SMI H £ : 1 K ' 1 1 B - - . , - . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute " v •" ■" Sft* SPECIMEN OF THREE-COLOR WORK. Engraved and printed by the Chicago Colortype Company, 120^-1215 Roscoe St., Chicago A MANUAL PHOTO-ENGRAVING CONTAINING PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRODUCING PHOTO -ENGRAVED PLATES RELIEF -LINE AND HALF-TONE WITH CHAPTERS ON DRY PLATE DEVELOPMENT AND HALF-TONE COLOR WORK. By H. JENKINS. CHICAGO : The Inland Printer Company, 1896. Copyright, 1896, BY The Inland Printer Company, Chicago, Illinois. Press of The Henry' O. Shepard Co, : Chicago. THEGfm ;i . l k LIBRARY PREFACE. IN preparing - this work, it has been my aim to present such information that a person inex- perienced in photographic operations might be enabled to obtain from it an intelligent conception of the methods used for making line and half-tone engravings. If therefore details have been entered into which may to some seem superfluous, it should be remem- bered that what may appear self-evident to the expert may often be perplexing to the novice unless clearly explained. While entering thus into detail regarding the processes treated of, I have avoided the discussion of obsolete and untried methods, and have endeav- ored to make the descriptions as brief as possible without sacrificing clearness. The methods described are those used in the reg- ular engraving establishments, and I believe that with careful study and properly directed effort, the beginner will obtain satisfactory results. (3) 4 PREFACE. In addition to the chapters devoted to the engraving- processes I have prepared a chapter on the development of the gelatine dry plate, as a work of this nature would seem incomplete without some information on that subject. The excellent photographs from which a num- ber of the half-tone plates were made were the work of Mr. A. C. Pack, of the Randall studio, Ann Arbor. H. JENKINS. Chicago, October 1, 1896. CONTENTS. PAGE Chapter I. Introductory 7 Chapter II. The Apparatus Required 9 Chapter III. The Shop Arrangement 23 Chapter IV. Negative Making 29 General Principles — Chemicals. Chapter V. Negative Making 39 Line Negatives. Chapter VI. Negative Making 49 Half-tone Negatives. Chapter VII. Negative Making 62 Causes of Defects in Collodion Negatives — Care of Silver Bath. Chapter VIII. Reversing Negatives 66 Chapter IX. Etching 69 Line Work. Chapter X. Etching 81 Half-tone Work — The Enamel Process. Chapter XI. Finishing and Mounting Plates 87 (5) b CONTENTS. PAGE Chapter XII. Drawings — Photo-Lithogravure . . . 90 Chapter XIII. Development of Gelatine Dry Plates , 96 Chapter XIV. Orthochromatic Plates 105 Color Work. Chapter XV. Printing Half-tone Plates ... 114 Appendix. Tables of Weights and Measures 122 Valuable Formula; — Printing Methods — Etched Embossing- Plates — Other Useful Informa- tion. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY; A COMPARISON of the periodicals of several years ago and those published today reveals to the observer a marked difference in the number and quality of the illustrations. In the former we find but few cuts, and those engraved on wood, often in an indifferent manner. In the magazines and newspapers of the present, however, nearly every page exhibits one or more illustrations of most artistic character. While wood cuts are still used to a considerable extent for general illustrative purposes, the major- ity of the engravings are at present produced by the now well-known processes of engraving by aid of photography. The several advantages which photo-engraving possesses over wood engraving have created a demand which has steadily increased and opened avenues of employment to many who have taken up this branch of work as a profession. A cut which formerly would have required several days to produce can now be turned out in a few (7) o MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGKAVING. hours, and will have reproduced all of the features of the original copy to exactness, while its cost is but a fraction of that for wood engraving". While there are several methods of engraving which depend upon photography for their existence, the term "photo-engraving" is usually applied only to relief plates in line and half-tone, and to a de- scription of this class of work the following pages will be devoted. To the inexperienced, photography often seems to be a mysterious and difficult art, but the manip- ulations described hereafter will with proper study become remarkably simple when the results attain- able are considered. The production of a photo-engraved plate in- cludes several stages as follows : 1. The making of a negative. 2. The printing of the image on the metal. 3. The etching. 4. The finishing and blocking. In regular establishments separate departments are devoted to each branch, every employe being a specialist in his line. A description of the details which are included in each of the various stages will, however, be given, that the reader may obtain a general knowledge of the art. HALF-TONE— 150-LINE SCREEN. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. CHAPTER II. THE APPARATUS REQUIRED. THE apparatus required for making- photo- engravings will vary in completeness with the amount and quality of work to be turned out. For the experimenter or the establishment which devotes but a small department to the work, an equipment of hig-h grade and larg-e capacity would be out of the question. For larg-e shops, however, which are established with a view to commanding - a large patronage, where rapidity of production and a uniformly excellent quality of work are impor- tant matters of consideration, it is essential that the apparatus be of the most approved pattern, and that each department be fully equipped. The capacity of the apparatus should be deter- mined by the size of plates demanded. The aver- age engraving- establishment will find an equipment for producing- plates 14 by 17 inches in dimensions ample. The demand for half-tone plates is usually for sizes under 10 by 12 inches, and many shops are not provided with facilities for plates larg-er than that size. Line plates are also, as a rule, of dimensions smaller than this, but provision should be made for work of as larg-e dimensions as the funds available will permit, and the prospective order may require. 10 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. The article of the greatest importance, in con- nection with the outfit, is THE LENS. This should be selected with a view to its fulfill- ing- the special requirements of this class of work. It should be of the rectilinear type, so that all straight lines in the copy will be reproduced with- out distortion. It should cut clearly all portions of the copy, and its design should be such that it may possess rapidity. There are several lenses on the market which fulfill these requirements — the Rapid Rectilinear Dallmeyer, the Steinheil and Swift being popular among operators. THE CAMERA. In selecting the camera it is advisable to obtain the form known as the enlarging, copying and reducing camera, as its construction possesses sev- eral advantages over the ordinary copying camera. For half-tone work it should be provided with the adjustable screen plateholder, which enables the kit to be dispensed with for holding the screen and sensitive plate. It is so constructed that the separation of screen and plate can be adjusted accurately and easily to any desired degree, and different sizes of screen and plates can be used. This plateholder has displaced the kit in all leading shops, but for those who may desire to use the kit, details of construction will be given further on. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 11 CAMERA STAND. The camera should be provided with a stand, which may be in the form of a long- table or bench to stand on the floor, or it may be swung- from the ceiling - , this condition being necessary if the build- ing is subject to vibrations from the running* of machinery or other causes. It consists essentially of an oblong- frame upon which the camera will CAMERA AND SWING slide readily, the frame being suspended from a beam of the same leng-th, ropes or strips of metal running- from the ends of the beam and attached to each end of the frame in an inverted V shape. The beam being suspended from the ceiling-, carries the frame upon which the camera is placed. At one end of the frame the copy board is fastened, and should be in a position perpendicular to the bed, and should be arranged to slide from ri^ht to 12 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. left when desired. The length of bed will vary according - to the capacity of the camera. For a 10 by 12 camera, ten feet; 11 by 14, twelve feet; and for a 14 by 17 camera fourteen feet are good proportions. Such a bed can be easily constructed of ordinary scantling, or can be purchased from dealers in photo-engravers 1 supplies. SILVER BATH. The silver bath is almost invariably kept in a glass vessel of special form, which, when holding the bath for use, should be kept in a ''light- tight " box, with a cover. It is important that a bath of ample capacity be provided, as such a one will require less at- tention than a small one and save the operator an- noying delays. In all well equipped shops two SILVER BATH. 01 " m0re batllS ^ P 1 " " vided for each operator, that one may be used while another is being rectified. EVAPORATING DISH. For evaporating the alcohol from the bath, a porcelain evaporating dish is required. It should be of ample capacity to hold the silver solution from the bath, with room to spare. As an accessory, it MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 13 is well to have an iron dish to hold sand in which the porcelain dish can rest while heating-. TRAYS. For line etching- there should be one or more large trays or "tubs" so arranged that they may rock at the will of the etcher. These tubs are made of wood, sealed water-tight and usually pro- tected by a coating of impermeable varnish. For developing prints on zinc, any ordinary sheet metal tray will serve the pur- pose. For half-tone etching porcelain or rub- ber trays may be used. PRINTING FRAMES. For printing on metal there are special frames, so constructed that equal contact with the negatives can be obtained for all parts of the metal plates. For making silver prints the ordi- nary photographer's printing frame is used. GLASSWARE. For measuring solutions, several graduates of a capacity of from eight to sixteen ounces each PRINTING FRAME. 14 MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. should be purchased. There should also be a large funnel for filtering- the baths and several smaller ones for collodion, printing solutions, etc. An important article is the actino-hydrometer for testing the strength of the silver bath. Various sizes of plate glass, as required, should be provided for negative making and for turning negatives upon. For the latter purpose the glass is usually obtained of one-fourth inch in thick- ness, to more readily stand the pressure in the printing frame. Vials for hold- ing collodion, large bottles for filtering the bath into, and smaller ones for solutions are also necessi- ties. ROLLERS. For inking line plates, composi- tion rollers are used. These should be of the kind known as "hard" rollers, as they more readily take and distribute the ink. GRADUATE. COLLODION VIAL. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 15 An excellent roller for this purpose can also be made from white rubber, such as is used for clothes wringers. For inking- the plate after etching-, a leather-covered roller is usually used. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Besides the articles described above, there are other essentials, as follows : Gas stoves, for heating and drying- plates ; squeeg-ees, for smoothing- down neg-ative films — these are simply strips of white rubber fastened to a strip of wood ; scales, for weighing - dry chem- icals ; negative racks ; brushes for etching- — bristle for line etch- ing-, and soft for half- tone ; inking- slab for rolling ink upon — a smooth sheet of stone, zinc or glass will an- swer the purpose ; pli- ers, for holding plates while burning in ; zinc hook, for cutting zinc plates ; small camel's-hair brushes, for spotting and paint- ing in on plates ; egg beater ; hammers ; nails ; scraping tools, for cleaning spaces on zinc ; engrav- ers' tools, for tooling plates after etching ; files, for smoothing edges of metal ; calipers, punches, etc. MACHINERY FOR FINISHING. For a well equipped shop there are several machines which are essential. Small concerns are NEGATIVE RACK. 16 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. often operated with but a small equipment of machinery, but for large establishments the outfit of necessary machinery is in many cases a very extensive affair. The routing- machine is the most important item in this department, and is used for deepening - and cleaning out the spaces in zinc etchings, making a bevel around half-tones, etc. These machines can be obtained in various sizes according to the dimen- sions of plates to be routed. A circular saw is also an essential piece of machinery, for sawing metal plates, blocks, etc. The trimmer, as its name indicates, is used for trimming the edges of blocks after the plates are mounted. The shoot board is used for a similar purpose and is generally substituted for trimmer in small shops. The Daniel's planer is used for making mounted blocks type-high. It is an expensive machine, and for small establishments the shaving machine oper- ated by hand can be used instead. A drill is often of use for various purposes, and is necessary in mounting half-tone plates from the back. The beveling machine is used for beveling the edges of plates. The buffing - machine is used for polishing metal. It is not found, as a rule, in small shops, as the metal can be polished by hand. For taking proofs, a printing press is required, and for the engraving establishment the hand press to' . ! ' Jfc&HjTfitt* 6 ?'' *L M i 'fey | «W$ ; j 1 i«n \ .ft-f i WIIHf^ |; ZINC ETCHING — CRAYON EFFECT. From sketch by Frank Holme. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. IT known as the "Franklin" or "Washing-ton" type is best. The mounting- slab is simply a smooth-surfaced block of iron upon which the cuts are placed when being blocked. A detailed description of the above mentioned machinery is not given here, on account of the various designs on the market, and as manufac- turers are always ready to send to inquirers descriptions of all latest improvements. THE WHIRLEK. In coating plates for half-tones with the enamel solution it is necessary, in order to obtain an even coating, that a rapid whirling motion be given while the solution is in the fluid condition on the plate. A number of devices can be used for this pur- pose. A common form, sold by the supply houses, consists of a handwheel mounted in a horizontal position on a board and connected by means of a belt with a table similarly mounted at the other end of the board, the table being provided with clamps to fasten the plate. Upon revolving the handwheel the table is caused to revolve also, thus spreading the solution in an even coating over the plate. A much better whirler, however, can be con- structed by means of an ordinary drill stock, as follows : To the bottom of a shelf placed at a convenient height fasten the drill stock as shown in Fig. A. Then at a machine shop obtain a 18 MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. strip of iron about three-fourths of an inch or an inch in width, one-sixteenth of an inch in thick- ness, and twelve or fifteen inches long - , and to its center have fastened a round stem. Fig. B. Also have made two strips about four or five inches I j£i_ <-°-. »-u C J 5. WHIRLER. long- with apertures cut at each end, those at one end of a size and shape to admit the ends of the other strips. Have one of the ends of each of the latter strips bent over, and a hole drilled to admit a thumbscrew, as shown in the cut, Fig. C. The long strip is fastened in the chuck of the drill by means of the stem and the two short strips are slipped over the ends, as shown in Fig. C. A gas stove should be placed under the whirler to warm the plate and accelerate the drying of the coating. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 19 The use of this whirler will be explained in a later chapter. THE KIT. Before the advent of the plateholder mentioned in a preceding- paragraph, the kit was used by operators to hold the screen and sensitized plate during exposure, and is yet used by those who do not wish to incur the extra expense of the holder. IL.fl r ' c ' ; The kit is simply a rectangular frame so con- structed that when placed in the plateholder of the 20 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. camera the negative plate will occupy the position of the ground glass and the screen be held in front of it. Its construction can be understood by an ex- amination of the illustration. A is a frame made of strips of cherry, walnut or other suitable wood, about one inch wide, one-eighth inch thick and of lengths required by the size of screen. The ends should be mortised and glued strongly together. On the opposite side of this frame is fastened a second frame of strips, one-half inch wide and one- fourth inch thick, and so placed that the inner edges of this frame will be flush with the inner edges of the other. The ends of this second frame should be fastened in a similar manner to those of the first. To the longest sides of this second frame should be fastened springs, which may con- sist simply of elastic curved strips of brass or steel, the springs being fastened at one end so that they can be moved so as to allow the other end to press upon the screen when in position. These sides of the second frame should be thin in the cen- ter so that the springs will not interfere with the slide. Across the corners of the kit between the frames of which it is composed are placed four cor- ner pieces to separate screen and plate. These are often of silver but may also be made of wood, and should be no thicker than to prevent contact of screen and plate, and should be set into the first frame so as to be flush with the side next the second frame. In the diagram, A represents the first frame ; B, the second, with a view of one edge of the sides HALF-TONE— 120-LINE SCREEN. .MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. -1 containing- the springs ; C, the kit complete, with corners. The kit should be made of a size to readily admit the screen used, negative glass of the same size being used also. It should be thoroughly cov- ered with shellac varnish, to prevent the silver destroying the wood. The use of the kit will be explained in the chap- ter on half-tone negative making. THE SCREEN PLATE. The screen plate is, of course, absolutely nec- essary in half-tone negative making. The size obtained should be governed by the size of the half-tone plates which the establishment expects to make. The description of the screen and its uses will also be given in a later chapter. CHEMICALS. The chemicals required for making the collo- dion negatives and for the etching operations are as follows : Alcohol (grain). Iron sulphate (ferrous). Alcohol (wood). Iron perchloride. Ether (sulphuric). Potassium permanganate. Gun cotton. Iodine. Ammonium iodide. Silver nitrate. Cadmium iodide. Turpentine. Potassium iodide. Ammonia (strong). Potassium bromide. Castor oil. Potassium cyanide (fused) Ammonium sulphide. Ammonium bichromate. Eosine. Strontium chloride. Le Page's liquid glue. 22 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. Calcium chloride. Rubber cement. Mercuric chloride. Transfer etching ink. Ammonium chloride. Lye. Acetic acid. Dragon's blood. Nitric acid (Com.). Sodium bicarbonate. Nitric acid (C. P.). Absorbent cotton. Chromic acid. Charcoal blocks. Copper sulphate. Ordinary charcoal will not answer the purpose of polishing - the metal. The most suitable is that used by jewelers for soldering- purposes and is obtained in blocks of about 3 by 4 inches. To insure success most of the chemicals men- tioned above should be chemically pure. They should be kept in bottles corked or stoppered to prevent evaporation or deterioration. The bottles should be plainly labeled to prevent errors when the contents are wanted for use. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 23 CHAPTER III. SHOP ARRANGEMENT. IT is a difficult matter to prescribe a set plan for the arrangement of a photo-engraving- estab- lishment, as there is such great variation in the size and relative positions of rooms which may be selected for occupation, and as large shops require more extensive accommodations and special features which need not enter into the equipment of smaller concerns. There are general principles, however, which can be applied in fitting up any shop, and the a s a nu a i] SHOP ARRANGEMENT. accompanying diagram is given to represent an arrangement for a shop of moderate size. 24 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. THE OPERATING ROOMS. A is the room for the half-tone, and B for the line operating - . One room is often used for two or more cameras, but it is advisable, if possible, to provide separate apartments for the cameras, thus avoiding - interference of one operator with another. 1 and 4 are the darkrooms. These may be con- structed with walls of ordinary flooring joined to be light-tight. They should contain sinks 3 and 5, over each of which should be placed a tap for wash- ing the negatives. At the right of the sink there should be placed a shelf for holding the bottles of developer and other solutions. Other shelves should also be provided for holding stock solutions, and other accessories. Above the sink there should be a window containing a light of orange glass, and arranged to slide open readily at the will of the operator. If dry plates are to be developed, arrangement should be made to close up the yellow light and substitute the ruby light required for dry-plate work. The silver bath should be placed in a receptacle at the back of the darkroom, the bath holders being placed at such a level as to permit the con- venient lowering of the plate into it. Above, or at one side of the silver baths, a shelf should be located upon which the plateholder can rest. The darkroom should be of dimensions large enough to give ample room, and should be free from cracks and openings through which light might pass. 2 and 6 are benches for holding negative racks and other articles. VIGNETTED HALF-TONE — i 75-LINE SCREEN. From wash drawing- by C. W. Traver. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 25 The location of the cameras should be such as to be convenient to the darkroom, and they should be swung- at a height to be most convenient for the operator to manipulate. The illumination of the copy is an important factor in producing - negatives, and provision should be made for obtaining the best facilities. The light can be obtained either from a skylight, or by means of electric lamps. In many shops both means are provided, the light being obtained from the skylight during the bright hours of the day, and from the lamps at other times. The skylight should be as large as convenient, to furnish an ample volume of light. The lamps should be arc lamps, and should be swung, one on each side of the camera stand, near the copy board, in such a manner that they may be readily raised or lowered. They may, if desired, be arranged with movable stands, instead of being swung. Two lamps should be used, as a more uniform illumination can be obtained from two than from one, and reflections are avoided. The lamps should be wired to burn independently of each other, and the current fur- nished should be uniform, to prevent, as far as pos- sible, flickering and variation in the intensity of the light. Reflectors are generally used to concen- trate the light on the copy, and are of various forms. One can be made readily from an oblong piece of tin, by bending it to make its section semi- circular, the edges being bent to fit around the sides of the lamp. The inner surface may be painted white, or, better, etched off with nitric 3 26 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. acid, which will prevent reflections being- cast on the copy. A shelf should be built outside of one of the windows to give facilities for sunning the silver bath. A gas stove should be placed on one of the benches, for evaporating the bath, heating nega- tives, etc. ETCHING ROOM. C is the etching room, which for convenience is located next to the operating rooms. 7 is a sink of ample capacity where the metal may be polished, glass washed, and negatives turned. 8 is a shelf for holding glass and other articles. 9 and 10 are rooms for sensitizing metal, one being designed for line and one for half-tone work. They should be furnished with benches, shelving, and gas stoves. The illumination should be subdued, to prevent the action of light on the plates before printing, but not to such an extent as is necessary for the dark- rooms for negative making. The construction, arrangement, and care of these rooms should be such as to prevent the accumulation of dust, which will cause spots in the coating of the plates. This remark will also apply to the darkrooms, 1 and 4. In the room used for coating the line plates a bench and slab may be provided for rolling up the plates. 11 is a bench for general purposes, such as cutting zinc upon, holding negatives for printing, etc. 12 is the powder box to contain the dragon's blood for the line etchings. In some shops an MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 27 open box is used, but it is better to have a closet built around it to prevent the powder from being- carried about the room. 13 is a bench for a gas stove for burning in the plates. 14 and 16 are etching tubs, placed near the windows, to obtain ample light. 15 is a sink or a bench to hold a tray of water to rinse the plates after etching. 17 is a shelf placed outside of the window for printing by daylight. An electric lamp should also be pro- vided for the printing. THE FINISHING ROOM. D is the finishing room in which numbers 18 to 23 represent the several machines. 24 and 25 are benches for mounting the plates upon, for holding tools, material, etc. The machinery should be operated from a line of shafting which should be provided with belt shifters, that any machine may be started or stopped as desired. If the building is equipped with a power plant the shafting may be operated by a belt running from some other line. If the place is not thus equipped the power may be ob- tained from a gas engine or electric motor. E represents the office. In large establishments the half-tone etching is often done in a room separate from that used for line etching, but such an arrangement need not be considered as necessary. In selecting a location for a shop it is important to obtain one where there will be an ample supply of running - water at all times and where there are 28 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. a number of windows, as it is desirable to have plenty of lig-ht. In fitting- up the shop economy should sometimes be sacrificed to completeness and convenience, as future results ma}' at times justify an outlay which mig-ht at first seem to be extravagant. The above description is intended to give only general directions for the shop arrangement. Special situations will require various departures from this plan. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 29 CHAPTER IV. NEGATIVE MAKING. GENERAL PRINCIPLES CHEMICALS. THE production of a photographic negative, as described hereafter, depends upon the fact that certain salts of silver are so acted upon by cer- tain of the component rays of white light as to be changed in structure. The salts which have been found to be thus sensitive are the iodide, bromide and chloride of silver, each producing results some- what different from the others and being often combined in certain proportions to obtain the qual- ities of all in the resulting negative. As intimated above, not all of the rays which together form white light are effective in making a change in these silver salts, and it is this condition also which renders photography possible, for the compounds can be prepared for use in a room from which the ''actinic" rays (as those which affect the salts are called), are excluded, the plate being afterwards properly exposed to the action of the "actinic" light, and the operation is then completed by the aid of the "non-actinic" illumination. For convenience, it is customary (and, in fact, essential) to use some substance to hold the salts and form a film over the surface upon which the 30 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. negative image is to be produced. Collodion and gelatine are the substances now universally em- ployed for this purpose in practical work. It is not customary in making the sensitive plate to add directly to the collodion or gelatine the required salts of silver. It has been found to be more advantageous to mix with these solutions the cor- responding salts of other elements, and then sub- mit them to the action of nitrate of silver, which will cause the desired sensitive salts of silver to be formed and leave the nitrates of these elements as a by-product, which in certain cases is removed by washing or precipitation. For instance, if we use bromide of ammonium, the action of the nitrate of silver will be to form bromide of silver and nitrate of ammonium, and as stated above, the nitrate is merely a by-product, having no value as a sensitive agent. In the wet collodion process we prepare an insensitive solution, containing the proper salts, and use this solution to form a film upon which the silver nitrate is afterwards allowed to act to form the sensitive salts of silver, the collodion acting merely as a support to hold the salts. In the gela- tine process the silver nitrate is added to the solu- tion, thus directly forming the sensitive compounds within it, which, being held suspended in a finely divided condition, are said to be in a state of emulsion. If, now, we have spread over a plate of glass, or other suitable substance, a coating in which the sen- sitive salts of silver have been formed, we will have a film which, upon exposure to light containing ZINC ETCHING — ORDINARY OUTLINE NEWSPAPER CUT. From drawing by A. B. Shults. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 31 actinic rays, will have certain changes produced in its sensitive constituents. If the whole plate is exposed, it is evident that the change will be uni- form over the whole surface, but if only certain portions are exposed, the change will take place in only those parts and the intensity of the change will be proportionate to the intensity of the action of the light upon them. If, therefore, such a plate is exposed in a camera properly focused upon some object, the rays of light reflected from the object will affect the sensitive salts in the film and produce an image corresponding in its parts to the various portions of the object. If, however, the plate is examined after exposure, there will be no visible image to be detected. The appearance will be exactly the same as it was before exposure. To bring out the image it is necessary to treat the impressed salts with some substance which will so act as to cause metallic silver to be deposited upon the affected portions. This process is termed "development," the agents employed being called " developers." Various compounds are used for the purpose, such as pyrogallol, eikonogen, ferrous oxalate and ferrous sulphate, the latter being used in the development of collodion wet plates. When a collodion wet plate is acted upon by the developer, the free silver nitrate which remains upon the sur- face of the plate is decomposed, the metallic silver being deposited upon the impressed portions of the film. While in the emulsion the silver salts are themselves decomposed. The developers are invariably used in the form 32 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. of a solution, and when flowed over the surface of a plate those parts of the image which correspond to the white parts of the object appear first, then the parts corresponding- to the half-tones, and finally the details in the shadows. The light reflected from the whites most strongly affect the film, and therefore the deposit of silver will be most dense in those parts of it which correspond to the white portions of the object, the deposit in other portions being dense in proportion to the effect of the light reflected from the corresponding parts of the object, while those parts of the film upon which the blacks are produced will be unaffected, as the black portions have practically no actinic effect upon the silver salts. The process of development has an important place in the production of the negative, for any carelessness or ignorance in manipulation may ruin what with proper treatment might result in a negative of excellent quality. In the wet collodion process the developer is simply flowed over the plate as it is held in the hand, the operation being simpler and more mechanical than the development of the gelatine plate. In the development of a gelatine negative the plate is placed in a tray and the developer allowed to act until the desired effect is obtained, it being necessary to vary the propor- tions of the developer if the plates have been over or under exposed. After the negative has been developed, those parts which have not been acted upon by the light will retain the same appearance that they had MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 33 before development, and as the unreduced salts are of no value they must be removed. To accomplish this the plate is treated with a solution which will dissolve out these salts, and the negative is then said to be "fixed." The substances usually em- ployed to fix a negative are cyanide of potassium or hyposulphite of soda, in solution. The action is a chemical one, the corresponding- salt of silver being - formed and dissolved in the solution contain- ing an excess of the fixing agent. The result is that we have an image on the plate, dark in the portions corresponding to the high lights of the object, with practically clear glass in the parts cor- responding to the blacks, and if the object is one with intermediate tints or half-tones, there will be gradations in the negative to correspond. To be of use in photo-engraving the negative must be very intense, that is, the parts affected by light must be opaque, while the lines must be as clear glass. This result is obtained by a further treatment of the film after fixing, and the method will be described in the next chapter. Upon the time which the plate is exposed in the camera depends to a great degree the quality of the resulting negative. The best results are obtained only when the exposure has been of a duration of time suited to the conditions. The area of dia- phragm, amount of reduction of copy, intensity of illumination, etc., each has an influence in deter- mining the necessary time. In making negatives for photo-engravings the wet collodion process is at the present time almost 34 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. universally employed, although some excellent results may be obtained with dry plates made for the purpose. In the wet process the plate is made by flowing - over a sheet of glass a collodion contain- ing" in solution certain iodides, bromides, or chlo- rides, or combinations of such salts. The plate is then subjected to the action of silver nitrate in solution, which causes the sensitive silver salts to be formed as explained above. The plate is exposed and developed while wet, and if the ma- nipulations are properly carried out the most desirable results can be obtained. THE COLLODION. Various formula? for the collodion can be em- ployed, but the following, which is known to many operators, is one of the best, and is an excellent one for either line or half-tone work : Alcohol 8 ounces Ether 10 Iodide of ammonium 30 grains " " cadmium 50 " Chloride of calcium 10 " " " strontium 10 " Gun cotton 80 " Either of the chlorides may be omitted. The gun cotton should be easily soluble. Anthony's Red Label is recommended. To prepare the collodion dissolve the gun cotton in the ether and six ounces of the alcohol. Then put the remaining two ounces of the alcohol in a clean mortar and add each salt separately, and grind with the pestle until dissolved. After all of HALF-TONE— 150-LINE SCREEN. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 35 the salts have been added and dissolved, pour the solution into the solution of gun cotton and shake well. This collodion will usually be found to work well in a few hours after making - , but should it fail to work clearly add a few flakes of iodine to turn toward a red color. Before using - , the collodion should be filtered through a tuft of absorbent cot- ton placed in the neck of a clean, dry funnel which should be provided for this purpose alone. The collodion bottle should also be kept tightly corked, as the ether rapidly evaporates, leaving the col- lodion thick. THE SILVER BATH. To prepare the silver bath, dissolve crystals of silver nitrate in water until the actino-hydrometer will, when floated in it, register 40. Distilled or clean rain water should be used if obtainable, but ordinary water as obtained from the faucets can generally be used. In any case the bath after mix- ing should be placed in the sun for a day or two until it becomes perfectly clear, as any organic matter will be acted upon by the nitrate and be precipitated. After sunning, the bath should be carefully filtered, and, in order that it may give clear images, a few drops of pure nitric acid added until blue litmus paper will be turned red if placed in the solution. The bath is now placed in its holder, but must be " iodized" before good results can be obtained with it. If a collodionized plate is sensitized in it now, the plate when taken from the bath will look thin and be of a light bluish color, and will give a weak, 36 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. thin image. This is due to the fact that in a fresh bath the silver salts when formed in the film are dissolved out by the silver solution. To prevent this the bath must be supplied with iodides. The best method is to place in the bath a collodionized plate as large as the holder will take and let it remain several hours until the salts are dissolved out of its film into the bath. If necessary, this operation should be repeated, until the plates when taken from the bath will have a rich, creamy appearance, and give images of the desired strength. The methods for caring for the bath solution will be given in Chapter VII. THE DEVELOPER. The developer for these plates is a solution of ferrous sulphate, which may be dissolved in various proportions. The following will be found to give good general results : Ferrous sulphate 4 l /i ounces Acetic acid 3 to 2> l / 2 " / 3 Water 48 " 1^%J^ Alcohol 2y 2 " or q. s. The crystals of iron should be finely ground in a mortar and then thoroughly dissolved. The de- veloper may be made up by measuring its strength by the hydrometer, in which case it should register 20, and to each 20 ounces there may be added \ l /> ounces acetic acid, and alcohol in sufficient quantity to make the solution flow readily. The action of the sulphate is to reduce the silver, as explained in a preceding paragraph, the acid being used to retard its action and keep the image clear. Were MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 37 the iron allowed to act alone it would cause a rapid reduction over the entire plate and veil the image. The alcohol is used to cause the developer to flow readily over the plate, for after the bath has been used for a time it takes alcohol from the plates, causing - the developer to flow in streaks, the addi- tion of alcohol to the developer aiding- it to flow in an even sheet. FIXING SOLUTION. Cyanide of potassium. Water. Make in solution strong enough to dissolve the unreduced salts. Some operators use a saturated solution, others prefer to use it more dilute. Hypo- sulphite of soda may be substituted for the cyanide, but the cyanide is recommended. INTENSIFYING SOLUTIONS. There are several methods of intensifying nega- tives, but those most commonly used are the cop- per and silver and the mercury intensifiers. The former is generally favored. COPPER AND SILVER METHOD. 1. Make a saturated solution of copper sul- phate, and also one of bromide of potassium. Place some of the copper solution in a wide- mouthed bottle, and add to it some of the bromide solution. Exact proportions are not necessary. One part of the bromide solution to six or eight parts of the copper will be about right. In making the saturated solutions, it is well to use warm water, as the salts will more readily dissolve. 2. Nitrate of silver. Water. 4 38 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. Make a solution about 25 grains of the silver to the ounce of water. It is not necessary in practice, however, to measure the quantities exactly. The operator will generally place a few crystals in the bottle and dissolve in some water, adding- a few more crystals if the solution acts too slowly. 3. Nitric acid. Water. Make weak solution. About one part acid to eight or nine parts water. 4. Ammonium sulphide. Water. One part of the sulphide to about five or six parts of water, to which a few drops of ammonia may be added. Keep this solution covered. MERCURY METHOD. Mercuric chloride. Water. Make a saturated solution. Some ammonium chloride is usually added to cause greater satura- tion. In connection with this solution, solutions 3 and 4 given above are used. CLEARING SOLUTION. 1. Place some iodine crystals in a bottle with some crystals of iodide of potassium and add enough water to make a deep red solution. The quantity of iodide need not be as great as the quantity of iodine used. 2. Cyanide of potassium. Water. Make a very weak solution. This solution is most readily prepared by taking a small quantity of the stronger fixing solution, and diluting it largely with water. ZINC ETCHINGS — FROM PEN DRAWINGS, GREATLY REDUCED. Drawn by A. Cambersy. MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. 39 CHAPTER V. NEGATIVE MAKING — LINE NEGATIVES. IN making- negatives, the operator cannot exer- cise too much care in every detail. The expe- rienced hand knows too well that often carelessness in what might seem to the uninitiated a trivial matter may result in failure. CLEANING THE GLASS. The glass upon which the negative is to be made must be scrupulously clean. To provide for this there should be obtained two tubs, large trays, or jars, into one of which a strong solution of lye should be placed, and into the other a quantity of nitric acid diluted with water. The glass should first be allowed to soak for hours in the lye until any particles of matter adhering to it are destroyed or loosened. It should then be taken from it, washed well to remove the lye and any dirt from it, and placed to soak in the acid. When removed from the acid it should be washed again and placed in a negative rack to drain, or if desired for imme- diate use it may be dried by rubbing with a clean towel, and afterward with a piece of soft cotton cloth. Before collodionizing it should be carefully 40 MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. dusted with a camel's-hair brush, to remove any specks which might enter the bath or cause spots in the film. A number of plates should be cleaned at a time and kept in a negative rack for use. Some operators albumenize the glass by flowing over it after washing a solution of 1 ounce albu- men in 8 or 10 ounces water, acidified with nitric acid. The glass, after drying in a rack, is put away with the albumenized sides all one way. Such glass does not require an edging of rubber before collodionizing. FOCUSING. Care should be exercised in focusing to obtain absolute sharpness of the image on the ground glass, as any blurring of the lines will render the negative practically useless. Fasten the copy to the board so that the image will occupy the center of the ground glass, put a large stop in the lens, and move the camera until the image, when per- fectly sharp on the ground glass, is of the size desired. In general, the focusing should be done upon that part of the copy about midway between the center and the edge, particularly if the copy is one of large dimensions. The lights should be so placed that the illumina- tion of the copy will be as uniformly distributed as possible. In photographing large copies by the electric light, it is sometimes advantageous to move the lights during exposure, to obtain an even illumi- nation over the whole. In photographing tracings or line drawings on thin paper, a sheet of white MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. -H paper should be placed back of the copy. Copy which is crumpled, or which cannot be made to lie flat on the copy board, may be placed in an ordinary printing- frame and photographed through the glass. The cover glass in such a case should be clear and well cleaned. A small magnifying glass is often of service in focusing to examine the lines of the image, espe- cially if the ground glass is of coarse grain, or if the reduction is great, or the lines of the copy indistinct. With indistinct lines it often facilitates accurate focusing to place a piece of newspaper or other printed matter across the face of the copy, and focus on that, removing it afterwards, of course. After the focus is obtained, fasten the camera in position by means of the set screws at the back, take out the ground glass, remove the large stop and substitute a small one. In photographing line work it is necessary to use a small stop to obtain clear lines, especially if the lines on the copy are fine, or the reduction great. Having the copy focused, the next operation is the COLLODIONIZING AND SENSITIZING. Having cleaned and dusted the plate, dip a small brush (or a small stick, around one end of which a tuft of cotton has been wrapped) into a solution of rubber in benzine (see Chapter VIII), and run a narrow strip of this around the edge of the plate. The solvent will evaporate, leaving the rubber around the edge, which will prevent the film slip- ping from the plate. Now hold the plate by one 42 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. corner in the left hand in a horizontal position, and pour the collodion from the vial in a pool near the upper right-hand corner D, as shown in diagram. Use sufficient collodion to cover the plate and move the plate so that it will run first up to D, then to C, then to A, and finally to B, from which it is to be drained into the phial. While drain- ing, the plate must be care- fully rocked to obtain an even coating. When the collodion has become set, in- vert the plate, place it on the dipper and lower steadily into the silver bath. Close the cover to the bath and let the plate remain for several minutes, and it will then be ready for exposure. EXPOSURE. Close the darkroom door and have the plate- holder resting on its shelf in an upright position and open to receive the plate. Then draw the dipper holding the plate from the bath. If prop- erly collodionized and sensitized the film should be free from any spots or streaks and should have a creamy appearance, with the silver solution on the surface in an even sheet. If the solution lies over the surface in greasy looking streaks, return the plate to the bath at once, moving it around for a moment in the solution, and let remain for several minutes longer. When the plate is found ready to MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 43 expose, let it drain for a minute or two, wipe the back with a rag or tuft of cotton, then place in the holder so that the film side will be toward the copy when placed in the camera, close the back of the holder and place it in the position of the ground glass in the camera. Having the cap on the lens and the lights prop- erly placed, draw the slide from the holder, then remove the cap from the lens. The time of expos- ure must be a matter of experience, as it will vary with the character of the lens, the intensity of illu- mination, the amount of reduction of the copy, etc. Short exposure gives broad lines, with lack of intensity in the negative, and the resulting print will be lacking in detail. Long exposure gives fine lines, detail and density, but tends to fill the fine lines. For blue or weak lines give as short an exposure as practicable, for such lines tend to affect the sensitive film, and if the exposure is lengthened, the lines in the image will fill. Light blue lines cannot be reproduced on the ordinary plate. When the ground of the drawing is yellowish, give ample exposure, as such a color does not readily affect the film. Shorten the exposure time in proportion as the image is reduced in size. If the copy is brightly illuminated it will require less time than when the light is weak. When the exposure has been con- sidered sufficient, replace the cap on the lens, return the slide to the holder, and take the holder to the darkroom. The plate is now ready for development. -±4 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. DEVELOPMENT. This must of course be done by the non-actinic light in the darkroom. To develop the image, hold the plate horizontally in the left hand and flow the developer from a beaker or graduate over the film in one even wave ; then holding the solution on the plate, keep moving* the plate gently to cause the developer to flow from side to side. The negative image will soon appear, and the time of its appear- ance will indicate whether the exposure was prop- erly timed. If the proper exposure was given, the image will appear in a few seconds, the white ground taking a dark appearance and the lines retaining the color of the film before the developer was applied. If, however, the image flashes up at once and some or all of the lines become darkened, it indicates over-exposure and the lines will be filled, as the whole surface has been impressed and the silver will be deposited to some extent on those parts which should remain clear. If, on the other hand, the image is slow in appearing, and the details are brought up with dif- ficulty, the plate has been under-exposed. If one portion of the image appears before another, it in- dicates uneven lighting of the copy, and when that portion which appears first is sufficiently devel- oped, it should be held to wash under the tap while the developer is allowed to act upon the other por- tions of the plate. Otherwise the fine lines in that portion might fill by the time the other parts become sufficiently developed. When the whole HALF-TONE FROM PHOTOGRAPH. With and without background. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 45 image has attained the proper intensity, and the details are visible, the plate should be immediately washed under the tap to entirely remove the devel- oper and unreduced silver solution. The remaining operations can be performed by daylight. FIXING. Now flow the fixing solution over the film until the unaffected portions are entirely dissolved, when the lines should appear as clear glass. Then wash the plate well again, and examine carefully to de- termine if the film has proper density, if the lines are fine enough, and if all are clear. Some expe- rience will be required to detect these qualities. If any of the lines are filled they will have a hazy appearance, quite readily detected, but if not too badly filled they can be cleared by a subsequent operation explained below. If the plate is satisfac- tory thus far, it must be intensified to make the ground opaque, for in its present condition the light would pass through the ground so readily as to render the negative useless for obtaining a print upon the metal. INTENSIFICATION. The intensification may be done with either the copper and silver or the mercury intensifiers. To intensify with the former, flow over the fixed and washed negative the copper solution, until the film becomes white, then wash well and flow with the silver solution until it is blackened throughout, then wash well again. It will usually be necessary to repeat the process a second time, and sometimes 46 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. even three or four times, if the exposure has been short, but twice will as a rule be sufficient if the exposure has been rightly timed. If any portion of the ground should still appear thin, after the other portions have become sufficiently dense, repeat the operation on that part alone, to increase its density. If, after the entire ground has acquired the proper density, the lines all appear sharp and clear, additional blackness may be given to the film by flowing with the ammonium sulphide solution No. 4. Before using the solution No. 4, flow with the dilute nitric acid solution No. 3, and rinse. This will preserve clearness. Wash thoroughly after blackening with the sulphide solution. If the lines are at all veiled or closed, the sulphide is liable to turn them yellow, and in such a case it should be omitted. Additional density in the intensification may at times be obtained by treating the film with a dilute solution of iodide of potassium, after the copper and before the silver is used. This turns the film a lemon-yellow color. This treatment will, however, sometimes cause a stain if the bath and other chemicals are not in a clean condition. The solution is made by dissolving a few crystals of iodide of potassium in water. CLEARING. If, after intensifying with the copper and silver solutions, any of the lines are filled, they must be cleared. To do this, flow over the filled portions the dark red solution of iodine and iodide of potassium, MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. 47 and rinse. Then carefully follow with the very dilute solution of cyanide, applying- it until the filled portions are cleared. If the cyanide solu- tion is any too strong- it will dissolve the film also and ruin the negative. During the operation the water should be kept running from the tap and immediately applied if the action shows any ten- dency to proceed too far ; and at times it is to advantage to let the water run over the plate, while the cyanide is being applied, to cause the action to proceed slowly. This treatment of the film will cause it to become whitened. To blacken it, the ammonium sulphide solution must be used as di- rected above. Instead of using the iodine solution strong and the cyanide solution weak, some operators prefer to dilute the former and use the latter strong, intensifying again after the clearing. Instead of using the solutions separately, they may be mixed by adding cyanide to the iodine solution until the color disappears, and diluting with water. The solution is then applied until the lines are cleared. If the lines are too badly filled it will be impossible to clear them, and the negative will be worthless. THE MERCURY METHOD. Have the mercury solution in a tray and allow the fixed negative to remain in it until bleached. Then flow with the acid and sulphide solutions to blacken. For greater density, place in the mer- cury again until of a grayish color, and repeat with the sulphide solution, washing well between 48 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. each operation. The sulphide solution tends to weaken the film, and in washing- the negative after its use the water should not be allowed to run on it with much force. Having obtained a negative with clear lines and opaque ground, it may be dried spontaneously or over heat and is then ready for reversing, the operations for which will be de- scribed in Chapter VIII. MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. 40 CHAPTER VI. NEGATIVE MAKING — HALF-TONE NEGATIVES. IN making - negatives from line drawing's, as described in last issue, there are no gradations to be reproduced, but in obtaining negatives from photographs and wash drawings we have every gradation from solid blacks to pure whites, which must be properly rendered. In order to obtain a negative which will be suitable for reproducing these gradations upon the metal plate, we break up the negative image in such a manner that it will be formed of dots and clear spaces, the size of the dots varying to correspond with the different shades in the copy. This is accomplished by plac- ing in front of the sensitive plate when in the cam- era a glass plate so ruled as to have alternating parallel opaque lines and clear spaces. The light passing through the clear spaces produces the desired effect upon the sensitive film. THE SCREEN-PLATE. The ruled plate which is used for the purpose described above is commonly called the screen- plate. These plates may have lines ruled in only one direction, or in several. The screen commonly used has rulings in two directions, one set of lines 50 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. crossing- the other at about right angles. Such plates are made by sealing together two "single line " screens, ruled in opposite directions, the effect being to produce a network of the opaque lines. Having such a cross-line screen-plate placed in front of the sensitive plate during exposure, all conditions being arranged to obtain the proper results, the action of the light in passing through the clear spaces is to so act upon the film that when the plate is developed the image will be found to be made up of opaque dots of varying size, those in the whites being largest, the size decreasing as the tints in the original grow darker until they prac- tically disappear in the solid blacks. A print made from such a negative will have separate black dots in the high lights, which will increase in size as the shadows deepen, running into solid lines, the details in the shadows being formed of open dots, which will decrease in size as the shades increase in intensity, until they are absent in the blacks. There is, therefore, a simple gradation correspond- ing to the shades of the original, each shade being composed of dots of a certain size. A somewhat different effect than that obtained with the ordinary single or double line screen may be produced by using a screen having the clear spaces of different sizes arranged in groups, and also having the opaque obstructions differing in sizes, and arranged in groups. The result with such a screen is to obtain a printing surface made up of groups of dots and lines, in which the indi- vidual members differ from each other, but the EFFECT OF "FOUR-LINE" SCREEN. MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. 51 MR. LEVY'S "FOUR-LINE" SCREEN. geometrical arrangement being- similar throughout the series. Mr. Levy has produced such a screen with four sets of rulings, each set consisting of parallel lines. Two of the sets are crossed at right angles to each other, and the other two also at right angles to each other, and crossing the first two at an angle of forty-five degrees. The apertures are, therefore, in the form of right-angled trian- gles, but the intersec- tions are so placed that the apertures shall vary in size, and there are also formed two dif- ferent-sized obstructions to the light, one size by the intersection of two lines, and the other by the intersection of the four. In the print obtained from the resulting nega- tive made through such a screen, the high lights will be formed of single dots corresponding to the four-line intersections, and in the darker shades a smaller dot, corresponding to the two-line inter- section, will appear, thus forming two series of dots which will run through the middle tints, increasing in size as the shadows increase in intensity, until they form continuous lines. The details in the shadows will also consist of a series of open dots or spaces corresponding to the clear apertures of the screen, and as the shades deepen the dots repre- senting the clear apertures will disappear in series, 52 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. first those corresponding- to the smallest apertures, then those corresponding - to the next size, and so on until there will be but one series of open dots (those corresponding to the largest aperture) in the shades next in intensity to the solid blacks. With such a screen the detail is more truly rendered, as there is obtained more than one gradation of dots for each shade in the half-tones. THE NEGATIVE. A half-tone negative properly made from a sub- ject of good quality should have the dots so closed in the whites that the clear spaces between them shall be separated from each other, the dots de- creasing in size as the tints in the original darken, until they disappear in the solid blacks. The clear spaces in the high lights should of course be of such a size that the dots in the resulting print shall be large enough to stand a sufficiently deep etch. There are several factors which have an influence in determining the quality of the negative, as follows : CHARACTER OF THE COPY. The character of the copy determines to a great degree the results obtainable. Many photographs are entirely lacking in contrasts, while others are as deficient in detail. The former will, of course, require a treatment to obtain brilliancy in the half- tone, while the latter will require manipulation to obtain detail in the masses of shadow. The surface upon which the drawing or photograph is made will also sometimes cause difficulty in obtaining desirable MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 53 effects. As a rule, smooth surfaces are to be pre- ferred to work from, as the grain in rough surfaces will often show to disadvantage in the reproduction. The color or tone of the copy is another element to be considered. The chocolate-brown tones, such as were once obtained in albumen prints, give excel- lent effects, while lilac and bluish tones tend to give flat results. ILLUMINATION OF THE COPY. The illumination of the copy should be uniform, and the lamps should burn without flickering or variation in intensity. The lights should be placed so that reflections on the copy will be avoided. Large copies are more satisfactorily lighted from the skylight than with electric lamps. With a bright illumination a shorter exposure is required than with one of less brilliancy. SEPARATION OF SCREEN AND PLATE. If the screen-plate could be placed during expo- sure so that the ruled lines would be in contact with the sensitive plate, it is plain that the result would be merely a reproduction of the lines of the screen, there being no variation in the size of the dots. In order to obtain the required variation, it is neces- sary to separate the screen and plate that there may be a certain amount of diffraction of light between them. The effect of such separation upon the relative size of the dots will vary with the dis- tance between the plates. The nearer they are together, the less will be the variation, and conse- quently the flatter will be the resulting negative. 54 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. Therefore, to a certain extent, by varying - the amount of separation, we may obtain detail or contrast in the resulting - negative. When using coarse screens, it will be found necessary to use a wider separation than with a fine screen, to obtain similar results, all other conditions being the same. When the same screen is used for vari- ous subjects, after a suitable separation has been found to give proper rendering of good copies, it will not usually be necessary to change the dis- tance between screen and plate to obtain detail or contrast, as these effects can be secured by altering the area of the diaphragm, as will be ex- plained. If a certain screen and plate are separated to aid in obtaining contrast, the exposure time should be somewhat less than that given when the screen and plate are nearer to each other. To increase the separation in the kit between screen and plate, small pieces of cardboard are placed between the screen and the corner pieces. AREA OF DIAPHRAGM APERTURE. Whether the half-tone negative shall have detail or contrast depends to a great extent upon the area of the aperture in the diaphragm used during exposure. If the exposure is made with a small aperture the resulting negative will, upon examina- tion, be found to have the dots in the high lights separated from each other, and the dots in the shadows will be strong and approaching in size to those in the high lights. The negative will there- fore be made up of a network of clear lines, and a HALF-TONE FROM PHOTOGRAPH. With ornamented background. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 55 print made from it would be formed of a similar network of solid lines. The resulting - etching would, therefore, give proofs gray and devoid of contrasts. If, on the contrary, a large aperture is used, the high lig-hts in the negative will be formed of large dots, which will unite to form a network of dark lines dotted with clear spaces, separated from each other, while the dots will rapidly de- crease in size as the depths in the shadows increase in intensity, the blacks remaining as clear glass. A print made from such a negative would have the high lights made up of separate dots, the middle tints would be formed of dark lines varying in thickness, and the deep shadows would consist of solid masses. An etching made from such a print would give a "black and white" proof, and if the area of aperture has been too large, detail will be lost in many places where it should appear, the gradations being buried in solid portions of black, while the whites will appear "chalky," and if the clear spaces in the negative have been too small, the resulting dots in the print will not be of suffi- cient size to stand a deep bite, rendering the plate liable to smudg-e in the printing. There is evidently a mean between the two extremes, it being possible to find a diaphragm having- an aperture with which a negative can be made the print from which will have the dots in the whites of sufficient size to allow a sufficiently deep etch, and yet so separated that these high lights will appear of the requisite clearness, the dots and lines in the other portions being - of such 56 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. dimensions that in the resulting- print we will have a proper correspondence to the gradations in the original. Not only may a single diaphragm be used to accomplish the desired result, but during expo- sure the area of the diaphragm may be changed, using a small aperture during a part of the expo- sure and a larger one for the balance, the small stop producing the detail and the large one the union of the dots in the whites. It has been assumed in the above discussion that the subject possesses the qualities of technical excel- lence. If, however, a negative is to be made from a copy which does not fulfill such conditions, the size of the diaphragm aperture must be so selected as to produce either detail or contrasts, as the case may require. When the copy is one which has abnormal contrast, a comparatively small stop will cause dots to be formed in the shadows of the half- tone and thus give detail, which will often be an improvement. When, on the other hand, the copy does not have sufficient brilliancy, the use of a larger stop will bring out the contrasts. The degree of detail or contrast to be thus produced to obtain the best effects is, of course, a matter of judgment on the part of the operator. The larger the stop used the shorter should be the time of exposure. SHAPE OF THE DIAPHRAGM APERTURE. While diaphragms having round apertures, as usually supplied with lenses, have been generally used by operators, those having other shapes may MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 57 be used, the form of the dot being - determined by the form of the aperture. Mr. Levy, of Philadel- phia, has investigated the effect of various forms of the aperture upon the shape of the dot in the nega- tive, and states as a principle that each transparent space in the screen acts during exposure as a pin- hole lens, and causes an image of the shape of the aperture to be formed upon the sensitive film. From this it appears that if we use a round aper- ture, the dots in the negative will be round, a square aperture will produce square dots, a trian- gular aperture triangular dots, etc. It has been found that the dot formed by the use of a square diaphragm will be stronger than the round dot, and will require a shorter exposure time to pro- duce, as it is plain that square dots will close up in LEVY DIAPHRAGMS. the whites in less time than round ones. Mr. Levy has invented several forms of diaphragms, three of which are shown here, the first form having a 58 MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. square aperture with two corners extended, the second having- the four corners extended, and the third having - a multiple aperture of four square openings, the center being closed. These dia- phragms may be made separate from each other, but by an ingenious mechanical arrangement may be combined, and the size and form of the opening may be altered at will to be square or to have either of the two forms illustrated above, a scale on the lens tube indicating the size of the aperture in terms of the focal length of the lens, and also the length of the projecting corners, or the extent to which the center is inclosed if the second form is used. The diaphragms having the apertures thus formed are recommended for use in making nega- tives from flat originals, as the light in passing through such apertures acts more intensely upon the high lights than upon the shadows, thus pro- ducing more brilliant effects than can be obtained with the ordinary forms of aperture. For subjects having the proper contrasts to produce a brilliant negative the square aperture alone may be used during the exposure, but for flat originals the inventor recommends the consecutive use of the square aperture, then the one with four corners extended, and finally the one with the multiple apertures. EXPOSURE TIME. The exposure time in making half-tone nega- tives must be determined by the conditions as enu- merated above. If all the conditions are properly MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 59 adjusted and the exposure time is insufficient the dots will not be sufficiently closed, and if the time given is too long- the clear spaces will either be filled or so small that the dots in the print would not be large enough to stand a deep bite. MANIPULATIONS. First see that the screen is clean. A soft, clean cotton cloth will be found useful in polishing it, and any spots and streaks must be removed from its surface, or they will be reproduced in the negative. Breathing upon the surface while rubbing will aid in removing any streaks. When clean, place it in the kit and close the springs upon it ; then place the kit in the plateholder so that the screen will be between the lens and sensitive plate during ex- posure. The operations of developing, fixing and intensifying are similar to those described for line negatives. To expose, the plate after being sensi- tized is placed in the kit behind the screen, the plateholder being then placed in the camera. Dur- ing exposure one size of diaphragm may be used, or the size may be varied to suit the conditions. Upon this point the judgment and experience of the operator must be used. After exposure the plate is developed until the details appear, and then fixed. After fixing it should be examined to determine if the proper qualities have been ob- tained. If the dots are widely separated in the high lights, and the shadows are filled with strong dots, the resulting print will be gray and flat. If the dots in the high lights are closed up, and the 6 60 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. details in the shadows are lacking - , the print would be too brilliant, and would in many cases have dots too small to allow the etching- to be carried to a sufficient depth. In either case the exposure should be repeated, and the size of aperture and exposure time increased or diminished as required to obtain the proper gradation. The beginner should use but one size of diaphragm during anyone exposure until he becomes familiar with the effects produced by the different sizes of the apertures. The intensification of the negative increases the size of the dots, so that a properly exposed negative need not usually have the stipple in the whites quite closed before intensifying - , as that opeiation will close them up unless too much sepa- rated, and leave a strong - open space. In some cases, however, a slight union of the dots will not cause the clear spaces to be too small after intensifying - . A little experience will enable the size of the dots to be properly judged. A small magnifying - glass is of service in examining the negative. Having obtained a negative in which the grada- tion appears to be correct, it must be intensified, the process being the same as described for line negatives. If the copper and silver process is used the ammonium sulphide need not be applied, as the two solutions alone will be sufficient for a properly exposed negative. One "dip" may close the stipple sufficiently, or it may require two, and at times three. Washing should, of course, be thorough after each operation. For properly made half-tone MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 61 negatives no such clearing- process as described for line negatives is necessary. After intensification, the negative is dried and prepared for printing from. An intelligent application of the principles stated in the preceding paragraphs will enable the operator to produce negatives of good quality. 62 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. CHAPTER VII. NEGATIVE MAKING — CAUSES OF DE- FECTS IN COLLODION NEGATIVES — CARE OF SILVER BATH. THERE are various defects which are liable to occur in the making - of collodion negatives, which may be due to faults in the chemicals, or lack of care in manipulation. The following" are the most common : Fog - , by which is meant a filling up, or deposit, in those portions of the image which should remain clear. It may be caused by : Actinic light entering camera, plateholder or darkroom, and striking the sensitive plate. Insufficient acid in developer or in bath. An unripened collodion. Over-exposure. Over-development. Developer too strong or too warm. Fumes of chemicals. Transparent spots in the film may be caused by: Dust in the collodion, in the bath, or on the plate. Excess of iodides in the bath. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 63 Undissolved salts in the collodion. Streaks in the film may be due to : Improper flowing of the collodion. Scum on surface of bath. Bubbles or specks of dust floating- in collodion. Removing plate from bath too soon. Alcohol in the bath, in which case the streaks will be rather broad and wavy, and run in the direc- tion of the dip. Developer containing insufficient alcohol. Developer striking film with too much force. Developer too strong. Collodion too thick, or over-iodized. Dirty plates. Dirty plateholder, which will sometimes cause blotches like "oyster shells." =— Thin images may be caused by : A weak or insufficiently iodized bath. Under-exposure. Poor lighting of copy. Blurred images may be caused by : Improper focusing. Camera being jarred during exposure. Uneven density of film may be caused by : Uneven lighting of copy. Uneven coating of collodion. CARE OF THE SILVER BATH. To obtain uniformly good negatives requires that the silver bath be kept in proper condition. Every well-regulated establishment has several •34 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. baths, so that when one needs rectifying- another can be used without causing - delay. The following rules will, if followed, keep the bath in proper order : 1. Keep it covered. 2. Isolate it from other chemicals. 3. Keep the hands clean while dipping plates or handling the bath. 4. Skim the top every morning with a strip of clean paper. 5. Filter often through absorbent cotton. 6. Keep the strength up. It does not waste silver to do so. Some clean saturated solution can be added to the bath occasionally when it is in use. 7. When the bath becomes charged with alcohol boil it down. By putting some water in the vessel in which it is boiled, and pouring the bath into it, some of the iodide will be precipitated, and aid in keeping the bath from becoming over-iodized. Then place over heat and let it steam until the odor of alcohol is entirely gone. It is generally best to let it boil down to a small volume. Then test with the hydrometer, and if necessary add clean water to make it register 50. Then filter well, and it is ready for use again. If it fails to work clear, add a few drops of nitric acid C. P. 8. To remove organic impurities add to the bath enough permanganate of potassium solution to turn pink, and place in a clean bottle in the sun for sev- eral hours, and filter. 9. Matter in suspension can usually be removed HALF-TONE — 35-LINE SCREEN. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 65 by neutralizing- the bath with bicarbonate of soda, and sunning - . Filter and acidify ag-ain.' 10. If the bath becomes over-iodized, pour it into some clean water to precipitate the iodide, filter, and boil down to required streng-th. If the bath is evaporated at proper intervals, and the iodide removed as directed in paragraph 7, it will not become over-iodized. 6Q MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. CHAPTER VIII. REVERSING NEGATIVES. In order that the proof from the etching - may appear unreversed as regards right and left, it is necessary to reverse the negative before obtaining the print from it. There are four methods by which this may be done, as follows : 1. The sensitive plate may be so placed in the holder that the glass side will be turned toward the copy, allowance being made in focusing - for the thickness of the glass. The springs of the plate- holder must be specially arranged to hold the plate when this method is used. 2. The image may be taken from the reflection of the copy in a mirror, or what amounts to the same thing. 3. By having - a glass prism with silvered hy- pothenuse arrang-ed to fasten to the front of the lens, the rays of light being - reflected from it through the lens and onto the sensitive plate. A modification of this arrangement has the prism as a fixed part of the lens. 4. By stripping the film from the glass support and placing in a reversed position. The two methods last mentioned are those usually employed. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 67 The construction of the prism suggests its method of use. For turning- the collodion film it must be coated with the following- solutions : RUBBER SOLUTION. Rubber cement. Benzine, naphtha, or benzole. Add sufficient of the solvent to the cement to make a thin solution. PLAIN COLLODION. Alcohol . 6 ounces Ether 6 ounces Gun cotton 120 grains Castor oil 1% to 2 drams When the film of the negative is dry and cold, flow over it the rubber solution, and place in the negative rack until dry. AVhen the rubber is dry, flow the collodion over the film, and also let dry. The collodion may be set fire to while it is wet and burned off, if desired, but this sometimes causes a blistering of the film. After the collo- dion is dry, cut the film to the desired size around the image. If the cut is to be rectangular, the negative should be placed on a board or table with a straight edge, and a T-square and triangle be used in cutting the lines. If the board has two edges at right angles to each other, the T-square alone will answer the purpose. After the film is cut let the negative rest in a tray of water until the film is loosened, then lift one corner with a knife until it mav be taken between the thumb and finger 68 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. of one hand, raise from the glass, take hold of the adjacent corner also, and strip from glass and lay the film in reverse upon a second sheet of clean glass wet with water. Then lay upon the film a sheet of wet paper, and rub the squeegee over it in various directions to remove all of the water. After this is done, hold face down over the gas stove until the paper begins to dry, then remove it and heat the film, to thoroughly dry it, and place in rack to cool. If the film refuses to strip from the glass after soaking in the water, or if an albumen substratum has been used under the original collodion film, place the plate to soak in a solution of acetic acid. Curling of the film after transfer is sometimes caused by insufficient oil in the collodion. Should the film fail to adhere to the glass after stripping, flow under it a thin gum-arabic solution, squeegee and dry as usual. Flowing the collodion or rubber over the plate while warm will cause bubbling. The collodion will at times bubble also on a cold plate. This may be remedied usually by flowing some ether over it when it has just set. It is cus- tomary in engraving establishments to turn several negatives upon one sheet of glass and print all together on the same sheet of metal. Negatives made with the prism will require varnishing before being used to print from. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 69 CHAPTER IX. ETCHING — LINE WORK. CERTAIN organic solutions or mixtures con- taining- a bichromate will, when reduced to a dry state, be so affected by actinic light as to become insoluble. Upon this principle depends the opera- tions for making etched plates as described here- after. If a metal plate is coated with such a solution, the solution being allowed to dry in a film upon the plate, and then exposed to light under a negative, the light will pass through the clear por- tions of the negative and render the coating under those portions insoluble, the other portions of the coating remaining soluble, as they are protected by the opaque parts of the negative. These solu- ble parts can then be removed, leaving the metal bare between the lines of the image formed by the parts of the coating affected by light. The image being, by certain operations, rendered impermeable, a solution can be applied to the plate which will etch the metal away around these lines, and thus leave the image in relief. PREPARATION OF THE METAL. The metals commonly used for the purpose of making these plates are copper and zinc, the latter 70 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. being - used universally for commercial work in line etching - , while the former is used principally in making half-tone plates. The metal may be pol- ished by machine or by hand, the latter method being used in most establishments of moderate size. To polish the metal by hand a board should be fitted in an inclined position in the sink so that water from the tap can run upon it when desired, a couple of nails being driven at the lower portion to hold the metal in position when lying upon the board. If the metal is obtained polished from the deal- ers, it will be necessary to use the charcoal only to prepare the surface for coating. If it is unpolished it should first be rubbed with pumice stone or Scotch hone until the roughness is removed, and then finished with the charcoal. If the pumice stone is used, its polishing surface should first be ground flat and smooth, otherwise it will scratch the metal. While being polished the metal should be kept wet from the tap, being rubbed in one direction only with the pumice stone or hone and in the transverse direction with the charcoal, the end of the charcoal being used. If any flaws are detected in the surface of the metal they must be removed by punching from the back as described below. Place a pair of calipers so that one point shall be directly over the flaw, the other being directly under it. Press the latter against the back of the plate so as to leave a scratch, the end of which will indicate the location of the flaw. Then turn the plate face down upon a polished iron slab, place the end of a punch over the flaw as indicated VIGNETTED HALF-TONE FROM WASH DRAWING. Drawn by J. C. Leyendecker. By courtesy E. A. Weeks & Co., Chicago. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 71 and strike the other end of the punch with the hammer, which will bring- the flaw up to the sur- face. Then polish again until the surface of the plate is free from scratches and pits. The condi- tion of the finished surface will depend largely upon the charcoal. Some charcoal is gritty and leaves scratches which, if deep enough, would show in the etching. Such grittiness can often be removed by soaking the charcoal in water or the jar of dilute acid. LINE ETCHING. SENSITIZING SOLUTION. Albumen from fresh egg 1 ounce Water 8 ounces Bichromate of ammonium 15 to 20 grains. Dissolve the bichromate in the water, add to the albumen and beat up well with the egg-beater in a bowl or mortar. Filter until clean. Some etchers add a few drops of ammonia to the solution. COATING THE PLATE. Having polished the plate, file the roughness from the edges, wash it, let some water remain on the surface, and carry it to the room used for coat- ing and drain the water off. Then pour some of the sensitizing solution to cover the plate and drain it off at one corner, repeating two or three times, draining at different corners to equalize the coat- ing. Specks of dirt or bubbles should be removed. Then hold the plate over the gas stove and warm until dry, keeping it slightly inclined to allow 7 72 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. any surplus fluid to drain. A little practice will enable an even coating- to be obtained. When the plate is dry, allow it to cool in the dark and it is then ready for printing - . PRINTING. See that the heavy glass which is used for the bed plate in the printing frame is clean, and also the back of the negative. Any grit between the two will sometimes cause them to crack when the pressure is brought to bear. Also see that there is no grit in the rabbet of the frame. Then place the negative, film side up, upon the bed plate, and carefully place the coated plate face down upon it. Place the back of the frame upon the metal (usually with a pad of felt or some folded papers between), lay the bars across and fasten at the ends, and turn the screws until sufficient pressure is obtained to make contact between the plate and negative. Then place the plate in the light to print. If in sunlight, support the frame so that the rays will strike directly upon the face. If the electric light is used, give half of the exposure while the frame rests upon its side, then turn it to rest upon the opposite side, and give the balance of the exposure. If the negative is a large one, keep the light swing- ing, to equally illuminate the whole surface. Do not allow the printing frame glass to become too hot, or it will crack. The exposure time will ,T ary from one to three minutes in the sunlight and from three to ten minutes in the electric light. It will require but little experience to judge of it properly. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. <•> ROLLING UP AND DEVELOPING. After the plate has been sufficiently printed it must be rolled up with transfer ink to obtain the image. Upon the slab provided for the purpose, place a little of the ink, and with a knife spread it in a line across one end ; then with the composition roller distribute it in an even coating - over the slab. (Lifting- the roller from the slab while rolling will aid in obtaining an even coating.) If any particles of hardened ink or other matter cling to the roller, remove them with turpentine and a rag. When the roller has an even coating of the ink on it, roll it over the face of the zinc until it also is evenly coated. The ink on the zinc should not be too thick ; the metal should appear faintly through it. If the ink should be too thick on the metal, clean the roller with turpentine, and when dry roll it over the zinc and it will remove a good deal of the ink. The ink coating should be heavy enough, of course, to absorb enough dragon's blood and form sufficient resist to the acid when burned in. In cold weather the ink will sometimes refuse to distribute properly under the roller. In such a case wet it with a few drops of turpentine, or warm the slab, and this difficulty will be removed. The roller should be kept free from dirt, and in starting work for the day the slab and roller should be cleaned with turpentine and fresh ink used. A little experience will enable the worker to judge when the plate is properly rolled up. When the proper coating of ink is obtained upon the metal, <4 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. place the plate in a tray of clean water (or hold it under the tap) and rub the surface carefully with a tuft of wet absorbent cotton. The parts of the coating - which were not affected by the light will rub away, leaving - the image in black lines. If the exposure has been properly timed, the lines will all remain unbroken upon a clean ground of metal. If the plate was under-exposed, many of the lines will rub away, and if over-exposed the ink will cling to parts from which it should separate. In such a case a few drops of ammonia added to the water in the tray will often enable it to be removed. Rub the image with the cotton until all of the lines are clean and sharp, being careful to see that the spaces are free from any adhering ink. Then dry the plate by draining and warming over the gas stove. By patting it before warming with a piece of damp chamois skin, rolled into a pad, the surplus water is readily removed. READY FOR ETCHING. AFTER ROUTING. With a camel's -hair brush paint in with the transfer ink, wet with turpentine, any parts of the MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 75 lines which may be broken, and also the largest open spaces as shown in the cut, one being - the appearance of the plate when thus painted in, and the other the appearance after routing- and finish- ing. The painting in of these spaces supports the roller and prevents smudging in the subsequent rolling. POWDERING AND ETCHING. After the plate has been thus painted, it is ready for powdering. Have some dragon's blood in the powder box, and dump it upon the surface of the plate, and then brush off the surplus with a broad soft brush, finishing with a tuft of dry cotton until the metal spaces are clean. The dragon's blood will adhere to the ink. The plate is now held over the gas stove and heated until the powder incorpo- rates with the ink, as shown by its turning a rather glossy black. There are two grades of dragon's blood, one a dark red color, the other lighter in color. The latter will burn in more readily than the other, and form a strong resist. After the plate is thus heated paint the back with asphalt varnish, cool, and the image being now able to resist the acid, the plate is ready for the first bite. The acid used for this bite should not be very strong. The proportions are not arbitrary. The beginner, however, may take about two and one- half parts of the commercial nitric acid to thirtv- two parts of water, for the first etch. Place this in the etching tub and immerse the plate in it. 7G MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. Then rock the tub, and as the action of the acid proceeds, keep the plate clean by brushing - with the bristle brush used for the purpose. This bite need not be deep. Three to five minutes will be suffi- cient, when the metal will be found so etched away as to leave a line in slight relief. Then remove the plate from the acid, rinse, dry off the surplus water with a towel or the damp chamois, and warm over the stove. Before continuing the etching- the sides of the lines must be protected to prevent the acid attacking them and causing breaks. This is usually done by "powdering four ways," as fol- lows : Take the plate to the powder box, and dump some of the dragon's blood on it, then beginning at one edg*e of the plate pass the brush over it from that side to the side opposite, so that the powder will be brushed against the sides of the lines. may be made with an ordinary plate treated with cyanine, which renders the plate sensitive to all rays except green. The cyanine solution may be made by dissolving ten grains cyanine C. P. in twenty ounces alcohol. The plate is dipped in this for twenty or thirty seconds, rinsed in distilled water, and dried in the dark. Any filter may be used which will exclude blue-violet rays and admit the red. Crysoidine orange will give good results. Plates sensitized with cyanine are extremely liable to fog and must be developed in almost darkness. In making any of the color negatives, exposure and development must be correct or the color values will not be rendered properly. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. HI The color filters must be correct, and their qualities should be determined by examination with the spectroscope, which shows the colors transmit- ted. They may be made by coloring- collodion or gelatine and coating- glass with it, or by placing a colored solution in a glass cell. The glass plates must have their sides parallel and free from irreg- ularities or a blurred image will result. The color screen may be placed in front of the lens or at the back, the latter position being generally preferred. Having obtained the three negatives, the next step is to make from them three corresponding positives, which may be made on either gelatine or collodion plates, care being taken to not make the positives too intense. During the operations of making the negatives and also the positives the camera must be firmly fastened that no movement whatever shall occur, for the slightest variation will render useless results. The positives must now be placed so that the half-tone negatives for the printing plates can be made from them by transmitted light, the camera as before being fixed to avoid any movement. The form of the diaphragm aperture is an important consideration in making these negatives. If the round or square aperture, such as used for ordi- nary work, be employed, it is evident that the superposition of the -images from the printing plates would result in a moire effect ; but if aper- tures of such a form be employed as will give in each case, an effect, not of cross lines, but of a 112 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. single set of parallel lines which when superposed will cross the lines of the other images at the proper angle, the moire effect will be avoided. In a preceding chapter it was stated that the form of aperture determined the shape of the dot in the negative. If a slot-shaped aperture is used, its sides being parallel to one of the sets of lines of the screen, the resulting negative will be made up of continuous lines running in one direction, due to the joining- of the images of the aperture ; but if the aperture be broadened in the middle so as to have an elliptical form, the negative will be made up of similarly shaped dots in the lighter portions, the dots being ranged in parallel lines and joining to form solid lines in the shadows. With the use of properly shaped apertures in the diaphragms we have a means, therefore, for obtaining proper effects with a cross-line screen. To cause the lines of the negative to run at the desired angle in each case, the kit for holding the positives may be arranged to revolve through any number of degrees as required. The positives are then placed successively in the kit and turned as required to sixty degrees for the exposure. If the positives are properly placed as regards right and left, it will not, of course, be necessary to reverse the negatives. An examination of the color plates will show the forms of the elements and their proper relation to each other. The operations should be so carried out that the printing plates shall have quite open high lights, ZINC ETCHING— WITH GRAIN EFFECT. Drawn by Fred Richardson. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 113 any parts which are desired to appear extra light being - corrected with the tool. Perfect register is essential in printing these plates to obtain correct results. The yellow is printed first, the red super- posed next, and the blue last. Plates mounted on metal bases give much better results in printing than if mounted on wood. 11-1 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. CHAPTER XV. PRINTING HALF-TONE PLATES. PHOTO - MECHANICAL engraved printing- plates have largely revolutionized pressroom theories, and owing to the shallowness of the en- graving and to the greater necessity of dependence on the qualities of paper and ink, the judgment and skill of the pressman is more than ever before required to give life and brilliancy to cut work. Unevenness in half-tone plates is a source of much annoyance to the pressman. All plates should be made perfectly level before etching and the great- est uniformity should be observed in the grinding - and polishing. The following instructions for preparing half- tone plates for printing obtains in one of the larg-e establishments of America noted for the quality of the half-tone work produced. Obtain all the cuts on a certain piece of work from the composing room before they are made up in the forms, and of each cut have proofs taken on three different weights of paper — 24 by 36, 60, 70 and 80 pounds - — and then proceed to make cut underlays. Tak- ing 1 one of the proofs on the 70-pound stock, care- fully trim it all around, leaving a margin of one- sixteenth of an inch of blank all around the print. -> % - ^ MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 115 Then cut out of the sheet all of the extreme high lights, being careful to cut a little of the surround- ing shadows with them, the purpose of this being to prevent too much impression on the point of division, which would have a tendency to bring up the shallows. Then take a proof on the 80-pound stock and remove from it the extreme blacks and solids — always cutting a little inside the line — and paste them on the 70-pound sheet already treated, using common flour paste or mucilage. Then take one of the proofs on 60-pound stock and cut out all of the intermediate shades such as should appear lighter or softer in the finished print. Take these several proofs and paste them together, and this would be called a four-ply cut overlay, excepting that all of the pieces comprising it are cut a trifle inside of the line. If the cut has more shade in it than can be properly treated with three sheets, take a 50-pound paper in place of the 60-pound and add one sheet to the underlay, treating it in the same way as the second sheet with the exception that instead of cutting out the extreme solids remove all the semi-dark shades as well and paste them on. Having made the underlays in the man- ner described, proceed to unmount the cuts from their bases. In order to do this without injuring or scratching them great care is required. The tools which will be found to be the most advan- tageous are a small hammer, a pair of pliers, and a small chisel — this last should be about a quarter of an inch in diameter at the shank and should have a long tapering blade, and be about half an inch 11 116 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. wide at the extremity of the blade. Some small wire brads, such as are commonly used for mount- ing- the plates, a prick punch, a small nail set, an electrotyper's iron finishing- plate, and a pair of plate calipers such as are used by electrotypers, are the other requisites. Having- removed the plate from the block, take the calipers and mark at least two distinct points on the back of the plate in order to be able to paste the underlay accurately in position. This done, lay the cut face up on the iron plate and with a small boxwood planer g-o over the entire surface, taking- care to strike only a moderate blow. Take the block thereafter, and examine it carefully to see that it is free from lumps and rough places and mount the cut on the opposite side to that from which it was taken and send it to the composing- room. This method saves a great deal of time in the final make-ready of the form, as it is only necessary to even up the impression on the cut, and the under- lay will throw the lig-hts and shades where they should be without any further care on the part of the pressman, and for long- runs will preserve the cut much better than if a plan of overlaying- was followed. It holds up to the rollers the dark parts of the cut, properly supplying- them with ink and protecting- the lig-hter and more delicate shades from receiving- unnecessary pressure. . The practice of many pressmen who obtain g-ood results is to even up the cut by underlays, and then proceed to make such overlays as the character of the work will indicate to be the most suitable. To MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 117 be successful in making- any kind of an overlay as little paste as possible should be used, only sufficient to compactly bind together the different portions of the overlay, and to register each piece of paper over the other with positive accuracy. For work of dif- fering character the papers used in overlays vary. Impressions of the cuts are taken, for instance, on three grades of stock : One sheet, say of 10- pound folio, one of double that thickness of super- calendered, and one sheet of the stock upon which the cut is to be printed. Sometimes the last sheet mentioned is selected for the first treatment, which consists in cutting away from it any large, light backgrounds, and scraping down and slitting off many of the light and medium tones, so as to throw up the stronger ones and the solids. A sharp knife and some degree of skill is necessary to handle a sheet of paper in this way, but it is worth one's while to acquire it, for it saves time and much past- ing on of parts of overlays, besides giving a firmer basis. The sheet of supercalendered stock may now be taken, and from it should be cut all the light tints as well as some of the stronger ones. The sheet is also used as the foundation on which to paste the cut-out portions of the two other sheets. The third sheet of thin folio should be used to make overlays for such portions of strong solids and shades as require them. These should be pasted accurately in place on the supercalendered sheet, and over them should be fastened the first sheet treated. From this arrangement it will be 118 MANUAL OF PHOTOENGRAVING. apparent that the first sheet, the folio and the supercalendered sheets press on the form in the order named, and in their relative degree of pres- sures. WHY PLATES FILL UP WITH PICKS. This comes from several causes, usually unsuit- able rollers or rollers not set light enough to prop- erly roll the delicate plate surfaces, and rollers not cast true in the stocks. Inks that are too stiff or too thin, or not sufficiently ground, or ground in inferior oil or varnish, will also cause this trouble. Washing the plates with either woolen or cotton rags forces into the sharp openings of the half-tone the flock from the rags, and this also causes "picks." Half-tone work should be washed with a good brush of medium fineness, and a clean cot- ton rag should be used to lightly sponge up the washing fluid — be it benzine, astral oil or turpen- tine. In no case should rags alone be used to clean these plates, nor should anything be carelessly, harshly or hurriedly rubbed over their surfaces. Defective coating on enameled paper, or what is known as surfaced wood-cut paper, will produce picks and fill-ups on half-tone plates ; and in such cases an ink with a very slight tack should be used to get fair working results ; but the form should be washed off oftener than when better stock is running. After making ready, and between long stops, half-tone plates should be thoroughly cleaned off, as by so doing clearer and more satisfactory work can be turned out. wcr lous sir. zxsvu t HALF-TONE MADE DIRECT FROM BOOK COVER. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 119 COLORS FOR HALF-TONE PRINTING.* In every child's storehouse are treasured many bits of color. This love of color, inborn, may always be made of strong- appeal. The profusion of illustration constitutes one of the greatest influ- ences in every grade of publication — commercial, scientific and literary. The form and detail being- fixed by the subjects concerned, it remains only to print them in such quality and strength of color as shall be best. Since the greater portion of print- ing- is confined to one color, this article is limited to printing- in monotones. Fitness to the subjects themselves controls the choice of some colors. Fig-ures, particularly nudes, require warm tones. It is not customary, how- ever, to be restricted to such monotones as ap- proach flesh tints. Browns, deep reds and rich olives are all g-ood. Marines are the most limited in rang-e of color, greens and blues being- g-enerally used. Landscapes allow more license in color, all of the autumnal tints being- possibilities. Next to the subjects, the purposes and uses of the print must be reg-arded. For permanent value, simplicity of effect is of more importance than any striking- contrasts which will, in time, prove a detraction. The plain catalogue pag-e is made attractive by some monotone which is at once deco- rative and an approach to the true color of the subject. Commercial printing-, such as catalogues *From an article by Mr. Henry Lewis Johnson in The Inland Printer the above suggestive notes on colors for half-tone printing are taken by special permission. 120 MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. and placards, admits of stronger colors than are used in bound volumes, purely illustrative. The practical value of a catalogue illustration often requires that all of the details be clearly shown, and dark colors are necessary for this. In art catalogues the reverse is found ; everything is sacrificed to effect. Black always shows the full strength and bril- liancy of an engraving. Colors which approach black in density possess most brilliancy and detail. Browns, although good, are open to some preju- dice, since for many years they have been used on every fine programme, catalogue and specimen print. An order for a " fancy job" has been syn- onymous with brown ink. This color has one practical advantage. Where the same plates are used, year after year, in catalogues, the}* become necessarily somewhat worn and battered. These defects are largely obscured by this neutral color. Blues are not much used in half-tone printing. In their use all of the lights, which give contrast and brilliancy to a picture, are lost. It is naturally a color seldom used for landscapes. The slow dry- ing qualities of the ink are an objection to its use on programmes or any work which has to be bound soon after printing. Blue-black, of the darkest shades, is being largely used, giving marked bril- liancy to the print. Reds, in the richer carmine shades, are effective but somewhat costly. They are difficult colors to handle well, requiring very exact gradations to avoid being crude. Yellow has some important ZINC ETCHING — INTENSE BLACK AND WHITE EFFECT. Drawn bv J. C. Leyendecker. MANUAL OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 121 uses. Deep corn yellow is preferable to the canary shade. Greens are good and are in great favor at the present. Particularly rich effects are obtained in deep shades of olive, yielding strength and warmth. Such prints closely approach photograv- ures in effect, having strength yet obscuring the half-tone lines. Instead of primary browns, blues and greens, each one is better for ordinary pur- poses as it approaches black. For the printer there is a practical, and, in- deed, economical side to the use of colored inks. By using the engraver's proof in black in making ready, the print may be brought up to its proper condition. The element of " rush " usually enters in at this stage. Justice cannot be done to the cuts in black, in long, hurried runs, as it is difficult to maintain the color. A slight variation in the bril- liancy of the print in an olive or brown does not constitute the defect which it would in black. In place of strained effects in descriptive lines and text, the monotone is the desired decoration. The use of monotones is an interesting and a critical part of the work. For the simplest print the requirements of color are exacting, and, suc- cessfully handled, constitute a step in advance in the art of printing. APPENDIX. TABLES OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES INFORMATION FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. MEASURES. LINEAL. Mile. Rods. Yards. Feet. Inches. 1 = 320 = 17l 50 = 5280 = 63360 1 5', 1 = 16 = 3 1 SURFACE. 1 , = 198 36 12 Acre. Roods. Sq. Rods. Sq. Yds. Sq. Ft. 1 = 2560 = io; 2400 = 3097600 = 27878400 1 = 160 = 4840 = 43560 1 VOLUME. 30' 1 4 = 272 < 4 9 Gallon. Quarts Pints. Gills Cubic Inches. : = 4 = 8 = 32 = 231 1 2 1 FLUIDS. 16 4 Gallon. Pints. Ounces. Drams. Minims. Cubic Centim's. 1 = 8 = 128 = 1024 = 61440 = 3785435 1 = 16 = 128 = 7 '680 = 473179 1 = II II 480 60 = 29574 = 3697 122 APPENDIX. 12. WEIGHTS. TROY. Pound. Ounces. Penn; 1,-weij. fht. Grains. Grams. 1 = 12 = 240 5760 = 373.24 1 = 20 = 480 = 31.10 1 = 24 = 1.56 APOTHECARIES'. Pound. Ounces. Drams Scruples. Grains. Grains. 1 = 12 = 96 = 288 = 5760 = 373 . 24 1 = 8 = 24 = 480 = 31.10 1 = 3 = 60 = 3.89 1 = 20 — 1 = 1.30 .06 AVOIRDUPOIS. Pound. Ounces. Drams. Grams. 1 = 16 = 256 = 453.60 1 = 16 = 28.35 1 = 1.77 1 gram = 15.43 grains = .03215 troy ounces = .03527 avoirdupois ounces. 1 grain = .0648 grams. 1 pound avoirdupois = lyV? pounds troy = IjVi pounds apothecaries'. 1 ounce avoirdupois = l T yv ounces troy = l T v 5 2 ounces apothecaries'. 1 pound troy = 1 pound apothecaries'. 1 ounce " =1 ounce " 1 grain " =1 grain " 1 pennyweight " — § dram " TO PREPARE PERCENTAGE SOLUTIONS. For each fluid ounce of water take of the salt 4.557 grains to make a 1 per cent solution, twice the amount for a 2 per cent solution, etc. When stated in parts per 1,000, etc., for each fluid ounce of water take of the salt 0.4557 to make 1 part in 1,000, twice - roount to I PR] ::^:h : - i . Water 1 ... 1 ounce - Dis- - the paper th soltridoi ; in dark e. Then - - - - - - bleachec - ^ro- - 7 may be ~ibed in Cbar - - ' _ ~ - . Tar 1 . - iron 123 % Water . - -- - - ■ - acid : ri::.; I gTains 3 ounces 5 per cent solution of ferro- sh and fix in 10 per cent solution - APPENDIX. 125 ANOTHER PROCESS. Water 300 cu. centim's Gelatin 10 grams Ferric chloride, in thick solution 20 cu. centim's Tartaric acid 10 grams Ferric sulphate 10 grams When paper is dry, expose under negative and develop in Gallic acid 20 grams Alcohol 200 cu. centim's Water 1 liter and wash. VARNISHES. VARNISH FOR COLLODION NEGATIVES. g Water 30 ounces Borax \ l / 2 ounces White shellac 4 ounces Glycerine % ounce Dissolve the borax in the water, then add the shellac and warm the water, keeping it so until the shellac is dissolved, then add the glycerine. DEAD BLACK VARNISH. Gum lac 30 grams Alcohol 200 cu. centim's Dissolve. Lampblack 60 grams Alcohol 40 cu. centim's Dissolve and add to the gum solution. 126 APPENDIX. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER. It is an easy matter to prepare one's own paper and it will keep for any length of time. All that is necessary is to use a good quality linen paper and soak it in a weak siz- ing of gelatin containing a chloride salt, so that when apply- ing nitrate of silver afterward to this paper a chloride of silver will be formed. The following is an excellent for- mula: Take a smooth linen paper if it is to be used for pen- and-ink work, or a rough paper like Whatman's drawing paper if for wash work, and immerse it in a warm solution of the following : Water 1 ounce Gelatin 12 grains Chloride of ammonium 8 grains When the paper is soaked with this liquid hang it up to dry. It will keep indefinitely. To sensitize this paper use : Water 1 ounce Nitrate of silver 50 grains Nitric acid 15 grains CLEARING SOLUTION FOR HALF-TONE NEGATIVES. Engravers having trouble with negatives filling up in the intensifying will find a clearing solution of great value. Property used, it is one of the most valuable aids in secur- ing perfect half-tone negatives. There are two ways of using this clearing solution. The first is to prepare an iodine solution : Iodine in flakes 10 grains Iodide of potassium 10 grains Water 1 ounce After the negative is intensified with bromide of copper and nitrate of silver as usual, it should be examined with a magnifying glass to determine how much clearing is neces- sary. Then flow over the negative the iodine solution until 12 APPENDIX. it has permeated through the film, wash well, leave the water running, and flow over the iodized plate a very weak solu- tion of cyanide of potassium. If it should appear to clear the negative too quickly, thrust the negative immediately under the running water. After washing examine with the glass again, and proceed or stop clearing as judgment war- rants. The majority of operators add cyanide solution to the iodine solution until the latter becomes clear as' water, and use it then as the clearing solution. TWO SUGGESTIONS FOR DESIGNERS. Wall paper of neat design may sometimes be used as a background for a group of photographs to be reproduced in half-tone, giving a better appearance than a plain ground, and allowing the time of an artist to design a ground to be saved. Good effects can also be obtained in some cases by spreading glue over certain portions of a design and sprinkling over the wet glue chips of metal from the router or trimmer. ETCHED EMBOSSING PLATES. Plates for embossing can be made quite readily by zinc etching, as follows: From the relief plate take an impres- sion with black ink on thin white paper, as nearly trans- parent and tough as can be obtained. Then dust over the wet ink very finely powdered graphite or other opaque powder to render the ink still more impervious to light. Coat a thick zinc plate with the sensitive albumen solution, place the paper in contact with it, insert in printing frame and expose in same manner as with a negative. Then roll up and develop as usual and the result will be an image having the letters or design of exposed zinc with a ground of transfer ink. The plate is then etched in the usual man- ner, care being taken to protect the edges of the design from breaking. If the relief plate is not at hand, make a negative of the design and from this a positive, and use the positive to obtain the print upon the zinc. To make the 128 APPENDIX. positive, place the negative in the kit in front of the copying- camera, having the lens in the kit inside. Fasten a sheet of white paper to the copy board and move the ground glass until the image measures exactly the proper dimensions, then proceed as in making an ordinary negative. A method simpler than the above would be to transfer the image from the relief plate to the zinc by means of the press, paint in the ground well with transfer ink, and etch. A SUBSTITUTE FOR GROUND GLASS. There is scarcely any accident more aggravating to the photo-engraver than the breaking of the camera ground glass. As it is of frequent occurrence and it is difficult to obtain glass ground fine enough for the purpose, it behooves the photographer to be provided with the following varnish which furnishes an excellent substitute for ground glass: Sulphuric ether 4 ounces Benzole 2 ounces Alcohol J 2 ounce Gum sandarac or damar 100 to 150 grains If too much alcohol is used it will give a transparent instead of a ground glass effect. Flow this varnish on a sheet of plain glass like collodion. It dries quickly and without heat, and should give an excellent imitation of ground glass. In passing it might be said that if a little gl3 r cerin is rubbed into the grain of an ordinary ground glass it renders it much easier to focus on. It is best to rub it over but a portion of the ground glass, say a strip from the center to one edge. PROVING COLOR PLATES. Mr. J. H. Siedenburg, of New York, says The Inland Printer, has devised the following- method of proving color plates : In a worthless piece of zinc, saj- 10 by 12 in size. } -inch holes are drilled in diagonal corners. Short pieces of a steel needle are driven into these holes and soldered COMBINATION OF LINE AND HALF-TONE, ETCHED TOGETHER ON ZINC. Qg he on i 11- th y. „ .<- »t ^v- .uor- ^vlh,\ America; m m cms country Mla ton any British plans tor the acquisition of Hawaii." THE INLAND PRINTER. The April number of the' Inland Printer leads off with a cool and discriminating re- view of tne work of Aubrey Beardsley, the new eccentric illustrator, Mr. Way, the critic, rightly distinguishes Beardsley's work as oecoratioii, like that of the Japanese, rather than illustration. There are articles on "KeCKnt Type Designs," "Colored Ink Fountains for Printing Presses," "Advan- tage.-; of Type Written Copy," anil a score of other subjects in which printers take delight, besides less technical studies devoted to the aesthetic sideof beck-making, and a profusion of the best selected and most handsomely printed full-page and marginal engravings. ■po pn^KS RECEIVED. " Ai c Bas tak bat Bai capt W east cone hous si dei $ ' Di( Schc HALF-TONE REPRODUCTION OF TYPE-MATTER. Appendix. 129 there, after which the upper ends of the needles are filed to sharp points. This he calls the "ground plate." After photographing - and etching the color plates, one of them is taken and clamped securely to the center of the ground plate ; ^-inch holes are drilled through the regular registry points, which were, of course, on the cop}' and photo- graphed on each plate. These holes are bored through both the color plate and the ground plate. Now two block- ing brads about ^Vinch thick are driven through the ground plate holes from the back and cut off to height of thickness of color plate. With nail set, punch the metal around the brads to hold them rigid. When jVinch holes are bored in the center of the registry points in the other color plates they are all ready for proving. When the first color plate is proved, the needle points in the ground plate puncture holes in the proof, which are used to register the paper in the subsequent printings, while the steel brads keep the plates in register. TO CHANGE THE READING ON ONE THERMOM- ETER SCALE TO THAT ON ANOTHER. Fahrenheit to Centigrade. — Subtract 32 from the Fahren- heit reading and multiply the result by f. Fahrenheit to Reaumur. — Subtract 32 from Fahrenheit reading and multiply result by f. Centigrade to Fahrenheit. — Multiply Centigrade reading by | and add 32 to the result. Centigrade to Reaumur. — Multiply the Centigrade read- ing by |. Reaumur to Fahrenheit. — Multiply the Reaumur reading by | and add 32. Reaumur to Centigrade. — Multiply the Reaumur reading byf. >000<><>0<><><>00<>< ClK Inland printer. ***: Wbat it is. The Inland Printer is a monthly magazine of from ioo to 120 pages, 9 by 12 inches in size, devoted to printing, publishing, engraving, electrotypiug, stereo- typing, bookbinding, papermaking and all the kindred trades. It is a work of art, and should be in the hands of every lover of the typographic art or anyone inter- ested in newspaper work or advertising. Issued promptly on the first of every month. Subscriptions can begin with any number. What it Contains. Its pages are filled with the most instructive and interesting original articles relating to the matters that properly come within its domain, besides an amount of valuable data, trade topics, correspondence, craft items, recent patents, recipes, hints and suggestions that will surprise you. In addition to this, it is copiously illus- trated, and the whole makeup and general character of the work is such as to challenge admiration. ThA Illnctt-atinnc The ful1 P a & e illustrations and I ne IllUSirdUUn^. those worked in with the text are all of a high order, and include half-tone, zinc etching and other methods of engraving, alike valuable to the engraver, process-worker, compositor and pressman. Colored plates, by various processes, are also shown. tl Tpyt Taking up a copy at random one finds 1 He I CM. articles on proofreading, the point system in type founding, notes on bookbinding, natural colors in the printing press, newspapers and newspaper men, the country newspaper, typographical make-ready, ad- vertising, convention notes, review of type designs, pressroom queries and answers, process engraving, new patents, trade notes and much general information. Tl>~ A -l.,«_*:„«™«„i.. These are as important in a The Advertisements. way as any other part of the Inland Printer, for the reason that they are set in attractive and catchy style, alike beneficial to the com- positor and "ad." writer, and printed in the same excel- lent way that the other part of the journal is. This part will interest you as well as the text. SUBSCRIPTION price: $2.00 per Year ; $1.00 for Six Months ; 20c. per Copy. No free copies and no exchanges. Subscribe through your type founder, material dealer or news agent, or send direct to CDe Inland Printer Companp, 150 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. 212-214 MONROE ST. CHICAGO. Ckh>c>oo< ^ff»'-^ IIP' t\j& *^r ^ is $?$M %^^sM WW*^ W\3w*% w^STO 3 3125 00017 7242 4 "'^ -« m^ t % yaLL^ «*"«i« J '^ ^ i». '.L. *%&■: ^