THE CHAUNTRY NEWARK-ON-TRENT XHE A UNTRY Newark - upon - Trent. W?€T mm GATALGGUE OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. Charles Jno. Ridge, AUCTIONEER . Auction & Valuation Offices, 75 Markft Pi ahf NFWARK Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute A CATALOGUE of the RARE, ANTIQUE, & VALUABLE CONTENTS OF TEE CTjatttttrg, THE LIBRARY contains 2350 volumes ’.—Illuminated MSS, Dugdale’s Monasticon, Warwickshire, and other works, Borlace’s Cornwall, Peck’s Stanford, Thoresby’s Leeds, Wright’s Rutland, Burton’s Leicestershire, Hasted’s Kent, Espejo de Conciencia, black letter, 1525, Harleian Miscel¬ lanies, Meyrick’s Arms. Fine old editions of Fabian, Fuller, Chaucer, Spenser, Holingshed, Guillim, Dart, Rushworth, Historical, Topographical, Heraldic, Architectural, Antiquarian, Illustrated and black letter rarities. OIL PAINTINGS, Over 250, by A. Durer, Vandyck, Kneller, Lely, Wouverman, Hoare, Morland, Wootton, Van Loo, Casteels, De Witt, Van Balen, Westall, &c. MINIATURES (some on ivory), LIMOGES ENAMEL, MAJOLICA, REPOUSSE WORKS, PRINTS framed and in portfolios. Fine piece of TAPESTRY, g6in. by 84 “The Miraculous Draught of Fishes.” Upwards of 370 OZ. SI LVER (several old &>choice pieces) PLATED GOODS. ANTIQUE and CARVED FURNITURE, panels, brackets and decorative pieces, CHIPPENDALE Chairs and Tables. Carved Oak, Indian, Ebony, and Elaborately Inlaid Ivory Cabinets. Dower, Plate, and Jewel Chests with Mediaeval metal moants. CABINET PIANOFORTE COMBINED WITH MECHANICAL PIANO. Thirty lots of Stained Glass (some very old). CLOCK in “ Grandfather” Case, Chimes quarters and hours, g-oes 14 months. Bracket Clock and Timepieces. Small quantity of Glass and China. PAIR MARBLE LIFE-SIZE BTJSTS “Mars and Venus.” WINE COOLER. VASES, ALTO-RELIEVOS, CONSOLE TABLES. PIER GLASSES IN ELABORATELY CARVED FRAMES. MARQUETERIE TABLES AND “GRANDFATHER” CLOCK CASES. ARMS & ARMOUR :—A fine “ SOLINGEN ” SWORD. SILVER-MOUNTED PISTOLS, BRASS CANNON (Three captured from a Spanish Vessel in the Mediterranean). The Furniture, Carpets, Beds, Bedding, and usual fittings of 6 Reception and 7 Bedrooms. The Oratory contains numerous CARVED FIGURES of “ Saints,” “ Ecclesiastics,” also groups of the “ Circumcision ” and “ St. Cecilia.” The GROUNDS abound with Statues and STATUETTES, and other Stone and imitation Stone Ornaments, Lead Figures, Stone Pedestals. BREWERY PLANT, PLANTS, &c., &c., THE WHOLE OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. CHARLES JOHN RIDGE Who is favored with instructions from Francis Webster, Esq., on THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, April 9 Ap. 10 Ap. 11 Ap. 13 Ap. 14 Ap. 16 Ap. 17 Ap. 18 SALE TO COMMENCE EACH DAY AT ELEVEN O’CLOCK. _ The Auctioneer invites particular attention to this Sale, which will he found replete with good carvings, curiosities, and rarities, as collected by the late Rev. Joseph Sikes, LL.B. View Days :—Tuesday and Wednesday, April 7 and 8, from 11 to 4. Admission to view by Catalogue, price 2s. (or 26 stamps by post), admitting three visitors, to be had of the Auctioneer, 25, Market Place, Newark. Auction Offices, Newark, 1885. C. J. RIDGE, PRINTER, AUCTIONEER, ETC., NEWARK. ORDER OF SALE. FIRST DAY—Thursday, April 9th, 1885. Books . Lots i to 310 SECOND DAY-Friday, April 10th. Books . Lots A to L and 311 to 533 THIRD DAY—Saturday, April 11th. Oil Paintings, Tapestry, Water-colors, Crayons. Lots 534 to 766 FOURTH DAY-Monday, April 13th. Prints framed, Contents of Glass Case, Small Oil Paintings, Miniatures, Curios, Limoges Enamel, Majolica, Cut and Polished Stones, unframed Prints, Portfolios, Cloisters. Lots 767 to 1077 FIFTH DAY—Tuesday, April 14th. Attic No. 4, Back Bedroom No. 2, Staircase, Drawing-room Landing, Breakfast Room, Hall, Library, Repousse Work, Arms and Armour, Brass Cannon, Stained Glass, Oratory. Lots 1078 to 1332 SIXTH DAY—Thursday, April 16th. Kitchen and Scullery, Closet, Storeroom, Back Staircase, Attics Nos. 2 and 5, Front Bedrooms Nos. 1 and 2, Blankets, Butler’s Pantry, Blue Sitting Room, Dining Room. Lots 1333 to 1632 SEVENTH DAY-Friday, April 17th. Attics Nos. 2 and x, Back Bedroom No. i, Small Drawing Room, Drawing Room, China and Glass, Plated Goods, Silver, Statuettes &c. in lead, part contents of Cloisters. Lots 1633 to 1902 EIGHTH DAY—Saturday, April 18th. Dairy, Granary, Laundry, Out-houses, Statues, Statuettes, Vases, &c, in the Grounds, Small Stone Carvings, Brewing Plant, Plants, Garden House. Lots I 9°3 t0 cnd PAGE I 20 37 65 75 85 95 CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. —The highest of two or more bidders shall be the purchaser, and if any dispute arise, the Lot in dispute shall be put up again and re-sold. II. —The Goods are sold with all faults and errors of description (if any) for Ready Money, and must not be taken off the premises before they are paid for but are considered in the care of, and at the risk of the purchasers, as soon as disposed of. III. —Each person shall give in his or her name at the fall of the hammer, and no person shall retract his or her bidding, or advance less than such sums as the Auctioneer shall name. IV. —The Auctioneer reserves to himself the right to refuse any bid, or demand payment at the fall of the hammer. V. —In case any purchaser shall fail to comply with these Conditions, the Vendor shall be at liberty to re-sell the Lot or Lots, either by Public Auction or Private Sale; and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-Sale, together with all expenses attending the same, shall be made good by the defaulter at this present Sale. Catalogue. FIRST DAY’S SALE. In cases where Works extend beyond one volume the number of volumes indicated by the figures following the dates. Books. LOT I Twelve volumes, various 2 Ditto 3 Ditto 4 Ditto 5 Ditto 6 Ditto 7 Dit&© 8 Ditto 9 Ditto IO Ditto ii Ditto 12 Ditto 13 Ditto H Ditto 15 Ditto l6 Ditto 17 Ditto 18 Ditto 19 Ditto 20 Ditto 21 Ditto 22 Ditto 23 Ditto LOT 4 24 Quarterly Theological Review, 40 numbers 1 2 MO., ET INFRA. 25 Dryden’s Miscellany, 1716, 6 vols. ; Ozell’s Persian Letters, 1722, 2 vols. 8 vols. 26 Biographia Classica, 1740, 2 ; The World Unmasked, 1743, 2; Thesaurus Dramaticus, 1724, 2 6 vols. 27 Biographia Classica, 1750, 2; Dryden’s Virgil, 1748, 3; Grotius de Veritate, 1745 6 vols. 28 Otway, Works of, 1718, 2 ; Bysshe’s Art of English Poetry, 1718, 4 vols. in 3 5 vols. 29 Town, The Connoisseur, 1774, 4 ; Fitz-Adam, The World, 1755, 6 10 vols. 30 Dryden’s Fable’s, 1755 ; Dryden’s Satyrs of Juvenal, 1735; Country Gentleman’s Companion, 1753, 2 ; and another, 2 6 vols. 31 Yorick’s Sermons, 1760, 4; Tale of a Tub, 1755 ; Parnell’s Poems, 1760; and another 7 vols. 32 Brown, Works of, 1744, 4; Sedley, Works of, 1722, 2 6 vols. 33 Contes Moraux, par Marmontel, 1755, 3 ; Foulis, Catalogue of Pictures, 1776, 3 ; and another 7 vols. 34 Tales of the Castle, 1785 5 ; Mossop’s Elegant Orations, 1788; and another 7 vols. 35 Reliques of English Poetry, 1794, 3 ; Fielding’s Voyage to Lisbon, 1754 4 vols. 36 Aiken, J., Letters, 1793; England Delineated, 1788 ; Logic, 1723 ; Watson’s Chemical Essays, 1781, 3 6 vols. 37 Tibullus, Elegy of, 1759, 2 ; Sailustius translated, 1726 ; Plesiod translated, 1743; and 2 others 6 vols. 38 Turkish Spy, The, 1753, 8 8 vols. 39 Collection of Poems by Several Hands, 1755, 4; and a Collection in 6 vols., lettered vols. 1-10 10 vols. 40 Pope, Works of, 9 vols., 1751 9 vols. 41 Horace, translated, 1750, 4; Pope’s Homer’s Odyssey, 1725. 5 42 Nature displayed, 1750, translated by Humphreys 43 Miscellanies by Dr. Swift, Arbuthnot, Pope, &c., 17 vols., with Remarks on Life of Swift, 1 44 Swift, Letters, 1767, 6 vols. ; and another, 3 45 The Rambler, 1791, 4 ; The Adventurer, 1797, 4 46 Emelius and Sophia, 1762, 4; and 2 others 47 Walpole’s Anecdotes, 1786 5 ; Noble Authors England, 2, 1759 48 Sturm’s Reflections, 1796, 3; and 3 others 49 Walsh’s Ancient Coins, 1828 ; and 4 others 9 vols. 7 vols. 18 vols. 9 vols. 8 vols. 6 vols. 7 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols. LOT 5 50 5 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7 1 72 73 Queen Anne, Life of, 1738; and 3 other 4 vols. The Tatler, 1728, 5 ; The Guardian, 1723, 2 ; The Englishman, 1714 8 vols. Fordyce’s Sermons, 1766, 2; Hume’s Enquiry, 1751 ; and 2 others 6 vols. The North Britain, 1763, 3; Life of Cromwell, 1742 ; and 2 others 6 vols. Dodd’s Beauties of Shakespere, 1757,4; Shenstone’s Works, 1765, 3 7 vols. Rollin’s Belies Lettres, 1749, 4; Leonidas, a poem, 1738, and another 6 vols. The Cabinet Lawyer, and 8 others 9 vols. Tillotson, Works of, 1748 12 vols. Southey’s Life of Nelson, 1813, 2 ; Smart’s Horace, 1756, 2 ; Life of Prince Arthur, 3 ; and 4 others 11 vols. Charles I., Works of, 1650 ; Broughton’s Memorials, 1650; View ot Life of Charles II., 1688 ; Sir Thomas Overbury, His Wife, 1648; and 3 others 7 vols. Marvell’s Works, 1772, 2; and 4 others 6 vols. The Idler, 1679, 2; TEsop’s Fables, and 4 others 7 vols. Hutchinson on Witchcraft, 1720 ; Trials of Thomas Hardy and others, Nottingham, 1794; Unheard-of Curiosities, 1650 ; and another 4 vols. Penn, G. Bioscope, and 5 others 6 vols. Rycaut, P., Ottoman Empire, 1686 ; Comber, T., Companion to the Temple, 1676 ; and 5 others 7 vols. Waterhouse, Arms and Armoury, 1660; Life of Charles X., 1691; and 3 others 5 vols. The Royal Martyr, 1684; Junius’ Letters, 1783? 2 vols. in 1 ; Ludlow, E., Memoirs, 1751, 3 Poole, English Parnassus, 1657 ; and 5 others Plato’s Works, by Dacier, 1749, 2 ; Seneca’s Morals, 1762 ; and 3 others Cauldfield’s Gunpowder Plot, 1804; Drunken Barnaby’s Journeys, 1822 ; Bath Guide, 1801 ; Handels Oratorios, 1799, 2; Bloomfield’s Rural Tales, 1802 6 vols. Secret History of Europe, 1712-15, 4; and 3 others 7 v °ls* Dyer’s Poems, 1761 ; and 6 others 7 vols. Ogilby’s Brittanica Depicta ; Carey’s Itinerary, 1798; and 2 others 4 v0 * s * 5 vols. 6 vols. 6 vols. Warder, J., The True Amazons, 1712; Sir Thomas Moore, Life of, by Hoddesdon, 1652 ; Religio Medici, 1642 ; Boetivs’ Summum Bonum, 1674 ; Hunt, R., Defence of Witches, 1658 5 vols. Letters from Orton, 1805, 2 ; and 5 others 7 vols. 74 6 tot 75 Terentii Andria, i2mo., half-calf, 1546 ; Lucanus, 2 tom., Brindley, 1751 ; Q. Curtius, 2 tom., 32mo., Brindley, 1746 ; Terentii Comcediae Sex Heinsii, Amstel, 32mo., half-calf 6 vols. OCTAVOS. 76 Statutes at Large, 1762-75, 27, calf 27 vols. 77 The Mirror, vols. 7-22, half-calf, 1826-33 8 vols. 78 Roscoe, W. Leo X., boards, 1806 6 vols. 79 Universal History, 1747-54, calf 21 vols. 80 Las Cases, Count de, Journal oi the Emperor Napoleon at St. Helena, boards, 1824 4 vols. 81 Burke, J., The Commoners of Great Britain and Ire¬ land, 1833-38, calf 4 vols. 82 Cowper, W., Poems, crimson morocco, 1800 2 vols. 83 Lorenzo de Medici, by Roscoe, calf, 1800, 3; Claren¬ don, Earl, Life of, calf, 1761, 3 6 vols. 84 Chronicles of Scotland, by Lindsay, 1814, 2 in 1, calf ; Crawford, W., Ireland, 1783, 2 in 1, calf ; Gordon, J , Rebellion in Ireland, calf, 1803 3 vols. 85 Gallery ol Nature and Art, by Polehampton and Good, 1821, calf 6 vols. 86 Brown, J., Dictionary of the Bible, 1817, 2, calf; Neal’s Puritans, by Parsons, 1811, 2, calf 4 vols. 87 Drake, N., The Gleaner, 1811, 4, half-calf ; Darwin’s Botanic Garden, 1799, 2, calf 6 vols. 88 Sinclair, J., Revenue of the British Empire, 1803, 3, half-calf; Boroughs of Great Britain, 1794, 2, calf, vol. 3, boards 6 vols. 89 Voltaire, M. de, Europe, 1754, 3, calf;. Modern Europe, 1801, 5, half-russia 8 vols. 90 Bacon, F., Essays, 1787, 2 ; Hazlitt, Eloquence of the British Senate, 1808, 2, calf 4 vols. 91 Gibbon, E., Roman Empire, 1797, 12, calf 12 vols. 92 Johnson, S., English Poets, 1801, 3 ; Letters, 1787, 2, half-russia 5 vols. 93 Mitford, W., Greece, 1795, russia 6 vols. 94 Parliamentary History of England, with index, calf, 1 75 1 -61 24 vols. 95 Sherlock, Thos.; Sermons, 1754-58, 4; Future Judg¬ ment, 1725, calf; Gilpin, W., New Testament, 1793, 2, half-calf 7 vols. 96 Sully, Duke, Memoirs of, 1757, calf 5 vols* 97 Rollin’s Ancient History, 1754, calf 10 vols. 98 Beauties of England and Wales, 1801-15, vols. in 25, Introduction by Brewer, 1818, 1, calf 26 vols. 7 LOT 99 Blackstone,W., Laws of England, 1809, 4; Burn, J., Justice of the Peace, 1788, and Appendix, 5 100 Merlin, Life of, 1813; Joan D’Arc, Memoirs of, 1812; Louis XIV., 1806, 2, calf 101 Housman, J., Cumberland, Westmoreland, &c. 1800, half-calf; Sullivan, R. J., Tour, 1785, 2, calf; Laughton, G., Ancient Egypt, calf, 1803 102 Temple, W., Works, 1757, 4; Harrington, Sir John, Nugse Antiquas, by Parke, 1804, 2, calf 103 Horace translated, 1743, 3, calf; Homeri Ilias, half- russia, 2 104 Chesterfield, Earl, Letters, 1784, 4, calf 105 Bolingbroke, Viscount, Philosophical Works, 1754, russia 106 Radcliffe, Anne, Journey, 1795, 2 ; Grosier, Abbe, China, 1788, 2, calf 107 Cervantes, El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote, en Paris, 1814, large paper, calf 108 Howell, J., Familiar Letters, a number of fine old portraits inserted, 1754, half-calf 109 On painting, by Leonardo de Vinci, 1721; Richardson, Statues, &c., in Italy, 1722; Hogarth, W., Bio¬ graphical Anecdotes of, 1782 no Cicero, M. T., Life of, 1742, 3 ; Echard, L., Roman History, 1734, 2, calf in Tasso, T., Jerusalem Delivered, by Hoole, 1787, 2; Orlando of Aristo, by Hoole, 1791, 2, calf 112 Tacitus, Works of, translated by Gordon, 1737, 4 ; Caesar’s Commentaries, translated by Bladden, 1 737 113 Burke, E., On the Sublime, 1770; Brown, J., On the Characteristics, 1751 ; Beattie, J., On Truth, 1812; Lucas, R., Enquiries after Happiness, 1734, 2, calf 114 Campbell, G., Rhetoric, 1801, 2 ; Helvetius on Man, translated by Hooper, 1777, 2 115 Chamberlayne, Present State of Great Britain, 1716 & 1775, 2; Present State of Europe, 1750, calf 1 16 White, Gilbert, Natural History of Selborne, 1825, cf. 117 Switzer, Stephen, Ichnographia Rustica, 1718, 3 ; Kent, N., Hints to Gentlemen of Landed Pro¬ perty, 1775, half-calf; Pontey, W., Profitable Planter, half-calf ; Bradley’s Survey of Ancient Husbandry & Gardening, 1725, calf and half-calf 118 Oliver P., Scripture Lexicon, 179 7, half-calf; Cato on Old Age, 1773, calf ; Juvenal’s Satires, by Dryden, 1697, calf ; Socrates, Life of, by Cooper, 1759 ; Walker, J., Idiomatologia Anglo-Latina, 1680, calf 9 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols, 6 vols; 5 vols^ 4 vols. 5 vols. 4 vols. 7 vols. 1 vob 3 vols. 5 vols. 4 vols. 5 vols. 5 vols. 4 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols. LOT 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 I 3 1 132 133 134 *35 8 Luckombe, P., History of Printing', 1771; Biographi¬ cal Magazine, 1794, calf 2 vols. Rogers, E., Lives of the Twelve Caesars, 1811, calf 5 vols. Lovat, Lord Simon, Life of, 1797; Sutton, Thos., Historical Account of, by Berecroft, 1737 ; Ormonde, Duke of, Life, half-calf, 1747; Swift, J., Essay on his Life, 1755, calf 4 vols. Dyer, G., University and Colleges of Cambridge, 1814, morocco 2 vols. Walton, J., Lives of Donne, &c., 1807; Lives of Ashmole and Lilley, 1774, calf 2 vols. Newton, I., Prophecies, 1793, 2; Porteus, Bishop, on St. Matthew, 1808, 2 ; Pyle, P., Sixty Sermons 1773, 2, calf 6 vols. Horne, T. H., Study of Bibliography, 1814, calf, 2; Dibdin, T. F., Library Companion, 1824, boards; Hartshorne, C. H., Book Rarities in University of Cambridge, 1829, boards 4 vols. Gisborne, T,, Duties of Men, 1795, 2, half-russia ; Warburton, Letters to Hurd, half-russia, 1809 ; Warburton on Bolingbroke, calf, 1754 ; Boling- broke, Letters, calf, 1753; Bolingbroke, Political Tracts of, 1769, calf 6 vols. Millar J., English Government, 1812, 4 ; Yate’s Par¬ liamentary Reform, 1811, half-boards, 2 ; Patton, R., Asiatic Monarchies, 1801, half-calf; Two Treatises of Government, 1698, calf 8 vols. Raleigh, Sir W., Life, 1740; Lewis the Great, Reign of, by Le Gendre, 1699; Cibber, Colley, Apology for his Life, 1750, calf 3 vols. Jones, Sir W., Life of, by Lord Teignmouth, 1806, 2 ; Trimmer, Mrs., Life, 1814, 2, calf; Sutton, Thos. Historical Account, by Berecroft, 1737, half-calf 5 vols. Pownall, T., British Colonies, 1774, 2; Pradt on the Colonies, half-calf, 1817; Macdiarmid, J., National Defence, 1805, 2, calf 5 vols. Temple, Sir W., Works, 1570-79, calf, published by Jonathan Swift 8 vols. Willis, Browne, Mitred Parliamentary Abbies, 1718, 2, russia; Tanner, T., Notitia Monastica, 1695; Swift, E. L., Life of S. Patrick, 1809, calf 4 vols. Memoirs of Ancient Chivalry, 1784; Volne, M., The Russians, 1807 ; Ferguson, A., Civil Society, 1814, calf 3 vols. Paley, W., Evidences, 1800, 2 ; Philosophy, 1799, 2, half-russia; Sermons, 1808, calf; Horae Paulinae, half-russia, 1796 6 vols. Robertson, W., Reign of Charles V., 1802, 4; Wat¬ son, R., Philip II. of Spain, 1794, 3 > cal ^ 7 vols. LOT 9 136 137 138 *39 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Stockdale, J., Trial of, 1790 ; Trial of Lord George Gordon and Thos. Wilkins, 1787, half-calf; The Bristol Riots, by Somerton, 1831 ; Remarkable Trials, by Medland and Webley, vol. 1, 1803, calf 4 vols. Secret History of the Court and Reign of Charles II., 1792, 2; Berwick, Duke of, Memoirs, 1789, 2, calf 4 vols. Petrarch, Life of, by Dobson, 1797, 2; Chatham, Earl of, Life, 1783 ; Pope, A., Life of, by Ruff- head, 1769, calf Heylin, P., Help to English History, calf, 1773 ; Pownall, T., Antiquities, calf, 1782; Burton, E.’ Antiquities of Rome, half-calf; Monasticon Hiber- nicum, 1722, calf Grose, J., Ethics, 1783; Stretch, Beauties of History, 1816 ; Condorcet on the Human Mind ; Historical Sketches of Civil Liberty, 1788 ; Pamphlets on Slave Trade, 1785, half-calf and calf William of Wykeham, Life, by Lowth, 1758 ; Wayn- flete, Bishop, Life, by Chandler, 1811 ; Oldecastell, Sir Johan, Chronicle of, 1729, calf Miscellanies, 2 vols., pamphlets by Priestley, Beattie, Franklin ; Miscellanies, 4 vols., various Tracts, Political, Scientific, and Medical Ditto pamphlets, by Batley, Price, Paine, Sir Henry Clinton, Sadler, Spencer Ditto, Thoughts for Commencement of Year, by a Notts, magistrate; Escape of Charles Jackson ; Letters to the Bailiffs, &c., of East Retford ; and others Political tracts, tracts on vales-giving, prose and verse, and religious subjects Tracts, various 4 vols. 4 vols. 5 vols. 3 vols. 6 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 5 vols. 148 History and Proceedings of the House of Commons, 1742, calf 8 vols. 149 Miller, Phillip, Gardener’s Dictionary, 1754, 3; Gar¬ dener’s Calender, 1754, ca ^ 4 vols. 150 Elements of Criticism, 1774, 2; Osborn, F., Advice to a Son, 1700; Baker on Learning, 1756; Letters to a Young Prince, 1755, calf 5 vols 151 Thucydides, Grecian Wartrans. by Hobbes, 1723, 2 ; Xenophon C^ropaedia, by Ashley, 1729, 2, calf 4 vols. 152 Pollnitz, Baron, Memoirs, 1739, 4; Gordon, A., Peter the Great, 1755, 2, calf 6 vols 153 Lewis, Thos., Antiquities of the Hebrew Republic, 1724, 4 ; Christian Antiquities, 1722, 2 ; Jennings, Jewish Antiquities, 1766, 2, calf 8 vols. 154 French Revolution, pamphlets on, half-calf, 1790, &c. 2 vols. 10 LOT 155 Life of John Buncle, Esq., 1766; Travels of Heph- zibar, 1762, with supplement 156 Lockman, Travels of the Jesuits, 1741, 2,; Fable of the Bees, 1732-33, 2, calf 157 Pilkington, J., Derbyshire, calf, 1789, 2 ; Bray, W., Tour into Derbyshire, 1783, calf ; Adams, W., Gem of Peak, 1843, cloth 158 Account of Livonia, 1701 ; Wimpffen, Baron, St. Domingo, 1817 ; Atkins, J., Voyage to Jamaica, &c., 1735 ; Burnet, J., Switzerland, 1724, calf 159 Watson, Bishop, Theological Tracts, 1791, half russia 160 Keysler, J. G., Travels through Germany, 1760, calf, 4 ; Observations on Denmark, 1784, calf ; White’s British India, 1822, half-calf 161 Calvin, John, Memoirs, by Mackenzie, calf ; 1809 ; Gilpin, W., Lives of the Reformers, 1780 and 1784, 2, calf ; Wolsey, Cardinal, Life, by Galt, 1824, half-calf 162 Blair, Hugh, Sermons, 1792, 5, &c., calf, Craven, W., Sermons, 1798. half-russia 163 Walpole, Sir, R., Memoirs by Cox, 1800, 3 ; Smith, A., Wealth of Nations, 1799, 3, half-russia 164 Buffon’s Natural History, 1792, 2 ; Gregory, G., Economy of Nature, 1798, 3, half-russia 165 Anacharsis the younger, Travels of, by Barthelemi, 1796, and maps, calf, 166 Carr, S., Sermons, 1795, 4 ; Horne, Bishop, On Psalms, 1802, 2, calf 167 Shaftsbury, Earl, Characteristics, 1727, calf 168 Pretyman, Bishop, Christian Theology, 2 ; Butler, Bishop, Anology of Religion, 1798 ; Wheatley on Common Prayer, 1794, half-russia 169 Chandler’s Life of David, calf, 1766, 2 ; Deerham, Physico-Theology, calf, 1754 ; Buchanan, C., Christian Researches, 1814, calf ; Berkley, G. M., Literary Reliques, 1789, half-calf 170 Bowdler, Miss, Poems and Essays, 1797 ; Britan- nicus, a tragedy, 1803 ; Yearsley (milkwoman of Bristol), Poems, 1785 ; Bowles, W. L., Sonnets, 1794; Influence of Local Attachment, 1796 ; Collins, W., Poems, 1798 171 Comazzi’s Morals of Princes, translated by Hatchet, 1729 ; Lives of Ancient Philosophers, 1702 ; Lives of Lord Chancellors, 1708 ; Cackburn on Duels, 1720; Davenant, Peace and War, 1704, calf 172 Adam, A., Roman Antiquities, 1792 ; Summary of Roman Law, 1772 ; Manners of the Romans, 1740 ; Pliny’s Letters, by Melmoth, 2 in 1, 1752, calf 2 vols. 4 vols. 3 vols. 4 vols. 6 vols. 6 vols. 4 vols. 6 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols. 5 vols. 6 vols. 3 vols. 4 vols. 5 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols. 4 vols, 13 BOT 173 Puigblanch, D. A., Inquisition unmasked, translated by Walton, 1816, 2; White, J., Protestant English¬ men, 1753 i Howel, L., View of the Pontificate, 1712, calf and half-calf J 74 Ophiomaches, or Deism Revealed, 1749, 2 ; Geddes, M., Miscellaneous Tracts, 1714, 3, calf 175 Dawes, W., Sermons, 1707 ; Balguy, J., Tracts, 1734 » Various Prospects of Mankind, 1761 ; Beauty and Virtue, 1726 ; Seeker’s Sermons, 1766, calf 176 Whole Duty of Man, 1813 ; Cause of Decay in Chris¬ tian Piety, 1694 j Sparke, Primitive Devotion, 1700 ; Beveridge, W., on Public Praver, 1721, calf 177 Earbery, State of the Dead, 1728 ; Atterbury, F., English Convocation, 1701 ; Essay for a new translation of the Bible, 1721 ; History of the Apostles’ Creed, 1719 ; a Kernpis, Imitation of Christ, 1721, calf 178 The Laws of Honour, 1714 ; Richardson on Statues, &c., 1754 ; Reflections on Ridicule and Politeness ot Manners, 1707, 2 in 1 ; Manners and Principles of the Times, 1757, calf and half-calf 179 Tytler, Elements of General History, 1801, 2 ; Fullarton, W., English Interests in India, 1787 ; Civil Wars in Germany, Newark, 1782 ; Burton on Clarendon’s History, 1744 ; Clarendon and Whitlock compared, 1727, calf and half-calf 180 Buckingham, Duke, Works of, 1740, 2 ; Le Blanc’s Letters, 1747, 2 ; D’Anvers’ The Craftsman, i 727, calf 181 Collins, A., Peerage of England, 1756 182 Boswell, J., Method of Study, 1738, 2 ; Browne, T., Union Dictionary, 1800 ; Blount, T , Dictionary of Hard Words, 1681 ; Walker, W., English Particles, 1720 183 Cotton, C., Works of, 1715 ; Scarron, Comical Works of, 1741, 2 184 Piggott’s Directory, 1828-9 ; and 2 others 185 Gilpin, W., on Prints, 1802, boards ; Letters con¬ cerning Taste, 1757 ; Du Pile’s Principles of Painting, 1743 ; Algarotti, Count, on Painting, 1764 ; Carlencas, Belles Lettres, 174 1 j boards, calf and half-calf 186 British Antiquities, 1747 ; Wilson, T., Archaeological Dictionary, 1783 ; Glossary of Architecture, 1838 ; Brand, J., Popular Antiquities, 1810, various bindings B 4 vols. 5 vols. 5 vols. 4 vols. 5 vols. 4 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols. 3 vols. 3 vols. 5 vols. 4 vols. 12 LOT 187 Wall, A., Ceremonies in the Senate House of the University of Cambridge, 1748 ; Courayer’s Eng¬ lish Ordinations, 1728 ; Paul, Father, Ecclesias¬ tical Benefices, 1736; Rights of Christian Church, 1706 ; Miller, E., University of Cambridge, 1717, calf and half-calf 188 Gilpin, Forest Scenery, 1794, 2 ; Price, W., On the Picturesque, 1798, 2, boards 189 Warrington, W., History of Wales, 1788, 2 ; Jones, C. C., Recollections, 1828, 2 190 George IIP, History of Court and Family, boards, 1824, 2 , Huish, R., George IV., 1830, half-calf, 2 191 Marsh, N., Politics of Great Britain and France, 1800, 2 ; Memoir of Edmund Burke, by Prior, 1824 ; Public Characters of 1804-5, boards 192 Napoleon Bonaparte, Fife and Campaigns, by Gifford, 2 ; Macartney, Earl, Embassy to China, by Staunton, 1798, 3, boards 193 Forsyth, J. S., Antiquary’s Portfolio, 1825, 2 ; Memorabilia, or Recollections of an Antiquarian, 1824 ; Pinkerton on Medals, 1789, 2 ; boards and half-calf 194 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Life of, by Northcote, 1819, 2 ; Garrick, David, Life of, by Murphy, 1801, 2 1 95 Spirit of the Public Journals, illustrated by Cruik- shank, 1824 ; Portfolio, 1821, boards 196 Campbell, J., Lives of the Admirals, 1761, calf 197 Hale, Sir Matthew, Works, 1805, 2 ; Cox, F. A., Female Scripture Biography, 2, boards 198 The Pulpit, vol. 2, 1824; Horne, Bishop, Sermons, 1:803, 5 ! Marriott, H., Sermons, 1830, boards 199 Gilpin, W., Sermons, 1804, 4, boards ; Waldo, P., On the Liturgy, boards, 1821 200 Clarke, Samuel, Sermons, 1730-31, 10; Attributes of God, 1749, calf 201 Stanhope, E., Epistles and Gospels, 1732 202 Badams, Memoirs of the Royal Society, 1739, calf 203 Montesquieu, Spirit of Laws, translated by Nugent, 1750, 2 ; Nelson, W., Law and Customs of Eng¬ land, 1733, calf 204 Ccelebs in Search of a Wife, 1809, 2 ; Jebb, John, Memoirs of, 1787, 3, boards 205 Smith, Elizabeth, Fragments, 1811, 2 ; Carter, Eliza¬ beth and Talbot, Catherine, Letters Between, 1809, 4, boards Leland, John, The Itinerary, 1744-5, 9 vols. in 5, calf 5 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 5 vols. 5 vols. 4 vols. 2 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 7 vols. 5 vols. 11 vols. 4 vols. 10 vols. 3 vols. 5 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols. 206 *3 LOT 207 Burke s General Armoury, 1842; Burke’s Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies, 1844, cloth 208 Blore, Edward, Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons, 1826; Simpson, F., Ancient Baptismal Fonts, 1828, halt-calf 209 Burke’s Peerage and Baronetage, 1853, and ditto, 1828, cloth 210 The Cabinet, vols. 1-4, 1807-8 ; Miscellanies of Literature 211 Patroni Ecclesiarum, 1831; and 5 others, boards and calf 212 Doctor and Student, 1751 ; and 5 others, various bindings 213 Maclean, C., Excursion in France, 1804; Tucker, J., Letter on Naturalization, and other pamphlets, 1 733 ! Priestley, J., On Government, 1768 ; Secret History of Europe, 1712 ; Derham, W., Astro- theology, 1719 ; Hildrop, ]., Free Thoughts upon the Brute Creation, calf and half-calf 214 Ancient Irish Histories, russia, 1809 215 Hogarth illustrated, by John Ireland, second edition, half-russia 216 Davenant, Essays, 1701 ; Parker, Bishop, History of the Tories’ Chronicle, 1730; Conduct of the Duchess of Marlbro’, 1742 ; Characters, or the Manners of the Age, 1709 ; Memorable Things of Socrates, 1712, calf 217 Whiter, W., Disorder of Death, 1819 ; Cullen, Materia Medica, 1787, 2 in 1 ; and 3 others, calf 218 Whichcote, B., Works, 1751, 4 ; Nelson, R., Address to Persons of Quality, 17x5 ; Enquiry Respecting Revelation, 1735, 2 219 Ireland, S., Picturesque Views on the Upper or War¬ wickshire Avon, 1795, russia 220 Roebuck, J. A., Whig Ministry of 1830, 1852, 2 ; Clarendon, Earl, Religion and Policy, 1811, 2, bds. 221 Torcy, Marquis, Memoirs of, 1757, 2 ; Montague, E. W., Ancient Republics, 1778 ; De Lolme, Con¬ stitution of England, 1784, calf 222 Lambert, Miss, Church Needlework, 1844; Batchelor, S., Cabinet of Gems, 1846 ; Rhodes, B., New Book of Cyphers, various bindings 223 Plutarch’s Lives, 1700, calf 224 Knolls and Rycaut, Turkish History, 1704, 2; Ockley, S., The Saracens, 1757, calf; Ockley, Conquest of Syria by Saracens 1708 225 Rimius, H., The Moravians, 1759, 2 in 1 ; Juan and Ulloa, Voyage to S. America, 1758, 2 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 5 vols. 6 vols. 6 vols. 6 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. 5 vols. 5 vols. 7 vols. 1 vol. 4 vols. 4 vols. 3 vols. 5 vols. 5 vols. 3 vols. H loT 226 Burnet, Bishop, History of His Own Times, calf, 1753 227 Nature and Conduct ot the Passions, 1742 ; Broome, W., Poems, 1750 ; Gisborne, T., Duties of the Female Sex, 1798 ; Somerville, W., Poems, 1727 ; True Rise of Nobility, 1718 ; Goodman, J., Winter Evenings Conference, 1720, calf 228 Holwell, Mythological Dictionary, 1793 ; Watkins, J., Biographical Dictionary, 1807 5 Letters] Con¬ cerning Mythology, 1748, calf 229 Beckwith, Fragmenta Antiquitatis, 1754 ; Essay on Crimes, attributed to Voltaire, 1770; and 6 other law books, calf 230 History of the University of Cambridge, engravings after Harraden, jun., 1814, half-r'ussia ; Gunning, H., University, Town, and County of Cambridge, 1854, 2 > ca -lf 231 Herodotus, translated by Beloe, 1806, 4, boards ; Herodotus, by Littlebury, 1709, 2, calf 232 Phalaris, Epistle of, translated by Franklin, 1749 ; Bentley on Phalaris and Aisop, explained by Boyle, 1698; Demosthenes, translated by Leland, 1757 ; and 3 others, calf 233 Graham, T. J., Domestic Medicine, 1827, boards; Aphorisms of Sanctorius, by Quincy, 1737, calf; and 3 others, various bindings 234 Collier, W., Poems, 1800, 2; Canning* George, Memoirs of, 1829, 2, boards 235 Nelson, Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England, 1726 ; Review of the Important Controversy Con¬ cerning Miracles, cf.; and 4 others, cf. and half-cf. 236 Sykes, A. A., Memoirs of, by Disney, 1785 ; Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspere, 1794; and 3 others 237 The Pursuits of Literature, 1803, boards ; Aber¬ crombie, J., The Intellectual Powers, boards, 1830 ; Rutherford, T., Institutes of Natural Law, 1754, 2 ; Byland, J., Essays, 1805, 2, calf 238 Stillingfleet, Bishop, Origines Sacrae, 1817, 2 ; Strutt, J., Commonplace Book to Holy Scriptures, 1824; Carpenter, W., Scripture Difficulties, 1828 ; Daubeny, Archbishop, Protestant’s Companion, 1824, boards 239 Huish, R., Historical Gallery Portraits, 1st series, half-calf, 1830; Blakey, R., Lives of the Primitive Fathers, portraits, 1842, cloth 240 Locke, J., Human Understanding, 1741, 2 ; Post¬ humous Works, 1706; Montaigne’s Essays, trans¬ lated by Cotton, 1743, 3 > calf 4 vols. 6 vols. 3 vols. 8 vols. 3 vols. 6 vols. 6 vols.- 5 vols. 4 vols-. 6 vols. 5 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols.- 2 vols. 6 vols. *5 Lot 241 Peerage of England, 1717, 2, calf; Debrett’s Baron¬ etage, 1828, 2, boards; Nicolas, N. H., Synopsis of the Peerage, 1825, 2, boards 242 Enquiry into Evidence Against Mary, Queen of Scots, 1760 ; Patten, R., The Late Rebellion, 1717 ; Earl of Peterborough’s Conduct in Spain, 1707 ; Enquiry into the Share which King Charles 1. had in the Transactions ol the Earl of Glam¬ organ, 1747 ; and 2 others, calf 243 Hume, D., Essays and Treatises, 1753, 4 '> Four Dissertations, 1757; Hurd’s Moral and Politcal Diologues, 1765, 3, calf 244 Horne, T., Memorials of Nature and Art, 1808, 3 ; Wonders of the Telescope, 1805 ; Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher, 1767 ; Ferguson, J., Astronomy, 1768; Harris, J., The Globes and Orrery ; Pearson, E., Pamphlets, various bindings 245 Lucretius, translated by Creech, 1714,2; Potter, J., Antiquities of Greece, 1706, 2 ; Kennett, B., Antiquities of Rome, 1731, calf 246 Gregor3>-, G., History of the Christian Church, 1795, 2 ; Wilberforce, W., Practical View, 1811 ; Maltby, E., Truth of the Christian Religion, 1802; Goodman, E., The Penitent Pardoned, 1724; Stavely, T., Churches in England, 1773, calf and half-calf 247 Lowman, M., Hebrew Worship, 1816 ; Paley, W., Natural Theology, 1802; Snape, A., Sermons, 1745, 3 5 Foe, J., Twenty Sermons, 1766, calf 248 Winterbotham, W., American United States, i 795 > 4 ; Bridone, P., Tour Through Sicily and Malta, 1773, 2 in 1, calf 249 Banier, Abbe, Mythology and Fables of the Ancients, 1739, 4 ; Memoirs of the Regency of the Duke of Orleans, 1732 250 Botanical Magazine, The, or Flower Garden Dis¬ played, vols. 1-13 in 7 vols., calf, part of vol. 2 in duplicate (incorrectly lettered) coloured plates, 1787-99 251 Hey, A. Lectures in Divinity, 1796, 4 ; Seeker, Archbishop, Eight Charges, 1769 ; Jortin’s Disser¬ tations, 1755, calf and half-c.alf 252 Heraldic Anomalies, by It Matters Not Who, 1823, 2, boards^; Millar, J., Origin of the Distinction of Ranks, calf, 1806 ; Noble, M., Illustrious House of Medici, calf, 1797; Peerage of Scotland, cf., i 7 fi 7 333 Darwin’s Principia Botanica, boards, Newark, 1810; Harrison, C., On Fruit frees, boards, 1803 ; and 3 others, boards 6 vols. 6 vols. 8 vols. 8 vols. 5 vols. 6 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols. 5 vols. 7 vols. 6 vols. 5 vols. 5 vols. i6 LOT 254 Graduati Cantabrigiensis, 1823 and 1846 ; Liber Scholasticus, 1829 ; Wilson, J., Memorabilia, 1803, boards 255 The Royal Exile, or Poetical Epistles of Mary, Queen of Scots, 1822, 2 ; Memoirs of Prince Eugene, of Savoy, 1811 ; Suckling, Sir John. Selections from His Works, 1836 256 Scott, Sir W., Poetical Works, 1847, cloth ; Moore, E., Fables for the Female Sex, 1761, calf; Wortley Lady E. Stuart, The Visionary, 1839 ; Radcliffe, Ann, Mysteries of Udolpho, 1824, cloth and calf 257 Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum, 1808; Companion to the Liverpool Museum, 1809; Hornor’s Method of Delineating Estates, 1813 ; Varieties of Architecture in Parish Churches, 1812 ; in 1 vol., half-russia: Rudiments of An¬ cient Architecture, 1794, boards ; Hope, Thomas, Costume of the Ancients, 1809, half-calf, plates 258 Bromley, G., Original Royal Letters, 1787 ; Zimmer¬ man’s National Pride, 1797, and 4 others, calf 259 Antiquities of the Abbey Church of Westminster, 1713, plates; Addresses from the Common Council to the King, 1760-70; Elmes’ Topographical Dictionary of London, 1831 ; Colquhoun, P., Police of the Metropolis, 1797, various bindings 260 Eller, I., Belvoir Castle, 1841 ; House and Gardens of Stowe, 1832 ; Description of Burleigh House, 1697 ; The Description of Blenheim, 1811, boards 261 Gilpin, W., Observations on the River Wye, boards, 1800, plates ; Manby, G., History of the Parish of St. David, Wales, calf, 1801 ; Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Durham, calf, 1767; Guide to the Lakes, boards, 1780 262 Sketches and History Illustrative of the Topography of Sleaford, 1825, boards ; History of Lincoln, 1816, calf 263 Moore, J., List of the Castles and Monasteries of Great Britain, 1798; Gorham, G. C., Antiquities of Eynesbury and St. Neots in Huntingdon, and St Neots in Cornwall, 1820 ; Browne’s History of Norwich, 1814, calf 264 Gent’s History of the Famous City of York, 1730, calf, uncut ; Antiquities of Halifax and its Gibbet Law, 1736, no title 265 Antiquities of Arundel, 1766, calf; Farmer, J., Town and Abbey of Waltham, Essex, 1735; Antiquities of Warwick and Warwick Castle, 1786, calf and half-calf 4 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 3 vols. 6 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. LOT 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 28l 282 283 17 Lockinge, Historical Gleanings from the Field of Naseby, 1830; Gostling, W., Walk about Canter¬ bury, 1769 ; Guide to Holland 1814; Arvendel, Sketches in Italy and Switzerland, 1826, various bindings Somerville, W., The Chace, 1749 ; and 5 others, various bindings QUARTOS. Rutherforth, T., System of Natural Philosophy, 1748, 2 ; Bryant, J., Observations Relating to Various Parts of Ancient History, 1767, calf Cruden, A., Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, 1805, calf; Fleetwood, J,. Life of Christ, 1775, calf; Whole Works of Josephus, translated by C. Clarke, 1813 Chambers, Sir W., Decorative Part of Civil Archi¬ tecture, Works, &c., by Joseph Gwilt, plates, 1825, 2, half-calf Thoroton, R., Antiquities of Notts., second edition, 1790, calf, plates Allen. T., History of the County of Lincoln, 1830, 2. half-calf; Illingworth, Caley T., The Parish of Scampton, Lincolnshire, boards, 1810 Jones’ Views of the Seats, Mansions, Castles, &c., in England, 1829, half-calf, plates Pilkington, M-, Dictionary of Painters, 1798, half-calf Smart, C., Poems on Several Occasions, 1752, plates, half-russia; Gifford, J., Lewis XVI., 1793, calf, plate Churchill, C., Poems, 1763, half-calf Westmoreland, Cumberland, &c., illustrated, drawings by Allom, &c., descriptions by Rose, (n.d.) half¬ calf, plates Paris and its Environs, from drawings taken under the direction of A. Pagin, engravings under C. Heath, 1831, 2 in 1, half-calf James, T., History of the Herculean Straits, now called the Straits of Gibraltar, 1771, half-calf, copper-plates Coxe. The House of Austria, 1807, 2 in 3, calf Grose, Francis, Military Antiquities Respecting a History from the Conquest to the Present Time, 1812, boards, 147 plates Belsham, W., Essays, boards, 1799 ; Townsend, J., Geological and Mineralogical Researches, 1824, boards, 2, plates Middleton, Conyers, Miscellaneous Works, 1 75 2 » ca ^ 4 vols. 6 vols. 3 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. 3 vol . 2 vols. I vol. 2 vols. 2 vols. I vol. I vol. 2 vols. 3 vols. 2 VOls. 2 VOls. 4 vols. i8 LOT 284 Barry, Sir E., Observations on Wines, 1775, half-calf; Boutcher, W., Treatise on Forest Trees, 1778 ; Enquiry into the Morals of the Ancients, 1735, calf 285 Foster, James, Discourses on Natural Religion and Social Virtue, 1749-52, 2 ; Religion of Nature Delineated, 1725 ; Beattie, James, Dissertations, Moral and Critical, 1783, calf 286 Dallaway, James, Anecdotes of the Arts in England, calf ; Hayley’s Epistles to Flaxman on Scripture, boards, 1800 287 Carey’s English Atlas, 1793, half-russia ; Geographia Antiqua, 1793, half-calf; Les Tablettes Guerrieres, Amsterdam, 1725 288 Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford, 1798, bds. 289 Dugdale, Sir W., Life, Diary, and Correspondence of, by Hamper, boards, 1827, portrait 290 Bacon, J., Liber Regis, 1786, calf 291 Magazine for the Blind, 1839-40, half-bound 292 Masters, R., History of the College of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, 1753, calf 293 Works of Epictetus, translated by Elizabeth Carter, calf, 1758 ; General History of Polebius, trans¬ lated by Hampton, 1756, calf 294 Fenelon’s Adventures of Telemachus, translated by Meilan, 1792, calf, plates 295 Bower, A., History of the Popes, 1740-66, calf 296 Hume, David, History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Cassar to the Reign of James II., 6 vols. in 3 > i 759- 6 2 297 Vinnii Institutionum, by Heineccius, Lug. Bat., 1726, calf 298 Noorthouck, History of London, including West¬ minster and Southwark, 1763, copper-plates, calf 299 Folkes, Martin, On English Silver and Gold Coins, 1763, half-russia, plates 300 The Harleian Miscellany, half-calf, 1744-6 301 Vocabularii Juris Utriusque, calf, Spirensi, 1477, (no title) black letter 302 Allen, T., History of the County of York, engravings on steel after Whitlock, 1828-31, half-calf 303 Hooke, N., Roman History,1751-71, calf, plates and maps 304 Boyer, A., Le Dictionaire Royal, 1759, calf, portrait 305 Bacon, N., Historical and Political Discourse on the Laws of Government of England, 1760, half-calf; Malthus, T. R,, Principle of Population, 1803, cf. 3 vols. 4 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. 5 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 2 vols. 2 vols. 7 Vols, 3 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. I vol. 8 vols. 1 vol. 3 vols. 4 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. 19 LOT 306 Bentham, History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, 1771 ; Supplement to ditto, by William Stevenson, 1817, calf 307 Lewis, S., Topographical Dictionary of England, cloth, 1831 308 Dramatic Work, Beaumont and Fletcher, Notes of George Colman, 1811, crimson morocco 309 Bunn, R., Ecclesiastical Law, 1763, 2 ; Decisions in Court of King’s Bench, by Barrow, 1768 310 Harris, James, Works of, by his son, the Earl of Malmesbury, 2 vols., purple morocco, large paper END OF FIRST DAY’S SALE; G 2 vols. 4 vols. 3 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. SECOND DAY'S SALE. In cases where Works extend beyond one volume the number of volumes is indicated by the figures following the dates. Lot A B C D E F G H J K L Books. FROM STORE ROOM. Twelve volumes, various Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Quantity old newspapers Universal Magazine, 1757 to Annual Register, 1758 to Gentleman’s Magazine, 1751 to Monthly Review, 51 vols., 8vo., half-calf Acts of Parliament, George III., 1777 to folio, half-calf, some Marft letter 7 vols. 8 vols. 31 vols. 51 vols. 22 vols., 22 vols. quartos, continued . 311 Edwards, Bryan, The British Colonies in the West Indies, 1794-1801, calf, plates 3 vols. 312 Kelly’s Universal Geography, half-morocco, 1817 2 vols. 313 Brewster, Samuel, Collectanea Ecclesiastica, a col¬ lection of curious treatises in manuscript relating to the rights of the Clergy of the Church of England, 1752, calf 1 vol. LOT 21 314 Miscellanies, Bishop of Salisbury’s Sermon at Coron¬ ation of George III. and Queen Charlotte, 1761 ; Bullock de Podagra ; Burke, E., Speech, Mar. 22,. 1765 ; Wilson, B., Discourse to the Inhabitants of Newark against the Misapplication of Public Charities, 1768 ; Peter Pindar’s Advice to the Future Laureate, 1790; Mason’s English Garden, I 777 J Sonnets to Eminent Men, 1783 ; Fenn on the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1784 ; Ode to Mr. Wright, of Derby, 1783 ; The Prince of Peace, 1779 ; Two pamphlets by Peter Pindar, and several others, in 4 vols., half-calf 315 Vitae Patrum, 1493, letter, commences folio 3, half-morocco 316 Strutt, J., Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England, 1773, numerous plates 317 II Pastor Fido, the Faithfull Shepheard, by Gvarini, and other Poems, with a Discourse on the Civill Warres of Rome, by Richard Fanshawe, 1648, half-calf 318 Prynne, W., The Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdoms, 1643, calf 319 Brown, Thomas, Pseudodoxia Epidemica, Enquiry into many received Tenents and commonly pre¬ served Truths, together with Religio Medici, 1672, calf, portrait 320 The Trial, &c , of Twenty-nine Regicides, The Mur- therers of King Charles I., 1739, numerous portraits inserted, half-russia 321 The Covnsellor of Estate, Contayning the most Remarkable Considerations Seruing for the Man¬ aging of Publicke Affaires, 1634, calf, portrait of King Charles Lithgow, W., The Total Discourse of the Rare Adventures and Painful Peregrinations of Long Nineteen Years, 1640, vellum 322 Stillingfleet, E., Origines Sacrae, 1666 ; Kettlewell, J., The Measures ol Christian Obedience, 1684, calf 323 Shaw, Henry, Specimens of Ancient Furniture, de¬ scriptions by Meyrick, half-calf, Pickering, 1836 ; Pugin, A., Designs for Iron and Brass Work, 1836, boards; Pugin, A. W., Contrasts, 1836, half-calf 324 Life of Lord Herbert Cherbury, by Himself, 1770 ; Hale, Chief Justice, Jurisdiction of the Lords’ House of Parliament, 1796 325 Anderson, James, Constitutions of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, 1738, the vulgar year of Masonry, 5738, crimson morocco, frontispiece (the gift of Robert Balls to the Lodge held at the Dog Tavern, Billingsgate) 4 vols* 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. I vol. 2 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. I vol. 22 tor 326 Exercitationes faciles de Numis Veterum pro Tyroni- bus, Norimberg, 1735 ; Descriptive Catalogue of Pieces of Mechanism and Jewelry Exhibited in the Museum at Spring Gardens, 1772 ; De Numorum Bracteatorum et Cavorum, Sperlingii, 1700, in 1 vol., plates ; Account of English Money, i2mo., 1707 ; Knowledge of Medals, 1697, X2mo., calf 3 vols. 327 Lowth on Jeremiah, 1718 ; Gregory, J., Works of, 1665, calf 2 vols, 328 Luther, Martin, upon Galatians, 1588, half-calf, blacft letter 1 YQh 329 Latimer, W., Fruitfull Sermons Preached by the Right Rev. Father and Constant Martyr of Jesus Christ, 1607, rough calf 1 vol, 330 Tenison, T., Of Idolatry, 1678 ; Person, David, Varieties, 1635, calf 2 vols, 331 Camden, W., Brittania, 1600, calf, the four last pages replaced in manuscript 1 vol. 332 Legh, Gerard, Accedens of Armoury, 1562 calf; Peacham, H., The Compleat Gentleman, 1634, calf 2 V0I3. 333 Verstegan, R., A Restitvtion of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, 1605, calf, Antwerp ; Brerewood, E., Enqviries Tovching Diversity of Langvages and Religions, 1622, calf 2 vols. 334 Officium Ecclesii, anno 1318, a beautifully written manuscript, consisting of 274 pages, on vellum, with four full-page illuminations, capitals illu¬ minated in brilliant gold and colours, bound in russia, lettered on side “ De la Bibliotheque de la Chevaliere D'Eon ” 1 vol, 335 Officium Ecclesii, small 410 manuscript on vellum, consisting of 128 pages manuscript, capitals illuminated in red and blue, four lull-page illumin¬ ations, bound calf 1 vol, “ This has been considered a very striking resemblance to the splendid Missal presented to Isabella, Queen of Spain, by Franciscus de Robias. The Duchess de la Paliere is personified in the Penitent.” 336 The Famous History of the Seven Champions of 7 Christendom, by Richard Johnson, the two parts, 1680, blacit letter, ca'f i vol, 337 Collection of all the Wills now known to be extant of the Kings and Queens of England, &x., 1780, half¬ calf ; Miscellaneous Pamphlets, half-calf 2 vols. 23 LOT 338 The Apprehension, Arraignement, and Execution of Elizabeth Abbot, alias Cebrooke, for a cruel and horrible murther committed on the body of Mis¬ tress Killingworth, in S. Creechurch Parish, neere Aldgate, 12 leaves, 1608, Iffaciv letter, with cut of the execution ; The Last Speech of Col. Eusebius Andrews, sometime a Lawyer of Lincoln’s Inne, at the time of his Execution on the Scaffold at Tower-hill, 4 leaves, 1650, half-calf 339 Bvrton, H., The Baiting of the Pope’s Bvll, or an vnmasking of the Mystery of Iniquity folded vp in a most pernitious Breeue or Bull sent from the Pope lately to England to cawse a Rent therein for his Re-entry, 1627; Montanus, R. G., A fvll, ample, and pvnc.tval discovery of the Barbarous, Bloudy, and Inhumane Practices of the Spanish Inquisnion, 1569 ; A Plot discovered, by Denis, i2mo., calf and half-calf 340 MS. Remembrances for Order and Decency to be kept in the Upper House of Parliament of the Lords when his Majesty is not there, about 1712, i2mo., crimson morocco, royal arms on side, ‘‘ Alex. Hamilton (afterwards Duke of Hamilton,) his book;” De Vita, J., Chrysostomi Trombellii Commentarius, Roma, calf, full gilt, Papal arms on side, Dissertazioni Liturgiche, Vitale, Roma, 1756, Papal arms on side 341 Senault, Man Become Guilty, translated by Henry, Earl of Monmouth, 1650, calf; Daily Observations or Meditations, 1654, half-calf 342 The Inn Play or Cornish Hugg Wrestler, by Sir Thos. Parkyns, of Bunny, 1714 343 Peele, G., Merrie Conceited Jests; Ricraft, J., Survey of England’s Champions and Truth’s Faithfull Patriots, 20 portraits, i2mo., 1647? fac-simile reprint 344 Vetus Testamentum Grsecum ex Versione Septua- ginta, Cantab., 1665; Novum Testamentum, cum notis 1622; Biblia Hebraica sine punctis, 1701 ; Novum Testamentum Latinum, Amsterdam, 1690; Roberts, F., Key to the Bible, 1649, 181110. and 241110., calf and morocco 345 Historia de Episcopis et Decanis Londinensibus et Assavensibus, ad 1540; G. Wharton, 1695; Biblia Latinum ; Testamentum Graecum, and 2 others, various sizes 346 Pyne, History of Royal Residences, 1819, 2, crimson morocco, 100 coloured engravings 2 vols. 3 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. 5 vols. 5 vols. 3 vols. 24 LOT 347 Brown, Peter, Illustrations oi Zoology, 50 coloured plates, 1786, crimson morocco ; Owen, Charles, Essay towards a Natural History of Serpents, 1742, calf 348 Strutt, J., Chronicle of England, plates, 1777-S, calf 349 Batty, Lieut.-Col., Select Views of some of the Principal Cities of Europe, 1832, half-calf 350 Bawdwen, Translation of the Record called Dooms¬ day, so far as it relates to Yorkshire and parts of other Counties, 1819, half-morocco 351 Scripture Costume Engravings, representing the principal personages mentioned in the Sacred Writings, drawn under the superintendence of Benjamin West by Satchwell, Biographical Sketches, &c., 1819, half-morocco 352 Foreign Military Costumes, 79 full-page coloured plates, russia back and edges 353 Pennant, Thos., Journey from London to the Isle of Wight, 1801, 2, half-calf 354 Astle, Thomas, Origin and Progress of Writing, 1803, boards; Seward, Anna, Original Sonnets, 1799;. Catlow, Rev. S., Outlines of a Plan of Instruction adapted to the various purposess of Active Life, 1798, boards 355 Glover, Stephen, History and Gazetteer of the County of Derby, vol. I., part 1, 1834, boards; Whitehurst, John, Formation of the Earth, with Appendix on the Strata in Derbyshire, 1778, half-calf; Blore, Thomas, Manor and Manor House of South Win¬ field, Derbyshire, 1793, half-calf 356 Lamb, J., Historical Account of the Thirty-nine Articles, with fac-similes of the signatures of Archbishops and Bishops, and exact copies of Latin and English manuscripts, 1829, boards; Pearson, Bishop, On the Creed, 1701, calf 357 Noble, Mark, History of the College of Arms, por¬ traits, 1805, boards, uncut; Heraldic Miscellanies, Lives of Dugdale and King, with an exact copy of the third part of the Boke of St. Albans, printed in i486, (n.d.), half-calf 358 Romney, George, Life of, by Hayley, 1809, crimson morocco, plates 359 Herbert, W., Antiquities of the Inns of Court of Chancery, 1804, boards, uncut, 24 plates ; A Con¬ cise Account, Historical and Descriptive, of Lambeth Palace, plates 360 Yorke, James, The Union of Honor, 1640, calf 2 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 2 vols. 3 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. I vol. 2 vols. I vol. 25 L9f 361 Wren, Sir Christopher, Life and Works of, by Elmes, 1823, boards, uncut ; Painting Illustrated in Three Dialogues, with Lives of the most Em¬ inent Painters, calf, 1685 362 Select Collection of Sixty-two Views and Ruins in Rome and its Vicinity, tinted plates ; Description of Ancient Marbles in the British Museum, part 1, 1812 ; Isreels, Joseph, Ezekiel’s Temple, 1827, boards 363 Clinton, H. F., Fasti Hellenici, 1827, boards, uncut; Tragedies of Sophocles, translated by Potter, 1788, half-calf 364 Modern Athens, Views in Edinboro, after Shepherd, 1829, half-calf; Brewer, J. N., Various Palaces and Public Buildings, 1821, calf 365 Pole, Cardinal, Life of, bj- Phillips, 1764, 2 in 1 366 Kennett, White, Parochial Antiquities Attempted in the History of Parts of the Counties of Oxford and Bucks., plates, Oxford, 1695 367 Metropolitan Improvements, or London in the Nine¬ teenth Century, engravings after Shepherd, letter- press by Elmes, 1828, half-calf 368 Pennant, Tour in Scotland in 1769 ; Scotland and the Hebrides in 1772 ; Scotland, 1772, calf 369 Weever, J., Ancient Funeral Monuments, 1767, calf; Ferguson, History of Civil Society, 1767, half-calf 370 National Gallery of Pictures by the Great Masters, half-morocco, uncut; The Cartons of Raphael D’Urbino, 1809, boards ; Ethic Amusements, by Bellamy, 1770, calf 371 Kelly, C., Battle of Waterloo, 1839, plates ; Robert¬ son, W., Disquisition Concerning India, half-calf 372 Museum Worsleyanum, 1824, 2, morocco, plates 373 Warburton, Whitelaw, and Walsh, History of the City of Dublin, 1818, half crimson morocco, plates, plans, and maps, large paper 374 Britton, John, Fine Arts of the English School, 24 engravings, boards, uncut, 1812 375 Lawrence, A Collection of Roses, 90 beautifully coloured plates, 1799, half-morocco 376 Malcolm, J. P., Lives of Topographers and Anti¬ quarians, with 26 portraits, 1815, boards, uncut 377 Vates on the Philosophy of Madness, part 1, 1840, cloth ; Darell, W., History of Dover Castle, 1799, plates ; Rooke, H., Remarkable Oaks in Welbeck Park, Notts., 1790, boards, uncut ; Thirty-nine plates engraved tor Bell’s New Pantheon 2 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 2 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols, I vol. I vol. I vol. 4 vols. d6 Lot 378 History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle, The Royal College and Chapel of St. George, with Ceremonies, &c., of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Eton, 1749 379 Lysons, D., Environs of London, 1796-1800, 5 vols., russia ; Malcolm, J. P., Views within 12 miles round London, illustrative of Lysons, plates, some coloured, half-morocco 380 Macpherson, D., Annals of Commerce, &c., 1805, 4 > half-russia 381 Pallas, P. S., Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire in 1793 and 1794, 1802, large paper, russia, coloured plates and maps 382 Newenham, T.^ Natural, Political, and Commercial Circumstances of Ireland, 1809, calf; Park, Mungo, Travels in Africa, 1799, calf, portrait and maps ; Turnbull, J., Voyage Round the World, 1800-4, crimson morocco, 1813 383 Willis, Browne, Survey of the Cathedrals, 3 vols. in 2, 1742 384 Darwin, E., Phytologia, or Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening, 1800, calf; Boerhaave, Method of Chemistry, 1727, calf 385 Edwards, Edward, Anecdotes of Painters who have resided, or been born, in England, plates, large paper, 1808, crimson morocco 386 Wraxall, N. W., History of France from the Acces¬ sion of Henry III. to the death of Louis XIV., 1795, russia 387 History of the Early Part of the Reign of James II., by Charles James Fox, 1808, portraits and plates, russia 388 Hall, Sir James, Essay on Gothic Architecture, 1813, boards 389 Wild, Charles, Illustrations of the Architecture and Sculpture of Lincoln and Worcester Cathedrals, 1819-23, boards 390 Ecclesiastical History of France, 1676, calf ; blfldt letter Bible, commencing Deuteronomy, chap. 6, ending Maccabeus, chap. 6, v. n ; Bible, 1703, calf, with Common Prayer 391 Pitture del Salone Imperiale del Palazzo di Firenze, oblong atlas folio, 27 fine plates, chiefly recording the actions of Lorenzo de Medici, Firenze, 1766, half-calf 392 The Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmore in the Desert, imperial folio, russia, 1753 1 vol. 6 vols; 4 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 3 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 2 vols. 3 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 27 LOT LARGE FOLIOS, ILLUSTRATED. 393 Peintures de Vases Antiques vulgairement appelles Etrusques tirees de differentes collections et gravees par Clener, explications par Millin, pub- liees par Maisonneuve, atlas folio, 150 plates, 1808-10 394 Atlas pour servir a la relation du Voyage a la recherche de la Perouse, fait par ordre de l’Assem- blee Constituante par Labillardiere, atlas folio, 44 fine plates and maps, half-bound, a Paris, 1800 395 Adam, R. and J., Works in Architecture, containing plans, elevations, sections and details of the principal buildings erected in Great Britain in the reign of George III., atlas folio, 125 plates by Bartolozzi, &c., 1822, 3 vols. in 1, half-calf 396 Ducarel, Doctor, Anglo-Norman Antiquities con¬ sidered in a Tour through part of Normandy, 27 engravings, 1767, calf 397 Antiquities in Westminster Abbey, from drawings by Harding, descriptions by Moule, 4to., 1825 ; Cotman, J. S., Etchings, 22 plates, 1811 ; Account of the Abbey Church of Tewksbury, by Amyat, and St. Mary’s Abbey, York, published by the Society of Antiquaries, London, 1829, 29 plates, folio in one volume, half-calf 398 Recueil D’Estampes d’apres les plus celebres Ta¬ bleaux de la Galerie Royale de Dresde, 1 757 > atlas folio, half-russia Vol. 1 is deficient plates 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46 to 50, plate 8 is loose with margin reduced, 18 has mar¬ gin reduced, 37 is mounted. Vol. 2 is deficient plate 2. 399 Boydell, J., Collection of Prints engraved after the most capital Paintings in England, folio, 1768 Vol. 1 is deficient plates 4, 5, n to 14, 16, 18, 19, 27, 29 to 35, 38 to 48, 50; 47 will be found in Vol. 2, mounted. Vol. 2 is deficient plates 3 to 8, 10 to 13, 16, 19, 21, 23 to 25, 27 to 29, 31, 35 to 39, 41, 42, 44 to 48, 50 to 57, 59 to 61, 22 is mounted. 400 Adam, R., Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia, imp. folio, 61 fine plates by Bartolozzi and others, half-cf., 1764 401 Buck, S. and N., Antiquities ; Views of the most noted Abbeys, Castles, Monasteries, &c., in Eng¬ land and Wales, 1721, & c -? oblong folio, 336 fine plates, half-russia D 2 VOls i vol I vol I vol I vol 2 Vols 2 VOls i vol 2 Vols LOT 28 402 Representation des Fetes donnees par la Ville de Strasbourg pour la convalescence du Roi ; a l’arrivee et pendant le sejour de sa Majeste en cette Ville par Weis, equestrian portrait of Louis XV., by Will, 12 large and beautiful engravings by Le Bas, 1744, half-bound 403 Melling, M., Voyage Pittoresque de Constantinople et des Rives du Bosphore, 48 large and mag- nificient line engravings of the highest quality, atlas folio, a Paris, 1819, morocco gilt 404 Martyn, Joannis, Historia Plantarium Rariorum, 50 coloured plates, 1728, calf, full gilt 405 Ruins of Athens, 64 pages plates, principally by Le Bas, no letterpress, imp. folio, half-calf FOLIOS. 406 MS. Diary of Transactions in the House of Commons, by an M.P., commencing Sept. 17th, 1666, about 190 pages, closely written, folio rough calf 407 Espejo de Conciencia, Impresso ano 1525, fclftfU ItfttCV, original vellum binding “ Expression of Conscience : which treats of all Estates as well Ecclesiastical as Secular to govern & examine their consciences.” 408 Sacra Rituum Congregatione Nigrono Oxonen, Roma 1 775 ? ca lfj gilt, Cardinal’s arms 409 Reports from the Lords’ Committees touching the dignity of the Peers of the Realm, half-calf, uncut, 1823-29 410 Prideaux, H., Old and New Testament connected in the History of Jews, 1719, 2 in 1, calf 411 Borlace, W., Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall, map and plates, 1769. russia 412 Meyrick, S. R., A Critical Enquiry into Ancient Armour, 1824, 3, half-bound, uncut 413 Earldom of Sutherland, Genealogical History of, by Sir Robert Gordon, 1813, portrait, vignette and fac-simile, russia 414 Burton, John, Monasticon Eboracense and the Eccle¬ siastical History of Yorkshire, 1758, calf 415 Peck, F., Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, in Lin¬ coln, Rutland, and Northampton Shires, 1727, the 13 books, tables and chronological table ; Foster’s Letters to Tanner; Butcher, R., Survey and Antiquities of the Towne of Stamford, calf 416 Jacob, G., The Law Dictionary, 1732, calf; Watson, W., The Clergyman’s Law, 1747 1 vol. 2 yols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 5 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 3 vols. I vol. I vol. I vol. 2 vols. LOT 2 9 417 Athenae Oxoniensis, An exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their edu¬ cation in the Oxford University from 1500 to 1690, calf. 1692, 2 in 1 1 voh 418 Burghley, Lord, Collection of State Papers relating to affairs in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, inserted portraits of Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth, 1759, half-calf 1 vol. 419 Sammes, Antiquities of Ancient Brittain, derived from the Phcenecians, 1676, calf 1 vol. 420 St. Avgvstine of the Citie of God, with the learned comments of Vives, 1620, calf 1 vol. 421 Memorials and Characters, together with the Lives of divers Eminent Persons, by Wilford, 1741, cf. 1 vol. 422 Edward III., History of that most victorious Mon¬ arch, also of his son the Black Prince, by Joshua Burnes, half-calf, Cambridge, 1688 1 vol. 423 Walker, J., Attempt towards an account of the number and snffering of the Clergy of the Church of England in the times of the Grand Rebellion, calf, 1714 ; Ayliffe, Commentary on the Canons and Constitutions of the Church of England, calf, 1726 2 vols. 424 Bayle, General Dictionary, Historical and Critical, 10 vols., calf, 1734-41 10 vols. 425 Stackhouse, T,, New History of the Holy Bible, 1752, 2, calf 2 vols. 426 Rapin’s History of England, 1743, 2 ; Tindal’s Con¬ tinuation, 1751, 2 ; Summary of Rapin and Tindal, 1751, calf 5 vols. 427 Camden, W. ( Britain, 1637, calf 1 vol. 428 Pufendorf, Baron, Law of Nature and Nations, calf, 1728; Harrington, James, The Oceanea and other Works, calf, 1737 2 vols. 429 Raleigh, Sir W., History of the World, 1736, with Life of the author, portraits and maps, calf 2 vols. 430 Thoresby, Ralph, Topography of Leedes and parts adjacent in the West Riding of York, 1715, Mus- aum Thoresbyanum, 1713 1 vol. 431 Gerarde, John, The Herball or General Historie of Plants, 1636, cuts, half-calf 1 vol. 432 Gvillim, J., Display of Heraldrie, 1632, calf 1 voh 433 Gvillim, J., Display of Heraldrie, 1632, half-calf 1 vol. 434 Works of King Charles the Martyr, 1687, calf 1 vol. 435 Livius, T., Roman History, with the Supplements, translated 1686, calf 1 vol. 30 LOT 436 Whitby, D., Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament, 1727, calf 437 Fuller, Thomas, History of the Worthies of England 1662, portrait, calf; Fuller, Thomas, The Holy State and the Profane State, calf, 1642 ; Fuller, Thomas, Historie of the Holy War, 1639, calf 438 Rushworth, Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Stafford, for High Treason, calf, 1680 ; The Trial of Charles, Lord Mohun, before the House of Peers, for Mur¬ der, 1693 1 Tryal of the Archbishop of Canterbury and Six Bishops, 1689 ; Tryals of Lord William Russell, Hone; Walcot and others, for High Treason, 1683 ; and other pamphlets in 1 voh, calf 439 Evelyn, J., Silva, or a Discourse of Forest Trees also Terra, Pomona, Acetaria, and Kalendarium Hor- tense, 1706, calf 440 Leycester, Sir Peter, Historical Antiquities, the first book treating of Great Britain and Ireland, the second, Cheshire, 1683, half-morocco 441 Hale, Sir Matthew, History of the Pleas of the Crown, 1736, 2 vols.; Wood, T., Institute of the Laws of England, 1754, calf 442 Morgan, Silvanus, The Sphere of Gentry deducted from the principles of Nature, a Work of Arms and Blazon, in 4 books, 1661, plates, calf; Selden, John, Titles of Honour, 1672, calf 443 The Catalogve of Honor or Tresvry of Trve Nobility peculiar and proper to the Isle of Great Britaine, translated from the Latin by Milles, 1610, calf, plates 444 Barclay, His Argenis, translated by Long, 1625, calf, 445 Chaucer, Geffrey, The Works of our Antient and learned English Poet, newly printed, London, 1598, calf 446 Rushforth, J., Historical Collections, calf, 1659 &c. 447 Milton, John, Complete Collection of Historical, Pol¬ itical, and Miscellaneous Works, 1738, calf 448 Sidney, A., Dicourses concerning Government, calf, 1704; Nicholson, Bishop, English Historical Library, 1714 449 Pembroke, Countess of, Arcadia, calf 450 Spenser, The Faierie Queene, The Shepherd’s Cal¬ endar and other Works, 1617, calf 451 Fabian, The Chronicle of: whiche he nameth the Concordaunce of Histories newly perused and continued from the beginning of King Henry VII to the end of Queene Mary, 1559, calf, lildlU ICltCV 2 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 3 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. I vol. I vol. 3 vols. 2 vols, 2 vols. I vol. I vol. I vol. LOT 31 45 2 Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford, for High Treason, calf; Tryal of John Hampden in the great case of Ship Money, 1719 2 vols. 453 Certain Homilies, appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth, 1683; Burnet, Bishop, Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, I 7 I 5 > ca 'f 2 vols. 454 Holingshed, R., The Second Volume of Chronicles containing the Description &c. of Ireland by John Hooker alias Vowell, blacft letter, 1586, calf 1 vol. 455 Wright, James, History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland, 1684, calf 1 vol. 456 Shefferius, J., The History of Eapland, engravings, 1684, calf 1 vol. 457 Collection of Voyages and Traels, 1744-1747, calf 8 vols. 458 Common Prayer, red lines, 1745, morocco with Crown, Royal Arms, Motto GR in cipher beneath Crown, St. James’ Chapel, 1746 1 vol. 459 Wright, Paul, new and complete Family Prayer Book, rough calf, with Coats of Arms; Book of Common Prayer, 1730, rough calf, with Coats of Arms 2 vols. 460 Brady, R., Introduction to the Old English History, calf, 1684 ; Brady, R., Treatise of Cities and Burghs or Boroughs, 1704, half-calf 2 vols. 461 G rose, F., Antiquities of England and Wales, 1783, half-russia, plates 2 vols. 462 Durham, J., Commentarie on Revelations, 1660, calf, Chillingworth, W., The Religion of Protestants, 1664, calf 2 vols. 463 Richard III., History of the Life and Reigne of, by Buck, 1646, inserted portrait, calf ; History of the Civil Wars in England between the Houses of Lancaster and York, by Beondi, Englished by the Earl of Monmouth, 1641-1646, 2 vols in 1 2 vols. 464 Stackhouse, T., Complete Body of Divinity, 1734, calf 1 vol. 465 Burton, W., The Description of Leicestershire, 1622, cf. 1 vol. 466 Silva, Silvarum or a Naturall Historie in ten centuries, by Viscount St. Alban’s, 1639 ; New Atlantis, A Work unfinished, caff; Manley, N., Wonders of the Little World, 1678, half-calf 2 vols. 467 Stow, John, Survey of London, 1633, half-calf 1 vol. 468 Echard, L., General Ecclesiastical History, 1702, caff; Stillingfleet Antiquities, Origines Britlanicae, of the British Churches, 1685, caff 2 vols. 469 Le Grand, A., An entire body of Philosophy according to the principles of Des Cartes, about 100 plates by Blome, 1694 1 v °l* 32 lot 470 Du Bartas, His Divine Weekes and Workes trans¬ lated by Silvester, calf 471 Hooke, R.,Micrograhia or some Physiological Descrip¬ tions of Minute Bodies made by magnifying glasses calf, 1665 ; Wilkins, John, Essay towards a real character and philosophical language, 1665, calf 472 Bacon, Francis, Resuscitatio, 1657, calf; A Relation of the Conference between William Lord and Fisher the Jesuit, by command of King James, 1639, calf 473 Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy, 1624, calf 474 Speed, John, The Historie of Great Britaine, 1623, calf; Speed, John, Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, maps, 1666 475 Cotton, Sir Robert, An exact abridgement of the Re¬ cords in the Tower of London, from the reign of Edward IE to Richard III., revised by Prynne, 1657, calf ; Ephemeris Parliamentaria, or a faith- full Register of transactions in Parliament in the third and fourth years of the reign of King Charles 1654 476 Volume containing upwards of 100 plates of Antiqui¬ ties, half-calf; Chronological Chart of British Architecture with Genealogy of the Sovereign of England, by Barrington, Coats of Arms coloured on cloth in case 477 Stanley, T., The History of Philosophy, with Lives &c. of Philosophers of Every Sect, illustrated with the effigies of divers of them, 1687, calf 478 Works of the Author of the “ Whole Duty of Man ” 1726, calf; Homilies to be read in Churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth, 1683, calf 479 Biographia Brittannica, or Lives of the most Eminent Persons in Great Britain and Ireland, 1748, vols. 1, 2, 4, calf 480 Parcell, IT, Orpheus Britannicus, a Collection of the choicest Songs for one two or three voices, 1721, cf. 481 Dugdale, Sir W., Monasticon Anglicanum, a new edition enriched with a large accession of materials by Caley, Ellis, and Bandinel, 6 vols. in 8, 1817-30, crimson morocco, a very fine copy 482 Dugdale, Sir W., The Ancient Usage in Bearing Arms, a discourse touching the Office ot Lord High Chancellor ; Honoris Anglicani, by T. C. Banks, 1811, calf, large paper 483 Dugdale, Sir W., Origines Juridiciales, or Historical Memorials of English Laws etc. in the Savoy, 1671, russia, gilt edges 1 vol. 2 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. 3 vols. 1 vol. 8 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 33 LOT 484 Dugdale, Sir W., A Perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments of this realm from the XLIX. of the reign of King Henry III. until these Present Times, °i 685, russia 485 Dugdale, William, Baronage of England, or an His¬ torical Account of our English Nobility, 1675-6, calf 486 Dugdale, W , Short View of the late troubles of Eng¬ land, Oxford, 1681, fine portrait of Charles 1 st, calf; Dugdale, W., Brief discourse touching the Office of Lord Chancellor of England, written by John Selden, half-calf, 1671 487 Dugdale, W.,The Antiquities of Warwickshire, Maps, Views, and Portraits, 1656, calf 488 Langley, Batty, Pomona or the Fruit Garden, illus¬ trated, 79 large colored plates, 1729, calf 489 Dart, J., History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, 1727, calf 490 Ogilby, America, 1671, half-calf; Ogilby, J., Africa, 1670, title in MS., half-calf 491 Fortitudo Leonina in vtraque Fortvna Maximiliani Emmanuelis, 1715, Monachii, half-calf 492 Les Triomphes de Lovis le Ivste XIII. av nom Roy de France et de Navarre a Paris, 1649 493 Hasted, Edward, History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, 1778-1799, 4 vols., russia 494 Picart, The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Several Nations of the Known World, large num¬ ber of copperplates, 7 vols. in 6, half-calf, 1731-39 495 Anderson, James, Royal Genealogies from Adam to these times, 1736, calf 496 Autographs of Royal, Noble, and Remarkable Per¬ sonages in English History, from the reign of Richard II. to that of Charles II., engraved under the direction of Charles John Smith; Memoirs etc., by John Gough Nichols, 1829, boards 497 Josephus, The Genuine Works of, by Whiston, 1737, calf, portrait 498 Rotuli Parliamentorum ut et Petitiones et placita in Parliamento tempore Edwardi Rex 1 st ad tempus Henry VII., boards 499 Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod damnum, 1803, half-vellum, uncuc 500 Testa de Nevill sive Liber Feodorum in curia Scac- carii Temp Henry III. and Edward I., 1807, half¬ vellum, uncut 1 vol. 2 vols 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. I vol. 2 vols. I vol. I vol. 4 vols. 6 vols. I vol. I vol. I vol. 6 vols. I vol. I vol. LOT 34 501 Dart, John, Westmonasterium, or the History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter’s, Westminster, calf, inserted portraits of Queen Anne and Francis, Lord Bishop of Rochester 502 Fontana, C., Templum Vaticanum et ipsius origo, Latin and Italian, plates, crimson morocco, full gilt and Coat of Arms on side, Roma, 1694 503 History of the Coronation of James II. and his Royal Consort Queen Maiy, by Francis Sanford, the work illustrated with sculptures, 1687, calf 504 Clarendon, Earl, History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 1577, 3 vols., calf; Whitelock, Memorials of the English Affairs from the begin¬ ning of the reign of King Charles 1 st to the Restoration of Charles II., calf 505 The Commentaries of Caesar, translated by Duncan, 1753,calf, illustrated by cuts; Justini Philosophi et Martyris Apologias duae et Dialogus cum Tryphone Judaeo, 1722, calf 506 Smith, J. T., Antiquities of London and its Environs, 95 pages of engraving, half-calf, 1800; Ireland, Samuel, Picturesque Views with an Historical Account of the Inns of Courts of London and Westminster, boards, 1800, large paper 507 Loggan, Oxonia illustrata, 1675, 40 plates of Engrav¬ ings ; Cantabrigia illustrata, 1688, 30 plates, with extra plates inserted, calf 508 Kip, J., Noveau Theatre de la grand Bretagne on de¬ scription exacte des Palais du Roy etc., cf., 1724-35, 509 Pine, J., Procession and Ceremonies observed at the Installation of the Knights of the Order of Bath, calf, 1730, plates 510 La Borde Alexander de, Voyage Pittoresque et His- torique de L’Espagne, 106 plates, half-calf, 1813 511 Volume of Fruits of Antiquities, collected by the late Thomas Hearne, with a MS. Account of his Death and Burial; Museum Britannicum or a Display in 32 plates of the Antiquities and Curiosities in the British Museum, 1798, half-calf 512 Bentham and Willis, History of Gothic and Saxon Architecture in England, 1798, boards half-bound, uncut ; Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Hough¬ ton, in Norfolk, the Seat of Sir Robert Walpole, plates, 1739, hall-morocco 513 Petitot, E. A., Suite des Vases tiree du Cabinet de Marquis de Felino, 30 plates, boards ; La Borde Alexander de, Description de Un Pavimento en Mosayco en Paris, 1806, half-bound, plates 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 4 vols. 2 Vols. 2 VOlS. I vol. 4 vols. I vol. I vol. 2 Vols. 2 VOls. 2 Vols. 35 Lot 514 The Itinerant, Collection of Views in Great Britain and Ireland, after eminent artists, plates with descriptions, half-morocco, uncut, 1799 515 Edmondson, J., Complete Body of Heraldry, 1780, calf, plates, 2 vols. 516 Strype, J., Life and Acts of Matthew Parker, first Archbishop of Canterbury, 1711, calf; Heylyn, Peter, History of the Presbyterians, 1536-1647, 1670, calf 517 Rastall, W., A Collection, in English, of Statutes from the beginning of Magna Charta, Macfo letter, 1613, calf; Peck, F.,Desiderata Curioso, 1732, half-calf 518 Southwell, H., New Book of Martyrs, rough calf 519 Histoire de la Vie et Passion de Jesus Christ a Paris 1693, calf; Relation of a Journey begun 1610 in 4 books, 1632, calf 520 Ward on Fortification, no title, and two others 421 Blackmore, R., King Arthur, an heroic Poem, 1698, calf; New World of English Words, 1658, half-cf.», 522 Acts of Parliament, relating principally to Newark and Neighbourhood, the Charter in MS.; Account of Donations to the Parish of Newark, 1748, &c., 4 vols. folio and 1 4to with loose pamphlets 523 Johnson, S., Dictionary of English Language, 1755, 2 vols., half-calf 524 Chambers, E., Cyclopaedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 1738, calf 525 Illustrated News, vol. 1, cloth, 1842 526 One hundred and twenty-eight leaves of Engravings printed in red, “ Roman Coins,” half-russia 527 Blair, J., Chronology and History of the World, half- russia, 1803 ; Bredow’s Universal History and Literature in Tables, 1834, half-calf 528 The World Described, an Atlas, 1711 ; Wells, New Set of Maps, 1700 529 Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, Plants, and Flowers, propagated for sale in the Gardens near London, coloured plates, 1730, boards, uncut, and another E 1 voh 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 VOls. I vol. 2 VOls. 3 vols. 2 vols. 2 VOls. 2 VOls. I vol. I vol. 2 VOls. 2 VOls. 2 Vols. 3 6 LOT 530 Carter, J., Order of Architecture during the Roman Era, calf; Freast, R., Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern, translated with additions by John Evelyn, plates, 1707; Evelyn, J., An Account of Architects and Architecture, in 1 vol., half-calf 531 Folio and pieces of Music 532 English Chronicle, 1798 to 1806, 9 vols. in 8, half-call 533 Cowper, W., Anatomy of the Humane Bodies with figures drawn after the life, 114 copper plates, Leyden, 1737, calf 2 vols 8 vols 1 vol END OF SECOND DAY’S SALE. THIRD DAY’S SALE. Oil Paintings, the Tapestry, a few Watercolors and Crayons. The first figures indicate (in inches) the height, the second the width, measured inside the frame. BLUE SITTING ROOM. LOT 534 Colored crayon, portrait of “Frances Cavendish Burton, aged 4,” a child with coral, 9! by 6£ black and gilt frame 535 Oil painting,'“ Lord Rodney,” 10 by 8 oval gilt frame ... ... ... ... Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1770 536 Oil painting, “ Portrait of a Clergyman ” shaped gilt frame 537 Oil painting on copper, “ Mother and Child ” 7f by 5£ gilt frame ... . Francks 538 Oil painting on panel, “ The Crucifixion, pas- sus est ” 17 by 11 gilt frame ... ... ... Early German 539 Oil painting on copper, “Bridge and Figures,” 6 by 4! gilt frame ... ... ... ... Ferg 540 Oil painting, “ Ann Gertrude Six, Mother to the Burgomaster of Amsterdam,” 12 by 9 gilt frame 541 Portrait on glass, “ William Nash, known as Belted Will of Salisbury Plain,” 14 by 10 black and gilt frame 542 Oil painting, Portrait of a “ Lady ” 8J by 7 gilt frame 543 Water-color, “ The Madonna della Sedia,” 11 To us a child is born,” 6f diameter gilt frame and glazed ... ... ••• ••• Rajfaelle, aftev 544 Oil painting on'panel, portrait “ A Lady ” with Sketch_book, 14 by ioi black and gilt frame LOT 545 546 547 548 549 55o 55i 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 38 Oil painting on panel, “ A Child with Angels,” 16 by 12 gilt frame ... ... ... ... P. Vandych Oil painting on panel, “ Sir Reginald Bray Knight Banneret,” 11 by 9 oval gilt frame Oil painting on panel, “ Two Boys reading,” 114 by 9 gilt frame ... ... ... ... F. Hals, after Oil painting, portrait of “A Lady,” i2\ by 94 gilt framed ... ... ... ... ... Sir P. Lely Painting on glass, portrait, “ Bis Majesty, King Charles 1 st,” 18 by 134 gilt frame A Venetian Artist , 1647 Colored drawing, “ Landscape,” diameter gilt and black frame Water-colors, pair “ Landscapes,” 6 by 7f gilt frames ... ... ... ... ... Countess de la Troit Painted by the persecuted Countess during her captivity in a convent near Versailles, under the edict of Buonaparte. THE HALL. Oil painting, portrait “ William, Earl of Chat¬ ham,” oval 23 by 18 carved and gilt frame Hoare Oil painting, portrait, “James II.” 204 by 17 partly gilt frame ... ... ... ... Sir Peter Lely Oil painting, portrait, “King Edward VI. when Prince of Wales,” 18 by 14 black frame School of Holbein Oil painting, portrait, “ Johannes Seldenus, Antiquarian and Armiger, 1672, TEt. suae 57,” 27 by 22 black frame ... ... ... ... Dobson Oil painting on panel, portrait, “ Mortimer, Earl of Arundel,” 11 by 8| black frame Oil painting, “ Interior of a Temple ” 16 by 124 black frame ... ... ... ... ... Ghisolfi Oil painting on panel, portrait of “ A Peer,” 124 by 11 black frame Oil painting, portrait, “Admiral SirW, L. Fitz- william, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to James II.” oval 29 by 24 carved oak frame Sir Godfrey Kneller Oil painting, portrait “ Baptist Noel, 1679,” 18 by 13 elaborately carved frame ... Sir Peter Lely Oil painting, portrait, “ Villiers, Duke of Buck¬ ingham, 7 Et. suae, 23,” 17 by 13 black frame Van Somer Oil painting on panel, “ Head of Christ,” 13 by 8| gilt frame Oil painting on panel, portrait “ The Lord Keeper Coventry,” 19 by 15 gilt frame Oil painting, portrait “ General Sir Burton Griesley, K.B.” 20 by 15 gilt frame 39 LOT 565 Oil paintings, “ St. Jerome in the Desert,” 28 by 23 black frame 566 Oil painting, portrait “ Scot, Duke of Monmouth” 13 by 10 black frame 567 Oil painting, “ St. Agnes ” (original in the Palace at Kensington) 28^ by 21 £ black frame after Domenico Zampieri (called Domenichino) 568 Oil painting on copper, “ Virgin and Child ” within a Border of Flowers, g by 7, maple frame ... ... ... ... Breughel and Van Baden 569 Oil painting on panel, “ Dead Pheasant ” ... Elmer STAIRCASE. 57 0 Oil paintings on panel, Two crests, Two Coats of Arms 571 Oil painting, portrait “ Albin O’Mulloy, Abbot of Ballinglass,” 17 by 12 black frame Flemish School 572 Oil painting, portrait “ King George II.” 49 by 39 black frame . Amiconi 573 Oil painting, pair portraits “ Wm. Bn, 1730” & “John Bn, 1731,” oval 6 by 5 black frame Sir Godfrey Kneller 574 Oil painting, “ An Ecclesiastic ” portion of a Shrine at St. Edmondsbury, 29 by 10 gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... School of Perugino 575 Oil painting, portrait “Sir Francis Cavendish Burton, Kt.” 18 by 16 gilt frame ... School of Vandych 576 Oil painting, portraits “ Two Gentlemen ” in a Library (on one canvas), both wear wigs, the younger a blue velvet coat, 40 by 50 black and gilt frame ... ... ... School of Kneller 577 Oil painting, portrait “ Anna Margaret Sher¬ wood,” niece to Dr. Robert Thoroton, 42 by 35, carved frame 578 Oil painting, portrait “Sikes Shore, Esq., get 43, 1745,” oval 30 by 24 carved frame ... School of Kneller 579 Oil painting, “ Venice Canal Scene with view of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute,” 24 by 40 carved frame ... ... after Canaletto 580 Oil painting, portrait “ The Most Noble the Marquis of Granby,” 17 by ii| gilt frame unknown 581 Oil painting, “ A Dervise Chief” igi by 14^ black frame ... ... ... ... ... Dutch School 582 Oil painting, “ Interior of a Church,” 13 by 12 gilt and black frame ... ... ... ... De Witt 40 LOT 583 Oil painting, portrait “John Chambers, M.D.” 29 by 24 white and gilt frame ... ... Hoare 584 Oil painting, “ Fruit,” io£ by 16 black frame Elmer 585 Oil painting on metal, “ Lake and Mountain Scenery,” by 14 carved frame ... ... Italian 586 Oil painting, portrait of “ A Lady,” 13 by 12 carved frame ... ... ... ... English School 587 Oil painting, “The Hospital Gate,” 12^ by 16 gold and black frame ... ... ... ... Abshoven 588 Oil painting, portrait “ Ann Pate, Mother of Mrs. William Darwin,” 28 by 14 carved frame Sir P. Lely 589 Oil painting, portrait “ Benjamin Burton, of St. Helen’s, Derby, Eques Auratus,” represented in Armour, 29 by 24 carved gilt frame Sir Godfrey Knellev 590 Oil painting, portrait “ R. R. Hurton, frozen to death in the North Seas, 1594,” 21 by 15 shaped, carved and gilt frame ... ... unknown 591 Two Oil paintings, on panel, “ Lake and Moun¬ tain,” io| by 14 gilt and black frame, J.B., 1831 on panel “ Landscape,” 8 by 1black frame English School 592 Oil painting, portrait “Richard Sikes, Alderman of Leedes when first incorporated, 1629,” 56 by 38 black frame ... ... Sir G. Kneller 593 Oil painting, portrait “ Matilda, Duchess of Portsmouth,” 49 by 40 handsomely carved gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... Sir P. Lely 594 Oil paintings, pair, “ Lake Scenery,” 12 by 13^ gilt and black frame T. Barber from original by J. Wright 595 Oil painting, “ The Brook,” 10 by 12 gilt frame after Morland Rathbone DRAWING ROOM LANDING. 596 Oil painting, “ Burning Mountain,” 23 by 29 gilt frame ... ... ... ... English School 597 Oil painting, “ Benjamin, second son of Francis and Dame Cavendish Burton, married 1709, to the Baroness Lempster,” “ Non formosus, erat sed erat fidelis amicis ” 35 by 22 carved gilt and black frame ... ... John Vanderbank 598 Oil painting, “ Henry Hastings Chambers, TEt 64,” 29 by 24 white and gilt frame Hoare 599 Oil paintings, pair “ Hannah Sophia Chambers” and “Hannah Chambers,” 11 by 9 oval carved and gilt frames ... ... ... unknown 600 Oil painting on panel, “ Christ disputing in the Temple ; behold I and thy father have sought thee sorrowing,” 18 by i6£ black and gilt carved frame ... ... ... A. Durev, 1520 4 i LOT 601 Oil painting “ Robert Hastings Chambers, one of the Sheriffs of London, 1744,” 30 by 24 white and gilt frame. English School BREAKFAST ROOM. 602 Oil painting “ Favorite Horses and Dogs be¬ longing to Philip, third Earl of Chesterfield, with a View of the Old House at Brethby in the back ground (a fine specimen of the Artist) 37 by 49 black and gilt frame Wootton, John 603 Oil painting, portrait “ Anne, daughter of F. Burton and the Baroness Lempster,” 29^ by 24 black frame 604 Oil painting, “ The Continence of Scipio,” 41 by 674 gilt frame. “ Whilst Scipio commanded the Roman army in Spain, having taken Carthagena by storm, a beautiful young princess was brought to his tent, being informed that she was betrothed to Allucius, one ©f the Celtiberian chiefs, and judging of the anxiety which the prince must suffer on hearing that the object of his love was in the hands of a young and successful Roman General, he summoned all her friends, and, among them, Al¬ lucius ; to whom addressing himself in a sentimental speech he restored the bride. The princess’s father and mother had brought considerable presents for her ransom which Scipio no sooner received than he pre¬ sented them to the happy pair, as a nuptial gift.” 605 Oil painting, “ Telemachus at the Court of Sparta discovered by his grief for his father’s sufferings,” 32 by 45 black and gilt frame after A . Kauffman 606 Oil painting, “ Charles, Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth,” 14! by nj carved frame 607 Crayon, portrait “ Gentleman,” oval 12 by carved oak frame 608 Oil painting, “ Winter,” 19 by 23 gilt frame Morland 609 Oil painting on panel, “ Rebecca at the well giving water to Jacob ” 19 by 24 carved gilt and black frame ... ... ... Otho Van Veen 610 Oil painting, pair “ Landscapes,” with figures in the foreground, 13 by 16^ gilt frame Ibbetson 611 Japanned panel, “ Golden Pheasant ” on black ground, 15 by 10 black frame 612 Oil painting, “ Ruins of the Flavian Amphi¬ theatre,” 14 by 18 carved gilt frame Occhiali 613 Oil painting, “ Queen Anne,” 29 by 19, gilt frame Sir Godfrey Knellev 614 Oil painting, “Flowers,” a very fine picture, 39 by 53 black frame ... ... ... Hardline Jervas West all Lot 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 62 5 626 627 628 629 630 631 42 Oil paintings, pair, “ Wreck ” and “ Wreckers,” 13 by 16 £ gilt frame ... ... ... ... Mot land Oil painting, portrait “The Right Honourable Lord Lexington, the second and last Eatl Obit, 1723,” 29I by 23 1 black frame Oil painting, portrait “ A Lady ” in white satin dress 46 by 31 black and gold frame Oil painting, portrait full length, of “ Child ” about 8 years old in crimson coat and stockings pointing to a dog, 48 by 38^- carved frame ... ... ... ... English School Oil painting, portrait “ Hannah,” Widow of Thomas Chambers, Mother of Lady Exeter, 20^ by 15! black frame ... ... ... Honemans Oil painting, “ View of the Town of Derby,” 34 by 53 black and gilt frame ... ... Wright Oil painting, “ Peacock and other Poultry,” 29 by 34 gilt frame ... ... ... ... Casteels Oil painting, portrait “ Anne Lascelles Burton, ALt 31,1711” ... ... ... ... after Sir P. Lely “ Whome this daye sees both riche and greate The next morn finds in poore estait.” Oil painting, represents “ Books, Bell’s Life, Playing Cards, Knife, &c., &c.” cleverly painted, 20 by 24 maple frame ... ... W. Cantrill Oil painting, “ King William III, of blessed memory” (in scarlet uniform, a baton in his hands) on horseback, a negro servant holding his helmet, 24 by 19^ gilt frame ... ... J. Wyche Oil painting on panel, “ La Duchesse de Nemours,” 12^ by 9J black and gilt frame Oil painting, “ Peasant Girl with a glass of wine in her hand,” 26^ by 13 black frame Oil painting on panel, “ The Brigand’s prisoner,” 16 by 19 gilt and black frame ... ... Le Nain Oil painting on panel, “ Fountain with figures,” 20 by 24 gilt frame ... ... ... ... G. Hoet Oil painting, “Gateway and figures,” 13 by 17 black and gilt frame DINING ROOM. Oil painting on copper, “ The Virgin in Prayer,” 17 by 11 gilt frame ... ... ... ... Le Sueur Oil painting on panel, “ Head,” 5^ by 4^ gilt frame LOT 43 632 633 654 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 Oil painting, portrait full length, “ Anne, Princess Royal, eldest daughter of King George II.” 93 by 57 gilt and black frame Sir GodfreyKnellev Oil painting, portrait full length “ King William III., King of England,” 96 by 60 gilt frame with Royal Arms ... ... ... Sir Godfrey Knellev TAPESTRY— Very fine, in excellent con¬ dition, “ The Miraculous Draught of Fishes,” 96 by 84 Oil painting, portrait “ King William III.” 19I by 12 shaped gilt frame ... ... Sir Godfrey Knellev Oil painting, portrait “ Queen Mary'” (the com¬ panion picture) 19^ by 12 shaped gilt frame Sir Godfrey Knellev Oil painting, portrait “A Youth,” 5J by 4^ gilt frame Oil painting on panel, “A Gentleman,” 17 by 13 gilt frame Oil painting, portrait “ Dr. W. H. Leiscar Chambers,” 32 by 26 gilt frame Oil painting on panel, portrait, “ Henry VIII.” 7 by 5 k gilt frame . Oil painting on panel, portrait “ Edward VI.” unknown Holbein Van Loo Holbein, after (from Lord Mansfield’s Collection) 74 by 5§ Holbein , after Van Loo Pourbus gilt frame Oil painting, portraits “ Marianna and Phillipa, twin daughters of Thomas de Ludlowe,” 28 by 30 gilt frame Oil painting, portrait “ Ambrose Chambers, G.P.C.” 32 by 26 gilt frame ... Oil paintings on panels, portraits “ Lady ” and “ Gentleman,” oval 9 by 7 gilt frames Sir Godfrey Knellev Oil painting, portrait “ Gentleman in ruff,” 1 7 by 134 gilt frame ... Crayon portrait “John Albin, brother to the Abbot of Ballinglass,” 9^ by 7^ gilt frame and glazed Oil painting, portrait “Adelaide, wife of Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury,” 50 by 39 black carved frame ... ... ... ... ... Sir Godfrey Knellev Oil painting, portrait, (the companion picture,) “Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, Lord Treas¬ urer, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, dyd without issue 1718,” 50 by 39 black carved frame Sir Godfrey Knellev Earl Shrewsbury writes to the Rev. Joseph Sykes, L.L B. “ My best thanks for your interesting communication and your kind offer to allow me to have copies taken of the two portraits in question ; we certainly thought that the last original portrait of the Duke was burnt at Heythorp, and are glad to find we were mistaken. I shall be happy, perhaps next summer, with your per¬ mission to avail myself of your kindness, and shall probably send an artist over capable of making copies worthy of the originals .”—Alton Toivers, Ashbourne, November 6, 1832. F 44 Lot 649 Oil painting, portraits “ Two Ladies as Flora and Pomona,” 36 by 58 carved gilt and black frame 650 Oil painting on copper, “ Landscape,” 8 by 10 gilt frame 651 Oil paintings on panels, pair, “ Fruit,” 6f by 5 gilt frame 652 Oil painting, portrait “ A Lady,” her hair in curls, and wearing crimson dress and pearl necklace, a basket of flowers in her hand,” 39 by 32 handsomely carved gilt frame 653 Oil painting (the companion picture,) “ A Gen¬ tleman,” 39 by 32 frame to match 654 Oil paintings, pair, “ Landscapes with Hunting figures in foreground,” n by 12^ handsome gilt frame 655 Oil painting on panel, “ Crucifixion,-the interval between the sixth and ninth hour,” 164 by 9 gilt carved inner frame, semi-circular top 656 Crayon portraits, pair, “ Young Lady ” and “ Young Gentleman,” about 6-J square carved and gilt shaped frame §,57 Oil painting on panel, “Cardinal Siena, after¬ wards Pope Pius III.” 10 by 8 gilt frame 658 Oil painting, portrait “ Guillemus Foster, Mi. suae 8, 1682,” 29 by 24 carved frame 659 Oil painting, portrait “ Young Lady,” curled and powdered hair, a vase in her arms, 29 by 23 carved and gilt frame 660 Oil painting on panel, “ Horses and Horsemen,” 9J by 12 gilt frame 661 Oil painting on panel, “Boors fighting,” 14 by 12 gilt frame ... SMALL DRAWING ROOM. 662 Oil painting, portrait, called “ Ben Johnson,” oval 26^ by 22^ carved gilt frame 663 Colored crayon, portrait “ Gentleman in scarlet uniform,” 24 by 20 gilt Irame and glazed 664 Oil paintings, pair Landscapes “ Carmarthen Village ” and “ Fulham Church,” 5 by 3! 665 Oil painting, “ Boy and Dog in Water,” 5% by 4^ gilt frame G66 Oil painting on panel, portrait “ Madame D'Noort, Holland,” 10 by 7! black frame Jevvas Ferg De Heem Sir P. Lely Sir P. Lely C. V. Esse Dutch School T intoret H. Stone unknown Brouwer % Knapton Mor land Dutch School LOT 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 45 Oil painting on panel, portrait “ Filia D’Noort, Holland,” 10 by 7f black frame Dutch School Oil painting on panel, “ Boors playing and singing,” 8 by 6 gilt frame . Heemskirk Oil painting on panel, full length portrait of “ George IV. when Prince of Wales,” 24 by 19 gilt and black Oil painting on panel, portrait “ Helena Forman, second wife of Rubens,” with basket of flowers in her hands, 33 by 23 black and gilt frame Flemish School Oil painting, “ The Crucifixion,” mounted horse¬ men, a soldier piercing the Saviour’s side, the Maries at the foot of the Cross, sur¬ mounted by painted border in gold colour, 49 by 39 black and gilt carved frame The Morning Post, Jan. 9, 1805, contains the following paragraph :—“ Yesterday, Cardinal Boromeo’s celebra¬ ted Altar Piece, by Ludovico Caracci, was purchased by a gentleman from Nottinghamshire at the European Museum, St. James’ Square.” On the margin of the paper is written by the late Rev, J. Sikes, “ The Cruci¬ fixion Picture in my Drawing Room, J. S,” Oil painting on panel, “ The Barber Surgeon,” 12-|- by 9! gilt frame ... ... ... Bvehelenhamp- Oil painting, “ Pan playing on the pipes and Nymphs dancing,” 15^ by 15^ gilt frame A. Kauffman Water-colour, “ Bridge and River Scene,” with figures in foreground, I5by 20, gilt frame and glazed Oil painting on panel, “ Malcolm de Coligni, Elector of Dandelot, Mt. 30,” holding in his hand a paper on which is inscribed “Cogita Mori,” 15 by io£ framed Needlework, “Vase and Flowers,” 21 by 16 gilt frame and glazed Oil painting, “ Portico of a Temple, with figures,” 19 by 22 carved gilt frame ... ... ... Patel’ Oil painting, portrait “Anne, Duchess of York,” represented in a low blue silk dress and pearl necklace, 30 by 25 carved gilt frame Sir P. Lely Oil painting on panel, portrait “ The Electress Rosa Aspasia,” habited in a nun’s costme, and holding a crimson rose in her hands, 15 by ioj- gilt frame. Hans Asper Oil painting on panel, portrait of “An old Lady,” iii by 9! black and gilt carved frame Dutch School Oil painting on panel, portrait “ Rt. Honourable Sir Robert Walpole,” 9! by 74 black frame. LOT 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 661 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 46 Oil painting, “ Susannah and the Elders,” 5^ by 9 black frame Oil painting on panel, “ St. Francis, tutelar Saint of the Chauntry,” 7! by 6£ black frame Oil painting on panel, “ Card Players,” 5^ by 7! gilt frame Oil painting on panel, in grisaille, “ Cherub,” 1 i-J by 8J oval carved oak and gilt frame Oil painting, “Child with a Spaniel in her arms,” 18 by 14 oval gilt frame Oil painting, “Cherub with Book,” 16 by n gilt frame Oil painting on panel, “ Monk at devotions,” 11J by 9^ black and gilt frame Oil painting, portrait “ Thomas Luctator,”29 by 24 oval carved and gilt frame Oil painting, portrait “ Thomas Chambers, Lord Bishop of Ossory, ^Et. 67, 1683,” 29 by 24 oval carved and gilt frame ... Oil painting on panel, “ And when they had opened their treasures, they presented him gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh,” i8| by 14-J- gilt frame ... Oil painting on panel, “ The Jew Pedlar,” repre¬ sents the pedlar holding up an ornament to the admiration of two females, 35^ by 40 gilt frame Oil painting on panel, portraits of a “ Lady and Gentleman, time of James I.” 33 by 45 carved gilt frame Heemskirk Cipriani Brockman Brockman Van Balen Caravaggio DRAWING ROOM. Oil painting, “The Usurer,” 13 by io-| gilt frame Heemskirk Oil painting, portrait “ Louis XIII. of France when Dauphin,” 15^ by 12^ gilt frame Mignard, after Oil painting, portrait “ Lucy, wife of J. Six, great-nephew to the Burgomaster of Am¬ sterdam,” 12 by 10 gilt frame Oil painting, “Cicero, iEt. 64.” 11 by gilt frame Oil painting, portrait “ A Lady,” oval 7 by 5^ carved and gilt frame Oil painting on panel, portrait “ Thomas Bur¬ ton, Esq., Member in the Parliament of the Protectors Oliver and Richard Cromwell, 1656-69,” 15 by 12 carved gilt frame 47 LOT 700 Oil painting, “ Rt. Rev. John Alcock, Bishop of Ely, Lord High Chancellor of England, and Founder, a.d. 1407, of Jesus College, Cam¬ bridge,” Si by 6i gilt frame. H. Ford, 1823 701 Oil painting, “ Satyr in a Woodman’s Cottage,” 21 by 19 gilt frame . Jan Steen , after 702 Oil painting, portrait of “A Lady,” 15 by 121- gilt frame .. French School 703 Oil painting on panel, “ The Marriage Feast at Cana,” ni by 18 gilt frame. Lo Scarsellino 704 Oil painting, “ Holy Family,” 29 by 23^ carved gilt frame . Dutch School 705 Water-color “ Mother and Child,” 23 by i8-| gilt framed and glazed 706 Oil painting, “ Child Reclining,” 13 by 17-J carved gilt frame . Guido, after 707 Oil painting on panel, “ Head of the Virgin,” 18 by 15 gilt frame lettered “ G. di Titiano ” Nicolas Goeldorff 708 Oil paintings, pair, “ Sea Pieces,” 11 by 13 gilt frames ... ... ... ... ... English School jog Oil painting, “ Card Players,” 154 by 13 carved and gilt frames ... ... ... ... Dutch School 710 Oil paintings on panels, “ Interiors ” of Flemish Churches, 12 by 16^ gilt frames J. G. Van Baden 711 Oil painting, portrait “Prince Rupert,” com¬ manded Royalist Forces at the Battle of Beacon hill, 16 by n handsome carved frame Gonzalez 712 Oil painting, portrait “Joseph, fourth son of the second Duke of Tuscany,” 17 by 14 carved and gilt frame ... ... ... ... after Vandyck 713 Oil painting, portrait “ Anne Margeret, wife of Sam Sikes, Derby, 1769,” oval 13 by 10 gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... English School 714 Oil painting, “ Head,” 3 by 2 carved gilt frame 715 Oil painting, “ Dutch Fiddler,” 15I- by 13 carved gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... Dutch School jib Water-colors, pair, Views near “ Llangollen and Corwen,” “ Beddgelert,” 8J by 11 gilt frames and glazed ... ... ... ... S. Nicholson, 1803 717 Oil painting, portrait “ Melosine de Schulenburg,” a girl with flowers, 25 by 2i-| carved gilt frame Maas 718 Oil painting on panel, portrait “ Lady Deerhurst,” 15 by 12 gilt frame ... ... ... ... Vandyck jig Oil painting on panel, portrait “Anne L. Somers,” 15 by 12 gilt frame ... ... ... ... Vandyck LOT 720 7 21 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 48 Oil painting on panel, “ Coat of Arms,” shield¬ shaped frame ... Oil painting on panel, “ Saint,” 13 by 9 gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... Early German School Water-color, “ Holy Family,” 10 by 7f hand¬ somely embossed brass frame ... J.W. Gunthorpe after Raffaelle Oil painting on panel, “ The Conversion of St. Paul,” g by 13^ carved gilt frame W ouverman Oil painting on panel, “Lake and Mountain Scenery,” figures & horses in the foreground, 13 by 17 carved gilt frame Bout &= Boudewyns Oil painting on panel, “ The Larder,” 8 by 6-J carved gilt frame Oil painting, “ The Last Step,” 40 by 30 carved gilt frame “ But one step more, be not in haste. This stone’s as slippery as the last. Step cautiously, the danger’s past, Now we’ll trudge homeward cheerily. You’ll tell your brothers where you’ve been, And what you’ve done, and what you’ve seen, How gay the Fair was on the green, And how the day past merrily.” Oil painting, “Young Bacchus,” 12 by 10carved gilt frame Water-colors, Miniatures, “Henry VIII. and his six Wives,” 7 portraits in a gilt frame 11 sq. Oil painting on metal, “ The Offering to the Temple,” 17 by nj gilt frame Oil painting, “ Flowers and Fruit,” 20 by 14^ gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... Campidoglio China, 16 small painted China plaques mounted on velvet, in frame, 9 by 7^, carved gilt and glazed Oil painting on panel, “ Venetian Girl,” 9 by 7 carved gilt frame ... ... Harraden, after Van Loo Oil painting on panel, “ The Philosopher, ‘ Memorare novissima tua et in aeturnvm non peccabis,’” 11 by 15 carved gilt frame Dutch School Oil painting, “ Landscape, waggon, tents, &c., at Village Fair,” 12 by 16 carved gilt frame English School Oil painting, “ Peacock and other Poultry,” 12 by 17^ gilt frame ... ... ... ... Casteels Oil painting, portrait “John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough,” in armour and on horseback, negro servant carrying his helmet, 14^ by 11 gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... Nctschev Bbke, Francks LOT 737 738 739 740 74i 742 743 744 745 746 747 74 8 749 75o 75i 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 49 Oil painting, portrait “ Amelia Julia de Walmo- den,” a child with lamb & garland of flowers 25 by 21 carved gilt frame . Maas Oil painting, “ Italian Landscape,” with ruins and figures, 22 by 32 carved gilt frame Oil painting on panel, “ Landing of the Prince of Orange,” 27 by 411 gilt frame unknown Oil painting on copper, portrait “ Lady, time of James I.” oval 6-| by 4! gilt frame Oil painting on copper, portrait “ Sir Isaac N ewton, AH tat. 37,” 7 by 6J gilt frame after Sir Godfrey Knellev Oil painting on panel, “ Head,” 6 by 4^ gilt frame Dutch School Oil paintings on panels, pair, “ Cattle,” 12J by 8| carved gilt frames . Vander Bent Oil painting, “ Interior of Tintern Abbe} T ,” 27 by 194 carved gilt frame ... . modern Oil paintings, pair, “ Dutch Pedlar ” and “ Bal¬ lad Singer,” ioj-by 9J gilt frame ... TM Oil painting on copper, portrait u Oliver Crom- well,” 7^ by 6 carved gilt frame Oil painting on copper, portrait “ John Hamp¬ den,” companion picture, 7^ by 6 carved frame Oil painting on panel, “ The Crucifixion,” 10 by 8 gilt frame ... ... ... ... Flemish School Crayon, “ Study of a Head,” 44 by 34 gilt frame and glazed ... ... ... ... ... after Rubens Water-color, “ A Lady,” 6^- by 5, gilt frame Barron Oil painting on metal, “ Virgo S&nctissima,” 5^ by 4^ gilt framed and glazed after Carlo Dolci Coloured print, “ Hugo de Balsamo,” 4! by 6 gilt frame Water-color, “ Sir Nicholas Bacon,” \\ by 4 gilt framed and glazed Oil painting on copper,“A Lady,time ol James I.” oval 6^ by 5 gilt frame Oil painting on panel, “ Card Players,” 29 by 41 gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... Palamedes Oil painting, “ Canal boat, Drawbridge,” 19 by 24^ gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... F. Mans Oil painting, “ Mater Dolorosa,” 10 by 8 gilt frame Oil painting, portrait “ Lady in turban,” by 9^ carved gilt frame Oil painting, “ Landscape and Figures,” 7 by 6 gilt frame 5° LOT LIBRARY. 760 Oil painting on panel, “ Child’s Head,” oval 12 by g boldly carved gilt frame ... ... Vandyck 761 Oil painting on copper, pair, “ Flight into Egypt,” and “ Holy Family,” 5! by 8-| gilt frames Van Balen BACK LODGING ROOM. 762 Oil painting, fine portrait of “ Robert Thoroton, Author of the Antiquities of Nottingham¬ shire,” 49 by 40 carved black and gilt frame 763 Oil painting, “ Rock, with castle, brook, and figures in the foreground,” 16 by 32 black frame ... ... ... ... ... L. Blaclome, 1750 764 Colored crayon, portrait of “A Lady,” 16J by 13 black and gilt frame 765 Oil paintings in grisaille, pair, “ Children with grapes,” 25 by 19 black frame ... ... De Witt 766 Water-colors, pair, “Temple in ruins” and “ River Scenery,” iif by 18 framed & glazed END OF THIRD DAY’S SALE. FOURTH DAY’S SALE. Prints (framed). In Paintings, the first figures indicate (in inches) the height, the second the width, measured inside the frame. In Prints, the measurements are exclusive of margins. FRONT BEDROOM, No. 2. LO T 767 Prints, “ Tricoteuse Hollandoise,” 13^ by ix black frame, and 2 others 768 Print, “ Monsieur De Neslier on horseback,” 19 by 15 black frame 769 Prints, colored, “ View near Oakhampton,” i6£ by 22 black frame; “ Newstead Abbey,”12^ b}^ i8-| gilt frame and glazed 770 Prints, nine “ Portraits,” in a painted frame 771 Print, colored, “ La Madonna di Rafaello,” 26 by 19^ black and gilt frame ... ... ... ... ... Muller 772 Print, “ La Place Amorosa,” 16 by 22 gilt frame and glazed 773 Prints, illuminated, “ St. Francois,” 3^ by and 2 others carved gilt frames and glazed 774 Prints, 3 small illuminated, and 1 other, framed and glazed 775 Prints, pair, “ Antiquities,” 7-J by 5J black and gilt frames 776 Prints, “ Descent from the Cross,” in outline, 13 by 10 carved gilt frame; colored “ Head of Christ”; and 2 others 777 Painting on panel, “ Bust,” 28 by 19 framed 778 TAPESTRY— “ Child with Negro Servant,” 19 by 16 black frame 779 Print, “ The Procession to Calvary,” 20 by 29 gilt frame and glazed 780 Prints, “Jesus Crucifixus,” Bolswert after Rubens, 23 by i6f gilt framed and glazed; “The Holy Family,” by Cosse, after Andrea del Sarto, 17^ by 13 gilt framed and glazed G 52 LIBRARY. LOT 781 Print, on satin, “ Copy of a brass plate to the memory of Dr. Egglesfield,” 14! by 6 black frame and glazed 782 Prints, “ Charles Manners Sutton, Archbishop of Canterbury”; “ Simon Episcopius,” and another, gilt frames and glazed FRONT ATTIC, No. 1. 783 Prints, colored and casts, 21-J by 19 gilt frame; paper figures mounted, 13^ by ii-| framed 784 Print, “ Newark Church,” 8-J- by 7J framed; and a carved frame 8 by 8 FRONT LODGING ROOM, No. 1. 785 Prints, “ John Holies, first Earl of Clare,” 7 by 5^; “ Sir Nicholas Bacon,” 6 by 5 black frames 786 Prints, oval portraits, “ Lord Torrington,” 3J by 3 ; “ Sir Philip Sydney,” 3! by 3; “William III.” 3 diameter; and “ King Charles,” black frames 787 Prints, oval portraits, “ Lord Howard,” “ Earl of Northum¬ berland,” “ Earl Moira,” about 3^- by 3 black frames, and “ Sir Walter Raleigh,” 10 by gilt frame and glazed 788 Prints, portraits, “ Lord Falkland,” “ Sir Dudley Carlton,” “ Bishop Watson,” about 6 by 4 gilt frames 789 Print, “ Interior of the Cathedral Church, St. Chad’s, Bir¬ mingham,” 14^ by 9 black and gilt frame 790 Print, Monument of “Sir Isaac Newton,” 25 by 17 black and gilt frame 791 Prints, “ Henry, Lord Darnley,” “ Sir W. Chambers,” “ Dr. Paley,” and “ Rev. J. Charlesworth,” 44 by 4 black and gilt frames 792 Prints, “ Lord Raymond,” about 4^ by 3J black and gilt frame ; “ Shakespeare,” gilt frame ; and “ St. Mark,” 5f by 4-I black and gilt frame 793 Prints, “ Newark Castle,”5-§- by 15^ black and gilt frame, Bnch\ “Blikley Hall,” 2f by 3J-; & “ Alton Towers,” maple frames 794 Prints, portraits, “ Right Honourable Charles James Fox,” 18 by 14 gilt frame, and “ The Right Honourable Thomas Erskirie,” 18 by 14 gilt framed and glazed 795 Prints, porcraits, “ Richard Warren, M.D.” 18-J by 14 gilt frame; “ Archbishop of York,”i2j by 8J oak and gilt frame 796 Print, “ Portrait,” shaped carved frame 797 Print in red, “ Teste de Venus,” 17 by 13 framed and glazed engraved by Bonnet 53 BACK BEDROOM, No. i. LOT 798 Print, “ Canterbury Pilgrimage,” iof by 37 gilt frame & glazed 799 Prints, pair, “ Spirit of a Child” and “ Of such is the Kingdom °f God,’’ i8-| by 14 gilt frame and glazed, Bartolozzi and Dickinson after Peters 800 Colored prints, pair, “ Valle Crucio Abbey and “ View near Carnarvon,” 6| by gf gilt frame and glazed 801 Prints, “ Lady Russell,” rosewood frame and 2 others, about 5 by 4 802 Prints, “ Sir Walter Scott,” and 4 others, about 5 by 4 803 Prints, “ Archbishop of York,” 17 by 14 gilt frame; “ Rev. Heath,” 18 by 14 black frame 804 Print, “ The Waders,” 15^ by 20 in gilt frame Pye, after Claude de Lorraine 805 Print, “Death of General Wolff,” 17 by 23 gilt frame and glazed ... ... ... ... Woollert, after B. West 806 Print, “ The Traveller’s Repose,” 15 by 20 gilt frame & glazed 807 Prints, “Dr. Howley, Archbishop of Canterbury,” 13 by 11 gilt frame and glazed; “An Ecclesiastic,” carved gilt frame 808 Prints, pair, 6f by 5! oval black and gilt frames 809 Prints, “ Clints in Yorkshire,” 4I by 7^ gilt frame and glazed; “ Chilham Castle,” 8£ by 13 black and gilt frame; and one 4i by 7-^ black and gilt frame SMALL DRAWING ROOM. 810 Colored prints, pair, “ Morning and Evening Views of Ullswater,” 14 by 21 handsome gilt frames and glazed 811 Prints, portrait “George IV.” 7i by 6£; Portrait, 13 by 11 gilt and carved frames STAIRCASE. 812 Print, “York Cathedral, West Elevation of,” 27 by 18 black frame . Landseer, after Roffe 813 Print, “ Village School,” 17 by 21 black and gilt frame Richter, after Turner 814 Print, “ The Coliseum,” i8£ by 13! black and gilt frame 815 Print on canvas and varnished, “ Battle Scene,” 27 by 64 gilt and black frame. Herz, after Rugendon 816 Print on canvas and varnished, “ St. Peter’s Ascension, and the Heavenly Choir,” shaped black and gilt frame after Lorenzo 54 BACK BEDROOM, No. 2. LOT 817 Prints, “ Marquis of Granby,” 13! by 11 black frame, Houston , after Reynolds ; “ Right Honourable Henry Pelham,” 13-! by 11 black and gilt frame 818 Print, “ La Tentation de St. Antoine,” I2f by 28^ black and gilt frame and glazed ... ... ... Le Bas, after Teniers 819 Prints, “ Remains of the Earl of Shrewsbury lying in state,” 15I by 9 black frame, and 3 others 820 Print, “ The raising of the Cross,” 21 by 28^ gilt & black frame by Andran, after Le Brun 821 Prints, “ Richard III.,” 19 by 10 black frame, Vertue; and “ The Daughter of Herodias with the head of John,” 16 by 11 black and gilt frame 822 Print, tinted, “ St. Bernard’s Abbey, near Loughborough,” iop by 16 gilt frame and glazed; “Jacob watering Rachel’s flock,” 10 by oval frame 823 Prints, “ Christ consecrating the Sacrament,” 12 by 10 carved and gilt frame; “ Bust,” 14 by up gilt and carved frame 824 Prints, “Dr. Sydenham,” I3pby9 black frame, Houbraken, after Lely ; “ Man’s Head,” after Piazetta 625 Prints, “ Sir John Leach, Chancellor of England,” 9 by 8 gilt frame ; “ Lord Truro,” 7 by 6 oak frame 826 Prints, pair colored, “ L’Hospice du St. Bernard,” 6 by 4P gilt frame and glazed 827 Prints, “ Bishop of Rochester,” 8 by 6p small oval gilt frame, “ Bishop Bielby ” and “ Dr. Rastall ” 828 Prints, “ Lady Rancliffe,” 12 by 10 ; and “ Rev. Dr. Carr,” 9 by 7p framed and glazed 829 Print, “Adam and Eve naming the Animals,” i8p by 25P black and gilt frame, Heath &> Middiman, after Breuget CLOISTERS. 830 Print, “ Emblematic of the Church,” and a Russian painting “ Saints &c.” 831 Quaint colored drawing, “ Sporting,” 16 by 28 painted frame 832 Two painted panels, Arms “ Earl of Abergavenny” and “ Earl Lincoln,” 18 by i2p 833 Two prints, in heraldic colors, “ Baron Howard de Waldon;” and “ Earl of Uxbridge,” 16 by igp framed 834 Prints, “ Hopping Mill Weir,” 14 by 21; “ Chatsworth,” 14 by 21 framed 55 Contents of Glass Case in Small Drawing Room. Small Oil Paintings, Miniatures (some on Ivory), Curios, Limoges Enamel, &c. LOT 835 Prints, pair in red, “Tinkling Cymba’s,” and another, 41 by 3 gilt frames ; and 2 casts 836 Oil paintings, “ Lord Bacon,” if by if black and gilt frame ; “ A Cavalier," 3 by 2| oval frame; on panel “ The Broken Arm,” 5 1 by 3 1 black and gilt frame 837 Three tinted portraits, “ Matilda, Duchess of Gloucester”; “ Lady Eleanor Butler,” each 3I by 3; “ Mrs. Siddons,” 3 by black and gilt frames, glazed 838 Oil paintings, “ Goat,” 3^ by 4! black and gilt frame; “ Land¬ scape with Castle,” 3^ by 5 gilt frame 839 Oil paintings, “ Two Heads,” 2f by 2 black and gilt frame; portrait “ A Lady,” unframed 840 Five small circular prints in black frames 841 Oil paintings, pair, portraits “Lady” and “Gentleman,” 2 \ by 2 gilt frames 842 Pair small watercolors “ Heads,” i| by 1^ carved wood frames; Impressions of Seals found at Fountaine Abbey, circular frame and glazed; print “ Bust,” oval frame; Map framed 843 Pair circular prints in red, “ Female Heads,” 9 diameter, green and gilt frames and glazed 844 Oil paintings on copper, pair “ Contadino,” “ II Serenisimo Principe,” 7 by 5 gilt frames 845 Two oil paintings, “ Appelles ” and “Zeuxis,” each 5 by 4 unframed 846 Miniature in watercolors, “ Captain Osborne, 2$ by 2f carved gilt frame ; oil painting on copper “ The Crucifixion,” 3! by 2-f carved and gilt frame 847 Miniatures, “ Le Prince George de Danemark,” “ Augustus Churfurst zu Jacksen,” each 2f by metal frames 848 Miniatures on ivory, group, “ Thomas Chambers, his Lady, and Child, Hannah Sophia, afterwards Countess of Exeter” 2 i by 3 gilt frame 849 Miniature on ivory, “ Mary, Queen of Scots,” 3^ by 2|, gilt frame and glazed 850 Miniature on ivory, “ Sir William Chambers,” 2f by 2 black and gilt frame 851 Miniature on ivory, fine “ Portrait of an Old Man,” by J. Jacobs , 4f by 3^ gilt frame 852 Miniature on ivory, “ A Gentleman,” 2f by if gilt frame enclosed in leather case 853 Miniature on ivory, “A Gentleman,” 2 by if in oval locked gold plated back, gold rim 56 Lot 854 Miniature on ivory, “ A Gentleman,” if by if in oval locket, gold 855 Miniature on ivory, “ A Gentleman,” if by if in oval locket, gold plated 856 Miniature on ivory, “ A Gentleman,” 2J by if in oval locket . % o[d 857 Miniature on ivory, “ A Youth,” if diameter, in circular locket, gold 858 Painting on ivory, “ Countryman with Jug of Beer,” 3 by 2\ framed; portrait on ivory, “ Heron Douglas,” 3 by 2f oval black frame 859 Landscape on ivory, if by 2f oval in gilt frame; landscape) “ Sea Coast,” 2f by 34 oval in brass frame 860 LIMOGES ENAMEL, “ S. F. Xaverivs,” commonly called “ The Apostle of India,” one of the first disciples of Ignatius Loyola, oval 6f- by 5 black frame 861 MAJOLICA : Portrait of “ Vendrami,” a Doge of Venice, 6f by 5f black and gilt frame 862 Original Royal Autographs : namely, Elizabeth, James I., Charles I., Charles II., James II., William, Anne, and George IIP, etc., black and gilt frame 863 Oil painting on copper, “ Titus Oates,” 2f by 2 oval in gilt frame (formerly in the Walpole Collection); ditto on panel, “ Lord Byron,” 34 by 3 gilt trame 864 Oil paintings on panel, “ Dr. Hervey, author of ‘ Meditations,’” 3 by 2f ; “ John Bunyan,” 3 by 3 gilt frames 865 Oil painting on panel, “ Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits,” 7 by 4f gilt frame 866 Crayon on copper," Gentleman in flowing wig,’’signed “ Lutterell 1689,” 3f by 3 black frame and glazed 867 Crayon on copper, “ Gentleman in a black wig,” 34 diameter gilt frame 868 Crayon, “ Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset,” 5 by 3 gilt and black frame 869 Crayon, “ Charles Stuart,” 3f by 2f black frame 870 Early engraving on ivory, “ The Struggle for the Bridge,” 2f diameter circular black frame, with printed impression from the engraving 871 Fine carved ivory head and bust in relief, “ Cicero,” 3 by 24- black frame 872 Portrait of “ Queen Anne ” in silver, repousse work, 2f by 2 mounted on tortoiseshell 873 Medal, “ Alexander the 1 st., of Russia,” 2f diameter, in case; China plaque, 14 diameter, rosewood and gilt frame 874 Cast, “ Orpheus charming the Animals,” 5 by 34 gilt frame 875 Commemoration metal cast, "Vis unitafortior primo die May Anno Domini 1707,” 7 diameter black frame 57 LOT 876 Plaster cast in relief,“ St. Matthew,” gilt circular frame; and 3 others 877 Wood carving “ Head ” in relief, and frame; oval metal cast, “ Vespa Aug,” 5 by 4^ black frame 878 Composition group, “ The miracle—Changing water into wine,” 6 by 6| framed 879 Wax cast in relief; and 2 others 880 Crucifix, 15m. high, carved figure 881 Oak cross, io|in. with brass crucifix ; Rosaries 882 Three alabaster busts on pedestals, “Ariosto,” gin. high; “Dante”; “Petrarch,” ioin. 883 Marble flower-holder in the shape of tree trunk, 5m. high ; Pincushion in white marble box 884 Marble trinket box, with silver rim, and gilt card tray, Sin. diameter 885 Marble Chinese figure, gin. high 886 Finely carved ivory bust on ebony pedestal ; and alabaster bust, “ Claudio ” 887 Four small casts, (busts) 888 Six rock crystals 889 Ten cut and polished cornelians 890 Ten ditto 891 Ten ditto 892 Twenty ditto 893 Large cornelian and 5 polished agates 894 Seven cut and polished agates 895 Fifty cut and polish garnets, &c. 896 Twenty cut and polished stones, various 897 Twenty ditto 898 Forty ditto 899 Twenty-five ditto 900 Twenty ditto go 1 Twelve polished stones and sundries 902 Three polished flints 903 Vibrating tortoise, in horn box with glass top 904 Pair ivory carvings, “Scotchmen in bonnets and plaids”; carved head on pedestal, “ Silenus ” 905 Three carved wood figures; Chinese gods, 7m. high 906 Emu’s egg; shark’s jaw; and an alligator skin 907 Bird letter-weight; 3 polished trays; fan and spar ornaments 908 Medals, “William IIP, revolution jubilee”; “George IIP, jubilee”; George IV., coronation”; and 5 others 909 Bronze medals, octagon, “ Raimundus non natus”; “ Pantale on dolera”; and Roman medal 910 Bronze medals, “ Frederick the Great, 1757 ”* British medal, 1758; “‘Resolution’ and ‘Adventure' sailed from England, 1772”; and “ Princess Charlotte” 911 Ten bronze coins, found in the grounds of St. John’s Priory, Colchester 912 Sixteen Abbey coins 913 Fifteen tokens—4 Newark, 3 Grantham, 2 Lincoln 914 Twenty models and various coins 915 Six silver and 6 Abbey coins 916 Thirty bronze and brass coins 917 Thirty ditto 918 Circular brass box, repousse work 919 Etui, tortoiseshell with silver mounts, partly fitted 920 Etui, malachite with gold mounts, partly fitted 921 Oval trinket box, jasper with silver mounts 922 Oblong trinket box, agates with silver gilt mounts 923 Agate tray, 2 spoons, and seals 924 Pair ivory shrines, figures finely carved in revolving cases, 3in- high 925 Ivory pocket ink and pencase, and 5 other pieces 926 Raised silver work on shell ground, “ Leda and the Swan tortoiseshell inlaid silver, “ I’ll quit all for you tortoise¬ shell inlaid pearl 927 “ Star and Garter ” of the Most Noble Order of the Garter 928 Ivory “ Mull,” with silver mounts 929 Two round antique cases, 5m. long, lined tortoiseshell and painted 930 Miniature brass dominoes in brass case, saw and bell, &c. 931 A mirror in metal, found near Athens, a bronze bust in relief, a pierced bronze medal, and a bronzed eagle badge 932 An agate cup mounted in silver filagree, filagree basket, a miniature snuff box, and a toy knife in tortoiseshell 933 Two snuffboxes and 2 others 934 An ivory syringe, 2 ivory boxes, and an ivory palette 935 Inlaid paper weight, polished agate, &c. 936 French jewellery, in circular box, glass top 937 Three busts in relief, two framed 938 Antique bronze pipe head, axe head, dagger, and 3 others 939 Nine antique keys 940 An antique presentation key with initials, gilt LOT 59 941 Bronzes, “ Cupid,” 8in. high ; and “ Man in armour ” 942 Jade weapon 943 Pair white kid slippers, worn by King George III. 944 Pair of embroidered high-heel lady’s shoes, & a Chinese shoe 945 Knife and fork, with curiously carved handles, and a pair of horns 946 Tobacco pouch from the skin of a Penguin’s neck, antique bronze pipe case, &c. 947 Brass crucifix, and quantity of brass medals, “Virgin Mary” 948 Two oval casts, 4m. by 3; cast, “ The Last Supper," 2^in. diameter, black frame 949 Five pieces of carved ivory 950 Four circular boxes 951 Triangular cribbage board, pool trays, ivory fish and counters 952 Ammonite and n polished geological specimens 953 Pieces of the mulberry tree planted by Shakespeare, the Parliament oak, the Cowthorpe oak, the Wreck of the Royal George, a curiously carved figure, Scripture locust, a carved slipper, and two pieces of Vesuvian lava 954 Flies in amber, in oak box 955 Twenty polished pebbles 956 Twenty ditto 957 Forty ditto 958 Forty ditto 959 Forty ditto 960 Twenty pieces polished marble, &c. 961 Specimens, various ores and crystals 962 Sundry polished geological specimens 963 Geological specimens and quantity of worked flints 964 Fine sulphur casts from Ancient Seals, “ Carolus I.” 6in. diameter, and 19 smaller, chiefly Ecclesiastical 965 Forty-five sea shells 966 Forty-five ditto 967 Brass palette, quantity of type, and metal ornaments 968 Box containing a quantity of seals 969 Fifteen jewellery cases, morocco and shagreen, and sundry seal boxes 970 Pair brass scales and sovereign weigher 971 Pair paintings on metal in grisaile, “ Mythological Subjects,” 4^-in. diameter; and carved oak shield 972 Sundries 973 Three antique keys 974 Prints, pair, “ Pauline " and “ Panthe ” H 6 o TJnframed Prints and Portfolios. Many of the Prints have had the margins reduced. LOT 975 Pair lithographs, “ Vue de la Jungfrau ” and “ Mont Blanc,” Englemann ; “ Rowland Schetz Castle,” Gardnor-, “View of St. Catherine’s Docks,” Baynes 976 “ Marriage a la mode,” 6 plates engraved by Earlom after Hogarth, 18 by 23-! 977 Prints, “ Cottagers in Winter,” Williamson after George Morland, 17f by 22-J; “ The Lucky Sportsman,” Soiron after George Morland , 12 by 9!; “ The Weary Sportsman,” Soiron after Wheatley, 12 by gf 978 Four prints, “ Cottage Cares ” and “Rural Innocence,” after Bourgeois ; “ The Blind Hermit,” after Stodhart ; “ The Young Cottager,” Gainsborough-, all engraved by Whessell, each about 23^ by i8-J 979 “Defence of the Breach of S. Jean d’Acre by Sir Sydney Smith,” 17 by 24!; “ Priam’s Prayer on his departure for the Grecian Camp,” both by Fogg after Hamilton, 174 by 21 “The Battle of the Nile,” after Whitcombe, 17 by 24I 980 “The tired Soldier,” Knight after Opie, 23 by 17^; “ The Thatcher,” Barney, 22 by 16; “ The Strolling Musicians,” Cook after Deitricy , i6£ by i2f 981 Pair, “ Fisherman going out,” “ Fisherman’s return,” Whessell after Serres, 17! by 2 if; “ Immortality of Garrick,” Caldwell after Carter, i6f by 23 982 “The Female Pedlar,” Meadows after Singleton , 18 by 15; “ Going to the Temple,” Tomkins after Maria Cosway, 18 by 14; “ Lincoln Cathedral,” engraved b)'' Say, i6f by 21J 983 Four prints, “ Views of the Palace of Whitehall,” Muller and others after Inigo Jones, 23 by 36 984 Twenty folio sheets of engravings, “ Coats of Arms,” &c. 985 Cambridge sheet almanacs, with the well-known engravings, 1801-1856; Oxford sheet almanac, 1800-1801 986 Commission on vellum, appointing Stanlake Batson a Lieu¬ tenant in 1st Life Guards; and one appointing Thomas Birdmore a Cornet and Sub-Lieutenant in Life Guards; both in the reign of George III., 1796 and 1805 987 Commission, appointing William Rolston a Captain in the Guards, reign of Charles I., 1660 988 “ Holy Family,” Bartolozzi after Poussin, 23 by 17!; “A Scene in Norbury Bark,” Powell after Barret, i8£ by 2i|; “ Cottage Scene,” Mason after George Lambert, 14! by 19^ 6i LOT 989 “ Napoleon’s return from Elba,” Sanders after Steuben, and Napoleon at Eylau,’ Lucas after Gros, 16^- by 22 ; “Buonaparte at Waterloo,” Simmons after Steuben, 16 ^ by 22^ 990 “ Amphitheatre of Beneventum,” “ Arch of Traian,” “ Tomb of Virgil,” each by Cunego after Cleriseau, 16 by 22| 991 “ The Queen,” J. Bromley after W. Bromley, 18 by 13; “The Hon. Sir George Wood,” Hodgettsafter Lonsdale, i6f by 13I; “ William Kingsley, Major-General,” Housten after J. Rey¬ nolds, 13! by 11; “ Sir Hugh Pallisser,” painted & engraved by J. R. Smith, 17J by 13 992 “ Portrait,” Houston after Zoffany, 13! by 11; “ Miss Lumsdon,” Watson after Willison, 17$ by 14; “Female Head,” after Schmuzer, 7 by 5J 993 " Princess Charlotte,” S. W. Reynolds after George Dawe , 25 by i6|; “ Statue of His Majesty George III.” H. Dawe after J. Bacon , 26J by i6f 994 Nine prints, and plans “ London ” 995 Two engravings, “ The Dockyard, Plymouth2 geometrical plans of “ Stoketown with the Dockyard ” 996 Copies of “ Ancient Egyptian Inscriptions,” published by the Society of Antiquarians, &c., 12 sheets 997 Prints, “ James Bruce discovering the source of the Nile,” Gillray after Paye, 20^ by 31; print after Zoffany, 15! by 20; “ College at Hailey Bury,” Medland, 15 by 22; “ Brighton Pavilion,” Holland after Middleton , 13^ by 21^ 998 Twenty-four prints, various 999 “ Decoration du Bal Pare donne par le Roy,” Cochin, 28 by 20 ; “ The Tuilleries;” “ Fontaine du Pape Paul V.” 1724; and 3 others 1000 Prints of Monuments, “ Henry VII.” Du Bose after Gravelot ; “ Princess Charlotte Augusta,” engraved by Fairland-, “ Sir Nicholas Griffin;” and 12 others 1001 Prints, 12 fine old portraits 1002 Prints, 20 ditto 1003 Prints and scraps, 40, principally after the antique 1004 Prints,“Auguste III.,Roi de Pologn efBalechou afterRigaud,2j^ by 19! >” “ Frederick, Bishop of & K.G.” printed for Shropshire, 21 by 15; “ Bishop Warren of Bangor, Green after Romney, i8-| by 14I; “ The Head of our Saviour crowned with thorns,” artificially represented by a single stroke of the graver, which from a point at the tip of the nose is continued waving round the point without ever crossing itself or being crossed by any other line, 18 by 15^ 1005 Prints, “The Chauntry, Newark,” 13^ by 19; “Newark Cemetery;” and 12 others Portraits, “John Bellingham,” “ Bergami,” and 5 others 1006 62 LOT 1007 “Stackhouse’s Origin of Architecture;” n engravings of “Crosses” at Coventry, Gloucester, Tottenham, Nor¬ thampton, &c. 1008 Prints, “All Saints’ Church, Derby—as it is and as it should be,” 24 by 20; “ Church and Choir of Durham Cathedral,” Miller after Ebdon, 20 by 19; “Altar Screen, Durham Cathedral,” 22 by 19 ; “ Rood Loft, St. George’s Chapel, Windsor,” 18 by 21^ 1009 Ninety-six “Views in Rome,” on one sheet; eight in “ Venice,” on one sheet; and another 1010 Twenty-six prints, chiefly “ Architectural and after the Antique ” 1011 Hemm’s Penmanship, and 26 sheets drawing copies, &c. 1012 Thirtyplates,“Ornamental Furniture,Metal work, Boats,&c.” 1013 Twenty-five prints, various 1014 Portfolio, half-bound, 38 by 26^ 1015 Ditto, 30! by 23 1016 Ditto, 26J by 20J 1017 Two portfolios, 28 by 21 and 22J by 15^ Cloisters. 1018 Two carved oak brackets “ Lion’s heads ” 1019 Pair ditto “ Lion’s heads ” 1020 Oak carving, portion ol pillar from wood in Windsor Castle for 500 years; carved figure of “ Christ,” gin. high; and carved oak ornament 1021 Pair cast figures, “ Hawks,” nin. high 1022 Pair carved w T ood pedestal brackets, “ Cherubs’ heads and festoons of Flowers,” ioin. high 1023 Two brackets and an ornament 1024 Pair carved wood brackets “ Heads” 1025 Two caryed oak brackets “ Heads ” 1026 Carved oak bracket; ornamental scrolls, top 8in. by 15, 33in. high 1027 Antique Oak Chair with carved and spill back 1028 Wood carving “ Two Cherubs ” 1029 High-back oak Chair, carved back 1030 Wood carving “ Leaves,” gilt 1031 Composition figures “Virgin and Child in niche,”30m.b}- 12 J032 Pair of gilt cast heads in profile LOT 63 10 33 Circular wood carving “ Three Figures ” in frame ; and 2 others 1034 Oak carvings, “ Bishops ” and “ Royal” Arms 1035 Two oak carvings “ Armorial” 1036 Three oak carvings “Cross on Shield” “Bracket” and “ Leaves ” 1037 Carved mahogany pedestal and ornament 1038 Three carvings and oak panel 10 39 Composition pedestal, imitation marble, lain, high ; and marble vase 1040 Casts “ Bust,” and two brackets 1041 Carved wood candlestick 1042 Carved marble u Female figure” with shield with “ Head of Medusa,” 23m. high (V in photograph) 1043 Stone carving “ Cherub with scroll and Armorial shield 1044 Six casts, various 1045 Stone model of a “ Tomb ;” and stone bracket 1046 Two pewter quart measures 1047 Carved wood panel, “ Grapes, leaves, and scrolls,” 27m. by 13m., in frame 1048 Pair modern figures “Youth” and “Girl,” 40m. high, cut out in outline 1049 Four small carvings in marble 1050 Print, “ Wellington Shield” on canvas and roller 1051 Carved oak stool on cabriole legs 1052 Imitation rosewood stand 1053 Two oak boxes 1054 Two earthenware trays, 3 figures, and 2 shoes 1055 Four pieces antique earthenware 1056 Two antique jugs 1057 Lot sea shells 1058 Three Oriental jars 1059 Two marble slabs 1060 Eight pieces stoneware fruit, &c. 1061 Stoneware imitation cakes, &c. LOT 1062 IO63 I064 1065 1066 IO67 1068 IO69 IO7O 1071 1072 i°73 1074 1075 1076 1077 64 Two puzzle glasses Rhinoceros, buffalo, and 2 other horns Walrus tooth and sundries Sixteen tessilated tiles Eight small pieces stone carvings Fine Indian gong, 2oin. diameter Stone figure “ Hindoo god” Marble bust “ Child’s head ” Carved marble pedestal, and various marbles Spa dish and pen tray Two marble tazze and vase Stone carvings “ Birds and Nests ” Fine crystals and sundries Carved figure “ Bacchus;” and another Map of Nottinghamshire on roller Door porter END OF FOURTH DAY’S SALE. FIFTH DAY'S SALE. ATTIC, No. 4. LOT 1078 Painted portmanteau stand 1079 Two bootjacks 1080 Stool, rush seat 1081 Plate basket, lined zinc 1082 Japanned footbath 1083 Large shaped butler’s tray 1084 Carved mahogany pole for fire screen, &c. 1085 Trundle bedstead 1086 Japanned plate warmer BACK BEDROOM, No. 2. 1087 Venetian carpet in 4 pieces 1088 Mahogany half-headed bedstead, drab moreen hangings, 4ft. 6in. 1089 Straw mattress to fit 1090 Hair ditto 1091 Knotted counterpane 1092 Featherbed and pillow 1093 Hang glass in mahogany and gilt frame, 17^ by ii| 1094 Mahogany Duchesse dressing table with drawer, 6 drawers, above, (swing glass, plate 16 % by 12) 36 by 16^ 1095 Mahogany towel horse 1096 Mahogany writing table, nicely carved legs and front, leather top, 37m. by 26 1097 Circular-fronted washstand with 2 drawers, japanned oak, 3 6 i in - 1098 Mahogany dressing stool, ornamented with coat of arms and gilt scroll 1099 Mahogany swing glass, with 3 drawers, plate ig| by 11^ 1100 Five antique mahogany chairs with carved backs (Chippen¬ dale) 66 Lot 1101 Two yards Brussels carpet and hassock 1102 Mahogany bracket, 6 \ by n 1103 Chamber ware, 3 pieces 1104 Pair crimson repp curtains, trimmed gold and crimson silk border, 10ft. long 1105 Pair crimson damask ditto 1106 Indian chest, gilt and black with handsome brass mounts and lock plate, 4ft. iin. by ift. ioin. by ift. gin. deep STAIRCASE. 1107 Brussels stair carpet, 27m. w T ide, top landing 7ft. by 4ft. 6in., top flight nft. 3in., second landing 6ft. by 3ft. 4m., about 11^ yards 1108 Brussels stair carpet, 27m. wide, second flight 15ft. 5m., third landing 6ft. ioin by 4ft. 6in., third flight 19ft., about 16 yds. 1109 Brussels stair carpet, 27 inches wide, fourth landing 6ft. 8in. by 3ft., fourth flight 15ft. 6in., about 8-| yards 1110 Brussels stair carpet, 27 inches wide, drawing-room landing 5ft. 4m. by 4ft. 6in., stairs 13ft. 6in., about 8 yards mi Twenty 30m. brass stair rods 1112 Twenty-nine ditto 1113 Two fleece mats 1114 Eight-and-a-half yards of yard-wide floorcloth in 2 pieces 1115 Three worsted mats 1116 Very handsome candle suspension lamp, painted landscape, and suspended by triple chain 1117 Mahogany dower chest, antique metal mounts at lock and corners, 42m. by 22R 21^ deep 1118 Pair carved oak brackets supported by figures, 14m. high 1119 Carved wood “ Female figures,” 26m. high 1120 Pair cast pedestals, painted marble, 17m. high 1121 Platter, i4^in. diameter, japanned and gilt 1122 Carved oak panel, “ Hops and Corn,” 7-|in. by 45m. 1123 Hexagon suspension lamp for candles, in brass frame 1124 Wood carving, “ An Urn holding flowers,” i4^in. high 1125 Painted cast, “ A Nun,” 25m. high DRAWING ROOM LANDING. 1126 Cast, “ The Last Supper,” i2in. diameter, black & gilt frame 1127 Carved wood “ Female figure with outstretched arms,” gilt 22in. high Carved wood, pair, “ Leaves and Fruit,” 12m. high 1128 67 LOT 1129 Carved wood, pair “ Pine Apples,” I2in. high 1130 Carved wood, “ Unicorn,” 28m. high 1131 Four carved wood ornaments, nin. high 1132 Pair wood pedestals, painted imitation marble, 37m. high 1133 Oak pedestal, carved on three sides, painted head on one panel x6-Jin. square 17m. high 1134 Carved wood, “ Bunch of Grapes ” and 2 others 1135 Carved wood ornament with hook for holding suspension lamp 1136 Derbyshire spa vase, 44m. high 1137 Stag’s head and antlers BREAKFAST ROOM. 1138 Brussels carpet, 14ft. 6in. by 11ft., and recess 1139 Hearthrug 1140 Steel fender and standards 1141 Polished steel fireirons 1142 Japanned black and gilt occasional table, 2oin. by 13 1143 Pair ornaments, white inlaid with colored marbles, 5m. high 1144 ANTIQUE CHIMNEY GLASS in broad carved oak frame beveled glass, 2oin. by 37 1145 ANTIQUE OAK CABINET, boldly carved front and sides, one compartment above, the lower part divided into two: fitted drawers & shelves, the whole surmounted by central figures, of “the Great I AM ” an orb in the left hand, the right hand raised in the act of blessing; figures at each side symbolical of the Sacrament : height, exclusive of figures, 52m., 4oin. wide, 2iin. deep (A in photograph) 1146 Five and one arm mahogany chairs, spill backs, seats covered hair cloth 1147 MAHOGANY CARD TABLE, carved cabriole legs, drawer, 32m. square 1148 Mahogany lounge chair, upholstered hair cloth 1149 Mahogany dining table, 5ft. gin., convertible to 2 semi¬ circular side tables 1150 Two mahogany footstools 1151 Mahogany screen table on pedestal and brass casters, 5ft. 7m. by 3ft. 7m. 1152 Crimson cloth on the same 1153 Tin letter rack and hearth brush 1154 OAK OCCASIONAL TABLE on twisted legs, carved front, sides and edges, 49m. by 22m. 1155 Mahogany side table with metal mounts, 27m. by i6in. I 68 LOT 1156 OAK PANEL, very finely carved, “The death of Abel,” 29m. square, black frame (L in photograph) 1157 Pair carved oak finials, i2in. high 1158 Three carvings, “ Head ” “ Ornament ” & “ Hippopotamus ” HALL. 1159 Two brass dogs for fireplace 1160 Two bronzed casts “ Busts ” 1161 Two ditto 1162 Two leather water buckets, 1689, painted crest 1163 Two ditto 1164 Two ditto 1165 Pair white marble alto-relievos, 14m. by ioin., black frames, “ Satyrs and Bacchanals ” (W in photograph) 1166 Bordered wool-mat 1167 Fleece mat 1168 Seven yards 27 inches-wide floorcloth 1169 Five-and-three-quarters yards of yard-wide floorcloth 1170 Two handsome carved oak hall chairs, with illuminated crests at back 1171 Painted cast, “ Minerva,” 5ft. 7m. high 1172 Pair white marble busts, ,27m. high, “ Mars ” and “ Venus ” on cast (E in photograph); pedestals, 4ft. high 1173 Bronze cast, “Bacchus,” 5ft. high, on imitation marble pedestal 1174 Pair brass tripod pedestals, 2ft. ioin. high 1175 Boldly carved antique hall table, 56m. by 23m. (O in photo.) 1176 Metal hat and umbrella stand 1177 Pair casts, figures “ The Dying Gladiator” and another 1178 Clock in handsome mahogany “Grandfather” case, with brass face and metal mounts, chimes quarters and hours, minute dial, goes 14 months, John Marriott, Fetter Lane , London 1179 Cast “ Urn,” gilt, and a “ Bust” painted black 1180 Pair oak carvings, “ Armorial” shields, 15m. by 15 1181 Pair oak carvings, “Armorial” shields, igin. by 16 1182 Mahogany carving in relief, “ Head,” 6-J by 5I black frame 1183 Two wood panels carved in relief, each gin. by gj 1184 Two ditto, 13m. by gi and 14^1. by 12J 1185 Pair small oak brackets 1186 Two ditto, handsomely carved 1187 Carved panel, “ Birds and Grapes,” i8in. by 8 LOT 69 1188 Barometer 1189 Carved oak box, gin. by 8 1190 Three circular marble slabs 1191 Carved wood pedestal, ioin. high 1192 Pair carved figures, “ Angels,” 15m. high 1193 Pair carved figures, “ Cherubs,” 14m. high 1194 Pair boldly carved brackets, tops 12 by 9^ FURNITURE IN LIBRARY. J1 95 Brussels carpet, drab ground & flowers, 13ft. 5m. by 12ft. 6in. 1196 Hearthrug 1197 Brass fireirons 1198 Pair bell pulls 1199 Pair black marble candlesticks, uin. 1200 Pair Bronzes, “ Storks bearing candles,” i6in. high (P in photograph) 1201 Piece oilcloth 1202 Pair black and gilt cornice poles 1203 Crimson damask curtains and fringe for 2 windows 1204 Pier Glass in handsomely and massively carved gilt frame, “ Figures, flowers, and fruit,” plate 24m. by 30 1205 Antique carved oak inkstand, i5|in. by 12% in., drawer and 2 glasses 1206 Mahogany knee-hole Library Table, 12 drawers and 2 cupboards, top lined leather, double fronted, 48m. by 36 1207 Antique Altar Chair, upholstered back and seat in crimson Utrecht velvet 1208 Marble letter weight with bronzed hand; & oak envelope case 1209 Pair handsomely carved oak brackets 1210 Carved oak coronet and shield 1211 Antique Box, embossed brass, 9fin. by 7! 1212 Timepiece in ebony and gilt frame, strikes hours and half- hours, “ Ecce Hora ” 1213 Mahogany Arm Chair, seat and back covered crimson damask 1214 Antique Mahogany Arm Chair, carved cabriole legs, arms and seat upholstered crimson Utrecht velvet 1215 Mahogany Library Chair, convertible to steps 4 high, with cane seat and loose crimson velvet cushion 1216 Mahogany Reading Table on pillar and tripod, 2iin. by 18, with rising top 1217 Dwarf Sutherland table with twisted legs in pine, 23m. by 19 1218 Antique rosewood jewel chest, with brass corners, bands, handles and lock, i2in. by 7} 70 LOT 1219 Mahogany Portfolio Stand, suitable for portfolios or books of the largest size, on casters 1220 Pair gilt brackets, “ Heads,” top 6-|in. by 4 1221 Semi-circular Oak Chair, nicely carved, cane seat, loose cushion covered crimson Utrecht velvet (Y in photograph) 1222 Large high-backed Chair, with carved back, arms, and spindles, seat and back covered crimson Utrecht velvet 1223 Two silk cushions, embroidered “ Royal Arms ” 1224 Carved Oak Glastonbury Chair, with marone morocco cushions (Q in photograph) J225 Handsome suspension lamp, gilt and stained glass Repousse Work. STAIRCASE. 1226 Antique repousse plaque, “ Children at play,” oval 8-Jin. by 7J black frame 1227 Antique repousse plaque, “ Escutcheon of Lady Frances Leek,” 7m. square, black frame (Lady Leek was a benefactress to Newark and its Church.) 1228 Antique bronze repousse work, “ The Martyrdom,” a fine work, oval, 22m. by 17 black frame (M in photograph) HALL. 1229 Antique brass repousse plaque, “Judgment of Solomon,” 6Jin. diameter, circular frame 1230 Antique brass repousse plaque, “Vulcan’s forge,” 6Jin. diameter, circular frame 1231 Antique brass repouss 4 plaque, “Children and flowers,” 8Jin. by 7J framed 1232 Antique cast, “Adoration of the Wise Men,” 7m. by 6J framed Arms and Armour. MARKED * ARE IN PHOTOGRAPH. IN HALL. *Iron helmet, labelled “ Tutbury Castle, 1575 ” *Ditto ditto *Pair antique brass gauntlets *Pair antique brass stirrups, chased and enamelled 1233 1234 1235 1236 7 i LOT 12 37 ANTIQUE SWORD—a sword of State borne by Sir Cavendish Burton before King Charles I. upon his first entrance to Tutbury Castle prior to the battle of Marston Moor, “ Clemens Willems me fecit, Solingen. Soli Deo Glorria ” 1238 Navy sword, buck horn handle 1239 ^Blunderbuss, flint lock and spring bayonet, Barber &• Boaler 1240 Brace pistols, silver mounts, Willoughby , Birmingham 1241 Rifle, Nixon, Newark 1242 Two antique daggers 1243 Sword, ivory handle, 7th Royal Fusiliers 1244 Ditto 1245 Sword, Infantry, George I. 1246 Yew bow 1247 *Brass cannon, mounted on carriage with brass wheels, 13m. long, fin. bore 1248 *Brass cannon on carriage with iron wheels, pin.long fin.bore THE LAWN. The following pieces of Cannon were taken in the Mediterranean by the “ Grasshopper” frigate from the “ St. Joseph ” Spanish war brig. 1249 Brass cannon, mounted on carriage, 27m. long, 3m. bore 1250 Ditto ditto 1251 Ditto ditto Stained Glass. Principally leaded in sizes to Jill window panes ; some very choice old pieces. STAIRCASE—UPPER LANDING. 1252 Two pieces stained glass, “ Sundial” and “ Heraldic,” oval 22 by 15 1253 Two pieces stained glass, “ Cupids &c.” oblong 15 by 11 1254 One piece, semi-circular top, 22 by 11 ; and one piece “ Various,” 12 by 9, very old glass STAIRCASE—LOWER LANDING. 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 Two pieces stained glass, 15^ by 11 Two ditto 15^ by 11 Two ditto 1 si by 11 Two ditto 15^ by 11 Two ditto 15^ by 11 Two ditto 15I by 11 72 HALL. Lot 1261 Two pieces stained glass, 16 by nf 1262 Two pieces stained glass, 15 by 11 1263 Two pieces stained glass, 15 by 11 1264 Two pieces stained glass, triangular about 22 high CLOISTERS. 1265 One piece stained glass with arched top, 86 by 22 framed 1266 Two pieces stained glass, 12 by 9^ 1267 Two pieces stained glass, 12 by 91- DINING ROOM. 1268 One piece stained glass, “ Knight in armour on horseback,” 39 by 18 framed 1269 One piece stained glass, “ Royal Arms,” 39 by 18 framed 1270 Two pieces stained glass, “ Heraldic,” 25 by 17 1271 Two pieces stained glass, “ Heraldic,” 25 by 17 1272 Three pieces stained glass, 25 by 17 1273 Two pieces stained glass, 24 by 16 and 18 by 16 BREAKFAST ROOM. 1274 Two pieces stained glass, “ Ecclesiastics,” 16 by 11 1275 Two pieces stained glass, “ The Annunciation” and another 16 by 11 1276 Two pieces stained glass, “Head of Christ” and another, 16 by 11 1277 Two pieces stained glass, “ Heraldic,” 16 by 11 1278 Two pieces stained glass, “ Feasting” and another 1279 Two pieces stained glass, “Virgin Mary” “Joseph in prison,” 19 by 12 1280 Two pieces stained glass, “ Saints,” 19 by 12 1281 Two pieces stained glass, “Parable of the Talents” and another, 19 by 11 ORATORY. 1282 Oak Carving, “ S. Matthew,” with carved canopy above, 4ft. ioin. high (d in photograph) 1283 Oak Carving, “Diana of the Ephesians” under canopy, finely carved, marble slab at top, 34m. high (N in photo.) 1284 Carved Wood Figure, (painted) “ The Hermit,” 5ft. high, in black gown, metal cross and rosary, shoes with buckles, cross and book in hands 73 LOT 1285 Carpet, hassock, and cushion 1286 Oak Altar Seat with carved poppy head finials, 52m. high 37in. wide 1287 The Companion Seat 1288 Carved oak altar chair 1289 Carved Stone Roman Sarcophagus, i8in. high, i2in. square, with inscription 1290 Oak panel, carved, “ The Cup and Bread,” and monogram “ IHS ” gilt on panel 1291 Carved Wood Figures (painted) on pedestal, “ Virgin and Child,” the latter holding orb and cross, 4ft. 5m. high 1292 Carved Wood Figure (painted) “A mitred Abbot,” holding in his right hand a model of a church, and in his left a clasped bible, 54m. 1293 Carved Wood Figures (painted) “ Mary and dead Christ,” 3ft. gin. high 1294 Pair wood candlesticks and candles, 5ft. 2in. high 1295 Three ditto to match 1296 Carved Wood Figure (painted) “ A Bishop,” missal on his knee and pastoral staff in his hand, 42m. high 1297 Carved Wood Figure (painted) “A Pope,” seated with breviary cm knee, 3ft. gin. high 1298 Pair Antique Bronze Candelabra (3 candles each) i6in. high 1299 Bronze angelus bell 1300 Antique Bronze Brazier, repousse and perforated work (n in photograph) 1301 Carved Oak Figures (painted) “ Christ and the twelve Apostles,” represented from the waist upwards appearing above a carved oak front, figures about ioin. high, in 2 lengths together about 7ft. 3m. 1302 Three metal candle sconces 1303 Antique Altar Chair with carved back 1304 Carved Oak Figure (painted) “ Female,” book in hand, 42m. high 1305 Pair turned and painted wood pedestals, 3ft. 6in. high 1306 Three ditto to match 1307 Two Wooden Crosses made from the wood of York Minster when destroyed by fire 1308 Carved Wood, “ Female figure bearing two children in her arms,” 32m. high (y in photograph) 1309 Oak Table, carved cabriole legs, front, and ends, 48 by 17 1310 Carved Oak, “ Female figure,” 45m. high 1311 Oak carving, “ Grotesque figure” 37 by 7 (X in photograph) 1312 Oak carvings, “ Figure in attitude of Prayer,” 31m. by 10 ; “Figure in profile,” 33m. by 7+ LOT 74 1313 Carved Wood Figure (painted) open complens on his knee and wooden cross in his left hand, 41m. high 1314 Carved Wood Figure, “ Female,” bearing book of hours in left hand, cross in right, model church at back, 31m. high 1315 Carved Oak Fauld Stool, g 4 in. high, top i8in. by 8 1316 Oratory Table, carved and illuminated in Colours, oak top 294 by 15 1317 Carved Wood Figure, “ Mary and dead Christ,” 22m. high 1318 Carved Oak Stall, end illuminated in colors; 2 Ditto Carved Oak, with finial squirrels 1319 Wood Carving (painted), group, “The Circumcision,”6 figures 17m. high (in photograph) 1320 Carved wood figure, “ Mater Doloroso,” 23m. high 1321 Carved Wood, painted, group 16 figures, “ St. Cecilia,” 22-|in. high (in photograph) 1322 Carved Wood, figures (painted) “ Angels bearing crown,” 41 in. wide and 19m. high 1323 Carved Wood half-length figure (painted) of “Archbishop” bearing in one hand a heart with an inscription “ Disce Pati,” and in the other a crozier, 40m. on stand 1324 Folding pole ladder 1325 Stone Carving, gin. square and I2^in. high 1326 Three Engraved Brasses, half figure in armour, coat of arms, and another 1327 Carved Oak Figure, “ Female bearing bracket,” 35m. high 1328 Engraved Brass Memorial Plate, full length figure, cut to shape, 37m. high 1329 Ditto ditto, 38m. high 1330 Carved Oak Panel, n-|in. square, framed 1331 Sixteen-inch terrestrial globe in dwarf mahogany case 1332 Pair large sea shells END OF FIFTH DAY’S SALE. LOT r 333 I 334 1 335 1336 1337 !33 8 !339 1340 i34i J 342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1448 1349 1350 i35i 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 136° 1361 SIXTH HAY’S SALE . KITCHEN & SCULLERY. Quantity bottles Four jugs, various Four ditto Hot water jug Sundry white earthenware Four cups, 6 saucers, blue and white Three basins and 3 mugs Five pie dishes Four ditto Vegetable dish &c. Four brown bowls Three white basins and two porringers Eight white moulds Two willow pattern pie dishes Six large brown jars Six ditto Four ditto Iron fender, 54 inches Fireirons Large wood hastener, lined tin, 4ft. 4m, Copper tea kettle Pair fluted brass candlesticks Seven metal dish covers Eight days clock in oak case, Unwin, Newark Deal table, 6ft. gin. by 2ft. gin, with 4 drawers Pieces carpet Five joiners’ chairs Four ditto Hang glass J Lot 76 1362 Oak round table, 29m. 1363 Round oak stand, 2oin. 1364 Two painted water cans 1365 Well dripping tin and stand 1366 Coat of Arms, in heraldic colours, “ Sir Joseph Sikes, 1702,” 4oin. by 26m. in black frame 1367 Cocoa fibre mat 1368 Two-fold napkin horse 1369 Oval copper stew pan with cover, 12m. by 8in. 1370 Ditto ioin. by 7^in. 1371 Circular copper stew pan with cover, 7|in. 1372 Ditto 5-Jin. 1373 Ditto with lid 6^in. 1374 Ditto 9^in. 1375 Ditto gin. 1376 Ditto 8£in. 1377 Copper saucepan with lid, 6£in 1378 Two copper warmers 1379 Three copper lids 1380 Copper can with lid, about 2 gallons 1381 Copper can, 2 quarts 1382 Copper can with lid, quart 1383 Copper preserving pan, nin. diameter 1384 Bell metal pan, nin. diameter 1385 Large copper pan with lid, 17m. diameter 1386 Copper saucepan with lip, 4dm. 1387 Copper saucepan, 4dm. diameter 1388 Two iron saucepans 1389 Basket with wood spoons &c. 1390 Wash-up tin and water can 1391 Chopping block 1392 Ditto 1393 Two iron pans 1394 Six pork pie moulds 1395 Painted kneehole table with 9 drawers, 4ft. wide 1396 Metal teapot 1397 Brass cooking jack 1398 Brass ladle and pastry jigger 1399 Colander and sundry tin ware 1400 Cleaver and toasting fork LOT 77 1401 Cleaver and saw 1402 Large wood bowl and sundry wood ware 1403 Copper warming pan 1404 Two tin flat candlesticks 1405 Lot patty pans and sundries 1406 Wood stool 1407 Roasting spit and skewers 1408 Two japanned jacks 1409 Large marble mortar 1410 Two wood bowls 1411 Sundry dripping tins 1412 Ditto 1413 Steamer tins 1414 Two brass saucepans 1415 Large tea kettle 1416 Two ditto 1417 Large frying pan 1418 Two frying pans CLOSET ON BACK STAIRS. 1419 Bow and arrows 1420 Sundry pieces carpet 1421 Deal cupboard, 49m. high i6in. wide 1422 Two rushlight tins 1423 Slop pail 1424 Hot-water can 1425 Two wire fireguards 1426 Floor polishing brush, loaded lead 1427 Ditto ditto 1428 Copper hot water bed warmer DRAWING-ROOM STORE ROOM. 1429 Antique brass candlesticks and pieces thereof 1430 Antique bronze oil lamp 1431 Bronzed fittings for suspension candle lamp 1432 Spinning wheel of superior make, in good condition, and winder for same 1433 Japanned stereoscope 1434 Box containing bullets and bullet mould 1435 Two lengths of gilt chain 1436 Painted bowl and another 1437 Enemata 1438 Chest of drawers, 3 high, 51m. by 2iin. .1439 Silk flag 1440 Bunting decorations BACK STAIRCASE. 1441 Two mats and length of i8in. carpet 1442 Two lengths i8in. Dutch stair carpet 1443 Eighteen brass stair rods 1444 Circular umbrella stand, japanned oak 1445 Two solid mahogany blocks, about 15m. square 1446 Circular marble slab, i8in. diameter 1447 Mahogany table with polished slab, 30m. by 2iin. ATTIC, No. 2. 1448 Iron bedstead, 4ft. 8in., with valances 1449 Straw mattress, in 2 pieces, 4ft. 6in. 1450 Featherbed, bolster, 2 pillows 1451 Colored bed quilt 1452 Oak painted cupboard, 36 by 17 by 32m. high 1453 Oak cupboard, fitted 18 drawers, brass handles, 41 by 25 by 39^in. high 1454 Portmanteau stand 1455 Chest of drawers, 4 high, 3ft. 3m., japanned maple 1456 Painted linen chest 1457 Portmanteau stand 1458 American clock 1459 Ditto with alarum 1460 Kidderminster carpet in 4 pieces 1461 Mahogany swing glass, n^in. by SI- 1462 Sundry toilet ware, 5 pieces 1463 Large trunk, covered leather 1464 Maple painted towel horse, and door porter 1465 Birch chair, cane seat ATTIC No. 5. 1466 Halfdieaded bedstead with cornice and moreen hangings 1467 Hair and wool mattress 1468 Featherbed, bolster, 2 pillows 1469 Colored bed quilt 79 LOT 1470 Mahogany chest of drawers, 4 high, with brass mounts, 3ft. 8 1471 Mahogany swing glass, plate 15m. by 11 1472 Kidderminster carpet in 3 pieces 1473 Mahogany dressing stool, stamped Utrecht velvet cushion 1474 Painted foot bath 1475 Japanned slop tin 1476 Painted wash table with drawer 1477 Elm night chair 1478 Two chairs, rush seats 1479 Mahogany dress stand, 4 hooks 1480 Mahogany dwarf night commode FRONT LODGING ROOM, No. 1. 1481 Oak japanned coal vase 1482 Mahogany four-post bedstead, 4ft. gin. wide, brown moreen hangings 1483 Goose-coat featherbed, bolster, and pillow 1484 Straw mattress in 2 pieces 1485 Marseilles quilt 1486 Painted cornices, crimson and gilt, for 2 windows 1487 Chintz curtains and valances for 2 windows 1488 Mahogany tray back dressing table with sweep front and 4 drawers, 37m. high 1489 VERY HANDSOME DRESSING GLASS with fall front and drawer, Marquetrie work throughout, size of plate 15m. by 12$ 1490 Double chamber service, chintz, 10 pieces 1491 TWO ANTIQUE HIGH-BACKED MAHOGANY CHAIRS, Stamped Utrecht velvet cushions 1492 Two ditto, with loose chintz covers 1493 Tray back washstand, sweep front, 3 drawers, painted mahogany 1494 Mahogany 3-fold towel horse 1495 Mahogany chest of drawers, 4 high, 38m. wide 1496 Colored marble slab, supported by 2 carved oak heads 1497 Kidderminster carpet in 4 pieces 1498 Hearthrug 1499 Pair oval casts, “ Cupid disarmed,” 14m. by nf, and painted Coat of Arms 1500 White earthenware foot bath 1501 Hip bath, japanned oak 1502 Mahogany book stand 8o LOT 1503 Pair circular mahogany card tables, 36m. diameter 1504 Mahogany night commode, with cupboard above 1505 Pair turned wood candlesticks 1506 Hand glass, 5m. by 4cedar tray with handle 1507 Mahogany corner bracket 1508 Dressing stool 1509 Pier glass in carved and gilt frame, bevelled plate 2o| by i6£ FRONT LODGING ROOM, No. 2. 1510 Kidderminster carpet, crimson, green and drab, in 3 pieces, 16ft. gin. by gft., 8ft. by 4ft. 5m., 6ft. 5m. by 4ft. 4m. 1511 Mottled hearthrug and India matting 1512 Pier glass in mahogany and gilt frame, 2 sheets bevelled glass together 4i|in. by 19^ 1513 Mahogany double chest of drawers, 7 high, 71m. high and 44m. wide 1514 Five large antique mahogany chairs (Chippendale), carved backs, crimson damask seats 1515 Mahogany double chest of drawers, with good brass mounts, 7 high, 75m. high 1516 Mahogany dwarf night commode 1517 Mahogany half-headed bedstead with moreen hangings, 4ft. 6 1518 Wool mattress to fit 1519 Featherbed, bolster, and pillow 1520 Pair hassocks covered crimson, and door porter 1521 Mahogany bracket, crimson fringe, top 7m. by 5! 1522 Mahogany lounge chair with cane seat and back 1523 High wire fender, brass rim 1524 Fireirons 1525 Japanned coalbox and hearthbrush 1526 Pedestal washstand, 2 drawers, painted mahogany 1527 Chamber service, 11 pieces 1528 Painted towel horse 1529 Kneehole dressing table, 7 drawers and enclosed cupboard, 2ft. 7in. 1530 Mahogany swing glass, i8in. by 13I 1531 Painted cornices for 2 windows 1532 Pair chintz curtains 1533 Pair lace curtains 1 534 Japanned dressing stool, gilt and black, with Chinese figures 1535 Pier glass in oval gilt frame, 2^iin. by 17! LoT 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 I 54 I 1542 1543 J 544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 i55i 1552 1553 1554 1555 !556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 i5 6 5 1566 1567 1568 81 Blankets. Two blankets Two ditto Two ditto Two ditto Two ditto Two ditto One ditto BUTLER’S PANTRY. Two bed candlesticks Stool and cocoa matting Bronzed tea urn Japanned bread tray and crumb brush Oval mahogany tray, 33m. by 21^ Oval ditto, 2iiin. by 15 Circular ditto, i7|in, diameter Mahogany butler’s tray Oval papier machie tray, 22m. by 17 Hexagon mahogany waiter Hot water can Circular copper plate basket Wicker plate basket Two lamps Oval japanned tea tray, 30m. Circular mahogany revolving waiter, i8in. diameter Ditto ditto Antique shagreen knife case Ditto Hang glass, print, &c. BLUE SITTING ROOM. Brussels carpet, drab ground, chintz flowers, 15ft. 5m. by lift. 6in. and doorway Cornice poles and rings for 2 windows Two ormolu candlesticks, 7-§fn. high Semi-circular walnut whatnot, 4 high Pier Glass in illuminated and gilt elaborately carved frame, plate 35m. by 17 Mahogany semi-circular corner stand (Chippendale) 82 LOT 1569 Oval mahogany loo table on pedestal, 5ft. by 3ft. 5m. 1570 Crimson, gold, and black cloth on same 1571 Pier Glass in elaborately carved and gilt frame, bevelled plate, 13m. by 11 1572 Circular convex Mirror, gilt frame, 7|-in. diameter 1 573 Two pairs lace curtains 1574 Inlaid mahogany tea caddie 1575 Mahogany couch, covered crimson Utrecht velvet, & pillow 1576 Four Antique Elbow Chairs, cabriole legs, stuffed backs and seats, covered tapestry and needlework 1577 Mahogany Pembroke table, 3ft. 3m. by 2ft. 1578 Cushion, covered silk, and 2 needlework mats 1579 Pair Antique Occasional Chairs, carved, with needlework seats 1580 Gilt pedestal stand, about 7m. high 1581 Pair painted pedestals, imitation marble, ioin. high DINING ROOM. 1582 Pair wood carvings, gilt, “ Cornucopiae, Flowers and Fruit,” 25m. 1583 White marble urn shaped vase and lid, 13m. high 1584 Pair handsome white marble vases, 30m. high 1585 Pair spa jugs, ioin. high 1586 VERY HANDSOME SIDE TABLE, 5ft.5m. by 2ft., with elaborately carved old oak figures of “ Angels and Cherubs” &c. 1587 Moderator lamp, hand painted 1588 Mahogany plate chest, 26m. by 17m., 17m. deep, handsomely mounted with gilt metal bands, corners, handles, & locks, on casters 1589 Mahogany pedestal writing table with 2 drawers, top lined leather, 4ft. iin. by 2ft. 2in. 1590 Very handsome ormolu candelabra for 8 candles and chain 1591 Pair wood carvings, gilt, “ Knots ” 1592 Two wood carvings, gilt, “ Shells ” 1593 Two wood carvings, gilt, “ Heads ” 1594 Handsome bronzed moderator lamp, urn shaped 1595 Cast, “ Lion ” 1596 Bracket Clock with handsome gilt metal face, strikes, shews days of month, Robert Henderson, London 1597 Settee with elaborately carved back and front “ Heraldic,” illuminated in colours and gold, seat and arms covered crimson Utrecht velvet, 5ft. 83 LOT 1598 Pair painted pedestals, 3ft. 6in. high 1599 Very handsome rosewood and brass inkstand, 13m. by 10 and 2 cut glasses 1600 Two pieces floorcloth 1601 Oak occasional Table, with carved front, sides, and legs, 2ft. gin. by ift. nin. 1602 Mahogany Telescope Dining Table, with 5 leaves, 15ft. nin. by 5ft. 3m., on carved pillars and casters, and frame for loose leaves 1603 Pair bell ropes 1604 Ebony box, inlaid pearl 1605 Gilt wood carving on pedestal, 27m. high, “ Three children, centre one bearing basket of Flowers ” 1606 Mahogany writing table, cabriole legs, drawer, top lined leather, igin. by 12 1607 Copper coal scuttle 1608 Brass coal scuttle, painted 1609 Large mahogany lounge chair, covered crimson Utrecht velvet 1610 The companion chair 1611 Pair circular foot ottomans, covered green Utrecht velvet 1612 Turkey carpet, 17ft. 3m. by 12ft. 4m. 1613 Hearthrug, 7ft. 2in. by 3ft. 1614 Crimson drugget, 13ft. gin. by gft. 8in. 1615 Pair gilt and white brackets, tops 8|-in. by 6^ 1616 Pair mahogany footstools, covered carpet 1617 Two painted casts, “Busts,” 26in. high 1618 Pair square pedestals, 3ft. 7m. high 1619 Tabouret curtains, fringe and holders, for 3 windows 1620 Pair Carved Oak Figures, painted & gilt, 3ft. 8in. high, on carved pedestals, i8in. high, “ Negroes bearing oil lamps” (D in photograph) 1621 Large high-backed Antique Carvrd Oak Chair, with tapestry seat and back 1622 The Companion Chair 1623 Antique four-fold Screen, “Figures and Birds” on wood panels, 5ft. gin. high 1624 Carved white marble tea poy, lock and lid, ift. 4m. by 7m. 1625 Pair bronze casts, 25m. high, on wood pedestals, fitted for lamps or candles (U in photograph) 1626 Mahogany hexagon cellaret, brass bands, handles, and tap on stand K $4 lOT J627 Mahogany oval wine cooler, brass bands, on stand 1628 Fleece mat 1629 Oval Italian marble wine cooler, with lions’ heads, 2ft. 6in„ by ift. 7in. 1630 Carved mahogany sliding fire screen with needlework panel 1631 Six oak chairs, crest painted in back, stuffed seats, covered crimson Utrecht velvet 1632 Six richly carved mahogany dining room chairs, covered maroon morocco END OF SIXTH DAY’S SALE. LOT 1633 *634 1635 I636 I637 I638 I639 I64O I64I I642 1643 I644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 I65O I65I 1652 1653 1654 1655 1636 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE . FRONT ATTIC, No. 2. Portmanteau stand Two brackets Mahogany framed chimney glass, bevelled plate, 26m, by2o| Mahogany Enclosed Dressing Table, with glass, drawer Mahogany dressing stool, covered crimson Utrecht velvet Child’s high chair, cane seat High'backed carved oak chair, cane seat and back Chair bedstead, 3 hair cushions in canvas Goosecoat feather bed 4ft. 8in. by 2ft. 6in. Kidderminster carpet to cover Antique high-backed carved oak chair Mahogany four-post bedstead, crimson damask drapery Wool mattress Triplet tables, fitting one within the other, japanned black and gilt Excellent Oak Drawers, consisting of centre and two wings, 12 drawers, 6ft. gin. wide, 37m. high STOREROOM, ATTIC No. 1. Marquetrie Clock Case (“Grandfather”) finely inlaid mahogany Marquetrie Clock Case, (“ Grandfather”) elaborately inlaid Carved oak chest, 4ft. by ift. nin. Painted cupboard, with folding doors, 6ft. 5m. high, 3ft. 5m. wide Painted portmanteau stand Painted circular foot bath Mahogany frame (only) of lady’s lounge chair Painted suspension lamp Large glass suspension frame for lamp 86 LOT 1657 Mahogany child’s chair, with cane seat and foot rest, covered leather 1658 Three stained birch chairs, cane seats, loose cushions, covered Americancloth 1659 Rocking chair BACK LODGING ROOM, No. 1. 1660 Mahogany four-post bedstead, chintz drapery 1661 Straw mattress, 2 pieces 1662 Feather bed, bolster, 2 pillows 1663 Marseilles quilt 1664 Gentleman’s mahogany wardrobe, with brass mounts and handles, shelves within folding doors, and drawers below, 7ft. high, 48m. wide 1665 Mahogany 3-fold towel horse 1666 Mahogany cheval glass, bevelled plate 36m. by 2of 1667 Mahogany pedestal washstand, 2 drawers, 3ft. 4m. 1668 Green and white chamber service, 13 pieces 1669 Pair high-backed Chairs, carved backs and spindles, seats covered green damask 1670 Mahogany dressing table, sweep front, 2 drawers, 3ft. 6in. 1671 ROSEWOOD SWING GLASS, with cabinet containing small drawers, drawer below, beautifully inlaid throughout with ivory, plate I4|-in. by ioin. (C in photograph) 1672 Pier glass in elaborately carved frame, beveled plate 32m. by 19 1673 Mahogany night commode, cupboard above 1674 Tapestry carpet, 12ft. 6in. by 14ft. 4m 1675 Hearthrug and India matting 1676 Box ottoman, covered chintz, 35m. by 21 1677 Pair handsomely carved gilt brackets, “ Rams’ heads, feathers and flowers ” 1678 Gilt cast in relief, “ The Muses crowning Apollo,” I2in. by 28^ black frame 1679 Carved walnut dressing stool 1680 Japanned coal vase 1681 Mahogany screen table on pillar and carved claw feet, 3ft. 1682 Green cloth on the same 1683 Pair high-backed chairs, cabriole legs, cane backs and seats 1684 Pair ditto to match 1685 Pair carved marble “ Doves” gilt 1686 Pair wood carvings, “ Hands holding roses and a tassel,” gilt 87 LOT 1687 Wire fender, double brass rims and claw feet, 38 inches 1688 Steel fireirons 1689 Oval hand glass 1690 Inlaid mahogany bidet 1691 Large white jug and basin SMALL DRAWING ROOM. 1692 Brussels carpet, 13ft. 6in. by 11ft. 3m. 1693 Hearthrug 1694 Papier machie stand, painted top, 24m. diameter 1695 Antique mahogany arm chair, needlework seat and back 1696 Foot ottoman, covered amber silk; ditto covered needlework 1697 Oval mahogany screen stand, with inlaid border, 2iin. by 17 1698 Carved table with imitation marble top, 3i^in. by 18 1699 Mahogany couch, covered crimson repp, loose swab & pillow 1700 Ebonized and Gilt Indian Cabinet, with 6 drawers, metal hinges and mounts, i6in. high, i8in. wide, u^in. deep (G in photograph) 1701 Several sea shells, and pair hand screens 1702 Pair long gilt ornaments, “ Festoons of flowers,” 40m. long 1703 Two gilt brackets, carved, tops u£in by 4 and 5m. by 4 1704 Grey marble slab, i8in. by 16 1705 Black japanned table, with raised gilt figures and metal mounts, 29m. by 16^ 1706 Antique occasional chair, twisted legs, painted leather back 1707 Japanned coal box 1708 Steel and bronze fender, 4ft. 6in. 1709 Steel fire-irons, with an extra poker 1710 Mahogany lady’s lounge chair, upholstered in repp 1711 Octagon stand oak top and twisted pillar 1712 Pair antique japanned pole firescreens, gilt and black 1713 Brass-mounted hearth brush and japanned bellows 1714 Gilt cornice poles and rings for 3 windows 1715 Three pairs lace curtains 1716 Oval Pier Glass in finely carved and gilt frame with bracket, plate 2oin. by i5i 1717 The Companion Glass to match 1718 Sienna Marble Console Table and bracket, slab 32m. by 19 1719 The Companion Console Table to match 1720 Oval mahogany table, marquetrie top, on twisted oak pillar and carved legs, 36m. by 24 LOT 83 1721 1722 *723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1 733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1 73 8 1739 Circular stand on twisted pillar, top 12m. diameter, 35 high Oak vesper chair, twisted pillars and legs, needlework seat and back ROSEWOOD CABINET PIANOFORTE with handsome needlework front, combined with Mechanical Pianoforte* Rolfe &• Co., each can be played independently of the other ; the mechanical arrangement consists of three barrels which play the following tunes :— Barrel 1.— Secular. 1. Operatic Air. 2. The British Grenadiers. 3. Schottische. 4. The Swiss Boy. 5. Old Melody. 6. Operatic Air. 7. Operatic Air. 8. Old Melody. Barrel 2.—Sacred. 1. Sicilian Mariner’s Hymn. 2. Morning Hymn. 3. Easter Hymn, Alleluia. 4. Evening Hymn. 5. Old Hundredth. 6. Austrian Hymn, or, Haydn’s Hymn to the Emperor. 7. Rule Britannia. 8. God save the Queen. Barrel 3.—Fantasia on Irish Airs, arranged by Moscheles, introducing “ Last Rose of Summer,’’ “ St. Patrick’s Day,” &c. *This instrument has been cleaned and tuned, and now stands in the Hall. Mahogany music stool with screw and braided top Two mahogany occasional chairs, sweep backs, and marone morocco cushions Elegant Mahogany Cabinet, centre and two wings, glazed doors, fitted shelves, metal mounts, 7ft. wide, 7ft. 6in. high Rosewood Loo Table, on pillar and tripod, top & pedestal handsomely inlaid with brass Cloth on same Mahogany cabinet, 12 drawers and 12 pigeon-holes, on stand Handsome ormolu timepiece under glass shade, “ Ut Vita, sic Hora,” ioin. high DRAWING ROOM. Brussels carpet, drab ground, festoons of flowers, 17ft. ioin. by 17ft. and large bay Fringed hearthrug to match, 7ft. 4m. by 2ft. nin Massively Carved & Gilt Settee, 3ft. by ift. ioin., with loose cushion covered crimson silk and loose holland cover Pair alabaster vases, 2iin. high, carved figures and handles, on white and coloured marble stands Pair carved oak pedestals, relieved in gold, 4ft. high Carved Elbow Chair, white and gold, crimson velvet back and seat Mahogany settee, 4ft. gin., chintz with loose holland cover Ditto Ditto gg Lot 1740 Shaped console table with handsomely carved gilt cabriole l e g s > 3^- 7 ^ n - by ift. gin., top covered crimson damask 1741 CABINET, 28in. wide, 3ifin. high, 131m. deep, Chinese figures in gold and colours inside and out, ebonized wood and metal mounts (the cabinet below the one marked H in photograph) 1742 Pair high-backed Antique Oak Chairs, elaborately carved backs, legs, and spindles, cushions covered crimson silk and loose holland covers J 743 Console Table with grey marble slab. 38m. by 23, front and sides a mass of bold carving, gilt J 744 Indian Cabinet, 24fin. wide, 2o^in. high, 14m. deep, with chased metal lock, hinges, & handles, interior fitted with 7 drawers, on elaborately carved stand, 29m, high, sup¬ ported by figures, gilt (K in photograph) 1745 Cabinet, rosewood beautifully inlaid ivory inside and out, centre and 8 drawers, silver plated handles, 17m. high, 24m. wide, 14m. deep (H in photograph) 1746 Corner bracket, carved and gilt, top about i8in. by 20 1747 Oval Pier Glass, 32m. by 24, in gilt frame, with gilt orna¬ mental ribbon over same 1748 The Companion Glass to match 1749 Pair very handsomely carved gilt pedestal brackets, tops gin. by 6f 1730 Gilt Occasional Chair, carved back, covered silk 1751 Brass door porter and bell rope 1752 Antique Carved and Gilt Elbow Chair, back and cushion covered crimson silk 1 753 Carved and gilt pedestal, 8-|in. high, “ Cherubs’ heads and flowers ” 1754 Pair semi-circular gilt brackets, tops 5m. 1755 Walnut Loo Table, marquetrie top, carved edge, pedestal and tripod, gilt, 4ft. 3m. diameter 1756 Handsomely Carved Oak Table Cabinet, with twisted legs, glazed top 33m. by 24 1757 Very handsome glass chandelier for 8 candles 1758 Gilded cast “ Bust ” 1759 Rosewood vesper chair, covered silk in patchwork 1760 High-backed Chair, carved back, legs & spindles, upholstered crimson silk, gilt 1761 Hot-water stand, ioin. diameter, “ A Cow,” inlaid in colored marbles on white marble ground, black marble border, on brass rollers to pass along the table 1762 Ebony Cabinet, carved corners and pedestal stand, interior fitted 5 drawers and shrine with painted door, inlaid pearl, fall top with secret slide and silvered glass LOT 9 0 1763 Patchwork silk cushion 1764 Featherbrush and shells 1765 High-backed Chair, handsomely carved cabriole legs, stuffed seat and back, covered crimson Utrecht velvet 1766 The Companion Chair 1767 Copper coal scuttle 1768 Mahogany card table, carved cabriole legs and edge, expanding legs, lined green cloth 1769 Zebra-wood inlaid writing table, cabriole legs, metal mounts, top and sliding shelf, covered green morocco, 32m. by 14 1770 Mahogany Sutherland Table with very slight spindle legs, 31 in. by 26 (v in photograph) 1771 Gilt bracket “ Cherubs’ heads ” 1772 Pair gilt corner brackets, with six graduated shelves, carved and gilt 1773 Carved and gilt pedestal frame, 19^-in. high, with 2 small oil paintings on panels, “ Heads ” 1774 Carved and gilt pedestal frame, 20^in. high, with oval oil painting on metal, “ Portrait ” 1775 Dwarf mahogany cabinet with metal mounts, drawers, 14m. high, i2in. wide 1776 Mahogany top occasional table, top, 33^in. by 23 1777 Dwarf Indian Cabinet, nicely painted inside & out, “Chinese Landscapes and figures,” 14m. high, 8£in. wide, gin. deep 1778 Rosewood octagon stand, claw feet 1779 Pair carved pedestals with circular top on tripod, 37m. high 1780 Pair very handsomely carved and gilt pole firescreens 1781 FINE OLD ENGLISH MANDOLIN, by Thompsons , London , in case 1782 Fender stool, worked top and loose cover China & Glass. 1783 Antique china teapot, basin, cream jug, 4 cups and 5 saucers 1784 Antique china teapot, basin, cream jug, 2 cups, 2 saucers 1785 Antique china basin, 2 cups, 2 saucers 1786 Coburg teapot, encrusted flowers 1787 Pair Coburg vases, ioin., encrusted flowers on white ground, 1788 Pair “ Marley Horses,” io^in. high 1789 CROWN DERBY CHINA DESSERT SERVICE, con¬ sisting of centre, 9 dishes, 2 sugar basins and stands, and 23 plates, flowers and gilt THREE CROWN DERBY VASES 1790 9i COT 1791 Pair vases, gin., Barbatine, malachite ground, encrusted flowers 1792 Majolica umbrella stand 1793 Three very handsome spirit decanters 1794 Three ditto heavily cut 1795 Pair handsomely cut wine decanters 1796 Three-light glass candelabrum 1797 Handsome dessert service, maize colored border “ Heaths’" 6 comports, 12 plates Plated Goods. 1798 Pair silver plated wine coolers or ice pails, chased acorns and oak leaves, ioin. high 1799 Set of four entree dishes, making 8 dishes when required, gadroon edges, chased pattern and handles 1800 Set of four oval warmers with removable top plate 1801 Pair richly chased candlesticks with branches, making 2 or 3 light candelabra 1802 Oval meat dish, gadroon edges, i8in. 1803 Ditto ditto 1804 Spoon tray, i6in. 1805 Two pairs nutcrackers 1806 Pair knife rests 1807 Snuffers’ tray 1808 Pair candlesticks, 5|-in. high 1809 Pair ditto, to match 1810 Pair ditto, 6in. high 1811 Chamber candlestick 1812 Ditto 1813 Pair candlesticks, 9^in. high 1814 Toast rack 1815 Ditto 1816 Cheese steamer with handle, bead edge 1817 Cruet and pickle frame combined, 4 cruets, 2 pickles 1818 Pen tray with bead edge 1819 Ditto 1820 Epergne stand, fitted for 4 candles or removable to form fruit dishes 1821 Service, consisting of tea and coffee pots, sugar basin and cream jug, Elkington Co. L 92 Silver Plate. LOT 1822 Wine strainer 1823 Antique tea canister 1824 Two meat skewers 1825 Antique muffinier 1826 Ditto 1827 Two fluted salt spoons 1828 Two candlesticks, 8£in. high 1829 Tankard with cover 1830 Pair escallops 1831 Plate, ioin., chased edge (one of a pair presented by the Countess of Exeter) 1832 Pair plates, scolloped edges 1833 Butter knife, ivory haft 1834 Taper stand, 6^in. 1835 Large presentation cup and cover 1836 Antique tea urn, richly chased 1837 Four richly chased decanter stands (gross weight 41 ^oz. less wood i6|oz. 1838 Silver gilt chalice 1839 Twelve silver hafted table knives and forks, in shagreen case 1840 Twelve ditto ditto 1841 Eleven silver hafted dessert knives with steel blades 1842 Antique bed candlestick with handle 1843 Caddie spoon 1844 Tortoiseshell snuff box with top handsomely inlaid silver 1845 Tankard, silver lined 1846 Sugar spoon 1847 Four salt spoons, F.W. 1848 Pair taper stands 1849 Elephant’s tusk, mounted silver 1850 Boar’s tusk, mounted silver, to represent a sheathed scymitar 185 x Two children’s dessert knives, 4 forks, agate hafts, silver mounts 1852 Vinagrette; coin box “ Queen Anne” on lid 1853 Punch ladle, whalebone handle 1854 Pair toddy spoons, whalebone handles OZ. DWTS. 2 15 7 3 5 17 2 10 36 15 2 5 10 9 o 18 o 30 10 6 8 63 10 106 10 25 o 18 o 4 10 2 10 6 10 93 LOT 1855 Sword toothpick and seal combined: Knight with holder for card 1856 Seven wine labels 1857 P a i r miniature candlesticks, 2in. high 1858 Miniature chair and filagree candlestick 1859 Miniature teapot 1860 Miniature salver, 3^in. diameter 1861 Miniature flask 1862 One plated decanter stand 1863 Pair brass candlesticks, plated tops Statuettes in lead. On the Lawn, &c. 1864 Figure in lead, “ Man ” f-length, 2iin. high 1865 Statuette in lead, “ Clown,” 26m. high, painted in colours 1866 Statuette in lead, “ Court Jester,” 25m. high 1867 Statuette in lead, “ Harlequin,” 24m. high 1868 Statuette in lead, “ Columbine,” 24m. high 1869 Statuette in lead, “ Punch,” 29m. high 1870 Statuettes in lead, pair, “ Harlequin and Columbine,” about 4ft. 4m. high, on stone pedestals 1871 Pair figures in lead, “ Sea Lion and Unicon,” about loin. high, 17m. long 1872 Pair figures in lead, “ Sea Horse and Goat ” 1873 Pair figures in lead, “ Dogs ” 1874 Lead figure, “ Cleopatra,” 36m. high 1875 Lead figure, 30m. high, “ Venus ” IN CLOISTERS. 1876 Very handsome carved oak bracket, “ Dead Birds ” 1877 Green painted flower stage, 4 high 1878 Ditto 3 high 1879 Horned owl in glass case 1880 Excellent perambulator, lined cloth 1881 Set croquet 1882 Violin 1883 Two mammoth molar teeth 1884 Four cannon balls, found near Newark LOT 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 I89O I89I I 892 1893 I894 1895 I896 I897 1898 I899 I9OO 1901 1902 94 Wire basket tor window Six pieces wood carving Four circular casts in relief Four casts, “ Busts ” &c. Four casts, “ Horse ” and “ Figures” Alligator’s skull and lower jaw Two petrified bows, “ Tibiae ” Saw of sawfish, &c. Alligator skull and petrified skull Pair ram’s horns and others Table, 4ft. 6in. by 1 ft. 5m., boldly carved in front, with scroll at back, “ Mermaid and Grapes ” Buffalo skull and horns Pair carved wood, u Sphinx ” 14m. high, 24m, long Petrified basket, rushes and two composition stone baskets Model in metal, “ A Turtle ” Earthenware flower basket and contents Two pairs steel snuffers Two pairs ditto END OF SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. LOT 1903 I9O4 1905 3906 1907 1908 1909 1910 igil 1912 1913 I9H J9I5 I9l6 1917 I9l8 1919 1920 1921 1922 3923 I924 1925 1926 1927 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE . DAIRY. Two hair sieves and milk ladder Two ditto ditto Filter and pipkins Milk pipkins Wood dash churn Earthenware ditto Pancheons Oval two-eared tub Kit and bowl Butter boards and tools Three stew jars Ditto Two pipkins Steps, 3 high Oak bread tub and cover SADDLE ROOM. High wire fender Fender, tongs, and bellows Basin, soap box, and hang glass Chair Form Singeing lamp, india rubber tube, and horse clipper GRANARY. Cratch Beehive and sundry boxes Bell propagating glass Two hand glass frames M LOT Ig28 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 I 935 1936 1937 i93 8 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 i95i 1952 T 953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 i960 1961 1962 96 Large ornament, ball surmounted with carved eagle, gilt Pieces wood carving Three rushlight tins Robin house Ornamental outside lamp Ditto ditto Suspension outside lamp Pair tressels LAUNDRY. Flour bin, 2 compartments Steps, 3 high Ditto, 4 high Folding steps, 6 high Iron ladder, 9 high Stone floor rubber with shaft Towel horse Two-fold clothes horse Two-fold ditto Form Hip bath Pair mahogany framed wire blinds OUT-HOUSES. Strike and peck measures Sheep net with iron stakes Iron coal pan Ditto Gridirons Carriage jack Three pheasant fountains Plate rack Target and stand Target stand Two wire stable lanthorns Dog box GARDEN HOUSE. Steps, 3 high Ladder, 8 high Brass syringe 97 LOT 1963 Two watering pans 1964 Ladder, 11 high 1965 Iron flower supports 1966 Dahlia sticks 1967 Two rakes 1968 Two ditto 1969 Wire sieve 1970 Mallet and rat trap 1971 Scythe 1972 Two Dutch hoes 1973 Spade 1974 Pair bellows 1 975 Nest of 24 drawers 1976 Oil painting in shaped frame 1977 Iron scraper Stone, Artificial Stone, Carved Wood and other Statues, Statuettes, Pedestals, and Ornaments in the Grounds. (Stone or Artificial Stone when not specified). 1978 Pair large wood brackets 1979 Circular plaque, “ Head,” in relief, on pedestal 1980 “ Puck,” 22in. high 1981 Carved figure, “ A King,” 14m. high 1982 Stone female figure, 28m. high 1983 Pair spa figures on stone pedestals, 23m. high 1984 Pair “ Urns,” 24m. high 1985 “ Roman Senator,” in toga, 36m. high 1986 “ Head,” 6in. high 1987 “ Child with bagpipe,” 24m. high 1988 “ Child with cornucopia,” 32m. high 1989 “ Child with ball,” 32m. high 1990 Bust, “ A Cavalier,” 29m. high 1991 “ Andromeda chained to the rock,’’-31m. high 1992 “ Child in attitude of prayer,” 42m. high 1993 “ Child with hour glass,” 27m. high 1994 “ Child seated,” 27m. high 1995 “ Head” 24in. high 1996 “ A Tinker,” 32in. high 1997 Copper weathercock, struck from Claypole Church steeple, by lightning, August, 1826 1998 Pair carved wood figures, “ Sea gods ” and “ A Lion ” g8 LOT iggg Wood garden seat, “ A Saurian ” 2000 Carved wood figure, 32m. high 2001 Pair stone “ Pythons,” 25m. high 2002 Copper sun dial 2003 Iron scraper 2004 Ditto 2005 Iron garden chair 2006 Garden seat, wood laths, 5ft. 6in. 2007 Carved wood figure, 38m. high 2008 Pair iron cannon on swivels, i8in. long, and one unmounted 20og Four iron cannon, unmounted, i2in. long 20X0 Piece fine old iron work, 3ft. 6in. by 2ft. nin. 2011 Carved wood figure, “ Beggar & Dog,” 17m. high, & another 2012 Carved wood figure, 43m. high 2013 Three ammonites, cut 2014 Three u Griffin’s heads,” in stone 2015 Iron scraper 2016 Carved wood “ Head ” beneath canopy 2017 Pair stone “ Ball” terminals 2018 “ Samuel,” 45in. high, on pedestal 2gin. high 2019 Pair carved wood vases, 24m. on pedestals 2020 Bust “ Female head crowned,” i8in. high 2021 Pair “ Ball finials,” 2oin. high 2022 Pair “ Child blowingbubbles” & “ Child with shell,” 30m. high 2023 Pair “ Child with dog,” and “ Child with bird,” 3oin. high 2024 Pair “ Child with shell,” & “ Child with bird’s nest,” 3iin. high 2025 Two “ Lions ” and two ammonites 2026 Stone bust, i6in. high 2027 Pair carved wood garden seats 2028 Garden seat, laths, 45m. long 2029 Pair heads, “ King ” and “ Queen,” i2in. high 2030 Pair ditto ditto ditto 2031 Pair ditto ditto ditto 2032 Iron scraper 2033 Ditto 2034 Nine ornamental glazed border tiles, 14m. square 2035 Pair antique vases, i6in. SMALLER CARVINGS, ETC. 2036 “ Head,” i6in. 2037 Pair “ Heads,” 1 iin. 99 LOT 2038 Shell, dolphin, &c. 2039 Three heads “ Cherubs’ ” 2040 Five “ Heads” 2041 Five ditto 2042 Six ditto 2043 Stone window, 4 light, 24m. by 18 2044 “ Horse’s head and 3 pedestals 2045 Small pieces stone and artificial stone, carved 2046 Ditto 2047 Ditto 2048 Ditto 2049 Ditto 2050 Pieces coral 2051 Several crystals 2052 Pair large shells, 28m. across 2053 Pair ditto 2054 One dozen shells 2055 One dozen ditto 2056 One dozen ditto 2057 One dozen ditto 2058 One dozen ditto 2059 One dozen ditto 2060 One dozen ditto 2061 Oak stool with step 2062 Tripod stand and chair (damaged) 2063 Pair steps, 7 high 2064 Pair ditto, 9 high 2065 Pair ditto, 11 high 2066 Pair vases, 14m. high 2067 Ditto 2068 Pair circular vases, 6|-in. high 2069 Pair ditto ioin. high 2070 Circular vase Continuation of Stone, Artificial Stone, &c., removed to Courtyard, and sold in situ. 2071 Pair antique vases on pedestals, 41m. high 2072 Circular vase, 38m. diameter, on pedestal, 39m. high 2073 Ditto, 36m. high 2074 Vase, igin. high 2075 Pair dwarf pedestals, 14m. high LOT 2076 20 77 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 IOO Vase, ioin. high, on fluted pedestal, 24m. high Pair iron vases, 31m. high, on stone pedestals, nin. high Vase, ornamented, 38m. high Pair circular fluted pedestals, 30m. high Pair square stone pedestals, 30m. high Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Venus Aphrodite, 33m. high, on stone pedestal Pair stone pedestals, 29m. high Pair vases on stone pedestals, 52m. high Pair antique ornamental iron work finials, 32in. high, on stone pedestals Pair ditto, on ditto Pair vases, 22^in. high Pair fluted iron pedestals, 33m. high Pair vases, i8in. high Vase on pedestal, 21 in. high Pair stone carvings, 34m. high Lead vase, 23m. high Sun dial on stone pillar, 57m. high Pair vases, 50m. high Pair fluted pillars, 36m. high Circular vase on antique pedestal, 45m. high “ Pineapple,” on pedestal, 6ft. high Vase, 4oin. high Pair pedestals, 32m. high Vase, 2oin. high Vase on pedestal, 59m. high Statue “ Bacchante,” 5ft. gin. high Garden seat, laths, 45m. Ditto ditto Twisted wire garden seat “ Vulture ” with outspread wings, 30m. high “ Dolphin,” on pedestal 48m. high Two ornamental pieces, 15m. high, on pedestal “ Stork ” 4iin, high Oblong vase, decorated, 22m. high Four terminal balls Pedestal, carved “ Lion’s head,” 47m. high Ornamental iron garden chair “Amphora” with metal top, 48m. high LOT 2Il6 2117 2Il8 21 ig 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 IOI Floriated stone ornament, 57111. high Pair pedestals surmounted with “ Heads,” 50m. high Pair ditto, ditto “ Reclining figure” and “ Bust ” 50m. high Pair ditto, ditto “ Owls,” 50m. high Pair ditto, ditto “ Owl ” & “ Ornament,” 50m. high Pair pedestals, 35m. high Pair ditto ditto Pair ditto ditto Pair ditto ditto Pair ditto ditto One pedestal, 52m. high Iron garden roller, 30m. “ Head ” on pedestal, 51m. high Pair “ Amphorae,” metal tops, 49m. high Pair cone shaped pedestals, 24m. high and another Stone trough, 23m. high “ Amphora,” metal top, 30m. high Bust, “ Bacchus,” crowned with grapes and vine leaves, 33m. high Antique vase, 41 in. high “ Lion’s head ” “ Bust,” on pedestal, 58m. high Iron cannon, unmounted, 47m. long Pair stone statues, “ Flora and Pomona,” 54m. high Pair carved wood figures, “ Minerva ” & another, 45m. high Pair stone three-quarter figures, “ Adam and Eve,” 22in. high Pair triangular terminal ornaments, on ball feet Pair carved wood statues, on carved wood pedestals, “ Flora and Pomona,” 59m. high “ Dog,” 26m. high, on slab Bust, “ Caesar ” Bust, “ Pitt,” on ornamental pedestal, 4ft. loin, high Pair square pedestals, i6in. high Pair “ Amphorae,” 2ft. 8in. metal top Pair Corinthian capitals Two carved finials Two “ Ball” terminals “ Ball,” on pedestal for swing door Stone mounting steps, 2 high Oval stone trough 102 OUT HOUSES. LOT 2154 Iron garden roll, 30m, 2155 Pair steps, 14 high 2156 Large meat safe 2157 Mangle 2158 Large cupboard, fitted shelves, 4ft. Sin. by 4ft. 2159 Meat safe, 2 doors 2160 Quantity of bottles 2161 Ditto (old style) 2162 Four window sashes 2163 Two pieces trellis wire work 2164 Two ditto 2165 Two pieces wire work 2166 Two pieces finer ditto 2167 Oak painted cupboard, fitted drawers 2168 Carpenter’s bench, 2 drawers 2169 Wheelbarrow 2170 Five half-inch deal boards 2171 Steps, 19 high 2172 Steaming apparatus, with boiler complete 2173 Large oval feeding tub 2174 Bean mill 2175 Garden engine 2176 Stone roller 2177 Sack weigher, up to 20 stones 2178 Box with feathers 2179 Packing cases 2180 Ditto 2181 Bacon chest 2182 Wire border for circular flower bed 2183 Ditto 2184 Large painted cupboard BREWHOUSE & CELLAR. 2185 Mash tub 2186 Ditto 2187 Two hop sieves 2188 Gallon and lader 2189 Briggs, stirrer, and skim dish 2190 Cooler 103 LOT 2X91 Gathering tub 2192 Tun dish 2193 Liquor spout 2194 Three bowls 2195 Large tub gauntree 2196 Two 36-gallon barrels 2197 Two ditto 2198 Two ditto 2199 Two ditto 2200 Three ditto 2201 One g-gallon barrel 2202 Gauntree 2203 Ditto 2204 Ditto 2205 Ditto 2206 Ditto 2207 Ditto 2208 Ditto 2209 Corking machine 2210' 1 T0 | Twenty dozens plants, in lots 2230 ■ 1 2231 Oleander in pot 2232 Ditto 2233 Orange tree in pot 2234 Ditto 2235 Arbor Vitae in pot 2236 Arbor Vitae in tub 2237 Box in pot 2238j . TO ■ One hundred dozens flower pots 2254' Mausoleum, Stone and Artificial Stone. 2255 Statue, “ Abbot,” 58m. high 2256 Statue, “ Saint,” 6oin. high 2257 Statue, “ Virgin and Child,” 55m. high 2258 Ancient stone child’s coffin 2259 Ancient stone adult’s coffin 104 LOT 2260 Flat grave stone 2261 Font, 4oin. high Quantity of Stone, carved and plain, in lots, some suitable for re-working. Some ancient monumental slabs. END OF SALE. C. J. Ridge, Printer, &c., Newark. ' \ > - '