1BOOL- LIBR DUPLICATE LSOLD BY AUTHORITY. .E.BIBL RADCL ,, T^P^-' --^7^" 1/ czio.-jz-x . JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE UP THE MEDITERRANEAN; PRINCIPALLY AMONG THE ISLANDS OF THE ARCHIPELAGO, ASIA MINOR: INCLUDING MANY INTERESTING PARTICULARS RELATIVE TO ^fft ^vee^ Uctiolution, ESPECIALLY A JOURNEY THROUGH BIAINA TO THE CAMP OF IBRAHIM PACHA, TOGETHER WITH OBSERVATIONS ON THE ANTIQUITIES, OPINIONS, AND USAGES OF GREECE, AS THEY NOW EXIST, TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN ESSAY ON THE FANARIOTES, translated from the French of MARK PHILIP ZALLONY, A GREEK. By the rev. CHARLES SWAN, LATE OF CATHARINE HALL, CAMBRIDGE ; CHAPLAIN TO H. M. S. CAMBRIAN J AUTHOR OF SERMONS ON SEVERAL SUBJECTS, AND TRANSLATOR OF THE CESTA ROMANOaUM. " Whilk were fools, and whilk were wise. And whilk of them could most quaintysc ; And whilk did wrong, and whilk right. And whilk maintained peace and fight— Of their deeds shall be my sawe, In what time, and of what law." Chronicle of Robert de Brunnc. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR C. AND J. RIVINGTON, ST. Paul's church-yard, WATERLOO-PLACE, AND 148, STRAND. 1826. LONDON : PRINTED BY R. GILBERT, ST. John's square. ADVERTISEMENT. Messrs. Rivington respectfully inform the public, that the Work now submitted to their inspection, is printed from the Manuscripts transmitted to them by the author for that purpose. They trust, that on examination, it will be found to contain a variety of entertaining mat- ter respecting the Greeks, as well as much in- formation which must be peculiarly interesting at the present period. The indulgence of the reader is requested for any trifling inaccuracies ; as on account of the author's absence from the country, it was not possible for him to superintend the progress of his work through the press. WATERLOO-PLACE, May 3, 1826. A 2 CONTENTS. VOL. I. CHAPTER I. Leave England, 1. — Amusement on board, 2.— Cadiz — Spanish pilot, 3, 4. — Cathedral, 5. — Convent of the Augustines, 6. — Religious ceremonies, 7. — Images, 8. — Spanish waiter, 9. — Spanish houses, 10. — Spanish women, 11, 12. — Early mar- riages, 13. — Spanish play, 14. — Excursion to Xeres, 15. — Reflections on the Revolution, 16 — 18. — Excursion to Xeres, 19, 20.— Xeres, 21.— Mode of irrigation, 22.— Cathedral, 23. — Spanish songs, 24, 25. CHAPTER II. Island of Galeta, 27. — Malta — Islands of Galeta, Gozo, and Comeno, 28. — La Valetta — Governor's palace, 29. — Church of St. John, 30. — -Public library — Opera house, 3 1 . — Naples — Mount Etna, 32. — Strait of Messina — Beautiful prospect, 33.— Scylla and Charybdis, 34.— Bay of Naples, 35. — Naples — Musicians, 36.— Disagreeable quarantine, 37. — The Villa Reale, 38.— The streets of Naples, 39.— The Villa Reale, 40, 41. — Lazzaroni, 42. — Pompeii, 43 — 55. — Naples, 56. — Rout at Lady Drummond's, 57. — French com- pliment, 58. CHAPTER III. Naples — Bourbonic museum, 60, 61. — Mode of unrolling the papyri, 62. — Library — Theatre of San Carlos, 63.— Excur- VI CONTENTS. sion to Vesuvius, 64, 65. — Vesuvius — Neapolitan guide, 66. Excursion to Puzzuoli, 67, 68. — Caligula's bridge — Cumae, 69. — Shooting a shark, 70. — Genoa, 71. — Palaces — Female attire, 72. — Ducal palace, 73. — Sacro Catino, 74, 75. — Church of Notre Dame, 76. — Church of St. Mary de Carignan, 77. — Bridge of Carignan, 78. — Theatrical repre- sentations, 79, 80. — Excursive remarks, 81, 82. — Return to Malta, 83.— Malta— Mrs. Charles Fox, 84.— Remarks on manners, 85. — Excursion to St. Antonio, 86. — Mode of catching prawns, 87. — Search for books, 88. — Emanuel Pinto, 89. — Maltese poetry, 90, 91. — Barrenness of the soil, 92. — Difficulty of culture, 93. — Character of the Maltese, 94. Curious manuscript, 95 — 97. — Catholic ordination, 98. — Anecdote of a Maltese and his goat, 99.— Public library, 100, Botanic garden — Anecdote, 101. CHAPTER IV. Milo — Methodist missionary, 103. — Spetzia — Napoli di Ro- mania, 104. — Greece — Feelings on landing, 105. — Napoli — Interesting prospect, 106 — Market — Greek soldiers, 107, 108. — Turkish cemetery, 109.— Citadel, 110. — Giovanni Notara — Bible Society, 1 1 1 .-^Beautiful prospect, 112. — Capture of a Maltese brig by the Greeks, 113. — Temple of Minerva Sunias, 114, 115. — Foolish conduct of travellers, 116, 117. — Cape Sunium — Greek signet, 118. — Shooting excursion, 119. — Anecdote of a Greek, 120. — Negropont — Scio — Massacre of the Greeks, 121. — Anecdote of a Greek boy, 122. — Reflec- tions on the new year, 123 — 126. — Smyrna — Dress of the Armenians, 127. — Barbarous murder of a Greek, 128. — Turkish women, 129. — Fine view of the country round Smyrna, 130. — Turkish burial places, 131. — Unpleasant ad- venture, 132. — Description of a Mosch, 133. — Turkish mode of worship, 134. — Confidence of a Turk in an Englishman, 135. — Aqueducts, 136. — Ancient amphitheatre, 137. — Cere- monies of the Greeks on Christmas-day, 1 38. — Bazar, 1 39. — Questions sent by the Bible Society, 140. -— Costume of the Grecian women, 14L CONTENTS, CHAPTER V. Smyrna — Interview with the Capitan Pacha, 143 — 145.— Visit to Suleiman Aga, 146 Ball at Mr. Whittle's, 147. — Trait in the Greek character, 148. — Sedecui — Barbarity of a Turk, 149, 150. — Greek servant, 151. — Bougiah — Anecdote of a serpent, 152. — Smyrna — Salutation of the Pacha of Scio, 153. — Visit to Suleiman Aga, 154 — 169. — Description of his hall, 156. — His house and gardens, 157. — Description of his Harem, 158. — Curious well, 159. — His civility, 160. — His entertainment, 161. — Description of Hassan Pacha, 162. — Description of the feast, 163,164. — Bill of fare, 165,166. — Anecdote of Hassan Pacha, 167. — Description of the com- pany, 168. — Appearance of Suleiman Aga, 169. — Ceremony at the Greek Epiphany, 170. — Galantry of Lieut. Marsham, 171,1 72. — Vourla — Curiosities, 1 73.— Proceed on the voyage, 174. — Mount Olympus, 175. CHAPTER VI. Thessalonica — Moseh of St. Demetrius, 177, — Dr. Clarke's erroneous statements, 178 — 180. — Mosch of St. Demetrius, 181.— Mosch of St. Sophia, 182.— Triumphal arch of Con- stantine, 183. — Supposed triumphal arch of Augustus, 184. — Ancient Greek inscriptions, 185, — Convent of the dancing Dervishes, 186. — Pacha's summer-house — Tumulus, 187. — Curious mode of catching partridges, 188. — Injudicious conduct of the Bible Society, 189, 190. — Greek supersti- tion, 191. — Providential escape at sea, 192. — Anchor off Syrochoro, 193. — Syrochoro — Ruins of the Acropolis, 1 94. — Inscription on the Acropolis, 195. — Devastations of the Turks, 196. — Ancient Greek inscription, 197. — Prepara- tions for attacking pirates, 198. — Action with the pirates, 199. — Death of the captain of the pirates, 200. — Pursuit of the pirates, 201. — Action with the pirates, 202. — Gallant be- haviour of the officers, 203. — Burial of the sailors, 204. — Reflections on their death, 205. — Latine vessels, 206. — Pro- yin CONTENTS. ceedings of the officers, 207. — Beautiful prospect, 208. — Violence of an Austrian admiral, 209. — Strange fact relative to Trichiri, 210.— Proceed on the voyage — Pass Skyropouli, 211. CHAPTER VII. Smyrna — Unfounded reports, 213. — Characteristics of the Greeks, 214. — Execution of four Greeks, 215. — Interment of a sailor, 216. — Bad manners of a Pacha, 217. — Excursion to Mount Pagus, 218. — Funeral ceremonies of the Greeks, 219 to 221. — Precipitate interment, 222. — Singular story related by Tournefort, 223— 232.— Greek Papas, 232.— Kyriacos Phaidro — Greek rites and ceremonies, 233. — Greek episcopal croisier, 234. — Ceremonies of the Armenian church, 235, 236. — Frank merchants of Smyrna, 237. — Modern Greek literature, 238 — 251. — Translation of Moliere's " Avare," 239. — History of Economus, 240 — 244. — Translation of Moliere's " Avare," 244, 245. — Polyxena, 246. — Translation of " Temistocle" and " Olympiade," 247. — Original dramatic poems, 247 — 251. , CHAPTER VIII. Leave Smyrna — Mr. Bulwer — Beautiful station offVourla, 253. — Employment of the Greek prisoners, 254. — Reflections on hu- man failings, 255 — 258. — Intended present to Capt. Hamilton, 259. — Hints to passengers in a man-of-war, 260 — 262. — Derivation of " Negropont," 263. — Officers of the " Bellona Austriaca," 264. — Visit of the Greek Admiral Miaoulis, 265. — The force of external appearance, 266. — Present of a medal to Miaouhs, 267. — Extract from Galignani's Messenger, 268. — Hydra — State of the Greek navy, 269. — Inconveniences of travelling in Greece, 270. — The Greek prisoners, 271. — Re- ported victory of the Greeks, 272. — Malta — Appearance of La Valetta, 273.— The lofts, 274.— Preach at the chapel of the palace, 275. — Excursion to Civita Vecchia, 276. — Effects of a high wind, 277. — Religious ceremonies of the Roman Catholics on Good Friday, 278—280. — Private theatricals, 281, 282.— Anecdote of a lady and her physician, 283. — CONTENTS, IK Conversazione of the Marchioness of Hastings, 284, 285. — Reflections, 286. » CHAPTER IX. "Confession of a Greek pirate, 288 — 318. — Sentence of the I pirates, 319. — Malta — Excursion to Boschetto, 320, 321. — Curious rencontre, 322, 323. — •- Ridiculous situation of a Monk, 324. — Presentation of colours to 95th regiment, 325. — Maltese Biblical criticism, 326, 327. — Maltese criticism, 328.— Maltese Biblical criticism, 329, 330.— School of in- dustry, 331. CHAPTER X. Malta — Embarkation of the Marquis of Hastings, 333. — Singu- lar anecdote, 334, 335. — Marchioness of Hastings, 336, 337. — Ignorance of the natives of India, 338. — Curious books, 339— 347. — May-day, 347. — Recollections of May, 348. — Beautiful scene off Elba, 349. — Anecdote respecting the unicorn, 350. — Existence of the unicorn, 351 — 354. — Fabulous stories of Pliny, 355. — A Grampus — Villa Franca, 356. — Fine approach to Nice, 357. — Nice — Dine with the governor, 358. — Departure of Lord Hastings, 359. — Malta — Promotion of Lieut. Marsham, 360. — Character of Captain Marsham, 361. — Reported death of the Pacha of Egypt, 362. — Destruction of the Turkish fleet, 363. — Endeavours of Mr. Masson to assist the Greeks, 364. — Greek vessels building in America, 365. VOL. n. CHAPTER XI. Napoli di Romania — Greek Buffo, 2. — Napoli — Government printing-office, 3. — Proclamation of the Greek government. X CONTENTS, 4, 5. — Excursion to Argos, 6. — Argos — Devastation, T. — Tenants of the Police-office, 8. — Oracular shrine, 9, 10. — Supposed Temple of Apollo, 11. — Escape of Ipsilanti, 12. — Greek family, 13. — Market-place — Delicious repast, 14. — Napoli — Coffee-house, 15. — Concourse of foreigners, 16. — Athanasius Phatoumara, 17. — Fortress of Palamedi, 18, 19. — Americans, 20. — Surrender of Navarin, 21. — Want of dis- cipline in the Greek forces, 22. — Greek mode of warfare, 23. — Services of Mr. Gervase, 24. — Ungrateful behaviour of a Greek, 25. — Napoli — Senate-house, 26. — Anecdote of aThes- salian, 27. — Visit of Prince Mavrocordato and suite, 28. — Description of Prince Mavrocordato, 29. — Pyrrhic or Alba- nian dance, 30. — Proceedings of the Austrians, 31. — Pol- troonery of the Austrian, 32. — Injustice of the Austrians, 33. Bible Society — Visit of a Greek, 34. — Losses of Captain Ger- vase, 35. — Visit of Captain Hamilton to the admiral of the Turkish fleet, 36, 37. — Coveardiee and indolence of the Turks, 38.— Flight of the Turkish fleet, 39.— Off Zia— Victory of the Greeks, 40. — Annihilation of a Turkish frigate, 41. — Carysto — Gulf of Dora — Scio, 42. CHAPTER XII. Proceedings of Captain Sotheby, 44. — Smyrna — Aqueducts — Locusts, 45. — Butterflies — Fruit-trees, 46. — Barbarous murder of a Jew by a Turk, 47. — Vourla — Pursuit of Greek pirates, 48. — Mole of Alexander the Great, 49. — Antiquities — Bronze medal, 50. — Reported victory of the Greeks, 51. — Unsuc- cessful search for the pirates, 52. — Bay of Mycone — Pursuit of the pirates, 53. — State of Mycone, 54. — Women of Mycone, 55. — Delos — Ruins, 56. — Greek inscription — Ancient the- atre, 57. — Ruins — Mount Cynthus, 58. — Oval basin — Ruins, 59. — Locusts — Anti-Delos, 60. — Curious dress and dwelling of a Papas, 61. — Mycone — Wife of the Consul, 62. — Ridiculous dress of the Consul of Tino, 63. — Description of the town of Syra, 64. — Public fountain — Greek women, 65. — Dress of the Greek women, 66. — Suburb of Syra — English Consul, 67, — Erroneous statements of Dr. Clarke, 68, 69. — 15 CONTENTS. xi Naxia — Excursion to Antiparos, 70. — Misfortunes in the journey, 71 — 74. — Distress of the guide, 75. — Antiparos — Dwelling of a Papas, 76. — Grotto of Antiparos, 77, 78. — Celebration of mass in the grotto, 79. — Return from the grotto, 80. — Ruins of Ancient Paros, 81. — Visit to the Quarry of Parechia, 82. — Sure-footed mules — Cave of Trelawny, 83. — Death of Ulysses, 84. CHAPTER XIII. Harbour of Milo, 85. — Milo — Dress of the females, 86. — Amphi- theatre of Melos, 87. — Ruins — Signet, 88. — Spetzia — March of Ibrahim Pacha, 89. — Condition of the Pacha's army, 90. — Sail for Napoli, 91. — Skirmish between the Greeks and Turks, 92. — Injudicious mode of warfare, 93. — Conduct of Colocotroni, 94. — Proceedings of the Greek government, 95. — Account of the death of Ulysses, 96 — 98. — Affidavit of the physician, 98, 99. — Plot against Trelawny, 100. — Captain Fen ton's character, 101. — Death of the heroine Bobohna, 102. — Massacre of Turks at Hydra, 1 03. — The crews of Greek vessels, 1 04.- — Extenuation of the massacre, 105. — Barbarity of a Greek, 106. — Preca- rious condition of the Greeks, 107. — Erroneous expectations of Europeans who visit Greece, 1 08 — 1 1 1 . — Arsenal of Na- poli, 112. — Ingenuity of a Papas, 113. — Polonese officer, 114. Off Spetzia — Cerigo — Modon, 115. — Zante — Strivali — Ce- phalonia, 116. — Leucadia — Fate of Sappho, 117, 118. — Calamas — Greek refugees, 119. — Sir F. Adam — Departure of Mr. Power, 120. — Victory of the Greeks at Tripolitza, 121. — Thunder-storm — Greek fleet, 122. — Inertness of the Greeks, 123, 124. — Strange conduct of visitors to Greece, 125, 126. CHAPTER XIV. Spetzia, 127, — Capture of an Austrian vessel, 128. — Visit of Mav- rocordato, Miaoulis, and Tombasi, 129. — Personal appearance of Canaris, 130. — Plan for making Greece a kingdom, 131. — Extractfrom aFrerwh work, 132, 1 33. — Description of Countdi Gamba, 134. — Field of battle of Moulins, 135. — Depopulation of Argos, 136. — Description of a bass-relief, 137. — Success of the Greeks at Tripolit;za, 138,— Piracies near Hydra, 139. — -XU CONTENTS. Character of the Greeks, 140 — 144. — Letters of marque- Greek fire-ship, 145, 146. — Robbers — Two Greeks shot, 147. — Difficulty and danger among the Greeks of punishing rob- bers, 148, 149, — Treatment of Turkish prisoners by the Greeks, 150. — Victory at Missolonghi, 151. — Folly of the persons robbed, 152. — Insolence of one of them, 153. — Difficulty of the Primates, and conduct of Captain Hamilton, 154, 155. — Protest of General Roche and Mr. Washington, 156 — 158. — Remarks on the protest, 159. — Reply of the Greek govern- ment, 160. — Great Britain and Greece, 161 — 164. CHAPTER XV. Wanton destruction of columns, 166. — Tino — Houses — Dress, 167.— Smyi-na— Alarm of fire, 168— Greek artist, 169.— Interesting female, 170. — Arrival of Trelawny and his wife, 171. — Particulars of the affray in the cave, 172. — Another fire — Missionary to the Jews, 173. — Hospitality of Captain Hamilton, 174. — Singular privileges on board " the Gallic," 175 — 178. — Vourla — French and Austrians, 178. — American squadron — Massacre at Scio, 179. — Anecdote of Odysseus, 180. — Reported insurrection in Candia, 181. — The brother of Odysseus, 182. — Success of the Greeks, 183. — Greek expedi- tion to Alexandria, 184. — Conspiracy against Trelawny, 185. — Wife of Odysseus, 1 86. — Engagement between the Greeks and Turks, 187. — Failure of the expedition to Alexandria, 188. — Conduct of two Turkish Pachas, 189. — Antique bass-relief, 190. — Difficulty of procuring it, 191. — Cheating not peculiar to the Greeks, 192. — Motley group on board the Cambrian, 193. — Personal appearance of Ali Pacha, 194. — Treatment of him by the Greeks, 195. — Modon — Fortress — Description of the country, 196. — Pacha of Modon — Thunder-storm, 197. — Dishonourable use of a French vessel, 198. — Exchange of pri- soners — M. Jourdain, 199. CHAPTER XVI. Scardamoula — Kitries, 201. — Personal appearance of Pietro Bey, 202 Residence of Pietro Bey, 203. — Description of CONTENTS. Xilt Kitries, ^04. — Entertainment by Pietro Bey, 205. — Sleeping- apartment — Singular scene, 206, 207. — Family misfortunes of Pietro Bey, 208, 209.— Set out for Calamata, 210.— Calamata — Figs— Thunder-storm, 211. — Appearance of the country — Greek women, 212. — Opinion of the Greeks of the English, 213.— Servant of Pietro Bey — Dispute with a smith, 214. — Songs of Greek women — Agiophora, 215. — Rencontre with Greek soldiers, 216. — Behaviour of the Greeks towards the Turks, 217. — Reported death of Ibrahim Pacha, 218. — Mount Rhone — Ruined cottage, 219. — Scenery of Greece, 220. — Turkish encampment — Carytena — Megalopolis, 221.—. Rencontre with another Greek party, 222.— Approach to Tripolitza — Turkish commandant, 223. — Wretched ^condition of Tripolitza, 224. — Hospitality of the commandant of Tripo- litza, 225. — Appearance of the country, 226. — Rencontre with Greek soldiers, 227. — Fine scene for Salvator, 228. — Devasta- tions of the Turks, 229. — Bruliah — Pendedactylon — Mistra, 230. — The Eurotas — Sparta — The Acropolis, 231. — The burn- ing of Mistra, 232. — Change in the arrangements of the party, 233. — Dying Arabs — Devastations, 234. — Engagement be- tween the Turks and Greeks, 235. — Miserable condition of the Turkish army, 236. — Personal appearance of Ibrahim Pacha, 237.— Negotiation with the Pacha, 238—242. CHAPTER XVII. Conference with Ibrahim Pacha, 244. — Surrender of a Greek fortress, 245. — Personal appearance of Suleiman Bey, 246. — Rencontre with Greeks and Turkish women, 247. — Ancient church— Alarm, 248. — Mistra — Description of the country, 249. — Grand prospect — Useful Papas, 250.— Taygetus — Tepe ■^Langada, 251. — Magnificent pass of Langada, 252 — Excel- lent repast — Cultivation, 253. — Mountain scenery, 254. — Cultivation — Tremendous storm, 255. — Dangers of the jour- ney, 256. — Distance of the journey, 257. — Behaviour of the Greeks in our journey, 258. — Debasing effects of slavery, 259, 260. — General character of the Greeks, 261. — Debasing effects of slavery, 262. — Anecdotes of Mr. and Mrs. Trelawny, XIV CONTENTS. 263, 264. — Sapientza — Shipwreck there, 265. — Appearance of a comet, 266. — English brig — French captain, 267. — Conclusion of the journal, 268, 269. ESSAY ON THE FANARIOTES. PAGE Tlie Translator's Preface 273 The Author's Preface 277 CHAPTER I. Origin of the Fanariotes — Of the Gi-ammaticos — Creation of the dignity of Drogoman to the Divan — Drogoman of the Marine — Elevation of the Drogoman of the Divan to the Hospodariate — Employments reserved for the Native Boyars and Mussulmans — Places given by the Hospodar to the Fanariote Boyars — The Hospodar at Constanti- nople — His policy — His arrival at Bucharest — His recep- tion — Particulars of his mode of acting and living — Of the Native Boyars — their expenses — Their love of luxury — Of the Fanariote Boyars — Counsels which they give their Prince — Conduct of the Hospodar in his government — The wife of the Prince — Her revenues — Rapacity of the Boyars — Misfortunes of the people of Moldavia • 281 CHAPTER II. Of the Bache Capi Kiahaya, or representative of the Prince at Constantinople — Fanariote intrigues » • • • 315 CHAPTER III. Influence of the Fanariote party on the destiny of the Greeks — Discourse on this topic with the Archbishops Nico- medias, Dhercon, Sophias, and Thessalonicis — Confi- dence of the Greeks in this party — Mania of the Greeks for changing theii' patronymics ..... t 332 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER IV. PAGE Deposition of the Hospodars — Their return to Constantino- ple — Their mode of living there — What they do to recover their power — Their exile — Of Prince Suzzo 351 CHAPTER V. Of the Fanariote Boyars, after the deposition of their Prince —Education of their sons — Counsels of the Hospodar to his sons — Education of the Fanariote women — Divorce vmjustly instigated — Fanariote peculiarities • • • • 358 CONCLUSIONS DRAWN FROM THE PRECEDING CHAPTERS. Primitive nothingness of the Fanariotes — Quick elevation of the Fanariotes — Policy of the Sublime Porte in raising the Fanariotes to the Hospodariate — Motives which have induced the Sublime Porte to close its eyes on the tyranny of the Fanariote Hospodars — Reflections on the reunion of the Eastern and Western Churches — General reflec- tions on the Revolution of 1821 — Probabilities of its suc- cess — What mode of government would best suit the Greeks — On whom their choice ought to fall, should Greece become a monarchy — Fears with which the Fa- nariotes ought to inspire the Greeks ,«... .....# 377 ERRATA. VOL. I. 174, line 4 from bottom, /or Peleon read Pelioii 188, — 4 from bottom, /or son reorf son-in-law 189, — 5, ybr father read father-in-law 244, . — 3 from bottom, for matiekin read manikin 337, — last, for conscentia read conscientia VOL. IL : 70, line 2 from bottom, for omenous read ominous • 75, — 12, /or dumfounded read dumbfounded ■ 80, — 11, /or I forgot read I have forgot -115, — 12, /or Bobalina read Bobolino -131, — 5 from bottom, for Fanarcotes read Fanarioles - 161, — G,for Vironne etLeiback read Verone et Laybach - 175, — C, /or Guenara reat;? Guevara JOURNAL, CHAPTER I. We lost sight of England on the 12th of Oc- tober, 1824. Captain Fox, a son of Lord Holland, with his lady, a daughter of his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence ; Mr. Tennant, a relative of my Lord Yarborough ; his me- dical attendant ; and a Mr. Hall, were cabin passengers : a son of General Slade also par- took of the gun-room mess. Sunday, 17th Oct. — This morning the ser- vice of the church was performed on the main deck. I observed, with pleasure, the attention of the seamen ; who were, for the most part, regular in making the responses. About three o'clock P.M. we came in sight of the coast of Portugal ; the royal palace of Mafra was dis- tinctly perceptible, together with the town of Cintra. White houses glittering in the sun, VOL. I. B AMUSEMENT ON BOARD. united with the convent-crested granite rock, formed a sweetly picturesque object from the ship. Monday^ ISth Oct. — Passed Cape St. Vin- cent and Sagras about ten o'clock this morn- ing; the ship running before the wind. In Moore's words: " The sea was like an azure lake. And o'er its calm the vessel glides Gently, as if it fear'd to wake The anger of the slumb'ring tides." Towards evening the wind totally subsided ; and a sky radiant as the imagination could picture, gratified the sight. A broad golden line was thrown by the setting sun upon the waters ; while the small barks (some of which w^ere distinguished by the triangular felucca sail) moved slowly and gracefully along. On the Spanish coast Cape St. Maria presented itself with the mountains of Moncheque, en- veloped in a soft blue mist. The porpoise gamboled around the ship, as the sailors did within it. The fiddle put the limbs of the crew in motion, while the band on the quarter deck was employed in facilitating the officers' CADIZ^SPANISH PILOT. S execution of quadrilles. Mrs. Fox joined in them with much spirit. Tuesday y IQth Oct. — The wind becoming contrary during the night, we were driven back to the South coast of Portugal, and came within a few miles of Faro, a city of some magnitude. We observed the cathedral very distinctly. Friday^ 22d Oct. — The continuation of ad- verse winds induced the captain to put into Cadiz. At some distance from the town we took up a Spaniard. He had a singularly in- telligent countenance; and his round hat of grey cloth, blue naval jacket, and scarlet sash tied tightly to the waist, presented an object wdiich pleased perhaps from its novelty. A signal gun being fired for a pilot, a boat put off from the shore, and brought out a little fat man, whose appearance indicated a deep feel- ing of self-importance, Mhich was rendered truly ridiculous by his diminutive height and oleaginousness^ . Cadiz has an imposing as- * In a country of olives and olive-yards, perhaps such a word may be admissible. The term is not a bad one ; and describes well enough the oily sudatory character of the Spanish countenance not uncommon amongst the lower orders. B 2 4 CADIZ— SPANISH PILOT. pect from the sea. Its regularly built houses of white stone shine gaily in the sun ; and in addition to this, the numerous fleet of ships stationed off the town — some with their sails set, others at [anchor, interspersed with a va- riety oi feluccas, cruising up and down on the beautiful morning of our arrival, were ex- tremely enlivening. The fat pilot, on being desired to allow as much time as possible for the crew to take their wine, (such is the liberal establishment of the British navy !) with much of his country's haughtiness, replied, " that they would have time enough to take it after- wards,^* colouring at the same moment to the very brow, even through the dinginess of his sun-burnt complexion. It seemed to me a characteristic introduction to the land and the people — to that people who formerly required the Persian monarch, when addressing their king, to superscribe his epistles, — " au roi QUI A LE SOLEIL POUR CHAPEAU *.'' Se- veral French men of war are stationed off Cadiz; and a French garrison, we are told, is quartered in the town. * See Moreri. CADIZ— CATHEDRAL. Saturday^ 23d Oct. — I arose this morning at an early hour, that I might the more speedily gratify my curiosity in Cadiz. The approach to this place from the water is fine, and of a kind altogether new. The uniform and white-washed fronts of the houses, sur- mounted generally by a small turret, have a particularly pleasing effect, and render Cadiz a great attraction to foreigners. The first thing that struck me after passing the batteries, was the market. The peculiar cries of the renders of fruit and poultry, with their not less peculiar appearance, operated powerfully upon my ri- sible faculties. Wandering along at random, I accidentally turned into the old magnificent cathedral of Cadiz ; which is, and, I under- stand, has long been, in a state of repair. A great length of time must elapse before its com- pletion, which, indeed, may never take place : for the distresses brought upon the town by the revolution, have exhausted the funds of the ecclesiastics, not less than the property of the citizens. As much as they have done, however, to this building, is singularly beautiful. It displays much classical taste ; and its execu- tion equals the design. 6 CONVENT OF THE AUGUSTINES. From hence I turned to the convent of the Augustines. A number of females were offer- ing up their orisons — such at least ought to have been their employment. But though their " lips moved, there was war in the heart/' One damsel knelt before a small crucifix — her arms folded, so as to bring the fan which was contained in her right hand into pretty good play. This genial weapon, the auxiliary of love or war, was kept in constant motion ; while her eyes, rambling about as much as the position of the body would admit, were at- tracted to every object, save that which it might have been presumed she was contemplat- ing. Another, almost illimitable in bulk, with the utmost difficulty, " screwed" herself up to a " sticking-place." She reached, with laud- able exertion, the very steps of the altar, and there, as overcome by the unusual effort, squatted motionless on the ground. This is a common posture, and seems, among innumerable others^ the remains of Moorish habits. Like all the buildings of Roman Catholic worship, the one in question- (which is the chapel of the Augustine monastery) is adorned with a bewildering profusion of gold and silver — RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES. " wax, stone, wood/^ &c. : and unquestionably is " wondrous fine." But the impression left upon my mind was, that their devotion had converted the temple of the Deity into a toy- shop — the women into arrant coquettes, not to say worse; and the men into bigots. The mummery, so universally practised here, was disgusting enough; and seems to me the very last stage of a confirmed idiotcy. In conse- crating the host, we remark that the priest first bows to the crucifix, then elevates the cup as if to examine whether the expected liquid begins to flow, and how far it has risen. By and bye his hand is extended toward the crucifix, and wafted backwards and forwards from the cross to the cup, with the intent, as well as one can judge, of transferring the holiness of the relic to the wine he is about to administer. To this succeed bows and bell-ringing, touching of noses and chins and breasts, which last is un- derstood to typify the cross. Representations of saints, angels, virgins, and cherubs in every state and stage of beauty and deformity may here be met wiiji ; the most unhappy " pagod- looking things"' by the side of the ecstatic, downcast, dreary countenance of the blessed 10 IMAGES. virgin, or beatified saint. One of the latter I noticed elevating his head a considerable distance above his shoulders; and another, Avho was transfixed with nearly a dozen arrows ; judging by the placid expression of the mar- tyr's face, this might have been the pleasantest thing in the world. A multitude of w eeping Magdalenes, bedizened in the finest apparel, meet the eye at every turn ; and their sorrow- touched aspects, besmeared with a sufficiency of oil, give them a most sudatory character ; and this, I apprehend, is intended : the agony of their souls is presumed to facilitate a copious sweat, and to typify the exudation of mortal sin ! It is remarkable, that while they enjoin the votaries of religion in this w^orld, to discard the vanities of dress, they heap together upon these exemplars of sanctity, these waxen per- sonifications of good manners, all the gewgaws that female fancy could devise, or the female heart covet. Surely the prayer that is offered up at shrines so decorated, must needs parti- cipate in this their most palpable character- istic ; and instead of suggesting to the mind devout sentiments, are more calculated to call up from the innermost recesses of the heart the SPANISH WAITER. 9 dormant feelings of worldly vanity. The head- gear of Jezebel will fix the attention under these circumstances sooner than the Song of Deborah. " Religion, erst so venerable. What art thou now, but made a fable ? A holy mask on Folly's brow ; Where under lies Dissimulation, Lined with all abomination, — Sacred Religion ! where art thou * ?" At a Caf6 where the waiters spoke but little French I had some difficulty in making myself understood : after many trials, one of them brought pen and ink, and with much delibera- tion and affected solemnity scrawled *' Non intelligo tuam linguam." Here was at least a guide for future communication : and though the latinity of this erudite " slave of the cofFee- cup^' was, as might have been expected, of the worst description, it was more intelligible than his French. I was curious to know where he had acquired his learning, and to what end he had dedicated any portion of time to that * Joshua Sylvester. 10 SPANISH HOUSES. which he must have found a very useless at- tainment. With the precision of a parrot, however, his only answer was " Ego sum sco- lasticus' or " Ego Josephus d Lestone/' &c. &c. Josephus seemed very proud of his know- ledge, and not less of the opportunity (which I fancy occurred but seldom) of displaying it. In proof thereof he honoured me with a very cordial shake of the hand at parting. I did not see him again, but in a subsequent part of the day, having occasion to pass the door of his Cafe, I distinctly heard a sonorous " Mon- sieur, Monsieur V* which it did not at that time altogether suit me to reply to. The rest of this day was consumed in stroll- ing about the streets of Cadiz. The loftiness of the houses, not less than their regularity, has a pleasing appearance. The windows are generally covered with an iron grating, in most cases painted green, which forms a good con- trast to the whiteness of the walls. The ex- treme vicinity of the opposite side of the street makes these gratings necessary for the inha- bitants ; and if the female part of them is as much addicted to intrigue as report avers, it is well that even such precaution is adopted. SPANISH WOMEN. ll There is most commonly a balcony to every window. The lower parts of these dwellings are used as warehouses, and sometimes as stables, to which you enter by an immense door, full of iron knobs. The richer sort have them of brass, which they keep in a high state of polish. On passing through this door the visitor is brought into a small square area, which is the centre of the mansion, and being uncovered, serves to admit the air to every part of the building : around the square are the apartments of the family. In some in- stances the area contains a fountain, which, of course, contributes much to the coolness of the place. To the great door is attached a string, which is carried into the apartment above: when any one knocks, the door immediately opens, and you enter without observing by whom you are admitted, or to whom you are to address yourself. But a voice presently directs your ascent, and you then enter the room inhabited by the family without trou- bling its inmates to descend and receive your message. The women appear but little restricted in their actions ; and the crowds that flock to the 12 SPANISH WOMEN. Alameyda, a fashionable promenade, which almost every town in Spain is provided with, gives occasion to a world of coquetry, and, as I fear, to all its concomitant evils. The inha- bitants begin to assemble about five o^clock, the females possessing themselves of stone seats arranged on each side of the Alamevda : here they sit for the inspection of those who please to honour them with their notice. I have seen servant girls in England drawn up in ranks to be hired, and I have observed cattle penned up in Smithfield for sale ; the obliging reader may adopt whichever similitude he considers good — he will not err greatly m either. Of the beauty of Spanish women, much has been said ; but the specimens which are to be found in Cadiz do not justify the character, at least so far as they fell under my observation. They have almost universally brilliant eyes; but, some few excepted, their features are without regularity, and possess a degree of harshness, which, I need scarcely add, age does not improve : the majority of them are corpulent and gross ; and though the eye loses little of its lustre by time, yet the face acquires EARLY MARRIAGES. IS an early coarseness, and a sallower tinge. The precocity of the Spaniards is one cause of this, but more probably it is to be attributed to matrimony contracted in extreme youth. " The hasty marriages in tender years,'^ said the discerning Raleigh, " wherein nature being but yet green and growing, we rent from her, and replant her branches, while herself hath not yet any root sufficient to maintain her own top ; and such half-ripe seeds (for the most part) in the growing up wither in the bud, and wax old even in their infancy ^." Such is the case precisely with the women in Spain; a very few years destroys whatever beauty they could once boast, and leaves them not only destitute of every personal grace, but utterly repulsive and disgusting. What effect this rapid dege- neracy of the body has upon the mind, is a question I can only guess at. Bigotry and an increased splenetic temperament are not un- likely sometimes to result — a rigid unconcili- ating feeling — happy in being the cause of unhappiness to others, and in cherishing, to the close of life, a rankling jealousy, which, * Hist, of the World, Book I. p. 46. fol. 14 SPANISH PLAY. in the regret it treasures for departed graces, would blast every bud as it expands itself in early beauty, and spread around the contami- nation of a diseased mind and a wasting body. The dress of Spanish females is similar in all the grades of society, with the exception, of course, that finer materials are used by the more wealthy. Their walking habiliment con- sists of a black gown, covering the neck ; the hinder part of the head is enveloped in a black lace mantle, or in a black silk one with a broad border of lace. This costume to the elder part of society is very unfavourable. It ex- hibits a few dirty grey hairs straggling over a sallow wrinkled forehead, the delicacy of the Spanish women seldom inducing them to cleanse the hair of the scurf to which it is more than commonly liable. This evening we witnessed the performance of a new Spanish play. The author was neither more nor less than the vSeiior who represented one of the principal characters. Our party, not understanding the language, thought it intolerably dull : there was no incident, and so few characters as to make much incident nearly impossible. The speeches were inordi- EXCURSION TO XERES. 15 nately long ; and an occasional laugh, whether at the play, or at the man, or at both, was the only indication of public applause. They re- mained, however, to the conclusion, with a most assiduous and laudable patience, and then rewarded the actor-author with a few re- freshing plaudits. Surely, thought I, 'tis a good-natured people ! The language seems sonorous, though without the musical cadence of the Italian. Sunday, 24 CHAPTER III. Tuesday, 23c? Nov, — To-day I made the tour of the Bourbonic Museum, in which the contents of Herculaneum and Pompeii, &c. &c. have been deposited. Amongst other things an exquisite bust of Caracalla, two feet and a half high, particularly delighted me : there is great expression in the face, and the disposi- tion of the hair is admirable. A full length statue of Aristides in the act of haranguing, and Silenus intoxicated and reclining on a skin of wine, are each in their way delicious specimens of ancient sculpture ; they were found in Her- culaneum. Indeed, the statuary brought from this place alone is very extensive, and will afford many an hour of rich gratification. - In another part of the museum is preserved a vast variety of grain in the different states, discovered in Herculaneum, besides a burnt 60 NAPLES— BOURBONIC MUSEUM. loaf of bread eight inches and a half in dia- meter marked ZRISQCRA/VI R.ISER...... This inscription, whatever it may imply, re- minds one of the present practice of marking gingerbread and cakes. There are also snares, threads, and a bird-net — probably such as Horace mentions in the second ode of the fifth book— - " Amite levi rara tendit retittf Turdis edacibus dolos ; Pavidumve leporem, et advenam laqueo gruem, Jucunda captat proemia." And what is not the least curious, there is a quantity of linen cloth found in the washing- tub. In a painter's shop at Pompeii was disco- vered a pot of verde antique of an earthy cha- racter, and probably amalgamated with some mineral. Two bronze seats, exactly similar to our garden chairs, deserve attention : with a num- ber of helmets, cuirasses, spears, quivers, &c. Sec, used both by the Greeks and Romans. A NAPLES— BOURBONIC MUSEUM. 61 considerable quantity of rouge, metal looking- glasses, distaffs, ivory pins and bodkins, sur- geons' instruments, &c. are arranged in tolera- ble order. Nearly three thousand Grecian vases have been collected, of which many are extremely beautiful. Of the picture galleries no mention is necessary ; they contain the workmanship of the first artists in the world, and have been perhaps sufficiently illustrated by members of the' fraternity. The most cu- rious, and to many the most interesting, part of this collection will be the Papyri or ancient manuscripts found in the library of a disciple of Epicurus at Herculaneum, during the last century ; they have the appearance of char- coal, and were so considered when originally met with. The account given of this discovery at Naples is, that on continuing the excavation an ink-stand and a number of pens were turned up, together with two or more bronze busts of Epicurus, whose name was thereon engraven : hence, concluding that the place in question was a library, by the assistance of one Antonio Piaggio, a monk, the Papyri were unrolled, although with extreme difficulty. The follow- ing is given as the process, but I am unable to 62 NAPLES— MODE OF UNHOLLTNG THE PAPYRI. vouch for its authenticity, circumstances having prevented me from inspecting it. " At the bottom of a glass box are fixed two metal screws inserted in a like number of semicircular plates, on which the roll of Papyrus is placed in an horizontal direction. These screws are used to raise or depress the Pa- pyrus. " The roll being placed upon the semicir- cular plates, and the beginning ascertained by means of incisions made as it revolves, threads are run through it and fastened to the upper part of the box, which support and draw up the Papyrus as it is gradually unfolded. In this state gold-beaters" leaf is applied to the back of the writing moistened with isinglass of more or less consistency, as the case may re- quire. Thus strengthened, the unrolled Pa- pyrus is drawn up, and when the surface of one page is found to adhere to another it is disen- gaged by means of a pointed iron. This pro- cess is continued till the whole be developed. ^ " In this situation it is spread over a small table, and an exact engraving is immediately taken. The defective parts are then suppliecl, avoiding every alteration of the original, and NAPLES— LIBRARY— THEATRE OF SAN CARLOS. GS undergoing a minute inspection by competent persons appointed for that purpose. It is now sent to the press, and afterwards translated into Latin ; the defective parts being carefully filled up and distinguished by red ink/' About four hundred and eight of these Papyri have been unfolded, and of these eighty- eight are legible throughout, the rest are frag- ments. In the year 1793 two volumes were published, the one containing a work on music, by Philodemus, (probably a writer of licentious verses in the time of Cicero,) and the other a fragment of a Latin Poem of uncertain date, A third volume is either published or about tQ issue from the press. The unsuccessful result of Sir Humphrey Davy's efforts in unrolling the Papyri is well known. The library is said to contain 180,000 printed volumes, (but I doubt the accuracy of this information) and nearly five thousand ma- nuscripts, amongst which is one of Tasso, and another of no less a personage than Saint Thomas Aquinas. In the evening of this day we went to the theatre of San Carlos. It is certainly deco-f rated with great splendour, and not without 64 NAPLES— EXCURSION TO VESUVIUS. some taste. The scenery is excellent, as well as the music : respecting the rest I am silent. The king was present, a long, thin, and ve- nerable personage, with powdered hair, and four or five stars glittering upon his sober suit of black. The Duke of Calabria sat in an ad- joining box. Wednesday, ^^^th Nov, — About ten o'clock I set out with a companion for Vesuvius, though the day was extremely unpromising : but we thought it better to avail ourselves of the first opportunity, rather than lose altogether the sight of one of the most magnificent spectacles in nature. Arriving at Portici, a town built upon the ruins of Herculaneum, we obtained asses and a guide. The ascent is by a water- course, and greatly obstructed by the large pieces of broken lava which the torrent has left. We arrived at the hermitage about one o'clock, and were met by a "jolly friar,^' who invited us into his mansion. This we declined, for our coachman mistaking his orders carried us at least three miles beyond the place of ascent ; we had therefore no time to lose, and accordingly hastened up the mountain with all celerity. A little beyond the hermitage is a NAPLES— EXCURSION TO VESUVIUS. 66 wooden cross, to which, at Pentecost, all Naples marches in procession : here a feast is held, and perhaps it is to this " work of mens' hands'' that the prayer of the Catholic arises, accompanied, it may be, by that curious spe- cimen of idolatrous bigotry of which Bishop Hall has preserved a copy. It is well worth transcription. " HYMNUS AD CRUCEM. " Aracrucis, Lampas lucis. Sola salus hominum : Nobis pronum, Fac patronnm, Quem tulisti dominum." At this time the summit of Mount Vesuvius was enveloped in clouds, and though our guide assured us that they would disperse before we had climbed so high, yet it was all along ex- ceedingly doubtful. In fact they did not ; and all our labour, all the pain of the ascent was not remunerated even by a transient glimpse of the bay and country of Naples. The crater of the volcano was filled with mist, and the whole cone was shrouded with a very thick cloud. Thus situated, it was thought best to VOL. I. r €6 VESUVIUS— NEAPOLITAN GUIDE, make our way down as fast as possible, for the dew began to penetrate our clothes, while a strong wind loosed the tufo from the apex of the mountain, and blew it with considerable violence into our eyes. I had no idea of the difficulty of the ascent, and was glad, even with all these disadvantages, to seat myself on the edge of the crater. As we descended the rain began, and before we returned to the house of Salvatori (our guide) we were completely drenched. He desired us to insert our names in a book kept for that purpose, and various were the comments, and as various the lan- guages, that we met with. The best of our wetting was, that it introduced us to the wife and children of our guide, who were as fine a specimen of Neapolitan beauty as I have seen. A lovely child of four or five years lay in the cradle ill of the typhus fever, and another of thirteen or fourteen, full of sprightliness and simplicity, busied herself in aiding our attempts to dry our clothes ; while the mo- ther, who must have been a fine woman in her day, vigorously wafted a chaling-dish with the bottom of her petticoat ! The room was hung iK)und with tolerable paintings in oil of several I EXCURSION TO PUZZUOLI, 67 members of the royal family, which Salvatori informed us he had purchased at Naples. After swallowing a cordial glass of annisette, we got into our carriage and drove rapidly back. In the evening we were present at the representa- tion of Acis and Galatea, in the Opera del Fondo, and retired to our quarters with no other effect of the journey than fatigue. Thursday^ 9>5th Nov. — The rain fell vio- lently all the morning, and the water " rushed like a torrent'^ down the slopes of the streets. I contrived, however, to get up to the citadel of St. Elmo, a strong fortress upon a high rock which commands the town. It is garrisoned by Austrian troops, and is curious from being principally cut through the solid rock, as from the winding and precipitous paths which lead to it. The view from the summit is fine, ex- tending over the city and country of Naples, the bay, Appennines, &c. &c. * Friday, 26th Nov. — It being determined that we should return on board the Cambrian this afternoon, a short excursion to Puzzuoli, the ancient Puteoli, was proposed and acceded to ; in consequence of which we set forth about ten o'clock in the morning, and passed through f2 68 EXCURSION TO PUZZUOLI. a most singular excavation of rock three quar- ters of a mile long and from seventy to eighty feet high, called the Grotto of Posilippo, where Madame de Stael tells us '* des milliers de Lazzaroni passent leur vie, en sortant seule- ment a midi pour voir le soleil, et dormant le reste du jour, pendant que leurs femmes filent/^ By which it would seem that they never eat, though they may dream of eating, but subsist on sunshine and sleep. However, I saw no- thing of it. In this place is the tomb of Virgil. We traversed a rich country, the road lying through vineyards, which now began to exhibit the fall of the leaf. Reaching the sea-shore, we wound along huge rocks, all more or less consecrated by legends of other days. The promontory of Misenus and the Lucrine lake are at no great distance ; and a little beyond Puzzuoli is Baiee, so celebrated for its baths and the luxury and lasciviousness of which it once was the scene. Our time was too li- mited to enable us to inspect it ; and our ob- ject had been to see the Temple of Serapis, of which a few relics 3 et remain in Puzzuoli. The ancient baths here have been replaced by modern ones, and this, added to the vicinity of EXCURSION TO PUZZUOLI— CALIGULA'S BRIDGE— CUMjE. 69 numerous cottages, has a bad effect. Three pillars are standing, and certain parts of the baths, but there is little of interest. Cicero's villa occupied an eminence near this temple, and the site may be seen from it. It is covered Avith orange groves, M^hich also look down upon the fallen columns and dilapidated baths of Serapis. Returning to the sea-shore we be- held the remains of Caligula^s Bridge, which it is said this emperor designed to carry over to Baias. It now extends but a little way, and is so broken as to resemble stepping-stones placed across a brook : the arches are completely gone. On the right is the town of Cumae, ce- lebrated for its vicinity to the SybiFs cave. The market-place of Puzzuoli has an ancient statue erected to the memory of M. Flavius. On our way back we met the Duke of Calabria and two ladies of the royal family, who had descended from their carriages and were walk- ing in the dust of the public road ; a singular taste surely ! The duke returned our salutation with much politeness. We dined on board the Cambrian, and, though the wind was contrary, beat out of the bay early on the following morning for Genoa, 70 SHOOTING A SHARK. hy order of the admiral, for the purpose of con- veying Sir Manley Power to Malta. On Satur- day and Sunday it blew heavily, and not a few of us suffered. On Tuesday it became calm, and a shark about six feet long was observed following the ship, accompanied by six or eight prettily marked fish, caWed pilot-Jish. We endeavoured to hook him, but could not suc- ceed, and he was at last shot by an officer of the ship, Lieut. Christie, an admirable marks- man : the ball entered his neck, and appeared to have penetrated the heart ; he rolled over, and, before a boat could be lowered, sunk to the bottom. Wednesday^ 1st Dec. — This day and yester- day the men were ordered to fire the main- deck guns at a mark, about one hundred and fifty yards distant. Several excellent shots were made. Still calm. Thursday^ 2d Dec. — A fine breeze, " fair as breeze may be,^' sprang up last night, and has continued all the day. Early this morn- ing we passed Monte Christi, Pianoso, and the Isle of Elba on the right, with the high land of Corsica on the left. The sun, breaking with difficulty through a thick cloud, gilded the GENOA. 71 snowy tops of the mountains with a bright rosy tinge. About noon we passed Cape Corso, and expect to reach our destination to-night. Friday, 3d Dec. — Early this morning we come in sight of " Genoa la Superbe/' as it has been styled ; and certainly the beauty of its situation may warrant the appellation. It is built at the foot of the Appennines, which tower majestically around it. To the East, as we entered the bay, the rising sun gilded the highest peaks of the mountains, which were then enveloped in snow; and on the West, the dark purple cope of the morning discovered to us the outline of another bay, of considerable extent. The scenery here appears as if the waves of the sea had risen " mountains high,'' and in that position had been struck like the Phseacian ship in the Odyssey, by the angry power of Neptune. The undulations are a remarkable object in the spectacle, and supply its greatest charm. Genoa is situated in a kind of amphitheatre, and its suburbs extend for many miles along the sea-shore. The numbers^of detached villas, seated on every eminence, seem like stragglers from the main flock, which repose in the sun- 72 GENOA— PALACES— FEMALE ATTIRE. shine on a lower and more distant point. The mole, on which the light-house stands, has been a work of some labour, and adds to the pic- turesque appearance of the bay. But the town itself by no means corresponds with the ideas which the approach to it inspires. The streets are extremely narrow ; and, with the excep- tion of one or two, most miserable. There are, however, some magnificent palaces, although not, in their present state, sufficient to justify Madame de Stael's high-flown assertion, that the main street (the Strada Nuova) seems built for a " congress of kings/' Most of them have been painted externally, but the paint is now nearly effaced. Many of the noblest stair- cases are dilapidated ; and the venders of fruits, engravings, Sec. occupy the lower parts of the deserted mansion. The most striking thing in Genoa, is the gay 7nantilla of the females, although it is by no means general, the ma- jority confining themselves to a simple white. It is sufficiently worn, however, to give a pe- culiar and picturesque air to their appearance, which is much increased by the regular and handsome features exhibited beneath. This, added to the cleanliness of their persons, gives GENOA— DUCAL PALACE. 73 them a decided superiority over women of the like class at Naples. Yet the same disgusting smells prevail in the streets of Genoa; and garlick, in all its various degrees of rankness, breathes a sort of pestilence around them. As the birth-place of Columbus and Andrea d' Auria, Genoa is entitled to respect ; but it retains few monuments of antiquity, and those are of minor interest. Its paintings, indeed, which are numerous and rich, will long con- tinue to attract the stranger ; and the marble statues, which decorate some of its palaces and churches, are, no doubt, deserving every at- tention. But with few exceptions, I should describe Genoa, notwithstanding what has been said of its commercial importance, as one vast ruin. The principal palaces are un- inhabited and desolate; and even the resi- dence of the celebrated D 'Auria is neglected and hastening rapidly to decay. His statue has not found a better fate : stones, " weeds, and ordure, rankle round the base/' The Ducal palace, (destroyed by fire in 1777? two years previous to the change of govern- ment,) a building of considerable extent, has been converted into public offices. It contains 74- GENOA— SACRO GATING. a magnificent saloon, where the Senate meet, ornamented with paintings in stucco, and marble pillars of the Corinthian order. A gallery for the convenience of spectators runs along the summit. They shew here the prow of a Roman ship, said to be the remains of one employed in the defence of Genoa against Mago, the Carthagenian general. The reader may believe or reject this story, as he thinks proper. Amongst the other marvels of Genoa, there is an extraordinary cup, entitled Sacro Catino, which has been the subject of much discussion. It ought to be mentioned in an account of the Cathedral of St. Laurence ; but, as it is doubt- ful whether I shall think it meet to gratify the reader in this case, although the church in question resembles a marble magpie, and has the unfortunate Saint, after whom it is named, broihng upon a gridiron above its gate, I shall proceed to extract from an authentic history whatever the Genoese have thought good to promulgate concerning it. And here, again, I submit the account to the pleasure of the reader. " On conserve, dans la sacristie de cette GENOA— SACRO CATINO. 75 Metropolitaine, un monument des plus pre- cieux que Ton connaisse ; c'est le vase d^Eme- raude, connu da7is toute la ChretiSmietS sur le nom de Sacro Catino, trouve a la prise de Cesaree en la Palestine, faite par le vaillant Guillaume Embriaco en 1101. Ce vase fut choisi par les Genois de preference a tons les biens de la ville. Le gouvernement Fran^ais s'en empara en 1809? et il fut transporte a Paris jusqu'a la paix de 1815, qui fut rendu avec tous les objets d'arts enleves pendant la Revolution. II est gard6 soigneusement, et on obtient difficilement la permission de le voir. La grandeur de ce Catino est d^un pan sept onces et demie, mesure de Genes, sa cir- conference est de cinq pans moins un once ; il est de forme exagone ayant deux anses, dont une est polie et Tautre ebauchee. On pretend que c^est dans ce vase que Notre Seigneur mangea VAgneau pascal avec ses disciples. Les critiques les plus habiles ne sont pas d'ac- cord sur cette pretention, quoiqu^il en soit, c'est une piece precieuse et fort ancienne, puisque Ton va jusqu'a dire, quelle faisait partie des presens que la Reine de Saba offrit d, Salomon et qui, etaient gardes dans les tresors du temple J' 76 GENOA— SACRO CATINO— CHURCH OF- NOTRE DAME. This venerable Emerald cup was carefully examined by the French savans, and ascer- tained, beyond doubt, to be composed of glass ! But the remainder of its merits is, I suppose, yet under consideration. Could an- tiquaries prove it to have belonged to the queen of Sheba, they might probably trace up its origin still higher? Who knows but that Adam may have presented it to Methuselah ; who might hand it to Noah. Noah might trans- mit it to Shem, Ham, or Japheth ; and Shem, Ham, or Japheth, to some of their acquaint- ance. How the queen of Sheba came by it, may not be quite clear; but since she presented it to Solomon, there can be no dispute about her having possessed it. Harder matters than this have been got over ; and the public may shortly expect to see a profound dissertation on the subject. I wish, with all my heart, that this point was satisfactorily determined ; not only for the comfort of the Genoese, but for the honour of Solomon, and the queen of Sheba. The Church of Notre Dame des Vignes, is one of the most ancient and distinguished. The nave is supported by sixteen columns of solid GEXOA— CHURCH OF ST. MARY DE CARIGNAN. 77 marble, and the ceiling beautifully painted by Paganetto. But then, that which renders it remarkable, is " un tableau de la Sainte Vierge, trouve miraculeusement en 1603/' However, in despite of the surprising circum- stance here recorded, the most beautiful struc- ture in Genoa, in my opinion, is the Church of St. Mary de Carignan. It was built at the sole expence of the family of Saoli, in imita- tion, as it is said, of St. Peter's at Rome. But the similarity is denied by Mr. Eustace. One great merit of this building is the chaste and simple style of the decorations of its interior, contrasted with the vitiated taste of the rest of the Genoese churches. Four colossal statues by Puget are admirable ; and especially one of St. Sebastian undergoing the tortures of mar- tyrdom. The face is marked by an expression of the keenest agony ; and the body seems actually to writhe in the bitterness of mortal suffering. Here are some fine pictures also by Piola, Carlo Maratti, Procaccini, and Guercino. From the gallery of the highest cupola, there is an extensive prospect of Genoa on the East ; and on the opposite quarter, the eye enjoys a beautiful diversity of mountains 13 78 GENOA— BRIDGE OF CARIGNAN. and valleys, country seats, and trelliced walks, covered with vines. To the right is the sea ; over which fishing-boats skim with their felucca sails. Further on is a large bay ; and to the left rise the mountains, crowned with fortified posts : here and there a church, with other picturesque appearances. On a fine day the Island of Corso can be distinguished from this point. Close by the church is the bridge of Carignan, which unites two hills. It is com- posed of seven arches, but has little to recom- mend it except its immense elevation. A street is below, and the tops of the loftiest houses, though many of them seven stories high, are seen far beneath it. At this time they were drying wheat, which was spread out in nicely arranged portions upon the pavement of the bridge. The Hon. Captain Spenser, of the Naiad, sailed a few days before our arrival at Genoa. He brought the Sardinian court information of a pacific arrangement having been made with the Algerine powers, in place of an expected war. It seems his most gracious majesty was so delighted with the intelligence, that he ordered on board, as a present to the 15 GENOA— THEATRICAL REPRESENTATIONS. 79 English frigate, a calf and a basket of vege- tables. Captain Spenser directed the consul to pay for them, supposing, perhaps, that such unbounded liberality might reduce too ma- terially the state's revenue ! — A consideration highly laudable, and which, I trust, his majesty will duly estimate. Tuesday, 7th Dec. — On Monday evening I was present at the representation of one of Goldoni's comedies, at the theatre San Augustino : I thought the acting excellent. This evening the puppets, at one of the minor theatres, afforded me considerable diversion. The plot, as far as I could understand it, re- presented a nun, who had transgressed her vows. ' She is struck with remorse, and con- sumes her days in " penitence and prayer.'' The devil, enraged at the loss of a proselyte, endeavours to draw her back into error, but is put to flight by a furious speech of her con- fessor, who enters during the struggle. The last scene discovers the penitent on her death- bed, and the monk exhorting her to be of good cheer. The whole of this was admirable. The faint melancholy tones of the expiring sinner, her mental and corporeal exhaustion, 80 GENOA— THEATRICAL REPRESENTATIONS. were excellently well acted. The puppet, at intervals, elevated the hands and the head, so as to give great effect to what was going on. Perhaps an exception might be taken to the colour of the cheeks ; they were certainly too rubious ; yet the spectator might indeed have concluded, that her repentance was of a most cor Jia/ nature. But, in short, infinitely more pa- thos was manifested than I should have thought it possible to represent by mechanism. An interlude followed, representing harlequin and his wife dancing to the music of three grotesque figures. This ended in a battle-royal, and so, exeunt oinnes. The concluding part of the performance was very long and very stupid. It consisted in a succession of scenes without meaning, save that it appeared a most un- happy effort to dramatize certain passages of Ariosto. There were grifBns and hypogriffins, Archimagos and Bradamantes, " tag-rag and bob-tail three or four scores.^' I employed the whole of this day in running over certain palaces ; the Cambrian having been detained by contrary winds. It was, indeed, the Cap- taints intention to sail on the very day of our arrival, provided Sir Manley and Lady Power EXCURSIVE REMARKS. 81 could SO arrange it. But his sister-in-law, a daughter of Lieutenant-General Cockburn, happening to be then in Genoa, Sunday was fixed for our departure. Unfavourable weather has since kept us in harbour. I wish to observe, that in the desultory ob- servations I have made relating to the capital of Liguria, I have been led by a desire to avoid as much as possible the common track of other travellers ; not only because of the small degree of interest which it appears to me this place is capable of exciting ; but because it would only be a wearisome repetition of what others have said. I have, therefore, omitted many things which might, perhaps, have been detailed in a journal, as well in this as at other places which we have visited. I have no intention to pre- sent a guide-book to the public. Whatever strikes me, I shall commit to paper ; embodying such reflections as the occasion may suggest, without much regard to systematic arrange- ment. Details of pictures, and statues, and palaces, are, at best, but a mawkish kind of reading :— people rarely agree about these things, or rise much better or wiser from the perusal. And it would be impossible to con- VOL. I. G 82 EXCURSIVE REMARKS. vey, even to an amateur, any considerable portion of that pleasure which an inspection of the originals may have produced. But the majority of mankind are not amateurs ; and, of those who call themselves such, how many are governed by affectation, by fashion, — by any thing but a real taste. A book, therefore, which abounds much in these matters, may not be a bad book ; but the chances are greatly in favour of its being thought so. In reality, these are subjects which should be seen, — not read of; examined in person, — not judged of at second-hand. As a taste for them cannot be acquired by reading, so neither by reading can a matured taste find a solid gratification. It is the feast of the Barmecide ; subtile, un- substantial fare ; a vapour exhaled by the ap- petite, and lost in the warmth of its embrace. Descriptions of natural objects, on the other hand, I shall omit no opportunity of giving. Here the scene lives — breathes : art has not contaminated its beauty, nor diminished the brilliancy of its character. Instead of a feeble copy, the eye dwells upon a glowing original, and the impression, which it carries to the feelings, has a vividness and a fidelity of re- RETURN TO MALTA. S3 flection which not unfrequently penetrates to the heart of the reader. It may be conse- crated by the past glory of man, or it may exist only in its own; but in either case it speaks with all the luxury of sentiment, and all the loveliness of truth. Wednesday^ Sth Dec. — Early this morning a gun was fired from the ship as a signal for departure. About nine o^clock Major General Sir Manley Power and his family came on board, and the Cambrian set sail immediately after. The swell has been considerable to-day, though it is now perfectly calm. Friday, 10th Dec. — This morning we passed the Islands of Gorgona and Capriara, blowing pretty freshly. Elba and Monte Christi were on our lee-bow about noon. Monday, 13th Dec. — It blew exceedingly hard all yesterday night, but the wind was fair ; they term it a Grecario, it is the north- east, and by seven this morning brought us to Malta. The waves ran high, and dashed beau- tifully against the rocks as we entered the har- bour of Valetta. In the evening was the first public ball of G 2 84 MALTA— MRS. CHARLES FOX. this season. The assembly room, once the re- sidence of a knight of Malta, is of magnificent dimensions, as indeed most of their houses were. It possesses a property in which others are deficient, that of having a boarded floor, but the value of this is very greatly diminished by the customary flooring of stone beneath. However, as there is not another thing of the kind in the island, it must be considered a great acquisition. I had the pleasure to meet again Captain (now Major) and Mrs. Fox at this ball, who, it seems, have fixed their resi- dence at La Floriana, about a mile distant from the capital. Mrs. Fox is looking remarkably well, and appears highly satisfied with her new abode : this pleases me, for very few have the power of creating and securing esteem more effectually than Mrs. Charles Fox. The truly feminine softness of her manner, aided by the kindness and goodness of her heart, possesses an almost irresistible attraction, and leaves her friends doubtful whether she should be prized more for the gentleness of disposition which prompts, or for the natural delicacy of character which envelopes and embalms her every action. For many a really kind feeling has been ren- REMARKS ON MANNERS. 85 dered nugatory by the method which some people adopt in discovering it; and many a good deed has become inefficient and revolt- ing, merely from the want of a delicate consi- deration, a generous expression as well as a generous thought. It is the failure in this which makes obligations so odious, and ingrati- tude so common. Motives are apt to be mis- taken, not less when favours are conferred than when they are denied; and I have frequently known more pain communicated by the first than by the second : all this arises purely from manner, and therefore I feel justified in ap- plauding, and even in joining it (where they both equally exist) with the native feeling which precedes and probably generates it. I would almost lay it down as an axiom, that a benevolent feeling will necessarily produce benevolent expression, whatever may be the harshness of feature, or general want of polish, in the individual who experiences it ; and that whenever it is otherwise all is not as it should be. There is a material defect somewhere ; and I am also persuaded that this expression, when not the result of its proper feeling, can never be assumed : imitation and artifice may 86 MALTA— EXCURSION TO ST. A^ITONIO. do much, but they cannot vary with circum- stances so minute as are required here; they cannot copy what they neither see nor under- stand ; a general outhne may in some cases be caught up, but it will scarcely deceive the most inexperienced. It is the genuine child of sym- pathy, the natural consequence of an under- standing head and a feeling heart, and without these the master-chord of another's bosom will never respond. Major Fox on this occasion introduced me to the Rev. Mr. Cleugh, the government chap- lain. I think him a valuable acquaintance. Tuesday, 14th Dec. — I breakfasted with Mr. Cleugh, and afterv/ards rode with him to St. Antonio, a country seat of the Marquis of Hastings. The prospect is very peculiar; it resembles a desolate waste with a few strag- gling patches of verdure in certain fortunate situations ; yet even these the dryness of the soil, which is chiefly formed of the pounded rock and perchance some minute particles of compost, togedier with the warmth of the at- mosphere, render so parched that a bright spot of green is seldom visible. In some places it is impossible for a caleche to travel ; and one MALTA— MODE OF CATCHING tRAWNS. 87 is surprized that even the sure-footed ponies, so common in this country, can maintain their ground. As we passed along, a number of Maltese were fishing in an angle of the harbour for shrimps, or rather prawns, which alone are caught here. Their method is, to drop small nets attached to a hoop into the water, with baits fastened to the meshes; a cork, connected with the net, floats above, and this apparatus is deposited at intervals along the shore. They pass from one to another, and examine their contents by means of a kind of wooden fork with two prongs, which catches hold of the float and raises the net. Half a dozen prawns at a time is as much as they catch ; but their patience, or as others term it, their indolence, is invincible. In returning we passed an aque- duct of some importance, which communicates with La Valetta ; — this work was eftected by the knights of Malta : the harbours form beau- tiful objects from a great variety of points, dividing one town from another on each side of the capitol : thus it may be called a moun- tain Venice, or as Lord Byron has said of the latter, with less propriety perhaps, ^8 MALTA— SEARCH FOR BOOKS. " She looks a sea Cybele, fresh from oceair^ Rising with her tiara of proud towers At airy distance, with majestic motion, A ruler of the waters and their powers :"" for the town is built upon a rock of consider- able magnitude, and a small Grecian temple, erected to the memory of Sir Alexander Ball, crowns the summit of the point which first catches the eye on entering the harbour of Valetta. Besides which, the surrounding forti- fications, which w ind in every possible diversity of form, might give an additional impulse to an imaginative mind : — to such I leave the matter. IVednesday, 15fh Dec. — This day was em- ployed in rambling up and down Valetta in pursuit of old books : many a dusty volume did I turn over, and many a fat w^orm trembled in its narrow confines as I adventured forth. I found little, however, of moment ; though from the various revolutions which Malta has seen, and the probable ransacking of the monastery, libraries, &c. some curious volumes might have been looked for ; but I apprehend that there have been some diligent investigators before me. Amongst others, I obtained *' Traite de MALTA— EMANUEL PINTO. 89 rAdministration des Bois de TOrdre de Malte, dependans de ses Grands-Prieures, Bailliages et Commanderies dans le Royaume de France/' Printed at Paris in 4to. 1757, " avec appro- bation et permission/* This book is a presenta- tion copy from the author to the Grand Master Emanuel Pinto, the last Superior, as he is called, of the order. In courage and ability he equalled at least, if he did not surpass, the most celebrated of his predecessors; and the weakness and inanity of the few who succeeded him place them out of all competition. The book in question is handsomely bound in Russia, with the arms of the grand master stamped and gilded on the back : it seems to have been published anonymously, but this being a pre- sentation copy the author's name is subscribed in manuscript at the close of the Epistle De- dicatory. It appertains to the conservation of the woods belonging to the order, with forms of various instruments relating thereto. Ano- ther volume, a thin quarto, printed at Lyons in 1755, is entitled " Modele pour Servir a la Reception de Messieurs les Chevaliers de Malte.'' The author, M. Le Chevalier de Laube de Bron, Commendeur de Tortebesse, informs us 90 MALTESE POETRY. in the preface, that he was desired by the ve- nerable Tongue of Auvergne to undertake this work, but that for a long time a prudent mis- trust of his own powers induced him to decline it ; at last " il s'est cru oblige de se preter aux volont6s du corps/^ This work, as well as the other, is valuable from having been published under the control of the order. In a small quarto volume of tracts appears a curious Latin speech of Pope Clement XIV. to the Secret Consistory; an academical exercise; a sermon, preached in the Maltese Cathedral on the shipwreck of St. Paul, " primario tute- lare dell' isole di Malta, e Gozzo,'' by P. Gio. Maria Regnaud, a Jesuit, in 1749 ; with a se- cond, on the Apostle's conversion. There is also a theological disputation ; but the greatest curiosity in the volume is a host of fulsome panegyrics, alternately in Italian and Latin, by a Maltese poet, ycleped Damiro Carisio. The subject is the fifth anniversary of the Grand Mastership of Emanuel de Rohan. It is printed in Malta 1780, and dedicated to " his most serene highness.'' The reader shall be made happy with a specimen of the larger effusions. Tlie following opens the Latin poem. MALTESE POETRY. 91 " Quo vehor 6 Vates ? procul 6 procul este profani : Limina jamque datum Phcebeae scandere sedis Est mihi, et Aonidum latices haurire perennes. Eja, age, rumpe moras, Dea Candida, rumpe, celerque Aoniam mentem Vati mihi conde canenti : Tuque prior preesens claro de sanguine cretus Hue ades, 6 Princeps, nostrisque allabere cceptis. Fallor eo;o ? en subito ccelestis fulg-or ab axe Mortales hebetat visus, mentemque recursat Irradians, crebra tellus sub luce refulsit : Quales ingeminant abruptis nubibus ignes, Horrida cum coelo eripuit mortalibus segris Tempestas sine mor^ diem, lucemque fugavit ; Hinc exaudiri magnum per inane fragores Aligerum glomerata phalanx audita sonantes Pulsare et cytheras, numerosque intendere nervis ; Candida cceruleas fluitant vexilla per auras Clara micanti auro, positisque ex ordine gemmis : Gloria devehitur curru connixa nitenti Visa Dea incessu rosea cervice refulgens, iEthereumque levis summum perlabitur axem : Dulcia coelesti testatur gaudia plausu" — But can the most gentle reader apprehend a reason for all this exquisite hubbub ? Surely *' Quod Rohan Emanuel, sceptris qui temperat urbem, Cui studuit coelum, felix jam conficit annum Imperii quintum, protendens nomen in aevum !" Thursday, l6th Dec, — I had made an ap- 92 MALTA^BARRENNESS OF THE SOIL. pointment with Mr. Cleugh to ride this morn- ing to a singular valley, denominated (kut e^o^Wi I imagine,) the strong valley. It is very curious in its way, and resembles the exhausted bed of a river. The soil, as we rode along, barely covered the rock ; and the scanty vege- tation seemed like the violent struggle of nature and necessity for conquest. " Truly to speak, sir, and, with no addition. To pay five ducats, five, I w^ould not farm it." The carubba, which is the only tree in Malta that appears to flourish, affords the chief part of the subsistence of the islanders. It yields a kind of bean which is also given to cattle ; and in- deed the food of their masters is seldom other, or better. This fruit, with a little fish, satisfies them ; but the latter is scarce. This easiness of obtaining a bare existence, if it have not rendered them indolent, has probably contri- buted to make them appear so. Being content with little, and the produce which their country supplies being attainable by creating, not till- ing, a soil ; by communicating verdure to the rock, not by directing or assisting a natural fertility ; no wonder if they should look with MALTA— DIFFICULTY OF CULTURE. 93 despair upon a labour so unpromising, and turn with disgust from hardships for which they can expect so sHght a remuneration. Yet wherever industry would be available, they ap- pear readily to have exercised it. The valley, of which I speak, bears ample testimony to this truth. The smallest space, whether upon the summit or upon the sides of the rock, has had the stone broken and cultivated ; walls are raised for inclosures; and steps, constructed with much neatness and skill, afford a passage upward from one field or compartment to ano- ther. These places are open to every incle- mency of the weather ; and though its muta- tions are rare, yet in the rainy season, the water rushes down with tremendous force, and, in a single night, sweeps away the whole ex- pected harvest of the husbandman. But his perseverance is greater than his loss ; he re- sumes his laborious occupation beneath a burn- ing sun, and gathers, at last, the very limited recompence which nature's parsimony admits. The excessive idleness of the Maltese has been too much and too invidiously dwelt upon. In- stances to the contrary there are of course ; but the native character appears to me dis- 94 CHARACTER OF THE MALTESE. posed to activity. Subjugated as they have been, and rendered the tool of every faction, ecclesiastical as well as civil, can we be sur- prised that they should then shun the labour of which they were not permitted to eat the fruit ; and, becoming habituated to idleness, can we imagine that they should cast off long-existing evils at the beck of a new government; or, that years should not elapse before they could assume a more energetic character, and a manlier tone of mind ? It has been confessed to me, that they are skilful workmen, and good soldiers, (there is a corps in the pay of the government,) and I see continual proofs of a persevering industry, from which those who hold them cheap would turn away in despair, yet I hear every where the cant of their lazi- ness ; whereas a strenuous effort to improve and amend them would better become the station and the heart of the prejudiced de- claimer. Civilization will never go forward as it ought, if such feelings continue to dwell in the minds of those who are alone able to give this people effectual assistance ; and if so much narrow calculation, as commonly occupies the thoughts of those in whose way MALTA—CURIOUS MANUSCRIPT. 95 they are thrown, should continue to prevail, it will be vain to look for that reciprocity of spirit and sentiment, which can alone indissolubly unite two remote and differing people. The evening of this day was occupied by a pleasant dance at Major Fox's. Friday, 17th Dec. — I resumed my search after books, and discovered one or two upon which I set some value. For instance, a very beautiful manuscript, entitled, " Regies et Maximes des Statuts de I'Ordre de Malte. Pour Messire Anthoine de Sade Eyguieres Commendeur d'Espalion en 1715.'* This work being unpublished, and containing a full ac- count of all the regulations touching the knights of Malta, is extremely interesting. And the authenticity of its details is obvious, from its having been drawn up under the direction and for the use of a commander of the order. It is a tolerably thick quarto, comprising 423 closely-written pages, together with a copious index. It seems to have been three years in progress, if we may trust the first page of the MS. " A Malte le premier jour du mois de Janvier de I'annee 1712." There is, -indeed, 15 96 MALTA— CURIOUS MANUSCRIPT. much curious matter in it. As for instance, " De la table du pillier" " First, — Two soups, without garnish ; two dishes of boiled veal, weighing ten pounds and a half each. " Two dishes of roasted mutton, weighing ten pounds each ; the dish du regale of nine singing birds, when the grand commander eats there, besides four roasted pigeons. " Item^ — Two dishes of fricassee ; two plates of radishes, figs, or melons, according to the season; two dishes of boiled mutton for the valets of the ancients, who eat in the pillary, (au pillier ;) seven grains a day to each of the ancients for two other dishes of fricassee, that they may serve three grains in the morn- ing and four grains at night ; six dishes of de- sert according to the season.^^ And then of those who eat at the Aube?^ge, it seems, that they were not to spill their wine upon the ground " on pain of the seton, (' sur peine de la settane^;)" nor to carry out of it any kind of provision on the same singular penalty. Also, whoever complains " fnal-a- propos," as the MS. phrases it, of what is 13 MALTA— CURIOUS MANUSCRIPT. 97 given at the Auberge, " pour la premiere fois la settane et seconde aussy/' Whoever beats the valets of the Pillary, but without shedding blood, was, for the first offence, to be condemned to a quarantine, — a fast of forty days ; for the second, six months' fast in the day time ; for the third, he lost two years of seniority. Nobody was to enter the kitchen against the will and pleasure of the " maistre de sale," on penalty of the seton for the first and second offence, the quarantine for the third. " The ancients of France, Italy, Spain, and Germany, eat with the grand master on feast days. They did not wash their hands at the conclusion of the repast as the others did ; but went from the table, and placed themselves behind the chair of the grand master, who ought to oblige them to cover." [Faire couvrer — perhaps the table.~\ " When the pillar of England goes to court, the grand master ought to salute him with the hat, and to make him cover when he goes to see him dine. He eats with the grand master when he goes to see him in the country/' — Et cat era. VOL. I. H 98 MALTA— CATHOLIC ORDINATION. Saturday^ 18th Dec. — I was present, by ac;- cident, at a Catholic ordination of priests, in the cathedral church of St. John. The bishop is a corpulent creature, and remarkable, if re- port speak truly, more for being a bon vivant, and an amour eux, than for devotion. Some disgraceful stories are related of him. The most striking point of the ordination in ques- tion, was this : the cope of the candidate was rolled to the top of his back, and after the laying on of hands, was unrolled by the bishop, who flung it behind the kneeling person. He wore a pasteboard mitre, embossed and gilt, to which two broad strings were appended. The crowd consisted chiefly of women and children. Sunday^ 19th Dec. — I preached at the cha- pel of the palace, and dined with the Reverend. John T. H. Le Mesurier, chaplain to the forces., I heard a curious story of the attachment of an old Maltese to his goat. He was upwards of eighty years of age, and lived entirely apart from all society. Without family, and almost without friends, his goat had been a cherished object from its birth ; and he had so accustomed himself to its society, that he seemed not to ANECDOTE OF A MALTESE AND HIS GOAT. 99 teel the want or the wish for any other. It happened, that some inconstancy on the part of the goat led it to ramble from the humble residence of its aged friend, and it found its way to the house of the gentleman where I heard the story. The old Maltese fell into the greatest tribulation ; he sought for it all over Floricma, and, for a time, without success. At last he discovered where the truant had retired ; thither he went, and had no sooner beheld it than he burst into a flood of tears. He em- braced and kissed it, with every demonstration of extreme joy, and nothing would prevail upon him to quit the sight of it for a single moment. The goat too shewed considerable signs of re- pentance, and returned joyfully to her old abode. I remembered the story of the captive who cultivated an intimacy with a spider ; the agony ascribed to him when it fell by the wanton brutality of his keeper; and it appeared to turn upon the same desolateness of feeling, the same necessity for some object on which to fix the social affections. One would have thought, that eighty years had dried up the fount of sensibility, and that the humble con- dition of his life would have converted all such H 2 100 MALTA-PUBLIC LIBRARY. emotions into a cureless apathy. Conceive an old sallow-complexioned creature, with grey dirty hair, exhaling garlick, and girded with threadbare rags ; and then imagine him giving vent to the feelings of a full heart, while he clasped his recovered goat with even more than youthful enthusiasm ! Such a picture is but rarely to be met with. Monday, 20th Dec. — The public library of Malta, where I spent the greater part of this morning, is a good building, and of ample size. The books are not classed with much judgment, and indeed have, until the appoint- ment of the present obliging librarian, the Abbe Bellanti, been greatly neglected, or ra- ther injured. For it seems the French helped themselves to the best portion, and left the re- mainder in a state of ruinous disorder. A fine large-paper copy of Walton^s Polyglott has been preserved here, with an Arabic or Maltese Bible, ornamented with beautiful engravings. We have experienced the greatest civility from all quarters, save in my own person, and tremble thou unhappy varlet ! save from the over-looker of the Botanic Garden at Floriana. Kightly have I named him ; while I loitered MALTA— BOTANIC GARDEN— ANECDOTE. 101 within his precincts, this wicked gardener did overlook me, and locked me up to study botany, and watch the motions of a brace of becaficas which were hopping unconcernedly from spray to spray. I waited patiently, nay, with very singular patience, till I could wait no longer ! And then I reared a huge ladder, drew it with great difficulty and some danger over a high wall, and descended, muttering no light anathema upon the abominable gar- dener. Verily, " My indignation boileth like a pot. An over-heated pot, still, still it boileth ; It boileth, and it bubbleth with disdain."^ CHAPTER IV. Tuesday, 2lst Dec. — Set sail from Malta, and ran, with a fair wind, up the arches, as the Archipelago is termed by seamen ; a term which future ages will pore over and elucidate by many a sagacious commentary. Thursday, 2od Dec. — Stood off Cerigo, — the ancient Cythera, this morning. The for- tress is in possession of an English garrison. A boat was sent on shore with letters, while the Cambrian lay to for her return. The com- manding officer, unadvisedly as it would seem, came back in the boat, by which circumstance we were detained during the whole day. Friday, 24th Dec. — Off Milo, where we took in a pilot. This town is situated upon a rock, at the foot of which is a fine bay, containing numerous inlets of great beauty. Several curious rocks rise up at the entrance ; MILO— METHODIST MISSIONARY. 103 of these Anti-milo is considered the largest. A barren rock to the left is pointed out as the residence of one Dromede, a school-master, who went thither with his scholars for the sake of retirement. The matter is not worth much notice. At Milo I distributed four modern Greek Testaments, and four Italian ; being part of a quantity sent to Captain Harhilton, for that purpose, by the Bible Society *. The captain desired me to undertake the distribution. Mr. Wilson, a missionary, sent out, as I un- derstand, by a sect of the Methodists, oblig- ingly presented me with a copy of Bunyan^s Pilgrim^s Progress, which he had translated into Romaic, and superintended the printing of in Malta. This gentleman appears to me the most liberal of the sect I have met with, and to conduct himself in the pursuit of his object with more discretion than his brethren have had the credit of observing. He spoke of several elementary books for children, in which his industry and zeal had prompted him to engage ; and of a certain philological perform- ance relative to the Greek tongue, with some * They were afterwards returned to me. 104 SPETZIA— NAPOLI DI ROMAN[A. Other matters which I forget. The account which he gave of the Greeks, after an ac- quaintance of five years, is much more favour- able than I could even have hoped ; well as I wish their cause, and think of the result. Their clergy received most of his censure, but that was of a qualified kind. On the whole, though he acknowledged that the Greeks had many and great vices, yet he was firmly persuaded of the exaggeration and malice with which their actions had been misrepresented and traduced. At Spetzia we landed Mr. Wilson and his cargo of tracts. Bibles, and Prayer-books : a Greek schooner of war was cruizing up and down the offing, and the beach was crowded with spectators. It is said, that 179 Turkish sail of the line are wasting away their time in the harbours of Candia. Late this evening we anchored oflf Napoli di Romania, the ancient Nauplia. Saturday, 25th Dec. Christmas-day. — After performing divine service on board the Cambrian, I hastened to make what use I could of the little time allowed, to inspect Napoli di Romania. This town is situated at the foot of GREECE— FEELINGS ON LANDING. 105 a high rock, surmounted by a fortress called the Palamedes. I saw it first at sun-rise, from the sea. Landing on the quay, we were in- stantly in the midst of a crowd of Greeks; and I cannot describe the elation of spirit which I experienced on first touching with my foot this celebrated soil. It matters little with how many sapient smiles feelings of such a nature may be greeted ; nor with how much contumely phlegmatic minds may dwell upon the warm and stirring emotions which arise at the contemplation of a land of departed greatness, and reviving freedom. I do not grudge them their laugh, provided they are sure that they understand the occasion of it; and if, while they look on the fading monu- ments of the old world, the relics, as it were, of antediluvian majesty, they can stand with cold and self-suflScient apathy, like the bird of Pallas over the ruins of her temple ; or mark the advance of freedom with the dull calcu- lating eye of politicians rather than of men, I shall be well satisfied to go my way in solitude. I seek not their communion ; they may be wiser, but not happier; they may see more acutely, but they see not half so joyously : 11 •1<06 NAPOLI— INTERESTING PROSPECT. and the mind being thus rigid and harsh, what impression shall there be made upon the heart? They want sympathy with suffering, and admiration for glory : they can behold " decay^s effacing fingers^' busy without a sigh, and hear the blast of desolation sweep along the broken wrecks of antiquity with the most frigid indifference ! Then what are they to me, or I to them ? They will not appreciate, for they cannot comprehend, the feeling with which I stood upon an eminence beyond the citadel of the Palamedes ; below, the town of Napoli with its white houses and churches ; the bay, with the little fort of St. Theodore in the midst, (now converted into a prison, to which at that very moment Giovanni Notara, son of one of the principal rebels confederated with Coloco- troni, was led,) Argos, with its acropolis shining in the sun ; the flat marshy ground extending like an amphitheatre from thence to Napoli ; the Lacaedemonian mountains rising in double volumes in front, and those beyond Argos capped with snow ; the Cambrian riding in the bay, — for, " A statcly-builded ship, well rigg'd, and tall. The ocean maketh more majestical;" NAPOLI— MARKET— GREEK SOLDIERS. 107 with numberless little fishing-boats skimming along the water; and more immediately be- neath, the Greeks, in their picturesque cos- tumes, galloping here and there upon spirited ponies over the rough paths of the declivity ; with sheep and goats browsing upon the sides of the rocks, and women in the distance wash- ing their linen at a public well : there an over- thrown Turkish cemetery, where all was trebly desolate ; a farm-house, and what appeared a small fortress, a little beyond it on a lofty eminence : — all these were to me objects of an intense and overwhelming interest. The streets of Napoli are extremely narrow, and they were, at this time, filled with Greeks. It was the market-day, and numbers of the peasantry had come from Argos, and the ad- joining country, to dispose of their produce. The shops were full of wares, and, amongst other things, guns, pistols, and sabres were exposed to sale. They were, for the most part, fine healthy-looking men, and prepos- sessed me considerably in their favour. But they seem to carry their arms awkwardly ; and it is not to be wondered at, when we re- member that they consist of a ponderous brace 13 108 NAPOLI— GREEK SOLDIERS. of pistols, a sabre, ataghan or dagger, with a long gun in addition ; in short, each of them, as Churchill pleasantly observes * on another occasion, — " Seemed to be A little moving armoury/' The pistols are often very richly chased, and their skin capotes, or cloaks, turbaned heads, (for many of them adopt the Turkish costume) and gay sashes and garters give a picturesque and pleasing air to their appearance. I felt that I was in a strange land more forcibly than ever I had done before; all was new and exciting. Passing through the gates of the city, having the fortress of the Palamedes on the right, we noticed upwards of twenty soldiers on guard. The feeling produced by regarding our own re- gularly organized troops in contrast with the grotesque body before us was \ery striking ; yet they had a martial cast of countenance, and could not, with all our prejudices in favour of a more advanced state of civilization, be held contemptible. A little beyond the town * The Ghost. NAPOLI— TURKISH CEMETERY. 109 is the remains of the Turkish cemetery before alluded to : the walls are thrown down, the tombs destroyed, and the stone turbans usually placed above a Mussulman^s sepulchre are scattered in every direction — here lay a broken Turkish inscription, there the Athanaton (a tree of considerable size) torn up by the roots, with the aloe still flourishing. Amongst the ruins was a Greek woman collecting herbs, which grew with mournful fecundity. Up the ascent of the rocks appeared a number of caves, which I took to be the shelter of goats or sheep, but they proved to be the abodes of human beings : in one a kettle boiled over a charcoal fire ; a small quantity of woollen cloth was rolled up in a corner, which, with an earthen dish, completed the arrangement. It was un- occupied, but the tenant, I presume, was tend- ing the flock at no great distance. I noticed a good deal of squills in these parts. On returning I was more than ever struck with the height and curious appearance of the rock which forms the basis of the citadel. It is nearly perpendicular, and jagged in an ex- traordinary manner ; it seemed as if thus left by the pickaxes of the Cyclops, who are said 1 10 NAPOLI— CITADEL. to have been marvellously busy in this neigh- bourhood ; as if the hands of giants had di- vided the mountain, and worked it into an everlasting monument, while a race of pigmies had succeeded to their habitations, and endea- voured, with feeble and abortive efforts, to emulate their labours. After a walk of two or three hours it was necessary to return to the ship. The yawl had already gone, and I found some difficulty in engaging a boat to carry me out, for the wind had risen, and there was considerable swell. Former travellers complain of the extortion of the Greeks : what they might have been I know not, and I have as yet had small oppor- tunity to ascertain what thej'^ are at present ; but I was told a horse might be had at Napoli to convey me to Argos, (a distance of twelve miles) for a quarter of a dollar ; and for a like sum, a large boat and two men brought me to the ship. It was necessary to make four tacks, the spray dashed over us every minute, and the man at the helm must have been wet through. I heard on board the ship, from some of the passengers, who, not having engagements, were GIOVANNI NOTARA— BIBLE SOCIETY. 1 1 1 enabled to get round to Argos, that a rebel, the son of Notara, had, as I before hinted, been seized and led a prisoner to the fortress of St. Theodore. He was described to me as a fine- looking man, and the importance of the prize may be estimated by the number of men who composed his guard : these amounted nearly to a hundred — a motley company, who would fain have ridden along in some order but for their ignorance of what the word signified. They had a band, and amongst the instruments was a sort of guitar with two strings. I should like to have seen this — was it the remains of the ancient KI0APA ? Whilst we were at din- ner the principal senator of Napoli came on board to pay his respects to the captain. A papas, or Greek priest, accompanied by ano- ther of the authorities was with him. I offered the papas a number of Romaic and Italian Testaments ; on examination he found that he possessed many more copies than he knew how to dispose of. I hope I am not unjust, but this fact clearly proves to me the little judgment with which the " Bible Society" distribute their volumes. The books, which this person had the charge of, were lying uselessly in his coffers, 112 BEAUTIFUL PROSPECT. exposed, in all human probability, to inevitable decay '• and yet, every month immense pack- ages are forced into the country — what be- comes of them we may partly conjecture by the present instance. Sunday, 26th Dec. — Early this morning we left the Gulf of Napoli. It rained heavily, but, during a cessation, the scenery displayed a singularly beautiful diversity ; the mountains, forming part of the chain upon which the ci- tadel is built, were enveloped in thick mist ; the sides of the rocks upon our left ^vere co- vered with green foliage, except upon the verge of the water, which presented a long white line intermingled with red tinges. Over the pro- jecting promontory which terminated these rocks, a rainbow was finely suspended, while the opposite coast of mountains exhibited an intense blue, which reached along the whole line like a lowering thunder-cloud. As we were advancing a solitary sun-beam broke through the density of the atmosphere, and these dark appearances assumed, in detached parts, an auburn tint — the tint of an autumn leaf. The summits were crowned with fleecy clouds, and in the ofling a little bark, with its CAPTURE OF A MALTESE BRIG BY THE GREEKS. Ho light red sails expanded to the breeze, bore rapidly away. — Such was the prospect on leav- ing Napoli di Romania. It continued to rain the greater part of the day: — about dusk we anchored ofFSpetzia. Monday, 21 th Dec. — Just as we were heav- ing the anchor a messenger came on board from Mr. Wilson, the missionary, with a letter for Captain Hamilton. It seems a Maltese brig had been chartered for five months by the Pacha of Egj^pt ; after which he compelled the captain to convey a lading; of Arabian horses to Candia, for the.use of that government : on their way the^iiwere boarded by a Greek schooner, and the fact of their conveying pro- perty for the Turks being considered a. breach of neutrality, they were taken and carried into Spetzia, where they now remain. The Turks threatened, according to the account of her captain, to cut his throat if he did not assent to their wishes; — but as yet we have heard but one side of the story. Of course. Captain Ha- milton refused to interfere. It is pleasant to learn that our o-overnment has determined to grant the Greeks all the customary rights and privileges which are due from a neutral nation VOL. I. 1 114 TEMPLE OF MINERVA SUNIAS. to a belligerent power. This is the first step towards acknowledging their independence. Tuesday Morning, 28th Dec. — We came in sight of Cape Collonna, or Sunium, the scene of Falconer's Shipwreck : it is more celebrated for the Temple of Minerva Sunias, which stood upon its summit. The remains of this once magnificent structure present a fine object from the sea ; thence it appears entire, the front pillars concealing the desolation which has taken place. The wind, called a Levanter, blowing violently against us, it was thought proper to come to an anchor in Porto Mandri, the ancient Pantomatrio according to Sir William Gell *, but this the increased force of the gale rendered impracticable : w^e therefore put about, and dropped anchor within two or three miles from the Cape, in Porto Caracca. A little after one o'clock we got on shore, and walked with our guns by a circuitous route to the temple. The country is extremely mountainous and barren, but dwarf cypresses and myrtle, the mastick-tree and Velania oak flourish both in the vallies and on the summits * According to Dr. Sibthorpe, Thorkvs. See Wal- pole's Travels, 4to. p. 34. TEMPLE OF MINERVA SUNIAS. 115 of the hills. Game we found very scarce. On ascending Cape Sunium there is a fine pros- pect of the sea, over which the promontory beetles, and of five or six islands spread within the compass of the eye along this part of the Archipelago. The ruins of the temple itself are well worth inspection, but the wanton mis- chief to which it is continually exposed will leave little gratification to the future traveller. Dr. Clarke and Sir William Gell mention fif- teen columns standing, there are now but fourteen, nine on the south-east side, looking upon the sea, three on the north, and two on the north-west. The cornice has been most grossly disfigured. " Bellona Austriaca, 1824,'* in large letters of black paint, which may be seen at the distance of some miles, will remain an in- delible stigma upon the whole Vandal crew of that Austrian vessel. Amongst the thousands of names which bedaub these columns, the one most conspicuous is that of " C. Thur- TELL, R. N.'' Lord Byron and Tweddel are also handed to immortality through the me- dium of the suffering column, but I am quite persuaded that his lordship had better taste I 2 116 FOOLISH CONDUCT OF TRAVELLERS. and better feeling than to employ himself in such senseless mutilation; nor can I believe less of Tweddel. Whoever may have been the instrument, they stand a record of the most egregious folly ; it is not only blameable in the act itself, but it affords an ill and dangerous example to the mass of travellers whom fate and their own mischance send from their mo- ther's apron-strings. A name cut upon the stone leads by some inexplicable " tortuosity of mind" to the cutting of another, and, if pos- sible, a larger. Man scorns to be outdone ; and the vast number of those who are thus emulous must prove fatal to antiquity : if they do not weaken the column, and hasten its en- tire destruction, which they certainly do, they draw away the mind from the contemplation of other times to anathematize the folly of our o\rn. The unseemly figures which are amassed before the eye inspire very opposite feelings to those which it is the tendency of such mo- numents to excite ; and one might as well, in- deed infinitely better, so far as it affects the heart or the understanding, look upon an an- cient marble enveloped in modern cement, as obser\ e a beautiful Doric column covered with FOOLISH CONDUCT OF TRAVELLERS. 117 names, of which a great portion are httle ho- nour to their owners, and cannot be more so to the column itself. This is a real evil, and it calls for public condemnation. With what in- tention do people scribble their ill-omened ap- pellations upon the venerable relics of past ages? Purely, as far as I can see, for the ridi- culous fancy that they may be " syllabled'' by persons who never heard of them, and who do not care one straw whether they ever hear of them or not ! Yet this exquisitely childish va- nity effects more than Time in the ruin of an- tiquity, and prompts weak and inconsiderate men to waste, with stupid indifference, monu- ments which nothing can repair. Let me say it ; the breath that encircled the column — the incense which floated around it, when in all the pomp and plenitude of heathen magnifi- cence, is chipped away by these unfeeling pre- tenders to vertu ! I found amid the ruins of the old town, a little lower on the declivity, two handles of terra-cotta vessels, " those indestructible and lljS CAPE SUNIUM— GREEK SIGNET. infallible testimonies of places resorted to by the Ancient Greeks *." Dr. Clarke found no remains of this town, but to me they were very perceptible, extending a considerable distance down the hill ; and Chandler's opinion on this point seems quite borne out by facts. A signet ring of silver, found during Lord Strangford's excavations in the Acropolis of Athens when the Cambrian was last in the Archipelago, was presented to me this evening by Mr. Richmond Easto, the worthy and intelligent master of the frigate, himself the happy discoverer. The following is its figure, and the inscription, which I have not as yet been able to decypher, runs thus when im- pressed upon wax. * Clarke'sTiavels, Vol. VI. CAPE SUNIUM— SHOOTING EXCURSION. 119 All that I can make of the legend at present is TEOXION or TEGXIAN — which is just no- thing. The silver has been snapped in the thinnest part of the circumference. Wednesday y 29th Dec. — A party of us set out early this morning on a shooting excursion, being tempted by certain incorrect accounts of abundance of game. With me, however, this was only a minor object ; I was sure to see the country, and that was as much as I cared about. There is little variety in this part of Attica ; mountains dotted with the cypress and myrtle and obtruding sharp edges of rock at every step make much walking a very painful exer- tion : but the scenery is of so novel a character that it cannot avoid giving pleasure to the pe- destrian, however inconvenienced he may be by the numerous obstacles which impede his way. A short distance to the south is a small plain upon which are some cedars, and a well of good water which furnishes supplies for the neighbourhood. Here I found a considerable herd of small cattle and ponies, watched by several Greeks armed, and attended by their black wolf-dogs. They were fine-looking ani- 120 ANECDOTE OF A GREEK. mals, but savage in the extreme. A Greek who had shot a number of small birds offered me the produce of his bag for a little gun- powder ; but being rather apprehensive that by complying I might arm him against myself, should he take a fancy to any thing I carried, I declined his request, and he seemed a good deal disappointed. Perhaps I did him an in- justice, and especially as he knew that the Cambrian lay close by, and would therefore hardly have made any hostile attempt. In another part of this plain they were ploughing with oxen, presenting the only signs of cultiva- tion that I discovered. The wood in many parts has been subjected to fire, but for what purpose is not very apparent; probably to cook the food of the cow-herds as they attend upon their charge. To the north of the plain rises the highest point in the country, affording a very beautiful and extended prospect. I traversed several deep ravines before I reached it, and ascended with considerable difficulty : before reaching the main summit I found a level ground abounding in long-forsaken mine- shafts, and great quantities of scoriae — here were the silver mines of Ancient Attica: — the NEGROPONT—SCIO— MASSACRE OP THE GREEKS. 121 whole of the upper strata appeared of white marble; I distinguished also a few pine-trees among the heights, but they were more abun- dant below. Thursday, 30th Dec. — At one o'clock this morning we made sail, leaving Negropont, the ancient Euboea, on the left. " Euboea next her martial sons prepares. And sends the brave Abantes to the wars : Breathing revenge, in arms they take their way From Chalcis' walls and strong Eretria *." Such were they in the Homeric age. Chalcis, now Negropont, is still the capital of the island, but the " Strong Eretria,'^ I believe, exists only in its name. We had much wind throughout the day. Friday, 31st Dec. — About noon we left Scio, (anciently Chios) on our right; it is called by the Turks " the Mastic Island" from the abundance of that tree, which it produces; but it is better known of late by the infamous butchery of the Greeks about live years since. Amongst the multitude of sufferers was my * Pope's Homer, B. II. lj8S ANECDOTE OF A GREEK BOY. present servant, a lad of about fourteen years of age ; his father was murdered, himself and three younger brothers were taken prisoners and confined in separate ships, where the Turks busied themselves in attempting their conver- sion. How they succeeded with the other lads does not appear; but Nicholai, (the boy in my service) was soon after transferred to the English corvette, Martin, Captain Eden, from whence he came last voyage to the Cambrian. He has forgotten nothing of his native lan- guage, and speaks tolerable English. The poor fellow's mother, the only being connected with him, of whose existence he has heard, re- sides at Smyrna, where he will probably see her for the first time since the slaughter of their countrymen. He has been long enough in England to become attached to it, and very naturally prefers security and enjoyment there to the perils and barbarities of which Greece has been the seat. On our left appeared the island of Ipsara, not less remarkable than Scio for having been the scene of the Greek revolu- tion. Saturday, January \st, 1825, New-year's- da y. — I was awakened soon after midnight by REFLECTIONS ON THE NEW YEAR. 123 the sound of music, and presently I heard a loud knock at my cabin-door : not anticipating any such salutation in a man of war, I could not collect myself soon enough to return the " happy new year/* which a voice from with- out bestowed on me. But it broke my sleep, and brought on a train of those reflections, which it is perhaps the wisdom of every man to welcome on the opening of a new year. As I retraced the events of the last twelve- month I saw much occasion for regret : I found that I had " followed too much the devices and desires of my own heart '!' and that many things had been left undone which it was my duty to do. Alas ! how often in the course of a man's life will such reflections arise, and how often will they be turned aside and blunted by worldly pleasure and ambition ! The current of time is frequently checked by the impediments and restraints of conscience, but it rushes on, rising higher and higher, till the opposing mound is swept away and hurried into the common vortex of oblivion. As peb- bles in the stream are the penitentiary regrets of human life — there is a little additional bub- ble — a momentary tarriance of the waters of 11 124) REFLECTIONS ON THE NEW YEAR. error, and then all flows on smooth and un- troubled as before ! My mind recurred to the land of my nativity, with " Thoughts of many, and with fears for some." Surrounded by the ocean, which dashed against the sides of my cabin, and separated by thousands of miles from that community to which I had been so long accustomed and at- tached, I felt all the uncertainty natural to the situation in which I was placed. " My friends! — do they now and then send A wish or a thought after me. To tell me, I yet have a friend, — Tho' a friend whom I never may see ?" There is nothing which so much soothes and quiets ^the heart as the belief that some one is interested in its welfare. But then, when I recollect how many, who called them- selves my friends in the early spring of youth- ful affection, have become estranged, and, to all moral purposes, dead to me ; when I recal the various chances which may be busy in estranging others, — the retrospect almost para- lyzes hope, and deadens the activity of every REFLECTIONS ON THE NEW YEAR. 125 kindly feeling. The friends of my childhood are scattered over the world ; some of them perhaps deceased : — I know nothing of their fate. The friends of a more advanced age appear but as those who linger on the confines of eternity, as if about to bid a last adieu to the reciprocity of early attachment. Those of . the other sex with whom I have had intimacy and correspondence — for youth is indiscri- minate in its friendships, and feels not the danger that it does not see, — have, one by one, fallen from the list : " star after star decays,** and the remembrance of the mild and beauti- ful light which they afforded, is a source of just regret, while it argues not much for the permanency of those to come. There was change of situation and of pursuits, and of ideas arising from both. Well, at least, I have made other friends ; they have been tried, and have not been found wanting, — at least, I be- lieve so. The mind is a plastic thing, and soon associates itself with new forms, and re- ceives new impressions. If they be not so strong, perhaps they are as durable. We grow more careful as we grow older ; and observing the fragility of these fine porcelain vases of 126 REFLECTIONS ON THE NEW YEAR. humanity, we touch them with a hghter hand, and use them but on rare occasions. For the future, — for the " new ytav.^' will it be " liappy ?" Yes, if it be virtuous. We are less dependent creatures than we believe- less the children of circumstance than we wish to suppose ourselves. An undeviating rectitude of character, a strong and rooted principle of religion, will create and then multiply felicity in every varied stage of existence. Like the diamond, religion carries light along with it. It is bright even in " utter darkness,^* yet let but a beam of temporal prosperity shine there, and mark how gloriously it will sparkle ! With- out it, the treasure is to the full as valuable ; the diamond is equally costly ; but then the world^s eye overpasses it, and, overpassing it, men fancy that the thing does not really exist ! How false and how foolish a mode of esti- mating worth ! The fable of the cock and the jewel, in iEsop, can only be its parallel. The sun rose magnificently this morning, as if celebrating the birth-day of a new year. It gilded the mountains at the entrance of the Gulf of Smyrna, and it irradiated the sea in one long glowing volume. So shines the " Sun r SMYRNA— DRESS OF THE ARMENIANS. 127 of Righteousness'' upon those who follow his course. As we passed up the gulf, a vast number of sea-birds . were seen disporting themselves ; amongst which were pelicans and swans. The latter are rare at this period of the year ; but in summer they are numerous. A string of camels were reposing upon the shore ; and, as the first indication of another continent, even at this distance, gave considerable life to the prospect. We passed a Turkish fort, of singu- lar construction, which commands the bay; and observed huge granite balls lying upon the beach in terrorem, I suppose. A fair wind brought us presently to Smyrna, where we found the Seringapatam, and, before long, the dragoman, an Armenian interpreter, (of which nation the interpreters generally are,) came on board. The dress of the Armenians is peculiar. They wear a sort of high cap, somewhat re- sembling a double pair of boxing gloves, meeting one another in friendly embrace. A silk or cot- ton vest, covered by a cloak of ample sleeves, forms also part of their array. With the first opportunity I went on shore, and wandered at random amone: tlic narrow and dirty streets of 128 SMYRNA— BARBAROUS MURDER OF A GREEK. Smyrna. When the Cambrian was last here, it mioht not have been so safe. An officer of the ship, who was in her at the time, having occasion to go on shore, observed a Turk assault a Greek, and, at a single blow, strike off his head, which he seized, and bore away with him : the carcase was left in the street. The Levite and Mahommedan saw and " passed by/^ with indifference, " on the other side.^^ For this act of barbarity, there was no investigation, and no punishment. The unruly passions of a Turkish mob were aroused ; and no sense, either of duty or of decency , could sus- pend the malevolent and wanton expression. We hael, t-liis morning, an alarm respecting the plague. Three or four infected persons, it was said, had arrived at Smyrna a short time previously ; and our captain m as justly appre- hensive of the consequences. Happilj^, how- ever, the report, so far as it regarded the period of their being brought here, was false. It oc- curred several months before, and every cus- tomary precaution had been taken with effect. The disorder never spread further. The streets of Smyrna are scarcely three yards in breadth ; and of this the greater part is taken SMYRNA— TURKISH WOMEN. 129 up by a puddle, which finds a channel through the whole. Strings of camels take their way through them, splashing and crushing the pas- senger to his heart's content. And should it be his fortune, as it is more than probable, to meet a Turk mounted upon the sprightly little coursers of the country, he may esteem him- self marvellously happy, should he escape with- out being blinded by the mud that he fails not to splash about him. But these are little Asiatic luxuries, for which an inquisitive tra- veller cannot be too thankful ! In my first wanderings, the most marked circumstance was the corpse-like appearance of the Turkish women, muffled up in white cotton shawls, from top to toe, with a piece of thin black crape, like the aventagle of a helmet, en- veloping the face ; they seem to have just started from the sepulchre, and to wander, like Goules, in search of prey. Some of these masks have holes cut for the eyes in the crape, which, in that part, is covered with gauze, so as to permit their seeing with more distinct- ness, but yet entirely to exclude all prospect from without. In this manner they go, three or four in company, to the bazars. VOL. I. K 130 FINE VIEW OF THE COUNTRY ROUND SMYRNA. Above the city, to the right, is the ancient Mount Pagus, crowned by a castle once of immense extent, but now completely buried in ruins. The colossal head of the Amazon Smyrna is fixed in the wall at the North gate, divested both of nose and lips. Chandler, Tournefort, and other writers, have given long and accurate accounts of the antiquities of this place and neighbourhood. To them, there- fore, I refer my readers, contenting myself with remarking only whatever is novel, or more than commonly striking. Difference of situation or circumstance may, perhaps, put some things in another and happier light ; but to transcribe long and dry details of antiquity from one or all the writers who have indulged in them, would, indeed, augment the body of matter, but be, I apprehend, neither amusing nor instructive. From the walls of the castle we have a splendid panoramic view of the country around Smyrna, ornamented with olive-trees and orange groves. To the left, is the gulf, with English, French, Austrian, and Dutch ships of war, riding at anchor. In front, the town with its Moschs and Minarets, its " cities of the dead," indicated by stately groves of SMYRNA— TURKISH BURIAL-PLACES. 131 cypress-trees, lifting themselves aloft in gloomy majesty: the river Meles winding gracefully past various picturesque Turkish residences ; and higher up, the rough stony road to Bour- navat and Boujah, over which a long string of camels, with bells round their necks that chime harmoniously in the distance, preserve their slow uniform pace. Mountains, slightly covered with verdure, surround and terminate the scene. The burial-places are numerous and re- markable. Wherever a dead body is found, there it is interred ; and as Turkish superstition will not permit a second burial to take place where there has been one before, the country is covered with these tokens of mortality. Cypresses are invariably planted near them ; and the passenger may distinguish the rank of the deceased by the stone turban which is placed on the head of the monument. These are frequently painted and gilded ; and but for the solemn gloom of the tree which shadows them, would have an unseemly and garish ap- pearance. Texts of the Koran are inscribed upon each. In their turbans, the Turks, as well as the Greek inhabitants of Smyrna, espe- K 2 132 SMYRNA— UNPLEASANT ADVENTURE. cially the women, frequently place anemones and other gay flowers. The effect is very pleasing ; and might seem to point out a taste more re- fined, and a feeling more delicate, than usually accompanies either one or the other. There is a cotton print manufacture at Smyrna of great extent. The cottons come from England, and when printed, are exported to Russia, France, and other countries. The process is probably similar to our own. I had an adventure to-day which might have terminated unhappily. Walking leisurely along one of the streets appropriated to the Frank residents, and hence called Frank-street, I passed two Turks, armed as they all are with pistols and ataghan. I observed that one if not both of them was drunk ; but I paid little further attention to them. However, I had not proceeded far, before I saw half a dozen Greek boys running rapidly before me, turning their heads back with every mark of consternation. This action naturally induced me to turn mine, when, to my great annoyance, I perceived one of the drunken Turks aforesaid, with his cocked pistol presented at my back. I had scarcely determined what to do, when his companion SMYRNA— DESCRIPTION OF A MOSCH. 133 interfered; and placing himself before him, pushed him gently round the corner of the street near which they stood. They disap- peared not faster than I did : I felt not the least penchant for that sort of villainous en-r tertainment. Tuesday, 4th Jan, — I entered a Mosch, which I shall describe. — The entrance of each of these buildings is furnished with a fountain, and a number of cocks. The worshipper here makes his ablutions ; he washes his feet, hands, breast, and face ; then rinses his mouth, and wipes all upon a handkerchief or shawl which he carries in his bosom. Ascending a few steps, a stone pavement, which is covered with mats, leads into the Mosch. On this matted ground, the slippers of the Moslem are deposited as he proceeds into the building. Some of them, however, first worship without before they enter ; and others, but fewer, go no further at the time. The Mosch is covered with carpeting laid upon mats to preserve it from the friction of the stone beneath. The East side facing the entrance has a profusion of gilding, with verses from the Koran inscribed in the centre. Save that there is no com- 134 SMYRNA— TURKISH MODE OF WORSHIP. munion-table, the resemblance of the ginger- bread work of a Roman CathoHc church is not inconsiderable. On each side of this showy part, a pulpit is erected ; one of which the iman ascends by a staircase of white marble ; all beside is painted in imitation of it. Fronting the pulpits is a wooden gallery ; and in the centre circular rows of lamps are suspended. When the worshipper enters, he stands erect, looking towards the shrine, if it may be so called. By and by he bows his body horizon- tally ; then his knees bend until they gradually touch the ground, by which movement his head (or rather nose) pretty much at the same time is also brought in contact with it. He again stands erect, and is continually repeating the same process, till he finishes his devotional exercise. There is generally some one or other engaged in these ridiculous rites ; and what- ever dissimilarity there may be between their professions and actions, they certainly appear in earnest when they enter the Mosch. A singular instance of a Turk's confidence in an Englishman occurred to-day. The chap- lain of the Seringapatam passing through the bazar, was attracted to a Turkish shop, and CONFIDENCE OF A TURK IN AN ENGLISHMAN. 135 shewn a fine rose diamond which had been part of the plunder of the unfortunate island of Scio. The Turk asked a considerable sum, but stated himself no judge of the value. " Are you/' said he, " an Englishman V He replied, through his interpreter, in the affirmative, and added, that he was an officer of an English frigate. " Then take the ring,'' said the Turk, " and keep it a day or two ; get some one to examine it, and judge by that means of its value — I have no apprehension that an English- man will deceive me." The ring was taken, and afterwards bought for 20/. but the gen- tleman who was thus trusted had never (that he knew of) been seen by the seller, nor could the latter have any knowledge of him, except, perhaps, that he really was an Englishman. The fact deserves record, even though another inference should be drawn from it. On returning to the ship, I enquired of the Greek whose boat I employed, why he did not join his countrymen in their struggle for free- dom ? The man appeared to feel the question with considerable liveliness, and repHed " that he knew it was his duty, but that he had a family of small children who must perish if he 13 136 SMYRNA— AQUEDUCTS. left them, for that they would be at once exposed to Turkish cruelty and to extreme want */^ The Greek government would doubt- less do well could they provide, in some way, for the families of those who enter their service, and assure them of their utmost protection. They cannot otherwise expect, under present circumstances, that their countrymen will co- operate zealously and firmly in the cause. It is currently reported here, that the Greeks have cut out a Turkish schooner of war and three merchant vessels laden with oil from Mitylene, a few days since. W edriesday , 5th Jaji, — Though this morn- ing was somewhat rainy I dedicated it to the inspection of two aqueducts thrown over the river Meles, one at the foot of Mount Pagus, and the other at the distance of two miles. The edges of the river are beautifully fringed with the Laurea Rosa, which marks the course of the stream for a considerable distance : * My Greek master a few days after this alleged as a rea- son for his not joining the league, that they were so divided amongst themselves as to render it unwise and useless to serve them. No man wants reasons for what he dislikes ; but I fear that there is too much truth in his allegation. SMYRNA— ANCIENT AMPHITHEATRE. 137 mountains rise on each side of it. The further aqueduct is composed of two structures united, and is of much greater antiquity than the other; its situation is finely romantic. The river Meles suppUes water to a variety of mills which are built upon its banks. Drummond, in his volume of Travels, has given drawings of both these aqueducts, but they are as unlike as they can possibly be ; although he has, as he says, " what they call a tradesman's eye ^" mean what it may, it certainly deceived him : the representations which he has given have a greater resemblance to spouts than to the aque- ducts of Smyrna. It rained heavily whilst I remained here. Returning by the castle, I ob- served the last perishing ruins of the ancient amphitheatre, buried as nearly as may be in the soil. The barbarians have carried off what- ever they could lay hands on for domestic uses ; and the rest will be soon overwhelmed by the rapidly accumulating dust. Other ruins, by some called the Church of St. Poly- carp, by others the Temple of Janus — (" they smell as sweet'' by one name as by the other, * Drummond's Travels, fol. p. 115. 1754. 138 CEREMONIES OP THE GREEKS ON CHRISTMAS-DAY. and perhaps are equally appropriate) — are also hastening to total annihilation ; and it will soon be said of them, " etiam periere ruince/' Thursday, 6th Jan. — This being Christmas- day with the Greek Catholics, their churches are adorned in the gayest manner. I entered one, in which a sort of raree-show had been set up, illumed with a multitude of candles : the subject of it was the birth of Christ, who was re- presented, in the back ground, by a little waxen figure wrapped up in embroidery, and reclining upon an embroidered cushion, which rested upon another of pink satin : this was supposed to be the manger where he was bom. Behind the image two paper bulls^ heads looked unut- terable things. On the right was the Virgin Mary, and on the left one of the Eastern Magi. Paper clouds, in which the paper heads of numberless cherubs appeared, enveloped the whole ; while from a paste-board cottage stalked a wooden monk, with dogs, and sheep, and camels, goats, lions, and lambs ; here walked a maiden upon a stratum of sods and dried earth, and there a shepherd, flourishing aloft his pastoral staff. The construction of these august figures was [chiefly Dutch : they were SMYRNA— BAZAR. 139 intermixed with china images and miserable daubs on paper. In the centre, a real fountain in miniature squirted forth water to the in- effable delight of crowds of '' prostrate wor- shippers/' Friday, 7th Jan. — Wandering through one part of the bazar, I was struck with the cries of the venders of merchandize. Amongst other things a fine diamond ring and a Turkey carpet were exposed for sale. These, and especially the latter, reminded me of the magical carpet of Hossein, in the Arabian Tales, where the mode of sale is exactly similar. Monday, 10th Jan. — Introduced this morn- ing to the Rev. Fr. V. Arundell, chaplain to the factory here. A Greek lady, whom I met at his house, pronounced the ring which I for- merly mentioned to have been found at Athens an antique ; how far she was a judge is not clear — is rather doubtful! Mr. Arundell shewed me a number of queries sent by the Bible So- ciety to their agent here, and purporting to relate to an object which the Society are said to have in view — the conversion of the Jews in Smyrna : — amongst other pertinent questions, are, 140 QUESTIONS SENT BY THE BIBLE SOCIETY. " The nature of the water, and how to be corrected ? " The unhealthy winds, and how to be avoided ? " What are the usual condiments used in diet? " Is it best to take out hills or cash from Malta? " The best hours for sleep, food, exercise and study? " What is the best season for a stranger to arrive in the country ?" With others of a similar character, which have just as much to do with the " conversion of the Jews" as with the man in the moon. It strikes me very forcibly that some " ready writer,^' intending to get up a volume of tra- vels, or peradventure, twain, has adopted this mode of acquiring information. It would cost the agent of the Society months of hard la- bour and minute investigation to reply accu- rately to many of the questions. As soon as we arrived we received invitations to the balls of the Casino, which take place once a week, and continue to the end of the Carnival, and " to which,'' (Mr. Hobhouse SMYRNA— COSTUME OF THE GRECIAN WOMEN. 141 observes) " all the respectable Greeks and ladies of their families are invited/^ But I am informed that the ladies are rather Smyrniotes than Greeks ; that is, born in Smyrna, but of Frank extraction. They adopt indeed the Greek dress, and unbecoming enough it is, except the small turbaii, which is worn side- ways upon the head, and has a tasteful air ; but the little jackets, Grecian bend, and stays- less form can never be tolerated by Eu- ropeans, properly so called ; and the postures into which they throw themselves, especially after being heated with dancing, in any but a native must be pronounced positively indecent and disgusting. In corpulent matrons this feeling is, of course, still stronger ; and it is surprizing, if they are not altogether or in part of Greek origin, how this dress could ever have been adopted. Several of the officers dined to-day with the English consul — here was the first tendour that I had seen. This is a square table covered with thick carpet ; beneath, on a sort of shelf lined with tin, is a chafing-dish containing hot charcoal, and on this shelf people put their feet during cold weather, enveloping their knees in the carpet. CHAPTER V. Tuesday, 11th Jan, — Captain Hamilton pre- sented his officers to Hassan Capitan Pacha of Smyrna. These sort of interviews have not been so often, or so accurately described as to render recapitulation tedious ; I shall therefore detail, with some degree of minuteness, what has just taken place. We left the ship in five boats, the captain in the first yawl, with the union jack flying at her head, the rest of the boats following with pendants ; the Dragoman and the English consul, with his janizaries were in a sixth. We entered a dark and dirty court-yard, up an ascent equally villainous. Musquets and carbines were reclining against a wall, and a number of uncouth retainers were smoaking near them. Crossing a sort of hall, at the top of the stair-case, where lay a multitude of slippers, and where certain fierce-looking mus- INTERVIEW WITH THE CAPITAN PACHA. 143 sulmans were pacing to and fro, we were ushered into a square matted chamber, of no very con- siderable extent. The ceiUng and half the wainscot were plainly painted: the Eastern end being daubed in sorrowful imitation of marble, and inscribed in the upper part with a sentence from the Koran. To the right of the door, which occupied a corner of the room, were other texts, with a banner, on the top of which the crescent was depicted. In a comer of the left-hand wall, carbines and huge powder- flasks were suspended. A low couch, called a divan, covered with silk, surrounded the apart- ment in the usual manner. Dirty cotton sun- blinds excluded the light on one side, and a sort of Venetian shutter, partly elevated and partly closed, rose from without, on the other. In the most distant corner of the chamber, and exactly opposite to the entrance, sat the Capitan Pacha, wrapped in a furred cloak. A sabre and belt hung on his right hand, and a telescope lay on a ledge of the window upon his left. Such was the arrangement of the audience chamber ! The Pacha himself was a fine-looking man, apparently middle aged, with a keen expres- 1.44 INTERVIEW WITH THE CAPITAN PACHA. sion of countenance. His brow was high and falling, with large bushy eye-brows, remarkably arched, and approximating so nearly as almost to meet : when he frowned, this must have taken place. His eyes were small and pro- jecting, but quick ; and indicating a man of much natural observation and intellect. An ac- quiline nose, long mustachios, and a dark curling beard, gave considerable character to the expression of his thin and embrowned features. When we were seated, the dragoman opened the conference; in the course of which, we heard several unoriental bursts of merriment. He appeared, indeed, in the very best mood. Soon after our arrival, began the clatter of coffee-cups ; and this favourite beverage, both of Turk and Frank, was then presented to each individual in a silver or brass case, of the same form as the cup denominated zarff : it is intended to serve the purpose of our saucers. By and by came immense long pipes, made of the cherry-stick, with amber and enameled mouth-pieces. The pipe-head is made either of plain or gilded clay, and rests, when smoked, upon a brazen dish, placed at the distance of INTERVIEW WITH THE CAPITAN PACHA, 145 several yards on the floor. Then came the tug of war. As Campbell saith, not indeed on an occasion quite similar, *' 'Tis morn ; — but scarce jon level sun Can pierce the smoke-clouds rolling dun» Where fiery Frank, and furious Hun, Prate in their sulphury canopy." From the mouth of the Pacha, " bearded like a Pard," the smoke issued, as I have seen it from a cottage chimney in a wood, gradually making its way above the tops of the tallest trees, and winding in many an airy volume through the intersecting branches. But it was yet a more whimsical sight to observe the younger of the midshipmen strenuously en- deavouring to do justice to the Pacha^s enter- tainment. Imagine a chamber of twenty to thirty feet square, with low couches on three of the sides, where sat a host of lads in cocked hats, swords by their sides, and pipes at least six feet long in their mouths : conceive their grimaces, their ill-concealed smiles, breaking from beneath the flimsy texture of gravity with which they struggled to veil their mirth ; and, at intervals, breathing forth clouds of VOL. I. I, 146 SMYRNA— VISIT TO SULEIMAN AGA, smoke ! Conceive this, and behold the levee of the Pacha ! When the first pipe was concluded, a second was brought, with an additional cup of coffee, and a glass of sherbet, which is nothing more than lemonade. While we were smoking, the Pacha's band played without; and if the reader ever heard a troop of children in the hilarity of their hearts squeaking lustily forth from penny trumpets, and beating sixpenny drums, they will have the exactest possible idea of the music with which we were regaled. We sat rather more than an hour, and then retired to pay a visit to Suleiman Aga, collector of the customs. Here, though there was less state, there was more comfort. The arrangement of our reception and entertainment, was pretty much the same. The Aga was in the midst of papers, and two or three secretaries sat on the divan beside him. He lamented that he could shew us no other mark of civility than that of •' offering a bitter pipe and a cup of coffee.'^ But he hoped we would visit him at his country house, and the following Sunday was ac- cordingly fixed upon for that purpose. Whilst we remained, he signed and sealed a packet, which 13 SMYRNA— BALL AT MR. WHITTLE'S. 147 the dragoman had requested him to forward to Constantinople, on mercantile affairs. The signature was effected by passing a small camel-hair brush, moistened with ink, over a signet : it was then stamped upon the paper, and restored to the gold thread purse from whence it was taken. It was scarcely done, when a Turk entered, arrayed in the sacred green, which marks the descent from Moham- med. This was no other than Hassan, the ci-devant Pacha and compassionate Governor of Scio, when the ever memorable massacre of the islanders took place ! We were, this evening, at a crowded ball at Mr. Whittle's, (what odious names these people have,) a Smyrna merchant. Mr. Strangways informed me, that he had here discovered the pepper-custard of the Arabian Tales. I was not so fortunate as to detect him ; so I resign all the honour to the Honourable. Wednesday, 12th Jan. — By the great kind- ness of the Rev. Mr. Arundell, I had an op- portunity of seeing a good deal of the neigh- bourhood of Smyrna : having been invited on a shooting, excursion to that gentleman's house at Sedecui.. . Assfis were ordered, but -the day L 2 148 SMYRNA— TRAIT IN THE GREEK CHARACTER. first selected not agreeing with our conveni- ence, we fixed on the day after. The conse- quence of which was, that the owner of our donkies refused to permit us to employ them, or rather promised in order to deceive us. The man was a Greek, and our worthy host would fain have had me believe, that it was a speci- men of that obstinacy and pride which he said was characteristic of the nation. The worst of it was, that the fellows who let asses out to hire are so leagued together, that by offending one, you offend the whole ; at least our efforts to obtain more than two beasts for our lug- gage, were quite ineffectual. Notwithstanding, I am resolved to suffer nothing but a series of irresistible facts, of facts fairly and impartially chosen, to induce me to form an unfavourable opinion of those who have so much to contend with. They fight for freedom; they fight with years of slavery upon their backs, with all the necessary vices of slavery, and with some arising immediately from intercourse with their enslavers ; — let them have fair play ! The country around Sedecui is diversified with hill and dale, abounding in underwood, but with few trees of any growth. The Velania SEDECUI— BARBARITY OF A TURK. 149 oak, the myrtle, &c. Sec. are common to all these parts. The olive seems to flourish most; — the pine less. Game is not very plentiful at present. The cold weather having prevailed for several days, it was expected that wood- cocks would have been numerous. This was not the case ; and hares and partridges were very scarce. A large hyaena was killed a short time since, near Sedecui ; but such an event is of extraordinary occurrence. A report goes abroad, that tigers, and even bears, have been seen here : I am a little incredulous. At the breaking out of the Greek Revolution, Sedecui suffered severely by the march of the Turkish troops to Scala Nova, for the purpose of attacking Samos. A Turkish officer and his follower, during the night that a detach- ment was quartered here, pursued a young Greek girl along the streets. She took refuge in the house of a countrywoman, and closed the door in sufficient time to escape by another entrance. The Turk at last got admission ; and finding that the victim had eluded his brutal grasp, prepared to wreak his vengeance upon her helpless protector. He raised his arm to strike her to the heart ; but, strange to 150 SEDECUI— BARBARITY OF A TURK say, the sabre snapt asunder at the hilt, while it was lifted in the air. He then directed a pistol at her, but here again he was foiled — it missed fire ! This being observed by his com- rade, he forced him away, remarking, happily for the woman, " that her hour was not yet come." Resolved, however, not to be wholly defeated, he seized upon a fine infant, which then lay sleeping in its cradle beside her, and rushed out of the house. In vain the half- frantic mother called upon the ruffian to restore her offspring ; in vain she supplicated him to have compassion upon her agony : she obtained nothing but savage imprecations and menaces, and such was the disorderly state of the Turkish army, that the Capitan Pacha himself had no power to compel a surrender. In fact, the man had taken a liking to the child, and per- sisted in retaining him. This, however, was ultimately prevented by direction of the com- mander. They removed the boy while the ravisher slept ; and the effects of his resent- ment were provided against, by marching im- mediately to their next destination, where the Greeks were beyond his reach. The singularly providential escape of the woman is attested SEDECUI— GREEK SERVANT. 151 by the most respectable authorities, and is universally credited. I was particularly struck at Sedecui with the classical contour of a Greek servant of our host. A white shawl was bound across her head, and fastened under the chin. The effect of this costume, though not common with her countrywomen, was augmented by a long an- tique lamp, which she carried on the occasion I speak of, made at Venice, but admirably adapted to carry back the imagination to re- moter periods, and more heroic times. Near Sedecui is a tumulus, which has not yet been explored ; the French call it the tomb of Andraemon ; and they might as well call it the tomb of Jack the Giant Queller ! Mr. Arun- dell, whose antiquarian research equals the friendliness of his manners, proposes, in quieter times, to investigate the tumulus in question, as well as an opposite mound about a mile distant. It gives me pleasure also to mention, that he has it in contemplation to communicate to the public the result of certain well-conducted en- quiries relative to the ancient Christian churches of Asia. He has recovered several curious and valuable monuments, and from the ardour of 15^ BOUGIAH— ANECDOTE OF A SERPENT. his pursuit, united as it is with great discretion and judgment, I have no doubt but his object will be fully attained. We returned to Smyrna by Bougiah, other- wise called " the English village," from the number of its English inhabitants : it is about three miles from the city. A curious circum- stance happened here a short time since ; the lower floor of a large house has been converted into a chapel — a man, carrying a bowl of milk, stood accidentally beneath the door-way of the building, and a serpent, four or five feet long, allured by the smell of the milk, of which they are extremely fond, darted from the upper part of the door, and flung himself, like a necklace, around the throat of the poor fellow. The crea- ture^s head was dipped into the bowl ; and one may well imagine the terror of his entertainer, and the little satisfaction which he would re- ceive from the " orient carcanet'* with which he was decorated. Whether the serpent was of a harmless description, which is most pro- bable, or whether the man contrived, by a vi- gorous effort, to free himself from the uncour- teous intruder, I did not hear — certain it is that he escaped without injury. I would add SiMYRNA— SALUTATION OF THE PACHA OF SCIO. 153 to this account that many of the tales of the " Gesta Romanorum *" and of other books of that class, are founded upon the propensity of serpents for milk; and this very circum- stance, perhaps, is no small proof of their Eastern origin. Friday, lAfth Jan. — We returned to-day, and found that Suleiman Aga and his suite had been paying a visit to the Cambrian. Amongst the rest, the late Pacha of Scio, who to his other admirable qualities adds that of a con- firmed drunkard, was present. He honoured Captain Hamilton with a — kiss on each cheek. Such a mark of civility was a thing " devoutly to be wished, *' and, I doubt not, duly appre- ciated by our excellent captain ! Indeed I can- not help shrewdly suspecting that the second salute was effected by stratagem ; and that when he had been smacked upon one side " he turned to him the other also V* Sunday, l6th Jan, — After morning service, Captain Hamilton, Mr. Tennant, the Hon. Mr. Strangways, &c. fifteen of the officers of the * See Tale LXI. Vol. II. of the Translated Gesta amongst others. 154 SMYRNA— VISIT TO SULEIMAN AGA. Cambrian, and nine or ten from the Seringa- patam, with their commander, went, according to appointment, to dine with Suleiman Aga, at his country-house. This was considered so rare an instance of attention as to cause a good deal of commotion in Smyrna, a like circum- stance never having been heard of even by the oldest Frank inhabitants. But Captain Ha- milton is so much and so justly esteemed ; he has adopted, since his first arrival in the Medi- terranean, a policy so well conceived and judi- ciously supported, that there is little to surprize if we find the Turks themselves discarding their prejudices, and admitting even " Christian dogs^' to the familiarity of their houses — -and a most singular gratification we received. On landing at the consul's we found horses await- ing our arrival ; many of them were superbly caparisoned, and their high-peaked saddles and gorgeous trappings were strongly contrasted with the costume of the English riders. They were fine little animals, and their spirit was kept in continual heat by the awkward use of the shovel-stirrup, a huge instrument sharpened at each end, and employed as a spur. With this some of our cavalcade unwittingly gored the SMYRNA— VISIT TO SULEIMAN AGA. 155 poor animals till the blood ran profusely down its elevated edges. When the bustle of mounting was over we set forward to the Aga's residence, in as much order as the restlessness of the animals we bestrode would admit. It was diverting to observe the efforts made by some of the officers to quiet their steeds, in order to keep their persons in equilibrio as we proceeded up the narrow and dirty streets of Smyrna. The puddle flew about us most mischievously, and not the less that we were regarded by hundreds of faces " from doors and windows, yea, from chimney tops." The Greek ladies have not more curiosity, perhaps, than the rest of their sex, but their turbaned heads, enwreathing dark hair adorned with natural flowers of the brightest colours, and eyes and cheeks smiling like the sun of their own glorious land, looked out with all the inquisitiveness of excited won- der. By the side of each horse a Turk ran as a guard, and an armed janizary on horse- back, with about a dozen on foot, preceded the cavalcade. The Aga's dwelling being but a short dis- tance from the town we were soon there, pass- 156 SULEIMAN AGA— DESCRIPTION OF HIS HALL. ing in the way the river Meles, over which a bridge, called the Caravan bridge, has been thrown, adjacent to a fine grove of cypress. A magnificent band welcomed our arrival ! It was composed of three fiddles, a dulcimer, a triangle, and an oaten pipe ; — I need not say what the music was like ! Dismounting in the area of the building we ascended by a flight of steps, and were ushered into a long hall, of which a square basin of water formed the centre ; along its sides, pillars, imitative of marble, supported a gilded roof. To the left, where the Aga and his retinue waited to receive us, the floor was raised and boarded, and was partly inclosed by a marble balustrade : a low sofa (or divan,) covered with printed cotton, ran on each side, that is to say, at the end and on two adjoining sides ; the fourth was open, looking toward the basin, and a similar place in the opposite portion of the building. A large glass chandelier was suspended at each end ; and the ceiling, as well as the wainscot, was painted in tolerably good style. On each side of the first-mentioned part was a little chamber, secured by a door, and in one of these, to the right of the entrance, the Aga was THE HOUSE AND GARDENS. 157 fitting up an English fire-place of well-executed marble. All the rooms were painted. The further end of the building (which, as I have already hinted, was open, affording an uninterrupted prospect of its whole length, with the basin in the midst) was raised and boarded, like the other ; but before reaching it, a marble fountain, with a number of jets d'eau, were to be observed. To the left of this a door opened upon a small terrace or balcony, which pre- sented a beautiful view of the adjoining coun- try, its olive-groves and mountains swelling magnificently beyond. After being presented and seated we were supplied with pipes and cold punch, and hav- ing inhaled a few whiffs, the Aga proposed that we should walk through his house and gardens. This, of course, was gladly acquiesced in, and we accordingly set forth. The house I have already described. We were presently con- ducted through a green trelliced walk covered with branches of the vine, at the termination of which were vapour-baths and the harem; In the former we saw little remarkable ; they were small but conveniently enough contrived ; a flat stone was inserted in the boarded floor. 158 SULEIMAN AGA— DESCRIPTION OF HIS HAREM. on which the body recHnes while the vapour is in circulation. From hence — which I take to be of itself an instance of special favour — we were brought to the harem. The women, it is scarcely necessary to remark, had been re- moved, but I apprehend that few Turks are tempted, under any circumstance, to make ex- hibition even of their empty cages. However this may be, we were gratified by an inspection of places guarded with the most scrupulous vigilance, and made the vehicle of the most monstrous system that ever disgraced civilized humanity ! The ground part of the building was at this time unappropriated, indeed was unfinished, but ascending a flight of steps, screened by a narrow lattice, we came into the women^s apartments. In this quarter they re- main during the heats of the morning, but as the evening advances they retire to the upper chambers, where they also sleep. Each story consists of three rooms, or rather two rooms and a little square place partitioned from the corridor, but open to it. The partition itself is not more than three feet high. The sleeping apartments are boarded, leaving a lower space at the en- trance for the purpose of discarding dirty slippers CURIOUS WELL. 159 before the carpet is approached. The same quar- ter of the room is also allotted to a variety of wardrobes, and little closets for depositing trin- kets and other articles of female attire. They occupy the whole breadth of the chamber. Op- posite, and along the adjacent sides are the beds, above which numerous glass windows, with moveable lattices fitted to them, admit the air while they prevent the exposure of their per- sons. The prospect from hence is beautiful ; and provided that they who are thus immured can survey the wide and magnificent expanse of heaven above, can see the flowers freely blooming beneath them, and the feathered creation fluttering in liberty and joy around them, without a sigh, they may perhaps taste enjoyment even here ! From the harem we proceeded to the garden adjoining. This, (as well as the buildings,) has not been long constructed ; it was there- fore, in its present state, no very attractive ob- ject, consisting entirely of young trees and ve- getables in abundance. We passed a well of curious though simple form ; a large wheel (to which a multitude of small leather buckets were attached) was fixed in it ; as the wheel 160 CIVILITY OF SULEIMAN AGA. revolved part of the buckets arose filled with water whilst the remainder were filling below. Each, as it arrived at the summit of the well, emptied its contents into a reservoir which was connected with small aqueducts built on either side of the beds in the garden. A short dis- tance from hence the Aga's house and harem formed very picturesque objects. The dresses of the British navy intermingling with the shewy costume of Turks, Greeks and Arme- nians, all illumined too by the splendour of an Eastern sun, made a novel and interesting ap- pearance. The stables of the Aga were next inspected ; they contained probably upwards of an hun- dred horses of burden, besides numbers des- tined only for the saddle. This building forms one wall of the area before his house, to which we now returned. Immediately small round tables were brought, upon which the atten- dants placed salvers of fruits, anchovies, and other piquant dishes, which were but the pre- lude to the coming entertainment. I observed the Aga, as the utmost mark of civility that he could shew, strike his tooth-pick into part of a pear already separated from the rind, and pre- ENTERTAINMENT OF SULEIMAN AGA. ICl sent it with much pohtesse to his nearest guests. What was the flavour of this pear I never asked, nor do I pretend to guess, but " by the foot of Pharaoh \" as Captain Bobadil says, (per- adventure Pharaoh's tooth here were the more appropriate attestation !) I felt not, nor feel the least envy at their happiness ! A worthy personage who partook of it solemnly assured me that the Aga used this aforesaid tooth-pick in the common way, not only afterward, but before the presentation. Far be it from me to impugn the veracity of this worthy per- sonage, but as no one beside witnessed the ex- hibition *, (and I took considerable pains to ascertain so important a fact) it rests entirely with my readers to credit it or not. The tables, four in number, were placed near the divan ; but as a few^ only could with convenience sit at them from thence, awkwardly constructed chairs were added. A hundred attendants at least bustled about, bringing cold punch in * This appears to have been a mistake, for Mr. Tennant has since assured me that he particularly noticed it ; / have not, therefore, the smallest doubt upon the subject ; nor by those who have the happiness of knowing Mr. T. will it be questioned for a moment. VOL. I. M IC^ DESCRIPTION OF HASSAN PACHA. small china cups and glasses with reasonable celerity. A quarter of an hour afterwards the tables were removed, and others brought. In this instance their disposition varied : one was fixed up at the end where the Aga sat, and two other in the opposite and more remote com- partment ; at each of these a " familiar friend" of our host did the honours of the table. At the table where I happened to be was the aforesaid Hassan or Vehib, (for it seems he has two appellations) ci-devant Pacha ofScio ! whose fawning sjcophantish look corresponded well with the unfavourable impressions which we had long ago received. Red flabby cheeks surmounted by small eyes that twinkled most Bacchanalianiy, and garnished with a nose as crooked as his own soul *, is the impartial, al- * The following anecdote is from Pouqueville's " His- toire de la Regeneration de la Gr^ce," a work which, inflated and grossly incorrect as it often is, presents some striking and veritable features of the Greek Revolution. " Cependant rien ne bougeait encore ; et tandis que les Turcs preparaient leurs amies pour une expedition qui n'etait plus un myst^re, un Grec, refugie dans le consulat de France, informe que son frere n'avait pas et^ compris dans I'execution du matin, monte a la citadelle. II savait qu'on devait pendie le lendemain ce qui restait encore DESCRIPTION OF THE FEAST. 168 though not indeed an alluring description of his appearance. We sat down : a large metal salver placed upon a small table contained a bowl of rich soup in the centre. At the edge lay a piece of bread and two spoons for the use of each individual. The bowls of the spoons were composed of tortoise-shell, the handles of ivory tipped with coral. On either side of the salver were two little dishes of custard, with two salt- cellars. Vehib led the way by dipping his d'otages ; et il se flattait de sauver, au prix de sa t^te, un pere de cinq enfants qui n'avaient plus que lui pour appui et pour esperance dans cette vallee de larmes, d'oii il aspirait a sortir en obtenant la couronne du martyre. II s'etait achemine charge d'or et de bijoux, qu'il deposa aux pieds de Vehib Pacha, 'en disant : Mon frlre est ton otage, magnifique visir ; daigne le rendre a safamille. Ptre de cinq pauvres innocents, privts de lew mere, accorde-le a leurs larmes, en acceptant ma the en echange de la sienne, et ces dons predeux que je te conjure d'agrter. Tu seras satisfait, repond Vehib Pacha. II dit, et ordonnant k ses gardes d'amener le detenu : vous ailez itre reunis, sortez . . . Puis, au mouvement d'un revers de sa main, les bourreaux, saisissant les deux victimes, font tomber leurs tetes, qu'ils rangent sur des plateaux k cote des presents que I'un d'^ux venait de presenter au visir." — Page 479, 80. Tom. ///. 1824. m2 1G4 DESCRTPTION OF THE FEAST. spoon into the mess of soup, and inviting us by gesture to imitate him. It is not easy to ex- press the disgust and nausea with which I pre- pared to follow this worthy exemplar; but at last I succeeded. An embroidered scarf of gold was suspended round each of our necks, and a napkin laid upon our knees. The soup was excellent, and so indeed it might be said of every dish that came in quick succession before us. After the soup was a roasted lamb — one of those extraordinary animals whose tail is so broad and fat and delicious, as to become an object of great importance to oriental epi- cures. Into this, at the invitation of our right honourable president, each man thrust his finger and tore away a piece ; and thus between the spoons and the fingers alternately applied, as the nature of the dish might demand, and moistened at becoming intervals with plentiful libations of champaigne and claret, we ran through six-and-thirty dishes. To an enquiry made afterwards of the dragoman, it was said tha,t forty -nine had been presented ; but as I kept a careful noteof^hat passed, I am pretty confident that I have not made a mistake. There were three tables, and the same sort of BILL OF FARE. 165 dishes exactly were brought to each, so that according to my calculation there must have been but one hundred and eight dishes ; ac- cording to that of the other, one hundred and forty-seven. The curious reader may wish to know something more of this feast, which, from the rarity of the occurrence, cannot have been often mentioned ; and though I am only able to afford a general idea of their component parts, yet this probably may be enough. 1. Sort of white soup, in which were a few pieces of minced liver. 2. Roasted lamb with Pistachio nuts. 3. Jelly floating on a glass bowl of water, in which gold and silver fish were swimming. 4. Roasted turkey cut in pieces, and stuffed with pine-apple seeds and peeled chesnuts. 5. Sort of white custard sprinkled with pounded cinnamon. 6. Stewed vegetables soaked in oil. 7. Custard. 8. Fried fish with an acid sauce. 9. Bread pudding sprinkled with sugar. 10. Fried fish. 11. Preserved apples with a rich syrup. 12. Grilled legs of geese. 166 BILL OF FARE. 13. Mince^meat pie with a variety of herbs, from the top of which came a Hving gold-finch — a common Eastern trick. It was the same at all the three tables. 14. Honied pastry. 15. Cabbage-leaves rolled up with boiled rice. 16. Almond custard. 17. Stewed chicken stuffed with pine-apple seeds. 18. Sugared cake shaped like diamonds. 19. Stewed vegetables with garlic sauce. 20. Pastry. 21. Wild boar roasted. :22. Pastry. 23. Sausages made partly with rice, herbs, &c. &c. I know not what. 24. Cakes. 25. Fried fish — mullet. 26. Cakes. 27. Wild boar or beef (I could not distin- guish) done with sauce like beef-olive. 28. Melons. 29. Pastry. 30. Fried knuckles of ham ! ! 31. Cakes. ANECDOTE OF HASSAN PACHA. 167 32. Fritters. 33. Sort of fry with chesnuts. 34). Roasted flesh of the wild boar. 35. Large dish of boiled rice. 36. Rose-water sweetened with honey. I should not forget to mention that Vehib THE MERCIFUL pushed his claws into a fried mullet and honoured me and some others who were near him with the villainous morsel. It is thought an indispensable point of etiquette to devour such gifts, and most diverting it was to observe the grimaces, half concealed and half visible, which w^ere made to gorge the savoury meat. A pinch of snuff from the box of the worshipful president causing one of his guests to sneeze, he burst into a loud and ridiculous laugh, in which he was joined by the attendants ; — it was judged a favourable omen * ! * Tlie Ancient Greeks, it is well known, put great con- fidence in such auguries ; — so in the Odyssey; " Telemachus then sneezed aloud ; Constrained, his nostril echoed thro' the crowd. The smiling queen the happy omen blest." Book xvn. 168 DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPANY. When the meal was concluded, we again adjourned to the divan ; and fresh pipes, with excellent cofFee, were presented to us. Moving toward the higher, that is the Aga's quarter of the mansion, we were furnished with pipes anew, and the hand then made its appearance. It consisted of two violins, a sort of dulcimer, and a reed pipe, which last was played on by a Dervish. A second, who, by his dress and familiarity with the Aga, appeared of a su- perior rank, sat next, and assisted in the exe- cution of a song, the worst, perhaps, that ever saluted mortal ears. Yet the whole presented a most curious scene. On the elevated and boarded part noticed before, occupying the whole divan, sat the officers of the Cambrian and Seringapatam ; the Aga in one corner, with pipes three yards long, projecting from the jaw, and resting on the brass plate in the middle of the floor, while wreaths of thick smoke ascended to the roof. In front of this elevation sat the band, with the two Dervishes in their light-coloured sugar-loaf hats ; and at their backs stood a huge crowd of turbaned atten- dants, filling up the whole space beyond, and looking with mute attention, and it may be. APPEARANCE OF SULEIMAN AGA. 169 with internal ridicule, upon what was going forward. Would that I were a painter; or, would that I could write a painting ! After another pipe and glass of Champaigne, we departed in the same manner that we had arrived. The Aga may be about fifty years of age, with a perfectly grey beard and sallow com- plexion*. A good-looking lad, of about six years, splendidly habited, and loaded with the usual quantity of arms, accompanied him. I should observe, that, till the Greek Revolution broke out, it was by no means customary to go so attired. Monday, 17th Jan. — While I was reading this morning with my Greek master Kyriaca, a Papas entered the door of his apartment. It * It is of him Lord Bjron speaks in his Notes to the Second Canto of Childe Harold. " Suleyman Aga," says his lordship, " late Governor of Athens, and now of Thebes, was a bon vivant, and as social a being as ever sat cross- legged at a tray or a table. During the carnival, when our English party were masquerading, both himself and his successor were more happy to ' receive masks,' than any dowager in Grosvenor- square." It will be seen, that he still preserves his social character, as well as the means of supporting it. 170 CEREMONY AT THE GREEK EPIPHANY, was the Greek Epiphany ; and he came ac- cording to custom, with a large sponge, a bottle of holy water, and a small cross. These he used in the following manner : He dipped the sponge into the holy water, and sprinkled the whole person of the Aidda-KaXog ; he then presented to him the cross, which he reverently pressed to his lips. For this a piastre was to be paid ; and as there are, at the present time, in Smyrna, upwards of twenty thousand Greeks of the national church, it may easily be seen what a rich harvest the Papas reap. Before the Revolution there were fifty thousand Greek inhabitants of Smyrna ; and though the pur- chase of the water is optional, yet few omit a matter of such vital importance ! The patri- archs are indeed said to derive the chief part of their income from the sale of this, and a holy chrism made annually, and dispersed wherever the influence of the religion prevails. Towards the evening of this day, my very good friend Marsham (first-lieutenant of the Cambrian, and son of the Hon. and Rev, Jacob Marsham, Prebendary of Rochester, Sec. Sec.) performed such an act of devoted gallantry, as will go very near to render his name immortal, GALtANTRY OF LIEUT. MARSH AM. 171 as it deserves to be. The Greek slave of a Turk, in Smyrna, took refuge from the bar- barity of her master in the house of Mr. Fisher, a Levant merchant. She was in a dreadful pHght when she came to him, bruised from top to toe. The merchant compassionated her situation, and harboured her till the arrival of Captain Hamilton, to whom he immediately applied for protection. Captain Hamilton, always ready to assist the distressed, as hun- dreds of instances will prove, immediately assented ; and they deliberated upon the best steps to be taken in the affair. Our old friend aforesaid was accordingly called in ; he has ever been an acknowledged favourite of the ladies, and has at all times a quick eye, a ready hand, and a warm heart at their service. But I shall make him blush — blush like the " Red Book,^' which is for ever blushing, though I guess not why exactly ! — and scarce commo- dities, we read, ought not to be lavished. Waste not — want not, is an old and a very sensible adage. To proceed : my friend sent the dress of a midshipman to Mr. Fisher's during the day ; and, at dusk, prepared his pistols, put a keen edge upon his sword, and 15 172 GALLANTRY OF LIEUT. MARSHAM. a most intimidating fierceness into his look, being resolute to exterminate the whole town rather than fail in carrying off the black-eyed Grecian. It was the rape of a second Helen ! and but for the inimitable prudence with which the affair was conducted, might have occasioned another ten years' war ! But " thanks to the gods/' as Addison makes Cato say, " my boy has done his duty '!' he brought the fair lady in safety to the ship. And here, I may remark, by way of illustrating what I ha^e said of the quickness of Mr. Marsham's eye, that the coat, waistcoat, and smallclothes which he selected, fitted her incomparably well ; — not a fault could be found with them : so that I can, without hesitation, and with the utmost confi- dence, recommend him to any distressed damsel whatever, as the most perfect and peerless " Squire of Dames" that ever existed; — a chevalier, " sans peur et sans reproche." This evening there was a ball at the French consul's, marked with all the characteristics of the preceding. Tuesday, ISth Jan. — Sailed from Smyrna, and in the evening anchored off Vourla, in order to water the ships. The Seringapatam VOURL A— CURIOSITIES. 173 sailed with us, under the orders of Captain Hamilton, who is the senior officer of the sta- tion. Vourla is distinguished by a number of windmills on the heights ; and various small islands at their foot, give a beautiful and pic- turesque appearance to the bay. Wednesday, 19th Jan. — Walked this morn- ing, with my gun, across the hills; but started no game. The country here is more cultivated than any part of Ionia that I have yet seen ; the olive and fig-tree are very abundant. Re- turning by the shore, I discovered a creek, which gave back a singularly fine echo. I also picked up a few common shells. The object of most interest here, is a small island opposite the ancient Clazomene, (now Vourla,) once connected with the main land, and celebrated for the mole, said to have been built by Alexander the Great. The foundations are yet evident; and several ruins scattered over the island, seem to bespeak a place of some importance. By the margin of a circular pit, we found some specimens of a tesselated pave- ment ; and I learn, from the chaplain of the factory at Smyrna, that he and Lord St. Asaph found considerable quantities, on excavating 174 PROCEED ON THE VOYAGE. the pit alluded to. In another part of the island, there is a vaulted passage, supported by a column, which seems now to serve the purpose of a well. You descend by a flight of steps, and a fig-tree flourishes upon the summit. Beneath a niche in the remotest part is a kind of sarcophagus, from which the lid has been lifted, apparently, for examination. Upon the beach I found many detached pieces of Mosaic, of various colours and beauty. Some of them resembled crystal, and others lapis lazuli, &c. The echo, caused by the report of a gun, reverberated exactly like thunder among the hills. Friday, 9>\st Jan. — Set sail for Thessalo- nica. About noon, the Cyrene, a twenty-gun sloop of war, commanded by Captain Grace, came in sight. She was telegraphed, and ordered to join. It blew so hard during the night, (though the wind was fair,) that we carried away our main top-sails. Saturday, 22d Jan. — This morning we came in sight of the Olympian chain of mountains, covered with snow. Ossa and Peleon (now called Kissavo and Zagora) were distinctly visible ; Mount Athos, at intervals, might be MOUNT OLYMPUS. 175 dimly perceived. The day was gloomy, and Olympus, which we passed, was enveloped in clouds; but as the sun struggled to break through, it cast, occasionally, on its hoary sides, many beautiful lights ; and, before we anchored, gilded the whole chain with a shadowy magnificence. We cast anchor off Thessalonica about six o'clock, P.M. CHAPTER VI. Sunday, 2Sd Jan. — Having performed divine service, we were put on shore in the cutter, and hastened to pay our respects to the Enghsh consul, Mr. Charnaud, whom we found the same obhging and friendly person that Dr. Clarke and other travellers have described. His son accompanied us in our researches. The Propyleeum of the ancient Hippodrome, still survives ; but it has been so much defaced by time and boyish wantonness, that its beauty is considerably impaired. It forms the side of a house, in which its columns are buried. Dr. Clarke speaks of five, but now there are only four. The figures are very much mutilated, — the same propensity (for it cannot be worse) appearing to exist here as in England. Tlie lads hurl stones, and the Turks discharge their muskets, at the statues ; so that their situation may easily be conjectured. THESSALONICA— MOSCH OF ST. DEMETRIUS. 177 From the Hippodrome we proceeded to the Mosch of St. Demetrius. Dr. Clarke calls it the ancient Metropolitan Church : but this is a mistake ; universal tradition ascribing it to the Mosch called Eske Djummee. Here, also, the Doctor, and Beaujour, whom he followed, are in error. They term it the Temple of the Thermean Venus. The truth is, it is a Rotunda, and built in imitation of the Pantheon. It has six large arched recesses in its sides; and the top has all the appearance of having been added when first used for a Christian church. The dome is in Mosaic, and nearly ruined. We picked up abundance of the coloured glass with which it was composed. The Eske Djummee, therefore, the Metro- politan Church, and the Rotunda, are one and the same. There is in front of it what Dr. Clarke, speaking of the latter, calls a " magni- ficent marble bema, or pulpit," but it may rather be the ascent to one, since there are steps alone, winding, as we see them some- times in the present day. The figures are in basso-relievo, armed cap-a-pie, and finely executed. But they cannot be very ancient ; for the most conspicuous figure wears around VOL. r. ^ 178 DR. CLARKE'S ERRONEOUS STATEMENTS. his waist a sash, similar to those used by the knights of the middle ages. Here also is the fountain alluded to by Dr. Clarke, with " part of an inscription, mentioning the name either of Cassander, or of some citizen of Cassan- DRiA*,^' so that it is easy to identify the place he means. To return to the Mosch of St. Demetrius. — It is in the form of a cross ; and " on each side is a double colonnade of pillars of the Verde- antico, with Ionic capitals." So says Dr. Clarke; but he adds, by way of note, " Pococke says, these pillars are of white marble. It is very possible, that under the circumstances of our seeing the buildings of Salonica/' [the plague was then rife,] ** an error of this kind may have escaped our observation ; but Beau- jour has the same remark : * La nef du milieu est un beau vaisseau, soutenu par deux rangs de colonnes de vert antique,' &c. Tableau du Comm. de la Grece. Tom. I. p. 43 *f -.^^ I have not Beaujour by me to refer to ; but as the worthy consul declared, and as I have myself * Clarke's Travels. Vol. VII. p. 453. 8vo. 1818. t Ibid, p. 456. DR. CI-ARKE'S ERRONEOUS STATEMENTS. 179 already had sufficient opportunity to observe, Dr. Clarke has frequently made hasty and in- accurate remarks. There certainly is a double colonnade of pillars, but not of Verde-antico, Neither he nor Pococke is correct. The front rows have hut four pillars of verde-antique, facing each other in the middle of the aisle : that row nearest the entrance, has six round pillars, of white marble, with the ornate capitals of Corinthian architecture, and three large pilasters or square shafts rising at proper distances between. Behind this colon- nade are twelve small marble pillars, of the Ionic order. The opposite side of the aisle, besides the four verde-antique pillars already noticed, has five with Corinthian capitals, and two pilasters. Eleven small Ionic pillars are be- hind. To the right and left of the chancel, are four superb porphyry pillars, two on each side. But of all Dr. Clarke's errors the following may perhaps be classed amongst the most re- markable. " The next day (Dec. 30th) Mr. Cripps accompanied Mr. Charnaud upon a shooting excursion into the country, to provide game for our journey ; the consul being very partial to this amusement, and glad to meet N 2 ISO DR. CLARKE'S ERRONEOUS STATEMENTS. with a companion as fond of it as himself;— ' We shall find plenty of game/ said he, ' but you must promise to take away with you all the hat'es that we may kill, for the people of this country hold a dead hare in such detesta- tion, that if I were to dress one for your dinner I must take the skin off and roast it myself; and the consequence w^ould be, that none of my servants would remain in the house where it was flayed, or come into the room where it was eaten.' This very ancient superstition was before alluded to in this work ; it was connected with the w orship of Diana among the Greeks, But we find that fifteen centuries before the ChristiaJi aera the Israelites were taught to consider the hare as unclean ; so that even to touch it was an abomination. ' The hare, be- cause he cheweth the cud, hut divideth not the hoof, he is unclean unto you .... whosoever toucheth the carcase shall be unclean *.'/'. Of course I was desirous of gaining further information relative to this curious story, espe- cially since I remembered to have seen the skins both of hares and rabbits constantly ex- * Clarke's Travels, Vol. VII. p. 457, vS. MOSCII OF ST. DEMETRIUS. 181 posed for sale by the Turks in Smyrna. Ac- cordingly I applied to Mr. Charnaud, both younger and elder, and they both, particularly the latter, who was most concerned, assured me again and again, that there was not one particle of truth in the whole ; on the contrary, the consul said that his cook would be very glad to dress them, since the skins are his per- quisite ; these he can sell to the furriers, who use them for a variety of purposes : and he added, that the Turks eat the flesh without the smallest hesitation. What is here stated Mr. Charnaud after- wards repeated to several of our party : Mr. Strangways and I think Captain Hamilton and Captain Sotheby were both present, with many more. The Mosch of St. Demetrius contains a fine Christian monument, with a Greek inscrip- tion relating to a female, an early convert to Christianity, which I have not time to copy : — the first line runs thus : +'AVXHMa^eKoeieTovTUKeAaMHVi>{reKovc Various crosses are yet distinct upon the mar- ble pavement, although the infidels have done 182 THESSALONICA— MOSCH OF ST. SOPHIA. their utmost to obliterate every symbol of Christianity. Beneath this place is a subter- raneous church now completely closed, in con- sequence, as it is said, of a man whose curiosity led him to enter its dark vaults never having been seen again. The mosch next celebrated is that of St. Sophia. On one of the towers is a stork's nest, a bird held, it is well known, in universal ve- neration. They arrive here early in March and remain till August, but on the fourth of that month precisely, (Old Style !) every bird takes its departure : not one is to be found afterwards, nor is one missing till that very day. This peculiarity is no doubt amongst the good reasons assigned by the Turks for the re- gard they shew them. The Mosch of St. Sophia has nine pillars in front, of which five are verde- antique and four of red granite ; they contrast but poorly with the white-washed Koran-scribbled walls of the edifice. Within are six pillars of verde-an- tique, three on each side : there is also a solid pulpit of the same stone, which tradition has denominated the pulpit of St. Paul. From hence he is said to have harangued the Thes- TRIUMPHAL ARCH OF CONSTANTINE. 183 salonians when he first attempted their conver- sion. Idle as this tradition may be, the pulpit is of undoubted antiquity ; and both from the workmanship and quality of the materials which compose it, is deserving every atten- tion. A triumphal arch of Constantine at the southern extremity of Thessalonica is an ad- mirable monument of the olden times; but neither has it escaped the destroying hand of the Turk. The arch itself has long been di- vested of the marble which enveloped the brick- work yet standing ; and the sculpture of one of the piers is surrounded by a baker's shop. Nor is this all, the barbarians have knocked away the basso-relievos in order to introduce certain conveniences for their trade. The other side is entirely boarded up, and if not already given to destruction, may on some future day afford an unexpected gratification. Two compart- ments only are now visible, representing the triumph of Constantine (probably) in va- rious situations. In the higher compartment the victor is drawn in a triumphal car, accom- panied by his guards, Sec. and in the lower he is on horse-back ; over head an eagle hovers, 184' SUPPOSED TRIUMPHAL ARCH OF AUGUSTUS. having a laurel crown in its talons, with which it is just in the act of encircling the conqueror's brows. In our way hither from the Mosch of St. Demetrius I discovered a square stone about two feet high, on which the word ^lAinnOS was inscribed. We were in- formed that a French consul attempted to dig it up, but it was found buried too deep for the purpose. It is of singular shape, and unless it has supported a statue I can form no conjecture about it ; and it is unlikely to have done so if it be of that height which the anecdote we heard implies. At the northern quarter of the town is the gate of the Vardar, which Dr. Clarke supposes a triumphal arch of Augustus : a work far su- perior, he says, in point of taste to the other. How this may be I know not ; the vault within and without is overlaid with plaister by the Turks, in two or three places it has given way ; and passing the first archway of the \ ault on the obverse side a section of a horse and man may be discovered : under this arch I copied the following inscription, which the younger Mr. Charnaud believes cannot have been un- covered many years, yet Dr. Clarke speaks of ANCIENT GREEK INSCRIPTIONS. 185 it cursorily as " containing the names of all the magistrates then in office/' n OA EITAPXO Y NTjaiMZnZlH ATPOY- TOYK / nATPAi:«ICAI-A0YKIOY.¥0MTIOVrEk:OY N AOV YJOVAYAOYaVOYIOY- ZABEINOY-AHMHTPl Y'T -bAYlTCY'AH M HTPIOYTOY N El KOTTOAEOI-ZO TUYnTAPMENlONOZ-TOYKAIMENIIKOYrAIOY-AriAAHlOY ITOTEITOYTAMIOYTHS-TTOAEOSTAYPOYTOYAMMU^ TOY k A IPHPAO Y- r Y M N AYIa\PXOY NTO ITAYPOTOYTAYPC TOYKAIPHTAOY- And a little to the right of the Vardar Gate is a fountain which has originally been an elegant soros of white marble, but which has not been noticed before : I find there an in- scription in this form, erected by some one whose name I cannot decypher, " for his wife and himself, he being alive." AIAIAAPEMICK THCYNBIN KAIEAVTUI Z' W N Wednesday^ 26th Jan. — Mr. Charnaud obhgingly accommodated me with the loan of a horse, and his son was good enough to attend 186 CONVENT OF THE DANCING DERVISHES, me. I corrected the copies of some inscrip- tions which I had maxle, and from thence went to inspect a convent of dancing Dervishes out- side the northern wall of the city. This is a curious place, but built much on the system of Catholic monasteries, that is, on one side the place of devotion and on the other little apart- ments for the Dervishes, containing a small divan, their sofa and bed. The building dedi- cated to the fantastic exercises of their reli- gion is square, and painted both within and without. Within it is constructed like a circus, having a gallery above for the spectators ; here they twirl in all the most ridiculous pos- tures imaginable. Cats in immense numbers were running about the area; they feed and educate sixty of them in this convent alone (which is but small) and appear to consider them with the greatest veneration. Attached to the religious edifice is a tomb covered with a splendid cloth of gold, and crowned with the white turban of the Dervishes ; it is called the tomb of the prophet, and I understand he has a similar mark of respect shewn him in every convent of the kind. It is surrounded by bal- conies, where the Dervishes walk. 10 PACHA'S SUMMER-HOUSE— TUMULUS. 187 Descending the hill we rode upon the level plain below it, and passed a khan, or inn, where certain travellers were reposing. These places are of the very worst description; all they can furnish you with, in general, is bread and a mat to sleep upon. Sometimes the only chamber is the stable ; and, to say truth, you might meet here worse companions than the horses. About a mile from the town is a sort of summer-house, to which the Pacha occa- sionally goes to divert himself, and enjoy the fresco of the sea. Half an hour's journey fur- ther is a high mound, which has all the ap- pearance of a tumulus, and of which Dr. Clarke says, " that it may possibly cover the remains of those Thessalonians who fell in the battle fought here against Philip the Second ; no other instance having occurred likely to cause a tumulus of such magnitude so near to the walls of Salontcaj" I returned to the ship with a promise from Mr. Charnaud, jun. to attend me, next day, to the dance of Dervishes, which is to take place at one o'clock p.m. Thursday, 9ilth Jan. — There is a singular method of catching the red-legged partridges. ^88 CURIOUS MODE OF CATCHING PARTRIDGES. common in this country, which I do not re- member to have heard of before. The sports- man provides himself with a covering for his •whole body composed of stripes of different kinds of the brightest cloth. He has a hole made in it for admitting his gun, and other holes for the eyes ; in which state he marches into the field. No sooner do the partridges perceive him, than impelled by this strange attraction, the whole covey run toward the cloth, and thus afford the sportsman an oppor- tunity of murdering them at a blow ! Ibrahim, the present Pacha of Salonica, is much esteemed here, and is universally spoken, of as a humane man. We understand that he is nominated to a Pachalik of more importance, and will presently remove to it. Our arrival with three ships of war threw him into great consternation ; he came down to the beach to make observations, and it is rumoured, gave orders for levying a competent force. . We hear that the Pacha of Egypt has sent his son with sixty men of war to Candia, and from twelve to fourteen thousand troops, in order to renew operations against the Greeks. But the Turks are so much in the habit of 11 INJUDICIOUS CONDUCT OF THE BIBLE SOCIETY. 189 crowding their ships with men as to render them unserviceable : in such cases the Greek fire must do infinite mischief. The Pacha^s ^on is said to be a man of some talent, but not €qual to his father. Amongst other instances of the injudicious distribution of Bibles, by the Bible Society, which I find daily occurring, it was told me by Mr. Abbot, a Levant merchant in Salonica, that nearly four years ago, forty copies of the Bible, in different languages, had been sent to him from Malta ; of these he had, in vain, at- tempted to dispose of more than three. He also said, that though he had written several times to Malta, to point out the propriety of their being otherwise disposed of, no notice whatever had been taken of his suggestion. This, with various other anecdotes, which I doubt not I shall, from time to time, collect, should teach the Society that they may have mistaken the mode of accomphshing their ob- ject ; and that the flaming reports which they publish are not always borne out by facts. " In calculating the actual good done by the chari- table contributions, which supply the funds of this benevolent association from vear to vear,''^ 190 INJUDICIOUS CONDUCT OP THE BIBLE SOCIETY. says the Fifteenth Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society^ P^g^ 212, " or the be- nefit derivable from the labours and exertions of the agents of the Society in any one year, the NUMBER OF VERSIONS AND COPIES OF THE Holy Scriptures, which are issued from the press in different languages, and forwarded to the places where they are meant to be distributed, must be considered a PRINCIPAL criterion AND MEASURE OP ESTIMATION. The committee have, there- fore, great satisfaction in communicating, as part of the fruits of the past year, the com- pletion of two distinct editions of the New Testament in three Asiatic languages, besides a small edition, in a fourth language, of the Gospel of St. Matthew." How fallacious a mode of arguing this is, I need not, after the facts already stated, trouble myself to shew ; but I must observe, that there seems not the smallest pretext for continuing the pernicious system of penny collections and female asso- ciations^ if such be the use made of the sup- plies so raised. If packages of books are sent off at random, left to casual distribution, and no enquiry made about them afterward, the THESSALONICA— GREEK SUPERSTITION. 191 money employed in these measures has been wasted, and the contributors cajoled ! Thursday Evening. — A singular anecdote, relative to Greek superstition, was told to me this evening. Three years after a body has been interred, the friends of the deceased make a procession to the place of its sepulchre, and examine the condition it is in. If the flesh be not decayed, or black, they imagine it to be the consequence of some enormous crime. They then have recourse to prayers and holy water, with which it is lavishly besprinkled, and again committed to the grave. Friday, 2Sth Jan. — Sailed early for Scopeli, Captain Hamilton having received intelligence that several piratical ships had been cruising in this quarter, and had done considerable injury. We anchored in the evening off Cassandra. Saturday, 29th Jan. — This day had nearly terminated most unhappily ; and we have the utmost reason to be thankful for our escape from the dangerous extremity to which we were reduced. It blew violently, the ship running at a great rate. About noon we were IQ^ PROVIDENTIAL ESCAPE AT SEA. off the little island of Skiatho, not more than a mile and a half from the coast, when we sud- denly struck upon a rock, of which the charts take no notice, nor had any one on board the slightest knowledge of its existence. The crew\ then on deck, were immediately summoned to the forecastle ; and the position of the sails altered, in order to take every advantage of the wind. This method succeeded ; she was brought off the rock, but the tiller-ropes had snapped, and the rudder, of course, would no longer obey the wheel. I was writing in my cabin at the time, and heard the ship^'s keel grating over the stone with no very pleasing sensations. Presently the whirl of the broken tiller-ropes threw down a quantity of glass in the after gun-room ; and an impetuous rush from all the lower parts of the ship to the ac- commodation-ladder, plainly indicated the na- ture of the case. It was a striking scene that presented itself in the confused and hurried air of the men as they poured rapidly to their stations : the shouts of the officers, the rattling of the cordage, and the violent dashing of the sails against the creaking masts ; add to this ANCHOR OFF SYROCHORO. 193 the roaring of the waves and the wind, through the very midst of all which, — " The shrill whistle of the boatswain's pipe Seemed as a whisper in the ear of death." The gale continued freshening, and a thick haze obscured the distant mountains. The Seringapatam and Cyrene were telegraphed, and ordered to bear up toward the Gulf of Volo, (sinus Pelasgicus.) We anchored a little before three o'clock off Syrochoro, (an ancient town, which I am apprehensive we shall not see nearer at present,) and found twenty-eight inches of water in the hold. The pumps have been going continually ever since : our future destination is therefore doubtful. Sunday^ SOth Jan. — Still at anchor; but not permitted to go on shore. We are likely to return to Smyrna. Monday ^Slst Jan, — The weather has cleared up, and a beautiful though frosty morning makes amends for the dulness and disagree- ableness of the preceding days. We are an- chored in a kind of elliptical circle; — double chains of mountains towering above us on every side, and the farther and higher one mantled VOL. I. o tP4 SYROCHORO— RUTNS OF T?IE ACROPOLIS. in snow. To the east, are the ruins of Syro- choro, probably the ancient Dios, mentioned by Homer and Strabo ; but it seems unnoticed altogether by modern travellers. At no great distance from hence should be Histicea, famous for its vineyards ; and CencBiim, a promontory where Jupiter had a temple built by Hercules. To the west of us, is a long ledge of white rocks. Contrary to expectation, soon after writing the above, it was determined that we should have communication with the shore. This had been interdicted, from a primary intention of returning immediately to Malta; and then any thing of the sort would, of course, have lengthened our quarantine there. On landing, I immediately ascended a steep hill, on which had been the acropolis of the place. All that remains are walls, nearly ex- tinct ; but they have no appearance of any great antiquity. The stones are cemented to- gether; and broken buttresses or towers placed at intervals around the line of wall, seem to indicate a Venetian rather than a Grecian fortress. It has been moated, and part of the fosse yet exists. Two gateways are apparent, INSCMPTION ON TffE ACROPGlfS. 195 the one on the north and the other to the east, on which side, about fifty yards from the wall, is a pit, of an elhptical form, nearly filled up with shapeless stones and broken columns of marble. Here, upon an overturned pedestal, 26j feet high, and 21^ broad, I discovered the following inscription, which I take to be the memorial of some amicable treaty between persons whose names are no longer on record *. It was written in very faint characters : — AEUKPATElly^ AESIAAOY ElAITHl This was all, of any moment, tJiat I dis- covered upon the acropolis. The pit is sur- rounded by young plane-trees. A Greek, who was lounging here, informed me, that the fortress had the name of J^PAION, or die Beautiful ; unless, indeed, the word was OPION, signifying the termination or boun- dary, as being close to the sea. The French maps give the name of Oreo to a place nearer * A friend suggests, that it signifies ** to Dexicratinus, the son of Dexiadus, a native of Elis." I leave it to the reader. o 2 106 SYROCHORO— DEVASTATIONS OF THE TURKS. the promontory of Cenaeum ; perhaps the an- cient Histiaea. But it then becomes a question, whether the term be not misappHecl? As I descended the hill, I observed a troop of Alba- nian soldiers, who, from the account given by the Greek above mentioned, were in pursuit of K\e(j)Tai, or robbers, and were patrolling up and down to that end. A small village had been ruined by the Turks in this place; amongst the rest, was a diminutive Grecian church, built in a cottage style, which had also fallen beneath their indiscriminating fury. In this place I discovered part of the rich entablature of a pillar ; upon which was inscribed as follows : — MENYAAI" TIMASI- Plutarch speaks of a ikfe/??///z/s who attempted to prevail on Phocion to accept a sum of money : there is too little said, probably, to justify a supposition that it was the person alluded to. Here, also, I found a human skull, in a fine state of preservation. About half a mile fur- ther, surrounded by plane-trees, is a sort of dry pond; a low wall runs about it. I was in- formed that it had been a church, (ekkXtjctici) ; ANCIENT GREEK INSCRIPTION. 197 but of that there was not the smallest trace. Amongst the pile of stones forming the wall, I found a broken one resting against a tree. I seized upon it with eagerness, and bore it in triumph to the ship. It was covered with the writing which I have faithfully copied beneath. ir\)r/\>y W\ N Cs^XV K •ehLEbEnOlhCA K •• •^EPONo\BOY\OMMITEe•••- OYTO ^ 7^ W-K [12..^ \1T h£^C PUMECaAr"-- ElhAlAIYTAlKA •■ MIETUIEKAIMYN^ATALXEBJNTE 9HPUN - nENeOYTAKOs>55>\rR--.- ^A^-Aeo^^F> ION The contractions, or rather the conjunctions of many of the letters might, perhaps, be con- sidered an argument against the very ancient date of the inscription. And taking this idea as a guide, it would not be fixed earlier in all probability than the lower empire. But several of the letters undoubtedly bear the shape of 198 PREPARATIONS FOR ATTACKING PFRATES. the earliest age: siicb', for instance, is the theta ^, sigma Q, although it occurs in in- scriptions of later times, — alpha ^ , joined in the fourteenth line to lambda ^ , thus, ^, and X, which resembles the ancient gamma. It is curious to observe the word [-] [[ E Y Q (Theseus,) distinctly legible in the ninth line; but I pretend not to explain its meaning. OpaKtig fjtev /cXtivjjc .... .... Or](TSV£ (KaXo\i/xnv is nearly as much as I can decypher. While we were out upon our excursion, the Cyrene had spoke with an Ionian brig, of which she distinguished two pirates in chase. The brig was afterwards boarded ; and, in answer to certain queries, stated, that several piratical vessels were cruising up the gulf. This intelli- gence being communicated to Capt. Hamilton, measures were immediately taken ; and, on our fetum, we found them busy in manning and arming the boats. Four were sent from each ship ; that is, from the Cambrian and Seringa- patam, — the Cyrene being absent. They were put under the command of Lieut. Marsham, who rowed on before the rest, with orders to persuade the pirates, if possible, to submit 11 ACTION WITH THE PIRATKS. 199 themselves to examination ; and for that pur- pose to bring up their vessels to the station of our ships. But he was strictly enjoined to for- bear all attack, unless every other alternative was rejected, and no other mode offered itself of accomplishing the object of his mission. They left the ships at four o'clock, p.m. and returned about one in the morning, with two small vessels and seventeen of their crews ; some of whom were dangerously wounded. Unhappily four of our own men were killed in the fray ; and sixteen out of both ships severely hurt. Lieut. Worsfall, of the Seringapatam, received three wounds in the breast, which but for the thickness of his coat, and the slanting direction which the balls had taken, must have proved fatal. As it happened, however, they went no further than the skin. In fact, the pirates fought desperately to a man ; and such was their resolution, that, in the last violent effort to escape, having discharged their pieces, they dashed them furiously at the assailants, and leapt headlong into the water. — Something of the spirit of old Greece, manifested in a bad cause, seemed forcibly to prevail here ! Their Captain died, after the conflict, in his way 200 DEATH OF THE CAPTAIN OF THE PIRATES. to the ships, of a wound from a pistol ball, which had penetrated the breast, and with several sabre-wounds in the lower part of his body. He was stretched out, for a short time, upon the quarter-deck, covered with a flag, — a horrible and an awful sight : his face, which must have been handsome, was shockingly smeared with blood : and his long black hair, clotted and spread in disorder around him, gave a singular wildness to his appearance, as seen by a bright moon on the quarter-deck of a man of war. His mouth, the upper lip of which had long mustachios, was stiif with gore, and his eyes were unclosed : adding yet more strongly to the savageness of feature, which his last bold act contributed to impress upon him. The dark eye of his country gleamed fiercely even in death : but it was said, that he died uttering ^^Christiano, Chris- tlano" — a characteristic, or at least Catholic termination of an unlawful career ! Following up his instruction to the letter, Mr. Marsham first proceeded, with his own boat, only in search of the pirates ; and, having fallen in with them, explained, through an in- terpreter, the necessity of their complying with PURSUIT OF THE PIRATES. 201 the wishes of the English commodore. He assured them of safety, provided they ac- quiesced ; and endeavoured, by maintaining an easy unconstrained tone, to obviate the irri- tation, or apprehension, perhaps, which their manner throughout had indicated, as well as to afford time for the hindmost boats to come up. All that he could say proving ineffectual, he gave them to understand that they must expect the worst ; and pushed off to meet his companions. It was now night ; and though the moon had arisen in great splendour, yet the shadow of the lofty mountains, beneath which they rowed, obscuring the track of the pirates, involved our boats in doubt and per- plexity. At this period they fell in with a small trading vessel, called, technically, a Bonebai'd, who directed them to the probable haunts of the desperadoes ; and who, at the same time, requested for themselves a convoy down the gulf. The search was then sedulously pursued ; and about nine o'clock they distin- guished the two vessels, which they afterwards took, off Cape Lethada, the ancient Cen^eum. It is probable that the pirates had no idea of so large a force bemg at hand. On Lieut. 202 ACTION WITH THE PIRATES. Marsham's first approach alone, their inten- tions seemed decidedly hostile ; and they several times attempted to bring a large gun, placed at the bow of their vessel, to bear upon the boat. This he, of course, avoided ; but when the sound of oars nearing them was again heard, the belief of the officers very generally was, that the pirates looked only for the return of the same boat, which they were pre-deter- mined to attack. For no sooner had the lead- ing boat come within shot, than a volley of musketry, fired from the piratical vessels, struck seven of our men : but surely, if they had been aware of the approach of eight well- armed boats, they would rather have preferred standing rigidly upon the defensive. Their proceeding, however, was the signal for a quick and destructive fire. Many of the Greeks, after a desperate and well-contested struggle of twenty minutes, plunged into the water : fifteen were afterwards thrown overboard dead; and the remainder, brought prisoners to the ship. There certainly could not have been less than forty men, crowded into two puny vessels of not more than twenty tons burden. Amongst those who were captured, was a boy GALLANT BEHAVIOUR OF THE OFFICERS. 203 of twelve or thirteen j^ears of age. During the conflict, he had crept to the bottom of the boat ; and it was with the utmost difficulty that he could be drawn forth. With less man- liness than his age promised, he screamed most piteously. It is a curious fact, that one of the prisoners resembles the ci-devant Go- vernor of Scio most strikingly. This was noticed by many beside myself. Throughout the whole of the affair, the greatest credit is reflected upon the officers who conducted it. As far as my own know- ledge goes, I should say, that than Mr. Mar- sham, the first, and Mr. Smart, the fourth, Lieutenant, of the Cambrian, there could not have been officers selected more fitted for the occasion, or for any other. Spirit, judgment, and humanity, are alike their characteristics, as they are those of the whole British navy. What I say of one I say of all. Tuesday, \st Feb. — The prisoners who had been taken yesterday, were sent to the Cyrene, to be conducted to Scopeli, and delivered up to the government. One of these was a Papas. From papers found upon them, added to the confession of one of the party, no doubt can 204' BURIAL OF THE SAILORS. exist of their piratical pursuits. Their vessels have been burnt, after undergoing a minute inspection, and the contents disposed of on board our own ships. The large gun men- tioned before, was found crammed up to the top with nails, round stones, and other offensive materials of the same nature. It had been fired several times the preceding day, but ap- parently without effect. In the belt of the deceased chief, a quantity of silver and gold was discovered, not amounting to more than a few pounds, and bearing principally the form of amulets. The greater part of their weapons the pirates themselves had thrown over- board, when further resistance was fruitless. The dead bodies of our men were deposited in the sea, with military honours. Two boats were manned ; in one lay the corpses, and in the other were the marines under arms. I accompanied the former boat, with the first lieutenant, about a cable's length from the ship ; the band on deck playing solemn music. The funeral service was read, and the waters closed over them. They had yesterday gone forth breathing — ^living men ; full of hope and exultation. They laughed with the laughers ; REFLECTIONS 0\ THEIR DEATH. 205 and returned the coarse jest of their com- panions with noisy thoughtless glee. Before the ensuing dawn, they were dead : a piece of canvas, bound tightly to the body, was their winding-sheet — the echo of musketry their re- quiem — and the wave, as it parted to receive them into its bosom, poured forth almost the last tribute to their memory! No matter; that Upov VTTVOV Koj^torat ^, ' and the deepest and the truest lamentation, is useful only as it affects the mind and heart and subsequent conduct of the living. " Mais la mort,^' says a Frenchman, whose name I forget, " la mort, n^est autre chose, que le re- gret des vivans ; si nous ne la regrettons pas, il n'est pas mort/' The idea is all over French. Wednesday, 2d Feb. — Weighed anchor at an early hour. The Seringapatam. bailed ano- ther boat which had suffered from the depre- dations of the pirates. About ten o'clock we discovered five small Latine vessels sailing * Callimachus. SW LATIKE VESSELS. close under the coast of Thessaly, immedi- ately at the entrance of the Gulf of Volo. Supposing them a part of the piratical cruizers they were fired at, for the purpose of being brought too : they were not, however, within shot. It was a beautiful morning with light winds which just served to ripple the surface of the water. The Latines furled their sails, put back, and pulled into a narrow creek, where they were safe for the time from molestation : they then climbed the rocks to watch our mo- tions. As the object of Captain Hamilton was only to ascertain who and what they were, he ivished to try every conciliating measure before he resorted to any thing harsh. With this view he despatched one of the wounded pri- soners who remained, with a flag of truce, and a request that some of their leaders would come on board his ship. In the mean time preparations were made for a refusal. The marines were called up and drilled ; ball cart- ridges brought out, with pistols, muskets and cutlasses for the whole crew. It certainly was an animating scene ; the snapping of flints was perpetual, and the bustling, not to ?>^y joyous, air of the younger officers, was strong evidence PROCEEDINGS OF THE OFFICERS. 2()7 how vividly they felt the power of what was pfoino- forward. On the return of the boat, after leaving our ambassador in the hands of his countrymen, we had a picturesque account of their pro- ceedings. They approached without seeing a man, but as soon as they had landed the pri- soner and retired, a whistle was heard, and im- mediately upwards of a hundred men sprung from beneath the bushes of the rocks. The incident in Sir W. Scott's " Lady of the Lake," that, namely, of Roderic Dhu and his clans- men instantly recurred ! Allowing a sufficient time for consultation our boat was despatched a second time, and returned with four or five Greeks, for whose safety our first lieutenant, perhaps unwisely, had chosen to remain as a hostage; however, he was treated with every civility. The account given by these people was, that they were gun- boats belonging to a small Greek squadron, consisting of two brigs, a schooner, and what is called a mi/stico, (which is something resembling a very small schooner) cniising on the opposite side of the gulf. It seems tiiat twelve Turkish vessels are now \f\ 208 BEAUTIFUL PROSPECT. Volo, and that the Greeks have fitted out this armament with a design to intercept and burn the fleet of their enemy. The Cyrene, how- ever, had met with the gun-boats last evening, and had fired at them for a considerable thue. . From all these circumstances they concluded that we wxre Turkish men of war, and our steady pursuit confirmed them in the idea. In conclusion, they agreed to accompany us to the station of the larger vessels from which they had been detached. The sun set even more magnificently than usual. On one side was the coast of Thessaly, bending round us like a bow, with Mount Par- nassus towering in the distance ; on the other side was the Island of Negropont ; the Islands of Scopeli, Skiatho, and Pondico-nisi to the east. Only one of the Greek vessels having issued from the creek, according to the agreement, our boats were again manned and armed, and with Captain Hamilton himself at their head, proceeded to act as occasion might dictate. First, however, a boat set forth with a flag of truce, and found the Greeks all on the alert, ■ftnd stationed amongst the bushes, with their VIOLENCE OF AN AUSTRIAN ADMIRAL. 209 "niusquets ready for the action, which they seemed to think inevitable. A parley now en- sued, which lasted till sun-set, when they were persuaded to come along side of our ship : but this object, though advised and wished by their leaders, was effected with difficulty, and Cap- tain Hamilton, to quiet apprehensions which appeared to increase rather than abate, went singly into one of their boats, standing as calmly when exposed to the range of their musquets as he would have done upon the deck of liis own ship. By this time a boat be- longing to the Greek brig of war, despatched by her commander, arrived at the creek, and tliis, no doubt, contributed a good deal to dis- sipate the alarms occasioned (as we found) by the invincible belief of our being Turkish or Austrian ships. It seems that the latter have, in several recent instances, betrayed them into tiie hands of their foes. I have heard it stated, on good authority, that an Austrian admiral, having invited a Greek primate on board his ship, so far forgot himself and his station as to Kft up his hand and knock down the poor Greek on the quarter-deck ! Surely their fears were not altogether unreasonable ! VOL. I. P 210 STRANGE FACT RELATIVE TO TRICHIRI. The place to which we pursued the gun-boats is not far from Trichiri; had we therefore, under supposition of their being pirates, pointed our guns so as to have blown up their vessels, they must, in all probability, have fallen a prey to the Turks. As to those we destroyed two days before, they acknowledged that they were pirates, and seemed w ell pleased at the result of the contest. Captain Hamilton, with his usual kindness, presented them with two bags of bread and half a dozen bottles of rum. Trichiri is in possession of the Turks. A strange fact with relation to this place is, that its absolute defence rests upon the exertions and loyalty of one hundred and fifty Greeks of Scopeli and the neighbourhood, who are in the pay of the Turks. There are also three hundred of them at Negropont. Contrary to the usual practice, they are suffered to carry arms, and are kept under, more by the sequins than by the fear of their masters. What would the three hundred of Thermopi/lahaye thought and done in a like situation ? But these men, as I was informed by a Greek from the brig of war, chiefly compose the bands of pirates who infest Scopeli ; and part of whom we de- PROCEED ON THE VOYAGE— PASS SKYROPOULI. 211 stroyed (which is curious!) not more than ten miles from the celebrated pass just alluded to. Thursday, od Feb. — Calm all the morning. At noon we passed Skyropouli, anciently Sci/ros, the scene of the early youth of Achilles, and of his discovery in the disguise of a girl by the dexterous management of Ulysses. Mount Athos was upon our left. p 2 CHAPTER VII. Saturday, 6th Feb, — Arrived at Smyrna, This morning one of the sailors wounded in the contest with the pirates died; and the Greek prisoners who had been sent to Scopeh were returned, with a request from the govern- ment that they might be hung. Parted com- pany with the Seringapatam. She has been ordered to Milo. With regard to the actual situation of the Greeks, the " English public' have been con- siderably misinformed. The Papers are filled with falsehoods. We received the " Liverpool Courier^^ to-day, by the kindness of the cap- tain of a merchantman, bearing date the 20th December. Lord Gordon and a " gallant company^* are here said to have arrived at Na- poli, with forty stands of colours wrought by the fair hands of the ladies of Edinburgh. We were in that place (Napoli) for several days, UNFOUNDED REPORTS. 213 from the 25th of Dec. and I need not add, that the report is totally unfounded. The Greeks are stated to have taken several ships of the line from the Turks — this also is false : they have, since the commencement of the Revolu- tion, hurnt two or three, but they do not pos- sess, perhaps, in their whole navy, a larger vessel than a brig of two hundred tons at the very utmost. Those which we have met with hitherto have not exceeded thirty or forty tons. The truth is, they are unable to build and equip ships of any magnitude, and they have not funds sufficient to purchase them. With their small vessels they cruise up and down the islands, and principally by means of Jire, effect the destruction of the larger ships of the enemy. But then the Turks are so in- corrigibly supine, that though their actual losses are, in comparison with their resources, very trifling ; yet they suffer more by this de- sultory mode of warfare than by undergoing positive defeats. The subjects of the Porte already begin to murmur ; and reports are abroad that the present sultan will be de- throned ere long, and his son, a lad of about nine years old, set up in his place. In fact^ ^I* CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GREEKS. the janizaries are said to be in a state of actual rebellion, owing to the measures of depression which the reigning sovereign has long adopted. He would fain weaken their influence, and when a contest of this kind is carried on be- tween parties so constituted, it is not difficult to foresee the result. The Greeks, I am quite clear, have all the qualities necessary for making them redoubted warriors : patience, perseverance, and a high determined valour are their characteristics ; so far as I have seen, there has been no reason to charge them with bad faith. But I have as yet seen little ; and their very acuteness, which is universally admitted, argues, I fear, (when considered with reference to their depressed and persecuted condition) a propensity to exert it in a bad cause as well as in a good one. I have heard numberless anecdotes of their ob- stinacy, treachery, and petty trickery; but of these I do not credit half; and of the rest, I think that there may perhaps be many circum- stances, concealed or not understood, which might palliate and almost justify the facts, which prima facie are deserving of the harshest denomination. It is extremely difficult where 10 SMYRNA— EXECUTION OF FOUR GREEKS. 215 we now are to obtain accurate information of what is going forward ; the Greeks themselves exaggerate their successes, and the Turks falsify them m toto. But unquestionably the balance of fortune is on the side of the former ; and I verily believe that their own misconduct alone can prevent the ultimate attainment of their liberties. Sunday^ 6th Feb. — Four Greeks of Smyrna having attempted an escape on board an Ionian vessel, were retaken by the Turks and put to death. It is customary for the executioner here to use a long and sharp sword in the per- formance of his office, at which he is suffi- ciently dexterous, but in the present case (for what reason is not apparent) an ataghan had been employed. The men knelt down upon the quay near the Pacha^s house, with bared necks, and heads drooped for the stroke of death. In the number of these unhappy vic- tims to Turkish cruelty was an old man ; he also was placed in the manner I have men- tioned, but instead of taking off the head, the ataghan fell upon the hinder part of it, sink- ing deep into the skull, and he was actually struck SEVEN times before the murder could 21G SMYRNA— INTERMENT OF A SAILOR. be completed. In the mean while the place re-echoed with his cries and groans ; and when one of the English residents in Smyrna, at- tracted by the noise, approached the spot, the heads were thrown upon a heap, and the trunks spouted forth a flood of gore ! Such are the scenes to which the Turkish government ac- customs its subjects ; and such are the facts at which, while humanity shudders, the Mussul- man only exults ! The dead body of the sailor was interred this afternoon in the burial-ground of the Fac- tory, with military honors : the marines, with their arms reversed, preceded by the band playing the dead march in Saul, and followed by the officers and seamen, accompanied the body through the streets of Smyrna : — the day was rainy. Monday, 7th Feb. — We were at a ball this evening given by an American merchant — the agent of the American government. The Turks refuse to acknowledge the independence of the Americans, and will not allow them a consul in the place. Suleiman Aga, (our old friend) was present at the ball, and seemed vastly en- tertained with what he saw. It is understood BAD MANNERS OF A PACHA. 2f7 that he apphed for an admission to the balls of the Casino, but that it was not thought proper to assent to his request. The reason assio^ned is, that a former Pacha who was ad- mitted to these assemblies (he has since lost his head !) behaved himself with great inde- corum, not only smoking and ejecting his saliva upon the dresses of the damsels, but even accosting them in improper language. They fear, therefore, that the admission of Su- leiman would become a bad precedent; and that the future would be marked with conse- quences prejudicial alike to themselves and their assemblies. This, it must be owned, is a good reason enough ; but others have said, that some little jealousy of the French, &c. arising from the civilities shewn by the Aga to Eng- lishmen, has prompted the refusal. I have nothing to say upon the point : either or both of the causes may have had their weight. Su- leiman indeed avers, that were he ten years younger he would make a trip to England ; and a superb double-barrelled " Manton" which he has procured, testifies that English manufactures have no less charms for him than Enghsh society. 218 SMYRNA— EXCURSION TO MOUNT PAGUS. Wednesday, 9th Feb. — Strolled with Mr, Arundell, whose kindness and antiquarian re- search keep equal pace with his many other good qualities, to the Castle of Smyrna on Mount Pagus, in pursuit of relics. Amongst the loose stones of the Amphitheatre I picked up a small one, almost triangular in shape, and of about four inches and a half long, with the following inscription — too abrupt, I fear, to lead to any thing determinate. •••• AT 4>on ' YxroK/ AKTOH- . • • TPXAIA I found a second, but it^vvas even less per- fect than the one I have copied. Mr. Arundell was more fortunate, and he will, I hope, before long give the result of his accumulated re- searches to the public. On our return we were overtaken by two Turks, who seemed mightily inquisitive as to the nature of our pursuits. One of them had a FUNERAL CEREMONIES OF THE GREEKS. 219 most ferocious aspect, and his conduct altoge- ther was assuming and impudent. As we de- scended the Mount one gave the other a push, and out flew their ataghans — a prospect with which W€ were httle fascinated. It seemed done for the purpose of intimidation ; and im- mediately afterwards one of them approached me and signified by signs that my gloves had taken his fency ; however I had no fancy to part with them, and I have made a memoran- dum never to ascend Mount Pagus again with- out the accompaniment of a brace of pistols. Thursday, 10th Feb, — I was present to-day at the funeral of a Greek boy — ^it was curious and interesting. The friends and relations of the deceased assemble at a certain hour, and seat themselves on the divan or on chairs around the corpse, which is placed in the centre of the room, arrayed in splendid funeral habiliments, and with its head turned toward the east ; they then kiss its cold and pallid cheeks, and utter many lamentations, all of which are addressed to the body. The mother, or, if the deceased be a married man, his wife, takes the principal share in the ceremony, weeping, beating her breast, and talking to it, sometimes with gentle ^20 FUNERAL CEREMONIES OF THE GREEKS. reproaches, as if it could actually hear and un- derstand all that was said *. When this has been acted sufficiently, the corpse is deposited on a kind of bier, and preceded by a number of papas, walking two and two, and ringing in a loud nasal tone perpetual changes upon the following words : ' Ayiog o 0£oc:, ayiog 'la'yypoi;, ayiog udavarot; tXiriaov Vfiag, which signify " Holy God, holy strong One, holy Immortal, pity us ;" and are descriptive of the three persons of the Trinity. Thus they enter the church, where the archbishop (if the * See the translated Gesta Romanorum, Vol. I. page 73, 4. and see also the Hero and Leander of Musaeus. Thus Chapman — " And as when funeral dames watch a dead corse Weeping about it ; telling with remorse What pains he felt, how long in pain he lay. How little food he ate, what he would say : And then mix mournful tales of others' deaths. Smothering themselves in clouds of their own breaths. At length, one cheering other, calls for wine : The golden bowl drinks tears from out their eyne. As they drink wine from it ; and round it goes. Each helping other to relieve their woes." FUNERAk CEREMONIES OF THE GREEKS. 221 deceased be of consequence, and rich enough to command the services of so great a man !) is seated on a gilded throne attached to a pillar in the centre aisle. They approach and place the body before him, exclaiming at the same time, lEtlg TroXXa, errj dstnroTa — " May you live many years, Lord." Aea-TrorrjQ is used only in addressing the archbishop. Two lights are burnt at the head and two at the feet of an adult, but a child has only one at the foot. They then recommence singing certain passages from the Psalms ; and small waxen tapers are given to every person of re- spectable appearance present. The tapers are lighted and clouds of frankincense (supposed to carry in their ascent the prayers of the afflicted relatives to heaven !) are scattered lavishly about. After this the lights are ex- tinguished, and such of the crowd as are con- nected with the deceased rush forward to take the last kiss : they press their lips eagerly to the cheeks, breast, &c. but principally to the cheek. The body is then carried to the grave ; divested in a rude and disgusting manner of the decorations with which it had come forth, and moistened with a quantity of oil, or more ^22 PRECIPITATE INTERMENT. frequently with water upon which a small por- tion of oil floats. This is done by the priest, accompanied with a short prayer, from a belief that the dissolution of the body would not otherwise take place. The Greeks bury their dead within ten hours after the vital spark appears to be extinct. If this happen in the morning they are buried before night, if toward evening they watch the corpse till daylight, and then hasten the interment. This singular precipitation has fre- quently been followed by revivals, which ter- minate in an excruciating and lingering death. The places of sepulture are a kind of small pits, capable of containing many human bodies when they are extended one above the other at fiill length. The pits are paved, partitioned from each other by a slight brickwork, and covered with a flat stone, upon which the names of the dead and figures symbolical of their trade or profession are engraved *. Into this, without cofiin, and with scarce a shroud, the corpse is put; so that the horrible situation * This is usual also upon the tomb-stones of the Jews : for instance, a pen and ink-stand denotes a scribe ; a pair of scissors a tailor, &c. &.c. SINGULAR STORY RELATED BY TOURNEFORT. 223 of one awakening from a trance may easily be imagined. These depositaries just admit air enough to prolong suffering, and however forcible be his cries they serve only to awake the apprehensions of the living, without afford- ing succour to the dying and despairing wretch. The layman hears the utterance of his agony, and instantaneously drops upon his knees ; the papas hears it, and ha^ recourse to prayers and fumigations, but human aid is hopeless. The truth indeed is, that they con- ceive certain evil spirits called vrouco loch as have seized upon the dead, and that thei/ pro- duce the terror-striking shrieks which issue from the subterranean recesses. A singular story relating to these spirits is told by M. Tournefort, and as the book is scarce, and the anecdote (marvellous though it be) from what I have both seen and heard, likely to be fact, I shall give it without curtailment. " The man, whose story we are going to relate, was a peasant of Mycone, naturally ill- natured and quarrelsome. This is a circum- stance to be taken notice of in such cases. He was murdered in the fields, nobody knew hoAv, nor by whom. Two days after his being buried 224f SINGULAR STORY RELATED BY TOURNEFORT. in a chapel in the town, it was noised about that he was seen to walk in the night with great haste, that he tumbled about people^s goods, put out their lamps, griped them be- hind, and a thousand other monkey tricks. At first the story was received with laughter ; but the thing was looked upon to be serious when the better sort of people began to complain of it : the papas themselves giving credit to the fact, and no doubt had their reasons for so doing : masses must be said to be sure, but for all this the peasant drove his old trade, and heeded nothing they could do. After divers meetings of the chief people of the city, of priests and monks, it was gravely concluded that 'twas necessary, in consequence of some musty ceremonial, to wait till nine days after the interment should be expired. " On the ten til day they said one mass in the chapel where the body was laid in order to drive out the demon which they imagined was got into it. After mass they took up the body, and got every thing ready for pulling out its heart: the butcher of the town, an old clumsy fellow, first opens the belly instead of the breast, he groped a long while among the SINGULAR STORY RELATED BY TOURNEFORT. 225 entrails, but could not find what he looked for ; at last somebody told him he should cut up the diaphragm. The heart was pulled out to the admiration of all the spectators. In the mean time the corpse stunk so abominably that they were obliged to burn frankincense, but the smoke mixing with the exhalations from the carcase increased the offensive smell, and began to muddle the poor people's peri- cranies. Their imagination, struck with the spectacle before them, grew full of visions : it came into their noddles that a thick smoke arose out of the body ; we durst not say 'twas the smoke of the incense. They were inces- santly bawling out Vroucolacas * in the chapel and place before it ; this is the name they give to these pretended Redivivi, The noise bel- lowed through the streets, and it seemed to be a name invented on purpose to rend the roof of the chapel. Several there present averred that * " Vroucolacas, BpovKoXuKog koI BpovKoXaKac, Kal BpovKo- XuKag. BpovtcoXuKag, a specti'C Consisting of a dead body and a demon. Some think that BpovKoXaKoc signifies a stinking- carcase denied Christian burial. BpovKog and BovpKog, that nasty stinking slime which subsides at the bottom of old ditches; for AnKog signifies a ditch" VOL. I. Q SINGULAR STORY RELATED BY TOURNEFORT. the wretches blood was extremely red ; the butcher swore the body was still warm, whence they concluded that the deceased was a very ill man for not being thoroughly dead, or in plain terms, for suffering himself to be re-ani- mated by Old Nick, which is the notion they have of a Vroucolacas. They then roared out that name in a stupendous manner. Just at the time came in a flock of people, loudly pro- testing they plainly perceived the body was not grown stiff when it was carried from the fields to church to be buried, and that consequently it was a true Vroucolacas ; which word was still the burden of the song. " I dont doubt they would have sworn it did not stink had not we been there ; so mazed were the poor people with this disaster, and so infatuated with their notion of the dead's being reanimated. As for us, who were got as close to the corpse as we could, that we might be more exact in our observations, we were almost poisoned with the intolerable smell that issued from it. When they asked us what we thought of this body, we told them we believed it to be very thoroughly dead; but as we were willing to cure, or at least not to exasperate their pre- SINGULAR STORY RELATED BV TOUft^EFORT. ^27 judiced imaginations, we represented to them that it was no wonder the butcher should feel a little Warmth when he groped among entrails that were then rotting ; that it was no extra- ordinary thing for it to emit fumes, since dung turned up will do the same ; that as for the pretended redness of the blood, it still appeared by the butcher's hands, to be nothing but a very stinking nasty smear. " After all our reasons they were of opinion it would be the wisest course to burn the dead man's heart on the sea-shore : but this execu- tion did not make him a bit more tractable ; he went on with his racket more furiously than ever; he Mas accused of beating folks in the night, breaking down doors, and even roofs of houses, clattering windows, tearing clothes, emptying bottles and vessels. 'Twas the most thirsty devil ! I believe he did not spare any body but the consul, in whose house w^e lodged. Nothing could be more miserable than the condition of this island ; all the inhabitants seemed frightened out of their senses. The wisest among them were stricken like the rest. 'Twas an epidemical disease of the brain, as Q 2 228 SINGULAR STORY RELATED BY TOURNEFORT. dangerous and infectious as the madness of dogs. Whole famihes quitted their houses, and brouo-ht their tent-beds from the farthest parts of the town into the pubhc places, there to spend the night. They were every instant complaining of some new insult ; nothing was to be heard but sighs and groans at the ap- proach of night. The better sort of people re- tired into the country. " When the prepossession was so general we thought it our best way to hold our tongues. Had we opposed it we had not only been ac- counted ridiculous blockheads, but Atheists and infidels. How was it possible to stand against the madness of a whole people ? Those that be- lieved we doubted the truth of the fact came and upbraided us with our incredulity, and strove to prove that there were such things as Vrou- colacasses by citations out of the Buckler of Faith, {Ta^ya ttjq V(t)f.iaiK7]£ TTifTTSMg) written by F. Rechard, a Jesuit missionary. He was a Latin, say they, and consequently you ought to give him credit. We should have got no- thing by denying the justness of the conse- quence : it was as good as a comedy to us every SINGULAR STORY RELATED BY TOURNEFORT, 229 morning to hear the new folhes committed by this night-bird ; they charged him with being guilty of the most abominable sins. " Some citizens that were most zealous for the good of the public, fancied they had been deficient in the most material part of the cere- mony. They were of opinion that they had been wrong in saying mass before they had pulled out the wretches heart : had we taken this precaution, quoth they, we had bet the devil as sure as a gun ; he would have been hanged before he would ever have come there again. Whereas, saying mass first, the cun- ning dog fled for it a while, and came back again when the danger was over. " Notwithstanding these wise reflections, they remained in as much perplexity as they were the first day. They meet night and morning, they debate, they make processions three days and three nights, they oblige the papas to fast : you might see them running from house to house, holy- water brush in hand, sprinkling it all about, and washing the doors with it; nay, they poured it into the mouth of the poor Vroucolacas. " We so often repeated it to the magistrates 230 SINGULAR STORY RELAXED BY TOURNEFORT. (E^TirpoTTot) of the town, that hi Christendom we should keep the strictest watch a-nights upon such an occasion, to observe what was done, that at last they caught a few vagabonds who undoubtedly had a hand in these disor- ders ; but, either they were not the chief ring- leaders, or else they were released too soan^ for two days afterwards, to make themselves amends for the Lent they had kept in prison, they fell foul again upon the wine-tubs of those who were such fools as to leave their houses empty in the night. So that the people were forced to betake themselves again to their prayers. " One day, as they were hard at this work,, after having stuck I know not how many naked swords over the grave of this corpse, which they took up three or four times a day, for any man^s whim, an Albaneze, that hap- pened to be at Ml/cone, took upon him to say, with a voice of authority, that it was to the last degree ridiculous to make use of the swords of Christians in a case hke this. Can you not conceive, blind as ye are, says he, that the handles of these swords being made like a cross, hinder the devil from coming out of SINGULAR STORY RELATED BY TOURNEFORT. 231 the body ? why do you not rather take the Turkish sabres ? The advice of this learned man had no effect: the Vroiicolacas was in- corrigible; and all the inhabitants were in a strange consternation. They knew not now what saint to call upon, when of a sudden, with one voice, as if they had given each other the hint, they fell to bawling out all through the city, that it was intolerable to wait any longer, — that the only way left was to burn the Vroiicolacas entire; that after so doing, let the devil lurk in it if he could ; that it was better to have recourse to this extremity, than to have the island totally deserted. And in- deed whole families began to pack up in order to retire to Syra or Tinos. The magistrates therefore ordered the Vi^oucolacas to be carried to the point of the Island of St. George, where they prepared a great pile, with pitch and tar, for fear the wood, as dry as it was, should not bum fast enough of itself. What they had be- fore left of this miserable carcase, was thrown into this fire, and consumed presently : "twas on the first of January, 1701. We saw the flame as we returned from Delos; it might justly be called a bonfire of joy, since after S32 SMYRNA— GREEK PAPAS. this no more complaints were heard against the Vroucolacas ; they said that the devil had now met with his match, and some ballads were made to turn him to ridicule/' This strange superstition, Tournefort, all bigotted as he is, very properly ridicules ; but honestly speaking, the Greeks are to the full, with a few exceptions indeed, as much pre- possessed with the feeling as they were a century ago. The Greek Papas are ignorant in the extreme ; and struggle hard to keep their flock in the same pitiable condition. It is a remarkable circumstance, that one of those persons, in Smyrna, bears the most perfect re- semblance to the portrait of our Saviour, as painted by the masterly hand of Carlo Dolce. He wears his hair parted in front, and hanging to a considerable length down his shoulders. Strange to say, he is nearly an idiot. The likeness is undoubted, and has struck numbers ; amongst the rest, my friend Arundell is a host of witnesses. Saturday, 12th Feb. — I was invited this day by my Greek master, Kyriacos Phaidro, to wit- ness the celebration of vespers in the Greek church. Kyriacos is a man of very superior KYRIACOS PHAIDRO— GREEK RITES AND CEREMONIES. S33 intellect and information, possessing a thorough knowledge of his own, and of several foreign languages. He is, indeed, a complete contrast to many of his ignorant and self-sufficient countrymen in Smyrna; although born and bred there, and, I believe, never was a dozen miles from it in his life. With that genuine love of his country, which is inseparable from a really enlightened mind, he sees and ac- knowledges the defects — the charlatanerie of its ecclesiastical constitutions ; and laments the want of unanimity evident in its political career. Besides giving instruction in Greek, he acts as clerk to a Levant merchant here; and thus con- trives to eke out a very narrow income by the most unremitting and well-directed industry. Unfortunately we did not arrive till the ceremony was half finished. The archbishop was in his chair of state, and in the act of consecrating a quantity of bread, surrounded by a croud of " worshippers.^^ Six immense cakes were brought forward in a basket, in which was a seventh of moderate size, which was blessed and set apart for the primate^s own supper ; the rest were supposed to be dis- tributed among the poor. But I am well in- 234! SMYRNA— GREEK EPISCOPAL CROISIER. formed, that the priests themselves, unwilUng that so gross an ahment should feed their flock, bestow on them benedictions en masse, but retain the cakes for their own private use. These facts prove how much every modification of the Catholic religion is capable of being perverted; and how little the honesty of a body of men so regulated and so maintained is to be depended on : but this is a question I have no design to pursue. I know it may give occasion to a hundred remarks; but I know also that it may be well and sufficiently upheld ; here I shall leave it. The Greek episcopal croisier is unlike that of Rome. Each side is formed by the twisted head of a serpent, in a manner like the fol- lowing : On departing, the archbishop took up a small cross, a few inches in length, and waved it, while he bestowed his blessing on the as- sembled people. I caught his eye several CEREMONIES OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCH. 235 limes ; and, as it afterwards appeared, was the cause of some questions and curiosity. He en- quired of Kyriacos why he had not introduced me to him ; and bade him remember, that his house was open to every Enghshman, and to every friend of his, I was glad to find my Greek master stand so well with his " Despot/^ The archbishop is an old man, of rather a venerable appearance ; and shews more of the gentleman than the majority of his cloth in this country. From hence we went to the church of the Armenians ; but again we were too late. They w^ere just dispersing. I observed, however, a custom which prevails here every Saturday, called,^ in Greek, fivrjfioffvvog, or the day of memorial. The church-yard was absolutely covered with small chafing-dishes, into which was thrown a compound of rosin and myrrh, intended, as an Armenian priest, whom we questioned, said, " for the gain of the Uving, and remembmnce of the dead.^^ They sup- pose that the souls of the departed take plea- sure in seeing the cloud rise upward from the grave, bearing with it the prayers and re- miniscences of the friends whom they have 236 SMYRNA— CEREMONIES OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCH. loved ; and in truth the observance is as harm- less as any that I have noticed. It may serve to recal the heart from its vi^anderings, and convince it of its frailness and mortality. At least, if the frequency of the occurrence does not weaken the effect, it may soothe and soften the mind when it renews its intercourse with the world, by presenting images of the most grateful order, by flattering it with holding a sort of direct communication with the spirits " of just men made perfect,^^ and by filling it with the hope of walking securely in the same path, and of preserving in turn the same con- nexions it has loved and left. They have ample faith for all this. When I asked the priest upon what ground they performed the ceremony, he said, " It was a tradition which they had received from their fathers, and it was his duty to perform it without seeking for a reason."' The composition which they burn, is put up into small paper parcels, and pro- vided by the priests, who charge a few paras for each portion. A sort of money-till stands beside the basket. On a stone, forming part of a fountain, opposite the gate of the Arme- nian church, is an ancient Greek inscription, FRANK MERCHANTS OF SMYRNA. 237 which I had not time to copy. This I regret the less, as in all probability it will be given hereafter by Mr. Arundell. Sunday, loth Feb. — We hear that the vice- consul of this place, (a merchant,) and his family, are to have a passage with us to Malta ! People have positively no consciences, though certain of them have abundant officiousness, self-conceit, and ridiculous pretensions. " Like to the bending shoulders of our anticks. Who seem as they'd supported the foundation Of an imperious structure, when, God wot ! Those arched cieHngs, rafters, beams, and all Would feel th' weight of their grandeur and decline To moulder'd earth that had no firmer ground-works To buttress their rare fabric : So did th' Fly I' th' fable glory, that she raised the dust Those spoke-wheels fanned. Thus tho' sense forbid it, A self-opinion ever thinks she did it." The Franks in Smyrna are, to this day, the very same that they were in the days of Anas- tasius; and what they then were, the reader may perceive by the subjoined extract. " In that trucking, trafficking city, peoples' ideas run upon nothing but merchandize : their discourse only varies between the exchanges 238 MODERN GREEK LITERATURE. and the markets : their heads are full of figs and raisins, and their whole hearts wrapped up in cotton and broad-cloths. They suppose man created for nothing but to buy and sell ; and whoever makes not these occupations the sole business of his life, seems to them to neg- lect the end of his existence. I verily believe, that they marry for no other purpose but to keep up the race of merchants/' Would that we were at Malta ! Monday^ 14^/i Feb. — I have as yet said nothing of Greek literature ; but it will here- after form a prominent part of my observations. Notwithstanding the depressed state of the times, and the lamentable ignorance of those who are appointed to instruct the vulgar, there are not wanting distinguished examples of learning among the ecclesiastical body, by far the least inquiring portion of the community. But superstition and prejudice chain them in almost indissoluble bonds ; and never, it is to be feared, will knowledge flourish, untii a more enlightened character of religion becomes pre- valent, — until she is freed from the galling shackles with which bigotry and slavery have encompassed her. Decidedly, however, the TRANSLATION OF MOLIERE'S " AVARE." 239 Spirit of improvement is struggling against her oppressors, and will, no doubt, conquer at last. I have obtained, in Smyrna, by great good luck, several Hellenic performances of uncom- mon interest ; and I shall now proceed to lay before the reader some account of them, and as far as I can, of their authors. But the fear of incurring the heaviest penalties, has obliged the most part to publish these works anony- mously : information, therefore, can only be collected accidentally, and in detached and minute portions. The first which I shall notice, is the transla- tion of Moliere's " Avare^' published at Vienna in 1816, by a Greek Presbyter of Smyrna, called Oi/co2^ojtiO£, or Economics. There is a good deal of interest attached to this person's his- tory. He was originally a schoolmaster at Smyrna, and greatly esteemed for his many rare and uncommon endowments. The esta- blishment prospered under his hands ; and it is owing chiefly to him, that the present reviving taste for literary pursuits has made such pro- gress among the Greeks. He was also an elo- quent and able preacher; several of his sermons have been translated into various foreign lan- 11 240 MODERN GREEK LITERATURE. guages, especially a funeral sermon upon the last patriarch of the Greeks ; who having sub- jected himself to the suspicions of the Sultan, was strangled, and clad in his pontifical habit, tied up in a sack, and thrown into the sea. A merchant vessel, on its way to Smyrna, dis- covered the body, and conveyed it thither, where it was sumptuously interred. The fame and attention which Economus attracted, excited the envy of one or two Smyrniote bishops ; and his unprejudiced way of thinking drew upon him the censure of the ignorant, and the calumny of the malicious. " Oi and besides the letter, he would give me an order upon him for six dollars, which was one month's salary ; I accordingly went on shore, and took from him the letter and order for six dollars, and then went into the boat, and pro- ceeded with it to Calamata, leaving the Mistico at Zimova. We arrived at Calamata on the following day, where on my arrival I delivered to Mr. Cornelio the letter and order ; and, ac- cording to the latter, I received from him the six CONFESSION OF A GREEK. PIRATE. 291 doUai^. After this I went to my house at Cala- niata, where I remained quiet during five days ; after which the British Vice Consul of Arcadia came to Calamata: his name was Anastasachi Pasqualigo ; I met him soon after, and he sa- luted me. After this he came to my house to take his coffee and make his compliments to me according to the custom of the Greeks. I then told him that I was about to reveal a matter of great consequence — a plot that was forming ; but that I ^vished he would not mention my name, fearing I might lose my life. The Vice Consul then asked me who were the persons that were intending to execute the plot I hinted at. I answered, that ' our superiors of this place and tlwse of Zimova, were the persons.* I said this, because the Governor of Calamata was brother of Captain Mavromicali and Petro Bey. The governor's name is Costantino Mavromicali. The Vice Consul asked me if tlie plot was to be executed against British subjects, or any other foreigners : I answered him, ' against all the world, provided money was on board.' The Vice Consul then told me he was going to Tripolitza, thence to Arcadia, and thence to Navarino ; and that if any thing u 2 S92 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. should occur, I was to come to him at the latter place ; and should any vessel be cap- tured, any money taken, the crew killed, or the vessel sunk, I was to put all the papers of the prize or prizes in my breast at the first place we should arrive at, and come with them to him at Navarino. He advised me to go on board of the Mistico ; it would be better, be- cause should any thing happen at sea I could discover it. After this conversation, I re- mained forty-five days at Calamata; and after that time the Mistico arrived there from Zimova. On her arrival, the Mistico fired a salute of ten guns in compliment to the cap- tain's brother, the governor. The governor of Calamata ordered me to go that evening on board of the Mistico, because on the next morning early she was to take troops on board, and convey them to Coron, for the purpose of attacking the castle at that place. — I accord- ingly embarked ; and on the next morning seventy soldiers were taken on board. The Mistico then set sail, but on account of bad weather, we put into Petatidi, where the soldiers were landed, and Captain Panajotti went along with them, from mere curiosity, to CONFESSION OF A GREEK HRATE. 393 witness the attack on the castle of Coron. On the next day he returned, and told the crew, that as the castle would not be attacked for five or six days, there was no occasion to re- main ; we therefore went to Armiro. After the six days the Greeks attacked the castle, when we proceeded to Coron near the castle, to see if it had been captured. On our arrival, we perceived that the Greeks had lost the battle ; so we left and returned to Armiro. Two days after, the weather being fine, we set sail from Armiro, bound to Coron, to bring back the General of the Greek troops. Captain Costan- tino Mavromicali, the governor of Calamata, and the troops that had been embarked in the Mistico. The Mistico returned with them to Armiro, which is the port of Calamata. Ano- ther brother of Captain Costantino, Captain Antonachi, wrote a letter from Coron to his brother, and sent it to him at Armiro; in con- sequence of which letter Captain Costantino called me and the captain of the Mistico, and shewing us the letter, desired us to proceed immediately to Coron, as a vessel with pro- visions had arrived there to succour the Turks in the castle. 294 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE, " ' We accordingly, on the same evenings set sail for Coron, where we came to anchor, close to Vunaria. On the next morning Capt. Panajotti immediately went on shore to speak to Captain Antonachi, who was in camp there. At twelve o'clock he returned on board, and told the whole of the crew that the order was, should a vessel be captured near the castle, she and her cargo would be condemned, be her flag what it might. After this Captain Panajotti brought upon deck an image of the Virgin Mary ; and calling all the crew, desired them to take an oath, that they would willingly con- sent to kill the crew of that vessel, of whatever nation she might be — English, Imperial, French, or any other ; and further, that they would kiU the crew, sink the vessel, and take from her whatever they might find on board. The whole of the crew then took the oath. I was the last one, I took the oath because I could not help it. The captain further said to the crew, ' you know our conditions are these : that four shares of the prize will belong to the four captains on shore \ namely, Captain Costantino Mavromi- cali, governor of Calamata ; Captain Giovanni Mavromicah, his brother, generally called Cazzi ; CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. 295 Captain Kristair, whose son intended to marry the daughter of Captain Cazzi, brother of Petro Bey ; and the fourth, Mr. Giacomo Cornelio, a native of Zante, residing at Calamata, and one of the first nohle^ of Zante. To which foyr persons were hkewise to be paid four thousand piastres for expences of the Mistico alre^^dy incurred, which were first to be deducted from the whole proceeds ; and the remaining pro- ceeds of the prize, either money or any thing else, were to be divided ; namely, one half to the four persons before named, who were the sole owners of the Mistico, and the other half to the crew ; but out of this latter half, the owners were to be paid the four shares before stated. At tliis time, when Captain Panajotti was explaining the business to the crew, I re- mained silent, sitting upon a gun, reflecting seriously, and much displeased. The captain, saemg me in this humour, said to me, ' what is the matter with you ; what are you thinking about V I repHed, ' I am sure that vessel is an English one ; we shall displease the Elnglish, and should we fall in with an English frigate, she will sink us.' The captain answered, ad- dressing himself to all the crew : ' If the 296 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. English have a good fleet, we have our moim-' tains, which are much stronger than their men of war/ After this, the captain took me down into the cabin, and shewed me a letter signed by the four persons before mentioned ; which letter stated, ' Don t fear any thing; do what you can, and you shall he defended by us, all in our power,' " ' After this we set sail, and went near to the vessel anchored by the castle of Coron, and fired two guns at her. At the same time the castle fired a gun at the Mistico, and the vessel moved nearer to the shore, and under the pro- tection of the castle ; so we quitted the place, and steered towards Cape Gallo, where we per- | ceived three vessels sailing eastward. The cap- tain said we had better go and visit them. And we pursued them for three hours, but could not come up with them ; part of the crew said we had better abandon the chase, and return to Coron, as the vessel there might set sail. We accordingly returned, and during the re- mainder of that and the following day we cruised about. " ' On the evening of the latter day, three hours after sun-set, we fell in with the Maltese CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE 297 vessel, named La Speranza ; I think that was her name, commanded by Captain Francisco Gristi. We hailed her : Captain Mari, a Ce- phaloniote, hailed her with a speaking-trumpet, and desired the captain to come on board in his boat, and bring his papers with him. The vessel then let a boat down, into which the Maltese captain, a Greek passenger, and two seamen, four in all, embarked. I should have stated, that when the captain of the Mistico ordered the Maltese brig to be hailed, I asked him for what reason he ordered the captain to come on board ? Captain Panajotti replied, he wanted to see if there were any Turks on board, or papers for Constantinople. I replied, ' you must consider, that the vessel and her master are Maltese, and belonging to my own country, and if you attempt to molest her, from friends that we now are, we shall become enemies.' Captain Panajotti answered, ' the English took from me a million, at Piscardo, and I will take from them much more ; if you speak any more, I'll serve you the same as I intend to do the Maltese.' Saying this, he knocked me down ; my head struck on the nail of a gun, and made 298 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. a wound. Afterwards the brig^s boat came alongside, with the four persons I had before mentioned. They were called upon the Mis- tico's deck, when the Maltese captain and the Greek passenger were sent down into the cabin, and the two seamen were sent into the hold. The hands and legs of the Maltese captain and Greek passenger were tied, — the same was done to the two seamen. Immediately after Captain Panajotti ordered thirteen of the Mistico^s crew to go on board of the Maltese brig. The names of some of them I recollect ; these were Elia, nephew of Petro Bey ; Capt, Mari, the Cephaloniote ; Giorgi the Nostromo^ a Spetziote ; the son of Captain Panajotti, Cristodulo ; Costantino, a Previsan ; Mosca, a Corfiote ; Pano, a Previsan, who is one of those in custody; Spiro, a Calavritan, another of those in custody ; and Costantino di Giorgio, a Spetziote, the boy now in custody. I do not recollect the names of the others. I now re- member another was Anagnosti, the brother- in-law of Captain Panajotti; and another named Nicola Lagonica, nephew of the captain ; and another named Scartato? 9' Zantiote, They were CONFESSION OP A GREEK PIRATE. JJ99 all well armed with pistols, and large knives called attaghani. It was moon-light, and al- most calm. " ' As soon as they got on board of the Maltese brig, Anagnosti went to the poop of the brig and hailed Captain Panajotti, saying to him, * ask the Maltese captain where the key of his chest is to be found/ Captain Panajotti answered, that the key was in a small drawer in the cabin, where the Maltese captain slept. The two vessels were very close to each other. Anagnosti, about three-quarters of an hour after, came again to the poop of the brig, and spoke to Captain Panajotti in the Albanese language, which I do not under- stand. Immediately after this I heard three pistol-shots fired ; after which Capt. Panajotti ordered the crew of the Mistico that remained on board to go alongside and board the brig. The whole of the crew then went on board of the prize ; and began to take out of her chests belonging to the captain and crew, sails, ropes, and many other things, which they put into the Mistico. An hour after the brig had been boarded. Captain Panajotti ordered all the people to return to the Mistico, except the 800 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. thirteen persons who were first sent on board. I and five or six others did not board the brig : we remained in the Mistico to receive the things from her. Captain Panajotti ordered ten muskets to be given to the thirteen hands on board the brig, to defend themselves with. The vessels then separated ; this was about midnight. The Mistico steered towards Vu- naria, and the prize towards Capo Grosso. On our way towards Vunaria, Captain Panajotti ordered the deck to be cleared of the things taken out of the brig. After this was done, he ordered the crew to put the two Maltese seamen to death. They were then brought on deck and carried to the forecastle, and there put to death ; but in w^hat manner I cannot saVj as I was astern on the poop, and did not see them. When this was done, the Greek passenger was brought upon deck, and Captain Panajotti asked him what money he possessed. The passenger replied, he had only thirty dol- lars. The Greek said to the Captain, ' don't put me to death, because I am a Christian, like you ; you are quite right to kill the Mal- tese dogs, — those you have killed, — because they dont like us at all.' Upon this, Captain CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. 301 Panajotti said, ' take this man also forward,' meaning to say that he was to be put to death with the others. After this, Captain Panajotti went astern, and called to Gregorio, (one of those now in custody), who was in the cabin, and had tied the Maltese captain and Greek passenger, and stood guard over them. He desired him to bring the Maltese captain upon deck; which he did, and brought him to the middle of the vessel. At this time Captain Panajotti asked the Maltese captain what sum of money he had in his chest. He answered him, he had one thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars. Immediately after Captain Panajotti said, ' take this man also forward with the others.' At this time he asked Atha- nasi, the cook, where he had put the rope he had given to him from the Maltese vessel. The cook immediately brought the rope, and gave it to Captain Panajotti, who cut it into four pieces, and gave them to the cook, saying to him, ' go forward, and tell the people to put the dead bodies into four bags. Put some ballast into them, and tie them with the four pieces of rope, and throw them overboard.' I did not see either of the four put to death, but 302 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. I heard every thing. I was in such bad hu- mour, I would not see any thing ; and vexed as I was, I took my capote, and remained on the poop. I do not know if either or all of the four prisoners said any thing. I was alarmed, and wmmded in the head, when the captain knocked me down. I tied my head with a handkerchief; the wound is perfectly healed, but can be seen. " ' After this the Mistico steered for Vu- naria ; where, having arrived, Captain Pana- jotti ordered two persons to go on shore. One of them was named Panajotti Gianni, and the other Anagnosti, the brother-in-law of the cap- tain, who came on board from the Maltese brig before we parted from her. He was re- placed by another man of the same name. The two persons sent on shore did not return on board. At day-light the next morning, the Mistico steered in the direction of the prize, to look after her. We remained at sea all the day. At mid-day we perceived the prize, and about sun-set we came near to her, when Cap- tain Panajotti hailed the Nostromo, and asked him if he was ready. The Nostromo replied ' We are ready.' Then Captain Panajotti or- 10 CONFESSION OP A GREEK PIRATE. 303 ilered the Mistico's boat to go alongside of the prize, and bring the people back. The boat went accordingly and returned again with two or more cases of rosolio, some sails and wearing apparel ; also four or five pieces of calico, a bale of Maltese brown nankeens and some red handkerchiefs. The boat after discharging these articles returned again to the prize and brought a further quantity of them, Compasses, sails, the ship's bell, plates, knives and forks, and other articles. The boat returned again to the prize and brought back part of the people who were on board ; and her boat brought the re- mainder of the thirteen who took charge of her. When they returned Captain Panajotti asked them if they had prepared the brig for sinking. They replied all was well done, and that she would soon go down. Captain Panajotti then asked them what they had done with the crew of the brig who remained on board. Three of them, namely, Pano Previsiano, Costantino Calavri- tano, (both of them in custody) and the third, Scartato, replied, ' We put them to death at twelve o'clock to-day.' The captain asked if any of the Maltese had been kilkd by the pistols they heard fired. They answered no — 304 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE, but two of them had been wounded, and the others concealed themselves under the deck. They said they had found on board seven of the crew, whom they had put to death with pistols and with knives. I cannot say if they made any resistance. Elia, nephew of Petro Bey, was wounded in the head. He said it was by a blow given him with a piece of wood by one of the Maltese. He said to me at the same time, that for that wound in his head my head should pay for it, because he had re- ceived it from a Maltese like me. Captain Panajotti then asked what had become of the murdered bodies. They answered they had taken the whole of them down into the store or steward's room. The captain then enquired if they had fastened down the hatchways. They replied, ' Yes, perfectly well.' About half an hour after this the prize went down. " ' On the following morning the captain ordered all the clothes which were in the chests of the seamen of the Maltese brig to be di- vided. Half of the whole was set apart for the owners of the Mistico ; and the other half distributed in proportions. They offered to me three shirts, two jackets, and some other COXFESSIOX OF A GREEK PIRATE. 305 things, but I refused to accept any of theni> saying, * My heart does not even wish to look at these clothes/ From the Maltese captain's chests there were taken some Spanish dollars : they amounted to seventeen hundred and se- venty. This cash was not divided until after our arrival at Armiro. There were also twelve Greek capoti of a black colour, not new, which were distributed to those who first boarded the brig. Two of them are now in the possession of two of the prisoners in custody, namely, Pano Previsano and the boy Costantino. They have also each of them a sash, some shirts, and each a black cap common in Malta. The whole of the prisoners now in custody have each in their possession some of the clothes that were taken from the Maltese brig. On our arrival at Armiro, according to the order I had received, as I said before, from the British Vice Consul, when the chest of the Maltese cap- tain was opened (it was the last one opened), I was very attentive to get hold of his papers ; so perceiving a tin case, I took hold of it, and from it withdrew three papers, namely, the passport, the patent, and muster roll. I took possession of these papers, and concealed them VOL. I. X SOG CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. under my sash. In the captain's chest there were found a gold repeater, two seals, and a gold watch-key; four gold rings with small dia- monds; a shirt-pin with a small diamond, a small gold cross with topazes, and a gold cord. From the chests of the seamen there were taken three silver watches, in addition to their w'ear- ing apparel. Captain Panajotti ordered his son, in whose possession those articles were, to bring the money on deck to be divided, which was brought up accordingly. The captain then ordered the four thousand piastres for the ex- pences of the Mistico to be first deducted. Upon this a dispute arose : some of the crew said they would not consent to it, and others would not consent that the four owners should take four shares of the half which was to be- long to the crew. About these they had a long dispute. At last they agreed, that instead of four, the owners should only have two thousand piastres for the vessel's expences. The other two thousand were to remain on board for the expences of the next cruize. The four shares before mentioned were given up to the owners. The remainder of the money was distributed, as follows : fortv-five dollars to each of the 11 CONFESSION OK A (JKEEK PIRATE. 307 thirteen who boarded the Maltese brig, and twenty dollars to all the others. I do not know what amount was taken by the captain and the other officers ; because my mind was wholly bent upon saving the ship's papers and delivering them into the hands of the British Vice Consul PasqUaligo. The captain ofFered> and gave me, twenty-three dollars ; telling me to take them for the present, and that the nejit voyage I should have much more. I refused to accept the twenty-three dollars; but the captain told me he would not allow me to go on shore if I did not take them, so I was com- pelled to take them. Some of the things wer6 put up at auction. The captain purchased the gold repeater and the four rings. I do not know what he paid for them, as I was at the helm. He came to me and said, th&t as he had purchased the gold watch and the rings, he did not like to appear to buy any more things, and requested that I would purchase for him the gold cross with topazes, as he w ished to • give it to his daughter. I accord- ingly complied with his request, and went and offered six dollars for it; when the captain said, " Well, it is for you;'' — when in fact I X 2 308 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. purchased it for him. Half an hour after I deUvered the cross to the captain. Of the sil- ver watches, the spy Gregorio took one I think, for about eighty piastres ; another was taken by a Mainote whose name I do not know, and the third was taken by Spiro Calavritino, who is in custody. The division and auction took place at sea. The money was divided in the cabin, on the morning after our arrival at Ar- miro, which took place two hours after sun-set. The division of the clothes and the auction took place in midships an hour after I con-, sented to receive the twenty-three dollars, which were forced upon me. At twelve o'clock I jumped into the Mistico's boat, and at- tempted to go on shore. The captain told me to stop a moment, and said ' I wish to go with you on shore.^ I waited some time in the boat, and the captain went into the cabin, and I think brought with him the gold repeater, the four rings, with all the money belonging to him, and to the owners of the Mistico, and carried them to the house of the Governor of Galamata, Captain Costantino Mavromi- cali. *' ' When we reached the shore Captain Pa- CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. 309 najotti and I each took a horse and proceeded together to Calamata. Before I left the Mis- tico, I sent Strati, one of the prisoners now in custody, on shore, to go to Calamata and bring me a horse to Armiro. The horse which the captain rode belonged to Armiro, Strati having sent only one : he remained at Calamata. We, that is, the captain and myself, arrived at Ca- lamata two hours before sun-set. I went to my own house, and delivered the ship's papers, which I had concealed, to my wife. An hour after this, namely, an hour after sun-set, the nephew of the governor, Elia Cazzacho met me at the market. As soon as he saw me, he seized hold of me, and said that the crew of the Mistico had sent notice to Captain Pana- jotti that I had taken the ship's papers ; and that Captain Panajotti having applied to the governor, he (Elia) had come to arrest me. He then conveyed me to the house of Captain Costantino, the governor. As soon as 1 ar- rived there the governor ordered me to be tied, and diligent search made about my person for the papers : and not finding any thing, except the twenty-three dollars before mentioned, Elia went to my house and asked my wife where sip CONFESSION OF A GREEK I'lRATE. the papers were which she had received from me. She, not knowing any thing of what had happened to me, dehvered them to him. When Eha returned with the papers to the house of the governor, the governor said to me, ' You 9xe a damned dirty dog for having stolen these papers ; you must have had a bad intention.' I rephed, * I took the papers to preserve them, and not with the bad intention which you say.' Notwithstanding this I was put into a room of the governor's house, where (in the same room) six men were placed as a guard over me. I remained there during that night ; and on the following morning a declaration was presented to me to sign. I said I would not sign it until its contents were explained to me. The go- vernor replied ' Very well, I'll read it to you; and then you'll sign it.' On reading over this paper I found the tenor of it to be this : — That five miles off Coron the Mistico perceived a brig at sea, — the Mistico fired a musket for the brig to lay to, — the brig then fired a gun, and the shot from it killed two persons on board the Mistico ; so the privateer answered with a shot : and soon after, the brig was seen sink- ing, and immediately went to the bottom.— I CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. 311 Upon this being read to nie, I refused to sign it, saying it was not the truth, and I would never consent; but that they might get it signed by the captain of the Mistico and other persons of her crew. In consequence of this refusal, I was tied with my hands between my legs ; and a stone weighing thirty pounds w as put on my breast. Placing a pistol to my head, Elia Cazzacho told me, that if I did not consent to sign the paper he would put me to death. I said * Take off the stone and I will sign it.' After this, as I cannot read or write, they told me to make the sign of the cross, — which I complied with in the presence of a Greek priest and three gentlemen of Calamata, as witnesses to my mark. One of the three latter is a relation of Petro Bey, and his chris- tian-name Theodosio ; the second is named, I think, Giovanni Costantinachi ; the name of the third I do not recollect. — The Greek priest was named, I think. Papa Athanasi. As soon as I had put my mark, Elia said, ' In conse- quence of this you will be hanged at Zante or at Malta/ Notwithstanding that I had con- sented to sign the declaration, I was kept a prisoner in the same room for the space of four S12 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. days. After which I saw pass by the house, the nostromo of the Mistico and four other of her crew, namely, Costantine the boy, Spiro Calavritino, Pano Previsano, and Athanasi Mosconissiote ; which last four are now in cus- tody. I heard that these five had been carried to the house of the bishop. I forgot to men- tion, that another of those in custody, named Strati Aivaliote, was arrested on the same day as myself, and brought prisoner to the same room. On the following day I and Strati were conveyed to another house, where we found the other five, w ith whom we were confined in the same room. This house belonged to my mother-in-law, which was taken from her by force ; and she attempted to set fire to it. Twelve or thirteen days after the acting British Vice Consul of Calamata, Ignazio Giovanni Hadgi Yanuli, came into the house and went up stairs. (We were confined on the ground floor.) They sent for the nostromo, who went to them accordingly ; and when he was enter- ing the room where they were I heard the act- ing British Vice Consul say to him, if he wished to get his liberty he must sign the attestation that had been signed by Gregorio. The nos- CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. 313 tromo replied he would not sign it until he had his liberty. Soon after, the other four who were brought with the nostromo were sent for up stairs, the nostromo remaining there also. The actins: British Vice Consul said the same to them, namely, that upon their signing the attestation they should be set at liberty : — so they all five signed the paper; the whole of them came down stairs; when I asked them what they had been doing, they told me no- thing at all. About five or six days after, the adjutant of the governor, accompanied by Caz- zacho, the nephew, and Giorgio Mavromicali, the son of Petro Bey, came to the house, and sent for the nostromo ; and soon after I heard that he had run away. About the same time two persons entered our prison with sticks in their hands, and began to beat all of us, under the pretence that we knew where he was gone, and that we were privy to his escape. On the next day they sent the attestations signed by us to Anastasachi Pasqualigo, the British Vice Consul at Arcadia. In consequence of this Mr. Pasqualigo wrote a letter to the acting British Vice Consul at Calamata, stating that the facts could not be as they had been repre- 314 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. sented ta him, because he had heard of them two months before. The acting British Vice Consul at Calamata having received this letter from Mr. Pasqualigo, immediately went to Captain Costantino to inform him of its con- tents; and Captain Costantino said to him, ' We had better write another letter to him, requesting him not to discover us, he being a Greek and a Christian." On the next day they wrote a letter to him, and sent a present to him of honey loaded on four mules, six an- tique stones, and the gold repeater of the de- ceased Maltese captain ; desiring him to be so kind as to receive them as a httle proof of their regard, and as a recompence for the assistance they hoped to receive from him. After being confined thirty-six or thirty-seven days a Bri- tish frigate arrived, and on the same day in the afternoon we were conveyed on board. " ' The frigate carried us to Zante, where I was examined, but what I said I do not recol- lect, having been frequently interrupted, and not permitted to speak. On board the Mistico I sometimes wore an European and sometimes a Greek dress, the same as is worn at Cala- juata. The deceased captain and the Greek CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. 315 passenger, when brought down into the cabin, were tied by Gregorio, the spy. I do not know who tied the hands of the two seamen. The Maltese brig arrived at Calamata when I was at Ignocastro. On my return I found her lying there. I had known her captain, Fran- cesco Gristi, on a previous voyage to Calamata a year before. I was requested by him to pur- chase some figs for him, which I did — about twenty or twenty-five cantars, perhaps more. I am married to a native of Calamata, she was living there when I left it. I have been absent from Malta about twelve years, but came to Malta during the plague to settle some ac- counts. I was previously married in Malta to a native woman, but left her as she proved a woman of bad character. On board the Mis- tico I sometimes lived in the cabin and some- times messed with the crew. My wages were six dollars per month. When I quitted the Mistico for the last time I left Gregorio on board. The crew of the Mistico was composed of thirty-five or thirty-six persons in all. I brought the letter which I had received from Captain Giovanni Mavromicali, dated 1st of September, on board the frigate ; but lost it S16 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE, there. The letter now exhibited to me is one which I received from the same person ; and is, I think, dated in January. It desired me to come to Zimova, and embark on board the Mistico. I went there, and afterwards returned to Calamata ; as the voyage was defeated through the soldiers she was to convey from Armiro to the attack of the Castle at Coron. I have known Gregorio Mavrichi, who is in custody, about six months. I heard on board that he was a Mainote. He was first gunner of the two large guns which were at the fore- castle of the Mistico. " * Of the various wearing apparel now shown to me in court, I know that a white shirt which was in the possession of Spiro Calavritano (one of the prisoners in custody) was taken from the Maltese brig. The Greek capote, the red sash, and the dark-coloured handkerchief, were in possession of Pano Previsano, (also in custody) ; and were likewise taken from the Maltese brio:. The capote now shown to me was in the posses- sion of Costantino the boy (who is in custody) ; it was taken from the Maltese brig. The shirt and the red sash, now produced, were in the possession of Strati Aivalioti, and were taken CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIRATE. 317 from the Maltese brig. The quihed coverhd, and I beHeve the white shirt, were in the pos- session of Gregorio, (who is in custody) ; and they were both taken from the Maltese brig. Of the bundle now shown to me, the blue cloth jacket I received at Calamata from Signor Giovanni Coronetopulo ; the coloured waist- coat I brought from my house at Calamata; and the blue striped shirt was given to me by the government at Zante. As for the linen shirt and the coloured handkerchief, I do not know to whom they belong. The sash shawl, which I have now upon my person, I purchased at Calamata, about twelve months ago, from a sailor of a Maltese bombard, commanded by Captain Vincenzo Cachia : the sailor is named Pasquale San Martino. The two striped jackets or waistcoats were taken from the Maltese brig. One of them was in the possession of Costan- tino, the boy in custody ; and the other was in the possession of Athanasi Misconissiote, the cook on board the Mistico, and now in custody. I know these two jackets were taken from the Maltese brig, because such are never worn by Greeks. I gave to Atanasio Mosconissiote, one of the prisoners, a white calico shirt; it 318 CONFESSION OF A GREEK PIPxATE, ^i^as very old ; and he tore it up to put round the iron fetters which were on his legs. I gave the shirt to him at Zante ; and he gave me another white shirt, one of three in his posses- sidri, which had been taken from the Maltese brig. It ought to be at the prison, as I washed it the day before yesterday ; and it ought to be clean. " ' I confirm this my voluntary confession ; the same having been read to me word for word in the Greek language, by the sworn in- terpreter; and not knowing how to write, I make tiie sign of the cross. ^ his (Signed) " ' Salvadore if Fernandes, mark. " ' Giuseppe Coen, Sworn Interpreter. " ' This confession taken by me, and signed in my presence, this r 7th day of July, 1824 " • James Calvert, Acting- Magistrate for the Ports.' " " His Excellency the Governor has been since pleased to commute the sentence of death, in consequence of the prisoners having been re- commended to mercy by the jury, on the SENTENCE OF THE PIRATES. 319 ground that tliey seem to have been rather bhnd instruments in the hands of others, than the planners of the piracy. Pcmo Cavani, Strati Cojiingi, and Spiridion di Giorgio Lico, are to be transported for the period of their natural lives ; and Costantino Marini Gior- ghizza and Atanasio Silvriano, for fourteen years, to such place as His Majesty may please to direct. " By the arrival of His Majesty's transport Maria, from Cephalonia and Zante, we are informed, that the Turkish fleet, consisting of eleven ships of war, entered the Gulf of Patrass on the 27th ultimo, convoying many Austrian vessels, laden with provisions and ammunition; which had been detained at Zante by the Greek blockade. " The Messolongi Gazette of 12th February, announces the appointment of a commission of nine members for the trial of those chiefs who have lately acted against the Provisional Govern- ment. The only other intelligence is a con- firmation of the active preparations, particu- larly in Albania, for the ensuing campaign. The Albanese, it is thought, will not delay their invasion of the Plains of the Peloponesus 320 MALTA— EXCURSION TO BOSCHETTO. until June and July, as has been hitherto their practice. '^ Tuesday, 12th April. — Yesterday, Lady Neale contrived a pic-nic party to Boschetto, a sort of country house, or " bosky bourne," anciently belonging to the Grand Masters. It is a handsome square building, flanked by towers of the same character. A deep fosse surrounds it ; but otherwise it does not discover any sign of having been used as a place of defence. Its elevation is, perhaps, the most considerable in the island; and affords a fine prospect of much the largest portion of the territory, including the Island of Gozo, which may be easily distinguished. Its internal con- dition is now the most desolate imaginable ; the painting is defaced upon the walls, and both the windows and the doors are de- molished. The sleeping apartment of the Grand Masters alone, (their bed is colder now, and their sleep sounder than it was !) has a fire- place ; and a miserable recess, above which a Maltese cross is blazoned, formed the place of their occasional repose. One of the towers sup- plied a small dressing-room. At the foot of the castle is a valley, remark-. EXCURSION TO BOSCHETTO, 321 able for the grove of orange trees, which is al- most the only specimen of that description of fertihty which Malta displays. At all events, it is certainly the most extensive : and, at this season of the year, when the cultivated land puts on its fairest aspect, the appearance of this *' green spot,^' amid the barrenness and aridness of all around, is exceedingly striking and agreeable. A stream of water gushes through it amid an unusual luxuriance of olive trees. Here the bramble flourishes ; of which a young English lady (to whom I allude with sincere and merited respect,) averred that of all other things it soonest brought back to her recollection the feelings of early youth, and the beauties of her native land. A leaf or a flower might have done the same ; but these were common objects — common as men^s faces, and stood not alone, like the solitary bramble, in the most retired and verdant portion of the island ; almost beautiful from its rarity, and loved for its afiinity with something beloved ! And she broke off" two or three branches of the hallowed bramble; — this was for one friend, and that was for another. " There was poor fellow ! he was indisposed, and should VOL. I. r MALTA— CURIOUS RENCONTRE. have something to comfort him, — give him this ;" so she sent him a thorn ! Strange power of association ! and stranger still the power of natural sentiments developed in a natural manner ! I never thought so well of the human heart, as I did upon this occasion. We were a party of about thirty ; and we eat, and drank, and danced, and laughed — " as though the earth contained no tomh ;' and as though one painful reflection should never again start up into anxious life. We had bade farewell to sorrow ; and we hoped, perhaps, to meet with her no more ! But the vulture will not be driven wholly from the prey. The shout of merriment may raise her a moment upon the wing, but she descends again with redoubled eagerness and fury. It is after hours of high-strained hilarity, that solicitude is experienced the most. As I rode to the theatre of action, being somewhat puzzled about the way, I put my head to a grated window that I passed, and was saluted with a most alarmingly sonorous " viva !" Out came " a tall thin gentleman,'" equipped very much like a cook : his hair was of an intense black, plaited and tied behind CURIOUS RENCONTRE. 32S his head eu queue. He had a bustUng, self- complacent mien, and spoke broken unintelli- gible English ; but his prompt and decisive man- ner plainly indicated that he himself held ano- ther estimate of its worth. I enquired the way : " yei/' he answered — " the way is. You must ask. Me tell you ; go — ask." I interrupted my informant with something of impatience, but before I could speak, he burst forth with, *' welcome \" — as though he supposed I was expressing my gratitude — " the way is. You go — and ask.^' I thought it time ; so I rode forward, followed, on a full trot, by the com- municative " tall thin gentleman, ^^ whose mel- low tones and choice phraseology I heard be- hind me for nearly five minutes after I had left him. About half the distance, (having been previously joined by two friends,) we rode on at a brisk canter in order to avoid a shower of rain, which threatened to put an end to the pleasure of our excursion, and overtook a middle-aged monk, of a most dingy com- plexion, mounted on a mule, or rather on the well-filled panniers which his mule carried. We passed rapidly on ; but our monk, whom some fiend inspired with an ambition to " witch Y 2 324 MALTA— RIDICULOUS SITUATION OF A MONK. the world with noble horsemanship/' stuck his heels into " Muley Hassan/' His long-eared friend not understanding the laudable inten- tion, or not relishing the experiment, began to caper most asininely; the paniers turned round, and the whole machinery of the poor ascetic turned with them. He clung with such an air of vexation, breaking from beneath his huge three-cornered hat, to the neck of the mule, and twined his long black legs so awk- wardly around it, that a more ridiculous pic- ture never met the visual ken of a laughter- loving spirit. We drew up our steeds and saluted him ; but whether he thought that it was done maliciously, or that he was over- whelmed with confusion at the undignified figure he had cut, true it is, that he replied, by an affected nod, which added yet more strikingly to the absurd situation in which he was placed, and made it almost impossible to restrain the laugh inspired by the occasion. We presently lost sight of him, no doubt " chewing the cud of sweet and bitter fancy :" — the first, in that he had escaped so w^ell ; and the last, in that he had acquitted himself no better. PRESENTATION OF COLOURS TO 95tii REGIMENT. 325 We returned to Valetta about nine o'clock, with feelings, I will venture to say, as varied as the hues of a prism ; although, perhaps, not all so highly coloured. Of the party, were Lord Crofton, whom I cannot but mention with respect; Admiral Sir Harry Neale ; and Sir Charles Burrard, whose kindness and good- nature are above comment; Lady Richardson and her daughter, whom I regret that I do not know more of; Miss W. Whitmore, who is one of the *' best creatures living ;" with sundry other right fair and right fashionable per- sonages, " all honourable,"^ but whom I lament that my present Gazette cannot designate in the full odour of their renown. This arises chiefly from " press of matter,'' as all the world knows. Wednesday , 13th April. — " Proud day for Malta this."' The colours of the 95th regiment were consecrated by Mr. Le Mesurier, and pre- sented by the Marchioness of Hastings. In the evening a splendid ball was given by the officers, at the Auberge de Provence. A clerical gentleman (whose character, alas ! will be but little affected by the anecdote !) was so intoxicated on this occasion, as to be 326 MALTESE BIBLICAL CRITICISM. made the subject of the most indecorous ex- posure. He was crammed into an empty claret hogshead; and, it is said, his chief complaint, on returning to his senses, — or rather, on awakening from sleep ! — was, its emptiness ! He was afterwards (on the same evening too) conveyed up the chimney ; a circumstance which somebody entitled, " a new way of re- novating a black coat." The stains commu- nicated by such conduct, are of the deepest dye; they are the leopard's spots — the iEthio- pian's darkness ! But though the person can- not be cleansed of such impurities, the church might, and ought ! Thursday, 14th Ap7'il.— In a Latin preface to a Maltese grammar, published at Rome in 1791, I find certain morsels of biblical cri- ticism, that are at least curious : I shall, there- fore translate them. Speaking of the word RACA, the writer observes, " interpreters vary as to the signification of this word. Some de- duce it from the Greek pdiciog, a piece of cloth or rag. Others imagine it only an interjection expressive of anger ; and others supply other explanations. But the force of this word raca is manifest in the Maltese language ; for it hath MALTESE BIBLICAL CRITICISM. 327 Ri$ spittle, saliva, from a disused radical verb Raj- JTuj, to spit, of which we preserve the enlarged word Rejja|, to stain with spittle. And in this signification of spittle or saliva, I suppose the word raca to be taken. For in- stance, ' whoever shall say to his brother 7'acai is in danger of the council.' Matt. v. 22. That is, he who shall evince contempt of his brother, by spitting upon him, shall be in dan- ger of the council. " In like manner mammon may be de- rived from the particle myn, — from or out of; and mun^, which properly signifies in Maltese, whatever is laid up, viz. ; corn, oil, wine, charcoal, wood, branches, and all kind of annual or monthly provisions ; in a word, everi/ thing reposited. Hence we say, mun^ A ^ V TAT-TNAM, a store oj corn; mun^ tal- LASAM, store of meat, 8cc. These were the riches of the ancients ; such in truth they are, and therefore were so received. As to the particle myn, out of, it adds greater force to the word munte; as though you should say, * I have something out of, or bi/ reason of, riches' — for riches themselves : * they are to me in consequence of riches,^ that is, in the 32S MALTESE CRITICISM. place of them. This mode of speaking is pro- per and common to the east. And by aid of the Maltese language, very many other words- will find a comment."' The author then goes on to notice the deriva- tion of certain Greek words, which he main- tains originated in the Phoenician language. " Thus Kadfiog, Cadmus, the man so cele- brated among the Greeks. Because he first brought letters from Phoenicia into Greece he was called Cadmus, either from the Phoenician Cachn, (or in Maltese with the Qof*, ^adm,) that is, one who conveys or cajTies, from the radical verb ^adem. Hence our enlarged 33addem jjaddem, to carry, to bear, to bring to any one. Or Cadmus may be derived from Cadim (with the Qof ^adim) ancient. It also signifies first, as it does in the Syriac : thus the Greeks, mindful of this renowned person, called him Cadmus — that is, ancient or first, — because he first brought letters to them. " Mv(jTi]giov, mystery, is rather from mys- * " Qof; epiglotticum, aGutum et gutturale, ^ aiit |/' MALTESE BIBLICAL CRITICISM. S29 TUR, to lie hid, to hide, of Phoenician origin, than from the Greek fivo), to shut. MystUr with us signifies covered, veiled, that which is hid or concealed ; from jystor, to conceal, to cover, &c. which in Hebrew is "IDD, to lie hid. " Ba()|3a^ot, barbarians, (vide 28 chap, of the Acts of the Apostles, ver. 1 and 3.) has re- ceived various interpretations. The most na- tural and genuine meaning in this place may, I think, be found by looking to the origin of the expression. Barbarus is a word altogether eastern, passed to the Greeks and Latins by the course of time. Originally it signified no more than a rustic, a husbandman, or occupier of a wilderness : for it is compounded of two words, BAR, the Syriac for a son, and barr, a plain, field, or wood. Which word {barr) remains also in the Maltese tongue. Thus we say, Aamym yl barr, wood-pigeons, or wild doves. Sec. But amongst the orientals it was customary in the formation of adjectives to take the word bar, a son, with another word indicating the adjective. In this manner, to point out a rustic, or inhabitant of the country, they termed him a son of the plain, son of the country, which is the proper signification of 330 MALTESE BIBLICAL CRITICISM. harharus^ from barharr, viz. a farmer or hus- bandman, &c. Hence is it that St. Luke, when he wished to indicate certain people rude and dweUing in fields, (the Maltese to wit, and their neighbours who inhabited the coun- try and places near the sea, where there are shipwrecks in winter) terms them properly bar- bari or barbarians. And indeed, who beside could St. Paul find in the winter season in those dreary places except sons of the country — wild people who occupied those parts for the purpose of cultivation and pasture ? Certainly they were not citizens of Medina (Medina an- ciently was a city of Malta, and this name it retains at present in the Maltese tongue, namely Mdina,) who succoured Paul after his shipwreck ! — These things, amongst innumer- able others, are sufficient to corroborate what we have said of the usefulness and antiquity of the Maltese tongue.^' Saturday, l6th April. — Dined at the Pa- lace. Lady Hastings communicated a very interesting account of the mode by which silk- worms are cultivated in India, and which her ladyship (with that attention to every prac- ticable scheme of utility which peculiarly 11 SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY. 331 marks her character,) has been endeavouring to introduce into Malta. She has also estab- lished a school of industry at St. Antonio for Maltese children, though I fear not as yet with that happy result which the importance of the object merits. Indeed nothing of moment was ever brought about instantaneously ; and what- ever may be done by perseverance and judg- ment her ladyship^s well-directed efforts will accomplish. CHAPTER X. Saturday, 2Sd April. — To-day the Marquis of Hastings held a levee ; a dinner and ball followed. On Tuesday the Cambrian is to convey his lordship and family to Nice, on their way to England. Monday, 25th April. — The Marchioness was employed this morning in distributing prizes to the children of the Maltese school established under her ladyship's directions. A variety of articles fabricated by the industry of the English ladies resident in Malta were sold in support of it. The Hon. Mrs. Gardener and the members of her amiable family de- serve an especial note of applause on this occa- sion; not only for the assiduity with which they laboured in providing articles for the sale, but also for their exertions in rendering it effective. A considerable number of dollars was thus raised in aid of this excellent charity. EMBARKATION OF THE MARQUIS OF HASTINGS. 333 Mrs. Jovvett, (the wife of the missionary of that name) has been extremely serviceable herein ; indeed, she is spoken of as a person of very superior endowments both of mind and heart. The children were arranged according to their respective classes in the Albergo de Pro- vence, and examined by Lady Hastings in per- son. The account which she gave of their progress was gratifying ; and I do most sin- cerely hope that the result will be commensu- rate with the endeavours and praiseworthy in- tentions of her ladyship. The Albergo de Provence I formerly alluded to as the garrison ball-room. As a building it is scarcely worth notice; but many of these knightly residences are of splendid dimensions, and of the most ornate style of architecture. Tuesday, 26th April. — About six o'clock, P.M. the Marquis of Hastings and the whole of his family came on board the Cambrian, ac- companied by his staff, and a large concourse of boats filled with English residents and na- tives of Malta, whom curiosity and respect had drawn to witness the embarkation. The firing then commenced, and continued, at in- 334 SINGULAR ANECDOTE. tervals, till we quitted the harbour. It was nearly dark when we passed the last battery, and the vivid flashes of the cannon, as it " spoke to heaven/^ produced a fine striking effect. The Sirocco has since blown, and every appear- ance indicates a swift and agreeable voyage. Thursday Morning, 28th April, — A cir- cumstance occurred last night which has cre- ated much merriment. In the suite of the Marchioness was a rubicund complexioned damsel, — " a fair hot wench in flame-coloured taffeta," of five and fifty years, peradventure, (but I am an ill judge of these matters) who might have been our admiral, for she " bore the lantern in her poop — but it was in the nose of her." She was the lady " of the burning lamp," and wandered forth at midnight, bully- ing the sentry, and making a portentously cla- mourous appeal to the slumbering organs of the crew. The Marquis and Marchioness of Hast- ino;s were aroused by her vociferations — in fact, she had surprised and taken possession of a cabin appropriated to the latter, and perti- naciously refused to evacuate her post — a mi- litary manoeuvre which she had no doubt ac- quired at Malta. The Marquis asserted that SINGULAR ANECDOTE. 335 she was drunk, and recommended her being put into irons ; the Marchioness that she was mady and therefore had more occasion for the doctor, who was sent for accordingly. But the damsel was valorous and resolute : she so- lemnly protested that she had swallowed onh/ one bottle of MarceUa^ and certain delicate morsels of bread and cheese — (" one half- pennyworth of bread to this intolerable deal of sack'' — monstrous !) and could not possibly be drunk, admitting that she was " half seas over ;" but a sailor, notorious for his devotion to grog, observing her condition, piously remarked " that he never saw any one half so drunk in his life !" The thing being so, she was ordered to her cabin ; and this morning, whether ashamed of the subsequent night's misconduct, or meditating another discussion of the Mar- cellaand cheese, her door was locked, and ac- cess unto her shining presence thereby rendered impracticable. Apprehensive of a more fatal catastrophe, a servant was directed to look in at the port-hole which formed the window of her apartment : but all fears were soon dissi- pated, and she has since blushed rather bluer than ordinary ! 336 MARCHIONESS OF HASTINGS. Communicated this morning with the " Gcm- ?iet," an eighteen gun sloop of war from Eng- land. Thursday Evening. — I am every day called upon to admire the intellectual resources of Lady Hastings, Entering con amove into the various scenes to which her high destiny has summoned her, she has been always prepared to meet the exigencies of the period, and to draw from every object a beneficial and edify- ing character. During her ladyship^s residence in India, the zeal with which she prosecuted the most arduous undertakings for the improve- ment and happiness of the natives, has the tes- timonial of every traveller of the time ; and I fancy that I am continually discovering some gratifying trait of kindness of heart and strength of intellect. The schools that she established at Barackpore, marked in their progress by the most inveterate prejudices, evince at the same time the spirit with which she commenced, and the humanity and judgment with which she pursued her career. The difficulty of procuring books that the jealousy of the national priest- hood would admit, was long a main obstacle to her ladyship's efforts, and this was at lengdi MARCHIONESS OF HASTINGS. 337 overcome only by giving herself up to the M'earisome labour of compiling, or rather of composing books to which no exception could be taken on the score of doctrine. An object of this nature could arise but from the purest and most amiable feelings; and when I ob- served to her that the undertaking strongly indicated how much she had its welfare at heart, she answered — " that it was true ; that a thing of such a description — of such deep and vital interest, must necessarily be had at heart by those who had any heart at all/' — I am proud to be the humble instrument of recording these sentiments : I should be proud of it, ori- ginating in any class of life, but in a station of such commanding influence — in a sphere where the weight of them is felt as soon as they are uttered, and where a thousand causes contribute to give them an additional efficacy, I am inexpressibly happy ! For to say truth, I am something of Sir Edward Coke's opinion, and disposed to think that " Ubi non est scientia, ibi non est conscentia *." * Institutes, Cap. 63. Fourth Part. VOL. I. Z S^8 IGNORANCE OF THE NATIVES OF INDIA. Of the ignorance of the natives of India ge- nerally, the Marchioness related a curious anec- dote. One of her female attendants absented herself during an eclipse of the moon : on enquiring w^hither she had been, the woman answered that " she had been paying the cob- ler, for that it was quite dark." Not per- ceiving what connection the darkness had with the payment, her ladyship naturally required a solution of the mystery. " Oh !'' said the simple creature, " it is a very old story. A long while ago they borrowed nails and a piece of leather of a cobler to nail over the moon. The cobler never was repaid ; so I have been with the rest to pay our share of the money to the priest.'^ — Her ladyship stated herself a good deal amused with the ?iaivetS of the girl ; and to give her ocular demonstration of the possibility of the moon being eclipsed without being shrouded in a leathern case, she placed herself before a lighted lamp which stood in the apartment, so as to intercept its rays, and then bade her observe how easily the light was dimi- nished and the room obscured. The girl readily comprehended the illustration, (for they are na- turally a quick and sensible people) and ran CURIOUS BOOKS. 339 away in great haste and pleasure to communi- cate the discovery she had made. Friday, 29th April. — A wet morning re- minds me of one or two curious volumes which I picked up during our last visit to Malta. The first is in Latin, and has the following co- pious title-page. " The Sacred History of the Terrestrial Paradise, and of the most holy State of Innocence : in which is described, I. The Terrestrial Paradise. II. The most blessed Life of Adam and Eve in the Garden. III. The most felicitous State of their Posterity, if their original Uprightness had remained. IV. The Temptation, Sin, Judgment and Punishment of our First Parents. Lastly, the wretched Life which for a long Time they dragged on even in sleep. Collected from Scriptures, Councils and Fathers, from Theological, Rabbmical, Histori- cal, Chronological, and Geographical Exposi- tions, &c. By Augustine Inveges, Priest.'' It was published at Palermo in 1649. Among other curiosities, it may be thought worthy of mention, that the first age of the world was constantly in the habit of bringing two and three children into the world at a time ; " ob corporis molem, copiosos humores, z 2 340 CURIOUS BOOKS. et sic providente Deo humani generis multi- plicationi/' — " But how many children were our first parents blessed with in the whole pe- riod of their long life ? This is not quite clear ; but Epiphanius says twelve sons and two daughters, Sava and Azura ; the former of whom was the wife of Cain, and the latter of Seth. How^ever, Philo Annianus asserts that they had thirteen sons and five daughters, whose names he also puts on record. Cedre- nus, again, affirms that Adam left thirty-three sons and twenty-seven daughters, but he can- not give us their names. And if, as Moses assures us, Adam lived 930, and Eve, as we have shewn above, 940 years, it is not to be doubted but that, in the course of such a life, they had a much greater number of both sexes. " Eve weaned her children when they were twelve years old ; — so saith Cedrenus. She also brought forth twins annually, a male and a female : consequently, in the thirteenth year of the world, she had twenty-four children, twelve males and twelve females, to all of whom it is certain that she gave suck. But how could a single mother provide for nearly two dozen babes at the same time, and with her CURIOUS BOOKS. 341 own milk alone ? Verily it is vvorth a marvel. Salianus however thinks, that for the purpose of supplying nutriment to so many infants, either Eve had a supernatural copiousness of milk, or that it was furnished directly from heaven. Or even that Adam himself, solicitous to obtain milk enough for his offspring, drew it from the udders of his goats and his cattle.'' — Here s no foolery ! If human wit cannot employ itself better than in speculations and deductions of such a nature, the sooner man- kind convert the world into one huge asylum for lunatics the happier will it be for them. And yet the work in question displays prodi- gious reading of a particular description, some shrewd conjectures, and not unfrequently a sly smile at the credulity and uncontrolled fancies of others. " O the good gods. How blind is pride f what eagles are we still In matters that belong to other men ! What beetles in our own * !" But another little volume, at which I have already hinted, is really a very precious relic. It is in French ; and professes, in part, to be * Chapman.—" All Fools:' 34f2 CURIOUS BOOKS. " An Apology for the grand Work or Elixir of the Philosophers, commonly called The Philosopher^'s Stone ; wherein the possi- bility of this work is very clearly demonstrated ; and the gate of true natural philosophy is en- tirely opened. By Monsieur TAbbe, D.B/' Paris, 1659. Another part, which is indeed the first, sets forth with " A Treatise on Talismans, or Astral Figures : in which it is shewn, that their effects and admirable virtues are natural. The manner of making them is also discovered, and the mode of using them with profit and singular advantage.^' Paris, 1671. Third Edition. And again, " The Powder of Sympathy Jus- tified." Paris, 1671. Third edition.^ — " Avec privilege du Roy.^' The author of this curious production writes with a zeal worthy of a better cause, and is evidently deeply impressed with the conviction of its truth. He complains bitterly of the de- graded light in which his favourite studies are considered by the world. " It is now a crime,'' he exclaims indignantly, " to call oneself a ma- gician ; whereas it was formerly an honour to be one. Celestial astronomy, a science more CURIOUS BOOKS. 34-3 worthy of angels than of men, passes only for an idle dream ; and should we assert, that by its means we can compose seals, images, cha- racters, and planetary figures, through the aid of which we are enabled to perform very re- markable and wonderful things, they accuse us at the same time of having connection with demons ; and we are constrained to hold our peace, and bury our light under a bushel, in order that we may not offend the eyes of the ignorant, the weak, and the purblind/^ After enumerating the various excellencies of the philosopher's stone, the author proceeds, " All these marvels, which have charmed the hearts of sages, have irritated the minds of the ignorant; who, being unable to elevate their thoughts higher than the bound of sense, have at all times striven to make their elixir of life pass for some learned trifling — some chimaera — some delusion. They cannot comprehend how an elementary substance should cure all sorts of evils, and even all that species of disorders which physicians commonly reckon incurable. They cannot conceive, that, by the use of this universal medicine, we may wholly preserve health, and prolong life. They can scarcely 15 344 CURIOUS BOOKS. persuade themselves that it can act upon all natural bodies by a means so astonishing. They know not how to imagine that minerals, vegetables, and all kinds of animals, find, in the use of it, deliverance from the evils which debase them, and the possession of advantages which elevate them :' that lead, tin, and other gross metals, may become gold ; — a bitter fruit, sweet : that a crystal, capable of breaking, may acquire the hardness of adamant ; a leper, a gouty person, or a paralytic, may recover their original vigour. Thus, their want of judgment makes them accuse sages of impos- ture, and philosophers of error, because they have openly averred that this universal remedy, this Catholic balm, and elixir of life, was not only possible, but that they themselves had made and acknowledged by experience, all the results which they attributed to it. " This deplorable ignorance has, in our day, become so strongly rooted, that the greatest lights are not too dazzling to dissipate it. And as it is long ago since it had its origin in the world, its darkness is the more intense. It has swollen as a rivulet, that widens as it removes farther from its source; and I may say, that it. CURIOUS BOOKS. 345 has reached such a point, that the design of enHghtening the minds of this our age, might pass for a kind of temerity and presumption. ** Nevertheless, the truth and reaUty of the philosopher's elixir appears to me so evident, that I would rather expose myself to the cen- sure of ignorant people, than be silent. If I draw down upon me, by this attempt, a host of senseless persecutors, I hope to engage the learned in my defence ; and perhaps those who fly into a passion with me, in the face