-ff 1 7 6 \ ScJyCC/l , /$£. / 3 - 9 . C(-.C-o~cUJ.. / /2 3 /S 2. / iri. c .’-d. 't c) , 96 - /OCL. /O^. //^ , / 32 *-. /${> r-C^C , Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_50 . fv- .f? //£ t'n Sfah-cccL.. /39. /S^./Sj. 'htJcCi /20. /3 3 . /ZL C\ „ C^-Csl£ 5 . /2S-. /^ 2 _. /S S'- / / . 3 . 1 3 .3 d . 44 o . . 7*f-y $ ■ ff 0 z, 9 SlaArLCccC . fytc-kicU^ i u^uu^.^ 7f‘ /02~ '/Oi> //o. //**■ / 2 3 ' /?/. /S f ■ ^ O. /^2.. 4?. /$ 7. bo. Sc>. fQ 92 . /S2, . sLhZ. /cOcsd^ ■ G^C^d^., • ? s : v. S~£cJ{ Schist / £/. 3o.33 Sf //*-/- ' /O . /3. 3 0. . cT6 . ¥0. 7q- ■ ■ / 7 / f ^c^U Qe- HtticscXr^ /uC^ /Ot/- . / 2 2 75 /. /OS'. /l£t- 22. 3o- 32- ■ 3 q~- /3&. /¥- 2- - /6"/ Ol . /oy. . / 3 0. CUl. / v S /. Z3 .2V-- 3 o. 3<^~. 3(~>. 3 7. L/.0. i+y- *>: ft: - fif.J. &ZU. * ■ (jJ-hisliXcU-CLcCr -i-j ^' /^ 2 . . /^' /. u~7. 6'/. trz ,$r . ^ . 6i 9s . . ■ ?+-,£&. §9 9 o Sfy^tCco L, /jt^U-xrr^ HT& /o 9. ///. //Z . //S'. //, d^C. y f. fcrt+zA 23.2Y. Ai & ■ t+j. &q-. Jy. 6

. Sq. 3>3-(oG.(> 7 (oO./iS'.S*o, ^ ( h^CCcc ■ /3 3 &X^ r 0~&C'( ■ -C~o-c7c- . /y-O. /*/-#-. /S 6 . /$?. O, /T • 31 / * 2. 3 o - 3 £/- - 3 y, 4^ " ■SLi-f. P.iCjyv- -7 ^^^oftaeJ, /flokScl^ i . Vtf. /oz. /oS ■ s°7 ■ /of. //O ./ 2 a- /Z2 . /33 , /i/-o. ///p- . /&.if- ■ /6? . / 33 . ■ £q. /Of- //O / rfd&UsoCu. /£/■ C^AT^AHOG-TTZB OF A COLLECTION OF R. 1 PORCELAIN, 1 ' Decorative Objects & Furniture, THE PROPERTY OE A LADY; A COLLECTION OF CHINESE ENAMELLED WHOLE-COLOUR AND NANKIN PORCELAIN, AND Objects of Art, Decorative Furniture, &c. FROM NUMEROUS SOURCES; AND SEVEN FINE OLD BRUSSELS TAPESTRY PANELS, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN: | CRsh-eu-, s ■ w~\ WHICH Mill be bg Ruction bu Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, ! AT TISK1E 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S. IF. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 11. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. Tho Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. ^ I. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. ^ II. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -+ 0 +- On FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. OLD NANKIN. ! 1 A cylindrical vase, painted with warriors on a mountain side^-17 in.^ high 2 Another vase, of similar form, with a rocky landscape and fir trees —18 in. high {3 A beaker vase, entirely covered with the flowering prunus—17^ in. 0 j high (4 An oviform jar, painted with mirror-shaped panels of utensils on a plum-pattern ground, carved wood cover—8 in. high J 5 Another jar, nearly similar 0 6 An oviform jar, with quatrefoi 1-shaped panels of utensils on a plum--r / pattern ground, carved wood cover ^ 7 Another vase, nearly similar, with quatrefoil-shaped paneL on a . flowering prunus ground—8 in. high oc 0 8 A jar, entirely covered with the flowering prunus, carved wop^l ' / / y cover—8^ in. high A " <) A square-shaped vase, with ladies and mandarins on a terrafee^- • 12 in. high —> 4 3/, & ,c/VL £, 3 . ^13 / 14 3, /J, o 15 A jar, with small mirror-shaped panels of utensils on a plum-pattern ground — 8£ in. high ; and a jar, painted with breaches of flowering prunus—10^ in. high A jar, with branches of flowering prunus—9 in. high ; and one, . with raised prunus and rocks—10 in. high A jar, with an imperial audience on a balcony—10 in. high ; and one, with panels of prunus and rocks—9^ in. high £ A beaker, painted with sages in a rocky mountain pass—19 in. high An oviform jar, painted with ladies writing at a table—13 in. high OCtt A pair of jars, entirely covered with branches of flowering prunus —^ 1 on ])onh. 1./7.6 16 A;#, t 17 1 3* s 0 18 13£ in. high f A cylindrical jardiniere, painted with a rocky landscape; and one, with a lake scene in celadon, fleur-de-peche and blue 3^1^. An oviform jar, painted with ladies, children and palms on a terrace —8^ in. high —carved and pierced wood cover ; and one, nearly similar le, nearly £ c />, o 19 o 20 f, 0 21 / / 7 S) ^2 */ / f 0 3/* 23 1 , 3,0 24 f 0 */ 0.0 Z: ' An oviform jar, with mirror-shaped panels of utensils on a plum- pattern ground—7 in. high ; and a smaller vase, with min-or- shaped panels of asters in white on a blue ground /y A small fluted oviform jar, with circular panels of landscapes—5 in. high ; an oviform jar, with two panels of fishermen ; and an 3™ oviform jar, with branches of prunus and rocks A jardiniere, with dragons, flames and clouds, open wood stand; ^ and a beaker vase, with raised handles, annular ornament and dragons A bottle, with two shaped panels of a rocky river scene—10 in. highJrlA A small oviform jar, with quatrefoil-shaped panels of utensils on a plum-pattern ground; and an oviform vase, with utensils and 3 flowers A small bowl and cover, with branches of prunus on a marbled^^/ 1 ground A wine-cup, with branches of prunus ; a smaller ditto ; and a mpall * vase, with groups of plum blossom .Two covers, painted with branches of prunus ; and one other piece^ 5 26 A cylindrical vase, with leaf and upright panels of sages in blijp on a powdered-blue ground—19 in. high ^ 27 An oviform famille verte jar, with figures of dancing girls; and a cylindrical jar, enamelled with a man climbing a walLf-ll in. high d 28 An oviform jar and cover, entirely enamelled with the seeding peony/, and Ho-Ho birds-15 in. high ^ 0 29 A cylindrical vase, with coiled dragon in high relief, a design round the neck in coral colour and gold—19 in. high Jin WHOLE-COLOUR PORCELAIN. 0 30 A turquoise crackle vase, with elephant and ring handles—13 in. high " 01 A celadon jar, with dragon in relief round the neck—9 in. high 0 (32 A small ruby cup, brocade stand, in case A o 33 A turquoise crackle bottle ; and a square-shaped ditto £ 34 A pierced spill vase, of turquoise crackle, with fir trees, rocks and / boy ; a seated figure of Hotei; and a small pierced basket ^ 35 A bottle, of cream-coloured glaze, with a coiled dragon in relief ^ —20 in. high ; and a dark celadon cup ENAMELLED PORCELAIN. c ; O 36 A pair of figures of boys, enamelled in brillant colours 0 37 A set of three bowls, enamelled in mauve and green on a black ground—8 in. diam. 0 38 A buff bowl, with flowers in green and mauve; a splashed green, , ' / yellow and mauve ditto; and a bowl, with iris in green and yellow on a mauve ground £>39 A pair of figures of kylins, in splashed green, yellow and mauve- 7 ^ in. high ; and a smaller ditto C 40 A pair of turquoise and blue crackle kylins 1 mauve-*- / fl>u JP-y— — G J 7 ^^ 41 ^ ^ ^ 42 '*/ / 43 A set of nine figures of the sages, enamelled in brilliant colours A pair of small double figures of men seated on a rock—5£ in. high &./? A set of four white kylins; and a large white figure of a goddess^ ^ —19 in. high A /A ■ * 44 '45 ( 4 ■7 ~ /4 Q / £> , ^ 47 A seated figure of Hotei, in brown and buff—12 in. high ; a smaller seated figure, forming a tea-pot; and a small buff figure of Hotei A green and yellow glaze figure of a seated deity *2 # 2 , o 48 • /C , ^49 An oviform vase and cover, pierced and engraved with dragons, sages and peonies on a wave-pattern ground—20 in. high An oviform famille verte jar, with imperial figures and palms on a balcony—14 in. high; and a vase, enamelled with warriors and cart in a mountain pass A pair of bowls, with kylins, flames and waves in purple on a green i > ground ; and a curious basket-pattern bottle A bowl, with panels of flowers on an engraved yellow ground ; and a * pair of bowls, with circular panels of flowers on an engraved ruby ground bowl, with four circular panels of landscapes in sepia on an engraved yellow ground ; and a pair of bowls, similar, on an engraved ruby ground A pair of oviform famille verte jars, enamelled with shaped panels of an imperial audience on a dotted green ground, with utensils and /s#. sprays of flowers—20 in. high An ovifoim jar and cover, with circular panels of landscapes on a diapered-pattern ground—15 in. high — Ming ; and another, nearly similar ^ /O, / - 63 A shaped two-handled bowl, dish, two small basins, tea-cup and ZJ saucer, four coffee-cups and two saucers, with flowers and pink scale borders, and with lion and dagger crest, shield-of-arms, motto and monogram J.L. in colours and gold ; and a coffee-pot and cover, with ribbons, medallions and monograms in colours / and gold /#' /o 64 A tea-pot, cover and stand, and a coffee-pot and cover, with flower o sprays and borders of scroll ornament, coronet and shield-of-arms in colours and gold ; a canister and cover, two tea-cups and a small plate, with flowers and pink scale borders, coronet and shield, with monograms ; two other tea-cups and a bowl and cover, with ^ arms ; and a milk-jug and cover, with monogram C^c^i 6.) two jugs and covers, with flower sprays, arms and monogram in £ colours and gold ; a milk-jug and cover, and pair of two-handled cups, with flowers and pink scale borders ; a pair of ditto basins, with kylins, deer, &c. in Oriental taste ; and a tea-pot and cover, with blue borders, and shield with monogram and motto in colours and gold 0 / 66 Part of a Dinner Service, the centres painted with a figure of Hope holding a shield-of-arms, and small medallions of subjects ' ^ representing the quarters of the Globe on the borders, vases, anchors and other ornaments in colours and gold, consisting of octagonal soup-tureen, cover and stand, ditto hot-water plate, pair of circular pierced bowls and covers, oval pierced basket and two stands, nine plates, with pierced borders, a tankard, and large barrel-shaped jug 67 A large barrel-shaped jug, enamelled with sprays of flowers and shield P with monogram and stag crest in colours and gold ; a square¬ shaped bowl, with flowers and pink trellis; a large sauce-boat and cover, nearly similar; and a two-handled sauce-boat, with (A ^ , festoons of flowers ^ ^ 68 A pair of deep two-handled bowls and covers, enamelled with groups and festoons of flowers; and two large tankards, with flowers and pink trellis on the border ? 69 A circular bowl, enamelled with portraits in shields with crests, mottoes and figure supporters, and inscription “wilkes and, / / LIBERTY -10^ in. diam. 70 Another, with men-of-war in full sail in colours and sepia, festoons of flowers inside— 1 \\ in. diam. -- 71 Another, enamelled with baskets and groups of flowers in medallions on red and gold chequered ground, and band of rich ornament /' insidfi—Hi i n diam. 0 72 A large bowl, enamelled with bouquets of flowers, and shields with/'? monogram and crest in colours and gold—13 in. diam. 73 A bowl, enamelled with flowers and with shield-of-arms, crest and -p ’ ’ motto in colours and gold—11 £ in. diam .; and a bowl, enamelled with flowers in medallions and border of ornament inside 10£ in. diam. 74 A bowl, with flowers and borders of ornament; a barrel-shaped „ tankard, with flowers and trellis borders in pink ; and a small C bowl ( imperfect ) 10 (75 /A i ' and stand, with blue border, enamelled with flowers and shields- A of-arms in colours 78 A pair of blue glass bottles, with pierced vine branch silver-plate mounts ted? / V ^ The following are the Property of A LADY. ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. £ A ^ I P/S*. o 79 A Nankin fluted willow-pattern tea service, with gilt borders, con¬ sisting of tea-pot, basin, milk-jag and cover, ten teacups and saucers, six coffee-cups and two large saucers ^80 Part of an old Chinese porcelain tea service, enamelled with figures in colours, consisting of milk-jug, basin, four tea-cups, four coffee- cups and six saucers; an egg-shell cup and small bowl, cover and - stand, enamelled in green and colours; and four Japan coffee- cups and six saucers, with trees and foliage in red and blue ^81 An old Chinese circular dish, with pierced border, enamelled with bamboos, and a river scene in the centre ; and one, with pieced y border, a similar view in the centre /P?'™/? 0 82 An oval fluted ditto dish, enamelled with birds and flowers, famille verte; and an oval bowl, cover and two stands, enamelled with pj figures of ladies and children in red borders j 8.) An old Japan dish, with polygonal border, painted with fish and maiine plants in medallions in dark blue and red borders, and with flowering plants outside /■ Y / • Y A /, 11 84 / 85 o 88 89 0 ENGLISH PORCELAIN. A pair of old Worcester sauce-tureens, covers, stands and ladles, of Queen Charlotte’s pattern, with narrow dark blue and golc borders, and white and gold serpent handles —by Flight A ditto ink-stand and cover, with taper candlestick en suite ; a small blue and white Wedgwood model of a Roman lamp ; and a brown and white ditto match-pot A Worcester ink-stand, of similar form, painted with a view in chocolate, white and gold borders —by Flight and Barr; and six fluted tea-cups and seven saucers, painted with flowers in blue, i ^ and enamelled with flowers in colours in Chinese taste (JFZ A Worcester two-handled cup, cover and saucer, with orange and ^ gold borders and flowers in blue ; one, of similar form, with rich decoration in red, blue and gold ; and a small Swansea cup and saucer, painted with flowers, and gilt edges Thirteen old Worcester and Crown Derby tea-cups and saucers, • forming a harlequin service; and three other cups and a saucer i/& An old Worcester dessert service, with apple-green and gold borders, consisting of centre dish on foot, two oval, and four shell-shaped dishes, and twenty-three plates —by Flight , Barr and Barr / /? . DRESDEN AND VIENNA. 90 Eighteen Marcolini Dresden tea-cups and saucers, painted with bouquets and sprays of flowers in colours on white ground, and gilt edges 91 Six large breakfast-cups and saucers, and a basin, nearly similar; and six large shaped cups and saucers, with flower sprays on ( white ground 92 Eight Dresden coffee-cups and saucers, painted with flowers and borders of gilt ornament; and a gros-bleu and gold cup, cover and saucer, painted with Cupids and clouds in monochrome 93 Seven Vienna cups and eleven saucers, painted with flowers in pink ; & a cover, similar; and a milk-jug and cover, with bouquets of flowers in lake 12 SERVICE OF OLD ENGLISH CUT-GLASS. aJ, ef. 0 94 /' /J~. 0 95 . O 96 /j/* 97 /./•r. Z, / An P lcS( L' n fluted tea and coffee service, painted with groups of flowers in pink, consisting of coffee-pot, milk-jug, small tea-^ . P ot an( ^ covers > canister, and six cups and saucers /' ° ° 6 A Lowestoft fca-pot and cover, painted with festoons and bouquets ot floweis in green and gold borders, mounted with silver spout x 13 g 107 A Derby campana-sliaped vase, dark blue and gold, painted with groups of flowers in shaped medallions ///v , ^ 108 A Wedgwood campana-sliaped vase, of black and white jasper, witn classical subjects Jr- 109 A Deck’s ware turquoise vase, in Chinese taste; apd a glazed r 6* crimson ware vase DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 110 An Old French Upright Secretaire, of inlaid woods, with — z> key-pattern borders, with fall-down front, folding doors beneath and cabinet above with glazed folding doors enclosing shelves, mounted with corner ornaments and headings of chased / or-molu— 77 in. high, 40 in. wide '111 A Pair of Louis XVI. Large Fauteuils, with carved foliage and ribbon borders, ribbon legs, painted grey and white, with round backs and loose seats, stuffed, and covered with striped / grey silk velvet /sY 112 A Settee, with high scroll ends, covered en suite— 72 in. wide ; and two pillows 113 A Pair of Large Easy Chairs, carved with foliage and painted pale green, with square-shaped backs and loose seats, stuffedy^, ^ ' and covered with flowered yellow satin damask 114 A settee, with high square back, arms and seat, stuffed, and covered ; with flowered crimson silk damask— 52 in. wide ' ' * v '- ^ 115 A Large Oblong Bordered Panel, of Old Flemish Tapestry with the gardens of a palace, with architecture, fountains, peacocks, turkeys and other birds, trees and foliage, and lined with pale grey silk— 1 1 ft. high by 14//. 6 in. wide 14 if N . E , L df t / tj , //. * . t /".//, t if - /J " , if'tf- // THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 116 A Chinese six-fold black and coloured lac screen, with figures, buildings, &c., and flowering trees, rocks and birds on the reverse—9 ft. high /t? 117 An Adams mantelpiece, fluted and carved with wheat ears tied by ribbons, festoons in the centre, and borders of acanthus foliage/? —5 ft. 3 in. high , 6 ft. 3 in. wide t 7 ?, 118 A carved wood mantelpiece, with a basket of fruit and flowers in the centre, with painted arch above, arabesque foliage and * cherubs at the sides—6 ft. 6 in. high, 6 ft. 3 in. ivide // ^ /y A19 Another, with a basket of flowers and corn in the centre, arabesque foliage, cherubs, groups of fruit and spiral scrolls at the sides— j? 6 ft. high, 7 ft. 4 in. wide 120 A massive mantelpiece, of Spanish oak, boldly carved with foliage, fruit and scrolls, with large carved frame for mirror above, and brass and iron fender and grate —about 13 ft. 6 in. high, 8 fy 3 in. wide f PROF. MARCHETTI. 121 Bust of Vauban, life size, on socle—in statuary marble dt A. 15 THE PROPERTY OF A NOBLEMAN. 122 A Shaped Bowl, of old Chinese powdered-blue porcelain, pencilled with flowers in gold, and mounted with Empire or-molu rims and pierced cover, chased with masks and honeysuckle orna¬ ment, on tripod stand formed as bronze winged griffins, and circular marble plinth—11 in. high 12o A Pair of Or-molu Centre Baskets, with chased vine borders, each supported by a group of two children on a shell, on tripod dolphin stand and chased scroll plinth—21 in. high 124 A Pair of Baskets and Covers, en suite, on Louis XY. scroll stems, with figures of boys and triangular-shaped chased plinths —18 in. high 125 An Or-molu Candelabrum, on vase-shaped stem and foot, chased with lions’ masks and claws, flowers and scroll foliage in high relief, bearing scroll branches for six lights, a group of flowers in the centre—32 in. high THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN 12d A Pair of Louis X1Y. Upright Cabinets, of black Boulle, the doors lichly mounted with figures, festoons of drapery, trophies and othei ornaments of chased or-molu, the angles splayed and mounted with terminal busts and foliage of the same, and masks at the sides black marble slabs—47 in. high , 38 in. wide : 16 ANOTHER PROPERTY. 127 A demi-suit of bright steel armour, decorated with sunk bands, 128 A consisting of breast-plate, with tapul and moveable gussets, back-plate, tasses, tassets, gorget, espalliers, and open p^sque witl) * ear pieces—lG^A century breast and back-plate, tassets, gorget, pauldrons and turners, and closed helmet, slightly decorated with double incised lines —early 17 th century . # 129 A close helmet of bright steel, high corded comb, bevor and vizor, gorget plates— 16th century — /•/ / ^ 130 A halberd, with long spike, crescent-shaped axe-head and drooppg ' point— 16th century ■> 17 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 131 A SUITE OF SIX OLD BRUSSELS TAPESTRY PANELS, with subjects illustrating the early history of P & Rome, in rich borders of amorini, vases, eagles, festoons of fruit and flowers, and with Latin inscriptions above in car- touches, consisting of— / A Panel, illustrating Horatius Codes defending the bridge— 12 ft. 8 in. by 17 ft. Another, illustrating the Death of Tarquinius in battle, in similar borders—14 ft. 6 in. by 19 ft. 6 in. Another, illustrating the Story of the Virgins given as hostages to Lars Porsena, in similar borders—13 ft. 2 in. by 15 ft. Another, illustrating the Coronation of King Saul, with attendant musicians and soldiers, in border of male and female figures, hounds, fruit and flowers—10 ft. 11 in. by 14 ft. 4 in. Another, illustrating the Rape of Lucretia, in similar border— 10 /£. 4 in. by 13 ft. 3 in. Another, illustrating the Death of Lucretia, in similar border— 13 ft. 6 in. by 13/£. 132 An Upright Panel of Old Flemish Tapestry, with Jacob and Rebecca, in rich borders of architectural design, with garlands f&toM' of fruit, flowers and ribbons, a Latin inscription in an oval cartouche above in the centre—13 ft. by 13 ft. FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. C