''#. ^ m^S ^^ ^ M ■1^^ H^ WlflBj ^^ SB <^M^ p^ ^ jjra KHp^ ^^v ^^sSi MB9 £Jl .^^^■HtV ' v^ ' '^ '^.^1 O.A.T-A.LOOXJE OF Choice nbobevn PICTURES AND DRAWING OF JOHN MOELEY, ESQ. Deceasedj late of Upper Clapton {Sold by Order of the Executors) t ALSO THE COLLECTION OF PICTURES 01" CHAELES THOMAS LUCAS, ESQ. DECEASED, Removed from 9 Belgrave Square {Sold by Order of the Executors) ; AND PICTURES, THE PBOPERTY op W. HOULDS WORTH, ESQ. : WHICH Messrs. CHEISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STBEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' OflSces, 8 King Street ^ St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, geniiineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. r^ t CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of JOHN MORLEY, Esq., deceased, late of Upper Clapton. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. G. CATTEEMOLE. / / '? 1 Sating Grace 27^ in. by 35^ in. '/ G. CATTEEMOLE, 2 Preaching 9 in. by 22| «n. . E. DUNCAN, 1855. /tl^^^'^^^'^A y 3 DUTCH FISHING BOATS, riding out a gale :' / ^ 27^ in. by 45 in. B 2 /XT' ■ BIEKET FOSTER. '^y-z^L-v^ -p? ,< /: 4 HOLM WOOD COMMON, with sheep, ducks, and figures carting -^ ' -^ bracken 13 in. by 28 in. BIEKET FOSTER. L, wi 13 in. by 28 in. y yy 5 NEAR ARUNDEL, with children and a flock of sheep ^^ SIR J. GILBERT, R.A., 1863. 6 AN OLD ENGLISH GENTLEMAN, saying good-bye to his ^/^, family 19^ in. by 26^ in. F. GOODALL, R.A. 7 Ceanmee, on his way to execution 10| in. by 19 in. ^ /' / W. HUNT. ' (jlj;, 8 PLUMS AND APRICOTS ylO 8^ in. by 12 in. /XS W. HUNT, 1835. 9 Blowing Bubbles 11 in. by 7^ in. W. HUNT. ^ (TO 10 PINK AND WHITE MAY BLOSSOM, and chaffinch's nest 9^ in. by 14^ in. W. HUNT. y /^ ( 11 Grapes, Pear and Holly Bebries C^^^ Oval — 9 in. by lli^ in. T. 6^ *-nt-^V*-* rW. HUNT. ^ 12 A Negro Bot, with a tambourine C-C / 1 11 in. by 7| in. " X W. HUNT. ^ / ^^ 13 Roses in a Basket /^ /^ yC C'tyO<7 14 in. by 10 in. J. F. LEWIS, R.A. '^ 14 The Desert : a camel caravan // 131 in. by 19^ in. '''^ ^ S. PROUT. y 15 CHARTRES CATHEDRAL ^ 211 in, by 191 j'^. S. PROUT. ^ 16 THE PORCH OF ROUEN CATHEDRAL 16 J in. by 10^ t». '^2.^' r / ■ T. M. RICHARDSON. y^' 17 HEIDELBERG ' \' t-o^ 24^ m. by 36 j'n. F. TAYLER, 1856. ^ 18 A HIGHLAND LANDSCAPE, with figures and cattle crossing ^ ' a bridge 12 in, by 23^ in. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. // *- 19 Brighton ^^ "^ ^ Signed 6 tn. by 9 in. J. M. w. Lvnmiiii, n.A. / (7 / ' 25 Absalom's Tomb y^^ J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. B 5f in. by 8 in. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 26 Loch Leven 4 in. by 6J^ tw. UU'Cc^ J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 20 Dartmouth 5^ in. by 8^ in. ^ ^' J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. /^ 21 MiNEHEAD 6 in. by 8^ in. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. / 22 Tbipoli : "0 h\ in. by 8 in. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. A /) 23 Edlnbuegh Castle 3 J in. by 5^ in. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A.J /O . //O /) ^^ LuLwoBTH Cove 5^ in. by 8^ in. d> PICTURES. J. BRETT, A.E.A., 1861. -^ ^ y 27 Champeet ^.^hC' ' -^ ^ 24 in. by 19^ in. /^ E. W. COOKE, E.A., 1853. ^ , Q 28 A View of the Doge's Palace, and the Island of St. Giorgio ^^C^^Ci^^ Maggiore, Venice 19^ in. by 34 J in. T. S. COOPEE, E.A., 1855. -^ ^ ?.^ 29 A SUNNY LANDSCAPE, with five cows on the bank of a stream, shejpherd boy and sheep 23i in. by 47^ in. /^ 30 Ploughing / ^-^^--^^^ 11^ in. by 9 in. W. C. T. DOBSON, E.A. ^aJ/^ ' J. L. DYCKMANS, 1861. ')^'' 31 The Blind Begqae / //y^y- {/sj^ 16 J in. by 12i in. , W. GALE, 1861. X, 32 The Father's Blessing 6 m. by 7^ in. F. GOODALL, E.A., 1854. ^ 33 Feeding Babbits 9^ in. by 13^ m. A4 F. GOODALL, E.A. /V 34 Hunt the Slipper 5| in, by 8^ in. G. E. HICKS. 35 The Young Mother 13^ in. by 81 in. ^ s H. LE JEUNE, A.R.A. 36 Queen Catherine's Dream 12 in. by 9 in. C. R. LESLIE, E.A. 87 Juliet 9^ in. by 11^ in. t^t^ ^r ^A t / J. F. LEWIS, E.A., 1855. / y ,0t-(} ^ ~i >, 38 The Greeting in the Desert »• "^ Yl\ in. by 24 in. J. LINNELL, Sen. 39 The White Cow, a landscape with a sand pit in the foreground, children and cattle 17^ in. by 23^ in. J. LINNELL, Sen., 1868. / ^ y/^ 40 A View in Windsor Park, with shepherd and sheep ■^ •^ 24 in. by 27i in. J. LINNELL, Sen., 1860. . y?y> • / / ^y) 41 A River Scene, with figures and sheep : Sunset ' '' ^ i^ 8 in. by 10 in. 9 D. MACLTSE, R.A. V' "^ 42 The Gentle Student Oval — 14f in. by 12 in. /MAyt4>-i^ / SIR J. E. MILLAIS, P.R.A. y/i ■y Q 43 The Good Knight ^^ lOi^ in. by 14 in. n /§ SIR J. E. MILLAIS, P.R.A. ,-- 44 The Huguenots ,'/. 9 l/' A sketch C. STANFIELD, R.A., 1867. //"yiCtA^ L Q 45 CALAIS FISHERMEN TAKING IN THEIR NETS, squall coming on 30 in. by 48 in. C. STANFIELD, R.A. ^ ^ / 46 THE BAY OF SALERNO ^^ i 30 in. by 48 in. W. CAVE THOMAS, 1860. 47 The Revebie ^y 361 in. by 26 in. ^ (I'V i/^. / 10 The following are the Property of W. HOULDSWORTH, Esq. PICTURES. J. L. GEROME. '--'' 48 BOTZARIS (Albanian Patriot) //^K/i/ttO 19 in. by 25 in. /' 7 J. LINNELL, Sen. /^? ^(Tt^O^^ 49 THE WINDMILL. An old windmill on rising ground to the left ; near it a horse, cart and some figures ; a woman getting water from a pond in the foreground ; beyond her, on the right, are a woman on horseback, a man and boy ; cottages in the middle distance ; distant landscape beyond ; stormy sky 35 in. by 42^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1883 DRAWINGS. J. M. W. TUENEE, R.A. 50 The Devil's Bridge 41^ in. by 29^ in. J. M. W. TQENEE, R.A. . i //a 51 Flobenoe Ia/I^ ^M<^ 14 t«. by 21 in. do J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 52 Edinbubgh 24^ in. by 34^ in. fC 11 , PICTURES. J. M. W. TUENER, R.A. '/-^ 53 BOATS CARRYING OUT ANCHORS AND CABLES TO DUTCH MEN-OF-WAR, 1665 ^^ f.U'' 39 in. by 49^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1804 From the Collection of Lord Delamere -/ , ^ ^ , From the Collection of W. B. White, Esq. .»_ J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. y . 54. The Deluge 29^ in. by 29 in. From the Collection of the Bev. T. Judkins / / 7- ANOTHER PROPERTY. SIR J. E. MILLAIS, P.R.A. ^' ^ 55 The Wintbb Gaeden 7 f. '^' u.>^ 12 The following are Sold hy Order of the Executors of CHARLES THOMAS LUCAS, Esq., deceased; removed from Belgrave Square. DRAWINGS. A. BOUVIER. rii. //^ "" "" " 6 r ^ J. CHASE. 59 The Tebeace at Haddon 19 in. by 28 in. 30 in. by 21 in. T. CEOMEK. 61 The Market Place, Rome 20 in. by 14 in. /. ^J 56 Eably Spking A. BOUVIER *> /1^ 57 A Water Carrier y y j "" CARELLI. /y 68 Views in the Bat op Naples .2 ^ i^ ' 13i in. by 21^ in. T. OEOMEK. /I J (j (^ *-f 60 The Arch of Titus . f/^' C. DAVIDSON. ^7 62 On the Shore, Whitby M'^^'' 1\ in. by 18 in. (/ 1/ 13 J GLOVEE. // / 63 The Vale op Newland, Cumberland '^ ^ 15^ in. by 22 in. i ..//- LANDSEEE (After). 67 The Foresteb's Family, by G. C. Maund PIEANESI. 68 EoMAN Edins — a pair Oval — 10 in, by 8 in. S J^ 97 The Adoration : " Ave Maria, 'tis the hour of Prayer " J- H fjj Jt^ ' ' 24 in. by 29 in. I F. GOODALL, R.A. f^ . ) *) f\ 98 TIME OF THE OVERFLOW : EGYPT ^/yryCifb 60 in. by 42 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy / SIR D. WILKIE (After). .^ 99 The Refusal : an enamel, by G. Gray 14 in. by 11^ in. W. HAVELL. * / 100 The Temple op Vesta, Tivoli ^ . j / t C. NAPIER HEMY, 1886. 101 FALMOUTH NATIVES ^f / j ' 32 in. by 48 in. ^J^ ^l fO Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1886 ' j^^-"'^ r 18 G. F. HIXON. ' h 6 102 A Soldier, drinking 24 in. by 18 in. m: G. F. HIXON. . A ^ 103 The Secret Letter / ^y J/Ji^i/, '^ ^ 2^ in. by 19^ in. ;.# '^ , /J. C. HOOK, E.A., 1869. /^ J. l'^ 104 CAUGHT BY THE TIDE ,-^j2^^e^^t-^^ '^ ^ 27 in. by 42 in. ' (^ Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1869 y— yl* 105 A District Visitor E. HUGHES. 24^ in. by 29^ in. J. M. LEIGH. > 106 An Italian Boy L/^0 19^ in. by 15^ in. G. D. LESLIE, K.A., 1886. (/ lol -^ilrA' 107 The Garland /y'f " How much of memory dwells amid'st thy bloom. Kose ! Ever wearing beauty for thy dower. The bridal day, the festival, the tomb, Thou hast thy part iu each, thou stateliest flower.' 43 in. by 43 in. Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1886 C. LOWE. Chrysanthemums 19 A. LUDOVICI. C) 109 Stbeet Akabs 11 in. by 20^ in. Of/ MISS A. F. MUTEIE, 1859. r /*% 110 EosEs AND OTHER Flowers, in a basket 32 in. by 25 in. MISS M. D. M. MUTEIE. '6 111 Wild Flowers ^ ^^ 32 in. by 25 in. E. NORMAND, 1884. fy jri\ 112 A Palace, yet a Prison ^^^ 45^ in. by 71 in. D. PASSMOEE. / 6 "^ 114 The Organ Boy / \ - F. E. PICKEESGILL, E.A. > O 115 LOVE'S LABOUE LOST '' '^ 891 in. by 59^ in. / ^ f H. O'NEIL, A.E.A. / Ay/ ^ 113 The Pink Domino— ot^aZ "^ ^ ( » /, P. LcT. (\. A. EANKLEY. /^ -Af^ / 116 The Even Song /^ ./il-/ ' 16 in. by 37 iti. 20 D. ROBERTS, R.A. A 117 SOUTH EliiliVATiOJN UF TJbi±] JNJi;W PALACE OF /I ^ WESTMINSTER, from the old Horse Ferry. Beiug No. 7 ' V of a series of views in London on the River Thames 24 in. by 41 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1862 D. ROBERTS, R.A. l() ^ 118 VIEW OF WATERLOO BRIDGE, embracing St. Paul's, Ql Somerset House and the Temple. Beiug No. 6 of a series of views in London on the River Thames 24 in. by 41 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1862 G. SANT AND J. SANT, R.A. r 1 ■J 1 ^2. liy The Black Park, Langlej, Bucks (/ 49 i in. by 72 in. SCHENCK. i./ '/f~~ // 120 A Sqepherdess and Sheep ^ ^C y 1.5if«,. l.v 2.S1 iw. 15^ in. by 23^ in. A. SOLOMON, 1857 and 1859. 121 Waiting foh the Veediot; and Not Guilty — a pair ^' 24 in. by CO in. ExMbited at the Royal Academy, 1857 and 1859 A. STARLING. A/ C 122 Saved from the Sea ^/ & 351 in. by 53i in. - ^|2 Exhibited at the Chicatjo Exhibition 21 C. THOMAS. 123 A Ball at the Camp, Boulogne 34^ in. by 73 in. /' UNKNOWN. p fl • 124 Just Cut: Fruit \q vAwK^-'s^- ^ 19i in. by 25| in. W. J. WEBB. '^ 125 An Ohiental Pipe Seller ( ' ( lH A t/u '^'^^ ■^ 35 in. by 27 in. [ ^iM&o'^ W. J. WEBB. /^ 126 Jerusalem I j(/l'-^^^ ^ ^h 13^ in. by 17^ iw. ^ J. J. WILSON. 127 The Entrance to a Harbour, with a boat and figures 26 in. by 46 in. L. J. WOOD. f /) 128 Abbeville Cathedral JZ-^ 18 in. by 13^ in. L. J. WOOD, 1858. / / 129 Abbeville Cathedral ' ' 36 in. by 28 in. A EUBENS (After). V 130 Joachim, with St. Anne, the Virgin and the Infant Saviour /) 22 EUBENS (Aftee). 131 The Holy Family /— 7, ^ '^ FKENCH SCHOOL. 132 Flora and Ceees J. ANDEEWS. 133 A Picnic 27J in. by 35^ in. K. ANSDELL, R.A., 1879. 134 THE STRAY LAMB 60 in. by 43 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1879 J. P. BEADLE, 1890. 135 An Accident 30^ in. by 26 in. H. J. BODDINGTON. 136 TiNTEEN Abbey : Evening 18^ in. by 82^ in. R. REDGRAVE, R.A. 187 Jane Shoee 26 J in. by 14 in. Exhibited at the Paris Exhibition, 1867 i 1 /-^ FINIS. London : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamfofd Street and Cliarins Cross. 'S3 1 IT"' ^^ ^ f^^ ^^i w. ?l 1 Y^' i^~ i!&^ '\^Li^, wf^Sfi M fi^rrT' '^W-^' m GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00885 8132