 — 16 in. high 3085 A flagon and cover, with Christ and the disciples at the Last Supper — 1599 — 14 in. high. {See illustration) 3086 A vidercom, with knight bearing arms of Leonhart Von Mil- ckau, 1608 ; Fortune, on the reverse — 12i in. high 3087 One, with a horseman and shield of arms, inscribed " Wilbolt Gewant Schneide " — 1600 — 14 in. high 3088 One, with portrait and arms of Hanns Reming, of Nurmberg — 16 in. high VITRO DI TRINA. 3089 A glass, on fluted stem, with white lines 3090 One, with bosses on the bowl, and diagonal stripes 3091 A very small glass ; and a tortoise-shaped glass, with blue stripes 3092 A tazza, with waved white lines on stem — 9 in. diameter 3093 One, with diagonal lines — 9 in. diameter 3094 A blue tazza, enamelled with frieze of leaves — 5| in. diameter 3095 A very large drinking glass, on foot, with crossed diagonal lines — 12 in. high 256 3096 A bocale, with crossed stripes — 11^ in. high 3097 A flat tazza, with laced bands — 8 in. diameter 3098 One, with diagonal white stripes — 12 in. diameter 3099 One, with delicate crossed stripes — 15 in. diameter 3100 A vase, on stem, with festoons 3101 A flat cup, on openwork stem, with blue ornaments 3102 A globular bottle, with upright bands of laced work 3103 A flat glass, on openwork stem, with two white bosses 3104 A glass, with diagonal stripes, on embossed stem 3105 One, with diagonal crossed stripes 3106 One, with laced stripes, and spirally-fluted stem 3107 One, with bosses on the bowl, and laced stripes 3108 A small globular bottle, with laced stripes and two handles 3109 A small goblet, with diagonal stripes, on ball feet 3110 A goblet, with diagonal stripes, on embossed stem 3111 A glass, on stem, with diagonal stripes — 6g in. high 3112 A tall diagonal striped glass, on embossed stem — 7^ in. high 3113 A pair of tall glasses, on stems, with delicate laced lines — 7^ in. high 3114 One, with crossed diagonal lines — 7^ in. high 3115 One similar, but with a gold Papal coin enclosed in the stem — • 8 in. high 3116 One, with laced stripes — 7^ in. high 3117 A bocale, with fine diagonal stripes — 5^ in. high 3118 A globular vase and cover, with diagonal Unes — 9 in. high 31 19 A bocale and cover, with fine crossed lines — 8^ in. high 3120 A bocale, with crossed lines — 6 in. high 3121 A tall bocale, with perpendicular waved lines — 8 in. high 3122 Another, with perpendicular lines — ^85 in. high 3123 A globular vase and cover, on stem, with laced lines — 10 in. high 3124 A tall cup and cover, on stem, with crossed lines — 10^ in. high 3125 A bocale, with diagonal stripes — 10 in. high 3126 Another, with upright stripes — 11 in. high 3127 A goblet, on stand, with crossed stripes — 6 in. high 3128 A glass, on stem, with crossed stripes — 7 in. high 3129 A glass, on stem, with white lines — 5j^ in. high 257 ENAMELLED VENETIAN GLASS. 3130 A flat, glass, with handle, ornaments of beads raised, and white spots, and bands which have been gilt — 4^ in. diameter 3131 A globular vase, enamelled wdth flowers and spots, and gilt rims — imperfect 3132 A goblet, deep blue, enamelled with flowers, and gold rims 3133 A square canister, with flowers and gold foliage — silver top — G^in. high 3134 A jug, of deep blue, with flowers and scales of white, with coloured spots; the pewter lid painted to correspond — 8 in. high 3135 A figure of a negro, bearing a cornucopia, in black, white, and colours — 10 in. high 3136 A circular tazza and cover, deep purple, fluted, with white and gold buds of ornaments 3136* A circular bottle, painted with flowers and silver top; and one square, with flowers embossed VENETIAN SCHMELZE. 3137 A fluted upright bottle, ruby tint, with pewter stopper — 10 in. high 3138 A Pair of beautiful Bottles, nearly similar, but with the bronze gold with silver tops — 9 in. high. From Strawberry Hill 3139 An elegant globular vase, fluted beneath, with handle, blue and green on ruby ground — 94 in. high 3140 A flat-sided bottle, lapis-lazuli — lOfin. high 3141 Another, red, green, and white, on green ground, with two green handles — 9 in. high 3142 Another, nearly similar — 8^ in. high 3143 A globular jug, orange red, fluted beneath — 7 in, high 3144 A deep blue jug, with handle with crossed white stripes, mounted with pewter — 9 in. high 3145 An hexagonal bottle, of rich blue and green, with gold ; ivory top — 9 in. high 3146 A very curious vase, on stand, in imitation of tortoiseshell with gold — 7 in. high % 258 3147 A flat-nded lapis lazuli bottle— 10 in. high 3148 A small essence bottle, with long neck, pink, white, and yellow 3149 A small ewer, red and white, on blue ground 3150 Another, with white handle and spout, and white spots on crimson ground 3151 A tazza, on stem, red and green tint — 8 in. high, 9 in. dia- meter 3152 A cup, with handle, red and white diagonal waved lines, on clear white ground 3153 A mug, of green marble tint, with white handle, and metal top — 7^ in. high 3154 A small ewer, of lapis-lazuli tint — 8 in. high DELFT. 3155 A dish, with a cavalier, a page holding "a crown by his side, an attendant with ahorse behind ; pencilled in Indian ink on white ground — inscribed Johannes Bucholdi, a Leyda — 14 in. diameter 3156 A dish, with double coat of arms, in red and gold scroll in the centre, and arabesque border in colours' — 15 in. diameter 3157 A dish, nearly similar 3158 A dish, with Fortune seated on globe in the centre, a shield of arms on each side — inscribed H. M. A.M. E. W., 1681 — 13 in. diameter 3159 A jug, with the triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite, and arms above — inscribed under the handle, W. R., 1681 — with pewter lid 3160 A white spirally-twisted jug, with embossed silver lid, engraved with a ship 3161 Another, with silver- gilt embossed lid 3162 One, with a battle, in red, in ornamental border, with pewter lid 3163 One, with a boar hunt, in Indian ink, with pewter lid 3164 A pair of globular bottles, with musical conversations 3165 A pair of stands, in the form of high-heeled shoes, painted with flowers — inscribed M. I., 1705. F7'om Queen Charlotte's Collection 259 GRIS DE FLANDRES, AND COLOGNE WARE. 3166 A round brown jug, with some blue colour, twisted handle, with grey-bearded head, shield of arms, and coronet in centre — dated 1596; and two medallions of Claudius Csesar, with original pewter lid — 1 1| in. high 3167 A gris de Flandre cannette, with pewter lid, with shields of imperial arms and ornaments in sharp relief, and figures of Veritas, Justitia, and Pax — dated 1573. The initials L. W. occur at foot — -I If in. high. A very beautiful specimen 3108 Another, with pewter lid, arms Imperial, Bavarian, and Saxon — initals L. W., 1576 — 9^ in. high 3169 Another, with Samson and Delilah and other scriptural scenes, scrolls and ornaments in sharp relief. Signed H. H. — 1 1 Jin. high 3170 Another, .with shields of arms, and Venus in medallions, with pewter lid. Signed H.H. 1591 3171 A blue and white jug, with pewter lid, flat sided, with the Cross, I.H.S., and ornaments in relief round the neck — ll|in. high 3172 A tall tankard, light brown, with subjects of Dives, Lot and his daughters, and Abraham and the angels, with pewter lid and handle — 1562 — 10^ in. high 3173 A globular jug, with handle and pewter lid, ribbed with stripes of black, blue, and white, with date 1680 on the lid — 19 in. high 3174 A tankard, bright brown, with handle and silver cover, engraved with figures and shield of arms in oval in the centre, and frieze of foliaore above and below— 6i in hi^h 3175 Another, with handle, a frieze of hunting subjects in colours and arabesques above and below, without cover — 5 in. high 3176 A curious triple cup, brown, in the form of bulbs, wiih three shields of arms gilt — 4i in. hio^h 3177 A brown jug, with frieze of peasants dancing, and Flemish inscription above and below — 15 in. high 3178 Another, with pewter lid, with six oval shields of arms and devices, with Flemish inscriptions between caryatides — 10 in. high s2 260 3179 A large gris tankard, with pewter lid, a shield of arms on an oval, supported by lions, the ground covered with foliage — 15 in. high 3180 Another, with oval, the shield of arms of Bruda Petter, and Fle- mish inscription, lion supporters, the ground of flowers and gems — 15 in. high 3181 A brown tankard, pewter lid, and stem, open trellis sides — dated 1634, on lid— 9 in. high 3182 A brown jug, with handle and pewter lid, seven coats of arras, the centre with double imperial eagle and H. W. — 13 in. high 3183 A gris globular bottle, with fluted ornaments, and four shields of arms, in medallions — 1159 — 8 in. high 3184 A very curious vase, on foot, with small spouts on the shoulders, with figures of electors and knights in niches, H. H. on a drum ; small masks, in relief — 10 in. high 3185 A gris plate, with two female figures 3186 A white cannette, with imperial eagle, thrice represented — C. M., 1591, with arms of Bremen and Lubeck — 9 in. high 3187 Another, with David and Alexander, and three full coats of arms — 1589—9^ in. high 3188 A gris tankard, with six medallions of arms and saints, metal cover — 7 in. high 3189 A curious brown vase, with four handles, with silver rims— 10 in. high. Of rare form 3190 A Nevers ware jug, with metal cover and foot, inscribed M. M. B., 1778— 10 in. 3191 A gris-handled jug. pewter cover, two lions supporting a full coat of arms, with a knight, I. E., 1594 — 9 in. high 3192 A cnrious brown early vase, with pewter cover, and ornaments- indented — 10 in. liigh 3193 A gris jug, mask under the spout, white scalloped ornaments, and lion masks — 10^ in. high 3194 A gris-handled jug, with pewter lid, with an owl, eight coats of arms of the Swiss cantons, in arched apartments — 10^ in. high 261 3195 A brown cannette, with metal stand and rim, three coats of arms, masks, and arabesques, H- V. C, 1592 — lOf in. high 3196 A large brown globular jug, with three full shields of arms, in circles of Rhine grapes, chased metal-gilt cover, embossed with George and the dragon; small figures and inscriptions on the neck, 1577 — 15 in. high 3197 A snuff jar, black, with flowers in rich colours and gold, with pewter screw cover — 6:^ in. high 3198 A brown globular jug, with three full coats of arms in medallions, and inscriptions, 1592 — 7i in. high 3199 A curious brown jug, with spo it, with two portraits, and two imperial eagles in medallions, pewter lid — 7 in. high 3200 A brown highly glazed jug, with pierced brown and blue neck — 7 in. high 3201 A curious highly glazed barrel-shaped bottle, with two handles and spout ; a mask on one end, and a shield with three fleurs- de-lys and crown on the side — 6^ in high 3202 A medallion of a smoker, holding a jug — F. D., 1572 — small oval COLOGNE JUGS, &c. 3203 A jug, with four figures, seated, a group of musicians, and a page with a dog, in arched compartments, in colours, on deep blue ground ; a frieze of foliage beneath, a lion passant on the shoulder, with pewter lid — 1 1 in. high 3204 A Fine and Rare Jug: in front are two men with axes, in relief, between a recess, a tree between them ; Fortune and two other female figures under the handle, leaf ornaments at the edges, a sunflower surmounting the shoidder in front, in colours, on dark blue ground — 13 in. high 3205 A Fine Cannette, of rude early design, with three upright bands, embossed with male and female busts and arabesques, green and white, on brown and orange ground — 12^ in. high 3206 A double globular vase and cover, with leaf scrolls in white and gold, on deep blue ground — 12^ in. high 262 3207 A brown stone ware jug, with three medallious of Venus and Lucretia, in arabesque borders, a mask under the lip — 1578 — 13^ in. high 3208 Another, with three medalhons of devices, and shield of arms of Rudolph II., and pewter lid — 1604 — 13 in. high OPAQUE GLASS. 3209 A German mug, with Cupid sleeping, in a medallion, surrounded by figures and arabesques, mounted with lid of silver-gilt, a lion and shield at the top — 10 in. high 3210 A beautiful small Venetian vase, of schmeltz, of rich colours, with bands, birds, and bosses, gilt — 8 in. high 3211 A figure of young Bacchus, seated on a barrel, ruby and white 3212 A pair of Venetian plates, with views of San Giorgio Maggiore and the Arsenal, in brown. From Strawberry Hill 3213 A mug, with Chinese figures, in Indian ink, with metal lid End of Twenty-fourth Day's Sale. 3360 324 6 273 4 2 93 4 Twenty 'fifth Days Sale. On FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. GERMAN GLASS. 3214 Four small drinking glasses, with subjects of Joseph, Esther, Judith, and Tobit 3215 A tumbler, with views of Amsterdam, shield of arms, and flower border 3216 One, with the arms of the Hague 3217 A fluted wager glass 3218 A glass, in the form of an elephant seated, drinking 3219 A curious vessel, light green, in the form of an animal, the tail forming the ^oout 3220 A green hock glass, mended with copper ; and a tall glass, with twisted tube inside, surmounted by a swan 3221 A small oval glass and cover, on stem, with minute arabesques 3222 A small goblet, with figures of the Seasons 3223 A curious green drinking vessel, in the form of a porpoise 3224 A tall cup, on stem, with a view of a city, and Imperial arms 3225 Another, with three views, and shields of arms, in compartments 3226 Another, plain, with cover; and a small shell-shaped cup, with minute ornaments 3227 A tall cup and cover, on stem, with views of a chateau — the rim gilt 3228 Another, with arabesques, crown and cypher 264 3229 Another, with figures in a ship, inscribed " Floreat Commercium " 3230 Another, with figures before a palace 3231 A cup and cover, on short stem, with bacchanals and small figures of the Months, beneath a gilt honeysuckle, raised 3232 A pair of glasses, on tall stems, with small medallions and borders 3233 An oval cup and cover, on stem, with chateau 3234 An hexagonal bottle, with raised rims at the angles, and small masks, in blue 3235 A cup and cover, on stem, with view of Vienna, and elaborate border 3236 Another, with a subject of Commerce, and German inscription, with gilt foliage raised 3237 Another, with buildings and shipping, and gold scroll, raised 3238 Another, with figures, in ovals, and German inscriptions 3239 Another, with oval medallion of an emperor, and imperial eagles 3240 Another, with shield of arms, and gilt rims 3241 Another, with Cupid, and shield of arms 3242 Another, with views in arabesque compartments 3243 One, with a bourse, and portrait of Frans Hendrick 3244 One, with a bacchanalian subject. Beautifully engraved by F. Greemoood 3245 A globular flat decanter, with a fleur-de-lys on a lozenge 3246 A curious drinking glass, with tube in the centre, surmown ted by two horses' heads. (^See illustration\ 3247 A dagger, with pink and yellow lines, and blue shell on the hilt 3248 A tall cup and cover, on stem, with shield of arms, and inscription 3249 Another, elaborately ornamented with a chateau, figures, and arabesques 3250 A cup and cover, on very tall stem, and medallion of the Emperor Leopold, and arms 3251 One, of semi-opaque glass, with royal arms and cypher 3252 One, with the Great Alliance, arms of the Allies, on the back 3253 One, with medallion portraits and arms, in wreaths 3254 A tall green glass and stand, with allegorical figures of Fire and Water 265 3255 A fflobular two-handled vase : within is a figure of an infant bacchanal, of opaque white glass, holding a bottle and goblet, and seated, on a high stem of blue glass 3256 An elegant high double chalice, with fruits and flowers, with or-moulu lid, surmounted by a figure of Minerva 3257 A tall green goblet, on stem, with subject of a vintage 3258 A goblet and cover, on high stem, with an engagement of cavalry ENAMELLED GERMAN GLASS. 3259 A fine ewer, of schmeltz, of rich colours, with lines up the bowl — 13 in. high 3260 A large goblet, on stem, with portrait of the Emperor Leopold, in Indian ink 3261 A set of nine cups, on ball feet, with landscapes in Indian ink 3262 A set of three rather larger, with landscapes and figures, in colours and Indian ink 3263 A cup and cover, on ball feet, with three emblems and inscriptions, in Indian ink 3264 A vidercom, with processions of figures round the side, and in- scription in honour of the Emperor Maximilian, in Indian ink — 1662 3265 A fluted oval decanter, blue, with a fleur-de-lys on a medallion 3266 A glass on stem, with cupid, a grave digger, and moral inscrip- tions in Indian ink — 12Jin. high 3267 Another, with Cupids and inscriptions — 11^ in. high 3268 Another, with arms of Gocthals, and of the Holy Roman Empire, on stem, with handles — 10^ in. high 3269 A tankard, with the bull of St. Luke, and pewter lid 3270 A tall glass, striped with white, with two coats of arms — Dresden, 1623 3271 A bocale,~with a double imperial eagle, and lily of the valley — 1596 3272 A small vidercom, with a cavalier on horseback, and inscription — 1631 266 3273 A bocale, with the Virgin and Child, in an oval — 1659 3274 A cup, on stem, with an angel suppQrting two shields of arms, with inscription — 1600 3275 A bocale, with a Japanese warrior on horseback — 1604 3276 A bocale, with shield of arms — 1651 3277 Another, with four apostles, inscribed with their names 3278 Another, with a lady, a ladder on which her little boy is standing, with inscription 3279 A small jug, with two animals — 1587, with pewter lid 3280 A bocale, of green glass, with a lady holding a vase of flowers, and German verses, inscribed — 1699 3281 A large goblet, on stem, with a lady, in a blue dress, and shield of arms emblazoned with gold 3282 A fine vidercom, with arms of the Holy Roman Empire, elabo- rately emblazoned — 1603 — 9 in. high 3283 Another, with a German Emperor, King of France, and Queen of Sweden before him, and figures kneeling behind, and German inscription — 1656 — 9 in. high 3284 A square bottle, with arms on two sides and flowers, and arms — 1625 — 9 in. high 3285 A vidercom, with the Virtues under arches, and frieze.s of foliage — 9^ in. high 3286 Another, with a prince on a white horse, at own beneath — 1689 — 9 in. high 3287 One, with Charles XII, of Sweden, and inscription — 1710 — 6^ in. high 3288 A tankard, with Christ and the woman of Samaria, inscribed Johannam 4 ; with pewter lid — 8 in. high 3289 A vidercom, with the ten ages of man, and inscriptions above — 11 in, high 3290 A bocale, with a figure of Jacob Praun, and arras — 11 in, high 3291 Another, with a female figure and arms of Hanns Reming, of Nuremberg — 1 1^ in. high 3292 Another, with two shields of arms — 1578 — 12 in. high 267 3293 A vidercom and cover, with a whife horse, and arms of Saxony — 1671— 12 in. high 3294 A tankard, with two figures, and arms of Hanns Neithart, supported by griffins, an inscription under the handle — 1661 ; with pewter lid — 10 in. high 3295 A vidercom, with the ten ages of man, in arched divisions — II in. high VENETIAN GLASS. 3296 A fine bocale, of frosted glass, with masks on the sides — 11-^in. high 3297 A curious tall cornucopia-shaped glass — 12^ in. high 3298 A glass, on stem formed of a tulip. (See illustration) 3299 A veiy curious vessel, in the form of a ship, with rigging of blue — 13iin. high 3300 A candlestick, in the form of a flower, with green ornaments — 9 in. high 3301 A blue glass and cover, with waved surface — 13^ in. high 3302 A tall glass, on foot — 12-^ in. high 3303 A glass, on elegant openwork stem — 1 1 in. high 3304 One, on high stem, blue and white, elegantly twisted — 1 1 in. high 3305 One, with blue outside, nearly similar — 11 in. high 3306 A beautiful oviform vase, with three handles and spouts edged with blue — 10 in. high. {See illustration) 3307 A very curious bottle, in the form of a horse rampant, holding a tazza, on pedestal — 11 in. high. {See illustration) 3308 A ribbed cup and cover, on stem, the cover on four handles — 10 in. high; and a cup, with open stem 3309 A cup, on high twisted stem, with blue — 10 in. high 3310 A ribbed cup and cover, on high twisted stem — 12| in. high 3311 A dagger, with red and yellow twisting on the handle 3312 A small cup and saucer, of coloured glass — imperfect 3313 A tall glass, on stem, with a rose in colours — 13 in. high 3314 A two-handled vase, on foot, with white trellis — 9;^ in. high 3315 A fluted glass, on elegant openwork stem, with two dolphins — 13 in. high. {See illustration) 268 VITRO DI TRINA. 3316 A tall glass, on stem, striped with crimson, blue, and gold, with rich effect — 13 in. high 3317 A goblet, on stem of circles, increasing in size — 10 in. high ; and a bell 3318 A goblet and cover, on stem of or-moulu — I3iin. high 3319 A curious fish-shaped vessel, on foot — 7 in. high {^See illustration) 3320 A bell, surmounted on an eagle crowned, in silver 3321 A curious glass, in the form of a boot, with buttons, gilt — 10| in- high 3322 A tall bocale and cover — 13 in. hi^h 3323 A curious bulb-shaped vessel, on or-moulu foot — 10 in. high 3324 An elegant cup and cover, on foot — \\\ in. high 3325 A cup and cover, on foot — 9g in. high 3326 A bocale and cover, with straight lines — 12 in. high 3327 A cup in the form of a hoot, with buttons, gilt, and spiral lines, blue and white — 8 in. high 3328 A tumbler, with pink and blue lines 3329 A square bottle, with pink, green, and black lines 3330 A bottle and cover, with blue and white knob 3331 A tall fluted glass and cover, opalised — 121 in. high 3332 A bottle and cover — 6^ in. high ; and a striped bocale, with turquoise bosses 3333 A bocale and cover — 15| in. high 3334 A vase and cover, on foot — 13 in. high 3335 A small ewer, with spout ; and a striped vase and cover 3336 A bocale and cover — 15 in. high COLOGNE JUGS, AND GRIS DE FLANDRES. 3337 A jug, with heads in medallions, and whole-length female figures and foliage in various colours — dated 1652 — 6| in. high 3338 Another, with pewter lid and rims, with the Electors and Kaiser on horseback, and ornaments in various colours in relief — dated 1688— 7i in. high 269 3339 Another, with pewter handle and lid, with portraits of a prince and princess in medallions, female caryatid figures and ornaments, in colours in relief — date about 1600 J. : G. G., 1712, inscribed on the lid, wliich is of more recent date — 8 in. high. (See illustration) 3340 Another, with hunting and field sports, in various colours — date about 1600 — 4^in. higli 3341 Another, with pewter lid, with figures of the twelve apostles and other ornaments, a coat of arnas and crest, in the centre, George Bickleniann — dated 1677 — Sin. high 3342 Another, with pewter lid, with four circles of different employ- ments, ornaments, and wreaths in various colours — date about 1680 : a coronet engraved on the lid, and J. C. R. in flowers — 7iin. high 3443 Another, with pewter lid, dark grey, with enamelled black and white ornaments, with small heads embossed, which have been gilt — date about 1650 — 7\'\n. high 3344 A jug, dark grey, with various coloured ornaments and gilding, and small busts — 9i in. high 3345 Another, with pewter mounting, the lid embossed with a court- ship, dress of the period, with figures of the twelve Apostles, and some bearings in the centre, with H. H. above; a long German inscription round the bottom — dated 1683 — 9 in. high 3346 Another, dark brown, with male and female portraits, in colours — date about 1680 — 9i in. high 3347 Another, with handle and spout, with pewter mountings, dark brown, with figures of the Saviour, St. Matthew, five other saints, and ornamented in colours — dated 1655 — 9 in. high 3348 Another, with pewter mountings, with figures of Sol, Luna, and other planets — dated 1677, with German inscriptions — 9 in. high 3349 Another, with pewter mountings, the lid engraved with orna- ments, and C. S. B. ; figures of the twelve Apostles, and the lamb, with banner, in the centre, in relief, in colours — dated 1674— 5i in. high 270 3350 Another, with ornaments of Sol, Luna, and planets, in colours — dated 1668, and long German inscription beneath — 5g in. high 3351 A jug, with field sports, and figures in costume, and other orna- ments, in colours — dale about 1660 — 5 in. high 3352 Another, with portraits and arms of seven of the Electors, in robes, and other ornaments, in colours — date about 1650 — 5j in. high 3353 Another, with figures of the apostles and other ornaments, in colours — dated 1560, long Flemish or German inscription at foot — 6 in. high 3354 Another, with pewter mounting, the lid chased with a portrait ; drab ground, reticulated, embossed heads and ornaments, light blue and white enamelled — date about 1650 — 7 in. hisrh 3355 Another, with rich ornaments and masks; a device in the centre —dated 1622, inscribed H. S. G. F. 3356 Another, with pewter mounting, with Christ and the apostles, and other ornaments — date about 1660 — 6 in. high 3357 A snuiF jar, with pewter top, with gilt and colom-edf heads and ornaments, arms and crest in the centre, " Joan Wolfgang Reinelius, Nat. XXXI. Octob. M.D.C.LllI " round the top, of hexagon shape — 6j in. high 3358 A blue and white jug, with pewter mountings, flat sided, richly ornamented with a full coat of arms, and date 1589 in front ; and behind are inscriptions in four lines, with date beneath — 1591—16 in. high 3359 A brown jug, with arabesque ornaments, three ovals of arms and devices, and two crowned lions, supporters of the centre one — date about 1600 3360 A blue and white gris pilgrim-shaped bottle, with perforated ridges at the sides; inscriptions relating to, and shield of arms of the Prince of Orange — dated 1590; and medallion of a helmeted head, surrounded by renaissance arabesques {See illustration) 3361 A rude white gris vase-shaped jug, with handle, with two female saints, and coat of arms in centre, in circle — dated 1563 — 1 1 in. hiffh 271 3362 A blue and white gris upright pot, with pewter handle, heads of Minerva in ovals ; coat of arms and cresi in centre — dated 1594— 10 in. high 3363 A brown jug, with pewter top, with masks and renaissance orna- ments, dancing figures and musicians, in compartments — dated 1596— lU in. high 3364 A blue and white gris jug, pewter mounted, with embossed orna- ments — date about 1590 — 9 in. high 3365 A Delft basket-shaped vase, with twisted handle, with blue, green, and yellow foliage, and religious inscriptions — dated 1640 — • 1 1 in. high 3366 A brown jug, with pewter lid, with religious subjects, masks, and inscriptions — dated 1 584 3367 A brown cannette, with double imperial eagle, crowned, in the centre — dated 1583 — 9:2- in. high 3368 Another, with arms in the centre — no date, probably 1583 — 10 in. high 3369 Another, white gris, with pewter lid, with ornaments and double imperial eagle — dated 1591 — 10 in. high 3370 A brown pot, with handle and pewter lid, with crowned double imperial eagle in the centre — dated 1583 — lOf in. high End of Twenty-ffth Day's Sale. Twenty-sixth Days Sale. On MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. SPOONS, KNIVES AND FORKS, &c. 3371 A silver-gilt spoon, with chased angel's head, the stem orna- mented with cut crystal ; and a silver-gilt fork and knife, similar 3372 A small spoon, agate bowl, with silver-gilt handle, richly chased in grapes, vine leaves, &c. 3373 A small fork and spoon, silver gilt, the handles ornamented with enamelled leaves and fillagree scrolls on silver 3374 Four small spoons, of silver, with chased ornamented handles having figures at the tops 3375 A knife, steel blade, with silver shoulder, amber and ivory handle, carved as the figure of a man in a rich costume — of the time of 1690 3376 A small fork and knife, steel bladed and pronged, silver handles, enamelled in light blue, with the armorial bearings of Saxony in various places upon them — on the blade a mark 3377 A small knife and sheath, light blue enamel, with busts and shields of arms, and flowers in relief, in silver 3378 A knife and fork, agate handles, mounted with enamel foliage, in colours 3 513 3 5 12 273 3370 An agate spoon, witii silver-gilt ai\d enamel mountings 3380 A small knife and fork, blade and prongs of steel, handles ena- melled in light blue on sdver gilt, having their original silver- gilt etui, enamelled in light blue, with chased ornaments of busts and flowers 3381 A silver spoon, with a large bowl, the back engraved with a shield of arms surmountod by a coronet and the letters • ' • the handle having a chased ornamental top like a pine apple 3382 A suofar ton^s, of silver, with chased ornaments of foliage — on the bow of the handle the date, A.D. IDCXVI (1666) 3383 A silver-jointed spoon and fork, doubling back, with a chased goat's head at the top : the stem fancifully engraved in Briot's style, the bowl finely engraved wuthin with a female figure, foliage, scrolls, &c. : it has its beautiful stamped leather case, gilt, and shaped like a tortoise 3384 A silser spoon, with round-shaped bowl, having a chased orna- mented handle, with a figure of a warrior with a crown on his head at the top, leaning on a shield, with G. D. on it 3385 A silver-gilt spoon : the bowl finely chased inside with figures of birds : the stem and handle richly chased and engraved, on the top a figure of a bishop standing with his crozier, ornaments of masks, &c. ; on the handle also a coat of arms, with a bishop's mitre 3386 A silver spoon, with a round-shaped bowl, having a chased and ornamented handle, with a figuie of a crowned warrior at the top leaning on a shield with T. K. on it 3387 A silver spoon, with round-shaped bowl ; the handle richly chased and ornamented ; the top having a female bust at the back of the bowl, a coat of arms with T, E. : on the back of the stem the date 1660 is engraved, but the spoon, from the style of decoration, appears much older 3388 A silver spoon, parcel gilt, the handle chased and richly orna- mented, having an ornament like a globe at the top ; on the back of the bowl, the date of 1507 engraved T 274 3389 A silver spoon, with round-shaped bowl : on the back of the bowl, the letters ^ g' are engraved, the handle waved, with chased ornamented shoulder, and the top having the figure of an old man, like an apostle, with a tub, having three figures within it, below his right hand 3390 Two small knives (steel bladed), in their original leather case, the handles are enamelled, in landscape, subjects on gold, with chased shoulders, where the steel joins the handles 3391 A spoon, knife, and fork, en sviite, of silver gilt (steel blade), chased and ornamented handles, with female bust at the top, in their original green and gilt leather case 3392 A spoon, knife, and fork, en snite, of silver gilt (steel bladed), the handles enamelled in light blue, with embossed garnets and enamelled pearls ; with the ornamented leather case 3393 A spoon, knife, and fork, en suite, of silver gilt, the blade and prongs of steel, the handles in ornamental fillagree work ; they have their original ornamented leather case 3394 Two English knives, steel blades, with twisted red horn and silver ornamented handles ; on the blade of the one is engraved " With wealth and beauty all doe well, But constant love doth far excel." — Elizabeth Wallis ; and on that of the other, " My love is fix't, I will not range ; I like my choice, I will not change.'' — Elizabeth Wallis ; with the original black stamped leather case 3395 Two knives, carved amber and chased silver-ffilt handles, in their original sold and silver embroidered silk case 3396 A knife and fork (steel bladed), handles enamelled on silver, with ornaments of raised enamelled work, in fruit, &c., with their original case of silk and silver festoons 3397 A knife, fork, and jointed spoon, en suite, steel prongs and blade, agate handles, mounted in rich chased fillagree silver, in their original and gilt leather case 3398 A knife, fork, and spoon, en suite (steel bladed), the other parts in silver and silver gilt, the bowl of the spoon richly engraved ; the handles of the set, in chased fillagree work, with chased 275 D-old tops, having garnets in the centres; in their oriorinal P B • painted and gilt wooden case, which has j^gg' on it 3399 A knife, fork, and spoon, en suite, with carved bowl, and handles of ivory, the blade and prongs are of steel, in their original case of gilt and stamped red leather 3400 A knife and fork (steel blade and prongs), handles richly enamelled in raised flowers, on dark ground on silver gilt 3401 A small fork, silver gilt, ornamented agate handle, with chased and pierced mountings 3402 A knife, steel blade, partly engraved and gilt, the handle of rich embossed enamel work, and a handle similar for a fork 3403 A knife and fork, steel blade, the fork silver gilt, handles of amber and ivory, carved in representation of a lady and gentleman, in rich costume of the time, 1680, with silver ornaments 3404 A knife, of steel entirely, with a magnificently chased figure handle of a female, naked, with drapery round 3405 A knife and fork, of steel entirely, wuth chased gold mounting between the handles and blade, the handles superbly chased, with the figures of Silenus and Diana. This knife and fork belonged to the Pretender 3407 A long spoon, of silver, with small bowl and twisted handle, topped with a bacchanalian figure 3408 A handle for a knife, of richly embossed enamel work of flowers 3409 A fork, of the most extraordinary design and workmanship, of silver, and ornamented with garnets ; the fork is jointed, and moves on a hinge, chased all over, elaborately, with St. George and the dragon, in raised work, chasings of angels, and the Prince of Wales's feathers ; the top of the handle has a figure kneeling, in prayer 341 1 A knife, steel blade, ornamented agate handle, with silver-gilt chased and pierced mountings 3412 Another handle of a knife, of embossed enamel work, of silver or copper gilt 3413 A small knife, steel blade, embossed enamelled handle, the top silver, mounted with some pebble t2 27(3 3414 A silver-gilt fork, with carved amber handle, representing a bust 3415 A silver fork, with richly chased handle, surmounted by an animal holding a shield, on whfch a coat of arms is en- graved 3416 A silver spoon, parcel gilt, with joint and moveable fork attached at the back, the inside of the bowl beautifully engraved with the Nativity, within a border of angels and scrolls ; on the back of the bowl, fruit, &c. engraved ; the stem of the spoon chased and ornamented, and surmounted by a female bust ; on the back of the stem, the date 1624 occurs 3417 A silver spoon, with joint and moveable fork attached to the back, the stem chased and surmounted by a whole-length male figure; on the stem, which is six-sided, various inscriptions are engraved " Claes. loost., &c.," and the date " Jehova Anno 1592" 3418 A spoon, jointed and folding back, of mother-o'-pearl, curiously mounted in chased silver 3419 A silver spoon, parcel gilt, with moveable joint and fork attached, the stem and handle richly chased in the renaissance taste, surmounted by a bust of a warrior 3420 A crystal fork and spoon, en suite, mounted in gold, with gems; the handles carved at the extremities in the form of goats', or some other animal's heads 3421 A spoon, silver-gilt bowl, but having its handle enamelled upon gold, with subjects of figures and heads in pink colour 3422 A spoon, of gold, or silver gilt, curiously enamelled in party colours of purple, green, and white, with raised gold ornaments of crescents, stars, &c, ; the handle surmounted by a pome- granate 3423 A spoon, of silver gilt, ornamented by enamel scrolls in colours ; its bowl of crystal, engraved with 1'. H. S. and a cross 3424 A spoon, with a bowl of white shell, the handle of some daik blue or enamelled substance carved, and with chased silver- gilt ornamental mounting 277 3426 A silver spoon, squat-shaped, with large bowl, the handle curiously chased in leaves, and ornamented with rings ; the stem rudely engraved 3427 A silver spoon, parcel gilt, of similar shape : the bowl has an engraving of a ribbon, with some characters on it, and the handle is chased with a figure of the Virgin Mary, and at the top with a head of an ecclesiastic rising out of an orna- mental capital 3428 A silver spoon, similar in shape, the bowl rudely engraved, the handle chased with ornaments like fleurs-de-lys, and having rings 3429 A spoon, silver gilt, with chased ornamented handle, the bowl engraved in the inside with subject of Christ rising from the tomb, and on the outside with the Virgin and infant Saviour, and a latin legend in honour of the Virgin, " Virgo gloriosa," &c. 3430 A spoon, parcel gilt, chased and spiral handle, rudely engraved within the bowl, which is of a large size, with a fancy orna- ment and some letters round, L. A. R. I. S. * M., and, though much effaced, *'Anno 17, 1611 ;" round the edge of the bowl some rude engraving 3431 A long spoon, parcel gilt, with convex-shaped bowl, which is engraved ornamentally outside, shoulder and head of the spoon ornamentally chased ; on the back of the spoon curious marks like what are termed merchant's marks, are engraved, with a date ^ * ; the engraving on the back is that of the spread double eagle, with a kind of coronet 3432 A long spoon, of silver, rudely engraved, the handle ornamented with a bust of Pallas ; on the back of the handle is enaraved "Andreas Gutzmacher, g. 19 Martz, Ao. 1631 " 3433 A silver spoon, the handle chased, and ornamented with a bird's head at the top 3434 Another, chased, handle ornamented with beads ; " T. S." on the back of the bowl 278 3435 A spoon, with silver-gilt bowl and shoulder ornamentally chased with heads: the inside of the bowl has a deeply cut ornamental scroll border, ths outside an ornamental device, with a coat of arms, sunnountcd with a coronet, and the letters " G.F.V.E. ;" the handle is of coral, like a branch at the top 3436 A spoon, of silver, with a largish bowl : the stem is of a twisted pattern, and the shoulder chased in figures, the top having a whole-length figure of a bearded man, with a saw in one hand, and a basket in the other 3437 A pair of steel scissors, with metal-gilt handles, and bows orna- mented with terminal figures 3438 A small steel knife, with chased steel handle, with tablets of mother-o'- pearl 3430 A steel penknife, with metal-gilt handle, and top chased with a winged figure and heads 3440 A silver case, to hang at the girdle, chased with subjects of boys : containing a knife and fork with steel blades, the handles of waved ivory and gilt, the back edge engraved with letters 3441 A knife, with steel blade, and silver fork, with silver-gilt ferrules and carved boxwood handles, with male and female musicians — in fishskin case 3442 A knife, with steel blade, and silver fork, with ivory handles inlaid with silver, and silver-gilt ferrules — inscribed and dated 1685 — in brown leather sheath 3443 A knife and fork, with steel blades, and chased silver handles, engraved in the style of S. Pass, with religious subjects — inscribed and dated 1607 — in silver-mounted fishskin case 3444 A silver spoon, with handle of dark wood, with the top carved with a female (of amber) silver mounted BIJOUTERIE, &c. 3445 A double oval locket, with chain, mounted with silver gilt, and containing a portrait of Martin Lulher, and one other por- trait painted on glass — inscribed D M.L., and " Post tenebras lux, 1517" 279 3446 A pair of oval lockets, in old shell camei, with portrait of Albert and Isabella, the Governor and Governess of the Low Countries, in gold mounting enamelled turquoise 3447 A flat circular silver seal, with a dragon to suspend it by, cut with a coat of arms, and inscription, and the date 1581 en- graved on the back 3448 A gold finger ring, engraved with St. George and the dragon ; it has been formerly enamelled. It is said to have been found in the Thames 3449 Another, with a small emerald set in the pointed form, with got hie ornaments 3450 A small gold and enamelled bust of Gustavus Adolphus, with an old table diamond pendant, and the lion and sword of Sweden embossed in relief 3451 A small oval badge, silver gilt, with portrait of Philip II. of Spain, and the legend " En tout fidelles au Roy;" and on the reverse, two united hands and Iwo beggar's wallets, with the legend " Jasques a porter la Besace " 3452 A silver- gilt badge, in the form of a crossbow, set with stones, with a whole-length figure of St. Sebastian, and three others ; inscribed 1551, A. P., and 1554, A. P., and Donavit, 1565 — This was worn by the Captain of the time being of the Archers' Society 3453 A round brooch, with its tongue of gold, with knobs round the rim — inscribed in gothic letters, " Jovis. a Quimaporta" 3454 A circular gold and enamelled badge, with portrait of Gustavus Adolphus, and his Queen Maria Eleanora — enamelled in relief 3455 A silver-gilt diamond-shaped ornament, with portrait of Charles V. of Germany, and Christ on the Cross, with " Plus ultra " device behind, and inscription " Misere mei Deus, 1547" 3456 A small model, in steel and gilt metal, of a wheel-lock pistol, engraved 3457 A silver-gilt scent box, in the shape of a frog, on leaves, with ruby or garnet eyes, opening twice, with hooks 3458 A silver-gilt ornamental buckle, chased and engraved with masks. A beautiful example 280 3459 A heart-shaped locket, set with pearls and garnets, enamelled at the back, and a mourning device, with angels in enamel, protected by a crystal covering 3460 A small gold brooch anfl tongue, complete, formed like a spur ; the rowel formed of two hands, inscribed, " Sea. (Sancta) Maria ora pro nobis &c." 3461 A small oval gold and enamelled badge, with a whole-length figure in armour, crowned — inscjibed " Lud. Mag inst, 1683" 3462 A small round gold brooch, with tongue, complete, with letters raised on dark ground 3463 A small round gold brooch, with tongue complete, engraved with a knight in armour, &c. 3464 A very small round gold circle like the rim of a broocli ; on one side inscribed '*Sum regis Anglie" and on the other "Comitis Herfordie '' 3465 A small round gold brooch, with tongue complete, inscribed on both sides with gothic characters 3466 A massive gold and enamelled ancient Hebrew marriage ceremonial ring, with Hebrew characters, and the building of a bouse 3467 Another gold and enamelled ring, of the same nature, more richly ornamented 3468 An oval gold and enamelled locket, richly embellished, and formed inside to contain reliques, the names of various saints engraved round the form of a cross 3469 An oval convex gold and enamelled reliquaire, perforated on bands in the back ; an enamel of St. Martin in front 3470 An oval flat gold and enamelled locket, with a naval engagement and a battle, and Diana and Actason, &c. within ; inscribed " Henri Tontin m"* orphevre a Paris fecit 1637 " 3471 A scent box, of book-shape, of silver gilt, chased and ornamented in gothic taste, and set with stones 3472 A square-formed ornament, of gold and enamel, with a narrow frame, with crystal panels covering two kneeling angels at an altar, in enamelled gold 281 3473 A silver-gilt cylindrical etui, richly chased with figures and devices, a rose diamond set in the lop, and another on the spring catch 3474 Another, differently shaped, opening at both ends 3475 A silver case, engraved and picked out in black; containing a pair of scissors, a knife, and a piercer, partly gilt and engraved, with chased heads, figures, &c. 3476 A steel seal, on swivel, with long handle, forming at the other end, which unscrews, a scent case, with raised silver work and cypher engraved on tablets 3477 A silver-gilt seal, the handle formed as the Virgin and Child, with glory —the seal an old rudely cut intaglio 3478 A small hexagonal silver-gilt essence bottle, with screw top, enamelled and gilt 3479 A small silver-gilt needle case, pierced with scroll work, and enamelled 3480 A small oval silver pomander box, opening at both sides, of pierced work, with figures of a shepherd and shepherdess — date about 1640 3481 A silver-chased badge of St. George and the dragon, worn in the time of Charles I., with the motto " Honi soit,'' &c. 3482 A silver scent case, in divisions formed as a skull; it opens by unscrewing at top, engraved " Tho' I spoke in vaine. This ends my paine.'' And " If you alive when I am dead, 'Tis true what ere to you T said," — date about 1640 3483 Another silver scent case, formed as a skull, and containing in one of the inner divisions the representation of a skeleton re- cumbent, partly gilt — date about 1640 3484 Another, smaller, with chain and ring to wear on the finger, like a child's head, on one side ; and the other a skull, with a figure of a child with an hour-glass leaning on a skull, with the motto " hodie mihi, eras tibi " — date about 1640 282 3485 A chased and coloured gold seal, with a plahi cornelian ; the four panneled sides enamelled with allegoric figures relating to France ; the seal opens and discloses under a glass a view of a fortress, with a ship at sea, minutely carved in ivory — in fish skin case 3486 A gold finger ring, with a ship and fortress, &c. minutely carved in ivory, under glass — in fishskin case 3487 A gold mounted swivel seal, with a bloodstone, engraved with a triumphal procession, with the artist's name, " Varan " GOLD-MOUNTED SEALS. 3488 A yellow cornelian seal, engraved with helmeted head, the stem a negro's bust, of black, white, and grey agate, with coloured stones 3489 A red cornelian seal, engraved with a classical profile bust, with stem of coloured aoate, of a female bust set with diamonds, &c. 3490 An antique black and white intaglio seal, of a figure, the stem a bust of a negro, of yellow agate, with white turban, set with coloured stones 3491 A bloodstone seal, engraved with an antique head, the stem of streaked agate, of a female bust set with diamonds 3492 A white agate seal, engraved with a helmeted head, the stem of partly coloured agate in the form of a dog, set with stones 3493 A light red cornelian ditto, engraved with a Greek bust, the stem partly enamelled with small agates and coloured stones 3494 A bloodstone ditto, engraved with an antique head, the stem of pierced curves, with a negro's head in a turban, in agate, set with diamonds 3495 Another, of partly coloured onyx, engraved with a female bust, the stem formed as a female negro bust, of black and yellow onyx, with small diamonds 3496 Another, of bloodstone, engraved with two birds billing, the stem of coloured onyx, carved as a large female bust, set with diamonds 283 3497 One, red cornelian, engraved with a bust of Socrates, the stem oi" streaked onyx carved as a bust, enamelled and set with small diamonds 3498 A plain gold seal, the stem of coloured onyx, carved as a three- headed bust, set with diamonds 3499 A red cornelian seal, engraved with an antique bust, the stem of coloured onyx, with a negro's head in a turban, with coloured stones 3500 A seal, of white shaded onyx, engraved with an antique head, the stem of coloured onyx, with a turbaned liead of a negro, with a diamond at the top 3501 A seal, of white onyx, engraved with a hehneted bust, the back enamelled, the stem with a bust, in red and white onyx 3502 A lod cornelian ditto, antique intaglio, with a classical subject, the stem enamelled in raised flowerwork 3503 A plain gold seal, the stem enamelled with blue and white 3504 A heart-shaped bottle, of metal gilt, the surface covered with arabesques 3505 A scent bottle, formed of a tortoiseshell, with head and legs of silver 3506 An apple, of silver, opening and containing a skull, of silver, crowned with a wreath, and containingr a miniature inscribed on the outside, " From man came woman, from woman came sin, from sin came death — 1628" 3507 A small flat sided ink bottle and stopper ; a small pen case ; and a hook to attach them to a girdle of steel, the surface covered with scroll ornaments of silver — in a case 3508 A miniature, of bishops and saints, with angels singing — of early Venetian work 3509 Another, small, with the Annunciation, inlaid in mother-o'-pearl and coloured glass 3510 A curious snuff-box, the bottom opening and showing a carved female figure in a bath, the face seen through a glass opening — the surface ornamented with mother-o'-pearl and small gems 351 1 A circular plaque, of bronze gilt, with a landscape and a man angling — 7 in. diameter 284 3512 Am Ancient Gaelic Brotche, of silver, of circular form, scal- loped and surrounded by small upright obelisks, each set with a pearl at top : in the centre is a round crystalline ball, con- sidered a magical gem ; the top may be taken off, showing a hollow, originally for reliques. This interesting work was the property of Macleane of Lockbuy, in the Isle of Mull, and is said to be made of silver found on the estate. An interesting work of the time of Queen Elizabeth. Men- tioned in Pennant's Tovr — engraved beneath — 4| in, diameter. [^See illustration) METAL. 3513 A PAIR OF CURIOUS Ewers, metal gilt, formed of monstrous animals, the handles formed of the horns; a cardinal's arms engraved beneath— 8 in. high. (See illustration) 3514 A circular metal-gilt bowl and cover, the surface chased with Moorish designs, surmounted by a figure of a later period 3515 Another, larger, richly damascened, with ornaments raised in white metal 3516 A pair of figures of Hercules, of metal gilt, bearing celestial spheres — IGin.high 3517 A curious metal-gilt stand, chased with figures supporting a sphere — 16 in. high 3518 A pair of or-moulu sconces, with masks, and branches for one light each ANCIENT METAL DISHES AND PLATES. 3519 A circular brass dish, chased with inscriptions"and designs — II in. diameter 3520 A pewter dish, with figures playing musical instruments round the border, and in the centre, between columns — dated 1567 — 10^ in. diameter 3521 Another, with spirally fluted border and raised centre, with portrait of Gustavus Adolphus, inscribed — 10 in. diameter 285 3522 Another, with fluted border, and St. George and the dragon in the centre — 9^ in. diameter 3523 A metal-gilt mounting for a plaque, on three feet, with cherubs' heads ; the border of openwork with busts and chiraerse — 10| in. diameter 3524 A curious brass stand, with double pierced rims, formed of German letters — 9| in. diameter 3525 A pewter plate, with Gustavus Adolphus on horseback in the centre, and in medallions round the border — 7| in. diameter 3526 Another, with scalloped edge, with grotesque figures in the centre, and the arms of the Swiss Cantons round the border — 8 j in. diameter 3527 Another, with the Creation in the centre, and the Seasons on the border — 7 in. diameter 3528 One, with the Resurrection, and the apostles round — 7| in. diameter 3529 One, with kings on horseback, in compartments 3530 One, nearly similar — 7^ in. diameter 3531 One, with William Tell, and arms of the cantons — 7^ in. diameter 3532 One, with sacred subjects, partly enamelled in colours 3533 One, with the Resurrection, and figures holding shields of arms — 7 in. diameter 3534 One, with the Imperial eagle, and arabesques — 5^ in. diameter ; and a rim, with kings on horseback — 7|in. diameter End of Twenty-sixth Day's Sale. Twenty -seventh Day's Sale. On TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY, ANCIENT KEYS. 3535 A very large steel key, gothic pattern, ornamented with cut ul pierced openwork scrolls, and pierced for numerous wards 3536 A steel key, renaissance taste, in the form of a pillar, with C. ' inthian capital, a rich scroll ornamented bow, cut and pierce openwork, with masks, &c., also pierced for numerous wards 3537 A street key, the bow finely chased, and having pierced and cut • openwork, with a ducal coronet, surmounted by a coat of arms within a circle 3538 A steel key, with chased and ornamented bow, having a ducal coronet of the royal house of France, surmounting a coat of arms, three fleurs-de-lys, &c. 3539 A steel key, the upright part, &c. finely and ornamentally chased, the bow cut in openwork, scrolled with a kind of coronet at the lop 3540 A steel key, handsomely chased and engraved, fluted, &c., the bow in chased and pierced openwork, with a ducal coronet 3541 A small steel key, richly chased and ornamented all over, with pierced openwork bow, surmounted by a ducal coronet 3542 A steel key, the bow richly chased and ornamented, having the armorial bearings of the Louvois family, three lizards, &c., and a ducal coronet — date about 1680 1328 3568 3557 287 3543 A steel key, with richly chased openwork bow, having a ducal coronet surmounting a coat of arms, with supporters of figures like horses — date about 1680 3544 A steel key, with chased openwork bow, ducal coronet surmounting a coat of arms — date about 1680 3545 A steel key, with chased capital, like a pillar to the stem, which has an outer steel case, with a pierced scrolled bow 3546 A steel key, gothic form, with a moveable bow, the key having two ends for different locks ; the bow is of pierced openwork, and having on one side the letters m n ^, and on the other* I. H. S. 3547 A steel key, gothic form, with a cut and pierced openwork bow, and brass ribbed ornament under it 3548 A gilt metal ornament, like a long buckle, or clasp, handsomely chased with masks, figures, &c., and reticulated openwork 3549 A small brass square-formed ornament, opening like a case, apparently intended to be worn suspended ; on one front, are engraved heads of a male and female, with these letters above A. S., M. O. R. E. ; and on the other, two angels supporting a coat of arms, and the letters above of I. S. O. I. F. R. E. 3550 A steel mount, for an escorelle, chased and damascened with gold, ornamented with trophies, in the renaissance taste — date about 1540 3551 A gilt metal ornamental picker, or hook, with an ear picker, moving on a swivel, a Uttle scent case at the handle, chased with medallion busts — date about 1540 3552 A chased steel key, damascened with gold, for winding up some musical instrument, ornamented with musical trophies, &c. 3553 A steel key, pierced and ornamented bow, gothic taste, circular ornament like a rose window, with openwork, and pierced for many wards CHAMBERLAIN'S GILT METAL KEYS. 3554 A key, with chased and pierced bow, having a cypher in it, and a crown 288 3555 A key, with chased bow, pierced, having a crown at top, and within the bow a shield of arms, surmounted by another crown and cypher 3556 A key, with chased and pierced bow, having the double Austrian eagle, with crown and cypher on one side, and another cypher on the other side 3557 A key, with richly chased and pierced bow, having two crowns and the arms of Saxony, and on the key part the letters cut open of A. F. (^See illustration) 3558 A key, with chased bow, having the arms and crown of Bavaria 3559 A key, with chased and pierced bow, having the Mayence arms and crown 3560 A key, chased and pierced, the bow shaped like a mantle, with cypher pierced in the centre, and a cut chased crown above; the key part has a W. cut open in it — Prussian work 3561 A key, with chased and pierced bow, having a crown and scrolled cypher work, with a small coat of arms of Saxony, below 3562 A small key, with chased and pierced bow, the key richly chased and engraved all over 3563 A key, chased, and havinga large ornamented bow, with acrown and cypher, and supporters ; a lion erect, and an eagle erect, crowned 3564 A key, with chased and pierced bow, scrolled work and masks 3565 A key, richly chased and engraved all over, bow cut and pierced with a crown and double cypher of apparently George I. 3566 A similar key, differently ornamented 3567 A similar key, with a different and intricate cypher in the bow 3568 A similar key, more richly ornamented, and having in the bow double cyphers, apparently G. P. W. {See illustration) KNIVES, FORKS, &c. 3569 A steel, to kindle fire, handsomely ornamented and damascened with gold 3570 A steel wheel-lock, with its winder for light and fire, opening at the back to contain matches ; the steel parts are blued, and have been partly gilt and engraved ; the whole mounted in engraved metal gilt 289 3571 A steel knife, with crystal handle, mounted witii eng;r.ived silver 3572 A steel knife and fork, partly gilt, engraved with the Saviour on the Cross, the Virgin, &e. ; the handles of tesselated squares of morher-o'-pearl and black shell, with yellow scrollg — dated 1623 3573 A steel bladed knife, partly gilt and engraved, with ivory handle, fluted with ribbon pattern of silver 3574 A steel knife and fork, with silver-ffilt handles, with cut and pierced scroll tops 3575 i\nother, partly gilt, and engraved and dated 1622, with metal- gilt handles, chased and inlaid with mother-o'-pearl and imitative gems 3576 A steel knife, partly engraved, the handle of mother-o'-pearl, with chased steel ornaments, formerly gilt 3577 Another, the handle of worked brass, enamelled in colours; an animal's head at the top^ 3578 Anoiher, with worked brass handle, formerly enamelled in colours ; a female figure at the top 3579 A steel knife and fork, with carved horn handles, and goat's head tops, mounted with gilt 3580 A steel knife and fork, with bone handles mounted with chased silver, and inlaid with crests, the handle unscrews and makes a corkscrew 3581 A steel knife and fork, silver mounted, with handles of variegated Venetian glass 3582 A steel knife, with carved horn handle, the top with a lion holding a shield 35S3 A knife and fork, with steel blades ; and a silver-bowled spoon, the handle of dark wood engraved, and mounted and inlaid with silver, with raised studs 3584 A knife and fork, with steel blades, with variegated Venetian glass handles, mounted in engraved gilt 3585 A knife and tbrk, with steel blade?, and variegated Venetian glass handles, mounted with engraved silver-gilt 3586 Another, mounted in silver or metal gilt U 290 3587 A knife and fork, with steel blades, the handles of carved ivory, with boys and fruit 3588 Another, with bone or ivory handles, the tops with heads of animals 3589 An ivory or bone knife handle, the top carved with an animal's head 3590 A knife and fork, with steel blades, and bone or ivory handles, the top carved with heads of animals 3591 A knife and fork, with steel blades, and carved ivory handles of boys, and silver-gilt ferules 3592 An Italian penknife, the blade partly gilt and engraved, with carved ivory handle of a sphinx supporting a rearing horse 3593 A knife, with steel blade, with carved ivory handle of a harlequin and nude female figure with a child 3594 A knife, with steel blade and hinge, the handle of carved box- wood, with a female figure 3595 Another, with carved boxwood handle, with a male, and female and child 3596 An elaborately carved boxwood handle, for a folding knife, with a group of boys 3597 A small pair of steel shears, in chased steel case of scroll pattern 3598 A set of three instruments for the teeth, of steel damascened with gold and chased, in case of the same, with a medallion and ornaments 3599 A steel knife, with carved boxwood handle, with a figure of St. Matthew ; in sheath of boxwood, carved with eight religious subjects and German inscriptions, and date 1587 3600 A steel knife and fork, with German silver handles, worked and pierced at the top, in fish skin case, mounted with chased German silver, with subjects and scrolls 3601 A steel knife and fork, with carved ivory handles, with David and Goliath's head — in stamped leather case 3602 A knife, with steel blade and silver fork, the handles of carved ivory, with a gentleman with a falcon, and a lady with a fan, in costume of the period about 1660 — in black stamped leather 291 3603 Two small steel knives, with chased steel handles, ornamented with mother-o'-pearl and animal's head tops, in chased steel sheath 3604 A pair of small steel shears, partly gilt, with figures engraved on the blades 3605 Two small steel knives, with metal-gilt ornamented handles, pierced at the tops, the blades partly gilt and engraved, in boxwood sheath, carved with ten scriptural subjects, ten of the apostles, and an angel supporting a shield, with initials and date 1609 3606 A small steel penknife, with yellow metal inlaid in the blade, the handle of coloured wood, silver-mounted, with an ape's head — in black leather case, silver-mounted with a large ape's head on the top 3607 A pen and ink case, of black fish skin, silver mounted, with coat of arms chased in silver at the bottom 3608 A most curious and interesting knife, (perhaps an astrologer's,) with steel blade engraved at the back, and large square- shaped silver handle, beautifully engraved in compartments, with subjects of figures, opening at the top and sides, and again in the interior, in which are minute carvings of scriptural subjects, the inside engraved all over with almanacs, &c. — dated 1606: it appears to have been made in Amster- dam — in black shagreen case 3609 A curious knife, with flat steel blade, appropriated originally to some Hebrew rite, the handle of silver partly gilt, and engraved with a sort of rude niello work; on the sides an inscription in old Hebrew characters (" Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.") Moses Askanser, the son of the learned Rabbi, Alexander Katz (Cohen) Vinesberg — of the sixteenth cen- tury 3610 A large carved ebony handle for a couteau de chasse, with a lion's head, with coral eyes, and other animals, mounted in silver-gilt — of the seventeenth century ^ u2 292 3611 An ornamented and engraved steel shoe horn, partly gilt, with two crossed keys, and the cypher K. W., male and female figures, and a long German inscription, and date 1607 3612 A knife, with curved steel blade, partly engraved and gilt, with handle of green and white, and ivory in stripes, and yellow metal lines 2613 A knife, fork, and large needle, of steel, the handles of bone, painted round indented spots, mounted with brass — in rough leather case 3614 A set of four pieces ; consisting of two knives, a pair of scissors, and a pair of tweezers, of steel, partly gilt, the handles of steel, gilt, the blades partly engraved and gilt — in black leather case 3615 A knife and fork, with steel blades and handles, enamelled light blue, with silver busts in relief, and engraved ferules, with coats of arms 3616 A fine cuir bouilli case, richly ornamented with a coat of arms, surmounted by a cardinal's hat — it wants the instruments formerly belonging to it 3617 A knife, witli steel blade and gold ferule, and ivory handle, with carved lion's head, with garnet eyes, on the blade is cut " C. Duroy a Langres" — in green fish skin case 3618 A knife and fork, with steel blades and horn handles, with male and female busts, &c., silver-gilt mounted SNUFF BOXES. 3619 An oval Vienna box, with six subjects of figiu'es, in colours, in com- partments, the ground pale green, scale pattern, gilt mounted 3620 A square box, with eight views in colours, on the outside ; and one on the inside, in raised scroll borders, with flowers 3621 An oval basket-shaped box, green, with four subjects of Chinese figures, gilt inside, gilt mounted 293 3622 A circular crimson box, with gold ornaments : an un glazed me- dallion of Maria Theresa in the centre ; a temple, in bistre, on the inside 3624 A square box, with conversations of figures, in flesh colour and green, in raised scroll borders, with flowers ; inside, a subjrct of figures dancing:, in colours, silver-wilt or metal mounted 3625 An oval box, mounted with gilt, painted with seven views, with oriental figures in pink, in green borders 3626 An oblong box, pink flowers, in white, and figures after Watteau ; inside, mounted with silver-gilt 3627 An oval box, with double lid, a country house, and shield of arms in the sky above, a cypher at the bottom, E. M. E. ; portrait^ of a priest, in grisaille, under the upper lid, gilt mounted 3628 A square box, with six beautiful hunting subjects ; and a subject inside, mounted with metal gilt 3629 A white circular Dresden box, painted with flowers ; a subject of two figures inside, gilt mountings BOXES, PAINTED IN ENAMEL, ON COPPER. 3630 A box, parallelogram-shaped, with original gilt waved pattern metal mounting: outside subjects figures and arbours, in black and white, faces tinted flesh colour ; on the inside of the lid, a female in black hood, and a youth in colours 3631 A square white enamel box, with its original gilt metal mounting, figures and landscapes, in pink colour, on the outside and the inside of the lid 3632 A square box, with its original chased and gilt metal mounting, cupids, &c. in colours, outside ; Venus and cupids inside of the lid 3633 An oblong box, with its original shaped gilt metal mountmg ; on the outside, figures in costumes, and landscapes, in colours; on the inside, a female portrait, holding a mask 294 3634 A box, of oblong and swept-curve shape, with its original gilt metal mounting : on the outside, figures angling, in colour, raised gilt enamel scrolls and ornaments 3635 A square box, original plain gilt metal mounting, exterior playing cards, in colours ; inside the lid, flowers 8636 A square box, plain gilt metal mounting; on the outside, a lady in rich dress, dancing, and Watteau figures, in colours ; on the inside, a portrait of an old man, in a cap and white beard 3637 A square box, with original chased gilt metal mounting : outside, Watteau figures, and scenery in green and shaded colours ; on the inside, a nymph bathing her feet, and a cupid, in colours S638 A square box, fluted, silver gilt mounting ; on the outside and inside of lid, classical subjects, in colours 3639 A square and swept curve- shaped box, old gilt metal mounting; the outside, dark blue, relieved with white ornaments and gilt scrolls, figures in Watteau costume, on colours; on the inside, a rustic scene, cattle and figures, in pink colour 3640 A small oval box, the white ground outside ornamented with imitation enamelled turquoises, and raised gilt circles, paint- ings of roses, &c. in colours ; the inside, turquoise blue colour, silver gilt-mounting 3641 An oblong flat box, original chased gilt metal mounting ; the outside, fully painted in colours, with Watteau dancing sub- jects ; inside, a lady and gentleman courting 3642 A small square box, old gilt metal mounted ground ; outside, dark blue, embossed raised figures, Chinese costume, in colours, and gilt on the top ; on the inside of lid, dark brown ground and Cliinese figures, in colours 3643 A square box, criglhal silver gilt and cage movmtings, and on the outside a portrait of Ferdinand of Brunswick, in a small oral, with allegorical figures and military subjects; on the inside, a portrait of Frederic II,, of Prussia, in colours 3644 A square box, original chased gilt metal mountings; exterior and interior, battle subjects, in colours 295 3645 A large oval box, monks and hussars, in colours, with F. R. on the outside, with inscriptions in praise of Frederic II. ; inside, a portrait of Frederic II., old gilt metal mounting 3646 A square box, original chased gilt metal mounting; outside a battle beautifully painted, and military subjects, in colours; inside, an officer on horseback ; with double lid having two portriiits, Frederic II., and the Duke of Brunswick 3647 A square box, original chased gilt metal mounting; outside, dark blue colour, ornamented with raised white and gilt scrolls; a portrait, in colours, of Oliver Cromwell, and land- scape, medallions 3648 A square box, original chased gilt metal mounting, exterior richly painted with VVatteau figures and scenery ; on the top, the artist's name and date, "Thienpondt, 175S," interior, under a gilt metal plate, a portrait of a lady, in rich cos- tume 3649 A large oblong box, old silver chased mounting, battles and military subjects, in colours, outside ; on the inside, the battle of Rosbach, November 5th, 1757 3650 A square box, original chased gilt metal mounting ; the exterior and interior of the lid have cupids, in colours, ornamented round by gilt scrolls 3651 A square box, original chased gilt metal mounting: outside, pale yellow ground, with blue ornaments, medallions of Wat- teau figures, in pink colour ; inside of the lid, a nymph bathing her feet, in pink colour 3652 A small swept curve-shaped box, original silver-gilt mounting : exterior, classical subjects, in colour, and sepia in medallions, with lilac and blue ornaments ; interior, a classical subject, in colours, the bottom gilt 3653 A swept curve-shaped box, in original gilt silver or metal mount- ing : ground outside, dark blue, ornamented with raised rich gold figures, scrolls, and paintings, in colours and pink ; in the inside, a subject, within an ornamented gilt and blue border 296 3654 A square box, original gilt silver or metal mounting : outside, a rich classical figure subject, cupids, &c., in colours, orna- mented with gilt and crimson scrolls ; inside, subject of Pan and Syrinx 3655 An oval box, original chased gilt metal mounting : outside and inside, Teniers subjects, in colours 3656 A box, shaped like a pianoforte, old gilt metal mounting : out- side, mixed trophies, in colours ; inside, music noted, in black a Polonaise 3657 A circular box, like a kettle-drum, silver mounting, unhinged cover : lined in the inside with silver-gilt, military subjects, in colours ; outside, richly ornamented with raised gold wreaths, figures, and imitative enamelled gems. 3658 An egg-shaped box, silver mounting, turquoise blue colour, with raised gold ornaments £659 An oval box, original gilt silver or metal mounting: outside, painted with flowers, with emblematical subjects of the four quarters of the world ; at the bottom, the artist's name and date " Friedrich, pinx, i767;" inside, a classical subject, in colours 3660 An oval box, original gilt metal mounting, and chased : outside, imitative marble ground, in colours, with Venus, Cupid, &c., in medallions ; inside, figures and landscape, in colours 3661 A fluted and shell-shaped box, original silver-gilt mounting and lining; inside, with paintings of ornaments; outside, with raised gilt figures DRESDEN, AND OTHER PORCELAIN BOXES. 3632 A square box, with fluted corners, and its original gold chased mounting, painted in colours, with Watteau subjects, sur- rounded by gilt scroll ornaments, outside and inside — gilt within 36G3 An oval box, with original chased gold mounting : on the outside a portrait of an Elector, embossed in white, on pink ground, 297 surrounded as well as the sides with pink ornaments, in colours, of flowers, gilt, &c. ; within the lid, a fancy subject, in colours 3664 An oval box, with chased original gold mounting : Watteau con- versation subjects, on the top, sides, and inside the lid, in colours; and wilhin the box itself, flowers painted 3665 An o'olong box, with original chased gold mounting, ground, blue striped: inside of the lid, tops, and sides, painted in colours, with conversation subjects, in ornamented panels 3666 A square box, in original chased gold mounting, inside of the lid, a portrait of Frederick II. of Prussia, in a civilian's dress ; outside, top, and sides, cupids, and raised ornaments in pink, framing the subjects 3667 A box, of swept octagon-shape, in original gold mounting ; inside gilt ; landscape and figures ill colours on white ground, inside and outside of lid, sides, &c. 3668 A box, of swept octagon shape, with original gold mounting, green ground, and six landscapes, with figures, in colours, within panels outside ; a lady, clown, and harlequin, within ; and inside, gilt 3669 A box, of swept octagon shape, original gold mounting yellow ground ; on outside, six seaports, &c., in colours, within frames or panels ; inside the lid, harlequin, columbine, &c., gilt inside 3670 A box, of swept octagon shape, original gold mounting, subjects, palaces and landscapes beautifully painted on the top, sides, and bottom, and on the inside, on a white ground 3671 A square box, original gold mounting, rich paintings in colours, of Watteau fetes, trellis work, and wreaths of flowers on the outsides 3672 A square box, in original gold chased mounting, and coloured gold ornaments, ground painted in a greyish blue, with medallions, in grisaille, of classical subjects, on the outside ; a lady and pug dog, in colours, within an ornamented wreath in the inside 298 3673 A circular box, with original gold mounting, painted on the top with a landscape, in coloiu's ; landscapes on the sides, with a fancy ornamented border; a landscape and figures at the bottom ; subject within lid, gilt inside 3674 A box, of swept octagon-shape, original gold mounting, pink ground, gilt inside, seven medallions, in colours, of seaports and figures on the top and inside lid, sides, and bottom ; and four small medallions, in red colour, within border on the top 3675 A square box, in original gold and coloured enamel mounting, cage pattern, painted in colours, in fancy subjects, outside and inside of lid ; and in the bottom, inside, cupids holding a shield, with armorial bearings of the Albani family. The box was presented by the Emperor Joseph II. to Cardinal Albani ; it is in the original red velvet ornamented case 3676 A circular box, original chased gold mounting; at top and bottom, landscapes and figures, in colours ; also a fine painting of a villa, with figures, on the inside 3677 AN OVAL BOX, with original gold mounting, beautiful paint- ings in colours on the top, and on the sides, in medallions, and on the bottom, of classical figures, &c. ; arabesque borders, in brown and white colours ; in the inside, a view of Dresden (Marcolini's time) ; in its original red leather case 3678 An oval box, original chased gold mounting, figure subjects, in colours, in medallions ornamented with raised flowers and white scrolls ; six medallions round the sides ; subjects inside the lid, and the inside of the box painted with flowers 3679 An oval box, chased gold mounting, painting in colours, of cupids, and a portrait of a prince on the inside ; the box within is painted in imitation of marble ; outside, the china is orna- mented with raised work 3680 A square box, original chased gold mounting, views in colours of Meissen, with figures on the outside and inside, ornamented with raised scroll work 299 36SI A box, shaped as a rose, and painted in colours, and ornamented with gilding, in its original chased gold mounting ; within, figures and a French sentence 3682 A circular box, in its original chased and coloured gold mounting, without hinge : on the outside, an imitation of black and gold japan; in the inside, a Chinese subject, in gold and colours 3684 A square box, original gold mounting; outside and inside, battle subjects, in colours 3685 A square box, original chased gold mounting, painted in flowers, &c., in colours, inside and outside 3686 A box, of octagonal shape, Vienna china, original chased coloured gold mounting, inside gilt : raised cameo work in a medallion on the top, richly ornamented with raised and gilt work ; on the sides, garlands of flowers, cameo busts, ornamented with richly gilt and raised work ; on the bottom, winged female figures, within ornamented frame 3687 A box, of oval shape, original chased gold mounting, subjects in colours, outside and inside, ornamented with raised scrolls, &c. 3688 An oblong box, with original gold mounting : military subjects outside ; inside the lid, a marine subject, in colours — the box is gilt inside 3689 A square box, original chased gold mounting ; outside painted in light brown colours, with statue of Hercules and classical ruins ; in the inside, a portrait of Augustus, Elector of Saxony, in colours — no doubt, the outside subjects are illustrative of the personal strength of Augustus 3690 An oval box, original chased gold mounting ; outside, subjects of cupids, in grisaille, on a pink ground, in medallions ; in the inside, portrait of an empress, with a dog, in colours 3691 An oval box, original chased and coloured gold mounting, painted outside, with six medallions of cupids on the sides besides two subjects of cupids; top and bottom, in colours ornamented with raised flowers and scrolls; inside, a portrait, in colours, of a lady 300 36'J2 A circular box, original chased gold mounting ; outside, subjects in colours in Wouvennan's style ; inside, a female portrait, with flowers ; the outside ornamented with scroll work 3693 An oval box, original chased gold mounting, painted in colours outside and inside, with views of Meissen, and ornamented with raised work End of Twenty-seventh Day's Sale. 3911 3964 Twenty-eighth Day's Sale. On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1854, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. CARVED SPOONS OF WOOD. 3695 A long and large spoon, in boxwood, finely carved with figures, in medallion 3696 A boxwood spoon, carved in religious subjects, with inscriptions, having an outer case, carved with the Virgin and infant Saviour, of German work 3697 A spoon, carved in boxwood, with festooned handle, and engraved in and on its bowl 3698 Two spoons, very long and large size, one with a perforated bowl, finely carved in boxwood, with religious subjects in medallions at the heads of the spoons, and foliage and boys on the stems 3699 A large spoon, carved in boxwood, with medallions of agricultural figures and subjects, and other ornamental carving, with a bee carved inside fhe bowl. {^See illustration) 3700 A boxwood spoon, with its original silver gilt and chased handle, of a female naked figure, having on her back a shield with an armorial bearing : the workmanship a]ipears to be Italian 3701 A boxwood spoon, with its original gilt metal and chased handle, ornamented in the renaissance style, and surmounted with a whole length figure of an apostle 302 3702 A boxwood spoon, with its original silver gilt handle ; on the top a whole length figure of St. Peter 3703 A boxwood spoon, with its original silver and parcel gilt handle, partly engraved, and with a whole length bacchanalian figure at the top 3704 A boxwood spoon, or perhaps of softer wood, painted, having the ficrure of a rat carved in relief and painted wilhin the bowl^, in its original gilt metal, or silver mounting; the top of the handle having a whole-length figure of an apo>tle 3705 A boxwood spoon, on the back a lizard, carved in relief; the handle carved, representing a whole-length figure of a hal- berdier in the costume of the time, which appears to be about 1550 3706 A boxwood spoon, having, on the back of the bowl, engraved I.H.S,; and the handle carved in whole-length figures of the twelve Apostles IVORY, OR BONE SPOONS. 3707 A long spoon, of bone, the bowl fig shape, the handle carved with a nondescript animal, foliage, &c., and a crocodile's head — gothic taste of the early part of the seventeenth century 3708 A long spoon, of ivory or bone, of gothic taste, the bowl of an oblong fig shape, the handle carved ornamentally with an- nulated bosses and openwork ; the head of the spoon has a gothic letter or numeral carved on a tablet 3709 Four spoons, of ivory or bone, the stems and handles elaborately carved in religious and classical subjects, David, Justice, Venus, &c., with a background of trees — time about the seventeenth cent ury 3710 A small spoon, curiously cut, in red and white shell, and mounted in chased and engraved silver gilt, with a head at the handle 3711 A jointed spoon and fork, in ivory, most elaborately carved in reUgious subjects, masks, fancy devices, &c. ; the head being a figure of the Virgin Mary and infant Christ — the stem folds on a hinge 303 3712 Another jointed spoon and fork, in ivory, finely carved in architectural taste on the stem, the top being a winged head supporting a basket of flowers, the bowl of an antique shape 3713 A short spoon, the bowl being large in proportion, and of a spotted sea shell, mounted in its original silver-gilt, slightly engraved, with a handle of gothic design, having a crest enamelled in colours, at the top 3714 A spoon, the shell, bowl, and handle, mounted silver-gilt, and enamelled OTHER OBJECTS IN CARVED WOOD. 3715 A long pipe, elaborately carved, in boxwood, with agate mouth- piece, with figures and rich fanciful designs 3716 A long pipe, elaborately carved, in ivory, in figures and rich fanciful subjects — in a green leather case 3717 A mug, carved in boxwood, with subjects of nymphs, satyrs, and Cupid 3718 A pair of nut-crackers, finely carved in boxwood, with a crested warrior's bust, and otherwise ornamented with carved ivory boss at the end, with the date 1569, carved on a tablet 3719 A pair of nut-crackers, carved in boxwood, with double faces of an old man and woman 3720 An oblong carving, in boxwood, representing a stag hunt, with figures on horseback 372 1 A largeboxwood sheath, mounted with engraved silver, elaborately carved, with six subjects from the New Testament — the date 1594 on the bottom ; with German inscriptions, and W twice on the mounting, containing a knife and fork, of chased steel, with negro heads 3722 Two long steel knives, with silver handles, elaborately engraved, and chased with Flora, Janus, &c. ; flowers and animals, with inscriptions — in stamped and gilt leather case, with shield of aims and coronet 304 3723 A boxwood sheath, elaborately carved with scriptural subjects, ten of the apostles, and grotesque heads at the top ; an angel bearing a shield at the bottom of German work, inscribed with initials and date 1593, containing a penknife, with mother- o'-pearl and black wood handle, with negro's head, in silver- gilt mounting, with pearl ornaments 3724 A steel knife, with chased steel handle, partly gilt, with a lion holding a shield, with arms and coronet, in carved boxwood sheath, with a military expedition, &c , mounted in engraved silver 3725 A sandalwood box, beautifully inlaid with flowers in ivory and ebony, with silver handles — 16^ in. by 10^ in. 3726 A curious stick, the head carved with St. Martin, on horseback, and a saint on the other side ; palm branches above — 4 ft. 8 in. high 3727 A carved and gilt Florentine frame, forafaenza dish — siyht 10 in. diameter 3728 A sandalwood box, carved, with cypher and coronet, surrounded by flowers — 13^ in. by 9i in. 3729 A pair of wooden candlesticks, inlaid with mother-o' -pearl, the feet of hexagonal star shape — 12 in. high 3730 A caddy, covered with landscapes and flowers, in straw 3731 A box, containing flowers and other pieces of Venetian glass 3732 A guitar, the sides inlaid with slabs of ivory, engraved with scriptural subjects — 1626 3733 A fine large alms dish, of wood elaborately carved, with shield of arms in the centre ; four scriptural subjects and the evangelists, in the border — dated 1575 — 22 in. diameter 3734 A guitar, inlaid with slabs of ivory, engraved with hunting sub- jects and arabesques 3735 An ebony stick, the handle covered with green velvet SNUFF BOXES. 3736 A sq'iare box, plain gold mounting: the ground outside painted in bright lake colour, scale pattern ; fop, bottom, and sides, having classical figure subjects, in colour, within scrolled medallions ; inside, a large subject of Venus and Adonis 305 3737 A square box, original chased gold mount, gilt inside : land- scape and subjects, on top, sides, and bottom ; inside the lid, figures looking at a comet 3738 A box, basket-shaped, gold mount: blue and buff forget-me-not flowers pattern embossed all over the outside ; inside, the lid painted in colours, with a VVatteau subject ; the box, gilt within 3739 A square box, engraved gold mounting: top, sides, and bottom, painted in colours, with military subjects, ornamented roiuid with flowers and raised scroll work ; inside the lid, a battle in colours 3740 A square box, original chased gold mounting, gilt inside : figures and conversations on the top, bottom, and sides ; a female in rich costume, and buildings within the lid 3741 A large square box, silver-gilt mounting: all over raised may- flower pattern, and leaves in colours ; inside, a landscape, shepherd, sheep, &c., in colours — in original red and gilt leather case 3742 An oval box, with original chased gold mounting: Vienna china ; figures on the top, bottom, and sides; and inside lid, raised scroll work on the white ground 3743 A small round jar-shaped box, plain gold mounting: the ground is white raised basketwork pattern ; top, bottom, and sides painted in colours, with six medallions of figures; inside lid, subject in colours 3744 An oval box, gilt metal mounting : the top and bottom painted in pink, with a seaport and figures surrounded with rich coloured and gilt raised scrolls and flowers ; six medallions round the sides, in pink, of seaports, &c., with similar ornaments round them ; inside the lid, a view of a city, in pink 3745 A square box, gilt metal mounting: top, sides, and bottom painted with figures in green, faces in flesh colour, surrounded by raised scrolls ; inside lid, figures and a lady with doo-s, in colours X 30(5 374G An ogg-shapeil box, original gold chased mountings, painlcd in coloms, with i\"ligious subjects, finding of Moses, &c. 3747 A small oval box, chased origitial gold nio\inting: top of Aven- turine; bottom, raised and coloured china, agricultural trophy, and motto in Freneh ; inside, flowers painted 3748 A square box, original gold mounting, beautifully painted in birds, top, sides, bottom, and inside 3749 A square box. Capo di Monte silver-gilt or gold mounting : with busts of the Caesars, surroiuided hy coloured scrolls, on gilt ground, on the top and sides ; a landscape, in pink, on the bottom; a battle in colours, inside; the corners of the box are curved in shape 3750 An oval basket-shaped box, in its original gold mountings fluted in shape : inside and outside, a richly gilt ground, with seven medallions, in colours, of Watteau subjects, on gilt ground 3751 A circular box, unhinged, original chased gold mounting: the head of a king, in grisaille, on a pink ground, on the top, surrounded by gilt ornaments ; inside^, a trophy in gold colour ; at the bottom and sides, wreaths in gold, and some colours 3752 An oval box, in silver-gilt moiniting, having eight views, in colours, of Meissen, within raised and coloured scrolled and flowered frames ; inside, a portrait of a lady, as a shep- herdess 3753 A barrel-shaped box, opening at both ends, in its original chased gilt-metal mounting, painted in colours, with garlands of flowers over raised hoops round sides ; on the ends, a cat and dog within raised wreaths of flowers; within lids, figures and dogs, painted in colours 3754 An oblong box, original chased gilt-metal mounting, painted in colours, with flowers ; in the inside, a hunting party, in colours 3755 A square box, silver-gilt threaded mounting : outside and inside, painted with views of Meissen, in colo\u's 3756 A large square box, silver-gilt threaded mounting : gilt within ; the outside and inside, painted in colour?^, in battle and military subjects 307 3757 An oval box, silver-gilt mounting: outside and inside, painted in colours, in eight medallions of battle and military subjects ; on the outside, the medallions are ornamented with raised and coloured {lowers and scrolls 3758 An oval box, metal-gilt mounting; outside, there are eiglit medallions of subjects, in colours within raised and flowered ornamented scroll work; inside lid, figures 3759 A large oval box, silver-gilt chased mounting : the ground outside a drab green chequered pattern, with six medallions, in grisaille, of cupids, trophies on a blue ground, and gold lines ; within, a mythological subject in grisaille 3760 An oblong trunk-shaped box, silver-gilt mounting, ground painted in green, with shaded white ornaments ; medallions of aquatic birds, in colours, outside and inside 3761 A square box, gilt metal chased mounting: outside, painted in colours, with subjects ; inside, a lady as a shepherdess 3762 A square box, gilt metal or silver-gilt chased mounting : dark blue ground, ornamented with gilt stars, medallions in colours, of figures, cupids, &c., scrolled round; within, cupids, and a rustic scene 3763 An oval basket-shaped box, gilt metal mounting: the outside painted with medallions of figures in pink colours, and orna- ments, of raised gilt scroll work ; in the inside, subject, in colours 3764 A heart and basket-shaped box, silver-gilt mounting : the box gilt within, and seven medallions of subjects, in dark bistre colour, outside and inside, in ornamented panels 3765 A square box, silver mounting : painted in military subjects, in colours, and having an embossed scroll ornamental work; iu the inside, a painting of a royal family, view of a palace, &c. 3766 A square box, with curved corners, ornamented silver-gilt or metal mounting : outside, with raised and coloured scrolls and painted flowers ; inside the lid, figures dancing, in colours 3767 A flat square box, imitative of a folded l?tter, addressed " A' ma Bonne Garde Malade la Comtesse de Bruhl," &c. a Varsovie, da date le 25, d'Avril, 1755 — gilt metal mounting x2 308 3768 A flat square box, with gilt metal or silver mounting : on top and bottom, cupids, in pink colour, emblematical of painting; within, a female portrait, under the type of Fame, supporting a portrait of a painter, in colours 3769 A square box, original ornamental silver-gilt cage mounting; black, gold, and shell applique work in buildings on the outside 3770 A square box, silver-gilt mounting, raised indented ornamented surfaces: outside, blue, gold, and white; within the lid a figure subject, in colours 377 1 An orange-shaped box, metal mounting, coloured like an orange : within, a subject in colours 3772 A circular box, silver-gilt mounting, medallions in pink colour outside, of cupids; within, coloured ornamented borders ; inside lid, a female portrait, in colours, in fancy costume 3773 A barrel-shaped box, opening at both ends, gilt silver or metal mounting, yellow ground, with embossed white flowers; and on either end, sporting subjects, embossed white on yellow ground ; within each lid, Watteau figures, in colours, and gilt within ENAMELLED ON COPPER, &c. 3774 An etui, gilt silver chased mounting, painted in colours, in my- thological subjects : within, embossed scroll ornaments 3775 A bodkin case, long and round, original chased gold mounting, painted in colours, with figure subjects within, yellow, &c., frame work 3776 An oblong box, original chased gilt metal or silver mounting; outside, painted in colours and gilding in monumental urns, subjects, &c. ; in the inside, figures in colours 3777 A small square box, chased gilt silver or metal mounting ; outside, painted in colours, in subjects of figures, arbours, &c. ; inside, a portrait of a queen, in colours 309 3778 A small square box, silver-gilt and engraved mounting, lake coloured, ground : outside, medallion?, in colours, of buildings, figures, «&c. ; within, subject in colours, of buildings and figures 3779 A square box, silver-gilt mounting : outside, painted in colours, with subjects; inside, a portrait of Augustus Frederic of Saxony, without his wig, in colours 3780 A square box, silver-gilt mounting : outside, embossed with coloured raised flowers ; in the inside, Diana, Actseon, &c., in colours 3781 A large square box, silver-gilt and engraved mounting, painted all over and inside lid with landscapes, and gilt within box 3782 A square box, fluted and gilt corner sides, gilt metal mounting : outside, painting in colours, with the nine of diamonds and the nine of clubs, with flowers; inside lid, a subject, in colours, of figures surveying a comet 3783 A square box, silver-gilt mounting, gilt within : on the top of the lid, Hercules and a classical subject, in colours ; within, head of a philosopher, in colours ; sides and bottom, Watteau figures, &c., in colours 3784 A square box, plain silver mounting : battles in colours outside ; portrait, in colours, of Frederic II., of Prussia 3785 A square box, original chased and coloured gilt metal mounting : military subjects in colours, outside ; and a battle within, in colours 3786 A square box, metal chased mounting: Watteau subjects, in colours, outside ; a classical or mythological subject, in colours within 3787 A circular box, metal gilt chased mounting, ribbed and fluted all over : outside, with flowers painted in colours ; ^inside box, flowers painted in colours ; and within lid, a large paint- ing, in colours, of figures 3788 A circular box, gilt metal or silver mounting : flowers in pink colours on the outside ; box gilt within ; and in the inside a subject, in pink colour 3789 A large octagonal box, silver-gilt mounting, outside and inside lid, painted in colours, with seapoil views, figures, &c., in 310 panels, surrounded by gilt scrolls, with small medallions, in lake colour, of views 3790 A circular box, original chased gilt metal mounting, with a moveable gilt metal tray inside: the box is ribbed and fluted and has flowers painted in green outside, with circular medal- lions of figures in green in the centres of the top and bottom ; in the inside of lid, a large painting in colours of a Watleau subject 3791 A circular box, threaded silver mounting, painted within lid and on the outside in colours, in landscape, figures, &c., within raised and coloured scrolled and ornamented borders 3792 A box, shaped liked a shell, Capo di Monte china, coloured shells outside ; within lid, classical figures in colours ; box gilt inside ; chased silver gilt mounting 3793 A circular box, Uke a rose, silver-gilt mounting, painted outside in colours, and embossed and raised, with leaves, and a butterfly, and ornamented with gilding ; within lid, a view, in colours, of a part of Rome, with four medallions in lake colour, round 3794 An oval box, silver-gilt mounting, painted on the outside in pink colour, in mythological subjects and landscapes, with gilt ornamented borders j within lid. Mars and Venus, in colours — Italian china 3795 A box, oval, and fluted, curved and panelled, gilt silver, or metal mounting, arms and crown in colours; outside, conversational figures in green colour, in medallions, and richly gilt ornaments 379G An oval box, with chased silver mounting : the tops, sides, and bottom painted in medalliuns of cupids; within raised and gilt scroll work ; in the inside of the lid, a mythological subject ; the box is gilt within 3797 A box, modelled as a pug dog lying down, with its original chased gilt metal mount ; flowers painted at the bottom and within the lid 3798 A box, shaped like a female bust, and mounted in chased silver : bust, in colours; outside, a landscape in pink ; and within the lid, ^ female, in pink 311 37*.)9 A jar-;>hape(i bos, gilt chased metal mount, puiiitod vvilU birds 3800 A small oval box, chased silver gilt mounting-; Watteau figurcjs, subjects, &c. outside and within lid 3801 A circular grooved box, sdver-gilt mounting, Watteau subjects on top, sides, and bottonj ; female subject, with flowers, inside lid ; box gilt within 3802 A circular grooved box, silver-gilt mount, green ground, with medallions of llowers within gilt borders ; inside lid, figures and subjects ; the box gilt within 3803 A circular box, silver-gilt mounting: landscapes with figures in sepia and colours, outside ; inside lid, a subject, in colours, and llowers in colours within body of box 3804 An oval box, with chased and gilt metal mounting, and enamelled flower ornaments — Sevres cliina : on the top, a painting of a female with a basket of flowers, surrounded by a dark blue and gilt border ; paintings of flowers, within dark blue borders^ on the sides, on the bottom, within a wreath in gold 3805 An oval box, gilt metal mounting : the outside embossed with a bust, in white, of a French marshal, on a blue ground, orna- mented with wreaths, flowers, &c., in blue and gilding; in the inside, fruit, a parrot on a terrace, incolours 3806 A box, square-shaped, silver-gilt mounting, in colours, with a mythological subject within scrolled ornamented border; sides having embossed and coloured figures; the bottom embossed, and coloured trophies, figures, and crown, uith in- scription and date, 31 Jan., 1/64 ; inside, Pan and a nymph, in colours 3807 A square box, with curved corners, silver- gilt and chased mounting, white trellised raised pattern ground, and flowers in colours ; within, a vase of flowers and parrot 3808 A square box, silver-gilt mounting : outside, embossed scroll work, with flowers painted in colours between scroll work ; inside, a rich painting of Cupid and Venus, in colours 3809 A square box, silver-gilt chased mounting ; outside painted in colours, with Watteau figures ; in the inside of lid a subject in colours ; the box is gilt inside 312 3810 A square box, original chased gilt metal mounting, paintiiigs, in colours, of subjects outside ; a female portrait seated, a pug dog, &c., in colours, inside 3811 A square box, chased silver-gilt mounting, paintings, in colours, outside and inside, of cupids attired in grotesque costumes 3812 A box, swept and fluted shape, silver-gilt mounting : top painted in colours, with a Watteau subject, within an embossed orna- mented scrolled border ; bottom painted similarly ; the sides ornamented with raised scroll work ; inside of the lid Apollo and Venus, in colours : the box is gili within 3813 A square box, silver mounting, painted outside and inside with poultry and birds in colours, and having raised and orna- mented scroll borders outside S8I4 A square box, chased or engraved silver mounting : rich paintings in pink of figures aod flowers, within ornamented borders, on the outside ; a subject of figures, after Watteau, inside the lid 3815 A square box, original chased gilt metal mounting, white embossed lattice pattern ground outside, with views and figures, within gilt medallions ; interior of the box gilt, and a subject, in colours, inside the lid 3816 A square box, engraved silver or metal mounting: outside, figures subjects in colours within scrolled raised bordei's, edged with lake colour, scale pattern, green ; within, a Watteau subject, in colours 3817 A square box, silver-gilt engraved mounting, mythological figures and trophies, cameo like, of light blue grey ground ; and inside, a naked Venus, in colours 3818 A square box, with hollowed corners, mounted in silver gilt: painted on the outside with subjects of figures within rich gilt scrolls ; in the inside the portrait of a lady at her toilette : the box is gilt within 3819 A large square box, mounted in silver-gilt, painted in figures and landscape subjects outside and inside 3820 A box, of square form, with curved sides, in its original chased gilt metal mounting J the top opening in two divisions ; the 313 box painted in a blue scale pattern ground, with nine medallions, in colours, of figures, outside and inside 3821 A box, of large oblong form, fluted and curved, in its original chased gilt metal mounting : the outsides painted in land- scapes and figures enclosed within medallions of flowers ; the inside of the lid has a large subject of figures at a table ; the box is gilt inside, but is cracked on the top 3822 A square box, original chased gilt metal mounting, with figure of a rat on the front of the mounting : the top of the box painted with a subject of a prisoner in the Bastile taming , mice ; on the other parts of the box there are subjects of mice and rats ; the top damaged 3823 A square box, engraved and silver-gilt cage mounting : Watteau figures, &c. on outside ; inside of lid a mythological subject ; box gilt within 3824 A box, of curved and fluted shape, metal mounting : with a crown and cypher in pink on the top ; landscapes in pink on the sides and bottom ; within, a portrait, in colours, of an empress 3825 A square box, silver-gilt mounting, in a white ground, with raised and reticulated pattern, flowers, and scrolls of green and gold ; within the lid, a lady and parrot, in colours 3826 A large square box, mounted in silver : on the outside paintings of figures, &c. in green, with flesh colour tints, within white scroll embossed borders; in the inside of the lid, a fine painting in colours, of a female in a crown, on a cushion ; the box gilt inside 3827 A box, of large square-shape, silver-gilt threaded mounting : Watteau figures, and subjects outside; inside, portrait of Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony, in a red dress 3828 A box, of a large square-shape, silver-gilt chased mounting : on the outside, mythological figures and subjects within highly ornamented and scrolled medallion borders ; within the lid a portrait of Augustus of Saxony, in a different costume, and 314 full armour; the box ornamented inside with liexagoii lattice work, and cyphers of A. R., in pink. Formerly belonged to George IV. 3829 A square-shaped box, silver-gilt mounting, light pink, drab ground, with oval medallions in cameo of classical busts ; within the lid a portrait in colours of Frederic II. 3830 A large square box, mounted, in chased silver-gilt cage pattern ; the sides curved, white ground, highly embossed in relief with bust of Mars and trophies ; inside the lid, a painting, in colours, of Mars and Venus ; the box is gilt inside 3831 A box, of square form, engraved silver-gilt or metal mount: the outside is painted in landscapes and figures; in the inside, a portrait of a lady reading a letter, within an ornamented oval border 3832 A box, of largish square-shape, gilt-metal mounting, opening both at the top and bottom : in the inside of each lid there are subjects highly coloured ; on the outside, small landscape and figures 3835 An oblong-shaped box, in original chased gilt-metal mounting : painted in enamel, on the outside, with subjects of pastoral figures; inside, a female portrait holding a mask, with flowers 3836 A box, of square oblong shape, with its original chased gilt metal mounting, painted in enamel on the top and within ; the top with subjects in pink 3837 A square box, in its original chased silver-gilt mounting, painted in enamel, in pink, with flowers outside, and a subject of figures within ETUIS. 3838 A female head, painted on stem, with flowers, and yellow scale pattern — mounted in gilt-metal 3839 A leg, in ornamented stocking and shoe, mounted in gilt metal 3840 A child, with basket of flowers on its head, mounted in gilt metal 3841 A baby, in swaddling clothes, mounted in gilt-metal 315 3812 A leg and ihigli, with stocking half up, mounted in gold 3843 A bouquet of flowers, and upright stalks, mounted in gold 3844 An etui, of china, painted in flowers, mounted in original chafed gilt metal or silver E7id of Tie enfy- eighth Day^s Sale- Twenty -ninth Day's Sale. On THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1855, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. WATCHES, Of the period of Elizabeth, or James the First. 3845 An octagonal-shaped watch, crystal and gilt-metal mounted, in a plain gilt-metal outer case : a dial plate, gilt metal, engraved ; hours only noted — catgut — "John Kendal, fecit" 3846 An oval watch, crystal, fluted and mounted in gilt metal in small swept curved edgings ; engraved dial, silver, with the hours on a circular plate, chased with flowers, fixed on gilt-metal and engraved oval plate — catgut — ''Jacques Viother" 3847 An oval watch, crystal, mounted in gilt metal, sides, panelled with the same ; oval dial plate, in chased and ornamented silver, having three circular dials for the hours, days of the month, and week, and apertures for the moon's age : it opens both on front and back 3848 An octagonal watch, crystal front and back, sides, panelled in turquoise-coloured glass or composition, gilt-metal mount- ings; dial circle for hours, of silver, on metal-gilt plate — name, " Conrad & Kreiger " : it opens Jaoth in back and front 3849 A scalloped or padlock locket-shaped watch, crystal front, and ribbed crystal back ; gilt-metal engraved mounting, dial of gilt-metal, hands engraved and pierced in part, hours noted ; 39 80 317 days of the month noted on a silver circle, with ^eel plate apparently for moon's age — catgut — maker's name, " Gio. Batt. Mascarone " (See illustration.) 3850 An octagonal watch, of crystal, with gilt metal mountings, sides in panels ; the hours noted on a silver circle, on an en- graved gilt-metal plate : it opens on the back and front — maker's name, " NR '' 3851 A tulip-shaped silver-gilt watch, opening on the three sides ; the hours noted on a silver dial, on an engraved gilt plate — maker's name, " Adam Gluck, Aug." 3852 A tulip-shaped silver watch, enamelled in black small sq\iares or chequers; the hours noted on an engraved oval silver dial, catgut — " Edward Bysse, fecit " 3853 A tulip-shaped silver watch, ornamented with raised and cut or chased squares, on a panel, gilt ground ; hours noted on a gilt circle, with chased silver foliage in centre, catgut — " Daniel Van Pilcom, fecit Amsterdam, M.DL.XL " 3854 An octagronal gilt silver or metal watch, the back and front being of opaque blue glass or composition, richly enamelled in colours, with gilding in flowers ; the hours noted on a silver circle, on an engraved gilt plate — " A B L:" it opens in back and front 3855 An oval pear-shaped watch, crystal front and back, in parcel gilt silver mounting : it opens in front and back ; hours noted on a silver circle on an engraved gilt plate — " J. H. Ester " 3856 An octagonal silver watch, parcel gilt : sides, front, and back prettily engraved ; hours noted on a silver engraved cir- cular plate, laid on an engraved gilt plate — " C Cameel a Strasbourg " 3857 A pear or locket-shaped silver-gilt watch, crystal- front : very handsome dial plate, enamelled with coloured flowers ; hours noted on enamelled circle — " Conrat. Kreitzer " 3858 A round silver watch, parcel gilt, finely engraved on the front, back, and sides with scriptural subjects : dial plate handsomely engraved, with hours noted on a silver circlet thereon — " James Vanbrosis, fecit " 318 3S59 A round crystal watch, with gilt silver or metal mounting, the crystal cut in diamond-shaped panels ; the dial plate of silver, engraved — the maker " Chas. Bobinel " — catgut : it has an outer black shagreen silver-mounted case 3860 A skull-shaped silver watch, engraved on the outside with an hour glass, and Latin moral mottoes — catgut ; hours noted on an engraved dial plate — " Charles Bobinel " : time of Elizabeth 3861 A crucifix or cross-formed silver-gilt watch, handsomely engraved on all parts, with figures, emblems, &c. ; dial plate, hand- somely engraved hoiirs on a circlet : it opens both in front and back : time of Elizabeth 3862 A cross-shaped silver-gilt watch : points of the cross rounded ; richly engraved all over ; engraved dial plate^ with the hours noted on a circlet thereon : time of Elizabeth 3863 A silver watch, shaped like a duck : engraved dial plate, gilt, with a silver circular plate lor the hours — in an original shaped blackleather outer case, ornamented with silver studs: time of Elizabeth 3864 A round silver watch, ornamented with raised ribs or rays ; hours noted on a dial, engraved in flowers — catgut — " Theodore Griard Blois " : Elizabeth or James I. 3865 A cross-formed watch, crystal, with gilt silver or metal mounting, engraved : a group of figures apparently added at the top ; opening at the back and front ; hours noted on an engraved dial — mark N. R. : Elizabeth 3866 A fleur-de-lys shaped watch, the front of crystal^ and the back and mounting of gilt metal ; the dial round, and of engraved silver, set in a gilt metal plate, engraved — " Henry Gebert a Strasbourg " : Elizabeth or James I. 3867 A small octagonal watch, in a fluted melon -form amber case, mounted in gilt silver or metal ; the dial of silver, enamelled, with crystal over it : Elizabeth or James I. 3868 A silver watch, shaped like an eagle, with Ganymede clasping its neck ; hours noted on an engraved and ornamented dial plate—" E. Delafueille " : Elizabeth 319 3869 A flat square watch, gilt silver or metal, with raiptid ornamenlnl silver and flowers, a jour on the case ; hours noted on a circle, with the dial having the same silver ornamental work — catgut — " Johan. Michael Kheller : " James I. 3870 A flat square watch, silver gilt and engraved, ornamented with cut- silver scrolls, a jour on thesides and on the dial plate, with hours noted thereon ; glass, in a circle over the dial — " Johannes" the remainder of the name hidden by the works : James I. 3871 A square gilt metal or silver watch, the bottom part swelling outwards, and chased in scrolls, &c. ; the dial handsomely ornamented in blue enamel, with the hours on a white ground ; crystal over the dial — " John Joyne, St. Germain a Paris : '' James I. 3872 An octagonal smoked topaz watch, the sides and back cut in panels, the dial-plate enamelled in colours on gold, the mounting of gilt silver, or metal — in an outer case of green shagreen, &c. : Elizabeth or James 1. 3873 A round-ribbetl or fluted silvet-gilt watch, the hours noted on engraved silver dial-plate — maker's name, " Girard a Caen " 3874 A small round silver gilt watch ; hours noted on a plain silver dial — catgut — "Pierre Dufour'': it has a very handsome outer case of black shagreen, with the coronet of a marquis and rich cypher and other ornaments, with small gilt studs: James I. 3875 A round silver watch, chased or embossed like a rose, the dial, with the hours noted, handsomely chased — " Benjamin Rotterodd " — catgut : it has a handsome outer case of black and brown, profusely ornamented with silver studs : James I. 3876 A round gold watch, enamelled on the back ; subject of Venus and Mars, medallions of cupids round the sides ; in the centre of the dial a circular portrait in enamel of Charles II., of England ; in the inside of the gold case a large portrait in enamel of the Earl of Rochester — " Rob. Dingley, London: " it has a handsome outer case of shagreen, richly ornamented with gilt studs in scrolls; it is supposed to have bjlonged to one of the royal family, or their connexions, in the time of Charles II. 320 3877 A round gold watch : fine portrait, in enamel, on the back, of WiUiam III. on a white horse at the battle of the Boyne ; in the centre of the dial, enamel of St, George and the dragon ; the hands of the dial are ornamented with rose diamonds; the sides of the watch enamelled in flowers; inside, a landscape in enamel — " Josephus Norris, Amster- dam " ; the watch has an elegant gold outer case ; at the sides ornamentally chased and pierced. This watch is supposad to have belonged to the royal family of the time 3878 A massive gold repeater, with ornamented gold dial. This watch belonged to the Duchess (Sarah Churchill) of Marlborough, and was given to her by Queen Anne. The inner case hand- somely chased and pierced, with ornaments of birds and scrolls round the sides, with an engraved portrait bust of Queen Anne under a canopy, with the lion and unicorn as supporters ; and in the middle of the back of the watch there are the initials S. A. C. ; the outer case is richly chased with female busts in medallions, and pierced with small circular apertures for the sound; and in the centre an engraved cypher — maker's name, " John Halsted, London " 3879 A round gold chased repeating watch, with ornamented gold dial. This viratch belonged to George I. The inner case is handsomely chased and pierced, having the royal arms, surmounted by a crown within an ornamented ciicle, at the back ; the outer case is finely chased with a subject of the king hunting the wild boar, and chased ornaments of busts, trophies, &c. — maker's name "Z. Michau Georg. Albrecht " 3880 A round gold enamelled watch : on the back subject of a female bathing, attended by two handmaids; on the dial Diana; round the sides landscapes in medallions on a blue ground, with yellow ornaments ; in the inside a landscape — maker's name, " Quainte, London " ; in a panel round the sides the enameller's names " Les freres Huant " : the watch has an outer case of green shagreen, with gilt metal ornament — 1650 to 1700 321 3881 A large round hunting-shaped gold enamelled watch, beautifully enamelled with figures and landscapes after Poelemberg, on the front, back, and sides, and on the dial, and in the insides of the back and front : the original catgut in the works — maker's name, " Hans Canraet Etchinger, Amsterdam :" Charles I. 3882 A large gold enamelled round hunting watch, finely enamelled on the front and back with the subjects of Charity and Faith ; round the sides, landscapes ; on the dial, and inside the case, landscapes — the maker's name, " Nicholas Bernard. A. Paris" — catgut: Charles I. 3883 An oval fluted ivory watch, gold and enamelled dial plate, and gold enamelled mountings ; catgut, on silk ; in a black shagreen case 3884 A round gold enamelled watch : in the centre of the dial, Diana ; at the back, a classical figure subject ; round the sides, land- scapes in medallions, on a blue ground, ornamented; on a tablet, on centre of sides, " Heraud le puisne fecit ;" and landscapes inside the case — maker's name, " Jacques Cartier :'' it has an outer dark shagreen case, ornamented with gilt metal studs, disposed in flowers — 1650 to 1700 3885 A ROUND GOLD AND ENAMELLED WATCH: in the inner case, on the back, a subject ; round the sides, birds ; ihe hands of the dial ornamented with small diamond sparks ; within the inner case, an enamel of a landscape — maker's name, "Ben. Gray Just Vulliamy, London, Z. N. O." This beautiful watch has an elegant outer case of crystal, mounted in chased gold, with a brillia.it knob 3886 A round gold enamelled watch, formerly given by George II. to the wife of Sir Robert Walpole : the sides are ornamented with raised enamelled flowers; on the back, a curious enamel of translucid kind, of three musicians, apparently older than the other parts of the watch — maker's name, " Jcsepli Marteau, senior, London;" in the inside of the case, a written inscription — " This watch was given to Sir R. VValpole's first wife, by George II., when Prince of Wales, 1721.'' From Straioberry Hill 322 3887 A round gold and enamelled watch : on the back, the subject of Galatea; round the sides, medallions of landscapes, on a blue ornamented giound, the name of the enameller on a panel, " Heraud le puisne fecit ;" on the dial, a classical subject ; the hands set with sparks : a landscape inside the case — maker's name, " Stephen Tracy, Rotterdam " 3888 A round gold and enamelled watch, hunting shape : classical subjects on the front and back ; landscapes round the sides, and on the dial, and inside the case — maker's name, " Josephus Norris, Amsterdam :" it has an outer protecting case of shagreen, studded with gold or gilt metal studs : Charles I. 3889 A round gold enamelled watch, hunting shape ; beautifully en- amelled subjects of the Virgin and infant Christ on the front, back, dial, and round the sides, and inside cases, also sur- rounded with small enamels, imitative of turquoises — "Jean Hebrat a Bruxelle :" it has the original catgut. From the Debruges Collection : Charles I. 3890 A round gold- mounted agate watch, hunting shape, ornamented with enamel: the dial of gold, and enamelled in part with coloured ornaments, and with two rubies on the dial ; the initials H. G. R. on the works: James I. 3891 An octagonal crystal watch, mounted in gold, and enamelled round the edges ; dial gold plate enamelled in green colour, « D " catgut — maker's name, &c. du chemin A R 3892 A very diminutive round gold watch, ornamented with raised enamelled coloured flowers, and pierced : the dial has coloured enamelled ornaments on the plate ; apparently this watch has had a striking movement. It has an outer case of gold or silver gilt, engraved on one side with a cypher, and on the other side a coat of arms : the gold chain and key are of much more modern date — 1500 to 1550. It is a most curious specimen 3893 A small octagonal gold and enamelled watch, with rubies set in projecting tablets round the sides, enamelled birds at the back — maker's name P.P. or P.D. A most curious specimr 323 it has a small chain and oddly shaped key : Elizabeth or James 3894 An oval watch: the back and front cut out of a Syrian garnet, cut in squares ; the sides mounted in gold, and set round with old tallow -drop- shaped rubies set in [silver, with two old cut diamonds at the top and place of opening ; the dial plate chased in gold — catgut. A very fine and rare specimen : Elizabeth or James 3895 A round gold and enamelled watch : on the back, subjects enamelled of the Elector and Electress of Brandenburgh, in classical attire ; in the centre of the dial plate is an enamel of Diana and Endymion ; round the sides, enamels of landscapes in medallions, on a blue ornamented ground ; a tablet in the middle — " les deux frcres heraut de son A. E. a Berlin ; " inside the case, an enamel of a large landscape — maker's name, " Jean de Cherudens : '' in an outer case of black sha- green, ornamented with gilt studs 3896 A round gold enamelled watch, hunting shape : back and front, with paintings of a sacred character, most finely executed — name of the artist at the back, under the infant Christ, " Vauguer Piu ; '' enamelled medallions of subjects, &c. round the sides ; on the dial, in centre, a sacred subject ; and within the cases, back and front, enamels of the Holy Family, in landscapes — maker's name, " C. Bonneux, A Paris " — catgut: it has an outer protecting gold case with chased ornaments, with glasses back and front. Vauguer was a famous enamellcr, of Blots, and this watch is said to have belonged to Anne of Austtia 3897 A round watch, most beautifully ornamented in the front, back, and sides, in raised and pierced enamel work of coloured flowers on gold or gilt metal, hunting shape : dial, plain gold, or gold metal ; on the inside of the top lid is a fine etching of a landscape, with figures of satyrs, &c. : intended for catgut — maker's name, "Claude Pascal a la Haye:" James I. or Charles 3898 A round gold and enamelled watch, hunting shape : enamels of Theseus and Ariadne, Neptune, &c. on the front and back; y 2 324 and classical subjects, in landscapes, round the sides, with masks between them ; in the centre of the dial, cupids witli doves : in the inside of front case, a landscape and figures, and in the inside of back, flowers — maker's name, " Simion Van Leuwen, Amsterdam : " Charles I. 3899 A rovmd gold and enamelled case for watch, hunting shape : front and back finely enamelled in colours with battles; round the sides, are classical subjects, enamelled in pink colours, within tablets or medallions, separated by figures, in colours on a black ground ; inside the cases are battles in pink colours, one of which resembles the subject of the contest of the Bridge of Pisa. This case is of apparently Italian workmanship : Charles I. 3900 A gold and enamelled square watch : the back and sides richly enamelled in coloured and raised flowers ; the dial covered with crystal, ornamentally enamelled ; and on the centre of the dial, on a green enamelled ground, is an embossed en- amelled cupid, with bow and arrow, which acts as an index to the hours — maker's name, "Jean de Choudens, A.R. ;" on the back, in the centre, is an enamel of Cupid and Venus: James or Charles I. 3901 A round gold and euamelled watch, having on the back and on the centre of the dial, classical subjects ; inside of the case a landscape ; round the sides are landscapes in medallions, on a blue ground, with fruit — maker's name, " Philippus Van Ceulen Hage : " it has an outer case of dark shagreen, with gilt mounting : about 1650 3902 An oval silver watch, parcel gilt: round the sides, chasings of animals, birds, and scroll work ; dial, silver and gilt metal, engraved with scrolls and animals : it has been formed to tell the moon's age, days of the month, i&c. ; in the inside of the back case there has been a sun dial and compass — maker's name, " Dupont a Castres: " Elizabeth or James 3903 An oval silver watch, wiih gilt metal mountings: the sides round are pierced in gilt metal, with scro/:s, figures, and animals; the front and back finely engraved with subjects of 325 " Vera opulentia," " Curiositas," &c., surrounded by beauti- fully chased borders of figures, scrolls, &c. ; the inside of the top case is engraved with a landscape ; the dial plate, of gilt metal, is engraved with landscapes, &c., and has a silver circlet for the hours in centre ; the watch has a bell for an alarum — maker's name, " Noel Hubert, Rouen: " Elizabeth or James 3904 A silver Avatch, shaped like a shell, and fluted : the dial is chased and engraved in scroll work and figures, in the Niello manner, on the silver, on a black ground, and ornamented with gilt metal, engraved round it — maker's name, " Pierre Combret i Lyon : " Elizabeth or James 3905 An oval-shaped silver watch : front and back finely chased with birds, scrolls, &c. ; the sides of gilt metal engraved in leaves ; the dial-plate of gilt metal chased with ornaments of birds, scroll work, &c. ; and having a silver circlet for the hours — maker's name, '* N. Ridgdale: " Charles I. 3906 A round silver- gilt watch, hunting shape : front and back chased in high relief, in battle, and other subjects, and the sides in scrolls and figures ; the dial-plate engraved — maker's name, " Nicholas Cuy, a Paris " 3907 An octagonal gilt-metal watch : the cover of dial pierced, and representing the lamb and cross, with armorial bearings ; the dial-plate of silver, rudely enamelled; the back pierced in circular ornaments — maker's name, '' J. P." : the works appear rudelj^ fashioned 3908 An octagonal gilt-metal watch, with a scroll-shaped outside, engraved, with four blue glass or pebble ornaments at the corners, and a projecting screw point on the outside, to fasten to some plan ; the back is of amber, and has an eagle engraved on it ; the dial-plate is engraved with figures, and has the hours, &c., on a silver circlet 3909 A flat book-shaped silver engraved watch, dial engraved — maker, " George Gluck, Berlin : " Elizabeth or James 3910 A pear-shaped silver watch, dial engraved — maker's mark, "J. C.'^ 326 3911 A book-shaped gilt-metal watch, with silver chased ornaments or clasps. This singular article belonged to Bogislaus XIV., Duke of Pomerania, in the time of Gustavus Adolphus. On the dial side there is an engraved inscription of the duke and his titles, with the date 1627, and the engraving of his armorial bearings ; on the back side there are engraved two male portraits, buildings, &c. ; the dial plate is of silver, chased in relief; the insides are chased with birds and foliage. This specimen has apparently two separate movements, aad has a large bell;- at the back, over the bell, the metal is ornamentally pierced in a circle, with a dragon, &c. ; and the sides apparently pierced and engraved in scrolls, &c. — maker's name, " Dionistus Hessichti." (See illustration) 3912 A large oval watch, hunting ^shape : the outside of the top is chased in relief on silver, the judgment of Paris, within a scrolled border; the rest of the case are of gilt metal, with pierced ornamented sides ; in the inside of top case engraved with a calendar commencing in the year 1610, calculated to 1665, with dominical letters, solar circle, &c., for such period ; the dial-plate of silver is finely engraved with figures, masks, and scrolls ; and has three smaller dials of orna- mented and gilt metal for the time, planets, &c. ; it has a large bell, and the watch has been intended to perform various matters — maker's name, " Plant" 3913 A large round metal-gilt watch, having chased circular ribs on the back and sides ; the sides are also ornamentally pierced, and chased with flowers ; the dial-plate finely engraved with the entombment of Christ, and rim round engraved ; it has a striking movement — maker and date, " Nicholas Lemandre, aBlois, 1630" 3914 A small oval gilt metal watch, with circular glass at the top; engraved gilt oval dial plate, having the hours marked on a narrow silver circle fixed thereon — the maker's name, begin- ning with B, is partly hidden by the works; Elizabeth or James 327 3915 A flat oblong watch, brass, in a brass box case, with round glass over dial : the dial plate engraved, and having the hours and minutes cut and engraved on a silver circular plate — name, &c. " Burg harbfen :" this watch goes with a pendulum 3916 A round silver watch, chased witVi flowers, and pierced back and sides, with a bell, &c. for alarum ; dial, silver, and engraved gilt circumference, engraved in the centre ; hours marked or enamelled in black — maker's name " Estienne Hubert, Rouen' — glass over dial : Charles I, 3917 A round sils'er watch, engraved in scrolls and flowers on the sides and back ; dial plate engraved, and ornamented on silver and gilt metal ; hours and days of the month noted thereon, and apparently intended to mark the moon's age — maker's name, " J. Bock:" it opens front and back. This tvatch was said to have been given by Oliver Chomwell to one of the Whalley family : Charles I, 3918 A brass cruciform watch ; the hours engraved on a circle of brass — maker's name, " Isidore Champion, A Paris " — catgut or silk spring : in a black shagreen case, with glass over the dial 3919 An oval gilt metal watch, with alarum bell, the sides ornamentally pierced; round silver dial plate, with the hours; chased gilt metal border — maker's name, " Richard Bedertz in Stras- bourg : " Elizabeth or James 3920 A round silver watch, double case, the outside case chased and engraved, with border of flowers : in the centre of the back, engraving of Charles I. praying, &c., like the frontispiece of Eikon Basilike ; at the back of the inner case is the engraving of a man in a gown praying, with our Saviour above, and the legend in a scroll " And what I sai to you, I sai unto all, watch ;" dial, silver circle in gilt metal, and engraved plate, noted for hours, days of the month, and moon's age — maker's name, " Richard Bowen, Londini, fecit " — catgut spring. This is said to have been given by Charles I. to Colonel Hammond, at Carisbrooke 3921 A round silver watch, in an ouler case, enamelled in brown colour, with a subject of two boys, a globe, trees, &c. mounted in silver ; the works rather flat and handsomely cut — maker's name, " Joh. Christoph. Erhardt;" dial, singular, silver, or- namented with gilt metal scroll raised work ; hours and days of the month, noted on moveable plates ; minutes engraved in large numerals — eighteenth century 3922 A round silver-gilt watch, in double cases, handsomely pierced, chased, and engraved, with birds and flowers; and an outer case, of tortoiseshell, ornamented with silver studs; the dial of silver, with hours and minutes, noted and raised ornament- ally — maker's name, " Jaques Patron;" strikes the hours and half-hours ; and is marked with the engraved letters S. and N. on rim of inner case 3923 A gilt metal octagonal watch, with pendulum movement, opening in front and at the side; dial plate circvdar, of silver, with the hours marked thereon 3924 A round gilt metal repeating watch, ornamentally chased and pierced at the back, in scrolls, and at the sides with hunting subjects ; the dial, gilt and engraved ; a projecting piece of metal at the side causes the lepeating movement to act — maker, "Thomas Taylor, in Holbourn" : Charles II. or James 3925 A round watch, of German silver, ornamentally pierced on the front, back, and sides, in flowered scrolls, &c. ; it has cither a striking or an alarum movement, having a large bell ; the dial plate of gilt metal, rudely engraved : Charles I. 3926 A large oval gilt- metal watch, chased and engraved on top and bottom, with subjects of Justice, &c. ; within the lid, a coat of arms, finely engraved, 1589— maker, " Ghylus van Cheels" 3927 A round silver watch, in silver outer case, handsomely chased in ornaments of birds, scrolls, and fruit, with an enamel, in co- loiu's, in centre of back, of Venus and Cupid ; the dial orna- mentally chased, hours and minutes noted thereon, with motion for the days of the month — maker's name, " Cabrier, London." Time, about 1680 329 39"28 A round gilt metal watch, pierced in a star pattern, at the back ; it has an alarum bell ; the dial of silver, engraved with the hours, and having a metal rim round it, engraved : the works areof steel— 1500 to 1550 3929 A gilt-metal octagonal watch, flat chased or engraved in scrolls ; the back ornamentally cut and pierced, with a subject of a flower vase, scrolls, &c. ; the sides cut open in balustrade work ; it has an alarum bell ; the dial plate of silver, with gilt and engraved moveable centre for the hours; dated 1698 — maker, " Johannes Borsdofer, Augsburg" 3930 A small round grold watch, enamelled in blue, with raised floral coloured border, with an oval centre medallion of Minerva ; the inside case is enamelled in turquoise blue, with flowers in the middle ; the dial plate enamelled in blue, with raised flowers — maker's name, " Pieter Wiesback, Haghe" — pro- bable date, about 1680: it has its original outer case, of black leather, formerly ornamented with gilding, and has silver-gilt mountings 3931 A small round gold watch, enamelled in blue, with coloured bor- der of flowers: in the centre, a medallion of Minerva ; the dial has hands set with sparks, and is enamelled with blue, in flowers ; in the inside, of case a female portrait, in oval, with helmet, and turquoise blue ground ; original catgut — maker's name, " Pierre Duhamel " — probable date, about 1680 3932 A small round gold watch, of scalloped octagonal form, enamelled on both sides and back in landscape subjects, and otherwise ornamented ; dial, of a bright green, surrounded by a white circle ; the watch has its original catgut — maker's name, " Estienne Hubert A'Rouen :" it has its original outer black leather case — date about 1670 3U33 A small round gold enamelled watch : on tbe base a medallion female portrait, resembling Anne of Austria, surrounded by raised enamelled ornaments ; inside case, an oval medallion of a warrior, on a turquoise blue ground — makers name, "Pierre Lagisse "— date about 1660 — French 330 393 1 A round gold watch, with lapis-lazuli back and sides, divided by bands of rose diamonds and emeralds — maker"'s name, " P. Beauvais, London" 3935 A round watch, the case of Dresden china, with gilt metal mount- ings, case painted in figures, landscapes, &c. — maker's name, " Gide a Paris"— date about 1750 or 1760 3936 A gold watch, shaped like a hat, with turned up front, enamelled in variegated pattern : the hat front, in blue, with a diamond button and seed-pearl loop ; on one side is a circular mirror ; it has a small chain attached : this watch is apparently of Geneva production, and may date about 1790 3937 A gold watch, shaped like a shield, enamelled in variegated colours and ornaments — maker's name, '^Amalric Frerer" — Swiss, and date abont 1795 to 1800 3938 A gold watch, shaped like a lyre, enamelled, in an orange ruby colour, ornamented with pearls and a diamond : apparently Swiss — date about 1800, or perhaps earlier: it has an original red leather case 3939 A gold watch, shaped like a smaller lyre, enamelled in yellow, light blue, and bright maroon colours, ornamented with pearls : it has a small chain attached — maker's name, " Lg. Duch^ne et fils: " probably Swiss, and date about 1798 to 1800 3940 A small gold watch, shaped like a pear, enamelled in light blue, and black and white ornaments — probable date 1800 — Swiss 3941 A small gold watch, shaped like a balloon, with a boat and figures in it below attached by gold chains to the top part ; enamelled in dark purple or black ground, with orna- mented gold cross lines on the top, and gold and light blue and white flowers enamelled on the bottom part of the bal- loon ; the end of balloon set round the edge with pearls — in a leather case 3942 A round gold watch, with a chased gold dial, in a chased gold outer case, ornamenled with panels of a red coloured agate — maker, " Debauffre, London " 3943 A small watch, shaped like a melon, fluted, gold and enamelled in light blue, white, and black, with ornamental devices 331 3944 A metal-gilt round watch, the sides with landscapes chased ; and Mars and Venus enamelled on the back 3945 A small fruit-shaped watch, enamelled, with fillagree handle 3946 Another, in heart-shaped locket case, enamelled — name, " Con- stantin " 3947 A small watch, in balloon-shaped case, enamelled blue — name, " Patry et Cheneviere " 3948 A round silver watch, by Jean Rousseau, the back and sides engraved with figures of the Seasons and flowers COMPASSES, &c. 3949 A compass, metal gilt, circular, very elaborately engraved 3950 A small circular perpetual almanac, of steel, with German in- scriptions 3951 A gilt metal circular box, with a long measuring paper, and a calculating dial on the lid 3952 A circular metal-gilt case, with perpetual almanac on the lid, giving the phases of the moon ; a compass inside 3953 A compass, in octagonal case, of metal gilt, engraved, with the elevation of the pole on the reverse 3954 Another, nearly similar, but smaller 3955 A compass and perpetual almanac, with steel dials, in metal-gilt frame, by N. Hager, of Arnstadt 3956 An almanac, in vase-shaped metal-gilt case, chased with arabesques 3957 A square ivory case, containing a perpetual calendar and compass, — inscribed C. Bloyd, Dieppe 3958 An oblong ivory folding tablet, containing compass, almanac, &c., of German work — engraved 3959 A metal folding tablet, containing compass and hour dial; the top engraved with shields of arms — inscribed C. S., 1566 3960 A curious magical crystal ball, set in bands of silver. From the Collection of the Rev. Mr. Ashby, of Barrow, Suffolk; described in Douglas's Nenia Britannica 332 3951 A metal-gilt tablet, forming a perpetual almanac, &c., by Johann du Polth, Hague; the surface engraved with arabesques and scrolls 3962 A compass and sun-dial, on octagonal plate of white metal, by Mollinger, of Neustadt CLOCKS. 3963 A clock, in metal-gilt dome- shaped case, of openwork, on square plinth, engraved with scriptural subjects 3964 A clock, in scalloped crystal case, on stem, the plinth of crystal, mounted with metal gilt, with movement in the plinth. Signed "J. Wolf, Wien" {See illustration) 3965 A small silver circular watch, mounted on tripod stand of meta 1 gilt, with the zodiac above — maker, " Sisson, London" 3966 A clock, in square flat case of metal gilt, engraved with classical busts on outer case, with glass lid 3967 A clock, in circular metal-gilt case, engraved with figures, a compass beneath — maker, " C. Wolf, Paris" 3968 A clock, in hexagonal case of metal gilt, finely chased with classical figures and pilasters, in leather case 3969 A clock, in hexagonal scalloped case of metal gilt, with glass panels bordered with silver, on feet, with repeating movement 3970 A clock, in the form of an hexagonal temple, metal gilt, with classical busts above, and arabesque arches beneath, surmounted by a small white-metal figure of Time 3971 A clock, in metal-gilt square case, with dome top, and caryatid figures at the angles, chased with arabesques, &c. : two kings, the pope, a cardinal, and other figures, round a wheel of fortune, on the bottom, with the letters W. L. S. ; four oval silver medallions, engraved with the Evangelists, on the sides 3972 A clock, with silver dial, in a curious oblong case of metal gilt on legs of silver, caryatid figures and scrolls of the same round the sides, with German inscriptions, with flint lock and match box 333 3973 A watch, in crystal spherical case, engraved, the stem of metal gilt, and foot of crystal, cut and mounted with metal gilt, and enamelled 3974 A clock, by Gabriel, London, in hexagonal metal-gilt case, with glazed sides and top, the dial enamelled with flowers, in leather case 3975 A clock, in square metal-gilt case, ornamented with medallions, coats of arms, angels, and feet of white metal (silver) — 1603 3976 A clock, in case of metal gilt, the movement in the hexagonal plinth, on which stands a negro pointing to a sphere, on an upright stand — about 1600 3977 Another, constructed in the same manner, with an oriental figure, the round plinth pierced : early part of the seventeenth century 3978 Another, constructed in the same manner, with circular plinth and sphere, surmounting a crucifix, the figure of silver — inscribed " Nulla Hora sine tui memoria," by Gans, in Nurnberg — in case 3979 A Clock, in handsome Metal-Gilt Case, in the form of a square temple, with dome top, surmounted by a figure of Hercules and the lion, engraved with fruits and flowers, on lion's feet, with dial on both sides, under glass shade 3980 A CLOCK, IN ELEGANT CASE OF METAL GILT, in the form of a temple, most ^elaborately chased and engraved with figures and arabesques, surmounted by a figure standing on a globe, on ball and claw feet, with winged horses at the angles, and dial on either side, under glass shade. (See illus- tration) 3981 A clock, in metal- gilt case, with crucifix above, surmounted by a ball, and the Maries at the foot of the cross, on openwork hexagonal plinth, in which the movement is contained End of Twenty-ninth Day's Sale. Thirtieth Day^s Sale, On FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. SILVER. 3982 Twelve fiddle and shell pattern table spoons 3983 Twelve ditto 3984 Twelve ditto table forks 3985 Twelve ditto 3986 Twelve ditto 3987 Six ditto dessert forks ; and 6 ditto dessert spoons 3988 Twelve ditto dessert spoons 3989 Eighteen ditto tea spoons 3990 A pair of ditto table spoons ; and a fish slice 3991 A pair of ditto ; and a soup ladle 3992 Four shell-pattern salt spoons 3993 Four ditto sauce ladles 3994 A set of five dozen table knives, six small knives, three carvers, and three forks, with chased silver shell-pattern handles 3995 Twelve threaded and shell pattern tea spoons ; and a butter knife 3996 Four plain salt spoons ; a pair of sugar tongs ; a butter knife ; and 2 egg spoons 3997 Four fiddle salt spoons ; a butter knife, with ivory handle ; and a cheese scoop, with ivory handle 40 9 9 4188 419 7 335 3998 A marrow spoon ; a tea scoop ; 2 tea strainers ; and 2 savealls 3999 Nine wine labels, chased with vines and scrolls, with chains 4000 Four pairs of plain knife rests 4001 A two-handled lemon strainer, with beaded edges 4002 A punch ladle, chased with flowers 4003 A pair of plain scallop shells 4004 A plain argyll 4005 A set of four plain bottle stands 4006 Twenty-four large knives and 24 forks, with chased silver handles 4007 Twelve ditto; and 12 ditto, of different pattern 4008 Twelve small ditto; and 12 ditto, of different pattern 4009 A pair of chamber candlesticks and extinguisher, with beaded edges 4010 A pair of ditto, with extinguishers, and silver snuffers 40 11 A set of four handsome circular salts, on feet, with chased bands on the outsides, with medalhons of heads 4012 A set of four, similar 4013 A small oval pierced sugar basket, with festoons of flowers 4014 An oval teapot and stand, chased with festoons of flowers 4015 An oval two-handled sugar basin, fluted, gilt inside 4016 A plain oblong two-handled sugar basin; and a milk jug, similar 4017 A very handsome coffee pot, richly chased with boys and land- scapes, in scroll pattern (^ompartmeuts 4018 A cocoanut cup, carved with flowers, and mounted with silver rim and foot 4019 A pair of plain oval sauce tureens and covers 4020 An 8-in. circular salver, with beaded edges, on ball and claw feet 4021 A set of four plain oval 12^ in. deep dishes 4022 A set of four ditto 4023 An oval pierced bread basket, with flowers, and upright handle 4024 A Beautiful Oval Bread Basket, with upright handle, pierced and chased with ears of corn and flowers 4025 An oval pierced snuffer tray, and a pair of snuffers 4026 A plain snuffer tray, with gadrooned edge, and a pair of snuffers 336 4027 A pail- of table candlesticks, with square scroll feet 4028 A pair of plain table candlesticks 4029 A pair of handsome table candlesticks, with square columns and feet, chased with rams' heads, vases, and festoons 4030 A set of four elegant Ionic column candlesticks, v\ith spirally entwined ornament of foliage, rams' heads, and festoons 4031 An octagonal-shaped cruet stand, with gadrooned edges and eight cruets, a silver spoon, and two labels 4032 An oval epergne, with centre and six baskets, with openwork chased edges 4033 A SUPERB CIRCULAR SALVER, with border of scrolls and flat chasing, the edge of openwork of vines and masks, beautifully chased in high relief — 25^ in. diameter 4034 ANOTHER, SIMILAR— 18 in. diameter 4035 THE COMPANION SILVER-GILT. 4036 Twenty dessert knives, with silver-gilt blades; and 20 forks, the handles of shell pattern 4037 Six shell-pattern table spoons 4038 Seven king's-pattern dessert spoons 4039 Eighteen shell-pattern ditto 4040 Twelve ditto tea spoons 4041 Six French shell-pattern tea spoons 4042 A cream and a sugar ladle, of shell pattern 4043 A ditto, and a ditto 4044 A pair of ice spades, shell-pattern 4045 A pair of sugar nippers, of vine-leaf pattern 4046 A pair of king's-pattern grape scissors 4047 Four salt spoons, with shell bowls^ and masks at the handles 4048 Four wiira labels, beautifully chased with vines 4049 A pair of ancient spoons, one with ship handle, and one^ with figures 4050 Another pair, with a figure of Hope, and a group of figures 4051 Another pair, with female figures, one engraved on the back 337 4052 TWELVE APOSTLE SPOONS; English, a.d. L579,by the same maker. This uniform and unbroken set is almost unique 4054 A Set of Four very handsome Bottle Stands, with open- work rims of scroll work 4055 A PAIR OF ancient Circular Salt Cellars, on stems and ball feet, embossed with flowers 4056 A toothpick stand, in the form of a hedgehog, on stand, with wheels 4057 A beautiful Two-handled Sugar Vase and Cover, embossed with foliage 4058 The Companion 4059 A Superb Coffee Pot, embossed with fruit and foliage, with a flower on the top 4060 A Teapot, richly embossed with flowers, on feet, with a mask at the spout 4061 A Sugar Basin and Cover, with Chinese figures forming handles and top, and embossed with Chinese subjects 4062 A Milk Ewer, chased with animals in high relief 4063 A Cream Ewer, embossed with a female figure and others milking cows 4064 A square muffineer, chased with flowers — formerly George IV. 's 4065 A small oval sugar basket, with upright handle and flat chased border 4066 A BEAUTIFUL MuFFiN Plate, Cover, AND Stand, with scroll handles, ornamented with scrolls in flat chasing 4067 A SUPERB ROSEWATER EWER, with dolphin handle and mask at the spout, richly embossed with fruit and foliage 4068 ANOTHER, of different form, with dolphin handle and shell lip, chased with flowers and foliage 4069 ANOTHER, of different form, the handle with fishes and animal's heads, a mask at the lip, beautifully chased with flowers in relief 4070 A MAGNIFICENT xMONTEITH, the bowl fluted with lions' masks for handles, the rim of bea\itiful scroll work, with two shields with arms, on a gilt wooden stand z 338 PLATED. 4071 A pair of circular entree dishes, covers, and heaters, with chased edges 4072 A 19-inch fluted dish cover, with chased handle 4073 A 16-inch ditto 4074 Four plain oval dish warmers 4075 A pair of ice pails, fluted and gadrooned 4076 Four gilt salt stands ; a pair of lobster crackers ; and 2 skewers 4077 A pair of branches, for two lights each BRONZE MEDALS. 4078 Papal medals of Innocent XII., Alexander "VIII., Clement XI., and others. Fine 8 4079 Alexander VIII., Clement IX., Clement XII., and Innocent XII. Allfine 4 4080 Alphonso, King of Naples, DIVVS-ALPHONSVS- REX MCCCCXLVIIII; his bust, in armour, to the right; in the field, a crown and helmet: rev. LIBERALITAS- AVGVSTVS, an eagle, with a dead fawn, and four vul- tures. A large medal, by Pisani ; fine, and very rare 1 4081 Louis XII., his bust crowned ; in the field, fleur-de-lys, below, a lion : rev. his queen, veiled and crowned ; in the field, in front, fleur-de-lys ; behind, ermine ; below, a lion. Very fine and rare I 4082 Andrea Doria, two varieties ; Anthony Alvarez, John Valetta, Ludovico Ariosto, G. Caraffa, and others. Fine 8 4083 Francis, Duke of Guise : rev. a city; Vic. Amadeus, King of Cyprus : rev. his queen ; Napoleon medals — Conquest of Egypt, Passage of the Danube, and tlie battle of Marengo 5 339 SILVER. 4084 UESli • nil • R • CHRIST • MARIA -AVGVSTA, their busts to the right; PROPAGO IMPERI. Henry IV. and Maria, in the characters of Mars and Pallas, between them, Cupid placing a helmet upon his head ; above, an eagle descending, with a crown in his beak. Very fine, and set in a large rim, inscribed I 4085 John, Duke of Saxony, his bust in front : rev. arms ; Henry IV., bust in front: rev. two shields of arms, within a wreath ; Catherine de Medici: rev. broken spear. All fine 3 4086 Charles V., King of Spain and Emperor of Rome, his bust robed, holding the orb and sceptre : rev. shield of arms in front of the Imperial eagle. Very fine and rare, gilt 1 4087 P. O. V[RGlLIVS,bust to the left, inscriptions round— dated 1 134 : rev. a skuil, with a leg bone in the jaw, and inscrip- tion. Fine and ctaions chasing, gilt 1 4088 Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburgh, his bust in front, KEVRVORST VAN BRANDENBVRG, 1666: rev. C'EST ICI LTXECTEVR DE BRANDEBOVRG, &c., the Low Countries trampling upon the emblems of Great Britain, on renouncing the alliance of England, Fine and rare 1 4089 MAVRITIVS • AVR • PRINC • COM- NASSET-MV- MARFL-EQ-OR-PERISCELIDIS, front bust of the prince in armour : rev. garnished shield of arms crowned, within the garter — oval. F'ine and rare I 4090 Charles II., his bust in front in armour, with long flowing hair : rev. ships under sail, below, a shell, inscribed "Anno 1610 Juni 2, lo S. M. uyt Hollant van Sclieveling afgevaren naer syn conincryken '' ; the embarkation at Sclieveling. Fine and rare I 4091 Charles III., his bust in armour to the right : rev. VENCE Y TRIVMFA EL MAS PRVDENTE ; table and figures upon a mount. Prize Medal for the Academy of Dereclio ; fine I z2 340 4092 Charles Pell, of Nuremberg: a silver-gilt medal, engraved and chased, on his birth, 8th July, 1573 : obv, the adoration of the shepherds — very beautifully chased : rev. inscrip- tion ; within a case like a book, the outer boards open, one contains his nativity, engraved upon a silver-gilt plate ; the other containing the arms of his parents emblazoned. Very curious and rare I End of Thirtieth Da,y's Sale. 4:143 Thirty-first Day's Sale. On SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. FURNITURE. FRONT DRAWING ROOM. 4093 A pair of or-raoulu candlesticks, richly chased with foliage and ornaments, with cherubs' heads at the angles of the tri- angular stems 4094 A pair of ditto, of chased scroll pattern 4095 A pair, with wreaths and festoons of flowers, each chased with three classical medallions supended by ribbons 4096 A pair, of richly chased fluted scroll pattern 4097 A pair, of very handsome scroll pattern, richly chased with flowers 4098 A VERY ELEGANT Clock, by Merra, with two dials, contained in vase-shaped case of or-moulu, surmounted by a figure of Cupid holding a medallion of Henri Quatre on a column, round which the Graces are supporting a festoon of flowers, on circular plinth, with frieze of vines — glass shade and stand — 20 in. high, the plinth 6|in. wide 4099 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL Or-moulu CANDLESTICKS, on triangular openwork plinths, chased, with winged terminal figures at the angles, and masks — of cinque-cento design — 12 in. high. {See illustration) 342 4100 A pair of handsome or-moulu girandoles, of scroll pattern, for three lights each, on gilt brackets 4101 A pair of ditto for two lights, of scroll pattern, with dragons, on carved and gilt brackets 4102 A set of three carved and gilt brackets, with festoons of flowers 4103 A pair of carved and gilt brackets, each with two mermaids and shells 4104 A pair of ditto, with Pluto and Prosperine, two doves and masks 4105 A pair of or-moulu girandoles, of scroll pattern, for three lights each 4106 A VERY HANDSOME Or-moulu Chandelier, chased with masks, heads, and rich ornaments, with branches for eight lights 4107 The Companion Chandelier 4108 An or-moulu fender, of chased scroll pattern; a set of steel fire- irons, with or-moulu handles ; and a pair of elegant openwork scroll-pattern fire dogs, with figures of boys playing musical instruments, after Watteau 4109 The crimson and drab flowered and bordered Brussels carpet — 34 ft. by 19 ft. ; and a hearth rug 41 10 A pair of elegant carved and gilt pier tables, with pierced scrolls and festoons of flowers, and shaped coloured marble slabs — 28 in. wide 4111 A BEAUTIFUL SECRETAIRE, of moulded pedestal shape, of tulip- wood, with group of flowers and borders of kingwood, with cupboard beneath and fall-down front above, enclosing drawers, and small drawer above, surmounted by a coloured marble slab, mounted with or-moulu ornaments — 3 ft. 10 in, high, and 21 in. wide 4112 An Oblong Table, of Fine old Italian Marqueterie, with drawer, on spirally twisted carved legs and stretcher beneath, inlaid with flowers, the top with a large vase, flowers and birds in the centre, and the double L cypher at the angles, surmounted by coronets in colours, on dark ground — 53 in. long, and 23f in. wide 4113 A beautiful Table Cabinet, of old Reisner Marqueterie, with mus'ical trophies and flowers, with drawer and shelf 343 beneath, and cabinet above, with folding dooi-s and three small drawers under, with pierced or-moulu gallery — 41^ in. high, and 26^ in. wide 41 14 A small oblong table, of old marqueterie of king and tulipwood, the top inlaid in diamonds, with drawer and or-moulu mouldings 4115 A small square table, of old marqueterie, with two drawers and writing slide in front, and a drawer at the side, with a musical trophy, with doves and flowers, mounted with or-moulu 41 16 A small oblong table, of old marqueterie of satinwood, with diamonds in light green, with two drawers and shelf beneath, the top covered with green leatherj mounted with openwork frieze and ornaments of or-moulu 4117 A small oblong table, of old marqueterie, with three drawers, with flowers in diamond trellis, pierced or-moulu gallery and ornaments 4118 An elegant small oval-shaped table, of old marqueterie of flowers, in diamond trellis, with drawers and shelf beneath, pierced or-moulu gallery and ornaments 4119 A small oblong table, of king and tulipwood, with a group of flowers on the top, which rises, forming a casket, with or- moulu ornaments 4120 A small oval-shaped table, of old marqueterie of satinwood, with flowers, in diamond trellis roinid the sides, and a beautiful trophy of books, flowers, a cock, &c. on the top, with drawer and writing slide, and pierced or-moulu gallery 4121 A small oblong table, of old marqueterie of king and tulipwood, with rising top and writing slide ; a group of flowers on the top, mounted with or-moulu 4122 A BEAUTIFUL Small Square Table, of Old Marqueterie, with three drawers and shelf beneath, on which are scattered playing cards and dice ; a view of a chateau and figures on the top ; the faces of engraved ivory, military and other trophies on the sides, with piercedor-moulu gallery and ornaments 4123 An Oblong Table, of Old German Marqueterie, with drawer, inlaid all over with flowers, birds, and ornaments, in 344 colours on dark ground, the edges inlaid with ivory — 41 in. long, and 27 in. wide 4124 A small oblong table, of old marqueterie, with three drawers and shelf beneath, inlaid with ornaments and trellis borders ; the top covered with green leather, and mounted with or-moulu 4125 A BEAUTIFUL SMALL OvAL-SHAPED TaBLE, OlD MaRQUE- TERiE, with ^neas carrying Anchises from Troy, on the top ; musical trophies round the sides, with three drawers contain- ing smaller ones, openwork or-moulu gallery and ornaments 4126 A carved and gilt jardiniere, formed of a figure on triangular plinth supporting a vase, with festoons and flowers — 36 in. high 4127 A shaped white and gold carved sofa, and two pillows, covered with rich old crimson satin damask, witli flowers in colours 4128 A settee, en svite, covered with the same 4129 A large fanteuil, covered en suite 4130 Another, rather smaller 4131 A pair of smaller fanteuils, en suite 4132 A pair of ditto 4133 A pair of ditto 4134 A pair of ditto 4135 A pair of ditto 4136 A square ottoman stool, covered with the same 4137 An Oblong Table, of Fine Old Marqueterie, with three drawers, groups of flowers and ornaments on the top and on the sides, and figures of chimerse on shields, in colours on dark ground, mounted with caryated female figures at the angles, and rich mouldings of or-moulu — 51 in. long, and 26 in. high 4138 A MAGNIFICENT OBLONG TABLE, OF THE VERY FINEST OLD BOULE, of tortoiseshell, covered with arabesques, masks, ornaments, coats of arms, and coronets, of gilt and white metal, with caryated figures at the angles, and four double cornucopiee handles, and friezes of festoons of flowers, of the very finest work of Goutiere. This superb work is 50 in. long, by 29 in. wide 4138* A magnificent Clock, by Baillon, in scroll-shaped case, of or-moulu, surmounted by a cupid 345 4139 A BEAUTIFUL SHAPED SECRETAIRE, of tuUpwood, with glOUpS of flowers in kingwood, with fall-down front, enclosing drawers and cupboard beneath, with folding-doors, mounted with rich or-moulu ornaments — 54 in. high, and 41 in. wide 4140 An elegant Glazed Cabinet, of Marqueterie, with ■ flowers in colours, lined with velvet, in three division?, with shelves and looking-glass back, on carved open stand, with four legs and stretcher, and three coats of arms, painted in shields on the lop; the doors of curved glass, in metal-gilt frames— 86 in. high, and 78 in. wide" 4141 A VERY FINE OLD CARVED AND GILT PIER TABLE, with scrolls and flowers of openwork, on two legs, surmounted by a beautiful shaped slab pink coloured varie- gated Sicilian jasper — 50 in. wide 4142 THE COMPANION TABLE, with shaped sohd slab of Griotte marble 4143 A VERY ELEGANT PIER GLASS, in elaborately carved and gilt frame, by Chippendale, of scroll pattern, with birds, festoons of floweis and foliage, the ornaments dividing it into several parts, with branches for three lights — extreme height 77 in., and 43 in. wide. (^See illustration) 4144 THE COMPANION PIER GLASS 4145 A SUPERB CARVED AND GILT PIER TABLE, the legs formed of four terminal figures, with shells and festoons of flowers ; a group of a stag and dogs on the looking glass, stretcher beneath, surmounted by a shaped solid Verona marble slab — 78 in. wide 4146 A MAGNIFICENT GLASS, in carved and gilt frame, by Chippendale, of scroll design, with caryatid figures at the sides, festoons of flowers interlace the outer and inner frames; a vase of flowers at the top, and two dogs beneath — extreme height 128 in., width 80 in. 4147 A BEAUTIFUL CARVED AND GILT PIER TABLE, of scroll pattern, with four legs, surmounted by a solid Brcca- tella marble slab — 49 in. wide 346 4148 The Companion Table, of rather different design, with Griotte marble slab — 50J in. wide 4149 A VERY ELEGANT OVAL-SHAPED PIER GLASS, in carved and gilt frame, by Chippendale, with birds and flowers at the sides, surmounted by a vase of flowers ; the glass divided by the scroll ornaments into several compartments, with three branches for lights — extreme height 86 in., and 55 in. wide 4150 THE COMPANION GLASS 4151 A SUPERB GLASS, in richly carved and gilt frame, of scroll pattern, with flowers — extreme height 110 in., and 71 in. wide 4 1 52 A pair of richly carved and gilt cornices, with flowers and scrolls — 90 in. wide 4153 A pair of ditto, rather different — 90 in. wide 4154 A pair of green oriental pierced stone ware garden seats BACK DRAWING ROOM. 41 55 The crimson and drab flowered and bordered Brussels carpet — 30 ft. by 21 ft. 6 in. ; and a hearth rug 4156 A handsome carved and gilt window cornice, of scroll design — 14 ft. wide 4157 A pierced scroll-pattern or-moulu fender and fire irons, with or-moulu handles ; and a pair of elegant pierced scroll or-moulu fire dogs, with figures of Apollo and Venus reclining 4158 A carved and gilt bracket, on four terminal figures, and a figure of a warrior, in armour, beneath 4159 A pair of or-moulu scroll-pattern girandoles, for two hghts each, on brackets, carved and gilt 4160 A pair of ditto, larger, on carved and gilt brackets 4161 A pair of richly-chased or-moulu candlesticks 4162 A paper weight, of or-moulu, chased with scrolls 4163 An elegant or-moulu inkstand, with two vases and bell in the centre, chased with vines and foliage, in high relief 4164 A carved lounging chair, white and gold, covered with old crimson satin damask, with covers in colours, and a pillow 347 4165 A carved white and gold couch, with i'auteuil e-nd, shaped and covered en suite, and a pillow 4166 A pair of carved white and gold fanteuils, covered with lich old crimson satin damask 4167 A pair of ditto 4168 A pair of ditto 4169 A pair of cabriole chairs, en suite 4170 A square carved and gilt ottoman stool, covered en suite 4171 A pair of square richly carved and gilt ottoman stools, with scrolls and snakes, covered with crimson satin damask, with flowers in colours 4172 A carved white and gold square ottoman stool, covered with crimson and white flowered satin damask 4173 A square carved white and gold ottoman stool, covered with rich crimson satin damask 4174 A pair of circular richly carved and gilt ottoman stools, covered with crimson and coloured flowered satin damask 4175 A nest of ten gilt shelves, to fit into a corner 4176 A pair of scroll-pattern or-moulu candlesticks 4177 A HANDSOME STRIKING Clock, BY Agerun, showing the phases of the moon and days of the month, in rich scroll-shaped case of or-moulu, with flowers and birds, glass shade and stand — 21 in, high ; the plinth 6 in. deep 4178 A pair of scroll-pattern or-moulu candlesticks 4179 An elegant Striking Clock, by Cronier, showing the days of the week, in case of or-moulu, with a female figure pointing to a vase, which indicates the day of the month : Cupid holding a sun-dial on the other side — glass shade and stand — 17 in. high ; The plinth 9 in. deep 4180 A pair of or-moulu candlesticks, with octagonal feet, chased, with medallions and draperies 4181 Another pair, with medallions, trophies, and coats of arms, with coronets 4182 A Pair of very elegant Girandoles, with cupids, termi- nating in quivers, with festoons of vines, with tulip branches for three liglits each 348 4183 An elegant Or-moulu Chandelier, chased, with terminal figures, niasks^ and ornaments, for twelve liglits 4184 A VERY HANDSOME Clock, BY Festeau, in elegant openwork scroll case of or-moulu, with flowers and doves, supported on the back of a wild boar, on plinth of the same — glass shade and stand — 26 in. high; the plinth 91 in. deep 4185 A Pair of superb Candelabra, of or-moulu, on triangular plinths, with sphinxes, medallions on the stems, and scroll branches for four lights each — 20 in. high 4186 A VERY handsome Clock, by Martin, in very rich scroll- shaped case of or-moulu, with flowers, surrounded by a female fio-ure of the time of Louis XIV. — glass shade and stand — 30 in. high; the plinth 15 in. deep 4187 A FINE old French Clock, contained in an elegant vase-shaped case of or-moulu, round which the figures are enamelled, on a fluted cippus, with festooned drapery — glass shade and stand — 20 in. high ; on triangular carved and gilt pedestal — 38 in. high 4188 A PAIR OF SUPERB CANDLESTICKS, of or-moulu, each with two cupids supporting the stem, on plinths, chased with vases and bands of foUage— 15in. high. (See illustration) 4189 A small oblong table, of old raarqueterie of king and tulipwood, with groups of flowers, three drawers and writing slide, mounted with or-moulu 4190 A SMALL Oblong Table, of old Marqueterie, with drawers ; a coat of arms in the centre on the top, and flowers, cyphers, and coronets at the corners, birds and flowers round the sides, mounted with or-moulu 4191 A VERY elegant and elaborately carved and gilt Cheval Fire Skreen, the mount of rich old crimson satin damask, with a lady in a swing, and flowers in white 4192 The Companion Skreen 4193 A MAGNIFICENT COMMODE, with three drawers, of OLD BOULE, of brass and flowers, in mother-o'pearl and colours, with caryatid figures at the angles, rich handles and mouldings of or-moulu, surmounted by solid Sicilian jasper slab — 59 in. wide 349 4194 An Oblong Table, of fine old Reisner Marqueterie, with sliding top, enclosing trays and glass; a musical trophy and scroll borders on the top, and ornamented in trellis round the sides, with openwork or-moulu gallery 4195 An elegant small shaped Secretaire, of Marqueteie of king and tulipwood, with groups of flowers, with fall- down front enclosing three drawers, with or-moulu mould- ings 4196 An Oblong Table, of fine old Marqueterie, with sliding top, with trays and writing slide ; a large street scene on the top, with figures and utensils in compartments round the sides, mounted with or-moulu 4197 A beautiful Book and Inkstand, of fine old Mar- queterie, with subjects of figures near a temple in a garden, the faces engraved in ivory, classical vases and views at the ends, in colours — 22 in. long, and 7^ in. wide. {See illus" tration) 4198 An elegant small square-shaped table of old marqueterie of king and tulipwood, with or-moulu ornaments 4199 A beautiful oblong Table, of fine Old Marqueterie, with drawers, a large landscape on the top, with figures, and two trophies at the ends in tulipwood borders, and five views on the front and ends, mounted with or-moulu 4200 A handsome ebonized Cabinet, with folding glazed doors, enclosing shelves, with caryatid figures, of or-moulu, at th^ angles, and rich mouldings of the same — 50 in. wide 4201 The Compamon Cabinet 4202 A small oblong-shaped table, of old marqueterie of king and tuilpwood, with a group of flowers on the top, drawer and writing slide, mounted with or-moulu 4203 A satinvvood cabinet, to contain miniatures, with twelve drawers — 15 in. high, by 16 in. wide 4204 A beautiful Small Table, of fine old Marqueterie, with fall-down front, on which is Mademoiselle Clairon crown- ing Voltaire, enclosing recess and small drawers, and shelf beneath, or-moulu gallery and ornaments 350 4205 A BEAUTIFUL OlU.ONG TaBLE, OF FINE OLD ReiSNEU MaR- QUETERiE, with drawer; a seaport, and figures with a donkey on the top, and eight views round the sides, with or-moulu gallery and ornaments 4206 A VERY FINE SHAPED TABLE, OF OLD PAR- QUETERIE, of king and tulipwood, with six drawers, with handles and oz*naments of or-moulu, the top covered with green leather — 69| in. long, and 34 in. wide 4207 A MAGNIFICENT SPANISH CABINET, in the form of a temple, of tortoiseshell, covered with trophies of arms, figures, coats of arms, and arabesques of white metal, with small cabinets ^in the centre, and nine drawers, on stand, with spirally twisted pillar legs, with or-moulu capitals, and looking-glass back — 84 in. high, and 44^ in. wide. {See illustration) 4208 A VERY HANDSOME CaRVED WhITE AND GoLD RECEPTACLE, FOR Porcelain, in three divisions, with glazed folding doors, supported on brackets, formed of winged terminal figures, and surmounted by roses and foliage — 82 in. wide, and about 80 in. high 4209 The Companion 4210 Another Cabinet, nearly similar, on four legs, with serpents entwined, glazed beneath — 94 in. high, and 84 in. wide 4211 A Pair of Richly Carved and Gilt Pier Tables, with scrolls and dragons on the legs, surmounted by solid Broca- tella slabs — 38 in. wide 4212 A Pier Glass, in richly carved and gilt frame, of foliage, with wreaths of flowers entwined — extreme height 93 in., by 43 in. wide 4213 The Companion Glass 4214 A HORIZONTAL GRAND PIANOFORTE, by Erard, 6J octaves, in a magnificent carved and white and gold case, with flowers and scroll ornaments ; and a white and gold music stool 4215 A SUPERB CHIMNEY GLASS, in carved and gilt frame, with border of foliage and flowers, surmounted by a trophy of a quiver, and flowers and birds at the angles, a wreath of flowers 351 suspended across the top — extreme height 112 in., by 70 in. wide 4216 A MAGNIFICENT OVAL PIER GLASS, the frame boldly carved with cupids and festoons of flowers, a figure of Juno seated at the top, Jupiter and Neptune on either side, and a figure with a cornucopia beneath— extreme height 63 in., by 55 in. wide End of Thirty-first Days Sale. Thirty -second Day's Sale. On MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1855, AT ONE o'clock PRECTSELY. ENTRANCE HALL. 4217 A pair of carved oak hall chairs, the backs with coats of arms and coronets 4218 A pair, similar 4219 A handsome old carved oak settee, with openwork scroll back, with festoons of flowers and cherubs' heads 4220 A small carved oak table, with an eagle supporting a veined yellow marble slab — 29 in. wide 4221 A handsome carved oak pier table, with scroll legs, and mask in the centre, surmounted by a Brocatella marble slab, with border of Sienna marble 4222 A handsome old French clock, by Herbault, and bracket of rose- wood, with rich ornaments of or-moulu, of the time of Louis XIV. 4223 Two chairs, wi(h carved oak backs, with coats of arms, the seats covered with tapestry 4224 Two ditto, of different pattern 4225 A pair of chairs, with carved openwork backs and legs, the sides covered with crimson Utrecht velvet 4226 A handsome shaped table, on richly carved stand of carved oak, arabesque design, with cypher and coronet in the centre, sur- mounted by a veined marble slab — 41 in. wide 353 4227 A Chinese gong, on stand 4228 A HANDSOME CARVED Oak Armoire, with masks, scrolls, and ornaments — 7 ft. 4 in. high, and 6 ft. 2 in, wide LIBRARY. 4229 A pair of or-moulu fire dogs, with figures of cupids on scrolls 4230 An elegant shaped Glass, in elaborately carved oak frame, with scrolls and a cherub's head in the centre — extreme width 60 in., and height 35 in. 4231 A handsome old coffer, of pearwood, on stand, ornamented with plates of metal, chased with birds and flowers DINING ROOM. 4232 A capital Turkey carpet — 25 ft. by 17 ft. ; and a hearth rug 4233 A set of twelve handsome cabriole chairs, of carved oak, with scroll-shaped backs, covered with crimson Utrecht velvet 4234 A set of eight similar 4235 A capital oak dining table, with circular ends, on carved pillar legs ; five extra leaves 4236 A BEAUTIFUL SIDEBOARD, OF PEARWOOD support- ed on four richly carved trusses, with terminal figures of cherubs, very elegant design, the back carved with ornaments, and a shelf above — 9 ft. long 4237 A beautiful Side Table, of pearwood, supported on richly carved trusses, with foliage — 6 ft. 6 in. long 4238 The companion Side Table 4239 A VERY ELEGANT OCTAGONAL STAND, of metal gilt, on tripod feet, formed of openwork of foliage of gothic design, with metal lines; it has been used as a wine cooler — 32 in. high 4240 A handsome Print Press, of carved oak, with scroll ornaments, and folding doors enclosing trays — 5 ft. 7 in. long, and 3 ft. 2 in. deep * 4241 A MAGNIFICENT Or-moulu Chandelier, very richly chased with ornaments, and branches for twenty-four lights 2 A 354 GLASS ROOM. 4243 A pair of ancient brass fire dogs 4244 A steel fender and fire irons, with brass handles 4245 A pair of or-moulu branches for one light each 4246 A chimney glass, in frame of carved oak, partly gilt, with figures and arabesques of renaissance design — 45 in. by 41 in. 4247 A pair of ancient bellows, carved with masks and a figure holding a shield partly gilt, the nose of chased bronze 4248 A pair of ancient bellows, inlaid with flowers of engraved mother- o'-pearl 4249 A carved oak frame, with spirally twisted pillars and shelves, and looking-glass back — 5 ft, wide, and 4 ft. 2 in. high 4250 Another, with cupids, coats of arms, and coronets — 5 ft. wide, and 4 ft. 2 in. high 4251 A carved oak set of shelves, with brackets — 7 ft. wide, and 5 ft. high 4252 An oblong oak table, with two drawers carved with friezes of figures and flowers, on carved legs and stretcher 4253 A carved oak high-back arm chair, the seat covered with tapestry 4254 A BiiAUTiFUL Oblong Table, of rosewood, inlaid with flowers in ivory, on carved standards and arched colonnade, under the centre, also inlaid with ivory 4255 A BEAUTIFUL Small Secretaire, of sandalwood, with fall- down front, enclosing drawers and four drawers under, elabo- rately inlaid all over with birds and flowers in engraved ivory, the foliage of ebony — 35 in. high, and 30 in. wide 4256 A beautiful Small Oval Table, of sandalwood, with folding top, on four legs with stretcher inlaid, similar 4257 A Pair of Small high-back Chairs, en suite, the seats covered with needlework 4258 A PAIR OF Ditto 4259 A PAIR OF Ditto 355 4260 An Oblong Ottoman Stool, en suite — 43 in. by 22 in. 4261 A handsomely carved oak settee, one end with cane back, the seat covered with tapestry, with Christ appearing to Mary in the garden 4262 A carved oak arm chair, the back rising and forming a priedieu, covered with tapestry 4263 A pair of small carved oak folding chairs, the seats covered with tapestry 4264 A MAGNIFICENT CHANDELIER, OF OLD VE • NETIAN GLASS, with flowers and ornaments in colours, and scroll branches for eight lights 4265 An elegant Oval-shaped Glass, with a figure in the centre holding a banner, in frame of old Venetian glass, with wreaths of flowers in relief, in colours, and gilt ornaments — 46 in. high, and 31 in. wide 4266 The Companion, with a figure playing a guitar 4266a An old French thermometer, carved with a military trophy, and shield of arms 4267 The Range of Wainscot Cabinets, in eight divisions, with cupboards beneath, and glazed folding doors above, enclosing glass shelves, of architectural design, with Corinthian cohimns supporting a frieze carved with subjects of figures, himting subjects, and masks : fitted in the recess — the four centre divisions 18 ft. 6 in. long — each of the other divisions about 3 ft. wide, 7 ft. 6 in. high 4267a A beautiful backgammon board, of old marqueterie, the inside engraved, the borders carved with figures, playing games ; and 29 pieces, carved with animals ARMOURY. 4268 A pair of old steel fire dogs, with basket tops, and cliased masks of or-moulu 4269 An iron fender; an ancient pair of tongs; 2 pokers, and a shovel, with handles of figures 356 4270 A pair of ancient bellows, carved with the Adoration of the Shepherds, in high rehef, in oak 4271 A pair of girandoles, of steel, formed of mermaids, bearing branches for two lights each 4272 A pair of gothic leaf-pattern branches, with nozzles for lights of metal gilt 4273 A pair of arms, of carved oak, holding steel nozzles for lights 4274 A small steel bracket, of pierced gothic design, with hook for sus- pending a lamp 4275 A small old metal-gilt chandelier, with star and ball beneath, and branches for eight lights 4276 A handsome old metal-gilt chandelier, of gothic design, with foliage branches for twelve lights, surmounted by an angel holding a shield 4277 An oblong oak table, with drawei-, the top inlaid in diamonds, the stand carved, on pillar legs 4278 A VERY HANDSOME GoTHic Oak Cabinet, in three divisions, the centre door with open steel trellis, and the sides with carved openwork panels of irophies and shields of arms, two drawers beneath, and carved gallery of foliage above — 6 ft. high to the top of the piliars, and 4 ft. 8 in. wide 4279 The Companion Cabinet, with arched openwork steel centre, and coats of arms at the sides 4280 A low carved oak chair, with high bacli, with a terminal figure, the seat covered with tapestry 4281 A carved oak arm chair, with openwork back, surmounted by lions, and seat of tapestry 4282 A pair of carved oak chairs, with openwork backs, the seats covered with tapestry 4283 A pair of ancient carved oak high-back chairs, with mermaids and busts, with cane backs and seats 4284 An ancient carved oak arm chair, the back with arabesques and coat of arms, the arms formed of dolphins resting on masks, the seat covered with tapestry 4285 A curious rude carved oak chair, with low back, with inscription and bird above, the seat covered with tapestry 357 4286 A carved oak high-back chair, with cane seat and back 4287 Another, nearly similar, surmounted by a crown 4288 A carved oak Venetian chair, with arabesque figure legs and back 4289 A carved oak stand for muskets 4290 A pair of carved stands, with hooks for small arms STAIRCASE. 4291 A FINE OLD French Clock Case, of old black boule, with Fame at the top, and figures on either side, and rich ornaments of or-moulu ; it has new works and chimes, by Tupman 4292 A Square Pedestal, of fine old Black Boule, of brass and tortoiseshell, with rich mouldings of or-moulu, of the time of Louis XIV.— 4ft. Sin. high 4293 A FINE OLD French Barometer and Thermometer, in case of tulipwood, with rich mouldings of or-moulu 4294 A pair of old metal-gilt sconces, of chased scroll pattern, with branches for one light each FINIS. LONDON : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons^ 14, Charing Cross V LIBRARY GETTY CENTER Subscribers, Price 7s 6d; Non- Subscribers, Price 10s. NAMES OF PURCHASERS AND PRICES ILLUSTRATED SALE CATALOGUE CHOICE COLLECTIONS OF ART AND VERTIJ, FORMED BY THE LATE RALPH BERNAL, ESQ. L N D O :s : PRINTED FOR J. H. BURN, XXIX, BOW STREET, COVENT GARDEN. MDCCCLV. ILLUSTRATED SALE CATALOGUE CHOICE COLLECTIONS OF ART AND VERTU, FORMED BY THE LATE RALPH BERNAL, ESQ. WITH THIS NAMES OF PURCHASERS AND PRICES. i £ W7vcU J^V T Th VIU C77 -tif ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE DISTINGUISHED COLLECTION OF WORKS OF ART AND YERTU, FROM THE BYZANTINE PERIOD TO THAT OF LOUIS SEIZE, COLLECTED BY THE LATE EALPH BEENAL, ESQ. SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. CHRISTIE AND MANSON; WITH THE PURCHASERS' NAMES AND PRICES. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. H. BURN, XXIX, BOW STREET, COVENT GARDEN. ]M D C C C L V. NAMES OF PURCHASERS AND PRICES ILLUSTRATED SALE CATALOGUE CHOICE COLLECTIONS OF ART AND VERTU, FORMED BY THE LATE RALPH BERNAL, ESQ. NAMES OF PURCHASERS AND PRICES TO THE ILLUSTRATED SALE CATALOGUE OF THE CHOICE COLLECTIONS OF ART AND VERTU, FOKMED BY THE LATE RALPH BERNAL, ESQ. Golden times and liappy news of price ! Shakespeare , 1 Marlborough House . 2 Waters, Pimlico . 3 William Twopenny, Esq. 4 Waters, Pimlico . 5 Marlborough House . Q Van Cuyck, Paris 7 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 8 James Dunlop, Esq. 9 The same 10 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 11 James Bethell, Esq. . 12 Webb 13 Chaffers, Old Bond Street 2 14 Rainey, Bath 15 Marlborough House 16 F. L. Popham, Esq. , 17 James Dunlop, Esq. 18 Annoot and Gale 19 James Dunlop, Esq. 3 10 1 8 15 2 2 2 12 6 2 10 17 6 6 1 2 1 2 4 15 2 6 15 2 14 4 15 8 8 5 15 16 10 12 5 20 Miss Talbot, Grosv. Sq. 21 The same 22 James Dunlop, Esq. . 23 Marlborough House 24 The same 25 The same 26 The same 27 The same 28 The same 29 Earl of Craven . 30 Henry Christy, Esq. 31 James Bowker, Esq. 32 Samuel Addington, Esq. 33 Robert Kell, Esq. 34 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 35 Southam, Green Street 36 Sir H. H. Campbell 37 Annoot and Gale 38 Marlborough House . 26 26 5 8 5 3 10 1 15 4 5 4 10 11 6 4 7 2 17 6 2 12 2 10 16 4 2 17 1 15 5 15 55 8 8 4 ORIENTAL, DRESDEN, AND 39 Marlborough House 5 15 40 James Bethell, Esq. . 6 41 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 12 5 42 Samuel Addington, Esq. 3 15 43 The same . 8 12 44 Attenborough . 23 45 Marlborough House . 9 9 46 Samuel Addington, Esq. 4 4 47 Redfern, Warwick . 7 2 48 Van Cuyck, Paris 6 10 49 The same . 3 10 50 Attenborough - 40 51 Marlborough House . 10 10 52 Waters, Pimlico . 2 10 53 S. Zimmerman . 4 54 Weston . 1 12 55 Samuel Addington, Esq. 11 15 56 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 28 57 Sir Anth. de Rothschild 21 58 Durlacher, New Bond Str. 6 59 The same . 7 60 S. Zimmerman . 5 61 Van Cuyck, Paris . 6 10 62 Waters, Pimhco . 4 14 63 Marlborough House . 110 64 J. C. Carruthers, Esq. 4 5 65 Marlborough House 8 66 The same . 5 5 67 The same . 2 5 68 The same . 11 69 Henry L. Wickham, Esq. 3 10 70 Attenborough . 3 10 71 The same . 8 72 Rainey, Bath . 1 18 73 Attenborough . 2 5 6 6 6 74 Rainey, Bath 5 10 75 Marlborough House . 3 10 76 Samuel Addington, Esq. 10 10 77 Attenborough 3 3 78 Haines, Grosv. Str. West 3 10 79 Rainey, Bath I 15 80 Burgess 3 17 81 King, Woodstock Street 5 82 Waters, Pimlico 2 7 83 Morris Nathan 17 15 84 Lord St. Leonards 5 5 85 Attenborough 10 10 86 Marlborough House 2 5 87 The same 16 88 David Falcke . 10 10 89 Sir Anth. de Rothschild 99 15 90 Attenborough 19 10 91 Sigismund Rucker, Esq. 42 92 Charles De Voeux, Esq. 5 5 93 Mons. Caballero 7 17 6 94 Sir H. H. Campbell 17 17 95 David Falcke 13 96 Sir H. H. Campbell 9 9 97 William Coding, Esq. 26 5 98 S. H. Sutherland, Esq. 22 1 99 Sir H. H. Campbell . 8 10 100 Samuel Addington, Esq. 55 101 Morant . 6 102 Marlborough House 7 17 6 103 Sir H. H. Campbell 9 10 >04 W. King, Finchley Road 18 7 6 105 Sir H. H. Campbell 27 6 106 Annoot and Gale 7 17 6 107 S. H. Sutherland, Esq. 19 lOS Annoot and Gale 9 9 SEVRES PORCELAIN. 109 King, Woodstock Street 7 110 Marlborough House 111 Morant 112 Marlborough House 113 King, Woodstock !^treet 58 16 114 ■ The same 115 Rhodes 116 The same 117 The same 118 Marlborough House llS*Col. Sibthorp, M.P. 1 1 8aEarl of Craven 119 James Dunlop, Esq. 120 Hugh Hope, Esq. 121 William Twopenny, Esq. 122 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 123 Marlborough House 124 Mon-is Nathan 125 Marlborough House 126 The same 127 James Bowker, Esq. 128 Lady Monson 129 Richard S. White, Esq. 130 Gale, Holborn , 131 W. Mounsell Bigg, Esq. 132 William Maskdl, Esq. 133 Waters, Pimlico 134 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 135 Nieuwenhuys 136 Annoot and Gale. . 137 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 138 Walter Stirling, Esq. 139 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 140 Wright . 7 141 Morant 4 4 10 10 142 Attenborough 9 9 2 10 143 The same 3 3 25 144 The same 6 10 58 16 145 Morris Nathan 7 15 00 1 146 Marlborough House 3 15 16 5 6 147 Henry George Bohu 1 15 6 6 148 WiUson, 393, Strand 3 7 15 7 5 10 149 Hon. Francis Baring 150 Marlborough House 151 Morris Nathan 19 6 14 15 10 152 The same 18 10 5 15 18 153 Attenborough . 154 Marlborough House 10 9 10 16 155 The same 4 4 1 13 156 The same 13 8 157 Annoot and Gale 10 4 14 2 8 7 17 6 6 158 Rainey, Bath . 159 Octavius E. Coope, Esq 160 Attenborough 3 . 3 1 8 15 10 6 1 1 6 1 11 16 6 161 James Bowker, Esq. 162 Octavius E. Coope, Esq 163 Rainey, Bath 164 Annoot and Gale 2 . 5 2 6 15 5 2 1 . 1 5 13 1 65 Durlacher, New Bond Str. 3 166 The same . 7 5 10 11 167 Waters, Pimlico 2 2 16 39 50 63 15 5 6 168 Heniy George Bohn 169 Durlacher, New Bond Sti 170 Robert Napier, Esq. 171 Rainey, Bath 172 Jackson and Graham 3 •• 3 7 2 3 3 5 5 6 15 43 24 20 10 173 Rainey, Bath 174 Ellis, Esq. 175 Jackson and Graham 2 3 3 14 ORIENTAL, DRESDEN, AND 176 Rhodes - . 4 177 Durlacher,NewBondStr. 3 178 The same . 179 Marlborough House 180 Rainey, Bath . 181 Red fern, Warwick . 182 Attenborough . 183 Durlacher,NewBondStr. 5 184 The same . 6 185 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 5 186 Attenborough . 1 187 Jackson and Graham 1 188 Morris Nathan . 7 189 Hon. Francis Baring 3 190 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 2 191 Attenborough . 1 192 Redfern, Warwick . 4 193 Marlborough House 5 194 The same . 10 195 Sir A. de Rothschild 120 196 Marquis of Bath 231 197 Sir A. de Rothschild 110 198 The same . 49 199 The same . 63 200 Marlborough House 8 201 The same . 7 202 King, Woodstock Str. 3 203 Lord St. Leonards 3 204 Rhodes . .17 205 Henry George Bohn 32 206 Marlborough House 11 207 Beurdeley, Paris 6 208 Marlborough House 7 209 H. Loftus Wigram, Esq. 5 210 Henry George Bohn 13 17 6 10 5 16 6 15 4 5 10 5 15 11 6 10 8 5 14 6 5 16 7 10 17 11 15 6 6 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 Earl of Lonsdale VV^aters, Pimlico Beurdeley, Paris Viscount Falmouth Annoot and Gale G. and H. Watson Charles Cope, Esq. David Falcke . Viscount Falmouth . Marlborough House D. M. Davidson, Esq. King, W^oodstock Str. The same Beurdeley, Paris Charles Scott, Esq. Ripp D. M. Davidson, Esq. Toms and Luscombe Samuel Addlngton, Esq H. Loftus Wigram, Esq. 15 G. and H. Watson Viscount Falmouth King, Woodstock Str. Attenborough The same . The same Sam. Addington, Esq. 127 Sigism. Rucker, Esq. 223 240 Earl of Craven 241 H. Belward Ray, Esq. 242 Marlborough House 243 James Bowker, Esq. 244 Marlborough House 245 The same . 3 10 16 10 31 3 13 5 4 14 6 22 10 6 6 6 7 4 15 2 15 3 13 6 3 18 13 10 3 5 13 4 14 6 . 4 5 15 10 70 19 10 12 5 10 50 43 27 1 23 13 5 2 6 5 10 2 6 5 5 5 15 SEVRES PORCELAIN. 7 246 Marlborough House 2 247 'f he same . 5 248 The same . 5 249 The same 7 250 The same . 7 251 Norton, Soho Square 4 252 Marlborough House 4 253 The same . 8 254 The same , 16 255 Waters, Pimlico . 4 256 James Dunlop, Esq. 3 257 Marlborough House 4 258 Sam. Addington, Esq. 20 259 Marlborough House 4 260 Smith . . 1 261 Waters, Pimlico 6 262 Henry George Bohn 1 263 Sara. Addington, Esq. 2 264 Chaffers . 2 265 Waters, Pimlico . 8 266 Hon. Francis Baring 21 267 Annoot and Gale . 25 268 Hon. Francis Baring 21 269 Earl of Craven . 5 270 Waters, Pimlico 21 271 M. J. Higgins, Esq. 3 272 King, Woodstock Str. 11 272AHenry George Bohn 273 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 6 274 Rhodes . 1 275 Annoot and Gale . 4 276 Attenborough , 6 277 Sam. Addington, Esq. 9 278 W. King, Finchley Road 5 279 Sam. Addington, Esq. 7 2 15 7 15 4 10 4 3 4 15 7 10 2 5 10 3 10 6 15 14 4 5 9 5 7 280 '281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 Henry George Bohn 1 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 2 Attenborough . 4 W. Mounsell Bigg, Esq. 2 Attenborough . Henry George Bohn Attenborough . Marlborough House Hon. Francis Baring 1 3 3 11 28 Sir Archib. K. Macdonald 9 Morris Nathan . 3 Waters, Pimlico 12 Morris Nathan . 26 King, Woodstock Str. 26 Attenborough . 4 H. St. John Mildmay 20 M. J. Higgins, Esq. 5 King, Woodstock Str. 10 Russell . 54 Morris Nathan . 31 Morant . 5 David Falcke . 3 Viscount Falmouth 2 Earl of Craven . 2 Henry George Bohn 2 Rainey, Bath . 3 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 4 Marlborough House 6 The same . 3 David Falcke . 4 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 3 Viscount Falmouth 4 The same . 4 Attenborough . 10 The same . 9 3 14 10 7 5 5 5 7 10 10 10 15 10 10 15 17 10 17 10 10 12 6 10 4 12 6 15 10 9 8 ORIENTAL, DRESDEN, AND 315 Annoot and Gale . 17 316 Marlborough House 9 15 317 J- J- Jemmett, Esq. 5 10 318 Annoot and Gale 4 7 319 Durlacher,NewBond Str. 2 15 320 King, Woodstock Street 7 10 321 Durlacher,NewBondStr. 4 10 322 Annoot and Gale . 10 10 323 The same . 19 8 6 324 Hon. Francis Baring 25 325 King, Woodstock Street 36 10 326 Durlacher,NewBondSt. 17 5 327 Morris Nathan 30 328 Durlacher,NewBond-st. 29 329 SamuelAddington, Esq. 22 330 Marlborough House 13 2 6 331 Rhodes . . 7 17 6 332 Samuel A ddington, Esq. 26 5 333 George Hibbert, Esq. 19 19 334 Samuel Addington, Esq. 15 10 335 Charles Cope, Esq. 52 10 336 Marlborough House 27 337 S. H. Sutherland, Esq. 107 338 The same . 37 339 Marlborough House 10 10 340 Chaffers . 43 1 341 Annoot and Gale . 40 342 SamuelAddington, Esq. 11 10 343 S. H. Sutherland, Esq. 57 344 Annoot and Gale 7 345 Rhodes . 10 346 King, Woodstock-street 21 347 SamuelAddington, Esq. 21 10 6 348 Viscount Falmouth 110 349 Durlacher.NewBondSt. 13 2 6 350 Henry George Bohn 23 351 Marquis of Bath 65 352 S. H. Sutherland, Esq. 21 353 The same . 52 353a The same . 27 3536Annoot and Gale 15 354 Attenborough . 6 10 355 S. H. Sutherland, Esq. 45 3 356 Marquis of Batli . 465 357 Geo. Morland, Esq. 172 4 358 Charles Mills, Esq. 320 5 360 Viscount Falmouth 100 361 James Bowker, Esq. 362 Charles Plumley, Esq. 363 Marlborough House 364 David Falcke . 365 The same 366 Marlborough House 367 Charles DeVceux, Esq. 368 Durlacher.NewBondSt. 369 The same 370 Rainey, Bath 371 David Falcke . 372 The same 373 Marlborough House 374 The same 375 David Falcke . 376 Woods 377 Smith 378 Rainey, Bath 379 David Falcke . 380 The same 381 SamuelAddington, Esq. 382 The same . 2 2 1 1 2 18 4 6 6 15 5 10 12 20 5 14 14 6 9 5 16 10 4 2 8 3 15 2 15 15 10 10 13 10 17 SBVRES PORCELAIN. 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 r>9l- 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 407^ 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 Samuel Addlngtoiij Esq. 14 Horace Waddington,Esq. 6 The same . 3 Richard S. \yhite, Esq. 2 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 3 SamuelAddington, Esq. 37 David Falcke Annoot and Gale 1* David Falcke . Samuel Addington, Esq Attenborough . The same Samuel Addington, Esq. The same David Falcke The same . Attenborough Waters, Pimlico 6 David Falcke . 6 Willson, Strand 3 Samuel Addington, Esq. 5 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 6 Samuel Addington, Esq. 8 David Falcke . 6 The same . 3 Marlborough Housef SamuelAddington,Esq. 20 5 4 42 4 1 5 2 17 o 14 4 (t, and H. Watson 4 Redfern, Warwick 5 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 16 Southam, Green Street 4 OctaviusE.Coope, Esq. 6 Morris Nathan 3 10 415 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 3 10 6 416 Samuel Addington, Esq. 9 10 417 Waters, Pimlico 12 5 5 418 PIoraceWaddington,Esq. 6 10 3 419 Durlacher, New BondSt. 9 5 16 420 Nixon, Portland Street 8 421 Attenborough . 5 2 6 14 6 422 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 5 423 Lady Monson 6 10 424 Samuel Addington, Esq. 7 15 10 425 Attenborough 3 3 10 426 Sold with previous lot 279 427 Smith . 3 15 428 Russell . 13 12 6 429 Earl of Craven . 4 4 430 Rainey, Bath . 3 431 Annoot and Gale 30 10 432 Clarke . . 2 4 10 433 Russell . 5 5 15 434 Attenborough . 5 5 15 435 Marlborough House 19 8 6 436 The same 16 16 15 437 Sir H. H. Campbell 10 10 438 Samuel Addington, Esq. 51 439 Viscount Falmouth 8 10 440 Norman Macdonald, Esq. 2310 10 441 Rainey, Bath . 3 10 10 442 Annoot and Gale 7 10 5 443 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 26 16 444 Attenborough . 10 5 445 Marquis of Bath 85 16 I 446 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 12 10 I 447 Samuel Addington, Esq. 28 7 t Sold with the previous lot 374. 10 CAPO Dl xMONTE, CHELSEA, 448 Rhodes . 11 449 Samuel Addington.Esq. 11 450 Recatalogued in error 451 Alex. Barker, Esq. 160 452 Southam, Green Street 22 453 Powell, F.sq. 5 454 David Falcke . 107 455 The same . 68 456 Attenborough . 20 457 Beurdeley, Paris . 10 458 Attenborough 17 459 Samuel Addington, Esq. 4 460 Viscount Falmouth 9 461 Marlborough House 10 462 Willson, Strand . 6 463 The same . 6 464 Marlborough House 6 465 Willson, Strand . 7 466 Richard S. White, Esq. 3 467 Samuel Addington, Esq 468 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 469 Marquis of Hertford 1942 470 The same 1417 o 30 11 6 5 14 6 6 6 15 12 6 10 10 471 Samuel Addington, Esq. 32 11 472 Alexander Barker, Esq. 34 13 473 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 31 474 Henry Tho. Hope, M. P. 34 13 475 David Falcke . 36 476 Rev. Thomas Staniforth 37 477 John Noble, Esq. 36 478 Samuel Addington, Esq. 51 479 Earl of Craven 53 480 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 9 481 Marlborough House 12 482 W. Mounsell Bigg, Esq 483 Gale, High Holborn 484 Charles De Voeux, Esq, 485 Chaffers . 486 G. and H. Watson 487 Marlborough House 488 Sam. Addington, Esq. 489 Jackson and Graham 490 William Wigram, Esq 491 Powell, Esq. 492 Annoot and Gale 493 Morant 494 Viscount Dupplin . 495 W. H. Skynner, Esq. 496 Chaffers 497 Powell; Esq. . 498 Waters, Pimlico 499 Annoot and Gale 500 Attenborough 501 Marlborough House 502 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 503 Attenborough . 504 Herbert Minton, Esq. 505 Willson, Strand 506 Herbert Minton, Esq. 507 Attenborough 508 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 509 Marlborough House 510 Chaffers 511 Lady Monson 512 Rainey, Bath . 513 William Merrick, Esq. 514 Annoot and Gale 515 W. H. Skynner, Esq. 516 Nixon, Portland Street 13 110 1 3 21 27 2 3 2 6 17 3 7 10 4 4 6 3 1 4 5 12 6 4 4 5 4 23 4 1 12 2 6 10 10 13 5 1 13 6 6 12 6 10 6 6 3 7 10 4 5 10 5 14 5 U 10 15 12 15 6 12 AND SEVRES PORCELAIN. 11 517 Annoot and Gale 518 Herbert Minton, Esq. 519 Attenborough 520 The same 521 Nixon, Portland Street 522 Redfern, Warwick 523 Hon. Francis Baring 524 Redfern, Warwick 525 Marlborough House 526 Annoot and Gale 527 Chaffers 52S Annoot and Gale 529 Chaffers 529*Marlborough House 530 Rainey, Bath 531 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq, 532 Chaffers . 533 Attenborough . 534 Annoot and Gale 535 Hon. Francis Baring 536 AVoods , 537 Redfern, Warwick 538 S.PepysCockerell,Esq. 539 Charles Scott, Esq. 540 Morris Nathan 541 Redfern, Warwick 542 Willson, Strand 543 Morant 544 Redfern, Warwick . 545 Sir H. H. Campbell 546 Alexander Barker, Esq. 547 G. and H. Watson 548 David Falcke 549 Lord St. Leonards 550 Morant 16 2 10 5 7 15 3 5 6 4 5 4 4 6 10 3 5 7 / 4 5 11 8 4 15 6 10 5 15 6 15 14 IS 4 12 11 10 10 4 5 5 7 4 10 4 4 4 4 6 5 6 10 9 35 10 5 5 10 551 David Falcke . 552 Attenborough 553 Alexander Barker, Esq. 554 Annoot and Gale 555 Charles De Voeux, Esq. 556 Morant . 557 Annoot and Gale 558 Attenborough 559 Bayley, Esq. 560 David Falcke 561 Earl of Lonsdale 562 David Falcke 563 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 564 Marquis of Bath 565 Purnell B Purnell, Esq. 566 Marlborough House 567 David Falcke . 568 Sam. Addington, Esq. 569 Marlborough House 570 Sir H. H. Campbell 5 70* Annoot and Gale 571 David Falcke 572 Baron James de Rothschild, Paris 573 Sir H. H. Campbell 574 Edward Snell, Esq. 575 Annoot and Gale 576 Sam. Addington, Esq. 577 Sir H. H. Campbell 578 Octavius E. Coope, Esq 579 Annoot and Gale . 580 Alexander Barker, Esq, 581 H. Loftus Wigram, Esq. 582 Webb, Grafton Street 583 Viscount Falmouth 27 23 4 5 14 8 10 5 21 30 10 20 10 95 8 8 80 11 6 58 16 6 16 6 24 3 41 21 91 12 15 17 6 6 80 28 17 6 16 16 4 21 44 2 32 11 .12 1 6 16 16 54 12 41 7 5 23 10 12 HISTORICAL AND 584 Earl of Lonsdale . 23 585 S. Lyne Stephens, Esq. 75 586 David Falcke . 150 587 Morant . 10 588 Octavius E Coope, Esq. 17 589 Sam. Addington, Esq. 17 590 Sir A. de Rothschild 20 591 Alexander Barker, Esq. 11 592 Rhodes 593 Attenborough 594 Bay ley, Esq. 595 Marquis of Bath 596 Earl of Lonsdale 597 Marquis of Hertford 598 S.H.Sutherland, Esq. 599 Marquis of Hertford 600 Sir A. de Rothschild 601 Marquis of Bath 19 25 5 28 315 388 700 871 900 590 10 17 5 7 10 10 610-11 Marquis of Hertford 100 612-13 The same . 64 1 614 Thomas Vardon, Esq. 7 7 615 W L , Esq. 40 19 616 The same 6l7-l7*Morant 618 The same 619 Ellis, Esq. 43 24 4 3 26 '. 12 I 620 Earl of Lonsdale 621 Henry B. Baring, M.P 622 Waters, Pimlico 623 Walter Stirling, Esq. 32 11 624 The same . 4 15 625 George Morland, Esq. 11 11 626 Thomas Wilson, Esq. 7 7 627 White, Maddox Street 44 2 628 Ralph Osborne, M.P. 629 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 630 Stanger, Maidstone 631 Duke of Hamilton 632 Morant 633 The same 634 Thomas Wilson, Esq. 635 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 636 Morant 637 WilUam Stirling, M.P. 638 Stanger, Maidstone 639 Thomas Wilson, Esq. 640-1 Marquis of Hertford 642 George Morland, Esq. 643 Thomas Wilson, Esq. 644 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 645 Pearce, High Holborn 646 Waters, Pimlico 647 Walter Stirling, Esq. 648 Waters, Pimlico . 649 George Morland, Esq. 650 The same 631 Thomas Baring, M.P. 652 Thomas Wilson, Esq. 653 Duke of Hamilton 654 The same 655 Rhodes 656-7 Hon. Francis Baring 658 Clarke . 659 Morant 660 Pearce, High Holborn 661 The same 662 Morant 663 Webb 664 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 6 6 10 10 21 10 6 31 10 4 4 6 15 26 5 3 15 5 5 7 7 3 15 55 13 11 12 12 10 10 3 5 3 3 16 5 6 5 5 45 13 6 40 19 30 9 4 2 10 3 5 24 3 78 15 4 4 43 1 22 11 6 23 2 5 5 10 11 6 COSTUME PORTRAITS. 13 GG5 ThomasWilson, Esq, 666 Henry Graves and Co. 667 The same 668 Henry B. Baring, M. P. 669 Farrer 670 The same 6/1 Lord St. Leonards 672 Samuel Christy, M.P. 673-4 Hon. Fred. Baring 675 Duke of Hamilton 676 Rhodes 677 P- and Dom. Colnaghi 678 Annoot and Gale 679 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 680 Earl of Lonsdale 681-2 John Mitchell, Esq. 683 Pearce, High Holborn 684 Thomas Baring, M.P. 685 Stanger, Maidstone 686 Morant . 687 Hon. Francis Baring 688 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 689 Weeks, Piccadilly . 690 Henry Skynner, Esq. 691 Mrs. Wilmer 692-3 Farrer 694 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 695 Charles Plumley, Esq. 696 Thomas Wilson, Esq. 697 Morant 698 The same . 699 George R. Smith, Esq. 700 Farrer 701 Henry B. Baring, MP. 702 The same. . 15 15 45 3 43 1 34 13 55 13 55 13 22 1 14 3 6 44 84 64 1 49 7 32 32 11 13 2 6 65 2 11 11 51 13 2 6 5 10 32 11 13 2 6 21 1 15 5 5 42 33 12 12 4 14 6 14 3 6 2 18 38 17 28 7 12 52 10 703 Thomas Baring, M.P. 81 704 Pearce, High Holborn 26 705 Stanger, Maidstone 13 706 Henry Graves and Co. 4 707 Thomas Vardon, Esq. 81 708 Nath. G. Lambert, Esq. 32 709 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 3 710 Walford, Esq. 10 711 Annoot and Gale 6 712 Walford, Esq. 13 713 Pearce, High Holborn 42 714 Annoot and Gale 4 715 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 14 716 Farrer . 116 717 Earl of Lonsdale 718 Walford, Esq. 46 10 7 15 42 7 719 Morant 720 Pearce, High Holborn 721 Farrer 722 George Moore, Esq. 723 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 20 724 Henry Graves and Co. 22 725 Pearce, High Holborn 8 726 Sir Robert Peel, M.P. 51 727 Annoot and Gale 22 1 728 S. L. Stephens, Esq. 194 5 729 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 13 13 730 Charles Mills, Esq. 32 11 731 Earl of Lonsdale 14 14 732 Ralph Osborne, M.P. 3 13 6 733 Annoot and Gale 6 15 734 George Moore, Esq. 7 15 734AStanger, Maidstone 14 3 6 734b The same . 14 10 73 IcG. and H. Watson . 15 5 18 5 2 6 4 18 5 10 5 10 10 14 11 4 10 17 6 15 17 6 10 1 10 9 14 HISTORICAL AND 735 G. and H.Watson 1 1 736 The same . 2 7 737 Morant . 12 12 738 Samuel Christy, M.P. 8 8 739 Morant . 9 9 740 Hon. Francis Baring 12 741 Waters, Pimlico ■ 2 742 Morant . .200 743 Nieuwenhuys . 26 15 6 744 Morant . . 11 745 Waters, Pimhco 4 4 746 Annoot and Gale . 8 18 6 747 Nieuwenhuys . 11 11 748 Wright . .440 749 Willson, Strand 4 10 750 Marquis of Hertford 58 16 751 Morant . 11 11 752 The same . 13 753 Webb . 8 5 754 George R. Smith, Esq. 55 13 755 Nath. G. Lambert, Esq. 43 1 756 Henry George Bohn 22 1 757 William Maskell, Esq. 38 17 758 Morant . . 35 759 G. and H. Watson 53 6 760-1 Waters, Pimlico . 8 18 6 762 Charles Mills, Esq 17 6 6 763 J. S. Eorbes, Esq. . 10 10 764 Samuel Christy, M.P. 15 15 765 Earl of Lonsdale . 14 14 766 Field, Strand . 6 16 6 767 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 10 10 768 Waters, Pimhco 6 6 769 Francis Barchard, Esq. 11 11 770 Wright . 5 5 771 Morant . . 8 18 6 772 Waters, Pimlico 14 3 6 773 Morant . . 10 10 774 Smart, Tichborne Str. 16 5 6 775 Col. Greville, M.P. 40 10 776 J. M. Smith, Bond Str. 5 5 777 Morant . . 33 12 778 Rodoconochi . 14 3 6 779 Morant . .660 780 G. and H. Watson 7 17 6 781 Farrer . . 73 10 782 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 9 9 783 Gritten, King Street 23 2 784 Francis Barchard, Esq. 16 5 6 785 The same . 21 786 Duke of Hamilton 43 1 787 The same . HOG 788 Rodoconochi . 8 10 789 G. and H. Watson . 11 11 790 Henry Graves and Co. 13 13 791 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 6 15 792 Henry Graves and Co. 16 5 6 793 Farrer . . 13 13 794 Duke of Hamilton 74 11 795 Rodoconochi . 13 2 6 796 Duke of Hamilton 84 797 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 7 798 Joseph Neeld, M.P. 65 2 799 Henry Graves and Co. 51 800 The same . 15 15 801 Morant . 22 1 802 Ralph Osborne, M.P. 34 13 803 Henry Graves and Co. 6 16 6 804 Rhodes . . 105 805 John Allcard, Esq. 11 6 COSTUME PORTRAITS. 15 806 Van Cuyck, Paris 47 5 841 Francis Barchard, Esq. 32 11 807 P- find Dom. Colnaghi 162 15 842 Nieuwenhuys 65 2 808 Henry B. Baring, M.P 10 10 843 Morant 42 809 Morant . 33 12 844 Harrison, W'ardour Str . 6 16 6 810 Ralph Osborne, M.P. 16 5 6 845 Webb . 32 11 811 Redfern, Warwick 11 6 846 Samuel Christy, M.P. 10 812 Morant . 19 19 847-8 Will. Stirling, M.P. 23 2 813 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 3 5 849 Henry Graves and Co. 22 1 814 Morant , 6 15 850 John Allcard, Esq. 6 6 81.5 J. S. Forbes, Fsq. 13 13 851 Money 3 5 81G Annoot and Gale 15 4 6 852 Morant 16 5 6 817 Morant . 11 11 853-4 Charles Mills, Esq. 110 5 818 Samuel Christy, M.P. 11 10 855 Alexander Barker, Esq .43 1 819 Morant . 36 15 856 Charles Mills, Esq. 33 12 820 Sir H. H. Campbell 215 5 857 The same 115 10 821 Harrison, Wardour Str. 8 822 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 24 10 858 Francis Barchard, Esq. 6 6 823 Durlacher, Bond Street 7 7 859 The same 5 5 824 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 4 4 860 John Allcard, Esq. 6 825 John Allcard, Esq. 6 6 861 Morant . 4 4 826 Sir E. Lytton Bulwer 3 13 6 862 Waters, Pimlico 3 10 827 Charles Plumley, Esq. 2 10 863 G. and H. Watson 10 5 828 Henry B. Baring, M.P. 32 11 864 Morant . 21 10 6 829 Field, Strand 2 865 Van Cuyck, Paris 4 15 830 Morant 6 6 866 Morant 5 15 831 The same 4 10 867 W^aters, Pimlico 7 15 832 Samuel Christy, M.P. 11 10 868 Duke of Hamilton 21 10 833 Russell 2 5 869 Rhodes . 6 15 834 Waters, Pimlico 24 13 6 870 Myers, Old Bond Street 1 1 10 835 Morant . 3 5 871 Duke of Hamilton 51 9 836 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 3 15 872 F. Stanford, Esq. 7 15 837 Francis Barchard, Esq. 58 16 873 W^aters, Pimlico 9 838 Morant . 14 3 6 874 The same 4 839 Redfern, Warwick 5 5 875 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 16 16 840 Morant . 34 13 876 Morant . 8 5 16 HISTORICAL PORTRAITS. 877 Waters, Pimlico 878 William Stirling, M.P. 879 Morant . 880 Samuel Christy, M.P. 881 Hon. Francis Baring 882 Willson, Strand 883 Waters, Pimlico 884 The same 885 Norton, Soho Square 886 Anthony, Duke Street 887-8 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 889 Burgess . 890 Waters, Pimlico 891 Myers, Old Bond Str. 892 J. M. Smith, Bond Str. 893 Redfern, Warwick 894 Rodoconochi 895 Willson, Strand 896 Francis Barchard, Esq. 897 For Continent 898 Francis Barchard, Esq. 10 899 CharlesDeVoeux, Esq. 8 900 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 8 901 Morant . 902 Webb 903 Morant . 904 The same 905 Henry Graves and Co 906 Samuel Christy, M.P. 907 Burgess . 908 J. M. Smith, Bond Str. 20 909 Samuel Christy, M.P. 15 010 Morant . 68 911 The same . 74 912 The same . 15 13 6 15 10 28 3 1 7 7 2 12 6 6 6 5 10 6 5 9 6 52 9 23 42 14 9 3 16 6 15 15 7 5 10 7 15 15 1 6 5 10 5 10 5 9 6 10 18 6 8 10 15 2 3 6 9 13 6 9 6 10 5 11 15 913 Morant 914 The same 915 The same 13 21 5 916 Anthony, Duke Street 5 917 Francis Barchard, Esq. 86 918 J. C. Dent, Esq. 14 919 Henry Graves and Co. 4 920 Lady Monson . 3 921 Morant . -22 922 The same . 5 923 Marquis of Londonderry 3 924 Morant . 23 925 P. and Com. Colnaghi 154 926 The same . 225 927 Morant . .183 928 Reginald Neville, Esq. 54 929 Morant . .11 930 The same . 11 930* The same . 44 931 The same . 19 932 The same . 17 933 The same . 22 934 Henry Graves and Co. 21 935 Morant . 105 936 Farrer . , .157 937 Morant . 21 938 Radclyffe . 12 939 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 7 940 For Continent . 7 941 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 13 942 The same . 13 943 Francis Barchard, Esq. 50 944 Morant . . 6 945 The same . 6 946 The same . 17 13 15 6 5 2 14 10 15 1 5 3 12 7 6 15 15 12 6 11 2 19 ]7 11 6 10 10 2 6 13 8 16 6 16 6 17 CABINET OF MINIATURES. 17 947 Sir E. Lytton Bulwcr 5 947*Samuel Christy, M.P. 7 17 948-9 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 26 5 950 i^enj. Benjamin . 5 951 Morant . 13 13 952 Willson, Strand . 4 4 953 Waters, Pimlico 13 13 954 Morant . . 32 11 955 Grace, Wigmore Street 3 956 Webb . .55 957 Francis Barchard, Esq. 2S 7 958 W^aters, Pimlico . 4 959 Anthony, Duke Street 12 1 960 Morant . . 32 11 961 Anthony, Duke Street 40 19 962 Morant . . 17 17 963 The same ._ 31 10 964 MissSuiUvan, Hampstd. 69 6 965 Anthony, Duke street 7 15 966 Samuel Christy, M.P. 19 8 967 J- C. Dent, Esq. 5 5 968 Anthony, Duke Street 95 11 969 Geo. Rob. Smith, Esq. 53 11 970 W'ebb, Grafton Street 3 10 971 Duke of Hamilton 8 15 972 Lebenheim . 2 12 973 Chaffers . 4 14 974 Queen of Holland . 3 3 975 Marlborough House 5 976 Duke of Hamilton . 17 17 977 Rev. W. B. Hawkins 1 18 978 Queen of Holland . 14 14 979 The same . Ill 980 Sam. Addington, Esq. 3 5 981 Duke of Hamilton 18 10 6 U 6 6 6 6 982 Sir H. H. Campbell 14 9S3 Duke of Hamilton 22 984 Lebenheim . 7 985 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 1 986 Queen of Holland . 9 987 Benj. Benjamin . 1 988 Henry George Bohn 2 989 Rev. W. B. Hawkins 1 990 Sir E. Lytton Bulwer 991 Sam. Addington, Esq. 3 992 Prince Czartoryska 11 993 Marlborough House 6 994 Queen of Holland . 9 995 Rev. W. B. Hawkins 1 996 Lebenheim . 2 997 Marlborough House 4 998 Lebenheim . 6 999 The same . 4 000 Marlborough House 2 001 Queen of Holland 11 002 The same . 2 003 Garrard, Panton Street 3 004 Willson, Strand . 1 005 Lebenheim . 0C6 Henry George Bohn 5 007 David Falcke . 4 008 Marlborough House 12 009 Lebenheim . 010 The same . 7 Oil Webb . 2 012 J.M.Smith, Bond Str. 15 014 Lebenheim . 2 015 Henry Graves and Co. 2 016 Sam. Addington, Esq. 21 017 Lebenheim . 15 c 11 6 1 19 17 2 11 15 3 11 6 5 o / 14 10 2 13 6 10 10 12 14 15 2 15 18 CABINET OF MINIATURES. 1018 Chaffers . 8 1019 David Falcke . 1020 Lebenheim . 2 1021 David Falcke . 2 1022 Lebenheim . 3 1023 White, Maddox Street 7 1024 David Falcke . 2 1025 Lebenheim . 1 1026 John Swaby, Esq. 5 1027 Lebenheim . 2 1028 The same . 2 1029 Surman . . 1 1030 Field, Strand . 3 1031 Henry Graves and Co. 5 1032 Baron Anselm de Rothschild, Vienna 60 1033 David Falcke . 7 1034 John Swaby, Esq. 4 1035 Hon. Francis Baring 17 1036 Henry George Rohn 4 1037 Earl of Lonsdale . 22 1038 Chaffers . 5 1039 Lebenheim . 6 1040 The same . 6 1041 Marlborough House 5 1042 Durlacher, Bond Street 5 1043 Willson, Strand 3 1044 David Falcke . 2 1045 Chaffers . 4 1046 Money . 4 1047 Henry Walpole, Esq. 4 1048 Thomas Butler, Esq. 2 1049 The same . 2 1050 Redfern, Warwick 2 1051 David Falcke . 4 8 15 4 15 10 18 15 4 12 12 18 6 9 18 10 6 14 6 1 10 10 10 6 10 5 10 1052 Surman . 1 12 1053 Wiilson, Strand . 2 4 1054 Hon. Francis Baring 4 10 1055 Willson, Strand . 1110 1056 Caldwell . 4 15 1057 Budd . .14 1058 David Falcke . 3 1059 Webb . .330 1060 Willson, Strand 2 12 6 1061 Russell . .050 1062 Rhodes . 2 1063 Thomas Butler, Esq. 2 14 1064 Durlacher, Bond Street 4 4 1065 The same . 4 6 1066 Queen of Holland 4 4 1067 Earl of Lonsdale . 18 7 6 1068 I.ebenheim . 2 15 1069 Earl of Lonsdale . 4 10 1070 Webb . 4 15 1071 The same . 3 15 1072 Willson, Strand 1 7 1073 Lebenheim . 7 15 1074 Field. Strand . 15 1075 Lebenheim , 15 1076 The same . 9 9 1077 ^^'ebb . . 5 10 10/8 The same . 3 5 1079 Willson, Strand . 1 13 1080 Chaffers . 2 6 1081 Money . . 18 1082 John Swaby, Esq. 1 1 1083 Willson, Strand . 14 1084 Money . 18 1085 John Mitchell, Esq. 12 1086 Field, Strand . 14 CABINET OF MINIATURES. 19 2 2 8 2 1 3 4 10 1 1 1087 David Falcke 1088 Durlacher, Bond Street 1089 Queen of Holland . 1090 Thomas Butler, Esq. 1091 The same . 1092 The same 1093 Hon, Francis Baring 1094 Marlborough House 1095 Queen of Holland 1096 Earl of Craven 1097 Chaffers . 8 1098 Durlacher, Bond Street 1 1099 W. King, Finchley Road 3 1100 Queen of Holland . 1 1101 The same . 1 1102 Baron Anselm de Rothschild, Vienna 98 1103 Annoot and Gale . 1104 Wright 1105 Marlborough House 1105«Wilson, Strand 11056Sold before, see 1096 1105cMoney 1105tfG. and H. Watson 3 18 10 16 16 5 15 15 11 1 15 1 14 8 3 10 5 16 16 1 1106 Farrer . . 13 1107 Morant . 7 10 1108 Marq. of Londonderry 7 10 1109 Gibbs, Esq. 26 15 6 1110 Thomas Baring, x\I. P. 52 10 1111 Ralph Osborne, M.P. 3 12 1112 Morant . 17 17 1113 Burgess . 5 1114 Morant . 5 5 1115 The same . 16 16 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 Morant . 5 Samuel Christy, M.P. 4 Morant . 15 Ralph Osborne, M.P. 4 The same . 4 Willson, Strand 3 Luxmoore . 8 Samuel Christy, M.P. 7 The same . 6 Farrer . 2 1 Annoot and Gale . 10 Samuel Christy, M.P. 8 Mrs. Bernal . 4 Marq. of Londonderry 10 Annoot and Gale . 4 The same . 3 Rhodes . 13 Willson, Strand . 3 Morant . 7 P.andDom.Colnaghi 163 The same . 215 Morant . The same . Samuel Christy, M.P. Morant Webb . Luxmoore Webb . Willson, Strand Webb . Morant The same Webb Samuel Christy, M.P. The same . 10 15 15 15 5 10 5 10 10 5 4 10 4 17 10 15 5 10 5 14 5 15 3 10 10 10 10 20 CABINET OF MINIATURES. 1151 Morant . . 18 18 1152 Luxmoore . 3 12 6 1153 Morant . . 16 16 1154 Samuel Christy, MP. 10 10 1155 P. and Dom. Colnaghi 24 1156 Morant 1156*Waters, Pimlico . 1157 Holl. Magniac, Esq. 1158 Morant . 1159 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 2 1160 Morant . 1161 Samuel Christy, M.P. 1162 Morant . 1163 Luxmoore 1164 Marlborough House 1165 The same . 1166 Annoot and Gale . 1167 Money 1168 Morant . 1169 The same . 1170 Willson, Strand 1171 Annoot and Gale 1172 Morant . 1173 Webb 1174 Samuel Christy, M.P 1175 ChatFers 1176 Webb . 1177 ^ ' ^^'(l- ot" Breadalbane 1178 The same 1179 The same . 1180 Henry Walpole, Esq. 1181 Lebenheim 1182 Webb . 1183 Miss Sullivan, Hamp- stead . . 1( 2 12 4 10 22 5 10 3 2 16 6 15 8 5 43 1 2 15 15 15 12 1 6 16 16 10 10 1 15 11 1 11 6 6 15 4 15 15 10 1 13 20 3 15 22 23 2 6 5 5 2 10 5 1184 Willson, Strand 3 1185 Webb . . 1186 Marlborough House 4 1187 Money . . 1 1188 Morant . 5 1189 The same . 8 1180 Samuel Christy, M.P. 5 1191 The same . 5 1192 The same . 8 1193 Annoot and Gale . 8 1194 P. and Dom. Colnaghi 20 1195 Henry George Bohn 4 1196 Benj. Benjamin 1 1197 Redfern, Warwick . '2 1198 Willson, Strand 2 1199 Hon. R. H. Clive, M.P. 2 1200 Burgess . 2 1201 Durlacher, Bond Street 4 1-202 Richard S. White, Esq. 1203 P. and Dom. Colnaghi 21 8 18 10 U 6 8 15 15 5 10 15 11 8 3 12 6 12 4 15 ; 1204 Chaffers . 110 1205 John Noble, Esq. . 6 6 1206 F. O. Beggi, M.D. 1 8 1207 Will;,on, Strand . 1 13 1208 Morant . 5 5 1209 F. O. Beggi, M.D. . 16 1210 Samuel Christy, M.S\ 3 15 1211 Morant . . 15 1212 Annoot and Gale 5 5 1212rtHenry George Bohn 15 10 1212aF. O. Beggi, M.D. 1 1212BHeiiry George Bohn 1 10 1212cSamuel Christy, M.P. 3 10 12l2DWillson, Strand . 2 4 l212ESamud Christy, M.P. 16 MEDIEVAL METAL WORK. 21 1212FReclfern, Warwick 4 4 1213 Hon. R. H. Clive, M.P. 6 6 1214 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 2 10 1215 Chaffers . . 1 14 1216 Aug. W. Franks, Esq. 1 5 1217 Marlborough House 20 10 1218 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 4 1219 iMarq. of Breadalbane 7 7 1220 Marlborough House 3 15 1221 Buckley . .16 1222 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 1223 British Museum . 6 6 1224 The same . 47 5 1225 Marlborough House 6 1226 The same . 43 1 1227 British Museum 1228 ?vIarlborough House 1229 The same 1230 The same 1231 Sir H. H. Campbell 1232 Morant . . 5 1233 Marlborough House 16 1234 The same . 8 1235 The same . 1 1236 David Falcke . 32 11 1237 Willson, Strand 19 1238 Marlborough House 2 1239 Sir H. H. Campbell 8 8 1240 Marlborough House 5 18 1241 Sold with 1236 and 1239 1242 Marlborough House 7 1243 The same . 8 57 15 22 1 19 19 19 5 5 5 12 1244 The same 1245 Willson, Strand 8 31 10 16 1246 Marlborough House 1247 The same 1248 The same 1249 Lord Londesborough 1250 Willson, Strand 1251 Marlborough House 1252 The same 1253 The same . 1254 John Swaby, Esq. 1255 Marlborough House 1256 F. O. Beggi, M.D. 1257 Buckley . 1258 Marlborough Iiouse 1259 Chaffers 1260 Marlborough House 1261 Chaffers . 1262 Marlborough House 1263 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 1264 British Museum 1265 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 1266 Ihe same 1267 Marlborough House 1268 Lord Londesborough 1269 Annoot and Gale 1270 Marlborough House 1271 Chaffers 1271*Pratt, New Bond Street 1 1272 Marlborough House 1273 The same 1274 Wiilson, Strand 1275 Annoot and Gale 1276 Charles De Voeux, Esq. 5 1277 Marlborough House 1278 Withdrawn 1279 Marlborough House 5 2 11 5 20 1 10 19 5 15 2 10 5 5 26 3 5 1 1 1 4 1 2 13 1 3 10 6 1 t 1 14 10 2 12 () 2 15 2 18 1 10 4 18 9 15 16 2tl 1 17 32 1 13 12 1.5 5 2 15 22 BYZANTINE METAL WORK. 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 Wright . .31 Annoot and Gale 18 Marlborough House 15 Wright . 14 Samuel Addington, Esq. 40 Chaffers . 2 F. O. Beggi, M.b. 1 Willson, Strand Marlborough House 2 Lord Londesborough 40 The same . 5 Chaffers . 4 Willson^ Strand 3 Wetterhan, Paris 3 Marlborough House 2 British Museum* 267 Chaffers . . 6 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 Cha. Oct.Morgan,M.P. 5 Myers, Old Bond Str. 2 Willson, Strand 10 Marlborough House 5 The same . 1 Willson, Strand 1 Marlborough House 14 Durlacher, Bond Str. 232 Pratt,New Bond Street 24 10 10 5 5 1 12 6 5 4 12 5 8 12 7 6 15 10 5 18 9 10 1 1307 British Museum 1308 Marlborough House 1309 Owen, New Bond Str. 1310 Marlborough House 1311 Willson, Strand 1311* Rev. Walter Sneyd 1312 Marlborough House 1313 Col. Sibthorp, M.P. 1314 Marlborough House 1315 The same 1316 British Museum 1316*Marlborough House 1317 The same 1318 Col. Sibthorp, M.P. 1319 Hayes 1320 Col. Sibthorp, M.P. 1321 British Museum 1322 Chaffers . 1323 The same . 1324 Marlborough House 1325 Chaffers 1326 Marlborough House 1327 The same 1328 The same . 1329 British Museum 1330 Attenborough 1331 Benj. Benjamin 3 3 4 4 3 7 16 10 1 11 3 10 4 15 25 3 5 2 18 66 10 46 43 11 6 1« 28 17 6 21 11 11 50 21 12 17 16 16 10 8 6 2 6 * No. 1295, an interesting relique of one of the Carlovingian race of kings in the ninth or tenth century, attracted no notice in " the old curiosity shop/' in the Place Musee, Brussels, till the more practised eye of Pratt, in New Bond Street, discovered its latent antique charms, and obtained it of Barthelemy, the dealer, for the price asked — ten francs ! Mr. Bernal became the purchaser at ten pounds, but M. Didron subsequently sought its possession, by proffering the latter one hundred pounds. ORNAMENTAL SILVER, 23 1332 Attenborough . 21 1333 Martin T.Smith, M. P. 32 1834 Rhodes . . 61 1335 Durlacher, Bond Str. 28 1336 Dowling, Esq. 110 1337 Martin T. Smith, Esq. 43 1338 William Maskell, Esq, 1339 Russell 1340 Willson, Strand 1341 David Falcke 1342 Earl of Lonsdale 1343 Chaffers 1344 Russell 1345 Martin T. Smith, M.P 1346 Russell 1347 The same 1348 The same 1349 Martin T. Smith, Esq 1350 Durlacher, Bond Str. 1351 Earl of Lonsdale 1352 Annoot and Gale 1353 The same 1354 MartinT. Smith, M.P. 13 1355 Russell 1356 Annoot and Gale 1357 Russell 1358 Annoot and Gale 1359 Hertz, Marlborough'St. 1 1360 Marlborough House 1361 British Museum 136-2 The same 1363 Russell 1364 Banting, St. James Str. 7 1365 Owen, New Bond Str. 1 8 1 12 6 1 5 2 8 5 26 3 15 4 10 11 10 10 8 16 5 6 1 8 1 2 2 12 6 13 13 5 5 3 1 10 •2 18 t. 1 15 7 10 2 2 4 2 15 r. 7 10 1 1 1366 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 2 1367 Chaifers . 3 1368 British Museum 8 1369 Dantzigger . 1370 Lord Londesborough 2 1371 Marlborough House 25 1372 Chaffers . 3 1373 Marlborough House 8 1374 Edm. Waterton, Esq. 11 1375 Lord Londesborough 2 1376 Viscount Dupplin 5 1377 VVillson, Strand 2 1378 Samuel Addington, Esq. 3 1379 Garrard, Pan ton Street 2 1380 Lord Londesborough 5 1381 Marlborough House 1382 Rhodes . 1383 Marlborough House 1384 Marshall, Esq. 7 29 5 5 1385 Garrard, Panton Street 5 1386 Marks, Oxford Street 15 1387 Rhodes . 10 1388 Garrard, Panton Street 8 1389 Marlborough House 10 1390 The same . 13 1391 Beurdeley, Paris 10 1392 Marlborough House 16 1393 The same . 12 1394 The same . 55 1395 Russell . 28 1396 S. Zimmerman . 8 1397 David Falcke . 7 1398 Hertz, Marlborough Str. 6 1399 Marlborough House 9 1400 James James, Esq. . 7 5 6 2 10 10 15 4 18 2 18 6 5 10 10 5 4 6 15 5 15 10 15 5 24 LIMOGES, DRESDEN, 1401 James James^, Esq. 1 15 1402 The same . 4 1403 Henry T. Hope, M.P. 10 15 1404 Lord Londesborough 30 1405 OctaviusE. Coope,Esq.l9 1 406 Durlacher, Bond Str. 110 1407 Henry T. Hope, M.P. 15 10 1408 Marlborough House 46 10 1409 The same . 19 10 1410 The same . 40 1411 Beurdeley, Paris 15 1412 Marlborough House 30 1413 The same . 22 1414 The same . 20 10 1415 Henry T. Hope, M.P. 20 10 1416 Martin T. Smith, M.P. 19 1417 Marq. ot Breadalbane 17 1418 The same . 28 1419 Henry T. Hope, M.P. 131 1420 Baron J. de Rothschild 41 1421 G. W. Dasent, Esq. 45 1422 Lord Londesborough 12 10 1423 Marlborough House 33 10 1424 S. Zimmerman 37 10 1425 Octav. E. Coope, Esq. 32 10 1426 Henry T. Hope, M.P. 31 1427 Russell . . 32 10 1428 Attenborough . 16 1429 The same . 7 1430 Beurdeley, Paris 13 1431 Marlborough House 15 1432 Lord Londesborough 26 1433 The same . 9 1434 S. H. Sutherland, Esq. 27 1435 Russell . . 44 1436 T. M. Whitehead, Esq. 7 1437 Money . . 7 1438 Attenborough . 4 1439 Sam. Addington, Esq. 23 1440 The same . 6 1441 The same . 8 1442 Viscount Dupplin 1 44 2* Attenborough 4 4 2 4 20 1442** The same . 1443 Viscount Dupplin . 1444 Attenborough . 1446 Garrard, Pan ton Street 20 1447 The same . 22 1418 Marlborough House 3 1448* The same . 45 1449 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 17 1450 Marlborough House 38 1451-2 S. Zimmerman 1453 The same . 1454 David Falcke 1455 Wertheimer, Bond Str 1456 Marlborough House 1457 The same . 1458 The same 1459 S. H. Sutherland, Esq. 85 1460 Rhodes . . 18 1461 Sam. Addington, Esq. 5 1462 George Carr Glyn, Esq. 3 1463 Durlacher, Bond Street 5 1464 Marlborough House 10 1465 The same . 4 11 10 7 2 27 27 51 5 10 6 5 4 8 5 15 10 5 5 10 10 10 1466 British Museum . 13 5 1467 Baron Gustave de Roths- child, Paris . 40 AND OTHER ENAMELS. 25 1468 Hertz, Marlborough Si t.io 10 1503 1469 British Museum . 9 10 1504 1470 Linton 12 10 1505 1471 Maguire, Esq. 6 6 1506 1472 Wetterhan, Paris 4 15 . 1507 1473 The same 5 1508 1474 Earl of Craven 5 5 1509 1475 Farrer . 8 12 1510 1476 Willson, Strand 6 7 6 1511 1477 Octav. E. Coope, Esq 10 5 1512 1478 Farrer 34 1513 1479 Marlborough House 10 15 1514 1480 British Museum 10 1515 1481 The same 24 10 1516 1482 S. Zimmerman 16 5 6 1517 1483 Wright 21 1518 1484 British Museum 26 10 1519 1485 William Maskell, Esq. 5 5 1520 1486 Marlborough House 16 10 1521 1487 British Museum . 32 10 1522 1488 Bryant, St. James's Str. 5 5 1523 1489 J. Hughes Anderdon 4 1524 1490 Marlborough House 13 1525 1491 J. Hughes Anderdon 4 1526 1492 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 3 5 1527 1493 Beurdeley, Paris . 4 10 1528 1494 Marlborough House 15 2 6 1529 1495 Farrer . 18 1530 1496 Marlborough House 15 1531 1497 The same 56 10 1532 1498 The same . 12 5 1533 1499 Andrew Fountaine, Esq .31 1534 1500 H. St. John Mildmay 5 5 1535 1501 British Museum . 25 1536 1502 H. St. John Mildmay 1 13 1537 British Museum . 18 15 Farrer . 21 ^ Andrew Fountaine, Esq. 21 Baron J. de Rothschild 51 The same . 61 19 Farrer . 33 Marlborough House 16 Willson, Strand 8 10 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 27 British Museum 20 10 Marlborough House 19 Wetterhan, Paris 2 2 The same . 110 Beurdeley, Paris 12 1 6 Baron J. de Rothschild 52 10 J. Hughes Anderdon 4 4 British Museum . 49 Hertz, Marlborough St. 17 17 Farrer . . 14 10 Sam. Addington, Esq. 10 10 Marq. of Breadalbane 9 10 Willson, Strand 9 9 Marq. of Breadalbane 24 3 Marlborough House 3 10 The same . 3 10 The same . 4 The same . 15 Wright . 12 The same . 12 12 T. M. Whitehead, Esq. 3 10 British Museum . 5 15 Linton . 5 5 Weeks, Piccadilly . 3 15 British Museum 20 The same 32 D 26 CARVINGS IN IVORY, 1538 Willson, Strand . 2 1539 Marlborough House 27 1540 Wetterhan, Paris 5 1541 Marlborough House 8 1342 Richard S. White, Esq. 2 1543 William Maskell, Esq. 5 1544 BaronG.de Rothschild 420 1545 Marlborough House 50 1546 British Museum 21 1547 Marlborough House 9 1548 Wright . .17 1549 Marlborough House 26 1550 Marquis of Bath 11 1551 Willson, Strand . 4 1552 Wedderburne 4 1553 Marlborough House 13 1554 Redfern, W^arwick . 3 1555 Wright . 20 1556 Brown . . 4 155 7 Smith . 2 1558 British Museum . 51 1559 Rhodes . 42 1560 British Museum . 80 1561 Sam. Addington, Esq. 136 1562 Marlborough House 82 1563 OctaviusE.Coope^Esq. 17 1564 British Museum . 41 1565 Annoot and Gale 252 1566 Weight . .41 1567 Farrer . 26 1568 Wright . . 26 1569 Marlborough House 42 1570 British Museum . 41 1571 Beurdeley, Paris 37 1572 BaronJ.de Rothschild 16 1573 David Falcke . 25 7 5 2 6 10 5 17 6 4 15 12 6 10 14 6 17 10 17 10 10 10 16 1 574 John Noble, Esq. 16 16 575 Sam. Addington, Esq. 59 576 Marlborough House 45 577 S. Zimmerman . 4 15 578 The same . 41 579 Baron J. de Rothschild 6 10 580 Baron Solomon James de Rothschild, Paris 10 10 581 Marq. of Breadalbane 15 10 582 Annoot and Gale 17 583 British Museum . 4 584 Marlborough House 16 5 585 Baron S. de Rothschild 21 586 Marlborough House 21 10 587 Baron S. de Rothschild 3 12 6 588 Sam. Addington, Esq. 21 589 Baron J. de Rothschild 26 590 Marlborough House 21 5 591 Banting, St. James's Str. 2 592 The same . 2 2 593 Dowling, Esq. 1 2 594 Weeks, Piccadilly 4 6 595 British Museum 2 10 596 Marlborough House 8 597 Lord Londesborough 10 598 Marlborough House 8 5 599 The same . 1 600 The same , 2 601 The same . 1 602 The same . 3 603 The same . 1 604 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 12 605 The same . 3 606 Earl of Lonsdale . 3 15 607 Marlborough House 9 5 1 5 2 12 10 AND EARLY CURIOSITIES. 27 1608 Marlborough House 1 1639 T. M. Whitehead, Esq . 1 3 1609 No Name 2 1640 Durlacher, Bond Street 1 10 1610 Chaffers 2 1641 Marlborough House 15 10 1611 Marlborough House 7 1642 W. Lake Price, Esq. 3 13 6 1612-13 Chaffers 10 6 1643 Marq. of Breadalbane 10 10 1614 Lord Londesborough 1 3 1644 Marlborough House 4 1615 Marlborough House 7 15 1645 The same 2 17 1616 Lord Londesborough 1 7 1646 The same . 1 6 1617 British Museum . 30 1647 The same 2 8 1618 Marlborough House 18 10 1648 The same . 3 17 1619 The same 17 1649 Chaffers . 16 1620 The same . 7 7 1650 Benj. Benjamin 1 13 1621 William Maskell, Esq. 7 7 1651 Pratt, New Bond Street 17 1622 Lord Londesborough 27 1652 Chaffers . 5 10 1623 Marlborough House 8 5 1653 William Stirling, M.P. 3 5 1624 British Museum . 4 15 1654 Chaffers . 5 7 6 1625 Marlborough House 2 5 1655 Benj. Benjamin 1 18 1626 Chaffers . 3 17 1656 John Noble, Esq. 19 8 6 1627 British Museum 74 11 1657 Wright . 7 5 1628 The same 15 1658 The same . 3 17 1629 William Maskell, Esq. 5 10 1659 Marlborough House 10 10 1630 Annoot and Gale 8 15 1660 The same . 13 10 1631 Marlborough House 5 5 1661 Walter Stirling, Esq. 6 15 1632 British Museum . 10 1662 Marlborough House 15 1633 The same . 37 1663 The same* 40 10 1634 Lord Londesborough 43 1664 Redfern, Warwick 3 6 1635 Marlborough House 8 10 1665 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 10 1636 Chaffers . 5 2 6 1666 Chaffers . 3 12 1637 William Maskell, Esq. 4 1667 Marlborough House 8 5 1638 W. King, Finchley Road 3 1668 The same 1 11 6 * No. 1663 was purchased by Messrs. Annoot and Gale, for Martin T. Smith, M.P., who finding he had unintentionally obtained it, in competition with the School of Design, generously presented it to Marlborough House, where it remains an honourable memento of his liberality and patriotism. 28 CARVINGS IN IVORY. 1669 Greenwood, Esq. 2 1670 Benj. Benjamin 1671 Marlborough House 10 1672 The same . 12 1673 Pratt, New Bond Street 1674 The same . 1675 British Museum 11 1676 Marlborough House 5 1677 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 1678 Marlborough House 12 1679 The same . 25 1680 Lord Londesborough 2 1681 Benj. Benjamin 3 1682 Annoot and Gale 8 1683 OctaviusE.Coope,Esq. 5 1684 Greenwood, Esq. 14 1685 Marlborough House 20 1686 The same . 22 1687 Willson, Strand 1688 ■ Greenwood, Esq. 4 1689 Linton . . 1 1690 British Museum 2 1691 Benj. Benjamin 2 1692 George Morland, Esq. 7 1693 King, Woodstock Str. 4 1694 Greenwood, Esq. 35 1695 John Noble, Esq. 22 1696 Benj. Benjamin 200 1697 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 1698 Marlborough House 24 1699 The same 1700 The same . 1701 The same 1702 Benj. Benjamin 1 703 Marq. of Breadalbane 6 17 10 7 7 10 10 10 10 18 6 5 10 12 4 8 15 12 17 11 6 15 10 10 7 1 > 10 704 Marq. of Breadalbane 4 4 705 Marlborough House 15 10 706 The same . 15 15 707 Robert G. Austen, Esq. 12 708 Marlborough House 21 709 The same . 4 15 710 The same . 5 711 The same . 1 18 712 The same . 14 10 713 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 714 Rhodes . .110 715 Marlborough House 15 716 The same . 16 10 717 The same . 6 5 718 Webb . . 8 10 719 Marlborough House 7 5 720 W. Lake Price, Esq. 10 10 721 Withdrawn 722 Aug. W. Franks, Esq. 15 723 Marlborough House 4 724 Benj. Benjamin 6 725 Pratt, New Bond Street 18 726 Marlborough House 20 10 727 Pratt,New Bond Street 12 5 728 Mrs. Thomas 4 10 729 Lord Londesborough 11.) 730 Hon. W. G. Osborne 3 17 731 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 732 Linton . 2 733 The same . 1 734 Benj. Benjamin 5 735 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 26 736 Marlborough House 41 737 The same . 3 5 7 2 6 15 6 FAENZA WARE. 29 1738 Andrew Fountaine, Esq. 7 1739 Chaffers . 40 1740 Marlborough House 10 1741 Willson, Strand 1 16 1742 Sam. Addington, Esq. 10 15 1743 Sir H. H. Campbell 16 16 1744 Marlborough House 14 10 1745 David Falcke . 10 10 1746 British Museum 6 1747 Chaffers . .400 1748 Marlborough House 5 1749 Baron Alphonse de Rothschild, Paris 18 10 1750 British Museum 22 1751 The same . 7 5 1752 Chaffers . 5 1753 British Museum 14 1754 Marlborough House 25 1755 British Museum 6 1756 Marlborough House 4 4 1757 British Museum . 6 1758 Marlborough House 5 15 1759 The same . 4 1760 The same . 5 10 1761 The same . 4 1762 The same . 12 1 6 1763 The same . 15 10 1764 Redfern, Warwick 5 10 1765 The same . 3 1766 Marlborough House 26 10 1767 BaronG.de Rothschild 26 1768 F.DavieSjKnightsbridge 3 3 1769 The same . 3 3 1770 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 3 1771 Robert S.Holford, Esq. 26 10 1772 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 31 10 1773 BaronG.de Rothschild 45 1774 Marlborough House 6 5 1775 British Museum 5 5 1776 Annoot and Gale 10 1777 Marlborough House 6 15 1778 British Museum 8 15 1779 The same 30 1780 Marlborough House 15 15 1781 The same 7 1782 The same . 5 5 1783 The same 8 1784 The same . 8 5 1785 Octavius E. Coope, Es q.9 5 1786 British Museum 13 1787 Marlborough House 5 10 1788 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 11 6 1789 Marlborough House 21 1 790 The same . 15 15 1791 British Museum 9 5 1792 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq . 7 17 6 1793 Sir H. H. Campbell 11 10 1794 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 7 17 6 1795 Marlborough House 5 5 1796 The same 8 8 1797 British Museum 9 19 6 1798 Marlborough House 8 8 1799 The same . 10 5 1800 The same 10 15 1801 The same . 9 9 1802 The same 14 3 6 1803 The same . 7 17 6 1804 The same 6 16 6 1805 The same . 11 11 1806 Pearce, Hieh Holborn 6 5 30 FAENZA, RAFFAELLE, 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 5 British Museum 43 The same . 6 Marlborough House 44 Pearce, High Holborn 12 Baron A. de Rothschild 19 Hertz, Marlborough St. 14 Marlborough House 6 The same . 11 Morant . 23 Henry Christy, M.P. 14 Marlborough House 10 T. M. Whitehead, Esq. 13 Marlborough House 7 Chaffers . .15 Louis Nathan 17 The same . 1 7 Baron J. de Rothschild 74 Beurdeley, Paris 13 Pearce, High Holborn 9 Morant . 20 5 1828 1 1829 16 6 1830 1831 1 6 1832 8 6 1833 3 6 1834 16 6 1835 6 1836 1837 1838 1839 13 1840 10 1841 1842 17 1843 10 1844 1845 2 6 1846 9 1847 10 1848 OctavlusE. Coope, Esq. 3 Marlborough House 11 British Museum 8 Marlborough House British Museum The same Marq. of Breadalbane Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 6 Marlborough House 12 The same . 10 Sam. Addington, Esq. 26 Marlborough House 11 The same British Museum Marlborough House British Museum Marlborough House British Museum Marlborough House The same . The same* 7 23 23 16 17 13 60 50 120 10 10 10 15 6 10 1 6 10 10 7 10 * No. 1848, sold at the Stowe sale, August l7th, 1848, no. 304, for four pounds. Mr. Bernal purchased it for five pounds. In the Stowe Catalogue, the subject of this plate is described as " an interior, with an artist painting the Majolica ware." Here, the assuming the seated figures to be those of Raffaelle and the Fornarina created without due reflection an extraordinary competition to possess a pictorial production that after all establishes nothing in reference to that pre-eminently distinguished Artist. La Fornarina as his supposed mistress is a doubtful personage ; she is first mentioned by that name by Simone Fornari, in 1549, and his statements were heedlessly adopted by Vasari. None of the earlier biographers of Raffaelle notice any such connexion; and the stories of the painter's raptures on his first sight of the asserted beautiful Transteverina are still more modern inventions, while Vasari's idle relation respecting Raffaelle's inordinate attachment to the Fornarina, the alleged cause of his death, is an absurd calumny. AND PALISSY WARE. 31 1849 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 41 1850 Andr. Fountaine, Esq. 28 7 1851 Rev. W. B. H awkins 32 11 1852 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 28 10 1853 Marlborough House 15 1854 British Museum 6 16 6 1855 Marlborough House 8 10 5 10 5 10 10 2 6 10 10 10 8 10 10 1856 British Museum 42 1857 Chaffers 5 1858 The same 3 1859 Robert S. Holford, Esq. 8 1860 Chaffers . 5 1861 Marlborough House 6 1862 The same 6 1863 The same . 10 1864 The same 10 1865 Sam. Addington, Esq. 34 1866 Marlborough House 7 1867 J« J- Jemmett, Esq. 4 1868 British Museum 10 1869 Marlborough House 6 1870 Farrer 11 1871 Chaffers 8 1872 British Museum 30 1873 Sam. Addington, Esq. 33 1874 Marlborough House 16 1875 Andr. Fountaine, Esq 39 1876 Marlborough House 61 1877 British Museum 46 1878 Baron A. de Rothschild 42 1379 Marlborough House 11 1880 The same 26 1881 The same 7 1882 British Museum . 5 10 10 10 883 Marlborough House 10 884 The same . 10 885 British Museum . 11 886 Marlborough House 12 887 The same . 8 888 The same . 9 889 The same . 36 890 The same . 7 891 The same . 23 892 British Museum . 42 893 Marlborough House 8 894 British Museum . 48 895 The same . 66 896 Durlacher, Bond Street 33 897 Marlborough House 8 898 Charles De Voeux, Esq. 7 899 George Morland, Esq. 24 900 British Museum . 18 901 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 7 902 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 20 903 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 4 904 Marlborough House 6 905 Wedderburne . 2 906 Hertz, Marlborough St. 6 907 The same . 5 908 Octavius E. Coope,Esq. 4 909 Marlborough House 16 910 British Museum . 69 911 Marlborough House 4 912 Smart, Tichborne Str. 2 913 Robert S. Holford, Esq. 14 914 Sam. Addington, Esq. 13 915 Owen, New Bond Str. 4 916 Aug. W. Franks, Esq. 3 917 Willson, Strand . 4 10 5 10 10 5 2 10 10 5 9 6 5 10 15 14 6 18 10 32 FAENZA, RAFFAELLE, 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 193] 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 Marlborough House 10 The same . 5 British Museum 5 James Bowker, Esq. 2 Marlborough House 5 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 4 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 6 Charles De Vceux, Esq. 4 Andr.Fountaine,Esq.*142 British Museum . 8 Richard S. White, Esq. 2 Marlborough House 5 Baron J. de Rothschild 22 James Bowker, Esq. 1 ^ British Museum 80 C Marlborough Housetl6 British Museum 22 The same . 5 Sam. Addington, Esq. 53 British Museum The same . Marlborough House Morant Marlborough House The same . The same The same . 32 80 50 4 6 2 2 15 10 5 12 10 4 5 5 5 10 10 11 6 11 17 8 10 1944 British Museum . 14 1945 Marlborough House 8 1946 Chaffers . . 30 1947 Marlborough House 8 1948 Hertz, Marlborough St. 3 1949 Baron A. de Rothschild 90 1950 Marlborough House 21 1 95 1 British Museum 26 1952 The same . 24 1953 Marlborough House 22 1954 Sam. Addington, Esq. 12 1955 British Museum 28 1956 Baron J. de Rothschild 32 1957 Marlborough House 27 1958 The same . 34 1959 Sam. Addington, Esq. 45 1960 Alexander Barker, Esq. 39 1961 Col. Sibthorp, M.P. 16 1962 Attenborough . 6 1963 British Museum 14 1964 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 7 1965 Marlborough House 6 1966 Hertz, Marlborough St.l4 1967 Marlborough House 6 1968 The same . 10 1969 The same . 7 1970 British Museum . 5 10 5 15 10 10 16 6 10 10 5 3 6 10 10 * In the Catalogue, compiled it is presumed, from Mr. Bernal's very fre- quently defective notes, the subject of no. 1926, painted by Georgio Andreoli at Gubbio in 1525, is erroneously said to be "the Judgment of Parisj'^ on the contrary, it represents " the Stream of Life," after an early and very rare print by Robetta. t The tazza-shaped basin, no. 1932, was retained for the British Museum at eighty pounds; and the antique steel stand passed to Marlborough House at sixteen pounds. AND PALISSY WARE. 33 1971 Pearce, High Holborn 5 1972 Recatalogued 2033 1973 Andrew Fountaine, Esq. 12 1974 Robert S.Holford, Esq.l2 1975 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 13 1976 Andrew Fountaine,Esq.l5 1977 British Museum . 10 1978 Andrew Fountaine, Esq. 11 1979 British Museum . 1980 Marlborough House 1981 J. S. Forbes, Esq. . 1982 Marlborough House 1983 British Museum . 1984 Marlborough House 1985 The same 1 986 The same . 1986tt The same 1986b The same . 1986cBritish Museum 1986c?Recatalogued 2088 1986f'J. S. Forbes, Esq. . 11 15 11 40 20 20 5 8 10 16 45 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Marlborough House 5 18 Chas. D. Fortnum, Esq. 5 5 Marlborough House 11 6 The same . 2 15 British Museum 4 15 Marlborough House 6 The same . 5 10 Chaffers . .550 British Museum 3 5 Chaffers . .220 The same . 3 15 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 6 British Museum 13 2 6 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Chaffers . .426 Richard S. White, Esq. 3 Marlborough House 4 10 Chaffers . 5 5 Marlborough House 5 10 T. S. Forman, Esq. 3 10 British Museum . 10 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 3 10 Marlborough House 6 The same . 4 15 Chaffers . .55 Willson, Strand 4 4 Annoot and Gale . 6 10 Marlborough House 10 10 The same . 8 5 British Museum . 24 10 Chaffers . 5 15 British Museum . 13 Andrew Fountaine, Esq. 5 Annoot and Gale . 3 Stuart, Esq. 3 British Museum . 5 The same . 22 Chas. D. Fortnum, Esq. 7 Marlborough House 19 10 Willson, Strand . 3 3 Marlborough House 12 The same . 11 10 David Falcke . 4 J. J. Jemmett, Esq. 6 Chaffers . 5 T. S. Forman, Esq. 4 Willson, Strand 4 AndrewFountaine,Esq. 25 5 8 10 The same 5 10 34 FAENZA, l^AFFAELLE, 2035 British Museum 4 10 2036 Marlborough House 10 10 2037 British Museum . 12 10 2038 Marlborough House 21 o 2039 The same . 9 5 2040 Pearce, High Holborn 5 10 2041 Wright . .330 2042 British Museum 6 10 2043 Lord Maidstone . 4 10 2044 Chas.D.Fortnum,Esq. 7 15 2045 Willson, Strand . 3 15 2046 Marlborough House 7 2047 British Museum . 4 15 2048 OctaviusE.Coope,Esq. 4 10 2049 British Museum . 40 2050 Roussel, Paris 51 2051 Marlborough House 13 10 2052 The same . 15 2053 Pearce, High Holborn 5 5 2054 British Museum . 10 2055 Marlborough House 10 10 2056 The same . 5 2057 Willson, Strand 3 8 2058 British Museum . 6 2059 Andrew Fountaine, Esq. 5 10 2060 British Museum . 6 2061 The same . 60 2062 Marlborough House 21 2063 Alexander Barker, Esq. 31 2064 Marlborough House 15 2065 Annoot and Gale . 8 2066 British Museum 22 2067 Willson, Strand . 3 2068 Charles De Voeux, Esq. 7 2069 Marlborough House 5 2070 British Museum . 41 2071 Cecil D.Gardner, Esq. 20 2072 The same . 26 2073 Samuel Addington, Esq. 7 2074 Marlborough House 6 2075 The same . 26 2076 BaronG.de Rothschild 162 2077 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 17 2078 Marlborough House 5 2079 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 5 2080 The same 2081 British Museum 2082 Marlborough House 2083 The same 2084 The same . 8 2085 AndrewFountaine,Esq. 61 2086 British Museum . 22 2087 ColonelSibthorp, M.P. 12 2088 British Museum . 20 2 61 26 28 5 10 10 10 10 5 15 5 8 10 10 No. 2076, a true specimen of the real and extremely rare Paliss-y ware, was originally purchased in a broken state at Paris, for twelve francs ! It was admirably restored here, but Mr. Bernal and other collectors in their discrimina- tion appear to have been equally at fault ; it was long on hand for sale at four pounds, and Mr. Bernal only purchased it at that price, after three months con- sideration. These matters are now better understood, and the day has passed when rarities of surpassing interest might be purchased for trifling sums. AND DELFT WARE. 35 2089 Marlborough House 6 2090 Morant . .19 2091 Annoot and Gale 17 2092 Prof.Maconochie.Edin. 20 2093 Annoot and Gale . 31 2094 Henry T. Hope, M.P. 30 2095-6 Alex. Barker, Esq. 25 2097 Willson, Strand . 5 2098 Marlborough House 31 2099 Sam. Addington, Esq. 55 2100 Baron A. de Rothschild 42 74 21 220 200 52 62 2101 The same 2102 Alex. Barker, Esq 2103 The same 2104 The same . 2105 British Museum 2106 The same 2107 Re-catalogued in error 2108 Marlborough House 10 2109 The same 2110 Chaffers 2111 Marlborouffh House 2112 James Bowker, Esq. 2113 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 2114 Marlborough House 2115-16 Alex. Barker, Esq 2117 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 2118 Durlacher, Bond Street 6 2119 British Museum 6 2120 The same . 3 20 20 40 1 6 2 6 5 10 10 10 15 10 6 2 15 3 2121 Morris Nathan 16 2122 David Falcke . 11 2123 Durlacher, Bond Street 5 2124 Pratt, New Bond Street 12 2125 Pratt, New Bond Street 9 2126 Wetterhan, Paris 1 14 2127 David Falcke . 1 15 2128 Pratt, New Bond Street 18 2129 W. Lake Price, Esq. 6 6 2130 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 15 2131 The same . 10 2132 The same . 12 2133 The same . 1 17 2134 Wetterhan, Paris 12 2135 Litchfield . 2 10 2136 W. Lake Price, Esq. 5 15 2137 David Falcke . 7 2138 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 14 2139 The same . 13 2140 W. Lake Price, Esq. 7 7 2141 Durlacher,Bond Street 2 2 2142 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 2143 Lord Londesborough 3 15 2144 David Falcke . 4 4 2145 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 2146 Chaffers . . 5 15 2147 Charles De Voeux, Esq. 2 12 6 2148 S. Zimmerman 1 12 2149 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 5 2150 Durlacher, Bond Street 2 15 2151 Litchfield . 19 2152 S. Zimmerman . 8 5 2153 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 15 2154 S. Zimmerman . 6 10 2155 Chaffers . 5 2156 David Falcke . 2 2157 S. Nathan , 11 10 2158 F. 0. Beggi, M.D, 6 2159 Marlborough House 12 36 ARMOUR AND ARMS. 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 Lord Londesborough 4 5 The same . 31 Marlborough House 8 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 10 Chaffers . 10 The same . 3 Pratt, New Bond Street 16 S. Nathan . 2 10 Myers, Old Bond Street 5 5 Marlborough House 9 5 Marq.of Breadalbane 3 5 David Falcke . 3 5 Tower Armoury 8 10 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 2 Redfern, Warwick 8 10 M arq. of Breadalbane 7 17 6 The same . 11 U The same . 4 5 The same . 6 10 David Falcke . 3 10 The same . 4 7 Lord Londesborough 5 5 Durlacher, Bond Street 1 13 The same . 2 10 Marlborough House 14 10 Durlacher, Bond Street 10 6 Lord Londesborough 10 Richard Burchett, Esq. 4 15 David Falcke . 5 12 6 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 15 Lord Londesborough 5 15 Marlborough House 10 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 3 5 Daniel Falcke . 2 2 Lord Londesborough 3 5 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 Lord Londesborough 4 14 6 Durlacher, Bond Street 4 4 Lord Londesborough 3 5 M arq. of Breadalbane 4 16 Willson, Strand 2 2 James James, Esq. 3 13 6 The same . 5 15 Lord Londesborough 3 5 Durlacher, Bond Street 5 12 6 Lord Londesborough 6 6 David Falcke . 14 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 110 James James, Esq. 2 15 Lord Londesborough 6 10 The same . 5 15 The same . 4 15 Marlborough House 4 14 6 Pratt, New Bond Street 676 Durlacher, Bond Street 2 15 David Falcke . 4 Marlborough House 14 10 Wetterhan, Paris . 2 12 6 P. and Dom. Colnaghi 6 6 Marlborough House 8 5 The same , 30 Col. T. B. Lawrence 2 13 Marquis of Breadalbane 7 5 Col. T. B. Lawrence .400 David Falcke . 6 8 6 Litchfield . 5 17 6 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 10 Morant . 8 Litchfield . 13 Myers, Old Bond Street 1 7 Marlborough House 1 7 STAINED GLASS. 37 2230 Marlborough House 4 10 2231 The same . 5 5 2232 The same . 8 10 2233 The same . 4 2234 The same . 15 2235 Morant . . 3 10 2236 Myers, Old Bond Street 4 5 2237 Marlborough House 4 10 2238 The same . 15 10 2239 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 3 2240 Annoot and Gale 3 15 2241 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 13 2242 Annoot and Gale 111 6 2243 Chaffers . . 1 11 6 2244 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 2245 Lord Londesborough 10 10 2246 The same . 53 1 1 2247 The same . 20 2248 The same . 50 2249 Woodgate . 4 4 2250 John Swaby, Esq. 7 15 2251 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 1 2252 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 4 16 2253 Tower Armoury . 8 10 2254 Litchfield . 15 2255 Baron J. de Rothschild 37 2256 Baron A. de Rothschild 33 2257 The same . 35 2258 The same . 26 2259 Marlborough House 8 5 2260 The same . 4 15 2261-64 The same . 50 2265 The same . 97 2266 John Swaby, Esq. 26 2267 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 8 10 2268 Baron S. de Rothschild 20 2269 Marlborough House 14 2270 The same . 32 2271 The same , 10 2272 G. and H. Watson 8 2273 Haines, Grosv. Str. West 3 15 2274 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 7 5 2275 Haines, Grosv. Str. West 2 15 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 Richard Burchett, Esq. 1 Marlborough House 1 1 The same . 15 Charles De Voeux, Esq. 2 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 Woods . , Pratt, New Bond Street 1 Woods . . 4 The same . 3 Marq. of Breadalbane 3 Woodgate . 3 The same . 8 The same . 6 Marq. of Breadalbane 5 S. Nathan . 7 The same . 3 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 W. Lake Price, Esq. 4 Durlacher, Bond Street 7 Woods . . 3 Marq. of Breadalbane 2 Richard Burchett, Esq. 3 Marq. of Breadalbane 2 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 The same . 2 Marq. of Breadalbane 1 14 10 10 15 2 14 5 15 2 6 15 10 15 15 14 6 15 8 3 12 6 1 6 18 38 ARMOUR AND ARMS. 2302 Tower Armoury 3 18 2337 Lord Londesborough 37 2303 The same . 1 8 2338 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 7 2304 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 10 2339 Marlborough House 14 10 2305 Lord Londesborough 6 6 2340 The same 13 10 2306 Sir H. H. Campbell 4 10 2341 Tower Armoury 6 2307 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 3 2342 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq .4 16 2308 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 2343 Tower Armoury 5 12 6 2309 Lord Londesborough 15 10 2344 Richard Burchett, Esq. 4 2310 The same . 12 5 2345 Woodgate . 3 14 2311 The same • 26 2346 Litchfield 3 14 2312 Myers, Old Bond Str. 1 1 2347 Tower Armoury 7 15 2313 Woodgate . . 12 2348 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq .5 15 2314 S. Nathan . 2 10 2349 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 7 2315 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 18 2350 Tower Armoury 5 2316 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 1 18 2351 The same . 3 18 2317 Marq. of Breadalbane 4 2352 Marlborough House 12 10 2318 The same . 3 3 2353 Tower Armoury 7 15 2319 W. Lake Price, Esq. 14 2354 Marlborough House 15 2320 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 15 2355 Annoot and Gale 1 16 2321 Marlborough House 9 2356 Marlborough House 3 5 2322 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 3 2357 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 12 2323 Woodgate . . 3 15 2358 Marlborough House 9 5 2324 Lord Londesborough 5 2359 Tower Armoury 2 18 2325 Marq. of Breadalbane 4 15 2360 Wetterhan, Paris 2 18 2326 Tower Armoury 4 6 2361 Tower Armoury 5 5 2327 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 7 10 2362 Marq. of Breadalbane 4 15 2328 Woods . . 4 10 2363 The same 3 10 2329 Marq. of Breadalbane 7 10 2364 Redfern, Warwick 3 15 2330 The same . 7 2365 Morant 2 10 2331 The same . 7 5 2366 Tower Armoury 2 11 2332 The same . 8 15 2367 The same 5 2333 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 2 15 2368 Durlacher, Bond Street 7 10 2334 Durlacher, Bond Street 6 12 6 2369 Tower Armoury 8 5 2335 Tower Armoury 6 10 2370 F. O. Beggi, M.D. 2 6 2336 The same . 20 10 2371 Tower Armoury 5 ARMOUR AND ARMS. 39 2372 Durlacher, Bond Street 2 4 2406 Marq. of Breadalbane 5 5 2373 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 3 2407 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 2 10 2374 Willson, Strand . 4 2408 The same . 1 4 2375 Marlborough House 19 2409 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 2376 The same 8 2410 Litchfield . . 5 5 2377 Annoot and Gale 3 5 2411 Pratt, New Bond Street 10 6 2378 Woodgate . 12 12 2412 The same . 1 11 6 2379 Annoot and Gale . 7 15 2413 The same . 6 2379*Richard Burchett, Esq 2 4 2414 The same . 2 2 2380 The same 3 2415 Marq. of Breadalbane 36 2381 Myers, Old Bond Str. 1 6 2416 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 7 6 2382 Lord Londesborough 1 11 6 2417 The same . 4 4 2383 Col. T. B. Lawrence 1 16 2418 Tower Armoury 4 4 2384 Lord Londesborough 8 15 2419 S. Nathan . 3 3 2385 Tower Armoury 11 2420 Lord Londesborough 155 2386 Lord Londesborough 56 2421 Richard Burchett, Esq. 4 5 2387 Morant 3 2422 Tower Armoury 5 12 6 2388 British Museum 15 2423 The same . 7 10 2389 Col. Sibthorp, M.P. 32 2424 The same . 2 3 2390 Pratt, New Bond Street 8 10 2425 The same . 1 1 2391 Marq. of Breadalbane 4 16 2426 Morant . 12 12 2392 The same 11 10 2427 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 1 15 2393 Tower Armoury 2 3 2428 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 6 2394 The same IS 2 6 2429 Marlborough House 21 2395 Lord Londesborough 6 5 2430 W. Lake Price, Esq. 4 6 2396 The same 7 7 2431 Marq. of Breadalbane 47 5 2397 Woods 5 15 2432 Pratt, New Bond Street 24 3 2398 Tower Armoury 4 2 6 2433 The same . 8 5 2399 Marq. of Breadalbane 2400 Richard Burchett, Esq 2 8 . 3 15 2434 S. Nathan . 6 6 2401 Marquisof Breadalbane 2 2 2435 The same . 2 18 2402 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 11 6 2436 The same . 4 15 2403 Tower Armoury 3 5 2437 Woodgate . 2 12 2404 The same 20 2438 Marlborough House 2 12 6 2405 The same . 21 2439 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 2 40 ARMOUR AND ARMS. 19 1 3 2 1 3 3 2440 S. Zimmerman 2441 Willson, Strand 2442 S. Nathan 2443 S. Zimmerman 2444 Willson, Strand 2445 The same . 2446 Redfern, Warwick 2447 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 2448 The same . 2 2449 The same . 2 2449*Woodgate . 3 2450 Pratt, New Bond Street 10 2451 Marlborough House 18 2452 Woodgate . 4 2453 Lord Londesborough 28 2454 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 7 2455 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 2456 Tower Armoury 2 2457 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 8 2458 Marlborough House 10 2459 David Falcke . 6 2460 Tower Armoury 4 2461 S. Zimmerman . 5 2462 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 2463 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 3 2464 Roussel, Paris 13 2464*Willson, Strand 3 2465 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 2 2466 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 1 3 4 3 4 3 2467 The same 2468 Tower Armoury 2469 Marq. of Breadalbane 2470 Marlborough House 2471 Woodgate . 2472 Marq. of Breadalbane 4 18 7 15 12 13 17 15 2 10 4 10 10 17 6 4 15 10 4 10 3 10 11 15 3 16 5 10 10 16 3 2473 Charles Lamb, Esq. 3 12 6 2474 Tower Armoury . 3 2475 The same . 19 2476 Banting, St. James Str. 2 2 2477 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 6 2478 Woodgate . .460 2479 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 4 4 2480 Marq. of Breadalbane 4 4 2481 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 6 10 2482 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 4 2483 Marq. of Breadalbane 4 10 2484 Marlborough House 10 2485 Lord Londesborough 20 2486 Tower Armoury 6 15 2487 Marq. of Breadalbane 2 7 2488 Marlborough House 13 10 2489 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 12 6 2490 Alex. Barker, Esq. 16 10 2491 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 4 2492 Cecil D. Gardner, Esq. 3 18 2493 Woodgate . .500 2494 Richard Burchett, Esq. 9 2495 Lord Londesborough 21 2496 Woodgate . .220 2497 Col. T. B. Lawrence 2 2 2498 Litchfield . . 6 10 2499 Pratt, New Bond Street 9 2500 Lord Londesborough 16 2501 Col. T. B. Lawrence 2 2 2502 Litchfield . .400 2503 Marlborough House 10 10 2504 Litchfield . . 5 2505 Woodgate . 3 2506 The same . 4 10 2507 The same . 3 3 ARMOUR AND ARMS. 41 2508 Litchfield . . 4 10 2509 Lord Londesborough 8 '2510 Pratt, New Bond Street 6 2511 Tower Armoury 6 10 2512 Alexander Barker, Esq. 13 10 2513 The same . 610 2514 Lord Londesborough 11 2515 Sam. Addmgton, Esq. 7 2516 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 1 2517 Colonel Sibthorp, M.P. 5 10 2518 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 2519 Tower Armoury . 7 7 2520 Marlborough House 5 2551 The same . 8 10 2522 The same . 4 2523 John D. Gardner, Esq. 113 2524 Litchfield . . 2 16 2524*Pratt, New Bond Street 4 2 2525 Redfern, Warwick 4 4 2526 S. Nathan . 16 2527 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 16 2528 Wetterhan, Paris 4 17 6 2529 Lord Londesborough 25 2530 Tower Armoury 5 10 2531 John D. Gardner, Esq. 3 3 2532 Annoot and Gale 7 10 2533 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 2 6 2534 John D. Gardner, Esq. 110 2535 The same . 2 10 2536 Litchfield . 4 12 6 2537 Marq.ofBreadalbane 3 3 2538 Litchfield . 4 17 6 2539 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 10 2540 The same , 2 12 2541 Hancock, Bond Street 15 6 2 2542 Lord Londesborough 15 10 2543 The same . 13 2544 Marq.ofBreadalbane 1 15 2545 Colonel Sibthorp, M.P. 2 10 2546 The same . 6 10 2547 Wetterhan, Paris . 13 2548 Lord Londesborough 11 2549 Alexander Barker,Esq. 13 2 6 2550 Annoot and Gale 5 2551 Sam. Addington, Esq. 16 2552 Annoot and Gale 3 15 2553 The same . 3 15 2554 Marq.ofBreadalbane 2 15 O 2555 Willson, Strand 2556 Marq. of Breadalbane 8 2557 Morris Nathan , 9 2558 Marq. of Breadalbane 5 2559 S. Zimmerman . 21 2560 Col. Sibthorp, M.P. 15 2561 Roussel, Paris . 1 2562 Annoot and Gale 4 2563 S. Zimmerman » 6 2564 Annoot and Gale 2 2565 Sam. Addington, Esq. 9 2566 Alexander Barker, Esq. 6 2567 Annoot and Gale . 5 2568 Marq, of Breadalbane 5 2569 Todd . . 1 2570 Litchfield . 1 2571 Marq.ofBreadalbane 9 2572 The same . 7 2573 The same . 26 2574 W. Lake Price, Esq. 6 2575 Willson, Strand . 7 2576 W. Lake Price, Esq. 4 F 8 15 6 10 10 18 15 10 10 15 10 10 8 16 10 5 2 6 14 6 42 ARMOUR AND ARMS. 2577 HertZjMarlboroughStr.lO 2578 Colonel Sibthorp, M.P. 4 10 2579 The same . 2 12 2580 Morris Nathan 1 2581 The same . 1 2582 Colonel SibthorpjM. P. 11 2583 Charles Lamb, Esq. 3 2584 Annoot and Gale 7 2 16 15 7 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2G06 2607 2608 2609 2610 O. Bourne, Esq. Pratt, New Bond Street Russell Pratt, New Bond Street The same Litchfield Pratt, New Bond Street The same . The same Octavius E. Coope,Esq. Pratt, New Bond Street Sam. Addington, Esq. Russell . The same . Hull, Wardour Street Marq. of Breadalbane Pratt, New Bond Street Woodgate Tower x\rmoury Pratt, New Bond Street The same Octavius E. Coope,Esq. Pratt, New Bond Street Sam. Addington, Esq. O. Bourne, Esq. Pratt, New Bond Street 6 14 1 2 10 6 13 12 2 6 1 13 2 17 5 2 6 5 6 6 10 2 8 11 2 2 12 6 2 10 1 10 1 15 1 11 5 5 6 2 5 2611 Marlborough House 5 15 2612 Litchfield . 16 2613 Lord Londesborough 6 5 2614 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 5 2615 The same . 4 15 2616 Tower Armoury . 7 15 2617 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 2618 F. Davis,Knightsbridge 5 2619 The same . 4 4 2620 S. Nathan . 8 15 2621 Lord Londesborough 17 5 2622 Tower Armoury . 5 15 2623 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 6 2 2624 Marlborough House 5 15 2625 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 16 2626 Tower Armoury . 8 15 2627 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 10 2628 Woodgate . 4 4 2629 F.Davis, Knightsbridge 2 2630 Webb . . 18 10 2631 Marlborough House 21 2632 Charles Lamb, Esq. 2 2 2633 Woodgate . 2 2 2634 F.Davis, Knightsbridge 1 16 2635 British Museum 60 2636 Marlborough House 49 10 2637 Pratt, New Bond Street 6 2 2638 P. Davis, Knightsbridge 5 5 2639 Marlborough House 6 15 2640 Woodgate . 5 5 2641 F.Davis, Knightsbridge 5 5 2642 The same . 6 12 2643 W. Lake Price, Esq. 6 17 2644 The same . 8 8 2645 Pratt, New Bond Street 7 5 ARMOUR AND ARMS. 43 2646 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 2647 W. Lake Price, Esq. 4 12 6 2648 Lord Londesborough 9 2 6 2649 Marlborough House 12 10 2650 Tower Armoury . 30 10 2651 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 5 12 6 2652 Woodgate . 2 8 2653 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 2654 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 5 5 2655 The same . 14 2656 W. Lake Price, Esq. 8 2657 Woodgate . 4 10 2658 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 10 2659 The same . 4 4 2660 Alexander, Esq. 8 5 2661 Lord Londesborough 7 7 2662 Willson, Strand . 12 2663 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 10 2664 W. Lake Price, Esq. 7 2665 Wetterhan, Paris 12 2666 Woodgate . 6 2667 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 4 2668 F.Davis,Knightsbridgell 2669 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 5 15 2670 Alexander, Esq. 9 5 2671 Marlborough House 10 2672 SirH. H. Campbell 11 15 2673 W. Lake Price, Esq. 6 10 2674 The same . 10 15 2675 Marlborough House 107 2676 T. M. Whitehead, Esq. 115 2677 Pratt, New Bond Street 10 2678 Lord Londesborough 3 12 2679 Alexander Barker, Esq. 4 14 6 2680 W. Lake Price, Esq. 2 8 2681 Marlborough House 7 2682 Pratt, New Bond Street 2683 The same . 2 2684 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 1 2685 Redfern, Warwick 1 2686 W. Lake Price, Esq. 3 2687 Tower Armoury 2 2688 Marlborough House 8 2689 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 2691 Marlborough House 5 2692 Andr. Fountaine, Esq. 27 2693 Pratt, New Bond Street 3 2694 Litchfield . 4 2695 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 2696 The same . 3 2697 Litchfield . 4 2698 Tower Armoury . 53 2699 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 2700 Litchfield . 4 2701 Tower Armoury 28 2702 Pratt,New Bond Street 12 2703 Marq. of Breadalbane 9 2704 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 2705 No name . 1 2706 Woodgate . 3 2707 Pratt, New Bond Streets 2708 Litchfield . 5 2708*Pratt, New Bond Street 1 2709-14 Lord Londesbo- rough . . 315 2715 Marq. of Breadalbane 157 2716 The same . 102 2717 Tower Armoury 116 2 7 18 Marq. of Breadalbane 71 10 6 17 6 15 14 5 15 2 15 3 6 4 17 6 10 19 6 3 10 10 10 18 11 8 44 VENETIAN AND GERMAN GLASS. 2719 Marlborough House 2 15 2754 Chaffers . 1 13 2720 The same 7 2755 Felix Slade, Esq. 3 3 2721 British Museum 2 15 2756 Geo. S. Nicholson, Esq. 1 13 2722 Marlborough House 7 2757 Marlborough House 1 10 2723 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq .1 6 2758 Wedderburne . 1 5 2724 Durlacher, Bond Street i 2 15 2759 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 2 5 2725 Octavius E. Coope,Esq .3 10 2760 Prince Pierre Soltykoff, 2726 Marlborough House 3 Paris . 11 2727 The same 5 2761 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 2 10 2728 Martin T. Smith, M.P. 7 2762 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 2 5 2729 Baron G.de Rothschild 54 2763 Durlacher, Bond Street 1 5 2730 Felix Slade, Esq. 4 2764 Wedderburne 1 10 2731 The same 8 2765 Felix Slade, Esq. 16 10 2732 The same 38 2766 Marlborough House 1 2733 Marlborough House 17 2767 Wetterhan, Paris 2 5 2734 British Museum 20 10 2768-9 David Falcke 10 15 2735 Fehx Slade, Esq. 22 10 2770 Marlborough House 1 4 2736 BaronS.de Rothschild 11 10 2771 Rhodes . 1 15 2737 David Falcke 1 2772 Marlborough House 2 2 2738 Marlborough House 4 2773 The same . 10 6 2739 The same 6 15 2774 Geo. S. Nicholson, Esq. 5 5 2740 Clarke 1 6 2775 Marlborough House 2 2 2741 British Museum 4 15 2776 British Museum 11 *i742 Linton . 1 1 2777 Wedderburne . 1 1 2743 Chaffers 3 12 2778 Chaffers . 1 11 2744 David Falcke 4 2779 The same . 13 2745 Marlborough Mouse 5 2780 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 3 3 5746 The same 20 2781 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 18 2747 The same . 2 5 2782 British Museum 1 9 2748 British Museum 2 10 2783 Durlacher,Bond Street 10 10 2749 Felix Slade, Esq. 10 10 2784 Felix Slade, Esq. 35 2750 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 3 3 2785 Woodgate . 3 10 2751 The same 2 2786 Richard S. White, Esq. 18 2752 Linton 1 9 2787 Marlborough House 8 5 2753 OctaviusE.Coope, Esq. 3 3 2788 The same . 9 VENETIAN AND GERMAN GLASS. 45 2789 Marlborough House 3 2790 Sir H. H. Campbell 4 2791 Marlborough House 10 10 2792 Martin T. Smith, M.P. 21 2793 Marlborough House 13 2794 British Museum 8 2795 Durlacher, Bond Street 5 10 2796 Marlborough House 3 5 2797 Annoot and Gale 2 12 2798 British Museum 5 2799 The same . 3 2800 Wedderburne . 2 2 2801 Octavius E.Coope,Esq. 1 10 2802 Morris Nathan 1 14 2803 Marlborough House 2 3 2804 Fehx Slade, Esq. 10 10 2805 Sir H. H.Campbell 3 10 2806 Marlborough House 16 5 2807 British Museum 9 15 2808 The same . 8 5 2809 Felix Slade, Esq. 12 2810-11 Gale, High Holborn 10 2812 Marlborough House 3 5 2813 The same . 3 2814 The same . 3 2815 F.Davis, KnightsbridgeO 7 2816 Wedderburne . 17 2817 Marlborough House 4 2818 Felix Slade, Esq. 12 2 2819 Marlborough House 10 2820 FeUx Slade, Esq. 1 2 2821-22 Chaffers . 10 2823 Marks, Oxford Street 1 6 2824 Richard S. White, Esq. 1 5 2825 S. Nathan . 2 2 6 6 2826 Marlborough House 4 2827 Rev. W. Pigott . 2828 The same , 2829 G. and H. Watson 1 2830 Rev. W. Pigott 1 2831 Marlborough House 4 2832 Fehx Slade, Esq. 6 2833 Richard S. White, Esq. 2 2834 Colonel Sibthorp, M.P. 2 2835 Eev. W. Pigott 1 2836 The same . 1 2837 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 1 2838 Martin T. Smith, M.P. 21 2839 Marlborough House 20 2840 Baron G.de Rothschild 19 2841 BaronA.de Rothschild 9 2842 British Museum 2 2843 The same . 3 2844 Marlborough House 8 2845 Marq. of Breadalbane 7 2846 Durlacher, Bond Street 3 2847 The same 2848 British Museum 2849 Marlborough House 2850 Rev. W. Pigott 2851 Marlborough House 2852 Marq. of Breadalbane 2853 Felix Slade, Esq. 2854 British Museum 2855 Felix Slade, Esq. 2856 David Falcke 2857 British Museum 2858 Gale, High Holborn 2859 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 2860 Marlborough House 5 10 7 9 2 1 2 4 3 3 10 4 12 14 11 6 11 10 17 1 3 10 5 10 15 2 15 7 5 5 4 7 18 10 46 GERMAN AND VENETIAN GLASS. 2861 Marlborough House 1 13 2862 Chaffers 10 2 6 2863 British Museum 7 5 2864 The same 4 15 2865 The same . 5 2866 The same 9 2867 Marq. of Breadalbane 7 2868 British Museum 4 10 2869 The same 16 2870 F. L. Pophara, Esq. 7 2871 British Museum 2 5 2872 Colonel Sibthorp, M.F .3 3 2873 Marq. of Breadalbane 4 4 2874 Colonel Sibthorp, M.P .5 15 2875 British Museum . 1 10 2876 Annoot and Gale 2 2877 PurnellB.Purnell,Esq, 29 8 2878 Marlborough House 3 15 2879 Sam. Addington, Esq. 14 10 2880 Marlborough House 12 10 2881 British Museum 14 2882 The same 3 . 2 3 8 2883 PurnellB.Purnell,Esq 2884 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 1 2 2885 Gale, High Holborn 12 2886 PurnellB.PurnelljEsq. 1 16 2887 Marlborough House 4 2888 The same 2 2889 Woodgate 19 2890 Richard S. White Esq. 16 2891 Sir Charles R. Price i 10 2892 David Falcke 10 2893 Marlborough House 11 2894 The same 1 1 2895 Richard S. White, Esq. 1 12 2896 John D. Gardner, Esq. 4 15 2897 Captain Robson . 13 2898 Marlborough House 4 2899 Morant . 11 2900 Marlborough House 17 2901 British Museum 18 2902 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 5 2903 The same . 2 10 2904 Marlborough House 33 2905 The same . 36 2906 Gale, High Holborn 2 12 6 2907 Chaffers . .440 2908 The same . 3 2909 British Museum 3 15 2910 The same . 5 10 2911 The same . 7 2912 Baron G. de Rothschild 4 10 2913 Annoot and Gale 4 15 2914 Lady Carington 4 5 2915 Fehx Slade, Esq. 5 5 2916 The same . 4 15 2917 Samuel Addington, Esq. 2 15 2918 John D. Gardner, Esq. 2 17 2919 Durlacher, Bond Street 2 15 2920 Marlborough House 2 2 2921 The same . 15 2922 Wedderburne 16 2923 Marlborough House 7 10 2924 John D. Gardner, Esq. 3 18 2925 British Museum 10 2926 Felix Slade, Esq. 18 2927 Marlborough House 2 10 2928 The same . 8 2929 Richard S, White, Esq. 2 7 GERMAN AND VENETIAN GLASS. 47 2930 British Museum 4 2931 John D. Gardner, Esq. 3 2932 Marlborough House 8 2933 British Museum 12 2934 FeHx Slade, Esq. 17 2935 Durlacher, Bond Street 1 2936 FeHx Slade, Esq. 55 2937 British Museum 3 2938 Thomas 2 2939 Carr 2940 David Falcke 3 2941 Rhodes . 2942 British Museum 1 2943 Annoot and Gale 15 2944 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 3 2945 Sir H. H. Campbell 9 2946 Chaffers . 3 2947 Felix Slade, Esq. 6 2948 John D. Gardner, Esq . 1 2949 Chaffers 1 2950 British Museum 5 2951 Wedderburne 1 2952 Fehx Slade, Esq. 9 2953 Marlborough House 6 15 15 10 10 8 5 8 14 10 6 1 10 10 13 11 1 p: 6 n 2954 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 1 2955 Felix Slade, Esq. 21 2956 The same . 6 2957 Marlborough House 12 2958 Martin T. Smith, M.P. 14 2959 Marlborough House 7 2960 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 12 2961 Marlborough House 4 2962 Sam. Addington, Esq. 11 2963 Marlborough House 1 2964 Chaffers . 12 15 1 15 18 5 10 5 5 10 4 11 1 2965 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 12 2966 Sam. Addington, Esq. 12 12 2967 British Museum 4 2968 Marlborough House 4 10 2969 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 5 10 2970 Marlborough House 4 2971 British Museum 6 10 2972 Marlborough House 11 2973 OctaviusE. Coope, Esq. 3 2974 Marlborough House 3 3 2975 The same . 3 7 2976 Richard S. White, Esq. 110 2977 Marlborough House 13 10 2978 The same . 5 5 2979 The same . 5 5 2980 Annoot and Gale 2 2 2981 Baron S. de Rothschild 10 10 2982 John D.Gardner, Esq. 17 2983 The same . 11 10 2984 The same . 11 10 2985 The same . 11 2986 OctaviusE.Coope,Esq. 10 2987 Sir H. H. Campbell 5 10 2988 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 12 12 2989 Felix Slade, Esq. 30 10 2990 Charles Skipper, Esq. 2 6 2991 The same . 3 15 299-2 Marlborough House 5 5 2993 The same . 10 5 2994 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 3 10 2995 Sir H. H. Campbell 5 2996 Sam. Addington, Esq. 2 5 2997 John D. Gardner, Esq. 2 10 2998 Russell . 81 2999 The same . 37 48 DELFT AND COLOGNE WARES. 3000 King,Woodstock Street 19 3001 Russell . . 30 3002 Marlborough House 12 3003 Baron G. deRothschild 53 3004 Baron A .deRothschild 1 1 3005 Richards. White, Esq. 1 3006 Annoot and Gale 2 3007 Marlborough House 2 3008 The same . 2 3009 The same . 8 3010 Colonel Sibthorp, M.P. 3 3011 Marlborough House 2 3012 The same . 3 3013 Geological Museum 6 3014 Wedderburne 2 3015 Marq. of Breadalbane 1.5 3016 British Museum 4 3017 David Falcke 4 3018 Captain Robson 2 3019 British Museum 10 3020 Marlborough House 4 3021 Gale, High Holborn 1 3022 Wedderburne . 3023 British Museum . 1 3024 Marlborough House 9 3025 British Museum . 4 3026 Sam. Addington, Esq. 11 3027 British Museum . 3 3028 Marlborough House 3 3029 British Museum . 3 3030 David Falcke . 1 3031 Gale, High Holborn 1 3032 Marlborough House 6 3033 Wedderburne . 1 3034 David Falcke . 25 19 10 10 5 o 2 10 3 10 10 15 2 10 5 7 1 3035 Marlborough House 4 15 3036 British Museum 21 10 3037 The same . 10 10 3038 Marlborough House 4 4 3039 British Museum 5 5 3040 The same . 10 10 3041 The same . 44 10 3042 Marq. of Breadalbane 10 10 19 4 10 3 3 3 14 15 17 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 1 Baron A. de Rothschild 10 Octavius E. Coope, Esq.O The same . Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 1 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. The same . Felix Slade, Esq. 4 Marlborough House 9 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 1 The same . Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 4 Durlacher, Bond Street Baron S. de Rothschild 2 Marlborough Flouse 5 The same . 6 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 1 Marlborough House 5 Sam. Addington, Esq. 13 Captain Robson . 3 David Falcke . 6 Gale, High Holborn 1 Captain Robson 3 Marq. of Breadalbane 3 13 10 10 10 1 10 14 10 7 10 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 8 15 15 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 1 David Falcke . 3 13 6 GERMAN AND VENETIAN GLASS. 49 3069 David Falcke . 14 3104 Octavius E. Coope, Es( 1.3 30/0 Marlborough House 2 2 3105 Annoot and Gale 3 15 3071 The same . 9 10 3106 David Falcke 1 6 3072 Holl. Magniac, Esq. 25 3107 Marlborough House 4 10 3073 Gale, High Holborn 1 12 3103 David Falcke 3074 Baron A. de Rothschild 8 3109 Marlborough House 10 3075 The same . 15 15 3110 Richard S. White, Esq, 18 3076 The same . 13 3111 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq . 1 3 3077 Rhodes . . 8 3112 Annoot and Gale . 18 6 3078 David Falcke . 7 3113 David Falcke . 4 4 3079 Marq. of Hreadalbane 11 3114 The same 3 3080 Felix Slade, Esq. 2 10 3115 Felix Slade, Esq. 14 10 3081 King, Woodstock Street 6 5 3116 David Falcke 2 10 3082 The same . 20 3117 Marlborough House 2 15 3083 Baron J. de Rothschild 16 10 3118 Sam. Addington, Esq. 4 12 6 3084 King, Woodstock Street 17 3119 Marlborough House 3 13 6 3085 British Museum 25 10 3120 David Falcke . 2 10 3086 Sir H. H. Campbell 5 5 3121 Richard S. White, Esq 2 12 3087 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 1 13 3122 Gale, High Holborn 12 3088 Baron A. de Rothschild 6 5 3123 Durlacher, Bond Street 5 3089 David Falcke . 1 11 6 3124 Marlborough House 9 10 3090 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 3 10 3125 Gale, High Holborn 1 5 3091 The same . 2 5 3126 The same 12 3092 The same . 3 15 3127 David Falcke . 3 10 3093 Durlacher, Bond Street 1 10 3128 The same 1 1 3094 Baron A. de Rothschild 17 10 3129 British Museum 8 5 3095 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 5 3130 Annoot and Gale . 16 3096 Marlborough House 1 11 6 3131 Marlborough House 9 5 3097 Richard S. White, Esq. 1 4 3132 Baron S. de Rothschild 20 3098 British Museum . 19 3133 Annoot and Gale 2 10 3099 Sir H. H. Campbell 4 4 3134 The same 12 3100 Rhodes . . 15 3135 Withdrawn. 3101 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 2 5 3136 Sara. Addington, Esq. 8 15 3102 British Museum . 3 15 3136*Marlborough House 9 5 3103 Marlborough House 3 10 3137 Annoot and Gale . G 3 15 ^0 GERMAN AND VENETIAN GLASS. 3138 Annoot and Gale . 15 10 3139 T3ritish Museum 10 10 3140 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 5 5 3141 Marlborough House 27 3142 British Museum . 26 3143 Marlborough House 9 10 3144 Annoot and Gale . 8 10 o 3145 Gale, High Holborn 3 10 314G Annoot and Gale . 42 o 3147 Marlborough House 21 3148 Octavius E. Coope, Esq 4 4 3149 Marlborough House G 10 3150 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 4 3151 Felix Slade, Esq. . 10 5 3152 Marlborough House 2 5 3153 Annoot and Gale . 3 5 3154 Marlborough House 57 3155 VVedderburne . 15 3156 M. J, Higgins, Esq. 14 3157 The same . 1116 3158 Wedderburne . 17 3159 M. J. Higgins, Esq. 3 15 3160 Annoot and Gale 4 5 3161 The same . 6 5 3162 M. J. Higgins, Esq. 3 5 3163 David Falcke . 3 3164 Rhodes . 3 15 3165 Redfern, Warwick . 10 3166 David Falcke . 2 12 6 3167 British Museum . 11 10 3168 Marlborough House 5 10 3169 The same . 4 15 3170 British Museum 2 5 3171 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 2 17 6 3172 David Falcke . 5 5 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 2 Marq. of Breadalbane 9 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 2 British Museum . The same . The same Annoot and Gale British Museum Marlborough House British Museum The same The same . Gale, High Holborn British Museum The same Thomas Butler, Esq. Marlborough House M. J. Higgins, Esq. Marlborough House British Museum Wedderburne Thomas Butler, Esq. Marlborough House British Museum O. Bourne, Esq. . British Museum O. Bourne, Esq. . Marq. of Breadalbane Marlborough House Annoot and Gale British Museum David Falcke . Marlborough House Annoot and Gale British Museum . 4 7 15 19 14 4 2 2 9 5 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 2 5 9 1 10 1 3 8 1 15 10 6 2 17 12 6 12 6 5 10 5 5 10 10 18 5 13 10 1 15 11 6 10 5 18 6 10 18 3 3 13 10 15 2 GERMAN AND VENETIAN GLASS. 51 3208 British Museum 5 5 3209 Marlborough House 4 10 3210 BaronA.de Rothschild 40 3211 Wright . . 10 10 3212 Fehx Slade, Esq. 20 3213 Annoot and Gale 5 10 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 O. Bourne, Esq. . 2 Durlacher, Bond Street 2 Baron G. de Rothschild 3 Wedderburne . Rhodes . Gale, High Holborn The same . Durlacher, Bond Street 2 Octavius E. Coope,Esq. Gale, High Holborn Charles Mills, Esq. The same . J. S. Forbes, Esq. . Gale, High Holborn Octavius E. Coope,Esq. 1 The same . 1 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 1 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 1 Baron J. de Rothschild 10 8 4 13 6 17 15 13 11 15 17 5 16 18 12 6 7 6 8 1 13 10 3233 Rhodes . 1 3234 O. Bourne, Esq. . 3235 Sir H. H. Campbell 3 3236 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 1 3237 The same . 1 3238 J. S. Forbes, Esq. . 1 3239 Gale, High Holborn 3240 Marlborough House 1 3241 Charles Mills, Esq. 1 3242 Marlborough House 4 3243 William Webb, Esq. 1 3244 Geo. S. Nicholson, Esq. 4 3245 British Museum 1 3246 Rhodes . . 1 3247 Redfern, Warwick J 3248 Rhodes . . 3249 Charles Mills, Esq. 1 3250 Gale, High Holborn 1 3251 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 3252 Durlacher, Bond Street 2 3253 Rhodes . 3254 Marlborough House 3 3255 The same . 20 3256 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 5 3257 Sir H. H. Campbell 2 3258 Gale, High Holborn 3 O 19 O 3 11 6 4 12 3 10 10 10 a 10 2 14 10 10 15 8 10 3 5 O 15 10 6 No. 3212. Horace Walpole, when at Venice in 1741, obtained two dozen of these plates, which, in the Description of the Villa at Strawberry Hill, printed in 1774, are enumerated among the contents of the China-room, p. 9, as " Two dozen plates of Venetian glass ; each plate has a different view of Venice, drawn in red." On the dispersion of that Collection in 1842, they were sold in four lots of six each, the average produce of each lot being 3/. 10s. A comparison of the prices in the Strawbeny Hill sale, with the present, proffers material for serious reflection. 52 GERMAN AND VENETIAN GLASS 6 11 6 1 1 28 5 3259 Ootavius E. Coope,Esq. 9 15 3260 M. J. Higgins, Esq. 18 3261 Marlborough House 9 3262 David Falcke . 8 3263 Marlborough House 10 3264 Felix Slade, Esq. 4 3265 Marlborough House 14 3266 Sir H. H. Campbell 13 3267 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 1 3268 llie same . 1 ' 3269 Thomas Butler, Esq. 1 3270 Marlborough House 12 3271 British Museum 3 5 3272 Rev. W. Pigott . 1 18 3273 PurnellB. Purnell.Esq. 2 10 3274 T. Gambler Parry, Esq. 2 3275 The same . 1 3276 Rev. W. Pigott 1 3277 John D. Gardner, Esq. 1 3278 Marlborough House 3279 British Museum 3280 Rhodes . 3281 Felix Slade, Esq. 3282 M. J. Higgins, Esq. 3283 BaronA.de Rothschild 22 3284 Thomas Butler, Esq. 1 3285 BaronA.de Rothschild 15 3286 The same . 9 3287 Octavius E. Coope,Esq. 2 3288 Captain Robson 2 3289 John D. Gardner, Esq. 12 3290 Felix Slade, Esq. 3 3291 Baron G. de Rothschild 8 3292 The same . 10 3293 Rev. W. Pigott . 1 5 12 1 15 8 18 18 5 10 15 4 16 15 15 6 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 Marlborough House 5 Sir H. H. Campbell 13 British Museum 8 Octavius E. Coope,Esq. Felix Slade, Esq. 29 British Museum . 8 Russell . 2 Martin T. Smith, M.P. 27 British Museum 4 The same . 7 The same . 13 The same . 15 Felix Slade, Esq. . 26 Rhodes . 6 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 6 Martin T.Smith, Esq. 36 Marlborough House 8 Baron G. de Rothschild 1 Marlborough House 14 Felix Slade, Esq. 39 Sir H. H. Campbell 12 Annoot and Gale 50 Marlborough House 16 Gale, High Holborn 1 Annoot and Gale . 5 Gale, High Holborn 3 Annoot and Gale . 3 Gale, High Holborn Marlborough House 5 The same . 5 British Museum . 4 The same . 8 J. S. Forbes, Esq. . 1 Rhodes . Durlacher, Bond Street 1 13 19 10 15 15 15 5 5 1 10 10 5 15 10 6 10 4 5 15 10 6 3 COLOGNE WARE. 53 5 1 11 8 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 S329 Marlborough House 1 3330 Octavius E. Coope, Esq. 6 3331 Sir H. H. Campbell 10 3332 British Museum . 3333 Gale, High Holbora 3334 Annoot and Gale . 3335 Marlborough House 3336 Sir H. H. Campbell 3337 British Museum . 3338 Gale, High Holborn 3339 Rev. W. Pigott . 3340 John D. Gardner, Esq 3341 Gale, High Holborn 3342 Marlborough House 3343 PurnellB.Purnell,Esq. 10 3344 Marlborough House 10 3345 Rev. W. Pigott 3 3346 The same . 2 3347 The same . 4 3348 Gale, High Holborn 3 3349 Thomas Butler, Esq. 2 3350 John D. Gardner, Esq. 3 3351 Rev. W. Pigott 2 3352 Gale, High Holborn 2 3353 The same . 1 3354 Marlborough House 8 3355 The same . 3 3356 John D. Gardner, Esq. 4 3357 William A. Franks, Esq. 1 3358 Annoot and Gale 37 3359 British Museum 5 3360 The same 1 8 3361 The same . 1 3362 Marlborough House 4 3363 The same . 2 13 10 15 18 15 3 2 12 18 15 18 10 15 10 15 12 6 3 18 4 8 15 11 6 11 6 15 3364 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 2 2 3365 Marlborough House 4 15 3366 British Museum 5 3367 The same . 4 3368 The same 4 3369 John D. Gardner, Esq. 5 5 3370 Marlborough House 4 ^ 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375- 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 Marlborough House 4 Wedderburne . Marlborough House 4 Colonel T. B. Lawrence 6 Benj. Benjamin 1 The same . 1 The same . 1 Marlborough House 2 Benj. Benjamin . 2 Marq. of Breadalbane 1 Marlborough House 1 The same . 7 Colonel T. B. Lawrence 1 Marlborough House 3 Colonel T. B. Lawrence Pratt, New Bond Street Annoot and Gale 11 Marq. of Breadalbane 1 Durlacher, Bond Street 1 Redfern, Warwick 2 Annoot and Gale 3 Webb . . 1 British Museum 5 The same . 1 John Swaby, Esq. 2 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 Benj. Benjamin 2 5 15 14 3 6 3 8 7 2 15 14 16 10 18 10 8 3 18 10 18 11 3 5^ SPOONS, KNIVES, BIJOUTERIE, ETC. 3399 Marlborough House 4 3400 John Swaby, Esq. . 2 3401 Annoot and Gale 3402 Marlborough House 5 3403 F. Davis Knightsbridge 1 3404 Webb . . 5 3405 Marlborough House 30 3407 W. Aug. Franks, Esq. 3408 Not found 3409 Marlborough House 15 3411 Annoot and Gale 3412 W.King, Finchley Road 1 3413 The same . 1 3414 Pratt, New Bond Street 3415 Annoot and Gale 10 3416 Marlborough House 8 3417 The same . 6 3418 The same . 1 3419 Marq. of Breadalbane 5 3420 Durlacher, Bond Street 11 3421 Marlborough House 8 3422 Lord Londesborough 14 3423 Marlborough House 8 3424 The same . 2 3426 The same . 1 3427 The same . 10 3428 The same . 3 3429 The same . 10 3430 The same . 4 3431 Redfern, Warwick . 2 3432 Colonel T.B.Lawrence 1 3433 Annoot and Gale . 1 3434 Colonel T. B. LawTence 1 3435 Marlborough House 4 3436 R. T. Searles, Esq. 1 10 9 10 2 10 10 11 1 1 16 10 10 11 6 15 10 10 15 15 10 15 10 5 10 4 3 13 1 10 16 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 Marlborough House 3 The same . 1 The same . 2 Chaffers . 2 R. T. Searles, Esq. . Marlborough House 3 The same . 8 The same . Baron G. de Rothschild 4 Wetterhan, Paris 3 Marlborough House 10 British Museum . 4 Chaffers . 8 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 9 Wedderburne . Marlborough House 8 David Falcke . 2 Baron A. de Rothschild 22 Marlborough House 10 S. Nathan . 2 Chambers, Esq. 14 Chaffers . 16 Morant . . 3 British Museum 5 Marlborough House 3 The same . 6 The same . 10 British Museum . 4 The same . 7 Myers, Old Bond Street 6 Baron A. de Rothschild 20 Earl of Lonsdale . 8 MartinT. Smith, M.P.I 6 British Museum . 9 Annoot and Gale . 1 10 5 8 14 8 5 14 15 3 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 a 10 12 6 14 10 5 15 15 5 6 10 15 4 SEALS, METAL DISHES, ETC. 55 3472 Marlborough House 12 10 3473 The same . 5 5 3474 Redfern, Warwick 1 3 3475 J. S; Forbes, Esq. . 1 13 3476-7 Wedderburne 12 3478 Earl of Lonsdale . 1 18 3479 Marlborough House 3 3480 The same . 2 10 3481 Annoot and Gale 1 8 3482 William Maskell, Esq. 10 3483 Annoot and Gale 7 10 3484 The same . 9 5 3485 Marlborough House 8 10 3486 Wetterhan, Paris . 16 3487 Marlborough House 5 5 3488 Webb . . 1 12 3489 G. and H. Watson 3 10 3490 Marlborough House 8 5 3491 David Falcke . 1 18 3492 Hertz, Marlborough Str. 110 3493 The same . 1 7 3494 Rev. W. Pigott . 1 14 3495 G. and H. Watson 2 2 3496 Hertz,MarlboroughSt. 11 3497 G. and H. Watson 2 16 3498 Annoot and Gale . 1 18 3499 Redfern, Warwick 1 10 3500 G. and H. Watson 16 3501 Sam. Addington, Esq. 3 5 3502 Marlborough House 4 3503 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 12 3504 British Museum 5 15 3505 F. Davis,Knightsbridge2 15 3506 Lord Londesborough 14 3507 Myers, Old Bond Str. 5 10 3508 Marlborough House 17 3509 Hertz, Marlborough St. 11 3510 Annoot and Gale 2 3511 Webb . . 3 3512 British Museum 71 3513 John Noble, Esq. 27 3514 Marlborough House 10 3515 The same . 21 3516 The same 15 3517 British Museum 15 3518 Annoot and Gale 1 3519 Marlborough House 2 3520 Colonel T. B, Lawrence 3521 The same 3522 The same . 3523 Marlborough House 8 3524 The same . 6 3525 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 3526 Wedderburne 3527 Colonel T. B. Lawrence 3528 Wedderburne 3529-30 Col. T. B. Laurence 3531 Wedderburne . 3532 The same . 3533 Colonel T. B. Lawrence 3534 Wedderburne . 10 2 10 10 10 10 6 15 10 6 19 17 10 6 15 15 11 13 11 12 17 5 6 3535 Marlborough House 2 5 3536 The same . 4 3537 The same . 2 3538 The same . 3 5 3539 The same . 2 3540 Marquis of Hertford 10 10 3541 The same . 11 3542 Marlborouo-h House 4 56 KEYS, KNIVES, FORKS, ETC. 3543 Marquis of Hertford 11 3544 Marlborough House 1 3545 BaronG.de Rothschild 10 3546 Marlborough House 3 3547 The same . 1 3548 The same . 5 3549 The same . 1 3550 The same 4 3551 Smith . . 3552 Marlborough House 1 3553 The same . 2 3554 Wetterhan, Paris 3555 Chas.Oct.Morgan,M.P. 1 3556 Marlborough House 1 3557 David Falcke . 2 3558 Marlborough House 1 3559 The same . 3560 Chas. Oct. Morgan, M.P.I 3561 The same . 1 3562 Marlborough House 1 3563 Chas. Oct. Morgan, M.P.I 3564 Marlborough House 1 3565 Sam. Addington, Esq. 2 3566 Chas. Oct. Morgan, M.P. 4 3567 The same . 3 3568 Marlborough House 4 3569 Smith . 3570 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 1 3571 Russell . . 1 3572 Marlborough House 2 3573-4 The same . 2 3575 Russell . 13 3576-7 Marlborough House 7 3578 Carr . . 3579-8O Marlborough House 4 15 10 10 5 10 14 11 6 12 6 12 4 1 10 7 15 10 11 6 8 3 15 5 4 9 3 8 5 10 19 4 3581 Willson, Strand . 16 3582 David Falcke 9 3583 Russell . . 12 5 3584 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 12 3585 Marlborough House 2 2 3586 Webb . .200 3587 Marlborough House 6 5 3588 David Falcke . 3 10 3589 Wetterhan, Paris 5 3590 Marlborough House 1 12 3591 Willson, Strand 3 5 3592 Smith . . 1 15 3593 F.Davis, Knightsbridge 1 3594 Willson, Strand 6 3595 Rhodes . 8 3596 Willson, Strand . 12 3597 Marlborough House 1 13 3598 Willson, Strand 10 6 3599 Marlborough House 3 3600 The same . 3 5 3601 Russell . . 1 11 6 3602 Annoot and Gale 2 10 3603 Russell . . 2 10 3604 Marlborough House 15 3605 Willson, Strand . 2 9 3606-7 The same . 10 3608 British Museum 22 10 3609 Marlborough House 5 5 3610 F.Davis, Knightsbridge 1 11 3611 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 10 3612 Russell . .10 3613 Benj. Benjamin 9 3614 Marlborough House 1 13 3615 F.Davis, Knightsbridge 1 Q 3616 Marlborough House 5 5 SNUFF BOXES. 5:7. 3617 Marlborough House 12 3G18 Russell . 2 7 3G19 David Falcke . 5 12 3620 Willson, Strand 6 7 3621 Marlborough House 5 10 3622 Durlacher, Bond Street 2 12 3624 Octavlus E. Coope, Esq. 7 10 3625 Marlborough House 8 3626 Benj. Benjamin . 1. 3627 Willson, Strand 4 8 3628 Redfern, Warwick 3 12 3629 Rhodes . 4 3630 The same . 5 5 3631 Gvvynn . 1 4 3632 Marlborough House 6 3633 Redfern, Warwick 2 7 3634 Smith . .30 3635 M. J. Higgins , Esq. 2 2 3636 Russell . . 5 15 3637 The same . 2 3 3638 Marlborough House 5 5 3639 Redfern, Warwick 1 17 3640 Russell . .46 3641 Smith ■■ . 4 4 3642 Gwynn . . 14 3643 David Falcke 3 3644 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 2 3645 Joseph -Mayer, Esq. 2 3646 Redfern, Warwick 2 3647 Geo. Rob. Smith, Esq. 4 3648 Benj. Benjamin 3649 Stocker, Esq, 3650 Money 3651 The same 3652 Willson, Strand 3 3 1 10 i 3 13 4 5 10 11 5 9 6 6 6 6 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 36;i 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 Rhodes . . 3 10 Marlborough House 6 Willson, Strand 3 3 The same . 2 3 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 2 17 6 Earl of Lonsdale 4 David Falcke . 3 12 Benj. Benjamin 2 16 John Swaby, Esq. Ill Benj. Benjamin 12 15 David Falcke . 3 J 7 6 Benj. Benjamin 4 The same . 10 H. St. John Mildmay 13 15 The same . 10 5 Benj. Benjamin 13 10 Sam. Addington, Esq. 18 The same , 16 15 Annoot and Gale 10 Benj. Benjamin 12 Sam. Addington, Esq. 16 10 Marlborough House 9 10 David Falcke . 16 15 Hon. Francis Baring 15 10 Sam. Addington, Esq. 40 Wetterhan, Paris . 7 17 6 Viscount Dupplin 9 Marlborough House 10 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 8 8 Will. Angerstcin, Esq. 11 10 Octavius E. Coope,Esq. 6 10 No name . 4 7 Will. Angerstein, Esq. 20 10 Marlborough House 6 The same . 7^0 H 58 SNUFF BOXES. 3689 Durlacher, Bond Street 6 3690 OctavmsE.Coope,Esq. 16 10 3691 Smith . . 6 3692 David Falcke . 10 3693 Gale, High Holborii 5 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 37O6 3707 37O8 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 37I6 3717 37I8 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 H. M. Farquhar, Esq Kobert Napier, Esq. Wetterhan, Paris H. M. Farquhar, Esq. Sir H. H. Campbell Marlborough House William Stirling, M.P. The same . The same . Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. Thomas Jones, Esq. Marlborough House Willson, Strand The same . The same H. M. Farquhar, Esq John D. Gardner, Esq. 2 Marlborough House 5 The same The same . Willson, Strand Morris Nathan Wetterhan, Paris . F. Davis, Knightsbridge 3 H. M. Farquhar, Esq. 2 Not found Edward Greaves, M.P. 5 Marlborough House 5 Robert Napier, Esq. 3 5 10 15 18 3 15 4 4 7 2 6 10 6 10 17 14 3 13 10 15 8 3 7 6 13 6 10 18 3 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 Lord Londesborough 10 Watkins . 5 Marq. of Breadalbane 3 Prince Soltykoff J. S. Forbes, Esq. 5 Pratt, New Bond Street 6 Col. T. B. Lawrence Webb . . 3 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 William Stirling, M.P. 7 Benj. Benjamin VVillson, Strand 10 10 18 12 Marlborough House Annoot and Gale Benj. Benjamin Russell . Benj. Benjamin Charles S. Bale, Esq. Benj. Benjamin Earl of Lonsdale Annoot and Gale Marq. of Breadalbane Earl of Lonsdale Russell . Benj. Benjamin David Falcke William Goding, Esq. 38 Willson, Strand . 2 David Falcke 4 Earl of Lonsdale 7 Redfern, Warwick 3 Benj. Benjamin 4 Rhodes . , 5 Smith . 6 Baron J. de Rothschild 7 10 3 15 10 5 12 6 10 10 15 10 10 10 16 15 5 17 6 5 12 SNUFF BOXES. 59 3759 Baron J. de Rothschild 13 10 3794 3760 Marlborough House 5 3795 3761 J. S, Forbes, Esq. 3 14 3796 3762 G. and H. Watson 8 3797 3763 Morris Nathan 3 3798 3764 David Falcke . 8 15 3799 3765 Willson, Strand 2 4 3800 3766 Webb 5 5 3801 3767 Earl of Lonsdale . 12 3802 3768 Willson, Strand 2 2 3803 3769 Hon. Francis Baring 5 15 3804 3770 Willson, Strand 1 13 3805 3771 Redfern, Warwick . 1 7 3806 3772 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 4 3807 3773 Samuel Addington, Esq . 5 10 3808 3774 Robert Napier, Esq. 1 19 3809 3775 John D. Gardner, Esq. 7 5 3810 3776 Smith 2 15 3811 3777 Willson, Strand . 3 10 3812 3778 John D. Gardner, Esq. 4 18 3813 3779 Webb . 9 5 3814 3780 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 3 3815 3781 Earl of Gosford . 17 5 3816 3782 Richard S. White, Esq 2 8 3817 3783 Willson, Strand . 6 2 6 3818 3784 Sigismund Rucker, Esq .5 5 3819 3785 Willson, Strand . 2 19 3820 3786 Southam, Green Street 1 16 3821 3787 Hon. Francis Baring 5 10 3822 3788 Marks, Oxford Street 1 11 3823 3789 David Falcke . 22 10 3824 3790 Annoot and Gale . 10 3825 3791 H. St. J. Mildmay, Esq. 12 5 3826 3792 Sam. Addington, Esq. 31 3827 3793 Southam, Green Street 3 3828 J. C. Carruthers, Esq. 5 7 6 David Falcke . 16 10 Charles S. Bale, Esq. 9 Russell . 11 5 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 5 5 Earl of Lonsdale . 7 10 Willson, Strand 3 5 David Falcke . 7 2 6 Annoot and Gale 5 15 6 Marks, Oxford Street Marlborough House Willson, Strand The same Redfern, Warwick . Ralph Osborne, M.P. David Falcke Willson, Strand David Falcke - . G. and H. Watson John D. Gardner, Esq. 3 John B. Jarman, Esq. 8 Webb . . 9 Marlborough House 6 N orman INIacdonald, Esq. 7 David Falcke . 5 Baron J. de Rothschild 8 Durlacher, Bond Street 7 Marks, Oxford Street 6 Redfern, Warwick 2 David Falcke . 4 O. Bourne, Esq. 1 Willson, Strand . 2 David Falcke . 7 The same . 5 Marks, Oxford Street 7 15 7 16 15 16 12 6 18 9 10 5 15 15 18 10 8 7 5 7 5 60 WATCHES, COMPASSES, 3829 Willson, Strand . 2 2 3863 Lord Londesborough 24 3830 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 5 3864 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 10 3831 John D. Gardner, Esq. 4 4 3865 Marlborough House 13 10 3832 Birch, Esq. 8 8 3866 Annoot and Gale . 11 3835 Southam, Green Street 3 12 3S67 Prince Soltykoff 13 3836 Richard S. White, Esq 2 10 3868 Lord Londesborough 26 10 3837 Van Cuyck, Paris . 9 5 3869 Cha. Oct. Morgan, M.P. 9 19 6 3838 Russell 2 8 3870 David Falcke 5 3839 The same 2 15 3871 Cha.Oct. Morgan, M.P. 7 15 3840 William Stirling, M.P. 2 9 3872 Prince Soltykoff 14 10 3841 Reginald Neville, Esq. 1 8 3873 Wetterhan, Paris . 2 10 3842 Annoot and Gale 1 7 3874 Marlborough House 2 5 3843 Redfern, Warwick . 2 12 6 3875 The same 7 15 3844 Annoot and Gale 1 17 3876 Chaffers 17 10 3877 Lebenheim 17 6 6 3845 Wetterhan, Paris . 1 10 3878 White . 36 3846 Prince SoltykofF 15 10 3879 Marlborough House 15 3847 Webb . 3 15 3880 Lebenheim 7 5 3848 Marlborough House 4 10 3881 Cha.Oct. Morgan,M.P. 20 10 3849 Chaffers . 21 3882 Marlborough House 15 15 3850 Annoot and Gale 5 5 3883 Annoot and Gale . 2 17 6 3851 Van Cuyck, Paris . 8 3884 Sam. Addington, Esq. 16 3852 Webb 7 15 3885 Lebenheim 21 3853 Cha. Oct. Morgan, M.P . 6 15 3886 Russell 42 3854 Marlborough House 5 3887 Cha. Oct. Morgan, M.P. 14 10 3855 Prince Soltykoff . 17 10 3888 Chaffers 18 7 6 3856 Marlborough House 10 10 3889 Cha.Oct.Morgan,M.P 18 7 6 3857 David Falcke 5 3890 Marlborough House 15 10 3858 Van Cuyck, Paris 7 5 3891 Prince Soltykoff . 16 10 3859 Marlborough House 11 10 3892 Purnell B. Purnell,Esq .27 3860 Chaffers 16 3893 Baron G.de Rothschild 28 10 3861 Prince Soltykoff . 20 5 3894 Russell . 75 3862 The same . 20 10 3895 Marlborough House* 14 10 * 3895 described in Catalogue, was sold in error as 3880. AND CLOCKS. Gl 3896 Chaffers . . 22 3897 Marlborough House 33 3898 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 5 10 3899 David Falcke . 5 5 3900 Russell . 50 3901 WiUson, Strand . 6 17 6 3902 Litchfield . 3 5 3903 Marlborough House 5 10 3904 The same . 8 10 3905 The same . 4 3906 J. S. Forbes, Esq. 2 10 3907 Litchfield . 10 3908 Russell . 2 10 3909 Cha.Oct.Morgan,M.P. 9 9 3910 The same . 8 8 3911 Lord Londesborough 18 10 3912 Willson, Strand 4 12 6 3913 Marlborough House 10 3914 Buckley . 2 3915 Willson, Strand , 10 3916 Marlborough House 6 5 3917 The same . 9 10 3918 Russell . 14 3919 Rev. W. B. Hawkins 1 15 3920 Chaffers . 15 3921 Cha. Oct. Morgan, M.P. 3 10 3922 Rev. W. B. Hawkins 3 15 3923 Sir Charles Fellowes 2 3924 Marlborough House 3 10 3925 Willson, Strand 1 10 3926 Sir Charles Fellowes 3 3 3927 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 1 10 3928 Litchfield . 2 8 3929 Purnell B. Purnell, Esq. 2 15 3930 Mai-lborough House 6 3931 Marlborough House 7 15 3932 Purnell B.Purnell,Esq. 17 3933 Van Cuyck, Paris 11 3934 Webb . 19 10 3935 Willson, Strand . 2 15 3936 The same . 4 4 3937 Annoot and Gale . 3 15 3938 F. Davis, Knightsbridge 4 6 3939 Rhodes . . 5 15 3940 Earl of Lonsdale 5 3941 Robert Hollond, Esq. 5 15 3942 Marlborough House 11 10 3943 Sam. Addington, Esq. 7 3944 Willson, Strand 3 5 3945 David Falcke . 4 3946 Marlborough House 5 5 3947 Earl of Lonsdale • 6 5 3948 Marlborough House 3 5 3949 British Museum . 3 10 3950 Cha.Oct. Morgan, M.P. 19 3951 British Museum . 3 3952 The same . 1 15 3953 The same . 1 16 3954 Rev. W. B. Hawkins 7 3955 Cha.Oct. Morgan, M.P. 5 10 3956 British Museum . 5 15 3957 Willson, Strand 16 3958 British Museum . 2 12 3959 The same . 2 8 3960 Banting, St. James's St. 13 10 8961 British Museum 2 10 3962 Hertz, Marlborough St. 2 17 3963 Marlborough House 9 10 3964 The same . 14 3965 David Falcke . 7 10 62 SILVER ARTICLES, 3966 Van Cuyck, Paris 5 15 6 4000 Davison 2 6 3967 Hertz, Marlborough St 3968 David Falcke . 4 5 8 4001 4002 Higham . Octavius E. Coope, Esc 17 10 7 3969 Marlborough House 11 4003 Robert Hollond, Esq. 3 13 1 3970 Cha.Oct.Morgan,M.P 18 10 4004 Benj. Benjamin 2 6 5 3971 Prince Soltykoff 21 4005 The same . 2 15 3972 Russell 22 4006 David Falcke 7 9 6 3973 Hertz,MarlboroughSt. 3974 Banting, St. James's Si 3975 Litchfield 14 . 5 5 10 2 6 4007 Cha. W. Reynolds, Esq. 3 4008 Redfern, Warwick . 4 4009 Solomon . 4 4 2 1 3976 Russell 4 12 6 4010 The same 5 10 9 3977 Annoot and Gale 5 4011 Walter Stirling, Esq. 12 14 6 3978 Rhodes 4 15 4012 The same 12 6 3979 Marlborough House 3980 The same . 19 90 10 4013 4014 Cha. W. Reynolds, Esq Davison . 2 6 3 10 11 11 3981 Willson, Strand 5 4015 Solomon 2 6 2 4016 Ralph Osborne, M.P. Foligno Attenborough 3 13 4 3982 Fohgno 3983 The same 10 10 3 3 5 4017 4018 15 2 10 7 3984 The same . 3985 The same 11 11 1 2 11 4019 Benj. Benjamin 4020 Davison . 8 3 16 17 6 3 3986 The same . 10 16 9 4021 Benj. Benjamin 15 12 3987 Cooper . 3988 E. Emanuel . 3989 Sam. Addington, Esq. 3990 E. Emanuel . 3991 Benj. Benjamin 3992 The same . 6 6 5 5 5 1 5 3 7 8 19 3 6 5 7 7 4 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 The same Withdrawn David Falcke Benj. Benjamin Solomon David Falcke . 16 11 1 4 8 16 17 18 10 6 5 9 3993 The same 3994 Fohgno 3995 E. Emanuel 3 10 2 4 19 10 11 4028 4029 4030 Benj. Benjamin David Falcke . Attenborough 3 10 12 12 10 3996 Davison 3997 Benj. Benjamin 3998 The same . 3099 The same 1 2 6 15 17 8 7 9 4031 4032 4033 4034 Benj. Benjamin Solomon Foligno The same 9 35 64 30 7 7 13 6 9 6 5 BRONZE AND SILVER MEDALS. 63 4035 Attenborough 32 14 6 4068 OctaviusE.Coope,Esq. 19 13 3 4036 Redfern, Warwick 18 4069 The same 23 14 9 4037 Ralph Osborne, M.P. 5 15 2 4070 Redfern, Warwick 28 12 4038 The same 4 5 2 4071 S. M. Mawson 5 10 4039 Webb, (xrafton Street 10 17 5 4072 David Falcke . 1 14 4040 Ralph Osborne, M.P. 4 9 10 4073 The same 1 6 4041 Higham . 15 8 4074 F. Davis, Knightsbridgc ; 10 6 4042 Sam. Addington, Esq. 4 8 4075 David Falcke 15 4043 Solomon 3 4 4076-7 Cooper 7 4044 The same . 13 4078 William Stirling, M.P. 10 4045 Sam. Addington, Esq. 3 4079 Annoot and Gale 7 4046 The same . 19 9 4080 Marlborough House 4 4047 Redfern, Warwick 1 9 4081 The same 11 4048 Sam. Addington, Esq. 2 13 9 4082 The same . 3 4049 Colonel T. B. Lawrence 2 6 4083 The same 2 5 4050 Southam, Green Street 2 4083*ChafFers 11 4051 The same 2 2 4084 Marlborough House 5 5 4052 Rev. Tho. Staniforth 65 2 4085 Annoot and Gale 4 4054 Redfern, Warwick 33 4086 Marlborough House 24 10 4055 Benj. Benjamin 6 6 4087 The same 2 5 4056 Van Cuyck, Paris 5 15 4088 Chaffers 3 15 4057 Annoot and Gale 10 6 1 4089 Annoot and Gale . 1 12 4058 The same . 10 7 9 4090 Redfern, W^arwick 1 1 4059 Cooper . 15 9 1 4091 Chaffers . 6 4060 Solomon 12 10 9 4092 The same . 7 4061 The same Q 10 7 9 4062 Attenborough 4 4093 0. Bourne, Esq. . 4 14 6 4063 Cooper . 6 10 11 4094 Annoot and Gale 3 18 4064 Webb, Grafton Street 3 3 11 4095 King,WoodstockStree1 .26 4065 Benj. Benjamin 1 11 6 4096 Webb, Grafton Street 2 15 4066 Redfern, Warwick 31 10 11 4097 Annoot and Gale 3 3 4067 Chai'les Skipper, Esq. 16 14 8 409 Van Cuyck, Paris 25 10 No. 4052. The date on the Apostle Spoons is 1519, not 1579. The weight 19 oz, 8 dwt. 64 DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 4099 Sam. Addington, Esq. 48 4100 Annoot and Gale 14 4101 The same . 4 4102 Sam. Addington, Esq. 4 4103 Marlborough House 15 4104 Sam. Addmgton, Esq. 9 4105 Walter Stirling, Esq., 41 4106 John D. Gardner, Esq. 21 4107 The same . 16 4108 Pratt, New Bond Street 17 4109 Litchfield . 6 4110 Annoot and Gale 9 4111 The same . 40 4112 Rhodes . 80 4113 The same . 58 4114 Annoot and Gale 8 4115 The same . 10 4116 The same . 17 4117 John D. Gardner, Esq. 16 4118 Morant . 19 4119 Charles Cope, Esq. 18 4120 Annoot and Gale 43 4121 The same . 6 4122 D. M. Davidson, Esq. 41 4123 Annoot and Gale 15 4124 Owen, New Bond Str. 12 4125 Annoot and Gale 220 4126 Thomas Grissell, Esq. 22 4127 Pratt, New Bond Str. 13 4128 The same . 10 4129 The same . 4 4130 Annoot and Gale 5 4131 Pratt, New Bond Street 6 4132 The same . 6 4133 Cha. D. Fortnum, Esq. 6 8 5 10 10 5 15 5 10 15 15 10 2 6 10 15 15 4134 Litchfield 4135 The same . 4136 Annoot and Gale 4137 Durlacher, Bond Street 76 4138 Sam. Addington, Esq 4138*Walter Stirling, Esq. 4139 David Falcke 4140 Annoot and Gale 4141 The same 4142 The same . 4143 Marlborough House 4144 Annoot and Gale 4145 Pratt, New Bond Street 20 15 4146 Annoot and Gale 4147 The same 4148 The same . 4149 Marlborough House 4150 Annoot and Gale 4151 Pratt, New Bond Street 21 10 4152 Withdrawn 4153 The same 4154 The same 4155 Smith . . 9 4156 Withdrawn 4157 Cunningham, Esq. 19 10 4158 Redfern, Warwick 16 16 5 5 5 5 4 t76 143 41 105 62 19 19 15 15 50 38 t 20 15 78 13 10 10 10 36 10 40 t21 10 4159 Pratt, New Bond Stree 4160 Wertheimer t 4 14 7 6 4161 Rhodes 10 15 4162 David Falcke 13 4163 Marq. of Hertford 40 4164 Rhodes . 8 4165 Marq. of Hertford 20 4166 Thomas Grissell, Esq. 5 10 4167 The same 6 10 DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 65 1-2 4 22 3 4 6 15 3 4 10 10 3 40 5 42 15 16 53 16 66 4168 Thomas Grissell, Esq. 6 4169 The same 4170 The same , 4171 Annoot and Gale . 4172 The same . 4173 Thomas Grissell, Esq. 4174 Annoot and Gale 4175 Henry George Bohn 4176 Pratt, New Bond Street 5 15 4177 David Falcke 4178 D. M. Davidson, Esq 4179 F. L. Popliam,Esq. 4180 Rhodes . 4181 Van Cuyck, Paris 4182 Charles Mills, Esq. 4183 Annoot and Gale 4184 Rhodes . •4185 John D. Gardner, Esq. 72 4186 Walter Stirhng, Esq. 54 4187 Rhodes . . 30 4188 S. Lyne Stephens, Esq. 42 4189 Annoot and Gale 4190 Lord Londesborough 4191 Earl of Lonsdale 4192 The same 4193 Redfern, Warwick 4194 Col. Sibthorp, M.P. 4195 F. L. Popham, Esq. 4196 BaronJ.de Rothschild 154 4197 Walter Stirling, Esq. 105 4198 Annoot and Gale 4199 The same 4200-1 Wertheimer 4202 Charles Cope, Esq. 4203 Charles Plumley, Esq 10 3 15 10 31 20 31 118 32 29 5 10 10 36 15 65 11 5 5 I ! ol ! I 4204 Lord Londesborough 11 10 4205 David Falcke 64 4206 Annoot and Gale 120 4207 Col. Sibthorp, M.P. 108 4208-9 Earl of Dartmouth 38 4210 The same . 20 4211 David Falcke 15 10 4212-3 Pratt, New Bond Str. 28 4214 The same . 10 4215 Pratt, New Bond Street 13 4216 Marlborough House 18 10 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4-236 4237 4238 ■1239 David Falcke The same . Annoot and Gale Rhodes . The same . Russell . Evans Smart Annoot and Gale David Falcke Rev. Tho. Staniforth Litchfield 4 4 5 3 i 22 4 6 4 5 16 4 Henry Richardson, Esq. 2 Earl of Powis . 17 Marlborough House 32 Woodgate . 1 8 Ensom . 2 1 Herring . 24 Woodgate . 1 7 The same . 39 Morant . 20 The same . 21 Marlborough House 33 13 6 10 4 10 14 6 10 10 10 15 10 10 10 9 66 DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 4240 Woodgate . 3 4241 Ensom . .15 4243 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 4244 David Falcke . 3 4245 Ensom . 2 4246 John Allcard, Esq. 15 4247 Marlborough House 28 4248 David Falcke . 10 4249 Pratt, New Bond Street 4 4250 G. and H. Watson 4 4251 Woodgate . 1 4252 Ensom . . 8 4253 Marq. of Breadalbane 10 4254 David Falcke . 35 4255 The same . 40 4256 The same . 50 4257-58-59 The same 70 4260 The same . 7 4261 Rhodes . 5 4262 The same , 17 4263 Smith . 2 4264 Webb, Grafton Street 47 4265-6 Annoot and Gale 81 4266aCharles Mills, Esq. 7 4267 Pratt, New Bond Street35 4267a Marlborough House 10 10 5 6 3 2 6 6 11 15 5 5 10 18 10 10 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278- 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4293 4294 Marlborough House 16 The same . 12 The same . 21 The same . 101 H. M. Farquhar, Esq. 2 Rhodes . . 3 Willson, Strand 1 S. T. Morey, Esq. . 9 Marlborough House 13 Annoot and Gale . 17 9 Pratt, New Bond St. 40 Withdrawn Willson, Strand The same Moore 3 2 6 15 Marlborough House Pratt, New Bond Street 3 Moore . 1 The same . 2 Annoot and Gale 5 Pratt, New Bond Street 1 Marlborough House 4 ■2 King, Woodstock St.205 The same . 35 Pratt, New Bond Street 2 16 10 10 10 14 15 10 10 6 10 15 15 15 1 15 14 Errata. No, 93, as purchaser, read Mons. Sabalieri ; and No. 97, William H. Robinson, Esq. Nos. 813, 824, and 875, were purchased by Cecil D. Gardner, Esq., all other numbers pertain to John D. Gardner, Esq., though placed in error to the former. No. 1745, Andrew Fountaine, Esq. No. 1978, David Falcke, of New Bond Street. AMOUNTS OF EACH DAY'S SALE. First day's sale Second day's sale . Third day's sale Fourth day's sale . Fifth day's sale Sixth day's sale . Seventh day's sale Eighth day's sale Ninth day's sale Tenth day's sale . Eleventh day's sale . Twelfth day's sale Thirteenth day's sale . Fourteenth day's sale Fifteenth day's sale . Sixteenth day's sale Seventeenth day's sale Eighteenth day's sale Nineteenth day's sale . Twentieth day's sale Twenty-first day's sale Twenty-second day's sale Twenty-third day's sale . Twenty-fourth day's sale Twenty-fifth day's sale Twenty-sixth day's sale Twenty- seventh day's sale Twenty-eighth day's sale Twenty-ninth day's sale . Thirtieth day's sale . Thirty-first day's sale Thirty-second day's sale Monday, March 5 . Tuesday, 6 Wednesday, 7 • Thursday, 8 Friday, 9 . Saturday, 10 Monday, 12 . Tuesday, 13 Wednesday, 14 . Thursday, 15 Friday, 16 . Monday, 19 Tuesday, 20 . Monday, April 2 Thursday, March 22 . Friday, 23 Saturday, 24 . Monday, 26 Tuesday. 27 . Wednesday, 28 Thursday, 29 . Tuesday, April 17 • Wednesday, 18 Thursday, 19 . Friday, 20 Monday, 23 . Tuesday, 24 Wednesday, 25 . Thursday, 26 Friday, 27 . Saturday, 28 Monday, 30 . Total 1419 16 2043 8 6 2731 6 6 4783 11 6 . 6133 16 6 3113 1 6 2921 2 6 2688 9 6 807 17 1307 11 2029 4 1941 6 6 . 3160 1 6 1393 9 1807 10 2511 6 6 2396 15 6 1173 1261 6 1013 11 . 1687 15 987 15 1326 12 6 . 1137 4 921 6 867 14 6 763 14 779 10 1481 9 907 13 3 3518 9 6 1675 4 2 62,690 18 2 PRODUCE OF THE SEVERAL SALES. Library . . 5,273 9 6 Collection of Prints . . 1,313 13 Works of Art and Vertu . 62,690 18 2 Furniture, etc. . . 1,676 4 2 Total 70,954 4 10 iEDES STRAWBERRIAN^ : MDCCCXLII. NAMES OF PURCHASERS AND THE PRICES TO THE SALE CATALOGUE OF THE CHOICE COLLECTIONS OF ART AND VERTU, FORMED BY HOE ACE WALPOLE, EARL OF OllFORD, AT STRAWBERRY HILL VILLA. A few remaining Copies may be had of the publisher, J. H. Burn, 29, Bow Street, Covent Garden. Price Seven Shillin^js and Sixpence. NOTICE TO BINDER. The Half-title, Portrait, and Title, to precede the Title of the Catalogue. Leaf with Candelabra, marked as lot 196, etc. to face page 18 Vases, numbered 469 and 470 . .33 Vases, numbered 598 and 597 • . .41 Vase 599, to be placed second or back to the above. Vases numbered 600 and 601 . • . 42 Eleanor of Portugal, 926 ; and Anne of Cleves, 927 77 Lady Johanna Abergavenny . . 73 NicholasLord Vaux, and King Edward IV. 79 Viscount Faulconberg . . .88 Candlestick, 1305, and Crosier, 1317, etc. . 105 Crucifix, 1319, and Reliquaire, 1320 . . 107 Rehquaire, 1337, etc. and boat-shaped Nef, 1447 109 Ewer, 1561; and Casket, 1565 . . 133 Spoon, 3699, and Stand, 1694 . . 144 Vessel with arms, and Papal Tiara, 1846; Plate, 1848 159 Pilgrim's Bottle, 2100; and Salt-cellar, 1959 172 Ewer or Vase, 2103; and Jar, 1845 . . 186 Halberd, 2378, and Swords, 2451, 2621 . 2O6 Armour : Headpiece, 2698, and Breastplate, 2420 208 Armour : Demi-suit, 2431 ; and Flask, 2519 209 Figure in Armour, Shield, etc., on stand^ 2709 . 232 Tankard, with lid, 3339; and Glasses . 244 Jug of circular form and open centre, 2877, etc. 245 Venetian Drinking glass, 3315, etc. . . 267 Pilgrim Bottles, 3360; Venetian glasses, bottle, etc. 270 Brotche, 3512, and Vessel with horns, 3513 . 284 Keys, with pierced bows, numbered 3557 and 3568, etc. 288 Book-shaped watch, 3911; Clock mounted on stand, 3964 326 Watch, 3849, and Time-piece, 3980 . . 333 Candlesticks, 4099 and 4188; Inkstand, 4197 341 Pier-glass and carved frame, 4143 . . 345 Cabinet on spiral twisted legs, etc., 4207 • 350 Purchasers' Names and Prices, pp. 1-68, to follow p. 358