I A CATALOGUE PRINTS, BY Bartolozz'i, Morghen, Dorigfty, Drevet, Edelinck, Ridinger, Ryland, Sherwin, and other efteemed Artifts, feveral Englifti and Foreign Portraits, &c. Which will be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KING, At his GREAT ROOM, 38, KING-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN, On SJTURDJTy February 2, 1 805, At SIX o’clock. May be viewed the Morning of Sale, and Cata' logues then had at the Room* CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. ^-T^HE higheft Bidder will be declared the Buyer ; Jl but if any Difpute ftiould arife, the Lot miift be put up again. II. No Advance lefs than Sixpence; above One Pound, One Shilling; above Five Pounds, Five Shillings. III. Every Purchafer is to pay down Five Shillings In the Pound, as Earneft, in Part of Payment, and to give in his Name, and Place of Abode, if required. JV. The Lots to be removed, at the Expence of the Purcliafers, within one Day after the Sale; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-Money to be paid on or before the Delivery. y. Upon Failure of complying with the above Con- ditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited. All Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, {hall be refold, by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if apy) attend- ing fuch Refale, lhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commiflions faithfully executed, by their hum- ble Servant, THOMAS KING. A CATALOGUE, i^c. SJTURDJTy February 2> 1805. Lot 1 q^WENTY-FOUR various— Morland, Ho- ^ witt, Sec. 2 Eighteen Political Prints, by Rowlandfon, Ban- bury, Sec. 3 Twelve Landfeapes, Etchings — Gainftorough, &c. 4 Sixteen Views, by Buck, Vertue, See. 5 Fifteen do. by Capt. Grofe 6 Four modern Prints— x^ngelica and Weft 7 Forty Englifh and Foreign Portraits 8 Ten, Tempeftas — Cries of London, finemprejjioni 9 Twelve Portraits, by Bartolozzi, Sherwin, &c. 10 Nine Theatrical Characters 11 Five liiftorical — Raphael, i a proof 1 2 Seven, after do. fine 13 Four — Diana Bathing, ^ 14 Twelve, by Le Bran, &c. 15 Six, by Le Clerc, fcarce 16 Six — Sebaftian Bourdon, See. 17 Ten, by Bellange, Callot, &c. 18 Five — Teniers Kitchen> &c. 19 Five, from Le Brun’s Collecllon, fine imprejfiont 20 One — Rembrandt’s Three Trees 2 1 Five, by do. ) X^P no Cf^l^lCCr aolt^ 1^00 t-o iCi THE GEHY CENTER LIBRARY 7