t EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS T. &■ A. CONSTABLE Printers to Her Majesty INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION GLASGOW 1888 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION GLASGOW I8BB FINE ARTS SECTION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE T. & A. Constable PRINTERS to Her MAJESTY. MDCCCLXXXVIII PRESENTED TO r^^...^ WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE FINE ARTS SECTION. Large Paper Copies — 370 -printed. CONTENTS. Fine Arts Committee, . . . . .3 Prospectus, Regulations, etc., ..... 4 Plan of the Galleries, ...... 7 Abbreviations, . . . . . . 8 British Loan Pictures (Oil) — Galleries Nos. 1 and 2, 9 British Sale Pictures (Oil) Gallery No. 3, . 33 Foreign Loan Pictures (Oil) „ 4, . . .42 Foreign Sale Pictures (Oil) ,, 5, . . . 55 Water Colours (Sale) . „ 6, . . .61 Water Colours (Loan) Galleries Nos. 6 and 7, .68 Sculpture . . Gallery No. 8, . . .88 Architecture . . 9, . . . 96 Photography . . „ 10, . . .108 Works in Black and White— Vestibule of Grand Hall, . .128 Alphabetical List of Lenders of Pictures, . . .143 Alphabetical List of Artists represented, . . .147 A INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION of Industry, Science, and Art, Glasgow, 1888. Patron — HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Honorary President— HIS, ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., K.T. President — SIR ARCHIBALD C. CAMPBELL of Blythswood, Baronet, M.P. Chairman of Executive Council. The Honourable Sir James King, of Campsie, LL.D., Lord Provost of Glasgow. ytce-Chairmen of Executive Council — JAMES H. DICKSON, JOHN SHEARER. Secretary — WILLIAM M. CUNNINGHAM. Treasurer — ALFRED BROWN. General Manager— a. A. HEDLEY. FINE ARTS COMMITTEE. President— The Most Honourable the MARQUIS OF BUTE, K.T. Joint-Chaiwien — FRANCIS POWELL, R.W.S. ROBERT CRAWFORD. Corresponding Members. L. ALMA-TADEMA, R.A., //.R.S.W., 17 Grove-End Road, St. John's Wood, London. HAMO THORNYCROFT, R. A., 18 Wynnstay Gardens, Allen Street, London, S.W. GEORGE A. LAWSON, //.R.S.A., 6 Marlborough Road, St. John's Wood, London. DAVID MURRAY, A.R.S. A., R.S.W., 1 Langham Chambers, Portland Place, London. R. W. COCHRAN-PATRICK, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot., Woodside, Beith. Sir Arthur Mitchell, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., i/.R.S.A., Drummond Place, Edinburgh. R. T. Aitken, 2 Woodlands Terrace. J. Carfrae Alston, 9 Lorraine Gardens, Dowanhill, T. N. Armstrong, 3 Royal Exchange Court. Matthew Arthur, 78 Queen Street. T. G. Arthur, 78 Queen Street. Robert Barclay, 21 Park Terrace. James Bell, 6 Union Street. William Bilsland, 3 Lynedoch Place. W. G. Black, F.S.A.Scot., 88 West Regent St Robert Blackie, 7 Great Western Terrace. Chanes Blatherwick, M.D., Row, Helensburgh. A. K. Brown, R.S.W. R. T. Hamilton Bruce, 2 Lennox St., Edinburgh. John Burnet, F.R.I.B.A., 167 St. Vincent Street. The Very Rev. Principal Caird, the University. D. S. Cargill, 9 Park Terrace. Sir Peter Coats, Auchendraine, Ayrshire. James Colquhoun, 158 St. Vincent Street. William Connal, Jun., 87 St. Vincent Street. J. C. Cox, the Cottage, Lochee, Dundee, Robert Crawford, 84 Miller Street. J. Dalrymple Duncan, F.S.A.Scot., 211 Hope St. C. D. Donald, F.S.A.Scot., 172 St. Vincent St. John H. Downes, 18 Athole Gardens, Hillhead. P. S. Dunn, 24 St. Vincent Place. Professor Ferguson, LL.D., the University. W. F. Finlayson, the Oaks, Johnstone. James Guthrie. James Hedderwick, LL.D., 26 Newton Place. Joseph Henderson, R.S.W., n Blythswood Sq. John Honeyman, F.R.I.B.A., 140 Bath Street. Andrew J. Kirkpatrick, 179 West George Street. William Lang, Jun., Cross Park, Partick. William Leiper, F.R.I.B.A., 179 Bath Street. A. G. Macdonald, 8 Park Circus. Rev. D. Macleod, D.D., 1 Woodlands Terrace. J. P. M'Gillivray, White Studio, W. Campbell Street. J. B. Mirrlees, Redlands, Kelvinside. J. O. Mitchell, 69 East Howard Street. John Mossman, .//.R.S.A., 6 Queen's Terrace. James Muir, C.A., 149 West George Street. D. Murray, M. A., F.S.A.Scot, 169 W. George St. F. H. Newbery School of Art and Haldane Acad. J. G. Orchar, Broughty-Ferry, Dundee. D. E. Outram, 48 West George Street. James Paton, Bankfoot, Cambuslang. Sir John Pender, 18 Arlington Street, London. Franc's Powell, R.W.S., Torr Aluinn, Dunoon. Robert Ramsey, Langside House, Langside. James Reid, 10 Woodside Terrace. Rev. F. L. Robertson, D.D., 204 Bath Street. John Robertson, 5 Athole Gardens, Hillhead. Laurence Robertson, 58 St. Vincent Street. Alexander Rose, 18 Huntly Gardens. Arthur Sanderson, 5 Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh. James Sellars, I.A., 266 St. Vincent Street. Michael Simons, 95 Candleriggs. William Smith, 61 West Regent Street. Sir Chas. Tennant, Bart, The Glen, Peeblesshire. David Tullis, Glencairn, Burnside, Rutherglen. J. T. Tullis, John Street, Bridgeton. Sir James Watson, 9 Woodside Terrace. G. Colvin White, Stewartlea, Ayr. P. M'Gregor Wilson, R.S.W. John Wordie, 4 Buckingham Terrace. Secretary to the Fine Arts Section. ROBERT WALKER. FINE ARTS SECTION. SUB - COMMITTEES. R. T. Aitken. M. Arthur. T. G. Arthur. Jas. Bell. Wm. Bilsland. R. Blackie. J. H. Dowries. Chas. Blathenvick, M.D. A. K. Brown, R.S.W. LOAN COLLECTION. James Muir, C.A., Conven James Guthrie. J. Henderson, R.S.W. J. Honeyman, F.R.I.B.A. A. J. Kirkpatrick. A. G. Macdonald. Jas. Paton. BRITISH SALE. Joseph Henderson, R.S.W. ! D. E. Outram. I Jas. Sellars, I. A. Robt. Ramsey. F. L. Robertson, D.D Alex. Rose. W. Smith. P. M'Gregor Wilson 'R.S.W. J. Wordie. Convener. I Wm. Smith. I J. T. Tullis. Tames Bell. P. S. Dunn. John Burnet, F.R.I.B.A. J. Honeyman, F.R.I.B.A G. A. Lawson, //.R.S.A. T. N. Armstrong. W. Bilsland. FOREIGN SALE. J. Carfrae Alston, Co7ivener. J James Muir, C. A. I John Wordie. I P. M'Gregor Wilson, R.S.W. I SCULPTURE AND ARCHITECTURE. F. H. Newbery, Convener. Jas. Sellars, I. A. " Hamo Thornycroft^R. A. R. T. Aitken. J. Carfrae Alston. T. G. Arthur. Robt. Barclay. Jas. Bell. W. Bilsland. W. Leiper, F.R.I.B.A. John Mossman, .//.R.S.A. J. P. M'Gillivray. PHOTOGRAPHY. Wm. Lang, Jr., Convener. W. F. Finlayson. | Jas. Paton. ART UNION. William Smith, Convener. D. S. Cargill. P. S. Dunn. W. Lang, Jr. Jas. Muir, C.A. D. Murray, M.A., F.S.A.Scot. F. H. Newbery. Laurence Robertson. Alex. Rose. Jas. Sellars, I. A. M. Simons. David Tullis. John Wordie. EXECUTIVE. The Joint-Chairmen and the Conveners of the Sub-Committees. SECRETARY. Robert Walker, International Exhibition, Glasgow. PROSPECTUS. It is intended to make the Fine Arts Section, which will comprise both a Loan and a Sale Collection, a special feature of the International Exhibition of Industry, Science, and Art, to be held in Glasgow in 1888. The Section will include : — 1. Sculpture. 5. Engravings and Etchings. 2. Oil Paintings. 6. Architectural Drawings and 3. Water-colour Drawings. Models. 4. Works in Black and White. 7. Photographs. The Exhibition will be opened in May 1888, and will remain open until the end of October in that year. Regulations. 5 Special care will be taken in the construction of the Fine Arts Galleries to insure their being thoroughly damp-proof and fire-proof. The walls will be of brick, the roof of steel or iron, and the building practically isolated from the other parts of the Exhibi- tion Buildings. The Galleries are ten in number, occupying an area equal to 3200 square yards, and affording about 2450 lineal feet of hanging space. The entire Exhibition will be watched day and night by police and firemen. Special attention will be given to the safety of the Fine Arts Galleries. Electric light will be used throughout the Exhibition, and the mode of its application in the Fine Arts Galleries will obviate the risks incidental, under other conditions, to the use of artificial lights. An Art Union will be organised in connection with the Fine Arts Sale Section, under the regulations of the Board of Trade. The price of tickets will be one shilling each, and the total receipts, after deducting necessary expenses, will be divided into prizes, to be selected from works exhibited in the Fine Arts Sale Section. The drawing for and selection of prizes will take place on a day to be fixed by the Committee prior to the close of the Exhibition. REGULATIONS FOR LOAN COLLECTION. t. The Loan Exhibition shall remain open during six months, from May till October 1888. 2. The collection of works shall commence on 1st March 1888. No work lent for exhibition can be removed until after the close of the Exhibition, and all works shall be returned as soon after the close as possible. 3. The Committee undertake to collect and return the Works of Art and other Exhibits lent, and to bear all cost of transit. When required to do so, they will insure, at their own expense, all Loan Exhibits against every risk, whether in transit or during the Exhibition. 4. No copy shall be allowed to be made of any work placed in this collection, without the written consent of all who may have an interest in the copyright. REGULATIONS FOR ARTISTS SENDING WORKS FOR SALE. 1. The exhibits in this Section shall be the work of living Artists, and shall be of the kinds set forth under Sub-sections Nos. 1 to 6 (inclusive) of the foregoing Prospectus. Except Portraits and Architectural Drawings, no works shall be exhibited in this Section unless they are bona fide for sale at prices specified in the Catalogue. 2. Sculpture shall include original works in Marble, Bronze, and other metals, Terra- cotta, Wax, and Plaster of Paris. Works in Black and White shall include (1) Charcoal Drawings : (2) Crayon Drawings (Monochrome) ; (3) Indian Ink Drawings ; (4) Pen and Ink Drawings ; (5) Pencil Drawings : (6) Sepia Drawings. Engravings and Etchings shall include (1) Drawings on Wood : (2) Proofs of Unpub- lished Steel, Wood, and Copper Engravings ; (3) Proofs of Unpublished Litho- graphs. A series of Drawings or Etchings mounted in one frame shall count as one contribu- tion, provided the over-all size of the frame does not exceed 28 in. by 20 in. The Architectural Exhibits shall include Drawings and Models of original designs. The exhibits in this Sub-section shall not necessarily be for sale. 3. Copies of works of Art (except in the form of Engravings or Etchings) are inad- missible. 4. All works must be delivered at the Exhibition Buildings, Kelvingrove Park, Glas- gow, during the week ending 24th March 1888. Artists receiving the special invitation circular of the Committee may send three works, the carriage of which, should the Artists not be resident in Glasgow, will be paid from and to London and Edinburgh. Mr. James Bourlet, 17 Nassau Street, Middlesex Hospital, London, will receive works for exhibition from Artists in London and neighbourhood till 10th March 1888. Mr. Thomas Wilson, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, will receive works from Artists in Edinburgh and neighbourhood till 10th March 1888. Artists not receiving the special invitation circular may not send more than two works, which must be delivered free, and without cases, at the Exhibition during the week ending 24th March 1888. No works can be received after above dates. This Regulation will be strictly adhered to. 6 Regulations. 5. A form filled in with the name and address of the Artist in full, the titles of the works, and their prices, must accompany all works sent in, and must be delivered with the works in either London, Edinburgh, or Glasgow. No unnecessary quotation or narrative can be admitted. At the back of each frame must be written the name and address of the Artist, the title of the work, and the number in the Artist's form with which it corresponds. The same information must be repeated on a label attached by a string to the top of each frame, so as to hang over in front. To each piece of sculpture a similar label must be attached. These forms and labels will be forwarded on applica- tion to the Agents, or to the Secretary of the Fine Arts Section. 6. With the exception of Monochromes (Sub-sections Nos. 4 and 5) and Architectural Drawings, all pictures must be in gilt frames and without mounts. All frames must be square or oblong in outside form. Drawings on wood must be protected by glass. From any oil painting covered with glass, the glass may be removed at the option of the Committee. 7. All works shall be subject to the approval or rejection of the Committee, whose decision shall be final. 8. On works sold during the currency of the Exhibition, whether by the Artists them- selves or by the Committee, the following commissions on the Catalogue prices will be charged, viz. : — 15 on Engravings, Etchings, and Lithographs, and 5 per cent, on all other works. 9. Sales effected by the Artist should be intimated at once to the Secretary of the Fine Arts Section, otherwise a sale by the Committee will be held to take precedence of, and supersede, the sale by the Artist. 10. Pictures not the property of the Artist are not admitted for sale, unless with the written consent of the Artist. 11. The Sale Section shall remain open during six months from May to October 1888. Works placed in the Exhibition cannot be removed until after the close, and any works upon which expenses have been incurred, or upon which commission is due, shall not be delivered until such expense or commission be paid, and an order from the Secretary of the Fine Arts Section be produced. 12. While the Executive Council will endeavour to take every care of the works sent for exhibition, they will not be responsible for injury or loss from any cause whatsoever arising, either in transit to or from, or during the currency of, the Exhibition. 13. No copy shall be allowed to be made of any work in this collection without the written consent of the Artist. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS. 1st. Every Purchaser shall, immediately after the Purchase of a work of Art, pay a deposit of one-fourth of the price of each work purchased by him, and shall pay the remainder of the purchase -money at the close of the Exhibition, and at his own expense remove the work purchased. Each work shall, for the purpose of this rule, be considered the subject of a separate contract, and no Picture will be marked ' Sold ' until the deposit has been paid. 2d. No work purchased can be removed until after the close of the Exhibition, and then only when the price has been paid. All works must be removed within ten days after the close of the Exhibition. 3d. In case the Purchaser shall fail to pay within ten days from the close of the Exhibition the balance of price, the deposit shall, at the option of the Committee, be thereupon forfeited, and the contract shall be absolutely void. 4th. Parties purchasing from the Artist direct must intimate the Sale at once to the Secretary of the Fine Arts Section, and conform to the above rules, otherwise a sale made by the Exhibition shall take precedence of and supersede one made privately. Note. — The Exhibition does not hold itself responsible for errors in prices, and any sale at Catalogue Price may be cancelled, in the event of a discrepancy between it and the actual price at which the Exhibition is authorised to sell. *** The absence of price does not imply that the Picture is not for sale. Information as to works not priced may be had from the Secretary of the Fine Arts Section. PLAN OF THE PICTURE GALLERIES. ABBREVIATIONS. P.R.A. President of the Royal Academy of London. R. A. Royal Academician of London. A.R. A. Associate of the Royal Academy of London. iP.R.S.A. President of the Royal Scottish Academy. R.S.A. Royal Scottish Academician. A.R.S.A. Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy. H. R.S.A. Honorary Member of the Royal Scottish Academy. R.B.A. Royal Society of British Artists. R.H.A. Royal Hibernian Academician. i/.R.H.A. Honorary Member of the Royal Hibernian Academy. R.W.S. Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. A.R.W.S. Associate of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. R.I. The Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. F. R. I. B. A. Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects. A.R.I.B,A. Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects. S. P. E. Society of Painter-Etchers. R.S.W. Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours. I. A. Member of the Glasgow Institute of Architects. s Gallery No. I. BRITISH LOAN PICTURES (OIL). 1 Marsh Lands .... Cecil G. Lawson Lent by J. S. Forbes, Esq. 2 Sheep Shearing . . . R. IV. Macbeth, A.R.A. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 3 Dorcas . . . Sir Daniel Macnee, P. R.S.A. Lent by Sir James Bain. 4 The Rabbit on the Wall . . Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Lent by Lord Armstrong. 5 The Night-Stall . . . . A. H. Burr Lent by Thomas Pearson, Esq. 6 Countess Moira and Lady Elizabeth Penelope Crichton, . Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Lent by The Marquis of Bute, K.T. 7 The Draught-Players . . . F. D. Hardy Lent by R. P. Harding, Esq. 8 The Flower Girl . . J. Graham Gilbert, R.S.A. Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 9 Girl Sketching . . J. Graham Gilbert, R.S.A Lent by David S. Cargill, Esq. 10 Venus and Neptune . . G. H. Boughton, A.R.A. Lent by Louis Huth, Esq. 11 The ImproviSatore . . L. Alma- Tadema, R.A. Lent by Stephen Christy, Esq. 12 Road Scene . . . William J. Muller Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 13 The Proposal . ... D. Munro Lent by John G. Whyte, Esq. IO British Loan Pictures (Oil). 14 Time and Place .... John Pettie, R.A. Lent by H. J. Turner, Esq. 15 Outward Bound . . . E. J. Poy?iler,K.K. Lent by Henry Evans, Esq. 16 Portrait of Sir John M'Neill, G.C.B. G. F. Watts, R.A. Lent by The Duke of Argyll, K.T. 17 The Waefu' Heart . . Thomas Dimcan, R.S.A. Lent by J. Hope Finlay, Esq. 18 The New Frock .... John Burr Lent by Thomas Pearson, Esq. 19 A Common Event .... George Morland Lent by Charles Langton, Esq. 20 Sunset . . . . . John Linnell Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 21 Jeanie .... Wm. M'-Taggart, R.S.A. Lent by J. G. Or char, Esq. 22 The Penny Wedding — Original Sketch of Painting in the possession of Her Majesty the Queen, . . Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Lent by Sir Donald Currie, K.C.M.G., M.P. 23 Portrait of Mrs. Wardle . . William Hogarth Lent by C. Tennant Couper, Esq. 24 Red Berries ..... Albert Moore Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 25 Weaving the Wreath Sir Frederick Leighton, Bart., P. R.A. Lent by George Holt, Esq. 26 Sir Henry Taylor . . . G. F. Watts, R.A. Lent by G. F. Watts, Esq. 27 Lake of Killarney ... J". Creswick, R.A. Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 28 Going to the Mill . . . . David Cox Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 29 The Golden Bough . . . John Linnell Lent by Laurence Robertson, Esq. 30 Battersea Reach . . . . R. P. Bonington Lent by Thomas Woolner, Esq. Gallery No. i. n 31 Idleness and the Pilgrim of Love . E. Burne Jones, A.R.A. Lent by William Connal, Jun. , Esq. 32 Midsummer .... Albert Moo7'e Lent by William Connal, Jun., Esq. 33 Henrietta . . . Sir J. D. Linton, P.R.I. Lent by William Goddard, Esq. 34 Low Life . . . Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 35 Bathers . . . Wm. M l Taggart, R.S.A. Lent by J. G. Orchar, Esq. 36 'The Huguenot' — a Miniature Sir J. E. Millais, Bart., R.A. Lent by J. G. Kershaw, Esq. 37 Portrait of Miss Oswald of Scotstoun J. Graham Gilbert, R.S.A. Lent by James Gordon Oswald, Esq. 38 The Siesta . . L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 39 Sir Bertram's Dirge . . Sir J. Noel Paton, R.S.A., Her Majesty's Limner for Scotland. Lent by Laurence Robertson, Esq. 40 The Eve of St. Agnes . . . Arthur Hughes Lent by J. G. Kershaw, Esq. 41 Lord Dufferin . . . . G. F. Watts, R.A. Lent by G. F. Watts, Esq. 42 Wind on the Wolds . . George H. Mason, A.R.A. Lent by Sir Frederick Leighton, Bart. 43 'Rain' . . . P. McGregor Wilson, R.S.W. Lent by P. M. Stevenson, Esq. 44 A Highland Loch . . Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. Lent by T. D. Smellie, Esq. 45 Patrick, Earl of Dumfries, and Flora, Countess of Loudoun . Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Lent by The Marquis of Bute, K.T. 46 Sketch— The Man with the Muck Rake Sir J. Noel Paton, R.S.A., Her Majesty's Limner for Scotland. Lent by Robert Ramsey, Esq. 12 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 47 The Potato Harvest . . . John Linnell Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 48 Ulverston Sands .... David Cox Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 49 Christ in the Temple . . W. Holman Hunt Lent by George Holt, Esq. 50 Corner in the Marketplace . E. J. Poynter, R.A. Lent by J. H. Renton, Esq. 51 Meditation . . . P. F. Poole, R.A. Lent by ROBERT RAMSEY, Esq. 52 Italian Scene . . . Richard Wilson, R.A. Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 53 Gleaners ..... David Cox Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 54 ' The Summer Days were Fine ' . J. L. Wingate, R.S.A. Lent by Edward Martin, Esq. 55 Italian Scene . . . J. M. W. Turner, R.A. Lent by James Donald, Esq. 56 Going to the Hayfield . . . David Cox Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 57 Milking-time . . /. Campbell Noble, A.R.S.A. Lent by James T. Tullis, Esq. 58 Portrait . . . W. W. Ouless, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Deacon. 59 The Laird's Pew . . . Tom Graham, //.R.S.A. Lent by John Graham, Esq. 60 The Money-Changers . . Williain J. Midler Lent by David Jardine, Esq. 61 ' Are Chimney-sweepers black ?' . J. C. Hook, R. A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 62 The Fairy Raid . . Sir /. Noel Paton R.S.A., Her Majesty's Limner for Scotland. Lent by John Polson, Esq. 63 The Borderland . . . Arthur Perigal, R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. Perigal. 64 A Fisherman's Home by the Sea Alex. Fraser, R S.A. Lent by James Muir, Esq. Gallery No. i. 13 65 'Just Awake' . . Sir J. E. Millais, Bart, R.A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 66 Barden Moor . . . Cecil G. Lawson Lent by Donald Graham, Esq. 67 Conventicle Preacher before the Justices Robert Herdman, R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. Arthur. 68 Venice . . . . E. W. Cooke, R.A. Lent by A. Young, Esq. 69 Arundel Mill and Castle, Sussex . John Constable, R.A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 70 The Sisters — Lady Erne and Lady Dillon Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 71 Le Malade Imaginaire . . . A. Solomon Lent by R. P. Harding, Esq. 72 A War Despatch at the Hotel de Ville A. C. Gow, A. R.A. Lent by The Corporation of Liverpool, 73 St. Jean de Luz ." W. Clarkson Stanfield, R.A. Lent by D. RICHARDSON, Esq. 74 The late John Elder, Esq. Sir Daniel Macnee, P. R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. Elder. 75 The Benediction . Sir J. D. Linton, P.R.I. Lent by Charles J. Jacoby, Esq. 76 James Watt .... John Partridge Lent by John Scott, Esq., C.B. 77 The Devil's Bridge, Pass of St. Gothard /. M. W. Turner, R.A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 78 Charles M'Kay, Comedian, — as Bailie Nicol Jarvie Sir Daniel Macnee, P. R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. E. Glover. 79 Gaffing the Salmon . James Docharty, A. R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. Whitelaw. 80 Clearness after Rain . . Henry Moore, A.R.A. Lent by Louis Huth, Esq. 81 Distant View of Carlisle (the last picture touched by the artist) . . . Sam Bough, R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. Sam Bough. 14 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 82 Gathering of the Storm . . . /. Milne Donald Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 83 The Threat .... John Pettie, R.A. Lent by the Trustees of the late J. M. Marsden, Esq. 84 John Mossman, /f.R.S.A. Norman Macbeth, R.S.A. Lent by The Corporation of the City of Glasgow. 85 Sketching from Nature . . . T. Webster, R.A. Lent by Robert Rankin, Esq. 86 Venetian Fruit-Seller . W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. Lent by T. G. ARTHUR, Esq. 87 The Glebe Farm . . . John Constable, R.A. Lent by Thos. Woolner, Esq. 88 James Smith, Esq. of Jordanhill Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Archibald Smith. 89 The Evening before the Death of Rizzio E. M. Ward, R.A. Lent by Sir John Pender. 90 Dante's Dream . . . Dante Gabriel Rossetti Lent by The Corporation of Liverpool. 91 A Forest Glade . . . . J. H. Henshaiv Lent by The Corporation of Birmingham. 92 Mary Wilson, Wife of James Smith, Esq. of Jordanhill . . Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Archibald Smith. 93 A Chapel in St. Mark's, Venice David Roberts, R.A. Lent by W. S. Valentine, Esq. 94 Landscape . . . Richard Wilson, R.A. Lent by J. M'Pherson, Esq. 95 Landscape .... John Linnell Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 96 Normandy Coast Scene . . T. Creswick, R.A. Lent by The Corporation of the City of Glasgow. 97 Hurley House . . . J M. W. Turner, R.A. Lent by Sir Donald Currie, K.C.M.G., M.P. 98 Mrs. Luke Fildes . . . Luke Fildes, R.A. Lent by Luke Fildes, Esq. 99 View near Nottingham . . . Henry Dawson Lent by James Orrock, Esq. Gallery No. I. 15 100 'Toil, Glitter, and Grime ' . W. L. Wyllie, R.I. Lent by The President and Council of the Royal Academy (Chantrey Bequest Fund). 101 Pause in the Storm . . . Cecil G. Lawson Lent by James Clark, Esq. 102 Fact and Fancy . . Sir /. Noel Paton, R.S.A., Her Majesty's Limner for Scotland. Lent by James Cowan, Esq. 103 Sir David Wilkie, R.A. . Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Lent by Robert Rankin, Esq. 104 Rev. Dr. Somerville . Joseph Henderson, R.S.W. Lent by Rev. Dr. Somerville. 105 Gal way Gossips . . . E. A. Water low Lent by The President and Council of the Royal Academy (Chantrey Bequest Fund). 106 The Banquet . . Sir J. D. Linton, P.R.I. Lent by C. J. JACOBY, Esq. 107 The Pass of Leny . . G. P. Chalmers, R.S.A. Lent by J. M. HOULDSWORTH, Esq. 108 Landscape . . . . E. A. Walton, R.S.W. Lent by Thos. G. Bishop, Esq. 109 The Picnic .... C. R. Leslie, R.A. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. no Countess Percy and Lord G. Campbell J. Sant, R.A. Lent by The Duke of Argyll, K.T. in Ben Venue . . . James Docharty, A.R.S.A. Lent by James Muir, Esq. 112 The Lobster-Fishers . Colin Hunter, A.R.A. Lent by J as. Macgregor, Esq. 113 Early Morning — South Shields Harbour : Victualling a Ship . J. W. Ewbank, R.S.A. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 1 14 Master Baby . . W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. Lent by W. Q. Orchardson, Esq. 115 Landscape and Figures — Sunset Sir A. W.Callcott, R.A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 116 Ivybridge . . . . /. M. W. Turner, R.A. Lent by W. Hollins, Esq. i6 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 117 Man of War Rocks, Dorsetshire Coast .... John Brett, A.R.A. Lent by Dr. Black. 118 Granton Harbour, Firth of Forth E. Hayes ; R.H.A. Lent by H. H. Goddard, Esq. 119 The Margin of the Forest . Alex. Fraser, R.S.A. Lent by Robert Ramsey, Esq. 120 The Step .... John Pettie, R.A. Lent by H. J. Turner, Esq. 121 Bacchante Dancing . . W. E. Frost, R.A. Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 122 Landscape . . . John Constable, R.A. Lent by Sir Donald Currie, K.C.M.G., M.P. 123 The Naturalist . . J. E. Hodgson, R.A. Lent by William Gibson, Esq. 124 ' Out in the '45 ' . J. B. Macdonald, R.S.A. Lent by Robert Robin, Esq. 125 Tired Out . . . Tom MacEwan, R.S.W. Lent by Wm. Johnston, Esq. 126 Cardigan Bay .... David Cox Lent by Jas. Orrock, Esq. 127 The Victory . . . . Henry Dawson Lent by Jas. Orrock, Esq. 128 William Beckford, Author of * Vathek ' . George Romney Lent by The Duke of Hamilton. 129 Summons to the Secret Tribunal (an incident in the life of Vesalius, the great Anatomist) Sir W. Fettes Douglas, P.R.S.A. Lent by J. R. Findlay, Esq. 130 Landscape . . . . R. P. Bonington Lent by James Keyden, Esq. 131 Berwick-on-Tweed . . Sam Botigh, R.S.A. Lent by J. Charles Bell, Esq. 132 The Funeral on the Bridge . . David Cox Lent by Jas. Houldsworth, Esq. 133 Mrs. Robertson Reid of Gallownat, 1823. Sir He?iry Raeburn, R.A Lent by F. Robertson Reid, Esq. Gallery No. i. 17 134 James Mann, Esq. . . . Alex. Mann Lent by Mrs. Wordie. 135 Shearing Wraick on the Sound of Harris John Hamilton MacCallum, R.I. Lent by S. H. Beddington, Esq. 136 Don Quixote at the Puppet-Show W. E. Lockhart, R.S.A. Lent by John G. Sandeman, Esq. 137 God's Shrine . . H. Herkomer, A.R.A Lent by A. Young, Esq. 138 The Bathers . . . Fred. Walker, A.R.A. Lent by W. C. Quilter, Esq., M.P. 139 Portrait of the Artist's Daughter . G. Watson, P. R.S.A. Lent by Alex. J. Watson, Esq. 140 Fruit . . . . George Lance Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 141 Fingal's Cave . . . C. E. Johnso?i Lent by Robert Orr, Esq. 142 'The Thin Red Line' . . Robert Gibb, R.S.A. Lent by Archibald Ramsden, Esq. 143 John Douglas, 7th Duke of Argyll Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Lent by The Duke of Argyll, K.T. 144 First Idea of 'The Legend' . G. P. Chalmers, R.S.A. Lent by George R. Mather, Esq., M.D. 145 Study of a Group of Boys for Picture of Village School Examination Sir George Harvey, P. R.S.A. Lent by Charles Halkerston, Esq. 146 The Apple Stall . . . . A. H. Burr Lent by J. Hope Finlay, Esq. 147 Cigarette-making in the Government Factory of Seville . . J. B. Burgess, A.R.A. Lent by J. PULLEY, Esq. 148 The Sanctuary . . J. A. Aitken, R.S.W. Lent by Col. Hargreaves. 149 The Wappenshaw . . John Faed, R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. Baird. B i8 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 149A Louis XI. . . . R. Scott Lauder, R.S.A. Lent by George Alex. Baird, Esq. 150 Changing Pastures in the Roman Cam- pagna . . . R. Beavis, A.R.W.S. Lent by James Dunnachie, Esq. 151 Last Leaves . David Murray, A.R.S.A. Lent by G. W. Parker, Esq. 152 Meditation . . . Charles R. Leslie,^.. A. Lent by James Keyden, Esq. 153 The Red Rose . . . G. P. Chalmers, R.S.A. Lent by Laurence Robertson, Esq. 1 54 Landscape — Windy . , .': . David Cox Lent by James Keyden, Esq. 155 Egyptian Mother . . . . F. Goodall, R.A. Lent by WILLIAM HoULDSWORTH, Esq. 156 From Peak to Peak in Cloudland A. W. Hunt, R.W.S. Lent by W. S. Caine, Esq., M.P. 157 Kelp-Burners . . Joseph Henderson, R.S.W. Lent by J. G. Orchar, Esq. 158 On the Teme at Ludlow . . .E.J. Niemann Lent by The Corporation of Wolverhampton. 159 Canterbury Meadows . . T. Sidney Cooper, R.A. Lent by ROBERT RAMSEY, Esq. 160 Effie Deans in Prison . . Robert Herdman, R.S.A. Lent by Alexander Kay, Esq. 161 The Right Hon. Sir George Otto Trevelyan, Bart., M.P. . . Frank H. Holl, R.A. Lent by Sir George Otto Trevelyan, Bart., M.P. 162 Wood Nymph . . . E. Burne Jones, A.R.A. Lent by Willi am Connal, Jun. , Esq. 163 White Horse . . /. F. Herring, Senr. Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 164 The Rescue from Fire . Sir J. E. Millais, Bart., R.A Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 165 Sir A. C. Campbell, Bart., of Blythswood H. Herkomer, A. R.A Lent by the Conservative Club, Glasgow. Gallery No. i. 19 166 Sea Nymph . . . E. Burne Jones, A.R.A. Lent by Wm. Conn al, Jun., Esq. 167 Fancy Free . . . Lionel P. Smythe, R.I. Lent by Mrs. Elder. 168 A River Scene, with Barges — Autumn J. Milne Donald Lent by Wm. Gibson, Esq. 169 Scene from * Peveril of the Peak' W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. Lent by Jas. Donald, Esq. 170 Mill on the Irvine . Horatio M'Culloch, R.S.A. Lent by Sir PETER COATS. 171 The Three Jolly Postboys . H. Stacey Marks, R.A. Lent by Geo. C. Dobell, Esq. 172 Going Westward .... Alfred Parsons Lent by W. A. Duncan, Esq. 173 Hudson River . . T. M. Dow, R.S.W. Lent by Thos. Dow, Esq. 174 The Falls of Tummel . . G. P. Chalmers, R.S.A. Lent by J. J. Weinberg, Esq. 175 Christ Teaching Humility . R. Scott Lauder, R.S.A. Lent by William Johnston, Esq. 176 El Cigarillo— Taking a Quiet Whiff John Phillip, R.A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 177 Pallas Athenae . . . Briton Riviere, R.A. Lent by Alexander Henderson, Esq. 178 Sketch for ' Captivity of Andromache' Sir Frederick Leighton, Bart., P. R.A. Lent by Sir Fred. Leighton, Bart. 179 Twilight ..... JohnLinnell Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 180 Tenant's Notice to Quit . . . E. Nicol, A.R.A. Lent by Laurence Robertson, Esq. 181 Lady Sybil Primrose Sir Frederick Leighton, Bart, P.R.A. Lent by The Earl of Rosebery, K.T. 182 Pleading . . . . L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Schlesinger. 20 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 183 English Landscape . . , J. Constable , R.A. Lent by Joseph Henderson, Esq. 184 Steward receives Tenant's Reply . E. Nicol, A.R.A. Lent by Laurence Robertson, Esq. 185 Island of Cos . . . . G. F. Watts, R.A. Lent by J. B. Mirrlees, Esq. 186 The Reluctant Departure. . . W. Collins, R.A. Lent by The Corporation of Birmingham. 187 An English Pastoral . . . John Linnell Lent by David Jardine, Esq. 188 Sam Bough, R.S.A. . . John Phillip, R.A. Lent by Miss Anne Lucy Bough. 189 Dedham Mill /. Constable, R.A. Lent by Jas. Orrock, Esq. 190 Sword and Dagger Fight . .John Pettie, R.A. Lent by J AS. DONALD, Esq. 191 Belshazzar's Feast J. Martin Lent by Mrs. D. Mackenzie. 192 Barncluith . . . Alex. Fraser, R.S.A. Lent by J. Charles Bell, Esq. 193 Adrift . . . . W. MTaggart, R.S.A. Lent by James Dunnachie, Esq. 194 H. Houldsworth, Esq. Sir J. Watson Gordon, P.R.S.A. Lent by James Houldsworth, Esq. 195 Watering the Horses . Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 196 Tantallon Castle and the Bass Rock Rev. John Thomson, H.R.S.A. Lent by J. Parker Smith, Esq. 197 Gillingham . . . William J. Muller Lent by David Jardine, Esq. 198 The Little Fortune-Teller Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. R.A. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 199 ' Ca' the Yowes to the Knowes' Chas. Martin Hardie, A. R.S.A. Lent by the Representatives of the late Jas. Roberts, Esq. 200 On the Arnon . . . .J. Milne Donald Lent by Joseph Henderson, Esq. Gallery No. I. 21 201 * Homeward Bound ' . J. S. Cotman Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 202 Morning .... T. Creswick, R.A. Lent by George Holt, Esq. 203 Venus and her Satellites . . W. Etty, R.A. Lent by Antony Gibbs, Esq. 204 Hard Times . . H. Herkomer, A. R.A. Lent by The Corporation of Manchester. 205 Sea Piece ..... George Chambers Lent by D. Thomson, Esq. 206 Holy Water . . . . /. Phillip, R.A. Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 207 A Field Worker . . . . G. Clausen, R.I. Lent by James Dunnachie, Esq. 208 The Evil Eye . . . John Phillip, R.A Lent by James Donald, Esq. 209 School Revisited . . . G. D. Leslie, R.A. Lent by JAS. Houldsworth, Esq. 210 The Herring Market at Sea . Colin Hunter, A.R.A. Lent by The Corporation of Manchester. 211 The Clyde from Dalnottar Hill Horatio Macculloch, R.S.A. Lent .by T. Graham Young, Esq. 212 The Blind Piper . . T. Duncan, R.S.A. Lent by J. Hope Finlay, Esq. 213 Light of the Fireside . . Hugh Cameron, R.S.A. Lent by Edward Martin, Esq. 214 Vale of St. John . . Sam Bough, R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. Smieton. 215 Charon and Psyche . . R. Spencer Stanhope Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. Screen N0. 1. 216 On the Lagune . . . W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. Lent by H. J. Turner, Esq. 217 Hill and Dale . . Mark Fisher, R.I. Lent by A. Young, Esq. 22 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 218 Interior of St. Gomar . . David Roberts , R.A. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 219 The Haunted Chamber . . George Hay, R.S. A. Lent by Geo. R. Mather, Esq., M.D. 220 Sea Piece W. Clarkson Stanfield t R.A. Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 221 Gipsies ..... George Morland Lent by James Houldsworth, Esq. 222 In Dovedale .... Henry Dawson Lent by The Corporation of Wolverhampton. 223 Lady Derby . . . George Romney, R.A. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 224 The Waggon . . R. P. Bonington Lent by Thomas Woolner, Esq. 225 Admiral Lord George Graham in his Cabin W. Hogarth Lent by The Duke of Montrose. Screen N0. 2. 226 Pastoral . . . . . G. Vincent Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 227 ' It is more blessed to give than to receive, 5 William Mulready, R.A. Lent by Sir James Watson. 228 Cascapedia Valley, Canada . H.R.H. Princess Louise Lent by H.R.H. Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne. 229 The Freedom of the Press . Thomas Faed t R.A. Lent by James Cowan, Esq. 230 On the Eden at Carlisle . . .E.J. Niemann Lent by The Corporation of Wolverhampton. 231 Off the Texel . . W. Clarkson Stanfield, R.A. Lent by James Houldsworth, Esq. 232 The Soldier's Return . Sir /. Noel Paton, R.S.A., Her Majesty's Limner for Scotland. Lent by George Alexander Baird, Esq. 233 Winter Fare . . . W. D. M'Kay, R.S. A. Lent by G. B. Hart, Esq. Gallery No. i. 23 234 Three Generations . . Hugh Cameron, R.S.A. Lent by Robert Ramsey, Esq. 235 Opium Bazaar, Cairo . . F. Goodall, R.A. Lent by WILLIAM HOULDSWORTH, Esq. 236 Highland Shieling . . J. Milne Donald Lent by D. THOMSON, Esq. 237 Adam and Eve .... Stanhope Forbes Lent by J. Maddocks, Esq. 238 The Silver Strand— Loch Katrine Horatio Macculloch, R.S.A. Lent by Thomas Pearson, Esq. 239 Sir Walter Scott, Bart. . . Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Lent by Sir Donald Currie, K.C.M.G., M.P. 240 The Last of the Harvest . Mark Fisher, R.I. Lent by A. R. Henderson, Esq. 241 News from the Salon . P. McGregor Wilson, R.S.W. Lent by John G. Whyte, Esq. 242 Coxwain of H.M.S. 'Comus' H.R.H. Princess Louise Lent by H.R.H. Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne. 243 Cupid and Psyche . . Robert Herdman, R.S.A. Lent by Wm. Johnston, Esq. 244 Haymaking .... Mark Fisher, R.I. Lent by A. R. Henderson, Esq. 245 Puzzled .... Erskine Nicol, A. R.A. Lent by James Houldsworth, Esq. 246 Landscape .... John Crome, Sen. Lent by J Ames Keyden, Esq. 247 The Favourite Air . G. P. Chalmers, R.S.A. Lent by Alex. Kay, Esq. 248 Flying the Kite — Windy Day . . David Cox Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 249 A Crail Garden . . . W. Y. MacGregor Lent by Allan MacLean, Esq. &cxzzn TStf. 3. 250 Washing Day . . . David Cox Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 251 Heath Scene .... David Cox Lent by William Houldsworth, Esq. 24 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 252 Pandora Crowned by the Seasons . W. Etty, R.A. Lent by SiR John Neeld, Bart. 253 The River Llugwy, Bettws-y-Coed . David Cox Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 254 Landscape with Red House . . David Cox Lent by James Houldsworth, Esq. 255 The Renewal of the Lease refused Erskine Nicol, A.R.A. Lent by James Cowan, Esq. 256 Mrs. J. B. Mirrlees . W. B. Richmond, A.R.A. Lent by J. B. Mirrlees, Esq. 257 'Give us this Day our daily Bread' Wm. M l Taggart, R.S.A. Lent by Archibald Craig, Esq. Gallery No. 2. BRITISH LOAN PICTURES (OIL). 258 The White Rose .... J. Lavery Lent by Joseph Fulton, Esq. 259 Thos. Chapman, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A. E.J. Gregory, A.R.A. Lent by Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping. 260 Wandering Shadows . . Peter Graham, R.A. Lent by Robert Orr, Esq. 261 Simon, Lord Lovat . . William Hogarth Lent by Lady Lovat. 262 The Last Gleam . . /. W Oakes, A.R.A. Lent by H. H. Goddard, Esq. 263 The Musician . . . . John Pettie, R.A. Lent by John Pettie, Esq. 264 The Traitor's Gate . . David Scott, R.S.A. Lent by Robert Carfrae, Esq. 265 The Return of the Penitent . Luke Fildes, R.A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 266 The Battle of Prestonpans Sir William Allan, P.R.S.A. Lent by ALEX. CRUM, Esq. Gallery No. 2. 25 267 Lorenzo and Jessica . . P. F. Poole, R.A. Lent by David Price, Esq. 268 Glen Orchy . . . John Smart, R.S.A. Lent by Sir Wm. Pearce, Bart. 269 The late Quartermaster Coull, Montrose, who steered H.M.S. ' Shannon ' into action with the * Chesapeake ' . James Irvine Lent by T. B. Clark, Esq. 270 Off Ecclesbourne, Hastings . . J. S. Cotman Lent by Thomas Woolner, Esq. 271 Mrs. Jopling . . Sir J. E. Miliais, Barf., R.A. Lent by Mrs. Jopling. 272 A Scotch Christening . . John Phillip, R.A. Lent by Sir John Pender. 273 ' 'Twixt Croft and Creel ' . David Murray, A.R.S.A. Lent by The Corporation of Oldham. 274 Grantham Lock . . . Henry Dawson Lent by Wm. GODDARD, Esq. 275 'When the Day is done' . . Thomas Faed, R.A. Lent by James Houldsworth, Esq. 276 Mrs. Charles J. Tennant . J. Graham Gilbert, R.S.A. Lent by C. Tennant Couper, Esq. 277 Sunny Dreams . . Hugh Cameron, R.S.A. Lent by Thomas Pearson, Esq. 278 Rose Leaves .... Albert Moore Lent by Wm. Connal, Jun. , Esq. 279 Windsor Castle . . . James B. Pyne Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 280 La Loteria Nacionale (a Spanish Lottery) — the last Picture painted by this Artist. John Phillip, R.A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 281 Isobel Smith, Wife of Archibald Smith, Esq. of Jordanhill . J. Graham Gilbert, R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. Archibald Smith. 282 The Tees from Barnard Castle . D. A. Williamson Lent by John H. Downes, Esq. 26 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 283 Yellow Marguerites .... Albert Moore Lent by Wm. CONNAL, Jun., Esq. 284 The Mushroom Hunters . /. H. Lorimer, A.R.S.A. Lent by J. H. Lorimer, Esq. 285 Royalists in Puritan's House . Marcus Stone, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Elder. 286 Sir Walter Scott and his Friends Thomas Faed, R.A. Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 287 A Mediterranean Scene . . William J. Muller Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 288 Mrs. Martin . . . J. L. Wingate, R.S.A. Lent by Edward Martin, Esq. 289 Plymouth Dockyard H. Dawson Lent by H. H. GODDARD, Esq. 290 Maternal Care . . . Hugh Cameron, R.S.A. Lent by Alexander Kay, Esq. 291 ' Hope Deferred ' . . . Briton Riviere, R.A. Lent by H. J. Turner, Esq. 292 Among the Surrey Hills . Alexander Fraser, R.S.A. Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 293 Plymouth Breakwater . . , F. R. Lee, R.A. Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 294 The Startled Herd . /. Denovan Adam, A.R.S.A. Lent by J. Campbell White, Esq. 295 Running Water . . . G. P. Chalmers, R.S.A. Lent by Edward Priestman, Esq. 296 The Rev. Dr. Wardlaw Sir Daniel Macnee, i\R.S.A. Lent by The Managers of Elgin Place Church. 297 * A wee bit fractious ' . . Thomas Faed, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Baird. 298 Scene from an Early Spanish Novel — * The Life of Guzman D'Alfarache ' Edwin Long, R.A. Lent by J. G. Holland, Esq. 299 Rummaging . . . Hugh Cameron, R.S.A. Lent by Hugh Brown, Esq. Gallery No. 2. 27 300 Toothache . . . Erskine Nicol, A.R.A. Lent by James Lumsden, Esq. 301 The Clyde below Bowling . A. K. Brown, R.S.W. Lent by Peter Denny, Esq. 302 Opening of the Vintage — Macon J. M. W. Turner ; R.A. Lent by The Earl of Yarborough. 302A Study of a Girl's Head . Andrew Geddes, A.R.A. Lent by John Parker, Esq. 303 Wm. Couper, Esq., M.A. . J. Graham Gilbert, R.S.A. Lent by C. Tennant Couper, Esq. 304 La Demande au Pere . . L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. Lent by John G. Sandeman, Esq. 305 J. C. Bell, Esq. . . . G. P. Chalmers, R.S.A. Lent by J. Charles Bell, Esq. 306 The Bride of Lammermoor . R. Scott Lauder, R.S.A. Lent by The Earl of Ellesmere. 307 The Woodland Path . P. R. Morris, A.R.A. Lent by James Muir, Esq. 308 Girl Sketching . . Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Lent by George Holt, Esq. 309 Bargaining for an Old Master — Venice Henry Woods, A. R.A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 310 James Dunlop, Esq., Merchant in London, and Mrs. Dunlop . Sir Thomas Lawrence, P. R.A. Lent by James Dunlop, Esq. 311 Glenfalloch . . . Wm. Young, R.S.W. Lent by David Laidlaw, Esq. 312 Arrival of the Herring Fleet . R. W. Allan, R.S.W. Lent by Charles R. Dubs, Esq. 313 In Memoriam , . Sir J. Noel Paton, R.S.A., Her Majesty's Limner for Scotland. Lent by Mrs. Whitelaw. 314 Mrs. Sheridan . . Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Lent by The Corporation of the City of Glasgow. 28 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 315 Staffa . . . . A. V. Copley Fielding Lent by John Carrick, Esq. 316 The Young Housewife . . W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. Lent by James Donald, Esq. 317 Wharfedale .... Cecil G. Lawson Lent by Henry Mason, Esq. 318 Prince Charlie in the Cave . Thomas Duncan, R.S.A. Lent by Sir Robert Jardine, Bart. 319 Marriage in Rabat, Morocco . Robert Gavin, R.S.A. Lent by Harry Walker, Esq. 320 Asleep . . . . G. P. Chalmers, R.S.A. Lent by George R. Mather, Esq., M.D. 321 'Rose of all the Roses' — Tennyson L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 322 Tea Tattle . . . . W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. Lent by Laurence Robertson, Esq. 323 Waiting for a Nibble . Keeley Halswelle, A.R.S.A. Lent by Thomas Pearson, Esq. 324 Rejected Addresses . . John Pettie, R.A. Lent by James Dunnachie, Esq. 325 Waiting for Breakfast . . Briton Riviere, R.A. Lent by William Rylands, Esq. 326 Loch Lomond . . Horatio Macculloch, R.S.A. Lent by A. G. Macdonald, Esq. 327 ' Little to Earn and Many to Feed ' . /. C. Hook, R.A. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 328 ' Gloamin's Glamour' . Wellwood Rattray, R.S.W. Lent by GUYBON HUTSON, Esq. 329 Der Bittgang . . H. Herkomer, A.R.A. Lent by Messrs. Boussod, Valadon, & Co. 330 Washington Irving searching the Archives of the Convent of La Rabida for Traces of Columbus . . . Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Lent by W. H. Matthews, Esq. 331 Boats carrying out Anchors and Cables to Dutch Men-of-War in 1665 /. M. W. Turner, R.A. Lent by William Houldsworth, Esq. Gallery No. 2. 2 9. 332 Stag and Dogs . . . . R. Ansdell, R.A. Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 333 The Wreck of the Minotaur . J. M. W. Turner, R.A Lent by The Earl of Yarborough. 334 * Did you ever kill anybody, Father V Frank If oil, R.A Lent by W. N. Tonks, Esq. 335 The Falls of Clyde . . /. M. W. Turner, R.A Lent by William Houldsworth, Esq. 336 Wooded Landscape . . . Edwin Ellis Lent by James T. Tullis, Esq. 337 Love and Life . . . G. F. Watts, R.A. Lent by G. F. Watts, Esq. 338 1 Far from the madding crowd ' . . Cecil G. Lawson Lent by James Dunnachie, Esq. 339 Kilchurn Castle . . Horatio Macculloch, R.S.A. Lent by Lady Macnee. 340 The Windmill .... John Linnell Lent by William Houldsworth, Esq. 341 Challenged .... John Pettie, R.A. Lent by John Rhodes, Esq. 342 Nymph .... William Etty, R.A. Lent by George Alexander Baird, Esq. 343 Cornfield, Banavie . James Docharty, A.R.S.A. Lent by Mrs. Docharty. 344 The Drove Road . . Sir George Harvey, P.R.S.A. Lent by T. Graham Young, Esq. 345 Prince Charlie's Entry into Edinburgh Thomas Duncan, R.S.A. Lent by Sir Robert Jardine, Bart. 346 The Merry Thought . . R. Scott Lauder, R.S.A. Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 347 George Jamesone, the first Scottish portrait painter of celebrity, and known as the Scottish Vandyke . . . George Jamesone Lent by Major John Ross. 348 The Welsh Funeral . . . David Cox Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 349 The Social Eddy . . W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. Lent by J. G. Orchar, Esq. 30 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 350 Winter in Glencairn . . . James Paterson Lent by R. G. PATERSON, Esq. 351 * Dawn' .... E. J. Gregory, A.R.A. Lent by L. H. Lefevre, Esq. 352 Glencoe . . . Horatio Macculloch, R.S.A. Lent by A. G. Macdonald, Esq. 353 * To Pastures New' . . . James Guthrie Lent by Francis Edmond, Esq. 354 The Magic Mirror Sir W. Fettes Douglas, P.R.S.A. Lent by Thomas Pearson, Esq. 355 George IV. . . . Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen. 356 Landscape .... Patrick Nasmyth Lent by James Reid, Esq. 357 Return from Labour . . . David Cox Lent by Jas. Houldsworth, Esq. 358 Landscape . . Horatio Macculloch, R.S.A. Lent by D. Johnston, Esq. 359 The Sands of Iona . . . J. C. Hook, R.A. Lent by Sir John Pender. 360 Landscape . . . Patrick Nasmyth Lent by James Reid, Esq. 361 Daybreak . . . Robert Herdman, R.S.A. Lent by Thomas Pearson, Esq. 362 Broadsea . . . R. W. Allan, R.S.W. Lent by A. R. Henderson, Esq. Screen Efa. 1. 363 Gipsies' Encampment . . . George Morland Lent by Walter J. Houldsworth, Esq. 364 Lioness and Cubs . . . . J. M. Swan Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 365 A Covenanter Preaching . Sir George Harvey, P.R.S.A. Lent by The Corporation of Glasgow. 366 A Woodland Burn . ./. C. Wintour, A.R.S.A. Lent by Thomas Pearson, Esq. Gallery No. 2. 3i 367 Holy Well, Ireland . . . F. W. Topham Lent by T. D. Smellie, Esq. 368 The Judgment of Paris . . G. F. Watts, R.A. Lent by Louis Huth, Esq. 369 Elaine .... Henry Waltz's, R.W.S. Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. ' In her right hand the lily, in her left"" The letter ; all her bright hair streaming down ; And all the coverlet was cloth of gold, Drawn to her waist, and she herself in white, All but her face : and that clear-featured face Was lovely, for she did not seem as dead, But fast asleep, and lay as though she smiled. —TENNYSON. 370 Sketch of New York Ceiling Sir F. Leighton, Bart., P.R.A. Lent by Stewart Hodgson, Esq. 371 Pan and Psyche . . . E. Burne Jones, A.R.A. Lent by George Hamilton, Esq. • And with that word she leapt into the stream, But the kind river even yet did deem That she should live, and, with all gentle care, Cast her ashore within a meadow fair, Upon the other side, where Shepherd Pan Sat looking down upon the water wan, _ Goat-legged and merry, who called out, "Fair maid Why goest thou hurrying to the feeble shade Whence none return? Well do I know thy pain. For I am old, and have not lived in vain. Thou wilt forget all that within a while, And on some other happy youth wilt smile ; And sure he must be dull indeed if he Forget not all things in his ecstasy At sight of such a wonder made for him." ' —Vide Earthly Paradise, by WILLIAM MORRIS. &cmn Wfl. 2. 372 Glenluce Castle . . Rev. John Thomson, H.R.S. A. Lent by D. MacRitchie, Esq. 373 The Tramps . . . . John Linnell Lent by David Jardine, Esq. Screen N0, 3. 374 Landscape — Water in Foreground Patrick Nasmyth Lent by Sir John Pender. 375 Selling the Pet Lamb . . . George Morland Lent by Thomas Gray, Esq. 32 British Loan Pictures (Oil). 376 Professor Thomas Graham, D.C.L., F.R.S., etc. G. F. Watts, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Inglis. 377 Sketch for Cymon and Iphigenia Sir F. Leighton, Bart., P. R.A. Lent by Stewart Hodgson, Esq. 378 Old Chelsea .... Cecil G. Law son Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. 379 The Sleeping Congregation . . Wm. Hogarth Lent by Robert Rankin, Esq. 380 A Wheedler . . . Erskine Nicol, A.R.A. Lent by James Cowan, Esq. 381 Monkey, Dog, and Hare . Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. Lent by The Duke of Hamilton. 382 Landscape .... John Constable, R.A. Lent by James Keyden, Esq. 383 Cupid and Psyche . . E.J. Poynter, R.A. Lent by Wm. Connal, Jun. , Esq. 384 'The Pride of her Heart' . Hugh Cameron, R.S.A. Lent by Geo. Colvin White, Esq. 385 Lane Scene . . . William J. Midler Lent by James Orrock, Esq. Gallery No. 3. 33 Gallery No. 3. BRITISH SALE PICTURES (OIL). 386 Echoes . . . G. Morton £42 o 387 Pastures Green . . W. Snodgrass Bryce 20 o 388 Sunshine and Shade Alex. MacBride, R.S.W. 18 18 389 Thistles . . . William Mouncey 5 o 390 Study of Yellow Irises . Alice E. Heritage 2 10 391 Moonrise in Argyllshire . J. Hermiston Haig 8 8 392 Edward I. presenting his Son to the Welsh P. R. Morris, A.R.A. 600 o 393 Little Cumbrae. . . R. C. Crawford 35 o 394 On the Shore at Gullane . Charles A. Sellar 10 10 395 Daffodils and Lilies . Katharine M. Reid 3 3 396 Afternoon Tea . . William Adam 12 12 397 Under the Vines — Capri . Chas. M^Ewen 8 8 398 ' Rolling in from the Atlantic ' — Cornish Coast Edward R. Catterns 12 12 399 Early Winter — Pass of Brander John Smart, R.S.A. 75 o 400 Maggie, Daughter of T. G. Bishop, Esq. E. A. Walton, R.S.W T . 401 Attempted Assassination of William the Silent, Prince of Orange . . Claude Calthrop 402 Woodland Pasture in June . Thomas Allen 100 o 403 Shepherdess . . . A. Roche 50 o 404 Autumn — Rob Roy's Country John D. Taylor 45 o 405 Honeysuckle . . , M. Grieve 10 10 406 Waiting for the Boats — Early Morning John Dun 15 15 C 34 British Sale Pictures (Oil). 407 Portraits of my Father and Mother William Stott 408 * Oh why left I my Hame ? ' Thomas Faed, R. A. 409 A Kitchen Garden 410 Meal-time 411 A Trout Stream 412 Portrait 413 Poppies . Linnie Watt £12 12 . W. Br o die Melrose 5 10 W. D. M'Kay, R.S.A. 35 o . Otto Leyde, R.S.A. Louise E. Per man 8 8 414 A Summer Evening — Lamlash Bay Alex. Frew 30 o 41 5 ' Buon di ' [' Good-day ']— A Venetian Study Val Prinsep, A.R.A. 200 o 416 The Time of Roses . David Fulton 25 o 417 A Lesson in Spinning Robert M^regor, A.R.S. A. 45 o 418 The Arran Hills from Innellan W. Hardie Hay 6 6 419 Harvest-time in East Lothian . David Noble 6 6 420 Mackerel Boats, Newlyn W. Christian Symons 15 15 421 West Regent Street, Glasgow James M. Nairn 8 8 422 Borderland . . G. W. Johnstone, A.R.S.A. 150 o 423 * Declining Day ' . . Thomas M. Pratt 20 o 424 Broken Off . . . Mrs. Louise Jopling 157 10 425 An Italian Girl . . Harrington Mann 15 15 426 In Edzell Den — Autumn . A. Ramsey 427 An Idyll . . . Alexander Johnston 105 o 428 Old Tower, Amsterdam Clara Montalba, A. R.W.S. 150 o 429 The Stillness of an Autumn Eve T. Corsan Morton 47 10 430 Road Workers . . William Milne 6 6 431 'Waiting' . . Samuel Reid, R.S.W. 12 12 432 'Narcissus' D. Chamberlain 3 3 433 In Cairo . . . Joseph Farquharson 200 o 434 A Little Plot well Tilled David Murray, A.R.S.A. 260 o 435 Still Life . . . Cath. Henderson 6 6 436 Old Mill on the Cart . Walter Hutcheson 12 12 437 Woodland Landscape . T. Corsan Morton 10 10 Gallery No. 3. 35 438 To their Rest A. Brownlie Docharly £2$ 0 439 Ralph Bridgenorth — Scott's ' Peveril of the Peak' Sir J. D. Linton, P.R.I. 275 0 440 A Study of Roses . Louise E. Perman 4 4 441 Autumn Tints Eliza B. Stirrat 5 5 442 The Home Farm William Walls 7 0 443 Preparations for Market Stanhope A. Forbes 150 0 444 Corner of a Fruit Stall /. Morris Henderson 25 0 445 Jesus in the House of the Pharisee F. W. Lawson 600 0 446 Christmas Roses . J. Hutcheon c j 5 447 At Aberdour, Fifeshire . Hugh Allan 10 10 448 Evening Tom B. Blacklock 5 5 449 The Runaway . H. H. La Thangue 500 0 450 The Green Water, Kilmalcolm Robt. Greenlees, R.S.W. 25 0 451 A Coming Shower . John Henderson 35 0 452 A Frosty Evening . . W. T. Muir 21 0 453 An Allegory of Art and Nature T. M. Rooke 85 0 454 La Belle Dame sans Merci Walter Crane 100 0 ' I met a lady in the meads, Full beautiful— a fairy's child— Her hair was long, her foot was light, And her eyes were wild.'— Keats. 455 Sketch E. A. Walton, R.S.W. 456 Pastoral . E. A. Home I 10 0 457 A Hot Breakfast . . George Pirie 15 15 458 Shady Retreat William Pratt 14 0 459 A Page . . Duncan Mackellar, R.S.W. 14 14 460 'Perfect Days' Harrington Mann 10 10 461 The Auld Mill-Lade Ernest Thomson 10 10 462 Eventide— Roxburgh George Nasmyth-Langlands I 5 0 463 Milldown Bay, near Coldingham Shore John Nesbitt 60 0 464 Sunset on a Swedish Lake Hilda Montalba 52 10 465 In the Grounds of Kinross House Alex. Fraser, R.S.A. 35 0 466 Marigolds Mrs. F. Macgillivray 4 0 3^ British Sale Pictures (Oil). 467 ' On the Sly ' . . R. Clouston Young £4 10 468 Herod's Birthday Feast . E. Armitage, R.A. 630 o 469 In Meditation . . Alexander Mann 20 o 470 Evening — Kildonan, Arran James M. Nairn 25 o 47 1 A Reverie . . . Margaret Munro 4 4 472 Looking into the Marketplace, Spoleto, Umbria Louisa Aumonier 4 4 473 ' Pretty Poll ' . . Helen R. Salmon 12 o 474 ' All is Vanity ' . A. C. W. Duncan 10 10 475 The Landing-Stage . . . Frank Dicey 42 o 476 ' Love's Joys he turns to Melody ' Duncan Mackellar, R.S.W. 50 o 477 The Little God of Love . Jessie Macgregor 26 5 478 North Berwick . . . J. E. Christie 20 o 479 Old Garden at Carmyle . Walter Hutcheson 12 12 480 The Moonbeam's Misty Light Tom Robertson 7 o 481 In a Belgian Studio . Virginia S. Tennant 482 The Windings of the Earn Tom B. Blacklock 4 4 483 Sylvan Solitude . . James E. Grace 157 10 484 An Afternoon Call . . R. Paton Reid 25 o 485 In Auchnashallach Deer Forest W. Beattie-Brozvn, R.S.A. 46 o 486 The Old Drove Road . Archibald Kay 40 o 487 In Spate . . Wellwood Rattray, R.S.W. 100 o 488 The Vale Castle . . E. Hayes, R.H.A. 175 o 489 A Sandy Bay, Iona . . G. Kinloch Wylie 12 12 490 Lobsters and Oysters . Mrs. H. J Roberton 10 10 491 Dhulochan, Forest of Mamore Waller H. Paton, R.S.A. 260 o 492 ' Evening ' — Clearing after Rain Pollok S. Nisbet, R.S.W. 50 o 493 'The Auld Man's Mare's d€\d> Thos. Hunt, R.S.W. 35 o 494 The Miser . . . G. 0. Reid 30 o 495 The Village Church . Margaret Munro 3 3 496 ' Dixon's Blazes ' . John M'Niven 5 5 Gallery No. 3. 37 497 A Scotch Police Court . William Grimmond ^115 o 498 A Golden Study . . Mary Gardner 6 6 499 Study of Fruit — Decorative Panel for a Side- board . . . Helen King Smith 8 8 500 The Tower of the Cathedral, Seville (La Giralda) John Maclaren 8 o 500A ' On the Way to the Tryst' Thos. Hunt, R.S.W. 100 o 501 Cancale Shell- Gatherers . . E. Hume 25 o 502 Chrysanthemums . . Mrs. Rose Marshall 12 12 503 Winter Sunshine . A. Brownlie Docharty 8 8 504 Finished Sketch for the 'Diadumene' E. J. Poynter R.A. 505 The Rev. Andrew Gardiner, D.D. fames Guthrie 506 The Cowherd . /. Whitelaw Hamilton 21 o 507 A Tidal River . T. Marjoribanks Hay 14 14 508 Gladioli . . Mrs. Elizabeth G. Provan 20 o 509 Altavhulian Bay, Loch Lomond J. E. Hanbidge 100 o 5 10 The Wye and the Severn . C. E. Johnson 500 o 511 ' The Day is done' . . Duncan M'Laurin 55 o 512 The Church of Maria Delia Salute and the Dogana, Venice . C. J. Lauder, R.S.W. 40 o 513 The Pass of Glencoe . Duncan Cameron 250 o 514 An Autumnal Day in Killermont Woods, Mary- hill .... John Cairney 36 10 515 China Painting . . Susan F. Crawford 10 10 516 Scheveningen — a Breezy Summer Day John H. Oswald 85 o 517 Chrysanthemums . Elizabeth M. Brebner 12 12 518 Shipwreck . . . /. R. Reid 519 Spring-time near Carradale R. M. G. Coventry 36 o 520 Bothwell Castle . . Alfred East, R.I. 63 o 521 The Evening Meal . . W. M. Mackenzie 60 o 522 * If thou hadst known' William Hole, A.R.S.A. 200 o 523 Roses . . . Mrs. Rose Marshall 12 12 38 British Sale Pictures (Oil). 524 An Anxious Moment . /. Michael Brown £20 o 525 The Gardener's Daughter . 7?. G. Hutchison iy o 526 The Gentle Shepherd . /. E. Christie 25 o 527 November in Finisterre A. Standish Hartrick 15 15 528 Sir William Thomson Elisabeth Thomson King 529 1 When the Drum beats at dead of Night ' R. Car rick 350 o 530 From the Essex Shore . Charlie W. Wylie 200 o 531 Fringe of a Wood . . . James Clark 4 4 532 Loch Katrine . . . Theo. Hines 3 3 533 The Eel-Fisher . . . John Miller 63 o 534 The Hammer Ponds, Surrey . Claude Hayes 100 o 535 Highland Solitude . James A. Aitken, R.S.W. 150 o 536 Winter Moonrise . . J. Hermiston Haig 14 14 537 A Christmas Eve . W. Christia?i Symons 105 o 538 A Story of the Flood Robert Macgregor, A.R.S. A. 300 o 539 ' No Rose without its Thorn ' Thomas Faed, R.A. 540 The Valley of the Echaig . Robert Munro 45 o 541 Dawn, 14th May 1568 ' . . J. Lavery 150 o ' I have suffered injuries, calumnies, captivity, hunger, cold, heat, flying-, without knowing whither, fourscore and twelve miles across the country, without once pausing to alight, and then lay on the hard ground, having only sour milk to drink and oatmeal to eat, without bread, passing three nights with the owls.'— Extract from a letter by MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. 542 ' There let the wind sweep and the plover cry' Frank Walton, R.I. 150 o 543 Still Life .... Agnes Bryce 544 Jeanie and Effie Deans in the Tolbooth. — Vide ' Heart of Midlothian ' . Thomas Wilson 65 o 545 Professor M'Kendrick E. S. Calvert, R.S.W. 546 Kyleakin . . . John Brett, A. R.A. 800 o 547 'The End of the Day' A. Standish Hartrick 6 6 548 Bracken-Gatherer . . David Fulton 6 o 549 Qualms of Conscience . . George Pirie 8 8 550 Peasants . . . Robert Anderson 8 8 Gallery No. 3. 39 551 Companions John Car law, R.S.W. £8 8 552 Daffodils . . . J. Stuart Park 15 15 553 ' The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring ' Herbert Schmalz 262 10 554 Watching the Sea-Birds Ernest A. Water low, R.W.S. 150 o 555 A Fern-Gatherer . F. W. W. Topham 126 o 556 Harvest-time on the South Downs W. Rupert Stevens 100 o 557 Summer-tide 558 A Tragedy — Landscape Figure 559 The Mixed Team 560 Autumn Floods 561 A Spanking Breeze 562 After a Gale 563 In the Orchard T. Graham, H.R.S.A. A. K. Brown, R.S.W. ^1 D. Mackellar, R.S.W. j Henry E. Detmold . W. Frank Calderon . W. L. Wyllie, R.I. H. Moore, A.R.A. . J. Lochhead 120 35 35 100 105 564 Old Porch of Albury Church, Surrey Jane Nisbet 565 A Queen of Hearts . . J.J.Shannon 566 ' Two Strings to her Bow 3 John Petite, R.A. 567 Baie du Garavan, Mentone Alexander Mann 568 4 Golden Eve ' . . W. Frank Calderon 569 The Moors in August . James Faed, Jim. 570 Sturdy Ocean Breeze Andrew Black, R.S.W. ' Where the sturdy ocean breeze Drives the spray of roaring seas.'— BRET HARTE. 5 5 250 o 20 o 35 o 50 o 35 o 571 ' Pleasing the Bairn ' Tom M l Ewan, R.S.W. 52 10 572 Dumbarton Rock A. K. Brown, R.S.W. 27 0 573 Sketch near Antwerp J. Reid Murray 4 4 574 From the Farm . J. Lochhead 8 0 575 Behind the Scenes . Albert Ludovici 20 0 576 Morning — East Coast Andrew Rich nond 20 0 577 Beginnings of Romance J. Thorburn Ross 120 0 578 Return from Labour John Car law, R.S.W. 50 0 40 British Sale Pictures (Oil). 579 March 1888 . . . James Riddell ^31 10 580 Harvest from the Lea J. Campbell Noble, A.R.S.A. ico o 581 The Evening Meal . . J. Haynes Williams 100 o 582 Preparing for a Start . . Frank Dicey 42 o 583 The Aide-de-Camp Vereker M. Hamilton 105 o 584 The Rapids of Niagara Colin Hunter, A.R.A. 58 5 The Valley of the Tyne, East Lothian Robert Noble 25 o 586 Coldingham . . Harry Spence 9 9 587 Early Spring . . . Hugh Allan 15 15 588 Beech-Trees, Sweden . Hilda Montalba 50 o 589 . . . G. Denholm Armour 40 o ' When a hound shall howl at the gates, In the grey of the dawning of day, Then a life there weary of life Shall presently pass away.' 590 'Eavesdropping' . . Charles C. Seton 45 o 591 Norwich . . . . John Miller 24 o 592 Winter . . . Thomas Munro 25 o 593 ' Mavourneen ' Geoigina M. Greenlees (Wylie) 12 12 594 4 The King breaks many Hearts ' Frank E. Cox 250 o 595 Desolate Dunstanborough A. W. Hunt, R.W.S. 500 o 596 In Kynance Cove, Cornwall E. F. Brewtnall, R.W.S. 150 o 597 ' Over the hills and far away' /. Hanson Walker 55 o 598 Preparing for the Festa of St. John the Baptist — Venice . . . . W. Logsdail 600 o 599 A Grey Day on the Seine . Tom Robertson 16 o 600 Morning on the Clyde Andrew Black, R.S.W. 10 10 601 Spring-time at Craigallian William Young, R.S.W. 31 10 602 Fruit . . . M. Grieve 15 15 603 Robert Browning . . Rudolph Lehmann 210 o 604 An Episode in the Life of Robert Burns . . . A. S. Boyd, R.S.W. 200 o ' Everybody remembers that Jean took home the child, laid her in a cradle beside her own infant, and brought up the child as her own.' GILFILLAN'S Life of Burns. Gallery No. 3. 41 605 Roses 606 Spring Flowers 607 Spring Flowers 608 The Plough . 609 Wild Roses . 610 Early Morning 611 The Two Seams Samuel Reid, R.S.W. ^40 . /. Sunt, R.A. Minnie R. Stewart 4 4 /. B. Abercromby 20 o Mrs. Elizabeth G. Provan 18 o . Alex. Fraser, R.S.A. 10 o William Stewart 15 o 612 The Quern — Ardnamurchan C. H. Mackie 20 o 613 *A Bit out of the Common' John D. Michie 20 o 614 Thomas Carlyle fames M'JVeil Whistler, R.B. A. 1000 o 615 A Crofter's Home, Skye Wm. Young, R.S.W. 31 10 616 A Lowland Farm — Autumn William D. M'Kay, R.S.A. 50 o 617 ' Free as the Air ' . J.Hanson Walker 55 o 618 Venice — the Grand Canal . Robert Brydall 15 o 619 Fishing on the Clyde, off Dumbarton John Macniven 15 15 620 Tickling Trout— Gelli Gynan, N. Wales Henry Moore, A.R.A. 63 o 621 Fair Rosamund . . Mrs. Louise J opting 52 10 622 Field- Workers returning for Mid-day Rest Henry Jobson Bell 6 o 623 A Souvenir of Spring Marie S. MacGregor 2 2 624 Birches and Bracken — Autumn Hamilton John M l Millan 8 8 625 Diadumene . . . E. J. Poynter, R.A. 626 At Ravenshall, Kirkcudbrightshire James Faed 60 o 627 ' Waiting on the Milkman ' R. Gemmell Hutchison 23 o Screen. 627A Sir Edwin Landseer Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. Lent by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. 627B A Tiger Hunt H. Johnson Lent by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. 42 Foreign Loan Pictures (Oil). Gallery No. 4. FOREIGN LOAN PICTURES (OIL). 628 Souvenir of Dordrecht (Dutch School) . /. Maris Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 629 River Scene (Dutch School) . . /. Maris Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. 630 The Gleaner (French School) . W. A. Bouguereau Lent by E. L. Raphael, Esq. 631 Shepherd and Flocks (French School) . F. Brissot Lent by Robert Ramsey, Esq. 632 Girl with Donkey (French School) . C. Troyon Lent by John Anderson, Jun., Esq. 633 Interior (French School) ... E. Frere Lent by J. Dunnachie, Esq. 634 The Mill (French School) . Theodore Rousseau Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce, Esq. 635 Promenade in Carlsbad . . M. Munkacsy Lent by A. Young, Esq. 636 Flowers (French School) . . V. Vincelet Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce, Esq. 637 Goose Woman (French School) . . C. Troyon Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 638 The Frugal Meal (Dutch School) . Tosef Israels Lent by James Reid, Esq 639 Montmartre (Dutch School) . Matthew Maris Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 640 Early Morning, with Cattle (Dutch School) F. P. Ter Meuien Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 641 Italian Scene . Phlififieau Lent by T. D. Swellie, Esq. Gallery No. 4. 43 642 Strawberries (French School) . . A. Vollon Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 643 Female Figure (German School) . W. Kaulbach Lent by George Colvin White, Esq. 644 'You mustn't come !' (French School) . Rosa Bonheur Lent by J. G. Sandeman, Esq. 645 Near Rotterdam (Dutch School) . James Maris Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 646 Moonlight (French School) . . C. Jacque The Property of a Gentleman. 647 Cattle in the Marshes (French School) . E. Van Marcke Lent by John Anderson, Jun., Esq. 648 Reclining Girl and Butterflies (Dutch School) Matthew Maris Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 649 Flowers (French School) . . . N. V. Diaz Lent by Mrs. Elder. 650 Cattle ..... Otho de Thoren Lent by C. Mitchell, Esq. 651 Pastorale — Souvenir tfltalie (French School) /. B. C. Corot Lent by John Forbes White, Esq., LL.D. 652 Les Dunes [The Downs] (French School) /. C. Cazin Lent by David Anderson, Esq. 653 Girl with Goats (Dutch School) . . Matthew Maris Lent by Robert Ramsey, Esq. 654 Flowers (French School) . . . N. V. Diaz Lent by John Forbes White, Esq., LL.D. 655 A Dutch Seaport . . . /. B. Isabey Lent by The Duke of Hamilton. 656 Woodland Scene (French School) . /. B. C. Corot Lent by T. B. Clark, Esq. 657 Shepherd — Autumn Evening (French School) C. Jacque Lent by A. Young, Esq. 658 Landscape . . . J. B. C. Corot Lent by Messrs. Hollender and Cremetti. 659 Off Honfleur — Sunset (French School) . C. Troyon Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 44 Foreign Loan Pictures (Oil). 660 The Cooper's Shop (French School) . . E.Frere Lent by J. G. Kershaw, Esq. 661 The Sleeping Child (Dutch School) . Josef Israels Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 662 The Hill-Road (French School) . . . Michel Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce, Esq. 663 Le Favori (French School) . . N. V. Diaz Lent by Leon Gauchez, Esq. 664 Nymph (French School) . . H. Fantin-Latour Lent by John A. Campbell, Esq. 665 Rotterdam Canal (Dutch School) . . J. Maris Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 666 Oxen (French School) ... C. Troy on Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce, Esq. 667 Going to Work (French School) . . J. F. Millet Lent by James Donald, Esq. 668 Cattle (French School) ... C. Troyon Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 669 Barbizon (French School) . . /. F. Millet Lent by Messrs. Hollender and Cremetti. 670 News from the Front . . . E. B. Fichel Lent by A. Binny, Esq. 671 Ancient Letter- Writer . . William J. Midler Lent by James Donald, Esq. 672 Flower Piece (French School) . . N* V. Diaz Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 673 The Reprimand (French School) . T. G. Vibert Lent by R. P. Harding, Esq. 674 Sunset in Bavaria (German School) . L. Munthe Lent by James Dunnachie, Esq. 675 Pas Meche (French School) . J. Bastien-Lepage Lent by H. J. Turner, Esq. 676 Pecheurs de Skagen [Skagen Fishermen] P. S. Kroyer Lent by C. Mitchell, Esq. 677 Snow on Shore (Dutch School) . . H. W. Mesdag Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. Gallery No. 4. 45 678 On Guard (French School) . . . F. Vinea Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 679 Encampment outside Cairo (German School) L. C. Miiller Lent by A. Young, Esq. 680 The Oak-Trees (French School) . N. V. Diaz Lent by John Anderson, Jun., Esq. 681 The Lake (French School) . /. B. C. Corot Lent by David Anderson, Esq. 682 Fishwives, Scheveningen (Dutch School) B.J. Blommers Lent by J. Carfrae Alston, Esq. 683 Resting (French School) . . . . C. Troyon Lent by Robert Cox, Esq. 684 Crevettes et Huitres [Shrimps and Oysters] (French School) . . P. D. Bergeret Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 685 Fruit Piece (French School) . . Gustave Courbet Lent by John Forbes White, Esq., LL.D. 686 Spanish Street Scene (Spanish School) . Garcia y Ramos Lent by J. Carfrae Alston, Esq. 687 Interior (French School) . . . . E. Frere Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 688 Girl (French School) . . /. G. Jacquet Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. 689 Winter Scene (German School) . . L. Munthe Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. 690 Under the Chestnuts (French School) . /. de Nittis Lent by H. J. Turner, Esq. 691 Turkish Bath (French School) . . /. L. Gerdme Lent by H. J. Turner, Esq. 692 Summer Time — on the Seine (French School) . . . . . J. de Nittis Lent by Edward Fox White, Esq. 693 Woman with Cow (French School) . /. F. Millet Lent by Messrs. Hollender and Cremetti. 46 Foreign Loan Pictures (Oil). 694 Interior (French School) ... E. Frere Lent by A. Dennistoun, Esq. 695 The Wounded Pet (Belgian School) Professor C. Verlat Lent by James Smith, Esq. 696 ' It's not Bedtime yet' . . . Dargelas Lent by R. P. HARDING, Esq. 697 Grey Morning (French School) . . C. F. Daubigny " Lent by A. YOUNG, Esq. 698 The Antechamber of a Minister (Spanish School) ..... Luis Jimenez Lent by A. Young, Esq. 699 The Wine-Press (French School) Leon A. Lhermitte Lent by Alexander Kay, Esq. 700 The Bracelet (French School) . . N. V. Diaz Lent by Leon Gauchez, Esq. 701 Ennui ..... G. Kichl Lent by A. Young, Esq. 702 Botsaris, Albanian Patriot (French School) J. L. Gerome Lent by William Houldsworth, Esq. 703 Bord de l'Etang [By the Side of the Pool] (French School) . C. F. Daubigny Lent by A. YOUNG, Esq. 704 The Reformation (German School) 0. Knille Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 705 In the Wood . M. Munkacsy Lent by Messrs. Hollender and Cremetti. 706 The Wood-Cutters (French School) J. B. C. Corot Lent by James Donald, Esq. 707 Cows (French School) . E. Van Marcke Lent by James Cowan, Esq. 708 Fruit (French School) A. Vollon Lent by James Donald, Esq. 709'Monk Reading (Italian School) . Lamburini Lent by George Colvin White, Esq. 710 A Rough Sea (Belgian School) P.J. Clays Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 711 The Argument E. Zimmermann Lent by A. Young, Esq. Gallery No. 4. 47 712 Landscape (Belgian School) . . W. Roelofs Lent by A. Young, Esq. 713 Madonna and Child (German School) . L. C. Muller Lent by The Marquis of Bute, K.T. 714 Woman and Donkey (French School) . C. Troy on Lent by A. Young, Esq. 715 Landscape (French School) . J. B. C. Corot Lent by A. Young, Esq. 716 Resting (German School) . . L. Knaus Lent by A. Young, Esq. 717 Sunset (French School) . . Th. Rousseau Lent by A. YOUNG, Esq. 718 Shepherdess (French School) . . f.F Millet Lent by A. Young, Esq. 719 Sheep (French School) . . . C.Jacque Lent by A. Young, Esq. 720 L 'Amour Vainqueur [Love the Conqueror] (French School) Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 721 Paysage Automne (French School) Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce, Esq, 722 Houses by River (French School) Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. 723 The Mill-Pond (Dutch School) . Lent by Hugh Pollock, Esq. 724 Little Marauders (French School) Lent by John Baker, Esq. 725 Companions (Flemish School) . Professor C. Verlat Lent by Messrs. Hollender and Cremetti. 726 Girl's Head (Dutch School) . . Matthew Maris Lent by T. HAMILTON Bruce, Esq. 727 Girl (Russian School) Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. N. V.Diaz A. Monticelli G. Courbet J. P. C. Gabriel W. A. Bouguereau 728 The Bather (French School) Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 729 La Bergere [The Shepherdess] (French School) ..... Lent by A. YOUNG, Esq. Harlamoff J. B. C. Corot J. F. Millet 4 8 Foreign Loan Pictures (Oil). 730 Le Soir [Evening] (French School) . Th. Rousseau Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 731 The Village Lawyer . . . Carl Schloesser Lent by the Corporation of Liverpool. 732 Wood Scene, with Sheep (French School) C.Jacque Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 733 Landscape (French School) . . Victor Dupre Lsnt by T. D. Smellie, Esq. 734 Coup de Vent [A Gust of Wind] (French School) . . . /.B.C. Corot Lent by A. Young, Esq. 735 Retour du Troupeau (French School) . C.Jacque Lent by A. Bowman, Esq. 736 River Scene . . . M. Munkacsy Lent by A. Bowman, Esq. 737 La Prairie (French School) . /. B. C. Corot Lent by A. YOUNG, Esq. 738 Winter (French School) . . . Pierre Billet Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. 739 Sea Piece (French School) . . C. F. Daubigny Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 740 Landscape, with Horses (Dutch School) G. A. Mollinger Lent by John Forbes White, Esq. , LL. D. 741 Morning (French School) . . J. B. C. Corot Lent by Leon Gauchez, Esq. 742 The Shipwrecked Mariner (Dutch School) Josef Israels Lent by A. Young, Esq. 743 Coming from Church (Dutch School) . D. A. C. Artz Lent by George Robb, Esq. 744 Cupid and the Thread of Life (French School) Jean Aubert Lent by Robert Ramsey, Esq. 745 Preparing for the Charade (French School) T. E. Duverger Lent by R. P. Harding, Esq. 746 Fruit (French School) . . . G. Courbet Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 747 Sea Piece (French School) . . Jules Dupre Lent by James Donald, Esq. Gallery No. 4. 49 /. B. C. Corot Hennann Leon A. Mauve 748 The Wild Man of the Woods— vide i Don Quixote' (French School) Lent by James Cowan, Esq. 749 Mice among Books Lent by The Duke of Hamilton. 750 Woman and Cow (Dutch School) Lent by Edward Martin, Esq. 751 Lion and Tiger (French School) . F. V. Eugene Delacroix Lent by The Duke of Hamilton. 752 Flowers (French School) . . N. V. Diaz Lent by James Donald, Esq. 753 St. Jerome in the Wilderness (French School) G. Decamps Lent by James Donald, Esq. N. V. Diaz Th. Rousseau J. B. C. Corot Harlamoff William Maris B. Constant 754 Trees (French School) Lent by A. Young, Esq. 755 Forest of Clairbois (French School) Lent by James Donald, Esq. 756 Mantes la Jolie (French School) , Lent by A. Young, Esq, 757 La Petite Russe (Russian School) Lent by T. Carlile, Esq. 758 Cattle in Landscape (Dutch School) Lent by J. G. Sandeman, Esq. 759 Eastern Interior (French School) Lent by Matthew Bulloch, Esq. 760 Fish-Market, Dieppe (French School) . E. L. G. Isabey Lent by Alexander Bowman, Esq. 761 The Happy Family (Dutch School) . Josef Israels Lent by James Donald, Esq. 762 Sheep (French School) . . . Rosa Bonheur Lent by Mrs. Thos. Coats. 763 Marguerite (German School) . . W. Menzier Lent by Sir Peter Coats. 764 A Halt by the Wayside . . H. Breling Lent by J. S. M 'Donald, Esq. 765 Interior of a Church (Dutch School) . J. Bosboom Lent by Miss Marshall. D 50 Foreign Loan Pictures (Oil). 766 Landscape (Dutch School) Lent by Edward Martin, Esq. 767 Winter's Snow (French School) . Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 768 Landscape (French School) Lent by James Donald, Esq. 769 Danse des Nymphes (French School) . Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 770 Landscape . . . . . Lent by Messrs. Hollender and Cremetti. 771 The Homestead (French School) Lent by A. Young, Esq. 772 Sheep (French School) . Lent by James Donald, Esq. 773 Twilight (French School) Lent by James Donald, Esq. 774 Hide and Seek (Dutch School) . Lent by David Anderson, Esq. 775 Adoration of the Magi (French School) . Lent by James Donald, Esq. 776 Man and Donkey (French School) Lent by The Duke of Hamilton. 777 Landscape with Cattle (French School) . Lent by Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. 778 Interior (French School) . Leon A. Lhermitte Lent by James T. Tullis, Esq. 779 Cattle with Landscape (Dutch School) . William Maris Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 780 A Wandering Dervish Preacher — Con- stantinople .... Adolphe Yvon Lent by R. P. Harding, Esq. 781 Country Girl (French School) . . Jutes Breton Lent by Robert Ramsey, Esq. 782 Boat at Sea— Stormy Effect (French School) . . . . Jules Dupre Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. William Maris E. Frere C. F. Daubigny J. B. C. Corot A. Munger Jules Dupre C. Troyon J. B. C. Corot Albert Neuhuys A. Monlicelli J. L. Gerdme Jules Dupre Gallery No. 4. 51 783 The Rainy Day (French School) . E. Frere Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 784 Flirtation . . . . E. de Blaas Lent by George Colvin White, Esq. 785 Flower-Girl (Russian School) . . Harlamoff Lent by George Colvin White, Esq. 786 Amalfi (German School) . . . Osw. Achenbach Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 787 A Dutch Seaport (German School) . Gv. Bochmann Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 788 Donkey (French School) . . . Rosa Bonheur Lent by Walter J. Houldsworth, Esq. 789 A Copper Cleaner L. Mettling Lent by Hugh Pollock, Esq. 790 Interior in Dieppe (French School) . E. Frere Lent by John Inglis, Esq. 791 Solitude .... Adrien L. Demont Lent by C. Mitchell, Esq. 792 A Mother's Happiness (Flemish School) De Bruycker Lent by William Moyes, Esq. 793 The Dancing Lesson (German School) Benjamin Vautier Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 794 Moonlight, Venice (French School) . F. F. G. P. Ziem Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. 795 The Fortune-Teller . . . C. Van Haanen Lent by J. G. Holland, Esq. 796 Mid-day Rest (German School) . . Gv. Bochmann Lent by A, Young, Esq. 797 Mantes (Soir), (French School) . C. F. Daubigny Lent by A. Young, Esq. 798 Christ healing the Child (German School) Gabriel Max Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 799 Entry into Jerusalem of H. R. and I. H. The Crown Prince of Germany and Prussia (German School) . . W. K. Gentz Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 800 Sunday Morning (Dutch School) . G. A. Mollinger Lent by Geo. Alex. Baird, Esq. 52 Foreign Loan Pictures (Oil). 801 Scheveningen (German School) Andr. Achenbach Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 802 Flight of Bianco Caballa (French School) F. F. G. P.Ziem Lent by Robert Ramsey, Esq. 803 Beaching (Dutch School) . H. W. Mesdag Lent by Robert Ramsey, Esq. 804 The Grisette (Italian School) . . R. Madrazo Lent by Geo. Colvin White, Esq. 805 Sheep (French School) F. Brissot Lent by Mrs. Docharty. 806 On the Maas (Dutch School) . . A. Mauve Lent by J. H. Downes, Esq. 807 * I will not ! ' (Norwegian School) . Hans Dahl Lent by R. K. Holmes Kerr, Esq. 808 Avant la Peche (French School) . . Pierre Billet Lent by A. Young, Esq. 809 Little Girl Lounging in Chair (Dutch School) ..... James Maris Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. 810 Good Friends . . . . E. Zimmermann Lent by Joseph Henderson, Esq. 811 River Scene (French School) . . E.Mathon Lent by J. G. Whyte, Esq. 812 Battle of Fontenoy . . F. E. H. Philippoleaux Lent by The Marquis of Tweeddale. 813 Moonlight . . . . J. B. Jongkind Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq 814 Pansies (French School) . . H. Fantin-Latour Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 815 Les Sabotiers (French School) . . E. Frere Lent by Hugh Pollock, Esq. 816 Dutch Pinks riding out Gale . . H. W. Mesdag Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq. Gallery No. 4. S3 817 Arabischer Hof (German School) . A. Seel Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 818 Venetian Brunette . . . C. Van Haanen Lent by Jas. Dunnachie, Esq. 819 Shepherd Housing Sheep at Night (Italian School) . . . Segantini Lent by John A. Campbell, Esq. Screen T$a. 1. 820 Cattle Piece . . , H. Schouten Lent by Hugh Pollock, Esq. 821 Boy Feeding Pigs (Dutch School) . William Maris Lent by Joseph Agnew, Esq. 822 Ploughing (Dutch School) . . /. Maris Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce, Esq. 823 Der Eremit [The Hermit] (German School) A, Bbcklin Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 824 The Sheep-Fold (French School) . F. Brissot Lent by Joseph Henderson, Esq. 825 Interior of the Bakkenesse Kerk, Haar- lem (Dutch School) J. Bosboom Lent by John Forbes White, Esq., LL.D. 826 ' Found ' (German School) . . Peckencoffer Lent by The Duke of Hamilton. 827 Moorland (French School) . . Th. Rousseau Lent by James Donald, Esq. 828 L'Arc de Triomphe, Paris 1872 (French School) . . . . /. de Nittis Lent by J. G. Sandeman, Esq. 829 Reading of the Will (German School) . Bokelmann Lent by The Royal National Gallery, Berlin. 830 Woodland (French School) . . N. V. Diaz Lent by James Donald, Esq. 831 Girl's Head (French School) . . /./. Henner Lent by George Colvin White, Esq. 54 Foreign Loan Pictures (Oil). Screen Wo. 2. 832 The Heart of the Forest (French School) N. V. Diaz Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 833 Fisher Folk on the Shore (French School) A. F. N. Feyen-Perrin Lent by A. Young, Esq. 834 His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the late Czar of Russia Sleighing N. de Swertschkow Lent by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. 835 Cafe Florian, Venice (Spanish School) . Garcia y Ramos Lent by A. Young, Esq. 836 Le Maitre de Ballet (French School) . Degas Lent by Louis Huth, Esq. 837 Prayer (French School) ... E. Frere Lent by The Corporation of Wolverhampton. 838 Holy Family (German School) . . Carl Muller Lent by The Marquis of Bute. 839 In the Nursery (French School) . . E. Frere Lent by W. J. Houldsworth, Esq. Gallery No. 5. 55 Gallery No. 5. FOREIGN SALE PICTURES (OIL). 840 Senza Quattrini (Italian School) Cipriani Cei £120 o 841 Interieur de Campagne [A Country Interior] (French School) . . Leon F. Charpentier 8 o 842 A huis clos [With closed Doors] (French School) /. B. Huysmanns 20 o 843 Charlotte Corday (French School) /. G. Jacquet 160 o 844 An Addition to the Family (Dutch School) Madame Kate Bisschop 100 o 845 Souvenir du Marve (Belgian School) JeanPortaels 200 o 846 Crepuscule [Twilight] (Dutch School) H. W. Mesdag 250 o 847 The Stable (Belgian School) Alice Ronner 10 o 848 Landscape (Dutch School) W. B. Tholen 30 o 849 Flowers (French School) . . F. Cormon 850 Un Renfort (French School) Jules Girardet 40 o 851 Street at the Hague (Dutch School) W. B. Tholen 60 o 852 Blind Man's Buff (German School) Mathias Schmid 600 o 853 Harmony (German School) Otto Erdmann too o 854 Friihling [Spring] (German School) Prof. J. Wenglein 35 o 855 Paturage [Pasture] (French School) Charles Pittara 40 o 856 The Immaculate Conception (German School) Professor Carl Miiller 600 o ' And a great sign appeared in heaven ; A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.'— Rev. xii. i. 857 'Abgestiirzt' (German School) Hugo Kaufmann 400 o 858 After the Rain . . Zacharie Baton 16 o 859 Corso in den Cascinen (German School) Professor Osw. Achenbach 350 o 860 A Visit to the Ship in the Docks (French School) . . . /./. Tissot 350 o 5 6 Foreign Sale Pictures (Oil). 861 La mer a. Villeville (Fr. School) P. E. Damoye £20 o 862 Blick auf Capri vom Cap Massaaus [View of Capri from Cape Massaeus] (German School) Professor Osw. Achenbach 160 o 863 The Dunes of Scheveningen (Dutch School) Taco Mesdag 60 o 864 Babord ! [Helm a-port !] Christian Krohg (Swedish Artist) 120 o 865 A Hot Bargain, Cairo F. A. Bridgman (American-French School) 490 o 866 'Werbung' (German School) Hugo Kaufmann 65 o 867 Chateau Verneuil (French School) E. Lansyer 32 o 868 The Carpenter of the Village (Dutch School) Fritz /.arisen 30 o 869 Vom Stall in's Feld [From the Stable to the Meadow] (German School) Professor Albert Brendel 125 o 870 Le bas Escaut, dechargement de Navire [Unload- ing at Low Water] (Belgian School) Louis A. E. Jacobs 20 o 871 Summer Morning on the Bodensee (German School) . . . Hermann Baisch 80 o 872 Mes vieux Bouquins (Belgian School) Madame Elisa Marechalle 16 o 873 Le Nid (French School) . T. E. Duverger 100 o 874 Fish net Cellar (Dutch School) Fritz Jansen 50 o 875 Bodo in Norway (Norwegian School) A. Normann 250 o 876 A Short Rest . . . H. Buttner 30 o 877 Leaving his Native Home (French School) Georges Brillouin 80 o 878 Sur la plage de Scheveningen [On the Shore at Scheveningen] (Dutch School) H. W. Mesdag 160 o 879 Landscape . . . Georges Brillouin 32 o 880 Enfant pechant pres de Sorrenti [Child fishing near Sorrenti] (Spanish School) B. Galofre 60 o 881 Match-making (German School) Arnold Hermann 60 o 882 The Mill at Cortenhoef (Dutch School) /. P. C. Gabriel 125 o Gallery No. 5. 57 883 Chez Grand'Mere (French School) Hugo Salmson £200 o 884 The Vengeance of Jeanne La Folle (Flemish School) . . Professor Willem Geets 630 o ' Among' the curious episodes mentioned by contemporary historians as illustrating the passionate and jealous affection of this unfortunate lady for her husband, Philip the Beau, father of Charles v., is that of the frenzy which possessed her through the admiration of her husband for a 3'oung lady of the court, whose hair was of exceptional beauty. Jeanne had the lady seized by female attendants, stripped and bound hand and foot, and then, herself, with a pair of large working- scissors, cut off the young lady's hair, and disfigured her beauty.' — Varillas, La pratique de t Education des Princes. 885 La Lecon de Guitare (French School) Louis Jimenez 250 o 886 Venice — Morning (French School) F. F. G. P. Ziem 600 o 887 Horse-Market, Cairo (American- French School) F. A. Bridgman 350 o 888 Moonlight Landscape (German School) L. Douzette 100 o 889 Sheepfold (Dutch School) . F. P. Ter Meulen 125 o 890 Bords de l'Yssel— Hollande [Banks of the Yssel] (Belgian School) . Willem Roelojfs 100 o 891 Etaples — Low- Water (French School) Eugene Boudin 65 o 892 The Sognefjord in Norway (Norwegian School) A. Normann 250 o 893 Adventures of Brothers Both in Italy (French School) . . . Georges Brilloui7t 60 o 894 Jeune Femme (French School) . Jose" Frafifia 40 o 895 L'homard [Lobster] (French School) P. D. Bergeret 60 o 896 Pour un Bapteme (French School) V. Chevilliard 160 o 897 The Banquet . . . Cortazzo 50 o 898 Sotto i portici di Venezia (Italian School) S. Vannutelli 84 o 899 Le Vieux Chateau, Dieppe (French School) Leon F. Charpentier 6 o 900 Plage de St. Lunaire (French School) P. L. Vauthier 14 o 901 A Bad Bargain — Market in the Mountains of Salamanca (Spanish School) Joaquin Araujo 400 o 53 Foreign Sale Pictures (Oil). 902 Paresse [Idleness] (French School) G. Rochegrosse £100 o 903 The Plague of her Life (German School) A. Neiimans 80 o 904 Sara, la baigneuse (Fr. School) H. Fantin-Latour 131 5 905 Marais en Sologne (French School) P. E. Damoye 20 o 906 La nuee qui monte [Rising Clouds] (Fr. School) E. C. Darner on 150 o 907 Riva dei Schiavoni (Spanish School) M. Ramirez 50 o 908 Conge de Convalescence (French School) Jules Girardet 28 o 909 Landscape (Dutch School) Madame S. Mesdag van Houten 70 o 910 Paris : Le Pont des Sts. Peres (French School) P. L. L. Vauthier 14 o 911 Des Pensees — Fleurs (Dutch School) P. /. C. Gabriel 60 o 912 Die Geschwister [Brother and Sister] German School) . . . Carl Sohn, fun. 125 o 913 The Good Shepherd (German School) B. Plockhorst 300 o 914 Fruit (French School) . . A. Vollon 915 The Viking's Grave (German School) Count F. G. Harrach 300 o 91 5A Marchand de pommes de terre frites [A Seller of Fried Potatoes] . . . J.F. Raffaeli 16 o 916 Scene in Sognefjord (German School) Adolf Schweitzer 320 o 917 Roses (French School) . H. Fantin-Latour 90 o 918 Returning from Flower Market — Madeleine, Paris (French School) . . E. Duez 120 o 919 Les Raisins [Grapes] (French School) P. D. Bergeret 100 o 920 Une Soiree , . . . Jean Beraud 125 o 921 'Which is the best Road ?' (German School) H. Buttner 30 o 922 A Writing Lesson (Belgian School) Madame Henriette R'onner 28 o 923 Dutch Woman (German School) J. von Pritzelwitz 50 o 924 La rue du Mont Cenis a Montmartre— Effet de Neige [A Snow Effect] (French School) G. Mascart 20 o Gallery No. 5. 59 925 Eavesdropping (French School) Georges Brillouin £56 o 926 Ostend (French School) E. Petitjean 100 o 927 High Tide in Venice (Flemish Italian School) C. Van Haanen 787 10 928 The North Tower, Mount St. Michael (French School) . . . E. Lansyer 48 o 929 1 What shall I Sing ' (American Artist) F. A. Bridgman 210 o 930 Landscape . Madame S. Mesdag van Houten 70 o 931 Elijah at the Brook Cherith (German School) E. Bracht 350 o 932 Environs of Tarentes, Italy — Sunset (French School) . . . W. Wyld 420 o 933 Les Trois Caniches . IV. J. Martens 70 o 934 An Unpleasant Visit Madame Henriette Rd7iner 240 o 935 Venice — Storm Effect . F. F. G. P. Ziem 240 o 936 Tondeurs de Mulets [Clipping the Mules] B. Galofre 100 o 937 In the Studio . . . F. Beda 125 o 938 Hochmoor in the Bavarian Highlands (German School) . . . Prof. /. Wenglein 150 o 939 Venetian Maiden (German School) A. Zerras 45 o 940 Landscape — Sunset (French School) H.J. Harpignies 160 o 941 Moonrise (French School) H.J. Harpignies 160 o 942 Peches et Raisins [Peaches and Grapes] (French School) . . Madame Annie Ayr ton 25 o 943 Bambina con calza (Italian School) Cipriani Cei 40 o 944 The Declaration (Italian School) Giovanni Guida 100 o 945 Le Lac des Heritiers (French School) L. Barillot 160 o 946 Erster Friihling [Early Spring] (German School) //. Prell 80 o 947 Words of Consolation (Dutch School) Gerke Henkes 30 o 6o Foreign Sale Pictures (Oil). 948 Danger Signal (German School) . F. Streitt £6$ o 949 Francesca da Rimini (French School) Paul Gustave Dord 950 Monsieur le Secretaire (Dutch School) Gerke Henkes 50 o 951 Orangenpfliickerin [Orange - Gatherer] (German School) . . . Paul Thumann 100 o 952 La Brodeuse [The Embroiderer] (French School) H. Fantin-Latour 210 o 953 Boulogne sur Mer (French School) H. Scott 10 o 954 Finette (French School) . . J. G. Jacquet 100 o 955 Pres du Camp (French School) . Marius Roy 20 o 956 La cruche cassee [The Broken Pitcher] (Spanish School) . . . Garcia y Ramos 48 o 957 The Rest (Belgian School) Alfred Ronner 18 o 958 Hamlet (French School) P. A.J. Dagnan-Bouverd 500 o 959 Ein Staatsgeheimniss [A State Secret] (German School) . . . Professor C. Becker 250 o 960 Fishing-boats coming in — Scheveningen (Dutch • School) . . . H. W. Mesdag 400 o 961 Vineyard (French School) . /. C. Cazin 962 Pres du gite (French School) J. P. E. Hedou 16 o 963 Near Vries (Dutch School) . Taco Mesdag 100 o 964 Schapenkooyen (Dutch School) P. Vander Velden 200 o 965 Motherless (Dutch School) Madame Bisschop 966 Through the Woods (Flemish School) J. Van Luppen 60 o 967 La Sierra Morena, Spain . . W. Wyld 420 o 968 Benediction du Pain, iEglise d'Ecouen (French School) . . . T. E. Duverger 200 o 969 Winter Landscape (German School) L. Munthe 175 o 970 Chanson d' Amour (Italian School) Prof. F. Barzaghi 210 o 971 Mosque in Cairo (French School) . Th. Ralli 100 o Gallery No. 6. 61 Gallery No. 6, WATER COLOURS (SALE). 972 Fishing-Boats at Civita Vecchia B. Galofre ^48 o 973 Cherry Blossom . . . Effie Car law 8 8 974 Old Houses on the Moselle James Whaite 10 o 975 Noon — Head of Loch Lomond J.J. Bannatyne, R.S.W. 50 o 976 Criffel . . James Orrock, R.I. 105 o 977 The Poultry Market in Cairo Guido R. Bach, R.I. 250 o 978 Interior of a Highland Cottage T. M. Richardson, R.W.S. 65 o 979 Lee Shore . . W. F. Vallance, R.S.A. 15 15 980 Evening at Kilmun . Thomas Munro 16 16 981 Summer Sunshine William Car law, R.S.W. 60 o 982 The Convent Garden . Francis S. Walker 75 o 983 Daffodils . . . Alice M. Nicholson 10 10 984 Sport — Chelsea . . . Rose Barton 12 1 985 The Temple of Gertrasse Frank Dillon, R.I. 80 986 Spring Landscape Thomas Scott, R.S.W. 20 987 Spate on the Irwell . James Orrock, R.I. 84 988 Catacol, Arran . ■ . Hubert Coutts 70 989 Dame Durden . John Parker, R.W.S. 210 * 'Twas Moll and Bet, and Doll and Kate, and Dorothy draggle-tail, And Kitty was a charming maid to carry the milking-pail.' 990 Sandwich . . . Thomas Pyne 26 991 By Loch Ard-side . . John D. Taylor 10 992 Foot of the Burn, Glen Sannox Wm. Dalglish 25 993 Middelburg . Robert W. Allan, R.S.W. 31 1 994 An Old Chartist John R. Houston, R.S.W. 14 1 62 Water Colours (Sale). 995 A Highland Home Haynes King £60 o 996 An Autumn Spray Constance M. West- Watson 4 4 997 View of the Amphitheatre at Pola, in I stria Arthur Glennie 75 o 998 South Harting . . J. Aumonier, R.I. 150 o 999 Glencoe . . James Macculloch, R.S.W. 30 o 1000 Studies in Water Colour Leopold Lowenstam 31 10 1001 Bay of Naples . . B. Galoffre 40 o 1002 Vessels coming to Anchor E. Hayes, R.H.A. 60 o 1003 The Well Burn near Moffat Charles N. Woolnoth, R.S.W. 20 o 1004 View in the Piazza del Popolo at Rome Arthur Glennie 100 o 1005 A Balmy Day — Glenfalloch Hamilton Maxwell \ R.S.W. 31 10 1006 An East Country Fishing Village James Macmaster, R.S.W. 30 o 1007 Chrysanthemums . . Minna E. L. Stark 10 10 1008 AtRashfield,near Kilmun Humphrey J. Dingley 10 10 1009 The Bridge on the Clyde James L. C. Docharty 6 6 1010 Pan-pipes . . . Walter Crane 50 o 1011 Bidford Bridge, near Stratford-on-Avon John Terris 8 8 1 01 2 A Good Haul — Early Morning Otto Leyde, R.S.A. 30 o 1013 A Golden Pippin . 1014 A Veteran 1015 A Bit in Crail 1016 Arricia, near Rome 1 01 7 Darmstadt . 1018 Farm-Steadings 1019 In Tow on the Maas 1020 On the East Coast 102 1 Still Waters 1022 A Chelsea Pensioner Lady Lindsay, R.I. 21 o Jos. Crawhall, Jun. 15 15 David Small, R.S.W. 5 5 Charles Earle, R.I. 42 o Wm. Wyld 15 15 . J. M. Napier 10 o James Kay 5 5 R. B. Nisbet, R.S.W. 5 o . Harry Spence 6 10 H. Vos. Gallery No. 6. 63 1023 'Thistle' and ' Volunteer ' Race — Start on Last Day /. D. Bell, R.S.W. ^45 o 1024 Little Cumbrae, from Millport Charles Lodder 5 5 1025 The Chained Bible— Study : Still Life W. G. Kemp 18 18 1026 Playmates (Miniature on Ivory) Mrs. E. M. Ross 10 10 1027 Prince Albert Victor (Miniature on Ivory) Mrs. E. M. Ross 1028 'Innocence' (Miniature painted on Ivory) Mrs. E. M. Ross 10 10 1029 Drenee, Finistere . . Lennard Lewis 26 5 1030 Drumsheugh Baths, Edinburgh . Jessie Frier 12 12 103 1 Anchored off the Coast . . Wm. Brown 4 4 1032 Autumn in the Highlands . . H. C. Bruce 8 8 1033 Grande Place de l'Hauteville, Quimperle, Finis- tere . . . Lennard Lewis 31 10 1034 A Woodland Glade . . Jessie Frier 20 o 1035 The Maladetta Charles Blatherwick, M.D., R.S.W. 50 o 1036 Cisbury Camp, near Worthing . E. H. Dyason 16 o 1037 Buding Bridges . . . A. F. Grace 10 o 1038 Eventide — near North Berwick James L. Caw 6 6 1039 Viareggio, Italy, from the Pine Wood John Keppie 10 10 1040 ' Plodding Home ' . . William M'Bride 8 8 1 04 1 Berncastel, on the Moselle James Whaite 10 o 1042 The ' Ormuz,' building at Fairfield W. L. Wyllie, R.I. 40 o 1043 Alone ! • ^ Grant Stevenson, A.R.S.A. 9 9 1044 Stokesay Castle, Shropshire Alexander N. Pater son 5 5 1045 Mountain Pasture . . George Wright 12 12 1046 Homeward Bound . Joseph Henderson, R.S.W. 52 10 1047 Poole Harbour and the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset Henry Moore, A.R.A. 73 10 6 4 Water Colours (Sale). 1048 The Mont Cenis Route, Bardonecchia. Robert Brydall £12 o 1049 Squally Weather . James Macmaster, R.S.W. 8 8 1050 Spring . . R. Russell Macnee 8 8 105 1 The Clyde . . James L. C. Docharty 5 5 1052 Looking towards Glencoe from Rannoch Moor T. M. Richardson, R.W.S. 300 o 1053 An den Sarinquellen . . Albert Hertel 40 o 1054 The Village Cross . Wilmot Pilsbury, A.R.W.S. 45 o 1055 Washing Day . A. MacBride, R.S.W. 15 15 1056 Norham Castle . W. F. Vallance, R.S.A. 18 18 1057 ' There 's Sermons in Stones ' R. A. Brownlie 15 15 1058 Windsor Castle . . C. R. Aston, R.I. 26 5 1059 On the Dee . James G. Laing, R.S.W. 84 o 1060 At the Window . . John A. Monteith 8 8 1061 The Free Ferry, Wareham on Thames John Parker, R.W.S. 42 o 1062 Cornish Village . . Alice M. Nicholson 7 7 1063 Saturday Afternoon in London . E. Hoeterickx 16 o 1064 Landernau, Brittany . John Parker, R.W.S. 63 o 1065 Rievaulx Abbey . . . Walter Crane 30 o 1066 Time's Revenge . G. du Maurier, A.R.W.S. 250 o 1067 The Pastoral. . /. Whitelaw Ha?nilto?t 21 o 1068 Autumn Sunset on the Cairn J. Paterson, R.S.W. 30 o 1069 Hayfield near Sandwich . . Thomas Pyne 26 5 1070 On the Maas, Dordrecht . A. W. Weedon 36 15 107 1 Poppies . . Lily Blatherwick, R.S.W. 5 5 1072 The End of the Prologue T. R. Lamont, A.R.W.S. 60 o 1073 Christmas Roses . Lily Blatherwick, R.S.W. 15 15 1074 Blackford Hills, near Edinburgh Arthur E. Moffat 35 o 1075 Spring-time at Moniaive James Paterson, R.S.W Gallery No. 6. 65 1076 Machair Bay, Iona Georgina M. Greenlees {Wylie), R.S.W. £10 10 1077 Gatherings from the Wayside Humphrey J. Dinghy 30 o 1078 A Dream of the Arabian Nights E.J.Poynter,R.A. 1079 An American Prairie-Hen Jane H. Shield, R.S.W. 15 o 1080 Spring . . . Chas. M'Ewen 40 o ' Every bough and spray, Laden with the snows of May. 1 08 1 The Legendary Castle, Arran H. Clarence Whaite, R.W.S. 315 o 1082 Street in Verona . . IV. Wyld 26 5 1083 Autumn on the Forth 1084 Wallflowers 1085 Apples 1086 Fireside Stories 1087 After Rain . 1088 Pottery Archd. M. Davidson 6 6 F. Lily Hensley 3 3 Edith J. Little 6 o Blanche Macarthur 31 10 R. B. Nisdet, R.S.W. 8 o . Violet Ogilvy 6 6 1089 The Gloamin' — a Tweedside Dream M. L. Norie, R.S.W. 15 15 1090 The Shepherd's Care John Carlaw, R.W.S. 20 o 1091 The Queen's Jubilee Procession R. W. Allan, R.S.W. 63 o 1092 ' Pansies, that 's for Thoughts ' Louisa Aumonier 2 2 1093 Fruit . . . W. H addon 5 5 1094 The Last Blink . W. F. Vallance, R.S.A. 21 o 1095 The Flock by Night Chas. Davidson, R.W.S. 63 10 1096 Street in Touraine R. Phene Spiers, F.S.A. 10 10 1097 Hampton Court Palace — Second Court R. Phene Spiers, F.S.A. 10 10 1098 Loch Katrine and Ben Venue T. M. Richardson, R.W.S. 1099 The Lieutenance, Honfleur . A. G. Bell 63 o 1 100 Council Hall, Worcester . Malcolm Stark, Jun. 8 8 E 66 Water Colours (Sale). 1101 Spring . . A. R. Henderson 1102 A Fifeshire Fishing Village Mason Hunter £10 10 1 103 Stone-crushing Mill at Craigcrook, Edinburgh M. L. None, R.S.W. 10 10 1 104 A Little Roman Beggar A. M. Youngman, R.I. 10 10 1 105 Fresh from the Country Maria Harrison, A.R.W.S. 1 106 Nuneaton Market . . Patty Townsend 20 o 1 107 Nature's Garden . . /. Reffitt Oldfield 6 6 1 108 Old Actors — Rich and Peg Woffington F. Smallfield, A.R.W.S. 94 10 1 109 An Anxious Moment . William G. Miller 63 o 1 1 10 The First Love-Letter Arthur Hopkins, R.W.S. 84 o 1 1 1 1 Old Stair in Greendyke Street, Glasgow David Small, R.S.W. 4 4 1 1 12 Westminster — The Jerusalem Chamber T. Crawford Ha?nilton, R.S.W. 7 7 1 1 13 First Cares . . George Carline 25 o 1 1 14 A Suffolk Mill . . Herbert G. Crabbe 5 5 1115 La Bangiolinata . Geo. du Maurier, A.R.W.S. 70 o 1 1 16 Cardwell Bay, Gourock . Charles Houston 5 o 1 1 17 ' The Merry Month of May ' Jessie MacGregor 12 12 1 1 18 Daffodils . . Bessie Thomson 3 3 1 1 19 Fruit . . . M. Grieve 6 6 1 120 A Quiet Day, Girvan . Wm. Dalglish 5 5 1 121 4 The Land o' the Leal.' . . H.J.Dobson 12 12 'James Whyte, who for forty years was porter at Dunblane Railway Station, died on Tuesday evening'. A few days before his death he sent for John Rodgers, the old fiddler, who for thirty years has attended pas- senger trains between Stirling, Bridge of Allan, and Dunblane, and got him to play " The Land o' the Leal " at his bedside.' Vide the Press, 8th March 1888. 1 122 'Chez Nous' — Painting Room Interiors Christina P. Ross, R.S.W. 42 o 1 123 « What is it? ; . Robt. Barnes, A.R.W.S. 75 o 1 124 In Glenfinlas . . David Law 42 o 1 125 Daffodils .... Mary Weir 4 4 Gallery No. 6. 67 1 126 When the Sun sinks in the West — Leuchars, Fife John P. Nicholson £\o 10 1 1 27 Raisins et Roses Madame Victoria Dubourg 25 o 1 1 28 Even at Gullane . . Arthur E. Moffat 15 o 1 129 The Cliffs, Barmouth . . W.J.Boddy 18 o 1 130 Allotment Garden at Shene, Surrey Rose Barton 18 18 1 131 Comrades . . . Otto Leyde, R.S.A. 30 o 1 1 32 Forth Bridge, June 1887 . William Barry 50 o 1 133 Rhododendrons . Constance Walton, R.S.W. 22 10 1 1 34 Low Tide, Widemouth Bay, Bude Frank Walton, R.I. 42 o 1 135 Fiordelisa. — . .< . E. Crawford 26 o 1 1 36 Church of St. Pierre, Coutances, Normandy T. Crawford Hamilton, R.S.W. 14 14 1 1 37 * No Customers ' . Arthur H opkins, R.W.S. 52 10 1 1 38 A Tangled Bank Georgina M. Greenlees (Wylie), R.S.W. 6 6 1 139 A Quiet Corner — Spring-time Mason Hunter 8 8 1 1 40 A Snowdrift . . . James Douglas 21 o 1 141 Head of a Young Girl . . Geo. Henry 20 o 1 142 Loading Sand at Sannox, Arran M. L. Norie, R.S.W. 15 15 1 143 The Canal of San Gregorio Clara Montalba, A.R.W.S. 125 o 1 144 Arrived for Repairs James G. Laing, R.S.W. 18 18 1 145 Among the. Hills, West Calder William Marshall Brown 3 10 1 146 Devonshire Cottages . A. Trevor Huddon 10 10 1 147 The Old Harbour of Kingsbarns James Macmaster, R.S.W. 8 8 1 148 The Black Slave . Agnes Gardner King 15 15 1 149 In the Valley of Grindelwald Albert Hertel 50 o 1 1 50 Chapel of St. Edmund, Westminster Abbey W.J. Boddy 42 o 1 151 Daffodils . Constance Walton, R.S.W. 12 12 68 Water Colours (Loan). 1 1 52 Warkworth Castle . . W. F. Stocks £50 o 1 1 53 A Maid of the Inn . William Ferguson 8 8 1 1 54 Sannox Bay, Arran . Hubert Coutts 120 o 1 155 A Morning Consultation . Henry W. Kerr 30 o 1 1 56 Zinnias . . Madame Victoria Dubourg 25 o 1 1 57 Sunny Hours on the Coelian, at Rome Charles Earle, R.I. 15 15 . M'Naughton 1740 St. Martin's Abbey, Perthshire J. H. Kinnear 1 74 1 Castelroy . . . Andrew Heiton 1742 Hall, Wemyss Castle . Kinnear and Peddie 1743 Ferguslie Park, Paisley H.J. Blanc and Gordon 1744 Design for County Buildings, Paisley Abercromby and Symington 1745 Cosmical Development of Architecture D. P. Low 1746 Moffat Parish Church . John Starforth 1747 Design for Railway Terminus H. D. Walton 1748 Buildings in Glasgow and West of Scotland Boucher and Cousland 1749 Design for Railway Terminus John Thomson 1750 Warehouse in Glasgow . James Boucher 1 75 1 St. George's Church, Glasgow Robert Carrick 1752 Barony Church Design . John Hutchison 1753 Savings Bank Hunslet, Leeds E. J. Dodgshun 1754 Cottages at Whitby . Perkin and Bulmer 1755 Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary John Starforth 1756 Offices of the Yorkshire Post, Leeds Chorley and Connon 1757 Interior View of the Church of the Sacred Heart . . Goldie, Child, and Goldie 1758 Blickling Hall, Aylsham, Norfolk M. B. Adams 1759 Wesleyan Chapel, Darlington /. Butler Wilson 1760 Wesleyan Sunday School, Leeds G. F. Danby Gallery No. 9. IOI 1 76 1 Grand Theatre, Leeds . George Corson 1762 Askham Hall, near York . Chorley and Connon 1763 New Clothing Warehouse, Leeds /. T. Butler Wilson 1764 Pontefract Town Hall . Perkin and Bulmer 1765 Arrangement for proposed Organ in Greyfriars' Church, Stirling John Burnet, Son, and Campbell 1766 Hall and Staircase, Kelvinhaugh School. Frank Burnett 1767 Memorial Pulpit, St. Margaret's Church, West- minster . . . S. Vacher 1768 Interior View — Design for a College Chapel Goldie, Child, and Goldie 1769 Board School, Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire George Corson 1770 Perspective View of Buchanan Retreat Buildings, Bearsden . . Thomas Halket, Jun. 1 771 Christian Association Rooms . John M^Leod 1772 Jubilee Memorial, Harrogate H. E. and A. Bonn 1773 Methodist Chapel . . . J. A Buttery 1774 United Presbyterian Church, Mount Florida John Hamilton 1775 The Dixon Hall, presented by the late W. S. Dixon, Esq. of Govanhill, to the Burghs of Crosshill and Govanhill Francis Stirrat 1776 Old Edinburgh Houses . . J. D. Peddle 1777 Royal Bank, Edinburgh — Interior of Telling Room . . . . J. D. Peddle 1778 Drumsheugh Baths, Edinburgh John Burnet, Son, and Campbell 1779 Farm House, North Hants J. Alfred Gotch 1780 St. Mary's Church, Woolwich James Brooks 102 Architecture. 1781 Country Residence, Holmewood William Young 1782 New Dulwich College Charles Barry, F.S.A. 1783 Municipal Buildings, Glasgow William Young 1784 Collingham Gardens . E. George and Peto 1785 Tower of St. Paul's, Manchester /. Oldrid Scott 1786 Edinburgh Public Library G. Washington Browne 1787 House in Cadogan Square Ernest George and Peto 1788 The Butts, King's Wear . R. M. Fulford 1789 Reredos, Grantham Church : executed by J. Thomson, Peterborough, decorated by Heaton, Butler, and Bayne A. W. Blom/ield, A.R.A. 1790 Glasgow Cathedral — View of North Transept from Nave . . Alexander M'Gibbon £3 3 1 791 Church of St. Mark . Ewan Christian 1792 South-East View, St. Mary's Woolwich James Brooks 1793 Sketches at New Dulwich College Charles Barry, F.S.A. 1794 Kensington Court John J. Stevenson, F.S.A. 1795 Offices of Alliance Assurance Co. R. Norman Shaw, R.A. 1796 House at Hayes, Kent . Thos. E. Collcutt 1797 Interior of Church of Holy Redeemer, Clerkenwell, in course of erection . John D. Sedding 1798 Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation General Office . . George Aitchison, A.R.A. 1799 House at Cromer . . Ed. John May 1800 Two Houses in Cadogan Square R. Norman Shaw, R.A. 1 80 1 Chartres . . Alfred Waterhouse, R.A. 1802 Trinity Church, Folkestone Ewan Christian 1803 St. Leonard's Free Church, Perth John J. Stevenson, F.S.A. Gallery No. 9. 103 1804 Chester Cathedral — Design for restoration of Front of South Transept A. W. Blomfield, A.R.A. 1805 Staircase, Gosford House . . W. Young 1806 New Municipal Buildings, Glasgow W. Yomig 1807 St. Mary's Church, Brighton William Emerson 1808 Chelsea Town Hall . .J.M.Brydon 1809 Church in Kensington . . James Brooks 1810 Interior of St. John the Baptist, Norwich G. Gilbert Scott 181 1 Mansion at Impney . R. Phene Spiers 1 8 12 Design for a Town Church W. H. Bedlake, M.A. 18 1 3 Interior View — Liverpool Cathedral James Brooks 1 8 14 A Public Library . . W. G. B. Lewis 181 5 Burlington House, Piccadilly Charles Barry ', F.S.A. 1 816 Lahore Cathedral . /. Oldrid Scott \ F.S.A. 18 17 House and Studio . . William Flockhart 1 81 8 Reception Rooms and Studio William Flockhart 1819 Pickhurst, Surrey . . . /. M. Brydon 1820 View of Whispers, Surrey R. Norman Shaw, R.A. 1 82 1 Trinity College, Oxford — House for the President T. G.Jackson 1822 Entrance Porch, Quarrydene, Leeds W. H. Thorp 1823 Interior of Church of Holy Trinity, Chelsea John D. Sedding 1824 Shops and Offices, High Street, Sheffield Charles Hadfield 1825 Bradfield House, Devon Hayward and Son 1826 Constitutional Club, London R. W.Edis, F.S.A. 1827 Mayfield, Kent . . Ewan Christian 1828 Sunningdale Church, Berks /. Oldrid Scott, F.S.A. 1829 Harrington Gardens . E. George and Pe to 104 Architecture. 1830 Church of St. James's (Spanish Place) Leonard Stokes 1 83 1 Design for New Church . T. T. Scott 1832 Design for New Church . T. 7. Scott 1833 Constitutional Club, Bowley in Wharfedale Perkin and Buhner 1834 Free Church, Crieff. J.J. Stevenson^ F.S.A. 1835 4 Snowdenham ' . . Ralph Nevill, F.S.A. 1836 Savings Bank, Leeds. . E.J. Dodgshun 1837 Royal Academy, Inverness Ross and Macbeth 1838 Design for Municipal Buildings C. Douglas and Sellars 1839 Design for New Bath, Stockport W. G. B. Lewis 1840 New Town Hall, Motherwell /. B. Wilson, A$..\.¥>. A. 1 841 Keil House, Campbelton C. Douglas and Sellars 1842 Entrance — Constitutional Club R. W. Edis, F.S.A. 1843 Design for Diocesan Training Institution John Slater 1844 Dowanhill U.P. Church . . Wm. Leiper 1845 Design for Edinburgh Free Library A. R. Scott 1846 Design for Proposed Church John Honeyman 1847 Stretton Church, Hampshire . T. Y.Jackson 1848 Bank at Goole . . . A. Neil 1849 1 New Schools,' Paisley Woodhouse and Morley 1850 Design for Municipal Buildings . John Baird 1 85 1 New Mill, Paisley Woodhouse and Morley 1852 Photographs — Specimens of Carved Oak Harry Hems 1853 Board School of Rothwell. /. Aljred Gotch 1854 Design for New Tower for Heavitree Church, Exeter . Jackham, Croote, and Stuart 1855 Main Entrance to New Corn Exchange, Sheffield M. E. Hadfield and Son Gallery No. 9. 105 1856 Exterior View of the Mappin Art Gallery Flockton and Gibbs 1857 Aberystwith College (original design) John P. Seddon 1858 New Corn Exchange Buildings, Sheffield M. E. Hadfield and Son 1859 St. Hilda's Church, Whitby R.J. Johnson, F.S.A. 1860 Northern Insurance Co.'s Offices, Newcastle-on- Tyne . . . R. J. Johnson, F.S.A. 1861 Design for a Baptistery . Frank T. Baggally 1862 Exterior View of St. John's Church, Ranmoor Flockton and Gibbs 1863 Design for Tower, Peterborough S. Vacher,F.S.A. 1864 All Saints Church, Gosforth R.J.Johnson, F.S.A. 1865 Monumental Sculpture . . J as. Young ^100 o 1866 Model of Wallasley Church W. and J. Hay 1867 Model of Private Chapel, Tyntesfield House A. W. Blomfield, A.R.A. 1868 St. James's Church, Paisley . H.J. Blanc 1869 St. Columba's Church, London J. Macvicar Anderson 1870 Privett Church, Hants A. W. Blomjield, A.R.A. 1 87 1 Staircase, Junior Carlton Club, etc. J. Macvicar Anderson 1872 Marble Monument to the Hon. J. Fraser Maurice B. Adams 1873 Sion College Library A. W. Blomfield, A.R.A. 1874 Denton Manor, Lincolnshire A. W. Blomfield, A.R.A. 1875 Camphill Church, Glasgow . Wm, Leiper 1876 Evening Citizen Offices . . T. L Watson 1877 * Ye Luckie Horse Shoe' . R. M. Fuljord 1878 Cathedral, Newcastle-on-Tyne (New Reredos) R.J.Johnson F.S.A. io6 Architecture. 1879 Brigstock Manor House . Gotch and Sanders 1880 Greenock Municipal Buildings H. and D. Barclay 1 88 1 Two Designs . J. Macvicar Anderson 1882 The Hall, Snowdenham . . Ralph Nevill 1883 Ten Designs in Frame John Burnet, Son, and Campbell 1884 Frame of Six Photographs G. Gilbert Scott 1885 Domestic Architecture . Ed. John May 1886 Cartside House . . . A. B. Scott 1887 Wakefield Town Hall Council Chamber Thos. E. Collcutt 1888 Wellington U.P. Church . . T. L. Watson 1889 Frame of Photographs John J. Stevenson, F.S.A. 1890 Six Designs in Frame . Andrew Helton 1 891 Wrought-Iron Gate, designed and made by George Adam 1892 Alabaster Baptismal Font. Charles B. Grassby 1893 Wakefield Town Hall . Thos. E. Collcutt 1894 St. Michael's Church, Devon Hayward and Son 1895 Castle Ashby, Northamptonshire Fairfax B. Wade 1896 Blochairn Free Church . M. Stark, Jun. 1897 Studio for T. Faed, Esq. . R. Phene Spiers 1898 Clock Tower, Bangor . . B. Neill 1899 Stronachlachar Hotel . Thomas Leadbetter 1900 Branston Hall, Lincolnshire J. Macvicar Anderson 1 901 Parkfield House . . .E.J. Tarver 1902 Washford Tyne Church, Devon R. M. Fulford 1903 Woolpits, Surrey . . E. George and Peto 1904 School and Buildings for New Collegiate Build- ings, Oxford T. G. Jackson Gallery No. 9. 107 1905 Ornamental Work . . . B. Neill 1906 Interior of Studio of T. Faed, Esq., R.A. R. Phene Spiers 1907 A Toilet Set . . Win. G. B. Lewis 1908 Doorway — Synagogue . . John MlLeod 1909 Interior of Cannington Church Wm. Emerson 1910 Northington Church, Hampshire T.G.Jackson 191 1 House erected near Sydney, Australia Maurice B. Adams 1912 Canongate Tolbooth, Edinburgh John Corner 1913 South Transept and Spire of St. Mary's Cathe- dral, Edinburgh . . Andrew Bruce 1914 Interior of Great Hall, University of Oxford T. G.Jackson 1 91 5 Church of the Sacred Heart, Edinburgh Arch. Macpherson 1916 Design for Ceiling Decoration Shrigley and Hunt 1917 Exterior View — Design for a College Goldie ) Child, and Goldie 1918 Decoration of Drawing-Room George Aitchison^ A. R.A. 1 9 19 Interior of Synagogue . . John M l Leod 1920 New Presbytery — Southend-on-Sea Leonard Stokes 192 1 New House at Kensington Common T. G.Jackson 1922 Villa at Morley . . . J. A. Buttery 1923 ' The Hall,' Snowdenham . . Ralph Nevill 1924 The ' Iddesleigh' Memorial R. M. Fulford 1925 St. Andrew's Church, Fort-William Alex. Ross 1926 St. Andrew's Church, Brechin Ross and Macbeth io8 Photography. Gallery No. 10. PHOTOGRAPHY. 1927 Lady and Child from life . . J. Lafayette 1928 Interior of Cologne Cathedral (direct picture). Anselm Schmitz £5 3 1929 Miss Violet Phelan . . /. Lafayette 1930 Portrait of Lady in Evening Dress J. Lafayette 1 93 1 Cupid's Manufactory (after Bartolozzi) Atitotype Co. 1 5 1932 The Island of Death (Photogravure) . 1 13 R. Schuster I 933 Grand Panel Portraits W.J. Byrne 1934 Sarah Bernhardt . Nadars 1935 Loch Long — Old Cottage . R. B. White 1936 Glen Malin . R. B. White 1937 Flower- Girl (Trentin) /. Lbwy 1938 Sea Study (Carbon Enlargement) W. P. Marsh 2 2 1939 The Flower of the Flock . J. Chancellor 4 4 1940 Views in Norway . M. Selmer 0 1 1 1 94 1 Spring — Summer — Winter J. Taylor 1942 Views in Norway . M. Selmer 0 ] 1 1943 Wanderers — (Collodion chloride— -20 years old) Geo. Bruce 1944 Yacht 1 Thistle ' (Bromide Enlargement) R. B. M. Stewart 1945 Zell am See . Wurthle and Spin?thir?t 0 15 1946 Traunsee . . Wurthle and Spinrihirn 0 15 1947 High Church, Innsbruck Wurthle and Spinnhirn 0 15 1948 Fisherman's Home A. Diston 0 15 Gallery No. 10. 109 1949 The Young Artist . . A. Diston 1950 Faust — A Study in Lighting F. Boissonnas 195 1 Scenes on the Kintyre Coast R. T. Cochrane 1952 Life-size Portrait Maclure^ Macdonald and Co. 1953 The Bull (after Paul Potter) Carbon Autotype Co. 1954 Day Dreams (Platinotype) . Geo. Bruce 1955 Burnham Beeches Military School of Engineeri?ig 1956 Lindenhof Castle, Parthia Wurthle and Spi?mhirn 1957 A Basket Mender /. Terras 1958 Lindenhof Castle . Wurthle and Spinnhirn 1959 Miller's Dale . . H. Tolley 1960 The Cliff, Old Tynemouth . M. Auty 1961 'Monarch of all I Survey' . F. A.Jackson 1962 The Ferry M. Auty 1963 Yachts ' Verena' and 'Frolic' G. West and Son 1964 Magdalen (after G. Max) — Photogravure Berlin Photographic Co. 1965 Ober See . 1966 Diirren See 1967 Bozen 1968 Scenes in Norway 1969 The Smithy 1970 The Thunderstorm 1 97 1 Sir Arch. C. Campbell, Bart. 1972 Portrait . .6 1973 The Real Home Ruler 1974 Portrait . . . 6 1975 Royal Panel Photographs . 1976 TheJStudent 1977 The Broken Toe . 1978 Out of Sorts 1979 Dr. and Mrs. Moyes and Family Wurthle and Spinnhirn Wurthle and Spinnhirn Wurthle and Spinnhirn M. Selmer A. Diston A. Diston W. J. Byrne Comrie Smith J. Chancellor Comrie Smith W. J. Byrne A. Diston A. Diston A. Diston J. Fergus £0 15 1 10 1 10 ° 5 o 10 o 5 o 15 o 15 0 10 1 I o 15 o 15 o 15 O II o 15 o 15 21 O 4 4 o 15 o 15 o 15 no Photography. 1980 After the Storm . . . A. Distort £0 15 1981 A 'Lift' .... A. Diston o 15 1982 Industry .... A. Diston o 15 1983 Mignon (after G. Max) — Photogravure Berlin Photographic Co. 1 1 1984 St. Bartholoma am Konigsee Wiirthle and Spinnhirn 015 1985 Traunkirchen . Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 15 1986 Salzburg . . Wiirthle and Spinnhir?i o 15 1987 Norwegian Costumes . . M. Selmer 1 10 1988 River Allan— Children Wading— River Teith (PlatinOtype) . . . /. C. Oliver 1989 Lord Salisbury (Carbon enlargement) Autotype Co. 7 7 1990 Esther Elizabeth Bright, Granddaughter of the Right Hon. John Bright, M.P. E. Kay and Son 1991 Idle Moments . . H. Tolley 1992 Views on the Thames Military School of Engineering 1993 Lindenhof Castle . Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 1994 Sunbeams , A. Diston o 15 1995 Neu Schwanstein . Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 1996 Three Views at Killin . . W. Goodwin 1997 Near Glen Auldyn, Ramsey, Isle of Man (Bromide enlargement) . . H. Lupton 1998 Breydon Water — Fog coming up (Photogravure) Dr. P. H. Emerson 1999 A Winter Morning at Valley Mill F. A.Jackson 2000 Views, St. Andrews . J. C. Hutchison 2001 Views in Switzerland . . J. A. Allan 2002 ' Clan Buchanan ' (Bromide enlargement) A. Watson 2003 Giant's Causeway and North Coast of Antrim R. Welch 1 5 2004 Antrim Coast Scenery . . P. Welch 1 5 Gallery No. 10. in 2005 Glimpses of Antrim Scenery . R. Welch £1 5 2006 On the Bure (Platinotype) Dr. P. H. Emerson 2007 Neu Schwanstein Castle Wurthle and Spinnhim o 5 2008 Do. do. o 5 2009 A Favourite Inn at Paisley — In the Woods, Howood — A Healthy Corner E.J. R. Berger 2010 Shade, Shadow, and Sunshine F. A. Jackson 201 1 'It's very nice' . . T. N. Armstrong 2012 Sea Study (Carbon enlargement) W. P. Marsh 2 2 2013 Three Portraits . . A. L. Robertson 2014 Looking Out — Receiving the Change — They are Coming — Having a Chat — Look There — Wait- ing the Return . . P. Nimmo and Sons 2015 River and Sea . . . J. W. Eadie 1 1 2016 Neu Schwanstein . Wurthle and Spinnhim o 5 2017 Lindenhof Castle, Parthia Wurthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2018 Willy Lot's House (after Constable) — Carbon Autotype Company 1 10 2019 Views in Dolgelly . . D. Dove 2020 Mosque, Cordova . . A. Pringle 2021 No Barrier . . . . F. A.Jackson 2022 An Enemy in Sight (Photogravure) R. Schuster 2 5 2023 Creole Lane, Kingston, Jamaica — Inversnaid Fall — Road Scene, Poins, Jamaica J. L. Coulson 2024 Swiss Costumes . . F. Boissonnas 2025 Portrait of Child — negative by Byrne (Carbon) Autotype Company 2026 Boats, Barmouth — Cottage Arthog, N. Wales — Whally Abbey — Speke Hall — Chain Bridge Inn, Llangollen — Glyndwys Mill, Barmouth W.P.Riley 2027 Rowmore Gateway and Avenue D. Frazer 2028 Lord Moncreiff (after Geo. Reid, R.S.A.)— Photo- gravure . . T. and R. Annan and Sons 3 3 112 Photography. 2029 Old Mill, Colwyn Bay . . D. Lewis 2030 Out for a Holiday . . . J. P. Gibson 2031 Cows mirrored in water (Paul Potter) — Carbon Autotype Company £1 10 2032 Kathleen . . . . /. Chancellor 4 4 2033 Group and Interior . / . Fergus 2034 East Whitby — 4 The Haven under the Hill' Waves F. M. Sutcliffe 1 10 2035 Loch Katrine . . D. Dove 2036 Hon. Fred. Tollemache, Miss Robinson, Sir Thomas Pears . . . W. J. Byrne. 2037 Direct Platinotype . . W. Crooke • y/i~ by bis ylss^e y:u ziirb: 203S Rembrandt (after Rembrandt) — Carbon Autotype Co. 1 10 2039 The Duchess (after Gainsborough) /. Chancellor 4 4 2040 Mrs. Hunter of Hunter — Interior J. Fergus 2041 Chaff — From Labour to Refreshment — Fisher Folk . . . F. M. Sutcliffe 1 10 2042 Three Groups 2043 Glen Malin . 2044 Around Stewarton 2045 Yacht * Silene ; A. L. Robertson . R. B. White /. Wilson 1 o G. West and Son o 15 2046 Mrs. Sheridan (after Reynolds) — Carbon Autotype Co. £0 12 18 2047 The Knife- Grinder (Platinotype) . Geo. Bruce 204S On the Tramp (Bromide enlargement) W. H. Ge daes and Son 1 10 2049 After the Wedding — Good Morning— Great- Grandmother Asleep — Sisters — Playtime E. D. Anderson 2050 The Village Blacksmith W. H. Geddes and Son 3 o 2051 Neu Schwanstein . Wurtlile and Spinnhim o 5 Gallery No. 10. 113 2052 Castle Herren, Chiemsee Wiirthle and Spinnhirn £0 5 2053 Old Cobbler — Our Lassie — Old Hervy, the Sexton Mrs. H. R. Ryle 1 5 2054 About Belfast . . R. Welch 1 5 2055 Berchtesgaden . Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 15 2056 Schloss Berg . Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2057 Castle Herren, Chiemsee Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2058 Comrades .... Alex. Macnab 2059 Uncle Toby . . P. M. Laws and Son 2060 The Farrier's Shop . . Geo. Bruce 2061 Come Across . . H. P. Robinson o 15 2062 ' A smile from the River that runs to the sea ' J. P. Gibson 2063 Among the Druids . . T. Nisbet 2064 Le Pont au Change — (after Meryon) Autogravure Autotype Co. o 16 2065 Castle Herren, Chiemsee Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2066 Lindenhof Castle Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2067 Thinking of Home (Platinotype) . Geo. Bruce 2068 Baby's Afternoon Nap W. H. Geddes and Son 2069 Near Winton Castle — A Country Cousin — At Rahane . . . N. G. Reid 2070 Three Interiors . . Dr. M'Corkindale 2071 L'Abside de Notre Dame — (after Meryon) Auto- gravure .... Autotype Co. 019 2072 Study in Black and White — (Bromide Enlarge- ment) . . W. H. Geddes and Son 1 10 2073 Yellow Sands — Walker Field (Carbon) Autotype Co. 4 4 2074 Norwegian Scenery (Platinotype) Valentine and Sons 3 3 H H4 Photography. 2075 On the Norfolk Broads (Platinotype) Dr. P. H. Emerson 2076 Yacht ' Euterpe . . G. West and Son £0 10 2077 . . . . . J. P. Gibson ' From what mountain dost thou come, O my brooklet, cool and sweet.'— J. F. GIBSON. 2078 Yacht 'Naiad' G. West and Son o 8 2079 Biding her Time (Platinotype) . Geo. Bruce 2080 The Poacher (Platinotype) Dr. P. H. Emerson 2081 National Monument on Neiderwald Meiidel and Jacob 2082 ' Auld Grannie's Leather Pouch ' Mrs. Auckhorn 1 5 2083 Gathering Water-Lilies (Autogravure) Dr. P. H. Emerson 2084 A Recollection of the Hague (Carbon) T. G. Whaite 2085 White-robed Nature, near Wilford, Notts (Bromide Print) H. Tolley 2086 Israel in Egypt (after Poynter) — Carbon Autotype Co. 4 4 2087 Studies of Children and Animals F. Boissonnas. 2088 Views in Scotland, Ireland, and Isle of Man — Platinotype, Sepia . D. Cunningham 2089 Acropolis (enlargement from negative 8 by 5 inches) : whole frame . . R. Schuster 21s 2090 Highland Cottages, Loch Goil — Falls of Coyle — Sundrum, Ayrshire — Head of Holy Loch, from Kilmun . . . J. L. Coulson 2091 Portraits — Mr. and Mrs. Kendal, Miss Mary Moore, Irving, and others . Barraud 25 o 2092 The Gleaners (after Jules Breton) — Carbon Autotype Co. 1 10 2093 Roewen, near Conway, N.W. . D. Lewis 2094 Meadow-walk, Rothesay . . J. W. Eadie o 7 2095 Four Subjects from ' English Art ' (Photogravure) Boussod, Valadon, and Co. 2096 A Gipsy Girl (Direct Platinotype) T. G. Whaite 2097 A Frosty Walk, near Wilford, Notts H. Tolley Gallery No. 10. 115 2098 Dick (Carbon) . . F. M. Sutcliffe £0 15 2099 Studies of Children . . F. Boissonnas 2100 Summer-time . . Rev. H. B. Hare 2101 Late Evening Effect on the Frome Rev. H. B. Hare 2102 Photographic Convention at Craigmillar, 1887 W. Crooke 2103 In the Glens of Antrim (9 views) . R. Welch 1 5 2104 At Ham, Derbyshire (Platinotype) H. Tolley 2105 The Bee Hunter ... J". Nisbet 2106 Cattle Studies . . Mrs. E. Penton 2107 Views —various . . N. G. Reid 2108 ' True to the Last' (Platinotype) . Geo. Bruce 2109 'Dinna gar me laugh' (Platinotype) Geo. Bruce 21 10 Study from Life . . F. E. McGowan 21 1 1 Norwegian Scenery . Valentine and Sons 3 3 21 12 Marine Studies (Platinotype) . Paul Lange 21 13 Lady Evelyn Hely-Hutchinson; Mrs. Fitz- George — Lady Norah Hely-Hutchinson — Pengal, Esq. — Lady Norah Hely-Hut- chinson — Hon. Mrs. Ramsay H. S. Mendelssohn 21 14 Waiting for Change . . A. Vision o 15 21 1 5 The Wee Customer . . A. Diston o 15 21 16 A Quiet Moment . . .J. Terras o 10 21 17 Studies of Animals . . C. Reid 1 10 21 18 Loch Lomond, and Doune Castle J. A. Blackie 21 19 Mary Contrary (Platinotype) . H. Paterson 2120 The Three Graces (Carbon Opal) /. B. Scott 2 1 21 Nellie (Red chalk opal) . . /. Corner 2122 Yacht 'Lrly' . . G. West and Son 8 6 2123 A Relic of the Past . . M. Auty o 15 2124 Boats at Loch Ranza — Sunset — Landing-Place, Loch Ranza . R. B. M. Stewart n6 Photography. 2125 Checkmate (Bromide Enlargement) 7. B. Sutton 2126 Hall of Justice, Alhambra (Bromide) A. Pr ingle 2127 Portrait (Bromide Enlargement) . J. S. Stewart 2128 A Holiday Retreat . H. Tolley 2129 Cumbernauld House — Dalmally Hotel — Glen- orchy Church — Glenorchy . Dr. R. Bell 2130 'Dark-heaving, boundless, endless, and sublime' M. Auty £0 15 J. W. Kenworthy A. L. Robertson G. Comrie Smith G. West and Son G. Comrie Smith W. Lang,Jun. 2 13 1 Cattle 2132 Figure Studies 2133 Portrait 2134 Yacht ' Irex' 2135 Portrait 2136 Feeding the Swans 2137 Hall of the Abencerrajes, Alhambra A. Pringle 2138 Reredos in Truro Cathedral (Platinotype) Valentine and Sons 2139 A Devonshire Road (Platinotype) H. Tolley 2140 At Avington Park, Hants — Cumloden, Newton Stewart — At Wherwell Priory, Hants — On the River Itchen . Marchioness of Anglesey 2141 At Helmsley, Yorkshire — Rievaulx Abbey, York- shire — At Ashford-on-the-Water — Crossing the Brook, Auston, Yorkshire — On the Wye, Derby- shire — In the Woods . J. W. Charlesworth 2142 Miss Harris Smith and Mr. Joseph Thomson, F.G.S., African traveller . /. Fergus 2143 Snow Scenes, Gareloch . . D. Frazer 2144 A Lesson in Baiting . . A. Macnab 2145 Portraits in Silver and Platinotype Ch. Reutlinger 2146 Wealth of Marshland . Dr. P. H. Emerson 2147 Italian Girl (Carbon) . . R. T. Dodd 2148 Noontide on the Pastures . Dr. P. H. Emerson Gallery No. 10. 117 2149 Photogravures T. and R. Annan and Sons 2150 . . . . Dr. E. W. Alabone ' So calm, the waters scarcely seemed to stray, And yet they glide like happiness away.' 21 5 1 Studio of Carlos Relvas . . C. Relvas 2152 The 'Thistle' (Bromide Enlargement) W. /. Finlayson 2153 Rienzi (after Holman Hunt — Carbon) Autotype Co. £6 6 2154 Doorway in the Courtyard — Ightham Moat-House (Platmotype) 2155 The Valleys, Beira 2156 The Arrochar Road 2157 Portrait 2158 Flowers of the Mere W. Cornish C. Relvas . R. B. White G. Comrie Smith Dr. P. H. Emerson 2159 Miss Davidson (Platinotype) . /. B. Scott 9 9 2160 Studies . . W. Snell Anderson 2 1 61 Mechanically Printed Phot Photophane Co. 2162 The Nativity (after C. Miiller) Berlin Photographic Co. 1 1 2163 A Sultry Day, Glen Dulas . A. Bradbury 2164 The Sisters . . . J. Chancellor 4 4 2165 'My Mammy' (Platinotype) W. W. Winter 3 3 2166 Cora . . . . /. Chancellor 4 4 2167 Yacht ' Irex' (Bromide Enlargement) W.J. Finlayson 2168 Sea Study (Carbon Enlargement) W. P. Marsh 6 6 2169 Yacht 'Daisy' (Bromide Enlargement) W. J. Finlayson 2170 Mrs. J. Brown Potter — Hon. Mr. Petre — Ladies Evelyn and Norah Hely-Hutchinson H. S. Mendelssohn 21 71 The Holy Family (after C. Muller) Berlin Photographic Co. 2172 A Misty Morning on the Thames Dr. E. W. Alabone 2173 Juanita . . . . /. Chancellor 2174 Portrait (Carbon) . . . T. G. Whaite n8 Photography. 2175 Madame Albani . . . /. Lafayette 2176 The 'Thistle' (Bromide Enlargement) W. J. Finlayson 2177 Portrait (Carbon-Opal Sepia) . A. Pithie R. B. White Elise Hinnen R. Welch £1 5 R. B. White 2178 Loch Long . 2179 Swiss Landscapes and Studies 2180 Giant's Causeway Scenery 218 1 Flower Studies 2182 Lunch-Time — A Cumberland Cottage — Hard at Work — Water-Carriers — Harvest-time — Load- ing the Hay . . .T.J. Hibbert 2183 Reading the News . . .J. Terras o 10 2184 Yacht ' Chitty wee' . . G. West and Son o 8 2185 A Spinner ..../. Terras o 10 2186 Interiors in Hardwicke Hall, Derbyshire — Tapes- tried Doorway — Fireplace in Picture Gallery — A Corner in Picture Gallery (Platinotype) R. Keene 2187 James Watt (Carbon reproduction of oil painting) Fyfe Christie 2 10 2188 Ethel . . . . /. Chancellor 4 4 2189 'Hoo mony fingers dae I haud up?' (Platino- type) .... Geo. Bruce 2190 A Toad in the Path (Platinotype) Dr. P. H. Emerson 2191 Loch Long— The Old Toll . R. B. White 2192 Burns's Monument, Kilmarnock (Carbon Enlarge- ment, Sepia) . . . A. Pithie 5 5 2193 Snow Scene (Platinotype) Valentine and Sons 2 2 2194 Studies . . . G. Murray 2195 The Haysel (Photogravure) Dr. P. H. Emerson. 2196 Scenes in Arran : — Pool on the Cloy Burn — Glen Rosa— In the Hotel Grounds, Brodick— Glen Sannox — On the Road to Glen Rosa — Cloch- na-h'Oighe, Glen Sannox Alex. Macdonald Gallery No. 10. 119 2197 Conway Castle (Platinotype) Valentine and Sons £2 2 2198 Monument of Batulha . . C. Relvas 2199 Early Spring — Feeding the Geese — By the Stream-side . F. M. Sutdiffe 1 17 2200 On the Lonely Shore (Platinotype) H. Tolley 2201 Series (Platino-Photogravures) . J. Ross 2202 Glimpses in Craven, Yorkshire — Street Scene, Giggleswick — Lamb Fair, Settle (Panoramic) — Gordale — In Wethercote Cave — Pecca Fall — Ivyfold, Giggleswick . .B.J. Sayce 2203 A Suffolk Cottage (Wet Collodion, 1868) Mrs. H. R. Ryle 2204 Church Tower (St. Stephen's) Vienna J. Lowy o 7 2205 A Stiff Pull — (Platinotype) Dr. P. H. Emerson 2206 Spring Cleaning — ' His only refuge ' H. H. Williams 2207 Principal Geddes — (Auto-crayon) J. Macmahon 5 5 2208 Miss Ffolliott . . J.B. Scott 8 8 2209 Woodland Scenes . . Alex. Macdonald 2210 Studies of Animals . . C. Reid 1 10 22 1 1 Holiday Work . . E. Twigge 2212 Rowallan, Ayrshire (Bromide Enlargement) H. S. P. Taylor 2213 The Good Shepherd— Fred Shields (Carbon) Autotype Co. £33 5 5 2214 . . . EM. Sutdiffe ' Softest coverlet of white, naked earth enfolds.' 2215 Miss Hodgson (Carbon) . . J. B. Scott 2 15 2216 Rath-haus, Vienna . . . J. Lowy o 7 2217 Lindenhof Castle . Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2218 'Darning' .... J. Terras o 15 2219 The Ferry M. Auty o 15 2220 The Trossachs — On Achray Water, Ben venue Alex. Macdonald ' The oak and birch, with mingled shade, At noontide there a twilight made.' 120 Photography. 2221 Lindenhof Castle . Wiirthle and Spinnhirn £o 5 2222 Preparing for the Fishing — Haymaking — At the Pool . . . A. B. Ovens tone 2223 Bishop of Aberdeen (Auto-carbon) J. Macmahon 3 3 2224 Six Studies :— Loch Tarbert and Loch Fyne — Trollers at Brixham — Woodhaven Pier, New- port—At St. Martin's, Scilly Isles— At the Pier, Tynemouth — On the West Coast of Scotland Valentine and Sons 2225 Portrait of a Lady C. Relvas 2226 Castle Herren, Chiemsee Wiirthle and Spinnhirn 2227 Three Bromide Prints . . A. Watson 2228 At Killin— On the Lochy— Cottage, Killin— In Killiecrankie Pass . . W. C. Hume 2229 Portrait on Opal . ' . G. Comrie Smith 2230 Ploughing (Rosa Bonheur) — Carbon Autotype Co. 1 10 2230A The Rustic Stile . ... 2231 Three Old Mills . . . W. Goodwin 2232 Breaking Up — A level path of Light — Spreading their Wings . . KM. Sutchffe 1 10 2233 The Flower Girl . . . Geo. Bruce 2234 St. Paul's . . . Valentine and Sons 2 2 2235 Four Portraits J. Lbwy 2236 A Smoker .... A. Diston o 15 2237 Angiola (after W. Rylands) — Carbon Autotype Co. 1 5 2238 Summer Evening . . H. P. Robinson 015 2239 Winter .... A. Diston o 15 2240 Gloaming . . . A. Diston 015 2241 Instantaneous Sea Studies . W. P. Marsh 1 12 2242 Castle Herren, Chiemsee Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2243 Summer Time — Haymakers' Rest — Blind Boy Mrs. H. R. Ryle 2244 Detective Camera Shots . . Paul Lange 2245 Miss Mary Moore . . . Barraud 6 6 Gallery No. 10. 121 2246 Red Roses (Kate Hastings — Carbon) A utotype Co. £1 10 2247 Marsh Hay . . Dr. P. H. Emerson 2248 A Grey Day Pastoral . Dr. P. H. Emerson 2249 Voices (after H. Schmalz — Carbon) Autotype Co. 1 17 2250 Miss Rutherford . . . /. Moffat 2251 Instantaneous Study . . C. Relvas 2252 The late Rev. Dr. Macleod of Morven Geo. Bruce 7 10 2253 Four Interiors : — Hardwicke Hall, Derbyshire — Staircase — Presence Chamber, — Entrance — Picture Gallery (Platinotype) . 7?. Keene 2254 A Harmony in White . . J. Chancellor 4 4 2255 Carolling . . . H.P.Robinson 3 3 ' This carol they began that hour, How that a life was but a flower In spring-time.' 2256 Views in Norway E. Rose 2257 The Drummer . . F. Boissonnas 2258 Early Morning — Grasmere Lake E. H. Baldry 3 3 2259 Studies . . R. Faulkner and Co. 2260 Reading the News . . J. Terras 2261 ' All in the Downs ' . H. P. Robinson o 15 2262 ' Alone in London ' . . J.B. Scott 2263 Miss Romola Tynte and Mr. Hermann Vezin, (Carbon) . . . J. Moffat 2264 Smugglers . H. Reid 2265 New England Elms . . F. C. Beach 2266 The Mill Door . . H. P. Robinson o 15 2267 A Bit of Sunshine . . . A. Diston o 15 2268 The Poor of the Village . . A. Diston 015 2269 Colts on the Marshes (Photogravure) Dr. P. H. Emerson 2270 School Games . . . Jackson Bros. 2 2 2271 Portrait, Sepia . . W. Crooke 2272 Houses of Parliament (Platinotype) Valentine and Sons 2 2 2273 The Corn Field (Constable) — Carbon Autotype Co. 1 10 122 Photography. 2274 Feeding the Calves . H. P. Robinson £0 1 5 2275 'When Days are short.' — An Autumn Sunset — Gathering Hay . . F. M. Sutcliffe 1 10 2276 Interiors : — Brodick Castle, Drawing-Room and Entrance Hall . Alex. Macdonald . /. C. Oliver . T. G. Whaite M. Auty o 15 J. Lbwy 2277 Three Figure Studies 2278 Music (Carbon) 2279 The Morning Mist 2280 St. Stephen's, Vienna 2281 A Way across the Marshes (Photogravure) Dr. P. H. Emerson 2282 Water Rats (Carbon) . F. M. Sutcliffe o 1 5 2283 Instantaneous Studies . .B.J. Sayce 2284 Spring — On the Riggs — The Man with the Muck Rake . . F. M. Sutcliffe 1 10 2285 British Men of War . . H. Symonds 2 10 2286 Washing- Green Gossip (Platinotype) Geo. Bruce 2287 The Gleaner (after Jules Breton) — Carbon Autotype Co. 1 10 2288 Four Scotch Landscapes : — West Door, Holyrood — Road Scene, Loch Ard — Mill Stream — By the side of Loch Ard (Photogravure) R. Keene 2289 Crab Baskets . . H. P. Robinson 015 2290 A Backwater on the Lea (Photogravure) Dr. P. H. Emerson 2291 The Hall of Ambassadors — Alcazar, Seville A. Pringle 2292 Instantaneous Studies . . C. Relvas 2293 Beau Desert, Staffordshire — At Avington Park, on the River Itchen Marchioness of Anglesey 2294 Three Peaks in Arran — Oir Mhor, Goatfell, Ben Nuish . . . Alex. Macdonald 2295 Four Scotch Landscapes : — Head of Loch Lomond — Loch Long from Arrochar — High- Gallery No. 10. 123 land Cottage, Tarbert — Fishing - Boats, Tarbert (Platinotype) . . R. Keene 2296 Among the Turnips — Up the Harbour— Even- ing . . F. M. Sutcliffe £1 10 2297 Mr. and Mrs. Kendal . . Barraud 6 6 2298 H.M. Brig ' Nautilus ' . G. West and Son 010 2299 The Yacht 'Wanderer' at the Royal Harwich Regatta . . G. West and Son 010 2300 Yule-Tide Conspirators (Platinotype) W. W. Winter 4 4 2301 Panoramic View of Vienna . J. Lbwy 2302 Castle Herren, Chiemsee. Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2303 'Tea, Sir?' (Carbon) . . R. T. Dodd 015 2304 Entrance to Yale Art School, New Haven, Conn . . . .F.A.Jackson 4 o 2304A Cologne Cathedral (Direct Picture) Anselm Schmitz 1 10 2305 Rev. Thomas Burns, Lady Glenorchy's Church, Edinburgh (Platinotype) . W. Crooke 2306 Imperial Chinese Cruiser ' Ceih Yuen ' W. Parry 012 2307 Children of Lady Gainsboro' . /. Lafayette 2308 Miss Armitage Moore (Direct Photo) /. Lafayette 2309 Arrochar Road, Loch Long . R. B. White 2310 Cologne Cathedral (Direct Picture) Anselm Schmitz 4 o 231 1 Mme. Roze as Galatea . . Barraud 6 6 2312 Heliogravures. State Printing Establishment, Vienna. 2313 Portrait . . G. Comrie Smith. 2314 Barges off Rotherhithe (after W. L. Wyllie— Chromo- Photogravure) Botcssod, Valadon and Co. 3 13 124 Photography. 2315 Coeur Bube (Czachorski) . . R.Schuster £1 4 2316 Photo Block-Printing by Ives' Method F. Ives 2317 Les Contes . . Berlin Photographic Co. 1 1 2318 Les Commentaires . Berlin Photographic Co. 1 1 2319 Photographic Enamels /. G. Tunny and Co. 2320 Barges off Rotherhithe . W. L. Wyllie 45 o (Original Water-Colour Drawing of which No. 2314 is a Chromo-photographic copy.) 2321 An Auto-da-fe (Czachorski) . R. Schuster 1 4 2322 Photographic Enamels P. M. Laws and Son 2323 Portrait , . . G. Comrie Smith 2324 Start for the Royal Albert Cup, Southsea G. West and Son 10 6 2325 Scenes in Bavaria (aristotype paper) W. Cronenberg 2326 American Views (Eastman transferotype opals) J. E. Dumont 2327 Henry Irving (Photogravure) Maclure^ Macdonald and Co. 2328 Photographic Enamels . . /. G. Tunny 2329 Staircase in the Royal Palace at Briihl (Direct Photograph) . . Ansehn Schmitz 4 o 2330 Scenes in Bavaria (aristotype paper) W. Cronenberg 2331 Ellen Terry (Photogravure) Maclure, Macdonald and Co. 2332 Frederick III., Emperor of Germany (Photo- gravure) . . . R. Schuster 1 15 2 333 ' Thistle's ' first race at Royal Harwich Regatta G. West and Son o 15 Gallery No. 10. 125 2334 The Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of Glasgow who held office during Her Majesty's Jubilee Year, 1887 J. Turnbull and Sons 2335 Photogravures . . J. B. Obernetter 2336 A Rose of Provence (after P. H. Calderon) — Photogravures . Berlin Photographic Co. £1 1 2337 Adagio (after Hoeterickx — Photogravure) Berlin Photographic Co. 1 1 2338 Photo-Mechanical Printing Photophane Co. 2339 Photogravures . . J. B. Obernetter 2340 Dianeme (after Alfred Ward) Autotype Co. 1 5 2341 Castle Lindenhof . Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2342 * Charity ' (Knauss) — Photogravure Berlin Photographic Co. 1 1 2343 Phototype Printing . Angerer and Goeschl 2344 H.M. Queen Victoria and Members of Royal Family (Photogravure) T. and R. Annan and Sons 2345 Moonlight Scene (after Douzette) — Photogravure Berlin Photographic Co. 1 1 2346 Castle Lindenhof Wiirthle and Spinnhirn o 5 2347 Phototype Printing . Angerer and Goeschl 2348 The Struggle for Victory between ' Genesta ' and ' Irex ' G. West and Son o 1 5 2349 Marguerite . . . . Geo. Bruce £n Soutfj Uwttale of @rano p^all 2350 The Cavalier (Bromide Enlargement) T. W.Steven 2351 Coloured Portrait, Daughter of Jas. Colquhoun, Esq. . . . G. Comrie Smith 2352 Platinotypes . . . J. Moffat 2353 Figure Studies . . /. Howie 2354 Monument of the Jeronyms (Lichtdruck) C. Relvas 2355 Ar ts of War (after Sir Frederick Leighton, P.R.A.) Autotype Co. 5 o 126 Photography. 2356 Coloured Portrait of Miss Mary Anderson W. Buist Picken ^50 o 2357 Mrs. Ray (Carbon Enlargement, finished Water Colour) W. Buist Picken 20 o 2358 £ Taking the Model's Advice ' — Photogravure in Colour (Bayne) Boussod, Valadon and Co. 2 12 2359 ' Cadeaux de Noel ' (after De Beaumont) Chromo- type-gravure . Boussod, Valadon and Co. 015 2360 Shore of Lake Ontario . . E. Dumont 2361 The Welcome (after Detti) — Photogravure Boussod, Valadon and Co. 2362 Arts of Peace (after Sir Frederick Leighton, P.R.A.) Autotype Co., £2 4 5 9 2363 The Holy Family (Coloured Lichtdruck) Brukmanns 2364 Norwegian Costumes (coloured) . M. Selmer 2 o 2365 Perch (Giacomelli) — Photogravure in colour Boussod, Valadon and Co. 2 5 2366 Photogravure Reproduction of Old Manuscript of 14th century, Sir J. Maundeville's Travels, British Museum . . Jane Escombe 2367 Do. do. do. 2368 Falls of the Feugh . . . /. B. Whyte 2369 Erster Brief [The First Letter] (after Defregger) — Coloured Lichtdruck . . J. Lowy 1 7 2370 The Wagon-Drawers (after Matthias Schmidt) — Coloured Lichtdruck . . J. Lowy 1 10 2371 The Sleeping Maiden (after Defregger) — Coloured Lichtdruck . . . J. Lowy 1 14 2372 Photo-Mechanical (Lichtdruck, etc.) Brukmanns 2373 Earthquake in Spain . . C. Relvas 2374 Photo-Mechanical and Photo-Chromotype Jaffe and Albert 237 Views of the Tay Bridge . . A.C.Lamb 23/6 Men and Women of the Day (Woodburytype) Barraud Gallery No. 10. 127 2377 Photo-Chromes in nine colours from Paintings Anger er and Goeschl 2378 Photo-Chromes in 5 colours from Paintings Anger er and Goeschl 237g Lichtdruck Painting . . C. Relvas 2380 Listening to the Birds (Bromide Enlargement) /. E. Dumont 2381 Tay Bridge . . . A. C. Lamb 2382 The ' Thistle ' (Bromide Enlargement) W. J. Finlayson 2383 A Portrait (Carbon).—/?. T. Dodd 2384 Youth (Coloured) . . . /. S. Stewart 2385 Study of a Head (Platinotype) . Geo. Bruce 2386 Pieta (after Francia) . . Autotype Co. 2387 Types of Sculpture . . R. Welch 2388 Snowie (Bromide) . . J. Macmahon 2389 Edinbarnet, Duntocher . . T. W. Steven 2390 Clyde Trust Works . T. W. Steven 2391 View at Cintra . . C. Relvas 2392 St. Catherine (Raphael) . . Autotype Co. 2392A Nine Scenes in Switzerland H.J. Houghton 2392B Lichtdruck Printing . . W. Otto £1 5 1 10 128 Works in Black and White. In Grand Hall. WORKS IN BLACK AND WHITE ON SOUTH WALL. 2393 Evening . . A. G. Sinclair £\$ 15 2394 LochCoruisk Francis Powell, R.W.S., P.R.S.W. Lent by Laurence Robertson, Esq. 2395 West doorway of Holyrood Chapel, Edinburgh W. H dimming 2396 ' The Ruling passion strong in death ' T. W. Macnee 10 o 2397 Original Drawings in Indian Ink, for Illustra- tions . . Hannah C. P. Macgoun 6 10 2398 Pergamos . . John William Ewing 13 10 2399 The Picture Gallery (after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.) . . . Auguste Blanchard 2400 The Sculpture Gallery (after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.) . . . Auguste Blanchard 2401 Struggle between Eagle and Stag Gourlay Steell, R.S.A. 84 o 2402 King David (after G. Moreau) F. Bracqueinond 20 o 2403 Les Saules [The Willows] Leon J. B. Simon 5 12 2404 Der went water, Cumberland Arthtir Tucker 6 6 2405 Bord de l'Eure . Mile. Camille Lemaire 6 o 2406 A Forest .... Leon Simon 15 o 2407 L'Abandonnee 2408 A Study from Life 2409 L'Amant Couronne 2410 Victor Hugo . M. Desboutin 4 o J. Holmes Waddell 20 o . M. Desboutin 4 o Ernest Boetzel 241 1 Route du Briare ; foret de Fontainebleau Henri Trotiville 25 o 2412 View on the Clyde . . /. C. Duncan 3 3 t In Grand Hall. 129 2413 * By yon burnside' . . Charles Slater £4 4 2414 Une Mare sous bois [A Pool in the Wood] E. Beaubrun 4 o 2415 Twilight — (1) 'Both well's Towers;' (2) Linlithgow D. Y. Cameron 5 5 2416 Secrets (Etching after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.) Leopold Lowenstam 7 10 2417 A Pastoral . . . Francis M. Leslie 1 1 2418 ' Snedding Turnips ' . . L.Hamilton 1 11 2419 The East Coast . . . /. G. Murray 5 5 2420 Morning and Evening . . J. G. Murray 4 4 2421 Etchings F. Wells 1 10 2422 St. Mungo and the Armorial Bearings of Glasgow . . . A. C. G. Dimma 5 5 2423 Marais pres Amiens . . Jules Boquet 20 o 2424 ' Pecheuse ' — (etching after C. S. Pearce) R. de Los Rios 16 o 2425 The Red Cross at Work (original drawing) [from The Graphic] . J. E-. Hodgson, R.A. 30 o 2426 Stone-pines . . Helene Barron 30 o 2427 Edinburgh Cross (original drawing) [From The Graphic] . . . W. Small, R.I. 2428 Primrose Day at Westminster [from The Graphic] W. Small, R.I. 47 5 2429 Britannia and her Boys (original drawing) [from The Graphic] . . G. Durand 24 o 2430 Bolted — A Gallant Rescue (original drawing) [from The Graphic] . /. Charlton, R.I. 31 10 2431 Decorating the Victory (original drawing) [from The Graphic] . . William Small, R.I. 30 o 2432 Le Greffeur — after Millet . V. L. Focillon 8 o 2433 Les Sangliers — after Rosa Bonheur A. Gilbert 18 o 2434 Dawn at Monte Carlo (original drawing) [from The Graphic] . . C. S. Reinhart 39 o 2435 Chemin des artistes ; for£t de Fontainebleau Henri Trouville 20 o 2436 Charcoal Burners . . . Alexis Forel 2 o 2437 Illustration to 4 Ninety-Three' [from The Graphic] W. Small, R.I. 19 19 2438 Thomas Edward (after Geo. Reid) P. Rajon Lent by John Angus, Esq. I 130 Works in Black and White. 2439 Madame de Pompadour . Adolphe Lalauze £S o 2440 Expectation . . Chris. Meadows 3 3 2441 Horace Vernet . . F. Gaillard Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2442 La Rixe [The Combat] — after Meissonier F. Bracquemond 32 o 2443 Summer Clouds F. Powell, R.W.S., P.R.S.W. Lent by Alex. Stephen, Esq. 2444 Birth of Galatea (after E. Burne Jones, A.R.A.) C. W. Campbell Lent by G. Hamilton, Esq. 2445 In the Time of Constantine (after L. Alma- Tadema, R.A.) . . Aug. Blanchard 2446 Waiting .... Moutte Lent by James Bell, Esq 2447 The Widower . . J. J. Tissot Lent by John H. Downes, Esq. 2448 Portrait . . . Tissot Lent by John H. Downes, Esq. 2449 The Foolish Virgins . P. A. Hay 25 o 2450 Etchings from Pictures in the International Ex- hibition, Edinburgh, 1886 William Hole, A.R.S.A. 245 1 Old Sailor . . Mary Campbell Brunton 3 3 2452 A Mill Stream . . Allan Stewart 5 o 2453 Study of a Head . . . Albert Moore Lent by John Angus, Esq. 2454 The Chapel of St. Michael— Artist's Proof Felix Buhot 3 10 2455 Portrait of Artist Etching . -. M. Desboutin 4 o 2456 An Old Breton Well . H. R. Robertson 4 4 2457 Mud Barges . . Charles J. Watson 15 15 2458 Laveuses a Arcachon [Washerwomen at Arcachon] Li on A. Lhermitte 32 o 2459 Sacred to Pasht — after Edwin Long Achille Jacquet 2460 The Wily Angler (after J. C. Hook, R.A.) David Law 9 9 2461 Fishmarket at St. Malo . Leon Lhermitte Lent by J. D. Hedderwick, Esq. In Grand Hall. 2462 Southend Pier . . W. L. Wyllie, R.I. £\$ o 2463 La Veillee . . . . /. F. Millet. Lent by Leon Gauchez, Esq. 2464 ' River of Gold ' . . W. L. Wyllie, R.I. 3 3 2465 Grande Rue de Verneville . A. Dornois 4 16 2466 Le Marche de Dives . Leon A. Lhermitte 48 o 2466A Jeune Bergere [Young Shepherdess] F. Bracquemond 2467 The Esk, near the Sea (Charcoal) D. A. Williamson Lent by John H. Downes, Esq. 2468 Solitude .... J as. Faulds 3 3 2469 Meadowsweet — after F. Morgan Achille Jacquet 2470 South Gray's Close . George Manson Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2471 Sir Bevis of Hampton taking leave of Josian Chas. Kirkfiatrick Sharfie. Lent by Wm. Macmath, Esq. 2472 The Hay Wain . . A. Brunet-Debaines 9 9 2473 Torrent d'Argeles, Pyrenees . Jules Boquet 20 o 2474 f A Foregone Conclusion' — Etching after L. Alma- Tadema, R.A. . . Leopold Lowenstam 7 10 2475 Le Nouveau-ne, after Millet F. Bracquemond 10 o 2476 Clutha .... Alex.Finlay 12 12 2477 Field of the Cloth of Gold . L. Smythe, R.I. Lent by Joseph Wright, Esq. 2478 Spinning . . . . /. F. Millet Lent by James Bell, Esq. 2479 Cour de Fermes, la Nuit . V. L. Focillon 8 o 2480 Le Souper . . . A. Lunois 14 o 2481 The Vintage Festival (after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.) . . . Auguste Blanchard 2482 The Gurgoyle . Veteker M. Hamilton 2 2 2483 An Oleander (after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.) Auguste Blanchara 2484 La Grande Bergere . . J. F. Millet Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 132 Works in Black and White. 2485 Sheep and Shepherd (lithograph) /. F. Millet Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2486 Chemin Creux . . . Alexis Forel £4 o 2487 Warwick Castle (original Etching) David Law 6 6 2488 Sunset — New Forest . A. W. Henley 5 5 2489 Prelude — (etching after C. S. Pearce) R. de Los Rios 8 o 2490 Return from the Fields . . J. F. Millet Lent by Leon Gauchez, Esq. 2491 Snappers up of Unconsidered Trifles W.L. Wyllie, R.l. 15 o 2492 Leaving Harbour . . . Alex. Finlay 8 8 2493 Heidelberg . . A. Dornois 10 o 2494 Church Procession . . Leon A. Lhermitte Lent by J. Forbes White, Esq. 2495 Meerkirk Holland . . G. A. Mollinger Lent by J. Forbes White, Esq. 2496 On the Dyke, near Utrecht G. A. Mollinger Lent by J. Forbes White, Esq. 2497 A Highland Ford (after John Smart, R.S.A.) C. O. Murray 5 5 2498 A Summer Morn (after E. G. Warren) E. W. Evans 2499 La Priere — (etching after C. S. Pearce) R. de Los Rios 8 o 2 500 L'Epicerie du Village [The Village Grocer] Leon A. Lhermitte 3 3 2501 * Gloomy night is gathering fast' R. B. Nisbet, R.S.W. 2 10 2502 The Solicitor . . Georges Brillouin 10 o 2503 Kynance — Cornwall . . W. /. Boddy 10 o 2504 Old Mill, Skefhngton, Leicestershire Robert Meadows 3 3 2505 La femme qui bat le beurre . J. F. Millet Lent by John Wordie, Esq. In Grand Hall. 133 2506 Man with Pink (after Van Eyck) F. Gaillard Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2507 Venice . James M l Niel Whistler, R.B.A. Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 2508 A Bacchante (after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.) Auguste Blanchard 2509 Study of Head for Miranda F. Picker sgill, R.A. Lent by Charles Blatherwick, M.D. 2510 Dolce far Niente (after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.) Auguste Blanchard 25 1 1 Christmas Roses . . Lizzie J. R. Stark £$ 3 2512 Bruinisse (Etching) . W. L. Wyllie, R.I. 3 3 2513 Le Vin (lithograph after Lhermitte) A. Lunois 6 o 2514 Souvenir of the Medway . . Felix Buhot 4 o 2515 Les Glaneuses . . . J. F. Millet Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2516 Nocturne . . . A. Lunois 4 o 2517 Winter — (1) Paisley Abbey; (2) Glasgow Cathedral . . D. Y. Cameron 5 5 2518 Shepherd and Sheep . . C.Jacque Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2519 La Malade (etching) . Leon A. Lhermitte 3 3 2520 The Ghostly Crew (original drawing for 'Rip Van Winkle ') . . Gordon Browne 8 8 2521 County Neighbours (Artist's proof ) Felix Buhot 3 jo 2522 Etchings by James M'Niel Whistler, R.B.A. {The Numbers in brackets refer to Mr. F. Wedmords 1 Whistler's Etchings, a Study and a Catalogue] London 1886.) 1 The Muff (126), dry point. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 2 The Lime-Burner (44). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 134 Works in Black and White. 3 Rotherhithe (60), trial proof, with the hull of the beached boat left white. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 4 Florence Leyland (96), trial proof, dry point. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 5 'La Mere Gerard' (9), trial proof, pure etching. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 6 ' La Vieille aux Locques ' (14). Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 7 The Kitchen (19), first state. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 8 Annie (15), trial proof, before the Artist's initials or name. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 9 Venice — Two Doorways (158). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 10 La Marchande de Montarde (16), trial proof before the address of the printer Delatre. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 11 Finette (54). On this impression Mr. Whistler himself has written : 1st state, perfect proof. Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 12 The Boy (109), touched proof, dry point. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, "Esq 13 Venice — The Palaces (153). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 14 Arthur (47). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 15 Fumette's Bent Head (51). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 16 Becquet (48) Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 17 Axenfeld (61). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 18 Putney Bridge (144). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 19 Gretchen at Heidelberg (12), one of two impres- sions known. Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 20 Battersea Bridge (141). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 21 Model Resting (87), dry point. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 22 Venice — The Rialto (181), trial proof. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 23 Venice — The Balcony (177), trial proof. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. In Grand Hall. 135 24 Elinor Leyland (95), dry point. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 25 Weary (83), dry point. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 26 Thomas Carlyle, pencil sketch. Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 27 Fanny Leyland (94), dry point. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 28 The Rag Shop (17), 1st state, before the figures were introduced. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 29 Black Lion Wharf (40). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 30 Fumette (18), trial proof, before the shading in the background. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. The Pool (41). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 2523 At the Coast (Sepia) . D. M. Duncan £4 10 2524 The Trio . . A. G. Macdougall 3 10 2525 Professor Fawcett . . . Leon Richeton 6 6 2526 M. Regnier as 'Annibale' in Augier's Comedy of PAventuriere . . J. L. E. Meissonier Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2527 The Smoker . . /. L. E. Meissonier Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 2528 Venice . fames M i Neil Whistler, R.B.A. Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 2529 Study of Trees, Luss Road, Helensburgh (original etching) . D. Mitchell Fulton 1 1 2530 News from the Front . Andrew Allan 3 3 2531 The Herring Market at Sea (etching) Colin Hunter, A.R.A. 4 4 2532 'La femme aux sceaux' — Etching after H. Lerolle (artist's proof on parchment) R. de Los Rios 15 o 2533 Les puiseuses d'eau . F. Bracquemond 10 o 2534 Breaking up the Club (original drawing, pen and ink, for 1 Rip Van Winkle ') Gordon Browne 8 8 136 Works in Black and White. 2535 Tamlane — Janet at Miles Cross Chas. Kirkpatrick Sharpe Lent by Wm. Macmath, Esq. 2536 A Jewish Synagogue (original drawing) [from The Graphic] . Sir J. D. Linton, A R.I. ;£n 16 2537 The Plough (etching) . H. R. Robertson 3 3 2538 Queen Elizabeth and Sir James Melvil — 'Mel- vil's Memoires ' . . Ada C. G. Dimma 2 2 2539 Fingal's Cave . . A. Brunet-Debaines 10 10 2540 Etchings by Charles Mery on ( The Numbers in brackets refer to M. Burtfs Catalogue of Mery oris Etchings?) 1 Le Petit Pont (38), first state. 2 La Tour de PHorloge (42), second state. 3 La Morgue (50), trial proof. 4 Le Pont Neuf, the finished pencil drawing. 5 L'Arche du Pont Notre Dame (39), second state. 6 Medallion Portrait of Meryon by Bracquemond, original pencil drawing. 7 La Pompe, Notre Dame (45), second state. 8 Le Pont Neuf (b. 47), third state. 9 L'Abside de Notre Dame (52), first state, before all letters. 10 Portrait of MeVyon seated, the original etching by Bracquemond. 11 Entrance of the Capuchin Convent at Athens (16), first state. 12 Le Pont au Change (b. 48), third state. 13 Le Stryge (37), first state. 14 Tourelle, rue de la Tisseranderie (43), first state. 15 A Doorway at Bourges (57), two copies. 16 St. Etienne du Mont (44), first state. 17 Tourelle, rue de la Tisseranderie, the finished pencil drawing. 18 St. Etienne du Mont (44), trial proof, pure etching. 19 La Galerie de Notre Dame (40), second state. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 2541 Dryburgh Abbey, Berwickshire James Lindsay 9 o 2542 Poverty . . . William Strang 2 12 2543 The Entombment — The Sower William Strang 5 5 In Grand Hall. 137 2544 Idylle . . . Mariano For tuny Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2545 St. Sebastian . . F. Gaillard Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2546 La Fileuse . . . /. F. Millet Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2547 Knight and Lady . . Jules Jacquemart Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2548 Punch by the Seaside R. Barnes, A.R.W.S. 2 5 49 Windsor . . .A. Brunet-Debaines £12 12 2550 Le Chemin de la petite Forge A. Dornois 1 12 2551 Canterbury Cathedral (original etching) C. O. Murray 4 4 2552 (1) Visite Pastorale, (2) Pelerinage de Kersaint (etchings) . . Leon A. Lhermitte 6 o 2553 The Three Graces . . David Law 7 7 2554 A Fractious Highlander (original drawing) [from The Graphic] . . . J. Charlton 31 10 2555 The Pool— after W. L. Wyllie (etching) Pierre Augustin Masse 8 8 2556 Etchings by Alphonse Legros, Slade Professor of Art, University College, London {The Numbers in brackets refer to the ' Catalogue raisonne de Vceuvre gravee et lithographiee de M. Alphonse Legros, par A. P. Merlassis et A. W. Thibaudeau, Paris, 1877.') 1 The Death of the Vagrant (89), third state. 2 Death and the Woodman (141), first state. 3 M. Auguste Rodin, Sculptor (not in Catalogue). 4 G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. (not in Catalogue), second state 5 Head — a Study (166), dry point. 6 Portrait of Thomas Carlyle (34), third state. 7 M. Jules Dalou, Sculptor (41), fifth state. 8 Spanish Choristers (59), third state. 9 E. J. Poynter, Esq., R.A. (42), fourth state. 10 Cardinal Manning (43), second state. 11 A Gust of Wind (no), fourth state. 138 Works iti Black and White. 12 The Sleep of a Scientist (120), second state, with a Portrait of the Artist engraved on the same plate —dry point 13 The Monk at the Organ (63), first state. 14 The Canal (not in Catalogue), second state. Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 2557 In a Music Hall . . D. M Duncan £6 o 2558 Depart pour le Travail . . /. F. Millet Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2559 Portraits . . . William Strang 8 8 21560 Gladstone in Midlothian (original drawing) [from The Graphic} . . W. Small, R.I. 35 8 2561 Gust of Wind in the Landes Alexis Forel 3 o 2562 At Evening Time . . A. Brunet-Debaines 2563 The Parting Kiss (after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.) Auguste Blanchard 2564 Dumbarton from Bowling — Showery Weather A. Ronaldson Thomson 4 4 2565 Notre Dame de Paris (Proof etching) Alexis Forel 4 o 2566 'Jolly Dogs are we' . • Chris. Meadows 3 3 2567 'Parting Day' . . A. Brunet-Debaines 10 10 2568 Etchings by F. Seymour Haden : — (The numbers in brackets refer to Sir William Drake's Descriptive Catalogue of the etched work of Francis Seymour Haden : Macmillan. 1879.) 1 Breaking up of the ' Agamemnon ' (Mezzotinted). Lent by F. Seymour Haden, Esq. 2 Kensington Gardens (26). Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 3 Bye-Path in Tipperary (28), second state. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 4 Sub Tegmine (16), trial proof. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 5 Breaking up of the 'Agamemnon' (Pure Etching), trial proof. Lent by F. Seymour Haden, Esq. 6 Sunset on the Thames (83), second state. Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 7 Grim Spain (168). Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 8 Brentford Ferry (66), first state. Lent by F. Seymour Haden, Esq. 9 Harry Kelly's — Putney (107), trial proof. Lent by F. Seymour Haden, Esq. 10 Sunset in Ireland (44), first state. Lent by John Wordie, Esq. In Grand Hall. 139 IT Mytton Hall (13), trial proof. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 12 Whistler's House at Old Chelsea (47), first state. Lent by F. Seymour Haden, Esq. 13 A Lancashire River. Lent by F. Seymour Haden, Esq. 14 Egham (14), first state. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 15 The Turkish Bath, dry point. ' ^ Lent by T. G. Arthur, Esq. 16 Thames Fisherman (11), first state. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 17 The Mouth of a Brook (25), trial proof. Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 18 Water Meadow (20), first state. Lent by F. Seymour Haden, Esq. 2569 Melrose Abbey, S. Transept . Wm. Brown £$ 5 2570 Lohengrin (prelude) . H. Fantin Latour 2 15 6 2571 Gotterdammerung . . H. Fantin Latour 2 15 6 2572 Friend or Foe . . J. Gillies Wilson 4 o 2573 ' The Dead Christ' by Ribera, etched by L.Hamilton 2 2 2574 Sultry Morn (a pastoral) . H. R. Robertson 3 3 2575 Pieta — after Bouguereau . Achille Jacquet 2576 Montrose's March Jas. A. Aitken, R.S.W. Lent by John Watt, Esq. 2577 ' If thou hadst known ' (Etching) William Hole, A.R.S.A. 2578 Staffa Francis Powell, R.W.S., P.R.S.W. Lent by R. Hope Robertson, Esq. 2579 Spring, after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. Auguste Blanchard 2580 Summer, after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. Auguste Blanchard 2581 Autumn, after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. Auguste Blanchard 2582 Winter, after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A. Auguste Blanchard 2583 'Market Day' . . Alexander Stewart 4 o 2584 Melrose Abbey, N. Transept Wm. Brown 5 5 2585 Stanley Castle . . James A. Watson 3 3 2586 Fontainebleau, 'Evening' A.W.Henley 5 5 140 Works in Black and White. 2587 Pan and Psyche (after E. Burne Jones) C. W. Campbell Lent by G. Hamilton, Esq. 2588 Portrait of Dr. Jas. Martineau (after Watts) P. Rajon Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2589 King Charles Spaniels (after Sir E. Landseer) Leon Richeton £2 2 2590 Zilcken . . . M. Maris Lent by John Angus, Esq. 2591 Head .... Albert Moore Lent by John Angus, Esq. 2592 Durham Cathedral — Original Etching C. O. Murray 6 6 2593 The old Leicester Hospital, Warwick Harry Poulter 1 1 2594 The Village of Ashnow, near Kenil worth Harry Poulter 1 1 2595 Buddhist Rock-cut Temple, at Karli Artist unknown Lent by T. D. Smellie, Esq. 2596 Mohammedan Architecture, India Artist unknown Lent by T. D. Smellie, Esq. 2597 A Breezy Day F. Powell, R.W.S . P.R.S.W. Lent by Alexander Stephen, Esq. 2598 Portrait — Carle Vernet (after Lepicie) Achille Jacquet 2599 Ophelie — after Cabanel Achille Jacquet 2600 Psyche — after Cabanel Achille Jacquet 2601 One of London's Open Spaces Robt. Barnes, A. R.W.S. Lent by J. Mac Andrew, Esq. 2602 Warwick Castle . . . John Ruskin Lent by B. B. MacGeorge, Esq. 2603 Le Bibliophile, — after Meissonier P. E.Le Rat Lent by Georges Petit, Esq. 2604 La Confidence . . . M. Desboutin 4 o 2605 L'homme a Ja fenetre, — after Meissonier P. E. Le Rat Lent by Georges Petit, Esq. In Grand Hall. 141 2606 Une batterie de Marine, au siege de Paris en 1870 . . . A. de Neuville £\o o 2607 Old Cottages . . . David Cox Lent by Thomas D. Smellie, Esq. 2608 Old Cottages . . . David Cox Lent by Thomas D. Smellie, Esq. 2609 John Stuart Mill, Esq. . . P. Rajon Lent by John Wordie, Esq. 2610 Scene from 'Parsifal' — Lithograph H. Fantin-Latour Lent by A. R. Henderson, Esq. 261 1 Etching . . Fred. Walker, A.R.A. Lent by John Angus, Esq. 2612 Floral Study in Charcoal (Marshes) Charles Eadie 3 3 2613 Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe — Etching. Proof on Japanese paper Geo. Straton Ferrier, R.S.W. 2 2 2614 The Smuggler's Leap . Gordon Browne 15 15 261 5 Les Foins . . . Leon A. Lhermitte 3 3 2616 ' The Wind and the Rain' . D. M'Laurin Lent by Peter Wordie, Esq. 2617 Westminster Palace (Artist's Proof) Felix Buhot 10 o 2618 Driftwood . . . H. R. Robertson 3 3 2619 Westminster Bridge . . Felix Buhot 10 o 2620 The Ferry (after Corot) . . T. Chauvel Lent by A. R. Henderson, Esq. 2621 Studies from Life (pen and pencil) Andrew Allan 7 7 2622 The Sower (after Millet) . Matthew Maris Lent by A. R. Henderson, Esq. 2623 Levee at St. James's Palace (original drawing) [from The Grafihic~\ . W. Small, R.I. 47 5 2624 Floral Study in Charcoal (Dry Banks) Charles Eadie 3 3 2625 The Torch Dance (after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.) Attg. Blanchard. 2626 Frontispiece for 'The Engravers of the Nine- teenth Century ' . . . Felix Buhot 5 o 2627 Military Jottings . . J. Gillies Wilson 4 o 2628 Ave Maria . . H. R. Robertson 3 3 142 Works in Black and White. 2629 Tug-Boat in a Storm . D. A. Williamson Lent by John H. Downes, Esq. 2630 Tangiers— (dry point) . M. L. Menfies £10 10 2631 La Surprise . . . M. Desboutin 4 o 2632 Lausanne Cathedral (proof etching on parch- ment) .... Alexis For el 6 o 2633 Jenny (charcoal) . . . J. Torrance 5 o 2634 Monk . . . A. Wasse Lent by James Richardson, Esq. 2635 I n tne Fields (original etching) Alexis Forel 3 o 2636 Le Forgeron — (etching after Vibert) A. Gilbert 5 o 2637 Bacchus and Ariadne R. W. Macbeth, A.R.A. 17 17 2638 General Boulanger . Ernest Boetzel 2639 Stone Pines . . Helene Barron 30 o WORKS IN BLACK AND WHITE IN NORTH VESTIBULE OF THE GRAND HALL. 2640 Frederick ill., German Emperor, King of Prussia (Line Engraving) . . R. Schuster ^3 10 2641 Victoria (Companion Picture) R. Schuster 2642 Children's Festival — (after Knaus Engraved by Halelmann) . . R. Schuster 5 5 2643 The late Emperor William (Companion Picture) R. Schuster 2644 Emperor Frederick ill. (Photo Etching) R. Schuster 2645 A Reading from Homer (after L. Alma-Tadema) Berlin Photographic Co. 2 2 2646 Count Moltke . . R. Schuster 2647 Prince Bismarck (Companion Picture) R. Schuster END OF CATALOGUE. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF LENDERS OF PICTURES AND SCULPTURE. The Figures refer to the Numbers in the Catalogue. A, Her Majesty the Queen, 355. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, 627A, 627B, 834. H.R.H. The Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne, 22E 1458, 1459, 1460, 1500. 242, 1455, 1456, 1457, 665, .GNEW, JOSEPH, Esq., 8, 82, 292, 684, 739, 767, 779, 783, 821, 1329, 1427. Alexander, James, Esq., 1359. Allan, James Andrew, Esq., 1305, 1316, 1374. Allan, R. W., Esq., 1260. Allcroft, J. D., Esq., 1416. Allingham, Wm., Esq., 1295, 1450. Alston, J. Carfrae, Esq., 682, 686, 1286, 1293, 1339, I 35i, 1413- Anderson, David, Esq., 652, 681, 774. Anderson, John, Jun., Esq., 632, 647, 680, *355, i377> !4i4- Angus, John, Esq., 2438, 2453, 2590, 2591, 261 1. Argyll, The Duke of, K.T., 16, no, 143. Armstrong, The Lord, 4. Arthur, Mrs., 67. Arthur, T. G., Esq., 24, 86, 201, 215, 364, 628, 637, 639, 642, 645, 648, 659, 661, 668, 710, 720, 728, 730, 746, 769, 814, 832, 2507, 2522, 2528, 2556. Aspin, James, Esq., 1175. »AIN, SIR JAMES, Bart., 3. Baird, G. A., Esq., 149A, 232, 342, 800, 1447, 1566. Baird, Mrs., 149, 297. Baker, John, Esq., 724. Beale, James S., Esq., 1232. Beddington, S. H., Esq., 135. Bell, J. Charles, Esq., 131, 192, 305, 1265. Bell, James, Esq., 2446, 2478. Berlin, Royal National Gallery, 704, 786, 787, 793, 798, 799, 801, 817, 823, 829. Binny, A., Esq., 670. Birmingham, Corporation of, 91, 186. Bishop, Thos. G., Esq., 108. Black, Dr., 117. Blackie, Robert, Esq., 1179, 1244, 1417. Blackie, W. G., Esq., LL.D., 1285. Blatherwick, Chas., Esq., M.D., 1251, 2509. 1282, Bollans, Edward, Esq., 1290. Bough, Miss Anne Lucy, 188. Bough, Mrs. Sam, 81. Boulton, H. H., Esq., 1252. Boussod, Valadon, and Co., 329. Bowman, A., Esq., 735, 736, 760. Brown, Hugh, Esq., 299. Buchanan, Colonel, 1555. Bulloch, Matthew, Esq., 759. Bute, The Marquis of, K.T., 6, 45, 713, 838. CaINE, W. S., Esq., M.P., 156, 1245, 1266, 1287. Campbell, Sir Archibald C, of Blythswood, Bart., 1494, 1496. Campbell, John A., Esq., 664, 819. Carfrae, Robert, Esq., 264. Cargill, David, Esq., 9. Carlile, T., Esq., 757, 1248, 1267. Carrick, John, Esq., 315. Christy, Stephen, Esq., 11. Clark, James, Esq., 101. Clark, T. B., Esq., 269, 656. Clelland, Professor, 1549. Coats, Mrs. Thomas, 762. Coats, Sir Peter, 170, 763. Cochrane, John, Esq., 1264. Cochrane, J. R., Esq., 1227. Connal, William, Jun., Esq., 31, 32, 162, 166, 278, 283, 383, 1234, 1297, 1314, 1418. Conservative Club, Glasgow, 165. Couper, C. Tennant, Esq., 23, 276, 303. Cowan, James, Esq., Glasgow, 229, 707, 748, 1324, 1334, 1376. Cowan, James, Esq., Edinburgh, 102, 255, 380. Cox, Robert, Esq., 683. Craig, Archibald, Esq., 257 Crum, Alexander, Esq., 266. Currie, Sir Donald, K.C.M.G., M.P., 22, 97 122, 239, 1207, 1299, 1466, 1467, 1473. 144 Alphabetical List of Deacon, mrs., 58. Dennistoun, A., Esq., 27, 95, 121, 140, 163, 220, 279, 286, 287, 293, 332, 346, 687, 694, 1203, 1204, 1210, 1306. Denny, Peter, Esq., 301. Dobell, George C, Esq., 171. Docharty, Mrs., 343, 805. Donald, James, Esq., 55, 169, 190, 208, 316, 667, 671, 706, 708, 747, 752, 753, 755, 761, 768, 772, 773, 775, 827, 830, 1208, 1233, 1239, 1380. Donaldson, Mrs., 1161, 1167, 1169, 1181, 1186, 1392, 1444. Doulton, Messrs., 1596. Dow, Thomas, Esq., 173. Downes, John H., Esq., 282, 806, 1176, 1180, 1261, 1301, 1319, 1389, 1424,1446, 1454, 2447, 2448, 2467, 2629. D'Oyley Carte, R., Esq., 1639. Dubs, Charles R., Esq., 312. Duncan, W. A., Esq., 172. Dunlop, James, Esq., 310. Dunnachie, James, Esq., 150, 193, 207, 324, 33 8 j 633, 674, 818, 1258, 1332, 1361, 1433. EaDIE, MRS., 1365. Edinburgh, University of, 1562, 1605. Edmond, Francis, Esq., 353. Elder, Mrs., 74, 167, 285, 649. Elgin Place Church, 296. Ellesmere, The Earl of, 306. Evans, Henry, Esq., 15. FlLDES, LUKE, Esq., R.A., 98. Findlay, J. R., Esq., 129. Finlay, J. Hope, Esq., 17, 146, 212. Forbes, J. S., Esq., 1. Fullerton, John, Esq., 1283. Fulton, Joseph, Esq., 258. Garcia, m. j., Esq., i6 43 . Gardiner, James, Esq., 1343, 1655. Gaskell, Holbrook, Esq., 61, 65, 69, 77, 115, 164, 176, 248, 250, 253, 265, 280, 309, 321, 348, 369, 777, 1168, 1170, 1174, 1182, 1197, 1205, 1224, 1294, 1390, 1393, 1399, 1400, 1405, 1410, 1437, 1439, 1440, 1452, 1475, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1479, 1481, 1482. Gauchez, Leon, Esq., 663, 700, 741, 2463, 2490. Gibbs, Antony, Esq., 203. Gibson, Wm., Esq., 123. Gibson, Wm., Esq., 168, 1216. Glasgow, Corporation of City of, 84, 96, 314, 365, 1601. Glover, Mrs. E., 78. Goddard, H. H., Esq., 118, 262, 289. Goddard, Wm., Esq., 33, 274. Gow, Leonard, Esq., 1631. Graham, Donald, Esq., 66. Graham, John, Esq., 59. ' Graphic, The,' 2428, 2429, 2430, 2431, 2437. Gray, Thomas, Esq., 375. HaDEN, F. SEYMOUR, 2568. Halkerston, Charles, Esq., 145. Hamilton, The Duke of, 128, 381, 655, 749, 751, 776, 826, 1553, 1613. Hamilton, George, Esq., 371, 2444, 2587. Hamilton Bruce, R. T., Esq., 634, 636, 662, 666, 721, 726, 822. Harding, R. P., Esq., 7, 71, 673, 696, 745, 780, 1230, 1276, 1315, 1412, 1429. Hargreaves, Colonel, 148. Hart, G. B., Esq., 233. Harvey, Miss E., 1298. Hedderwick, J. D., Esq., 2461. Henderson, A. R., Esq., 240, 244, 362, 1311, 2610, 2620, 2622. Henderson, Alex., Esq., 177. Henderson, Jos., Esq., 183,200, 810, 824, 1317. Henley, W. E., Esq., 1512. Hodgson, Stewart, Esq., 370, 377. Holland, J. G., Esq., 298, 795, 1249. Hollender and Cremetti, Messrs., 658, 669, 693, 705» 725, 77°, 1448. Hollins, W., Esq., 116. Holt, George, Esq., 25, 49, 202, 308, 1226. Houldsworth, J. M., Esq., 107, 1192. Houldsworth, James, Esq., 132, 194, 209, 221, 231, 245, 254, 275, 357, 1632. Houldsworth, Walter J., Esq., 363, 788, 839, 1255. Houldsworth, William, Esq., 155, 235, 251, 33 1 . 335> 34°> 7° 2 , 1160, 1189, 1195, 1219, 1396, 1402, 1406, 1408, 1411, 1468. Hunt, John, Esq., 1194, 1215. Huth, Louis, Esq., 10, 80, 368, 836. Hutson, Guybon, Esq., 328. Hutton, R. H., Esq., 1307. InGLIS, JOHN, Esq., 790. Inglis, Mrs., 376. JaCOBY, CHARLES J., Esq., 75, 106. Jamieson, James Auldjo, Esq., 1236, 1366. Jardine, David, Esq., 60, 187, 197, 373, 1193, 1200, 1442, 1453, 1464, 1472. Jardine, Sir Robert, Bart., 318, 345. Joachim, H., Esq., 1326. Johnston, D., Esq., 358. Johnston, William, Esq., 125, 175, 243. Jopling, Mrs., 271. K^AY, ALEX., Esq., 160, 247, 290, 699. Kay and Reid, 1654. Kendal, W. H., Esq., 1273. Lenders of Pictures and Sculpture. 145 Kerr, R. K. Holmes, Esq., 807. Kershaw, J. G., Esq., 36, 40, 660. Keyden, James, Esq., 130, 152, 154, 246, 382, 1163,1165, 1183, 1185, 1187, 1188, 1191, 1202, 1213, 1218, 1220, 1237, 1435, 1443, 1445. Kidston, Richard, Esq., 1346. Kirkpatrick, A. J., Esq., 378, 629, 677, 688, 689, 722, 727, 738, 782, 794, 809, 813, 816, 1304. /AIDLAW, DAVID, Esq., 311. Langton, Charles, Esq., 19, 1166, 1196, 1201, 12.11, 1242, 1250, 1256, 1279, 1300, 1313, 1344, 1378, 1403, 1404, 1426. Ledyard, F. J. D., Esq., 1348. Lefevre, L. H., Esq., 351. Leighton, Sir F., Bart., P.R.A., 42, 178. Leslie, James, Esq., 1599. Lewis, William W., Esq., 1461, 1462. Lindsay, Sir Coutts, Bart., 1612, 1645. Liverpool, Corporation of, 72, 90, 731, 1292. Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping, 259. Lodder, Charles, Esq., 1246, 1385. Lorimer, J. H., Esq., 284. Lovat, Lady, 261. Lumsden, Jas., Esq., 300. M. ADDOCKS, J., Esq., 237. Manchester, Corporation of, 204, 210. Marsden, J. M., Esq., Trustees of late, 83. Marshall, Miss, 765. Martin, Edward, Esq., 54, 213, 288, 750, 766, 1342. Martineau, Hubert, Esq., 1420. Mason, Henry, Esq., 317. Mather, George R., Esq., M.D., 144, 219, 320, 1386, 1397, 1432. Matthews, W. H., Esq., 330. Miller, R., Esq., 1240, 1327, 1425. Mirrlees, J. B., Esq., 185, 256. Mitchell, C, Esq., 650, 676, 791. Montrose, The Duke of, 225. Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield, 1498. Morrison, Walter, Esq., M.P., 1214. Mossman, John, Esq., 1271. Moyes, Williams, Esq., 792. Muir, James, Esq., 64, 111, 307, 1231, 1333, 1362, 1368, 1375, 1430. Musin, Francois, Esq., 1409. Macandrew, J., Esq., 2601. M'Arly, T., Esq., 1328. MacCorkindale, D., Esq., 1171. Macdonald, A. G., Esq., 326, 352, 1164, 1391, 1395, 1398. M'Donald, D. M., Esq., 1269, 1321. M 'Donald, J. S., 764. Macgeorge, A. 1462A. MacGeorge, B. B., Esq., 678, 1190, 1199, I2 53> I 3°8, 1360, 1401, 1441, 1465, 1469, 1470, 1471,1480, 2522, 2527, 2540, 2568, 2602. MacGregor, James, Esq., 112. M'Kay, William D., Esq., 1296. Mackenzie, Mrs. D., 191. MacLean, Allan, Esq., 249. Macmath, William, Esq., 2471, 2535. Macnee, Lady, 339. M'Pherson, J., Esq., 94. MacRitchie, D., Esq., 372. M'Taggart, William, Esq., 1159, 1254, 1394. AFTEL, PAUL J., Esq., 1172. Natorp, G., Esq., 1517. Neeld, Sir John, Bart., 252. Niven, Richard, Esq., 1263, 1270, 1312, 1369. LDHAM, THE CORPORATION OF, 273- Orchar, J. G., Esq., 21, 35, 157, 349, 1158, I2 57, I 322, 1325, 1388, 1419, 1438. Orchardson, W. Q., Esq., R.A., 114. Orr, Robert, Esq., 141, 260. Orrock, James, Esq., 12, 20, 28, 34, 38, 47, 48, 5 2 > 53> 56) 99, 126, 127, 179, 189, 206, 226, 385. Osborne, James, Esq., 1434. Oswald, James Gordon, Esq., 37. Outram, D. E., Esq., 1235, 1280. Paisley institute, the, 1603. Park, Patric, 1547. Parker, G. W., Esq., 151. Parker, John, Esq., 302 a. Paterson, R. G., Esq., 350, 1229. Pearce, Sir Wm., Bart., 268. Pearson, Thomas, Esq., 5, 18, 238, 277, 323, 354, 361, 366, 1274, 1338. Pender, Sir John, 89, 272, 359, 374, 1303, i309,i335- Perigal, Mrs., 63. Petit, Georges, Esq., 2603, 2605. Pettie, John, Esq., R.A., 263. Pollack, F., Esq., 1354. Pollock, Hugh, Esq., 723, 789, 815, 820, 1302, 1336, 1373, 1381, 1383, 1384- Poison, John, Esq., 62. Powell, Francis, Esq., P.R.S.W., 1243, 1247. Poynter, E. J., R.A, 1371. Price, David, Esq., 267. Priestman, Edward, Esq., 295. Pulley, J., Esq., 147. UILTER, W. C, Esq., M.P., 138. Q R.AMSDEN, ARCHIBALD, Esq., 142. Ramsey, Robert, Esq., 46, 51, 119, 159, 234, 631, 653, 744, 781, 802, 803, 1221, 1278, 1291, 1310, 1320, 1347, 1353, 1357, 1367, 1370, 1415, 1436. K 146 Alphabetical List of Lenders of Pictures and Sculpture. Rankin, Robert, Esq., 85, 103, 379. Raphael, E. L., Esq., 630. Reid, F. Robertson, Esq., 133. Reid, Jas., Esq., 356, 360, 638, 1272, 1341. Reid, Thomas, Esq., 1545. Renton, J. H., Esq., 50. Rhodes, Fairfax, Esq., 1431. Rhodes, John, Esq., 341. Richardson, D., Esq., 73. Richardson, James, Esq., 2634. Robb, George, Esq., 743. Roberts, Humphrey, Esq., 2. Roberts, James, Esq., Representatives of the late, 199. Robertson, Laurence, Esq., 29, 39, 153, 180, 184, 322, 1281, 1358, 2394. Robertson, R. Hope, Esq., 1423, 2578. Robin, Robert, Esq., 124. Rogers, Thomas A., Esq., 1337. Rosebery, K.T., The Earl of, 181. Ross, Major John, 347. Rothschild, Baron Gustave de, 1614. Royal Academy, 100, 105. Rylands, Wm., Esq., 325, 1259. SaNDEMAN, JOHN G., Esq., 136, 304, 644, 758, 828. Schlesinger, Mrs., 182. Schwabe, G. C., Esq., 1162. Scott, John, Esq., C.B., 76. Severn, Arthur, Esq., 1349, 1463, 1474. Shannon, J. J., Esq., 1519. Shaw-Stewart, Sir M., Bart., 1489. Smellie, T. D., Esq., 44, 367, 641, 733, 1228, 1275, 1364, 1379, 2595, 2596, 2607^ 2608. Smieton, Mrs., 214. Smith, J. Parker, Esq., 196. Smith, James, Esq., 695. Smith, Mrs. Archibald, 88, 92, 281. Smith, William, Esq., 1277, 1387. Somerville, Rev. Dr., 104. Spindler, W., Esq., 1356. Stephen, Alex., Esq., 1238, 2443, 2597. Steven, Hugh, Esq., 1421. Stevenson, P. M., Esq., 43. Strain, John, Esq., 1372. TeNNANT, SIR CHARLES, Bart., 70, 109, 113, 195, 198, 218, 223, 327. Thomson, D., Esq., 205, 236. Tonks, W. N., Esq., 334. Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, Bart., M.P., 161. Tullis, David, Esq., 1323. Tullis, James T., Esq., 57, 336, 778, 1382. Turner, H. J., Esq., 14, 120, 216, 291, 675, 690, 691. Tweeddale, The Marquis of, 812. UrE, JOHN, Esq., 1225, 1268, 1350. Valentine, w. s., Esq., 93 . Walker, Harry, Esq., 319. Walker, James, Esq., 11 84. Walker, Mrs., 1241, 1542. Wallace, Mrs., 1407. Walls, Wm., Esq., 1173. Ward, John, Esq., 1262, 1284, 1345. Watson, Alex. J., Esq., 139. Watson, Sir Jas., 227, 1568. Watson, John, Esq., i486, 1638. Watt, John, Esq., 2576. Watts, G. F., Esq., R.A., 26, 41, 337. Weinberg, J. J., Esq., 174, 1331. White, Edward Fox, Esq., 692. White, J. Campbell, Esq., 294, 1493, 1578. White, John Forbes, Esq., LL.D., 651, 654, 685, 740, 825, 2494, 2495, 2496. White, Geo. Colvin, Esq., 384, 643, 709, 784, 785, 804, 831, 1363. Whyte, John G., Esq., 13, 241, 811, 1340, 1428. Whitelaw, Mrs., 79, 313. Wigan, Frederick, Esq., 1288. Woolner, Thomas, Esq., R.A., 30, 87, 224, 270. Wolverhampton, The Corporation of, 158, 222, 230, 837, 1177, 1178, 1198, 1206, 1209, 1212, 1217, 1222, 1223, 1449, 1451. Wordie, John, Esq., 640, 672, 732, 1289,1318, 133°, x 35 2 > I 4 22 . 2 44*> 2470, 2484, 2485, 2505, 2506, 2515, 2518, 2526, 2544, 2545, 2546, 2547, 2558, 2568, 2588. Wordie, Mrs., 134. Wordie, P., Esq., 2616. Wright, Joseph, Esq., 2477. YaRBOROUGH, EARL OF, 302, 333. Young, A., Esq., 68, 137, 217, 635, 657, 679, 697, 698, 701, 703, 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 729, 734, 737, 742, 754, 756, 77i» 796, 797, 808, 833, 835- Young, T. Graham, Esq., 211, 344, 1550. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED. A The dark Figures refer to date of Birth and Death of deceased Artists. The other Figures refer to the Numbers in the Catalogue. H.R.H. The Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne, 228, 242, 1455, 1456, 1457, 1458 1459, 1460. Autotype Co., 1931, 1953, 1989, 2018, 608. .BERCROMBY, J. B., R.H.A.. Abercromby and Symington, 1744. Achenbach, Andr., 801. Achenbach, Osw., 786, 859, 862. Adam, George, 1891. Adam, J. Denovan, A.R.S.A., 294. Adam, William, 396. Adams, M. B., 1758, 1872, 1911. Aitchison, George, A.R.A., 1798, 1918. Aitken, J. A., R.S.W., 148, 535, 1434, 2576. Alabone, Dr. E. W., 2150, 2172. Allan, Andrew, 2530, 2621. Allan, Hugh, 447, 587. Allan, J. A., 2001. Allan, R. W., R.S.W., 312, 362, 993, 1091, 1260, 1311. Allan, Sir Wm, P.R.S.A., 1782-1850, 266. Allen, Thomas, 402. Allingham, Mrs., A.R.W.S., 1295, 1450. Alma-Tadema, Anna, 1326, 1354. Alma-Tadema, L., R.A., 11, 38, 1S2, 304, '321, 1226, 1341. Ambrogia, Borghi, 1643. Anderson, E. D., 2049. Anderson, J. Macvicar, 1869, 1871, 1881, 1900. Anderson, R. Rowand, LL.D., 1730, 1731. Anderson, Robert, 550. Anderson, W. Snell, 2160. Anderson, Wm. J., 1680. Angerer and Goeschl, 2343, 2347, 2377, 2378. Anglesey, Marchioness of, 2140, 2293. Annan, T. and R., & Sons, 2028, 2149, 2344- Ansdell, R., R.A., 1885, 332. Araujo, Joaquin, 901. Argenti, G., 1542, 1550. Armitage, E., R.A., 468. Armour, G. Denholm, 589. Armstrong, T. N., 201 1. Artz, D. A. C., 743, 1293. Aston, C. R., R.I., 1058. Aubert, Ernest Jean, 744. Auckhorn, Mrs., 2082. Aumonier, J., R.I., 998. Aumonier, Louisa, 472, 1092. 1 2025, 2031, 2038, 2046, 2064, 2071, 2073, 2086, 2092, 2153, 2213, 2230, 2237, 2246, 2249, 2273, 2287, 2340, 2355, 2362, 2386, 2392. Auty, M., i960, 1962, 2123, 2130, 2219, 2279. Ayrton, Madame Annie, 942. 977- ACH, GUIDO R., R. Baggally, Frank T., 1861. Baird, John, 1850. Baisch, Hermann, 871. Baldry, E. Hi, 2258. Bannatyne, J. J., R.S.W., 975. Barclay, H. and D., 1727, 1880. Barillot, Leon, 945. Barnes, Robert, A.R.W.S., 1123, 2548, 2601. Barrauds, Messrs., 2091, 2245, 2297, 2311, 2376. Barret, George, 1774-1842, 1191, 1215. Barron, Helene, 2426, 2639. Barry, Charles, F.S.A., 1782, 1793, 1815. Barry, W., 11 32. Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste, 1598. Barton, Rose, 984, 1130. Barzaghi, Professor Francesco, 970. Bastien-Lepage, Jules, 675. Bates, Harry, 1501, 1527, 1533, 1534, 1582. Baton, Zacharie -Constant-Theodore, 858. Beach, F. C, 2265. Beattie-Brown, W., R.S.A., 485. Beaubrun, E., 2414. Beavis, R., A.R.W.S., 150. Becker, Professor C, 959. Beda, F.,937. Bedlake, W. H., M.A., 1812. Bell, A. G., 1099. Bell, Henry Jobson, 622. Bell, J. D., R.S.W., 1023. Bell, Dr. R., 2129. Beraud, Jean, 920. Berger, E. J. R., 2009. Bergeret, Pierre Denis, 684, 895, 919. Berlin Photographic Co., 1964, 1983, 2162, 2171, 2317, 2318, 2336, 2337, 2342, 2345, 2645. Billet, Pierre, 738, 808. Birch, C. B., A.R.A., 1636. Bisschop, Madame Kate, 844, 965. Biaas, E. de, 784. 148 Alphabetical List of Black, Andrew, R.S.W., 570, 600. Blackie, J. A., 2118. Blacklock, Tom B., 448, 482. Blanc, H. J., 1735, 1868. Blanc, H. J., and Gordon, 1743. Blanchard, Auguste, 2399, 2400, 2445, 2481, 2483, 2508, 2510, 2563, 2579, 2580, 2581, 2582, 2625. Blatherwick, Charles, M.D., R.S.W., 1035, 1282. Blatherwick, Lily, R.S.W., 1071, 1073. Blomfield, A. W., A.R.A., 1789, 1804, 1867, 1870, 1873, 1874. Blommers, B. J., 682, 1199, 1289, 1330, 1413. Bochmann, Gv., 787, 796. Bocklin, A., 823. Boddy, W. J., 1129, 1150, 2503. Boehm, J. E., R.A., 1494, 1503, 1504, 1644. Boetzel, Ernest, 2410, 2638. Boissonnas, F., 1950, 2024, 2087, 2099, 2257. Bokelmann, 829. Bonheur, Rosa, 644, 762, 788. Bonington, Richard Parkes, 1801-1828, 30, 130, 224. Bonn, H. E. and A., 1772. Boquet, Jules, 2423, 2473. Bosboom, Johannes, 765, 825, 1225, 1239, 1342, 1381, 1415. Boston, Thomas, 1625. Boucher, Alfred Jean, 1611. Boucher and Cousland, 1748. Boucher, James, 1750. Boudin, Eugene, 891. Bough, Sam, R.S.A., 1822-1878, 81, 131, 214, 1164, 1241, 1254, 1323, 1331, 1355, 1395, 1397. 1414, I4i7- Boughton, G. H., A.R.A., 10. Bouguereau, William Adolphe, 630, 724. Boussod, Valadon and Co., 2095, 2314, 2358, 2359, 2361, 2365. Boyd, A. S., R.S.W., 604, 1324. Bracht, E., 931. Bracquemond, F., 2402, 2442, 2466a,247S, 2533. Bradbury, A., 2163. Brandard, Robert, 1805-1862, 1454. Brebner, Elizabeth M., 517. Breling, H., 764. Erendel, Prof. Albert, 869. Breton, Jules Adolphe, 781. Brett, John, A.R.A., 117, 546. Brewtnall, E. F., R.W.S., 596, 1307. Bridgman, F. A., 865, 887, 929. Brillouin, Louis Georges, 877, 879, 893, 925, 2502. Brissot, F., 631, 805, 824. Brodie, Wm., R.S.A., 1815-1881, 1566, 1605. Brooks, James, 1780, 1792, 1809, 1813. Brown, A. K., R.S.W. 301, 558, 572, 1235, Brown, J. Michael, 524. Brown, Kellock, 1569. Brown, Wm., 1031, 2569, 2584. Brown, William Marshall, 1145. Browne, G. Washington, 1733, 1786. Browne, Gordon, 2520, 2534, 2614. Brownlie, R. A., 1057. Bruce, Andrew, 1913. Bruce, George, 1943, 1954, 2047, 2060, 2067, 2079, 2108, 2109, 2189, 2233, 2252, 2286, 2349. 2385- Bruce, H. C, 1032. Brukmanns, 2363, 2372. Brunet-Debaines, Alfred, 2472, 2539, 2549, 2562, 2567. Brunton, Mary Campbell, 2451. Bruycker, De, 792. Bryce, Agnes D., 543. Bryce, D. and J., F.R.I.B.A., 1736, 1737. Bryce, W. Snodgrass, 387. Brydall, Robert, 618, 1048. Brydon, J. M., 1808, 1819. Buhot, Felix, 2454, 2514, 2521, 2617, 2619, 2626. Burgess, J. B., A.R.A., 147. Burne Jones, E., A.R.A., 31, 162, 166, 371, 1297, 1418. Burnet, John, Son, and Campbell, 1690, 1694, 1765, 1778, 1883. Burnett, Frank, 1766. Burnett, T. Stuart, A.R.S.A., 1888, 1513, IS97- Burr, A. H., 5, 146. Burr, John, 18. Buttery, J. A., 1773, Buttner, H., 876, 921. Byrne, W. J., 1933, 1971, 19/5, 2036. CaIRNEY, JOHN, 514. Calderon, W. Frank, 560, 568. Callcott, Sir A. W., R.A., 1779-1844, 115. Callow, William, 1443. Calthrop, Claude, 401. Calvert, E. S., R.S.W., 545. Cameron, D. Y.. 2415, 2517. Cameron, Duncan, 513. Cameron, Hugh, R.S.A., 213, 234, 277, 290, 299, 384, 1265, 1357. Campbell, C. W., 2444, 2587. Cardwell, Holme, 1632. Carlaw, Effie, 973. Carlaw, John, R.S.W., 551, 578, 1090. Carlaw, Wm., R.S.W., 981, 1238, 1336. Carline, George, 1113. Caroni, E., 1638. Carrick, Robert, R.I., 529, 1305, 1751. Casella, Ella, 1622. Casella, Nelia, 1618, 1620, 1621. Artists Represented. 149 Cassidy, John, 1557. Cattermole, George, 1800-1868, 1447. Catterns, Edward R., 398. Caw, James L., 1038. Cazin, 652, 961. Cei, Cipriani, 840, 943. Chalmers, George Paul, R.S.A., 1836-1878, 107, 144, 153, 174, 247, 295, 305, 320. Chalmers, P. M., 1717. Chamberlain, D., 432. Chambers, George, 1803-1840, 205. Chancellor, J., 1939, 1973, 2032, 2039, 2164, 2166, 2173, 2188, 2254. Chantrey, Sir F., R.A., 1781-1841, 1599, 1601. Charlesworth, J. W., 2141. Charlier, Guillaume, 1623, 1647. Charlton, J., R.I., 2430, 2534. Charpentier, Leon F., 841, 899. Chauvel, Theophile, 2620. Chevilliard, V., 896. Chorley and Connon, 1756, 1762. Christian, Ewan, 1791, 1802, 1827. Christie, Fyfe, 2187. Christie, J. E., 478, 526. Cinicelli, 163 1. Clark and Bell, 1675. Clark, James, 531. Clausen, G., R.I., 207. Clays, P. -J., 710. Clesinger, J. B. A., 1553. Cochrane, R. I., 1951. Collins, W., R.A., 1788-1847, 186. Collcutt, Thos. E., 1796, 1887, 1893. Colomb, W., 1389. Constable, John, R.A., 1776-1837, 69, 87, 122, 183, 189, 382. Constant, B., 759. Cooke, E. W., R.A., 1811-1880, 68. Cooper, T. Sidney, R.A., 159. Cormon, Fernand, 849. Corner, John, 1912, 2121. Cornish, A. W., 2154. Corot, J. B. C, 1796-1875, 651, 656, 658, 681, 706, 715, 728, 734, 737, 741, 748, 756, 769, 773. Corson, George, 1761, 1769. Cortazzo, 897. Cotman, John Sell, 1782-1842, 201, 270. Coulson, J. L., 2023, 2090. Courbet, Gustave, 1819-1877, 685, 722, 746. Coutts, Hubert, 988, 1154. Coventry, R. M. G., 519. Cox, David, 1783-1859, 28, 48, 53, 56, 126, 132, 154, 248, 250, 251, 253, 254, 348, 357, 1160, 1165, 1174, 1177, 1178, 1195, 1196, 1202, 1205, 1211, 1212, 1222, 1334, 1361, 1399, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1435, 1440, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1479, 1480, 1481, 1482, 2607, 2608. Cox, Frank E., 594. Crabbe, Herbert G., 1114. Crane, Walter, R.I., 454, 1010, 1065. Crawford, E., 1135. Crawford, R. C, 393. Crawford, Susan, 515. Crawhall, Jos., Jun., 1014. Creswick, Thomas, R.A., 1811-1869, 27, 96, 202. Crome, John, Sen., 1768-1821, 246. Cronenberg, W., 2325, 2330. Crooke, W., 2037, 2102, 2271, 2305. Cumming, W. H., 1707, 2395. Cunningham D., 2088. Curtois, E., 1485. DaGNAN-BOUVERET, P. A. J., 958. Dahl, Hans, 807. Dalglish, Wm., 992, 1120. Dalou, Jules, 1612. Dameron, Emile Charles, 906. Damoye, Pierre Emmanuel, 861, 905. Danby, G. F., 1760. Dargelas, 696. Daubigny, C. F., 1817-1878, 697, 703, 739, 768, 797. Davidson, Archibald M., 1083. Davidson, Charles, R.W.S., 1095. Davidson, R., 1714. Dawson, Henry, 1811-1878, 99, 127, 222, 274, 289. Decamps, G., 1803-1860, 753. Degas, 836. Delacroix, F. V. Eugene, 1798-1863, 751. Del Gobbo, Romolo, 1546. Demont, Adrien Louis, 791. Desboutin, Marcellin Gilbert, 2407, 2409, 2455, 2604, 2631. Detmold, Henry E., 559. De Wint, P., 1784-1849, 1187, 1213, 1224, 1313, 1329, 1400, 1411, 1451. Diaz, N. V. 1807-1876, 649, 654, 663, 672, 680, 700, 720, 752, 754, 830, 832. Dicey, Frank, 475, 582. Dillon, Frank, R.I., 985. D'lllzach, Ringel, 1544, 1624. Dimma, A. C. G., 2422, 2538. Dingley, Humphrey J., 1008, 1077. Diston, A., 1948, 1949, 1969, 1970, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1994, 2114, 2115, 2236, 2239, 2240, 2267, 2268. Dobson, H. J., 1121. Docharty, A. Brownlie, 438, 503. Docharty, James L. C, 1009, 1051. Docharty, J., A.R.S.A., 1829-1878, 79, 111,343. Dodd, R. T., 2147, 2303, 2383. Dodgshun, E. J., 1753, 1836. Donald, John Milne, 1819-1866, 82, 168, 200, 236, 1176, 1271, 1387. Alphabetical List of Donald, Tom, 1853-1883, 1277. Dore, Paul Gustave, 949. Dornois, A., 2465, 2493, 2550. Douglas (Campbell) and Sellars, 1676, 1703, 1709, 1716, 1724, 1838, 1841. Douglas. James, 1140. Douglas, Sir W. Fettes, P.R.S.A., 129, 354. Douzette, L., 888. Dove, D., 2019, 2035. Dow, T. M., R.S.W., 173, 1229. Drake, F., 1660, 1661, 1664, 1666, 1667, 1671. Dressier, C, 1530, 1652. Drury, A., 1515. Dubois, Paul, 1520, 1627, 1645. Dubourg, Madame Victoria, 1127, 1156. Duez, E., 918. Du Maurier, G., A.R.W.S., 1066, 1115. Dumont, J. E., 2326, 2360, 2380. Dun and Hansom, 1683, 1685, 1687. Dun, John, 406. Duncan, A. C. W., 474. Duncan, D. M., 2523, 2557. Duncan, E., R.W.S., 1803-1882, 1228, 1332, 1433- Duncan, J. C, 2412. Duncan, Thomas, R.S.A., 1807-1845, 17, 212, 3i8, 345- Dupre, Jules, 747, 771, 777, 782. Dupre, V., 733. Durand, G., 2429. Duverger, T. E., 745, 873, 968. Dyason, E. H., 1036. EaDIE, CHARLES, 2612, 2624. Eadie, J. W., 2015, 2094. Earle, Charles, R.I., 1016, 1157. East, Alfred, R.I., 520, 1356. Edis, E. W., F.S.A., 1826, 1842. Ellis, Edwin, 336. Emerson, Dr. P. H., 1998, 2006, 2075, 2080, 2083, 2146, 2148, 2158, 2190, 2195, 2205, 2247, 2248, 2269, 2281, 2290. Emerson, William, 1807, 1909. Engel, Joseph, 1558. Engelhard, i486. Erdmann, Otto, 853. Escombe, Jane, 2366, 2367. Etty, W., R.A., 1787-1849, 203, 252, 342. Evans, E. W., 2498. Ewbank, J. W., R.S.A., 1779-1847, 113. Ewing, George E., 1545. Ewing, James A., 1608. Ewing, John Wm., 2398. KaED, JAMES, 626. Faed, James, Jun., 569. Faed, John, R.S.A., 149. Faed, Thomas, R.A., 229, 275, 286, 297, 408, 539- Fahey, James, 1814-1885, 1274. Fairley, James, A.R.I.B.A., 1678. Fantin-Latour, H., 664, 814, 904, 917, 952, 2 57°> 2 S7i> 2610. Farquharson, Joseph, 433. Faulds, James, 2468. Faulkner, R., and Co., 2259. Fawcett, Emily Addis, 1538. Fergus, J., 1979, 2033, 2040, 2142. Ferguson, D., 1556. Ferguson, Wm., 1153. Ferrier, George Straton, R.S.W., 2613. Feyen-Perrin, Augustin Francois Nicolas 833- Fichel, E. B., 670. Fielding, A. V. Copley, 1787-1855, 315, 1166, 1193, 1200, 1390, 1403, 1426, 1452. Fildes, Luke, R.A., 98, 265. Fillans, James, 1603, 1604. Finch, F. O., 1802-1862, 1185. Finlay, Alex., 2476, 2492. Finlay, J. A. Neilson, 1561. Finlayson, W. J., 2152, 2167, 2169, 2176, 2382. Fisher, Mark, R.I., 217, 240, 244. Flockhart, William, 1817, 1818. Flockton and Gibbs, 1684, 1856, 1862. Focillon, Victor Louis, 2432, 2479. Forbes, Stanhope, 237, 443. Forel, Alexis, 2436, 2486,2561/2565, 2632, 2635. Ford, E. Onslow, 1563, 1580, 1635. Ford, George M., 1713. Fortuny, Mariano, 1838-1874, 2544. Foster, Birket, R.W.S., 1206, 1303. Fraikin, C. A., 1637, 1653. Frampton, George Glanfield, 1507. Frappa, Jose, 894. Fraser, Alex., A.R.S.A., 1209. Fraser, Alex., R.S.A., 64, 119, 192, 292, 465 610. Frazer, D., 2027, 2143. Fremiet, E., 1586, 1590. Frere, Ed.. 1819-1886, 633, 660, 687, 694, 767, 783, 790, 815, 837, 839. Frew, Alex., 414. Frier, Jessie, 1030, 1034. Frost, W. E., R.A., 1810-1877, 121. Fulford, R. M., 1788, 1877, 1902, 1924. Fullarton, Mrs., 1564. Fulton, D. Mitchell, 2529. Fulton, David, 416, 548. Gabriel, j. p. c, 723, 882, 9 u. Gaillard, E., 2441, 2506, 2545. Gainsborough, Thos., R.A., 1727-1788, 70, 195- Artists Represented. 151 Galofre, B., 880, 936, 972, 1001, 1340. Gautherin, Jean, 1543, 1626. Gardner, Mary, 498. Gavin, Robt., R.S.A., 1827-1883, 319. Geddes, Andrew, A.R.A., 1789-1844, 302 A. Geddes, W. H., and Son, 2048, 2050, 2068, 2072. Geets, Professor Wm., 884. Gentz, W. K., 799. George, E., and Peto, 1784, 1787, 1829, 1903. Gerome, J. L., 691, 702, 776. Gibb, Robert, R.S.A., 142. Gibson, J. P., 2030, 2062, 2077. Gilbert, A., 2433, 2636. Girardet, Jules, 850, 908. Glennie, Arthur, 997, 1004. Goldie, Child, and Goldie, 1757, 1768, 1917. Goodall, F., R.A., 155, 235, 1437. Goodall, Walter, R.W.S., 1338. Goodwin, W., 1996, 2231. Gore-Booth, Mrs., 1579. Gotch, J. Alfred, 1779, 1853. Gotch and Sanders, 1879. Gow, A. C., A.R.A., 72. Grace, A. F., 1037. Grace, James E., 483. Graham, Peter, R.A., 260, 1442. Graham, T., i/.R.S.A., 59, 557. Graham-Gilbert, J., R.S.A., 1794-1866, 8, 9, 37, 276, 281, 303. Grassby, Charles B., 1892. Greenlees, Georgina M. (Wylie), R.S.W., 593, 1076, 1138. Greenlees, Robert, R.S.W., 450. Gregory, E. J., A.R.A., 259, 351. Grieve, M., 405, 602, 1119. Grimmond, William, 497. Guida, Giovanni, 944. Guthrie, James, 353, 505. H AANEN, Van G, 795, 818, 927. Haden, F. Seymour, 2568. Hadfield, Charles, 1824. Hadfield, M.E., and Son, 1855, 1858. Haddon, W., 1093. Haggart, Donald, 1549. Haig, J. Hermiston, 391, 536. Halket, Thomas, Jun., I.A., 1770. Halse, Emmeline, 1539. Halse, George, 1490. Halswelle, Keeley, A.R.S.A., 323. Hamilton, Mrs. L., 2418, 2573. Hamilton, John, LA., 1774. Hamilton, J. Whitelaw, 506, 1067. Hamilton, T. Crawford, R.S.W., 11 12, 1136. Hamilton, Vereker M., 583, 2482. Hanbidge, J. E., 509. Hardie, Chas. Martin, A.R.S.A. 199. Hardie, H. D., 7. Hare, Rev. H. B., 2100, 2101. Harlamoff, 727, 757, 785. Harpignies, Henri J., 940, 941 1281, 1318 1367- Harrach, Count F. G., 915. Harrison, Maria, A.R.W.S., 1105. Harrisson, George Alexander, 1610. Hartrick, A. Standish, 527, 547. Harvey, Sir George, P.R.S.A., 1805-1876, 145, 344, 305, 1298. Hay and Henderson, 1728, 1729. Hay, Geo., R.S.A., 219. Hay, P. A., 2449. Hay, T. Marjoribanks, 507. Hay, W. and J., 1673, 1674, 1866. Hay, W. H., 1677. Hay, W. Hardie, 418. Hayes, Claude, 534. Hayes, E., R.H.A., 118, 488, 1002. Hayward and Son, 1825, 1894. He'dou, J. P. E., 962. Heilbuth, J., 1383. Heiton, Andrew, 1741, 1890. Hems, Harry, 1658, 1659, 1852. Henderson, A. R., 1101. Henderson, Cath., 435. Henderson, Joseph, R.S.W., 104, 157, 1046. Henderson, J. Morris, 444. Henderson, John, 451. Henkes, Gerke, 947, 950. Henley, A. W., 2488, 2586. Henner, Jean Jacques, 831. Henry, George, 1141. Henshaw, J. H., 91. Hensley, Lilly, 1084. Herdman, Robert, R.S.A., 1829-1888, 67, 160, 243, 361, 1272, 1358. Herkomer, H., A.R.A., 137, 165, 204, 329. Heritage, Alice E., 390. Hermann, Arnold, 881. Herring, John Fred., 1795-1865, 163. Hertel, Albert, 1053, 1149. Hibbert, T. J., 2182. Hill, Mrs. D. O., 1602. Hines, Theo., 532. Hinnen, Elise, 2179. Hodgson, John E., R.A., 123, 2425. Hoeterickx, E., 1063. Hogarth, Wm., 1697-1764, 23, 225, 261, 379. Hole, William, A.R.S.A., 522, 2450, 2577. Holl, Frank H., R.A., 161, 334. Holland, James, 1800-1870, 1189, 1219, 1220, 1230. Honeyman, John, 1702, 1720, 1846. Hook, James Clarke, R.A., 61, 327, 359. 152 Alphabetical List of Hopkins, Arthur, R.W.S., mo, 1137. - •■■ Hornel, E. A., 456. Houghton, H. J., 2392 a. Houston, Charles, nz6. Houston, John R., R.S.W., 994. Howie, J., 2353. Huddon, A. Trevor, 1146. Hugenholtz, A., 1384. Hughes, Arthur, 40. Hume, E., 501. Hume, W. C, 2228. Hunt, A. W., R.W.S., 156, 595, 1245. Hunt, Thos., R.S.W., 493, 500A. Hunt, Holman W., 49. Hunt, William, 1790-1864, 1168, 1183, 1192, 1283, 1294, 1410, 1431. Hunter, Colin, A.R.A., 112, 210, 584, 2531. Hunter, Mason, 1102, 1139. Hutcheon, J., 446. Hutcheson, Walter, 436, 479. Hutchison, John, I. A., 1712, 1752. Hutchison, J. C, 2000. Hutchison, R. G., 525, 627. Huysmanns, J. B., 842. Irvine, james, 269. Isabey, E. L. G., 760. Isabey, J. B., 1804-1887, 655. Israels, Josef, 638, 661, 742, 761, 1291, 1362, 1376, 1427. Itasse, A., 1589. Ives, F., 2316. JaCKHAM, CROOTE and STUART, 1854. Jackson, Bros., 2270. Jackson, F. A., 1961, 1999, 2010, 2021, 2304. Jackson, T., 1847. Jackson, T. G., 1821, 1904, 1910, 1914, 1921. Jacobs, Louis A. E., 870. Jacque, C, 646, 657, 719, 732, 735, 2518. Jacquemart, J., 1613, 2547. Jacquet, Achille, 2459, 2469, 2575, 2598, 2599, 2600. Jacquet, Jean Gustave, 688, 843, 954. Jaffe and Albert, 2374. Jamesone, George, 1586-1644, 347. Jansen, Fritz, 868, 874. Jimenez, Luis, 698, 885. Johnson, C. E., 141, 510. Johnson, H., 627B. Johnson, R. J., F.S.A., 1686, 1688, 1859, i860, 1864, 1878. Johnston, Alexander, 427. Johnson, E. K., R.W.S., 1172. Johnstone, G. W. A.R.S.A., 422. Jongkind, J. B., 813, Jopling, Mrs. Louise, 424, 621. Joseph, Samuel, 1850, 1562. Joy, A. Bruce, 1505, 1573, 1617. KaUFMANN, HUGO, 857, 866. Kaulbach, W., 643. Kay, Archibald, 486. Kay, E., and Son, 1990. Kay, James, 1019. Keene, R., 2186, 2288, 2253, 2295. Kemp, W. G., 1025. Kenworthy, J. W., 2 131. Keppie, John, 1039, 1665, 1674. Kerr, Henry W., 1155. King, Agnes Gardner, 1148. King, Elizabeth Thomson, 528. King, Haynes, 995. Kinnear, J. H., 1740. Kinnear and Peddie, 1742. Knaus, L., 716. Knille, O., 704. Krohg, Christian, 864. Kroyer, Peter Severin, 676. Kuhl, Gotthard, 701. Lafayette, j., 1927, 1929, i 93 o, 217 2307, 2308. Laing, James G., R.S.W., 1059, 1144. Lalauze, Adolpbe, 2439. Lamb, A. C, 2375, 2381. Lambert, L. E., 1203. Lamburini, 709. Lamont, T. R., A.R.W.S., 1072. Lance, George, 1802-1864, 140, 1237. Landseer, Sir Edwin, R.A., 1802-1873, 34. 44, 381, 627A. Lang, W., Jun., 2136. Lange, Paul, 2112, 2244. Lanson, Alfred, 1523, 1629. Lansyer, Emmanuel, 867, 928. Lanteri, Edward, 1536. La Thangue, H. H., 449. Lauder, C. J., R.S.W., 512. Lauder, R. Scott, R.S.A., 1802-1869, i 4 gA r i75, 306, 346. Lavery, J., 258, 541. Law, David, 1124, 2460, 2487, 2553. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P.R.A., 1769-1830,. 310- Laws, P. M., and Son, 2059, 2322. Lawson, Cecil, G., 1851-1882, 1, 66, 101, 317,. 338, 378, 1258, 1278, 1310, 1317, 1368, 1436. Lawson, F. W., 445. Lawson, G. A., i/.R.S.A., 1525, 1532, 1592,. 1615. Lazt, Th., 1491. Leadbetter, Thomas, 1705, 1899. Artists Represented. 153 Ledward, R. A., 1567. Lee, F. R., R.A., 1798-1879, 293. Lee, T. Stirling, 1519, 1551, 1607, 1634. Legros, Alphonse, 2556. Lehmann, Rudolf, 603. Leighton, Sir Fred., Bart., P.R.A., 25, 178, 181, 370, 377, 1514, 1577. Leiper, William, 1704, 1715, 1844, 1875. Leitch, W. L., 1804-1883, 1161, 1167, 1169, 1179, 1181, 1186, 1275, 1308, 1364, 1365, 1379, 1391, 1392, 1398, 1407, 1444. Leloir, Alexandre, Louis 1843-1884, 1306. Lemaire, Camille E., 2405. Lemaire, Hector, 1516, 1518, 1633. Leon, Hermann, 749. Le Rat, P. E., 2603, 2605. Leslie, C. R., R.A., 1794-1859, 109, 152. Leslie, Francis M., 2417. Leslie, Frank, 1492. Leslie, G. D., R.A., 209. Lessore, Jules, 1240, 1286, 1327, 1373. Lewis, John Fred., R.A., 1805-1876, 1279. Lewis, D., 2029, 2093. Lewis, Lennard, 1029, 1033. Lewis, W. G. B., 1814, 1839, 1907. Leyde, Otto, R.S.A., 412, 1012, 1131. Lhermitte, Leon A., 699, 778, 2458, 2461, 2466, 2494, 2500, 2519, 2552, 2615. Lindsay, James, 1691, 2541. Lindsay, Lady, R.I., 1013. Linnell, John, 1792-1882, 20, 29, 47, 95, 179, 187,340,373,1158,1438. Linton, Sir J. D., P.K.I., 33, 75, 106, 439, 1461, 1462, 2536. Little, Edith J., 1085. Little, Robert, R.S.W., 1267. Lochhead, J., 563, 574. Lockhart, W. E., R.S.A., 136, 1320, 1333, 1347, 1377- Lodder, Charles, 1024. Logsdail, W., 598. Lombardi, G. B., 1568. Long, Edwin, R.A., 298. Longepied, L., 1540, 1541, 1588. Lorimer, J. H., A.R.S.A., 284. Los Rios, Ricardo de, 2424, 2489, 2499, 2532. Low, D. P., 1698, 1745. Lowenstam, Leopold, 1000, 2416, 2474. Lowy, J., 1937, 2204, 2216, 2235, 2280, 2301, 2369, 2370, 2371. Ludovici, Albert, 575. Lunois, Alex., 2480, 2513, 2516. Luppen, J. Van, 966. Lupton, H., 1997. ]VIaDRAZO, R., 804, 1328. Mann, Alexander, 134, 469, 567. Mann, Harrington, 425, 460. Manson, George, 1850-1876, 1184, 1236, 1246, 1255, 1257, 1296, 1322, 1366, 1385, 1419, 1421, 2470. Marcke, E. Van, 647, 707. Marechalle, Madame Elisa, 872. Maris, James, 628, 629, 645, 665, 809, 822, 1233. Maris, Matthew, 639, 648, 653, 726, 2590, 2622. Maris, William, 758, 766, 779, 821. Marks, H. Stacey, R.A., 171. Marqueste, L., 1585, 1587. Marsh, W. P., 1938, 2012, 2168, 2*241. Marshall, Herbert M., R.W.S., 1232. Marshall, W. Calder, R.A., 1510, 1522. Marshall, Mrs. Rose, 502, 523. Martens, W. J., 933. Martin, John, 1789-1854, 191. Mascart, G., 924. Mason, George H., A.R.A., 1828-1872, 42. Masse, Pierre Augustin, 2555. Mathon, Emile Louis, 811. Mauve, Anton, 1838-1888, 750, 806, 1319, 1321, 1339, i35i> 1424, M32- Max, Gabriel, 798. Maxwell, Hamilton, R.S.W., 1005. May, Ed. John, 1799, 1885. Meadows, Chris., 244o t 2566. Meadows, Robert, 2504. Meissonier, J. L. E., 1448, 2526, 2527. Melrose, W. Brodie, 410. Mendel and Jacob, 2081. Mendelssohn, H. S., 2113, 2170. Menpes, M. L., 2630. Menzel, Ad., 1162. Menzler, W., 763. Meryon, Charles, 1821-1868, 2540. Mesdag, H. W., 677, 803, 816, 846, 878, 960, 1269. Mesdag, Taco, 863, 963. Mesdag van Houten, Madame S., 909, 930. Mesker, T., 1301, 1428. Mettling, L., 789. Michel, 662. Michie, John D., 613. Military School of Engineering, 1955, 1992. Millais, Sir J. E., Bart., R.A., 36, 65, 164, 271, 1242, 1250, 1256. Miller, John, 533, 591. Miller, William G., 1109. Millet, Jean Francois, 1814-1875, 667, 669, 693, 718, 729, 2463, 2478, 2484, 2485, 2490, 2505, 2515, 2546, 2558. Milne, William, 430. Mitchell, Sydney, 1706, 1708, 1725. Moffat, Arthur E., 1074, 1128. Moffat, J., 2250, 2263, 2352. Mollinger, G. A., 740, 800, 2493, 2496. Montalba, Clara, A.R.W.S., 428, 1143, 1346, 1353- 154 Alphabetical List of Montalba, Henrietta S., 1498, 1500, 1508, 1526. Montalba, Hilda, 464, 588. Monteith, John A., 1060. Monticelli, A., 1824-1886, 721, 775. Moore, Albert, 24, 32, 278, 283, 2453, 2591. Moore, Henry, A.R.A., 80, 562, 620, 1047,1290. Morice, Leopold, 1581. Morland, George 1763-1804, 19, 221, 363, 375. Morris, P. R., A.R.A., 307, 392. Morton, T. Corsan, 429, 437. Morton, G., 386. Mossman, John, Zf.R.S.A., 1496, 1554, 1560. Mossman, George, 1591. Mouncey, William, 389. Moutte, 2446. Muir, W. T., 452. Muller, Professor Carl, 713, 838, 856. Miiller, Ed., 1483. Muller, L. C, 679. Muller, William James, 1812-1845, 12, 60, 197, 287, 385, 671, 1188. Mullins, E. Roscoe, 1537, 1570, 1584. Mulready, W., R.A., 1786-1868, 227. Munger, A., 770. Munkacsy, M., 635, 705, 736. Munro, D., 13. Munro, Margaret, 471, 495. Munro, Robert, 540. Munro, Thomas, 592, 980. Munthe, L., 674, 689, 969. Murray, C. O., 2497, 2551, 2592. Murray, David, A.R.S.A., A.R.W.S., 151, 273, 434, 1247, 1268, 1280. Murray, G., 2194. Murray, J. G., 2419, 2420. Murray, J. Reid, 573. Musin, Francois, 1409. Macarthur, Blanche, 1086. Macbeth, Norman, R.S.A., d. 1888, 84. Macbeth, R. W., A.R.A., 2, 1243, 1375, 1430, 2637. MacBride, Alex., R.S.W., 388, 1055. M'Bride, Charles, 1594. M 'Bride, Wm., 1040. MacCallum, J. Hamilton, R.I., 135, 1251. M'Corkindale, Dr., 2070. Macculloch, Horatio, R.S.A., 3806-1867, 170, 211, 238, 326, 339, 352, 358, 1325, 1388. Macculloch, James, R.S.W., 999. Macdonald, Alex., 2196, 2209, 2220, 2276, 2294. Macdonald, J. B., R.S.A., 124, 1370. Macdougall, A. G., 2524. M'Ewen, Charles, 397, 1080. MacEwan, Tom, R.S.W., 125, 571. M 'Gibbon, Alex., 1679, 1790. Macgillivray, Mrs. F., 466. Macgillivray, J. P., 1502, 1506, 1552. Macgoun, Hannah C. P., 2397. M'Gowan, F. E., 2110. Macgregor, Jessie, 477, 1117. MacGregor, Marie S., 623. M'Gregor, Robert, A.R.S.A., 417, 538. MacGregor, W. Y., 249. M'Kay, W. D., R.S.A., 233, 411, 616. MacKellar, Duncan, R.S.W., 459, 476, 558, 1372. Mackenzie, W. M., 521. Mackie, C. H., 612. Maclaren, John, 500. M'Laurin, Duncan, 511, 2616. Maclean, T. Nelson, 1497, 1630, 1641. M'Leod, John, 1692, 1771, 1908, 1919. M'Luckie and Walker, 1689. Maclure, Macdonald, & Co., 1952, 2327, 2331. Macmahon, J., 2207, 2223, 2388. Macmaster, James, R.S.W., 1006, 1049, 1147 M'Millan, Hamilton John, 624. Macnab, A., 2058, 2144. M'Naughton, D., 1738, 1739. Macnee, Sir Daniel, .P.R.S.A., 1806-1882, 3, 74, 78, 296. MacNee, R. Russell, 1050. Macnee, T. W., 2396. M'Niven, John, 496, 619. Macpherson, Archibald, 1732, 1734, 1915. M'Taggart, Wm., R.S.A., 21, 35, 193, 257, 1 231. MacWhirter, John, A.R.A., Zf.R.S.A., 1309. 1\ ADARS, 1934. Naftel, Maud, A.R.W.S., 1348. Naftel, Paul J., R.W.S., 1337. Nairn, James M., 421, 470. Napier, J. M., 1018. Nasmyth-Langlands, Geo., 462. Nasmyth, Patrick, 1787-1831, 356, 360, 374. Natorp, G., 1648. Neill, A., 1711, 1848. Neill, B., 1898, 1905. Nesbitt, John, 463. Neuhuys, Albert, 774, 1302, 1350, 1386, 1422. Neumans, A., 903. Neuville, A. de, 2606. Nevill, Ralph, F.S.A., 1835, 1882, 1923. Nicol, E., R.S.A., A.R.A., 180, 184, 245,255, 300, 380. Nicholson, Alice M., 983, 1062. Nicholson, John P., 1126. Niemann, E. J., 1813-1876, 158, 230. Nimmo, P., and Sons, 2014. Nisbet, Jane, 564. Nisbet, Pollok S., 492. Nisbet, R. B., R.S.W., 1020, 1087, 2501. Artists Represented. 155 Nisbet, T., 2063, 2105. Nittis, J. de, 1845-1884, 690, 692, 828. Noble, David, 419. Noble, J. Campbell, A.R.S.A., 57, 580. Noble, Robert, 585. Norie, M. L., R.S.W., 1089, 1103, 1142. Normann, A., 875, 892. North, J. W., R.W.S., 1266, 1287. O AKES, J. W., A.R.A., H.R.S. A., 1394- Woodhouse and Morley, 1849, 1851. Woods, Henry, A.R.A., 309. Woolner, T., R.A., 1484, 1488, 1575. Woolnoth, Charles N., R.S.W., 1003. Wright, George, 1045. Wiirthle and Spinnhirn, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1956, 1958, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1993, 1995, 2007, 2008, 2016, 2017, 2051, 2052, 2055, 2056, 2057, 2065, 2066, 2217, 2221, 2226, 2242, 2302, 2341, 2346. Wyatt, R. J., 1489. Wvld, W., 932, 967, 1017, 1082. Wylie, G. Kinloch, 489. Wyllie, C. W., 530. Wyllie, W. L., R.I. 100, 561, 1042, 2320, 2462, 2464, 2491, 2512. Young, james, 1865. Young, William, R.S.W., 311, 601, 615. Young, Wm., 1781, 1783, 1805, 1806. Young, R. Clouston, 467. Youngman, A. M., R.I., 1104. Yvon, Adolphe, 780. ZeRRAS, A., 939. Ziem, F. F. G. P., 802, 886, 935. Zimmermann, E., 711, 810. GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01378 1584