sIPkmM Sw^ViaU l ic!«CC "pMwj uqJ i" i 7 j rrl -i. psppp SSScCwU-K V^.y' MgWSSw 1 ;-- - »«£-ivvvw. WMi* mH « y' mmz irj < !:ww7w Ajm*S/2zr^ 0bBg5~3£ w\■f#IW/'S y ' > ; ggs^ mjfjjjj |il| mm |f f';'^ Sr^j' ■ $ ; -;*~ •' ■ BBBHBI MKfe HSSEJJa., ^S®S^^i^^|^nrW38lB|(2(^SIBPl / jsjky 5 |t j 7 MfiMsjf PS|| ''' THnT] M 1 Sf & v ^plRS&N W/^'^/tlJfj^ yy w&SaA -'*> Wfm MS if© |ES^v/y §g|i|| jigg Ira ^nnPri IMR' -®SSg SP'S HSPn I|||'C''n g&g Bill iSISp fH saagjg^ Bag j$=> iSalfP ’-^*v rr»uiMi fssfjlplf yy- ri - Ifi (WHSHBEgE §iiifs§ y|P|«^§§ P2P 1 ■ . • - — . . ■ > * 'i * ’ 'v ■ :* * * : - * ■ • . •• . •* * W M I Specimens of £arly Prench Architecture, Selected chiefly from the Churches of thellede France, and illuftrated in Geometrical Drawings and Perfpective Views, by Robert J. Johnson, m.r.i.b.a. m Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Publifhed by the Author, 15, New Bridge Street. W. Kaye, 14, Blackett Street. London :-W. Allan & C? 9, Stationers’ Hall Court, 1864. Printed by Maclurc, Macdonald &Macgregor, Lithographers to the Queen. PREFACE. The Author was at first led to undertake this Work by obferving the univerfal and active character of the “ restorations” of Medieval Work in France. No “ restoration,” however careful and painstaking in its charafter (still lefs when it forms part of a wholesale syftem) can convey to the student of Christian art the innumerable lessons that are to be drawn from original work. A series, therefore, of careful and accurate illustrations of buildings, wholly or in part untouched by restoration, appeared very desirable, and the Author ventures to hope that what he has so imperfeftly done in the present work will not be found without value as a contribution towards such a series. The same arguments apply to English Architecture, and without undervaluing the various works that have appeared in its illustration, there is st'ill need of a series which should set forth, in a comprehensive yet inexpensive manner, a number of the Parish Churches and smaller Minsters so plentifully scattered over the Country. The necessity, it is true, is not so pressing here as in France, yet many, very many of our ancient Churches are yearly destroyed; and it is to be remembered that if our future Architecture is to be good and national , too much care cannot be expended in preserving records of our English work. It is neceffary to make one or two technical obfervations on the Drawings. They illustrate some of the best examples of the earlier pointed Architecture of France, and, it is believed, are clear enough to exhibit with some minuteness the various features of the buildings. A building has occasionally been found inacceflible to complete measurement; but a great number of dimenfions have been secured. In such a cafe, the drawing has been completed in front of the building, and is called a “Sketch Elevation.” All thefe drawings are nearly correct in dimenfions, even in detail, various approximate methods of meafurement having been employed; and all figured dimenfions are actually correft. In some cases difcrepancies exist between the figured dimenfions on the drawings, and the apparent dimenfions tefted by an ivory scale. These arife from the expanfion of the paper in printing, and the figures are in all cafes cor reft. All the geometrical drawings not aftually completed on the spot have been, when finished, carefully compared and correfted with the buildings. The spire on the south-weft tower of the Church of S. Leu d’Eflerent was inacceflible for meafurement, and is fliewn in the drawings from photographs taken so far off that the proportion and height may be confidered as accurately reprefented. The horizontal jointing of the ftones, and the average diftances and charafter of the vertical and arch joints have been carefully attended to. The Author has to thank several of his fellow travellers, for their kindnefs in pointing out to him and aflisting in the meafurement of many of the examples. He names especially Meffrs. G. F. Bodley, T. Austin, E. G. Palev, J. J. Stevenson, E. R. Robson, W. Jolley, and F. Garrard. N EWCASTLE-U PON-T YN E, January, 1864. A TABLE of the CONTENTS. F ILLUSTRATION. S. Martin : Nogent lcs Vicrges S. Leu d’Esseren and p'olleville S. Leu d’Essere Champagne Breuil le Vert Villers S. Paul Chalons Sur Marne Bo urges Noyon 8 Angy Bonport Mogilev ill Loches Plefiis le-Charm Cires-les-Mello Corinery . Angers Langeais Seine Infcricu I Seine et Oise Collegiate Church S. Evremont Cathedral Church Church of S. Vincent Cathedral Church Parish Church (for Bishop’s Chapel Parish Church and Chapel Cathedral Church of Our Lady Parish Church of S. Stephen „ of Our Lady Cathedral Church of S. Stephen „ ,, of Our Lady Cathedral, and Ch. of Our Lady Cathedral Church of Our Lady Parish Church of S. Nicholas Cathedral Church of Our Lady Parish Church of S. Martin Templar's Chapel . Collegiate Ch. of S. Frambourg Parish Church of S. Martin Abbey Refectory Parish Church ,, formerly Collegiate Parish Church ,, formerly Collegiate Parish Church of S. Radegondc „ and the Church i of Our Lady . . ) Ruined Abbey Church of S. Albin Parish Church Perspective Views of Steeples. Perspective View from the South East. Ground Plan : Elevations and Details. Perspective View from the South West. Ground Plan: North Elevation — called erroneously “ South ” on the Drawing and Details. Longitudinal and Cross Sections. Detail Drawing of South Gallery of Nave. ,, of West Door-way to North Aisle. Ground Plan, and North West View. Perspective V iew of Interior, looking East. Plan, Sketch Elevation, and Details S. Remain’s Tower. Plan, Elevation, and Details of Tomb in Aisle of Chcvet. Perspective Views from the North East and South East. Plans, Details, and South East View. Longitudinal and Cross Sections and Details. Ground Plan and other Plans. South Elevation. East Elevation and Cross Section. Longitudinal Section looking South. Detail Drawing of Clerestory Windows of Nave. ,, of T riforiums. „ of Piers, Caps, Bases, &C. ,, of Aisle Windows. „ of South Western Tower. „ of Cloister. ,, of Gateways. Perspective View of the West Front. ,, of the South Western Tower. „ from the South East. „ of Caps in Chevet. West Elevation and Details—and East End. North Elevation and Perspective View. Ground Plan—Longitudinal Section and Details. Perspective View from the South East. Perspective View, Plan, Elevation and Details of Steeple. Detail Drawing of Compartment of N. Transept Gal. Perspective View, Plans and Details of Staircase in S.W. T ower. Perspective View of North Western Tower. View in the Choir. Perspective View from the South East. Detail Drawing of Windows in North Transept. Perspective View of the West Front „ of Steeple and East End. „ from the North. Plan, Sections, and Details. Perspective View inside, looking South West. Elevation and Details of West Front ,, of South Side and West Front. Perspective View of North Transept, &c. „ of West Front. Plan and Details of South Western Tower. Elevation and Section of South Western Tower & Spire. Sections in Nave. Details of Nave and North Transept. View in the Crypt. Perspective View of West Front. Detail Drawing of the Rose Window of Treasury. Internal Elevations of Bays in Nave and North Transept. Perspective View in North Aisle ofNave. East Elevation and Details. North Elevation and Ground Plan. Perspective View from the North West. „ of East Side of North Transept, &c. Elevation and Sections of Bays on SouthSide ofNave. Cross Sections ol Nave. Details of Bays in Nave. Details and Plan of Bays in Nave. Detail Drawing of Cloister. ,, of Rose Window. Perspective Views of Pier Capitals. Perspective View of the South Transept, &c. Plan and Perspective View from the North West. Perspective View from the North East. Ground Plan —East and West Elevations. North Elevation and Longitudinal Section. Detail Elevations and Sections. Various Details. Details of Sculpture, &c., of West Door. Perspective View of the North Side. ,, of the West Front. Perspective View in the Choir. Plan and Details. North Elevation and Cross Section. East Elevation and Longitudinal Section. Various Details. South West View. Perspective View from the South East. „ from the North. Ground Plan and Longitudinal Section. Various Details. Perspective View of Interior, looking West. Elevation and Section of the Steeple. Perspective View of Steeple from the North East. Elevation and Section of Steeple. Perspective View of the East End &c. „ of Steeples. 3? LATE (OISE) Drawn bp ft J.J. ?i X'Ulhfynythtd h/ fi,.t Q OLLE&I ATE CHUR.C.H or g.^VHEMONT at QR-EllL . Q ISE ''Lithympft/ut hr /. vphtd i by ft-L/ PLATE 10 ml ilnum Jhffitltk/niplied ly ft., U. . (//, -/ufr J4/u/.*,hW(-. at fcLiJJwt/ni/thedlit/ //.. A' jrd Dmmi S'Lil/wt/m/Jin/. bf/Ji.J,. i ill.ilhnjni/Jitd A, j5 ; Xjtiu D'^jsscrent COise.) rry >■// Drawnt'hVin/mpheilhi/ ft.. L ■ aiSSK^ralHi'vmllciiia-a^TIjiD iriiviaCDaNmW'ans sho-mhD irsm/T-HnO HsmiO 3 hX Q&iejfrl-trvy Yrfn Cat ana slate 'c aau/ntL jjuta . ‘u,U out. 3/uftnCwm-. 'JrtdvtnjruAiUsni)^ • PLATE. 72 "■ ' ‘ ■ , PLATE. 74. CHAPEL AT LAON _ (AISNE) ( ScUd. ^ -fttrrvQA. h tfte 5 &mp&vtf., J^ortfu -y/eA't- yiuu. & v. v i'£itJ)fXtrup/uxJ>by{tJ'.- ./ Onum ,i-hlJta/ni/iluxl by A.J.J. Abasund, fJmun A'Lilhwivfihtd Ay /i'././ 'Rk. y/zM.jfunvb lie. of tfte tyajvjdu QJl/\AAn,cA) a/a wfi'tg '. OUrd.. if S. fKari-ixin ‘Pant of Cfurin- Dtxarn X'/.it/u' WM fcv -yfifi wk>£ T j; IK% ::S® " nzrr t .:j|| jjK 7£ BBEY OfTBoN ■ /»/ fw/tfatfin/iiyy /ti/yrjf/a/mf/ty.j AT £IHES XES J/pIXO : QTSB ) RETAILS. 92 PLATE'S 3 Drawn St/Miy/m/ilml by S.J.J. Mrasitrvtf. Drawl i'Zilhujivp/ud by ItJ.J ■pifATE 94 T m S FEFPFE OF AE.UIHED ^\BBEY QHURCH KC QOKMEKY JHDRE FT pOIRE VUM- WwaA-um_ a aid. Out^S St,cZim. / a Sc«v&_. vsr~ 1 /p?) * • ' T . ■ * V» *■ • , « v-i. 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