5/1/9T to 12/22/9T T^ J- ^:;% i ^■■-^^ ^ vffrS ^^'H i V ♦*- _^ !" ' ' ' >.-^ ^^■■Pb ^ - • /'■ Kt'^29i WK-. T^::I Kr^B i*--<.j **.! !»'q^ ,-^' A! i^ / > 1^ T ih: E COLLECTION AND A Selertion from the ^Icrrks OF THE LATE GEOEGE RICHMOND, E.A. OF to: THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PICTURES OF THE EARLY ENGLISH, OLD ITALIAN AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS, FORIVIED BY THE LATE Geokge Eichmond, E.A. ALSO A S^krtimt fram tlj^ Storks OF THE LATE GEOEGE EICHMOND, E.A.: WHICH (hy Order of the Executors) WiiM tt ^oirr tjy dilution fjy Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON k WuODS, AT THmiB Q^EEAT SOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1897, AT ONE o'clock PKECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James s Square, S. W. '^o CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5a. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot : and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions,, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made s;ood by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. >n SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1897, AT ONE o'clock PEBCISELT. The Collection of the late GEORGE RICHMOND, R.A. (Sold by Order of the Executors?) PICTURES. . - . -_ 2 PoBTEAiT OF A Gbntleman, in rcd coat and crimson scarf — ^lmam^i^- unframed 2 Cavalibrs and Ladies — unframed ^/^^T^^Hi JOSEPH SEVERN. ^^ 3 The Roman Campagna ^J^.-ZZ^ 10^ in. by 14^ in. W. HARNETT, W.S.A. 3»r' 4 Still Life y^z^Kms-cU \Z\ in. by 10 in. ^ Exhibited at the Moyal Academy, 1885 G. MASON, A.R.A. thport 12^ in. by 7^ in. '^ 4a A Fisherman: Southport C^m^i^Q^ B 2 / SAMUEL PALMEK, 1828 (About). 5 View near Sevenoaks 8 in. by 5^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1893 J^^^-^^^^^Migh^ SAMUEL PALMER. ■"^ 6 A Landscape, with repose of the Holy Family //" '^^<<3-«^<>>wevrrc6 12|^ in. by 16 in. ,^ SIE J. REYNOLDS. /.«;. cp ^ 9 William Plumer, Esq., of Blakesware and Gilston, M.P. for Herts, 1734 See Charles Lamhe : ' Essays of Elia ' 48 in. by 39^ in. ^ T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. '^0 10 Portrait of Gainsborough Dupont ^^-"^^^ooiol^ Vl\ in. by 141 in. ^ /^^^.^tAt-t^e last worh of the Painter Exhibited at the National Portrait Exhibition, 1867 T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. /> 11 Second Sitting op Himself, aged 28, at Ipswich, about "the year 1754 23^ in. by 19^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1870 ^ / THOMAS KEAESLEY. /^ j^ n ^J> O 12 PoETRAiT OP Charles Heathcote Tatham, Esq., Architect, born Febuary 8, 1772, son of Kalpb Tatham and Elizabeth Bloxham Thomas Kearsley went mad soon after completing this clever picture 24 in. by 20 in. Exhibited at Somerset House, 1799 JOHAN BETTES, 1545. ^'^^ 13 POETEAIT OF EDMUND BUTTS ^^^-7U2,w-- The late Sir George Scharf wrote to Mr. Kichmond, when the picture was exhibited, as follows : — " The portrait which you exhibit at the Koyal Academy this spring as the work of Bettes, is a portrait of Edmund Butts, of Barrow, Suifolk, third son of Sir William Butts> Physician to Henry VIII., and specially remembered as one of the characters in Shakespeare's Play of Henry VIII. Edmund Butts married a daughter of Henry Bures, of Acton, in Suffolk, and their daughter married Sir Nicholas Bacon. Bettes, the miniature painter, is only known as flourishing in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Dr. Butts, the father, occurs in Holbein's picture of Henry VIII. granting the Charter to the Barber Surgeons. I have met with a curious portrait of Edmund Butts, on panel, with a countenance similar to yours, with the same age and date, and a coat-of-arms, which places the matter beyond doubt." Extract from the Times, January 28, 1875 : — '' Who was ' John Bettes,' whose name, with the date 1545 (two years after Holbein's death), is inscribed on tlie canvas of the very life-like and finely painted head, very much after the manner of Holbein's Master Amberger, from the collection of Gr. Eichmoud, E.A. ? Is the name of Bettes that of painter or subject ? " Extract from the Athenseum, January 30, 1875; — "A young man's head, ascribed to the old English painter, ' John Bettes,' is strictly in the German manner, of which Holbein's pictures are tlie best known examples. It is a bust, nearly full face, in a black cap and coat trimmed with brown fur. Admirably drawn, capitally painted in a thin fashion, with excess of red in the carnations, thoroughly expres- sive, idiosyncratic and lively ; this, whether by Bettes or not (there seems no other evidence of the ascription than the signature), is a very valuable example." Panel — 19 in. by 16 in. Signed, and dated 1545 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1875 ^Y^ SIE G. KNELLER. ^^ 14 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black coat, wHte cravat and wig ; half length 3ox*-t^ H. GASCAE. 15 The Duchess of Porstmouth — in an oval 29^ in. by 24=^ in. •->7^6^*^ F. ZUCCHERO. 16 Study of a Figure /^xy From Sir B. Inglis's Collection ^-^"^^ijU -/Sca£rr,,.J5134a^iArpanel — 14 in. circle Exhibited at Burlington House, 1880 '-^^ V A. DUKER (After). 20 The Vision of St. Hubert 12^ in. by 18J in. — '^^G^P<2^t<«/i'^ HOLBEIN, 1550. 21 A Lady Abbess, in nun's dress and jewelled coronet -'C^^i^^-'a/ •JTo^-^JoJx/yn Oval — 10| in. by 9| in. HOLBEIN (School of). ^^. .£^,£,^^^^ 22 Portrait of Luther, in black dress and brown cloak; arched *^ top 17 m. by 12i in. HEMMELINCK. X,,,^ ..Ci,^ 23 The Virgin and Child and St. Elizabeth, surroundod by flowers and foliage, the Holy Dove above ; arched top 9f in. by 6 1 in. VANDYCK. 24 Three Cupids 11 in. by 14 in. ^^ ^^^^^l^'C^i^^^T^-ir^T^ VANDYCK (After). 25 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black robe BREUGHEL. 26 A Lake Scene, with cattle and figures — octagonal MIEEVELDT. 27 Portrait of a Lady 38 in. by 31 in. JcUi^A^^^y -^'^^:^a.^;^.^ ^G r- 8 SPANISH SCHOOL (Attributed to Velasquez). yJS 28 A Hilly Landscape, with man on a white horse Cy'TAJi^iA4..i^'\^ 20f in. by 14^ in. '^ VELASQUEZ (After). ^^Z^ / 29 An Equestrian Portrait of Philip IV., by W. H. Brook 17 in. by 13^ in. EARLY ITALIAN. S 30 A Female Saint /JL-Ki, >-'^^6^0€L^tM<^tA^fiyyy ^ -^ 81 St. Francis — on gold ground ^x^- "^'''^^^^^S^sJic'ricci^ 6" 31a a Diptych, with two Saints — the panels 8| in. by 3J iW^^^^^^**^ EARLY ITALIAN. " (P 32 The Resurrection — on gold ground -^Z^At,/^ 23 in. by 12 in. ^ EARLY ITALIAN. ^ ^ / -2, 33 A Diptych, with subjects from the life of Christ — on gold ground Each panel 21 in. hy 15 in. RAFFAELLE. 34 A Landscape J^^u«-^^ Panel — 6 in. by 4 in. From Mr. Coninghani's Sale, 1852 From Sir T. Lawrence's Sale Exhibited at Burlington House, 1876 / ^cJP UMBKIAN SCHOOL. ^O 36 Thb Holy Family and St. Jerome. The Infant Christ lies i a cradle on the ground, adored by the Virgin and St. Jerome, near whom stands St. Joseph ; cattle behind, distant rocky landscape ; above is seen the Father in the act of blessing ; the Holy Spirit descending. Panel — 25 in. hy 17 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1880 FILIPINO LIPPI. '■ff^ 36 Madonna and Child, with St John and an Angel f^^^z^^isiJUrySi^^ 29 in. hy 20 in. GIOVANNI FEANCESCO CHAEOTTO (A Veronese, born 1470, died aged 76 ; studied first under Liberale, after under Andrea Mantegna). ^•^ 37 In the centre Christ on the Cross; at the foot St. Mary/w^tS&^j^^^j^ Magdalen kneeling ; two Saints on either side ; rocky land- scape ; blue sky with clouds Signed G. F. Charottus, ping. Panel — 17 in. hy IS in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 TINTOEETTO. / 38 The Virgin Kneeling before the Announcing Angel ^^/a^i-^^^d^-t^^^ 17^ in. by 11 in. Bought in Borne, 1841 TINTOEETTO. ki. 39 Portrait op Himself -4t^.,^^y^ ^sv^ Bought in Borne, 1841 17 in. hy 13^ in. ^ 10 VENETIAN SCHOOL. 40 Tub Judgment op Paris A,t^y.<^ -fZy-aIr...-t.^ 8 in, by 23^ in. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 41 Salvator Mundi j^>^/^ /2 ' 32 in. by 17 in. This fine, hut much injured picture, tvas brought from Italy by Signer Pinti ; a copy of it was painted for, and presented to Cardinal Man/ning by George Richmond VENETIAN SCHOOL. 42 The Cibcumcision y^/^^tyo-^^^j..^^,^ Presented by the late Mr. Robert Williams 41 in. by 40 in. VENETIAN SCHOOL. .Xo-^^ 43 Portrait of a Lady, in black dress, seated iu a goiraola 50 in. by 40 in. VENETIAN SCHOOL. (Zo-fui^-' 44 PoBTBAiT OF GiBOLAMo Maeco, a Scottish Papal Nuncio — inscribed " Marco Nun Pontif " 88 in. by 31 in. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 45 A Man and Boy ''^<:^*tx«^»v^<^^e>^„^^^^ 11 J in. by 8 J in. From the Collection of C. II. Tatham X "7^' 11 NICCOLA DI ANCONA. ^^^ 46 THE VIKGIN ADORING THE CHILD, lying on her lap, xSLe^t.Le^ while the child is blessing the spectator; on the right St. Jerome, pointing to the lion growling at the thorn in his paw, and St. Laurence ; on the left St. John the Baptist and St. Francis ; gold ground above y&O-^M^&A's, picture, paiuted in tempera, on panel, and signed " Optis Nicolai Mi Antonii de Aucona, 1472," was bought by George Kich- mond, R.A., of Mr. Colnaghi, of Pall Mall, who had it from Hale's Place, near Canterbury, in 1880. It is mentioned by Dr. Waagen in his ' Treasures of Art in Great Britain,' 1854, as being then in the possession of Mr. Barker. Dr. Waagen says, " The following masters (Nicola di Ancona and Pietro Alcmanno) belonging to the School of Romagna, prove the influence of Crivelli in this part of the century." In the landscape and other portions the influence of Cosimo Tura of Ferrara is visible : the upper portion has a gold ground. This hitherto almo.st imknown master has inscribed his work "Opus Nicolai Mi Autonii de Ancona, mcccclxxii." * Colucci informs us that this picture, together with a lunette by Crivelli, was presented by the town of San Fermo to the little village of Porto S. Giorgio on the Adriatic." — ' Antichita di Picena,' 2nd Part, Fermo, 1787, &c. * Guiseppi Colucci, Abate, an antiquarian writer who lived at Fermo, in Romagna, about the middle and end of the eighteenth century. The copy of his works, 32 vols, folio, in the British Museum, is incomplete, the passage concerning this picture being in one of the missing volumes." — J. R., Dec. 4, 1SS5. Signed '■ Opus Nicolai Mi Antonii de Ancona, 1472 " 63 in. by 81 in. BELLINI (Afteb). ^ 47 The Virgin and Child Enthroned — with Latin inscription ^Suiaj^j-t^ 72 in. by 30 in. TITIAN (After). 48 Sacred and Profane Love, by Joseph Severn, painted in Rome (^/vJi-'\J&<'y^^v^ about 1820 ^ 19^ in. by 491 i„. Presented by Charles Neicton, C.B., son-in-law of Severn '^ c^ 12 TITIAN (Afteb). .£oc^^>o>^ ^^SoiJL.^r.<,L^ Z^'^' 49 A Youth and Girl, with pipes, and Cupids in a landscape, by Joseph Sevebn 19 in. by 33 in. G. BELLINI (After). ^^ 50 A Saint in his Study '^^^'t^^Cu^ • 27i in. by 351 i^. / ^^ ^0 Works of the late GEORGE RICHMOND, R.A. SIE G. KNELLEE (After). 51 A Cavalier in Armour and Lace Scarf ^TuZfiJ^.^ 23^ in. by 19^ in. From a picture in the Collection of the Duke of Buccleugh GAINSBOEOUGH (After). X^ 52 Mary, Duchess of Montagu ^^ />;^<^^CmiZ^ 23^ in. by 19^ in. V From a picture in the possession of the Duhe of Buccleugh GAINSBOEOUGH (After). y0:^- Jp 53 Portrait of Fisher, the Composer — small whole length 16^ in. by 12 in. SIE J. EEYNOLDS (After). 54 Lady Montagu yiS^tyd.t-«m^ 291 j-^. by 24 in. ^r 55 Portrait of a Gentleman, in brown coat and wig A?^2/C«t^ 30 in. by 25 in. / /^. 13 VANDYCK (After). ' 56 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress, white collar and -cAx^tA-^oA^ sleeves 23 in. by 19 in. EAFFAELLE (After). ^ 57 Group op Figures, from tbe School of Athens, 1839 f^Jic£a/u?i/\AJE^ 26 in. by 23^ in. <^ TITIAN (After). ^ 58 The Kape of Proserpine 26 in. by 38 in. '^^^i&^fwyrlZcsl/u TITIAN (After). 69 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black robe ^^i>^tAj2Ay^ 381 in, by 27 in. MICHAEL ANGELO (After). 2. 60 A Fresco in the Sistine Chapel y^- -^^^thJl'tru^ 25 in. by 19 in. • HOLBEIN (After). •^ 61 Sir Thomas More, in black robe trimmed with fur, and black t-^^'^-^^S^'w^aiJtJ cap 23^ in. by 17^ in. ^ HOLBEIN (After). •^ 62 Portrait of Erasmus, in black cap and robe trimmed with fur p-^ <*r ^^t^^ 28 in. by 20 in. ^ ANTIQUE ROMAN FEESCO. /*^ 63 The Aldobrandini Marriage -^A^ey^^u 30 in. by 95 in. Copied in Borne in 1838 'j^c^ 14 ORIGINAL WORKS. G. EICHMOND, R.A. 64 The Consecration of Bishop Hills — A dlietcli ^A^Om^'^i^ (^^yhi^cJ^yr^yf?.^^ 65 Head of an Apostle jtr^.~^^^>^ 9^ in. by 5^ in. 69 St. John ,^>v<^»v (^^^m-fe-^To-tv^iV' 11 in. by 8| in. 69a The Murder of Thomas a Beckett ^y^ixo^^^n;«'Cc«i May 23, 1872 17|^ in. by 22^ in. G. EICHMOND, R.A. 76 Girls at a Spring : A recollection from Nature 11 in. by 8 in. ^S^cJl^ G. EICHMOND, E A., 1839. 77 Head of an old Calabrian Shepherd 231 in. by 19^ in. '^«^t<»*v^:^«^ G. EICHMOND, E.A. 78 Little Boy Lost — see Blake's Poems 1\ in. by 15^ in. Exhibited ^--^^■^^t'loUP- ^- G. EICHMOND, E.A. 79 The Eed Cross Knight Slaying the Dragon — 'The Faerie ^.yW«^^«t.^^n-^ Queen ' 13^ in. by 25 in. Exhibited at Leeds, 1875 c7 cy 16 G. EICHMOND, E.A. -^b 80 The Ceeation op Light ^«^ o^t^eVw^i^ A. \%\ in. by 16 in. Painted when under the influence of William Blake, in 1828 or 1829. G. EICHMOND. E.A. ^^^ "^^ 81 Napoleon I. holding his Lettee of Abdioatioi^ 1814 "Care sat on hia faded cheek." — Milton. 43^ in. by 34 in. Exhibited at the Great Exhibition, 1862 y^^L /6 G. EICHMOND, E.A. 82 The Entombment ^-/a^e-^^-#-\- 15^ in. by 21 in. G. EICHMOND, E.A. [8 16 in. by 18^ in. 83 Venus and Adonis ^-''^v^-^i^ G. EICHMOND, E.A. '^^~' 84 Sunset, seen in Hyde Park />: <::^Sa»v^»v-^..,.u6^ 14 in. by 17 in. G. EICHMOND, E.A., 1878. '^«^~' 85 GODIVA ^^^(x^tM^A^i,^ 21 i«. by 17 in. G. EICHMOND, E.A. "^•^"^ 86 HAYMAKEES -SoaJ o£ /^^^ao.^ 19 i». by 26^ in. /-^ 17 G. EICHMOND, EA. 90 87 THE EVE OF SEPAEATION ^M^(^^^^£-l.H.,iL^^^^ " 19 in, by 14 in. Exhibited at the Moyal Academy, 1830 G. EICHMOND, E.A. ^'^^ 88 THE BUEIAL OP THE VIEGIN 16 in. by 32 J^ in. ^^^t4t..j^ G. EICHMOND, E.A. ^ ^ 89 THE AGONY IN THE GAEDEN J^a^n^p^ J^^^ "There appeared an Angel unto Him from Heaven, strengthening Him."— S'f. Lvke, xxii. 43. 42 in. by 46 in. Exhibited at the Eoyal Academy, 1858 G. EICHMOND, E.A. ^^^ 90 COMUS— The Measure J^i^^J^^l,^.^ " Break off, break off, I feel the different pace Of some chaste footing near about this ground. Run to your shrouds, within the breaks and trees; Our number may affright." 46 in. by 82 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy ^6^y:i^. //. — FINIS. London : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. yj'j. Wi iM. Of •4 warn Maanrmi^ 1 *>• lV>f •..■"-i^ ^^ t > "^ ■ '^ -f ■ , ^^^^"^-^ ^ > ^^ ■ ■^W' "^'r^^' -:>^ r Y#^-«F 1>> \ ^^^•^^ ^-^ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY >:^' i n—- \h 3 3125 00893 0931