9 ± /23 /3 / -CLStS<5 „ ? s . /02. . /O f'• // 4 ^ / 3 2- * founds /$& / 5 'dLv-CsCC . ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofpictu01chri_1 7 722 - /3 3 , /zL /39. /^^- /s 7- 5 . /ZS-. /^-Z. /S5~. / £ /. 3. IS Jb .4-0, 7y-.yi> . ff Qz. 9& - /of. //o . /2f. 'Mff/? - ftt&UscLui . /U-d . /5/. /Sf. 2o. 2 b. 2 39 fa/a. £/. 3 . 9- P~- 6 3 /feu Ci .fniSaidtu. 6'f. . //J . /!/ . /2 9. / /3/. / 4 ^ 4 ^-- /S3. 3 . //. /9.2V- .3 o .3t+-.3&. 37. i+tf-.&o si -£L,**'£ks- 7 ' 7 *'? s ' , °' ' T ' -3oy ^ /oa-./oS $Ju*eL . ZfLicttjU t v //o. //*f- /2 5 ' 73 L /S f ■ ^ CX,jC^c7i ■ ' O'. 70- 2. /*<**. /57. u. £■&. fG f 2. /S 2 - ■ sLL^ . ffcdcscUf i ■ ^^4 / 3ts>, s ?*■ ■ ?*: yJkckscluA CouU^I^.cJ> /V~Cr\sUZJ> ■ —.— -/ / &/. 3o.33 Sf 66 // ‘ CLt^y-c^i /+-. /O . /3. 32 . 6' 6 ' . ry-. M . . 9v-■ ^ 6 " q£> . /Ot/-. /22 UJ-bL^&t S&' bQ. < ~^ ffccsUSc^ L* 7 74-4.^ c.cL / D n /oS. /oS. // 0 ./ 2 . 0 . /2b. /32■ / +4 >TO ' " ^ ' /$. 6-/ ,b4~ - s Ls^-/ r2 ~ a2S<~~' /' 2 ' f? S^Ltccc C, ?3 . /o 3. /°y- , //CrC^(£‘ /ZZ . /2S-- / 3o . /3 £ /3 r ' /44 ^ ' /4 ^ ' ct. Crc2< / 9 - 6 '' /$/. 3.C. J./ZJ7- S./.S^-.3o. 33 -3q-.3C ■ . IJ-S ■ 6” o. So £3 ■ b (■> . b 7 /~>Q. /s. iPo, I . ( hiuZCc<^4_ / / r- L&U. /OS', //o. //#- /ZO- /zS. /3 3. /3b. a/oS-UO, O-JLe-ck^ /3C, /SO. /S-S~■ /3 0 ■ / S 9 , /p. 2 / * o . 3 9 - . 3 7* ^ 5 - ^ ^ , <3 frYrYWtdtf ' / /~v >c“ pjr~3t^ .t w# Sf^ccu zL. // tdi ScA^ i. C-i^-A T) Q& /- i Jr 4/ ^Vh /cSrT^l - /IZ. /33 ■ /V-o. /Ar-f- /f$~‘ /S7. ■V .So.rv-ys- r*- . /OZ- ■ /33. /S’S • b Q . Qz, A 7 ?- / ffel/UcSc-CuA ■ //O ■ XAAJ-^S. //£. /2 4 ^ . /3r /^-b. /v- CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS, A OF J. TRAVERS SMITH, ESQ. Deceased, late of Broom Lodge, Teddington; ALSO OLD PICTURES, From Numerous Private Collections and Different Sources : WHICH Mill be ^olb bg Ruction bjr Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, a * t mmm 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -- May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -»< >♦ ■ - - ■ On SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of J. TP A VERS SMITH, Esq., deceased. DRAWINGS. MENEGHINI. 1 A Lady Seated J. LEECH. 2 Three Pencil Drawings PICTURES. J. W. ALLEN. 3 A River Scene ANDREWS. 4 A Girl with a Dove —oval 4 G. BARRET. 5 A River Scene, with castle and boats J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 6 A Road Scene through a Wood ✓ 0 DUNCAN. Girl in Red Dress— oval G. EARL. ^ A £ T~ f Z? 8 A Skye Terrier —circle A^/Z $r? EARLY ENGLISH. /*/r. @9 The Edge of a Wood A. HEULLANT. / 10 A Moorish Dance O R. LEHMANN, 1864. Ay * Ay , O \\ An Italian Girl, with a distaff * /& . <^12 The Distaff R. LEHMANN. R. LEHMANN. A /^ * ^13 La Lavandaja : Washing at Terracina G. MORLAND. yAy»/Ay, A Sow and Pigs —on 'panel 5 H. MARCH. 15 Temples near Rome —a pair NORTHCOTE. & 16 A Lioness TURNER. ,C>U A Sketch : A Ship on Fire E. WILLIS. f & 18 Cows in a Stream q 19 Carting Hay E. WILLIS. E. WILLIS. £ 20 A Cart Horse in a Stable, with poultry and goats A. J. WOOLMER. ^ 21 A Street Scene, Spain, with figures OLD PICTURES. O 22 Head of the Virgin —oval ^ 23 The Virgin —oval 24 A River Scene C k GREUZE (After). 25 Head of a Girl ; and Head of the Infant Saviour t/ 6 GUIDO (After). '26 Beatrice Cence l . /53 View at the Hague, with figures bathing JAN ASSELYN. ? 54 A Hawking Party, halting at a fountain 55 The Conjuror CHAVANCE, 1871. CARLO DOLCI. B 3 10 if'' /f ' £ l f- r r ft /J* /J if* /& if /o. /c 6 < /£ 6 • &. £, /# D. WOLSTENHOLME. f 57 Hunting Scene P. MONAMY. 0 58 St. Michael’s Mount FEENCH SCHOOL. ^?59 The Toilet of Diana — --DUXCK-SOHOOfe fiA-A- Mountainous LANDseApe^w ith travelling pcaoanta ftud uiiiHuil's- SIR P. LELY. ^61 Portrait of a Lady, in yellow dress, with grey scarf and pearl ornaments, seated P. VERONESE. c? 62 St Catherine S. ROSA. & 63 A Landscape, with figures Xs . O 64 A Figure Subject VESARI. 6 R. WESTALL, R.A., 1810. 65 The Infant Hercules / DUTCH SCHOOL. & 66 Triumph of Bacchus— c -on copper - DUTCH SCHOOL. & 66a A River Scene, with peasants and sheep on a road 11 UNKNOWN. 67 Fruit in a Basket —crayons JAN STEEN. 68 An Interior, with three figures YERBOOM. £ 69 A Wooded Landscape, with figures on a road V o O REMBRANDT (After). 70 The Good Samaritan IB BET SON. 71 A Landscape, with figures and monks J. WARD, R.A. , O 72 A Lion —unframed BERCHEM. O 73 A Woody Landscape, with sheep HUBER. ' & 74 A Lake Scene, with cattle and figures X X WEENIX. 75 Dead Birds IBBETSON. 76 A Landscape, with mill and cattle j S. ROSA. / ' ./ 77 A Grand Landscape, witli cattle and figures COSWAY. 4./S-- A Young Lady, in blue dress ; and A Gentleman, in brown ( 7 ) dress— oval—a 'pair 2 * R. WILSON, R.A. y^ ^9 A Landscape, with a bridge, figures and sheep Exhibited at the Scottish National Gallery , 1883 ^/y, 6 A. NASMYTH. 80 A Waterfall WILLIS. ^, y /'^ 81 A Landscape, with cattle and figure RUTHART. A Stag attacked by Leopards /J . 3 CLAUDE. 83 A Seaport From the Collection of General Fox A F. GUARDI. if ' , ^84 The Piazzetta of St. Mark’s £ 85 View in Venice £ /I CANALETTO. 13 CARAVAGGIO. 86 Chkist and St. Petek REMBRANDT. 87 Head of an Old Man B. WILSON, 1753. tU tV'jy 88 Portrait of a Lady, in grey flowered dress, witli hat, holding a , / O basket of cherries. Supposed to be Anne, daughter of Horatio 0rfor,J WISSING. / ? 89 Portrait of the Earl of Rochester, in grey cloak and wig J. L. SOLOMON. 90 An Interior, with figures 7 ) 7 ^/^ UNKNOWN. 9 91 Portrait of Henrietta Maria, with her page MIEREVELT. — 92 An Old Woman, with a ruff and cap m c J MOLINAER. O 93 An Interior, with boors carousing ENGLISH SCHOOL. ' & 94 Portrait of a Lady, in white dress 4 95 A Gipsy Girl J. CURNOCK. MARLOW. 6 f / ^»£ 96 A Yifw on the Rhone D. TURNER. 97 Westminster Bridge THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. / * P~ , DA VINCI. 98 A Female Head RIB ALTA. ^ 99 Cats Fighting in a Larder, with fish, vegetables, dead ^ ' game, &c. SPANISH SCHOOL. 100 Portrait of a Cardinal . 101 Portrait of a Divine, with a book ✓V' "V ' & VELASQUEZ. ^ / s~ 102 Head of a Man aC ✓ / v f o A / 0 # £> 103 A Vase, with flowers ARELLANO. ARELLANO. /. S~. O 104 A Crystal Vase, with lilies and a bird 15 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. DRAWINGS. DE WINT. 105 A River Scene, with towers 106 Funchal, Madeira A. PICKEN T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 107 A Landscape, with cattle at a pool— charcoal T. PATEL. ^108 Classical Landscapes, with figures— grisaille—a 'pair F. BAROCCI. 109 The Repose in Egypt TITIAN. 110 Peter Martyr— pen and wash Signed,, and dated 1505 PICTURES. EARLY ENGLISH. Ill Portrait of a Lady SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 112 Ninety-Six Sketches for Portraits, Landscapes, Etc.— in a hook W. HAMILTON R.A., 1774. ^ f a f 113 David Garrick and his Dog Phil W. HOGARTH. €? ' 114 Portrait op Sir James Thornhill, in grey coat and powdered wig G. STUART. £ / 115 Portrait op a Gentleman, in grey coat TURNER. ^ 4 ^& 116 A Landscape, with nymphs L. BRAMER. *£/ /*L r 6 117 Solomon and the Queen op Sheba 4 L. BRAMER, /, tT. o 118 The Presentation in the Temple /•?* FRANKS. 119 St. John Preaching r a ///, GREUZE. 120 A Child, with a dog] VAN DER HELST. ' / if t 6 121 A Child, in red dress and hat, with a bird &./<>. O F. MONNIX. 122 A Landscape, with numerous figures and animals— or^jpancl v , 17 J. B. PATER, 123 The Fortune Teller— on panel S c From Due de ChoiseuVs Collection JAN SONJE. 124 A Landscape, with horsem JAN SONJE. 125 A Landscape, with figures and cattle SPANISH SCHOOL. 126 Portrait op Don Balthasar Carlos R. VAN TROYEN. ? 127 The Adoration op the Magi WOUVERMAN. The Farrier’s Shop finis. London : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.