THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY Sales in this volume are hound in chronologically from Dec. 18, 1802, through Apr. 23, 1807, except Mar. 21, 1806, which is the fourth from the end and June 12, 1806, which is at the end. f \ 20 />Z / f~- si ’ ^^'V// l^4/i t'e-i ^ 7/e. z.^/-£s _ *.-Kn.*it*sic^' 7/' S*f. sty2? 3 r . /_ &S. /^-<- ■ Z('~7l Q-l l> 7 ft. tT/zs - 3/7. /^'/) -- »_ '//' r 4 ’■>' z2 / 2 2l i f-iS^C C y , ^ C- -7'Z * t. A z *7 // . 7 2 ’21-2 - {PtejC* D t/'u/'/;s / r //?/? -/ */c(>s r'/i rzr/;/t/ ± /ic-s/tS ^ A 'z ks/z 3 '■ 332>J Si /'t4 ^ 994/3 /, s^z * * f *- /7l- z> z2z> ‘ &/ 1 zX-Z-z-zS/-(7S % 2 zi z i 3/ 32 32222’ f'/ / , s*/ l Az /-2-S’ «- /St-z^zz-/ 22 . 3322 .-■--- - '/l} c y / /f , »' 33 / _ 3 / - 3/\ z.3e-' 99//3 ~ y / ‘y^z-zs/zes —32 . 3322 ? /7 L-o ^/ l 3c es »- y z*.<7 y/. y /22 2 K c\}. <'3' 2 a. z/d- s 2 s? t 93/^ - zt 2 / yz z ySzzr^/’ i xt zj y, yy 22 y o / y X-r z j*y - /Xy / y, c^/i^ t-3'z z zt- C.Z y' yys)3 2,/,/ /,. Z*2(T 7 i r /i.y z / 71 z z k'/ r. zs \ r 7 /~z i z l y- yy yy s y 2 z^y /< s /z ,■ zt t z tz ,ylz z-, zzyzz^i.t.yz ys. yyy s >L_y ^(23> zZz^ zTt. 7 ,. 7 ^/i ySe.t.y' ~ r Zlrj? c7 ^ 2 /XA y y _ 7 ^32z2j .— 1 ^ // * /3***--£ y^ zz. zl-si-7' 7 ,'/ z 4-z^z >7 y -.— ^yr<. ^ y2 , yyt?y tyX 2^z7'/^y. y,^ y s2cy 7zt ^ x_ r y zi 2 L yzz,A^7 s^y^/iu yy . .y2 , .2 / # ^ * /Xf y rJ ^7' v z^y^z. i z 7 rz ^ y^/os* it 3: 2i / yyr / /yy * . // /y i/z>c, t/XzO, z3.y AXyz-f s y. //yy~ ' 2 _ /2f /yy y/y / /2s /// I//*-***> ^ -X-Xy /Zjc^.' /Z . /$tfj /// '"’ // ^ A-7-iJhi XtA^XXty , aX JX-Xe^r /Zyi # / i^ X ZX./Z^ XZ^ X/aX^ *X / > X^-tAS £zz«- ^Xa^jZ ^yXa i<) *^ 'Xy X?/ZrjLALJ a / Xa^^Xa^JKaJ A^s 2XX ^--'XX' XX>X2ryA*j X2zX,y?y olX X%Xat XtrJty^y ^yX A-y X. XX^yX -"' 2zfx X2y( Z Ar Z /X SI Xy ^y XX. /X# X - \34jZ /6Z .. £2f.. /Z A . I * l Jul. * i Htfont Cbiisrwith^Str-Jbtfn, yiutoiSt b .KIJAC /a patharine and St. Joseph; a Chorus of |auns(b Ln£ Jnsgofo AiTT - ^ft^^hbov^f;' A divine PidTuift^fl^n ,V*miWa8 ihiw hlrisq ri 5^*inPalazzo Borghese ^'J!r M ,;£c c J ' Palma il friovcu (impro- fi7 ThU Assumption of the Virgin. A Female *' 1 |fcrl^ < 4y ! taneH) |) e rhil^T ^ ' sw 33 ($rt&ably a Portrait of a Patroness of the Jul. Romania » fciffit) in the corner below, offering up her tern t»I*nO oarer orft rflh» ."K«&iag*raf& tot |a Vbfi^hUMMtie * " ■; m.-~ vldoa A ,T1H0 ^pa&^ed with Elegance truly Corregiesque, . ..j ,c ■jnA .1/ t o MtahturO " 'fjffcf^vith Magic I'.ilect of Coloring. From Irorn ert.bcdqaafo ooaamqxS saWifctfWhesc ^ 4 , *4^ y . v:* i' K i-ar* > n P h ‘ nitf rr: rn vi t o*r r . .. jo and br. f J Btf#&XRo4t^>8 T1& 1 Crucifixion with the Virgin, ar t >’ M ircoj • Jbtfb the'E vangelist (on the D h;:c oiair/ o:!i Kliw feniD bs^Q iol n;* Door of J a Tkbetfnaclej^ This itPfcs tim'a-b'l-^-l isi' 1 % :iiiw i. )tt a.l to»jdti2 ^/“painted ea^pressly for the Oratory of ■i i • ! : *6 r. i c L'fls^ 't,h-t%(f^ a valierL Palace, as can be fully and aril . i vftni satisfactorily proved by authentic Docu- ^ .tllolo tn^tits and Papers. Moib cannot be acti -I Jkvd ( : i Dll' V :■ ; -J r; than that it is pure and perfect as Oasl&T 8lfl to Wai T t Aiw «^ < i c 3(&Jw (it *f/rw “id *i<) FII^IS. -ID p xi> bnu ,1 i:n/I lo ,i3lrat iai b/ttfidobiA a c’l rr iq,tf ignidaind s)ie od. : Ol IiTJSA. suel tocn. t ; ? to aoiTATieiV ai»T 43 -kj:/3 or Vj jj.;Io £ to sir I'J! 1 '".'riUfft A .MTIOJttV v * ) lasted".) ad) :•;! ;: oO «id: r.i nwondnu br. l tgniloel b nr . ; !oCI diiw bo£83Tqz» f fut.i .Loioic i via fi"'i I..,!, '/■i.vTb-rr:—i ' , rt . 1J, Snteetm. PriMcr, m8,Se Martin’s Lan« | A CATALOGUE OP A SMALL COLLECTION OF VERY CAPITAL C^ABIJVET PICTURES, COMPRISING The inestimable Works of the folloiving great and much-admired Masters: RUBENS VANDYCK HOBBIMA W/V. VELDE J. RUYSDAAL CUYP P. POTTER BOURDON BOTH OSTADE POLEMBOURGH HONDICOOTER, &c. The principal of these Pictures were purchased in Holland and Paris, and recently brought over for the late Possessors. It is presumed, from their being the very cHoisEst Specimens, they will afford infinite pleasure to the Connoisseurs and Admirers of the Fine Arts; WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MR. JAMES DENEW, AT HIS AUCTION ROOM, In Charles Street, Berkeley Square, On WEDNESDAY, the 28th of MARCH, 1804, AT ONE O’CLOCK. To be viewed Ten Days preceding the Sale, between the Hours of Eleven and Four o'CIock, by Catalogues, (without which no Person can be admitted either to the View or Sale,) at 2 s. 6d. each; returnable to Purchasers, at the Auction Room. PRINTED BY D. N. SHURY, BERWICK STREET. *1 V ■0 |LA?&5- Dm3C> ftOH War,!.# Lc Pc CONDITIONS OF SALE I. THAT the higheft Bidder be the Purchafer ; but fhould any Difpute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot or Lots, to be put up again and refold. II. That no Perfon advanced lefs than One Shilling; above Five Pounds, Two Shillings and Sixpence ; and fo on in Proportion. III. That the Purchafers give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required and pay down immediately Twenty-five Pounds per Cent, in Part of the Purchafe Money; and the Remainder on or before the Delivery. IV. That the Lots fhall be abfolutely taken away within Two Days after the Sale, with all Faults, and under all Defcriptions, and at the Expence of the Purchafer. t Laftly. That upon Failure of complying with thefe Conditions, the Money de- pofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared after the Time limited fhall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency^ if any, attending fuch Re-fale, together with all Charges, be made good by the defaulter of the prefent Sale. A CATALOGUE, &c. Wednesday, the 28th of March, 1804. li 2 1 P. Potter .Landscape; a rich woody scene, with Deer // /Z - 2 A. Cuyp .Cattle, and a View of Dorcht, boats, &c. '-3 J. Ruysdaal .Landscape and Figures ; a grand scene from Nature /0 - 4 Rubens ...Christ between the two Scoffers ; a most highly coloured picture of the master ’ " <3 " 5 Both .Landscape with Figures; a beautiful rich coloured picture, equal to Claude --6 Rubens .Landscape, with Arcadian Shepherds; a fine perfect picture of the master O — 7 Fandyck .The Three Graces; a spirited sketch, and undoubted picture of the master % 3>5„ JZ - s Deconing . ..Abraham and Hagar; the composition, colour, and effect not inferior to Rem- brandt //>- 9 Hobbima . .. Landscape with Figures ; painted in his best manner 3 -io Hondicooter . . . Live Fowls. An attentive view’ of this Pic- ture will justify any commendation which might be given to the master /o% , /T-n Hobbima . . . Landscape, companion to Lot 9, and of equal merit 2 /- -r -i 2 My guard .. .. The Vision of St. Francis ; a beautiful copy from Carracci IV. V. Velde . .. A small Sea Piece, upright, a brisk Gale 22-/- 14 Bourdon. .. .. A Landscape, with Figures; the story of Daphne and Apollo —- 15 W. V. Velde . .. A small Sea Piece, a Calm, companion to Lot 13 2y~-t -10 Polembourgh . ,. A Landscape, with Figures ; highly painted Ostade . l : D Jj I: :uu > f »nrjr .. Boors Dancing; painted with great spirit, the Figures well grouped 2t- /- is Polembourgh .. ,. Landscape, with Figures; companion to Lot 16 . FINIS. Ocj.7* t a mm M III wm |fpl||§ ipi; s§||f§lS»p