Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcapit00chri_1 A CATALOGUE OF THE CAPITAL AND VALUABI^ COLLECTION OP BY SOME OP THE MOST ESTEEMED Italian, French, Fletnijh, Dutch, and Etiglijh Majlers, THE PROPERTY OF Halliday, Esq. and Booth^y Clopton, Esq. Dec. INCLUDING A moft Capital Piaure of VENUS and ADONIS, Titian j A fmall Sea Port, Claude ; A Froji Piece, David Teniers ; aLandfcape hy Gainjborough, called the Italian Villa f Two Fine PICTURES by Loutherbohrgh, &c. WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, On FRiDjy, May 8, 1801, and following Day, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. To be publickly viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, and in Pall Mall. CONDITIONS OF SALE. !• ' I 'HE higheft Bidder to be the Boyer; »' d if any Difpote arife between Two or more Bidders, tlie Lotfo difpwted &aH be put up again and -re-fold, 11. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds as. 6d. And fo on in pro- portion. HI. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20 I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sak. ■' V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain- der of the Purchafe Money to be abfplutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon FaUure of complying with tbe above Condirions. tbc Money denodted in P . of Payment lhall be forfeited, all Lott endeared within the Se nf 7-n ! be re fold by Pubile or Private Sale; and tbe ftt Re-fale, lhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. ^ A Catalogue, &c. , Firft Day’s Sale. On FRIDAY, MAY the 8th, i8oi. » I TT'wO — a Converfation snd a Nativitji- 2 A Cattle Piece and a River Scene - 3 Two Old Heads ' 4 Two, one a Violin Playes Vandieft «■"— 5 Two Landfcapes Old Wyck — 6 An Italian Sea Port 7 An Allegorical PitSure Cafteels . ' 8 Live Fowls 9 The Converfion of St. Paul Italian — — • 10 A Landfcape and Figures ,, Braamer — — II The Crucifixion^ Rofa de Tivoli — 12 Cattle and Figures 13 Diogenes Heemlkirk 14 An Interior PRINTS Framed and Glazed, 15 T wenty-One of Statues from tlve AntiMarfkte ) — * A Madontt aiid ^ ^ A fmall whole length of Edward VL Holbicn — 47 Apfoven *^laude — 48 49 Boys Playing whh a , , An Italian Sea Port ry f / / N. Pouflin 50 The Portraits of Nicola Pouffin and Mary Duget - 51 Chrift at Emaus, a Bas-Relief, in Terra Cotta Anderfon — 52 A Calm at Sea, highly finilhed Bredael 53 A Village Fcaft Le Due 54 A Corps de Garde Cor. Janfen — 55 A Portrait of Mary Queen of Scots Decker — — 5 ^ A Landfeape with Cottages Van Lint — 57 A Landfeape and Figures, ftile of Claude Dominichino — . ,58 A grand View in Italy Salviofi and Jea n Miel 59 A View of a Palace, Shipping and Figures Le Nain . - 60 The Flight into Egypt Ibetfon 61 Two, a Landfeape, and Horfes drinking at a Fountain Sal. Ruyfdacl — 62 A Landfeape, Cattle and Figures Vangoyen w- — 63 A View in Hollands Vandermeuleh — 64 A Convoy attacked Cuyp — ^5 A Man’s Portrait I /jT/ - > ( 8 ) Baffan Rubens • Ditto — Fompeia Battoni Mompert Morland Polenbergh Vandermeulen Bap. Franco Nuyts •— Weenix — Corregio Weft — Rubens — Schut —— Ditto — Guido - ^arra.che — ‘l^nutherbouroji 0itto ^’^"■■•EBreemberg Ruyftlael Swaneveldt H. Zach-tleven O. Teniers TylTens Dominichino Gainfborough Tktan Diana and Adeon, 67 Salvator Mundi 68 A Portrait of Ruberis’s Wife 69 The Judgement of Solomon, frm the CoUeBhn of the late Sir Gregory Page ^ 75 A Landfcape with Hermits 71 A Sea Beach with a Shipwreck 73 A Pair of fmaJl Landfcapes and Figures 73 A Pair of fmall Battles, highly finiftied 74 Herodias with the Head of St. John 75 A Landfcape and Figures, a warm Evening Scene 7^ AVafe with Flowers, a capital high-finiftied Pidlure? equal to Van Huyfum 77 A Sleeping Venus, after 78 Venus and Cupid, after 79 A Holy Family, after 80 The Triumph of Venus, highly finiftied on Copper 81 Venus and Vulcan, the Companion 8? 'be Death of Cleopatra, a capital Pifture of the Mafter R? . ’’hy Scourging of Chrift feesju y e If ot a Shower of Rain, capital &5 Its Companion, a funny Evening 86 The Interior of a Menagerie 87 A Landfcape, Cattle and Figures 88 A View in, Norway,, a grand interefting Scene 89 A Landfcape with: Peafants regaling, a rich Warm Cabinet Pifture go A Landfcape and Figures, Boats, &c. a River Sxi!;bii 91 A View of a Village in Holland, a Winter Scene, with Snow, capital— —CM/ of the ColleBion of the late Pijhop. of Brijiol 92 The Difeovery of Achilles— —(a Pupil of Vandyck) 93 Lot and his Daughters, capital 94 The Itaxian Villa. This PiBure is alku'eel to hea chef T oeuvre of and Adonis, a capital and undoubted Pidure of the Mafter, out of the Colledion of Count Laregaies FINIS, J. Smettos'i. Printer, X 42 , St. Martin’s Lauu. •» < ' Vi ■ * ■