iu fihtsVHA tL Clsin a, ^ tylisCn ^ dht (Asd : '£ 6 -bnA-tA ~JB f ■«■ - * - ' £ 1 a £ /f '-''■^ •> 5 iA#*/ iAJAjv, sf £» OiA L/Cr^j ^ <7 Mjs* . 7/ * , * t w / ^A^,. v ' «Vi ''* l <>' *•' faiud* CfflJ'itb t ^ Axj^. /tc4 ^y ft/tct ^d^ccl. Co**? ^AAAjrff 1*6*y - Jj OJ, Copper-plates and Prints . CATALOGUE or Books of prints. And Copper- [il ate s, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Mr. W I LLIAM BYRNE, _ Cotnprifing A number of Proofs and Etchings by Byrne) Bartolozzi, Woolfett, &e.-*.Daniers Antiquities of India ; Hearne and Pyrne’s An- tiquities* together with that valuable and much efteemed Work, Paring ton and Byrne’s Views of the Lakes, confifting of T ht Copper-plates, with a number of Prints and Letter-prefs ; alfo, one-third Share of Smith and Byrne’s Ylewo in. i**) y confifting of twenty-four Copper-plates, with fundry Prints and Letcei- t ,,c«s vure S , Etchings of Garden Scenes by Pouncy, &c. Which will be Sold by Au&ion, (By Order of the Adminifratrix ,) BY f MeJTrs. KING &LOCHEE, AT THEIR GREAT ROOM , I0CL 38, KING-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN, On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1808, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. May be viewed on Tuefday, and Catalogues then had at the Room. J. Barker, Printer, Great Ruftell-ft. Covent*Garden e Conditions of Sale, I. The higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and, if any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed ft ail be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d. ; above One Pound, is. ; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. and fo on in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and tp. pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots fo purchased to be immediately put up again and re-fold ; and all Lots to ihe Buyer's Expence, at the Expiration of one Day after the Sale. IV* Ppon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, ttie Muney depofited in Part of Pay- ment fhall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, fhall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. (Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commiffions faithfully executed by their bumble Servants, t King and Lochee. s 2/ CATALOGUE, &c. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1808. to > // , PRINTS. $ Jy^ENNION’s Elements of Landfcape, No. I* and 1 6 various Zh -Niac—The Etching of Earl Sandwich, by Byrne. Gate in Lincoln Caftle, by Midland, &e. 3 Twelve — Portraits, Englifh and Foreign. The etching and proof ot Earl Sandwich, &c. 4 Sixteen— of Shipping, & c. 5 Six— etchings and proofs, by Byrne, from the Vicar of Wakefield, Jofeph Andrews, Shep*> herdefs of the Alps, &c. 6 Nine — by Midland and Landfeer, of Landscapes,, proofs and etchings 7 Twelve — by Byrne, Views in India, chiefly proofs before the letters, fomt on India paper 8 Eleven— by Byrne, Middiman, &c. Engltfh and Foreign Views 9 Eleven — various Views, &c. 10 Seven— Englifti Views, by Byrne, Fittler, &e. 1 1 Six — by Byrne and Medland, The Children in the Wood, and Companion, etchings and proof * 12 Six— by Byrne, etchings to Macklin’s Bible, &c. 13 Three— by Bouncy, etchings of Garden Scenes 1 4 Fi ve— Landscapes, proofs and etchings 15 Five— by Byrne, Fonthill Houfe, etching and proof on India paper / • /• 4 - ( 4 ) 16 Four— by Byrne, Bartolozzi, and Strange, Apollo, Herdfman to King Admetus, proof and letter^ Sampfon breaking his bands, &c. 17 Three— The Death of Captain Cook, large and J mall etching , and French copy y»s8 Three— The Dpath of Cook, f mall plate, etching and proofs Y 19 Three— Ditto 20 Three— Portraits of Cook and King, and fmaH plate of the Death of Cook II One— by Bartolozzi, The large Death of ^ook 22 One— Ditto, proof 23 Four— by Byrne and Aliamet, La Fanal Ex- haufTc, et le Ancien Port de Genes, etchings and letters 34^ Two— by Bartolozzi, The Departure of Abraham, the etchings and Nymphs Bathing an unfinijbed proof 35 One— by Woollett, Etching of the Phaeton a6 Four— after Wouvermans, by Major, etchings 27 Fifteen— Bartolozzi, Maternal Love, Filial Af- fc£Hon, 38 Seven — by Ditto, 2 in colours 39 Six— by Ditto, Happy Father, and Diftrefs’d Mo- ther, etchings and proofs 30 Sixteen— by Neagle, Raimbach, and Byrne, proofs, fome on India paper Q f 31 Five— by Bartolozzi, of Tickets, to BorghPs Be- nefit, and Wynftay Theatre, three of them proofs 3a Eight— by Ditto, of Tickets, &c. 33 Seven— by Ditto, of Ditto 34 Seven— by Ditto, of Tickets, and to Ariofto 35 Six— by Stadler, Imitations of Drawings 36 Ten— Ditto, of Ditto 3; Four— Bartolozzi and Pouncy, Adam and Eve, the etching, proof and t letters 38 One— Woollet, The Jocund Peafants, etching ^ 7 ^ f Four — by Byrne, Bartolozzi, and Pouncy, Jofeph Andrews, etchings and proofs w H - ^40 Ten — by Ditto, of Country Scenes, etchings /„ Jf 41 Twelve— by Ditto, of Ditto, proofs ( ( 5 ) 4 z Six— by Byrne, Bartolozzi, and Ponncy, of Kew Gardens, &c. proofs before any hunt 43 Eight— by Ditto, Pefaic Rocks, Sc c. chiefly proofs 44 Six— by Pouncy, Engliih Views, with the Da® ♦ fcriptions 4$ Three— by Schurman, Fonthili Houfe,&e» etching e 46 Milton's Views in Ireland, 4 numbers 47 Bartolozzi'® Drawing Book, 5 prints 48 .Alexander's Cofturae of China, Nos. XL andXIL coloured - 49 One— a Drawing, by Ben well, is. colourt, The Chevalier Bayard 50 Three— Drawings, by Hearne, The Frontifpitfce to the Antiquities of Great Britain, a Park Scene, and View of a Mill 51 Two— A Pifture, by Smirke, for the FrontUpiece to Britannia Depitta, and a Drawing, by Bar- tbloszi, in red chalk, for the Print of Abra- ham and Lot 5* Fourteen— to Cook's Voyages, proofs and tubing* 53 Twenty— Diiw, ditti, 54 Three— Portraits of Cook and King, ana Death of Cook , the f mall plate 55 Three— Ditto, ditto 56 One— The Death of Captain Cook, /mail plate, on India paper 57 One— Ditto, the large plate, fine proof 58 Two — Ditto, etchings , in different fates 59 One— Ditto, the etching 60 One— Ditto, lettered print, fine imp r effort 61 One— Ditto, ditto 64 One— Ditto, ditto, on India paper 65 One— Ditto, ditto , before any letters 66 Three— by Byrne and Schuman, Morning, etching, proof \ and letters 67 Two— by Byrne, The Cataract of Niagara 68 One— Bartolozzi and Byrne, The Departure of Abraham, prof 69 One— Ditto, ditto & >7J? ' / ( 6 ) jo Two~~Bartolozzi and Byrne, etching and proof *jo One— Bartolozzi, Vtmus, Cupid, and Satyr, tbr etching, ‘very rare 7 71 Hearne and Byrne’s Antiquities of Great Britain, Vol. I. on India paper , beautiful impreffione N. B. The late Mr. Woollett’s Copy 72 Ditto, the etchings ^ 83 in number , -wanting one to complete the fet 7 73 Imitations of Drawings, by Stadler, from the De- figns of Farington, 5^ plates 74 Byrne’s Views of Cities, 6 plates, with the Defcrip- tions 75 Views of the Lakes, in Cumberland and Weftmo re- land, by Farington and Byrne, 20 plates 3 with thfjPefcriptions > 1789 76 Ditto * 77 Ditto 78 Ditto 79 Ditto 80 Ditto, proofs 81 Ditto, ditto 82 Ditto* ditto S3 DIko, dit** 84. Ditto, ditto 85 Ditto, ditto 86 Ditto, ditto 87 Ditto, ditto 88 Ditto, ditto 89 Ditto, ditto 9° Te^hsa-CoFPER Plates of the above Work, with a number of odd proof impreflions, and a large of letter piefs " etedtek dft tigBttat 91 Smiths Italian Views, 72 plates, fneimprej/ions, with the defcription 92 Ditto, Divto 93 Ditto, proofs , Ditto 94 Ditto, aitto 9; Ditto, ditto 96 Ditto, ditto 97 Ditto, etchings , 98 Twenty-fe veil— Plans to Coxe’s Monmouthfliire 1 £ 99 Twenty- fevem— Portraits and Plans, to Ditto y/ 100 Twenty — Etchings of Garden Scenes, by Pouncy joi Twenty-eight— Proofs and Etchings to Chinefe Embaffy and Headlands io* Thirty— Etchings to Sir Rich. Hoare’s Gyraldus Cambrenfis y ^ 103 Twenty— by ByTnfc,apd f Farington, Views of the Lakes, 104 Seven— -by Dittp, of Cities, etchings 105 Twenty— publifhed by the Dilletanti Society, Ionian Antiquities, proofs and etchings 106 Thirty-two— Ditto Q 107 Twenty— Etchings of Scottilb Scenery / * " Hhiftrate. Djv Cri rip's Poeti- cal Tour of Scotland 110 Hill’s Etchings of Animals, to No. XIII. 1 1 1 Twenty-four— C offer plates of Italian Views, by Smith, with 38 numbers fome proof ini- prefHons, a large number of odd proof, and common impreflions and a confiderable quan- tity of letter prefs 1 1 2 One— Copper plate, by Pouncy, Garden Scene, upright k . 113 Two— Ditto, byDitto, Garden Scenes 114 Daniel’s Indian Antiquities — 1800 FINIS. J» Barker, Printer, Great Ruffell-ftreet, Covent Garden. Y ■ \