[ INDEX. — > Plate i. Nos. i to 5 6 to 14 IS to 19 Plate 2. i to 5 6 7 & 8 9 10 & 11 12 , 13 to 18 t — Plate 3. I to 4 5 6 to 13 14 15 & 16 17 18 — Plate I to 4 5 6th CENTURY. From the Cottonian Manuscripts, British Museum. 7th CENTURY. From St. Augustine’s Psalter, Cottonian MS., British Museum. From St. Cuthbert’s Gospels, Cottonian MS., British Museum. 7th CENTURY. From St. Cuthbert’s Gospels, Cottonian MS., British Museum. Saxon, Cottonian MS., B. Museum. Roman Saxon, from the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, Cottonian Lib. 8th CENTURY. From Bodleian Library; Oxford. From the Royal Library, Paris. Lombardic, from Origen’s Homilies of St. Luke, C. C. College, Cambridge. From a MS., Imperial Library, Paris. 8th CENTURY. From a MS., Imperial Library, Paris. From a MS., C. C. College, Cambridge. 9th CENTURY. Franco Saxon, from St. Denis’s Bible, Royal Library, Paris. From a MS., C. C. College, Cambridge. : From a Latin Bible, British Museum. From the Gospels of Mans. From the Coronation Book of the Anglo- Saxon Kings, Cottonian Lib., B. Mus. lOth CENTURY. From Charles the Bald’s Bible. From Caedmon’s Paraphrase of Genesis and Daniel, Bodleian Library, Oxford. From Hibernian MS., Ilarleian Library, . British Museum.- . 6 7 8 to 1 1 12 & 13 14 U 16 & 17 18 <- Plate 5. I & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 7 to 11 12 & 13 14 to 17 18 19 & 20 21 22 23 (- Plate 6. — Plate 7. 1 2 3 5 6 7 & 8 From Prayer Book of Drogon, Archbishop of Metz, grandson of Charlemagne. Byzantine, from a Diptych, South Ken- sington Museum. From MS., Royal Library, B. Museum, 11th CENTURY. From MS., Harleian Collection, B. Mus. From the Tomb of Gundreda, Sister of William the Conqueror, Southover Church, Lewes. From the Egerton MS., B. Museum. From the Gospels of Canute, B. Museum. From the Domesday Book, Record Office. Uth CENTURY. From MS., Harleian Collection, B. Mus. From the Domesday Book, Record Office. From Royal Bible, at Munich. From a Norman MS., Cottonian Library - , B. Museum. From the Tomb of Gundreda, Southover Church, Lewes. From Sepulchral Inscriptions at Naples. 12th CENTURY. From the Royal Libraiy, B. Museum. From the Works of Josephus. ' From a Harleian MS., B. Museum. From Cardinal Mazarin’s Bible, Royal Library, Paris. From a MS., Royal Library, B. Museum.. 12th CENTURY. From a Psalter, Arundel MS., B. Museum. 12th CENTURY. From the Works of Josephus. From a Psalter, Arundel MS., B. Museum. From a Royal MS., B. Museum. . Byzantine, from the Gospel of St. John, British Museum. F rom the Exchequer Accounts of . Henry II., Record Office. 9 & 10 11 to 14 15 & 16 17 & 18 19 & 20 'Plate 8. I 2 & 3 4 to 7 8 9 to 12 13 to 19 20 to 23 24 to 29 Plate 9. I, 4 , S. 6 2 & 3 7 8 to 11 12 & 13 14 & U 16 & 17 18 & 19 20 & 21 <" Plate xo. I 2 to 5 6 7 to 9 10 to 18 Plate ii. From • Cardinal Mazarin’s Bible, . Royal ‘Library, Paris. From the Royal Library, B. Museum. ., From “ Cartulaire de la Basse Nor- mandie,” Record Office, From MS., Royal Library, Munich. _ From MS. “ Arnstein,” Harleian Col- lection, British Museum. 18th CENTURY. From a MS., British Museum. From MS., Arundel Collection, ditto. From Exchequer Accounts, Record Office. From a Latin Bible, British Museum. From the Monument of Henry III., Westminster Abbey. From a MS., British Museum. From Arundel MS., British Museum. From Italian Bible, Royal Library, Paris. 14th CENTURY. From Italian MS., S. Kensington Mus. From the Chronicles of Thomas de Wal- singham, South Kensington Museum. From the Harleian Collection, B. Museum. From Cottonian and other MSS., B. Mus. From Lubeek Cathedral. From the Church of St. Mary,, at Soest, ' Westphalia. From a MS. , British Museum. From a German Bible, at Munich. From a MS., Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. 14th CENTURY. From the Harleian Collection, B. Museum. From Italian MS., South Kensington Museum. FroVn the Chronicles of Thomas de Wal- singham, South Kensington Museum. Fro mil. Spanish Charter, B. Museum. From Sepulchral Inscriptions at Vienna. loth CENTURY. From a MS., South Kensington Museum. 2 to 4 From the “ Furness Coucher,” Record Office. 5 & 6 From Exchequer Accounts of Plenry VI., Record Office. 7 8 9 10 & 11 12 to 14 15 16 From Fust&Schoffer’s Psalter, B. Museum. ] From the Lansdowne MS., B. Museum. From Italian MS., British Museum. From a MS., at Rouen. From Lubeck Cathedral. From a Deed, Record Office. From Harleian Collection, B. Museum. / Plate 12. 15 th CENTURY. From a Deed of Henry, Duke of Lancas- ter, Record Office. _ x 2 & 3 From the Monument of Richard II., 4 Westminster Abbey. From the “Furness Coucher,” Record Office. 5 7 8 From the Lansdowne MS., B. Museum. From Exchequer Accounts of Henry VI. , Record Office. 9 From a Pontificale of John II., Arch- bishop of Treves. 10 & 11 12 & 13 From Lubeck Cathedral. From Exchequer Accounts of Henry VII., Record Office. 14 15 From a Spanish MS., British Museum. • From the Mentz Psalter. 16 ■ From a MS., at Rouen. ^ Plate 13. I 15 th CENTURY. From Fust & Schoeffer’s Bible, B. Museum. From a Charter of Henry VII. , Record Office. 3 & -4 ■ - 5 6 From the “ Furness Coucher,” ditto Italian MS., British Museum. From a Royal Grant of Edward VI., Record Office. 7 & 8 9 10 11 & 12 13 From the Royal MS., British Museum. From a German Printed Book, B. Museum. From St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. From MS. in private possession. From a German Bible, at Venice. 14 & U 16 J Plate 14. I & 2 5 , 4 , 8 . 9 5 & 6 7 10 11 to 14 15 & 16 17 & 18 19 & 20 21 to 23 \J Plate' I & 4 6 & 7 8 9 & 10 11 & 12 13& 14 \/ Plate 16. 3 & 8 4 5 6 7 9 & 10 From a Pontificale of John II. , Arch- bishop of Treves. From a MS., at Rouen. 15 th CENTURY. From the “Furness Coucher,” Record \ Office. From the Royal MS., British Museum. From a German Printed Book, B. Museum. From Early English Printing, B. Museum. From a Spanish MS., British Museum. From an Italian Bible, St. Marc, Venice. From a Form of Prayer of St. Bartholo- mew, of Pisani. From Italian MS., British Museum. From the Gqlden Bible, printed at Augsburg From an Italian Inscription, at Turin. 16 th CENTURY. From Exchequer Accounts of Henry .VIII., Record Office. From Exchequer Accounts of Edward VI., Record Office. From a Wood Engraving, B. Museum. From Exchequer Accounts of Elizabeth, Record, Office. From a Psalter, British Museum. From a Spanish Printed Book, B. Museum. From a Deed of Philip and Mary, Record Office... From Early Printed Books, B. Museum. Italian, by Tagliente. 16 th CENTURY. From a MS. of Henry VIII., B. Museum. From Exchequer Accounts of Henry VIII. , Record Office. From Exchequer Rolls of Edward VI. , ditto From a Royal Grant of Queen Mary, ditto From Exchequer Accounts of Philip and Mary, Record Office. From Exchequer Accounts of Elizabeth, Record Office. From Early Printed Books, B. Museum. Elizabethan. 11 & 12 13 14 & 15 J Plate 37. 2& 7 3 to 6 8 . 9 10 11 & 17 12 13 14 IS & 16 18 & 19 Italian, from a Papal Bull. From Early Wood Engravings, B. Museum From Early Printed Ribbon Letters. 16 th CENTURY. From a MS., 4th and 5th of Edward VI., Record Office. From Exchequer Accounts of Philip and Mary, Record Office. From a MS., 17th of Elizabeth, ditto From a Bible, at St. Marc, Venice. From the “ Romant de La Rose.” From an Italian Missal. From a Royal Bible, at Paris. F rom the History of Percival de Galloys. From a German Bible, Printed at Wit- tenberg. From a Royal Bible, at Munich. From Early Wood Engravings. From a Spanish Printed Book. Plate 18. 1 & 2 3 to 6 7 8 & 9 10 & 11 17 th CENTURY. From Exchequer Rolls of James I., Record Office. From a Royal Grant of Charles I., ditto From a Royal Grant of Lands by Charles II. to his Queen, Henrietta, ditto From a Bible, at St. Marc, Venice. V enetian, British Museum. From German Initial Letters, by NeudorlTer. Flemish Gothic, British Museum. yl 17 th & 18 th CENTURY. Plate 19. i & 2 From an Engraving Printed on Parchment, 1st of James II., Record Office. 3 From a Deed, 3rd of James II., ditto 4 to 6 From a Missal of Cardinal Cornelius, Min- erva Library, Rome. 7 From a Royal Bible, Paris. 8 From a Bible, at St. Marc, Venice. 9 German Gothic, British Museum. _ 10 From a German Manuscript, at Vienna. II, 13, 14 English Floral Letters, British ^Museum. 12 French Gothic, British Museum. 15 From an Italian Bible, Bologna University. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/illuminatedinitiOOunse , . - V» 10 th century. 4 ♦ ■ • ■ I2T¥ CENTURY. 7. ■ I3T H CENTURY 8 14 T » CENTURY. 9. . 1ST” CENTURY. II IS™ CENTURY. 12 . 13 \ ****** -OT. — 16 T” CENTURY. 16™ CENTURY. 16 17 t (■ . 17™ &. 18™ CENTURY. 19 . LoriDOfJ. NeWbe^Y i( d° 43. dAfrLE $ t HoV-BO(\H I st TO 4™ CENTURY. L A T I N . Reginjnxng of the, Christum, Era, ABCDEF6HIKI/H NOE CLK ST V XTZ E A R LY C H R I ST IAN. Fragments of Glass, from the, CcUxtoombs of Rome,. B Museum,. SiCDEFGILHHOBRSTVrZ ANCIENT BRITISH. Alphabet, of the. Monks. AKKKHIKMNOERKtWVy ol & c oL e f g h i j m n o v r s t u, w y LATINUM. Middle, of 3 rd Century. ABCDEFI KLMNOPRJ'T GOTH I CUM. Middle of 3 rd Ccrutrury. ivbnN.£F\>/)i KAr-my nap jm ^ o jj qu, | u EARLIEST GOTHIC. /VF4T>* TT'XIRJTTK^I B 4 RH^fl 0DICJ- a, b c d e f g K t It, l m n o -p q r s t v on y x LATIN. A D. 306. ABCDtEGHHaMNOPaiUTV^y^ GOTHIC .Invented, by UlpTulas Bishop of the Goths. A D . 388 ■ ^KrA.^FPQIl^TVAY a b c d, e- -F nop s t u a y A.BCREGH1 \M M O p C ■■ beginning of 6 th C-eni \\3l b c b> e: f 7 K L ciino p q r s t qu/rv A 6 C t> 6 FG\i T R LOO v C 9 G R . T| M-S Bodleian Library. 6^ Cent. AABCDH f 6 q H 1 1 W N 0 MSTT'P S X 6 T « TO 7TH CENTURY. 4 LOMBARD. 6^-Ce.ntar^ a, 5 c4**e/’ g Tv v Z rv o \ -p g\ t s t u. cc y x. ROMAN SAXON. Beginning 7 ft Cent n a, a, ov ov b C c > c c A e e IP Rl 77i n n o o ]j} C » SIFS^IIlt rrv m. V ? I/ J >r s t t u u *> v x // oc. M. S. HarZcum, Library, 7 °y Cent. flb ^BcgeFqo^VcoNopqRSTTUZ - LATIN 7*h Cent. AbcdeF9hl KLcDNOpc] KSTUX S* Augustine PsaZter - Cottonian M S. A D. 600-700. ^ABCt>6EFq^)iLcD MNopqRSTu yxy BYZANTINE. Prom a Diptych, S . Kensington Museum 7 Cent. ABCDEGHI KLN OPKTTVX 7 rn T0 8 TH CENTURY. 5 T 1 ^ SAXON. Ccttoniwn- Library. 7 th/ Century. AEDEfimH^gRxun ROMAN SAXON. End of T^Cent. (x6codEep^h]3ltai'Hop^qRjisr'C€u^fz. ROMAN SAXO I EIFFIBIl ROMAN SAXON. Erub of 7 ^ Cent. a/ Os as b be doLeeffghsil mTtvrvTVTVopgrstu m a> so St (XuKberts Gospels, B. Museum-. Beginning of St*? Cent i&code pGdihi Lwmwoi3gaR xtux A.B. 700 . 800. LO M B A R D I C . M. S . Corpus Christi Colleges, Counbridges. 8iC Cent. ABCTHHinMOPQRSTOft NUMERALS. A.B. 600 . 7 00. - 12 . 3* $47 190 s fsCn OCIAHO^.j: B T ” TQ 9 th CENTURY. 6 from, the Vatican Library. Si*' Century. from. a. Copy of the < FourJGospels in the Royal Library. 8 th ' Cent. S) ®) / 6)8)6) 'a <5i - - * * * ASCD LTG H l HiJMN 02QR5I.y UXTZ v Royab Library. S'*- Cent. NHPT 8 th Cent. a.ABCCDo>Eep9bjl,nODNOpQRTU\J^ ax acc U go cl d t:e pF 99 b h iLLtcmrm n n o pqq riqixx r-iTuviv^ry^ z ^ A D. SIS. ^.ABcJ)ee / Ff6njKi,Lcr>Mr)ivfopQRA’Tcux2 J ^Psalter of Alfred the Great. A .D. 880. ^ At)CDralMnNOpC[RSTUTV NUMERALS 8 th Cent, hhivu-uv uu-qit- q\\\ -p- ,/o .M . 9 th to io™ century. 7 ^PFi FRR 1 1 IfTTTT 0 YYUX op r r r r r s s i t t t t u> H v v a> SAXON RUNNING HAND. Ho dluan Library. 9 th ' CrrU, aafxrScFf^HHHjyt i'nuopaqR^r.\nivxyy SAXON RUNNING HAND. M.S.C.C.C. Carnbridge^. (aJboivb A.D. 891.) /^OGbCdeF^I pllTD N 0 P'dpvjc j K C UVZUK NUMERALS. 9 tK Cerx. 8 10™ TO II th CENTURY. ID. 940 to 960\ & ik 4 4 j A. V. WU to ') b l . a a a: d c D f p t Ji i kl m n o q |i. f ^ s r i i^cx f z SAXON RUNNING HAND. S'? Aug tvs tins Revelations by Command, of S^Diai.stan lO'L'Ccut. yV^Bbc^D 6t’£VV QGfib JjjcUrMl^ O pPQCJRtGSlTUy*?* ELEGANT SAXON. M.S.BodiuoiLib. A.D. 9SS. ELEGANT SAXON. From, a Book vf lionuh.es, LamJbelh Lib. lO&Cuvt.. TDCEHIMLRT ABCeikl.WNOKSTtJ NORMAN. M.S. Cottonia to Library, N* K Vent. GERMAN. M S. Royal Library Munich 11°! (tut. II th TO 12™ CENTURY. 9 M. S . Royal library, Munich 11 ffy Cent 10 12 th CENTURY. 12 ** Century a tkfk'fc) t) i | feuiopq r5tv mrj) ? , •' ®CE)£i 3 ' 13™ , CENTURY. 12 "75 .T Cent . ITALIAN. 73^Cervt. Torrib of Henry 3T^ We^trrvui6ter Abbe^. 13 Ay Cent,. 137* CENTURY. 13 13^ Century. 13^ Century. 13™ & I4«T” CENTURY 14 M.S.13 i *'&>14**y Century. JD«eF@«a W JtC Hi i% © f> QfftS {Sia Wtffll 96 V Various M.S. 1300 So. 14-00. paR9navtrfy 1300 & 1400 ab cb efgf) ffk 1 irni op q r h tuowj p ? Sepulchral Inscriptions cvt Viennu.. IS**' & 14 t * / CerU I4T H CENTURY. iS flOMMttllfEUIM ojfd8jeroiir®xpz 14?y Cent, akkfgtnklrano^tftu SET CHANCERY. Erui of 14*? Cent 2U# f € t P 8 Si Jf 43 B m Jl ti IU JTC 9«m 9&n ® o ! I4 TH TO I5 TH CENTURY. 17 !4 i f .' Century. S\t CD £-MlnDlmj])JMDlpM M. S . UrUuth Museurrb. 1400 - 1 500 ABC DECCFQGh I7M H LA\M WMN D OPQRSSTVX ! I5T» CENTURY. 18 aBrMfglnlilninopii^fMp? Datf about 14-00 . ITALIAN fS^Ccni. I — — IS™ CENTURY. 20 M . S . Souths Kensington. Museums A D 1400 — 1600 . ad b c li rt'u h 1 1 nm o p q v ? (st nt> n> 123456789 . M . S . South. Kensington* Museum,. A D. 4400 - 1500 ■ ^$ct)ejqf7Mm?zopQ3a^cg3 ab cbefc^btlrrm opqr fotulfhp)^ From a, form. of Prayer of St Bartholomjew of Pisaru. Date1475. 1ST 1 ? CENTURY. 21 Zansdovrne M S . BritutJv Mvuseutr>;. About 1470. NunveraLs . 14**? 8c 15*? Cent ^Numeral# . 14* 8c. 15 th 'CenX,. \C? mmA8n miboiaoo 1ST 1 ? CENTUR Y. Ircrn, a,. Pen* Meal* of 'M«> ^ArtMialwp cf TfOftt. fk About 1460 22 Wf*3 f*3 Ct D Q O €! 8 B d 6Vr TL 'O ® FT© 5 IH^Ml | IOC M. S . BnLh Museum,. about, 1410. 0 SW y / from a, BfvrdvoUpnnti ^n&^DaU, about 146 C _ aeaoeE.snx b,e smop o.B.gctaxTz* British JMuaeum- 14* &15 tK CuU Ab c a ef gh\ Wtan o p q r stub Tiix y 3 . C^ V; . ■ “,‘( s <- IS™ CENTURY. 23 From, due- GoldrrvJiijbles Pruvtt. 17*^ Cent. 1 ft 1 IP 0 <1' V £. ft <£ U .0 IT l' II altbtWijMmnnsitglnbhitsi. ' ■■ i ■ r tT"'"--. I7T H CEHTURY. VENETIAN. n?y Century. ITALIAN. Train a. Missal vfCardmal CorrwUus. Minerva. Library. Bum*. I?*' Cent MFLSU&lkfe CtefotelE^iGt 66!0®tel Iktlf-lS© AiPlilT s?€ l '|C' p-|&sQ <0. iQiL® ROMAN CAPJTALS D° SMALL D° FICURES ITALIC CAPITALS D? SMALL D? FICURES SCRIPT CAPITALS 0? SMALL D» FIGURES [OPEN STONE | GOTHIC CAPITALS GERMAN TEXT CAPITALS D° SMALL GERMAN SCRIPT SMAU RUSSIAN CAPITALS D? 'flD TfllS I U T OfflMLU v SMALL (ENGROSSING CAPITALS ! CREEK CAPITALS ,c d° SMALL 'D° SMALL | ITA oo N C smal A l LS i court hand capitals I Hebrew ORKAMENTAL. CAPITALS L«J SoRA«S inmplniRH CAPITALS ! D? SMALL 'ILLUMINATED INITIAL | d° SMALL | GERMAN SCRIPT CAPITALS London NeWbe^T K C°, 43, C^tLe S t HoLborN i ET . o v - ,uS\.i si . I /it ROMAN PRINT ab cdefghij klmnop qr stuvwxyz. OPQRSTUVWXYZ.&c. 1234567890 st- 12345678.90 fTALiC PRINT AB CDEFGHIJKLMN 2 SCRIPT CAPITALS 1 SCRIPT SMALL — — GERMAN T&XT 5 7 ! 5TAL5AN iTAUAN 8 _== 9 ORN AM ENTAL A. OLD ENGLISH 10 n ENGROS SING aabriiffgltijfolmniipiirBS t u M in f a ! GERMAN 13 RUSSIAN AB 6 L'4E>KS 3 M I KA M H O II PC T YO X 14 Hill m T> bl bB 3 10 fl 0 V GREER A B 1’ A E Z H 0 1 K AM N 10 II P ITYXM'0 4