DROIT I ED MON yMUmHUUkUUMUMUUUUttMUMiHMmiUUMU ttiuuuutu.A.Lu.. ,iMMmUHMUuuMmUmmMmMM*MM»MMmMUt»» .....II))) r: :”””” '”'''''” ” '*'* ” ***************************^ .nuiiuun...^ mw ww Wt M »' »WW < W » w »1l» »WH» WW W >WW»!»W«WW0W<»VnwtmwWWmnwiWWWW>»»l1|<»yTmnniiimimm».ii».> '""MxmktkL.. alM ■llffiD uuitniinnuniiii,, wiiiiiitiiiiiiumnnioimuniUi i !!f!mm rzrss^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/royaljubileeexhiOOroya I r MANCHESTER COPYRIGHT. JOHN HEYWOOD, Official Printer to the Royal Jubh-ef Exhibition, Manchester. fXHlBlTlON Manchester 1687 Plan of Building Grounds • \£xH/oiToas \' Section Cotton COKE /msH Section COUNTY CmCKET CHOU HO Section 7 Musicflooio roioOliClN Section / Industhial Design Section/ Industrial Design Section 3 CNctucAi s Collateral Indus ' Sections Chemical a Collateral Industries To Old Trofford Sration aMancDesTer. CHRFI/IC[\ DYNAMOS DYNAMOS Section B Machinery /n Motion. ENCLOSURE. tOALS PuRRlE Pink .. LishtGseen . TrisJi Sectjcm Mackcnerv. . Yellow. ChRnitcTtl (tmtCcUccLerc tl h Ldtusbdes . Buff. P/wto araphic - Orange .J_fM-w.Ro oni.FlcwETrs.Sculptures,A:. ... Dark Blue . and Glass Uaus es an dFazry_ Lakes Fcicnlams . \LigntBlue B rown. ixHIBITIONSTATION ttenTiAta, h BOARD OF TRADE CERTIFICATE. (Copy.) R 5677 Sir, BOARD OF TRADE (railway department), London, S.W., 27th November, 1886. I am directed by the Board of Trade to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th inst., and in reply, to transmit to you herewith a certificate of this Board under the provisions of the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1883, in respect of the Royal Jubilee Exhibition proposed to be held next year at Manchester. I am at the same time to enclose copy of Sections 39 and 57 of the Patents, &c.. Act, and to draw attention to the steps that will have to be taken by intending exhibitors who wish to avail themselves of the protection afforded by those sections of the Act. I am. Sir, Your obedient Servant, (Signed) COURTENAY BOYLE. SAMUEL LEE BAPTY, Esq., Albert Chambers, Albert Square, Manchester. (Copy.) BOARD OF TRADE R 5677. (railway department), London, S.\V. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS ACT, 1883. Upon the application of Samuel Lee Bapty, Albert Chambers, Albert Square, Manche.ster, made to the Board of Trade on the 26th day of November, 1886, the Board of Trade do hereby certify that the Royal Jubilee Exhibition, proj)osed to be held in the year 1887, at Old Traflbrd, Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, is an International Exliibition. Signed by order of the Bou’d of Trade, this 27th day of Novernb^ir, 1886. COURTENAY BOYLE, Assistant Secretary, Board of Trade. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. 46 and 47 Vic., Cap. 57.] AN ACT to Amend and Consolidate the Law relating to Patents for Inventions., Registration of Designs, and of Trade Marks. PART II.— PATENTS. Exhibition at Industrial or In- 39 exhibition of an invention at an industrial or international ternational Ex- prejudice^jxitent exhibition, certified as such by the Board of Trade, or the publication of any description of the invention during the period of the holding of the exhibition, or the use of the invention for the purpose of the exhibition in the place where the exhibition is held, or the use of the invention during the period of the holding of the exhibition by any person elsewhere without the privity or consent of the inventor, shall not prejudice the right of the invenb^r or his legal personal representative to apply for and obtain provisional protection and a patent in respect of the invention or the validity of any patent granted on the application, provided that both the following conditions are complied with, namely : — (а) The Exhibitor must, before exhibiting the invention, give the comptroller the prescribed notice of his intention to do so ; and ( б ) The application for a patent must be made before or within six months from the date of opening of the exhibition. ************** PART III.— DESIGNS. 57. The exhibition, at an industrial or international exhibition, certified Industrial OT In- Such by the Board of Trade, or the exhibition elsewhere during the period ternational Ex- hibition not to of the holding of the exhibition, without the privity or consent of the prevent or inva- l^date Registra- proprietor, of a design, or of any article to which a design is applied, or the publication, during the holding of any such exhibition, of a description of a design, shall not prevent the design from being registered or invalidate the registration thereof, provided that both the following conditions are complied with, namely : — (а) The Exhibitor must, before exhibiting the design or article, or publishing a description of the design, give the comptroller the prescribed notice of his intention to do so ; and ( б ) The application for registration must be made before or within six months from the date of the opening of the exhibition. li 6 Patents^ Designs^ and Trade Maries. Industrial or International Exhibitions. . RULES Relating to Applications for Patents for Inventions and Proceeedings Thereon and Registration of Patents. 17. Any person desirous of exhibiting an invention at an industrial or international exhibition, or of publishing any description of the invention during the period of the holding of the exhibition, or of using the invention for the purpose of the exhibition in the place where the exhibition is held, shall, after a certificate has been obtained from the Board of Trade that the exhibition is an industrial or international one, give to the Comptroller seven days’ notice of his intention to exhibit, publi.sh, or use the invention, as the case may be. For the purpose of identifying the invention in the event of an application for a patent being subsequently made, the applicant shall furnish to the Comptroller a brief description of his invention, accompanied, if necessary, by drawings, and such other information as the Comptroller may in each case require. Notice of Exhibition. Relating to the Registration of Designs. 36. Any person desirous of exhibiting a design, or any article to which a design has been applied, at any industrial or international exhibition, or of publishing a description of a de.sign during the period of the holding of the Exhibition, shall, after a certificate has been obtained from the Board of Trade that the exhibition is an industrial or international one, give to the Comptroller seven days’ notice in writing of his intention to exhibit the design or article, or to publish a description of the design, as the case may be. For the purpose of identifying the design, in the event of an application to register the same being subseciuently made, the applicant shall furnish to the Comptroller a brief description of the nature of the design, accompanied by a sketch or drawing thereof, and such other information as the Comptroller may in each case require. Royal Jubilee Exhibition. Space. O bject. 1. — An Exhibition intended to illustrate the progress and development of Arts and Manufactures during the Victoria era, in celebration of the (Queen’s Jubilee, will be held in Manchester in 1887. Title. 2. — The Title will be the “ Royal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887.” Date of Opening. 3.— The Exhibition will be opened early in May, 1887, and will continue open about six months. Applications for 4. — Applications for space must be made on the official printed f« rms, which will be supplied on application to the General Manager, Royal Jubilee Ex- hibition Offices, Albert Square, Manchester. All particulars must be filled in and the form returned on or before the 1st November, 1886. The Executive Committee will make arrangements to siapply belt power, steam, water, gas, or electricity, at the expense of those Exhibitors who make application for it, and they will be charged in proportion to the power used. Preference will be given in all cases where the applicant is the Inventor, Manufacturer, or Producer of the intended Exhibit. 5. — The general charge for space will be 2/6 per square foot, the minimum charge being £2 10s., payable on allotment. The ExecuKve Committee reserve to themselves the power to modify or remit these charges under exceptional circumstances. Charge for Space. Date for Receiving Goods. Applicants to be Exhibitors. Sub-letting prohibited. All Exhibits to be described in application. Right reserved to Refuse or Remove any Article. Empty Cases. Exhibitors to bear all Expenses. Exhibitors personally to ivndertake installation and removal of Goods. Right reserved to complete in case of default. 6. — No Exhibits will be received before the 15th March, 1887, except by special permission, and all goods must be delivered before the 15th April, and be in order by the 25th April, 1887, under penalty of forfeiture of the deposit and space allotted. 7. — All Exhibits must be in the name of the person making the application for space, and no Exhibitor will, under any circumstances, be allowed to sub- let or divide any space which may be allotted to him. 8. — No article which has not been clearly described in the application form will be allowed in the Exhibition without the permission, in writing, of the General Manager, and the Executive Committee reseives the right to refuse or remove from the Exhibition, at any time, any article which may be deemed unsuitable or objectionable, without assigning a reason ; and, if necessary, to return any money paid for space, which shajl exonerate them from any claim whatsoever on the part of the Exhibitor ( f the articles so refused or removed. 9. — All cases must be unpacked immediately on arrival, and empty cases removed from the Exhibition by and at the expense of Exhibitors. 10. — Exhibitors will have to bear all expenses of conveying, delivery, arrang- ing, fixing, and removing their Exhibits, and also the cost of erection of all fixtures, screens, and counters, when required. 11. — Exhibitors must personally, or by a duly-appointed agent, undertake the reception, unpacking, installation, and (at the close of the Exhibition) the removal of their goods. The Executive Committee reserve to themselves the right of doing whatever may be considered necessary, at the expense of the Extiibitor, should this regulation be uegheted. No Offices allowed. Decorations and Stand Cover- ings, Exhibitor, and the number of his stand. 13 . — Exhibitors may erect stands or such other contrivances as may be necessary for the proper display of their goods, which may not, however, without special permission of the Executive Committee, exceed eight feet in height from the floor, so that they do not obstruct the view through the avenues, or in any way injuriously affect other Exhibitors. Should this rule be cont avened, the Executive Committee may at any t'me cause the removal or alteration of the objectionable fittings. 14. — Offices will not be allowed except by permission of the Executive Com- mittee, and no partitions or screens will be allowed in central places. 15. — All flags, banners, or other decorations will be entirely subject to the approval of the Executive Committee ; and all stands, screens, counters, &c., must be covered with a material or paint, the colour of which \vill be selected by the Executive Committee, *16. — Signs or name boards, which must be new, must be placed parallel with the main avenues, and in no case interfere with the lighting. They must be black with gold letters, and their size and position subject to the approval af the Executive Committee, and in accordance with special rules. 17. — All handbills, print^'d matter, or advertisements of any kind, in- tended for distribution or display, must be subject to the approval and permission of the Executive Committee, which permission may be withdrawn at any time. Floor must not flooring must not be altered, removed, or strengthened, except be altered by permission of the Executive Committee, and at the expense of the without permission. Signs. Distribution Display of Handbills, r or Firm, and for a reasonable number of attendants. If used by any Vjut those to whom they are issued, or in case of misconduct or breach of these regulations by the holders, the tickets will be immediately cancelled. *27. — Should the Exliibitors in any Class require to have the relative merits of their several Exhibits decided, the Executive Committee will, upon a requi- sition being made to that effect, appoint a Technical Jury, for such purpose, whose judgment shall be absolutely final and conclusive. 28. — No article exhibited may be photographed, copied, drawn, or repro- duced in any way, without the permission of the Executive Committee. 29. — The Executive Committee reserve to themselves the sole right of compiling and publishing a Catalogue of Exhibits. 30. — Applicants for space from Foreign Countries and the Colonies must appoint representatives in England to act on their behalf. 31. — Fine Arts — Exhibits in this Section will be strictly limited to works of art, viz.. Paintings in Oil and Water Colour, Sculpture, Engraving, Etching, Lithography, Photography, and Wood Engravings produced in the United Kingdom during the reign of Her Majesty the Queen. Intending Exhibitors in this Section must make special application, under cover, to the Chairman, Fine Arts Committee. 32. — The Executive Committee reserve the right to remove the goods of any Exhibitor who may contravene any of these rules. 33. — The right to alter, amend, add to, or expunge any of these regulations is reserved by the Executive Committee, and all who become Exhibitors shall be deemed to have signified by so doing their acceptance of and agreement with the whole of these regulations, and such others as the Executive Committee may from time to time frame. * Note.— R egulation No. 27 has been rescinded by the Executive Committee, in ccordance with Rule 33. No Medals or Awards will be granted. —January 1SS7 liir ROYAL JUBILEE EXHIBITIOH, MANCHESTER, mi. GUARANTORS. William Abercrombie Sir Wm. CunlifFe Brooks, Bart., M.P. *Daniel Adamson Broome, Foster, & Hallwoi*th R. Affleck i Burtles, Tate, & Co. Charles James Agate j William Carver * Charles S Agnew John Chadwick, Woodeville, Stockport *Thoma.s Agnew & Sons Joseph Challender William Agnew J. C. Chatwood Thomas Aitken Chubb & Son’s Lock and Safe Co., Limited B. Alexan der Neville Clegg Councillor Andrews S. W. Clowes Sir Elkanah Armitage & Sons Thomas Collier *V. K. Armitage James Collins ^Thomas Ashton & Sons Co-operative Wholesale Society, Limited Thomas Armstrong and Bros. A. G. Copeland E. Ashworth Henry Crabtree & Son John H. Bacon Alderman Craven John Bacon & Co. Thomas Craven * Alderman W. H. Bailey John Craven A. P. Baker AVilliam Craven C. L. Baker & Co. Crewdson, Crosses, & Co., Limited Henry Bannister J. A. Cross John B. Barber Frank Crossley Robert Barclay * William J. Crossley Barlow & Jones, Limited Walter Crum & Co. Edwin Barton *Alderman Matthew Curtis W. B. Bateman Richard Curtis William Batty & Son H. Darby shire & Co. Beaty Brothers The Earl of Derby James R. Beard Dickson, Brown, & Tait Beith, Stevenson & Co. Dickson & Robinson F. C. Bell Edward Donner Carter Bell Doulton & Co. *Alderman Bennett The Earl of Ducie George Benton John Dugdale & Sons A. Binyon, 75, Sackville-street A. K. Dyson William Berry Wm. Eagles The Blackman Air Propeller Ventilating Lord Egerton of Tatton Co , Limited Elkington & Co. Henry Blacklock & Co. Elliott Lees, M.P. S. D. Bles & Sons W. T. Emmott *Henry Boddington, Jun. Councillor F. E. Estcourt ^Lawrence Booth Ermen & Roby *John Bowden Geo. Fairclough Joseph Bowker George Falkner & Sons Robert Boyd Fallows & Keymer Jabez Bradbury & Co. Samuel Fielden T. Bradford & Co. *F. W. Follows Bratby & Hinchliffe Forsyth Brothers Edward Briggs J. Frankeuburg Thomas Briggs Louis Aubrey Franks Jacob Bright, M.P. John Furrell W. H. Bi oadhead •Charles J. Galloway Jrr: _ *John Galloway, Jun. Guarantors. 11 Edward N. Galloway Robert Garnett & Sons Jer. Garnett R. H. Gibson Councillor Robert Gibson W. T. Glover & Co. _ Alderman Goldschmidt Henry Goldsmith E. Goodall & Co. Grand Hotel Company, Manchester, Limited, Samuel Gratrix Great Northern Railway Company (Lord Colville, Chairman) Sir Ed. Green, M.P. John Greenall Gregory & Haynes James Gresham Alderman Griffin George Hahlo Hardman & Co. Hardman & Holdens Harrison Patent Knitting Machine Co. John Haslam & Co., Limited B. Hastings & Co. Wm. Hawkins Jesse Haworth Abraham Haworth Rd. Haworth & Co. Jos. Hedwig B. Hembry & Co. Heenan & Froude A. & S. Henry & Co. *Sir Joseph Heron R. P. Hewitt Harvey Heywood ^Oliver Heywood John Heywood Harvey Heywood Abel Heywood & Son John Hind Hmdle, Norton, & Co. Hermann Hirsch * William Holland & Sons Edward Holt W. H. Houldsworth. M.P. Isaac Hoyle, M.P. E. G. Hughes Campbell Hulton * James F. Hutton, M.P. Charles Illingworth ^Alexander Ireland & Co. Joseph Jackson George Jackson Nathaniel Jacobson * James Jardine Catherine Jeeves Thomas Jepson De Jersey & Co. *J. Thewlis Johnson William H. Johnson *James Johnston Thomas Edward Jones W. C. Jones * James Kay Thos. Kay Peter Keevney George Kenyon John Kenyon James Kershaw William Kessler N. Kilvert & Sons Andrew Knowles Lees Knowles, M.P. John Knowles L. N. Krause Walter Laver ton Denis Lee ’^Henry Lee *Sir Joseph C. Lee *C, E. Lees Joseph Leigh Lever Brothers *Ivan Levinstein Lewins A Co. J. T. Lewis Lewis’s, Market-street Richard Livesley Lloyd, Payne and Amiel London and North-Western Railway Company (R. Moon, Chairman) James Lowe Luke & Spencer, Limited J. W. Maclure, M.P. Charles S. Madan John Madeley David Madeley Councillor Mainwaring Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Co. (Sir E. W. Watkin, Chair- man) Manchester Carriage and Tramways Co. Manchester and Salford Equitable Cooperative Society, Limited *John Mark Wm. Martin John Mather Mather & Platt Isaac Mayer Councillor Arthur McDougall F. Mehl David Midgley & Sons Midland Railway Company (M. W. Thomp- son, Chairman) *John J. D. Milne George Milner Milners’s Safe Co., Limited *John T. W. Mitchell S. Moore & Son Ludwig Mond * Charles Moseley *Joseph Moseley T. Muirhead & Son Jas. Murgatroyd John C. Needham Isaac Nield & Sou 7 ^^ 12 (? uarantors. Eobert Neill & Sous James T. Newton John Newton Novel lo & Son Ogden Henry J. Orme & Sons Thomas Parker & Son C. Parkinson J. & H. Patteson Thomas Pattinson Kichard Peacock, M.P. Frank Pearn & Co. John Pearson J. and N. Philips & Co. *S. K. & J. E. Platt Platt Brothers & Co., Limited Thos. Potts Alfred H. Pownall Railton, Sons, & Leedham James Ramsay James Reilly Reiss Brothers J. H. Reynolds Richardson, Tee, and Rycroft John Roberts Robert Roberts & Co. *James Robinson H. L. Rocca & Co. William Rose C. Rowley John J. Royle William Rushtoii John Rylands Henry H. Sales The Bishop of Salford Charles L. H. Samuel William J. Saxon Councillor Schou *S. Schwabe & Co, C, E. Schwann, M.P. Robert Scott Sharp, Stewart, & Co., Limited •Henry Simon Jos. W. Sidebotham, Alfred Simpson Edwin Simpson Simpson & Godlee Henry Slatter F, Smallmau Bryce Smith Watson Smith Smith, Wilson, & Smith *Colonel Sowler Reuben Spencer Steiner & Co Isaac Storey & Sons J. Summerfield George Sutherland *W. G. & A. A. Sutherland Councillor Swindells George Edward Swindells Charles J. Syrett *W. H. Talbot Tangyes Limited Joseph Taylor R. B. Taylor Fred. Taylor *Taylor, Garnett, & Co. Alderman Jos. Thompson Thompson, McKay & Co. W. Thomson Sir Humphrey F. de Trafiford, Bart. Seymour Wade Henry Wallwork & Co. J. Walsh Thomas Wardle V. Weinich S. Norbury Williams Wilson Bros. Wilson, Toft, & Huntley T. R. Withecombe W. H. Withington J. Woodrow & Sous James Woolley, Sons, & Co. Godfrey Worthington James Worthington *Edwin G. Wrigley Those marked * are members of the Council of Guarantors, Alderman Philip Goldschmidt being the Chairman. M President and Vice-Presidents. 13 fteisJitlettt: The earl OF SEFTON, K.G., Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire. C. M. KENNEDY, ESQ., C.B. JOHN ADDISON, ESQ., Q.C., M.P. JACOB BRIGHT. ESQ., M.P. THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. K.G. THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G. THE EARL OF DERBY, K.G. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE. THE KARL OF DUCIE. THE EARL OF LATHOM. THE EARL OF CRAWFORD & BALCARRES. VISCOUNT CROSS, G.C.B. THE MARQUIS OF HARTINGTON, M.P. THE LORD BISHOP OF MANCHESTER. LORD VERNON. LORD EGERTON OF TATTON. LORD WINMARLEIGH. LORD EDWARD CAVENDISH, M.P. RIGHT HON. ARTHUR J. BALFOUR, M.P. RIGHT HON. SIR JAMES FERGUSSON, BART., C.S.I., K.C.M.G., M.P. RIGHT HON. SIR U. J. KAY-SHUTTLE- WORTH, BART., M.P. SIR FREDERICK LEIGHTON, BART., P.R.A. SIR HUMPHREY F. DE TRAFFORD, BART. SIR WILLIAM CUNLIFFE BROOKS, BART., M.P. SIR ARCHIBALD ORR-EWING, BART., M.P. SIR ANDREW B. WALKER, BART. SIR PHILIP CUNLIFFE-OWEN, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. SIR JOHN GILBERT, R.A. SIR JAMES D. LINTON, P.R.I. SIR W. FETTES DOUGLAS, P.R.S.A. HON. ALAN DE TATTON EGERTON, M.P. HON. ALFRED EGERTON, M.P. SIR HENRY ROSCOE, M.P. SIR WILLIAM ROBERTS, F.R.S. THE BISHOP OF SALFORD. THE DEAN OF MANCHESTER. THE WORSHIPFUL CHANCELLOR CHRISTIE. PRINCIPAL J. G. GREENWOOD, L.L.D. VICE-CHANCELLOR A. W. WARDE. THE PRESIDENT OF THE MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. EDWARD HARDCASTLE, ESQ , M.P. FRANK HARDCASTLE, ESQ., M.P. W. H. HOULDSWORTH, ESQ., M.P. H. H. HOWORTH, ESQ., M.P. ISAAC HOYLE, ESQ., M.P. LEES KNOWLE.S, ESQ., M.P. ROBERT LEAKE, ESQ., M.P. ELLIOT LEES, ESQ., M.P. JOHN WILLIAM MACLURE, ESQ., M.P. R. G. C. MOWBRAY, ESQ., M.P. RICHARD PEACOCK, ESQ., M.P. JOHN PENDER, ESQ., M.P. THOMAS B. POTTER, ESQ., M.P. CHARLES SCHWANN, ESQ., M.P. JOSEPH W. SIDEBOTHAM, ESQ., M.P. F. C. ARKWRIGHT, ESQ. A. E. BATEMAN, ESQ. THE MAYOR OF MANCHESTER. THE MAYOR OF SALFORD. THE MAYOR OF LIVERPOOL. ‘ THE MAYOR OF ACCRINGTON. THE MAYOR OF ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. THE MAYOR OF BACUP. THE MAYOR OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS. THE MAYOR OF BLACKBURN. THE MAYOR OF BOLTON. THE MAYOR OF BURNLEY. THE MAYOR OF BURY. THE MAYOR OF CHORLEY. THE MAYOR OF CLITHEROE. THE MAYOR OF MACCLESFIELD. THE MAYOR OF MIDDLETON. THE MAYOR OF MOSSLEY. THE MAYOR OF OLDHAM. THE MAYOR OF ROCHDALE. THE MAYOR OF SOUTHPORT. THE MAYOR OF STOCKPORT. THE MAYOR OF WARRINGTON. THE MAYOR OF WIGAN. 14 Executive Committee. <[:,xenttive (*!:ommittee: Sir JOSEPH C. LEE, Chairman. Mr. CHARLES J. GALLOWAY, Deputy-Chairman. ALDERMAN PHILIP GOLDSCHMIDT, Treasurer. Mr. C. P. SCOTT, Honorary Secretary. ABEL HEYWOOD, Jun. The Chairman, Deputy-Chairman, Treasurer, and Honorary Secretary constitute a Special Committee known as the Executive Officers. They are also ex-officio Members of all Sectional and other Committees. LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE BANK, LIMITED. PAYNE, GALLOWAY, k PAYNE. guuUtof;& : BROOME, MURRAY, & CO. gvcUitcttis : MAXWELL & TUKE. gtrchitrctjsi for (Did PaiuhciSitcf and ^alfonl. DARBYSHIRE AND SMITH. (C'ottduct0t 0f titc ^ubikc (f:xhil)lti0n gaud. EDWARD DE JONG. (Dfuetal Pauaoev: S. LEE BAPTY. ^wutaty : ANDREW A. GILLIES. (Dtfircjsi : EXHIBITION BUILDINGS, OLD TRAFFORD CHARLES S. AGNEW. GEO. AY. AGNEW. AVILLIAM AGNEW. V. K. ARMITAGE. ^Y. MARK ASHTON. ALDERMAN AY. H. BAILEY. J. H. BUXTON. JOHN BOAA’DEN. NEVILLE CLEGG. WILLIAM J. CROSSLEY. RICHARD CURTIS. F. W. FOLLOWS. JOHN GALLOWAY, Jun. ALEXANDER IRELAND. JAMES KAY. C. E. LEES. IVAN LEVINSTEIN. CHARLES MOSELEY. JOSEPH MOSELEY. JOHN D. MILNE. JOHN 'PLATT. AA’ATSON SMITH. AV. G. SUTHERLAND. THOMAS SOAVLER. HON. AAHLLIAM VERNON. THOMAS AA^ARDLE. gaubfvjsi Sectional Committees^. ^^ctional €!0mmittecj6i j SECTION I. INDUSTRIAL DESIGN. NEVILLE CLEGG, Chairman; W. G. SUTHERLAND, Vice-Chairman. Committee : Colonel SALIS SCHW.\BE. C. P. SCOTT. J. WATERHOUSE. HENRY WHITEHEAD. G. F. ARMITAGE. W. MARK ASHTON, LENNOX B. LEE. J. H. REYNOLDS. SECTION II. MACHINERY. W. J. CROSSLEY, Chairman; C. E. LEES, Vice-Chairman. Committee : JAMES GRESHAM. HAROLD LEE. JOHN PLATT. GEORGE CAWLEY. JOHN CRAVEN. RICHARD CURTIS. SECTION III. CHEMICAL AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES. I. LEVINSTEIN, Chairman; WATSON SMITH, Vice-Chairman, Committee : Dr. D. B. HEWITT A. HOEGGER. Prof. J. J. HUMMELL. Dr. F. HURTER. SAMUEL MELLOR. Dr. E. SCHUNCK. J. CARTER BELL. F. BADEN BENGER. H. BRUNNER. F. ERMEN. C. ESTCOURT. JOSIAH HARDMAN, SECTION IV HANDICRAFTS AND OLD MANCHESTER AND SALFORD. ALDERMAN BAILEY, Chairman ; J. D. MILNE, Vice-Chairman. Committee THOMAS BARRACLOUGH. THOMAS A. BAZLEY. JOHN BOWDEN. J. H. BUXTON. F. W. FOLLOWS. WALTER HIGGINBOTTOM. Colonel F. HOWARTH. JAMES JOHNSTON. GEORGE MILNER. ALBERT NICHOLSON. Hon. WILLIAM VERNON. SECTION V. WORKS. JOHN BOWDEN, Chairman ; J. H. BUXTON, Vice-Chairman. Committee : ALDERMAN BAILEY. CHARLES MOSELEY HENRY BODDINGTON. JOHN NEWTON. EDWARD N. GALLOWAY. JAMES RAMSAY. GEORGE MILNER. * EDWIN SIMPSON. 16 Sectional Committees. SECTION VI. FINE ARTS. WILLIAM AGNEW .Chairman; JOSEPH MOSELEY, Vice-Chairman. Committee: GEORGE AGXEW, Hon. Secretary. C. J. POOLEY. PETER ALLEN. GEORGE T. REDMAYNE. T. GAIR ASHTON. EMIL REISS. THOMAS JOHNSON. ALFRED WATERHOUSE. C. E. LEES. R. WILLIS. JAMES MURGATROYD. lion. WILLIAM VERNON. • SECTION YII. MUSIC, ELECTRIC LIGHTING, REFRESHMENTS AND GARDENS. CHARLES MOSELEY, Chairman; CHARLES AGNEW, Vice-Chairman. Committee : V. K. ARMITAGE. GEORGE FREEMANTLE. E. J. BROADFIELD. W. GRIMSHAW. JOSEPH BROOME. C. J. HALL. GEORGE CAWLEY. JAMES KAY. W. J. CROSS LEY. Colonel SALIS SCHWABE. BRUCE FINDLAY. „ SOWLER. F. W. FOLLOWS. SECTION VIII. FIN.ANCE AND AUDIT. JOHN GALLOWAY, Jun., Chairman ; V. K. ARMITAGE, V’ice-Chairman. Committee : CHARLES AGNEW. ■ JOSEPH MOSELEY. Alderman GOLDSCHMIDT. Colonel SOWLER. ALEXANDER IRELAND. PHOTOGRAPHIC SECTION. ABEL HEVWOOD, Jun., Chairman. Committee : WARWICK BROOKS. SAMUEL OKELL. A. BROTHERS. J. T. POLLITT. W. I. CHADWICK. E. LEADER WILLIAMS. J. R. GREATOREX. SILK SECTION. THOMAS WARDLE, Chairman; JOHN BIRCHENOUGH, Vice-Chairman. Committee : Sir GEORGE BIRDWOOD. HARVEY HEYWOOD. DENNIS BRADWELL. T. G. LOMAS. EDWARD T. BROADHUR.ST. ARTHUR NICHOLSON. Rev. G. F. BROWNE, M.A. JOHN THORPE. J. CHADWICK, Jun. Alderman A. S. TOMSON. II. T. GADDUM. G. C. WARDLE, Hon. Sec. GEORGE GRIFFIN. Sectional and Special Committees. IRISH SECTION. RAILWAY TRANSIT, Ac. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. V, K. ARMITAGB. JOHN BOWDEN W. J. CROSSLEY. POLICE ARRANGEMENTS. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. MALCOLM WOOD. T. WALTON GILLIBRAND. GEORGE LORD. RECEPTIONS COMMITTEE LORD SEFTON. LORD EGERTON OF TATTON. LORD HARTINGTON. LORD HERSCHELL. SIR H. F. DE TRAFFORD, BART. THE EXECUTIVE OFFICERS, Ex-officio. CHAIRMEN OF SECTIONS, Ex-officio. i INTRODUCTION ORIGIN AND INCEPTION OP THE EXHIBITION. The first public step towards the promotion of the Manchester Royal Jubilee Exhibition was a meeting of the citizens, held in the Town Hall on June 11, 1886, when a resolution was unanimously passed affirming the desirability of commemorating the Jubilee Year of the Queen’s reign by holding “ a National Exhibition of Arts, Science, and Industry.” Practical effect was at once given to this resolution by the appointment of a large and representative Committee, which, within the space of four months, had arranged all necessary preliminaries for the commencement of the Exhibition. A guarantee .fund of ,£133,331 was raised; a site at Old Trafford, adjoining the Botanical Gardens, was selected; the plans of Messrs. Maxwell and Tuke architects, were adopted ; and a contract for the execution of the buildings was signed with Messrs. Robert Neill and Sons. From the time of its commencement the work went on smoothly and rapidly, and ill their efforts to get the Exhibition really complete and ready for opening by the date originally fixed, the Committee were zealously assisted by all who were in any way concerned in the execution of the scheme. Of the success of those efforts the public must be the final arbiters, and the Committee have every confidence in anticipating a fiivourable verdict. Numerous applications for space for exhibits were received very soon after the holding of the Exhibition had been definitely fixed ; and by the time when the Committee was ready to consider the applications, it was found that far more space had been applied for than could by any possibility be allotted. It was absolutely necessary, therefore, to make a selection of them, and in doing this the Committee acted on the principle of choosing not only those exhibits which were, in its opinion, the best, but also those which would most thoroughly and successfully carry out the idea and object of the Exhibition, and render it most varied and most comprehensive, as well as most attractive. As a result of this necessity of selection, forced as it was upon the Committee by the limitation of the space at its disposal and by the enormous number of the applications, many exhibits had to be declined which were of great merit, and which were intrinsically equal to those which were accepted. Intending exhibitors, therefore, who failed to secure acceptance of their applications, may ' 5 # 20 INTRODUCTION. console themselves with the knowledge that their failure was not due to any demerits in their productions, but solely to the exigencies of the the space at disposed of the Committee. OBJECT AND SCOPE OF THE EXHIBITION. The general object and scope of the Exhibition is best described in the I’rosix'ctus as follows : — “ The object of the Exhibition will be to illustrate, as fully as possible, the progress made in the development of Arts and Manufactures during the Victorian era, principally under the following sectional headings : — 1. Industrial Design, as shown in Textile Fabrics, Pottery, Glass, Metal, Wood, Marble, and Stone Work, and all useful Articles having a decorative or ornamental design. 2. Machinery in Motion, and general Engineering Plant and Appliances. 3. Chemical and allied Industries. 4. Handicraft Work in process of production. 5. Works Committee ; and Representation of Old Manchester and Salford ; Model of the Ship Canal, &c. 6. Fine Arts — limited to Works of Art produced in the United Kingdom during the reign of Her Majesty the Queen. 7. Electric Light, Music, Horticulture, &c.” Of these sectional headings we will speak presently ; but before doing so wc would jx)int out the vastness and completeness of the Exhibition as a whole. Nothing, perhaps, will illustrate this more strikingly than a comparison of the size and area of other recent Exhibitions with those of the Royal Jubilee Exhibition, 1887. In 1886 there were three great Exhibitions — in London, in Liverpool, and in Edinburgh. The total area covered by these was 22, 35, and 16 acres respectively, while the area covered by the buildings alone was 10, 9, and 6 respect! wly. In the present Exhibition the total area is 45 acres, while the buildings area is 14 acres. Still more striking is the comparison of the area assigned to Machinery in these four Exhibitions ; for while in London it was 25,000 square feet, in Liverpool 45,000 square feet, and in Edinburgh 17,000 square feet, in Manchester the space allotted to machinery covers no less than 135,000 square feet, or half as much again as the other three put together. In other respects, and notably in its completeness of plan and symmetry of arrangement, in its architectural features, in its artistic decoration, in its perfect collection of pictures and sculpture, and in its provision for the cmotion and quick-speed governor ; fly rope drum between cylinders 20ft. diameter, grooved for 15 IMii. ropes; Whitworth hollow-compressed fluid steel crank shaft and crank pin. 4 his engine is prepared for the application of condensing apparatus, rurning or Barring Engine, with Musgraves patent automatic safety apparatus. Duplicate Turning or Barring Engine, with Musgraves’ uatent automatic safety apparatus. C. H. Nevill, Bramhall Hall. Two Fine Antique Bronzes. F. AND C. OsLER, Broad-Street, Birmingham ; and 1 00, Oxford-street, London, W. Ciystal Fountain in Chemical Section. Patrick O’Connor, High-,street, Wavertree, near Liverpool. Automatic Hinges for folding doors. Perkins, Son, and Barrett, The Forge, Bradford. The whole of the Steel Shafting, Stands, Plummer Blocks, and Wrought-iron Main Driving and Transmitting Pulleys in the Dynamo Department, transmitting altogether alxmt 1,100 indicated liorso power. They also supply tlie whole of the Main and Line Sliafting, Rope and Main Belt Pulleys for the tliree lines in Section two. Machinery in Motion Department, tlie wliole lieing driven by Messi-s. Adamson’s Engine. The Wronght-iron Belt Pulleys are of Perkins, Son, and Barrett’s well-known manufacture, which have COMPLIMENTARY LIST. 39 become one of their principal specialities. Three styles of Flanged Couplings are shown, viz., the Recessed Flange, the Ordinaiy Flange, and the Marine Flange, in which the coupling is forged solid with the shaft, and makes at the same time a strong, neat, and light job. Frank Pearn & Co., Engineers, West Gorton, Manchester. Pumping Engine ror Boilers. The Misses C. and J. Pbeston, 1, York Terrace, Chester- road, Old Trafford, Manchester. Drawings of the Royal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, photographed by the Misses C. and J. Preston from the original tracings. William Rose & Co., Fire Engineers and Hose Manufac- turers, Grosvenor Chambers, Manchester. Fire Appliances. Shrigley and Hunt, John-o’-Gaunt’s Gate, Lancaster, and 28, John-street, Bedford Row, London, W.C. Council Chamber : The upper lights throughout are treated with the Arms of the Boroughs of Lancashire. Below each shield is a scroll setting forth the date of incorporation, or where this date is uncertain, by whom the charter was granted, e.g.^ Lancaster, by John Earl of Moston (afterwards King John). The shields are surrounded with ornaments introducing the Lancaster Rose. Commencing with the bay window on the west side of chamber the shields ire arranged in the following order (see below). Bay Window, West Side : 1. Liverpool. 2. Preston. 3. Clitheroe. 4. Manchester. 5. Salford. 6. Lancaster. 7. Wigan. 8. Bolton. 9. Ashton-under-Lyne. 10. Warrington, and 11. Oldham. Straight Window, East Side,; 12. Blackburn. 13. Rochdale. 14. Stalybridge. 15. Burnley, and 16. Barrow-in-Furness. Bay Window, East Side : 17. St. Helens. 18. Bootle. 19. Bury. 20. Manchester. 21. Darwen. 22. Salford. 23. Accrington. 24. Heywood, and 25. Chorley. The lower lights of the windows are fitted with ornamental lead glazing in tinted glass. West Side. 123456789 10 11 East Side. 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 Singer & Sons, Art Metal Workers, Frome, Somerset. Eight Wrought-iron Bevel Standards, for electric lamps, standing at the head of the flights of steps leading to the dais. 40 COMPLIMENTARY LTST. Richard Sykes, Edgeley House, Stockport ; E W. Joynson, Ashfield, Sale; Neville C.legg, Oldfield Brow, Altrincham. Specimens of the Native Grasses of the North American Com linent, collected by Mr. Sykes in Iowa Dakota, U.S. The wild prairie m-asses differ from any of the cultivated grasses of England Those of the andropogon and panicum species are specially worth notice. Also Specimens of AVheat, Barley, and Indian Corn Also splendid show collection of Indian Corn, shown at Chicago m T>ecem- ber last. This Chicago exhibition was promoted by Mr. Orange Judd, of the Prairie Farmer, Chicago, was of the highest importance, and compiised prize corn from the States of Illinois, Indiana, is- consin, Ohio, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Michi‘^an The exhibitors purchased and imported specially tor tins jubike a portion of the Prairie Farmers’ Collection, consisting of over 5,000 ears of Indian Corn. Slack and Brom’Nlom', Canning AVorks, Upper Medlock- street, Manchester. Filters for use in gardens. Henry Thomas; Messrs. Alexander Wright & Co., 10, Mawson’s Chambers, Deansgate, Manchester. The Schulke Ilegenerative Gas Light for domestic and public lighting. Tho.s. Thomas & Sons, Hoisting Engineers, Acme Hoist AVorks, Cardiff: Self-sustaining Hoisting Machinery. Acme Passenger Elevator, to cany four persons, shoAvn at work, conveying A'isitorsto and fiom the galleries of this section. Hand-power Single AVarehouse Lift fui TcAvt. Hand-poAver Single Dinner Lift for IcAvt. Single Grocers Sack Lift for 3cwt. Double Grocers’ Sack Lift for 3cwt. Derrick AAdnch, for 1 ton direct from the barrel. Hoisting (Jrab for I ton (double purchase). Henhy Whitehead, Bury. Fine Antique Bronze. Jame.s AVrigley k Son, Limited, Bridge Hall Mills, Bury, Lancashire. Donoi’s of the Stationery used in carrying on the correspondence of the Koyal Jubilee Exliibition. The Patent Waterproof Paper and Canvas Co., Limited, Willesden Paper Works, Willesden Junc- tion, London, N.W. Tent, 10ft. square. SECTION I. NDUSTRIAL DESIGN. 1 Isaac Bury, Adelphi Dyeing and Finishing Works, Salford, Manchester. Bleached, Dyed, and Embossed Calicoes, Embossed Prints, Embossed Velvets. 2 Henry Marriott & Co. Warehouse, 23, Portland-street, City; works, Newbridge Mills, Stockport. Coloured Cotton Fabrics made for East and West Indies, Africa, South America, Mexico, Brazil, and the Australian Colonies. 3 William Holland & Sons, Victoria Mills, Miles Platting, Manchester. Sea Island Cotton in its various processes : raw, carded, combed, and prepared for spinning. Combed Cotton Yarns. Single 20’s to 200’s Cops for Thread and Muslin Manufacturers. Combed Water Twist, 20’s to 70’s, for AVarps, in balls and chains. Two-fold Cops, AVarps, and Bundles, Gassed Yarns, Hard and Soft Twist, Sewing Cottons, 3, 4, 6, and 9 cords in skeins, grey, best qualities. Fine Heald Yarns. 4 W. T. Ashton & Son, Stanley Mill, Whitefield, and 6, Dickinson-street, Manchester. Fancy AA^oven Cotton Fabrics, Oxfords, Harvards, Zephyrs, Galateas, Mattings, Denims, Ticks, Regattas, Ginghams, Italian Checks, Handkerchiefs, Coloured and Check Dhooties, Sarongs, Putzoes, Lungis, and Specialities for Africa, India, and South America. 5 William Holt k Sons, 37, York-street, Manchester; mills, Walshaw, near Bury. AVhite Toilet, Honeycomb, Grecian, Coloured Alhambra, and Embroidered Quilts. Toilet Covers. Toiletings. Perched Quiltings. Piques. AVhite and Coloured Vest and Fancy Quiltings. Plain and Embroidered Antimacassars. 6 Lee and Hargreaves, 7, Pook-street, Manchester ; Hooley Bridge Mills, Heywood. and Towellings, viz.. Cotton and Linen Turkish. Fancy and Striped Turkish. Tenw Cloths. Bath Blankets, honeycomb, and huckaback. Bath Gowns, cotton. I I : ^ I II HI _*■ _ 44 SECTION I. 7 Bakker & Co., Limited, Springfield Towel Works, Stock- port. AYhite Cotton Turkish Towels. Brown Linen Turkish Towels. Fancy Striped Turkish Towels. Fancy Striped Terry Pieces. 8 Wm. Bashall & Co., Farington Mills, Preston; 12, Chatham- street, Manchester. White Domestic Calicoes, Longcloths, Mediums, Twills, Ac. Ladies’ Underclothing manuhictured from above. 9 Fred. E. Jackson & Co., 6, Union-street, Church-street, Manchester. Target and other Coloured Woven Cotton, Union and Wool Shirtings. To be seen in process of manufacture in Section 2, Stand 426. Stacksteads Pure Calicoes, original make. 10 John Haslam & Co., Limited; warehouses. Fountain- street, Manchester, and 7, Watling-street, London ; mills, Halliwell Cotton Works, Derby-street Mills; and Lark Hill Mills, Bolton-le-Moors. Sea Island and Egyptian Cotton, in the various stages of manu- facture, from the raw material to the finished article. Cop Yarns, viz., Twist, Pin Cops, and Weft from 20’s to lOO’s counts. Muslins, Cambrics, Lawns, Mulls, Jacconets, Nainsooks, Ac. Brocades, Checks, Stripes, and Cotton Dress Costume Fabrics, white and in colours. Sateens, Cashmeres, Cashmerettes, Oatmeals, Ac. White Shirtings, Loiigcloths, Mediums, Twills, Ac. Kershaw’s Cellular Cloth. 11 Geo. Thomas & Co., 28, Deansgate, Manchester. Universal Yarn Assorting Balance for indicating the counts of yarn in small pieces of cloth (cotton, linen, woollen, Ac.). 12 Hermann J. Haiilo, 41, Faulkner-street, Manchester. Grass, Cotton, Linen, India Tapes, Silk, Cotton, China Ribbons and Flosses. 13 Crewdson Crosses & Co., Limited, 40, Portland-street, Manchester. Mediums. Shirtiners and Longcloths. Sheetings. Double Warps and Twills. 1 4 Peter Beid, Caledonian Dye and Bleach Works, Pendleton, Manchester. Bleached Cotton Cloth. Dyed Cotton Cloth. Printed Cotton Cloth. Dyed Cotton Yarns. 15 Arthur S. Plews, 13, Nicholas-street, Manchester. Plain, Dyed, and Printed Sateens and Drillettes. Oatmeal Cloths. Piques. Plain and Fancy Muslins and Cotton Dress Goods. W' 16 Jabez Johnson, Son, Allsop & Co., 44, Spring Gardens, Manchester; 10, Milk-street, Cheapside, London; 2, Loyal Exchange Court, Queen-street, Glasgow ; 2, Lue Vivienne, Paris. Toilet, Marseilles, Honeycomb, and Alhambra Quilts. Toilet Covers. Toiletings. Table Covers. Curtains. Linen and Cotton Turkish, Honeycomb, and Fancy Towels. Cotton Blankets and Sheets. Quiltings. Piques and Damasks. 17 Bond and Riley, 14, Calendar-street, Palace Square, Manchester ; works, Milton Mills, Bolton. Toilet, Alhambra, Honeycomb, and other Quilts. Table Covers, Prayer Mats. Jergas, &c. 18 Richapd Haworth & Co., 28, High-street, Manchester; works, Egerton and Tatton Mills, Ordsall-lane, Salford. Bleached Calicoes and Sheetings. Dyed and Printed Linings, Fustians, Velvets, and Velveteens. Plain, Printed, and Woven Window Blinds. Heald Yarns. Crochet and Sewing Cotton. Fishing Net Yarns, and Reed Band. 19 The Hollins Mill Co., 14 & 16, Mosley-street, Manchester; works, Hollins, Marple, and Wellington Mills, Hazel Grove. Bleached Sheetings. Bleached Shirtings, Longcloths, Wigans, Mediums, Croydons, Twills, and Double Warps. Dyed Beetled Twills and Pocketings. Printed Silesias, Satins, and Black Backs. Grey Lustre Linings. Dyed Velveteens. Window Blinds in plain colours, printed in stripes, art designs, both single and reversible ; also woven coloured stripes. 20 W. M. Christy & Sons, Limited, 14, West Mosley- street, Manchester, and Fairfield Mills, Droylsden, near Manchester. Turkish Towels and Bath Blankets. Huckaback, Honeycomb, and Fancy Towels. 21 McIntyre, Hogg, & Co., 16, Newton-street, Manchester; 3, New Basinghall-street, London, E.C. Gentlemen’s Shirts and Collars, cotton, linen, woollen, and silk. 22 McConnel & Co., Limited, 90, Henry-street, Ancoats, Manchester. Cotton from its raw state to yarn ; also various articles manufactured from cotton yarns, as laces, curtains, velvets, &c. “=— iS 23 SwAixsox, Birley, & Co., Fishwick Mills, Preston ; 7, Charlotte-street, Manchester. Longcloths, Shirtiiiirs, Mediuius, Sheetiii Ostrich and Fancy Feathers, itc. 179 Dr. Salviati & Co., 213, Eegent-street, London. Venetian Enamel Mosaic for exterior and interior permanent decoration, and Venetian Blown Glass for table and ornamental nse. Chandeliers and Brackets for gas, candles, and electric light. Mirrors, Beads, Stained Glass for windows. 180 Ludwig Moser, Bohemian Glass Manufactory, Carlsbad and Meistersdorf. Finest Bohemian Glass, in crystal and coloured glass. Carlsbad Glass Jewel ware, in enamel and engraved drink services, y Gin. stroke. Diagonal Steam Engine, two steam cylinders lOin. diam. by Itin. stroke. Diagonal Steam Engine, Gin cylinder by 12in. stroke. Quadrujfle- acting I’ump, working barrels lOin. diain., two steam cylinders 20in. by Loin, stroke. Quadruple-acting Stationary Fire Pump, working MACHINERY 103 barrels Tin. diam., two steam cylinders 12in. diam. by 9in. stroke. 5in. Double-acting Ram Pump, two steam cylinders Tin. diam. by Gin. stroke. Sin. Single-acting Ram Pump, steam cylinder Gin. diam. by 5in. stroke. Double-acting Excelsior Pump, working barrel Sin. diamr, steam cylinder GHn. diam. by 5in. stroke. Anti- Incrnstatioii Pumps, ram |in. diam. by l|in. stroke. Steam Engine Recorder, patent. Boiler Feed Pumps, witli rams I Jin., I Jin., 2in., 2Dn., and Sin. diam. Ram Pump, 21-in. diam. by 5in. stroke, steam cylinder 5in. diam., to bolt to wall. 407 Lancaster and Tonge, Lancaster Works, Pendleton, Manchester. The Lancaster High-pressure Steam Trap. High-pressure Forcing Steam Trap. Expansion Trap. Spiral Spring Piston, ranging from 52in. down to Tin. SOin. Cylinder, with ^^'ston. Tin. and Sin. Cylinders, for practically testing the Lancaster Spiral Spring Piston. Patent Piston Block. Kidd’s Patent Automatic Pump, ranging from No. T to No. 0. Single and Double Acting Ram Pump (Cameron’s principle), fitted with the Lancaster Piston. Vibration Lubricators. Kidd’s Patent Cylinder Lubricator. 9in. by IGin. Oblique Engine, fitted with variable expansion gear and regulating governor. 9in by 12in. Vertical Engine, fitted with the Lancaster Steam Trap. Brass and Iron Valves and Taps, ranging from lOiii. to Jin. Boiler Fittings. 408 Arthur Bates, 31, Dutton-street, New Bridge-street, Manchester. Cesar CoiTon’s Patent Hank Dyeing Machine. Consists of a light framework, with movable carnages, for the automatic and successive transfer of the I’ods carrying the hanks from one position to another, and for keeping the hanks all the time rotating. Driv'en by power. 409 Dundebdale Wood k Co., Old Corn Exchange, Hanging Ditch, Manchester. Nut-finishing Machine. Faces both sides of nut, bevels and chamfers externally and internally at one operation. 410 Small and Parks, 27, Exchange Buildings, St. Mary’s . Gate, Jlanchester. Pneumatic Engine Speed and Fan Pressure Recorder, for recording speeds and })ressures at a distance ; also night watchman’s movements. 411 JoH\ J. IlOYLp:, 27 & 29, King-street West, Manchester; 1 3, Bed Lion Square, London ; 57, Hope-street, Glasgow. Royle’s Patent Syphonia Steam Trap. Patent Full-way Syphonia Traps. Box Steam Trap. Patent Expansion Steam Trap. Patent Return Steam Trap and Hot AVater (212°) Boiler Feeder. Patent Compound Steam Trap, or Ecpialising Box. Patent Oleojector, or Engine Lubricator. Patent Steam Kettle. Patent Reducing Valves. Patent Swivel Unions and Bends. Patent Combined Separator and y- Ni 104 SECTION II. Engineers Patent Hydraulic Test Pumps. Brasswork. Sample Case of Steam Trap, or Steam Dryer. Assortment Fusible Plugs for Steam Boilers, 412 Thomas Bkadfobd & Co., Crescent Iron Works, Salford; Victoria-street and Deansgate, Manchester ; 130, Bold- street, Liverpool; 140, 141, 142, k 143, High Holborn, London. Steam Laundry Machinery and Appliances. The Crescent Ironing and Finishing Machine. Improved Hydro-Extractor, or Centrifugal Drying Machine for steam power. ^lodel of Bradford’s new Patent Safety Superheated Vapour Disinfecting Apparatus. Model of Public Swimming Baths and Washing House. 412a Joseph Stott, 26, Clegg-street, Oldham. Plans and Perspectives of Cotton Spinning Mills. 413 Tangyes, Limited, Birmingham and Manchester. Exhibits in Motion ; Tangyes’ Vertical Engine, Sin. diameter c}dinder with dynamo. Horizontal Engine, Belfast type, cylinder 12in. diameter by 24in. stroke, with Jefferiss’ patent automatic expansion gear. Horizontal Engine, Tangye type, cylinder Sin. diameter b}^ 16in. stroke, with Tangye and Johnson’s patent expansion gear. High-Speed Engine, Floyd’s patent, cylinder 4in. diameter. Eight-inch Centrifugal Pumping Engine. Special Direct-acting Steam Pump, steam cylinder 12in. diameter, water cjdinder Sin. diameter by 24in. stroke. Colonial Bam Pump, steam cylinders Sin. diameter, rams 4in. diameter. Tangyes’ Gas Hammer, Bobson’s patent, |cwt. size. Three-spindle Lathe. Clierry’s Patent H 3 'draulic Hoist (Model). 3-ton Overhead Traveller, Cherry’s patent, Exliibits not in motion : Tangyes’ Centrifugal Pumps, 2in. and 12in. diameter. Self-acting Sliding and Screw- cutting Lathe, Pendlebury’s patent. Sin. centres. Wheel Cutting Machine, to cut up to 1 Sin. diameter. 40cwt. D.P. Hoisting Crab, 20cwt. S.P. Hoisting Crab. Assortment of Hydraulic Jacks, Screw Jacks, Hydraidic Bears, Screw Bears, Weston’s Pulley Blocks (with Tangyes’ Patent Guides), Cheny’s Brake Blocks and Bope Blocks. Strainer-plate for paper makers. 414 Arthub Lowcock, Limited, Economiser Works, Shrewsbury, England. Lowcock’s Patent Fuel Economiser (with various forms of inclined bottom box), consisting of 160 heating pipes. Single Boiler Economiser, consisting of 48 solid drawn brass tubes, 2in. diameter and 6ft. long, and 48 oolddrawn seamless steel tubes, 2in. diameter and 7ft. long. Union Engineebing Co. (C. Schiele and Co.), 2, Clarence Buildings, Booth-street, Manchester. One Colliery Ventilator, with engine and belt. One A^entilator for Buildinjrs. One Air Propeller. Two Blowing Fans. Two 415 Exhausting Fans. One Turbine AVater Wheel. HRf»R MACHINERY. 105 416 Price’s Patent Candle Co., Limited, Belmont Works, Battersea, London, S.W. Candle-making Installation, embracing candle machines and specimens of palmitine, Hearine, and other candles, night lights, toilet soaps, &c. 417 Heenan and Froude, Newton Heath Iron Works, Man- chester, and Aston-lane, Aston, Birmingham. Tower Spherical Engine, driving direct Phoenix dynamo machine. Heenan and Fronde’s Patent Steam Fan. Tower Engine, coupled to Capell Patent Fan. Tower Fhigine, driving Centrifugal Pumj). Steam Pump for circulating purposes, Ac. Towner Spherical Launch Engine, fitted Avith reversing gear. Heenan and Fronde’s New Patent Arc Lamps. 418 Bentley and Ford, Portland Chambers, Longton, Staffordshire. Fourteen-inch High-pressure Horizontal Steam Fhigine, fitted with Bentley and Ford’s Patent Equilibrium Slide VaHe, with equilibrium automatic variable cut-off or expansion valve. 419 William Turner, Adelphi-street, Salford, Manchester. oManchester Goods Baling Press, with 18in. cjdinder. Several Vertical Single and Double Acting Land and Marine Pumping Engines. Small Horizontal Driving Engine. Patent Automatic Air Injector, for supplying the air vessels of pumping engines with air. Working Model of William Turner’s Patent Compound Steam and Hydraulic Cotton Baling Press. Brass Valves and Fittings and Hydraulic Ram Leathers, in shoAV case. White’s Injector and Jet Pumps, and BoAvers’s Separator. 420 Hind and Lund, Atlas Works, Preston. Roller Mill, fitted Avith tAvo pairs of chilled iron rolls, one pair of Avhich are corrugated for grinding wheat, and the other pair smooth for gi’inding middlings or semolina. Patent Centrifugal Silk Flour Dressing Machine, Ij s^ieet long. Combined Patent Semolina Grader and Purifier. Sample Stand of Wrought-iron Worm Conveyors. Sett of Elevators. Sample Stand of Chilled Iron Rolls, corrugated and smooth. 421 Walker Brothers, Pagefield Iron Works, Wigan, Lancashire. Patent Air Compressing Engines. Photographs of Hauling Machinery, to be Avorked by compressed air and steam ; also of Locomotive Machinery in connection Avith the ventilation of the nnrl T^nvinolc! Uti+pn'l'. FiinSJ SpItIpIp FfHIS. FlshpV ^Mersey and Severn Tunnels. Patent F^ans. and Walker’s Patent Friction Clutches. SECTION IT. 422 Gheenall Sc Co., 120, Portland-street, Manchester. Steam Washers for Steam Power, with automatic reversing gear. 423 B. AND S. Massey, Steam Hammer Works, Openshaw, Manchester. 70cwt. xVrch Framed Steam Hammer, with wrought-iroii stan- dards. 3cwt. Pneumatic Power Hammer. 3cwt. Improved Rigby Steam Hammer, with wrought-iron sides, llcwt. Overhanging SelF acting and Hand-worked Steam Hammer, with slides. Icwt. Steam Hammer for suspending to a beam or girder. Icwt. Drop Hammer. Band Saw for cutting cold met -i Is, metals Circular Saw for cutting cold Circular Saw’ for cutting hot metals. 424 Daniel Adamson & Co., Engineering Works, Dukinfield, near Manchester. Pair of Coupled Compound Horizontal Condensing Engines, wdtli automatic expansion gear fitted with a high-pressure cjdinder with rope driving. Patent Testing Machine, to test up to 100 tons. This machine is arranged so that the full floating weight of 161b. will register the maximum load. Observations can be recorded, when the specimen under test stretches 1,500,000 of an inch. Butterwortpi and Dickinson, Globe Iron Works, Burnley. Calico Loom, patent loose reed. Calico Loom, fast reed. Patent Dobby, double barrel. Patent Dobby, single barrel. Warping jMachine, with patent stop-motion. Warping Machine (falling rod), w'ith patent stop-motion. Winding Machine for cop twist. Cylinder Sizing Machine, with patent friction and patent yarn beam presser. 426 Fred. E. Jackson & Co., G, Union-street, Church-street, Manchester. Four-shuttled Drop-box Looms. 427 William Birch, ^lil ton-street Iron Works, Brough ton- lane, Lower Broughton, Manchester. Scutcher or Cutler for opening fabrics from the twisted or roi)C form and detaining the twist. Angular Guides for taking crimps and creases out of fabrics and guiding tliem automatically and cen- trally. Metallic Squeezer for squeezing fabrics. Conical Differential Expanders or Stretchers for stretcliing calicoes, &c. Open Soaper for soaping and w’ashing fabrics. Newdy-improved Rotary Sewing Machines for sewing piece ends. 428 P. M. Hodgkinson, Springl)ank File Works, Stalybridge. File Cutting by Hand and by Machinery. I MACHINERY. 107 429 The Patent Grinding and Polishing Machine Co., 1 8, Eclmuncl-street, Birmingham. Grindstones and Troughs, fitted with patent adjustable guides for obtaining true surfaces. Vice and other work holders and specimens of work. 430 Charles Walmsley, Atlas Iron Works, Bury. Three-throw Challenge Fire Pump, with lOin. bucket and jdiuiger pumps, and 14in. steam cylinder. 431 J. Woodrow & Sons, Stockport; 13, Market-street, Manchester; 42, Cornhill, London; 18, Castle-street, Liverpool. The Process of Making Silk Hats. The Process of Making Fine Fur Felt Hats, both hard and soft, by hand and machinery. 432 CooDBRAND AND HOLLAND, 20, Market Place, Manchester. Testing Machinery for Cotton and other Textiles. Inventions for Cotton Spinners, and other Textile Manufacturers. Engine Recorders. 433 Harling AND Todd, Calder Foundry, Burnley. Fancy Loom, with patent 4-shuttle drop box motion and 16-shaft dobby. Looms for jeans, twills, sateens, and velvets. 434 Henry Pease & Co.’s Successors, The Mills, Darlington. Power Loom in operation weaving dress goods. Samples of Cross Warp Serges and Cashmeres. 435 George Keighley, Bankhouse Iron Works, Burnley. Plain High-speed Calico Loom. Strong Calico Loom with twill motion. Sateen and Worsted Loom. 436 Platt Brothers & Co., Limited, Hartford Works, Oldham. Cotton Machinery for Preparing, Spinning, and Weaving, com- l)i’ising Patent Double Roller Macarth}" Cotton Gin, for woolly seeds. Bale Breaker, for breaking up cotton from the bale, and distributing the same to any part of the mixing room. Patent Exhaust Opener and Lap Machine, for 40in. cards. This machine draws its cotton from any part of the room in which it works, or from another room, cleaning the cotton and making it into a lap. Single Scutcher for 40in. cards, with lattice arranged for four laps, and Platt’s Improved Pedal Regulator. Single Card, 40in. on wire, by 50in. diameter, and 89 self-stripping flats l|in. broad, with dish and roller feed. Single Card, 40in. on wire, by 50in. diameter, and 89 self-strip- ping flats, l|iu. broad, with two feed rollers covered with ])atent inserted wire. Heilmann’s Combing Machine for 8 laps, lOJin. wide, new pattern solid base plate, with cut cam for detaching. 108 SECTION II. Freemautle’s Patent Brush Motion, interchangeable segments for circular combs, coiler and can motion, for cans 36in. by 9in., stop motion for each sliver behind tlie draw-box, stop motion in coiler cover, stop motion when can is full, making 80 to 95 nips per minute. Drawing Frame, three heads of two deliveries each, with traverse motion, various kinds of top clearers, viz., iron flats, with stationary cloth, Ermen’s patent revolving self-stripping clearer, and iron flats for revolving cloths, loose boss top rollers to front row, also loose bush top rollers, tumbler stop motions at the back, stop motion between the front rollers and calenders, stop motion when cans are full, motion to traverse tumblers, weight relieving motion. The front and second rows of bottom fluted rollers are case-hardened. Slubbing Frame, 30 spindles, lOiu. lift, bobbins 5|in. diametei’, when full, 20 Jin. staff, spindles 36iu. long, Jfiu. diameter, common collars 5Jin. long, double centrifugal presses, dividing plates, locking apparatus to knocking-off motion. Marsh’s patent footsteps, loose boss top rollers to front row. The first and second rows of bottom fluted rollers are case-hardened. Intermediate Frame, 42 spindles,. lOin. lift, bobbins 4|in. diameter when full, 2 6 fin. staff, spindles 3 Gin. by |in.. Mason’s long collars, single centrifugal pressers, loose boss top rollers for the front row, locking apparatus. The first and second rows of bottom fluted rollers are case-hardened. Roving Frame, 60 spindles. Tin. lift, bobbins 3|in. diameter when full, ^bison’s long collars, 20Jin. staff, spindles 30in. by -|in. , single centrifugal pressers, locking apparatus, loose boss top rollers to the front row. The first and second rows of bottom fluted rollers are case-hardened. AVai-p Ring Spinning Frame, 124 spindles, 5in. lift, 2 Jin. distance, IJiu. diameter inside ring, with patent flexible spindle , thread board adjustable for anti-ballooning, rod for caiTyiug doffing tin, patent creel, two tin rollers lOin. diameter, loose boss top rollers to front row. Front row of bottom fluted rollers are case- hardened. Patent Weft Ring Spinning Frame, 140 spindles, 2 Jin. distance, diameter inside the ring, to spin weft cops on bare spindle, or on short or long paper tubes, patent ring and traveller, patent doffing motion, patent creel, thread board to lift with ring rail, two tin rollers lOiu. diameter, loose boss top rollers to front row. Front row of bottom fluted rollers are case-hardened. Self-acting Cotton Mule, 132 spindles, Ifin. distance, ITin. spindles, 64in. stretch, speciallj" adapted for medium counts, all three lines of bottom fluted rollers are case-hardened, loose boss top rollers to front row, Avith traA'elling scavengers, patent rope tightening apparatus to rope taking in, scroll band tightening frame, patent clip for fastening scroll bands, click locking motion, patent automatic nosing motion, backing-off chain tightening motion. Palmer’s patent step covei’s on left-hand side, and Travis’s patent cover on right side, double earners at the headstock, three-gi’ooA'ed rim band aiTangement, casehardened tin roller arbors IJin. diameter, Blamire’s patent plate bolsters. Cop Reel for 10 hanks. Plain Calico Loom, 42in. reed space, overpick, iron yarn and back rollers, weft stop motion, positive taking-up motion, CoAvburn and Peck’s patent positive easing motion, self- acting double-capped temples, Singleton’s patent loose reed, chain weighting for yarn beam. Fustian or Velvet Loom, 56in. reed space, MACHINERY. < i Sc « iron back roller and wood yarn roller, weft stop motion, worm taking-up motion, patent temples, Clegg’s picking motion, chain weighting for yarn beam, Nuttall’s patent oscillating tappits, 10 shafts, Shiers and Wright’s patent system of driving oscillating tappits, patent governing chain, which enables a long pattern to be woven with a short bowl chain. Worsted Machinery for Combing, Drawing, Roving, Spinning, and Weaving, comprising Screw Gill Lap Machine, one head of one delivery, to make laps for Little and Eastwood’s Circular Wool-combing Machine. Little and Eastwood’s Patent Circular AVool Combing Machine, 3ft. Sin. circle, with coiler and can motion, for combing Colonial and South American wool. Screw Gill Balling Machine, one head of two deliveries, to make two balls, for finishing after combing. First Drawing Frame, 4 boxes, 8 porcupines, 4 bobbins, for preparing worsted on the French system. Second Drawing Frame, 4 boxes, 8 porcupines, 4 bobbins, for preparing worsted on the French system. Slubbing Frame, 4 boxes, 8 porcupines, 8 bobbins, for preparing worsted oif the French system. Roving Frame, 4 boxes, 8 porcupines, 8 bobbins, for preparing roving bobbins for the self-acting mule, on the French system. Self-acting Worsted Mule, 110 spindles, ly^^in. distance, 17in. spindle, 63in. stretch, all four lines of bottom-fluted rollers case-hardened, patent rope band tightening apparatus to the rope taking-in, scroll band tightening frame, patent clip for fastening scroll bands, click-locking motion, patent automatic nosing motion, backing-off chain tightening motion (special arrangements are made by which the spindles can be driven either twist or weft way without cutting either the spindle bands or rim band). Palmer’s patent step covers, double carriers at the headstock, four grooved rim band aiTangemeiit, case-hardened tin roller arbors l;|in. diameter, anti- friction bowls for faller shaft, plate bolsters and footsteps on right side, and pipe bolsters and steps on left-hand side. Power Loom to weave fancy woollen and worsted goods. Low pattern, with lathe centre at the bottom of the loom, 96in. reed space, with four shuttle boxes on each side, jacquard for 28 shafts, fitted with ungearing and reversing motions for turning back the loom to the broken weft without moving the shuttles, patent weft stop motion, worm and wheel letting-off motion, balance taking-up motion, single roller temple, wood-legged yarn and cloth beams. Gin. wrought-iron tube back roller, wood shuttles. Machinery for Preparing, Spinning, Doubling, and AA^’eaving AVool, comprising one Single Scribbler, 48in. on wire, with hand-feed, patent covered feed rollers, 2in. diameter ; burr roller, 12in. diameter ; guard roller and dirt box, angle stripper, 4in. diameter ; cylinder, 50in. diameter ; 6 workers, 8in. diameter ; 6 strippers, 2in. diameter; fancy, 12in. diameter; doffer, 30in. diameter ; fly comb, and balling machine. Single Clearer, 48in. on wire, with bank feed, heck or sliver guide, plain feed rollers, 2in. diameter ; taker-in. Gin. diameter ; angle stripper. Sin. diameter ; cylinder, SOin. diameter ; G workers, 8in. diameter ; G strippers, 2in. diameter; fancy, 12in. diameter; doffer, 30in. diameter; fly comb, roping apparatus or side drawing for Scotch feed. Single Carder, 48in. on wdre, wdth Scotch feeder, plain feed rollers, 2in. diameter ; m no SECTION IT. t«\ker-in, Gin. diameter ; angle stripper, 5in. diameter ; cylinder, 50in. diameter; 6 A\orkers, 8in. diameter; 6 strippers, 2in. diameter; fancy, 12in. diameter ; doffer, 30in. diameter ; Gy comb, and Bolette’s patent steel tape eondenser, with Platt’s patented improvements for 100 good and two waste threads on four bobbins of 25 threads per bobbin. Grinding Machine for 48in. cards, with movable l)earings, adapting it to any less width of card. Self-acting Woollen Mnle, 100 spindles, 2in. distance, 18in. spindle, 72in. to 76Mn. stretch, with patent rope tightening apparatus to rope taking-in, patent nosing motion, double speed and drawback motion, double speed at any part of draw, stop motion, spindle stop motion, plate bolsters for left side and pipe bolsters for right side, ease- liardened tin roller arbors IJin. diameter, coupling spindle in headstock and tin roller shaft in square can be removed witliout removing the rollers. Woollen Doubler, 24 spindles, 4in. distance, 24in. staff, 2|-in. rings, for plain and limey yarns, including spotting, intermittent, yM’ii looping, and variable spinning motions. 437 liowARD AND BuLLOUGH, Globe Works, Accrington. Single Beater Scutcher, with adjustable air bars. Revolving Flat Carding Engines, with electrical adjustment of flats to cylinder at speed. Drawing Frame, with electric stop motions. Slnbbing and one Intermediate, with electric stop motion. Roving Frame, with new differential motion. Ring Throstle for Twist. Ring Throstle for Weft. Ring Frame for Doubling. Slasher Sizing Machine, 7ft. and 4ft. c^dinders of copper. 438 J. S. Fry & Sons, Bristol ; and 252, City-road, London. Chocolate and Cocoa. The manufacture of chocolate c n- fectionery illustrated by machinery in motion. 439 James Broughton & Co., Dutton-street Iron Works, Diitt on-street. New Bridge-street, Manchester. Three-bowl Lever Friction Calender, with one bottom iron bowl 20in. diameter. Chilled-iron Cylinder Bowl, 13in. diameter, arranged for heating by steam. White Cotton-paper Bowl, 22in. diameter, and 42in. long on working face, driving gear consisting of large si)ur wheel and pinion, countershaft, expanding cones 36in. diameter. Brown Paper and a Raw Cotton Bowl, partly in the rough and partly finished, illustrating the process of manufacture. Samples of Brown Bowl Paper, White Linen do., and White Cotton do. Samples of Bowl Cotton and Raw Bowl Cotton. 440 Bobert Broadbent k Son, Phoenix Iron Works, Stalyhridge. Warburton and Broadbent’s Patent Drum Winding Frame, with conical drums on one side and parallel di-uins on tlie other side, fitted with Broadbent’s patent lever traverse motion, patent carrier springs, and patent stop-motion. One case of Loose Boss Top Rollers. MACHINERY. Ill 442 Crichton and Sons, Castlefield Iron Works, Knot Mill, Manchester. Express Roving Frame (Higgins’s princi])le) of GO s])in(lles, v’itli patent long collars and patent swivel attachments to rails. Ro})hin Tin. by 3-^ in. 443 Samuel Brooks, Union Iron Works, West Gorton, Manchester. Automatic Lemaire Feeder, for woollen and worsted cards. Drawing Frame for Cotton, Ac., one head of tlirce deliveries; foin- lines of Anted rollers; IGin. gauge; coiling, can-tnrning, and Brooks’s patented front and back sliver; back knocking-oA’ can-Alling, and traverse motions ; inm Aats for stationary cloth, hjose boss rollers, weight-relieving motion, Ac., complete. Ring Spinning Frame f)i* Weft, containing 68 spindles, 2 Jin. gange, 1 Jin. rings, 5in. lift, self- contained Union spindles for high speeds, and springs on for holding spindles in position ; two tin rollers, lOin. diameter, three lines Anted rollers mounted in inclined stands, all three rows top rollers weighted by saddle, lever, and weight; front line rollers loose boss ; two-height creel for single roving ; patent thread board lifting motion for instantaneously turning up all the thread boards for doAing ; patent knocking-off motion for automatically stopping frame when pirns are full ; patent travelling thread guide ; revolving clearers, with patent adjustable Axings on one side frame, and patent travelling cone clearer on the other side ; rope driving and tension pulleys for driven tin roller ; girder rail and angle beam ; lifting motion by bowls and chains. Ring Spinning Frame for Warp, containing 60 spindles, 2|in. gauge, l|in. rings, 5 in. lift, self-contained Union spindles for high speeds ; front top rollers weighted by hooks and weights, and second and back row self-weighted ; front row rollers, loose boss ; patent anti-ballooning apparatus ; patent Anger bar and wires for holding- down wharves, ami motion to release all at one time for oiling ; rope driving and tension pulleys for driven tin roller ; girder rails and angle beams ; lever-lifting motion. Ring Doidjling Frame for Sewing- Cottons ; one side arranged on the Scotch system, and one side on the English system, 58 spindles, 2|in, gauge, 2in. rings, 4in. lift ; patent Ferguslie and union spindles for high speeds, and improved springs on for holding spindles in position ; 2Jin. diameter hollow brass bottom rollers, solid top rollers covered with brass, and on Scotch system, rollers working in copper troughs so as to be partially immersed in water, with lifting motion to raise rollers when cleaning the trough, and on English system with trough behind rollers, and motion to lift glass rods out of trough for cleaning; patent tapering motion; two-height porcupine creel; two tin rollers, lOin. diameter; rope driving and tension pulleys for driven tin roller; girder rails, Ac., complete. Ring Doubling Frame, for two or three fold, with patent automatic stop motion for each end, to stop both spindle and delivering roller simultaneously, 52 spindles, 3|in. gauge, 2Jin. rings, 4|in. lift, self- contained spindles, Rabbeth system ; two tin rollers, lOin. % i % is diameter, and with rope driving and tension pulleys for driven tin roller; solid bottom rollers, Ifin. diameter, plain polished; solid top roller. Sin. diameter, plain polished ; cop creel, etc., complete. Ring Doubling Frame for Wool, with trap motion, 52 spindles, 3 Jin. gauge, 2Jin. rings, 4Jin. lift, union spindles for high speed, and im- proved springs on for holding spindles in position; two tin rollers, lOin. diameter; vertical trap rollers, covered with leather, 2 Jin. diameter, with special trap spindle, and 4Jin. diameter tin rollers ; porcupine creel for two bobbins to each spindle ; rope driving and tension pulleys for driven tin roller. Hill and Brown’s Patent Winding Frame, to wind yarn on to paper tubes or bobbins without heads, 12 drums ; one side fitted with creel for winding two or more ends on to one parallel spool. Sin. traverse, with patent automatic stop motion to each end, and one side for winding from one end ; parallel and conical spools, 2 in. and 4in. traverse ; creel arranged to wind from cops, bobbins, and hanks. American Standard Spinning and Doubling Travellers, in steel and composition, of the various shapes and sorts used on the Ring system of spinning and doubling. Show Case containing Samples of Bobbins, Single and Double Yarn, Spools, wound on the Hill and Brown Winding Frame, Crochet and Sewing Cotton Balls, made on the Ferguslie Balling Machine, various sizes of Rings, assorted Spindles, patented and otherwise. Loom Temples, Wrap Reel, double traverse. Yarn Quadrant, Improved Hygrometer, Hank Indicatoi-s, Oil • Measures andPumps, Spindle Speed Indicatoi-s, Samples of Round Top Clearers and Walkers’ Patent Fixings, Fluted Rollers for drawing and spinning frames Brass Covered Rollem for doubling frames. Patent Ante-Ballooning Apparatus, general accessories, itc. 4 I I 444 Samuel Walker, Eagle near Manchester. and Atlas Works, Radcliffe, Single Carding Engine 40in. on the wire ; cylinder, 48in. diameter ; doffer, 2 Gin. ; 6 rollers Gin. diameter, 5 clearers 3 Jin. diameter ; 2 dirt rollers 8Jin. diameter, licker-in, 9in. diameter ; fancy roller, 9in. diameter, to work underneath the cylindei’, adjust- able mote knife, self-lubricating combstock drawbox, with 2 lines of rollers, coder for cans 3Gin. by lOin., dish-feeder with 2 Jin. rollers, and solid baywood covers. Drawing frame : Head with 4 deliveries and 4 lines of rollers, gauge of frame 14|in., with coilers for cans 3Gin. by 9in., with all stopping motions for back and front, and also for stopping the frame when the cans are full. Cast-iron top clearers with loose wood linings, loose boss top rollers for the front line. Roving frame with 5G spindles, bobbins Tin. by 3Jin., with Mason’s collars, gauge, 8 spindles in 20Jin., si)indles 33Jin. b}’ yjin., Bodden’s single centrifugal pressers to flyers, loose boss rollers to the front top line. Ring, Frame with 72 spindles Gin. lift and 2|in. gauge, rings Ijin. diameter, Bodden’s self-oiling rabbeth spindles, 2 tin rollers lOin. diameter, revolving top and under-clearers with improved bearings. >' '«n'. fM^ fa^^^g^faag^fag^ MACHTNERY. 113 446 445 John Musgrave & Sons, Limited, Globe Iron Works, Bolton. Horizontal Compound Steam Engine, 4ft. stroke high-pressure cylinder 21in. diameter, low-pressure cylinder 37in. diameter,^ htted with Musgrave’s patent traversing Corliss valves, automatic slip motion and quick speed governor, fly rope drum 20ft. diameter, grooved for fifteen IJin. ropes, Whitworth hollow compressed fluid Iteel crank shaft and crank pin. The engine is prepared for the application of condensing apparatus. Taming or Barring Engines, Avith Musgrave’s patent automatic safety apparatus. John Greenhalgh & Sons, Vulcan Iron Works, Oldham. Patent Self-acting Flake and Delivery Willow for cleaning cotton waste, &c. Patent Self-acting Rope-opemng Machine, with cutter attached. Fawcett, Preston & Co., Phoenix Foundry, 17, York- street, Liverpool. Copper Vacuum Pan and Vertical Vacuum Engine, for evaporat- ing or concentrating liquids at low temperature. John Horrocks & Son, Parker-street Mill, Ashley- lane, Manchester. Patent Stop-motion Doubling Winding Machine. William Crosland, New-street, Miles Platting, Chester. 447 448 449 Man- Patent Advance Self-clamp Paper Cutting Madiine. Thumb-hole, and Universal Cutting Machine. Boiler Machine. Millboard and Pasteboard Cutting Machine. Corner- Scoring 449a James Saville & Sons, Adelphi Bowl Works, Black- burn-street, Adel phi, Salford. Cotton and Paper Bowls, Brass and Chilled Iron Bowls, Paper Friction Pulley, Pot Eyes. 450 Joseph Armytage Wade, Hornsea, neai Hull. A Helical Centrifugal Pump. By the addition of a powerful screw filling a cylinder, which conveys water from the tail pipe to one g or both sides of a centrifugal disc, very superior results c^e obtained | in the depth below the shaft from which water may be drawn-this has under favourable circumstances reached 3^ft. 8m. and con- sequently in the output of the water. An Eccentric Grip to a lever, holding firmly without the aid of a screw or of notches, and avoiding both danger and noise. 450a The Allen Machine Co., Limited, Victory Works, Halifax, England. Gumming Machines. Gumolene. Specimens of Electro- Bronzing and Nickel Plating. sv s*' 114 SECTION II. 450b The Patent Heald and Eyelett Machine Co., Wm. Bateman, Secretary, 63, Church-street, Manchester. This Exhibit is worked by John Heywood, Official Printer and Bookbinder. Machine for Folding and Eyeletting Labels for luggage and other purposes. 451 W. C. Horne, 6, Dowgate-hill,Cannon-street,London,E.C. This Exhibit is worked by John Heywood, Official Printer and Bookbinder. Martini Patent Folding Machine. Smyth Patent Book-sewing Machine. Harper Patent Wire-stitching Machine. Horne’s Patent Rolling and Wrappering Machine for newspapers and journals. Gathering Machine for sections of books. Archer Patent Paper Feeding Machine. Pepe Cold Process Matrice Drying Machine. Patent Luminous Cards, Balmain’s patent for printing-machine work 452 Augustus Brehmer, 33 and 35, Moor-lane, London, E.C. This Exliibit is worked by John Heywood, Official Printer and Bookbinder. Machines for seAving and stitching books and pamphlets with wire or thread. 453 John Galloway, 14, Charlotte-street, Manchester. Model of Pole Press. Model of Munich Lever Press. ]\Iodel of Star Cylinder Press. 16in. Modern Lithographic Press. Double Crown Lithographic Machine. Ink Slab, Stones, and sundries. 454 Furnival & Co., E eddish Ironworks, Eeddish, near Stockport. This Exhibit is worked by John Heywood, Official Printer and Bookbinder. Double Royal Wharfedale Printing Machine, with Flyers, for jobbing and fine bookwork. Half-Demy Wharfedale Printing Machine, with Flyers, specially built to run at a high speed. Quad-Crown Lithographic Printing Machine, for fine chromos and oleographs. Self-clamp Guillotine Cutting Machine. Foolscap-Folio Caxton Platen Printing Machine. 455 The Model Printing Press Co., 3, Liidgate Circus Buildings, London, E.C. Treadle and Hand-lever Printing ^lachines. Guillotine Paper Cutters. Little Giant and Model Brass Rule and Lead Cutters. Rotary Mitreing Machines. Wire Binders and Stitching Machines. Pateut Twin Quoins. Gauge, or Laying-on Pins. Printing Materials. 456 Taylor, Garnett, & Co., Manchester Guardian Office, 3, Cross-street, Manchester. Buxton, Braithwaite, k Smith’s Patent Single-cylinder (Wiiarfe- dale) Perfecting Machines, and Buxton, Braithwaite, ct Smith’s Guardian Patent Duplex Fast Folding Machines. 456a James Salmon, Blackfriars Bridge, Manchester, and 60, Friday-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. 48in. Victory Patent Self-Clamp Guillotine Cutting Machine. Four- Crown Guardian Duplex Folding Machines, Buxton, Braithwaite, F MACHTNP]RY and Smith’s Patent. Double-Demy Patent Wharfedale, fitted with Mark Smith’s Patent Taking-ofF Apparatus. Demy Patent Wharfedale, fitted with Salmon, Smith, & Co.’s Patent Taking-off Apparatus. Crown Folio Mitre Platen Alachine. Salmon’s Improved Treadle Disc Paging Machine. Salmon’s Improved Treadle Lightning Paging Machine. Hand Lever Paging Machine. Salmon’s 30in. Treadle Perforating Machine. lOin. Hand Lever Perforating Machine. Patent Automatic Wire Stitching Machine for Books. Hand Lever Wire Stitching Machine for Books. Hand Lever Automatic Wiring Stapling Press for Books. Patent Lightning Box Wiring Machine. Box iVIakers’ Cornering Machine. Rotary Treadle Scoring Machine. Millboard Cutting Machine. Specimens of Letterpress and Lithographic Inks, manufactured by the London and Provincial Printing Ink Co. Specimens of Dry Colours, manu- factured by the London and Provincial Printing Ink Co. 457 Alex. Seggie & Son, Broughton Engineering Works, Edinburgh. Horrocks & Co.’s Chromo-Lithographic Work, on Quad -Crown Edinburgh Machine. 458 G. Mann & Co., Elland-road Works, Leeds. Double-Demy Wharfedale Climax Letterpress Machine, with flyer, oscillating geared riders, and cylinder check ; double rolling and fly elevating arrangement. Double-Demy Climax Lithographic Machine, with Wharfedale flyers, damping apparatus, &c. ; also with cylinder brake and diagonal rolling arrangement. 458a McCorquodale & Co., Limited, Printers, Chromo- Lithographers, Account Book Manufacturers, &c., Leeds, Newton-le- Willows, and London. Letterpress Printing from Blocks, Electros, &c. LitliogTaphic Printing, Colour and Commercial, with various specimens of the same. 458b Irvin and Sellers, Preston and Liverpool. Bobbins and Shuttles used in spinning and manufacturing cotton, flax, silk, and wool, light and bell manufacturers. Hardwood Turnery used by electric Specimens of American Sawn Woods and Foreign Hardwood Logs used in the manufacture of the above. 459 Smith, Barber, k Earn worth, 37, Fountain-street, Manchester. Letter-press Printing. * 459a H. Garside, 21 , Cannon-street, Manchester. Collection of Photographs of Machiner}'. 4G0 John Neill, Great John-street, Manchester. Chromo-Lithographic and Letterpress Printing Machinery. 460a John Ingham k Sons, Croft Head Works, Thornton, near Bradford. Shuttles and Pickers for the weaving of worsteds, cottons, silks, alpacas, mohairs, ribbons, flax, linens, carpets, woollens, worsteds, coatings, blankets, fustians, lastings, damasks, moreens, tire , (tc. Shuttle Pikes for spools, pirns, and cops. 460b Abraham Kershaw & Son, Brow Mill, Clayton, Bradford, Yorkshii e. Reeds and Healds for weaving textile fabrics. 461 John Batcliff & Sons, Junction Foundry, Upper Wortley, Leeds. Donble-Demy Lithographic Printing Machine. 461a Horrocks & Co., Town Hall Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. Specimens of EngTaving and Colour Printing. Bookbindino-. Embossing. 461b James and Aaron Wilkinson, 6, St. Oswald-street, Bochdale-road, Manchester. Shuttles for weaving cotton, silk, worsted, linen, jute, ribbon, small wares, &c. ; also Picking Sticks and Pirn Bobbins. 462 Thos. Thomas k Sons, Acme Hoist Works, Cardiff. Self-sustaining Hoisting Machinery. Passenger Elevator, to cany four pei'sons, shown at work conveying visitors to and from the galleries of this section. Hand-power Single Warehoiise Lift. Hand- power Single Dinner Lift. Single Grocer’s Sack Lift. Double Grocer’s Sack Lift. Denick Winch for one ton direct from the banel. Hoistinjr Crab for one ton direct from the banel. 462a Thomas Crompton, Lock and Hinge Manufacturer, Ashton, near W^igan. Best Wrought Welded Iron Hinges for shipbuilders’, locomotive engineers’, and general builders’ requirements. Gothic Ornamental Scroll Hinges for ecclesiastical work. Banbuiy Stock and Plate Locks, suitable for churches and general builders. ’ Strong Handles and Thumb Latches. Luke and Spencer, Limited, Lime Bank Works, Lime Bank-street, Ashton Old-road, Ardwick, Manchester. Grinding Machines, with emery discs, as follows : Automatic Surfacing Machine, 36in. Double Tool Grinder, with Twist Drill attachment, etc. ; Self-acting Wheel Tooth Cleaning Machine, Saw Sharpening Machine, Automatic Wood-plane Iron Grinder, Universal Grinders, Horizontal Grinder, Automatic Machine for Grinding Chilled Rolls. yi 463a Thos. Bradbukn & Sons, Great Charles-street, Birmingham. Rules in Boxwood, Ivory and Steel. Squares, Iron and Steel. Measuring Tapes, wind-up and spring. 464 Kendall and Gent, Victoria Works, Manchester. Brown’s Patent Screwing Machine, to screw bolts and tap nuts up to 2in. diameter, and fitted with new patent automatic; relaxing motion. One ditto, to screw up to IMn. diameter. Tin. Centre Open-spindle Capstan Rest Chasing Lathe, for making screws and studs up to l^in. diameter from the solid bar. Sin. Centre Hollow Spindle Lathe for turning and chasing screws, Ac., up to 2in. diameter. Universal Milling Machines B and C sizes. Vertical Milling and Profiling Machine, B size. lOin. Centre Duplex Sliding, Surfacing, and Screw-Cutting Lathe, with 14ft. gap bed. Raw- linson’s Patent Mechanical Grindstone. Rawlinson’s Patent Tool- holders. Tin. Centre Brass Finisher’s Lathe, specially adapted for boring, turning, facing, and screwing all kinds of brass fittings whether parallel or taper. Cutter Grinding Machine, for milling cutters of various forms. Cutter Forming Machine, for making milling cutters of any section. Vertical Drilling and Tapping- Machine. 464a Frank Redd a way & Co., Cheltenham - street, Pendleton, Manchester. Camel-hair Machine Belting. A belt made from animal fibre warp and vegetable fibre weft. Cotton Canvas Belting made from union canvas. Canvas Hose for fire brigades, Ac. 465 John Pickles & Son, Royd Iron Works, Hebden Bridge, via Manchester. Wood Planing Machines, with Rawling’s Patent Spiral Cutters and Grinders. Wood Planing and Surfacing Machine. Cutter Grinding Machine. Circular Saw Bench, with patent saw guard. 465a R. W. Harrison & Co., 48 and 50, Darwen-street, Blackburn ; works, St. Peter-street. Steam Packings of all kinds. Diamond Star Patent Engine Packings. Jointings. Belting Syrup and Asbestos. 466 Thomas Robinson & Son, Rochdale. Roller Feed Saw Bench, with foot lever for moving feed roller. Tenoning Machine, with double tenoning arrangement and light scribing apparatus. Combined Hand and Power Feed Planing Machine. Hand-feed Planing Machine with outside block 4in. wide, for moulding, and fitted with sawing apparatus. Band-sawing Machine fitted with wheels of the bicycle pattern. Dovetailing Machine. Self-acting Grinding Machine for plane irons. Moulding Limited, Railway Works I '$ ie n Machine with top bloclc to cant, cutter blocks, reversing chisel. Double Horizontal Roller Mill smooth rollers for flour, &c. Panel Planing Machine with side Mortising and Boring Machine fitted with automatic O O fitted with four 467 Sharp, Stewart k Co., Limited, Atlas Works, Man- chester. Planing Machine, to plane 10ft. long, 4ft. wide, and 4ft. high, with three toolboxes, and improved feedgear. Screwing Machine to screw and tap from 4in. to Ifin., with Taps, Dies, Master Taps, etc. lOin. Self-acting, Sliding, Surfacing, and Screw-entting, Gap Lathe, with bed 10ft. long. A selection of injectors, viz., Patent Exhaust Steam Injectors, high and low pressure ; Friedmann’s Patent Non- lifting Injectors for Locomotives; Atlas Pattern Live Steam Injectors ; Standard Pattern Live Steam Injectors ; A Sectional Model of Patent Exhaust Steam Injector. 468 Hulse & Co., Ordsal Works, Regent Bridge, Salford, Manchester. Hollow Spindle Turning and Screwing Lathe, with capstan rest, Broad Traverse Planing Machine. Vertical Drilling and Boring Machine. Radial Drilling and Boring Machine. Vertical Milling and Drilling Machine, with numerous automatic and reversing actions. Horizontal Milling Machine, with self-acting table. Self- acting Wheel-cutting and Dividing Machine, for cutting spur, bevel, or worm wheels. Swivel Tool-holders and Cutters. Surface Plates, Ac. 468a W. B. White, Red Scar Spring Works, Colne, Lancashire. AVeft Forks and Fork-nolders. Shuttle Pegs and Guards. Shuttle Pikes. Spring Swells. Tempered Steel Springs. Perforated Sheets and Strips. Picking Balls. Studs and Sticks. Cop Skewers. AVeft Grates. Springs and Spindles. Patent Oil Cisterns. 468b Robert Pickles, Cairo Mill and Buccleuch Mill, Burnley. Patent Shuttles and Samples of AA'ood used for shuttles. Samples of AVood after being subjected to a pressure of 1,500 tons, or 20 tons to the square inch. 469 R. & J. Dick, Greenhead Works, Glasgow. The Process of Alanufacturing Round and Flat Driving Bands, made of a combination of gutta-percha, balata, and cotton canvas. The process of making Boots and Shoes with gutta-percha and balata bottoms. The Manufacture of A^entilating Inside Soles for boots and shoes. A general exhibit of Gutta-percha Articles of our own manufacture, including Shoes and Pads for Horses, Buckets, and other Colliery Furnishings; Golf and Cricket Balls, Ac., Ac. ; also the Maiiufiicture of a new Patent AVaterproof Cotton Sole for boots and shoes. A varied collection of raw material. Ml; MACHINERY. 119 4G9a William Cowan, Buccleudi-street Works, Edinburgh. Meter for measuring water and other liquids. & Son, Clarendon-street, Hyde, near 470 John Cowley Manchester. Screwing Macliines for gas and steam tubes ; Screwing Machines for bolts and nuts ; Screwing Machines for square threads ; Selection of Engineers’ and Gas and Steam Fitters’ Tools 471 Joshua Heap & Co., Limited, Oldham Hoad Engineers’ Tool Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. Portable Screwing Machines for tubes. Portable Screwing Machines with fitters’ work-bench on wheels. Engineers’ and Gas and Steam Fitters’ Hand Tools and Screwing Tackle. Bolt Screwing and Nut Tapping Machines. 65, Sackville-street, Portland-street, 472 Doavning & Co., Manchester. Corks and Corkwood. Wine, Ale and Porter Corking, Filling, Bottle Washing, and Capsuling Machine. Ca])sules, Sealing AYax, Bottle Brushes, Tin and Wood Tops, and all trade sundries. 473 Bbadbuky & Co., Limited, Wellington Works, Oldham, and 7, Deansgate, Manchester. Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machines, ' wheel-feed for leather work. Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine, step-feed, for tailoring and manu- facturing purposes. Repairing Machine, for repairing boots and shoes, and sewing elastics in boots. Capstan Lathes Sin. and Tin. centres. Single Speed Milling Machine. Spindle Bench Drilling Machine. Steam Power Bench, with driving tackle complete, for working above- named sewing machines. 474 J. Bennett Yon der Heyde, Bridgewater Chambers, 6, BroAvn -street, Manchester. Perfect Pulley. Adjustable Ball and Socket Shaft Hangers. Friction Coupling, Shafting, and other fittings. 475 J. S. AND G. F. Simpson, 26 to 36, Bodney-street, Brooklyn, E.D., N.Y., U.S.A ; sole agents, Cunning- ham Shaw & Co., Liverpool. Bogardus Original Universal Eccentric Mill, with guide pulley attachment. Ditto, with bevel gearing. Ditto, with Guide Pulley attachment. Countershaft. 476 William Teggin, 58, Faulkner-street, Manchester. Process of Letterpress and Lithograpliic Printing and Label Punching'. 120 SECTION II. 477 S. CHARLES^yoRTH k Co., Richmond Hill Iron Works, Oldham. Demy AdYance Lithographic Printing Machine. Kleinertz Patent Bronzing Machine. Kleinertz Patent Dusting Machine. 478 J. E. H. Andrew k Co., Limited, Reddish, near Stock- port, and 80, Queen A^ictoria-street, London, E.C. Stockport Patent Silent Gas Engines (Horizontal). One Jh-p. Bisschop Patent Gas Engine, vertical type. 479 Robert Dempster k Sons, Rosemount Iron Works, Elland, Yorkshire. Gas Engines (Campbeirs patent). 480 W. II. 4Yrrance, 19 k 20, North Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh. Scotch Bakery. Rusks, sweetened and unsweetened. Kettledrum Shortbread, Kettledrum Oatcakes, Kettledrum Gingerbread. 481 Lee and Hunt, Arkwright Tool Works, Nottingham. Self-acting Cold Iron and Steel Sawing Machine, with saw 24in. diameter, to crosscut joist section up to 24in. by 6in. and round or square bars up to 5Jin. and with quick return motion. Cold Iron and Steel Sawing Machine, with saw 12in. diameter, to crosscut joist section up to lOin. by 3in., and round or square bars up to 2 Jin., with hand feed. Universal Self-acting Milling Machine, with 2ft. traverse to table. 482 Hind and Lund, Atlas Works, Ed ward-street, Preston. Paint Grinding Roller Mill, having three granite rolls, 30in. in length by 14in. diameter. Pug or Paint Mixing Mill. Liquid Paint Mixing and Grinding Mill. 483 Craven Bros., Limited, Vauxhall Iron Works, Osborne- street, Manchester. Sawing Machine, for cutting metals cold, diameter of saw 1ft. 9in.,'. traverse 1ft. 3in., table 4ft. 6in. by 3ft. Sawing Machine, for cutting rising heads off steel castings, ingots, &c., diameter of saw 8ft., traverse 3ft. 2in., table 7ft. by 6ft. Sawing Machine, for cutting rising heads off steel castings, ingots, Ac., diameter of saw 1ft. 9in., traverse bin., table 2ft. 9in. by 1ft. Gin. Vertical Drilling and Boring Machine, will admit 4ft. diameter, 2Jin. spindle, with chasing arrangement on spindle. Universal Horizontal Milling Machine, for general work, with rising and falling table. Vertical Milling and Drilling Machine, for locomotive engine cylinders and general work. Self-acting Sliding, Surfacing and Screw-cutting Gap Lathe, lOin. centres, 10ft. bed. Face Lathe, with 30in. diameter, jaw chuck, duplex compound slide rests. Group' of Four Machines for making boiler fire box stay bolts, consisting of Cuttiiig-ofl Machine, Straightening and Centreing Machine, Slide Lathe, with copying motion, and Automatic Chasing Lathe. Slotting Machine, with traversing head, 15in. stroke, 5ft. diameter table; all self-acting, adapted for slotting radial axle box frames and general locomotive work. Railway Wheel Lathe, for carriage and wagon wheels up to 3ft. Gin. diameter. Planing Machine, will plane 5ft. by 2ft. Gin. by 2ft. Gin., cross-slide, fitted with two self-acting tool boxes, table traversed by screw and direct pulleys; no gearing. Duplex Axle Brass Step Boring Machine, will bore four brasses at the same time ; self-acting. Group of Surface Plates, 3Gin. by 3Gin., 24in. by 12in., IGin. by IGin., 15in. by Gin., 12in. by 3|^in. Group of Fitters’ Bench Vices, three sizes, 5in., Gin., and Tin. jaws. 484 Messrs. Crossley Brothers, Limited, Openshaw, Man- chester ; and 31, Market-street, Manchester. Otto Domestic Motor. Jh.-p. Vertical Gas Engine, with Crompton dynamo combined. I|h.-p. Vertical Otto Gas Engine, with Crompton dynamo combined. 4h.-p. Horizonal Otto Gas Engine, with Crompton dynamo combined. 5h.-p. Vertical Otto Gas Engine. 4h.-p. Otto Gas Engine, with Lightfoot’s Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. 7h.-p. Otto Gas Engine, combined with force pumps. 14.h.-p. Otto Gas Engine. Switchboard, with automatic cut-off. Set of Accumulators. Electric Light Fittings, for private houses, factories, &c. Electric Light Meter. 484a Manchester Electric Supply Co., Limited, 31, Market-street, Manchester. Electric Light Fittings, suitable for factory, house, and shop lighting purposes. Accumulators. Special Cut-outs. Sectional Switches and Measuring Instruments. * 485 James McMuRDO,New-street, Miles Platting, Manchester. Repeating Machine, for Repeating Jacquard Pattern Cards. Machine for cutting Peg and Lace Holes in blank Jacquard Cards. Piano Machine, for cutting Jacquard Cards from the Design. 400’s Doable-lift Double Cylinder Jacquard Machine, for weaving cross borders. 486 Thos. C. Thompson, Britannia Mills, East-street, Lower Mosley-street, Manchester. Paging and Numbering Machine, treble action. Paging and Perforating Machines. Stabbing and Cornering Machine. Patent Meteor Oil Tank. Patent Grooved Chase. Eylet Machine (self-feed). 487 Joseph Gillott & Sons, Victoria Works, Graham -street, Birmingham. Seven of the most important processes of Steel Pen making, practically shown in operation, viz., cutting out, side-slitting, piercing, raising, marking, slitting, straight grinding, and cross grinding. 122 SECTION II 488 Asa Lees k Co., Limited, Soho Iron Works, Oldham. Cotton Spinning ;ind Preparing Machinery. Single Lap Machine for 40in. cards, with patent feed regulator and patent rope driving. Single Carding Engine 40in. on the wire, cylinder 50in. diameter, doffer 24in., taker-in 9in., covered with inserted metallic saw-tooth wire, 102 self-acting revolving flats. Drawing Frame, 1 head of 5 deliveries, 18|in. staff, 4 lines of rollers, loose boss top rollers to front lino, case-hardened bottom rollers to front line, traverse motions, back and front stop motions, full-can stopping motion, and weight-relieving motion. Slabbing Frame, 34 spindles, y|-in. diameter, 4 spindles to 19in., lOin. lift, single centrifugal pressers, iron flats for stationary cloth, short collars, 3 rows of rollers, loose boss top rollers to front line, case- hardened bottom rollers to front line. Intermediate Frame, 52 spindles yfin. diameter, 8 spindles to 25Y^in., lOin. lift, single centrifugal pressers, iron flats for stationary cloth, short collars, 3 rows of rollers, loose boss top rollers to front line case-hardened bottom rollers to front line. Roving Frame, 64 spindles, y|-in. diameter, 8 spindles to 20^in., Tin. lift, half the frame with single centrifugal pressers, and half the frame with double centrifugal pressers, iron flats for stationary cloth, short collars, 3 rows of rollers, loose boss top rollers to front line, case-hardened bottom rollers to front line. Tlie Slubbing Intermediate and Roving Frames have Taylor’s patent cone-releasing motions, and patent knocking-off motion attached. Twist Ring Spinning Frame, 96 spindles, 2|in. gauge, Ifin. rings. Sin. lift, patent Gravity spindles, double tin rollers, thread board lifting motion, anti-balooning wire traveller clearers, inclined roller stands, rollers weighted with dead weights, loose boss top rollers to front line, case-hardened bottom rollers to front line, patent rope driving arrangement. Weft Ring Spinning Frame, 116 spindles 2 Jin. gauge, IJin. rings, 4 Jin. lift, patent Gravity spindles, double tin rollers, thread board lifting motion, anti-balooning wire traveller clearers, inclined roller stands, rollers weighted with levers, case- hardened bottom rollers to front line. Patent Self-acting Mule, 252 spindles, Ifhi. gfuige, 17in. spindles, 1 Jin. back-shafts 1 fin. taller shafts, creels for double roving, cai-riages boarded underneath, patent duplex driving, treble grooved rimband arrangement, patent strapping motion, improved backing-otf cam and backing-off chain tightening motion, improved click locking motion, patent full cop stopping motion, self-acting nosing motion, taking in by baud with patent tightening apparatus, twist motion, self-acting anti-snarling motion, self-acting strap-relieving motion, case-hardened bottom rollers to front line. Patent Self-acting Twiner, 270 spindles, IJin. gauge, 17 -Jin. spindles, improved brass locking slide, brass guides, zinc water trougiis, taking-in by band, with patent tightening apparatus, patent full cop stopping motion, self-acting strap, relieving motion, improved backing-off cam and backing-off chain tightening motion. ( V)tton Waste .Machinery : Breaker Carding Engine, 50in. on the wire, cylinder 50in. diameter, doffer 24in., taker-in 9in., covered with inserted metallic saw-tooth wire, rollers and clearers, lap drum in front 50in. diameter. Finisher Carding Engine, 50in. on the wire, cylinder 50in. diameter, doffer MACHINERY. 123 24iii., tukeriii covered with inserted metallic saw-tooth wire, rollers and clearers. Patent Condenser, with steel strip dividers for 60 ends. Patent Self-acting Mule for spinning cotton waste on the woollen system, 180 spindles, IJin. gauge, 18in. spindles, with back- shafts l|in. diameter, l-|iu. faller shafts, patent arrangement giving three speeds of spindles, drawback or jacking-in motion, motion for altering speed of spindles at any part of draw, patent strapping motion, improved click locking motion, improved holding-out catch, pjatent full cop stopping motion, carriage stop motion, spindle stop motion, taking-in by band, with patent tightening arrangement. Single Grinding Machine for rollers or clearers, with dust fan and cover, setting aiTangement. 489 John Dugdale & Sons, Soho Foundry, Blackburn. Winding jMachine, arranged for cops, ring throstle, and hank yarns. Beam Warping Machine, with automatic stopping motion. Sizing Machine (Slasher system), with new improvements. Seamless Bag Loom, Laird and Rutherford’s new improved system. Loom (old), with Haythornthwaite’s new brake. Winding-on Motion, for roving and other frames, Dugdale and Davies’ new system. 490 Bichard Threlfall, Bridgeman Place Machine Works, Bolton. Patent Self-Acting Mule, containing 408 spindles, IJin. space, fitted up with all our latest improvements, constructed for spinning fine cotton j’arns. 491 Taylor, Lang, & Go., Limited, Castle Iron Works, Stalybridge, near Manchester. Cotton Pulling Machine, to pull cotton direct from the bale. Buckley’s Patent Opener, 40iu., with patent automatic pedal feed regulator, making laps direct from the cylinder. Buckley’s Patent Combined Opener and Scutcher, 40in. improved feed rollers, double weighted. Finisher Scutcher, for 40in. cards, with improved automatic pedal regulator. Self-Acting Mule, of 264 spindles, Ifin. gauge, three threads, 17in. spindle. 491 A The Rossendale Belting Co., 20, Rook-street, Manchester. Hair and Cotton Duck Beltings. Hose-pipe. Belt Fasteners. 492 Henky Faulder & Co., 7 and 9, Lancashire Bridge, Stockport; factories, Heaton-lane and Vernon Bridge, Stockport. Whole Fruit Preserves. Marmalade and Confectionery, also special apparatus and machineiy producing the same. 492a The Credenda Cold-drawn Seamless Steel Tube Co., Ledsam-street, Birmingham. Cold-drawn Seamless Steel Tubes, in various sizes, thicknesses, and sections. 124 SECTION II 493 W. & M. Marwick, 65, Nicolson-street, Edinburgh. The Maiiufacture of Confectionery and Chocolate, in operation showing the different processes in Sugar Boiling. Comfit Making by Steam Pans. Lozenge Making. Chocolate Manuhicture. 493a The Haslam Foundry and Engineering Co., Limited, Union Foundry, Derby. A 3,000ft. Patent Dry Air Refrigerating Machine, with Steam Engine combined. The machine will deliver dry air at 40 degrees below zero Fahr. 494 James Proctor, Hammerton -street Iron Works, Burnley. Mechanical Stoker, and Self-Cleaning Machine, moving or hand moving fire bars for supplying fuel to steam boilers mechanically. 495 Wilson & Ingham, Springfield Mill, Liversedge, Yorkshire. Machine for making Card Clothing of hardened and tempered steel wire for revolving flat carding engines. 496 Thomas Coleby, 33, Lancaster Buildings, Barton Square, Manchester. Patent Reel, adapted to reeling cotton yarn from cops. A similar machine for reeling from ring frame, tubes, and bobbins. Bundling Machines for making up cotton yarns. 497 Thomas Gare, Eclipse Works, Booth-street, Edgeley, Stockport. Boot and Shoe Paring and Finishing Machine. Buffing and Sandpapering Machine. Carving Machine. Profiling Machine. Flexible Shafts, and various applications of same. Machine for cutting off cams, screws of irregular pitch, and also milling tools at any angle or pitch. Adjustable Self-Lubricating Bush. Improved Blowpipe. Angular Ball Castor. Hair Brushing Machine. Solution for resisting damp and rust. 498 Matthews and Yates, 35, Lever-street, Manchester. Air Propeller. Apparatus for the propulsion, suction, and move- ment of air fluids and gases. Automatic Closing Doors. Humidi- fier for moistening atmosphere. 499 James Howorth, M.S.A., Victoria Engineering Works, Earn worth, near Bolton. Archimedean Screw Ventilators, self-acting. Radial Screw Ventilators, self-acting. Radial Screw Ventilators, driven by motive power. Horizontal Screw Ventilators. Centrifugal Screw Ventilators, MACHINERY. fitted to and driven by the Morton-Hall Patent Steam Motor. Outlet Yalves for preventing back draughts. Chimneybreast Outlet Ventilators. Draughtless Air Inlet Ventilators. Humidifier and Air Inlets. Heating and Cooling Chests combined with Lacy’s Patent Humidifier Fan, &c. Samples of Dutry-Colson’s Patent Fire Extincteurs. 500 James Eobertshaw, Climax Works, Simpson-street, Eochdale-road, Manchester. Patent Dj^eing and Wringing Machine, for hanks of yarn. Sizing and Wringing Machine, for hanks of yarn. 501 Edward Eenshaw & Co., 19, Corporation-street, Man- chester. Exhaust Fan, and Exhaust Fan with Engine attached. 502 The Anti-Fkiction Conveyor Co., 59, Mark-lane, London, E.C. Coiive}"or. Disintegrator ; the grinding surfaces are of chilled iron. 503 William Samuel Sneade, Charters-street, Vauxhall- road, Liverpool. Improved Patent Rolls and Machin-ery in motion for the production of chocolate, cocoa, paint, Ac. 504 Follows & Bate, Limited, Froxmer-street, Gorton, Manchester. Granite Roller Mill, with 3 rollers, 24in. by 14in. Iron Cone Mills for Paint Manufacturers, 20in. grinding surfaces, capacity of hopper, 12 gallons. Edge Runner Mill, 4ft. Gin. pan, rollers 30in. by Sin. Drug Grinding Mill, on high stand, with fast and loose pulleys. Pug Mill, for mixing dry colours and oil. Inclined Power Press, for stamping sheet metals. Automatic Perforating Machine. 5('5 Julius Schlesinger, 59, Mark-lane, London, E.C. Dust Collector, for removing dust in mills and factories. Wheat Cleaner, Brush Scourer, and Smutter. 506 Blackman Air Propeller Ventilating Co., Limited, 63, Fore-street, London, E.C. Blackburn Air Propeller, 48in. diameter, in motion, fitted with automatic slmtters. Blackman Air Propeller, 36in. diameter, fixed, with spindle vertical, for drying wool. Blackman Air Propeller, 24in. 126 SECTION IT. diameter, fixed for removing dust, which tlie chaff in motion repre- sents. Wool Drying Table. 507 Hulme and Lund, Steam and Hydraulic Engineers, Egerton-street Iron Works, Chester-road, Manchester, S.W. Patent Direct-Acting Steam Pumping Engine for low lifts. Direct-Acting Steam Pump for Boiler-feeding. Hydraulic Pump for Dip Working in Mines, Ac. Donkey Pumping Engine for Boiler- feeding, double-acting, with one ram. Donkey Wall Pump, 2in. ram. Donkey Wall Pump, lin. ram. 508 Clabk, Bunnett & Co., Limited, Ducie Chambers, Market-street, Manchester ; and Bathbone Place, London. Self-sustaining Hand Power Luggage Lift. Self-sustaining Dinner Lift. Self-gripping Crab. H^alraulic Passenger Lift. Castings in Iron and Bronze. Revolving Shutters. 509 Hodgkinson & Co., Limited, Ordsall Machine Works, Woden-street, Manchester. Mechanical Stoker. Self-cleaning Fire Bars. Rocking Bars, fin’ hand or machine firing. Oscillating Gas Engine. 510 Hinde & Son, Metropolitan Brush Works, Oxford-street, and Coventry-street, Birmingham ; and 54, Rue Greneta, Paris. The Process of Manufacture of Toilet Requisites and Brushes from the Raw iMaterials to the articles ready for use. 510a Westray, Copeland, & Co., Abbey-road, Barrow-in- Furness. High-Pressure Compound Engine, with cylinders, 4in. and Sin. diameter, by 12in. stroke, fitted with Kirkaldy’s Compactum Feed- water Heater. 511 Bratby and Hinchliffe, Sandford-street, Ancoats, Manchester; and 146, Minories, London, E.C. Complete Plants for the Manufacture of Aerated Waters, to be shown in full operation. Bottle Washing Machine. Wiring Machine. Turnover Filling Machine. Cork Bottling Machine. Syrup Making Apparatus Syphon Bottles and Filling Machines. Beer and Wine Bottling Machinery. Essential Oils. Soluble Essences. Fruit Syru])s and Cordials. Patent and Cork Bottles. Partitioned Boxes and Cases. Labels. Showcards. Corks. Capsules. Lead and 14n Foil. Bottling Wire. Bottle and Box Brushes. Capsuling ^Machines. MACHINERY 127 51lA T. W. Lawson, Napoleon Works, 260 and 262,Ptochdale- road, Manchester. Mineral and Aerated Waters. A Non-intoxicating Beverage known by the name of Nap. 512 Dan Pylands, Blake-street, Stretford-road, Manchester; and Hope Glass Works, Barnsley. Ryland’s Patent Aerated Water Machines and Anti-atmospheric Carbonic Acid Gas Generators, in action. Turnover Filling Machines. Multiple Filling Machine lor Power. Bottle-washing Apparatus. Model Syrup Making Plant. Rylands’s Patent Globe Stoppered, Valve, and Cork Stoppered Aerated Water Bottles. Rylands’s Patent Wire-bound Boxes and Cases for Aerated Water Bottles. 513 Thomas Parkinson, Britannia Works, Blackburn. Hydraulic Cloth Bundling Press. 4h.-p. Steam Engine. Size Mixing Machinery and Fittings. Brass and Iron Pumps. General Copperwork. Engineers and General Brasswork. 514 Lewis Sanderson (the Bailway and Electric Appliances Co., Limited), Bosehill Works, Polmadie, Glasgow. New Rotary Engine. 515 The Steel Nut and Tube Co., High Bank Steel Works, Openshaw, Manchester. Nuts. Rigging Screws. Railway Union Boxes. Steering Gear Unions. Adjusting Boxes for Roofs and Bridges. Signal and Tele- graph Stay Adjusting Boxes. Tubes, solid drawn. Hollow Crank Shafts. Crank Pius. Piston Rods. Governor Spindles. Saddle Screws. Fast and Loose Head Lathe Spindles. Connecting Rods. Boring Bars. Boring Rods for mining purposes. Hydraulic Tubes, with bends and connections. Dredger Bushes. Hollow Taps. Hexagon and Round Solid Bars. 516 Bentley and Jackson, Lodge Bank Works, Bury, near Manchester. Rotary Cloth Stretching Machine for cotton goods. Belt Pulley of variable diameter. Brass Centrifugal Pump, 15in. diameter. Chilled Iron Calender Roll, 14in. diameter, ground and finished. Paper Bowl, 24in. diameter, made of Craig’s woollen paper. Wood Fibre Bowl, 20in. diameter. Sample R«»lls of Raw Cotton, Cop Bottoms, White Linen, and Brown Papers. Verny Paper Cutting Machine, to cut a web of paper 60in. wide, the paper being held stationary whilst being cut. Brass Ejectors for vacuum boxes of paper-making machines. Patent Automatic Wire Guide for regulat- ing the wires of a paper-making machine. Sundry Steam Valves. Roll of Paper. 128 i ss «e *i SF.CTION IT. 517 John Wolstenholme, Albert Works, Radcliffe, near Manchester. The Radcliffe Gas Engine, 2h.-p. nominal. Duplex Steam Pumping Engine, Gin. water cylinders, lOin. steam cylinder, 12in. stroke. Gun-metal and other Fittings. 518 Browett, Bindley, & Co., Sandon Engine AVorks, Salford, Manchester. Set of Lindley’s Patent Driving Gear, combined with Vertical Engine and Dynamo. Vertical Compound Tandem Engine. 4h.-p. Horizontal Engine. Patent Sandon Gas Engine. Set of Lindley’s Patent Acme Governors. 519 Frank Pearn & Co., Engineers, West Gorton, Man- chester. Patent Quadruple-acting Pump, with two rams each lOin. diam., two steam cylinders each 12in. diam., stroke 9in. Double-acting Pump, with one ram Gin. diam., one steam cylinder lOin. diam., stroke 8in. Long Stroke Double Ram Manchester Pumping Engine, rams 4in. diam., steam cjdinders GJin., stroke 8in. Long Stroke Quad- ruple-acting Manchester Air Compressor or Vacuum Pump, with two air cylinders 8in. diam., two steam cylinders 8in. diam., stroke 12in. Single-acting Manchester Donkey or \Vall Pumps, rams |in. diam., steam cylinders Ifin. diam., stroke lin. Single-acting Manchester Donkey or AVall Pumps, rams 2in. diam., steam cylinders 4in. diam., stroke 4in. Double-acting Manchester Donkey or Wall Pumps, pumps 2in. diam., steam cylinders 4in. diam., stroke 4in. 520 AV. H. Bailey k Co., Albion Works, Salford, Manchester. Bailey’s Patent Direct-acting Hydraulic Lift. This lift is actuated by the pressure of the water in the town’s mains, the exhaust water being afterwards used for feeding the boilers of the Exhibition. 521 Edward Green k Son, 14, St. Ann’s Square, Alanchester ; works, Wakefield. Green’s Patent Fuel Economisers, fitted with dentilated scrapers and access pipes, various sizes. Fuel Economiser for single boilers, with cold-drawn seamless steel tubes. Specimen Castings of parts of Economiser, all pipes being cast vertically in dry-sand moulds. Fuel Economiser of 192 heating pipes, in operation to the working boilers. 522 J. H. PiiLEY k Co., Elton Iron AVorks, Bury, near Manchester. Beetle Roller, 14ft., with friction cone and gearing, llin. lift of fallers. Calender, Four-bowl Universal, for cotton and linen goods, driven by Hunter’s patent clutch. Stretching Machine, 45in., for & cotton and linen goods. Doubling or Rigging Machine for cotton, linen, or woollen goods. Velvet Folding Machine, for warehouse use, driven by hand. Steam Drying Cylinders (three), with framing and Riley’s patent vacuum valve motion, to prevent collapse of cylinders. Starch Mangle, frame sides, two sizes. Diagonal Steam Engine, Tin. by lOin., useful for driving separate machines. Small Oscillating Steam Engine, 5in. cylinder. Hunter’s Patent Clutches, various sizes. 523 Nasmyth, Wilson & Co., Limited, Bridgewater Foundry, Patricroft, near Manchester. Overhanging Steam Hammer, lOcwt., fitted with self-acting motion. Overhanging Steam Hammer, 3cwt., fitted with self-acting motion. 525 Samuel Chatwood, Lancashire Safe and Lock Works, Bolton. Working Model of Chatwood’s Patent Hydraulic Balance applied to (1) Banker’s Strong Room, (2) Passenger Elevator, (3) Jeweller’s Window. Model of Banker’s Strong Room. Model of Elevator. Model of Rising and Falling Window. Various Working Models of Hydraulic Balance. 526 AYorthington Pumping Engine Co., 114, Queen Victoria- street, London, E.C. Worthington Compound Steam Pump. Worthington Low Service Steam Pump. Worthington Boiler Feed Pumps of different sizes. Worthington Water Meters. 528 Margaret Clegg, King-street Leather and Boiler Covering Works, 2, King-street, Oldham. Specimens of various kinds of Covered Rollers, Clearers, Flats, &c., used in the various kinds of machinery for spinning cotton and silk threads or yarns. A variety of Welsh Roller Skins, Roller Cluth, Clearer Cloth, Jointed Hots, &c., used for covering the above rollers. 529 Wilson & Co., Beevor Works, Barnsley, Yorkshire ; and 15, Market-street, Manchester. Samples of Bobbins, Tubes, Spools, Pirns, &c., with patented appliances for strengthening the same. 530 Bobert Hyde & Co., Spring Grove Mills, near Stalybridge. Roller Cloth, Clearer Cloth, Sizing Flannel, Scarlet Saxony Flannel, White Saxony Flannel, Cricketing Flaimel. 531 F. A. Fitton & Son, Beehive Spindle Works, Bengal- street, Manchester. Spindles and Flyers. 9 . 9 . 130 SECTION II. 532 Baron & Hooarth, Leece Croft Mills, Kendal. Reeds, Healds, Wire Healds, Cotton and Worsted Heald Yarns, Mails, &c. 533 Mitchell. & Co., Limited, Bolton-street, Bury. Rollers, Spindles, and Flyers. 534 James Wilde & Son, The Steam Brush Factory, South- gate- street, Oldham. Brushes for various purposes. 535 William Kenyon & Sons, Chapel Field Bopery, Dukinfield, Cheshire. Banding used in the Spinning of Cotton, "Worsted, Silk, and other Fibres. Crane, Hoist, Block, and Driving Ropes, Fishing . Cords, Ac. 536 John Swailes & Sons, Oldham Cop Tube Works, Moor- hey, Oldham. Paper and other Tubes used in Textile Manufacture, and Patent Apparatus for placing them in the Spindles of all kinds of Spinning and Doubling Machinery. 537 John Dixon & Sons, Steeton, via Leeds. Bobbins and Tubes. 538 Joshua Kershaw k Son, Union Leather Works, Bolton. Roller Leather for variofis classes of Cotton Spinning. Specimens of Covered Rollers used for spinning fine counts. 539 W ADDINGTON AND Bamsbottom, Nicholas Croft, High- street, Manchester. Paper for various purposes. Tubes (Paper), Conical and other descriptions for Spinning. 540 Buckley and Crossley, Tame Valley Spindle and Flyer Works, Dukinfield. Mule, Throstle, and Roving Spindles and Flyers. Loose Boss Rollers, Ac. 541 James Lumb, Perseverance Brass and Steel Works, Elland, Yorks. Steam Engine Lubricators. Steam Engine Regulator. Steam Engine Stop Motion. Steam Engine Momentum Governor. Fire Brigade Appliances. Boiler Mountings. Compound Safety Valves. Cun Metal Steam Fittings. Steam and Vacuum Gauges. Crucible Steel Castings. .4 MACHINERY. 131 542 John Whiteley & Sons, Brunswick Mills, Halifax, Yorkshire. Card Clothing. Card Cloth. Mild Steel and Hardened and Tempered Steel Wire. * 543 Wilson Brothers, Corn Holme Mills, Todmorden ; 14, Market Place, Manchester. Bobbins, Tubes, and Spools. 544 Sidney Moorhouse & Co., Victoria Works, Stalybridge; and 5, Todd- street, Manchester. Asbestos Steam and Water Valves. Asbestos Water Gauges and Blow-off Cocks. Improved Sight Feed Lubricators. Marine Spring Safety Dead-weight and other Valves. Pressure, Vacuum, and Hydraulic Gauges. Steam Engine Indicators. Steam Kettles. Steam Ovens. 545 John Calvert & Sons, Great Jackson-street, Manchester. Steel Rules, Standards, Measures, Gauges, and Tools for Engineers. 546 E. Griffiths Hughes, Victoria and Cateaton Streets, Manchester ; and Gravel-lane, Salford. Hughes’s Fir Tree Oil Spray Pumps. Aphicides. Fir Tree Oil Insecticide for destroying insects on trees, plants, and animals. Green and Cream Shading for glass houses. Hughes’s Floral Cement for fixing the bloom of pelargoniums, &c., and the petals of cut bloom. Hughes’s Styptic for preventing bleeding in vines after pruning. 547 Butter WORTH Bros., Limited, Newton Heath, Manchester. Gauge Glasses and Lubricators. Spirit Level Tubes, and Glass Articles for cotton, woollen, and silk machinery. Water Gauges. Brass Fittings for Lubricators and Machinery. 548 F. Leroy & Co., Gordon-street, Great Clowes-street, Lower Broughton, Manchester. Sundry Pipes, &c., covered with non-conducting composition, showing mode of application. 549 Fiuctionless Engine Packing Co., 27, Exchange Buildings, St. Mary’s Gate, Manchester. Engine Packing, 550 John Wilkes, Mapplebeck, & Co., Patent Brass Tube Works, Abberley-street, Birmingham. Solid-drawn Brass and Copper Tubes, for locomotive and marine boilers ; Surface Condensers, &c. SECTION IT. 551 R. Boehm & Co., 39, Bridge-street, Manchester. Steam Gauges, Vacuum Gauges, Compound Gauges, Steel Tube Gauges, Hydraulic Gauges, Test Gauges. Engine Counters for revolutions and strokes. Engine Counters with quarter motion, for turnstiles., Pp’ometers, Boiler Test Pumps, Steam Diyers or Water Separators, Parker’s Patent Steam Traps, Injectors for feeding boilers. High Speed Engine Governors, Cast-iron Valves, Filter Presses, Low Water Alarms, Engine and Boiler Fittings, Patent Elastic Wire Belting, Steam Traps with expansion apparatus. 552 Fairbubn and Hall, 63, Royal Exchange, Manchester. Hall’s Patent Automatic Injectors for supplying steam boilers with water. Jetometer, or Steam Jet Pumps, for raising large or small quantities of water. Exhaust Steam Condensei’s, Vacuum Ejectors, Syphon Pumps, and other steam jet specialities. 553 Squire Farron, Britannia Brass Works, Ashton-under Lyne. Reducing Valves, Sight Lubricators, Steam Traps, Steam Taps and Valves, Tallow Cups and Lubricators, Water Gauges, Mud Taps for boilers, .ber machine work. Face-plate Expanding Mandrels to dispense with ack centre support. 597 F. Fordsmith, Ordsal Hall Iron Works, Ordsal-lane, Salford. Assortment of Engineers’ Highly-finished Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Studs, &c. 598 Milners’ Safe Co., Limited, 28, Market-street, Man- chester. Banker’s Strong Room Door, Lobby, and Grille. Banker’s Safes. Fire-resisting Safe ; do. fitted with a chronometer time lock. Cash Safe. Plate Safe (not fire resisting). Jewellery Safe, fitted with mahogany drawers and sliding trays lined with velvet. A selection of Milners’ Japanned Cash, Paper, and Deed Boxes. 599 George Price’s Safe, Lock, and Engineering Co., Limited, Cleveland Safe and Lock Works, Wolver- hampton; Blakemore Foundry, Wednesbury ; and 46, Corporation-street, Manchester. A 72in. Double Door Commercial Safe, with bullion coffre. Jewel and Cash Safe. Treble-bodied Diamond Safe. A Banker’s Safe, and Safes for all purposes. Copying Press Stand. Hoist Protector. Heating Apparatus. Mixing Mill and Distilling Apparatus. Locks, Keys, &c. 600 Bolckow, Vaughan, & Co., Limited, Middlesbrough-on- Tees. Samples of Coal, Coke, Limestone, Cleveland Ironstone, Hematite, Manganiferous and Manganese Ores. Cleveland, Basic, and Hematite Pig Iron. Spiegeleisen, Ferro-Manganese, and Silico- 1 Ferro-Manganese. Steel Ingots. Blooms. Billets. Bound and Square Bars. Double-headed, Bull-headed, Flange, and Bridge Bails. Sleepers and Sleeper Keys. Fish Plates. Sole Plates. Ship, Boiler, and Bridge Plates. Angles. Bulb Angles. Bulbs and Girders. Crucible and other Steel Castings. Salt. Fire Bricks. Ground Basic Slag for manure. GOl Eobebt and John Dempsteb, Gas Plant Works, Newton Heath, Manchester. Model of Wr ought-iron Betort-houso Boof, 90ft. span. Model 'Wrought -iron Web Plate Girder. Model of "Wrought-iron Lattice Girder. Model of Complete Sulphate of Ammonia-making Plant. Model of Patent Centre Valve for working gas purifiers. Model of Two Gas Scrubbers, 12ft. diameter by 50ft. high, for extracting ammonia. Model of Water and Ammoniacal Liquor Distributors for gas scrubbers. Model of Annular Condensei’s for cooling gas. Model of Self-sealing Betort Mouthpieces. Combined Engine and Botary Gas Exhauster, with pump, and two Gin. disc valves, com- plete, to pass 5,000 cubic feet of gas per hour. Combined Engine and Beciprocating Gas Exhauster, to pass 4,000 feet per hour. Gas Exhauster Governor for regulating steam or compensator. Gas Exhauster Flap B}^e-pass Valve. Self-sealing Betort Mouthpiece. Coke-breaking Machine. Framed Drawings and Photographic Views. G02 Hadfield’s Steel Foundry Co., Hecla Steel Casting Works, Sheffield. Cast-steel Castings of every description for Engineering purposes, Bailways, Tramways, Shipbuilders, BollingMills, Hydraulic Engineers, Gearing of all classes. Dredging, War Material, Collieries, Mines, Quarries, Bailway Contractors, &c., comprising. Engineering, &c. : Steel castings to take the place of expensive steel and wrought-iron forgings, crossheads, cranks, and traction-engine gearing. Bailways : Engine wheel centres up to 8ft. dia. (plain or cast with crank bosses and balance weights), motion plates, roof staybars, horn blocks, axle boxes and slides, crossheads, piston blocks, buffer boxes, cranks and crank pins, tumbler shafts, points, crossings, dome-rings, manholes, light platelayers’ trolley, wheels and axles, cast-steel crossings, &c. Tramways : Patent Hecla wheels, tram engine wheels, points, crossings, &c. Shipbuilders : Cranks, levers, crossheads, propeller blades, nuts, couplings, and other marine castings. Bolling Mills : Helical pinions, gearing, anvils, spindles, tups, &c. Hydraulic Engineers : Cast-steel press cylinders and rams of all kinds, either in rough or finished, complete ready for use, up to 22ft. in length, to stand any desired pressure ; glands, pumps, press plates, doors, cheeks, rivetters, hobs, &c. Gearing : hlvery description of spur, bevel, mitre, pinion, segment and worm gearing, with straight or helical teeth, machine moulded by patent machinery, or from full patterns. Dredgers : Hadfield’s patent bucket, cast complete ; also built-np buckets, bored and bushed complete ; dredger backs, lips, links, tumblers, bars, pins, mouthpieces, bushes, gearing, ft. 5in., number of tubes 64, diameter o tubes (outside) Uin., length of tubes between tube plates 2ft. U)«-m., heating surface, firebox 13-75 sq. ft., tubes 72-61 sq. ft., total heating surface 86-36 sq. ft., pressure of steam LSOlu., total weiglit 7 tons 15 cwt., ijower eilnal to a load of 120 ton-s at 10 miles an hour, or a load of 25 tons up a gradient of 1 in 40. Set of Three-throw Pumps, brass barrels, stroke 21in. by bin. diameter, capable ot discharging 15,000 gallons per hour. Bung Cutting Machine, capable of turning out 700 bungs per hour. Branding Machine for casks, packing cases, Ac. IRISH SECTION, 233 1230 John Orr Wallace, 18, Waring-street, Belfast. Machine for breaking, scutching, and cleaning flax and other fibres. 19 and 21, Queen’s-square, Belfast. Roofino- Felt. Sarking Felt, Ship Sheather’s Felt. 1231 John Eogers, Felt Roof. Inodorous Felt. Felt Varnish. Coloured Varnish for Felt Roofs. Wire Work (various). Wire Gauge. Extra Strong Wire Cloth. Wire Window Guards for shop fronts. Antifriction Grease. Cog- wheel Grease. 1232 Matthew Byrne, 42, James s-street,. Dublin. Three Bells, with mountings and frame to support them. 1233 William A. Traill, C.E., Giants’ Causeway Electric Tramway, Portrush, Co. Antrim. Model of an Overhead Electric Railway for the Mersey Docks at Liverpool, with a Working Model Electric Car. 1234 Howard Grubb, F.R.S., Rathmines, Dublin. Semi-portable Iron and Wood Observatory, with revolving dome, 15ft. diameter, and covered with papier-mache; transit room, with now transit shutter; photographic room, ttc. New form of Twin Equatorial Telescope, as constructed for the observatory of Dr. W Huggins, F.R.S., London, and that of Mr. J. Roberts, F.R.A.S., Liver- pool, carrying an Sin. refractor for general star-gazing and micro- metrical work, and a 17in. reflector, especiall}^ fitted for Stellar photography, furnished with all recent improvements, electrically- centralled clock, electric illumination for circles, verniers, &c., the reflecting telescopes having independent motion in declination. 5in Refracting Telescope, mounted on a new form of equatorial, in which all clamps are dispensed with, fitted with electric illumination and readers reading all circles from eye-end of telescope. 4 in. Binocular Telescope new form of instrument. Binocular telescopes are usually limited in size by distance between the human eyes ; by this arrange- ment any size telescope can be used as binoculars. 4in. Astronomical Telescope, mounted on siderostatic, or lazy principle, b}^ means of which the advantages of an equatorial mounting are obtained while the eye- piece of the telescope is available to observers inside any ordinaiy sitting-room ; the arrangement of this instrument for adaptation to any ordinary south window is shown in accompanying model. 3in. Re- fracting Telescope on Student’s Equatorial. Glass case containing Model of Great Vienna Equatorial, scale -jV. Glass case containing Design i\Iodel for Lick Observatory, California ; all the motions worked by electricity. The essential features of this design have been adopted by the trustees. Glass case containing various Speci- mens of Apparatus manufactured at Mr. Howard Grubb’s works. Grubb’s Patent Microscope. Solar Spectroscope, G of catalogue Stellar Spectroscope, H of catalogue, made for Professor Young, of United States, and various home observatories. Level Tester on IRISH SECTION. Optical Plane. Unifilar Micrometer and Electric Illumination for same. Wedge Photometer. Sets of Negative and Positive Eye- pieces. Transit Eyepiece. First Surface Reflecting Solar Eye- piece. Combined Polarizing and Dawe’s Solar Eye-piece. Total Reflecting Eye-piece for Zenith Stars. Combined First Surface Re- flecting and Zenith Eyepiece. Brnflow Lens. Dr. Stoney’s Collimator for Adjusting Reflecting Telescopes. Set of Object Lenses, showing the various stages of the grinding and polishing processes. Set of Grubb’s Patent Photo Lenses. Sets of Double and Triple Condensing Lantern Lenses. Various sizes of Simple and Compound Prisms for spectroscopic work. Variable Prisms. Large Half-compound Prism, intended for spectroscope similar to that lately made for Dr. Crookes, F.R.S. Large Totally Reflecting Prism. Electric Switches. Rheostats, Ac., for telescope attachments. Model of Cylindroid. Machine for Calculating Curves of Telescope and other Lenses. Various Framed Photographs and Engravings of Instruments and Observa- tories erected by Mr. Howard Grubb. 1236 Daniel Harris & Son, Cliaiiemont Bridge Works, Dublin. Full-sized Billiard Table, mahogany frame, slate bed, patent cold-resisting cushions, and improved adjustment girders. 1237 Thos. Pearson & Co., 11 to 16, Ship-street, Dublin. Brass, Copper, and Iron Wire Webs. Woven Wire Mattresses. Hospital Bed. Millstone for grinding cement or coporolites. 1238 J. Doyle & Sons, 15, Queen-street, Dublin. Irish Outside Car, with movable underwell, ladies’ backrests and footstool, coachman’s driving seat, Warner patent wheels, and Collinge’s patent axle. 1239 Isaac J. Murphy, Armagh, Ireland. Machine for the tri-section of an angle or arc of a circle. Machine for the division of angles or arcs of circles into integral fractional parts. 1240 Bewley, Webb, & Co., Port of Dublin Shipyard, l^orth Wall, Dublin. Models of Steamers. Kneading Machine. Machine for Dividing Dough. 1241 Maguire & Son, Dublin Sanitary and Engineering Works, 6, 7, and 8, South Frederick-street ; office, 10, Dawson-street, Dublin. Dr. Scott’s Patent Disinfecting Chamber, with gas regulators and double doors. Set of Maguire’s Ventilating Extractors. Speci- mens of Wrought-iron Brackets, Ac. Irisli Marble Mantelpiece with Hearth and Kerb. Specimens of Mrs. Huyghenbotham’s Silk and Lace Lamp Shades. Specimens of Irish Marbles. Specimens of various Irish Manufactures. 4 ^ IRISH SECTION. 235 1242 J. Edmundson & Co., Limited, 33 to 36, Capel- street, Dublin; and 19, Great George-street, West- minster. Suite of Bedroom Furniture, consisting of wardrobe, dressing table, washstand, pedestal, towel rail, and three chairs. The design is from the antique ; the suite is composed entirely of Irish poplar, veneered on Irish ash. Toilet Set. 1243 H. E. Phillipson, 30, Stafford-street, Dublin. Inlaid White Marble Mantelpiece, in Bossi style. Period about A.D. 1750, in Dublin. Inlaid White Marble Half-round Table ; frame in enamelled woods, Bossi. Period about a.d. 1750, in Dublin. Inlaid White Marble Altar Tablet. 1244 PiM Brothers, Limited, South Great Georges-street, Dublin. Suite of Drawing-room Furniture, walnut inlaid, covered in Irish figured poplin ; curtains to match. Suite of Dining-room Fur- niture in walnut. Suite of Bedroom Furniture, in walnut, carved panels, hand painted tile. 1245 John Power & Son, Jobn’s-lane Distillery, Dublin. Float to carry 6 hogsheads, will draw 3 tons. Framework of body Irish oak and ash, bottom sheeting Irish elm, mounted on 2Jii]. crank, taper arm axle. Built by J. C. Mahon, 5, Summer Hill, Dublin. 1246 John Hutton & Sons, 115, Summer Hill, Dublin. Sociable, on C and undersprings. Irish Car, with movable well. 1247 T. CoGHLAN, 40, Lower Camden -street, Dublin. Full-size Billiard Table, slate bed, mounted on massive frame, made of Pollard oak, with automatic screw adjustments, and appoint- ments. 1248 Lawson’s Patent Adhesive Capsule Co. (James G. Macintyre, sec.), 61, William-street, Dublin. Capsules made of Paper, put on in two pieces. 1249 Michael Power, 9, Summer Hill Parade, Dublin. Inlaid Marble Table Top. (Artisan exhibitor.) 1250 S. Wilson & Co., 19, Corporation Square, Belfast, Ireland. Tennis Tent without centre pole. Model of Ballroom Marquee. Tennis Tent and Decoration Poles. Patent North Tennis Poles. 1251 Edward J. Keane, 21, Upper Cross-roads, South Circular-road, Dublin. Three Violins. (Artisan exhibitor.) 236 IRISH SECTION. 1251 Benjamin Davis, 8, St. Alban’s-road, South Circular- road, Dublin. A Banjo. (Artisan exhibitor.) 1251 Francis Holden, 42, Lower Dominick-street, Dublin. Panel Modelled in Plaster, Wild Boar Hunt. Ditto, Renais- sance st}de. Do., Roses. Panel in Marble, low relief Flowers- (Artisan exhibitor. ) 1252 James Dillon, C.E., M.I.C.E, Stratford, Glengeary, Co. Dublin. Dillon’s Patent Automatic Sounding Machine and Tide Recorder. From an inspection of the diagrams Nos. 1, 2, and 3, and model jo this invention, it will be seen tliat it consists of a sounding bar or tube, or weighted sounding wire, working dial-hands or pencil-pointers on rolls of section paper, recording automatically the varying depths of ground under water, or the amount of dredging or river excava- tion during progress of works, Ac. It will also indicate by semaphore signal or diagrams, on rolls of paper, on Section board of ship or man- of-war, the rise or fall of ground under ship’s bottom when navigating dangerous waters. This is effected by the varying angle of the sounding tube resting on the ground under water. From an exami- nation of diagram 3, it will be seen how the instrument can be made to automatically record and telegraph to a distant town the rate of consumption or the rise or fall of reservoir waters for the supply of towns. 1252 James Dillon, 36, Dawson-street, Dublin. Dillon’s Patent Marine Surveying and Automatic Sounding Machine and Tide Recorder. 1253 Andrew Cameron Brunton, New Mills, Mountmellick, Queen’s County. A Tweed Designer’s Idea, or Trial Loom, and specimens of designs. 1254 John Murphy, 14, Thomas-street, Dublin. Bell, weight 27cwt. 3qr., note D natural. 4in. Gland Cock. 5in. Wheel Sluice Valve. Gongs. Copper Piece. 1255 The Belleek Pottery Co., Limited, Belleek, Co. F ermanagh , Ireland. Parian Statuary and Ornamental Goods, General Earthenware, and Sanitary Ware. 1256 Samuel Matthews, Dufour Court, South Brown-street, . Dublin. Fancy Leather, morocco, roan and skiver, flat call. 1257 David Wightman, 8, Castle-street, Belfast. Irish Bog Oak Jewellery — Bracelets, Brooches, Earrings, Crosses, and Pendants — mounted in silver and gold. 1258 Kate Nolan, 37, Donnybrook, Co. Dublin, and 84, Bathmore Terrace, Cork. Machine for making Hair Jewellery. Bouquet of Flowers made of Human Hair. Ear-rings, Finger-rings, Bracelets, Albert and Guard Chains, made of Human Hair. 1259 Knaggs Beothers, 27, Grafton-street, Dublin. Model Irish Jaunting Car. Silver-mounted Tankard, Legend of St. Hubert. Silver-mounted Salvers, in Celtic work of 12th century. Salad Bowl in form of National Lifeboat. Claret Jugs, &c. Old Irish Jewellery, gold and 'silver mounted. Bog Oak Boxes, inlaid with Connemara marble. Art Specimens in Irish and Manchester coal. The Fisher Boy. Medallion. Rubens. 1260 William E. Box & Co., 105, Middle Abbey-street, Dublin. Harness Mountings in Brass, Silver, German Silver, and Silver- stein. Hames, Bits, Stirrups, Spurs, and other polished work. Crests, Monograms, and State and Civic Coats of Arms. Tramcar Fittings, Bells, Carriage Door Handles, Cab Fittings and Requisites in Brass, Silver, German Silver, and Silverstein, for the Coach-building and Harness-makers’ Trades. Box’s Patent Safety Saddle Bar. 1261 John McDonnel & Co., Limited (John Gird wood Drury, Managing Director), 8, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin; mills, Swiftbrook Mills, Saggart, Co. Dublin ; No. 41 Mil]. Fine and Superfine Cream Laid and Wove Writing Papers. Antique or Vellum Writing Paper. Blue Writing Paper. Extra strong S.B.M. Azure Laid Account Book Papers. Samples of the materials used in the manufacture of the above papers in various stages of manufacture. 12f‘)2 William Hegarty & Sons, 380, Blarney-street, Cork. Monster Satin, Satin Calf, Sides and Shoulders Memel, Waxed, Russett, and Kid Calf, Levant Hides, Shoulders and Goat, Horse Crupp and Horse Kid, Kip Butts. 1263 E. Laird, 58, Grafton-street, Dublin. Irish Point Lace Fan, mounted in tortoise-shell, and gold and silver shamrocks. Limerick Lace Fan, and Bog Oak, Satin, and Bog- Oak Fan, hand painted. Carrickmacross Lace and Tortoise-shell Fan. Irish Black Silk Lace and Ivory Fan. Black Satin Fan, painted with Irish views. Limerick Lace Fan, mounted on white satin. Bog Oak and Feather Fan. 1264 D. Anderson & Son, Limited, Lagan Felt Works, Belfast. ^lodel of AVooden Lattice Girder Felted Roof. Alodel of Buildiii", showing methods of using Felt and Silicate Cotton (or Slag AVool), for lining, deafening, and non-conducting purposes, and Felted Asphalte for preventing damp rising in walls. Alodel showing method of using Silicate Cloth, for covering boilers and steam and water pipes. Roofing, Sarking, Sheathing, Lining, and Dry Hair Felts, and Felted Asphalte or Foundation Felt. Silicate Cotton (or Slag \Vool) and Non-conducting Silicate Cloth. 1265 B. & F. Keane, Iron and Brass Founders and Makers of Agricultural Machines, The Foundry, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford. Enclosed-gear Two-horse Mower complete. Steel Tooth Tumbling Rake and Hay Gatherer. 1266 Jameson, Pm, & Co., North Anne-street Brewery, Dublin. Invalids’ Imperial Stout, Extra Stout and Porter. 1267 Sweet A iAN & Co., Francis Court Brewery, Dublin. Stout and Porter. 1268 John Plunkett & Co., Portland-street West, Dublin. Irish Barley, used for malting purposes. Pale Alalt, for brewing ales and porter. Patent Roasted Malt, Patent Chocolate Malt, and Patent Roasted Alaize, for colouring and flavouring porter and stout. Amber Malt, for colouring and flavouring ales and porter. Crystal Alalt, for colouring and flavouring ales and porter, and for giving a nut-brown head to porters and stouts. 1269 The Glen Distillery Co.; Distillery, Kilnap Glen; city office, 1, CaiToll’s Quay, Cork. Specimens of AA^'hisky of different ages. Robert A. Taylor, The Distillery, Coleraine, Ireland. Coleraine Pot Still Alalt AAliisky. T. P. B. Goodbody, Greenville, South Circular-road, Dublin. Irish Rolls, and Fancy Rolls of all classes. Funcy Pressed Tobaccos. Cut Tobaccos of all descriptions. Cigarettes and Cigars. John Power & Son, John’s-lane Distillery, Dublin. Dublin Pot Still AA'hisky. Girdwood’s Patent AstHxAIA Beaiedy, Donegall Square North, Belfast. J. McCarthy & Sons, Cook-street, Cork. Irish Whisky. Allman & Co.,. Distillery, Bandon, Cork. Samples of Whisky. Model Still and Worm. Casks and Cases. The Bushmills Old Distillery Co., Limited, Distillery, Bushmills Co. Antrim ; offices, 1, Hill-street, Belfast. Malt Whisky in cask and bottle. 1277 Cantrell and Cochrane, Dublin, Belfast, Glasgow, and London. Ginger Ale (Aromatic), Club Soda, Lemonade, Sparkling Montserrat, Royal Seltzer Water, Potass Water, Lithia Water, Koh-i-noor, Lime Juice Syrup, Orange Bitters. 1278 W. J. Jury, 11, Chichester-street, Belfast; 1 & 2, Princes-street, Dublin; 181, Fleet-street, London, E.C. Irish Whiskies. Nucta Bitters, &c. 1279 Alex. Crawford & Son, 20, Mill-street, Belfast. Amylaceous Food. Starches. 1280 W. A. Boss & Co., Royal Belfast Ginger Ale and Aerated Water Works, Belfast, Ireland. Ginger Ale, Lemonade, Sarsaparilla, Soda Water, Potash Water, Seltzer Water, Lime Juice Cordial, Pure Lime Juice, Raspberry Vinegar. 1281 Bewley and Draper, Limited, Mary-street, Dublin. Ginger Ale, Lemonade, Ginger Beer, Soda Water, Seltzer Water, Potash Water, Lithia Water, Ginger Wine, Orange Wine, Orange Bitters, Orange and Quinine Wine, Cherry Brandy, Lime Juice Syrup, Ginger Cordial, Peppermint Cordial. Writing Ink, Coy ping Ink. Perfumes, Tooth Powders, Tooth Paste, Hair Oils and Pomades, Toilet Creams and Shaving Paste. 1282 Plunkett Brothers, Belle Yue Malt Factory, Dublin Glass Case, in form of Malthouse, containing various samples and descriptions of Patent Roasted Malts, Candied Malts, Pale Malts, and Brown Malts. 1283 Harrington Brothers, Shandon Chemical Works, Cork. Oxides for Glass, Porcelain, and Enamel Industries. Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Tin, and other oxides. Tungsten Metal and Salts, Stiumate of Soda, Antimony Oxalate, Phosphorus, Penta- and Tri- Chlorides, Antimony Sulphuret (golden), &c. Acids : Acetic (anhy- 240 IRISH SECTION. droiis), Hippuric, Monochloracetic, Succinic, (fee. Acid Molybdic, Ammonia Molybdate, Soda Carb. puriss. anhydrous. Zinc puriss., cfec. Magnesia Carbonate, Calcined, . 1 HOWARD HELMICK niTER JF. Hawkins, Esq. L. P. SMYTHE G. Findlay, Esq. WILLIAM PERCY Rev. George Henry Wells, M.A Trustees of the Memorial Hall J. MACWHIRTER, A.R.A. Loch Scavaig, Isle of Skye Lord Burton FORD MADOX BROWN Romeo and Juliet James Leathart, Esq. W. P. YEAMES, R,A. Prince Arthur and Hubert City of Manchester “ 0, spare mine eyes ! Though to no use but still to look on you.” Kinq John, Act iv., scene 1. MARCUS STONE, A.R.A. Edward II. and his Favourite, Piers Gaveston Geo. Fox, Esq. “ Gaveston was not only the Adonis of the English Court but remarkable for his kuightly prowess, graceful manners, and sparkling wit. It was the latter qualification which rendered him peculiarly dis- pleasing to the English nobles, whom he was accustomed to deride and mimic for the amusement of his thoughtless Sovereign ; nor was the Queen exempted when he was disposed to display his sarcastic powers.” GEORGE CHESTER Mark Lemon (d. 1870. First Editor of P?mcA).... TP. II. Bradbury, Esq. Harvest of the Sea C. NAPIER HEMY Saved A. G. Sandeman, Esq. WALTER C. HORSLEY In Time of Need /?. P. Harding, Esq. “In time of scarcity the women from the country districts round Cairo come into town to sell their ornaments in the Gold and Silver Bazaar.” E. PARTON Twilight Walter Towne, Esq. FORD MADOX BROWN Cromwell on His EAini TP. Brockhank, Esq. W. MACLAREN Neapolitan Flower Seller John Brinton, Esq., M.I ALBERT MOORE. Venus The Quartette TP. Coltart, Esq. W. Coltart, Esq. GAT.LEHY No. 1 G. W. MITCHELL ATIA Charles Lucas, Esq. “On, up the nave, fresh shreds of her dress strewing the holy pavement — up the chancel steps themselves — up to the altiir — right underneath the great still Christ, and there even those hell-hounds paused She shook herself free from her tormentors, and springing back, rose for one moment to her full height, naked, snow- white, against the dusky mass around — shame and indignation in those wide clear eyes but not a stain of fear. With one hand she clasped her golden locks around her, the other long white arm was stretched upward toward the great still Christ appealing — who dare say in vain ? — from man to God. Her lips were opened to speak ; but the words that should have come from them reached God’s ear alone ; for in an instant Peter struck her down.” — Hypatia,” chap, xxix., hy Charles Kingsley. ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A Outward Bound Homeward Bound Jesse Ilaivorth, Esq. Jesse Haworth, Esq. G. B. O’NEILL G. C. Deivhurst, Esq. The Obstinate Juryman Daniel Thwaites, Esq. In Memoriam SEYMOUR LUCAS, A.R.A William Knowles, Esq. The Eloped T. ARMSTRONG W. L. Evans, Esq. The Fountain Citi/ of Manchester Hard Times D. MURRAY G. W. Parker EYRE CROWE, A.R.A. Foe in the Pillory J. L. Newall^ ‘‘ July 31, 1703. — Daniel Foe, alias De Foe, this day stood in the pillory at Temple Bar, in pursuance of his senteace, given against him at the last sessions at the Old Bailey, for writing and publishing a seditious libel, entitled “ The Shortest Way with the Dissenters.’ ” — Vide “ the London Gazette,” 1703. “ . . . During his exhibition he was piotected by the same friends from the missiles of his enemies, and the mob, instead of pelting him, resorted to the unmannerly act of drinking his health. Tradition reports that the machine, which wrs graced with one of the keenest wits of the day, was adorned with garlands. • . . On the very day of his exhibition he published his ‘Hymn to the Pillory .’ — See W'dson's “ Life of De Foe.” 1 I I 1 GALLERY No. 1 PETER GRAHAM, R.A. By the Lock Samuel Armifa.ge^ Esq. G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R.A. The Wrestlers John Rhodes, Esq. DAVID MURRAY, A.R.S.A. My Love has Gone a Sailing Purchased hy the President and Conned of the Royal Academy, under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest, and lent hy them G. A. STOREY, A.R.A. The Blue Girls of Canterbury R. M. Knowles, Esq. T. ARMSTRONG 'I’liE Three Graces Samuel Poq^^ Esq., Q.C. W. C. T. DOBSON, R-A. The Prosperous Day of Job James Houldsworth, hsq. “ Oh, tliat I were as in months past, as in the days when God pre- served me ; as I was in the day of my youth I was a father to tlie poor ; and the cause, which I knew not, I searched out.” — Joh xxix. JOHN FAED, R.S.A. The Auld Crockery Man John Rylands, Esq. J. MAC WHIRTER, A R.A. 92 The Three Graces Henry Mason, Esq VICAT COLE, R.A. Backwater on the Thames Colonel A. II. Brown, M.P. R. REDGRAVE, R.A. A Woodland Mirror Lord Brassey BIRKET FOSTER Fording the Stream U. Ar milage. Esq. W. Q. ORCHARDSON, R.A. The First Dance Henry Tate. Esq. ARTHUR HOPKINS i Signals of Distress G. B. Gregory, Esq, j J. C. HORSLEY, R.A. Coming Down to Dinner Henry Lee, Esq. j I BIRKET FOSTER ! In the Isle of Wight James Johnson, Esq. j W. P. FRITH, R.A. \ Derby Day E. Gambart, Esq. m i 264 92a 92b GALLERY No. 2. SCULPTURE. H. CALDER MARSHALL, R.A. Ophelia 77ie Artist 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 I 101 I 102 I 103 j 104 105 ; 106 ‘ 107 108 I HAMO THORNYCROFT, A.R.A. Lot’s Wife (marble statue) The Artist GALLERY No. 2. R. HOOKE A Portrait R. W. Williamson^ Esq, E. J. GREGORY, A.R.A. Portrait of a Lady C. J. Galloivay, Esq. SEYMOUR LUCAS, A.R.A. A Suspicious Guest William Knotvles, Esq. W. M‘TAGGART, R.S.A. Message from the Sea Albert Institute., Dundee. H. S. MARKS, R.A. The ^lixsTRELs’ Gallery T. A. Carter., Esq, “ Item. — Paide to Ihon Catworthe and hys compagnie of myustralls lb. s. d. for musicke at ye aforesaide banquette i ; xii : vij.” — Grafton's Chronicle. A. STUART- WORTLEY. Grouse Driving A. Stopford, Esq. W. LOGSDAIL Venetian al Fresco Joseph Ruston, Esq. JOHN PETTIE, R.A. A Jester’s Merry Thought J. M. Keiller, Esq. Terms to the Besieged Henry Waring, Esq. Gentleman of the 17th Century S. Taylor Whitehead, Esq. Sir Peter and Lady Teazle C. F. Cundy, Esq. Sir Peter : Zounds, madam, you had no taste when you married me ! Lady T. : Very true, Sir Peter. — School for Scandal. The Sisters David Price, Esq. Ho ! Ho ! Old Nol Humphrey Roberts, Esq. Gentleman of the 19tii Century J. G. Orchar, Esq. The Laird J. G. Orchar, Esq. Dost Know this Waterfly 1 Charles Ned, Esq- m GALLERY No. ?. 265 B. W. LEADER, A-R-A. ‘ With Verdure Clad C. W. Lea^ Esq. MARK FISHER A Scotch Hillside Henry Galloway, Esq. \ J. PAEQUHARSON I Life at Cairo The Artist ! ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. I Both Puzzled G. F. II. Bolckovj, Esq. “ But, sir, if ‘ wanst ’ nought be nothin’, then twice nought must ! be somethin,’ for it’s double what Svanst’ nought is.” I — “ Hedge School” hy W. Carleton. I W. J. MUCKLEY An Offering The Artist SIMEON SOLOMON Love in Winter TF. Coltart, Esq. I W. B. RICHMOND Daughters of the Duke of Argyll Duke of Argyll ANDERSON HAGUE ' Bracken Gatherers C. J. Galloway, Esq. ! T. SIDNEY COOPER, R.A. I Drovers Collecting their Flocks on the Cumberland I Fells Earl of Ellesmere. I ; Waiting for Hire E. Ilallam, Esq. i J. SYER j Cornish Coast David Jardine, Esq. H. CLARENCE WHAITE Thirlmere Mrs. Wilkinson T. SIDNEY COOPER, R.A. , Early November (a Contrast) E. Hallam, Esq. C. T. BURT Yorkshire Moorland T. Hardcastle, Esq. MARCUS STONE, A.R.A My Lady is a Widow and Childless J. S. Virtue, Esq. J. MACWHIRTER, A.R.A. A Wet Day, Venice Colonel Hargreaves OTTO WEBER Cast A Shoe Baron J. II. Schroder HENRY MOORE Calm Before A Storm The Artist J. W. WATERHOUSE, A.R.A. A Flower Market at Old Rome J. T. Hirst, Esq. H. HERKOMER, A.R.A. Mr. Archibald Forbes (War Correspondent) The Artist Mr, Frank C. Burnand (Editor of Futich) The Artist H. S. MARKS, R.A. A Treatise on Parrots ' George Holt, Esq. “Splendid in hue, and delicate in form, God’s feathered fairie.s, birds whose very effigies In which but sound and movement back to life. Plumage, shape, colour, all remaining still Enchant the eye, and stir the dreamingTieart ; And so the life-long lover of sweet fowls — Old, calm, and solitary — feels the glow, The love of science and the love of art. Which stir the tender soul, yet strongly drawn, To worship the Creator in His works.” The Ornithologist Daniel Thwaites, Esq. St. Francis Preaching to the Birds Angus Holden, Esq. “ The very sermon addressed by the Saint to such an audience still lives in the pages of his great biographer, Bonaventura. ‘ My little brothers,’ it began, ‘you should love and praise the Author of your being, who has clothed you with plumage and given you wings with which to fly wherever you will. You were the first created of all animals. He pre- served your race in the ark. He has given the pure atmosphere for your dwelling-place. You sow not, neither do you reap. Without any care of your own. He gives you lofty trees to build your nests in, and watches over your young. Therefore, give praise to your bountiful Creator.’ ” — Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography by Sir James Stephen, K.C.B. The Apothecary H. J. Timier, Esq. “ I do remember an apothecary. And hereabouts he dwells, whom late I noted In tatteied weeds, with overwhelming brow.'^, Culling of simples ; meagre were his looks ; Sharp mi.sery had worn him to the bones : And in his needy shoj) a tortoi.se hung. An alligator stuffed, and other skins Of ill-shaped fi.shes ; and about his shelves A beggarly account of empty boxes. Green earthen pots, bladders, and musty seeds, Remnants of pack thread, and old cakes of roses Were thinly scattered, to make up a show. Noting this penury, to my.self I said. An if a man did need a poison now. Whose sale is present death in Mantua, Here lives a caitiff wretch would sell it him.” “ Romeo arul .Tuliet," Act v., sc. i. 1 GALLERY No. 2. R. LEHMANN Lady Martin (Helen Faucit) Sir Theodore Martin EMMA MAGNUS Licinia, Wife of Caius Gracchus The Artist J. YATES CARRINGTON J’y Suis, J’y Reste David Waterloio, Esq. W. FIELD The Harrow View from Hampstead Heath The Artist HENRY MOORE, A.R.A, Mount’s Bay City of Manchester The Amateur The Artist. J. Felloioes^ J. Edward Reiss^ Summer Showers W. II. Crahtree, WILLIAM LINNELL, Hesperus G. C. Morrison. W. F. YEAMES, R.A. Prisoners of War, 1805 The Artist ELIZABETH BUTLER (Miss Thompson.) The Scout Joseph Moseley., Esq. KATE PERUGINI Vi< LET AND Uriel (Daughters of John Parsons, Esq.) The Artist C. E. PERUGINI A Labour of Love Sir Henry Bessemer CLARA MONTALBA The Last Journey W. Inqram, Esq. E. HAYES, R.H.A. Towing a Disabled Boat Dr. Orrock St. Sampson’s Bay, Guernsey xi. T. Hollingsworth, Esq. FRED. BROWN Candidates for Girton Thomas Woodcock, Esq. R. BEAVIS. The Mouth of the Maes R. P. Harding, Esq. W. W. OULESS, R.A. The Late Mr. William Sale (an eminent Citizen of Man- chester) The Committee of the Clarendon Cluh Alderman Goldschmidt (Mayor cf Manchester, 1883-4, 1885-6. Presented to the City of Manchester by his Fellow-citizens) City of Manchester Mr. George Scharf, C.B., F.S.A. (Director and Secretary of the National Portrait Gallery) ...The Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery His Eminence Cardinal Newman The Oratory, Birmingham The Hon. Sir Henry Manisty (one of the Judges of the High Court of Justice) Sir Henry Manisty Mr. H. D. Pochin II. D. Pochin, Esq. JOSEPH KNIGHT An April Day" Lieut.-Col. Maivson ALBERT MOORE The Sisters Humphrey Roberts, Esq. J. CLARK Mother’s Darling Purchased by the President and Council of the Royal xicademy under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest and lent by them. H. CARTER At the Loom II. II. Bolton, Esq JOHN COLLIER The Last Voy"age of Henry Hudson {Purchased by the President and Council (f the Royal Academy under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest, and lent by them.) Henry Hudson, the great navigator, made his last voyage to the Polar Seas in 1610. In the summer of 1611 his crew mutinied and set him adrift in an open boat, with his son, John Hudson, and some of tlie most inferior of the sailors. They wei-e never heard of more. GALLERY No. 2. Joseph Rusion^ Esq. The Piazza, Venice The Artist Tintagel F. B. BARWBLL Unaccredited Heroes The Artist PETER GRAHAM, R.A. Spate in the Highlands Sir William G. Brookes^ Bart.^ M.P. YBEND KING Courtyard of Musee de Cluny, Paris Thomas Wardle, Esq. FRANK DICKSEE, A.R.A. ...Fur chased by the President and Council of the Royal licademy under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest., and lent by them. C. B. JOHNSON Gurth, the Swineherd Purchased by the President of the Council of the Royal Academy under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest, and lent by them. J. BRETT, A.R.A. Britannia’s ... Purchased by the President and Council of the Royal Academy, under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest, and lent by them. W. FIELD Persecuted, but not Forsaken (Hampstead Heath, during the Five Mile Act in 1687) W. Wills, Esq. “ Puritan congregations could meet only by night or in waste places Death being denounced to both preachers and hearers.” — Macaulay J. MACWHIRTBR. A.R.A. The Track of the Hurricane W. Lockett Agnew, Esq. HILDA MONTALBA Lake Sevelangen, Sweden The Artist F. GOODALL, R.A. Rebecca at the Well C. F. H. Bolckow, Esq. Subsiding of the Nile C. F. H. Bolckow, Esq. MARCUS STONE, A.R.A. “ II Y EN A TOU JOURS UN AUTRE ” Purchased by the President and Council of the Royal Academy, under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest, and lent by them. 3 GALLERY No. 3 J. F. Hutton April Love E. BURNE JONES, A.R.A. CHE George Hamilton^ E And with that word she leapt into the stream, But the kind river even yet did deem That she should live, and, with all gentle care. Cast her ashore within a meadow fair, Upon the other side, where Shepherd Pan Sat looking down upon the water w'an. Goat-legged and merry, who called out ‘ Fair maid, Why goest thou hurrj'ing to the feeble shade Whence none return ? Well do I know thy pain, For I am old, and have not lived in vain. Thou wilt forget all that within a while. And on some other happy youth will smile ; And sure he must be dull indeed if he Forget not all things in his ecstasy At sight of such a wonder made for him.’ ” — Vide Earthly Paradise” hy WiUiam Morri W. B. RICHMOND Daughters of the Dean of Christ Church... Dean of Christ Church F. MADOX BROWN F. Craven, Esq. Love and the Maiden Sir Edward Green, Bart. WALTER CRANE The Bridge of Life The Artist What is life ? A bridge that ever Bears a throng across a river. There the Taker, here the Giver.” M. GOODMAN Rival Blossoms SANDYS A. Rose, Esq T. J. Barstoiv, Esq J. B. BURGESS, A.R.A. Troubles in the Church W. II. Houklsworth, Esq., M.T Mrs. Rose .... Mrs. Barstow GALLERY No. 3. E. BURNE JONES, A.R.A. The Wheel of Fortune lit. Hon. A. J. Balfour^ M.P. The Feast of Peleus W. Kenrich^ Esq.^ M.P. The Story of Pygmalion. (The heart ^q'i^iyq'a.)... F rederick Craven., Esq. The Story of Pygmalion. (The hand refrains. Craven, Esq. The Story of Pygmalion. (The godhead fires.) ...Frederick Craven, Esq. The Story of Pygmalion. (The soul attains.) ...Frederick Craven, Esq' Sibylla Cum.e William Agneiv, Esq. Sibylla Delphica Corporation of Manchester Le Chant D’amour Joseph Fusion, Esq. The Golden Stair Cpril Flower, Esq., M.P. The Morning of the Resurrection Jiri?, Dyson Perrins J. P. SHIELDS Lazarus Mrs. Russell Gurney “ The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God.” G. J. SPENCER STANHOPE The Styx. Joseph Moseley, Esq. W. GALE Abraham and Isaac E. Darby shire. Esq. R. LEHMANN Out of the World H. Schlesinger, Esq. “ Me vivum in silva fecit natura tacere : Me cocsum ars cogit, dulse sonare loqui.” “ Living a woodland tree, to be dumb was decreed me by nature : Dead, how I sing, how 1 speak ! such is the magic of art.” H. LE JEUNE, ARA. The Dead Robin G. C. Dewhurst, Esq. E. J. POYNTER, R.A. An Offering to Isis TP. Brockhank, Esq. J. E. HODGSON, R.A. The Armourer II . J. Turner, Esq. W. GALE Waiting Place of the Jews at Jerusalem J. Rhodes, Esq. PHILIP BURNE JONES An Unpainted Masterpiece E. Naylor, Esq. “ The room spoke most plaintively for itself. Shabby, sordid, naked, it contained beyond the wretched bed but the scantie.st provision for personal comfort. It was bedroom at once and studio — a grim gho.st of a studio. ... Its only wealth was the picture on the ea.sel, presumably the famous Madonna. ... A canvas that was a mere dead blank, cracked and discoloured by time. This was his immortal w’ork ! — the Madonna of the P'uture.” — H enry James. f WALTER CRANE Freedom The Artist An Eastern Maiden E. J. POYNTER, R.A, A Suppliant to Venus W. Brockhank^ Esq. J. E. HODGSON, R.A. A Needy Knife Grinder //. J. Turner.^ Esq. Meadows by the Avon Corporation of Oldham The Village Wedding. Homeless J. O’CONNOR Market Place, Vicenza Isaac Holden^ Esq..^ M.P. W. F. YEAME3, R.A. The Toast of the Kit-Cat Club R. Dawher, Esq. It having fallen to the turn of the Duke of Kingston to propose a beauty as the Annual Toast of the Club, he nominated his little daughter, Lady Mary Pierrepoint (afterwards Lady Mary Wortley Montague). Some of the members demurred, as they had not seen her. The Duke sent for her, and when she arrived she was received with acclamations, her claim unanimously allowed, and she was petted and caressed by all the eminent men present, including Addison, Steele, Marlborough, Congreve, &c. E. LONG, R.A. Baroness Burdett-Coutts Baroness Burdett-Coutts Checkmate — Next Move E. BARCLAY Sporting with the Leaves at Fall .... H. W. B. DAVIS, R.A. Sea and Land Waves Charles Churchill, Esq. City of Manchester Venetians GALLERY No. 3. 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 J. C. HOOK, R.A. Baiting for Haddock Mrs. Reiss Cow-Tending David Price^ Esq. A Sea Piece Sir J. E. Millais^ Bart.., R.A. Wise Saws Charles Churchill, Esq. “ Am I both priest and clerk ? AVell then, amen .” — Kiny Richard II., Act iv., sc. i. King Baby — The YTiite Sands of Iona John Pender, Esq. J. AUMONIBR The Last Load J. L. Kennedy, Esq. H. W. B. DAVIS, R.A. The Lowing Herd Winds Slowly o’er the Lea... F. IP. Grafton, Esq. B. HUGHBS Hon. Mrs. "W. Carrington IIou. Col. Carrington CLARA MONTALBA St. Mark’s, Venice, The Piazzetta Inundated The Artist J. C. HORSLBY, R.A. The Banker’s Private Room — Negotiating A Loan 'Trustees of the Royal Holloway College KBBLBY HALSWBLLB, R.S.A. Royal Windsor Colonel Hargreaves LUKB FILDBS, R.A. The Return of the Penitent Holh'ooh Gaskell, Esq. “ And every woe a tear may claim Except an erring sister’s shame.” — Byron. R. BBAVIS Ploughing in Lower Egypt E. Armitage, Esq. J. C. HORSLBY, R.A. Rent Day at Haddon Hall A. C. Burnand, Esq. VAL C. PRINSBP, A.R.A. An Afternoon Gossip on the Banks of the Ganges The Artist G. F. WATTS, R.A. Mrs. Henry Manners (painted in 1881) The Artist John Lothrop Motley The Artist American Historian. Born 1814; published “ Rise of the Dutch Republic,” 1856 ; “History of the United Netherlands,” 1860-7 ; Life I and Death of John Bameveld,” 1874 ; United States Minister at Vienna, i 1861-7 ; at London, 1869-7T). Died 1877. 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 ; 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 G. P. WATTS, ~R. A— continued. William Morris (poet) The Artist Haystacks The Artist Psyche Purchased hy the President and Council of the Royal Academy., under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest., and lent hy them. Sir J. E. Millais, Bart, R.A Sir J. E. Millias, Bart.., R.A. Matthew Arnold (poet; born 1822. Inspector of schools, 1851; Professor of Poetry, Oxford, 1857-67) The Artist Love and Death The Artist Sir Frederick Leighton, Bart., P.R.A....>S'7r Frederick Leighton., Bart. The Angel of Death Samuel Barlow, Esq. Hope The Artist Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L. (Poet Laureate) The Artist G. F. Watts, Fsq., R.A Sir Wm. Bowman, Bart. Love and Life The Artist Earl Lytton (^“Owen Meredith.” Born 1831 ; entered diplo- matic service, 1849; author of “ Clytemnestra,” Ac. ; succeeded his father, January, 1873; ambassador at Lisbon, December, 1874; Viceroy of India, 1876)... The Artist E. Burne Jones, Esq., A. R.A E. B. Jones, Esq., A. R.A. Carrara Mountains Sir Horace Davey Mount Ararat William Carver, Esq. Algernon Charles Swinburne (poet; born 1837) The Artist Watchman! What of the Night? Mrs. Dyson Perrins Sir William Bowman, Bart Sir William Bowman, Bart. Philip HERMOGENfes Calderon, R.A. The Artist 270 271 272 273 Una and the Red Cross Knight William Carver, Esq. VAL C. PRINSEP, A.R.A. At the Golden Gate City of Manchester FORD MADOX BROWN The Coat of Many Colours J. F. Hutton, Esq. R. W. MACBETH, A.R.A. The Sodden Fen //. Harker, Esq. MARK FISHER On the Cam C. J. Gcdloway, Esq. J. AUMONIER A Suffolk Marsh John Galloway, Jun., Esq. t:* VICAT COLE, R.A. A. G. Sandeman, Esq. Summer Raix C. E. Lees, Esq. .. Samuel Armitage, Esq. .. Samuel Armitage, Esq. James Ilouldsivorth, Esq. Waiting for the Ferry A Pastoral A Pastoral (the companion) School Revisited C. H. POINGDESTRE Mrs. C. Tarratl Roman Cattle Market PETER GRAHAM, R.A, A Mountain Road C. W. COPE, R.A. Contemplation .' Mrs. James Raddijfe “ Struck with deep joy, Silent with swimming sense ; gaze till all doth seem Less gross than bodily : and of such hues As veil the Almighty Spirit, when yet He makes Spirits perceive his presence.” — Coleridge. F. A. WINKPIELD The Thames at Greenwich The Artist GALLERV No. 3. ARTHUR H. MARSH 278 Heigho ! the MTnd and the Rain John Roger son, Esq. MARCUS STONE, R.A. 279 The Lost Bird City of Manchester 274 275 P. H. CALDERON, R.A. Home after Victory E. llallam. Esq. Home they brought her AVarrior Dead Angus Holden, Esq. “ Home they brought her warrior dead. She nor swoon’d nor utter’d crj% All her maidens, watching, said, ‘She must weep, or she will die.’ “Rose a nui'se of ninety years. Set his child upon her knee : Like summer tempest came her tears : ‘Sweet, my child, I live for thee.’ ” Ten nyson. 276 An Incident of the AVar in La A^endee C. F. II. Bolckow, Esq. 277 ' OUTLAM’ED The Artist J. LAMONT BRODIE i 1 ! 2^9 The Mighty Fallen, C. W. WYLLIB Sydney Caaile^ Esq. IM Q. D. LESLIE, R.A. 290 Pot-pourri (rose leaves and lavender) T. 11. Ismay^ Esq. 291 Fortunes William Wariny, Esq. “ For maiden tongues of love will talk, And all their fancies turn on love ; And when we pulled the tender stalk, And the fair flowers about it wmve, And flung it in the tiny torrent, ‘ This he, and this is I,’ we cried, ‘ As fare her flowers by wind and current. To each shall weal or woe betide.’ ” At the Fountain Colonel Hargreaves ARTHUR H. MARSH The Widower //. Boddington^ Esq. J. W. OAKES, AR.A. The Last Gleam The Artist J. MACWHIRTER, A.R.A. Fisherman’s Haven Charles Moxon., Esq. FRANK DIOKSEE, A.R.A. Evangeline W. II. Greenfield^ Esq. “Vainly Evangeline strove with words and caresses to cheer him.” — Longfdlow. SIR F. LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 296a The Sluggard The Artist S. ONSLOW FORD 296b Dirge The Artist GALLERY No. 4 GALLERY No. 4 An Oyster Supper Corporation of Nottingham T. FAED, R.A, Farewell to Erin A New War to an Old Soldier iindreio Knowles, jttn., Esg. James Taylor, Es(i, F. W. W. TOPHAM Convent of San Francesco J. C. Ilaslam, Es<[. The Forester’s Family li. Hurst, Esq. W. P. FRITH, R.A. Sir Roger de Coverley at the Saracen’s Head J. C. HORSLEY, R.A. The Pet of the Common James Taylor, Esq. S. G. Holland, Esq. The Skipper Ashore T. FAED, R.A. • The Seamstress S. CARTER Young Foxes H. WOODS. A.R.A. The Market Place at the Foot of the Rialto James Jardine, Esq, Col. Hargreaves, Louis Huth, Esq. W. H. Houldsworth, Esq., M.P Polly Peach um MRS. ALMA TADEMA, IVie Artist Put in the Corner W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A. Edwin Hilton, Esq At the Fountain L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A. E. Gamhart, Esq. S. Joshua, Esq. Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. . . . William Imrie, Esq. Henry Mason, Esq- Baron Schroder The Painter’s Studio . . . . The Apodyterium Rose of all the Roses .. Pomona Festival An Oleander Festival of the Vintage 3 GALLERY No. 4. L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A. ■continued. The Parting Kiss The Sculptor’s Studio.... Ave C^sar, 10 Saturnalia Hide and Seek The Siesta ..Henry Mason^ Esq. ...E. Gamhart, Esq. Mrs. Dyson Perrins ..John Fielden.^ Esq. ..James Orrock, Esq. Squally Weather on the Maes KEELEY HALSWELLE Autumn — Woods below Streatley E. Atkinson^ Esq. WILLIAM ROBINSON Upper Eskdale G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R.A. Rose Standish (the Puritan Maiden) Benjamin Armitage^ Esq. A New England Witch Col. Hargreaves C. E. PERUGINI The Loom William Imrie., Esq. SIMEON SOLOMON Hosanna! .' J. F. Hutton., Esq. W. P. FRITH, R.A. Sweet Ann Page G. C. DewJmrst^ Esq T. ARMSTRONG A Music Piece Joseph Walker^ Esq. C. E. PERUGINI Fresh Lavender Wakefield Christy., Esq. MRS. ALMA TADEMA Settling a Difference W. H. Tate., Esq. L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A. A Question Mrs. Schlesinger J. R. HERBERT, R.A. King Lear Disinheriting Cordelia Edward Chapman., Esq. Lear. So young, and so untender ? Cordelia. So young, my lord, and true. Lear. Let it be so. Thy truth then be thy dower. For by the sacred radiance of the sun ; The Artist Here I disclaim all my paternal care. Propinquity and property of blood. And as a stranger to my heart and me Hold thee, from this, for ever. — Act. 1, sc. 1. Weary Merton R. CoteSy Rsq., F.G.S. The Gleaner G. C. Dewhursty Esq. F. GOODALL, R.A, Song of the Nubian Slave J. L. Kennedy, Esq. J. D. WATSON The Yeoman’s Wedding Henry Whitehead, Esq. VICAT COLE, R.A. Lord Brassey Ripening Sunbeams Half-veiled in golden light of shimmering aii’ The landscape stretches wondrously fair, No paling beauty anywhere ; Nature is in her prime. In richest robes the hills and woods appear, The lakes and springs lie motionless and clear, Ruled by the faire.st Queen of all the year. Beautiful harvest time.” ■Poems of England. W. BRIGHT MORRIS x\fter the Day’s Work Richard Hurst, Esq. ...T. Burnandy Esq. Stolen Glances The Duenna’s Return FREDERICK MORGAN Benjamin Armitage, Esq The Emigrant’s Departure W. P. FRITH. R.A. English Merry Making in the Olden Times “ When the merry bells ring round. And the jocund rebecks sound. To many a youth and many a maid, Dancing in the chequered shade ; And young and old come forth to play. On a sunshine holiday.” — Milton's “ L' Allegro. Mrs. Bolckoio The Artist SoLVA Harbour The Artist H. Stacey Marks, Esq., R.A, GALLERY No. 4. 281 34' W. P. FRITH, R.A. Before Dinner at Boswell’s Lodgings in Bond Street, 1769 W. Tatiersall, Esq. “ Present— Johnson, Garrick, Goldsmith, Reynolds, Murphy, Bicker- staff, Davies and Boswell. Garrick played round Dr. Johnson with a fond vivacity, taking hold of the breasts of his coat, and, looking up in his face with a lively archness, complimented him on the good health he seemed then to enjr>y, while the sage, shaking his head, beheld him with a gentle complacency. One of the company not being come at the appointed time. Goldsmith, to divert the tedious minutes, strutted about bragging of his dress, and I believe was seriously vain of it, for his mind was wonderfully prone to such impressions. ‘ Well, let me tell you,’ said he, ‘when my tailor brought home my bloom-coloured coat, he said, “Sir, I have a favour to beg of you : when anybody asks you who made your clothes, be pleased to mention John Filby, at the Harrow, in Water Lane.” ’ ” — See Boswell's “ Life of Johnson.” H. W. B. DAVIS, R.A. 348 Contentment 351 352 .A. C. Armitage, Esq. W. F. FRITH, R.A. Ramsgate Sands lEr Majesty the Queen CHARLES J. LEWIS. A Sanfoin Field Charles lVi?m, Esq. “ When shepherds pipe on oaten straws And merry larks are ploughman’s clocks.” SIR J. E. MILLAIS, BART., R.A. T. Oldham Barlow, Esq., R.A T. J. Jones, Esq. W. P. FRITH, R.A. Hogarth Arrested as a Spy, and taken before the Governor of Calais Mrs. Thomas Agnew “ Hogarth has run a great risk since the peace ; he went to France, accompanied by some friends, and was so imprudent as to be taking a .sketch of the drawbridge at Calais. He was seized and carried to the Governor, where he was obliged to prove his vocation by producing several caricatures, &c., such as would by no means serve the purpose of an engineer. He was told by the Governor that, had not the peace been actually signed, he should have hung him immediately on the ramparts.” — Horace Walyolts Letters. Coming of Age in the Olden Time Edward Chapman, Esq. R. W. MACBETH, A.R.A. A Fen Lode H. Marker Esq. J. MACWHIRTER, A.R.A. Nature’s Mirror J. W. Haigh, Esq. GALLERY No. 4. The Duenna and her Cares Mrs. James Radcliffe A Jersey Family II. Graves^ VICAT COLE, R.A, Haytime A. C. Armitage^ HAYNES- WILLIAMS Ars Longa, Vita Brevis “ Short life ebbs fast ; But still the pathos of the saddened eye Strains at the art, that shall outlive the life ; And, painter more than lover, he that soon Shall pass away and leave the loved, long art. Gazes, with dreamy soul upon his work.” — Old Play. E. CROFTS, A.R.A. On the Evening of the Battle of Waterloo. Corporation of Liverpool “ At Genappe, the first important defile through which the French army retired, an immense number of carriages and wagons of all kinds had been collected together, which presented a rich booty to the Prus- sians, but the most valuable and most interesting object consi.sted of Napoleon’s travelling carriage, which, with all its contents, fell into the hands of the 15th Regiment. He himself had only quitted it a few minutes previously in such haste as to leave behind his hat, which was found inside. ” —8ce Siborne's “ History of the War in Prance and Belgium.” E. BLAIR LEIGHTON J. W. Radcliffe^ Esq. Joseph J. Ar milage^ Esq, The Morning Bath BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. In Manus Tuas, Domine ! Abraham Haworth., Esq. Daniel in the Lions’ Den T. II. Ismay, Esq. Circe and the Companions of Ulysses Mr. J. K. Orost “ She touched them with a rod that wrought Their transformation far past human wants ; Swines’ .snouts, swines’ bodies, took they, bristles, grunts. But still retain’d the souls they had before. Which made them mourn their bodies’ change the more.” Chapman's ‘‘Odyssey” (Book X.) J. HEYS DAVIES. Under the Opening Eyelids of the Morn ... G. J. Galloway, Esq. I GAl.LEUY No. 4. BRITON RIVIERE, RA. 367 i A Stern Chase is always a Long Chase... Humphrey Roberts^ Esq. 368 j Ulysses AND Argus Samuel Ar milage, Esq. “ And upon Argus came the death-fate drear, Just having seen Odysseus in the twentieth year.” — Worsley's Odyssey.''’ C. E. HOLLOWAY On the Thames James Kay, Esq. BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. Playfellows Jesse Haworth, Esq. His Only Friend Jesse IlawoUh, Esq. The King and His Satellites F. W. Grafton Esq. HERBERT JOHNSTONE A Portrait The Artist R. CATON-WOODVILLE Maiwand — Saving the Guns Corporation of Liveiyool The defeat of the British and native troops at the battle of Maiwand, Afghanistan, October, 1880, will long be remembered as an instance of the folly of under-estimating the strength of an enemy. Here a contingent of the Royal Horse Artillery, after performing all that bravery could achieve against overwhelming numbers, is compelled to retreat, bearing away dead and wounded (men and officers). But for the cavalry making repeated charges in order to cover the retreat, notwithstanding the most desperate valour, the heroic little band would not have accomplished the brilliant feat of saving the guns. H. WOODS, A.R.A. Venetian Fan Sellers James Barrow, Esq. G. F. WATTS, R.A. Little Red Riding Hood Sir W. Bowman, Bart. BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. An Anxious Moment William Agnew, Esq. ANDREW C. GOW, A.R.A. Cromwell at Dunbar Purchased by the President and Council of the Royal Academy, under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest, and lent by them. “ The Scotch army is shivered to utter ruin, rushes in tumultuous wreck hither, thither The Lord General made a halt, says Hodgson, sang the 117th Psalm, till our horse could gather for the chase.” — Carlyle, “ Cromioell’s Letters." BASIL BRADLEY 379 May Time on the Thames Edward Brook, Esq. m 284 GALLERY No. 4. W. Q. ORCHARDSON, RA. 380 Mariage de Convenance . Alfred Shuttle worth, Esq. 381 Charles Moxon, Esq Charles Moxon, Esq. 382 Housekeeping in the Honeymoon Charles Churchill, Esq. 383 The Market Girl from the Lido Mrs. Richard Johnson 384 Hard Hit ! Ihmphrey Roberts, Esq. 385 Portrait of a Lady The Artist 386 A Tender Chord Humphrey Roberts, Esq. “Have I forgot the words ? Faith ! they are sadder than I thought they were.” Alone J. M. Keiller, Esq. 388 Napoleon on Board H.M.S. “ Bellerophon,” July 23rd, 1815, OFF Ushant; leaving France. — Purchased by the President and Council of the Royal Academy i under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest, and lent by I them. “ Napoleon remained on deck great part of the morning. He cast many a melancholy look at the coast of France.” — Mentland's Narrative. A. F. MUTRIB 389 Roses Sir W. Cunliffe Brookes, Bart., M.P. OTTO WEBER 390 Springtime Baron J. II. Schroder EDWIN ELLIS 391 The Haven Under the Hill City of Manchester E. LONG, RA. 392 Henry Irving, as Richard, Duke of Glo’ster. . . Baroness Burdett-Coutts T. FAED, RA. 393 Where is my good little Girl? F. W. Grafton, Esq. 391 Worn Out Daniel Thwaites, Esq. 395 The Poor, the Poor Man’s Friend Duchess of Montrose “ The poor, the poor man’s friend, The blind man’s at the door.” 396 Baith Faither and Mither C. F. 11. Bo'ckoiv, Esq. “ He was faither and mither, and a’ things tae me.” — Ballantine. 397 The Silken Gown C. F. II. Bolckow, Esq. “ And ye shall walk in silk attire And siller ha’e to spare, Gin ye’ll consent to l)e his bride Nor think o’ Donald mair. Oh ! wha wad buy a silken gown Wi’ a poor broken heart ? Or what’s t’ me a siller crown, Gin frae my love I part ?” GALLERY No. 4. 398 400 400a SCULPTURE. SIR F. LEIGHTON, P.R.A. The Python Slayer Eo^al Academy VICAT COLE, R.A. Iffley Mill — A Windy Day Alfred Shuttlewortk, Esq. H. HERKOMER, AR.A Portrait of His Father The Artist R. BEAVIS The Charcoal Burner R. M. Knowles.^ Esq. HAMO THORNYCROPT, A.R.A. Teucer (bronze) Purchased hy the President and Council of the Royal Academy^ under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest.^ and lent hy them. GALLERY No. 5. GALLERY No. 5 W. H. BARTLETT Practising for the Swimming xMatcii II. Whitehead.^ Esq. J. W. OAKES, A.R.A. Glen Muich, Aberdeenshire II. II. Goddard^ Esq. E. BARCLAY The Steps at Ana Capri Lord Brassey SIR J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. The Escape of a Heretic, 1559 W. II. Ilouldsworth, Esq, M.P. “ At Valladolid, this Friday before Good Friday, A.D. 1584, before the Liccutiato Cristoval Rodriquez, Commissary of the Holy Inquisi- tion, appears Fray Juan Romero, monk of the Order of Saint Dominic, in the convent of the said Order in the said city, familiar of the said Holy Inquisition, and having sworn to speak the truth, saith, ‘ That having been assigned, together with Fray Diego Nuho, familiar of the said Holy Inquisition, as confessor to Maria J uana di Acuna y Villajos, late in close prison of the said Holy Inquisition, convict, as an obsti- nate heretic, and left to be delivered to the secular arm at the Act of Faith appointed to be held in the said city, before His Most Catholic Majesty our Lord the King, this day, he was yesterday at noon in the prison of the said prisoner, together with a person unknown, whom he supposed to be the said Fray Diego, but saw not his face by reason of his wearing his hood drawn forwai’d, when he was of a sudden set upon, gagged and bound, by the said person unknown, and his habit stripped off and put upon the said prisoner, who so passed out of the said prison with the said person unknown, nor hath since been discovered by the deponent or the other familiars of the said Holy Inquisition in the said city.’ ” — From “ Documentos relativos {( los procesos por la Inquisicion de Valladolid.” W. H. WEIGALL The Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. (Prime Minister)... of Exeter The Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G. (d. 1881) Marq;uis of Exeter HANSON WALKER My Lady of Castle wood C. E. Lees, Esq. FRANK HOLL, R.A. General Viscount Wolseley, G.C.B., G.C.M.G Viscoimt Wolseley John Tenniel, Esq William Ayiiew, Esq. Sir Henry C. Kawlinson, K.C.B., F.R.S Lady Rawlinson Lord Winmarleigii Committee of the Royal Albert Asylum H.R.H. The Prince of Wales The Master and Benchers of the Middle Temple Samuel Cousins, Esq., R.A The Artist i i GALLERY No. 5. FRANK HOLL, "R. A. —Continued. Lord Overstone Lord Wantage The Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, M.P Sir Charles Dilke^ Bart. The Hon. Sir James Bacon (Vice-Chancellor) Sir James Bacon G. A. STOREY, A.R.A. Little Swansdown R. M. Knovdes^ Esq. JOHN SCOTT The Apostate Thomas Fair hurst, Esq. JAMES T. LINNELL Firs and Furze R. Ilohson, Esq. F. D. HARDY Reading the Will George Gurney, Esq. E. J. POYNTER, R.A. Proserpina IF. Brockhanh, Esq. SIR J. E. MILLAIS, BART, R.A. The Gambler’s Wife Humphrey Roberts, Esq. JAMES T. LINNELL An Autumn Evening James Jardine, Esq. F. R. PICKERSGILL, R.A. Christiana and her Companions Thomas Barnes, Esq. PETER GRAHAM, R.A. Our Northern Walls J. Ilouldsworth, Esq. J. E. HODGSON. RA. The Barber’s Shop, Tangier James Taylor, Esq. SIR JOHN GILBERT, R.A. Brigands Dividing Booty James Jardine, Esq. E. LONG, R.A. Easter Offerings Baroness Burdett-Coutts VICAT COLE, R.A. Loch Scavaig, Isle of Skye Col. Hargreaves “ A while their route they silent made, As men who stalk for mountain deer, Till the good Bruce to Ronald said, ‘ St. Mary ! what a scene is, here ! I’ve traversed many a mountain strand. Abroad, and in my native land. And it has been my lot to tread Where safety more than pleasure led ; Thus, many a waste I’ve wandered o’ei', Clombe many a crag, cross’d many a moor. But, by my halidome, A scene so rude, so wild as this. Yet so sublime in barrenness. Ne’er did my wandering footsteps press. Where’er I happ’d to roam.’ ” — Scott's “ Lord of the Isles," canto iii., stanza xiii. SIR P. LEIGHTON, BART., P.R.A. Greek Girls by the Sea Right Hon. J. Chamtferlain^ M.P. Elisha Raising the Son of the Shunammite ...Mrs. Dyson Perrins Day-Dreams James Mason, Esq. DAVID MURRAY, A.R.S.A. ’Twixt Croft and Creel Corporation of Oldham FRANK DICKSEE, A.R.A. The House Builders. (The Portraits of Sir W. E. Gregory and the Hon. LadyWelby Gregory) Sir W. W. Gregory PETER GRAHAM, R.A. Rocks and an Emerald Sea Col. Hargreaves SIR F. LEIGHTON, BART., P.R.A. Hercules Wrestling ^YITH Death for the Body of Alcestis Sir B. Samuelson, Bart, M.P. Amarilla Rev. IV. T. Houldsworth Summer Moo n ; Al fred Morrison, Esq. Pastoral Thomas Ashton, Esq. Cleoboulos Instructing .his Daughter Cleobouline E. X. Buxton, Esq. KEELEY HALSWELLE Inverlochy Castle and Ben Nevis A. C. Armitage, Esq. “ Something of the old ancestral pride it keeps, Tho’ fallen from its earlier place and circumstance.” F. DICKSEE, A.R.A. Romeo and Juliet C. Churchill, Esq. Rom. “ Farewell, farewell, one kiss, and I’ll descend.” P. R. MORRIS, A.R.A. The Woodland Pool C. E. Lees, Esq. B. W. LEADER, A.R.A. The End of the Day Col. A. II. Brown, M.P. ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. His Legal Adviser II . Dewhurst, Esq. P. MACQUOID “ La belle Dame sans Merci ” The Artist i I I GALLERY No. 5. 289 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 J. H. E. PARTINGTON The Ramsey Wreckers A. Laivrence^ Esq. ISABEL DACRE Passion Flower The Artist C. J. LEWIS A Mill Race II. W. Elliott, Esq. H. CLARANCE WHAITE The Awakening of Chihstian The Artist W. H. BARTLETT Return from the Seal Hunt J. L. Browne, Esq. JAMES SANT, R.A. Mrs. Anstruther Thomson Captain Thomson Daughters of A. Wilson, Esq A. Wilson, Esq. Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, WITH HER Grandchildren, the Princes Albert Victor and George, and Prin- cess Victoria of W eles... H er Majesty the Queen The Morning’s Post The Artist Adversity Sir William Eden, Bart. WYKE BAYLISS, F.S.A. Interior of Chartres Cathedral J. Garner Marshall, Esq. J. HOUGHTON HAGUE A Lancashire Ornithologist W. G. llwmpson. Esq. E. H. FAHEY On the Yare — Evening C. Coombe, Esq. FRANK DICKSEE, A.R.A. The Symbol Charles Galqnn, Esq. “Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by ?” FRANK WALTON “Leaves Have their Time to Fall.” J. C. Bowring, Esq. J. B. BURGESS, A.R.A. The Beggar Students of Salamanca A. Shuttleworth, Esq. E. H. FAHEY Filby Broad Hon. Charles W. Mills H. HERKOMER, A.R.A. The Last Muster W. C. Quilter, Esq., M.P. KEELEY HALSWELLE Pangbourne — Early Morning C. F. Cnndy, Esq. Gathering Clouds, Medmenham C. F. Cundy, Esq. GALLERY No. 5. SIR J. E. MILLAIS, BART., R.A. The Fkixge of the Moor T. II. Ismar/, Esq, Asleep J. C. Harter^ Esq, The S0NAMBULI8T Mrs. Richard Johnson Awake Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. Bride of Lammermoor Angus Holden Esq. Dr. Fra.ser (Late Bishop of Manchester) Mrs. Fraser Boyhood of Raleigh James Reiss, Esq. Sir James Paget, Bart., F.R.S The Almoners of St. Bartholomew's The North-West PASSiGE C. F. II. Bolckow, Esq. “ It might be done, and Engl uid should do it.” Sir Henry Thompson Sir Henry Thompson The Vale of Rest Henry Tate, Esq. “ Where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest.” His Eminence Cardinal Newman Duke of Norfolk Greenwich Pensioners, at Nelson’s Tomb, in the Crypt OF St. Paul’s Humphrey Roberts, Esq. C. NAPIER HEMY Old Putney Bridge City of Manchester WILLIAM MEREDITH Herring Boats Unloading The Artist JAMES SMART, R-S.A. The Pass of Lenny, Pertshire Albert Institute, Dundee B. W. LEADER, AR.A. Wild Wales Benjamin Armitage, Esq. R. GAY SOMERSET Landscape J. Eaton, Esq, WYKE BAYLISS, F.S.A. Interior of St. Mark’s, Venice Corporation of Nottingham J. W. NORTH * * * * J. II. xidamson, Esq. “ See’st how my flowers be spread, Dy’d in lily white, and crimson red.” GALLERY No. 6, 493 i GALLERY No. 6.— THE CENTRAL HALL. JOHN COLLIER Dr. W. B. Carpenter (Registrar 1856-79). Senate of the University of London H. W. PICKERSGILL, R.A., (d. 1875.) Professor Owen Mrs. Owen E. J. POYNTER, R.A. A Visit to .^sculapius...P?^ rcAasecZ hy the President and Council of the Royal Academy^ under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest, and lent hy them. “ In time long past, when in Dianae’s chase, A bramble bush prickt Venus in the foot, Okie .^sculapius healpt her heavie case. Before the hurt had taken anye roote.” — Thos. Watson (“Arber’s Reprint.”) The Dragon of Wantley Earl of Wharncliffe “ The fight between More, of More Hall, and the Dragon of Wantley.” Atalanta’s Race Earl of Wharncliffe “ Atalanta, not willing to lose her virgin’s estate, made it a law to all suitors that they should run a race with her in a public place, and if they failed to overcome her should die unrevenged ; and thus many brave men perished. At last came Milanion, who, outrunning her with the help of three golden apples given him by Venus, gained the virgin and wedded her.” — Morris's “ Earthly Paradise." SIR P. GRANT, P.R.A. Edward Geoffrey, K.G., 14th Earl of Derby (born 1799 ; died 1869. Prime Minister) Earl of Derby SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. (d. 1830.) The Earl of Aberdeen (Prime Minister) Earl of Aberdeen SIR P. GRANT, P.R.A. Earl Russell (Prime Minister) Countess Russell SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A., d. 1830. Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington Duke of Wellington E. J. POYNTER, R.A. Perseus and Andromeda Earl of Wharncliffe Nausicaa and her Companions Playing at Ball... Earl of Wharncliffe “ The Queen now, for the upstroke, struck the ball Quite wide off the other maids, and made it fall Amidst the whirlpools.” — Chapman's Homer's Odyssey." D. LAUGEE Sir John G. Shaw-Lefevre (Vice-Chancellor 1842-62). Senate of the University of London R. LEHMANN Sir Henry Bessemer E. ARMITAGE, RA. Julian the Apostate Presiding at a Conference of Sectarians Corporation of Liverpool “ Ju’.ian, who understood and derided their theological disputes, invited to the palace the leaders of the hostile sects, that he might enjoy the agreeable spectacle of their furious encounters. The clamour of controversy sometimes provoked the Emperor to exclaim, Hear me . the Franks have heard me and the Alemanni.’ But he soon discovered that he was now engaged with more obstinate and implacable enemies ; and though he exerted the powers of oratory to persuade them to live in concord, or at least in peace, he was perfectly satished before he dis- missed them from his presence that he had nothing to fear from the union of the Christians.”— ^i66on’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire^'" chap. XXlll. G. F. WATTS, R A RY, K.G. (died 1885) The. Artist ARTiNEAU Manchester Xew College^ London Lady Siemens Lieutenant, commanded the A aval the Indian Mutiny) JOHN COLLIER The Right Hon. Sir George Jessel (died 1883, the Rolls) The Senate of PHILIP WBSTCOTT Sir Robert Rawlinson C.B. (Sanitary Commissioner to the British Army at the Siege of Sebastopol) Sir R. Rawhmon. 11. Graves^ Esq. 1 I ^ /¥?-:y -inilE^FQ, GALLERY No. 6. 293 C. B. HALLE Mr. Charles Hall^, LL.D. Charles Halle, Esq. 513 Reiss SIR FREDERIC LEIGHTON, BART., P RA. Stuart Hodgson, Esg. “A triumphal procession held every ninth year at Thebes in honour of Apollo, and to commemorate a victory of the Thebans over the Bohans of Arne. The name was derived from the laurel branches carried by those who took part in the festival, the laurel, or more properly the bay, being sacred to Apollo. The procession is led by a youthful priest, called the Daphnephoros (the laurel bearer) ; before him a boy, his kinsman, bears a symbolic standard called the ‘ Kopo,’ and indicating the sun, moon, and stars. Behind the Daphnephoros three lads carry a trophy of golden armour ; they are followed by a choir of Theban maidens, who, crowned with laurel, and each bearing an olive branch, sing the hymn to Apollo, under the direction of tlie chorus leader. The procession is closed by boys, carrying votive tripods. In the valley below is seen the town of Thebes.”— ProcZws, “ Chrestomath,” p. ii. H. HBRKOMBR, A.R.A. The Right Hon. Viscount Cross, G.C.B. Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith, M.P. SIR J. B. MILLAIS, BART., R A Victory, oh. Lord ! (Aaron and Hnr holding up the hands of Moses) “ So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek : and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed : and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses’s hands were heavy ; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon ; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side ; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.”- Exodus, xvii., 10-12. PROFESSOR A. LB GROS 515 Thk Right Hon. Sir G. Grey, Bart., K.C.B Earl of Northbrook J. CALLCOTT HORSLEY, R-A. 516 IsAMBARD Kingdom Brunel (the Engineer of the Great Western Railway, &c.) i G. F. WATTS, R.A. 517 j Thom\s Carlyle (Essayist and historian ; d. 1881) The Artis ’ JOHN LUCAS. 518 George Stephenson (the Inventor of the Locomotive Steam I Engine, represented as standing on Chat Moss. Born 1 1781 ; died 1848) G. R. Stephenson, Esq. y SIR J. D. LINTON. P.R.I. Victorious ! Charles J. Jacoby, Esq. H. W. PICKERSGILL, R A. (d. 1875.) Sir Robert Peel, Bart. (Prime Minister) II. Graves, Esq. SIR J. D. LINTON, P.RI. The Banquet Charles J. Jacoby, Esq. E. LONG, R.A. The Earl of Iddesleigh (Sir Stafford Xorthcote) Countess of Iddesleigh SIR J. E. MILLAIS, BART., R.A. The Earl of Beaconsfield (Prime Minister. Died 1881). lit. lion. ir. II. Smith, M.P G. RICHMOND, RA- Right Hon. W. H. Smith, M.P Right Hon. W. II. Smith, M.P. SIR J. E. MILLAIS, BART., R.A. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. (Prime Minister) Right Hon. W. II. Smith, M.P. - ' F. WINTERHALTER Her Majesty The Queen Hei' Majesty H.R.H. The Prince Consort Her Majesty H. T. WELLS, R A Earl Spencer, K.G Earl Spencer, K.G. SIR J. E. MILLAIS, BART., R.A. Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. (Prime Minister) Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. Right Hon. John Bright, M.P William uigimv. Esq. T. H. MUNNS, 1883. The Marquis of Hartington, M.P Manchester Refomn Club SIR J. D. LINTON. P.RJ. The Benediction Charles J. Jacoby, Esq. W. M. TWEEDIE (d. 1878.) William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire, K.G. (Chancellor 1836-56) The Senate of the University of London. JOHN LUCAS Robert Stephenson (the eminent Engineer of the Britannia Tubular Bridge over the Menai Straits. Born 1803 ; died 1859) G. R. Stephenson, Esq. GALLERY No. 6. 295 B. LONG, R.A. 535 Gods and their Makers Jme Haworth^ Esq. ' “All know what monsters Egypt venerates. It worships crocodiles, or it adores The snake-gorged ibis; and the sacred ape Graven in gold is seen. . . . Whole cities pray To cats and fishes, or the dog invoke.” — Juvenal (Satire XV. 1. Translated by Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart.) G. P. WATTS, R A. 536 i Viscount Sherbrooke (^Robert Lowe) The Artist 537 Lord Lyndhurst (d. 1863) Executors late C. II. Rickards, Esq. 538 ^ The Duke of Argyll, K.G The Artist I SIR J. E. MILLAIS, BART., RA. 539 : George Grote, D.C.L., F.R.S. (Vice Chancellor, 1862-71 ; cl. 1871) Senate of the University of London E. LONG, R.A. 540 The Babylonian Marriage Market j Trustees of the Royal Holloway College 1 “ Herodotus records one of their customs, which, whether in jest or earnest, he declares to be the wisest he ever heard of. This was their I wife-auction, by which they managed to find husbands for all their I young women. The greatest beauty was put up first, and then knocked ! down to the highest bidder ; then the next in the order of comeliness, j and so on to the damsel who was equidistant between beauty and plainness, who was given away gratis. Then the least plain was put up, and knocked down to the gallant who would marry her for the smallest consideration, and so on till even the plainest was got rid of to some cyrical worthy, who decidedly preferred lucre to looks. By transferring to the scale of the ill-favoured the prices paid for the fair beauty was made to endow ugliness, and the rich man’s taste was the poor man’s gain.” — Ilcrodotns ” {by George C. Swayne, M.A.) G. RICHMOND, R.A. 541 Earl Granville, K.G. (Chancellor of the University of London, 1887) Senate of the University of London 542 SIR B. LANDSEER, R.A. (d. 1873.) Scene in Braemar, Highland Deer, Ac C, F. II. Bolckoiv, Esq. ! JOHN COLLIER 543 I Charles Robert Darwin, F.R.S., LL.D., d. 1882 (Author of I “ The Origin of Species,” Ac.) IF. E. Darwin, Esq. 544 i Thomas Henry Huxley, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S The Artist GALLERY No. 6. . B. LONG, RA. Diana or Christ? D. Thwaites^ Esq. “ Let her cast the incense, but one grain, and she is free.” The scene is laid in Ephesus, at the end of the .stadium, which might have been used as an amphitheatre. Lord Lawrence (born 1811 ; Commissioner of the Sutlej, 1846 ; of the Pimjanh, 1849 ; checked the Mutiny at Lahore, July, 1857 ; Viceroy of India, December, 1863 ; resigned September, 1868 ; made Raron, 27th of March, 1869 ; first Cliairman of the London School Board, November, 1870-73 ; died 1879) The Artist The Very Rev. Henry Milman (Dean of St. Paul’s, d. 1868) Rev. W. II. Milman John Stuart Mill (d. 1873) Sir Charles Dilhe^ Hart. SCULPTURE. T. WOOLNBR, R.A, Lord Tennyson (bust, marble) SIMONDS Her Majesty the Queen — ( statuette) The Artist The Artist SIR F. LEIGHTON, P.R.A, Needless Alarms (bronze) J. R. Ileseltine, Esq. J. P. Ileseltine^ Esq. Mercury (bronze) Head of a Fisherman Figure of a Little Girl The Artist Sir F. Leighton., Bart. Icarus HAMO THORNYCROFT, A.R.A, The Artist Study of a Head Homer (in high relief) Dido and ^Eneas , The A.rtist The Artist ir*Hi 567 568 i 569 575 HENRY DAWSON The Wooden Walls op Old England James Orroch^ Esq. B. M. WARD, R.A. Fouquier Tinville Reading the Act of Accusation to Marie Antoinette in the Prison of the Temple ... E. Laioson^ Esq. W. ETTY, RA. The Bivouac of Cupids Da.vid Price ^ Esq. B. M. WARD, R.A. Charlotte Corday Sitting for her Portrait E. Lawson^ Esq. JAMBS HOLLAND The Thames at Greenwich S. G. Holland, Esq. Venice, Sunrise S. G. Holland, Esq. JOHN PHILLIP, R.A. Marriage of the Princess Royal op England T. Barnes, Esq. {For Key to this Picture, see page 298.) S. W. COOKE, R.A. A Crab and Lobster Shore G. C. Bewhurst, Esq. GEORGE CHAMBERS Off Dover H. G. Crews, Esq. D. ROBERTS, R.A. The River Tiber, Rome Exors. of Henry Wilson Esq. CLARKSON STANFIELD, R.A. The Morning after Trafalgar James Price, Esq. On the River Texel James Houldsworth, Esq. Shore of the Zuyder Zee James Taylor, Esq. Coast of Normandy David Jar dine, Esq^ Port na Spania, near the Giant’s Causeway, Antrim, Coast OF Ireland Daniel Thwaites, Esq. “ It is related that one or more of the ships belonging to the Spanish Armada were driven on to the coast by stress of weather, and in the mist took the isolated rocks called the Chimney-tops for the veritable chimneys of Dunluce Castle, and wasted their gunpowder in firing at them. The gale increasing, they were totally wrecked in the bay, thence called Port na Spania.” The Wooden Walls of Old England (Hulks on the Medway) Angus Holden, Esq. Ol! J GALLERY N(\ Painted by JOHN PHILLIP, Esq., R.A. Lady Cecilia Gordon-Lennox. Lady Constance Villiers, Lady Emma Stanley. Lady Susan Murray. Lady Victoria Noel. Lady Susan Pelham Clinton. The Queen. The Prince Consort. The Princess Royal. Prince Frederick William. The Prince of Wales. Prince Alfred Ernest Albert. Prince Arthur Patrick Albert. Prince Leopold Duncan Albert. Princess Alice Maud Mary. Princess Helena Augusta Victoria. Princess Louisa Caroline Alberta. The King of Prussia, 1 theparents of Prince The Queen of Prussia, ( Fred. William. The Duke of Saxe-Coburg (brother of Prince Consort). Gentleman of the Suite. Countess of Fife. General Williams of Kars. Lord John Russell. Duke of Argyll. Slarquis of Lansdowne. Leopold, King of the Belgians. Garter King-at-Arms. Duke of Newcastle. Lord Palmerston. Duchess of Kent. Lord Panmure. Duchess of Sutherland. Duchess of Cambridge. Duke of Cambridge. Duchess of Argyll. Duchess of Wellington. Princess Mary of Cambridge. The Archbishop of Canterbury Countess Iloenthall. Countess Perponcher. Earl of St. Germans. Marquis of Breadalbane. Earl of Clarendon. The Roya Marriage was solemnised at the Chapel Royal, St. James’s, January 25th, 1858. GALLERY No. 7. 299 576 0 ^ / 578 579 580 581 582 583 CLARKSON STANFIELD, R.A.- continued. The Abandoned Earl of Northbrook “ There waa no trace by which the name of the ship could be ascer- tained. The wreck had evidently drifted about for many months : clusters of shellfish had fastened about it, and long seaweeds flaunted at its sides. But where, thought I, is the crew ? Their struggle has long been over — they have gone down amidst the roar of the tempest — -their bones lie whitening among the caverns of the deep. Silence, oblivion, like the waves, have closed over them, and no one can tell the story of their end. What sighs have been wafted after that ship ! What prayers offered up at the deserted fireside of home ! How often has the mistress, the wife, the mother, peered over the daily news to catch some casual intelligence of this rover of the deep ! How has expectation darkened into anxiety — anxiety into dread — and dread into despair. Alas ! not one memento shall ever return for love to cherish. All that shall ever be known is, that she sailed from her port, and was never heard of more ! ” — Vide ‘‘ The Voyagef Washington Irving's Sketch Book. La Chasse Mar^e C. F. H. Bolchow^ Esq. Entrance to the Zuyder Zee F. W. Grafton^ Esq. Dordrecht on the Maes F. W. Grafton^ Esq. Wemyss Bay SAM BOUGH, R.S.A. T. DANBY .Joseph Broome.^ Esq. Sunset Mrs. A. A. Dewhurst The Windmill T. CRESWICK, R.A. .Richard Hurst., Esq. W. MULLER Dredging on the Medway Col. Hargreaves W. ETTY, R.A. 584 Andromeda Daniel Thwaites, Esq. 585 La Fleur de Lis J. S. Morgan, Esq. E. W. COOKE, R.A. 586 I The Piazzetta, Venice C. F. II. Bolckow, Esq. 587 The Piazzetta, Venice, with the Lion Column and the Campanile G. F. II. Bolckow, Esq. * T. CRESWICK, R.A. 588 A Glade in Windsor Forest (the Animals painted by T. S. i Cooper, R.A.) Charles Chapman, Esq. JOHN PHILLIP, R.A. 589 I Al Alcazar C. F. H. Bolckoiv, Esq. 590 j II Cigarillo Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. GALLERY Xo. JOHN PHILLIP, R.A. — continued. The House of Commons in 1860 (Mr. Speaker Denison in the Chair, and Lord Palmerston Addressing the House.) Viscountess Ossington 1. Eight Hon, Edward Ellis, M.P. 2. Eight Hon. Sir Francis T. Baring, M.P. 3. Lord H, G. Vane, M.P. 4. Eichard Cobden, Esq., M.P. 5. John Bright, Esq., M.P. 6. Lord Elcho, M.P. 7. Eight Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., Chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. 8. Sir Eoundell Palmer, M.P. 9. Eight Hon. Milner Gibson, M.P., President of the Board of Trade. 10. Eight Hon. Charles Pelham Villiers, M.P., President of the Poor Law Board. 11. W. Massey, Esq., M.P. 12. Viscount Palmerston, First Lord of the Treasury. 13. Sir Denis Le Marchant, Bt. 14. Eight Hon. The Speaker. 15. Thos. Enskine May, Esq., C, B. 16. Lord Charles Eussell. 17. Mr. Lee. Eight Hon. Sir John Pakington, M.P. Sir Hugh McCalmont Cairns, M.P, Col. John Wilson Patten, M.P. Eight Hon. Sotheron Estcourt, M.P. Lord John Manners, M.P. Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer Lytton, Bt., M.P. Eight Hon. Major-General J. Peel, M.P. Lord Stanley, M.P. Eight Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P. Eight Hon. Spencer H. Walpole, M.P. Eight Hon. J. W. Henley, M.P. Lord John Eussell, M.P. Eight Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., Chan, cellor of the E.xchequer. Right Hon. Sir George Grey, M.P., Secretary of State. Eight Hon. Sir Charles Wood, Bt., M.P., Secretary of State for India. Eight Hon. Sir George Cornwall Lewis, Bt. M.P,, Secretary of State for War. I r 111 $ •5 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 GALLERY No. 7. 301 JOHN PHILLIP, H.A.— continued. Aqua Fresca IF. D. Holt, Esq. Asking a Blessing William T alter saU, Esq. La Bomba, or the Wine Drinkers R. Brocklehanlc, Esq. The Early Career of Murillo J. M. Keiller, Esq. “ He was reduced to earn his weekly bread by painting coarse and hasty pictures for the Feria (weekly fair), held in a broad street branch- ing from the northern end of the Old Alameda, and in front of the old church of All Saints’, remarkable for its picturesque semi-Moorish belfry. This venerable market presents every Thursday an aspect which has changed but little since the days of Murillo. Fruit, vegetables, and coarse pottery, old clothes, old iron, still cover the ground or load the stalls as they did two centuries ago, when the unknown youth stood among gipsie.s, muleteers, and mendicant friars, selling for a few reals those productions of his early pencil for which royal collectors are now ready to contend .” — Vide Stirling's “ Annals of Spanish Painters.” Gathering the Offerings Colonel Hargreaves The Water Drinkers Walter Dunlop), Esq. La Gloria : a Spanish Wake John Pender, Esq. 0, Nannie ! Wilt Thou Gang wi’ Me ^ B. Ar milage, Esq. {Sorrel Bank) Grace IN THE Highlands G. C. Dewhurst, Esq. T. BARKER (Bath) Gipsy Encampment J. Ryecroft, Esq. RICHARD DADD The Water Carriers George W. Agnew, Esq. HENRY BRIGHT Glynn Ceiriog, Wales — Sunset Edward Schunck, Esq., F.R.S. E. W. COOKE, R.A Wreck on the Goodwin Sands //. Dewhurst, Esq. SAM BOUGH. R.S.A. Moorland, near Carlisle Joseph Broome, Esq. JOHN PHILLIP, R.A. A Scotch Christening John Pender, Esq. E. M. WARD, R.A. Grinling Gibbons’s First Introduction to Court... Pender, Esq. “ ] st March. —I caused Mr Gibbons to bring to Whitehall his excellent piece of carving, where, being come, I advertised his Majesty. . . . No sooner was he entered, and cast his eye on the work, but he was astonished at the curiosity of it. . . . He commanded it should be immediately earned to the queen’s side to show her. It was carried up into her bed-chamber, where she was, and the king being called away, left us with the queen, believing she would have bought it, it being a crucifix ; but his Majesty was gone, a French peddling woman, one Madame de Boord, who used to bring petticoats, fans, and baubles out of France to the ladies, began to find fault with several things in the work, which she understood no more than an ass or a monkey, so as in a kind of indignation, I caused the person who brought it to carry it back to the chamber, finding the queen so much governed by an ignorant French woman, and this incomparable artist had his labour only for his pains.” Evelyn's Dmry. i GALLERY No. 7, Mares and Foals J, M. W. TURNER, R.A. Proserpine, The Plains of Enna Edward Chapiimn^ Esq. Thl Shore at Margate (Sun rising through vapour) George Chajjman; Esq. A Dream of Italy James Price^ Esq, Rain, Steam, and Speed The National Gallery The Approach to Venice Mrs. Moir DAVID ROBERTS, R A. A Chapel in the Cathedral of Dixmude, West Flanders John Pender y Eaq. 614 Returning from the Ball, Venice James Pricey Esq. H. W. PICKERSGILL, R A 615 George Peabody, Esq. (The eminent American philanthropist) II. Graves, Esq. SIR MARTIN ARCHER SHEE, P.R.A. 616 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN Royal Academy P. WESTCOTT Sir Elkanah Armitage (Mayor of Manchester 1846-7, and 1847-8; High Sheriff of Lancashme 1866) E. Armitage, Esq. C. BURTON BARBER 618 ' A Mute Appeal Sir Richard Freake I J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 619 The Sol di Veneza (going to Sea) National Gallery 620 Going to the Ball, Venice James Price, Esq. 621 ’ Snowstorm (Steamboat off a Harbour Mouth making Signals) National Gallery 622 I Wreckers, Coast of Northumberland (Steamboat assisting Ship offshore) John Pender, Esq. 623 The Burial of Wilkie National Gallery “ The midnight torch gleamed o’er the steamer’a side. And Merit’s corse was yielded to the tide.” Rosenau Gemge Holt, Esq. ! \ 1 r $ 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 C. R. LESLIE, R.A. Scene from Roderick Random William Afjneu\ Esq. “ At length the important hour arrived, and the will wa.s produced in the midst of the expectants, who formed a group whose looks and gestures would have been very entertaining to an unconcerned spectator. Eut the reader can scarce conceive the astonishment that appeared when an attorney pronounced aloud the young squire sole heir of all his grand- father’s estate, personal and real. My uncle, who had listened with great attention, sucking the head of his cudgel all the while, accompanied these words of the attorney with a stare and a ‘Whew’ that alarmed the whole assembly. The eldest and pertest of my female competitors, who had always been very officious about my grandfather’s person, inquired with a faltering accent, and visage as yellow as an orange, ‘If there were no legacies,’ and was answered, ‘None at all!’ upon which she fainted away. Tlie rest, whose expectations (perhaps) were not so sanguine, supported their disappointment with more resolution, though not wdthout giving evident marks of indignation and grief, at least as genuine as that which appeared in them at the old gentleman’s death. My conductor, after having kicked with his heel for some time against the wainscot, began — ‘ So there is no legacy, friend. Ha ! Here’s an old succubus. But somebody’s soul howls for it, d n me.’ ” — Chap. iv. SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A. Odin (a celebrated blood-hound) Daniel TJmaites, Esq. Lady Godiva’s Prayer H. W. Eaton., Esq., M.F. “Leofric, Earl of Murcia, had imposed such heavy taxes on the citizens of Coventry, that his lady, Godiva, moved by their entreaties, so much importuned her lord to remit them, that he consented on condition she would ride naked through the city at mid-day. This condition ‘humanity ’ induced her to accept.” The Sick Monkey Earl of Northbrook Old Pensioners . — Colonel Hargreaves On Trust (Portrait of H.R.H. Princess Mary of Cambridge, at the age of six) ....H. W. Eaton, Esq. Spearing the Otter Ang%is Holden, Esq. An Event in the Forest John Fender, Esq. Lady Emily Peel and her Favourite Dogs H. Graves, Esq. Scene from Midsummer Night’s Dream (Titania and Bottom ] Fairies attending, Peablossom, Cobweb, Mustardseed, Moth, &c.) W. C. Quilter, Esq., M.F. “If we shadows have offended, Thmk but this (and all is mended) That you have but slumbered here. While these visions did appear; And this weak and idle theme No more yielding, but a dream. Gentles, do not reprehend; If you pardon we will mend. And, as I am an honest Puck, If we have unearned luck Now to scape the serpent’s tongue. We will make amends ere long. Else the Puck a liar call. So good night unto you all. Give me your hand if we be friends. And Robin shall restore amends.” — Epilogue. 304 GALLERY No. 7. SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, 'R.K.-coniinucd. Children of the Mist Jesse Haworth^ Esq. An Incident in Deer-stalking George Holt^ Esq. The Lost Sheep John Fender^ Esq. Portrait of Mr. Van Amburgh (as he appeared with his animals at the London Theatres). Painted for Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington Duke of Wellington Well-bred Sitters, who never say they’re bored Daniel Thwaites^ Esq. Uncle Tom and his Wife for Sale J. C. Harter^ Esq. WILLIAM BRADLEY 642 Charles Swain (Author and Poet) R. Leake^ Esq., M.F. j C. A. DUVAL 643 John Kennedy, Esq., of x^rdwick Hall J. L. Kennedy, Esq. JOHN LINNELL j Rt. Hon. Francis J. Baring, M.P. (First Lord Northbrook; Born 1793 ; Died 1866) Earl of Northbrook CHARLES LANDSEER, R A. The Merry Monks of Melrose G. R. Clayton, Esq. SIR FRANCIS GRANT, P.RA. Portrait of Himself Col. Grant I GALLERY No. 8 G. P. CHALMERS, R S A. The End of the Harvest J. Forbes While^ Esq., LL.D. SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A. The Tomb of Cicero, Mola di Gaeta Mrs. Dyson Perrins Amalfi, South Italy David Ainsworth, Esq. An English Landscape (Cattle by Landseer) David Jardlne, Esq. HENRY DAWSON The Vale of the Lune Daniel Tliwaites, Esq. E. W. COOKE, R.A. The Church at Venice (called Santa Maria della Salute) 0. F. H. Bolckow, Esq. F. LEE-BRIDELL Lake Como E. R. Platt, Esq. W. COLLINS. R A Mendicants at the Gate of a Franciscan Monastery. . . George Holt, Esq. RICHARD DADD Midsummer Night’s Dream Thomas Ashton, Esq. GEORGE MASON, AR.A. A Pastoral Symphony Lord Wantage Unwilling Playmates Godfrey Wedgwood, Esq. The Gander WiUiam Coltart, Esq. The Harvest Moon A. Henderson, Esq. Evening Humphrey Roberts, Esq, Near Matlock : Eventime Duke of Westminster Young Anglers William Agnew, Esq. Wind on the Wold Sir F. Leighton, Bart. JOHN LINNELL A Coming Storm Humphrey Roberts, Esq, Lytham Sandhills Airs. Thomas Agnew H. O’NEIL, AR.A. JAMES HOLLAND Venice Mrs. Dyson Perrin. T. WEBSTER. R A. Summer John Knowles , Esq. Spring ‘ F. W. GraJton^ Esq. The Dame’8 School Ear! of Northbrook “In every village marked with little sjiire, Embowered with trees, and hardly known to fame, There dwells in lowly shed and mean attire, A matron old, whom we schoolmistress name.” — Sheyistone. P. F. POOLE, RA. The Escape of Glaucus and Ione, with the Blind Girl Nydia, from Bom PEI I Wi/Nayn Wa WILLIAM ETTY, R A. Portrait of Himself City of Manchester JOHN LINNELL Landscape II. Crabtree, Esq W. PARTRIDGE, AR-A. Viscount Melbourne (Prime Minister) D. MACLTSE. R.A. Edward Lytton Bulwer (First Earl of Lyttoii).. Lord Mount Temple Danish Craft on the Elbe Mrs. Thomas Agmw CECIL LAWSON Cynl Flower, Esq., M.P. Strayed HENRY DAWSON The Pool Below London Bridge ATew on the Thames, Looking Towards St. ILaul’s James Orrock, Esq. ri. T. Ilollingsworth, Esq. James Orrock, Esq. 1'iiE Wayfarers The Plough The Harbour of Refuge The Old Gate The Peaceful Thames .. The Lost Path William Agnew, Esq. The Count de Bayona William Agnew, Esq. A. E. Street, Esq. W?- Charles Tennant, Bart. If. F. Makins, Esty Dutch Boats, Storm coming on A^enice . .. N. Eckei'sley, Esq. C. C. Dewhurst, Esq. GALLERY No. 8. 307 ROBERT TONGE 689 The Shore at Hovlake W. Coltart^ En((. F. LEE-BRIDELL 690 Returning FROM THE AVeddixg, Upper Austria E. Naylor^ E^. JOHN LINNELL Hillside Farm Daniel Thwaitei A. JOHNSTON Family Prayer adauj 740 :>') '.ji / -rl I DO 77(3 64 GALLKliY No. 9. 311 E. Vv7. COOKE, R.A. ScHEVEXiNGEN Beacii ,...A. Atkiiison, Enq, C. STANFIELD, R.A. Capture of Smuggled Goods Adam DiKjdale, E.i. The Smile JJaniel Thivaites^ Esq. Beaming Eyes JAMES HOLLAND The Barbarigu Bajace S. a. Holland^ Es[e (after Landseer) Charles S. Agnew., Esq. C. G. LEWIS, 1847 The Otter Hunt (after Landseer) J. Fernyhough^ Esq. Shoeing (after Landseer) T. Biddnlph, Esg. J. R. JACKSON Otter and Salmon (after Landseer) C. J. Waddell, Esq. C. G. LEWIS A Random Shot (after Landseer) Charles S. Agnew, Esq. Sanctuary (after Landseer) Charles B. Agnew, Esq. A Cover Hack (after Landseer) II. Galloway, E 7. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. J. W. WHITTAKER Capel Curig, Storm Coming on SIR JOHN GILBERT, R.A Scene from Don Quixote GALLERY No- 11 Cornfield J. A. Rail ton, Esq. Return from the Ride W. WYLD Milan Cathedral J. C. Harter, Esq. SIR F. W. BURTON The Squire John Pender, Esq. F. DILLON, R.I. Island of Philoe from the North The Artist. W. COLLINGWOOD The Corner Glacier COPLEY FIELDING Cader Idris N. Eckersley, Esq. C. EARLE, R.I. Fountains in the Villa Borghese, Rome Mrs. Tniminger H. MOXON COOK Snow-covered Heights of Arran T. R. LAMONT Glasgerion E. LUNDGREN In the Cloisters at Seville WARD KEYS The Artist Bolton Abbey DAVID COX Abel Buckley, Esq. Calais Pier S. J. HODSON Mrs. Williams La Place, Abbeville J. W. WHITTAKER IN A Snowstorm W. Barlow, Esq. F. POWELL, R.W.S. Loch Coruisk, Isle of Skye Mrs. Corbett A. C. GOW, A.R.A, The Requisitionists, IF Cutlibert Quilter, Esq., M.P An Italian Girl LOUIS HAGHE Interior of Cathedral, Sienna J. Macandrew, Esq. § £ 979 , 980 I 981 : 982 983 984 985 ! 986 ! 987 ! 988 989 , I 990 ' I 991 i I 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 SUTTON PALMER Willows : A Study near Arundel J. Macandrew^ Esq. : VICAT COLE, R.A, Harvest Scene John Lomax^ Esq. = ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. THOMAS LANDSEER, A.R.A. Braemar (after Landseer) James Lowe^ Esq' Morning (after Landseer) J. Fernyhough, Esq. The Deer Pass (after Landseer) Emil Reiss^ Esq. Monarch of the Glen (after Landseer) Emil Reiss^ Esq. The Horse Fair (after Rosa Bonheiir) Mark Price^ Esq. Laying Down the Law (after Landseer) F. II. Oldham., Esq. Drive of Deer (after Landseer) Duncan Matheson, Esq. A Deer Family (after Landseer) J. E. Buckley, Esq. Night (after Landseer) J. Fernyhough, Esq. Stag at Bay (after Landseer) E. Ilulton, Esq. Dignity and Impudence (after Landseer) Harold Lee, Esq. JOHN OUTRIM Mountain Top (after Landseer) S. Baerlein, Esq. H. HERKQMER, A.R.A. “Caller Herrin” (after Millais) W. B. Harrison, Esq. C. W. WASS Waiting for the Countess (after Landseer) ... C. Norland Agnew, Esq. CHARLES MOTTRAM Uncle Tom and HIS Wife FOR Sale (after Landseer) G. F. Williams, Esq. T. OLDHAM BARLOW, R.A. La Gloria, a The Bride of Lammermoor Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone (after Millais) . W. HENDERSON Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain (after Holl) , The Artist . I he Artist , The Artist s , The Artist The Artist The Artist u The Artist I The Artist Iluish, Esq. 1 i GALLERY No. 11 H. HERKOMER, A.R.A. The Earl of Beaconsfield (after Millais) J. W. Jlaclure, Esq., M. /*. THOMAS LANDSEER, A.R.A. Doubtful Crumbs (after Landseer) S. Baerlein, Esq. SAMUEL COUSINS, R.A. “Saved” (after Landseer) ‘ II. G. Crews, Esq. Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. in the Prison of the Temple (after E. M. Ward) II. G. Crews, Esq. The Surprise (after DiibufFe) iJr. Lionel Roberts The Strawberry Girl (after Reynolds) Dr. Lloyd Roberts Samuel Cousins, Esq., R.A. (after Long) F. E. Power, Esq. Lady Spencer and Child (after Reynolds) P. E. Power, Esq. Connoisseurs (after Landseer) II. G. Crews, Esq. X6 ! (after Millais) II. Ilesketh, Esq. Her Majesty the Queen (after Dickenson) P. E. Power, Esq. New-laid Eggs (after Millais) II. Ilesheth, Esq. H.R.H. THE Prince of Wales as a Sailor Boy (after Winterhalter) P. E. Power, Esq' H.R.H. THE Princess of Wales P. E. Power, Esq. Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria Receiving the Sacrament at her Coronation (after C. R. Leslie) Henry Graves, Esq. Midsummer Night’s Dream (after Landseer) Mark Price, Esq. Bolton Abbey in the Olden Time (after Landseer)... II. G. Crews, Esq. Children of the Abercorn Family (after Landseer) P. E. Power, Esq. Mrs. Braddyll (after Rejniolds) P. E. Power, Esq. Yes or No % (after Millais) II. Ilesketh, Esq. The Maid and the Magpie (after Landseer) John Benton, Esq. Moretta, a Venetian Girl (after Leighton) James Lowe, Esq. Miss Penelope Boothby, “The Mob Cap” (after Reynolds) Thomas Frost, Esq. Hon. Anne Bingham (after Reynolds) P. L. Power, Esq. Simplicity (after Reynolds) P. E Power, Esq. F. C. LEWIS H.R.H. The Prince Consort (after Winterhalter)... Graves, Esq. Her Majesty the Queen (after Winterhalter) Henry Graves, Esq. GEORGE ZOBEL liiTTLE SwANSDOWN (after Storey) S. Baerleln, Esq. Sweet Margery (after Storey) S. Baerlein, Esq. GALLERY No. 11. 329 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1050 W. H. SIMMONS The Sick Monkey (after Landseer) N. Baerlein^ Esq. JAMES STEPHENSON Ophelia (after Millais) Henry Graves^ Esq. Taming the Shrew (after Landseer) Henry Graves^ Esq- T. L. ATKINSON Wellington Re-Visiting the Field of Waterloo (after Landseer) Henry Graves, Esq. Peace (after Landseer) II. G. Crews, Esq. War (after Landseer) II. G. Crews, Esq. F. STACPOOLE, A.R.A. The Roll Call (after Miss E. Thompson) M. B. Huish, Es<[. Circe and the Companions of Ulysses (after Riviere) George W. Agneiv, Esq. Sympathy (after Riviere) F. Ilepivorth, Esq. School Revisited (after Leslie) George W. Agneiv, Esq. Playfellows (after Riviere) Henry Deivhurst, Esq. Persepolis, the Ancient Capital of Persia... George IF. Agnew, Esq. “ They say the lion and the lizard keep The halls where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep.” A Pot-pourri : Rose Leaves and Lavender (after Leslie) C. Morland Agnew, Esq. Charity (after Riviere) 0. E. Heys, Esq. T. L. ATKINSON Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (after Riviere) T. Woodcocl', Esq. W. H. SIMMONS The Lion at Home (after Rosa Bonhenr) J. Fernyhougk, Esq. J. B. PRATT Puss IN Boots (after Paten) James Ashcroft, Esq. CHARLES MOTTRAM The Scapegoat (after Holman Hunt) W. II. Doeg, Esq. G. T. DOO, R.A. The Raising of Lazarus Henry Graves, Esq. R. WALLIS Approach to Venice (after Turner) W. Hinmers, Esq. J. T. WILLMORE, A.RA. Harvest in the Highlands (after Landseer) Joseph Diigdale, Esq. n 71 GALLERY No. 11 ROBERT BRANDARD Crossing the Brook (after Turner) Edwin Hilton^ Esq. T. A. PRIOR Zurich (after Turner) Henry Gravesy Esq. J. T. WILLMORE, A.R.A. Mercury and Argus (after Turner) F. J. Simpson, Esq. JOHN PYE Ehrenbreitstein (after Turner) Joseph Hugdale, Esq. WILLIAM MILLER The Grand Canal, Venice (after Turner) Joseph Dugdale, Esq. ROBERT GRAVES. A.R.A. La Vierge au Rosaire (after Murillo) H. G. Crews, Esq. W. R. SMITH Dido and J^Ineas on the Morning of the Chase (after Turner) George W. Agneiv, Esq. J. T. WILLMORE, A.R.A. The Chief’s Return from Deer Stalking (after Landseer) Joseph Dugdale, Esq. DAVID LUCAS The Cornfield (after Constable) Charles S. Agnew, Esq. Salisbury Cathedral (after Constable) Charles S. Agnew, Esq. The Lock (after Constable) Charles S. Agnew, Esq. Dedham Vale (after Constable) Thomas Frost, Esq. THOMAS LANDSEER, A.R.A. Highland Nurses (after Landseer) John Lilly, Esq. J. COUSEN Mercury and Herse (after Turner) George W. Agnew, Esq J. T. WILLMORE. A.R.A. The Old Temeraire being Towed to her Last Berth (after Turner) F. J. Simpson, Esq. Oberwesel on the Rhine (after Turner) Edward Cross, Esq. ROBERT WALLIS Lake Nemi (after Turner) Edward Cross, Esq. Lake Lucerne (after Turner) Henry Graves, Esq. EDWARD GOODALL Cologne (after Turner) Joseph, Dugdale Esq. Caligula’s Bridge (after Turner) George W Agnew, Esq. f i V i ] I 1 I GALLERY No. 11 G. HOLLIS St. Mark’s Place, Venice (after Turnei) George W. Agnew^ Esg. DAVID LUCAS The Corsairs’ Island (after Harding) Thomas Frost, Esq. W. H. SIMMONS Rosalind and Celia (after Millais) Thomas Iline, Esq. Towing the Victory into Gibraltar (after Stanfield) .Joseph Dugdale, Esq. J. T. WILLMORB, ARA. Ancient Italy (after Turner) F. ,1. Simpson, J]sq. W. MILLER Modern Italy (after Turner) F. J. Simpson, Esq. W. J. DAVEY The Last Sleep of Argyle (after Ward) Thomas Aitken, Esq THOMAS LANDSEER, A.R.A. Chevy (after Landseer) S. Baerlein, Esq. R. W. MACBETH, A.R.A. The Harbour of Refuge (after Fred Walker)... Joseph Ormerod, Esq. Bacchus and Ariadne (after Titian) The Artist. The Harvest Moon (after Mason) John Lawson, Esq. J. L. ATKINSON Stella (after Millais) S. Titmas, Esq. Vanessa (after Millais) S. Titmas, Esq. BELLIN David Cox (after Watson Gordon) Peter Allen, Esq. G. H. EVERY For the Squire (after Millais) J. J. Bolton, Esq. A Little Duchess (after Millais) J. J. Bolton, Esq. H. HERKOMER, A.R.A. Grandfather’s Pet G. J. Waddell, Esq. J. D. MILLER A Milkmaid (after Mason) 0. E. Ileys, Esq. R. W. MACBETH, A.R.A. The Fishmonger’s Shop (after Fred. Walker) II. Massey, Esq. LUMB STOCKS, R.A. A Sister’s Kiss (after Leighton) Joseph Ormerod, Esq. P. SEYMOUR HADEN. Calais Pier (after Turner) The Artist 332 GALLEKY No. 11. R. W. MACBETH. A.R.A. 1094: The Plough (after Fred. Walker) George W. Agn'v.\ Esq. 1095 Mushroom Gatherers (after Fred. Walker) ... George W. Agnew, Esq. 1096 Marlow Ferry (after Fred. Walker) IF. //. Doeg^ Esq. 1097 A Pastoral Symphony (after Mason) John Laivson, Esq I W. J. DAVEY 1098 ; Execution of Montrose (after Ward) Thomas Aitken, Esq. I THOMAS LANDSEER. A.R.A. 1099 Ptarmigan Hill (after Landseer) S Baerlein^ Esq. I DAVID LAW 1100 ' The Windmill (after Linnell) J. J. Bolton, Esq. I WILFRID BALL 1101 Stratford-on-Avon Church (Original Etching.) J. J. Bolton, Esq. C. W. CAMPBELL 1102 G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. (after Watts — Mezzotint) The Artist JOSEPH KNIGHT 1103 Landscape — Cornfield (Mezzotint) The Artist GERALD ROBINSON 1104 Le Chapeau Noir (after Reynolds) George IV. Agnew, Esq. DAVID LAW X105 Rydal Water (Original Etching) G. F. Williams, Esq. L. J, STEELE XiQg The Poacher (after Riviere) Walter Adams Esq. DAVID LUCAS 1107 A Devonshire River (after Lee) Thomas Frost, Esq. ROBERT GRAVES, A.R.A. llQg Mrs. Graham (after Gainsborough) Thomas Frost, Esq. THOMAS LANDSEER, A.R.A. 1109 Man Proposes, God Disposes (after Landseer) ... J. E. Buckley, Esq. JOSEPH KNIGHT 1110 Mouth OF THE Conway (Original Mezzotint) The Artist DAVID LAW nil Rydal Mount (Original Etching) G. F. Williams, Esq. JOSEPH KNIGHT 1112 Ci/)UDED Heaven (Original Mezzotint) The Artist DAVID LAW 1113 Windsor Castle (Original Etching) henry Thornber, Esq. GALLERY No. 11 F. SLOCOMBE Stoke Pogis Church (Original Etching) G. H. Esq. DAVID LAW. Tintern Abbey (Original Etching) Walter Frost, Esq. F. SLOCOMBE Little Stanmore Church (Original Etching) ... R. Montgomery, Esq. CHARLES TURNER Age of Innocence (after Reynolds) Thos. Frost, E^q. W. FINDEN The Naughty Boy (after Landseer) James Ashcroft, Esq. J. H. ROBINSON Red Riding Hood (after Landseer) James Ashcroft, Esq. L. J. STEELE His Only Friend (after Riviere) George W. Agnew, Esq. J. J. CHANT. Remnant of an Army (after E. Butler) J/. B. Huish, Esq. G. H. EVERY Viola (after Leighton) H. G. Creivs, Esq. DAVID LAW Hereford (Original Etching) Walter Frost, Esq. SAMUEL COUSINS, R.A. The Dauphin (after Greuze) II. Thornher, Esq. WILLIAM HOLL Merrymaking in the Olden Time (after Frith) Joseph Dugdale, Esq. G. T. DOO, R.A. Mercy Interceding for the Vanquished (after Etty)... Mrs. Agneiv F. SLOCOMBE Farm in the New Forest (Original Etching)... James Ashcroft, Esq. DAVID LAW Windermere (Original Etching) G. F. Williams, Esq. Grasmere (Original Etching) G. F. Williams, Esq. F. STACPOOLE, A.R.A. Envy, Hatred, and Malice (after Riviere) Henry Kershaw, Esq. FRANCIS HOLL Coming of Age in the Olden Time (after Frith) Joseph Dugdale, Esq. GALLERY No. 11, A. H. HAIG [Original Etchings.] Mont St. Michel, Normandy Cathedral of St. George, Limburg on the Laiin The Vesper Bell A Quiet Hour Chartres Cathedral, North Porch Morning of the Festival Chartres Cathedral II . G. Crews^ Esq. R. Dunthorney Esq. II. G. Crews., Esq. II. G. Crews, Esq. II. G. Crews, Esq. II. G. Crews, Esq. II. G. Crews, Esq. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, C. DAVIDSON The First Shower of the Season The Artist COPLEY FIELDING Bridlington Pier W. II. Houldsworth, Esq., M.P. J. S. COTMAN Entrance to the Tagus Peter Allen, Esq. W. W. DEANE Riva DEI ScHiAVONi, VENICE Mrs. Dearie. S. PROUT Church of St. Pierre, Caen John Platt, Esq. P. F. POOLE, R.A. Maternal Embrace Abraham Haworth, Esq. G. SHEFFIELD Near Douglas, Isle of Man The Artist J. D. HARDING Near the Lake of Thun David Jardine, Esq. COPLEY FIELDING Glen Falloch, Argyleshire Peter Allen, Esq. W. NESFIELD The Giant’s Causeway Henry Pritt, Esq. JAMES HOLLAND Venice Rev. C. J. Sale F. W TOPHAM. Homewards F. Craven, Esq. F. TAYLER, R.W.S. Highland Drovers J. Broughton Dugdale, Esq. DAVID COX. The Portrait Gallery, Hardwicke Hall Duke of Devonshire 1153 ! i 1154 j I 1155 I 1156 1157 1158 1159 I 1160 ! ! 1161 ^ 1162 1163 1164 1165 GALLERY No. 11. 335 A. E. CHALON, R.A. Her Majesty’s First Drawing Room F. Bradley, Es^i. DAVID COX. Taking the Left Road Peter Allen, Esq. S. PROUT Beauvais Cathedral G. F. H. Bolckow, Esq. COPLEY FIELDING Fairlight Downs, Looking towards Dungeness ... Peter Allen, Esq. D. G. ROSSETTI Ricordati di me Thos. War die, Esq. P. W. TOPHAM The Letter Writer P. M. Knowles, Esq. G. CATTERMOLE Service in the Baron’s Chapel J. Orrock, Esq. F. TAYLER, R.W.S. The Ferry W. Gilbey, Esq. S. PROUT Hotel de Ville, St. Quentin, France ... II. Tootal-Broadhurst, Esq. COPLEY FIELDING The White Cliffs of Albion E. Atkinson, Esq. DAVID COX The Rainbow J. Gillott, Esq. Meeting of the Llugwy and the Conway... Rev. T. W. Jex-Blake, E. D. COPLEY FIELDING Bow Hill Downs Abel Buckley, Esq. E. LUNDGREN The Sultana W. Walton, Esq. Commissioner Yeh Trustees of the late E. Ilermon LOUIS HAGHE The Sebreel, or Holy Well at Cairo ... J. Broughton Dugdale, Esq, SAMUEL PALMER Calypso’s Island Jesse Haworth, Esq. W. W. DEANE Jedburgh Mrs. Deane COPLEY FIELDING Lancaster Abraham Haworth, Esq. F. W. TOPHAM Loitering F. Craven, Esq, T. DANBY Sir Calidore Rev. C. J, Sale n i ’i w !h '1 ! : 336 m •ivfr wirrrn^" -mr#- GALLERY No. 11. 1174 COPLEY FIELDING Rough AA'ater . G. W. Moss^ Esq. 1 DAVID COX 1175 The Retreat of Claveriiouse . ... F. Craven.^ Esq. 1176 S. PROUT Temple of the Sibyl ... John Platt, Esq. SCREEN. 1177 F. TAYLER, R.W.S. Woodland Hunting W. Gilbey, Esq. 1178 DAVID COX Sketch in Carnarvonshire .... Peter xillen. Esq. S. J. HODSON 1179 Palace of the Doge (Venice) F. Green, Esq. 1180 ' T. S. COOPER, R.A. Mountain Sheep .. John Jjomajc, Esq. 1181 SIR J. D. LINTON, P.R.I. Alice Lee . C. J. S. Lock, Esq. 1182 i W. CALLOW Street Scene, Chester Rev. C. J. Sale i 1 S. J. HODSON 1183 Fruit Market, Nuremberg 1 W. EYRE WALKER 1184 Autumn in Sherwood Forest E. Harris, Esq. 1185 SIR J. D. LINTON, P.R.I. Gil Blas . (j . J aS. Lock, Esq. 1186 T. S. COOPER, R.A. ^ 1 Winter Theuiis Johnson^ Es

G. CROZIER Gleam Through the Mist TT^. E. Houghton^ Esr^ T. M. RICHARDSON, R.W.S. Val di Noto, near Scordia, Sicily R. P. Harding^ Esg. C. GREEN, R.I. Bartholomew Fair IV. Carver, Esq. W. HOLMAN HUNT Jerusalem during Bamazan Jesse Haworth, Esg. A. W. HUNT, R.W.S. Durham IlumqJirey Roberts Esq. J. PARKER Little Nell and her Grandfather Joseph Moseley, Esq. BASIL BRADLEY, R.W.S. Motherless ... G. Boulton, Esq. G. CLAUSEN Hedgers B. J. Ward, Esq. F. POWELL, R.W.S. Loch Duich F. Craven, Esq. J. ORROCK, R.I. Dandie Dinmont’s Waste, near Bowcastle W. B. Hobson, E.9q. H. MOORE, A.R.A. Herring Boats, Loch Fyne T. R. WilHnso7i, Esq. KEELEY HALSWELLE, A.R.S.A. South Coast He^iry Whitehead, Esq. JOSEPH KNIGHT, R.I. The Last of the Light 7?. Curtis. Esq. R. CALDECOTT W. Lockett Agnew, Esq. 342 GALLERY No. 12. J. H. D’EGVILLB 1284 Neau Venice Sir Prescott Hewitt^ Bart. G. A. FRIPP, R.W.S. 1285 Axgera from the Heights above Arona . E. A thinsor, Esq. J. W. NORTH, R.W.S. 1286 Acorn Gatherers E. Naylor^ Esq. T. W. WILSON, R.I. 1287 Departure of the Coldstream Guards for the Soudan 1 II The Artist - P. M03CHELLES 1288 The Pretty Toy of the East CARL HAAG, R.W.S. 1289 The Roman Eorum G. ir. Esq. 1290 The Sphynx of Giza (A Caravan of Bedouins encamping against an approaching Sandstorm) SIR F. W. BURTON. 1291 Helen Faucit (In the play of Antigone ”) Miss Margaret Stohes H. HERKOMEB, A.R.A. 1292 Portrait of John Rl’skin, Esq., LL.D KEELEY HALSWELLE, A.R.S.A. 1 1 1293 On the Thames (A Summer’s Day) .. II. II. Bolton, Esq- 1 1 ' BIRKET FOSTER. R.W.S. 1 1 1294 A Country Lane ... ... John Pender, Esq. 1 H T. M. RICHARDSON, R.W.S. 1 1 1295 Lake Como Charles Langton, Esq. 1 1 BIRKET FOSTER, R.W.S. 1 1 1296 Warksburn, Northumberland Abraham Haivorth, Esq. 1 1 ' CARL HAAG, R.W.S. 1297 The Remains of the Temples of Baalbec Mrs. Platt C. EARLE, R.I. i 1298 Ferry on the Wensum The Artist i j CLARA MONTALBA 1299 Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice E. BURNE JONES, A.R.A. 1 1 1300 The Annunciation ]V. Coltart, Esq. 1301 Green Summer 1302 The Hesperides F. Craven, Esq. 1303 Love Amongst the Ruins E. Craven, EJsq. BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. 1304 Daniel in the Lions’ Den Ed. Ci'oss, Esq. ll‘-rT — — ■! i GALLERY No. 12. 343 1 F. MADOX BROWN 1305 The Dream of Sardanapalus E. Craven, Esq. MARK FISHER, R.I. 1306 Cows NEAR THE FARMSTEAD Henry Whitehead^ Esq, 1 R. ANDERSON, A.R.S.A. 1307 Hauling the Line James Ashcroft, Esq. P. H. CALDERON, R.A. 1308 Juliet Waiting for the Nurse Edward Broadhurst^ Esq.\ W. DUNCAN 1309 Love, Scandal, and Politics R. S. Wyndham I BIRKET FOSTER, R.W.S. 1310 Flom^er Market at Toulon ....II. P. Gilhey, Esq. J. D. WATSON, R.W.S. 1311 1 A Wee Drop too Much .Joseqlh Moseley, Esq. A. H. MARSH 1312 Blow! Blow! Thou Wintry Wind J. Galloivay, jun.^ Esq.\ H. S. MARKS, R.A. 1313 Thoughts of Christmas Andrew Knowles^ jun.^ Esq.\ A. D. FRIPP, R.W.S. 1314 The Fisherman’s Home G. Philiq), Esq j T. M. RICHARDSON, R.W.S. I 1315 Rumbling Bridge, Perthshire 1316 C. GREEN, R.I. ' A Country Circus A. W. HUNT, R.W.S. 1317 SciiLOss Eltz, Germany G. W. Moss, Esq. SIR F. W. BURTON 1318 Peasants of Upper Franconia Waiting for Confession Edxmrd ScJmncl-, Esq., F.A.nJ CLARA MONTALBA. 1319 : A Sirocco Day, Venice 1320 T. COLLIER, R.I. A Summer Sea 1321 G. A. FRIPP, R.W.S. Glen Rosa, Arran 1322 F. MADOX BROWN The Entombment K ..II. Poddington, Esq f 344 GALLERY No. 12. 1 1 SIR J. D. LINTON, P.R.I. i 1323 The Admonition J. Galloivat/, Jun., E>q. 1 |l| 1 1324 ^ Off Guard C. J. Galloway, Esq. i C. POTTER 1325 : The Street of Tombs, Pompeii ,.li. Collin ge, Esq. I T. COLLIER, R.I. 1326 The New Forest from Lymington ....J. Or rod', Esq. 1 SIR J. D, LINTON, P.R.I. 1327 ; The Cardinal Minister J. Galloway^ jun.^ Esq. 1 1 W. J. SLATER 1328 A Pathway near Arundel 1 C. GREEN, R.I. 1329 i Oranges, Apples, Bills of the Play J. Galloivay^ jun.^ Esq. 1 || i H. G. HINE, R.I. 1 1330 . The Downs at Lewes ....J. Orroclc, Esq. || WYKE BAYLISS 1 1331 1 Interior of Westminster Abbey The Corporation of Nottingham 1 || ! J. AUMONIEB, R.I. 1332 South Hastings E. J. GREGORY, A.R.A. 1333 I Last Touches C. J. Galloway, Esq. 1 1 j A. WATERHOUSE, R.A. 1334 1 1 Cathedral of Chartres i C. WERNER 1335 Temple of Philce G. W. Moss, Esq. A. D. PRIPP, R.W.S. 1336 The Stair Hall .. G. Philip, Esq. W. WYLD 1337 Vt^vtor , Mrs. Platt G. A. FRIPP, R.W.S. 1338 Nant Fran con. North Wales .G. ir. Esq. A. C. GOW, A.R.A. 1339 Coaching in the Olden Times E. L. Chance, Esq. 1 1 A. D. FRIPP, R.W.S. r 2 1340 The Barley Field ... G. Philip, Esq. S P. TAYLER, R.W.S. 5 ■ 1341 Returning from the Hunt .. W. Gilley ! R. ANDERSON, A.R.S.A. 1342 Waiting for a Nibble J. A. Beith, Esq. 1 I 1 GALLERY No. 12. The Hospice, Pass of the Simplon R. r. Harding^ Esq. SIR J. D. LINTON. P.R.I. J. Orroch, Esq. Priscilla, GEORGE DU MAURIER Time’s Revenge The Artist Summer E. Atlcinson, Esq. E. BURNE JONES, A.R.A. Cupid and Psyche F. MADOX BROWN Elijah and The Widow’s Son F. Craven^ Esq Naworth Castle, Cumberland R. THORNEWAITE, R.W.S, The Half-way House J. Edward Reiss^ Esq. Henry Whitehead^ Esq. Falstaff SIMEON SOLOMON A Lady in a Chinese Dress W. Coltart, Esq. H. Tootal-Broadhurst^ Esq. The Two Foscari T. M. RICHARDSON Abraham Haworth, Esq. Portree, Isle of Skye, The Standard Bearer C. J. Galloway, Esq Mrs. Hugh Mason A Carmelite Monk A. W. HUNT, R.W.S. The Rainbow F. Craven, Esq. Loch Scavaig, Isle of Skye The Gamekeeper’s Daughter CxALLERY No. 12. T. M. RICHARDSON, R.W.S. The Via Mala, Grisoxs, Switzerland F. D. Brocldehirst^ Esq. R. THORNEWAITE, R.W.S. Oatfield, Hamfshire The Artisi Bringing Down the Kye AVeighing the Deer Hawking . y. Echersley, Esq. G. W. Moss, Esq. F. Craven, Esq. GUIDO R. Alms Day at the Ara Cceli, Ro^ie C>qdain Meehing H. CLARENCE WHAITE, R.W.S, The Legendary Castle of Arran Snow in Harvest C. W. LANGLEY, R.I, Waiting for the Boats IV. II. Michael, Esq., Q.C. Sisterly Help C. B. PHILLIP Ben Cruachan, Argyleshire G. M. Burnett, Esq. J. R. HERBERT, R.A. Doge Dandelo If. Tootal-Broadhurst, Esq. SIMEON SOLOMON The Sleepers and the One that Waketit E. Craven, Esq. P. DICKSEE, A.R.A. Constance and Salisbury If'; ^S'. Hastings, Esq^ Othello and Desdemona IF. S. Hastings, Esq. SIR J. GILBERT, R.A.’ Scene from Catherine and Petructiio E. Peacoch, Esq., J/.P E. A. GOODALL, R.W.S. A Street in Cairo, near the Coppersmiths’ Bazaar. Mrs. Hugh Mason. A. W. HUNT, R.W.S. Tynemouth Pier Ilumjdireg Poherts, Esq. S. J. HODSON, R.W.S. A Boy’s Dream John Lomax, Esn. J. D. WATSON, R.W.S, An Ambuscade Henry Whitehead, Esq. GALLERY No. 12. Overtaken by the Tide W. BrocJibanJi, Esq. St. George C. J. Galloway., Esq. G. A. FRIPP, R.W.S. View from King’s House Looking Towards Glencoe Mrs. Potter HARRY HINE, R.I. Ely Cathedral Walter Harding^ Esq W. DUNCAN Le Jardin D’x^mour C. J. STANILAND, R.I. Priscilla J. Macandrew., Esq. II. M. MARSHALL, R.W.S. vHew on the Thames Sir Richard Webster, Q.G., M.P. J. ORROCK, R.I. Bird Oswald Valley with River Irthing TF. W. Lewis, Esq. Something Wrong Somewhere ir. II. HoMdsivorth, Esq., M.P. The Grandmother C. WERNER A Church in Florence North Sea Trawlers Solitude Holbrook Gaskell, Esq. The Palm Offering E. F. BREWTNALL, R.W.S. J. Galloway, Jan., Esq. Visit to the Witch R. REDFERN W. Redftrn, Esq. Summer Dame Durden T. COLLIER, R.I Arundel Park Mrs. Barton W. ARTINGSTALL H. CLARENCE WHAITE, R.W.S. The Castle Kock, Cumberland Corporation of Liverpool I i f. I i § 348 1400 1401 j i i 1402 I 1403 I I 1404 : 1405 I 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 GALLERY No. 12. SIR J. GILBERT, R.A. Falstaff G. W. Moss, Esq. W. D. BARKER A Flood The Artist SIR J. GILBERT, R.A. Richard II. Resigning the Crown IF. Can'er, Esq. Joan of Arc’s Entry into Orleans Ihtmphrei/ Eoherts, Esq. R. ANDERSON, A.R.S.A. Herring Fishing off the Forfarshire Coast W. R. Moss, Esq- A. D. FRIPP, R.W.S. Pompeii G. Philip, Esq. SIR J. GILBERT, R.A. Battle of Marston Moor Humphrey Roberts, Esq. W. MORTON Myerscough-le-Fylde (with the Bleasdale Hills) W. Rose, Esq- BASIL BRADLEY, R.W.S. Lost E. J. Long ton. Esq., M.D. W. EYRE WALKER The Edge of the Combe Miss Alice Cooper F. J. SHIELDS Solomon Eagle C. J. Pooley, Esq. H. MEASHAM A Welsh Farmstead Edward Evans, Esq. CARL HAAG, R.W.S. Temple of Fortlna James Jardine, Esq BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. Orpheus Playing to the Brutes Humphrey Roberts, Esq JOSEPH KNIGHT, R.I. The Shore near Harlech G. Bulloch, Esq. F. TAYLER, R.W.S Going to the Chase IF. Gilbey, Esq. BIRKET FOSTER, R.W.S. An Old Mill J. W. Ilaigh, Esq. SCREEN. G. A. FRIPP. R.W.S. Aberdeenshire Dee G. Moss^ Esq. F. GOODALL, R.A. Hagar and Isiimael Abraham Haworth, Esq. (GALLERY No. 12, The Coupee, Sark Mrs. Potter W. B. Marshall, Esq. The Pilgrimage HELEN ALLINGHAM The Pensioner’s Garden Charles Churchill, Esq E. BURNE JONES, A.R.A. Mrs. W. A. Turner Pyramus and Thisbe SIR J. E. MILLAIS, BART., R.A. The Black Brunswicker Jesse Haworth, Esq, The Convent Garden J)r. Orrock J. D. WATSON, R.W.S, Taking Home the Maypole Henry Whitehead, Esq. G. A. FRIPP, R.W.S. Sir Richard Webster, Q.C., M.l SoNNiNG Wood Orpheus Charming the Beasts Edward Broadhurst, Esq. J. W. WHYMPER, R.I, Coast Scene, Early Morning C. Combe, Esq. A. C. GOW, A.R.A. The Alchymist H. F. Makins, Esq. SIR F. W. BURTON. Shireen Abraham Haworth, Esq. J. A. CROZIER Feeding Turkeys W. H. Houghtori, Esq. SIR J. E. MILLAIS, BART., R.A, The Minuet Abraham Haworth, Esq. A Bit of Old Scarborough F, POWELL, R.W.S, Nearing Port W. Lockett Agnew, Esq, Florence — Cologne — V enice Giardini Publici, Venice The Honourable Sir Ford North H. G. HINE, R.I South Downs J, Orrock, Esq. GALLERY No. 12. H. S. MARKS, R.A. 1438 A Happy Family at the Zoo John Lomaxy Esq. F. J. SHIELDS Mrs. Botsford SIR J. D, LINTON, F.R.I. The Trumpeter C. J. S. Locky Esq. JAMES HARDY, R.I. Dead Game E. J. Longtony Esq.y M.D. A. GOODWIN, R,W.S. The Sole Survivor Humphrey RohertSy Esq. F. TAYLER, R.W.S. Highland Cattle W. Lockett Agnewy Esq. J, D. WATSON, R.W.S. Calves Er. Lloyd Roberts W. PILSBURY Long Grass and Wild Flowers E. Harrisy Esq. HELEN ALLINGHAM Nestlers IL G. Crewsy Esq. J. D. WATSON, R.W.S. The Rendezvous Dr. Lloyd Roberts BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. Com ALA F. W. Graftouy Esq. “ There Comala sits forlorn ! two grey dogs near Shake their rough ears, and catch the flying breeze. Her red cheek rests upon her arm ; The mountain wind is in her hair ; She turns her blue eyes towards the field of his promise ; Where art thou, 0 Fingal ? The night is gathering around.” Ossian (translated). R. B. WALLACE C. Rotvley, Esq. G. DU MAURIER 1439 The Bread Watcher i Mariana La Bangiolinata The Artist E. Harveyy Esq. JAMES T. LINNELL Abraham llaworthy Esq, A May Morning F. MADOX BROWN F. Gravelly Esq. Romeo and Juliet Jesse llaworthy Esq. Mr. Alderman King Children on the Sea Shore Cottage IN Surrey GALLERY No. 12. Dead Grouse E. J. Longton^ AVy., M.D SIR J. D. LINTON, P.R.I J. Or rode, E&‘q. ‘ WEIGHTMAN and HADFIELD d. 1820 Marie’s, Mulberry Street, Manchester C. Hadjield, Esq. GOLDSMITH and SON 1821 House at Bowdon 'The Architects. HADFIELD and SON 1822 Great Northern Hotel, Leeds C. Hadjield, Esq. SIR CHARLES BARRY, RA-, d. 1823 New Palace, Westminster (River Front) Ejcors. of the late E. M. Barry, Esq. REDFERN and SAWDAY 1824 Poor Law Qffices, Leicester The Architects HADFIELD and SON 1825 Convent Church, Sisters of Notke Dame C. Hadjield, Esq. i SIR M, DIGBY WYATT, d. . 1826 i’osT Office, Calcutta (Interior of Hall) Lady Wyatt 1827 Post Office, Calcutta (Exterior) Lady Wyatt SIR CHARLES BARRY, R.A., d. 1828 New Palace, Westminster (Land Front as designed. Approach to Westminster Bridge) C. Barry, Esq. GRAYSON and OULD Mersey Railway — Hamilton Square Station The Architects [ ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, SIR CHARLES BARRY, R.A., d. Halifax Town Hall Executors of the late E. M. Barry ^ Esq. New Palace, Westminster, New Palace Yard (as designed). C. Barry^ Esq. GRAYSON and OULD Bradfield Rectory, Reading The Architects Offices, Castle Street, Liverpool The Architects EDWARD WALTERS, d. Free Trade Hall, Manchester Messrs. Barker and Ellis Group of Manchester Warehouses Messrs. Barker and Ellis TRAVIS and MANGNALL, d. Watts’s Warehouse, Manchester ... Messrs. Mangnall dc Littlewoods GRAYSON and OULD WooLTON Church, Liverpool The Architects House at Chester The Architects Mersey Railway — James Street Station The Architects E. M. BARRY, R.A., d. Wykehurst, Sussex Exors. of late E. M. Barry ^ Esq. G. E. STREET, R.A., d. North-West Porch, Bristol Cathedral A. E. Street^ Esq. New Law Courts designed for the Thames Embankment A. E. Street^ Esq. W. H. THORP Quarrydene, Westwood, Leeds The Architect J. DOBSON, d Billiard Room, Beaufront Castle Miss Dobson E. M. BARRY. R A., d. City Terminus and Hotel, Cannon Street, London... C. Lucas, Esq. a P. HAYWARD Duke of Cornwall Hotel, Plymouth The Architect MANGNALL and LITTLBWOODS Fish Market Extension, Manchester The Architects ISAAC HOLDEN and SON Cathedral at Lille (design for) The Architects C. P. HAYWARD Thames Embankment Scheme The Architect WALTER MILLARD Cottages, Ardsley, Herts The Architect » 5 ^^ a^TKOTfl 370 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. J. W. and R. P. BEAUMONT Nutfield, Reigate, Surrey The Architects CHARLES HEATHCOTE Batus, Salford The Architect SPEAKMAN and CHARLESWORTH, d. Town Hall, Manchester (Competition Design) The Committee of the Clarendon Cluh C. P. HAYWARD Natural Science Schools, Harrow — Entrance The Architect Ditto ditto ditto Garden View ... The Architect CHARLES HEATHCOTE Commercial Union Insurance Offices The Architect P. C. EDWARDS CHkPEL, Poulton-le-Fylde Cemetery The Architect CHARLES BARRY Dulwich College Oreat Hall The Architect Ditto Exterior The Architect P. C. EDWARDS House at Knutsford The Architect J. NIXON HORSEPIBLD Claremont, Bournemouth llie Architect CHARLES BARRY Burlington House, Nem' ; Piccadilly The Architect Dulm’icii College (6 Sketches, Portions) The Architect GEORGE CORSON Foxhill Mansion, Leeds The Architect CHARLES BARRY . lloiTAL Exchange, London, Roof to Quadrangle The Architect GEORGE CORSON Board Schools, Pately Bridge The Architect CHARLES BARRY Clumber House, the Residence of the Duke of Newcastle (as restored) The Architect GEORGE CORSON AVarehouse, Bradford The Architect HORTON and BRIDGPORD Gothic Villa, Bowdon The Architects CHARLES BARRY Clumber House, the Great Hall The Architect sti ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 371 I DAVID BRANDON 1871 I Bayham Abbey, Sussex The Architect I MANGNALL and LITTLBWOODS 1872 Presbyterian Church, Salford The Architects I MBDLAND TAYLOR 1873 i St. John’s, Stand Lane The Architect I i MANGNALL and LITTLBWOODS 1874 ^ Penrith Church, Cumberland The Architects \ DAVID BRANDON 1875 SiDBURY Manor, Devon The Architect GBORGB CORSON C. F. HAYWARD 1877 ! CopsEHiLL, Gloucestershire The Architect ' G-EOEGB CORSON 1878 1 Grand Theatre, Leeds The Architect 1 BDWARD SALOMONS 1879 Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 (Picture Gallery) The Architect 1880 I Art Treasures Exhibition (Interior of Great Hall)... The Architect PISHBR and HBPPBR 1881 Ganton Hall The Architects i W. H. CROSSLAND 1882 ; Royal Holloway College, Egham, Water Tower The Architect 1883 ' Town Hall, Rochdale, Staircase The Architect ' HORTON and BRIDGFORD 39, Piccadilly, Manchester The Architects W. H. CROSSLAND Holloway San.atorium, Recreation Hall and Tower . . . The Architect 1886 i i'oAVN Hall, Rochdale The Architect OCTAVIUS HANSARD 1887 Garbridge, Appleby The Architect 1888 Marshall and Snelgrove’s Premises, Oxford Street, London, The Architect W. H. CROSSLAND Copley Church (Interior) The Architect FISHER and HBPPBR Ganton Hall The Architects J. OLDRED SCOTT Slough Church, Bucks (Interior) The Architect 1892 1893 1894 1895 1898 1899 1900 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. MEDLAND TAYLOR St. James’s, Buxton The Architect St. Luke’s, Halliwell The Architect J. OLDRID SCOTT Cathedral, Falkland Islands The Architect Lahore Cathedral The Architect GOLDIE, CHILD, and GOLDIE, Church of thr Sacked Heart, Hall Lane, Liverpool The Architects J. OLDRID SCOTT St. Augustine’s Church, Croydon The Architect GOLDIE, CHILD, and GOLDIE Church of St. James, Spanish Place, London The Architects St. James’s, Spanish Place (Interior) The Architects J. OLDRID SCOTT Church, West Ham, Essex The Architect GOLDIE, CHILD, and GOLDIE Church of St. Peter, Phibsborough, Dublin The Architects Residence, S.J., Farm Street, W The Architects HORTON and BRIDGFORD Baths, Southport I'he Architects GEORGE TRUEFITT St. George’s, Tufnell Park, Tower and Spire The Architect W. H. THORP St. James’s Hall, Leeds (New Wing) The Architect SMITH, WOODHOUSE, and WILLOUGHBY Houses, Heaton Chapel The Architects JOHN P. SEDDON Aberystwitii College before the Fire The Architect GEORGE TRUEFITT Brooks’s Bank, Manchester The Architect J. LANGHAM A Doctor’s House, Swhnton The Architect ARTHUR EDMUND STREET St. Paul’s Church, Worcester The Architect T. HEYGATE VERNON Whittlebury, Northamptonshire The Architect MEDLAND TAYLOR Blair Hospital, Bolton The Architect If ^ — — — “■■ _ _ ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 373 1913 WILLIAM DOUBLEDAY CoBDEN Coffee House The Architect 1 1914 ; T. HEYGATE VERNON Crewe Green Schools, Cheshire The Architect 1915 i 1916 ; LAWRENCE BOOTH Public Baths at Oldham Salford Union Hospital The Architect The Architect i 1917 ARCHIBALD MACPHERSON St. Aloysius College, Garnett Hill, Glasgow The Architect 1 1918 LAWRENCE BOOTH Headquarters, Drill Hall 2nd Manchester, R.V. ... The Architect 1 1 1919 CHORLEY and CONNON Examples of Modern, Domestic, Ecclesiastic, Commercial Buildings AND The Architects 1920 THOMAS E. COLLCUTT Wakefield Town Hall, Council Chamber The Architect 1921 WILLIAM DOUBLEDAY Congregational Chapel, Heath Town, Wolverhampton 2^ke Architect 1922 ' 1923 , THOMAS E. COLLCUTT Premises, Oxford-street, London House at Hayes, Kent The Architect . The Architect 1 1 1924 WILLIAM DOUBLBDAY Staffordshire Bank , The Architect 1 1925 1926 G. AITCHESON Staircase, I, Grosvenor Crescent Dining-room, 52, Prince’s Gate . The Architect . The Architect 1927 GOLDSMITH and SON Houses, Cheadle Hulme The Architects 1928 LAWRENCE BOOTH Warehouse, Piccadilly, Manchester . The Architect 1929 G. AITCHESON Office, 29, Pall Mall . The Architect 1930 A H. DAVIES-COLLEY Hulme Grammar School, Manchester , The Architect 1931 LAWRENCE BOOTH Bank, Bury Banking Co . The Architect 1932 JOHN BROOKE Newstead, Dunham Massey . The Architect ! i JESSE HORSFALL 1933 Houses, Harley Wood, Todmorden The Architect ' JOHN BROOKE 1934 : Newhall Manor, Surrey The Architect GOLDSMITH and SON 1935 Congregational Church, Chorlton The Architects i EDWARD and FRANK HEWITT 1936 ^ Gamston Kectory, Notts The Architects I FISHER and HEPPER 1937 , Holy Trinity, Micklegate, York (Restoration and Enlargement) The Architects W. MANGNALL, d. 1938 ! Masonic Hall, Manchester Messrs. Mangnall and Littleivoods j MEDLAND TAYLOR 1939 ; Bacup Parish Church The xirchitect CHARLES HADFIELD 1940 Shops and Chambers, Sheffield The Architect THOMAS D. BARRY and SONS 1941 I New Sessions and Police Courts, Birkenhead The Architects 1942 Fisk Memorial Church, Malvern The Architects 1943 St. Cuthbert’s, Everton, Liverpool The Architects 1944 St. Nicholas, Blundellsanus, Liverpool The Architects 1945 Tulse Hill Church, Norwood The xirchitects JESSE HORSFALL 1916 Fielden Coffee Tavern, Todmorden The Architect I B. EDMUND FERRY 1947 Holy Trinity Church, Hornsey The Architect JOHN P. SEDDON 1948 1 St. James’s, Great Yarmouth (Interior) The xirchitect I HORTON and BRIDGFORD 1949 I 122, Market Street, Manchester The Architects I HIPPOLYTB J. BLANC 1950 Coats’ Memorial Church, Paisley ...’ The xirchitect 1951 St. James’ Church, Paisley The xirchitects HORTON and BRIDGFORD 1952 108, Market Street, Manchester The xirchitects 1953 Brick Architecture Board Schools Idie Architects 1954 I Villa, Bowdon, Cheshire The xirchitects ARCHTTECTURAL DRAWINGS. 1960 j BASIL CHAMPNBYS 1955 : Butler Museum and Classrooms, Harrow The Architect 1956 I Divinity Schools, Cambridge The Architect 1957 I Indian Institute, Oxford The Architect 1958 I Indian Institute, Oxford The Architect 1959 I Boys’ School, Bedford •. The Architect THOMAS NEWBY Welcombe, Stratford-on-Avon (for Mark Philips, Esq.) The Architect BASIL CHAMPNEYS 1961 Girls’ School, Bedford The Architect HENRY LORD I 1962 ' Marlborough Road Board School, Salford The Architect 1963 ! St. George’s Church and Parsonage, Oldham Road, I ! Manchester The Architect I j PALEY and AUSTIN 1964 Royal Albert Asylum, Lancaster The Architects THOMAS HOWDTLL Schools and Proposed Chapel, Primitive Methodist, Burley Road, Leeds The Architect \ WOODHOUSE and MORLEY 1 966 ^ Mill for Messrs. L. & P. Coats, Paisley The Architects * J. M. BRYDON 1967 : Vestry Hall, Chelsea The Architect I W. SUGDEN and SON 1968 Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Leek The Architects I WOODHOUSE and MORLEY 1969 ; Schools for Half-timers at Leek The Architects 1965 J. M. BRYDON 1970 j St. Peter’s Hospital, C'ovent Garden The Architect I ’ PUGIN and PUGIN 1971 High Altar, Franciscan Church, Gorton The Architects \ W. SUGDEN and SON 1972 ! Wyndyate, Scarbro’ The Architects PALEY and AUSTIN 1973 Atherton Church, Lancashire The Architects HENRY LORD 1974 Trafford Road Board School, Salford The Architect 1975 Central Board Schools The Architect ‘-^.(CiibHrrrrii ' 4 ^. St 376 n ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINIJS. W. SUGDEN and SON 1976 ' Tabernacle Church Buildings, Hanley The Architects HENRY LORD 1977 i Ordsall Board School, Salford The Architect W. SUGDEN and SON 1978 Nicholson Institute, L^ek The Architects 1979 ; Secular Hall, Leicester The Architects f ’ I F. H. OLDHAM I 1980 House, Windermere The Architect 1981 ■ Municipal Buildings, Nottingham (Premiated Design) The Architect i G. D. OLIVER 1982 Residence, Chatsworth Square, Carlisle The Architect I JAMES STEVENS 1983 Town Hall, Macclesfield ROYLE and BENNETT 1984 I Business Premises, Deansgate Board School, Strangeways JAMES STEVENS 1985 1986 1987 1988 Market Hall, Wrexham The Architect The Architects The Architects The Architect The Architects ROYLE and BENNETT Board School, Upper Jackson Street, Hulme JAMES STEVENS Market Hall, Warrington The Architect 1989 Parish Church of St. Michael’s, Macclesfield The Architect \ P. H. OLDHAM 1990 j Warehouse, Blackfriars Street, Manchester The Architect ' JAMES STEVENS 1991 ; Parish Church, Macclesfield The Architect 1992 I Parish Church, Macclesfield The Architect I MANGNALL and LITTLEWOODS 1993 I Victoria Buildings (Design for) The Architects ^ I THOMAS WORTHINGTON j 1994 Town Hall, Manchester (Design for) The Architect I JAMES STEVENS 1995 Infirmary, Macclesfield The Architect MANGNAIiL and LITTLEWOODS 1996 , Presbyterian Church, Whalley Range The Architects ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 377 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 THOMAS WORTHINGTON Town Hall, Manchester (Design for) Tkt Architect Town Hall, Manchester (Design for) The Architect Prince Consort Memorial, Manchester The Architect Mansion at Didsbury The Architect Nicholls Hospital, Manchester The Architect Police and Sessions Courts, Manchester The Architect Monton Church, near Manchester The Architect T. G. JACKSON House, 2, Kensington Court The Architect The Schools, Oxford Quadrangle The Architect Brighton College, Gateway Tower, & Boarding Houses . . . The Architect JAMES BROOKS St. Andrew’s, Willesden Green (N.E. View) The Architect R. KNILL FREEMAN British Chapel, Moscow The Architect ALFRED WATERHOUSE, R.A. xA-ssize Courts, Manchester The Architect T. G. JACKSON The Schools, Oxford, with Building for Non-Collegiate Students The Architect R. KNILL FREEMAN Bryerswood, Windermere '. The Architect I ALFRED WATERHOUSE, R.A. Central Technical Institution, Kensington The Architect R. KNILL FREEMAN St. Peter’s, Farnworth The Architect ALFRED WATERHOUSE, R.A. Eaton, near Chester The Duke of Westminster ; Staircase, Owens College The Architect \ Owens College, Manchester The A rchitect JAMES BROOKS i St. Andrew’s, Plaistow (S.E. View) The Architect \ ALFRED WATERHOUSE, R A- National Liberal Club, Thames Embankment The Architect JAMES BROOKS Church of Transfiguration, Lewisham (N.E. View) ... The Architect ^ St. John Baptist, Kensington (Interior East) The Architect 31 1 378 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 2021 ALFRED WATERHOUSE, R.A. Natural History Museum’, South Kensington Tht Architect 2022 HENRY LORD Manchester and Salford Rank, Salford The Architect 2023 2024 JAMES BROOKS St. Mary, "Wooiavich (S.E, View) St. Peter’s, St. Leon ard’s-on-Sea (S.E. View) The Architect The Architect 2025 2026 2027 SIR HORACE JONES Tower Bascule Bridge Tower Bascule Bridge Three London Markets — Meat, Poultry, Fish The Architect The Architect The Architect 2028 R. KNILL FREEMAN Bolton Infirmary The Architect . 2029 2030 J. W. and R. F. BEAUMONT Sir Ralph Pendlebury Memorial Buldings, Stockport Ducie Avenue Board Schools, Manchester The Architects The Architects 2031 2032 2033 R. KNILL FREEMAN St. Augustine’s, Tonge Moor South Shore Church, Blackpool St. Mark’s, AVorsley The Architect The Architect The A rchitect 2034 HENRY ROSS St. Peter’s Church, Accrington The'Architect 2035 1 MILLS and MURGATROYD Royal Exchange, Manchester (Exterior) The Architects 2036 BARKER and ELLIS “ Manchester Guardian ” Offices The Architects 2037 1 MILLS and MURGATROYD Grammar School, Manchester (Extension) The Architects 2038 ; J. W. and R. F. BEAUMONT ' Town Hall, Hyde The Architects 2039 ! MILLS and MURGATROYD ' Royal Exchange, Manchester (Interior) The Architects 2040 HENRY ROSS St. Peter’s Accrington (Interior) . The Architect 2041 ' J. B. FRASER Redmile Station (Interior) . The Architect 2042 MEE and STEINTHAL 1 St. James’s, Manchester The Architects ARCHITECTli RAL DRAWINGS. 379 2043 • 2044 2015 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 SMITH. WOODHOUSE, and WILLOUGHBY Shops, Wolverhampton The Architects \ J. B. FRASER Redmile Station (Exterior) The Architect ' WORTHINGTON and ELGOOD 1 Glasgow Town Hall (Premiated Design) The Architects J. B. FRASER St. Augustine's, Leeds (Interior) The Architect G. D. OLIVER Grammar School, Carlisle The Architect PERKIN and BULMER Offices, &c., York The Architects W. EMERSON St. Mary’s, Brighton The Architeci x\ll Saints’, Cannington, Allahabad The Architect Muir College, Quadrangle The Architect Muir College, Allahabad The Architect WILLIAM YOUNG Holmewood House, Hunts The Architect PERKIN and BULMER Cottages, Whitby The Architects W. EMERSON Takhtsingji Hospital, Bhavnagar, India The Architect St. Mary’s, Brighton (Interior) .’ The Architect GOLDSMITH and SON Northorpe Hall The Architects MAXWELL and TUKE Southport Winter Gardens The Architects WILLIAM YOUNG Municipal Buildings, Glasgow The Architect PENNINGTON and BRIDGEN Inland Revenue Offices, Manchester The Architects He AN Castle, Tenby The Architects Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester The Architects MEE and STEINTHAL I Artists’ Homes, Hampstead The Architects I WILLIAM YOUNG I Municipal Buildings, Glasgow The Architect I PENNINGTON and BRIDGEN I Queen’s Buildings, John Dalton Street The Architects Lancaster Road. Ditto, View from Church Street Ditto, View from Market Square. MAXWELL and TUKB Birmingham Assize Courts (Design for) The Architects H. B. SANG Mantelpiece and Side Wall, Stratheden House, Hyde Park (for M. Henry, Esq.) The Architect Conservatory Arcade, Bylaugh Park, Norfolk (for H. Evans Lombe, Esq.) The Architect MAXWELL and TUKE. Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester (Exterior) The Architects Ditto ditto (Interior) The Architects W. H. BRAKSPEAR Parish Church, Bowdon The Architect Ditto ditto The Architect Exchange, Blackburn The Architect H. B. BARE Drawing-room Decoration The Architect Dining-room Decoration The Architect Decorated Shop Front, in Glazed Terra Cotta The Architect W. H. BRAKSPEAR Bridgewater Church Restored The Architect Wesleyan Chapel, Bowdon The Architect Ditto ditto The Architect I k GEORGE TINWORTH 2089 The Release of Barabbas (a panel in terra cotta) Boulton <£• In tills panel Pilate, who occupies the centre of the piece, is pro- nouncing sentence on our Lord, who is delivered to be crucified, and is being led away bound by the soldiers in attendance. Directly behind the Saviour, the Virgin Mary, and the Apostle John appear as spectators, together with some of their friends, A Roman officer is speaking to I another spectator on the left of St. John, and on the extreme right the Apostle Peter, in an agony of remorse, is restrained from approaching the Lord by another soldier. On the right and left of Pilate are attendants holding the water and towel that he may wash his hands, and so disown comjJicity in the guilt of what he has done, while Pilate’s wife, with a Roman companion, stands behind. On the left, Barabbas is released, amid the congratulations of the bystanders ; and persons of various nationalities appear behind. To the left is a Roman watchman, denoted by the bells upon his dress ; and a negro is attempting to speak to Barabbas, and is addressing a soldier with a view to obtaining the desired interview. The place of the trial is set forth by the architectural embellishments in the background, and a broken vessel and a fallen capital in front are introduced as symbolising the decay of the old dispensation. A palm branch is lying on the ground, recalling to memory the recent triumphal entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. The texts to which reference is made are the following “ For of a truth, against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel were gathered together, for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done.” (Actsiv., 27. 28.) “ But as for you, ye thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” (Gen. xlv., 5.) When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person : see ye to it.” (Matt, xxvii., 24.) “ When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words, for they are sweet.” (Psalm cxli., 6.) “For if I make you sorry, who is he that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me?” (2 Cor. ii., 2.) “Tliough a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him ; but it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow ; because he feareth not before God ” (Eccles. viii., 12, 13.) 382 SCULPTURE. 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 T. BROOK, R.A. A Moment of Peril (bronze equestrian group) Purchased hy the President and Council of the Royal Academy^ under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest, and. lent hy (hem. IN THE MAIN AVENUE. S. ONSLOW FORD The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P The Artist COUNT GLEICHBN Marquis of Abergavenny (life size) The Artist Hero (life size) Ditto The Right Hon. Earl of P)Eaconsfield (life size) Ditto Scotch Fisher woman (life size) Ditto B. ROSCOB MULLINS Bless Me, even Me also. Father The Artist Autolycus (marble) Ditto H. CALDBR MARSHALL, R.A. Stepping Stones (bronze) The Artist f COMPLIMENTAPtY LIST. PAGE Adamson, Daniel & Co., Diikinfield, near iManchester 29 Arkwright, Sir Richard A Co., Cromford, near Derby 29 Armitage, G. F., Altrincham 29 Ashton, John & Son, Manchester 30 Atkinson, Mrs. Asheton, Altrincham 29 Bailey, "W. H. A Co., Salford, Manchester 30 Batty, M’illiam A Son, Manchester 30 Cardinal A Harford, London 30 Chubb A Sons, Manchester and London 31 Clarke, John T., Manchester 32 Clegg’, Neville, Altrincham 32 Coalbrookdale Co., Limited 32 Committee of Section No. 1 (The) 32 Cowlishaw, Nicol, A Co., Manchester 32 Craven Bros., Limited, Manchester 33 Decauville Aine, London, and Petit Bourg, France 33 Doulton A Co., London and Manchester 33 Dickson and Robinson, Manchester. 34 Dickson, Isaac, A Co., Liverpool 34 Dickson, Brown, and Tait, Manchester 34 Elgood Brothers, Leicester 34 Falkner, Geo. A Son, Manchester 34 Follows and Bate, Limited, Manchester 34 Frictionless Engine Packing Co., Manchester 34 Government School of Art (The), Macclesfield 34 Galloway, Mb A J. A Sons, Manchester 34 Haworth, Jesse, Woodside, Bowdoii 35 Hick, Hargreaves, A Co., Bolton, Lancashire 36 Hey wood, John, Manchester 36 Lancashire and Cheshire Telephonic Exchange Co., Limited (The), Manchester 37 Leroy, F. A Co., Manchester 37 PA6E. Leveson & Sons, Manchester 37 Lowe, Roger L., Bolton 37 Lyons, H. and J., Manchester 37 Morris, John & Sons, Salford 37 Mather and Platt, Salford Iron Works, Manchester 38 Moseley, David & Sons, Ardwick, Manchester 38 Musgrave, John A Sons, Limited, Bolton, Lancashire 38 Nevill, C. H., Bramhall HaU 38 Osier, F. and C., Birmingham 38 O’Connor, Patrick, Wavertree, near Liverpool 39 Perkins, Son, and Barrett, Bradford 39 Pearn, Frank Co., Manchester 39 Preston, The Misses C. and J., Manchester 39 Rose, William & Co., Manchester 39 Shrigley and Hunt, Lancaster 39 Singer & Sons, Somerset 40 Sykes, Richard, Stockport 40 Slack and Brownlow, Manchester 40 Thomas, Henry, Manchester 40 Thomas, Thos. & Sons, Cardiff 40 Whitehead, Henry, Bury 40 Wrigley, James & Son, Limited, Bury, Lancashire 40 Patent Waterproof Paper and Canvas Co., London, N.W 40 r GENERAL EXHIBITS, STAND 799 PAGE 177 Abram Coal Co., Wigan Adamson, Daniel & Co., Diikinfield, near Manchester Adams, Robert, London Esthetic Asphalte Co. (The) Aine, Bourgeois, Paris Albion Iron Works Co., Riigeley, Staffordshire Alexander, James & Co., London Allen, William, Manchester 367, 717 .. Allen Machine Co., Limited (The), Halifax, England 450 a.., Ambler, John, Manchester Ancoats Vale Rubber Co., Limited (The), Manchester 890 .. Andrew, John Henry, and Co., Sheffield 623 .. Andrew, J. E. H. & Co., Limited, Reddish, near S ockport ... 478 .. Anglo-American Tin Stamping Co., Limited ('fhe), Worcester 97 .. Anglo-American Bmsh Electric Light Corporation, . Limited, London 402 .. Annan and Swan, London, E.C Anti-Friction Conveyor Co., (The), London 502 .., Anyon’s Patent Macrame Lace Loom Co., Chorlton-on-Medlock 60 .. Archer, Charles Topham, London 606 .. Armstrong, Thos. & Bro., Manchester 30 .., Armitage, John & Son, Manchester 112 ... Armitage, George Faulkner, Altrincham 219 ... Ashton, W. T. & Son, Miles Platting, Manchester 4 ... Ashton, John and Son, Manchester 557 ... Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Co., Limited (The), Open- shaw, Manchester 631 ... Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Co. (The), Openshaw, Manchester 634 ... Ashworth, Edmund & Sons, Bolton 775 ... Askham Bros, and Wilson, Limited, Sheffield 632 ... Association of Carlsbad Glass Manufacturers, Carlsbad, Bohemia 201 . . . Aa 386 INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. bXAND PAGE Astbury & Co., Manchester Astley and Tyldesley Coal and Salt Co., Tyldesley Autotype Co., London Avery, William & Son, Redd itch Limited (The) 649 ... 151 813 1137 B Babcock and Wilson Co. (The), Glasgow 665 . Bacon, John & Co., Manchester 184 . Badden, William & Son, Oldham 350 a. Bagley, Francis, Coventry 328 . Bagley and Wright, Oldham 774 . Bagnall & Co., Manchester 853 , Bailey, W. H. & Co., Salford 667 , Bailey, W. H. & Co., Salford 701 Bailey, W. H. & Co., Salford 357 Bailey, W. H. A Co., Salford 392 Bailey, W. H. Co., Salford 575 Bailey, W. H. & Co., Salford 520 Bailey and Williamson, Manchester 1127 Bailey, W. H. & Co., Salford 1119 Baker, Charles L. & Co. Manchester 604 Baker, George, Sevastopoulo, Khan, Constantinople 249 Baker, Joseph & Sons, London 663 Bapty, Samuel Lee, F.R.G.S., Brockley, Kent Barker & Co., Limited, Stockport 7 Barlow, H. B. A Co., Manchester 596 Barlow, Samuel A Co., Limited, Manchester 783 Barlow A Jones Limited, Manchester 37 Barningham A Co., Limited, Manchester 554 Baron and Hogarth, Kendal 532 Barstow, Jacob, Pontefract 931 Barton, James A Co., Manchester 156, 1162 Barton, James A Co., Manchester 162 Bashall, William, A Co., Preston 8 Bates, Arthur, Manchester 408 Bauer e Antonibere, Piazza Frescobaldi, Florence, and Nove Provincia, Venezia 264 179 198 215 154 66 91 86 173 184 154 161 92 100 136 128 214 213 143 77 153 198 44 141 175 47 132 130 195 63 63 44 , 103 , 80 1 INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. 387 1 STAND PAGE 1 Biiyree and Son, Burnley 61 ... 50 1 Beckett, William, Heywood, near Manchester 9.50 ... 197 1 Bedford Lemere & Co., London ... 198 1 Bedford, AVilliam, London, N ... 198 1 Bell Brothers, Limited, Middlesbrough 822 ... 180 1 Belt, Annie, West Hartlepool 1139 ... 215 1 Bengal Silk Co. Limited, Calcutta 313 ... 84 1 Bennett, J. M. and Sons, Manchester 145 ... 61 1 Bennett, Reuben, Manchester 230 ... 75 1 Benton & Johnson, London 286 ... 83 1 Bentley & Ford, Longton, Staffordshire 418 ... 105 1 Bentley and Jackson, Bury, near Manchester 516 ... 127 1 Bergue, De & Co., Limited, Manchester 391 ... 100 1 Berkeley, H. B. and Willis, Wm., London ... 198 1 Berry, L., Chorley, Lancashire ... 199 1 Beyer, Peacock & Co., Manchester 637 ... 149 ' 1 Bierfreund, Lor., Odense, Denmark 25 ... 46 i 1 Billcliff, Joshua, Manchester ... 199 i 1 Bilsland & Co., Edinburgh 887 ... 188 j 1 Binns. Brothers, Manchester 277a... 82 j 1 Bindley, Thomas R. B. & Son, Smithwick 877 ... 187 n 1 Birch, William, Manchester 427 ... 106 i 1 Birch, G. &; Co., Salford • 570 ... 135 s 1 Blackman Air Propeller Ventilating Co., Limited, London 506 ... 125 \ 1 Blackwood, J. & Co., London 922 ... 193 ; 1 Blair, James T., Manchester ... 199 s 1 Blakeley, E. F. & Co., Liverpool 688 ... 157 S 1 Boehm, R. & Co., Manchester 551 ... 132 8 1 Bolckow, Vaughan, & Co., Limited, Middlesbrough-on-Tees . 600 ... 141 \ 1 Bolton Iron and Steel Co., Limited (The), Bolton 629 ... 148 1 1 Bond and Riley, Manchester 17 ... 45 2 1 Bonnet, C. J. & Co., Les Petits Fils de, Lyons, France 315 ... 84 S 1 Boosey & Co., London 265 ... 80 fl 1 Borg, Michael, Strada Reale, Valetta, Malta 336 ... 87 a 1 Bradburn, Thomas & Sons, Birmingham 463a... 117 f 1 Bradbury & Co., Limited, Oldham and Manchester 473 ... 119 !fi 1 Bradford, Thomas & Co., Salford 412 ... 104 e 1 Bradford Manufacturing Co. (The)^ Bradford, Yorkshire . . . . 389 ... 99 a 1 Bradshaw, George Bagnall, Bowdon, Cheshire ^ 1 ... 199 i rr--— -TT 01 .Si i INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. Bmdwell, Tom tt Co., Coiigletou Bratby and Hiiichliffe, Manchester Bratby and HinchclifFe, Manchester Brehmer, Augustus, London Bristol "Wagon AVorks Co., Limited (The), Bristol Briggs, Thomas, Darwen Briggs, Priestley and Sons, Laister Dyke Briggs, Thomas, Manchester Briggs & Co., Manchester British and Foreign Bible Soeiety, Manchester British Alizarine Co., Limited (The), London Brooke, Joseph and Sons, Hipperholme, near Halifax Brookes, AVarwick, Manchester Brown, J. Milman, Isle of Wight BrownAVesthead, (T.C.), Moore & Co., Staffordshire Brown and Backhouse, Liverpool Broome, Hall worth and Foster, Manchester Brooke, Simpson, and Spiller, Limited, London Broxburn Oil Co., Limited (Tiie), Glasgow Brown, William, Manchester Brown, Robert & Co., Manchester Broadbent & Son, Manchester Broadhurst & Co., Bradford, Manchester Broadbent, Thomas & Sons, Huddersfield Brooke, Edward & Sons, Huddersfield Brown-Westhead, (T. C.), Moore & Co., Staffordshire Potteries Browett, Bindley & Co., Salford Broughton, James & Co., Manchester. Broadbent, Robert & Sons, Stalybridge Brooks, Samuel, Manchester Bmndrit &: Co., Runcorn Brunner, Mond, & Co., Limited, Northwich Bruton, J. E., Isle of Man Biyant and May, Limited, London Buckley, William & Co., Sheffield Buckley and Crossley, Dukinfield, Manchester Burroughs, Wellcome, & Co., London Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., London Buits & Co., Limited, Slieffield STAND PAGE 318 .. . 85 511 .. . 126 921 .. . 193 452 .. . 114 89 .. . 53 91 .. . 53 157 .. . 63 214 .. . 70 339 .. . 87 182 .. . 66 736 .. ,. 167 105 .. ,. 55 . 199 ,. 199 175 .. . 65 989a.. ,. 157 58 ., ,. 50 732 ., ,. 167 750 .. ,. 170 844 .. ,. 183 855 ., ,. 184 865 ., .. 185 881 ., .. 188 401 ., .. 101 898 ., .. 190 901 .. 190 518 .. ,. 128 439 ., ,. 110 440 ., ,. 110 443 ., .. Ill 907 ., .. 191 816 ., .. 180 ,. 199 919 ., .. 193 607 ., .. 144 540 .. ,. 130 724 . .. 165 928 ., .. 194 576 .. . 137 LI INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. 389 STAND PAGE Bury, Isaac, Salford 1 ... 48 Bury, H., Manchester 364 ... 94 Buser and Keiser, Laufenbourg and Liestal, Switzerland 171 ... 65 Butterley Co. (The), Alfreton, Derbyshire 668 ... 154 Butterworth Brothers, Limited, Newton Heath, Manchester... 547 ... 131 Butenberg, Heusch & Co., Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany 158 ... 63 Butterworth and Dickinson, Burnley 425 ... 106 Byrne, WiUiam Joseph, Richmond, Surrey ... 199 Byrom, Robert, Delph, near Manchester 161 ... 63 c Ccesar, Henry, Knutsford, Cheshire 676 ... 155 Caldicott, J. & T. R, Coventry 328 ... 86 Calvert, John & Sons, Manchester 545 ... 131 Cameron, John, Salford 405 ... 102 Cammell, Charles & Co., Sheffield 569 ... 134 Carter, Alfred & Co., Liverpool 109 ... 56 CaiT, James & Sons, Manchester 160 ... 63 Casartelli, Joseph, Manchester 712 ... 163 Casebourne & Co., Limited, West Hartlepool 909 ... 191 Cash, J. ct J., Coventry ‘ 328 ... 86 Cassell & Co., Limited, London 52 ... 49 Cayzer, Irvine & Co., Glasgow 195 ... 68 Century Guild of Artists, London 225 ... 74 Chadwick, James & Bro., near Bolton 24 ... 46 Chadwick, James and Brother, Bolton 769 ... 172 Chanot, G. A., Manchester 242 ... 77 Charlesworth, S. & Co., Oldham 477 ... 120 Chat wood, Samuel, Bolton 525 ... 129 Chatwood, Arthur Brunei, Prestwich 239 ... 76 Chatwood’s Patent Safe and Lock Co., Limited, Manchester ... 592 ... 140 Cheavin, George, Boston, England 936 ... 195 Cheetham, John & Sons, Hyde, near Manchester 209 ... 70 Chiswick Soap Co., Chiswick 848 ... 184 Chorlton, William & Co., Manchester 331 ... 86 Chorlton, Isaac & Co., Salford 63 ... 51 Christy, W. M. & Sons, Limited, Manchester 20 ... 45 390 INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. STAND PAGE Christy, Thomas & Co., London 787 ... 176 Chubb’s Lock and Safe Co., Limited, London and Manchester. 272a ... 81 Chubb A Sons’ Lock and Safe Co., Limited, Manchester 591 ... 140 City Wood Engi’aving Co., (The), (Farrell and Jepson), Man- chester 1140 ... 215 Claviger Cycle Co., Limited (The), Manchester 75 ... 52 Clarke, Archer, London ... 200 Clarke, John T., Manchester 125 ... 58 Clark, Bunnett, & Co., Limited, Manchester 508 ... 126 Clark, Robert Ingham A Co., London 755 ... 170 Clark, Robert Ingham A Co., London 755 ... 170 Claj’ton, James and Joseph, Manchester 937 ... 195 Clayton, Marsdens & Co., Limited, Halifax 325 ... 85 Clegg, Neville, Altrincham 220 ... 71 Clegg, Margaret, Oldham 528 ... 129 Cliff, Joseph & Sons, Wortley, near Leeds 904 ... 191 Coats, J. and P., Paisley 773 ... 173 Cobbett, "W. Willson, London 556 ... 132 Cochran, P. A Co., Liverpool 923 ... 194 Cockshoot, Joseph & Co., Manchester 87, 87 a ... 53 Cockill, John & Sons, Liversedge, Yorkshire 403 a... 102 Colas, Laurent, Ardennes, France 74 ... 52 Cole, James, Manchester 275 ... 81 Coleby, Thomas, Manchester 496 ... 124 Colledge Roy & Co., Manchester 864 ... 185 Collett, J. M. & Co., Gloucester 823 ... 181 College of Agriculture (The) Downton, near Salisbury 812 ... 179 Collinge, W. A J. S., Burnley .’ 227 ... 75 Collier, John, Birmingham ... 200 Committee of Section III 779 ... 173 Committee of Section III 716 ... 164 Committee of Section III 781 ... 174 Common, Andrew Ainslie, F.R.S. London ... 200 Constantine, T. J., London 678 ... 156 Cooke, William Co., Leeds 62 ... 50 Cooke, W. H. & Co., Manchester 93 ... 54 Co-operative Wholesale Society, Limited, Manchester, Leicester, and Heckmondwike, Yorks 151 ... 62 Co-operative Wholesale Society, Limited, Manchester 949 a... 197 INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. 1 391 ! I Cooper, Corah & Sons, Leicester STAND 170 ... PAGE 5i| 64 d Cooper, Box & Co., London 884 ... 188 ^ Cornbrook Brewery Co., Limited, Manchester 952 ... 197 I? Coiirlander, L., Kimberley, South Africa 1132 ... 214 Cowan, W. & B., Manchester 568 ... 134 ^ Cowan, William, Edinburgh 469a... 119 h Cow burn, Anne, Manchester 90 ... 53 j Cowley, John & Son, Hyde, near Manchester 470 ... 119 Cowles Electric Smelting and Aluminium Co., London 801 ... 178 Cowlishaw, Nicol & Co., Limited, Manchester 338 ... 87 Craven, Dunnill & Co., Limited, near Ironbridge, Shropshire 121 ... 58 Craven Brothers, Limited, Manchester 483 ... 120 Craven Brothers, Limited, Manchester 366a... 94 Crewdson, Crosses & Co., Limited, Manchester 13 ... 44 Credenda Cold-drawn Seamless Steel Tube Company (The), Birmingham 492a... 122 Critchley, Thomas, Blackburn 910 ... 192 j Crighton & Sons, Manchester 442 ... 111 I Crook, John & Sons, Preston 192 ... 67 j Crookes, Henry, A.R.S.M., M.S.T.E., London 757 ... 171 1 Crooke, W., Edinburgh ... 200 Crompton, Edward, Manchester 243 ... 77 Crosfield, Joseph & Sons, Wamngton 838 ... 183 Croft Granite, Brick, & Concrete Co (The) Leicester 895 ... 189 j Croft Granite, Brick, and Concrete Co. (The), Croft, near Leicester 687 ... 157 ! Crowley, John & Co., Manchester 624 ... 1-^7 j Crossley Brothers, Limited, Openshaw 355 ... 92 I Crossley Brothers, Limited, Openshaw 484 ... 121 I 1 Crossley Brothers, Limited, Openshaw 1347a... 246 1 Crossley, William, Failsworth, near Manchester 373 ... 95 1 Crossland, William, Miles Platting, Manchester 449 ... 113 p Crompton, Thomas, Ashton, near Wigan 462a... 116 1 [ Cullerne, C. B. & Co., Liverpool 824 ... 181 I 1 Currie, William & Co., Edinburgh 883 ... 188 ! 1 Cur wen, J. & Sons, London 133 ... lal Cussons, George, Manchester 134 ... 59 Iff' Curtis, Sons & Co., Manchester 383 ... 97 -J::; ^ — — ~nA\ D STAND Dacca Twist Co. (The) — Rylaiids and Sons, Limited, Man- chester and London 49, 50 . Dale, William, Manchester 110 . Dalton, Barton & Co., Coventry 328 . Davenport, J. & Co., Manchester 231, 232 . Davis and Sneade, Liverpool 683 . Davis, Joseph & Co., London 705 . Davis, George E., Manchester 927 . Davis, Alfred A., London, "W.C 1134 . Davies, E. "W., Old Trafiford Dawson (Dan), Brothers, Huddersfield 737 . Dawson, Arthur George, Macclesfield 1112 . Decorators’ Supply Co., (The) Manchester 253 . Dee Oil Co. (The), Manchester 751 . Dempster, Robert A Sons, Elland, Yorkshire 479 . Dempster, Robert & John, Newton Heath, Manchester 601 . Devoge & Co., Manchester 372 . Dick, R. sen Terra Cotta and Fine Art Pottery (The), Copenhagen and London Irvin and Sellers, Preston and Liverpool STAND 5 ... PAGE . 43 610 .., . 144 451 .. . 114 448 .., . 113 461a.. . 116 36 .. . 47 188 .. . 66 574 .. . 135 . . . 203 627 .. . 147 437 .. . 110 792 .. . 176 • 628 .. . 147 499 .. . 124 195a .. . 68 546 .. . 131 507 .. . 126 468 .. . 118 224 .. . 74 530 .. . 129 1129 .. . 214 647 .. . 151 . 203 460a.. . 116 193 .. . 67 183 ., .. 66 458b., .. 115 426 . .. 106 9 . .. 44 210 . .. 70 616 . .. 145 289 . .. 83 251 . .. 78 INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. 399 iSTAND PAGE Jessop, William and Sons, Limited, Sheffield 366 ... 94 Jewsbury & Brown, Manchester 919 a... 193 Johnson, Richard, and Nephew, Manchester 564 ... 134 Johnson, William, Leeds 673 ... 155 Johnson, Jabez, Son, Allsop, & Co., Manchester 16 ... 45 Johnson, Richard, Clapham, and Morris, Manchester 195c... 68 Johnson, Matthey and Co., London 802 ... 178 Johnson, John and Co., Liverpool 918 ... 193 Johnston, John L., London 947 ... 196 Johnson, G. J., and I. Watts, Hale, Altrincham ... 203 Jones, John, Manchester ... 203 Joseph and Glnckstein, Victoria West, South Africa 1135 ... 215 Jo wett, William M., Manchester 929 ... 194 Junction Iron Works Co., Limited, Newton Heath, Manchester 396 ... 100 K Kay Brothers, Stockport 794 ... 176 Kaye, Anthony R. & Sou, Huddersfield 828 ... 181 Keay, E. C. and J., West Bromwich 682 ... 156 Kearns, Allan & Co, Manchester 26 ... 46 Keene, Richard, Derby ... 203 Keighley, George, Burnley .- • 435 ... 107 Keighley Timber and Saw Mills Co., (The,) and 'Planing, Moulding, Turning, and Steam Joinery Works, Keighle}", Yorkshire 120 ... 58 Kendall and Gent, Manchester 464 ... 117 Kendal, Milne, & Co., Manchester 254 ... 78 Kendal, Milne & Co., Manchester 1347b... 246 Kenyon, William & Sons, Dukinfield 535 ... 130 Kensington School of Art Embroidery, London 204 ... 69 Ken* and Hoegger, Manchester 776 ... 175 Kershaw, Joseph & Co., Hollinwood, near Manchester 869 ... 185 Kershaw and Swindells, Macclesfield 330 ... 86 Kershaw, Abraham and Son, Bradford, Yorkshire 460b... 116 Kershaw, Joshua & Son, Bolton 538 ... 130 Kilvert, N., and Sons, Manchester 839 ... 183 King, Frederick & Co., Limited, Belfast 920 ... 193 Kneeshaw, Lupton & Co., Liverpool • 892 ... 189 TiA it! 400 INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. Knowles, Samuel & Co., near Bury. Kiihn, B., Manchester Kurtz, A. G. & Co., St. Helens Lachenal A Co., London Lamb, James, Manchester Lang, Leon, Manchester Lancashire and Yorkshire Productive Society, Limited (The), Littleborough, near Manchester Lancashire Felt Co., (The), Limited, Denton, near Manchester Lancashire and Cheshire Telephone Exchange Co,, Limited... Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co., Manchester Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co., Manchester Lancaster and Tonge, Manchester Lange, Paul, Liverpool Lauder, Archibald, Glasgow Laverinc Chemical Co. (The), Manchester Lawson, T. W., Manchester Lawton, J. A. & Co., Liverpool Lawrence, Thomas & Son, Brackwell, Berkshire Lay cock, William & Sons, Keighley, Yorkshire Learoyd, S. Huddersfield Leclorc, Mercier, Vve., Paris Leech Brothers and Hoyle, Manchester Lee, George and Sons, Limited, Wakefield Lee, Arthur H., Bolton Lee and Hargreaves, Manchester Lee Spinning Co. (The), Manchester Lee and Hunt, Nottingham Lees, Asa & Co., Limited, Oldham Leek Embroidery Society, Leek Leeds Forge Co., Limited, Leeds Leigh, John W., Noi thenden, Manchester Leroy, F. & Co., Manchester Levinstein, I. & Co., Manchester Levi, Samuel Harris, London Lever, Brothers, AVarrington STAND 47 . PAGE .. 49 735 . .. 167 825 . .. 181 274 .. ,. 81 252 .. ,. 78 41 .. ,. 48 163 .. . 64 208 .. . 70 217 .. . 71 640 .. . 152 635 .. . 150 407 .. . 103 . 203 941 .. . 196 891 .. . 190 511a.. . 127 78 .. . 25 896 .. . 192 562 .. . 137 221 . . 71 213 .. . 70 140 .. . 60 166 .. . 64 2i^8 .. . 76 6 .. . 43 385a.. . 99 481 .. . 120 488 .. . 122 340 .. . 88 630 .. . 149 . 203 548 .. . 131 742 .. . 169 1114 .. . 212 873 .. . 189 INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. Leveson and Sons, Manchester Lewis and Allonby, London Liebig’s Extract of Meat Co., Limited, London Liebig’s Wine Co., London Light, James A Son, Liverpool Lilley, H. L. A Co., Manchester Linlithgow Oil Co., Limited (The), Edinburgh Livesey, Henry, Limited, Blackburn Lloyd, Henry Fleetwood, Liverpool Lloyd and Lloyd, Birmingham Locke and Son, Manchester Lofiego. Gino, Turin, Italy Longford Wire, Iron, and Steel Co , Limited (The) 'Warrington London and Manchester Reflector Co., Manchester London and County Photographic Co., London London and County Photographic Co., London London and Counties Tea Co. (The), Manehester London Flower Girl Mission London and County Photographic Co., London London Stereoscopic and Photographic Co., Limited, London Lord Brothers, Todmorden Lovibond, Joseph W., Salisbury ■ Lowcock, Arthur, Limited, Shrewsbury Lowe, David A Sous, Edinburgh Lowe, Charles A Co., Reddish Lugard, J. A., London Luke and Spencer, Limited, Manchester Lumb, James, Elland, Yorkshire Lyons, Joseph, Kilburu, London Ljons, H. and J., Manchester Lysaght, John, Limited, Bristol Macintosh, Charles & Co., Manchester Macpherson, Donald & Co., Manchester Macniven and Cameron, Edinburg h ... Madeley, David, Manchester Maden, James H., Manchester 401 STAND PAGE 92 ... 54 317 ... 85 938 ... 196 942 ... , 196 870 .., . 186 913 .., . 196 748 ... 186 395 .. . 100 77 .. . 52 651 .. .157 273 .. . 81 181 .. . 66 66 .. . 51 138 .. . 60 218 a.. . 71 5 / / A . . . 148 943 ... 196 1124 .. . 213 . . . 203 . 203 361 .. . 93 704 .. . 168 414 .. . 104 686 .. . 162 739 .. . 169 . 204 463 .. . 116 541 .. . 130 1122 .. . 213 127 .. . 58 685 .. . 157 885 .. . 188 761 .. . 171 122 .. . 58 376 .. . 96 1121 Magnesium Metal Co., Patricroft, Manchester Main, R. and A., Glasgow Main, Mrs., London Mallabone, John, London Mallet, John and Sou, Bath Manchester Photographic Society, Manchester Manchester Art Museum (The Committee of the), Manchester Manchester Amateur Photographic Club, Manchester Manchester Creamery, Broughton Manchester and District Edison Electric Light Co., Limited (The), Manchester Manchester Water Meter Co., Limited (The), Manchester ... Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Co., Limited (The), Manchester Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Co., Limited (The), Manchester Manchester Electric Supply Co., Limited, Manchester Manchester Aniline Co., Manchester Manchester Ship Canal Company, Manchester Mandleberg, J. A Co., Manchester Mann, G. & Co., Leeds Mansfield, Edwin and Sons, Manchester Mansell, G. M., Manchester Mapplebeck, John Wilkes A Co., Birmingham Marriott, Henry & Co., Manchester Marriott, Henry A Co., Manchester Marsden, John, Manchester *. Marwick, W. and M., Edinburgh Mark, John, Manchester Margerison, Joshua & Son, Preston Marshall, James, Glasgow Mason, John, Macclesfield Massey, B. and S., Opeushaw, Manchester Mather & Platt, Manchester Mather and Platt, Manchester Matthews and Yates, Manchester Maw & Co., near Ironbridge, Shropshire McCorquodale A Co., Limited, London McConnel A Co., Limited, Manchester STAND 804 ... PAGE 178 95 ... 54 . . . 204 196 ... 69 284 ... 83 . . . 204 68 ... 51 . . . 204 675 ... 155 1347 ... 246 595 ... 141 641 ... 150 643 ... 150 484a... 121 738 ... 167 190 ... 67 880 ... 187 458 ... 115 671 ... 155 117 ... 57 550 ... 131 2 ... 43 393 ... 100 118 ... 57 493 ... 124 290 ... 83 842 ... 183 944 ... 196 .322 ... 85 423 ... 106 384 ... 98 664 ... 154 498 ... 124 103 ... 55 458a... 115 22 ... 45 INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. PAGK 166 STAND AIcDougall, Brothers, Manchester 726 McFarlane, William, Hey wood, near Manchester 780 McFarlane, Strang & Co., Limited, Glasgow 672 McIntyre, Hogg, & Co., Manchester 21 AIcKechnie and Duncan, St. Helens 808 McKellen, S. D., Alanchester McLintock and Sons, Barnsley 167 McMullen, H. & Son, Hereford 79 McMurdo, James, Manchester 485 McNaught & Co., London 81 McNaught, John and William, Rochdale 399 Mellor, AVilliam, Alanchester 897 Merchant, William and Sons, Manchester 178 Merck, C., Darmstadt, Germany 788 Merieux and Beaulieu fils, Limoges, France 152 Merrill, D. Alexander, Manchester 124 Meyer, Enrico & Co., Milan, Italy 423 Mills, Samuel, Manchester 211 Milligan, J. and Son, Buxton 319 Millar, Adam & Co., Glasgow 706 Mills, Edgar C., Manchester 403 Millward and Cryer, Manchester 795 Millies, E. D., & Brother, Manchester 796 Milner, James C., Alanchester Milner’s Safe Co , Limited, Manchester 598 Minton, R. R. & Co., Liverpool 767 Mitchell, William and Son, Manchester 235 Mitchell & Co., Limited, Bury 533 Model Printing Press Co., (The), London 455 Moir, Richard & Co., Accrington 777 Mole, Robert and Sons, Birmingham 283 Monk and Newell, Ruabon, North Wales 94 Montani, Ettore, Rome 291 Moorhouse, Sidney & Co., Stalybridge 544 Moore, Samuel and Son, Manchester 128 Morris, George, Norwich 86 Morris & Co., London 257 Morris, Little & Son, Doncaster 727 Morton, William Scott, Tynecastle, Edinburgh 250 r^a ^>! j 404 INDEX— GENERAL EXHIBITS. STAND PAGE Morgan, Lomas & Co., Blackley, near Manchester 926 . .. 194 Morgan and "Wright, York 946 . ... 196 Morton, Thomas Henry, M.D., Sheffield ... 204 Moser, Ludwig, Carlsbad, Bohemia 180 , ... 66 Moser, Edward, Leeds 388 , ... -99 Moseley, David & Sons, Manchester 879 , ... 187 Mostyn Coal and Iron Co. (The), Mostyn, North M^ales 809 , ... 179 Mottershead & Co., Manchester 791 , ... 176 Mottershead &, Co,, Manchester 720 ... 164 Mottershead & Co., Manchester 723 ... 165 ^loulton, George, Manchester 397 ... 100 Mudd, James & Son, Manchester ... 204 Mudie, C. J., Liverpool and Manchester 198 ... 69 Muller, Franz, Bonn, near Rhine, Germany 713 ... 164 Murray, David, Manchester 246 ... 77 Musgrave, John and Sons, Limited, Bolton 445 ... 113 Muspratt, James & Sons, Widness 820 ... 180 N Nairn, M. Co., Kirkcaldy, Scotland 88 ... 53 Nasmyth, ^Vilson & Co., Limited, Patricroft, near Manchester 523 ... 129 Nasmyth, M^ilson & Co., Limited, Patricroft, near Manchester 611 ... 144 Nasmyth, Wilson & Co., Limited, Patricroft, near Manchester 642 ... 150 Neill, John, Manchester — 460 ... 115 Nestle, Henri, London 948 ... 196 Neufeld, L., Berlin 269 ... 80 Newall, Henry and Son, Manchester 782 ... 173 Newton, Chambers 7 Knitting Factory, (The), Tipperary r.... 1172 .. 225 Lafayette, J., Dublin 1320 ... 213 Laird, E., Dublin 1263 ... 237 Lane, Denny, Glamnire, Co. Cork 1294 ... 211 Lawrence, William, Dublin 1318 ... 243 Lawrence, William, Dublin .' 1317 ... 243 Lawson’s Patent Adhesive Capsule Co., Dublin 1248 ... 235 Lewis Fred. Ai Co., Limited, Dublin 1292 ... 240 Mackie, Janies Aj Son, Belfast 1220 ... 231 Alacrory, Samuel Martin, Limavady, Co. Londonderry 1306 ... 242 Alaguire A: Son, Dublin 1241 ... 231 Mahony, Martin and Bros., Limited, Cork 1177 ... 225 Marsh Ac Co., Limited, Belfast 1298 ... 241 Mattersou, J. Ac Sons, Limerick 1310 ... 242 Matthews, Samuel, Dublin 1256 ... 236 Maybuiy, Charles John, Kenmai-e 1158 ... 220 Mayo Granite Co. (The), Co. Mayo, and Manchester 1199 ... 229 McCartliy, J. A: Sons, Cork , 1274 ... 239 McCausland, Samuel, Belfast 1299 ... 241 McDonnel, John Ac Co., Limited, Dublin 1261 ... 237 McMaster, Hodgson, Ac Co., Dublin 1286 ... 240 Millar, A. Ac Co., Dublin 1313 ... 242 Miller, Daniel Ac Co., Dublin 1210 ... 230 418 Miller John & Son, Galway Molynenx and Ferguson, Belfast Murray, Sir James