mm mmm *- -71 |* 3'1 T H E yitL BUILDER’S COMPANION, AND WORKMAN’S GENERAL ASSISTANT; DEMONSTRATING, After the moffc eafy and practical Method, ALL THE PRINCIPAL RULES of ARCHITECTURE, FROM The Plan to the Ornamental Finish; Illuftrated with a greater Number of ufeful and familiar Examples than any Work of that Kind hitherto publiihed ; w I T H Clear and ample Instructions annexed to each Subject or Number, on the fame Plate, with Estimates of Materials and Workmanship; Being not only ufeful to all Masons, Bricklayers, Plasterers, Carpenters, Joiners, and others concerned in the fever al Branches of Building, &c. but alfo neceflary for Gentlemen, who will be hereby enabled to know the exafl Expence of any Building, Alteration, or Repair. The Whole corrcdtly engraved on 92 Folio Copper-Plates, Containing upwards of Seven Hundred Designs on the following Subjects, &c. I. Of Foundations, '"'alls, and r* .r Diminutions, Fitnefs of Chimneys, and P- portion of Light to Rooms, with the due Scantlings of Timber to be cut for Buildings, &c. II. Great Variety of Geometrical, Elliptic, and Po¬ lygon Figures, with Rules for their Formation, centering of all Sorts for Groins, Brick and Stone Arches, Sec. both circular and fplayed, alfo with circular Soffits in a circular Wall; many Exam¬ ples for Gluing and Vaneering Niches, &c. with Rules for tracing the Cover of Curve-Line Roofs, Piers, Vafes, Pedeftals for Sun-Dials, Bulls, &c. and their moll fuitable Proportions. III. General Directions for framing Floors and Par¬ titions, Trufs-Roofs, &c. and Methods to find the Length and Backing of Hips, llraight or curve Lines to any Pitch, Square, or Bevel. IV. Of Stair-cafes, varioufly conitruCted ; the Me¬ thods of working Ramp and Twill Rails; Profils of Stairs to lhew the Manner of fetting Carriages for the Steps ; alfo the Framing of String-Boards and Rails, and likewife of fixing them. V. The Five Orders of Architecture from Palladio, with the Rule for gauging Flutes and Fillets on a diminifhed Column, by a Method extremely eafy, and entirely new. VI. Doors, Windows, Frontifpieces, Chimney-pieces, Cornices, Mouldings, &c. truly proportioned, in a plain and genteel Talte. VII. SacredOrnaments, viz. Altar-pieces,Pulpits, Sec. VIII. Gothic Architecture, being a various Collec¬ tion of Columns, Entablatures, Arches, Doors, Windows, Chimney-pieces, and other Decoration - in that prevailing Tail 0 —And it may be noted ot thefe, as of all the foregoing Examples, that they are immediately adapted to Workmen, and may be executed by the meanelt Capacity. IX. Plans and Elevations of elegant Buildings, Green-Houfes, Hot-Houfes, Temples, Seacs for Gardens, Parks, Sec. By TV I L L I A M P A I TV, Architect and joiner. THE THIRD EDITION, With many Improvements and Additions by the Author. LONDON: Printed for Robert Sayer, Map and Printfeller, at the Golden Buck, neat Serjeant’s Inn, Fleet-flreet. M DCC LXIX. . * . ' A T A B L E OF THE CONTENTS. n ? I Foundations, Proportions, &c. in Letter- . ^ re< " s -- Page i, 2, 3, 4 Bricklayer’s Work - .-- * , Tiling - - Pan tiling -. - Paving -- -- Carpenter’s Work- Boarded Partitions - Boarded Floors — Barn Floors -- - Squares and Coolers for Brewing Weather Boarding — Stair-cafes _ _ Cornices to the Eaves of Houfes Frontifpieces - _ Pale Fencing — _. Joiner’s Work -- - Plaifterer’s Work — __ Mafon’s Work —•— _ Glazier’s Work .— Plumber’s Work __ _ Painter’s Work — _ Blackfmith’s Work __ Eftimate of building a new Houfe Of the Diminifhing of Walls Timber Scantlings - Of Geometrical Figures — Groins and Angle Brackets — Brick and Stone Arches - Circular Soffits -- — Niches and Vaneering them — Piers for Gates — _ Vafes, Stone-Tables, and Fonts Pedellals for Sun-Dials and Bulls Of framing principal Rafters, Floors and truffing Girders - The Lengths and Backing of Hips Backing Curve-line Hips — ■ Trufs-Roofs and Domes _ Plans for Stairs, &c. — Elevation for Stairs — Moulding for Bracket-Stairs _ Elevation for ditto — Plan and Scroll for a Twill Rail Ditto at large _ _ Two Flights of Pedeflal-Stairs Mouldings at large for ditto _ Centers for Mouldings _ Intercolumnations _ New-invented Rule _ Tufcan Order Mouldings for ditto Doric Order Mouldings for ditto Ionic Order Mouldings for the Ionic Order —* Corinthian Order -—.— Mouldings for ditto — — Compofite Order - -- Mouldings for ditto — .— Capitals — — _ Gauging of Columns -- Planceers — — — Pediments, &c. .— — — Proportion of Doors — — Architrave, Frife, and Cornice- Ditto, at large - ——- Ditto, for Windows — —. Moulding for the Pcdellal Part of Rooms Ditto, at large — _ Cornice and Margents — — Ditto, at large BOOKS of ARCHITECTURE Printed fir Robert Saver, Map and Printfeller , at the Golden Buck, near Serjeants Inn, Fleet -frect. T’ke Works of Abraham Swan, in Fi ve Books, viz. I. rrHE Britijh Arckitefi', or, The Builder s Treufury of Stair-cafes. Containing, i. An eafier, more intelligible, and expeditious Me¬ thod of drawing the five Oiders than has hitherto been publifhedrby a Scale of Twelve equal Parts, free from thole troublcfome Divihons called aliquot Parts: Shewing alfo how to glue up their Columns and Capitals. 2. Likewife Mair-cafes (thole molt ufeful, ornamental, and neceflary Parts of a Build¬ ing, though never belore luffic ently delcribed in any - Book, ancient or modern) (hewing their molt convenient Situation, and the Form of their afeending in the mod grand Manner; with a great Variety of curious Ornaments, whereby any Gentleman may fix on what will iuit him belt, there being Examples of all Kinds, and necellury Directions 0 for fuch Perfons as are unacquainted with that Branch. 3. Dcfigns ol Arches, Doors, and Windows. 4. A great Variety of new and curious Chimney-pieces, in the moll elegant and modern Tafte. 5. Corbels, Shields, and other beautiful Decorations. 6. Several ufeful and ne- ccflary Rules of Carpentry ; with the Manner of Trufl'cd Roofs, and the Nature of a fplayed cir¬ cular Soffit, both in a ilraight and circular Wall, never publifhed before. Together with Raking Cornices, Groins, and Angle Brackets delcribed. The Whole being illullratcd with upwards of One hundred Defigns and Examples, beautifully en¬ graved by E. Rsoker , on Sixty Folio Copper Plates. Price 14 s. Sheets, bound 1 1 . 2. A Collection of Defigns in Architecture ; con¬ taining new Plans and Elevations of Houles, for general Ufe. With a great Variety of Sections of Rooms, from a common Room to the mod grand and magnificent. Their Decorations, viz. Bafes, Sur-bafes, Architraves, Freezes, and Cornices pro¬ perly enriched with Foliages, Frets, and Flowers in a new and grand Tafte: \\ ith Margents and Mouldings for" the Pannelling; with lome rich Sections to a larger Scale for proportioning the Architraves, Freezes, and Cornices to the Height of the Rooms. To which is added, Curious De¬ figns of Stone and Timber Bridges, extending from Twenty Feet to Two hundred and Twenty in One Arch. Likewife fome Screens and Pavi¬ lions, with the Addition of Five Plates of Orna¬ ments. In Two Volumes, Folio, each contain¬ ing Sixty Plates curiouflv engraved on Copper. Price 1 1 . 12 s. Sheets, bound 2I. 3. The Carpenter's CompleteInfruCior, in feveral Hundred Dcfigns, conhiting of Domes, Trufled Roofs, and various Cupolas ; with the Methods of fecuring them on the Roofs, for Churches, Chapels, Houles, and other Buildings. Shewing the mod approved Method of lighting Staii-cafes, with various Sorts of Lanterns, in a new and ele¬ gant Tafte, explaining the Manner of piecing Beams, or Plating, or any Sort of Bandage for Timber Spires for Churches, See. Trufs Partitions, Framing of f looring. Trolling of Beams, Angle Brackets, Cornices, Coving, Form of Groins, Hips, Ac. To which is annexed, a great Variety of Timber Bridges of various Dimenfions. Price 6s. Sheets, or bound 8s. 6d. Quarto. 4. Upwards of One hundred and Fifty new De¬ figns for Chr . ity-pieccs , from the plain and fimple to the molt l'uperb and magnificent, properly adapted to Rooms, Halls, Saloons, Lobbies, Ac. of every Dimenfion; with the Proportions they bear to each, with full and complete Inftrudtior.s to Workmen, enriched with a great Variety 01 Arches, Door-, Windows, Cornices, Architrave;, Ornaments for’Prudes, Pcdeftals, Pediments, Co¬ lumns, Imports, Modillions, Soffits, Ac. Eo which is added, a concife and clear Dcfcrintion of the Five Orders of Architecture, regulated by a Scale of Twelve equal Parts; with Oblerva- tions on Rules and Methods to he obferved in drawing the Whole. Engraved on Fifty-four CopperPlates, Octavo. Price 6s. Sheets, bound 7 s. 6 d. The Works of Robert Morris, Surveyor % in \Three Books, viz. 5. Lectures on Architecture ; confiding of Rules founded upon Harmonic and Arithmetical Propor¬ tions in Building. Defigned as an agreeable En¬ tertainment for Gentlemen, and more particularly ufeful to all who make Architecture or the Polite Arts their Study. (Read to a Society eftablifhed for the Improvement of Arts and Sciences, and explained by Examples on Copper Plates, with the Proportions applied to Practice.) Flic Second Edition. Price fewed 3s. bound 4s. 6. SelcCt Architecture: Being regular Defigns of Plans and Elevations, well luiteci to both I own and Country; in which the Magnificence and Beauty, the Purity and Simplicity of Deligniiig, for every Species of that noble Art, is accurately treated, and with great Variety exemplified from the plain Town Houfc to the (lately Hotel ; and in the Country from the genteel and convenient Farm Houfe to the Parochial Church , with fuitable Embellifhmcnts ; alfo Bridges, Baths, Summer Houfes, See. With Eftimates to each Defign bv the great Square; and fuch Remarks, Explana¬ tions, and Scales are annexed, that the Compre¬ hension is rendered eafy, and Subject molt agree¬ able. lllurtrated on 50 Copper Plates, Quarto. The Second Edition. Pi ice fewed 10s. 6d, bound 1 ^s. 7. Architecture Improved , in aColle&ion of mo¬ dern, elegant, and ufeful Defigns, from (light and graceful Reedies, Lodges, and other Decorations in Parks, Gardens, Woods, or Forefts, to the Portico, Bath, Obfervatory, and interior Orna¬ ments of fuperb Buildings; with great Variety of rich Embellifhments for Chimneys, in the Talte of Inigo Jones , Mr. Kent, Sec. All curi.iufly en¬ graved on 50 Copper Plates, OJlavo. Price ieweJ 7 s. 6 d. bound g s. 8. The Gentlemen and Farmers Architect: A new Work, containing a great Variety of uldnl and genteel Defigns; being correft Plans an 1 Eleva¬ tions of Parlonage and Farm Houfes, [.Macs I n Parks, Pinery, Peach, Hot and Green II mi with the Fire-wall, Ean-pir, &c. pat tieularlv dc- feribed ; Dutch and other Barns, Cow Ifimlei, Sheep Cots, Huts, Facades, with all och ■. Oftu appertaining to a well-regulated 1 arm , then S tuations rendered convenient and A (pet! agr - able: With Scales and Tables of Retden c-, J-j- fcribing the feveral Parts, with their jmr Di re - - fions and Ufe. Defigned and drawn 1 . / /.: ft oh , Architect. The Second Edition, and wVi engraved on 25 Folio Copper Plates. Price fewed 6 s. g. Defigns and Efimatcs of Fa m Houi s, if:, for the Counties of York , Aorthumhe land, C. her land, IVcjlm.rland, and the Bi (hop rick of D - ham. Bv Daniel Garret. The Second Edition, Folio. Price (awed 5s. In the following Examples, the Five Orders, as executed by the Great Palladio, are laid down by an intire new Scale, which teaches to find true Proportions in all the Orders to any given Height: for which, fee Page 34. Concerning FOUNDATIONS. ^ d r 'a pr ?? e , r, y C3lled t!le Bafis of tIlc Building, and is that a. under Ground which fuftatns the Whole; and therefore of all the Eirors that can be committed in Building, thole made in the Foundation c. rnfl . oft permcous becaufe they at once occafion the Ruin of the whole f ! r i an re£llfied Wlth ™t the utmoft Difficulty; for which Rea ion the Architect or Workman (hould apply his utmoft Diligence in this Point tor thouglt m tome Places there are natuSFoundations, yet tn "hers Art ^s're- „ , NatU , ral Foundations are when we build on a chalky Soil, or on a Rock of ■ lch there ai( : many Kinds, iome harder than others; and thefe without diu mg or any other Affiftance from Art, are of themfelves very ftrong - d fuf b b?°"V #le V° 1Uftain an 7 Buildin - ™ Land ori Watt: Places ,0 build on are X Grotnffi'S, tandt ^ ^ Where it is lolid, the Foundation need be no deeper ’than’ffie Quality of the mt Z.Wh t 7 °A th6 J GrOUnd aal1 rc< l u * re > - the Architd or Wot! th l ft R -M k P !° P i! r ’ and need n0t exceed the SJxth Part of the Height of the Wthfng dt^r “° Cdla, ' S Gf ° Und * b « * Cellars, it muft be Foundations ought to be twice as thick as the Wall to be built on them and Regard in this Ihould be had to the Quality of the Ground and the Largenefs of the Building making them greater in foft Soils, and very folid where thev are to ullam a conhderable Weight; when the Ground is foft and links very much as " B T,A Cn h T Wdl P ' led and P lanked - a n d drive the Piles tilfthey come o a Solid; the Foundations muft be made (loping, that is, diminilhed m Pro portion as they rife, but in iuch a Manner, that there may be juft as much fet oft on one Side as on the other, that the Middle of the Wail above may fall plumb upon the Middle of the Wall below, which alfo muft be obferved in the Oft the Wall above Ground, becaufe the Buildings by this Method are mac e much Urongerthan if the Diminutions were done any other Way thereffirf tl ^ be .°. b * nred * that Walls (k °nld diminilh in Proportion as they rife therefore thofe which appear above Ground muft be but half as thick as the Walls of the ffift andln t‘l ‘m &C °f m™ 7 half 3 Brick thinncr than the Wall, linn that tb d ‘fanner to the Top of the Building; but with Difcre- f!l!’rfi fll hL Pper , " 0t t0 ° thin ' the Middle of the upper Walls ouffiu to Pv amidaTr POn ^ ° f the Wer ' ”*** will give the whole Wall ! pyramidal Form j but when you are willing to make the Superficies, or Face of B the [ 2 ] the upper Walls to fall diredllv on the Face of the lower, it muP be done towards the lnfide of the Building, for the Floors, Beams, and other Supports of the Building will keep them from giving way ; but when the difeharged Fait, or Set-off, is on the Outfide, it maybe covered with a Fafcia and Cornice, which vo i„a round ail the Building, will be both an Ornament and Bond to the Whole; and bee a life the Angles partake of the Two Sides, in order to keep them upright and united t- -.'ether,""they ought to be made very Prong and folid, the Windows and other O.uungs as far diPant from the Angles as poPible, or -at leap lb much Space left between the Aperture and the Angles, as the Width of the Opening. Jt is a general Rule in Buildings, to diminhh the Stories in their Height one Pxth Fart; that is, the fecond Story to be a Pxth Part lefs in Height than the PrP, and the third Story a Pxth Part lefs in Height than the fecond; and the Height of Windows to diminifli in the fame Proportion; that is, the Windows in the PrP Story to be two Diameters one Pxth; in the fecond Story two Dia¬ meters; in the third Story a Pxth Part lei's than two Diameters; and fometimes the Windows in Attic Stories, the Height is equal to the Breadth. The Proportion of Windows for Light to Rooms; multiply the Length of the Room by the Breadth, and multiply the Height by the Product of the Length and Breadth, and cut of that Product extract the Square Root, which is the Light required. For Example, fuppofea Room to be 12 Feet by 16 on the Plan, and the Height to be 12 Feet, the Square Root is 48 Feet, which may be divided into two Parts, or Windows, and each will contain 24 Feet fuperPcial, that will be a proper Light for the Room, and not glare too much, nor be too dark. This Light will be agreeable to the Proportion of Rooms of the following Denominations : the Length of the Rooms not to exceed two thirds of the Breadth, that is, 1 2 Feet by 20, or 1 S by 30, or 24 by 40 Feet, and fo on; or fuppofe the Plans to be 9 Feet by 12 : or 12 by 1 6, or 16 by 20, or 20 by 25 Feet; or l'uppofe 12 Feet by 18, or 18 by 27, or 24 by 3 6 ; or fuppofe 16 by 24, or 20 by 30, or 30 by 40 Feet, and fo on; but the Height of the Rooms from the Floor to the Cieling is not to exceed 20 Feet in any of thefe Rooms; but fometimes Rooms are fquare on the Plan from 10 Feet to 40 Feet fquare, or more. 16 12 32 16 192 the Product of 12 by 16. 12 Height. 334 192 2304(48 16 88)704 7 ° 4 000 Fir ft, To extract the Square Root, obferve the following Directions; PrP, you muft point your given Number ; that is, make a Point or Prick over the Units Place, another upon the Hundreds, and fo upon every fecond Figure throughout. Secondly , Then feek the greateft Square Number in the PrP; Point towards the Left Hand, place the Square Number under the PrP: Point, and the Root thereof C 3 ] in the Quotient, and fubtraft the faid Square Number from the fir ft Point, and to the Remainder bring down the next Point, and call that the Refolvend.’ Thirdly, Then double the Quotient, and place it for a Divifor on the Left Hand of the Refolvend, and feek how often the Divifor is contained in the Refolvend, referving always the Units Place, and put the Anfwer in the Quotient, and alfo on the Right Hand Side of the Divifor, then multiply by the Figure la ft put in the Quotient, and fubtraft the Produft from the Refolvend, as in com¬ mon Diviiion, and bring down the next Point to the Remainder, if there be any more, and proceed as before. As to the Cielings, they are fometimes flat, and fome coved ; when coved, the Height of the Cove is one fourth Part, or one fifth Part of the Height of the Room. For Example, fuppofe the Room to be 20 Feet high, the Cove to be one Fourth, equal to five Feet; or, fuppofe the Room to be 15 Feet high, the Height of the Cove to be one Fifth, equal to three Feet; but fometimes Ciel¬ ings are domeacal in large Halls, and have a Cupola on the Top to ~ ““wuuiw, «l io. 4d. per Day 4500 Bricks, at 18s. per Thoufand Morter -- -- 4700 Bricks, at 20s. per Thoufand 32 Bufhels of Lime, at 6d. per Bufhel 2 Loads and Half of Sand, at 3 s. per Load 6 Days, a Bricklayer, at 3s. per Day 6 Days a Labourer, at is. 6d. per Day Total /. s. d. 0 11 8 0 6 8 3 12 0 1 2 0 5 12 4 l. S. d. 0 12 6 0 6 8 4 I 0 1 2 0 6 2 2 /. S. d. 4 IO 0 0 16 0 0 7 6 0 18 0 0 9 0 7 0 6 N 0te, The Carriage of all Materials muft be added to the above Eftimates. Rubbed Arches of any Sort are done from is. 6d. to 2od. per Foot- Work man fhip from iod. to is.—Plain Facios rubbed is. id. per Foot; Workmanlhip Sd.—Brick Cornices from 4 s. to 5 s. per Foot; Workmanlhip from as. to ,s fid Thoufand 2 B " CkS ™ bbed ^ SaUSed W ° rk ’ ff0m 4 ° S ' t0 zl - los '- P<=r Of Tile ing, the Price. Plain Tileing : if to 74 Inch Gauge, il. 4 s. per Square if to 7 Inch Gauge, il. 8s. per Square;—if to 6 Inch Gauge, il. 12s. per Square; Workmanlhip from 3 s 6d. per Square to ys.: all Materials, except Tiles, are found, from 10s to I2S. per Square ; ripping old Tileing is from 15s. to 18s. per Square, according to the Goodnefs of the old Tiles.-Plain Tiles, per Thoufand, from 18s. to il as A Square of plain Tileing, at 6 Inch Gauge, takes 760 Tiles; the 7 Inch Gauge C 6 P o, PanTILEING. Workmanship and Materials, with common Pantiles, at which for Labour is is. 8d.—if laid without pointing, 18s. the Square, Work¬ manship is. Old Pantiles are laid at ios. the Square, finding all Materials but To a Square of plain Tileing is ufed i Peck of Bufhels of Sand, a Bundle of Laths, and 6co os. the Square, of . 9 , n IS. 1 dlUUVO au. - ^ . T) Tiles s Dutch glazed Pantiles at il. 15s. the Square, and Englith at il ios. 1 an¬ gles for a Square are 170. Pantiles are fold from 7 s. to 8s. per Hundred, Dutch glazed at ios. Of Paving. Paving with red Bricks, Work, and all Materials, at is. per Yard, for Work only yd .; ditto, with white Bricks, at is. 6d.; ditto with Chnkers =s. 4 d. , ditto, with policed Foot Tiles, 8d. per Foot, with 10 Inch policed Tiles at 6d. 10 Inch Tile Paving, not polilhed, 3d. per Foot: Foot Tile Paving with common Tiles Ad. per Foot: Ditto, Foot Tile Paving, fquared and jointed, finding every Thing, at 6 d. per Foot; Paving with Brick on Edge, Work only, 6d. per "Yard. 76 fix Inch Tiles will pave one Yard; 204. eight Inch, and 16 nine Inch, 13 ten Inch, and 9 Foot Tiles; Statute Bricks laid flat, 32 to a Yard, edgeways 4 S 3 Dutch Clinkers 90 to a Yard. Of Carpenters Work . T O frame the outfide Carcafe of a Houfe, to hew and faw the Timber, Work¬ manfhip per Square 12s. Hewing and Sawing per Square 6s. with old Tim¬ ber made ftraight on both Sides 7 s. If the Carpenter finds Timber, the beft Way is to cube the Timbers at fo much per Foot, Labour included ,, viz. Rough tir 1 'imber framed, the Foot Cube 2s. 4 d. Labour included; if framed with Oak rough from the Saw, 3s. the Foot Cube, Labour included; m framing Barns and Workmanfhip, including Sawing, at ios. the Square-, Carpenters Work with¬ out Sawing, from 4 s. to f s. the Square 3 Fir Timber planed and framed at as 8d. Labour included ; Oak Timber planed and framed, at 3s. 6d. Labour included; rough Fir Timber, without Labour, from as. to 2S. 2d. the Foot Cube, in Scantling ; rough Oak in Scantling, without Labour, 2s. lod. the Foot Cube. O/Boarded Partitions. Boarded Partitions, with rough flit Deal, at 16s. the Square, Workmanfhip as 6d. Whole Deal, planed on one Side, at 2S. 9d. the Yard, Labour lod. planed on both Sides at 3s. 3d. the Yard, Labour is. Whole Deal Partitions grooved with flit Deal between, and planed on both Sides, at 2S.^ 4 d. the Yard, Work iod. Two Inch Deal, planed on one Side, at 3s. 4 d. the Yard, Work is. Ditto, planed on both Sides, 4s. the Yard, Work is. 6d. Of Boarded Floors. ' Rough whole Deal, lifted and clear of Sap, il. 15s. the Square, Workman¬ fhip 4 s. 6d. Ditto, lifted and fliot clear of Sap,^ il. 18s. Work 3s. the Square; folded joint Boarding planed, and lifted clear ot Sap, at 2I. 3s. the Square, N 01 k- manfhip 6s. Common ftraight joint Flooring, clear of Sap, 2I. 13s. the ftuare; fecond beft Flooring nailed 3I. 5s. the Square, Workmanfhip 10s.; fecond be ft dowelled, [ *3 ] dowelled, at 3I. 17s. the Square, Workmanfhip iys. Clean Deal Floor dowelled at 5I. 1 os. the Square, Workmanfhip il. is. Of Barn Floors. To lay Barn Floors with 2 Inch Oak Plank lifted clear of Sap, at 3I. 10s. the Square, Workmanfhip 10s. Price of Plank 6d. the Foot, by the Sawyer’s Mea¬ fure; Joift of Oak 3s. the Foot Cube, Labour included. To lay a Barn Floor, with 2 Inch Deal, and to lift them clear of Sap, finding Deals at 2I. 15s. the Square, Workmanfhip 8s. Note , The Price of the Oak Joift to be added to the 3I. 10s. in the Oak Floor, and to 2I. 13s. in the Deal Floor (for Joifts may be cut of various Scantlings) fo the Price will be according to the Number of Cube Feet they contain; they are commonly laid about 12 Inches apart. Of S qjj ares and Coolers for Brewing. For making of Coolers at is. the Foot fuperficial, finding all Materials, Work- manfhip qd. To make a Square with 2 Inch Oak Plank, to find all Materials, at is. 8d. the Foot Cube Meafure. Of Weather Boarding. Weather Boarding with Feather-edged Deal planed at il. as. and not planed at 18s. the Square; Work, when plained, 3s. the Square; ditto, not planed, is. 6d.—A Table, fhewing how many Boards 10 Feet long, at four feveral Gauges, will complete a Square of Boarding. f at 8-j Tij Boards Boards Ten Feet j 7/ Inch Gauge J17 long to a Square, j 6 r 10 Feet long, 1 20 L 5 J *-24 Boards twelve Feet long to a Square, f at 81 f 124 Boards. < Inch Gauge -J 144 t 6 J 12 Feet long, (_ 164 Of Sashes and Frames. Safh Frames of Deal Work, and all Materials, from 8d. to pd. the Foot, Work¬ manfhip from 24 d. to 3d.; 14. Inch Safhes of Deal, at qd. the Foot, Work 3d, i-i Inch Wainfcot Safhes, at is. the Foot, Workmanfhip 4d. Of Stair Cases. Steps of Common Stairs, Strings, and String Bearers included, at qd. the Foot, Work 2d. A ; fecond Beft ditto, at is. the Foot, Work 3d. 4, exclufive of Rails and Balufters; ditto, with clean Deals and Brackets, at is. 6d. the Foot, Workman¬ fhip 8d. exclufive of Rails and Balufters, which are 2s. 6d. the Foot running Meafure; but if circular or rampt, the Price muft be double. Of Cornices to the Eaves of Hoi/fes, &c. Plain Cornices out of whole Deal, at is. Workmanfhip 8d. the Foot fuper¬ ficial; plain Modillion Cornices, or Cut Dentiles, at is. iod. the Foot, Work is. Guttering and Bearers at 8d. the Foot fuperficial; fquare Trunks, to bring down Water from the Top of Houfes, at iod. the Foot, running Meafure. Of Frontispieces. Frontifpieces in the Tufcan or Doric Orders, at is. 8d. the Foot, Work is. the Foot fuperficial Meafure ; of the Ionic and Corinthian Orders 2s. the Foot fuper¬ ficial, [ *+ ] ftcial, 'Work is. id. exclufive of Carving; plain Shafts of Columns at is. the Foot’ exclufive of Bale and Caps ; the Carving of Ionic Caps is done by the Face, according to the Diameter of the Column; viz. the Diameter io Inches, each Face will be worth 10s. at is. an Inch ; fo the whole Cap will colt *|.cs. carving; Corinthian Caps at 2S. an Inch, &c. Of P a l e Fencing. Four Foot Cleft Pale Fencing, 18s. the Rod, Workmanfhip 2S. Five Foot Cleft Pale Fencing at 20s. the Rod, Work 2s. 6d. Park Paleing, with 5 and 6 hoot Cleft Pales, 2 Rails in a Pannel, at il. as. the Rod, Work 4s.; ditto, 3 Rails in a Pannel, at il js. the Rod: Boarded Fencing, 5 or 6 Feet high, with rough Feather Edge Deals, at 20s. the Rod, Work 4s.; ditto planed, at 22s. the Rod, Work 5s.; "ditto, of Pod: Rails and Boards, planed, with 3 Rails in a Pannel, Top and Bottom, Rails of Oak, middle Rail a Deal, Batten and Caping on the Top of the Pales, at 30s. the Rod, Workmanfhip 6s. 6d.—Of Pallilado Paleing, Poll Rails and Pales of Oak, Pod 6 Inches fquare, Rails 4 by 3, Pales 2 ! by 1 Inch thick, mortifed through the Rails, at 4s. the Foot, running Meafure, Work is. icd. the Foot; ditto, with fquare Pales, 14 Inch fquare, at 3s. 6d. the Foot, with Fir 3 s. the Foot, Workmanfhip fromq iSd. to aod. running Meafure ; Palli- fado Gates, the Framing with 2 Inch Stuff of Oak, Pales fquare or flat, at is. the Foot fuperficial, Work 6d—Of common Five Bar Gates of Oak, the Head, Hur, and Top Rail fawed, the Slats cleft, from 12s. to 14s. the Gate, Work only, Saw¬ ing, 6:c. included, ys. Putting in Ground Cell, under Barns, &c. from iod. to is. the’ Foot, Work and Stuff, running Meafure, Work only from qd. to 6d. the Foot. Of Joiners Worh P LAIN fquare Wainfcotifig, with Deal, from 2s. 6d. to 3s. the Yard, Work iod.; Deal Wainfcoting, with Ovolo, or Quarter Round, and flat Pannels, at 3s. 6d. Workmanfhip is. 46. the Yard; ditto, with raifed Pannels, at 4^ 6d. tlie Yard, Work is. 8d. ; ditto, with Norway Oak, Ovolo and railed Pannels, Fram¬ ing 14 Inch thick, Pannels 1 thick, at 6s. the Yard, Work 2s. 2d. All Moulding not wrought with common Planes, but worked by Fiand, as Impoff, Moulding Bales, Caps, Architraves, Pilafters, Columns, Cornices, See. are meafured in fuperficial Feet, and allowed from is. to is. iod. the Foot for Work and Stuff, Work only from is. to is. 2d. the Foot, according to the Goodnefs of Workman¬ fhip ; of Doors, quarter round and flat Pannel, 14 Inch thick, Four Pannels in a Door, at 8d. the Foot; ditto, Square Work, at yd. the Foot, Work only 3d. 4 and 4d.; ditto, ffuck on both Sides Pannels, raifed on one Side, and flat on the other, at 9d. the Foot, Work 4d.f; Bead andFlufh on one Side, Ovolo, or Quarter Round, and raifed Pannel on the other Side, at iod. the Foot, Work yd.; ditto, made of 2 Inch Deal, at is. 2d. the Foot; of 24 Inch Deal, at is. qd. the Foot, Workman¬ fhip from 6d. to yd. the Foot. Bead and Flufh on both Sides the fame Price as Flufli on one Side and raifed on the other; fix Pannel whole Deal Doors, raifed on one Side, flat Pannel on the other Side, at iod. the Foot, Workmanfhip ^d.; ditto, made of 2 Inch Deal, at is. 2d. the Foot, Work 6d.; ditto, of 24 Inch Deal, at is. 3d. the Foot, Work 7d. the Foot; fix Pannel Doors, made with 1 4 Inch Deal, ffuck on both Sides, and Pannels raifed, at 1 id. the Foot, Workmanfhip 5d.' ; ditto, made of 2 Inch Deal, at is. 2d. the Foot, Work yd. - ditto, made of 2 i Inch Deal, at is. 6d. Workmanfhip only pd. the Foot; whole Deal Doors, battened in Front, and ledged on the Back, grooved and tongued, Glue, 6cc. at iod. the Foot, Work yd.; ditto, made with Inch Deal, at 8d. the Foot, Work qd.; whole Deal Doors, grooved. [ *5 ! grooved, tongued, and ledged, at 8d. the Foot, Work 4d.; ditto, with Inch Deal at 6d. the Foot, Work 3d.; whole Deal Doors fquare jointed, beaded and ledged, a t 7 d- the Foot, Work 3d.; ditto, made with Inch Deal, at 5c!. the Foot, Work 2cU. whole Deal Doors glewed and ledged, at 8d. the Foot; ditto, with Inch Deal, 6d! the Foot; flit Deal Doors, beaded and ledged, at qd. the Foot, Work 2d. Note, Window Shutters the fame Price as Doors of the fame Kind of Work • large Doors or Gates framed, with 2* Inch Deal, Bead and Flufli on both ides' at is. 8d. the Foot, Work iod. ; whole Deal Partitions, fquare Work, 4s the Yard, Workmanflflp is. r od.; ditto, with 2 Inch Deal, 5s. 6d. the Yard, Work 2s. 6d.; whole Deal Partitions, with flit Deal, ploughed and tongued, at' 3s. the Yard, Workmanfhip is.; Rakeing Wainfcot upon Stairs, whole Deal Framing fquare Work at 3s. 4d. the Yard, Work is.; ditto, with Ovolo and flat Panned at 3s pd. the Yard, Work is. 3d.; ditto, with raifed Pannels, at 4s. 6d. the Yard' Workmanfhip is. 8d.; dadoed, dovetailed. Band on the Back, at 8d. the Foot. Of Jambs and Soffits, Linings Doors, Windows, &c. Slit Deal Jambs and Soffits, at 34 the Foot; ditto, with three Quarter Deal, at 4d. the Foot; ditto whole Deal, 7d. the Foot; Inch Deal Window Boards at 6d. the Foot; whole Deal ditto, yd.; Skirting with flit Deal, 3 d.i the Foot; ditto, with Inch Deal, 5a. the Foot; flit Lining on Quartering, at 2s. 3d. the Yard. Of Dressers and Shelves. Two Inch Deal at is. the Foot; whole Deal With Inch Deal at 6d. the Foot; three Quarter Shelves at 4d. the Foot; all moulded Edges, Brackets for Shelves id. the Foot more than Shelves grooved together, as Holes, Shops, &c both Sides, meafure the Run of Grooving at id. as Counter Tops, Flaps, &c. at is. id. the Foot is. 3d. the Foot; Inch and Half ditto, is. planed, as Bottoms of Counters, &c. at 3d. ■ Deal, 6d. the Foot. Dreflers and Shelves at yd.; ditto, ditto, at 5d. the Foot; half Inch and rebetted fuperficial moulded the Haberdafhers Shelves; Deal . at 7d. the Foot; if planed on ' the Foot; Inch Wainfcot clampt, ; ditto, with Inch and Quarter, at • tn *7 l oot; flit Deal glewed and ; ditto. Inch, 3d. ditto. Whole Of Packing Cases, &c. Whole Deal Cafes ledged, at 5 d.; ditto, Inch Deal ledged, at 4 d, and > ditto 3 d. 4. the root. - 3 Of Lattice Work. Lattice Work Bars, 2 Inches wide, at 2s. gd. ditto. Bars 1 Yard; Step Ladders, Sides and Steps of Whole Deal, at od. cial. J J r wide, at 2s. the the Foot, fuperfi- O/Ch U R C H jVorh ^r S ^ Ga "f rkS ;.p WS u Wainfcot Doors 3 Inches thick, ftuck on both Sides, and Pannels railed on both Sides, at 4s. the Foot; ditto 2 ' Inch thick p 3s. the Foot; ditto, 2 Inches thick, at is. fid. the Foot; Wainfcot Fronts of Pews, the Framing 14. Inch thick, Pannels raifed on one Side and flat on the other, at 9 s. the Yard, of the fame Circular, at 18s. the Yard; right Wainfcot Delk Boards and Bearers, at is. the Foot, of the fame Circular, at Is. the Foot • Wamicot Seats and Bearers, at is. 3 d. the Foot, of the fame Circular, at zs . fid’ ‘°° l; R “ n of C . a PP' n g on the Top of Pews 34 Inches wide, at 9 s. the Run of the fame Circular at is. 6d. the Foot; Wainfcot Partitions to Pews, framed 1 ’ D Inch [ *6 ] Inrh thick, Pannels raifed fquare on both Sides, at 7s. 6 d. the \ Ard, fuperficial ; "ht Wainfcot Mouldings to Pedeftals, Bales, Impofts &c at 2.. the Foot fu- perficial ; right Wainfcot Door Cafes, wrought with a Staff, and rebetted at is. 2d. the lame Circular, 28. 4d. the Foot. Rote, Circular Work is double the Price of Straight, and Circular Circular double the Price of Circular only. Of Plaisterers Work. P Laifterine is of divers Kinds, as with Lime and Hair, Morter on Lathing, at is. the Yard, Work only from yd. to 6d.; common rough Calling irom is. to is. Ad. Work only jd. to 6d. the Yard } rough Cafting with Stone Morter, in Imitation of Stone Work, from 2s. 6d. to 3 s. the Yard, Workmanlhip only from 6d. to 8d. Plaiftering upon Brick Work with Fimfhing Morter, m Imitation of Stone Work, from is. 6d. to 2S. the Yard, Work only 6d. Note. All plain Mouldings, if ftraight, at 6d. the Foot fuperficial and if Cir¬ cular, at 9 d. the Foot; ftraight Mouldings enriched at is. and Circular, at is. od. the Foot, the Expence of Scaffolding to be added; for Lathing and I laiftenng of common inlide Work, at lod. the Yard, Work only 4 *. i rendering on Brick Work, from 4 d. to 6d. the Yard, Work only 2d ; for Lathing and I laiftenng of common Cielings, at is. the Yard, Work only 4 d s ditto, fine floated Ciehngs, at 2s. the Yard, Work only is.; tor Whitewafhing with Whitings and Size, Work and all Materials, 2d. the Yard. Note, One Bundle of Laths are fufficient for 6 Yards of Plaiftering. One Bun¬ dle of 3 Foot Laths will require 500 Nails; 4 Foot ditto, 600 Nails. Of Masons Work. B LACK and white veined Italian Marble, at 20s. the Foot Cube ; fuperficial plain Work, on ditto, 3s.; fuperficial, moulded on ditto, 5s. ; blabs of ditto, to Chimney Pieces, 5 s. the Foot, fuperficial; Purple Marbles, in Slabs, 8s.; Dove Marble at 6s. the Foot, in Slabs; Fire Stone Hearths and Covings, at IS. the Foot, fuperficial; Portland Blocks, from as. 4 d. to as. 6d. the Foot Cube, from theMafons; fuperficial plain Work, on ditto, at tod. the Foot; moulded Work, on ditto, from is. to is. ad.; Portland Slabs, in Chimney Pieces, at is. 6d the Foot, Inch and Half thick; ditto, if 2 Inches thick, at 2 s the Foot, fuperficial; Portland Paving in ftraight Courfes, at is. 6d. the Foot, fuperficial; Octagon and black Dots, at 2S. 2d. black and white Marble Squares, at 2s. 9 d. the Foot, luper- ficial; Purbeck Paving at 9 d.; ditto, Steps, at as. the Foot, running Meafure; Portland Coping for common is. 6d. the Foot, running Meafure, being about . Fool wide, 3 Inches thick on one Edge, and one Inch and a Half on the other, when the Coping Stones are larger than to be cubed find, and meafured fuperficial plain Work. Portland Curbs for Iron Work, See. muft be cubed lull, and then meafured; fuperficial plain Work, alfo Holes cut in the fame for Iron Work, at 2d. each; Bales of Columns, Architraves, Frizes, Cornices occ. ot Marble, are at fs. the Foot, fuperficial Meafure, for Workmanlhip only; ditto, on Portland Stone, from is. 4 d. to is. 6d. the Foot, fuperficial the Stone to be valued at the Cube Foot; Shafts of Columns and Pilafters fluted, at is. 6d. the Foot, Work only; the above Prices are in common, but will vary according to the Quality of the Stone. [ *7 ] Of Glasiers Work. G LASING with Squares and Quarries in Lead Work, is from 6d. to gd. the Foot; Safhes, glared with Crown Glafs, from I4d. to i6d. the Foot j with Newcaftle Glafs, from iod. to I2d. the Foot; ditto with Waved or Jealous Glafs, at is. 6d. the Foot; ditto, with Plate Glafs, at ys. 6d. the Foot, the Squares from i to 2 Feet; ditto, from 2 to 3 Feet, at 6s. the Foot; the Price of Glafinc* in Squares, the Glafier finding only Work; Solder, and Lead, at 3d. the Fool Work only iud.; to glafe with Quarries, the Workman finding only Lead, SoL der, and Work, at 34. d. the Foot, Work only at 2d. for taking down Quarry Glafs, fcouring, foldering, banding, and putting it up again, from 14. d. to 2d, the Foot; yolb. of turned Lead is fufficient for 100 Feet of Quarry Glafs. Of Pl UMBERS TVorki, P LUMBERS Work is ufually done by Weight; viz. the great Hundred, or 112lb.; in covering of Flats, Roofs, Gutterings, &c. there is generally allowed lrom 7 to 10 or 12lb. to the fuperficial Foot; all Sheet Lead, either cad or milled colder and Labour included, at 20s. the Hundred, at which Rate every Foot of Lead, weighing 7I. is worth i 5 d. the Foot; ditto, 81 b. at i 7 d. the Foot; ditto, plb. at i 9 4d. the Foot; ditto, iolb. at is.pAd. the Foot; ditto, nib. at is. u id! the Foot; ditto, i 2lb. at 2s. i-id. the Foot; the Charge of covering with Lead is found by taking the fuperficial Meafure, and confuting the above Pieces. All Water Pipes, Cifterns, Batten Citterns, and Lead Pumps, at il. 2s. the Hundred; all W ater Pipes, from three Quarters to 7 Inch Bore, at 20s. the Hundred ; Sadi Weights, &c. at 18s. the Hundred; Allowance for old Lead is 14s. the Hundred- to exchange ditto for Sheets new run, 4s. the Hundred. Of Painters TVorki O Utfide Painting, three Times in Oil, at 8d. the Yard; infide new Wofk, of common Colours, at 6d. infide Painting old Work, with common Colours,* at 4d. the Yard; but of extraordinary Colours, as Olive, at 8d. the Yard; Pruf* ttan Blue, at iod. the Yard; Greens, at is. the Yard; Carving, varies fo much that the Price cannot be eafily afcertained. Of Black SMITHS Work. B LACKSMITHS Work is done by Weight; all Sorts of hammered Work' as Chimney Bars, Stays, upright Window Bars, Shutter Bars, Pump Work’ Bolts, Saddle Bars, Cramps, Holdfatts, Dogs, Gudgeons, and all black Work of the fame Kind, from 4 d. to 4 1 d. the lb. Cafements, Crofs Window Bars filed, and all Inch Work, from 44d. to 6d. the lb.; large Screw Bolts and Nuts, 6d. • Iron Doors and Shutters at iod. the lb. An [ *8 ] An Eftimate for Building a New Houfe. £■ d. O 600 Loads of Digging in Cellars and Foundations, at 6d.1 ^ 68'. Rods^f'Brick-work, reduced to 1; Brick, at 6s. yd. per Rod 428 21 l Square plain Tiling, at ll. 8s. the Square iro Feet Run of Arch Drain, at 2s. 6d. Yards Brick Paving in Moiter, at as. 6d. - - 92 Feet of rubbed and gauged Arches to Windows, at is. 6d. 11 2 Feet of rubbed and Gauge in Facio, at is. 270 Feet of rubbed Returns, at 6d. 120 Feet Run of rough Splays, at ll d. - - 45 Feet fuperficial of fummered Arches ll Brick, at 4d. 16) Feet Run of Groin, at 6d. - - " 226 Feet 6 Inches of Foot Tile Paving, at qd. - - 14" Feet Run of common Drain, io Inches wide, pinches high, 4 ? ~ « Inch Walls, covered with Foot Tile, paved with flat Bricks, at is. J 18 5 6 5 6 o o 4 3 1 5 I 2 18 I 2 l 5 1 5 5 1 9 Total of Bricklayers Work XT* 533 14 ° Masons Work. To Chimney Piece in the Dining Room __Ditto, in the beft Parlour ._Ditto, in the Back Parlour - - 2 _ Ditto, in one Pair of Stairs, Front Rooms, at iol. __Ditto, in one Pair of Stairs, Back Room 6 y Feet fuperficial Portland Chimney Pieces, is. 9d. 30 Foot fuperficial Ryegate in the Hearth, &c. at is. i 85 Feet Cube Portland, at as. qd. - b-’oFeet fuperficial plain Work to ditto, at iod. 120 ' Feet fuperficial moulded Work to ditto, at is. 2 d- ' 250 Feet of Portland paving, and black Dots in PafTage and Stair! Cafe, at 2s. 2d. - - - " * No. 5, Sink Stones, at 2s. 6d. - , “ 160 Ploles, cut in Portland, for Iron Bars, at 2d. - 1 65 45 20 20 6 5 1 21 2 6 7 No. o o o o o 13 10 6 5 7 12 6 Total of Mafons Work £• 2 4 6 I I i 8 Plaisterers kVirk. To Dining Room Cielir.g, divided with Ornaments and Mouldings 265 Yards of common Cielings, at is. 2)0 Yards of floated Cielings, at 2s. “ 220 Yards of rendered and whitened, at 6d 47 Yards rendered, only at 4d. - - 569 Feet of fuperficial Plailfer Cornice, at is. 4d. 72 Yards of Stucco on Walls, at is. iod. Total of Plai/ierers Work 2600 13 5 o 25 o o 5100 o 15 o 37 8 8 6120 124 10 8 G LAS IE R S [ *9 ] Glasiers Work. To 512 Feet fuperficial Crown Glafs, in Sadies, at is. 3d. 20 Feet fuperficial Lead Work, at 8d. ___ — Total of Glajiers Work --— £■ * d. 3200 o 13 4 32 13. 4 Ironmongers. To No. 45, Pair of Shutter Hinges, at is. 8d. 60 Pair of Side Hinges, at is. 2d. «- — - 18 Pair of IL Hinges, at 4s. 6d. - 6 Pair of X Garnets Hinges, at js. 6d. 60 Turn Buckles, at 6d. - - 30 Safh Faftenings, at 8d. - f Stock and Plate Locks, at 2s. 6d. - Lock Hinges and Faftenings to the Front Door Ditto, to Back Front -- -- Ditto, to the Kitchen Door -- 3 if 0 3 10 0 4 1 0 0 9 0 1 10 0 1 0 0 0 12 6 2 if 0 1 10 0 0 if 0 Total of Ironmongers — — - £. 19 ij 6 Blacksmiths Work. To 47 '- Hundred Wt. of Iron in the Kitchen Grates, Crane, Iron Bars to Chimnies, Iron Rails and Pallifadoes in Front 44 -d. lb. -- - iron 1 , at l 9 f Plumbers Work. '0 424 Hundred Wt. of Lead, in Citterns, Gutters, Sefpools, Rain 7 Water Pipes, &c. at 20s. - - -- 3 46 Yards of Lead Pipe, at 2 s. 6d. - — -. A Leaden Pump and Iron Work -. - Cocks, Stop Cocks, and other Brafs Work to the Pipes -- Solder to the above Work - - -- Total of Plumbers 42 7 £• 59 if 10 i f Carpenters Work. To 15” Feet 6 Inches Cube Oak, at 2s. 8d. -—- 2f Feet ditto, framed, at 3s. —-- - 18 Feet ditto, planed and framed, at 3s. 6d. — 215 Feet Cube Fir, at 2 s. - --- 1467 Feet ditto, framed, at 2s. 4d. - -- 69 Feet 9 Inches ditto, planed and framed, at 2s. 8d. Carried over — 210 19 o Brought 200 3 if 0 - 3 3o 2110 o 171 3 o 980 E C *10 ] Brought over - To 195 Feet fuperficial Gutter and Bearers, at Sd. 54 Square of Centering, at 13s. j o Square of Groin ditto, at i 8s. 16-Feet of Smooth ditto, at 3d. - . " 605 Feet of fuperficial Bracketing for plaiftered Cornices, at yd. Feet rough fuperficial whole Deal boarding, at 3d. 634. Feet ditto, planed on one Side, at 6d. 12 Square of fecond beft Flooring nailed, at 3I. 3 4 Square ditto, dowelled, at 3I. 15s. 1 24. Square of clean Deal Flooring, at 5I. 15s. 113 Feet fuperficial whole Deal Ril'or and Steps, at d. 26 603 Feet fuperficial Deal Moulding, at is. 2d. 163 Feet fuperficial whole Deal Shelves, at 7 d. 63 Feet fuperficial of 2 Inch Deal Dreffer, at is. 22 Yards of Slit Deal Lining, at is. iod. - 280 Feet of fuperficial whole Deal Shutters, at iod. 286 Feet fuperficial 2 Inch Deal Doors, at is. 2d. 5)6 Feet fuperficial whole Deal Doors, tongued and ledged, at 8d 42_i Feet fuperficial Wainfcot Doors 2.1 Inch thick, 3 s * 296 Feet fuperficial Wainfcot Safh and Frame, at 2s. 8d. 256 Feet fuperficial Inch and Half ditto, at is. iod. f. s. d. ?s. 6d. Total of Joiners Work Painters Work. To 1312 Yards of Painting, 3 Times in Oil, at 6d. 165 Yards, outfide ditto, 4 Times in Oil, at 8d. No. 26 Safh Frames, at is. 4d. each 320 Safh Lights, at i-id- each j Window Lights, at is. Total 210 J [ 9 0 3 5 0 3 8 3 9 0 0 2 1 3 12 : 12 1 1 1 9 7 1 11 9 36 0 0 14 1 3 7 2 6 9 4 6 3 6 6 0 9 J 3 6 \ *7 74 7 1 7 6 4^5 2 °4 24 if O 43 if O 1. 26 2 6 37 5 10 4 1 5 1 3 5 0 n 0 4 I I 13 4 - l 7 1 8 • 3 4 0 6 7 6 39 8 0 23 9 4 2 35 17 7 2 0 * 16 0 5 10 0 14 8 I 6 8 0 5 0 41 12 4 *774 • l 9 °t Total, except the Carriage - - - " £• Note , The Charge of carrying the Materials is omitted in general. It is neceffary, to convey a better Idea of the Work, and alfo prevent Difputes, previous to the erecting any Building, to draw Plans of every Floor, and^ Eleva¬ tions of each Front: in large Works, I would recommend a Model, which, being done to a Scale, may be eafily eflimated by the foregoing Tables. t 3a ff e • j td/ie //tanner of d/mind/uny of nnz//d and tAed/ounu/iiay of Vioomd and' windemnt in t/iere deiy/it, die -71'a// . / dinu/uj/ied on- eaeA du/e a- tide nduedyu^ej t/ie no/ur/e ‘7/a// af i/ramido./'jfomi and/j t/u t thonyedt and dedt way of^/mutud tuny. Jd/ze- wad lt 5 d/mmid/ed a//f'o?n die- indide wAioti id ofte-n done A t it t/iat id not do — t dfovny a*t tAeotAe-r. td/ie manner- ofyireyiarmy t /oundotiono notion *yudny a ndyidinA u ny/uredtty dr/vemy died o^^D/Jed, at Zerfain d/jtanred t/ien dryydonde erof eao/i ottier and Turn/ ore tied^rom oneyiter to tAe otAerod C, out At dome Zo 2 tHr/dj L\‘i : I : ‘tt'o/T 4 3 timed 'V'l ^5 •il v s *s Jetjjnent dro/e. mdAcd * /zaye 6 \ A Table of Scantling’s for tbe Cutting of Timber for Building notufe-t tAott/u tJoantAoiyo fATZmAor ouyA t to Ae eoceietty ae ty t/ie^ ATAxA/a /netmay Ae- tmrted/?tfnnesX/lyff^eo ae t/ie ?t/trrAmen.fia/Afee ft. ffearmyf/ooto tfAeiy/U f xo feat X2 X4 of t/aft? ^XcantAony 6 JTne/ieofyuarc xo 1 A3 earwig yOodtd t/tezgAt if s feet/ X2 x6 o f fftr. edeanttmg S 'Jnr/iejfyiiare X2 xA tfrc/eatt of earwig f x6 feete 20 24 OsJa dcantA/y xo j/nc/iee Ay /3 X2 ‘ X4 X4 X$ tfi//er. 1 erf /Bearing f xA ‘feet 20 24 AAeor dcantuny xx tZneAee Ay x3 x3 7 rj X5 xy tfoieta of zftearww f A fe&£/ s 12 t/af? dcemtUny 5 jA?ic/iee Au 3 f* 7 3 xo 3 nfouto of l '~" AS ear mg f 6 feet P X2 fftr xdcantAZng 6 J/nc/ieJ Ay 3 g 3 X2 3 T^rtefnyd f AS ear mg f 6 feet 8 xo (fat dcant&hy 4 tJ?w/ee try 3 6 ' 3 7 3 w tAru/gxngd of ffisai'ing f 6 feet 8 xo AZATr J cant Any 5 jZnc/ieo Ay 3 % 6 ' 3% 8 3'i dxnatt tlafero ASearmg if 8 feet xo X2 of A/ctA d cant/my 4 v A/oieAee Ay 3 5* ^ 3 6% 3 dmaAA 'Aafteo'd Deanna f 8 feet xo X2 - , ^ - of l AAr dcant/mg 5 jAnctieJ Ay 3 7 ' 3 A 3 / ~/ 3 eame or A/geo ^j/cngtA if 20 feet So 45 6o of flexA deant/my y ^/ouAej Ay 8 S xo XO X2 x3 x$ 'tBeamo or AAueo j ^Aengt/i f 20 feet 3o 40 50 of t Afr deant/mg 8 Snc/ied Ay g P xo XO X2 xx x3 Tiafe-ro of AAaA Axfrmcigial Alafero of Sfc eJeant/Zny Top Bottom ^AeaytA JcantAny Top Bottom 5 , 4Jno/iedic.6 i i 6 ^dneteo ky’i, f X 5 feet 6 Jtnc/ieo k y yAnc/tesAas azzApzns ru/ /of Z/Azs yrzrns aj a/ a, s, /Asn msi’s /As A?oAAor/r/Azzu/A /Asyz/ns in /As /yrm-s anAA/s y/snrs Anu/Afrz As /As A/Azps zs mAzs/z z/uzs /a /As Asms Ac. < A/a/zrs ./ /./ /As mazy /a oft'/ As SAAps/j zzu/Az Z/z L o /p’az/zs/zrraA ,/yuarss. A/Azs p Asn/srtf marAA an/A cAs//srs nA/zrAz zs yzAaz/z . AoAArazztony AAtsfz/arfsA/yycn zz? a Azrc/s, asfyyzirs lAA/Azinc/s /As Azazzzs/sr of/As A/zrAs Azz/a as manypar/s as A/ozzAAAnns J/Asszn /Azs y/oAyyozz, /Asm n/ofs a VtaAius fAs Aazns/sr as a $ s, /Asnfznn 3 /A/syjazzz/ s Aranda Azizs /a Zous/v /zoo f/Azsmpar/s, mnA/As a-rcA A/ms f/A zs Asrc/s zzj a/ A/A/sn a Ar/'/AA Ay /Azs st/As, A/Jz/J A/z/As zznAAAa-foAsAfoAyym ofz/zzzy Z 7 //z/z Asr, kAzAsj Aczs/As /Azs Azams/sr zn/a aa manyyzar/s a, 1 zyozz nAa/A Azaz’s J/As , zz? /As ps/Ay yon az/A aAAnmzys Azan i a /Ans /AzrozzyAz /zzmpar/s /o /As A/rrAs AAo' Aram any yuAar-f?o Aiyyan zn a AzirAs, ana/Azsr nuzy aAAzzuzypz AAzAAs 071s fozzr/Ayzar/ fAzs Airs As zzz/a aa znanzyyzarto ajf/n/AA Aaz Afz Asa zn /AisJ? ffyyon, aa znfzyzzrs tf,an A Za/sfur far /As'ffAs- As. AoAran ffs/z /afon as furs yz, nAzsn /Azs aa a a. anA s A/Asn A/r/As /As arsAz a r zn/a fir par/s /Aszz os/ a?? sfo/P of/As Aoznyzafss a/ c,anA /zzrzz ms yzar/ Amaz /o A /Aza/nAA/ As /As Aszz/sr ^ ^ AArcAec /Aa/y nAAA Aim /a in /AsfAssa/ AfiY /zizziss. yum/rtyot 4 i/t i/tJ AAz'zAoor/r a Ao/t/zf/’/t zvAie/t i/ie o/o/e zo zyzi'ezt a,i 6 /tq.. A. zr/zzo/z zo zr /A/orne/e/t oz'tA/.r o/o/eo; nur/e aAfae/z/zo o/ f/tr . zz//o 0 /. ,y/v. Z /•. zoAizc/t zo Z/e /enter fu tt/rz/e zAir Zzo/Ao ZonZ//>t//ron/nnt f/ze ozz/o n /.. >zo~ Z////o.i. ■ A-/y,/t. /.< ,r ,AeyiA 7 ii} 0 ‘/e.Ze c/razv tof/m z/ie .oeAe zoy/ne/t n.< e/.m/z/c 0/ Al/ioA/z/o r /■ j' //000A nZ y, zA/yz /A/v//Ar zZr. ArrAz c o. z/'Zn ./ t.r/izz/Ao. /'///ro>/lAaz/> f/ze 0/0/e C/. • •z've/i // /no.r. ,'/o //ra/i' /Zto A VAzzz/z'/z ■A/y.J).// /e/z //o,iz/Ao /■>///no// z/o o /i, niso/e a Alao/z/zo e/^tAtco/z/e O’p . Z/zezz z/zz ■///• //zoZ^rzAz Z///r t> zy. 1/1A&Oz. r/l /iffy/•» /oo /A/ /■ Aoz/Zz'z' z/Ao jA//// /Zr Ao/Zrz' r>. zt ■///■/ZozAzo A//J//‘//r z/o/ //•/// re/iAorz zz //o ozz/e />//.e/yA/ZZ//r/e> ',/yon o/tyno 7 oA//i/oz>o e^ />////’. //•//. e/’i>en SyZ/rr/re ozo/nz, no zo/z/ziz/z /’// /.' o o/. Z//r/r n ■ nJ/'zzoAA nty/ioi/iJe. //rn/'O z/AzoroA//>//zuA,. Zrr/eZo // ////Vo />/Z/f.Je'irAAr./rozzz /:Zn c. z/re/i Z//o// r/toAo //■. Z/eJAe/'t///z//A /zv/n /Zo//. z//nZn •///ivm/z/oZo y ZAr/Az A. A/zn. /’ // ///////nor Of z0/ wy/zer/ze/z/AzeuA/zro e/ty en/A/f mzzA/AAoo^'/ zz/oj JziX.zzZyyzoizit t/,orZ n/iz/on///y f0/1/10/00'yoZzy/o // A/zrAe oo/.ZAe/z /ftzA/roa//re zyre/r/////rAorO/Ar // /ArcAre.' /)/■')'"/■ z/c/f/a. zz-zAAAo/zoz/rez/iA/- ty/At/r Zn a /.///z/z ////,'/.//z/ryZ' Zr iZzA/r/i Zzr/e // Zr/iynz/A.' n Z.iyooZo// l ' V* % \ V /V \'!ir 1 '• v - ' — - , ■ \/V‘i ’ ! • 1 j i. I* —- j. • j - '' /' c \ ' 1 j 1 .. -L,_ ■ V A n- A • • 1 '• / \ ' A -A _ L 1 . . . • • ■■ \ y N • 1. .- * / \\// •A . \iv , l /r /raff /Ac Z//t/t. ’ /a /////.« 1 , dram /Ac^ t/t'/ an A/AA Ji. iy /Am A'rdt'ncde / i ;J 4 v ; ^T-7 dt'nee fo //tc Q/tac/artaA /tor. Men/can /AedDtopenaA-/'ns, dmm Mr AWtn*/« /■/4 6 7 du> Onp/e, tAem turn tAe- mo/d Ad) aver to t v andma/dao d/ore,t/zot zzud /e t/ze ot/zer t2,y /c ; and t/ze oanze nzo-nner net//do for t/ie t/nn/eo, zsz-szdaot dS /t/zed> ** ^ r^ dot A, accordfszo to ndZc/i zo/rot uSoarded,tdAze C / “T neidz/o far anyy ram rze/iataoever/' r/ydd/y managed S/dyA an a /traz/fAece at t/ze t/uod A u/yAt- and ddenda/azt Ala/ round t/ze Coven And/7/de z/dozU ayaznet t/e A doe to fond mar/ d Ay t/zat mid'■ yttee die dizzy A . ' ‘ * •X - R -C Cover or Cioiling ior Groins Stretched ont. tAe tlzeA Aeaie a A /tftjtu • / / ,/tc/tco re/icd ( /on Jyi/aifU « '/am/M m> in t/c /Uati Fi¬ ji j. w a Jemtoirc/c; am/ t/ic ot/u v ,/ ’ troy.’ tinco toJ/fe /'/ otic /./ J /too li/tina rJo , /c mooeatJe ,u> mmi/cit//ten mm/ /it u/tJermi/e 0/ t/c t Co it roc ./fit/ mJeri/er, t /o m. Jram t/ /nee' to tie //, rrern 1 tie /tire 0/ t/c /jr/t-Ze ,a//J j/Z t/ie / o tiro to ■ « / 01/ ttrc/i met/ one oi t/u ./am/v i Jy/m/J More t/mn /Zt o/Zwr.ant. CtltfiJtJ, tnr/Zi to /lew a tine , c //t 0/ i'oe, front lte i/o/ttit ’ Jr mo /Ze ime. (ouo/l Conroe to to lw (tt/ oto /Zt t fare, /Zt t onrju< of C'uoZ t/roZ o/t //it r/ Jt, /Ze (enter, f/un w it < in etc /l 'o/t y/. one j/at Jmne manner mi tn oJit niomJer, t/ieu t/ie AeyfJ rte/c tot Cotnveo.tnt tie tiff>try>ort ~oy /Ze (tre/i, tv Zw Jonie/Znt. tor Z/ttZZino, oaf/woe a Jetntetntt/ar l/rc/i to o taint i/t two ZiiZZo tio a. to tie Cttnw oy tie Vl aZt\ am/fir one"//// no O, anJ tet tie tr/Ze/ /JrnZi Zt/ t/h / int (onroe, tin J t/e f/oy> oft t/i • y/Zon/Jo. //tit/ tot// mat/ ir/iat to to come o^ Jo tttattaoee/ eoi/Z (omyi/eat t/ie • /ro/t V t/Zn eCro/t A ,t/ic Jo/nmert/itf of tie Cottnfeo arc 1, to a Jemioiro/e o/Cu /Zca/ini/ ZJmte. tie eZrc/t J. to a , / "Jr-t/i Jcffieo of the tlrc/ej F t & to 'tamCr an 'i ofan fact m a Fact wlrmy x - \ F : . . - ? . Sii r t , Ut ,y/*- mattnrrey/imAtrAiyyy/o. in a Gscu/tfZ/a/Li A/Atr/tsrun*; n ft t/nA'm m a r/niduA/a//. -y A i.U/,t A,yy A .i/rt/e/i',/ „u/ 4/u/Aiti/wA/yU Ate /ttfre ,y At //,/// mAen Ac/Ur/p Ae ArAt.atu///e/eint/sij j/nnd oyttarr /o Ate A; A /'/it ,y/7it oy,,t„ny. Ann f/> /rate AteAyyA. A/atAe ////■<_ /re/t AneJ:. t'tUo any numler of/tarfo. a. ■ /err //Ur /e/t. //U At tnrtt /,„,/. - U An,Ac A ,n ’ Atc/raert/hi.a/iAArrytAinc.yromAtm Atnto/on.i. /p Ate At A //,t U. /. Am//trntAeoAtAn'//. Ann Ae/int /■ . c ■ /(/it Any// / ^ ie Art/, - / ' , ' r /; • tr/ut/t A /t ///■(,/// ,,, At oamc num/er yyiarte //,> Air Aft/ - //it E. Aten fa/y Air An//,ta/o /e/ween f/tt /art/- /me ,,t/ /to ottntrtrt/t ^ 1/1,1/ toti/tttttt,/ in// /At//(/„,/ py'/At J/'att,/o. /At J,yy 7 / ,,,//At^y/tn/ny. / no/ tot ,,,/tti,, E to a O/mt/t/ory/emtny J/am/o tn a o/rrt'y/u//,,//. /- G A, /At i/r/fr o/tr/,A Aon/. At o/tAai, Ay '/At ,y,t„in,/ ,/rn m'AA " ^'o/ to /At /rti/rryAt Wte ‘7,yy7/ G „,„/ At 0,1 me tti />. /,■ /race/ram-. m/t„ At -/yyi/ to A /e■//„,>, Ay,„7 on At mar - yet,/, no tti /< .^A„/n;7/,,/ot /At /Arne or AAye- ,y At/an nr///n tna/e At,//At or etuwytn/./j/etr tty, a At/ /,< At Any,/ ' yAt At,A. tj/t/U AenAAt enemy/ /v oert/t 7r „ Gmyi/t/.tmiUt Ay,'/Aa/yntr/ tu< Mu, MS //ui Mu/i/U’/j //iut~ AM//// /^M/Zll'/cAlt //w 1 A/VlM , /‘" y \ / J / W- c/\AcAe Aw M/////e. t/trA///ey/d/e /turn- t/tc/w/ 5 . ti/iil'f/u’ drt/kM/At e.> d/tur// t/> frvm c/te MucAred fv /Ac A’/Ael Mte/rJ Atr/r"m/tcA Mu- /W^vv/ tm Mu- Mdac. Me/efo/r trAe/t //tap M i/A/re/ed/Ae //iii/z/it / -tfC/t/M/idt//M//ardf,and- A/ A ezrere? trtM /Jtwd, ■/ /////.// /•< M/tt A/l M/c J,////! ///,/////e/ u./ M/e Mutt w . fia; then draw /mod a/ naht angled to the Cine. l 2, ad Men toy down the JSnqtS ofdo Carre od/JarC of the '/lifer, aj a Cthen taAe one oft/iem partj of t/ie Coe/; of the /lifter kthat mid go 6 timed font a to C.thun drum the dotted Ceneo aCfxiqht angled to the Jfine a C, then fa tie the dutanee from the A'/,. Q,oj /a34jdg,8j,ie, keetthem from- the Cue a C on the dotted .dmeo ajf.23A6dj.Sgjo, to that wi//five the t ’dye of the. Covering,,the dame may mid do for the Cvenng in , l.dC.kC. fie manner of’fneenny then Car k Cd/ydtral nie/rej . I, tea Circular rue/i, k to find the Sdqe of the freer dr Cover divide Caffthe ttreh or plan into ygiarto k dry, them to the /hoe Cine, then net the Cemyiajjrj at the Center q, kjirtCe the dotted Urdu 8 a.jcdejfke. dten City down the- t 7 re/ line c/ the. /ltdat /-myth ad efmliieh to equal te the diifton on-the arch Che of the flan,then taCe the dutanee in fheydan a C.cde/f/uC/ and jet the/n a? Ciaht angled on dieyiartj In the Cine efk dot nail Ce the ed/e, tefineer the S//if deal nieh Ah,there mart f ,? lull . (aid damn to the Cad. Cnee of the Untew k edged afeaehfneer, there Ceng t/u Cema difront. Cut Cere id Cut one t o ear/l enter. p;„ n „r;Mr, 0 f Niches. - Piers for Gates. 1 7 / rf‘”'$7 7i^ n/rj a 7S 1 " 0 ?' 0 *'™ W OmAc JiAo/u^ 7 far 7 ■ ^ A ^ «, many ^ fc^I/ ^ 7^ T~* ^/‘0^ to e*juc/ tin t '^nr/i /n (\i //wtf e, an Pic cAo((ccA/me.'. Ptat arc t/ratvn /uirei/Ac/ (r (Ate /aac Anc of (/te P(t/n<, (Aten (tieA-tn iicu/a,p /'enP a (Aun/ut/c (rue to(Ac _ > Ata/A.'.p nuir/c ao (Atat (arre i/trce(o fyt/ta/ tt/AAcyme Pie ('acAciacjfor any /Arne Atne Any an et w/(l/ti/Ac retyttr’P — a/ioayo c/otPe (AcyieryeneAtctt/t r Acu/A( t n(n a an rn/rr of cyan A/'ark', pt/rnn> (Acrn fin re//c/ (r Me Pane /men (a net an f/u ■ /ac/a /a/. (Soft n e/ /An• Acm/t/t ptari'c a/ (Ac *9 A Ay euyeea/Ar (a (Are A/afAer tn (Ate AZan./// nie/c (Ate Pane Arne of(AlC /! n n - nym AAtaf/cr nt/e a aa/nrer <•/ cyan/yar/u. ,‘y fi.q./O. p/a/( (Ate . unite Ae/t/At( on (Ate ort/t na/u op (Ate,/(Ay (nrActn AYa/Aol \ Ae/n/n (Ann A/tt/r ,(/ten am rA- an (Ata( A it me t A Acer At toAniAi trA/AAc (Ale Aari’c o, (Av./tAy. /(An Aat/e n-AA/ c/ofora/n/ (acre At/tr •/(Aft. at am/ A/ur/Ac ,tr/n/ tracer/from t/tr '//after r _ '/ —Plans for Stairs. /'one j3 ts/a'/Vaiu*fort/frur ccu/co, ant/ MtaMoy/F to a c/rrtfZa r 7'Zan j‘ Or id if t/emyi/et', Zo Zy Zc/i f Z/ir i//tnd/-- rat/ uyu/tt , t iMttr/ /»/ Zr /t n/a/Zc /ru e Zo M/r oytrn//u/ of Mir MZti/tM-ratZ. Mir/i Mrn/t' Mr Vf/oc hu/s /*/^thun do tn tho'jute/, ;/3third dtojruj d/io guide to tfus'wAole . To JJratrv ttu' Lizon/i at to/i Jhurv t/w , . _ _/ wtdrr Lino f tAo Lad tv moot t/w ouio of t/io Lterud at a then Jit ono foot of ttio / irm/iajaej at a. aout Erierut to b and limn t/to dLntt Lino b e andtJio Point c to die fdaro to tiouL/ y Square m‘/noA nri/tunite t/io (onto?' at d t/uo to a o/utro Lute . A- rtfc/i 3oar.i T/u JL /ovation fide tf f a SinqlL ttairo. s ^' n v 1 m & ~ 7 '--i- €• 0 -f^ w- & / X .jJ- , l i» , >!.i 7 ;' ,v v:VA/ ''" /A ' BmM " /V " 5 '^ T 77*"^/ *' • W/ f.^ -T W Z*, /w />,,,. ** *W „ . W/ Z''' ^ d ^'"' W /W * V '' ; *& ^ Z „M of t/u /andRad/ g-L a>u/ochfpvrn i*k ^ * ** J ' *fi~*& J>™&u mf «*,J e ,H c i-b Connafa /, f ,w/., ^; 2 - ? ,, v ,':^, *»**, fa • '*' . . ^/ontjoorfy (owfta/^ otc W/w-W to &>,/»r d. * r&Hvrfc *n ArrAan »«# v /tA m , ww dfataatcei. Set w fat.if n aw/ , ' h.Hvtt/u Air A at 2 nrAAA u< t/u> f\,,/<■>-f, v -i ^ /ll7r /- ' — “ ant <44 (ni tor t/ic Xcot -wmAto s Plan land Scroll for 1 V-1 '4' 1 Twist Rajil at Large /Mr,70 ^tP.j N ‘ 1 1 s i i i 1 5 ! ^ ! i 1 ' "> /r ! /1 1 t ^tf/tcr J 1 "’.J/Hpof',//c ///rr/. _ •V/‘ ./op//// A/svz'.'i - Z //' r y/ Z/yZ/Z, / dL/es/ru fa/ , /Ze/ee, >, dZ/e//'Z //ey, Ze>//' 7/yM/eZ zZ/e f ZZ////y///mu ,y Zee er/z/yeu e/e/eereeZZ- //> ////• - r ///// si" LZ/ed 4 / t/ic ee/iyie/^/Ziey/zoy Mteie/d.JZu/re ////, M/aZtZ/e • ZeeZ/Z/ne / v, Z/'/v , fiee/-///ed/Zntey , /lee. v e/e/Me/e //eyZdZ’d///.Me /re// zZ/e Me/ZeeZ/e/at e t , ' M/e d/Zae/cZ-erieZyZ//,/// ere// M/e Zde^ae.iZe/ZeeZ Ay Mte ZtdZr//e////'/ ey' Me Zd/‘e/ZZe/ZZZe» ZZ/’/ee, /Z/‘ Zt// yr/z/y fe*iau/■'//if ' S'/rz/f,///// //,/ / // L Z) 7A '//s /ray <- i _ j- //>/tnyipr/t/'?/ t/e'///'///////. / /,/ //v' ZeeZeu Zee Z, lZ//e- Zzl/Z&i/llZ/a rtie e/eyZzZy/ee/Z y/ M/C Ze/eyZ/e ejB.Z\ Me // h //Z/Z y/ M/e Zi’/eZZ, zZ/e tUl/Hf Z/M ///z' Zf a Z///Z/. /Zee /reMM/ ey' M/e > ZeeZ/Zr/// -e /, > eye/eeZZr zZ/e //'/MM/ ey/ Mie-MdrdeuZeeZ\ e - rnrZM Zj MerZ-ee/eZZVZ/e u///eee, n/ie/z M/e Zee/yZ/e ey M/e < /Zry/ /,/ . ///ore zZe/rn / /neZy/u e/'/-eyy/‘/'Z/////, Z//‘ Z/, Z/' z/„ //'/, ZM />y zZ/e , Z'rM& / Zee/. a/zdrfevide' e/zeyjede.Wu/ a.i Zeyoreyo/- /Zee ty/e./e z//ea///eee ey z/ie- /ZZe/d.hiy manner 0^dej^ri/fet>/^ ftnterafrr ‘TTfolcfctup, /’«?<’ .U- t/u- Corint/uan mo-dtl/tan. /'//,/,• .ju. -'//A VV <>////// /ZZ/A/DZ/t1 //>/' • ZArr/r /'('V/c/’/v/, //zzz ,/<" /kv/ AoA/te AAz/z/tZrD AA/\AZ/f A/z'tr/t A//c A/-/tA’/'cr/. >/ >{///////,/. // ZZ/oZ/AZr // J/Mi/fow o/z/o, O Z/Zo/Z/Z: Zor/u/ ( oAo/nt,/c\ (or/ n/Art, m Eor//coa<. '/or/ nf/itan • -formfoi a-. ■ uttt/ Zr/o/tt nr. or Zo/tttnrut t/t Z’or/o. \V'< J *> m . j/Jt .40 /// •' '/7>-f5‘ m fi 2 Y/o iA/,/fa/icc fo/t/',■,•// /Ac /0/1/0/77A Z.7710,1 ty V f<‘^ /////u/Zc.>. /Ac Arc, 7///At ‘//tr '/’/■■ Tnt/t,\', /Of Z//f iZrr/t, Ton/,- 7 Zronn't//. . 1 t/t ,7 Ac 7 oAr/n/rr. or ZoZ///nri,t /nlhrtJ. arc .if for,/< / 7 / 7 A, 7 Zc 2 q E or ft/ ?//entAcr nu/of/tor ,' zAi, otit/rc AZ/t/ti/i-r '/. 'H"Zee . 7.1 /fottr.Z. *■ v ‘ , y ) ZX ?*’’ ” D/a to. / -2 mtn / Z c//fora AZ//1&1 ofr/on/c A//, >r/, Ac//,/ 74/7’ //A?/77/04, /Air. tA/oZ/i/rc A'c/u 7 71/77777/0,1 «y A. fAu'Arctic '7 0 / 7,7 /,/ >2(1 or '2/ 77/777. Ao/wec /7 JZoz/Z/Ar. - 4 Z' m.'-' r,Hiarn. /o ,„///.'•'4 4?,. ,f mtn 47tort!. /•’ n//n. ‘ 7 7, ' /)C/‘T’J 7 777777. " 00/7 /'/ /,■///}• 777 A A/A/ O/yZc/zZ/Ac rj 77/777. 1/ ///fry/'i/A • < • , / .—. 0,7 to Q 77/777. 7 , 7 / 7 /////, •2 y'/■/',/A///' ) Y/'/ Q ///// 4 Y'r/,//////A, 'o/i,1,ZC z/orto 7 Zr,•./,/•,/ ir..i,n,)/■ lc/t/71 11.1 Of t '•'/,/,irt'Z /// /‘ore,/. 2 n/ o' 6 2 )/am. ,4 m/n £ 7/7,777/ j D70/0.42 />/ ,A/.tA< 7 7/00 Aw/t/'CC 7 / /A/O Zoz/Zof,/ A ZA. A/A />/T/v./A////A./ jo ///A////Ac,/, /A t 70 7,1 77777/ 77/7 7/ 2'/70077 71 (o/or/.h/e T//ooa/i Z/'/Y/co. / 77//oca it Z/rra,/c,, trAoZ/njAc l o/unui. • or Zo/Zt/n 1 /n Tar/.,. 47 J/, 1//7 ,77/7 \ - ! 1 : 5 —._ .1 j*=— ---—- B ilAAtt. rZrcAe \ . ~ .- Y~ - -T-T - -/— r-~nr-—^ 1 V : A . r r— | ■ — -1- j to 3fi 4P S° n IN m jinn ' yOroyeetionJ en tU tAe fire ffdero are Sardfro /rt a f/uin. . A nr . . /o'fOrofort/on t/e • tnor/in < v -ri, r to an// g/t vv/ • //e/aA/d/oide a. Andt/i lA^fteddia/ mAr 4 $farb,^ ear//fart u ef/a/tto tfi minuted, or one fat/rf/ ofmeAdlameter of tAe AoAitnn at • bottom;*. tAe Cd)/a/netrr of y tota/nnat/3ottcnJt m/to tie a raided mtc 3a nan 4 liter, in a//tfte ordro aJ 1 / Jrate a, A, at tAe /o attain of t/ie Co - tarnn;and to ore minuted to tec didf/>fed to ear// nteniOer oj t/uif a-re/aured ui^die/aAt an//fro jection . t. tofro/ort/on the /o/urnn an// lonta/tatiire/oit/i Osdu/f/thtA' Al/to/de r, f into /3f/artj; ear A fart /j eyua/ to j s ttfreefvi/rt/j of tAe Ad)/a me ter; and one done tA/rd u ftu? x/AefAt of*t/e JuA/AntA;tnro f art) and one tAudu t Ae 2//e/fAt of t/e Snt/iAAature. V ft) frofortion nutAout die fie - deot/iAor J/JnAutA, Adii 'u/r . t * ^ c, d. into 36fart), ear/ fart u efta/ to f.5 minuter oi' onefourtA fart f t/e OiitaA/trt/r. ' do fydindni/Aa//t/e fit-e Ad/ride t/e ///iffy into 3 eyua/ /uirtr L , deaoe tAe /owe rfart a. A.fer- f/nd/uAr, A. r, AA/ir two t/in/j tAat A 2 )un/nf/A, c t/?efoirit of tAe Adim/n/it/on, e tAe Ad tnunution /oard t/am AAra/r t/e dotted June A d and ret an t/ie //Aimmutwn d c t/ieii- ? tar A in na/A at a AAc Acndny a tAire Jlu/e to toi/r/i t/ie due/ faint), marA aJ tAat Ai/roe direct) nd/icA rod/ Ae t/ie /At - e ddt/ameter; L feoen 7 a * a . O CV, 0/ t/w/e //a/to 10 t/ie miruitum Aat do Ad t/ie Aim Aide true to a A. die dxu/e not to A id den hi an inrA it }ytamfo ,eacA. yiarf u 40 menu foe, e/juai fo t/vo di/ r do itj/’ dis id)lamefor, Ant ijAit/ie Adda/nvro 10 Aufe 8 d/Alan/efero duyA and ret mi a yiedee fa/ /iteai dinde a i info oy fia/rfo eae/ifunrt 10 20 nu/niifee, if 8 Add) tame feru, 'tidten eet on a fuiy/indi d/ - mde e y info trfia/rfo , eac/i, /icurt u one Addiamefer, nnt/urutyedejfo/ orAdyi/indv //8 Add) ia?nc/e ?\i divide' r d info fenyiarfo eacAyiarf u one Add) mme fei'. fiyure a u die ‘manner yd dtriAinn die —AortcA'yiufej ao die ilnciento did nieiAe' die ?ne nndi onO ydife/o Lfrr/l/CfJ toj V 1 4-M r •twjoa^v- \ - ; M ^ 4->Z Moldings at Large for the Do rick Order_ -Jjays . /j/ue of'Z/t/s.>f'fi/ f\yi. of /lc/i.ifMn/f/pf -j^r l/in///?.< £/(>'y/nyu‘//u>/i ////Z/r/t/r ft’/////// ,7V /////> /fi/.i/ir/ ti/u/i i//////i//f rr //> n/ty ,'////y// //•' tr./'. l/i/r •yy/////, •. etn /tyi/i/A/. > /y/ui/ /c;)r////luffai nr/t/z/y //r /j 1 ///////'’^ //,'■ '/■ ////////Mi Av/ft /y/t •■'////' / tu / ///< ■/// - /cr n,'///■// t/f/^/y///'/' /// /fly// ’>)’ ////y/; ///'// / //• /tt/y //. ■//!///f't'/ff l Vf < //<• /■ V//// 1 //, /'//<’/ Mch >c > /A ’ o/r/r / Zn// '/(ftf/e ? i /,> /(' ///it//A',>. /)// o/mem n / ',//.' //(■ < /t/a/ZaZ/re . yum t/ N, l- Y il £ V- > N ^ r . N •J N. i' 1 : "ill ~ - .. 4 ^ s. i*. r Ill. 1 Jinttr/r, Httt/i/um ■t r ] Ts^’i' ±1 3 fJ * V \ J J , Front - < A’/vfiif // 2 4- fP N *N / * ■.> -/ / 6< &//' ^jZ/m//////f/'/f An //: ///,t/r/ry i> //if . I !/////• /// ft// a//- / ///fA ' //,' //nr/' y//f,'A//, •/■// n nn'/>/■////y Zr rr/a/ ‘ //try f/im/iu, i/i, // ■//// /■ / y>///// /y t * //ryA/y///-/■,' a///if /lec/i /^ra// /oZ/tf/t// , a//////if • /ca/< 'e*t. * ? 2 JDuUft* ‘jP HU ft . The Corinthian Order. page +C if 3D1T T~ : ^ - z mn/r/7/' vfMte f/Mv //: ft. n/uc/t t. / 4 > /e // Vi Me//; /a// fty>art/r/t f/e (p/i /n // /rt f/ /to f ia/ft/t/t//,//nit/' t/e \/fety/t e.t. t//ft> Qfi/iaffo. ' f rat//tarf /.< ryt/a / ft' y> nu/u/f/'r or tut/^ tt/cL//- nmeter try/ nyir/itr/t rr do o/e/ci/t ttf/t e/rr/e f/e 'Jf/y/tf r.t/. tntP Qj/taffc C-' car///art to W ////////tv. V=—~ -rw 1TTLHP — r—V- ---V£ - .>L •I f 4 * ^ - * to ri i.. £ . 1 (>/(' //'//'// /'//lavtero t/rr no d,it'd/ ///am nj t/nr t ■O/t/'t/ ///not/a/-e t/?act me2hiruneittm ao t/r (<>/// /////■<, du tin/ten t/.t/////a/e, //try a/ott// -d-S i t//tt//tr/t /t/t re ry /ettfe^d r dy tr//e t?/>>ytectum )/rt/vt/ea a ////1 dy/t era t/e tr/tdc tr////e //atti cine/■ trite//yn/'/e to t/r /netr neat /a////efty. -—- I do c /ryiorA'on Mir / onyio/do Zo/uinn Ac nAzo/aSi/rr n/Mi t/j yJet/gjAa/ A> anyyu m Ary//, —/ tt/Mr Mr /try//.a . /'mA? 4 S yiarAf at it/ 3 ojMMrmy/arfj u ryta/ A' Mir M/ta ntr/rr y/Mr / o/tit/tn, tiMi/r/i u Ao /r Mi'// rMinAo //larAr anMottr in Ar/i a j Mir dca-My. / anM Mia A u a Jor t tr/tio M 2 ta, or inma/rr, ir/ur/i tiiiu/ Mr r/itaM,A? Mr 'lantrAr oy^Mir /o/imin; a//MMiojr mmuZzo At /Mr Muytodi’M At rar/i inrinMrr OJ Mt, Mi/ air Mt/ Mi / ( . ti/ri/ t/z 1 /7 // . : nrty/i/ anMyjroyec&oTV. /Ma'y'./iryeot/ton y /a/i/n/ti tiM/Mt a /’iM/i/mMi iMi i MMr Mir /tray Mi A ryMmSo /3y/arAj anMs/ior onr At Mir da/ - /t/niMi ;rar/i y/arA id r/aa/ AoMr i-Mrarrir/’r lyMMir /e/niiti ; on Mt riviiynM/i/Mt Mi/Mr c M in A? i 2 /to t'dt rar/t yiarA id a LMla/nrAm. i’ll irut diu/ittfion- / f/i. .l.-.r.t .ut.lf/.r/irst l/t n-tialf Hu, The C ompofite Order ■I6 /tarfa K.n'h /t.irl i.< Efitttl to no muuitsj or out l/ttr.l ./j/ne no f/ie AerAnin n art/A//e A/Aye (v oA/i/uAno Aug/i a ./ /Ate Aoyt of //te Ao/unrn /n /Ate •' MeeA zt,t o/ten'u /■// //re e/n/r> of /Are A) //Ae marA/A n.c, aneAAi Ji to Arnoyirceoo of A'oareA oryt Aon/ Ao nut A e /Ae Alee/ /p /tang A/>e AoA/m/t nt, att/Ai/A/e AenAeroAo Ae r/ta/Ae for/Ate Aryt of/Ate Ao/nnnt .Ao Ae Zero/nn'/A A/rAoft of /Airyt/r/t/', /Are/t a nyturre ofro/e zyt //eoz/Ae of /Ae ft A/i/t Atfrom /Ate 1eit Are, /Aten ay//tire /n 'cr /Aio/o/roAe at' a/ /i. /'it //e er/ge of // yi/onA <'/'/tjnreAD /Aten tit (urnt/tg roun/A/Air AoAnn/n /Are e/Agr ofmen/ /A/uAe ntuoAoAo/i zi/ A/te oAro/r a /Aien naAA /Ae A/oge run Arr/e Ao A/re Ar/tAer of A/e AoAt/utn ao oA/e/on An/ /Ate /Ao/fetAA/ne e. _ ' I o/r ereru ytar/ mu,//- Ae Arno an/Aon A of /uin/AA/tg , / /Ate AA or/ /o A/A eoutyi/eAe/t/ a no AfAntr.'/ie CoAuinn on <9 or / 2 giarto /Aien Mie ^AolnAiv/AAAn in Mi e^iAAe to am/not on Me fluAeo, Z> a #‘ J7 J 7 c/ad can h 7 7 “ of ~ 1 * S u Adadcan/ / 7 Impolt at Large. \jo^)tyarAAn tAy dmyioot Ay any ytv - > f &\yjsb?j&y\ 3i xmmt en Aeydt, nde?z d? I sued/o/tAoot tAc j AoAu/nnj. ^dct a. A. ■/« efu oyit/uny or riru/ai of air an err into jm ■ yieirto,yevo ont to /At /Cure of //if /ho/ufrat t ,2 //,/ ‘ Aemuft n'/ec/is u Aiei/f/At roee/t/ of //u '■■ //ter yiarto fre>/n //if tZrt/ietreiiro. Jayyrode t/u At e/eAu/ee/ into dir yrar/J. /Aon year for of// ’tti'ft/, err for erne/ o Aa/f to t/u fears mu/ Jr./ y a > /mo o/eti e/ifto/v one dew/A err f/o-o eAtirnr/, jj/r Any//of /At A /iff .prior //if /ArAe/rao. f,/ieal to /At terr e . V. «* _ArcliiU avcs Prize fr Cornices for Doors or Windows 34 /icrfr 4 c * > ' *. v > —s / ' y ' Me //rr/;/?■.-ire, ' Mr ye n/u/Mrsi/er,/ i/2.\>nro enu///////on-.!. - .3 M//M //rMir/reioe. fMtje r,//M .M /<>?/!/(e ,/ta/Z(/ A. f/i'u/c Me ,cu/M o/MteM/onr n,/r 6/>err&< ^ ane/ytre o/iefc Me/Zre/tfrtr/>'■ Mr'/ t/n Me Me n/MM e/ Mr ' \_ 2 _ / V. r Mee/Meaee t/t/e iMc/tarfr o/k/' ytce//tee ieMW~c etnM ' ,WW /(,r/,C an “« <“ "//?" /’<«'/' '/Me ■;//„, e/rWMe Me /Mnecee i'/ifoArty. / m/mc Memeere/ ///e„Mrr ,r.t Me y e //;„ rM M /eiy/t/-ruu//rn/eeM^Lp Mu-/try retro n o/Mr Ctm/M to 0oe> Mr, Mo e/,// /wy/i/-,t„M Me / ire/-',/or MtPtrneeo/t one M/rM? Mm More/rMeMee/rMrre rnto to Mre/ttrr/o.onM Mro/zooe Mem/mr to ft Me /Mes a „M//U/,„Me 7 Grrnw, Mt MreA/fatfe /> M / art, .. M fAe ZemMe rn/o Mre/y/Mr/urrK.. at u/Mem/ierr/it e/to/tsoe to ear/ mem ter. era /e/ore . C. t . Mo. free trro Mre/rtra reoat-M rye .Sec. ^ * ' ! iMr WAewtWM o/Me //re/r/rrroe to /rone mrM,/orit/Mie 'Mevnr oM//nM/v/’o. ^ Moldings for the pedelta! part of Rooms. /liU/t’ $3 K v S 4 Z en fir//'///fif'//„■. /rf/<\f/-<>///,rs/(f //r:/]<>(>,,,'//„/,'//,/,/// a/raya fit /,■ ( /tW fio //r ///„.<< . //<>/,/„„,, am/mirr/,//// } ' ' / /urr/ //> t/ir /a/, or/omeren of///' ^v/rofit/at,////r /r/y/fif'de Uia./o and/mmoed./n/e ///ty;ntir/, //,//, /,,ryfc fit /r t/f/oar/ fit rtir/t ////■/.u/rV ‘ Ln Zrta// a,,,,//, ro/rtfio o.■//.,/ a rrfy/,/ay//front //,nfoofir,y/fi. '/>< /m fit//t'flOfro/~ ' * mgjfor ' L JO/c/ui^ 9 I j f/n/mj al | Zar&& t/ie &///A //r e?i# ! ^ I ///cY/Y/// t ~u7//r€t -^*L X5 T a/' i t/ie ri‘/Yt/v \a/ ’ Fagc $8 ^2)oric/iy (AafiiCuA _Z5 ivids tAs Column, at JHattommla and, *?•** tAs-tn to andftrcyeclum as lAay are figur'd. Caf>UzU IdEntaAAa/iirc atZaiy e/ £D one A CSrontui 2‘at’/’ e> o T teceo. - . _ o n ! « 3j Farts E.uAp.n t <’ rw/i’ fp l/ipi/ti/yi/i ntft.ii nd / >•' v fo Me />' uAi//nhi 7/t/t of o ZyrZZttr Co///////i tetZ/t Z/te ZJ/tor. Z/z/r,atttZ/ZZtZt>/ZoZore.ScZ/tt/Zor/t/o t/t Z/tr Z/oZ/ur //aJ , ' M"" 1 * TTHTTH! Minimum : to 7 'i V i / 3 t 3 A "3 - ----- i / c /Van rt'/ 23 -N >JLJ L-V_i-, i n) X V V V V if $ V N. *- $ < ’ \ s v N • * ■$ * Vi 5: N. S •1 5: V X 5: ns - ■5: » / ZyrZZ/tt 1 /Joor Z‘/t/t /r/t/ZC •nZnZZoZt/rr ft'/ o ZoZ///o/t totZ/t (t ZY/t/t yWtr ZoY/tttt/t oZZ/tr Zo//p/?t, /ttttY' /rot '/ YYrt/t /*Z Me /eft .totZ/t // t C f't/ // - /(Yf/r mm/' &rt ' c f/c 'lArnwe/rr r/ W/r to// ///// /// /r >///>/// . C-^/rtf/c //r £ 7 \,i///fZrr W///V umn i n>. '( , ( 7 / 1 /. /////// (7 ( 1 / 1 / ///(It !////( /// 7 / vu/e //e (o/tttftt tn/ti <. (Hu hem fiarfo Zvetuvi Z/Ze> re e/d //in/ are /run r e m /tfn//t/ am//>/o/caon z/e , 4r ft 7 /‘c/&f arrf)/iitt 4> truftfwciuni /y f/ie. /utrfo a?u/ {r/t/en/a/id c« 4 1 N * n ' M | n. t ; qX - v. [_3 //‘hr// /‘/ft ■/'•////' Z/W/////// /rt/A /Or /./h/t , zr//,/ 7‘> ;///?/>/, r //z/t zf /— fit far /**#* 7# v K7- '■ Gothick IroiifiTpieros for the i ulide of Rooms WMSmm I • t>W /yrtA/r/< dDeem/vr f/u infi/c oAVliHmu^nHtA arc/ufratvjyj///ajter £- (ornicM at <^ar#£ zi/i/A a// t/e /iarfo rt'yure/A ////’ ZfarA/z/y Vjff/r//r/f/\ • -L. traceda/zd tAc '/tacA\ "/y fitrn/CH ’/3. d2)ramz I rt'rtfi ttn/et\} . n’A/cA vuut a//tiratfy 3 / fovc/ rn t/t i tAcVO/v/frAon .zu e f. | . /. and. z -j. c ///^ /orradt/z ayf/z& arc/zztr.zaej arte Jar ’IS C/Zt'ZZZZZ< IMfep 6 ? m. ■V ^ ^ *■ r\ ;>v > $ ^ - :- > >-v_ - •< ^ V ^ ^ N£ 5§sT^N Xv* e 7- Cl,, Ortupn&im/i/r ndti /%%*>&>* irfaMtufraJe. .(’■.<>. //„■ ‘//WV.A* dm & '£n6M/UK/*rdd> /3«JJmf atU*»»;-&?*&■ Banner * <*■> **/“■ ^/W **■ yy m \r •N s- -b I ■$ .V | |s 4 . *N * •1 •i t *1 1 4 V J s 3 *b ^1 H 1 ~N N N 1 V s$ il •1 s $ 4 § £j Ri hi