/ LITERARY LIGHTS A BOOK OF CARICATURES SOME BORZOI BOOKS FINDERS by John V. A. Weaver POEMS by Wilfrid Scausen Blunt INTO THE DARK by Barbra Rine GOLDEN BIRD by James Oppenheim THE ROVING CRITIC by Carl Van Daren FOX FOOTPRINTS by Elizabeth J. Coats-worth YOUR HIDDEN POWERS by James Oppenheim A LINE O’ GOWF OR TWO by Bert Lesion Taylor THE WORLD IN FALSEFACE by Georee Jean Nathan LITERARY LIGHTS A BOOK OF CARICATURES by GENE MARKEY NEW YORK ALFRED • A • KNOPF 1923 COPYRIGHT, 1923 , BY ALFRED A. KNOPF, INC. Published , March , 1928 Plates engraved by the Aetna Photoengraving Co., New York Printed by the Vail-Ballou Co., Binghamton, N. Y., on Warren's paper Bound by the H. Wolff Estate, New York. MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To MY MOTHER CONTENTS 1. Hamlin Garland 2. Joseph Hergesheimer 3. Sherwood Anderson 4. Henry Kitchell Webster 5. John Dos Passos and F. Scott Fitzgerald 6. Christopher Morley 7. Carl Sandburg 8. Theodore Dreiser and E. Phillips Oppenheim 9. Edgar Lee Masters 10. Donald Ogden Stewart and Louis Untermeyer 11. Don Marquis 12. Zane Grey, Emerson Hough and Philip Ashton Rollins 13. Ben Hecht 14. Heywood Broun 15. Charles Hanson Towne 16. John V. A. Weaver and John Farrar 17. Robert Cortes Holliday 18. H. L. Mencken and Hugh Walpole 19. William Allen White 20. Ernest Boyd 21. Keith Preston, Richard Henry Little and Richard At¬ water (“Riq.”) 22. Henry Sell 23. Harrison Rhodes 24. Maxwell Bodenheim and Edgar A. Guest 25. Harry Hansen 26. Burton Rascoe 27. Llewellyn Jones 28. The Brothers Benet 29. Karl Edwin Harriman 30. James Branch Cabell 31. F. P. A. 32. Carl Van Vechten 33. Hendrik Van Loon 34. Vincent Starrett 35. A. Edward Newton 36. Alexander Woollcott, Percy Hammond and Robert C. Benchley 37. Charles Collins, Ashton Stevens and O. L. Hall 38. George Jean Nathan 39. Thomas Beer and Dr. Frank Crane 40. H. L. Mencken 41. Sinclair Lewis 42. Prof. William Lyon Phelps 43. Keith Preston and Petronius 44. John Drew 45. John Peale Bishop and Edmund Wilson, Jr. 46. Booth Tarkington 47. Achmed Abdullah and Edwin Balmer 48. Frederick O’Brien 49. Carl Sandburg and J. C. Squire 50. Prof. Stuart P. Sherman LITERARY LIGHTS A BOOK OF CARICATURES Hamlin Garland, crowned by the Academie Americaine. \ JOSEPH HERGESHEIMER The author of Cytherea (according to a reviewer in Jonesville, Arkansas) considers two pronounced literary influences. Sherwood Anderson wondering if the report be true that he is a greater realist than Zola. Henry Kitchell Webster, getting ready for a hard night at the Opera. LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES John Dos Passos and F. Scott Fitzgerald < Christopher Morley about to write an Essay. Carl Sandburg calls upon The Poetry Society of America. TWO GREAT REALISTS Theodore Dreiser and E. Phillips Oppenheim Edgar Lee Masters, at mention of Chicago as a literary capital, contemplates flight to Italy. 4' # Don Marquis composing a Sonnet. Zane Grey, Emerson Hough and Philip Ashton Rollins discuss western fiction. Ben Hecht and some of the characters in Erik Dorn. Heywood Broun, blighting an entire crop of spring novels. . One of the characters in Charles Hanson Towne’s novel. Johnny Weaver conferring upon Johnny Farrar the Order of the Brooklyn Eagle. Robert Cortes Holliday and his famous Walking-Stick. AN INVITATION Hugh Walpole invites Mr. Mencken to England. THE SAGE OF KANSAS William Allen White Ernest Boyd and the Master. THREE CHICAGO COLUMNISTS Keith Preston, Richard Henry Little and Richard Atwater (“Riq’ Henry Sell enters the Ritz. // Harrison Rhodes takes the air in Venice. IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS Maxwell Bodenheim and Edgar A. Guest. Harry Hansen glances over a publisher’s list. Burton Rascoe looks with favor upon a Manuscript. Llewellyn Jones contemplates a four-column article, annihilating a group of New England Poets. The Brothers Benet read to each other from their own Works. KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN The Editor of The Red Book in the West on a hunting trip —hunting for Western Stories. JAMES BRANCH CABELI, F. P. A. I Carl Van Vechten plans another book. Hendrik Willem Van Loon wakes up to find himself famous. AN EMINENT VICTORIAN Vincent Starrett: “What is the wild Wave saying?” / J * AN EMINENT JOHNSONIAN A. Edward Newton, Esq. THREE CHICAGO DRAMATIC CRITICS Charles Collins, Ashton Stevens and O. L. Hall. Mr. Nathan goes to the play. IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS Dr. Frank Crane and Thomas Beer. H. L. Mencken trying to think of more things that annoy him. Sinclair Lewis returns from England. Prof. William Lyon Phelps, in an un-academic moment, strolls homeward with an eclectic assortment of autumn novels. ! < ! Keith Preston cracks a quip with the Shade of Petronius. John Drew brings forth his Memoirs. John Peale Bishop and Edmund Wilson, Jr. bring forth The Undertaker’s Garland. MR. TARKINGTON COSMOPOLITAN Achmed Abdullah and Edwin Balmer. Frederick O’Brien contemplates the 86th volume of his chaste adventures in the South Seas. T. C. Squire and Care Sandhurg revive the ancient Whistler-Ruskin Controversy. i Prof. Stuart P. Sherman meditates upon the shocking state of American Letters. 91'6 3 2.2. S 4 - «HTYQ0fi0H!SaHfi»