4.4 -vi ;fe:4' ■■?■ v ; = ¥'"■■ ' ' .-•' .' : -- s ' ■. * f , -;4«! '- , . . ■• si»si^i®ssMiiSijsg8 iS WSl , W m \ -, ■■■,-. 4 m; h ■ . : «lll ^Sm m $Smfx 'V.i ' .AA;*hK' ^:•^ ■ t9 %'-iy ’4-' '. .. •' - . ■ ' - . «, sy.* ", lliilii - ?-b 4■ ’4-/' -';; rV;A',;,° 4 <-': v '-■* 11 "7 >V 'A. V : ^',:v :~ / :4 E ' mm 1 S ■ ft ■• i ■ Ip m 1 $ * i ■:. iMi & . ^ m ' V" li?'■ mm ;te E -. -- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofvalua5181evan A G ATALOGUE OF 4** t f THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF JAMES EDWARDS, ESQ. CONTAINING A SPLENDID ASSEMBLAGE OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS, CHIEFLY UPON YELLUM. HIGHLY CURIOUS AND IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS, MANY OF THEM EXECUTED FOR SOVEREIGN PRINCES. MAGNIFICENT BOOKS OF PRINTS, And various important Articles in every Department of Literature and Science; INCLUDING An Unique Copy or the First Edition of Livy, upon vellum. .—Biblia Pauperum.—Biblia Sacra, 1462, upon vellum. —Bib- lia Sacra, Jenson , 1479? upon vellum.— Nonius Marcellus, Jenson, 14/6. upon vellum. —Psalterium Grasco-Latinum, MS. of the Ninth Century— Evangelia Grasca, MS. of the Tenth Century.—I'ora tit Opera a most splendid MS. on vellum.— Cabinet du Foi h . XIV) 26 /oh— - Opere di Piranesi. N. Poussin's Original Drawings; and the Celebrated Bedford Missal, &c. ALSO IIIS COLLECTION OF FINE GREEK VASES. WHICH AVILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On WEDNESDAY April 5, 1815, and the Five following Days (Sunday excepted.) BY R. H. EVANS, AT HIS HOUSE, No. 26, PALL-MALL, / IT \ Printed by W. Buhner and Co. Cleveland-row, St. Ja?nes$. 1815. *vrs _ THE J PAUL GETTY CENTER library CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dis¬ pute ai’ises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than 6d.; above One Pound Is.; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. and so in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part Payment of the Purchase-money; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IY. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Conclusion of the Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before Delivery. Y. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed; but if, upon collating, at the place or sale, any should prove defective, the Purchasers will be at Liberty to take or reject them. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions the Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited, and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. No Books will be delivered during the time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commis¬ sions faithfully executed by their humble Servant , R. H. EVANS, 26 , Pall-Mall . 4 1 jj... ' •-•ICi.i *. ) «. ■ * ' • it: ' n \ . . ,, . • « CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF JAMES EDWARDS, ESQ. 0. r *rZr-&C^ It t- 2 2 v tZTc-SS 0. Jr - 4 t t t y b 7 8 fe*-£K* 10 FIRST DAY’S SALE. Dictionaries , Grammars , and Treatises on Language . Monboddo on the Origin and Progress of Language, 6 vol. 8vo. ^ 1774 Gebelin, Histoire Naturelle de la Parolle, - Par. 177(5 _ Caninii Hellenismus, 8vo. Thuanus’s copy , yellow morocco . Par. 1578 .2 Constantini Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, folio, edition , russia , gift leaves, - - - 1592 /? Ainsworth’s Latin Dictionary, by Patrick, 2 vol. 4to. large ^ paper, ... - - 174(5 / Gradus ad Parnassum, 8vo. - Land. 1794* Bailey’s English Dictionary, fol. - - 1730 Johnson’s English Dictionary, 2 vol. 4to .fine paper, in russia , 1 799 d. Ash’s English Dictionary, 2 vol in 1, 8vo. russia , 1775 /. Lowth’s English Grammar, 12mo. - - 1793 Nares’s General Rules for the Pronunciation of the English Language, 8vo. - 1792 Dictionnaire de L’Academie Fran^oise, 2 vol. in I, 4to. Par. 1 799 2 Baretti’s Italian Dictionary, by Rota, 2 vol. 4to. 1790 / Dissertation on the Characters anti Sounds of the Chinese Language, 4to, B j . . • /r • ~ - /&. J. 6 / o v _ 1 . ibid. 1783 / * **■ 20 P * Pauh 2di Vita, ex Codice Angelica Bibliotheca, 4to. * ? r . . Roma, 1740 /, //. i * in Ins I ontificate printing was introduced at Rome, / . ail( ^ dedications ot books to him are here given. Jf 21 Federici, Annali della 1 ipogralia Volpi-Cominiana, Svo. do » > rp , Pad. IS09. //. 22 Amess Typographical Antiquities, by Herbert, 3 vol. 4to. , % ■.* LARGE PAPER, - _ _ 17 or ^ . ^ 23 Debuie, Bibliographic Instructive, 7 vol. Svo. Par. 1763 24 Pon * e Gamba, Biblioteca Portatile degli Autori Classici 2 vol. Svo - y en 2-03 / O Catalogus Bibliotheca; Pineliii, a Morellio, 6 vol. 8vo' with ^ . .fi r . t " fn “’ ' , r - - Ven.w 3 .J. AjPA 't't*/ Catalogue des Livies du Due de La Valliere, 3 vol. 8vo ’with the prices, - . . P ar .\ 7 83 - 2 . 6. . jOt'CtsC'K 27 Lenouard, Imprimene des Aides, 3 vol. - Par. 1803 / y 28 Ayscough's Index to the Monthly Review, 1749 to 1781 , / 4 • on rp f __ “ - Land. 178(> < 29 Toderini Literatura Turchesca, 3 vol. russia Venez. 1787 2 O This work gives the best account of the books printed at / / ' / Constantinople. ■Ja&UUp&u 30 Bibliotheque Universelle de Voyages, 6 vols. l> ar . ISOS 2 . 4 * LPA.’-txS 31 Hem nek in, Idee dune Collection d’Estampes, 8vo. scarce - morocco, - . f - 3 ^ //} . 32 Strutts Biographical Dictionary of Engravers, 2 vols 4to J * LARGE PAPER, - _ ? ’ ^ 7 /-) ceUa’oA. 33 Bromley’s Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits’ 4to, rLia, 1793 /. 6 . ifcA /f 3 4 $ titles 35 36 37 38 e.fciZ. v&t<3§ fl Ccxs 40 tty 42 /3rtncc 43 y\ (?pwi t£e^ ftfuKa&U 7 'jc-X&S ( 45 46 47 £Lt / * /<& , . /6 /2.A 3- d> 1795 1790 1794 1787 3.6, &: f /2 6 ■ /. jVtAu tel [ 5 ] 91 92 93 94 95 MdfafrtL 96 97 99 100 101 s/u< 2 #. 102 }04 103 **a£-™r J£Z£ 108 ^>^4r^ 10 9 AAt-tr-S ‘72 11 0 12 x ^ 113 114 /^v^115 H6 fyuA&n 117 /fcy*& 0 L\\% j:77t>-7ctt -i w 1792 1795 /•<£ 1777 ^r. > .*. Boyle’s Occasional Reflections, 12mo. Zimmermann on Solitude, 8vo. large paper, Mandevilie’s Fable of the Bees, Svo. Locke’s Works, 4 vol.4to. 6e,s£ edition , Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian, 14 vol. Svo. large paper, in russia, - 1797 - Johnson’s Works, with his Life, by Murphy, 12 vol. Svo. 1796 &..J2 .& Johnson’s Rambler, 3 vol. Svo. Adventurer, 3 vol. Svo. Cumberland’s Observer, 5 vol. Svo. The Bee, by Dr. Anderson, 5 vol. 12mo. Knox’s Essays, 2 vol 12mo. Dodsley’s Fugitive Pieces, 2 vol. 12mo. Theory of Agreeable Sensations, 12mo. Barrington’s Miscellanies. 4to. Lord Orford’s Works, 5 vol. 4to. Luther’s Familiar Discourses, folio, Dr. Gregory’s Works, 4 vol. 12mo. Adams’s Anecdotes and Bon-mots, 2 vol. 12mo. General Washington’s Letters, Svo. Beauties of the British Senate, 2 10I. 8vo. Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful, Svo. Bentley’s Dissertation on Phalaris, Svo. Fergusson’s History of Civil Society, Svo. Priestley on the First Principles of Government, Smith on the Wealth of Nations, 3 vol. Svo. CEuvres de Montesquieu, 3 vol. 4to. Annales de La Vertu, Adele et Theodore, Veillees du Chateau, Theatre de l’Education, Lemons d’une Gouvernante, and Chevaliers du Cygne, par Madame Genlis, 18 vol. 8vo. & ~ A * Par. 178I Menagiana, 4 vol. 12mo. best edition , - Par. 1715 /„ A *• Connoissance et Merveilles du Monde et de l’Homme, folio, ruled, - - Par. 1585 /„ /,. 1794 2 . 1794 /7a- m 1788 /- /- 1791 /£ r~ 1795 vr .6 1771 - 1774 1781 / 2.6 ** 179S 1791 7" • r. 1788 /, > /L 1794 /A. 6 - 1796 /~& - 1786 As*. m 1793 1777 /, m 1793 \ A7 A 8vo. 1771 A ~ A 1786 /• Amst. 1758 2 .. 2 »- 19 122 Poetry , Drama , Romances, and Novels. Johnson’s Collection of the English Poets, from the lime of Cowley, with Biographical Prefaces, best edition , 75 vol. 12mo . green morocco, - - 1790 <2-2 Anderson’s Collection of the British Poets, and Poetical Translations, from the time of Chaucer, 13 vol. Svo. Ellis’s Specimens of the early English Poets, Svo. first edition , ’ . 179° Ellis’s Specimens of the Early English Poets, 3 vol. Svo?, russia , 1801 ~ - /?• /I /?'■ [ 6 ] jP/A&Zi J^u /2 123 Pearch’s Collection of Poems, 4 vol. 8vo. - 1783 /■ X~ 124 Ritson’s Collection of English Songs, 3 vol. Svo. morocco, 1783 3 S~,- u 123 Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, by Tyrvvhitt, 2 vol. 4to. large paper, with Mortimer's plates inserted , morocco , ] 798 126 Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, modernized by Lipscomb, 3 vol. / Svo - - - 1795 127 Barbour’s Life and Acts of Robert Bruce, 4to. black letter, / wants title. a ■ 128 Dryden’s Fables, with plates, from the designs of Lady Diana Beauclerk, folio, morocco - - 1 1^1 f2^ 22 ^ ,7r '/* 129 Butler’s Hudibras, with a French translation, by Towneley, 3 vol. 12mo. very rare, uncut, only 200 copies were printed of this inimitable translation. The Portrait of Mr. Towneley from a private plate inserted 1737 130 Milton’s Poetical Works, 2 vol. 4to. Tonson. 1720 ^ y j* 131 Milton’s Poetical Works, 2 vol. 4to. tine paper, which fit/Uurr rarely occurs, green morocco - Baskerville 1758 £**- drftAttt*** 132 Milton’s Minor Poems, by Warton, Svo. - 1791 I32nierbert’s Sacred Poems, 18mo. - - JS06 /~-4 /f 133 Gay’s Fables, 8vo. large paper, red morocco 1793 /L do.. _fc 134 Gray’s Works and Life, by Mason, 4to. - 1775 /•» & *•- yt - M35 Gray’s Poems, 8vo. Du Roveray’s Edition. Printed upon ^ , yzifiuu vellum, green morocco - - 1800 7 1797 S#'* 1 -795 ■ '/■■ Gray's roems, 8vo. uu itoveray vellum , green morocco 136 Burns’s Poems, 2 vol. Svo. 137 Darwin’s Botanic Garden, 4to. . / 138 Mrs. Barbauld’s Poems, Svo. - - 1792 v 2- Shakspeare’s Plays, by Sir T. Hanmer, 6 vol. 4to. original edition, plates by Hay man , morocco - Oxf. 1744 & /&~ dp 140 Shaksp eare’s PJays, by Johnson, Steevens, and Reed, 15 vol. Svo. with Harding's plates inserted , very fine impressions, yellow morocco - 1793 2e>~ 7 _ 141 Shakspeare’s Plays, 9 vol. ISmo. blue marocco 179s /£,.«> ' 142 Concordance to Shakspeare, suited to all editions, Svo. 1757 /,. _ dl 43 Mrs. Montagu’s Essay on Shakspeare, Svo. - 17S5 (?,■ 6 144 Ben Jonson’s Works, 2 vol. folio, first edition 1616 3 145 Congreve’s Works, 2 vol. 12mo. - - 178S d}'~ 2>-t* 146 Foote’s Dramatic Work’s, 4 vol. Svo. - 1778 /„ /# +- rd Fables de La Fontaine, 4 vol. folio, large paper, with numerous plates after Oudrys designs, most brilliant im¬ pressions, Marshal Montmorency’s copy,gree» morocco, / Paris 1755 22„ //" & ft '/Ov 148 La Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles en vers, 2 vol. in 1, Svo. plates by Romain de Hooge , original edition,fine im - .. pressions, very rare—See Brunet, Vol. I. p. 51 5,Amst. 16 S5 3" '** ~ itt /Jji49 Mysteres des Actes des Apostres et de 1’ Apocalypse, joues a Paris, en 1’ hostel de Flandres, folio, ruled, blue morocco, Par. 15 H /d/* [ 7 ] 350 151 3 52 frcAFzoi 153 ^rtc^ 134 d/tityAi 155 J&U7/ C^AoG V \R A-t£f ]is j®** 15 » ,//e£et 100 //^/ 164 GT.uvres de Moliere, 6 vol. 4to. best edition Par. 1734 Poesie del Petrarca, folio, a very tine manuscript upon vel¬ lum, beautifully executed in the XIV. century, with two large Paintings (occupying the whole length of the pages) of the Triumph of Death and Triumph of Faith red mo- y* /yp rocco Petrarcha, con P espositione di Vellutello, 4to. Ferrar. Giolito 1547 A '* Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, 4 vol. 8vo. plates by Bartolozzi and others - - Baskerville 1773 //"/4•< Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, reduced to 24 books by Hoole, 2 vol. 8vo. plates , morocco - - 1791 /'• Bruni, Epistole, heroiche poesie, 2 vol. 12mo. cuts, from de¬ signs by celebrated painters, yelloio morocco 1634 Andreino, Y Adamo, Sacra Rapresentatione, 4to. Jirst edition , ' cuts, by C. A. Procacino, rare, green morocco , Milan l6l3 /%f~~ — * This Italian mystery is supposed to have suggested to Milton the idea of his Paradise Lost. Scelta delle Commedie di Goldoni, 4 vol. 12mo. Lips. 1790 /A*- , Camoens's Lusiad, by Mickle, 2 vol. 8vo. 1798 /A • & Gessner’s DeMh of Abel, 8vo. Heptinstall's edition, russia , 1797 /A~ iEsopi Fabulm cum Versione Italica, et Commentario, a Zuc- cone de Surna Campanea, folio. At the end we read Joannes Benedictus scripsit die 15 August! Mccccuxir, a very fair and legible manuscript. Each Fable is or¬ namented with appropriate paintings executed in a spirited manner. Fables d ; Esope et Autres Mythologistes, 4to. cuts > red mo¬ rocco - Amst. 1714 Gesta Romanorum, folio, a very beautiful manuscript upon vellum of one of the most ancient Story-Books extant. It was executed for Charles VI. of France. It is written in a very legible hand, and is ornamented with nine very large Miniature Paintings, and a profusion of richly painted capitals, and various figures in gold and colours at the beginning of each Story ; bound in vellum. Geyleri Navicula sive Speculum Fatuorum, 4to. a most whimsical collection of droll and amusing discourses, wholly different from Brand’s Stultifera Navis, ornamented with a profusion of wood cuts, very rare, Groller s copy Argent. 1511 Here begynneth the Recuyel of the Historyes of Troy, drawen out of Latyn into Frenche, by Raoul le Fevre, and translated into Englishe By Caxton, bego/me in Bruges 14hSj and finyshid in Colen 1471, folio, russia, i£/A*. 2 >, A- [ 3 ] 'd-t&tfi M 165 v» ^■7 l66‘ 167 168 /£W- /2~6 4 *$~zr I/O ^c/fjur*4l7l Jy f (2nJh4 377 Sy'effi^ 179 ^U* 180 1 81 imperfect, but contains the Colophon with Caxton’s Ac -/2 / count of the time when he executed the work. &*> • / •* r This specimen of the first printing in our language was the Exercise of Caxton’s apprenticeship in Germany, being three years before he introduced the Art into England. Walpole’s Castle of Otranto, printed upon vellum, blue morocco - Parma 1791 One of the most beautiful and fine specimens of a mo¬ dern book printed upon vellum. The edition was printed by Bodoni, at the expence of Mr. Edwards, who had six copies taken off upon Italian vellum, from each of which the sheets were carefully selected to render this copy as perfect as possible. Defoe’s Memoirs of a Cavalier, 8vo. morocco 1792 Romance of the Forest, by Mrs. Radclitfe, 3 vol. 12mo. 1794 Bibliotheque Bleue, contenant Huon de Bordeaux, 2 parts, Troyes 17 OI. Quatre Fils Aymon, Valentin et Orson, Histoire de Melusine, Noble prouesses de Gallien restaure, Troyes l6b0. Histoire de Maugis d’Aygremont et de Vivian son frere, &c. 3 vol. 4to. Troyes 1704 2- /S'*— Bibliotheque Universelle des Romans depuis Juillet 1 775, jusqu’a Juillet 17^7; avec l a Table Alphabetique, Q 8 \o\.//,. //,. ~ 12 mo. Cabinet des Fees, 37 vol. 12mo. cuts Par. 1785 — De Rosset, Histoires Tragiques de ce Temps, 8vo. morocco' Par. 1619 3 •< 3 ^ GLuvres dll Comte Hamilton, 4 vol. 8vo. Par. 1812 /» £ - Hamilton, Memoires de Grammont, 4to. large paper, with proof impressions of the 72 Portraits, green morocco Lond. 1793 ® "- CEuvres de Le Sage, 15 vol. 8vo. cuts - Paris 1783 /fTl Contes du Sieur d’Ouville, 2 vol. 12mo. Amst. 1732 Erasure, Eloge de la Folie, 8vo. with Holbeins cuts, fine paper , morocco - - Basle. 1780 Caroline de Lichtfield, 2 vol. 12 mo. - Par. 1786 Poliphili Hypnerotomachia, folio, first edition , with cuts,said « to befrom the designs of Raphael, morocco, Ven. Aldus. 1499 ■" ^ Songe de Poliphile, traduit par Beroalde, folio, cuts, Par.l 6 Q 0 Cervantes, El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don (Quixote de la Mancha, 4 to. first edition, very rare - Madrid l6'05 3>< Don Quixote, translated by Smollet, 2 vol, 4to. with Hay- mans plates, and two additional sets of plates , one from the edition published by the Royal Spanish Academy , and the other from an octavo Spanish edition, morocco , 1755 /v* A/ <2, J J [9 ] SECOND DAY’S SALE. 182 ^r*doC£ 183 \ ■j * 184 185 •XjC^Y * ffitfZurZ 186 1S7 '/tu.qa*. 188 189 7c^y&™ 191 1 9% Architecture and Antiquities . Palladio’s Architecture, by Leoni, 2 vol. folio, by Picart, russia , - - - 1721 ^ Campbell’s Vitruvius Britannicus, with the continuation by ' Woolfe and Gandon, 5 vol. large paper, fine copy y injfl „ russia o Pai ne’s Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Noblemen and Gentlemen's Houses, 2 vol. folio, russia , - 1783 Soane's Plans, Elevations, and Sections of various Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Houses, folio, russia , - 1788 Inigo Jones’s Designs for Public and Private Buildings, published by Kent, 2 vol. in 1, folio, russia, 1770 A- Chambers’s Treatise on Civil Architecture, folio, . 1759 2~/2d Marquez, Case della Citta degli Antichi Romani, 8vo. 1795 Marquez, Ville di Plinio il Giovane, 8vo. Roma, 179^ Bartoli e Bellori, Pitture Antiche del Sepolcro de’ Nasonii liella Via Flaininia, 2 vol. in 1, folio, best edition,fine im¬ pressions , red morocco , - Rornce , 1680 Uggeri Journees Pittoresques des Edifices de Rome Ancienne, 2 vol. oblong folio, - - Rornce, 1800 Bartoli, Admiranda Romanarum Amiquitatum et Sculptural d) — -— /„,//» dr /A. d vestigia in Roma extantia. A //•■ /?- J, /3. & £ y £ f : l 194 155 A. d> To this copy of the original edition are added 40 plates f of antiquities taken from the 2d edition. jfiidfruP? 193 Desgodetz, Edifices Antiques de Rome, folio, original edition , ^ very fine impressions of the plates , selected from three copies, russia , - - Par. 1682 Montfaucon’s Antiquities of Italy, - - 1725 Tableaux et Arabesques Antiques trouves dans les thermes de Titus, Par. 1805.—Arabesques Antiques des Bains de _ Livie, - - - Par. 1789 A ‘~ Cameron’s Baths of the Romans, with the Restorations of Palladio corrected and improved folio. The plates of the ancient ceilings and pictures coloured, russia, 1772 //• dZ~ Montfaucon, Antiquite Expliquee et representee en Figures, avec le Supplement, 15 vol. large paper, Par. 1722 «- ~f* Winckelmann Monument! Antichi Inediti, 2 \o\. Roma. 1767 A » /2 ^ C 198 [ 10 ] 'r> ,P 199 Le Roy, Ruines des plus Beaux Monumens de la Grece? * folio, russia, - - Par. 1758 *f " Wood’s Ruins of Palmyra, folio, - 1753 Wood’s Ruins of Balbec, folio, large paper, russia , 1757 2 ~ Antichite di Ercolano, 9 vol. folio, original edition , a presen * taiion copy , elegantly bound , gz'fr leaves , Napol. - *• Chevalier D’Agincourt’s Plates of Examples of Architecture , Sculpture, and Painting, from the IV - . to the XVI. Cen¬ tury, 3 vol. in 2, proofs before any impressions were taken yfl /f~.. for publication. ^ c/ryi t^ Cfv 200 201 / e-qfc&zud 203 04 Cluverii Italia Antiqua, fol. 205 Elsev. 1624 Sicilia et Corsica, folio. 209 210 -- - - ---- V Kircheri Latium Vetus et Novum, fol. plates , Amst. 1671 1 Boissardi Topographia et Antiquitates Romae, 6 vol. in 3, ' fol. plates engraved by Debry , - Franc. 1597 f ^ 208 Corradini et Volpii Vetus Latium, Profanum et Sacrum, , 11 vol. /arc, - * Roma. 1704 c?" Venuti, Antichite di Roma, plates, - Roma , 1763 /„ X,.' Franzetti Raccolta di 320 Vedute di Roma Antica e Mo- / derna, fol. large paper, proof impressions. 211 Opere di Piranesi, namely, if /j~ — ♦- Antichite Romane, Vedute di Roma, , Sepolcri degli Scipione, Magnificenza ed Architectura di Roma, Opere Varie, Fasti Consulares, Acqua Giulia, V Antichite di Cora, Campus Martins, Antichite d’Albano e di Castel Gandolfo, Vasi e Candelabri, Colonna Trajana e Antonina, Antichite di Poestum, Teatro d’Ercolano, Maniere di adornare i Camini, 23 vol. bound in 17 , Atlas folio, the original Roman editions, very first impressions of the plates , selected by Mr. E., a magnificent set, bound in russia. Greek and Latin Classics, and Translations . 212 Athenteus, Gr. et Lat. Casauboni, 2 vol. io\.Thuanus's copy , a presentation from Casaubon , red morocco , ap Commelin. 1598 213 214 t n ] Athenee, par Marolles, 4to. Antiiologia Grasca, manuscript) folio. Par. 1680 /„ /,. . This is a transcript by the celebrated Brunck of 743 //>,. //K \4 * \ • A II " h Yis&C'l <2 12 * gig* 1 ^ 214* v» 215 216 218 Y&zftl<6t 219 220 221 jA/jcyd* 223 %^:c 224 225 /fo&ja&C 22 6 227 228 Cisuvt^v* XJL inedited Greek Epigrams, from a MS. in the King of France’s Library. The original compilation was made by Guyet, who bequeathed ir to Menage. In a note at the end of the volume. Brunck says he transcribed it in 1769^ “ sedulo et quanta potui diligentia. It may be added that this transcript far exceeds the original in interest and value, from the notes and references to critical works with which Brunck has enriched it. Apollonius Rhodius Variorum et Hoelzlini, L. But. 1641 Appianus, Gr. et Lat. Toliii, 2 vol. - Amst. 1670 Airiani Expeditio, Blancardi, Amst.l66S .—Arriani Tactica Blancardi, Amst. 1683, 2 vol. russsia. Arrian’s Expedition of Alexander, by Rooke, 2 vol. 8vo.l729 iEliani Varia Historia, Perizonii, 2 vol. Svo. russia, 1701 Anacreon, Alcaeus, Sappho, Stesichorus et Ibycus, Graece, 8vo. A very fair manuscript, written by Angel us Verge- tius, a Cretan, who was employed by Francis the First to copy Greek manuscripts, and whose Greek characters were the model of the Stephens’s Greek types. Anacreon, Gr. et Francois, par Longepierre, Svo. Par. 1692 zEschylus, by Potter, 2 vol. Svo. - 3779 Apollonius Rhodius, by Fawkes, Svo. - 178Q Alciphron’s Epistles, by Beloe, 8vo. - - 179T Antoninus’s Commentaries, by Thomson, Svo. 1747 Aulus Gellius, Variorum, Svo. - L. Bat. 1 666 Auli Gellii Noctes Atticze, fol. manuscript of the XV. century, upon vellum) with all the richness of illumination in miniatures, and capitals, which distinguish the fine - ) >y- Italian manuscripts oi the Classics under the protection of '* the Medici family. The writing, both of the Greek and Latin, is in the boldest and finest style of the 15th cen- > tury, irom which Sweynheym and Paunartz formed their types ; the arms of tire family for whom it was executed are in the first page, bound in red morocco. Ausonius Variorum et Toliii, Svo. - Amst. 1671 Alexander ab Alexandro, notis Variorum, 2 vol. Svo. i673 Aurelius Victor, Variorum, Svo. in russia , Tr.ad Rhen .1696 Apuleii Metamorphoses, Pricaei, portrait) Goudce. l650 Aviani Fabulae, Variorum, in russia , Amst. 1731 Ammien Marcellin, 3 vol. l2mo. - Lyon. 1 773 Boethius, notis Variorum, Svo. russia, L. Bat. 16*71 Boetius, by Preston, 12mo, - - 1712 \ ^ X A f f: / « / n V '' ' /.r,. /,. /- - A- V- . > \ 5:. /2\ /S?"d> A/, - 2 / [ 12 ] ApdueCC 233 Attacks#** 234 ticc*/AS 235 fl.i/uju&yZS 6 &&^jr 252 Ac* 253 254 Aft .JLidfyM 256 258 ^y 59 260 X /A " 261 ApH^****** ^62 263 1741 Cicero's Orations, by Guthrie, 3 vol. Svo - 1778 Cicero's Familiar Letters, and his Treatises on Old Age and Friendship, 5 vol. Svo. - 1789 Cicero de Officiis, Homeri, l2mo. red morocco, Lond. 1791 Ca?sar, notis Variorum, 2 vols. Svo. best edition, russia, L. Bat. 1713 /"/4 Caesaris opera, recensente Clarke, folio, russia, Lond. 1712 /2~/2- Ccrnelius Nepos, a Maittaire, Svo. best edition, large PArER, - - - Tonson, 1715 Cornelius Nepos, a Van Staveren, 8vo. L. Bat. 1754 Censorinuset Lucilius, Havercampi, Svo. L. Bat. 1743 Denys d’Halicarnasse, traduit par Le Jay, 2 vol. 4to. Bar. 1722 Euripides, Graece, 2 vol .first edition. The first •volume is in very fine rich old binding , in compartments, Ven.ap Aldum. 1503 A? Epictetus et Cebes Schroderi, Svo. - Delph. 1723 Eutropius, notis Havercampi, Svo. - L. Bat. 1729 Erasmi Colloquia, Svo. 1'ussia, - Amst. 1693 Floras, notis Dukeri, 2 vol. Svo. russia , L. Bat. 1744 /. Frontinus Oudendorpii, Svo. - L. Bat. 1731 Hippocrates, Gr. et Lat. a Vander Linden, 2 vol. Svo. L. Bat. 1765 Ilesiodus Variorum et Clerici, Svo. - Amst. 17 01 Hesiode, par Gin, 12mo - - Par. 1785 Herodote, par Larcher, 9 vol. 8vo. - Par. 1802 Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, by Pope, with Wakefield’s Notes, 11 vol. Svo. - - 1795 Heliodore, Amours de Theagene et Chariclee, Svo. cuts, red morocco, - Par. 1628 Historian Poeticse Scriptores, Gr. a Gale, Svo. Par. 1675 Flierocles on the Golden Verses of the Pythagoreans, 12mo. Glasg , 1756 Horatii Opera, manuscript ofi the XV. century, upon vellum, fol. red morocco. /2c C 2. This is a manuscript of the first splendor, both for writing X d>\ /-/?'• '/A 2 \ S'* s'. \ /A \ [ 13 ] i and illumination. It was executed for Ferdinand I. King of Naples, who first introduced printing into his states, and was so ardent a collector of books and manuscripts, that Mr. Roscoe relates, that the Flo¬ rentines, to conciliate him in a rupture, presented him with some fine manuscripts of the Classics; as the Palie of Florence are seen among the ornaments, ^ this may be one of them. 264 , Horatii Opera, a Bond, Svo . best edition, russia, L.Bat.\670 3* ^ • is Horatii Opera, notis Vaiiorum, 2 vol. 4lo. russia, Lond. 1792 265 Horace, Latin and English, by Francis, 4 vols. 12mo. 1791 267 Horatiana Emblemata ab Othone Voenio, 4to. Antv. 1612 268 Horatiana Embiemata, Othonis Vmnii, 8vo. large piper, Amst. 1684 /*_ ~ 26‘9 Histoiiae Augusts Scriptores, Variorum, 2 vol. 8vo. 270 Josephus’s Works, by L’Estrange, fol. 271 Julius Obsequens, Oudendorpii, Svo. 270 Justini Ilistoria Gronovii, Svo. ¥Juvenal et Persius, Variorum, Svo. russia, - * '*• 274 Juvenal and Persius, by Madan, 2 vol. Svo. 1. ovu. * L. Bat. 1671 /"/*'" 27<5 Luciani Opera, Variorum, 2 vol. Svo. russia, Lucian’s Works, by Francklin, 2 vol, 4to. 1702 L. Bat. 1720 L. Bat. 1719 Amst. l684 1789 A/" ///#.. /> Amst. 1687 A '//-£ 278 Livii Historiarum qu^e supersunt, cum Epistola Joannis Andreae Episcopi Aleriensis ad Paulum 2 Pont. Max. folio, 277 Lucretius, a Creech, Svo. in vellum , 1780 Lond. 171 7 A

- - I • .g ■/'V. vvcy Ac£ t /c. jLtt* first edition, printed upon vellum, in the original binding, <* morocco, - - Romee, MCCCCLX1X^S& A * This splendid specimen of the press of Sweynheim and Pannartz, is the only copy of the first edition of Livy known to exist upon vellum. It appears, by the arms at the bottom of the first page of the history, to have been taken off for Alexander VI. when Vice- Chancellor of the Roman See, and Governor of the Monastery of Soubiaco, where Sweynheim and Pan¬ nartz took up their abode (being a German monas¬ tery) when they introduced the art of printing into L Italy. ujc. V9 Livii Historia Romana ex recognitione Campani, 2 vol. folio. A copy of exquisite beauty and preservation, Romee , per Udalricum Galium. 22/ " - This edition is without date, but is esteemed, by Panzer and Audiffredi, the next to that of Sweynheim and Pannartz, and supposed to have been printed in 1470 /j-rr 280 Livii Ilistoria, Variorum, 3 vol, Svo. best edition, russia , ** . Amst. 1679 [ 14 ] /T.&ejy&f 581 Livy’s History of Rome, by Baker, 6 vo). 8vo. Lucanus, notis Variorum, best edition , L.Bat, 1669 styes 282 Lactantius de MortibusPersecutorum,8vo. Tr. adR/ien.1693 283 Mythographi Latini, notis Variorum, 2 vol. Svo. Amst. l6si 284 Martialis Epigrammata, notis Variorum, Svo. russia, e? ~ Ludg. Bat. 1670 Minucius Felix, Gronovii, Svo. - Ludg. Bat. 1709 -t* 286 Macrobius Variorum, Svo. best edition , Ludg. Bat. 1670 Nonius Marcellus de Proprietate Sermonum, folio, printed upon vellum, with the title and 52 miniatures from the antique, in relief on "pale blue ground , most exqui¬ sitely painted for the Medici Family as appears by the arms in the beginning of thework y bound in morocco, //}(}" ~ *■ , Ven. Jenson, mcccclxxv! 2 " & " - /„/3~ 0 ),. n. /S~ /6~ •J7"i ^ J. * /J / Itis impossible for the beauty of this copy r to be surpassed. stFrPy 288 Orpheus’s Hymns, by Taylor, Svo. * 1792 £<;*** 289 Opuscula Mythologica, Gr. et Lat. a Gale, Svo. Amst. 1688 29 0 Ovidii Opera, Variorum, 3 vol. Svo. best edition , 1702 291 Ovids Metamorphoses, Latin and English, with Banier’s . notes, 2 vol. in 1. folio, large taper, with Picart’s plates, russia, ^ „ .. _ Amst. \72><■ £i Pompomus Mela, Gronovii, Svo. russia, Ludg. Bat. 1722 '/J t 15 ] 30 6 307 308 310 r t/ t i * fy/fJLnr/Z 3ii A^312 313 1 4* Vp *■ * {'<*'~l£>‘t \ 5 31 6 **cJ£r-r< 3 ] J & <*ys<*z 318 2xc ,319 320 ^<'7^321 322 |324 325 326 \/r e/ *^%. Pateicuius, notis Burmanni, Svo. - Ludo', But. 1744 Petronius Arbiter, Variorum, 8vo. - ° Amst. i66*9 Phaedri Fabulag, Burrnanni, Svo. - Ludg. Bat, 1745 Plauti Comoediae, Variorum, 2 vol. in 1, best edition , Amst. 1684 Prudentius, 4to. Manuscript of the X. Century upon veL lum (formerly belonging to ..the Monastery of St. Gall J, green morocco , Prudentius Variorum et Weitzii, Svo. - Hanov. l 6\3 Pervigilium Veneris, Variorum, Svo. russia , Hagce Com. 1712 Quintus Calaber, Gr. et Lat, a Pauw, Svo. Ludg. Bat. i 734 Quintiliani Opera, Variorum, 2 vol. Svo. russia , Ludg. Bat. 166*5 Quintilians Institutes, by Patsall, 2 vol. Svo. russia , 1774 Quintus Curtius, Pitisci, Svo. . Hagce Com. 17OS Strabonis Geographia, Latine, ex versioneGuarini Veronensi- et Gregorii Tiphernatis, folio, first edition, blue mo¬ rocco, Rornce,per Sweynheim et Pannartz mcccclxix One of the very rare productions of the above Printers, (only 275 copies having been printed). See the Prin¬ ters address to Sixtus IV. in Vol. I. p. 1, of the Bib¬ liotheca Spenceriana. It is one of the finest speci¬ mens of their press, and as Audiffredi says, “ typus ita integer ac nitidus apparet, ut non sine jueunditate a Bibliophilis spectari potest/' Solinus de mirabilibus Mundi. Manuscript on vellum of the XI Century, folio, morocco, At the end is written explicit Liber Gasp. Julii Solini Grammatici Polyhistor. ab ipso editus et recognitus de situ orbis terrarum et singulis mirabilibus quag in mundo habentur. - - Salthman, Scdulius et Prudentius , 4to. Manuscript (on paper) of the XV. century. It is very neatly written, with initials co¬ loured. It belonged to theCelestins of Marcousi. See a INIS, account of it by the Abbe St. Leger prefixed to the Volume. Senecce Tragoedice cum expositione a fratre Nicolas Treveth Anglico , 4to. Manuscript, morocco. At the end is—Per me Bartholomeum complete fuerunt iste tragedie 1387 in. ditione decima, Mensis Junii derima sexta die, &c. Senecae Tragoediae, Variorum, Svo. russia, Amst. 1684 Senecce Philosophi Opera, 3 vol. Svo. - Amst. \ 6 j 2 Senecae et Syn Sententia?, Svo. russia , Ludg. But. 17OS Sallustii Opera, Variorum, Svo. best edition , Amst. 1690 Suetonii Opera, Pitisci, 2 vol. Svo. russia , Tr.adRhen. 1690 Statius, notis Variorum, Svo. russia , Ludg. Bat. 1671 //'* ( 9 ,.- / , '/f 22 / ,. - //- /p • if .. . . /£... 42.: 37 ^ 338 x>r? 339 /fefUt- 340 fecvC'Lx. 342 343 Sulpicius Severus, Hornii, 8vo. russia, Amst. l555 Thucydide par Dablancourt, 3 vol. 12mo. Par. 1671 Tacitus et Paterculus, cum commentariis 21 Virorum Eru- ditorum, folio, large paper, Thuanus’s copy , red mo • rocco, . Par. l608 Taciti Opera, Variorum, 2 vol. 8vo. - Amst. 1072 Tacitus’s Works, by Murphy, 4 vol. - - 1733 Terentius Mureti, 8vo. red morocco, - Aldus, 1575 Terentii Comcediae, Variorum, best edition , Lugd. Bat. l58f) Terentius Varro, Variorum, Svo. russia, Dardr. l5l9 Virgilii Opera, 2 vol. large paper, with more than 100 plates , by Hollar , Lombart and others, green morocco,first impression , - _ Farmer, 1793 Virgilii Opera Emmenesii, 3 vol. 8vo. Ludg. Bat. 1680 Virgilii et Homeri operum compendium, a Crispino Passceo , 4to .fine impressions of the plates^ - Ultraj. l6l2 Vegetius de Re Militari, Variorum, 2 vol. 8vo. Vesal. 1670 Valerius Maximus, Variorum, Svo. russia, Ludg. Bat. 167 O Vitruvius de Architectura, cum commentariis Barbari, folio, plates , Thuanus's copy , red morocco, - Ven. 1567 Xenophon’s Memoirs of Socrates, by Fielding, Svo. 1788 Xenophon’s History of the Affairs of Greece, by Smith, 4to. 177° Zenobii Provcrbia, Greece, 4to. a beautiful Manuscript of the XV. century, in the highest preservation A>- //?,: A, sr / /s, / /' d? " /y- * if /&* 21 /*, /A /" 4 " Ay ; // '< (P\ 2J j.. - i THIRD DAY. Arts and Sciences including Books of Prints. /ct &-A&7FT t 344 345 34 6 A%i^rt&As c^'ti 35 1 347 34 8 349 35 ° Gregory’s Economy of Nature, 3 vol. 8vo. - 1796 Nicholson’s Natural Philosophy, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1790 Guyot, Recreations Physiques et Mathematiques, 3 vol. 8vo. Par . 1786 Euler’s Letters on Physics and Philosophy, 2 vol. 8vo. 1795 Ferguson’s Lectures on Mechanics, See. 8vo. - 1793 Ferguson’s Astronomy, 8vo. - - I 79 ° Bonnvcastle’s Astronomy, 8vo. - - 1796 Baker on the Microscope, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1785 Edmondson’s complete Body of Heraldry, 2 s vol. folio, russia, 1780 A A € Jj- s Ay " b //. t 17 ] i/arJht^^^SS ttc<-<&~<*r< 357 Brydson’s summary View of Heraldry, 8vo. . 1JQ , Kent’s Heraldry, 2 vol. in i, 8vo, plates, - ,~,6 DalJaway’s Origin and Progress of Heraldry in England 4 to .russia, - _ . 1702 Maurice, Blason des Armoiries de tous les Chevaliers 7 de l’Ordre de la Toison d’Or, fol plates, fine copy, Haye. 1667 Petri de Cortona, I abulae Anatomies, a Petraglia, folio, T . , . Romce , 1788 Lewises Materia Medica, by Aikin, 2 vol. 8vo. - i 7gi S“ & /S?,£ //' yf v* - A /A - 35 8 359 Lewis’s New Dispensatory, 8vo. 360 rr ” ^ _ »Q Thornton’s Medical Extracts respecting Health, 4 vol. 8vo. ,„ 1706 Moore’s (Dr.) Medical Sketches, 8vo. - 1786 Nicholson’s First Principles of Chemistry, Svo. - 1792 Berkenhout’s Philosophical Chemistry, 8vo. - 1788 Daniel’s Rural Sports, 2 vol. \to. first edition, russia, 1801 FouJloux et Franchieres, la \ enerie et Fauconnerie, 4to. witb numerous wood engravings, fine copy , scarce. Par. 1585 Walton and Cotton’s Angler, by Browne, 12010. plates, 1772 & Pluvinel, Instruction du Roy pour monter a Cheval, folio, with numerous plates containing portraits of the Court of Lewis XIII. Original edition, red morocco, Par. 1625 & Encyclopedic des Sciences, Arts et Metiers, par Diderot et Dalembert, avec. le Supplement, 33 vol. folio. The plates bound separately, - - Par. 1757 Gregory’s Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 2 vol. 4m. rus- s \ a » . - - 1806 c?«//}*• Zuingeri Theatrum Vita: Humana, complectens omnia quae, sive natura, sive arte, constant, 9 vol. in 3, folio. A most beautiful copy formerly belonging to Henry IV. of , France, witb bis arms, red morocco, - Basil. 1604 /& « /&* - Winkelmann, Histoire de l’Art chez les Anciens, 2 vol, Par. 1799 2~ 2 - D’Hancarville, Origine et Progres des Arts de la Grece, 3 vol. 4to. russia, - - Load. 1785 J ,< /* Beckmann’s History of Inventions. 3 vol. 8vo. - 1797 / ,. Caylus, Recueii d’Antiquites Egyptiennes, Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines, 7 vol. 4to. - Par. 1761 /£" Sandrart, Acaoemia Artis Pictorial, cum 200 Iconibus, fol. Norib. 1683 1 urnbull on Ancient Painting, illustrated with 50 Plates of Ancient Painting, large paper, - 1740 Leonardo Da Vinci Regole e Precetti deli. a Pittura, folio. Manuscript, with Original Drawings Uy Nicholas Poussin, morocco. //?2 1 he original Manuscript of L. Da Vinci was deposited D 4 cr 'rteey/Zs** t 361 362 3^3 •■A ^4 6 ) /£", T ^^^368 369 It ve 3 7 1 7 ytc£ 372 ! ^d5-«^Mu373 e 374 t <. p 7 5 /ft. 37 6 % e'e t- -c C 377 tfi~/f *2 st - Pss 4— //< [ 18 ] with the Barberini Family. Mr. De Chantelou, > 378 Minister of France at the Court of Rome, wishing to obtain a transcript of the rules for drawing, em¬ ployed Nicholas Poussin, then pursuing his studies at Rome, to make drawings of what L. Da Vinci described. These are the subjects : 4 Drawings of Anatomical Figures. 22 Drawings of Human Figures. 2 Heads in Profile. A Hand and a Horse. This volume exhibits an admirable specimen of N. Poussin’s powers of drawing, and evinces an extra¬ ordinary combination of taste, spirit, fidelity, and science. Orders of the Venetian State for the Government of Istria, with a Painting, in which is the Portrait of Nicolas Nani by Tintoret, in a perfection of touch and strength of colouring which distinguish that great master. Tintoret at this time held the appointment of Painter to the State of Venice; and this Book, with his Picture, was presented by the Doge to N. Nani on his appointment to the Government of Capo d’Istria. MS. on vellum, 4to. in the original binding, with the date 1543, red morocco. ' / r Orders of the Venetian State for the Government of Chioza, with two very fine Miniature Paintings by Cavalliero Zelotti, the competitor of P. Veronese ; one of which represenls Domenico Bragadino introduced by his tutelar Saint to Our Saviour and the Virgin. MS. on vellum, of the most beautiful Italian Calligraphy — pre¬ sented by the Doge to Bragadino on his appointment to the Government of Chioza; in rich old binding, with the insignia of Venice, and date 1589 ; it is in the most per¬ fect condition for binding, writing, and painting. /3 380 Portrait of Marc Anthony Bragadino, and a correspondent painting symbolical of the Venetian State; both are said to be executed by Titian, 1567, being part of a Book appointing him to the Government of Famagosta when that place was besieged by the Turks; he defended it after every other part of Cyprus had surrendered; but after a year’s siege lie was obliged to capitulate from want of pow¬ der ; favourable terms were granted, but the perfidious enemy disregarding them, put the garrison to the sword, sent the citizens to the gallies, and flayed alive Bragadino. L. Da Vinci’s Treatise on Painting, Svo. - 1796 c 379 c+7/J rst t-* / 6 >, 382 / [ 20 ] 401 4 ° 2 J 555 s&. 403 o**jl 404 '/cS' 405 e /cc£fi&z. 406 S'* 407 Cr^H'C- k2><2**/ 40 8 S * /2» A S* /- A 4 °9 41 o */- f $ 411 // 412 ^cFr/fe l& 4*3 t 4 ] 4 'Aii^-^e-L/ 4*5 <£■*&£. 416 Another Copy, bound in red morocco, 4to. - ibid. Holbein’s Dance of Death, engraved by Hollar, 8vo. Triomphe de la Mort, grave d’apres les desseins de Holbein par Hollar, 8vo. Proofs upon India Paper. Holbein, Imagines Mortis, i2mo. wooden cuts , best edition, Colon. 1555 Debry, Bibliotheca Chalcographica, continens 441 Imagines Clarissimorum Virorum, 2 vol. 4to. green morocco. Many English portraits occur in this collection, Franc. 1650 D. Custodis Atrium Heroicum Caesarum, Regum, Procerum, &c. cum 164 effigiebus, folio. In this collection there are several English Portraits, the 4 parts of a work seldom found entire, - - Aug. Find. 1600 Verheiden, Effigies Prsstantium Theologorum, Hag re Com. 1602 P. Gallaei, Effigies Virorum Doctorum, both parts, folio,fine impressions, very scarce, - - Antv. 1572 Nanteuil’s Portraits of the Principal Characters of the Court of Lewis XIV. A very fine and complete Col* lection of these Chef-d’ceuvres of Art, with many dupli¬ cates of Proofs before the Letters, contained in 230 En¬ gravings, fol. Vandyke’s 167 Portraits of Kings, Princes, Artists, and Men of Eminence, fol. A most beautiful Collection. The very finest impressions, with Vanden Enden’s name to all such Plates as occur with it. Very rare. iV Habiti Antichi et Moderni di tutto il Mondo, 8vo. with cuts by Cesare Vecellio, brother of Titian, very fine copy , , Ven. 1598 Illustri Fatti Farnesiani nel Palazzo Caprarola dai Zuccari, fol. russia, - Roma, 1748 S' // / — Hans Burgmair, Triomphe de PEmpereur Maximilien I. en x 135 Planches gravees en Bois, avec la description dictee par l’Empereur Lui-Meme, 2 vol. fol. large paper, bound in russia, - - Vienne. 1796 /A,.//?- ■ Der Weiss Kunig, the History of Maximilian, with 237 Prints by Hans Burgmeir, large paper, in red morocco , with a Pamphlet containing a description of the Plates in French, - Vien. 1775 Arc Triomphal de PEmpereur Maximilien, grave in 1519, d’apres les Dessins d’Albert Durer, fol. bound in russia, Vien. 1799 Thewerdanck, a Romance founded on the Life and Actions of Max nulian I. with 117 Prints alter Albert Durer, fol. Ulm. 1679. Koeler, disquisitio de Libro Poetico Theuer- dank, 410. - - - 1714 r ,y#\ M c>, Af £/ 3 . S/tjA. t. (r> eryf * [ 21 ] A I 9 <&.*■** ^*4 420 ‘/^c< */ti^ » - Baudrand, Dictionnaire Geographique et Historique, 2 vol. in 1, fol. - Paris. 1705 A *» y Guthrie’s Geography, 4to. - - 1795 / ,. //~c> Gazetteer of France, 3 vol. i2mo. - 1793 Luckombe’s England’s Gazetteer, 3 vol. 121110. - 1790 Paterson’s British Itinerary, 2 vol. i2mo. Usher’s Annals of the World, fol. - 1658 Art de Verifier les Dates, 3 vol. fol. best edition , russia, Paris, 1783^/7^/^- Betham’s Genealogical Tables, fol. russia, - l 79 S /** - Mabillon de Re Diplomatica, fol. best edition, plates, with an additional private plate, - Paris , 1709 gr s* De Vaines, Dictionnaire Raisonne de Diplomatique, 2 vol. 8vo. - Paris, 1774 / ~ A?" - Cronica Cronicarum abbrege et mis par figures, de- scentes, et Rondeaulx, fol. printed upon vel lum, red morocco, - Paris, par Ferrebouc. 1521 /*/*/*/" - Polycronicon translated by Trevisa, Vicar of Berkeley, from the Latin of Ranulph Hygden, Monk of Chester, russia. Emprynted by Caxton at Westmystre, y /y (MCCCCLXXXII ) v' / Bossuet, Discours sur 1 ’Histoire Universelle, 4to. Par. *681 $ -~ g/ ■ j [ 24 ] FOURTH DAY’S SALE. General History and Atlasses continued. oAcczeZec* 452 <■ 453 091 . ^454 e * 484 'J .-?« - /<(£>^ $\- /2 /$ /4 (p " /f~d? 3 ~- a£&7 s&zr 488 'byi/itnr/i 489 3 *- • 4 / ~ - ^~0 490 P. 492 493 494 Anson’s Voyage round the World, 8vo. - 178O Cook’s First, Second, and Third Voyages, 8 vol. 4to. bound, and the plates to the last voyage, in folio, boards, 1785 /S~ Vancouver’s Voyage of Discovery, 3 vol. 4to. and plates, in folio, - - 1798 Perouse’s Voyage round the World, 3 vol. 8vo. 179S Dixon’s Voyage Round the World, 4to . 1789 Hunter’s Voyage to New South Wales, 4to. wants the title. Parkinson’s Voyage to the South Seas, 4to. - 1773 Forest’s Voyage to New Guinea, 4to. - 1780 Phipp’s Voyage towards the North Pole, 4to. - 1774 Silhouette, Voyage de France, d’Espagne, de Portugal, &c. 4 vol. 12mo. - - - Par. 1770 Le Blanc’s Letters on the English and French Nations, 2 vol. 8vo. - - - 1747 Moore’s Travels in France, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1786' Wraxall’s Tour in France, 12mo, - - 1784 Promenades des Jardins de Chantilly, 8vo. plates, morocco, Par. 1791 2*6- Promenades des Jardins d’Ermenonville, 8vo. plates, morocco, Par. 1788 2~ 3 Twiss’s Travels through Portugal and Spain, 4to. 1775 Townsend’s Journey through Spain, 3 vol. 8vo. 1792 Beaumont, Voyage Pittoresque aux Alpes Pennines, et du Comte de Nice, avec 12 planches colorees, folio, Geneve, 1787 3 » Beaumont’s Travels through the Rhcetian Alps, folio, plates coloured upon the outline, green morocco, - 1792 Beaumont’s Travels from France to Italy, through the Le- pontine Alps, folio, plates coloured upon the outline , red morocco, - 1800 Beaumont’s Tiavels through the Maritime Alps, 1795.—- Beaumont’s Views in the South of France, 1794 , > folio, plates coloured on the outline, blue morocco. /3 ~ - *3 The Plates in the four preceding articles were co¬ loured upon the outline in Switzerland, and are executed in a very superior style, by Aberti and his associates. La Borde, Voyage Pittoresque de la Suisse, 4 vol. folio. An extraordinary fine copy, containing proof impressions before the Letters of all the Plates that were taken off in that state, russia - Paris, 1 78O - Delices de la Suisse, 4 vol. 12mo. - Baste, 1776' Another copy, 4 vol. 12mo. - - ibid. 1776 //?'•- Coxe’s Travels in Switzerland, 3 vol. in Poland, Russia, &c, 5 vol. and his Account of the Russian Discoveries, 1 vol. in all 9 vol. Svo, - • 1789 2/*/£■*’- r / /r, /> 7 - [ 26 ] 4,95 4 ^7 ?u££** 458 jr. JT.. 'Z? 513 14 a 5 +/&C4>C*C'<}<2Cf ,5 1 6 " Another Copy, 2 vol. in l. with proof impressions of the plates, and etchings of a considerable portion, blue morocco , 1792 /•£* <. Cogan’s Tour on the Rhine, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1794 / 4 ‘- Keysler’s Travels through Germany, Bohemia, &c. 4 vol. 4 to. - 1756 Riesbeck’s Travels through Germany, 3 vol. 8vo. 1787 Wollstonecraft’s Travels in Sweden and Norway, 8vo. 1/96 Chantreau’s Travels in Russia, 2 vols, Svo. - 1794 Nicolas de Nicolay, Navigations, Peregrinations et Voyages, faicts en LaTurquie, 4 to. large paper, great morocco , Anvers, 1586 3 * Z'' m Wooden cuts from designs attributed to Titian. Tavernier, Voyages en Turquie, Perse, et aux Indes, 3 vol. original edition, plates, blue morocco, with the arms of A / Comte d’Entragues. Savary’s Letters on Greece, 8vo. - - 1788 Choiseul Gouflier, Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece, folio, first impressions of the plates, see Brunet, vol. 3 , p. 441 , russia , - - - 1782 /ZZ Cassas, Voyage Pittoresque de TIstrie et Dalmatie, folio, russia, - Par 1802 //" Wheler, Voyage de Dalmatie et de Grece, 2 vol. 12mo. Amst. 1689 Z 3 * /S'* 3 'i ZjTa /' Norden’s Travels in Egypt and Nubia, 2 vol. in 1, folio. [ 27 ] |\ 519 Denon, Voyage dans la Basse et La Haute Egypte, 2 vol. ’ folio, russia, with numerous etchings, by the author. '? . Par. 1802 This is the imperial paper, but cut down to match the ‘ ’* ' other Voyages Pittoresques. x f/t 530 Niebuhr, Voyage en Arabie* avec les Questions de Michaelis ' 4 vol. 4to. - - 1 78,/%-'* 'fZocsvfJb 531 Irwin’s Voyage up the Red Sea, 2 vol. Svo. - 17S7 7. \ 532 Lempriere’s Tour to Morocco, Svo. - - 1793 , '7 ' .-.533 Lusignan’s Journey to Smyrna, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1788 £ * 1 534 Bernier, Voyage aux Etats du Grand Mogol, 2 vol. 12mo. best edition, morocco, - - Amst. 1740 2,772,.^? ff*ctsc/cc- 535 Thunberg’s Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, 3 vol. Svo. ^ 536 Lichtenstein’s Travels in Southern Africa, 4 to. 537 Bartram’s Travels through North and South Carolina, Svo. 1794 History of Great Britain. * c 7 e-c 53$ Annales Prioratus De Dunstaple, ab Hearne, 2 vol. Svo. uncut, - Oxon. 1733 539 Adami de Domerham, Historia de Rebus Gestis Glastonien- iibus, 2 vol. uncut , - - Oxon. 172 7 1812_ & \7 9 %^/Ui^tb 81 582 ^'/'* 583 /<* .A .’j 8 !■ ^*^-585 &£££« 5 S 6 ^-t /^f 58 7 588 589 590 591 ^ 592 Speed s Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, large paper, best impressions of the plates , with a remarkably Jine pot trait of Speed inserted, awe? Sir H. Spelman ’s por¬ trait , 6j/ Fait home , - - - l6ti Rennet’s complete History of England, 3 vol. folio, J 70 S 2, - Sandford’s Genealogical History of England, by Stebbing, folio, best edition , large paper, extremely rare, fine copy in russia, gilt leaves, - \7&jf2~/P*-- Rapin s History of England, and Tindal’s Continuation, with Vertue s heads and monuments , very fine impressions , 6 vol. folio, russia, gilt leaves, - • - 1732 /*- - *** The Rapin is upon the largest paper, which is very rare, and the Continuation of Tindal upon fine paper, a very fine set. Hume’s History of England, 8 vol. 8vo. - 1792 J , & Nicholson’s Historical Library, 4 to. - - 1 776 Peck’s Desiderata Curiosa, 2 vol. folio, - 1732 $ Camden’s Remains concerning Britain, 4 to. - 1657 /S* Heylyn’s Help to English History, Svo. - - 1773 Domesday-Book, seu Liber Censualis Willelmi Piimi, 3 vol, folio, the, twofirst vol. in russia, the third vol. in boards. * m * This work is styled by Hume the most valuable piece of antiquity possessed by any nation. Carte, Catalogue des Rolles Gascons, Normans, et Francois, conserves dans les Archives de la Tour de Londres, 2 vc in 1, folio, morocco,' Padaloup binding, - 1743 Complete Collection of State Trials, 10 vol. folio. The six, first volumes are the large paper cut down to the size of the four last, which were never printed on large paper, bound in russia , - - - 1730 Rushworth’s Historical Collections, 8 vol. folio, 1721 J . Nicholls’s Collection of Royal Wills, 4 to. - 1780 Beatson’s Political Index, 2 vol. - - 1788 Edmondson’s Pedigrees of the English Peers. 6 vol. large paper , with the additional plates , very fine set , in red morocco, rich borders of gold. Ashmole’s History of the Order of the Garter, folio, large paper, very fine impressions if the plates, a beautiful copy in blue morocco, Duke of Newcastle’s copy, - 1672 - 22 * Kimber’s Baronetage of England, 3 vol. Svo. - 1771 /&*• - Strutt’s View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England, from the earliest times, 2 vol. 4to. plates co - loured, blue morocco, - - 1796/*?" ~‘r Pine’s Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords, folio, 17 39 Lyttelton’s History of Henry 2, 4 vol. 4 to. - 17 67 * 2 " Berington’s History of Henry 2, 4 to. - - 179 ^ //<*- [ so ] ^ 2 -uz/i Works of King Charles the First, large paper, 1687 />AP* 594 Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion, 6 vol. large paper, with the portraits. Clarendon’s History completed, 1717. &>*/&" *;< Eicon Basilice, 1649, in all 8 vol. 8vo. 595 Dugdale’s History of the late Troubles in England, fol. il¬ lustrated with 54 portraits and views by Hollar, White, and others , of which a Manuscript list is prefixed to the volume, russia , 1681 FIFTH DAY. English History continued . C~ ^96 597 ft 600 * /(<£> o 1 ' y^e tr-K+y 602 Walker’s Historical Discourses, fol. - 1705 Archbp. Laud’s History of his Troubles and Tryal, fol. i6 95 Heath’s History of the Restitution of Charles II. 8vo. 1662 Macpherson’s History of Great Britain from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover, and his Col¬ lection of Original Papers, 4 vol. 4to. - 1775 Dalrymple’s Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vol. 8vo. - - - 1790 Belsham’s History of Great Britain from the Revolution to 1793, 8 vol. - *798 Blackstone’s Commentaries on the English Laws, 4 vol. 8vo. 1787 Burn’s Justice of the Peace, 4 vol. 8vo. - 1785 yj jr- A $■ /„/* /„ s /6 Sr 603 sd-c&R) 604 Delolmeon the English Constitution, 8vo. russia , 1796 //* ^ q ^ T T n 1 ^ r* D ..Art/, y-1 y-> »-» 4* r» /\ f 15 *«/\ A Q/l 1 /vP 1 M V** rt X . J y"y rt /\ f C ^ /x »vx 6o6 /£{ffy4ra££ 6oj 6 0 8 609 V .Ci? / s 6lO ^ 611 Hatsell’s Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Com¬ mons, 3 vol. 4to. - 1785 Campbell’s Political Survey of Britain, 2 vol. - 1774 Eden’s State of the Poor in England, from the Conquest, y^ / 4 > sS-o 612 3 vol. 4to History of the Boroughs of Great Britain, 2 vol. 8vo. Junius’s Letters, 2 vol Svo. green morocco, Alfred’s Letters on the State of Europe, 8vo. Tanner’s Notitia Monastica, fo). Dugdale’s Monasticon Anglicanum, 3 vol. fol. with all the plates, very fine copy in the original binding in vellum, gilt leaves, - - - 1682 1 797 *794 *794 1792 *744 % '•i* 614 15 16 ^ & 4X - Ol8 619 620 Ae^r^ 621 622 /f^et 623 ' Tisz /6 624 Ztc 2 S 4 S < tt * 625 &0t44Jt- ^ 2 7 ■A 628 629 #. dc *< j ££ 633 634 u2: 6 35 >*-0 636 }UrtS& 637 [ si ] Dugdale’s Monasticon Anglicanum in English, with Ste¬ vens’s Continuation, 3 vol. - - 1718 Dugdale’s History of St. Paul’s, fol. original edition, very fine impressions, in russia, - 1658 History of Westminster Abbey, its Antiquities and Monu¬ ments, 2 vol. 4to. russia, - - 1812 Newcourt’s Ecclesiastical Parochial History of London, 2 vol. with additional Plates, in russia, - 1708 Aikin’s England Delineated, 8vo. - 1793 Smith’s English Atlas, Maps coloured, fol. - 1804 Cary’s Maps of England and Wales, 4to. - *794 Andrew’s and Dury’s Map of the Country 65 Miles round London, fol. Adams’s Index Villaris, fol. large paper, red mor. 1680 Kip, Nouveau Theatre de la Grande Bretagne, 4 vol. fol. remarkably fine impressions of the Plates, red morocco, 7716 Kip, Supplement du Nouveau Theatre de la Grande Bre¬ tagne, .... 1728 Galeria nel Palazzo Farnese dipinta da Carracci. Camden’s Britannia, by Gough, 6 vol. fol. Best edition, illustrated with more than 1000 Views from Grose, Stuke- ley. Sec. - 1806 Magna Britannia et Hibernia, 6 vol. 4to. very fair, 1720 Beeverell, Delices de la Grande Bretagne, many Plates, 8 vol. i2mo. green morocco, - Leide. 1727 Grose’s Antiquities of England and Wales, 4 vol. fol. ori¬ ginal edition, fine impressions of the Plates, - 1773 Burton’s Commentary on Antoninus’s Itinerary in Britain, fol. Portrait by Hollar, - - 1658 Roy’s Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain, fol. in russia, - - - 1793 Young’s Six Weeks Tour through the Southern Counties of England, 8vo. - - 1772 Marshal’s Rural Economy of the West of England, 2 vol. 8 vo. - 1796 Maton’s Observations on the Western Counties of England, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1797 Gough’s British Topography, 2 vol. 4to. in russia, 1780 Hutchinson’s History of Cumberland, 2 vol. 4t.o, 1794 Clarke’s Survey of the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmore¬ land, with the Border Laws and Customs, with Farring¬ ton’s Views of the Lakes engraved by Byrne, fol. red morocco , - - * 1 7^9 Hutchinson’s Excursion to the Lakes, 8vo. - I 77 ^ Bray’s Tour in Derbyshire, 8vo. - - 1 7 8 3 Hutchihs’s History of Dorset, 2 vol. fol. russia, - J 774 - 2f.. /2„/2- 1 ' 3 /„ S3‘- / ,. /fs- A A - I S2„/A- j„ /y- S~" - V" /X- A/A- /,.& 2/ • - A - A A. _ 2 * //?'• - 4 ^ A ^ [ 32 ] JL- 3 2^3 - / ci? 3 sf &&/*& 639 Warner’s History of Hampshire, 6 vol. in 3, 4to. 40 Sir R. Worsley’s History of the Isle of Wight, 4to. russia , 1781 &trJ 647 Aikin’s History of Manchester and its Environs, 4to. russia, r> l 793 648 Whitaker’s History of Whalley, 4to. russia, - 1806 649 Throsby’s Views in Leicestershire, 2 vol. large paper, in russia, - - - 1789 650 Tumor’s History of Grantham in Lincolnshire, 4to. 1806 651 Stowe’s Survey of London, by Strype, 2 vol. fol. . - 1720 652 Malcolm’s Londinium Redivivum, 4 vol. 4to. - 1803 53 Lysons’s Environs of London, with the Supplement, 5 vol. 4to. - 1796 //" ^^^eJW654 Storer and Greig’s Select Views of London and its En¬ virons, 2 vol. in 1, 4to. russia. - 1804 655 Farringdon’s History of the River Thames, 2 vol. fol. ' " coloured plates, green morocco, - 179 4 if „ 4 656 Hutchinson’s History of Northumberland, 2 vol. - 1778 657 Loggan Oxonia lllustrata, fol. morocco, cm a <*>^675^/,. —Loggan Cantabrigia lllustrata, fol. russia. t 658 White’s Natural History of Selborne, 4to. - 1789 /'■ ' 2../A /J trfi z,.. A V' / 659 Dugdale’s History of Warwickshire, fol. Hollar's Plates, original edition, russia, - - 1656 /f"? 660 Watson’s History of Halifax, 4to. - 1775 / w _ 661 Whitaker’s History of the Deanery of Craven, fol. best edi¬ tion, large paper, plates coloured, green morocco, 1812 /&* ' 6 662 Warrington’s History of Wales, 4to. - 1786 663 Rowland’s Mona Antiqua, an History of Anglesey, 4to. 1766 * 664 Pennant’s History of Whiteford and Holywell, 4to. 665 Buchanan’s History of Scotland, fol. 666 Dalrymple’s Annals of Scotland, 4to. c-C* 667 Robertson’s History of Scotland, 8vo. z 4 /2 1796 /.. 1690 3 1776 # 1 791 0* [ 33 ] 553 Defoe’s History of the Union, 4to. f# 669 Scotland Delineated, 8vo. 1786 l 79 1 /2 History of France . 570 yiiAL* 571 672 'Stilt't'LSU 673 674 i675 676 i677 \C [ 34 J 682 684 685 U 86 /. 47 " A. 4.- ' £ C* i f- . | •efr**.*J 2 st+jZi 693 604 3 ^-^cTL ^93 £ fo<*6^_ 696 7 ^iy<^<. 697 *7 7 trPc^pKatut 98 699 L 700 Annales du Regne de Louis le Grand, fol. A Manu- script of great BEAUTY, enriched with head-pieces in gold, and richly coloured devices analogous to the sub- / ject of the division, and with grand capitals, bound in //'» '''* velvet. Etat de la Marine be France en 1692, 8vo. manu¬ script upon vellum of the greatest beauty. All the capi¬ tals in gold and colours, and each page enclosed in a gold border. The writing is exquisitely fine, and superior to any production of Jarry. It was executed for Lewis XIV. and afterwards belonged to the Duke de la Valliere, red/ 7 * morocco. ' (Euvres de Brantome, 15 vol. i2ino. - 1779 Memoires de Bassompiere, 2 vol. i2mo. - Col . 1703 Motteville, Memoires d’Anne d’Autriche, 5 vol. Amst. 1723 Sabbatier, Journal des Etats-Generaux et de la Revolution, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1790 History of the French Revolution, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1794 Moore’s Journal during a Residence in France in 1792, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1793 Clery’s Journal of the Confinement of Lewis XVI. 8vo. , . . 1798 Miss Williams’s Letters from France, 3 vol. i2mo. 1795 David’s History of Pichegru’s Campaigns, 8vo. - 1796 Intercepted Letters from Bonaparte’s Army, 8vo. - 1798 Causes Celebres et Interessantes, 22 vol. i2mo. Amst. 1772 De Thou, Coustumes de la Prevoste et Vicomte de Paris, 4to. printed on vellum, ruled, beauti¬ fully bound in morocco in compartments. The President De Thou s own Copy. Baluzii Capitularia Regum Francorum, 2 vol. fol. large paper, red morocco, - - Par. \6yj Coutumes de Nqrmandie, dont la premiere partie traite le droit et autres choses qui en droit sont mecessaires, en la seconde sont traites les usages et les Etablissemens et les loix par qui les querelles sont finis, 1414, 8vo. ma¬ nuscript upon vellum, ornamented with seven fine f>/ t miniatures. Coutumes de Normandie dans le terns de Geoffroy fils du Roi Henri If. vers Pan 1180 establis par le conseil et par l’assentement de tous les Barons et de tous les Evesques de Bretagne, qto. manuscript upon vellum. Powr.all’s Antiquities of Provence and Languedoc, 4to. 1788 Clerisseau, Monumens et Antiquites de Nismes, fol. russia. Par. 1778 3 *r 6 .. - J 3 i J / 7 /„/&. [ 35 ] 701 702 r^z o - t . r tl 703 7O4 705 fi. 706 / •** t ' .707 708 $ O 9 710 711 712 1 V*' 3 ~ - * / j> ~ f.. 713 714 ll \ /farr'e^e 7 1 * 717 718 &&< 719 <&&u+Vce 720 721 722 723 724 History of Spain, 3 vol. 8vo. - _ Watson’s History of Philip the Third, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1793 Dorleans, Histoire des Revolutions d’Espagne, 3 vol. large PAPER, - - - 1734. Moore’s Narrative of General Moore’s Campaign in Spain, 4 to. - - - - 1809 Guicciardini’s History of Italy, 10 vol. 8 vo. - 1753 Campo, Historia di Cremona, col stio Contado e ritratti de’ Duchi et Duchesse di Milano intagliate d’Agostino Car- rachi, fol. green morocco , - Cremona , 1585 Nobles et Exceilens Faictz d’Armes du tres illustre et Vic- torieux Due Anthoine centre les Seduyctz et abusez L11- theriens mescreans du Pays daulsays et autres, fol. printed upon vellum, with miniatures and capitals - , illuminated, ruled, red morocco, - 1526 / ?" Sir W Hamilton’s Campi Phlegrsei, with Plates illuminated from Drawings taken and coloured after Nature, fol. very fine copy bound in russia, - Naples, 1776 ^ Putter’s History of the Germanic Empire, 3 vol. 8vo. 1790 Towers’s Life of Frederick the Great, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1795 Pannoniae Historia Chronologica, 4to. with portraits by Debry, - Franc. 159 6 ^,. Cromeri Historia Poloniae, 4to. De Tbou’s copy, red mor. Colon. 1578-»?" History of Poland, 8vo. - - 1795 Historical Sketch of Gibraltar, 8vo. - 1792 Knolles’s History of the Turks, by Rycaut, 3 vol. fol. 1687 Boissardi Vitae Sultanorum Turcicorum, 4to. portraits by ^ Debry, - 1596 /**/'*• & De Tott, Memoires sur les Turcs, 3 vol. 8vo. Amst. 1784 Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orientale, avec le Supplement, tol. imperfect, russia, - - Maestr. 1776 Code of Gentoo Laws, 8vo. - - 1781 Mischcat-ul-Masabih, a Collection of the most authentic Traditions regarding Muhammed, 2 vol. 4to. Calcutta, 1809 Dow’s History of Hindostan, 3 vol. 4to. - 1770 /* ^ Dirom’s Narrative of the Campaign in India, 4to. 1704 /* / «- /*.. 2.1 2 .. s {p<. £ 5 ,. Kirc her, Histoire de la Chine, fol. plates, - 1770 /» Pigneyra, Histoire du Japon, Svo. fine copy in morocco, Far. 1618 & [ 36 ] SIXTH DAY’S SALE. Natural History . 725 dL 726 727 728 729 j u 747 748 749 $y.V> 756 f-^^U 757 X^/cffrZrdr 758 [ 37 ] Merian, Historia Insectorum Surinamensium, folio, plates finely coloured, real morocco, - » Haye, 1726’ Abbot and Smiths Natural History of the Lepidoptorous 1 2 sects of Georgia, with the Plants on which they feed, 2 vol. folio, plates coloured, blue morocco, - 1797 Harris’s History of English Insects, with 51 coloured plates , 4 to. - - - 1783 Harris’s History of English Insects, Moths, and Butterflies, folio, plates coloured, ref/ morocco, - - 1778 Martyn, Histoire des Insectes Coleopteres d’Angletere, 4to. plates coloured. Lewin’s Insects of Great Britain, 4 to. plates coloured, 1795 Roemer, Genera Insectorum Linncei et Fabricii illustrata, 4 to. plates, coloured, - - Vitod. Helv. 1789 Fueslin’s History of the Insects of Switzerland, in German, 4 to. green morocco, plates coloured. - - 1783 Keys on the Management of Bees, 8vo. - - 1796' Buffon, Histoire Naturelle, avec les Supplemens, 39 vol. llo. best edition , with three volumes folio, containing dupli¬ cate proof plates of all the animals and birds, Lewis the xvi. copy ; the first 17 vol. are most splendidly bound in blue morocco, lined inside with red morocco and silk, the 19 last are in boards, and the 3 vol. folio of the proof plates are half bound, uncut, morocco backs , Par. de VImpr. Roy. 1749 Buffon, Histoire Naturelle, 39 vol. 4 to. best edition. Par. de VImpr. Roy. 1749 Bewick’s History of Quadrupeds, Svo. largest paper, russia, gilt leaves, - 1800 Edwards’s Natural History of Birds, 7 vol. 4 to. original edition, plates coloured, uncut, - - 1743 Edwards’s Natural History of Birds, 4 vol. folio, lar^e paper, with the Plates reversed and exquisite ly co¬ loured, so as to resemble original drawings, splendidly bound in russia , - 1802 Bewick’s History of British Birds, 2 vol. 8vo. largest paper, russia, - 1805 Olina, Uccelliera, con il modo di prendergli, 4 to. cuts by Tempcsta, - Roma. 1622 Salvi'ani Historia Piscium et Aquatilium Animalium, folio, plates , large taper, ruled, a most beaatiful copy, bound in morocco, in compartments, with the arms of Thuanus richly gilt, - ~ Romeo. 1554 Bloch, Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 6 vol. in o, large paper, plates coloured, red morocco , Berlin. 2 . 4 -V? s j.. - /./* - - 2 ■;//?.. . / * — 4 _ //? /s* - h/«- 5 ~f.. //., /< 7 - K [ 38 ] 1Divinity, Theological History , and Splendid Missals . 1653 1723 1761 1795 1795 1793 1795 y 4 /2 /4 1 1788 4/3 1748 1748 1772 1787 1788 1794 1793 1793 1786 1808 1793 1793 1792 1792 M y, s. // 4 s\ /a s. 75 9 Taylor’s (Jeremy) Life of Christ, folio, Saurin’s Dissertations on the Pentateuch, folio, 7^1 Michaelis’s Lectures on the New Testament, 4to. 762 Lowth’ s Translation of Isaiah, 2 vol. 8vo. ^ 763 Paley’s Evidences of Christianity, 2 vol. Svo. 7^4 Haller’s Letters on the Truth of Christianity, Svo. 755 Neweome (Archbishop), on our Lord’s Conduct, Svo. 6 5 Lardner’s Works by Kippis, 11 vol. largepaper., 767 Leighton’s Expository Works, 2 vol. Svo. ^ - Abernethy’s Sermons, 4 vol. 8 vo. 769 Sherlock’s (Bp,), Sermons, 4 vols. 810. 44xx44xy^rt.770 Jortin’s Sermons, 7 vol. Svo. ^^<^£*-*.771 Watson’s (Bishop) Sermons and Tracts, Svo. 772 Bishop Porteus’s Sermons, 2 vol. Svo. **>-t*. 773 Drysdale’s Sermons, 2 vols Svo. 774 Logan’s Sermons, 2 vol. Svo. 775 Newton’s Sermons, 2 vol. Svo. 4&&*'/4c4x-‘177§ Paley’s Sermons and Tracts, Svo. - { <~s 777 Thomas a Kempis on the Imitation of Christ, Svo. Jenks’s Meditations, 2 vol. Svo. 779 Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Svo. 7 S 0 Hunter’s Sacred Biograph}, 6 vol. Svo. 78 1 Gregory’s History of the Christian Church, 2 vol. Svo. 1793 782 Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical History, 6 vol 8 vo. - 1782 ^^^ 7^4783 Milner’s History of the Church of Christ, 5 vol. Svo. 1810 .^784 Burnet’s History of the Reformation, 3 vol. folio, 1715 785 Fox’s History of the Martyrs, 2 vol. folio, large paper, with wood engravings , in the original binding, I 6 T 0 ^4/4^34 786 Buchanani Paraphras ; s Poetica Psalmorum, 8 vo. first edition, Thuanus’s copy, richly bound in morocco, ap. H. Steph, 787 Ne w Version of the Psalms, Svo. morocco , - 1794 6^44-0 788 Picard, Ceremonies et Cohtumes Religieuses de tous les Peuples du Monde, 7 vol. folio - Par. 1741 789 Schewzeri Physica Sacra, 4 vol. folio, with 7 50 plates^Jine impressions , - 1 Aug. Find. 1731 /if*/* 790 Treasury of the Bible, containing 797 engravings in wood by Van Sichem, 4 to. - - Amst. 1646 X J /./ 4 . 2 ~ A a j- /■ 3.. y & 791 Theodoreti Commentarii in Psalmos, Greece , manuscript, very fairly written in the year 1548 . It is described by Maffei, in his Verona Illustrata, page 243 , as being among the rare Greek manuscripts in the Galleria Saibanle at Verona. 2~/2 l c<~4/O C^zt t y o 2/~ [ 39 ] 792 S. Augustini Comtnentaria in Evangelia Matthad, Luca: et Joannis.—Anonymi Commentaria in Evangelium S. Marci, 2 vol. fol. Manuscripts upon vellum ; the former commentary is in green velvet, the latter in crimson velvet. / 794 IS* III 797 Books omitted. Corps d’Extraits de Romans de Chevalerie, par le Comte de Tressan, 4 vols. - 1788 Melanges d’une grande Bibliotheque, contenant un Cata¬ logue raisonne de tous les Livres d’Histoire ecrits en Frai^ois et generalement des Pieces interessantes en Science, Belles Lettres, et Histoire Literaire, avec une Table Alphabetique, 72 vols. bound in 36. Sir J. Harrington’s Nugae Antiquae, 3 vol. - 1760 Peter Pindar’s Works, 3 vol. Bell’s British Theatre, 21 vols. cuts. A A //,.//•* /e£*~ A ccy Re¬ orient ai Theology. The Koran of Mohammed written in the grandest and boldest of Oriental Characters, enriched throughout with brilliant illuminations. A most splendid Manuscript in the highest preservation. It was a present from Maulowa Mohammed Achmed to Nijul al Dowlah, fol. with a blue morocco case. % ftecJ /tfzr£ 799 Koran of Mohammed, by Sale, 2 vol. 8vo. - 1795 \rzs6zc. 800 Divanaghair Gheeta, or Adventures of Krishna in Sanscrit, 8vo. A most beautiful Manuscript in the Sacred Lan¬ guage of Hindostan, executed at Cashmire. It contains 101 Mini atu res, of which 21 are the size of the page, bound in crimson velvet. Adventures of Krishna in Sanscrit, written in most minute characters on a very long roll with Paintings at top, and intended to serve as a portable Amulet. Confucius’s Works in Chinese and English, by Marshman, with a Dissertation on the Chinese Language, 2 vol. in 1, ^to. * - Serampore, 1809 801 802 /'*- Divinity continued. S03 Heures a 1 ’Usaige de Paris avecques plusieurs Belles Hys- , toires, 4to. with 60 wood engravings, and borders repre- J"' ‘' [ 40 ] sentingthe Dance of Death, and subjects from Scripture, Par. Kerver. 1525 $04 Biblia Pauperum, a Collection o. Designs rudely cut in ' wood, of the principal Historical Subjects in the Bible ; interspersed with sentences ab^ve, below, in the middle, or in scrolls, according to the ancient manner of describ¬ ing figures speaking, fol. The extreme rarity of this book is well known ; it is esteemed the first essay towards she art of printing by blocks of wood, before the invention of move- able types, and is generally attributed to Laurence Coster of Haerlem, between the years 1440 and 1450. A very fine and perfect copy, and none of the plates injured by being painted, which is generally the case, bound in morocco. Raphael’s Designs from the Bible, engraved by Chapron, fol. 2 Hoet, Houbraken and Picart’s Plates for the Bible, 3 vol. fol. The original edition, with explanations in Dutch, large paper, the very first impressions of the plates , Gravemb. 807 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, edente Walton, et Castelli Lexicon Polyglottum, 8 vol. fob very fine copies in blue morocco. The bible is ruled, and has the original republican pre¬ face to the Polyglot, - Lond. 1657^/,, _ Biblia Sacra Lat 1 na, Vulgatae Versionis, 2 vol, f©l. Moguntice , per Fust et Schoiffier, MCCCCLXir,//^, r: r\ TTi>r*i\T t; c i t tt a* ann ripmratprl u/ifn rirVi 805 • A 3 806 cxffa-y at 808 Printed upon vellum and decorated with rich illu mi nations. This is the first edition of the Latin Bible with a date. A magnificent copy, the finest which has been offered to public sale for many years. The book is as fair and fresh as when it came from the press; the leaves were carefully selected from two very fine copies, 2 vol. splendidly bound in blue morocco. fPzc/l 809 Biblia Sacra Latina, cum Interpretationibus Hebraicorum Nominum, 2 vol, fol. The Jirst edition of the Latin Bible printed at Paris. A remarkably fine copy, in blue morocco, - - Par. MGCCCLXXVI.t^ * It has the following colophon : jam tribus undecimus lustris Francos Ludovicus Rexerat! Ulricus Martinus itemque Michael Orti Teutonia, hanc mihi composuere figuram Parish arte sua me correctam vigilanrer Venalem in vico Jacobi sol aureus offert. Which establishes the date of the impression to be 1476. This is the celebrated edition which attracted so [ 41 ] much curiosity and discussion by the imposition, practised on Lord Oxford by an alteration of the colophon, and which would have ascribed it to 1463. The edition, however, is unusually rare and Mr. Edwards, who, from his valuable and extensive cor¬ respondence on the continent, obtained more early printed books than were ever imported by any one individual, was yet more than twenty years before he could obtain a fine copy. 10 Biblia Sacra Latina, fol. Ven. per Jensen, MCCCLXXIX.//^ " * Printed upon vellum. This beautiful copy, of an extremely rare edition of the Bible printed by Jenson, is the only one which has occurred in any sale for many years. It belonged to Sixtus IV. as appears by his arms in the beginning of the book. To this magnificent Pontiff (the founder of the Vatican Library) Sweynheim and Pannartz addressed the well known supplicatory letter for relief in con¬ sideration of the numerous splendid works which had been printed by them in Italy. The capitals are Tichly illuminated, and at the commencement is an , elegant miniature; bound in red morocco. 11 Biblia Sacra Latina, Vulgatae Editionis, 8 vol. 12010. ruled , red morroco , - - Par . 1652. Biblia S era Germanica, ex recognitione Martini Lutheri, 2 vol. foi. with wood cuts, in the original binding, Vitemb. 1541 The first edition of Luther’s translation of the Bible after his final revision. His own copy, which he used till his decease. This copy must always excite the deepest interest and most lively emotions in the breast of every Protestant. The manuscript notes prefixed to each volume seem to introduce us to the closet and acquaintance of a bright assemblage of Reformers. We find Luther exhibiting in the privacy of retirement the same unshaken confidence in the Deity under the persecutions he was suffering, as he nobly evinced in public. In a manuscript note in the second volume he transcribes the verse of the 23rd Psalm c Etiam quum ambularem per vallem lethalis umbrx, non timerem malum, quia tu me- cum es,” and then adds a passage strongly indicative of his own exalted ideas of faith. He appears to have bequeathed this copy to Bugenhagen, who, on the 19th of May, 1556, wrote in it a pious distich and some religious sentiments, in which he denies the ! [ 42 ] P 813 814 813 necessity of profane learning. The illustrious Me- lancthon was its next possessor. He writes a re¬ markable passage relative to the final consummation of all things, and intimates his belief that the end of world is not far distant, adding ^ 8 t .7 818 /2„/r~ 4 /3 Holy Bible, 2 vol. imperial 4to. with 250 plates inserted* very fine impressions, blue morocco, - 1806 Novum Testamentum, Grsecum, 8vo. russia, Lond, 1622 Novum Testamentum Gr. et Lat. a Scholt, - Lips. 1805 Novum Testamentum Latinum, cum Tabulis Ca- nonicis, fol. A very grand Manuscript of the Eleventh Century upon vellum, written with great elegance and distinctness in Semi-Uncial characters, blue morocco. In this manuscript the 7 Canonical Epistles follow the Acts, and at the end are Canones articulorum preci- puorum fidei Xtiani. 819 Wickliffe's Translation of the New Testament, with his Prologues to each Book, and the Lessons for the Year selected from the Old Testame t, 8vo. Manuscript upon vellum, written towards the latter end of the Fourteenth ///> Century. ^ 820 Nouveau Testament, 8vo. - - Par, 1813 Evangelia Qu atuor. Gr^ce, fol. A magnificent Ma¬ nuscript upon vellum of the Tenth Century, most elabo¬ rately executed. The subject of each page is designated at the top in letters of gold. This grand Manuscript is in the highest preservation, and is one of the finest Greek Manuscripts of the Gospels extant, it is supposed to have been one of the Imperial Collection save.* at the capture of Constantinople. It would be a most impor¬ tant acquisition to any lihrary public or private; bound in blue velvet, with bronze-gift Medallions of the birth of Our Saviour and the adoration of the Magi on the sides. 2 / 2 /. },A 2 " „ 821 V [ 43 ] Evangelia Quatuor, Latine, 4to. A most beautiful and perfect Manuscript of the Tenth Century upon vel¬ lum, in the finest condition, with all the Capit 1 Letters gilt; hound in velvet, embroidered borders, and f.n ancient dyptick in ivory ot the crucifixion on the side ; in a russia < c > leather case. ^9—tP 23 Evangeliorum Liber, qua in Ecclesia Senor.ensi, sin¬ gulis totius anni diebus, decantari solent, fob printed upon vellum, in very fine Roman type, beautiful copy, in rich oid morrocco binding in compartments. Excude- bat Senonib. Aegidius Richebois Anno Dom. MDLX. die Septima mensis Septembris, from the treasury of the _ Cathedral at Sens. See MS. in Title . '/$»/$ 824 Psalterium G r je co-L a t i n u m, fob A Manuscript of the Ninth Century upon vellum, of the first curio¬ sity and importance , written in a very fair and legible hand with this peculiarity, the Greek is written in Ro¬ man characters, by which means we elicit the curious and interesting knowledge of the exact pronunciation of the Greek Language, as spoken at that period when the By- .. y zantine Empire was in its literary glory. //C * A very learned antiquary has given the following illus¬ tration ot the writing of the first page tending to fix the period when the Manuscript must have been written: Kyrie Boeithi ton doulon sou Cymeon Monatihous Presbiterou, See. Sec. Nota, que je trouve ce Pierre 2. Abbe de l’Abbaye de S. Ambroise de Milan depuis Pan 856 sous Louis 11 (apres PAbbe Andre 851) jusqu’en Panne 897. C’est la derniere dare des Diplomes de PAbbaye de S. Ambroise de Milan, lesquels commencent en Pan- nee 721 sous le Roi des Lombards Luifprand-—dans le “ Codice Diplomatico Sant Ambrozio delle Carte dell’ Ottavo e Nono Secolo de F. Angelo Fumagalli, ,, Milano, 1805, 4to. 825 Hor.® Be at je Vi r gi n is, 8vo. Manuscript on fine vel¬ lum, about the end of the Fifteenth or beginning of the Sixteenth Century. It contains 13 large Paintings of singular character and extraordinary carefulness of finish, (it is in the style of one in the Bibliotheque Royale des Manuscrits at Paris, which was executed for Anne of Britanny.) Thirty-one pages have borders of flowers and insects of exquisite finishing on a gold ground, bound in crimson velvet. 36 " /J" - 826 Preces Pi je, i2mo. An exquisitely beautiful Manuscript on fine vellum, about the beginning of the Sixteenth [ 44 ] Century, with 12 delicate large paintings, and 16 borders of flowers, insects, and shells, red morocco, with a red j. 9 &. 828 (ft- 829 morocco case. 27 Les Prieres de la Sainte Messe. Manuscript upon vellum, written by Prevost with the greatest care. Each page is enclosed with a line of gold. The vignettes and minia¬ tures, in taste and delicacy of execution surpass the most exquisite enamel. It was done for the Duchess d’Aumont, and has the arms of Villeroy and Le Tellier. A beauti¬ ful miniature of St. Agnes has the name of Antoinette C.; red morocco, in a vellum case. 2 & Officium Beat.® Virginis, 8vo. An elegant little Book of Offices of the Sixteenth Century executed in Italy. Each page is encircled with gold. It has 14 large Paint¬ ings, and the Calendar is ornamented with a border filled with appropriate emblematic devices. The Paintings are by various hands It was obtained from the Collection of Count Macartey after several negoications, and is one of the most beautiful that was ever brought into this . country ; blue morocco, with gold clasps. 0 y " Officium Beat/e Virginis, i2ino. A delicate little Book of Offices of the Sixteenth Century, in Roman characters. The Paintings exquisitely finished, the writ¬ ing admirable, and the border most playfully ornamented in the best style, with devices and mottos of the family for whom it was executed. This is by far the most ex¬ quisite of the Italian illuminated offices that Mr. Edwards ever had an opportunity of obtaining ; blue morocco. /22 The celeerated Bedford Missal, or Book of Prayers and Devotional Offices executed for John Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, containing 59 miniature paintings, which nearly occupy the whole page, and above a thousand small miniatures of about an inch and a half in diameter displayed in brilliant borders of golden foliage with variegated flowers. Sec. at the bottom of every page are two lines in blue and gold letters to ex¬ plain the subject of each miniature ; a circumstance per~ baps only to be found in this expensive performance —but what enhances the value of the MS. in this country, is that it has preserved the only portraits remaining of the noble pair who formerly possessed it; John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, and Anne of Bur¬ gundy his Duchess’, interspersed with their mottos ; an elegant expression of the gallantry of that time; on his part “ A vous entier,” and on hers, J’en suis contente.” And also the portraits of Henry V. of England and Ca¬ therine of France. Nothing can exceed the strength of & t 45 ] ! character and high finishing of the portraits. Mr. Gough pronounced it the finest example of the art of that period he had ever seen. Vertue engraved his portrait from this painting. Another interesting characteristic in this fine MS. is the attestation of its being presented by gift of the Duchess, and by order of her husband, to King Henry the Sixth, when he went to be crowned in France, and was spending his Christmas at Rouen. The monogram of the attestor ^ is John Somerset, 7 styling himself Domini regis ad personam servitor ad sani - tatevi vit&que conservationem consvlens. This is confirmed in Hearne’s Vita Henrici 6, per T. de Elmham, where he is called physician to the king; and that he was a favou¬ rite appears from a grant of the Manor of Ruislip to him for life by Henry 6’th. See Lysons’s Environs, vol. 5, page 258 . This rich book is 11 inches by seven and a half wide, and two and a half thick, bound in crimson velvet, with gold clasps, on which are engraved the arms of Harley, Cavendish, and Hollis, quarterly, it was the property of Edward Lord Harley, Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, who bought it of Lady Worsley, great grand-daughter to W. Seymour, second Duke of Somerset, who was ap¬ pointed Governor to the Prince of Wales by King Charles the First. It descended from Lord Oxford to his daugh- ter, the Duchess of Portland, and was purchased at her 0 sale, May 24 , 1786. / l ... Greek Vases. 1 A Pitcher and Cup, with 2 handles, each figured. 2 A larger Cup, of the finest ware, figure of a warrior, with long spear, couching. Chabrias, the famous Athenian general, commanded his men in the onset to couch under their bucklers, himself teaching the posture by'bending his knee, ordering his shield, and couching his lance (see Cornelius Nepos's Life of Chabrias), of which this is an exact representation. 3 A Pitcher and 2 Cups, fine black ware. 4 A Vase, small size, remarkably fine and thin, as shewn by a small hole in the side. 5 A Sicilian Vase and Cover, the subject a Triclinium, with 3 figures recumbent, a male attendant with pitcher, and female with music ; rats and gre) hounds cn the border. a> e- •*>■*— iZC'C- 2 „ 2 2,V‘~ [ 46 ] 6 A magnificent Sicilian Vase, of the finest ware, with bearded Bacchus and Thyrsus, preceded by females with torches : another female and satyr. 2 Sir William Hamilton pronounced it to be one of the finest of its kind he had ever seen ; the grandeur of its size and shape, with the perfection of its drawing, render it one of the most beautiful monuments of ancient Greek art. It is 29 inches high, and 18 wide. 7 A most excellent Vase, Campana shape, called the Actaean Vase, with four Greek heroes, and the names inscribed in ancient Greek characters over each, viz. Tydaeus, Acteon, Theseus, and Castor. This chef-d’oeuvre of Greek drawing is so well known, that any further description is unneces¬ sary. See an exact fac-simile of the figures in the plate, No. III. 8 A very fine Nola Vase, Campana shape, with the battle of Theseus and Hippolita : the hero is attended by Pirithous. In beauty of drawing, size, and perfection, it is a proper companion to the Actman Vase. It is engraved and de¬ scribed in Millin Monumens Antiques inedites, vol. 2, p. 115 . 9 The celebrated Greek Vase, known in Italy by the name of IL GRAN VASO DEL CAPO DI MONTE, having been deposited in that palace, with other treasures of the Farnese family, by the King of Naples. It was found at Polysthene, in Apulia, near Tarentum, in the year 178fi, 1 in a subterraneous apartment of 40 feet in length, at 14 feet below 7 the surface of the ground. The subject of the painting in front, is the grand feature of Greek Pleroic History, viz, the Battle of Theseus and Hippolita, doubly represented, to shew the issue of the contest. Above them, as in Olympus, are four deities, Apollo, with Diana, Minerva, and Hercules, corresponding to the account, by Pau- sanias, of the ornaments on the throne of Jupiter Olympus, Book 5 , ch. 11. On the neck of the vase is a represen¬ tation of Victory, as a winged female, in a chariot drawn by four white horses, with a laurel upright, but preceded by a female bearing torches, with a laurel prostrate. Surmounting the vase are two heads, full-faced, which are on one side white and the other side in shade ; two heads of sw^ans on each side terminate the handles. On the reverse of the vase is a deity seated in a temple, holding a patera, with an egg placed upon it. Without the temple are four figures of attendants, two of which also exhibit the egg in a patera. See plates No. I. and II. [ 47 ] The shape of this grandest of all the Greek vases hitherto discovered, is of the most harmonious Greek outline. Its height is 3 feet 6 inches, and it is in the highest state of preservation. The explanation of its drawings and symbols, by an eminent Antiquary, (who makes it the prize of the con¬ queror at the Panathanaean Games),* will be given to the purchaser ; also a mahogany frame, with five large German plate glasses, to contain the vase. * See also Winkelmann, Histoire de l’Art chez les Anciens, vol, 1. p. 298. THE END. London : Printed by W Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's. Va.f fictile, turn pictucce 'eZegrctrituz- ytcccrrc litfr&rcrmm. ccrvtiyna formscl In^i^rue; Jispii nu-t-s'ut Nectpo jr - - f (! wmr_^ r m i ILAP&5- D5V/JL SP6MAU W? %5~D Cft ! fiLGb 5 l j 0- jt>i5 Ap r ' 5 jlo fcv £ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY