c (?rT- \ J IjNTHROPOSOPHut I TEEOMJGICJ^ I ^ Or t fADifcourfe of the Mature of| I Man and his ftate after death ; t^ f Grounded on his Creaior's Proto-J ^ Ch;miftry, and vcnfi'd by a pradlicall '^^ $ • Examination of Principles in ^ * the Great World. f I : ; ^ ^ i' * By Euqenius PbiLdethes, '^ ^ Many fhall run roandfro, and know- % * ledge jGhall be increafed . ^ ^ ZoYoa^er inOracuU , ^' I Audi Ignis Vocem. ^ I * ^ LONDON, ; ^ Printed by T,W^ox H^Blnn^emt\S\z * tf»$ifttifff' lUuftrifsimis^ic vere Re- natis Fratribus R. C. Tfr • Eclefiae in tumultuofo hoc Sse- j culo Apofiolis Pacificis, Salii- ! tem a Cerrcro Salutis. Uum infummum Altarc Jummo ta/ztumPomific\ J'M fit^ audem nimis hoji Libnm^ f2ec (ine facril^ gidV ohis obtrudi tided tur . hahet (^ pier J fiy(?5CancelIos: Qui f^ccedit in]uJ^P, Adaciac, mn Obfequii rem efi. j4llufit IlUs olimPoetarum /7/^gigantomachia, guds Coelum ^/^//^wexpugnare molieha- tur. Nee de^unthac m^r a rotate htVii quidam^^ paluftres IgViKMYi^qul Siol- Izsfefomniant ^ & foli a latere credun- tur. Mfit Engenio A#^^ iy^e^^ Cli- max amhitionis ! Hoc ejf^ imponere Pelioa Oflfe. Ego 5 Fratres NobiJifllmr , irr Sacrarii M^KhnXo^nec ad Aram Far hoc meum^ Sed hi hitninc mode(liti< ex pom. Vellem ( (i mihi in ^enfum aceedijJeM) Talia "vobis ojferre^ - — Quse fa^cula Pofteriquc pollint Arpinisqiioque comparare Chartis. Sednon efi quod defperem, T^rodeant forfan in Noviflimis,^^/// faculam banc meam praferent velSoUbus tufculanis. jitque hac quidem rationcMarci TuIIii Colle-. ^.oUegajum^ quodineandemlmmom* tern rcndir nolkrConfubtus.Peragra- i Ego^ Quod h^cs faBitant^ ( non ilU i^uintiliani in krea venenata)Vlo{cU' culosCoeleftes Ubaturw^&Qui fuavia fua ^x Aromarum Moncibus attrax- rrunt. Si quid mihi Mellificii f/f, •Ego 'lohis Favum hunc ^ C^ alvcare 'Solent tawen Rofe/;^ aliquorum finu (crdefcere : fordefcet forfan ^ hie pofler Manipulus ^ quoniam mex Mcflis eft. Fateor ^ Errata Eu- gQuii funt ^ C ^4^ 20^ ^permij Ti mmmM 1 The Author to the Reader Look on this life as thcPro^^reffe of an EjJeyiceRoyatl: The Soui but quits her court to fee the coya- trey, Heave/i hath m it a Scdneoi Earthy and had ihebin contented with Ideas ^ fhe had not travelled beyond the Map , But excellent patterns commend their Mimes : feature that vvas/o fair in the i)';?^, cbuld not be t(lut\x\ xki^ Ana- glyph. This makes het ramble hither to examine the Medall by the flask , but whiles (he /r^««j: their ^jfwwff^-/^^ fhe formes it. Thus her defcent fpeaks her Original : God in /ox'^ with his ow« beauty {izm^% a ^/^/i? to view it by re- fi^^im^ but the fr at lety of the matter B exclud- The Author to excluding Eternity , the compofure was fubjeft to dijjotutio^. Ignorance gave this rekafe the Name of Death , but properly it is the Soules Birth ^ and a Charter that makes for hti Liberty ; fhe hath feverall wayes to Ireak up hoitfe^ but her l?e(l is without a difeafe. This is her myflicallvcalk^ an Exit only to return, V\ hen fiie takes ^/V at this «foe?r, it is without prejudice to her tc nement. The Magicians tell mt^Anima unim Entisegreditur^ ^ aliud ingredi^ tur. Some have examined thif^ and flat€ it an Expence of Influences ^ as if the iS'a^/exerciTed her Royalty at the ^jif, or had fome blinde JurijdiHion in the pores. But this is to measure Magicall PofitioHS by the flighty fuperficial ftri' Bures oCthe common Philojfophy. It is an age of IntelleBuall Jlaveries ; If they meet any thing extraordinary , they prune it commonly with diftinBionspt dawb it with falfe Glebes , till it looks like the Traditions of Arifictle. His :5 /x fol: the Reader . follovpersilt fo confident ofhis princtples they feek not to under fl and whz-t others ffeak ^hut tomake others [peak whdXthey underftand. It is in N'ature^ as it is in Religion', we are ftill hammering of old elements J but feck nor the America that lyes l?e;jond them. The jUpoftle tells us of leaving the firft prin- ciples of the P oclrine of Chrifl^and going on toperfeBion : Not laying again the foundation of Repentance from dead works^and of faith towards God\ of the hoBrine of Baptifm , and laying on of tiands^ of RefurrecJion^ and the et email Judgement ; Then he fpcaks of Illumi- nation ^oi Taking of the Heavenly gift^ dif being partakers of the Holy Ghor ^ of Taking of the good word of God , and the powers of the ivorld to come. Now if I ftiould queftion any SeB (for there is RO Communion in Christendom) whi- ther thefe later Intimations drive?They can but return me to the firfl Rudx- tnents^ or produce fbme emptie pretence B a ef The •Author to of fpirh • Our N'aturall Philoja- phers are much of a Call with thofe that ftep into the prerogative of Prophets ^^Vi^ Antedate events in confi- gurations^ and motions. This iszcon- fequence of as much rtafon^ as if I faw the Suede exercifing^ and would finde his Defignes ia his poftures. fri Js^N^H. Friar ^^^^^ w^"^'d in ^^- /or^ between two fteeples^ but he that would have difcovered his Thoughts^ hj hiffteps^ had been more his Fool^ then his Fellow, The Peripate- ticks when they define the Soul^or fome Inferior Principle^ defcrihe it onely by outward circumflances , which every childecando , but they ftate nothing E/fentially. Thus they dwel altogether intheF^f^, their Indeavours zxtmtct Titillations^&cthcir Accfuaintance with Nature is not at the heart. Notwith- ftanding I acknowledge the School^ men ingeniom : They conceive their Principles irregular, and prefcriber-«/^y J 2t for me tveaaer . for Method^thou^h they wpnt Matter, Thdr phi lofophie is like a Chunh^that is all difcf'pli/^e^^ndno DoB/i/2e: For^fa^ite me t\\Qix prokgomena^ thw form of Ar- guing^thcit Reciti/2g ofDi^event Opt* nions^wkh feverall other digrefims^ and t\\t ftdjlmce oithtk Toftati will fcarce amount to zMercury^BcddesjchdvAri" ftotle is a Poet in text^ his principles are but JF^/z^/V^^and they ftand more on our Concefto/jsjihcn his Bottom. Hence it is that his followers^ notwithftanding the jijfiftance oi fe many Ages^ can fetch nothing out of him but Notions : And thefe indeed they ufe, as He fayeth Ljf- cophron didhis Epithets^ Non ut Condimentis^fedut Cihis i^ Their ^jj^- Compofitions 2ire a meer Tympa- nieo( Vermes. It is better thervaFight in Quixot^to obferve vphat Duels ^znd Digladiatiens they have about Him. one will make him fpeak Senje^another Nonrfenfe^ and a third both, Aquinas palps him gently , Scotm makes him B 3 mnch I he Author to mnch^ and he is taught like an jipeto {htwfeverall tricks. If we look on his aciverfaries ^ the leafi amongft them hath foyld him , but Telefius knocked him in the head , arid Campanella hath c]uiteciifcorJ7pofec/hlm. But as that ^^W hauKfiter oi the circm had his [cull fo fleeld with ufe^ it fhiver'd all the tyles were thrown at it , fo this Ariftotle thrives by fcuffles ^ and the n>orldcryes him up, when trueth cryes him down. The Peripatetickes look on c^^^^^as they do on Carpe/7ters^ who build wirh flone ^nd. Timhr^ without any infufjonci life. But the rrorW^which is Gods huil- ding^ is {\x\\o{ Spirit ^quick^ and living. *rhis Spirit is the caufe of rr. ulti plica- tif^^of feverall perpetuall produRions ofmineraU^vegetaLIes^ and creatures in- gendred by putrefaBion : All which arc Tnanife^ ^ infallible Arguments of life. Befides , the Texture of the univerfe clearly d Trovers its animation. The arth which is the vifible natural Ba- to the Reader ps of it 5 reprefcnts the groj?^ carml farts. X\\t Element oifVaterzwfvvGvs to the Bloud^foi in it the pulfe of the Great World beates ; this moft men call the IFluxmiRefiux , but they know not the true Caufe of it. The air is the out- ward refrefhing Spirit^ where this vaj£ creature hreathes^ though irrvifthly^ yet not all together infenjUly. The I^ter- Ular skies are his vital , athereall mi'^ iers^ and the ^ars his animal^ fenfuali Hre. Thou wilt tell me perhaps 3 This is new P hi lofophy ^znd that of Ariftotle is )ld. It is indeed , but in the fame fenfe IS Religion is at Rowe. It is not thp/^/- nitive Trueth o( the Creation^ not the Ancient^ reall Theofophie of the He- ; Wejvs znd Egyptians ^ but a certain /?rg- • ematurallupllart^ a Vomit ofjlriftotle^ ^ vhich his /o//oB?^^ with fomuch dili* .i;ence//V)& up, and fwalim. I prefent { ■ hee not here with any Clamorous oppo* e ?t/(?« of their Patrone , but a pofitive V ^xpreffc of principles as I finde them B 4 m The Author to in Nature. I may fay of Them as Ma^ fes faid of the Fiat : Thefe are the Ge- nerations of the Heaier^s^ and of the Earth ^ in the Day that the Lord God made the Heavens ^ and the Earth, They are things extra InteUeHum^ fenfible pradicall Trueths ^ not meef Vagaries \ and Rambles of the Braine, I would not have thee look on my /«- deavours as a defigne of Captivity : I i? -• tend not the Conqueft^ bur the exercife of thy Reason ^ not that thou fliouldeft fvpeay Allegeameto my DiRats , but compare my Conclufioas with Nature^ and examine then Correfpondency. Be pleafed to confider^ that OhjUnacy in- (laves the Soule ^ and clips the wings which God gave her for pght , and Bifcovery. Ifthou wilt not quit thy jirijlotle^ let not any prejudice hin- der thy further fearch • Great is theic Number who perhaps had attain d to perfeHion^ had they not already thought them [elves perfeR. This is my ^^-j ^7Vc tne Keader . vice \ but how wellcome to Thee I know not. If thou wilt kick and fihg^ I {hall fay with the Cardinally Etiam AfintM metii recalcitrat : for I value no Mans Cenfuve. It is an j^f^e wherein truth is neer a Mifcarri- age^ and it is enough for me that I have appeared thus far for it^ in z Day of Nectfay . E. S. • AMM^%^AMMM% AN THROPOSOPHIA THEOMAGICA HEN I found out this Truah , That Mofz in his Originall was a Branch f [anted in God and that there was a contmuall Infinxe from t\itStocl^lo the Sion , I was much troubl'd at his Corruptions^ and wonder V his Frufts were not correfpondeist to his Roote, But when I was told lie had tafted of an other Tree, my admiration was quickly off. it being my chiefccaretor^- ^uc.^ him to his firfl Smpticttie, and feparatc his MixtwresoiGood zxAEvili, But his fall had 2 Anthropofbphia hadfo bruifcdhim in his i^e/} part, that his Soulehad no knowledge left to ftudy him a Cfire^ his Piinifhment prefcntly followed his I Trefpaffe: yilata funt omniA^intra.-' C.Agrip. j vttq\obltvio mater ignorantidi.'D^xs de vanit. | /^^f/,^ remained not, in his body, bi4C *^^^"^* { ;?4/7f«^ together with his 7V^r//r^, made his Polierity her ChanneU, ImperfeEiions 2Xit2Sy inher nance ^ bat Vertue fcldomc finds any Heires , Man had at the firft, and (o have all Souls before their Intrance into the body, an ExpliCite methodical/ knowledge ^ but they are no fooncr refeFd but thac Liberty is loft, and nothing remaines but a Vaft confuted Notion of the (^r^ature^ Thus had I only left a Capa- city without Power, and a Will to doe that, which was far enough above me. In this per- plcxity I (ludied ieveiall ^'^rts, and ramerd over all thofc Vjventwns which the folly of man call'd Sciences-^ But thele endeavours ibr- ting not to my purpose I quitted this Books- hf^- fineffe, and thought it a better courfe to ftudy N*ii%reih^n Qfrnwn, Hereupon I confidered with my l*elfe,that man was not the Tftmittve immediate xvorke ofGcjdh'dt the IVorld^ out of which he was made . And to regulate my ftu- Jies in point of Methode, 1 jnd9,'d it convcni-' ent to examine \\\s^Prmctples firft, and not him^ But the World in gencrall being too large for mquifitton Theomagica. 5 IncfHifttion ^ I lefblv'd to take Part for the Whole, and to give a guefle at the Frame by Profortioyi. To perfed: this my Ejf^y. I tookc CO task the Fruits of o ne Sfring: Hcrelobfer- ved a great many VtgetAhles frefh and beauti- ous in their Ttme^ but when I looked back on their Ortgmal^ they were no fuch things as FV- getables. This OhfervatioK I apply'd to the tvorld^ and gained by it this Inference : That the World tn the begv/ining was no fuch thing 06 It IS, but fame other feed or matter out of which that Fabricky^\\\Q\\ I now behold , did arife. But relhng not here ^ I drove my Con- ctufion further ; I conceav'd thofe feeds whereof Vegetables did rpring,muft be lomething elfe at firft then Seeds ^ as having (on\t fr dtext ft ent mat^ ter wherof they were mad e,but what that mat^ /■frfhould be I could not guefle. Here was I "" forc'd to leave off Speculation^ and come up to ~ Experience, Whiles 1 fought the World, 1 - went beyond it, and Tvvas now in Quett of a - Stibft-ance , which without Art I could not fee. - Nature wrapps this moft ftrangly in her very -. bofome, neither doth (he cxpofe it to any thing - but her own Vttall Cdclefliall Breath . But in refpedt that God Almighty is the onely proper immediate Agent which actuates this matter, as well in whe work of Generation^ as formerly 4 in his CrmiQn^ it will not be amiffcto fpeak fome. Anthropofophia ibmethingof Him, that we may know tht (^aufe by his Qreaturcs ^ and the Creatures by thejr Cmfe . My Cjod^my Lifei whole Effence man Is no way ht to Kmw^ or Scayt'^ But (hould aproach thy Court a Guefi In JhoHghts more /'^ P^ircell of thy "Z)*:^ .SAc? would though here imfrfond, fee Through all her^Z)/rf thy 7 /7ryontfiusxhtAreopagnc,YA-\oY\\'^ in the Primitive Times, and received the Myik- ries of Divinity immediately from tbc A- poftles, fiiks God the Father, fometimes Area- tmm Dtvtnitatts, fomtimes Occibum tUud Su-- ferffibjhntialeoxid ellcwhec€ iic compares kmi v:- to 6 Anthropofophia to a %ppte, whole Flowers are the Second and Third P erfon , This is true; For God .the Fa- ther is the Bafis oi fupernaturali Foundation of his Creatures: God the Son, is the Patterne in whofc exp.effc Image they were madei And God the rioly Gholt is SpiritHs Opifex, or the Agentj who fram'd the rr^«^f//re in a juCk fym^ ryietrie to his Type. This Confideration or type God hath fince ufed in the performance of in fertour work/. Thus irtthc Inflitution of his Temple he commands C^-^/^^ to the cJ^-'^'^^ where the Divine Spirit fhews him the Idea of the future Fahruk.; And let tljem Exod. make me a S and: nary that I may dwell among f} them ^ according to all that I (Jjew thee^after the p at t erne oftl^e Tak rnacle^i^ the pattern of ail the Inflnmtents thereof even fijh'ill yoH make it. Thus the Divine mtnddoth inih:u6k\lSporri:gendo}:deas c^iiadam extenfione fi^ejttrafe,2nd fometimes more particularly in dreames. To Nebuchadnez^z^ar he preien ts a Tree fir ong and high ^ reaching, to tlje He a. vens, and the fight thereof to the ends of the Earth , To T^haraoh lie fhews feven Ears c) Come ; To Jofeph he appears mjheafes, and iher •refcmblcs the Sun, (^Moon and Stars, To con elude he may cxprefle himfclfe by what he will for in him are innumerable^ et email H^rototypes and he is the true Fountainc. and Treafure o Forma Theomagica. 7 r#/'w.fi But that we niaycomc atlaft toth^ coptyiopoicd : God the father \s the Met a' ohyfic.ili^ fti-percelefltallSH^i^Thcfico'/idPerfo^ '. [S the /i^htj and the Third is Amor in^fievu^ or ^ Divpe he. lie proceeding f om ^^f / .Now with* out the prefey.ce of thi:. tJ-^-f there is no Rece' ^tto/} of the Lio^ht. and byConrcquence no /a/- finx from the Father of L tghts For this Aryior is the (JM^cdtum which «J7/>f.f the Lover to that which is beloved.^ probably tis the PLitonickj- Damo/! magf7HS^ Q^i con ureak much more of the Offices o£ thh Lovi.jr Jpirit ^ but thelc are M^^gnaltal^ei^ CT N.-.tarA , and require noc ornDtfcHfTe ^ fo much as our reverence. Here alio 1 might fpeak of ihit fe/pcrriatura// (jC/je- ration^ whereof Tri(megi[nt6 .- Moyias gigmt Mo'/iitdeyi^ Cr t^ fe fmim rffie^it Ardorem ; But i leave this to the Almighty God as his own Sf- [eritM, (^cmr.iUmyflcry. It is my onely Inten- tion in this place to handle Exterior AElions^ or the Procefle of the Triiove for L///jr gives out Tiis F/a/- L A*, "Ovhkh ut an Fw^.. hatmjofthh i^ord^ in whom vv:iS'/ffi^ a^nd that //fe is the fi^ht 6f Mea, This is that light - "^ereort aint John fpeaks, tly^t it Jh rties ih tfie ^ Sarky-^jfe , and the ddrk^effe co^reh^hckd it l^t. But leftl fe'cm to be (ingiilaiitithis point, iWingiveyoamoie evidence. Pimavidros rn- fbirming rr//5w^^//?zi^ in the ft« J^emttU {xi^^sBci^ de Harihoaia hfUMdi • ymne quod vHrit fydpter Hnclnff^h^ C^^ ierem vtv'it^ fhde cotUglt'Ur Olldfis W" mrdht vim habere th fe h;itM9n , % H^HV- j? lo Anthropofophia ftim dicerefit iiludere fenfibHS htimanis. Thcy arc the words o^Y)o^ox. Marci in his Drfmfic\ Idearum Opermtricmm, B-it you arc to be ad-j mo nifhcd, there is a twofold Idez : DiVine amij - Naturall. TheNaturallisaficfy, invifible.crc-l - ated Spirit , and properly a meer Inclolurc , or veftinient of the true One.Hence the FUtomckj called it Nimhm Numims Dsfccyjdentis, Zo- ' roafier^ and (bme other Philofophers think it ij Anima Mnndi , but by their leave they are mirtaken, there is a wide ditierence bccwixt -^- ttima and Spir/tus.Tjut the Idea I fpcak of here, is the true primitive exemplar one , and a pure Influence of the Almighty. This Idea before the Co,t(iHlatton of the fcmhmll -principles to a grofle, outvvard f ^^?'/<^4 , which is the End oh Generation , imprelleth in the Vttall Etheiealt principles a Modcli, or Pattern after which th« Body is to be framed, and this is the firfi inward produdlion, or Draught of the Creature. This is it vvhich the Dtvine Sptnt intimates to us ill that Scripture where he faith, y hat Gea ^"' (reated every plant of the, fie Id he fore tt was tn the ground^ and every herb of the field be* fore ttgrerv. But notwithftanding this prcfcncc of the fdea in the Matter, yet the Creation waj not performed Sxtramittendo aliejuid de Ef fentta Ides, for it is God^ that Comprehends hii Creature, and not the Creature God, Thus Theomagica. , - 1 1 Thus farre have I handi'd chis primitive fii^ {^pernaturdi p.zrt pf the Creattoyi, Imuftcon- i- fcfle it is but fliort in iei"pc6lof that which may belpoken, but I am conficienc it is more then formerly hath been diicoveicd; Some Authors hivi'igno: fearched fo deeply into the Centre of Nature & others not willing to publifh luch Sp ritual my Jhries,\2in\ now come to the,^^*^/r 1 0ork, or mechaKtck s o^th& Spirit^^nxiAy the/^- ifarAtto^i oikvazW ftyfiayices from the fame. Muffei but in the firft place I flial examine that Lymbus or Huddle of AfAttsr wherein all (things were (b flrangely contained. It is the op nion ot lomc men. and thofe learned , That i\\\sjluggijh empty Rudemf t of the < rea* ture was noc^r^^ff^^ thing, I muft confefle the Point i:> obicurc as the thing it ieife, aitd to ftace it with Sobiiety except a man were illu- minated with the lame Light that this (^haos was at fiiii, is al:ogeiher impoffiblc. For how can wee judge of a Nature differrent froni our iovvne. whofe Spcctes alfo was fo remote from any thjng fmv extfierd^ that it is impoffic4e for Fancy to apprehend ,much more for Reafon to define it. If it be created, I conceive it the Eftct iofthe ^Divine tmagmatign a6ting beyond it ihUc'm Contemplation, of that which was to iCome, gni producing this Pa (five d.irj^nejfe fpr a Subjcft tawoike upouin the Ctrctunfe^ C 3 rence 12 Ant\wopo(ophii rencc* Tripne^ifhis kaviflg fidi fJcpreff hist!^ Vtfion of i'fgl^t^, describes the Matter in ttsj frtmittve ft arc thu^ Et^mdo fofi (faith he )|if Tenehr£ dear pirn ferehantur , parftm tr^pkia«4^ ddC^ ac triftes effecl^t tortuofa termijMtA: ut ma.' firiArer me vidijj'e commntMas Temhr^ m hu- Midam gfftanadm Ntitnram nitra e^am di€i\^ ■potejf agitAtam^ C^ veht ah tgriefpimum evome. " rtyac fonftm attcftirm edere memtMcial^ikm^ f^ hi^tibrem. Certainly thele Temkrd he fpeakes Cff or fulf^tmnts (fAwne of ISfatmre^ wtre the £rfl created Matter^ for that Water wcread ot ^ in Gcnsjls was a Prodirft or fecondary SuK- j^ ftincc . Here atfb he feemes to agifee ftrthw |j uith the Mof^tcallTruditioyf, Far thi$ Fttmus J which ascended after tlie Tran mutation can '* l>c nothing dCt but that Dark»ejfe which was ¥ upon th^ Face ofche Decpf ; Rrt to cxf wjde the ^ particular Mode or way of the (reattan^ you ■ arc toiuiderftaud,that in the Matter there was J zhorril^/e co^fitfedQHdlme^ or ftupifying Spirit of Moyf^re, CqU and Davknefife; In the oppo- fite principle of Light there was /f^^ff and che Efkt\ of it Siccitie; For thefe two are no€ Elemental I qualities as the ^^//;jf QJ^fi and the ^f^r^ ( for it was nqj ;be op^ nQr the oth?r,b.ut b,Qtli,4f '^w ^fif<^^ ^^ p^f^^r^, as trifmegtfi{4f\i2Ll\\ it ; I qmic that Speech, X c^f (/^ ;5»4lf mr^, v^hit^ eife^^iajlyf prQD¥e§ their U^io» ip rh? fi^"^ ■V^oi'^c ) had jipplyed thp^pfe| vps to thp^ \M4Her, th^rg was exfradied ^-pm Ifbe Bpfp^? - gf if a f^/»i?tf ^firij^^all (;i/fy?/^/^'J^^^^«f^, -^ l^jgh receiving afinAurcof^f^f ^j]dX/^if MQceeding Pgni t|i?piyin^^ \p4re (incers tma^iQta Fixf. Of thjs ppe Br<^, e^pcJlipg tiie P^r^^s )dpvyn.W^r^§ it ^ {>£ca.m.e niore l^tl'd, aofl ^ipa^ to^^ri^^ the Thus God(^sthc%b;e>v \i^n itj VVi^^bc- I twecnc ^ Light ^ndthe 'P^rhi^ff, Ipf t^^c f€cotidf€p^0rm^^w^^mi ^^ %#? V* C 4 TripnegiflffS i 1 4 Anthropofophia Trifmegtfipu calls it a Spirit not ib reined a* the former, but vitaJl, and in the next degi ee to it. This was excra6led in liich abundance that it fiird all the fpace from the Majfi to thefw- |?}r^.////?f^':;f;^, under which it was condens'd to a water, but of a diffei'ent conrtitution from the Elcmcntail, and this is the Body of the /»- te-~fielh'r skte. But my Per p^erickj {olhw^ ing the Piinciylcs of Arifioth 2i\\^ Ptohmie, have rmagia'd io many wheeles there wjth their f nal diminutive ^/r!c/\f that th?v haveturn'd that regular ^'^r;r/^ to a rumbl.n^ Confiifcd Labyririth, The Inferior portion of this lecond Extract from the Uoo/i to the Srth rem^aincd LAtr ftillpartly to divide the inferior and fu: e- rior Waters, "b J t chiefly for the Reipintion, and Nourifhment of the Creatures. This is that which is properly called the Firmament, as it is plain out of Ejdr^u ; On the Sscjud Day thoti didaft- create the Sptr it of the Ftrmamnt •. for it\s Ligamentum totms N..tHr£ ^ and in the outward Gtomctrieall Composure it an(\A'Crs to Natura mcdici ^ for it is fpread through all Things, hinders Vacuity,and keeps all the parts of nature in a firm, invincible union. This is Crihrum Naturd '2S one wittily calls it. a thing appointed for pj"., nio(l fecrct and myfkiious offices, but j(^eft°t?. we ihali fpeake flirther of it^when we ' j comd Theomagica. 15 Come to handle the Elements particularly. No- thing now remained but the Two inferior prin- ciples,as we commonly cal them^Earth and wa- ccr. 'The S^irtbyjuS an impure Sjlphureous fHbftdena\oxCap!4t m'lrtHum of the Creation. The water alfo was Phlegmatick , crude , and raco , not fo vital! as the former Extractions But die DivtKc Spmt to make his work per- fe6t moving alio upon Thefe.imparted to them Ltfe. and Hcate , and made them fit for future Produdions. The Earth was foovercaft, and " Mantl'd with the Water, that no part thereof' ^was to be feen : But that it might be the more ' imrhediatly expo led to the Ccc/efiiall Infiuen^ ces^ which are the Caufe of Vegetation , the Spirit orders a Retreat of the Waters, (creaks r^p for them hi^ decreed pLtce , aj'jd . ^^ ' fets them Bars and Doors, The Light a? yet was nor confined, but rctcining hisyaftJFIux, and primitive liberty^ equally poflcli the whole Creature. Oa the Fourth Day it was colle6led -to a Sun , and taught to know his Fountain* The darknefjfe .whence proceed the Corruptions, and confequcntly the death of the Creature, -Was imprifoncd in the Centre , but breaks out Itill when the D ly gives it Leave, and like a baflfl'd Gyrrtt thruUs his head ou: of doors in the Ahfenee of his Advcrf.iry, Thus Nature is a Lad) whole face is heamcoHs^ but not without a lb Anthroj^iophia a BUck^h^. Howfocver when it fJiall plea& Gad moife'perfciflly to i&efim his Cr^4*«rf.fihi* Tin6kuF€ (hall be expelkj quite beyoii4 them, and then it will be an Otawurd darl^aejff froiu ^'hich Good Lord deliver us 9- Thuii h^ve I given y.©u a CufCor'ig, ^nd R^t §xfyeffe ©f the Crest Km in ggneiall ; I Qi^jj now Aa^imA to a nior« particuli^r Bxainiiiation efN^tur^ arid efpecialty j^r Ivfyvm , f /^^ m^m^li farts ^ through which ^4» p»(iesi| ^aity,tn4 ftom which h^ cannot hsico^t^^^ I W48 abaut to deHll in this placG tp prsv^nt |i| fdtvat Acclamations ; for wh«n a Fntpatittclf^ [ ^ jlpdf^ h€r€ but r/?r^#, nay but ri^a g^uuwf Ehr 11^ iti^»^r £4r/^/j, and ^afer , fof the Z4:r is ipmtr ^ ihif^g <"di:e : will he not cry out I have comi«kr ^^-|pd Saertlege againR Namre^ and iiol^ the fiif Irani H«|f ^itar ? This isJKoile indeed : but till Xhey take Coach in a Cloud, and difcovfir that idol they picfipr m^t to thp (^oav, I ana refbj- V€d to continue in my Here fie, i am npt on^y of Oftmox\^ but i zmfure th«r« is np fuch /»•/>;- ^/;>/«' iii N Mitre, The F/r^ which flie ulcth , is Mo^izjon Corforeorum ^ (^ Iftcorftor^or/iffi, Ngxus utrmfcjHe Oiiindi, (^ SigtlUm Sfir^- fHifdntki. It is no Chyn^Ara ^ Commeiitttions i^/rf^ii^tethat of the School-men. I fliall therefore Requdl my Friends tlie Pertfateticks to return thek fourth Element io^riJ}ok,t^^^ he 17 TbeomagiQ. he may preitnt it tc^ ^Aitx^t^^ die Gh^ as t^fi/^f^t oUtntm T9Ctrid,{a£ thej?e is np litch Thing in the a/4s the Cftttrr l\^Esartb\%ffi4Kgtt^ formSymdm^l- ir#f ic4j//,of Compofition /o(?^, the beet^ lei ^fe ^ the Overall I»fiufi$efte^ Neat, fiiUiifs apd Thvfs for the A^«yiwv,%iid C«iy^ri^w« of hic Pr^dn^f. In her is the ^nnetpAll I^^fid^m^ P^ that Mafi^ix\ which 4ttydki , 4flci r^^<^/ die ,;^ ^^r«i llx)m the Maf^tinfi' psr-t of the »wf/^. fte is Natures e/^^^^ : heirc ritU4ii «btH«J^- cift himielf , not that iimftug , ^Pij^tic^tl (ms ^ which hahed, after hia fW/, but a |ia*rif<;. For this very Caulc Ndtnre makes it no part of h^provifto-y}^ but (he reHtfies it fiift, exiult?^»?/, in which State Qic makes ;//^ of it for Nourifhment.Somc where it is Interior, vitall, and CoelefluitL expofcd to the Breath of the fir ft ^gf^t^ and ffir* ed with S^irttHAll^ <«- termll Windes. In this Condition it is Na^ j^ tares Wanton, Ff^mma. Sat^c-jfim^ as One ^ calls it. This is that Pfyche of Apulettis^zud the <- Fire of Nature is her C»f>'W. He that hathieen ^Them both in the fame Bed , will confeflc tlut love rules All. But to fpeak fomething of our Common Elemental water. It is not akc^ether Contemptible, there are hidden Trcafures in it. but fo inchanted we can not fee them, for all the Chcft is nanlparent. Sptrttas AqHA Invi- fibilis conqeUtHs melwr efi rfH.tm Terra Uht- x/^/i, faith the floble^and learned Sendivow. I doc Theomagica. 19 doc not advice the Reader to take this ?hlegm to task, as if he could Extrad a ye^^tu from the - Sea, but I willi him to liudy waier.that he may -t- know the ^ire, .^ I have now handled the Two Slemems^ and more I canno: finde ; I know the Pertpate^ t'ckj pretend to four , and with the help of their Mailers Qt^raeffc--c to a fife Principle. I fiiall at leyfuie dinjjnfh their (lock, but the thing to be now fprken of, is Air. This is no - Element , but a Certain miraculous Herma^ - plorodt. the Camer^t of two worlds, and a Med- ley of Extremes. It is natures Common Place, he- 1: dex, where you may fInde all that ever fhe did, or inr ends to do. This is the worlds Pitneorick^: The Excurfions of both Globes meet here, and I may call it the Rendezvouz. Li - this are innumerable Magicall Forms of Men - and Bearts, Finli and Fowk, Trees, Heibs , and ^ all Creej'ing Things This is M^ire Kemm in^ - VtfibtltPim^ for all the Conceptions m jinufupC'^ - riori4 Natiir£ wrap them felves in this77jl^«2!» ^ before they imbark in the fhell. It retaines the fpecies of all Things whatlocver. and is the Im- mediate Receptacle of Spirits after DuTolution, wherice they pafle to a Superior Ltmbus, I (ho a id amaze the Reader if I did relate the (c- verall offices of this hody^ but rt is the Ma^ici^ ^jPackJqi^^ aiid none buc Faends comeiftac 20 Anthropofophia V^^buM have you kn6\^>tTt« AirisOerpnatfitt. --Li' Oyl, ihe Fuel! of the Vital , $ci*fiial Ste, *^ \\4tiK:^Ht W'liich \v« c^w*ot labhrt 4 Ali- I am ftow-eoftie to the fourth, And f ali fiib* }^ fiaiKc . the H jglidl ^^ 5«(t ^c the'Ncrtb, butiikeaFirecatehmgit Jttf. At H^^ni; teis iitttndedv^^ithi ft^jghfjf #0«; \tH«te ttndii^ theR^cfeto pitt^§ , mit nfti this twites «te firt. tind "Wkh h aftiPl ffffttt'^ioe.-£/ii?r/te*jHb dtfines Hftti ^-God , vAidk Semct^sOmwr- fent in Winde, and Fire. Thiis fireife tht ^^ yhefit of the Divine M^^y, \\^ Back^^rcs •^hich lie (>ifwed ro ^»^:f, kit Itiii ftiAed,R^ «fl Effect n«ri^of the S^hltn^try , \ have now m fome ntcafurc pafbrme7d.vne>itnlls of Scfe/rcc^ he may ^lic hettOr Wergild her (HperfiriiBi^res , Know then.that every Element « threefold , hiV Vriplicrty being the'exp^flfe knfj^geof tbHr ^?^y-,tind a Sc^lehie hath laid^ufonysCr^?- Jtr/ arc multiplied and fiudificin every one - irticular Generation. There is not a Com- 3und in all Nature but hath in it a little Sun, - id a little Moon. The little Sun is FtUus folts - i/^/?/j. The little Moon is Filta Lun^Qslc^ is. What offices foevcr the two great Lumi^ tries perform for the Conlervatioii of the 'eat world in General], Thefe two little Lu^ i«^r/>/ perform the like for the Confervatien * their fmall Cask^^ or Mtccocofm in particu- T. They are A^fmiuU Maioris Animdlis^ eaven and Earth in a Jcflcr Chara^ter^ God Ice a wile Archtteth , (its m iheCenter of All, •paires the Ruines of his Building, compoieth 1 Diibrders, and continues his Creature in his rft, primitive //4r;z^^»7. The Inyiiible, Cen- all Moon is leU tlU rivoja^ (^ }sSultifontarjay : whofc top fit love , and luyjoln a Throne of 'oldJu»o is an incombuftible, Eriternall Or/, id therefore a fit Receptacle of Fire, This ''I ire is her Jove^ the little Sun we fpoke of for- icrly. Thefe are the true Principles of the one, thefe are the Philofophers Sol cr Luna,^ j-^Dt Gold and Silver^, as Ibme Mountehankj^ iSXlarbonadoes would have it. But in refpe»5l have proceeded thus far , I will give you a uc Receipt of the Medicine. Re, L wni Cosle^ ^6 Anthropofopliia ft is fanes decern^ Scpktretur Mafcnlus a Fx. Tuink^ vtercjtseforro a Terra fm^ phjjica tamo CT* citra, omnem violent i^m Separ^ita proportion dehita^ harmonica^ qt vitaU canjungs ,- ftattntq Animadefcendens a,[phAra pyroplaflica ^ mor tHumfuum^ or reltctumCorp^is ample xu miri- fico refiaurabit ; Qonjun^a foreantpir Igne fja- tnrali imperfcEhi^m mairimonium fpiritus^ ^ Cerporis, Troccdas ylrtificto vnlcanica^Aia- gtco^qmufcjae exaltcntur in Qui/t^m Rota?f>. AietaphyficAm, H'-< ^^' D 3 Lord 28 Anthropoiophia Lord God ! Thi? was zfionf, as Ltrd as any One Thy Laws in Natnre fram'd : 'Tis now ^fprtfigtng Well^ and many Drop can tell, Sincek by -r^rf wascam'd. My God ! my Heart is {o^ 'tis all ofFlwt, and no ExtraEi of Teares will yecld .- Diflolve it with thy F/r^, that fomething may ^7^/>- f^^r/ry, and lirengthens hi^r.lcif with Conlpi- rators. BtU there is no Cotwfel aji^.i-'^fi God . The mi (chief is no foon^r hatched but he anci his 3 2 Anthropofophia his G)nf€derat€S arc expell'd from Light ttt ^. ^Ark^iejfe^ and thus Rebellion is*as dicfinne oi '" fVitcherdfi^ a Witch is a Rebel in Phy{ieks,an4 a Rebell is a Witch in Polliticks : The one aAi z^zM Mature, the other ixgiinfi Order , tht Rule of it : But both are in League with the di^ 1/el as the fiift Fsitht]: of difiord ^Vid fircerii^^ 5^^« beijig thus ejected, as the condition of Reprobates is , becanie more hardaied in h\$ Refolptttms^ and to bring his malice a4)out , ar- rives by permiffion at €d?n. Here lie makes Wmian\\\s Inftrtinvenc to t^mpt Man^ and o- verthrowes him by the lame Meanesthat God made for an help to him. Adam -having thus cranlgueR.the Commandement, was expofcd to the Lafh , and in him his Poficrity But here lyes the Knot : How can we pofifibly Jearn hi$ Difeale , if we know not the immediate Effici^ <:tsi»?^of it ?IfI queftion our Z)ii//«^/ what the Foi-bidden Fruit was, I may be long enough, vyithout an anlwer, Search all the School-men fi'om Ramus to Peter Hffpan^d.nd they have no Loj^icli'm the point. What fhall we do in thi$ cafe ? To fpeak any thing contrary to the Jlf>^£ of >^r//?(?/-/^(though perhaps we hit the ma^^Q is to expofe our ielvcs to the common Hue ; But in refpedl I prefer ia private Trueth to a pttbtickJBrrotir, I will proceed. And now Rca- i^): Arrive Antes ^ come on without preju- • ^ dic^ Theomagica 1 33 iice, and I will tcJI thee that which never itherto hath been difcovercd . That which 1 now write muft needs appearc ery Ikangc, and Incredible to the common lan, whole knowledg flicks in the Barke of i/lejrories, and Myflicall Ipeeches, never ap- cchcnding that which is fignified by them un- o us . This I fay muft needs found itrange, :;ith fuchas underftand the Scriptures in the litterall plaine fence, confidering not the fcapc nd Intention of the Divine Cpirit^ by whom ley were fir ft penned and delivered . liowfo- ver Or/^^« being F'nus de mnitis , and in the idgemcnt of many v^'ife men, the moft learned f the Fathers, durit never truli himfelfe in this oint, But alv^'aies ,in thofe Scriptures i'herc his Reafon could not fatisfie, con- luded a Myflery , Certainly if it be once granted (as forae dck not to affirm) that tlie free of knowledge vas a y^egetable^ and £den a Garden ; ic may be ery well inf€rred,that the tree of life being ^e- :ribed tn eodem Cjenere^ as the School-men ex- •relieit.wasar'if^^f^^/^airo. Bur how dero- atoiy this is to the power ofGod^ to the c^/^- its^znd Paflfion of Jef^i^ C'/?r/y? ,-whofe Gift ternall life is , let any indifterent Chriflian udge. Here then we have a certain intrance in- o Faritdife^v^hcxQ wc may Icarch out tkis tree of 34 Anthropoiophia o^ knowledge , and ( hap}n!y ) learn what it M For feeing it muft be grantcci, that by tr^e tree i Itfc is figured the Divme '^ptr. t ( for it ts th Spirit thut ^owlcdgc is fignified fbmc fen\ fifatl Nature repugnant to the SftntHali whei'cin our woildiy (infull (lAjfeBtom^ as Ufl anger , and the reft have their feat ^ and pi-cdo minate. I will now digreflc a while , but not mucJ from the purpofe, whereby it may appear unt( the Reader that the letter is no fufficient Expo fitoro^ Scripture y and that there is a great dea of difference between th^ found and the fenie o the Text. T>tonyfim the '^r^^?/?^^^- in his E pirtleto TitHs gives him this Caveat. Et ho pr£terea Oper£ pretitim eft cogmfcere^Dtifltcen eJJeTheo/ogorurrf Traditiowjp^ A r caff dm A I teyam^acmyfticam : Alteram vera mAtitfe flam X^ notiorem. And in his Book of the EcleRafl €all Hierarchic written to Timothepu , he a^ firms, that in the primitive, Apofiolicall titnei wherein he alio lived^ the mylieries of Divinit were del ivercd partiwfcnptii , partim h&h fcri pt.'ds of the- Churcl now Theomagica. 3 5 ;0W, in which notwithftanding (as Saint Peter lith ) tlTcre are many thmg^s hard to hif under* hod. Some tilings again ^r Ammo tn ^Ani^ num medio c^nidein vnercwrrente vcrbo corpo^ -ali^fed gf4od Carols pen it pu excederat fenf^m^ 'ine liter PS tramrfttfa fitnt. And certainly this hall Tradition was the Ca^fe that in the fub- equenta^^^/oftheC/j/^rt/^ ail the myfleries tf Divinity wei'c loft. Nay,this very day there is ot one amongft all our School-Dothrs. or late Ix' Temporaries that knows what is reprelenc- Id unto us by the outward Element of fVater'^ 1 B.iptifm. True indeed .■ They cell us it beto- - ens the m^fh^^^g away of (m , which we grant - hem. but this is not the fuil pgnrficatwn for - '^\\\c\\\iyN^s ordained. It hath been the Com* ion errour of 2 11 times to miftake fignum for 'gnatum^ \.\\tfljell for the Kerne 1 1 ; yet to pre* ent this^it was that Dtonyfms wrot his book of he C'^lefttall Hierarchic , and elpecially his ^'heologta fignificrttiva ^ of which there is fuch requent mention made in his works. Veiely ur Saviour Himfelf who is blelTcd for evcr- lorc , did fbmetimcs fpeak in parables , and' ommanded further that Pearles fhmld not be Ar ^fl forth unto fwine^ for it ts not given to all " tentok^ow the myflenes of the Kingdom of ieaven^ Suppoiiug then (as it is moftn'ue) Aat amongf^ other myjikallfpeeches contained ill 36 Antliropofopliia In Scripttire^ this of the Garden of£de?i,and the Trees m it, is o'^e : I fhall proceede to the Expo-i fition of it in fbmc meafure, concealing the par- ticulars notwithlb.nding. Man in the beginning ( I mean the fubflan- tiall inward Man) both in, and after his Crea^ tion for ibme Hiort time, was a pure 'mtelkUud £/f«c^, free from all fleQily, fenfiiall Ajfem^ ons. In this (fate the Anima , or fenfuive Na* ture did not prevail over the Jpirrtfial^zs it doth now in us. For the iupcrior A'f entail p^rt of A^afi was united to God per C^nt^iEium Ejfen- tialem, and the Divine It^^ht being received in, and conveyed to the inferiour portions of the 1 5o«/didmortifieai] carnall denres , infomuch that in Adam the fehfitive F amities were {carce at all impioyed, the fpiyituall prevailing over them in him, as they do over the Spirituall now in us. Hence wc read in Scripture , that during the ftatc of Innocence he did mt k^mvi that he was naked : but no fooncr eats he of the tits of k/ioivlednre but htfaw his nakednejfe^ and was afhtmed of it; Wherefore alio he hides himfelf amongfi the Trees of the Gardeii , and when God calls to him, he replies; / ^ heard thy voice in the Garden^and I was afraid becaufe I was nak^d , a»d I hid my felf. But God knowing his former ftatc,anlvvers him y!ithd.Qffefiion. ^ho told thee that Thon wafl nak^d ? Theomagica. 57 I iked ? HaJI- thoH eaten of the tree , -rphreof I F mnumded thee thou (honldsft' not eat ? Here e Ice a Twofold ftate of M in : his firft , and >(1 iri the fpiritual fubftantiaJl union of his Iriw llJedluall parts to God, and the Morti- l:ation of his £there^/l , fc^fitive Na\ We , wherein the flefhiy finfiill AffcEhwns A their 'H^fidence, His ficond^ or his Fall in e eating o^ the for bidden frtiit which did caft ^xep his Incelleduall Facuftiesf^wt d\dftir up, id exalt the SenfualJ. For (faych the rpent) (joU doth kriow that m the Diy :i eat thereof^ then your eyes (hall be op^ried^a^d ijhall be as Gods i^owififr Good^ a^d EvtlL nd when the woman [aw that the Tree was od forfood^ and that it was pleafayit to the eyes '-d a tree to be deftredto make am wffe \ Shee^ ^kjfthe Fruit thereof^ and did eat ^ and ^ave Co unto her husband^ with h;r^ and he did eat ; n nd the Eyes of them both were opened, and they t ew that the'v were naked, Th'i5 we lee the fen- si JI faculties revived in our firR Pare:its , and b ya^zdepotrntia inaBumas the Schwl-men fi at by vcrtuc of this forbidden Fruit. Nei- r did this Eatirtg fuppreffc the Incelle6luall ^ /vers in Adamriv\t\y, but in all his Gencra- •iis after hiTi , for the Influence of this Fruit iiB '■• k together with his N itnre into his pofterity. ^ are all b^rn like M^fes with a Veil over the h Face : 38 Anthropofophia Face: This is it, which hinders the profpe6^ ( that Iinelle6luali lliining Lighcwhich God ha placed in us; And to tell you a Tiucth th -concernesall Mankinde, the grcateli lAyih - both in Div'mity and Phtlojop^e is, i^ow - remove it , It will not be amide to fpcake foiriething this place of the Natuie and Conliitucion < Man, to make that more plaine which alreac hath been Ipoken . As the great World confifts of Three patti the Slememall the Ccelefltall and the SftrtWA above all which God himieife is feated in thj infinite , inaccefTibie Light ^ which Hream from his own A^*^/"//^^; Even fo man hath him his Earthiy, Elemental parts ^together wit die Cocleflmll ^ Cr Angeltcd natures^ in tt Center of all which moves , and fbines the D vine SpiriP, The fcnfiiall, CcelefltaU, dthere^ jp^rrofMan is that whereby we do move, fe feel, tafte, and fin ell , and have a Commcn with all mater tall ObjeBs whacfoevcr. It is tl fame in tu as in Beafis , and it is derived froi Heaven, where it is predominant, to all the inf rioLir Earthly Creatures, In plain Terms it p2LVtof yinim^ Mundi , commonly called ^ 7z/>w^wf^/^, becaufe the Infl fences of the D 'vine N ature 2Xt conveyed thorough it to tl more material parts of the Creature'',with whic Thcomagica, 3 9 )f thcmfelves they have no proportion. By oicanes of this Amma CAiedtaiyi the ethereal Nature: Man is made fub)ed to the Influence jf Stars, and is partly dil'pos'd of by the Lctle^ hd harmony. For this middle fpirit (middle I ncan between both Ex':reamcs, and not that vhich a dually unites the whole together) af- veil that which is in the outward Heaven, as that which is in Man. is of a fruit full infinua- ing nature, and carried vvith a (kong deiire to luihiply it i^\^^ fo that the Co^lejh 41 b\jrm ftir^ p, and excites the Elementall. For this Spiric J in Man, in Beafis, in Vegetables, in Minerals '^ nd in every thing it is the mediate Cd'tje bt x)mpo{iticn and Multiplication. Neither oouid any wonder that I affirm this fpirit to be 1 Minerals,becauie the Operations of it are n.oc ifcerned there. For fhall we conclude therc- Dre.that there is no inward Agent that aduats, nd Ipecifies thole p'-''^JJ^ve^ indefinite Principles I Aercof they arc Compounded}! d\ me not novi f blind PertpateticAll Formes^ and Qualities. L Form is that which ^r^y/^r/f could not de- ne fubftantially, nor any of his followers after fim, and therefore they are ftot competent udges of it. But 1 bcleech yon,are not the fa- il ties of this Spirit (uppreft in Man aUb, whfii \^ Organs are Corrupted^ as it appeareth in vofe that ace biiod ? But notwdiftandiiig the E Bye 40 Anthropofophia Eye onely is deflroyed ^ and not the Vilibfe power, for that remaines, as \i is plain in their dret^ms. Now this vifion is performed by are- fle6lionofthe l^tf^all 'IR^tdu in their inward, proper C^l/ : For Nature imployes her gifcs on- ly where (lie findes a 0;2'Z/'^->!/d';2<:/d', and fit di" fpofitton o'iOrga>2s^ which being not in cj^;?f- rab we may noc expect io clear an Exprcjfio>t. of the naturallj^^'w^rj- in them. Notvvithiland-. ing in the Flowers of feverall vegetables (which in fome (ore reprefcnt the Eyes) there is a more $abtile,acute perception of heat and cold, and other CoclefltalL Influences then in any otha part. This is manifeft inthofe Herbs which open at the Rihng '^and fliut towards the Sun- jet : which motio^i is caul^d by the fpirit bein^j ^fendbleof the Approach and departure of th( 'Sun For indeed the Flowers are (as it were, the fpring of the Spirit, where it breaks forth and ftreames , as it appears by the Odours tha are more Cocleflidl^ and Comfortable there. A gain, this is more evident in the ^Tlantanimals as the ^'^egetable Lamb, the Arbor Cafla , an< leverall others. But this will not (ink with anj but fuch as have JeCn this Spirit feparated frot his Elenaents where I leave it for this time. Next to this Senfuall Nature of Man is tl jing'd'tcall^ or rat tonal I Spirit, This Spirit ac hcrcs fomtimCs to the c^/- ^ine light fbwing into the Mens.^id aflimilate and convert the infcriour portions of the foul to God ; (o OP the Contrary the Tree of Know- ledge did obfcure.and darken the fu per lour por- tions, but awak'd and flir'd up the Ammal fin- full Nature. The fumof all is this. Mnnas long as he continued in his union to God knew the Good onely, that is, the Things that were of God : but afloon as he ftretched forth his hand^ and did Eat of the forbidden fruit that is, the Antma, media , or Spirit of the greater worHprefently upon his difobedience and tranf- grerfion of the Commandment, his Vnion to the Divine Nature was diffolved, and his Spirit be- ing united to the Spirit of the world , he knevv die Evil onetyjthat is the things that were of this E a world. 4^ Anthropofophia world. True it is, he knew the Good^ and thd Evil, but the Evil in a far greater mcaiure then i die Good. | Some fparks of Grace were left, and though i thcperfedion of Innocence was loft upon his Fall from the Divine Light, yet Confcience re- mained ftiii with him, partly to dired, partly to i punifti. Thus you fee that this Ar,r,n(i^Medta , or middle Spirit is figuied by the Tree bf know- ledge^ but he that knows why the Tree of Life | is fayd to be in the middeft of the Garden and to grow out of the Ground, will more fully un- j derftand that which we have fpokcn. We fee moreover that the Faculties afcribcd to the j Tree of Knowledge are to be found onely in ; Middle Nature. Firft , it is faid to be a Tree to i he defired to make one wife , but it Was Fleflily ' fenfuall Wildoni,the Wiidom of this world.and j not of God. Secondly it is fayd to be good for Tood^and pleafant to the Eyes : So is the Middle Nature alfo ; For it is the onely Medtct/te to repair the Decayes of the Natural Man, and t^ continue our Bodies in their primitive fiicngth, and Integrity. Laftiy, that I may fpeak fomcthiog for my felf : This is no new unheard-of fanfic , as die undeiftanding Reader may gather out of Trtf^ ,, megijlus. Nay, I am verily of opimon,that the {Egjfftians received thi$ povvfcdgc from the HebrcvfS Theomagia. 43 Heheivt who lived a long time amongft thein, as it appears out ofScr/pture, and that they de- livered it over ♦•o the Gracta'fjs, This isplairl out o^ ^amhlichHs m his Book de Myfleriis^ where he hath thefe words, Contem-pUbilis infe Intellecius Homo^ erat quondam Deornm Con-^ ■empUtioni coniuyilliis ,- deinde vero alter Am in" irejfHS eft Ammam ^ circa, humanam FormA Speciem contemner at am ^ atq, propterea in ipfo N'ece/Jliatts^ Fatii]He Vincnlo eft alligatus, AikJ what els I befecch you , is fignified unto us in hat pocticall Table of Vronietheus ? That he hould (leal a certain fire from Hea'V'en , for vhich Trefpaffe afterwards , God punifhed he World with a great many Dileales, and 4orraJity. But fome body may reply : Seeing thjat God nade all Things very Good , as ic appears in .IS Review of the Creatures on the iixth day ; ow could it be a fin in Adnm to eat that vhich in it felf was good ? Verily the fin was ot grounded in the Nature of that which he id eate but it was the Inference of the Com- landmenc, in as much as he was forbidden to . ite it. And this is that which Saint Paul tells s. That he had not known fin, had ic not been Dr the Jaw; And again in another place, The length of fin is thelaw. But prefently upon ic Difobcdience of the firtt Man , and tiis E z TrM^ 44 Anthtopofophia Tranfgrcfflon of the Comi»ideriicnt the crea- ture was made fubjevl: to\^iicy : For the curfe followed, and the impure fecdes were joyned vvith the pure, and they reigne to this hoar in our bodies, and not in us alone, b:it in every o- ther Naturall Thin^. Hence it is we reade in fcripture , I' hat the Hedvem the??}- Job. jelvcs, are not clean in his fght. And to this alludes the Apoflc in that freech of his to the ( 'oIoffl.usJhTLZ it plcafcd the Father to reconcile all things to him'eif by Chnft whe- ther they be things i \ Earth or Things jn Hea- ven. And here you aic to oblcrve.that ( pr»'/ fis hg'-fpp miflook the aCtof Cjcncration forO- rigi nal fin,which indeed was the Eilrcd of it,and this is the onely point wherein he hath niifcar- ried. I have now done onely a word more con- cerning the Situat'on of Paradise , and the ra tlier becaufe of thedjyerfity of Opinions con cerning that fblace and che Abfui dity of them Saint K/^/ in his lecond Epiftic to ih Cori:th a»s diicovcrs it in thele word!>. I knew a Mai in Chrifi above fourteen years ago (whether ii the Body, or out of the Body I cannot tell, Go< Icnowcth ••) fuch an One caught up to th Third H av:n. And I knew 7iich a Man ( whc thcr in the body , or out of the boc'y I canm tell, God knowcthj how that he was caught u (Thtomagica. 4 5 •MoT^iradife. Here you fee that Paradifean^ ' :hc third Heaven aie convertible Tcrms,lb tha^ :hc one dilcovers the other. Much more I coulci navefayd concerning the Tree of lino wieilge, beinginitfclf a Jarge, and very myf-licail lub- [jcdil but for my part I reii contented with my own particular apprehe/ifion, and defire not to inj.irge it any further : Ncicher had I commit- ted this much to paper, but out of my Jove to the trueth and that I would not have thele thoughts altogether to perifh. You lee now, if you be not duriffimd (ler- vici^ Hommes^hovj mm kW , and by Confe- quence you maygueffe by what means he is to rife.He muft be united to the Divine light from- whenceby difbbedience he was ieparated. A' Flafh, or Tinflure of this mull come, or he can " no more dilce.n things fpiritually, then he caii- dif^inguifh Colours naturally withour the light - of the Sun. This light defcends . and is united" to him by the fame Ivkanes as his Soul was at ' fiift. Ifpeak not here of the Symbelicall exte- riour Dcfcent from ilie PrrjtatypicalU^lAficts to the Created fphercs and thence mNollem ' Corporis : but I Ipeak of that moil fccret and filent Laps of the Sptnt per Form.^.rum yuitura- Imm Sertcni. and this is a myflery not eafily ap- prehended. It is a Cabaltfiicali niaxime^ NitlU res fptrttH^tlis defcsndens inferiii^ oper atplr fine .. E 4 Indti' j 4^ Anthropoiopnia IndnmeTito, Confider well of it with your felvcs, and take heed you wander not in the y Circumference. The Soul of Man whiles flie is in the BoAy^ is li ke a Candle fliut up in a daik- P Lanthorn or a Fire that is ahiiol^ rtifl'd for wane of Aire. Spirits (fay the ?Utonicks\ Prod. when they are tn fna patna^ are hkc dc Ani. the Inhabitants of ^Lccn Fields , who Jive perpetually amongft F lowers. m a ISficieoderoas Aire .• but \\QX^Lelow , in Sph^ra, Gcnerationis^ Thcy mourn becauleof darkncffe, and folitudc, like people lock'd up in zTeJh ho{^f.\ Ht/ic mntiwtt , ci^imn^ue dolcm^ Ct*^. This is it mikes the Sou\ fubjert to fo many Pallions, to fuch a Protetis of humors. Now fhc flourifhcs , now (lie withors , now a fmilc, now a tear And when fhe hath play'd out her rtockjchen comes a Repetition of the fame fancies , till at laft flic cries out with Seneca^ QfiOHfgne eadjm? This is occaiioned by her va.ft , and infinite Capacity, which is fatishcd with nothing but God from whom at firlt fhe defcended. Ic is miraculous to confider how (lie (truggles with her Chaines when Man is in Extremity, how flie fallifies with Fortune; what pomp , what pleaiiiic , what a Paradile doth flie propoie toherfclf? ([\^ fpans King- doms in a Thought, and injoyes all that in- wardly^ which ilhc iiiij(feth outwardly. In her arc Theomagica. 47 re patterns and Notions of all things in the ;orld. If fhc but fancies her lelf in the m'ldil of leSea, pieiently (he is there^ and hears theru- ,-uag of the BiUowes : (he makes an Invifible oynge from one place to another, and prelents 5 her fclf things abfent, as if they were prefent. 'he dead live to her, there is no grave can hide aem fiom her thoughts. New (he is here m dirt nd mire, and in a trice above the Moon : eljior exurgifplnviis^aHdit^ue rttentes fih pedihfis Nimbos^^ c&ca lomtrua. calcat. But this is Nothing. If (he were once out of le Body (he could ad all thatAvhich (he ima- in'd m mowento (lai th Agnff^i) c^Hicqmd eupt^ (fequeremr. In this (late fhe can movere Hu- ^ores ntiijoris Avnmalis , make general Com- lotions in the Twofphdtres of Aire ,, and water, — idali-er the Complexions of Times. Neither is lis a Fable but the unanimous Tcnent of the - irahtiins\N\\h the two princes Avicei^roft^a.nd - tvicer). She hath then an abfolate power in uraculous and more tl^n naiurall Tranfmuta- ons. She can in an Infiant transfer her own jfTell from one place to another, She canCo^r nonem cnm virttite umverpih) infufe , and )mmnnicare her thoughcs to the Abfent , be , « diitance never fo great ; Neither is there any dung 4? Anthropolbpliia thing under the Sun but (he may know it , anc remaining oncly in one place, Hie can acquain her ielf with the A6lions of all places whatfo ever. I omit to Ipcak of her Al^tg-^^t , where- with (Le can attra6^ al! things as well Sp^rim all, as naturall. F/*ta/iY, Nullun! Cor.Agr. opus efl in totk N^apurd ferie tAtn Ardtmm^ tarn cxcellens^ tarn deni^ miracufvfum^ cjnod zAnimi htiman^t Diviftita- tisflid Ortginem conjccutA^ Q^am vacant Ma- gi Animiimflantem, (jr non (^.tdentem^ proprit virthus, abfyne omni Extcrno Admmicpilo no; ejtteat e^cere. But who is he inti'r totmilh. Philofcphanttum^ that knows her Nature fub ftantialiy, and the genuine, fpecificali ule there of? This is Abraham's jecntm Sepher. magnum , maxtme mirable, q^ occm Tetz. tifpimum fcx Annulis figilUtum, C p.v eis exeunt ^gnis^ Aqtia^ (^ A Qha dividuyitMY in Mares ^ ^yVceminoi* W (hould therefore pray continually , That ^o would open our E\ es whereby we mi^ht fee t imploy that Talent . which he hath beftowe upon us. but lyes buried now in the ground,an doth not fiuc^ifie at all. He it is, to whom w ni^'ft be united ContaBu Ejfenttali, and then ^'V fhail know all things revelatafdcte^ per clara? in Divino Luminel^iftoncm, This Influx tror Hini is the true, proper Efficient of our Rcgcne ratior Theomagica. 49 ion , that cmfk» of Saint Johf2^ the feed of id which rcmaines in us. If this bj cnce ob- ned,we need not Icrve under ^rifi lU o^(ja^ , nor trouble our fclves with foolifh Vtrunts d Ergos^ for his Uy'd:ion will inilrudt us in all 'ings. But indeed the Decline of the SchoqU '?« which in a manner makes God and Na^ re Contraries, hath io weakened our Confi- :nce towards Heaven, that we look upon all eceptions from theiKe. as Impoffib Lties. But things were well weighed. 3 nd this Cloud of radition remov'd, we fliould quickly finde lat God is more ready to give , then we are to ceive. For He made Man (as it were) for his lay-felloWjiEhat he might furvey and examin is works. The inferior Creatures he made not br themlelves, but his own Glory .♦ wh.ch glory je could not receive from any thing fo perfe^:- y, as from Map, who having in him the Spirit )f diicretion , might judge of the Beauty of :he Creature , and conlequently praife the Creatour. Wherefore alio God gave him the the uie of all his works ^ and m Paradiie how familiar is He, or rather how doth he play with Adiim ? Otit of the Ground ( fayth Gen. the Scripture) the Lord God formed cveiy Beaft of the Ficld,and cvtry fowl of the air , and brought them unto A dam to fee what he would call t han , and whatfocvcr A- 50 Anthropofophia ^^-siw^catled every living Creatwre , chat vw the Name thereof. Theie were the Books whi God ordained for Adam.^ and for us hisPoft rity, not the Qiiinteffence of Artfiotle^ iior tl Temperament oi (jd/efithc Antt'(^hrifi, B this is trrttare Cr^ones : Now will the Ter •patetickj brand me vvith their Qontra ^rfncif and the School-Divines with a Tradutm f t^HA, I know I (hall be hated of mofi for n paines, and perhaps feoff 'd at lijce ^nhagon in Lucian, Qtiisemet EHgcnmm ? Qnis fupe Jtlommem ejfc vult ? Quisfctre Vniverd Hai tnoniam , er revtvifcere denm ? B'lt becaur< according to their own Mafter. V^cw -nfMawp •f#r , and that an AflBrmati\« of this Natur cannot fail to the Ground with a Chnftian , will come to my Oath, I do therefore piotel before my glorious God , I have not writtei this out of malice, but out of zeal and Affedi- to the Trueth of my Creatour. Let them tak< heed then, lealt whiles they contemn myikries they violate the Majefty of God in his Crea- tures, and trample the Bloud of the Covenant under Foot. But lliall I not be counted a Con jurcr, feeing I follow the Principles oi^omelim Agrippa^ that grand hrchimagus^ as the A«r/- ChrtfliAn Jefuits call Him ? He indeed is my Author, and next to God I owe all that " have unto Him . wh^ fliould I be afham'd to con. / 1 ' V^ '/u^- )y/ix^7^r- ■ Tu^o lit ^frr-J^^ yt^Y^ if ^' f' S: T- '^ ; Theomagtca. $j iigeD^os Kngncs.Micefl Agrippa.Supernis DtJniffii FaXit^ Igmtus, ^js:\\.niAg''Hm\v\^2iXinec in ullo Sydere [ulfit Natura fle^wr Deo . fi Sacratus/-^»fo Spiramine I.ychnus, Luftraret: Auieas Solumf ?d nimis offenfaj faf^El^^ mignatio Flamma^ ^ona C(zlitHm jubtt . J«/i d Bcm'md infperfuiTi leUor^mirnhere fucum Ncc cernis ct%nm fit Fcrmina,/r ^^ Venus, 'anFt-im oculis falvcre umbram^ fiictemc^'^ ^ube- f TotHs iirm magnum diriiTe Cornelia m.ft^?, [hiS'it d'.cas te hdfiffe m Vultibus, t/f.'-^rj Qiivel nulla dedtt/ziecdahtt hIU Parem. Jreatjglorlous- Pfi8-3/j« ! whom I (hould not rtamCj eft I inighc Seem to meifurcTbee by Fam, Matures Apadle, and her Choice High Pyiejf^ ler 'SMydkally and bright hvangelift. low am I rapt when 1 contemplate Thee^ nd winde my Celf above A'i that I /ct ? he Spimi of thy {.i»ev infufe a Fir? ike the ir(ydds Souly which makes me thws afpire : am unbodCdby thy Books, and T^e, .nd in diy Papen findc ray Exftafie, Or M t^ fl 54 Anthropofophia r if I pie afe but to defccnd a ftr ain. Thy Eiamnts do ^l^f-een my Soul again. . I can wtcLeJfe my Self by thy bright G'^jJ?^ - And ^znreftcme i\\ Inciofure, as I rvas. Now I am Earth, and now a Star, and theri A Stnrit : now a Star^ and £^//; agen. Or if I will but ramafle alithat be. In the leaft moment I mgrcjfe all Three, 1 fpan the Heav'/i and Earthy and ;/^/»gJ above ^ And which is morc^ joyn l^atmes with their /i»if, .., -^ He Crowns my Siul with Fi/f^ and there doth J/j;»e • /• But like the Kam-bo-v n a C'o«^of mine. Yet there's a Laxv by which I difcompofe The AlheSy and the Fr^g it felf difdofc. But in his Emraid ftill He doth appear. They are but Gra-ve- do hes which he fcatters here. ^^ Who fees this Fire without his Ma^li. his Eye y muft needs hzfwciUow'd by the i^^t, and ^?£. Thefe are the My(ienes for which I wept Glorious ^grippa, where thy Language j?cpr, where thy doili Texture made me wander far. Whiles through that pathlcs "Sight ^ I trac'd the (lai ^^ But I have found thole Alyfleries, for which Thy B9oli was more then thrice-pU*d o're with Pitch ^- Now a new Eaji beyond the ftars I fee wrhcrc breaks the Day of thy Divimtie : Heav'a ftates a Commerce here with JW j», had He but grateflill Hands to //li^f , and Eyes to fee, . Hence you fond School- men jdixc high truetks derld^ 1 And with no Argumems but i^oyfe, and Pride y \ You that damn all but what your Selves mvent, ^ And yet finde nothing by Experiment, Your Fate is written by an unfeen Hand, But his Three Bsff^s with the Tf?m wwdds ftiall ftand Thu.' TheomagicaJ $5 Thus far Reader I have handrd die Gompo- urc and Royalty of Man, I Hiall now fpeake omething of his DiffolfitfoM^^nd clofe up my Difcour{e,as he doth h'S Life, with Dt.ith, Death is ReccjJHS vttA m Ahjcondttnm : not •he Annihilation, of any one Particle, but a Re- reat of hidden Natures to the fame State they vere in, before they were Manifelied . This is xcafioned by the Difproportion and inequality ^f the Matter: For when the Harmony is bro- ken by the Exccfle of any one PiiiKipIc, the vi- all Twift ( without a timely Reduction of the itll Vnity ) Disbands and unravells , In this 'B^cejfe the feverall Ingredients of Man returne tliole feverall Elements, from whence they :ameat firft in their Accefle to z Compon^d ^ ht to thinke that God creates any thing ex tiht/o in theworkeot Generation, is a pure Metafhypcall tvhymfey , Thus the Earthly 'arts , as we fee by experiei^ce, returne to the T^rth^ the C^leflidi to a Superiour heavenly i Lirnhns^ and the Spirit to God that gave it . j Either (liould any wonder that I affirme the ^teitofthe living God to be in Man, w^hcii ' jod himfelfe doth acknowledge it for his own. Myfprit (faith he )^alLnot alwaies be Jhea- q^^, fnd ( for fo the Hebrew fignifics ) in mah^ for hat he alfo isflejhjet his dayesfljall be an htn^ kcd and twenty year es , Befidcs^the breathing '" -'i-, ,^ .,• . P of '! 5^ Anthropofophia of it into Ads'.m proves it p:occedcd from God, and therefore the Spirit of Gcd . Thus Chrift breathed on his Apoilles ^ and they received the Holy Cfhoft , In Ez^echieUhc Spirit comes ^^om the Fo^.re JVmds, and B.eathes upon the V Slaine, that they might live . Now this Spirit was the Spirit of Life, the fame with that Breath of Life which was breathed into the J Firfi Man , and he became a Ltvim^Soale : but without doubt the Breath or Spirit of Life Is the Spirit of God. Neither is this Spirit i» Man alone, but in all the Cjr-at H^orld though ^, after an other manner: For God brc^nhes coy:^ ' , timally^ and pafleth through all things like an . v4/V^ that reirefhcth: wherefore alio he is cal- / led of Pjthafor as A'V^^t^T^^ o^'^'i, A^itmatto u- niverforum^ Hence it is that God in Scripture hath fevcrall names according to thofe icverall Offices he performes in the Prefervation of his V Creature. Qiitn ctiam ((-xxih rht Areopagite) inmentihtis ipfum ineffe dicunt ^ atq\ in Am-- mis^ ^ in corporibm^ & m (^do ejfe^ atq\ in Terra^ac fimtdm feiffo'^ Eundem in Munda ejfe, circa muyidptm^ fupra mundum, fufra CtZ- lumjHpertoremEJfer.tia^ Solem^ Stellam^ Ig- mm^ Aqiiam, Spiritum^Rorem^ Nebnlam^ If- fum Laptdem^l^etram, Omnia effe cjua funt C^ nihil corum cjrfdt funt. And moft certaine, ii is becaufc of his fecrct paffage and Penetration- througl I Theomagica ' 57 through all, that other fimile in T> tony fins \va5 given him. Adametuim (iaithhe) c^ quod omnittm vtlijjimum ejfe, er magis ahfuranm vtdetur : Iffumfiht vermis fpeciem adhtbere^ 4ih i]S , Qm in rebus Dtvinn mtdtum , dmcj'^ verfatifunt, effe traditum . Now this Figura- 'tive kind of fpeech. with its variety of Appella- tions, is not only proper to Holy Writt, but the t/£gypttay2s alfo(as Plutarc'r tells me)caird /- [is^ or the more fcciet part of Nature , Myri. onymos\ and certainely that the fame thng, (houldhaveaThoufandNaines, is no newes - to fuch as have ftudied the Philofophcrs Stone. - But to rcturne thither whence we have digi'ef- fed . I told you the feverail Ptinciplcs ofMau in his DtjfolHtton^ part, as fometimes Friends doe. fever dl ivayes . Eart h to earth, as our v L /- r;/r^/>hathit, and Heaven to Heaven, accor- ding to that of LticrettHs . Ceiit item retro de Terra quod fiilt ante, , In Terram : & quod mifj'um efl ex JEthe/-is Oris, ldrur[iim CcslifttkeniiaTern^lareceptant, But more exprefly the Divine Virgil fpcak- ing of his Bees, J,, ^is ^idam fignis, atque bac Exempla fecuti 1 E^ dipibHS partem V>i'vma Mmis^ & Haufius ^8 Anthropofopiiia Mthereos dixere : Deum namque ire per Omnes Terrafque TraHufcjue Mani^Coelumque pefundtm. hinc Fuudcs^Aimmtajl^iyosfienus omne Fera/umi ^uemqncfibi tenuti Nafcentem anejfere Vitas. Scilicet: hue /eddi dc'mJe , ac nfoluta referri Omnia. : nee Morti cfle locum; Sed Vtva volare SyMerff in Numemm^atque alto Succcdm Coslo. This Vanilli, or afcent of the inward Ethere" /?// Principles doch not preiently follow their feparation : For that part of man which Partu celfns calls Hom^ Sydereus , and more appofit- ly Brntum homini^ : but &ther€um,fer}fitm atg, Ahyai Sintflicis Jgns ; This part I fay, which is the Aflrd Man hovers ibmetinies about the Dormitories of the Dead, and that bccaufe of the Magnet ifm^ or Sympathie which is between him and the Radical, vital moyliure. In this Idolnmis the feat of the Imagination , and \i rctaincs after Death an Imprclle of thofe pafHons , and Afl&- dions to \vhich it was liibjed in the Body. This makes Him luunt thofe Places, where the whole Man hath been moft Converfant , and imitate the anions, and geftures of Life. This Mas^nctilm is ej^ccllcntly confirmed by that me* mora \ Theomagica. J9 morable accident at Paris^ which Do(5lor Tlnd proves to be true by the tcftimonics of great.and iearned Men. ^^^rrppa alio fpeaking of the ap- parition? of the Dead, hath thele words. Sed Xfr -^pfi Ego , y4nim(Z nun^jfi^'Jff egredinntur^ as the Divine Plato hath it. The Other I fup- pofe, is Ibme what anfwerable to the ^lyfian Fields, Ibme delicate, pleafant Region, the Sub- urbs of Hea/ven as it were ; Thofe Seven migh- tj Mountaincs, whereupon there grow Rofes 7 \ 'W 60 Antnropoiopnia and Lilies, or the Outgoings ofParadife in E/- dr.K. Such was that Place , wheie the Oracle told Ameims the Ibul oiTkiiniu was. Uhi (*y4micitia e/?, ubt Cupido vifu mollis, PurdiplerHi Lxtitia^c^fempitems Rtvis jimbrofiit; irrtgatHS a Deo ,- unde funt Amorpl ^etmacula^DHlci:> Spir t^s,(y "^ranqmllas J^^ t/inreiGemris magnijcivis, (ther %tellattis fiippofcth there is a Succeffive, gra- duall afcent of the Soul according to the procefs of Expiation and he makes her Inter -Refidence in the Moon But let it be where it will, my O- pinion is. That this middlemoft manfion is ap- pointed for iuch Soules whofe whole man hath not perfcdly repent in this world : But not with- ftandmg they are de SalvxndorHm nnmero^ and referved in this place to a further Repentance in the fpirit, for thofe Offences they committed in the Flelli.I do not here maintain thzzlg^t^ fa- tnus of Purgatory, or any fuch painted , imagi- nary Tophet, but that which I ijxak of (if 1 am not much miftakcn) I have a ftrong Scripture for. It is that of Saint Peter, where he fpeaks of Chrift being put to Death in the Flejh , hat. Qtitck^ned by the Jpirit ; By whtch alfo he went TheomagiGa. 6 1 ^?77t^a?2dj>reachedw7tothe fftrhs thitwere in Fr 'fon : which [cmctimes iverc dtf9bedte?7t whe*^ orxe the lor:g-fHJfertng of (joci waited in tl^e Djjes of JVoah , rvhile the Ark^was ap*-cpa^ rr/tg, rvhereifi Few, that is^efght Sotds were fa- ved by IV^iter, Thefe fpirics were the fouls of thofe who pcriflied in theFIoud, and were re- ferved in this place till Chrift lliould come, and I preach Repentance unto them. I know Scaliqtr thinks to evade this Conftru6lion with his Qui Tunc. That they were then alivenamely before the Floud when they were preached unto. But I fhall overthrow this fingle Ncn-fenfe wath Three 'olid Reafons drawn out of the Body of the Text. Firrt,it is not fayd that the fpirit it fclf precilely preached unto them^but He who went- thither by the Spirit, namely Ghrift in the Hy- poftacicall union of his SouJ and Godhead, which union was not before the Floud, when thefe Dead did Jive. Secondly, it is written that he preached unto fpirits, not to Men . to thole which were in Prilbn, not to thole which were in ijivts , Tvlf cKpuKetxti nfiv'iJ»ct , which is quite contary toScaliger ; and this Exposi- tion the Apol-lle confirms in another Cap.4. place , »e»e?/f i^-^^h\iSm , the Dead vcr.^. were preached to , not the living. Thirdly, the Apollle faycs. Thefe ipirits were but fometimes difbbedient, and withall tells us F 4 when. 6z Anthropofophia wheiijiiamelyinthcDayes of Noah.whcnct I gather they were not difobedient at this time of preaching , and this is plain out of the fubfe^ quent Chapter. For this Caufe (fayth the Apoftle) vpof the Gofpe I I preached a/Jo to them that are dead^ that they might be judged accord: rg to mejg in ths flelhy hut live according to God tn the Spirit, Now this J'.sdgenient in the ¥{:(h was grounded on their D.fobedience in c'lc Dayes of Noah, for which alio they were di owned, biu Sa/v^thn according to 'Jod in the Spirit proceeded from their R.p- ntance at the preaching of Chrift ; which was after death. I do not impofc this oq the Reader, as if I fate in the infallible Chairc, but I am confident the Text of it felf will fpeak no other fenfc. As for ihe Doil-lirinc it is no way hurtfuU , but in my Opinion as it dctrails not from the Mercy of God^fo it addes niuch to the Comfort of M in. I fhiil now fpeakc a word more concerning my felf and another concerning the Common Philofophy and then] have done. It will be qiicflion'd perhaps what lam , and efpecially what my Religion is ? Take this (liort anfwcr. I am neither Papift nor Sectary, but a true . re- folute Protcfi \nt in the beii knit of the Church ofEnghind Pnr Philofophy as it nowftands, it is alcogechcr imperfe^j and withail falic. A' meer Tneomagica. 6]^ ineer Apothecaries Drug , a mixture of inconfi- Iknt Contrary Principles, which no way agree with the Harmony, and Method of Nature. Jn a word, the whole Encychp^dta (as they call it) batcing the Demonftracivc Mathematical! part, is buUt on meer Imagination without the ~ ieaft Light ofExperience. I vvifh thacfore all the true Tofli of my famous Oxford Mother to Jooke beyond ArtfiotU^ and not co nfine their Intellcd to the narrow , and cloudy Hortzjm of his Text, for he is as jfhort of Nature , as the Gr^-mmariims ai e of Steganogra^hy. I expert not their Thanis for this my Advice^cx Difcom vcry^ but verily the Time will come, when this Trueth fhall be more perfectly manifefted, anJ e^iecialJy that great, and glorious niyftery; whereof there is little Ipoken in this Booj^ Solus Rex Meffias , Verhum Parts Carofa- Bum , Arcamm hoc revdavit^ (^li^aa Tern^ forts ^lemtHdine aperPms m^yiifellaturns* It is Cor^ielius A^nppyj owne predi(5^ion, and I am confident it fhall find Patrols inough whcnno^ thing rcmaines heve of me^ but Memory. My fwceteft Jefus I 'twas thy I'^oice : If I he If ted fip^ J le draw all to tlje skje, ^^ Yet lam here : I'm {^ifi'd in this Clay, Shut up from Thee, and tlie frcfh 8aji of 2)4/, 64 Anthropofophia I know thy Hifwds not fhort • but I'm unfit A fonic. unclean Thing ! to take hold of it, I am all Dtrr : Nor can I \\o\x. to pleafe, Unles m mercy thou lov'ft a Difeap, Dif"^ifis may be Cur'd : But who'! reprieve Him that is ^.W ? Tell me my God, I live. 'Tis true, I live .• Bat I fo fleep withall, I cannot movc\(c2iict hear when thou doeft cat. Sins LMUhies charm me when I would come, Y»'\X.^Tiix9 me .zfter thee, and I will run, Tiiou know'ft I 'mftckj. lee me notfeafied he^ . But keep a Diet^nd frefcrih'd by Thee, Should I carve for vnyfelf, I would exceed To St4rfcts(oon, and by [elf -murder bleed. I a^k for floy7es zwdfcorpions^ but ftill croft, (loft And ail for Love : (liould'ft Thou grant, I were Dear Lord deny me (hll : ^nd never figne My will but when that will agrees with Thine, And when this Confli6l's pali, and I appear To anlwer.what a l^.itient I was here, How I did weep, when Thou did 'ft woe^reptne Ax. thy beft flreets, and in a Chtldiflj whyne R'^fiife thy profter'd Love ; yet cry^znd call For Rattles of my own to play withall ; L-ook on thy Crojfe, and let thy Bloud come in, W.ien mi-^c (lull blufti as^^/jf/7r>'of my Sin Then ftiall I live, being relcu'd in my Fall A Text of Aier^y to thy Creatttre /all, Who 111 Theomagica. 6 5 who having (een the ivor/l of /i;^s in me, Muft needes confefle, the i^efl o^ Loves in Thee. I have now done Reader, but how much to my own prejudice,! cannpt tell, I am confident ithisfhaJl not pa fle without Noife , but I may do well inout^h if thou gi'ant'fl me but one Rc^ ^!4eft, 1 would not have Thee look here for the Tawt, and Trim of Rhetor ick^, and the rather ' becaiife E'rigli(h is a Lanfruage the Anthor was ;; Thirdly, let Thetij not mangle , and difcompofe my Book with a fcatter of Ohfervations^ but proceed Methodical" ly to the Cenfure of each /^^ y-^, ex found- ing what IS ohfcure^ and difcovering the verypraBifc^ that the Reader may /t/^fl^a my Pofitions to be f/t//d^O]i. i3g^-'72a -» :gyy :>>l> > > > ► 30 ^ Oo ►.3^ 9S>W^ > -' ^> '^^^ >Z> 3^r^'^^^K»>; ►^ ^5^