V * ■ ' CATALOGUE OF ! FINE WINES, THE PROPERTY OF MRS. S. KENNEDY, Deceased, late of 39 Cleveland Square, W. (by Order of the Executors); CAPTAIN MATON, Who is giving up his house at Dinton, Salisbury; J. PITCAIRN CAMPBELL, Esq. Deceased, late of 38 Lower Belgrave Street, S.W.; and F. DE MURRIETA, ESQ.: WHICH MUU t)f iroffr t)jj Auction in) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS at rm&m obbat booms, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1898, at one o’clock precisely. -o-oi#4©*.— Samples may be had, on paying for the same, One Week preceding the Sale, and Catalogues obtained, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James's Square , S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -*o*- (N.B.—Purchasers can have their Wine delivered in town at a charge of one shilling per dozen; or packed, for the country, at a charge of two shillings and sixpence per dozen.) The Cellar of Wines of CAPTAIN MAT ON, of Hinton, Salisbury, who is giving up his House, the greater part laid down by his late Father, Stephen Maton, Esq. SHERRY. 1 Three Dozens of Amontillado, bottled 1884 113 to 118 2 Three ditto 3 Three ditto 4 Three ditto 5 Three ditto 3 One ditto and eleven bottles, more or less; and very old Sherry, red seal (121), 1 One-Quarter Cask of Golden gallons One Dozen of 127 B 2 4 CLARET. 8 Three Dozens of Chateau Citran, 1891, Wakeham 79 to 90 /9A /z. 9 Three ditto 10 Three ditto 11 Three ditto, more or less VjC 3- 12 Three Dozens of Chateau Giscours, 1889, grand vin, Delacoste //A 1 *o 6 13 Three ditto //7 14 Three ditto A*. yy ,, yy/, y # 15 Three ditto 16 Three ditto 17 Three ditto, more or less 18 Three Dozens of Chateau Cos d’Estournel, 1889, grand /in bottled at the chateau /4/C 7, 8 19 Three ditto, more or less /6C 20 Three Dozens of Lafon Rochet, 1878, Pouard /' f/Cr 58 to 61 21 Three ditto / 22 Three ditto • £//- 23 Three ditto, more or less 24 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1877, grand vin, bottled'a the chateau 91 to 9* 25 Three ditto 26 Two ditto, more or less 27 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1874, grand ! 1877 28 Two ditto and eight bottles, more or less and V’ in, boitlei 128, 12! 29 Two Dozen and Four Bottles of Chateau Durfort Mar gaux, 1870, grand vin, Thompson (123); One Dozen an Seven Bottles of Chateau Cos d’Estournel, 188( Ponard (119); and Ten Bottles of Chateau Lafite, 186; corks branded “ Van Wart” (132), more or less & 5 POET. 30 Three Dozen Half-Bottles of Port, 1881, bottled 1884, shipped by Dow 104J) 10^ //&* 95 to 100 31 Three ditto 32 Three ditto 33 Four ditto and six half-bottles, more or less 34 Three Dozens of Port, 1863, shipped by Cockburn, bottled 1866, by Lester 35 Three ditto yy */ - _. 36 Four ditto and eleven bottles, more or less y^^y/ yp ^ 37 Four Dozen and Ten Bottles of Port, 1860, flipped by * Martinez, bottled 1863, by Bird, more or less ^yi 125, 126 38 Three Dozens of Port, 1858, shipped by Martinez, bottled 1860, y y Bird /yi 108 to 39 Three ditto - 40 Three ditto //y/C^ 41 Two ditto and eight bottles, more or less ~ 42 Four Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Port, 1847, shipped by , Quarles Harris, bottled 1850, Yan Wart, more or less 101 to 103 43 One Dozen and Four Bottles of Port, 1834, shipped by Croft, bottled 1837, bought in 1860, Thornton (94); and One Dozen and Two Bottles of Port, 1847, shipped by Sandeman; , bottled 1850, Eidlington (122), more or less /£y/^ 6 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 BURGUNDY, Etc. Three Dozens of Richebourg, 1887, bottled 1889, shipped by Leonce Bocquet, Eugene Delacoste 2021* Three ditto 'pf Three ditto / s Three ditto, more or less ^/// Three Dozens of Richebourg, 1887, bottled 1880. Delacoste, more or less & ^ 73 to 15^ Three Dozens of Sa vigny, 1887, bottled 1889, Delacoste 69 to 72, *■ ? o/^ Three ditto Three ditto Three ditto, more or less Two Dozens of Hock, 1886 (120) ; One Dozen and Nine Bottles of Chablis (124); Eleven Bottles of Pouilly, 1878 (130) ; and Two Bottles of Sparkling MpsELLK-(32)J more or less 4 */* -7^5 CHAMPAGNE. Three Dozens of Champagne, 1893, De St. Marceaux, very dry, more or less £ 33 to 35* Three Dozen Half-Bottles of Ditto 9 to 11 Three ditto, more or less Three Dozens of Champagne, 1892, J. A. Chevalier & Co., finest extra quality S, v//> 45 to 5‘2A Three ditto j? Two ditto, more or less ^ Three Dozen Half-Bottles of Champagne, J. A. Chevalier & Co., finest extra quality, Wakeliam P/P*. 53 to 55y Three ditto, more or less ^^ 7 64 10 62 Three Dozen and Four Bottles of Champagne, 1889, Deutz and Gelderman, Gold Lack, more or less y / 42 ip 44, 76' 63 One Dozen Magnums of Ditto / 64 One ditto and six magnums, more or less / 65 Four Dozen and Three Bottles of Champagne, 1884, Perrier Jouet (12 bottles slightly ullaged), Day, Watson and Son, more or less /7 ^ 36 to 38, 57, 76 66 Six Double Magnums of Champagne, 1884, Deutz and Gelder¬ man, Gold Lack y */ 12 to 26 67 Nine ditto, more or less „ ... 68 One Dozen and Nine Bottles and One Dozen and Ten Half-Bottles of Champagne, 1884, De Lossy, more or » less 39 to tt/t-uzAe 69 Two Dozen and Ten Bottles of Champagne, 1884, Veuve Monnier (29 to 31); Ten Bottles of Champagne, 1889, Adolph Heckler (27) ; and Nine Bottles of various Cham- pagnes (32), more or less iS/r* BRANDY, Etc. 71 One ditto 72 One ditto , The 70 One Dozen of Otard’s Brown Brandy, 1878, Killingley 62, ?-s/. 73 One ditto 74 One dittj 75 One ditto and eight bottles, more or less 76 One Dozen of Brandy, 1841, bottled , 1866, from Sir George Beaumont’s cellar 77 Ten bottles of ditto, more or less J / UIIU K J1L VJICLM-gC j * 77, 78' 78 Nine Bottles of Brandy, very old , more or less d&31 £ 79 One Dozen Plymouth Gin, Coates, very old 8 The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of MRS. S. KENNEDY , deceased, late of 39 Cleveland Square , W. SHERRY. 80 Three Dozens of Pale Sherry, old 81 Four ditto, more or less Cupboard Cellar, left /A 82 Three Dozen and Four Bottles of Pale Sherry, old, Cupboard Cellar, left^ Harrison, more or less 83 Three Dozen and Three Bottles of Pale Sherry, more or less Cupboard Celfcvr, top t 84 Four Dozens of Pale Sherry, extra dry, more or less, two seals Cupboard Cellar, top 85 Two Dozen and One Bottles of Pale Sherry, old ( Bin 15); and One Dozen and One Bottles of Pale Sherry. {Bin 18 R), more or less 86 One Dozen and Ten Bottles of Amontillado, old ( Bin 1); and One Dozen and One Bottles of Pale Sherry {Bin 8), more or less My CLARET. 87 Three Dozen and Six Bottles of Chateau Powys, 1875, more or less Bin 2 88 Three Dozen and Six Bottles of Chateau Lagrange, 1875, more or less /y^A Bin 1L 89 Three Dozens of Haut Brion, 1874 90 Four ditto and one bottles, more or less /ftf 1 m \ ys*/. 9 92 Three Dozens of Leoville, 1870 93 Three ditto, more or less 91 One Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Chateau Margaux, 1874, more or less £ i n k Bin 9 7 * 94 Three Dozens of Chateau Farrade, 1870, more or less Bin 95 One Dozen and Ten Bottles of Claret (Bin 17) ; and One Dozen and One Bottles of Claret (Bin 12 L), more or less PORT. 96 Three Dozen and Six Bottles of Port, old, more or less Sin 1 97 Two Dozen and Two Bottles of Port ( Cupboard Cellar, left) ; One Dozen and Two Bottles of Port, 1870 (Bin 5); One Dozen of Port, old (Bin 6); and Six Bottles of Port, 1863 (Bin 10), more or less HOCK. 98 Three Dozens of Rudesheim Berg, 1874 Bin 99 Three ditto f p ^ 100 Three ditto fdr 101 Two ditto, more or less; and One Dozen and Seven Half- Bottles of Rudesheim Berg, 1874 (Cupboard Cellar, right), more or less 10 CHAMPAGNE. 102 Two Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Champagne, 1880, Boederer (of which 25 bottles are slightly ullaged), more or less cf yv Cupboard Cellar, right 103 Three Dozen and Ten Bottles of Champagne, 1880, Moefc (of which 34 bottles are ullaged ), more or less Cupboard Cellar, right 104 One Dozen and Eight Bottles of'Champagne, 1880, Pommery, slightly ullaged ( Cupboard Cellar, left ); and ( )ne Dozen and One Bottles of Champagne, Clicquot, slightly ullaged ( Bin 12 R), more or less 105 Two Dozen Half-Bottles of Champagne, 1880, Perrier Jouet, of which 5 half-bottles are ullaged (Bin 3); Two Dozen Half-Bottles of Champagne, 1880, Veuve Clicquot ( Clip¬ board Cellar, right) ; One Dozen and Ten Half-Bottles of Champagne, 1884, Moet, of which 6 half-bottles are ullaged (Cupboard Cellar, right) ; aud One Dozen and Six Half-Bottles of Champagne, 1880, Giesler, slightly ullaged (Bin 18 L), more or less & 106 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1880, Perrier Jouet, extra special 107 Two ditto and one bottles, more or less 108 Four Dozen and Ten Bottles of Champagne, 1880, Moet and Chandon, Boyal Imp . cuvee 300 (of which 12 bottles are ullaged ), more or less Sh¬ ift'd Four Dozen and Six Bottles of Champagne, 1874, Lanson, more or less 110 One Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Champagne, 1874, Jules Mumrn; and One Dozen and Five Bottles of Champagne, 1874, various, more or less 111 One Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Whisky, more or less Cupboard Cellar, t/tfp 1 11 The Property of the Rt. Hon. the EARL OF KIN TO RE. CHAMPAGNE. 112 Three Dozens op Champagne, 1884, Messrs. T. F. Wallace & Cq.’s Grand Yin d’Ay, tres sec 113 Three ditto 114 Three ditto 115 Three ditto 116 Three ditto 116a Five ditto, more or less 116b Three Dozen Half-Bottles 116c Three ditto 116d Six ditto, more or less THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. CHAMPAGNE. 117 Three Dozens op Champagne, 1874, Pommery and Greno, vm hyd 118 Three ditto, more or less; and four bottles, ullaged PORT. 119 One Dozen and One Bottles op Port, 1847, more or less 12 CLARET. 120 One Dozen and Seven Magnums of Chateau Margaux, 1869, bottled at the chateau , more or less 121 One Dozen of Orange Brandy, Berry Bros from the cellar of the late Duke of Hamilton i ^ Jfe* t/p~ 122 One ditto, more or less The Property of J. PITCAIRN CAMPBELL, Esq., deceased, late of 38 Lower Belgrave Street, S. W. SHERRY, MADEIRA, Etc. 123 Four Dozen and Seven Bottles of Malaga Sherry, more or, less 124 Four Dozens of Golden Sherry, bought 1876, more or less*/^ 125 Two Dozen and Six Bottles of Brown Sherry, bottled 187(L< more or less ’ * ‘C'lf/* 126 Two Dozens of Golden Sherry, 1853, from “ Hooton ^aL,” more or less ' 127 Two Dozens of Malmsey Madeira, very old , slightly ullaged , more or less 12S Three Dozen and One Bottles of Claret, Chateau T.eoville 18/0, more or less; and Six Bottles of Chateau y’Quem,< very old 129 Nine Bottles of Pale Brandy, 1864, more or less //) ^ 13 The Property of A GENTLEMAN, deceased. (Lying in London.) PORT. 130 Three Dozens of Port, 1881, bottled 1883, shipped, and bottled by F. Whistler & Co., corks branded + J5 in % 131 Three ditto ^ " 132 Three ditto 133 Three ditto t/ Iff/* t 134 Three ditto iff/ — —. 135 Three dittto, more or less —— 136 Three Dozens of Port, 1875, bottled 1880, shipped and bottled by F. Whistler & Co., corks branded pf * yZ/Bin 25^/ / //, /s/ Jb> - / //-. ■/* — S>- - 137 Three ditto 138 Three ditto 139 Three ditto 140 Three ditto //- 141 Three ditto, more or less /cJy* 142 Three Dozens of Port, 1873, bottled 1876, shipped by Rebello Yalente 7 XX 143 Three ditto vx - 144 Three ditto 145 Three ditto / // 7/2 146 Three ditto / As 147 Three ditto 148 Three ditto 149 Three ditto, more or less v7A Ah 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 14 Three Dozens of Port, 1867, Valente Three ditto Three ditto Three ditto Three ditto Three ditto Three ditto, more or less The Property of F. DE MURRIETA, Esq. SHERRY. Three Dozens of Pale Sherry Two ditto and six bottles, more or less Two Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Manzanilla, more or less Three Dozens of Vieux Xeres, mediocre Three ditto, more or less Three Dozens of Sherry Two ditto and five bottles, more or less Four Dozen and Six Bottles of red seal more or less Sherry, Bushell Brothers, 15 CLARET. 165 Three Dozens op Lachery, 1884, red seal / 166 Three ditto /•£/’ 167 Three ditto 168 Three ditto 169 Three ditto 170 Three ditto L71 Three ditto and two bottles, more or less L72 Three Dozens of Rauzan, 1884, red seal L73 Three ditto 3-^ L74 Three ditto /£/ ( L75 Three ditto 176 Three ditto L77 Three ditto and two bottles, more or less /?yC z L78 Three Dozens of Pichon Longueville, 1875, red capsule<4^7* L79 Three ditto and one bottles, more or less L80 Three Dozens op Smith Haut Lafite, 1869, red seal ^ 81 Two ditto and eight bottles, more or less .82 Two Dozens of Leoyille, red seal, more or less ^ .83 Four Dozen and Ten Bottles of Claret, sealed “Brut,’7 Yaldepenas, hr own seal, more or less .84 Three Dozens of Claret, yellow capsule 85 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less 86 Three Dozen and Seven Bottles of Claret, J. and C. White and Co., blue seal, more or less , 87 Four Dozen and Four Bottles of Claret, red seal, less l/S7. seat, more oy , 16 SAUTERNE AND HOCK. 188 Three Dozens of Sauterne, 1852 and 1859 blend 189 Two ditto and six bottles, more or less 190 One Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Sauterne, yellow capstffe One Dozen and Two Bottles of Latour Blanche, white capsule-, and Ten Bottles of Sauterne, green capsule , mort or less 191 Two Dozen and Four Bottles of Giesenheih, 1883, more oi less 192 Two Dozen and Three Bottles of Liebfraumilch, 1880, more or less ^ &/* 193 One Dozen and Seven Bottles of Steinberg Cabinet, 1862, more or less FINIS. London : Printed by Wii, Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing CfoflB * ■ * • ■ :: * 1 3 3125 01074 7109