'iw lloyd 'M W V- W^r L* s Jf ? \i CATALOGUE m OF MODERN w nru! (ftdjmp anitr (Snigrabings THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, Including Etchings by C. Waltner, R. W. Macbeth, B. Debaines, Rajon, A. H. Haig, and others; ENGRAVINGS AFTER THE OLD MASTERS THE PROPERTY OF D’ARCY REEVE, ESQ., Of Great Marlow ; PROOFS AFTER SIR E. LARDSEER, SIR J. E. MILLAIS, B. W. LEADER, &c., FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH 0MUI be i? a lb b|) auction, bp Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THKIR GRKAT J b i 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1893, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues ^ had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. II. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. \ IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. Vil. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale .shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1893, AT ONE 0 CLOCK PRECISELY, The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. ETCHINGS —In the Folio. 1 Isabelle de Valois, after Sir A. More ; &c., by J. Jacquemart 3 2 Duquesnoy, by C. Waltner; &c. 3 3 Le Repos, by C. Waltner; Rembrandt in his Studio —unpublished state ; &c. 5 4 Le Bibliophile, after Meissonier, by Le Rat; &c. 3 5 Le Chanson, after ditto, by Mongin 6 Une Lecture chez Diderot, after ditto, by ditto 7 Etchings, by M. Mempes 8 8 The Chateau St. Germain— ten etchings, by B. Debaines 10 9 Head of a Monk, by Gaillard —framed 10 L’homme a l’Oeillet, by ditto —one of the first twenty impressions, with signature—framed 11 The Virgin and Child, after Botticelli, by ditto; &e. 6 4 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 St. George and the Dragon, after Raphael ; a wax bust of a Girl, after ditto ; &c. 10 Pius IX.; and Leo XIII., by Gaillard ; &c. 7 Girl and Cows, after J. Dupr£, by Le Couteux —remarque proof The Model, after Fortuny, by Champollion— artist's proof Arabs and Vulture, after ditto, by ditto— ditto, framed Platonic Affection, after Zamatjois, by Rajon; and La Vase de Chine; &c. 3 Rembrandt’s First Wife, after Rembrandt, by Shultheiss — remarque proof Saskia, after ditto, by ditto— ditto Rubens ; and his Wife, after Rubens, by L. Flameng— remarque proofs 2 A Cavalier, after F. Hals, by Lowenstan— artist's proof The Children of Charles I., after Van Dyck, by A. Hathey— remarque proof Portraits of M. Daey ; and Mdme. Daey, by C. Waltner— artist's proofs 2 Rembrandt’s Mother, after Rembrandt, by Rajon— artist's proof, framed Le Doreur, after ditto, by Waltner— ditto, ditto The Girl at the Well, after C. E. Perugini, by F. Slocombe— artist's jtroof Romola, after F. Dicksee, R.A., by S. Cousins, R.A.— artist's proof ; and La Cigale, after Lofebvre 2 A Love Story, after F. Dicksee, R.A., by Lalauze—artist's proof , framed Marlow Ferry, after F. Walker, A.R.A., by R. W. Macbeth— artist's proof 0 /2J. 30 The Fishmonger’s Shop, after ditto, by ditto 31 Ditto 32 The Harbour of Refuge, after ditto, by ditto 33 The Old Gate, after ditto, by H. Herkomer, R.A.— artist's proof 34 The End of the Day, after G. Mason, A.R.A., by R. W. Macbeth —ditto 35 Ditto— ditto 36 The Harvest Moon, after ditto, by ditto — ditto BY A. H. HAIG. 37 The Fountain of St. George 38 Ditto 39 Waiting for the Ferry : Lubeck 40 Upsala Cathedral: exterior 41 Upsala Cathedral: interior 42 Chartres : North porch 43 Westminster Abbey—five small plates 44 Ditto—ditto 45 St. Edmund’s Chapel, Westminster 46 Ditto 47 The North Chancel Aisle, Westminster 48 Ditto 49 Peterborough Cathedral 50 Chartres— framed 51 In the Aisles of Chartres— framed 52 The Cathedral of Chartres : Great north porch— framed 6 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. ENG RAVINGS — Framed. 53 Gray’s Elegy, after W. Hamilton, R. A., by Bartolozzi— coloured; &c. ' 2 54 The Family’s Happiness; and the Companion, after Cosse, by M. Place 2 55 “ They won’t be Happy, &c.,” after Yates Carrington; and one, after Stanley Berkeley 2 56 A Coast Scene, by R. Shaw— remarque proof ; A River Scene— printed on satin 2 57 Feeding the Sheep, after E. Douglas, by C. 0. Murray— artist's proof 58 The Vagrant’s Dog, by J. Y. Carrington 59 Silver Birches, after J. Mac Whirter, A.R.A., by D. Law— remarque proof 60 “When the Heart is Young,” after T. Lloyd, by J. Dobie — artist's proof, signed 61 Clarissa Harlowe, after Sir «T. E. Millais, by Laguillermie— remarque proof, signed 62 Regina, after J. J. Henuer, by C. Waltner— remarque proof, signed 63 Eloquent Silence, after L. Alma Tadema, R.A., by P. J. Arendzon, — remarque proof , signed 64 The Tapestry Workers, by R. W. Macbeth— artist's proof 65 Innocence, after J. B. Greuze, by T. G. Appleton— artist's proof 66 Doves, after ditto, by J. D. Miller— ditto 67 Letty, after Sir F. Leighton, by ditto— artist's proof, signed 68 Solitude, after ditto— photogravure , signed 69 Miss Fanny Kemble, after Sir T. Lawrence, by T. G. Appleton_ : artist's proof 7 \ 70 Byblis, after W. Bougercau, by Annedoucbe— ditto, signed 71 A Thorn amidst the Boses, after J. Sant, K.A., by H. S. Bridgwater — artist's proof, signed 72 Forgiven, after Hey wood Hardy, by T. G. Appleton— ditto, ditto 73 The Huguenots, after Sir J. E. Millais, by T. 0. Barlow, K.A. — artist's proof, signed THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. Framed. 74 The Pursuit of Pleasure, after Sir N. Paton, by H. T. Byall— artist's proof,, signed 75 The Derby Day, after W. P. Frith, R.A., by F. Holl— artist's proof 76 The Railway Station, after ditto, by ditto— ditto 77 Waiting for the Verdict; and The Acquital, after A, Solomon, by W. H. Simmons— artist's proofs 2 78 The Roll Call, after Miss Thompson, by F. Stacpoole, A.R.A.— artist's proof, signed 79 Highland Cattle, after Rosa Bonheur, by J. B. Pratt— artist's proof, signed 80 The Horse Fair, after ditto, by T. Landseer, A R.A.— artist's proof 81 Eagles attacking a Swannery, after Sir E. Landseer, by J. B. Pratt— artist's proof 82 “Man Proposes,” after ditto, by T. Landseer, A.R.A.— ditto, signed by the painter and e-igraver 83 A Midsummer Night’s Dream, after ditto, by S. Cousins, R.A.— artist's proof 8 Z6 AFTER GUSTAVE DOR& Proofs. 84 The Night of the Crucifixion 85 The Soldiers of the Cross 86 The Battle of Ascalon 87 The Triumph of Christianity 88 The Brazen Serpent 89 Moses before Pharoah 90 Christian Martyrs 91 The Vale of Tears 92 The House of Caiaphas A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. 93 In a Rose Garden, after L. Alma Tadema, R.A., by Lowenslan— remarque proof 94 A Favourite Author, after ditto, by ditto— ditto 95 Glimmering Light, after B. W. Leader, A.R.A., by B. Debaines— artist’s proof, signed 96 Dawn, after ditto, by ditto— ditto 97 The Harbour of Refuge, after F. Walker, A.R.A., by R. W. Macbeth, A.R.A.— artist’s proof 98 A Glimpse of Lock Katrine, after J. MacWhirter, A.R.A., by D. Law— artist's proof 99 Grouse Driving, after A. Stuart Wortley, by T. G. Appleton— ditto 9 100 The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, after Sir J. Millais, R.A., by T. O. Barlow, R.A.— artist's proof, signed 101 Effie Deans, after ditto, by ditto —ditto 102 Miss Peel, after Sir T. Lawrence, by S. Cousins, R.A.— second state, signed 103 Odin, after Sir E. Landseer, by T. Landseer, A.R.A.— first state 104 Persepolis, after Briton Riviere, R.A., by F. Stacpoole, A.R.A.— artist's proof, signed 105 Pauline, after G. Jacomb Hood, by P. Steinberg— artist's proof 106 The Bath of Psyche, after Sir F. Leighton— artist'sproof 107 The Vintage Festival, after L. Alma Tadema, R.A., by Blanchard —ditto BY A. H. HAIG. 108 St. Gilles 109 Interior of Toledo Cathedral 110 Burgos Cathedral: interior 111 Burgos Cathedral: exterior 112 Pampeluna 113 Limburg on the Lahn 10 The following are the Property of D ’ARCY REEVE , Esq., of Great Marlow. 114 Psyche taking the Tazza from Jove, after Camuccini, by Fontana 115 The Transfiguration, after Raffaelle, by Pavon 116 The Violin-player, after ditto, by Martini 117 Madonna di San Sisto, after ditto, by Mandel— proof 118 Ditto— ditto 119 La Nuit, after Correggio, by Huten 120 The Magdalen, after ditto, by Daulle 121 The Dawn, after Guido, by R. Morghen 122 The Duet, after G. Netscher, by Kruger 123 The Magdalen, after Van der Werf,.by Stroebzel 124 The Tribute Money, after Titian, by Stenila 125 Sacred and Profane Love, after ditto, by Bartolo 126 Flora, after ditto, by Burger 127 Danae, after ditto, by Folo —proof 128 The Sons of Rubens, after Rubens, by Daulle 129 A River Scene, after Ruysdael, by Kruger— proof with arms 130 A Cavalier and Lady, after Rembrandt— before all letters 131 The Meyer Madonna, after Holbein ; and a portrait, after L. da Vinci 132 Admiral Roy, after Buckner, by Beilin— proof before letters 133 Henrietta Maria, after Van Dyck, by Raab— ditto 134 Charles I., after ditto, by Mandel— ditto 135 Augustus III., King of Poland, after H. Rigaud 136 Marie Josephe, Queen of Poland, after Silvestre, by Daulle 137 Mignon, after Kiessling, by Seifert 11 138 A Nun at a Window, after Kuntz Buchel— remarque proof 139 The Vestal, after A. Kauffmann, by Burger— proof before letters 140 Sibyl, after ditto, by Canale 141 The Destruction of Jerusalem, after G. Dore, by Merz 142 None but the Brave, after Sir E. Landseer, R.A., by T. Landseer, A.R.A. 143 Children of the Mist, after ditto, by ditto 144 Weighing the Deer, after ditto, by T. L. Atkinson 145 The Railway Station, after W. P. Frith, R.A., by F. Holl— artist’s proof, signed by the painter and engraver 146 The Derby Day, after ditto, by Blanchard— ditto, ditto 147 Captivity; and Liberty, after Cipriani— coloured prints 2 148 The Imprisoned Lover; and another, by Bartolozzi— coloured 2 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. 148a The Assumption of the Virgin, after Murillo— before all letters 149 Dedham Vale, after J. Constable, R.A., by D. Lucas— first published state 150 The Order of Release, after Sir J. Millais, R.A., by S. Cousins, R. A.— artist's proof 151 Ophelia, after ditto, by J. Stephenson— ditto 152 The Lost Sheep, after Sir E. Landseer, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — artist's proof 153 The Princess Royal, after Winterhalter, by S. Cousins, R.A.— presentation proof 154 Saved, after Sir E. Landseer, by ditto— ditto, signed 155 A Midsummer Night’s Dream, after ditto, by ditto advance proof, signed 156 The Maid and the Magpie, after ditto, by ditto— advance proof 157 The Order of Eelease, after Sir J. Millais, by S. Cousins— ditto 158 The Light of the World, after Holman Hunt, by Simmons— artist's proof 159 Les Kenseignements, after Meissonier, by Jacquet— remarque proof 160 Seville Cathedral, by A. H. Haig 161 The Duchess of Devonshire, after Sir J. Keynolds, by S. Cousins, K.A.— before all letters 162 Portrait of George Washington, by T. 0. Barlow, E.A. 163 Mater Purissima ; and Mater Dolorosa, after F. Goodall, E.A., by S. Cousins, E.A.— artist's proofs, signed 2 164 Sunrise and Sunset, after Claude, by Canot and Mason 2 165 The Idle Servant, after Maes; a Man, after Eembrandt; and St. Catherine, after Eaffaelle 3 166 The Highland Drover’s Departure, after Sir E. Landseer, E.A., by Watt 167 The Tethered Earn, after ditto, by J. Burnet— proof before all letters 168 Eefreshment, after ditto, by H. Cousins 169 The Hawk; and Peregrine Falcon, after Sir E. Landseer, E.A., by C. G. Lewis —a pair Presented to Dr . Quin, with autograph of the Painter 170 Hawking, after ditto, by ditto —presentation proof 171 The Challenge; and The Sanctuary, after ditto, by Lewis and Zobel —small plates 172 A Dog and Dead Deer— in gouache ; and A Tropical Forest, by E. W. Cooke, E.A. —in pencil 173 Two Girls: etching by II. Herkomer, E.A.; and The Swing, ditto, by W. S. Coleman— unframed 13 7 ** 174 The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple, after Holman Hunt, by Blanchard— artist's proof 175 “ Here are the Girls in the Round Hats,” after J. Leech— coloured 176 Thomas Carlyle, after Whistler, by Jose— ditto 177 Andromeda, after G. Dore, by Bownie; and An Illustration to Dante— artists' proofs 2 178 The Acquittal of the Seven Bishops, after J. R. Herbert, R.A., by S. W. Reynolds 179 Rembrandt’s Studio ; and The Picnic, after Ten Kate— oleographs 2 180 Wellington ; and Peel, after Walton— a pair 2 181 A three-leaved screen, covered with prints after T. Rowlandson FINIS. London : Printed by Wii. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. • « ' . CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS OF THE EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL, THE PROPERTIES OF MR. HENRY GRATES, Deceased, late of Pall Mall, WILLIAM NAYLOR, ESQ., DECEASED, JOHN GOLDICUTT TURNER, ESQ., Deceased, late of Pickinghall, Suffolk; ALSO, Pictures by Old Masters of the Dutch, Italian, French, and English Schools, AND SOME SPORTING PICTURES By J. F. HERRING, Sen.: WHICH miili tie Ui> auction lii> Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOOD.A AT TK^IB CsRBAT ROOMS* V LG 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE. On SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1893, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods’ Offices, 8 lung Street, St. Jaynes's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 11. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. HI. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. Tho Lots-to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VJ I. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1893, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The Property of MR. HENR Y GRA VES, deceased , late of Pall Mall. PICTURES. ALBANO (After). 1 Cupids Dancing SIR WILLIAM ALLAN, R.A. 2 The Prophet Jonah Exhibited at the Boyal Academy in 1829 G. ARNALD, A.R.A., 1801. 3 Morning : figures and cattle Signed BASSANO. B 2 4 A Philosopher BARKER (op Bath). 5 A Road Scene, with cottages and pond, BOUT and.BODWYNS. 6 View near Rome B. BREEMBORG. 7 Cattle Market at Rome, BREUGHEL and ROTTENHAEMER. 8 Virgin and Child, with angels in a landscao« B. CANALETTO. 9 Classical Ruins A. CANALETTO. 10 Grand Canal, Venice A. CANALETTO. 11 Wedding of the Adriatic A. CANALETTO. 12 St Mark’s Place, Venice From Sir Fred. William's Collection A. CANALETTO. 13 St. Mark’s Place, Venice CARRACCI. 14 VruaiK and Child — circle /Sf- 5 CLAUDE. 15 The Rape op Europa P. DA CORTONA. 16 Virgin and Child, St. Elizabeth and St. John DECKER. 17 A River Scene, with cottages / C L. DE KONINGH. 18 A Seaport Town L. DE KONINGH. 19 A River Scene, with fishermen CARLO DOLCE. 20 Mater Dolorosa ALBERT DURER. 21 St. Hubert and the Stag // Engraved Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery F. GUARDI. 22 An Italian Scene, with figures 23 The Companion F. GUARDI. GUIDO. 24 Narcissus 6 GUIDO. 25 Angel’s Head : From “ The Visitation ” GUIDO. 26 Magdalen GUIDO (After). 27 Beatrice Cenoi FRANK HALS. 28 The Huntsman HOBBEMA. 29 A Lane Scene, with figures HANS HOLBEIN. 30 The Village Lawyer Engraved From the Hamilton Collection LE BRDN. 31 A Shepherdess J. LINTHORST, 1780. 32 Fruit and Flowers in a Basket J. LINTHORST. 33 The Companion Picture D. MAES. ft 34 A Landscape, with horsemen at a pond 7 35 Venice MARIESCHI. MARIESCHI. 36 Gband Canal, Venice H. MOMMERS. 37 Vegetable Market, near Rome MONAMY. 38 A Sea Piece : shipping MORALES. 39 Christ bearing his Cross MOUCHERON. 40 A Woody Landscape / ALEXANDER NASMYTH. 41 Fall of Foyers ALEXANDER NASMYTH. 42 A Waterfall B. P. OMMEGANCK. 43 A Landscape, with cattle B. P. OMMEGANCK. 44 A Landscape, with sheep and goats 8 ISAAC OSTADE. 45 Winter Scene: figures on the ice 46 A Sea Piece B. PETERS. ABRAHAM PETHER, 1793. 47 Kirkstall Abbey : Morning POELEMBERG. 48 Lot and His Daughter POWELL. 49 Shipping on the Dutch Coast GASPER POUSSIN. 50 A Landscape, with figures RAPHAEL (After). 61 Madonna della Sedia R. REINAGLE, R.A. 52 A Woody Landscape M. SCHOEVAERDTS. 63 A Seaport, with Merchants D. SEGHEKS. 54 Virgin and Child, surrounded by flowers 9 P. SNYERS, 1739. 55 Dead Hare, and fruit P. SNYERS, 1734. 56 Dead Game, with gooseberries STELLA. 57 The Holy Family A. STORCK. 58 View of a Town on a River, with shipping and figures Signed VAN BERGEN. 59 A Landscape, with cattle W. VAN DE VELDE. 60 Men-of-Wab, and other vessels VAN EYCK. 61 Saint Luke painting the Virgin VAN EYCK. 62 Thh Fountain of Life A triptich VAN HUYSUM. 63 A Flower Piece 10 J. VAN STRY. 64 The Milk Girl VITRINGA. 65 Dutch Boats in a Breeze B. WEST, P.R.A. 66 The Conversion op Saul RICHARD WILSON. 67 A Landscape, with figures WYNANTS. 68 A Landscape, with sportsmen ■» ZUCCARELLI. 69 A River Scene and Cattle ZUCCARELLI. 70 A Landscape and Cattle 11 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. PORTRAITS. 71 Portrait of Mrs. Jordan-Strohleng 72 A Lady in Crimson Dress 73 Mrs. Tillotson, wife of Archbishop Tillotson 74 Queen Mary 75 A Lady, temp. Charles II. 76 John Milton, when young LUINI. 77 The Madonna and Child, and St. John From Studley Castle RAFFAELLE SCHOOL. 78 The Marriage of St. Catherine From the Fesch Collection LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. 79 The Virgin and Child From Lord Northwiclcs Collection VENETIAN SCHOOL. 80 A Mother and Child— oval 81 A Pig-sty morland. A. KAUFFMANN, R.A. 82 Allegorical Figures— a pair—ovals 2 DE LA HIRE. 83 The Education op Bacchus ROTTENHAEMER and BREUGHEL. 84 Diana and Action WYCK. 85 Numerous Figures before a Roman Inn HOPPNER (After). 86 Rt. Hon. W. Pitt SIR T. LAWRENCE (After). 87 Lady Peel 88 View of Venice OCCFIIALI. 89 A View of Rome ZUCCHERO. 90 Anne, of Denmark 91 Henry, Prince of Wales D. COX, 1849. 92 Harborne Lane From the San Mayow $ Collection D. COX, 1847. 93 Going to the Mill From the San Mayow’s Collection 13 J. HOLLAND. 94 The Grand Canal, Venice J. HOLLAND. 95 Venice: Mid-day 0 ^ From Edwin Bullock's Collection J. HOLLAND. 96 Piazza op St. Mark’s: Venice /*• COPLEY FIELDING. 97 Bunster Castle / S /** P. NASMYTH. 98 A Landscape, with a pond b P. NASMYTH. 99 A River Scene J. A. O’CONNOR. 100 A View in Wicklow Lf. 101 A Lake Scene / J. CROME. 102 A River Scene, with buildings «5”o ^ J. STARK. 103 A Decoy Pipe Engraved in the ‘ Rivers of Norfolk S b T. CRESWICK, R.A. r i 14 W. SHAYER, Sen. 2 ./104 Peasants and Horses MORLAND. ^•105 A Landscape, with peasants and cart J. WRIGHT (of Derby). 106 Portraits of Fleetwood Hesketh and Frances, his wife, ^ daughter of Peter Bold, of Bold Hall 2 /h, c. ddZ W. SHAYER, Sen. 107 Near the Deer Leap, New Forest • y / ^ (9 . $+- **• T. S. GOOD. 108 A Sailor, seated J. S. COTMAN. 109 Caernarvon Castle— in water-colours F. Y. HURLSTONE. 1.10 Andalusian Peasant Girl, with water-jar From the Wynn Ellis Collection fa* F. Y. HURLSTONE. Ill A Spanish Girl, with a Pitcher YARLEY. 112 A Landscape 15 W. MULLER. 113 A Mountain Scene, North Wales W. HEMSLEY. 114 The Writing Lesson ISAAC OLIVER. 115 Portrait op Sir Francis Drake, in black dress and ruff GAINSBOROUGH. 116 Portrait of Nollekens, the Sculptor J. VAN CRAESBEECK. 117 A Procession /yV LOWENSTERN. 118 A Hawking Party 119 Pentecost VANDYCK. GAINSBOROUGH. 120 Mrs. Murray, nee Thomson, of Philiphaugh SIR J. REYNOLDS. 121 A Lady, in orango dress, with a basket 16 E. VERBOECKHOVEN, 1880- 122 A Landscape, uith ewes, lamb and poultry SIR J. REYNOLDS. 128 Poutrait op Himself MORLAND. 124 Charity 125 Interior op an Inn, with figures WILSON. 126 A Landscape, with pool and cattle E. DUNCAN. 127 Fishing Boats: gale rising HORREMANS. 128 Interior of a Tailor’s Shop KetfifEY. 129 The Ddchess op Cambridge OPIE. 130 Portrait of a Lady EARLY ENGLISH. 131 Portrait op a Lady 17 A. STORCK. 132 A Pair of Sea Pieces G. C. FRISCH. 133 Nymphs and Satyr SIR T. LAWRENCE. t 134 Portrait of the Hon. Mrs. Norton 2 The following are the Property of the late WILLIAM NAYLOR, Esq. J. T. ADAMS. 135 Near West Drayton R. P. BONINGTON. 136 The Edge of a Wood, with a sandbank, figures and a dog DELORME. 137 A River Scene ; and a Lake Scene E. GILL. 138 Falls on the Clyde, Stonebyres W. HAVELL. 139 View near Richmond C J. B. PYNE. 140 The Grand Canal, Venice, after J. M. W. Turner, R.A. READY. 141 A Shipwreck REYNOLDS (After). 112 Head of an Angel SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 143 Head of a Boy —oval A,. R. WILSON, R.A. 144 An Italian Lake Scene, with ruins and figures f' / / ZUCCARELLI. 145 An Italian Landscape, with figures and goats 52 OLD MASTERS. BOTH. 46 A Italian Lake Scene, with peasants and animals BOUT and BODWYNS. 147 The Ferny F. GUARDI. 148 Views near Venice, with ruins and figures —a pair MIG NON. 149 Roses in a Bowl 19 POELEMBERG. 150 A River Scene, with ruins and figures G. POUSSIN. 151 An Italian Landscape, with buildings, figures and animals PANNINI. 152 Roman Ruins, with figures L. REDIG. 153 A Village Fair H. SCHWEIZER. 154 Portrait of a Gentleman, with fowling-piece —on porcelain D. TENIERS. 155 A Boor, with a pipe and jug Jo/, SPANISH SCHOOL. 156 Head of a Man J. VAN GOYEN. 157 A Lanscape, with travelling peasants at an inn door / VAN STRY. 158 A Sunny River Scene, with peasants and cows W. VAN DE VELDE. 159 A Sea Piece, with men-of-war and boats 20 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. VELASQUEZ (After). 160 Phillip IV. ALONZO CANO. 161 Portrait of a Gentleman TIEPOLO. 162 Adoration of the Shepherds SIR J. REYNOLDS. 163 The Nativity Study for the Oxford Window UNKNOWN. 164 A River Scene ANNE G. NASMYTH. 165 Castle Campbell, Argyllshire EARLY ENGLISH. 166 Portrait of a Gentlemam, in a grey coat POURBUS. 167 Portrait of a Lady, in a damask dress, with large ruff, and lace cuffs UNKNOWN. 168 A View of Malta VAN DELEN. 169 Ruins and Eigures 21 S. ROSA (School of). 170 A Paih of River Scenes, with figures 2 CONSTANTIUS DE PISA. 171 An Altae Piece, with the Madonna and Child enthroned with St. Sebastian and St. Martin Painted in tempera Signed, and dated 1494 MODERN. 173 A Hard Run COK STABLE (Style of). 174 A Village on a River W. H. CALLOW. 175 A Sea Piece VAN EYCK. 176 A Tryptich, with a Pope celebrating Mass, St. Geromo and St. Michael C. MARRATTT. L77 Head of the Virgin $ -u <0. .1 P. WOUVERMANS. 178 A Hawking Party DROHA4S. 179 Portrait of La Princesse de Conti, Duchesse d’Orleans, as to GA^RM ANS. 185 A Battle Piece f *-*£*-~i POTTER. 186 A Dairy Farm BAPTIESTE. 187 A Yase of Flowers BAPTIESTE. 188 A Vase of Flowers 23 CUYP (After). 189 Peasants, with animals RAFFAELLE (After). 190 Two Studies of Figures 2 PANN1NI. 191 Ruins and Figures CAMPIDOGLIO. 192 Fruit FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES. SPORTING PICTURES, Etc. J. F. HERRING, 1860. 193 Grey Mare and Foal J. F. HERRING, 1860. 194 Bay Mare and Foal J. F. HERRING, 1856. 195 Market Morning J. |F. HERRING, 1856. 196 Winter J. BARENGER, 1814. 197 Coursing G. MORLAND. 198 A Peasant, with a sow and pigs. G. MORLAND. 199 A Village Scene, with timber waggon and horseman MORLAND. 200 A Sow and Pigs J. RAOUX. 201 A Lady at her Toilet G. STUBBS, R.A. 202 Horses and Figures the property of a gentleman. PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 203 A Man’s Head ITALIAN SCHOOL. 204 The Virgin and Child N. BERORLM. 205 A Landscape, with ruins 2o CAMPEREN. 20G A Market Woman and Boy CANALETTO. 207 The Rialto, Venice CORREGGIO SCHOOL. 208 The Holy Family K. DU JARDIN. 209 An Italian Fair DUTCH SCHOOL. 210 A Landscape, with cows and sheep A. KLOMP. 211 A Landscape, with cattle and sheep MAES (After). 212 Grace before Meat, by Do Groot MORETTO. 213 The Madonna POELEMBURG. 214 Tobit and the Angel D 20 REMBRANDT (After). 215 A Girl’s Head VAN MUSSCHER. 216 Music; and Geography —a pair 2 WYNANTS and LINGELBACH. 217 A Wood Scene, with soldiers PIN IS. London: Printed by A\ m. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. RESEARCH INSTITUTE GETTY 3125 00987 1050