O^T^LOO-XJE OF A COLLECTION OF Afi 7 ? in 7 Ftle% Lg^a OLD SPORTING PRINTS AND PICTURES, & Colour^ (Bngrabhtgs, THE PROPERTY OF SIR WALTER GILBEY, BART. Removed from The Hotel, Bishop’s Stortford, which he has recently sold : Mljirb hull be ^olb bg Ruction (WITHOUT RESERVE), BY Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON A WOODS, AH mSIE GREAf ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed the Friday and Saturday preceding, and. Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. At CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. c - CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. 1 Caricatures, after Bunbury, W. Heath, &c.— coloured 8 2 The Country Club ; A Long Story ; A Family Piece ; and others, after Bunbury, by Dickinson 8 3 Cock Fighting, after Aiken, by Sutherland— set of four, coloured 4 4 The Cock in Feather ; and Streaky Breasted Bed Dunn, after Marshall, by C. Turner— coloured^a pair 2 5 Boyal Cock Pit, after Eowlandson ; The Cheshire Pile, after Pollard; and The Cockpit Boyal, 1796 3 6 Pirate and Outlaw; and Crib and Bosa, after Zeitter and Cooper 2 7 Hunting : Not Begun ; and Just Finished— coloured ; and Cours¬ ing at Hatfield, after Pollard —ditto 3 8 Evening, First of September, by J. Pollard ; Pamela, after High- more ; and Two Views of Bishop’s Stortford 4 9 Beigate ; Sutton; Cuckficld ; Crawley ; &c., after Bowlandson, tinted by Aiken —a set of six 6 10 Ascot and Epsom, 1791, after Sartorius— coloured—a pair B 2 o 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses with Jockeys, after Soymour, by Houston— a set of twelve 12 Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses with Jockeys up —set of seven¬ teen 17 Portraits of Celebrated Racoborsos, after G. Stubbs, by G. T. Stubbs— coloured 11 Hunters and Foxhounds, after J. Seymour —a set of twelve 12 Hunting Scenes —a set of four, coloured 4 Grouse, Partridge, Pheasant, and Wild Fowl Shooting, by T. Sutherland —a set of four 4 The Samo Set— coloured 4 Coursing Scenes, after Wolstenkoline, by Reove —a set of four, coloured 4 Hunting Scenes, after ditto, by ditto— ditto 4 Hunting Scenes, after Aiken, by Sutherland —a set of four, coloured 4 Horse-Racing Incidents, by T. Rowlandson— a set of six, coloured 6 Partridge Shooting, after Aiken, by C. Bentley— a set of four, coloured 4 Angel at Islington, after Rowlandson ; and Sporting Meeting in the Highlands, after Aiken— coloured 2 A Check ; and Crowding at a Gap, after H. Aiken— coloured 2 Cockney Sportsmen— a pair, coloured 2 Sportsmen Setting Out; and ,Sportsmen Resting, after Stubbs— coloured—a pair 2 The Find ; and Run to Earth— coloured—a pair 2 Fox-Hunting, after J. Seymour, by Canot— coloured 3 Coaching Incidents, after Cooper Henderson— coloured 3 A Barouche; A Tandem ; and The Royal Mail, after R. Hixon — coloured 3 5 31 Hold Hard ! and “ Three Blind Uns and a Bolter,” after H. Aiken —coloured 2 32 Opposition Coaches at Speed, aftor C. Nowhouse ; and Opposition Coach in Sight, after Pollard— coloured 2 33 The Oxford and Opposition Coaches ; The Norwich Coach ; and Trotting Match in Harness— coloured 3 34 The Cambridge Telegraph, aftor Pollard; and The North Road Coach Preparing— coloured 2 35 The Express Extraordinary, after Newhonse, by C. Hunt— a set of six, coloured 6 36 Hunting Incidents, by J. J.— a set of eight, coloured 8 37 Shooting Incidents, after Wolstenholmo, by T. Sutherland— coloured 4 38 Yiolante, ridden by Buckle, after Chalon, by W. Ward ; High¬ flyer, after Gilpin ; and The Hunter’s Stable 3 39 Portraits of The Duchess and Spaniel, after Herring; and Phenomena and Warter, after Sartorius— coloured 4 40 The Royal Hunt, by S. W. Fores ; Brushing In, after Seymour, by Burford ; and Old Billy, after Bradford —coloured 3 41 John Day, jun., on The Hero, after A. Cooper, by C. Hunt— proof, coloured 42 The Match between Hambletonian and Diamond, after Sartorius, by Edy— coloured, a pair ; and Sacripant winning at Epsom— ditto 3 43 Meet of the Royal Hounds on Ascot Heath, after Sir F. Grant, by Bromley 44 Cab Horse, St. James’s ; and Cab norse, St. Giles’s— coloured, a pair ; and Dray Horses, after Cooper 3 45 The Huntsman of the Berkeley Hunt; and Nicholas Parry, Esq., after Sir F. Grant 2 46 Cover Shooting, after Wolstenholme, by Roeve— a pair 2 B 3 6 47 Philip Payne, the Duke of Beaufort’s Huntsman, after T. B. Davis, by C. Turner— proof 48 Portrait of Gully— proof 49 The Boxing Match, between Humphreys and Daniel Mendoza, after Einsle, by Grozer 50 The Fight Between Broome and Hannan, after Heath 51 Interior of the Fives Court, with Randall and Turner Sparring, after Blake, by C. Turner— coloured 52 John Jackson, after B. Marshall; and Thomas Belcher, by C. Turner— proofs 2 53 William Neat, after Rippingille ; Mendoza, after Gillray ; and Thomas Cribb— coloured 3 54 Richard Humphreys, after Hoppner, by J. Young— proof 55 Portraits of George Taylor, the Bruiser ; and Crib, after Sharpies 2 56 Mr. Tattersall, after T. Beach, by J. Jones 57 TregonwellFrampton, Esq., “Father of the Turf,” after Wooton, by J. Jones 58 The Rt. Hon. Charles James Fox, after J. Opie, R.A., by S. W. Reynolds 59 Viscount Ligonier, after Sir J. Reynolds, by E. Fisher 60 Grouse Shooters in the Forest of Bowland, after Northcote, by G. Dawe— proof 61 Installation Dinner in St. Patrick’s Hall, by J. K. Sherwin 62 A Cremonese Lady; and The Venetian Dress of the Sindall, by J. R. Smith —proofs 2 63 The Country Girl, after Peters, by W. Dickinson 64 The Salad Girl, after Hoppner, by W. Ward 65 The Plough, and The Fleece, by V. Green— printed in colours, a pair 2 66 Morland’s Summer ; and Morland’s Winter, by Barnard— a pair, coloured 2 7 67 The First of September : Evening, after Morland, by Ward— in colours ; and The Country Ale House, after ditto 2 68 The Encampment at Brighton, after Wheatley, by J. Murphy— printed in colours 69 Girl and Calves; and Girl and Pigs, after G. Morland, by W. Ward— printed in colours 2 70 Vauxhall Gardens, after Rowlandson— coloured 71 The City of Westminster Volunteer Corps, by Schiavonetti— coloured 72 Braintree Market, after Gane, by Reeve— coloured; and View of the Bank of England, after Shepheard— ditto 2 73 Review of the Light Horse Volunteers, after Rowlandson; and Review in Hatfield Park, after Livesey— coloured 2 74 The Westminster Election, Covent Garden, after G. Sharp— coloured 75 La Course, and Fin de la Course, after Vernet, by Debucourt; and Horses Training at Newmarket 3 76 City Sportsmen, after Mason; and View of the End of Portland Road, by P. W. Tomkins 2 77 Changing Horses at Clermont; and The Inn Yard at Calais, after Byron, by Lewis —coloured 2 78 The Dinner, after Rowlandson— ditto ; and The Gardens at Carlton House, after Bunbury • 2 79 March of Mind, after A, De Prades, by C. N. Smith ; and Coach Horses, after Garrard, by Young 2 80 A Brewer’s Yard— coloured ; and A Horse Fair— ditto 2 81 Hawking, after Gilpin, by Morris ; and Archery, after J. Slater 2 82 Labourers, after G. Stubbs; and Snowball (a greyhound), after Chalon, by J. Ward 2 83 Easter Monday in Epping Forest, after J. Pollard— colowed — a pair 2 84 Fox-Hunting : Drawing Cover ; Gone Away; and The Death— coloured 3 8 /2f 85 A Charger, after S. Gilpin, by,B. Green— coloured 86 Godolpliin Arabian; and Darley Arabian, by C. Turner— coloured—a pair 2 87 Fox-Hounds, after Wolstenbolme, by Reeve— ditto 2 88 Portraits of Virago and The Student— coloured ; and Pavilion, after Chalon, by W. Ward 89 Vale of Aylesbury; Steeplechase, after F. C. Turner, by C. and G. Hunt— a set of four, coloured 4 90 Duck, Snipe, Woodcock, Pheasant, Partridge and Grouse Shooting, after Turner, by Hunt— set of six, coloured 6 91 Going to Cover; The Leap; Full Cry; and The Death, after H. Aiken, by Bentley— coloured 4 92 Aylesbury Grand Steeplechase, February 1866, after W. Aiken by ditto— coloured 4 93 Horse-Racing Incidents— a set of four, coloured 4 94 Coursing Incidents— a set of four, ditto 4 95 Another Set, similar subjects— ditto 4 96 The Rivals ; and Scenes from The Old Mickledale Hunt, after R. Caldicott 2 97 The Three Jovial Huntsmen, after ditto— eight in one frame 98 Going to the Fight; and The Return — coloured, four in two frames 2 99 Going to the Derby ; and The Settlement at the Corner —coloured 100 The Doncaster St. Leger, 1812, after C. Thompson, by Clark ana Dubourg— proof, coloured 1C1 Panoramic View of the Derby —coloured /l?