^^M^^H 1 i 1 L t ^J*^ ^44 w^. w :^:>A_ 7 ^^'/^ J> H^ .^- . i mims ^ matn-toimiv graitiinp AND #BJfEC!T.S OF JlET OF A. ANDREWS, ESQ. Xi 9tW«3L --A O^^T-A-LOOXJE ^ OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF |)irtuK5 ^ WiaUv-caiom Cntbings OBJECTS OF ART OF A. ANDREWS, ESQ., Of Bedford Sqiuire, Who is leaving London : WHICH MAiW tr to^olti to aiirnon, bi? Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & AVOODS, AT TSEBIR aEEAT RQQMia, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATLKDAV, APRIL 14, AT TWO O'CLOCK. MONDAY, APRIL 16. 1888, ^rsi> FOLLOW iJNo r>.w, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. I\Iay be viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, ]\Ianson and Woods' Offices, 8. Kiny Street, St. James s Square, S.W. ^ L 9 7 ^7^ ^ nho^' I y\ r^Oi \ rN. , r-» -^ /*v. CONDITIONS OF SALE. t. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II, No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5«. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. 1\''. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase -Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately pui up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer 8 expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Mkssks. Christiis, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any T-ot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale : and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VIT. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall bo made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. o'.«^c First Day's Sale. oi*;o On SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1888. AT TWO OOLOOK. o»:« WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. J. BURGESS. 60 DORT 15 in. by 24 in. J. BURGESS, 61 Chapellb de St. Jacques, Bruges 22 in. by 15 in. J, BURGESS. 62 ENTEA^CB TO THE Babeaoks, Blois 22 in. by 16 in. T. COLLIEE. 63 A BlYEB SOENB 5 in. by 13 in. D. COX, 1854. 64 Going to Market 6 in. by 9 in. D. COX. 65 The Keturn from Market 6 in. by 9 in. W. HUNT. 66 The Earl of Ellesmere's Game-keeper 14 in. by 9 in. W. HUNT. 67 The Carpenter going to Work 15 in. by 10 in. SIR J. D. LINTON. 68 A Man with a Pistol 18 in. by 12 in. J. MOGFORD. 69 Euan Major Church, Lizard, Cornwall 10 in. by 14 in. J. MOGFOED. 70 MoREOAMBE Bay, Lancaster Sands 10 in. by 14 in. J. OREOCK. uT 71 Cbiooieth Castle, North Wales 9 in. by 15 in. ^ 2 72 Mount Soerel Windmill, Leicestershire /j 73 Carting Sand, Hartlebury Common 9 in. by 15 in. ►C" 74 Cattle crossing a Bridge, Lincolnshire 9 in. by 15 in. •^ 75 Gray Ling, Yorkshire 9 in. by 15 in. *j 76 Scaur near Guilleau, Isle of Skye 10 in. by 14 in. , 77 Study of Rough Weather : Coast of Arran 20 in. by 30 in. 78 North Samnox, Isle of Arran 20 in. by 80 in. J^^ 79 Carting Sand, Hartlebury Common 20 in. by 32 in. S. PROUT. 80 A River Scene, with a bridge, boat, and figures 12 in. by 9 in. U J. VARLET. 81 A Lake Scene in South Wales JAMES ORROCK. 83 On the Coast op Arran y . f\JLAtH'\AA.-y 12 in. by 22 in. / ^ 84 On the Coast of Arran, the Kylcs of Bute in the distance 12 in. by 22 in. ..^^ / 85 A Lake Scene, with cattle : morning 14 in. by 21 in. 86 A Lake Scene, with cattle : showery weather 14 in. by 21 in. '-^Z 87 On the Yorkshire Moors : rain, cloud 13 in. by 21 in. 88 Lancashire Sands "^ 13 in. by 23 in. PICTURES. G. BASKET. *? , / < 89 A Landscape, with a horseman, and a castle in the distance 8 in. by 7 in. R. P, BONINGTON. //, 90 The Duchess D'estampes, Dame d'honneur a la Cour de Frangois I. 15 in. by 12 in. ' R. P. BONINGTON. / r 91 A EiVEB Scene, with a bridge 12 in. by Ifi in. R. P. BONINGTON. ^ ^ 92 St. Mark's Place, Venice, with figures 12 in. by 10 in. R. P. BONINGTON. y. -^ 93 Place de Versailles 8 in. by 10 in. E. BEISTOW. 94 PoBTEAiT OF THE Favotjeite Horse OF Geoege IV. ; and a / Q, pony, a view of Windsor Castle in tlic distance Qfi*^ 28 in. by 36 in. Sm A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A., 1820. 95 A Coast Scene, with fishing-smacks, and numerous figures with fish ^"2 24 in. bv 34 in. J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 96 A Eivee Scene, with a boat and cattle in the foreground ■^ -^ 10 in. by 18 in. J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 97 The Village and Church op Dedham ' 8 in. by 12 in. From the Collection of the late John James, Esq., who had it from the Artist k R. COS WAY, R.A. 98 POBIEAIT OF A LaDY ^\ in. by 1\ in. Exhibited at the Grosvenor Oallery J. CROME. 99 An Old Sued and Figures '' '-^ ^" 15 in. by 12 in From the GiUott Collection J. B. CROME. 100 A View on the Yabb : moonlight 30 in. by 23 in. -J Signed H. DAWSON. 101 A Woody Landscape, with a castle ou a hill ..^ /i. q^M^, IS in. hj 17 in. 1^1, H. DAWSON. / ^ 102 A Bend in the Eiver ~y bo 30 in. by 20 in. j Qy^y,^ ^ Si' From the Artist's Sale W. ETTY, E.A. 105 The Bather 16 in. by 12 in. Y cj> Painted for the late Anthony Strutt, Esq. W. ETTY, R.A. 106 The Amazon 30 in. by 22 in. W. ETTY, E.A., AND J. LINNELL, Sen. 107 Venus and Cupid 26 in. by 21 in. .-Ayt4^ 9 C. FIELDING. 108 The Old Chain Pier at Brighton, with a stranded boat and figures 5 CjA<^i 9 in, by 12 in. E. FRERE, 1870. 109 The Morning Meal • 9- 10 in. by 8 in. W. P. FRITH, R.A. 110 The Merry Wives of Windsor \ 12 in. by 10 in. W. P. FRITH, R.A. 111 The Companion ^| y_,^_^,^ T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. / / 112 A Landscape, with a pool of water, and figures in the fore- (} '^ ground 13 in. by 15 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 2 /o 113 A Landscape, with figures and a dog at a cottage door 24 in. by 20 in. E. HAYES, R.PI.A. ' L 114 A Sea-piece, with a ship and boats in a breeze a ^ 7 in. by 12 in. ^/(^ ^^ „ E. HAYES, R.H.A., 1870. 115 A Coast Scene, with a martello tower, and vessels and boats in ^ -^ 12 m. byl8/». fJyt, ^, 10 J. HOLLAND. A 116 A Canal Soknk, Venice, with gondolas and figures V -^ 13 in. by 10 in. - / ^ J. HOLLAND. 117 St. Mask's Place, Venice ) - 11 in. by 12 in, / «.^iu.^;3,.0» . J. HOLLAND. 118 Insbbuok — the companion y J. C. IBBETSON. 119 Washing-day 13^ in. by 17^ in. J jl_ Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery J. C. IBBETSON. 120 A Coast Scene, with figures / . , 12 in. by 15 in. SIK PETER LELY. 121 PORTBAIT OF A LaDY •— 10 in. by 8 in. ^.y^^A.Jjt. vA>t-*V1^»'-<4" J. LINN ELL, Sen. 122 The Farmyaed — an early work 14 in. by 17 in. l^j}l.H^, J 12 D. EGBERTS, E.A., 1860. 131 Sta. Chiaba, Naples 6 in. by 8 in. Painted for Ms friend Captain B. Oiven, of Marlon Hall, Boschurch, near Shrewsbury, when travelling together G. ROMNEY. 132 Portrait of a Boy — oval 15 in. by 12 in. C. STANFIELD, R.A., 1824. 133 A River Scene, Bristol, with a windmill and figures in the foreground /^ 15 m. by 23 zw. J. STARK. 134 A View in Windsor Park, with a gipsy encampment ^,,^ 20 in. by 15 in. ?^ J. STARK. 135 A Landscape, with figures /^ Q 7 in. by 10 in. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 136 Chiswick, from the Thames, in the manner of Wilson 6 V 26 in. by 36 in. A. VICKERS. 137 A Landscape, with farm buildings and cattle, a pond in the foreground 15 in. by 19 in. 13 SIE D. WILKIE, R.A. 138 Killing the First Deer — a sketch /:-J^ lOin. byl2i«. R. WILSON, R.A. 139 The White Monk /^ r\ '^ U in. hj 17 in. Q.M^U^ R. WILSON, R.A. 140 Villa Emilia 16 in. by 18 in. O O ^~s From Lady Ford's Collection -^ ^ Exhibited at Burlington House ^ C^^A^P^yy^^\ R. WILSON, R.A. 141 The Falls op Tivoli, with the Campagna do Roma ; sunset,. / with artist sketching ^ r'~\ / ^ 18 in. by 28 in. 0' -^ -^ R. WILSON, R.A. [DGE, Rimini 16 in. by 28 in. u{ - 21 142 St. Augustin's Bridge, Rimini O / R. WILSON, R.A. 143 An Italian Lake Scene, with figures in the foreground ^ , 20 in. by 28 in. R. WILSON, R.A. 144 An Italian Lake Scene, with ruins, and with figures in the ^ (} foreground ^ 25 in. by 30 in. 14 R. WILSON, R.A. 145 An Italian Lake Scene, with figures and a tomb in the fore- ground, and ruins in the background Jj / 17 in. by 21 in. /^, r\ ""^ W. ETTY, R.A. 146 The Evening Star , q /I 27 in. by 10^ in. , ^^^^^^ '^-^ Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery ^ I W. ETTY, R.A. 147 The Judgment of Paris / ^ 58 in. by 78 in, ^7 *--^ -^ J. CONSTABLE, R.A, 155 The Duck Pond 14 in. by 17 in. y / Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery ^ti fi, W. COLLINS, R.A. 156 Birds' Nesting / / 12 in. by in. ' Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery J. CROME. 157 A Landscape, with cottages ^0 lli in. by 161 tn. ^j Q ^ Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery • " ■ /f. 16 '9 J. CROME. 158 A View of St. Nicholas's Church, Great Yarmouth lO.V in. by 11 in. / Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery /Ja^ ?? R. WILSON, R.A. 159 An Italian Lake Scene, with sunny effect 27 in. by 36 in. / , A -^ R. WILSON, R.A. 160 The Top of Cadee Idris y ^ 20 in. by 30 in. And the engraving ^ .i- I Q^U^.'^A^i*^ 17 R. WILSON, R.A. 166 The Destbuotion of Niobe's CHiiiDBEN MjQ^U^ ^^ *"• ^y ^^ *"• y^ s R. WILSON, R.A. 166 A Sketch fob the Piotube of Niobk 9 in. by 12 in. . l^ J. STARK. 167 View on Stbatton Stbawless Common 20^ in. by 32 in. J / ^Q Painted fur Mr. Lambert, and bought from a meniber of ^ / (he family by the present owner Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery J. STARK. 168 The Gbove . 19i m. by 27^ tn. ^' . • ^ -^ Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery /^-.^^-A^ I-fi- J. CROME. 169 THE BEATERS Signed, and dated 1810 From the Sherrington Collection ^~d ^~JLi) Painted for J. Bracey, Esq., Great Yarmouth F. BAROCCIO. 170 The Vibgin and Child, and St. John 39 in. by 30 tn. End of First Day's Sale. Second Day's Sale. On MONDAY, APEIL 16, 1888, AT ONE o'clock PBEOISELY. SILVER— ^^jt^^r Oz. 171 Tn'clve three-pronged table-forks, with scroll handles 172 Twelve ditto 173 Twelve tablo-spoons 174 Twelve ditto 175 Twelve ditto 176 Twelve dessert-spoons 177 Four sauce-ladles, similar 178 Three table-spoons, with engraved handles ; and two others 179 Two gravy-spoons, ditto 180 A soup-ladle, with fluted bowl 181 Six saltspoons ; and two mustard ditto 182 A pierced fish-slice, with scroll handle 183 A ditto sugar-ladle ; and a butter-knife 184 Six serving-spoons, with fluted gilt bowls, and feathered edges with scroll ends 185 Twelve teaspoons, with fluted bowls and open handles ; and a pair of sugar-tongs 186 A pierced and engraved sugar- vase, with handle and glass liner 187 An oval-pierced and engraved mustard-pot, with glass liner 188 A ditto 189 A small pepper-caster ; and two winc-labcls 190 A partly fluted jug, chased with vases and festoons of foliage 191 Six fluted saltcellars, with threaded edges 192 An oval tea-caddy, chased with scrolls and flowers 193 A flask, with engine-turned ornament 19 194 An engraved chalice and cover, with early hall mark 195 A Silver-gilt Vase and Coveb, pierced and chased with rams' heads and festoons, the lower part fluted — on tripod with triangular plinths, glass liner ; and a pierced ladle 196 An epergne, chased with foliage and ornaments, with branches for four dishes and dish in the centre 197 A circular waiter, with chased border and engraved centre 198 An oval cruct-framc, with rams' heads, with beaded edge ; and two silver-mounted cut-glass cruets 199 Another, with scroll ends and beaded edges ; and seven cut- glass cruets, silver mounted 200 A mull, carved with a head, and mounted with silver 201 Eighteen silver-gilt dessert-knifes and forks, with green ivory handles — in a case 201a a plain silver snuif-box ; two engraved patch-boxes; and two vinaigrettes 201b a tortoiseshell snuff-box, the lid inlaid with buildings and figures of chased silver CHINESP] PORCELAIN. 202 A small mottled bottle ; and a round splashed stand, with waved border 203 A globular splashed-red bottle, with long neck — i}, in. h'ujU 204 A small apple-green crackle vase — 3 in. high ; and a flat mottled- purple stand 205 A short-necked coral-coloured vase — 5 in. high 206 A short-necked fawn-coloured vase — 5J^ in. high 207 A peach blossom vase, with short neck — 6 in. high 208 A small cylindrical ditto — 3 in. high 209 A sea-green crackle incense-burner — 3 in. high 210 A globular ruby bottle, with loug neck — 8| in. high 211 A pear-shaped crimson crackle bottle — 6 in. high 212 A globular ditto, with wide mouth, the b;;rdcr waved — 5 in high 213 A purple-splashed bottle, with bulbous neck — 6 in. high c 2 20 214 A globular green crackle bottle, with long neck — 6 in. high 215 A double gourd-ehaped ditto 216 A fluted coral vase (Kien Lung) — 4 in. high 217 A Group of a Monkey and Young, on a rock, splashed crimson and purple — 6 in. high 218 A coral-coloured pear-shaped bottle, with short neck (Ming period) — 7 in. high 219 A pear-shaped coral bottle, with long neck — 6 in. high 220 A coral-coloured vase — 6 in. high 221 A ditto circular two-handled incense-burner 222 A ditto small basin, white inside, with six marks 228 A pair of snufi-bottks, formed and coloured as tomatoes 224 A fluted white cup, with horses, dragons, and trees in relief; and a small white basin, with perforated sides 225 A mustard-yellow crackle vase — 5f in. high 226 Another — 4^ in. high 227 A small ditto bottle ; and a square vase, with ornaments in relief 228 A pair of double gourd-shaped blue bottles, with drab necks — 7^ in. high From Lord St. Leonard's Sale 229 A small oviform turquoise crackle bottle — 2^ in. high 230 A turquoise crackle bottle, with long neck — 5^ in. high 231 A pair of pierced cylindrical matchpots, with squirrels and foliage — 4 in, high 232 A brilliant splashed-crimsou bottle — 5 J in. high 233 A jjurple-splashcd bottle — 6 in. high 234 A small vase, of brilliant saug-de-boeuf — 3 in. high; and a flat circular vase 235 A cylindrical apple-green crackle vase, with short neck— 5 in, high 236 A vase, mottled with various colours — 4^ in. high 237 A double square-shaped vase, splashed with crimson and other colours — 5 in. high 238 A mottled lilac jar (Ming period) — 8 in. 239 A celadon bottle, with long neck, with engraved flower pattern — 8 in. high 21 240 A Turquoise Crackle Jar, with dragons and clouds in low relief — 13 in. high 241 A Splashed Purple Bottle, with metallic lustre — Hi in. high 242 A bamboo-pattern turquoise crackle matcbpot, mounted with foot and rim of or-molu 243 A tall jai*, with mask and ring handle, splashed with colours on grey ground — 16 in. high 244 A two-handled double gourd-shaped coral-coloured bottle — 18 in. high 245 A Large Splashed Crimson and Pubplk Bottle, with foliage and fruits in colours — 21 in. high 245a One, nearly similar 246 A Globular Splashed Purple Bottle — 13 in. high 247 Another, purplo and brown — 13 in. high 248 A Turquoise Crackle Bottle (Ming period) — 14 in. liigh 249 A Globular Strawberry-coloured Ckackle Bottle, with long neck (Ming period), wood stand — 15 in. high 250 A Tall Jab, of red crackle (Ming period) — 17 in. high 251 A Gloeular Bottle, with long neck, of mottled sang-de-boeuf — 16 in. high, on carved wood stand 252 Another, splashed crimson and purple (Kien Lung period)— 16 in. high, on wood stand 253 A EuBY Vase — 14 in. high 264 A Turquoise Crackle Vase — 14 in. high 255 A Vase, splashed with brilliant colours, and engraved with utensils under the glaze — 12 in. high, carvod wood stand 256 A Vase, splashed crimson and purple — 14 in. high ENAMELLED CHINESE PORCELAIN. 257 An eggshell cup and Saucer, with river scenes in ink, on pink ground 258 Another, enamelled with flowers in colours, on black ground, and flowers in medallions 22 .259 A pair of basins, cnaraolled with flowers in colours, on black ground, and cocks and flowers in medallions 2G0 All eggshell plate, enamelled with a lady and children, ruby back 261 A pair of round eggshell dishes, enamelled with flowers in colours 262 Another, enamelled with plants and flowers in green and red 263 A small basin and stand, enamelled with figures, cats, and utensils 264 A small black teapot and cover, with shells, butterflies, and flowers in pink 265 A small globular white vase, with a kylin in red and gold ; and a small square gilt cup 266 A round dish, with horses in the centre and waves in green, fish and waves on the border — 15 in. diam. 267 A Hblmet-shaped Eweu, enamelled with birds, flowers, and foliage in colours, and bands of ornaments in green — 10 in. high 268 A small red vase, enamelled with vases of flowers, implements, and ornaments in colours — 6 in, high 269 A Pair of Oviform Vases and Covers, enamelled with river scenes, flowers, and kylins in brilliant colours, in green borders — 14. in. high 270 A Beaker, enamelled with birds and flowers in brilliant colours — 19 in. high 271 A Pair op Square-shaped Vases and Covers, cnanielled with numerous figures, landscapes, and buildings, and birds in smaller medallions, the handles formed as dragons, the covers surmounted by kylins — 21 in. high 272 A circular dish, enamelled with birds and plants in green 273 A large circular dish, enamelled with a horse-race, and figures on a balcony 23 OLD JAPAN PORCELAIN. 274 A fluted jar and cover, with gilt handles with flowers, and foliage and flowers inside 275 A pair of round dishes, with flowers in colours, and gold and black compartments on the borders 276 A pair of dishes, with willow trees and palisade in tlic centre, and flowers in medallions on the borders 277 A dish, with circular ornament in the centre, and vases of flowers on tho border 278 A pair of vases and covers, with dragons, waves, and flowers in red and gold, and flowers on red, black, and white ground — 24 in. high 279 A small cylindrical enamel vase, with arabesques in colours, on turquoise ground — 4^ in. hiyh 280 A Paiu of Tall Ewers and Covers, with flowers and ara- besques in colours, with gilt-metal handles and spouts — 17 in. high Purchased in Persia CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL. 281 An incense-burner, with fluted globular top with arabesques in colours, on turquoise ground, and pierced metal-gilt cover on tall stem and foot, inlaid with pierced and chased metal gilt — 12 in. high 282 A two-handled incense-burner, with large flower blossoms and ornaments in colours, on turquoise ground — wood cover and stand 283 A pair of Japanese bronze figures of a lady and gentleman, on chased plinths — 21 in. high 283a Various carved black wood stands 24 OLD ENGLISH FURNITURE. 284 A pair of octagonal Sheraton vases, of satinwood, forming tea- caddies, painted with female figures and festoons of flowers in alternate compartments 285 A pair of Sheraton cabinets, of satinwood, with rosewood borders inlaid with ornaments in coloured woods, with glazed folding doors enclosing shelves, on stands of the same, with shelves 286 A larger ditto, with glazed folding doors in the centre, and open shelves at the sides, on stand, with folding doors in the centre, and cupboards painted with vases of flowers and trophies 287 A pair of semicircular Sheraton cabinets, of satinwood, inlaid with wreaths of foliage, and borders of flowers, and painted with vases of flowers 288 A ditto two-flap table, of satinwood, with drawer, the top painted with fruit in an oval medallion and border of flowers, the sides painted with festoons of foliage 289 A Pair of Sheeaton Folding Circular Card-tables, of satin- wood, inlaid with musical trophies, and scroll ornaments of coloured woods 290 A Ditto Book-case, inlaid with scroll ornaments in coloured woods, with glazed top forming a show case 291 A Sheraton Two-flap Table, of mahogany, inlaid with scroll foliage, ornaments, and borders of satinwood 292 A Mahogany Sheraton Writing-table, inlaid with scrolls, festoons, and ornaments of satinwood, with cylindrical revolving front, writing-slide, and drawers, and cedar-wood drawers inside 293 A Fine Sheraton Sideboard, of mahogany and satinwood, inlaid with wreaths of vines, with pedestal ends, the doors inlaid with classical female figures, the ends surmounted by large vases 294 A Tall Sheraton Cabinet, of mahogany, inlaid with satin- wood, with glazed folding doors, carved with drapery, on stand of the same, with six fluted legs 25 295 A bracket clock, by Thwaites and Eecd, in square-shaped mahogany case, inlaid with brass 296 An Old English Chiming Clock, with lever movement, in ebonised case, mounted with chased ornaments of metal gilt 297 An old English barometer, in carved Chippendale mahogany hanging-case 298 A Carved Mahogany Chippendale Pole Fiee-sceeen, on tripod, with needle- work mounts 299 A Tbianqular Mahogany Chippendale Stand, for a pimch- bowl, with carved borders, drawer, and shelf beneath 300 A small semicircular mahogany cabinet, inlaid with coloured woods, with double sliding-front, and two drawers 302 An Upright Cabinet, of mahogany, inlaid with festoons and wreaths of foliage of satiuwood, the upper part with glazed folding doors enclosing shelves for china, drawers and folding doors beneath 303 A Pair of Circular Convex Mirrors, in carved and gilt frames, with branches for candles, surmounted by eagles 304 Four Carved and Gilt Wall-lights, surmounted by figures of eagles, with branches for two lights each 305 A Toilet-qlass, in rosewood frame, on shaped stand of tho same, with two drawers, mounted with handles and scutcheons of metal gilt 306 A Shaped Chest of Four Drawers, of satinwood, with rose- wood borders, mounted with metal gilt 307 A Square Mahogany Chippendale Pedestal, boldly carved with scrolls, festoons, and other ornaments, surmounted by a vase and cover, partly fluted and carved with masks and medallion heads, suspended by festoons of foliage 308 A Mahogany Washing-stand, formed as a shaped cabinet, with two revolving panels below, enclosing shelves, and two di-awers at the sides, carved with a medallion head, suspended by a festoon of foliage 26 809 Four mahogany Chippendale chairs, with carved openwork backs, legs, and stretches, tho scats covered with velvet 310 An Old English Chiming Clock, with Oxford and Cambridge chimes, in tall mahogany Chippendale case, the border carved with ornaments in relief, and with columns at the angles 311 A high-backed carved walnut-wood chair, with cane seats; and one, covered with velvet 312 A high-backed walnut-wood armchair, with cane back and velvet seat 813 A cane-seated chair, with high carved back and legs ; and one, covered with velvet 314 A carved high -backed chair, covered with stamped and gilt leather ; and a low-backed ditto 315 A four-leaved screen, covered with stamped and gilt leather 316 A Set of Six Mahogany Chippendale Chairs ; and two arm- chairs — ensuite, with openwork shield backs, carved with wheat-ears and ornaments, the seats covered with morocco leather 317 A Mahogany Carved Sofa, with shaped ends, covered with maroon-coloured stamped Utrecht velvet 318 Another, similar — made to match 819 A Handsome Wardrobe, of mahogany, with folding doors above and four drawers below, carved with festoons of drapery and other ornaments, and Corinthian columns at the angles, surmounted by a boldly carved pediment — 6 fi. wide 320 Another, smaller, carved with vases and festoons of flowers, and mounted with chased metal gilt — 5 ft. 5 in. wide 321 An old oak cabinet, the front carved with an arcade, masks, and ornaments 321a An oblong mahogany Chippendale side-table, with carved front openwork End of Second Day's Sale. Third Day's Sale. -J»«o On TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1888, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. ><*»1c OLD ITALIAN BRONZES. 322 A centaur, with a club, on marble pedestal — 12 in. high 323 The dancing faun — 23 in. high 32 i A pair of bronze busts, of Bacchus and Silonus, on ebonisod plinths — 11 in. high altogether 325 A bust of a Roman Emperor — similar 326 A statuette of Bacchus, holding a cup — 13 in. high, on white marble plinth 327 Venus, with a dolphin — 14 in. high 328 A Venetian Bronze ELnockeb, chased with grotesque satyrs, masks, and scrolls From the Disney Collection 329 An old Italian figure of a boy — on ebonised pedestal 330 Cupid flying — on bronze pedestal 331 A female head, after the antique ; and a bell, formed as a male figure 332 A statuette of a male figure — on giollo marble pedestal ♦ 333 Another — on ebonised plinth 334 A draped male figure— on ebonised pedestal 335 A lioness From the Disney Collection 28 336 Three circular plaques, with figures and landscapes in high relief 337 A figure of a jester — on antique porphyry pedestal 338 A figure of Christ from a crucifix : attributed to Donatello 339 A pair of busts 340 A group of a female satyr aud infant ; and a female satyr — a pair 342 A man, in fighting attitude 343 A bearded male figure, his hands bound behind his back 344 A gilt figure of Antinous 345 A Gilt Bronze Statuette of Mabcus Aukelius — on gilt wood pedestal, 10 in. high 346 A pair of statuettes of a male and female satyr, on blackwood pedestals 347 A figure of a sow 348 A group of Venus and Adonis, with Cupid and a dog 349 A boy taking a thorn from his foot — on Egyptian porphyry plinth 350 A similar figure — on triangular bronze plinth, with a shell 351 A group of Hercules and Lichas 352 A Group of the Madonj^a and Infant Christ and St. Elizabeth, the back engraved with a coat-of-arms and inscription " Guide Nolfius I.V.D., Anno Jubilei 1600, Fieri fecit " 353 The Crouching Venus — 10 in. high, on circular grey marble pedestal and plinth MAJOLICA. 354 A cylindrical jar, painted with a saint in prayer, and a male portrait, scrolls, and ornaments 355 A jug, with spout and handle, painted with two male portraits • and ornaments in colours 356 A pair of globular bottles, each painted with a saint in a medal- lion, and flowers, fruit, and scroll foliage 29 357 A cylin(3i-ical pharmacy jar, painted witli Cupid and ornaments in colours, and inscription 358 Another, with a female portrait and inscription 359 An Abruzzo-ware stand, with sunk centre, painted with coat-of- arms, figures, and ciipids 360 A Partly-fluted Caffaggiolo Dish, painted with a portrait of a lady, and scroll inscribed Laura B. in the centre, the flutings painted alternately blue and yellow, bounded by a diapered red border — 11 in. diam. 3G1 A round Urbino dish, painted with a camp scene and soldiers, in carved and gilt wood frame 362 An Urbino tazza, painted with a pilgrim in a landscape, buildings, and mountains in the background — 8i^ in. diam. 363 A flat lustre d Urbino dish, with ornaments in colours, and in blue and white borders — 8t^ in. diam. 364 Another, with a shield of arms in the centre, and border with ornaments — 8f in. diam. 365 A round dish, painted with figures before a gcner.J, and with coat-of-arms and inscription — 8^ in. diam. 366 Another, painted with Lucretia — 8^ in. diam. 367 A circular fluted dish, painted with Venus and cupids in a land- scape, in wood frame — 9 in. dinm. 368 A round deep dish, painted with the Destruction of Niobe's Children, in wood frame — 9^ in. diam. 369 A Small Kound Dish, with sunk centre, painted in gold and ruby lustre, with Poseidon and horso in a landscape, by Maestro Giorgio, scrolls and lustre at the back — 7;^ in. diam. 370 A Round Dish, with sunk centre, painted with Hero and Leandcr, a river scene in the background, by Fra Xante — signed and dated, 1542 — 11 in. diam. 371 A EouND Dish, with sunk centre, painted with a subject from Ovid's Metamorphoses, a lake scene and buildings in the background 372 An Urbino Tazza, with Diana in the clouds, shooting the chil- dren of Niobc, some of whom lie upon the gi'ound pierced with arrows, titular inscription at the back — 11 in. diam. 30 373 A Round Urbino Dish, with sunk centre, painted with Vulcan forging au arrow-liead on the right, Venus and Cupid on the left, a landscape with buildings in the distance, by Fra Xanto, titular inscription at the back — lOi in. diam. 374 A Circular Urv.ino Dish, with Hercules detecting Cacus seizing his cattle upon the Avcntine Mount, the Pucci arms on the border Signed Fra Xanto A. da Bovigo i Urbino, and dated 1532 From the Fan Collection 375 An Urbino Tazza, painted with Adam and Eve, with Abel and Cain in a landscape, the serpent in a tree in the background — 11^ in. diam. 376 Another, with Sampson overpowered and being bound, Dalilah at his side, with his hair in one hand and shears in the other' a group of nine figures in a landscaj)o From tlie Fountains Collection 377 A Round Urbino Dish, with sunk centre, painted with Perseus advancing, holding the head of Medusa on the right, a man screening his face, and on the left a youth approaching to attack Perseus, a city and sea in the background, by Fra Xanto, inscription at the back — 10^ in. diam. 378 Another, with Paris shooting Achilles in the heel as he kneels before the statue of Apollo, a priest in the background, a landscape with buildings in the distance, by Nicolo da Urbino — 10 in. diam. 379 A Fine Urbino Tazza, painted with Cephalus and Procris, a flying cupid holding a cloth as a shield, the tcmi)lc of Apollo in the foreground, touched with gold and ruby lustre — 11 J in. diam. Signed fra Xanto A. Bovigiese i Urbino From the Fountaine Collection 380 An Urbino Candle-oup, painted inside with a lady reclining and two female attendants with a child, the outside with arabesques, and two inscriptions, M. A. X. X. and M. X. A. R., by Fra Xanto — 3| in. high From the Fuuntainc Collection 31 381 A Circular Tazza, painted with the Last Supper, by Nicolo da Urbino — 11 in. diam. From the Fcuntaine Collection 382 A Pair of Urbino Vases (Albarellos), each painted with a fomalo figui'o with crown and sceptro, between two cupids, iu an open landscape, inscribed S. D. Peome and I. D. Matra — G in. high 383 A FINE UEBINO DISH, painted with the Eape of Helen, a composition of about forty figures, groups of men fighting between a palace on the left, and ships on the seashore on the right, by Nicolo da Urbino — 20 in. diam. There is a ^rint by Marc Antonio, varying somewhat in detail 384 An Oviform Urbino Vase, painted with the Eapc of Europa, and a female figure, with cows, mounted with handles, foot and rim of chased or-molu — 12^ in. high 385 A Castel Durante Pilgrim Bottle, with handles in the form of branches of foliage, painted with subjects from the history of Noah, mounted with foot and top of metal gilt — 15 in. high 386 A GuBBio Tazza, painted with two male allegorical winged figures, a temple and tlie set.ing sun in the back ground in colours, touched with gold and ruby lustre at the back — 10 in. diam. 387 A GuBBio-WARE Dish, with the monogram I.H.S. in a nimbus of raised rays within, another nimbus alternating with rusettes, outlined with blue and gold and ruby lustre, by Maestro Giorgio — 7^ in. diam. 388 A GuBxJio Tazza, painted with a draped female figure, holding a white flag, water and mountains in the background, painted in colours, and gold and ruby lustre, by Maestro Cencio, scrolls in lustre at the back, and letter N — 10;^ in. diam. 389 A Ditto Eound Dish, with sunk centre, painted with a coat-of- arms in gilt edge, with wide border of arabesques, masks, shields, cornucopije, &c., in colours, and gold and ruby lustre, by Maestro Giorgio — lOf in. diam. 32 390 A GuBBio Tazza, with St. Sebastian bound to a tree, and pierced with arrows, painted in grisaille, and touched with gold and ruby lustres, hills in the background, by Maestro Giorgio — 6 in, diam. 391 A Pesaro Dish, with a female allegorical figure, bearing a crowned toad in the centre, and border of scroll and scale ornaments in compartments, in gold and ruby lustre — 16 in. diam. 392 Another, with a knight on horseback carrying a lance, and bold scroll ornament on the border, outlined and shaded in blue and gold lustre — 16 in. diam. 393 A large deep Hispano Mauro dish, with birds and flowers in lustred colour 394 A smaller ditto 395 A round Hispano Mauro dish, with ornaments in blue and red lustre 396 A round Hispano Mauro dish, with scrolls in metallic lustre on white ground — 8 in. diam. 397 A Rhodian-ware dish, with ornaments in white, on green ground 398 Another, with flowers and ornaments in colours 398a Another 399 Another, with a female figure, and border of ornaments 400 Another, with a dog pursuing deer 401 Another, with ornaments in colours 402 A Rhodian-ware plate, with a horse ; and one, with flowers 2 403 Another, with animals on red ground ; and one, of similar design, blue ground 404 A Palissy tazza, with Perseus and Andromeda, and numerous other figures in relief, in colours — 10 in. diam. 405 Four ancient glass bottles 406 An Antique Egyptian Bronze Kneeling Figubb op Isis, tho drapery inlaid with gold — 2^ in. high From the Dimey Collection 33 407 A CuKious Triple Vase, supported by three seated cupids, the cover surmounted by a figure of Venus upon a dolphin From the Disney Collection ; and described in ' The Museum Disneianuin,' plate 69 408 A FINE BYZANTINE ENAMEL CHASSE, blue ground, with the Apostles under an arcade at the sides, the Cruci- fixion and Eesurrcction at the ends, the lid with emblems bordered with bosses of metal gilt — eleventh century From the Be Bruge Collection, No. 662 OLD ENGLISH FURNITURE. 409 An Oval Two-handled Sheraton Tray, of mahogany, the centre of satinwood, inlaid with a trophy in coloured woods 410 Twelve Sheraton Chairs, of mahogany and satinwood, inlaid with flowers in coloured woods ; and a pair of ditto, with arms, the seats covered with morocco leather 411 A Circular Folding Card-table, of mahogany and satinwood 412 A Pair of Carved Mahogany Armchairs, with round seats, and backs covered with blue stamped velvet 413 A pair of candlesticks, on circular pedestals of old Wedgwood, with figures in white, on blue ground, and with cut-glass drops 414 A pair of ditto 415 A chandelier, with numerous large pendants of cut rock crystal, and branches for nine lights — on metal-gilt frame 416 A set often black and gold armchairs, with cane seats; and u couch, similar 417 A set of six ditto, the backs painted with flowers 418 Two chairs, the backs and sides painted with flowers 419 An oblong oak chest, with panels carved with flowers and dragons 420 Another, with carved borders, and two drawers below 421 An old English carved oak chest 422 A smaller ditto, with elaborately carved front 34 424 A pair of small circular Egyptian porphyry pedestals — on plinths of giollo marble 425 A round pedestal, of veined black marble ; and one other 426 A square case, with tortoiscshell frame and glass panels 427 A pair of Louis XVI. candlesticks, with draped bronze female figures bearing metal-gilt branches — on fluted white marble pedestal, with gilt-metal plinths 428 A pair of carved and gilt brackets, of scroll design 429 A small octagonal red buhl table, on pillar and tripod, mounted with borders and ornaments of chased metal gilt 430 A clock, in case of black buhl, mounted with chased metal gilt 431 An or-molu figure of Cupid, with a drum on bronze pedestal with gilt animals in relief 432 A French Commode, of [inlaid woods, with four drawers, mounted with masks, handles, and ornaments of chased metal gilt, marble slab 433 An Inlaid French Commode, of rosewood, with shaped front and ends, and three drawers, mounted with metal gilt, and surmounted by a veined red and white marble slab, inlaid with playing-cards and ornaments 434 An Italian marqueterie cabinet, with drawer inlaid with orna- ments in coloured woods ANCIENT PERSIAN EMBROIDERY AND ORIENTAL CARPETS. 435 Two square panels, of Persian embroidery, with bands of ornaments in coloured silks ; and three pieces, smaller 436 A square panel, embroidered with ornaments in numerous brilliant colours 437 An oblong ditto 438 A square ditto 439 Two smaller ditto 440 Two ditto 441 One ditto 35 442 A long ditto, embroidered with animals and ornaments in coloured silks, on silk canvas Exhibited at the Paris International Exhibition 443 A panel, of crimson satin, embroidered with foliage and orna- ments in silver and gold thread, and coloured silks with green borders 444 Another, with a sunflower and other decoration in gold and silver thread, and coloured silks on cerise silk ground 445 A XVI. century rug, of fine white linen, beautifully em- broidered, with animals, birds, flowers, and foliage in coloured silks, and with triple border embroidered with flowers and scrolls 446 Two small square panels, embroidered with coloured silks 447 An oblong white silk panel, with birds and foliage in coloured silks ; and one, with flower blossoms on pale silk ground 448 A crimson satin panel, embroidered with birds and foliage in silver and gold thread, and gold fringe ; and one, with angels and Christian emblems in coloured silks, and silver and gold thread 449 A panel, embroidered with equestrian figures and flowers in coloured silks, on black ground 450 Five pieces of fine linen canvas, embroidered with flowers in gold and silver thread, and coloured silks 451 A Chinese ruby velvet panel, with border, embroidered with monkey dragons in gold thread 452 A Daghestan long rug, with border 453 A small Daghestan rug, with yellow centre 454 A long Daghestan rug, with border 455 A ditto 456 A ditto 457 A smaller ditto 458 A square-shaped ditto 459 An oblong ditto 460 Two Persian rugs ; and a small ditto 36 461 An Ispahan carpet, with border (XVI. century) — 1^ ft. 9 in. by Qft. 462 A ditto rug — 56 in. by 100 in. 463 Another, with birds and animals — 53 in. by 79 in. 464 An Ispahan rug, with birds, animals, and ornaments in colours, on dark-blue ground — 53 in. by 109 in. 465 A small Daghestau rug, with border 466 A ditto 467 A Turkish prayer carpet, with dark-blue centre, and border of coloured bands 468 Another, Avith pale-blue centre 469 Another, with ruby centre 470 Another, larger, with ruby centre and Persian-pattern border 471 A small silk velvet rug, with gold ground ; and a ruby and white ditto 472 A Turkish prayer carpet 473 Another, with dark-blue centre 474 A curious rug or portiere, of dark-blue cloth, with a mosque and other applique decorations, and border with buildings and ornaments From the Mosque of St. Sophia FINIS. 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