A REMARKABLY CHOICE COLLECTION • OF OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN, THE PROPERTY OF A WELL-KNOWN COLLECTOR; AND A CHOICE COLLECTION OF OLD ENGLISH PORCELAIN, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. tOar. CATATjOGXJE LoC\^ OF A REMARKABLY CHOICE COLLECTION OF OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN, The Property of a well-known Collector ; coMPRisma Sixteen important Vases and Jardinieres, including forms of great Earity and extreme Beauty ; also, very fine Eosewater Ewers and Dishes, Plateaux, £cuelles, and Cabinet Cups and Saucers, decorated by the most celebrated Artists, selected with great Taste and Judgment from the Collections of Mrs. Fitzherbert, the late Duchesses of Bedford and Cleveland, the Duke of Buckingham, Sir Wathen Waller, Captain Eicketts, Mr. Sneyd, and others, several of which were exhibited at the Loan Museum, 1862 ; ALSO, A SMALL COLLECTION OF DEESDEN AND OTHEE POECELAIN, AND OENAMENTAL OBJECTS, AND A CHOICE COLLECTION OF OLD ENGLISH PORCELAIN, TEE PBOPEBTY OF A LADY: (Kaijicl) \xsi\i be ^olU bj) Auction, bp Messes. CHRISTIE, MAiNSON & WOODS, 8, KING STEE]':T, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On THURSDAY, iVlARCH 19, 1874, AT CNR o'clock precisely. I ,3'4^^^ May be publicly viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Chbistie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8, King Street. St. James s Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. oM>?o On THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1874, AT ONE CLOCK PRECISELY. o>iHe OLD DRESDEN. C" » 1 Six Coffee-cups and Saucers ; and a Basin, with lake scale borders painted with flowers I & 1 ^J . 2 Twelve Plates, with flowers in slight relief, painted with bouquets of flowers 3 Twelve Ditto 4 Twelve Ditto 5 Twelve Ditto 6 Four Ditto Circular Dishes 7 Four Ditto Smaller t- ^ -^8 A Ditto Sugar-tureen, Cover and Stand, and Ladle . Vv. ^^ 9 A Pair of Candlesticks, painted and encrusted with flowers ^-.^^ 10 A Small Stand, with Watteau figures / <"^11 A Pair of Groups of Female Figures, with jugs HU-.^ •^ _^12 A Pair of Candlesticks, with groups of children \jj o^j^. -J J^IS A Two-handled Plateau, with figures in a landscape J ^y^ 14 A Sauoeboat, with subjects in medallions -J i^ (^ 15 A Sucrier and Cover, with seaports in medallions vV-^Lw^tw v| fcvk 16 A Pink and Gold Sucrier and Cover, with medallions '^^^Lw ^ ' 117 A Ditto Cup and Saucer M N |jl8 A Jug and Cover, with blue scale borders, and subjects of children ■^ ^ ^19 A Ditto Cup and Saucer "^^-tr^v^v^ m^. ,^20 A Group of the Seasons I If '■^' 21 A Ditto, Figures on a Kqck 1 5- . 22 A Ditto, a Muse and Cupid \ij^jj[^ Nf tyO^-vvi* B 2 L . 23 Two Small Figures ^^X'^^-*^ , ^ 24 A Pair of Candelabra, for three lights each, with figures of ^ children — mounted with or-molu in the taste of Louis XV. //^Vyx, fcAi^ f >^ 25 An Inkstand, with centre group and two other figures 1^ OLD ENGLISH, Etc. J. 26 A Pair of Vases of Old Chelsea, painted with subjects after \ "Watteau, and encrusted with ornaments vi '^'^ * ,_ , 27 An Old Chelsea Group of Europa . * ^ 28 A Lowestoft Cup and Saucer, blue and gold, with Chinese figures ^iAji^ ^^^ e\ 29 A Wedgwood Vase, with Cupids in white on blue ground , 30 An Old Bow Vase, encrusted with masks and flowers V-^ / ^ ' ' *^ 31 xV Pair of Old Chantilly Toilet-pots and Covers, encrusted 1^ -with flowers, and mounted with silver v' ♦'\Mr»v-^ \.li MINIATURES. .\ ^ ^ 32 A Noble Lady of the Time of Elizabeth — on vellum in covered frame <<■} " " - I »> r 33 Mdlle. Victoire, by Nattier . ^'^ . '' 34 The Duchess of Bubgund-^ ^ 35 IVIdlle, de la Valliere ^ W^^^ ' 36 Madame de Sevigne, by Petitnt — on the lid of a box ORNAMENTAL OBJECTS, Etc. V'^ 37 A Souvenir, with, a miniature and cipher of the Princesse de Lamballe V'-'^V-^ ) l> *Q,- ^ 38 A Pair of Silver Louis XIV. Candlesticks t y,-iv #s 39 A Pair of Lapis-lazuli Pedestals, with Louis XVI. mounts . . _ ' 40 A EocK-CRYSTAL Inkstand, mouuted with silver — time of Louis XIII. », \i' 41 An Old Buhl Jewel-box ^ n. 42 A Pair of Or-molu Louis XVI. Candlesticks -^ 43 An Old Limoges Plaque, with Pilate washing his hands — in ^ grisaille n • < 7 ^ 44 Two Old Limoges Plaques, with the Adoration of the Magi and the Crucifixion — in colours ^ ^^^ . ^ ^ 45 A SiiALL Mirror, in chased Louis XIIL frame 46 An Old Eocaille Clock, by Baptieste, with Chinese figures and 'l ^ flowers ^ \ ^ ^^ 47 A Clock, in marble and or-molu case, surmounted by a figure of ^'"^ ' Cupid ) I / x^ 48 An Old Lacquer and Dresden Inkstand, with figures and flowers ' 49 A Louis XVI, Satinwood Secretaire, with or-molu mountings (S and chasings, after Gouthiere O' (?A,^--' 50 An Old Black Buhl Clock, mounted with or-molu k » ^ 51 A Clock, by Montjoye, in or-molu case, with figures of satyrs and flowers [^ Li "^ 52 A Square Verd-antique Marble Tazza — on giallo-antico plinth <^ /fvX ^^ ^ Vase, of antique Egyptian porphyry, mounted with or-molu ]^ -54 A Louis XVI. Clock, by Festeaux, in case of statuary marble, with a nymph by Falconet, mounted with or-molu 55 A Pair of Figures of Nymphs, by Falconet — en suite Q> y*- y^' ■y 7 6 The Property of a well-hioimi COLLECTOR. FINE OLD SEVRES. / 6" (i56 A Pair of Small Cups, turquoise richly gilt, each painted with bouquets of flowers in two medallions ^ . 57 A Ditto Cup and Sauoee, with flowers in two inedaUions ^ 58 A Pair of Ditto Egg-cups, each with flowers in two medallions ^ 59 A Cup and Saucer, white with green edges, painted with flowers and ribbons on white ground - 60 A Cup and Saucer, green richly gilt, painted with bouquets of flowers in two medallions '■ • ■ ^ ' • - : ft .. 61 A Two-handled Cup, Cover and Stand, with flowers and foliage in rich gilding on white ground 62 A Cup and Saucer, rose-du-Barri ground, with rich marble gilding, painted with birds and flowers in five medallions 63 A Tremrleuse Cup and Saucer, white ground, painted with wreaths of flowers and rich gUding ( - 64 A SucRiER AND CovER, rosc-du-Barri, richly gilt, painted with flowers in four medallions <^^-^-*" 65 A Teapot and Cover, gros-bleu, richly gilt, painted with vases of flowers and fruits in two medallions 66 A Trembleuse Cup and Cover, with Shaped Saucer, painted with wreaths of flowers and ornaments in blue, rose, and gold f\^J^. 67 A Sucrier and Cover, gros-bleu, richly gilt, painted with flowers and fruits in four medallions f^i. 68 A Trembleuse Cup and Saucer, gros-bleu, richly gilt, painted ^ with exotic birds in four medalHons Exhibited at the Loan Museum in 1862 |f 69 A Cup and Sauoer, turquoise, richly gilt, painted with vases of "^ '^ flowers, surrounded by wreaths of foliage 70 A Cup and Saucer, green and gros-bleu ground, richly pencilled with gold, and painted with exotic birds in two medallions 71 A Pair of Small Vases, turquoise, with rose and green foliage ia rehef, mounted with or-molu — 4^ in. high jc\j^-\.^f^ •>- |^(Vv. 72 A Pair of Two-handled Tall Cups and Stands, turquoise, richly gilt, painted with flowers in medallions )JiAtr>Artrcf .o ^ 73 A Small Cup and Saucer, rose-du-Barri, richly gilt, painted with ■ bouquets of flowers in medallions, by Noel , ^ 74 A Plate, white ground, with turquoise border, painted with four bouquets of flowers . '-v^-s ^'\^j "H ^ V^ 75 A Large Oval-shaped^Dish, with perforated handles, white ground, with feuille-de-choux ornaments in blue and gold, finely painted with bouquets of flowers y^ V""- 76 A Two-handled Cup, Cover and Saucer, turquoise and gold, surmounted by a flower From the Collection of the late Bt. Hon. Thomas Grenville >i C'Vw 77 An f]cuELLE, Cover and Stand, rose-du-Barri, with flowers in deep-blue, pencilled with gold, painted with bouquets of flowers in six medallions /\: lA^-^ Cr^ 78 An Ecuelle, Cover and Stand, with buildings in landscapes, in blue 09 yellow ground -^^ ^''^ / / . 7rv4^79 An Oval-shaped Verriere, with blue edges, painted with sprays of / wild flowers ,^ , 80 A PAIR OF CUPS AND COVERS, gros-bleu, richly gUt, ^ exquisitely painted with Diana and a nymph, and four pastoral trophies in medallions, by Dodin and Le Guay J ^'(_^ . Exhibited at the Loan Museum in 1862 \l (^^l ^ LARGE CUP AND SAUCER, gros-bleu, with richly gilt border, painted with a shepherdess with a dog and sheep, and a pastoral landscape, by Dodin — in two large medallions k^w « 82 A TREMBLEUSE CUP AND SAUCER, gros-bleu, marbled with gold in iruitation of lapis lazuli, exquisitely painted with four conversations champetres in medaUions \C\,^ Exhibited at the Loan Museum, 1862 ^ 83 A SQUARE PLATEAU, green ground, with ornaments, exquisitely jl ^v^ C*^ painted with a child blowing bubbles in a modalhon — 5^ in. -^iwlrt-^ A-*tV" , 84 A CUP AND SAUCER, turquoise, richly gilt, painted with a ' • ' 1^] shepherd and shepherdess with a dog, and a pastoral trophy in medallions ^ • . , ]i^. r** ^1 V- 8 0{i' Y 85 A CUP AND SAUCER, green ground, richly gilt, exquisitely painted witli a shepherd and shepherdess, and a boy in a land- scape in two medallions Y^-'i^^ v J ■ ' - ' // M ■...-./L V - ,, ^^ . o ,->^^ 86 A CUP AND SAUCEE, turquoise, richly gilt, exquisitely painted \ with a shepherdess catching birds, and a pastoral landscape in two medallions From the Collection of the late Mrs. Fitzherhert, and part of a cabaret in the Collection of Sir Charles Mills, Bart. 87 A SQUAKE-SHAPED PLATEAU, with openwork border, green and rose-du-Barri, richly gilt, painted with a group of fruit in a large medalhon — 6|- in. diam. jx^ «oL.wv--vytv t^i^/'^U-w 88 AN OVAL-SHAPED TWO-HANDLED PLATEAU, gros-bleu, richly gilt, painted with a shepherd and shepherdess and sheep in a large oval medaUion, by Asselin — 12 in. by 9 in. -''■ ' r 89 A KOSEWATER EWER AND OYAL-SHAPED BASIN, bleu-de-Vincennes, richly gilt, finely painted with bouquets of flowers in ten medallions, the border of the basin fluted, white, and encrusted with flowers in colours ' ' ^ ^ 90 A ROSEWATER EWER AND OVAL-SHAPED BASIN, turquoise, richly gilt, painted with bouquets of flowers in seven medallions <^^J, X_^ — ^ 1^, ^^ , 91 A ROSEWATER EWER AND OVAL-SHAPED BASIN, rose-du-Barri, with bands of green, richly gilt, finely painted with bouquets of flowers and fruits in twelve medallions From Stowe 1^ x,'\ -' ^"'i rv I'i-h ^w 92 AN i:VENTAIL JARDINIERE AND STAND, turquowe ground, richly gilt, exquisitely painted with a shepherd and shepherdess, and flowers in seven medalUons — 7 in. high. See Illustration fdO(> Q^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^' ^^ l^VENTAIL JARDINIERES AND STANDS, ■< \ apple-green ground, richly gilt, each exquisitely painted with ^t ' t>- peasants, after Teniers, flowers and pastoral scenes in six yY-t/v*"'^''^^ medallions — 1^ in. high. See Illustration From the late Sir Waihen Waller s Collection ^i^^. '■»^ 1t; 9 ff^ir C 94 A SMALL VASE, turquoise, with opeuwoik neck, with white and ' gold scroll handles, exquisitely painted with Cupids and trophies in medallions. See Illustration ^\Xy.^-^'/ From the Collection of the late B. Sneyd, Esq. ,%0 f^ 95 A PAIK OF OVIFOEM VASES, gros-bleu, with upright handles, richly gilt, exquisitely painted with figures of Apollo and Narcissus, and flowers in medallions — 12 in. high. See Illus- tration Y --- ^^ 96 A PAIE OF VERY LARGE OVIFORM VASES AND COVERS, turquoise ground, richly gilt, exquisitely painted with camp scenes and flowers in large octagonal medallions, richly mounted with chased rims, handles and feet of or-molu — 21 in. high. See Illustration J^\/ — . --. _ (^i^ /x-vy^)^ ^ From the Collection of the late Captain Riclceits, B.N. ^(^ 97 A SET OF THREE OVIFORM VASES AND COVERS, with flattened openwork handles, gros-bleu ground, richly gilt, and exquisitely painted with nymphs and with landscapes in large oval medallions, by Dodin — the centre, 17.^ in. high, the smaller, 13 in. high. See Illustration ly ^vU— ^ /xv L-^ ^ C 98 A LARGE OVIFORM VASE, with upright handles, with festoons ^ of foliage in relief, green ground, richly gilt, painted with an eastern seaport and figures, by Morin, wreaths of flowers suspended from a ribbon on the reverse — 16 in. high. See Illustration From the Collection of W. Angerstein, Esq. ^ Ov^- 99 A PAIR OF VASES, of very rare and beautiful form, the sides and neck perforated and surmounted by a group of flowers, the handles forming nozzles for lights, turquoise, white, and gold ground exquisitely painted with Chinese figures and flowers in medallions — 9-^ in. high. See Illustration From the late Duchess of Bedford's Collection. Exhibited at the Loan Museum in 1862 10 100 A PAIK OF VASES, WITH COVERS AND STANDS / FORMING JARDINIERES, of very rare and beautiful form, the sides fluted in six comiDartments, green ground, with rose-du- Barri foliage richly gilt, exquisitely painted with subjects of />- Chinese figures and flowers in medalHons, the necks and covers ^ ^. ~-\. of openwork gros-bleu, green, and rose-du-Barri, surmounted by encrustations of flowers in colours ; the stauds green, rose-du- Barri, and gros-bleu richly gilt — 11^ in. high. See Illustration. From the Collection of the late Duchess of Cleveland. Exhibited at the Loan Museum, 1862 .^ yaf^ ^ri^i ^ i^t S II A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. ^^ OLD ENOLISH PORCELAIN. [)^101 A SET OF FIVE OLD WOKCESTER VASES, deep-blue ground, with white and gold scroll handles, painted with exotic birds in medallions r^ 102 AN OLD WORCESTER COFFEE-CUP AND SAUCER, dark- v-D blue ground, with Watteau figures in medallions . 103 A DITTO 7b ^104 A TEACUP AND SAUCER— simUar V 105 A DITTO ^ 129 A Blue, White, and Gold Derby Dinner-service, painted with flowers : consisting of two soup-tureens and covers, four vege-. table dishes, four sauce-tureens, covers and stands, cheese-dish, bread-dish, sixteen dishes in sizes, seventy-four dinner-plates, fifteen soup-plates, and twenty-two small plates DRESDEN. 130 A Large Group of Venus in a Car drawn by Dolphins, with numerous figures of nymphs, Cupids, and Tritons o^ 14 LOWESTOFT. ^ 131 Four octagonal plates, with coats-of-arms ; and two smaller ditto, enamelled with flowers, and with cipher in gold 132 Two large circular dishes, enamelled with flowers on the borders, and with coats-of-arms in the centre OLD WORCESTER. 133 A Fluted Teapot, Cover and Stand, with dark-blue and white bands and foliage, and ornaments in gold and colours )(j»v-j L-i. 134 A Ditto Basin ' > ^ . \ 1H5 Two Ditto Teacups »_>,^ ^^ ^ ^^-%,Aa. J ^ / 136 A Ditto Coffee-cup and Saucer; and a canister and cover k /— ^ f\ / 137 A teacup, with ornaments in gold on blue and white ground ; and ] \ i C a coffee-cup, with blue and white stripes, with flowers in colours and gold "^ , i-'^ J- 1 38 A canister and cover, with blu6 and white bands, painted with birds and flowers •. h >, - • , .. » , . 139 A Chocolate-pot, Cover and Stand, painted with kylins, &c., in imitation of Chinese porcelain v_- A^ , 140 Six coffee-cups, with red and white bands, painted with flowers 'f\f)^^ I (\ 141 A fluted tfiacur* and saucftr. with birds and foliage in colours and / 7 i 1 (\ 141 A fluted teacup and saucer, with birds and foliage in colours and J-^ ' gold scroll-pattern border - f-v4 A. YJ " ., OLD WORCESTER DESSERT-SERVICE, Painted with Ornaments in Bed, Blue, and Gold in Imitation OF Old Japan: consisting of , 142 A pair of kidney-shaped dishes 143 A large oval fluted dish 144 A pair of smaller ditto 145 A pair of circular ditto ^ 146 A pair of ditto i ' ^ 147 A pair of plates (/^A^'^^ . 148 A pair of ditto ^ i «^ {d 149 A pair of ditto W* \ I /, t (^.--^4" 4»,o-<: . --ioO Three ditto ^ (\.:i51 Five ditto ^ i 152 A Butter-dish, Cover and Stand, painted with birds and insects ^ j) in medallions, on blue and gold ground — glass shade and stand 153 The Companion "*■ '^ . \ P, •^154 A Pair of Flower-pots and Stands, by Fhght, wnth dark-blue and gold key-pattern borders, and festoons of flowers in dark- blue and gold /uH >v^ ^^ / 7. ^155 A fine Ecuelle and Cover, painted \vith flowers in colours on white ground in medallions, in dark-blue scale-pattern borders, the handles formed as oak branches — on metal-gilt stand . \^ 156 The Companion ,/y^-'^ J^T^ 157 A Set of Three fine Vases, painted with birds and flowers in fj^ colours and gold on white ground, in blue and gold scale-pattern ^ ' ^'' borders, the centre vase with white and gold scroll handles 158 A tea and coSee service, painted vdth flowers, and with ornaments in blue and gold : consisting of teapot, cover and stand, sugar- basin and cover, basin, cream-jug, two plates, twelve cofi'ee-cups, twelve teacups, and eleven saucers ,159 A pair of Battersea-enamel candlesticks, with flowers injjoloura and gold, on white and green ground ,^7»vuu^^ ^t<. t^v, A^. ( A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. OLD WOECESTER TEA-SERVICE, / '^^^"^ ^^ *-^ ] l.i^'T'WiTH Dark-blue and Gold Borders, painted with Festoons of Fruits, Insects, and Landscapes in Medallions. /f V, .160 A Teapot and Cover . J A^v^.--^^>"'^^ /S ' 161 A SUCRIER AND CoVER /V^ <^-t^.A-*~-^ I 162 A Milk-jug ^\163 A Basin '1 1G4 A Teacup, Cofpee-cup and Saucer cn_ , i i 16 I 1^ 165 Two Ditto 166 Two Ditto 167 Two Teacups and Saucers 168 Three Ditto 169 A Fluted Canister — nearly similar OLD DERBY DESSERT-SERYICE, With Blue and Gold Edges, painted with Views in Medallions. Presented to Edward, First Lord Thurlow, Lord High Chancellor, on leaving Circuit. 170 A Pair of Seaux 171 A Dish — on Foot 172 A Pair of Oval-shaped Ditto 173 A Pair op Kidney-shaped Ditto 174 A Pair of Oval Ditto 175 A Pair of Oval Ditto 176 A Pair of Sauce-tureens, one cover, two stands, and ladle 177 A Pair of Plates 178 A Pair of Ditto 179 A Pair of Ditto 180 Six Ditto 181 Six Ditto 182 Six Ditto finis. London .- Printed by William CfiOWEB & Sons, Stamford Street and Oharing Cross, hit ^ d^ (>^^ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY mill III INI 3 3125 00950 4446 UBRARY MrmrcHifiER /^r'fS' £)¥-c^^X