O -A- T -A. I_j O Ox XT IE im jJos U(M OF THE COLLECTION OF CHOICE MODERN PICTURES AND Mtafj'r-rolmu' Bratmnga OF JAMES NUTTALL, ESQ. Of Thorneyholme, Old Trafford, Manchester; AND THE COLLECTION OF J. O. BACCHUS, ESQ. Deceased, late of Norwood House, Leamington (Sold by Order of the Executors ) ; WHICH iSEtll be 5oUi bo Auction bp Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT mm GREAT RQQ2*23, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street., SI. James's Square , SJV. | , 4 vs° I v b ih 2&lU-‘VU CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. TEE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Chbistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. C AT ALOGUE. ■+ 0 +- On SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The Collection of JAMES NUTTALL , Esq. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. R. ANDERSON, 1882. 1 The Harbour of Seville 131 *’**• by 191*«• G. BARRET. 2 Carisbrook Castle in . by 10 in . G. BARRET. 3 A Landscape : Evening 18^ in . by 30 in . ]» 2 4 W. BENNETT. S'/a- 4 A View in Derbyshire 14 in. by 21 in. J. A. BENWELL, 1885. Lo / x . 5 Arab Merchant 17 in. by 14 in. BASIL BKADLEY. 6 Retriever and Setter 19 in. by 13f in. BASIL BRADLEY, 1874. /^Zz- 7 Otter Hodnds ' f ^ Q ^ n^dleLA 13£ in. by 19f in. JtS G. CATTERMOLE. 8 The Challenge Ilf in. by 17f in. ML- /6 0 T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1883. 9 SUMMER TIME: A bull and seven cows in Canterbury Meadows 27 in. by 40 in. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1863 10 CANTERBURY MEADOWS, with cows and sheep 17 in. by 28 in. 5 T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1842. fU-fa 11 A Bull and Sheep 12j in. by 16 in. D. COX. ^ 12 A Cottage and Trees 6 in. by 8^ in. J. COZENS. ' /?- 13 Knaresborough 10 in. by 14 in. T. DANBY. y 14 A Landscape : Evening 9J in. by 20^ in. W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A., 1869. 'O'/*- 15 Going to Market 14J in. by 12J in. BERNARD EVANS. ^ 16 Fountains Abbey 141r in. by 20| in. G. FIELDING. U ./ 17 On the South Downs 11£ in. by 16£ in. birket FOSTER. fan/ _ 18 St. Paul’s from the River 3 | in. by 5^ in. Jfs 6 BIRKET FOSTER. / j - gl . 19 Lambeth Palace 3f in . by 5^ in . L. HAGHE, 1862. £3 20 Convent Hospitality 16f in . by 28£ in . J. HARDY, Jdn. 21 A Gillie Boy, with dogs and game 11 in . by 16 in . F. HEILBUTH. 22 Summer Time 10 ^ in . by 18 in . G. G. KILBURNE. ^ 23 A Conspirator 9£ in . by 6| m . G. G. KILBURNE. ^'/ o - 24 Interior, with a lady seated 6f in . by 8f in . G. G. KILBURNE. U -’/*- 25 Italian Girl, spinning 7 \ in . by 5 J in . G. G. KILBURNE. // /4_- 26 A Lady at the Piano 7 in . by 10 in . 7 J. F. LEWIS, E.A. 27 An Old Fishwife 13£ in . by 10 in . J. MoWHIRTER, R.A. 28 A Scotch Valley 13J in . by 19J in . P. MARNY. 29 A View in a Foreign Town 15£ in . by 25J in . A. H. MARSH. 30 Fisher Folk and the Pedlar 16 in . by 21 \ in . SIR J. E. MILLAIS, P.R.A. 31 The Lost Sheep in . by 4 in . W. MULLER, 1838. 32 The Rialto 17 in . by 29 in . G. J. PINWELL. 33 The Return of the Prodigal —a study 4 £ in . by 6 in . P. F. POOLE, R.A. 34 Crossing the Moor 14^ in . by 11 j in . d/si J^t£. 8 P. F. POOLE, R.A. 35 The Peat Gatherer 16 in . by 12^ in . S. PROUT. 36 A Harbour Scene, with fishing boats —sepia 13 in . by 19 in . S. PROUT. S’/x- 37 Boats on Shore 7 in . by 94 in . T. M. RICHARDSON. 38 A Highland Landscape 5 in . by 21 in . T. M. RICHARDSON. 39 A Highland Landscape : Harvest time 15£ in . by 344 in . G. ROMNEY. 40 A Study for a Picture 74 in . by 5 in . F. J. SHIELDS, 1855. 41 Girls Playing Knuckle-Bones 18 in . by 13 in . F. J. SHIELDS, 1874. 42 Mother and Child 124 in . by 11 in . - A 9 F. J. SHIELDS. 43 A Peasant Girl 10j in. by 7^ in. E. TESSON. 44 An Eastern Scene 12 in. by 19 in. F. W. TOPHAM. 45 A Spanish Posada 16^ in. by 25^ in. G. S. WALTERS, 46 The Victory at Rest in. by 13£ in. J. D. WATSON, 1888. 47 A Hunting Subject 17 in. by 25 in. H. CLARENCE WHAITE. 48 Capri : Unloading boats 10^ in. by 14| in. P. DE WINT. 49 A Mill Stream 6| in, by 10^ in. 10 PICTURES. G. ARMFIEL1). J 50 Full of Business 7 in . circle BARKER. / o - — 51 A Landscape, with white horse 5| in . by 41 in . R. BEAYIS. / O£r 52 Going to Market 60 in . bv 40 in . * / oj ^ cisr ^. R. BEAYIS, 1879. // 53 A Bleak Sea Shore 12 in . by 15 in . SAM BOUGH, R.S.A. 54 Cadzow Forest 29 in . by 24 in . H. BRIGHT and J. J. HILL. r ^y 55 A Moorland Scene, with gipsies 27J in . by 35J in . J. B. BURGESS, R.A., 1880. 56 Childhood in Eastern Life 36 in . by 28 in . 11 L. COIGNARD. 57 Two Cows in a Stream 16 in. by 13 in. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1866. 58 A MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCAPE, with cows and sheep 30 in. by 42 in. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1872. 59 Summer Time : Six cows on the bank of a stream 16 in. by 24 in. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1852. 60 In the Shade : A Landscape, with cows and sheep 26 in. by 35 in. COROT. 61 A Flooded Road 15 in. by 11 in. E. CROFTS, A.R.A., 1873. 62 The Retreat from Moscow 8J in. by 13 in. H. DAWSON. 63 Sunset at Sea, with shipping 9 in. by 13^ in. 12 W. C. T. DOBSON, E.A. 64 Mamma’s Birthday XLu(yTrUsij4i_. H. GLINDONI, 1894. &3L 67 A Scene in the French Revolution 38 in. by 44 in. F. GOODALL, R.A. 68 The Pyramids of Ghtzet, at the time of the overflow of the Nile 14£ in. by 35 in. HEYWOOD HARDY. 69 Blackberry Gatherers 17 in. by 27 in. JO HEYWOOD HARDY, 1891. 70 A Morning Ride 27 in. by 22 in. 13 L. HARTMANN (Munich). dr 71 A n A LT at an Inn Door 15 in. by 25 in. W. HEMttLEY. 4 T- - 72 A Good Polish 7^ in. by 5f in. J. F. HERRING. 73 The Frugal Meal 21 in. by 29 in. J. F. HERRING. d 74 Steepleohasing— a pair 6 in. by 8 in. J. F. HERRING. 75 Steeplechasing 7f in. by 9| in. R. HILLINGFORD. 76 Marlborough and his Men 18 in. by 23 in. F. W. HULME, 1852. 77 The Top of the Hill 15 in. by 25 in. H. KOEKKOEK, Sen. 78 A Coast Scene, with stranded ship, boat and figures 8 £ in. by 12 in. SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. /fT 79 Portrait of a Spaniel: Mrs. Plumer Ward’s Dog 21 in. by 25 J in. Exhibited at the JEtoyal Academy From the Collection of the Duchess of Montrose J /x- /fro ? y-A 38 SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 80 A Highlander on a Grey Horse in. by 8 in. B. W. LEADER, A.R.A., 18G9. /)0 81 Spring 18 in. by 13 in. J. T. LINNELL. 82 A Summer’s Evening : A landscape with shepherds aif9 sheep An illustration to Collins' Ode 32 in. by 44 in. ifu sheep ff P. MANANI. 83' The Guitar Player Ilf in. by 8J in. J. MORGAN. 84 A Peasant and Dog 9J in. by in. ft* r *C04_ H. MOORE, R.A. 85 A River Scene, with overshot mill and cattle 25 in. by 47 in. OZaji^ 15 W. MULLER. 86 Athens 21g in. by 30 in. W. MULLER. 87 A Gipsy Encampment 8J in. by 11 in. E. J. NIEMANN. 88 A View over a River, with cows 23J in. by 43^ in. D. PASSMORE, 1871. 89 The Toast 9^ in. by 3^ in J. PEEL. 90 The River Tweed, Peeblesshire 19 in. by 29 in. S. R. PERCY. 91 Pleasant Pasture 19^ in. by 35 in. J. PHILLIP, R.A. 92 Grief : A mother and child 18 in. by 14 in. J. PHILLIP, R.A. 93 Study of an Old Woman 10£ in. by 10 in. -^0-^^CItAlyC>C & A,, 16 P. F. POOLE, R.A., 1873. /4_ 94 A Coast Scene, with figures 18J in. by 26 in. L. J. POTT. /O 95 A Royal Salute 21 in. by 17 in. J. B. PYNE, 1850 96 The Sheimpehs’ Retuen 22 in. by 31 in. J. B. PYNE, 1859. £.9 97 Venice 20 in. by 27J in. SIR. J. REYNOLDS. 98 Lady Hamilton, as a Bacchante —a sketch 8 in. by 6J in. ROBBE. /£ 99 A Landscape, with cows 22 in. by 30 in. W. J. SHAVER. 100 Cows Deinking at a Teough 20^ in. by 26 in. W. J. SHAYER, 3 y 101 Cloyelly, North Devon 19 in. by 29J in. 17 W. J. SHAYEE. 102 Milking Time 27 in. by 35^ in. W. J. SHAYEE. 103 FISHERMEN ON THE SHORE 13£ in. by 11^ in. W. STEUTT. 104 A Primrose League 44 in. by 29 in. J. SYEE. 105 A Ship Entering Calais Harbour 60 in. by 40 in. z. / A. H. TOUEIEE, 1879. 106 Dice Players 18 in. by 24 in. J. WAED, E.A. 107 The Eainbow 15£ in. by 26^ in. T. WEBSTEE, E.A. 108 The Wreck Ashore 20 in. by 30 in. T. WEBSTEE, E.A. 109 Eobbers Dividing the SroiL 20 in. by 30 in. J, ‘Ut f st>oe - 'K)y j!s 18 J. WEBB. 4-3 110 St. Sebastian, Spain 23 in. by 35 in. yyk^ui^ J. WEBB, 1871. 3 h- 111 EnRENBREITSTEIN 27 in. by 44 in. J. WEBB, 1877. 112 The Port of Rotterdam 41 in. by 81 in. F. RUBEN (Austria). AO 113 The Life of Pope Leo X. 41 in. by 571 in. VAN FALENS. -4- 114 The Fight for the Standard 8 | in. by 8| in. WOUVERMAN (After). 4- 115 Preparing for the Hunt ^cdkiJhjL-. 12^ by 161 rckdblJkjL--- in THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. PICTURES. J. DENDY SADLER. 11G When the Wind is in the East Jly X /<£ J. HOLLAND. 117 Rotterdam : Moonlight /b-A^o J. HOLLAND. 118 Lago di Garda G. MORLAND. 119 A Pig Sty /<9V /*• J. WILSON. 120 Shipping at the Mouth of a Harbour /X X / 6 ~~ -T. DENOVAN ADAM. 121 Highland Cattle /OAlfr ARCHER. 122 Miss Rose D. BATES. 123 Felling Timber J. MILLER. /CK/p. ¥ Is y. E. GILL, 1864. 150 Pont-t-Pant on the Lledr 17i in by 231, in. 23 G. LANCE, 1837. 151 Dessert on a Table 11^ in. by 15 in. F. R. LEE, E.A., 1864. 152 A River Scene, with rustic bridge 23^ in. by 17^ in. W. MULLER, 1841. 153 AN EASTERN FRUIT SELLER 12 in. by 10J in. W. MULLER. 154 A Rustic Landscape, with a peasant and 12 in. by 15 in. boat near a cottage^ W. MULLER, 1843. 155 An Eastern Soldier 15 in. by 13 in. -- P. NASMYTH. 156 A Farm Scene, with peasants, cattle and sheep Signed P. Nl, 1817 11 £ in. by 16^ in. ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A., 1864. 157 The Price of the Pig 15 in. by 19 in. H. J. BODDINGTON. 158 A Landscape, with felled timber and gipsy encampment 21 in. by 36 in. 24 R. ROTHWELL, 1860. — 159 A Child, with a bow 21 in. by 19^ in. C. SMITH. 160 Virginia Water 8 in. by 13 in. FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.