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92. ^5' / 3 ( j . /3 9. ftblcS otcl/i , CcfCc - /■?s &■ /? . S 0/ 'ptoLtf.atA sj>Y / 0'4zc^o- Uru*J*J*~±cL*o s S/O'lU&Jb /OQ. //j. /Z/ . > /Z9. /3/. / /jL/L/— /S3. £ / , 2 . 3 o .3 ■ 3 o . 37 . t-z 9- ■ 3c> . St ■ 6'9 ,^ 3 .^ 7 . , 6q.7V- 73- c / tuuic^i / / / lJ 7 QZ. t/LCCtd , f/£&fc$cC*jLt, S/a / / Zo 2- , /O 3 __■ z _- /o/ / 3Q /icO. /SZ 2.. //O. //**- /2 b - 7- CUU*-cJt ■ CL.C*-3x. / 'Vf. /57. fao. JrQ 92. /52- - S/LLp ). //tilcscla A ■ / 3 &. CLC^cU^, • ?*: K.tttck$chtA vU~Cr*LCJZ-J> — ■ - ■ ■■ . / YULUS ocMjl^S / t/. 30.33 Sf // - CLLc^e^U. £f~ . /£> , / 3 . 3 7L - 6 6 , & G. 7 * . / 1 / h^,-i Cjz- /SL /2 *- /3< f. /V9 . Oi^CiTcUi , /6 S - 1 d'. //■/!+-. /f.2l- 2 S. if. 3/ ,337 3S 1+1. uz. .//£>. 1^7 $/ -5'2 $ 7 ^. b~ r ^. J'- 72- ■ 77- 79. fa. f\3. 76'. #?. %%%*?: ' bu^ /2 7,. /? r _ / 3u- (Sail / /3 d' //+/. /+c 2. . /So. /Si/-.. /J&. v f. - V— I'b.ij. u.& ■ *?- Sv ",p- 6 / 7 > $G QCU ^6 ' , /O 3. / O ty- SfaLccJb. //tcMscM c* . CVt<3l-tMj^ cL /2Z . ns-- /30 . /3 & /a ' r ' 7 ^~ ' /4 ^ •" ' Ct. /fy~b ' /S'/’ 3. C. J. /X ./7- */.2y-.3o. 33.3^. 3&.3JT. L/-U-. 4^5" 6~ b . &Q, d 3. £(■>.(> 7 (iQ. 7iT. 3rO. (feyL^x. , . ( hi^-Cl Cc^4 / / fL / ' . //^ /:? g Sf^4.£Lc C. . 7^oli Sc7c' , L C Qtf-. /oz, /OS ■ /0 7 ■ 7oP-. //o ./2C>. / f 7ri^ii. /c S ■ fez. /33 ■ /v-o. /£/■ f~ . /Sif. 757. /0 2 - ■ / 33 . /£& ■ 6>Z /<>*■ / fyatUiSoh-tA . //O ■ Ci ,C t //£. /2 /5r /<*/£. /^ ■ ' I * CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF ) mi- "bee 'J& loChA C' 2 - Modern Pictures OF GEORGE ATKINSON, ESQ. Deceased; PICTURES AND DRAWINCS, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN AND From Numerous Private Collections and Different Sources: WHICH tSEill be J^olb bu Jhuttan bu Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT OTm &&3SAT KOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James's Square, S. W. lO C I CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and it any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required] in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-salo shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN . WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. W. BENNETT. 1 Kenilworth Castle W. R. BEVERLEY. 2 Coast Scene, with shipping H. BRIGHT. 3 A Swiss Lake —chalk J. B. BURGESS, R.A. 4 A Spanish Lady — crayons 4 £7 6' *5 A Heath Soehe T. COLLIER. E. W. COOKE, R.A., 1869. 6 Amsterdam & t • 6 H. DAWSON. 7 Wilford, near Nottingham E. DUNCAN. /• , * 8 Oyster Boats in a Breeze /■ ^ G. L. HALL. 9 Coast Scenes —a pair T. B. HARDY, 1892. 10 On the Lagoons t. ** H. GASTINEAU. 11 Beach Scene, with horse and figures DAVID LAW. 12 Venice, from St. Giorgio 7 .(.t DAVID LAW. 13 Via Garibaldi, Venice cZ. A. . o G. R. LEWIS. 14 The Wayside Shrine VJ\ 5 J. H. MOLE, 1874. 15 Shrimpers, near Barmouth S. PAGET. ^ 16 Views in Cumberland —a pair S. PROUT. 0 17 A Street in Nuremburg T. J. SOPER. 18 Church Pool, Bettws T. J. SOPER. O 19 At Sutton Courtney T. J. SOPER. & 20 Streatley Mill 0 21 Loch Awe 22 A Coast Scene T. M. RICHARDSON. J. STEEPLE. < A. W. STRUTT. 23 The End of the Chase ; and The Sentinel A. W. STRUTT. 24 Chaffinches ; and Tomtits G f. r. /AM. E. VERBOECKHOVEN. ^ 25 Mid-Day Rest —charcoal H. B. WILLIS. 4 < 26 A Calf E. M. W1MPERIS, 1877 0 27 Arundel Castle / G. WOLFE. 28 Scarborough G. WOLFE. 0 29 Newlyn, Cornwall DIFFERENT PROPERTIES DRAWINGS. G. DODGSON. s ? 30 The Haunted Glen H. G. HINE. 0 31 Rooks at Swanage, Dorset G. G. KILBURNE. q 32 The Ancestor’s Sword Jb) - D. COX. Q 33 A Welsh Landscape, with sheep D. COX. r J 34 A Landscape, with horsemen and rushes W. BENNETT. 35 View oyer a Park, with tower and cattle A. FRAGONARD. 36 Venus going to the Bath, attended by Cupids 37 Afternoon Tea C. J. ATKINS. 8 /. A ^ A A £ . o <->3 * ^ c2. P-T* •2, 2 . & 7J . *J . 0 /#2Z # C. P. SAINTON. 38 French Peasants —silver print 0. P. SAINTON. 39 “ L’ Entr'acte ”—ditto C. P. SAINTON. 40 A Break in the Clouds at Twilight — ditto 41 A Bather C. P. SAINTON. 42 Greek Girls C. P. SAINTON. C. P. SAINTON. 43 Will o’ the Wisp C. P. SAINTON. 44 The Stage Door W. E. LOCKHART, 1882. 45 Piazza del Annunziata, Florence BIRKET FOSTER. 46 Children in a Hay Field (iZrzr/X, 2, / U F. CALVERT. df f £62 A Coast Scene, with fishing boats; and The Companion 2 * F. CALVEET. , CP 63 A Coast Scene, with castle; and The Companion MODEEN. A £ , 65 Hemingford Mill, St. Ives / f ./ f . 0 66 Look Bridge, YEEND KING. Cornwall II YEEND KING. ^ 67 A Scene on the Ouse, with bridge A Scene on the YEEND KING. Ouse, with cottages and cattle 69 The Anglers WAIN WRIGHT. W. E. WILCOCKS. e* 70 Caistok Castle LINNELL. 'J 71 A Landscape, with timber waggon 72 Elixir of Love A. H. DOURRIER. J. S. COOPER, Jun. * 73 Addison Walk, Oxford J. F. HERRING and D. PASSMORE. 0 74 A Farm Scene : Milking time F. W. WATTS. O 75 A River Scene, with barge and figures WATTS. A Lock, on a river, with figures 12 //, . £ G ARMFIELD 77 Terriers in a Barn 2 ,/£. 6 F. MULLER GOSSEN. 78 The Cornish Coast /, /, ^ F. MULLER GOSSEN. 79 An Ocean Tramp F. MULLER GOSSEN. ^ , 6? 80 H.M.S. “ Powerful ” and “ Revenge ” J. BOUVIER ^, /S * 81 Scene from ‘The Vicar of Wakefield’ /r- /r. O 82 A Grey H. MOORE, R.A. Sea iJ, «/ ■ o F. BKANGWYN. 83 Limehouse Reach • c/ , F. BRANGWYN, 1889. 84 Home for Christmas — black and white , /•£ , £ SNAYERS. 85 A Cavalry Engagement /' £ 86 The Fisherman’s Home W. H. MIDWOOD, 1875 fa. 13 LINNELL. ^87 The Timber Waggon G. SMITH. 88 Labour; and Enjoyment— a pair 2 C. STANFIELD, R.A., 1834. > 89 A Landscape, with mill, and figures on a road MARSHALL CLAXTON. ^,90 Marie Antoinette defended by the Swiss Guard Exhibited at the Royal Academy HARDY. ^91 Hare and Partridge G. H. HAELOW. O 92 Hubert presenting Prince Arthur to the Populace A. RESANI. > 93 An Italian Landscape, with herdsman and cattle ROBERTS. 5 94 The Desert and Pyramids of Egypt WILSON. 3 95 River Scene, with man fishing J. B. CROME. 95a A Woody River Scene, with figure: Moonlight 14 The Property of GEORGE ATKINSON , Esq., deceased. J. T. ADAMS. , T? 96 On the Llugwy, North Wales A J , & 97 Sulks M. CORNELISSEN. G. DE BREANSKI. 98 On the Coast at Yarmouth ^99 Still L. DOUZETTE. Evening J. E. MEADOWS. 4* 4 ■ ° 100 Return of Fishing Smack JULES NOEL. £ I? , & 101 A Landscape, Brittany H. PILLEAU. /■,/£>. o 102 The Cotton Bazaar, Cairo C. ROBERTSON. , £7 103 A Dealer in Arms, Cairo