? I II I I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/1882illustratedc00jlmo Sc&a STrU^OC Ft, . A)- 0 . I * 1882 . eF 2L)ccora 1'ion of (Tie Cti tc •? Cace. Vi J <5^ I Vi G??0 ©I (TO CVH'Yf sg:- 1^°"^ SP°^> 88 iwi) 90 §8eofivna4i p-t. VV> T/* ;c4t> Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by The J. L. Mott Iron Works, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. MOTT’S Celebrated Porcelain Lined Baths, Patent Folding and Swing Urinals, &c. DEMAREST'S PATENT Yalve Water Closets the “ Demarest ” and “ Climax Cistern Water Closets the “ Hygeia ” and “Acme”; Cisterns and Service Boxes of all kinds, “Duplex” and Waste-Preventing. Flushing Rim Hoppers in Earthenware and Enameled Iron of all kinds. Also Fine Cabinet Work for Bath Rooms in all kinds of Wood, and most approved designs furnished to order. McFARLAND'S Automatic Flushing Tanks, for Hoppers and Urinals. IMPORTERS OF “ Imperial ” Porcelain Baths, Wash Tubs; Kitchen, Butler’s Pantry, and Slop Sinks of the finest quality. Also, Fine Sanitary Earthenware, including the largest variety of Artistically Decorated Goods ever shown in this country. MANUFACTURERS OF Fountains, Lamp Pillars, Statuary, Stable Fittings and other Ornamental Iron Work. SAMPLES OF ABOVE GOODS, WITH ALL OUR SANITARY SPECIALTIES IN OPERATION, CAN BE SEEN AT OUR WAREROOMS. Circulars and Catalogues of the Yarious Departments furnished on application. I £ ^ i n t' iese days of our modern renaissance, is one of the most, if not the very most, important feature in the decoration of our Homes. Appreciating this fact, and being fully alive to the refining influences of art and the manifest desire of our people to surround themselves with things that are really beautiful, we have ventured, at considerable outlay, to place before you a book which we may truly call a work of art. The designs are the original creations of the most talented of our decorative art workers, while the work itself beat'3 the impress and finish of the very best of handicraftsmen. We repeat, that this is somewhat of a venture on our part, still we are not without faith, strengthened by our past experience and surrounded as we are with the evidences of the growth of art amongst our people, but what our efforts will meet with due appreciation. In this work, we have endeavored not only to illustrate what is truly artistic, but have striven to present a variety, both in style and price, large enough to enable the buyer to make suitable selections for any class of work. We have also endeavored, and we think with considerable success, to give each design a distinctive character as a work of art, free from the conventionalisms and incongruities that have hitherto characterized this class of work. We are prepared to furnish special designs, also to give estimates for the manu¬ facture of G-rates from any designs which may be submitted by Architects and others. We would also take this opportunity of warning Manufacturers that this work is copyrighted, most of the designs being patented, and that any infringement on our rights, in this regard, will be prosecuted by us according to the law governing the same. THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS. Plate 4 Plate 5. V v SUES lift! NPM ■IHKB ItiilllllS ' s o\ #SS#- , , / ■ I iff! . '< • \\w\\w\'\4 ' m ■ f'//////■■ '/:■' ' •.•'•-••' •/•• / .••/.• I 11' ' / < v v M&KSK iSSiSSSSS? > ;- : ;:.::'s; : ::; :: :> : :::; ; : : ;V:-^ : : ■ •■" ii : £ ^-Vy. -H':?!' r inp is/////: j-jj-j Jniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imiiil| l^7ia» gigs mm iM® WMmk V-wMm I Mmi ffiBHwnTumi" -'r s ~ 0 Plate 6. It- 6 I 111 Lhr1 i« 1111 WmmS !!!:i iMilEI i&'&d mwmwffl P * 1 $ ■« •• v „ 11 .v.-.vy•- ■: liilijiiii!:!!!!! - ! Ill II Blllll SSssiSSsSSSSSSSK.y m * * wgLJ rnrni isi-4^ mi, i= RlfrillHllilllUil! ft® * >TV P! 4 * L. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW YORK. Plate 29 o iFwzt +wr ^'< -c - - — THF ,T I MOTT IRON • —, ----- 'o i/flo T ]> d t Plate 31. mm- mm || ! ilil l!i|p li ' : ■ ! \>v liliiiiiiiH! i WMSm MliH ilii! liiiiiiiip! 111 1 i sffijjjraiij "i 1 lijilllHl," 11 1 i' 1. ttllMIIU 1 11 Plate 32 |I ™K! la W' l ii mmm MM 111 ii : .I!. Plate 33 'Wm'Mv , lllll ■ MSSSSSSSS |sli§|P$ife lifff mKsB Hi mm WSHR PIl&tiA 1 ..v- -> 0 '. ™ -•■' SS ■':.' SSS M Hyi •' . — . j gfiuEz: * Plate 34. MOTT IRON WORKS, NEW ORK. Plate 35 V ...am. mm Plate 36. Plate 37. Plate 38. Plate 42, Plate 43 Plate 44. Plate 45. Plate 46. Plate 47. Plate 48, o Plate 51 Plate 50. Plate 49 Plate 52, Plate 53 Plate 57. Plate 58 Plate 59. Plate 61. Plate 60. Plate 62 Plate 63 Plate 64. Plate 66. Plate 65. Plate 67. Plate 68 Plate 70. Plate 69. Plate 71. Plate 73 Plate 73 Plate 74. Plate 77. Plate 75. Plate 76. Plate 78. Plate 82, Plate 83 Plate 88. Plate 89. Plate 90. Plate 91. Plate 92 Plate 93. . -s? j&agSfyF 8 - 1 r ■■—i Plate 94. Plate 95. Plate 96. Plate 99. Plate 101 Plate 102. Plate 103. Plate 104. Plate 105. Plate 106 Plate 107 ***£?ft. . . .... ^ e -’*‘ : IT ^ ii II J'Si Plate 108. Plate 109 Plate 110. Plate 111 NltVC,., . ,r^/soy Plate 112. Plate 1 13. Plate 114. Plate 115, Plate 116. Plate 117. Plate 118. Plate 119, Plate 121 w. an - Plate 122. Plate 123 Plate 125. Plate 126. Plate 127. £■ Plate 128 Plate 129. Plate 130. Plate 131. % Plate 132. Plate 133. Plate 134. Plate 135. Plate 136. Plate 137. Plate 138. Plate 139. Plate 140 Plate 141. Plate 142. Plate 143. Plate 144. Plate 147. Plate 146. Plate 145. Plate 148. Plate 149 Plate 150. Plate 153 Plate 154. Plate 155. Plate 156. Plate 157. Plate 160 Plate 161 y v »' w V V '/ AAAAAA/ VxA/sAAA, AAAAAAa XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX: xaAaAaA / Plate 162. Plate 163. Plate 164. Plate 168. Plate 169. Plate 170. Plate 173. Plate 174. Plate 175. 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