Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/alphabetsnumeralOOshaw IpJmbeta jSumeratef Be twes of tJie jWtotile ages iLontion WILLIAM PICKERING 1843 Date, about 1272. F19M TIE MONUMENT OF HE MY 3* m In Westminster Abbey. r » Da.te.th.e end of the J.') ,h Centnx-y. TB.OM THE STALLS in S^Georg-es Chapel, Windsor, Date, 1530. FROM THE HYSTOIRE DE PERCEVAL LE G ALLOYS. Date, the beginning of the 16th Century. FROM WOOD CUTS. Date, the beginning of (lie 16th Century. FROM AN ENGRAVING ON WOOD. Date. 1349. JIB CD € itmnop I'lffil §? MARGARETS CI¥1C1, Date, the beginning of the 1 Gt It Century. FROM AN ENGRAVING ON WOOD. Date, about 1400. FROM THE MONUMENT OF RICHARD II. IN WESTMINSTER ARBEY, AND OTHERS OF THE SAME DATE. Date, about 14U0. FROM THE MONUMENT OF RICHARD II. AND OTHERS ABOUT THE SAME DATE, IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Date, the end of the Vo Lh Century. icl S-Gecorge's Chapel .Windsor Date, 1085. IflBCDGEI IFGblKLI IMnopoI RSTVX + ST I RPS 6VNDRR FROM THE TOMB OF GUNDREDA, SISTER OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, in Southover Church, Lewes. JLABEI.S, From eaxiy German. Prints. Date about 1480. FROM \ Ms AT ROUEN Date about 1480, jaBCDoetH.- &n FROM A BENEDTCTIONALE IN THE POSSESSION OF THE REV. W. MASKELL. Date about 1470 FROM LANSDOWNE MS. 451. IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Date about l4"o. FROM SUMMA BARTHOLOM^EI PISANI ORD. PR/EDIC. DE CASIBUS CONSCIGNTLE. Date about I47. r i. FROM SUMMA BARTHOLOM^EI PISANI ORD. PR^DIC. DE CASIBUS CONSCIENTLE. Date 1462 FROM FUST AND SCIOIFFOERS In the Britisl Museum. BIBLE o Date, the beginning of the 10th Century FROM A COPY OF THE ROMAN! DE LA ROSE. Date, the beginning of the 16th Century. FROM A COPY OF THE ROM ANT DE EA ROSE. Dato about 1330. Date, about 1480. FROM A PONTIFICALE OF JOHN II. ARCHBISHOP OF TREVES. Date 1462 IKK©ffl 1KUST AN ID) SCMOTlFJF'OTEItK.S BIBLE, la the British Museum. .Date a"boul MVU. In. the poTscCsioji of the Rev* W. Waskcll Datf-. 1462 Date, 1547. RIBAND LETTERS. Date, 1547. RIBAND LETTERS. Date, 1515. FROM THE MISSALE TRAIJECTENSE. Date, the 10th Century. FROM THE BRITISH MUSEUM, ROYAL MS. I. E. VI. Date the beginning of the 8th Century. muDBqaRXiux FROM A COPY OF ST. CUTIIBERT'S GOSPELS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Date 146S. MiOM JFUST ATO SCfflOIFFiQEMS JMBUE . In. the British Museum. Date, 1515. FROM THE MISSALE TRAIJECTENSE. ALPHABETS OF END OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. Dale the 12tli Century. FROM THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Royal MS. I. C. VII. and others of the same date. Date 1515. Date 1539 FROM CRAMMER'S BIBLE „