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M U . 4 4.-6. > - SCHALCKEN. 1 A Cavalier in a Spanish hat and feathers SCHALCKEN. 2 A Lady — the companion to the preceding picture RUYSDAEL. 3 A s??ia/Z Landscape with Cottages and Figures BROWER. 4 A Philosopher reading BROWER. 5 An Old Woman — the companion to the preceding picture STEENWYCK. . 6 St. Peter delivered from Prison, the Figures by Elsheimer WOUVERMANS. . 7 Soldiers playing at Cards B 6 / // . / ZUCCARELLI, Landscape and Figures —- engraved ZUCCARELLI. // , / 6 9 A Ditto— the companion to the preceding GUERCINO. / / 10 Cupid with his Bow /-V * WATTEAU. , 7 / _ II A Garden Scene with Figures in Masquerade— engraved VANDERWERF. / „ v ^ 12 Portrait of the Baron Tuyl NETSCHER. /z' .. // . 13 Portrait of the Baroness Tuyl W. VANDEVELDE. 2 $ ■ T . 14 A Sea View with Fresh Breeze, and Fishing Boats, Schuyts, &c. / LINGLEBACK. /F 7 / 15 A View near Rome, with Groups of Italian Peasants / JAN STEIN. V . / c - 1: A Marine View on the Beach at Scheveling, richly adorned with figures, with a Lady and Gentleman buying Fish BROWER. - 7 -/ „ |7 The Interior of a Painter’s Study, with a Man grinding colours 3fz * > / 7 BERCHEM. 18 Au upright Lyndscape with Cattle and Figures From the Museum at Amsterdam DAVID TENIERS. J J 19 The Smoker filling his Pipe — etched by himself From the Collection of the Duke de Valentinois GREUZE. o ^ 20 The Head of a Child — painted with the usual simplicity and truth to nature of this artist BERKHEYDEN. _2S . / „ 21 View of the Grande Place, with the Great Church at Haerlem, and a variety of elegant figures RUBENS. j? y //) 22 Hercules destroying the Lion — a spirited study TENIERS. j /S' - 23 The Interior of a Cabaret ; a Man in a white shirt, with other Boors smoking and drinking From the Royal Collection at Madrid CUYP. 24, . J . 24 A View on the Maes with a variety of Boats and Vessels, and the Town of Dort in the distance J. V. OSTADE. 22, / _ 25 A Landscape with a Pied Horse attached to a tree 3 $- 2 . 8 37. // . / P. DE HOOGE. 26 The Interior of an Apartment with a rich effect of sunshine, and Amateur Musicians q . / VANDERNEER. 27 View on a Cana.l, which intersects a Village, with a beautiful effect of the rising Moon j 7 / . r , GUIDO. 28 St. Peter in Ecstaoy From the Collection of the late Lord Radstock, and formerly in the Borghese Palace ^ j . /.? . LE DUG. 29 An Interior with a Corps de Garde— - the chef d 'oeuvre of this master 2 g > DAVID TENIERS. 30 A small brilliant Landscape with Cottages, and Figures merrymaking i 7 /. f. DAVID TENIERS. 31 Ditto— the companion to the preceding picture // //? - / WOUVERMANS. . 32 A Landscape, with Travellers reposing, and a Man crossing a Bridge From the Orleans Collection -7 / /" TERBURG. 33 A young Lady in a white satin costume, bathing her hands near a table covered with a rich carpet, and. a Spaniel at her feet 9 BACKHUYSEN. 34 A Sea View, representing the Landing of King William III. in Holland when lie visited his Dutch States in 1661 J2 // - 35 BACKHUYSEN. The companion to the preceding picture 27 • /_ 36 REMBRANDT. A Landscape with the Three Trees, and a richly coloured distance — - — 37 WYNANTS. A Landscape, with Figures by ADRIAN OSTADE, unique — the only known Picture possessing the combined powers of those two great MASTERS I T/ /<> . 38 / VAN DYCK. A Landscape with a Storm, in which is introduced the story of Dido and HSneas From the Collection of the late Lord Radstock J7~ 39 VELASQUEZ. Portrait of PHILIP the FOURTH of Spain From the Royal Collection at Madrid o \ V V VELASQUEZ. Portrait of ELIZABETH of BOURBON, his Queen — companion to the preceding Portrait From the same Collection | zf, r , 4i MOLA. A Landscape with the Magdalen attended by Angels C 10 RUYSDAEL. V£~ . ^ 42 A richly wooded Landscape with Figures, the entrance to a Dutch Village ; a large sheet of Water in front, on which, near a Cottage, is a Man conducting his Boat J ■ A ' - 43 N. POUSSIN. A grand Landscape with groups of Figures, representing the Finding of Moses — a finished study for the picture in the Louvre Jj .. f - 44 REMBRANDT. A spirited Portrait of an Officer in a red cap, and adorned with a gold chain, from which is suspended an Order of Merit J 9 . 3 - 45 KAREL DU JARDIN. A View on the outside of an Italian City, with peasants playing at V Amor a From the Cabinet de Choiseul, in which it is engraved J/ - /<> - 46 VANDYCK. Children seated on rich drapery playing with fruit and flowers ... — 47 GERARD DOW. A Girl holding a candle From the Collection of Mr. Gildermeester of Amsterdam TENIERS. J'd $ w 48 A Landscape, with cattle and a shepherd playing on a pipe 48 / . 49 From the Collection of Alderman Patterson of Norwich TENIERS. The companion to the preceding Picture Also from the Collection of Alderman Patterson of Norwich 3 .r r 11 ^ GUIDO. ./l - 50 The Infant Saviour asleep, with the Virgin in adoration P. POTTER. / / 51 A Romantic Landscape, with a Wild Boar in his lair, and Deer on an eminence ; the foreground richly embroidered with plants and herbage S'/ HOBBIMA. 52 The Watermill with a neighbouring Farm; a sheet of water in the front, on which is a boat with Figures ; a spirited study from nature TENIERS. yj / $ 53 A Village Feast with a variety of Figures carousing, and a large Party / seated at table on the outside of a Cabaret — engraved JAN STEEN. / * / 54 The Interior of a Cabaret, with five Figures, in which he has intro duced his own Portrait holding a glass of wine BERCHEM. &// 55 A Landscape with a White Horse, and Figures going hawking, and a Herdsman driving a Cow TENIERS. /// . / - 56 The Physician in his study, with a Female in attendance ; the door of the apartment opens to a brilliant Landscape, with the City of Antwerp in the distance BOTH. ^21 . /T _ 57 A warm glowing Landscape, enriched by a group of Horses and Figures by his brother Andrew Both ; on the right are some lofty trees, and on the left a lake with a mountainous distance J- y ^ WYNANTS. /*2 . // . 58 A Landscape, beautifully composed, with Cattle and Figures by ADRIAN VANDEVELDE 7 o #2 . $ - / RUBENS. 59 Minerva protecting the Arts, &c. from the horrors of war; a rich com- position, treated with great poetic beauty S S' . J .. . - _ VANDYCK. _ 60 Sampson seized by the Philistines, in the presence of Dalilah; a finished study for the large Picture / (T~t //# . /o PETER DE HOOGE. - 61 A View in the Garden of a Dutch Chateau, with Ladies and Gentle- men at their amusement, with Servants in attendance ; M S 4 — ADRIAN VANDEVELDE. 62 An exquisitely finished Landscape, with Sheep, Goats, and Figures, near a Farm From the Collection of Mr. Rynders, of the Place Royale at Brussels /2 /o P. DE KONING. _ 63 A Landscape and Figures, a bird’s eye view in Holland, with Travellers halting, and FIGURES passing along a road by Lingelback ADRIAN OSTADE. / 2. /■> 64 An INTERIOR. An Alchymist in his Laboratory, surrounded by an infinite variety of objects, magically painted From the Collection of the late Mr. Meyer of STRASBOURG 13 3 Sr r S > . // - 65 VANDER HEYDEN. A View in AMSTERDAM, a Canal in front, with Figures by Adrian Vandevelde From the Collection of the late Walsh Porter, Esq. . S'. 66 BERCHEM. A View in Italy, with Ruins, and a Group of Cattle and Figures passing a Ford ; a composition of great richness and beauty RUYSDAEL. * }r ft/ -7 A Woody Landscape with a sandy bank, and a lake intersecting- the fore* /S' 6S ground, enriched by a group of Horses and Figures by Rerchem .? — ISAAC OSTADE. An upright Landscape, in which is represented a Wake. A variety of Figures in their native and characteristic costumes, variously occupied, and full of mirth and humour This valuable production was lately purchased of a person of HIGH rank in Paris ’/J — , 69 REMBRANDT. Portraits of Two Children of the BURGOMASTER SIX, in a rich Landscape; in the distance is seen a Traveller, and a Man fishing Up C- y . /f. 70 RUBENS. The Triumph op Religion — a finished study for the large picture S .. S' 71 RUYSDAEL. A richly Wooded LANDSCAPE with Cottages and Figures, and a Shepherd driving a Flock of Sheep along a Road ; to the right a splendid group of trees are placed upon a verdant bank From the Collection of Monsieur Perrin D JV-J 7 /V /£ - r/ : /t - /// ,. /O - /4 *■ // * /*/ .- // /* . /2 . 14 7%e 7 Vo following Splendid and Interesting Portraits, were originally Painted by Rubens, for the TOWN HOUSE of BRUSSELS. RUBENS. 72 A Portrait of the ARCHDUKE CHARLES, the Governor of the Low Countries RUBENS. 73 Ditto of his Wife the INFANTA ISABELLA of Spain CORREGGIO. 74 A Nymph asleep, in a Landscape — richly composed and coloured Formerly in the Collection of Monsieur de Julienne, in Paris VANDERNEER. 75 A Winter Scene, with a variety of Figures amusing themselves on the Ice ; the foreground richly broken with groups of trees and paling ; a View of a Village to the left TV W. VANDEVELDE. 76 A Calm. — A View in the Offing at Sea from a Sandy Shore, with many Vessels, Boats, and Figures becalmed; and on the right a Pier, with a Vessel moored along side RUBENS 77 A capital Landscape, a Winter Scene, in which the artist has introduced a View of his own Chateau; Figures are passing along a Road, in which is a Horse and Cart; and on the left a View into the Farm Yard, with other Figures variously occupied GASPER POUSSIN. 78 A classical grand Landscape, with a View of the Heights of TlYOLl to the right ; the Figures by NlCCOLO POUSSIN 15 JU / The Two following Landscapes are rare specimens of the artist s power and were distinguished in the Aldebrandini Palace at Rome, as CHEF d’oeuvres of his pencil GUERCINO. . /£ . 79 A GRAND ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, with Travellers, &c. A- _ ^ *-> > 2 . GUERCINO. 46 4 80 A DITTO, the COMPANION /'? *-*%-* ^ CLAUDE. V/ /£ 81 A Marine View, with a Sea Fight between the Turks and Venetians 7 V'"' CUYP. yyS . rf* __ 82 The Conversion of St. Paul — this extraordinary example of the versatility of the genius of the painter, is executed in his finest manner <94 SALVATOR ROSA. 83 A romantic Landscape, in which is introduced the story of Calista transformed into a Bear From the Borghese Palace VAN DYCK. fy . . & 84 The Assumption of the Virgin, with attendant Angels From the King of Spain’s Collection — known and esteemed as the CHEF d’oeuvre of this artist’s works in the Royal Gallery A / c -36 0 fa 16 SLINGELAND. 85 The Interior of a Dutch Kitchen, with a Domestic occupied with her culinary utensils From the Collection of Mrs. Gordon, and is marked with the name ofG. Dow, and is equal for precious finishing to his finest productions — 'l / 7c'h~t^ y _ A End of the First Day's Sale. U t / cT . // b - a A- A .. / , 147 VANDERNEER. A richly wooded Landscape with the moon rising ; on the left si Far- rier's shop, and on the right some Figures near a fire From the Collection of Mr. Meyer of Strasbou rg K 1 i I M * 8 * 00 ADRIAN VANDEVELDE. A Shepherd and Shepherdess in a Landscape, with Cows, Sheep and Goats 2/s~. r . 149 A. V. OSTADE. A Merrymaking — T he Interior of a Cabaret, with a rich composi- tion of about twenty figures dancing and carousing . /o , 150 N. POUSSIN. A grand and classical LANDSCAPE, with Buildings, Cattle and Figures ; in the fore ground a Shepherd attending his Flock 4/ ,. 6 c 151 LEONARDO DA VINCI. The VIRGIN MARY and ST. JOHN supporting OUR SAVIOUR 25 J6 PETER DE HOOGE. 152 An EXTERIOR. A Court Yard surrounded by Buildings, across which a Female Servant is passing while an Old Woman is sitting ADRIAN VANDEVELDE. 153 A rich LANDSCAPE, a Park scene, with Deer, Sheep, Horses and Figures; an almost unique specimen of this master GIORGIONE. /j / J 154 The JUDGMENT of PARIS, in a splendid Landscape, with Mer- cury bearing the news to the Gods, ISAAC OSTADE. , / 155 A richly coloured Landscape with Cottages; through an archway is seen a white horse, and in the front a Woman selling vegetables , and Children at play This picture was lately in the Collection of M. La PEYRIERE of Paris WOUVERMANS. J j J- /g 156 A capital Landscape with Horses and Figures, descending and ascend- ing a hilly road; in the front are Travellers passing a ford Formerly in the celebrated Cabinet de BRAAMCAMP at Amsterdam RUYSDAEL. 157 A grand LANDSCAPE with Cattle and Figures ; the centre occupied with lofty trees, some of which are reflected in abroad lake; on the right are high hills clothed with wood, and two fallen beech trees in the front From the Collection of Madame Catalan in Paris G 370 / 26 Jrr. The two following noble specimens of Teniers were taken by JOSEPH BUONAP ARTE to America , from whence they were sent to Paris, where they were recently purchased of his agent. • DAVID TENIERS. / 0 _ 158 A VILLAGE FEAST, with various groups of Figures; on the right are women running a race for a cake exhibited on a pole From the Royal Collection at Madrid. SVt DAVID TENIERS. 159 A BLEACHING GROUND, with a view of a Village — the compa- nion — full of figures actively employed J/r VANDERNEER. 160 A capital Landscape with a view of a Village in Holland intersected by a Canal ; on the left waggon, horses and figures are passing along a road, and on the right a CHATEAU embowered in trees - ^ 3^777^) -z * y <7,7' 7 _ ' RUYSDAEL. 161 A mountainous and woody LANDSCAPE with a Waterfall, over which some Peasants are driving Sheep across a bridge, a fir tree growing in the front, and another broken down / y KAREL DU JARDIN. /& 162 A brilliant Italian LANDSCAPE, the foreground is occupied by a shallow lake through which are passing Travellers, and Peasants conducting Cattle, Sheep and Goats, on the top of the bank are trees, and the summit is crowned with picturesque ruins 27 HOLBEIN. 163 Portrait of a Gentleman in a black cap and dress richly trimmed with fur, and holding a glove in one hand This splendid Portrait is from the Collection of Mr. Art aria of Mannheim, and is described and beautifully engraved in the supplement to tbe Rev. Dr. Dibdin’s Picturesque Tour. ANNIBAL CARRACCI. //} Z . 164 A PIET A. The Saviour supported on the lap of the Virgin Mary, with Angels This sublime production is from the Collection of the Duke de Cosse in Paris, and engraved by Rousselet CUYP. _ r -165 La Partie he Chasse du PRINCE D’ORANGE; a clear and sunny Landscape, with the Prince of Orange mounted on a Grey Horse giving directions to a Garde de Chasse; his two sons richly habited, are also mounted ; near them are several dogs, and figures hunting in the distance From the Collection of M. de la Peyriere DAVID TENIERS. J £> /f _ r 166 The ALCHYMIST At a table covered with a multitude of utensils the Philosopher is seated essaying a piece of gold; in the background are three attendants at work, a range of FURNACES are to the right, and a quantity of interesting objects are scattered throughout the apartment RUYSDAEL, AND ADRIAN VANDEVELDE. - 167 A LANDSCAPE with a CHATEAU surrounded by a Moat, and enriched with Forest Scenery, several Figures, and a Shepherd driving a Flock of Sheep, by Adrian Vandevelde, occupy the foreground 28 *r / 4 Z— CLAUDE. 1G8 MOUNT PARNASSUS, with Minerva visiting the Muses, At the foot of the hill is seen the City of Delphos, with the Ocean, and distant Mountains. This Magnificent Picture was painted for the CONSTABLE COLONNA, and was formerly purchased from the Colonna Palace for the sum of Thirty Thousand Francs by MonsL Durand of Paris BERGHEM. v 169 THE REPOSE from the CHASE. A LANDSCAPE with magnificent Ruins, near which are a group of Ladies and Gentlemen on horseback , and a Gentleman standing beside a White Horse ; in the foreground, a Shepherd and Shepherdess with Sheep reposing, and more distant are two Gentlemen on horseback followed by their Huntsman and Dog HOBBIMA, 1663. j'M/) __ 170 A richly wooded LANDSCAPE with COTTAGES, a road leading to a Village crosses the whole of the j ore ground, along which Travellers are passing, a pool of water is in the centre, near which are lying some fallen trees. This fine picture is about the same dimensions, and was painted in the same year, with The Magnificent Work of the same Artist, exhibited last season at the British Institution Vs a* - / /?/, /* - // RUYSDAEL. , 171 A brilliant LANDSCAPE- — A broken bank covered with herbage is crowned with a group of high Trees in beauliful foliage ; in the front is a fallen Beach Tree, and beyond a richly wooded dell ; to the right a rivulet running through the distance ; with a Shepherd tending his scattered Flock From the Collection of Madame Catalan in Paris 29 3 y z / RUBENS. jO - 172 LA DANCE VILLAGEOISE. A rich Landscape, in which a splendid group of seventeen Figures are performing a Rustic Dance to the Music of a Piper seated in a Tree. The whole are in motion, and produce an effect at once dazzling and magnificent. This Chef d CEuvre formerly adorned the rich Cabinet of Mons. de Julienne in Paris, in which it ranked as one of his most precious GEMS, and is known by the engraving by BoLSWERT. J . Davy, Priuter, 15, Qaeen-street, Seven-dials. 4 i' ; . . .> * ! mm '•