s EZ>^^" p^» - v\ w^ PnUnF^ W^ ^S^ ff^^^^^S^M. ..0- r 1^^ ^ w ^. -J-'l 1 ^ /^fcs^ //d/.2 OATA.LOOXJE ^^^^ Remaining Works OF THE LATE W. W. MAY, E.I., Curator of the Painted Hall, Greenwich Hospital ; ALSO A FEW PICTURES & DRAWINGS B'^r OTKCET?, .A-I^TISTS WHICH (by Order of the Executors) aeatU be S'Olli hp auction ftp Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, And MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PKECISBLY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Kvif/ Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. 11. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5.s. ; and so on in proportion. TTI. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, Qr more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold, V, The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Chbistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase -Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VIL Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this hale. CATALOGUE. First Day's Sale. On SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1896, AT ONE CLOCK PRECISELY. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. ENGLISH SCENERY. 1 Tantallon ^/ ^Zt.'t'^CxA.dyJLpl^l i <'*f^^^ 2 A Coast Scene 7^^V^w't'K 4 Low Tide ^Vl-*-*^**-*'*-'^^'**-^ 5 Hoc Reach, on the Mcdway /1^\.'^\.XC4^ 6 Isle of Wight do 7 The Fort of Muck 'a 'Mish [ovtlif 8 A Canal d(j 9 Sea and Rock It^CiC^ (-f 10 Marlow 11 The Thames at Grbenhithe B 2 £ 4 z^/- 12 The Nobk Lightship /^,^!t-C't-''>'«'1-f*«^ " 13 The Mumbles ^-^^4; ~ //- 14 Falmouth ^Ai^<^*^*^**^ !9: 1^15 The Isle of Wight (.16 Study of Old Boat ^u....^^ 17 Entbance to the Medway /^^„/>^l^^( i^ — 18 FOWEY "Ifls^^^i^*^^^"^ ^. 19 BOSCASTLE fi{^ 20 SWANAGE ^A^^'T^-^*^'^ 21 A Sketch ^ ? - 22 Hove to for a Pilot ^'^^5rt^ L — 23 Knole Park /i^j^r,^>^^t /2 24 Leith {ip^CC<^ /> . 25 Enteanoe to the Medway <;:ZCiii>^ /. 5- 26 Timber Ships in the Castle Water, Plymouth 7^,/^^i-^i /f. 27 Arundel ^je.^^ f^' ^28 A South Coast Fortification V29 Isle of Wight ffU^C^A*^^ fD< ~ 30 Near Swansea ;.^B^^4»^^ 3' 31 Yarmouth A ■ 32 Boats in a Calm /^^^..'VW^ // 33 Eamsgate /«^' 34 Low Water 35 Medway near Caxton ^> 36 Entrance to Swansea df> /. 37 Yarmouth Ih^ 38 Off Spithead /^Vt^ 2- . — 39 Hoo Eeaoh, barge waiting for tide '^ 40 Entbance to Falmouth ^ 41 Jebsey — 42 Isle of Wight " 43 Hay Bakges in a Bbeeze ~ 44 In the Chops of the Channel 45 Deal ~ 46 Teaining Ship at Puefleet ■ 47 Neae the Noefolk Beoads 1 48 Neae Swansea (49 Thames Baeges undee Weigh 50 Neae Leith Hill [51 An Evening Effect 52 Mouth of the Thames 53 A KivEE Scene 54 Neae the Land's End 55 Neae Plaistow S ^ y Pre. /^^ WELSH AND IRISH SCENERY, /i^ 56 Bettws-y-Coed 'Li ~ 57 Bettws-y-Coed 9/ -^ 58 Sligo ^ , - 59 In the Pabk, Lissadell -V— 60 Sligo '< • — 61 Sligo Bay feom Lissadell ) V — 62 On Lough Swilly, Ireland , ,63 Bunceana fkom Killegae Bay FOREIGN SCENERY. _ ^ 65 PORTEL ulUt /^6 Havre U^^^w^* S\ - 167 French Lugger and other Craft i' - ^8 Etretat }^/^!mj^ vC''^- , >- 145 Little Molla, from Svolvoer !L^-»d-'t?v<^'*^^^ ', ^ 146 Stemshbsten, from Hustad Viken '^ / / VIEWS IN HOLLAND. 150 Dordrecht '7yv<^'*Ce**^'*^* 151 A Breezy Day on the Meuse, Holland O^ ^,^_[ j -^u 152 Near Amsterdam 153 Antwerp J ^' lt/-t.Ot^ 154 Fishing Station, Hammerfest A » ^' JT 155 Fisherman's Hut, Hammerfest 156 Old Sawmill, Dordrecht .^ Exhibited at the Boyal Institute Exhibited at Manchester 157 WoLLAND Headland, in the Kattegat End of First Day's Sale. f%> ^.^./tAVUt. r /■ ^ ■ - o ^'■ A ? >-, /^< c ', ^ - /d — // f " U,l - Second Day's Sale. Oh MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1896, AT ONE O CLOCK PBECISEIiY. / WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. ENGLISH SCENERY. 160 Study of a Cottage J^^ -*"^;^ 161 A CouNTEY Road ; and Down the Thames 2 ^Ct*^" 162 Anglesea ; and Off Spithead ^^i^A 163 Ebith ; and Falmouth 2 5yu.-?^ 164 WiNDSOE Pabk ; and A Harbour 2 /t-**^^ 165 Littlehampton ; and Plymouth 2 Q/tCetA, 166 Beachey Head; and Southwold ^Tl'u^^u. 167 Abundel Pabk (J>^cr*»^ 168 Bbidgewateb ; and Exeter 2 7"*^*^ 169 Chatham ; and Luggers at Sea 2 £4/*^ 170 Exetee Cathedbal Tk/v**?^ 171 Study op a Habboub ; and Medenham 2 /?u-^ 11 . — . 172 Sheekness ; and Near Plymouth ' ■ - 1 73 Near Sheppey ; and Brixham Trawlers 174 A Sketch ; and A Study of Sea 175 Erith ; and The Medway 176 Off the Manse Light ; and A Study 177 Off Hoo, Medway ; and The Mouth of the Thames -^ 178 Off Newcastle ; and Moonlight ^, — 179 The Isle of Sheppey ; and Chatham Reach , — 180 Exeter ' ^ 181 A Study at Sea ; and Study of an Old Wreck ' * 182 A Common ; and An Old Boat ' " 183 Early Morning ■ ~ 184 Barnard Castle, from the Weir ' "* 185 Thames Hay Barges 186 Mumbles . — 187 EoAD BY the Sea , — 188 Study of Boats 189 A Study: Sunset , - 190 Off the Island, Sheppey , ^ 191 Off Deal - - 192 Lobster Boat 193 Near Rochester 194 Whitstable 195 On the Medway ^ 196 Leaving Swansea ; and Land's End 197 A Study in Wales 198 Mumbles, Swansea 199 Rooks at Mumbles 200 Norfolk Broads 2 ).^^/i^C4^ 2 f>C&Ux 2 p^j*^/^ 2 tiutf/^ 2 Vt*^ 2 ,4i^ 220 LiSSADELL, Sligo /^, 221 LiSSADELL, Sligo fj 222 Near Lough Swilly 223 Low Water, Lissadell, looking South 13 THAMES SCENERY. ^ 225 Study of a Backwater ; and A Meadow Stream -"^ 226 On the Thames ; and Barking Keach 227 On the Thames ^ 228 On the Thames below Northfleet -» 229 On the Thames * 230 Gravesenb 231 On the Thames 232 Entrance to the Thames 233 Thames SCENERY IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 234 Madeira , - 235 Madeira 236 The North Sea 237 St. Valerie; and Normandy ^ 238 Flushing , ,-— ■ 239 A Normandt Scene ; and Trekroner Fort, Copenhagen ^ • 240 St. Malo ; and Frencli Luggers Getting under Weigh 2-il PoRTEL ; and Brittany 242 On the Brittany Coast r-e- wwiyjjj. ■iA G- 14 VIEWS IX NORWAY. jj ^ -^ 243 Lofoten Island ; and A View from Odde /. / d "^ ■* 244 At Odde ; and Norway (j ' — 245 Norway 1^ I — — • 246 On the Coast of Norway, near Trondtjem ExJiibited at the Moyal Institute, 1895 Z- , ^ 247 NouwAY ; and Grot Sund, near Trompso // 7~~ y "~ ^^^ Near Lardalscrew /jLr "^ 249 Trompso Fjord: Midnight / /& t ~ ^^^ ^^^ Warehouses, Trompso ^ ^ - " 251 Norway fi t ^ 252 A Fishing Hut, Svolvrer d f ^ — 253 Hardinger Fjord Vr / y 254 Norway /, - 255 On the Ncero Fjord *} f /J, 25G Norway : Sunset VIEWS IN HOLLAND. ft . "V 257 Dordrecht ; and Near AmstcrJam 258 On the Ma as, Holland; and Holland 259 Dordrecht 260 Norway 261 Hardinger Fjord; and Norway yH 262 Tromsosund, Norway ; and The North Cape 263 A Sketch off Blankenburohe ; and A Norwegian Fjord 264 A View from Hammerfest ; and Near Antwerp '"i 265 Scheveningen 15 266 A Dutch Barge 267 Amsterdam 268 EussiAN Traders at Hammerfest 269 Unloading Fish : Hammerfest 270 At Scheveningen Exhibited at the Boyal Institute, 1895 271 Holland 272 At Antwerp 273 At Amsterdam 274 Near Amsterdam 275 Scheveningen 276 Antwerp 277 Old Warehouses, Bergen 278 Amsterdam 279 A Dutch Pinck of Scheveningen 280 On the Lek 281 Dordrecht c PICTURES. 282 A Stiff Breeze . 283 The Medway » 284 The Thames — 285 Study of Eough Sea : Cornwall ■" 286 Falmouth 287 At Antwerp 288 Dordrecht - 289 A Sawmill, Dorclreclit --^29«) Thk Way to the Mill Exhibited 16 f-l 291 Dordrecht 292 Fishing Boats 293 ScHEVENiNGEN Beaoh : Evening 294 Holland t *• 295 Old Water Gate, Bruges Exhibited X -% 296 Funohal Beach, Madeira Exhibited , ^f -*■ 297 Eaft Sund, Lofoten Island, Norway Exhibited DRAWINGS BY OTHER ARTISTS, H. CAKTER. / /.^ ^ *" > * 298 Interior, with figures f / 299 A Highland River Scene, with boat /> //>A k- ^^^^^^a^ei2J i30U A LiADY 301 A Landscape, with horses 302 A Fisherman CONSTABLE. 303 A Fine Evening; Ipswich; &c.—unframed 4 I ^ t^t.***^ PEARSON. 304 A Brook 305 A Road Scene iptf^^'M 17 le. -^ t^-' /U- R. BEAVIS. 306 Boats, with eel pots, on the Thames 307 A River Scene 308 SHippniG MES. GITTIN. 309 A Fishing Boat E. M. WIMPEKIS. -,310 A Study of Foliage E. H. B. / ^ -*- 311 Cattle Drinking — black and loliite SIR O. BRIERLY. r» » ^ 312 Steamer " Besbish," on the Nile ^ . 313 Yacht Racing McNEEDHAM. /ft "-^ 311 A Landscape PICTURES. J. CONSTABLE, R.A. ;)«t - 315 Three Studies of Sky — unframed J. CONSTABLE, R.A. ''*-, y 316 Studies of Sky — three in one frame LlM\. ^\>A^ 0^ 18 J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 317 Two Studies of Sky K. BEAVIS. 318 An Italian Mebohant Brig, putting to sea 319 The Brook FINIS. London : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing CroRS. * t-. % m^M _ VrJr-, ^- ^ vx '■If/// fa ^^ l^^^m MnMnfl wn^Smk '#^^y ifl ^^N p'Mi ^MRK^ ■hH ffi^^"^ 'm:y "¥ >;-^^a W i zj^ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00885 8132