isvar,2.1- LoQt5 , A CAPITAL AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH and DUTCH PICTURE; VALUABLE ANTIQUE MARBLES in CROUPES, Statues, Buftoes,' BASSO RELIEVOS, FINE BRONZES; all PARTICULARLY A fine Antique Statue of Leda ; A Ditto of HERCULES ; and a fmall Draped Ditto of MINERVA. THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE DUKE OF STm ^LM>AJVS, Dec, Brought from his Grace’s late Refidence, In MANSFIELD. STREET, PORTLAND PLACE. (By Order of the foie Executrix) WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. CHRISTIE, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On SATURDAY, MARCH the 27th, 1802, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. • 9 d ■ a ■ ■ o ■■ ■ i ) M e — o May be Viewed till the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, and in Pall Mall. j CONDITIONS OF SALE.." ^ ■ -'ll'-; . I, ^T^HE ^higheft Bidder to be the Buyer ; andlf any Difpute atife between Two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed ihall be put up again and re-fokl. n. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds zs. 6d. And fo on in pro- portion. , ^ -r . HI. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if reqiuied, and to pay down zol. per Cent, in Part of Payment • of the Purchali: Money; in Default of which^ the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, t& be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts,. Uie Remain- der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depoiited in Part of Payment Ihall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, lhaU be re-fold by Public or Private- Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fiicb, Re-fale, fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. t I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 22 13 A GATALOGUE, . .1 ..i ■ Second ' Day’s^ Sale, - / SAT UR DAY, MARCH the zyth , . 1802. ANTI^E SCULPTURE, A Cinerary Urn, with Infcription, (no cover) A Ditto and Cover, fculptured with Birds and Feftoons , i * A Ditto A Ditto and Cover, with a Latin Infcription Curious A Ditto, larger, and Cover A Ditto, large, ornamenttd with a Bird and Wreath in Front, with Cover An Antient Terra Cotta, two Female Figures in Hetrufcan Drapery, fupporting a candelabrum, formed of the Lotus, Curious ; from the collection of Dr. Mead Portrait of a Cardinal, in Mofaic, and a Fi(h Ditto St. Jerome in Mofaic Head of St. Cecilia, from Guido, in Mofaic, very fine Small Statue of an Emprefs Ditto of the Hecate, trifiormis A Boy carrying another, fmall Bas-relief in Ivory, in a Black Frame / ' [ 4 ] ■ ■ . : 14 An Ivory pierced and carved ChaliCe ' 15 A beautiful Ivory Cup, richly embellilhcd with Boys, carved in alto-Relief, and fupported by an Infant Bacchus, in Ivory 16 A Stand for a Lamp, compofed of a beautiful Group of three allegorical Infant Figures, finely carved- in Ivory 17 A Mug in Ivory (unmounted), with Bacchanalian Boys, carved in bas relief, in a Angularly bold and fine Style 18 A Pair of Alabafter Modern Bulls, Bacchus and Ariadne 19 A Groupe of Lions, ditto 20 An exquifite Pair of Alabafter Figures, the Apollo Belvidcre, and Venus de Medicis, delicately and beautifully executed 21 A Group of Cupid and Pfyche, ditto 22 A lleeping Cupid, in Marble, modern 23 A Bronze Group of Hercules and Antajus, antique 24 A Bronze Group of Mercury and a Female 25 A Crab , ^ 26 A Pair of Bronze Vafes, ftyle of the Antique 27 Four Hbrfes in Bronze 28 Five, a Juno, Minerva, tlia PudieVti-a, AntJnous, and 1 more 29 Two, St. George, and a Cupid, cqueftrian* 30 A Horfe from the Antique, on an inlaid Pedeftal 31 A Female, recumbent, by ZolFoli 32 Bull of Fauftina, in Bronze 33 A Cupid, Fiamingo, and a Pair of Boys 34 A Pair of Bronzes, Venus with the Lobfter, and Companion 35 Infant Hercules ftrangling the ferpents, gilt, on a Pedeftal 36 A pair of elegant Four-light Candelabra, in or moulu, each fupported by a Mer- cury, in Bronze, on Marble plinth with Bronze Sphinxes 37 Two Alabafter Vafts, and a fmall black and white Antique ditto and cover 38 A mixed Alabafter ditto 39 A fine copy of the Veftal of the Capitol 40 Head of a Mercury, in Marble, Modern, and« fmall Pedestal, of the very fcarcc green Porphyry 41 A Cupid by Falconet 42 Head of a Mercury, Antique 43 Buft of a Boy, Antique, draped with variegated Marble 44 Head of a Female, with a Veil, antique , 45 A. pedeftal formed of the Shaft of a pillar of the Granitello Marble 46 An elegant Vafe and Cover, of .(Egyptian Marble [ 5 ' , » ' , 47 A Pair of-X.ion’s Feet of the rare Granite, antique ^ mounted with Frenqh Marble Caps and plinths 48 A Porphyry Yafe and Cover, by Silvio of Veletri 49 A fmall Statue of Flora Antique 50 Minerva, ditto 51 An Antique Statue of Hercules^ with the Pedeftal to Ditto, ©lamented with a hand grafping a Larva with the Lions Skin, in alto relief, antique ^2 A VERY CAPITAL and Angularly fine Antique Statue of Leda with" the Swam., and Pedeftal to ditto, with a Head of Apollo, in alto-relief 53 A Slab, formed of the Antique Mofaic, and ftand to ditto ' * 54 A beautiful Copy of the Venus de Medicis, exquifitely fculptured, 4 feet 8 inches high . , 55 A Ditto of the Apollo, at Florence, companion to the preceding, 4 feet 8 inches high PICTURES. >56 A Pair of Drawings, Views in Italy, with Antiquities, &c. Old W-V. de YeWe — *56 A Pair of Sea Pieces, highly finilhed pen drawings C. Janfen — 57 A Young Man’s Head Parmegiano — 58 A Holy Family,, a very high-finilhed cabinet pi£lurc “59 Portrait of Henry the Fourth of France, very highly K finifhed, the mailer unknown Stubbs — ^60 Portraits of a Horfe and a Pointer, a pair Rofalba — 61 Two Heads, in crayons Mignard — 62 Portrait of a Lady C. Janfen — 63 A Nobleman’s Portrait »/ Titian — 64 Nymphs Bathing P. Panini — 65 Ruins and Architedure . Cradock — 66 Poultry Rofalba — 67 A Woman with Children playing Ditto — 68 Portrait of a Lady • v—-' 69 A Sacrifice, in chiaro-feuro 70 A Ditto, the companion 71 The Three Graces, ditto V. Dyck — 72 An Old Lady’s Portrait Zuccarelli — 73 The Continence of Scipio Poletnberg — 74 Nymphs Bathing Scott — •75 View of London from the Tower, with Veflels and Figures , [ 6 }• Ditto Doinenichino 77 Liotard 78 Hondecooter y 79 J. Steen 80 • i - 81 Z'lccarelli 82 Ditto yf — 83 Van Goyen 84 Verne t 85 Rembrandt ' i V 66 G. Donw -i. " 87 J. Van Hnyfem 88 Rem brant -- '■ 89 Breughel — 90 Wilfon — - -- 9 ^ Webber — 92 Le Moine — 9 ^ Guido — — 94 Head — 95 Rubens 96 Vernet — 97 Ditto — 98 Gainfborough ; ' / 99 Sal Rosa — TOO Seb del Piom BO — 102 Paduanino — 102 Mompert of Italy — 103 Ditto, with a Part of Weftminfter Bridge, the companion A Landfcape, a grand Scene, with Figures Portraits of a Young Lady and Gouvernante at Breakfaft, in crayons, from the colledion of the late Earl of Befborough Poultry in a Landfcape, a very capital Picture from the fame Colledlion A humorous Subje£l, from Ditto The Virgin and Infant Chrift, a capital and well known Pi£lure, one of the fineft of this great Mafter’s Works, from the fame Colle£lion A beautiful landfcape with Italian Peafants and Cattle The companion, of equal Merit A View on the Coaft of Holland, whh Fifliing Boats A Sea Storm and Shipwreck, capital A Candlelight, known by the name of the Cradle An Interior with a Dutch Family A very ftiperb and capital Pi£lure A Philofopher, a fpirited fine Pi£lure " Building of the Tower of Babel, a moft furprlfing laborious high finifiied Pidlure, on Copper A very capital Landfcape, View in Italy A View in the Alps, with Waterfall A Turkifh Courtfiiip’ j A Magdalen, a very capital Pidlure - ■ A Baccanti Group , ^ , Ditto A View of the Town of Nogent, in Chameagne, a very line PitSfure The companion, of equal Merit Hounds Hunting a Fox, a large capital PI£Iure An Incantation, a very capital Pi£Iure - ' — " The Vifitation of Elizabeth, Ditto ‘ Alfemblage of Gods and Goddefles A warm Landfcape, view in Egypt ^ ■ to 9 >V )ok jiK- /O IX 7 [ 7 ] J Capelle N. Pouflln N. Berghem Pu Cros 104 105 106 107 108 A Sea View on the Coaft of Holland, a clear plealing Scene A Baccanalian, a capital Picture An Emblematical Reprefentation of the Rife and Greatncfsof the Commerce of Holland, efteemed the moft capital Performance known of this Matter A View of the Temple of the Sybils, at Tivoli The Companion ^ , If" ■/■i o FINIS. w ^ J. 148^ St > Lftut* V 1 ‘ jcl' illlo ■•>^5 (!0 . A 'v I- DI oriiO' c- .''-' ' . j.. ;' ::n .odcM 'A. ‘ 21 r.-/',i . "' , . : M'rfni IfnJi nA '21 ,von>: liori sf'J _':,f 'v'--: i' .« ; i v y. jol ♦■■i' .* ,^V r.olf; r.c ) 3 j‘. ' V- 4 1 /J / r ^ % ’ V < -i‘\' 2.0 «'1-,.T.TI ii .H .' • 3 20'jO nCI -i ’ ^ ojiO t > * 'S- u ^ . ? -I / I t '/: 'i V. o iv ; - , . ■// / ..;^ t\\it\ \ 0 (sl CArf)LOCr t'la^ i^ChS /•/ w.'. ♦a 4-' . 4'. t' J>'P ^i5-0 siyf fiOTYCFSTZf? MPRA