2 object that would be likely to afford information, or assis- tance. With these advantages I am not a little solicitous to produce a Volume in some degree adequate to the sub- ject; and not an unworthy companion to the Cathedral and Architectural Antiquities of England. It is therefore my intention to publish, in the course of the ensuing winter, cc an Historical and Descriptive account of Fonthill Abbey," and its connecting Villages, with Bio- graphical and Genealogical Memoranda of the Beckford family, &c. illustrated by eight or ten views of the interior and exterior of the Abbey, from Drawings by 6?. Catlermole. The work will be published in medium and imperial quartos, the first of which will be about 1 Guinea, and the second, with proofs of the plates, Of the latter, only a small number of copies will be printed : there will be 20 Sets with Proofs and Etchings of the plates, at 3 Guineas each. London: Published by the Author, Burton Cottage, Burton Street; — also, Longman, and Co. Paternoster Row ; — Taylor, High Holborn ; — Sold by Brodie and Dowding, Salisbury; — Barratt, — Godwin, — Mey- ler,— Upham, &c Bath;— Nor ton, —Barry, &c. Bristol ;— Rutter, Shaftesbury ; — and other Booksellers. Gentlemen disposed to honor the Author with their names, as subscribers, are solicited to signify the same, ( specifying the copy they wish to have ) through the medium of either of the Booksellers above named, or to the Author. A LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS WILL BE PRINTED. Rutter, Printer, Suaitesbury. PICTURES AM© MINIATURES AT FONTHILL ABBEY. CATALOGUE OF This Well-selected and Valuable Collection of GALLERY AND CABINET BY Among which are G. DOW W. VANDEVELDE VAN HUYSUM MIERIS E. VANDERNEER RUYSDAEL METZU KARLE DU JARDIN HOBBIMA SCALKEN BERGHEM VANDERIIEYDEN TENTERS LE NAIN POELEMBOURG S. ROSA L. DA VINCI RUBENS REMBRANDT ALBANO P. VERONESE L. CARRACCI G. POUSSIN GAROFALO BELLINI BEMBI MANTEGNA WEST HAMILTON PETTITOT WILSON STOTHARD COOPER, &CC. TOtcf) 'mill be £>otti bp tatton, BY Mr. PHILLIPS, AT THE ABBEY, On FRIDAY, the 10th of OCTOBER, And following Day, And on TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, October 14 and 15, 1823, AT HALF-PAST TWELVE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. Tickets for Viewing, (at One Guinea each, to admit Two Persons on any two Days except Sun- days)— Also, Tickets with Catalogues, to admit Three Persons every Day except Sundays, during the View and Sale, at Five Guineas each, maybe had at THE ABBEY GATES; the Lamb Inn, H in don ; Messrs. Brodie and Daw ding, and Mr. Earle's Libraries, Salisbury; Mr. Skelton's Library, Southampton ; White Lion and York Hotels, Bath ; Mr. Frost's Library, Bristol; Mr. Thomas's Library, Weymouth ; Mr. Rutier's Library, Shttftsbury ; Bath Arms, Warminster ; the Black Horse, Antelope, White Hurt, and Lamb Inns, Salisbury ♦ the Gazette _£HHx^_£L^i^ , .ond ntlVlr. PHILLIPS', .tin .73 ftW Hnu,! Siwt. 7.n,^„ W W thp'IWtt CONDITIONS OF SALE. First . . The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute shall arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and resold. Second. . No person to advance less than Is. — above five pounds 5s.— and so on in proportion* Third.. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down £25. per cent, if required, in part of payment of the purchase money. Fourth .The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors of description, at the purchaser's expence, without reference to the identity of Subject or Master, within three days after the sale. Fifth . . As this auctio7i is made on condition of prompt payment, the remainder of the purchase-money to he absolutely paid on or before the Delivery, in the manner to be arranged. Sixth • . Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall he forfeited ; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private safe, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Lastly. But should any purchaser or purchasers obtain their lot or lots, and by any neglect or evasion omit paying for the same, such purchaser or purchasers shall pay five per cent, interest on the amount of the said purchase, from the day of sale, until the amount of the said bill shall he discharged, and also all charges for the removal of such lots as may not be cleared within the time aforesaid. Mr. PHILLIPS will be happy to execute any Commission for Gentlemen unable to attend this sale, upon receiving their written instructions. (53 s " approved Bills, at three and six months' date, from the day of sale 9 with interest, Kill be accepted } for two thirds of the purchase- money . M*. B. Mr, PE I L LI PS notifies, that arrangements are made to accom- modate purchasers, by packing and removing their purchases to London, or any part of the kingdom^ should it be required. 225 INVITATION TO VISITORS. Immediately on entering the Barrier Gate commences the Carriage Route of the Grounds of Fonthill Abbey, which the Public are respectfully requested to follow , and adhere to, as it will be found to embrace all the most favourite points of VIEW OF THE ABBEY, THE AMERICAN GARDENS, THE LAKES, and the surrounding Country ; and is also the Route especially referred to by Mr. Rutter, in his work, entitled, "FONTHILL, and its ABBEY DELINEATED." The Public are also entreated not to cut, or admit of the cutting, of any Trees or Flowers ; or to digress from the Route, on which they will be directed at every point. The following is submitted as the best Route for passing through the whole of the Abbey. I. ^*~~~~~~The Eastern Entrance II. ~/The Southern Entrance Hall III. ~*~+~*~JThe Oak and Tapestry Dining Parlour IV. — ^Passage — ascend to V. •^vwv^^Nelson's Turret VI. ~,*~,~>~~The Western Corridor VII. *~~~~Thc Oak Library VIII. The Cedar Boudoir IX. *~wv>*~w^Anti Room X. ~- — Anti Chamber XI. ^ WWi ^The Eastern Corridor 226 THE ROUTE. XII. The Gallery Cabinet (return through XI. Eastern Corridor, and X. Anti Chamber, to) XIII. ~~ The Vaulted Library XIV. — ~~~The Chintz Boudoir — descend XV. ^Latimer Turret— to XVI. The Vestibule of St. Michael's Gallery XVII. The Grand Saloon, or Octagon XVIII. ~_The Western Vestibule XIX The Great Hall (descend upon Lawn, then return through XIX. Great Hall, XVIII. Western Vestibule, XVII. Grand Saloon, to)- XX. The Eastern Vestibule XXI. ^Portal beneath the Organ Gallery XXII ~Great Dining Room XXIII Crimson Drawing Room XXIV. The Grand Drawing Room XXV ^Becket's Passage XXVI. Octagon Cabinet (return through XXV. Becket's Passage, to) XXVII. — ^Northern Passage XXVIII. ~/The Crimson Breakfast Parlour (return to XXVII. Northern Passage, and proceed to) XXIX. ~— The Porcelain Room XXX Lobby XXXI. Vestibule of King Edward's Gallery XXXII King Edward's Gallery XXXIII. _The Vaulted Corridor XXXIV. _The Sanctuary XXXV. „^The Oratory, back to XXXIV, Sanctuary, and up XXXVI. ^Lancaster Turret — to XXXVII. — Upper Lancaster Room XXX VIII The Lancaster State Bed Chamber XXXIX. ~/The Lancaster Anti Room XL. The Lancaster Gallery XLI. ~~~*~.The Tribune Room — ascend XLII Lancaster Stair Case — to XLIII. The Duke's Chamber (descend XLI I, Stair Case to), XLIV. ~^~Duchess' Anti Chamber XLV. ^Dressing Room XL VI, Passage THE ROUTE. XLVIL XLVIII XLIX. L. II. III. LIII LIV. IV LVI. LVII. LVIII. XIX LX LXI LXII. LXIII. LXIV, LXV, LXVI. LXVII LXVIIL, LXIX LXX. LXXI. LXXII. LXXIIL LXXIV. The Duchess* Chamber (return through XLVI. Passage, XLV. Dressing Room, XL1V. Anti Chamber — descend XLII. Stair Case to XXX. Lobby, XVII. Grand Saloon, and proceed to XVIII. Western Vestibule to) Lobby Great Stair Case Tower The North Western Arcade The Western Nunnery The South Western Arcade The Southern Nunnery The South Eastern Arcade The Eastern Nunnery The North Western Arcade The Northern Nunnery (pass through L. North Western Arcade, to XLIX* Great Stair Case Tower, to) Platform of the Great Stair Case Tower The Central Tower — ascend to Gazelo, or Star Chamber The Tower Gallery (descend LIX. Central Tower, LVIII. Platform, XLIX. Stair Case to Basement, and enter XIX. Hall, and round Foot of Stairs to) .Western Cloisters Fountain Court Anti Room Passage Cabinet Stair Case Passage Lobby Gothic Cabinet Lobby Terrace (crossing LXX. Lobby, LXIX. Gothic Cabinet, and LXVIII. Lobby, to)— .Western Yellow Drawing Room Eastern Ditto St. Michael's Gallery, to (GRAND SALOON OR OCTAGON, AND REPOSE.) 229 ORDER OF SALE, 1st Day~~v. Books and Books of Prints^, Tuesday, 9th September. Wednesday , 10th September. Thursday, 1 1 th September. Friday, \2th September* Saturday, \3th September. Tuesday , 16th September* Wednesday, 17 th September. Thursday, ISth September. Friday, \§th September* Saturday, 20th September. 11th Day . Unique and Splendid Effects, Tuesday, 23d September. 12th Day Ditto DlttO iMV>AftC/W*W^l W ednesday, 2