F ETCHINC SERIES OF ETCHINGS, REPRESENTING THE POWER AND PROGRESS OF GENIUS. PRINTED FOR EDWARD HARDING, PALL MALL COURT, LOHDl S. GOSNELL, LITTLE QUEEN STRBHT. 1806. The Etchings which are now laid at Your Majesty's feet, would never have been executed, if many of those who looked over the drawings had not wished them to be published: but that, my dearest Mother, you will see was impossible, for it would have opened a door to much criticism, which in every situation is unpleasant, but particularly in ours. I therefore undertook to do them myself, as they might then pass unnoticed, and protected in the pleasantest manner to me, by one whose affection would kindly pardon the faults of the head of the inventor. I trust those of the heart will never be known by you, as its first wish has ever been to prove grateful for those talents, which you have so tenderly fostered and improved ; and if they meet the approbation of those friends who will have them, believe me I shall feel that the merit will be less mine than yours, who have occasioned them to be brought forward. I remain, With the greatest respect, Your dutiful and affectionate Daughter, May 19, 1800. 1 PLATE L Imagination delivers the infant Genius into the hands of Fancy. PLATE II. Imagination guides Genius. PLATE III. Fancy runs off with Genius. PLATE IV. Imagination lets Genius fly. PLATE V. Fancy, jealous of the flight of Genius, catches him a wreath of flowers. PLATE VI. enius sits on a rock, heavy and stupid, his lyre un- strung; the stones of the rock, the base of a column, the planks on the water* all inanimate, without any appearance of his vivifying power, till Fancy tickles his ear with a feather plucked from her own wing. fl. his lyre ut PLATE VII. Imagination takes the bandage from the eyes of Genius, while Fancy eagerly looks on. PLATE VIII. Genius begins to enlighten the Fine Arts. Painting was invented by Love. Genius holds the canvas while Imagination paints, and Cupid sits at her feet, chalks out her wishes, and with his other hand held up denotes silence. PLATE enlighten PLATE IX. Music. PLATE X. Sculpture. PLATE XI. Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, try to attain Genius, who flies over their heads flourishing his torch. PLATE XII. Geography, History, and Poetry, crowned by Genius. The flame which always appears on the head of Poetry is here supposed to have arisen from a spark which fell from the torch of Genius. PLATE XIII. Genius enchained by Ignorance and Folly. PLATE XIV. Genius breaks the emblem of Folly, and treads on Ignorance. PLATE XV. Genius returns to Imagination, with Folly and Ignorance in chains. PLATE XVI. Out of the emblem of Folly, Genius forms the distaff, at which Fancy dances for joy, and Imagination prepares to follow her. ii ) I MATE XVII. Genius teaches Fancy to apta, and Injaginatioo attc; U, tbcro. PLATE XVII. Genius teaches Fancy to spin, and Imagination attends to them. PLATE XVIII. Imagination shears a ram. Fancy weaves. Genius brings her a flake of wool. EiiUa imfb, *cu/p,f PLATE XIX. Fancy amuses the infant Genius with four dried leaves tied to the end of a stick, blown round and round. Imagination urges Genius to look at her invention of the windmill, from the circular motion of the leaves. PLATE XX. Agriculture. Fancy sows, Genius drives the plough, Imagination guides and watches their progress. Genius With a iOcs, ;*ai drapery. liu;igiU: what improvement PLATE XXI. The origin of Navigation ; supposed to have been occasioned by the hollow trunk of a tree floating on the water. Genius jumps into it, and begins to row with a stick. Fancy forms a sail with part of her drapery. Imagination kneels, pleased to consider what improvements she can make. PLATE XXII. The forging of anchors. Fancy blows the bellows. Genius works at the forge. Imagination is deep in thought. ;uichur> 111 PLATE XXIII The making of cables, i s •< \ turns 1 at work. Imagination fasti ■ the cs i I PLATE XXIII. The making of cables. Fancy turns the wheel. Genius at work. Imagination fastens the cable to the anchor. PLATE XXIV. Pottery. Genius at work. Fancy presents various forms of vases to Imagination, who places them, when finished, on shelves. PLATE XXIV. at work. Fancy presents va