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S T O N E S:
The Nature, Generation, Properties,
Virtues and various Species of more
than 200 different Jewels, precious and
rare Stones, are diftin&ly defcribed.
Alfo certain and infallible Rules to know the
Good from the Bad, how to prove their
Genuinenefs, and to diftinguilh the Real
from Counterfeits.
Extradted from the Works of Arijlotle,
Pliny , Ifiodorus, Dionyfius Alexandrinus,
Albertus Magnus , &c.
By Camtllus Leonardus y M. D.
A Treatife of infinite Ufe, not only to Jewellers,
Lapidaries, and Merchants who trade in them,
but to the Nobility and Gentry, who purchafe
(hem either for Curiofity, Ufe, or Ornament.
Dedicated by the Author to C .e s a r Borgia.
Now firft Tranflated into Englijh.
Printed for J, Freeman in Fleet -flreet, 175c.
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Camillus Leonardus ,
Phyfician, of Pifaro,
Mod Illudrious and mod Glorious Prince,
Of France , Duke of Romandiola ,
Wifhes Health and Profperity.
we are well allured that
luuu s Seafon, is burden’d with
the many and weighty Affairs of the
Wars : Yet as you are wont, from your
innate Goodnefs, Prudence, and Love of
Letters and honed Arts, with which you
are fo eminently adorned, not only rea-
dily to hear, but heartily embrace learn-
ed Men, and thofe who apply themfelves
Ccefar Borgia ,
Highnefs, in tliTS tempef-
A 2
( iv )
to virtuous Purfuits, we made no Scruple
to fend you this little Book ; with this
View, that you may refrefh your Mind,
wearied with perpetual Sollicitudes and
Labours, with the Novelty of a Work,
which, we prefume, will not be wholly
unprofitable, and will yield fome Pleafure
in the Perufal. But how little we are at
Leifure, mod renowned Prince, your
whole City of Pifaro can teflify : For be-
ing devoted to the Practice of Phyfick and
Speculation, we very willingly apply our
whole Care, Thoughts, Studies and La-
bours, Day and Night, to the Health of its
Citizens. Being therefore thus encumber’d
with thefe and other Employments both
publick and private, you may eafily judge
how feldom we are at Liberty. Never-
thelefs, if, in the mean Time, any Cef-
fation from Bufmefs happens, we very
chearfully employ fuch an Interval in Li-
terary Studies ; and as we are obliged by
the common Ties of our Office, fo it
has been our conftant Practice, according
to our Ability, to promote the Benefit
and Utility of Mankind. Being govern’d
by thefe Motives, we have compofed this
little Treatife of the Nature of fuch Stones
( V )
as contribute to the Health or Ufefulnefs
of Men, tho’ at the Expence of late
Hours, much Labour, and diligent En-
quiries ; and tho’ the Materials of it were
difperfed thro’ the Volumes of various
Authors. We have, however, with the
utmod Care, Labour and Attention, col-
lected fuch Things as have been handled
in the Writing;.' of the moil famous Men,
into this fmai! TraCt, which we have en-
titled The Mirror of Stones : In
which, as in a Looking- glafs, we may
behold their Nature, Powers and Sculp-
tures, and attain to the Knowledge of
many Things. But we, who are bound
both by Faith and Duty to your High-
ntfs, in whom our Hope is placed, who
art as well the Father as the Prince of
your Country, to your Name we have
inferibed this Book ; and this the rather,
as you are dudious, and not only devote
yourfelf with all your Might to Arms
and the Military, but alfo to the Liberal
Arts. Now if you fhould happen, at a
vacant Hour, to cad your Eye over it,
and Ihould find any Thing injudicioufly
exprefs’d, and not approved by your dis-
cerning Judgment, be pleafed to aferibe
A 3 it
it to the Poornefs of our Wit, and
grant us your Pardon ; for we are
not all alike capable of all Things j but
where you dial! find any Thing worth
your Reading, that you will attribute it
to thofe mofl worthy Doctors from whofe
Writings we have extracted it ; in Regard
to whofe high Authority and refpedtable
Dignity, you will not difdain to give our
little Book a Place, and number it among
the, I had almolt laid, innumerable Vo-
lumes of your mold excellent Library,
that when you look upon it, your Love
for Camillus, the Author of it, may
be the more ardent. Small, indeed,
moft glorious and magnanimous Prince,
will this Prefent be in Return for thofe in-
valuable Favours you have confer’d upon
us. But, according to your ufual Cle-
mency and Benignity, you will confider,
not fo much this Trifle of a Book, and
the Contents of its Sheets, as the Mind
and Good-will of the Author. Fare-
wel, and may you long be happy.
Pi fore, the Ides of
Sc bUmber^ in the
Year of Salva-
tion, ascccccij.
( vii )
The Translator’s
/ F the Value of a Book was to be rated
by the Scarcity of it y I am apt to
think , that there is not a Librarian
in Europe can Jhew one , of equal Bulk ,
that has a better Title to the Choice of
the Curious , than this Mirror of
Stones. For tho' the Number of its
Pages are but 244, in a fmallOStavo , and
printed in a large Letter , yet there is
■wrote on the Cover of that which by a pe-
culiar Favour 1 am poffejfed of, This is a
fcarce Book, and has been valued at 100
Piftoles. A certain Nobleman, who is
pleas'd to honour me with his Friendjhip,
A 4 fought
( viii )
fought for it in vain in the mojl noted Libra-
ries in England j but being determined to
have it if there was one in Europe, fent
a Gentleman to France, where he was to
make the befl Enquiry he was able among
the Book fellers, and to fearch every Li-
brary where there was any Probability of
its being lodged ; and if his Enquiries
fhould prove unfuccefsful there , he was to
proceed to Italy, and fo on to other Coun-
tries till he Jhould find it. After a long
and expenfive Search , he at lafl was fo
happy as to light upon two of them , which
he purchas'd , tho" at an exorbitant Price ,
and brought them to his Noble Mafier,
who was fo pleafed with the Purchafe y
that he not only paid him generoufiy for
his Lime and Expences , but , over and
above , as a Gratuity and Reward for his
Diligence , prefented him with a Bank
Note for 30 1 .
Thus much for the Scarcity of the Book ;
it will in the next Place be proper to give
fome Account of the Subjedl of it , which is
Stones j
( lx )
Stones; that is, all Manner of pre-
cious Stones that have been ever valued for
their Beauty, Colour , Oddity, Curiofity j
Ufe or Virtues, each of which the Author
has fo exadlly defcribed, and fo juftly af-
figned to its peculiar Stone, that it is al-
mofl impofible, for a Man of any tolerable
Skill, to mifake the proper Name of a
Stone at firf Sight, or not to know its
Properties and Value .
But tho ’ what I have faid, in regard
to the Ufe and Excellence of this little Trea-
tife, is inconteftibly the Truth ; yet I mujl
give the Reader a Caution in the Perufal
of it, which is this : That the Author
living in an Age when Super flition univer-
fally prevail’d, and when the Study of A-
firology, Palmejlry , Charms, Spells, Si -
gils, See. was greatly in Vogue , but
which, in our Days, is entirely out of Ufe,
at leaft is laid afde by the Learned : J jay,
the Author, falling in with ' he Maxims of
the Age wherein he lived , has affigned
fuch Virtues to particular Stones as will
not be allowed by the Moderns • as that
fuch or fuch a Stone Jhall give the Pof-
Jejfor of it , Courage , procure him Victory
over his Enemies , make him fuccefsful in
Love, in Litigations at Law , and other
Undertakings , with other Fancies of the
fame Kind, which have been long fence ex-
ploded. He, however, gives us this Cau-
tion, that in his Defcription of the Vir-
tues and Properties of Stones, he has in-
ferted nothing but what he has collected
from the Writings of the mofe learned
Men that have treated of the SubjeSl ; jb
that he exhibits nothing, or but very little ,
as his own Opinion, nay, fometimes he ban-
ters and ridicules the extravagant Fancies
of thofe whofe Sentiments he quotes : So
that when the English Reader meets with
thefe odd Whimfies, he is to look on them in
their proper Light, and to give a due At-
tention to the more weighty and important
JDefegn, and Ufe of the. Book.
The Author divides his Treat if e into
three Books. In the Firfe , he difcourfes
( xi )
philofophically on the Matter and Prin-
ciples of Stones , flews how and where they
are generated , from whence they derive
their various Beauties , Colours and Vir-
iueSy and gives fuch exabl Rules for the
Knowledge of the True from the Fal/e and
Counterfeit , as mufl be extremely ufeful to
fuch as deal in this precious Commodity.
In the Second Book , he gives an alpha-
betical Defcription of all the various Stones
that have been ever taken Notice of by the
Learned and Curious , to the Number of
two Hundred and upwards , and fo mi-
nutely fpecifes their feveral Properties and
Attributes , that nothing is omitted that
may contribute to the perfeSl Knowledge of
any Stone that comes to Hand.
The Third Book we have wholly omitted ,
for the ReaJ'ons following. The Author
there treats of the Sculpture on Stones en-
graved by the Antients ; but fays , there are
few who underftand the Import of thefe
Seals and Imprefjions • on Stones , unlefs they
( xli )
at the Jame 'lime are Jkill’d in the Agro-
nomical , Magical and Necromantic Sci-
ences. He then gives an Account of thofe
Sculptors among the Antients who were
moft famous in this Art ; that the Ifrael-
ites, while in the Wilder nefs, were the
Firf who diflinguijhed themfelves by thefe
Kinds of Works , and that the antient Ro-
mans were the great eft Artifs in this
Way and after he has given a Lift of the
moft famous Sculptors among the Antient s,
and of thofe who flour ijh'd in his own
Time, he proceeds to Jhew the particular
Virtue of an engraved Stone , how it re-
ceives that Virtue , and how it commu-
nicates it, according to the Nature and
Difference of the Image or Figure imprefs’d
on it ; gives Reafons why Stones engraven
have more Virtue in them than thofe that
are not fo ; in what Manner Stones imbibe
the Influence of the Planets and Conftella-
tions ; why a Stone engraven with any of
the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac, is fuppo-
fed to take its Virtue from that Sign, and
what its peculiar Virtue is. He likewife
( xiii )
gives us many Particulars of the Jams
Nature , from the Works of Salomon, a
famous Magician , and from the Writings
of Hermes, a noted Ajlrologer. But as
nothing of this Kind fuits the Tajle of
the more enlighten'd Moderns , we judged
it wholly impertinent to trouble our Readers
with Speculations not agreeable to right
Reafon, nor indeed confident with our Re-
ligion. However , if the Curious , for their
Amufement , are defrous of knowing the
Sentiments of the Antients in thefe Mat-
ters , upon the Intimation of their Defre y
we will give them a Tranfation of this
cur Author s Third Book , in a fmall Vo-
lume by itfelf. 4
As to the Author , Camillus Leo-
na r d u s, 1 can give no other Account of
him than what is to be gather'd out of this
little Piece ; namely , that he was a Phy-
fician of fome Eminence in the antient City
of Pifaro in Italy, and that he was high
in the EJleetn of Cjesar Borgia, to
whom he dedicates this Treatife : That he
( xiv )
was a learned Man , and well acquainted
with Authors , may eafily be difcern'd by
his Manner of treating the SubjeSl he has
here taken in Hand. But 1 Jhall detain
the Reader no longer from a more agree-
able Amufement.
[ >5 ]
P R O E M I U M.
A Ltho* many learned Men, both an-
tient and modern, have wrote upon
Stones, yet none of them have given
ns a complete Treatife on the Subjedt. My
Purpofe therefore, in this little Book, is to
treat minutely of Stones. For in Stones there
are many Things to be confider’d with re-
fpedl to their Effence. As firft, the Matter ;
alfo, their Virtues, then the Images imprefs’d
on them. Therefore this Book, which is en-
titled the Mirror of Stones, will be divi-
ded into three Books. Alfo, the Name of
it, the Mirror, is given it for a like Rea-
fon, viz. that as a Mirror , or Looking-
glafs, truly reprefen ts the Images of Things
fet before it ; fo in this Book, all thofe Things
[ i6 ]
which can reafonably be made the Subject of
Enquiry in relation to Stones, are fet in their
proper Light.
Of the Matter of Mixts , but principally
of Stones.
L L the Philofophers, mod Iliuflrious
and Mighty Ctffar, are perfectly clear
in this, that all Things produced by Nature,
which exift under the Orb of the Moon, are
compounded of the Four Elements, and that
according to their Specifick Qualities, they,
more or lefs, partake of and derive their Vir-
tues from thefe four Elements. This in par-
ticular is the Sentiment of that confummate
Philofopher Arijlotle , who, in his third Book
of Heaven and the World , has thefe precife
Words, “ The Elements are the firfl: Bodies,
“ from which other Bodies are made.” Alfo,
in his fecond Book of Generation and Corrup-
tion, “ It is neceffary that mixed Bodies fhould
“ confift of all the Elements, and not of one
The Firfl Book.
[ I? ]
only.” This is likewife the Opinion of that
moft illuftrious Prince of Phyficians, Avicen ,
where he fays : “ The Elements are Bodies, and
« the firft Parts of the Human Body, and of
« other Things' which cannot be divided into
« Bodies of divers Forms, from whofe Com-
“ mixture are produc’d divers Species of Ge-
“ neration.” From thefe and many other Au-
thorities, which at prefent mufl be omitted,
it may be concluded, that the Elements are
the Things which concur in and give Being
to the Mixed or Compofite : But in what
Manner they concur in giving Being to the Mix-
ed, would be a too long, and ufelefs Enquiry ;
fince it has been often handled by Phyficians,
and efpecially by the Conciliator , in his 16th
Difference. And when the two Elements,
namely, Earth and Water, feem to have a
greater Corporeity or Denfity than the other
two Elements ; then we fay, that the Mixed
abound more with thefe than with the reft.
But as Minerals are of two Sorts, fom’e flux-
ible or liquifiable, and others not •, we fay,
that the fluxible or liquifiable abound more
with the Aqueous, as Metals ; agreeable to
the Opinion of Ariflotle in his fourth Book of
Meteors. But Stones are not fluxible, altho*
they abound with Water, becaufe of the
Commixture of their dry Terrene •, and there-
B fore
[ I* J
fore difinifling the firft Fluxibles, fuch as
Gold, Silver, and the like, our Difcourfe
ihall be only on Stones : And for our prin-
cipal Foundation we fhall adduce the Autho-
rity of the great Prince of Philofophers, who*
in his Book of Minerals , fays : “ The Prin-
ciples therefore of Stones are either of a
clayey and unftuous Subftance j or of a Sub-
fiance in which Water is moft prevalent By
clayey Subfiance we are to underftand the
Earth. Neither fhall we depart from the
Authority of that confummate Philofopher
Albertus Magnus in his Book of Minerals ,
who holds, that Stones are of a double
Kind, and faith, that fome abound with an
Aqueous, mix’d with a Terrene Dry, as
Chryflal, Beril, and the like ; and others
with a dry Aqueous, but more of the Ter-
rene, as Marble, Jafper, and the like. But
thofe which abound moft with the Aqueous
and the Terrene Dry, are properly called Gems,
from the Greek Word, gemma , which in La-
tin , fignifies to fhine •, for all fuch Stones are
glittering. Some, as I before obferved,
abound with a dry Terrene, do not li-
quify, and alfo fink in Water. For if they
were freed from that dry Terrene, they would
fwim in Water, and melt like Ice. For there
is no Stone but will, by Reafon of its Earthi-
[ >9 ]
nefs, fink in Water, fo it be not porous
or full of Air. But Stones which abound
moftly with the Terrene, are thick and dark ;
neither are thefe free from Water,- according
to Arijiotle in his Book of Minerals above
cited •, who exprefly fays : “ Pure Earth
** doth not become a Stone, becaufe it makes
“ no Continuation, but a Brittlenefs j the
“ prevalent Drinefs in it permits it not to con-
“ glutinate and fo by the Aqueous mixed
“ with the Terrene, Stones are made.” By
the Aqueous he underftands an undtuous or
vifcous Humidity, proportioned with a Ter-
rene afiifted with a drying Heat. And
according to the Proportion or Difpofition of
fuch Humidity with the dry Terrene, divers
and various Stones are produced. For it
often happens that this Humidity is not fo
much or fo fubtil as that it can flow to all the
Parts of the Earth itfelf ; from which Defi-
ciency it proceeds, that that Part of the Earth
is not turned into a Stone. And this is the
Reafon, that in Quarries of Stones there is
found between the Stones a very thick Earth,
which occafions a Difcontinuation of the
Stones. For if there was a fufficient and
proportionate Humidity, the whole Stone would
be continuous ; as in many Places we fee Moun-
tains of one Stone. And it often happens that
B 2 inch
[ 20 ]
fuch Humidity is difproportioned by the Fluxi-
bility, altho’ in Quantity it be fufficient ; and
therefore it refides more in one Part than in
another, and when it is there condens’d by
the Heat, it produces a Sort of Knottinefs
in the Stones. And hence it is that Knots ap-
pear in Stones, as there are fome in your
Highnefs’s Mountains ; which Knots, by
Reafon of their great Humidity, can hardly
be cut or broken, as it is in other Stones
which abound with the Aqueous. Here then
we fhall put an End to this Chapter, and con-
clude, that the Matter of Stones is the very
Elements ; and as we have faid, in fome the
Aqueous with the dry Terrene mod abounds,
and in others the Terrene with an Aqueous
Humidity, yet not fo as wholly to difcharge
thofe Stones from other Elements ; as we
fhall explain in the fixth Chapter, when we
come to treat of the Colour of Stones.
[ *1 ]
C H A P. u.
Of the effective or generative Caufe of
Stones .
T H E effective or generative Caufe of
Stones is by many diverfly affign’d,
But, omitting vain Opinions, let us proceed
to the true Caufe. We will affirm then, with
the greateft Philofophers, that the effedtive
or generative Caufe of Stones, is a certain
Mineral Virtue, which not only exifts in
Stones, but in Metals, and alfo in Things of
a middle Nature between both : But as we
want a proper Name for this Virtue, the Phi-
lofophers themfelves have invented one, that
is, the Mineral Virtue ; for what we cannot
explain by proper Names ffiould be illuftrated
by fomething fimilar. Not that Examples
can exadtly fhew in what Manner this Mine-
ral Virtue exifts in Stones, fays Ariftotle ; for
we do not give an Example that the Thing is
fo, but that Learners may underftand ; and
fo by an Example which we jfhall bring from
the Animal Seed, it will appear, in what
Manner the Mineral Virtue, which we fay is
B 3 effective
[ 22 ]
effe&ive or generative, operates in Stones.
Thus we fay, that the Seed of an Animal, is
a fuperfluous Nutriment defcending to the
Spermatick Veflels, and proceeding from
thofe Velfels. The efie&ive or generative
Virtue is infufed into the Seed itfelf, by the
Affiftance of which, the Spermatick Matter
is render’d prolific, as it is held in Phyficks.
Which Virtue however does not aft by the
Mode of Effente, but by the Mode of Inhe-
rence. Thus we fay, the Artificer is in the
Thing which is made by his Art. In like
Manner we fay, that in apt Matter, in the Pro-
duftion of a Stone, there is the forming or
efficient Virtue in the producing of a Stone of
this or that Species, according to the Difpo-
fition or Exigence of the Matter, and of the
Place and Influx, where fuch prepared Mat-
ter is found. Which Virtue is indeed called
by fome, the Celeftial Virtue. And this is the
Meaning of Plato , where he fays, that the
Celeftial Virtues are infufed according to the
Goodnefs of the Matter. In Phyficks alfo it
is fhewn, that every Virtue forming and af-
fecting fomething in any Species, has its pro-
per Inftrument, by Means of which it effefts
or produces its Operation. Hence we fhall
follow the Opinion of Arifiotle , in his Book
of Minerals, and aflert, that the proper effec-
[ 23 3
live or generative Virtue of Stones, exifting
in the Matter of Stones, and is called Mine-
ral, is conftituted of two Inftruments ; which
Inftruments are diverfified according to the
Diverfity of the Nature or Species of
Stones. Of which Inftruments, the one is hot.,
digeftive, and extractive or drying of the
Humid, inducing the Form of the Stone by
the Help of terreftrial Coagulation, which is
caufed by the unftuous Humid ; and this
Heat is directed by the forming or Mine-
ral Virtue of the Stones, which Ariftotls calls
the hot and drying Caufe. And there is
no Doubt, that if fuch Heat ftiould not
be regular, but fhould exceed the Nature of
the Stone, it would crumble to Duft ; and if it
ibould be too fmall, it would notdigeft well,
and fo could not bring that Matter into the
belt and perfefl Form of a Stone. The other
Inftrument is a frigid Conftridtive in the Mat-
ter of the humid Aqueous, which humid A-
queous is fpread out by the dry Terreftrial 5
and this is the frigid Conftriftive of the
Humid, which Humidity, by the Interven-
tion of fuch Conftridtion, is prefted out, nor
does more remain in the Matter than is requi-
red for its Continuation, and this Ariftotle
calls the drying and congealing Virtue of the
Earth. And this is the Reafon that Stones
B 4
1 24 ]
can by no Means be diffolved by a hot Dri-
nefs, as Metals are melted, For in Metals
iuch Humidity is not wholly prefs’d out,
by Means of which, the Matter of the^fluxible
Metal remains. Therefore we fay, that the
hot, digeftive and extractive Part of the Hu-
mid, and the frigid conftri&ive Part of the
Humid, diffufed by the dry Terreftrial,
are the proper Inftruments of the formative or
Mineral Virtue of Stones. And this is what
Arijiotle lays in his Book of Minerals , that
Stones are made two Ways, either by Conge-
lation or Conglutination ; as has been before
Of the fubjiantial Form of Stones.
F the fubftantial Form of Stones we
fhall not fay much in this Chapter,
as it will be more properly referved for the
Beginning of the fecond Book ; where we
fhall fbew in what Manner Virtues are in
Stones, fince the fubftantial Form is that
which gives to Stones their Specifick Quality,
and from which very Virtue we may fay they
flow s
[ *5 ]
flow } and therefore at prefcnt we fhall only
deliyer a philofophic Opinion. We fay then,
that the fubftantial Form of a Stone is the
Specifick Effence of that Stone ; which Effence
comes from the Commixture of Elements,
with a certain Proportion which leads to a de-
terminate Species and to no other ; by the
Intervention of which, as we fhall fhew in the
fecond Book, Virtues are in Stones. Nor
does fuch Form proceed entirely from the
Matter, nor is it placed wholly without the
Matter : But it is fomething Divine above the
comple&ionate Matter into which it is infufed,
and below the celeftial Virtues by which it is
given. This then we aflert, that fubftantial
Form is the fimple Effence of the Stone it-
felf, by Means of which the Virtues of Stones
are made to appear, which Virtues are varied
not only in the different Species of Stones,
but alfo in one Species, either by Reafon of
the Place of their Generation, or of the Purity
or Impurity of the Matter ; as it happens in
living Creatures.
[ 26 ]
Of the Place of the Generation of Stones.
S ince Place muff neceffarily concur in the
Generation of all Things, and without
which nothing can be generated or exift •, we
fhall therefore now difcourfe of the Place of
the Generation of Stones. Places not only
diftinguifli the Diverfity of Species, but very
often caufe a Variety in one and the fame Spe-
cies ; as may be collected from the Difcourfe
of Hermes , who fays, that Stones of the fame
Species, are varied in Power, as alfo in their
Matter, by the Diverfity of Places ; meaning
nothing more by the Climate, than the diffe-
rent Diredion or Obliquity of the Rays of
the Stars, which have Influence on inferior
Things. We may affert then, that no deter-
minate Place is appropriated to the Genera-
tion of Stones ; fince in almoft every Part of
the Earth, Stones divers and various are gene-
rated. Neither is there a proper Place af-
figned for it in a particular Element ; for
fometimes we fee them generated in the
Earth, fometimes in the Water, and fome-
[ ^7 ]
times in divers Places, as Salomon affirms in
his Book of ■precious Stones ; where he fays,
that there are divers Kinds of Stones and gene-
rated in divers Places •, for fome are found in
the Sea, others in different Parts of the Earth,
others in Rivers, others in the Nefts of Birds,
fome in the Intrails of Animals, fome in the
Heads of others, others in the Reins of Dra-
gons, Serpents, Beads and Reptiles. And
not only in fuch Places are Stones generated,
but, as Philolophers hold, even in the Air ;
but efpecially that confummate Philo-
fopher, and my mod worthy Mafter, Gaetane
of Fiena , in his Comment of Meteors, in the
End of the fecond Treatife of the third Book ;
where he fays, Stones may be generated in
the Air, when an Exhalation has grofs ter-
rene Parts mixed with a grofs and vifcous
Humidity ; and its more fubtil Parts being
refolved, and the Terreftrial condenfed by the
Heat, it becomes a Stone, which by its Gra-
vity defcends to the Earth. In our Times, a
huge Stone fell from the Clouds in Lombardy.
Pliny alfo in his firft Book, Chap. 60. writes,
that Anaxagoras foretold that a Stone would
fall from the Sun, which accordingly fell in
a Part of Thrace by the River Egos, of the
Bignefs of a Cart, and of an aduft or burnt
Colour. Nor do I wonder at this, fince^n-
[ 28 ]
ftotle affirms in his Book of Minerals, that a
Piece of Iron of confiderable Magnitude fell
out of the Air. But fince in Phyficks it has
been determin’d, that the Stars, by their
Quantity, Light, Motion and Situation go-
vern the inferior World, according as every
Matter is generative or corruptible ; and as
this Virtue of the Stars is ftrong throughout
the World •, wherefoever therefore an apt
Matter is found, there will be the Place for
the Generation of a Stone •, fo that the proper
and determinate Place for the Generation of
a Stone is not to be afligned. It is necefifary
however, that the Virtue of the Place in the
Generation of a Stone fhould be diftinguilhed
into three Virtues. Of which the firft is, the
Virtue of the Mover moving the Orb ; the
fecond is the Virtue of the Orb moved, which
Virtue is to be confidered many Ways in re-
fpedl to the Orb itfelf, as in the Planets and
all the Conftellations. The third is the Ele-
mentary Virtue, which is hot, frigid, hu-
mid and dry, or a Mixture of all thefe. The
firft Virtue is as Form diredting and forming
every Thing that is generated, which Virtue,
for Inflance, is brought upon thefe fenfible
inferior Things, as the Virtue of an Art upon
the Matter of Workmanfhip. The fecond is
brought in as the Operation of an Inftrument
[ *9 ]
which is moved and diredted by the Hand of
the Workman, in order to perfedt the Work
begun. And this is that which Ariftotle fays,
that the Work of Nature is the Work of the
Under (landing. Hence we fay, that in what-
ever Place the undtuous Earth is mixed by the
Vapour refledled into itfelf, or where the
Strength of the Earth fhaJl feize the Nature of
the Water, and draw and ftrongly incline it
to a Drinefs, there undoubtedly is the Place of
the Generation of Stones. We may therefore
conclude and aflert, that the Place proper and
fitted: for the Generation of Stones, is an Earth
having a denfe Surface with a moderate Hu-
midity, thro 5 which Denfity the Vapour can-
not exhale. But the Earth that is thin, fandy
and muddy, is of a contrary Temper ; and
tho’ Stones may be generated in fuch Places,
yet they are imperfedt. Very often alfo there
is in Water the greated Virtue in producing
Stones-, not that Water is the bed adapted
for it ; but when it runs thro’ mineral
Places, it afiumes the Nature of thofe Mines *,
as we fee the Waters of Baths acquire Heat.
And when it is poured upon the Earth, or
any Thing is put into it, it feems to turn to
a Stone, as Albertus Magnus relates, and as
evidently appears in the Places of the Baths
where all Things feem as if they were petri-
[ 3 ° ]
fled, and are continually augmented. This
is likewife the Senfe of Arijlotle , in his Book
of Minerals , that Water becomes Earth,
when the Qualities of the Earth overcome
the Water, and on the contrary, of Water is
made Earth. But we need not fetch Exam-
ples fo far : Does not this manifeftly appear.
Great CaN //i\S / nrvVyiftS /v*\N //»\S
Of the Hardnefs or Softnefs of Stones.
H Ardnefs or Softnefs in Stones proceeds
from two Caufes ; one of which
depends on the Matter of the Stone itfelf, the
other on the effedbive or mineral Virtues of
thofe Stones ; as we have already faid in the
Chapter treating of the good or bad Mixture
of Stones. As to the Matter, we fay it
inufl be well mixed, and it becomes fo by
the Aqueous •, and therefore thofe Stones
which have the Aqueous predominant in
their Compofition, are the hardeft and molt
perfpicuous. Of this Sort are all thofe Gems
which refill the File, except the Topaz, as
we fhall fhew hereafter. But of thofe Stones
which in their Efience abound moll with the
Terrene, fome are hard and fome not ; yet
are they not of that Hardnefs as the Aque-
ous, for the Reafon before givep. Thofe
C 4 alfo
L 4o ]
alfo are hard which abound with the Aque-
ous with a moderate Terrene ; from which
Humidity altho’ they may be opaque, yet
they have a lucid and a Sort of perfpicuous
Superficies ; fuch are the Terpentine Porphyry,
and the like, and which can hardly be cut
afunder with Iron, and fcarcely with Steel.
But thofe which abound with the Terrene
without a moderate Humid , are tender.
They Jikewife become tender and hard, as
the effedive Virtue prevails : For when that
Virtue is not proportion’d to the Matter in
drying the fuperfluous Humidity, they are
not render’d hard, fince Hardnels proceeds
from a temperate Drinefs, as all Phyficians
hold. And therefore, as we have and do
affirm, the Topaz is not hard, as its effective
Virtue is deficient in Drinefs, nor can enough
abforb the Humidity, of which a great deal
of fuperfluous remains in it, and by Means
of which it is hinder’d from becoming hard.
What has been faid of the Topaz may be
affirm’d of all other Stones, which for their
effedive Virtue, have their Heat and Dri-
nefs diminiffied. We might enlarge on this
Head, but fhall here end it, by aflerting,
that Hardnefs proceeds from a temperate
Drynefs, which ought to be regulated by
the effedive Virtue, together with a good
[ 4i ]
Difpofition of the Matter and Place, as we
obferv’d in the Fifth Chapter. From which
Things being oppos’d, many Accidents
happen in Stones ; for fome refill the Fire,
others are confumed by it •, fome are fplit
by the Froft, and reduc’d to Afhes ; fome
harden’d by the Air, others deftroyed by it.
The like and other different Accidents hap-
pen to Stones, both from the Water and the
Sun, and from extrinfic Alterants, the
Caufes of which it would be ufelefs here to
enarrate, and may be eafily comprehended
from what has been before and fhall here-
after be faid, efpecially by fuch as are of
a clear Underftanding •, fince all thefe
Things confift in a fantaftical and imaginary
Of the Gravity and Lightnefs , Denfty
and Porofty of Stones.
G Ravity or Lightnefs are Accidents pro-
ceeding from two Caufes in Stones.
One of which is derived from a bad Com-
pofition i an Accident which thofe Scones
[ 42 -]
are chiefly liable to whofe Subftance is ter-
rene, and is occafion’d by a bad Mixture
of the Parts of the Earth reciprocally with
the Water. For when thofe aqueous Parts
are dried up by the effective Virtue, or thofe
which were not well mixed with the Earth
are difiolved , there remain Porofities in
thofe Stones , from whence they become
light. This Accident may likewife befal
Stones, from a Concurrence of too great a
Quantity of Air or Fire in the Subftance of
the Stone *, and this Lightnefs accruing in
this Manner, is lefs frequent in opaque than
in perfpicuous Stones ; but only the firft
Gravity in the opaque, proceeds from the
aforefaid contrary Caufes. However, there
is never naturally fuch a Lightnefs in Stones,
but from their own Terrefteity they will fink
in Water, which indeed is the Property of a
Stone. And altho’ fome Sorts of Wood are
heavier than Stones, yet do they not fink in
Water as Stones do, the Reafon of which is,
that the material Subftance of the Wood has
not fo much of the dry Terrene. In like
Manner we may affirm, that Denfity or Po-
rofity proceeds from the fame Caufes as do
Lightnefs or Gravity. But altho* many
other Accidents may happen, yet thefe fhall
fuflice for the prefent •, fince from what has
[ 43 ]
been already faid, and is yet to be declared,
we may be able to affign a Caufe for all
the Accidents that may happen in them ; and
efpecially may thofe who are fkill’d in Phy-
fick know them, fince thefe Things depend
on that Art.
How to know whether 'Jewels are natural
or artificial.
S ince thefe Times abound with Counter-
feits in every Thing, but efpecially in the
Jewelling Art in regard to their Value ; and
as there are few, unlefs fuch as have been
long pra&is’d in them, can judge of them,
efpecially when they are cemented together ;
and that we may not be deceived by thefe,
nor leave any Thing untouch’d relating to
the Subject, we fhail clofe the Firft Book
with a few Things upon this Head. We
fay then, that thefe deceitful Artifts in Stones
have many Ways of Impofition. As firft,
when they make Stones of a lefs Value, and
of a particular Species, appear of another
[ 44 ]
Species and confequently of a higher Price ;
as the Balafius of the Amethifi, which they
perforate, and fill the Hole with a Tindure,
or bind it with a Ring, or more fubtilly, when
they work up the Leaves of the Balafius ,
either with Citron Saphire or Beril, into the
Form of Diamonds, and by adding aTindure
to bind them, fell them for true Diamond.
Or, very often they fabricate the upper'
Superficies of the Granate , and the lower of
Chryftal , which they cement with a certain
Glew or Tindure ; fo that when they are
fet in Rings they appear like Rubies. And
many other Deceptions may be effeded out
of divers and various Stones, which are all
known to the Skilful. Therefore, when
there is a Sufpicion, the Jewels are to be
taken out of the Rings, and by what we
have farther to fay in the Second Book, we
may eafily judge of them. A Deception
may happen in another Manner; as when
they make the Form and Colour of a true
Stone from one that is not true. And this
Deception is made from many Things, and
chiefly from fmelted Glafs, or of a certain
Stone, with which our Glafs- makers whiten
their Veflels, by adding divers permanent
Colours to the Fire, as the Potters know;
[ 45 ]
and as I have often feen Emeralds , far
from bad ones, at leaft for Ufe, made out
of thefe Stones. Thefe counterfeit Stones
may be known many Ways, as firft by the
File, to which all falfe Stones give Way,
and all natural ones are Proof againft, except
the Emerald and the Weftern Topaz, as we
lhall lhew in the Second Book ; and there-
fore thefe Falfifiers chufe to work upon thefe
which give way to the File, becaufe they
cannot be prov’d by it. The fecond Way
to prove them is by the Afpe£t ; for fuch
as are natural, the more they are look’d at,
the more the Eye is delighted with them ;
and when they are held up to the Light of
the Candle, they Ihine and look fulgent.
Whereas the Non-naturals, or artificial, the
more they are beheld, the more the Sight is
wearied and difpleas’d, and their Splendor
leems continually decaying, efpecially when
they are oppos’d to the Light of a Candle.
They are alfo known by their Weight when
they are out of the Rings ; for thofe which
are natural are ponderous, except the Eme-
rald, but the Artificial are light. There is
one Proof yet remaining, which is infallible,
and is prefeable to all the reft •, namely, that
the Artificial do not refill the Fire, but are
f 46 ]
liquified in if, and lofe their Colour and
Form when they are diffolved by the
Fiercenefs of the Fire •, and it is impoffible
but that in fome Parts of them, fome
Points like fmall Bubbles mud be leen in
their Subftance, produc’d by the igneous
Heat, and will difcover the Difproportion
in their Compofition, and their Difference
from Nature in true Stones. Such falfe
Stones may like wife be compounded of
other Things than of Glafs, namely, of
many Minerals *, as of Salt, Copperas,
Metals, and other Things, and as I have
feen, and is allowed by many learned Men,
efpecialiy by Brother Bcnaventure in the
Second Book of his Dictionary of Words,
that the Knowledge of Stones, and their
Species, is acquired by great Experience,
and from continual Ufes, as they well
know who employ themfelves in this Kind of
Exercife. And here we lhall conclude this
firft Book.
[ 47 3
The Proem .
H AVING, raoft Illuftrious Prince,
finifhed the Firft Part of my Work,
wherein I have, in general treated
of the Generation of Stones, and their
Accidents ; I fhall now, in this fecond Book,
fpeak particularly of the Stones themfelves.
The firft Argument fhall be, whether there
be Virtue in Stones, and in what Manner
they communicate their Virtues to us ; by
alledging the Opinions of the Antients, with
the true Judgment of Philofophers. I fhall
likewife give the Names of thofe learned
Men from whofe Works I have compiled
this Traft, that the Reader may be fatisfied
that what I have wrote, is taken from them.
I fhall give the Names of all Stones, in the
Order of the Alphabet, together with their
[ 48 ]
Colours, the Places where they are found
and their Virtues where any are afcribed to
them by the Learned.
Whether there be Virtues in Stones , with
the various Opinions concerning the
Here is no fmall nor ufelefs Contention
among the moll: celebrated Dodtors
concerning the Virtues of Stones. Some of
them fay there is no Virtue in Stones, which
we think is falfe, and therefore fhall difmifs
them as wholly deviating from the Truth.
There are others who fay, there is only
an Elementary Virtue in Stones, fuch as
Heat, Cold, Hardnefs, Pafllbility, and the
like, which are inherent to their Compofition,
and proceed from the elementary Efience;
but deny all other Virtues arifing from the
Specific Form or Subftantial Effence of the
Stone ; fuch as to difpel Poifons, obtain
Vidtory, and the like. And this is their
trifling Way of Reafoning: Thofe Things,
fay they, which are of a nobler Kind, ought
r 49 1
to have in them the nobler Virtues. But
as Things animate are more noble than
thofe which are inanimate ; therefore the
more noble Virtues might be expe&ed in
the Animate, rather than in the Inanimate ■,
but as the Animate want thofe Virtues, there-
fore fo do Stones which are inanimate. They
have likewife, other perfuafive Reafons, which
for Brevity’s fake we omit. In the firft
Place, Experience itfelf is again ft thefe
Gentlemen •, for with our own Eyes we may
fee a Virtue in Stones. Don’t we fee the
Magnet attraft Iron ? the Saphire cure Car-
buncles, and the like in many others ? A
Man who fhould deny thefe Things could
not be thought in his Senfes, fince they are
known to us as firft Principles. But farther,
I will argue with thefe Difputants from a
known Topick, thus: That which all Men
proclaim for Truth, cannot be wholly
groundlefs ; but as it has been always allow’d,
as well by fome of the Antients as by all the
Moderns, that there are Virtues in Stones,
therefore we ought to give Credit to thofe
learned Doctors who affirm it. The Authority
of Salomon is of great Weight in this Matter,
who fays. That the Virtues of Stones are
divers ; fome procure the Favour of Great
Men *, others are a Defence againft Fire •,
D others
[ 5o ]
others render Perions amiable •, others give
Wifdom ; fome make Perfons invifible ;
fome repel Lightning; Tome extinguifh
Poifon ; fome preferve and increafeTreafure;
others influence Hufbands to love their
Wives ; fome quell Tempefts at Sea ; others
cure Difeafes ; fome preferve the Head and
Eyes. And, to conclude all, whatever can
be thought of as beneficial to Mankind, may
be confirmed to them by the Virtue of Stones :
Yet this is to be noted, that in Stones there
is fometimes one Virtue, fometimes two,
fometimes three, and fometimes many ; and
that thefe Virtues are not caufed by the
Beauty of the Stone, fince fome of them are
moft unfightly, and yet have a great Virtue ;
and fometimes the moft beautiful have none
at all ; and therefore we may fafely conclude,
with the moft famous Doctors, that there are
Virtues in Stones, as well as in other Things ;
but how this is effected is varioufly contro-
verted. It was one Opinion of the Pytha-
goreans, that there were Virtues in all Things,
communicated to them by the Soul, and
that Stones and all inferior Things were
animated ; and faid, that Souls could enter
into and depart from any Matter by the
animal Operations, as the Human Under
{landing extends itfelf to Things intelligible.
[ 5 1 ]
and the Imagination to Things imaginable
Thus, fay they, it is in Stones ; the Souls
of Stones extended themfelves from the
Place of she Stone’s Refidence, to Man, and
fo imprefs’d its Virtue on the Subftance of
Man •, and thus they held that Virtue was in
Stones, and that it operated by the Mediation
of the Soul ; juft as Fafcination is wrought by
the Eye in the fame Way. They faid, that
the Soul of Man, or of any other Animal,
enter’d another Man or Animal by the Sight,
and hinder’d the Operation of that Animal ;
which Fafcination, muft not be fuppos’d to
proceed folely from the Sight, fince Vifion
is effe&ed by taking in, not by fending out.
Of this Opinion Virgil feems to be in his
Bucolics , where he fays,
Nefcio quis teneros oculus mihi fafcinat agnos.
Such Kind of Fafcination is not peculiar
to Men, but is likewife feen in Brutes, as
both Solinus and Pliny affirm •, nay, I myfelf
have obferv’d, that when the Wolves in
Italy face a Man, his Voice becomes
hoarfe, nor can they raife their Cry to fo
high a Tone, altho’ before they had no Defedt
in their vocal Inftrument. Nor does this
happen merely from the Sight, as before
D 2 hinted.
[ 5 2 1
hinted, but from another Caufe, namely,
from the Soul of the Fafcinator. Demo-
critus follows this, who fays, that all
Things are full of the Gods ; alfo Orpheus ,
who fays, the Gods and divine Virtues are
diffufed thro’ all Things, and that nothing elfe
was God but that which forms Things, and is
diffufed through all Things, and fo imagin’d
that the Gods were Souls, and attributed
Virtue to Things by the Mediation of the
Soul; which is falfe and abfurd, according
to all Philofophers. But to pafs by thefe
groundlefs Opinions, let us come to the
Truth. But firft we fhall return an Anfwer
to thofe contradifting Gentlemen above-
mention’d. To omit thofe who deny there is
any Virtue in Stones, which is abfurd, and
a Contradiction to all Philofophers, let us
anfwer thofe who affirm, that there is only
the Virtue of the Elements in Stones, when
they fay, that the more noble Virtues ought
to exift in Things which are more noble, &V.
I grant that this is true, and fay, that in
Things animate there are nobler Virtues than
in Stones. Nobody in his Senfes doubts
that in Man there are nobler Virtues than in
Stones. But as to Brutes, thus much may be
faid. There are many Brutes in which we
may difcover the Change of Time or Air,
[ 53 ]
as is held by many learned Men who have
written of the Variation of the Air ; par-
ticularly by that worthy Knight, Sir Nicholas
Patavinus , the greateft Aftronomer of our
Times, whoafierts, that there are many Ani-
mals which foretel the Change of the Wea*
ther by their Tinging or afiembling together.
Do not Cocks, by their Crowing, diftin-
guifh the Hours of the Night ? Which
Animals not only demonftrate a Virtue
to be in fuperior Things, but alfo have the
greateft in Things inferior, fince from
the Effects produc’d in them, we may
infer there is the greateft Virtue in Men,
as we may learn from the Books of Phy-
ficians ; all which Things I apprehend are
much more noble than the Virtues of Stones.
From which we fhall conclude, that their
Argument is groundlefs, and of no Force or
Efficacy. To the third Difputants, I fhall
only anfwer, that the Virtue of Stones does
not proceed from the Soul, nor wholly from
the Elements ; but, as we fhall hereafter ex-
plain the Matter, from the very Species or
fubftantial Form of the Stone itfelf, as we
fhall evidently make appear from Opinions
of Philofophers.
D 3
I 54 I
How, and from whence Stones have
their Virtues.
O return from this long Digreffion •, let
us now come to the Matter in Hand.
It is certain there are Virtues in Stones, but
from whence they derive fuch Kind of Virtue
remains yet to be fliewn. There are fome
who hold, that the fpecial Virtues, as well
as the complexional, in Stones, are from the
Elements which compofe them ; and thus
they reafon. Whatever is compounded of
any Thing, has the Virtue of the Thing com-
pounding ; as a Stream partakes of the
Nature of the Fountain from whence it runs ;
but it is known that Stones are compounded
of the Elements, as we have already declared ;
therefore whatever there is in Stones proceeds
only from the Elements, and not from any
other Virtue. Plato , as likewife his Fol-
lowers, who hold Ideas, fay, that all com-
pofite Bodies, of whatever Species they are,
have their Idea which infufes Virtue into
them j and by how much fuch mixed or
[ 55 ]
compolite Bodies partake of the purer Sub-
fiance of the Elements, by fo much does
their Idea, by the Mediation of the pure
Matter where it is infufed, induce a greater
Perfection. Now, as precious Stones are of
this Sort, therefore their Idea produces a
greater Virtue in them, than in other com-
posite Bodies not fo pure ; and fo they
attribute fpecial Virtues to them by Means of
the interfering Idea. Hermes , and other
Aftronomers, whofe Contemplations are
more exalted, fay, that the Virtues of all
inferior Things, proceed from the Stars and
the Figures in the Heavens. Arid according
to which, as the Mixture is compounded of
the purer or grofler Elements, fo the Virtues
of the Stars, and the Figures of the Heavens,
communicate a greater or lefs Virtue. And
as precious Stones have the Purity of the
Elements, and, as it were, a Celeftial Com-
position or Mixture, as in the Saphire , Bala -
fius , and others , fo thofe Stones have a
greater Virtue than the reft of the Compofites,
which retain not fo much of the purer
Elements. Hence Hermes , concerning the
Caufe of the Virtue of Stones, faith, We
know for certain, that the Virtues of all
inferior Bodies defcend from the Superior ;
for the Superior by their Subftance, Light,
D 4 Situation
L 56 ]
Situation and Motion, and alfo by their
Figure, infufe all thofe noble Virtues which
we find in Stones. It it plain therefore from
what has been already faid, as well as from
the Opinion of Ptolomy , that the Virtues of
Stones are derived from the Stars, the
Planets, and the Conftellations, thro’ the
aflifting Purity of their own Complexion.
Other Opinions might be alledged, but as
they are frivolous, we fhall not mention
them *, nor offer any more Arguments to
confute thofe above-mention’d. However
none of thofe Opinions come nearer to the
Truth than that of Hermes , and the reft of
the Aftronomers, who conftantly affert, that
inferior Bodies are govern’d by fuperior
Influences •, which is likewife the Judg-
ment of all Philofophers.
Of the true Opinion of the Virtue of
B U T tho’ the Opinions before alledg’d
may have fome Appearance of Truth,
yet are they not Philofophical j for the
[ 57 1
Philofopher holds, that Virtues proceed only
from the Form and Subftance of the Thing ;
which is affirm’d by Arijiotle in his firft Book
of Phyficks , . where he fays. That Matter
with Form is the Caufe of all Things, in
the Subject, juft as Matter or Subftance is
the Caufe of all Accidents. Albertus Magnus ,
who was a moft confummate Philofopher,
and a ftriift Obferver of Nature, is of
Opinion, that the Virtue of Stones comes
from the very Species and fubftantial Form
of the Stone itfelf. For in a mixed Body
there are fome Things, fuch as Hardnefs,
Gravity, and the like, whofe Caufe is the
Virtues of the Elements, and there are fome
Things whofe Virtues derive their Caufe
from the Species itfelf. For Example :
That the Magnet has Hardnefs, an iron
Colour, and the like, proceeds from the
Virtue of Mixtibles or the Elements ; but
its attratting Iron proceeds from the Species
of the Magnet itfelf ; which Species fhews us
an Aggregate of Form and Matter ; accord-
ing to the Commentator , in his firft Book of
Metaphyficks , where he declares, that Species
is not barely Form, but the whole Aggregate
of Form and Matter, which gives the indivi-
dual Effence to this Matter. For the Efience
of all Things hath, according to its proper
[ j8 ]
Species, its Operation and peculiar Virtue,
according to the Species in which it is
form’d, and perfected in a natural Being.
And all complexionate Bodies are the Inftru-
ments of their own Form •, for the Form
ceafing, the Complexion is corrupted or
deftroyed •, fo that Form is contain’d in the
Matter as its divine and moft excellent Part.
For Form is fomething divine, below the
Celeftial Virtues from whence it is deriv’d,
yet above the complexionate Matter into
which it is infufed. So that Form is one
fimple Effence, only operative of one Thing,
whatfoever it be, peculiar to its Species ; for
one Thing can aftedt only one Thing, fince
One is only produdtive of One. We may
likewife confider Form in another Light, as
a Celeftial Virtue, which is multiplied in
inferior Things from the Images and Circles
of Heaven, which diftribute Twelve Signs
with their Stars over the Horizon of the
Thing in which it is infufed; and fo
the Form is manifold according to the
elemental Virtues in which it is wrought, and
thofe natural Powers which contribute to its
fimple Effence. Thus Form is produdtive
of many Effedts, tho’ perhaps it may have
only one proper Operation ; and hence it is,
that almoft all Things are not determin’d to
[ 59 ]
one Virtue only by its known Operations.
But only that Form which fpecifies the
Matter is more powerful than other Forms ;
altho’ very often the proper Form , from
the Indifpolition of the Matter, can be but
little (hewn or operate. Hence Hermes
fays, concerning Stones, that Scones of the
fame Species are varied in Power from
the Confufion of the Matter, alfo from the
Place of their Generation, thro’ the Diredt-
nefs or Obliquity of the Beams corre (pond-
ing to thofe Places ; fo that very often it
gives no peculiar Effeft to its Species.
Wherefore, to confider it philofophically,
and with the Authority of Albertus Magnus>
we will venture to affirm, That the Virtues
of Stones proceed from the Species, by the
Mediation of the fubftantial Form of the
Stone itfelf, produc’d in a proper Place, and
of a proportionate Matter, adapted to the
Eflence of fuch a Stone. This was likewife
the Opinion of Plato , who fays, that Na-
ture has endowed fome Things with Pro-
perties ; for every Thing has, in fome man-
ner, that from its Species, which makes it
aft that which is proper to it in its own
[ 6o ]
e fhe Names of all thofe Learned Men ,
nvhofe Works have jurnijl) d us with
the Materials of the following Treatije.
S I am now to treat of particular
Stones, that I may not feem to ad-
vance any Thing on my own Authority,
I fhall give a Lift of all thofe learned
Men , whofe Works have aflifted me on
this Occafion. But as I have found fome
Difagreement between them , I fliall only
adopt fuch Opinions, in which moft of them
are agreed. Let Nobody therefore wonder,
if he Ihould fometimes find me differing
from the Sentiments of fome particular
Doctor ; rather let him examine thofe whom
1 name, before he paffes too fevere a Cen-
fure upon me ; for he will find, that what
I fhall advance is approved by the Majority
of them. And fince I have undertook to
be a faithful Tranfcriber of the Sentiments of
all thofe learned Men who have wrote upon
this Subjeft, 1 will here give their Names :
[ 6 1 ]
viz. Diofcorides -, Arijlctle -, Hermes ; Evax ;
Scapio ; Avicenna -, John Mefue ; Salomon •
Phyfiologos -, Pliny -, Solenus -, Lapidaritus •
Heliamandus -, lfiodorus -, Arnaldus -, ;
Dionyfius Alexandrians -, Alberlus Magnus ;
Vincentius the Hiftorian ; Thetel Rabanus
Bartholomew of the Roman Rock -, Bifhop
Marbodius ; Ortulanus the Book of the Pan-
debts-. Cornucopia-, Kirandus -, and the Book
of the Nature of Things. For, as I faid be-
fore, whoever well underftands all the Wri-
tings of the Learned, will know, that I have
not departed from thofe Sentiments wherein
the molt of them are agreed, but have ftuck
clofely to them ; for I have taken all of
them for my Guide in this little Treatife.
Of Particular Stones , in an Alphabetical
T HUS far, moft Noble Prince, our
Difcourfe has been carried on in
generals ; we are now come to the Point
which we had chiefly in View, that is, to
fpeak particularly of the Names and Virtues
[ 62 ]
of Stones ; which fhall be the Bufinefs of
this whole Chapter according to the Order of
the Alphabet. In the firft Place we fhall
give the proper Names of the Stones, and
add others if they have any, and from whence
they have them. We fhall likewife defcribe
the Colour of Stones, and their Species, if
they have more than one, and in what Spe-
cies the better Sort are contain’d ; to which
will be added the Place of their Generation
or Finding. LafUy, as a Thing of much
more Value, and more defired by all, we
fhall defcribe their Virtues •, that fo we may
acknowledge that all Things which have
been produc’d by the Supreme Artificer,
were defign’d for the Plealth or Welfare of
Mankind : To whom we ought to render
infinite Thanks, that he is not only careful
for the Welfare of the Soul, but likewife for
the Health of the Body.
Adamant , or the Diamond, is a moft pre-
cious Stone, of the Colour of polifh’d Iron,
and as it were Chriftalline. Its Quantity is
never found larger than the Bignefs of a
Filberd. It will give way to no Sort of
[ 6 3 3
Matter, neither to Fire nor Iron, but defpifes
all •, it had its Name from the Greek Interpre-
tation, which is, an unconquer d Virtue. Some
hold, it can be mollified only by the warm
Blood of a Goat •, which is fabulous, fince I
have feen many broke with the Blow of a
Hammer. Neither is there any Thing fo
hard, but it will fuffer by the Adamant.
Strange it is, if the Report be true, that it
is fuch an Enemy to the Magnet , that if it be
bound to it, it will not attract Iron. Of
this there are Six Species more particularly
noted by the Learned, and named from the
Places in which they are found ; viz. The
Indian , Arabick , Syrian , Macedonian , Etbio -
pick , and the Cyprian ; and of each in their
Order. The Indian is fmall as to its Quan-
tity, but excels in its Virtue, and this is that
which refills the Hammer ; it is ponderous,
and of the Colour of a clear Chryftal. The
Arabick is like to this, but paler, and lefs in
Quantity. The Syrian and Macedonian has
the Colour of finning Iron. The Etbiopick
is the darkeft of all. The Cyprian is of a
Golden Hue, but bafer and fofter than all
the reft. The Virtue of all thefe Species is
to repel Poifon, tho’ ever fo deadly ; is a
Defence againft the Arts of Sorcery ; difper-
fes vain Fears •, enables to quell ail Quarrels
C 64 ]
and Contentions ; is a Help to Lunaticks,
and inch as are poflefs’d with the Devil be-
ing bound to the left Arm, it gives Victory
over Enemies ; it tames wild Beafts ; it helps
thofe who are troubled with Phantafms, and
the Night-mare ; and makes him that wears
it bold and daring in his Tranfadtions. The
Indian Adamant, and likewife the Arabic ! ,
has the Property of the Magnet , to diredt
the Needle touch’d by it to the Ardtick Pole,
and from hence fome call it the Adamantine
Achates is a Stone of divers Colours, which
are varied according to the Place of its
Generation ; of which there are many Species,
but the moft famous are thefe Seven, which,
as Jewellers affirm, are not only varied in
Colour, but even in their Virtue. Sicily gave
the firft Achates y which was found in the
River Acheus. For which Reafon the
Sicilian is placed in the fir If Rank, then the
Cretian , Indian , Egyptian , Perfian , Arabian ,
and Cyprian. The Sicilian is black, inter-
fedted with a white Vein. Crete produces
an Achates like aFilberd, with Gold Veins or
Drops. The Indian is varied with many
Colours and Veins, by the Interfedtion of
which are often formed divers Figures ; fuch
as Wild Beafts, Flowers, Woods, and Birds,
[ 65 3
or fhews the natural Effigies of Kings, as in
that Achates of King Pyrrhus ; and I have
feen an Achates in which appeared Seven
Trees (landing on a Plain ; and thefe are
univerfally efteemed the moft excellent. The
Egyptian wants Rednefs and Whitenefs, and
is interfered with various Veins. The
Perfian being heated, fmells like Myrrh, as
fome fay. Dionyfus , of the Site of the World ,
affirms, that the Perfian Achates are in the
Form of a Cylinder, which being carried by
the Courfe of the Waters from the 1'ops of
the Mountains, are drove along the River
Coafpis , and are found among the Sands.
The Arabian and Cyprian are variegated with
divers Colours, tending to a g'affy Tranf-
parency. The Virtues of the Achates differ
according to the Diverfities of their Species •,
but all of them agree in this, to make Men
folicitous. But the proper Virtue of the
Sicilian is, to fubdue the Poifon of Vipers
and Scorpions, if it be bound on the Punc-
ture, or being bruifed, drank in a Glafs of
Wine. The Indian is an Enemy to all ve-
nemous Things. It refrefhes the Sight by
looking on it. Being held in the Mouth it
quenches Third. It gives Vidlory to him
that wears it •, turns away Storms ; and puts
a Stop to Lightnings. The Cretan fharpens
E the
[ 66 j
the Sight ; extinguishes Thirft and Poifons *,
renders the Wearer of it gracious and elo-
quent ; and preferves and confirms Strength-
It feems Superfluous to particularize the
Virtues of them all, fince they coincide one
with another; and therefore, for Brevity’s
Sake, we fliall omit them.
Amethift , is reckon’d among the purple
and tranfparent Stones, mixed with a violet
Colour, emitting rofy Sparkles. Of which
there are five Species, but all of them bor-
dering on the Purple, mingled with various
Colours. The Indian exceeds the others in
Colour, Beauty and Price, having a Purple
mixed with a rofy and midling Violet. But
thofe which are entirely Purple are not fo
valuable as the Grape Violet, and the watery
Violet are bafer than the reft. They are
denominated from the Places where they
are found. The Indian ftands in the firft
Rank. The Arabian , Armenian , Galatian ,
T 'arfian and Cyprian, follow in their Order;
tho’ the two laft are reckon’d bafer than all
the reft, and of no Eftimation, nor are they
taken any Notice of by the Learned. All
of them are fit for Engraving. Their Virtue
is to drive away Drunkennefs ; for being
bound on the Navel, they reftrain the Va-
pour of the Wine, and fo dilfolve the
Ebriety ;
1 67 ]
Ebriety; they reprefs evil Thoughts, and
give a good Underftanding •, they make a
Man vigilant and expert in Bufinefs ; the
Barren they render fruitful by drinking a
Lotion of it ; they expel Poifon ; they pre-
ferve Military Men, and give them Victory
over their Enemies ; and prepare an eafy
Capture of wild Bealls and Birds.
Aleftoria , is a Stone of a chriflal line Co-
lour, a little darkilh, fomewhat refembling
limpid Water; and fometimes it has Veins
of the Colour of Flefh. Some call it Galli-
naceus, from the Place of its Generation, the
Inteftines of Capons, which were caftrated
when they were three Years old, and had lived
feven ; before which Time it ought not to
be taken out ; for the older it is, fo much
the better. When the Stone is become per-
fe<5l in the Capon, he don’t drink. How-
ever, ’tis never found bigger than a large
Bean. The Virtue of this Stone is, to
render him who carries it invifible ; being
held in the Mouth, it allays Third, and
therefore is proper for Wredlers; makes a
Woman agreeable to her Hufband ; bellows
Honours, and preferves thofe already ac-
quired ; it frees fiich as are bewitched ; it
renders a Man eloquent, condant, agreeable
E 2 and
[ 68 ]
and amiable •, it helps to regain a loft King-
dom, and acquire a foreign one.
Androdamas , is an exceeding hard and
heavy Stone like the Adamant , having the
Brightnefs of polifh’d Silver. Its Figure is
djftinguifhed into Squares or Dies, and is found
among the Sands of the Red Sea. It’s
fuppos’d that it deriv’d its Name from its
Virtue ; which is to reftrain Anger and the
violent Emotions of the Mind, alfo to
mitigate Luxury and leffen the Gravity of
the Body.
AJlroites , AJlrion, AJlerias , or After it es, is
a white Stone approaching to Chriftal. It
contains a Light like a Star included in it,
moving from the Part vvhcre it receives the
Light •, when may be feen in it a Form like
a Blazing Star, or burning Flame. It has its
Name from Aft rum , that is, a Star, and not
an Image. 'Thrace and Carmenia produce
them, which being touch’d by the Solar
Beams appear White.
Alabandina , is a Stone reddifh and blue, as
the Cardius and is fo exactly imitated, that,
in Colour, the one can fcarcely be diftinguifh’d
from the other. It took its Name from a
Part of Afta fo called, where it was firft
found. Its Property is to promote a Flux
[ 69 ]
of Blood. Being drank, it expels and drives
out all the Virulence of Poifon. I find
various Opinions concerning the Colour of
this Stone.
Agapis, is a Vellow Stone, of the Colour
of a Lion’s Skin. It is fo called from Agape y
•which fignifies Love or Charity, becaufe it
imports the fame Thing, and Men love it
for its Virtue. Being bound to the Wound,
it has a woViderful Virtue, in curing the
Stings of Scorpions and the Bites of Vipers.
For being dipp’d in Water, and rubb’d over
the Wound, it immediately takes away or
mitigates the Pain.
Andromanles , is a Stone of a black Colour,
weighty and hard. It’s faid to attradl Silver
and Brafs, as the Loadftone does Iron.
Being rubbed and put in Water, it emits a
bloody Colour like the Emathites.
Antracites , or Antrachas , is a fparkling
Stone of a fiery Colour. It is girdled with a
white Vein, cannot bear the Fire, if fmear’d
with Oil it lofes its Colour, and if dipp’d in
Water, it fparkles the more. Albertus Magnus
takes it for a Carbuncle •, but others fay it is
not one, tho’ it partakes of its Colour and
Virtue. Its Virtue is to drive away peftilen-
tial Air, and render the Bearer of it fafe.
It is good in Impoftumes and therefore called
E 3 by
L 7° ]
by that Name ; in like Manner as we before
fpoke of the Agapis.
Amandinus , is a Stone of a various Colour ;
its Virtue is extoll’d for its Efficacy in ex-
pelling Poifon ; it makes the Wearer of it
victorious, and inftru&s the Interpreter of
Dreams and Enigmas to folve any Queftions
propounded to him about them.
' Ab eft on or Abeftus , is a Stone of an Iron
Colour, produc’d in Arcadia and Arabia.
It is called Abejion , from its being inex-
tinguiffiable ; for, being fet on Fire, it
retains a perpetual Flame. The Pagans
made Ufe of it for Lights in their Temples,
becaufe it preferv’d a moft ftrong and un-
quenchable Flame, not to be extinguiffi’d
by Showers or Storms. It is of a woolly
Texture, and many call it the Salamander 1 *
Feather. Its Fire is nourifhed by an infepa-
rable uncluous Humid flowing from its
Subftance *, therefore being once kindled it
preferves a conftant Light without feeding it
with any Moifture.
Afius , is a white Stone and light as the
Pumice, and when lick’d with the Tongue,
has a Salt Tafte, being fqueez’d in the
Hands, it is eafily reduc’d to Duft. It is
brought from Alexandria ; and altho’ in
Appearance it is not very promiflng, yet in
f 71 ]
its Virtue is very powerful. For it cures the
Pthifical, being mixed with the Juice of
Roles, in the Manner of an Ele&uary. It is
faid to cure the King’s Evil, Fiftulas, the
Gout, and many other Diforders •, as we
find in the Books of Phyficians.
Amianton , is a Stone of a lucid Colour
and thready, like feather’d Alumn, but more
tenacious. Many call it live Flax, for it is
only to be wrought upon by being put into
the Fire ; it emits Threads as from Flax,
which proceeds from its infeparable Vif-
cofity, which fuffers nothing from the Fire,
and is fpun like Flax. The Antients, when
they had a Mind to preferve the Allies of
the Dead, made Sacks of the Amianton , and
putting the dead Bodies into them, burned
them, without hurting the Sack ; this they
did to prevent any extraneous Matter from
mingling with the Afhes of the Deceafed.
They fay its Virtue is prevalent againft the
Incantations and Sorceries of Magicians.
Augujleum , is a Stone of a black Colour,
of the Species of Marbles. It has Spots wa-
vingly difpos’d, in Refemblance of Serpents.
It was found in Ezypt in the Time of Tiberius
Auguftus, and from him took its Name.
Alab after, or Alabajlrites , is a white Stone,
circled with white and citron-colour’d Veins.
E 4 It
[ 7 2 ]
It is of the Marble-kind, and is the beft for
Veffels to hold Unguents, which are pre-
ferv’d in them without fpoiling. The bell:
Sort is found about Thebes and Damafcus,
and that which is whiter than the reft in
India and Carmenia ; the bafeft, without
Whitenefs, in Cappadocia. That alfo is the
beft which has the Colour of Honey, with
but little Tranfparency. Diofcorides , and
many other Doctors, account it good in Phy-
ficks. He who carries it will prove vidto-
rious in Suits at Law.
Alabandicus , is a black Stone bordering
on the purple, and takes its Name from the
Place where it was firft found. It may be
diffolved by Fire, and poured out like Me-
tal. It is ufeful to Glafs-makers, to clarify
and whiten their Glafs. It is found in many
Places of Italy, and is called Mangadefus by
the Glafs-makers.
Afpilaten, is a Stone in Arabia , of a black
Colour, generated in the Nefts of Arabian
Birds, where it is often found. It cures the
Splenetick, being bound to the Spleen with
the Dung of a Camel.
Abijlos , is a Stone of a black Colour,
ftreaked with ruddy and fnowy Veins ; be-
ing heated in the Fire for eight Days, it
retains the Heat in itfelf. It is heavy and
[ 73 1
ponderous, more than the Quantity of it
feems to ffiew.
Afin'ms, or Afininus , a Stone fo called from
the Afs, becaufe it is taken out of the Wood-
land or wild Afs. It is whitifh, and tending
to the Citron, with a round oblongifh Fi-
gure, of the Bignefs of a midlingNut. It
is not hard, and has fome Crevices which
do not penetrate very deep. When broken,
it has the Similitude of yellowifh lucid Smalt*
This Stone is of two Sorts, the Maxillary
and Cephaiick. The Cephalick being placed
on the Head, gives Eafe to the Pain of it.
The Maxillary cures- the Epilepfy, becaufe
it is found in the Jaw. ft makes the Bearer
of it unwearied, fo that he fhall never faint
in Battle ; but rather, when his Enemies are
tired, he, with recruited Strength, fhall
fmite them with , redoubled Fury. Taken
with Wine, it drives away Quartan Agues.
It is wonderfully efficacious in deftroying the
Worms in Children. If it be taken in Wine,
it correds the Poifon of the Water which
has been drank wherein it flood. It is faid
to affift pregnant Women, and to bring
forth the dead Foetus from the Womb.
Arabica , or Arabus, is a Stone of the
Colour of Ivory, and takes its Name from
Arabia , where it is found. It is faid to be
[ 74 ]
good in nervous Diforders. It is likewife
found in Egypt. It has the Smell and Colour
of Myrrh, and is ufed as a Scent. Being
burnt, it is a good Dentifrice.
Amiatus , or Amianthus , is a Stone of the
Colour of Alumn ; it is not to be deftroyed
by Fire. It is faid to have Power againft
magic Arts ; and alfo is extremely ufeful in
Antiphates , is a Stone of a fhining Black.
If it be boil’d in Wine or Milk, it has the
Tafte of Myrrh •, and is a Defence againft
AmiteSy is a Stone of the Colour of Alumn
or Nitre, but harder than either. It is gene-
rated in Egypt or Arabia. The Ethiopic is
green ; when diftolved in Water, it takes
a milky Colour.
Amenus , according to Avicen , is a Stone
of an azure Colour ; tho’ others fay it is
between a dark Green and a black, and
eafily broken ; is light in the handling,
wants Afperity, and has an admirable Pro-
perty in curing Melancholy.
Aquilinus, a Lymphatic, is found in a
certain Fifh, and is beneficial to the Life of
Man. For being hung about the Neck, or
otherwife carried, it drives off and takes away
the Miferies of a Quartan Ague.
Anancithidus i
[ 75 ]
Anancithidus , is a Necromantic Stone \
whofe Virtue is to call up evil Spirits and
Agirites , is a Stone of the Colour of Silver,
with Gold Spots.
Anti an cm, is the fame as the Chrifocolla.
Aquileus , is the fame as Ethices.
Androa , is the fame as Andromadanta.
Balafius , is of a purple or rofy Colour,
flames and glitters, and by forne is called the
Placidus , or Pleafant. Some think it is the Car-
buncle diminifh’d in its Colour and Virtue ; juft:
as the Virtue of the Female differs from that of
the Male. It is often found that the external
Part of one and the fame Stone appears a
Balafius , and the internal a Carbuncle , from
whence comes the Saying, that the Balafius
is the Carbuncle’% Houfe. The Virtue of
the Balafius is to overcome and reprefs vain
Thoughts and Luxury ; to reconcile Quarrels
among Friends, and befriends the human
Body with a good Habit of Health. Being
bruifed and drank with Water, it relieves
Infirmities in the Eyes, and gives Help in
Piforders of the Liver ; and, what is ft ill
[ 76 ]
more furprizing, if you touch the four Cor-
ners ot a Houfe, Garden, or Vineyard, with
the Balafius , it will preferve them from
Lightning, Temped: and Worms
Beryl , is a Stone of an Olive Colour, or
like Sea Water. They fay there are nine
Species of them, but all of a pale Green.
It takes its Name from the Country or Na-
tion where it was found ; it has a clear fexa-
gonal Form. India produces white Beryls ,
like Sea-water interfered with the Sun-
Beams ; and fuch are feldom found elfe-
where. Curious Antiquity had molt in
Efteem thofe that were like the Olive, or
the Water of the Sea. But the Moderns
value thofe that are of an obfcure chryftal
Colour, and fuch by fome are called Catel.
There is another Species which is paler, and
called the falfe Beryl, which fhines with a
Golden or Sky Colour •, thefe are from Ba-
lylon •, to which indeed the paler Chryfo-
filon approaches neareft. To thefe fucceed
the Hyacinthizontes , like Emeralds and laftly,
the Heroides. Then the Cervini, or tawney
Colour, and the dark Olive, and the Chri-
fialline like Chriftal. But the Indian are the
moft precious of all, as they have a fine
Tranfparency, and when they are mov’d
the Water feems to move in them ; which is
[ 77 1
alfo the Opinion of Albertus , tho* he differs
from others. But if thefe are roll’d up into
the Form of a Ball, and are laid under the
Beams of the Sun, they refle£t Fire like Con-
cave Mirrors. It has various Virtues. It
renders the Bearer of it chearful preferves
and increafes Conjugal Love •, being hung to the
Neck, it drives away idle Dreams ; it cures
the Diftempers of the Throat and Jaws, and
all Diforders proceding from the Humidity of
the Head, and is a Prefervative againft them ;
being taken mixed with an equal Quantity
of Silver, it cures the Leprofy. The Water
in which it has been put, is good for the
Eyes ; and if drank, it difpels Heavinefs*
and cures the Indifpofitions of the Liver. It
helps pregnant Women in preventing abor-
tive Births, and other Incomtnodities to
which they are liable.
Borax , Nofa, Crapondinus , are fynonymous
Names of the fame Stone, which is extracted
from a Toad •, of which there are two Species,
the white which is the beft, and rarely found i
the other, is black or dun, with a cerulean
Glow, having in the Middle the Similitude
of an Eye, and muft be taken out while the
dead Toad is yet panting, and thefe are
better than thofe that are extracted from it
after a long Continuance in the Ground.
f 78 ]
They have a wonderful Efficacy in Potfons,
For whoever has taken Poifon, let him
fwallow this ; which being down, rolls about
the Bowels, and drives out every poifonous
Quality that is lodg’d in the Inteftines ; and
then paffes thro’ the Fundament and is pre-
ferv’d. It is an excellent Remedy for the Bitea
of Reptiles, and takes away Fevers. If it be
made into a Lotion and taken, it is a great
Help in Diforders of the Stomach and Reins ;
and fome fay, it has the fame Effe<5t if
carried about one.
Bezoar , is a red, dufty, light, and brittle
Stone ; by fome it is defcribed as of a Citron
Colour. All agree that it obtains the firffc
Place in Remedies againft Poifons. For
a Dram of it taken, entirely expels the
Poifon whatever it be. And hence, for its
Excellence, every Thing that frees the Body
from any Ailment, is called the Bezoar of
that Ailment. And thus its Name is become
general, as is held by the Conciliator con-
cerning Poifons, and by many other learned
Bolus Ar menus, is a Vein of Earth found
in Armenia , and altho’ it is not a Stone, yet
for its noble Virtue, is numbred among
Stones. The Colour of it is reddiffi inclining
to a Citron with a green Dufk. Its Com-
f 79 ]
plexion is cold and dry. It is an excellent
Remedy in Peftilential Fevers and Fluxes
of the Belly. It helps Emoptoics, the
Splenetick, and fuch as are diforder’d in the
Stomach. It is very much adulterated, and
there is fcarce any true and genuine to be
had, nor did I ever fee any good.
Beloculus, is a white Stone, having a
black Pupil. For its Beauty the Syrians put
it in the Ornaments of the Sacrifices to the
God Belus. It is faid to render the Bearer of
it invifible in a Field-Battle.
Bafanites , or Bafaltem , is a Stone of an
iron Colour, is found in Egypt and Ethiopia, 9
and when bruifed in Water emits a Saffron
Bronia, has the Likenefs of the Head of
a Shell ; its Virtue is, to refill Lightnings.
Balanites , is a Stone of two Species ; the
one is green, the other has the Colour of
Brafs, with a flaming Vein running thro*
the Middle of it.
Carbuncle, and by fome called Anthrax ,
brandifhes its fiery Rays, of a Violet Colour,
on every Side ; and in the Dark appears
[ 8o ]
like a fiery Coal. It is efteemed the firft
among burning Gems, both for Colour,
Beauty, and Price. There are Twelve
Species of it. The nobler Sort are found
in Libia among the Troglodites. It is not
hurt by Fire, nor does it take the Colour
of another Gem that is put to it, tho’ other
Gems receive from it. It is alfo Male and
Female j in the Males, the Stars appear
burning within them •, but the Females throw
out their Brightnefs ; and fome fay that
thofe of India, are more valuable than the
reft. Altho’ we have faid that there are
.twelve Species of the fiery Sort, yet we fhall
take Notice only of five of the moft remark-
able of them. The Carbuncle obtains the
firft Place, the Ruby follows •, the Bala/ius is
likewife reckon’d of this Species j the Rubith
is the fame as the Spinella , and has the
fourth Place ; and the Granate is number’d
among the laft. The virtual Power of the
Carbuncle is to drive away poifonous and
infectious Air, to reprefs Luxury, to give
and preferve the Health of the Body. It
takes away vain Thoughts, reconciles Dif-
ferences among Friends, and makes a mighty
Increafe of Profperity.
Calcedcnius , or Calcedon , as fome call it,
is of a pale Colour, but the Saphirine is the
beft 5
[ 8i ]
bcft ; the Learned reckon three Species of
ipecial Note, tho’ fome fay there are more ;
for at this Time, Germany produces fuch a
Diverfity of Species, that it would be in
vain to enumerate them. The Saphirine
obtains the firft Place •, the pale dufky,
bordering on the white, follows ; the Jaft is
a dead red, not tranfparent. Very often
thefe Species are mixed, and the different
Colours are found in one and the fame
Stone •, but Ethiopia produces the mod
perfeft of all. Are there not likewife found
on the Shore of the Adriatic Sea, near your
City, the Calcedonian pale white, and alfo
the hardeft dun ? Being hung about the-
Neck, they drive away fantaftical Iilufions
occafion’d by Melancholy. If a Perfon
carries about him one of them perforated,
with the Hairs of an Afs run thro’, he will
be fuccefsful in Civil Caufes and Contentions,
It preferves the Strength of the Body. The
black or Saphirine prevent Hoarfenefs and
clear the Voice. All the Species of it bridle
Luft •, and is a Prefervative from Tempefls
and finifter Events.
Chelidonius, is a Stone found in the Stomach
of a young Swallow •, and is of two Species.
That which is red, if carried in a dean
Linen Cloth, is of Service to mad People
F and
[ ^ ]
and Lunati-cks, and eradicates periodical Dif-
orders. It renders thofe who wear it eloquent
and acceptable. Being bruifed to Pieces in
Water, and made into a Pellet, it cures the
Diftempers of the Eyes. But the black con-
dudts Affairs undertaken to a happy Ifllre.
It quells Anger, and makes the Bearer of it
agreeable and pleafant and appeafes the
Wrath of Matters. Being tied about the
Neck in a yellow Linen Cloth, it drives a-
way Fevers •, and puts a Stop to and brings
down all noxious Humours. It has been ex-
perienced , that if it be hung about the
Neck , it cures the Epilepfy , or Falling-
Sicknefs, and the Jaundice. Some fay, it
fhould be wrapt in the Skin of a Calf, or a
flung Hart, and bound to the left Arm. Such
Stones ought to be extrafted while the young
Brood ftand in their Nett ; and if taken in
the Month of Augu(t , they will be the more
perfefl, provided the young Birds do not
touch the Earth, nor their Dams be prefent
when they are extracted.
Coral grows in the Sea like a Tree, but
without Leaves, in Magnitude not exceeding
two Feet. Of this there are two Species, the
Red and White-, tho’ Avicen holds there is
a third Species, which is Black. I once faw
the White and Red join’d on one Stem.
r 83 ]
The White indeed are often perforated, and
are good for nothings but thofe which are
perfectly white, and the reddefl, are the heft.
Their Virtues,, but chiefly of the Red, is to
flop every Flux of Blood. Being carried
about one, or wherever it be in a Iloufe or
Ship, it drives away Gholls, Hobgoblins,
Illufions, Dream 0 , Lightnings, Winds and
Tempelts. Metbrodorus calls it the Gorgon ;
which he interprets of its refilling' Whirl-
winds and Lightnings, and that it pro teds
from every Incurlion of wild Bealls. It
gives Relief in Pains of the Stomach and
Heart. Being hung down upon the Stomach,
or taken internally, it helps the Weaknefs
thereof. It is good for an Impollume in the
Spleen or Inteftines, It makes found the
walled Gums ; cleanfes putrid Sores, and
repreffes ar.y hurtful Medicine. The Shavings
or Scrapings of it, drank with Wine, are good
againft the .Gravel. Being broke to pieces
and ftrewn, or hung up among Fruit-bearing
Trees ; or difperied with Seed in a Field, it
gives Fertility, and keeps off Hail and blight-
ing Winds. I have had it from a creditable
Perfon, and have often experienced it myfelf,
that it will prevent Infants, juft born, from
falling into an Epilepfy. Let there be put
in the Mouth of the Child, before it has tailed
. /i F 2 any
[ 8 4 ]
any Thing, half a Scruple of the Powder of
Red Coral; and let it be fwallowed •, for it is
a wonderful Preferver. Many of its Virtues
I omit for the Sake of Brevity.
Cornelian , is a Stone of a reddifh or ruddy
Colour, and fuch are Orientals ; they
which are found in the River Rhine , are
perfectly red, having as it were the Colour
of Vermillion. Some border upon a clear
Citron •, fome are like the Walking of Flefh. It
reftrains menftruous Fluxes, and ftops the
Hemorrhoids. It cures the Bloody Flux ;
and being worn about the Neck, or on the
Finger, it affwages Strife and Anger.
Cryfial, is a Stone like Ice, both in Colour
and Tranfparency, with a pretty good Hard-
nefs. Some imagine it is Snow turn’d to Ice,
and been hardening for thirty Years, and
turn’d to a Rock by Age. Others fay, it
acquires its Lapidity from Earthinefs and not
from Coldnefs. Some, on the contrary,
affirm, that thefe, like other Stones, are
generated with much Water ; for this Reafon,
That the Cryftal is never found in the Me-
ridional Parts where there is no Snow. They
are the more confirm’d in this Opinion, when
they fee it in the Northern Alps where the
Snow and Ice are perpetual ; where the Sun,
in the hotteft Seafon, darts his moll fervent
[ 85 ]
Rays but very obliquely from the Elevation of
the Pole ; and there abounds the greateft
Quantity of Cryftal. It is generated like-
wife in AJia and Cyprus •, but the moft ex-
cellent are produc’d on the Tops of the Alps,
in Ethiopia , and in an Ifland of the Red
Sea, called Meron , Situated on the Frontier
of Arabia. Scythia likewife abounds with
Cryftal, us’d for the making of Cups.
A Ball made out of Cryftal, and expos’d to
the Sun, inflames any combuftible Matter
that is put under it, but not before the Ball
is heated. This is eaflly accounted for by
Philofophers, but is not the Subject of our
prefent Enquiry. Cryftal being hung about
thofe that are afleep, keeps off bad Dreams ;
diffolves Spells •, being held in the Mouth,
it afiuages Thirft ; and when bruifed with
Honey, fills the Breafts with Milk. But
the principal Ufe of Cryftal is for making
of Cups, rather than any Thing elfe it is
good for.
CrifopraJfuSy or Crifoprejfus, is a Stone of a
green Colour, like the Juice of Cyprefs,
with golden Drops appearing in it ; from
whence it takes its Name. For Crifos , in
Greek , Signifies Gold, and this Stone is com-
poftd of a gold and green Colour India
and Ethiopia produce it. Its principal Virtue
F 3 is
r 86 ]
is to cherifh the Sight. It gives Afilduify
in good Works; it baniffies Covetoufnefs ;
makes the Heart glad, and removes Uneafi-
neffes from it.
Crifoletus , Crifolimus , or Crifolenjis , is a
tranfparent Stone, fparkling with Gold and
Fire. But it’s properly called Chrifoletus ,
taking its Name from the Greek ; Crifos , in
the Latin , fignifying Gold, and oletus whole;
hence Crifoletus , or wholly Gold. The
Ethiopic are the bed. The Indian and Arabic
are not quite fo lucid and tranfparent, having
in them a dufky Cloud, and like wife border
upon the Citron. The Ethiopic , in a Morn-
ing, feem as if they were on Fire, but in the
Day they appear like Gold. A Crifolete
bound round with Gold, and carried in the
left Hand, drives away Night-hags, and
difperfes Fears and melancholy Illufions. It
is particularly efficacious in rendering in-
effectual the Inclinations and Enchantments
of thofe deteftabie Creatures call’d Witches.
It being bor’d thro’, and the Hairs of an
Afs pafs’d thro’ it, its Virtue is the greater
in driving away evii Spirits. If held in the
Hand, it extinguifhes a feverifh Heat.
Crifolitus , of this Stone there is one K ind,
of a gold Colour, with fome burning Sparks.
But there is another, which indeed is the
[ 87 ]
moft generally efteem’d, which is azure and
green, like the Wacer of the Sea in its greateft
Greennefs. Being placed under the Rays of
the Sun, it reprefents a Golden Star. It is
found in Ethiopia. Being fet in Gold it
prevails againtl nodlurnal Terrors. It gives
Wilclom and Honour, and turns away
Folly. Being bruifed and drank, it helps
the Afthmatic.
Celonites , or Celontes , is, as fame will have
it, of three Kinds. It is extradled from a
large Tortoife, and has a Shell of a Pearl
Colour. This Sort is fpotted and purple,
and its Property is to refill Fire. The
Virtue of it deferves particular Regard ; for
whoever fhall at a proper Time, having firft
wafh’d his Mouth, carry it under his Tongue,
will prelently feel in himfelf a kind of divine
Infpiracion to foretel future Events. Such
Times are thefe: The whole Day of the firft
of the New Moon *, and for the fifteen Days
following during the Lunar Afcenfion, every
Day from Sun-rifing till Six o’clock. But
in the Decreafe, it pours forth the Effedt of
its Virtue all the Time before Day. The
other two Stones are Cephalic and Hepatic,
whofe Virtues are not trivial. The Cephalic,
is lo called from the Place where it is found,
i. e. the Head, and is good for the Head-ach,
F 4 and
[ 88 ]
and refills Lightnings. The Hepatic is
likewife fo call’d from the Place where it is
found, i. e. the Liver. Being bruifed and drank
with Water juft before the Coming on of a
Quartan Ague, it wonderfully prevents it.
Thefe Stones are likewife called Drone.
Being carried with a Root of Piony, it makes
thofe who carry them Mailers of their Defires.
Cogolites , or Cegolites , is, by Phyficians,
reckon’d a Jeipifh Stone, from its being
frequently found in that Country, and like
the Nut of an Olive j but in the Infide it has
the Colour of Alumn or Silver. It is not
grateful to the Sight, but is ufeful in
Medicine. Being bruifed and dilfolv’d in
Water, and taken inwardly, it dififolves
Stones in the Kidneys, and clears the Bladder
from Gravel-, and being drank with a proper
Quantity of Water, removes the Strangury.
Ceraunius , or Cerraolus , is a Stone of a
pyramidal Form. There are two Kinds of
them, the one is chriftalline tinged with
Saffron, the other of the Colour of the
Pyrites. They are faid to fall from the
Clouds, and in a Place near where has been
a Stroke of Thunder. The German is the
Prime, the Spanijh is the Second, which
flafhes like a Flame of Fire. Socatus tells us
of another Species, which is black. Evax
L 89 ]
contradi&s thefe, when he fays they are of
divers Colours •, but the hardeft has a great
Virtue. For it preferves the Bearer of it
from Drowning, and from being hurt by a
Whirlwind or Lightning ; it gives fweet and
pleafant Dreams.
Corvina , is a Stone found in the Head of
the Fifh Cabot , and are always two. The
Colour of it is a darkifh white, with an
oblong crooked Figure in one part, and in
the other concave, with a little rifing in the
Middle. It is extradled while the Fifh is yet
panting, in the Increafe of the Moon, and in
the Month of May. Being carried in fuch
a Manner as it may touch the Flelh, it cures
the Gripes •, and being bruifed and taken, it
has the fame Effedh
Cimedia , is taken out of the Brain of a
Fifh of the fame Name *, there are two
found in the Head, and a third near the
third Joint of the Backbone, towards the
Tail ; it is round, and of the Length of
feven Fingers. Its broad Head being put
before the Light, the Spine appears within.
Magicians fay, that their Virtue is to foretel
the Calms and Storms of the Sea and Air.
If taken in Drink they excite Luxury in the
Cal -
[ 9 ° ]
Calchophanus , is black ; and being carried
in the Mouth, preierves the Windpipe from
Hoarfenefs, and makes the Voice fonoious.
Caldaicus , or Callayca , is of a green Pale
and dull, not limpid, nor pleaiant to the
Sight, but is a Stone that looks well it; Gold *,
and in the cold Rocks in Media and Germany ,
it flioots out itfelf like an Eye,
Crifocollus , is a Stone of the Likenefs of
Gold, The Province of Media produces it,
where the Pifmires throw up the Gold, It has
the Virtue of the Magnet, and increafes Gold,
Crifopra/ius , is a Stone which fhines in the
dark, of an ebbing and confufed Colour,
like rotten Oak put in an obfeure Place ; but
in the Light, it is faint, of the Colour of
pale Gold, without any Brightnefs.
Chemites , is a Stone that has the Re-
femblance of Ivory; not heavy, and in
Hardnefs like Marble. It is faid to preferve
the Bodies of the Dead a long Time from
being hurt by the Worms, and from Put re-
Crifonterinus , bonders upon a gold Colour,
and is brittle. Tho* it be an unpolilb’d
Stone, yet it has no contemptible Virtue.
Being hung about the Neck, it cures the
Pthifical, and, after the fame Manner, it
9i J
removes the Pain which Children feel in
breeding Teeth.
Cyfteolilhos , has a Mixture of Whitenefs
with the Citron, and is found in a Sea
Sponge •, and tho’ it be fomewhat unfightiy,
it helps thofe troubled with the Stone, if
drank in ftrong Wine, and if hung about
the Necks of Children, it takes away the
Catochites , by fome is taken, tho’ falfely,
for the Sagda. According to Solinus , it is
to be found in Corjica ; it feparates any
glutinous Thing that flicks to the Hands of
him that touches it ; and then fattens itfelf
to the Body like Glew. It makes a Man
vidtorious in Contefts, and by taking one
Scruple of it, it is powerful againft magic
Corvla , or Corvina, is a Stone of a reddifh
Colour, and accounted artificial. On the
Calends of April, boil the Eggs taken out
of a Crow’s Neft, till they are hard *, and
being cold, let them be placed in the Neft
as they were before. When the Crow
knows this, fhe flies a long Way to find this
Stone ; and having found it, returns to the
Neft ; and the Eggs being touch’d with it,
they become frefh and prolifick. The Stone
muft immediately be fnatch’d out of the Neft.
[ 92 ]
Its Virtue is to increafe Riches, to beftow
Honours, and to foretel many future Events.
Cambnites , is a Stone of a cryftal Colour
fomewhat obfcure. He who carries it, will
pleafe Men, and be affable and amiable to
all. If bound to the left Arm, it cures the
Dropfical. I believe indeed it is the fame as
the Kebrates.
Cepocapites , or Cepites, is a white Stone,
having Knots with Veins of white Marble.
A Group of Images of divers Things is
figur’d in it, as in the Achates,
Calorites , is of a green Colour, like Juice
prefs’d from the Herb. Magicians report,
that it is taken out of the Belly of the Bird
Silla. If bound with Iron, it is powerful in
magic Arts.
Cepionidus , is a Stone of many Colours,
and tranfparent, reflecting the Similitude of
the Beholder, fometimes in the Manner of a
Jafper, then as a Cryftal, and fometimes as a
Corintheus , is of the Marble Kind, and
of a citron Colour, diverfify’d into other
Colours. It takes its Name from Corinth ,
where there is found great Plenty of it. It
is fit for Buildings, and Pillars, Threfholds,
Beams, and many other Things nave, for a
long Courfe of Time, been made of it.
[ 93 ]
Cyanica , or Cyaneus, is an azure Stone,
glittering with purple Beams, varied with
golden Stars, and fometimes appears with
little fhining Points intermixed of divers
Colours. It is found in Scythia , and is Male
and Female. The Male is neater and purer
than the Female, and is beautified with the
Intermixture of fmal! golden Duff.
Carifteus , is of a g een Colour, taking its
Name from its Afpedt, becaufe it is grateful
to the Sight, which it comforts with its
Calaminaris , is a Stone, yellow, tender*
not lucid, nor tranfparent. If it be drenched
nine Times in Vinegar, and finely pulveriz’d
with the Blood of a Fowl, it makes a fine
Eye Salve.
CrifopaJJus , according to Solinus , is a Spe-
cies of Beryl , having a gold Colour mixed
with purple.
Coafpis , is of a green Colour, with the
Brightnefs of Gold ; and took its Name from
a River of the Perjians , where it was found.
Cimilianitus , is of the Colour of Marble,
having in the Middle a golden Pupil, or of
a Saffron Colour, and is found in the Chan-
nel of the River Euphrates.
Crifolanfis is the fame as Crifolelus.
CriftteSy is a Stone of the Colour of an
[ 94 ]
Oyfter , and is found in Egypt.
Crifopilon, is a Species of Beryl , as hath
been before fhewn under that Head.
Crifcberillus fee before under the Head
of Beryl.
Coranus, is white, of the Marble Kind,
and harder than Parian.
Crifopis , is a Stone that looks like Gold.
Carcina , is a Stone of the Colour of a
Crapondinus , is the fame as Borax.
Celicolus, is the fame as Beloculus.
Chryfotopteron , is a Species of the Topaz,
and like CriJopraJJius.
JDemonius is a Stone mixed with a double
Colour like the Rainbow, from which it took
its Name, for that is called the Demoniacal
Bow. It is faid to be a powerful Relief
againft Agues, expels Poifon, and renders
the Bearer of it fafe from, and a Conqueror
over his Enemies.
Dionyjia , is black, with red Spots fcatter’d
over it. Some fay, it has a brown or iron
Colour, fprinkled over with fnow Spots. It
is found in the Eaft ; and if it be diffolved in
Water, it gets the Smell of Wine ; and
r 95 1
with its Odor difperfes Drunkennefs, and
overcomes, and caufes the Odor of the Wine
to evaporate.
Diacodas , or Diacodus , is like Beryl in
Colour, with a Palenefs. It difturbs Devils
beyond all others, as in fome Meafure may be
made appear. For if it be thrown in Water,
with the Words of its Charm fung, it fhews
various Imagesof Devils, and gives Anfwers to
thofe that queition it. Being held in the
Mouth ; a Man may call any Devil out of
Hell, and receive Satisfaction to fuch Que-
ftions as he may afk. It abhors the Bodies
of the Dead •, for if you fhould touch the
Body of a dead Perfon with it, you will foon
deprive it of its Virtue.
Dr aconites, or Dentrites , or Draeonius , or
Obfianus , and is alfo called the Evening Ki.
medius , is a Stone lucid and tranfparent, of
a criftalline Colour. Albertus Magnus fays,
it is of a black Colour, and that its Figure is
pyramidal, and not lucid. Some fay, it
fhines like a Looking glafs, with aBlacknefs;
which many feek after, but never find. It
is brought from the Eaft, where there are
great Dragons; for it is taken out of the
Head of Dragons, cut off while the Beall:
is yet panting. It lofes its Virtue if it
remains in the Head any Time after the
[ 96 ]
Death of the Dragon. Some bold Fellows,
in thofe Eaftern Parts, fearch out the Dens
of the Dragons, and in thefe they drew
Grafs, mixed with foporiferous Medicaments ;
which the Dragons, when they return to their
Dens, eat and are thrown into a Sleep ;
and in that Condition they cut off their
Heads , and extrad the Stone. It has
a rare Virtue in fubduing all Sorts of Poifon,
efpecially that of Serpents. It alfo renders
the PoffeiTbr of it bold and invincible •, for
which Reafon, the Kings of the Eaft boaft:
they have fuch a Stone.
Drofolitus, is a Stone of a various Colour,
and derives its Name from itfelf; for if it
be put near the Fire, it emits a Kind of
Doriatides , is a Stone found in the Head
of a Cat, fuddenly cut off, and given to the
Pifmires to eat •, and the Colour of it is black
and fhining. Some will have it to be ex-
traded from the Head of a Cock ; as here-
after, under the Head Radain. Its Virtue is
to perfed all our Wifhes, and obtain all our
Doff us, is a green Stone, fomewhat clear ;
and I am apt to think is the Crifolitus, as
before mentioned.
[ 97 J
Elitropia , or Elitropus , is a green Gem,
and, as fonie fancy, like an Emerald, fprink-
led with bloody Spots. But Necromancers
call it the Babylonian Gem ; and is found
in Africa and Ethiopia. The Caufe of its
Name is taken from its Effetfl. This is
the readied Way of knowing it. If it be put
into Water in a Bafon, which has been
firft rubbed over with the Juice of the
Herb of its own Name, and fet under the
Rays of the Sun, the Water will appear red,
and the Sun bloody, as if it differed an Eclipfe.
At length the Water will bubble up, and
run over the Bafon, as if it had been work’d
up by Fire Being placed out of the Water,
it receives the Sun in the Manner of a Mirror.
So that by infpecting the Elitropia , we may
fee the Solar Eclipfes. It is Jikewife found
in Cyprus * but the nobler Sort, as Solinus
teftifies, is in Lybia. Magicians report, that
if it be confecrated with a certain Verfe, and
infcribed with certain Charafters, it will
enable the Owner of it to foretel future
Things •, and if it be rubb’d over with the
Juice of the Herb of its own Name, it de-
ceives the Sight, in fuch a Mapner, as that
G it
[ 98 ]
it renders the Bearer of it invifible. The Virtue
of it is, to procure Safety and long Life to
the Poffefior of it ; and likewife (tops any
FJux of Blood. Poifons alfo fubmit to it.
1 Ematbitis, or Emathites , is a reddifh Stone,
obfcure and hard, having the Brightnefs of
Iron, with Veins of Blood, and ftains the
Hands of him that touches it with a bloody
Colour. It claims its Name from its Virtue.
For Emeth fignifies Blood, and litel flop-
ping ; for its principal Virtue is to flop
Bleeding. There are five Species of it, and
called after the Names of the Countries where
they are found. The Araik and African are
preferable to all the reft. The Phrygian and
Ethiopic are of meaner Account, although
Socatus may be of a contrary Opinion. The
German is the bafeft of all. Its Virtue is
Stiptic, if it be walhed according to medicinal
Art. But Galen holds, that it is warming
and extenuating, which mull not be under-
flood of that which is walhed. It is a mofl
excellent Remedy for the Emoptoics, fuch as
are troubled with the Bloody Flux, and the
Menfes, if it be ground in a Mortar v/ith a
proper Liquor till it acquires a bloody Colour. .
If to what has been before-mention’d be
added, the white of an Egg, or Honey,
;Or the Juice of a red Apple, it heals the
[ 99 1
fharp Humour of the Eyes and Darknefs of
the Sight. Being drank with Wine, it helps
thofe that are wounded with the Stings of
Serpents. The Dull of it Jikewife cures
fungous Flefh. If mixed with Honey, it is
ufeful for thofe that are troubled with bad
Eyes. It is alfo faid to difiolve the Stone in
the Bladder*, and if put over hot Water, it
grows warm, and throws out a Heat. The
Phrygian is burnt, to make it the more ef-
ficacious for the Purpofes aforefaid.
Ethices , or Endes , by fome called Aquileus ,
is a Stone of a Scarlet Colour. It is called
AquileuSy becaufe fometimes the Eagles on
the Shore of the Perftan Ocean, put it in
their Nefts among their Eggs. It is like-
wife called Pr^egnus, becaufe it contains a
little Stone within it, as if it were pregnant,
and is heard to rattle ; and, as I faid, fome
defcribe it of a Scarlet Colour ; others
indeed fay it is more like Flefh, plain, lucid,
and of a moderate Bignefs. Some fay it has
an oblong Figure, inclining to Roundnefs.
This Variety of Opinions in Authors arifes
from the Variety of Places where it is found.
Its Virtue is admirable. For fome fay, if it
be held out to one that has poifon’d Meac
in his Hand, he will not be able to fwallow
it ; the Stone being removed, he may take
G 2 it.
[ 100 ]
it. Some fay, it mud be put into the Meat.
Being tied to the left Arm of a pregnant
Woman, it prevents Abortion. And if in
the Hour of Birth, it be bound to the Thigh,
it removes Dangers, and accelerates the Birth.
It helps thofe who are troubled with the Epi-
lepfy. It drives away poifonous Creatures •,
and therefore Eagles lay it in their Nefts, that
their Eggs and Young may be preferved un-
touch’d by venemous Animals. It makes
the Bearer of it amiable, fober, and rich,
and preferves him from adverfe Cafualties.
Enydros , or Eryndros , is a Stone of a
chriftal Colour ; and has its Name from the
Greek Word, -Hydros, which lignifies Water,
and is perpetually diftilling Drops : The
Caufe of which is not unknown to Philofo-
phers *, for as it is of an exceeding cold Na-
ture, it does, with its Frigidity, convert the
Air, which continually touches it, into
Water. It is good in burning Fevers.
Epijiides, or Epiflrites, is in its Colour
red and glittering. It has its Birth in Corinth.
They fay, if it be fatten’d over the Heart with
magical Bands, and repeating properVerfes,
it will keep a Man fafe from every Misfor-
tune. It drives away Locufts and mifchie-
vous Birds, blighting Winds, and Storms.
[ 101 ]
Exacolitus , is a Stone of many and various
Colours mingled one with another. It has a
folutive Virtue, as fkilful Phyficians fay, and
being diffolved in Wine and drank, it helps
thofe that are troubled with the Cholic and
Iliac Paffion.
EJlimion , or Exmijfon , is of a mod agree-
able Afpedl, glittering with a gold and fiery
Colour, and carries a white Light in its Ex-
Execonthalitus , or Hexaconta , is a Stone
having in the Compafs of a little Orb, fixty
diftindl Colours. It is frequently found in
Lybia. So many Virtues are afcribed to it,
as demonflrate it to contain the Ornaments
of precious Stones.
Exebonos , or Exebenus , is white and fair ;
with which Goldfmiths ufe to burnifh their
Gold. Being bruifed and drank, it cures
thofe that are mad. It heals Pains in the
Stomach, and cherifhes the Foetus in the
Womb. It diffolves the Stone in the Blad-
der ; if bound to the Thigh, it haftens the
Birth ; and reftrains Lechery.
Eumetis, is of the Colour of Flint. Being
put under the Head of one who is (leeping,
it makes nocturnal Dreams like Oracles.
j Emites, has the Colour of Ivory, and is
like white Marble, but of a lefs Hardnefs.
G 3 It
[ I°2 ]
Ic is faid, that the Sepulcher of King Darius
was made of it.
Egyptilla, is a black Stone, having an
azure Superficies, with gold Veins; 'and
takes its Name from the Place where it is
found. If bruifed in Water, it yields a
Saffron Colour and the Tafte of Wine.
Emerrem , is a Gem of a graffy Colour,
which the Ajjyrians fay, is facred to God ;
it is a fuperftitious Gem.
Effejiis , or Effejlites , is a Stone that has
the Nature of a Mirror, and reflects Images ;
and is found in Corinth. They lay, if it be
put in hot Water, it grows warm, and
being oppofed to the Sun, kindles Firev in
Matter put in a Difpofition for it.
Elopfites, is a Stone with no Ornament,
but fupplies in Virtue what is deficient in
Beauty. Being hung about the Head, it
cures the Head-ach.
Eunopbius , is like the Ethics s, as it founds
inwardly. Some think it is the fame, and
of like Efficacy.
Elettioni , is the fame as the Gagates.
Echiftes , the fame as Ethices.
Echidnes , is a Stone with Serpentine Spots.
[ 103 ]
Filaterius , is a Stone of the Colour of the
Crifolite ; it difperfes Terrors and melancholic
Paffions ; gives Chearfulnefs and Wifdom ;
renders the Bearer thereof complaifant, and
comforts the Spirits.
FingiteSy is of a white Colour, hard as
Marble, and tranfparent like Alabafter; it is
brought from Cappadocia. Some report, that
a certain King built a Temple of this Stone,
without Windows; and from its Trans-
parency, the Day was admitted into it in fo
clear a Manner as if it had been all open.
FongileSy is a Stone of whofe Colour
there is no fmall Doubt among the Learned.
I think this may proceed from the Diverfity
of its Species. Some fay, it is like burning
Gems; others that it is of a chriftalline
Colour, and in the Infide, like Flame. It
is found in Perfia. Its Virtue is not affigned
by many. But Evax tells us, that if any one
carries a red Fongites in his Hand, it removes
the Ailments of the Body, and afiiiages
FalconeSy or Ur pine, vulgarly Arfenick ; if
it be whiten’d by Sublimation, it inclines to
a golden red Colour, and takes the Nature
G 4 of
[ io 4 j
of Sulphur, and by Alchymifts is called one
of the Spirits. It has a warming and drying
Virtue, and by Calcination acquires Blacknefs-,
but after Sublimation it has a Whitenefs ; and
when it is fublimated three or four Times, it
becomes aduft in the high eft Degree •, fo
that it corrodes all Metals except Gold.
Being pulveriz’d, and put into a Wound, it
eats away the proud Flefh. Taken inwardly,
it is Poifon to all Animals.
Frigius, is a green Stone, and being burnt
acquires a Rednefs. It is good for painting
Cloth ; and much ufed in Medicine, as
Diofcorides faith ; for it cures Fiftulas and the
Granate, is reckon’d among the burning
Gems, and a Stone of the Carbuncle Kind ;
there are three Species of it. A dark Red
like the Flower of a Pomegranate Apple.
Another is of a red Colour, and a little border-
ing on the Citron, fomewhat like a Jacinth.
The third Species, which is called Surian, is
of a reddifh Violet, and this is efteem’d more
precious than the reft, and is found in
Ethiopia , among the Sands of the Sea. Its
Virtue is to chear the Heart and drive away
f io 5 ]
Sorrow. Some fay, it defends the Bearer
of it from peftilential Difeafes.
Galablides, or Galaricides , is a Stone of
an Afh Colour, or, as fome fancy, white
milky Colour, it is found in the Nile and in
the River Athaleus. If it be bruifed in
Water, it gives the Colour and Tafte of
Milk. There are fome who call this an
Emerald compafs’d about with white Veins.
It is differently named from the Diverfuy of
its Virtue. Some call it Elebron , Magicians
Senochites , others Graffites, fome Galbates or
Anachites. Magicians infinitely extol this
Stone; for it makes magical Writings to be
heard, and Ghofts call’d up to return
Anfwers. It alfo buries in Oblivion Quarrels
and Mifchiefs formerly done. He who
carries it about him, and fhould happen to
offend the King or any other Perfon, it will
prefently pacify and bring him to a benevolent
Temper. It makes a Man victorious in
Caufes, witty, amiable and eloquent, and is
a Protection againft Witchcraft. Being
hung about the Neck, it fills the Breafts
with Milk. If tyed to the Thigh with a
woollen Thread, it facilitates the Birth of
a pregnant Ewe ; but if held in the Mouth
till it melts, it diflurbs the Mind. If
bruifed and mixed with Salt, and ftrewed
[ 106 ]
over a foul Sheepfold, as the Egyptian
Shepherds fay, it fills the Udders of the
Sheep with Milk and makes them fruitful,
and frees them from the Mange. They fay
likewife, that it cures the Itch in Man.
Being bound to a Tooth, it takes away its
ftinking Smell. If three Times bruifed with
Water and dried, and given to drink in
clear Water, it heals Difcords. It joins in
Love two who are at Variance, fo that
their Love will afterwards be infeparable.
GaraironicuSy or, as fome, GalgatromeuSy
is a reddifh Stone, fprinkled with fmall
Saffron Veins, and like the Skin of a Kid.
This is ufeful for military Men. It is report-
ed that Achilles had it, and carried it with
him to the War ; that he was never foil’d by
any Man, but always came off victorious ;
but happening to be without it he fell by his
Enemies. The Eafterns have great Quan-
tities of them, and make Hilts for their
Swords of it, that fo they may never be
without it when they go into Battle, fince
its Virtue is to render the Bearer of it Con-
Galatides, or Galaftica, or Gelatia , and
many other Names it is called by, is a
white lucid Stone, in Form of an Acorn,
hard as the Adamant, and fo cold that it can
[ I0 7 ]
hardly be warmed by Fire ; which proceeds
from the exceeding Clofenefs of its Pores,
which will not fuffer the Heat of the Fire to
penetrate. Its Coldnefs bridles Luxury and
reftrains Anger, and yields a Remedy for all
the feverilh Indifpolitions of the human Body.
Gelacbides, or Gar at ides, is a Stone of a
dark Colour, and renders the Bearer of it
amiable, mild and gracious. Being held in
the Mouth, it makes a Man give true Judg-
ment, and rightly diftinguifh between various
Opinions, and will let him know what
another thinks of him. The Learned fay,
we may know fuch a Stone by Trial. Thus,
if a human Body be fmeared with Floney,
and put in a Place where there are Flies, if
this Stone be held in the Hand, and it is
a genuine Garatides , the Body remains un-
touch’d by the Flies and Bees, and when the
Stone is let go, it will be molefted.
Gargates , tho’ by many it is accounted a
Gum, yet it is numbred among Stones; and
takes its Name from the Place where it is
found. There are two Species of it; the
Citron, which is called Amber, of which we
fhall fpeak hereafter ; the other is black, and
by many called black Amber ; and this is
properly the Gargates ; tho’ Pliny greatly
differs from others ; it is found in Lycia.
r 108 ]
Solinus affirms, it is found in Britain in
great Plenty. The G argot es, as I faid, is
black, light, dry, and lucid, not tranfparent,
and if put into Fire, has, as it were, the
Smell of Pitch. Being heated with rubbing,
it attracts Straws and Chaff. The Srnoak of
it drives away Devils, and diffolves Spells
and Enchantments, and helps the Dropfical.
Being bruifed in Water, and given to a
pregnant Woman, it brings forward the
Foetus ; and in whatever Manner it is drank
by a Woman, it makes her void foul Urine ;
but has no fuch Effeft on a Virgin. If ufed
as a Perfume, it is faid to provoke the Menfes
in Women, to cure the Epilepfy, to drive
away Serpents, and to heal their Bite if mixed
with the Marrow of a Stag, and fattens
loofe Teeth.
G erodes , is a red glittering Stone, and if
oppos’d to the Sun, darts out fiery Rays.
Its Virtue is to defend a Man from Birds of
Gallerica, is a green Stone, pale and too
thick, notpleafant, bedeck’d with Gold, from
whence it is named.
Garamantica , is like the Emerald, and has
a crofs white Line ; it is of great Ufe in the
magic Art.
Gafidanay is a Stone of a Swan Colour.
[ io 9 1
This Gem is likewife laid to conceive, and
being fhook, confefles it has a Birth within
it ; fome think it is the Ethices.
Grogius , is the fame as Coral ; it takes
its Name from its Power of flopping Thunder
and Lightning.
Glofopetra , or Gulofus , is a Stone like the
human Tongue, from whence it took its
Name. They fay, it is not bred in the
Earth, but in the Wane of the Moon falls
from Heaven. Magicians attribute to it an
extraordinary Efficacy in their Art ; for by it
they fay, the Lunar Motions are excited.
Grifoletus , is the fame as the Crifolete.
Garamantides , the fame as Sandaftros.
Galaxia , is a black Stone, with bloody
and white Veins interwoven in it.
Galacidem, is the fame as the Emerald.
Hyena , is a precious Stone and worthy to
be preferved. It is denominated from the
Bead of its own Name, in whofe Eyes it is
found. It is of many Colours. TheUfeof
it, if Report be true, is, That if the Mouth
be wafhed, and it is put under the Tongue,
it will immediately make the Perfon foretel
future Things. Whoever carries it about
[ no ]
him will never have the Quartan Ague, nor
the Gout.
Hieracites , is varied in its Colour, like
the Wing of a Hawk. Some fay, it is of a
black Colour, and that it is the fame as the
Gelachides, fince it has the fame Virtue.
Hamonis, is a Stone of a gold Colour, and
is numbred among the mod facred Gems.
It has the Shape of a Ram’s Horn, and is
found in Ethiopia. If a Man puts himfelf in
a Podure of Contemplation, it gives the
Mind a Reprefentation of all divine Things.
Hormefion , is a Stone of the mod agree-
able Afpedt, glittering with a fiery and golden
Colour, and emitting a white Light.
Horcus, is a Stone which the Alexandrians
call Catimia ; it is black, and eafily broken.
It enters into the folid Parts of Silver.
Hyfmeri , is the fame as the Smeriglius.
Hammochryfos , is a Stone having fquare
golden Sands mixed in its Subdance.
Jacinth^ to which Antiquity has affigned
three Species, which take their Names from
their fhining Quality. For fome of them are
of a Citron Colour, others of a Granate,
others blue, and all tranfparent, and are
[ III ]
well enough known from their Denomination.
For the Citron are of a citron Colour •, the
Granate, of the Colour of the Flower of a
Pomegranate Apple, and the Blue of an
azure Colour, which in the Mouth feel
colder than the others ; and thefe are like-
wife called aquatic. To thefe fome add
another Species, which they call the Saphi-
rine. All of them, however, have a Red-
nefs and Yellownefs mixed with the aforefaid
Colours. This Stone above all others, de-
lights in Day- light, but fades in Darknefs.
Thofe are reckon’d the beft, whole Colour
is neither too thick nor too rare, but being
temper’d with both, fhine with a perpetual
Light, yet not equally glittering. Albertus ,
however, makes the Saphirine Jacinth to
hold the firft Place ; this is yellow and lucid,
has very little Aquolity in if, and is the
Ethiopic. Some fancy that the Granate,
which abide the Fire, and fhine with a
Violet Colour, are better. The Citron have
but little Red. The word Sort of all are the
blue and azure, which have a fmall Red with
a thin Citron ; yet they exceed the others
in Hardnefs, and are fcarce touch’d with the
Diamond ; and thefe are the coideft of all.
But other Species have Warmth and Drynefs
in the firft Degree. All are equal in Virtue,
* tho*
[ 112 ]
tho’ they differ in Colour. They invigorate
animal Life, efpecially the Heart. They
difperfe Sorrow and imaginary Sufpicions.
They increafe Ingenuity, Glory and Riches ;
area Defence againft Lightning and Enemies ■,
and a Security to Travellers, fo that no
Peftiience in any Country fhall hu r t them ;
it raifes Men to noble Honours, and pre-
ferves from Epidemical Diftempers. Arif
totle , indeed, holds, that they prepare Women
for a Mifcarriage.
Jafper , Iafpis as it is in the Greek , and in
the Latin , Green, becaufe the Green are the
bell, and valued above others, is a Stone of a
green Colour, as we faid, with a kind of
Thicknefs, having red Veins, of which there
are many Species. Some are tranflucent in
a thick Green ; and there are fome green,
marked with bloody Spots ; others are red
like a Tile j fome are not much unlike red
Porphyry. They are varied into fo many
Colours, that feventeen Species have been
difcover’d by the Learned, and by fome
more. For in thefe Times Germany is fo
fruitful of Jafpers, and produces fuch a
Variety, that it would be in vain to reckon
them •, for our Defign is to fpeak only of the
nobler Sort. And as we before intimated
that the green Emeralds with red Veins were
[ rl 3 ]
more valuable than the reft, efpecially when
they have a kind of Tranfparency ; after
thefe, the green, clear, ftained with red ; the
dark red follow thofe. The Citron are the
worft of all; but all are of equal Virtue.
Being carry’d about one, it drives away the
Fever and Dropfy, clears the Sight, expels
noxious Phantalms, reftrains Luxury, and
prevents Conception. But efpecially the
green with Saffron Veins, which helps Women
that are pregnant or in Labour. It makes
the Bearer of it victorious, powerful, and
agreeable. But in all its Species, its principal
Virtue is to ftop the Flux of Blood whence-
foever it arifes ; it ought to be fet in Gold,
becaufe that increafes its Virtues.
iris , is a Stone of a cryftalline Colour,
found in the Red Sea on the Coaft of Arabia ,
and now in the Mountains of Germany in the
River Phenus •, it is of a Sexagonal Form,
and is exceeding hard. If one Part of it is
held in the Rays of the Sun, and the other
Part in the Shade, under a Roof, it throws
Beams, like thofe of fche Rainbow, on the
oppofite Wall ; and from thence took its
Ideas, is a Stone of an Iron Colour ; it is
found in Ida , a Mountain of Crete , from
whence it derived its Name •, it is in Shape
II like
[ ii4]
Eke a Man's Thumb.
Ifciftos , or Jfcultos , is a Stone of a Saffron
Colour, and found in a Part of Spain , near
the Gades of Hercules , or, as now called,
the Ifland of Gales. Some fay it is the
fame as the Amantes , as it has the fame
Indica , is of a ruddy Colour, and in the
bruifing is purple. Another of the fame
Name is of a white Afpedh It took its
Name from the Place where it was found j
its Virtue is not mention’d.
Judaicus, fo called from Judaea, and is the
fame as the Cegolitus.
Jovis, is a Gem, white, tender, and not
Ion y is of a Violet Colour, and is found in
Jaguntia , which fome will have to be the
Gran ate.
lerarchites, is the fame as Hierarchites,
Kabrates, or Kakabres t is in Colour like
Cryftal, with a dufky Whitenefs ; whole
Virtue is, to render a Man eloquent and
•hearfulj it gives Honours, Benevolence,
[ IJ 5 ]
and defends him from Evil Cafualties, Ic
likewife cures the Dropfy.
Kamam , or Kakaman , is a white Stone
diftinguifhed with various Colours, and is fo
called from Kaumate , becaufe it carries Fire.
It is found in fulphurous and hot Places, and
very frequently mixed with the Onyx. It has
no determinate Virtue, but takes its Virtue
from the Sculptures and Images that are en-
grav’d upon it,.
Karabe , is the fame as the Succinum , of
which hereafter. Some however make a
Difference between them •, yet neither in
Colour nor Virtue do they differ ; but the
Perfume of it moves the Epilepfy.
Kenne , it is faid, is bred in the Eyes of
Stags in the Eaftern Parts ; its Virtue is
good againfl Poifons.
Kimedini Limpbatici, is the fame as the
Kinocetus, is a Stone not wholly ufelefs,
fmce it will caft out Devils.
Licbinus. or Lychinites , is reckon’d among
the burning Gems ; it is red, and generated
in many Places ; the beft is among the
Indians. It is called Licbinus , becaufe it ex-
H 2 cites
[ 116 ]
cites the Force of Light, and being kindled
is itfelf a Candle. There are faid to be two
Species of it. The firft, as we faid, and by
fome is affirmed, is a kind of flack Car-
buncle. But the other borders upon a purple
Colour; which being heated by the Sun, or
by Fri&ion, attra&s Straws. It is hard and
with Difficulty engraved ; and when its
Sculpture is imprefs’d on Wax, it holds it
faff, as if a Beaft had fnatch’d it up with a
Bite. Some fay there are four Species of it ;
but the fpecifical ones I do not find.
Lyncurius, is a Stone generated out of the
Urine of the Lynx, and is harden’d by Time.
It is found where thofe Animals frequent,
and efpecialiy in fome Parts of Germany.
They fay there are three Species of it, one
whereof is fparkling like the Carbuncle.
Another is Saffron inclining to a Darknefs.
The third is green. The Virtue of it is, to
afluage the Pain in the Stomach, to cure
the Jaundice, to flop a Flux, and is good
for the King’s Evil.
Lyncis , is alfo a Stone generated of the
Urine of the Animal of its own Name ; but
differs from thofe above mention’d ; when it
is in the Earth it is foft, but when put in a
dry Place, it hardens. Its Colour is white
mixed with black clofing with one another.
[ IX 7 ]
While it is kept in the Earth or in a mold
Place before it is made dry, it generates
Muffirooms. The Virtue of this Stone, or
of the Mulhrooms, is to help fuch as are
troubled with the Gravel or Stone •, it takes
away the Pain of the Stomach, allays the
Flux of the Belly, and cures Fits of the
Lippares, or Liparia , is a Stone to which
all Kinds of Animals come of their own
Accord , as it were by a natural IndinSt.
Some fay, that he who has this Stone, needs
no other Invention to catch wild Beads; it
is frequently found in Lybia. Others fay,
that it has a wonderful Virtue in defending
Animals. For when a Bead is purfued by
Dogs and the Hunters, he hadens to find out
this Stone, to which he dies as to his Pro-
testor and Defender. For fo long as the
Animal looks upon the laid Stone, neither
the Dogs nor the Huntfman can fee, which
if it be fo, is indeed very drange ; yet it is
affirmed by the Learned ; and as to this, I
believe the Saying of Pliny is very true.
That there is no Lie fo impudent which is
not vouch'd by Authority.
Limacie, is a Stone which took its Name
from the Animal in whofe Head it is found.
It is extraSled from the Head of a Snail
H 2 without
[ "8 ]
without a Shell, .whofe Abode is in damp
and rocky Places. It ought to be drawn
out the Inflant it is feen, by fqueazing the
Head. It is of a white Colour, and but
little tranfparent, fmall, and like a Piece of
a Man’s Nail. They fay, if it be hung
about the Neck, it cures one of a Fever.
Lafteus , is a Stone known by its citron
Colour ; if bruifed in a Mortar with any
Liquor, it turns to a milky white. If
applied to rheumatic Eyes, it flops the Courfe
of the Humours ; it likewife avails in the
Beginning of Impoftumes of hot Eyes.
Leucoptalmus., is of four Colours, and has
the Likenefs of a Wolf’s Eye, from whence
it took its Name. Some think it is the
fame as the Obtallius .
Lifimacus , is a Stone of the Marble Kind,
having Veins like golden Drops.
Leucocrifos , is a Stone of a green Colour
girded about with white Veins. Some take
it to be a Species of the Emerald , and is
reckoned under that Head.
Limoniates , is a green Stone in the Si-
militude of an Emerald but not of fo much
Greennefs and Tranfparency.
Ligurius, as fome fancy, is like the Elec-
tortus , and draws Straws. It appeafes the
Pain of the Stomach, flops the Flux of the
C 1 r 9 1
Belly, cures the Jaundice, fharpcns the Sight,
and by Phyficians is rank’d among the
Remedies for the Eyes.
Lignites , is a beautiful Stone, of the
Colour of Glafs ; being hung about a Child,
it preferves it from Witchcraft, and from
the hellifh Practices of a certain Sort of Women
commonly called Witches. Being bound
about the Forehead, it flops a Bleeding at
the Nofe, reflores the Lofs of the Senfes,
and helps to foretel future Events.
Lepidotes , is a Stone like the Scale of a
Fifh, and has divers Colours.
Limphicus , is a Stone of great Virtue. If
wrapp’d in Silk, it is a Prefervative againft
all Diflempers in the Eyes, Jaws, Throat,
a Cough and Head-ach, not only at prefent,
but for the future.
Logdinus , is a Stone of a curious White-
nefs, not exceeding the Bignefs of aBafon
or Bowl ; it was firft found in Arabia. But
Afia affords a Coralline Sort, of a Size
not larger than two Cubits ; there is alfo
found in the fame Country a white Sort fome-
what like Ivory.
Lauraces , are the Stones which cure the
Lycbnitem t is a Kind of fhining Marble,
very white.
H 4
Lazolus , is a Stone placed under the Head '
of Zumemelazoli.
Litos, is the fame as the Magnet.
LeucoftyRos, is the fame as Porphiry.
Lunar ins , the fame as the Selenites.
Margarita, or Pearl, has the firft Place
among white Gems, generated by celeftial
Dew in fome Sea^-Shell Fifti, as is held by
Authors. Thefe Shell-Fifh, it’s reported,
early in a Morning, at a certain Seafon of
the Year, leave the Bottom of the Sea, to
draw in the Air, of which Pearls are ge-
nerated *, and according to the Clearnefs of
the Air taken in. Pearls are either lucid or
muddy. The Pearl is for the moft part
round, and by fome is called an Onion \ but
there is only one of them found in one Shell.
And if by the Abundance of the Air taken
in, there are more than one generated in a
Shell, they are all globous, of which I have
feen feven together, yet all in an oppofite
Light Ihew’d their Roundnefs ; three or four
are often feen, the moft perfect of which are
thofe of a Silver Colour with a kind of Clea'r-
rjefs : As to its Bignefs, the Learned fay it
fievgr exceeds an Ounce. There are two
[ 201 ]
Species of Pearls •, one is oriental, whofe
Colour is white like polifh’d Silver, with a
Tranfparency on its Superficies ; and this is
the moft perfedh The other Species is
called occidental, which are tranfported
from the Britifh Sea, whofe Colour is dull
with a certain Whitenefs, bordering on a
golden. The Orientals are more perfedt
than all others *, and when they are large
and round are bored thro’ by Art ; fome-
times they are naturally fo, but not regularly,
and thefe are vile and ufelefs as to Ornament,
and differ from thofe that are not perforated *,
and this is what is faid about them : The
perforated Pearls are more perfedt and have
lefs Stipticity than thofe that are not per-
forated. It would be ridiculous to affirm,
that the Opinions of the moft Learned
Dodtors are without Meaning, when they
fay in their Recipe’s, Pearls perforated and
not perforated, and that inftead of perforated,
they fbould write, perforated by Art ;
whereas the Difference is wholly owing to
Accident and not to Complexion. There-
fore that we may not be led into an Error,
and .may judge better than the Unfkiiful,
we fbould know. That the Pearls which are
perforated, are thofe which have lain a long
while in the Shells^ and being quite ripe are
fpew’d out into the Sea, where by a long
Stay and a perfe£t Ripenefs, they are perfo-
rated, and lofe their ftyptick Quality •, and
of thefe the Do&ors muft be underftood,
when they fpeak of the perforated -, and it
is certain, that thofe that are perforated, as
they are not ufeful for Ornament, are not
tranfported to us. But they who rightly under-
ftand how to make the Trial, bring
the Pearls to the Galls, becaufe thofe which
are not perforated are more ftyptick than the
perforated. Pearls have alfo phyfical Virtues
exceeding the Commodioufnefs of Ornament ;
being boil’d in Meat they cure the Quartan
Ague ; bruifed and taken with Milk they
heal putrid Ulcers-, and being fo taken won-
derfully clear the Voice. They comfort the
Heart, and give Relief in Pains of the
Stomach, and remove the Epilepfy -, they
ftop the Flux of the Belly -, if taken with
Sugar, they yield Help in peftilential
Fevers j and render him who carries them
Medus , took its Name from the Country
where it was firft found. This Stone is of
two Species, the black and the green ; but
the green is called Medinus. If the black is
put into a green Mortar, and diffolved with
the Milk of a Woman who has a Male
[ 20 3 ]
Child, and applied to the Eyes, it reftores loft
Sight ; but if diffolved in the Milk of an
Ewe, which has once had a Lamb, it cures
the Gout, if bound on to the Places affedted.
Being taken thro’ the Mouth, it is a perni-
cious Poifon. But this Stone is deferveoly
called the Giver of Death and Health. The
green, which is called Medinus , if bruifed
and mixed with Gall, a little of the Magnet
and Rain-water, and put to the Eyes for feven
Days, it nourifhes the Sight, and makes
them fee Things the moft minute and almoft
Marble , is a Stone well known, of which
there are divers Species that take their Names
from the Countries or Places where they are
found. But the true Marble, moft efteem’d
by the Antients, is the green, and from
thence it took its Name, for Marble, both in
Qreek and Latin , fignifies green. But all
the Species are not generated in wet Places,
for fome are cut out of the Mountains.
Some are generated here and there in the
Earth ; fuch as we have already frequently
taken Notice of, and fhall again have
Occafion to mention. At prefent we fhall
only repeat the Names of its Species with
their Colours ; their Virtues you will find
ynder their proper Heads. The Lacedemonian
[ 204 ]
is green, and the moft precious of all. The
Augujiean fucceeds to this, and is found in
Egypt having black Spots gathered round in
a Knot. The Opbitean , which is black and
white with Serpentine Spots. The Purpurite
or Porphiry, which comes from Egypt ,
having a red Colour, with white fhining
Dots or globous Lines. The Bafamite , of
an iron Colour, is found in Ethiopia and
Egypt. The thebaic is white interfered with
golden Veins or Drops. The Syenite is
found at the City Syene. The Parian is the
whiteft of all, and is bred in an Ifland of
its own Name. The Onithean is found in
the Mountains of Arabia , and no where elfe
as fome think. But in Germany there is the
greateft Quantity, which has the Colour of
Alabafter with fmall white Veins. There
are alfo the Lejbian t Corinthian , Cariflean,
Numidian , Lucullean which is found in Chios ,
the Limenfian , the black Ivory fo called from
the Elephant. The Cararian, fo called from
the Place, is white maculated with red and
fometimes black Spots. It is likewife found
in many Places with divers and various
Names *, which it would be ufelefs to relate,
fince in Colour and Beauty it is like thofe
L 20 5 ]
Murina, is a Stone of divers Colours
joined together, as of the Purple, white and
fiery, with a kind of Reflection of one on the
other, fuch as we fee in the celeftial Bow •, it
is found among the Parthians. Some think
it is generated of the Moifture of the Earth
condenfed by the Heat of the Sun. Its
Virtue is not afligned by the Learned ; but
is ufeful for making Veflfels. For Pompey
firft brought Murine VeffeJs into Italy , which
for their Beauty were highly valued.
Mirites, for Colour and Smell, is like
Myrrh ; being rubbed on Cloth, it emits the
Odour of Spikenard with its Sweetnefs.
Malachites , rifes almoft to the Luftre of
an Emerald, with a thick Vigour without
Tranfparency, and takes its Name from
Mallows, as it has as it were the Colour of
it. It is a foft Stone, and is found in Arabia t
Cyprus and Perfia , but differently •, for the
Arabian has the Colour of Mallows ; the
Cyprian is inclined to a Greynefs ; the Perfian
retains a Brafs Colour with a certain Green-
nefs. The Virtue of this Stone is to defend
Infants from adverfe Cafualties, and preferve
the Cradle from hurtful Fancies, that fo In-
fants may grow up in all Profperity.
Mempbitis , fo called from a City of its
own Name in which it was firft found •,
f 206 3
fome think this Stone is ufeful to Chyrur-
geons ; as its Virtue is more ftupifying than
Opium. For being taken in Drink, of
bruifed in Vinegar, and applied to the Mem-
bers which are to be cut off or burnt, it
makes them fo infenfible, that they feel
fcarce any Pain.
Magnes , or the Loadftone , has a furprizing
and incredible Virtue ; and unlefs we had
been taught by Experience, what we are
about to fay upon it would be thought vain.
It is a Stone of an Iron Colour fomewhat
blue, fometimes of a brown or a different
Colour. It was firft found among the Trog-
lodites , on the Sea-Shore. Five Kinds of
Magnets are reckon’d up by the Learned,
which are of divers Colours and Virtues, viz.
the Ethiopic , Macedonian , Antiochian^ Alex-
andrian , and Afiatic \ but the Antients fet
the higheft Value on the Ethiopic Magnet.
It took its Name from the Inventor of it ; in
thefe Times it is found in many and divers
Places. They fay, that Navigation is dan-
gerous to thofe Ships in which Iron is
wrought, in the Places where the Magnet is
generated, where, by Reafon of the Iron,
they are detained ; which in my Opinion is a
ridiculous Notion. The Virtue of it, as I
faid, is ftupendous and admirable, and if we
[ 20 7 1
were not convinced by the Ufe of it, thofe
Things which are related about it we fhould
think were incredible. In attracting Iron, ic
feems to have a kind of animal Virtue, and
that not only in Attraction, but in imprinting
its Virtue on it with a fort of Symboleity.
For Iron, touch’d by the Magnet , draws to
itfelf another Iron Body, as if it were ano-
ther Magnet. It feems to contend with the
Diamond , for when the Diamond is put to it,
it does not attraCt Iron. Garlick likewife
binds up its Virtue. We can give no Reafon
for this, fince Philofophers are ignorant of
it, who only fay, that it proceeds from an
occult Property. I find there are three
Species ; one which attracts Iron only *, ano-
ther which draws to itfelf human Fleih ; and
a third, which is called Hymmo , which on
one Side draws Iron, and on the other drives
it away ; and this only is with us ; the reft
we have not feen. It throws Iron from it in
this Manner ; for Iron that is touch’d by one
Part of the Magnet is drawn to it, and the
oppofite Part being offered, is driven away j
as Experience Ihews by a Needle hung to a
Thread. Navigation thro’ the high Seas
would be dangerous were it not for the Virtue
and Knowledge of this Stone. It is an Indejt
to Navigators in their failing, as often as the
f 208 ]
Star, which is their Guide, is hid with ob-
fcuring Clouds *, without it they would be at
a perfect Lofs in failing. The firft Naviga-
tors, who were wholly ignorant of the Art of
the Compafs, fitted a Needle to a Straw or
Bit of Wood crofs-wife, and put it in a
Bafon with Water, that the Needle might
fwim ; then they drew a Magnet round the
Bafon •, the Needle conftantly followed it ;
but the Magnet being taken away, the Point
of the Needle, as if by a kind of natural
Motion, turned in a Di reft ion to the Star
of the Arftic Pole. Having thus learnt the
Place of the Star, they direfted their Motion
accordingly. The Moderns, as they are in-
genious, and as it is eafy to improve an In-
vention, framed the Compafs •, in which they
not only difcern the Place of the Arftic Pole,
but all Parts of the Heaven, and the Winds.
In the Magnet this is wonderful, that it has
in it the Virtue of all the Parts of the Plea-
vens, and according to the correfpondent
Part of Heaven ; thus by touching the Iron,
it makes the Needle in the Mariner’s Compafs,
be turned to that Part of Heaven ; and this is
held by Albertus Magnus in his Book of the
Magnet , and what I have often feen verified
by Praftice. Some call it the Sacred Stone ;
[ 209 ] '
and befides thefe wonderful Things which
we have related of it, there are more
Virtues which the Great Creator has given
to it. For being carried about one, it
cures the Cramp and Gout. In the Hour of
Travail, if held in the Hand, it facilitates the
Birth. If bruifed and taken with Honey, by
purging, it cures the Dropfy. And being
applied in the fame Manner, it affords
Relief to Wounds from poifon’d Iron. Being
taken with the Juice of fennel, it helps the
Splenetick •, and the Head being anointed
with it, it cures Baldnefs. The Quantity of
a Dram, with the Fat of a Serpenr, and the
Juice of Nettles, if given to any one to carry,
makes him mad, and drives him from his
Kindred, Habitation and Country. This
Stone alfo difcovers adulterous Wives ;
for if it be fecretly hid in the Bed under the
Head of the fleeping Wife, if fhe is chafte,
the Hufband embraces her, but if adulterous,
fhe immediately jumps out of the Bed fleep-
ing as if forced by a horrible Stink. But
being carried about one, it reconciles Wives
to their Hufbands, and Hufbands to their
Wives. It takes away Fears and Jealoufies,
It makes a Man gracious, perfuafive, and
elegant in his Converfation. Again ; if it
be bruifed to Powder, and ftrewed over
I burning
[ 210 ]
Coals in the Corners of the Houfe, as the
Smoak flies upward, they who are in the
Houfe prefently run away, imagining that
the whole Houfe is falling ; and fo terrified
are they with Fancies, that they fly out,
leaving every Thing behind them ; and by
this Artifice Thieves feize on Goods by the
commodious Flight of the Owners. It is
reported by fome, that by this Stone the
Walls and Shell of a certain Temple, the
Floor being taken away, were upheld;
■within which an Idol made of Iron, of a
thoufand Pounds Weight, was hung fuf-
pended in the Air by Virtue of the Load-
iftone. The Sum of the Matter is this,
that if the Heads and Points of many Needles
were rubbed on this Stone, only by the
Joining of one to the other, they might
be all held up by the firft fufpended in the
Magnafia , or Magnofia , is of a black
Colour, and ufeful in the Art of Glafs-making.
It is the fame as the Alabandicus.
Marchafites , of which there are many and
divers Species ; and they are varied accord-
ing to the Diverfity of Metals. For fome
are Gold, fome Silver, others Copper, and
others Iron ; and they are diverfified in the
Colour according to the Species of the Metal
[ 2 ” ]
of which it is. This the Alchymifts know very
well. It is not liquified by Fire, but is
burnt by itfelf. Some call it the Stone of
Light, becaufe it gives Relief in loft Sight.
Some fay, it is called the Stone of Light,
becaufe when ftruck with a Steel it makes
Fire, and in apt Matter kindles it.
Medea , is a Stone which took its Name
from the Invention of the Witch Medea. It
has a black Colour with golden Veins, and
if bruifed in Water , yields the Tafte of
Wine with a Saffron Colour.
Morion , is a Cyprian and French Stone,
exceeding black and very tranfparent, fit for
Mitridax , is a Perjian Stone, which being
play’d on by the Sun, fhines with various
MeliteSy or Melitites , which when pound-
ed in Water, yields a fweet Tafte, and
gives Help in various Diforders, as is held
by many learned Men, particularly Pliny.
Nitre, is numbred by the Learned among
Stones, altho’ it is not one, as we faid of
many others. It is of the Colour of Salt
and clear. It has the Virtue both of dif-
I 2 folving
[ 212 J
folving and attracting. It is made out of
the Saltnefs of the Earth where Beads and
Men have promifcuoufly mingled. It’s
notorious how great its Virtue is in warlike
Inftruments in throwing Stones ; for when it
is kindled by Fire, it rarifies, and is violently
dilated •, by which Means it drives out the
Stones and whatever flops its Vent. It was
never found out by the Antients ; modern
Induftry invented it. Of three Things pro-
portionally mixed, a certain Compofition is
made, which no Force can withfland ; for it
breaks, leads, drives, and deftroys all Things.
Nicolus, is of a double Colour ; its Super-
ficies is yellow, and its Infide black. Some
think it is a Species of the Caleedonius. They
fay, it took its Name from a Greek. Its
Virtue is to render the Bearer of it victorious
and grateful to the People.
Najfonites , is a Stone of a fanguin Colour,
marked or fhaded with black Veins; it is
found in Quickfands.
Nemeffitis , is an excellent Stone, which
they fay the Athenians took from the Altar
of the Goddefs Nemefia.
Nofe , or Nifits, is the fame as Alabajl*ides.
[[ 213 ]
Onyx , is a Stone which has the Colour of
a human Nail ; for fo it fignifies both in
Greek and Latin. It is tranfparent, and fel-
dom found alone. Its Species is varied from
the Diverfity of Colours with which it is
joined , and from the Place where it is
found. Some fay there are two Species of
it ; others, that there are five. The firft,
which is the true, is that which we have al-
ready mentioned. Another Sort they fay is
of an exceeding black Colour. The third is
black with white Veins or Circles; and this
Arabia fends us. India produces an Onyx
that is reddifh with white Veins. The fifth
has a Mixture of the black and reddifh
Colour. Some fay, that the true Onyx has
the Colour of the Amethiji , the Carbuncle ,
and the Crifolete , which Colours are mixed
with White and Black. This Stone repre-
fents many horrible Things in Sleep. He who
carries it about him, ftirs up Quarrels and
Contentions. It increafes Spittle in Children,
and haftens a Birth. Being hung about the
Neck of one who has the Epilepfy, it pre-
vents his falling. This wonderful Property
s faid to be in the Onyx ; that, being ap-
I 3 plied
[ 214 ]
plied to a weak Eye, it enters it of its own
Accord, as if it were a fenfible Thing, and
goes round it without any Trouble, and if it
finds any Thing within that is noxious, it
drives it out and tempers the hurtful and
contrary Humours.
Onicinus , tho’ it is a Gum from a Tree of
its own Name, is yet number’d among
Stones, and is harden’d in the fame Manner
as Amber is fa id to be. Its Colour is white
mixed with a moderate red. If put upon a
live Coal, in the Manner of Incenfe, it gives
a fweet and fragrant Smell ; it whitens the
Hands, and cures the Itch.
Opalus, Opal , is a Stone wonderful to behold,
as it is compos’d of many and divers Colours
of fhining Gems, as of the Carbuncle ,
Amethijl , Emerald, and many others, with a
Variety equally glittering and admirable to
fee. It is found only in India ; and is not
bigger than a large Filbert. How highly it
was valued by the Antients, we are informed
by Pliny, in his 37th Book, who fays, it was
eftimated at 20,000 Sefterces, which amounts
to fomething more than 200/ Sterling. Its
Virtue prevails againft all the Difeafes of the
Eyes. It fharpens and ftrengthens the Sight.
It cannot be improper to attribute to it fo
[ 215 ]
many Virtues, fince it partakes of the Nature
and Colour of fo many Stones.
Obtalius , or Obtalmius, whofe Colour is
not afiign’d by the Learned, altho’ fome
fay it is of many Colours. Wonderful is its
Virtue in preferving the Eyes from various
Didempers. It fharpens the Sight of him
that carries it, but darkens thofe of the By-
danders, fo that they are not able to fee. If
it be wrapt in a Leaf of Laurel, and a Charm
faid over ir, and carried cautioufly, it has a
wonderful Effedt.
Orites, is a Stone which we fay has three
Species *, one black of a round Figure.. This
being bruifed and mixed 1 with Oil of Rofes,
perfectly cures the Wounds, given by wild
Beads, and poifonous Bites, and keeps him
who carries it unhurt among all Sorts of wild
Beads. There is another Orites which is
green, fprinkled with white Spots *, this pre-
ferves him who carries it from adverfe
Cafualties. The third Species is thin like a
Plate of Iron, drewed with a few Drops.
Being hung about the Neck, it differs not
Women to conceive*, but if they are preg-
nant makes them mifcarry.
Orphanus , is of a violet Colour. It is of
fuch Beauty and Value, that the Roman
Emperors fet it in their Crowns. It fhines
I 4 in
[ 216 ]
in the Dark. It is called Orphan , becaufe
at that Time, there was only one of them
found. It is highly efteemed by Em-
perors, becaufe it prefcrves their regal
Objius , oxObfianus , is of a black tranfparent
Colour in the Likenefs of Glafs •, when it is
made even and polifh’d, it refiedts Shades and
Images like a Looking- glafs, and for its
Beauty is put in the Walls of Edifices. It is
found in Lybia , Germany , and India.
Ofiraciies , is a Stone of the Likenefs of an
Oyfter-fhell, from which it took its Name ;
it is ufed as the Pumice to fmooth the Skin.
Its Virtue is, if given in Drink, to flop
Bleeding. If pounded with Honey, it
affwages Pains in the Breafts.
Ophites , is as before obferv’d, of the
Marble Kind, and has Terpentine Spots, from
which it had its Name. There are two
Species of it ; the foft, which is white, and
the brown which is hard and greenifh, and
fprinkled with Saffron Spots. The Antients
embellifh’d the Walls of their Houfes with it.
Its Virtue is, if hung about the Neck, to
allay the Pains of the Head, and gives Relief
to thofe who are ftur.g with Serpents. The
W hite, we think, reftores Health to the
Lunatic and Lethargic. It is had in Germany ,
L 2I 7 ]
and they make drinking Veffels of it. Some
hold thdt the Ophites was the Stone of which
they made Cauldrons. By Reafon of its
Softnefs, it is turned and cut, and in the
Province of Holland , they faw it into Plates
for the Covering of Houfes ; but it hardens
by Fire.
OJiratias, is a Stone like a Jacynth, but
harder and its Hardnefs is liken’d to the
Opbicardelon, in Greek fignifying the Heart
of a Serpent, is a black Stone divided with
two white Lines.
Okitokius , is a Stone lefs than the Ethices ,
and, like that, refounds from within ; it has
a fmooth Surface, and is foon broken. Phy-
ficians diffolve it in the Juice of certain
Herbs, and make an Ointment of it which
has this peculiar Property, that by dipping
the Finger in it, and touching any Wood,
Metal, or Stone, tho’ ever fo hard, it will
inftantly break it.
Onagari , is the fame as the Afinius y of
which we have fpoke before. Onager both
in Greek and Latin , fignifies a wild Afs.
Ombria , is the fame as Ceraunia , of which
Ornicus, is the fame as the Sapphire.
[ 218 ]
Oka , is a Stone of a yellow, green, and
white Colour.
PraJJius, is fo called from an Herb of its
own Name, as being fomewhat like it in
Colour. They fay that the PraJJius is the
Houfe of the Emerald. It’s faid to be gene-
rated in Ethiopia in the River Nile. There
are three Species of it. One, as I faid, is
of a dull Green, tranfparent, but not clear.
Another is green, imprefs’d with fanguin
Drops. The third is green, lined with
white Junctures or Calcedonian Marks ; it is
of no fmall- Virtue ; it comforts the Sight ;
and has all the Virtues of the Emerald tho’
Panther a , is a Stone which is alfo called
Evantus. It has various Colours mixed in
one Body in Similitude of the Animal of its
own Name, which it takes from the Variety
of its Colours. Such a Stone has in it certain
black, red, pale, green, rofy and purple
Marks. It is found in the Country of Media.
If you look on it by the rifing Sun, you
will be fuccesfu! in all your Adlions of that
Day. They fay it has as many Virtues as it
E 2 J 9 J
has Mixtures of other Stones ; for every
Stone gives it its own Virtue.
Ponlica , is a Gem tranfparent with a Blue-
nefs. I find three Species of it particularly
noted. It takes its Name from Pontus , where
it is found, and alfo from the Likenefs of its
Water. With its Bluenefs it has red Stars,
or is fprinkled over with fanguin Drops.
Another Sort ftunes with golden Marks 5
and a third is ftreaked with long red Lines
mixed with blue. It’s faid, that by it the
Devil is interrogated and put to Flight, and
is compell’d to return Anfwers to him that
afks any Queftions.
Peantes , or P cant ides, is a Stone which
fome fay, has the Female Sex ; that at a
certain Time it conceives, and brings forth
one like itfelf. But tho’ this is written by
fome, it does not pleafe me •, I rather think
that fuch Writers have fell into an Error by
mifunderftanding the Words of the Antients.
For when they fay fuch a Stone is of the
Female Sex, they don’t mean that that Stone
can conceive, but that it affords Help to
Women in their Conception and bringing
forth. Which of theie Opinions is the
trueft, I fubmit to the Judgment of the
Learned. The Colour of this Stone is like
Water congealed with Cold,
[ 220 ]
Pyrites , fo called from Pyr, which fignifies
Fire, and is vulgarly termed the Fire-ftone j
for when it is ftruck with a Steel, it flafhes
Fire. But by fome it is called Tpejlionus ,
that is, Vulcan. Hence, in a large Senfe,
all Stones that ftrike Fire may be called
Pyrites. The Marchafite , from its producing
Fire, is likewife called Pyrites. The Coral
alfo, from its deep Rednefs, by fome is
called Pyrites. The true Pyrites is that
which with a quick Stroke produces Fire, is of
a yellow Colour, very blunt and thick, by
the waffiing of the Sea it is finely polifh’d,
and as it were regularly rude. But Diofcorides
affirms it is of the Colour of Brafs, which
being bruifed and held hard between the
Fingers of the Right Hand, burns it. It is
found in many Places. It is faid to be of
great Ufe in Medicine, and particularly for
Diftempers of the Eyes as the Learned hold.
Phrigius , took its Name from the Pro-
vince of its own Name in which it was
firft found. It is likewife found in Cyprus.
The Colour of it is pale, and it is moderately
heavy, like Punic Earth. Being thrice
heated and befprinkled with Wine, it grows
red, and is of ufe in colouring Cloth. We
have found it in a threefold Species. One is
that already mention’d. Another is like
[ 221 3
burnt Brafs, and is the Drofs of Brafs. There
is a third tho’ it be not a true one, becaufe
it is artificial, and made of the Pyrites by
Calcination in the Furnace, till it acquires
a fanguin Colour ; yet it is reckon’d in the
Species of the Phrigius. Its Virtue is Stiptic,
and reduces proud Flefh in Wounds. It
cures feeding and malignant Ulcers, and
affuages the Flux of the Eyes.
Porphyry , is a blunt Stone, ponderous,
very hard, of a reddifh Colour, marked with
fmall white Spots, of which we have fpoke
above under the Head of Marble , as it is
of that Species. It was much in Ufe among
the Antients in the building of Edifices.
Podros , is one of the burning Gems, and
for its Whitenefs obtains the firft Place after
the Pearl.
Panconus , is of a cryftal Colour, not ex-
ceeding the Bignefs of a Finger, and is of an
oblong Figure; but differs from the Cryftal,
becaufe it wants Angles.
Punicus *, there are two Species of this
Stone, which is found in the PEolian Ifles;
that which is white and heavy is the moll
perfect. Its Efficacy is powerful in Medicines.
For being burnt, wafhed and dried, it is
very good for the Eyes. It cleanfes Wounds
and fkins over Sores. It prevents Drunken-
t 222 ]
nefs, if taken before drinking Wine.
Praconijfus , is of a Colour as it wert almoft
wholly Saphirine ; it is however blunt and
clofe with Calcedonian Marks, and delights
the Eyes with its agreeable Embellifliments.
Pavonius , is a Stone, which being given
in Drink with a moderate Sweat, forces the
Perfon who takes it into all the Fire of Love.
Pumex , or the Pumice Stone, is known to
every Body, porous, and exceeding light
and tender. It is, however, very often a
chemical, and fometimes a phyfical Stone ;
and not unufeful to Writers.
Paragonius , is double, black and golden ;
the bl.ack is tiled in attaining the Knowledge
of Metals, as Goldfmiths know, when they
bring the Metals to it.
Pheonicites , is a Stone in the Likenefs and
Colour of an Acorn.
Pbiloginos , is the fame as the Crifites.
is a Stone of a yellow or Skie-
blue Colour, perfpicuous like the moft pure
Azure, and the deeper Yellownefs it is with
a Tranfparency, the more perfect. But that
is the moft precious, which being play’d on
by the Sun emits as it were a burning Bright-
nefs, and there is never the leaft Image
perceived in it. It is found about the Lybian
Quickfands ; but the Indians have better.
Some call it the Jewel of Jewels for its
Beauty, and on Account of its Colour *, tho*
others fay, it claims this Name, not for its
Colour, but its Virtue. It refrefhes the
Body, and gives a good Colour ; it checks
the Ardor of Luft, and makes a Perfon
chafte and virtuous, and reftrains too much
Sweat. It takes away the Filth of the Eyes
and the Pains of the Head. Being drank
with Milk, it appeafes the Gripes of the
Belly. It renders the Bearer of it pacifick,
amiable, pious and devout, and confirms the
Soul in good Works. It difcovers Frauds ;
expels Terrors. It is of great Service in
magic Arts, and is faid to be of prodigious
Efficacy in the Works of Necromancy. It
difcharges a Carbuncle with a fingle Touch.
[ 22 5 1
The Eyes being touch’d with it, it preferves
them from being injur’d by the Small-Pox.
Smaragdus, or Emerald , of which there
are many Kinds ; but the Scythian obtains
the firft Place of them all. Its Greennefs is fo
intenfely, that it is not only not dulled
when put under any Light or the Beams of
the Sun, but is fuperior to all Force, and
ftains the encircling Air with its Greennefs
and from hence it has its Name ; for every
deep Green may be' called an Emerald. I
find twelve Species of it defcribed by Lapi-
daries. But, as we faid, the Scythian are
more precious and noble than the reft •, the
Britijh are the next, the Egyptian , Hermician ,
Perjian, and fome that are found in Copper-
Mines. But tho’ all thefe are tranfparent,
yet they differ in the Deepnefs of their
Green. And fo delightful is their Colour,
that there is fcarce any Jewel that affords a
more grateful Refrefhment to the Eyes. And
when the Face of it is evened, it reflects
Images like a Looking-glafs. It is reported
that Nero Cafar had an Emerald of a fur-
prizing Bignefs, in which he beheld the
Combats of the Gladiators. There are
other Species of them of divers Colours, and
variegated with little Spots, which are called
Falfe Emeralds-, which, with the fore- mention’d,
K make
[ 226 ]
make up the Number Twelve. The fix
Species above-named are nor, however, fo
remarkable for their Largenefs, as are thofe
of the Falfe Emerald , an Obelifk of which
Pliny gives an Account of, that was fifty
Cubits high ; of one that was four Cubits
high •, of another of two, in the Temple of
Jupiter , in the Pofiefiion of the King of
Babylon. Pheophrajlus lays, he had feen an
Emerald of four Cubits. It’s reported that
at Rome there was a large one in the Temple
of Hercules. But, as before obferved, there
is no great Quantity of thofe that are perfedt.
But fuch is the Form of Emeralds , that their
Faults cannot be difcover’d in their Superficies,
as the Colour is equally fulgent, and Images
impreffed. Many Virtues are fabled of it.
Succinum , or Amber , is a Species, as before
obferv’d of the G agates, altho* it is a Gum.
For its Beauty, and the Ule of it by the
Ancients, it is number’d among Gems'. It
is yellow, tranfparent,. and has in it a kind of
Bluenefs mixed with a Call of the Saffron.
Qf what Efteem it was among the Antients,
we may learn from Pliny. It is faid to be
the Gum of a Tree of its own Name, not
unlike a Pine-tree. It appears however that
it is not Gummi Populi, as the Poets imagine
from the Fable of Phaeton. It is found in
[ * 2 7 1
many Places, as inZhaerh, England • Bretagne ,
But the gfeafteft Plenty 4 of it is in fome
Iflands on the Shore of the Northern Ocean,
on the Side of Germany. The Gum is con-
dens’d in this Climate, by the Severity of
Cold, and ‘by Length of Time. But as it
moftly oOzes out of Trees-, whatever ex-
traneous Matter it finds, is inclofed in the
Gum. Hence it is we often fee buried in it
fmall Animals, Straws, &c. and fometimes
Deceivers Will foften* the Amber and put
into it forrie extraneous Matter. When this
Gum is harden’d 'on the Trees, arid they are
{hook By a Guft of Wind, if near the Sea,
it- falls into it 5, and there is more harden’d,
and becomes more fhining; at length it is
driven by Tempeft on Shore, and is taken
up by Nets. And as the Magnet attracts
Iron,' fo Amber, when heated by being
rubbed on Cloth, draws Straws. The Vir-
tues of Amber are the fame as thofe of the
G agates, tho’ more numerous and powerful.
It naturally reftrains the Flux of the Belly »
is. an efficacious Remedy for all Diforders in
the Throat, to prevent which the Antients
made the Women and Children wear it in
Bracelets and Necklaces. It is good againfi:
Toifon.' If laid on the left Bread of a Wife
when fine is afieep, it makes her confefs all
K 2 hr
[ 228 j
her evil Deeds. Beipg taken inwardly, it
provokes Urine, brings down the Menfes,
and facilitates a Birth. It fallens Teeth that
are loofen’d ; and by the Smoak of it,
poifonous Infeds art driven away. If we
would difcover whether a Woman has been;
.corrupted, let it be laid' in Water for three
Days, and then fhewn to her, and if fhe is
guilty, it will immediately force her to make
r Sardius , or .Sarda, is numbred among the
.burning Gems ; yet the baled; Sort of them
was moft in Ufe among the An tients. It is
of a red or bloody Colour, but is darker
and duller than the Cornelian. -, It has the
fixth Place in the Diftindion of Colours.
It was fir ft found in Sardinia, from whence
it ..took its Name. There are counted five
...Species .of it ; but the Baby Ionian; exceeds
them all. The Indian is next; then the
Arabian, Egyptian , and laftjy the Cyprian.
'In many Places where they cut out Stones,
it is found in the Middle of them as it were
a Heart, as in the Ifland Paros, The
..Miiles'fiiihe brighter . than the Females ; fpr
' the' Females are the fatted and glitter more
* pbR unly. ' It binds up the Onyx, for when
’ one is. prpfenx, the other cannot hurt. It
(nftefs no horrid Dreams in Sleep. It increafes
.. Wealth;
[ 22 9 ] :
Wealth •, gives Ghearfulnefs •, whets the "Wit *,
reftrains the Bloody Flux, and giv<*6 Con-,
quell: over Enemies. Some think the Sardius
is the Cornelian, which is a falfe’Notion.
Sardonyx , or Sardonius , is ajStjone com-
pounded of the Sardius and Onyx, and very
often alfo of the Cbakedonius. Sometimes
it is difcinguilhed with three- Colours, black,:
Calcedonian , and Sardian ; and the more di-
ftind the. Colours are, fo much the .better
i$ the Sardonyx ., In former. Times, it was
highly, valued by the antient Romans. Its
Virtue is to put a Reftraint on lafcivious ..
Motions, .and make a Man merry arid agree-
able. It is the bell of any for making
Seals, as it does not flick to the Wax.
Selenites, Sirites, Siderites , are fynonimous.
Netties of the fame Stone. This Stone, lorne
fay, is tranfparent, with a clear and. honey-
like Brightnefs, arid contains the Figure of
the Moon or a clouded Star. It glitters in
the Dark, and takes its Name from the
Place where it was found. The Learned
have allotted various Species to this Stone.
The firft we have already given an Account
of. Another we have fpoke of under the
Head of Celonites, as' lome think it is of this
no 'u
Species. But the Per/ian emulates the Green
nefs of the Jajper, dtiely keeping th<
“* l 05no: - ? : : s1 :K 1 111 Time
C u
finies of the Lunar Motion, and as if
anxious for fome Damage fufiainTl in the
Heavens, its Colour increafes ordecreafcs with
the Moon. It is very powerful in reconciling
Love; and during the whole Time of the
Increafe of the Moon, it helps the Pthifical ;
but in the Decreafe, it difcovers furprifing
EfFeds, for it enables a Perfon to foretel
future Events. Being put into the Mouth,
which muft be firft wafhed with Water, fuch
Affairs are thought of, as ought or ought
not to be taken in Hand, If to be under-
taken, they are fo fixed on the Mind that,
they cannot be forgotten ; but if n^t, they
foon vaniflj out of the Mind.
Samius , is a Stone fo called from the
Ifiand of its own Name ; from its firft In-
vention Artificers have ufed it to polifh
Gold. It is white, heavy and brittle., Its
Virtue is to cure the Swimming of the Head
and the Lofs of the Underftanding. But if
it be taken in Drink, it prevents Abortion.
If carried in the left Hand, it flops the
Running of Tears of aged People, and gives
Help in other Diforders of the Eyes, if
bruifed in Milk and applied to. them. y
Smirillus , is the File and Serpent of all
Things, except the Diamond ; it confumes
and corrodes all Things. It is a Stone of an
[ 2 3i ]
iron Colour and exceeding hard ; it is found
in many and divers Places. It is ufed for
the cutting and plaining of Stones, and the
fcouring of Arms.
SyriuSy is a Stone fo called from Syria-
While it is whole, it is not to be funk in
Water •, but being diminifhed, it goes to
the Bottom, The Caufe of this Effeft is,
that it holds Air included in it, and fwims
by the Lightnefs of the Air ; but when the
Stone is broke, the Air is let out, and the
Gravity of the Stone being only left, it finks
Solis Gemma , the Jewel of the Sun, is of a
bright white Colour, like the Beril, and when
placed in the full Blaze of the Sun, it fpreads
about its fliining Rays •, and from hence
took its Name. It has a wonderful Efficacy
againft any deadly poifonous Draught.
Sagida, or Sadida, is a Stone of the Colour
of the Prajfius •, it has fo great an Affe&ion
to cling about Veflfels, that it will dart itfelf
upward from the Bottom of the Sea, and
ftick fo clofe to a Ship, that unlefs you cut
away that Part of the Wood to which it
adheres, it can fcarcely be plucked off.
SandaftroSy or Sadafius , is a Stone of an
igneous Perfpicuity, fprinkjed as it were
K 4 with
[ 232 ]
with gold Drops, which Teem like Stars *, and
the more Starry it is, or the greater Number
of Drops it contains, which fhine from
within, fo much the more precious it is
accounted. It is placed in the Number of
burning jewels. It took its Name from the
Place where it was firfl found. Arabia like-
wife produces it ; it is fuppofed to be in Ufe
in the Ceremonies of the Chaldeans. It is
faid to be Male and Female, and is diftinguifh-
ed by the Colour. A milder Flame is
affigned to the Females, but a yellower and
more fervent to the Males.
Sarcofagus , is a Stone of which the
Antients built their Monuments, and took
its Name from its Effe&. For Sarcos , in
Greek , fignifies Fiefh j Fagos to eat, from
whence Sarcofagus , or devouring Bodies in a
Coffin ; for it confumes a human Body that
is placed in it, infomuch that in forty Days
the very Teeth are gone, fo that nothing
appears. Afterwards, not only all Monu-
ments conftrufted of that Stone, but all
Sepulchers ,of Stone were called Sarcofaga.
Nay, farther, if this Stone be bound to a
Man while he is alive, it has the Force of
eating away his Fiefh.
Sijinus-y is a Stone of an Alhy Colour, not
. ' • L ml
hard. It • is ufeful in Cookery, of which
they make Cauldrons. Being daubed with
Oil, it hardens in the Fire and turns black.
SideriteSy is a Stone in Colour not much
unlike Iron. Its Virtue is, that if it be
ufed in Sorceries, it excites Difcords.
Sluxites, is a Stone content with a mo-
derate Beauty, but not fo in its Virtue-, for
if bruifed and (lily given in Meat with Rag-
wort, it gives a prodigious Stiffnefs to the
Penis ; being hung about the Neck, it
makes a good Digeftion, and infufes a
Defire of Fruition.
Samothracieiy is a Stone of a black Colour
and light, fomething like burnt Wood ;
it is fo called from the Ifland of its own
Name. It is likewife found in our Moun-
tains between Fanum and Pijaro under tne
Mountain Catiglian ; for under the Mountain
is a black Vein, in which are contained
thefe Stones j when they are put in Fire
they give a Smell like Pitch ; the Smoak
of it avails in Fits of the Mother.
Spinella , is one of the burning Gems, as
we obferved under the Head of Carbuncle ;
its Colour is more open and clear than the
Colour of the Ruby , but in Virtue., is dike
it, and by fome is called the Rubith.
I 23.4 ]
Sanguineus Lapis , or the bloody-colour’d
Stone, is the fame as the Ematites.
Spongius , is a Stone the fame as the Cyjte-
Stnedeg, is the fame as the Emalrices.
Sirites, the fame as the Sapphire.
Specularis, is the fame as the Phengites.
SanShis Lapis, the holy Stone, the fame
as the Sapphire.
Sarda , the fame as Sardius.
Simodontides , the fame as Corvina.
Tepaiius , or Topafion , the Topaz, is a
moft fplendid and famous Stone of thofe
they call burning Gems, of which there
are two Species ; one of a yellow Colour
bordering upon Gold, with fome Green-
nefs. This is oriental, defies the File,
and is the belt. The other is Weftern,
greener than the other, has a flack
Colour of the Gold, waftes by Ufe, fuf-
fers by die File, and is deemed the worft •,
and of this Species fome think is the Cry-
fopteron. This Stone was firft found in an
Ifland of Arabia , call’d Chitis. For fome
, t m 1
Trogloditt Py rates being driven there by a
Temped, and wanting Provifion, they dug
up Herbs and Roots for their Food, and
found this Stone, and from this Accident it
deriv’d its Name; for Topafion, in the
Arabic- Tongue, is the fame as Search. Pliny x
however, is of a contrary Opinion as to the
Impofi'tion of the Name. He relates that it
was found in an Ifland of the Red Sea, at
the Diftance of about three Hundred Fur*
longs from the Shore, which lies naturally on
a Defcent and always beclouded with Fogs,
It is fought for by Mariners when they have
no Light ; and from this Searching it took
the Name of Topaz, It’s reported that
Ptohmy Philadelphia , had a Topaz of three
Cubits. They fay, that if the Topaz is
thrown into Water boiling hot, it quickly
cools, and that by this Cooinefs lafeivious
Motions are quell’d.- It’s a Cure for the
Phrenfy, cfcanfes the Hemorrhoids, cures
and prevents Lunacy, increafes Riches,
a Adages Anger and Sorrow, -and averts
fudeten Death ; Blood flowing from a Wound
is flopped if* this Be bound over it ; and it
makes the Bearer of it obtain the Favour of
Turchion, or Turchefia x the Turcois , is a
yellow Stone bordering upon white, and if
r *3* ]
patted thro’ Milk, is of a yellow Colour, is
very agreeable to the Sight, and took its
Name from the Country. There is a vulgar
Opinion, that it is ufeful to Horfemen, and
that fo long as the Rider has it with him, his
Hbrfe will n£ver tire him, and willpreferve
him unhurt from any Accident. It ftrpngthens
the Sight with its Afpeft. It is faid to defend
him that carries it from outward and evil Ca-
! Trachius , is a Stone of which there are
two Species ; the black is fonorous, and the
other greenilh, not tranfparent.
Tbirfitis, is like the Coral. They fay, if it
be taken in a Draught, it brings on Sleep.
'Talc Alchimicus , is a Stone, lucid, lumi-
nous, of the Colour of Silver, and by Subli-
mation becomes the worft of Poifons.
T art is, is a Stone of a, very beautiful Co-
lour, like a Peacock, noble, and moft de-
lightful to behold, nor is it lefs famous for its
Virtue than its Afpedt.
T egolituk, is the fame as Cagolites.
T rapendantis , is a Species ,of the Pirites.
1 elites, the fame as Tegolitus.
[ 2 37 ]
Varach-, is a Stone not to be found among
us. It has the Virtue of flopping every
Kind of Flux •, inftead of which Phyficians
ufe Dragon's Blood. ' ‘
Vernix, or Armenicus , is a Stone, whofe
Virtue Is faiH to afford Help to the Melan-
choly, the Sp'enetick, the Liver-grown, and
thofe alfo who are troubled with the Cho-
Viientam Italic a , has its Name from the
Plac'e. It is alfo found in many other Piacesj
and from thefe takes its Sir-name. It is a
black Stone with white Alining Lines and
Vitlturis , fo called from the Bird of its
own Name, whofe Head being fuddenly ; ctft
off, it is found in the Brain. It gives Health
to thofe who carry it. It fills a Woman's
Breads with Milk. It gives Succefs to thofe
who petition for Favours.
Virites , is the fame as Pyrites.
Vxtracbius , the fame as Ranius.
Unto , the fame as the Pearl,
[ 238 3
Xipbinos, is the fame as the Sapphire.
Yecticas , is a Stone of a fangume. Co-
lour, hard and obfcure. It isofUfe in try-
ing Metals.
Ydrinus , and by fome called the Serpentine ;
it 'helps thofe vyhp are wqublcd .with Rheum,
and frees the human Body, from too much
Humidity ; it reftores dropfical Bodies to
their piriltine State,. if they (land three Hours
with it in the Sun, for they will evacuate a
moft foul 'Vyatcc by Sweat. They fay it
muft be cautiqufly us’d, for it will extract
not only the extraneous. Humidity, but al-
fo the natural and implanted Juices. It drives
away poifbnous Worms. If taken inwardly,
it is faid to break the Stone in the Bladder.
YfoberiUui f, is a Species of the Beril . .
Zume -
[ 2 39 1
Zumemellazuli , or Zemech , but in Latm
is the Stone Lazuli. This Stone is yellow,
of the Colour of the Sky when it is in its
greateft Serenity, not tranfparent, and fhines
with golden Streaks ; it fuftains the Fire,
and from its Beauty is called the celefliai
or ftarry Stone. Being prepared by Phy-
ficians, it cures melancholy Diforders. There
is aifo made of it a Colour call’d the Ultra-
marine Azure.
Zarites , has the Similitude of the Colour
of Glafs. They fay it flops Bleeding if hung
about the Neck.
Ziazaa , took its Name from a Place ; it
has a Mixture of White, black, and many
other Colours, fo that none of them remains
perfectly diftinguilhable. It renders him
who carries it litigious, and makes him fee
terrible Things in his Sleep.
Zmilaces , or Zmilanikis , is a Stone of a
marble Colour, mixed with a Blue. It is
found in the Euphrates , having in the Mid-
[ 240 ]
die of it a little Ball of a greyilh Co-
Zoronyjias , is faid to be found in the River
Indus ; they fay it was a Gem of the
Magi , And here we put an End to this
mm~ ^-5