8b CJ 3532 . L28 1S91 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcoinsOOIaho CATALOGUE OP THE COINS IN THE GOVERNMENT MUSEUM, COMPILED BY CHAS. J. RODGERS, M. R. A. S. ARCH^OLOGICAI. SURVEYOR. HONORARY NUMISMATIST TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. MEMBER OF THE NUMISMATIC SOCIETY OF LONDON AND FELLOW OF THE PANJAB UNIVERSITY. PUBLISHED BY ORDERS OF THE PANJAB GOVERNMENT. CALCUTTA : PRINTED AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS. 189L ERRATA AND CORRIGENDA. p. 26, 8fch line from bottom for Sabaktagin p. 29 „ Eashd p. 30 ,, Ibrahim p. 32 „ Arslan p. 32 „ Bahram Shah p. 33 ,, Khusrau p. 33 ,, Gyas ud Din p. 33 14th line from bottom „ p. 34 „ Yaldu p. 34 6th line from top „ )^^'^^ p. 34 8th line from top ., ' mint torn ' read Subaktagin. ,, Rashid. „ Ibrahim. ,, Arslan. Bahram Shah. „ Kh nsran. „ Gyas nd Dm. „ ,, Yaldnz. ,, ' mint town.' p. 36 in 1st line 'iWlnl ^ should come after the first ' which.' p. 41 17th line from top p. 41 3rd line from bottom , p. 47 p. 60 3rd line from bottom p. 69 12th line from top , p. 69 4th line from bottom , p. 77 Coin (33) , p. 79 Coin (104) , for ' Knfie ' read )) ,, Khnsran ,, ' probably ' ,, ' inscription ' „ "Obv. asin(l) " 1^'. instead of j^" pp. 115— 117 "Afghan gold Coins" should precede Knfic." Khnsran. ' are probably.' ' inscriptions.' "Obv. as in (2)." "jiij instead of j^" ' Affghdn Silver Coins" which commence on p. IH The numbering shows that coin (12) on p. 117 should follow coin (11) on paga 116. INTEODTJCTION. THE present shopkeepers, money-cliangers and bankers of tlie bazars of the towns and villages of the Punjab are descended from a long line of ancestoi's who were engaged in the same avocations. In the course of generations their transactions have been in many cm^rencies. The money-changer has at all times been a busy man. To him men have had recourse when they wished to convert the coin of a currency no longer in use, into the coins of the power that happened to be ruling. The issue of a new coinage was one of the results of a change of rulers and one of the first acts of every fresh sovereign on assuming the reins of government. Hence it always happened that money changers had in their possession stores of money belonging to defunct dynasties and rulers. The shopkeepers were in a similar condition. The result, at the present day, is, that in out-of-the-way towns, both money-changers and shopkeepers have in store large quantities of coins now no longer current. In addition to this, in the East, hoarding propensities have ever been prevalent. A man may be rich, yet to all appearance, mean and poor. No one knows of his hidden wealth but himself, though expectant relations may guess as to his actual condition. The hiding places of misers were as they are now in unlikely localities. Much wealth is at the present time stored away in walls, wells, tanks, fields, floors of houses, roofs &c. So it was in olden times. When a man went on pilgrimage he took with him only as much as would sufl&ce for necessities. If he died, as in those roadless, unsettled times he often did, the wealth he had left hidden behind him was lost to his heirs. Before sanitation was dreamt of, desolating pestilences often depopulated towns and districts, and their hidden wealth was lost. Widespread famines in the same way caused great mortality, and with it the disappearance of buried stores of money. But perhaps the greatest calamities to which Punjab towns were most frequently subjected, from early times until the beginning of the present century, were the sudden incursions of enemies, who were, as a rule, cavalry. These destroyers of mankind, unexpectedly descending on towns and villages put the whole of the male inhabitants to the sword, ransacked the place of all the wealth they could lay their hands on, and, after causing the greatest amount of loss they could to the buildings of the place by violence, ended, by setting fire to the ruins. Living under such conditions of exposure to sudden destruction necessitated the hoarding of wealth in secret places. At the present day, coins are constantly coming to light. The ploughman going over a piece of ground, that for ages had been jungle, turns up a vessel filled with treasure. The successful shop- keeper, desiring a residence more suited to his wealth, buys up some old houses, knocks them down to erect on the site a small palace, in the precincts of which he will probably dig a well. The old walls, the trenches for the new foundations, and the sinking of the well will be, almost sure to yield something. A canal is excavated and an old city is discovered. A railway is made and some old mound is pierced. Hidden wealth and antiquities come to light. Most of the finds are small and intrinsically of but little value, and they make their way to the food-seller or the money-changer. Now, nearly all money-changers in the Panjab are Hindus, and no Hindu will destroy a coin with an image on it, hence, all such coins are put on one side and sold, or exchanged when opportunity occui s. Sometimes the finder dedicates his find to some temple, but as the temple authorities part with all offerings to some money-changer, the coins get finally into the bazars. The thehs or old mounds, the well known sites of old towns, are of course more fertile than any other places in both coins and antiquities. They are regular coin-hunting grounds and from them, annually, a supply of coins comes into the bazars. No matter where it may have been found, the 1 [ ii ] fiuder always takes what lie obtains to the bazars, to convert it into current coin. Hence it nearly always happens that every large town in the Panjab, situated near old sites, has in its bazars stores of old coins. This is a fact so well known that the Rawal Pindi coin-dealers send out their agents annually to scour the whole country. It was through these dealers that Sir Alexander Cunningham obtained many of the splendid specimens which are pictured in his works on " the Coins of the Suc- cessors of Alexander in the East." The importance of old coins will be at once evident when we remember that much of the ancient history of India, if it were ever wiitten, has been altogether lost. The common histories of India show great gaps which need to be filled up. They generally commence with the Invasion of India by Alexander, although there had been a previous one under a king of Persia. After that there is blank until the reign of Subaktagin who invaded India in the 10th century of our era. His son, Mahmiid of Gazni made 18 incursions into India in the beginning of the eleventh century. Between Alexander and Subaktagin are more than 1300 years, a period as long as from the time of the first Saxon invasions of England, to the present day. Grecian histories are almost silent as to what happened in India after Alexander left it. We all know that after that great Conqueror's death, the empii-e he had created was split up into several, the histories of some of which are well known. The empire in the far East was left to itself ; so far as we know it had no communications with those in the West. Still, stray notices occur of an Eastern Emperor, Menander and of one ApoUodotus. It was left to the researches of the present century to show that, after Alexander, there reigned in the East, no less than 36 kings and queens with Greek names, and whose names are in Greek on their coins. After them reigned about 20 Indo-Scytliian or Saka kings or satraps, whose names are not Greek, but are still on the coins in Greek characters. Many of the Greek kings ruled over the Panjab as did all the Indo-Scythian sovereigns. We must not suppose that the Greeks held the whole of the Panjab. There were probably native states then as there are now, and these, imitating the style of the Greeks would have theii* own coin- age with the names of the rajahs or maharajahs on them. Modern numismatic research has revealed the names of some of these kings, but as they were native rulers, their names are not in Greek but in Pali or in the two Palis, Indian and Bactrian. W^e know that when Alexander came to India there were many native states, but we do not know their names, and we cannot tell where the men reigned whose names the coins have revealed to us. We do not know with certainty what coinage was in use in India before the time of Alexander. As yet no names on coins seem to be before his time. Those with Greek on one side and Pali on the other can safely be assigned to sovereigns subsequent to him. The History of the Discovery of the Ancient coins of the Panjab is a very interesting one. Sir Alexander Burnes at the end of his book of travels gave some plates to illustrate the coins he had found in Bokhara and Kabul. Charles Masson, when resident in Kabul, ascertained that ancient coins were to be obtained and eventually he succeeded in gathering over 60,000 in gold, silver, and copper. These he sent down to Calcutta where they were studied by Prinsep who began to read the Bactrian Pali on the reverses of the coins. In his " Indian Antiquities " he gives the results of his studies. General Court, at about the same time, opened several topes in the Panjab and from them and other sources obtained many coins. General Cunningham joined Prinsep in research. Dr. H. H. Wilson had the whole of the Masson coins sent to him and from a study of them, he wrote the " Ariana Antiqua." Before its appearance, however, Cunningham had written several papers on Grseco-Bactrian and Indo- Scythian coins. The Panjab and Lahore did not come into our possession for years afterwards, and then all the coins were in England. Ever since then and until lately most of the rare and interesting coins, subsequently found, were sent to England. It is only of late that the idea has been started that India herself ought to possess complete sets of coins of all the kings who have ever ruled and coined in the [ iii ] country. It is true that, in England, the coins will be studied now and that much interesting matter will be written on them. It is equally true that India is waking out of sleep and throwing off the lethargy of ages, and already learned natives of India have begun to make enquiries into the Archaeo- logy and Antiquities of their own land. There is no doubt that native scholars will flock to our Museums, in the not distant future, and that they will expect to find there objects of antiquity on which they can rely. It may be as well here to state what coins have been found in bazars of the Paujab in order to show what we ought to aim at obtaining for the Museum. (In the following list st = stater, a gold coin, td = tetra drachma, dd = didrachma, d = drachma and hd = hemidrachma : o = obolus. The copper coins are round and square of different weights and sizes. When a coin is in italics, it shows that there is one already in the Lahore Museum). Alexander the trreat t. d., d., h. d.. o. oeleukus t. d., d., h. d., o. Antiochus t. a., d.. 7 J fi. a. oophytes d., ... Lysimachus t. u.. ■ • • . . fl .*• Diodotus st. ... copper round. Euthydemus, I st. + A t. a., a. a., d.. It a a. d. ... and copper. Demetrius + A t. a., a., ... 0., copper. Euthydemus, II t. d.. ■•• d.. •■• ... '77 „ nickel, copper. Pantaleon t. d., •■• a., ... ... copper. Agathokles t. d.. ... d.. ... ... copper. Antimachus Theos + A t. d., ... d., ... ... copper. Jiukratides t. d., ... d., h. d.. o., copper of many kinds. XT 1 ' 11 Jdeliokles t d., .*• d., h. d., copper. Antiaikidas t. d., ... d., h. d., copper. Lysias ■■• h. a., copper. Diomedes d. d.. h. d., copper. Archebius d. d.. h. d., copper, various. Apollodotus t. d., h. d., copper, various. Strato d. d.. h. d., • • • copper. Agathokleias d. d.. h. d., copper. Menander d. d., h. d., copper, many types. Epander h. d., copper square only. Dionysius h. d.. copper do. Zoilus h. d., copper, round and square. Apollophanes h. d.. Artemidorus d. d., h. d., copper square. Antimachus Nikephoros h. d.. do. do. Philoxenes d. d., h. d., copper square. Nikias d. d.. h. d., do. do. Hippostratus d. d.. do. do. Amyntas d. d.. h. d., do. do. Hermaeus d. d., h. d., copper, several types. Kalliope h. d., [ iv ] Telephug ... ... h. d., ... Plato t.d. Theophilus ... h. d., ... square copper. Peukolaus ... ... square copper. Laodike t.d. ... d. ... ... The reverses of the coins of Pantaleon and Agathokles have the inscription in Indian Pali. From the time of Eukratides coins began to be bilingual, on one side they had the king's name and title in Greek. On the reverse they had the same in Bactrian Pali. Illustrations of these coins are to be found in the Ariana Antiqua, The British Museum Catalogue of coins of Greek and Scythic kings and in Sir Alexander Cunningham's " Coins of the Successors of Alexander in the East." The types in both silver and copper vary considerably with respect to images and monograms and also, at times, titles. In copper the coius of Menander, Eukratides, Apollodotus and Archebius have the greatest number of types. The various images on the coins of the Grseco-Bactrian kings are well vrorthy of being studied as they are examples of Grecian art in the third and second centuries before Christ. It must be remem- bered that the artists were working in Asia, thousands of miles away from Greece. Those who prepar- ed the dies of the first coins were most probably Greeks. After them their descendants probably carried on the work. A gradual decadence in both design and execution is noticed when the whole series is inspected. There seem, however, to be periods when attempts were made at improvement, but they did not last long. At last art and learning deteriorated to that extent, that it is difficult to find out what is meant by the attempt at representing an image, while the Greek inscription is such that no one can ever hope to be able to make it out. The gods on all the Gr«co-Bactrian series are Grecian : — Zeus, Hercules, Apollo, Nike, Athene, Poseidon all occur. Some of the animals depicted are, however, Indian, the elephant and humped bull. The monograms on the coins have not yet been made out satisfactorily. General Cunningham maintains that they give the names of the mint towns. Continental Numismatists are against this, but have put forward no satisfactory solution of the difficulty. Coins of the following Indo-Scythian kings or satraps have been formed in the Panjab : — Rajnabala h. d. small copper. Maues d. d., copper of many types. Azes d. d., h. d,, do. Aspavarma copper. Azilises d. d., h. d.. copper of many types. Vonones d. d., h. d., copper. Spalahores h. d., copper. Spalyrises h. d., copper. Spalagadames 7i. d., copper. Gondopharres d. d., copper and billon. Sasan copper or billon. Abdagases do. do. Orthagnes copper or billon. Pakores do. do. Zeionises d. d. copper. Hyrkodes h. d., [ ^ ] Kadpliises Kadphises II, gold Kadaphes Kharamostis Saudasa Soter Megas Kanerki or KanisHka Oerki or Huyislika Bazdeo or Vasu Deva copper, copper, copper. copper, copper. copper, 4 kinds, of several types, do. do. gold and copper do. copper do. copper Three kings' coins have been found in both Indian and Bactrian Pali. Dharaghosa, silver. Vimaki, silver. Agi Mitrasa, copper. Of the Mitra or Sunga Dynasty which, according to Prinsep reigned from 178 to 66 B. C, copper coins have been found of the following kings : — Agi or Agni Mitra. ^ Bhumi Mitra. Phaguni Mitra. Bhadragosha. Surya Mitra. Bhanu Mitra. Indra Mitra. Coins of the Taudheyas and Kunindas are often found in the Panjab. Both are in copper and in several types. Both kinds are represented in the Museum. See p. 23 of Catalogue Coins of the following Gupta Kings have been found, the Panjab : — gold. gold. One side of the coin is occupied by a square incuse in which is the name of the king and over that tliree symbols. The other side of the coin is occupied by an image. The Museum does not possess one specimen, though they are found in the Panjab bazars. They are not, however, often met with in Chandra Gupta, I Samudra Gupta Kacha. Chandra Gupta, II Kumara Gupta Skanda Gupta Kara Baladitya Prakasaditya Kramaditya gold, silver, copper, gold, silver, copper, gold, silver, gold, gold, gold. The following names appear on small silver or copper coins struck by the first Muhammadan rulers in Sind : — Banu Daud. Banu 'Ali Wiya. 'Amr Wiya. Banu 'Amr. Wall 'Amr Wiya. Banu Hisham. Wall 'Abdulla wa Nasir. Al Amir 'Abdulla^ [ vi ] Muhammad wa Nasir. 'Abd ur Raliman wa Nasir. None of these coins are in the Lahore Museum collection though they are often seen in Patijab bazars, or with dealers. The following are the names of the Brahmin Kings of Kabul : — Samanta Deva, silver, copper of many types. Syalapati, silver, copper very rare. Bhima Deva, silver rare. Klivadavakya, silver. Vanka Deva, ... copper only, of one type. These coins are found all over the Panjab in great quantities. Coins of the Khalifas of Bagdad, of the Sassanians or fire-worshippers, of the Parthians and of the Samanis of Turkestan are often found in the Panjab. There are not many in the Lahore Museum. Coins of the following old Maharajas of Kashmir have been found, chiefly in copper :— Vasakul. Minr Kul. Durlabha. ^ Pratapaditya. J- billon. Vinayaditya. J Aditya. Sankara Varma. Gopala Varma. Suganda Rani. Partha. Chakra Varma. Sura Varma. Yaskara. Abhimanyu. Nandigupta. Tribhuvamagupta. Bhimagupta. Didda Rani. Anauta Deva. Kalasa. copper and silver. Harsha, gold, silver and copper. Sussala. Mallina. Jaya Sinha. Paramana. Jaya Deva. Raja Deva. Sangrama. Kshemagupta and Dikshemagupta. In histories of Kashmir the names of many old Maharajas are given whose names have not yet been found on any coins. Coins of the following Sultans of Kashmir have been obtained either from Kashmir itself or from the bazars of Panjab towns : — Shams ud Din gold, silver, copper. Sikandar ... silver, copper. Zain ul 'Abidin . . . silver, copper. Haidar Shah ... silver, copper. Hasan Shah ... silver, copper. Muhammad Shah ... silver, copper. Path Shah ... silver, copper. Nadir Shah ... silver, copper. Humayun (Mogul) ... silver, Ibrahim Shah gold, silver, copper. Isma'el Shah ... silver, copper. Mahmiid ... silver, [ ] Gazi Chakk ... silver, 'All Shall ... silver, copper. Husain Shah ... silver, copper. Islam Shah (Suri) ... silver, copper. Yusuf Shah gold, silver, copper. Y'aqub Shah ... silver, Akbar (Mogul) gold, silver, copper. There are coins in silver with names on them that have not as yet been read. Very few silver coins are in the Lahore Museum, but the British Museum possesses a very full collection of silver coins, though it has not one in gold and but few in copper. These coins give very little help to history as the dates on them are very unsatisfactory being in many cases only repetitions of the year 842 the date of Zain ul 'Abidin's silver coins. The name Nadir Shah is plain on all the coins but in the histories the name is Ndzttk Shah. The name MaJwiud occurs in no history of Kashmir. This name is probably the coin name of Hahib. Humayun and Islam Shah never reigned in Kashmir, but their coins are found. The numismatics of Kashmir are full of anomalies. The coins have not yet been carefully collected, hence we know but little of what they may show. There is a great field here for any future numismatist. The coins, however, especially the square silver ones of the Sultans are very rare. The copper coins are abundant but are almost always found in bad condition. The gold coins are exceed- ingly rare. The chronology of the Sultans of Kashmir is very uncertain, and the coins render only small assistance in settling the matter. The Panjab was overrun and plundered and finally conquered by the Sultans of Gazni 900 years ago. Coins have been found of the following of these Sultans : — H. H. 366- -387 Subaktagin silver, ■ — 387- -388 Ismael silver, 388- -421 Mahmiid gold, silver, copper. 421—432 Masaiid, I gold, silver, copper. 421 & 432 Muhammad ... silver, ■ 432 -^40 Maudud gold, silver, copper. 440- -444 'Abd ur Rashid gold, silver, copper. 444 -^51 FaiTukhzad gold, silver, copper. 451- -492 Ibrahim gold, silver, copper. 492- -508 Masaiid, III ... silver, copper. 508—512 Malik Arslan ... silver, copper. 512- -547 Bahram Shah ... silver, copper. 547- -555 Khusrau Shah ... silver, copper. 555 Khusrau Malik ... silver, copper. Of these Sultans many coined at Lahore. It is, however, stated that coins were made in the Panjab in imitation of the coins of Gazni, but of inferior metal. The types of many of these Sultans are very numerous. Ibrahim reigned 41 years and his mints seem to have been always busy. The copper coins of Khusrau Shah are very rare as are the silver ones of Khusrau Malik, whereas, in the Panjab, his copper ones struck at Lahore are very common. There are very few Gazni coins in the Lahore Museum. More could easily be obtained. The following are the names of the Muhammadan Sultans of Dehli : — Date of Accession. 589 H. Muhammad bin Sam gold, silver, copper and a mixture of silver and copper. 692 Qutb ud Din Aibak no coins known. 607 Aram Shab only one billon type known. 607 Shams ud Din Altamsh gold, silver, copper and billon of many types, 63.3 Rukn ud Din Firoz Shah silver and billon. 634 Sultana Razia silver, billon, copper. 637 Muizz ud Din Bahram Shah silver, billon, copper. 639 'Ala ud Din Masaud Shah do. do. do. 644 Nasir ud Dm Mahmud Shah gold, do. do. do. 664 Giyas ud Din Balban do. do. do. do. 686 Miiizz ud Din Kaiqubad do. do. do. do. 689 Jalal ud Din Firoz Shah, II do. do. do. do. • 689 Kaiumurs do. (only one rupee known). 696 Rukn ud Din Ibrahim do. billon , copper 695 'Ala ud Din Muhammad Shah gold, do. do. do. 715 Shahab nd Dm 'TTmr do. 716 Qutb ud Din Mubarak Shah do. do. do. do. 718 Shams ud Din Mahmud Shah do. (only one coin known). 720 Nasir ud Din Khusrau Shah gold. silver. billon. 720 Giyas ud Din Tuglaq Shah do. do. do. copper. 725 Muhammad bin Tuglaq do. do. do. do. Mahmud bin Muhammad Tuglaq do. do. 752 Firoz Shah III do. do. do. do. 790 Tuglaq Shah II do. do. do. 791 Abu Bakr Shah do. do. do. 792 Muhammad Shah do. do. do. do. 795 Sikandar Shah do. do. 795 Mahmud Shah do. do. do. do. 797 Nasrat Shah do. do. do. 815 Daulat Khan ") 817 Khizr Khan j coins of either these two Sultans are known. 824 Muizz ud Din Mubarak Shah silver, billon. copper. 837 Muhammad Shah bin Farid Shah do. do. do. 847 'Alam Shah do. do. 855 Bahlol Lodhi do. do. 894 Sikandar Lodhi do. do. 923 Ibrahim Lodhi do. do. 932 Babar (Mogul) silver. billon. copper. 937 Humaydn do. gold, do. do. do. 947 Sher Shah Sur do. do. do. 952 Islam Shah Siir do. do. do. 960 Muhammad Shah Sur do. do. 961 Ibrahim Shah Siir do. do. [ ] 962 Sikandar Shah Sur silver, copper. 962 Humayun restored (Mogul) silver, rupee (two only known). On some of the coins of Muhammad bin Sam comes the name of his elder brother Giyas ud Din bin Sam. There are Indian coins of Muliammad bin Sam in Sanskrit, with the name of Piithvi Raja on the revei'se. Taj ud Din, a General of Muhammad bin Sam coined in his own name as well as that of his master. The types of the coins of these two are very numerous. There was a nephew of Muham- mad bin Sam's, of the name of Mahmud, who struck coins in India. There were many rulers of native states, contemporary with the early Dehli Sultans, whose coins have come down to us, such as Anang- pala, Killi, Pichhimba, Pipala, Kalha Deva, Sallakshana, Madanapala, Someswara, Chahada Deva, Mahipala and Malaya Varmma. Shams ud Din Altamsh or Eltitmish had many varieties of coins. He struck at Dehli, Lahore and Multan as the names of these towns occur on his coins. Contemporary with Altamsh were Ala ud Din of Khwarizm, Jalal ud Din Manakbarnin, Changez Khan, Hasan Qarlag, Nasir ud Din Qarlag, Uzbeg Pai, and Nasii' ud Din Qabacha, coins of all of whom are often met with in the bazars of Panjab towns. Khwaja Kutlug, a Mogul, who invaded India in the time of Ala ud Din Muhammad Shah, also left behind him coins. Muhammad Tuglaq was perhaps the greatest coiner of all the Sultans in this long list, his coins in gold, silver, copper and billon being of many types. His nephew Firoz Shah had also many types of coins. He struck coins on which were the names of Path Khan, or Zafar, conjointly with his own, although both these princes died before their father. There was a series of posthumous coins of Firoz Shah struck, as may be seen by the dates they bear. Sikandar Shah reigned only 45 days, but five types of his coins are knowia. There ar-e no coins of Daulat Khan Lodhi known, although it is stated that he coined in his own name. Many states became independent of Dehli. Chief amongst these was Bengal with its long array of Sultans. Others were Jaunpur, Kulburga, Gujrat and Malwa. As the coins of all these independent states are found now and then in the Panjab bazars, lists of the kings are here given. As no systematic research has ever been carried out with respect to the coins of these parts, and as no complete collection has been made of them, I am unable to state what coins have been found. BENGAL SOVEREIGNS. A. H. 599 Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khilji. 602 'Izz ud Din Muhammad Shiran. 605 'Ala ud Din Mardan. 608 Giyas ud Din 'Iwaz. 624 Nasir ud Din Mahmud. 627 'Ala ud Din Jani. 627 Saif ud Din Aibak. 631 Izz lid Din Tugril Tugan Khan. 642 Kamar ud Din Tamar Khan Kiran. 644 Ikhtiyar ud Din Yuzbak (Mugi_s ud Din). 656 Jalal ud Din Masaiid, Malik Jani. 657 I'zz ud din Balban. 659 (?) Mahammad Ai'slan, Tatar Khan. Sher Khan. 3 [ ^ ] A. H. Amin Khan. 577 Mugis ud Din Tugril. 681 Nasir ud Din Bagra. 691 Rukn ud Din Kaikaus. 702 Shams ud Din Firoz Shah. 718 Shahab ud Din Bagra Shah. 710 Giyas ud Din Bahadur Shah. 719 Nasir ud Din Bahadui* Shah. 731 Bahrain Shah. 726 Qadr Khan. 724 I'zz ud Din Azim ul Mulk. 739 Fakhr ud Din Mubarak Shah. 750 Ikhtiyar ud Din Gazi Shah. 740 Ala ud Din Ali Shah. 740 Shams ud Din Ilyas Shah. 759 Sikandar Shah I. 772 Giyas ud Din A'zim Shah. 799 Shaif ud Din Hamza Shah. 809 Shams ud Din. 812 Shahab ud Din, Bayazid Shah. 817 Jalal ud Din Muhammad Shah 835 Shams ud Din Ahmad Shah. 846 Nasir ud Din Mahmiid Shah I. 864 Rukn ud Din Barbak Shah. 879 Shams ud Din Yusuf Shah. 886 Sikandar Shah II. 886 Jalal ud Din Fath Shah. 892 Sultan Shahzada Barbak. 892 Saif ud Din Firoz Shah. 895 Nasir ud Din Mahmiid Shah II. 896 Shams ud Din Abuun Nasr Muzaffar Shah. 899 Ala ud Din Husain Shah. 925 Nasir ud Din JSTasrat Shah. 939 Ala ud Din Firoz Shah. 939 Giyas ud Din Mahmud Shah III. 960 Shams ud Din Muhammad Sur Gazi Shah. 962 Bahadur Shah. 968 Giyas ud Din Jalal Shah. 971 Sulaiman Khan Kararani. 980 Bayazid Shah. 980 Daiid Shah. Of these kings there are in the British Museum 162 coins, but many kings are anrepresented, Thi Lahore Museum has the rupees of very few. These coins sometimes make their way up to the Panjal and are found occasionally in the bazars. [ ] Bengal was conquered and finally annexed by Akbar in 984. In 944 Bengal was conquered by Sher Shah Sur. Many of his rupees and of those of his descendants Islam Shah and Mubariz ud Din Muhammad Shah Adil were undoubtedly struck in Bengal. KINGS OF JAUNPUR. A. H. 796 Khwaja i Jahan no coins known. 802 Mubarak Shah do. 803 Shams ud Din Ibrahim Shah gold, silver, several types of copper. 844 Mahmud Shah ibn i Ibrahim gold do. 861 Muhammad Shah ibn i Mahmud do. 863 Husain Shah ibn i Mahmud gold do. 892 Barbak son of Bahlol Lodhi. Governor of Jaunpur. Copper only. Much work remains to be done to the coins of Jaunpur. The various types are as yet but imperfect- ly known. Bahlol Lodhi in 888, H. struck coins at Jaunpur in his own name. It was afterwards a mint of Babar, Humayiin and Akbar. BAHMANI' DYNASTY OF KULBURGA OR AHSANABAD. The coins of several of the Sovereigns of the Bahmani Dynasty have been found in the Panajb : the following is the list of kings of this dynasty : — A. H. 748 Ahsan Shah Gangu or Kanko, Bahmani. 759 Muhammad Shah I. 776 Mujahid Shah. 780 Daiid Shah. 780 Mahmud Shah. 799 Giyas ud Din. 799 Shams ud Din. 800 Taj ud Din Firoz Shah. 825 Ahmad Shah I. 838 Ala ud Din Ahmad Shah II. 862 Ala ud Din Humayun Shah. 865 Nizam Shah. 867 Muhammad Shah II. 887 Mahmud Shah II. 924 Ahmad Shah III. 927 Ala ud Din Shah. 829 Wali Allah Shah. 932 Kalfm Allah Shah. The British Museum catalogue contains only 36 coins of these kings of which 8 are in silver. The Hon. Mr. Gibbs wrote a paper on the gold and silver coins and Dr. Codrington one on the copper coins [ ^ii ] of this dynasty. Systematic research would produce hundreds of coins of many different types which would throw much light on history. The following are the names of the kings of Gujrat : — A. H. 799 Muzaffar Shah I. 814 Ahmad Shah I. 846 Muhammad Karim Shah. 865 Qutb ud Din. 86.3 Daud Shah. 863 Mahmud Shah Baikara. 917 Muzaffar Shah II. 932 Sikaudar Shah. 932 Nasir Khan Mahmud II. 932 Bahadur Shah. 943 Miran Muhammad Shah Farukf. 944 Mahmud Shah III bin Latif. 861 Ahmad Shah II. 969 Muzaffar Shah III. Habib, submitted to Akbar 980. Of these fourteen kings the British Museum Catalogue gives 41 coins of which six are in gold and six in silver. Mr. E. E. Oliver, when Under-Secretary to the Panjab Grovernment wrote a very good paper on the coins of Gujrat which are found in most of the Panjab bazars, in greater or less quantities Systematic research is again wanted with respect to these coins. MALWAH KINGS. A. H. 804 Dilawar Khan Ghorf. 808 Hushang Shah. 839 Muhammad Gazni Khan. 839 Mahmud Shah I, Khilj!. 880 Giyas Shah, Khilj i. 906 Nasir Shah Khilji. 916 Mahmud Shah II. Of these kings the British Museum Catalogue gives 64 coins, of which 9 are in gold and 4 in silver. Types are numerous. More research will, however, bring more specimens to notice. COINS OF THE MAHARAJAS OF KANGRA. In following the coins of the Muhammadan rulers of different parts of India I have omitted those of one of the oldest dynasties in the Panjab, the Katoch Dynasty of Trigarta, Jalandhar and Kangya. Coins have been found of the following Maharajas of this dynasty : — Samanta Deva. Pt'ithvi Chandra Deva, (Pithama on the coins) Hari Chandra Deva. [ xiH ] Apurva Chandra Deva, Sansara Chandra Deva. Rupa do. do. Avatara do. do. Singara do. do. Devanga do. do. Meglia do. do. Narendra do. do. Hari do. do. Dharma do. do. Karma do. do. Triloka do. do. There are some few coins of this series with the name of the Maharaja on one side and that of the Emperor of Delhi on the other. The names of many Maharajas given in lists are not found on any Kangra coins. No Kangra gold or silver coins have yet been found. The only ones known up to the present are small, and of copper. The neighbouring state of Chamba had also a coinage of its own. The coins were of copper only, and the characters on them were a kind of Hill Sanskrit or Thakuri. On some of the coins ai^e the raja's name and that of one of the gods of Chamba. They have never been written about. COINS OF THE MOGUL EMPERORS OP INDIA. The following are the names of the Mogul Emperors of India : — A. H. 932 Zahir ud Din Muhammad Babar. 937 and 962 Nasir ud Din Muhammad Humayun. 963 Jalal ud Din Muhammad Akbar. 1014 Nur ud Din Muhammad Jahangir. 1037 Shahab ud Din Muhammad Shahjahan. 1068 Muhi ud Din Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir. do. Shah Shuj'a ) . , . Tvr 'J 1 1 1, C issued coins, do. Murad Bakhsh ) 1118 Bahadur Shah, Shah 'Alam. do. 'Azim Shah | . ^ . do. Kam Bakhsh ) 1124 Jahandar Shah. 1124 Parrukhsiyar. 1131 Rafia ud Darajat. 1131 Rafia ud Daulat (Shah Jahan on coins). 1131 Muhammad Nekosir. 1131 Muhammad Shah. 1132 Sultan Muhammad Ibrahim. 1161 Ahmad Shah, Bahadur. 1167 'Alamgir II. 1173 Shahjahan III. 1173 Shah 'Alam II. 1201 Muhammad Bedar Bakht. 1221 Akbar II. 1260 Bahadur Shah II. The Mogul Emperors were the first who held the greater part of India. They never held the whole. Their conquests were made gradually. They lost provinces gradually. To provide coins for 4 [ ] so vast an empire was no easy work. With the means at their disposal, having no machinery, they were compelled to have mints all over the empire. On the conquest of a province a mint was at once set going. Coins issuing from it at once proclaimed who was master. But whenever a province was lost to the Emperor his coins at once ceased to be struck. It is this which makes a collection of Mogul coins at once interesting and valuable. The Mogul Emperors often changed the old names of towns and gave them some Muhammadan name. Sometimes both names appear on the coins. Thus Dehli was called Shdhjahandbad ; Agra, Akbardbdd ; Aurangabad, Khujasta Bunydd : Rajmahal in Bengal, Ahbarnagar ; Patna, 'Azimdbdd ; Kalpi, Banaras and Udipur, Muhammaddbdd ; Adoni, Imtiydzgarh ; Chittagong, Islamabad ; and Dacca, Jahdngirnagar. Besides this, titles of honour were given to towns, thus :— Kabul was called on coins Bar ul Mulk. Lahore do. Bar us Saltanat. Delhi do. Bar ul Khildfat. ^gra do. Bar ul 'Adl and Mustaqir ul Khildfat. Bijapiir do. Bar ul Zafr. Burhanpiir do. ^ and \-Bdr us Sarur. Saharanpur J Ujain do. Bdr ul Fath. Haidarabad (Dakkan) do. Bdr ul Jihad. Ajmir do. Bdr ul Khair. Multan ^ Jummun \- do. Bdr al Amdn. A'gra J Burhanpiir do. Baldat i Fdkhira. Surat do. Bandar i Mubarak. Qandahar do. Ashraf al Baldd. Champanir do. Shahr i Mukarram. Jaunpur do. Khitta i Mutabarak. Fathpur do. Bar us Saltanat. Babar and Humayun held but little of India. Humayiin was driven out of the country and he remained absent for 16 years, during which period the Siiri kings, Sher Shah, Islam Shah, Muhammad Shah, Ibrahim Shah and Sikandar Shah reigned. Sher Shah reintroduced a gold, silver and copper currency. The Siiri coins form a fine series ; few are known in gold, but the silver and copper coins are of many mints and types. Akbar, the first Emperor who held the whole of northern India, coined in gold, silver and copper exactly on the lines Sher Shah had done. In the A'in i Akbarf we are told that the following were his mint towns ; — Attak Banaras, Ajmir, Ahmadabad, A'gra, Alwar, Bahdbds, Oudh, Ujain, Badaun, Banaras, Benga'l, Bhakkar, Pattan, Patna, Bhera, Tdndah, Jalandhar, Jaunpur, Hisar Firoza, BeJili, Ranthambor, Sarangpur, Sironj, Sarhind, Sambhal, Surat, Saharanpui% Sialkot, Kanauj, Ka'bul, Kalpi, Kashmir, Kalanaur, Gwaliar, Gorakhpur, Lahore, Lucknow, Mathura, Multdn, Mandu, Nagor, Hardwar. Those in capitals struck in gold as well as silver and copper. Those in italics struck in silver and copper ; the rest in copper only. So far Abul Fazl. Gold coins are, however, known of Lahore, Kashmir, Udipur, Patna, Fathpur and Jaunpur. Rupees are known of Jaunpur, Fathpur, Lahri Bandar, Sitpur, Tatta, Burhanpiir, Bairat and Srmagar. Copper coins are known of Burhanp-ir, [ xy ] Srmagar, Dogam, Chaitaur, Gobindpur, Malpur, and Khairpur mints. Akbar's camp was called Urdu i Zafar Qarin and in it were struck gold and silver and copper coins. We do not know where his camp may have been pitched when these were struck. In his 30th year Akbar discontinued the use of the Kalima on the reverse of his coins and of the year of the Hijii-a. Instead of the Kalima he used the words (J^ j*^'! which words have a double meaning. He called the year of his reign or divine, and he used the names of the old Persian months, so that we have on one series of coins the name of the mint town, the year of the reign and the month and on the other side Akbar's Kalima. Hence a complete collection of Akbar's coins of the last 20 years of his reign, would be a very large one indeed as 240 coins would be required of each metal and from each mint. Besides rupees, Akbar struck the following parts of rupees : — |, |, 3-, xg-' tV ■^th.. He also struck hundred-mohur pieces and halves, quarters, fifths and twentieths of these pieces, none of which have, so far as is known, come down to our times. Jahangir did not coin at so many mints as his father Akbar, but his gold and silver coins are in great variety and they are of exquisite beauty. On two gold coins he is represented as drinking wine from a glass. On a third is his bust. There is a series of his in gold and silver on which are struck the signs of the Zodiac ; they are now exceedingly rare and consequently command high prices. At several mints coins in silver and gold were struck on which his name appears conjointly, in a Persian couplet, with that of his beautiful Queen Nur Jahan. Strange to say, his copper coins are few, and consequently very rare. Akbar commenced the custom of striking Persian couplets on his coins. Jahangir continued and extended this custom. Jahangir was the first to strike nisdrs, coins for distribution on great days. Nisars are now very rare. Shahjahan reverted to the Kalima and to the Hijir'i year, hence his coins are somewhat mon- otonous both in silver and gold. Coins of his are, however, known with his Ilahi years and Persian months on them. Aurangzeb's coins are interesting in the matter of mints only. He struck coins all over his exten- sive empire both in gold and silver and had at least fifty mints. His copper coins are scarce. He discontinued the use of the Kalima on his coins considering it too holy a sentence to be handled by infidels in the course of ordinary business transactions. The coins of his brothers Shah Shuja and Murad Bakhsh are exceedingly rare, as are those of his sons 'Azim Shah and Kam Bakhsh. Coins of Bahadur Shah I, Jahandar Shah, Parrukhsiyar, Rafia ud Darajat, and Rafia ud Daulat, are common. Coins may he obtained of every year of Muhammad Shah, Ahmad Shah, 'Alamgir II, Shah Jahan III and Shah 'Alam II. Coins struck in India by Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Durrani are getting exceedingly rare. Both struck at several mints. Coins were struck by Ahmad Shah each time he made an incursion into India. They are interesting as giving numismatic evidence of his presence and power. Akbar II and Bahadur Shah II had for theii' kingdom the fort of Dehli only. They coined rupees and mohurs for bii'thday presents, both coins being broad and thin. Some native states continued to strike coins in the names of these two kings. All over the country indeed mints were set to work and hence modern coins are very numerous. It will be seen from the above that the Mogul coins of India form an immense series. To them must be added the coins, struck by the Honorable East India Company, in the name of Shah Alam II the last Mogul who had any power. [ xvi ] The Sikhs began, as a Commonwealth, to strike coins at Lahore as early as Samvat 1822 or 1765 A D., thirty-five years before Ranjit Singh conquered Lahore and made it his capital. At Anandgarh, Amritsar, Multan, Kashmir, Peshdwor, Find Dadan Khan and Lahore there were mints. The year 1849 A. D., however, saw the Panjab annexed by the British and since then no coins have been struck in the country. Native states, however, still retain the privilege of striking coins. Bahawulpur, Jummun, Kashmir, Pattiala, Maler Kotla, Jhind, and Nabha are those whose mints seem busiest. The Sikhs used the Samvat era. At the end of last century, that is about a hundred years ago Ranjit Deo, Raja of Jummun, struck coins first in the name of Shah 'Alam and then in his own name. His was the last mint north of the Sutlaj whence coins were issued in the name of the Emperor of Dehli. At the beginning of the present century, George Thomas, an Irishman became an independent ruler in Hariana, the country round about Hisar and Hansl and struck coins in his own name. Nothing has been said as yet by me about the coins of the late rulers in Persia, Affghanistan and Turkestan although they come by thousands annually to the Panjab. Indeed now-a-days in the Panjab bazars coins are met with from nearly every civilized nation under the sun. English, Scotch and Irish tokens even are represented. Hence it will be seen what an enormous field our bazars ofPer not only to the Collector but also to the Scientific Numismatist. As much has, during the half century that has gone, been written on the coins of the Panjab and northern India, I append a list of books and papers for reference. They form in themselves a small library and show moi-e than anything else could possibly do, how necesssry is a Coin Manual for India, which should, in one volume, show how much is known at the present day on the subject. A table of Pali inscriptions with transliterations is also given, together with a Table of Monograms and marks on coins. It is hoped that these two Tables will be found useful to the readers of the Catalogue. CHAS. J. RODGERS. Amritsar, "i March Idth, 1891. ) [ xvii ] APPENDIX TO INTRODUCTION. COIN LITERATURE. (1) Marsden's " Numismata Orientalia " London, 1825. 57 Plates. (2) Plates at end of Burne's Travels. (3) Wilson's " Ariana Antiqua." London, 1841. 22 Plates. (4) Prinsep's " Indian Antiquities " edited by Thomas, many plates. (5) Lieutenant Cunningham on Bactrian Coins, J. A. S. B., 1840. 1 Plate. (6) do. 2nd Notice of some new Bactrian Coins, 1842. 1 Plate. (7) do. some unpublished Indo-Scythian Coins, 1845. 1 Plate. (8) Major Cunningham Coins of Indian Buddhist Satraps, 1864. 2 Plates. (9) Edward Thomas, on the coins of the Gupta Dynasty, 1855. (10) do. Ancient Indian Weights, 1865. (11) Major General Cunningham's Coins of the Nine Nagas and of two other dynasties of Narwar and Gwaliar, 1865. 1 Plate. (12) The Initial Coinage of Bengal by Edward Thomas, 1867. 2 Plates and cuts. Papers (5) to (12) are all in J. A. S. B. (13) The early faith of Asoka, by Edward Thomas, 1877. 2 Plates of coins. (14) The identity of Xandrames and Krananda, do. (15) The Bilingual Coins of Bokhara do. 1 Plate. (16) Bactrian Coins do. 1 Plate. (17) On the coins of the kings of Gazni do. 1847. 3 Plates. (18) Supplement to above do. 1859. 1 Plate. (19) On the coins of the Dynasty of the Hindu Kings of Kabul do., 1846, 1 Plate. Papers (13) — (19) are in J. R. A. S. (20) The Ancient Coinage of Kashmir by Lieutenant A. Cunningham, 1843. London, Numismatic Society's Journal. 3 Plates. (21) Coins of Alexander's Successors in the Bast by Major General Cunningham, J. L. N. S. 16 Plates. (22) Edward Thomas' " Chronicles of the Pathan Kings of Dehli." London, Triibner and Co. 1871. 6 Plates. (23) Coin of the Indian Prince Sophytes, a contemporary of Alexander the Great, by Major General Cunningham, J. L. N. S. 1 Cut. (24) Dates on the Coins of the Hindu Kings of Kabul, by Sir Edward Clive Bayley. 2 Plates, J. L. N. S. (25) Coins of the Arabs in Sind, by Edward Thomas. Indian Antiquary. (26) Gold and silver Coins of the Bahmani Dynasty, by Hon. J. Gibbs, J. L. N. S. 1 Plate. (27) Some Rare and Unpublished Coins of the Pathan and Mogul Dynasties af Dehli, by Hon. J. Gibbs, J. L. N. S. 2 Plates. (28) Copper Coins of the Bahmani Dynasty, by Dr. Codrington. Journal of Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1883. 1 Plate. (29) Coins of the Mitra or Sunga Dynasty, by H. Rivett Carnac, J. A. S. B,, 1880. 3 Plates. C30) Coins of the Kings of Dehli and Jaunpur, by J. G. Delmerick, J. A. S, B., 1875. 1 Plate. [ xviii ] (31) Coins of the Kings of Dehli, Malwah, Bengal, Kulburga, and Kashmir, by. J. G. Delmerick, J. A. S. B. 2 Plates, 1876. (32) Description of Coins and relics found by Mr. W. Simpson in the Ahin Posh Stupa, Jalalabad, J. A. S. B., 1879. 5 Plates. (33) Coins of Giyas nd Din Miiizz ud Din bin Sam by Dr. C. R. Stulpnagel, J. A. S. B., 1890. 1 Plate. (34) On a Silver Coin of Dawar Bakhsh by J. G. Delmerick, P. A. S. B., 1884. Cut. (35) Notes on a Gold Coin of Kam Bakhsh by J. G. Delmerick, P. A. S. B., 1884. Cut. (36) Copper Coins of the Maharajas of Kashmir, J. A. S. B., 1879. 2 Plates. (37) do. Sultans of Kashmir do. do. 1 Plate. (38) Coins of Khnsrau Shah and Khusrau Malik and others do. do. 1 Plate. (39) Coins of the Maharajas of Kangra J. A. S. B., 1890. 1 Plate. (40) I. Coins supplementary to Thomas' " Chronicles of the Pathan Kings," J. A. S. B., 1880 2 Plates. (41) II. do. do. J. A. S. B., 1880. 2 Plates. (42) III. do. do. do. 1883. 2 Plates. (43) IV. do. do. do. 1886. 2 Plates. (44) Copper Coins of Akbar, J. A. S. B., 1880. 2 Plates. (45) A find of Coins struck by Gazni Sultans in Lahore, P. A. S. B., 1881. (46) On the Coins of the Sikhs, J. A. S. B., 1881. 5 Plates. (47) The Square Silver Coins of the Sultans of Kashmir, J. A. S. B., 1885. 3 Plates. (48) On Miscellaneous Coins, P. A. S. B., 1888. 1 Plate. (49) The Rupees of the months of the llahi years of Akbar, J. A. S. B., 1883. 2 Plates. (50) The Coins of Ahmad Shah Durrani, struck in India, J. A. S. B., 1885. 1 Plate. (51) Notes on Coins mentioned by Major Raverty in his notes to the Translation of the Tabaq^it i Nasiri, J. A. S. B., 1887. (52) On some coins from Qandahar, P. A. S. B., 1884. 1 Plate. (53) On some coins of Nadii* Shah, struck in India, J. N. S. L., 1882. 1 Plate. (54) On a coin of Shams ud Din Mahmiid Shah, J. R. A. S., 1881. 1 Plate. (55) Notes on a list of silver coins of Aurangzeb 'Alamgir and on Nisars, J. A. S. B., 1883. 1 Plate. (56) Couplets on the Coins of Jahangir, J. A. S. B., 1888. (57) Couplets on Coins of Kings after Jahangir, J. A. B. S., 1888. (58) On some more Copper Coins of Akbar, J. A. S. B., 1885. 1 Plate. (59) Some coins of Raiijit Deo, Raja of Jammun, J. A. S. B., 1885. (60) The Rupees of the Suri Dynasty. Indian Antiquary, 1888. 2 Plates. (61) Rare Copper Coins of Akbar do. 1890. 2 Plates. (62) The Old Coins of the Panjab. A Lecture. Journal, Anjuman of Panjab, 1885-6. 3 Plates. Papers (36)— (62) are by Chas. J. Rodgers. (63) Some Copper Coins of Akbar, found in the Kangra District, E." E. Oliver, J. A. S. B., 1886. 2 Plates. (64) The Decline of the Samanis and Rise of the Gazms, E. E. Oliver, J. A. S. B,, 1886. 3 Plates. (65) Coins of the Muhammadan Kings of Gujrat, E. E. Oliver, J. A. S. B., 1889. 3 Plates. (66) The Coinage of the Early or Imperial Gupta Dynasty of Northern India, Vincent Arthur Smith, J. R. A. S., 1889. 5 Plates. [ xix ] (67) Notes on the Historical Results deducible from the recent discoveries in Affghanistan, with 17 Plates. H. T. Prinsep, 1844. (68) Coins of the Indo- Scythians, Part I. Gen. Sir A. Cunningham, J. N. S. L., 1808. 4 Plates. (69) Coins of the Tochari, Kushans or Tueti do. J. N. S. L., 1889. I Plate. (70) Coins of the Sakas do. J. N. S. L., 1890. 13 Plates. (71) New Greek Coins of Bactria and India, Percy Gardner, J. N. S. L., 1887. 1 Plate. (72) Some new or rare Muhammadan and Hindu coins, Dr. Hoernle, J. A. S. B., 1889. 1 Plate. (73) Central Asiatic Coins collected by Capt. Laessoe ; Dr. Hoernle and C. J. Rodgers, J. A. S. B., 1890. 2 Plates. (74) Coins of the Dm-ranis, J. L. N. S., 1888. 1 Plate. M. Longworth Dames. (75) The Epoch of the Sah Kings of Surashtra, illustrated by their coins, Edward Thomas. London, 1848. | (76) The Dynasty of the Guptas in India, Edward Thomas. London, 1876. ' (77) Copper Coins of the Siiri Dynasty, Dr. Hoernle, J. A. S. B., 1890. 3 Plates. (78) British Museum Catalogue. Oriental Coins, Vol. II. London, 1876. 8 Plates. (79) do. do. do. Greek and Scythic Kings, 1886. 32 Plates. (80) do. do. do. Sultans of DehK, 1884. 9 Plates. (81) do. do. do. Muhammadan States of India, 1885. 12 Plates (82) A new find of Early Muhammadan Coins, Dr. Hoernle, J. A. S. B., 1887. 4 Plates. (83) Notes on Some Copper Buddhist Coins, H. Rivett Carnac, J. A. S. B., 1880. 2 Plates. (84) Ancient Copper Coins of Kashmir, Dr. Hoernle, P. A. S. B., 1885. 1 Plate. (85) Coins of the Modern Native Chiefs of the Panjab, Major Temple. Indian Antiquary. November, 1889. 2 Plates. (86) Notes on the Mint Towns and Coins of the Muhammadans, by Eugene Leggett, M. N. S. L. London. Stevens and Sons. 2 Maps. CATALOGUE OF THE COINS IN THE GOVERNMENT MUSEUM. COMPILED BY CHARLES J. RODGERS, Honorary Numismatist to the Government of India. SopIiT/tes. Silver : — (1) 64.1, .65.* Obv. Helmetecl head of king to right. The helmet has a wreath of leaves on it. There is also a cheek piece attached and a plume. On the slope of the neck are the letters MN. The whole is enclosed in a circle of dots. Rev. A cock to the right, standing. In the field to the left a caduceus. To the right 2n$\T0Y. The whole is enclosed in a circle of dots. Antioclms. Silver : — (1) 31.5,- .5 round. Obv. Diademed head of king to right. Rev. Head of horned horse to right. Portions of isncription, BA2IAEJ22 ANTIO- XOY. Diodotus. Gold .— (1) 135.8, .74. Obv. Head of king to right, with fillet. Rev. Zeus, striding to left, hui-ling thunderbolt, «gis on left arm. To left at his feet an eagle, above which a 'vyi'eath. To right of the head a javelin. To right BASlAEnS. To left AIOAOTOY. Note. I have no doubt about this coin being a copy. The fignire of Zeus is frightfully- attenuated. The head of the king too is bad in details. Copper : — (1) 169, .85. Obv. Head of king to right, with low-crowned kausia, in dotted circle. Rev. Athene, standing, front, right hand holds spear, left rests on shield on the gi'ound. To right BASIAEflS, to left AIoAoToY. Euthjdemus I, (1) /St7TOr.— 144.8, 1.05. Obv. Head of king to right, diadem. Rev. Hercules, seated on a rock to the left with club in right hand. Name and title almost obliterated, barbarous. (2) 173, 1. do. Rev. Hercules, &c., to left EY^YAHM... to right BASIAOS (sic) mono- gram (1). * The first number shows the weight of each coin in grains, the second its size in inches or decimal parts of an inch. [ 2 ] (3) mixed metal 92.8, .95. Obv. as in (1). Rev. Nothing. (4) do. 103, 1.1. Obv. as in (1). Rev. Traces of obv. as in (1) (5) Silver :— 142-9, 1.05. Obv. King's head to right crowned. Hair in two plaits. Rev. Hercules on rock, very rough workman- ship uni'ead letters. (6) mixed metal 120.2, 1. Obv. as in (3). Rev. as in (3). Demetrius. Copper : — (1) square, 94.2, .75. Obv. Bust of king to right, with elephant's head for head-dress. BA2IAEI22 ANIKHToY AHMHTPIoY. Rev. Winged thunderbolt, to right below (m.* 2) Maharajasa aparajitasa Berne... (inscr. (1)) (Cunningham pi. IV, fig. 11). Euthjdemus II. (1) Nickel 102.8, .95. Obv. Head of Apollo to right, laureate. Rev. Tripod, name indistinct, no monogram. Tmtaleon, Silver : — Copper : — (1) rectangular .85 x .8. Wt. 182.7. Obv. Lion to right ; above BASIAEOS below nANTAAEoNToS. Rev. Female figure imperfect. Inscriptions deleted. Agatholcles. Silver : — Copper : — (1) 172.2, oblong .88 x .67. Obv. Lion to right in depressed square, above BA2IAEf22 below AFAOoKAEoYS Rev. Female figure imperfect to left " Agathukleyasa " (Inscrip. 3). Antimaclms. Copper : — (1) 142, 1.05 round- Obv. Nike to left holding in right hand a spear. To right BASIAEOS ©E(oY) To left ANTIMAXoY- Rev. Elephant to right. » M = monogram. See plate of monograms. [ 3 ] Buhratides. Silver : — (1) 232.1,1.4. Obv. Helmeted head of king to right, helmet has ear and horn of bull and a plume. The whole in a circle of astragalus beading : — Rev. The dioscuri charging to right, with long lances and palm leaves. Over them : — BASlAEfiS MErAAoY, underneath EYKPATIAoY. To left, monogram : (3). (2) 7.7, .4. Obv. as in (1) Rev. caps of the dioscuri with palm leaves, to right BASlAEfiS to left EYKPATIAoY- Underneath, (m. 4). Mikratides. Copper : — (1) round :— 94.9, .9. Obv. Helmeted head of king to right; Rev. mounted dioscuri and inscription as in silver No. (1) no monogram. (2) square :— 128.4, .89. Obv. Bust of king to right, helmet and plume inscription as in (1) of silver. Rev. Mounted dioscuri to right : above " MaJiarajasa " below " Euhratidasa " no monogram (Inscrip- tion 4). (3) square : — 130.8, .85 : Obv. as in (2). Rev. as in (2) monogram to right m. 6 to left m. 6. (4) do. 130.4, -85 Obv. as in (2). Rev. as in (2) to right m. 7. (5) do. 128.1, .98 Obv. as in (2). Rev. as in (2) to right m. 8. (6) do. 112. .9 Obv. as in (2). Rev. almost illegible. (7) do. 59, .78 Obv. and rev. as in (2) but inscriptions almost gone. (8) do. 74.7, .75 do. do. (9) round : — 61.6, .95 very poor duplicate of (1), everything scarcely decipherable. Heliohles. Silver : — (1) 243, 1.28. Obv. Bust of king to right, fillet. Rev. Zeus to front, with himation, in right hand thunderbolt, in left spear, (B) A2lAEt22 AIKAIoY HAIoKAEoYS- Monogram 9. (2) 33.1, .6. Obv. Bust of king to right, parts of BASlAEfiS AIKAIoY HAIoKAEoYS. Rev. Zeus as in (1) Maharajasa dhramikasa Heliyakriyasa. (Inscr. 5) monogram 10. Antialhidas. Silver : — (1) 34.9, .65 Obv. Bust of king to right, flat helmet, BASIAEDS NIKH^oPoY ANTIAAKIAoY- Rev. Jupiter seated on throne, to left, right hand, extended supports a Nike, in front is front half of an elephant, ''^ Maharajasa jay adharasa Atialikidasa " (Inscr. 6), mono- gram under throne 11. (2) 37.5, .6 5 duplicate of (1) in better condition. Copper : — (1) square 133.6, .72 Obv. Head of king to right, bare, inscription as in (1) in silver. Rev. Caps of dioscuri with two palm branches : inscription as on No. (1) silver above. Below caps m. 12. (2) do. 123.7, .73 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) monograms missing. (3) do. 122.4, .7 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1). (4) do. 124.2, .7 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) monogram 6. (5) do. 126.2, .73 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1). (6) do. 126. .7 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1). (7) do. 106.7, .7 Both obverse and reverse much rubbed. [ 4 ] (8) square 120.3, .75 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1). (9) do. 121.2, .7 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) rubbed on both sides. (10) round 51.5, .9 Obv. Head of king to right, inscription as on (1) in silver. ^ev. as on (1) mscvi])tion Maharajasa jayadharasa atialikidasa (Inscr. 6). Mono- gram below right cap 13. Lysias. Silver : — Copper : — Square (1) 116, Do. Do. (2) 100.5, (3) 128.4, .8 Obv. Head of king to right, club over shoulder. BASIAEOS ANIKHToY AYSloY Rev. Elephant to right. " Maharajasa apalihatasa Lisikasa " (luscr. 7), under m. 14. .7 same as (1) monogram on reverse deleted. .7 Obv. as in (1). Rev. King's name l/jsiasa " (inscr. 7). Monogram 12. Diomedes. Silver : — (1) 40.5, .62 Obv. Helmeted bust of king to right :— BA^IAEfiS tUTEVot AIoMHAoY- Rev. " Maharajasa Tradatasa Diyamedasa " (Inscrip. 8). To right m. 15. The dioscuri standing. Copper : — (1) 125.2, .85 X .77 Obv. Dismounted dioscuri, each holding a spear. BA2IAEJ2S SOTHPoS AIoMHAoY- Rev. Indian bull to right. Below which m. 16. " Maharajasa Tradatasa Diya- medasa " (Inscr. 8). Archehius. Copper (1) oblong 1. X .85, 199. Obv. Elephant to right, BA^IAEOS AIKAIoY NIKH^-oPoY APXEBIoY- Rev. Owl to front, inscription indistinct and monogram, (inscr. 9). Cunningham PI. X, fig. 14). ApoUodotus. Silver : — Square (1) 36.5, ,65 Obv. Rev. 1. Do. (2) 32.6, .6 Obv. as in (1) monogram Do. (3) 54.5, .61 Obv. as in (1) Do. (4) 37, .58 Obv. as in (1) monogram 18. Do. (5) 33.2, .64 Obv. as in (1) monogram 19. Do. (6) 37.2, .6 Obv. as in (4) Do. (7) 37.1, .65 Obv. as in (1) monogram 20. Round, (8) 35.9, .7 Obv. bust of king to right, fillet Elephant to right BAlSlAEDS AHoAAoAoToY Sf2THPoS monogram 1. Indian bull to right " Maharajasa. apaladaiasa tradatasa " (Insci-. 10) mono- .s:ram 17. Rev. as in (1) no monogram. Rev. as in (1). Rev. as in (2). Rev. as in (1) monogram 19. Rev. as in (2). Rev. as in (1) monogram 21. BASIAESIS SOTHPoS KAI ^lAoIIAToPoS AHoA- AoAoToY- Rev. Minerva to left, shield on left arm, in riglit hand thunderbolt. " Maha- rajasa tradatasa apaladatasa " (inscr. 10) to left monogram 22 poor. Do. (9) 36, .72 Obv. as in (8). Rev. as in (8) very good. Do. (10) 35.8, .7 do. do. do. Do. (11) 37.2, .68 do. do. do. Do. (12) 36.3, .68 do. do. do. Do. (13) 33. .67 do. do. but monogram to right m. 23. C 5 ] Round (14) 37.7, .65 Obv. as in (8). Rev. as in (13) good. Do. (15) 36.2, .68 do. do. Do. (16) 35.5, .68 do. do. Do. (17) 35. .7 do. do. Do. (18) 32.7, .69 do. do. barbaric. Do. (19) 34.9, .67 do. do. Do. (20) 36. .64 do. do. indistinct. Do. (21) 35.4, .69 do. do. poor. Do. (22) 37.1, .65 do. do. good. Do. (23) 32.1, .65 do. do. do. Do. (24) 35.4, .65 do. do. very good. Do. (25) 32.9, .63 do. do. good. Do. (26) 36.8, .7 do. very poor do. very ])oov. Do. (27) 34.3, .66 do. do. Rev. as in (1) but to ^ it m. 24. Apollodotus, Copper : — (1 square, 135, .9 Obv. Apollo to left, standing, in left hand bow and right, arrow. BASlAEfiS AHoAAoAoToY SfiTHPoS- Rev. Tripod " Mahamjasa apcdadatasa tradatasa " (Inscr. 10) 185.6, .95 Obv. as in (1) but AUoAAoAoToY coming last. Rev. quite indistinct. 110.8, .1 Obv. as in (1). Rev. almost deleted, monogram to right m. 25. 229, .1 Obv. as in (2). Rev. Tripod " Maharajasa Tradatasa apaladafasa " (inscr. 10) monogram to left m. 26 to right m. 27. 244.3, 1.2 Obv. Apollo to right standing, in left hand bow, in right arrow. Circular in- scription as in (2) to left m. 1. Rev. indistinct. 246.1, 1.1 Obv. as in (5) to left m. 28. Rev. Tripod and inscription as in (4) to left m. 29 to right m. 26. 247.8, 1.1 Obv. as in (6). Rev. as in (6). 239.9, 1.13 Obv. as in (6) poor. Rev. as in (6) poor. 215.1 broken 1.1 Obv. and rev. as in (6) very poor. 130.4, .85, Apollo to left as in (1), inscription as in (1). Rev. as in (3). 215.6, .94 Obv. as in (5). Rev. as in (4) very rough and poor. 107.3, .1.05 Obv. as in (1) extremely poor. Rev. almost entirely deleted. 94.4, .76. an injui^ed coin with only a few legible letters. 28.5, .59 Obv. Bullock to right. Rev. tripod, no inscriptions. JStrato. (1) 32.9, .65. Obv. Bust of king to right, diadem, BASlAEfiS Efil^ANoYS ^OTHPoS STPATJiNoS- Rev. Pallas to left, aegis on left arm, thunderbolt in right hand : " Maharaja pra- chachhasa " (inscr. 11). (2) 38, .63. Obv. Bust of king barbaric to right. BA2IAEQ:S SOTHPo5 ^TPATQNoS- Rev. Pallas to left. To right m. 30 to left m. 31. " Maharajasa tradatasa stratasa " (inscr. 11). (2) do. (3) do. (4) do. (5) round (6) do. (7) do. (8) do. (9) do. (10) square (11) do. (12) do. (13) do. (14) do. AgatJioldeia and Strato. Copper : — (1) 113.3, .86 square. Obv. Helmeted head of Queen to right. BASIAI^SHS ©EoTPoHoY APAQo- kaeia:^- 2 [ 6 ] Rev. Hercules seated on rock. MaJiarajasa tradatasa dhrami'kasa stratasa (inscr. 11 and 9) monogram and tlie whole of reverse indistinct. Menander. Silver : — (1) 140.1, 1. Obv. Bust o£ king to right, fillet. BASIAEQS SfiTHPOS MENANAPoY. Rev. Pallas to left, on left arm segis, in right hand thunderbolt. " MaJiarajasa trada- tasa menandrasa " (inscr. 12) to left % to right m. 32. (2) 30.1, 7 Obv. Helmeted head of Athene, with long curls. Legend as in (1) but commencing above the helmet and going all round. Rev. Owl, facing. Legend as above but commencing above the head of the owl and going all round. To right m. 33. (3) 30.3, .65 Duplicate of (2). (4) 30.1, .65 Duplicate of (2) on reverse, owl in bad condition. (5) 30.6, .61 Duplicate of (2) inscriptions injured. Coins (2) to (5) seem to be all copies and not originals. (6) 35.3, .7 Obv. Helmeted head of king to i^ight : Legend as above, but king's name beneath. Rev. Pallas to left, shield and thunderbolt. To left m. 34. Legend as in (1). (7) 37.3, .75 same as (6) same as (6) (8) 36.3, .68 same as (6) same as (6). (9) 33.7, .7 same as (6) same as (6) probably a copy. (10) 33.8, .67 same as (6) same as (6) worn. (11) 35.7, .7 same as (6) same as (6) monogram to right m. 35. (12) 35.5, .66 same as (6) same as (11). (13) 42.1, .75 Obv. Bust of king to left, thrusting to left with spear. Legend as in (6). Rev. as in (6) to right m. 36. (14) 37.1, 67 Obv. as in (13) but name beginning over head of king. Rev. Pallas to right, shield and thunderbolt. Shield has Medusa's head and is not round but cui'iously shaped : to left m. 6. (15) 36.5, .65 Obv. as in (14) inscription beginning over head of king. Rev. as in (14). (16) 34.9, .65 Obv. as in (13) but name of king underneath. Rev. as in (14) to left m. 34. (17) 37, .66 Obv. as in (16) Rev. Pallas to left. Shield round, Medusa head plain. To right m. 37. Names underneath. (18) 2 coins 37.4, .7 Obv. as in (13). Rev. as in (14). (19) 34.5, .68 Obv. as in (13). Rev. as in (17). Monogram to right m. 37. (20) 37.5, .65 Obv. Bust of king to right, fillet, inscription as in (1) name below. Rev. Pallas to left, shield round with Medusa's head. To left m. 38. (21) 38, .65 Obv. as in (20). ^ Rev. as in (20) to left m. 32. (22) 32, .64 Obv. as in (20). Rev. as in (20), worn. (23) 38.5, .62 Obv. as in (20) very good. Rev. as in (20) name exit away. (24) 37.1, .65 Obv. same as (16). Rev. same as (16) monogram to right m. 39. (25) 37.6, .65 do. do. with monogram as in (24) Medusa's head on shield very plain. (26) 34.8, .69 Obv. as in (6). Rev. as in (24). (27) 30.5, .65 do. do. Both sides much abraded. (28) 35.1, .68 do. Rev. Pallas to left. To right m. 34. (29) 33.5, .68 do. do. do. worn. (30) 35.5, .67 do. do. do. (31) 38.5, .68 do. do. good to right m. 1 name gone. (32) 34. .65 do. do. worn do. worn. (33) 34.9, .65 do. do. to right m. 6. [ 7 ] (34) 37.7, .65 Obv. bare bead of king to rigbt inscriptions as in (1). Name below. Rev. Pallas to left. King's name below to right m. 39. (3^) 37.3, .7 Obv. as in (34). Rev. as m (34). (36) 32.4, .65 Obv. as in (34). Rev. Pallas to left, to right m. 40. (37) 31.1, .66 Obv. as in (34). Rev. as in (36). (38) 37.3, .7 do. Rev. Pallas to left, to right m. 39. (39) 37.7, .66 do. do. do. (40) 33, .67 Obv. as in (34). Rev. Pallas to left, to left m. 38. (41) 38.2, .65 do. do. do. (42) 37, .65 do. do. do. (43) 35.9, .65 do. do. do. good. (44) 37.9, .67 do. do. to right m. 5. (45) 37.3, .78 do. do. to left m. 41. (46) 34.6, .68 do. do. to right m. 52. (47) 33.8, .65 do. do. as in (40). (48) 35.7, .68 Obv. as in (13). Rev. Pallas to right, to left m. 37 names under. (49) 36.8, .65 do. do. do. inscriptions read from top of coins. (50) 37.6, .72 Obv. as in (48). Rev. Pallas to left, to right m. 42 names under. (51) 35.5, .72 Obv. as in (48) N is printed 1/1 do. to right m. 43. (52) 36.7, .68 Obv. as in 48 do. to right m. 44. (53) 36.7, .76 do. do. to right m. 45. (54) 38, .67 do. do. to right as in (51). (55) 37.5, .65 do. do. to right m. 37. (56) 35, .65 do. do. do. (57) 29, .69 do. do. to right m. 43. (58) 34.9, .7 do. do. to right m. 46. (59) 37.8, .67 do. do. to right as in (55). (60) 36.6, .75 do. ■ do. to right m. 44. (61) 37, .7 do. do. do. Meiiander. Copper : — (1) 154.1, .9 square Obv. Head of Athene, helmeted. SOTHPoS MENANAPoY- Rev. Nike to right, in right head wreath, over left shoulder palm branch. " MaJiarajasa tradatasa menandrasa " (inscr. 12) to right m. 47. (2) 134.2, .9 do. Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) to right m. 48. (3) 94.2, .73 do. Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (1) to right m. 24. (4) 67.3, .78 do. Obv. as in (1) Rev. obliterated. (5) 76.1, .77 do. Obv. and rev. very indistinct. (6) 45.5, .69 do. Obv. Elephant's head to right, trunk raised, bell hung from neck. Inscription as on (1) below m. 49. Rev. Club knotted ; inscription as on (1) to right m. 50. (7) 45.2, .6x.52 oblong. Obv. as in (6) poor. Rev. as in (6) to right m. 21 to left m. 6. (8) 139, .85 Square. Obv. Head of king to left, with javelin over shoulder. Above, BASIAE02 to right 2i2THPo2, below MENANAPoY- Rev. Pallas to right, holds in right hand, thunderbolt ; and on left arm, shield. To right in field as on No. 3. Inscription as on No. (1). (9) 101, .76 do. Obv. Head of king, helmeted to right, inscription as on (1). Rev. as on (1) but monogram 51. Epander. Copper : — (1) Square 172, .9. Obv. Victory to right, holds in right hand a wreath. BASIAE02 NIKH4>oPoY EHANAPoY- Rev. Bull to right : — In field to right m. 1. " Maharajasa jayadharasa Epandrasa" (incr. 13). [ 8 ] Dionysius. Zoihs, Silver : — Copper : — (1) 242.8, 1.05 Obv. Apollo to right, draped and wearing boots, with both hands holds an arrow, quiver at back, to left a small elephant to right. Inscription not plain. Rev. Tripod and inscription not at all plain, (inscrip. 15). ApollopJianes. Artemidoms. AnUmaclmB Niheplioros. Silver : — (1) 37, .69 Obv. Nike to left, palm branch in right hand, wreath in left. To left BA2IAEQS NIKH*oPoY ANTI?1 AXoY- Rev. Horseman to right, horse has Australian girths. Maharajasa '■^ jayadharasa Anti- mahhasa " (inscr. 18) . (2) 29.5, .67 Obv. as in (1) monogram Rev. as in (1) not full. (3) 35.1, .7 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (1) rubbed. (4) 35.4, .68 Obv. as in (2) Rev. as in (3). (5) 34.6, .63 Obv. as in (1) monogram Rev. as in (1). (6) 32.4, .63 Obv. as in (2) rubbed. Rev. as in (1) rubbed. (7) 37.5, .61 Obv. as in (2) Rev. as in (1). Philoxenus. Silver : — (1) 150.1, 1. Obv. Head of king to right, fillet, chlamys, BASIAEQS ANIKHToY $lAoHENoY- Rev. Horseman to right, " Maharajasa apadihatasa Fhilasinasa " (inscr. 19). Monogram 39. (2) Copper :— 129.2, .85 square. Obv. Standing figure, cornucopia in left hand, right hand extended, monogram as in (1), inscrip- tion as in (1). Rev. Indian bull to right, inscription as in (1) monogram underneath m. 52. [ 9 3 NiJcias. Silver : — (1) 40.5, .65 Obv. Diademed head of king to right, BA^IAEO^ SOTHPoS NIKIoY- Rev. Figure standing to left and holding out right hand. " Maharajasa tradatasa Ni- kiyasa " (inscr. 20). To left m. 53. Hippostratus. Silver :— (1) 142.3, 1.1. Obv. Bust of king to right diadem. BA2IAEQS MEFAAoY SOTHPoS innoSTPAToY- Rev. Horseman to right " Maharajasa tradatasa mahatasa jayantasa Hipastratasa " (inscr. 21) below m. 54 to left m. 55 to right m. 56. Amj/ntas. (1) Silver : — (1) 35, .65 Obv. Head of king to right, diademed, BA:SIAEC25 NIKAToPoS AMYNToY- Rev. Zeus seated on thi-one, in left hand holds figure of Victory, in front to left m. 57, Maharajasa jayadharasa" (inscr. 22). (2) 40.5, .71 Obv. Head of king to right, wearing low crowned kausia, inscription as on (1). Rev. Zeus as on (1) but with addition of " Amitasa " (inscr. 22). Copper : — (1) 238.5, .85 Obv. Head of king to right, with hair dressed high. Spear over left shoulder inscrip- tion as on (1) of silver. Rev. Athene to left, Maharajasa jayadharasa Amitasa. In field to left m. 15. IlermcEus. Silver : — (1) 33.2, .65 Obv. Head of king to right, fillet and chlamys, BA2IEOS SOTHPoS SPMAIoY- Rev. Seated figure, on throne to left. To right Maharajasa tradatasa Hermayasa (insc. 27). (2) 33.7, .66 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) to right m. 22. Copper : — (1) 136.3, .97 Obv. Head of king to right, curly hair, inscription as in silver (1). Rev. Jupiter on throne as xa silver (1). To right monogram gone, inscription poor. (2) 133.6, .93 same as above in every respect, a few letters legible. (3) 137.7, 1.05 do. do. very poor indeed. (4) 135.3, .9 do. do. on reverse to left m. 22. (5) 135, .96 do. do. poor do. (6) 2 coins av. 139.1, .91 do. do. some letters legible. (7) do. do. 135.1, .91 do. do. monogram as on (4). (8) 128.1, .9 do. do. do. poor. (9) 142.5, .9 do. do. do. middling. (10) 135, .96 do. do. do. gone, poor. (11) 143.6, .95 do. do. do. some letters legible. (12) 135.3, .9 Obv. Head of king to right. BASIAEO:^ STH(Po2 SY) E(PMAIoY). Rev. Hercules, club in right hand, rests on gi'ound, in left hand clothes ? " Kujula kasasa kushana yavugasa dhramitadasa " (inscr. 42). (13) 110, , .93 Obv. and Rev. similar to (12) inscriptions fragmentary. (14) 115.6, .9 Obv. and Rev. similar to (12) inscriptions wild. (15) 109.2, .88 Obv. and Rev. do. but very poor. (16) 156.1, .95 do. do. inscriptions less fragmentary. (17) 128, .9 do. do. poor in the extreme. (18) 120.5, .95 do. do. inscriptions fi^agmentary. (19) 120.7, .9 do. do. do. do. 3 [ 10 ] (20) 136.6, .9 Obv. and Rev. similar to (12) inscriptions poor. (21) 120, .85 do. do. do. poor in the extreme. (22) 115.3, .9 do. do. inscriptions fuller. (23) two coins, average 126.35, .95 do. do. do. poor. There is not one good copper coin of Hermaeus or of Su Hermseus in this collection. The above are all very poor specimens. Copper : — (24) 178.3, .9 square Obv. Diademed head of king to right, inscription as on (1) in silver. Rev. Horse to right " Maharaja tradatasa Hermayasa," (inscr. 27;. Hermmus and Kalliope, Bajnahala. Maues. Silver : — Copper : — 138.2, 1.12 round Obv. Elephant's head with trunk raised to right. Rev. Deleted. 146.2, .91 X .78 oblong Obv. Elephant in square to right. Inscription gone. Rev. Figure facing, standing with hands in pockets to right m. 22. Inscription " sa Moasa " (inscr. 29). 30.1, 62 X .55 do. Obv. Apollo to left, in right hand arrow, in left bow, inscription gone. Rev. Tripod Moasa (inscr. 29). All the above coins of Maues are poor in the extreme. Azes. Silver : — (1) 147.1, 1.02 Obv. King on horseback to right, with couching spear. BASIAEOS BAlSIAEQN MEFAAoY AZoY- Rev. Zeus, facing in right hand thunderbolt, in left long staff to right m. 58 to left m. 59 " Maharajasa rajamjasa mahatasa Ayasa " (insci-. 30). (2) 154.9, 1. Obv. as in (1). Rev. Pallas to left, on left arm aegis, in right hand thunderbolt, to left m. 60, to right m. 30. legend as in (1). (3) 142.6, 1. Obv. King on horseback to right, holds a wreath in hand. In front of the horse m. 27. Legend as in (1) but cut at the top. Rev. Zeus draped, spear over left shoulder. In right hand an image of Victory. Legend as in (1) but second and third words omitted, to left m. 22 to right m. 61. This coin is probably a copy. [ 11 ] (4) 115.3, (5) 151.6, (6) 149, (7) 147.4, (8) 145.9, (9) 128. (10) 129.2, (11) 145.5, (12) (13) 36.6, 30.3, .93 .94 .95 .99 .95 .1 .1 .94 .7 .65 Inscription To right Obv. as in (3) but king holds a whip. In front of horse m. 62. Rev. as in (3). To left m. 63 to right m. 24. Obv. as in (4). In front of horse m. 64. Rev. Pallas to right, spear over left shoulder, right hand stretched out. as in (1). To right m. 63 to left : m. 65. Obv. as in (5). Rev. as in (5). Duplicate. Obv. as in (4), but omicrons are square. In front of horse 66. Rev. as in (5). " Maharajasa rajadirajasa mahatasa Ayasa " (inscription 30) right m. 97. To left m. 68. Obv. and Rev. as in (7). Duplicate. Inscription off the coin on reverse. Obv. and Rev. as in (7). This coin is much injured. Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (2). Plated and injured. Very poor. Obv. as in (4). In front of horse m. 69. Rev. as in (3). To left m. 68. To right m. 70. Obv. as in (1). Obv. as in (3). Rev. Pallas to (14) 35.8, . (15) 34.2, (16) 36.2, (17) 34.8, . .(18) 36.3, . (19) 36.3, . 72 62 62 63 59 61 Rev. as in (2). To right m. 71. In front of horse m. 50. front. Shield on left shoulder. Right hand, uplifted. To left m. 30, to right m. 60. Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) in all respects. Obv. as in (4). In front of horse m. 108. Rev. as in (3) to right m. 73 to left m. 72. do. do. m. 117. do. do. m. 69 do. m. 74. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. m. 109. m. 69. Azes. do. do. do. do. do. do. m. 50 m. 75 do. do. 22. Copper : — (1) 212.7, 1.1 (2) 215.7, (3) 223.5, (4) 218.3, (5) 214.9, (6) 206. (7) 215.7, (8) 199.6, (9) 173.3, (10) 201.8, (11) 208.4, (12) 162.5, (14) 96.8, (15) 140.1, (16) 156.2, (17) 125.8, (18) 119.8, (19) 173.8, (20) 161.8, (21) 203.4, 1.14 Obv. as in (1) above in il). 1.12 Obv. as in (1) above m. 79. 1.1 Obv. as in (1) above m. 78. Obv. as in (3) Obv. as in (1) Obv. as in (4) poor. Obv. as in (1) poor. Obv. as in (1) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1. 1.1 1.05 Obv. as in (4) Obv. Bull to right BA5IAEf2t BASIAEfiN MErAAoY AZoY, above m. 76. Rev. Lion to right " Maharajasa rajadirajasa mahatasa Ayasa " (inscr. 30) over lion m. 77. Rev. as in (1 ) above m. 78. Rev. as in (2) above m. 77. Rev. as in (1) above m. 80. Rev. as in (1) monogram deleted. Rev. as in (2). Rev. as in (4) good. Rev. as in (2) poor. Rev. very poor, rubbed out. Rev. as in (1) m. 81 above. Rev. as in (1) m. 82 above. Elephant to right : inscription as in (1) poor. Bull to right inscription as on (1) above ms. 60 and 30. (13) 146.7, .94 Obv. King seated crosslegged on cushion, right arm extended, left hand holds spear inscription probably as in (1) illegible. Rev. Hermes with caduceus, inscription as on (12) to right m. 83. .88 Obv. as in 13) to left m. 84. Rev. as in (13) to left m. 68 to right m. 83. .9 Obv. as in (13). Rev. as in (13) to left m. 78 to right m. 85. 1. Obv. as in (13) very poor. Rev. as in (13) almost unintelligible. .8 Obv. as in (14). Rev. as in (13) to left m. 23 to right m. 61. .82 X 85 oblong Obv. horseman to right. Inscription as in (1) king's name below. To right m. 69. Rev. Bull to right : Inscription as in (12) but name omitted below. Above bull m. 76. A poor com. .94 square similar to (18) but on reverse above bull m. 60 and 30. 1. X .9 oblong Obv. Man riding on camel, to right : poor. Rev. Horse to right, Inscription in 3 lines as in 12). 1.1 X 1.08 Camel rider as in (20) : Rev. humped bull to right with head down as if feeding out of m. 59. Judging from the thickness of the upper parts of the legs per- haps a yah is intended. Obv. as in (1) above m. Obv. Rev. Obv. [ 12 ] (22) 183.5, 1.14 Figure seated on throne, right hand raised, left has cornucopia, to left. Rev. Hermes, right hand raised, left holds caduceus. Inscriptions as in (12). To right m. 76 to left m. 86. (23) 181.2, 1.05 poor duplicate in all details of (22). (24) 132.3, 1. Duplicate of (22) in all respects, but a very poor coiu. (25) 82.9, .77 Obv. Lion to right. Inscription probably as in (1). Above m. 133. Rev. Seated figure, right hand raised, left holds cornucopia, to right m. 30. Inscrip- tion as on (12), but incomplete. (26) 76.3, .75 Similar to (25) but very poor. (27) 68.1 .74 Similar to (25) on reverse m. 84 to right, poor. (28) 39.1, .65 Obv. Lion, above which m. 134. Rev. seated figure, &c., to left m. 22 to right m. 84. (29) 40.4, .64 do. do. m. 135. Rev. has some few letters legible. The above five coins are all very poor. Not one has the name in either Greek or Pali. (30) 32.5, .5 Obv. King on horseback to right, holds a which in right hand. Only a small portion of legend visible AZoY. Rev. Jupiter holding Nike in right hand. Inscription as in (12) fragmentary. To right m. 22. (31) 32.2, .52 Similar to (30) on obverse in fiont m. 75 on rev. to left m. 22. (32) 84.9, .52 do. do. above m. 137 on rev. to left do. to right m. 136. (33) 33, .54 do. do. do. do. do. (34) 35.4, .6 do. do. in front m. 91 rev. illegible. (35) 34.3, .5 do. do. do. m. 82 rev. as in (32). (36) 30, .52 almost illegible on both faces. (37) 12 coins averaging in wt. Size about 51. They ai^e similar to 30 — 36 and ai'e all very poor indeed none having more than a few letters on them. Azes and Aspavarma. Bronze : — (1) 146.8, .84 Obv. King on horseback to right. To right m. 87 BA2IAE02 BASlAEflN MEFAAoY- AZoY, under horse m. 69. Inscription only in parts. Rev. Pallas to right, right hand advanced ; shield on left arm, with spear, behind star and m. 99 under which m. 30. To right m. 78. Inscription injured : " Indra- varmaputrasa Aspavarmasa strategasa jayatasa " (inscr. 31). (2) 148.9, .85 Obv. as in (1). Rev. nearly all except a few letters deleted. (3) 150.5, .78 Obv. as in (1) all inscription gone. Rev. as in (1) much injured. A::ilises. Silver : — (1) 152.5, 1.1 Obv. King on horseback to right, with whip in right hand. In front of horse m. 88 under horse . BAS'lAEfi^ BASIAEt2N MEFAAoY AZiAlSoY- Rev. Dismounted Dioscuri with a spear each, to left m. 89 to right m. 90 " Maharajasa rajadirajasa mahatasa Ayilishasa " (inscr. 32). (2) 138. 1. Obv. King on horseback to right, lowered spear in right hand, to right m. 50 inscription as in (1). Rev. Female figure to left, holds in right hand undetermined object, on left shoulder a palm branch. To right m. 91. To left m. 92 legend as on (1). (3) 35. .68 Obv. as on (2) no monogram. Rev. as on (2), to right % to left m. 78. (4) 34.4, .68 Cbv. as in (2). Rev. as in (2), to right R, to left m. 92. (5) 28. .69 Obv. as in ( 2) to right m. 5. Name on left hand side, not below. Rev. as in (2) to right m. 93, to left as in (2). (6) 34.2, .7 Obv. as in (2) to right m. 94. Rev. as in (2) to right m. 95 to left as in (2). (7) 34.1, .7 Obv. as in (2). Rev. as in (2), to left m. 96, to right m. 97. [ 13 3 Fonones- Silver : — (1) 37.7, .67 Obv. King on horseback to right, spear couched. BASIAEOS BASlAEfiN MEFAAoY oNONoY- Rev. Zeus, fronting, in right hand thunderbolt in left long staff. Legend " Maharaja hhrata ... spalaho ..." (inscr. 33). To right m. 24. (2) 30.3, .6 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) " dhramikasa " ... (inscr. 33) to left m. 98. (3) 32.7, .66 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) " harajasa dhramikasa ... " (inscr. 33). The above 3 coins are of Vonones and Spalahores. (4) 38, .6 Obv. as in (1) but name missing. Rev. image as in (1). Legend Spalagadamasa ...putr. " ... (inscr. 34). This is of Onones and Spalagadames. Copper .—(1) 119.6, .84 x .75 oblong. Obv. Standing figure with club (or cornucopia) on left shoulder, right hand raised to head. Legend deleted. Rev. Pallas to left, in right hand spear, on left shouldei', shield. Legend " raja ... spal " (inscr. 33). This is also a coin of Vonones and Spalahores. Spalahores and Vonones. Copper .—(2) 123, .85 x .7 oblong. Obv. Hercules with club on left shoulder. BA2IAE02 AAoY oNONoY- Rev. Pallas as on (1) and Legend " Maharajasa Spalahorasa " (inscr. 33). Spall/rises. Spalagadames. Gondopharres. Copper : — (1) 133, .94 Obv. Bearded head of king to right. Ear ring, fillet. Inscription in fragments only... AD(^EPPoY BACIA Rev. Nike to right with wreath in right hand "... harajasa Guda ..." (inscr. 35). (2) 131.5, .91 Obv. as in (1) inscription illegible. Rev. altogether unintelligible. (3) 124.3, .89 Obv. as in (1) ... ^EPPo Rev. as in (1) very poor. (4) 130.2, .95 Obv. as in (1) ... BACIAEOC ... Rev. as in (1) rajasa Gudaphanasa " (inscr. 35). (5) 136.1, .94 Both sides poor, figures only decipherable. (6) 118.9, .92 Obv. head, &c. ... OCCOTHPoC ... Rev. Nike, &c. " nasa tradatasa" (inscr. 35) (7) 143.5, .9 Obv. head, &c. ... COTHPoC Rev. Nike, &c. as in (6). (8) 127.4, .9 Obv. head, &c. ... ACIA Rev. " ... jasa Guda " (inscr. 35). (9) 138.2, .94 Obv. head, parts of ... (/)EPPo ... Rev. " ... nasa tradata (inscr. 35). 4 [ 14 ] (10) 116. .82 Obv. head, inscription sums to read from outside ... eC Rev. Nike ... gashasa (inscr. 37) reading from outside. Parts reading from inside are not legible. This is probably a coin of Abdagases as the thi'ee lettei'S above read gashasa. It is after the Gondopharres style. (11) 10.5..3, .86 Obv. liead like that of Gondopharres. inscription unintelligible. Rev. Nike and unintelligible inscription. Go??do])harres and Sasan. (1) Bronze. (1) l.")4.4, .85 Rev. Jupiter to right, right hand extended, left holds a long staff to left m. 99 to right m. 52 " Maharajasa mahatasa tradatasa ... Sasasa^ " (inscr. 36). Obv. King on hoi'se back to right. In fi'ont m. 100. Greek all nonsense under horse m. 30 between front legs m. 101. (2j 156.5, .83 Obv. as in (1) under horse m. 102 between front legs m. 103. Rev. as in (1) "... MaJiatasa tradatasa devaliadasa " (inscr. 36). (3) 150. .85 Obv. as in (1) monograms under horse not legible. Rev. as in (1) devaliadasa Gadapharasa " (inscr. 36). Prom a comparison of these three coins we obtain the whole of the Pali inscription on this class of coins Maharajasa mahatasa tradatasa devahadasa, Gadapharasa Sasasa (inscr. 36). (4) 154.2, .8 Obv. as in (1) under horse m. 104. Rev. as in (1) to right of Jupiter m. 103 (" Mahatasa Sasasa " (inscr. 36). (5) 130.7. .81 Obv. and Rev. very poor "... Gndhaparasa Sasasa " (inscr. 36) plain. None of the Bri- tish Museum specimens give the title Tradatasa. 2nd type. (6) 149.9, .85 Obv. Horsemen to right as in (1). To right m. 105. Greek ... 2 LU I M ... nonsense. Rev. Zeus to left, right hand extended holds a small image of Victory. " Maharajasa rajadirajasa ... Sasasa." To left m. 106 to right m. 61. (7) 151.2, .8 Obv. as in (6). Rev. as in (6) " Sajadirajasa Sachadhr ..." (8) 146.5. .85 Obv. under m. 100, m. 107. Greek as usual. Rev. as in (7) not so good. With the aid of a coin from my own cabinet and one fi'om the Mansahra tour collection I can make out the whole of the Pali inscription on these coins as follows : — Maharajasa rajadirajasa Sacha dhraasa Gadapharasa Sasasa." The part en- closed in brackets is not given by General Cunningham in J. A. S. B. for 1854, No. 7, p. 713. The part " Sacha Dhraasa " is not given in the British Museum Catalogue, Greek and Scythir kings, p. 106. (9) 151.8, .8 Obv. as in (6) monogram 91. Rev. very poor. (10) 152.9, .8 Obv. and Rev. poor. (11) 150.3, .84 Obv. as in (6) monogram 108. Rev. poor. (12) 150.3, .8 Obv. poor. Rev. poor, gu visible in inscription. (13) 150. .75 Obv. as in (6). Rev. as in (6) ''Maharajasa raja.' (14) 157.3, .8 Obv. as in (6) monogram m. 109. Rev. as in (13). (15) 148.9, .78 Obv. and Rev. both poor. (16) 152.5, .84 Obv. as in (6) monogram m. 110. Rev. poor. (17) 152.2, .82 Obv. as in (6) monogram m. 111. Rev. fair, but only traces of letters. (18) 149.9, .8 Obv. and Rev. very poor. (19) 147.9, .8 do. do. (20) 152. .8 Obv. as in (6) monogram m. 112. Rev. poor. (21) 2 coins ar. 152.5 One Obv. less m. 108. Both reverses are poor with remains of a few letters visible. (22) do. 151.9 do. m. 109 as in (14) do. do. (23) do. 151.5 do. m. 52 do. do. [ 15 ] (24) 146.5, .8 Botli Obv. and Rev. very poor. (25) 162.7, .77 Obv. as in (6) monogram m. 113. Rev. poor Ahdagases. Copper : — (1) 140.8, .88 Obv. Horseman to right, parts of PASoY under horse. Rev. Jupiter to left, to right m. 161 to left m. 68 " Mahara Av. (inscr. 37). This is a very poor specimen, but nevertheless a real coin of Abdagases as the inscriptiona show. OrtJiagnes, Palcores. Cipper : — (1) 123.8, .9 Obv. Head of king to left. BACIAE MEPACHAKoPHO Rev Figure of Victory to right. In field to left m. 114, to left, round, Bajidirajasa (inscr. 39). Zeioiiises. Silver : — Copper : — . (1) 137. 95 Obv. Humped bull to right. Above ms. 99 and 52. In front m. 69. Inscription all gone except the lower parts of two or three letters. Rev. Lion to right. In front m. 7. Underneath m. 30. Remains of letters only. (2) 169.6, 1.1 Obv. as in (1). Remains of image and letters only visible. Rev. as in (1). Lion just discernible. No letters legible. A very poor coin. (3) 123. .64 Similar to (2). Very poor. JDliaraglioslm, Silver : — Obv. Image, front, right hand raised, left hand holds loose garments. Round the coin. " Mahadwasa Bajnh Dharaghoshasa Odumbarasa " (inscr. 46 a) mitra, Image, Visva " Visvamitra." Rev. Tree in garden and trident with axe as on coins of Kadphises II. " Mahadevasa Bajna Dharaghoshasa Oditmbarasa " (inscr. 46 b). Uncertain Kings. Copper : — (1) 186.2, .78 X .68 Obv. Elephant to right, to right itncertain object. Rev. Horse galloping to left. Above a six-rayed sun. (2) 158.5, .7 X .73 Obv. Lion to left, incuse, over it the swastika. Rev. Elephant, to right. In poor condition. (3) 175.9, .6.T X .75 Obv. same as (2). Rev. Elephant to right over chaitya. (4) 199.2, .7 X .84 Obv. Lion to right, incuse. 1 . , Rev. Elephant to left. j Marks obliterated. [ 16 ] Lead. (1) 76.1, .6 Obv. Lion to right. Inscription illegible. Rev. Standing figure, to right, right arm outstretched, inscription gone, to left m. 102. These coins are common. They have the word chatrapasa in Pali and are therefore the coins of a satrap. This coin has figures discernible but no letters. Soter Megas. Copper : — (1) 120.6, .85 Bust of king to right, hair in 3 rows, fillet between 1st and 2nd. Rays behind. Earring. Chlamys. Holds javelin bound with fillet in right hand. Behind the head m. 115. Beaded circle. Rev. King on horseback to right, fillet ends hang down to horse's tail. In right hand holds uncertain object. To right of horse m. 115. (BACIAOfC BACI)A€\I/N cvyTHP M^rAC as in (1). Rev. as in (1) but only ... ACIA^VCB (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 (8 (9 (10 (11 (12 (13 (14 (15 (16 (17 (18 (19 (20 (21 (22 (23 (24 (25 (26 (27 (28 (29 (30 (31 (32 (33 (34 (35 (36 129.5, .85 130.8, .85 130.5, .78 125. .8 128.8, 123. 125. 152.3, Obv. 79 .77 .85 do. do. inscription nearly perfect. do. do. do. blundered. do. do. do. nearly all missing. do. do. CUJTHP M^rAC A ^ do. do. BAGA^YC dn do. CUJTHP BAC ... no MEPAD do. 11 rays monogram m. 116. BAcIAEVC BACIAEVUJN CLUl as in (9) many rays. Rev. as m (9). do. do. do. as in (1). Rev. partial inscription as in No. (1). do. do. do. poor. do. poor. do. fair. do. do. do. poor. do. poor. do. do. inscription only a few letters. do. poor. do. very poor. do. very poor. do. .do. do. fair. do. very fair. do. do. do. very fair. do. very poor. do. do. do. poor. do. fair only. do. very poor. do. very poor. do. very fair. do. very fair. do. bad. do. bad. do. fair. do. pretty fair. do. poor. do. poor. do. fair. do. poor. do. perforated poor. do. poor. do. fair. do. very fair. 125. .76 128.2, .85 Obv. 131.6, .72 118.8, .8 124. .8 127. .8 130. .78 110.1, .8 125. .73 117. .83 120. .8 125.9, .9 117.2, .7 124.4, .8 132.6, .85 105. .8 133.5, .75 123.8, .77 126. .78 129.5, .82 126.7, .8 2 coins average 118.45, .79 Rev. as in (1) pretty fair. do. do. do. 12 coins do. do. do. do. 122.8, 125.4, 123.5, 28.9, Rev. partial both poor, y do. one poor. do. do. 77 do. fair. do. fair. 81 do. poor. do. poor. 5 do. mostly fair. do. fair, but inscription muddled. The largest seems to have the inscription correct. Vimalci. Silver : — Bull to right, in front six spoked wheel with six loops on the tire. Bajna Vimdkisa Batravamasa (.'') Vijayaya (a inscr. 48). Elephant to right, in front trident with are Bajna Vimakisa Batravamasa* Vijameka, (inscr. 48 6). * Or Eadravarmasa. [ 17 ] Hyrlcodes. Silver : — (1) 48. .7 Ohv. Head of king- right, behind kwA- Rev. Standing image with spear in right hand, to right MAKAPo(Y) to left fragments OHA- (2) 41.5, .69 Obv. head of king. Rev. horse's head to right, wA, concave. (3) 29.7, .6 Obv. head of king and kwA. Rev. as in (1) fragments of legends. (4) 26.5, .55 as in (3) but inscription almost gone. (5) 46. .66 Obv. head of king. Rev. as in (1). (6) 10.3, .58 as in (4) but more deleted. (7) 26.7, .6 Head of king as (Ij wkojA Rev. as in (1). (8) 29. .55 do. vPkojA Rev. as in (1). (9) 23.7, .55 do. fragments. Harnessed head of horse vPkojA... (10) 14.1, .46 do. no letters. Fore half of harnessed horse ... kujA not one of these is a really good specimen of these coins. (11) 24.5, .62 Obv, Head of king as in (7). Name almost deleted. E,ev. as in (1) all inscription illegible. Hermaus and Kadphises. KadpMses I. Copper : — (1) 133.1, 95 Obv. Head of king to right. Inscription gone except k Rev. Hercules, front, facing to right, in right hand club, resting on ground, on left arm lion's skin. To right m. 117. To left m. 118. Inscription mostly gone, and unintelligible. This is altogether a very unsatisfactory specimen. Kadaj}1ies. CoppPT : — (1) 48.5, .7 Obv. Head of king to right. Under which reading from inside KoZoAA KAAA^>EC- Above reading from inside XoPANCY ZAOoY. (In this specimen all the inscrip- tion letters are beheaded). Rev. King seated on a garden chair, right hand extended. To the left m. 117. " Khusha- nasa yauasa huynla kaphsasa sacJiadhramathidasa " (inscr. 43.) To right m. 120. The inscription letters are all beheaded. KadpMses II. Gold :— (1) 242.9, .1 Obv. King seated on throne, facing to right, holds in his right hand a flower, left hand rests on left knee. His coat covers his knees and part of the throne. Flames issue from his head and right shoulder. His feet rest on a footstool. To the left is a club knotted. To right BA^IAEYC ooH- To left Mo KAAICHC- To right m. 121. Rev. Bull to right. In front draped Shiva, looking to left. Left hand rests on bull's neck : right holds trident. Above rump of bull m. 99. Maharajasa rajadirajasa sarvaloga isvarasa mahisvarasa Himakapisasa tradata (inscr. 44). [ 18 ] (2) 199.9, .95 King's bust to right crowned, club in cblamys, flames issuing out of right shoulder, right hand holds knotted club on left shoulder. The whole rests on flames. In field to left m. 122. To left liAClAEYCOOH- To right. Mo KAA-flCHC' Rev. as in (1) but in perfect condition. Copper : — (1) 258.2, 1.1 Obv. King standing to right, right hand makes an offering at a small altar, left rests on hip. To right in field, knotted club, and m. 123. Parts of BACIAEVC BAClA£(oN CojTHP MEFAC ooHMo KAA^>1CHC to left m. 124. Rev. as on gold coins above. (2) 244. 1.05 Obv. and Rev. as in (1). Inscriptions fragmentary, but fair. (3) 257.5, 1.1 do. Inscriptions poor. (4) 258.3, 1.15 do. do. very fair. (5) 253.9, 1.1 do. do. fail' as far as they go. (6) 261.6, 1.05 do. Inscriptions fragmentary. (7) 251.1, 1.11 do. Inscriptions fuller but not perfect. (8) 271.1, 1.08 do. The best of the copper coins. (9) 256.3, 1.08 do. Inscriptions fragmentary. (10) 258. 1.12 do. Inscriptions not quite complete. Very few of these ten copper coins are really good. The copper coins of Kadphises II, are seldom found in good condition. (11) 59.8, .75 The images ai-e the same as on (1) but there is not a letter of inscription visible. A poor coin. (12) 54.2, .7 Same as above. Small coins in copper of Kadphises II, are known with inscriptions quite legible. KamsMa. Gold .— (1) 122. .75 Obv. King standing to right. Right hand makes an offering at an altar, left hand holds spear. Swoi-d suspended from left side. Large flowing sleeves to coat. Flames come from right shoulder. PAoN.ANoPAo KANHPKl KoPANo- Rev. Image of sun to right, rayed nimbus, right hand extended level. Garments, to right MIIPo- To left m. 122. (2) 121.1, .75 Obv. as in (1). Rev. Figure with hat and plumes, to right. In right hand spear. Sword on left side. To left oPAAPNo to right m. 122. Whole in a ciix-le of dots. Copper : — (1) 266.4, 1.05 Obv. King making offering, in left hand spear PAo KANHPKl- Rev. Four-armed Shiva, to left m. 122. (2) 130. .85 Obv. as iu (1) but inscription deleted. Rev. as in (1) OKPO- (Irt) 257.1, 1. Poor duplicate of (1) but with name of god OKPO fair. (3) 260.7, 1.05 Obv. as in (1) but inscription not on coin. Rev. Image of moon with crescent behind shoulders, right arm extended MAo In field to left m. 122. (4) 262.9, 1. Obv. King and few letters. Rev. as in (3). (5) 2 coins average 68.05, .75 Images and inscriptions as on (3) but smaller. (6) 259.8, 1-05 Obv. as in (1) full inscription. Rev. sun image, nimbus radiate, to left. To right MIIPO to left m. 122. (7) 241.2, 1.05 Good duplicate of (6). (8) 120.8, .83 Obv. as in ( 1 ) . Legend partly obliterated. Rev. as in (6) MIoPo- (9) 122.6, .85 Very good duplicate of (8). (10) 125.3, .92 Obv. as in (1) BAQAEYC BACIAELUN KANHPKoY- Rev. image of sun. To right HAIoC" (11) 119.3, .88 poor duplicate of (10). (12) 265. 1. Very good duplicate of (3). Inscription in two straight lines. (13) 238.5, 1.05 Obv. as in (1). Rev. Fii-e image, right hand extended to right A©Po. (14) 258.1, 1. do. do. do. (15) 258.4, 1. do. do. do. [ 19 ] (16) 264. 1. (17) 264.8, 1.05 (18) 265.7, 1.05 (19) 261.2, 1.05 (20) 153.2, .89 (21) 64. .68 (22) 62.8, .68 (23) 58.3, .7 (24) 64. .68 (25) 130.1, .89 (26) 128.2, .9 (27) 125.8, .84 (28) 253.3, 1.05 (29) 251 (30) 262 (31) 245 (32) 242 (33) 239. (34) 242. (35) 251. (36) 232. (37) 264. (38) 232. (39) 249. (40) 255. (41) 248. (42) 246. (43) 255. (44) 260. (45) 248. 2, .95 2, 1.1 .6, 1.05 ,8, .96 .96 1.01 3, .96 5, 1.01 1. 6, 1. 3, 1. 2, 1. 1, 1. .99 3, 1. 5, 1.05 1, 1. Obv. as in (1). Rev. Image to right, draped, right hand raised, small crescent at top of head. NANA reading from outside, to right ni. 125. poor duplicate of 16*. good dujDlicate of (16). fair do. but name NANA not on coin. Obv. as in (1^. Rev. as in (16). This is a half of 16). Obv. as in (1) but inscription gone. Rev. as in (16). do. do. name peculiar. do. do. poor. do. do. do. Obv. Image to right as in (16) on left NANAIA reading from inside to right m. 122. Rev. as on Obv. of (10'. Obv. as on (I). Rev. image as on (16) inscription as above. Poor duplicate of (26). Obv. same as (1). Rev. Man with loose hair and flowing garments, running to left. OAAO to right. Very poor duplicate of (28). Good duplicate of (28) on Rev. to left m. 122. Fair duplicate of (28) Very poor duplicate of (28). a still pooi-er duplicate of (28). Obv. as in (1) but without inscription, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. inscription poor, do. do. do. no insciption. do. do. do. with inscription, do. no do. do. do. do. Rev. as in (6), worn. do. worn. Rev. as in (3) do. Rev. as in (28) do. Rev. as in (28) fair. Rev. as in (16). • do. Rev. as in (2). do. Rev. Figure to right without name. Rev. as in (13) A©PO- do. do. The coins from (34) to (45) are all very much coiToded though still assignable. HtmsJiha. Gold .— (1) 120.8, Rev. (2) 121.6, .8 (3) 122.4, .8 Obv (4) 122. (6) 30.8, .79 Obv. King's bust to left, crowned, in right hand something like head of wheat. The whole in a wicker work basket. Flames come out of right shoulder PAoNANo- PAo ooHPKl KoPANo- Moon god facing right, crescent behind shoulders, seated on throne, feet resting on footstool. One hand holds pincers, right hand an indeterminate object. A saw- like object rises from behind left shoulder. To left MANAoBAPo- To right m. 126. Duplicate of (1). From this it is apparent that the image on the reverse is four- armed. King's bust to left, nimbus surrounds head which is crowned with an elaborate crown, peaked and with neck piece. In right hand ear of corn. In left hand spear. Coat is buttoned. Rays behind shoulders. Inscription as in (1). Female figure to left, holding cornucopia in both hands. She is very gracefully di-essed. To right APAoXPo- To left m. 126. King's head as in (3) with inscription as in (1). Male figure to left, helmcted, in right hand bog or purse or dumb-bell, left haiid holds long spear. To light <^APo. To left m. 127. King's bust as in (1). PAoNANoPAo oKPKI (sic) KPANo. Image to right, with winged head, in right hand long staff, flowing garments. To left APPo- To right m. 127. .81 Rev. Obv. Rev. Rev. [ 20 ] Copper : — (1) 239.2, .98 Obv. Elephant rider to right, round PAoNANoPAo ooHPKI KoPANo- (This is not complete on any specimen ) . Rev. Moon god to left. Crescent behind shoulders. To right MAo- (2) 247.2, 1. Obv. as in ' !). Rev. Figui-e with pagri on, to left, right hand stretched out, di-apery graceful. To right A0Po- (3) 217.8, 1. Obv. as in (1). Rev. Figure seems armed. To right as in (2). (4) 211.9, .99 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (2). (5) 229. 1. Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (2) better developed. (6) 239.4, 1.01 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (2) veiy poor. (7) 226.1, 1. do. do. (8) 221. .98 do. Rev. four-armed Shiva. Name eaten away. (9) 244.8, 1.02 Obv. Figure seated cross-legged on indistinct object, inscription not all plain. Rev. Image to right, right hand outstxetched A©Po- (10) 231. 1.05 Obv. Seated figure as in (9) inscription partly visible. Rev. as in (9) poor. (11) 228.3, 1. Obv. as in (9). Rev. Moon image with crescent behind the shoulders, to right MA^j- (12) 243. 1. Obv. as in (9). Rev. as in (11) very good. (13) 224. .99 do. do. poor. (14) 231.4, 1. Obv. as in (1) with some fragments of inscription. Rev. as in (11). (15) 237.8, .99 Obv. as in (16) all inscriptions to right present. Rev. Image to left, right hand stretched out HIAPo (?). (16) 224.2, 1. Obv. Figure mounting a wooden horse, parts of inscription on (1). Rev. Figure to left, right arm extended, rayed nimbus ; MIQPo- To left m. 122. (17) two coins, average, 199. .98 Elephant rider to light, all inscriptions missing. Rev. Moon-god with crescent behind shoulders, to right MAo, to left m. 128. (18) 238.2, 1. Obv. as in (17) but some letters of inscription ... PAo ooHPK Rev. sun-image. MIlPo to right. (19) 225.9, 1. Obv. as in (17). Rev. rude image of others. Name absent. (20) two coins, average, 231.5, 1.05 Obv. as in (17). Rev. Image of other to left, to right AQPo- (21) 242.3, 1.03 Obv. as in (17). Rev. Image of Nana. To left NANA- To right m. 122. (22) 233.3, 1.05 Obv. as in (17). Rev. Image to right. To left AUN- Unique. (23) 168.4, .99 Obv. as in (17). Rev. Wind-image with clothes held overhead, running to the left. No inscription. (24) two coins, average, 161.3, 1.01 Obv. as in (1). Rev. Shiva to right, with trident in right hand. To right oKPo, to left m. 128. (25) two coins, average, 147.65, .97 Similar to (24) roughly executed coins. (26) do. do. 142.5, .99 do. do. (27) do. do. 111.2, .97 Obv. as in (17). Rev. image of moon-god to right M(Ao). (28) do. do. 157.3, 1.01 Similar to (24) very rough coins. (29) 180.1, .99 similar to (23) but very poor. (30) 216.7, .95 Obv. figure raising, right leg from throne or wooden horse. Some of inscription of (1) visible. Rev. Athro to right, holding wreath in right hand, to right A^Po- (31) 2 coins, average, 226.6, .97 Obv. Figure, seated on things like snakes, sceptre in left haud. Rev. Athro to right as usual, inscription deleted. (32) 232.7, 1. Obv. figure as in (30). Rev. Moon-god, to right MA(o), to left m. 122, (33) 127.4, .87 Obv. figure as in (31). Rev. Sun-god with radiate nimbus, to right MIIPo. (34) 242.5, 1. Obv. figure as in (30). Rev. Four-armed Shiva, inscription deleted. Rev. as in (33). (35) 142. .98 Obv. as in (30). Rev. as in (33). (36) 134, .9 Obv. figure seated cross-legged on five dots. Inscription all A's and o's. (37) 31. .8 Obv. figure as in (30). Rev. Sun-god with radiate nimbus, not one letter. (38) 69.6, .82 Obv. as in (30). Rev. Shiva to left. To right oKPo, very poor indeed. (39) 52. .85 Obv. as in (30). Rev. Debased image, to right tt and A to left m. 128. [ 21 ] (40) 80. .85 Obv. cross-legged seated figure, on flower (?). Rev. moon-god, to right MAo, very very poor indeed. (41) 94.5, .88 Obv. figure as in (36). Rev. as in (40) wild in the extreme. Many of these latter coins of Huvishka's are exceedingly poor. They are probably all debased imitations. Vasu T)eva. Gold .— (1) 120, .82 Obv. Rev. (2) 121.8, .84 Obv. Rev. (3) 121.7, .85 Obv. (4) 122. .8 Obv. (5) 30.8, .5 Obv. Rev. (6) 112.2, 1.05 Obv Rev. (7) 119.6, .95 Obv. Rev. (8) 25.9, .56 Obv. (9) 222. 1.2 Obv. Rev. Copper : — (1) 159.7, .9 Obv. Rev. (2) 160.6, .99 Obv. Rev. '(3) 157.9, .98 Obv. Rev. (4) 119.3, .96 Obv. Rev. (5) 118.5, .95 Obv. Rev. (6) 129.1, .9 Rev. (7) 125.7, .88 Obv. (8) 131. .88 Obv. (9) 131. .82 Obv. 6 King standing in armour, right hand offering at a small fire altar, over which is a trisul with fillet attached. In left hand is a long trisiil. King has on a peaked crown and fillet. In field to right is the letter The Grreek is illegible and is I think only copied from Bazdeo's or Vasu Deva's coins which have not the trisul with fillet over the fire altar. On the left of the right foot n in old Sanskrit. Head of king surrounded with a nimbus. Shiva, thin headed, standing to front before bull Nandi to left. He holds wreath in right hand and trisul in left, has on the brahminical thread and dhoti. Over right arm m. 129 to right reading from inside of^Po. same as (1) only more deteriorated. same as (1) Shiva has only one head which has wreath, same as (1) to left of right foot Q. Rev. as in (2). same as (2). Rev. same as (2) further debased. King at fire altar as in (1) without trisul over it, but with trisul in left hand. Inscription illegible as usual, as in (2) ofiPo reads from outside. King nearly as in (1) between legs swastika m. 324. The inscription is legible but unintelligible. To right m. 99. Shiva as in (2) but with a crescent on head. 0 f^Po reads as in (5) from outside. The whole surrounded by a circle of dots. This coin shows much deterioration in execution. I do not think any of these coins are original ones of Vasu Deva. They are only debased copies made by later kings. King crowned and armed to right, as in (1). To right m. 325 Vasu. Between king's legs m. 326, to left of right leg m. 327. Woman seated on throne, holding in right hand wreath, in left cornucopia. To right m. 328 ?! ! To left m. 129. King as in (1). Rev. as in (1) O [^Po reads from outside. King making offering as in (6) but with head dressed in the style of a Sassanian prince. Inscription quite unintelligible. Shiva with beard and Sassanian head and fire issuing from crown of head. To left m. 329. To right Pahlavi inscription. King with right hand raised and in left hand trisul. Under right hand m. 126. No inscription legible. Elephant rider to right, no inscription legible. King with right hand making an offering at small fire altar : in left hand long trisul. Inscription illegible. Shiva with bull to left. No inscription. King with right hand making offering at small fire altar. Over which is a trisul : left hand has long trisul. No letters, as in (2). as in (3). To right unintelligible inscription, as in (2) in circle of dots. In field to right m. 138. as in f3). To left some legible letters, as in (2) to right m. 130. as in (3). Obv. as in (4). as in (3). Rev. as in (4). as in (3). Rev. as in (4). as in (3). Rev. as in (4). [ 22 ] (10) 112.1. .79 Obv. King standing, nothing else intelligible. ") g^ceedinc^lv debased Rev. Shiva and bull and nothing else. ) ° ^ (11) 100.2, .8 same as (10). ^ (12) 85.1, .84 same as (10). > All exceedingly debased. (13) 77.5, .77 same as (10).) (14) 129.1, .8 Obv. King as in (3) no inscription. Rev. Ceres seated on a throne, holds out right hand, has in left cornucopiae. No in- scription. (15) 132.1, .87 Obv. King as in (2). Rev. as in (14). (16) 119.7, .85 Obv. King as in (3). Rev. as in (14), remains of letters to right ? (17) 121.7. .87 Obv. King scarcely discernible. Rev. as in (16). These coins are assigned to Vasu Deva, more on account of the types than the inscrip- tions which latter are quite unintelligible. (18) 29.3, .52 X .71 Obv. as in (3). Between king's legs n ; Rev. Shiva and Bull and OPoo ? Teleplms, Plaio. TheopMliis, Peukolam, Gupta Coins. Gold .— ' (1) 121.5, .8 Obv. Image of Chandra Gupta II to left, dressed in long tailed coat. In left hand a bow. In right indefinite object (? spear). Behind right arm ' the bird ' standard, below left arm the name " Chandra Gupta " in letters one above another, very indistinct. Rev. Lakhshmi on a lotus flower, seated cross-legged, in right hand wreath, in left hand lotus flower. To right in Sanskrit, in a line " Sri Vikkrama." The whole en- closed in a circle of dots. (2) 115.5. .8 Obv. Image of Samudra Gupta, standing to left, dressed in a long tailed coat. Left hand raised, holding a spear ; right hand is making an offering, behind right arm is the bird standard. Under left arm Samudra Gupta in two lines, the letters coming underneath one another. To right remains of an illegible legend. « [ 23 ] Rev. Lakhslimi seated on throne cushioned -with two lathe-turned legs. In right hand a wi'eath ; in left cornucopiae. To right in Sanskrit, letters in a line " Para- hrama." The metal of this coin is inferior. There is some reason for believing it not to be a genuine coin. Buddhist Coins. Copper : — (1) 135, .63x.78 Obv. Incense. Plan of six roomed house with image in the enclosure. Thus m. 330. To right chaitya m. 331. Under the two a snake. Rev. plain. (2) 61.8, .65 Obv. Pile of balls m. 332. Rev. Chaitya. m. 333. (3) 24, .59 Obv. m. 334. Rev. m. 335. (4) Clay 41.8, .85 Obv. m. 336. Rev. m. 337. (5) 42, .74 Obv. Deer to right, female. Rev. Chaitya m. 338 coarse. Tree also coarse to the left other signs. This is a coin of Amoghabhutasa, but it has not a single letter on it. (6) 159.2, .85 Obv. Chaitya m. 333 to left m. 339 = " ratasvaha." Rev. Blank. Silver : — Two coins (1) and (2). Obv. Chaitya m. 340 ; to right, tree : — m. 341 over chaitya m. 99, to its left m. 342 over this m. 324 snake below, round the coin, " Rajna Kanadasa Amoghabhutasa Maharajasa," (inscr. 47 a) = Of the king of the Kanandas the Maharaja Amoghabhutasa. Rev. Deer to right. Female feeding it. Between deer's horns m. 343. Above back of deer m. 314. Round the coin in Indian Pali as above (inscrip. 47 b), which has the same meaning as the inscription on the obverse. Neither of these coins has either of the inscriptions perfect. Yaudlieyas. Copper : — (1) 172.1, .1 Obv. Male figure standing to front, holding spear in his right hand, his left resting on his hip. Below his left hand a cock standing. Round the figure parts of " Jaya Yaudheya ganesya " in old Sanskrit. Rev. Male figm^e standing to left in long robe, with left hand on hip and right hand upraised before the face in the attitude of Mithro in Indo-Scythian coins. The whole surrounded by a circle of dots. (2) 175.3, .96 Duplicate of (1). (3) 164.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) but with the addition of " dvi " to the left of the head. Rev. as in (1) but to right a rose of flowers and to right m. 131. (4) 172.1, .95 Duplicate of (3). (5) 170.9, .97 Triplicate of (3). (6) 164.4, .95 Obv. as in (1) but with the addition of " tri " to the left of the head. Rev. as in (1) but to left a shell and to right m. 132 a symbol similar to that which is placed over the horns of the antelope on the coins of the Kunindas. (7) 175. 1. Duplicate of (6). Khalifas. These coins have all been edited in the British Museum Catalogue, Vol. I. " ■ ~' " B. M. Cat., p. 28, No. 176. do. No. 177. do. do. do. No. 180. not in B. M. Cat., p. 13. B. M. Cat., p. 28, No. 181. do. do. do. (1) 43.2 1. Mint Wasit. Date 90 H. m Walid. (2) 42. 1.1 do. Date 91 H. do. (2a) 30.7 .95 do. do. do. (3) 38 1. do. Date 94 H. do. (4) 41.3 1. Jandi Sabur. Date 94 H. do. (5) 45. 1.1 Wasit. Date 95 H. do. (5a) 45.1 1.1 do. do. do. [ 24 ] (6) 42.7 1.1 (6a) 42. ]. (7) 43.9 1.1 (7a) 37.7 1. (8) 43.6 1.1 (9) 44.5 1.1 (9a) 44.4 1.1 (10) 40. 1. (11) 40. 1. (12) 42.3 1. (12a) 44. 1. (13) 44.1 1. (14) 44.3 1.1 (15) 43.7 1.1 (16) 45.1 1. (17) 42.7 1. (18) 44.4 .9 (19) 40.2 1.1 (20) 45.3 1.0 (21) 42.2 1. (22) 42.7 1. (23) 45. 1. (23a) 40. 1.1 (24) 45.5 .9 (25) 42.5 1. (26) 48.2 1. (27) 38.2 1. (28) 48. 1. (29) 44.3 1. Wasit. do. do. do. do. El Bassora. do. El Andalus Wasit. do. do. do. Muhammadiya. do. Date 96 H. do. Date 97 H. do. Date 99 H. Date 100 H. do. Date 110 H. Date 113 Date 121 do. Date 127. Date 150. Date 152. El Walid. do. Suliman. do. do. O'mar. do. Hisham. do. do. do. B. M. Cat., p. 28, No. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 29 do. 11 do. do. do. do. This year not in B. M, B. M. Cat., p. 31, No. 121. 182. do. 183. do. 184. 66. do. p. 10 this year not there. Cat., p. 30. Madinat us Salam. do. do. Muhammadiya. do. do. Madinat Marv. Madinat Zaranj. do. Nesapur. Muhammadiya. Madinat Bukhara. Madinat Samarqand. Muhammadiya. Mint Muhammadiya. Date 154. Date 158. Date 164. Date 181. Date 183. Hariin ar Rashid. do. do. do. do. do. p. 32, No. 127. El Mansiir. do. p. 44, No. 51. do. do. p. 45, No. 53. do. do. p. 48, No. 74. do. do. p. 49, No. 80. El Mahdi. do. p. 60, No. 130. B. M. Cat., p. 77, No. 197. Inscriptions as on No. 197 of B. M. Cat. not those of No. 199 of this year. Date 186. do. do. do. above <-ft^ Date 185. do. See B. M. Cat., p. 78, No. 202. Date 191. do. for inscriptions not in B. M. Cat., see p. 72. do. do. do. Date 193. do. B. M. Cat., p. 84, No. 229. Date 193. do. B. M. Cat., p. 76, No. 193. Date 194. El Amin. B. M. Cat., p. 87, No. 235. Date 196. El Amin. Inscriptions abridged from those on No. 238, p. 88, B. M. Cat. Date 192. Harun. Inscriptions as on No. 196, p. 77, B. M. Cat. Date 180 " ■ - - •- — H. Harun us Rashid. ''30) 43.2 1. Esh Shamiya. Date 176. do. The inscription is longer than any in the B. M. Cat., by i^Jj not in B. M. Cat. only one coin a-iven of this mint. Early Sind Muliammadan Coins. [ 25 ] Sassanian Coins. Silver : — ShdpuT 2nd. (1) 60. .81 Obv. Bust of king, SJiapur II, to riglit. Crenellated crown, Ball over centre. Hair in a bundle behind. Ear lias an eardrop. Inscription not plain. Perforated. Rev. Fire altar witb head of king on it. Attendant priests. Inscription not plain. (2) 62.4, .9 Obv. As in (1) but incription blurred. Rev. Broad fire altar without attendants. This may be a coin of Shahpiir I. (3) 64.3, 1.15 Obv. As in (1). Insci'iption almost deleted, goes round the coin. Rev. Fire altar as in (1). (4) 78.3, .9 Copper imitation of coin. Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1). Bahrdm IV. (5) 57.8, 1. Obv. King's head, crown crenellated in front, wing behind, ball above forward. Hair behind in a bundle. Inscription gone. Rev. Fire altar, with attendants. Head on altar. Very poor. (6) 42.9, .95 Similar to (5). It bears every mark of being a poor copy. Bahrdm CJioMn. (7) 60.6, 1.2 Obv. King's head, crown crenellated. Crescent under ball. Legend deleted. Rev. Fire altar, king's head below the fire. Female attendants. No inscription. (8) 54 1, 1.18 A poor broken duplicate of (7). | This coin is picttu-ed by Thomas in Num. Chron. (9) 54.9, 1.15 A little better duplicate of (7). j Ser. Ill, Vol. I, PI. VI, fig. 1. Khusrau II. (10) 64.4, 1.3 Obv. King's head in double circle. Crown surmounted with wings between which a standard with crescent and star. 3 crescents and stars in broad margin. To right small Pahlavi inscription. Rev. Fire altar with fiames. attendants facing front. 3 circles outside which 4 crescents and stars. (11) 61.9, 1.2 Similar to (10), but inscriptions on reverse different. (12) 57. 1.3 Similar to (10), but inscriptions on reverse diffei^ent. (13) 56. 1.2 Similar to (10), broken on right side. (14) 34. 1. Similar to (10), but smaller. (15) 52.9, 1.15 Similar to (10), but injui-ed very much. Firoz. (16) 58.3, 1.1 Obv. Head of king Firoz, crown has crescent in front, and two wings surmounted by crescent and ball. Fillet has 3 broad ends. Name muddled. Rev. Fire altar, crescent and star to right and left. Two attendants. (17) 62.7,1.1 Obv. King's head (Yezdegird?) Crown sui^mounted by wings, crescent and ball. Fillet has two ends. Name, blui-red. Rev. Fii-e altar, flame, attendants, crescent and star. One circle only. Inscriptions very short. (18) 45.7, 1.1 Imitation of (17). Poor. Miilialih. (19) 56.4, 1.22 Obv. Head as in coins of Khusrau. Pahlavi inscription to right gives " Muhdlib Ibn Safarduri." Margin has <'J'l j»~-J and in incuse Rev. Fii'e altar, &c. Said. (20) 28.2, .95 See Marsden PI. XXIX, fig. DXLII. For description see Thomas Recent Pahlavi Decipherments, p. 457. No. (5). Where he gives it as a coin of Tabaristdn. The execution is very good. (21) 48,8, 1. Obv. Head of king after fashion of Bahram Chobin with crenellated crown. Over head to left (^*-«. Inscription to right blurred Rev. Fire altar double struck. (22) 46.3, 1. Obv. King as on (21). Over head to left <_^ot*^l. To right an inscription in unknown characters. Thomas attempts to read this. Rev. Fire altar as on coins of Bahi-am Chobin. Very good. 7 [ 26 ] (23) 50. 1. Similar to (22). (24) 37.4, 1. Similar to (22), but wora. (25) 36. .95 Similar to (22), but broken and worn. (For a description of, and a discussion on coins (20) — (25) see Mr. Thomas' paper on " The Bilingual Coins of Bukhara.^') (26) 40.8, .98 Obv. Head of king. Wings. Bull's head between wings. To right four unknown letters. Rev. Fii-e altar, attendants with wheels over their heads. (27) 56.9, 1.1 Obv. As in (26/, but inscription to left Rev. As in (26). (28) 42.4, 1.1 Obv. Head of king, no crown, fii-e coming out of head. To left m. 345 and to right five unknown letters. Then a figure in a small incuse. Rev. Fii-e altar poor. (29) 47. 1.15 Obv. As in (28), but to left m. 222. To right six unknown letters. Rev. fire altar. Coins from (26) to (29) have not as yet been identified, the letters of the legends are not known. The metal of these coins is heavily alloyed with copper. Sassanian Copper Coins : — (30) 26.8, .75 Obv. Head of king as in (29). Rev. fire altar poor. (31) 56.8, .65 Obv. Head of king, bearded, crowned, no inscription legible. Rev. Fire altar on pedestal of which m. 100. (32) 20.1, .65 Obv. Head of king in dotted circle. Rev. Low fire altar on which a head is falling to the left. (33) 45.6, .75 Similar to (30) (34) 19.3, .62 Obv. As in (32). Rev. Low fire altar, crowned head of king on it to right. (35) 28.8, .7 Obv. Head of king, straight hair with fillet bound behind. Crescent on head, where fillet touches the hair. Rev. Fire altar and inscription in seven unknown letters. (36) 5 coins average 30.4, .7 Similar to (35) but inscriptions on reverse vary. These copper coins are more or less in poor condition. Gold .— (37) 109.2, .76 Obv. Head of Bahrdm IV, to right: inscription much injured. Rev. Fire altar, with an umbrella (?) on each side of it. Something is tied round it, four unknown letters. Silver : — (38) 44.8, .98 Obv. Head of Sapor II to right, inscription deleted. Rev. Fii-e altar, with head in flames. Attendant on each side. (39) 47.9 & 1. Obv. Head of Ftroz I, to right : inscription illegible. Rev. Fii-e altar, attendants, star and moon. In cii'cle of dots. (40) 55.1, 1.27 Obv. Head of Khasrau JJ Parres in double circle. In margin three crescents with star. Rev. Fire altar, attendants, facing, 4 crescents and stars. Copper : — (41) 143.4, 1.01 Obv. Heads of Ai-dashir and Sapor I, very indistinct. Rev. Fii-e altar almost indiscernible. Inscription illegible. Early Gazni Coins. SiibaMagin. Silver : — 38| .7 A poor coin. Obv. iW/ Jll dJi JJ Rev. al) fjlkJi ^^ySli)^ No margins. Three marks. Two marks. [ 27 3 Ismd'el. Mahmud. Gold .— Silver : — (1) 45.6, 75 Obv. Rev. ^51^^* See B. M.Cat. aJL/l Jit aJ| 1/ ^ Vol. II, No. J. J^*J -^^^ 510, p. 151- Margin. -Sj'^ J^jt j ^j^jJl !«>.* v^^^ aI.'i j»~d. Marginf ^ Z^Sf T^^J'! «lfn f^<*|Jl'< ^W«Tt 8?,j^j aJJt jJl ^^J>^ idUi No. 481, *^ H aUl i:;>^t J •t' p. 140. aJJb jilaj( margins illegible. ij — (4) 62.3 .8 J-** Jr«j ^> — >!*j margins illegible. * Abvaktamek, Muhammad avatar, Nripati Mahmud. 1 _ , . ^ , „ ^ , .., - \, ^ \ See B. M. Cat. Oriental Coins, Vol. II, pp. 150, 151. t Ayam Tankam Mahmudpur, jikiyera Samvate 419. ) [ 28 ] Mahmud. (5) 40.4 .8 Obv. J** I^ev. <3.*s^ ill A)| tJI «l't — ?ry margin : , , . ^i^^ J Cr^ . . . margin partly legible only. Muhammad. Maudud. Gold .— [ 29 ] Silver ; — Billon : — (1) 49.4 .7 Obv. Rev. Rev. Bull couchant, on Jhiil a diamond shaped dot. On rump. m. 115. Over it ^ Wff^? " Sri Samanta Deva.' (2) 49. .7 Obv. as in (1) but margin j^a^Ij ^AjJt ... ba Lohor. Rev. o a flower o 4JLI| yob (^'laJt margin : — ^itCti] \^yh , . , Rev. Bull and " 8ri Samanta Beva ' in Hindi letters. Bronze : — (3) 48.7 .6 (4) 49.5 .6 (5) 48.1 ,6 J** no margin, as in (3). Rev. as in (2). Dot in hump of bull. As in (3) dot in hnmp of bull and in jhul also. As in (3). (6) 50.9 .6 Silver : — [ 31 ] margin. vy"^~^t As in 3. (7) 50.2 .7 same as (6) but i-axw deleted. Bull, on rump of which m. 238, dot in hump. (8) 49.5 .55 do. Bull, on rump, m. 239. (9) 48. .6 do. Bull, dot in hump. Mas'aud III. Copper .—(1) 54.2, .6 Obv. Rev. Bull and Sri Samanta Deva in Hindi or as in (12) and (13). (2) 51.4, .6 Obv. do. (3) 51.8, .6 Obv. Rev. Bull &c. on Jhiil m. 237. (4) 62.8, .6 Obv. do. (5) 52.2, .55 Obv. do. (6) 51.1, .55 Obv. do. (7) 51.8, .55 Obv. do. (8) 53.1, .55 Obv. do. (9) 49.5, .65 Obv. do. (10) 49.1, .55 Obv. do. (11) 41.8, .6 Obv. as in (3) do. do. do. do. on jhiil m. 237. do. do. do. do. [ 32 ] (12) 50.1, .6 Obv. (13) 51.7, .6 Obv. (14) 48.6, .6 Obv. Billon : — (1) 50.1, .65 Obv. (2) 47.6, .6 (3) 50.1, .55 Obv. (4) 50.5, .6 Silver : — as in (2) as in (2) as in (1) Malik Arslan. do. Only last time not deleted, do. almost deleted. Baliram Shah. Bull over -whicli ... <.ver whicli a crescent Billon : — 1 specimen wt. 50 grs. Same as above, but with star instead of crescent. Billon : — 1 specimen 52.3 grs. Obv. <- (the mint torn). Silver : — (1) Billon. One specimen 50 grs. Thos. p. 15, no. 6. Obv. * Rev. ijj^^ >»)j>cs^ [ 36 ] Sammta Beva. Silver : — (1) 47.5, .75 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) 48.7, .75 46.1, .7 48.9, .75 48.8, .76 52.6, .75 48.7, .7 46.4, .6 46.4, .65 47.1, .7 48, .65 46.3, .7 48.9, .65 48, .7 47, .62 49.8, .7 50.3, .75 47.5, .7 48.7, .7 47.8, .68 42.7, .75 49.8, .7 50.4, .74 49.1, .7 51.7, .75 51, .68 49.8, .74 50.1, .7 45.1, .7 50.4, .7 48.1, .68 47.9, .65 Copper : — (33) 50.5, .55 (34) 54.8, .5 (35) 48.1, .62 (36) 54.4, .6 (37) 50 .65 (38) 42.2, .65 (39) 51, .57 (40) 54.8, .6 (41) 51.9, .6 (42) 51, .55 (43) 42.3, .6 (44) 31.8, .55 (45) 36. .6 (46) 57.3, .67 (47) 46, .55 (48) 48.1, .6- Obv Bull to left over whicli in Hindi letters " Sri Do. on rump of bull, m. 240 Do. on rump m. 242 Do. in front of bull Do. do. Do. on jLul of bull m. 244 Obv. on jhiil of bull m. 244 Do. do. Do. do. poor Do. do. rubbed Do. inscription gone Do. do. Do. as in (4). Do. on rump m. 245 Do. on rump m. 246 Do. rump, not plain Do. Do. rump as on (15) Do. on rump m. 247 Do. poor Do. on rump m. 248 Do. rump mark not plain Do. rump mark as in (3) Do. rump mark not plain Do. do. Do. rump as in (2) Do. rump as in (22) Do. bad Do. I'ump as in (22) Do. rump as in (15) Do. rump, not clear Do. rump as in (16) Very poor Name and rump gone Name gone, jhul m. 251, rump m. 252 Bull, name and rump as in (22) All poor Bull and name only Obv. Bull, name gone, rump mark as on no. (36) As in (1), hump mark as in (36) Bull and name Obv. Do., on jliul Do. Do., rump mark, m. 253 Bull, name cut Rev. Horseman to right, to left, of which ^4Jti«ri< ? in Samanta Deva " ^ " Bhi." do. to right m. 241. do. as in (1). do. as in (1). do. as in (1) to r'ght m. 243. do. as in (1). Rev. as in (2), but to right, do. as in (1). do. as in (2), very poor, do. as in, (2) rubbed, do. as in (1), inscriptions gone, do. as in (1), poor, do. as in (1). do. as in (5), without extreme right ornament. do. almost deleted. do. same as (1). do. same as (2), copper. do. same as (1), copper. do. same as (2). do. same as (2). do. same as (1), poor. do. same as (1). do. same as (1). do. same as (1), not plain. do. same as (2). do. same as (2). do. same as (2). do. same as (1), to right m. 249. do. same as (1), poor. do. same as (2). do. same as (1), to m. 250. do. same as (1). do. horseman to right. do. very poor. do. same as (1). do. headless horseman no signs. do. same as 1. do. same as (2), poor. do. same as (1). do. horseman . . ^ . . ^^•(Chahada Deva ?) do. Horseman, signs gone. do. poor. do. scarcely discernible. do. do. do. do. do. double struck. do. horseman, no signs. do. scarcely discex^nible. [ 37 ] (49) 44.7, .55 Bull, jliul and hump all in one m. do. parts o£ horseman. 254, rump mark m. 255, name cut (50) 46,. .64 Bull and name do. not intelligible. (51) 51, .6 Obv. do. deleted. (52) 43.1, .6 Do. do. horseman. (53) 48.1, .62 Do. do. horseman. (54) 25, .57 Obv. Elephant in outline to left over which fragments of name. Rev. Lion, rampant to right. (55) 4 coins average 28.25, size .7. Obv. Elephant to left, name full us in (1). Rev. as in (64). (56) 2 coins average 38.9, size .77, same as 55. Syalapati Deva. Copper : — 51.3, .8. (1) Obv. Bull ... Rev. illegible ; copper coins of this king are verj^ rare. Silver : — 2 coins, average weight 47.1, size .71. Obv. Bull couchant, to left, ^I'^^Rf^I " Sri Syalapati Deva." Rev. Horseman to right, spear at rest, to left, m. 256. Vanka Deva. Copper : — (1) 35.3, .72 Obv. Elephant to left, over it ft ^ ... " Bri Vanka." ... Rev. Lion rampant to right. (2) 3 coins average 42.73, size .77. Obv. Elephant to left over which ^^^W " Sri Vanka Deva." Rev. Lion rampant to right. BMm Deva. Klwadavayaka. Silver : — Two average weight. 48.4, size .72. Obv. bull to left, couchant, over it ^g^gij^ " Sri KhvadavayaJca." Rev. horsenian to, right to left m. 257 to right, m. 258. Anangpdla. Billon : — 5 specimens, average weight 50.5. Thos. p. 59, no. 32. Horseman §t ^ ... " Sri Anang " Bull Sri Samanta Deva in Hindi. 10 [ 38 ] Killi Deva. Ptpala Dem, Kalha Deva. Sallahshana Pdla Deva. Billon : — One specimen, weight 51 grs. Thos. p. 62, no, 33. Horseman 'ft ..« " Sri Sail ... Bull, ^ Wff^^, " Sri Samanta Deva." Madana Pdla Deva. (1) Billon : — 4 specimens, average weight 51. Thos. p. 62, no. 34. Horseman, over which M <«fmt!l^? " Madana Bala Deva." Bull and Madhava Sri Samanta Deva in Hindi. (2) 2 coins, average 49.6, .63 similar to (1). Inscriptions curtailed ; these two are from Captain Lsessoe's collection. MaMpdla. [ 39 ] Someswara Deva, Billon : — One specimen, 53.3. Thos. p. 63, no. 37. Over horseman ^ ^ " Some " Over bull Sri Samanta Deva in Hindi. CMhada Deva. (1) Billon : — 6 specimens, average weight 53.1. Horseman ^ '^Ff^ " Sn Chdhada Deva." Thos. p. 70, no. 39. Bull Asdvari Sri Samanta Deva in Hindi. (2) Two coins av. 54.5, .62, similar to (1). From Captain Laessoe's collection. iSamasorala. (1) Billon : — 3 specimens, average weight 51 grs. Thos. p. 78, no. 30. Bull, over it ^rei^f^ €t *J*^\ ^ fl «^ not struck on reverse. (2) 33.1, .94 Obv. as in (1) but J;l* instead of aJJ Rev. Kalima and tjJ<>'^ over Kalima Silver : — Not in Thomas. Not in Thomas. Not edited. Rev. Horseman scarcely discernible. (1) Copper .—One specimen weight 67.5 size .55. Not in Thomas. Obv. t^'^^j ^« ill u'^^-'' Rev. Horseman to left. A cross on hind leg of horse. (2) Billon : — One specimen weight 48.2. Obv. ^ f*^ ^' lyllil-Jl Rev. ej'iiJ-Jt ^f^4 (3) Billon : — Two specimens, average weight 53 grs. Rev. Kalima. Obv. (^lisJLJi ^^ ^iac J)| ^^IkL-Ji These two coins are from two different dies. (4) M'a;ed49, .66 Obv. jylkUt e^j>iJlj 14^*)! ^ . . (5) Do. 34.1, .54.5 Obv. illegible. Rev. Horseman to left, a pigeon under horse. (6) Do. 32.4, .54 Obv. as in (1) but fragmentary. Horseman to left, above ... U= (^taiUs) TAliqcin. (7) Mixed 6 coins, av. 34.06, .5 Obv. not legible on one. Rev. Horseman to left, below a star, above (8) Do. 31.3, .55 Obv. not legible. Rev. Horseman to left under it a bird mint (9) Do. 37.9, .59 Obv. as in (4) fragmentary. Rev. Horseman, in plain circle with dots outside it. (10) Do. 2 coins, av. 39.6, .525 Obv. both illegible. Rev. Horseman, hands raised, canopy. No mint. (11) Do. do. 41.7, .575 Obv. in double circle, enclosing dots, 'i>*='° 5/t ^^^\ Rev. Horseman to left, drawn sword, above horse !SlyS> Herat. (12) Do. do. 34.6, .5 Obv. and Rev. similar to (11) but with some additional mark under the horse. Mixed metal : — (13) 2 coins, average 40.3, .5 Obv. tr^ i^^^-Jl Rev. horseman to left. (14) 2 coins average 35.6, .57 Obv. yLkLJi Rev. Horseman with spear to left, under a)\ 4l£ J/t canopy with spear as change, (15) 3 coins, average 42.6, .596 Obv. in all illegible Rev. ^JJ)JJy^ above, bird below. Horseman to left. (l6) 3 coins, average 32.6, .55 Obv. Tapii- to left in double circle with dots between. Mint ij*-* ? [ 41 ] Inscriptions on two deleted, on 3rd similar to (14). (17) 4 coins, average 33.9, .54 Obv. Inscription illegible. Rev. Tapir, to left, above it lyt^^ (?). (18) 30.7, .86 Obv. inscription injured. Rev. Tapir to left, above it jt^^S" (?). (19) 35.1, .56 Obv. deleted entirely. Rev. Tapir to left over it (?). (20) 28.6, .57 Obv. do. Rev. do. do. (?). (21) 4 coins, average 34.02, .55 Obv. nearly all deleted. Rev. Tapir to right over it jjjj./ (?). (22) 6 coins, average 33.3, .56 Obv. inscription nearly like (14). Rev. Tapir to right l^_5«J>f (?). (23) do. average 34.4, .58 Obv. inscription nearly like (14). Rev. Tapir to left over it (^) (24) 47.7, .6 Obv. deleted. Rev. Tapii- to left, mint illegible. (25) 4 coins, average 47.9, .67 Obv. and Rev. as in (2) in a circle of dots joined by a line. (26) 44.1, .65 (broken). Obv. j^^lkl-Jt Rev. ^ ill ^i,lUJt (27) 44,2, .66 Obv. small cicle in which illegible word, round it ^yJiiJlj liiiiJl 4U ^Lc J|| ^Jio.i^\ Rev. jiC ^^lllLJt ^^ j.^s'" ^^^t^l (28) 2 coins, average 42.3, .65 Obv. in outer circle to right t^Wt below - *JUt i(( ^Jt J| to right, to left AJ3t In inner circle iWsr* in ornamented Kufie. Rev. e;lJaL.;i |] ^Jij [jj II J, jLc \\ J/t ^^lUJi. The disposition of the inscriptions on the obverse is very curious (29) 2 coins, average 45.6, .65 Of these two, one is broken. Both are illegible. The type is similar to that oi 27 and 28. In the centre of one side is a word, with an inscription round it. (30) 2 coins, average 38. .66 Two coins with squares in circles on each side and the inscriptions exactly similar to those on (26). (31) 30.5, .68 Exactly similar to (30). (32) 52.2, 1.16 Obv. in circle with ornament surrounding it. Inscription Rev. in double square ? ( ^^^^y^\y^\ ^.j^J^^cli ) J^!aU\ (?) Margin illegible. (33) 6 coins, average 35.8, .548 \ Obv. ^ylkU| Horse to left over which ^^li^ (34) 6 coins, average 36.5, .55 i <^^s^ '^^^\ (35) 44.1, 6 Obv. deleted. Rev. Horseman, spear at charge, to rignt J^^^. Jaldl ud Din Khwdrizmi. Billon : — 3 specimens, average weight 52.2. Bull, €)" ^^T^r^ " Sri Jaldl Din." Thos., p. 91, No. 74. Horseman ft ^aIt: " Sri Hamira." This coin has on the rump of the bull the same mark as the coins of Hasan ^urlaq have. Changez Khan. Silver : — (1) 57.4, .65 Obv. in circle, with circle of dots outside, in three lines Rev. in same kind of circle as obv. in three lines 11 [ 42 ] Saifud Bin Hasn Qurlag. Billon : — One specimen, 42. ^ isUJt Thos., p. 98, No. 84. Obv. in circle surrounded by dots. ) ( Rev. in do. do. ? Billon : — 23 specimens average weight, 52.25. Thos., p. 96, No. 82. Bull, '^IT^?:^^ " Sri Hasan Kurlah " and on rump of bull, m. 259. Horseman and fragments of Sri Hamira in Hindi. Ndsir ud Din Qurldg. Copper : — One specimen, 59 gTS. Obv. ^^,j(>.^|^ Uj^Jl not in Thomas. Rev. jSSaJ\y] jj^i ^y>»*=^l very indistinct. Billon : — 21 specimens average weight, 52.6. Obv. horse in outline to right, round it. '■'r^'^^l j-^^ Rev. €t M%M^ li^:^ " Sri MtiJiammad Kurlah." Uzbeg Fai. Ndsir ud Din Qubdcha. Billon : — 3 specimens average weight 53.5. Thos., p. 100, No. 86a. Bull, ft fJ^m ^f^flT'If " Sri Kuhdcha Suritcm." Horseman §t ^flt'CS " Sri Haniira." Billon : — One specimen 51.8. Thos., p. 101, No. 87. Obv. (?) ^^l^l-Jt aa-liJ ^ (jjJt ^li Horseman under which 5 rayed star, above Sri Hamira in Hindi. Mukn ud Din Firoz Shdh. Billon : — One specimen, 53 grs. Thos., p. 103, No. 89. Bull, gfcrrril €)■ " Suritdn Sri Buhan Din " on jhul of bull, m. 260. Horseman and fragments of " Sri Hamira." Razia. Billon : — Two specimens, average weight 67.25. Not in Thomas. Obv. in four lines J^U\ Rev. Horseman. J. A. S. B. Vol. XLIX. ij>^j^j!i«Jl PI. XVIII, fig. 4. [ 43 ] Muizz ud Din Bahrdm Shah. Billon — One specimen, 56.8. Obv. Bull, over which §t " 'Sn muij." Rev. Horseman. Thos., p. 119, No. 95. 'Aid ud Din Mas'aud Shah. Silver : — (1) 168. 1.05 ^iicjll (^IJaJLJt no margins. Billon : — One specimen, 50 grs. Obv. ii,i^t J 1^:5^1 ^ ^511 Rev. Horseman and above it d^^-^. Thos., p. 122, No. 98. Thos., p. 122, No. 99.] Ndsir ud Din Mahmud Shah. no margin legible. Silver : — (1) 166. 1.15 ^ill tylJ'M (2) 165.7 1.05 same as 1. (3) 169.5 1.05 do. (4) 163.7 1.05 do. (5) 167. 1.1 do. (6) 167.8 1.1 do. (7) 168.5 1.05 do. (8) 121.5 1. do. Billon : — One specimen, 48. Obv. (o^i'^l ) j^^ ^ilt Rev. Horseman, above which .5^^'° and to right #t '^^.* Thos., p. 127, No. 106. same as 1. do. do. do. do. do. do. forgery (?) Thos., p. 127, No. 107. Gyds ud Din Balhan. Gold .— Silver ;~(1) 162.5, 1.1 c»^^-^' T^^' P" Margins :— ij-i^- t'^ y^j'^ [ 44 ] (2) 168.7 1.15 same as 1. same as 1. Margins : — ^ ) 5f;t ^^-^ c^'ts-^'i jjiXA (3) 168.2 1.15 same as 1 bnt no margin legible. (4) 167. 1.16 same as 3. (5) 168.7 1.16 same as 3. Billon : — 20 specimens, (8 averaged 54| grs.). Rev. in circle i^^ij in margin §t JraT^ftf ^»lf Thos., p. 135, No. 113. " Sri Oaydsdm Sultan." Copper : — One specimen, 62.5. Obv. in cii'cle ^jUiJ-Jt Rev. I^j^l Thos., p. 135, Ne. 114. Muizz ud Din Kaiqubdd. Gold :— Silver : — (1) 167.3 1.15 ^5/1 Thos., p. 141, No. 116. ^jjlla.L.J( margin gone, margin gone. Billon : — One specimen, 53.5. Obv. ^^.^h) Li*A, ^^llt ^^lkUJt Thos., p. 142, No. 117. Rev. above, Below, €t ^^*Tt " fSn Sultan Muij." Jaldl ud Din Firoz Shah. Gold .— Silver : — (1) 161.5 1.1 ^^511 jy~J| ^UJIi Margin to reverse tiH^^j c?"*^! iJ^^ l<>* DehH 691. (2) 167. 1.1 same as (1) in everything. (3) 166.5 1.05 same as 1 in everything. (4) 169. 1.1 same as 1 but date 694 in Arabic words. (5) 161.5 1.15 same as 1 but date 695 in Arabic words. [ 45 ] Jaldl ud Din Firoz Shah. Billon .—13 specimens, average weight, 54 grs. Thos., p. 145, No. 122. Obv. e^Jii-Jl J Lm'^I jiU ^5/1 ^^ikLJf Rev. in circle l^j^y} In margin ^ff ^[^irff SJ^fT^^ff " Sri Sultan Jaldldm." -Copper : — 4 specimens, average weight, 67 grs. Tlios., p. 145, No. 123. Obv. jJ"5lt jijlkLJi in two lines. Rev. tyJ<>Jl _j lii^ij'i'Jt Ji^=- do. Rukn ud Din Ihrdhim. ^Ald ud Din Muhammad Shah. Gold .— (1) 169.5 1.1 Obv. ^^lkLJ\ xLi 0.4^=* ^skJi^ji ^^JJ| ^ ImJi iii ^li^ Jit Rev. in circle (^i^'^^t^-i^l ^-^'i *ilLsJ| j^j^j j*** ; In margin ^ ^tjIdT ^W^^ and year in Hindi figures, from 20 specimens these years are obtained ^)oo, only. Billon : — 5 specimens are silvery average weight, 55. Thos., p. 172, No. 135. Obv. e^'^-'lj '^i"^-*! ILc^c^lt Rev. vr .Xt^^iaJlyt other years, V|r, vir* and v.|e Copper : — 2 specimens, average weight, 65. Thos., p. 172, No. 137. Obv. ^ ShaJidb ud Din ' Umr. Qutb ud Din Mubarak Shah. Gold ;— Silver : — (1) 169.8 1.15 (^ilt ^l^SIt w'J^I »^ margin to rev. a^U^. jm, ai-. ^iUjIiy^ iCJt 717. £i7Zon : — 2 specimens, average weight, 54.75. Thos., p. 182, No. 148. Obv. uri*^! J ^"^^t ej'^^l Rev. V I 7 lyUaM ^ylkl~i| ^t.^ e^;'*^ (rj^as Din Bahadur Shah of Bengal. Silver : — (1) 166.8 1.1 Obv. iyll:JL« u'^J^t «U ;it,j ydiJl^l tri-^^l j 'V'^l ^l** c^'i^l Thos., p. 201, Rev. e^^^*^!/*' j*''^*^^! c^JII No. 169. margin. i"*^ »rir^ [ 47 ] Ndsir ud Din Khusrau SJidh. G-yds ud Din Tuglaq. Gold .— Silver : — (1) ^170.5 1.05 Obv. in double square e^-iJt IjsSJi ^.I^c ^_^j,Wt JhU\ Rev. in cii'cle : — (^♦■'•.^♦•'l^t ^r^lj ^^lkL.J| jLi ^jlij margin : — ijl^^y*, ^^j^ j ^^iil ii-. ^^U^ c^-ic^ iO| Debli 722. (2) 169.2 1.05 same as 1 in every respect. (3) 150. 1.05 same as 1 but year t^j^e ^ 723, rubbed. (4) 169.5 1.1 same as 1 but year (^j^ j Jj^t 724. (6) 168.5 1.05 same as 1 but year i^j^ j {j"^ 725. (6) 170.3 1.1 same as 1 but mint j.iLwJ|tyiij (Dar ul Islam) and year gone. Billon : — 2 specimens, average weight, 55.6. Obv. in circle !iLi ^^'i^ In margin ^ ^^wf 1^r^«(t " Sri Sultan Gayasdin." Tlios., p. 191, No. 163. Rev. vr • i^.'^^} j^;'*^! The second specimen is vr t . Billon : — 7 specimens : average weight, 56 grs. Obv. LwJ-Jl ^^jtiJi ^^lkLJ| Thos., 191, No. 164:. Rev. ^Jh.L.)\ isLi yikJi^i Only three of these seven coins are dated v r r v r and / r i , Shams ud Dm Firoz Shah of Bengal. Silver:— (1) 166. 1.125 Obv. ^ylkJUt xLij^^ii^lLjf^l l^jjJl^ LijJl Thos., p. 194, Rev. ^^Aj^Jl^l ^v«ia*i~J( ^Lo^\ Ilo. 166. margin (jjij^ j 722 H. Muhammad bin Tuglaq. Gold .— (1) 198.3 .65 Obv. .x^ar* iUta^j ts^jyi cs* v/^ Rev. Kalima in circle and margin AjU«**» j j u"^*^ cs^ gyjlA (2) 198.3 .65 Obv. and Rev. as in 1 but year 734. [ 48 ] (3) 198.5 .65 Obv. and Rev. as in 1 but year 734. These 3 coins are unpublished. (5) 98.5.6 Obv. ^^ ^>^ I Thomas, p. 211, No. 177. Rev. t^*:^'''^ (^'^ tirt^ t^^'" ) (5) 171. .1 "ii^^ ii}\sLL lyUiU i^i^^l iJUlj ^J>^1■^\ (•toj/l J.^^ ^ Thos., p. 259. C:;**J;I J ts^j't *i« cs'^'^l ^ j^i'^l t No. 213. (6) 169. .8 Obv. ^1, ^IJ, ^V!,^, ,Uj^i I ^.^ Rev. "S^J^ 'i'Ji^ i>>^l aJJl ) (7) 173. .75 Obv. and Rev. as in 6. This coin is dirty and therefore heavier than (6). Silver : — (1) 168.5 1.02 Obv. »!« jlii ^ aljf ^ o.Ats*^| Thomas, p. 215, No. 187. Margins ^j'*^ ^'^^t^-' Rev. Kalima and mai'gin J.A*Jt ^^x3 Thos., p. 214, No. 182. Rev. ijl**fw J (j^^j' i x'*" (Xx^-S^Jl ii>y>-J| j^UaJLJl 747, H. (3) 138. .75 Obv. (no date) t^OWl *JU| iiJi:^- ^Lci/t j*L«Jlt Thos., p. 259, No. 215a. Rev. (margin illegible). e^Jj^^j^V^' ^^i^i-^'t (4) 139.5 .75 Same as above (3) but in the margin are the words ^^i> which shows where Thos., No. 215 and this coin were struck, BeliU. This coin has much alloy in it. Copper : — Four specimens, average weight, 127.25. Thos., p. 249, No. 195. Obv. (3^5 o^s'* isc>.>.i jl^jj^ ii-M, Rev. in circle e.^^^^-'l ^^i' '^^^ jylkLJi ^Ltl margin 731 i-S! tr" ^wtisA^j JU ^^U^ js!^ os' Dehli. Copper : — One specimen, weight, 130. Not in Thomas and not edited. Obv. as in above. Rev. as in above. Margin as in above but year 730 and mint ^jJj> ? ? Brass : — Two specimens, average weight, 103 grs. one coin corroded. Thos., p. 250, No. 197. Obv. vr- t^lJii-Jf ^lil Rev. (3J^*J Brass : — One specimen, weight, 112 grs. Thos., p. 250, No. 198. Obv. vr& csJjt 3 J^Jl y^M^ ) [,*iJ:l ura. IV, 62. Brass .-—One specimen, weight, 61 grs. Thos., p. 250, No. 199. Obv. vr* (^•^7-'' Rev. (3^5 i^^ar* 5rass : — One specimen, weight, 54 grs. an eight-kani piece. Thos., p. 262, No. 205. ijiJuA JiXc both inscriptions one iXt^r* in double circles. Copper : — One specimen, weight 53 grs. Thos., p. 216, No. 193. The copper coin noticed by Thomas was dated 732. This is 738. Billon : — Four specimens, average weight, 138.75, about half silver. See Thos., p. 260, No. 218. Obv. iJJl^tj Rev. ^=^1 t^^^j'J These four coins are from different dies. Brass : — Two specimens, average weight, 52 grs. Thos., p. 260, No. 219. Obv. vi^i iUl^/olj ^S[J\ Rev. i^'W^f Only one is dated. [ 49 ] Firoz Shah Tuglaq, Gold .— (1) 170. .85 t^'O Cb^-li. U!a-U\ i^y^yJ jSLia^\^>\ ^yii o-j^ J No. 225. (2) 162.7 .85 similar in inscription to 1. Copper .-—One specimen, 129.5 grs., one weighing 130 grs. and date 767. Thos., p. 275, No. 225. Rev. (v)vr cyJt^A/o( iiijis'l Billon .—One specimen, 137 grs. Obv L\^^ »^34;^ Thos., p. 276, No. 230. Billon .—Two specimens, average weight, 51.5. Obv. ^^-o 'iJ^^ i_ll=l* isl-JLk^fij|,jt iflils^t Copper : — One specimen, 53 grs. Obv. Ll^JUj^^J Rev. ij^dciij^^ Thos., p. 276, No. 234. Copper : — 4 specimens, average weight, 63.25 grs. Obv. L^yL. i,^^}jj>i Rev. ^J'^i, ^kUp Thos., p. 276, No. 233. Copper : — 4 specimens, average weight 53.625. Obv. i^'^j^y Rev. «>>*s^t (j-Wl^Jt Thos., p. 276, No. 235. Firoz Shah and Fath Khan. Gold .— Billon : — One specimen, 130 grs. Obv. ... ... Jii ilJl j,y-> Thos., p. 298, No. 241. Rev. liJ^i- A-^i/^AJt ^fi^l^Jl e^i''<=^*^t^t ^* Firoz Shah Zafr. Gold .— Billon : — One specimen, 140 grs. Obv Jl& jjLi See Thos., p. 300, No. 246. Rev. aii^ i>li. ^^jjivo^Jt^t AftjJii^l 13 C 50 ] Tuglaq Shah II. Abu Bahr Shah. Billon : — One specimen, 135.6 grs. Obv. L^^l» JsI-3j^.» iir? ( ) >^^t Thos., p. 304, No. 255. Rev. v^r ^iilla. oiiJ^ ^1 *fl>Wt Muhammad Tuglaq II. Gold :— Silver :- Billon : — One specimen, weight, 53 grs. Not in Thomas this size, Obv. in circle Margin cj^Ka^s^ ( ) but see Thos., Rev. v<\r p. 308, No. 266. Copper : — One specimen, weight, 67 grs. Obv. i_lJaU »Li .W=* Rev. rv)ii« j^J^oi *i^Uljl>5 Thos., p. 309, No. 267. SiJcandar Shah. Mahmiid Shah. Gold .— Silver :- Copper: — One specimen, weight, 139 grs. Thos., p. 316, No. 278, Obv. In circle Margin (ji&j ci>;wasH Caj^ jyllaJLw (not plain). Rev. A vV^, 804, Dehli, [ 51 1 Nasrat Shah. Mubarak Shah. Silver : — Billon : — Two specimens, average weight, 169.5. Obv. in centre »^ Margin ij^:, eiy-a-sr? ^yUai*. Rev. Af« both are dated 835. Thos., p. 333, No. 288. Muhammad bin Farid. Gold Silver : — Copper : — One specimen, weight. 138 grs. very much rubbed. Obv. J^c> ^JliaJL» Dehli. Rev. Ajey i^"^ ^^iiASyJl^t 847. Copper : — One specimen, weight, 86 grs. Obv. J_liaJL. j(Li ^j^- jy«J ji>A^ 1^=^ y t Js^jiJt Rev. A9A <5iAi^^ (^jji/o^Jl^jj/ot ^^/oj The whole of these inscriptions is never on one coin. The mint is seldom seen on any specimen. It is not on one out of the 21 specimens. Ibrahim Lodhi. Billon : — One specimen, weight, 79.5, no date. Thos., p. 376, No. 318. Obv. ly'liJU. jsLi j0.xS;«,!sl.i (*^^\yS ts-^ iJ^y^l 7 Fragments only on the Rev. tiis^^ oiiJ^ ^ coin. Billon : — Two specimens, weight average, 41.5. Obv. fragments of above. Thos., p. 376, No. 320. Rev. ditto. no date, one may be dated frl. Kiddra Coins. Kidura was according to General Cunningham king of the Kushdns of Gandhara and Kash- mir. Coins bearing his name are common. Gold .— (1) 119.5, .9 Obv. Rude image of king standing facing to right, right hand extended, left hand raised as if to rest on a spear. Behind right hand, a trisitl. Under left arm 5 to I'ight ^. Under right arm 5. Rev. Female seated, with cornucopia. (2) 122.5, .95 As (1) but under left arm f . (3) 121. .9 similar to (2). (4) 123.3, .25 similar to (2). Reverse poor. (5) 123.6, .95 similar to (1). Reverse double struck. (6) 123. .9 Obv. has under left arm On reverse, counterstruck Mixed metal, chiefly gold. ^ (7) 115.1, .85 Obv. I'ude figure of a man, to right ... Rev. exceedingly rude figure of a man, under left arm W under right ^. (8) 112.6, .9 Obv. as in (7). it^rf, to left | ^ Rev. as in (7) (9) 113.7, .85 similar to (7). (10) 111.6, .95 Obv. as in (8). Rev. as in (7). (11) 118. .93 Obv. as in (7) but inscription reads from outside Rev. exceedingly rough. The whole of these coins are very unsatisfactory. They give us very little help. The dies were very much larger than the pieces of metal struck and hence much of the inscriptions is lost. (12) 122.4, .95 Obv. Image very rough, under left arm 3 to right ^. Rev. as in (1), metal debased gold . ^ ^ (13) 121.7, .9 Both obv. and rev. are very bad. The images are scarcely decipherable. The inscrip- tion has not a letter legible. N. B. — The weight of these coins keeps close to the Gupta and Indo-Scythian standard. [ 53 ] Miscellaneous Old Indian Coins. Oold .— GoBiND Chand op Kanauj. (1) 66.8, .75 Obv. " Sri Mad OodUnd Chandra Deva " in 3 lines. Rev. Female figure naked to waist. See A. A. x x , 22. (2) 66.2, .77 similar to (1). Ganggeta Deva op Chedi. (3) 62.5, .79 Obv. in 3 lines " Sri Mad Ganggeya Deva." Rev. as in (1). See A. A. x X, 23. (4) 61.5, .75 similar to (3). (5) 113.2, .75 Obv. King, in armour, standing to riglit, left band grasps a staff, right hand is making an offering at an altar. Above right arm is a trisul with fillet. Undei- left ai-m Pasana or Fasata, letters one above the other as on Gupta coins. To right ^ (?) indefinite. Rev. Female seated on throne, holds cornucopias in left hand and in right a wreath as on Gupta coins. To left a monogi'am not well defined. (6) 118.5, .77 Obv. king, &c., as on (5). Name Se^ia under left arm and to its right, shana. To left of feet ^. To left of trisnl are remains of letters. Rev. as in (5). To right uncertain letters. (7) 121.4, .82 Obv. king as in (5). Name uot distinct, shana. To right remains of a long inscrip- tion GKoPv VV (?) Rev. as in (5). To right APAoX ... evidently meant for APAoXPo. The rev. image is very rudely though boldly executed. (8) 101.3, '75 Short weight and metal much alloyed. Duplicate so far as inscriptions are concerned of (5). N. B. — These foui' last coins are by some classed with Gupta coins. But they are not Gupta though got up in a Gupta style. (9) M 10.9, .55 Obv. to left vr sui-face convex. Rev. plain. (10) M 44.5, .65 Obv. armed figure with second in right hand, to right, an old Sanskrit letter. Rev. Female figure seated with cornucopise over left shoulder. (11) 10. .45 Obv. Head of king to right very rough like Hyrkodes, no legend. Rev. Image with right hand raised. Letters illegible. Maharajahs of Kashmir. Vasu Kul. MlHR KuL. Ddblabha. 14 [ 54 ] ViNAYADITYA. (1) Metal, Gold, Silver, and Copper 120.5, .85 Obv. headless, armless figure, to right of which ftf^^ to left H reading altogether Vinayaditya, Rev. figure intended for a man and ? a fragmentary. (2) same metals, 113. .85 Duplicate with less of inscriptions. ^ Vagra. Mixed metal, 85.5, .8 Headless, armless figure, to right sftt^ Sri Vigra rev. figure intended for a man. Pratapa. (1) Mixed metal, 101.5, .85 Obv. armless figure of man, to right €tgWT: rev. figure to left fragmen- tary letters. (2) Do. 109.8, .8 Do. poor duplicate. Both are poor coins. Toramana Copper 96.8, .8 Obv. seated figure to right ( (SR ). Rev. standing figure to left ^tflt ... These coins are common. His place is not known. The style seems to be one followed only by this king. A Toramana is said to have been contemporary with Vikramaditya, but the style of the coins is against this assignment. Aditya Varma. Sankara Varma. GoPALA Varma Copper .—(1) 86.1, .8 Obv. ^ Image afqi^. Rev. Image SuGANAHA Rani Copper :— (I) 74.9, .75 Obv. ^ Imaged JUT Rev. Image Partha Varma Copper : — (1) 85.4, .75 Obv. ^ Image qiT. Rev. Image MH- Chakra. SuKA Varma. Yaskara Deva. [ 55 ] DiKSHEMA Gupta (1) Copper 89.1, .8 Obv. King with earrings, and ^ Dikshema. Rev. Queen with ear-drops and to right JI5I Gupta. (2) 82.7, .75 duplicate of (1). Abhimantu. Nandi Gupta. Teibhuvama Gupta. Bhima Gupta. DiDDA R£m Copper .—(1) 92.8, .7 Obv. it Image f^{%) ; Rev. Image tW- Do. (2) 66.3, .7 Obv. do. do, do. Rev. do. Do. (3) 83.5, .7 Obv. do. do. do. Rev. do. SangbamaIDeva Copper .—(1) 104.8, .8 Obv. « Image Rev. Image 5it(^). Do. (2) 93.8, .8 Obv. do. do. ^do. Rev. Image Do. (3) 92.5, .75 Obv. do. do. do. Rev. do. sit. Do. (4) 88.9, .7 Obv. do. do. do. Rev. do. sit ^ ? Ananta Deva. Kalasa. Harsha Copper .—(1) 93.9, .75 Obv, Image XKf (si) ; Rev. Image t^. Do. (2) 89.7, .7 Obv. do. do. do. Rev. do. t^. SussALA Copper.— (1) 98.3, .75 Obv. ft Imaged; Image tW- [ 56 ] Jata Sinha Copper : — (1) 93.1, .7 Obv. ^ Image f% ; Rev. Image ... Jaga Deva. Sultans of Kashmir, Shams ud Din. Jamshed. 'Ali Sher, 'Ala ud Din, Shah^b ud Din. QuTB UD Din. SiKANDAE Silver:— • Cop_per 76.4, .7 Obv. ilS-j^iS^ fjas)l\ jyltJUf Rev. date smijdged , w/* Amir Khan, Ali Shah. C 57 ] Zain ul 'Abidin Silver: — (1) Copper .—93.1, .8 Obv. parts of i:)i'^\*i\tfi} ^^Jlt lylM-Jf Rev. ^j>i the first word cross- ing the other at right angles in quatrefoil. (2) Brass ;— 96.5, .8 Obv. do. do. Rev. do. do. (3) Copper : — 90.4, .84 Obv. do. do. but with bar and knot between Rev. ^jUiUi ) u^Jr-^ "^l ^^i ^yi 851 H. Kashmir. Silver : — Name not read. 89. .66 Coin in fashion like those of the square silver of the Sultans of Kashmir. Obv. 4^1c ftw ^3a£^\ ^jjUaUl Rev. in lozenge ji*^ i^j^ margin illegible. Haidar Sh/h Silver : — 874 H. Copper: — (1) 96. .9 Obv. AVt» «U jiXia. — ^^Jlt ^yUal-Jt Rev. j J Jyi^ t5* ji*^ ^y*> (2) 95.9, .9 Obv. do. do. do. Rev. do. do. Hasn Shah Silver: — 876 H. Copper : — (1) 85.2, .8 Obv. er~^ — Rev. ( ) j i^}^-^ j •^-w ^ ;^t^ ji*^ (2) 81.1, .85 Obv. do. do. do. Rev. above date in full. (3) 63.9, .8 Obv. do. do. do. Rev. all deleted. Muhammad Shah Silver .- — Copper : — (1) , .7 Obv, parts of JsLi iXts^ ... fUi^ill ^^^\ Rev. deleted. (2) 74.5, .7 Obv. do. do. do. do. Rev. do. (3) 78.7, .8 Obv. do. do. do. do. Rev. (4) 80.8, .7 Obv. do. do. do. do. Rev. Fath Shah Silver : 15 C 58 ] Copper : — (1) 82. .85 Obv. isLi — fja^^] ^yliJ-Jt Rev. JyUilJi j t^rt»x« — iL, (2) 72.2, .75 Obv. do. do. do. Rev. all in confusion. Nazuk Shah. Hcmati5n. Islam Sh/h. Ibrahim. Isma'e'l Silver square Obv. (JacU-*! fJl^H] ^^hLJ\ 88.9 Rev. in scalloped lozenge ya^^tmifo margin illegible Habib (MahmiJd). HuSAiN Shah, Gazi Sh^h. 'AlI Sha'h. [ 59 ] Ttlsup Sha'h GoW.— 176.3, 75 Obv. ji*^ i^j-i ^^^^ jsUib ^Ju,jj j>*s^ ^J(jo Rev. Kalima, in cii-cle : Qualities and names of 4 Companions in Silver : — Copper :- TA'QtjB Sha'h. Akbak. Mahdrdjahs of Kdngra. PlTHAMA. Copper : — 3 specimens, average weight, 53. J. A. S. B., Vol. XLIX, Obv. ^tiVsn?^'^: Rev. Horse to right. PI. II, 4. Apukvva. Copper: — 1 specimen, weight 49.5 Bull over which #Nl3 ... Rev. Horseman and right ft. Copper : — 1 specimen, weight 63.5 Obv. ^I'^g ... ^^X^ Rev. horseman r. Copper: — 1 specimen, weight 51 Obv. 'iWg ... ... Rev. Horseman r. RUPA. Copper : — 1 specimen, weight 47 grs. Bull over which ^j-^q ^C*^) Rev. horseman to r. SiNGARA. Copper: — Six specimens, average weight, 47.8 grs. Obv. in 3 lines »I^T«r #tf^JITTr '^'^t^ Rev. Horseman to right. Megha. Copper : — 3 specimens, average weight, 43.6 grs. Obv. in 3 lines ^TCSf ^^K^ parts of. Rev. Horseman to right. [ 60 ] Haei. Copper : — 1 specimen, weight, 50 grs. Obv. in 3 Hues 'H^T^J €t^fT . . . Rev. Horseman to r. Karmma. Copper : — 1 specimen, weight, 44 grs. Obv. ... ^f^^ ... Rev. Horseman tor Sansa'ra. Avata'ba. Copper : — One specimen, weight, 52 grs. Obv. HT^oi ^ ^RWK Tf»<|g Rev. Horseman Narendra. Ra'ma. Dhabma. Triloka. Copper : — 2 specimens, average weight, 41.5 bo^jh specimens are very poor. Obv. *?^?:5T €t ^^T^ ... Rev. Horseman to r. Samanta Deva. Copper : — 8 specimens, average weight, 53.5 gr. Obv. Bull couchant to left. Above ^ ... /' There are different marks on the jhiilg Rev. Horseman to right. \ of the bull. So these coins pro- 1 bably belonged to rajas who regarded Samanta as suzerain. These coins with Samanta Deva's name probably older than any others of the Kangra series. N. B. — All the inscriptions in the Coins of the Maharajahs of Kangra are in Thakuri Hindi, [ 61 ] MOGUL EMPEEORS. Sdbar. Silver — (1) 70.1 Obv. In Lozenge in l^ih jA) ^^,^\ 936. In margin iiLkU ^ liJt^| e,L«j./|j ^^,,iJ\ ,4. f^t^gif^ Rev. in circle, Kalima. In margin and names of four Companions of Muhammad. (2) 177, 1.05 Obverse as in 1. Margin same as 1 but no mint and year si^l (949). Eev. as in 1. 16 [ 62 ] Copper : — (1) 313.5, .96 (2) 315, .9 (3) 307, .9 (4) 316, 1.05 (5) 308, .95 (6) 308.5, .85 (7) 312.5, .92 (8) 40.5, .55 (9) 320.9, .1 (10) 286.7, .9 (11) 309.6, 1. (12) 315.3, .95 (13) 312.2, .95 (14) 314.1, .9 (15) 312.3, .95 (16) 309.3, .95 (17) 313.4, .95 Kdlpi tfi-*!^ t^j^ ^^^^ in square Alwar ^j'i> is'«^« c^^^=^ Shergarh >/ji*^ *ry do. do. do. do. in circle m. 269 do. in square- do. in square, do. do. S « I do. <) 4 I do. ^y.' (j'^ ^ 4 • «JXo gl-i ^JjA ^^Ual*» .N'arnoZ Jyijli ^yi' in square, margins illegible. Reverse illegible. do. do. do. 4/0^^1 J do. 1 « • do. do. In squares JsU (margins illegible), i d • do. .i^m «/t ^fi> do. do. no date do. GwaXiar do. do. 1 o | do. do. do. do. do. tsar do do. do. do. Islam SJidh Suri. reverse illegible. Gold :— Silver :— (1) 181.5, 1.2 (2) 162.5, 1.16 ,44 ^d!|■iJi. (955). Islam Shah in Hindi, ditto, but date 1 4 JiJt^t a^>c ill! "J-la^ (2) 305, 1. J'i^'l cri"^' J^"^ (3) 297.8, .85 Obv. tj ... i^j'^ r^' Rev. 1 fif cj^i-^^b cri-^^t J^=^ t5^'^' ''^^ (4) 318.1, .9 Obv. no date ^ (.H-t yJiJl^f Rev. as in (3) but no date. (5) 309.5, .98 Obv. ^1 ^ c^^^* e^' »^ I^Jl^t^c^^Jlyt Rev. ... e.>« ttjU'i'Jf J^'? ) Ls'^^^ji^^^ Kalimah and in margin the names of the four Companions of Muhammad ditto. Kalima in square. 956 H. [ 63 ] Muhammad SuH. Silver: — (1) 173.1,1.25 J^U ^yL{liw Kalimah and margins four Companions. dSXo aJUt ijJii. Srf Muhammad SaM in Hindi m. 270. Margin u-"^'^ '^'^■''3;'** 1 {Muhdriz ud Dm) . 961. Copper :—(l) 318.5, .85 l^lo lL ^Ih}^ i>^x^ 961 <)>i| y^'^\ ^ (2) 302.4, .85 m. 271 ^^^'^ l^^t^lij ... 961 n I do. (3) 284.8, .85 do. do. do. y^\y} no date. do. (4) 302.7, .85 do. do. do. do. do. (5) 305, .85 In square »Li .x,^ ^j,lkL., rev. in square do. (6) 314.5, .85 Obv. m. 272 aJ^Ji* 4JD| JLk J^U jjU ... jaIk^^i^i Rev. lyljJl ... ^511 A«* Ibrahim Suri. Copper :— (1) 309.2, .9 ^1 ^U^t ^Jll (2) 317, .85 Same inscriptions, but better. ditto iir Sikandar Suri. Silver : — Copper :— (1) 320.8, .85 Obv. Rev. (1) 168.2, 1.1 (2) 168.7, 1. (3) 149.1, 1. (4) 168.2, .95 Akbar. Obv. above ixli ^s^t J^XJ\ IV I jLi^b ^1 o.*ar^ ^^Jt jlU. below The ^J of ty'US is the lower stroke, as the of f^j^ is the upper one. above aU| t>J:i. between 1 V1 as in 1, but the of i^ji^ below. below ij\ ^^ijii Same as (2) but rubbed very much and worn, above <>ia. In mihrabi lozenge with double border enclos- ing dots, name and title of king. below as in No. 2, Rev. Kalima in ornamented pentagon with m. 273 to left. In 6 marginal spaces j*^ (j^j and the other companions of Mu- hammad, not legible. As in No. 1 but with m. 274 and four sided area instead of pentagon, Kalima in a double lined square with dots. Date in left hand lower lAr. Names &c. of 4 companiona not legible in margins [ 64 ] (7) 167.5, 1.1 (8) 169, 1. (5) 166.5, .925 Same as 4. (6) 167.5, .9 Same as 2 but year va Same one but below i^^'i year ^vp above *^ between *U|<3J^ ^jti jLi^lj ^^^jJt JJU (9) 167.3, 1.05 Same as 1 but year ^v«t mint probably Lahore. (10) 149, .95 Same as 8, (11) 167.3, 1.05 Same as No. 1 but year \ vi and ^i, la^^s^.k^'* (12) 167.8, .85 Same as 2 but year and mint as in 11. (13) 168.1, .85 Same as 1 but year Ivp and j^^y?- ^j"^ (14) 167, .8 Same as 13 but year i a • (15) 168, .85 Same as 2 but year 9 a • and Jl below Aiij i_>;-a)|j|li. ^jli jLi^lj^A^l d^^s"^ ^^,jJt no margin, but it contained j^^^ <->;^ Rev. Kalinia in double, scalloped pentagon, ornament m, 321, no margin. (3) 179.2, 1.15 Same as (2) but ornament without dot and some margin on reverse, year ivf (4) 176, 1.1 Same as (2) portions of margins visible year ^vr (5) 177, 1.15 Same as (2) no fragments in margins, nr year. (6) 177, 1.15 Duplicate of 5. (7) 177.5, 11 Same as (2) year i Portions of margins on both sides visible. (8) 177. 1.1 Same as (2) year*s^ tJ^'^^l below AikL-Jy^ ^yi, Rev. Kalima in square made of portions of names of four companions, whose , titles and rest of names form margin, year (i ) a 4, ornament 323 ra. (12) 176. .8 square, Same as (11) but year in the field of obverse aa, reverse as in 11. (13) 169. .8 square. Same as (12) year i a A, duplicate of (12) rubbed. (14) 174. .75 square. Same as (12) year ^iaa (15) 170. .65 square. Obv. J-^jI'i'^A^I rv tj/^ Rev. -aii^ J;^. iUl^^^f scrolls and Howers. (16) 171. .625 sq. Obv. ^1 ibj^^ rvj^*^ V^-i Rev. as in (15). (17) 41. .5 round Ohv. ^jd) ( jj» ) j^^^ {^j'^) Rev. as in (15) a 4 anna piece. " ( '^^e ) ^5-^; (') (18) 178. .9 round Obv. Rev. '1 in circle with dots, (19) 175.5, .9 r. Obv. Rev. do. scroll and leaves. (20) 169. .85 r. Obv. Rev. do. do. (21) 172.5, .75 r. Obv. Rev. do. in ornamental bordi (22) 176.5, .775 r. Obv. Rev. do. do. (23) 175.5, .75 r. Obv. Rev. do. do. (24) 177.7, .75 r. Obv. Rev. do. do. Multdn Mint. (25) 171. .6 square ! Obv. Rev. do. (26) 175.2, .65 square Obv, . jil fC- ^J^^^ Rev. do. BehU mint. (27) 177.2, 1.05 X, 95 oval : Obv. in scalloped oblong as in No. 1 margin J^^i Cy'^^ ^j-^ Rev. in circle Kalima, j*^ ^^^t ^'i) no other legible. (28) 175.3, 1.1 Obv. in plain square as in 27 margins 1| II II J-'^^^ year lvi above the ^ of J^^-. Rev. Kalima in scalloped square, 2 margins legible. (29) 175.3, .925 Same as 28 but year \i,j^\ Rev. do. (39) 175.2, .55 square Obv. tlo Rev. do. (40) 20.3, .3 square Obv. — ^^^i «lx> Rev. do. a two anna piece. Ahmaddhdd mint. (41) 162.2, 1.05 round Obv. in double lined square with dots between the lines as in (1) but year ^ Af margins as in 28 but scarcely legible mint Ahmad abad i>^\ <>*^l Rev. in square similar to one on obv. Kalima, margins illegible. Worn. (42) 177. 1.05 round Obv. as in 41, year iM '^'-^ ^j'i> Rev. ^ *JUt (45) 168.3, .7 square Obv. do. do. do. do. Rev. do. (46) 169. .65 square duplicate of (45) do. (47) 168. .65 square Obv. i^*^ f-A ^^/o Rev. do. (48) 174. .8 round Obv. ^» i>>*ji.t Rev. do. ornaments. (49) 171.5, .8 do. ^i>\ ^\ ^j'i Rev. do. (50) 170. 1.15 round Obv. above : — (^"^^'j ^1 i^l uot plain. In scalloped oblong as in (1) but year i va below : — ji^^^^ Jaunpur mint. (51) 172. .65 round Obv. ^ '^i^- {'r'j^) Rev. as in 44. Bairdt mint. (52) 87.5, .7 round Obv. isJl^^-o t^4 (J;lS't-j/^ Rev. as in 44 in double circle with dots jSTabuZ mint. Tatta mint. (53) 175. .6 square Obv. ^\ fcp &l> i^j-i Rev. as in 44 with scroll. (54) 170. .6 square Obv. ^^W j^a t-y-o do. Fathpur mint. (55) 173.8, .75 sq. Inscriptions as in (11) but year .& j^^t (57) 173.5, .85 sq. Same as (66) but more perfect. (58) 177.3, .85 sq. Similar to (57). (59) 171.3, .85 sq. Similar to (57) but not so good. (60) 170.5, .7 sq. Similar to (59). (61) 172.5, .75 sq. Similar to (59) but silver impure. Probably a forgery. Without Mint Name. (62) 173. .1 r. Obv. as in (1) iv Rev. Z^aZtma in circle, margins illegible. (63) 176.3, .95 r. Obv. in square and as in (1) s a ♦ Rev. Kalima in scalloped square m. 274. (64) 170. .95 r. do. do. qA- do. do. do. do, (65) 172.5, .95 r. Obv. in square, and as in (1) »A(c ■ do. do. do. do. (66) 177.8, .95 r. duplicate of (65) do. do. do. do. C 67 ] (67) 177.8, .95 r. (68) 179.3, .9 r. similar to 65 year ^ a 4 do. do. Obv. in double lined square with dots between, year s a i Rev. in do. do. Kalima. (69) 175. .7 sq. Obv. as in (11) but upper and lower lines missing, year <) ^ «( Rev. Kalima in a square. do. do- (70) 166. .7 sq. (71) 164.7, .7 sq. (72) 167.5, .7 sq. (73) 177, .65 sq. (74) 176.8, .7 sq. (75) 41.5, .4 sq. (76) 176.5, 65 sq. (77) 175. .65 sq. (78) 15.8, .35 r. (79) 178. .85 r. (80) 87. .55 sq. (81) 165. .85 sq. (82) 164. 1.15 r. (83) 173. 1.15 r. As in (69) but year i ^ a. As in (69) do. As in (69) do. ^ ^ <) Obv. aU|^Af( flowers. Obv. do do. Obv. do. do. Obv. ^♦Jl r* (iiM scrolls. Rev. as in 11. do. do. Rev. rr cl=k flowers. Rev. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. a 4 as. piece Rev. cUdltl^*?! scroll and flowers. "XUl^xi't dasa or -Yotla of a rupee. Obv. as in (11) but year rA in field. Rev. Kalima in square. Obv. £ ^yi> (35) 319.6, .9 Jii^ (36) 310.5, .85 ( ajiil^lj,!^ ) x/l v> (37) 311. .8 (38) 314.6, .85 ^^^y^ ^^'i (39) 319.5, .8 (j^-Al^^*?t Aij/ iiij v^-i (40) 310.5, .85 j^!^ cr>^ (41) 314.9, .8 o«>':?yi^t^ (42) 312. .75 er^l* (43) 317.1, .85 Ajmir i^y* ■'^ v:/* (44) 303.5, .85 (45) 318.4, .8 (46) 307.4, .9 (47) 315. .8 (48) 312.1, .75 (49) 311.3, .9 Fathpur j.^s'^ Mkl-J|;tj <^y> (50) 313.4, .85 do. (51) 318.4, .85 Ndrnol J^jlj u-^^' vy"^ (52) 310.2, .85 do. (53) 320.2, .85 do. (54) 313.5, .85 do. (55) 314.5, .8 do. (56) 312.2, .8 do. (57) 307.9, .8 do. (58) 315. .8 do. (59) 312. .8 do. (60) 312.2, .8 do. (61) 314. .8 m. 277 Patau ^j^j^i ^^-^ (62) 318.3, .85 Dogdm aiiili^l^b ^^^i (63) 316.4, .8 Luchnow AiJ^i^ljt^ ^^ji* (64) 315.1, .85 do. do. (65) 154.4, .7 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Ajviir o..i.ci J ^li/l* J m. 274 ^^^(i q a a The Camp. Kalpi. Lucknow. Dogam. do. Lahoie. A do. do. ^4)1 rv /I Behll. Multdn. Agra. Saliaranpur. Gohindpur. do. ^*^t K=A ;i( u'-' ^''^ Mdlpur. 1 A 4 ... >^^t-> llalidbds. J\ ri Chaitanr. 1 • « • ( ) ,itiS4 i>/><3^i ^ Vq Aw do. do. ( J ) ^ti-i.* li^fl^i 1 A T do. ^ A T do. do. ... J ^liSA ij,«ia^j 1) ./ f . . . iJ (^/^.^i ^ A f . . . o'-i-iA (i^^ A A , , , 9 A "1 ■Sj J jUAii ' ^ A 1 ) ... J ^liiA J-j'*' i.'fr'l ri e^jy y^-ls 36th year. (67) 313.8, .8 do. 4«Jt rv i^ij 37th year. (68) 316.8, .85 do. r^ Lfij'j^ 38th year. (69) 314.6, .8 do. do. do. (70) 313.8, 8 iifij'j^ J^;' (1000). (71) 310.4, 85 do. do. do. (72) 313.3, .8 do. do. (73) 312.8, .8 do. do. (74) 37 2, .5 do. no year. (76) 13.7, .4 do. ? do. do. (76) 306. .87 (77) 304. .8 SHnaggar ^ isj"^ ^ TA ^ (78) 295. .85 do. do. reverse deleted. (79) 310.7, .8 Multdn ^ylilx) (80) 314.9, .9 m. 273 j_j/A^ q av *^ 987. (81) 311.4, .9 do. do. do. (82) 309.2, .9 do. do. do. (83) 314.8, .9 do. do. do. (84) 318.3, .85 do. iULSk* ^jli 98 — . (85) 313.6, .85 ? m. 276 yft () A \ l2Jlj J .slilik ^ /\l . . j^lL^ <>«A^ 981. Ddud Shah of Bengal. Silver : — (1) 173.5, 1.2 Obv. (knot) iiliiJU j jOJi .yLk tfit^/ i^)^-* iy^i' ^^T'a^'rit, margins illegible. Rev. Kalima and margins illegible. Bahadur Shah of Bengal. Silver : — (1) 172.5, 1.3 Obv. iiiiiiLoj nilo sl]\ j.JLk »Li, ^^s^ jsLi ^^1^ margins s 9 1 j»iaJ\y\ t^lj r ^Ht «'x! j >J'iji Lljy c^i-L. \j jj — -i^ in 3 lines ( • | 4 ^y^J/ in double lined square. in double lined square with dots. The inscription form a couplet of which the first line is on the reverse. (2) 201.5, .85 square Same as 1 but year r Same as 1 but year | • f «| (3) 202.3, 1.1 Same as 1 but year r ij4 XT^ Here again inscriptions form a couplet. ( • ( ^ 18 [ 70 ] (4) 168. .95 jsl^ yf\ j^^U^ e^^l-^by This is in an elaborate lozenge. (.5) 168.5, .95 Same as 4. (6) 168.5, .85 Same as 4. (7) 167.5, .85 Same as 4. (8) 168.5 .8 j>j>^t !sLi ^,^1^^ »ti flij I fc This inscriptions form another couplet. (9) 168. .65 Same as 4. (10) 168. .7 Same as 4. (11) 165. .6 square Same as 4. ^^1 ssU) T ( . r • ^ ij\ In elaborate lozenge. I -rv J^^r^ ir ^^-w I -rv ^jli jsLi^lj ^^t^ !sUi in dotted square. This coin has the names of both Jahangir and his son Shah Jahan. Silver : — Lahore mint. (1) 212. 1. Obv. in double, dotted circle r jsLi^b^v^l^ ^^/o ^^jJi^y flowers, 1st year. Rev. Kalimah and i . | A j^^il Scroll and leaves and dotted double circle 1015. (2) 221.5, 1.05 Obv. 3rd year, jji i^-li 0 ^ij,^ wreath and flowers. Rev. 1017 t • I V jJi^if^ do. do. (5) 220. .96 Obv. as in (2) but year 6 5th year. Rev. as in (2) but year ( • | A 1018 H. (4) 219.7, .9 Duplicate of (3). (5) 223.3, 1. Obv. in double ornamented circle : — f • 1 1 y?"! jjLi ^^t^JXjl^ eri'^-'fjy (1019) Rev. do. do. (5th year) d jj ^«t jt>o «| j^aJI ^^.i 6th year. .86 Obv. as in 6. ^^1 jil/o V jyij/ 7th year. Mihr. (6) 174. (7) 174.8, (8) 171. Rev. in lozenge .9 Obv. as in 6. Rev. in lozenge (9) 172.7, .825 Obv. as in 6. tt'' ^.^i}^ V 7th Farwardin. Rev. in lozenge ^\ A J^AJ/ 8th Ttr. (10) 175. .8 Obv. as in 6. Rev. in lozenge 9th Bahman. (11) 168. .8 Obv. as in 6. Rev. in lozenge j^ljt tio q jj^J/ 9th ^6an. (12) 175.7, .86 Obv. as in 6. Rev. in lozenge ^.^Jt ^yljf !iL« 1 . 10th Aban. (13) 176. .86 Obv. 11th year. Rev. 1 -n jj^JI aCw *^j\MU.^ ?lc jIamS in double circle of dots 8th year 1023. C 72 ] (38) 175.5, .8 Obv. as in 34. Rev. as in 37 but year | ♦ and month Shahrewar 10th year. (39) 175.5, .8 Obv. i r j^^^ 3' scroll and flowers 12th year. Rev. I • n »l^>> jl«i.ii «i>.t AXw ^^jli gLi^b j^l^ jiLi o^s* ^^Jt Ji^ in four lines. Rev. Kalima in two lines t TV tij;?* ^ (2) 166. .8 Obv. as in 1. Rev. Kalima in two lines | -r^ S'!>^\^\ii s^yi> (3) 168. .75 Obv. in square in two lines ^'^^ JS^iiSlj JiU. ^ margins illegible. Rev. Kalima in square, margins illegible. (4) 168. .75 Obv. as in 3. No mint. Rev. Kalima in square with | | and ( margins illegible. (5) 167. .95 Obv. in lozenge as in 3, and |r and ( .|*a in four partitions of margin : — Rev. Kalima in lozenge ; in four partitions. (6) 168. .85 Obv. in square in two lines ^jl* isLi^lj ^^^^ in margin in foui' parts. Rev. in square Kalima and four margins as in 5, | •4'*. (7) 168.7, .88 Obv. in square made of dots with knots at the corners as in 6, margins as in 6 bat Rev. Kalima in square of dots with knots at corners | ^ \ margins as in 5. [ 73 ] Silver : — Lahore mint. (1) 172. .9 Obv. laJLJ|j|j 1037. (2) 175. .9 Duplicate of (1). (3) 175.7. .8 Obv. jyt^ ^jli isLi^'j ^^1^ ssLi ^^J^t ^_,(^ ^ilj ^yi ^_^Lo ^ 4th year. Rev. Kalima in a circle. Names and qualities of 4 companions | • t« | 1041. (4) 175. .9 Obv. same as (3) but 6 over i^yc 5th year. Rev. Kalima in circle. In margins names &c. and | 1041. (5) 172. .9 Obv. in a square with knots at the corners jsL^jb ^^^^^ JsLi In margins tyl/' || >^^l£> || ^^(iJ| \\ ai« jyt^ 6th year. Rev. in a square, with knots at the corners, the Kalima. In the margins | '\^r tj^j*^^ 3 II eJ*^* (VJ^ II j*' J*^* J II j^ts^' (3"^ 1042. (6) 175. .85 Obv. same as (5) but ji^aj/ v tx^ at bottom, not to left. 7th year. Rev. same as (5) but year ( i ) p 1043. (7) 175. .85 Obv. same as (6) but year a ' 8th year. Rev. same as (5) but no year visible. (8) 175. .85 Obv. same as (6) but year i. Rev. same as (7). 9th year. (9) 175. .85 Obv. same as (6) year ( (. Rev. same as (5) but year | -(ca. 11th year 1048. (10) 174.3, .9 Obv. same as (6) year-fr. Rev. same as (9). 12th year 1048. (11) 168. .85 Obv. same as 6, year \t>. Rev. same as (5) but year ( ' tr ■ 15th year 1052. (12) 173.3, .9 Obv. same as (6) year | "j. Rev. as in (5) but year | .ar- 16th year 1052. (13) 172.7, .86 Obv. same as (6) year | ^. Rev. as in (5) year | 18th year 1055. (14) 173. .86 Duplicate of (13) but without hijri year on reverse. 18th (15) 169.5, .85 Obv. same as (6), year (<). Rev. as in (5) year | -dd. 19th year 1055. (16) 174. .85 Obv. same as (6) year r*. Rev. as in (5) year | -di. 20th year 1056. (17) 172. .86 Obv. same as (6) year rr. Rev. as in (5) year ( ♦iv 22nd year 1059. (18) 175. .85 Obv. same as (6) year ra. Rev. as in (3) year | -ir. 25th year 1062. (19) 174. .85 Obv. same as (6) year r*. Rev. as in (5) year ( - ir. 25th year 1062. (20) 176. .85 Obv. same as (6) year r^. Rev. as in (5) year ( .«ir. 26th year 1062. (21) 174. .85 Obv. same as (6) year rv. Rev. as in (5) year | .«ir. 27th year 1063. (22) 168.5, .85 Obv. same as (6) year ri*- Rev. as in (5) year | -ia. 32nd year 1068. (23) 42. .675 Obv, rr J>^^^ >^^^ a Nisar. 32nd year. Rev. I ."lA ;ykil 2nd year. (42) 172. .95 Obv. as in (30) with to left, year v in square. 7th year. Rev. as in (30) year | -tc,-^ in lower left hand comer of square. 1044. Btirhdnpitr mint. (50) 1 72. .9 Obv. as in (1) but year r 2nd year. Rev. Kalima in 2 lines, and I. >Tir^ ^^^^ ^• (51) 168. .9 Obv. as in (48; year I .r A. 1038. Rev. Kalima in 2 lines and ji>t^ r jij^i^y 2nd year. (52) 169.2, .85 Obv. as in (48) but no year visible. no year. Rev. Kalima in 2 lines and o>i4J ^^ij] ^\ j^'^^j^ no year. (53) 175. .9 as in (3) below Jj^^ji Rev. above ^ Jjx jj^ ^} o**^* [ 75 ] Between The Kalima and part of a date ... r. below t^ic ^-l* J (jUlfi f»3j^. 4th year. (54) 170. .9 Obv. as in (53) but year \c over ^-^^^ ^c, 4th year. Rev. Kalima in lozenge, margins illegible. StJrat mint. (55) 176. .85 Inscriptions in squares as in (30). On obverse in left margin. On rev. in left margin | • t r 1062. (56) 176. .8 Similar to (55) but date i - 4 | 1051. (57) 177.8, .9 Similar to (55) but date | .>n 1066. Bhakkar mint. (58) 175. .8 Inscriptions as in (6) but at bottom of obv. | r J^*. 12th year. On reverse the date ( •f'l (1049) is in lower margin. 1049. Ahmadabad mint. (59) 173. .85 Inscriptions as in (46). Eeverse . Kalima in two lines and Js'"' r i'j) ^j'^ 2nd year. (60) 175. .81 Similar to (59) year on obverse t«p| i^'<> i^dj^ ^)\ %^ j>}"0 yi< sim J^^i:f. Rev. ^j'^^ oi**/o ^^Ia, /\ at^)'^ '^j^ [ 76 ] (2) 169.5, .85 Obv. xvev. (3) 168. .85 Obv. Rev. (4) 167. .8 Obv. Rev. 168 3 .75 Obv. (6) 168.3, Obv. (7) 168.3, .85 Obv. Rev. (8) 169.2, .9 Obv. Rev. (9) 168.8, .85 Obv. Rev. (10) 168.8, .9 Obv. Rev. (11) 168.3, .85 Obv. Rev. (12) 169.5, .88 Obv. Rev. •AT Silver : — Lahoee mint. (1) 176. .85 Obv. (I .)vr ^ ^'^ --ij Rev. fc (^y^ oi*J;/o (^^'^-T' jy^i' j instead of 1072. 4th year. 1095, 27th year. 1096, 28th year. 1087, 29th year. 1098, 30th year. 1098, 31st year. 1099, 31st year. 1100, 32nd year. 1102, 34th year. 1103, 35th year. 1104, 36th year. 1104, 37th year. 1106, 38th year. 1107, 39th year. 1107, 40th year. 1108, 40th year. 1108, 41st year. 1109, 41st year. 1110, 42nd year. 1110, 43rd year. 1111, 44th year. [ 77 ] (22) 175. average .85 and .9 Two rupees Mil* 1112, 44tli year. (23) 173. .9 I 1 1 r 1** 1 1 12, 45tli year. (24) 175. average .95 3 rupees I ( f" 1113, 46th year. (25) 173.5, .9 M 1 4 1115, 47th year. (26) 174. .85 tin r«A 1116, 48th year. (27) 173.5, .81 1 1 V 1*9 1117, 49th year. (28) 175. .85 1 V <5 ♦ 1117, 60th year. (29) 175. .85 MIA 4 • 1118, 50th year. (30) 174. .85 t 1 1 A a ♦ 1118, 50th year. MuLTAN mint. (31) 172.3, .85 Obv. U^ijijt J| tjflE* /Wt^Jl 1069. Rev. (32) 175.8, .9 Obv. as in (1) but year (| .)/ | and ji'O for 1071. Rev. as in (31) but year r 3rd year. (33) 175.8, .95 Obv. as in (1) but year | • vr 1072. Rev. 4 ^^^[yO O^XfA/O ^jK^^ 5th year. After this the Multan rupees follow the pattern of (33). (34) 175.8, .9 1 -vp 1 (35) 176. & 177. .9 both, two rupees] t 'Vl A (36) 174. .85 I -/A 1 ♦ (37) 174.5, .85 l-AI IfC (38) 172. .85 l«AfC n (39) 175.5, .85 l-AI ri (40) 173. .85 I'lr ri (41) 175. .85 I).- rr (42) 175.5, .9 1 1 ♦ 1 rr (43) 175.5, .85 n -t^ rp (44) 178. .85 1 1 -r rj^ (94) 175. 1. (95) 175. 1. (96) 174. .95 Jahangirnuggur mint. (97) 168. .8 OoJAiN min. (98) 175.9, .9 Tatta mint. (99) 173.5, .8 BURHANP^R mint. (100) 177. .9 (101) 177.5, .9 LuCKNOW mint. (102) 174.5, 1.025 (103) 174. .95 •A ir mint Ij^t do. Ettawa. Ettawa. do. I • 1 r *l and j^j^^ tc( and 1 1 I I . . ff" and ^ (l I I I I I I I -r do. jcy do. ^A'lamgir Aurangzeb. Silver : — Various mints. (104) 175.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) no year, but <>o instead of Rev. t>y^ oa*jj/c jbt \ aiils'i ^~>o no year. (105) 175.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) year (| t jM. Rev. as in 104 year fc<\ , (106) 176. .95 Obv. as in (1) no year ; d over Rev. as in 104 year fcp. (107) 173. .86 Obv. as in (1) (l | |) / year. Rev. as in (105). (108) 177. .95 Obv. in square with parts at the corner m. 278 (— Oj in margin j(S Rev. in square a o.^L« c«i«j>« jjwjl^ In upper margin | • (109) 168. .8 Obv. j4 ^.j ij^^ ji> *^ no year. Rev. AXw I f» |_^yLo cJux« j^^^J.^. The year of these rupees comes in the (jw of (r owy^-*. (110) 170. .8 similar to (109) but year 25. (111) 165. .85 similar to 109 but year 33. (112) 177. .95 Obv. same as (109) but jiSo instead of ^^jo and year | t (("• Rev. fc>i ^J»yl'0 sSaX^x) ^^y)^s>. Ax« y^^] ^j"^' (113) 175. .85 as in (112) but years | | | a and « ♦. 1107. 40th year. 1108, 40th year. 1113, 44th year. 1117, 49th year. 1094, 26th year. 1108, 41st year. 1100, 33rd year. 1091, 23rd year. 1111, 43rd year. 1103, 36th year. 47th year. ATchardbdd. 1116. Akbarabad, 49th year. Akbardbad, 43rd year. 1117. Akbarabad, 49th year. The style is that of the Junagarh mint. 1078. 10th year. Akbarnaggar. Akbamaggar, 25th yr. do. 33rd yr. 1113. Ajmir, 46th year. 1118 and 50th year. [ 80 ] (114) 178. .8 Obv. same as (112) but no year. Rev. as usual but without mint, year i. 6tli year. (115) 177. .8 Obv. same as (112) but no year. Rev. as usual but tvithout mint, year v. 7th yeai-. (116) 175. .85 Obv. same as 115 but year |.i**X) ^^JL^ aLo j^J) aj:« -^^ ^^^^ Rev. ^jiU ^ylj. ^fti^ ^^^^ Patna mint. (19) 185. .9 Obv. \ \rr (^y^ i^'^i^ 1^^^ li' iS^ jj23 Rev. ^^L. 4 ^bt ^ (20) 172. .9 Obv. as in (19) but year | /rt^ 1124 Rev. as in (19) i>U f.^^ = Patna. 5tj, Banaras mint. (21) 172.8, .9 Obv. as in (18) but year ir r | 1121 Rev. ^J^y^'0 i» L«,Aa. ^Ut <>*s* o . ^ . .J ^P(j year. Sarhind mint. (22) 174.5, .85 Obv. as in (18) year \\r \ ^^^^ Rev. t^yU f. Ja. ^ , . , -'^ ord year. JiiTTAWA m%nt. (23) 174.5, .9 Obv. same as in (1). ^^^^ Rev. t^yt^ ^i^Aj iuu« tjlji , ' (24) 175.5, .9 Duplicate of (23). -1st year. LuCKNOW mint. year. (25) 174.2, 1. Obv. as in (1), no year. (26) 173.8, .86 Obv. as in (1), no year. Rev. as in 25, year ^ 1' CAMBATmmi. ^ ^ 4tliyear. (27) 179.2, .95 Obv. as in (18), no year. Rev. ^yl-c cuw, ^ Aiu« ooUi^ ^.^ ^ , StfRATmmi. ^ndyear. (28) 176.7, ;95 Obv. as in (18), no year. Rev. ^^-^ . (29) 171.5, .9 Obv. as in (18). Rev. as in (28) but year r o 5?2 ^'"r^"'' T- o^^ (28) but no dates. (31) 172. .95 Duplicate of (30). MuLTAN mint. (32) 177. .9 Obv. as in (1), no year. Rev. ^j^^a. r lyliX^ w,- o J 21 ^ ■> .^nd year. [ 82 ] Peshawae mint. (33) 176. .95 Obv. as on (1) but year | | r I 1121. Rev. as (jH.y^'O r u*y^ ))^-^. Vj*^ (?) Barbar mint. (34) 174.7, .9 Obv. as on (18), year | | rr 1123. Rev. (jwy"^ 4 yj'- Vj** ^^1^ year. Xam Bakhsh. 'A'zim Shah. Jahdnddr Shah. Gold:—(l) 168.8, .8 Obv. | i ri* !st^ jt<^jl^^ ^•''^t f ■i.) (3^T;-> Rev. (j*jj'''<' '^^■♦-i'O (jM^-W- ci^t^ *-'^''(_)'>i "-^/^ Silver : — (1) 174.7, .8 (2) 175.5, .8 (3) 173. .9 ■) I I rf^ !(l«^|i>.it^ ^jli Jsl^o J ^^^o^^ (jjtif part of Obv. as in (1), nearly all the inscription. Rev. i^y^^ C*i*AX) fjHji^ il^f *i« ^Ijf i^l^^ !sLi Ai^lsr'l^b vj'^ (4) 175.7, .9 Obv. | ( ri« u't=?- *^ ui?^' v^^^ (5) 168. .9 Obv. same as on (4). Rev. ijuy^"' '■^^^■h'O (jw^'^ b^' V.^'^ (6) 170. .85 Obv. as in (1) but only in fragments. Rev. &c., ij'^h' "^t -i'^t i£AU| Jii-^ '-ij'i (7) 174.3, .95 Obv. as in (4) Rev. ,j«yLio oajJ;*; (_^1=« <^t ^^-^ cj)^-" v' Farrulch Saiyir. Gold :— Dehli, 1124. 1st year. 1124. 1st year, Lahore. 1st year, Dehli. 1124. 1st year. Ettawa. Agra, 1st year. 1124. Surat, 1st year. (1) 168.3, .85 Obv. 1 1 rt« ^ j» y^j^- Jsl^^^ ;) j y. o o^v^x* :>'j| c)^^ ijlWi^io) vj-* (2) 170. .7 Obv. and reverse as in (1) but nohijri year, regnal year 4, mint ) and mint i\^^> (4) 167.5, .9 Inscriptions as on (1) but year ( ( | ) r* and v and mint ^■i^ Dehli. ii.MjK Murshidabad. Khujasta Bunyad, Kashmir. [ 83 ] Silver : — Lahore mint. (1) 175. .85 Obv. I I r* ^ ji y.)js:' t^i,^ jj j d'-aijt <5i-« 1125. Rev. ijt>y^ o>A*j>A3 i^^^ r ^ySt>)j aikl^l^to 2nd year. (2) 177. .85 Duplicate of (1). iV^. B. — The same couplet coins on all the rupees of Farrukhsaiyir. (3) 175.5, .9 1127, 3. 1126 and 3rd year. (4) 173. .85 M rv and ^ 1127 and 4th year. (5) 176. .85 t I rv and d 1127 and 5th year. (6) 175. .65 I I TA and a 1128 and 5th year. (7) 175.5, .95 I I and i 1129 and 6th year. (8) 175.5, .9 I |r« and V 1130 and 7th year. (9) 174. .85 (i in and A 1131 and 8th year. DehlI mint. (10) 176.3, .85 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. &c., .i'jt aiHs^tjb i->j^ no year, 1st. (11) 173. .9 I in and r 1126 and 2nd. (11) and (11a) 176 both .9 and .85 ( | n both and r 1126 and 3rd. (12) 174.5, .85 and ^ and 4th. (13) 172.5, .8 ItrAand « 1128 and 5th. (14) (14a) (14?*) 175.8, 175.8, 174.8 ; 1.05, .95 and .95 | | r <) all, and ^ 1129 and 6th. (15) and (15a) 174 and 174.8 ; .9 and .95, n'"- both, and v 1130 and 7th. (16) 173.3, and .94 I ir| and a 1131 and 8th. Akbarabad mint. (17) 173.8, .9 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. &c., f 'i'jl;*^' i£^l*J| JiL^K 2nd year. (18) and (18a) 174.2, 175 ; .88 and ,8 p do. 4th year. (19) 174. .9 lirAanda do. 1128 and 5th year. (20) 175.7, 1.05 I I r. and V but J^'x^ 1130 and 7th year. Silver : — Mueshidabad mint. (21) 168. .9 Obv. same as (1) no year (clipped). Rev. &c., *i ^ M ^yi 6th year. (22) 178. .85 V ■ 7th year. MuLTAN mint. (23) 177. .9 Obv. as in (1) in double circle with dots between | |r* 1130. Rev. flower, &c., m. 279 o^J^^ v ^^"^^ v-y-o 7th year. (24) 175.2, .9 Obv. as in (25) | ir( Rev. as in (23) year a 1131 and 8fch year. BuRHANP^R mint. (25) 175.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) year | |r| Rev. &c., o^y^ V jxr^^ SdRAT mint. (26) 178.2, 1.05 Obv. as in (1), no year. Rev. &c., V o;^ ^yi 7th year. (26a) 177.8, 1.05 Duplicate of (26) 7th year. [ 84 ] Etta'wa' mint. (27) 175.5, .95 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. &c., t^y^ r \)^\ t-y^ 2nd year. (28) 174.5, 105 Obv. as in (1) (in Rev. as in (27) t> 1129, Sth year. Cambat mint. (29) 177.5, .95 Obv. as in (1), no year. Rev. &c., ijMj^ f *^ ooU>^ 4th year. Patna, i. e., 'AzIma'ba'd. (30) 169.2, .85 Obv. as in (1), no year. Rev. I* f*-i^ <>SX*i\ JiLmjc Patna, 4th year. (31) 170. .8 I irA and d 1128, 5th year. (32) 177.5, .95 and i 6th year. BarbllI mint. (33) 175. .95 Obv. as in (1), no year. Rev. &c., 1 (jky 6th year. Arkot mint. (34) 176.3, .85 Obv. as in (1), no year. Rev. &c., uyJ^ ^c cijl^t 4th year. No mints. (35) 169.5, .85 no years or mints. (36) 170. .9 no dates or mint but probably Ghmdpatan. (37) 175. 1. I I r* and iXskl. No mint but it may be of Nauy 1125, 1st year. Mafi'a ud Darjdt. Gold :— Silver : — (1) 176. .95 Obv. I in e.l^;'^! jijij^ ^^^-W- ^^j> ej'jL)* V '^t^ Rev. &c., ^ <^t Aw jykH iMJl^li (2) 167. .9 Obv. as in (1). ||ri Rev. &C.' (jwy*" lyl*^ Si/^ (3) 175.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) | |r ( I ) Rev. &c., <5^l ^Ijt j^l^ jLi jtfjWt^i^ ^^j^ (3a) 174.5, .9 duplicate of (3). (4) 177. 1.1 Obv. as in (1). | (r| Rev. &c., (^y^ Ai-js:* i^yi 1131. Lahore, 1st year- 1131. Multan, 1st year 1131. Dehli, 1st year, do. do. 1131. Khujasta Bunyad Ist year. Gold .— [ 85 ] Mafia ud Daulat, Shah Jahdn II. Silver : — (1) 175.8, .95 Obv. nri ti";'^ Js'^'i'j Rev. &c., (^j^ '^'^l ji^'*'^ (2) 172.5, .85 Obv. as in (1) but ^'■^s^l^ Rev. &c., (.^^■^r' *^ u't^ (3) 175.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) ^^,1^- iiLi, Rev. as in (2). (4) 178.8, .85 Obv. as in (1) nri Rev. &c., ijM)^ li^Jf li.'i^xi Muhammad Shah. Gold :— (1) 167.6, .75 Obv. Rev. (^yl^ c*i*j.>o ^jio^^ I ♦ e)'t^ ^^■^ t-j;^ (2) 169.7, .85 Obv jsU^b !sLi JI iikJUi^t^ Silver .'—Lahore mint. (1) 176.3, .8 Obv. ) irr j^j'* »Li.^lj jLi ^^u^ Rev. (^yl/o (^y^ AikJLjljIi (2) 175.3, .9 Obv. as in (1). , ,rr Rev. as in (1) year r (3) 173.2, .85 Obv. | ir - above, year r (4) (4a) and (4&) 174.5, 175.3, 175.6 ; .9 all Obv. as in (1). | ,r,- Rev. as in (1) year (5) and (5a) 177 and 173.5 ; .9 both obv. as in (1) but year ( , Rev. as in (1) but year 4 (6) 174.5, .85 Obv. as in (1) , ,r~ Rev. as in (3) year , (7) 175.5, .86 Obv. as in (1) , Rev. as in (3) year a (8) 173.8, .85 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (3) year , (9) and (9a) 175. and 176, .8 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (3) year , , 22 1131. Lahore, 1st year. Dehli, 1st year. do. 1131. 1st year. 1131. Murshidabad, 1st yr. both Dehli, 10th year. Surat, 15th year. 17th year. 1152. 22nd year. 1155. Lahore, 26th year. 1132. 1132. 2nd year. 113 — 3rd year. 1134. 4th year. 5th year. 183— 6th year. 113— 8th year. 9th year. 11th year. [ 86 ] (10) 174.8, .9 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (3) year ( r 12tli year. (11) 168. .8 Obv. as in (1) ( |pr Rev. as in (3) year |r 1143 and 13th year. (12) 175. .8 Obv. as in (1) | | — Rev. as in (3) vear ( 6 114— and 15tli yi'. (13) 177. .8 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (3) year ( i 1— and 16th year. (14) 177. .8 Obv. as in (1) n— Rev. ae in (3) year ( v 11— and 17th year. (15) 177.5, .85 Obv. as in (1) | 1 — Rev. as in (3) year | a 114— and 18th year. (16) 173. .8 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in 3 year | i and 19th year. (17) 175.2, .8 Obv. as in (1) Rev. m 1149, 19th year. (18) 175,2, .8 Obv. as in (1) Rev. r- 20th year. (19) and (19u,) 173.4 and 175.2, .75 and .8 Obv. as in (I) Rev. r | both 21st year. (20) 178. .9 Obv. as in (1) |(4r Rev. r r very full rnpee 1152, 22nd year. (21) 176.1, ,85 Obv. as in (1) t (fir Rev. rr do. 1153, 23rd year. (22) 175.5, .8 Obv. as in (1) ||4 — Rev. rt^ 115— 24th year. (23) 176. .8 Obv. as in (1) | (— Rev. n 11— 25th year. (24) 175.3, .85 Obv. as in (1) | i * — Rev. r i 115— 26th year. (25) . 176.1, ,8 Obv. as in (1) | | 4 — Rev. r v 115— 27th year. (26) 176.1, .85 Obv. asin(l) \ \ d<] Rev. ta 1159 and 28th year. (27) 175.3,-75 Obv. as in (1) m« — Rev. r'l 115— and 29th yr. (28) 177.6, .8 Obv. as in (1) | |— Rev. r- 11— and 30th year. (29) 176,1, .85 Obv. as in (1) m— Rev. ri 11— and 31st year. Multa'n mint. (30) 177. .85 Obv. as in (1) | | rr Rev. &c., r cj'^^* 1133 and 3rd year. The obv. has a five-leaved flower in the >M ^^=^\j\i 1st year. (39) 175. .95 Obv. (^yjl-* iJ.*=''° c_ja.l«o &S>^ \ (rr 11S3, 2nd year. Rev. as in (38) but year r (40) 168.3, .9 Obv. as in (39) f Irr Rev. as in (38) year r 1133, 3rd year. (40a) 175 8, .8 Duplicate of 40. (41) 175.1, .9 Obv. as in (39) | |) .Rev. as in (38) year 113— 4th year. (41a) 174. .85 Duplicate of 41. 113— 4th year. [ 87 ] (42) 173. .8 Obv. as in (39) ( i r* Rev. as in (38) year a 1135, 5th year. (42a) 175.9, .85 Obv. as in (39) f || Rev. as in (38) year o 113— 5th year. (43) 175.3, .85 Obv. as in (39) ( |— Rev. as in (38) year «) 11— 6th year. (43a) 175.2, .9 Duplicate of 43. 11— 6th year. (436) 176.7, .8 Duplicate of 43. 113— 6th year. (44) 174. .85 Obv. same as (39) year | |r/ 1137. Rev. same as (38) year v 7th year. (44a) 175. .85 Duplicate of (44). 1137, 7th year. (45) ' 175. .9 Obv. as (39) year | irA Rev. as (38) year a 1138, 8th year. (45a) 175.5, .9 Duplicate of (45). (46) 175.3, .85 Obv. as (39) year | iri in second line Rev. as (38) year i r46a") 174 5 85 Obv as (39) year | ir9 in first line Rev. as (46) ] 139 Qth vpnv (466) 177.2, .85 duplicate of (46a) 1139, 9th year. (46c) 174. .75 duplicate of (46). 1139 9th vear (47) 173. .85 Obv. as (39) year ( ) — Rev. as in (38) year 10 11 — 10th year. (48) 172.5, .9 Obv. as (39) t 1 ^1 Rev. as in (38) year 11. 1141, 11th year. (49) 175.3, .9 Obv. as in (39) \ Ipr Rev. as in (38) year 12. 1142, 12th year. (50) 171.0, .9 Obv. as in (39) 1 IfT Rev. as in (38) year ir 1143, 13th year. (51) 173.2, .9 Obv. as in (32) 1 Iff* Rev. as in (38) year 1 fc 1 144, 14th year. (52) 176. .9 Obv. as in (49) 1 IF« Rev. as in (38) year a 1145, 15th year. (53) 172.7, .85 Obv. as in (39) 1 1 t^l Rev. as in (38) year ( i 1146, 16th year.- (54) 175.1, .9 Obv. as in (39) Rev. as in (38 J year t v 11 — 17th veai-. (55) 172. .9 Obv. as in (39) 1 K'A Rev. as in (38) year | a 1148 18th year. (56) 176.2, .9 Obv. as in (39) Rev. as in (38) year 1 s 114— 19th year. (57) 174.5, .85 Obv. as in (39) 1 l«- Rev. as in (38) year r • 1150, 20th year. (58) 174,8, .85 Obv. as in (39) 114.' Rev. as in (38) year r ( 1151, 21st year. (58a) 174.7, .85 Obv. as in (39) t ( 4 1 in second line Rev. as (58) 1151, 21st year. (59) 175. .95 Obv. as in (39) 1 1 *r Rev. as in (38) year rr 1152, 22nd year. (69a) 174,7, .85 Duplicate of (59) 1152, 22nd year (60) 172.3, .95 Obv. as in (39) 1 1 nr Rev. as in (38) year rr 1153, 23rd year. (61; 174. .85 Obv. as in (39) 1 1 if- Rev. as in (38) year 1154, 24th year. (62) 172.5, .9 Obv. as in (39) 1 1 4d Rev. as in (38) year r a 1155, 25th year. (63) 172.6, .95 Obv. as in (39) Rev. as in (38) year r 1 1156, 26th year. (64) 170.3, 1.07 Obv. as in (39) I 1 4 V Rev. as in (38) year r / 1157, 27th year. (65) 172. .9 Obv. as in (39) t 1 4 A Rev. as in (38) year r a 1158, 28th year. (66) 175.2, 1.05 Obv. as in (39) 1 1 41 Rev. as in (38) year r s 1159, 29th year. (66a) 177.1, .95 Obv. as in (39) 1 1 41 Rev. as in (66). 1159, 29th yeai'. (67; 174. .9 Obv. as in (39) 1 n • Rev. as in (38) year r* 1160, 30th year. (68) 175.2, .95 Obv. as in (39) Rev. as in (38) year ri 11 — 31st year. <68a) 167. .9 Duplicate of (68) in poor condition. Silver : — Various mints. <69) 175.4, .85 Obv. as in (1) ) | \ Rev. &c., 6 ^ f?\ 113 — 5th year. [ 88 ] (70) 175.1, .9 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (69) year (v Akhardhdd — A'ijra 17th year. (71) 174.6, .1 Obv. as in (1) | | i*r Rev. &c., u»jh- I r »i>}t ^j'^ AJchtaruagyar Oudh 1142, 12th year. (72) 172.8, .85 Obv. as in (1) Rev. m. 284 |c oI^I a poor rupee, Arcot. 4th year. (73) 173.1, .9 Obv. as in (1) itfo) Rev. | a (jw^^ jj''*'^ Peshawar 1149, 18th year. (74) 173.3, .9 Obv. as in (1) | iri Rev. &c., '^=^\ tj/ ^j^^ Kurd 1131, 1st year. (75) 175.1, .95 Obv. as in (1) ( | i^a Rev. as in (74) year t a do. 1148, 18th year. (76) 165. .85 Obv. as in (1) | | 4 — Rev. rv ^ IsUmdhdd 115— 27th year. (77) 176.2, 1.05 Obv. as in (1) | || Rev. &c., uyla. r ^ oji^«» Stmii 123— 2nd year. (78) 177.2,1. Obv. as in (1) n — Rev. as in 77 year a do. 11— 8th year. (79) 173.9, .85 Obv. as in (1) Rev. &c., u^ji-^ a ^'4 '^^'O 285 Murshiddhdd 8th year. (8O; 178.5, .85 Obv. as in (1) Rev. year t «i and flower m. 285 Miirshi- ddbdd 16th year. (81) 178.3, .8 Obv. as in (1) ( ( i — Rev. year r s and flower m. 285 Mnrshi- ddbdd 116— 29th year. (82) 179. 1. Obv. as in (1) duplicate of (81) larger, Mushiddbdd do. do. (83) 173.8, .95 Obv. as in (1) | | &— &c., r • <^*^ u^j^ Bandras Muhammaddbdd 1151, 20th year. (84-) 176.5, .95 Obv. as in (1) ( ... r *i« u»j^ i^j^ BarelU 1 — 2nd year. (85) 172.8, 1. Obv. as (39) | | 4«| in second line : Rev. ra ^ Farrukkdbdd 1156, 25th year. (86) 172.8, .95 Obv. as in (1) nr\ ; Rev. &c., ^i*- .^1^1 v^'* 'Aztmdbdd (Patna) 1131, 1st year. (87) 178.3, .95 Obv. as in (1) nrr ; Rev. as in (86) year r 'Admdbdd {Patna) 1132, 2nd year. (88) 176.4, 1. Obv. as in (1) | ir* ; Rev. &c., 4 *i« t^Jl Ettdwd 1135, 5th year. (89) 176.4, 1. Obv. as in (1) 1 1 pi ; Rev. as in (88) year | | do. 1141, 11th year. (90) 177.6, 1. Obv. as in (1) ( ( 4—; Rev. as in (88) year r ♦ do. 115— 20th year. (90a) 172.7, .9 Duplicate of 90 do. 115— 20th year. (91) 175.7, .85 Obv. as in (1) \ \— Rev. &c., | a '^i-' <^jr' V^"^ Sarhind 11— 18th year. (92) 178.5, .95 Obv. as in (1) | \n Rev. &c., ^U,;ilj ) Jet.^ »Li ^^1^=. y. Rev. I I 4A *-Ut i^ ^ ^'j'i> Silver : — (1) 175.7, .85 Obv. >T'=-'^ j-s'^ ly^*^'^ ly't^ u^.i>^^ j' Rev. I I 4r ''i^J^'o *JiJliiJ^ ijlt^ !sl-i ^iLsJijI^ (2) 173.8, .85 Obv. as in (1). (3) 99.8, ,75 Obv. ^^li Rev. ^^-o *JJulii>- (4) 174.2, .89 Obv. as in (1) right band side of lines missing. Rev. *JLI|^ I I 4v (5) 105.5, .66 Obv. as in (3). Rev. I I - - A^ (6) 80. .9 (bas a loop) Obv. ^/ ^jy *w Isfahan, Peshawar, Tabriz, Date omitted and mint. Bhakkar, 1158. DeAZt, 1152. Peshawar, 1157. no date. 1157. 11—. Rev. tugra 5»j '■^^s:'t ^jlL 1148, H. Ahmad Shah Bahadur. Gold :— (1) 170. .75 Obv. ( M«j j^j-jli !iLi.:iIj_ji'^ jtt-i .^♦is.l e?;!** Rev; (The Patna mark) m. 286 d i^^^'^ «j:^i*A/o ^Vi^ (jw^^ <^t jiyk^ *j^-J|^t.i (2) 176.8, .85 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. as in (1) year 2. (3) 175.5, .8 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. as in (1) year 3. (4) 176. .8 Obv. as in (1) | na Rev. as in (1) year ^ (5) 175.4, .85 Obv. as in (1) year | | li* Rev. as in (1) year fc (6) 175.3, .85 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (1) year d (7) 176.5, .8 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (1) year *| (8) 175.7, .8 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (1) year v MuLTAN mint. (9) 175.6, .85 Obv. as in (1) \ \ ir date in second line Rev. t^y>^ <^^i^ o*-?'''^ f c)^^ t-j/'* Dehli mint. (10) 173.8, 1. Obv. as in (1) but year in second line | | If Rev. &c., u*^^ i^} ikjls'i^t^ i^jfi) 23 1162. 1st year. 2nd year. 3rd year. 1165, 4th year. 1164, 4th year. 5th year. 6th year. 7th year. 1163. 2nd year. 1161. 1st year. [ 90 ] (10a) 174.1, .85 Duplicate of (10). (11) 175.6, .85 Obv. as in (1) year | nr Rev. as in (10) year r 1162, 2nd year. (12) 174.8, .9 Obv. as in (1) year | | it* Rev. as in (10) year r 1164, 3rd year. (13) 173. .9 Obv. as in (1) year ( | nr Rev. as in (12) 1163, 3rd year. (14) 173.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) year 1 1 ii* Rev. as in (10) year 1164, 4th year. (15) 173.4, .95 Obv. as in (1) year n 1* Rev. as in (10) year » 1165, 5th year. (16) 173.4, .95 Obv. as in (1) year (In Rev. as in (10) year a 1166, 5th year. (17) 173.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) year |Ml Rev. as in (10) year ^ 1166, 6th year. (18) 175.2, .9 Obv. as in (1) year | nv Rev. as in (10) year v 1167, 7th year. (18ci) 175.1. .85 Obv. as in (1) year | f 1^ Rev. as in (11) year v 1167, 7th year. Banaras mint. (19) 174.5, .75 Obv. as in (1) year t I 1^64. Rev. &c., r c/»j^ -iM •^'^ (jwj'M t^'^ Banaras, 3rd year. (20) 175. .76 Obv. as in (1) fragmentary, year Rev. as in (19) year 4. 4th year. (20a) 19.5 with loop .8 Obv. as in (1) year | ( it*: Rev. as in (19) year (19) ^ 1164, 4th year. MuRSHiDABAD mint. (21) 180. .85 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. &c., y^ (24) 165.5, .8 Duplicate of (23) but perhaps year 4th (?) year. (24a) 178. .75 Obv. as in (1) fragmentary, year | | ir Rev. year r 1162, year 2. Silver : — (25) 170. .86 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. &c., (jwjV 6 (_jj*o Kuttack mint, 6th year. (26) 174.2, .85 Obv. as in (1) year ( n ) ir Rev. (jwj^ r ^ tj'j' Islamabad mint, 1163 3rd year. (27) 174. .75 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. &c., {juj^ i^j^ Ettawa mint, 4th year. MuLTAN mint. (28) 176.9, .9 Obv. as in (1) year | ( ir Rev. as in (9) year t>^t 1162, 1st year. (29) 170.8, .85 Obv. as in (1) year ( ( Rev. as in (9) year 1164, 4th year. Both these Multan rupees have a flower in the of (^j^^ on reverse. Ahmad Shah Durrani. Gold :— [ 91 ] Silver : — Lahore mint. (1) 174.6, .9 Obv. li iJt.lo ji ^ At« »L2. s^ls j'i'-' j' <^ II - - »Ui 11— Rev. »L£^lj i^*^t ji> c^s^} AikLJt 1st year. (2) 175.7, .8 Obv. as in (1) but year || v 1170. Rev. tj^^^ eAtJjxs (jm^is^ I I aLw j^Ajl Aiki~.J|jb v_)/« 11th year. (3) 175.1, .85 Obv. as in (1) year | ^vr Rev. as in (2) year \r 1173, 13th year. (4) 175.1, .85 Duplicate of (3). (5) 175.1, .8 Obv. as in (3). Rev. as in (2) year (fc 1173, 14th year. (6) 173.9, .9 Obv. as in (1) year ( ( vd Rev. as in (2) year | d 1175, 15th year. (7) 175.4, .85 Obv. as in (1) year ( |V4 Rev. as in (2) year ( ») 1175, 16th year. (8) 174.2, .85 Obv. as in (1) year | ( vi Rev. as in (2) year 1 1 1176, 16th year. (9) 175.2, .85 Obv. as in (1) year | | vv Rev. as in (2) year | v 1177, I7th year. (10) 175.4, .8 Duplicate of (9). (11) 175.2, .8 Obv. as in (1) year / f vv Rev. as in (2) year | a 1177, 18th year. (12) 171.1, .85 Obv. as in (1) year ( | VA Rev. as in (2) year | a 1178, 18th year. (13) 175. .9 Obv. as in (1) year ( | va Rev. as in (2) year | <) 1178, 19th year. (14) 175.4, .85 Obv. as in (1) year | ( a ♦ Rev. as in (2) year r f 1180, 21st year. Dehli mint. (15) 177.3, .95 Obv. as in (2) year | | v^- 1170. Rev. &c., (jw^ I ( ^^Jls'lji^ ^_,J^ 11th year. (16) 175.6, .9 Obv. as in (1) year | |vr Rev. as in (15) year \fc 1173, 14th year. (17) 176.2, .95 Obv. as in (1) year \ ) vfc Rev. as in (15) year f d 1174, 15th year. MuLTAN mint. (18) 173.2, .85 Obv. as in (1) year ( 1165. Rev. « j.i in margin the couplet in (1) Rev. (jiyjU ^.i^j-o I 4 15th year, (23) 175.2, .85 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. as in (22) no year, Peshawar mint. (24) 175.7, .9 Obv. as in (1) year | ( a* 1180. Rev. &c., r . ji^Lijo 20th year. Barelli mint. (25) 172.6, .9 Obv. as in (1) year | | vr 1173. Rev. &c., ((« «xw Jij, ^ 14th year. [ 92 ] Dera mint. (26) 177.7, .8 Obv. as in (1) year ( J at Rev. in dotted circle. m. 355 rr iji^ (27) 177.7, .8 Obv. as in (1) year Rev. as in (26) year | >i 16th year Peshawar mint ? (28) 173.3, .9 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. as in (24) year r 2nd year. Copper : — (29) 284.2, 1.1 Obv. (^5*1-^ '^♦=^1 ^^ii in circle ^ Very rare this size. Poor condi- Rev. ( II ) V- ^j'^ ) tion. (30) 201.8, 1.04 Similar to (29). (31) 257. 1.17 Obv. | nr (j:*^^ '^♦^l o*>^ 1162, H. Rev. <>^t Struck at Bhakkar, 1st year. Taimur Shah Nizam. Silver .-—Lahore mint. (1) 175.3, .85 Obv. I J v( Jr»jy »Li 1171. Rev. o^*.j.Aj* j^ib'^ Ai!al...J|^tj) i^j-^ 1st year. (2) 174.4, .9 Obv. and rev. as in (1). Duplicate of (1). (3) 173.6, .9 Obv. as in (1) but year | ( vr Rev. as in (1) year f * 1173, 3rd year. MuLTAN mint. (4) 176.6, .9 Obv. as in (1) i t v! 1171. Rev. f^y^'o '-^♦i* <>^t* ^^^ii'e ^^j^ 1st year. Sikh Gold Coins. (1) 165. .85 Obv. in three Hues of Gurmukhi " Wah Guruji " 3 times. Rev. in five lines of Grurmukhi of which the last is nearly miss- ing^ " Deg Tegh Path Nasrat be darang, Taft aj Nanak Guru Gobind Singh." There is no date, no mint, no name on this coin. There is a duplicate in the Biitish Museum. (2) 166.4, .81 Obv. fi\igmentary inscription -- J-ij iXL, cj^J f^' ... to left m. 290. Rev. Leaf in centre (^j^ >^^' jtS"! O'sr' ^ \\^\ Amritsar, 1861 = A. D. 1804. (3) 163.5, .8 Obv. as in (2) but no fish to left. Rev. as in (2) but with arm instead of leaf and year | a- (4) 163.1, .8 Obv. as in (2) but iSUli omitted and lower line ( ) y.^ ij ■Rev. as in (2) year | A*ir (5) 162.1, .8 Obv. as in (4). Rev. as in (2) but year | ai* (6) 164.6, .8 Obv. as in (4). Rev. fragments only of rev. on (2) , aaj* * These years refer to the year of the Nizamate of Taimur. t These years are Samvat years, 57 ahead of our era. Mora's Amritsar Mohur. Amritsar, 1863.t Amritsar, 1866. Amritsar, 1884. [ 93 ] (7) 165.5, .98 Obv as in (4) with crescent over j of and year a«) Rev. as in (2) but fragmentary. (8) 134.7, .85 Obv. as in (4) but witb flag and umbrella m. 288 year Rev. as in (2) fragmentary year | aa* Amritsar, 1 T Amritsar, 1884* 86 ■ 1885* 1903 (9) 137 (10) 144. (11) 150, (12) 150 (13) 32. ,7, .85 Duplicate of (8). 4, .85 Obv. in Gurmukhi in 3 lines with trisul m. 289 in middle of centre one. " Akal Saliai Guru Nauak Jf." Fragmentary. Rev. in Gurmukhi in 3 lines " Jarb Sri Ambratsar jf," with leaf in middle of central line. No date. 4, .87 Duplicate of (10). 1, .84 Duplicate of (10). .85 Two plates of gold joined by the edges of one overlapping those of the other. Ohv. in a circle, surrounded by a twelve-rayed star, the best of Maharajah Ranjit Singh. Rev. in circle with star as on obv. t-jlsV i^^'^) Ati^ >^s^j Between two rays of the reverse star H, which letter shows that this curious medal must have had its dies prepared in Europe. Sikh Rupees. Silver : — (1) 175.8, .89 Obv. A^i- cy^^i/ jjj ^iii ^\ ^Ji^il ^_ji>aj c^^-aj ^ yij (2) 167.2, (3) 173.5, (4) 175.5, (5) 174.1, (6) 173.5, (7) 172.8, (8) 175.1, (9) 175.3, (10) 172.2, (11) 174.4, (12) 171.3, (13) 171.8, (14) 173.7, (15) 174. .8 .85 .84 .86 .89 .89 .85 .9 .81 .83 .85 .84 Rev. I Arr ury-* "^M^ Jl AilaJUJiji^ For this and other Sikh rupees, see J. A. S. B. Tor 1881, Vol L p. 79, &c. Obv. and Rev. as on (1) but year ( Arr do. ( A r 6 do. (Art traces of on reverse, do. do. do. , A r V do. (ATA do. ff^^. Obv. as on (1) but very indistinct, (exceedingly rare). Rev. 4>.ylx , A^ I e.^^ ^tiJLo ^Lcjliy ^ Obv. and Rev. as on (1) but year | An do. do. do. do. Obv. parts of an unread couplet. Rev. ( Ari '^*^ J 1^1 I Arr I Arr I Arp ( Ar* (16) 172.7, .81 Obv. and Rev. as on (1) but year , Ari (Lahore) , (1823, Sam vat). (1825, S.) (1826, S.) (1827, S.) ri828, S.) (1830, S.) {MuUnn.) (1831, S.) (1832, S.) (1833, S.) (1834, S.) (183.5, S.) ( Amritsar) . (1835, S.) (Lahore, 1836, S.) the obverse. The lower [ 94 ] (17) 174.2, .9 Obv. as in (15) but visible : c>mJ u_o.L« ^JU ^4 y Rev. as in (15) but year | ^r^^ (18) 172.7, .89 Obv. and Rev. as in (17) but year | atv (19) 173.9, .84 do. but year | ArA This has another coilplet on obverse, not read as yet, fragmen- tary, and Amritsar spelt j-m Ambritsar. (20) 173.7, .83 Same as (15) but year | An (21) 170.5, .8 Obv. and rev. as in (1) but year 1 Af^- (22) 162.7, .9 Obv. as on (1). Rev. I A I** i^y^^t i> d^A^j-c (23) 171.5. .9 Obv. and rev. as on (22) but | ai*| and (24) 172.4, .98 Obv. another couplet, &c., ff^ ^^y^ (}'^> jj ) (^-"^^ 'ij (This couplet has never been read by any Sikh yet). Rev. as on (1) but year ( ai«| (25) 167.3, .86 Obv. as on (1) Rev. as on (1) but mint and year ( AfC| To left of reverse is a katdr. (26) 168.2, .85 As on (25) but on reverse and the \st year as on the Anandgharh rupees, No. 23. (27) 171.7, .9 Obv. Unread couplet as on (24). Rev. dj;-*! f^y^ ^yi> \ At^r (28) 165.7, .85 Obv. as on (1)" Rev. as on (22) to left m. 292 year | At^r (29) 172,1, .86 Obv. another unread couplet. Rev. as on (27) but year ( ( a ) fCfc (30) 165.2, .89 Same as (28) but year | a^p (31) 172.8, .88 Same as on (29) but on reverse m. 391 and year (| a) fc« (32) 172.5, .9 Obv. Couplet as in (17). Rev. as on (15) but year ( Af'^A and a leaf m. 293. (33) 172.6, .94 as on (32) but year (Air (34) 164.9, .89 Obv. as on (1). Rev. as on (15) year | Aif* to left a katai- m.'294, (35) 172.3, .9 as on (32) but year \m>(> (36) 170.9, .91 Obv. as on (17). Rev. as on (1) but year | a44 (37) 170.2, .86 Obv. as ou (24). Rev. as in (15) year | am (1856) In J m. 295. (Amritsar, 1836 S.) (Amritsar 1837, S.) (Amritsar, 1838, S.) (Amritsar, 1839, S.) (Lahore, 1840, S.) (Anandgharh, 1840, S.) (Anandgharh, 1st yr 1841, S.) (Lahore, 1841, S.). (Amritsar, 1841, S.) (Anandgharh, 1843, S.) {Amritsar, 1884, S.) {Anandgharh, 1844, S.) {Amritsar, 1845). Amritsar, 1848, S.) (Amritsar, 1852). (Amritsar, 1855, S.) (Lahore, 1855, S.) C 95 ] (38) 168.7, (39) 170.4, (40) 168.5, .87 96 Obv. as on (24). Rev. as on (32) year | Ad/ Obv. Very full inscription as in J. A. S. B., Vol. L, Pt. 1, 1881, p. 83. Rev. as in (1) but year ( Aav and leaf m. 293. Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (32) year 1858, |AaA and leaf m. 296. (41) 171.9, .89 Obv. as in (24) with m. 297. Rev. as in (40) year / a4S (42) 164.3, .84 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in vi^i*** <^y=. ^ I A 4 1 0»4-«3 This coin has on the obv. | | v ? ! 1217 H = 1802 A. D.= .95 Obv. as in (39). Rev. as in (1) but year (at .89 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (32) year (a«|* 9 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (32) year (All m. 298. Rev. as in (32) year | Air m. 299. Rev. as in (32) year t A*ir m. 300. Rev. m. 285 (an drisi) o;*'*! >~>j'^ The arisi is another mark of Mora's who was a prostitute. N. B. On these rupees of Mora's there is no alif to jISl. (Amritsar, 1857, S.) (43) 172.3, (44) 173.3, (45) 167.5, (46) 172. (47) 174. (48) 172.3, .89 Obv. as in (24). Obv. as in (24). Obv. as in (24). Obv. as in (24). Obv. as in (24). 1859, S. 1859, S. 1859, S. (1860, S.) Lahore. (1860) Amritsar. Mora's mark. Mora's mark. Mora's mark. It is spelt jlS" only. (49) 172.2, .9 Obv. as in (39). Rev. as in (1) year | a*ip Lahore, 1864. (50) 163. .85 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (25) year | ati* Amritsar, 1864. (51) 169.5, 86 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (32) year | ai« Amritsar, 1865. (52) 159.3, .85 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (25) year | at* Amritsar, 1865. (53) 171.9, .87 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (32) year | All Amritsar, 1866. (64) 169.5, .85 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (.32) year | atv do. 1867. (55) 165. .86 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (32) year ( a *i v do. do. (56) 167.7, .86 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (32) year | aia do. 1868. (57) 169.2, .89 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (32) year ( aia do. do. (58) 172.1, .9 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (1) year t ati Lahore, 1869. (69) 173.4, .95 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (32) year ( ati Amritsar, 1869. (60) 42. .58 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (32) year ( a do. do. (61) 170.1, .97 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (1) but with leaf and C year |,,v. 1870. (62) 171. .87 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (61) year | av| Lahore, 1871, S. (63) 171.9, .9 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (61) year ( Avr do. 1872, S. (64) 170.3, .89 Obv. as in (19). Rev. as in (32) year | a v r Amritsar, 1872, S (65) 172.4, .9 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (61) year i Avr Lahore, 1873, S. (66) 171.1, .89 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (32) year | a Vfc Amritsar, 1874, S (67) 171.5, .89 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (61) year | aV^ C Lahore, 1874, S. (68) 171. .89 Duplicate of (67). (69) 171.5, .9 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (32) year ( AVp Amritsar, 1874, S In the Mm (J) of Akal is (^)^ji = Dar Jhang ? This was sold me as a Jhang rupee. It has on it as on Amritsar coins to [ 96 ] (70) 171. .89 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (9) but with leaf and year fV 1875, Multdn. (The year of the capture of Multan by Ranjit Singh = 1818 A. D.) (71) 171.5, .9 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (82) year | Ava Amritsar, 1875. (In the field of the coin to the right of the reverse in r) (72) 170. .9 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (71) year | a / 1 Amritsar, 1876. (73) 171.7, .98 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (70) year | avi C Multan, 1876. (74) 171.6, .95 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (70) do. do. (75) 171.4, .94 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (32) year |avv Amritsar, 1877. (This rupee has the two r on rev. as in 71. Its meaning is not evident.) (76) 171.3, .94 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (32) year / ava Amritsar, 1878. (77) 171.5, .96 Obv. as in (24). Rev. as in (61) year (avs C Lahore, 1879, S. (78) 171.3, .95 Obv. as in (1). Rev. m. 293 | av<) o-x,-. ^ (^j^ ^^ybo o^v«-x.« ^jl^ (Malkerian is near Multan. This rupee is said to have been sti-uck there. I have one in better condition). (79) 172.3, .98 Obv. as in (17). Rev. as in (32) year | aa • (Amritsar 1880). Rev. as in (61) year | aa • (Lahore 1880). Rev. as in (32) year | aa ( (Amritsar 1881). Rev. as in (61) year [aat (Lahore 1882). Rev. as in (32) year | aat (Amritsar 1882). Rev. as in (32) year \ Aap (Amritsar 1883). Rev. in circle o.x^ , y^y^^ and leaf year 1884. Kashmir, 1884, S. (80) 171.8, .92 Obv. as in (24). (81) 171.2, .94 Obv. as in (17). (82) 172, .95 Obv. as in (24). (83) 171, .95 Obv. as in (17). (84) 172.6, .1 Obv. as in (17). (85) 171.9, .88 Obv. as in (1). In margin j^J^ ( ^(^« ) JU"! This rupee is up to the present time unique. (86) 172.1, .95 Obv. as in (17) but with Ai (85). Rev. as in (32) year | AAfc As in (86) but on obverse a ^ (86) Duplicate of (87). On upper line of obverse (?) ^jIj iJ^jlj (89) 171.7, .95 Obv. as in (17) a. (87). Rev. as in (32) year |aa,^ (87) 172. .96 (88) 172. .93 (90) 172. .9 Obv. as in (24) with aa (88). Rev. as in (61) ( AAt^ (91) 171.1, .97 Obv. as in (17) with katar in field. Rev. as in (32) | AAf^ (92) 171.5, .93 Obv. as in (17). Rev. Mint not Amritsar, not clear. Leaf in field, but no sign of AMI Jl^l Tear \^^<\ (93) 172.7, .95 Obv. as in (24) on Lahore rupees. Unique. Rev. j_^ylx> u:.i*i>0 ly^/y, (94) 172.5, .95 Obv. as in (17) year <) • Rev. as in (32) year ( aap A 1884 . Amritsar, — — %. e, 85 85 » : 1884 Amritsar, -„7r-- oo A 1884 ^ Amritsar, —r-—, b. 87 Lahore, ■ , S. 88 Amritsar, 1884. 1889, S. Muzang Achhra, 1889. , . 1884 Amritsar, - ^^ • [ 97 ] 1884 (95) 171.2, .9 Obv. as in (24) year 9 ( Rev. as in (61) year | aaj^ ' Lahore, -gp- 1884 (96) 172.1, .96 Obv. as in (17) year <\r Rev. as in (32) year | AAf^ Amritsar, -5^"- 1884 (97) 76.4, .71 Obv. as in (17) year <\r Rev. as in (96) an 8-anna piece, Amritsar, -gg"- 1884 (98) 172.3, .94 Obv. as in (17) year =ir Rev. as in (96). Amritsar, (99) 128.8, .95 Obv. as in (1) with bels and flowers and year | Air ") Struck by Hari Singh in Rev. I Asr tr^^ aLojjI-io dotted leaf, flowers ) Peshawar, 1893. (99a) 130.5, .93 similar to (99) but year 1892, S. (100) 171.8, .94 Obv. as in (17) Rev. as in (32) year |aa4 to right m. 301. Amritsar, . ^ 94 (101) 131.1, .94 Obv. as in (99) but year (Alp; Rev. as in (99) but year ( a9|* Peshawar, 1894. (102) 172.1, .9 Obv. as in (17) in field ^ (Bam). Rev. as in (32), 1885 year |AAa Amritsar, - . 94 1885 (103) 172.2, .95 Obv. as (17) s a Rev. as in (32) to left m. 302 | aa* Amritsar, 1885 (104) 170.3, .94 Obv. as in (17) &c. as in (32). ^^Namak " is here placed for Find Dddan Khan the chief emporium of the salt trade. (123) 171.9, .97 Obv. as in (17) m .4 m. 308. Rev. as in (32) | AAd " Ram " in Landa. (124) 171.5, .94 Obv. as in (123) but under umbrella m " Sat." Rev. as in (32) (125) 172.2, .95 Duplicate of (124) w " Sat." Rev. as in (32) (aa* (126) 171.7, .98 Duplicate of (122). (127) 178. .95 Obv. as in (123) but year | q .•). Rev. as in (32) I aa4 (128) 85.9, .8 Obv. as in (17) ( jii v/^ (133) 166.4, .82 Obv. as in (131) |An Rev. as in (132) plainer. (134) 172.2, .94 Duplicate of (109). (135) 171.6, .91 Obv. as on (24). Rev. &c. |Afi. jj^^i) iikUfji^ ^yi This should be 32a. It was purchased while the list was in hand. (136) 75.1, .8 an eight-anna piece no date, Ami-itsar mint. 1885 (137) 75. .74 — - Amritsar Flower m. 309, 8 as. (138) 74.7, .73 an eight-anila piece. Amritsar. 1885 ^ in Gurmukhi characters. Dera, 1896. Berajdt, 1900. Derajat, 1896. Multdn, 1899. Lahore, 1850 S, [ 99 ] (139) 44. .62 4-anna piece — ■. Amritsar mint. 1 885 (140; 42.8, .65 do. ~ do. 1885 (141) two coins average 42.5, .62 j^qqi umbrella, Amritsar mint. (142) 169.3, .9 Obv. couplet as on (1). Rev. Leaf ( avi o^a*-w ji*^ Kashmir, Sambat 1876, S (143) 170.5, .9 Obv. couplet as on (1) flag m. 310. Rev. Leaf v^-j-^-w jlSl Kasbmii', no year. (144) 167. .9 Obv. as on (1) Rev. as on 142. Kashmir, Sambat 1876. (145) 166.2, .85 Obv. as on (1) sword crossing shield. Rev. ^ ^'r» JI^' 1898, S. (146) 170.7, .89 Obv. as on (1) Rev. Leaf ^z-y^ *^t jJt i^j^ margins r ^'^*» jl^ Juiis^l^fi Dehli, 2nd year. Rev. in square Kalima and ( ( "1a margins names and titles of 4 Companions of Muhammad. (2) 167.5, .8 Obv. as in 1 but no square and no margins year (111)1 Rev. &c., r ih\ isli (3) 167.3, .8 Obv. as in 2 but no year. do. 3rd year. Rev. as in 2 but year ^ • [ 100 ] Silver : — Lahore mint. (1) 173. .725 Obv. 1 1 - - JsL^^b^J ^^U* iS.^ 11— Rev. oj^j;* 1^^^ jyi>)l iUkLJtjl:) ^j^-o 1st year. (2) 174. .8 Obv. as in (1) year | i — Rev. a.s in (1) year r 11 — Srd year. (3) 176.5, .8 Obv. as in (1) year | |vr. Rev. as in (1) year d 1172, 5tli year. (3a) 176. .85 Duplicate of (3). 1172, 5th year. (4) 178.5, .75 Obv. as in (1) year \ \ vr- Rev. as in (1) year i 1173, 6th year. (5) 146.5, .725 worn duplicate of (4). 'A'lamgir II. Silver : — Delhi mint. (5a) 175. .87 Obv. i nv t^}^ s^^^^.j'^^ (*^^ ^j'*^ ^ 1167. Rev. &c., (^y^ ej't^ AiHs^fjb ^^j^^ 1st year. (6) 173.5, .8 Obv. ^iJ|.jJLk ^^jli xLi^b^J Jv*:s'<= o:!'^|>i>^ J'^-^Ly^t iSjlkLu J Rev. as in (5) but year r 2nd year. (7) 175. .8 Obv. as in (6). Rev. as in (5) year r 3rd year. (8) 175. .85 Obv. as in (6) but fuller n i9. Rev. as in (5) year c 1169, 3rd year. (9) 173. .85 Obv. »U j ^ c^'^'^ j?*^ jr^ '^'^ j> ^ Rev. as in (1) but year 1170, 4tl) year. (9a) 175.7, .8 Obv. as in (9) | | v - but fuller. Rev. as in (9) 1170, 4th year. (10) 172. .8 Obv. as in (9) | ( v | . Rev. as in (1) year ( « ) 1171, 5th year. (11) 175. .85 Obv. as in ( s ) ( I I ) vr. Rev. as in (1) year ( i ) 1172, 6th year. (12) 172.7, .9 Obv. as in ( i ) | | vr. Rev. as in (1) year ( i ) 1173, 6th year. Arcot mint. (13) 175.5, .83 Obv. ^^.jl* i^^^^ c^:l'^-'l>J> no year. Rev. &c., 1^)^^ m. 286 i A^-w ^l^jl wy-^ 6th year. (13a) 175.5, .75 Bad duplicate of (13). (14) 175.5, .8 Obv. as in (5) year ) 1 1A 1168. Rev. m. 286 u'J^ A'zimdbdd mint. 1st year. (15) 173.5, .8 Obv. as in (5) year | | v— 117. Rev. &c., (Jl»>■^' 4 *^ Islamabad. 5th year. (16) 173.5, .8 Obv. as in (5) year | t v | 1171. Rev. &c., p (^y^ -iM li"*^ o»j^ v^*^ Bandras. 4th year. (17) 177.5, .9 Obv. as in (5) fragments of; Rev. 6 i^] 'i^* vj^ Murshidabad mint 5th year. (18) 173.5, .8 Obv. as in (5). Rev. as in (16) year Bandras. 6tli year. (19) 175. .8 Obv. as in (5) ( m Rev. as in (16) year ( \' ) 1169, 2nd year. (20) 167.8, .8 Obv. as in (5) t (T' in lowest line. Rev. as in (14) year r (Patna) A'zimdbdd. 1169, 2nd year. (20a) 175. .8 Rev. as in (20) ins, Obv. as in (16) year ( r ) (Bandras). 1169, 3rd year. [ 101 ] Shah Jahdn III. Shah 'A'lam II. Gold :— (1) 170.8, .75 (2) 166. .7 (3) 190.8, 1.05 (4) 102.3, .925 Obv. parts of "^^^ cs^'^*- '^•'l cl-ai AjU j^'i oiA y i,j Rev. (Patna) u^^^ '■^'^ m. 286 \^ same as (1) but has m. 311 and m. 312 no year, m. 312 r The whole of inscription on (1) and year 1202. ■) jj g Rev. Rev. jjM^L* V r "^M o't^ *^ i^(jl>i (2) 169. .8 Obv. m. 313 ^^^jl^ Y>^db ,Jt* !sl^ no year Rev. as (3) 175. .925 Obv. as (4) 175. .9 Obv. as (5) 174. .9 Obv. as (6) 174. .85 Obv. as (7) 173. .8 Obv. as (8) 174.5, .86 Obv. as (9) *174.5, .85 Obv. as (10) 173. .9 Obv. as (11) 172.5, .8 Obv. as (12) 173. .85 Obv. as (13) 174.5, .85 Obv. as (14) 175. .9 Obv. as Silver : — Delhi mint. n (1) but year r (1) very full ( ( 7*1 Rev. as in (2) year fc n (1) year | ( w n (1) year | | as n (1) year ( | | ) a4 n (1) year { ( | ) a«1 n (1) year ( | | ) AV In (1) year ( | | ) AA n (1) year | | as in (1) year | | s ♦ in (1) year (in)'' n (1) year \ \<\r n (1) year | (Sfc (15) 173. .83 Obv. as in (1) ( | m ) (16) 173. .8 Obv. as in (1) ( I I ^ ) T (17) 173.5, .825 Obv. as in (1) ( | i 1220. Flag and star in of u»y^ 26th year ! ! (40) 174.5, -8 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (32) year 4 thorn in sm of julus. 5th year. (41) 174. .74 Obv. as in (1) | M V ! ! Rev. no mint, year t in sm of jalus, m. 302 see No. (49), Muham- maddhdd. 6th year. (42) 87. .7 Obv. only. Rev. ,j»>l=«- only. (43) 168. .7 Obv. as in (1) in i^'O of ^J^^=^ m. 283, no date. Rev. as in (1) but year rs no mint. 39th year. (44) 168.5, .65 Duplicate of (43). 39th year. (45) 177.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) very full, no year. Rev. m. 286 '^V:* * • • • Patna. 5th year. [ 103 ] (46) 174. .9 Obv. as in (38) year | r 1 1 Rev. as in (35) Bandras. 1216, 44th year. (47) 180. .9 Obv. as in (2) | ( a Rev. m. 316 c^^^ | i .il^t <>.i;* i^j'^ 118 — 15th year. MURSHIDABAD mint. (47a) 179. .91 Obv. as in (1). Rev. &c., (^^a. 4 4i« ^bl s^^xi 5th year. (48) 180. .9 Obv. as in (1) year ( f A* Rev. as in (47a) year | r 1185, 12th year. (48a) 178.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. as in (48) MursUdahad. 12th year. (486) 178.5, .93 Duplicate of (48a). 12th year. (49) 174. .15 Obv. as in (1) fragmentary. Rev. as in (41) year i Muhammaddbdd. 6th year. (50) 168. .85 Duplicate of (39) (rr-, r«f 1220, 26th year. (51) 168. .85 Obv. as in (1) ( n A ) <) Rev. 1189. Rev. &c., u'jh- I •f *^ i'^ c^-i vj'" Dingarh mint. 17th year. (52) 173.5, .85 Obv. as in (1) year ( r-f Rev. as in (51) year r\ do. 1204, 31st year. (53) 159.5 (worn) .8 a Jynugur rupee. See Prinsep's Table, p. 53. Fragments only of the inscriptions are on this rupee. (54) 170. .78 No inscriptions on obv. legible. Rev. rr and m. 317 no mint. 23rd year. (55) 167. .9 Obv. as in (1) year | M A- Umbrella. 1198. Rev. &c., r 4 *i« t^^lj 25th year. (55a) 169.5, .86 Obv. as in (55) year | 1 1 a Rev. as in (55), Pdmpat. 1198, 25th year. (56) 174.5, .9 Obv. as in (1) no year. Rev. &c., ij'j^ 6 ^jlS;! Arcot. 5th year. (57) 175.5, .85 Obv. as in (1) \r*^ Rev. as in (56) r year do. 1206, 3rd year. (58) 167.5, .8 Obv. as in (2) \r*r Rev. no mint rf year. 1203, 31st year. (58a) 166. .75 Duplicate of (58). (59) 168.0, .95 Obv. as in (24) year ( r • 9 1209. Rev. &c. n "^M Ahmadnaggar (60) 172. .85 Obv. as in (24) year | r • 1 Farrakhdbdd. 5 y®^^' Rev. &c., u'^^ n *^ XA^^fliax) e^-i Muzafargarh. 1209, 36th year. (61) 180. .9 Rev. as in (1) no year. Rev. ( i, ' in ^ ' . ! The year makes it Akbar II's. Rev. cJi^j-c r T ii« m. 318 ^ m. 315. J Silver : — (1) 170. .75 Obv. i>^. »Li ^^Ivo 1221. Umbrella and year ( r r | Rev. (jwyLo c*i*Ji>o ti":^! Ai-w ^lil tij^^ AiiiLir'tjb t-^^ 1st year. (2) 172. .95 Obv. as in (1) year (rr— Rev. as in (1) year r 122— 2nd year. (3; 172.5, 1.125 Obv. as in (1) j rrc Rev. as in (1) year r 1224, 3rd year (4) 172.5, 1. Obv. as in (1) | rrv Rev. as in (1) year «i 1227, 6th year. (5) 172.5, .95 Obv. as in (1) | rrv Rev. as in (1) year v 1227, 7th year. (6) 172.5, .92 Obv. as in (1) Rev. as in (1) year ( | 11th year. Bahadur Shah II. Jaunpur Kings. Ibrahim Shah, (804—844). Gold :^ (1) 174. .9 Obv. aS^A*- LUal-Jt iiU ^l^t jSilkJ\jj] ^ Uj.iJ| ^tkJUf Rev. aiiH^ (♦^'ojft ^ margin AjUjUi j (j^^iJj j^*^*' J jUj<>J|ijk ci-o^ 831. Silver : — Billon: — 2 specimens, average weight 142.5, years (8)27 and 841. Thos., p. 321, No. 286. Obv. 4iCJU.x) i.LkJL« !sLi ^At^l Rev. API ""ij^li. o<>>l-ii. j^/o^l^t isAs^i Billon : — 3 specimens, average weight, 62.3, years, 2 of 837, one of 143. Thos., p. 321, No. 2. Obv. ^UaU ilS> f^^yj Rev. Apr J^^ji^ [ 105 } Billon : — 2 specimens, average weight, 55.6, no dates on this type. Not in Thomas. Obv. ^S^Xtx> ci.«>ia. i.lkJ« iH, ^Af^l Rev. iii^ ^snilL jyALo^t^l &aAiJ\ MAHMtiD BIN IbrahIm, (844 — 862). Gold Billon : — 2 specimens : average weight, 138, both same date, 845. Thos., p. 422, No. 5 d. Obv. ti^** cj>>^ jJkiM jjLi ^t^t o^^s* Rev. Apd &ijii=>- cijtjJLi. li^!«^JJ[;i*t t&i)^\ Billon : — 2 specimens : average weight, 71 grs. years 845 and 847. Marsden, pi. xxxvii. No. DCCLIV. Obv. /^l^' ^ ^j*^'^ ^fy.^ Billon : — 1 specimen : weight, 60.2, no date. Obv. ^^tkLj f^^y.^ iiri i>j*^ Rev. iiiiU. Jii.ji> Rev. il^t (^i^ [ 108 ] MiTHAMMAD Shah (839 9). Mahmud Khiijj, (839—87). Copper : — round, one specimen weight, 134 grs. Thos., p. 348, No. f. Gyas ud Din Khilj£, (887—906). Gold .—(1) 168.2, .7 sq. Obv. »Ui ^Li ^t^i ^s^*^t ^IJU jJiyt j B. M. Cat. Muh. States, Rev. <) . . /( • , [ B. M. Cat Muh. States, p. 122, No. 376. Mahmud bin Nasir, (916—937). Brass : — 2 specimens, average weight, 141.5 Obv. Rev. J^U\^^^ ^ylU^J, j dateless, i^oi in T/iomas. Copper :—2 specimens, square, average weight, 100 grs, Obv. ( i\J^i,[> ) j>S\ cy*s^ ui-^JljiU ) Rev. Kaiima. S '^^^^^ evidently of a Malwah mint. Gujarat Kings. Muzaffar Sha'h, (799—814). Nasir ud Din Ahmad Shah, (814 — 46). (Gyas. ud Din). Muhammad Shah, (846 — 55). [ 109 ] QuTB UD Din Ahmad bin Muhammad Shah, (855 — 63). Daud Shah bin Ahmad Shah, (863). Mahmi5d Sh.(h Baikara, (863—917). MuzAPFAR Sha'h II, (917—32). Copper : — Two specimens, average weight, 160.5 year s c a and r v 928 and 927. Obv. s r A ^i^H i l*;>'>Jt ^♦i ^j'li. ^^^t jfot Tjj^g Rev. aLi ^ -^^ B ^ Copper : — Two specimens, weight, 171.5 and 143.5, in circle. Not in Thos. or Obv. as above, but no year. Rev. ( i ) ( v ^^hL.!\ yilcuo ^ Copper ; — One specimen, oblong, weight, 161 grs. Obv. inverted as in type and fragmentary. Rev. jyUa-l~J| fl^ c^J jl^^fiJix) SiKANDAR Shah bin Muzaffar, 932. Mahmijd Shah II, (932) bin Muzaffar. Baha'duk Shah, (932—43). Copper : — size, 8. Weight, 260.5 ; another specimen is 167 grs. and dated 943. Obv. j^jIs:*^| Rev. (On ^l^^ ?Li not edited. MuzAFFAR Shah III, (969—980 &c.) Punch-Marked Coins. * Note. — These coins are 84 in number. They are of silver and of different weights and sizes. One side is generally nearly bare, while the other side is covered all over with devices punched in. These devices are often signs used by the Buddhists, such as the Chaitya, the tree, the wheel. Some of the coins are rectangular, some oval, a few are almost cii'cular. These coins are sup- posed by most numismatists to represent the cuz'rency of India before the time of the Greeks and in countries where Greek influence was not felt, after that time. There is no proof, however, for this. The coins are invariably devoid of an inscription. The devices are various. They occur on the coins withoiit any order. They may represent the strikings of bankers or of states. Prom the way in which they overlap each other, it would seem that they were struck at different times. No paper that I am aware of has ever been written on these punch-marked coins. General Cunningham more than 40 years ago prepared a plate of them. Mr. AV. Theobald is or was engaged on them. He sent me some plates for inspection. Silver : — (1) 43.3, .71 irregular. Obv. Avheel, tree, &c. Rev. tree. (2) 34. .87 do. Obv. dotted circle, tree, dotted circle, bullock, &c. Rev. plain. (3) 47.8, .72 four sides Obv. wheel, &c. Rev. indistinct signs. (4) Two coins average 42.3 irregular. Obv. overlapping signs of varieties. Rev. indistinct. (5) 44.4 Triangular Obv. four marks and wheel. Rev. various devices. ( 6) 22.9 half a coin. Both sides marked with fragmentary devices. (7) 4 coins avei-age 46.6 oblong. Great variety of devices. One as a rule on the reverse. (8) 2 coins average 43.5 Obverses have a variety of devices running into each other. Oblong. (9) 4 coins average 45.5 oblong do. reverses nearly plain. (10) 4 coins average 47.15 do. do. do. (11) 4 coins average 51 Two square. Two oblong. One square one has three images in one punch-mark, (12) 4 coins average 48.2 Obverses full of devices. Reverses, nearly plain. (13) 4 coins average 51.2 do. crowded with devices. do. (14) 4 coins average 54.5 One obv. has a bullock along with other devices. Reverses all struck. (15) 4 coins average 50.5 Obverses covered all over as usual. Reverses nearly plain. (16) 4 coins average 51.7 Obverses do. do. (17) 4 coins average 51.7 do. do. one has an elephant do. C 111 ] (18) 4 coins average 51.5 Obverses covered all over as usual. Reverses nearly plain. (19) 4 coins average 52.5 Obverses covered with various devices. Reverses, nearly plain. (20) 4 coins average 52.8 Various fragmentary devices. (21) 3 coins average 48.3 do. (22) 4 coins average 47.5 one unstamped do. (23) 4 coins average 47.5 variety of devices running into each other. (24) 2 coins average 52.6 One coin round do. (25) 4 coins average 52.7 all circular do. (26) 4 coins average 49.3 do. one has 3 images plain. (27) 2 coins joined, one square one round. Both are covered with devices. (28) piece of silver in process of being hammex'ed out for these coins weight, 192 grs. (29) do. 78.6 grs. Indo-Sassanian CoinSo * Silver : — round. (1) 56.4, .8 Obv. rude head of king. Rev. Fire altar. (2) 50. .75 Obv. do. head in outline do. (3) 45.8, .7 Obv. indistinct do. (4) 54.7, .75 Obv. rude head in outline do. (5) 54.8, .8 Obv. very rude head do. (6) 56.1, .75 Obv. head as in (2) do. with attendants. (7) 61.8, .8 Obv. head in outline do. (8) 54.5, .8 Obv. very rude head do. (9) 60. .8 Obv. indistinct do. (10) 56.2, .75 Obv. rude head do. (11) 58.1, .8 Obv. do. indistinct do. (12) 58. .85 Obv. indistinct indistinct. (13) 58.9, .75 Obv. rude head fire altar. (14) 60.7, .85 Obv. very rude head fire altar with attendants. (15) 57.2, .8 Obv. head with Inscription (?) do. do. (16) 54,3, .75 Obv. indistinct do. do. indistinct. (17) 62. .85 Obv. very indistinct do. do. (18) 56.9, .8 Obv. similar to (15) do. (19) 52.1, .7 Obv. exceedingly rude head do. (20) 56.7, .8 Obv. very indistinct not plain. (21) 57. .7 Obv. head as in (7) very indistinct. Copper : — (22) 51.3, .8 Obv. crowned head of king to right. In part Sri Narendra in Sanskrit. Rev. Fire altar with an attendant on each side. (23) 56.8, .85 Similar to (22). Silver : — alloyed. (24) 5 coins, average 51.3, .78 Obv. as in (1) with remains of letters, more distinct. Rev. fire altar, with attendants. (25) 5 coins, average 50.9, .75 Obv. as in (24) but letters more indistinct. Rev. as in (24). These ten coins, seem to be of a diiferent king to those in (1 — 21). Oadhya he Faise. Silver : — (1) 68.2, .65 Obv. King's head, to right, cheek highly raised. Beaded necklace, ends of strings to this as in Sassanian coins. No inscription. * The silver is much alloyed witli copper. These coins are found in the Panjab abundantly. It is not known who struck them. The art on them is so debased that they must have been struck at least 500 years after Christ. The fire altar shows that the Sassanians had something to do with the striking of them. [ 112 ] Rev. Fire altar, m. 352, moon and seven stars to right, sun and 7 stars to left. Surrounded by circle of dots. There cannot be any doubt about the meaning of the I'everse of the coins. It shows that those who struck them worshipped fire and all the hosts of heaven. These then are Indo-Sassanian coins. (2) 58.7, .6 Obv. Better head than in (1), but all accessories and rev. bad. (8) Copper 68.7, .5 Obv. Head as in (1) greatly debased to left w (m). Rev. Bad imitation of parts of fire altar on (1). The ^ is not more than 600 years old. Varnha Coins. ^ Silver : — (1) 62.9, .75 Obv. figure of Varaha to right. ^ Rev. ^ >T« ^TT^ Sri Mad Varaha. > From Dholbaha in Hoshyanpur District. Remnants of another name in a third line. ) (2) 58.1, .75 Obv. as in (1). Rev. remnants of letters at top, m. 353 in centre (?). From Hardwar. (3) 57.7, .65 Obv. '? No image. Rev. as in (2;. (4) 60.1, .7 Obv. a.s in (1). Rev. This is apparently the middle of the central line. The whole might give the name of a king. {Vakpafi II, perhaps ?). (5) 52.6, .75 Similar to (3) but both sides indistinct. (6) 55.1, .7 Obv. Varaha indistinct. Rev. as in (2) indistinct. (7) 54. .66 Poor on both sides and almost illegible. (8) 57.8, .7 Obv. Indistinct. Rev. ^ plain, rest indistinct. Roman Coins. (1) SUver .—40.6, .65 Galba. Obv. Head of king to right IMP SER GALBA AUG. Rev. Wreath of leaves, inside which SPQR, OB, C, S. (2) Copper: — 44.2, .8 ViCTORiNUS. Obv. Crowned head of king to right IMP C VICTw AUG. Rev. Draped figure to left, light hand raised, left holds staff. To left in field V. Legend gone except D U C. (3) Copper .—34.6, .75 Obv. head as in (2) SO VICTORINUS — Rev. Figure with radiated nimbus (sun ?) Legend indistinct. Byzantium Coins. Gold .— (1) 42.3, .7 Obv. Head of king, with cross to left ..." IV8TINIANVS PPAVI." Rev. Figure of Victory with cross in right hand and orb and ci'oss in left, " VICTORIA AVCCCA. Below CON OB. South hidian Coins. Gold :— (1) 50.9, .45 Obv. m, 354 Lingam. Rev. m. 355 from Belgaum, poor gold. (2) 52.5, .49 Obv. Three images. Rev. granulated, convex surface. (3) 52.6, .48 Obv. Krishna Pratapin. j miv!)£ jst-i^lj u?;!*^ Rev. (jtt.y^'O '^i**^ (jw^^ *l i^f^' «Tir^ Arkot, 6th year, 1127. This rupee has a raised rim and is milled in the middle of it, not right across. (2) 47.7, .73 Obv. , r JsUi^tj jLi aSU Shah Alam, 1204 H. Rev. flower t q ciU li^yo Murshidabad, 19th year. This coin is straight milled. [ 115 J (3) 39.5, .65 Obv. and Rev. as in (2). This coin is oblique milled. (4) 48. .65 Obv. and Rev. as in (2). This has a plain rim and is not milled. Copper : — (1) 81.7, .69 Obv. Trade mark of E. I. C. and (17)97, A. D. ct T J J.1 I » ^ a Bombay Coin. Kev. bcales, under them J<>^ ^ (2) 133, .11 Obv. in 3 langnages, Bengali, Persian and Nagari " One Pdi Sikka. On reverse. jsUi^tj^U !iU rv *^ the 37th year of the King Shah 'Alam. A Bengal Coin. (3) 96.5, 1. Similar to (2). (4) 91.9, 1. do. (5) 95.7, .97 do. (6) 95. .9 do. has raised rim. (7) 93. .9 do. do. (8) 95.7, .9 do. do. (9) 94. .9 do. do. (10) 55.5, .79 Obv. (1195 H.) i m6 iS^i gLi^b (The King Shah 'Alam). Rev. iju^^ r r (the 22nd year of the reign) 5 six-rayed stars. Both obv. and rev. in a circle of dots. (11) 27.2, .57 Similar to (10) but half the size. (12) 50.5, .7 Inscriptions and coin similar to (3) of which it is one half. The inscription reads " Sikka i ad pM " and is onlv in Persian and Nagari, (13) 32.1, .65 Obv. " One Pie " in English and Bengali. Rev. Same in Persian and Hindi. (14) 30.8, .7 Obv. Arms of the East India Company and date 1833 A. D. Rev. Pair of scales, above PIE, below Jii>c and | r^A H. (15) 33.2, .7 Obv. Arms of the E. I. C, 1835 A. D. Rev. Wreath of leaves, inside which, " Anna ^^L* " " the third of a pdi " outside " East India Company." (16) 32.2, .7 Similar to (15).. (17) 33.7, .7 do. (18) 33. .7 do. (19) 33.1, .85 Obv. Arms of East India Company " Island of Sumatra," 1804. 0 Rev. t r M H. ^ «i>l-» above p* (20) 30.9, .86 Obv. A cock to right, above ^il* Rev. fti^ ( fc I I AffgTidn Coins. TAIMUR SHAH. Silver : — (1) 177.8, .85 Obv. reading the lowest line first, the highest line second, and' the middle line last. JSU> J ,i.MjyL j] fj^j iiJ= iSjT Rev. six-leaved flower r • Sjii struck at Dera 20th year of reign, in circle, outside of which is a circle of dots. (2) 164.2, .8 Obv. as in (1). Inscription in 4 lines, no date. Rev. I r M "^i;* AikUl^ti Herat, 1216, H. C 116 ] ZAMAN SHAH. (3) 172.5, .99 Obv. in three lines in a circle. The inscription must be read from the beginning of the 1st line : — Rev. In margin ... tst^t )}J ••• Double circle with ornaments between. (4) 163.5, .8 Obv. in 3 lines liH^H tt*' j3 j ^ -ij This gives the couplet that comes on the margin of (3). Rev. I r I oiy»> *iJai-J|;t.i i^y-* Peshawar, 8th year. fferaf, 1214. MAHMU'D SHAH. (5) 163.4, .77 Obv. in 3 lines. .3>*s:'« ^^li-. Ji.^ jj-^ ^^1 Ji;*^ ;J j> i) «^ Rev. I r I V cut^* 4ikl«J|^ti c^;^ i^era^, 1217. (6) 164.4, .78 Obv. in 3 lines. &c., jj j) sS^ Rev. as in (5) but year ( r | a Herat, 1218. (7) 165.1, .75 Obv. as in (6). Rev. as in (5) but year ( r | <) Herat, 1219. (8) 160.3, .7 Obv. as in (6) not plain. Rev. as in (5) year ( | ) r ♦!« 1204 ! ? (9) 166.4, .7 Obv. | rtcA...^j*=*...Rev. ot^^J^ u^^^ Berajdt, 124:8, H.. SHUJ AA UL MULK. (10) 177.5, .85 Obv. in 3 lines ( r r • ^Isr^ JS^^j^ sLi gLo ^ cir^jrjj '^j ^ Rev. in dotted circle (Peshawur 3rd year) o*?^ T (11) 140.5, .94 Obv. Parts of inscription as in (10). Rev. in scolloped circle ^ Li ^♦a.l Qandahdr, no date. Afghan Gold Coins. TAIMUR SHAH. (1) 170-1, .82 Obv. Couplet as on silver coin (see next page) but if instead of Rev. | r .h= '^^\ ^^1^)1 o^t Qandahdr, 1204, 8th (2) 168.2, .8 Obv. as in (1). Rev. IMP oy> i^-ii^^ ci^i^i* Herat, 1194. (3) 168.3, .85 Obv. as in (1) year | ( <) . 1190, H. Rev. Ai« Jj (S'&ikUtji:, ^jj> Kabul, 4th year. (4) 169.5, .82 Obv. as in (1) r • year 20th. Rev. ( r -1 (1206) e,!^* t^kL.h^\i, in lined circle, with circle of dots outside. Herat, 1206. [ 117 ] ZAMA'N SHA'H. (5) 169.2, .88 Obv. <^;jl--J ) iirt*^ u^") I r ) r dc^^ jj j ^ ^ dj ^» Rev. "i * 1213, H. Kabul, 6th. year. SHAH SHUJA'A'. (6) 171.2, .94 Obv. i r • • t^^jJ t^rii jUj^^/o ^3 j (^-^^j j)j^- ;3 j y. tJ-^' jl ^ Rev. Kashmir, 1219 2nd yr. (13) 170.3, .93 Obv. as in (12) but year | rrr Rev. as in (12) year d 5th year, 1222. TAIMU'R SHAH. (14) 168. .9 Obv. as in (1) but year | n a Rev. o"^^'^ i^^xyo t . H'^m ji^SJ Kashmir, 1198, H. (15) 169.2, .95 Obv. as in (1) but year | r Rev. as in (14) but | *l year. 1204, 16th year. ZAMA'N SHA'H. (16) 164.9, .93 Obv. as in (3) without margin, year ( r M (1219). Rev. as in (14) but year r MAHMUD SHA'H. (17) 165. .9 Obv. as in (6) year f r | V (1217). Rev. r ji**^ 30 Kashmir, 1219, yr. 3rd. Kashmir, 1217, 2nd yi*. C 118 ] (18) 169.4, .88 Obv. as in (6) year ( rrr Rev. | | (19) 166.2, .75 Obv. as in (9) but year | rd t Rev. as in (9). Kashmir, 1233, llthyr. Derajat, 1251. AIYITB SHA'H. (20) 169.6, .9 Obv. in 3 lines f^^^^y y^l ^[h frrf Rev. AXw^^-ikf ^i Peshawar, 1248, H. This rupee I have read by the aid of two rupees in my own cabinet. Silver : — (24) 144.3, .96 Obv. not plain t^-l* (tJ^CiJ ^ Rev. I r A • 0-^^ iikLJi jt,i i_j;ao ) This is a very coarsely made rupee. (25) 84.1, .67 Obv. | r <| . ^ Sher A'li Amir, 1290. Rev. jlAera, r « ^j-o ^ 1172, 3rd year of his Nizamate. (28) 247.6, .99 Obv. ^t- Taimyr Shah. Rev. ( t s Struck at Bhdkkar, 1198. (29) 167. .9 Obv. \r\r , . . . . : \ Zamdn Shah, Kashmir, 1212, 6th year of reign. Rev. >| jt*^ ^y" } (30) 115.3.7 Obv. ir — »U^»*»r^^ , , . , ^ , . ( Mahmiid Shah, struck m Kashmir 12 — [ 119 ] (31) 196.2, .8 Obv. | rr* l-U S^i j,^^ m. 309 v ^1*1^. Mahmud Shah Durrani, struck at Multan, 1230, 7th yr. (32) 122. .8 Obv. Rev. Silver : — (33) 176.2, .82 Obv. Rev. (34) 176.3, .85 Obv. Rev. (35) 177.4, .85 Obv. Rev. (36) 176.9, .89 Obv. Rev. under which a sword to left. From the style this is a Kashmiri coin. as in (1). fragments of inscription on (1) ( r I V *^ as in (34) ( a as in (34) year ^ as in (1) but instead of <3i5 SHAH ZAMAN. (37) 178.1, .94 Obv. similar to (4) date |r ft Rev. "I jy^^^ c.p'y'"* '■^^♦i* u'j^ ^ ANONYMOUS. Herat, 1211 H. 1202. Dera, 17th year. 1095. Dera, 9th year. Herat, 1208 H. 1211 H. 6th year, Peshawar. Herat, 1223 H. Qandahdr, 1224 H. (40) Two coins average 138.4, .92 Obverse, in scalloped enclosure, the Kalimah. Rev. In scalloped lozenge which occupies only about half the surface the rest of which is plain. ^ALi (42) 171.7, .96 Obv. as in (12) year (rrr Rev. d ^^i*^ Hera, 5th year. 1222 H. Kashmir, 5th year. [ 120 ] (43) 176.1, .79 Obv. Rev. (44) 141.4, .95 Obv. Rev. (45) 171. .9 Obv. Rev. (46) 178. .9 Obv. Rev. (47) 144.1, .95 Obv. Rev. (48) 144.2, .9 Obv. Rev. Silver : — (49) 143.1, .86 Obv. Rev. (50) Obv. Rev. as in (10). I r rt* ^^Li o/'il in scalloped square in a circle (JjlS',AikL.J!jt.s Tbe couplet on this is new and may not be properly read. as in (12) year | r r | as in (10) year ( r | <) f j^^^j The couplet is not at all plain. The name of the Amir Dost Muhammad comes on it, so it is his rupee. This coin was struck in 1840, the year of the Kabul disaster. p^^j" - - trA - ^5^.c^s« J-!i Rev. >-;:-Vjf« i^^^ I r 319 tS"*^"* ™ double circle with dots. Only portions of these in- scriptions are on the coins. (2) 167. .75 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) year | <». 19th year. (3) 167.8, .7 Obv. as in (I). Rev. as in (1) year \r 13th year, (4) 168.2, .7 Obv. IjA^^I sJoxk aCi* , . ^ Rev. ? (•!; jlyki TA m. 319 oyl^s wi^i***? Inscriptions very imperfect. A coin owning the suze- reignty of the Queen. Silver : — (5) 173.8, .9 Obv. j^l^^ (♦Jl^ ^'^^ JsLi^b ^ji** ii-w Rev. (j-yl^o PI ( )?i is^y^ ) 4!6th. year, flower from the year 46th; we know this was struck duinng the time of Shah 'A'lam II. (6) 174.6, .9 Obv. | r - - j^j^^ i^^^. isLi ji^^ '*==^ ^j^-o ii^ Rev. as in (5) but year ( 4 15th year of Bahadur Shah II. (7) 174.2, .85 Obv. as in (6). Rev. as in (6) but year | «j 19th year of do. (8) 174.8, .89 Obv. as in (4) but it reads more clearly. ,j^'ikL.}\ &Ja*K iSlye I f^y . ii*. jj^j (s^y^ 187 — Rev. r *i t^=>- f>\j j^t (^ytxj oi^A/o ^J'^^ 4w 26th year. (9) 176.3, .92 Similar to (8) bat year of reign 29th. (10) 176.3, .85 Similar to (9) in all respects. The distinguishing mark of the Jaipur mintage is the spray m. 319 which is on the reverses of all of them. Nepaul Coins. Gold : — Obv. In a square in a circle surrounded by a circle of dots. (1) 189.7, 1.08 Sri Sri Surendra Vikrama Sdh Deva. Above, Srt to right sun, to left moon. To right a shell and a club. To left two flowers. Below year 1780 Saka = 1858 A. D. Rev. Eight-leaved Lotus. In the leaves are Sri Sri Sri Gorukhndth. In inner circle, Sri (3), i. e., 3 times over Bhawdm. Outside is a circle, with outer dotted circle. The coin is milled. (2) 190.7, 1.05 Similar to (1) but year 1774 = 1852 A. D. Silver : — Obv. Similar to (1) but spaces between square and circle filled with elaborate borders. Inscription is .Sri Sri Sri Bajendra. [ 123 ] (3) 83.3, 1.09 Vikrama Sah Leva. Tear 1742 Saka = 1820 A. D. Rev. Similar to (1) but spaces between leaves and circle filled in witb small ornaments. (4) 85. 1.08 Similar to (3) but date v,<»^«t (5) 83.2, 1.1 Obv. Sri Sri Sn CUrvdm Yiidu Vikrama Sah Beva = 1806 A. D. Rev. as. (6) 80.5, 1.1 Same as (5) but date Sikh Copper Coins. (1) 501.6, 1.21 Obv. ^?|«T^f% flower 31^ ^n^f^^ Akal Sahai Giiru Nanak Ji.* Rev. €t Leaf XM f Jarb Sri Ambritsar Ji, 1886 S. (2) 293.5, 1.25 Obv. and rev. same as (1). (3) 265.7, 1.31 Obv. as in (1) without flower in middle line ; a rayed border. Rev. as in (1). Date very plain <) vv>i (4) 363.9, 1.15 Obv. and rev. inscriptions as in (1) a leaf in the middle of the central line on each side. (5) 253.7, 1.3 Similar to (3). (6) 277.5,1.02 Obv. has no flower. Rev. as in (1). The inscriptions are somewhat cut as the die was larger than the stamped disc. (7) hexagonal 437. 1.1 Obv. and rev. inscriptions as in (1). The central line on both sides has a leaf in the middle. (8) do. 562.9, 1.12 Obv. has a flag in the middle of the central line. Inscriptions as on (1). (9) do. 325.5, 1.05 Obv. has a Maltese cross in middle of central line. Inscriptions as on (1). (10) 274.6, 1.03 Obv. inscription imperfect, in Persian ... (J^j "WJ^^ Cr^^" "^'^ • flowers and dots for ornaments. Rev. I AAf LS^ J-* C!yA«t ^^J^ ^j'^ leaf, J(^| Csr* (11) 171.9, .97 Obv. as in (3) no flower, rayed border. Rev. as in (I) rayed border, date ( y vi in exergue, 1885 S.. (12) 178.5, .95 Same as (7) but inscription very much cut. (13) 173 1, .85 Same as (11) but border gone, leaf on rev. only. (14) 176,8, .9 Same as (13). (15) 179.5, .95 Same as (4) but smaller, reduced inscriptions. (16) 144. .96 Obv. inscription ... ... ! ! no flower or leaf.. Rev. as in (1). (17) 136.3, .85 as in (4). (18) 175.5, .9 Obv. as in (3). Rev. as in (3) date a little cut. (19) 167.5, .95 Obv. as in (3). Rev. as in (3) with leaf, without date. (20) 184.5, .99 Similar to (19). (21) 172. .95 Obv. similar to (3). Rev. similar to (3) leaf, very good date 9 vvt (1885). (22) 177.5, .9 Obv. similar to (1) without the leaf. Rev. Kalasa (Khalsa) is prefixed to the reverse inscription of (1). Leaf as usual in centre of middle line. (23) 175.7, .96 Similar to (22) in all respects. (24) 176. .9 Similar in all respects to (22). (25) 173.1, .87 Similar to (3) without rayed border, leaf only on reverse. (26) 167.6, .94 Similar to (25) date only partly visible. (27) 176.5, .9 Similar to (25) date very plain (1886). (28) 170.8, .85 Obv. inscription as on (1) but no leaf. Rev. leaf in centre : round it ofT^ (?). (29) 164.3, .85 Obv. as in (28). Rev. Two leaves, round them ... Sf H^ i ^ " Nanah Ji." (30) 138.1, .9 Obv. a cross made with 4 flowers m. 366 with k^lj in the middle. * On Sikh Copper Coins, non-Persian inscriptions are in Gnrmukhi. [ 124 ] Rev. a leaf and round it | All* i«>j**» v-y* " Struck in 1894 Samvat." (31) 149.5, .89 Obv. as in (1) with leaf. Rev. in Persian u^^i <-^J Below it STR^i^ Ndnak M. (32) 153.5, 1. Obv. ^ one fulus. Reverse leaf inscription deleted. (56) 166.8, .82 Obv. Two lines only of inscription, no flower. Rev. Leaf. To left spcwjarb. Under <)vr^ 1861 Samvat. (57) 126. .82 Obv. and reverse poor, leaf on latter. (58) 2 coins average 97.35, .87 Obv. and rev. unintelligible. Leaf on one side, flower on the other. (59) 188.6, square. Inscriptions on (1). Leaf on reverse, no date. (60) 126.6, .8 Obv. i(X Ser Singh. Rev. Leaf, to right cross as in (63). Fragments of ijii Zarhi Bera. A Derajat coin struck in the time of Sher Singh. (61) 128.6, .8 Obv. tr 1898, Sher Singh. Rev. as in (60). (62) 124.7, .82 Obv. ... 9 (18)98 do. Rev. as in (60) plain. (63) 140.4, .81 Obv. Parts of inscription as in one. Before Ourv, is a rough sketch of a lion, to right. Rev. poor, leaf and a few letters of inscription. (64) 148.8, ,85 a better specimen of coin similar to (63) more inscription. [ 125 ] (65) 152. .85 Similar to (64). (66) 148.1, .9 Similar to (64). (67) 147.4, .85 Similar to (64) lowest line visible in obverse. Coins (63 — (67) are attributed to Sher Singh, the \ion (Sher) being his sign instead of name. (68) 113.6, .81 Obv. portions of ^^'i jt >i-ilj >^^'^J;J iSy-ai j ^ Over the; of Guiu is a small cross as in (53). Rev. i^lj -^^^ '^"''^ * Ndnah ShdJu. Leaf over the (j£ of Shdhi. No mint v.r date. (69) 105.4, .8 Similar to (68), Aif omitted for want of room on rev. (70) 120.9, .75 Similar to (68) on rev. part of border visible, m. 387. (71) 111.5, .79 Similar to (70). (72) 109.5, .72 Similar to (70). (73) 103.9, .75 Similar to (70) worn. (74) 122.3, .87 Obv. Similar to (68) fragments. Rev. (i a)va >^i*->:< j*" ^j"^^ isf^ In of is a leaf to the right. Amritsar, 1878 Samvat. (75) 243.2, .85 Similar to (74) but date i ASt* 1894 S. (76) 180.9, .9 Similar to (74) year ( aa« 1880 S. (77) 186.5, .9 Similar to (74) year (( av)a 1878 or 1888 S. (78) 183.2, .9 Similar to (77). (79) 180. .95 Similar to (77) larger, fuller inscriptions. (80) 182.1, .9 Similar to (74) date i aa | 1881 S. (81) 182.3, .9 Similar to (74) | aa - or | aaa S. 1880 or 1888. (82) 165.6, .81 Similar to (74) a poor dateless specimen. (83) 184.6, .84 Similar to (82). (84) 182.6, 9. Similar to (74) date i aa | S. (85) 182.4, .87 Similar to (74) no date. (86) 183.3, .8 Similar to (82) poor much rusted. (87) 173.9, .83 Similar to (82). (88) 168.3, .85 Similar to (81) a only of date visible. (89) 186.6, .86 Similar to (74) date | a s v 1897 S. This is in very good condition, the inscriptions are very plain and legible. (90) 155.9, .94 Obv. sword and shield, m. 369 Sikka i Nanak Shahi sword and shield above the of tiolj. Rev. ji*^ Atii. a leaf in middle of coin. Dateless Nanak Shahi coin of Kashmir. (91) 163.3, .85 Obv. fragments of (68) sword and shield as in rev. of (90). Rev. Leaf in centre. (Air j*:^^ tAT* ^""^ (^) Rev. inscription is not quite certain. (92) 163.3, .85 Obv. Similar to (91) but no sword and shield. Rev. as in (91) but Kashmir, plain year (All 1899. (93) 142.1, .75 Similar to (91) year (A ... 18 ... Samvat. (94) 165.5, .84 Similar to (92) year ( a ... (95) 181.1, .8 Obv. as in 68. Rev. not legible, probably a coin of Deva, Din. The letters are not certain. (96) 153.1, .85 Similar to (36) date 1901. is, however, upside down with respect to sfT^ Ndnah. 32 [ 126 ] (97) 162.4, .9 Obv. inscription as on (1) without flower. Rev. leaf above to right, a pistol (?) under which ^ (?) (98) 119.5, .8 Obv. inscription fragmentary J[V ... 'S^ ? rat or gat pliat Rev. original design defaced. A bird cut on it to the left. (99) 118.8, .78 Obv. as in (98). Rev. circle and 4 leaves, m. 370, no letters. (100) 108.8, .75 Obv. two fragments of letters of inscription as on (1) and i^yiii Devaki, of the mean- ing of which no information is obtained. Rev. leaf and fragments of inscription as on (1). (101) 103.5, .8 Similar to (100) but more letters on obverse aud fewer on reverse. (102) 107. .79 Obv. On this coin Devaki is in Ourmuhhi letters and not Persian. Rev. as in (100^. Note. — Of these three coins with DevaM on them no one in Aniritsar could give any information though they were struck in that city. 1885 (108) 142. .9 An unsilvered J.mrztear copper rupee of "gg-- It has on the obverse a ^nswZ, m. 289 in the middle. See Rupee List, 'No. 108. (104) square 131.3, .64 Inscriptions, &c., as on (50) Trisul and leaf. Only a few letters on each side. (105) 176.1, .87 Obv. t^;^^^-" ^^•^ ^ coin of 100 kauries. Rev. Sword and shield, and leaf between 2nd and 3rd lines f'-i^ v_(^ Struck in the region of Kashmir. (106) 266. 1. Obv. j^^^ Zarb i Kashmir. Rev. in circle | aa» 1880 Samvat. (107) 195.8, .9 Obv. ?fT5f^^TTr ... Nanak Sahai. Rev. Two SAVords back to back, between them a flower. (108) 189.9, .9 Obv. as in (1) without flower and fragmentary. Rev. jy*^'^ I A A A v;'^ Struck in the region of Kashmir 1888 Sainvat. A flag is over central word (109) 101.5, .8 Obv. and rev. as in (3) inscriptions fragmentary. (110) 119. .78 Similar to (109). (111) 119.5, .82 do. (112) 109. .83 Obv. inscription as in (1) flower, m. 309 in middle of central line. Rev. as in (1) leaf. (113) 130.2, .8 a duplicate of (54) Jcitnr. (114) 45.5, .6 hexagonal, Obv. as in (1) without flower. Rev. as in (1) no date. The insci^ip- tions in this small coin are of course fragmentary. (115) 108.4, .85 Similar to (100) in Persian. (116) 107.7, .82 Obv. Last portions of inscription on (1) and \t.'>i 1906 S. Rev. as usual, leaf &c. Struck in the last year of Sikh rule. (117) 117.4, .93 The inscriptions on this coin are very unsatisfactory. Neither side reads so id.s to make sense. Leaf plain. (118) 130.5, .7 Similar to (117) in being unsatisfactory and illegible. Leaf plain. (119) 102.8, .85 Similar to (58) and equally unsatisfactory. (120) 13.1, .8 Obv. ... Ai«c (7) 44.8, .62 Obv. as in (6) but date i r a | Rev. Same as (6) but year | Mulla Khan. lOioqand, 1275. Bukhara, 1273 H. Bukhara, 1255. 1256 Bukhara. Ktoqand, 1285 H. 1281. Shoqand, 1281 H. [ 128 ] Brass : — (8) 42.8, (8a) 51.3, Silver : — (9) 57.9, ,6 Obv. illegible. Rev. 1;'=^ Bukhara. .67 Obv. ijuj^ Rev. a Fulus of Bukhara. 1.09 (10) 71. 1.1 (11) 73. .97 in lozenge isty* ^j^y* in field ... Counter-struck j^^. <^*^ ui'^^j^ to left (J^i^^f (The coin was one of Shebdni's and was counter-struck by Babar.} Rev. Kalima in a circle. Margins missing. (looped) Obv. in lozenge <\ \f. !(ly*> i'j^j^ In field ... ^^)*^Ji\ i&^=^ ... (12) 79.2, (13) 70.5, .95 Rev. Kalima and on margins names and titles of the four companions of Muhammad. This is a coin of Shebdni, struck at Herat, 914 H. Obv. in lozenge ! 4j. In field ly^:-*^ (J=*ill AlJt JuUaiwo ^ 4iLo. Coin of Husain, struck at Herat, no date. Rev. In ornamented quadrilateral, the Kalima. looped, in lozenge as in (11) in field &c. (^jl*^'^'! ^-^ilt iylla.l-J| Rev. as in (11) margins as in (10). loop broken. In lozenge ^ljl^-««t oji all the rest as in (12) Astrdbdd mint. Persian Coins. Gold :— (1) 51.9, Rev. irA* iyli*«;Ai5 iSiUljl^ (2) 53.6, .77 Obv. as in (1). Rev. as in (1) but year 1275= I rvd Wreath of leaves in the margin. Silver : — (3) 17.5, .48 Obv. parts of (3^ tilaJ jl jj (4) 63.3, (5) 78.8, (6) 74.2, (7) 80.3, Rev. parts of Kalima and *JLI) ^5^^ ^Jsi 1. loop. Obv. I irr "^ih ssi^Aj jsl-i i^^x-o. i^lji-^t <->^ Rev. Kalima and 4lJ| ^J^ ^ 1,01 loop. Obv. ( |r, OiJIj !<>iJ.j jsLi ^^^j^ ^^j^j^S ^yi The obverse is in a scalloped quadrilateral. Rev. as in (4). .98 loop. Obv. parts of ^^l^j i sS^ Dar ul Islam i Mubarak, 1280 H. ^ylo «£.i*J>>0 iSjM j)^/^ \^yi> as in (1) part of ornamented border visible, as in (1). Same as in (1) but year | rvi j^^^l/o oi^x) (_>»^la> ^y^^ >^j'^ Khdnpur, ornamented border. Similar to (3 ) but year | r A ♦ N. B. — Khanpiir is an old mint town of the Bahawulpiir state. inscription as on (1) date | Ta ( (^j^Lo lii+j^ u^y^^ j)^ <^**t i-jj^ as on (1) year ( r a • as on (5) — The three mint towns of the Bahawulpur state are Bahdwulpur, Ahmadpur and Khdnpur. Copper : — (7) 96.9, .65 Obv.J-j't.?. ( rfCf Palm branch underneath and the word Rev. j^j'^J vi;'^ I rf^' (8) 83.1, .56 Obv. as in (7) but year omitted on both sides. (9) 59.1, .5 Square Obv. as in (7) but no year. Rev. as in (7) year (| r)v«i (10) 82.2, .61 Obv. Palm branch only. Rev. as in (7) but ; r ... (11) 84.5, .65 Obv. ri« 1234. There is a word not legible after jj^ Rev. The arms of Lucknow, &c. n jjwy'* uuj^ i^)^ j'-^^ Xj'^i'ljb This 26th year was the year adhered to on the Benares rupees, which were struck by the E. I. Company. The year r 1 comes between the two fishes on which the lions are resting their forefeet. Lucknow is here called Dar ul amarat, the seat of Government. (2) 171.6, 1.03 Obv. v-j j'^*-^ wi"^' csy'-^ i^h'^ ti^^j' ;J ) i) ^ I rr* Rev. The arms of Lucknow. Below two fishes facing each other surmounted by two lions or tigers, rampart, holding a flag each. Between these a Kitar support- ing a crown. The year between the fishes is <>^l 1st year. Inscriptions as on (1). This is the 1st regnal coin of Oudh. Gdzi ud Din was the 1st king of Oudh. This rupee is of his fij'st year. (.3) 172. 1.03 Duplicate of (2). (4) 172.1, 1.1 Obv. fJl^ 1:^*3 «^*t JJi iJl <>i5lij Jt\^ }i> \ r^\ Rev. in centre. Two curved swords back to back, between them is a fish over which is a crown surmounted by an umbrella. ^^Ak 0>A^X) i^^^ f SXua jJLs ij^^ -i^lj aJ| ^ iX^i j\ jj ^ j) c>j The coin is a 2-anna piece of W&jid 'All's. Rev. arms of Wdjid 'AU, very poor, no year legible on either side. (6) 12.8, .41 Obv. the full couplet given on (5) and year | r vr H. = 1855-6 A. D. Rev. arms of TFajY(Z '.4 and round them Ax« <-XLo *iiaJLJ| ojo ^^j^ <-i.-i*ix> ^_^^lak This very small coin contains very full inscriptions. The only thing omitted is the year of his accession. [ 131 ] Autonomous Coins. Copper : — (1) 43.5, .55 In double circle with dots between, iyl"^JL!( l!iiJLJ| Kirmdn. Rev. do. do. ^Lc J^'^ij'l ( Jy^^ ) (The prophet ?) of the Creator of the world.) (2) 50.5, .53 In circle ^J^y cyh ^J. In the city of Kirman. In double circle with dots between ? p (3) 45. .8 Obv. VAA *w pjl^^S.^^ Khwarizm, 788 Rev. Hor.'?e galloping to left. Above a knot, m. 388, ornaments. (4) 110.6, 1.05 Double struck Air Kabul, 862. Kabul. Over this has been struck aia ^. •^*^ t^x>^|-ii~J ^j>i tj-^'^y^ Rev. as in (19)but d year 5th. Silver : — (22) 153. 1.1 Obv. Head of king to left on section of neck V. D. K. Legend '• Willem II Koning Deb Ned. G. H. V. L." Rev. Arms of the Netherlands, a lion with sword in right paw and bundle of rods tied in left. " MuNT van het Koningryk der Nederlanden 1848. In field, G.f Caduceus. Below 100 C. (23) 17.7, .59 Obv. Legend as in (21) but year 1255 (( raa) 12 stars rurround it. Rev. Name of Sultan in tughra year | | (aa«) to right, branch, 12 stars surround rev. Sistdn Coins. Copper : — (1) 37.9, .81 Obv. In circle <>w«^l Ahmad bin Muhammad. margin * # * iUt Sijistan, 85 [ 138 ] Rev. in circle tij'^t iii margin, year not distinct. British Museum specimen has the year 340 H. This is probably 344 H. (2) 33. .92 Obv. and Rev. illegible. This coin was sent by the Indian Museum as one of " Khalaf bin Ahmad." My reading is referred to by Dr. Hoerule, see No. 145 of his list, but this I am certain is not the coin I read, as I can make nothing out of this. (3) 41.9, .6 Obv. In centre i-^j^ margin gone. Harb. C. J. Rodgers. Rev. parts of <^*^ A^t ^^^'^ ^-^Wl Jr»j '^♦s:^ i)' ; <^*='* *iJ see fig. 21. (5) 4 coins average 47.7, .69 Obv. i^L<\ji^> yO.'i (^jJ'^-'f Taj ud Bin Nasr bin Bahrdm Shah Rev. Same as (4) omitting second li*^ (6) 66.9, .32 Obv. ^^'^ w-'^-'' Buhi ud Dm Abu Mansiir bin Bahrdm Shah. Rev. as in (5). (7) 39.2, .7 Obv. v-^^.^^ yili*Jtyt (^i<^\'^^ 'Azdud Din Abul Muzaffar bin Harb. (He was the son of Taj ud Din Harb. From this we see that coin (3) may be ascribed to Taj ud Din.) Rev. as in ( 5 ) . (8) 18 coins average 18.6, .39 These are drops of copper that have been stamped. No king's name comes on them. They are from Capt. Lsessoe's collection. PartJiimi Coins. Silver : — (1) 58. .81 Obv. Head of king to left, bearded, triple crown. Rev. Man seated with bow in right hand. Round him in Greek the titles of the king. Sinatroces, Arsakes X. (2) 48.6, .76 loop. Obv. bare head of king to left. To right moon, to left sun. On the neck of the king is a punch mark with the sign used by the Gondopherres family, m. 100 on it. This is most important. Rev. almost illegible. This is a coin of Orodes I, Arsahes XII. (3) 53.8, .75 Obv. bearded head of king to left, diadem. See Gardner III, 2 and 3. To its right a bird. Rev. as in (1). This is a coin of Phraates IV, Arsakes XIII, Gardner IV. 6. (4) 60.8, .76 Obv. bearded head of king to left, diadem. In front sun and moon. Behind an angel flying, with wreath. Rev. as in (1) but very rutle. Phraates V, Arsalces XVI, Gardner IV, 11. (5) 59. .76 Obv. bearded head of king to right, diadem. In front BACIA^VC over the head oNLUNHC- Rev. Winged Victory facing to right with palm branch in right hand under which is A- BACAC^C ONLUNHC N^IKHCAC APTABANOC Assigned by Gai'dner to Vonones I, Arsahes XVII. (6 ) 49.2, .82 Obv. Diademed head of king to left, Gardner V, 4. Rev. as in (1) but under the bow A as in (5). Assigned by Gardner to Arsahes XX, Gotarzes, V, 20, [ 139 ] (7) 54.1, .78 Obv. Diademed head of king to left, as in (6). Rev. as in (6). Assigned by Gardner to Arsakes XXVI or VII, i. e.. to either Artabanes IV or Mithridates IV. American Coins. MEXICO. Copper : — (1) 112.8,1.05 Obv. Eagle, with spread wings vrith snake in beak, on cactus branch. Legend " Re- PUBLiOA Mexicana " below a wreath. Rev. Double wreath of long grass \ M. A. 18.36. The M has a small o over it. (2) 104.2, 1.04 Obv. as in (1) legend obliterated. Rev. as in (1) year 1832. (3) 96.3, 1.02 Duplicate of (1). UNITED STATES. (4) 164. 1.12 Obv. Bust of Liberty to left, fillet with " Liberty " on it. Thirteen stars surround the bust. Year 1833. Rev. In wreath " One Cent." Round : — United States of Ameeica." CANADA. (5) 123.2,1.19 Obv. St. George and Dragon to right, " Bank op Upper Canada" Below, 18.50. On edge of rock K. H. and Co. in small capitals. Rev. " Bank Token, One Halfpenny " surrounding fascine and axe supporting a crown ; anchor and sword cross the fascine. Two cornucopia? are below these. Above to the right half of the Union Jack. (6) 244.6, 1.35 Obv. Female image seated under the Heights of Abraham in which is Quebec. Shield with lion on ground. Left hand extended, right holds a comucopiae. To the left a beehive. To the right a beaver, with the St. Lawrence on which a three- masted ship is riding at anchor. Above " Quebec Bank Token." In exergue " One Penny, 1852." Rev. Image of Governor General. Above, — "Province ov Canada" below, — Deux sous. Burmese Coins. Silver : — (1) 177.5,1.21 Obv. Peacock, with outspread tail, round it in Burmese. Boyal Seal." Rev. Wreath and in Burmese " One Kydt coin " and the name of the capital " Ratana- bun " 1214 = (1852 — 3 A. D.) See " Coins of Arakan, Pegu and Burma " by Lt.-Gen. Sir Ai'thur P. Phayre in the " International Numismata Orientalia.^' p. 36. Miscellaneous Indian Coins. Silver : — (I) 174.8, ,97 Obv. \ m,^ ^Jl^)S^A o-iU-Ji^Lv tiXo ^^Ia-o aC« 1859 A. D. Rev. In centre ^i^, (^^^ *^'jU [ 140 ] To right r ^j*** with seven-leaved spray to left ^^^^ *^ Below ^) Rajgarh. Both sides are enclosed in two circles with a third of dots between them. This is a rupee of the Maharajah of Rajgarh in the Gurgaon district, in the name of the Queen and Maharaja. (2) 174.3, .87 Obv. ^^jl* ^*^t ^Jj^^ Rev. uw^^ 1 j'j ( ^j'^ ) This was struck at Rajgarh in the name of Akbar II and in the 9th year of his reign. (3) 71.5, .64 Obv. (^}^^ i^-^s^ Bhuj mint. Rev. in Hindi letters " Sri Mahardm Bhdg Mul J/" m. 373 1895, S. (4) 72. .6 Obv. ( A«ir *J5i*'< ) 1^.3^ jit^ '^j^ Bhiij, 1862 A. D. Rev. in Hindi as in (3) mm S = 1862. Gold .— (5) 2 coins, average 172.8, .72 Obv. rr. Said to have been struck by MuzafEar Khan. Rev. jytil-o t^UiJIt^i^ ^yi Muzaifar Khan was defeated and slain by Ranjit Singh in 1818 A. D. See Cunning- ham's Sikhs, p. 158, 2nd edition. I don't know what the 33 refers to. It may be the 33rd year of Shah 'Alam = 1792 A. D. (6) four coins average 10.2, .37 Obv. Rev. a leaf M - 4 ^jC^'i^ 1905 Samvat = 1848 A. D. Pieces struck by M{d Bdj during the siege of Mtdtdn by the English. They are generally known as Mul Bdj's Rupees. Mongol Il-Khdns of Persia. (1) Silver: — 41.1, .61 Obv. Three lines in Mongol character, name Arghun, 4th line, mint j^l^s^l Isfarafn. (2) mixed metal 62.8, .6 Obv. 'jIjI Rev (3) do. 63.1, .6 lylli (4) silver 3 coins average 42.5, .73 In hexagram. (5) silver 62.2, .85 Obv. in six-scolloped lozenge margin illegible. (6) mixed metal 64.8, .55 In a square Kalima in two lines, a knot in middle and in seg- ments. Rev. ill &}\ Jl (sic) *-l^^.^J) a-^^j ill I J^; [ 141 ] (7) two coins silver average 38.3, 82 Obv. 4 lines of Mongol character under whicli ly^cj Rev. Kalima in a square. In segments fragments of date. (8) silver 38.3, .8 Obv. as in (7) but name i^y'J omitted. Rev. Kalima as in (7) in upper segment jj^ Marv (mint). (9) silver 38.8, .89 Obv. as in (7) et^jt. To the right, a bow. Rev. Kalima as in (7) mint jjr/o above, date fragmentary. (10) silver 35. .87 Obv. as in (7) very good, between 2nd and 3rd lines Urdu (camp). Rev. Kalima in square, in upper segment ^y Wji or ^jt j^S to left J^U (11) silver 38. .8 Obv. as in (7). Rev. Kalima in square of dots, illegible. (12) silver 45.7, .8 Obv. in circle almost illegible J.iWt ^^\^ Margin illegible. — o^^;' Rev. Kalima almost illegible in square of dots. (13) silver 40.5, .65 Obv. as in (7). Rev. Kalima quite illegible. These coins were sent by the Indian Museum, Tliey are a very poor lot indeed. Dutch East Indian. Copper ; — (1) 4 coins average 44.1, .857 A monogram made up of V with O and C in the two limbs of this letter. 1734, 1737, 1738, 1745 or a monogram a rose. The monogram is that of the " Vereinigte Ostindische Compagnie." Rev. Ai'ms of Holland surmounted by a ci own. (2) 6 coins average 44.7, .86 Obv. as in (1) years, three 1780, 1786, 1787, 1790. Rev. Arms of Holland, diiferent from those on (1). (3) 3 coins average 43.5, .86 Obv. as in (1) but castle and 2 stars above monogram. Rev. Arms of Holland, 3 waves, forepart of lion rampant, crown, years, two 1765, third, year deleted. (4) 42.3, .89 Obv. Dutch arms. In shield two lions rampant facing each other. Crown. Round, " In DEO EST SPES NOSTRA." Rev. monogram over which a light and two roses, year 1786. (5) 45.1, .83 Obv. Dutch arms. Lion rampant, in right paw sword, in left bundle of rods tied. Crown. To left 5 to right ^^g, below S. Rev. Indi^ Batav. above, a star, below 1803. (6) 96.2, 1. Obv. Dutch arms as in (5). To left f St. (Stiver). Rev. Nederl. Indie, above, a star, below 1825. Old Kashmiri Coins. Copper ;— (1) 21.9, .65 Obv. Head of king to right with ^ ... MihrhuVs coin. Rev. Ball to left ... ^ (2) 53.3, .76 Obv. Head of king to right, with §t 'T^T Rev. Bull to left, with post in front snj g S . . . (3) 44.1, .83 Obv. Head of king to right with #t 1> ... Rev. Humped bull without inscription. (4) 5 coins average 31.8, .7 Obv. Head of king to right, in front m. 374, all in dotted circle. Rev. Humped bull to left in circle of dots, no inscriptions. (5) 26.1, .8 Obv. Head of king to left. In front m. 375. Rev. Humped bull to right. Note. — All the kings' heads here have a cap or very much like a Scotch Tarn d Shanter. 36 [ 142 ] (6) 26.9, .69 Obv. sj^r. Rev. blank. (7) 42.4, .6 Obv. two letters. Rev. illegible. (8) 4 coins average 46.15, .78 Double struck, but all similar to (2) — (5). Chinese Coins. Copper : — (1; 67. 1.02 round vpith a square hole in tbe centre. In a sunken circle four Chinese characters on each side apparently. The side wrliich bears a + may have Mongol characters on it. It is not plain. (2) 72.6, 1,03 round with square hole in middle. The side which has the + has undoubtedly no margin. three marks. B. M. Cat. Vol. II. No. 457, p. 130. [ 7 ] MAHMITD. (45) silver:— 37, .65 -s-t-j- ^X> T Jit <^)l Jl ^\ J^j O^* t^ii^j leaf leaf, margin cut away. margin illegible. (46) silver: — 40.5, .76 cross J**= cross. ^aj(^l inscription as in (45.) (inscription as on (15). margin illegible. ornament on each side of name margin fragmentary. See B. M. Cat., Vol. II, p. 141, No. 484. (47) silver:— 47. (48) silver:— 42, .72 in double circle in double circle rest as on (45) a**'* margin aU 8 times and 8 small circles *iJl Jy^j each with two mouths in it. ^ij^^ i'^j Jit *J» ^ out- side a circle of dots, beyond which was another marginal inscription. This coin is unique. No. 49 of Thomas' coins has the same title Prince of Princes, but the coin is quite different. (53) silver :— 49.5, 1.04 Obv. 5)1 aJt SJ margin : — , . , . Rev. margin Koran, Surah IX, 63 and LXI, 9. ajlijJb y ^^JJ^.~J J j~-J AtAu Sijistan 399 H. (.54) silver :— 55.5, .98 Obv. same as (53) but ^ , margin deleted. Rev. ^ y\ ic Rev. iiJ margin as in (53). margin : — ^li— s*"-! ^^iiJ|o.A f^^^' ^■^^t /♦''^ tj<^t (Andarab) mint, margin deleted. margin illegible. This coin is unique, Muhammad was deposed and blinded by Mas'aud. ^62) silver :— 43, .725 Obv. >Ji 511 aJ| 51 MAS'Al/D. (63) silver :— 45.3, .9 Obv. ill *J( 51 Ji4Xs>.J *JL)t Aj 5) margin j i^j^^ } ijr*^ ^►'*;>^'' This coin is pierced. (64) silver :— 48, .75 Obv. v_,t;'^l (Andarab) mint. 511 -sJl 5/ AJ i£ij^-i5l margin nearly all lost, (65) silver :— 10., .45 Obv. 511 aJi 51 J ^j>-i5l no margin. Rev. *JiJ margin Koran, Surah xxx. 4, 5. Rev. Rev. All! J,«j aJJIj ^^IsJl a1J| ^^j^_^.>oli margin destroyed. — e . new no margin. (66) silver .—7.5, .35 Obv. (67) silver :— 48.5, .7 Obv. 5lt &Jl 5/ .x.s'o aiJ| 5/1 A'l 5) !Sii.a.^ aJUi a.* i£ij^5l margin cut. Rev. '^AUl ^^j* — c . new Rev. 'JiJLI half a margin illegible. [ 11 1 (68) silver :— 55, .72 Obv. same as (67) margin deleted. Rev. MAUDl/D. (69) silver:— 53, .71 Obv. 3)1 «J| il margin cut. This coin is unique. (70) silver :-^5, .7 Obv. . , U» rest as in (69). To the left is a six-leaved rosette. (71) silver: — 55.5, .75 Obv. in double circle J/l iJf 31 margin composed of bosses and j: in a circle outside of wbich is a circle of dots. 47, .52 both :— In rayed circle Rev. Bull couchant, name gone from over it. On jbiil, m. 239, on rump, m. 82. Rev. tSijo in a circle with nothing over the name. Outside, a circle of dots. Rev. J>r~^ ™ ^ circle with two stars joined over the name. Outside, a circle of dots. Rev. ^ in circle of dots. Horseman, to right, with parts of Sri Eamira in Hindi, Thomas, p. 15, No. 5. star <^*^ in circle of dots, Thos., p. 15, No. 8. Rev. Horseman as in (93). There are three dots on the hind quarters of the horse and between its legs a cres- cent. Thos., p. 16, No. 12. Rev. Portions of a representa- tion of a horseman. Tho- mas, p. 16, No. 13. B,ev. in a circle as on obv. Not in Thos. Rev. Bull over which parts of ^ ^flfr not in Thos. [ 15 ] TALDUZ. (99) billon :— 46, .56 Obv. in dotted circle IjoaJ)^** Rev. in dotted circle SHAMS UD DTN ALTAMSH. (100) copper :— 50, .56 Obv. ( Jhl^t ) (101) billon :— 53, .56 Obv. in ornamented knfic (102) copper :— 9, .4 Obv. (103) billon :— 29.5, .54 Obv. (104) billon :— 47, .55 Obv. (105) billon :— 74, .64 Obv. (106) billon -.—52, .56 Obv. (107) billon :— 54, .55 Obv. (108) billon 17.5, A Obv. ( ) in hexogram. Jii* in circle. Bull, over which m square Rev. Horseman to left with spear at charge. Thomas, p. 75, No. 46. Rev. Horseman to right with traces of Sri Hamlra. Thomas, p. 76, No. 50. Rev. (109) billon : — 33, .6 Obv. in circle, with circle above it. Half weight of Thos. p. 77, No. 52. Rev. in hexogram. cr*^l Thomas, p. 77, No. 57. Rev. in cii-cle. ^y^ik J.A. S.B.Vol. XLIX, pi. V, fig. 9. Rev. in circle of dots. e^j>>J(^ J. A. S. B. Vol. XLIX, pi. V, fig. 10. Rev. horseman to right : — it J. A. S. B. Vol. XLIX, pi. XVIII, fig. 9. Rev. Horseman to right. €t f J. A. S. B. Vol. XLIX, pi. XVIII, fig. 8. Rev, in square. J. A."S. B. Vol. XLIX. pi. V, % 11. Rev. in circle. Jjti ditto, fig. 12. [ 16 ] (110) billon:— 21, .6X.42 Obv. in six-rayed star. (111) billon ;— 33, .52 Obv. in bexogram. (112) silver : — 171.5, .98 Obv. in double square. KILLI PA'LA DEVA. (113) billon :— 52, .56 Obv. Bull over which fragments of " Sri Samanta Leva " PITHAMA. (114) billon :— 52. .6 Obv. Bull as in (113). PfPALA. (115) billon :— 53. .65 Obv. Bull as in (113). Rev. in six-rayed star. ^^1*0 ditto, fig. 13. Rev. in hexogram. not in Thomas. Rev. in double circle, with dots between. Rev. Horseman to right, over which Thomas, footnote, p. 59, No. 1. Rev. Horseman to right, over which ft —V Rev. Horseman to right, over which MAHl'PALA. (116) billon :— 46.5, .6 Obv. Bull over which Rev. Rude horseman, €t ?rftW Thomas, p. 63, No. 35. MALAYA VERMMA. (117) billon:— 52. .67 Obv. Rev. Rude horseman Thomas, p. 74, No. 43. ' SAIF UD DI'N HASN QURLAGH. (118) silver 169.5, 1.11 Obv. in double circle Rev. as in (112). [ 17 ] margin : between circles ... 'r'J^^ YUZBAQ PAI. (119) billon :— 23.6, .5 Obv. In a circle which is inside a square : — i^'y^i ornament, above first name ; star, above of ^j. Small circles in comers of the square. Rev. In dotted square Sir* star in of lylil-c and two ornaments over rest of word. Thomas, p. 99, No. 85. (120) billon :— 52, .62 Obv. RUKN UD DIN, FrROZ SHAH. ( ^JhLJ\ ) Rev. Rude horseman t^Jt J UiJi Thomas, p. 103, No. RAzrA. (121) billon : — 45, .5 Obv. in rayed circle, (122) billon : — 45, .55 Obv. in rayed circle ^i^j inverted as in type. Rev. Bull, over which traces of letters. J. A. S. B. Vol. XLIX, pi. V, fig. 8. Rev. as in (121) not yet edited. (123) billon :— 44, .52 Obv. 'ALA UD DIN, MAS'AU'D SHAH. Rev. horseman : €t in circle of dots. J. A. S. B. Vol. XLIX, PI. XVIII, fig. 5, (124) billon :— 49, .6 Obv. NASIR UD DIN, MAHMUD SHAH. Rev. Rude horseman. 4^ J| J UiJi Thomas, p. 127, No. 108. GTAS UD Dl'N, BALBAN. (125) copper :— 22.5, .5 X .4 Obv. In octogram Rev. in octogram. JiAj Thomas, p. 135, No. 115. [ 18 ] Murzz UD Bm kaiqubad. (126) copper :— 23, .45 x .4 Obv. Rev. as in (125). Thomas, p. 142, No. 119. JALA'L UD DIN, FfROZ SHAH. (127) copper :— 31.5, .55 rectangular, Obv. Rev. in square. cs^J Thomas, p. 145, No. 124. (128) billon :— 61, .66 Obv. (129) copper:— 31.5, 59 Obv. RUKN UD DIN, IBRAHrM. Sll ^ylkJUi Rev. »'« i^j>\ c^iiJl i ^ tif^ Thomas, p. 155, No. 127. J A* Rev. Thomas, p. 155, No. 129, (130) billon :— 52, .6 Obv. QUTB UD DIN, MUBy^RAK SHAH Rev. 5(1 (131) billon : — 66, .65 Obv. in double inch ; — (132) billon :— 47.5, 65 Obv. e^i♦^Wlv; (133) billon : — 56, .55 square Obv. in square margin *J^f ^ifijJ^ ^JiJiJlyt (134) billon:— 51.5, .55 square Obv. Jll ^1*111 V 1 1 ejti=J-Jl Thomas, p. 182, No. 147, Rev. yJ=^t^j| jyltUi Thomas, p. 182, No. 147, Rev. i^iix^l Thomas, p. 182, No. 150, Rev. slAS^U/o Thomas, p. 182, No. 151. Rev. Al'l ^yllaUi Thomas, p. 183, Na 152, [ 19 ] (135) copper :— 33, .45 square Obv. J-^* Rev. j\i csy^^ iiitsJ Thomas, p. 183, No. 154 (136) billon :— 51, .67 Obv. ^^^]^J isulL Rev. jslifjlAxjyJ^ji^t in double circle. J. A. S. B. Vol. XLIX, pi. XVIII, fig. 14. NASIR UD DrN, KHUSRAU SHA'H. (137) billon .—55, .68 Obv. 1/t lylWUt Rev. in circle !sLi margin f^f^^\j^\ jy(kLJ| Thomas, p. 186, No. 156. GYAS UD DIN, TUGLAQ SHAH. (138) copper: — 51.5, .62 Obv. in circle (139) billon :— 56.5, .59 Obv. Rev. in circle »LA Thomas, p. 191, No. 165. Rev. In double circle J. A. S. B. 1879, PI. IV, fig. 9. MUHAMMAD BIN TUGLAQ. (140) gold :— 197.5, .95 Obv. '^4^. (5' Ipl Rev. in double circle, margin ii* t5^i> J^-*'^ j'i;w»^ j^t c:^^' ^ ^J^S ^ Thomas, p. 209, No. 174. Rev. e>? <^«* vr V Thomas, p. 216, No. 190. Rev. {^j^ Jo Thomas, p. 251, No. 202. (148) copper : — 47, .55 Obv. in double circle. Rev. in double circle isLi^aUj Thomas, p. 253, No. 211. Rev. (^J <>*^'* Thomas, p. 216, No. 189. Rev. in double circle i:i. Thos., p. 301, No. 249. ABir BAKAR SHA'H. (156) copper :— 50, .52 Obv. (157) copper :— 153, .76 Obv. gl^ jS.:y\ (158) billon :— 56, .5 Obv. JsLi J^y] Rev. t&i}^] aii^U .>l:k Thos., p. 305, No. 260. Rev. «aAs^\ Ai,*lLk eij'i'^ii. not in Thomas. V9 r Rev. aiiH^ oJi. not in Thomas. MUHAMMAD TUGLAQ II, (159) copper :— 68, 58 Obv. (160) copper: — 34, .42 Obv. (161) billon :— 53, .55 Obv. Rev. Thos., p. 307, No, 262. Rev. i_lliL« jiLi half of No. (159). Rev. aiiJli. jJi. Thos., p. 308, No. 265 (small). [ 22 ] (162) copper :— 34, .45 Obv. Rev. «a<;-as- J-i'i, Thcs., p. 309, No. 268. MAHMITD SHIH. (163) gold :— 170.5, 76 Obv. ^ilt (164) copper (165) copper (166) brass :- :— 68.5, .55 Obv. :— 70, .65 Obv. as in (162). -84.5, .6 Obv. in a circle Jjl^ margin gone. Rev. («'^J/t e>*j A • • not in Thomas. Rev. <-^Ut;b A . . ' Thos., p. 317, No. 280. Rev. as in (164) but year ait. 816 H. Rev. tj^^Jt jM>^ not in Thomas, this size. NASRAT SHAH. (167) copper -68, .65 Obv. »Li c^j-^i (168) copper :— 66.5, .48 Obv. as in (167). Rev. V 1 A Thomas, p. 318, No. 284. Rev. as in (167) but no date. Thos., p. 518, No. 283. MUBARAK SHAH. (169) copper :— 82, .6 Obv. l^j'*^ Rev. Arl Thomas, p. 333, No. 289. MUHAMMAD SHAH BIN FARrD. (170) copper :— 167, .65 Obv. in a circle JS^i no margin t5-l*i not in Thomas. SIKANDAR LODHF. (177) billon :— 55.5, .48 Obv Rev A1V Thomas, p. 366, No. 317. MAHARAJAS OP KASHMFR. Sankara Varma. (178) copper: — 73, .7 Obv. seated figure ... Rev. standing figure TASKARA. (179) copper : — 86.5, .7 Obv. V seated figure ^ T Rev. standing figure. ABHIMANTA. (180) copper : — .79, .68 Obv. ^ seated figure fn Jjj : Rev. standing figure. [ 24 ] NANDIGUPTA. (181) copper :— 89.5, .7 Obv. si seated figure f^^ Jl: Rev. standing figure g. BHI'MA GUPTA. (182) copper :— 89, .7 Obv. seated figui-e ?? ^ ; Rev. standing figure ^. AN ANT A RAJA DEVA. (183) copper :— 83.5, .75 Obv. ^ seated figure si ^ ^ ; Rev. standing figure 31 1 ^. KALASA. (184) copper :— 82, 75 Obv. ^ seated figure ^ 'g ; Rev. standing figure. JAGA DEVA. (185) copper :— 79. .65 Obv. «iT seated figure Jf ; Rev. standing figure SULTANS OF KASHMFR. Zain al 'Abidin. (186) silver :— 94.5, .65 square Obv. ^^"511 ^yU^Ui Rev. in square lozenge. Apr In corners iA*>^*i j | i^^^l j | t5^t \ Jj^c^ i. e., in the months of the year 842 H. (187) silver :— 95, .67 square Obv. as in (186). Obv. as in (186). HASN SHA'H. (188) silver :— 93, .65 square Obv. j*^)!^ J^-^} Rev. as in (186), date and everything. MUHAMMAD SHAH. (189) silver :— 94, .65 square Obv. ^^^ilt Rev. as in (186), but date in corners not legible, ix»sr* It was probably 842 as on obverse in JJaL.U figures. (190) silver 95, .65 square Obv. as in (189) but Rev. as in (186) date and everything else. date in figures omitted. [ 25 J FATH SHA'H. (191) silver: — 95, .65 square Obv. j*^* Rev. as in (186). The date is distinctly 842 in jjl-i ^» words, ill e^tl^l (192) silver :— 95, .65 square Obv. as in (191). Rev. as in (191). HUMAYITN (MOGUL). (193) silver : — 95, .6 rhombus, Obv. ^«Jlt ^JJ^1-Jl Rev. in square lozenge : — pierced. ci^^ iJj | (953 H.) This coin was struck by Haidar Doglat a general of Humayun in the name of his master. IBRAHrM SHAH. (194) silver : — 95, .65 square Obv. Rev. as in 186, but date not clear. (195) copper : — 80, .7 round Obv. iylial«-J| Rev. perfectly unintelligible. bar and knot. HUSAIN SHAH. (196) copper :— 82, .75 round Obv. j^i^^\JkU\ Rev. ^j^. bar and knot. ^ Unique, ivi (971 H.) MUHAMMAD 'ALF. (197) silver :— 94, .6 square Obv. jliib Rev. in square lozenge : — ^,lc (980 H.) s A • vr^ ui'^^^jt^-^ marginal corners ^li^* j | J Au« | ^^li [ 26 ] YirSUP SHAH. (198) silver :— 96, .65 square Obv. is}^ i'^i>^^ Rev. in square lozenge :— Ji^jj (987 H.) SAV ^yj(i,J|^«fli 111 margins ".i*** j | >ili^ | j (199) silver :— 95, .65 square Obv. (200) copper :— 45, .6 round Obv. AKBAR. sic. Rev. in square lozenge : — ^^JJlJlla. 994 H. jt*^^ ser^ jx — ft In margins | AjU«-«J _j | j ] {JjI | t5» ^^.jJtjiU Rev. ^aJi ^ojt bar and knot. i. e. This coin was struck in camp by Akbar wbile in Kasbmir. Unique. MOGUL EMPERORS. Babar. (201) silver 70.6, .86 Obv. in a circle. Rev. Kalima in quatrefoil in margins ^jli jjLi^Li^jl) ~j'' j ^^^'^ cs^^*'^ HUMAYU'N. (203) silver :— 45, .93 Obv. in quatrefoil :- Rev. in quatrefoil, the Kalima, margins parts of names, &c., in margins of No. (202). margin iiJ\ (month Bahman) Rev. AUf^AS"! (year 46th) "Sii (Tattamint). aJll.i» Ja. (212) silver (213) silver (214) gold,- :— 175.5, .6 similar to (211) but month Aban. —175.5, .6 similar to (212) but year 48th. JAHANGIR. -164, .83 Obv. in double circle with fine dots between : — Agra mint, ci^ij) (1028) iTA (14th year). ( p TAIMITR LANG. (215) silver :— 22, .67 Obv. in quatrefoil :— Rev. similar to (211). Rev. similar to (211). Rev. Taurus, the Bull, to the left in a rayed circle. Rev. Kalima and v a | Year 781, no mint. [ 28 ] (216) silver :— 24, 5, .67 Obv. in quatrefoil :- Rev. Kalima and V) •. Tear 790 H. no mint. PERSIAN KINGS. TAHMA'SP I. (217) silver; -44.5, .82 Obv. in ornamented enclosure %\jit> t^j^ and all round this : — (218) (219) (220) (221) (222) (223) (224) This is a nearly perfect coin. See p. 17, No. 26, B. M. Cat. " Persian Coins." margins Rev. in a square made of the long ^ of from ^J-t the Kalima, and AH tjl^ is supposed to come with each of these margins. silver silver silver silver silver silver silver — 44.5, 8 Duplicate of (217) but not quite so good. — 43, .8 a rubbed duplicate of (217), but good. — 45, .825 Duplicate of (217) with some words deleted. — 22, .7 a half of (217) inscriptions and date similar. — 22, .65 duplicate of (221) but no date. —22, .63 ditto. — 71, .85 In an oddly-shaped quatrefoil : — Inscription curtailed from No. (217), no date, not in B. M. Cat. (225) silver : — 79, .93 In a hexagon, with sides curving Inscription as on No. (217) no date. (226) silver :— 78.7, .95 Duplicate of (225). The above 10 coins of Tahmasp I, were struck at the Herat mint. (227) silver : — 71, .95 In a six-rayed star : — Rev. as on (225). Rev. in hexagon with bows at the angle the Shia Kalima as on No. (217). Only one margin legible <>^as* Rev. in quadrilateral with bows at the corners, the Shia Kalima, margins ... I t:r~^ -^^^ (jrl* I ^^'^ ts-"^ Rev. as on (225). Nimroz mint. Not in B. M. Cat. Tahmasp I of Persia was the Inscription as on (217) in a poor hand. sovereign to whom Humayuu, the Mogul of India resorted when he was driven out of that country by Sher Shah Sur. Hence the coins of Tahmasp I are interesting to a student of Indian History. RANJfT DEO OF JAMMl/N. (228) silver :— 173, .9 Obv. iji jli J:, Rev. ijj^ ^JM)|\J^> ijtji >^?j ^-^'^ jjayjLo O^i^Jf* ijw^i^ rv J. A. S. B. Vol. LIV, PI. I lower part. [ 29 ] The 27tli"year is that of Shah 'Alam II, king of Dehli. Ranj it Deo was the last to strike coins acknowledging the supremacy of the king of Dehli, north of the Sutledge. (229) silver : — 281, 1.2 a medal with loop of silver attached to the rim. Obv. in rayed circle : — | r ♦ I *^ cl^* ^ii sprays of leaves and flowers. Rev. in rayed circle : — the Kalima. This is evidently an Affghan medal. INDEX OF KINGS' NAMES IN SUPPLEMENT. A''. B. — The numbers refer to the numbers of the coins. A. 'Abd ur Raliman, 35 'Abd ur Bashi'd, 73 Abhimaiivu. 180 Abii Bakr .Shah. 156—158 Affghan medal, 229 Ao'athokles. 4 Akbar, 199, 200 ; 205—213 'Alam Shah, 173 'AK nd Dm Masaiid Shah, 123 Alexander the Great, 1 'Ai:, 41 Amir 'Abdullah, 37 Amir Ahmad, 40 'Amr, 39 Anauta, 183 Antimachus Theos, 5 Antiochus, 2 Archebius, 10 Azes, 15 — 17 Azilises, 18, 19 B. Babar. 201 Bahlol Lodhf, 174—176 Bahram Shah. 87 Bhimgupta, 182 C. Copper Sassanian, 30 E. El Mamuii, 33. 34 ■ El I\[ansur. 31 Eukratides, 6 Euthydemus, 3 F. Farruklizad. 74 — 76 Path Khan and Fi'roz Shah, 152 Fatli Shah, 191, 192 Firoz Shah Zafar, 153—155 Firoz Taglaq, 151 G. Gondopharres, 20, 21 Gyas ud Dm Balban, 125 Taglaq Sluih, 131, 139 H. Harun ur Rashi'd, 32 Hasan Shah, 188 Heliokles, 7 Hermseus, 13, 14 Hermffius and Kalliope, 12 Humayun, 193 : :i03, 204 Husaiu Shah, 196 I. Ibrnhi'm fof Gazni), 77—85 Ibrahim {of KashmirJ, 194, 195 Ismu'el, 44 J. Jau-a, 1 85 Jahan,n-ir, 214 Jalal ud Din Firoz Shah, 127 K. Kadphises II, 24. 25 Kalasa, 184 Kalliope, 12 Ktimran, 202 Khusrau Malik, 90—92 Khusrau Shilh, 88. 89 Killi Pala Deva, 113 L. Lysias, 8, 9 M. Mahfpala. 116 Malm;ud, 45 — 56 Mahmiul, Shah, 163—166 Malaya Varmma, 117 Masaud I, 63—68 Masfiud III, 86 Maudi'id, 69—72 Mubarak Shah, 169 Muhammad, 36 Muhammad 'All, 197 Muhammad bin Sam, 93—98 Muhammad bin Tuglaq, 140—150 Muhammad Shah, 189, 190 / Muhammad Shah bin Farld Shall, 170 — 172 Muhammad, son of Mal.imud, 62 Muhammad Tuglaq II, 159—162 Miiizz ud Din Kaiqubad, 126 N. Nandigupta, 181 Niisir ud Din Khusrau Shah, 137 Nafir ud Din Mahmud Shah, 124 Kiisrat Shfih, 167, 168 Nasr bin Nasir ud Dm, 75 — 61 O. Orthagues, 22 P. Philip, 4 Philoxenes, 11 PIpala, 115 Pithama, 114 [ " ] Q. Qufb ud Din Mubarak Shah R. Ran jit Deo, 228 Razia, 121, 122 Ruiai ud Dm Firoz Shah, 120 Rukn ud Dm Ibrahim, 128, 129 Saif ud Dm Hasan Qurlagh, 118 Sankara, 178 Shahpur I. 26 Shahpilr II, 27, 28 Shahpur III, 29 Shams ud Dm Altamsh, 100—112 Sikandar Lodhi, 177 Soter Meg'as, 23 Subaktagin, 42, 43 Tahmasp I, 217 — 227 Taimtir Lang, 215, 216 W. Wall' 'Abdullah Y. Yalduz, 99 Yaskara, 179 Yusuf Shah, 198 Yuzbaq Pai, 119 Z. Zain al 'Abidin, 186, 187 INDEX OE MINTS IN SUPPLEMENT. ^- — The numbers refer to the coins. A. Agra, 214 Andarab, 62, 64 B. Balkh, 63 D. Dar ul Islam, 146 Dar 111 Mulk Dehli. 147, 164, 165. 167, 168, 169, 171 175 Dehli, 108—112, 125—127 > , < Parwan, 42, 43 G. Gaziia, 73, 77 H. Ha/.rat DAr ul Khilafat, 135 Hazrat Debll, 140, 145, 151, 162, 174, 176 Hazrut 0 ■(,>:ir, 141 Herat, I'l 7 22fi Isbahau, 33, 34 Jummun, 228 K. Kabul, 202 ; 208—210 Kashmir, 186—199 Lahore, 104, 205—207 M. Muhammadi'ya, 31, 32 Multan, 119 N. Ni'mroz, 227 Q. Qandahar, 203, 204 S. Sijistan, 53 — 61 T. Tatta, 211—213 U. Urdu gafar Qarin (i. e., Kaah Tbaksiitebation Maharajasa'aparajitaaa Deme... — Bajine Pantalevasa. Rajine Agathukleyasa. Maharajasa Eukratidasa. Maharajasa dhramikasa Heliyakriyasa. Maharajasa jayadharasa Atialikidasa. PlLl COIN INSCRIPTIONS. Original. KiKO. ^ <5 7 t:A'^7 6t Pantaleon. Agathokles. £inkratid«a. Heliokles. Antialkidas. Maharajasa apalihatasa Lisikasa or Lisiasa. ^l^'H ^ ^ > X^h ) 1- ^ Lysiae. Maharajasa tradataea Oiyamedasa Maharajasa dhramikasa jayadharasa Ar* khebiyasa. Maharajasa Apaladataaa tradatasa. Maharajasa prachachhaaa tradatasa Stra- tasa. Maharajasa tradatasa Menandrasa. Maharajasa jayadharasa Epandrasa. Maharajasa tradatasa Dianisiyasa. Maharajasa dhramikasa Jhoilasa. Maharajasa tradatasa Apnlaphanasa. Maharajasa apadihatasa Artemidorasa. i='A'^%'? ^v|/\y i^riHJi i^yn^ f'>n P'?>-fh7 p^ynKj P^9'^ Pi)K^i ^y>^u h^H^'^y r^y^'^bi pyviyj Archebias. Apollodotns. Sti»ton. Menander. Epander, Dionysias. Zoilas. O Diomedes. 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 Apollophanes. 16 Artemidorna. 17 PALI COIN INSCRIPTIONS. Translitbration Uahorajaaa jayadharasn. Antimakbasa. Uaharajasa apadihatasa Fhilasinasa- Maharp'.aaa cradatasa Nikiasa. Uaharajasa tradatasa mahatasa jayantasa Qipastratasa. Maharajasa jayadharasa Amitasa Maharajasa palanakramaea Telepbaea. Maharajasa dhrataikaaa Theaphilaeao Maharajasa dbramikasa tradatasa Penku^ Seasa. Maharajasa tradatasa Hermajasa. Maharajasa tradatasa Ilennajasa Kalipaya. Rajadirajasa mahatasa Moasa. Maharajasa rajadirajasa mahatasa Ayasa. Indra Yarma pntrasa AspaTarmasa strate- gasa jayatasa. Maharajasa rajadirajasa mahatasa Ayili- Bhasa. Mabarajasa bhrata dhramikasa Spalahorasa Originai.. King. ^ Antimachns. V Philoxenus, pn'hf t' y>^^ NiMas. h}^h^ fyyAY r'>1<^ p>!fi yby>2^ mppostratus. pyy^^ Amyntas. ^ il ^^li f'iin ^y>1 ^ Telephns. Plato. ^-^J 'i- i X'^'y^^ Theophilns. No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 f^T^IJlOl^ ppt Pfl^l f y X' ^ ' Peukolaus. 26 ^A^J^If^y^i ^y>1c Hermeeua. 2? AI-'A'^h y'Aw>7f'>^> r'-^)^^ Hermteas & Kalliope. 28 f>yZ^p pll^i )h y^lu Spalahores. 29 30 31 33 Spalahora putrasa dbramiasa Spalagada- pKjS'^r-iyt fi') J b*?jifj)'3^'^?> Spalagadames. 34 f>)t PfVS^ ^y')l^ Gonopharres. 35 maea. Maharajasa Gndaphanasa tradatasa. Tbanslitbbatiom. PALI COIN INSCRIPTIONS. Orioinal. Maharajasa mahatasa tradatasa devaha- dasa Gadapharasa Sasasa. Gndapharabhradapntrasa maharaja trada< tasa Avdagasasa. Maharajasa fajadirajasa Gadapharasa Gndasa, Maharajasa rajadirajasa mahataaa Pa° karasa. Manignlasa Chatrapasa pntrasa Chatrapasa Jihoniasa. Maharajasa rajadirajasa mahatasa tra- datasa. Knjnla Kasasa Kashana yavngasa dhram- athidasa. Khnsann yauasa knynla Eaphsasa sacha- dhramithidasa. Maharajasa rajadirajasa sarvaloga isvarasa mahisvarasa Hima Kapisasa tradata. Chatrapasa apratihatachakrasa Rajubulasa. Mahadevasa Rajna Dharaghoshasa Odum- barisa Vispamitra. do. do. do. do. f:"iif p>vi>^ /^y»y> ^r>i-o ;> >/] ^ ^>iw p^i^-^yy \>y>i^ pq^Zy^ ^htv fp-^ji pb\y Hify^ 1 f^>^'^y> f'^''^^ Saean. Abdagases. Orthagnee. PakoreB. Zionises. No. 36 37 38 39 40 Soter Megas. 41 42 &1^P P^ h ll plOA pr^VS Kadaphes. 43 Kadphises. Rajnabala. 44 ^y/?^ t^'^yS'^ h'T^>^H> Dharaghosha. 46 Rajna Kanadasa Amoghabhatasa maha- py)X\j f>>Tl'^vT \^^J 7} M> («) Amoghabhatasa. 47 do. do. T^: f I f WXUJ "XV.j£H Bajna Vimakisa Eadravamasa Vijayaya. A/W^ pO}^) /5'h«^lM>-\(<«) Vimaki. Rajna Vimakisa Radravamasa Vijayaka. T f E "J^ f / MONOGRAMS ON COINS 1^ VP 101 4^ iO 12 3Z /5 i6 Z B /.9 20 M 2-1 A Z2 23 Z5 ze 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3y 55 ^5 ■f3 1^ 4o 46 48 >K 49 A E S8 64 ss 57 ss S9 V/ 1 64 Si, er 68 69 4 A V6 4i 75' III IS 5« 64 88 89 90 9' A 91 93 94^ ^5' 5y 5^ S3 09 104 10S 10V 108 109 T no 11/ 772' 11J -1 114 115 116 118 119 1 5^ 120 z 12/ 124 128 129 UU 130 1 i|i I ^5/ 1S2 S12 O 134 -136 13 V 139 14 O 141 142 1^ 144 /y5 150 16 1 ■153 154 16 ^ 2 16 <; 5 15 ■7 158 169 16 O 164 GO r HE lYO NO irs /yi< 23'r 239 H 263 255 (D 1^ ?5y 258 2SS 242 >^ 260 III ?43 545 263 24V f 4. 25 O 264 265 X 269 2y<:/ 2Vg 2V4 o 2V5 2VV ZY8 2y5 280 281 2.82 283 284 VP 285 286 281^ 289 290 291 292 293 294- 296 196 29V 9.98 199 30 O Si 30-1 302 303 306 , 3or K 30. 309 310 311 312 313 314 f F 315 316 31V 325 326 32V 328 Ot>-0D» 329 330 331 33 roxoi i O O OOO 'A 3^8 3i9 4 32 0 32-1 322 323 333 331 343 SI 344 6 346 346 „ 34V 34 a 335 33V 338 339 34 363 55^ 4. 366 3y5 35(3 381 382 383 CC 3ffy fsuiS 35/ 352 3o3 369 r- — ^ syo 384 3»5 3f(y 355 356', 35 y. 358 3 VI 3V2 3V3 A 3V4 3V5 r V GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00043 6515