Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2020 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofremai00chri_7 SPLENDID BOOKS AND BOOKS OF PRINTS. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Of the late SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY ; To which is added, THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF A GENTLEMAN; INCLUDING Galerie de Dresde, beautiful impressions, splendidly bound in red mo¬ rocco, imperial folio; Ridinger’s Works, 8 vol. a very choice copy; Rossini’s Views in Rome, imperial folio; Voyage Pitto- resque de Naples et de Sicile, 5 tom. russia ; Nash’s Views of Paris, proof plates, large paper, blue morocco; Stuart’s Anti¬ quities of Athens, 3 vol. russia; Curtis’s Flora Londinensis, 3 vol.; Sinclair’s Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, privately printed ; Holbein’s Portraits of Illustrious Persons ; by Cham- berlayne, Vetus Testamentum Gr^cum, b Baber, 7 parts; Ionian Antiquities, 2 vol.; Britton’s Cathedral Antiquities of Eng¬ land, 10 vol. large paper, uncut; Rees’s Cyclopedia, 45 vol. half russia; Catalogues of the Royal Academy, complete from the Com¬ mencement, 1760, to the present Time; Catalogues of the Society of British Artists, complete; An extraordinary Collection of Works relative to the Royal Academy, and to the Fine Arts ; Beauties of England and Wales, 26 vol.; Nichols’s Literary Anecdotes, 14 vol.; a very valuable and complete Collection of the best Variorum and other Classics, &c. &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUTION, By Mr. SOTHEBY and SON, ©Wellington Street, ^trantf, On FRIDAY, JUNE 25th, 1830, and Three following Days, at Twelve o’Clock. To be viewed on Tuesday 22d, and Catalogues to be now had at the place of Sale. 1830. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be im¬ mediately put up again. II. No Person to advance less than Gd.; above Ten Shillings, Is.; above Five Pounds, 2s. Gd.; and so in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in Part of Payment of the Purchase-money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expence, after the Conclusion of the Sale, and the Purchase-Money to be paid on or before Delivery; in default of which, Messrs. Sotheby & Son will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise ex¬ pressed ; but if upon collating, at the place of Sale, any should prove defective, the Purchaser will be at Liberty to take or reject them, except Magazines, Re¬ views, See. which are sold with all faults. VI. The Sale of any Book or Books is not to be set aside on account of any Stained or Short Leaves. VII. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money required and deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited, and all Lots uncleared within the Time afore¬ said shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any), with all charges on such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. VIII. All Persons requiring Stamp Receipts for Books bought, to pay for the same. ("£?* Gentlemen icho cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions• faithfully executed by their humble Servants, S. SOTHEBY & SON, Wellington Street, Strand. N.B.—No Books win, be delivered during the Time of Sale with* nut being first paid for; and it is requested that Gentlemen will clear their books and settle their Accounts ut the Conclusion of the Sale. / l 3 / y Sfrl yz 202 /c3 y 2 y#4. 3 /^ / , o / j yfZ y yjf y / /// y //^ . y //3 y yzy y // t/2f-2-i.'t* e^i5£~ .'3-A'V^ x /*/pi^r, -£f 7* t-«^-fr-V / Jf 777 734 74/ /&Z 743 744 /47 /zZ Jjif 74? . 77 7f3 734 /sr 75 / 77f /iff / /3z 75 .74 74r /7c /7 /// .// 7 7~ V 4 7 7/ /■? 3 y 7\ 7 y 'Z 4 7J 7 y 3 7/ / / 7 3 7 7J~ 7 f J 7 v; - 7 - / 7> Z Z z Z z z / z z z e 7 ■ 6 =-^ : ■ ■ 7/ s<.7C-a/‘C f c. /r 7$asy> -7j£7*r A7t.o7c7t^t^. cxT *77 o7° 7<*t/-£ 3^ 7 138 Criticism. — The Royal Academicians, a Farce, 1/86 — The Ex¬ hibition, or There is none greater than I, ] 793 — Touchstone, 1795—Knoop’s Critical Catalogue of Pictures, &c. 1807 ■ in 1 vol. 139 Croker’s (Miss) Nugfe Canovas , 1818 141 Cumberland’s (G.) Anecdotes of Julio Bonasone, with Catalogue of his Works . 1793 142 Cunningham’s (A.) Lives of Eminent Painters, Vol. 1 ,interleaved in 2 vol. . 1829 143 Cuvier (M. le Ch.) Recueil de Eloges Historiques de l’lnstitut Royal de France, 2 tom. Strasb. 1819 — Surles Revolutions de la Surface du Globe, Par. 1825 j 3 vol. uniform, g. 1. 144 Dacre (B. Lady) Dramas, Translations, and Occasional Poems, 2 vol. . Murray, not published, 1821 *** A Presentation Copy from Lady Dacre, with an elegant MS. complementary 7 Stanza. 145 Dangerous Connections, 3 vol. . 1784 146 Dante’s Divina Commedia, englished by H. Boyd, 3 vol. 1802 147 Davies’s (E.) Life of Bartholome E. Murillo, privately printed 1819 148 Da Vinci (Leon.) on Painting, englished 1721 149 Ditto . . 1721 151 Da Vinci’s (Leon.) Treatise on Painting, plates 1796 152 Ditto . . 1796 153 Dawe’s (G.) Life of George Morland 1807 154 De Foe’s History of the Great Plague in London, 1665 1819 155 Demosthenes, englished by Taylor, 2 vol. 1819 156 De Piles’s Art of Painting . 1706 157 Desenfan’s(N.)Plan for preserving the Portraits of Distinguished Men, &c. . . 1799 158 Desenfan’s (N.) Catalogue of Pictures, &e. 2 vol. 1801 159 De Vere, or the Man of Independence, 4 vol. 1827 161 Dibdin’s (T. F.) Introduction to the Classics, 2 vol. 1808 162 Diderot’s James the First and His Master, 2 vol. 1797 163 Director (The), 2 vol. . 1807 164 Drake’s (N.) Winter Nights, 2 vol. . 1820 165 Dryden’s (.1.) Prose Works, with Notes bv Malone, 3 vol. in 4 1800 166 Dryden’s Works, with Notes by Sir Walter Scott, 18 vol. fwants vol. 1) . . 1808 167 Du Fresnoy’s Art of Painting, by Dryden 1750 1 68 Duppa’s (R.) Life of Michael Angelo Buonarotti 1816 169 Duppa’s Life of Raflfaelo Sanzio da Urbino 1816 171 Duties of Executors . . 1823 172 Edinburgh (The) Review, from No. 1 to 99, with Index 1802-1829 173 Effigies Poetic.??, or the Portraits of the British Poets (presen¬ tation copy from the Author) 1824 8 174 Elgin (Earl of) Letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review 175 Elia, Essays which have appeared in the London Magazine under that name • • , r> 176 Ellis’s (G.) Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, 177 Ellis's (G. Agar) Iron Mask (presentation copy from the 4 "*^) 178 Ellis’s (G. Agar) Catalogue of the principal Pictures in Handu s and Holland, privately printed (presentation copy from^th^ 179 Ellis (G. Agar) concerning the Character of the Earl of CLien- Aon (presentation copy from the Author) - 181 Elmes’s (J.) Arts and Artists, portraits and plates , 3 vol. 182 Encyclopaedia of Love • 183 Essai surle Salon, 5 Nos. • ’ 184 Euclid’s Elements, by Simson , 0 185 Eustace’s (J. C.) Classical lour through Italy^ 2 • 1809 1817 1791 1818 1755 186 Evelvn’s (J.) Sculptura, plates * . N 187 Exterpta ex LucJetin de Reram Natmi 188 Farrington's (J.) Memoirs of tire Life of Sir Josl.ua Reynolds, (the proof copy, with corrections ) 189 Fea(D. C.) Descrizione di Roma, 3 tom .{presentation copy frm the Duchess of Devonshire) Jioma ’ 191 Feiuagle’s (G. von) New Art of Memory 1 92 Felibien’s Seven Conferences held in the King o * ian ^ ^ binet of Paintings " r> * * / 1 oo^ 193 Felix Farley, Rhymes, Latin and English Bristol , lbjG 194 Ferguson (A.) on Civil Society _ 7 ' 195 Fielding's (H.) Works, with Life, / \ol. * 196 Flaxman’stJ.) Lectures on Sculpture, *<*« (ded,ca,wn - presentation copy), morocco, gilt leaves - 197 Fontaine (Dela) Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, planches, 2 tom. 198 Ford’s (j.) Dramatic Works, with notes by Gifford, 2 v. / 199 Foreign Review, 9 Nos. * p ,099 201 Fosbroke’s (T.) Wye Tour • 1828 202 Forster’s (E.) Sermons, 2 voL • i«98 203 Forster's (E.) Sermons (4 copies) 204 Forster’s (E.) Sermons (4 copies) . 205 Forster’s (T.) Researches about Atmospheric Phenomena 81o 206 Fowler’s (C.) Plan for the Revival of Hungerford Market 1829 207 Frankestein, 2 vol. • . * f , 208 Frazer’s (H.) Essay on Painting (presentation copy from 209 French’s (Mrs.) Poems • Southampton, 18 lo 210 Fry’s (C.) Serious Poems 9 QUARTO. 211 Account of the View of Hyde Park on a Sunday, painted by Dubost . . 1810 212 Act of Parliament for the Copyright of Models 1799 213 Addison’s Works, Vol. 2, 3, and 4 1721 214 sEdes fValpoliance, or a Description of the Pictures at Cowdry 17G7 215 Akenside’s (M.) Poems . 1772 21 o Albinus’s (The Explanation of) Anatomical Figures 1754 21 7 Another copy . . 1 754 218 Anstey’s (C.) Poetical Works (presentation copy) 1808 219 Antes (J.) on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians 1800 221 Archasologia, from part 13 to 21 inclusive , with index to the first 15 vol. 222 Aristotle’s Works, translated by T. Taylor, 9 vol. 1806-12 223 Aristotle’s Treatise on Poetry, by Twining 1789 224 Arts (The), A volume containing a very interesting and nu¬ merous Collection of Scraps and Papers relating to the Fine Arts, from 1750 to 1822 * 225 Aglionby’s (W.) Observations on Vasari’s Lives of the Painters 1719 226 Bacon’s (Lord) Letters and Remains, by Stevens 1734 227 Baillie’s (J.) The Martyr, a Drama (presentation copy Jrom the authoress) . . 1826 228 Balmanno’s (Mrs.) May Talbot, a Poem, proof plate on India paper 229 Bard well’s (T.) Practice of Painting 1756 230 Barry’s (J.) Letter to the Dilettanti Society 1797 231 Barry’s (.1.) Works, 2 vol. • 1809 232 Batty’s (Capt.) German Scenery 1823 233 Bell’s (C.) Essays on the Anatomy and Philosophy of Ex¬ pression . • 1824 234 Bemetzrieder Lecons de Clavecin Paris, 1771 235 Biography of Artists, a volume containing a Collection of Biographical scraps of Arts 236 Blizard’s (Sir W.) Hunterian Oration (presentation copy from the author) . . 1823 237 Boswell’s Life of Johnson, Vol. I—Homer’s Iliad, by Covvper, 1791 ; 2 vol. 238 Bowdler’s (Miss) Poems and Essays Bath, 1798 239 Bowles’s Practice of Perspective . 1782 241 Boydell’s (J.) Plan for encouraging the Arts, &c. in England 1801 242 Bristol (The) Merchant, a Comedy, MS. 243 British Institution. —Collection of the Catalogues of Pic¬ tures exhibited at the British Institution, from the Com¬ mencement in 1806 to 1828; in 1 vol. 10 244 British Institution. —A Volume, containing a very Interest¬ ing Collection of Papers, Printed and Manuscript, re¬ lating to the Origin of the British Institution 245 British Institution.—Catalogue Raisonnee of the Pictures now Exhibiting . . 1815 246 Bromley’s (R.) History of the Fine Arts 1793 247 Brooke's (Miss) Reliques of Irish Poetry ( title torn) 248 Bryant (J.) on the Wars of Troy 249 Burke’s (E.) Works, vol. 2,3, and 5 • 1792 251 Burnet’s (John) Practical Treatise on Painting, with coloured plates, large paper . 1827 252 Burney’s (Charles) Account of the Musical Performances at Westminster Abbey . 1785 253 Byrne’s (W.) Britannia Depicta, part I, oblong 1806 254 Campbell’s (T.) Gertrude and Wyoming 1809 255 Camper’s (Professor) Works, englished by Cogan ,plates 1794 256 Carlisle’s (N.) Topographical Dictionary of Ireland 1810 257 Carlisle's (N.) Topographical Dictionary of Wales 1811 258 Carlisle’s (N.) Topographical Dictionary of Scotland, 2 v. 1813 259 Carlisle’s (A.) Hunterian Oration, 1820-6, &c. 3 Tracts 261 Carlisle’s Family History . 1822 262 Catalogue of the Pictures painted for Mr. Macklin 1790 263 Catalogue of the Pictures of the Old Masters, collected by the late Sir Joshua Reynolds, prices and names, \ ery rare 1793 264 Catalogue of the Pictures of C. A. de Calonne, prices, very scarce . . 1795 265 Catalogue of the Library of the Society of Antiquaries 1816 266 Catalogue of the Hargrave Manuscripts 1818 267 Catalogue of the Prints and Drawings of Benjamin West, prices 1820 268 Catalogue of the Prints of Thomas Lloyd, Esq. 1825 269 Catalogue of the Series of Pictures painted by British Artists for Alexander Davison . 1807 271 Catalogue of Pictures by the Antient Masters in the Gallery of the Northern Society 1824 272 Catalogues of the Royal Academy, from the commencement 1 769 to 1811 inclusive, 3 vol. russia, very rare 273 Catalogues of the Royal Academy, British Institution, &c. a parcel 274 Catalogues of the Paintings, &c. exhibited by the Free Society of Artists, from 1761 to 1799, in all nine Catalogues, ex¬ ceedingly rare 275 Catalogues of the Water-Colour Exhibition, from the commence¬ ment 1805 to 1819 276 Catalogue Raisonnee of the Pictures exhibiting in Pall Mall, with additional matter inserted, the two parts complete, very rare . . 1816 \ 11 ‘111 Catalogue of Stobwasser’s Cabinet of Pictures, with numerous marginal notes relating to the Pictures, very interesting 278 Catalogue of Miscellaneous Sales of Pictures,&c. a bundle 279 Chambray (Sieur de) Idee de la Perfection de la Peinture au Mans, 1 662 281 Cliambaud Dictionnaire, Fr. et Ang. 2 vol. 1805 FOLIO. 282 Account of the Eddystone Light House, plates, unbound 283 Account of the Visit of the Prince Regent Oa'f. 1815 284 Bacon's (Lord) History of the Reigne of Henry the Seventh 1629 285 Bartolo Columna Trajana Roma, 286 Boccaccio’s Novels, englished . 1684 287 Bonanni (P.) Numismata Summorum Pontificum Templi Vati- cani Fabricam indicata , figuris, fine ruled copy, gilt leaves Roma, 1697 288 Book of Common Prayer, large paper, morocco, g. 1. 1683 289 Bunting’s Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland, vol. 1 291 Buonarruoti la Fiera . Firenze, 1726 292 Catalogue of the Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c. in the British Museum . • 1829 293 Condivi (A.) Vita di Michael Angelo Buonarroti Firenze, 1746 294 Da Vinci Trattato della Pittura,j%\ Parigi, 1651 295 Echard’s (L.) History of England, 3 vol. 1707 296 Essai surles Habitations des Anciens Romains, planches 297 Fontana (Carlo) II Tempio Vaticano Roma, 1694 SECOND DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO et INFRA. LOT 298 FUSELI’s (H.) Reflections on the Paintings of the Greeks 1765 299 Fuseli (H.) on the Paintings and Sculpture ofthe Greeks 1765 301 Another copy » • ^65 12 302 Fuseli’s (II.) Aphorisms, wants the title, (presentation copy from the Author toJ. Farrington) 303 Gascoigne’s (II.) Path to Naval Fame 1825 304 Genlis (M. de) Les Meres Rivales, 2 tom. Berlin, ] 800 305 Genlis’s (Mad. de) Tales of the Castle, 2 vol. 1817 306 Gent’s ('!'.) Poems ( presentation copy from the Author ) 1820 307 Gent’s (T.) Poems ( presentation copy from the Author) 1828 308 Gilpin’s (W.) Essay on Prints . 1792 309 Gilpin’s (W.) Essays on Picturesque Beauty, &c .plates 1794 311 Glenarvon, 3 vol. . 1816 312 Glenbervie’s (Lord) First Canto of Riccardello 1822 313 Godwin’s (W.) Enquirer . 1797 314 Godwin’s (W.) Memoirs of the Author of the Rights of Women 1798 315 Godwin’s (W.) Maudeville, a Tale, 3 vol. 1817 316 Gondar Grammatica Italiana e Francese Firenze, 1809 31/ Goethes Torquato Tasso, a Poem, englished bv C. Des Y’oeux 1827 318 Graglia s Pocket Italian-English Dictionary, 2 vol. Genoa, 1815 319 Grahams (Maria) Memoirs of the Life of Nicolas Poussin 1820 321 Graham’s (Maria) Three Months passed in the Mountains East of Rome, plates (presentation copy from the Authoress) 1821 322 Graham Hamilton, a Novel . 1822 323 Green (J.) on Warm Baths 324 Gwillim’s (J.) Imperial Captive, 2 vol. 1817 325 Gwyn’s (J.) Essay on Design . 1749 326 Hallam’s (H.) Letters from the North of Italy, 2 vol. 1819 327 Hall s (Capt. Basil) Travels in North America, plates, 3 vol. Edinb. 1829 328 Hamilton s (Count) Memoirs of Count Grammont, fine impres¬ sions of the portraits, 3 vol. calf marbled leaves 1809 329 Hamilton’s (T.) Antar, a Romance . 1819 331 Hardenbrasa and Haverill, or the Secret of the Castle, 4 vol. 1817 332 Hayter’s (C.) Introduction to Perspective, Drawing, and Paint¬ ing, plates (dedication and presentation copy from the Author, with Autograph Letter, blue mor. gilt leaves) 1815 333 Hayter’s Introduction to Prospective 1815 334 Heywood’s (B. A.) Addresses delivered at the Liverpool Royal Institution (presentation copy from the Author) 1824 335 History of Julius Fitz-John, 3 vol. 1818 336 History of New York . . 1820 337 History and Art of Engraving . 1770 338 Hodges’s (N.) Account of the Plague in London 1720 339 Hoffman’s (E. T.) Devil’s Elixir, 2 vol. 1824 341 Hogarth. — Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth 1781 342 Holbein s (H.) Dance of Death, engraved by Hollard 343 Homer’s Odyssey, translated by Pope Edinb. 1761 344 Hood’s (T.) Whims and Oddities 1827 * d 3j*s JU 34 } 34* 34j j/y 352 373 m jjr jj2 3S? 55* Jti 362 >23 32-5 325 322 J2> 3'23 32s 376 3^2 3; 3 373 r2> J7 / 75 '7 75 70 57 / 7 70 5 3 2 2 5 S 6 2 72 73 7 2, 7 7 7 3 2 2 76/ "*- 57* t 2 / 2 2 6 2 6 / j - 7' <% ^ ^ i * 6 ' i 6 i3*r252> c-37 ■fat* £7^ 13 345 Hope s (f.) Costume of the Ancients, plates, 2 vol. 1812 346 Howard's (A.) Beauties of Canning 347 Howard (J. If.) on the Duties of Solicitors (presentation copy from the Author) . 1827 348 Howard’s (J. H.) Laws of the British Colonies in the B est Indies, 2 vol. calf, marbled leaves (presentation copy from, the Author) 349 Hughes s (T. S.) Belshazzar’s Feast 351 Hume’s (A.) Notices of the Life and Works of (presentation copy from the Author) 352 Inglis (Sir R.) on the Catholic Question (presentation Camb. Titian, 1827 1818 port. 1829 copy) 1828 1778 353 Introduction to the Knowledge of Eminent Painters ,,, 354 Jamblichus on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, englished by Taylor . ‘ # j g2i 355 Jambliclius’s Life of Pythagoras, translated by Taylor 356 Jebb’s (J.) Sacred Literature 1820 357 .lebb’s (J.) Sermons (presentation copy from the Author) 1824 358 Jerdan’s^ (W.) Paris Spectator, 3 vol. 1815 359 Johnson s (J.) Typographia, 2 vol. 1824 361 Johnson’s (Dr.) Dictionary of the English Language, 4 vol. 1805 362 Johnsons (Dr.) Rambler . 1827 363 Joliffe’s (T. R.) Letters from Palestine, plates, 2 vol. russia 1822 364 Jones’s (J.) Account of the War in Spain and Portugal 1818 365 Jonson’s (Ben) Dramatic B erks, 4 vol. ° 18H 366 Kempis (Thomas a) The Imitation of Christ, englished with Notes by Dibdin . . 1828 367 Kendrick (E.) on the Art of Miniature Painting 1830 368 Kitchiner’s (Dr.) Art of Prolonging Life ° 1822 369 Koecker’s (L.) Principles of Dental Surgery (presentation copy from the Author) 1826 371 Labaumes(E.) Narrative of the Campaign in Russia 1815 372 Lamballe’s Secret Memoirs of the French Court, 2 vol. 1826 373 Lancaster on the Improvements of Education 1806 374 Landseer’s (J.) Lectures on the Art of Engraving (presenta¬ tion copy from the Author) j 807 375 Landseer’s (J.) Lectures on the Art of Engraving 1807 376 Landseer’s (.1.) Lectures on Engraving 1807 377 Landseer (J.) on the Art of Engraving, with additional matter inserted . 1810 378 Landseer’s Review of Publications of Art, &c. (wants title) 379 Lantier’s (E. F.) Travels of Antenor in Greece and Asia, 3 vol. _ . , 1799 381 Lanzi (1 Abb6) Abregee de la Storia Pittorica della Italia, planches (presentation copy from Mr. Francillon) Par. 1823 382 Lavater’s Essays on Physiognomy, englished by Holcroft, plates, 3 vol. * . j 739 383 Lawrence’s (Sir T.) Address to the Students of the Royal Aca¬ demy, thick paper . ’ 1824 14 38 4 Lawrence’s (Sir T.) Address to the Students of the Royal Aca¬ demy, 1824, See. (duplicate copies) 385 Lawrence (W.) on Ruptures 1810 386 Lawrence’s (W.) Lectures on Physiology (presentation copy from the Autlior) , 1819 387 Lawrence’s (John) Treatise on Horses, 2 vol. 1810 38S Lawrence (R.) on the Structure and Animal Economy of the Horse 389 Leak’s (Col.) Topography of Athens 1821 39! Lees (H.) Ivruitner, or the German’s Tale (presentation copy from the Authoress) . 1823 392 Lee s (S.) Canterbury Tales, 2 vol. (presentation copy from the Authoress) . . 1826 393 Lemoine’s (H.) Art of Printing . 1/97 394 Lempriere’s (J.) Classical Dictionary 1806 395 Another copy . . 1812 396 Letters from Palestine, plates, marbled leaves 1820 397 Letters from Greece, ca/f marbled leaves 1827 398 Letters between Henry and Francis, 6 vol. 1786 399 Lewis’s Monk, 2 vol. . Dubl. 1808 401 Lewis’s (M. G.) Tales of Wonder, 2 vol. in I 1801 402 Life of Benvenuto Cellini, englished by 4'. Nugent, 2 vol. 1771 403 Life of General Dumourier, 3 vol. 1796 404 Little’s (T.) Poetical Works 802 405 Lives of the most Eminent Modern Painters 1754 406 Lives of Eminent Scotsmen, 4 Nos. 1821 407 Lloyd’s (J.) Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus 1788 408 Locke’s (John) Works, 9 vol. 1 794 409 Long’s (J. St. J.) Science and Art of Healing (presentation copy from the Author) . ' 1830 410 Ditto, (4 copies) . 1830 411 Lord Mayor’s Visit to Oxford . 1826 412 Ludlow’s Memoirs, 3 vol. . 1097 413 Macculloch’s (J.) Highlands and Western Isles, 4 vol. 1824 414 Magazine of the Fine Arts, 6 Nos. 1821 415 Magazines and Reviews, odd Nos., a bundle 416 Magazines, lOoddvols. 417 Malone (E.) on the Authenticity of the Shakespeare Papers 1796 418 419 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 Mariette (P.J.) Description duCabinetdc Mr. Crozat Par. Marlowe’s (Christopher) Works, 3 vol. Marriage, a Novel, 3 vol. Marshall’s Review of the Landscape Massinger’s (P.) Plays, with notes by Gifford, 4 vol. Mathias’s Pursuits of Literature, a Poem Mathias (T. J.) Poesie Li riche Toscane Napoli , Maximus Tyrius, translated by Taylor, 2 vol. Mavor’s (W.) British Nepos McDerinot on Taste 1741 1826 1819 1795 1805 1798 1818 1804 1814 1823 >> 3/6 J// JSS 3/4 Jf Jft J * 0i^3£ ■ fr- . / 'f -e isi 3-. 3 ^ / t'<- /<4/2^ 4rf 4r; / ./> 4t3 jb 4/ 4 4t* 4tf? i 3 \ n 4/4 . I 4-/ [ / / / 4 '/ / y/ / 4 3 4 r 4 43 3d 4 / y t 4 4 4 4 9 / / S~ 2\ 3 i 4 43 f / 4 / / c // 4 4 t 44 v J o 429 McDermot on the Pleasures derived from Tragic Represents tions . • 1824 431 Meadows’s (R. M.) Lectures on Engraving 1811 432 Medical Extracts, 3 vol. . _ 1796 433 Melmoth, the Wanderer, 4 vol. Edinb. 1820 434 Memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo, 4 vol. 1828 435 Memoirs of the Duke of Lauzin . 1822 436 Memoirs of a celebrated Literary Character 1813 437 Memoirs of Sir Henry Raeburn, 'privately printed (presentation ropy ) 438 Memoirs of the late Noel Desenfans, Esq. 439 Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff 441 Meraoires d’un Voyageur qui se repose, 2 tom. 442 Mengs (Sir A.) on the Art of Painting 443 Mengs’s (A.R.) Works, 2 vol. in 1 444 Mengs’s (A. R.) Works, 2 vol. 445 Mengs’s (A.R.) Works 2 vol. 446 Michel (J. F.) Histoire de la Vie de P. Rubens Bruxelles, 1771 447 Minifie’s (Miss) Union, 3 vol. . 1803 448 Miscellaneous, a bundle 449 Ditto ditto 451 Miscellaneous odd Volumes, 16 vol. v. y. 452 Ditto ditto 11 vol. v. y. 453 Ditto ditto 13 vol. v. y. 454 Ditto ditto 15 vol. v. y. 455 Ditto ditto 1 l vol. v. y. 456 Ditto ditto 16 vol. v. y. 457 Ditto ditto 22 vol. v. y. 458 Mitford’s (W.) History of Greece, 6 vol. 1795 459 Mitford’s (AV.) Principles of Design in Architecture 1809 461 Montagu’s (H.W.) Montmorency, a Drama (presentation copy from the author) . • 1828 462 Montagu's (Basil) Selection from the AAknks of Taylor, Hooker, &c. (presentation copy) • 1829 463 Moore’s (J.) Medical Sketches . 1786 464 Moore's (J.) View of the French Revolution, 2 vol. 1795 465 Moore’s Edward, 2 vol. . 1796 466 Morgan’s (Lady) O Donnel, 3 vol. . 1814 467 Mottley s (J.) History of Peter 1, 3 vol. 1739 468 Muntz's (J. H.) Encaustic, or Count Caylus’s Method of Paint¬ ing after the Ancients • 1760 469 My Pocket Book . • 1808 471 New Monthly Magazine, new Series, from No. 1 to 90 (wanting No. 79) . 1821-8 472 Nibby Viaggio Antiquario ne’ Contorni di Roma, 2 tom. Roma, 1819 473 Nice Distinctions, a Tale . Dubl. 1820 474 Nicholson’s (P.) Principles of Architecture, plates, 3 v. 1795 475 Narrative of Mr. Kemble’s Retirement from the Stage 1817 476 Nicholson’s (P.) Principles of Architecture, plates, 3 vol. 1798 1825 1810 1813 Land. 1806 1782 1796 1796 1796 If) 477 Nugent's French and English Dictionary 1810 478 Odes upon Cash, Corn, *!fcc. 1828 479 Ottley’s (W. Y.) Catalogue of the Angerstein Gallery 1826 481 Ottley’s (W. Y.) Catalogue of the Angerstein Gallery (6 copies) 1826 482 Ottley’s (W. Y.) Catalogue of the Angerstein Gallery (6 copies) 1826 483 Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Latin and English 1750 484 Painting, a Poem, in 4 cantos . 1792 485 Paley’s (W.) Horae Paulinse . 1805 486 Paley’s (Bp.) Works, in 1 vol. Edinb. 1825 487 Paley’s Natural Theology . 1802 488 Palingenesia, the World to Come (presentation copy from the author), calf, marbled leaves Par. Didot, 1824 489 Pamphlets, a bundle 491 Ditto ditto 492 Ditto ditto 493 Ditto ditto QUARTO. 494 Chambers’s (Sir W.) Civil Architecture, by Gwilt, 2 parts 495 Chromatics, or an Essay on the Analogy and Harmony of Co¬ lours . . 1817 496 Another copy . . 1817 497 Cicognara (Conte) dell’ Origine dei Neilli Esercitazione Vicenza, 1827 498 Concours Decennal, planches, 2 Nos. Par. 1812 499 Croft’s (Sir T.) Belgic Charity, with other Poems, privatei.y printed (presentation copy from the author) 1827 501 Darwin’s Botanic Garden, 2 vol. 1791 502 Darwin’s (Dr.) Zoonomia, 2 vol. . 1794 503 Da Vinci (Lion.) Trattato della Pittura, con fig. 2 tom. Roma , 1817 504 Daw’s (SirH.) Six Discourses delivered at the Royal Society 1727 505 Destruction of Troy . . 1708 506 D’Hancarville (Baron) on the Helicon of Raphael, englished by W. Parr, Esq. . Lausanne, 1824 507 D’Israeli’s (J.) Narrative Poems . 1803 508 Edwards’s (E.) Letter to the Royal Academy 509 Edwards’s (E.) Treatise of Perspective, plates 1803 511 Edwards’s (E.) Anecdotes of Painters, large paper 1808 512 Elegancies of Fashion . 1804 513 Elgin. —Memorandum on the subjects of the Earl of Elgin’s Pursuits in Greece . Edinb. 1810 514 Euripides, translated by Potter, 2 vol. 1781 515 Falconer’s (W.) Collections relating to Natural History Camb. 1/93 516 517 518 Falconer’s (W.) Letter to F. Twiss, Esq. on the Roofs of Theatres, original ms. . jgqg Flaxman and Dufour’s Letters for Raising the Naval Pillar „ t . /T , , 1799-1800 fontaine (J. de la) Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, illustrated with numerous plates, 2 vol. in 1, calf, marbled leaves , Par. Didot, 1795 519 Fox s (C. J.) History of the early part of the Reign of James II 1808 521 Fuseli’s (H.) Lectures on Painting 1801 522 Fuseli s (H.) Dictionary of Painters 1810 523 Galerie Electorate de Dusseldorf, oblong (letterpress only) 1778 524 George the thirds Letter to Lord Kenyon on the Coronation Oath (presentation copy) . j 827 525 Gessner on Landscape Painting,1796—A Poetical Epistle to an eminent Painter . . 1778 526 Gibbon’s (E.) Miscellaneous Works, with Notes by Lord Sheffield, 2 vol. . 1796 527 Gwynn’s (J.) London and Westminster improved 1766 528 Hallam’s (H.) View of Europe during the Middle Ages, ,2 vol. . . !8 18 529 Hall 8 (B.) Voyage to Loo Choo, coloured plates 1818 531 Harris’s (Moses) Natural System of Colours 1822 532 Hawkins’s (E.) Description of the Anglo-Gallic Coins in the British Museum . . 1826 533 Hayter s (C.) Treatise on the Three Primitive Colours 1826 534 Hill (D.)on the Use of Oxygen . 1800 535 Hints on Rural Residences . 1825 Holy Bible, by D’Oyley and Mant, 2 vol. 1826 Hoare’s (Prince) Artist, 14 Nos. 1809, &c. Hope’s (T.) Observations on J. Wyatt’s Plans for Downing College . ' 1804 Hoppner’s (J.) Lyric Odes to the Royal Academicians 1785 Illustrations of Northern Antiquities Edinb. 1814 Incorporated Society of Artists .—A Collection of Papers relating to the same, in one volume Inghirami (F.) Monumenta Etruschi, from No. 1 to 15, inclusive . . 1819-22 Jephson’s (R.) Roman Portraits, a poem 1794 Junius (F.) on the Painting of theAntients 1638 546 Another copy . . 1638 547 Juvenal, englished by Gifford . 1802 548 Knight’s (R. P.) Landscape, a poem . 1795 549 Lairesse’s (G. de) Art of Painting, plates, presentation copy . . i 7 78 551 Lawrence’s (J.) History and Delineation of the Horse, plates 1809 552 Laurentius’s (A.) Discourse of the Preservation of the Sight, englished by Surphlet . 1599 536 537 538 539 541 542 543 544 545 653 Le Grand’s Partenopex de Blois, with notes by W. S. Rose v 1807 554 Lewis’s (G.) Series of Groups, illustrating the Physiognomy, &c. of the People of France and Germany, on India paper . • 555 Lewis’s (F. C.)Scenery of the Rivers Tamar andTavy, jwoo/k on India paper • 1823 556 List of Cures performed by Mr. and Mrs. De Loutherbourg, without medicine 557 Lucretius, englished by Busby, 2 vol. . 1813 558 Lycophron’s Cassandra, englished with notes by Viscount Royston, presentation copy from the Earl of ilardwiclce Camb. 1806 559 Lvsons’s (D.) Magna Britannia, 5 vol. in 6, plates and maps : 1806-17 561 Lyson’s (D.) Supplement to the first edition of the Environs of London . • 1811 562 Maurice’s (T.) History of Hindostan, p/afe#, 2 vol. 1795 563 McCormick’s (Charles) Memoirs of Edmund Burke 1798 564 Mackenzie’s (A.) Voyages from Montreal (presentation copy from the author) • 1801 565 Michealagnolo II Giudzio de Paride, Favola Firenze , 1608 567 Middleton’s (Conyers) Enquiry into the Miraculous Powers 1749 568 Milton’s Paradise Regained, with notes by Dunster 1795 569 Missale Romanum, with several illuminations 571 Modern (The) Goth.— A volume containing a collection of Papers relating to John Soane, Esq. 572 Morgan’s (Lady), Italy, 2 vol. . 1821 FOLIO. 573 Hall’s (Bp) Works . . 1634 574 Another Edition . • 1647 575 Hall’s (W. FI.) Royal Encyclopaedia, plates, 3 vol. 1788 576 Hamilton’s (Sir W.) Collection of Engravings from Antique Vases, vol. 1, half russia . 1791 577 Hammer (.1. de) Codices Arabicos, Persicos, &c. Bibliotbecee Caesareo-Regio-Palatinae Vindobonensis 1820 578 Historia Naturalis Ranarum Nostratium, figuris Numb. 1758 579 Hume's (P.) Annotations on Milton’s Paradise Lost, large paper . . 1695 581 Ionian Antiquities, plates, published by the Society of Dilettanti, 2 tom. . 1821 582 Journal of the House of Commons, MS. 1677-8 19 583 Junius de Pictura Veternm Itott. 1094 584 Laing’s (David) Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the New Custom House, London . 1818 585 Lomatius’s (J. P.) Antes of Paintinge, Carving’e, &c. englished by Haydocke “ Oxford , 1598 586 Another copy . , fX 1593 587 Lysons’s (S.) Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities 1803 588 Lysons’s (S.) Figures of Mosaic Pavements discovered at Horkston in Lincolnshire . 1801 589 Lysons’s (S.) Remains of a Roman Villa discovered at Bigna, in Sussex, plates , in 2 parts, with letterpress 1815 590 Lyson’s (S.) Figures of Mosaic Pavements discovered near Frampton in Dorsetshire . 1808 591 Lysons’s (S.) Roman Antiquities discovered in Kent 592 Malton’s Tour, &c. 9 odd Nos. 593 Marolle’s (M. de) Tableaux du Temple des Muses tirez du Cabinet de Mr. Favercau . Par. 1655 594 Milton’s (J.) Works . 1697 595 Milton’s (J.) Works, 3 vol. . Amst. 1698 596 Meyricic’s (S. R.) Antient Armour, coloured plates , 3 vol. 1824 597 Odd Volumes, &c.a parcel 598 Plans for the Office for the Public Records of Scotland 599 Ditto ditto 601 Pliny’s Historic of the World, englished by Holland, 2 vol. in I . . 1635 602 Ptolommi Geographia, imperfect THIRD DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO kt INFRA. LOT 603 PARIS (J.) on Diet . . 1828 604 Parker’s (G.) Life’s Painter of Variegated Characters in Public and Private Life , . 1791 605 Parthenon (The), a Magazine of Literature and Art, 16 Nos. 20 GOG Pasquin’s (Anth.) History of the Artists of Ireland G07 Pasquin's (Anth.) Memoirs of the Royal Academicians 1706 G08 Pasquin’s (Anth.) History of the Painters of Ireland 609 Pasquin’s (Anth.) Authentic History of the Artists of Ireland 610 Payne Knight (R.) Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (pre¬ sentation copy from the author ) . 1 805 611 Percy (The) Anecdotes, plated, 35 parts v. y. 612 Perignon (A. N.) Description des Objets d’Arts qui com- - ^ ' ' 1 " ' Paris, 1826 1817 1803 1803 1806 1793 1817 1812 1758 posent le Cabinet de Baron Denon 613 Phillips’s (W.) Lectures on Astronomy 614 Pic Nic (The), 2 vol. 615 Pic Nic, a Novel, 2 vol. 616 Pic Nic (The) 2 vol. 617 Plato, translated by Taylor 618 Plotinus’s select Works, bv Taylor 619 Plumptree’s (A.) Tales of Wonder, &c. 3 vol. 621 Plutarch’s Lives, englished by Dryden, 3 vol. 622 Poetic Description of the Prints published by Macklin, at the Poets’ Gallery, with the prices of the pictures 623 Port-Royal’s Greek Grammar, by Nugent, 2 vol. 1791 624 Posthumous Parodies and other Pieces ( presentation copy from the author) . . j 31^4 625 Pott s Essay on Landscape Painting, thick paper '782 626 Pratt’s Gleanings through Wales, &c. 4 vol. 1796 627 Price (U.) on the Picturesque, 2 vol. 1794 628 Another copy . . . 1794 629 Another copy . . . 1794 632 Price (U.) on the Picturesque, in Answer to Mr. Knight Hereford , ISO I 633 Another copy . . . ft. jgoi 634 Private Anecdotes of French Courts, 2 vol. 1827 635 Proceedings of Mary Cath. Cadiere against Father Girard 1732 636 Prospectus of the Calcutta Liberal, (presentation copy from the author) . , Calcutta 1824 63; Prout s (S.) Landscape Annual, pi oof plates, green mor. gilt leaves . . . | 830 638 Quarterly (The) Review, from No. 1 to 82 (wanting No. Mn . 79 and 80) • . 1809-29 G.sO Quincy (Quatreme de) Histoire des Ouvrages, &c. de Raphael • • . Par. 1824 Quintilhan, englishcd by Patsall, 2 vol. 1775 Rejected Addresses . . jg |2 643 Reminiscences of Henrv Angelo . IS'-'S 644 Repertorium Sculptile Typiciun, ora Collection of Marks, &c. of Engravers . . j 73 J 645 Beverley's (H.) Notices on the Drawings and Sketches of the Old Masters, mtcrleaved . 1820 641 642 64 G 647 648 649 661 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 661 662 663 of the 1830 1722 1725 Reviews and Magazines, a bundle Reynold’s (F. M.) Keeepsake, proof impressions plates Richardson’s Account of the Pictures in italv Richardson on Painting-, 3 vol. Richardson’s (Mrs.) Ethelred, a Drama Ditto (7 copies ) Richter s (H.) Day-Light, a Recent Discovery in the Art of Painting . , el - Another copy . . < Roberton (J.) on the Power of Cantharides Edinb. 1806 Roberton (J.) on the Diseases of the Generative System 1812 Rogers’s (S.) Italy, a Poem Rome. —Description of the most beautiful Painting Rome . ° R.osary (The), or Reads of Love Rouquet’s Present State of thp Arts in England i /DO Rousseau’s (J. J.) Original Correspondence with M. La Tour de Franqueville, englished, 2 vol. 1804 Roux (Dr. J.) Die harben ( presentation cop>y , with author’s letter) . . . I824 1823 near 1723 1812 1755 664 Rousseau’s Letter to M. d’Alembert 665 Rudiments of Ancient Architecture 666 Rules for Drawing Caricatures, &c. 6S7 Sallust on the Gods and the World 668 Salmon’s (W.) Polygraphia; Salmon’s Chronological Historian plates 1759 1794 1789 1793 167*2 1823 669 671 Salt (H.) on the Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics, plates 1825 672 Sayings and Doings, 3 vol. . . jg24 673 Schiller’s (F.) Don Carlos, englished . 1798 674 Schorel de Wilryck (Charles van), ou Le Fualdes Beiges, plates . . . 1823 675 Scott’s (J.) Paris Revisited in 1815 . 1816 676 Scott’s (SirW.) Fortunes of Nigel, 3 vol. 1822 677 Scott’s (Sir W.) Peveril of the Peak, 4 vol. Edinb. 1822 678 Scott’s (Sir W.) Fortunes of Nigel, 3 vol. 1822 679 Scott’s (Sir W.) Halidon Hill . 1822 681 Scott’s (Sir W.) Pirate, 3 vol. . 1822 682 Scott’s (Sir W.) Peveril of the Peak, 4 vol. 1822 683 Scott’s (Sir W.) St. Ronan’s Well, 3 vol. 1824 684 Scott’s (Sir W.) Quentin Durward, 3 vol. 1823 «85 Scott’s (Sir W.) Marmion, Edinb. 1811—Lay of the Last Minstrel, 1822—Rokeby, 1813-—Lady of the Lake, 1811, 4 vol. uniform in calf, marbled leaves * 686 Secundus’s Kisses . . 1790 68/ Secundus’s Kisses . . , 1303 22 688 S6vigne’s (Mad. de) Letters, englislied, 9 vol. calf, tnarb. leaves 689 Seward’s (Anna) Letters, 6 vol. Edinb. 1811 691 Shakespeare’s Flays, by Johnson and Stevens, 15 vol. (wants vol. 7 and 12) • 1793 692 Shakespeare’s (W.) Poems, 2 vol. . 1804 693 Shakespeare’s Richard the Third, by Hopkins {the printer's copy ) . • 1773 694 Shakespeare .—Spirit of the Plays of Shakespeare, exhibited in a Series of Outlines, bvF. Howard, 15 Nos. (wants No. 1) 1827 9 695 Shanhagan’s (Roger) The Exhibition 696 Shee’s (M. A.) Letter to Noel Desenfans, Esq. 1802 697 Shee’s (M. A.) Rhymes on Art 1805 698 Another copy . • 1805 699 Another copy . • 180.9 701 Shee’s (M. A.) Commemoration of Reynolds 1814 702 Shee’s (M. A.) Alasco, a Tragedy (presentation copy from the Author) . 1824 703 Slice’s (M A.) Alasco, r. Tragedy 1824 704 Shelley’s (P. B.) Posthumous Poems 1824 705 Sketches and Fragments, by the Author of the Magic Lantern (presentation copy from the Author) 1822 706 Sketches of the Lives of Correggio and Parmegiano 1823 707 Sir Andrew Wylie, of that Ilk, 3 vol. Edinb. 1822 708 Smirke’s (R.) Midas, or Inquiry concerning Taste and Genius 1808 Smith’s (A.) Theory of Moral Sentiments,2 vol. 1792 Smith's (J. T.) Nolekins and IIisTimes,2 vol. 1828 Solari’s (Marchese) Wellington, a Poem 1820 Some Passages in the Life of Mr. Adam Blair Edinb. 1822 Sotheby’s (W.) Poetical Epistle to Sir G. Beaumont on British Painting, 1S01—Bowles’s (L.) Diversions of Taste, 1807 ; in 1 vol. 715 Sothcbv’s (W.) Poems (presentation copy from the Author) 1825 716 Southey’s Ornniana, 2 vol. . 1812 717 Southey’s (R.) All for Love, &c. Poems 1829 7IS Spenser’s Sonnets, German and English, by Hammer / 7 enna, 1814 719 Spenser (E.) La Mutabilita, in verso Italiano da Mathias Napoli , 721 Spurzheim’s (.T. G.) Physiognomical System 722 Spurzheim’s (J. G.) Physiognomical System, plates 723 Spurzheim’s (G.) Sketch of the Natural Laws of Man 724 Spurzheim’s (Dr.) Principles of Education 725 Stael-Holstein (Mad.) do la Litterature, 2 tom. Par. 726 Stael’s (Mad.de) Reflections on Suicide 727 Sterne’s (L.) Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, 2 vol 709 711 712 713 714 1827 1815 1815 1825 1828 181 181 in 1 1793 w tc y * 7 * S /T / vy //// >/r / / 4 A-7o/s* 7Ss<- ^~k 7 ■+-V- -/7 /° & i^C y<^< /Vjt- Yx- ^c «, ^ £ - A>i-t ; /S jf&L' * '/^ 4 7y a y « y^i *t-,/ yy ^ '* y i /Ur^y y y.-^r <^e_ ■& 77 I /77^ —s< yyy y yyy^» F -<7 £& /fA y P' 3 UZ /d / 4 Zd/t y> <23 \ /J\ Jd/ 1 24 W' / A / fdl /3\ 2/4 // f// -i' f/2 ,, y*. 25 799 Radclifle’s (Ann) Journey through Holland 1795 SOI Rees’s (A.) Encyclopaedia, vol. 1 to 29, in 57 parts 802 Resta’s Series of most Eminent Painters, &c. 1739 803 Reynold’s God’s Revenge against Murder 1779 804 Sir Joshua Reynolds. —Testimonies to the Genius and Memory of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1792—Miscellaneous Extracts from Newspapers relating- to the same, &c.; in 1 vol. 805 Ditto ditto. —Robinson’s Monody to the Me¬ mory of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1792 —YVhitehouse’s Elegiac Ode to the Memory of ditto, 1792; in 1 vol. SOG Ditto ditto.— The" Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds delivered at the Royal Academy, from Dec. 1709 to Dec. 1788, thick paper, in all seven , very RARE 807 Reynolds’s (Sir J.) Works, by Malone, 2 vol. in 1 1797 808 Rhodes's (E.) Peak Scenery, or Excursions in Derbyshire, 2 parts . . . 1818 809 Richardson’s (J.) Works, portraits . 1792 811 Uoscoe’s (W.) Illustrations of the Life of Lorenzo de Medici, plates ( presentation copy from the author) 1822 812 Roscoe’s(W.) Illustrations of the Life of Lorenzo de Medici 1822 813 Royal Academy. — Nine Catalogues of the Society of British Artists, established 1760, previous to the Aca¬ demy—Catalogues of the Royal Academy, from the commencement 1769 to 1810 inclusive ; 2 vol. 814 Royal Academy Catalogues, from the commencement 1769 to 1828 inclusive *** Many of the above are on fine paper. 815 A Volume containing a very Interesting and large Col¬ lection (Printed and Manuscript) of Reports of the Exhibitions at the Royal Academy, from the year 1777 to 1818; also an Autograph Memorandum of Rules for the Royal Academy, by the late Sir Thos. Lawrence 816 Fac Simile Reprints of the First Royal Academy Catalogues (12 copies) . . . ] 769 817 Ditto ditto . . . 1769 818 Catalogues of the Society of British Artists, esta¬ blished previous to the Royal Academy, from the com¬ ment 1760 to 1790, in all 21 819 Academic Annals, corrected and arranged by Prince Hoare, from 1802-9, in 1 vol. 820 A Volume containing a Collection of Criticisms, &c. cut out from the Newspapers, together with MS. Memorandums 821 A Volume containing a Collection of Critical Tracts on the Pictures exhibited at the Royal Academy 1772-92 1821 1802 1802 1792 1777 1812 822 Constitution anti Laws of the Royal Academy, gilt loaves 1815 823 Schlick (B ) Rapport sur le Tunel it Londres ( presentation copy from the author} . Par. 1S26 82-1 Scott’s (Sir W.) Marmion . Edinb. 1808 825 Sermons, a volume . . 1712. &c. 826 Seyer’s (P.) Memoirs of Bristol, plates, 4 parts 827 Sotheby’s (W.) Orestes, a Tragedy 828 Another copy 829 Stewart’s (Dugald) Philosophy of the Human Mind 830 Strutt’s (J.) Chronicle of England, 2 vol. 831 Vite e Ritratti di illustri Italiani, 17 Nos. Padova, 832 Tatischefif’s (Mich.) Instructions to the Commissioners ap¬ pointed to frame the Laws for the Russian Empire 1766 833 Taylor’s (Brook) Perspective made Easy, by Kirby 1768 834 Thomson (W.) on the Principles of Beauty 1798 835 Thurlow’s (Lord) Song-to the King- 1824 836 Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, vol. 1 . part 1 . 1827 837 Tresham’s (H.) Sea-sick Minstrel, a Poem 1796 838 Trident (The), or the National Policy of Naval Celebration 1802 839 Voyag-e of H. M. S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, proof plates on India paper . . 1826 840 Wolff’s (J.) Sketches of a Tour to Copenhag-en 1814 841 Ditto ditto (2 copies) . 1814 842 Ditto ditto (2 copies) . . 1814 843 Young-’s (W.) History of Athens . 1786 FOLIO. 814 Report on the Elg-in Marbles, with additional matter in¬ serted . • • 1816 845 Say’s (F. R.) Views of the Human Skull 846 Soane’s (J.) Observations on the New Law Courts, not pub¬ lished ( presentation copy from the author ) 1828 847 Todd’s (H. J.) History of the Colleg-e of Bonhommes, at Ashbridge, in the County of Buckingham, privately printed,, proof impressions of the plates on India paper ... 1823 848 Spence’s Polymetis, plates, rest edition, russia, marb. leaves . . . 1747 849 Trial of George Gordon . . 1781 851 Trials. —Collection of Trials for High Treason, 5 vol. 1730 852 Twiss’s (H.) Selection of Scotish Melodies, ( presentation copy) 853 Unedited Antiquities of Attica, plates published by the Society of Dilettanti . . 1817 /f y *// 27 854 Vesalii Anatomia . . Venel. 1568 855 Vetusta Monumenla, vol. 5 containing- Tewkesbury Abbey, in a portfolio 856 Virg-ilio l’Eneide, recata in versi Italiani da Annibal Caro, con Jig. 2 tom. . . Roma, 1819 857 Virgilii Georgica, Hexaglotta, a Sotheby, ( presenta¬ tion copy from the editor ) Lond. Nicol, 1 827 858 Vetus Testamentum Gr-ECum, e codice MS. Alexandrino, curante Baber, 7 parts . Lond. 1818 859 Weekly Journal, from 1740-46 861 Whitelock’s Memorials . . 1682 862 Views in England and Wales, with Letter-press Description, 21 Nos. complete ( wanting No. 1 and 2 ) 863 Wierx’s (Ant.) Life of Christ, 112 plates, fine impressions FOURTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO et INFRA. IOT 804 LIV1T Ilistoria, accurante Ruddimanno,4 tom. Edinb. 1751 865 Cuningamius in Bentleii notas, ad Horatium Lond. 17 21 866 Beckmani (C.) Manneductio ad Latinam Linguam, russia, marbled leaves . Hanov. 1619 867 Plinii Panegyricus, notis variorum ct Baudii, russia, gilt leaves . Lugd. Bat. 1675 808 Lucanus de Bello Civili, notis var. et Schrevelii Amst. 1669 869 Herodiani Historia, Gr. et Lat. Oxon. 1699 871 Statius, notis variorum ct Veenhusen, fine copy, russia, gilt leaves . Lugd. Bat. 1671 872 Caesaris Opera, notis variorum et Grmvii, 2 tom. russia, gilt leaves . . *5. 1713 873 Aulus Gellius, notis variorum ct Gronovii, 2 tom. russia, gilt leaves . • ih, 1688 E 28 874 875 870 877 878 879 S81 882 883 884 885 88G 887 888 8S9 891 892 893 894 895 895 897 898 899 901 902 903 904 905 90G 907 Plinii Historia, noils variorum et Cronovii, 3 tom. fine copy , in russia, gilt leaves Lug. Bat. 1669 Plinii Epistolae, notis variorum et Veenhusii, russia, gilt leaves . . ih. 1069 Aurelius Victor, notis variorum, russia, gilt leaves ih. 1670 Cicero de Officiis, notis Pearce, russia, gilt leaves Lond.\~lAb Ausonius, notis variorum et Greevii, russia, gilt leaves Amst. 1071 Velleius Paterculus . . Oxon. 1711 Quintus Curtius, notis variorum et Blancardi, russia Amst. 1673 Toupii (J.) Emendationes in Suidam et Hesychium, 4 tom. marbled leaves . ' Oxon. 1790 Aristophanes’s Comedies, englished . 1812 Virgilii (Polydori) Historia Angli* Lugd. Bat. 1651 Aristotelis Etliica, Gr. et Lat. notis Wilkinson Oxon. 1809 Claudianus, notis variorum et Heinsii Amst. 1665 Aristotelis Politica et (Economica, Gr. et Lat. 2 tom. Oxon. 1810 Velleius Paterculus, notis variorum et Ruhnkenii, 2 tom. Lugd. Bat. 1779 Sophoclis Tragoedias, Greece et Latine, notis Brunck, 4 tom. in 2 . Argent. 1786 Thucydides, englished by Smith, 2 vol. 1805 Palaephatus dc Incredibilibus, Graecd, notis Fischeri, russia, gilt lea ves . . Lipsice, 1788 Maximus Tyrius, Greece et Latine, curavit Reiske, 2 tom. ih. 1774 Clare’s (M.) Motion of Fluids Phalaridis Epistolae, Gr. et Lat. notis Boyle Arrianus, Grasceet Latine, notis Raphelii Editio Altera, notis Blancardi Cicero de Divinatione et de Fato, notis Davisii Cantab. 1721 Ciceronis Tusculante Disputationes, notis Davisii ib. 1738 Luciani Excerpta, Gr. et Lat. h Kent ih. 1730 Diodorus Siculus, Greece et Latin&, Rhodomani, et com- mentariis E. G. Heynii, 11 tom. vellum Biponti, 1793-1807 Polybii Historia, Grtec^ et Latin&, recensuit Schweighseuser, cum supplemento, 9 tom. vellum JApsicc, 1789-181S Anthologia Gra?ca, ex recensione Brunckii, curavit Jacobs, 13 tom. vellum . ih. 1794-1814 Ammianus Marcellinus,ex recensione Gronovii,notis Ernesti, russia, marbled leaves ih. 1773 Mori Epitome Rerum Romanarum, notis var. et Dukeri, 2 tom. russia . Lugd. Bat. 1744 Alexander ab Alexandro, notis variorum, 2 tom. russia, gilt leaves . . ib. 1673 Oxon. Amst. ih. 1735 1757 1683 29 90S 909 911 912 913 Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics, englished by Gillies, 2 vol. 1804 Justini Historic Philippics, notis variorum et Gronovii 2 tom. . . Lugd.Bat. 1760 Scnecs Opera Omnia, illustravit Kuhkopf, 5 tom. Lipsiee, 1797 Dionysii Ilalicarnassensis Opera Omnia, Greece et Latine, notis variorum, 6 tom. . ib. 1774 Epicteti Opera, Greece et Latine, illustravit Schweig- heeuser, 5 tom. thick: paper, marbled leaves ib. 1799 914 Orphica, Graece, notis variorum, recensuit Hermannus, tussia, marbled leaves . ib. 1805 915 Bentley (R.) on the Epistles of Phalaris 1817 916 Suetonius Tranquillus, notis variorum et Wolfii, 4 tom. Lipsice, 1802 917 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius Biponti, 1794 918 Willis’s History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies, and Conventual Cathedral Churches, 2 vol. large paper, blue morocco, gilt leaves . 1718 919 Nichols’s Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century; Nichols’s Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century; together 14 vol. complete, gilt 1812-28 921 Beauties of England and Wales, by Brayley and Britton, with Brewer’s Introduction, 26 vol. in 18, half bound russia, fine impressions 1801-15 922 Hume and Smollett’s History of England, 13 vol. calf, marb. leaves . . 1822 923 Mably (l’Abbe) (Euvres Complete, 15 vol. Paris, 179 5 924 Mitford’s History of Greece, 10 vol. 925 Oppianus, Greece et Latine, emendavit Schneider Lips. 1813 926 Xenophon deCyriExpeditione, Greece,abHutchinson ib. 1775 Porsoni (R.) Notse in Aristophanem, notis Dobree, russia, marbled leaves . 1820 Porsoni (R.) Adversaria, notis Bloomfield, russia, marbled leaves . . Cantab. 1812 Athenseus, Greece et Latine, illustravit Schweiglueuser, 14 t. fine copy , in russia, marbled leaves Jlrgcnt. 1801 Hederici Graecum Lexicon Manuale, cur& Ernesti, 3 tom. Lipsice, 1796 Ox on. 1778 ib. 1805 1819 1780 1818 curavit Ruble, Lipsice, 1793 181 1 927 928 929 931 russia, gilt leaves 932 Longinus, Greece et Latine, notis Toupii 933 Xenophon de Cyri Expcditione 934 Longinus on the Sublime, by Smith 935 Apollonius Rhodius, englished by Fawkes 936 Sophocles, englished by Adams 937 Arati Phaenomena, &c. Greece et Latinh, 2 tom. 938 Arrian, englished by Rookc, 2 vol. 30 039 Varro dc Lingua Latina, 2 tom. Biponti, 1788 041 Demosthenes, englishcd by Leland, 2 vol. 1810 942 Appianus, Greece ct Latine, illustravit Sclnveighaeuser,6tom. Lipsice, 1785 943 Platonis Opera Omnia, Greece et Latinfe, M. Ficini, 12 tom. yellow morocco, gilt leaves Biponti, 17S1 044 Plinii Historia, illustravit Heai'ne, 6 tom. Oxon. 1708 045 Apollonii Sophistre Lexicon Graecum Hindis et Odysseae, illustravit Tollius . Lugd. Bat. 1788 94G Newtoni Principia Mathematica, tom. 3 to 5 Glasg. 1822 947 Jones’s (ltev. W.) Works, portrait and plates, 12 vol. marbled leaves , 1801 948 Hall’s (Bp.) Works, by Pratt, 10 vol. . 1S08 049 Watson’s (Bp.) Theological Tracts, G vol. . 1785 951 Law’s (W.) Works, 9 vol. . 1753 952 Spectator, with Notes and Lives of the Authors, 8 vol. royal octavo . ISO I 953 iEscbyli Tragcedia;, k Butler, 8 tom. Cantab. 1819 954 Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, by Pope, with notes by G. Wakefield, 9 vol. large paper . 180G 955 Revue Encyclopedic, Nos. 1 to 36, Par. 1819-21, &c.; 63 Nos., 1824-28 956 Jortin’s (Dr.) Works, 11 vol. . 1810 957 Young’s (A.) Travels through the North of England, 4 vol. 1771 958 Young’s (A.) Annals of Agriculture, 37 vol. 1700-1801 950 Anti-Jacobin Review, Nos. 1 to 9, plates by Gilray, Sfc. 1799 to 1804 9G1 Bewick’s Birds and Quadrupeds, 3 vol. first editions Newc. 1792-7 QUARTO. 962 Sallust, englished by Gordon 9G3 Quinctiliani Declamationes Lugd. Bat. 1/20 9G4 /Eliani Varia Historia, Graece et Latine, notis var. curanle Gronovio . ib. 1731 9G5 Sallustii Opera, notis var. curanle Havercampo, 2 tom. Amst. 1742 9GG Quintilien de l’lnstitution ae l’Grateur, trad, par Gedoyn Par. 1718 907 Xenophon de Cyri Institutione, Greece et Latine, ab Hutch¬ inson . Oxon. 1727 9G8 Quinctillianus de Institutione Oratoria, notis var. et Bur- manni . . Lugd. Bat. 17^0 969 View of Sir I. New ton’s Philosophy . 17’28 970 Euripides, englished by Potter, 2 vol. 1781 * f J71 Horace les Poesies, trad, par Sanadon, 2 tom. Pur. 1J28 072 Luciani Opera, Graced Latino, notis var. et Hemsterhusii 0-0 m • • Amst. 1743 0/o Horace, Latin and English, by Francis, 2 vol. 1740 074 Taciti Opera, illustravit Brotier, 4 tom. Par. 177 1 075 Diogenes Laertius, Greece et Latine, emendavit Meibomius, o-r c 2 t0 -r ' ,• • * Amst. 1692 9/0 henecae lragcedue, notis var. et Schroderi, veil, gilt leaves /j 1 J28 977 Puffendorf (Baron de) Histoire Moderne, Generale et Poli¬ tique de I’Univers, par M. de Grace, S tom. Par. 1753 978 Pindar, englished by Lee . . i 810 979 Juvenal's Satires, englished by Gifford . * 1802 981 Aristoteles de Poetica, Grace et Latine, recensuit Tyrwhitt Oxon. 1794 982 Demosthenes, Grac£ et Latine, edidit J. Taylor, 2 tom. Cantab. 1774 983 Morelli (T.) Lexicon Grseco-Prosodaicum, illustravit Maltby, russia, mar bled leaves . ib. 1815 984 Lucretius de Rerum Natura, russia, marbled leaves Lond. 1813 985 Gerrardi (J.) Siglarium Romanum ib. 1792 986 Bell’s New Pantheon, plates , russia, gilt leaves 1790 987 Lysia; Opera Omnia, Grace et Latine, edidit A. Auger, 2 tom. LARGE PAPER, russia Par. Didot, 1783 988 Laplace Traite de Mecanique Celeste, 5 tom. avec Supple¬ ment . p ar . 1802-23 989 Feyjoo Teatro Critico Universel, 14 tom. Mad. 1765 991 Lope deVega Carpio Coleccion de lasObras sueltas, 21 tom. LARGE PAPER . ib. 1776 992 Plunkenelii Phytographia, 6 tom. in 4, multis figuris Lond. 1691 993 Hassenfratz la Siderotechnie, planches, 4 tom. Par. 1812 994 Britton’s (J.) Cathedral Antiquities of England, pis. 10 vol. LARGE PAPER, VERY FINE COPY, UNCUT 1821 995 Gibbon’s History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, best edition, 6 vol. . 1777 996 Cooke and Owen’s Graphic Illustrations of the Thames, 2 vol. fine impressions . 1811 997 Pennant’s British Zoology, 4 vol. . 1776 998 Pennant’s Arctic Zoology, 2 vol. . . 1784 999 Pennant’s History of Quadrupeds . j 781 1000 Pennant’s Whiteford and Holywell . 1796 1001 Jackson’s (J. G.) Designs for Villas . 1829 1002 Robinson’s (P. F.) Rural Architecture . 1829 1003 Robinson’s (F.) Designs for Ornamented Villas 1827 1004 Flaw’s (J.) Rural Improvements, plates 1820-3 1005 Thomson’s (J.) Retreats, or Designs for Cottages, Ac. pis. 1827 100G Lugar’s (R.) Views of Buildings in England and Scotland 1811 1007 Plaw’s (J.) Sketches for Country Houses . 1808 1008 Dearn’s (T. D.) Sketches in Architecture for Cottages, &c. 1807 1009 Clarke and M’Arthur’s Life of Admiral Lord Nelson, plates , 2 vol. russia , with joints , gill leaves 1809 1011 Rees’s Cyclopaedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature, 45 vol. half - bound , russia , marbled leaves . 1819 1012 Hamilton Memoires de Comte de Grammont, 72 portraits , red morocco , gilt leaves . 1793 1013 Watson’s Memoirs of the Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey, 2 vol. calf . Warrington , 1782 1014 Harleian Miscellany, with additional Tracts and Notes by Park, 10 vol. . . 1808 MUSIC. 1015 Shield’s (W.) Rosina, oblong , russia 1016 Quartetts, 4 vol. russia 1017 Corelli’s (Arch.) Sonatas, 3 vol. russia . 1018 Piano Forte Music, 3 vol. russia 1019 Miscellaneous Music, 2 vol. russia 1021 Songs, &c. russia FOLIO. 1022 Callimachi Hymni et Epigrammata, Gr. et Lat. Stephani ap. Hen. Stephanum, 1577 1023 Isocratis Orationeset Epistolse, Gr. et Lat. Woltii ib. 1593 1024 Plauti Comoedise, notis Lambini Lute ties, 1576 1025 Vossii Etymologicon Linguae Grseeae Amst. 1662 1026 Pausaniae Grsecite Descriptio, Gr. et Lat. notis Kuhnii Lipsice, 1696 1027 Thucydides, Gr. et Lat. recensuit Dukerus Amst. 1731 1028 Scapulae Lexicon Greco-Latinum Lugd. Bat. 1652 1029 Hofmanni Lexicon Universale, 4 tom. ib. 169S 1030 Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. notis Wesselingii, fine copy in russia . Amst. 1763 1031 Suidae Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. illustravit Kusterus, 3 tom. large paper . Cantab. 1705 1032 Stephani (R.) Thesaurus Linguae Latime, 4 tom. Land . 1734 1033 1031 1030 103G 1037 1038 1039 1040 1011 1012 Perrys (G.) Concholog-y, coloured plates , blue morocco, gilt leaves . . A Collection of above One Hundred and Ninety Ca¬ ricatures, by Gilray, Rowlandson, &c. in 1 vol. Golii Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, vellum, very scarce , r _ Lugd. Bat. 1053 voyage Pittoresque de Naples et de Sicile, 5 vol. a fine copy, russia extra, uncut Paris, 1781 Sinclairs Hortus Gramineus Woburnensts, or an Account of different Grasses and other Plants, illus¬ trated with Specimens, privately printed for pre¬ sents only, uncut . 1816 lods (G.) Plans of Hot-Houses, Green-Houses, &c. co¬ loured plates . . 1807 Nash’s (F.J Picturesque Views of the City of Paris and its Environs, proof impressions of the plates, large paper, elegantly bound in blue morocco, gilt leaves, with joints . . 18 9 0 Mayer’s (Luigi) Views in the Ottoman Dominions, coloured plates, russia, gilt leaves . 181(1 Mayer’s (Luigi) Views in Egypt, coloured plates, russia, gilt leaves . . i 80 j Mayer’s (Luigi) Views in Palestine, coloured plates, russia, gilt leaves . . l804 1043 A Volume containing a Collection of Engravings relating to the Sports of the Field 1044 Thomson’s New General Atlas, coloured , half russia Edinb. 1821 1045 Stuart and Revett’s Antiquities of Athens, 3 vol. rus¬ sia extra, gilt leaves, a remarkably fine set, brilliant impressions of the plates . 1703 1046 Holbein s Portraits of illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII, published by Chamberlaine, a fine ori¬ ginal copy, containing the coloured portraits of the two Sons of the Duke of Suffolk, and the large por¬ traits of Holbein and his Wife, russia 1792 1047 Orleans.— -Description des pierres gravees du Cabinet do M. le Due D Orleans, avec figures, 2 tom. calf, marbled leaves . . Paris, 1780 1048 blaxman’s (John) Designs from Homer and iEschylus, 2 vol. in 1 , white calfgilt leaves ib. 1049 Bleau (Joan.) Novum Italiue Theatrum,jfo?e impressions of the plates, 4 voL . Hag. Com. 1724 1050 Rogers s (Charles) Century of Prints in imitation of Drawings, very fine copy , 2 vol. 1778 1051 C urtis’s Flora Londinensis, an original copy , with the plates coloured under the immediate inspection of the author, 3 vol. calf extra, with joints 1 777 34 1052 Guillem’s Display of Heraldry, best edition, a fine copy 1724 1053 Canaletti’s (Ant.) Views, &c. in Venice, oblong folio 1742 1054 Smirke’s (R.) Series of Illustrations to Scott’s Works 1823 1055 Vies et GEuvres du Correge et du Parmesan, containing one hundred and twenty etchings; in 1 vol. 1056 Landon (C. P.) Choix des plus Celebres Peintres Antiques, reduites et gravees au trait, containing one hundred and forty-Jive etchings 1057 Vasi (G.) delle Magnificerize di Roma Antica e Moderna, fine impressions of the plates, 4 tom. oblong Roma, 1747 1058 Opera PIopfeuiana, containing ninety-two plates, oblong 1059 Sacre de sa Majeste Charles X, dans la Metropole de Reims, plates on India paper . Par. 1825 1060 Farrington’s (J.) Views of the Lakes in Cumberland and Westmorland, engraved by Byrne . 1789 1061 Stubbs’s Anatomy of the Horse, illustrated with twenty- four engravings, oblong 1062 Visentini (Ant.) Urbis Venetiarum Prospectus Celebriores, 2 parts in 1, oblong 1063 Piranesi (F.) II Teatro d’Hercolano Roma, 1783 1064 Willemin (N.) Choix de Costumes Civils et Militaires des Peuples de l’Antiquite, planches, 2 tom. Par. 1798 1065 Sazerac (H.) Un Mois en Suisse, avec planches par E. Pincret . . . ib. 1825 1066 Bartsch’s Copies of Rare Prints and Drawings, in 1 vol. 1067 Giampiccoli Venetiarum Urbis Conspectus Venet. 1068 Weiss (J. H.) Atlass Suisse, on 16 Sheets, by J. R. Meyer, atlas folio 1069 Piroli’s Statues, by Fran. Piranesi, with a fine proof im¬ pression of the Venus de Medici, by Massard 1070 Le Jugemens Dernier de Michael-Ange, avec ses pendentifs, gravees par Noel —Les Neuf Muses et Apolon Musa- gette du Vatican, dessinees par Revedin, et gravees par Lefevre, &c. atlas folio 1071 Jebb Vitaeet Rebus Gcstis Maria; Scotorum Regime, Franciie Dotarise, portrait, 2 vol. gilt . 1725 1072 The Holy Bible, illustrated with plates by Heath from the designs of JVestall, 3 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves . . . 1813 1073 General Dictionary, Historical and Critical, including Bayle, complete, 10 vol. . 1734 1074 The Shield presented in 1822 to the Duke of Wellington by the Merchants of London, executed by Green and Ward, oblong folio 1075 An Atlas Portfolio in Russia, with Cartouch Paper, con¬ taining Fifty-three body-coloured Drawings of the Costume of Italy 35 10/6 Artaud Description d’un Mosaique reprcsentant des Jeux du Cirque decouvcrtc a Lyon le 18 Fevrier 1806, eo~ ur7 T p loured plate sewed . Lyon , 1S06 10// Le Triomphe dc 1 Empereur Maximilian I, containing 135 spirited woodcuts, after the designs of Hans Burgmair vncut • • Vienne, 1796 10/8 Dilettanti Specimens of Antient Sculpture,^Egyptian,Etrus¬ can, Greek,and Roman, boards “ 1809 1079 Drawings (Thirty-one) of Fruit, Flowers, &c. coloured. russia , with a MS. list 1080 Essai d’employer les Instruments Microscopiques avec uti- lite et plaisir, coloured plates, gilt leaves irvTi n. m Nuremberg, 1764 1 8l Phuostrates. Les Tableaux de platte peinture des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, et les Statues de Cal- listrate, fine copy, tn old blue morocco, gilt leaves 1082 A Collection of Miscellaneous Caricatures, in 1 vol. 1083 Hogarth’s Works, with Supplement, consisting of such of his prints as were not published in a collected form, with explanatory descriptions, imperial folio SOb t Le Neptune Oriental, ou Routier General des Cotes des Indes Orientales, &c. imperial folio Par. 1745 1085 History of the City of Coventy, MS. beautifully written, and believed never to have been published 1086 Loges du Vatican . . Par. 1787 1087 The Twelve Caesars, engraved by Sadeler, after Titian D^S Le Ire Porte del Battisto di San Giovanni di Firenze, n enc '5 e . e ^ illustrate . Firenze, 1821 10S9 Costa (Gianfrancesco) delle Delicie del Fiume Boenta, 2 tom. in 1, oblong !090 Ridingers Works, consisting of above Six Hundred and Eighty Engravings, very fine impressions a choice copy,uniformly and elegantly bound in eight, volumes, atlas folio, royal folios and quartos, viz. Vol. I. Representation of Wild Beasts, 8 plates; Adam and Eve in Pa¬ radise, 12 plates; Horsemanship, 21 plates; Hunting Wild Boar, o plates; Hunting and Shooting, 14 plates Vol. 2. Menage, &c. 53 plates vol. 3. Huntings of Wild Animals, 40 plates; Ditto ditto (small set). 40 plates Vol. 4. Wild Animals in theirNatural State, 100 plates ; Ensnaring Wild Animals, 28 plates Vol. 5. Wild Animals, with impressions of their feet, Opiates; Hunting Wild Animals, 22 plates ; Various Sports, 27 plates ; Wild Birds, &c. 18 plates Vol. 6. Fables Morales, 16 plates; Wild Animals, 44 plates; Goats. &c. 4 plates Vol. 7. Wild Animals in their Natural State. 90 plates Vol. 8. Beasts of Burden, 36 plates; Heads of Dogs, Horses, Ac. 38 plates; Statues, &c. 20 plates ; Figures of Sportsmen, 27plates 1091 Rossini's Views in Rome, imperial folio 36 1091 Loggif. di Rafaele nel Yaticano, by Yolpato, im¬ perial FOLIO 1092 Galerie de Dresde.—Recueil d’Estampes d’apres les plus celebres Tableaux de la Gallerie Royale de Dresde, beautiful impressions of the plates , 2 vol. in 1 , splendidly bound in red morocco, gilt LEAVES tV rSa SJt