anxa 84-B 6208 Catalogue Number 10 - I Corn. DusART No. 113 ] ' " ; ^ ,..^.^jame;msmsssm« ^^ > , • -■■■-Si OLD PRINTS AND ORIGINAL DRAWINGS DECEMBER, 1915 R. EDERHEIMER PRINT^CABINET 366 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 L)U KER No. 102 Illustrated Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Selection of RARE ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS and ORIGINAL DRAWINGS of Many Schools and Periods From the Portfolios of R. EDERHEIMER PRINT^CABINET 366 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK OFFERED AT PRICES ATTACHED CHRISTMAS, 1915 ARRANGED AND P R 1 \ 1 ¥. D AT THE BARNES PRIN'ITNG CO. i(> EAST zid STREET, NEW YORK H. S. Beham No. 45 Notes WING to the war it was impossible last summer to travel over Europe, making researches and special collections, such as have in the past provided the mate- rial for my catalogues. It is for this reason that I find myself limited at present to a publication of a more gen- eral and a more commercial nature than usual. Dealers are reluctant to issue priced catalogues of engravings, because some readers will readily consider a dealer expensive or unreasonable if they see a high price for a fine impression, a poor specimen of which they have acquired or seen for ever so much less. Yet I include the prices in this cata- logue without fear, with the conviction that every item repre- sents at least the full value. This catalogue does not include my entire stock, but only a small miscellaneous selection from my collections, giving a fair idea of their varied character. The alphabetical order — prints and drawings mixed — has been chosen so as to give the best possible picture of that va- riety. A systematic index in chronological order has been added. The same system of variety underlies the selections of the repro- ductions, which include costly rarities, and also low-priced items, showing that a fine and interesting engraving or original draw- ing can still be acquired at a very little cost. Defects of prints (there are only few showing such) have conscientiously been stated. There are purposely a number of lesser items (later states) included, which inexpensive as they are, would form suitable and attractive holiday gifts. To the bulk of pieces by the old masters a few line-engravings DURER No. 103 of the early 19th Century have been added. These are some of the finest pieces from a very large collection in my possession. The impressions are all of the greatest beauty, and these engrav- ings have, not ten years ago, commanded about four times as large a price as that at which they are here quoted. Shipments on approval out of town cannot be made during the month of December, but every item ordered will be readily taken back in exchange, if not fully satisfactory. November, 1915. R. EDERHEIMER. 6 Aldegrever No. 2 Catalogue Heinrich Aldegrever, 1502-1562 1 Adam and Eve Bartsch 7 and 8 A beautiful pair of Prints. Duplicates from the Royal Collection, Dresden. Pair $20.00 2 Ornament Bartsch 260 Extremely line impression. See reproduction above. 35.00 3 Ornament Bartsch 281 Brilliant impression ; Collection Shroeder. See reproduction, page 8. 25.00 7 Aldegrever No. 3 Albrecht Altdorfer, 1488-1538 4 Judith Bartsch 1 \>ry tine impression. 20.00 5 King Solomon, Adoring the Idol Bartsch 4 I^lxquisite little print. 15.00 6 The Virgin Enthroned Bartsch 13 Beautiful impression of the minute plate, very rare. See reproduction, pai;e 9. 28.00 7 The Virgin and St. Anna Bartsch 14 (jQod impression, ^-ery rare. Collectitni iiettner v. Alteneck. 24.00 8 The Virgin and Child, in an Open Landscape Bartsch 17 Capital plate, in superb impression, \ery rare. 70.00 9 The Centaur Bartsch 37 Very small plate, extremely fine and rare. Collection I. anna. 20.00 8 10 Two Satyrs Fighting for a Nymph B. 38 Subject similar to the one treated in Diirer's Jealousy. Very delicate and fine. Collection v. Baldinger. See re])r()ducti()n 15 00 11 Woman Bathing B. 56 Charming Little Plate. — 12.00 Altdorfer No. 6 Altdorfer No. 10 Jost Amman, 1539-1591 12 Fortitude, Original Drawing Pen and wash, 5-'^4 in. high, 4^2 in. wide. 30.00 13 Two Nobelmen With a Horse, Original Drawing Pen and India Ink, 3/8 iii- bigfii in- wide. 30.00 Anonymous Master of the XVIth Century 14 Two. Dagger-Hilts; one with Hercules, the other with a Roman Warrior Bartsch X, p. 164, 49 and 50 Snperl) impressions. Collection Panna. P^air. 50.00 9 Anonymous Masters, XVIth Century 15 Rich Ornament, in the Style of the Little Masters, Undescribed Fine impression, l)acke(l. 12.00 16 The Judgment of Paris, Undescribed Circular engraN'ing', diani. inch. Collection Davidsohn. 12.00 Jacob Adriansz Backer, 1608-1651 17 Study of a Nude, Original Drawing Beautiful design, in black and white chalk on grey paper, 7 inches high, S}i in. wide. 45.00 18 Peasant Woman, Seated on the Ground, Original Drawing Characteristic piece ; black and white chalk on blue paper, /J/ in. high, 7ys ii^i- wide. 20.00 10 Francesco Bartolozzi, 1730-1813 19 Affection and Innocence, Color Print, Engraved by P. W. Tomkins Magiiiticently printed in colors, oval, little margin. Duplicate from the Collection of the late J. P. Morgan. See reproduction, page 10. 250.00 Attributed to Bartolozzi 20 Young Woman with a Dolphin, Original Drawing Black and red crayons, 9^ in. high, 7 Yi in. wide. 75.00 Engravings by Bartolozzi 21 Frontispiece to Vol. Ill of Miss Barney's Evelina Exquisite proof before all letters, printed in 1:»r()wn. 10.00 22 Allegorical Frontispiece with Handel Medal l^-()()f with wide margin. 15.00 23 Mother Taking Leave of Her Son Lovely small print, proof l)efore all letters, Tuer 922. 15.00 24 Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Rendering Honor to King George III Two proof impressions, finished and unfinished. Pair, 25.00 25 Cupid and Psyche, After Cipriani Tuer 1442 Proof before all letters. Collection Robert Hoe. 10.00 Isaac Beckett, 1653-1715 26 Adrian Beverland, Mezzotint after G. de Vois Smith 7 Brilliant impression of the first state, framed. 30.00 27 Mrs. Anne Killigrew, Mezzotint After Her Self-Por- trait Charming early Mezzotint. Framed, 18.00 11 Corn. Be(;a No. 29 Cornells Bega, 1620-1664 28 Portrait of Cornelis Cornelisz van Harlem, Original Drawing Signed: Korn. Begga, 4 in. high, in wide. 20.00 29 Three Peasants at a Fire-place, Etching Bartsch 23 See re])r()dncti()n. Cohection Schroeder. 18.00 30 Mother, Holding a Child, Etching Bartsch 28 Lovely print in fine impression with margin. Collection von Baldinger. 12.00 Abraham Begeyn, 1630-1697 31 The Ford, Original Drawing Pen, sepia and India ink ; 5 in. high. 8 in. wide. 25.00 Barthel Betiam No. 34 Barthel Beham, 1502-1540 32 A Soldier, Seated Bartsch 45 \>ry Fine impression, rare. 30.00 33 Soldier on Horseback, Holding a Halberd B. 49 Fine impression. \ ery rare: Collection \'. Baldinger. 24.00 34 Coat of Arms of Hier. Baumgartner B. 57 V ery line and rare. See reproduction 30.00 Hans Sebald Beham, 1500-1550 35 The Expulsion From Paradise Bartsch 7 Fine impression of the second state (3). Collection von Baldinger. 18.00 13 H. S. Beham No. 37 36 The Man of Sorrows Bartsch 26 Good impression, rare. 20.00 37 Triton and Nereid (1523) B. 86 Impression of greatest 1)rilHancy, see reproduction Very rare. 30.00 38 Hercules Carrying Off lole B. 99 Good impression, from the set : The Tweh-e Lal)ors of Hercules. 12.00 39 Hercules Fighting the Trojans B. 101 Very hue impression, from the same set. 18.00 40 Patientia B. 138 Superl) early impression, 1)efore tlie cross hatchings on the leg of the Angel. Together with the reversed copy, both from the Lanna Collection. See reproduction, page 15. Pair, 40.00 41 The Disturbed Lovers B 175 Brilliant impression. Collection Lanna. 12.00 14 H. S. Bkiia.m No. 40 42 The Peasant with a Pitch-fork, "Es 1st Kalt Weter'* B. 188 Excellent impression of the lirst state. Collection Lanna. 16.00 43 Study of a Man's Head (1542) B. 219 \^ery tine impression of the third state. 18.00 44 Ornament With Two Fantastic Heads of Fish B. 235 Fine impression of the lirst state, Collection Schroeder. 20.00 45 Ornament B. 236 Beautiful impression ; Collection v. Baldinger. 16.00 See reproduction, page 5. 15 St. della Bella No. 46 Stephano della Bella, 1610-1664 46 Two Original Drawings on One Mount Al)()\e: Two Peasants on a Truck W ith l lorse. 3ys in. high, 5^^ in. wide. See reproduction Below: Roman Sketch with the Cohseum. 6>)4 ii"*- high, 9^ in. wide. Two superl) designs. Collections, Dinisdale, A\^)odl)urn, (lasc. l^iir. 80.00 47 Sheet With Five Small Sketches of Knights and Armor Exquisite drawing" in pen and pencil, 3 in. high, 4^8 in. wide. Collections, Dijonval, Woodburn and Gasc. 20.00 48 Pen Study of Three Musketeers Same quality as that of the two i)receding items. 4->4 in. high, 3->4 in. Vvdde. Collections Dimsdale and Esdaile. ' 25.00 16 Nicholas Berghem, 1620-1683 49 A Sheet with Ten Studies of Sheep; Superb Crayon Drawing Signed. 7^ in. high, 10?s in- wide. 60.00 Barie Jeanne Bernard, 1740-1804 50 Portraits of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Pen and water color drawing with a caligraphic l^order by the artist's father, Jean Joseph Bernard, called Ber- nard de Paris, famous calligrapher. This design has l)een engraved. 14^ in. high, 103^ in. wide. 175.00 Jacob Bink, 1490 or 1504-1560 51 Judith Bartsch, engraved 1528 Good impression, rare. 16.00 Bonnet 17 No. 56 i 52 Cupid Riding on a Dolphin Bartsch 47 Delicate little print, rare. 15.00 Herri met de Bles (Blesius), Netherland School, XVIth Century 53 St. Luke, Painting the Madonna, Original Drawing Rich composition, pen on yellowish ground, with white high lights. Circular, diameter 10;/, inch. 300.00 Abraham Blootelingh, 1634-1685 54 Catherine, Queen of Charles II. After Sir Peter Lely Exquisite early Mezzotint. 15.00 Robert Boissard, French School, about 1600 55 Nymphs, Surprised by Satyrs, Original Drawing Charming design in pen ; circular, dianielcr 6 in. 35.00 Louis Marin Bonnet, 1743-1793 56 Head of a Young Girl, After Carle Vanloo Lovely crayon engra\ ing ' en deux crayons" on 1)lue paper ; very line and rare ; see reproduction, page 17. 225.00 Francois Boucher, 1704-1770 57 Diana and Endymion, Original Drawing Superb and highly characteristic design, in black and white chalk on bluish-grey paper, signed. Oval, 11^ in. high, 15 in. wide. See reproduction, page 19. 700.00 19 i k BOUNIER-JUBIER No. 58 Michel Honore Bounier, 1740-1814. Engraved by Jubier 58 La Confidence Charming French Color-engraving, very rare. Entirely printed in colors, with margin. See reproduction. 250.00 Leonard Bramer, 1596-1674 59 Abraham's Sacrifice Vigorous pen and sepia drawing, close to Rembrandt's style. 9ys in. high, 75/8 in. wide. 35.00 20 Joerg Breu, 1480-1537 60 Tubal Cain Inventing Music Masterly Chiaroscuro drawing in 1)lack and white on brown ground, dated 1522. 137/8 in. high, G^A in. wide. 450.00 61 Fountain of Youth, Original Pen Drawing, partly colored Magnificent ; most characteristic piece. See reproduction. Circular, diameter 11 in. 450.00 Jan Bronkhorst, 1648-1727 62 A Sheet With 24 Studies of Insects Exquisite pen and water-color drawing. Collection A. Sigwalt. ZYz in high, 7% in. wide. 30.00 Theodor de Bry, 1528-1598 63 De Hoopman van Weysheyt (Prince William of Nas- sau) Portrait in rich circular ornamental border. Circular eng"ra\ ing for a plate design. 15.00 64 De Hoopman van Narheyt (The Duke of Alba) Companion piece to the preceding item. Superb impression with full margin. 15.00 Henry William Bunbury. Died 1811 65 Love and Jealousy, and Love and Hope A pair of beautiful oval color-prints, engraved l)y C. Knight. Closely trimmed to the oval. Duplicates from the Collection of the late Mr. ]. P. Morgan. Pair, 350.00 [ Calt.ot 22 No. 66 ^1 Luc A Cambtaso No. 69 Jacques Callot, 1592-1635 66 The Slaughter of the Innocents Meaume 6 Superl) impression of the first state, \'ery rare. See reproduction, page 22. 25.00 67 The Parable of the Prodigal Son M. 53-63 Complete set of 11 in excellent uniform impressions of the second state, 1)efore the numl^ers. From the Collection of Dr. Straeter. The Set, 80.00 68 Balli di Sfessania (Cucurucu) Caricatures of the Ital- ian Comedy M. 641-664 Complete set of 24 in brilliant uniform impressions of the first state, before tlie numl)ers. 95.00 Luca Cambiaso, 1527-1585 69 The Rest in Egypt, Original Pen Drawing 13j^ in. high, 9^^^ in. wide. Collection Count Gelozzi. See reproduction. 75.00 23 D( ) .AI E N I CO C A M PAG N OL A No. 70 Domenico Campagnola, 1484-1556 70 Mountainous Landscape with Roman Ruins and Statues Original drawing in l)rown ink. One (3f the drawings previously attri1:)uted to Titian. 8 in. high, 11 in. wide. See reproduction. 250.00 Alonzo Cano, 1601-1665 (Spanish School) 71 St. Cecilia, Original Drawing in Sanguine, Signed in. high, 4^2 in. wide. Collection C. (lasc. 40.00 Ugo da Carpi. Born about 1486 Italian originator of wood-cuts in Chiaroscuro 72 The Slaughter of the Innocents, After Marc Antonio Bartsch II, 7 Wood-cut in Chiaroscuro from tliree plates. TLxcessively rare. 75.00 73 The Miraculous Draught of Fish, After Raphael B. II, 13 Chiaroscuro from three plates, second state with the address of A. Andreani. 40.00 24 74 The Resurrection, After Raphael B. II. 22 Superb Chiaroscuro from three plates. 60.00 75 The Death of Ananias B. II. 27 Chiaroscuro from three plates. Good impression of the second state (3). 40.00 76 Sibyl, Holding a Torch B. V. 6 The first ItaHan attempt at Chiaroscuro from two plates. Collections Alariette and Gawet. 75.00 77 Venus With Cupids at Play B. Vli. 3 Oval, Chiaroscuro from three plates ; of the greatest rarity. 100.00 Giovanni Battista Cipriani, 1727-1785 78 Head of a Young Girl, Original Drawing Black crayon and water-color, 6^ in. high, in. wide. See reproduction. 45.00 79 Another Girl's Head Drawing equal in size and style to the preceding item. 45.00 Alaert Claes No. 80 Alaert Claes. Active between 1520 and 1555 80 The Virgin Crowned by Two Angels Aumueller 47 Engraving, delicately printed and \'ery rare. See reprodnctif )n. 35.00 81 Standard Bearer, Drummer and Piper Passavant 121 Charming circnlar print, \ ery rare. 18.00 Bartolomeo Coriolano, 1590-1649 82 A Sibyl With an Angel Bartsch V. 2 Wood-cut in Chiaroscuro from two plates after G. Reni. 15.00 Cornells van Dalen, 1602-1664 83 Portrait of Rudolf Petri iMigraved after A. \ an Nieulandt. \"erv fine ini])rcs^ i( )n. 15.00 26 Claes Cornells Delff. Died 1620. Pupil of Miereveldt 84 Portrait of Henri Frederick, Prince of Orange Brilliant im])ressi( )n, xQvy rare. 35.00 Willem Jacobz Delff, 1580-1638 85 Ernest Prince of Mansfeld, Engr. 1624, After Miere- veldt Fr. 43 Good impression. 30.00 Gilles Demarteau, 1729-1776 86 Portrait of Carle Vanloo, After Himself Crayon engraving", printed in red. Beautiful and decorative piece. 25.00 Auguste Gaspard Louis Boucher-Desnoyers, 1779-1857 87 La Belle Jardiniere, After Raphael, Line Engraving Superl) impression of the tirst state, with Desnoyers own signature. One of the finest Line-Rngravings of the greatest rarity in this state. See reproduction. (With margin, not visible on the cut). . 100.00 Bouciier-Desnoyers No. 87 88 La Vierge a la Chaise (Madonna della Sedia, After Raphael) Scratched letter proof, extremely rare. 35.00 89 La Vierge au Berceau, After Raphael Epreuve d'artiste. (Proof impression before the first state). Very rare. 40.00 Domenico Zampieri, called II Domenichino, 1581-1641 90 Study of a Sleeping Youth; Original Drawing in Red Chalk 6^'^ in. high, 75.8 in. wide. Collection Nath. Hone 1718-1784. See reproduction. 75.00 John Downman, 1769-1824 91 Mrs. Siddons, engraved by P. Tomkins Beautifully printed in bistre. 125.00 Pierre Drevet, 1664-1739 92 Portrait of Jean Issaly (1620-1702) F. D. 74 I)rilliant impression. 15.00 Domenichino 1 i No. 90 28 DuRER No. 95 Albrecht Durer, 1471-1528 93 The Sudarium, Held by Two Angels, Copper En- graving Bartsch 25 Brilliant impression from the Rnmpf Collection. 300.00 94 The Sudarium, Held by One Angel, Etching on Iron B. 26 Very fine impression, before the rust s|)ots. 75.00 95 The Virgin (with short hair) and the Child on a Crescent B. 33 Extremely fine impression, Collection Junius S. Mor- gan. See reproduction 225.00 29 DuRER No. 97 96 The Virgin Nursing the Child B. 36 Good impression of the lovely plate. ■ 80.00 97 The Virgin Holding a Pear B. 41 Impression of perhaps unique brilliancy, with wide margin. Collections : Julian Marshal, Morrison, Ro1)ert Dumes- nil. See reproduction. 650.00 30 98 The Five Disciples of Christ Bartsch 46-50 Uniformly brilliant set of ti\-e, from the collections Marshall, Morrison, Th. Irwin and J. S. Morgan. Set of live, 250.00 99 Apollo and Diana Bartsch 68 Superb impression, very rare. See reproduction 200.00 100 The Satyr Family B. 69 Very fine impression from the Collection Lord Ayles- ford. See reproduction 200.00 DURER No. 99 DliRER No. 100 31 DURER No. 101 101 The Rape of Amymone Bartsch 71 Brilliant impression, from the Collection A Firmin- Didot. See reproduction 250.00 102 The Melancholia Bartsch 74 Capital plate in an impression of unsurpassable beauty. Collections: Archinto, Firmin-Didot, (ialli- chon, M. J. Perry. See reproduction on front page. 1,800.00 103 The Large Fortune B. 77 Impression of the greatest beauty, on paper with the high CroAvn water-mark. Written on the reverse : A Paris chez IMerre Mariette, Rue St. Jacque a L'b^.per- ance 1679. See reproduction, page 6. 650.00 32 104 The Little Courier B. 80 I^^inc ini])ressiun ; ^'ery rare. 110.00 105 The Hostess and the Cook B. 84 Fine impression, from the l\nm])f Collection. See reproduction 95.00 106 The Promenade B. 94 I^^ine impression. Collection J. S. Morgan. 275.00 107 The Little Horse B. 96 Impression of the greatest brilliancy, of greatest rarity in such condition. Collections Robert-Dumesnil and J. S. Morgan. 450.00 DilRER No. 105 33 108 The Coat of Arms with the Cock B. 100 Brilliant early impression, upper left corner restored. 150. OQ 109 The Coat of Arms with the Skull B. 101 Brilliant early impression. See reproduction. Collections: Mariette and Marsden J. Perry. 390.00 110 Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon B. 105 Very fine impression, paper with the water-mark of 140.00 DiiRER No. 108 34 ViVENTiS P OTVIT-DVRERI\-^ • ORA PHI LIPPI 5 A\ENTm-NON ■'POT\iT-PmGERE -DO CTA MJJSIYS I , ■ M J DURER No. 110 111 Portrait of Ulrich Varnbueler, Wood-cut B. 155 Good imprcssicni in perfect condition, xQvy rare. 125.00 112 St. Martin, Dividing His Cloak, Wood-cut B. app. 18 Clear early impression, very rare. 45.00 Cornells Dusart, 1665-1704 113 Young Man, in Full Length, Resting on a Chair. Original Drawing Exquisite design in red and l)lack chalk on l)kie paper. 11 in. high, 7}i in. wide. See reproduction on co\ er. 120.00 114 Seated Man, Smoking, Holding a Pitcher in His Right Hand, Original Drawing Fine l)lack and \.vliite chjilk drawing on grey paper. in. high, 6>4 in. vvicke. ' ' 45.00 3S VAN DyCK No. 115 Anthony Van Dyck, 1599-1641 ( .Vttribiited to ) 115 The Slaughter of the Innocents, Original Drawing Superl) and ^dg■()r(JUs composition in chalk and wash on greenish paper; 9^ in. high, 13j;s in. wide. See reproduction 200.00 From the Iconographie of A. Van Dyck: 116 Franz Franck, or Francken Wibiral 6 Original etching by xan Dyck. Fine later impression. Collection A. Firmin Didot. 20.00 117 Jodocus de Momper Wibiral 7 Original etching by van Dyck. Good later impression, with wide margin. 18.00 118 Jan Snellinx W. 102 Good impression of the fifth state. Collection v. Baldinger. 15.00 36 119 Margaret of Lorraine W. 23 II, engr. by Schelte a Bolswert Superl) impression, extremely rare. 15.00 120 Andreas Colyns de Nole W. 34 I, engr. by Peter de Jode First state, im])ressi(jn of greatest l)eauty, very rare. 25.00 121 Marquis de Mirabella W. 150 I, engr. by Conr. Waumans Beautiful impression of the first state, very rare. 20.00 122 Raphael Sanzio W. 162 I, engr. by Paulus Pontius Superl) impression of the first state, of greatest rarity. 45.00 Richard Earlom, 1728-1822 123 Alope (Lady Hamilton), After Romney Loxely stipple engra\ing in 1)eautiful impression. Printed in brown, with margin; framed. 45.00 124 The Holy Family, Mezzotint After Rubens Proof before the letters, superb impression with mar- gin. 70.00 Gerard Edelinck, 1640-1707 125 Robert Arnauld d'Andilly R. D. 142 Good impression of the second state, before the name and the reduction of the plate, with margin. 15.00 126 Pierre van Bouc R. D. 157 Fine impression of the first state. Collections (lawet, Firmin Didot and others. 20.00 37 John Faber, 1684-1755 127 Charles Montague, Earl of Halifax, Mezzotint Beautiful impression, with margin, framed. 35.00 128 Philipp Mercier, the Painter, Mezzotint After Himself Fine impression with margin. 10.00 Antonio Fantuzzi, called da Trento, 1508-1550 (about) 129 Nude Man, Seated in a Landscape B. X 13 Wood-cut in chiaroscuro from 2 plates, after Parme- giano. 20.00 Fraconard 38 No. 130 Jean Honore Fragonard, 1732-1806 130 Two Women, Playing With a Child, Original Draw- ing Bold and characteristic sketch, from the collection Baron Roger de Portalis ; 6>)4 in. high, Sjs in. wide. See reproduction, page 38. 250.00 131 Female, Allegorical Figure, Seated on Clouds, With Angels Clever and 1)old sketch, in l^lack chalk and sepia. 10^2 in. wide, 7-;4 in. high. 200.00 Thomas Frye, 1710-1762 132 Head of a Man, in Life-size, Mezzotint Smith 14 Fine proof, with margin. Framed. 45.00 Thomas Gainsborough, 1724-1788 133 Portrait of a Young Lady, Original Drawing Lovely charcoal sketch with delicate water-coloring, signed : Thos. Gainsborough. 65/s in. high, 4^ in. wide. 150.00 Aart van Gelder, 1645-1727 134 The Good Samaritan With His Wife and An Angel Bold pen and sepia drawing in Reml)randt's manner. 75.00 135 Joseph Inquiring For His Brethren Same in stvle and dimensions as the preceding item. 8 in, high, 12)/; in. wide. 75.00 - James Gillray, 1757-1815 136 L'Enfant Trouve, After Lavinia Countess Spencer Exquisite stipple engra\-ing in l)rown, with full mar- gin. 60.00 39 Glockenton No. 137 Monogramist A. G. (Albert Glockenton) End of XVth Century 137 The Capture of Christ. Bartsch 5 Very fine impression. Collection I lefner v. Alteneck. See reproduction. 50.00 138 Christ Crowned With Thorns Bartsch 8 Fine early impression. 30.00 Hendrick Goltzius, 1558-1616 139 The Adoration of the Shepherds Bartsch 21 The unfinished plate. l)eautiful impression of the sec- ond state, with the date 1615. 12.00 140 Christ Bearing the Cross, from the Passion Set Bartsch 35 Brilliant impression. 10.00 40 141 Henry IV, King of France Bartsch 173 Capital plate, in good impression of the third state. \>ry rare. " 50.00 142 Portrait of an Unknown "God verzacht" 1582 Bartsch 206 Brilliant impression, see re])ro(luction. 20.00 143 The Goddess of Night Bartsch 237 A\\^od-cut in ehiaroseuro from three plates, o\ al. 25.00 144 The Sorcerer Bartsch 238 Same as the preceding item ; with full margin. 25.00 41 i 146 The Triumph of Galathea, Original Design for the Engraving After Raphael Pen, in red ink and India ink wash. 21 in. higli, 17 in. wide. 35.00 School of Goltzius (Matham or Saenredam) 147 Sketch With Three Young Women Spirited l)lack chalk drawing" on greenish paper. Sji in. high., 4'/. in. wide. 20.00 Jan van Goyen, 1596-1656 148 Landscape, Original Drawing, Signed 6 in. high, lO^^s iii- wide. See reproduction. 90.00 149 Young Woman, Standing Charming- pencil drawing, 5 in. high, 3^4 in. wide. 55.00 42 Grateloup No. 150 Jean Baptiste Grateloup, 1735-1817 150 Portrait of J. B. Rousseau, After Aved Miniature engraving in an impression of greatest 1)eauty, on India paper. See reproduction. 30.00 Valentine Greene, 1739-1813 151 Joseph Carreras Mezzotint after (i. Kneller, good impression. 10.00 Alexander van Haecken, 1735 152 Laurentius Delvaux, the Sculptor Mezzotint after J. Wood. Beautiful impression in perfect condition. 15.00 43 Wolf Ruber, 1480-1544 153 St. Jerome in the Desert, Original Drawing Pen and white high-hghts on paper gronnded in greyish brown. A drawing of first importance. in. high, 6-)^ in. wide. 450.00 William Humphrey, 1740-1795 154 Madame Du Barry, Mezzotint After B. Wilson Smith 8 Proof l)efore the letter, from the Lanna Collection. 35.00 John Baptist Jackson, 1701-1754 155 Portrait of Algeron Sydney Wood-cnt in Cdiiaroscnro from three plates. C. Jegiier No. 156 20.00 Christoffel Jegher, 1620-1670 156 Silenus Supported by Satyrs Magnihcent wood cnt after Rubens. Collection v. Baldinger. See re])roduction. 35.00 44 157 Hercules Conquering Envy Same as the preceding item, superb impression. 40.00 Joseph von Keller. Born 1811 158 Madonna di San Sisto, After Raphael Third trial proof, not quite finished, signed and in- scribed by the artist, magnificent impression. 65.00 Hans Sebald Lautensack, 1524-1564 159 Landscape With a Town and Castle, 1553 Bartsch 37 BrilHant impression, from the Lanna Collection. See reproduction. 45.00 45 160 Landscape With a Mediaeval City, 1554 Bartsch 38 Beautiful impression. 35.00 161 Temptation of Christ, 1559 Bartsch 47 Fine, very dark impression. 35.00 162 Large Landscape With Flight Into Egypt, 1558 Bartsch 56 Superb impression. 45.00 Pierre Adrien Lebeau, 1776 163 Portrait of Madame Dugazon Superl) and (lecorati\'e little ])rint, with margin. 12.00 Johann Friedrich Leonart, 1633-1680 164 Isabella van Assche, After Van Dyck Andresen 204 One of the earliest Mezzotints. See reproduction. 15.00 lii t'iaiEZ 33QMX ISABELLA V?sJ^ ASSCHK \':X0R1S A,ViP . CI VB-BIS BBAOC ELI-ENSIS. ■ Leonart No. 164 46 I Ottavio Leoni No. 165 Ottavio Leoni, 1574-1628 165 Portrait of Cardinal Seni, Original Drawing Black and white chalk on greenish paper. Collection Mayor. See reproduction. 90.00 Lucas van Leyden, 1494-1533 166 Adam and Eve, 1529 Bartsch 3 Good impression of the first state on paper with the Gothic P. Collection J. S. Morgan. 40.00 167 Adam and Eve Bartsch 10 Exceedingly fine impression, from the same collection. See reproduction, page 49. 120.00 168 The Wife of Potiphar Accusing Joseph Bartsch 21 Impression of the greatest l)rilhancy on i)aper with the Gothic P. Collections H. J. Brooke and [. S. Morgan. ' ' 70.00 47 Lucas van Levden No. 169 169 David Playing Before Saul Bartsch 27 Fine impression on Taper with the (jothic P. j. S. Morgan collection. 200.00 170 David in Prayer, 1520 Bartsch 29 luching on iron, very good impression. 20.00 171 The Visitation Bartsch 36 Very good impression, duplicate from the Berhn Mu- seum. 20.00 172 The Virgin and Child on a Crescent Bartsch 81 Fine impression, very rare. Collection J. S. Morgan. 75.00 173 Mahomet and the Monk Sergius, 1508 Bartsch 126 Lucas' first dated plate, fine delicate impression from the same collection. 150.00 Lucas van Leyden 49 No. 167 i Lucas van Leydex No. 174 174 The Promenade Bartsch 144 Impression of the greatest l)rinicincy. Collections H. j. Brooke, H. \\>])er, J. S. Ah^rgan. See reprockiction. 125.00 175 The Self Portrait With the Skull Bartsch 174 V^ery good impression, rare. 45.00 Charles Louis Lingee. Born 1753 176 Portrait of Mile, de Rancourt, Actress of the Com- edie Frangaise. After Sigm. Freudeberg and J. M. Moreau le Jeune IJeautifiil and decoratix e engra\-ing. 16.00 30 Joh. Lingelbach, 1625-1687 177 A Group of Horsemen and Ruins, Original Drawing Pen and wash, 4-^4 in. high, 5 >^ in. wide. 15.00 Jan Livens, 1607-1663 178 Portrait of an Old Man, Original Drawing Sepia, India ink and light coloring. 9y^ in. higli, 7 in. wide. 75.00 Giuseppe Longhi, 1766-1831 179 Lo Sposalizio, Line Engraving After Raphael, Milan, 1820 Capital plate, first state on India paper. One of the hnest line-engravings, in superl) impres- sion. 60.00 180 The Vision of Ezekiel, After Raphael, Line Engraving First state, with scratched artist's name. From the Onandt Collection. \'ery rare. 55.00 Claude Lorrain No. 183 51 181 Mary Magdalen in the Desert, After Correggio Proof before the letters, also one of the most famous line-engravings, A ery rare. 70.00 Constant Louis Ant. Lorichon. Born 1800 182 The Madonna Bridgewater, Line Engraving After Raphael Epreuve de remarque ; very beautiful and rare. 30.00' Claude Lorrain, 1600-1682 183 The Flight Into Egypt R. D. 1 Superb impression of the second state of four, very rare. See reproduction, page 51. 35.00 184 The Apparition R. D. 2 Fine impression of the third state, delicately etched. 30.00 Eduard Mandel. Born 1810 185 The Madonna Colonna, Line-Engraving After Raphael Fine open letter proof, with full margins, framed. 25.00 186 Portrait of a Young Man (Raphael) Finished trial proof, framed. 52 30.00 A ND R 1 : A M A N T EG N A No. 188 Andrea Mantegna, 1431-1506 187 The Battle of Sea Gods (The right portion of a frieze) Bartsch 17 Very fine ini])ression, in perfect condition. 250.00 183 The Bacchanale With Silenus Bartsch 20 Fine imj)ression of the original plate. r3uplicate of the British Mnsenm. See reprodnction. 350.00 189 The Same, The Close Copy, which Ottley considers the earlier Original Hind 2- Superl) early impression in greenish grey ink, slightly repaired. Impressions of the quality of this plate are of the utmost rarity. Collection Junius S. Morgan. 650.00 School of Mantegna : 190 Christ Descending Into Hell Bartsch 5 Superl) early impression, somewhat cut and repaired. Collection Junius S. Morgan. See reproduction. 500.00 191 The Senators (From the Triumph of Caesar) Bartsch 11 Good impression in brown ink. Collection J. S. Morgan. 50.00 192 Soldiers Carrying Trophies (Triumph of Caesar) Bartsch 14 The reversed copy of Bartsch 13 with the pilaster added ; l)eautiful early impression. Collection J. S. Morgan. 75.00 Robert Sam. Marcuard, 1751-1792 Pupil of Bartolozzi 193 Kronos and Rhea, Stipple engraving, printed in brown Beautiful impression, with full margin. 30.00 194 Cupid and Psyche, 1781 Lovely stipple engraving, printed in 1)rown, margin. 30.00 Antoine Masson, 1636-1700 195 Louis Abelly, Bishop of Rodez R. D. 8 Fine impression, with margin. 25.00 55 A. Masson No. 196 196 Guillaume de Brisacier (The Grey-haired Man) R. D. 15 Good impression of the fourth state, with margin. See reprochiction. 75.00 Jacob Matham, 1571-1631 197 Mythological Scene, Original Drawing Pen on Vehum, signed, design for an engraving. 7Yx in. high, Wf^ in. wide. See reproduction, page 57. 95.00 56 Claude Mellan, 1598-1688 198 Henri, Due de Montmorency Fine early impression, w ith margin. 10.00 199 Anna Maria Vajani, Paintress Montaiglon 256 Good impression of the second state, with address of Odieuvre. See reproduction, page 58. 8.00 Willem van Mieris, 1635-1681 200 Young Woman With a Parrot, Original Drawing Bhick chalk on blue paper. 8J4 in. high, jy. in. wide. 35.00 57 Mellan No. 199 Jan Miense Molenaer, 1600-1668 201 A Group of Drinking Peasants, Original Drawing Black and white chalk en blue |)a])er. 105/8 in. hii^h, 16^8 in. wide. 75.00 202 Two Sketches of a Peasant, on one sheet, Original Drawing Spirited design in black and while chalk on brown paper. 5«>4 in. high, AJi in. Avide. 20.00 Benedetto Montagna. Active between 1500 and 1540 203 Young Man Seated Beside a Palm Tree Bartsch 16 Good later impression, the address of (kiidotti erased. Collections: Count linzenberg and Mascha. 24.00 Monogramist F. G. (Italian of the XVIth Century) 204 Two Cupids Playing With Lions Bartsch IX, p. 27, 8, After Raphael Collections: (iawet and Rechber^er. Rare. 45.00 1 Monogramist H. S. E. (German XVIth Century) 205 Upper Part of a Dagger-hilt, with Lucretia Pass. 6 ILxtreinely rare, from the Lanna collection. 16.00 Monogramist M. Z. (Zagel, Zasinger) German. End of 15th Century 206 Solomcn, Adoring the Idol Bartsch 1 (jood early impression. Collection Dax'idsobn ; rare. 55.00 207 The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian Bartsch 4 Fine impression. Collection Peltzer. 25.00 Raphael Morghen, 1758-1833 208 The Transfiguration, Line Engraving After Raphael, 1811 Capital plate, impression of supreme beauty on India Paper, first state. 90.00 209 The Madonna Delia Sedia, Line Engraving After Raphael l^eautiful impression. 16.00 210 The Madonna del Granduca, 1823 Proof before the letter, x ery rare. 18.00 Jean Morin, 1600-1666 211 Michel de Marillac R. D. 66 Fine impression, with margin. 20.00 George Morland, 1763-1804 212 Watering the Cart Horse. Mezzotint engr. by J. R. Smith Beautifully printed in C(jl()rs, no margin. Duplicate from the collection of the late [. P. Mor- gan. 200.00 213 Girl with Pigs, Mezzotint, engr. by William Ward ( )pen letter proof, with margin, tine impression, framed. 75.00 59 Christian Fred. Mueller, 1782-1816 214 The Sistine Madonna, After Raphael One of the masterpieces of line -engTci\'nig', ni the un- finished trial proof impression, ])efore the halo. Only very few impressions known. 400.00 Christoph Murer, 1558-1614 (Famous Swiss Glass Painter) 215 Orpheus, Playing to the Animals Fine pen and India ink drawing. Sj/g in. high. 3j.s in. wide. 70.00 Robert Nanteuil, 1630-1678 216 Anne of Austria, Queen of France R. D. 23 Second state, engr. 1666, one of the large plates, good impression, closely trinmied, rare. 55.00 217 Antoine Barrillon de Morangis R. D. 31 Only state, brilliant impression, with Yz-xw. margin. 75.00 218 Bochart de Saron R. D. 42 Only state, fine im])ressi()n, one small defect repaired. 20.00 219 Frederick Bosquet, 1671 R. D. 44 Fine impression of the second state, small margin. 50.00 220 Victor Le Bouthillier, Archbishop of Tours R. D. 54 Good impression of tlie second state, with small margin. 30.00 221 Jacques, Marquis de Castelnau, 1658 R. D. 58 Good impression with margin. 25.00 60 Nanteuil No. 222 222 Alexandre de Seve R. D. 82 Brilliant impression of the g'reatest l)eauty. See Reproduction. 100.00 223 Bernard de Foix de la Valette, Due d'Espernon R. D. 91 Superl) impression of the hrst state, with margin. Very rare. 100.00 224 Hippolyte Ferret, 1669 R. D. 95 Exceedingly fine impression of the first state with wide margin. 40.00 225 Jean Fronteau R. D. 99 After Cabouret, first state, 1663. One of the small portraits, with margin. 15.00 61 Naxteuil No. 230 226 Louis Hesselin R. D. 110 First state, engr. 1658. Brilliant impression, with wide margin. 60.00 227 Michel le Masle R. D. 126 First state, 1658. Impression of the greatest brilliancy, with margin. 80.00 228 Charles Maurice Le Tellier R. D. 138 Only state, 1663. Beautiful im])ression, with margin. 60.00 229 The Same R. D. 139, 1664 Fine impression of the fourth state, with wide margin. 75.00 230 Jean Loret, 1658 R. D. 150 Capital plate in fine impression of the third state. Very rare. See reproduction. 55.00 231 Francois Mallier du Houssay R. D. 167 Fine impression of the second state. Collection A. Firmin-Didot. 43 00 62 232 Cardinal Mazarin R. D. 187 First state. Capital plate, exceedingly rare in this state. (xood impression, 1)ut repaired . 30.00 233 Francois Theodore de Nesmond R. D. 202 Superlj impression of the second state (of fonr) with the date 1663, with margin. 60.00 234 Nicholas Potier de Novion R. D. 206 Second state of fonr, dated 1657. Good impression, with small margin. 40.00 235 Charles Paris d'Orleans Longueville, Comte de St. Paul R. D. 219 Brilliant impression, with margin. See reproduction. 150.00 Nanteuil 63 No. 235 Ogborne No. 236 John Ogborne, 1725-1795 236 Mrs. Jordan in the Character of the "Country Girl" Stipple engraving after Ronmey. Entirely printed in colors. ( )ld Margin restored. Du])licate from the Collection of the late J. P. Ahjrgan. See reprodncti(Mi. 400.00 64 Adrian van Ostade, 1610-1685 237 The Knife-thrust, Etching Bartsch 18 Good impression with margin. 20.00 238 The Singers at the Window Bartsch 19 Very line impression. 18.00 239 Interior of a Grange, With Peasants, Original Draw- ing Characteristic design in black and white chalk on blue paper; 8% in. high, 7j/s in. wide. See reproduction. 150.00 Jean Parrocel, 1648-1704 240 A Sheet With Sketches of Shooting and Fallen Soldiers Bold and characteristic sanguine drawdng. Ii/i in. high, 10 in. wide. " 20.00 O ST ADR 65 No. 239 Peregrino, Niello No. 247 Charles Parrocel, 1688-1752 241 Don Quixote and Sancho Spirited sanguine drawing. lOys in. high, Uys wide. 30.00 Crispin de Passe, 1540-1629 242 The Ascension of the Virgin, Original Drawing Pen and India ink, from the Lanna Collection. Sys in. high, 2^ in. wide. 20.00 Jean Baptiste Joseph Pater, 1695-1736 243 Young Man, Drapery Study in Red Chalk Exquisite and highly characteristic drawing. 6 in. high, 4% in. wide. 450.00 Georg Pencz, 1500-1550 244 Jason and Medea, 1539 Bartsch 71 Very fine impression. Collection J. A. Boerner. 8.00 245 The Triumph of Bacchus Bartsch 92 Lovely frieze engraving, I j.s in. high, 11 in. wide. 16.00 246 The Six Triumphs of Petrarca Bartsch 117-122 Complete set of six engravings in 1)rilliant impres- sions. 50.00 66 Port AIL No. 248 Peregrine da Cesena (Italian XVth Century) 247 Niello: The Triumph of Neptune Bartsch XIII, 208 Duch. 214 Superb impression, of extreme rarity. See reproduction, page 66. 320.00 Andre Portail. Died 1760 248 Young Girl, Seated in a Chair, Original Drawing Masterly French design, in l)lack and red crayons. S}i in. high, 6 in. wide. See reproduction (fox stains shown there are almost invisible on the drawing). 500.00 Primitive German Artist. About 1400 249 St. John, the Evangelist, Original Drawing In rich old coloring, on paper with the Bull's head water-mark, from the Collection \V. Roller. 8 in. high, 5}i in. wide. 150.00 Richard Purcell. Born 1736 250 Caroline, Duchess of Marlborough, Mezzotint After Reynolds Good impression, with margin. Framed, 30.00 67 68 Marc-Antonio Raimondi. Born about 1475-1534 251 Adam and Eve, Driven from Paradise, After Michel- Angelo Bartsch 2 Siiperl) early impression, \ ery rare. Collection J. S. Morgan. 150.00 252 The Lord Ordering Noah to Build the Ark (Raphael) Bartsch 3 Beautiful impression of the first state. Collection J. S. Morgan. , 175,00 253 The Slaughter of the Innocents (Raphael) Bartsch 18 The plate with the Chicot. Fine early impression repaired. See reproduction, page 68. 250.00 254 The Last Supper (Raphael) Bartsch 26 Impression of the greatest beauty, extremely rare. See reproduction, page 70. 400.00 255 St. Ceciha (Raphael) Bartsch 116 Early impression, repaired. 50.00 256 Dido (After Raphael, the Landscape After Leyden) Bartsch 187 Early impression, Collection |. S. Morgan, of greatest rarity. 150.00 69 70 1 257 The Judgment of Paris (Raphael) Bartsch 245 Capital plate in very good impression of the first state, invisibly repaired. 250.00 258 Mount Parnassus (Raphael) Bartsch 247 Early, very beautiful impression, few small tears repaired. 275.00 259 The Young and the Old Bacchant Bartsch 294 Extremely fine impression ; very rare. See reproduc- tion, page 72. Collections : Liphart and J. S. Morgan. 200.00 260 A Faun Teaching a Little Boy to Play the Flute Bartsch 296 Superb early impression. Collection Lord Bathurst and J. S. Morgan 125.00 261 Apollo of the Belvedere Bartsch 331 Good early impression. Collection Junius S. Morgan 40.00 262 Apollo Bartsch 334 Beautiful early impression. From the same collection. 50.00 71 Raimondi ^ No. 259 263 The Three Graces Bartsch 340 \'cry l)eautiful early impression. 75.00 264 Mars, Venus and Cupid (After Francia or Mantegna) Bartsch 345 Beautiful early impression of the 2n(l state. Dated 1508. 90.00 265 Neptune, Appeasing the Tempest ("Quos Ego") Bartsch 352 Beautiful early impression. \'ery rare. Collection j. S. Morgan. 125.00 266 Trajan, between Rome and Victory Bartsch 361 According to Bartsch, one of the finest pieces of Marc Antonio. Beautiful impression, with the signature of Mariette. 100.00 72 Raimondi No. 267 KS. 267 The Bent Stick (After Francia) Bartsch 369 One of the exquisite and x ery rare, small, early work Good impresion. See reproduetion. 75.00 268 The Seven Virtues Bartsch 386-392 Complete set in uniform impressions of the greatest beauty. Seven, 300.00 269 Seven Copies, after Diirer's Life of the Virgin Bartsch 621, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 37 Good early impressions. Each, 10.00 73 Rembrandt No. 270 Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, 1606-1665 270 The Triumph of Mordecai Bartsch 40 Beautiful etcliini;- in ^■ery good impression. See reproduction. 95.00 271 The Circumcision, 1654 Bartsch 47 Very hne impression of tlie first state, with margin. 45.00 272 Christ Disputing with the Pharisees Bartsch 68 l^^ine inipression of the second state. 45.00 273 Christ Heahng the Sick Bartsch 74 ( Fourth state) The plate retouched by Captain Baillie. Superl) impression on Japan paper, with margin. Collection Camesina, 1816. V^ery rare. 225.00 74 Rembrandt No. 274 274 Christ on the Cross Bartsch 80 Fine impression; rare. See rei)r( )(luctic)n. 65.00 275 The Baptism of the Eunuch, 1641 Bartsch 98 ( ( )nly state ) Fine impression of the Hghtly etched plate. 75.00 276 The Death of the Virgin Bartsch 99 Brilliant impression of the second state ; in perfect condition. Collections Bruchman and Hebich. See reproduction, page 76. 325.00 75 ^ .} Rembrandt No. 276 ' 277 The Four Orientals Bartsch 118 V ery fine impression. Collection Weigel. 40.00 278 Nude Woman, with her feet in the water, 1658 Bartsch 22 Extremely fine impression, on thin India paper. 90.00 279 Jan Antonides van der Linden Bartsch 264 Good impression, with margin. 95.00 76 280 Janus Silvius, 1633 Bartsch 266 Superb impression. Very rare in such quality. 125.00 281 Menasseh ben Israel, 1636 Bartsch 269 Very good impression, with margin. Collection v. Baldinger. 50.00 282 Head of an Old Man Bartsch 315 Very delicately etched. Fine impression, with small margin. Collection Rumpf. 30.00 283 Rembrandt's Mother Bartsch 351 Lovely little plate, signed and dated 1633 See reproduction. 40.00 School of Rembrandt 284 Rest in Egypt (Original Sepia drawing) Very much in Rembrandt's style. SYs inches high, inches wide. 45.00 Remuraxdt No. 283 77 RlBERA No. 285 Joseph Ribera, called II Spagnoletto, 1588-1656 285 Satyr, Punished by Cupid (Etching) Bartsch 12 Good later impression ; rare. Collections Li]:)hart and Drugulin. See reproduction. 25.00 School of Rubens, Flemish, XVIIth Century 286 Angels appearing to a kneeling group of Nobles Su|)crl) drawing in red and ])lack chalk. 83/8 inches high, 12^ inches wide. 75.00 287 Jacob van Ruysdael, 1628-1682 Old Mill (Original drawing) Charcoal, inches high, 8^8 inches wdde. 125.00 78 Salomon van Ruysdael, 1600-1670 288 Landscape with Hay-barns (Original drawing) Charcoal, very characteristic piece. inches high, S^.^ inches wide. 60.00 William Wynne Ryland, 1729-1783 289 Penelope (Stipple engraving, after Angelica Kauffmann) Superl)ly printed in colors. Small margin. 175.00 Herman Saftleven, 1609-1685 290 Shore Landscape (Original drawing) Black Chalk and Sepia. 5^ inches high, \^y^ inches wide. 75.00 Pierre Savart, 1750-1778 291 Francois Rabelais, after Sarrabat Miniatnrc engra\ ing of great ])eauty. ' 10.00 292 Fenelon, after J. Vivien, 1771 Exquisite miniature portrait engraving, margin. 15.00 293 Portrait of Bayle, 1774 Same as the preceding item. 15.00 Martin Schongauer, 1445-1491 294 The Annunciation Bartsch 3 One of the lovehest pieces of the master. Fine deli- cate impression. Collection J. S. Morgan. 250.00 79 295 Christ on the Mount of Olives, from the Passion Set Bartsch 9 Good impression, margin restored. 75.00 296 Christ Bearing the Cross Bartsch 21 (The large plate) Capital plate in superb early impression. Collection H. F. Sewall. 2400.00 297 St. Thomas, The Apostle Bartsch 4 Strong, early impression. Collection J. S. Morgan. 90.00 298 The Lord Enthroned Bartsch 70 Fine early impression, on paper with the Bull's head. Same collection as the preceding item. 175.00 Aart Schouman, 1710-1788 299 Portrait of Louis, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel Original wash drawing, signed and dated. 10 inches high, 65/^ inches wide. 25.00 C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Engl. School, 18th Century 300 Young Nobleman, with a Greyhound Delicate water color drawing in the style of R. Cos- way. 97/8 inches high, 6-?4 inches wdde. 120.00 Heinrich Sintzenich, 1752-1812 (Pupil of Bartolozzi) 301 Frederick William II., King of Prussia (Stipple en- graving) ( )\ al, with full margin. 15.00 80 John Raphael Smith 81 No. 306 John Smith, 1654-1719 302 Phoebus and Leucothea Exquisite little early mezzotint. . 15.00 303 Charles I, after van Dyck Beautiful early mezzotint. framed 18.00 304 Charles II., after Kneller Same as the preceding item. framed 18.00 305 The Rt. Hon. Charles Montague, after G. Kneller Mezzotint, margin cut on three sides. framed 20.00 John Raphael Smith, 1740-1801 306 Lady Warwick, Mezzotint after Romney Scratched letter proof. One of the most beautiful mezzotints. InA-isibly repaired and margin restored on three sides. See reproduction, page 81. 500.00 307 An Evening Walk Delightful stipple engraving, with margin ; colored by hand. 150.00 Virgil Solis, 1514-1562 308 Standard Bearer (Engraving on copper) Bartsch 248 Very fine impression. 10.00 309 Circular Allegorical Design (Fall of Phaeton?) * Pen drawing with blue wash. Diameter Sfg inches. 35.00 Peter Soutman, 1580-1650 310 Emperor Frederick IV of Germany (Original Drawing) Charcoal, India Ink and Water-color. Design for the engraving by P. van Sompel, with the print. 120.00 82 Rudolf Stang. Born 1831 311 Lo Sposalizio, after Raphael (Line-Engraving) Epreiu e de Remarque : The flower on the staff of Jo- seph left white. Impression of the greatest beauty. 60.00 Tobias Stimmer, 1539-1587 312 The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds (Original drawing) Chiaroscuro effect. See reprochiction. 7y\ inches high, 5^^ inches wide. * 120.00 313 BHnd Musicians (Original drawing) In Chiaroscuro manner, I 'en and India Ink with white high-hghts on dark grey paper. 6^ inches high, 7j/ls inches wide. 90.00 314 Design for a Coat of Arms Pen (h-awing, hexagonal, with shght red coloring. 4^ inches high, ZS/g inches wide. Collection Lanna. . , 50.00 Tobias Stimmer 83 No. 312 SuVDERILOliF • No. 316 Jonas Suyderhoef, 1600-1669 315 Jacob Hollebeek Wussin 39 (joocI impression of the second state. 18.00 316 Conrad Victor van Aken, after Frans Hals Wussin 91 Good impression, only state. See reproduction. 30.00 Paolo Toschi, 1788-1851 317 Madonna della Tenda, 1832 (Line-Engraving, after Raphael) Beautiful impression, open letter proof. 24.00 318 Lo Spasimo di Sicilia (Christ bearing the Cross, after Raphael) Proof impression of supreme 1)eauty. unique in this state and undescri1)ed in Appel. 75.00 84 Cornelis Troost, 1697-1750 319 The Bust of J. Campo Weyerman, surrounded by- Cupids Original sanguine drawing, signed. Collections Pinto and Habich. 7y^ inches high, 6 inches wide. 65.00 Unknown Italian Engraver (XVIth Century) 320 Abraham's Sacrifice Bartsch XII, 22, 3 Wood-cut in chiaroscuro from 2 plates, after Parmegiano. 20.00 321 Charity Bartsch VIII, 3 Charming Chiaroscuro from three plates, after the same. 12.00 Wallerant Vaillant, 1623-1677 (One of the first Mezzotinto Engravers) 322 Young Man, reading, seated before the statue of Cupid W. 21 Early mezzotint, in good impression, wath wide margin. . 20.00 Esaias van de Velde, 1590-1630 323 A Village Street, with groups of talking men (Original Drawing) Exquisite design in black chalk. 4^ inches high, 6^ inches wade. 60.00 85 J. VAN DE VeLDE No. 324 Jan van de Velde, 1598-1679 324 The Star of the Magi (Engraving in Goudt's manner) Andresen Charming- night piece after P. Molyn. Brilliant im- pression of the first state, before the address of ''Visscher." See reproduction. 35.00 325 Fire (Ignis), After W. Buytenweg Andresen 33 Impression of the first state, before address of f. C. Visscher. ' 15.00 Dirck Vellert (Van Staren), Netherlands, about 1500 326 Temptation of Christ, Engraving Bartsch 5 (1525) Good impression; rare. 25.00 86 Corn. Vtssctier No. 331 Agostino de Musis, called Veneziano, 1490-1540 327 Hercules and Antheus Bartsch 347 Beautiful iui])ression, before the retouches. 30.00 Francois Verdier, 1651-1730 328 Biblical Scene, Original drawing in black, red and white chalks Collectious F'eoli and Ivohert lloe. 5')4 iuches high, 10)4 inches wide. 20.00 Nicolas Verkolje, 1673-1746 329 His Self-Pcrtrait, Original drawing l->eautiful design in India Ink. 10^ inches high, 6j^2 inches wide. 50.00 Giuseppe Nicolo Vicentino (Ital., XVIth Century) 330 Hercules and the Lion Bartsch VII, 17 Wood-cut in Chiaroscuro, from two plates. First state, very rare. 75.00 87 Corn. Visscher No. 332 Cornells Visscher, 1618-1658 331 Head of an Old Woman, Original drawing, signed Charcoal on Vellum. See reproduction, page 87. 4y^ inches high, 4^ inches wide. 90.00 332 Portrait of Justus van Vondel, Engraving D. 120 IV. Brilliant impression. See reproduction 30.00 333 Peter Schrijver (Scriverius), after Soutman, 1649 W. 42 Brilliant impression of the third state. 75.00 Joris G. van Vliet. Born about 1610 334 Lot and His Daughters, after Rembrandt Bartsch I Brilliant impression of the first state, l)efore the cross- hatchings on the rock. See reproduction, page 89. Collection Camberlyn. 40.00 Giovanni Volpato, 1738-1803 335 The Stanzas of The Vatican, Line engravings after Raphael Coniplete set of nine, in superl) proof impressions, 1)e- fore the lettering. together 200.00 J. ( T. VAN X'lIET Nu. 334 Martin de Vos, 1531-1603 336 The Fall of the Giants, Original drawing Pen and India ink, signed. 5% inches high, 378 inches wide. 20.00 William Ward, 1765-1825 337 The Gamesters, Mezzotint after Rev. Peters Good impression with margin. framed 50.00 338 Morning, or Thoughts on Amusement for the Evening Charming stipple engra\'ing after Morhmd, printed in brown ; beautiful impression with full margin. 100.00 89 * 339 Thoughts of Matrimony, after John Raphael Smith One of the l()\'eliest stipple engravings, colored by hand, old full margin restored. 150.00 340 The Coquette, also known as the "The Cyprian Votary" Charming and famous stipple engraving, after J. R. Smith, trimmed to the oval, printed in colors, but touched with the brush. 180.00 341 Almeida, Wm. Ward del. et sculp. Stipple engraving, printed in colors, 1)Ut t(^uched with the ])rush, small margin. Duplicate from the collec- tion of the late j. P. Morgan. See reproduction, page 91. 200.00 Thomas Watson, 1748-1781 342 Henrietta, Countess of Rochester Mezzotint, after P. Lely One of the Windsor Beauties. Beautiful impression. framed 50.00 343 Young Girl, reading. Mezzotint, after G. Schalken Proof before the letter; 1)eautiful impression. 20.00 Antione Watteau, 1684-1721 (Attributed to) 344 Head of a Boy, Original drawing Exquisite design in red and ])lack crayon. Oval 5}i inches high, 4/2 inches wide. 150.00 90 William Ward No. 34i J. G. Wille, 1715-1803 345 Portrait of Christian Woiif, Prof, of Mathematics Charming and decorative little print in fine impression. Wierix Family. About 1600 346 Portrait of Philipp, Prince of Orange Undescribed print in an impression of great brilliancy. 12.00 15.00 George Andreas Wolfgang, 1631-1716 347 Judith at the Tent of Holofernes One of the earliest Mezzotints ; very rare. 15.00 91 i Jan Wynants, 1525-1682 348 Landscape, Original drawing Charcoal and wash, 10 inches high, 13^^ inches wide. See reprodnction below. 80.00 Antonio Maria, Count Zanetti (Ital. XVIIIth Century) 349 Young Man, standing, after Parmegiano, 1721 Lovely chiaroscuro wood-cut from three plates. 30.00 Reiner Nooms, called Zeeman. Born 1612 350 Seascape, Etching Bartsch 37 I Good impression, before the address of Clement de Jong-he. 10.00 Jan Wynants 92 No. 348 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX (Arranged in Groups) I. ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS A. German and Netherland Masters of the XVth and XVIth Centuries Nos. Martin Sclioni^auer 1445-1491 294-298 Monogramist A. G. (Glockenton) End of XVth Cent. 137-138 Monogramist M. Z. (Zasinger) End of XVth Cent. 206-207 Albrecht Diirer 1471-1528 93-112 Lucas van Leyden 1494-1533 166-175 The Little Masters Heinrich Aldegrever Albrecht Altdorfer Anonymous Engravers Barthel Beham Hans Sebald Beham Jacob Bink Monogramist H. S. E. Georg Pencz Hans Sebald Lautensack Theodor de Bry Alaert Claes Dirck Vellert (van Staren) Wierix Famil}^ 1502-1562 1-3 1488-1538 4-11 XVIth Century 14-16 1502-1540 32-34 1500-1550 35-45 1490-1560 51-52 XVIth Century 205 1500-1550 244-246 1524-1564 159-162 1528-1598 63-64 1520-1555 80-81 about 1525 326 about 1600 346 B. Italian Engravers Peregrino da Cesena (Nielli) XVth Century 247 Andrea Mantegna 1431-1506 187-192 Benedetto Montagna 1500-1540 (about) 203 Marc Antonio Raimondi 1475-1534 251-269 Agostina de Musi (Veneziano) Monogramist F. G. 1490-1540^ 327 about 1537 204 Ugo da Carpi born about 1486 72-77 Antonio Fantuzzi, da Trento 1508-1550 129 Unknown Chiaroscuro Engravers XVIth Centurv 320-321 Gius. Nicolo Vicentino XVIth Century 330 Bartolomeo Coriolano 1590-1649 82 Count A. M. Zanetti 1721 349 Dutch Etchers and Engravers, XVIIth Century Cornelis Bega 1620-1664 29-30 Abraham Blootelingh 1634-1685 54 Cornelis van Dalen 1602-1664 83 Claes Corn. Delff died 1620 84 Willem Jacobz Delff 1580-1638 85 Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 116-122 Hendrick Goltzius 1558-1616 139-144 Christoffel Jeghcr 1620-1670 156-157 93 Adrian van Ostade 1610-1685 Rembrandt van Rijn 1606-1665 270-283 Jonas Suyderhoef 1600-1669 315-316 Wallerant Vaillant 1623-1677 322 Jan van de Velde 1598-1679 324-325 Cornelis Visscher 1618-1658 Joris G. Van Vliet born 1610 334 Reiner Nooms, called Zeenian born 1612 350 D. French, German and Spanish Engravers, XVIIth Century Jacques Callot 1592-1635 66-68 Gerard Edelinck 1640-1707 125-126 Job. Friedr. Leonart 1633-1680 164 Claude Gellee, called Le Lorrain 1600-1682 183-184 Antoine Masson 1636-1700 195-196 Claude Mellan 1598-1688 198 Jean Morin 1600-1666 211 Robert Nanteuil 1630-1678 216-235 J. Ribera, 11 Spagnoletto 1588-1656 285 Georg Andreas Wolfgang 1631-1716 347 E. Engravings of the XVIIIth Century Francesco Bartolozzi 1730-1813 19-25 Isaac Beckett 1653-1715 26-27 Louis Marin Bonnet 1743-1793 56 M. H. Bounier 1740-1814 58 H. W. Bunbury died 1811 65 Gilles Demarteau 1729-1776 86 John Downman 1769-1824 91 Richard Earlom 1728-1822 123-124 John Fal:)er 1684-1755 127-128 Thomas Frye 1710-1762 132 James Gillray 1757-1815 136 J. B. Grateloup 1735-1817 150 Valentine Greene 1739-1813 151 Alexander van Haecken 1735 152 William Humphrey 1740-1795 154 J. B. Jackson 1701-1754 155 Pierre Adrien Le Beau 1776 163 Charles Louis Lingee Robert S. Marcuard l)orn 1753 176 1751-1792 193-194 George Morland John Ogborne 1763-1804 212-213 1725-1795 236 Richard Purcell l)orn 1736 250 William Wynne Ryland 1729-1783 289 Pierre Savart 1750-1778 291-293 Heinrich Sintzenich 1752-1812 301 John Smith 1654-1719 302-305 John Raphael Smith 1740-1811 306-307 William Ward 1765-1825 337-341 Thomas Watson 1748-1781 342-343 J. G. Wille 1715-1808 343 94 F. Line-Engravers of the Late XVIIIth and Early XlXth Centuries A. G. L. Boiicher-Desnoyer 1779-1857 87-89 Joseph von Keller born 1811 158 C. L. A. Lorichon born 1800 182 Giuseppe Longhi 1766-1831 179-181 Echiard Mandel born 1810 185-186 Raphael Morohen 1758-1833 208-210 Christian Friedr. Mhller 1782-1816 214 Rudolf Stang- born 1831 311 Paolo Toschi 1788-1851 317-318 Giovanni Volpato 1738-1803 335 11. DRAWINGS XVth and XVIth Centuries Primitive German Jost Ammann Herri met de Bles (Blesius) Joerg Breu Wolf Huber Christ Murer Virgil Solis Tobias Stimmer Luca Cambiaso Domenico Campagnola Dom. Zampieri. Domenichino Ottavio Leoni XVIIth Century Jac. Adr. Backer 1608-1651 17-18 Corn. Bega 1620-1664 28 Abr. Begeyn 1630-1697 31 Nicolas Berghem 1620-1683 49 Leonard Bramer 1596-1674 59 Jan Bronkhorst 1648-1727 62 Cornells Dusart 1665-1704 113-114 Anthony van Dyck 1599-1641 115 Aart van Gelder 1645-1727 134-135 Hendrick Goltzius 1558-1616 145-147 Jan van Goyen 1596-1656 148-149 Joh. Lingelbach 1625-1687 177 Jan Livens 1607-1663 178 Jacob Matham Willem van Mieris 1571-1631 197 1635-1681 200 Jan Miense Molenaer 1600-1668 201-202 Adrian van Ostade 1610-1685 239 Crispin de Passe 1540-1629^ 242 School of Rembrandt about 1650 284 School of Rubens about 1640 286 Jacob van Ruysdael 1628-1682 287 Salomon van Ruysdael 1600-1670 288 Herman Saftleven 1609-1685 290 about 1400 249 1539-1591 12-13 XVIth Century 53 1480-1537 60-61 1480-1544 153 1558-1614 215 1514-1562 309 1539-1587 312-314 1527-1585 69 1484-1556 70 1581-1641 90 1574-1628 165 95 Peter Soiitnian 1580-1650 310 Esaias van de Velde 1590-1630 223 Nicolas Yerkolje 1673-1746 329 Cornelis Visscher 1618-1658 331 Martin de Vos 1531-1603 336 Jan Wynants 1625-1682 348 Stefano della Bella 1610-1664 46-48 Robert Boissard _ • about 1600 55 Jean Parrocel 1648-1704 240 Charles Parrocel 1688-1752 241 Francois Verdier 1651-1730 328 Alonzo Cano 1601-1665 71 XVIIIth Century Marie Jeanne Bernard 1740-1804 50 Francois Boucher 1704-1770 57 Honore Fragonard 1732-1806 130-131 J. B. Joseph Pater 1695-1736 243 Andre Portail died 1760 248 Antoine Watteau 1684-1721 344 Francesco Bartolozzi 1730-1813 20 G. B. Cipriani 1727-1785 78-79 Thomas Gainsborough 1724-1788 138 C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe 18th Century 300 Aart Schouman 1710-1788 299 Cornelis Troost 1697-1750 319 PREVIOUS SPECIAL CATALOGUES OF R. EDERHEIMER - PRINT CABINET No. 1 Lucas van Leyden. Illustrated. With introduction by R. E. November, 1908. No. 2 Marc Antonio and the other Italian engravers of the XVIth Century. Illustrated. Introduction by R. E. October, 1909. No. 3 Martin Schongauer. Richly illustrated. Introduction by R. E. December, 1911. No. 4 Mantegna and the other early Italian engravers. Illus- trated. With introduction by R. E. December, 1912. No. 5 Robert Nanteuil. With thirteen reproductions and an introduction by Louis R. Metcalfe. October, 1913. No. 6 Original Drawings by Old Masters. Illustrated. With introduction. December, 1913. No. 7 Diirer, Lucas van Leyden and Marc Antonio Raimondi. With introduction and Diirer's Mystical Tetralogy. A Fantasy in Verse by R. E. January, 1914. No. 8 Original Drav^ings by Old Masters. Illustrated. With Introduction. February, 1915. No. 9 Portrait Engravings, XVIIth Century. April, 1915. GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE