Of a Valuable COLLECTION OF PICTURES, THE GENUINE WORKS OF THOSE ESTEEMED PAINTERS Alexander Veronese Teniers, Tintoret, Berghem, Metzu, De Vlieger, Pynaker, Bassan, Ad: Van de Velde, WoUVERMANS, V AN Os, Francisco Mola* Rubens, Ad: Van Ostade, Carlo Marat, Paul Brill, Van Harp, Steenwick, &c. 5cc, INCLUDING A mofl: fpirlted Sketch, A BATTLE PIECE, by SALVATOR ROSA! A Beautiful CABINET PICTLTRE, of fmgular Excellence, by CASPAR POUSSIN! With a Pair of extraordinary Merit, MORNING and E V E N J N G, by CLAUDE LORRAINE! (Companions :) Enlivened with Groups of Cattle and Figures, in his very fineft Manner; The undoubted and matchlefs Performance of that great Mafter: AND fSHliicl) totU be bj? Auction By Order of the Administratrix BY Peter CoxE, Burrell, and Foster, Jt Mr. Squibb" s Great Room, Saville Pajfage, On THURSDAY, the 12th of FEBRUARY, 1801, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. Maybe Viewed Three Days preceding the Sale, when Catilogues may be had, (price One Shilling, to be returned to Purchafetsj at the Place of Sale; and of MelTrs, Peter Coxe, Burrell, and Foster, Throgmorton Street. ■ 'J *■ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofvalua02pete_0 Con^rtwn0 of ^ale* L JL HAT the highest Bidder be the Purchaser; but should any Dispute arlle' between two or more Bidders, the Lot or Lots, to be put up again and re-fold. IL That no Person advance less than One Shilling. Above Five Pounds, Two Shillings and Sixpence, and fo on in Proportion^ IIL That the Purchasers give In their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and pay down immediately Twenty per Cent, in Part of the Pur- chase Money ; and the Remainder on or before the Delivery. IV, That the Lots fhsll be absolutely taken away within Two Days after the Sale, with all Faults, nd under all Descriptions, and at the Expence of the Purchafer. And Laftly. I'hat upon Failure of complying with these Conditions, the Money deposited in Part o^ Payment shall be forfeited : all Lots uncleared after the Time limited shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale, and the Deficiency, if any, attending such Re-sale, together with all Charges, be made good by the Defaulter of the present Sale THE EXORDIUM. erne, who with the spirit of physiognomy of lavater but in the expressive terms of his own descriptive language, delineated in his Sentimental Journey the portrait of the Monk of the order of St. Francis, who had asked charity of him ; represents his countenance as bearing the expression of one of those heads which Guido had often painted, — mild, — pale- — penetrating, free from all common-placed ideas of fat-contented ignorance, loooking down upon the earth — it looked forwards; but it looked, at something beyond this world. How one of his order ca?iie by it. Heaven above, who let it fall upon a monk’s shoulders, best knew; but it wmuld have suited, he remarked, a Bramin, and had he met it i.yon the plains of Indostati he should have reverenced it. The application of this passage, it is presumed will not be deemed unappropriate with respect to many of these pictures. It is of little real importance Rom what collection they were taken ; — ^whether tliey came from a palace or private mansion. The eye of true taste and judgement, regardless of sounds, will at all times attend to sense, and w'ill reverence merit, wherever it is to be found, by an instanta- neous acknowledgement of what is good or transcendently excellent. Throgmorton Street. A CATALOGUE, &c. &c, &c. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY the 12th, 1801. Figures, I IFoWLS, a pair Rathbone — 2 Landfeapes, a pair Lambert — 3 Landfeape Rathbone — 4 Landfeapes, a pair larger Carpioni — 5 The Deluge Morillio — 6 Boys at Cards, after Van Bloomen — 7 A Rocky feene with figures Berchem 8 A Cattle peice, after Amiconi 9 Diana and Aaeon, and the Judgement of Paris, a pair Italian — 10 The Holy Family De Bruin II A Landfeape Teniers and Fabrice 12 Bay of Naples, and figures, by Teniers, a pair, fmall Pietro del Pietre 53 Sketches, a pair Van Hagen — 34 Landfcapc and Figures Sir Francis Bourgeois 15 Sea View and Land Storm, a pair Peter de Neifs 16 An Interior, a prifon Caton — *16 A Tiger Picary -=«* 17 Cupids, a group Jan AlTelyn — ) Hemlkirk ■ — ) 18 A Landfcape Converl'ations, a pair Old Greffier ■— 19 A- View on the Rhine, a high-finifhed delicate formance Italian — 20 Merry-makings, very fpirited> a pair- Bega — 1 Unknown — j 21 Dutch Boors Figures Dancing Vandevelde — ) Unknown •— ) 22 A Sea Piece, in black and white A Land Storm, and another Lingelback — ^ Begyn ■ — > Jan Miel — ) 23 A Halt of Travellers A Landfcape with Cattle Italian Peafants Monamy ■— 24 A Calm v.'ith Shipping Zu-ccarelli — 25 A Landfcape with Figures Tintoret — 26 A Martyrdom Horizonti •»— 27 Landfcape and figures, a pair Ochiali — > 28 A View of Rome, Caftle of St. Angelo' F. Mola — 29 St. John, oval Salmon — 30 Upright Landfcapes, a pair Mompart — » 33 A Frofl Piece Maderfteig — 32 A River with Shipping, a warm charming efFedt Delany — « 33 A Landfcape, grand fubjedf Elizabetha Serani — 34 Cupid Diibbels — 35 A Sea piece, as beautiful as De Vlicger Trevifani — 36 The Holy Family, a pair Luca Giardano — 37 Holy Family with St. Catherine "Rora Tivoli Landfcapes with cattle, a pair Yan Harp 39 St. Peter finding the tribute Yan Goyen 40 A Landfcape ( 7 ) Stork — 41 Shipping, a beautiful and high firrllhed picture Rothenhamer and Velvet"] U2 St. John and Holy Family, a beautifully finifked Breughel — ^ 1 cabinet pidiure Volk — 43 Card Players, an interior Rofa Alba — 44 Two of the feafons, a pair of drawings Swanevelt — = 45 A Landfcape with figures croffing a bridge, a beautiful fcene Carlo Maratti — 46 The Madona and Child Collonello — *46 Two Heads, Madona and Angel Wyke — 47 A Landfcape with figures, hay makers Bloemart 48 A landfcape, fubjedl Latona Bamboccio • — 49 Sportfmen repofing Rubens — 50 Sufannah and the Elders Georgioni — 51 A Portrait by that great mailer, capita! Bourgognioni — 52 A Battle L. Caracci — 53 St. Francis Hobima — - 54 A View in Holland Ruyfdael — 55 A Winter Scene Le Sueur — 56 A fmall fpecimen or the mind and talle of this great mailer Stoop — 57 A Landfcape with horfes Parmegiano — 58 A Virgin and Child F. Mola — 59 A warm Landfcape Boglognefe •— 60 A landfcape and Figures. A pidlure of glowing rich elFefl, the figures finely introduced— -a copy after Domenichino Carlo Maratti — ■ 61 Chrift in the Garden Berchem — 62 Ruins and Cattle, a cabinet picture of fweet elFe£l Rubens 63 The Betraying of Jefus Phillip Wouvermans 64 A Battle Piece with the rout of part of an army. — A pidure of the firll merit in every view Van Dyke — 65 The Portrait of Krayer Georgione — 66 Tlie Holy Family ( 8 ) , / / 4/aI 4^ ^'c*^ ^ f Brooking — *• 67 A Frefh Breeze, a capital picture of the mafter De T roy and Pattare 68 Converfations, Champetre, a pair Berchem 69 An upright Landfcape with cattle and figures, ex- tremely beautiful Van Dyke — 70 Virgin and Child, a Iketch in chiaro fcuro Annibal Carracci 71 The Vifion of St. Francis Raphael — *71 The Virgin and Child, and St. John, capital, fchool of Ferg — 72 A beautiful pair of highly finilhed cabinet pidlures full of interesting and entertaining figures judici- ously difpofed, the landfcape excellent Vander Neer 73 A Village with trees and figures, capital Gafper Pouifin =” 74 A Landscape, with figures by Jan Miel Cuyp — 75 Cattle and Figures, the merits of this mafter are fuffi- ciently known to need dwelling upon Hobitna & Adrian Van- develde — 76 Landfcape and Figures, a view in Holland Ad. Van de Velde 77 A beautiful clear cabinet pidlure of this delightful nainter of Cattle \ Michael Angelo — 78 A Girl with Fruit and Flowers, painted wiih the fpirit of Rubens Karyl du Jardin — 79 Cattle in a Landfcape, true to nature and to the prin- ciples of art Francifco Mola 80 St. John, a pleafing fpecimen of the mafter’s mind and abilities Luca Giordano 81 A pair, fubjedls from Ovid’s Metamorphofis — fpirited Pynaker 82 Landfcape and Cattle, an excelllent fpecimen of his fweet power and effedl of finilhing W. Vandevelde 83 A Calm. JuliO Romano »— 84 The Battle of the Centaur, accomplifiied with all the fire and fpirit of aftion of a poetic Imagination Cuyp —» =*84 Morning and Evening, with cattle and figures, a pair, oval, fweet chafte compofitions ( 9 ) De Vlieger 85 A Sea View with a Pier — from the hand of this challe and accurate Mafter who had more air and tender- nefs in the performance than Backhuyfen with the additional fweetnefs and compofition of Vandevelde Baflano “ 86 A Prefentation in the Temple Van Os — 87 A capital Performance of Fruit, Flowers, Animals, and Infe6ls, perfe£l deceptions, and exquifitely painted Llngelback — h]U' 88 An Encampment, a very high finifhed capital and ce- lebrated performance of this mafter in his very beft manner, with a neat pencil clear and light touch, and full of bufinefs and intereft Alexander Vcronefe 89 An exquifite high finiflied cabinet picture of the Annunciation ' 2 ^^ Jacob More — 90 A grand view of the Cafeade at Tivoli, by this cele- brated master of the Englifli School 1 (r Ditto — “ Paul Brill — 91 A view of the Bridge at Narma, the companion 92 A capital Landfeape, a romantic feene, with appro- priate figures, inferted by the great Annibal Carracci Metzu — ■ 93 A fmall but admirable pi£lure of a Boy playing on a Flagiolet, accompliftied with the all fpirit of Morillo, joined to the finiftiing of the mafter’s own neat pencil Teniers — > 94 The Plundering of a Village — an animated performance painted in his beautiful filver tone. The original pidture from which the engraving was taken . Jan Affelyn — - 95 A beautiful Landfeape with Figures, and Horfes drinking, a performance of great acknowledged merit — the landfeape with the glow and warmth of Claude, and the horfes and figures with the fpirit and judgement of Eerchem . — Engraved hy Major B ( 10 ) De Neef — 96 V/ ynants — 97 Schiavoni - 98 Jan Steen — 99 SALVATOR ROSA — loo 1 CASPAR POUSSIN loi i-7* The Interior of a Roman Catholic Cathedral, 'u ith a prcceflion to a chrillening. The figures and build- ing equally admirable for proportion and efieft, an cxquifite performance throughout, mofl delicately finiflied A charming Landfcape, from the pencil of this favou- rite painter, whofe greatefl: honor was not as Pick- ington remarks, his having been the mafter of Philip Wouvermans. His greatefl; honor was deri- ved from himfelf The Adoration of the Magi : apidlure of great effedl;, painted in the ftile of Titian and Georgioni The Aderry- making, an interior, full of that irrefifia- bly entertaining humour fo promanent in his works —that laughter provoking talent which he managed with fo much adroitnefs and efFedf. But too often inattentive to propriety, there is in this pidure all the charms of his ufual compofitions — and chafte at the fame time in every point of view, both in flory and management. It is a firft-rate performance A Battle Piece. A fpirited fketch, painted wkh all the vigour attendant on an original firfl thought, of equal confequence to a finifhed performance. One of thofe efforts of this great mailer’s mind and pencil, that fectire to his memory the palm of Fame A Landfcape with figures. A cabinet pidure of infinite importance, accomplifhed in his befl time and very fined manner. The fcenery is excellent the buildings are happily difpofed: — the horizon is clear and brilliant : — the foreground beautifully broken the foliage admirable! — the figures ju- ( ” ) CLAUDE GELe, dit LORRAINE. '^102 5 CLAUDE GELe, dit |io3 LORRAINE j dicioufly placed : — and the font ensenille, of that impofing quality and captivating perfedlion that evinces how defervedly this animated painter is intitled to command the praife of the judicious, and to be the theme of univerfal approbation An upright Landfcape with cattle and figures. The morning ! fun rife ! One of thofe delightful feenes of calm repofe and tranquil nature, breathing the pure and clear air of Italy ; for the delineation of which, this wonderful mailer has ever flood pre-eminently efteemed : — “ thofe haunts that Sylvan’s love!” — This beautifully compofed per- formance, which is treated with fo much tafle and judgement, and in which the cattle and figures are introduced with Doric limplicity, infinuates itfelf into our efteem. It tells it’s own tale, gains on our affcdlions : — is the perfedlion of the mafter, and the acme of his art Evening! funfet! the companion. A performance wherein the Preat C'a”'!'' niay be almoll faid to have excelled himfelt, and who ca compare with him for receding dillanccs and magic expreflion of vapour ? What can exceed the charming efFedl before us \ the difpofition of the trees; the playful undulating rays of glowing light, which tinsing at the fame time the extremities of the branches, illume the horizon as the fun declines ? What can excel the group of figures and cattle the force yet delicacy of their management ; their life, their luftre, and their arrangement ? Of thefe pair of pidlures, Claude has damped the authenticity by his own fignature : — but they ( 12 ) are felf evident ! — The compofition and charm of colouring, tell whofe image and fuperfcription they bear : — they do not, like the hand writing on the wall, (land in need of an interpreter i~no, not even from himfelf. P I N I S. Printed by J. Smeeton, 148, St. Martin’s Lane.