ffl'L 0~ -vjk t-J IjrfFt ^ A & ^ JAa^'C* J ^ c c ( ' 0 iA~ oU-i^p*^ 1844 * - V '• i / 4 - I - i / ' f I , - / / # css iy- 9 ^ f 7 "" 7 V o/z - ‘ / /f/2 \ 3 e > i / s.-'?-r-j < si^‘ 7 / j t s/r y ^v< f // Z 2 p,x /a. / t /{-/.-/ * s ^ //si c / 77. 7 7 .. ■ ■' * ' V -<77 * cJS'-ty *-■+•■ ■, & ? Zz/-*'* Ssryc > u -77a y ZJ7 - j^ 7//f >V '.- Xtrm /Z/*-*, ■ /c^s Xy 2 * ^ c ^ 1 C -'/ <■- *S /2 >W r /f29 ~ • ~X OX-.2s/Zs - '4«y p7 Sfso -- - - - / /, *- .>. sijf y/< „ s, .> s. / /14-t , ^ /s < - s / . /j/* £ n/ ' s. 7 7^ sy ^ V- V“ / /S' •V 60 X /si-r-/' 7 'y* y/^‘ X &~Z- t- / S^s/O X 2x 77-^7 ■ 'Zsr J-r //*/ y f sts, /l^ r J > '7-/7 // 7 //s>/ SS- 7$ 7S tS ' ■ ' 'r/s2/fs/ / 3/ ,/ ». 9- - //& ><.- f , ' /! s y S Zl 7 /4s ' /X. t s /t t. s' 7. / / 77 K~- // /2- L <, /\/ c : , /f 07 /// ( .7. Sts s s 77 77 ' ‘ Si SSr SSyrt. 7p Sf/t y. ,, f 7 t / /sy^.- StV 7 / i S i / yy £. 7 ^ /j Si S x / 2 / xi' r, /jo 7 - /dr/ / L 9 ‘ / Z cs~/y~/t /z. /X s /s /x r S . ¥/Ltr r 7 x" 2 ' /fo7 -—-'——- x/r / ^ ^ s //2f7„ , // Si sr> s /Os^ / /7L 2 SSU/rA c. t/ 1 ‘X/z. // /^ / ✓' . /fr/ - y/7 y /' S#U / S*^,- s/y ^y..p /W/^ Z/Z ' os/ /Zs-r. s/z. < - y.-77ssys 2z , , c_. SSs>/ / c. y yi_ *p/*~ ^ ' / s ^->s /r. p 2// y j z- y yt// %.//<'>? r,^7- ^ //^ //SZ - ^7/ yr /$*y'A/'s/-A A A 77- ^ 37^3/z,y ^%/ ,.Z7 3". Zf-Z 77- 2 *. y Zt < y %~^Z/i * *- 7 Z^ 2 /A*? Z - 337 *z3± €*-3? 3 'z?*^st^£,~~ 7A?< sZzAr — *3Z5 ^Z /*^i^ yt-3 77--^-, <4 3,-y y **~y/2 2 2 Z^Sy ~4 <34, .32, ^ Z- y /SOZ - - .33$ ZZ^-2 -/ «jAA ■ " "“* " / Z, ?• SP S> - ' 41 z y/ 72 2 z 35/ *43 y ^,ZZyy A f /A 0 Z /Zrrc-J /Z ^ 7 ,>z £ ? !■ '. t e. . / 3/a t. ,s 2r *. y K.y/Z&,e/ 2Z - s'AS 2- 7 s 3AS - 3 A? A 7.4 C '„ f Oi-' 24' >i y~y >»<■ ^ c/?^* Z2(j £-c, 7^> , 4i Z TZa.-e.yjAy.y t-/'' t ^>iy > // ZA&%'~3^/ „o 2T0.G OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH and DUTCH / COMPRISING MANY HIGHLY - FINISHED PERFORMANCES} PARTICULARLY jl Sea Storm, by Fernet; A Singularly Fine PICTURE of RUYSDAEL’s; AND AN ASSEMBLAGE OF CABINET PICTURES , IN GOOD PRESERVATION. WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, y Mr. CHRISTIE, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL; On Friday, February' 5, 1802, and following Day, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. L ,‘fc356 To,be Viewed, and Catalogues had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, Cornhill, and in # Pall Mall 23/ )S0Z Peb. b UCK. C.1 JLAF0- ~ P5»tn 2 32 CONDITIONS of SALE. I. ^T'HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between Two or more •A Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fhall be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds as. 6 d. And fo on in pro¬ portion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain¬ der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, ihall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, Ihall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. A Catalogue, &c. Firft Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY the jth, 1802. . J - JS> ~ ~ 2 - - Js~ ~ /5 - 2-2 ■ ~ Jo * 2 * S ~ v S - / ~ .. - /& - -/£- 7 - 57 - ; 7 -/~ - /<$>. - . . ' v 2) /- -V. W. Roubells Pourbus Zuccareili Hemskerk Post Verdufen PICTURES. " • - -*» % —i ^^INE Prints, framed and glazed, one broke— 2 r _2 The Heads of 2 Friars and a Philofophe — 7 . 3 Three Heads iP/asJJr- - 4 A Village Feaft - 5 A Battle and one other .: j . ■ 6 Two Heads r. 7 A high-finilhed Picture, Allegorical n.. ' 8 A Head 1! ’ n 9 A Cattle Piece rsJya Jls 10 A Sick Man - 'I* A View in the West Indies < !>> 12 A Madona and Child 13 A Pair of Landfcapes 0 14 The Portraits of Oliver Cromwell and Lord Thurlow, nit’ . on copper 234 O J 2 A // 6 Z - Z- —-**-16 / — / • / /. //. /-✓/.- Z..&- 3 -3 3 v /P S' - / .-4 / ~ — ir-ir /? .. /o A * //, / >/o /'• ^ /- - iT yr./^ £ Morland — / :_ - Morland — - Guido Cagnafi Marco Ricci - Fran. Mille - C. Janfens - J. Wyck - Geminiani — Marlow — • ^Modern — - Caftiglione - Monamy — - Van Mcrldn - Boutt and Bodwyn ~ Vandalen — ^Titian — - Swaneveld — - Parmegiano < - Breughell - Both — — Wilfon —« - Guido — — Reinagle ■ — Fabris — — RubChs — Zuccarelli — ' t 4 ] 15 Three Ditto, Henry VIII, Anna Boleyn and Edward VI, on copper. 7/7 < 7 ~ ■ . * * V v 3 1' I . \ ' A Converfatioa- aind a Froft Piece, fmall, and a fmall, Landfcape o/y a/& — 17 The Interior of a Dutch Kitchen 7 18 A Landfcape and Figures 19 A Winter Scene — 20 An Upright Landfcape with a Waterfall <7 - 21 A pair of (mall Landfcapes ■' : t) \ 22 A Holy Family, after Raphael 23 An upright Piflure of Ruins ^ 7 s 24. Nymphs Bathing . 25 The Portrait of Mary Queen of Scots —- 26 A Horfe Fair 27 A Pair of Italian Peafants 28 A View of Fish Street with the Monument, &c.t /Af t 29 A Storm at Sea by Moonlight with Lightning /is/rt'/tmS / 30 The Judgement of Midas, on copper 31 A Ca m at Sea, upright /ztTisvwS 32 A Battle, on Copper, a fmall fpirited Pi&ure / 2 r*^ * 33 A Landfcape and Figures ^’ 2 ) 34 The Exterior of a Palace a-v-A 35 The Martyrdom of St. Peter 36 A warm Landfcape and Figures Os. 37 A Girl, half length 38 An upright Landfcape and Figures %/* /A? 39 A Landfcape with Bathers, after 40 A Landfcape with a Man fifhing, after /'Airt/t) 41 A Madona and Child < /A 42 A fmall landfcape with Cottage and Figures C 43 A Ditto with Rocks and Figures 44 A Bacchanalian Group (fchool of) 45 A Landfcape and Figures v/ d ./ .3 Ditto —* .. . ^John d e Bellino . « // ~ o . <^Salviofi —. & Ji? — Schidoni — /'d ■ Z -- ^M. Zoorgh — / Lycinir, 1532 Huen — - kucas Flockett . teal. Rofa htto AT- ^Corregio S-6 ~ Omeganck ' / S - /5~. **Brekelcamp S~ /f' ^Ditto /$ . <4.-6 Dominichino M SVallenciennes )itto /4 ../4 -Guerchino --Raphael _ n (C. Bonario 2^-8 ^ Ditto U3 46 A Ditto, its companion 47 The Madona and Child, highly finifhed A 48 The exterior View of a Palace, with the Sea, &c. <*/■**" 49 The Madona and Child, with St. John /& ^ 50 An Interior of a Dutch Dairy 51 The Virgin and Child attended by Saints 52 The Marriage at Cana, fmall, on copper C? i 53 A Holy Family, on copper, a very curious Pi£lurDyck —• 33 The Laft Judgement, a fpirited fketch .2 .. /o - Paton — 34 The Monmouth of 64 Guns, Capt. Gardiner, after having taken the Foudroyant of 80 Guns, March 1 758 /tfV ■ y ^P. Panini — 35 Ruins and Figures in the Environs of Rome - De Cort — 3 6 A Landfcape with Gothic Architecture // .. - ^Italian ' — 37 Rebecca at the Well, and companion -- - Rubens —— 38 Pan and Syrinx (Pcrt'&tX \Canaletti —— ^ I^Ditto — 39 40 A View of St. Peter’s, at Rome Its Companion $ • •/a > • ^De Konink & " //? ..^Both y .. _ Le Moine *- — Ruyfdael -Vander Doos f ~ Cuyp <7 / 41 A Park Scene with Fauns and Poultry 42 A Landfcape and Figures, a warm pleafing Scene 43 The Departure of Andromache and HeCtor, capital P-J 44 A Mountainous Landfcape with a Waterfall _ 45 A Landfcape with Cattle and Figures ^ 46 A Sea Piece, a View in Holland < nds // - / Barret and jWheatley 47 2 -- - ^Marlow .. «/ .. C, Scb. Bourdon yy . /n Sol. Ruyfdael ^ ..i - Cafliglione 23 .. 2 . — Bergh em i* .. ^Jac. Baflan ft - ft - Rembrandt P -• Wynants v ft ■- /ft • o Mignion , — yZ .. y - Albano — 48 49 5 ° 5 1 52 53 54 55 5 6 57 - S 2 - Ruysdael — 58 So *. A _ Hackert and A. Vandevelde 59 2 ft - y— j. Both — 60 32 ’ .//*. Jones — 61 A view of Valle Crucis Abbey, near Llangolle* Denbighfhire A V^ew of Richmond Bridge The Sacrifice of Iphiginia A Halt of Travellers at a Dutch Inn, Cattle, dec jA/t*s** 2 s Tobias burying the Dead, from Mr. Barnard's ♦ Collet ion Cattle in a Landfcape q/sv? AZe.**-y The Flight into Egypt, a rich glowing and fpiritei p'&fure of the Majler i- *■ t-/ A Lady’s Portrait, a beautiful high finiflied Pidure j&m-As. A high finiflied Landfcape and Figures t /mu > '/ A Variety of Fruit, a very high finiflied Pidure A Holy Family, on Copper, a capital Pidure, * full of Grace and Elegance A capital upright Landfcape, a Cavern Scene A Mountainous Landfcape, a grand Scene &/*»,-y~* A Landfcape and Figures, a rich warm Pidure Jlpheus and Arethufa , in a Landfcape, which Fidure gained the Premium at the Arts and Sciences N. B. Engraved. /LD • ZJ - - -Schalken T.-/f • 4 » Karel du Jardin 3 • yip - Ditto 2