O^T^ILOOXTIE im fA r L Lo&t\ fj THE COLLECTION OF o Sr -yfoAj? ZU-O 5 J. GEIRNAERT. 17 Chez le Notaiee Signed, and dated 1837 32 in. by 41 in. From the Collection of Count Schonborn-Wiesentheid MODERN GERMAN. 18 A Mountain Scene, with a castle on a lake, and a cascade : Moon¬ light 30 in. by 41 in. J. VERHEIJEN. 19 A Dutch Stkeet Scene, on the bank of a canal, with figures Signed, and dated 1826 16j in. by 13J in. From the Collection of Count Schonborn-Wiesentheid R. FLEURT. 20 THE COUNCIL OF POISSY JbcJtorvd!, Signed 37 in. by 52 in. OLD PICTURES. N. BERCHEM. ijCuarycc 21 A Landscape, with a muleteer, figures and animals at a forcT 18+ in. by 24 in. N. BERCHEM. 22 A Rocky Landscape, with muleteers, cattle and goats 23 in. by 29^ in. From the Collection of Count Schonborn-Wiesentheid B 3 f 6 J. BOTH. 23 An Italian Scene, with buildings on a lake in the middle distance, a group of fine trees in the foreground on the left, figures and animals on the right Signed, and dated 1650 31J in. by 40 in. F - BODOHEK ' . 24 Cupids, with bows and arrows; and Cupids, with garlands of/ flowers —a pair 37 in. by 52 MADAME LE BRUN (After). 25 Portrait of the Artist 22jj in. by 18 in. CASANOVA. 26 A Battle Scene 32 in. by 25 in. fro COELLO. 0 n . JO' A -7 The Queen of Philip III. of Spain, seated with her three children, in rich dresses 57J in. by 38 in. From the Collection of Sir Hugh Hume Campbell, Bart., 1894 /3tr A. CUYP. "fVoJZlt* 2S The Kicking Horse : a peasaut with a horse and dog on the left, six cows on the right, a village in the distance Signed On panel —26 in. by 364 in. 7 A. CUYP. 29 A Forest Scene, with sportsmen and dogs on a road Signed, and dated 1670 On panel — 35^ in. by 35J in. J. L. DAVIl). 30 The Parting of Telemaohtts and Eucharis Signed, and dated “ Brussels, 1818.” 34 in. by 4 in. From the Collection of Count Schonborn-Wiesentheid DROUAIS. jn /i 31 Portrait of Mdlle. Coeur de Eoy,in blue and lace dress Oval —25 in. by 20 in. DUTCH SCHOOL. «A . * n 32 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black robe with white collar and cuffs, holding his gloves in his left hand 33 in. by 27 in. BAREND GAEL. 33 Travellers Halting before an Inn Door, peasants dancing beyond Signed 19^ in. by 25^ in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. )%Mu 34 Portrait of Lord Mulgrave, Constantine John Phipps, second Baron; born 1744; was an officer in the Navy; died 1792. Full length, standing, leaning on a table ; naval uniform, cocked hat lying on the table ; portrait and books on a chair near; landscape seen through an open window 91 in. by 60 in. Exhibited at Burlington Souse, 187S From the Mildmag Collection 8 A- GREUZE (School of). 35 Portrait of a Lady, with black dress and lace kerchief, and. powdered hair 21^ in. by 16J in. H. H. /3>0 36 Portrait of Hans Balthazar Bodmer, setatis suae 47, chief huntsman of the State of Zurich, in black dress and gorget with white ruff, holding a sword in his left hand, with shield- of-arms, inscription, and date 1549 On panel , 23 in. by 20J in. / and sheep in the middle distance 51 in. by 63 in. 'A. MEULEMANS. 50 Interior of a Shop, with three figures: Candle-light 22 in. by 19 in. From the Collection of Count Schonhorn- Wiesentheid 3 £ JAN STEEN. W . 51 The Village Surgeon, dressing a patient’s foot, a dog and / numerous accessories in front, two children in the background Signed On panel —23 in. by 19 in. JAN STEEN. A/ . 52 A Visit to the Lawyer, tithe rent day: an interior, with four figures 18^ in. by 15^ in. A/S’ G. TERBURG. 53 Portrait of a Lady, in a black dress, with muslin collar and y_ sleeves, holding a fan in her right hand [ 17£ in. by 13| in. 11 | p „ «- TE “. 54 Portrait op a Gentleman, in black dress, bat and white collar, holding his gloves in his right hand The Companion 17J in. by 13£ in. G. TEEBUEG. 55 AN INTEEIOE OF A EOOM, with a lady in white and black cape, seated by a table, and holding a jug in her lap and a glass of wine in her left hand, from which she is drinking; on the far side of the table is a cavalier asleep, with his head on his arms 15J in. by 14 in. Engraved by Wille Formerly the property of Smith Owen, Esq., of Condover From the collection of John Heugh, Esq., 1878 Described in Smith's Catalogue, page 122 TITIAN (After). 56 La Bella 31 in. by 25 in. J. H. TISCHBEIN. 67 Portrait of a Lady, in blue furred dross trimmed with lace, and holding a miniature 25 in. by 19 in. VANDYCK. 68 Portrait of a Boy, in purple silk spencer and giecn with ruff and coral bead chain, holding a flag in his left hand 43 in. by 32 in. JlOO Jv trunk hose, 12 /M /&■ - yo /s /o /S' / o VELASQUEZ. 59 Head of an Old Man, in a black dress 20 in. by 16 in. A. VAN DE VELDE. y . „ 60 A Landscape, with a man leading a bull and blowing a horn, * three other peasants near Signed, and dated 1655 12J in. by 17J in. J. DE WIT. 61 Boys with a Tortoise, Swan and Dog —in grisaille—a set of So't. U>e> ® J. DE WIT. three 62 Boys with Sheaf of Corn —in grisaille 3ox.bo n J. DE WIT. i. rCifxyAMs 63 Boys Bathing; and Boys with a Globe —in grisaille—a pair 2 3c x SNYDERS. 64 A Stag Hunt 84 in. by 140 in. From the Collection of the Due d’Ossuna From the Murrieta Collection, 1892 P. DE VOS. 65 A Stag Hunt 99 in. by 171 in. From the Collection of the Due d’Ossuna From the Murrieta Collection, 1892 Loudon : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford irtreet and Clrarimr Cioes.